GH Transcript Friday, December 23, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


oh, santa’s coming for us santa wasn’t the only hit with leo this year. Could he have you liked your gift anymore? Ah, it was nothing. I don’t know. That look of pure glee on leo’s face — that was not “nothing.” Hey, it was a video game about marine biology. Yeah. So how could I resist?

[ Chuckles ] I would thank you, except I think he might be responsible for us never seeing our son again.

[ Both chuckle ] I think, actually, I should thank you. Hmm. It was very considerate of you to let me stay here last night. I appreciate it. Thank you. No one should be alone on christmas. Especially family. There’s more inside. Thank you. Not to sound, um… what’s the opposite of generous? Uh, selfish. I thought we were having an intimate christmas dinner. The staff is off. Did we prep enough food for a guest? Try that sentence again. Did you prep enough food for a guest? Would you relax? Monica is still under the weather. She made it very clear she’s not coming down for dinner. So we split the christmas goose five ways instead of four. There’s always room for one more. Remember that?

[ Doorbell rings ] We’re not actually having goose, right? Cody. Mama Q. What’s wrong? We got a bit of a situation. Thanks for the loot, ladies, but I have to jet. I’m sorry I missed sonny. Yeah, me too. Called away to work on christmas day. How unfortunate. Really? Are you sure that you can’t stay? No time. I’ve got the polar bear plunge, the soup kitchen, and then a date to see brad sing with the pc gay men’s choir. Well, that is quite a christmas. Places to go, people to see. Well, have a wonderful day, everyone. Merry christmas. Merry christmas. You too. Come here. Ooh. Give me a hug. Merry christmas. Merry christmas. Britta, I’ll walk you out. Bye. You don’t have to do this, you know. Do what? Act like this is your last christmas with us. Huntington’s or not, you still have many more years ahead of you. Oh. I should get going, too. The roads are a mess, and I don’t want to miss my flight. Oh, no, um, wait. I wanted to check in with you. How are you doing? You know, christmas is a tough time to go through a breakup. It was a good thing. Austin and i are not meant to be. Right. But it’s still okay to be sad about it. And I am. But it helps spending the morning with james and bailey and this motley crew.

[ Chuckles ] And now I’m going to portland to see georgie. My christmas just keeps getting better. Do you like your present? I love it. But you coming to visit was all the gift I needed.

[ Giggles ] I want to go try on my present.

[ Giggles ]

[ Sighs ] Oh. Thank you so much for bringing georgie. I can’t tell you how much I missed her last year. Well, you helped raise her. Um, you know, you’ll always be her third parent, even if we are

[Inhales deeply] No longer a we. And, hey, thanks for allowing maxie to join us tonight. It will, uh, really mean a lot to georgie. Oh. Just georgie, huh? Sonny: Anybody here?

[ Door opens ]

[ Sighs ] Sasha, what are you doing here? Ow! Alright, you little animals. Here I come. Hey, mom? Hi. Is everything okay? Yeah, I’m great. Alright. It’s just that you’ve been very quiet about everything that’s happened between you and finn. I just want you to know that you can talk to me about anything. I know. I know, thank you. But I’m fine. I promise. Okay. Is josslyn stopping by? Uh, no. Her car is still busted from last night. Oh. That’s too bad. Yeah. It’s probably for the best, though. The shape the roads are in, nobody should be behind the wheel today. Sorry to pull you away from your family. Oh, comes with the territory. But nobody knows that better than you, right? It was so bad out there. I had to walk here. Ugh. Last night’s storm was intense. Snow was completely covering sections of harbor view drive. Add that to the ice damage to all the other roads surrounding the city. Yeah. It’s just a disaster. And on christmas. Yeah. So many people are going to have an unhappy holiday because of this. Wait, maxie. You have one more.

[ Cellphone rings ] Here you go. Okay. No. What is it? I cannot believe this is happening. Maxie, what is happening? My flight was canceled. I’m not going to get to see georgie on christmas.

What’s going on? Um, I don’t know if you heard. But, uh… harborview is totally blocked off because of the storm? Yeah. Uh, no one’s getting out your main gate unless they’re planning on walking. Well, I mean, luckily, everyone here is planning on staying here, at least for the foreseeable future, so. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Thank you. Cody. Wh– what are your plans for the day? Well, I was gonna hit up beradino’s for their holiday menu, but [Chuckles] That’s obviously shot. Um, no big deal. You know, I’ll scrounge something out of the fridge. You will do no such thing. I won’t? No. You’re staying right here. We’ll figure out something with the food. Lo– I — I really don’t want to impose. You’re not imposing. It’s no imposition. Right, ned? Back me up, here. The more, the merrier. I know it’s not my last christmas. Good. But how many more will I be able to live life to the fullest? Despite the old adage, it’s unwise to live every day as if it’s your last. Really? Yes, really.

[ Scoffs ] Racing around, desperate to check things off a list.

Nein. Live every day as if it’s your first. So you never lose sight of all the magic and wonder around you. Merry christmas. Frohliche weihnachten,

britta. I’m so sorry you had to come out here on christmas. I thought I disarmed the security system. Apparently not. Sasha, do you come here a lot? No, um… but the garage is being sold soon, and brando’s new year’s resolution for 2022 was to finish his bike by 2023. Time’s almost up. Mm-hmm. I thought that since I used to work at my neighbor’s garage, I could figure it out. But…

[ Chuckles ] Not so much? Not so much. Alright. [ Sighs ] What are you doing? You’re not the only one who can work on engines. No, sonny.

[ Chuckles ] You should be with nina today. Uh, I’m gonna get to that. But I think if we work together, we can — we can do this by dinnertime. Hand me that wrench right there. Right there.

[ Chuckles ] Okay. Austin, brook lynn. This is our newest dinner guest. Please welcome him. Cody will be joining us tonight. Cody, help yourself to a drink. Make yourself comfortable. Liv, I hate to keep harping on this. I know we don’t have enough food. You know what? I’m going to go whip up a lasagna very quickly. It’ll be probably box noodles. But what are you gonna do? Hey, um… I think we’ll survive.

[ Chuckles ] Thank you. Well, leo, for one, will be thrilled to see you, cody. And just like that, I was replaced. Oh, well, horse wrangler trumps doctor. [ Chuckles ] You must be thrilled. I — I know you were never my biggest fan, so I’m guessing you’re over the moon that I messed things up with maxie. You’re trying to beeverything for everyone. Told a white lie or two and things got away from you. It happens to the best of us.

[ Inhales deeply ] Hmm. Why do i get the feeling you’re including yourself in the “us”? Because I am. Yeah, of — of course, I want georgie to spend time with both of her mothers. That is not what I mean, and you know it. An-and I apologize for the whirlwind nature of this visit. I might not even have time to meet that new suitor of yours. Oh, new being the operative word. I mean, we’re hardly official, but you know what’s funny?

[ Tablet rings ] He actually used to live in port charles, whi– hey — hey, georgie, uh, your mom is video calling you. Hey. Merry christmas, mommy. Hey.

[ Giggles ]

Hi, scrumptious. I miss you. I miss you, too. Um, you’re cutting it a little close. I think your flight leaves in a little over an hour. Mom. Please don’t be fashionably late. Georgie, I am so sorry. But my flight got canceled, and I’m not going to be able to make it in until tomorrow. But tomorrow’s not christmas. I know, but I’ll be there before you know it.

[ Sighs ] It’ll be too late. Don’t even bother. Oh, georgie, wait. I’ll talk to her. Please tell her how sorry I am. Oh, she knows. It may not seem that way at the moment, but she knows. Hey. Why the long faces? All the flights from pc international have been grounded. Yeah. I’m not going to

be ableto see georgie for christmas. I needed this. More importantly, she needed this, and I failed her. Ha! Really, aunt liesl? I’m sorry. Did you just scoff at me? And I would do it again. Such a defeatist attitude. That’s not the maxie jones I know. So your flight has been canceled. There are still other options to explore. Mark my words. We are getting you to portland to see your daughter come holle or hochwasser!

[ Chuckles ]

Wow. Uh, those kids, they’re — they’re like, wild animals. Watch it — those animals are my boys. Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] I know, but they — they want me to go sledding with them. Alright, well, why don’t you? Well, because i don’t want to start the new year in traction. Okay. Well, then why don’t I take over? Thank you. Yes. I’ll — I’ll slip you a twenty later. Thank you. Okay. So, uh, which one of those, uh, good-for-nothings are you moping over? I’m sorry? Well, you know, either finn, your father, or perhaps you’re taking a little from column “a,” column “B.” Now, elizabeth, listen. Sit down here. Now, I — I just want you to know that laura and i

[Sighs] We’re both worried about you. I’m fine. I have spent most of my christmases without my parents. Never used to bother me. Now things have changed. So what’s the difference? For the first time, it doesn’t feel like a gap or a pause. This time their absence feels final. Okay, lasagna’s in the oven. I think there should be just enough. Well, let’s hope so, because luigi’s is not open on christmas. Do not even put that out into the universe. This night is going to be nothing like thanksgiving. Okay? You don’t really believe all this universe nonsense, right?

[ Doorbell rings ] God will get you for that. Tj? Molly? Sorry for barging in like this. We were caroling. But harborview is blocked, and there’s no way to drive home. Hmm. Is it okay if we hang here? We’ll totally stay out of your way. Just until the road’s plowed. Inside, now. Thank you so much. Thank you. You’re the best, olivia. Thank you. Hey. Merry christmas. Hi. Merry christmas. Make yourself comfortable in the living room. God’ll get you good. Yes. Okay. That was my business manager. And? And the hangar that we use across the border for crimson, it’s still operational. That’s great. And apparently there are some private jets just hanging out there ready to get used. So… is there any chance you know someone who owns a plane? How is georgie? She’s not happy. Oh, well, that much I gathered.

[ Sighs ] She’s at that tough age where, you know, she’s old enough to know that there are things we can’t control, but still young enough to believe that mommy can move mountains. Well, to be fair, maxie is quite formidable. Certainly is. And speaking of, uh, you did a nice little dodge before, but unfortunately, for you, I know you better than almost anyone. Oh, I consider that fortunate. Not the opposite. You’ve fallen for maxie again, haven’t you? Well, I mean, now is neither the time nor the place. But I — I was hoping that

[Inhales deeply] Us getting together as a family might make things right between us. But, clearly, that’s not in the cards, as it were, so. But it’s not like you to give up so easily. It’s not like I can change the weather in port charles. Maybe not. But christmas is a time for magic and miracles. So what do you say we make some happen for georgie?

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Indistinct conversations ] Maxie? What’s up? Well, I have a problem, and I’m really hoping you can help me. My flight to portland was canceled. Oh, no. I know how excited you were to see georgie. No, no, no. I can still get there. I — I just need a private plane from the toronto hanger. Please, please, tell me one of those planes has your family’s name on it. Let me see what I can do.

Not much has changed, huh? Still mother to all the misfits. Well, like i said to austin — no one should be alone on christmas. Well, I really appreciate it. Just let me know if i can do anything to help.

[ Doorbell rings ] You know what? You can get the lasagna out of the oven. I’m on it. Okay. What now? Holy mother of god. I’m so sorry to barge in on your holiday. I was just part of a live nativity scene, and my car won’t start. Not that it matters, since all the roads are blocked off anyway. Would it be possible for me to wait here until a rideshare can take me home? Yeah, of cour– of course.

[ Chuckles nervously ] Come in, come in, come in. Uh, th — this must be so stressful for you. You probably have a house full of people waiting for you somewhere.

[ Chuckles ] No one, actually. Um, this is our first. And my husband’s working the plows today, so he’ll be busy until who knows when. So you were planning on spending christmas all alone? Well, technically, I have company. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are staying right here. You are eating christmas dinner with us. Are you sure? I would not have it any other way. You — you — you go on into the living room, you — you introduce yourself, and make sure you put your feet up. You’re so kind. Thank you. I didn’t know, uh — do you want it in the kitchen or the living room or… mama q, what’s wrong? We’re gonna need a bigger lasagna. Getting there…

[ Sighs ] This would have taken me days without your help. I don’t know about that.

[ Sighs ] Trust me. Think so?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Knock on door ] Britt: Hello! Are you open? Oh. What are you two doing here? A long story. You? Oh. You know, in typical me fashion, I ignored the warnings about the roads. My car spun out a few blocks away. You alright? Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] Only thing bruised is my ego. Well, the shop is closed. But you’re welcome to call aaa, assuming they can get here. Well, that’s assuming a lot.

[ Sighs ] This is not how I wanted to spend my last christmas in port charles. Last? Are you going somewhere? Hey, you alright? Seem a little tense. Yeah, I am. Maxie needs to get to portland. Right. To be with georgie. Yeah, but all of the commercial flights have been grounded, so I’m trying to hook her up with my family’s private jet that flies out of canada. But apparently, there’s, like, a mile long line at the border. Even if she were to brave the roads, it could be hours before she could take off. Right. I mean, if she bothers to use the roads. Oh, something’s going on up there. What is it? Tell maxie to get to the pier as soon as she can, I’ll take care of the rest. Okay. Hello? Hey, mason. Um, listen, cousin, I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do. I haven’t asked for anything in return, but now I am. Well, I need you to send a boat to the pier in port charles. I need to get somebody I care about to canada without the hassle of border security. Thank you, the mayor and I really appreciate it. Okay, so those needing medical attention have been airlifted to the hospital, but there’s been no reports of serious injuries or fatalities. It’s a christmas miracle. What did they say about the roads? How quickly can they be cleared? The plows are out, but it’s going to be tough. Tough, but not impossible. Okay, let’s get it done. You got it. Thank you. Okay. What is taking her so long? Patience. That is not my strong suit.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, thank god. Brook lynn. Please tell me you have good news for me. The jet is all yours. But… but what? You will be taking a boat to canada. A boat? Why? There’s no time for questions. Okay. Just get your booty to the pier. And give georgie a big squeeze from me when you see her. I will, and thank you so much. I — I owe you. Okay, I guess I’m going to the pier. I’ll escort you. Uh, no — I — the pi– you’re gonna take a boat? What? Uh, I’m gonna come with you. Come on. No, no, no, no, no. You — sonny, is coming over, and you two need to spend christmas together, okay? Alright. Well, merry… alright. Merry christmas. …Christmas. Are you ready? Really? I mean, you’re taking a boat? It’s christmas. It’ll be fine. I don’t know. It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. Alright, merry christmas. Bye. Have faith. Be careful.

[ Indistinct conversations ] That lasagna was amazing. And who is the incredibly pregnant young lady? Just another guest for dinner. Olivia, this — this is getting ridiculous. Uh, it felt a little on the nose to say there’s no room at the inn. It might not be the incredibly intimate christmas that we planned, but it’s the christmas we got. Capisce? Capisce. Look at this. My arrabbiata sauce was obviously a very big hit. You made the lasagna with your arrabbiata sauce? Yeah. I had some leftover in the icebox. That sauce is incredibly spicy, and that is an incredibly pregnant woman. Oh, come on. Ned, even i am telling you, the whole spicy food thing, that is an old wives’… oh, my god! …Tale.

No, no, no. Not now. Not here. Will you go — go get some pillows, blankets and towels. Go! Alright. Uh, I’m gonna call 911. What? To say what? There’s no way they could get here with all the road closures. This is not happening. It’s just not. Okay, d-d-don’t — don’t worry. I’ve given birth twice.

[ Breathing shakily ] I will talk you through this. Yes, I’ve pretended to give birth. Not helping, brook lynn. Okay. Okay. Okay, we got some blankets, pillows. Okay. Alright. Let’s — let’s get you down on the floor. Down, right here. Here we go. You got this. Here we go. Ned: Oh, boy. Here. Here we go. You’re okay. It’s, uh, okay. Okay. Hey, uh, tj is a doctor. He can help deliver the baby. Really? Um, I-I-I-I’ve never done it before, but I can figure it out. Okay. Okay. Is this what I think it is? Okay, great, another doctor. You and you. Teamwork makes dream work. Come on, get moving. Here you go. Do you — you need another pillow?

[ Overlapping speech ] Aah! Hey, elizabeth. Uh, so, I know you’re a little down, but here’s the good news — there’s good news? Yes. You are the most resilient girl that I’ve ever met. You — you — you take the cards that are dealt you. And you never complain. Well, almost never. And look at the — look — look at the home you’ve made here for the kids. I mean, they feel loved and safe. And for that, I respect you. I salute you as well. Thank you for saying that. Well… listen, jeff, you know, he’s a fool not to see what a great daughter he’s got.

[ Sighs ] Even though franco’s gone… you’re still a baldwin. Never forget that. I won’T. Aah! Hey, you’re doing — you’re doing great. You’re gonna be okay. You can do this. You got this. Do you mind — can you watch her for a second? Yeah, of course.Thank you. You got this, sweetheart. You’re okay. You’ll be okay. You got it. Just keep breathing. Just like we talked about. Yeah. I think I’m gonna go get some ice chips. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good idea. Aah! What’s going on? This is not gonna be easy. Oh, yeah, that’s pretty obvious. But, I mean, you delivered maxie’s baby, right? You can do this. Uh, maxie’s baby wasn’t breech. What? Isn’t that — isn’t that something that she would have known? Not necessarily. Not if the baby’s flipped recently. Look, if we were in a hospital, all kinds of options available there, including an emergency c-section. But here… what this woman needs is a trained ob. I don’t have immediate plans to leave, but I am interviewing for a job in boston. Please don’t tell anyone, okay? Your secret is safe with me.

[ Cellphone rings ] What do you want? Merry christmas to you, too. Look, I know you don’t want to hear from me, but I’m at the quartermaines’ right now and I’m with austin and tj and — congratulations.

[ Sighs ] Okay. Would you just listen? Okay. Virgin mary is giving birth today. Like, right now. Okay. How much eggnog have you had? N– I’m not drunk. Eh, thank you. Britt, hey, it’s me. There’s a woman here. She’s in labor. The baby’s breech. Not my level of expertise. I need you to talk me through this. This woman needs a hospital and a specialist. Well, I agree. But thanks to the weather, that’s just not an option. It’s not a car or an ambulance that will get through these roads.

[ Motorcycle engine revs ] We did it! Didn’t I tell you?

[ Chuckles ]



[ Screams ] You’re doing great. Okay, just breathe. Here you go. Deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. And when you exhale, try to focus on relaxing an area of the body, okay? You want me to relax? Yeah. Easier said than done, right? And I thought thanksgiving was dramatic. Mr. Wattle’s got nothing on this situation. Mr. Who?

[ Screams ] Okay. The baby’s breech? Yep. There’s a pretty substantial chance something’s gonna go really, really wrong. So what do you want from us? What can we do? Well, tj can treat the mother post-birth, but what we need to do is get this baby to the hospital on foot. Is that safe? No, but, I mean, I don’t know what else to do without a trained ob on hand.

[ Tires screeching, crashing ]

[ Screams ] What was that? Aah! It’s okay. Sorry about monica’s begonias, but I heard there’s a baby that needs delivering.

[ Groans ]

[ Screams ] Hi! I didn’t think you were going to make it. Oh, my goodness. It was a very eventful day. But I think things are calming down now.

[ Laughs ] Can I get you something? Do you want some tea? You must be freezing.

[ Laughs ] Uh…I’m okay. Tell me, how are you holding up? Oh, you mean since my not-so-happy reunion with my parents? Yeah, since that. I’m okay. Oh. I want to be okay. You will be. And if you need any support at all, you know I’m right here for you, right? Okay, mom, listen, I know this isn’t how you envisioned this to go down, but you seem to be made of tough stuff. And you have three mds here that are gonna coach you through it, okay? Okay. I’m sorry if I’m hurting you. It’s okay, honey, you just — you just squeeze away. I can take it. Your baby is a little upside down at the moment. Is that dangerous? No, it just means you need to push extra hard when I give the word. Are you ready? I’m ready. [ Screams ] Is another contraction starting? Okay. Here we go. Push!

[ Screams ] Push! Hi. Hi. Um, I need to get to portland. Oregon, not maine. Ma’am, this is edmonton, alberta. I know that. But my daughter is in portland, and I promised her we would be together on christmas. I understand your dilemma but — no, see, I don’t think that you do. First, my flight gets canceled. Then I have to take a super shady boat to a super awesome private plane which has to land because of the weather. Now, I just need to know when I’m getting back in the air. There’s really no way of knowing with the storm. Nobody’s taking off tonight. I’m sorry. Merry christmas. Merry christmas.

[ Baby fussing ]

[ Baby crying ] She’s cr ying. That’s a good sign, right? Britt: It’s a great sign. Meet your little girl.

[ Crying continues ] She’s perfect. Hello, baby. Your first day. So m uch wonderfor you to see. Live every day like it’s your first, right? Have you thought of a name yet? Noelle seems appropriate. All things considered. It certainly does. What’s your name? Britt. It’s short for britta. Britta noelle. Has a nice ring to it. Don’t you think? If you don’t mind, of course. I-I don’t mind at all. Look, in all the commotion, I didn’t get a chance to say thank you for what you did for maxie. Of course. I really want her to be happy, even if she’s not happy with me. Look, I’m not saying I was wrong about you, but you may have some redeeming qualities that I might have overlooked.

[ Chuckles ] Okay. Thanks. I’ll take it.

[ Door closes ] Excuse me. Tj! Mom. Hey. What are you doing here? I was dealing with the roads when I got a call about an incident at the quartermaines’. That incident is you, fyi.

[ Chuckles ] I see that. Now, here I was worried about missing christmas with you, but from the looks of it, you kept quite busy. Did he ever! Tj was incredible. Oh. I think we all earned a gold star today. Dr. Westbourne, in particular. Traffic’s moving out there? Slowly, but yeah. Okay, then, uh, we should probably get out of these guys’ hair. You know, after the day we’ve had, I think it’s only fitting that you all stay and we celebrate together. Are you sure? Positive. Thank you. That sounds wonderful. Awesome. Yay! Aw! Merry christmas. Okay. Okay, girls. So, um, what did you — what did you — what did you think about my dance moves? Oh, well, they were… smooth. Very smooth.

[ Laughs ] No, they were not even present. You guys are secretly just laughing at me. No, I’m enjoying you. Okay. You are a terrific grandpa. Well…

[ Laughs ] Well, you’re no slouch in that department either, there, laura. Thanks. All this time, I have been focusing on the parents who weren’t there for me. And now I realize I should have been focusing on the people who were, the people who have always been by my side, the people I have always needed. I think she’s talking about us. I do, too.

[ Laughs ] I love you, sweetheart. I love you. So much. Spinelli, why are you not answering your phone? Call me. Maximista?

[ Laughs ] Mommy! Georgie?! Oh, my god! What are you doing here?! Well, I knew how much you two wanted to see each other. The plan was to fly through canada and then drive down to port charles. Great minds think alike. What?! And you — you are like the best christmas present ever! Thank you. It was nothing. No, it’s — it’s everything. You’ve always been there for me, spinelli, through all of it. I don’t know what I would do without you. Well, guess what? You’ll never have to find out.

[ Both laugh ]

Still, still, still

[ Cellphone rings ]

One can hear the falling snow

for all is hushed hey, you. Merry christmas.

Is sleeping

holy star, its vigil keeping

[ Knock on door ]

Still, still, still one can hear the falling snow come here, you.

[ Knocking on door ] For you. Thank you.Oh! Sleep, sleep, sleep ’tis the eve of our savior’s birth the night is peaceful all around you close your eyes, let sleep surround you sleep, sleep, sleep ’tis the eve of our savior’s birth okay, and I got her the prettiest bracelet. She picked it out herself. You did? Yeah. We went to the store, and I got to pick it out. What color was it? It was like a silver color, and it had a heart on it. Aw! And it had an “e” for ellie. Aw, that sounds so sweet. Dream, dream, dream what did you get? Yeah, what did you get? A sweater. Of the joyous day to come what’d you get? Deck the halls with boughs of holly fa la la la la, la la la la ’tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la, la la la la don we now our gay apparel fa la la la la, la la la la troll the ancient yuletide carol fa la la la la, la la la la see the blazing yule before us fa la la la la, la la la la strike the harp and join the chorus fa la la la la, la la la follow me in merry measure fa la la la la, la la la la, while I tell of yuletide treasure fa la la la la, la la la la fa la la la la, la la la la fa la la la la, fa la la la la fa la la la la, la la la la fa la la la la, fa la la la la fa la la la la, la la la la fa la la la la, la la la la

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GH Update Wednesday, December 21, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At Alexis’ house, Alexis had quite a few of her clan gathered together, including Molly, T.J., Christina, Sam, Dante and Spencer. Spencer seemed slightly removed from the group both in proximity and in his state of mind. At one point, everyone went to replenish their drinks. Alexis took this opportunity to engage with  Spencer who had wandered over to the Christmas tree. Alexis asks him what was going on, because he seemed a million miles away. Spencer assured Alexis that he was having fun. Alexis pointed out that for a Cassadine, Spencer was a terrible liar. Reluctantly, Spencer admitted that he had a lot on his mind.

“Am I destined to be like my father?” Spencer asked. Alexis wanted to know what Nikolas had done, Spencer chose his words with the utmost care as he explained that he had discovered some things about Nikolas that Spencer feared would make him seem “bad by association.” Spencer assured Alexis that he wanted a life outside of his family — including Victor — but Spencer was unable to find a way out. “How do I escape my own family?” Spencer asked. “You can’t,” Alexis answered. “But, you can survive them,” she added.  

“Okay. How?” Spencer asked. Alexis told Spencer that she and her daughters had chartered their own course and had their own lives. Alexis acknowledged that Victor had a special interest in Spencer, and she advised Spencer to exercise extreme caution because of that interest. “Because this band of psychopathic, murdering megalomaniacs are ours. They are our family and always will be,” Alexis said. “So, basically I’m doomed,” Spencer replied. Alexis smiled and urged Spencer to forge his own path. Do the things that made him happy, the things that made him feel alive. Alexis pointed to her daughters as she reminded Spencer that a person’s genetics don’t necessarily dictate their actions. “Find out what makes you feel good,” Alexis said. She encouraged him to figure out what made him happy and to let it be his guide. Alexis promised that there would come a day when he would be able to forget Victor and Nikolas and live his own life free of their influence.

Elsewhere at the party, Sam scolded Dante for checking his phone. Dante confessed that he had was worried about Cody spending Christmas alone. Sam suggested Dante invite Cody to the Gingerbread Jam at Rice Plaza. Dante asked Sam if he had mentioned that she was the greatest yet that day.  She responded by saying “a few times, but it never gets old.” Moments later, Dante received a text message. Sam grew concerned when she noticed his reaction. Dante assured Sam that the Hook hadn’t struck again, but he admitted that he had to leave for a short time to take care of something.

After Dante left, everyone returned to the living room with plates of pie. Spencer explained that he had to leave and he thanked Alexis for the talk.  It had clearly given him a lot to think about.

At Finn’s apartment, Gregory was so glad that he would be spending Christmas with both of his sons and his granddaughter. Chase admitted that he just didn’t feel into Christmas this year and he offered to leave so as not to be a downer on everyone else’s holiday. Gregory and Finn said absolutely not. When Gregory mentioned Chase canceling the performance at Rice Plaza, Chase accused Brook Lynn of putting herself first. Chase confessed that he had no regrets about backing out of the Gingerbread Jam and leaving Brook Lynn to deal with the fallout. Gregory asked Chase if the whole thing was about revenge. Gregory suggested that just because Brook Lynn hadn’t done the right thing didn’t mean that Chase should do the same thing. Gregory reminded Chase that Chase’s badge had been taken away, not Chase’s moral compass, so Gregory encouraged Chase to right a wrong. Before Chase could reply, there was a knock at the door. It was Dante. Dante explained that he had something to tell Chase and he didn’t think it could wait until after Christmas.

Chase stepped into the hallway for privacy. Dante told him that the review board had agreed to take another look at Chase’s case in the spring when the board reconvened. To Chase’s surprise, Dante credited Brook Lynn for the unprecedented decision. Dante told Chase that somehow Brook Lynn had found a way to get her letter to the board.  “Merry Christmas, partner,” Dante said as he departed to return to Alexis’.

Inside, Violet left the room to go to her bedroom. Gregory took an opportunity to tell Finn how proud he was that he hadn’t let the breakup with Elizabeth affect Violet’s holiday. Gregory told Finn that he didn’t mean to pry into his son’s personal relationship, but that he wanted Finn to know how much Violet cared for her Aunt Elizabeth. Finn admitted that Elizabeth would remain a part of Violet’s life but that he believed he had finally learned his lesson. He told his father that he was just not cut out for love and relationships and that he was going to throw himself into his work and give up on love. Gregory pointed out that he had been given Violet as the result of one of those relationships that he had dubbed as a failure.  He asked if Finn would change that. “Not for a minute,” Finn said. Gregory told Finn that he should probably not throw in the towel just yet.

When Chase reentered the apartment, Gregory and Finn asked why Dante had stopped by. “To deliver a Christmas miracle,” Chase said. Shortly after Chase left, and Gregory, Finn, and Violet settled on the sofa with hot chocolate. Finn handed his father a book, and Gregory began to read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.

At Alexis’ house, Sam opened the front door and happily welcomed Dante back. “There’s no place I’d rather be,” Dante said. On the sofa, Molly and T.J. shared a tender kiss.

At Curtis and Portia’s house, Curtis, Marshall, and Josslyn watched as Portia comforted her daughter. Trina pulled away from her mother and tearfully apologized for ruining everyone’s Christmas, but Josslyn insisted that Trina had nothing to be sorry for. Portia agreed, and she made it clear that she wanted Trina to set the tone for the holiday. Curtis reminded Trina that the holidays were all about family. Trina admitted that she was both sad and scared, but she was also grateful to have her family.

Later, Marshall helped Portia set out snacks. Curtis said that he wanted to celebrate the first Christmas in his new home with Portia. He also pointed out that it was his first Christmas with Marshall in a very long time. Curtis handed gifts to both Portia and Marshall. Portia received a gift card to the Metro Court for a spa day, which she loved. Marshall’s gift was impressed by the music collection that he said was like stepping into a “time machine.”

Trina and Josslyn sat in front of the fireplace as Trina expressed concern about the traffic to Rice Plaza. Josslyn promised to take the back roads. Trina opened up to Josslyn about her feelings surrounding Rory’s death and she admitted that Rory might have ended things with her anyway, but now she would never know.  Trina blamed herself for Rory’s death which Josslyn immediately said was not her fault in any way.  Trina said that if she had not become involved with Rory then he would never have gone to that apartment to try and apprehend the Hook killer.  Josslyn made it clear that the only person responsible for Rory’s death was “the monster who killed him.”

Marshall returned the gift-giving sentiment with Curtis, by giving him a special gift. It was a photograph of Marshall, his wife, Thomas, Curtis, and Stella taken during Curtis’ first Christmas. Marshall explained that the picture had always been a family favorite because Stella was a blur in the photograph because she had not allowed enough delay on the timer to capture the image appropriately. Curtis wished his father a merry Christmas.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned, Olivia, Michael, and Willow were seated in the living room as they watched Leo and Wiley each open a gift. Drew and Carly stood nearby. Later, Brook Lynn entered the living room. Brook Lynn was surprised that they had decided to open presents, but Olivia explained that the boys had been given only one gift each to open. 

Meanwhile, Michael and Willow sat on the floor with Wiley and told him that he would be getting a baby sister. “I can’t wait,” Wiley said. 

At the patio doors, Drew and Carly chatted. Carly was very happy to have time to spend with Michael, Willow and Wiley. The conversation turned to Willow when Carly expressed concern about Willow’s pale complexion. Carly worried that the pregnancy was difficult on Willow. Drew agreed, and he admitted that the news that Denise had shared with them didn’t help matters any.

Drew made it clear that he was determined to find Willow’s birth parents. “You are a man on a mission,” Carly said. Carly advised caution before they offer any more theories to Willow and was concerned how coming up empty handed would affect her pregnancy.  Carly, with an obvious agenda, believed they should keep all information to themselves until it could be confirmed.  

In the living room, Michael assured Willow that they would spend many more Christmases together. Willow smiled as Michael wrapped his arms around her and Wiley. A short time later, Carly said her goodbyes to everyone, and Drew walked her out. The minute they were alone on the front steps, Drew pulled Carly into his arms for a kiss. Afterwards, he surprised Carly with a gift. A Jacksonville, Florida keychain.

Carly loved the key chain, and she thanked Drew. However, she was curious about the key attached to it. Drew told her that she would find out soon what the key was all about. He went to kiss her again, but Carly playfully pulled away. “Merry Christmas,” Carly said. Drew smiled as she walked away.

On the way to Rice Plaza, Josslyn jerked the steering wheel of her car as another car blared its horn at her. After rebounding from that, she was blinded by oncoming headlights and she slammed on the brakes.


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Y&R Update Friday, December 23, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Update written by Barbara

Seated at the Glam Club with Noah, Sharon, Mariah and Tessa on Christmas Eve, Nick tells them that as excited as Christian is about Christmas, it was easy to get him to sleep. He adds that Christian is a cakewalk compared to Noah at that age.

As Tessa and Mariah get tipsy from champagne, Tessa tells the group that she and Mariah don’t have to be concerned about driving home because she booked a suite downstairs in the hotel as a holiday surprise for Mariah. The two of them look forward to getting comfortable in the cozy robes the hotel provides.

Once inside their suite and relaxing in the big bed, Mariah gives Tessa an ornament to celebrate their first Christmas as a married couple. Tessa mentions that continuing to add ornaments could become a tradition and hopefully they can add one for their baby’s first Christmas next year.

When Mariah and Tessa wake up on Christmas Day, they realize they’re running late and rush over to Crimson Lights to help Sharon pack the holiday presents and food boxes that Noah will bring to the shelters.

A pregnant woman comes into the coffeehouse asking for help. She tells Sharon, Mariah and Tessa that she needs a tow and her phone is dead, and asks if they can help her.When Sharon asks what happened, she tells her that she hit a patch of ice and skidded into a pole.  Her name is Sonia and she is very upset, and a little dazed. Tessa calls a tow truck, but she’s unable to find one that would be able to get to Crimson Lights in a timely manner.

After being introduced to Mariah and Tessa, Sonia recognizes Tessa from her music and one of her songs that’s playing in the coffeehouse. When Mariah and Tessa ask Sonia about being with her family on Christmas, she tells them that she was driving away from her parents because she hasn’t been getting along with them. She mentions that she was supposed to finish college in the spring and then go to grad school but adds she doesn’t know how that will happen.

When Sonia anxiously says that she doesn’t know if she can be the mom that her baby deserves, especially with all the people out there who can’t wait to be parents. Mariah looks at Tessa, who tells Sonia that it’s a really big decision, but she’s sure Sonia will make the right decision for her and her baby. Mariah tells Sonia,”it’s your story to write; nobody else’s”.

Sonia’s water breaks, followed by contractions, and she goes into labor in the coffeehouse. Mariah tries unsuccessfully to get an ambulance over there on time because the roads are almost impassable.

Sharon calls Elena, who is close by and can get to Crimson Lights. Elena delivers Sonia’s  baby girl. The EMTs finally arrive and get Sonia and the baby ready to go to the hospital with her baby.

Having told Mariah and Tessa that she felt that the universe brought her together with them, Sonia says she feels like she can do anything now that she’s holding her daughter.

In their hotel room on Christmas Morning, Mariah is sitting up in the bed looking serious and upset. When Tessa wakes up and they talk for a few minutes, they realize they both had the same intense dream.

Mariah worries that this is an omen that they might not get what they want, whereas Tessa remains optimistic and suggests that Mariah look for the good parts of the dream. She tells Mariah that they’ll be “kickass moms”.

Mariah and Tessa come into Crimson Lights to greet Sharon and Noah. Sharon observes that they they don’t seem to be their usual effervescent selves, but Mariah assures her that they’re fine.

Then, she and Tessa get texts from Delphine, the potential birth mother they’re supposed to meet after New Year’s. Delphine has sent a sonogram of her baby girl, with a message that says to Mariah and Tessa, “We can’t wait to meet you”.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, December 23, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

All: Cheers! Merry christmas!

Mariah: Noah, thank you so much for putting this together. It’s a very unique way to spend christmas eve — you know, fun, festive, family nightcap before the chaos of tomorrow morning.

Noah: Yeah, what’s the point of owning a club if you don’t put it to good use every once in a while? And I thank you all for coming. We should make this a tradition, all the grown-ups getting together christmas eve. That would be fun.

Nick: Yeah, we’ll see.

Noah: Okay, what’s that supposed to mean?

[ Laughter ]

Nick: I’m just saying, a lot can happen from now and then. You know, we don’t know where we’re gonna be, what we’re gonna be doing. I say we just enjoy tonight for what it is.

Tessa: Hear, hear!

Sharon: Hear, hear!

Mariah: Hear, hear!

Sharon: I am just so grateful that you put this together, noah. I was feeling a little bit lonely tonight.

Noah: To rey.

Sharon: Yes, to rey.

All: To rey!

Sharon: Thank you. You know, it’s been quiet around the house with faith being away, but I know she is having the time of her life in europe.

Noah: When did she get so old? I feel like just last week faith was this little girl getting lost in the woods, needing to be rescued.

Nick: That’s what happens when you get older. Time moves very quickly.

Mariah: But seriously, when did she get so sophisticated? She’s like a jet-setter now.

Tessa: And by “sophisticated,” you mean more sophisticated than us?

Mariah: Yes. Yes. I would love to be skiing in the alps.

Tessa: Babe, you don’t ski.

Mariah: I would like to be doing something in the alps.

[ Light laughter ]

Sharon: Nick, it’s nice that you have christian. You can get a little bit of that christmas magic at your house.

Mariah: Okay, I have to ask. How tough was it to get him to sleep tonight, on a scale of 1 to 10?

Nick: Christian’s a cakewalk compared to that dude.

Mariah: Wow!

Sharon: Oh, yeah, that is true. Noah, you were the worst.

Nick: The absolute worst. It took forever to get him to go to bed, and then at about 3:30, he’d come knocking on the door.

Tessa: 3:30?!

Nick: Yep. Some years I’d feel like I just got my head on the pillow, and he’d come in screaming and hollering, saying he was ready to open presents.

Mariah: So, how did you get christian to sleep tonight?

Nick: Easy. Christian likes to know things. So, first we just kind of checked out, you know, online what reindeers prefer, oats to carrots.

Mariah: Mm.

Tessa: Carrots, obviously.

Noah: How is that obvious?

Nick: Well, you’ve done your own research. Then we checked out the santa tracker. Christian realized santa was still really far away, and he also knows that santa doesn’t show up until he’s asleep, so he went right to bed.

Mariah: Well, hopefully he doesn’t wake up at 3:30 like his brother used to.

Nick: Oh, man, let’s hope. But as annoying as it was, it was also really fun. You know, it’s the joy of the holiday season. I’m sure sharon can vouch for this, and you guys will all realize it someday, but there’s just nothing like seeing christmas through the eyes of a child.

Mariah: Ahh.

Noah: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, how about you, uh, slow down there, you two?

Mariah: Excuse me. I’m not driving.

Tessa: Uh, another glass, and we might not be walking.

Noah: Yeah, well, let’s just save some for new year’s eve. I’m gonna run out of champagne with you two hanging around here. You guys need anything?

Nick: Uh, I’m good. Thanks.

Sharon: I’m actually gonna head home soon. I still have so much to prepare. Everything needs to be packed and ready to deliver to all the shelters. And of course, you two are going to be there in the morning to help me out, right?

Mariah: Mm-hmm. Yes, I promised that we would be there at the break of dawn.

Tessa: Wait, what?

Noah: I’ll be there, too. I could help out with deliveries.

Sharon: Oh, thank you, noah. I’m so glad that you’re all volunteering your time. You know, it feels really good to help people out, especially this time of year. And, nick, I know that you have a busy morning, but we’ll all meet at my house, say around noon?

Nick: Yeah, I’m betting christian opens up all his presents in about 6 minutes, so that’ll give us some time to play with everything, and then we’ll cruise over to your place. And then christian, noah, and i will then go to my parents’.

Mariah: That sounds like fun.

Nick: You are very welcome to join the newman family christmas. You can sit right next to my dad.

Mariah: Ohh, that’s so enticing, but, uh, I’m gonna be busy.

[ Laughter ]

Sharon: Alright, well, I’m going to head home. So, noah, thank you so much for a lovely evening.

Noah: Thank you, mom.

Sharon: And merry christmas to all and to all a good night.

Mariah: Merry christmas.

Sharon: Merry christmas. Do you two need a ride home?

Mariah: Uh…no. No, I think we’re just gonna stay here on this big comfy couch.

Noah: Uh, no, no, actually, I don’t think so. Sorry, it’s not the vibe I’m really going for. So, you don’t have to go home, but —

Nick: You can’t stay here.

Noah: Yes, exactly.

Sharon: Come on. I’ll give you a ride.

Tessa: Oh, no, that’s okay, sharon. I have a plan. We’re not staying here, but we’re not going home. When you’re through with powering through,

Sharon: Oh, how

Tessa: I booked a suite for us as a surprise for our very first christmas together as a married couple.

Sharon: Oh, how sweet.

Nick: Thoughtful and practical.

Tessa: Exactly. I packed an overnight bag for us. We’ll have everything we need. Room service will be there for late-night snacks, and we’ll have a rose-petal bath.

Mariah: Oh, my gosh. Okay, raise your hand if you feel like a queen.

[ Laughs ]

Tessa: And…

Mariah: Oh, there’s more?

Tessa: After our bath, we can lounge in our warm, fuzzy robes.

Mariah: [ Gasps ] I love those robes. They are the coziest. Oh, my gosh, I am so glad that i married you.

Noah: Good work, tess. Very romantic, prescient.

Tessa: Well, shall we?

Mariah: Yes. Let’s go.

Nick: Good night.

Mariah: Good night.

[ Laughter ]

Tessa: Okay. We were gonna be here all night, but now we’re leaving before sharon.

Mariah: Yeah, that’s ’cause i didn’t know that there was a suite downstairs waiting for us. We love you all. Merry christmas. We’ll see you in the morning.

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: We’re out of here.

Tessa: Merry christmas!

Noah: Good night.

Tessa: Whew. That was so loud. I bet you could hear it all the way to the north pole.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] After I put on this robe, i couldn’t hear anything else. It’s like everything just quieted down. Think it has a built-in mute button?

Tessa: Uh, no, I don’t think that’s how sound or robes or anything works. But I love the giddy smile on your face. You’ve had it ever since you got out of the tub.

Mariah: Ah, it was luxurious. Thank you so much for this gift. I think we really needed it.

Tessa: Yes. You are welcome. And I do not feel bad that i enjoyed your gift as much as you did.

Mariah: Well, you know what this means now.

Tessa: What?

Mariah: We are officially a couple that exchanges one gift on christmas eve.

Tessa: Oh! I didn’t know that was a category.

Mariah: Yeah, it totally is.

Tessa: Hmm.

Mariah: And, uh, lucky for you, I got you something. I picked it up this morning. And I didn’t have time to put it under the tree, but this seemed like the perfect occasion.

Tessa: Okay. Wow. This is pretty.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

Tessa: [ Gasps ] Ooh. Ooh. “Have yourself a married little christmas. Mariah and tessa, 2022.”

Mariah: Do you get it?

Tessa: Uh, yeah. It’s because we’re married. It’s not that complicated.

Mariah: [ Laughs ] I know it’s corny, but I just thought that we should have something to commemorate our first christmas as wife and wife.

Tessa: I love it. It is perfect. And it could become a new tradition, a new inscribed ornament every year. Maybe next year it’ll say “baby’s first christmas.”

Mariah: We could be moms next year. How crazy is that?

Tessa: Can you imagine having the kind of christmas eve that nick gave christian? Ah, I mean, that’s how it should be for kids — just they’re so excited that they can’t even sleep the night before.

Mariah: I know. I didn’t personally have, uh, that magical “get ready for santa” christmas when I was growing up.

Tessa: Yeah, me neither. But we will make sure that our kid does. Decorating the tree. Wrapping presents. Baking cookies. But our well decorated home will be filled with the most important thing of all.

Mariah: Presents. Lots and lots of presents.

Tessa: Um…love?

Mariah: Love!

Tessa: Mm.

Mariah: Yes.

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: Lots and lots of love. That’s better.

Tessa: And not just from us. Our kid will have a big, happy family to celebrate the holiday with.

Mariah: I want that more than anything.

Tessa: Me too.

Mariah: But for the time being, we have each other and this beautiful night together. The world is full of make or break moments.

[ Both laugh ]

Tessa: Good morning.

Mariah: Merry christmas.

Tessa: Merry christmas, my gorgeous wife.

Mariah: [ Inhales sharply ] Mnh, I do not feel very gorgeous right now. I feel like I got [Chuckling] Ran over by a reindeer.

Tessa: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: How is it that you look so good in the morning? Did you, like, get up first and do your hair or something?

Tessa: No, I am just glowing with the holiday spirit.

Mariah: Hmm. I’ll say.

Tessa: Should we order breakfast? Or should we get something from crimson lights?

Mariah: Um, let me see. Oh, uh, definitely crimson lights because we are running very, very late.

Tessa: Oh, okay.

[ Gasps ] Oh. Oh, it snowed! A white christmas. Oh, it’s so beautiful.

Mariah: I’m sure it is, but we really need to get going. We can’t leave sharon hanging.

Tessa: I just think it’s nice. I mean, we expected snow, and we got snow. I mean, I think it’s a good sign.

Mariah: Um, well, it’s supposed to be snowing on and off all day long, which is not a good sign. Uh, when you planned this surprise, did you think to pack, like, boots or warm clothes?

Tessa: Yes, I’m on top of it, and everything’s in the car.

Mariah: Okay, good, ’cause we are gonna need to stay warm through all these deliveries. Uh, would it be weird if we just wore our robes all day long?

Tessa: Yes. Leave the robes here. We got to get going. Sharon needs us.

Mariah: Okay. Time to be christmas elves.

Tessa: Well, technically, elves don’t work today. They work really hard up till today and then take the day off, so…

Mariah: Alright. Well, these elves are gonna be working overtime, so get! Go, go, go, go, go!

Mariah: Good morning!

Sharon: Good morning!

Mariah: Merry christmas.

Sharon: Merry christmas. Good morning. Isn’t the snow beautiful?

Tessa: Oh, it’s such a dream.

Noah: Well, it’s nice of you two to join us.

Mariah: Uh, well, I’m sorry we’re late, mr. Taskmaster, but it’s all my fault.

Noah: Oh, I know.

Mariah: Thanks. Wait, how could you possibly know it’s my fault?

Noah: ‘Cause it always is.

Mariah: Okay, well, we walked here from the hotel, and because of all the fresh snow, we just had to throw a few snowballs at each other.

Noah: That’s why you’re late? Seriously?

Mariah: That, and we overslept.

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: But we’re here now, so let’s, uh, get to work after a warm beverage.

Noah: Ooh, you guys probably need a couple of triple espressos after all that champagne, right?

Tessa: Oh, no. We are very sharp.

Mariah: I was a little groggy, but no more than usual.

Noah: It’s christmas miracle.

Mariah: [ Laughs ]

Sharon: Okay, we have got to get to work. We have tons of presents and food to deliver. And I’m a little worried about the driving conditions because it — it’s gonna snow some more.

Mariah: Well, it doesn’t look like there’s that much to deliver.

Noah: Oh, this is just the stuff I couldn’t fit in the van. Everything else is already packed up.

Tessa: You did that all by yourself?

Noah: I sure did, while you two were out frolicking, making snow angels.

Mariah: Hey, I didn’t say anything about snow angels. How did you know that?

Sharon: Okay, we have about 100 more boxes in the back to pack up, and then we can start delivering.

Mariah: Okay.

Noah: I’ll make you two a deal. I do all the deliveries, you finish packaging the boxes?

Tessa: Deal.

Noah: Alright.

Mariah: Let’s get to work.

Noah: Let’s do it.

Mariah: Alright. Go, team! Okay, that’s everything from the back.

Noah: Everything’s loaded for my second trip. I just need this last bag, and I’m out of here.

Sharon: Noah, be careful out there, okay? The roads are really a mess.

Noah: I will, mom. I’ll see you guys at the house.

Mariah: See ya.

Sharon: Well, thank you both so much for your help. I can’t believe we got through that many boxes so quickly.

Tessa: Yeah, good job, everybody.

Mariah: Go, team.

Sharon: Alright, all we have to do now is clean up, and we’re out of here.

Tessa: Okay, sharon, what do we need to bring to your house?

Sharon: Nothing. Nothing. I have everything. It’s gonna be a smaller celebration this year, but very meaningful. Oh. Hello.

Sonya: I’m sorry. The sign says closed, but I saw you all in here.

Sharon: No, that’s alright. Come on in. Are you alright?

Sonya: I need a tow, and my phone’s dead. Can you help me?

Tessa: Oh, of course. Yeah, I have my phone. I’ll call.

Sharon: What happened to your car?

Sonya: I hit a patch of ice and skidded into a pole. Remember in driver’s ed when they told us that you’re supposed to turn in the direction of the skid?

Mariah: Yeah.

Sonya: Well, I didn’t until it was too late. I just sat there with steam coming out of the radiator, thinking, “oh, right, I should have turned into the skid.”

Sharon: Are you sure you’re alright?

Sonya: No, I’m fine. My car’s not. I would like to sit down, though.

Sharon: Of course. Take a seat.

Mariah: Here, right there.

Sonya: Thank you. I can’t tell you how much i appreciate this.

[ Breathing heavily ] Ohh. Who says you have to spend more on skincare

Sonya: [ Exhales heavily ]

Mariah: Here you go.

Sonya: Thanks.

Mariah: So, are you okay? Did you hit your head? Is your neck in pain at all? Did you hit your belly on the steering wheel?

Sonya: No, it really wasn’t that bad.

Tessa: I’m having trouble getting a tow service to come up here. The snow really messed up the road, so all the trucks are busy, but I will try again later.

Mariah: Or, you know, we can always call an ambulance. Or your ob-gyn.

Sonya: I’m fine. Really.

Sharon: Hey, you guys. Let our guest take a breath. She’s been through something very traumatic. Just give her some space. Hi. I’m sharon. I’m the owner here.

Sonya: My name’s sonya. I’m not hurt.

[ Voice breaking ] It’s just that, um, it all, like, happened so fast.

Mariah: Um, would you like something to eat?

Sonya: Something light would be nice. A muffin?

Sharon: Coming right up.

Sonya: Thanks.

Mariah: You know, when I was pregnant, I would have asked for five muffins.

Sonya: I was trying to be polite.

[ Laughs ]

Tessa: So, where were you going? Is there someone we can call?

Sonya: I wasn’t going anywhere. I was just driving.

Mariah: On christmas? Don’t you have a family that you need to be with?

Sonya: I do. I was driving away from my family.

Tessa: Ah.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

Tessa: We know what that’s like.

Sonya: I was at my parents’ place. We don’t agree on much, but lately we don’t agree on anything.

[ Voice breaking ] Not even on christmas. So I just — I just had to get out of there.

Tessa: Well, we’re sorry that you had to go through that. But you’re in the right place. We’re glad to have your company.

Sharon: Alright. Here you go. Here’s one muffin. And let me know if there’s anything else I can get for you.

Sonya: Thank you so much. Ooh. You guys must have plans.

Mariah: Oh, plans change. I mean, you didn’t plan to slide into a pole, right? I’m mariah, by the way. I’m sharon’s daughter.

Tessa: Oh, and, um, I’m —

Sonya: Tessa. You’re tessa porter. I thought I recognized you, but I didn’t know why. But your song is playing right now.

Sharon: Yeah, that’s my playlist. This is my favorite song, too.

Tessa: Thank you.

Sonya: I’m a big fan. And not just of your music, but your whole story. It’s so inspirational, and you’ve come so far. That’s all I want — to get a chance to show the world what i can do. When I envisioned my future, being a mom at 22 wasn’t part of the plan. But [Chuckles] Like mariah said, plans change.

Tessa: Yeah. Uh, they do. So, you’re alone?

Sonya: The baby’s father isn’t in the picture. I’m supposed to finish college in the spring and go to grad school, but I don’t know how that’s going to happen. My parents think I can handle it with their support. Even though we haven’t been getting along, they have promised to help take care of their grandchild. But I don’t know if I can be the mom this baby deserves. Especially when you think about all the people out there who can’t wait to be parents.

Tessa: Well, it’s a really big decision, but I’m sure that you will make the right decision for you and your baby.

Mariah: It’s your story to write, nobody else’S.

Sonya: I appreciate you saying that. Thank you for the food and everything, but I need one more thing.

Sharon: What’s that?

Sonya: The bathroom. Which way?

[ Laughter ]

Sharon: It’s right out there and then to the right.

Sonya: Thanks.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: Wow. Poor thing. All alone and on a day like this.

Tessa: I’m just glad that we can be there for her.

Mariah: It’s almost like her showing up here is some sort of christmas miracle.

Sonya: I’m sorry, sharon. I think I might need a little more help after all. I think my water just broke.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] We really had our hands full

“The young and the restless”

will continue. With directv I can get live tvand on demand together:

Sonya: Ohh.

Mariah: Her water broke, and she’s now experiencing contractions, so she is definitely in labor. So, if you could please just send an ambulance as soon as possible. Okay.

Sharon: Remember to breathe through the contractions, alright?

Sonya: Yeah.

Mariah: That is really good advice. Um, so the emts are having a really difficult time sending anybody out to us. The roads are a disaster. There’s accidents all over town.

Tessa: Okay. Well, when will they come?

Mariah: I don’t know. They don’t know.

Sharon: Okay. Well, the good news is a woman’s first baby takes a little while to arrive. The labor will last a lot longer.

Sonya: That’s good news?

Sharon: Well, you want the ambulance to arrive before the baby, right?

Sonya: Yeah.

Sharon: Okay. Can you walk?

Sonya: I think so.

Sharon: Alright, why don’t we walk around a little bit? It’ll be good for you. Keeps your muscles loose. We can walk and talk.

Sonya: Okay.

Sharon: Okay.

Sonya: Oh, I’m glad one of us knows what she’s doing.

Sharon: Look, I realize this seems overwhelming, and contractions are no joke, but i promise you can do this.

Tessa: Are you okay?

Mariah: I’m fine.

Tessa: You’re thinking about when you went into labor with dominic, aren’t you?

Mariah: I was so scared. And being there alone with this pain shooting through my entire body, I-I was terrified that i wasn’t gonna make it to the hospital and that I was gonna have to do this all alone in this tiny little room. And I just… I can still feel it.

[ Sniffles ]

Tessa: But it worked out. You and bowie came home safe. And then their parents changed his name.

Mariah: [ Laughs ]

Tessa: But you are with your wife, your mother, and a young woman who is scared and in pain. She needs us to help her through what is probably one of the scariest moments of her life. Let’s help her.

Mariah: You’re absolutely right. I need to let sonya know that she’s not alone…

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: …And that she came to the right place.

Sonya: [ Breathing heavily ]

Mariah: Look, I know that this is not what you expected — a coffeehouse instead of a maternity ward. I was in a similar position when I went into labor, but my friends got me through it, and that is exactly — oh, here — what tessa and I are gonna do for you because we’re friends now. You’re friends with tessa porter. How cool is that?

Sonya: So, you have a child?

Mariah: Uh, no. I was a, uh — I was a surrogate for people who are very near and dear to me.

Sonya: Was it hard to give up the child?

Mariah: The baby wasn’t mine. He belonged with his parents. But we, uh — we see him all the time. We’re his favorite aunts.

Sonya: So, you don’t want any kids of your own?

Mariah: Uh, actually, I would very much like to start a family.

Sonya: When?

Mariah: As soon as possible.

Sonya: [ Groans ]

Mariah: But we — we should not be talking about us right now.

Sonya: Oh, my god!

Tessa: Yeah. I mean, how’s your lower back?

Sonya: Oh, my god, it hurts. Everything hurts.

[ Breathing heavily ] Ohh. Oh, my god!

Mariah: Okay, okay. Just, uh — just breathe now, okay? Just breathe…

Sonya: Oh, my god, I don’t think I can stand anymore!

Tessa: Okay, here you go. Here you go.

Sharon: The contractions are coming on faster, aren’t they? I’ve been keeping track of the time.

Sonya: Yeah.

Sharon: Alright, tessa, there’s some blankets in the back office. Would you get them, please? We’re gonna have to make sonya as comfortable as possible. I think this baby might be coming sooner than we thought.

Sonya: Wait, you think it’s coming now?

Mariah: Um…either way, you’re gonna be fine, and the emts should be here any minute.

Sonya: What if they’re not? What do we do?

Sharon: Well, you know, i might have another option. Let me make a call.

Sonya: [ Breathing heavily ]

Mariah: Okay. Hey, sonya.

Sonya: Ohh. Ohh.

Mariah: Sonya, here.

Sharon: Oh, hey, elena. I’m so glad you answered. Look, we really need help.

Mariah: Okay, sonya, only positive thoughts from here on out, okay? It’s the only thing that matters for you and your baby’s welfare.

Sonya: Okay. Okay.

Mariah: We’ve got you, okay?

Sonya: I trust you. Ohh. You’re gonna get through this,

Sonya: [ Groaning ]

Sharon: Alright, just keep breathing. You’re doing great.

Sonya: [ Moans ]

Sharon: Look, I know it hurts. You’re gonna get through this, okay?

Tessa: Yes, I am so impressed. If I was you, I’d be screaming in pain.

Sonya: [ Screams ] Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Tessa: Yep. Just like that. You are doing so good.

Mariah: Okay, keep breathing. It’s all about the breathing.

Sonya: Stop telling me to breathe! I’m breathing!

[ Sobs ]

[ Moans ]

Sharon: Oh. Elena, thank god you got here.

Elena: Yeah, it was a rough trip, but I wasn’t gonna leave you alone.

Sharon: Okay. Thank you. Sonya, this is dr. Elena dawson.

Elena: Hi, sonya. It’s nice to meet you.

Sonya: Hi.

Elena: How many weeks are you?

Sonya: 37.

Elena: Okay, and your contractions are close?

Sonya: Super close. Mnh!

[ Gasps, breathes heavily ]

Elena: Okay. We are gonna be delivering a christmas baby. I just want you to breathe.

Sonya: Okay.

Mariah: She’s very good at breathing.

Elena: Okay. And I don’t need you to push yet, okay?

Sonya: Whatever you say, doctor.

Tessa: You are in very good hands.

Sonya: Ohh.

Elena: Just slow breathing for me.

Sonya: Ohh.

Elena: Great.

Sonya: Mnh.

Elena: You got this.

Sonya: It’s really hard not to push.

Elena: It’s okay. We’re not gonna push.

Sonya: Ow!

Elena: Good. It’s okay. It’s okay. Big, deep breath in. You’re doing great.

Tessa: It’s okay if you…

Mariah: One last breathe, one last breathe.

Elena: Okay. It’s time to start pushing.

Sonya: [ Exhales sharply ]

Elena: Okay.

Sonya: I need to pray first.

Elena: Of course.

Sharon: We’re all praying with you.

Sonya: [ Breathing deeply ] Okay.

Mariah: Okay. Okay.

Sonya: [ Groaning ]

Mariah: You got this. You’re doing so great, sonya.

Tessa: We’re gonna be here for you. We’re gonna be here for you and your baby, okay?

Sonya: [ Crying ]

[ Groaning ]

Tessa: This is it.

Sonya: I don’t know if I can.

Tessa: No, this is it.

Mariah: We are so proud of you. You’re doing amazing. Just keep going.

Elena: One more push. I can see the head.

Sonya: [ Groaning ]

Elena: Good, sonya.

Tessa: Okay, come on, girl. You can do this.

Mariah: You’re doing it, okay? You’re doing it!

Sonya: [ Breathing heavily ]

Tessa: Just one more.

Sonya: [ Groaning ]

Mariah: There you go, there you go, there you go!

Sonya: Ahhhhh!

Mariah: Oh, yes!

Sonya: [ Breathing heavily ]

[ Baby crying ]

[ Laughing ] Ohh. It’s a girl?

Sharon: It’s a perfect little girl.

Sonya: Ohh. [ Chuckles ]

[ Exhaling heavily ]

Mariah: Oh, my god.

Tessa: Oh, they’re here. They’re here.

[ Laughter ] They’re here.

Sonya: [ Exhales heavily ]

We’re taking you and your baby on a short trip to memorial, but it looks like you were in very good hands here.

Sonya: I was. It was a miracle.

Elena: Let me update you on a few things.

Mariah: Yeah.

Sharon: Aww. She’s beautiful.

Sonya: Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done without you, sharon.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Sharon: Oh, it’s noah. I have to take this. Excuse me.

Sonya: Plans change.

[ Laughter ]

Tessa: Yeah, they certainly do.

Sonya: An accident may have brought me here, but I didn’t come here by accident. I was supposed to meet you. The universe brought us together for a reason.

Mariah: You know, we have been thinking the same exact thing. We are so happy that we met you.

Sonya: I’m so grateful for everything you shared with me. The two of you have such a strong, beautiful relationship. You’re gonna make such incredible mothers.

[ Sighs ] I hope I can be a good mother, too. You were right. This is my story, and I’m writing it.

[ Chuckles ] I was so scared today, but then I found a strength I didn’t know I had inside me. Holding my daughter like this… I feel like I can do anything.

[ Exhales heavily ]

[ Sniffles ]

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

Tessa: Bye.

Sonya: Bye.

Tessa: [ Groans lightly ] Hey.

Mariah: I just had the most intense dream.

Tessa: Me too.


Tessa: Wow. We haven’t had a psychic connection like that since you were kidnapped.

Mariah: Now we just had the same dream.

Tessa: I think it shows how close we are.

Mariah: It felt so realistic. It felt like it was actually happening until the second i opened my eyes.

Tessa: Yeah. I’ve never woken up so exhausted. That dream was so emotionally draining.

Mariah: I mean, meeting this young woman and then letting myself believe that somehow it meant that our baby was coming soon, only to have this imaginary young mother choose to keep her child. I mean… what if it’s an omen?

Tessa: An omen of what?

Mariah: Then we’re not gonna get what we want.

Tessa: [ Sighs ] I know why you felt that way. I was disheartened, too. But I don’t think we can ascribe too much to an emotional dream. It was a manifestation of our hopes and fears. On thanksgiving, the birth mother we wanted chose to go in another direction and let her cousin adopt the baby. And now our collective anxious subconscious is just telling us not to get our hopes up too high.

Mariah: And you don’t think it’s a sign?

Tessa: Okay, well, if you want to think about it that way, think about all the positive aspects of the dream.

Mariah: Like what?

Tessa: [ Chuckles ] We met a birth mother who we connected with.

[ Voice breaking ] We felt the joy of bringing a new life into the world. I think it affirms that we’re gonna be kick-ass moms.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Well, I guess it’s like sharon said yesterday. Every experience we have is just bringing us that much closer to finding our own child.

Tessa: I mean, I think it’s true. And if anything, the dream means that, even when we face setbacks… you have to keep the faith. I mean, isn’t that worth remembering, especially today?

Mariah: You’re right. And I love you.

Tessa: I love you, too.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

Noah: Okay. Actually, I think it’s probably gonna be two trips, so I will take the gifts right now and then come back for the meals when they’re ready.

Sharon: Sounds good.

[ Gasps ]

Mariah: Good morning! Hi.

Noah: Merry christmas.

Mariah: Merry christmas.

Sharon: Merry christmas!

Noah: Oh, it’s nice of you two to join us.

Mariah: Sorry we’re late.

Noah: Too much free champagne last night?

Tessa: Maybe a little.

[ Laughter ]

Sharon: Oh, no. You two didn’t sleep well?

Mariah: Uh, something like that. But it’s nothing a strong cup of coffee can’t fix.

Sharon: Okay, well, I just made a pot.

Noah: Yeah. I’ll grab you guys some mugs.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: Thanks, honey. Um, is everything okay?

Mariah: Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?

Sharon: That’s not an answer.

Mariah: [ Chuckling ] Um… we’re fine. Just a little groggy.

Sharon: Okay. You just don’t seem like your usual effervescent selves.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphones ping ] Oh.

Tessa: Um, it’s from delphine.

Noah: Who’s that?

Tessa: It’s the woman we’re supposed to meet after new year’S.

Mariah: The potential birth mother.

Sharon: What does she say?

Mariah: She sent, uh, a sonogram. Yeah.

Tessa: It’s a girl.

Sharon: Ooh. Wow. She’s beautiful.

Mariah: And she also included a message. “We can’t wait to meet you.”

Sharon: [ Gasps ]

Mariah: [ Laughing, crying ]

Tessa: [ Laughing, crying ]

Next week on

“the young and the restless”…

Tucker: We could have this great new company, work side by side with each other. That’s my dream come true.

Phyllis: Say “rock star.”

Danny: Rock star!

Daniel: Rock star

Phyllis: Okay.

Danny: Oh, good note.

Billy: I’m worried about us, lily.

Lily: Me too.

Chloe: You’re really not feeling well. Wait, sally. Is there a possibility you might be…


Both: There’s no place like home for the holidays.

Case: Thank you for welcoming us into your homes for the past 50 years.

Morrow: And tuning in to “the young and the restless.”

Sarpy: Our greatest gift is our “y&r” family.

Dominic: Which includes you.

Thomas scott: We’ve celebrated the holidays with you for five decades, and we can’t wait to spend many more.

Braeden: From all of us here in genoa city to all of you, happy holidays.

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Days Transcript Friday, December 23, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Merry Christmas. A

Oh God. Maddy, honestly, you never ceased to amaze me. Snagging a holiday layover at she Kiki. What a poo. Well, of course I’m gonna want all the bloody details. No, we’re not talking about me. But since you ask, thankfully, I have no details to. Yes. It turns out I didn’t have to help Xandra out of that little jam after all.

don’t worry. I made sure that he knows that he still owes me one. Why does he owe you one?

Hey, for losing the last of marbles. Now there’s a Christmas miracle. This about a Christmas miracle. Well, if I tell you it won’t come true. No baby. No. That’s a birthday wish, right? Yeah, no. I was saying that it’ll be quite the Christmas miracle. If you and I can go over to Doug and Julie’s in time for the party, given all the crimping you’ve been doing in there.

Rip thing. Fixed my hair. Well, whatever you did, you look lovely as usual. Uh, well, so should we head out then? Oh, no. I have a much better idea. You too. Yeah. I thought maybe we could just skip this party and go straight to the after party festivities. Hmm. Somebody is very naughty boy. . Yes. Well, maybe you want to be nice.

You get this? You said that we weren’t exchanging gifts until tomorrow. We aren’t, but this one, I. This one has to be open tonight.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, honey, that sounds just wonderful. Wow.

Honey. Julie just walked in with, uh, all the Horton ornaments in the big box. You remember that hope? Yes. Yes. Uh, I, I’ll, I’ll let you say hello to her in a second. Yes. Oh, thank you. And, and Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you, princess. Hope. Hope darling. Hi. Oh, you can’t imagine how much your father and I wish that you were here with us right now.

Of course. Well, I’m expecting nothing less than a, a gold medal for every one of your skating students at the next Olympics, . Of course. I love you too, sweetheart. Okay. Okay. Bye-Bye. She sounds in good spirits. She does. God bless her. She has just devoted to those skating students. Yeah, but still I know.

That’s great. But I, I wish I didn’t have to talk to her long distance. Yeah, I miss her too. Wow. I miss ’em all. You realize this is the first Christmas that we won’t have one child or any of our grandchildren here to celebrate with us in. Hope she’s in Montreal and Sierra and Ben are sailing the great wide ocean with Little Bow.

And Sean Douglas and and Bell are in Africa with Claire. Lucky you got me here, kiddo. I’m very lucky I’ve got you and I know it. Poor Eli Lonnie and the twins, their first Christmas all apart, far, far away in Maryland. It’s just so depressing. Julie, dear, how I know Valerie is there for Eli and the twins, and that’s great, but I would just like to know that they’re okay.

You know, I would, I, I would give everything just to see them with my own two eyes. I think that can be arranged.

Hey, grandma is,

Holy, precious darling. Look. Yeah, I, I seen them. Dear . Oh my sweet sweetheart. Merry Christmas. Your grandma miss you.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Did you know they were coming? Honey, I was sworn to secrecy you. Devil Uhhuh. I don’t think we should invoke, you know who? Especially after what happened last Christmas point taken. I’m so thrilled to have them here. It’s real. It’s real. Grandpa, take a look at your great grandpa, darling, isn’t he? You? You are so beautiful.

You’ve grown up so much. I won’t be able to call you little Jules much longer

sweethearts. So how on earth did you manage to cross CrossCountry from Maryland with these two all by yourself? Uh, grandma, I have learned to do a lot of things on my own since Lonnie went away.

Say something. It’s an ornament. Yeah, but it’s not just any ornament. It’s, it’s your ornament for the Horton treat. Isn’t that just for family? Baby, you are family. You’re my husband.

What’s wrong? It’s just I don’t feel worthy of it having an on your family’s tree.

Tonight’s your family’s big tree trimming party. His dad’s getting tunnels and Charlotte ready?

I’ll bring them tomorrow so they can wish you a Merry Christmas,

Christmas without you.

I am gonna do my best to make it okay for the kids, cuz I know that’s what you would want

for me.

Miss you more every day. Not less. Like some people expect, they say that it, it gets easier with.

Every day, I can’t

see your smile,

hear your voice, feel you close to me.

Like I said, I miss. More, not less,

but uh, but I will, I will see to it that the, that our babies find some joy is Christmas. They will,

I’ll be surrounded by a lot of people that loved you.

I love you, Abigail.

I love you forever.

You’re here.

Well, of course I’m here. Where else would I be on Christmas Eve? But here with our precious girl, I thought Jack was picking you up from the airport. Well, I knew that he was gonna be on granddaddy duty, so I took a car service. The flowers are lovely, Chad.

She should.

She should be getting ready to hang her order in helping the kids hang theirs.

I know.

Um, Mattie, I’m, I’m gonna have to phone you back. Hi. Hello there, little lad. I didn’t see or hear you come in. Shouldn’t you be upstairs getting ready for the party? I’m already ready. Ah, so I see. Why don’t you look very sharp indeed. Um, maybe you should be a good big brother and go help little Charlotte get ready too.

Grandpa Jack is helping. Why does Zander, you, didn’t anyone ever teach you that it’s impolite to eavesdrop? How wasn’t eavesdropping you? Just talk loud. What did you do for him? What did I do for Zander? Um, I just did him a favor. That’s all. What kind of favor?

An ornament with my name on it doesn’t belong in the same forest as your family, let alone the same Hello family Christmas tree.

You have heard all about how my family is filled with saints. Did you also know that it’s filled with sinners? Yeah. Right. No, I’m serious. My dad and my uncle Bill’s rivalry over my Aunt Laura was. Bad. It almost turned deadly. Really? Mm-hmm. and Julie? It’s not Julie. Julie and her mother, my aunt ADD, fell in love with the same excon.

Who? They met through my Uncle Bill. No. Mm-hmm. . Wait. Who? Like Julie was in love with some ex-Con. Doug. Doug. Doug. Doug. Doug. And don’t even get me started on my cousins. That’s a whole other horror show. So, but say you, my husband still think you’re not worthy.

Save by the knock.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, Jack . Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you. It is so good to see you here with us little ones. Now it is Christmas. Yeah. Hey sweetheart. Why don’t we see if we can get these two guys upstairs and show them your lay room. Oh, that’s a great idea. Yeah. Oh, thank you so much for hiring Lucy.

In there. Here, and look out the little ones. Oh, let me tell you about Lucy. She’s a sophomore at Salem High. She lives on this street. Daddy, I think she wants a little nappy pool in the playroom. I’ll take her. Well, we’ll go get up there with her now. Now Lucy’s waiting. That’s good.

Patios fer.

Good luck.

Isn’t this cream? Yeah. So wonderful to have. Now it’s Christmas. It is. It’s Christmas. cookies and kitties.

Jack’s in charge now.

Okay, darling. Really, how are you coping? Oh, I’m not gonna lie to you, grandma. It’s been tough. I’m sure Valerie has been a big help. Oh, yeah. No, my, my mom’s been great. I don’t know how I would’ve done it without her, but as much as the twins love them, some Grandma Val, she is no substitute for their mom.

Why you are persistent, aren’t you? If persistent means curious, then yep. Hmm. Right. But the truth is,

can you keep a secret?

I helped Zander pick out cousin Sarah’s Christmas present. Can’t you do that? Well, Because I have exquisite taste. But you cannot say anything about this to anyone. Okay. Because Zander wouldn’t want Sarah to know that he needed help. So this has to be Oh, secret. Yeah. What are you too conspiring about?

Well, I was on my way over to Julie’s then. I thought I’d swing by to see if the two of you needed a lift. Oh, thank you. Magus. Very thoughtful of you. But I feel like I, uh, have walked in on something. No, we’re, we’re fine. We’re all fine here. No, we are not fine here. Sanders being hard on himself. He has reservations about putting his ornament on the Horton family tree.

Sander, your Uncle Victor, not his own ornament. When he and I got. And the Hortons were okay with that? Oh, not exactly at first. Some members at the family, they were a little crazy that their uncle Mickey’s widow had taken up with the reformed Greek mobster. See, I knew it. Ha, but they got over themselves when, uh, they realized how much Victor.

Loved each other

So you, my dear son-in-law, you are also reformed, but not just reformed. You are a wonderful husband to my daughter. And drum roll please. You also say, Bonnie from that sadistic kidnapping clown. So face it, Xander. You’re one of the good guys now a hero.

Those poor little angels, their first Christmas without their mother. It’s not nearly as sad as what Charlotte and Thomas are going through. And Chad, oh my God, I, I can’t even imagine. Nor can. The good news is that Lonnie will be eligible for parole in a year. So at least I get to reassure the kids that their mom will be coming home soon.

Chad can’t make that promise to his, I’m, I’m just so sorry that I haven’t been here for you more. Chad, don’t, don’t apologize. You had to take care of yourself. You did that. You’re here. Yes, I am back. And being back and, and facing the reality again of losing our precious abi I, it’s different Without the crutch of, of being high, I feel different.

I don’t know, just more, uh, less self-centered in my grief. I. I’m worried about you, Chad, how you’re doing, how the kids are doing.

We’re managing, yeah, those, those kids are resilient. I always say they get that from their mother. They get that from you too. Well, I don’t know about that. Yeah. Honestly, the, um, Focusing on other things has, has really helped, uh, work. Yeah. I, I, I heard that you’re, uh, you’re working for Stephanie’s PR firm.

Is that right? How’s that going? Yeah, it’s, it’s been a lifeline, huh? I mean, Stephanie is a, is a great boss. She’s a great friend. It’s good. Sounds like you’re getting close. Yeah. We have this shit in here. Oh, it’s cold out here. Yeah. Well, well, you. And we, uh, head over to that Christmas Eve party where there’s a warm house full of a lot of people who can’t wait to see you.

Merry Christmas, my angel.

Why sweet? Eli? I missed you so much. I missed you too. Both of you. You know the kids are always asking about you. Oh. I am thrilled that you’re here with the twins for Christmas. I just can’t imagine anything that would make this day any better. You sure about that?

We were hardly conspiring. We were just, um, bonding a little, weren’t we, darling? Well, I’m glad to hear that. So get ready for some more family. Bondi, Eli, the twins just showed up. Ah, Buffy. Yes it is. Yes it is. So, uh, let’s say we get in there and start talking it up. What do you say? Sport and then the ornaments.

And then the ornaments. Right? Well, I, I will meet you out there because I have to go check something in the. What does that, can we have a now after the ornaments, come on, let’s go see the twins. Come on and we’ll see you soon.

God nosey. Little How is Bonnie? Ugh. Well, she’s still suffering from that hole Kidnapping ordeal. She sees demented clowns everywhere she looks. I really hope that she follow through. I’m going to see a therapist. Yes, so do I, but for now, she’s alive and she’s well. Thanks to you, Xander. We’re all very grateful to you for that, for your bravery.

You, my brave husband, have a very important appointment to keep with a certain Christmas tree and I intend to make sure that you keep it. Ah, and there’s no arguing with her when she has that look on her face. Don, I. And I can’t fight off both of you, so let’s trim ourselves a tree, shall we?

Grandma, this is my big boy. Oh, . Oh, oh. It’s so good to see you. Merry Christmas grandma. Merry Christmas to you, my dear. Oh, where’s your sister? Oh, CICE upstairs with Jules and Carver. And, uh, Oh, Lucy, that sweet girl from down the street. Yep. 15 years old and very responsible. Oh wow. Bless her for giving us her time today.

Huh? Jennifer, why didn’t you let me pick you up at the airport? Oh, well

I had to make a quick stop first. Alright then. Well, sweetheart, I missed you. Oh, so much. I missed you.

What’s going on, man? How you doing? I’m well, brothers. How are you?

Take it each day as it comes. That’s all you can do. I know this Christmas is gonna be a tough one for you and the kids. For you too though, man. Oh, you know, thank God we all got each other. Damn that the kids are surrounded by so many people that love them. Yeah. Anyway, speaking of kids, I’m better check up on the twins now.

Yeah. Good to see you. Good to see you too.

This is turning out to be a lovely Christmas after all. Indeed, it is. There’s nothing like being with family for the holidays.

Well, I have found someone who wants to say hello. Hi, Charlotte. Fuck it. How you’ve grown. Seth, come sit right here. Aw, where are carver jewels? They both went down for an nap. Oh my goodness. Wow. . Good to see you too. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Well, I would love to drink in all this family. Goodness, but I have to sit out the desserts.

When’s already doing that? When? Allie and I are doing the desserts, so if you all will, excuse me. Uh oh. Grandma’s on the war pass. Uh oh indeed. Did I? But now it’s officially Christmas

What do you think you’re doing with those? Well, this is British Christmas pudding. It’s a holiday tradition in the uk. Surely you have room in that iron stomach of yours for something other than pedestrian donuts.

My beloved grandmother created the recipe for those donuts. Their Horton family legacy passed on through the generations. She also created this beautiful home that you are squatting in. So if I were you, I think I would show a little. Respect. Hmm. I think it’s you who should be showing me some respect, because if it weren’t for me, your precious cousin Jennifer would be spending the holidays in Statesville.

Hello. Don’t tell us that you started the party without us. Oh my goodness. So, so good to see you. Oh, my cousin, it’s so good to see you. Yes, aunt Maggie. Oh, hello, Jennifer. Oh, oh. Merry Christmas darling. Aren’t you? And you, Jack. It’s so good to be home

here. You finally made an honest man out of this. Oh, I dunno if I’ll go that far. Oh. I’m like . Welcome to the family. Zander. Nice mate. Yeah, that means a lot. Right? I know you and Lonnie didn’t always have the highest opinion for me. Just a family. Yeah. Well that changed after you helped rescue your twins from that crazy ass Vivian Alama.

I’m just glad I could do. How’s Lonnie doing? Uh, she’s counting down in days, but she’ll be home soon. Hm. Will you please give her our love? I will. I’ll also tell her that this man has changed his life and you’re making our cousin a very happy lady.

That can’t be true. No. This is just another one of your manipulations. No manipulation at all. You can ask Jennifer if you don’t believe me, although I think that might be quite stressful for her to have to relive the accident. I am guessing it was quite traumatic for her to have to get behind the wheel of a car high as a kit and run down her stepdaughter.

Wouldn’t wanna trigger a relapse for her. Now, would we, what is in this for you, Gwen? What’s your angle? Why are you keeping it a secret? Some sort of insurance. Are you’re planning on blackmail? Jennifer, are you planning on using it as a get outer jail free card? Oh Lord, goodness sake. No. Stop. Look.

Jennifer and I will probably never be friends, but she’s my father’s wife and I love my father, which is why I haven’t said anything and I’m not going to

now. Then is there room enough at your Christmas Eve party for me and my pudding? I’ll go ahead serve your bloody pu, but there will never be room enough on the Horton Christmas tree for an or. With your name on it? Mm-hmm. , I don’t think you’ll have much say in the matter when you’ve, you know, cashed in your chance.

I’ll have a say in the matter. I’ll always have a say in the matter, even if I have to send a directive from the great beyond.

Standby baby. I’m actually a bit chilly. I’m gonna run upstairs and grab a sweater. Hurry back,

Thomas. Hey. Hi cousin Sarah. I hope that you’re having a nice c. It’s okay. I miss Mommy though. Yeah, of course you do. We all miss her very much. But Tylee said she’s looking after us from heaven. Yes. Yeah, of course she is. I hope you are the present and, but you, I’m sure I will. Aunt Gwen helps him pick it.

What? Oops. It was supposed to be a secret. She only told me cuz I heard her on the phone. What are you talking about? I hurt for Tell somebody that’s saying your older one.

I’ll keep your secret.

Gwen look. Hi. Yeah. Hi. Hello Maggie. Hi Gwen. How are you? Well, and Jennifer, Merry Christmas. Same to you, Gwen. I’m glad that you are. You are doing better. My dad tells me you’re doing better. I’m glad. Thank you. Right. Hi. Where’s Sarah? You know what? Actually, it doesn’t matter. I, I just need to tell you, but she’s, hi Gwen.

Merry Christmas. Same to you, Sarah. Everybody. It’s getting to be that time. Who wants to trim the Horton Christmas tree? Oh, wait, wait. But it’s dog. Are you gonna sing for us this? Oh, I don’t know. Oh, come on. You have to come on. Everybody. Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing. Try darling.

Troubador. Take it away. Oh, come. Oh Ye Joyful. And try.

Him born the king of

the Lord.




you out did yourself, my darling. Oh, thank you. You know, in spite of all the sadness this year, I think tonight. I think tonight’s party was as lovely as it’s ever been. I agree. You managed to lift everyone’s spirits with your big, generous heart. Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m really touched. You think so though,

I just tell the truth. I love you so much. God Williams and I love you. Juli Olson Banning Anderson Williams. . What don’t you say we title off. Got another big day tomorrow. Yeah. Christmas day. Wow. Can’t wait to spend it with you. Mylo.

Oh, who are you texting? Uh, Maggie. Just making sure she got home Safe and sound. Aw. So are the kids all sleeping? Oh yes. All four are nestled snug in their bed streams of St. Nicholas. Poor Eli’s in bed too. Totally exhausted. Well, traveling with kids will do that to you. Ah, true, true. So do you wanna go to sleep too?

Actually, sleep is not what I had on my mind. Jack and a house full of people. I know I can be quiet since when. All right, Mrs. Dev, maybe show you some of my steal moves. Oh, . Oh, okay. . All right. All right. Oh, hang on. One a second. Oh, oh. Phone. Oh, no. Ignore it. Ignore it. Oh, no, no. It’s jj. It’s JJ Johannesburg.

Hello. Oh. Oh. Hi, sweetheart. Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice. Merry Christmas to you.

Well, at least someone’s going to have a Merry Christmas.

There she is. You had some fun tonight, I hope. Yeah, I did up until a certain point. Oh yeah. I mean, of course it was sad too. Mm-hmm. , Abigail gone, and Lonnie not being there either, but your family were great. They made me feel so welcome, like I really belonged.

What’s. Well, I would’ve thought it’d be obvious it being Christmas and everything. Mm-hmm. . And You want me to open it now? What’s that? The midnight.

Is this the gift that Gwen help you pick out for me? What? That’s what she told. Apparently he overheard her telling someone that you owed her one. Oh, yeah. That it was, yes. No, I, I, I ran into it in the square when I was shopping and she could see that I was just clueless, had no idea what to get you, and yeah, she agreed to help me.

Let’s see what happens when you two put your heads together.

This is what you and Gwen picked out from me. Merry Christmas.

Oh, Abby. I did it my made it through my first Christmas Eve without you.

I managed to stay strong for the kids.

I think they had had some fun.

They’re so sweet and brave. Yeah. I got them some gifts from you. Some things that I, I, I thought maybe you would’ve gotten them.

I hope it helped them. I’m sure it did.


you’re here. I’m always here. You think a little thing like death is gonna come between a love like ours? No. No, not even that.

I miss you. I miss you.

You know, you said you needed to be strong for the kids. I think you should be strong for yourself too. There’s so much left for you to do. There’s so much joy for you to feel, and I’m gonna be with you every step of the way with you and Thomas and.

Their faces,

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, my.

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B&B Transcript Friday, 12/23/22

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Eric: Hey. Wow. Look at you. I am a lucky man. The only thing I’ve ever wanted for any christmas is you. Come here. Come here.

Charlie: Oh, yeah. Set the temperature.

Pam: Oopsie.

Eric: Well, everything going well in the kitchen?

Charlie: Oh, you bet your nutmeg.

Pam: Oh, eric. The– it’s just, we’re cooking up a storm in there.

Eric: Well, good. You look cute. You want any help?

Charlie: No, no, no, no. No, seriously, we got it.

Pam: We’re good. We got– we’ve got everything under control.

Eric: All right.

Brooke: Whoo!

Katie: Hi. Wow!

Donna: Oh!

Brooke: Oh, wow. Oh, you look so beautiful.

Donna: Fantastic.

Katie: Merry christmas. Thank you so much for having us.

Eric: Thank you. Thanks.

Zende: Ho, ho, ho.

Eric: Hey, hey, hey. Are those– wait, are those all for me?

Zende: It might be a little something something for you, granddad.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Paris: This house looks incredible. Thank you so much for having me.

Donna: Merry christmas.

Zende: Merry christmas. Ridge isn’t here yet?

Eric: Unfortunately, I’m not sure if ridge is gonna be here this year.

Eric: I spoke to ridge earlier. I made it clear to him that he’s invited today.

Brooke: He should be here. I hope he’s not staying away because of me.

Paris: Well, we all respect your stance with ridge, brooke.

Zende: We totally get it.

Katie: You do not have to feel guilty if ridge decides to stay away.

Pam: Well, I just have to say, I know that steph would want you and ridge to be together. You’re soulmates. The power of brooke and ridge cannot be denied.

Brooke: Oh, thank you.

Pam: Sorry.

Carter: Feliz navidad.

Eric: Hey. Look who’s here. All right.

Katie: Hi.

Carter: Merry christmas.

Katie: Merry christmas.

Eric: Carter, welcome.

Donna: Merry christmas.

Carter: Merry christmas. Thank you for including me.

Eric: We’ve been through some interesting times together, but you will always be welcome here.

Carter: Thank you.

Eric: All right.

Katie: Let’s put your coat down.

Douglas: Merry christmas.

Carter: Merry christmas.

Katie: Oh, my god.

Beth: Look at that tree!

Douglas: Hey, great-granddad.

Eric: Hey. Hi, honey. How you doing, buddy?

Hope: Oh, merry christmas, mom.

Brooke: Oh, merry christmas, honey.

Hope: Oh, my god.

Liam: Merry christmas.

Hope: Liam and I were just saying in the car how every time we walk through that front door, it feels like a warm hug.

Eric: Oh, thank you.

Liam: You know what? I think we all feel that way, especially on a day like today.

Hope: Absolutely.

Eric: Welcome.

Hope: Merry christmas.

Eric: Thank you. Let me see this dress. I wanna see this dress. Let me see.

Hope: I’ll take it off later.

Eric: Okay, okay. Listen, I’m done to be a limited edition

Liam: Woo!Bells


Jingle bells, jingle bells

jingle all the way

oh what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

Liam: Woo!

Hope: You guys sound awesome.

Beth: Daddy’s being silly.

Hope: Oh, yes, he is. And that is why we love him. Wow.

Carter: Charlie, my man. That’s a cool fishing rod.

Charlie: Fishing rod? My friend, this happens to be a limited edition platinum 360b.

Pam: His christmas gift from me. We’re actually sneaking away for a few days.

Charlie: Yeah.

Eric: Good. You deserve that. Both of you.

Charlie: Little r&r at the cabin, you know. Pammy will knit and I’ll stare at her lustily and hope the fish don’t bother me.

Eric: That’s great for the two of you. Good. It’s a great way to end off the year.

Pam: Eric, you know that this is what stephanie always wanted for me. A kind-hearted fella to call my own. Even though she’s not here physically, I– I feel like she’s here with us.

Brooke: I feel her presence every day.

Katie: Especially on a day like today when we went to the mission.

Brooke: It’s wonderful that we’re continuing the important family tradition.

Katie: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. Stephanie would be proud. She’d be proud of all of us gathering here in– in our family home. So let’s eat, drink and be merry. All right? Not necessarily in that order.

Pam: What order?

Eric: Come on. Okay. And you put that outside.

Charlie: You sure?

Pam: He’s gonna put somebody’s eyes out.

Katie: So, are you having a holly, jolly good time?

Carter: Always. Though I am a little nervous about eric’s eggnog.

Katie: Oh, you should be. It’s lethal.

[ Carter laughing ] Oh.

Carter: Mistletoe.

Katie: Hmm.

Carter: Did you plan this? Did you plan to get me under here?

Katie: Well, I don’t know who put it up there, but I’m awfully glad they did.

Carter: New year, new possibilities.

Katie: New possibilities with someone who doesn’t just listen, but actually hears me. Someone I know will take very, very good care of my heart.

Carter: A very special, miraculous heart.

Eric: Everybody, please can I say something for a minute? Okay. We’re going to eat pretty soon. We will. So, don’t eat all this, right? We got lots of food. Um, I’m so happy that everybody’s here. Thank you. I’m actually honored that you’re here in the house. Oh, in fair warning, I’m gonna ask everybody to just say a little something about what you feel grateful for this year. You know, what I see here, I see love and affection that you all share for each other and support and protectiveness. And that means we’re a family. That’s the most important thing. So, happy holidays. And god bless us everyone.

Charlie: Yeah.

Hope: Hear, hear. Pain hits fast. everyone here, all of yo

Zende: Granddad, you’re my biggest advocate. Everyone here, all of you have guided me in some unique way. Some of you are family, but all of you are friends. Today, I am so very thankful for the meaningful connections I’ve made in my life. And for second chances.

Paris: Second chances, third chances. However many times it takes for us to get it right because when it’s worth it and when it’s written in the stars, it always falls into place.

Carter: It’s been quite the year. I learned a lot. And what I lost, I gained in clarity. I have a lot to appreciate like your forgiveness, your brotherhood. You guys are my chosen family and I’m looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.

Katie: The holidays, new year it’s– it’s a time for reflection. It’s a celebration of all those little miracles that have brought us to this place. And I just know that we have so many more miracles yet to come. All of us. All my sisters. I’m just so happy that we’re all in such a good place.

Hope: Aw. There’s that logan pride. I mean, I am so happy I get to be a part of– of that group. But not only you, but everyone here, I mean, you all are such extraordinary people and I’m so happy my kids have such good role models to look up to, especially this man right here.

Liam: Kids are really growing up. I mean, look at ’em. Like all wide-eyed and enthusiastic. It’s the best. You guys are the best. You know that, right? It’s a nice reminder to stay openhearted. Just look for the joy. It’s there. And um, fortunately in my case, I don’t have to look too far.

Brooke: We’re all very lucky to have good health, good fortune, lifelong friendships. You know, life isn’t perfect. And when we feel alone, we get to lean on the people that we love. Like I lean on my children and my grandchildren, my family. And I am so grateful to have each and every one of you in my life, especially now.

[ Door creaks ]

Pam: Yay! You made it.

Eric: You’re– you’re just in time. We’re all telling what we’re actually grateful for. And I’m grateful for you as my son and that you showed up here just now.

Ridge: I’m– I’m here. And I brought presents for everybody. And I’m– I’m wearing a– a big coat of humility ’cause I thought I knew everything about life and love and communicating and it turns out I know very little.

Eric: Yeah. Well, fair warning, you’re never gonna figure any of that out except what’s really important. Merry christmas, everybody.

All: Merry christmas.

Zende: We’re glad you made it.

Hope: Can you believe ridge came?

Liam: I don’t know. Is it weird that I’m not that surprised? Who wouldn’t wanna spend christmas with the girl of his dreams?

Brooke: I wasn’t sure you’d make it.

Ridge: Oh, I wasn’t sure I was gonna make it either, but I really wanted to see your face. Merry christmas. When a cold comes on strong, the power of ridge and brooke

Katie: Gosh, it’s– it’s huge that ridge decided to show up.

Donna: Yep.

Charlie: What are they yapping about?

Eric: I don’t know, but I think it’s a good sign that he showed up after all.

Pam: It’s like I said, the power of ridge and brooke cannot be denied.

Charlie: When’s he gonna make the big move?

Ridge: I don’t wanna overstay my welcome. I just wanted to drop off some gifts and say hi and that’s it.

Brooke: What? No, don’t be silly. This is your family home. You don’t need to rush off.

Ridge: I don’t wanna interfere on your holiday. You know, I’ve– I’ve got some work to do on me. I gotta– I gotta learn how to be more direct.

Brooke: Well, let’s not get into that right now.

Ridge: I should have believed in you. I do. I do believe in you. And I know you’ve sworn off men for the moment, especially this man and it’s christmas.

Brooke: Oh, my goodness.

Ridge: Yeah. Very funny guys. What are you doing?

Pam: ‘Tis the season.

Charlie: Look like you needed a little nudge, so.

Ridge: What do you say?

Brooke: Well, it would be rude to deny the magic of the mistletoe.

Ridge: Hm.

Zende: You’re doing well.

Pam: All right. We’re closing in on it.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Zende: Who has a gingerbread house?

Pam: I do.

Zende: Very lovely.

[ People cheering ] Yeah!

[ Everyone cheering ]

Brooke: So jealous. Always. Well done, sisters.

Carter: That’s a good one. Let’s keep going.

[ Overlapping chatter ]

Eric: Listen, everybody. I was so, um– I’m so glad to see how much fun we’re having. I know I am. I enjoyed very much to hear speeches about what– what you were grateful for in this life. I think it’s safe to say we’re all very blessed in our lives with great blessings. I think it’s uh, safe to say that on today and jesus’ birthday, that we all appropriately reach out to share some of that with– with others in our lives and with people that aren’t even in our lives. People not as fortunate as we are. I pledge to do that and I hope you do too. To live the philosophies of this life all year long and to make this world a better place.

Ridge: Well said, dad.

Eric: Thanks.

Carter: I think we all wish this feeling would last. People being kind and considerate, sharing their appreciation for each other, remembering the value of community. Sometimes the smallest gesture can make the biggest impact in a person’s life.

Brooke: There is beauty and inspiration all around us. We just need to open our eyes to see it. And all this joy and this happiness and this peace and love that we feel during christmas, we need to carry that with us all year long.

Eric: Yeah.

Brooke: Happy holidays, everybody.

Eric: Happy holidays okay, I want some of that eggnog.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

[ Douglas plays “jingle bells” ]

Carter: For me?

Katie: Yeah.

Carter: What?

Katie: It’s– it’s very small.

Carter: Oh, come on. You shouldn’t have. All right. Let’s see.

[ Eric plays “deck the halls” ]

Deck the halls

with boughs of holly

fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

’tis the season to be jolly

fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

don we now our gay apparel

fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la

troll the ancient

yuletide carol

fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

deck the halls

with boughs of holly

fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

’tis the season to be jolly

fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

don we now our gay apparel

fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la

troll the ancient

yule-tide carol

fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

[ Everyone clapping ]

Eric: Come on!

Bradley: From our family to yours.

All: Happy holidays!

[ Everyone cheering ]

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Days Update Thursday, December 22, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Gabi makes Mexican wedding cookies at home with her daughter Arianna. Li comes in dressed as Santa Claus but Arianna says he is not Santa.

Stefan finishes a call at the DiMera Mansion as Wendy shows up at the front door. Stefan asks what she is doing here.

Kristen walks through the town square with Rachel and runs in to Chloe. Kristen mentions meeting Brady for lunch. Chloe says she’s going to finish Christmas shopping and remarks that her budget is so much bigger this year after her huge promotion when Kristen got fired. Rachel questions if Chloe got her a present, but then says she doesn’t want anything from her. Chloe wishes Rachel a Merry Christmas anyway. Rachel remarks that she won’t have to see Chloe because she’ll be with her real family.

Brady questions Eric saying that they need to kidnap his daughter. Brady says what he is suggesting is insane. Eric responds that what’s insane is Kristen having Marlena, Kate, and Kayla’s lives in her hands. Brady says he wants to end the blackmail as much as he does. Eric repeats that they need to hit Kristen where she lives and says Rachel is key. Eric points out that Kristen has two weaknesses; Brady and Rachel, so they have to beat her at her own game. Brady argues that it’s not a game since Kristen has the serum to save Marlena, Kayla, and Kate, as well as the orchid to make it and it’s the only one that exists on the planet. Eric questions what if Kristen won’t up the ante and ask him to sleep with her or even marry her. Brady says after they get the next dose, he will be free. Eric doesn’t believe it and guarantees that Kristen will say the women need more shots for the rest of their lives. Eric declares that Kristen has too much power and needs to be stopped. Eric argues that they have to do something now.

Kristen tells Rachel that wasn’t nice and that she needs to be nice to everyone, especially on Christmas, even those who tried to steal what belongs to them. Rachel apologizes to Chloe. Kristen remarks that she, Rachel, and Brady are a family again. Rachel says that’s what she wanted most for Christmas. Kristen tells her that wishes do come true. Rachel asks when she will get her whole wish. Kristen tries to tell her they will talk about it later but Rachel points out in front of Chloe that Brady and Kristen aren’t married and don’t even sleep in the same room

Wendy tells Stefan that she came to see Johnny as she heard what happened at his grandmother’s memorial service, so she wanted to see if he was okay. Stefan responds that Johnny hasn’t come down from his room, so he’s assuming that he’s still asleep. Wendy guesses he must be exhausted after everything he’s been through. Wendy asks Stefan to just tell Johnny that she stopped by. Stefan stops her and informs her that he has left her several messages but hasn’t heard back from her. Stefan questions if she’s avoiding him. Wendy claims she’s just been super busy. Stefan asks if she has time to talk now about her little jaunt to Jakarta.

Li tells Arianna that she’s right, he’s not Santa, he’s his helper. Arianna acknowledges him as Li and calls him lame. Arianna tells Gabi that she’s been through this before with her boyfriends putting on a show to try to get her to like them, listing off Chad, Stefan, and Jake. Gabi tells her that she’s being very rude. Arianna informs Li that she’s too old to believe in Santa. Li says he’s a lot older than her and he’s still a believer, but if she’s not, then he guesses he should send all her presents back to the North Pole which causes a look of concern from Arianna.

Roman finds Kate at a table at the Brady Pub and asks her what’s wrong. Kate claims she’s fine but Roman tells her to talk to him. Kate reminds him that it’s the time of year when they had to send her son Philip away. Kate thought he would’ve progressed and released soon but when she called the hospital, they wouldn’t even let her talk to him because he had a major setback. Kate adds that the prison had a viral outbreak so Lucas can’t have any visitors. Kate says it’s bad enough that her kids aren’t with her on Christmas, but being cut off from the ones that need her the most is intolerable. Roman asks what he can do. Kate thanks him but says what matters most on Christmas is being with family. Kate guesses when Will called to say he was staying in California, it was a sign of things to come. Roman encourages that Allie is here so he offers to invite her and Henry over. Kate says she’s busy with Chanel and Paulina. Roman assures that she’d love to see her but Kate says not to do all that and that she just misses her family. Roman and Kate’s son Rex then arrives and surprises Kate, who excitedly greets him with a hug. Kate says this is so great and a surprise as she thought he had to stay in Chicago. Rex explains that he convinced his supervisor that he had more important work to do here as the FDA asked him to provide follow up data on the experimental drug they gave Kate a few months ago, to know that it’s safe. Kate points out that it saved her life. Roman asks what kind of data they are looking for. Rex says it’s just simple blood work. Roman asks if they have to worry about Kate’s health. Rex says it’s just a formality and that he has everything in his bag, so they could just knock it out right now. Kate asks what if she refuses.

Kristen sends Rachel to join her friend at the hot chocolate stand. Chloe questions Kristen about her and Brady being back together but not sleeping in the same room. Kristen claims they are just taking things slow, but getting more intimate each day. Chloe says that’s not the impression she got from Rachel. Kristen informs Chloe that Rachel wasn’t there when Brady planted a kiss on Sister Mary Moira because he thought she was her. Chloe asks if she’s saying that a nun got more action than she ever will. Kristen says that Brady is letting his guard down and it’s clear that he wants her. Kristen adds that she asked Brady what would happen next if it was her that he kissed. Kristen says the heat was off the charts and that they would’ve made love right then on the couch if John hadn’t walked in and ruined everything. Kristen assures that there will be another moment soon as she plans to ring in the New Year in Brady’s bed.

Brady tells Eric that everything he’s saying makes perfect sense except the part where he kidnaps his own daughter. Brady refuses to put Rachel through that kind of trauma. Eric argues that she’ll never know as they will let her believe that he’s going on a fun vacation with Uncle Eric. Eric says Rachel will have fun, Kristen will lose her mind, and then Rachel wil be home and they will have saved lives.

Wendy tells Stefan that they already talked about Jakarta the other day. Stefan feels they need to have their own separate conversation since she works for DiMera. Stefan understands it was Johnny’s idea but states that Wendy agreeing to it was egregiously irresponsible of her. Wendy responds that she knows what she did was wrong and she feels terrible about it. Stefan questions if she thought Li signing off on the expenses would lead to him not finding out how deceptive she had been. Stefan says being young and in love is great but he can’t understand putting her career and professional standing at risk, unless there’s another reason that she was in Jakarta.

Li gives Arianna a luck bracelet and talks about how lucky he will be to marry Gabi and also have Arianna in his life. Arianna acknowledges that she will have three dads and says that is special. Gabi declares that she’s the luckiest person in the world. Arianna hugs Li and thanks him for her gift. Gabi proclaims that this is going to be the best Christmas ever. Arianna plans to wear her bracelet to the wedding and says if it will bring her luck, she will wear it every day. Li brings up that New Year’s weddings are considered lucky in China. Arianna asks if Gabi will change her last name when they get married since Will and Sonny did not. Gabi is not sure and says she needs to think about it. Gabi mentions that Sonny will be there soon to pick her up and asks if she’s packed. Arianna says that she just needs to make sure her new bracelet matches all her outfits and goes to pack. Li tells Gabi that he doesn’t expect her to take his last name. Gabi talks about becoming a DiMera when she married Stefan and staying one when she thought he was dead, but now they are divorced and hate each other’s guts, so she can’t wait to feel like her own person again. Gabi asks how Gabriela Hernandez-Shin sounds. Li calls it perfect as they kiss.

Wendy asks Stefan what else she would have been doing in Jakarta. Johnny then comes downstairs and in to the living room. Johnny asks Wendy what she’s doing there. Wendy tells him that she was worried about him after the explosion. Johnny assures that he’s fine and apologizes for not calling her. Johnny says he’s also sorry that Stefan is giving her the third degree about their trip to Jakarta. Johnny tells Stefan that he was being impulsive and wanted to impress Wendy. Stefan asks if it did impress her. Wendy assures that it did and asks who wouldn’t be impressed. Johnny says now that his stellar first impression has been made, he can promise it won’t happen again. Stefan warns him to see that it doesn’t as he then exits the room.

Rex questions Kate not wanting him to draw her blood. Kate points out that she hasn’t had any setbacks, side effects, or any issues. Rex says that’s why he needs her blood to prove the drug is safe and it will also get the FDA off his back and allow him to keep his medical license. Kate then gives in and agrees to do it.

Chloe tells Kristen that it sounds like a lot of wishful thinking to her. Chloe knows that when it comes to Brady, she is completely deluded. Kristen questions why she cares so much since Chloe moved on from Brady in two seconds. Kristen says she hears things are getting serious with Chloe and Stefan, mentioning that they are jetting off to Miami for the New Year. Chloe questions who told her that. Kristen says it doesn’t matter but if all goes well, maybe this time next year she’ll be her sister in law and they’ll all be at the holiday table. Chloe bets that this time next year, Kristen will be back in prison for her countless felonies. Kristen argues that Brady knows she’s changed and that she makes him incredibly happy. Chloe asks why Brady stood her up for lunch then. Kristen claims he’s just running late. Chloe says she can tell herself that and advises Kristen to keep an eye on her daughter because she’s wandering off. Chloe remarks that given who her mother is, she can’t blame her. Kristen says she takes back what she said to Rachel about being nice on Christmas. Chloe states that she’d rather die than be across the holiday table from her. Kristen says that’s duly noted and walks away.

Brady tells Eric that he’s sorry but he’s not kidnapping his daughter on Christmas. Eric suggests doing it after then but Brady says it’s not happening ever. Eric questions letting Kristen torture him while Marlena, Kayla, and Kate relapse and possibly die. Brady reminds Eric that Kristen said she would supply the additional doses. Eric asks what if she doesn’t. Eric questions how long he’s going to rely on psycho to do the right thing or if he’s finally going to take control of his own life again for all of them. Brady questions who knew Eric could be so ruthless. Eric says he’s gotten nowhere in years, so he’s tired of being the victim and a doormat. Eric brings up Kristen raping and drugging him, so he has no obligation to show any mercy to her and they need to play hard ball. Eric asks if Brady is in or out.

Gabi thanks Li for being amazing with Arianna. Li says his father is not exactly the warm and fuzzy type, so he promised to be different with his children. Gabi mentions that they hadn’t really discussed if he wants kids of his own since she can’t have any more. Li tells her that she, Will, and Sonny are raising an amazing child, so being Arianna’s stepdad is all he needs. Arianna comes back in and asks about the cookies. Li points out that Gabi made some and he made some, so Arianna asks to test them to see which she likes better. Arianna declares that Li’s is the winner.

Johnny asks Wendy if she thinks Stefan is suspicious about why they went to Jakarta. Wendy responds that he’s definitely not happy that they went. Wendy admits she could hardly focus on a word he was saying because she felt so guilty about keeping this secret from him. Johnny says he’s right there with her. Wendy says she wanted to just blurt out that Dr. Rolf brainwashed Stefan in to hating Gabi, but he loves her. Wendy adds that telling Stefan that could change his whole life. Johnny points out that it would ruin EJ and Li’s lives. Wendy brings up that Li is marrying Gabi next week and part of her is excited because Li is so excited, but she can’t stop thinking about how none of this would be happening if Stefan knew how he really felt about Gabi.

Stefan joins Chloe in the town square. Chloe mentions running in to Kristen but says she doesn’t want to waste another minute talking about her.

Eric tells Brady that Kristen plays God with people’s lives and it’s wrong. Brady questions if kidnapping isn’t. Eric says he would only do it if Brady signed off on it. Kristen then comes home with Rachel and asks if they are interrupting.

Rex takes Kate’s blood and says she did great. Rex is grateful she’s doing so well and says he will run the samples to the hospital. Rex tells Kate and Roman that he loves them and exits. Kate asks Roman if he knew Rex was coming home. Roman admits he had no idea. Kate says she couldn’t be more happy. Roman mentions that Caroline always said family love is warmer at Christmas. Kate knows she said she was missing family, but says they have the family they are born in to and the family they chose. Kate is happy that they chose to be together again after all these years. Roman talks about never giving up on Kate and getting married when she was on her deathbed while now they are in it for the long haul as they kiss.

After Arianna leaves, Gabi tells Li that she can get started on wrapping presents. Li wants his reward for winning the cookie tasting contest, so they start kissing until Gabi gets a call from the seamstress about Arianna’s dress for the wedding. Gabi questions her and hangs up, then gets upset about it and storms out.

Stefan gives Chloe her Christmas present since she will be in New York tomorrow. Chloe thought they would wait until they were in Miami. Stefan explains that this one is time sensitive so Chloe opens it and it’s center stage opera tickets to Amahl and the Night Visitors. Chloe questions how he got these when it’s been sold out for months. Stefan calls it Christmas magic. Chloe calls it a wonderful and thoughtful gift, but notes that there are five tickets. Stefan explains that it’s for Chloe, Nancy, Parker, and Joy while the fifth could be for Mike if Nancy wants to take a date or Craig, or if they have plans then Chloe can take him. Chloe questions Stefan not having plans in Salem. Stefan jokes about the dysfunctional DiMeras. Stefan thought they could spend Christmas in New York with her family and then fly down to Miami. Chloe points out that this is his first Christmas since coming back from the dead. Stefan responds that being in the DiMera Mansion after everything that happened at Susan’s memorial service might be a little too much. Stefan adds that if Chloe doesn’t want him tagging along, she can just say the word.

Brady says he and Eric were just discussing their holiday plans. Rachel runs up and hugs Eric, asking him about what he got her for Christmas. Kristen reminds Brady that he was supposed to meet them for lunch. Brady says he got to talking to Eric and lost track of time, but that she could’ve texted him. Kristen informs him that they had an unpleasant interaction with Chloe, so they decided to come home. Kristen tells Brady about Chloe and Stefan going off to Miami for New Year’s. Brady turns and exchanges looks with Eric.

Wendy tells Johnny that they can try to rationalize it but deep down, they know what is happening is wrong. Johnny argues that they agreed to keep quiet because they don’t want to hurt EJ and Li. Wendy is still sick over what they did in brainwashing Stefan. Johnny knows it’s a big secret to keep. Wendy points out that now they are lying by saying they went to Jakarta because they are romantically involved. Wendy says EJ and Li know the truth, but everyone else thinks they are dating. Johnny guesses there’s no reason to pretend any longer and suggests they could fake break up.

Chloe questions Stefan not minding dealing with her crazy family. Stefan says it will be a blast, so Chloe says she would love for him to come to New York with her. Stefan thanks her and says he’s excited to see Parker again. Stefan mentions getting him a gift too which Chloe calls very thoughtful of him. Chloe thanks him and they start kissing right as Gabi and Li walk up and see them.

Kate tells Roman that she had sent all of Rex’s Christmas presents to Chicago. Roman says seeing her healthy is the only gift he needs. Kate insists that everyone needs presents on Christmas and that some special people get to open some on Christmas Eve as she gives Roman an envelope. Kate notes that he has others but this is the big one. Roman opens the envelope which is a trip to Zurich to see Austin, Carrie, and Noah. Kate thought he would be happy. Roman reveals that he loves it, so much that he got her the exact same thing.

Rachel shows Eric the mistletoe that she made at school for Brady and Kristen. Rachel says if they stand under it, they have to kiss. Eric points out that’s only if it’s a real mistletoe. Rachel says nobody told her that, so now she has to go find a real mistletoe and leaves the room. Eric remarks that Kristen sure trained her well. Kristen argues that it’s only natural for a child to want their parents together and claims she hasn’t done anything to encourage it. Eric doesn’t believe that for a second. Kristen asks if Eric doesn’t have enough to deal with in his own love life to be butting in to their love life. Brady clarifies that they do not have a love life. Kristen argues that they are getting closer every day and becoming a family again. Kristen knows family means everything to Brady and he’d never want to do anything to let them down…

Wendy questions Johnny suggesting they fake break up and asks if he means pretending they don’t like each other anymore. Johnny says they’ll have to stage a couple fights to make it believable in front of Allie, Chanel, Stefan, and Gabi. Wendy responds that she doesn’t want to do that and thinks it would be easier to just keep doing what they are doing now. Johnny agrees and then gets Wendy a Christmas present. Wendy feels bad as she didn’t get anything for him. Johnny explains that he was just walking by the other day, saw this, and it reminded her of him. Johnny says most of what he told Stefan was not true, but he is a little impulsive at times and maybe he did want to impress her a little bit. Wendy opens it and it’s a wrap shawl which Johnny helps her put on as they get close.

Stefan and Chloe continue kissing until noticing Gabi and Li walk up. Gabi says they have a wedding attire emergency to attend to. Chloe points out that next time they see them, they will be husband and wife. Li notes that the wedding isn’t until next week. Stefan explains that they are flying to New York tonight and then to Miami. Gabi remarks that it’s too bad they won’t be there to see them become man and wife, but she’s sure there will be plenty of pictures online so they can see what they missed. Chloe congratulates them and says they wish them the best. Gabi and Li then walk off.

Kate tells Roman that great minds think alike and at least their gifts didn’t cancel each other out and shows how much they love each other. Kate decides they will just take two trips to Zurich, Roman likes the idea as they kiss until Rex returns to the Pub. Kate asks Rex if she has a clean bill of health. Rex points out that it’s the holidays so they won’t have the results for a few days. Kate guesses if she has to worry all through Christmas. Rex assures that everything is fine. Roman then calls for egg nog and declares that they have a lot to celebrate so they are starting now.

Brady tells Kristen that she knows he would never let his family down. Kristen remarks that his loyalty is more critically important than they will ever know. Kristen then goes to check on Rachel. Eric asks Brady if he still wants to tell him that Kristen won’t put the screws to him before turning over the orchid and that’s if she does. Eric warns that Kristen is going to have them under her thumb until they do something about it. Brady then hates to admit it but Rachel is the best leverage he’s got, so he has to use it. Eric promises that Rachel will be safe the entire time and assures this will be the best thing for her too. Brady then agrees to do it.

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Days Opinion Article 12/22/22

Opinion Article


by Marlene  12/22/22

Victor and Maggie in "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

This is another wonderful week ending for Days. The past year has shown many changes to the show, and many characters have left. First there were Ben and Ciara, who are sailing the world with their son. Then Abigail was killed off, which for some viewers was very sad, since many fans have grown up with Abigail. Then Jake was killed off, and his brother Stefan returned from the dead. Susan Banks was also killed off. Of course, the saddest is that John Aniston will not be back, due to his real-life death.

Relationships in Salem don’t last very long, and some of the characters are being blamed for their actions. Nicole is a very fickle character and forever changing her men, like some people change their toothbrush. Eric is into the blaming game and does not really want to take responsibility for his own actions. He chose to be with Jada, even though he was still in love with Nicole. He blamed Nicole for Jada’s choice in ending her pregnancy. Brady’s decision to break-up with Chole was due to Kristen blackmailing him because of the Orchid she has in her possession, which would save Marlena, Kate and Kayla. This leaves viewers to believe that he is passive and fearful of psycho Kristen (a woman he loved, not too long ago.

The only real love relationship in Days lately is with Alex and Stephanie (both fairly new actors/characters). They bring a new breath of fresh air to bloom. With the New Year, viewers would appreciate seeing more lasting love relationships that are stable, and more family involvement. Also, many old time viewers want Days to be brought back to NBC. With the rising prices and inflation, it’s very hard for many to pay for the long-time soap that they’ve been so loyal and devoted to. Either way, let’s hope for a great year for the show!


Alex and Stephanie in "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, December 22, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stefan answered the door at the DiMera mansion. It was Wendy. She said she was there to check on Johnny. Stefan asked her about Jakarta. He said he didn’t understand why she put her career on the line. He asked if there was another reason why she was there. Johnny showed up and said he was being impulsive for why they went to Jakarta. He said he wanted to impress her. Stefan told him not to let it happen again. Stefan left them alone. They were upset that they have to keep lying. One of the lies they mentioned was that they are dating. He said they could pretend to break up. She said it would be better to keep the lie going. He agreed to keep dating. He gave her a gift. Kristen and Rachel saw Chloe in the Square. Rachel was rude to Chloe. Kristen told Rachel that they should be kind even to people who stole things that don’t belong to them. Rachel apologized to Chloe. Rachel asked when she was going to get her wish of her parents getting back together. Rachel said they don’t sleep in the same room. Kristen sent her to get hot chocolate. While Rachel was gone, Kristen and Chloe get into an argument.

At John and Marlena’s apartment, Brady told Eric that his suggestion to kidnap Rachel was crazy. Eric said it was crazy that Kristen had his mother’s life in her hands. He said she had too much power and had to be stopped. Brady said that was true, but he wasn’t going to put Rachel through the trauma of being kidnapped. Eric said she would never know. He said she would think that she was going on vacation with him. He said Kristen would lose her mind while Rachel was having fun in the sun. He said Brady could get the orchid. Brady said he didn’t know Eric could be so ruthless. Eric said he was tired of being the victim. He said Kristen drugged and raped him, so he didn’t want to show her mercy. He said he would only go through with the plan if Brady was okay with it. Kristen showed with Rachel. Kristen told him Stefan and Chloe were going to Miami for New Years. Brady and Kristen argued with each other. When they were finished, Kristen took Rachel to her room. Eric told Brady that Kristen would keep them under her thumb if they didn’t do something. Brady said he hated to admit it, but Rachel was the best leverage he had over Kristen. Eric said she would be safe the entire time. Brady agreed to do it.

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GH Transcript Thursday, December 22, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Brook Lynn: Good evening, everyone. I know you’re all anxious for the main event to begin, and the concert will start in just a matter of minutes. But first, we will announce the results of our ugly christmas sweater contest. And look who we have here — our first runner-up, detective dante falconeri. Let’s give this guy a big round of applause.

[ Applause ] Okay. When did you enter the contest? I didn’T. I don’t know what she’s talking about. This is my favorite sweater.

[ Chuckles ] I didn’t think you’d come. Neither did I. But dante informed me that the ccrb may be reviewing my case in a few months. Thanks to your letter or whatever else you did. Which was what, exactly?

[ Sighs ] Looks like brook lynn pulled it off. Yeah, just in the saint nick of time.

[ Laughs ] You get it? Yeah. Your holiday humor is on point.

[ Chuckles ] Look who it is. Mrs. Claus. Oh, with my trusted assistant elf. That’s me. Like we practiced. Merry christmas.

[ Gasps ] Thank you. Hey, I just got home, and I’m getting everything ready. “Christina comes home for christmas” will be all set when you get here. So text me when you leave trina’s, okay?

[ Doorbell rings ] Love you. Avery: Merry christmas, mama carly!

[ Laughing ] Oh, my goodness! Spencer. What — merry christmas. You said you were leaving town. Because I was going to. I thought that there was nothing here for me anymore. And I was wrong. But if you want me to go, just say the words and I’ll leave you alone.

Jingle hell, jingle hell, jingle all the way

so much pain nik will feel when daddy comes to slay, hey!

[ Chuckles ] What do you think, ace? A solid plan? I know it’s risky, but… we’ve got to do whatever we can to get out of here. Doesn’t starting the new year off with our real family sound wonderful? And who would that be? A perfect fit. Oh. Buck up, santa. Bad attitudes get bupkis under the tree.

[ Quietly ] And this year, our christmas lists have one thing in common. Justice for our little girl and pain for everyone who dared hurt her. Still no bars. Great.

[ Vehicle approaches ]

Hey, thank you for stopping. Um, actually, I-I figured it out. So I don’t need any help. And I’m sure that you have somewhere that you need to be. So… here’s good. Okay, I get it. This is the definition of “should have called first.” I’m sorry for the intrusion. Shoes off. Are you drunk? You never talk about your family. You never ask. If it’s not about the baby or my supposed “crime spree,” you’re not interested. No adoptive family to pine for. They’re gone. Thanks for the reminder. Yeah. Your biological family, they’re — they’re a mystery. So what’s left? Chosen family? Close friends that are searching for you, who would move heaven and earth to find you? Is that so impossible to believe? In a word, yes. As far as I can tell, the only person who gives a damn about you is…me. How sad is that? The man whose life you dismantled is the closest thing that you have to family. Oh, so you give a damn about me, huh? And how would, um, ava react to you talking like that? Wouldn’t you like to know. Oh, I think I do. You should be with your wife right now, or at least attempting to woo her back. And instead, you’re here half drunk and lording your power over me. Tell me, nikolas. Did ava finally wise up and cut you loose for good? Carly: Oh, I’m so happy to see you! Is santa outside? Why? Because you are the best present he could have ever brought me.

[ Laughs ] Santa’s busy tonight. He sure is. Well, we were just on our way to the gingerbread jam and thought we’d pop by for a visit. Do you have time for some hot cocoa? Do we, mommy? I think we can squeeze it in. Yay! Double yay! Run in the kitchen. It’s all set up.

[ Sighs ] Thank you. Well, I-I was just accommodating avery’s wishes. Take your time. I’ll be in the car. Ava. Why don’t you join us? Or don’T. You know I’m not going to say please. Mac: Hey. Hey. Oh, hey. We missed the judging? Yeah. How is that an ugly sweater? Uh, thank you, felicia. That’s what I was saying. Apparently, you were robbed. I put a lot of time and effort into this sweater. Too much time and effort, one might say.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Well, I think you look great. This is where you say “thank you.” Sorry. Duty calls. Oh. Now, that truly is one of the ugliest sweaters I’ve ever seen. Oh, yeah. Isn’t it? I didn’t know the review board was revisiting your case. Considering revisiting. Chase, this is amazing. It could be. But I have a hunch your letter alone wasn’t enough to seal the deal. I didn’t even know they read the letter. W-what’s with the third degree? Isn’t this what you wanted? Of course it’s what I wanted. I’m just trying to figure — chase and blaze were supposed to be onstage 10 minutes ago. Is this happening or not? Because if it isn’t, you can kiss our partnership and all your precious songs goodbye.

Donna, this is absolutely beautiful. Did you do this yourself? Daddy helped. Oh, daddy helped. Oh, let me guess what part you did. The glitter. How do you know? Because you still are wearing some of it. Ah. And you, young lady, how about you do me a favor and help me find the perfect spot for this, okay, on my tree later on? I want it front and center.

[ Laughs ] Hey, why don’t you put this on the tree, too? Or I can eat it. Oh. Or that. But you’d better ask your dad first. Yeah, yeah. It’s christmas eve. You can have a candy cane. Uh, you know what? She wanted to, uh, go see the reindeer, so… I would be delighted. All right.

[ Chuckles ] Here, this way.

[ Sighs ] Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived. Please help me welcome to the stage two of music’s fastest rising stars, chase and blaze!

[ Cheers and applause ] Hello, port charles! Thanks for coming out. We’re excited to be here. That’s right. We’ve got a lot of holiday tunes coming your way. But before that — our new song drops tonight. But guess who gets to hear it first?

[ Cheers and applause ]

That’s right. That’s right. Are you guys ready? Let’s do this. Yes. Keep me close when you go far away keep this light to see you through together: Close your eyes to find a better way buried deep to something true and I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you and all the stars are shining in your eyes could we find a place beyond the lies? I’ll be here when you return ’cause I’ll find a way I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you I’ll find a way I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you find a way to you I’ll find a way I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you find a way to you I’ll find a way I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you and hope won’t change what won’t return but I’ll take a chance so please don’t turn away I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you I’ll find a way you okay? Yeah, I’m fine. What are you doing here? Tailing you. Wow. You’re not even going to try to come up with another excuse? Why bother? Hey, does — does this hurt? Um… a little. You sure you’re okay? Yes, I’m fine. Something you’re not going to be when sonny finds out about this. I’ll handle it. And if there’s a meat hook involved? Better me on a hook than a hook in you. Spencer: Where is everybody? Trina: Watching a movie. Wow. You guys really went all-out with the christmas decorations. Um, my mom, marshall, and curtis went all out. This isn’t the norm for a robinson christmas, believe me. Makes sense, though, right? First christmas in a new house. Got to go big. They’re trying to make things better for me. After, uh, rory, you mean. I appreciate the effort, but — it didn’t work?

[ Sighs ] Don’t say anything, okay? I’m not gonna. I played along and pretended to be in the spirit. But, honestly, my only wish for this christmas is to wake up and have these last few days just be a bad dream. Past few years for me. I would change everything. Everything? Except coming back to port charles. Because then I wouldn’t have met you. I’ll find a way I’ll find a way I’ll find a way to you

[ Cheers and applause ] Uh, I know it’s christmas eve. Oh, but something’s come up? I got to cut out early. Oh — dante: Hey, what’s going on? You get a break on cabrera? Dante, enjoy the night off. What is it? Is it the earring? See you later. Hopefully under the mistletoe. Actually, you’re coming with me. I am? But if this is police business — partly. It’s also personal. We do have a lead on rory’s murder. It goes back to you. And ryan chamberlain.

Pulled dna offthe earring found on rory. Dante: So you got a hit? A woman named gloria wilson. What? That’s — that’s someone you — you know? Uh, it’s ryan’s ex-wife. Okay, so what — what are we saying, that she’s working with esme now? Is she a suspect? She can’t be. Why not? She’s dead. I witnessed her murder. She died. Ryan killed her 30 years ago. How does an earring from one victim of a serial killer end up connected to another victim of a serial killer three decades later? That’s a good question. Well, there’s only one way to get answers. Actually, I think I may have changed my mind. Ah, too late. Like you said, this is personal. You guys were incredible. Could you feel the energy out here? Uh, you were a little pitchy. Thanks. And we need to talk wardrobe. I said santa’s mistress, not santa’s mother-in-law. Come on.

[ Speaking indistinctly ] I can’t wait for that sleaze to be canceled. Yeah, I hear that. So, does this mean what I think it means? You willing to give us another shot? Um… got a lead on the hook. What are you still doing here? Go.

[ Grunts ] Josslyn: Hey. You get service? Um, a few bars show up like 50 yards down. Um, the tow’s on its way. Listen, you don’t have to wait here with me. Tow truck’s going to get here. It’s freezing. What are you doing? You said you were cold. Well, yeah, but, I-I mean, I-I meant I didn’t want you to be cold. Here. You know, if I want you to take your clothes off, you’ll know. Yeah? How so? I’m very direct that way. I like that about you. You say what’s on your mind, what you’re feeling. Except for when you’re not sure. Excuse me. I am fully in touch with all of my feelings. If you say so. I do say so. Care to test that? Walkie talkies?

[ Laughs ] Yeah. ‘Cause you’re too young for a phone. Yeah, much too young. And anyway, these are more fun because only people who know your secret frequency can talk to you. Well, go, give it a try. Oh, wait. Leave one for me!

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ] Supposed to snow tonight. Uh-huh. Does sonny have avery tomorrow? He does. Hm. Well, that’s all I got.

[ Scoffs ] I told you I’d wait in the car. Yeah, so you could call nina and you guys could talk about me. No. Oh, no. We avoid the subject of you like the plague.

[ Scoffs ] Nikolas, then. Oh. Is there trouble in paradise? Wow. And after you reveled in my divorce. Yeah, I know. Karma is indeed a bitch. I didn’t think I’d live to see the day. Drop it. Oh, has it hit the society pages yet? Ryan: Time’s running out. You need to recommit yourself to the task. Destroying ava and nikolas.

[ Quietly ] Daddy will be so pleased. Nikolas: What did you say? I asked who gets the house. What part of “drop it” is confusing to you? Oh. Don’t worry, ace. Your father’s not mad at you. He’s mad at himself. He has a bad habit of miscalculating. Like when he locked your mother up in here as if she was the boogeyman. You know, I’m not. You’ll figure that out when someone else dies, and you’ll have only yourself to blame. Spencer: I’m so sorry about rory. Yeah. Me, too. I’ve heard from pretty much everyone what a good guy he was. And he obviously meant a lot to you.

[ Sighs ] It’s still so weird to hear people talk about him in the past tense. Sorry. Don’t be. You’re right. He was here, and now he’s gone. Because of me. Trina, no. If he had never met me, he’d still be alive. I’m to blame. It’s my fault. I brought esme to port charles. I-I-I put you in her path. You’re trying to help, and I’m grateful. But esme being caught is the only thing that will make this right. Not better — but right. I agree, esme deserves to be brought to justice. And if the police won’t do it, then I will. Merry christmas. It’s the least I could do after you took such good care of our daughter. Don’t worry that you didn’t get me anything. Those bedroom eyes are gift enough. Besides, didn’t spend a dime on it. Well? Aren’t you going to open it?

[ Laughs ] Just kidding. You are going to jump for joy when you see what is inside this. Oh, but, oops. You can’t, can you?

[ Chuckles ] Besides, we don’t want all the loons around here getting jealous. Mac: Pcpd. Yeah, we’re here to see one of your guests. Felicia: Talk about a generous description. Heather, step away from ryan. Yeah. Maybe you can tell us what you were doing with him.

Okay, I’m ready to give this another try, because no matter what happened, linc needs to be stopped. Yes. Chase, you have no idea how happy this makes me — hey, hang on, ’cause I-I want to be really, really clear. When I say give this another try, I mean our business partnership. Nothing more. So, my goal… mm-hmm. …Is not to be a downer tonight. That’s impossible. With what happened to rory, it just makes me think about J. Makes sense. And it’s not lost that it must be really difficult for you to think about your son putting his life on the line every day. Maybe I deserve it, considering what I put people through over the years. Mnh-mnh. Tell you what. Why don’t we go, you know, to all saints on the way home and light a candle for your brother? Yeah. And for dante. Done. And is that mac scorpio under all that scruff? Meow. He’s taken. Oh, the aztec princess herself. It is such an honor to be in the presence of royalty. Do you know who that is? Well, of course. Ryan chamberlain’s practically the mayor in these parts. I’m just a volunteer fill-in while his orderly’s off the clock. That’s great. Then you can translate, yeah? Lose something? The whole reason that esme came after you is because she knows that hurting you means hurting me. And now she’s coming after the people who are closest to you. The people who stood in your corner and who defended you, all due credit to ava and diane. But you were my biggest defender. And esme hates me for it. I’m her biggest target. Well, if esme wants me, she can have me.

[ Vehicle approaching ] Oh. Sorry. Um, don’t be. No, I-I mean it. I shouldn’t have complicated things.

[ Sighs ] Would you stop? I don’t need you making excuses for my choices. No, that’s not what I meant. I’m — thank you so much for coming. So, what did you ask santa for? Will he still bring it if I tell? I think you’re thinking of birthday wishes. Those are supposed to be kept secret. Christmas is different. But you do not have to tell me if you don’t want to. I asked santa to bring you a happy new year. Your christmas wish was for me?

[ Sighs ] Donna, that is the kindest, most generous thing. Thank you, sweetie. I really hope santa comes through. So do I. Hey, you want to get some cocoa? With extra marshmallows. Yes.

[ Laughs ] I’m a little confused right now. I thought — we had an agreement. I promised to help you get your songs back from linc, and I’m keeping that promise. But that’s it. That’s as far as this goes. But the letter, your second chance with the ccrb, doesn’t that give us a second chance, too? I appreciate what you did for me. And, yeah, that is why I’m here tonight. But that doesn’t change the fact that you played god with my future. That’s a little bit of an overstatement. I disagree. You took away my agency, brook lynn. You made choices without consulting me about my own life. I’m so sorry. I know you are. Then can’t we get past this? Go back to the way things were? No. We can’T. Don’t hold back celebrating on my account. I just can’t believe nikolas cheated on you. Multiple times, with multiple women, as a matter of fact. Wow. I thought nikolas was smarter than that. I’m really sorry. So am I. Avery:

[ Through walkie talkie ] Mommy? You just have to push that button — I know how it works.

[ Walkie talkie beeps ] Hi, sweetheart.

Does it work?

[ Walkie talkie beeps ] Yeah — yes, yes, it’s working. Now, why don’t you come back in here? It’s time for us to go to the gingerbread jam. Oh, and — and what do you say to carly?

Thank you, mama carly! You’re welcome, sweetheart. Well, that’S… a very thoughtful gift. Thank you. And merry christmas, carly. Merry christmas, ava. And, uh, have a happy new year, if I don’t see you. God knows I can’t wait for this one to be over. Here’s hoping for a fresh start for all of us. “Didn’t jordan tell you? No ava, no info.” W-what does that mean? Dante: Oh, man. A cop is dead, you son of a bitch. Talk — now. You need to take a break. Aw, come on. He’s messing with us. Can’t you see that? That’s an order, detective. You know damn well this was your ex-wife’S. It was found on the person of rory cabrera. One of port charles’ finest. Right after he succumbed to wounds inflicted by a serial killer who we believe to be esme prince. You remember esme, right? One of your former confidants in here? Your room is being tossed as we speak. Uh, you can just waltz in and do that? Inmates’ rights are limited at best, but I’m sure you know that already. If there’s evidence connecting you to esme and the murders, they’ll find it. Mac: And even if there isn’t, I’m putting all this before a judge. You’re up to your ears in this case, buddy. When mac is through with you, you are going to d’archam for the rest of your sorry life. I’ll create a situation so tempting that esme won’t be able to resist. She’ll come for me, but I’ll be ready. Are you insane? You’re not baiting that maniac. Trina, it’s not your call. No, it’s jordan’S. You’d rat me out? Beats burying you, don’t you think? Trina, this will work. All I have to do is lure esme out of hiding, and it’ll work because I’ll be prepared this time. No, you’re not putting a bullseye on yourself! She is not going to have the element of surprise anymore. Lure esme out how? I don’t know. I haven’t gotten that far yet. But I will, and it will be inspired. Tell me that you think that this is a good idea. It has potential. Thank you. But it’s missing one key factor. What? Me. How nice that you find such pleasure in my misfortune. No one is keeping you here… unlike me. If you don’t like my attitude, leave. Well, excuse me for checking in. You have demetrius for that. Well, you’re not carrying demetrius’ child. I needed to see for myself that you’re all right. Do I look all right, nikolas? It’s freezing in here. I sleep in moth-eaten linens. I have no one to talk to except for the baby. About what? I’m sorry? What do you talk to the baby about? Since when do you care? You’re bored. You want real conversation. I-I’m here. You’re only here because you have nowhere else to go and certainly no one else to talk to.

[ Chuckles ] And you call me sad.

[ Door opens ] Esme: No, really think about it. The closest thing you have to companionship is your prisoner.

[ Laughing ]

Oh, I was getting so worried about you. Hi, dex. Um, dex — dex took over for steve. And I was having car trouble, so he gave me a ride home. Thank you for that. No problem. You didn’t start the movie, right? I would never start the movie without you. I’m gonna go get the popcorn, okay? Okay. Merry christmas. Back at you. Thanks again. Any time. Hopefully sooner rather than later. You alone aren’t enough bait. But you and me together? Pretending to turn to each other after rory’s death? Esme won’t be able to help herself. Absolutely not. Why? Because it’s dangerous. Oh, okay. So you can take risks, but not me. Mm-hmm. Come on. You have to admit it’s a good idea. It has potential. But I still don’t like it. So what’s the alternative, spencer? Do nothing and let someone else suffer as a result? Come on. You know we’re stronger together. This is so not what I had in mind when I came over here. I thought you came here to be my friend, to try to make me feel better. Of course I did. Then… mission accomplished. So are you in, or what? Your window of opportunity is rapidly closing. Give up esme before we nail her and she gives you up. Don’t be fooled. Ryan is dangerous, even shut in here. Tread carefully. Oh, well, thank you. And feliz navidad, your highness. Is it your majesty? No — your highness. Uh, what are you — I also turned up the heat, so don’t say that I’ve never done anything for you.

[ Mutters indistinctly ] As for lonely, you don’t know the meaning of the word yet. But you will discover it on cassadine island. Merry christmas.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ] That earring was on the chain you pilfered from me years ago. Hey. Just for that, I’m not giving you your present. You still have that chain, don’t you? Silent night holy night all is calm all is bright round yon virgin mother and child together: Holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace silent night, holy night all is calm, all is bright round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, December 20, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Sharon. Hey. I have been in here so many times since I moved back to town. How is it that I have not seen you?

Sharon: I guess I’ve just been lucky.

Tucker: [Laughs] I guess my coffee’s gonna come with a little spice today, is it?

Sharon: I’ve heard that you picked up right where you left off — crashing summer and Kyle’s vow renewal, circling all of the Genoa City businesses like a vulture.


Tucker: Ah, thank you. Yeah, uh, Ashley and I have been getting reacquainted.

[ Sniffs ] At first, she was as wary of me as you are, but I think I’m winning her over.

Sharon: And how on earth have you managed to do that?

Tucker: Uh, it hasn’t been easy. I’ve convinced her that I’m a changed man.

Sharon: Oh. Are you?

Tucker: [Chuckling] Yeah. I had a near-death experience recently, and, uh, it made me reevaluate my priorities. And so now I’m concentrating on those people who matter the most to me — Ashley, Devon, Dominic.

Sharon: Hmm. Somehow I just don’t find that completely plausible.

Tucker: Based on what?

Sharon: Well, a few years ago I got my degree in psychology, and I actually…

Tucker: Did you really?

Sharon: …Work as a therapist now. Yeah, and it’s given me very good insight into people.

Tucker: Analyze me. Come on. Let’s — let’s hear it. I think it’s gonna be challenging for you.

Sharon: I don’t think that you are as complicated as you think you are.

Tucker: Mm.

Sharon: You think you’re the smartest one around, and that’s why you believe that we’re all gonna buy what you’re selling.

Tucker: Well, my car crash is a matter of public record. You could just look that up yourself.

Sharon: Well, I don’t think you’re lying about that, but real, long-lasting change — that usually doesn’t come in an instant, from one traumatic experience. It takes work, Tucker.

Tucker: I’ve done the work. I spent a little time in an ashram.

Sharon: Ooh! Well, I bet that impressed Ashley.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, December 19, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Mariah: Hey, mom, is this the box you were looking for?

Sharon: Oh, yay! You found it! That is full of all my favorite holiday keepsakes.

Mariah: Uh, surely you can’t mean this old thing.

Sharon: Uh, yeah! Who wouldn’t love a holiday musical light-up tv?

Tessa: Ooh, that’s a favorite?

Sharon: Yeah!

Mariah: Mom, it’s so corny, and it only works, like, half the time.

Sharon: Okay, it is not Christmas unless that is prominently displayed somewhere for everyone to see.

Mariah: Uh, except it’s kind of an eyesore.

Sharon: No, don’t say that. Nick gave it to me when we spent our first Christmas together. And he meant it as a joke, and it always made me laugh.

Mariah: Well, that is just like him, making dad jokes before he was even a dad.


Chelsea: I know what you’re doing here. You came to check in on me.

Chloe: No. I mean, can’t a friend just want to hang out with her bestie?

Chelsea: And shouldn’t you be home with your family, getting ready to celebrate the holidays?

Chloe: Honestly, I just needed a moment away from Miles yanking the ornaments off of the tree. And Bella is still singing the song she did at her Christmas pageant.

Chelsea: Aww, that’s sweet.

Chloe: Yeah, the first thousand times. I love my daughter’s little angelical voice, but if I hear that song one more time, I swear I’m going… so, you would actually be doing me a favor in giving me a quiet sanctuary.

Chelsea: Well, then, by all means, come in.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: To be honest with you, I’m taking a holiday from the holiday music, as well. So, let’s just sit back, relax, and enjoy Esther’s delicious pastry.

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GH Short Recaps Thursday, December 22, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Chase and Blaze sing their song that was released today for the crowd at the Gingerbread Jam. Brook Lynn apologizes to Chase again for not telling him that Dante wanted her to write a letter to the Civilian Review Board. Brook Lynn also tells Chase she is sorry that the letter she wrote for the Civilian Review board didn’t make it to the board members in time for the Civilian Review Board hearing. Chase tells Brook Lynn he will help her get the rights to her songs back from Linc, but he can’t forgive her for playing God with his life. Chase also makes it clear that they only have a business relationship not a personal relationship.

Josslyn is stopped at the side of the road because she has car trouble and Dex arrives to help her because he was following behind her car. Josslyn tells Dex that she already called a tow truck, so Dex waits for the tow truck with her. Dex and Josslynn have one of their arguments about nothing and they end up kissing until the tow truck arrives to take the car. Dex drives Josslyn home and she gets home in time to watch a movie with Carly.

Spencer tells Trina he is going to make himself bait so they can catch Esme and get justice for Rory. Trina tells Spencer that his plan will work better if they make Esme think that she turned to him for comfort after Rory’s death.

Dante and Mac get a lead about Rory’s killer. The DNA found on the earring belonged to Ryan Chamberlain’s former wife Gloria, who he killed in front of Felicia years ago. Mac, Dante, and Felicia head to Spring Ridge to talk to Ryan with Heather interpreting Ryan’s eye blinking. Ryan tells Mac, Dante and Felicia that he doesn’t know how the Hook Killer got the earring. Once Mac, Dante and Felicia, are gone, he tells Heather that the earring was part of the charm necklace that she took from him that contained souvenirs from all the people that he killed. Ryan wants to ask Heather more questions, but she takes away the present she gave him which she never opened because Mac came to visit. Heather tells Ryan she will give him his present back when he stops being mean to her.

A drunken Nikolas spends time with Esme who tells him she is lonely. Nikolas tells Esme she should enjoy Christmas because she will be lonelier when he takes her to Spoon Island.

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Y&R Update Thursday, December 22, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Update written by Barbara

Sitting on a bench sipping coffee, Sally listens as Nick tells her how inquisitive Christian has become about Santa Claus. She opens up about her childhood and what it was like growing up with parents who were carnival workers, traveling from small town to small town, sleeping in tents and basically being nomads. She also tells him that her parents eventually abandoned her and her sister, Coco, and they were raised by their “grams.” She mentions that she is named after her great aunt, Sally, who was a legend in the fashion world.

Nick hangs on her every word and is sad for what Sally experienced. She lets him know that she does not feel sorry for herself because her past made her “scrappy”. As snow begins to fall, Nick puts his arm around her and they kiss.  After taking another sip of her coffee, Sally has an uncomfortable look on her face and says that the coffee isn’t agreeing with her. When Nick goes to throw away their cups, she puts her hands around her stomach.

Billy brings Johnny over to Chelsea’s apartment so Johnny can exchange Christmas gifts with her. Connor comes out of his bedroom, the boys start to talk video gaming, and Johnny offers to help Connor get to the next level of what they’ve been playing.

Adam shows up because he is going out to dinner with Connor and Chelsea. Connor invites Johnny to join them. Billy is hesitant about letting him go so Chelsea suggests that Billy come along.  Billy turns down Chelsea’s invitation, but Johnny says he hopes he can still go since he’s helping Connor master a video game. Billy fine with it and gives permission for Johnny to go out to dinner with Connor, Chelsea and Adam.

While the boys put on their jackets, Adam lets Billy know that he knows his sister well enough to be aware that she will not be on board with letting Johnny spend time with Chelsea.

Turns out Adam is right about Victoria because when Billy tells her that Johnny is going out to dinner with his bio mom, Connor and Adam, she freaks. Billy says he doesn’t see anything harmful about the situation because they agreed to let Johnny take the lead and this is what he wants.

Victoria remains very uneasy, so Billy takes her over to Society, where Johnny is enjoying himself, laughing and having fun with Connor, Chelsea and Adam.

Chelsea invites Billy and Victoria to join them, and Adam pulls up another chair.

At the Abbott house, Daniel stops by with Christmas presents and enjoys spending time with his sister and Kyle.  He asks what they’re doing for the holiday season and all they tell him is that that they’re having a Christmas “adventure” with Harrison.

Daniel opens up about the deal he made with Chancellor-Winters to develop up a gaming platform with the company. When asked about Heather and Lucy, Daniel remains mum about what has happened between them.

Back at his suite, Daniel is unable to concentrate with work on his laptop so he opens the mini bar and gets one of the tiny bottles of alcohol and swigs it down. He sits down on the bed and watches the snow fall outside the window, looking sad and lonely. It doesn’t last long, though because there’s a knock on the door. When Daniel opens it, his father, Danny is standing there and they share a warm embrace.

When Kyle, Summer and Harrison arrive at the cabin, Diane is nowhere to be found. She eventually returns, mentioning that she wanted to go for a walk in the snow. Harrison calls out “DiDi” and races over to her excitedly. Diane is in seventh heaven being able to spend the evening decorating the Christmas tree that Harrison picked out. Kyle tells Harrison that putting a star on the top of the tree is a tradition and a special honor. Harrison is enthused so Kyle lifts him up so he can put the star  on the top of the tree.

Back at Jeremy’s hotel suite, he expresses his anger toward Jack because he thinks that Jack may have led him on a wild goose chase to find Diane. Jack covers and chalks it up to Diane simply being very good at disappearing.

He starts urging Jeremy to take the cash he is offering him, but Jeremy refuses. This causes Jack to double the offer up to a million dollars and promise to get the remainder to Jeremy the day after Christmas. Jeremy appears to capitulate, telling Jack that he will keep the $500,000 and stay in Genoa City long enough to get the other half. Jack makes a point of mentioning the importance of taking the full million and staying out of prison.

After Jack leaves and Jeremy is alone, he grins slyly , while Jack has a look of discomfort as he walks down the hallway to leave the hotel.

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GH Short Recaps Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

The residents of Port Charles celebrate Christmas Eve with a lot of love and a little sadness.

Austin and Maxie break up because Maxie thinks their relationship moved to fast. Marie tells Austin that she can’t be with a man who keeps secrets from her.

Trina thinks that if Rory hadn’t met her he would still be alive. Josslyn helps Trina realize that the only person responsible for Rory’s death is the person who killed him. Josslyn also tells Trina that Rory would want her to remember him, but he would want her to be happy.

Alexis advises Spencer to find something that makes him happy and hang on to it so that whatever makes him happy can keep him from getting pulled into the Cassadine family’s schemes. Spencer heads to Trina’s house and wishes her a merry Christmas.

Chase and Finn are both sad about their relationships breaking up, but they pretend to be happy so Violet can have a happy Christmas Eve.

Dante tells Chase that the Civilian Review Board has decided to review his case again in January because of Brook Lynn. Chase arrives just before he is supposed to sing at the Rice Plaza’s Gingerbread Jam.

Willow is worried that she will not be spending next Christmas with Michael, Wiley, and her baby girl but she pretends to be happy for Wiley’s sake.

Carly persuades Drew not to tell Willow that he thinks Harmony kidnapped her and he is looking for her parents. Carly thinks Drew should wait until after the holidays to talk to Willow. Drew gives Carly a key for Christmas and tells her, she will find out later what the key opens.

Josslyn gets in a car accident driving home from Tina’s house.

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Y&R Short Recaps Thursday, December 22, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Kyle, Summer, and Harrison spend Christmas Eve with Diane at the Abbott cabin.

Johnny wants to have dinner with Adam, Chelsea, and Connor so he and Connor can talk about how to get to the next level of their favorite video game. Billy gives Johnny permission to go but Victoria gets upset when Billy tells her that he let Johnny go with Chelsea and Adam to dinner. Billy and Victoria go to Society to check on Johnny. Chelsea invites Billy and Victoria to join them for dessert. Billy notices that it is beginning to snow, and everyone looks at the snow.

Sally tells Nick that her parents were carnival workers, so she and her sister never had a traditional Christmas. Sally explains that her parents later left her and her sister to be raised by her grandmother and Aunt Sally. Sally thinks she has drunk too much coffee because she doesn’t feel well.

Daniel is alone in his hotel room drinking and feeling sad when someone knocks on the door and Daniel is happy to see Danny has come to spend Christmas with him.

Jack leads Stark on a wild goose chase and pretends to be angry that they didn’t find Diane where he thought she was going to be. Jack says that Diane knows how to hide and she probably won’t return to Genoa City. Jack offers Jeremy one million dollars to leave town and Jeremy accepts the offer.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, December 22, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Nick: Thanks for meeting me. Sorry I could only fit in coffee today.

Sally: It’s no problem. I know it’s close to christmas and you have a lot of family obligations.

Nick: Yeah, I got a lot going on. I’ll tell you, christian is starting to ask me some pretty tough questions.

Sally: Uh-oh. Like, “what’s in the eggnog?” Or, “how do you make those little popcorn strings for the tree?” Actually, I want to know the answer to the eggnog question.

Nick: Egg yolk, milk, whipped cream, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. And then throw in some alcohol if you want the big-boy version.

Summer: Uh, yum. Why are we not drinking that right now?

Nick: I mean, that does sound good, but that’s not one of the questions christian was asking me.

Sally: [ Sighs ] What did he want to know?

Nick: Started off pretty innocently. Uh, he wanted to know, you know, how could we be sure that santa had christian’s list for everything he wanted.

Sally: Mm.

Nick: Which then led to, “how could santa possibly read all the letters from all the kids from around the world?” And then the tough one — “how could the big guy in the red suit make all those deliveries on christmas eve in one night?”

Sally: Sounds like you endured the santa inquisition.

Nick: Whew, it was tough. I mean, the kid was trying to pin me down.

Sally: What’d you end up telling him?

Nick: I went with, uh, “there’s no easy explanation. It’s just, uh — it’s just that magical.”

Sally: Smooth.

Nick: Yeah. Yeah. I felt good about it.

Sally: Yeah, you seem pretty proud of yourself.

Nick: Yeah. But it’s true. You know, with christmas and in life, sometimes you just got to believe in the magic.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: Hi.

Chelsea: Hey.

Billy: Sorry we’re late.

Chelsea: Oh, don’t be silly. Come on in. Connor, can you come out here, please? Johnny and billy are here. They’ll be out in a minute. He’s playing some video game.

Johnny: Oh, “legendary odyssey”?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Johnny: Yeah.

Chelsea: That’s the one.

Johnny: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Well, I’m so glad you guys are here. Thanks for coming over.

Billy: Yeah, of course. Uh, happy to — happy to be here. Happy holidays, of course. Uh, you want to want to share your gifts?

Johnny: Yeah. Um, for connor and for you.

Chelsea: That’s so sweet. You didn’t have to do that.

Johnny: Well, I…

we wanted to, and, uh, dad said you had one for me, so I just figured…

Chelsea: I do. I do. Here you go.

Johnny: Thank you. Merry christmas.

Chelsea: Merry christmas to you, too.

Daniel: Hey! Hey!

Sally: Hey you!

Daniel: Wow! Ahh.

Summer: How long has it been since we’ve spent christmas eve together? So good to see you.

Daniel: Oh, thank you for having me. Wow. Oh, my god. This place looks exactly like i remember it.

Summer: Mm. [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Merry christmas, daniel.

Daniel: Hey.

Kyle: Hey.

Daniel: Merry christmas to you, too.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] And a belated welcome back to genoa city. I’m sorry we haven’t had a chance to get together sooner.

Daniel: Oh, I know. Seriously, man. You know, I’ve been home for, what, a couple weeks, and I had to track you down and come to you.

Kyle: Well, I guess your wedding invitation got lost in the mail.

Summer: [ Laughs ]

Daniel: Which one now?

Kyle: Okay, maybe we’ll have another ceremony just for you.

Daniel: Ah.

Kyle: But seriously, man, you were missed.

Daniel: Well, it’s good to be home.

[ Chuckles ]

Kyle: You settling in okay?

Daniel: Yeah. So far, so good.

Summer: Oh, come on. Don’t be so modest. You’re already making waves in the business world.

Daniel: Well, I wouldn’t go that far yet.

Kyle: Well, have a seat.

Daniel: Thank you.

Kyle: Summer tells me you’re working on a big project for chancellor-winters.

Daniel: Ah, it’s true. It’s very true. Um, and I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity.

Kyle: Well, I’d love to hear about it. Another time. We were just about to head out.

Summer: Well, daniel wouldn’t tell you about the project anyway because apparently it is top secret. He won’t even give me a hint.

Daniel: Now that it’s official, it’s not so big of a secret anymore. I’m gonna be heading up a new gaming division at chancellor-winters.

Summer: That’s amazing!

Kyle: Yeah, that’s great news. Congrats, man.

Daniel: Thank you. Thank you.

Summer: Wow.

Daniel: Yeah. Look, I can fill you in on all the details another time, whenever you get back from wherever. Where are you going? What are you doing?

Kyle: It’s, uh… it’s a secret.

Johnny: What level are you on?

Connor: Still stuck on level eight.

Johnny: I just figured out how to get to level nine.

Connor: Cool. Show me.

Johnny: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

Billy: I mean, that’s pretty adorable.

Chelsea: I know. I love it. I really do.

Adam: [ Exhales sharply ] Oh, you have been a busy elf. This is the very picture of the christmas spirit. Covid-19 moves fast and now you can too

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Summer: We are going on a little surprise adventure with harrison tonight.

Kyle: Yeah, maybe we’ll see some reindeer or santa, but we’ll be back in time to spend christmas day with the families.

Daniel: Ah. Sounds good. Bet he’s gonna get a kick out of that.

Kyle: Yeah. Speaking of which, I’m going to go upstairs and check on him and make sure he has everything we need for our little trip.

Summer: Hey. I know how difficult it must be to be away from lucy and heather on the holidays. You’ve been pretty vague about the source of tension between you guys, but do you want to tell me any more about what happened?

Sally: You really are great at the whole dad thing. And your children obviously adore you.

Nick: Eh, it’s not always easy, but my kids are absolutely everything to me.

Summer: It’s faith’s first christmas away from the nest, isn’t it? How are you doing with that?

Nick: Miss her like crazy.

[ Chuckles ] But that’s the thing with parenting — you know, your job, if you do it well, is to send your kids out into the world, you know, help them be independent. And if they do that, success, sadly, is not having them around much.

Sally: Yeah. Yeah, I could see how that could be hard.

Nick: Yeah. I’m happy for faith, you know? Getting to spend the holidays in the swiss alps with her roommate is awesome for her. But it means I don’t get to have her here with me, and I hate that.

Sally: Yeah, it makes perfect sense.

Nick: You got to let them go, you know? And if you get lucky, they come back, you know, for a while. Noah’s proof of that.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, you have one son who runs his own nightclub and another one who keeps pressing you on the logistics of santa’s mission. It’s a — it’s a pretty big age range.

Nick: Yeah. You calling me out for that?

[ Both laugh ]

Sally: No, no, not at all. I-I’m calling you versatile. A man who can pal around with his adult kids, raise his young ones, and knows the recipe for eggnog? Geez, man. Sign me up.

Nick: That’s a good save. I’ll take it. Each of my kids is an incredible gift. You know, being a parent is the best thing I’ll ever do. You know, I have to admit, I’ve never actually seen it up close, a parent who actually loves being a parent.

[ Door closes ]

Billy: Chelsea was kind enough to give johnny a christmas present, so he wanted to reciprocate. And it was a, uh — it was a big step.

Adam: Right. Yeah, I, uh — I get it. I was serious when I said there was a good christmas vibe when i walked in here.

Billy: So, you’re just stopping by?

Chelsea: No. Adam came to pick up connor and me and take us to dinner. It was something we had planned earlier.

Billy: I didn’t know.

Adam: Yeah. But it is really nice the boys are getting along so well. I’m genuinely happy that they’re building a friendship together. So, I don’t want to interrupt that good time. If you guys were in the middle of opening presents, we can always go later.

Billy: No. It’s all good.

Adam: Hey! You ready to, uh, get some dinner?

Connor: Yeah. Can johnny come with us?

Adam: I’m fine with that, if it’s okay with johnny’s dad.

Chelsea: Well, why don’t both johnny and billy join us for dinner?

Billy: I appreciate that, but I’m gonna have to pass tonight.

Chelsea: Okay.

Johnny: But I can go, right?

Nick: What do you mean when you say you’ve never seen a parent who loves being a parent?

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Um… well, I’ve never really told you much about my childhood. So, prepare yourself for a very different kind of holiday story.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Okay.

Sally: [ Clears throat ] ‘Twas the night before christmas, and it was just like any other damn night. Not a creature was stirring. But the carnies were drinking and carrying on.

Nick: You say carnies?

Sally: [ Sighs, chuckles ] Yeah. Yeah. My parents were legit carnival workers.

Nick: Like in a circus?

Sally: Well, a circus definitely would have been a step up. We had more of, like, a county fair vibe. But, uh, yeah, we were nomads traveling from one small town to the next.

Nick: Wow. I can’t even imagine what that was like for you. Did you go to school?

Sally: No. We were more or less left to educate ourselves. But I did actually learn a lot about engineering from watching the tilt-a-whirl be put together and torn apart every time we relocated.

Nick: Did you have friends?

Sally: Um…the tilt-a-whirl guy was — he was actually really cool.

[ Both laugh ] Um, but kids my own age, um… no. My sister coco and I used to sit behind the concession booth, and we would just watch other little girls eating their cotton candy with their doting parents. And, you know, we would just wonder what their lives were like.

Nick: It’s like you lived in your own little world.

Sally: Yeah, exactly. So, you know, when the holidays rolled around… suffice it to say that coco and I were not tucked in our beds with visions of sugarplums dancing in our heads. We were sleeping in tents and shoveling up after horses and elephants ’cause, you know, show business.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Our idea of a christmas miracle was not finding a clown passed out in our bunk.

Nick: Right. Yeah, that sounds, um… interesting and alarming.

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. I mean, I have to say it, it had its moments. But, um…

[ Sighs ] Our parents were always getting into trouble. And not the fun kind. And so, yeah, one day it just… caught up with them. And they just took off. To all a good night.

Nick: So, they just abandoned you?

Sally: Um…yeah. Yeah, but, you know, it was — it was a long time ago, and I — I’ve made peace with it. But that is where my rather unique perspective of parenthood comes from.

Nick: I’m sorry you went through that, sally. Every kid deserves parents who sees bringing a child into this world as the miracle that it is.

Johnny: Come on, dad. Please? I’ve been trying to get connor to the next level in “legendary odyssey,” and it takes a ton of explaining.

Billy: Oh, I see how that works. So, it’s gonna take the entire dinner to explain it to him?

Johnny: Exactly.

Chelsea: Ooh, gaming talk at the table — my favorite.

Billy: Yeah, not really in the christmas spirit of things, right? That’s kind of rude.

Johnny: Or I think of it this way. Connor and I will be out of your hair, and you adults can talk about whatever you want.

Connor: It’s a win-win.

Billy: Alright. You can go.

Chelsea: Are you sure?

Billy: Yes I will explain to victoria that connor’s video gaming future depends on it, you know? It’s alright. I’ll talk to her. She’ll be okay.

Chelsea: Alright. Grab your coats, please.

Johnny: Yeah.

Adam: Are you sure victoria’s gonna be okay with this? Because I know my sister, and i find that hard to believe, billy.

Billy: I’ll talk to her. Do me a favor. Can you drop off johnny at my place after?

Adam: Okay.

Chelsea: Thank you both for this. It’s a nice way to kick off the holiday.

Daniel: You know, now is not the time for this conversation. You go have fun with your family. Don’t worry about me. I’m confident that, you know, things with lucy and heather — they’re — they’re gonna work out. And right now, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m here with the rest of my family. And starting this new project — I mean, that’s gonna change the whole trajectory of my life. So, things are good.

Summer: Well, I’m glad. And, honestly, I am thrilled that you have found this new outlet for your creativity. Launching the chancellor-winters gaming division? That’s a huge deal. And I hope things go just as well in your personal life.

Kyle: Harrison wants to finish his cartoon. Then we can leave.

Daniel: Oh. Well, in that case, uh, have a safe journey and a merry christmas.

Summer: Well, I definitely plan on spending some hardcore quality time with you and mom on christmas day.

Daniel: I’m gonna hold you to that.

Kyle: Hey, merry christmas, man.

Daniel: Merry christmas.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Is everything okay with daniel?

Summer: Yeah. I think so. Are you ready for a big adventure?

Kyle: Ooh, I sure am. Harrison’s gonna be thrilled. Let’s do this.

Victoria: Hi. Where’s johnny?

Billy: He’s upstairs. And before you jump to conclusions —

Victoria: Please don’t tell me that you left him with chelsea.

Billy: Okay, just hold on a second, okay?

Victoria: You know, billy, I’ve been more than understanding. I went along with you taking johnny to get a gift for chelsea. I even agreed to her giving johnny his present in person.

Billy: Just let me explain for a second. ‘Cause I think you’ll actually be really proud of your son. He gave chelsea her gift, and it meant the world to her. And I could tell that he felt really good doing it. And I didn’t just leave him up there with chelsea. Connor and adam are there, too, and they plan on going to dinner together. Johnny really wanted to join them, so I said yes. They’re getting along so well, I saw no reason to say no.

Victoria: Are you serious right now? Johnny is with chelsea and adam? What were you thinking?

[ Sighs ] This cough.

[Sfx: Coughs]

Billy: Johnny wanted to join them for dinner, and we agreed that we would follow johnny’s lead when it comes to chelsea.

Victoria: Yes, but going to dinner with both chelsea and adam together — that’s a lot.

Billy: If they’re going to a public restaurant, okay, nothing bad is gonna happen.

Victoria: Yes, but that’s not the point. It’s christmas and christmas is supposed to be for family and you just sent johnny off with them.

Billy: I hear you, okay? I know this is difficult for you. And I’m sorry if I overstepped. I should have asked you first. But we need to accept that adam and chelsea and connor — they’re johnny’s family, too.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I know. And I’m trying to do that, but it’s really difficult for me. You’re johnny’s biological father. Your relationship with him hasn’t changed, but — but mine has.

Billy: I don’t know if that’s entirely true. I mean, johnny’s known almost his entire life that you didn’t give birth to him. And you are still his mom. And even after finding out the truth about chelsea, nothing’s changed. You’re still his mom.

Victoria: Yeah, and so is chelsea, biologically. I’m really worried if they start to get closer that — I worry that the lines will get blurred.

Billy: I don’t know. The way I see it, chelsea is just another part of his big, extended family. And I think he views it the same way.

Victoria: I hope so, billy. But this isn’t the same as him going to dinner with — with nick or the abbotts. I mean, this isn’t just about chelsea. I mean, the tension between adam and my family has really ratcheted up lately. And this is an — it’s an emotionally loaded situation.

Billy: Oh, I agree. But connor and chelsea — they’re part of his world. I get it. He’s up there with adam right now, okay? And I’m not a fan of adam’s, alright? I’m the exact opposite of that. But I have to figure out how to be cordial for everyone’s sake, most importantly, the boys.

Victoria: Yes, but there has to be a happy medium. I mean, you can still be a nice person and not be a pushover. We say no to johnny about other things all the time.

Billy: They’re just gonna go for dinner, okay? And those boys — they’re actually starting to get along really well. After finding out that they’re biological half-brothers, they’re actually closer than they’ve ever been.

Victoria: I know. I don’t have an issue with johnny spending time with connor.

Billy: And as far as chelsea, you have spent some time with her. And I think you would agree that emotionally she’s stronger.

Victoria: Well, that was not my big takeaway from her apology. But I do appreciate that she made the effort.

Billy: And compared to a few months ago, she’s made some pretty amazing strides. And I don’t think anything negative is gonna come from her and johnny spending a little time together, okay? I really believe that. And that’s our son. And this is what he wants. We have to support him.

Victoria: Alright. I hear what you’re saying. But I need to see that for myself.

You okay? You sure you’re ready for this?

Chelsea: How about we take that table right there, hmm?

Connor: Yeah.

Chelsea: [ Exhales sharply ] Connor, napkin. We’re not camping. And put your phone away, please.

Adam: Well, I hope you boys worked up an appetite.

Connor: I’m starving.

Johnny: Yeah, me too.

Chelsea: I love the menu here. Everything is delicious. Except — no cilantro. It’s just not my thing.

Johnny: Yeah. Does it taste like soap to you?

Chelsea: It does.

Johnny: Yeah, me too.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Connor: Same with me.

Kyle: Whew.

[ Both chuckle ]

Summer: I’m glad you got a good nap in. You closed your eyes, and then — poof! — We’re here.

Kyle: Ahh, look at all this snow! It’s a white christmas! Hopefully there’s enough for us to go sledding. Ooh, you want to see your big surprise? Mom?

Harrison: Dee dee!

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Uh…mom?

[ Door closes ] Hey, mom? She’s not here.

[ Sighs ] Want your clothes to smell freshly

“The young and the restless”

will continue. With directv I can get live tvand on demand together:

Sally: It’s not like I grew up on the streets or anything or without love. I went to live with my grams, who basically raised me.

Nick: What was grams like?

Sally: [ Sighs ] She — [ Chuckles ] She is the most generous and caring woman. She’s a little rough around the edges. But she is strong and fearless, and she gives me unconditional support even when I’m doing something totally nuts.

Nick: I’m glad you have someone in your corner.

Sally: Yeah, me too. And it wasn’t just her. I idolized my great aunt sally, my namesake — and, not to mention, a famous designer. I had these two really strong women who were my teachers and my inspiration.

Nick: Well, it sounds like a much better life than a carnie life.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, the money was tight sometimes, but — I don’t know — I feel like it was kind of a blessing because it taught me to be creative and it turned me into a scrapper.

Nick: Nothing wrong with being a scrapper.

Sally: I always felt safe. You know, there was something really special about growing up in a household that was just 100% female because it never crossed my mind that there was anything that a woman can’t do or that I should wait for some prince to ride in on his white horse and save me when the going got rough. Anyway, I’m — I’M… I’m really happy with the way things turned out.

Nick: I am, too.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] Anyway, enough about my past, as entertaining as it might be.

Nick: It’s pretty entertaining.

Sally: Yeah, yeah, I know.

Nick: [ Laughs ]

Sally: I know. I really want to talk about the whole christmas present thing.

Nick: Ooh. Alright. Let’s get into it. What about it?

Sally: Okay. Just that we have made a big point of taking things slow, so I just really wasn’t sure what’s appropriate, gift wise, you know? I mean, if we’re following our relationship guidelines, it seems like there should be some limitations.

Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah, if we’re following the, uh, spirit of the agreement.

Sally: Right. There should be severe limitations.

Nick: Yes. Are you giving me a hint that this is something that I should not go overboard on, like, with a gift?

Sally: I just want to make sure that you don’t do anything that’s over the top. ‘Cause you know how people say — they do the thing where it’s like, “oh, yeah, no expensive gifts,” and then one person doesn’t follow the rules and… I just — you know, you didn’t — you didn’t do that, right?

Nick: No, I wouldn’t do that to you.

Sally: Okay. Good.

Nick: We’re not talking about this because that’s what you did for me, right?

Sally: No, no, no. I mean, you know, I — no. I just want to make sure we’re in sync.

Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel real good about my gift choice for you.

Sally: Oh. Good. Me too. You’re really gonna love your coffee mug. It’s got a really funny quote on it. I would tell you what it says, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise, you know?

Nick: Yeah. Okay. Well, I know you’re just gonna love your book of sudoku. I mean, it’s hours of entertainment.

Sally: Ooh. It’s snowing.

Nick: Wow.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: Seems like, uh, perfect timing.

Sally: Yeah. Except for I totally forgot to put on my snow tires.

Nick: Ah, that’s a minor obstacle. We’ll just catch a ride with santa. I’m choosing to believe in the magical.

Summer: I know how difficult it must be to be away from lucy and heather on the holidays. You’ve been pretty vague about the source of tension between you guys, but do you want to tell me any more about what happened?

Kyle: Um, there was just a little mix-up, but we’re gonna get it worked out.

Summer: Yeah. How about we have a juice box in the meantime?

Kyle: Yeah. I’m gonna reach out to my dad.

[ Door opens ]

Harrison: Dee dee!

Diane: Hi! You’re here! Ah!

Kyle: We were a little worried when we didn’t see you.

Diane: Oh, I’m sorry. Hey! I took a walk, and the snow is so beautiful. I had to stop and take it in. And then I saw your car, and i just rushed right back.

Summer: We thought we would go on a christmas eve adventure.

Diane: Ah. This is the best surprise. Merry christmas.

Kyle: Aww, merry christmas.

Diane: [ Chuckles ]

[ Lock whirs, disengages ]

Jack: I honestly thought that’s where diane would go to hide out.

Jeremy: You said you knew where she was.

Jack: I said I knew her. Obviously, that wasn’t the case. This woman faked her death and was gone for years. I only knew she was alive when she told me. Look, she’s obviously developed some disappearing skills.

Jeremy: Look, I admit she is a clever woman, but is she more clever than the both of us?

Jack: You tell me. I’m as lost in this as you are.

Jeremy: Look, I’m not so sure about that. I would hate to think that you led me on a wild goose chase. If you think all pads are exactly the same…

Jack: It is not my fault that diane is good at covering her tracks. You’re the one that made her flee. Look, as I’ve made abundantly clear, I just want this to end. This woman comes back to town and says she’s changed her life, that she’s lived this modest life in L.A., Transforming herself, making all these changes. None of it was true. It was lie after lie.

Jeremy: I suppose we’ve all been subjected to her lies.

Jack: Okay, I just want my life back. She drew you to town. You obviously want revenge and you want money. Diane convinced the whole world she was dead for years. Good luck finding her. I already said that I would cover her debts.

Jeremy: No, thanks.

Jack: What if I doubled my offer? $1,000,000 to forget diane and move on. Half the money’s in the briefcase there. I can get you the other half day after christmas. It’s a heck of a lot more than you’re gonna get directly from diane, if you ever manage to track her down. You just got out of prison. You can do anything you want. Why waste any more of your time on diane?

Kyle: Okay. Alright.

Diane: Alright.

Kyle: You ready?

Summer: [ Laughs ]

Kyle: Let’s watch. One, two, three.

Diane: Ah! It’s fantastic!

Summer: Oh, it really is. How did you guys find such a perfect tree?

Kyle: Well, harrison picked it out. He knew it was the right one. Kid’s got a good eye.

Summer: All we have to do is decorate it, and I think that we have some ornaments in the kitchen, so why don’t you come with me and we’ll go get them?

Kyle: [ Laughs ]

Diane: Is everything okay back home?

Kyle: I’ll work it out. Okay.

Diane: Ah, this is the most special christmas ever.

Kyle: [ Laughs ]

Diane: Hey, can I help you decorate?

Kyle: Ooh.

Diane: Here. Let me see. Wow. Hey, harrison, you want to put this one on? I guess you’ve got some other ones.

Harrison: No, I want to do the reindeer holding —

Diane: Okay. Do him. Alright. You want me to hold the mushroom while you do the reindeer?

Harrison: No, no, no, he holds the mushroom.

Diane: Oh, okay. Well, let’s put it on here.

Harrison: Look at what — no, he’s holding a marshmallow, too.

[ Laughter ]

Billy: I’m telling you, there’s nothing to be upset about.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Chelsea: That’s funny.

[ Laughter ]

Adam: It’s funny, isn’t it?

Chelsea: I think — it is. That is very funny, actually.

Billy: See? It’s all good.

I’ll remember that chapter

of my life forever.

Kyle: Well, this isn’t exactly how I thought I’d be spending christmas, but each year is always a little different. I’ve loved every one of them. The holidays you and I spent together when I was little, just the two of us. And all the times I went to the big annual abbott celebration.

Diane: Ah.

Kyle: You know, my dad is always a rock for our family whenever he brings everyone together. It’s impossible not to feel the love and warmth.

Diane: Aww.

Summer: I’ve always felt that, too, at your house whenever I’ve spent the holidays there. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love christmas at the ranch, too. The newmans know how to do christmas very well.

Kyle: I’ll give you that.

[ Chuckles ]

Summer: You know, we are so lucky to have such special families who love us so much.

Kyle: Mm. Couldn’t agree more.

Diane: I may have a complicated relationship with some of the people in both of your families, but, um, I’m working on it, and I’m not going to stop until things are better. You know, when I spent all those christmases alone in L.A., I never imagined that a moment like this would be possible.

Kyle: Putting the star on top of the tree is a christmas tradition and a special honor. You want to do it, harrison? Yeah? Okay.

[ Laughter ] Okay. Here’s the star.

Summer: Ooh.

Kyle: Whoa.

Diane: Okay. Ah!

Kyle: Yeah!

Diane: Perfect! Ah!

Harrison: I didn’t put the star on.

Summer: [ Laughs ]

Diane: The tree is stunning. My grandson is stunning. I’m with my son and his beautiful wife. This might not be the most traditional christmas, but it’s the most wonderful one I could imagine. It’s everything I’ve dreamed about for so long. Ah.

Harrison: I made a hat.

Diane: You did.

[ Laughter ]

Jack: So, what do you say? We have a deal?

Jeremy: Alright. You talked me into it. I’ll keep this cash and stick around long enough until you get the rest.

Jack: I’m glad you’re listening to reason.

Jeremy: [ Chuckles ] What can I say? You made me an offer that’s hard to refuse.

Jack: I will have the other half the day after christmas.

Jeremy: And I’ll be out of your lives. Consider it an early christmas present, one that you clearly want.

Jack: Just as you want to stay out of prison. And I’m sure you’re smart enough not to jeopardize that.

Nick: I’m glad we had this talk.

Sally: Yeah, spending time with you is always good.

Sally: Ohh.

[ Clears throat ]

Nick: You okay? What’s wrong?

Summer: Uh, I’m not sure. But, um, no more — no more coffee for me. It’s definitely not agreeing with me.

Nick: Okay. Do you want to get out of here?

Summer: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think so.

Nick: I’ll throw these away.

Sally: Okay.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Clears throat ]

Billy: Hey, boys. How are you doing?

Johnny: Good. How are you?

Victoria: Hi. Are you guys having fun?

Billy: So, what’d you eat?

Johnny: Uh, chicken quesadillas.

Billy: Ahh. That’s good. And how’s the video game conference going? Have you figured out how to crack level eight yet?

Connor: We’re working on it.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Johnny: Yeah, I’m giving him tips.

Billy: I’m sure you are.

Chelsea: Are you hungry? Why don’t you sit down and join us?

Adam: Yeah. Let me pull up an extra chair.

Victoria: Oh, thank you.

Billy: Check it out. It’s actually starting to snow out there finally.

Victoria: Oh, wow.

Billy: It’s starting to feel like christmas.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Cellphone thuds ] Dad.

Danny: Merry christmas, son.

[ Laughs ]

Daniel: Hey.

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Days Transcript Thursday, December 22, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


See all that butter. That’s what makes it taste good. And the powdered sugar makes ’em pretty. Yeah, just like snowballs, right? See what’s perfect for this time of year. We always make these for Christmas. So why are they called Mexican wedding cookies? Well, that is a great question. I actually, I really don’t know, but in Mexico they’re called means power.

Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas, Santa. You’re not Santa.

That is terrific, James. Thank you. Really appreciate. I know you had to pull some serious strings to get this done, . I will. All right. Hey, take care and thanks again.

Ah, miss Shin, look, please call me one day. Okay. Wendy, what are you doing here?

Chloe last minute shopping, what gave it away? Well, we are meeting Brady for lunch. You should be here in the unit. Okay, well, I’m gonna hit up some more stores. My budget’s so much bigger this year after that huge promotion I got. When you were fired, didn’t you get me a present? Present? Oh, Rachel, it’s fine.

I don’t want anything from you. Okay. Uh, well, I hope you have a merry. I will, cuz I don’t need to see you. I’ll be with my real family.

Did you just say that we need to kidnap my daughter? That’s right. All right. Eric, I know you’ve been through a lot the last couple weeks, but you, what you are suggesting is, uh, insane Now. What’s insane is that Kristen’s got my mother’s life in her hands, along with Kayla and Kate Eric believe. I wanna put an end to this blackmailing thing as much as you do.

And like I said, that we need to hear Chris where she lives. Rachel’s the key

like sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Kristen has two weaknesses. You and your daughter. I say we attack her there. We’ve gotta beat her at own game. Listen a game, Eric. Okay. Kristen has the serum that Marlena and Kate and Kayla need to survive. Not to mention the orchid required to make it, it’s the only one that exists that’s on the planet.

She’s holding over your head. Who’s to say she’s not gonna her in? She’s already forced you to move her in here. Who’s to say she’s not gonna ask you to sleep with her or even marry her? She said that the women will need additional doses in a couple months, maybe even a booster. Okay, but then I’m done.

All right. I’m free of the insanity at the hell you are. I guarantee she’s gonna claim that these women need booster shots for the rest of their lives. She has too much power. She needs to be. Brady, we have to do something. We need to do something now,

sweetheart. That wasn’t very nice. We need to be kind to everyone, especially on Christmas. Even people who tried to steal what belongs to us. Sorry. It’s okay, honey. It is. Because Rachel, Brady and I are family again. That’s what I wanted most for Christmas. Well wishes do come true, sweetheart. But mommy.

Mm-hmm. . When will I get my whole wish? We’ll talk about that later, honey. But you and daddy still aren’t married. You don’t even sleep in the same room.

I. Uh, I came to see John. No, I, I heard what happened at his grandmother’s memorial service yesterday, and I wanted to see if he’s okay. My nephew hasn’t yet come down from his room. I’m assuming he’s still asleep. Well, he must be exhausted after everything he’s been through.

Well, if you could just tell him I stopped by. Sure. But before you go, Wendy, I’ve left you several messages and haven’t heard back from you. Are you avoiding me? Of course not. Just I’m super busy. Oh, I get it. Yeah. Can you have a moment to talk now? Talk about what? Your little jaun to Jakarta.

Oh, you’re right. I’m not, I’m his helper.

You’re Lee. Should I say Mr. Shit, Peter, yet I could call you lame. Ariana Grace. Sorry mom. But I’ve been down this road before. One of your boyfriends putting on a show to try to get me to like it was Chad. Stephanie, you’re being very rude. Pro tip. I’m too old to believe in Santa.

Too old, huh? I didn’t realize because, well, I’m a lot older than you and I’m still a believer, but since you’re not, I guess I should send all these presents back to the North Pole.

Ho, ho, ho.

What’s wrong? Nothing really. It’s fine. You don’t look fine. Talk to me.

It’s just that it’s the time of the year that Philip, you remember we had to send Philip away to get to healthy meat? Yes. I just thought that he would’ve progressed. You know, I thought that maybe he would be released soon, but when I called the hospital, they, they wouldn’t even let me talk to him. Why not?

He’s had another major setback, and then the prison at the prison is a viral outbreak, so Lucas can’t have any visitors. I don’t. It’s bad enough that, you know, my kids aren’t with me at at Christmas, but to be cut off from the ones that need me the most from, and it’s just particularly intolerable. Okay.

What can I do? Anything? Just naming, thank you my love. But you know, at this point in life, what matters most about Christmas is being with your family. I should have realized when Will called me to tell me that he was staying in California. There was a sign of things to come. Hey, will may not be here, but Ally is.

I’m gonna give her a call, see if she can bring Henry back. No, no, no. Don’t do that. No. She’s busy with Chanel and Paulina. Hey, all the charges against him have been and dropped. I’m sure she would love to see you, honey. It’s okay. I just miss my family. That’s all. At the end. Oh my God. . Oh my God.

What surprise. I thought that you had to stay in Chicago though, that you were on call talk. No, I, I convinced my supervisor I had more important work to do. . The FDA has asked me to provide some follow up data on the experimental treatment we gave mom a few months ago. They just need to know that it’s safe.

Well, of course it’s safe. It’s saved my life. Oh, what kind of data are they looking for? Just civil blood work. Okay. We don’t have to worry about your mom’s health. She’s feeling perfect. Like, no, no, it, it’s just a, a formality cross. The ts dot the iss. In fact, I have everything I need right here in my bag, so we can just knock this out right here, right now.

Well, what if I refuse?

Oh, look, sweetheart, it’s nor a Jane and her mommy at the chocolate stand. Why don’t you go join them and get yourself work? There you go.

I’m getting extra whipped cream. All right,

So you and Brady are back together, but you’re not sleeping in the same room? No, we’re just taking things slowly. In other words, he won’t touch you with a 10 foot pole. No, Chloe, that is not true. We are becoming more intimate every day. Hmm. That’s not the impression I got from Rachel. Well, Rachel wasn’t there when Brady planted a hot kiss on Sister Mary Moira because he thought she was me in disguise.

Really? Mm-hmm. . And if you don’t believe me, you can ask the sister yourself. I’m sure she would love to tell you how she beat Bad, bad Brady with a ruler . So what you’re saying is the nuns saw more action than you ever will. What I am saying is that Brady is letting his God down. He wants me. How much is clear?

Whatever you say, Kristen. You know, I asked him what would happen next if it was me. He was kissing and he leaned into me, and the heat between us was off the chart. And we would’ve made love right there on that couch if John hadn’t walked in and ruined everything. But there will be another moment soon.

See, I plan to ring in the new year and Brady’s

everything you’re saying makes perfect sense except for one. What’s that? The part where I kidnap my own daughter? No, no. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not, I’m not gonna put Rachel through that kind of trauma. She’ll never know. She’ll never know. What are you, are you suggesting that we drug her? No, of course not.

Because we’re gonna make her believe that she’s going on a fun vacation with Uncle Eric. So she’ll, she’ll, she’ll enjoy her abduction. No, she’s gonna get a few days in the sun. Why? Kristen is losing her mind. And you’re gonna get that orchid and your daughter will be home. We save lives. Merry Christmas to all,

uh, Jakarta. Didn’t we already talk about that the other day? You and Johnny and I? We did, but we need to have our. Own separate conversation because unlike my nephew, you work for Damara. Now I understand that it was Johnny’s idea to commandeer the company jet and whisk you off on that romantic getaway, but you agreeing to it was egregiously irresponsible of you.

I am so sorry I, I know what I did was wrong and I. Terrible about it.

I don’t know if you thought your brother signing off on the expenses, made you think that I wouldn’t find out how deceptive you’ve been, but Wendy, Wendy, look at me. I remember what it’s like to be young and in love. It’s great for for you to put your career on the line. Put your professional standing at risk.

I, I, I can’t understand it. Unless, unless what? Unless there’s another reason you were in Jakarta that you’d care to share.

It’s so pretty. That’s. means double luck. And I’m lucky because when I marry your mom, I won’t have only one beautiful, smart, incredibly fashionable lady in my life. I’ll have two and I’ll have three daddies. How do you feel about that special, I guess, I mean, how many kids can say that You are so special my love, and you might be double lucky, but I am the luckiest person in the whole wide world.

Thank you. My gift.

You are so welcome

you guys. This is gonna be the best Christmas ever.

Can I wear it to the wedding? Of course, I was hoping you would,

if this will really give me luck. I wanna wear it every day. New Year’s weddings are also considered lucky in. So we are off to a very auspicious start. Suspicious. No baby auspicious. It means, um, likely to succeed or pointing to happiness. Double happiness. Mommy, when you get married, are you gonna change your last name?

Daddy Will and Daddy Sonny did it. Oh well, uh, I’m not. I, uh, I need to think about it. But speaking of Daddy Sammy, you know he’s gonna be here any minute to pick you up. Are you all packed? I just need to make sure that my new bracelet matches with all my outfits.

Someone knows the way to a Hernandez woman’s heart. Well, I hope this Hernandez woman knows that I don’t expect her to take my.

You know, I, I became a demir when I married Steph, and, and I stayed when, even when I thought he was fed. But of course that worked because I was the head of the company and now I’m not. And Stephanie and I are divorced and we hate each other’s guts. I can’t wait to feel like my very own person again. I think you’ve always been your own person.

Gabriela Hernandez Shin. How does that sound? Perfect.

What else would I have been doing in Kar? You tell me, Wendy. Hey, uh, what, uh, what, what are you doing here? I, I was worried about you after yesterday, the explosion at the church. Oh, yeah. Uh, Tom, I’m, I’m fine and I’m sorry I didn’t call you, and I’m sorry that my uncle here is giving you the third degree about our trip to Jakarta.

Look, I was being impulsive. Okay. I, I asked Wendy to reserve the jet because I wanted to impress. And did it impress her? Yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t be impressed. And, and now that, uh, my stellar first impression has been made, I can promise you that it, it won’t be happening again.

See that it doesn’t

you, you don’t want me to draw your blood pull. I mean, I haven’t had any setbacks. I haven’t had any side effects. I mean, no issues whatsoever. So this is exactly why I need your blood, so I can prove that this treatment is 100% safe and effective. Plus, it’ll get the FDA off my back and I get to keep my medical right.

I’ll do it. I do it. I damn will better get a lollipop.

Wow, Kristen, that sounds like an awful lot of wishful thinking to me. Hmm. When does a bird brain like you know about thinking, Hmm. I know that when it comes to Brady, you are completely diluted. Ah. Why do you care so much about Man Brady? I mean, you moved on from him in about two seconds. I hear it’s getting really serious with my little brother jetting off to Miami for the new.

Who told you that doesn’t matter. But if all goes well, maybe this time next year, you’ll be my sister-in-law. Woo-hoo. What a hoot. you and s, Stephan, me and Brady all sitting at the holiday table together. My money says that this time next year you’ll be back in prison for the countless felonies that you are bound.

You know what, Chloe? I’ve changed and Brady knows that. So you’re dumping you from me. It’s like trading in an all clunker for a brand new sports car. I make him incredibly happy. Well, if Brady’s so happy with you, then why he stand you up for lunch? He’s running late. Ah, just keep telling yourself that.

And while you’re at it, you should keep an eye on your kid. She’s wandering off, but given who her mother is, I can’t say I blame her. What I said to Rachel about being nice on Christmas. I take it back. Hmm. And for what it’s worth, I would rather die than sit across a holiday table from you. Hmm. Duly noted.

Sorry, bro. I am not kidnapping my daughter on Christmas. Fine. We’re gonna do it afterwards. No, you’re not hearing me. Okay. It’s not happening ever. And why you let Kristen continue to torture you? My mom, Kayla and Kate relapse and possibly die. She said that she would supply the additional doses and if she doesn’t, how long are you gonna rely on Psycho to do the right thing?

Or do you wanna finally take control of your life again for all of us? Who knew you could be So Ruth. And I would’ve been the good guy for years. Where’s the God in me? Absolutely nowhere. Come on, man. I wouldn’t say that. Well, I would. I’m tired of being the victim and a doormat. Kristin Amir. She raped and drugged me.

All right. I feel absolutely no obligation to have any mercy on her, so we need to play hardball you and her out.

Thank you for being so amazing with Ariana. Oh, my father isn’t exactly the warm and fuzzy type. I promise that I’d be different with my children.

Yeah. You know, we haven’t really discussed that. Whether or not you. Kids of your own. I’m, you know, I, cuz I can’t, Gabby, you will and Sonny are raising an amazing child. Being part of that, being our stepdad. That’s all I need. The cookies smells so good. Well, first two batches already. Um, your mom made these and I made these.

Can I test them? See which ones I like better. . Wait an Eggo, two cookies, girl. Yeah.

Well, the winner is,

oh my gosh.

Hmm. Do you think s Stephan’s suspicious about what we were doing in Jakarta? He’s definitely not happy we went. Honestly, I could hardly focus on a word he was saying because I felt so guilty about keeping the secret from him. Yeah. I’m right there with you. I wanted to blurt out. Ralph. Fran washed you into thinking who he.

Gabby don’t you love her? Honestly, telling your uncle that could change his whole life. Yeah. And ruin my fathers and your brothers. He is marrying Gabby next week, and part of me is excited, you know, because Lee is so excited. I can’t stop thinking about how none of this would be happening if Stefan remembered how he really feels about Gabby.

Hey, I’m just coming to see you. Hey. Anything in there for me? Nope. Oh, you had a vaccine? Uh, I was, but um, I got a little delayed by her sister. Oh no. What’d she say? Nevermind. I don’t, I don’t really wanna waste another minute talking about Kristen. Kristen place, God with people’s lives. It’s wrong kidnapping.

Isn’t Rachel’s your daughter? I only do this if you signed off on it, but if you don’t want it,

are we interrupting?

So since when is 10 vials, a little bit of love. You did great, mom. Sorry. I don’t really mean to complain. You know that I’m grateful, right? Say here. Well, I’m grateful that you’re doing so well. I am gonna run these to the hospital and I will be back as soon as possible. I am so happy you’re here, honey. Me too.

Me too. I love you both so much. Love you. Love you too. Bye.

Okay. Did you know that he was coming home? I have no idea. Oh my God, I couldn’t be more happy. . Well, ma always said that family love grows warmer at Christmas. I know I said that it was specific family, but of course you know that we have the family. We were born. The family we choose. Right? And I’m so happy that we chose to be with each other again after all these years.

I’m into that. Although when I proposed you, uh, said no at first because I was on my death bed. Yeah. Convinced there was no cure. But I told you I would never give up no matter what. You would be my wife. Yeah. I thought that was only gonna last a day. Yeah. And now we are in it for the long haul. We most certainly are.

Yes. We’re

okay. Now that Ariana’s off, I can start wrapping presents. Don. I get a reward for winning the best cookie contest. What? The sheer satisfaction of beating me is not enough. Hmm. I think I could be. a bit more satisfied.

oh, hold on. It’s, it might be the seamstress. Let me just, hi Gracik. Hi. Are you done with Ariana Stress? What the hell? No, no, no. Do not do anything. No, I, no. I’ll be right there. Excuse me. I told her

You go, what’s this? Your Christmas present since you’ll be in New York tomorrow. Oh, well, I thought that we would wait and exchange gifts in Miami. Yes, but this one’s a little. Time sensitive. Okay.

Oh my goodness. Are you kidding me? Center orchestra seats to a mall and the night visitors stuff. And how did you get these? It’s been sold out for months. Let’s call it a little bit of, uh, Christmas magic. This is such a wonderful, thoughtful gift. Thank you. There are five tickets here. Yeah. You, Nancy, joy Parker.

And one extra could be Mike. Nancy wants to take a date or Craig, or if they have plans, take me. Don’t you have plans in Salem, uh, with the dysfunctional Dems? Huh? Well, they are your family. Well, I was thinking we could spend Christmas in New York with your family and then fly down to Miami. Ah, but this is your first Christmas since, uh, since coming back from the day.

Yeah. I just,

being in that. Those people after everything that happened yesterday at Susan’s memorial service, I might be a little too much,

but hey, if you don’t want me tagging along, you just say the word. No. Eric and I, we were just, uh, discussing our holiday plans. Hey, kiddo. Merry almost Christmas. You’ll never guess what I put under the tree for you. Hmm. Am I in my dream house better? Hmm. A puppy ? No. You’ll never guess. See if you can read my mind.


You were supposed to meet us for lunch today. I got talking to Eric and, uh, lost track of time. You could have texted me. Yeah, well, we had a unpleasant interaction with Chloe, so we decided to come home. Oh, I see. Mm-hmm. . Oh, did you know that she and Stephan are going to Miami for New Year’s? No. No, I didn’t know that.

But thank you so much for sharing that. Appreciate it.

Johnny will you try to rationalize this all we want, but deep down, we know what happened. What is happening is wrong yet, but we agreed to keep quiet because I don’t wanna hurt my dad, and you don’t wanna hurt your brother. I’m still sick over what they did. Lee ordering Rolf to brainwash Stephan so he could have Gabby for himself.

Your dad not telling Stefan he’d been brainwashed so he could get back on top of Demira. I know. Okay. It’s a big secret. Now we’re lying saying we went to Jakarta because we’re romantically involved. I mean, of course my brother and your dad know the. Everyone else thinks for dating

now. I guess there’s no reason to pretend any longer, you know, maybe we could just, I don’t know. Fake break up.

So you don’t mind dealing with my crazy family? Not at all. It’ll be a. Well, if you really feel that way, then I would love for you to come to New York with me. Thank you, Chloe. I am excited. Wow. It’ll be great to see Parker again, huh? Oh my goodness. You won’t even recognize him. He’s grown like a foot since last time you saw him.

He’s still a big banana mate fan. Huge. Then I got the right kid. Ah, you didn’t have to do that. It’s my pleasure. What was very thoughtful of you? Thank you.

Oh, no, I just realized that I shipped all of um, Rex gifts to Chicago. Seeing you healthy as the only gift he needs. Absolutely not everyone needs a present to open on Christmas, and then there are some special people who open one the day before. Go ahead. You have others, but this is the big one,

huh? Carrie?

A trip to Zurich? Yes. To see Austin and Carrie Anella.

Oh no, I thought that, I thought that you’d be happy, Katie. I love it. Matter of fact, I love it so much. I got you the exact same thing.

Oh my God. It’s a missile tongue. I made it at school for mommy and daddy. Ah. If they stand under it, they have to kiss. Right? Well, you know, you only have to kiss if it’s a real missile. Nobody told me that. Now I have to go find a real missile.

You trained her well. Oh wow. You know what? It’s only natural for a child to want her parents to be together. I haven’t done anything to encourage it. I don’t believe that for a second. You know what, Eric? Don’t you have enough to deal with in your own love life without budding into ours? Don’t have a love life.

Oh, but Brady, we’re getting closer every day, becoming a family again. And I know family means everything to you. You’d never wanna do anything to let them down. Right?

Fake breakup. Meaning we pretend we don’t like each other anymore. Yeah. You know, I’d probably have to stage a couple fights. Make it believable. What? Like in front of Allie and Chanel? Yeah, it’s Stephan, Gabby. I don’t wanna do that. I think it would be easier to just keep doing what we’re doing. Al what? Uh, fake dating.

I guess I, yeah, yeah. I, I, I think so. Plus if we, uh, you know, if we fake broke up, what would I do with this? You didn’t have to get me anything. I wanted to. I felt bad. I didn’t get anything. I didn’t expect you to. I just, uh, I was, was walking by Saxton. The other day, and I saw this reminded me of you, you most of, uh, what I told my uncle Stephan about us and Jakarta was made up.

But it is true. I am a little impulsive at times. And, um, maybe I did wanna impress you just a little.

That’s beautiful.

Help you.

Hmm. Hello Gabby. Excuse me. We have a wedding Atti emergency to deal with. Oh yeah. Next time we see you, you’ll be husband and wife. The wedding isn’t until next week. Yes, well, Chloe and I are flying to New York tonight and afterwards to Miami to ring in the new year, so it’s too bad you won’t be there when Lee and I become men and white, but I’m sure there’s gonna be plenty of pictures online, so you can click through there and see what you.

Well, congratulations to you both, Stephanie and I wish you the best. Yes. So

well, what can I say? Great minds. I mean, at least it isn’t a gift of the Magi kind of situation. Pardon? Well, you, Neil Henry’s story where the husband sells his watch to buy his wife a comb. She cut her hair and Right. Right. See our guests didn’t cancel each other out, shows how much we love each other, right?

So we’ll take two trips to Switzerland. One to go ski and one to, I don’t know, swim in Lake Buser. And what do you think I did right The way you think?

No, please don’t stop. Mike Cow . Okay, so clean Bill of Health, right? It’s the holidays. We’re not gonna have the results for a few. Oh, that’s great. So just worry all the way through Christmas. No, this is not at all. I’m, I’m sure everything’s fine. Listen to our son, the brilliant doctor now who is ready for Agna.

Oh, . That’s good. Little early for that I think. Well, it’s never too early. You’re start enjoying time with family and this family’s got a lot to celebrate. So I say we start right here. Well, okay.

You know that I would never let my family down, and that loyalty is so critically important more than they’ll ever know. Well, I’m gonna go check in on Rachel. Excuse me.

You want to tell me she’s not gonna put the screws to you until she hands over the orchid. That’s if she.

She’s gonna have us under her thumb, you and all of us forever until we do something about it.

Okay? I hate to admit it, but Rachel is the best leverage that I got, so I gotta use it. You had promised me to say, I promise you Rachel is going to be safe the entire time. I give you my word. Remember, this is gonna be the best thing for her. Two.

Okay. Let’s do.

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B&B Transcript Thursday, 12/22/22

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Finn: Something wrong?

Steffy: I’m just, uh, looking for the mistletoe.

Finn: Hmm. Well, I don’t need mistletoe to kiss my super hot wife. Ah, you did an amazing job with the decorations.

Steffy: Thanks. You don’t think it’s a tiny bit too much?

Finn: Well, the kids like it, right?

Steffy: Oh, absolutely.

Finn: Well, then that’s all that matters.

Steffy: It was so cute watching kelly help her little brother put the ornaments on the tree. I mean, it was adorable.

Finn: Yeah, it’s, um, hard not to get caught up in the holiday spirit with the kids around.

Steffy: Yeah. Yeah, that would be even truer if the fear of sheila wasn’t hanging over us.

Eric: Yes… well…

Ridge: Dad? Hey! You wanted to see me?

Eric: Yes. It’s important, sit down.

Ridge: No, no. I remember making this for you and mom. It must have been, what, third grade, maybe.

Eric: I’m sure. Yeah. And it’s, uh, it’s hung on the christmas tree every year ever since. Along with all these other ones from your– your brother and your sisters and… the grandkids, the great grandkids. Jeez, look at these.

Ridge: Well, tradition is important, right? Especially this time of year.

Eric: Yes, it is. Look, ridge, um… I’m worried about you.

Ridge: Worried about me? Why?

Eric: I don’t want you to feel alone or untethered this holiday season.

Katie: I–I know I shouldn’t have put off my appointment. I– I should have come in months ago. And that’s not good. And… you haven’t said anything, which also can’t be good.

Carter: Maybe that’s because you haven’t let the doctor get a word in. That–that’s why, right.

Katie: Oh, yeah. I’m so– sorry. Um… so, doctor, what are my results?

Finn: Baby, we are all concerned about sheila. And knowing that she got away from the police yet again is beyond frustrating. But she will be caught.

Steffy: I keep telling myself that. How one day sheila will be behind bars for the rest of her miserable life. But until then, I am gonna be freaked out.

Finn: Until then, until then we’ll stay vigilant. Look, I don’t want you worrying. Okay? Definitely not during the holidays, when the kids are so excited. Our family has never meant more to us. I will always be here to protect you and our kids.

Steffy: Oh.

Finn: Okay?

Ridge: I don’t like that you’re worried about me.

Eric: I’m your father. I’ll always worry about you.

Ridge: Okay, but at this point in my life, I– I should have my act together, I think.

Eric: Well, if you’re referring to your personal life, yes, um, I would agree with that. Although when it comes to my track record, I really can’t be a judge, can I?

Ridge: See, that’s why I took some time off. To try to figure out why I did what I did, the choices I made, and maybe try to figure out what’s next, you know?

Eric: Yeah. So, what happened? And you and brooke and taylor in the same room at the same time. What happened?

Katie: Well, I have to admit, I put these appointments off because I always go to the worst case scenario. And I know that… you know, I have to face my own mortality and I’m living on borrowed time as a transplant survivor. So, yeah, yeah, I don’t I don’t like coming to these appointments because i don’t like feeling that way.

Grace: Your results from your latest test. They’re all very positive.

[Katie sighing]

Grace: As you know, heart transplant rejection can happen at any point. It could be days. It could be weeks. It could be months. Years after the surgery. Even with the immunosuppressant drugs your on. But I’m happy to say there are no indications of rejection whatsoever. You have a very healthy heart. You’re doing well, katie.

Katie: Oh.

Katie: I really am okay?

Grace: Yes. You’re really okay. And I’d go as far to say that you’re a walking miracle.

Carter: This is amazing, katie.

Grace: I’m so happy you have a wonderful support system, katie.

Katie: Me too.

Grace: So, go. Live your best life.

[Phone buzzing] I have another consult. I’m sorry. You’ll both have to excuse me.

Katie: Oh, yes, of course. Thank you.

Grace: Take your time.

Katie: Thank you so much.

Carter: So?

Katie: So.

Carter: So, it doesn’t get better than this, right? Clean bill of health for the holidays.

Katie: Yeah. Oh, man, I can’t even tell you how stressed out I’ve been about this appointment.

Carter: Well, it’s not like you let anyone on.

Katie: Well, you know, I didn’t want to worry anyone. You, you know, but I do have to admit that when I saw you walk through the door. I knew that you would be here for me. I just can’t thank you enough, carter.

Eric: So they dumped you? Wait, brooke and taylor dumped you?

Ridge: Yeah, why don’t you say it one more time? I didn’t expect that either. Look, can I say something?

Eric: Sure. Go ahead.

Ridge: Seeing these two amazing women standing there so strong and so convinced in what they were doing. I–I… was really proud of them.

Eric: This is going to be a big shift in your life, isn’t it?

Ridge: Yeah, and that– that word you said, untethered. That’s– that’s how I feel right now,

Eric: Uh-huh. I can only imagine. Especially now with the, uh… with the holidays upon us.

Ridge: I’m going to be okay.

Eric: I think you will be. You have me. You have your old man. You got your family. You’ve got this house. This is your home, too. We’ll all be here. I want you to make A… I want you to make an appearance on christmas.

Charlie: Ho, ho, ho!

Pam: Hey, we’re back from the north pole with all the fixings

Eric: Did you, uh, you buy out the whole store? Look at you.

Pam: Well, of course we did. It’s the annual forester christmas bash. Got to go all out. We sure hope that you’re going to be joining us, ridge.

Charlie: Yeah, uh, you know, pammy and I heard about brooke and taylor.

Pam: Heck, the whole office heard, ridge, which is why you need your family more than ever right now.

Eric: Pam’s right. I want you to make an appearance here at christmas.

Finn: Hey, we should go see the decorations downtown this weekend. We’ll get you on some ice skates.

Kelly: Yeah! Mom, too?

Steffy: Uh, yeah! Who do you think think’s going to teach you?

Finn: Anyway, hey. Won’t be long. Santa is going to visit.

Kelly: I know. Hayes is so excited. I think he wants to see rudolph.

Finn: Uh, well, yeah, everyone wants to see rudolph with that nose so bright thing he’s got going on.

Kelly: Douglas says rudolph’s nose is red ’cause it’s cold at the north pole.

Steffy: Yeah, I think douglas is right.

Kelly: Then why aren’t the other reindeer’s noses red too?

Steffy: Uh, you want to take this one, finn?

Finn: Uh, yeah, I think, um… why don’t you ask your dad that when you’re with him on christmas. And I think liam can answer that question. Steffy: Wow, talk about passing the buck.

Finn: Anyway, when santa comes down the chimney, what are you hoping he brings you?

Kelly: The only thing I want for christmas I already have: All of us together.

Steffy: [Indistinct] Oh, you are so cute. Oh, my god. (Grump) today is a great day to show up for yourself.

Eric: Pam’s right. You know… ridge? I would really like for you to stop by christmas.

Pam: Look, if you’re just worried about running into brooke… I know she did just kind of give you the old heave ho.

Pam: But–

>>Charlie: But– but she didn’t totally reject you, right? I mean, you guys are still speaking.

Pam: Right?

>>Eric: All right, you two. Look, you need to take all that in the kitchen before it starts to–

Pam: Someone’s telling us to skedaddle.

Charlie: Ah, is that the same as am-scray?

Pam: Yeah.

Charlie: Come on. That fruitcake ain’t gonna bake itself.

Ridge: So– so– so it’s definite. Brooke is going to be here for christmas.

Eric: Well, donna’s living here with me now. And so quite naturally, her sisters will join us. Look, ridge, in spite of everything that’s happened, I’m quite certain that brooke would love to see you at christmas.

Steffy: You know, finn and i couldn’t be more proud of you.

Kelly: Why?

Finn: You realized the true meaning of christmas. It’s family, friends, togetherness. Steffy: Kindness, generosity, forgiveness. You still can be excited about santa claus.

Finn: You are excited about santa, right?

Kelly: Yeah.

Steffy: Good. Because you’ve been such a wonderful little girl this year.

Kelly: I’m not so little anymore.

Finn: I mean, she’s right, before you know it, she’s–

Steffy: Don’t say it.

Finn: She’s gonna be too old for me to do this.

[Giggling] Got you.


Kelly: You think santa got hayes’ christmas letter?

Steffy: Oh, the one you helped him with?

Kelly: He’s been really good this year, too.

Finn: Yeah. I mean, you know what I think? Not only did the big guy in the north pole get hayes’ letter, he’s putting something extra special in his bag for hayes’ big sister. So…

Kelly: Why?

Steffy: Because you’ve been the best big sister a little brother could have.

Kelly: I love hayes.

Finn: He loves you.

Steffy: And love is what christmas is all about.

Kelly: You know what I said before?

Steffy: About celebrating christmas? How that and being happy is all that really matters?

>Kelly: My family’s the best. And this is the best christmas ever.

Steffy: Oh, my goodness. I love you.

Brooke: Well, if I hurry, I can still make the rest of that publicity meeting.

Carter: Why? You told them you’d miss it. Why not take a minute, relax, and bask in the good news? What?

Brooke: Nothing. It’s just…


>>Carter: Come here.

>>Brooke: No, really, I’m okay.

Carter: Come here, come here, come here, come here. Sit down. You have to relax, okay? You don’t have to carry this stress anymore. You got the best possible report from your doctor.

Brooke: I know.

>>Carter: You trust me?

Brooke: Yes.

Carter: Close your eyes.

Brooke: Not sure I trust you.

Carter: It’s either you trust me, you don’T.

Brooke: Okay.

Carter: Good. Now take a nice deep breath. Hold it. And slowly release.


Brooke: Okay. Thank you. I forgot to breathe sometimes.

Carter: We all do. Listen, katie, you don’t have to go through this by yourself. I’m not talking about the doctor’s appointment. I’m talking about all the worrying leading up to it. I wish you’d opened up to me. Let me help.

Brooke: You helped just by being there.

Carter: Good. Because I want you to know that whether you’re having good times or not so good ones, whether you’re happy, sad, angry, anxious, or whatever it is you’re feeling right now. I want to be there for you. I realize you’ve been going it alone for a while now. And like I said… you don’t have to be alone anymore. I’m amber, I’ve lost 128 pounds with golo,

Carter: Now I don’t have a jet or a yacht…

[Both chuckling] I don’t even think there’s any way for me to express how much those things don’t mean to me. I can’t even tell you how many days, weeks, I felt so isolated in my relationship. Not anymore. No way. I have been given a new lease on life. I am going to use storm’s heart in the best way I know how. Live life to the fullest. I want to laugh. I want to dance. Although you might not want to see that. I’m going to work really hard and I am going to raise my son. Mostly… I am going to love… fully… and completely. Thank you.


Ridge: I screwed up, dad. I screwed up. Over and over again. And I’ve…

[Indistinct], They told me so. I’ve been in love with two women for most of my adult life. They were there for me and I… I couldn’t choose one of them. Couldn’t make a choice. Why would they put up with that?

Eric: Because they both loved you so deeply. That’s why.

Ridge: I loved them too. Still do. I let them down over and over again. Turned their families upside down. That’s what I mean. I gotta… I gotta change this. I… I gotta find a way to be a better man.

Eric: Well… whether you accomplish that or not…

[Chuckling] I’ll still be your old man. Right?

Ridge: I love you.

Eric: I love you, too, boy.

Ridge: Thank you so much.

Eric: Oh, boy.

Steffy: Kelly’s making christmas cards for her two grandmas and grandpa ridge.

Finn: And I made us some eggnog from eric’s recipe.

Steffy: Stop. You didn’T.

Finn: I did. Although it’s a much lighter pour than your grandfather’S. And I set some aside for the kids later. Some regular eggnog.

Steffy: It’s really beginning to look a lot like christmas.

Finn: Yeah. I mean, the tree is decorated, the presents are wrapped, and stockings are hung by the chimney with care.

Steffy: I keep thinking about kelly’s wise words. She’s right, you know. This is the greatest christmas ever, because… we’re together. When I think about what happened that day in monaco. It was the most miraculous of miracles.

Finn: Steffy!

Steffy: See you standing there…

Finn: Steffy!

Steffy: It was truly the greatest gift imaginable.

Finn: It’s me. I found you. It’s me. It’s really me.

Steffy: Oh, my god. I love you. So much. Merry christmas.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Marlena told John that she was upset about Kristen living with them. She told him Brady kissed Sister Mary because he thought she was Kristen. She said she was afraid that time was running out on their plan to expose Kristen. She said they should tell Kristen they had another fight. He said he didn’t think they could pull it off. He said he almost lost her twice. He didn’t want to tell anyone that they were fighting. He said she made him happy. He said he was the luckiest man on earth. Kristen put a mistletoe over Brady. He didn’t want to kiss her. She told him Marlena was going to need another dose from the orchid so he should be nicer to her. Rachel walked in and wanted to know what Kristen was talking about. Kristen told her the orchids were life-saving medicine. Brady said he thought they could get one for Christmas. Rachel said she wanted them to be together forever. He said he wanted to make her happy. He said he and Kristen were doing what was best for her. Kristen said she and Rachel could go look for decorations. Rachel asked Brady to go with them, but he said he had to work. Rachel left to get ready. Kristen ripped into Brady for dashing Rachel’s hopes. She told him to stop hating her so much and love their daughter more. He said he loved his daughter, but he loved Marlena too. He said that was the only reason she was living there.

Nicole woke up from a nightmare. EJ asked if she was dreaming about Eric. She said she was shocked to see Eric. EJ told her not to read too much into it. He said Eric jumping in bed with Sloan was an indicator that he moved on. He said she should let Eric move on. She agreed with him. He said he knew what could take her mind off of things. He played her the voicemail Sister Mary left him. She said the explosion was his fault because he brought a harlot to his mother’s funeral. She said the explosion was a warning. She said he was in danger if he didn’t heed the warning. He apologized for putting Nicole in danger. She said it was Ava’s fault. Abe went to see Paulina. He told her there wasn’t going to be a bail hearing. He said the court adjourned for the holidays. She said she wanted to put out a press release saying that she was stepping down as governor. She said he could stay on as mayor. He tried to talk her out of it, but she didn’t want to hear it. Abe got a call from Belle. He handed Paulina the phone. Abe and Paulina went to Allie and Chanel’s apartment. Paulina told them Belle went to London and challenged their extraditions. Paulina said Belle won so the charges were dismissed. She said Trask couldn’t hold either one of them. Sloan showed up at the apartment. She got a call about what happened. She told them she was going to make Paulina pay. Eric went to see Brady. He told Brady he came up with a plan to stop Kristen. He said they needed to kidnap Rachel.

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Days Update Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

John brings Marlena breakfast in bed and wishes her a Merry Christmas Eve. Marlena thanks him for spoiling her. John notes that she tossed and turned all night. Marlena tells him that last night when the explosion happened at the chapel, she was thinking about Kristen and then she woke up this morning and realized Kristen is living here with them. Marlena remarks that they are all just pretending that everything is fine and normal. Marlena says being Christmas makes it even worse as she doesn’t understand what is going on with Kristen and why Brady is going along with it. John feels like he got a little closer to Kristen when he told her that they got in a big fight. Marlena complains that it didn’t get them anything and she’s not sure how much more of this she can take. John feels the same after having to praise what a big heart she has. John says that made him want to throttle Kristen, so he can only imagine what Brady feels like.

Kristen joins Brady in the living room and holds mistletoe over him but Brady says no. Kristen hoped this would be the start of a Christmas cease fire. Brady responds that Christmas doesn’t take away from the fact that she’s still blackmailing him and she’s threatening the lives of three women. Kristen argues that those three women owe her their lives. Kristen asks why he can’t see it from her point of view. Kristen says she saved them from death but everyone in this house except Rachel treats her like an interloper.

EJ brings Nicole breakfast in bed. Nicole complains about the time and says she should’ve been up already. EJ tells her that he and Holly thought it was best for her to get a good night’s sleep. Nicole points out that it’s Christmas Eve. EJ assures that Holly is having a good time helping with Christmas cookies. Nicole thanks EJ for everything. EJ notes that he heard her cry out in her sleep and asks if she wants to talk about her nightmare. Nicole responds that she doesn’t remember it. EJ asks if it was about Eric.

Eric wakes up in bed with Sloan, who is typing on her laptop next to him. Sloan comments that it’s about time he wakes up. Eric jokes that he’s officially unemployed, so he can sleep in as long as he wants. Sloan tells him that she has coffee and he might need it before she tells him what she just read online. Eric asks her to tell him. Sloan doesn’t know how to break it to him, but informs him of the explosion. Eric reveals that he already knows and that Marlena and Nicole are fine. Sloan questions him just showing up at her doorstep last night and not saying a thing about it. Eric responds that they had other things on their mind.

Abe joins Paulina in the interrogation room at the police station. Paulina shows him a picture from Chanel’s first Christmas but notes that she wasn’t there for Lani’s. Paulina starts to cry but says that won’t help anything. Abe brings her a box of Christmas cookies from Chanel and Allie. Paulina asks why they sent them here when she’ll be out in a couple of hours. Paulina asks about the bail hearing but Abe reveals that there is not going to be one today. Abe says that Melinda stalled so the court adjourned yesterday until after the holidays. Abe knows it’s a disappointment. Paulina calls it not a surprise. Paulina says she has faith in Belle but Melinda is pure evil by making her miss Christmas with her family out of pure spite. Paulina declares that she’s not going to just sit here and do nothing. Paulina brings up Stephanie’s statement announcing that she will not be sworn in as Governor. Abe says it still needs some work but Paulina accuses him of stalling because he doesn’t want her to do it, but says it’s the only way to ensure that Abe remains Mayor and that’s all she wants for Christmas. Abe tells her that she doesn’t have to do any of that. Paulina demands that the statement be put out now and remarks that Sloan is going to have her revenge on her after all.

Sloan asks Eric about Ava blowing up the church to seek revenge on EJ and jokes that she sounds like her type of gal. Eric points out that Ava was willing to risk innocent people dying. Eric mentions that Marlena is fine, but she did tell him that Nicole was hurt. Eric talks about how horrible they can be to each other when they are hurt. Eric brings up that Nicole was horrible to Jada, but when he heard Nicole was hurt, he ran over to the hospital and questions what he was thinking.

Nicole tells EJ that seeing Eric at the hospital last night was unexpected with how they ended things. EJ tells her that Eric was guilty and knows he was wrong as Jada didn’t have an abortion just because Nicole had a conversation with her. EJ tells Nicole not to read too much in to last night. EJ insists that Eric is not pining for her and how quick he jumped in to bed with Sloan should tell her that. Nicole sarcastically thanks him for reminding her. EJ states that Eric has moved on and tells Nicole to just let him.

Brady tells Kristen that Marlena hasn’t thanked her for saving her life because she doesn’t know that she did since they couldn’t tell her because then she would find out that she only did it to get in to his house. Kristen argues that it doesn’t change the fact that Marlena is alive thanks to her. Kristen warns Brady about how he talks to her since Marlena will need another dose to keep her alive and she’s the only person who knows where that life saving orchid is. Rachel then walks in and asks Kristen what an orchid is and why they are life saving.

John tells Marlena that the closest he got to Kristen was right after insisting that she was a good person at heart and she genuinely seemed moved by that, but before he could get any further, she had to go pick up Rachel. Marlena says they can’t afford to lose that momentum. Marlena adds that she thinks things have gotten more urgent which John questions. Marlena explains to John how Sister Mary Moira told her about Brady kissing her because he thought she was Kristen in disguise. Marlena talks about Brady always having feelings for Kristen and now they are living together and raising Rachel together, so she worries that the clock is ticking.

Kristen tells Rachel that orchids are beautiful flowers and some scientists make them in to medicine. Rachel questions why they are arguing about them. Brady says he was just telling Kristen how much he wanted to get one for Christmas and how it could be life changing. Rachel responds that what she wants for Christmas is for Kristen and Brady to get back together forever. Kristen asks what Brady says about that.

EJ points out that Nicole hasn’t touched her breakfast, but says it’s obvious that the church explosion is still weighing on her. EJ thinks she might need something to get her mind off of things and he might have the diversion to do the trick. EJ then pulls out his phone and plays a voicemail from Sister Mary Moira that she left before leaving town, where she blamed EJ bringing Nicole for the church explosion and said that it was God sending a warning. EJ and Nicole laugh about it together. Nicole jokes that being blamed for almost killing everyone was just the distraction she needed as they laugh together.

Sloan tells Eric that she’d be fine if they never spent another minute dwelling on one of his exes but she thinks it’s okay to have compassion for someone who nearly died. Eric says that getting Nicole out of his head is not something he wants, but something he needs. Sloan responds that satisfying his needs has become one of her specialties but she could always use more practice as they start kissing.

Abe thinks Paulina is rushing in to this, pointing out that she still hasn’t talked to Chanel. Abe says Chanel and Allie spent so much time on her campaign. Paulina insists they will understand that this is about protecting Abe, which was part of her vows 6 months ago. Abe still thinks she’s rushing in to this. Paulina loves him for what he’s doing and she wishes there was another way out but there’s not. Paulina asks for Abe’s phone and says she will tell Stephanie herself to release the statement. Abe still thinks that Chanel deserves to hear it before it hits the wires.

Allie and Chanel sit together at home. Chanel comments on not getting a good night’s sleep and says she can’t stop thinking about how much she hates Sloan Peterson for what she did to Paulina. Chanel says it’s Christmas Eve and now Paulina will probably have to spend the entire holiday in jail. Chanel adds that she should be behind bars, not Paulina. Allie suggests they go there, like they did for Thanksgiving when Chanel was arrested. Chanel loves the idea and says they will cook for Paulina as she then kisses Allie.

Brady tells Rachel that he knows it’s what she wants and he wants to make her happy, but she needs to trust that they are doing what they think is best for her as he hugs her.

Chanel and Allie go through cookbooks to plan what to cook for Paulina. Chanel then gets a text from Abe and tells Allie that Sloan Peterson has done it again.

Eric tells Sloan that he can’t believe it’s already Christmas Eve and asks if she has any plans. Sloan responds that she stopped making plans when she lost her parents and her brother lives a million miles away. Eric says he’s sorry and mentions that his mom hosts a great Christmas Eve party at her place and tomorrow, his dad hosts Christmas at the Brady Pub. Eric asks if Sloan is not interested. Sloan asks if that’s really them and reminds him they are keeping this low key. Eric realizes he just invited her home to meet his family and apologizes, saying it’s a force of habit. Sloan thanks him for worrying about her holiday but says she got her Christmas wish this year because Paulina Price is behind bars.

Paulina finishes her call and informs Abe that all major news outlets will have the statement within the hour. Abe worries that it’s going to be a long time before he can make up this sacrifice to her. Paulina says he will do so just by being himself and calls him the most wonderful man she’s ever met. Abe doesn’t want to leave her alone tonight. Abe jokes that he’ll commit a minor crime and they can lock him up in the cell next to her. Abe then gets a call from Belle, who asks to speak to Paulina, so Abe hands her the phone. Paulina is shocked and asks Belle to repeat what she said.

John questions Marlena thinking that Brady still has feelings for Kristen. Marlena calls it a very strong attraction and they know he’s fighting those feelings, but she’s afraid of what might happen if he loses that battle. John decides they are going to have to pivot and come up with a new way to find out what Kristen is hiding. Marlena is afraid that Kristen will see right through them. John points out that Kristen is completely alone and may be anxious to reel Brady back in, but when she’s that isolated, she will take the first friend that comes along.

Kristen tells Rachel that she is going to take her to the town square to look at the Christmas decorations. Rachel asks if Brady will come. Brady says he has to work. Kristen suggests he meet them for lunch afterwards which Brady agrees to. Rachel goes to get her coat to get ready. Kristen tells Brady that he’s breaking Rachel’s heart by not giving her what she wants most in the world. Kristen argues that Brady could stop hating her so much and love his daughter just a little bit more.

Nicole and EJ continue to laugh about Sister Mary Moira’s voicemail. EJ wonders if Ava’s breakdown in the hospital was real as he admits he has his doubts. EJ asks if Nicole has a fix for his guilty feelings. Nicole asks what he feels guilty about. EJ says he put Nicole in harm’s way as his horrible miscalculation about Ava helped lead to yesterday’s disaster. EJ adds that his mother is dead because of how he handled the kidnapping and he almost lost Nicole. EJ states that he couldn’t blame Nicole if she never wanted to speak to him again. Nicole assures it was neither of their faults and 100 percent Ava’s fault. Nicole tells EJ not to beat himself up for it for another minute.

Allie questions Chanel saying that Paulina just gave up on being Governor. Chanel gets that Paulina wanted to protect Abe but complains that the whole thing just seems so unfair and keeps getting worse and worse. Abe then shows up at their door. Chanel says she got his text and can’t believe Paulina is doing this. Abe says he tried to talk her out of it. Chanel knows nobody talks Paulina out of anything. Chanel invites Abe in and says that she and Allie decided to make Paulina a Christmas Eve dinner to take down there. Chanel then questions why Abe isn’t coming in. Abe then steps aside and surprises them by bringing in Paulina. Chanel rushes to her and they excitedly embrace.

Sloan remarks to Eric that she’s sure Paulina is feeling very sorry for herself behind bars this holiday. Sloan wonders if Paulina or Chanel ever thought once about all the holidays they ruined for her. Sloan guesses Eric thinks she should’ve turned the other cheek. Eric feels bad for what she went through. Sloan knows Eric is friends with Paulina so she doesn’t expect him to come fight her battles, but says she just needs to vent every now and then. Eric remembers that Sloan listened to him rant more than once. Sloan suggests changing the subject and asks what they are doing for New Year’s Eve. Sloan then gets a call that upsets her. Sloan thanks them for letting her know and hangs up. Eric asks if everything is okay. Sloan responds that everything is not okay. Sloan says she’s sorry to kick him out like this, but she has to go deal with something right now.

Paulina calls her mom and tells her it’s all over; she and Chanel are free and being extradited. Paulina says she thinks her mom’s prayers did it. Paulina says she has to go but will call her later for a nice long chat. Paulina adds that she will get down on her knees and thank the Lord. Paulina says she loves her and hangs up. Paulina says her mom was so scared for them. Chanel repeats that it’s all over now. Allie asks if they are really free. Paulina confirms that Belle went to London and challenged them over every technical issue she could find and she won. Abe confirms the charges are dismissed and Melinda can’t hold Paulina anymore. Abe declares that this whole nightmare is officially over as they hug.

Marlena suggests to John that they take a step back. Marlena wonders if it’s possible that they overcomplicated this whole thing. Marlena asks what if John told Kristen that they had another terrible fight and their marriage is on the verge of falling apart. John doesn’t think he could pull it off and talks about how hard it was to make Kristen believe that he was upset with her in the first place. John brings up that it’s the holidays and he almost lost Marlena twice this year, so the last thing he wants to do is tell anyone they are fighting even if it’s not true. John tells Marlena that she makes him happy and proud, and like he’s the luckiest man on earth as they kiss.

Brady questions if Kristen is saying he’s a bad dad now and calls her a hypocrite for telling him to put family first, while she plays with Rachel’s grandmother’s health. Brady states that he loves Rachel with his whole heart, but he loves Marlena too and that’s the only reason Kristen is in this house. Rachel comes back in and says she’s ready, then asks if they were still talking about orchids. Kristen leaves with Rachel and then Eric shows up. Brady and Eric wish each other a Merry Christmas. Eric says he wanted to see how Marlena was doing. Brady says she’s okay and that John has been keeping a close eye on her. Eric says that’s great but admits that’s not the only reason he’s here. Eric tells Brady that he meant what he said about Kristen’s blackmail. Eric declares that it’s up to them to put a stop to her which means they have to come up with a plan now.

Kristen brings Rachel to the town square. They look at the Christmas tree, which Rachel says Brady would love. Rachel wishes Brady joined them. Kristen encourages Rachel to never give up on her dreams because they are the most important thing they have.

EJ tells Nicole that she’s right that it’s Christmas Eve, so they don’t need to talk about his guilt. EJ helps Nicole with her food since she has her arm in a sling from the explosion and they end up touching hands and getting close.

Abe, Paulina, Allie, and Chanel have champagne. Paulina announces that she realized being Governor means moving to the capitol and she loves Salem. Paulina declares that Salem is where they belong and they are going to focus on all their many blessings to have a very Merry Christmas.

Nicole tells EJ that she should get ready for the day because she hasn’t even seen Holly and she has to wrap presents and plan surprises, so she has to take a shower. EJ points out what a challenge showering will be with her arm in a sling. EJ jokes that he could give her a hand. Nicole thinks he’s helped enough today and thanks him. EJ jokes that it’s her loss. EJ knows the circumstances for her coming here were not ideal, but he’s happy that she and Holly are here for Christmas because the house needs them to brighten it up which they have done so. EJ then exits the room.

Abe declares that they finally got the Christmas miracle they have all been waiting for. Sloan shows up at the door. Paulina questions what she is doing there. Sloan says they must be enjoying themselves with a holiday toast like nothing happened while two people are dead. Sloan tells Paulina that she may have managed to escape prosecution, but warns that she will pay if it’s the last thing she does.

John kisses Marlena. Marlena thought they were urgently making a plan to get rid of Kristen but John says other things are more urgent as they continue kissing.

Kristen tells Rachel that she knows how much her wish for her and Brady means to her, but she can’t make any promises though she doesn’t want her to give up on them. Kristen says maybe they will both get what they want most someday. Kristen reminds Rachel that until then, nobody is more important to her and Brady than she is. Kristen hugs Rachel.

Brady tells Eric that if he has any good ideas, he’s all ears. Eric talks about seeing a family of three together in the town square on his way over. Eric says they need to hit Kristen where she lives if they plan on getting the orchid back from her. Eric then tells Brady that they need to kidnap his daughter.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, 12/21/22

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Ashley: Looks like I caught you at a bad time.

Tucker: No, on the contrary. I was just about to get in the shower. That’s the perfect time. It’s where I do all my good thinking.

[ Both chuckle ]

Ashley: Well, I guess I’ll take your word for that.

Tucker: You want to come in and wait? I’ll just be a few minutes.

Ashley: Um, that’s kind of weird. You know, when we were on the phone a couple hours ago, you said that you were just getting out of the shower.

Kyle: Summer and I will be packed up and ready to leave at a moment’s notice.

Summer: Harrison’s at home. So, we can grab him and head to the cabin as soon as you give word, jack.

Jack: If all goes according to plan, this should give you enough time to get away without stark following you.

Kyle: I don’t like the idea of you taking him on alone.

Jack: Hey, I don’t like any of this — ex-con showing up in town to threaten your mother. But it is what it is, and we have to deal with it.

Kyle: Stark seems extremely unpredictable.

Jack: In my experience, the best way to deal with people like stark is to be direct and forceful. Right or wrong, they respond to a show of strength.

Summer: Just be careful.

Jack: I will be. You be cautious, too. And as soon as I give you the word, you get harrison up to that cabin and into his grandmother’s arms as quickly as you can. I will see you both on christmas day with the rest of the family. And with any luck, by then, stark will be out of our lives.

Allie: You missed a couple empty glasses back there.

Noah: Hey.

Allie: [ Sighs ] Isn’t it your staff’s job to clean up?

Noah: Yeah, but I just want to make sure everything’s ready for tonight. I want people to feel warm, welcome.

Allie: You sure that people are going to come to the club on christmas eve?

Noah: Yeah, I think there’s a lot of people out there that are away from their homes and away from their families. I want them to feel welcome here. Maybe it’ll even turn into a holiday tradition, like my mom does over at crimson lights.

Allie: Yeah, yeah, I love that. You want to make sure that people have a place to celebrate.

Noah: Yeah. And no charge. Food and drink specials all night.

Allie: It’s a great way to give back.

Noah: Well, I appreciate you coming out, sacrificing part of your christmas eve for me.

Allie: Yeah, of course. I mean, why wouldn’t I come, right?

Noah: Uh, I-I don’t know. Maybe had something to do with your family.

Allie: Nope. Nope, uh, things are pretty quiet at the house. So, uh, everything here up to your standards?

Noah: Yeah. Yeah. You know, pretty much, uh, except for those two glasses on the table over there. Yeah, but more importantly… you look like absolute perfection tonight.

Tucker: Yeah, I did. I took a shower earlier, but in between, I grabbed a workout. The gym here is unbelievable. Have you seen it?

Ashley: No, I haven’t had the pleasure.

Tucker: Yeah, sometimes i take multiple showers in a day. Please don’t tell my, uh, water-conservationist friends.

Ashley: Yeah. Okay. Your secret is safe with me.

Tucker: You know what I love? You remembered that intimate detail from our conversation. Did it spark any memories?

Ashley: Of what?

Tucker: Uh, maybe you and me in the shower years ago?

Ashley: No.

Tucker: No?

Ashley: No. No, I guess I just have a good memory for detail.

Tucker: Ah, yes, yes. Well, the offer still stands. You can come in and wait, or… you can come in and join me.

Ashley: I think I’m going to go, you know? I think —

Tucker: Hold on. You know, ashley, wait a minute. I’m sorry. That was — ugh, that was a really crass invitation. I don’t know why I did that.

Ashley: I don’t, either, actually.

Tucker: Um, I don’t have to shower now. Come in. Let’s talk. Have a drink. (Vo) red lobster. The finer points of fun dining

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Ashley: Mm, no, thanks. I don’t really feel like a scotch and soda while you’re sitting there all sweaty and gross.

Tucker: Well, I got more than scotch. I got rum. I have gin and tonic, whatever you want.

Ashley: Yeah, I think I’m just going to stay out here.

Tucker: Well, hold on. Uh, why don’t I take a shower, by myself, and I’ll meet you upstairs at the club? I promise to be quick.

Ashley: Oh, I don’t want to rush you. Apparently, you get your best ideas in there.

Tucker: No, but, seriously, I would love to sit down and talk with you. You came here to tell me something. I’d like to know what it is.

Ashley: Yeah, I could use a little advice.

Tucker: Oh. Okay. Uh, I’ll be quick, and I’ll be right up. And hopefully I can help out. It’ll be my christmas gift to you.

Ashley: Well, how cheap of you.

Tucker: [ Laughs ]

Ashley: Actually, just a little conversation would be helpful.

Tucker: Okay.

Ashley: Okay. I’ll see you upstairs.

Tucker: See you.

[ Sighs ] You can come out now.

Audra: You know, it’s not exactly in my job description to hide in bathrooms. But I guess neither is our “colleagues with benefits” arrangement.

Tucker: I appreciate your discretion. Thank you. So, uh, before we… you were talking about striking out on your own.

Audra: I was. But after seeing how you handled ashley abbott, maybe you’re not so far from, you know, achieving your personal goal, which means that you’re one step closer to getting what you want on the business front, too. Perhaps I underestimated you.

Tucker: Wouldn’t be the first time, would it? Hey. Stick with me. If you do, I promise you I’ll get you that reward you deserve.

Kyle: The boy is very excited for our christmas eve mystery adventure.

Summer: [ Laughs ] Well, when you put it like that, even I’m excited.

Kyle: Well, he thinks there’s a possibility we’ll see a reindeer.

Summer: I wonder where he got an idea like that.

Kyle: Uh, he has an overactive imagination.

Summer: I love that you’re making this fun for harrison.

Kyle: Well, we just have to keep framing it that way. This is an adventure. Can’t let him get a whiff that there’s danger.

Summer: We have to stick to our story with everyone. We are going on a santa-tracking adventure, and we’re going to be back home in time for christmas dinner. I have our bags packed, and I got to throw some things together for harrison, and I have a few more presents upstairs that are tucked away, and then we should be ready to go.

Kyle: Whoa, you’re hiding presents upstairs?

Summer: Away from prying eyes.

Kyle: Oh, okay. Okay. Well, must be a very special present.

Summer: Every gift from me is special.

Kyle: Mm, you’re right about that. It’ll be nice to be able to give my mother her presents in person. I just wish it didn’t have to be like this.

Summer: Like jack said, nobody wants it to be like this. But it’s the way that it is, so we just need to make it work.

Kyle: For harrison’s sake.

Summer: Exactly. And I really believe that we are going to pull this off without a hitch. You’re still worried about your dad?

Kyle: Mm, how could I not be? He has the most dangerous job of all.

Jeremy: Jack. Any word on disappearing diane?

Jack: None.

Jeremy: Hmm. So, this is a social call?

Jack: Not exactly.

Jeremy: You know, that’s funny. You tell me to stay away. Now every time I turn around, you’re in my face. That’s a double standard.

Jack: Well, if it really bothers you, I think I have a way of making this end once and for all. When you’re ready to go, but static says “whoa.”

Audra: Uh, hello. Sharon rosales.

Sharon: That’s me.

Audra: You don’t know who i am, but —

Sharon: Actually, I do, audra. I’ve seen you in here before. I saw you the other day. You were talking to one of my baristas about noah. Anyway… nice to formally meet you.

Audra: Likewise. Noah had all kinds of photos of his beautiful family in his flat in london. I recognized you immediately, and he told me all about this place. Everything is so delicious.

Sharon: Thank you. But there’s really no need to butter me up. You and noah are not seeing each other anymore.

Audra: I meant it. I love it here in this town — so charming.

Sharon: So, I hear you are working at chancellor-winters. Sounds like it’s an important position.

Audra: Is there something you want to ask me?

Sharon: Well, I was just wondering if that’s a permanent position or just a temporary consultant job.

Audra: Is that a clever way of asking how long I plan on being in town?

Sharon: Exactly!

Allie: Wow. Look at this guest list. You are going to be packing them in.

Noah: It’s a big week leading up to new year’S.

Allie: You know what? I am so impressed. You had a vision. You set your mind to it. And you made this club a huge success.

Noah: Now, it wasn’t just me. I had a great team, plenty of friends and family supporting me… and you.

Allie: Me? What have I done?

Noah: You’ve been a rock for me. I can lean on you, bounce ideas off you.

Allie: [ Sighs ] That’s — it’s really not a big deal.

Noah: Yes, it is. And I want you to know that this is A… this is a two-way street. So, now, if there’s something on your mind, don’t hold back.

Allie: I’m not sure I know what you mean.

Noah: The last time that we talked, you asked me if you should be worried about audra.

Allie: Look, noah, I… this is not the right time to talk about this.

Noah: Yes, it is. And I don’t want this weighing on you.

Allie: Okay, yeah. I don’t like the thought of your ex kissing you.

Noah: It was completely one-sided. I swear. I hope that our conversation the other day didn’t make you think otherwise.

Allie: I don’t know, noah. You just have this really intense history, and I cannot help but be concerned that she’s not going to give up on getting you back.

Noah: Hey, hey. Just forget about her. I have.

Ashley: Hi, guys.

Noah: Hey.

Allie: Ashley, hey.

Ashley: Hi.

Noah: You here by yourself tonight?

Ashley: I am not. I’m actually meeting tucker.

Allie: Really?

Ashley: Don’t read anything into it. We just have a couple things to discuss.

Allie: Oh, no, I don’t judge. Despite the stunt that he pulled at kyle and summer’s vow renewal, I admire him a lot as a businessman.

Ashley: Okay.

Noah: Don’t worry about it. Allie is really good at not judging people. I have done plenty of idiotic things in front of her, and she’s never made fun of me.

Ashley: [ Laughing ] Okay. Good to know.

Noah: Let me grab you a seat.

Ashley: Okay. Just so great to see such a cute, happy couple. You are happy, aren’t you?

Allie: Yeah, I-I think we are.

Kyle: Whoa! More presents for harrison? I thought we said we weren’t going to overdo it this year.

Summer: This is just a little something that I couldn’t resist. Speaking of overdoing it, did you just sneak a can of mrs. Martinez’s cookies into our travel bag?

Kyle: [ Stammering ] You can’t expect me to celebrate christmas without cookies.

Summer: How are we doing on time?

Kyle: Well, if we want to get there before dark, we should leave soon.

Summer: We haven’t heard from jack yet. He didn’t want us to leave too early in case things go wrong on his end.

Kyle: He’s trying to negotiate with a convicted felon. What could go wrong?

Summer: You’re that concerned about him?

Kyle: Yes. Aren’t you?

Summer: I guess I just feel like jack always knows what he’s doing. He’s like my grandfather. If he says he’s going to do something, he gets it done. I trust him.

Kyle: I do, too.

Summer: I know what you need. A distraction. Why don’t you open this?

Kyle: Ooh, that is against the rules. It is not christmas yet.

Summer: Okay, I think under these circumstances, you’re allowed to open a present early. Trust me. It’s a good one.

Jeremy: So, what’s in there, jack? Hmm? Dueling pistols?

Jack: You claim diane had a quarter of a million of your dollars when you were arrested.

Jeremy: It’s not a claim. It’s a fact.

Jack: Then you will appreciate there is $500,000 here — double what you lost. More interest than you could have earned, either illegally or otherwise.

Jeremy: Is that so? It seems to me after six years in my line of work, I would have done a lot more than double it.

Jack: This is a one-time offer. Take it or leave it. And if you take it, you pack your bags, you get on that plane and you don’t look back.

Music (“I swear”) plays

Allie: Okay, I love all these fun holiday-drink names. Mistletoe mojito, north pole piña colada. Ooh, naughty or nice on ice.

Noah: Yeah, it was something my dad did back at the underground — fun, little tradition. He had a lot of those, actually. At one time, he had a plaque dedicating a booth to a woman he was seeing at the time. Hey, maybe I should do that for you.

Allie: You know what? I don’t need a booth.

Noah: Well, that’s good, because we don’t have any, but a plaque — yeah, a plaque.

Allie: Noah, I don’t need a plaque, either.

Noah: Why not?

Allie: I don’t know. Maybe I don’t want to attract all that attention to myself.

Noah: Alright, fair enough. But what do you need? I’m hoping my christmas gift is right on the mark.

Allie: I’m sure it is.

Noah: Alright, well, just, you know, let me know. There’s plenty of time to hit the stores again, so…

Allie: Noah, stop. Okay? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s perfect. I get the feeling that you are trying to prove something to me.

Noah: Oh, yeah, what’s that?

Allie: That even though audra wants you back, you only have eyes for me.

Noah: Yeah, I didn’t think that’s what I was doing. But yeah, maybe you’re right.

Allie: You know it’s not necessary, right? Because I know that you only want to be with me.

Audra: So, are you wondering how long I’ll be here? Or are you asking for someone else, like noah?

Sharon: I was just wondering. Noah would never put me up to asking a question for him.

Audra: Yeah, you’re right. He’s very straightforward.

Sharon: Exactly. You still haven’t given me an answer.

Audra: I mean, to be honest, I don’t know. I…I don’t have solid plans. My work at chancellor-winters isn’t done yet. But you don’t really care about my job status. You’re just worried how my presence affects noah.

Sharon: Well, I have to be honest. When he came home from london, he just wasn’t himself. Seemed like all the joy and energy had been drained out of him.

Audra: Yeah. And the breakup was hard on both of us.

Sharon: I don’t doubt that. But noah wasn’t himself again until he met allie. She’s the one who got him out of that funk. She’s been very supportive of his career moves, and there’s a sweetness between them, and I don’t want to see that change.

Audra: Don’t worry. I received the message loud and clear. Noah wants nothing to do with me. There was a moment when I thought we could rekindle what we had, but noah doused that flame pretty quickly. And I’m not about to beg him for another chance. I wish noah and allie the best luck in the world. They don’t have to worry about any trouble from me.

Sharon: So, you are sticking around for a while?

Audra: I still have some things I want to accomplish at work. After that, I mean, I’m not sure. I like it here. And with so many titans of industry in genoa city, who knows what will come next for me?

Chance: Sharon… I did it.

Ashley: [ Choking ]

Tucker: What the hell are you drinking?

Ashley: It’s called a candy cane-tini.

Tucker: Ugh!

[ Both laugh ] How is it?

Ashley: Hmm? It’s very pretty to look at.

Tucker: Not really.

Ashley: I think I should have ordered a glass of wine.

Tucker: Well, you could probably ask for a refund from the manager, but he’s busy making out with your grand niece.

Ashley: [ Laughing ] Yeah! Well, they are a very cute couple, aren’t they?

Tucker: Oh, yeah. Of course, I’m going to take credit for that. I played a huge role in introducing allie to the abbotts and genoa city altogether.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: And she never would have met noah if it weren’t for me.

Ashley: Well, she definitely is lovely. And she’s a welcome addition to our family, although I do think that her introduction could have been handled much better, you know?

Tucker: Yes. You have a good point. I do regret her being a pawn in my attempt to get back here. And by here I mean in your presence.

Ashley: Wow, that shower really did some wonders, huh? Lookit — you’re having all sorts of deep thoughts…

Tucker: Oh, yeah.

Ashley: …Concerning allie, anyway.

Tucker: No, all I could think about was you.

Ashley: We’re going to do the hard sell again?

Tucker: No, no, no, no. No, I mean concern for you. You were obviously churned up about something when you came to my door. Is everything alright?

Ashley: Well, I got a lot on my mind. That’s for sure.

Tucker: Like what? Tell me. I can’t give you advice if I don’t know what’s going on.

Ashley: It’s not what. It’s who.

Tucker: Okay. Who?

Ashley: Jack.

Tucker: Ah.

Ashley: We got into it earlier, and it got very ugly.

Jack: Last time we spoke, you said you would consider taking the cash.

Jeremy: Did I?

Jack: I think you know you’re not going to get a better offer than this.

Jeremy: I don’t think this compensation is as valuable as you think it is. 500k divided by 72 months in prison — that works out to, what, $7,000 a month, $200 a day while I was locked up, unable to run my business. Now, my time is worth much more than that.

Jack: Fine. Name your price.

Ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin?

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Kyle: Are you sure about this? It feels so wrong.

Summer: I checked with santa personally, and he said it’s okay.

Kyle: I can’t believe how adorable you are.

Summer: [ Laughs ]

Kyle: Okay. What? What is this?

Summer: It’s a make-your-own ornament kit. I thought you could make one with harrison, just like…

Kyle: Like dad did with dina when he was a kid.

Summer: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. It’s not the exact same ornament, but it’s pretty close. I know it’s not your typical gift, but I —

Jack: No, it’s not. It’s so much better. Thank you.

Sharon: Chance, I have never seen you this excited. What did you do?

Chance: Well, I cracked a case that has plagued the gcpd for years. Rey actually told me about it. You know what I’m talking about?

Sharon: No. Which one?

Chance: Okay, so around this time every year, there is just a rash of thefts at the mall, right? Big-ticket items, thousands of dollars. Nobody knows what’s going on. So, I put it together. Who has access to the mall only during the holidays?

Sharon: I don’t know. Who?

Chance: Santa’s helpers.

Sharon: What?

Chance: Mm-hmm. So, I cross-reference employment and criminal records. Boom. Here this guy is. He’s been ripping off gc the whole time working as an elf. An elf! I mean, that is the perfect cover. Here’s the problem, though. He used a phony I.D. When he got hired. So, we couldn’t find his real name. So, I had to put an apb out on his elf name.

Sharon: Which is what?

Chance: Merry mcjingles.

Sharon: [ Laughing ] Okay, you’re making this up.

Chance: I swear to santa claus that I’m telling the truth. We just got the guy. We found him in the mall parking lot. And so, we approach him, right? He denies ever working as an elf, but he forgot to take off one of his ears. So, he said, “I didn’t do it. It wasn’t me.” And his little elf ear is flapping around in the wind. I tell you.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh, this sounds like one of those christmas-movie plots. You know what? You should pitch this to your mother.

Chance: I know. She’s going to love that story. I can’t wait to tell her.

Sharon: Hey, is nina going to be around for christmas?

Chance: No, no, she’s not, actually, this year. And I’m okay with that. I don’t really feel like talking to her about the whole divorce thing, you know?

Sharon: Well, how are you going to feel about that, not being around family at christmas? I mean, how is everything going?

Chance: I’m good. Yeah. You know, I wrapped all of dominic’s presents, got them under the tree. I’m not really sure how much time I’m going to get with him. He’s got a lot of families to go visit, but I want to make the most of it.

Sharon: So, what are you gonna do when he’s not around?

Chance: Put in some overtime, do some paperwork.

Sharon: Sounds like a plan.

Chance: You’re not about to take me to task, are you? Or preach the importance of family time during the holidays?

Sharon: No, you know what you’re doing. You know, sometimes work is the right answer.

Chance: Well, you know what? I’m very glad to hear you say that, because right now, work is my life preserver.

Noah: So, we’re all good? You don’t need to talk about the whole audra thing?

Allie: I would be okay with not talking about her at all. We have so many happy things on the horizon. This is going to be a big week for you. So, let’s focus on that.

Noah: It’s a big week for you, too — our first christmas with the abbotts.

Allie: Okay. Guess what? I got the official schedule for christmas day. There is a family breakfast with homemade cinnamon rolls. For whatever reason, that seems to be a big part of their tradition.

Noah: That family loves their pastries.

Allie: Oh, yeah, they do. And I am not complaining.

Noah: Alright, well, it sounds like you should go have breakfast at the abbotts’ while I’m doing volunteer work with my mom at crimson lights.

Allie: Okay. And then you want to meet up afterwards? And then we can go spend half the day with the abbotts and then go see the newmans for dinner?

Noah: Yeah, yeah, sounds good, but fair warning. Newman christmas does not end at cinnamon rolls. Expect a feast, okay, and caroling and ice skating and presents. And my grandma is going to get on the piano, and she wholeheartedly expects everyone to sing. So…

Allie: My god, these two families go all out for christmas.

Noah: And you ready for it?

Allie: I think this is going to be a gluttonous, exhausting, fantastic, and epic holiday. And I cannot wait. I think this is going to be the best christmas ever.

Chance: Wow, look at that.

Sharon: And it’s on the house. Thank you for protecting genoa city from dangerous elves.

Chance: Thank you, sharon. You know what? I can’t wait to see merry mcjingles’ mug shot. And I just pray they kept that ear on. It’ll be classic.

Sharon: Hey, you know, if you’re serious about working over the holidays, you’re welcome to come here tomorrow morning and volunteer. We’d love to have you.

Chance: Sure. Yeah.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Sharon: Excuse me. Oh, that’s faith. I have to take this.

Chance: Yeah, no worries.

Sharon: Hey, faith. How’s switzerland?

Chance: No.

Audra: A little sweet?

Chance: Um, yeah, it’s like a whole gingerbread house jammed in a cup.

[ Both chuckle ] You know, I was never a fan of these festive drinks. What’s wrong with a good, old, hot cup of coffee, right?

Audra: Maybe you’re just not in a festive mood. I overheard your story about arresting the elf.

Chance: Oh.

Audra: It seems kind of grinchy.

Chance: [ Laughs ] Well, you see, he was the grinch. I just saved the day.

Audra: Oh. Good. It’s not so often you get to meet heroes.

Chance: Yeah.

Audra: Thank you for your service. And I do want to see that mug shot.

Chance: Yeah. Yep.

Ashley: I mean, obviously jack and I have butted heads a lot regarding diane. But this time was different. I could not believe what was coming out of his mouth.

Tucker: Hmm. Well, knowing how you feel about diane, I’m sure you were in the right.

Ashley: He’s furious with me for her feeling so frightened that she had to leave town, you know?

Tucker: He’ll get past it.

Ashley: What he won’t get past is the part that he thinks I played in bringing jeremy stark here.

Tucker: So, diane really got her claws into him, huh?

Ashley: Mm.

Tucker: And he buys into her whole redemptive-angel routine.

Ashley: Oh, yeah, of course. I mean, he’s president of her fan club. Even when I present him with all the lies she’s told since she came back here, he doesn’t care. He looks right past all that evidence. And he just goes right back to blaming me for her having to leave town.

Tucker: So, why put up with any of that anymore? If he’s going to turn his back on you, do something about it.

Jeremy: Are you and diane involved? Because she’s lovely and hard to resist.

Jack: Years ago, I was a prime suspect in her alleged murder. Does that give you an answer?

Jeremy: No, not really. Whatever happened in the past, you’re here right now fighting for her with such valiant passion and quite generously, too.

Jack: Frankly, this has nothing to do with diane. I am sick and tired of her lies and manipulations. But we share a son and a grandson. That’s who I’m fighting for. So, do we have a deal or not?

Jeremy: I want a settlement so we can put all this behind us.

Jack: Good.

Jeremy: I want to negotiate.

Jack: Excellent.

Jeremy: With diane.

Jack: What?

Jeremy: I only want to deal with her. She’s the one who took my money, and now she needs to make it right.

Jack: Diane is gone.

Jeremy: Come on, jack. Are you trying to tell me that diane just vanished in the cold wisconsin night without a trace? You know where she is. And you’re going to take me to her. Then we’ll talk business.

Summer: For me? You shouldn’t have.

Kyle: Well, it’s just a little something. The good stuff comes tomorrow.

Summer: Oh, it’s beautiful. An “h” for harrison. I can put this on my bracelet.

Kyle: You’ll never guess who picked it out.

Summer: I’m going to have to thank him, too. I love it.

Kyle: Are you okay? What’s wrong?

Summer: Yeah. No, I’m fine. This is great. I love the charm. It’s just… I got a similar one for my mom when I was little, and… I just can’t believe that we’re going to be spending this christmas fighting with each other.

Kyle: It won’t be like that. You two will find a way to set aside your differences.

Summer: We both know my mom, kyle. I fired her right before christmas. She is never going to get over that. I just don’t know how we’re going to make things okay between us again.

Kyle: Hey, I will make them okay. I’m going to give you the best christmas… a loving, special day we’ll never forget. Hey! It’s me! Your dry skin!

Chance: I’m fighting crime all day, right? So, why would I go home and listen to a podcast about true crime?

Audra: Because they’re so juicy, okay? But I get it. I guess I wouldn’t want to come home and listen to a business-finance podcast.

Chance: Okay, now, that’s interesting. I’m into that.

Audra: Yeah.

Sharon: [ Clears throat ] Any refills here?

Chance: Uh, I think I’m alright. You?

Audra: Uh, I’m okay.

Chance: Thank you, sharon. Excuse me a second.

Audra: Yep.

Chance: Hey, is faith alright?

Sharon: Yeah. Yeah, she’s fine. It’s just hard having her away. She’s so away for the holidays.

Chance: Yeah. I’m sorry. That’s tough. Guess I should be more thankful that dominic and i are on the same continent, huh?

Sharon: Look, I know that it seems really hard right now, but eventually you and abby are going to figure out a way to co-parent together. And who knows? Maybe next christmas you’ll be together with your son.

Chance: Thank you, sharon. You know what? I can always count on you for support and good advice.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] I don’t know about that!

Chance: No, no. No, I mean it. Come in here, you get a coffee or whatever the hell that gingerbread drink is, and you take care of them. And it’s appreciated, really. And I know it’s got to be exhausting. I mean, don’t you ever want to just tell everyone to suck it up, deal with it?

Sharon: That wasn’t in any of the textbooks when I was getting my degree.

Chance: Well, you know what? You got a lot more patience than I do.

Sharon: You know, I think that I’m able to keep a positive attitude a lot of the time because I’m grateful for every day. Look, I know that there’s a lot of pain and loss in the world, but I think that we can take that pain and grow from it and learn to love even deeper.

Ashley: So, the tension between jack and me is just off the charts. And, frankly, that’s what diane creates. You know, she manipulates, and then it just causes chaos.

Tucker: I know. Alright, but let’s look at the situation. So, he’s made his loyalty obviously very clear, and it’s not to his family. So, why are you obligated to be loyal to him? It’s a little bit like how i told you to distance yourself from nikki and phyllis. Maybe you also need some distance from your brother.

Kyle: I don’t think you should worry about what happened to your mom right now. Embrace the holiday.

Summer: What does that mean? You want me to wear a santa suit?

Kyle: If you’re up for it, sure. But what I’m talking about is the fact we’re headed to a cabin in the woods. There may be snow along the way. We could have a wisconsin white christmas, the kind you’ve always missed in milan.

Summer: You thought it was the snow that I missed while we were abroad? It was my family. And I’m sad that we’re not going to be able to spend time with them this year. That being said, I want us to have as little stress as possible this holiday. So…

Kyle: Under the circumstances — fleeing town to avoid a dangerous ex-con who’s after my mother — I don’t know if it will be completely stress-free, but this could be the last hurdle for all of us. We can get stark out of town before the new year, and we can all have peace on earth.

Summer: Wouldn’t that be nice?

Jeremy: If you’re not going to take me to see diane, then I want you to get your briefcase out of here, because we’re done.

Jack: The whole point of the money is so that diane doesn’t have to see you again.

Jeremy: It isn’t just about the money. There’s a few more questions that I need to ask diane. And after the last few years that I’ve been through, I think I’m entitled to a few answers.

Jack: So, you want to meet with her one last time?

Jeremy: One last time. We have a conversation, and then I move on… with the money, of course.

Jack: Fine. You win. I have had it with this whole mess. She brought all of this to my doorstep. And I think it’s only right that she put an end to it.

Jeremy: I think that’s fair.

Jack: I think I know where I can find her.

Jeremy: Now we’re making progress.

Jack: Once I take you there, you have your little chat. Then you take your money, and it’s over! None of us ever have to see you again.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, 12/21/22

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne



[ Laughing ] Drew: It’s not a race.

[ Laughs ] Well… well, maybe it is. Oh, that’s ama– let me see what you got.

[ Indistinct conversation ] Oh, I love that. Go take it. Go show — go show your mom. Olivia: Yeah.

[ Laughs ] I’m going to recite all of these poems at my theater group!

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ] Okay, well, pace yourself, kiddo. Yeah, yeah. How about maybe one or two a week? How about that? There are 36 weeks in a school year. Let me see how many poems there are.

[ Olivia and ned laugh ] Mommy, come here and play with me!

[ Drew laughs ] Be right there. Oh, it’s a shame that monica is under the weather and can’t be here for this. She would have loved this. Sometimes the greatest gift of all is to be tucked

With some hot tea and some blessed quiet.
[ Laughs ] Don’t forget the christmas cookies. Michael: Hey, can, uh — can daddy play, too? Wiley, what do you say? Santa’s the best!
[ Laughter ]
[ Indistinct chatter ] Maxie? Austin. Hi. Hi. What — what are you doing here?
[ Laughs ] Well, I-I thought we had a plan that you and i would be here together with the kids and enjoy the festivities. Yeah. Uh, I-I didn’t think you’d show. Since you blackmailed georgie’s father. Spencer: Hey, I, uh, I brought presents. Oh, goody. Something extravagant, I hope. Um… although I know molly’s about to say it’s the thought that counts. Because it is. Dante: Hey, let us, uh, take these. Oh, thanks, but I don’t — -yes, you do. -Okay. Sam: The kids are upstairs making videos for their social media. Whatever you do, do not engage. Hey, spencer. Aunt alexis, hey. How’s it going? Thank you so much for having me. Are you kidding me? Oh, my gosh. You’re always welcome here. I’m just surprised your father didn’t monopolize you for the holidays now that you’re out of pentonville. Him, I see every day. All of you, I don’t get to see nearly as much. So I wanted to make up for that this christmas. Aww, famous last words. Oh, my gosh. What’s all this? Portia: [ Chuckles ] We wanted to do something special for you. But if you’re not in the mood, we understand. No. No, it’s — it’s beautiful. Merry christmas, baby.
[ Chuckles ] Did you see the house with all the angels? And the lights and the music all at the same time! Psh!
[ Finn and chase chuckle ] Violet, why don’t you go find us some more appropriate attire to wear for our christmas celebration? On it! Look, I know you guys are hurting, but that little girl is expecting a merry christmas, not a grumpy one. Can’t you both focus on your blessings for one night for her sake? What’s the update? It’s happening? Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means. Yes, I know. I know, you did me a favor, and now I owe you. And you’re definitely going to collect.

“Kristina corinthos-davis. Manager.” I will use this to rule with an iron fist. You like it? It’s not too square? Molls, it is so square, it could not have possibly come from anyone else. Which is why I love it. Oh. [ Chuckles ] Yay, I’m so relieved. These, on the other hand… I like those. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, you know what? Laugh it up. But I got them for everybody. Of course you did. Yeah, you can never have too many socks. That’s what I say. That — that’s — that’s true. And I would know because I am a doctor. See? Ugh, you two are way too… you guys.

[ Chuckles ] Why, thank you.

[ Smooches ] Can I get you guys some more cider? Dante: I can help out. Let’s do it. You okay? Great. Yeah. This is, uh — this is good. This is fun. For a cassadine, you are a terrible liar. I-I have a lot on my mind. Okay, well, I got plenty of time here, so what’s on your mind? This is probably a stupid question, but… am I destined to be just like my father? I’m sorry.

[ Sniffles ] You have nothing to be sorry for. Honey, you’re entitled to feel however you need to feel. No, no, no. There’s no pressure. There’s no pressure here. Thanks. I appreciate that. I-I just don’t want to bring down your holiday. You couldn’t if you tried. Trina, the holidays are about family. The ones we’re born into, the ones we’ve chosen, and the ones that we’re lucky enough to be chosen by. All that matters is us being here for you. And you know what we’re going to do? We’re going to follow your lead. So if you want to do something, I got supplies to decorate ornaments, you know. Our old tradition. Yeah, like we used to do. And we stopped doing it for a couple of years, but I figured this was the perfect time to bring it back. And if you want to be low-key, that’s absolutely fine, too. Just — just do what makes your heart feel good. Okay? Thanks. But christmas is even more important during hard times. And yes [Sniffles] I’m sad… and scared, but being here with all of you, I know I’m lucky, too.

[ Sniffles ] We love you. Can we — can we just talk for a second? Right? I just — I mean, I feel like we should clear the air. No matter what, we should know where we stand going into the holidays, right? And where do you think that is? I don’t know. I don’t know where you’re at. For me, I know I messed up. I-I let my insecurities get the best of me, and I did some shady stuff. And the worst of that was to pressure spinelli. I shouldn’t have done that. I know he’s important to you. I’m sorry. I was trying to hold on to you, but I think I might have driven a wedge between us. The wedge was already there, and I think you know that. I didn’t know we were doing presents tonight. Uh, well, we let the kids open one present each. Oh. I was starting to think that we weren’t going to see you before the show at rice plaza tonight. Well, I have a couple minutes before I have to go. Nothing’s more important than family at christmas, right? What? Yes, family is important. But so are other loved ones. Like… leo: Brook lynn! Yeah? Where’s chase? I want to show him my book. He’s, um, with family at the moment. I’m gonna go read my book. Bye. Uh, is — is — is chase coming to get you here, or are you going to meet up at the show? Chase isn’t coming. Not here. Not rice plaza. Nowhere that I am. Look at us, all together on christmas. There was a time I thought I’d never spend the holidays with my sons, much less my beautiful granddaughter. We’ve come so far. I-I’m sorry. I’m not really in the holiday spirit. Maybe I should just go.

[ Sighs ] Now that you’re not performing tonight, you’re free to spend time with your family. Brook lynn completely screwed me over, okay? Look, I’m so sorry, bro. What brook lynn did was wrong. It was beyond wrong. She cost me my badge when she took it on herself to make decisions about my life. You know, the more I think about it, I’m so happy that I backed out of the gingerbread jam. Brook lynn can deal with the fallout. Oh, I get it. This is about revenge. Guess what, wiley. Me and mommy have something to tell you. Do you want to do the honors? Wiley, we found out that the baby in mommy’s tummy is a girl. You’re going to have a little sister. How does that sound, wiley? I can’t wait!

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ] I’m really glad you’re here. Me too.

[ Indistinct conversation ] Donna’s with sonny, and avery’s with her mother, and josslyn’s with trina. I would be going crazy if I was sitting in that house by myself. Oh, sure. Not to mention, I get bonus time with wiley. Yeah, and who can resist that? Ah. Do you think willow’s okay? She’s really pale, and she seems to be having a really hard time with this pregnancy. Yeah, unfortunately, I think finding out that her birth mother was dead really added on the stress. But now that we know denise was lying, I am not gonna stop until I find her birth parents. Or at least find out what happened to them. You are a man on a mission, aren’t you? We got to tell her. We got to tell her that there’s still hope that her family’s out there. I think that would be a really big mistake. Why? Hey, thanks for helping me out. Of course.

I just think you should wait until you have all the facts before you hit willow with more bad news. Like the suspicion that harmony stole willow from her birth parents? Yeah. I mean, let willow enjoy christmas before you put all that on her. Will my little sister be here next christmas? Oh, she sure will. Will we open presents together? Well, she’ll have presents, but she’ll — she’ll be too small to open them herself. Then… you and me and mommy will help her open them. Right, mommy? We sure will. I’ll be right back. Hey, let me help you up. There you go. Okay. Hey, I’m so sorry to hear that you and chase split up. Yeah, we were worried that something like this might happen. Worried, but hardly surprised. And chase bailed on the performance tonight? Well, chase was only performing because we were together. Go ahead. Lay it on me. Tell me how I was selfish and stupid and deserved what I got. I’m so sorry, honey. Honey, we know how important chase was to you. And if anyone understands what you’re going through, it’s us. You’re not gonna lecture me? It’s christmas eve. No lecture today. Maybe on new year’S.

[ Chuckles ] No, no, no, no, no. No phones tonight. Mm. You are all mine. Anything important? No, no, no. I was just gonna check in on cody, make sure he wasn’t all alone. Well, you could invite him to the gingerbread jam. Yeah? Mm-hmm. I don’t know if I’ve told you lately how incredible I think you are. Mm, a couple times. Yeah? Yeah. Oh.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh. I, uh — I gotta go. What? Is it work? It wasn’t another attack, was it? No, no. No, nothing like that. Don’t worry. I’ll be right back. Okay? Promise. Okay. I shouldn’t have brought it up. It’s christmas. It’s the perfect holiday to maximize family dysfunction.

[ Chuckles ] What’s going on with your dad? I found out some things about him. I’m embarrassed. I’m ashamed. Like, it makes me look bad by association. Does that make sense? Sadly, it does. I want to have a life outside of my family, to stay away from my father and even uncle victor. But I can’t find a permanent way out. So I need you to tell me.

[ Sighs ] How do I escape my own family? You can’T. Hey, why don’t you take a break, dad? Well, uh-uh-uh! In a minute. I just want to make sure everything is perfect for trina. And I’m helping. Doctor’s orders. That’s right. Well, I’m sure trina will appreciate the effort. But what I have to say, you guys, cannot wait. You don’t have to stay. Traffic’s gonna get crazy with the gingerbread jam at rice plaza. Then I’ll take the backroads. Stop putting everybody else first. I’m here as long as you need me.

[ Sighs ] I was supposed to be with rory’s family tonight. I told him I’d go… before… I was on my way to tell rory that I didn’t love him.

[ Voice breaking ] All because I can’t shake my feelings for spencer. And he might have broken up with me. But I’ll never know. Rory is gone, and he’d still be here if he’d never met me.

we’ve all been workingreally hard to help trina, and she is absolutely our number-one priority. But, portia, honey, this is our first christmas as an engaged couple in our home. Mm-hmm. [ Laughs ] Dad… sir, this is our first christmas in over 30 years since you came back into my life. And even with everything that’s going on, I think these things need to be celebrated. Oh, son. Oh, my… baby. Honey! Man. Dad. Oh! You’re too much. Can I open it? Can I open it? Please. Open them. Open. All right.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, my goodness. Let me see. Oh, my gosh. Wow. This is perfect. It’s like self-care in a box, baby. Thank you so much. Oh… aww. …My. Oh, wow. Wow, wow. When… let me — I can’t believe you, son. Oh. These… this… son, this is like a time machine. Aww. Thank you. Thank you, son. Thank you. Baby. In what universe are you even remotely responsible for rory’s death? He was investigating a crime. Investigating

this crime. The killer happened to be there. Exactly. If it wasn’t for me, rory wouldn’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

[ Sighs ] Okay. It’s time for some tough love. What happened to rory was a tragedy, and you are entitled to feel however you want about that, but not responsible. The only person responsible for this is the monster who killed rory. You’re right. I know you’re saying it, but I don’t think you mean it. Listen, it’s human nature. When things get really, really bad, we try to make sense of them, and we’re willing to accept answers from anywhere, even if that means believing the worst about ourselves. And you think that’s what I’m doing? It is what you’re doing.

[ Sobs ] And blaming yourself… it’s only gonna hold you back. And rory would not want that for you. Rory would want you to keep moving forward. Come here. Look, I appreciate you owning what you did. That proves to me that you can still be a good man… which is why I was drawn to you in the first place. Well, uh… helping a woman deliver a baby in the woods when she’s being chased by a crazy nurse… make anyone look like a hero. But, see [Sighs] That’s where the root of our problem is. When I met you, I was trying to save my own life, trying to save my daughter’s life, and trying to survive the most traumatic relationship I had ever been in. And there you were, like a guardian angel. We went through something huge together, and we became really important to each other really fast. So fast that I think lines were blurred. Trauma bonding is a real thing. And…

[ Sighs ] You know, fate brought us together, but… but we’re not meant to be. Um… we — we need to tell willow that there’s still a chance that her birth parents are out there. She clearly needs some hope. Well, it’s not particularly hopeful to hear that you’ve been taken from your family. I mean, when you’re pregnant, your hormones just compound everything. And that’s what’s going on with willow. Hey, there’s nothing to worry about. Broo k lynn: I got so caught upin what I wanted, I convinced myself it’s what chase wanted, too. Now chase is gone, and I… I have to live with that. What are you gonna do about the show tonight? You’ll be in breach of contract if you don’t show up with an act. Then I’ll just have to get a different act. Dad, you. You can take chase’s place.

[ Laughs ] Oh. Hey. That’s your color. Really? Okay. I’m gonna take your word for it. Can we do the advent calendar? You bet. Why isn’t there one for the christmas day? One for chr– well, that’s because santa brings you candy for your stocking. Daddy, I know you do that. What? Santa only brings presents. You’re getting way too smart for me. Mwah. Look, I’m not trying to excuse what brook lynn did. You have every right to be angry. Damn right I do. Brook lynn — brook lynn… made a mistake. One that cost you dearly. But just because she didn’t do the right thing doesn’t mean you can’T. What are you talking about? Your badge was taken away. Not your moral compass. There’s still a wrong left for you to make right. Tonight.

[ Knock on door ] I’ll go get that. Dante: Oh, hey. Dante. Yeah. Sorry to interrupt. Merry christmas. But I got some news, and I don’t think it can wait.

Who needs chase when I’ve got eddie maine? Brook lynn. What linc and blaze signed up for and what the rice plaza bookers agreed to was a performance by two up-and-comers. You can’t just change the terms at the last minute. Well, this is an emergency. They won’t see it that way. Now, look, if there’s no way you’re gonna get chase to do this, you need to be honest with the people that you made an agreement with. Tell them I can’t deliver. Unfortunately — dare I say it? Mm, please don’T. You have to face the music. Look, carly, I… I-I still don’t feel good keeping this from her. All we have is a theory, and an extremely disturbing one at that. Okay. Okay. You’re right. I… I think. I’ll take that. You okay? Yeah. Sorry for getting so… oh, well, we are going to spend many more christmases together. You hear me?

[ “God rest ye merry, gentlemen” plays ] I’m gonna take this to my room. You’re doing a good job hiding your pain from violet. Wasn’t so sure if what you told me the other day. Your performance has improved. Thanks? I’m not trying to pry. I know there are elements of your breakup you don’t want to discuss, but… violet loves her aunt elizabeth. I know, I know. And no matter what happens between us, elizabeth will always be a part of violet’s life. I’m proud of you for not leaning into despair when it would be so easy to. Well, you know, I’ve had a lot of practice. You know, I think I finally learned my lesson this time, dad. You know, I’m not cut out for love or relationships. I… as much as I try, some sort of tragedy follows me everywhere. I know you’ve experienced your share of darkness. We’ve had our share of darkness as a family, as well. But it would be a mistake to ignore all the joy we’ve had, too. Is this the part of the conversation where you say, “everything happens for a reason”?

[ Laughs ] I wouldn’t dream of being so cliché. Mm. But the journey you’ve been on has put you on the path that brought violet into your life. Would you change that? Of course not. Not — not for a minute. So maybe don’t throw in the towel yet. Sorry about that. Listen, the ccrb is gonna revisit your reinstatement. They’re gonna take another look at your case at the next meeting in the spring. That’s great! Fantastic. Yeah. It was supposed to be a done deal. Yeah, it was, but I don’t know. Brook lynn managed to get them her letter. I thought it was too late for that. It was. Like I said, I have no idea what happened. Maybe she wore them down.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. Yeah. Brook lynn has that effect on people. Yeah. She does. And thank you for coming here and telling me that. Yeah. Merry christmas, partner.

[ “We wish you a merry christmas” plays ] Hey.

[ Door closes ] What did dante want? To deliver a christmas miracle. You mean a lot to me. You really do. And I do wish that things were different, but they’re just not. So… maybe we should just call it. I am grateful for you. And not just because you brought bailey lou into this world, but…for the time that we spent together, even though it didn’t work out. Me too.

[ “Hark! The herald angels sing” plays ] Merry christmas.

[ Chuckles ] No, no, no, really. Merry christmas, maxie. I hope those kids have a great holiday. Give that little bailey a hug for me? Of course. Thanks for being the best. Call me if you need anything. You know I will.

[ Door closes ] How are you feeling?

[ Sighs ] I’m okay. There’s something I want to do, and I need your help. Didn’t think I was gonna leave you out, did you? Um… I figured. I just thought I was gonna have to wait till morning. Well, that was the plan, but you inspired me.

[ Chuckles ] That’s it. Let’s see. Mm. That was our first christmas together. Oh, dad. Your mama, me, tommy. And that blur, that’s your aunt stella. She set the timer too fast. We thought it was all funny, so… so that’s our favorite. And that little boy right there… that’s you. I can’t tell you how grateful I am, curtis, for this second chance to make up for those… all those holidays I missed spending with you. I don’t understand, because you and sam and kristina and molly, you all have your own lives. You’re not…

[ Sighs ] You don’t get drawn in by our family. You’re not dependent on us. You don’t get sucked into the drama and the scheming and the treachery. We’re still connected to them. I-I fully expected victor to walk through that door and refer to this gathering as it were some, like, “little soiree,” while he’s lecturing us about family. Right. You can’t escape being a cassadine, spencer, but you can survive it. Okay. How? The girls and I, we have our own lives, right? Because I insisted on that. They insisted on that. And that wasn’t easy, but it just looks easy on nights like this. And, yes, victor has a special interest in you, and I am advising you to be very cautious about that. And if you have questions that he can’t answer, you ask me instead. Mm. Because this band of psychopathic murdering megalomaniacs are ours. They’re our family, and they always will be. So basically, I’m doomed, like a brontosaurus in a tar pit then.

[ Sighs ] This place that you live in is always gonna take space up in your head. But the key is to just accept that. And if you do that, it’ll just be easier to forge your own path. Is that how you do it? Is that how you’re able to always rise above the insanity that is our own family? Because that is all I want to do. I remember that genetics don’t dictate your actions. You’re your own person. And you can never not be a cassadine, but you can ground yourself in other things. Such as? Find out what makes you feel alive. You. Spencer. Not spencer cassadine. Does that make sense? I’m not sure. I want it to. Find out what makes you happy, figure out what that is, and then hang on to that, and let that be your guide. And I promise you, this is not gonna last forever. At some point, you will be able to ignore their attempts to pull you in, and you will just follow your own heart.

Harrison chase’s manager, right? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Where’s my opening act? Um, about that… brook lynn! Hi! Hi. I’m so happy to see you! I came to wish you and chase good luck. No, those don’t go there. Ooh. Where’s chase? Chase isn’t coming. Oh. I’m sorry. Is there something I can do to help? No, there’s not. But thanks. Okay, then I’m gonna go find my kids and my mom. Uh…break a leg. -Thanks. -So where is he? Look, I’m so sorry. I know this is disappointing, but… blaze is gonna have to perform solo. No. “No”? What do you mean, “no”? Chase isn’t coming, so I don’t see another option. Blaze’s manager’s been screaming at me all afternoon. A solo performance is a nonstarter. You need to fix this — now. Molly, this caramel apple pie is to die for. I mean, you legitimately made this yourself? I did. Yes. Thank you. Yeah. Baking has become sort of, like, a meditation for me these days. Mm. Well, I, too, am beginning to realize that there is more to life than work. I have organized a charity clothing drive to benefit struggling lgbtq+ youth. -You organized that? -Yeah. It starts tomorrow. I realized that helping other people gives my life purpose. And I never would have realized how much I needed that if I didn’t have a job that allows me the time to explore it. It seems like you’ve all found the things that make you feel alive. Oh, well, yeah, that’s a lovely way of putting it, spencer. I guess we’re lucky that way. Merry christmas, everybody. I’m afraid that I have to go, though. Oh, spencer. Are you okay? Was it something kristina said?

[ Chuckles ] It was, actually. What all of you said. Thank you, aunt alexis. I just realized that there’s somewhere that I have to be.

[ “What child is this?” Plays ]

[ Sighs ] Thanks. Look at those two. If you didn’t know better, you would think that there’s nothing wrong in the world, that it truly is peace on earth. Yeah, they are beautiful. Yeah. This whole evening. I get to spend christmas with my family. That’s a gift. Merry christmas, dad. Merry christmas, son.

[ Chuckles ] Honey, this is such a lovely idea. You’re so thoughtful. Rory holds a special place in my heart, and it’s important for me to keep his memory alive, even while I move forward. Oh. It just needs one final touch.

[ “O come, all ye faithful” plays ] Oh. Is that… is that from a soda can?

[ Laughs ] I know it’s corny. No. But the day we met, the police had been questioning me for a while, and he brought me a soda. Then when I was exonerated, he brought me another one. And because I’m ridiculous, I saved the tab. You are not ridiculous in any way, shape, or form. You know what that is, sweetheart? That’s perfect. Okay. I need to go. -This is darth vader. -It is? Oh, wow. Already? Yeah. We barely had a chance to talk. I know, but I have to get home. Hey. You have a merry christmas. Bye-bye, grandma. -Bye-bye. -Aww! -Merry christmas. -Yeah! That’s so sweet. -Oh! I love it. I love you. You have a good night, okay? Okay. I’ll walk you out. Yes. Okay. I’ll be back. Here.

[ “Deck the halls” plays ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Horn honks ]

[ Vehicle passes ]

[ Tires screeching ] I’ve been dying to do that all night. Keeping my hands off of you has been really difficult. Mm. Before you go…

[ Gasps ] …I got you a present. You got me a present? I did.

Hark! The herald angels sing

[ Gasps ] Oh! I love it. Hopefully it’ll remind you of our time together there. It will, but I could never forget.

…And mercy mild what is the key for? You’ll find out. Merry christmas. Ah!

Joyful all ye nations rise

join the triumph of the skies

with angelic hosts proclaim when will I be able to make hot cocoa by myself? Oh. Far too soon, I’m afraid. All right. Well, here we are. We’ve got our hot cocoa. Here. Is anybody ready for a story? Can grandpa read it? You bet. I would be honored. ‘Twas the night before christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” So that charity work you’re doing… mom, I really don’t want to argue with you on christmas eve. Well, then santa came early for you because I was just gonna say… that I love that you’re doing what makes you happy and that you love. And I’m so proud of you.

[ Singsongy voice ] Welcome back! There’s no place I would rather be.

[ Normal voice ] Mm…


“christ is born in bethlehem”

ah, ah, ah

[ Knock on door ] I’ll get it.

“Glory to the newborn spencer. Merry christmas.


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Days Transcript Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 Good morning, doc. Merry Christmas E oh oh. Bye.

Wow. Strawberries and whipped cream breakfast in bed. I think you’re spoiling me. You deserve bed so much more. It looks really beautiful. Thank you. You toss and turned all night. Oh, I hope I didn’t keep you awake. I’m not worried about you. So talk to.

Last night at the chapel and when the explosion happened before I even had time to process what happened? I was thinking about, so about someone about.

Lucy’s been known to have God in churches. And then, um, I woke up this morning and I realized that she’s living here with us and we are all just pretending we’ve got this charade going on, pretending that everything is fine and normal and. Something about it being Christmas makes it even worse. I just, I don’t, I don’t understand what’s going on with her.

Mm-hmm. and why Brady is going along with it. Yeah. Yeah. Why is that? Well, you know, I, I do feel like I got a little closer to her once I, I told her that you and I got in a big fight. It didn’t get us. And I’m, I am not sure how much more of this I can take neither doc, because when I was making nice to her and I was telling her so much a great big heart, she had my arms and my hands were tremon.

Cause all I could think about was doing was putting them around her throat. Now, if I am that close to throttling, Kristen, I can only imagine what Brady feels like.

Morning sunshine. Well, again, no,

no. As having such high hopes that this would be a start of a Christmas East of Kristen, just because it’s Christmas doesn’t take away from the fact that you are still blackmailing. And that you have the lives of three women that you have threatened and, and they’ve been through enough. Okay? Those three women actually owe me their lives.

Why can’t you see it? From my point of view? Brady. Huh? I, I snatched them from the jaws of death. And everyone in this house, except for Rachel, treats me like an interloper. And that is the thanks I get.

Ej. Hi. Do you, uh, do you feel out for some breakfast? Uh, yeah. Thank you. Oh my God, look at the time. I should have been up by now Holly. And I thought it was best for you to get a good night’s sleep, but it’s Christmas Eve and she’s having a great time down in the kitchen helping with Christmas cookies.

Thank you for looking out for her. Thank you again for all of this. You’re welcome. Um, just now, just before I knocked, I heard you cry in your sleep. A nightmare. Sorry, Nicole. You were just in a church where a bomb went off. Don’t apologize for having a nightmare. Would you like to talk about it?

I don’t. I don’t remember. Here’s a shot in the. Was it about Eric?

Oh, so you’re awake. It’s about time. I’m officially unemployed. I can sleep in as long as I like. There’s coffee. You might need it before I, I share with you what I just read online. What? Tell me,

look, I dunno how to break this deal. Your mother was in an explosion last night. Nicole too. You ran a church. I know. You’re fine. You just showed up at my doorstep last night and didn’t even say a thing about it. We had other things on our minds.

Hey, good morning. Good morning. Merry Christmas Eve. What’s that? Oh, she is so cute. Chanel’s first Christmas course. I wasn’t there for Lonnie’s. Here you go. Thanks.

I’m not doing crying over Christmas pass. Oh, you’re not gonna help a damn thing. What’s that? Chanel and Allie made you a box of Christmas cookies. Oh, that’s very sweet. But why did they send them here? I’ll be outta here in a couple of hours. Oh, so the, so when did Bell schedule the bell hearing? Hearing what time?

There is not going to be a hearing sweetheart. Not today.

Knew what she was doing by stalling. So the court adjourned yesterday till after the holidays. I’m so sorry.

So what? Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas to me.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

I know this is a disappointment, but not a surprise. Oh, I have faith in Bell, but that Melinda Trask, she’s just pure evil. Making me Miss Christmas with my family. Outta pure spite. Well, I’m not, I’m not gonna just sit here and do nothing. Do you, do you have that statement? I had Stephanie write up announcing that I’d be stepping down, won’t be sworn in as.

Ah, you know, it, it, it still needs work. I I, I think we should wait until after the new year. Abraham. Abraham, I see right through you. I know what you’re doing. You’re stalling cuz you don’t want me to do it. But this is the only way to guarantee that you stay on as mayor and to share that. That’s all I want for Christmas.

Paul. You don’t need to do any of that. Abraham. I want that statement. Put out this.

Sloan Peterson, she’s gonna have a revenge on me after all.

Hmm. So this Ava person, she blew up an entire church, just a secret revenge on EJ Derro. Apparently sound sounds like my type of gout,

Too soon. Yeah. Well, she was ready for innocent people to die. Right. You’re right. You did say your mom was okay. All right. Yeah, she’s fine. She did tell me that Nicole was hurt. What did you do? What made me remember when we’re hurt and how bad we can be for each other when she was horrible to Jada. And what did I do when I found out she was hurt?

I ran over the hospital as fast as I could to see if she was alright. I mean, what am I thinking?

Seeing Eric at the hospital last night was unexpected, you know, with how he ended things. Of course, he went to the hospital, he’s guilty. He knows he was wrong. That woman didn’t have an abortion because you decided to have a conversation with her,

but don’t read too much into last night’s either. Probably some vestigial reflex from his time as a priest because the man who made those horrible accusations to your face is not pining for you. The speed with which she jumped in the bed with that sleazy lawyer. I should tell you that.

Thanks for reminding me. Eric has moved on. Let him

Yeah, you right,

you’re right. It is awful that Marlena hasn’t thanked you for saving her life. But then again, um, she doesn’t know that you saved her life because we couldn’t tell her that you saved her life because then she would find out that the only reason you did it was to get yourself into her house. Okay? That doesn’t change the fact that she is alive, thanks to me, and you might wanna think about how you talk to me.

Oh, because she is gonna need another dose, which will keep her alive, and maybe you’ve forgotten. But I am the only person who knows where that lifesaving orchid is. Mommy, what’s an orchid? And why are they lifesaving?

And God, the closest I got with Kristen. Right after I insisted that she was just such a good person at heart somehow or other that that got her, I mean, she genuinely seemed moved by that, which of course made my skin crawl. But before I could get any further of that conversation, she had to go pick up Rachel.

Well, we can’t afford to lose a momentum that we’ve gotten now, and especially now with things being, I think, a little more urgent. What’s this supposed to mean? I was talking to Sister Mary Maira. She said that Brady kissed her. Fortunately what. Apparently he thought that it was Kristen in disguise and he was going to call her out on it.

Okay. Okay. So how does that make things more urgent? Well, because I think Brady has always had feelings for Kristen and, and they continue and now they’re living under the same roof and they’re helping their raise Rachel together. I think this clock is ticking. Oh, well sweetie, um, orchids are these beautiful flowers and some scientists, they make ’em into medicine.

Isn’t that amazing? Then why are you and daddy arguing about them? Oh, no, no, no, no. I was just telling your mommy how much I, I wanted to get one for Christmas. I, you know, a special one. I thought getting one would be almost life changing. What I really want for Christmas is for you and mommy to get back together forever.

Oh, so what does Daddy say about that?

You haven’t touched your breakfast. Sorry. Don’t be, Sylvia said Your close call at church is still weighing on you. Yeah, for sure. So I think you might need something to get your mind off church explosions and the suddenly promiscuous Saint Eric, that’s not fair. Sorry it slipped out. But I think I might have the diversion.

That will do the trick. What are you doing? I, I, I remember patience is a virtue, not that you are a especially. Excuse me, that’s not me talking. It’s the expert in the field. This is your aunt sister Mary Moy wrote with a warning about your friend, that bombastic blonde beep. Now I’m on a plane about to leave and I think the Lord above that, no one was seriously hurt yesterday, but you caused this by inviting that fornicating harlet to Susan’s.

I go think for a minute that God didn’t notice her presence in his house. That explosion was a warning Elvis. And if you do not he it. I fear for your mortal soul . Your mortal soul. . You’re kidding. That was awesome. I’ve never big hauled a. Before you know what I should do? I should get a tattoo. Mm-hmm.

Mm-hmm. even may have planted the bomb, but uh, apparently you are the real reason why we’re almost blown to kingdom. Come try. Hardly like me. We don’t mess around . No. You know

you’re right on the money. Ej. You know what? Being blamed for almost killing everyone is exactly the distraction I needed. No, I thought it might be Harley. Who? You’re Harley. No, you are. I would be fine if we never spent another minute dwelling on one of your exes, but sing as you were an ex priest. I think it’s okay to have compassion for someone who nearly died.

I know how I sound, but getting her outta my head isn’t something I want. Something I need. Hmm. Well it just so happens since satisfying your needs has become one of my specialties, yeah. I can always use more practice.

I think you’re rushing into this. I, you still haven’t talked to Chanel and she and Ali have, they spent so much time on your campaign. Well, Chanel will understand Allie too. This is about protecting you. Something. I distinctly remember being part of my vows almost exactly six months ago. I still think you’re rushing into this.

Abraham, I love you for what you’re doing, and I wish there was another way out, but there. Sorry. Gimme your phone and I will tell Stephanie myself to release that statement. All right. I, I still think though, that Chanel deserves to hear this before it hits the wires

in Africa.

I smoke and drink. He’s already did not get a good night’s sleep. Well, he’s not the only one. I can’t stop thinking about how much I hate Sloane Peterson for what she did to mama. Hey, you and me both, or Colleen and it’s Christmas Eve and and now she’s probably gonna have to spend the entire holiday in jail.

According to Abe, I’m the one who should be in behind bars, not her. Let’s go. What? Remember when you were stuck there for Thanksgiving and we brought you dinner? Oh, we should cook for Ma Omar. We are going make the best Christmas Eve dinner ever. . Oh, I take it. You think this is a good idea? Oh, I will show you how my fishing

Come here. Listen, I know that’s what you want. I do. I do. And you have to know that I, I, there’s nothing more. I want them to make you happy, sweetie. But you need to trust that, that we are doing what we think is best for you. And it’s only because we love you more than anything in this whole big room.

We’ll make this Turkey croquet. Mm-hmm. and. Ooh, this scallop potatoes and this cream spinach. Mama is gonna have so much food. She is not gonna want to eat for a month.

whoever it is. I’m just gonna text them back and tell them we’re busy.

What’s wrong? It’s from Abe Sloan Peterson has done it again.

I can’t believe it’s already Christmas Eve. Do you have any plans? Uh, to be honest, I stopped making plans and I lost both my parents too. And my brother, he lives a million miles away. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are just like any other day for me. I’m sorry. It’s a shame. My mom, she does a great Christmas Eve party at her place and tomorrow my dad hosts Christmas at at the pub.

Oh, not interested.

We don’t take this the wrong way, but is that really us? I mean, this is fun, but like we’re keeping this low key. Right? I just suggested that I take you home to meet my family pretty much. I’m sorry. It’s forced to happen. No, I thank you for worrying about my holiday, but I got my Christmas wish this.

Paulina Price is behind bars.

All the major news outlets will have that statement within the hour.

It’s going to be a long time before I can make this sacrifice up to you. You can make it up to me each and every day just by being you. What the most? Wonderful, wonderful man I have ever met

I, I just don’t wanna leave you here alone tonight. I’ll commit a minor crime and they can lock me up in the adjoining cell . Oh. Oh, wow. That’s bell, huh? Well, it can’t be about bail. I wonder what she wants. Huh? Let’s find out. God. Hello, Mel. What’s up? Oh, yeah, of course. All right. She wants to talk to you.

Mm-hmm. , Mel, what is it, honey?

What? What You please repeat that.

So you think Brady still has feelings for Kristen?

It’s a very strong attraction and, and we know that he’s fighting those feelings, but we can’t afford what might happen if you lose that battle area. Right. We’re just gonna have to pivot. We’re gonna have to come up with a, with a new way to find out what she’s fighting. I’m a little afraid that she might see right through us.

In fact, I’m, I’m already worried that she saw through what you were doing yesterday. No, I’m not. It’s like you said, Kristen’s completely along. Yeah. She may be anxious to reel Brady back in, but when you are as isolated as she is, It’s important a storm. She’ll take the first friend that comes along. Do you know what’s in here?

I don’t know. Oh, you come on. You, you don’t wanna guess a doll. All right. You know what? I have an idea. We are gonna go down to town Square and we are gonna look at all the pretty decorations. , daddy? Mm-hmm. . Can you come? Honey? I, I, I really have to work. Uh, well, maybe you can, uh, meet us for lunch after work.

Yes. Yes, I can do this. Yay, Susan Daddy. Ask you soon. All right. You know what? I want you to go grab your coat.

You’re breaking her heart. You know that too, because I didn’t want to go to the Horton Town Square with you because she tells you what she wants most in the world, and you just pour water all over. Now, I know you think I’m constantly working you, but maybe you could just stop hating me so much and love your daughter just a little bit more

I absolutely love this voicemail. You have to send it to me so that way whenever I feel things start to feel a little crazy, I can be reminded of what real crazy is and to think we didn’t get enough crazy from Ava. Oh. I wonder if that breakdown she had at the hospital that got her sent to Bayview was real.

You don’t? I have my doubts, but either way, I’m happy to share the Good Sister’s voicemail

while we’re at it. Do you have a similar fix for my guilty feelings? What do you have to feel Guilty. Besides putting you in harm’s way, my, um, my horrible miscalculation about Ava helped to lead to the disaster that was yesterday. My mother is dead cuz of the way I handled her kidnapping, and I almost lost you.

I could hardly blame you if you never wanted to speak to me again. E. Stop it. Okay. Look, despite what your auntie says, this was not my fault. This was not your fault. It was a hundred percent Ava’s fault. Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it for one more minute.

So your mom really just gave up on being governor? Yeah. She wanted to protect Abe, which I get, but this, this whole thing just seems so unfair and it keeps getting worse and worse.

I’ll get it.

Oh, hey Abe. I just got your text. I can’t believe Mama’s doing this. Well, I tried to talk her. Hm. Nobody’s ever talked Mama outta anything. Come on in. Allie and I decided to make Christmas Eve dinner and take it down to Mama. Why aren’t you coming in? Well, this is why.

I am sure Pauline is feeling very sorry for herself behind bars this holiday. I wonder if she or her precious little daughter ever thought once about all the holidays. They ruined for me.

I suppose. You think I should have just turned the other cheek? Hmm? I think what you went through was awful. I know you guys are. And I don’t expect you to come and like fight my battles for me or anything. I just, I just gotta vent every now and then, you know, Sloan, I remember that. You’ve listened to me.

Ran more than once. Let’s change the subject guys. What are we doing for this New Year’s Eve? Sorry, I have to take this Peterson.

Thanks for letting me know. Is everything okay? Everything is not okay. I’m sorry to kick you out like this, but I have to go deal with something right now.

That’s right. Mama is all over. Oh, did you hear me? Mama? Chanel and I are free. They weren’t going to extradite us. Y Yes mama. I think it was your prayers. That did it. Uh uh. Mama. Mama, I have to go. Um, I’ll call you later for a nice long chat. Yes, mama. I will get down on my knees and thank the Lord. I love you too, mama.

She was so scared for us. Wow. It is like you told her, it is all over now, so you’re free. You’re really free. We both are. Bell went to London and challenged our extradition over every technical issue she could find and won. Wait, so so the charges are dismissed. No, and and trash can’t hold her anymore cuz she’s not facing extradition.

So, , neither, neither of you are . This whole nightmare is officially over. Oh, thank God. Oh God. He, amen to that . You know, maybe we should just take a step back. Um, is it all at all possible that we have overcomplicated this whole thing? Okay. What if you were to tell Kristen that we had a, a, a, a terrible fight again, and that, that our marriage is on the verge of falling apart?

You know, to be honest with you, honey, I don’t think I can pull this off.

You had no idea how hard it was for me to make Kristen believe that I was upset with you the first time.

Come on, honey. It’s some holidays. It’s my favorite time of the year, and I almost lost you twice this year. The explosion yesterday and earlier this year when Orpheus set his sights on you. So honey, the last thing I want to do is to tell Kristen or anybody else that you and I are fighting or I’m disappointed with you, even if it’s not true, because Doc, all you do is make me happy.

You, you make me proud, you, , you make me feel like the luckiest man on the face of.

You know, as much as I love the strawberry cream tradition, I would give it all up in a heartbeat just to hear you say that to me again. I love you, baby. Oh.

I get it. So I’m a bad dad now because I won’t make a big speech about how I can’t live without you. Oh my God, Brady, that is not quite what said. It’s beyond. It’s beyond hypocritical. Cuz you tell me to put my family first while you play with her grandmother’s health. I love that little girl with my whole heart.

But I love Marlena too. And that’s the only reason why you are in this house. Okay. I’m ready. You aren’t still talking about orchids are.

Hey, good to see you. Hey, Merry Christmas. Same to you. Actually, I thought I’d stop by and see how mom was fuming. She’s okay. Dad’s been keeping a pretty close eye on her, so it’s. Actually, that’s not the only reason why I’m here.

I meant what I said about Kristen’s blackmail. It’s up to us to put a stop to wear. That means we need to come up with a plan right now. Look at that tree. It’s beautiful. Oh, you got that right . Daddy would’ve loved it. Yeah. Oh, she came and joined us. I know you do. Sweet. But never ever give up on your wishes and dreams because they’re the most important thing we have.

You’re right, it’s Christmas Eve. We don’t need to be talking about my guilt. That plate must be called by now. Lemme grab you another Oh, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. Look, I just have to learn how to start eating with my left hand. It’s great. Oh, gosh. . No. Can I, can I help? Can I help with that? No, no, no, no. I’m fine.

I am not a child. I can do this on my own. . No, no. I’m sorry. This is just ridiculous and embarrassing. Here, let me, let me, but I warn you that I’m gonna pull out all the tricks that I used on my children when they wouldn’t eat either. So I’m not eating. No, I’m not eating anything. No. Here we go. I’m not doing it.

Ow. Nicole, pay attention. Here comes the airplane open. Hi. Here we go.

Yes ma’am. Here you are,

This is divine. I just want you all to know that, um, that I realize something important. Being governor means moving to the Capitol, and I love Salem . I love the people in it with one or two exceptions. Of course. this beautiful, wonderful town. This is where we. Here. Here, , , and come hell or high water. We’re going to focus on all our many blessings and have a very Merry Christmas


That was delicious.

And uh, now, now,

now I think I should get ready for the day, , because I haven’t even seen Holly and I’ve got a wrapped presence and plant prizes and. I can’t do any of that without a shower. Have you considered what a challenge showering will be with your ominous? Good point. Mm-hmm. Mm. I could, I could give you a hand

Yeah, sure you could. But I think you’ve helped enough already today, so thank you. You are loss. Your loss. Yeah. Oh my God,

Nicole. Uh, I know the circumstances for you coming here. Were not ideal for you, but I am happy that you and Holly are here for Christmas. This house needs you to brighten it up and you have done so. Spectacularly

well. Finally, the Christmas miracle. We have all been waiting

What are you doing here? You miserable. Excuse for a human. You must be feeling good about yourselves. Two people are dead and here you are enjoying a holiday toast like nothing happened. Well, you may be managed to escape prosecution. But you will pay for what you did to my family. If it’s the last thing I do count on it.

I thought we were urgently making a plan to get rid of Kristen. Yeah, knock. Some things are urgent, other things for even more.

I know how much your wish about Daddy and me means to you, and I can’t make any promises, but I don’t want you to give up on us. Hmm. And maybe we’ll both get what we want most someday, but I want you to remember until then, no one, and I mean no one is more important to your daddy and me than you are, sweetheart

Flip, brother, if you got any good ideas, I’m all ears. Good because on my way over here I saw this beautiful family of three in the square admiring the decorations and you can just feel them being together how much it meant to them. That’s nice. What’s your point? My point is that we need to hit Kristen where she lives.

If we plan on getting that orchid back from her. We need ton your daughter.

See all that butter. That’s what makes it taste good. And the powdered sugar makes ’em pretty. Yeah, just like snowballs, right? See what’s perfect for this time of year. We always make these for Christmas. So why are they called Mexican wedding cookies? Well, that is a great question. I. Actually, I really don’t know, but in Mexico they’re called means power.

Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas, Santa. You’re not Santa.

That is terrific, James. Thank you. Really appreciate it. Hey, I know you had to pull some serious strings to get this done,

I will. All right. Hey, take care and thanks.

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, 12/21/22

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Taylor: Steffy, hey. What is going on? I– I woke up to– to security and– and a text from you.

Steffy: Yeah. I– I’m so sorry, I should’ve called you, but yesterday, I was just so shaken up.

Taylor: What is, baby? Tell me. I’m here.

Steffy: It’s a lot.

Carter: Hey, you said it’s an emergency?

Steffy: Yes, it is.

Carter: What is?

Steffy: Look, I’m telling you this, not only that you’re our coo, but you’re also a member of the family and you… you might be targeted.

Carter: Targeted?

Steffy: Yes. Sheila. She’s here in los angeles.

Carter: Okay, steffy. I know you and finn have your theory.

Steffy: No, no. It’s not a theory, carter. I saw her with my own eyes.

Taylor: What?

Carter: You saw sheila?

Steffy: Yes!

Taylor: Wh– she’s alive?

Steffy: Sheila carter is alive.

Brooke: Just when I felt like we could breathe.

Katie: Sheila shows up.

Brooke: I was so relived when they said that she was gone.

Katie: I mean, we all were. I mean, they’re going to find her. They have to.

Brooke: Just to think that she’s out there somewhere. I don’t want to think about sheila. Let’s talk about you. You said you were worried about bill.

Katie: Yeah, I am. He just seems so lost and angry. I’m just– I’m worried that he’s slipping back into his old ways.

Brooke: Sorry to hear that. I mean, when he came over to my house, when ridge and taylor were getting married.

Katie: Oh, you mean when you turned him down and he immediately gave me the same “I need you” pitch?

Brooke: Yeah.

Katie: Yeah.

Brooke: That was really strange. I mean, that was so unlike bill. I can understand why you’re moving on. Who would ever even entertain being with him after that?

Katie: Well, I guess years of pushing people away makes for a lonely existence.

Brooke: Well, he has his sons.

Katie: Yeah, but will’s at school. Wyatt and liam have their own lives.

Brooke: You.

Katie: He’s will’s dad and I will always care about him, but that’s kind of as far as it goes these days. I think there’s always this piece of me that really held onto the hope that things might work out, but not so much anymore. You know what? Life is too short. It is too short to waste time being unhappy.

Brooke: Are you okay?

Katie: Yeah. Yes. It’s just– it is my… my follow up for my annual cardiology check up.

Brooke: What?

Katie: Yeah.

Brooke: You do that always in the spring. I asked you about it, you said you’re okay.

Katie: I am. I’m fine. Been fine. You know, it’s just– it was so busy. Will being at school and hope’s fashion show and just, you know, a million other things.

Brooke: Mm. Is that really why? Or were you scared to go?

Taylor: I can’t believe this. Are– are you okay? Did she try to come after you?

Steffy: No. No, she had on some kind of wig and a mask.

Carter: A mask? Okay, I thought it was farfetched when you told us she cut off her toe and faked her death, but how is this real?

Taylor: Because she will go to any length for her own survival.

Steffy: Including shooting me and her own son.

Carter: How did you find her?

Steffy: I accidentally bumped into her at il giardino.

Carter: Wait, wait. She went back to the scene of the crime?

Steffy: Yes. But she was in this disguise. And I looked at her feet and I noticed that she was missing a toe and when I locked eyes with her, I realized it was sheila, but I was so stunned and in the moment that she ended up taking off. And then, we called the police and they said that they caught some footage of her nearby the restaurant. Forensic confirmed it was her with facial recognition. Underneath that disguise, it was sheila. The monster we all know and fear.

Katie: To be honest, I really don’t wanna talk about this right now.

Brooke: Okay.

Katie: I– you know what? I’m fine. I am. I’m going to this checkup, I can handle whatever the doctor says. And I– I don’t wanna be harsh, it’s just that these– these things just bring up a lot for me.

Brooke: I understand. I’ll go with you.

Katie: No, no. I’m fine.

Brooke: Katie.

Katie: No, really. I’m okay. It’s not my first rodeo. I can do this on my own.

Brooke: You don’t have to. I know you. You’re worried and you’re stressed out and I wanna be there for you.

Katie: You are. You always are. You and donna both. You’re always there for me, it’s just… these things, every year, it just brings everything to the surface and I feel like– like it was yesterday almost where I was laying in that– that hospital room and everyone was surrounding me and hoping that I would survive and what storm did. You know, what he gave me so that I could live and I have. I have lived. I have this amazing career, I have this amazing son. You know, I… my brother’s heart is beating inside of me and it’s a miracle. It’s a miracle. But we all know that I’m living on borrowed time. We really had our hands full

Carter: So, sheila’s been here this whole time, running around in a wig and a mask?

Taylor: And I can’t believe no one recognized her. Wigs always look so fake. I mean, she could’ve been anywhere. She could’ve hurt one of us.

Steffy: Or hayes.

Taylor: Oh, steffy.

Steffy: We had our guards down because we thought sheila was dead.

Carter: Okay, so you said the forensic team were able to tell she was wearing a disguise.

Steffy: Baker confirmed it. Showed us side-by-side imaging. 98% match when comparing her bone structure and iris scans to her mug shot.

Taylor: Honey, you know, I’m so glad that you and finn went forward with this hunch about her, but please tell me the police have leads.

Steffy: Well, they found some footage of her going into a car and we were able to pull the license plate number.

Carter: That’s huge.

Steffy: Yeah, it is. We were with baker when he got a call from an officer and he said that he found that car. And then, he put his sirens on and that’s when sheila fled. It was a car chase and somehow, she ended up escaping.

Taylor: Oh, my god. She got away, of course.

Carter: How?

Steffy: I don’t know. She just– she hopped the parkway. We thought we had her, but we didn’T.

Carter: So, what do we do now?

Steffy: We have to stay vigilant. Sheila’s out there somewhere, but the police think that she’s gonna stay in a certain radius, west of beverly hills.

Taylor: Great, which is where most of us live.

Carter: Why? I mean, she breaks out of prison, she fakes her death, she escapes the cops, why is she still here? Why is she still in L.A.?

Steffy: Because she’s obsessed with my family, but that is her weakness. I mean, she is an idiot, staying her in los angeles because we are going to find her and when we do, we are going to put her behind bars for the rest of her miserable life.

Brooke: May I?

Katie: Oh.

Brooke: Storm gave you the ultimate gift: His heart. He loves you so much. I’m sure he’s looking down on you right now, just so proud of you, just like we all are. You bring so much joy and so much light into the world. I’m just sorry you had to go through all of this.

Katie: I’m not– I’m not dwelling on it. I’m really not. I mean, you know what? This is going to be an amazing holiday. I’m gonna go to eric’s and I’m going to spend christmas with my sisters and with all my friends and that’s what I’m gonna focus on. Just being with the people I love and the people who– who make me feel loved and make me feel good. I just need to get this doctor’s appointment out of the way.

Brooke: Okay. I’m going with you.

Katie: No, no you’re not. I just– I really wanna just do this by myself.

Brooke: Katie.

Katie: No, brooke.

Brooke: Oh. I just love you so much, you know that? And I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you. You’re just so loving and thoughtful in my life, but I really am grateful. I am. You’re a very special person. I knew that since the day you were born. I did. And you deserve to live and you will. I’m sholeh and I lost 75 pounds with golo.

Carter: Hey.

Brooke: Hey, carter.

Carter: Have you seen katie? She wasn’t in her office and she’s not answering her phone.

Brooke: She’s probably still at her doctor’s appointment.

Carter: Doctor’s appointment?

Brooke: Oh, I’m sorry. I mean, she didn’t tell you? I thought she would have because you guys have been getting so close.

Carter: No, she didn’t say anything at all. What kind of an appointment is it?

Brooke: It’s her annual regarding her heart transplant.

Carter: Is she okay?

Brooke: Honestly? No. I mean, she’s just scared. She’s never sure how the test results are gonna come back. I wanted to go with her, but she insisted on going alone.

Carter: Well, she shouldn’t be by herself.

Brooke: I agree.

[ Katie sighing ]

Nurse: Hello, ms. Logan. I’m dr. Buckingham’s nurse. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. Dr. Buckingham’s running behind. She’ll be with you as soon as he can.

Katie: Thank you.

Taylor: Hey, is everything okay?

Steffy: Yeah, just checking in on finn.

Taylor: God, I can’t imagine what he must be going through right now.

Steffy: He’s trying to stay strong for the kids and me. I mean, not in a million years would he think that his mother is some sort of murderous psychopath.

Taylor: I know, honey. God, I just– you know what? This is all going to be over soon, it is.

Steffy: I know. Sheila will get caught. She will. I just– I don’t want to think about her right now. I just need a moment.

Taylor: Yes, okay. Let’s not– let’s not talk about it.

Steffy: There is something I wanna tell you. Like, you know how much I wanted you and dad back together, but not at the cost of your own self-worth.

Taylor: I know. Look, your dad and I will always love each other, but it’s– it’s– it feels really good just to let go, you know?

Steffy: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah.

Steffy: You and brooke on the same side. I never thought I’d see the day.

Taylor: Right?

Steffy: I wonder what’s going through dad’s mind.

Taylor: Oh, when we told him, he– he, you know, he– he played it cool, you know? But you could tell he was not ready for it at all. Steffy, it felt so good. He did apologize to us for– for hurting both of us and for not being honest, but, you know, it’s um– you know, I’ll– I’ll always love your dad, I really will, but it was– it was good to love myself more, you know? And brooke and i both agreed that it’s time for us to be role models, you know? To our family. To you, to hope, to our grandkids.

Steffy: You’ve always been a great role model, mom. Come on.

Taylor: Well, thank you. I mean, I definitely made my fair share of mistakes.

Steffy: Okay, stop. Please stop. Look, you can’t be hard on yourself. I mean, I was the one who pushed you towards dad, wanted you two to reunite, but I’m not gonna do that anymore. I really need to focus on my husband and my kids and not your relationship, so I– I am so sorry.

Taylor: Oh, god, honey. Please don’t apologize. Seriously. You just wanted to see your parents together. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Steffy: What about the wedding? I feel like I let you down when I objected.

Taylor: Nope. You told the truth. That’s all you did.

Steffy: Yeah, but it wasn’t mine to tell. Maybe I should’ve waited for you to tell dad about thomas when you thought the time was right. Listen, I’m done settling. Because this is my secret.

Taylor: Steffy.

Steffy: Look, I know what you’re gonna say, that it wasn’t my fault.

Taylor: Nope.

Steffy: I have to tell you, I am really, really proud of you for standing up for yourself. And I’m kind of proud of brooke too, believe it or not.

Taylor: Yes, yes, yes. And steffy, you did the right thing. I mean, I– I couldn’t do it at the time, you know? I admire you and you are everything a mother could ever want in a daughter.

Taylor: I love you so much, steffy.

Steffy: I love you too. Hey, we’re in this together. And there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Nothing.

Brooke: You listen to me. You can be angry, you can be mad, you can feel robbed or you can feel like this is a second lease on life. It is your choice. Do you really want to live with all of that negativity? Do you? Or do you wanna embrace life and live it to the fullest?

[ Door opening ]

Katie: Carter, what, uh… what are you doing here?

Carter: I spoke to brooke and she told me about your appointment.

[ Katie sighing ]

Katie: You didn’t have to come. I– I’m a big girl. I know what I’m walking into every time I’m in a doctor’s office. I– I understand the reality of my situation, that’s what I told brooke.

[ Katie sighing ] See? That. That’s what I don’t want. I don’t want you feeling sorry for me. I can do this alone. I’ve been doing this alone for a long time.

Carter: I don’t feel sorry for you. I’m in awe of you. You have so much courage, so much strength and i understand you’ve been going at it alone for a while now and it breaks my heart. You’ve given so much to everyone else, let me give to you. Let me be there for you. You can lean on me. I won’t break.

Grace: I am so sorry to keep you waiting. Um…

Katie: It’s okay. That’s all right. We understand.

Grace: Carter.

Carter: Dr. Buckingham.

Katie: Um, carter’s just here for support. I hope that’s not a problem.

Grace: Of course not. Paris has moved on and so have I.

Katie: Uh, do you have my test results?

Grace: Yes, I do.

Katie: Go ahead, doctor. Tell me what my results say. . . . . .

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