Y&R Update Friday, December 23, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Update written by Barbara

Seated at the Glam Club with Noah, Sharon, Mariah and Tessa on Christmas Eve, Nick tells them that as excited as Christian is about Christmas, it was easy to get him to sleep. He adds that Christian is a cakewalk compared to Noah at that age.

As Tessa and Mariah get tipsy from champagne, Tessa tells the group that she and Mariah don’t have to be concerned about driving home because she booked a suite downstairs in the hotel as a holiday surprise for Mariah. The two of them look forward to getting comfortable in the cozy robes the hotel provides.

Once inside their suite and relaxing in the big bed, Mariah gives Tessa an ornament to celebrate their first Christmas as a married couple. Tessa mentions that continuing to add ornaments could become a tradition and hopefully they can add one for their baby’s first Christmas next year.

When Mariah and Tessa wake up on Christmas Day, they realize they’re running late and rush over to Crimson Lights to help Sharon pack the holiday presents and food boxes that Noah will bring to the shelters.

A pregnant woman comes into the coffeehouse asking for help. She tells Sharon, Mariah and Tessa that she needs a tow and her phone is dead, and asks if they can help her.When Sharon asks what happened, she tells her that she hit a patch of ice and skidded into a pole.  Her name is Sonia and she is very upset, and a little dazed. Tessa calls a tow truck, but she’s unable to find one that would be able to get to Crimson Lights in a timely manner.

After being introduced to Mariah and Tessa, Sonia recognizes Tessa from her music and one of her songs that’s playing in the coffeehouse. When Mariah and Tessa ask Sonia about being with her family on Christmas, she tells them that she was driving away from her parents because she hasn’t been getting along with them. She mentions that she was supposed to finish college in the spring and then go to grad school but adds she doesn’t know how that will happen.

When Sonia anxiously says that she doesn’t know if she can be the mom that her baby deserves, especially with all the people out there who can’t wait to be parents. Mariah looks at Tessa, who tells Sonia that it’s a really big decision, but she’s sure Sonia will make the right decision for her and her baby. Mariah tells Sonia,”it’s your story to write; nobody else’s”.

Sonia’s water breaks, followed by contractions, and she goes into labor in the coffeehouse. Mariah tries unsuccessfully to get an ambulance over there on time because the roads are almost impassable.

Sharon calls Elena, who is close by and can get to Crimson Lights. Elena delivers Sonia’s  baby girl. The EMTs finally arrive and get Sonia and the baby ready to go to the hospital with her baby.

Having told Mariah and Tessa that she felt that the universe brought her together with them, Sonia says she feels like she can do anything now that she’s holding her daughter.

In their hotel room on Christmas Morning, Mariah is sitting up in the bed looking serious and upset. When Tessa wakes up and they talk for a few minutes, they realize they both had the same intense dream.

Mariah worries that this is an omen that they might not get what they want, whereas Tessa remains optimistic and suggests that Mariah look for the good parts of the dream. She tells Mariah that they’ll be “kickass moms”.

Mariah and Tessa come into Crimson Lights to greet Sharon and Noah. Sharon observes that they they don’t seem to be their usual effervescent selves, but Mariah assures her that they’re fine.

Then, she and Tessa get texts from Delphine, the potential birth mother they’re supposed to meet after New Year’s. Delphine has sent a sonogram of her baby girl, with a message that says to Mariah and Tessa, “We can’t wait to meet you”.

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