Days Best Lines For The Week Of January, 22, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to John when his hair was messed up)
Marlena: I love you too. You might want to introduce yourself to a comb.

Xander: It’s so nice having someone else in the house who can cook.
Sarah: Well don’t get too excited. You haven’t had my meal yet.

(When Stephanie said she doesn’t drink much)
Ava: Your little sleepover with Harris.
Stephanie: You mean Harris Michaels?
Ava: You know another Harris?

(to Leo after he suggested seeing Wonka and other movies)
Brady: Thank you for your suggestions. You can oompa lumpa your way out of here.

(to Eric)
Leo: I need some wonderfully flattering photos of myself preferably ones that make me look taller, younger, thinner for Lady Whistleblower’s grand return.

(to Eric)
Leo: This is Salem. There’s always a scandal ready to be exposed.

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Days Short Recap Friday, January 26, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Theresa went to the hospital and ran into Kayla. Kayla wanted to know what was going on with her. Jada, Stephanie and Rafe bonded with each other. They wanted to talk about personal things. Jada asked Stephanie if she was swearing off men. Stephanie said she was swearing off men. Rafe said he sensed hesitation. Stephanie said it was hard because she worked with two of her exes. Jada and Rafe wanted to know who they were. They knew about Chad, but not the other one. Stephanie said it was someone she dated in Seattle. While Everett was working on a story, he thought of Stephanie. Alex talked to Marlena about Theresa relapsing. He told her that he and Brady took care of Theresa. Alex said he wanted to help, but he was in the way. He told her about Theresa planning to leave town to visit her mother. Alex said he talked Theresa into staying because he couldn’t let her leave. Kayla told Theresa that Kim talked to her about slipping and was disappointed about her not coming to California. She asked why Theresa decided not to go back. When Rafe walked away from the table, Jada told Stephanie that he was nothing like her lying, cheating boyfriend. Alex told Marlena he wanted Theresa to stay because they were alike. Theresa told Kayla Alex begged her to stay in town because they should be together. She told Kayla that she kissed Brady, but when Alex persuaded her to stay, she realized he was what she needed. Kayla asked if she loved Alex. Theresa said she did love him. She asked if Kayla approved of it. Kayla said she didn’t know him that well, but he was capable of change if he met the right woman. Theresa said when she first got together with Alex, she was using him to get over Brady. She said she didn’t think she would develop real feelings for him. Theresa said she felt guilty because she destroys people’s lives without thinking about it. She said she was ashamed of what she did because he deserved better. Kayla asked what she did.

Marlena asked if Alex was in love. Alex said it was new for him. She told him feelings were subjective. He said he should act on his feelings for Theresa. Alex asked if he should propose to Theresa. Marlena said the feelings were new for him, but he needed to take it slowly. Alex thought he could lose her if he waited. Stephanie asked Jada if her marriage ended because of her ex cheating on her. Jada said that was the main reason. She said she checked the charges on his account and found a ring. Jada said when he found out they had a horrible fight and knew it was over. When Rafe came back to the table, he wanted to know what he missed. Jada said she was talking about her ex. Everett called Stephanie to ask if he could email a story to her. She said she wouldn’t get to it until the morning because she was out with friends and asked him to join them. He agreed to join them. Marlena asked Alex if he told Theresa how he felt. Alex said he didn’t. Marlena said he wouldn’t know how she felt about him since he didn’t ask. He agreed not to rush to marry Theresa. Marlena said the best thing for him to do for Theresa is there for her. Kayla asked what Theresa did to feel guilty. She asked if it was about her past mistakes. Theresa said it was about her past mistakes. Kayla asked if she suffered enough. She said one of the steps in the 12-Step program is making amends. Kayla asked if there was anyone, she needed to make amends with. Theresa said she needed to make amends. When Everett went to the pub, he saw Jada and left. He sent Stephanie a text to let her know he couldn’t make it. When Stephanie left the pub, she called Everett. He asked her if she could come by his apartment so he could talk to her. He said it couldn’t wait.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, January 25, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Everett let Chad know that he was ready to quit because he wouldn’t let him run the paper with integrity. He felt like Chad was protecting his family when it concerned the drugs story. Rafe and Harris talked about questioning Ava and Stefan. Sloan walked in the room ready to represent them. Chad thought Everett was lying, but he told him what he did for Stefan. He told Everett that he didn’t like Stefan so he wasn’t covering for him. Everett explained what Chad was doing. Chad reminded him that there weren’t any drugs at the Bistro. Everett wanted him to let the readers make up their minds. He wondered what Chad would do if the police found something at the restaurant. Chad wanted the story to be the headline. He wondered if Everett was going to stay at the paper or did he have to look for a new editor-in-chief. Sloan told Rafe and Harris they were harassing her clients. Harris wanted Ava and Stefan to tell him what they knew about Clyde. Johnny reminded Paulina and Chanel that he beat cancer. He believed Paulina could beat it too. Everett wanted Chad to promise that he wouldn’t cover for his family when it concerned news stories. Chad agreed to his terms so Everett decided to stay at the paper. Rafe asked Ava and Stefan if they were in contact with Clyde. Harris wanted them to explain why the visited Clyde if the didn’t know him. Sloan didn’t want them to answer anymore questions about them visiting Clyde.

Chanel tried to get Paulina to notice her engagement ring. Paulina finally saw the ring and got excited for her. Everett told Chad about having dinner with Stephanie and her family. Chad felt he didn’t have the right to ask Everett about Stephanie. He wished them the best. Stephanie showed up at the newspaper. Everett got a tip that Ava and Stefan were at the police station. He wanted to check out the story. Stefan admitted that he went to see Clyde because of what he did to his sister-in-law. Ava said that Clyde threatened to kill her son if she didn’t work for him. She turned him down. Harris didn’t believe her. He thought what she said was a lie. Sloan demanded that Harris back off Ava. She told Harris and Rafe they were leaving. Ava didn’t want to leave because she wanted to talk to Harris alone. Sloan and Stefan didn’t think that was a good idea. Ava was going to speak to Harris whether they liked it or not. Paulina couldn’t believe Chanel and Johnny were engaged. They told her they wanted to get married on Valentine’s Day. Paulina thought they were eloping, and she didn’t want to miss it. Chanel explained it would be a small ceremony because of what his family went through. Harris wanted answers from Ava. He promised to protect her because he loved her. Harris thought she knew how he felt about her. Ava wanted him to figure out a way to get over it. He kissed her. Sloan wanted to look at the warrant for Stefan and Ava. Everett showed up at the station. He warned Stefan that he planned to post the next story about him if he’s involved with the drug ring.

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Days Update Friday, January 26, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie joins Jada at the Brady Pub and apologizes for being late, noting that she has a new client who is extremely high maintenance. Rafe arrives to join them and also apologizes for being late. Stephanie tells him that he’s not the only one as she had a needy new client. Jada asks Stephanie who the new client is. Stephanie reveals it’s actually the Bistro, as their business was badly hurt by the drug raid, so they hired her to do damage control. Rafe says he was also held up because of that reason and suggests no work talk tonight. Jada agrees and suggests a topic of embarrassing personal stuff. Stephanie jokes that Rafe might have a problem with that. Jada agrees that Rafe probably wants to talk about macho guy stuff. Rafe assures that he’s perfectly comfortable talking about his feelings, even personal embarrassing ones.

Sarah comes home to Xander cooking. Xander asks how her day was. Sarah says it was good and exhausting but rewarding. Xander finishes cooking and talks about putting Victoria to sleep. Sarah comments on Xander taking care of everything and says he’s outdone himself. Xander responds that he was highly motivated to please her and calls her his motivation.

Alex goes to see Marlena in her office at the hospital. Alex thanks her for seeing him so late and last minute. Marlena says he sounded like he couldn’t wait. Alex says it’s about he and Theresa which Marlena says she could have guessed. Marlena asks what has happened since they last spoke about it. Alex informs her that Theresa was planning on going back to California, but then he persuaded her not to go and then they slept together. Alex then declares that they actually made love.

Theresa goes to the hospital and tries to avoid Kayla but Kayla sees her and says she’s really glad she came. Theresa says that she sees Kayla is really busy so she can just tell her mom that she saw her and that she’s fine and she will be on her way but Kayla stops her from leaving. Kayla says not until they talk and she understands what’s going on with her. Theresa is not sure she wants to know.

Stephanie tells Rafe that she and Jada decided to stay clear headed. Rafe calls that disappointing since they will be talking about embarrassing personal stuff. Jada says it might not be as fun sober but they will do their best. Jada asks if Stephanie is still swearing off men. Stephanie asks why she has to start but Jada encourages her. Stephanie declares that she is still swearing off men. Rafe feels she slightly hesitated. Stephanie admits that it’s hard because she works with two of her exes. Jada and Rafe question there being two. Jada says she knows about Chad but asks who the other guy is. Stephanie says it was a guy she knew from Seattle. Jada didn’t know she lived in Seattle and notes that she used to live out there for a few years too. Stephanie remembers Jada mentioning that and says it’s too bad they didn’t connect back then as she could have used a shoulder to cry on.

Everett works at the Spectator office. Everett wonders aloud how the dots connects as Stefan and Ava deny anything to do with the drug trade but they are lawyering up big time. Everett wonders how Ava and Harris are connected and then the Bistro hiring Stephanie to kill any negative publicity. Everett then thinks back to telling Stephanie that he loved being her friend and that he wouldn’t pressure her to be anything more.

Sarah asks Xander how Victoria did at the Spectator when he took her. Xander says she was a perfect angel and slept most of the time. Xander asks about Sarah’s day at work. Sarah says there was nothing out of the ordinary, she just did her rounds and worked on her charts. Xander asks when Sarah last asked for a raise. Sarah says not lately and asks why. Xander points out that she works so hard and long hours, so it seems she should be getting paid handsomely. Sarah says she’s fine with her salary. Xander suggests maybe she shouldn’t be.

Marlena brings up that Alex told her in their last session that he was determined not to get romantically involved with Theresa. Alex says he was totally fine with them being roommates with benefits, but Theresa recently had a slip. Marlena says she’s sorry to hear as she hadn’t heard about that. Alex guesses Brady didn’t tell her but explains that he and Brady took care of Theresa for the first few hours as she was coming down and it was really hard for both of them to see her like that. Alex admits he wanted to be the hero and to help but really, he just felt like he was in the way since Brady and Theresa have all this history. Alex adds that after Brady left and Theresa was finally sober, she made a rash decision to go back to California. Alex says he got upset and went for a jog but when he came back, Theresa had already packed and booked a red eye flight to leave tonight but she didn’t go because he talked her in to staying. Alex declares that he couldn’t let Theresa leave and that’s what he wanted to talk to Marlena about because it’s scaring the hell out of him.

Theresa asks Kayla if her mom filled her in. Kayla confirms that she told her that she had a slip but that she was determined to have it not happen again. Kayla encourages that they all know that Theresa must have been in serious pain to have a slip. Kayla adds that her mom also told her that Theresa decided not to go to California. Theresa guesses she was disappointed. Kayla says she was concerned and just wants the best for her. Kayla adds that her mom doesn’t understand her staying in Salem since she can’t see Tate for another month. Kayla then asks why Theresa decided not to go back. Theresa informs her that it’s Alex.

Jada proposes a toast to not needing shoulders to cry on. Rafe and Stephanie drink to that. Rafe finishes his beer and says he needs another one. Rafe asks if they need anything but they decline as he goes to get a beer. Stephanie tells Jada that Rafe is so charming. Jada agrees and adds that Rafe is loyal, kind, and funny which is nothing like her lying, cheating ex…

Sarah asks Xander if she shouldn’t be fine with her current salary. Xander admits he may be biased but feels she’s a stellar employee who goes above and beyond, so she should be paid accordingly. Sarah says this topic is making her a little uncomfortable because their most recent problems was because they were broke and he was willing to do dishonorable things to make them not broke. Sarah insists that she makes a decent living, so Victoria will always be taken care of. Xander supposes she’s right. Sarah adds that Xander has the Spectator, so they will both be contributing equally to their daughter. Xander didn’t mean to express doubt about that and assures that he will only make a living honorably and respectably to set a good example for his daughter which is more important to him than anything.

Marlena question why Alex is scared by needing to have Theresa stay in Salem. Alex thinks he’s just never really felt like that before. Alex says he’s been crazy about women before like Stephanie but it was different. Alex says that was more like he was wanting her, not so much needing her. Alex says Theresa has made a lot of mistakes in her life, struggled with addiction, and is flawed like him. Alex feels like he can totally be himself around her. Alex says it’s just something about her and he just wants to be around her. Alex adds that when he can’t be around her, he can’t get her out of his head. Marlena thinks she understands what he’s feeling which Alex questions. Marlena declares that she thinks Alex is in love.

Kayla questions Alex being the reason that Theresa decided to stay. Theresa confirms that he persuaded her that they are so alike and really self aware. Theresa adds that Alex insisted on them trying to become better people together which Kayla says sounds like a plan. Theresa brings up her and Brady going through so much with Tate. Theresa says when she was strung out, Brady really made her feel safe in a way that only addicts can understand and for a moment, she felt really close to him. Theresa says that when Alex took her in his arms and persuaded her to stay in Salem, that’s when she realized that Alex is what she wants and needs. Kayla asks if Theresa is saying she’s in love with Alex. Theresa responds that she supposes that she is and asks if Kayla disapproves because most people look at Alex as an egotistical womanizer. Kayla says she doesn’t know Alex that well but she believes people are a work in progress so if a man meets the right woman, he can become less egotistical and shallow. Theresa remarks that stranger things have happened. Theresa states that when she first got involved with Alex, she was the shallow one as she was just using Alex to try to get Brady jealous but when that didn’t work, she looked at Alex like a distraction from Brady, but she didn’t think she would actually develop real feelings for him. Theresa cries that now she feels so guilty which Kayla questions. Theresa complains that she is shallow and willing to screw up someone’s life just to get what she wants. Kayla thinks she’s just being hard on herself. Theresa responds that she’s ashamed of what she’s done and Alex deserves better. Kayla then asks what she has done.

Alex tells Marlena that being in love sounds so serious and mature. Marlena asks if feeling this way is new to him. Alex confirms that it is since being crazy about someone is different than being in love. Marlena says that people express their feelings differently so it’s very subjective. Marlena feels it sounds like there is a real depth to Alex’s feelings for Theresa. Alex can’t help but feel like he needs to act on these feelings. Alex then asks Marlena if he should ask Theresa to marry him. Marlena is taken aback and says she can’t tell him what to do but these feelings are very new for him. Marlena thinks he needs to just take this very slowly and see what develops. Alex worries that if he waits, he could lose her and he can’t lose her.

Sarah tells Xander that she really needed this wonderful dinner and relaxing with him and their daughter in the other room. Xander tells her about how he was reading to Victoria. They joke about her possibly understanding him. Xander talks about how Victoria reminded him of Sarah. Sarah says Victoria has Xander’s smile. Xander talks about Sarah always looking lovely. Sarah brings up everything they went through with losing her previous daughter and how blessed they are to have a perfect, healthy child. Xander feels blessed that their child is a product of their love at that time and now he’s terribly grateful that they are getting to know each other again in a different way.

Stephanie asks if Jada’s marriage ended because her ex cheated on her. Jada says that was the main reason but it was how she found out which Stephanie asks about. Jada explains that one day, she was checking the credit card bill and found a big charge for a jewelry store and he hadn’t bought her any jewelry in months. Stephanie says that must have been hard. Jada recalls her ex being furious with her when she confronted him about it and having a horrible fight. Jada says she knew it was over then. Rafe returns and asks what he missed. Jada says she was just talking about her ex so it was nothing he needs to hear. Stephanie gets a call and steps aside to answer as it’s Everett, who asks if he can e-mail her the copy of his follow up piece to the drug crisis to make sure it’s situated properly because his deadline is in two days. Stephanie says she won’t get to it until the morning as she’s out at the Pub with friends. Everett is sorry he interrupted and hopes she’s having a good time. Stephanie responds that she is and invites Everett to join them. Everett asks if she’s sure he wouldn’t be intruding. Stephanie says not at all, so Everett says he’s on his way. Stephanie says she’ll see him soon and hangs up.

Marlena asks Alex if he’s told Theresa that he’s in love with her. Alex says no, so Marlena says he can’t know how she feels then. Alex brings up Theresa telling him that she wants and needs him, which he feels is the same thing as being in love. Marlena thinks it is in this case but she thinks his fear of this is being triggered by his past. Alex admits she might be right and talks about finding out that Justin isn’t his real dad. Alex says it’s been awhile but still feels like a loss. Alex guesses he will hold off on asking Theresa to marry him. Marlena feels there isn’t any rush, especially considering that Theresa has a problem with addiction and had a slip recently. Marlena thinks the best thing Alex can do is just be there for her.

Kayla asks what Theresa has done that is making her feel so guilty and if it’s about her past mistakes. Theresa claims that she is talking about her past mistakes. Kayla feels she’s suffered enough over those. Kayla talks about reading the 12 steps program and one of those steps is making amends with the people you’ve hurt. Kayla asks if there is somebody that she needs to make amends with. Theresa decides that’s what she’ll do because Tate deserves an honest mother with integrity. Theresa declares that she will make amends with the people she has hurt.

Jada and Stephanie tell Rafe about the geocaching scavenger hunt. Stephanie says that she, Wendy, and Tripp are sorting out the details and it’s going to be great. Everett enters the Pub but upon seeing that Stephanie is with Jada, he backs out before they see him. Stephanie comments that her friend should’ve been there by now. Stephanie then gets a text from Everett, saying he can’t make it but needs to talk and asks her to call him when she’s free. Stephanie tells Jada and Rafe that he unfortunately can’t make it. Jada says that’s too bad as she was really looking forward to meeting him..

Xander and Sarah finish their bottle of wine. Sarah asks if they should try the whiskey as she likes that he said it signifies trust. Xander says that’s something they have been working real hard to rebuild and it’s become better than he anticipated. Sarah admits she’s very impressed by what a responsible and truly loving father that Xander is. Sarah adds that he’s an amazing roommate with mad cooking skills. Xander calls her a wonderful mother and a perfect roommate. Sarah and Xander then end up kissing. Sarah asks if they should take this to the bedroom but Xander says they shouldn’t.

Alex tells Marlena that she’s always helped him so much and thanks her. Marlena encourages Alex to take his time with this relationship and see what develops. Marlena says if it’s good and real, it won’t go away. Alex agrees because he is in love.

Theresa thanks Kayla for letting her talk this through and says she’s made her realize that she has to be honest and to make amends. Kayla encourages her to live with a clear conscience and self respect. Kayla hugs Theresa and says she’s there for her 24/7. Theresa thanks her and says she loves her so much.

Sarah questions Xander saying he doesn’t want to go to the bedroom. Xander assures that he’d want nothing more than to make love to her all night long, but worries about how he screwed things up before so he’s trying his damndest not to screw things up now since the stakes are so much higher because of their little girl. Sarah says she understands and jokes that at least one of them is thinking clearly. Xander jokes about being the voice of reason and they end up hugging.

Stephanie says she hates to call it a night but she has tons to follow up on tomorrow. Stephanie hugs Jada and tells her tonight was so much fun and they should do it again soon. Rafe agrees as Stephanie then exits. Jada tells Rafe that it was disappointing that they didn’t get a chance to meet Stephanie’s guy. Jada remarks that it doesn’t take a detective to see how much she likes this guy.

Outside the Pub, Stephanie calls Everett, who apologizes for standing her up tonight. Stephanie asks if he’s still at work. Everett responds that he’s in his room at the Salem Inn and asks her to come over because what he needs to say to her really can’t wait. Stephanie agrees to be there soon and hangs up.

Alex runs in to Theresa at the hospital. Theresa says she was just thinking about him. Alex calls it a coincidence as he was thinking about her too.

Rafe tells Jada they can go to his place which she calls an excellent idea as they exit the Pub together.

Stephanie goes to see Everett. He thanks her for coming so quickly. She notes that he sounded so serious on the phone and asks if everything is okay. Everett sits her down and says he has a confession and something she needs to hear.

Sarah asks Xander if they are just going to their own bedrooms to sleep. Xander doesn’t know he will since his heart is skipping beats just looking at her and thinking about what would happen. Sarah responds that her heart is skipping beats right now too. Sarah then heads to her bedroom. Xander gets a call from a private number and answers the call to hear a distorted voice, saying he has a job for him as he has someone who must be eliminated..

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Interview with Megan Best

TV Interview!


Megan Best stars in "Confessions of a Cam Girl" on Lifetime - photo from IMDB.

Interview with Megan Best of “Confessions of a Cam Girl” on Lifetime by Suzanne 1/23/24

It was lovely to speak to Megan. You may know her from “The Watchful Eye” last year on Freeform, where she played the meeker of the two sisters, Darcy. She’s playing a very different character here.  She does very well as a young woman who thinks she knows what she wants and goes after it, even though she may be risking her life or reputation. It’s an exciting Lifetime drama, so you don’t want to miss it, Saturday, 1/27/24, 8/7c.


MORE INFO: Official Site Trailer

"Confessions of a Cam Girl" key artInspired by real stories, Confessions of a Cam Girl follows the eighteen-year-old fashion savant Kristen (Megan Best, Dawn) who is set to become the first in her family to graduate college. Her working-class parents are furious when she reveals a plan to attend fashion school instead of college. Her parents refuse to use her college fund for her farfetched dream. Determined to pay for it herself, Kristen secretly creates an online explicit content page to raise $10,000 for dream program. Confident that she can keep her side hustle under wraps, Kristen’s secret unravels and threatens not just her future, but the safety of her family as well.

Confessions of a Cam Girl is produced by Sepia Films for Lifetime. Sheri Singer serves as executive producer. Siobhan Devine directs from a script written by Miriam van Emst.

Megan Best is known for Nobody (2021), Seance (2021) and Vandits (2022). Visit her on Instagram

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Megan Best stars in "Confessions of a Cam Girl" on Lifetime


GH Short Recap Friday, January 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Brick tells Sonny that the gun that killed Austin was stolen from the WSB which means there may be a connection between the gun that shot Austin and the gun that shot Curtis. Sonny decides that he and Dex are taking Ava to his island in Puerto Rico until they find the person who has been sending her those notes and claims they killed Austin.

Valentin offers to invest in a new magazine to compete with Crimson. Ava thanks Valentin for the offer but she has to try and control her impulsive actions so Willow will see that she is trying to change. Valentin tells Nina if she changes her mind to let him know because he is sure that she could have a great magazine.

Dr Film’s malpractice trial begins with the prosecution presenting its case and presenting its witnesses. Sam finds evidence that Muldoon’s lost money in the failed Aurora Media/ELQ merger. Martin suspects that Muldoon brought the lawsuit against Finn because they need money to pay their debts.

Chase and Dante arrive in Canada to look for Esme at Nanny Maggie’s apartment.

Laura gets in touch with Spencer and Trina and tells them to stay in Paris because Kevin will be okay and Chase and Dante will find Esme.

Jordan tells Anna that Brick helped her track down the location of the call that gave her the tip, about who shot Curtis. Jordan tells Anna the call came from a burner phone inside Bentonville and Jordan thinks that Mr. Brennan gave her the anonymous tip.

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Days Transcript Friday, January 26, 2024

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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


[upbeat twangy music]

This seat taken?

All yours, girl.

[laughs] Oh, sorry, I’m late. New client extremely high maintenance.

Oh, girl, no problem. Yeah.

Oh, man.




Sorry I’m late.

That’s OK.

You’re– you’re not the only one. I was just telling Jada that I have a needy new client.


OK. So who is this lucky new client, I mean, if you can tell us that is?

Oh, yeah, I can tell you. It’s the Bistro actually whose business was badly hurt by that drug raid. They hired me to try to do some damage control.

Ah, well, the reason I was held up was also because of the drug epidemic plaguing town. Hey, how about this, no shop talk tonight, hmm? Everyone OK with that?




All right. So how about we just limit all that talk and we keep it to embarrassing personal stuff?

Ooh, I’m all for that. But, Rafe, I don’t know, this might be a little sexist, but given your gender, you may have a problem with that.


Yeah. You know what? He probably wants to talk about macho stuff like cars and sports and how he pitched, like, a lot of no-hitters back in the ‘s in Little League.


OK. First of all, I did throw many a no-hitter when I was in Little League, even some in high school, actually, yeah. But, you know, that aside, Stephanie, yes, you are correct, it was a little sexist, because I am perfectly comfortable talking about my feelings, even personal embarrassing ones.

Well, great. I am so glad you are up to the challenge.

Well, I will be as soon as I get my pink Cosmo. Assuming you ladies are in. * *

Well, good evening, Chef Cook. That seems redundant to say that, doesn’t it?

Yeah, it does, but I like it.


How was your day, Dr. Horton?

It was good. It was just exhausting, but rewarding.

So the usual way you describe your days at the hospital?


[laughs] What’s all this?

What do you mean? Wait, what do you mean what’s all this? It’s our Burns supper. You bought the groceries for it.

Right, it’s just I didn’t think we were having it, because I forgot the haggis.

But luckily for us, steak pie is a perfectly acceptable and traditional substitute.

[timer rings] And it’s ready.

Oh, great.


And Victoria is obviously sleeping.

Oh, yes, I put her down about an hour ago after– after her bath and a bottle.

Oh. It looks like you really took care of everything.

I did. I did indeed. Mmm.

Oh, wow.

Delicious, right?

Yes, that smells wonderful. You’ve really outdone yourself, Chef Cook.

Well, I was highly motivated to please you. In fact, whenever I aspire to do well, you’re my motivation, Sarah, always.

[knock at door]

Oh, Alex, hi. Come on in.

Hey, Dr. Evans, thank you for seeing me so late in the day and so last minute.

Oh, it’s quite all right. I was here staying late to do some paperwork anyway, and something in your voice made it sound like you couldn’t wait. So please.

Yeah. Yeah. It’s about Theresa and me. You probably could have guessed.

Yes, I think I could have guessed that. So tell me what’s happened since last we spoke about it.

Well, she was planning on leaving to go to California to see her mom and to pretty much get out of Salem at least for a little while.

I see.

And then I persuaded her not to go.

Oh, all right.

And then–

And then what?

We slept together. Actually–

Actually what?

Actually, we made love.

[light piano music] * *

Hey, hey, Theresa. Theresa, I’m so glad you came. Just give me a second, OK? I just want to– I just want to put these couple notes in the chart–

No, it’s OK. I know that you’re really busy, Aunt Kayla. So maybe you just tell my mom that I came and you saw me and I’m fine. I’m in a really healthy place. So I’m just going to go now. I’m gonna be on my way.

No, no, no, no, you are not going to be on your way, not until we talk and I understand what’s going on with you.

[sighs] I’m not sure you want to know.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * *

Yeah, so since you guys won’t have a pink Cosmo with me, this will have to do.

Yeah. Well, Jada and I decided to stay clearheaded.

Yeah, very disappointing, OK, very, especially since we’re going to be talking about embarrassing personal stuff.

Well, it’s not as fun when you’re stone-cold sober, but we’ll do our best, right, Steph?

Oh, for sure.

OK. OK. So, Steph, tell me, are you still swearing off men?

Ohh, why do we have to start with embarrassing me?

Oh, come on, just be a sport. You’ll get to embarrass Rafe and me afterwards.

Oh, OK. Well, in that case, yes, I am still swearing off men.

I sensed a slight hesitation.

Yeah, well, it’s hard, because I work with two of my exes.


Two? OK, wait, I know about Chad, but who’s the other guy?

It was the guy that I was involved with in Seattle.


Mm, I didn’t know you used to live in Seattle. I used to live out there for a few years too.

That’s right. You mentioned that the last time we hung out. Too bad we didn’t connect back then. I could have used a shoulder to cry on.

Girl, you and me both. * *

[sighs] OK, how do these dots connect? We have Stefan and Ava who both totally deny having anything to do with the drug trade but are lawyering up big-time. Then we have Harris and Ava. How the hell are they connected? And we have the Bistro hiring Steph to kill any negative publicity.


[exhales] Steph. Listen, I just want to say something just so that there isn’t any doubt about it at all, OK? I really like living here in Salem, I do. I really like my job a lot. But more than any of it, I love… being your shoulder and your friend. And I just want you to know that there won’t be any pressure from me to be anything more. I swear. No pressure. Yeah, just friends.

[inhales, exhales] No pressure.

So how did our little girl do at “The Spectator”? You took her there today, right?

Yeah, she was a perfect angel and mostly just slept in her stroller. How was your day at work outside of exhausting and rewarding?

[chuckles] I mean, nothing out of the ordinary. I did my rounds. And then I worked on my charts.

May I ask, when was the last time you asked for a raise, Sarah?

Um…not lately. Why?

I’m just wondering. I mean, you work such long hours, you work so hard, and it’s mentally, physically, emotionally exhausting from what you tell me. It just seems that you should be getting paid handsomely.

I mean, I’m fine with my salary.

Maybe you shouldn’t be.

You and Theresa? You told me during our last session that you were determined not to get romantically involved with her.

Yeah, I was– I was totally fine with us just being roommates.


Then roommates with benefits. Anyway, Theresa recently had a relapse or a slip, I guess, it’s what it’s called when it’s unplanned. It was like a one-time thing, right?

Yes, yes, well, that is what it’s called. I’m just I’m sorry to hear that she had a slip. But no, I had not heard about that.

OK, well, then Brady obviously didn’t tell you. But the two of us, we took care of her together for the first few hours when she was coming down. And it was really hard for both of us to see her like that.

I’m sure it was very hard.

Anyway, I wanted to be like the hero. I wanted to help. And in reality, I just felt like I was in the way, not just because Brady has all this experience with addiction, but him and Theresa have all this history. They have a child together. Anyway, after Brady left and Theresa was finally sober, she made this rash decision, or at least I thought it was rash, to just go back to California. So naturally, I got upset. And I wanted to clear my head. So I went for a run. By the time I got back, she was all packed up. She said she needed to be with her mom and get away from Salem at least for a little while. And she booked a red-eye ticket. She was supposed to leave tonight.

Oh, well, I assume she didn’t go.

No, she didn’t. I talked her into staying. Dr. Evans, I couldn’t let her leave. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. That’s what’s scaring the hell out of me.

So Mom filled you in, huh?

Well, she told me that you had a slip but that you were determined for it not to happen again.

I am, although I know that those words can ring hollow coming from an addict.

Well, they don’t ring hollow with me, Theresa, because I know, we all know– the people who care about you– that if you had a slip you must have been in some serious pain.

[tense music] * * Your mom told me also that you’ve decided not to go back to California.

Yeah. I’m sure she was pretty disappointed, huh?

Well, no, I actually got the sense that she’s just concerned about you and wants the best for you. She doesn’t understand why you need to stay in Salem. I mean, she knows that you can’t see Tate for another month, right? So what is it? Why did you decide not to go back?

[sighs] Alex. * *

OK, let’s make a toast. Let’s see, to not needing any shoulders to cry on.

I will drink to that.

As will I.


Mmm. Now I need another one. Can I get you ladies anything?

I’m good.

Me too.


[upbeat twangy music] * *


He is so charming.

He is, isn’t he? And he’s so kind and loyal and funny. Oh, nothing like my lying, cheating ex.

[dramatic music]

So I– I shouldn’t be fine with my current salary?

Well, maybe I’m a little bit biased. I just–I have a feeling that you’re a stellar employee. I mean, you’re always going above and beyond. And you should be getting paid accordingly. What? What is it? What are you thinking?

No. I, um– this talk, I guess, is making me a little uncomfortable just because our most recent problems were because we were broke and you were willing to do dishonorable things to make us not broke. And despite the fact that you don’t think that I’m being paid enough, I really do make a decent living. So Victoria will always be taken care of.

I suppose you’re right.

And now you have “The Spectator.” So we’ll both be contributing equally to the raising and educating of our daughter.

Of course. And I didn’t mean to express any doubt about that. But as I said, I’m only going to make a living now honorably, respectably. I have a beautiful little daughter for whom I need to set a good example. It’s more important to me than anything, Sarah. I hope you believe that.

I do.

So you need to have Theresa stay in Salem. Why is that scaring you?

[tense music]

I think maybe because I’ve just never really felt like that before. You know, I’ve been crazy about a woman before, Stephanie, for one, but it was different.

Different in what way?

It was just, you know, it was more like I was wanting her, not so much needing her. Does that make sense?

It does.

I don’t know, maybe it’s because Theresa she’s like, you know, she’s made a lot of mistakes in her life. She’s struggled with addiction. She’s flawed. In other words, she’s like me. I just feel like I can totally be myself around her. I don’t know, it’s just something about her. You know, whether she’s happy or sad or angry or indecisive or silly or annoying, I just– I just want to be around her. I– I… I don’t know, when I can’t be around her, I can’t get her out of my head. So then I end up wondering, where the hell is she? What is she doing? Who is she with? How is she feeling?

Yeah. I think I understand what you’re feeling.

You do?

I do. I think you do too. I think you’re in love.

So Alex is the reason you decide to stay?

Yeah, he is. He persuaded me that he and I are so alike that yeah, we’re both screwups. I mean, God knows that I am, but that we are– we’re both really self-aware.


Yeah. And unlike people who aren’t self-aware, we actually know when we’re backsliding. So we can nip it in the bud, you know, and become better people. And he insisted that he and I try to do that together.

Sounds like a plan.

But, you know, Aunt Kayla, Brady and I have been through so much with Tate. And when I was strung out, he– Brady, he really made me feel safe. And in a way that only addicts can understand, you know, he– for a moment, I felt really close to him. But then when Alex took me in his arms and he persuaded me to stay in Salem, that’s when I realized that he is what I want. He’s what I need.

So you’re in love with Alex, is that what you’re saying?

[sighs] Yeah, I suppose I am. Do you disapprove?

Disapprove? I mean, why would I?

Because most people look at him as an egotistical womanizer, you know, this shallow guy who’s only out for himself.

Well, Theresa, first off, I don’t know Alex that well. But I’m of the opinion that people are a work in progress. So I believe if a guy meets the right woman, he could become less egotistical, less shallow. And actually with that woman, he might be able to make a serious commitment.

Yeah. I mean, stranger things have happened, right?


You know, when I first got involved with Alex, I was the one who was really shallow. It was really just using him to try and get Brady jealous. And then when I realized that that didn’t work, I looked at Alex as a distraction, you know, somebody to keep my mind off of Brady, a companion for when I was lonely. But God, I didn’t think I would actually develop real feelings for him. And now I feel so guilty.

Guilty? For what?

Because I am shallower than shallow. I am the kind of person who’s willing to screw up somebody’s life six days from Sunday just to get what she wants.

I think you are being hard on yourself.

I know. I’m ashamed. I’m ashamed of what I’ve done. Alex deserves better

Theresa, what have you done?

In love, wow, sounds so serious, mature.

Is this new for you, feeling this way?

Oh, yeah, this is definitely new for me. It’s not like I haven’t been crazy for a woman before, like I said, I have. But being crazy about somebody is a little different than being in love with somebody, isn’t it?

Well, it’s hard to say. People express their feelings differently, you know. It’s very subjective. But from what you’re telling me about your feelings, it sounds like there’s a real depth to your feelings for Theresa.

Yeah, I mean, I just can’t help but feel like if I am having these feelings that I need to act on them. And not just like the physical sense, but I’m thinking…

[light piano music] Should I ask her to marry me?

Marry you?

[gasps] Alex, I can’t tell you what to do. But from what you’ve been saying to me, these feelings are all very, very new for you. And that’s fine. That’s just fine. But I think you need to just take this very slowly and see what develops and see if it turns into something that feels like marriage.

What if I wait I could lose her? I don’t want to lose her. Dr. Evans, I can’t.

I really needed this.


Yeah. A wonderful dinner and relaxing with you, our daughter in the other room.

Oh, I didn’t tell you. Earlier before I put her to bed, I was reading her “Goodnight Moon.” And I know she’s way too young to actually understand any of it, but she was looking at me so intently. It was as if she couldn’t wait to hear what happened at the end.

Or maybe she really is very precocious and brilliant and totally understood you.

Maybe so.


But she really reminded me of you, though, this just intense concentration.

[laughs] When she smiles, though, she reminds me of you, because she does have your smile. It’s a lovely smile by the way.

Well, you have a lovely smile too, Sarah, although you look lovely whatever you’re doing, whether you’re smiling or frowning or concentrating intensely or especially when you’re holding our daughter in your arms.

You know, when I think about everything that we went through with Mickey, the loss and the grief, I just think how blessed we are that we have this perfect, healthy child.

I feel blessed too, that that perfect, healthy child is ours, a product of our love at the time.

Yeah, at the time.

And now in the present, I’m just so terribly grateful that, well, we’re getting to know each other again in a different way.

Yeah, in a better way.

[jazzy music]

So is that why your marriage ended, because your ex cheated on you?

Well, that was the main reason, but it was how I found out.

And how was that?

One day I was checking our credit card bill, and I found a really big charge from a jewelry store. And since he hadn’t bought me any jewelry in months, well, you get the idea.

I do. God, that must have been so painful seeing that charge.

It was. And when I confronted him about it, he was furious with me for being suspicious. I mean, we had horrible fight after that. And we’ve been in many fights before, but nothing like that. And I knew it was over.

Oh, what did I miss?

Oh, nothing. I was just talking about my ex. Nothing you need to hear.

Right, nope.

[phone rings]

Oh, excuse me, I need to take this.

Oh, yeah, no worries. Yeah, mm-hmm.

Hey. What’s up?

Hey. Can I email you the copy to my follow-up piece on the drug crisis? I just want to make sure it’s situated properly.

Isn’t your deadline two days from now?

Yeah, that’s why I’m calling you so late, just in case I need to make any revisions.

Well, yeah, you can email me that copy, but I won’t get to it till the morning. I’m actually out at the pub with friends.

Oh. I’m so sorry I interrupted. I hope you’re having a good time.

I am. We are. Hey, why don’t you join us?

Oh. Really? You sure I wouldn’t be intruding?

Not at all.

OK. Yeah, I’m– I’m on my way.

See you soon.

Alex, have you told her how you feel?

That I’m in love with her? No.

Well, then you can’t really know exactly how she feels.

Well, I mean. she told me that she wants me. She needs me. That’s pretty much the same thing as being in love, isn’t it?

Well, I think, in this case, yeah.


Yeah, I would think so. I just I think that your fear of this is being triggered by your past, your own losses.

Yeah, you might be right. You know, finding out that Justin isn’t my real dad, I know it’s been a while now, but… it still feels like a loss.

Of course it does.

But I guess I will hold off on asking her to marry me.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there really isn’t any rush. And especially considering that she has a problem with addiction and she’s had a slip recently, I think the best thing you can do for her right now is just be there for her.

Theresa, what have you done? What have you done that is making you feel so guilty? Is this about your past mistakes?

Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about, all my past mistakes.

Oh, honey, haven’t you suffered enough over those?

How much is enough?

Listen, I’ve read about the -steps program. And one of the steps is to make amends with the people you’ve hurt. Is there somebody you feel you need to make amends with?

Yeah. That’s what I’ll do. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll make amends, because Tate deserves an honest mother with integrity. That’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to make amends with the people that I’ve hurt.

So it’s a geo-catching event. Am I saying it right?


No. OK.

It’s geocaching.

Geocaching. OK.

It’s a scavenger hunt that takes place in the real world, but the clues are online.

Oh, wow.

Yeah. Wendy, Tripp, and I are sorting out all the details, and it’s going to be great.

[indistinct chatter]

[foreboding music] * *

Hmm. My friend should have been here by now.

[phone beeps] Oh, wait, this text is from him. He can’t make it, unfortunately.

Oh, that’s too bad.


I was really looking forward to meeting him.


[exhales] Oh, and then there was none.

No, we drank the whole bottle.

Down to the last drop.

Hmm. Shall we try our whiskey in the Celtic cup?

You mean the quaich?


The last dram of the celebration. Yeah.

Yeah? I just I liked what you said it signifies–


[groans] Something that we have been working very hard to rebuild. And it’s been going much better than anticipated, don’t you think?

I do. Yeah. Actually, I’m very impressed at what a responsible and truly loving father you are, and not to mention, an amazing roommate and mad cooking skills.

Well, you’re pretty top-notch yourself, Sarah. You’re a wonderful mother and a perfect roommate. * * Mmm.

They use this for weddings?

They do amongst other things. The wedding couple, they drink from that, and then they quote Robert Burns. “All my love is like a red, red rose “that’s newly sprung in June. “All my love is like a melody that’s sweetly played in June. A fair art thou my bonnie lass.” And–

Should we take this in the bedroom?

Sarah, we shouldn’t.

You always help me so much, Dr. Evans, always. Thank you.

I’m so glad. Alex, take your time with this relationship and just see what develops. And if it’s good and it’s real, it won’t go away.

That’s right, because– let me see if I’m comfortable with saying this– I’m in love.

That wasn’t so tough, was it?



[sighs] Thank you so much for letting me just talk this through. You’ve made me realize that I have to be honest, and I have to make amends.

For yourself more than anybody else so that you can live with a clear conscience and self-respect. Yeah. And know that I’m here for you /.

Thank you. Thank you so much, Aunt Kayla.

Did you just say no to me? You don’t want to go to the bedroom?

Sarah, you must know that nothing would make me happier than to make love to you right now and all night long. I just– you also know how I’ve screwed things up in the past. And I’m just trying my damnedest not to screw them up this time, not now when the stakes are so much higher because– because of my little girl.

[gentle music]

Yeah, I understand. At least one of us is thinking clearly.

Ironic though, right, that I’m the voice of reason?

Ironic and kind of maddening.


No, no, it’s OK. I love you… for being the voice of reason. * *

Well, I hate to call it a night, but I’ve got tons to follow up on tomorrow.

Oh, girl, no problem. Good night.

Tonight was so much fun.

It so–it sure was.

Let’s do again soon.

Yes, let’s do it again.



Bye. Mwah!

[sighs] Aww. Well, that was disappointing.

What was?

That we didn’t get a chance to meet Stephanie’s guy.

Oh, yeah, well, definitely more disappointing for her.

Yeah. You know, it doesn’t take a detective to see how much she likes this guy.

[phone beeps]

[line trilling]

Hi. It’s me.

[sighs] I’m so sorry I stood you up tonight.

You still at work.

No, I’m not. I’m– I’m in my room. Can you come over? What I need to say to you, it really can’t wait.

Oh, OK. Yeah, I’ll– I’ll be there soon.


Hi. I was just thinking about you.

What a coincidence. I was thinking about you too.


You think that’s a hint?

I think maybe we’ve worn out our welcome.

Mm. Well, I have already paid the bill. So we can go to my place.

Excellent idea.



Thank you.

Mm-hmm. Perfect. Ahh.

Hey, thanks for getting here So quickly.

No problem. You sounded so serious on the phone. Is everything OK?

Let’s sit down. I have a confession, something you need to hear.

[tense music]

So we just go to our respective bedrooms and sleep?

I mean, I don’t know how I will given that my heart is skipping a bunch of beats right now just looking at you and thinking about what would happen if we didn’t go to our respective bedrooms and sleep.

My heart is skipping a bunch of beats right now too, just so you know.




[phone rings] Hello.

Xander Cook.

Yeah. Who’s this? I have a job for you.

What kind of job?

I have someone who must be eliminated.

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B&B Transcript Friday, January 26, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne

Luna: You can’t be serious.

RJ: I– I mean, well, it’s possible. Come on, the magical night that the two of them spent together, the fact that Bill and Poppy are quite fond of each other? I mean, I don’t– I don’t think it’s a stretch to think they hooked up.

Luna: Okay, that much I’ll buy. But the other thing? What you’re suggesting is– is– is crazy.

RJ: Well, it might be. I don’t know. It might not. Come on, what if Bill Spencer is your father?

Bill: Well, thanks for drawing these up, Diana, and for personally bringing them by. Standard lease agreement. Pretty boilerplate, right?

Diana: You’re welcome. You want to add or take out something specific?

Bill: Nope, it’s good.

Diana: I’m surprised. I thought you might keep it for yourself. Can’t beat the location. A romantic setting, impressing the ladies.

Bill: Yeah, but, um… there’s only one lady that I’m interested in impressing.

Poppy: I didn’t realize I had that effect on you.

Bill: From the day I first laid eyes on you.

Poppy: It seems like a lifetime ago.

Bill: Well, in some ways it is. But like I told you, from the day you walked in this restaurant, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I haven’t forgotten, Poppy.

Poppy: I haven’t forgotten either.

Bill: I can’t stop thinking about you. And– and I feel like there are forces at work that– that brought us back into each other’s lives for a reason.

Poppy: Well, I don’t know about forces, but things definitely happen for a reason.

Bill: I wanna spend more tie with you. I wanna get to know you better. I wanna get to know your daughter better. I want you to meet my son. I mean, Liam is really excited to meet you, and… Well, he just kept reiterating that… we’ve been brought back togethr for a reason.

Poppy: I think he may be right.

Bill: Thank you. Take care.

Luna: I can’t believe the thought of Bill Spencer being my father is crossing your mind.

RJ: Well, obviously, I don’t know. But, Luna, think about it. Your mom and Bill, they haven’t forgot each other after years. And, you know, the connection that they share is obvious. I mean, everyone can see the connection that they share. And they both talk about the night that they spent together as really special to both of them. And plus, there’s the math. You know, the math checks out with how old you are and when the two of you met. I just– I don’t think it’s that big of a stretch.

Ginge: Sorry to interrupt.

RJ: Hey, Ginge. Uh, I’m like right in the middle of something.

Ginge: Bill Spencer.

Luna: What?

Ginge: Bill Spencer. I’m covering phones. He’s calling for you, RJ.

RJ: Thank you, Ginge. Appreciate it, man. He’s probably just calling to talk to me about the beach house or something like that. Hey, Bill. Uh, sorry to keep you waiting.

Bill: Not a problem. I didn’t have your cell, so I called the main number. Hope I’m not pulling you away from anything too important.

RJ: No, no, no. I… Actually, we were, uh… we were just talking about you.

Bill: Oh, well, that could be trouble.

RJ: Yeah, yeah. Just, you know, uh, about the beach house, how excited I am to move in. Well, you’re a lucky man and this happens to be your lucky day. I know that Wyatt already gave you the keys, but if you can drop by over here, we can get the lease signed off and you can officially move in.

RJ: Okay. I’ll be right over. Thank you. That was, uh, about going over and officially signing the lease. Yay. And, you know, maybe while I’m there, I’ll suss out Bill about your mom and what he and her shared all those years ago. Hey, listen. I’m not trying to push you or anything, all right? I’m just letting you know what I was thinking. Bill and Poppy share a history and I don’t know, the timeline adds up with how old you are and when they met. Maybe it’s time.

Luna: Time?

RJ: Time for you to ask your mom if Bill Spencer is your dad.

RJ: I’m just saying is that this timeline adds up. Your mom and Bill met over years ago at the Golden Gate Music Festival. They instantly have this huge connection. They spend this magical night together, and for whatever reason, something happened and they went their separate ways.

Luna: Well, probably would’ve been different if they lived in the same city.

RJ: Yeah. Yeah, I’m willing to bet it would’ve been. Would’ve been different for all of you, especially you.

Luna: If Bill is my father, you mean.

RJ: It’s just, Luna, there’s this– there’s this wistfulness when you talk to me about your father and… I just think that this is your opportunity to change that. Look, I– I– I have to go. I have to go meet Bill to sign this lease. Um, but just think about it. And, you know, your mom, she has the answer. And I– I really do, I think that you should ask her for the truth. And I love you. And, um, I’m just doing all this because I just I wanna help you find the answers to the questions that have plagued you.

Luna: Bill Spencer doesn’t seem like a craft fair type.

Poppy: All right, fine. It was at a music festival, but decades ago.

RJ: I don’t think it’s a stretch to think they hooked u. Come on, what if– what if Bill Spencer is your father? Luna, think about it. Your mom and Bill, they haven’t forgot each other after years. Maybe it’s time.

Luna: Time? Time for you to ask your mom… if Bill Spencer is your dad.

Luna: Hi. Um, are you busy?

Poppy: No, I’m good. What’s up?

Luna: I, um, I’d– I’d really like to see you.

Poppy: Wow, I’m popular today.

Luna: What?

Poppy: Nothing. Private joke.

Luna: Um, do you think you could– you could come over to Forrester?

Poppy: Is something wrong?

Luna: I don’t know. Maybe something’s right. Um, but only you can tell.

Poppy: I’ll be right there.

RJ: Wow. I gotta be honest with you, Bill, I still can’t believe I’m actually going to live here.

Bill: Ridge and Brooke okay with you moving out?

RJ: Yeah. Well… my dad’s not exactly excited that of all people I could be renting from, I’m renting from you. But I talked to him. I told him, you know, this is my life. It’s my money. So, you know, eventually, he– he saw things my way.

Bill: Good. I did consider keeping the place. I mean, even my– my realtor pointed out that, you know, this is tough to beat if you’re looking for a romantic setting.

RJ: Hm.

Bill: So, I’m sure that you and Luna are going to enjoy it.

RJ: Yeah. Uh, also speaking of, uh, I’m sorry about the whole embarrassing encounter the other day with you and Poppy and Luna and me.

Bill: Oh, no, no, no. That was nothing. I mean, it had the potential to be awkward, but it was no big deal.

RJ: Yeah. So, um… you– you and Poppy, you two are seeing each other?

Bill: I’m working on it.

RJ: Well, it must be wild, you know, to rediscover each other after so many years, right?

Bill: I see you know a bit about our history.

RJ: I mean, I just– I just heard about the basics. You met at a music festival, Bay Area, right?

Bill: Yeah. Uh… Uh, Poppy was– was dancing, and she just stopped me cold in my tracks. I mean, she made quite a– a first impression.

RJ: Huh.

Bill: I had to know her.

RJ: Well, what’s it been, Bill, like years, right?

Bill: A bit more.

RJ: Huh. Well, then, you must have made quite an impression on her for her to remember you after that much time, right?

Bill: Well, all I’ll say is that it was a very special night. And what about you and Luna? You seemed very close when I saw you here.

RJ: I– I’m crazy about her.

Bill: I think that Luna’s heart is in good hands.

RJ: And what about Poppy’s?

Bill: I want the very best for her. And, yes, that includes a relationship with me. You know, I’m– I’m… not one to really believe in things being fated, but… in this case, I do think that Poppy and I were– were drawn together for a reason. Both then and now.

Poppy: Hey, I got here as fast as I could.

Luna: Oh, um, you didn’t– you didn’t have to rush.

Poppy: Yeah, but you sounded really intense on the phone, like something was going on. My mind was just racing on the way over here. Was it your Aunt Li again? Did something happen between you and RJ?

Luna: No, no, he– he couldn’t be more wonderful or more supportive.

Poppy: I’m so happy you guys found each other.

Luna: Yeah, me too.

Poppy: Well, you know, it wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t courageous enough to follow your dream. I’m so proud of you. It isn’t easy to leave a life that you know and venture out into the world. But you did it. And you made it work. You’re an inspiration.

Luna: I mean, any courage that I have, I got from you. You’ve– you’ve never been afraid to live life on your own terms and be exactly who you are. Whether that person conformed to societal norms or not.

Poppy: Usually not. unapologetic self-acceptance that prompted you to dance at that music festival where you met Bill. It’s what made you so strong and brave enough to have me and embrace your role as a single mother.

Poppy: Well, you and I didn’t need anybody else but each other, hm?

Luna: Well, each other is kind of the only option we had. Um… RJ’s got me thinking about something.

Poppy: Okay.

Luna: It’s about my father.

RJ: It’s a nice thought that, you know, Poppy’s in your life for a reason. Any idea, um, why she’s been in your life now, not once but twice?

Bill: That’s what I’m trying to figure out.

RJ: You don’t know?

Bill: Does anyone really know? I– I mean, I have a few thoughts about it.

RJ: Yeah? Yeah, it’s been fun getting to know Poppy ’cause she’s– she’s interesting, right?

Bill: To say the least.

Poppy: Yeah, she’s a really cool mom.

Bill: I told Poppy that of course I want to get to know her better, but that I want to get to know Luna better as well. As I said, she strikes me as a remarkable young woman.

RJ: Yeah. Well, you’re right. She– she is absolutely remarkable. And, uh, the thing with Luna is the more you get to know her, the more, uh, impressed you become with her.

Poppy: You asked me here to talk about your father?

Luna: Yeah.

Poppy: Why? What about him?

Luna: Well, you know, whenever I bring him up, you either shut down or change the subject.

Poppy: You’re curious about your father?

Luna: RJ and I have been talking.

Poppy: You discussed this with RJ?

Luna: Yeah.

Poppy: Okay, well, I mean, I guess I’m not surprised. You guys are getting closer all the time. It makes sense that you would open up to him.

Luna: Well, he’s just– He’s been trying to help me sort out all these things that I’m feeling and all these things that I’m thinking. And I just want to be clear that he did not push me into this at all.

Poppy: Push you into what?

Luna: Trying to figure out who my father is. But– but then he started asking questions and started putting the pieces together.

Poppy: Pieces? What kind of pieces?

Luna: When Bill approached us at Il Giardino, he was positive that you two knew each other. And I don’t know what your reaction was about. I don’t know if– if you really didn’t remember him at the time or if you didn’t want to deal with it in that moment, but he remembered you. And he even brought up San Francisco, and he was right. You guys figured out that you two met at the music festival at Golden Gate Park. I mean, isn’t that amazing? You guys spent one night together like– like something years ago, and you guys still remember each other? But that just makes me think the connection you two shared might have been, like, crazy intense, right? And so RJ did the math and… the time that you and Bill met and the age that I am.

Poppy: Luna, what are you saying?

Luna: Look… I really don’t want you to take offense to this, okay? I love you so much, Mom. And I love our bond, and I would– I would not change that for the entire world. I mean, I’m in awe of you. You raised me all by yourself and you somehow made a way to make every single day so much fun. But there’s a piece of my story that’s missing. So, I need to know the truth, so please just… be honest with me. Is it Bill? Is Bill Spencer my father?

Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, January 26, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Esther: There you go.

Woman: Thank you.

Esther: Welcome. Oh, welcome. Oh, and congratulations to the new co-CEO of Jabot.

Diane: You heard about that?

Esther: Yeah, a little birdie may have told me. You wear it well.

Diane: Oh, well, thank you very much.

Esther: So what can I get you? I can put some sprinkles on top, and I can probably find a candle around here somewhere.

Diane: Oh, no, no. There’s no time for celebrating. Now is when the challenge begins, proving to everybody that I deserve the promotion. I’m just gearing up for a late night at the office.

Esther: Well, you do it with the loveliest of smiles.

Diane: Well, thank you. Working late is easier when you’re doing it with the people you love.

Esther: You’re so right. You do what you love with the people you love, then the people love what you make. And it’s just one big, giant love circle.

Nikki: Good to see you, Esther. Diane.

Esther: Nikki, I– I’ll be right with you. Okay, I have some cookies coming out of the oven, so I’m just going to make a little box for you.

Diane: It’s really not necessary.

Esther: Humor me, please.

Diane: Okay.

Esther: I’ll be right back.

Diane: All right. Nikki. How are you?

Nikki: You know exactly how I am, Diane, so there is no need for you to pretend that Jack didn’t tell you everything. And no, I don’t think I will let you test my tea to see if it’s spiked. You may know the truth, but it’s still none of your business.

Nate: So, you think we have potential?

Audra: And I’m rarely wrong about that, at least.

Nate: Aren’t you going to get that? Who knows, it could be opportunity.

Audra: There’s opportunity right in front of me. We’re not finished.

Tucker: Oh. Hey, Nate.

Jack: Oh, good, you’re home. I have something I wanted to run by you.

Ashley: Can you shoot me an email? I’m in a real time crunch.

Jack: You off somewhere?

Ashley: Yep, I’m going to Paris to get some answers.

Ashley: I’m taking the jet to Paris. I assume that’s not going to be a problem.

Jack: No, not at all. It’s yours whenever you need it. Do I get to ask any questions about this trip of yours?

Ashley: I don’t have a lot of time, as I said, and I’m gonna go no matter what.

Jack: Does this have anything to do with Tucker and the honeymoon that fell off the rails?

Ashley: Please don’t play games with me. I don’t have the time or the inclination to that.

Jack: I’m hoping maybe I’ll get a different answer to the question, Ash. This has gone on too long. Months. This has been part of every day of your life since you came back from Europe, and now you’re going back to Paris? Why are you putting yourself through this? Why are you lowering yourself to even dignify his insinuations? You want answers? I’ll give you an answer. Tucker is a menace. He is a liar.

Ashley: What if I’m a liar?

Jack: You’re not. We both know that.

Ashley: Do we? Do I?

Jack: Wait, so this is all about finding out if Tucker is telling the truth?

Ashley: No, no, this is about proving that I am telling the truth, and it’s going to be so clear-cut that he can’t deny it anymore.

Jack: You are giving this man too much power in your life.

Ashley: I’m taking my power back.

Jack: Try some other way to do it. Last time we spoke, you said you were gonna purge him from your mind.

Ashley: And I wasn’t successful, I’m sorry.

Jack: This is part of his pursuit of you, his game. This is just another tack. Another effort to engage you to keep him in the forefront of your mind, and for some reason, you can’t resist him. Ash, it’s a weakness. It is– it is dangerous.

Ashley: Don’t call me weak. I am not weak.

Jack: I did not say you were weak.

Ashley: I’m being proactive, Jack, this isn’t weakness.

Jack: I know what I see. If you didn’t still care about him, if he still didn’t mean something to you, you wouldn’t give a rat’s ass what his twisted version of the story is.

Ashley: Or maybe this is exactly what I need to get him out of my system once and for all. And isn’t– isn’t that what you want from me? So, this is what I need. And I also need to be able to count on you, but I clearly am asking for too much.

Tucker: I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.

Audra: That, like many other things in my life, is none of your business. What do you want, Tucker?

Tucker: A little privacy, perhaps? What do you say, Nate? Just minutes. Five. Five minutes.

Audra: You’re insufferable.

Tucker: I know.

Audra: Five minutes. Meet up later for a drink?

Nate: Yeah. I’d like that.

Audra: Yeah, I’ll– I’ll text you as soon as I’m done. I won’t be long. And what we talked about…

Nate: Yes.

Audra: We’ll pick up right when we left off.

Nate: I’ll see you soon.

Audra: Okay. What?

Tucker: I know what I just walked in on here. I know that look in your eye.

Audra: You love it.

Tucker: I do. You’re up to something. What?

Diane: Nikki, I’m not sure what you think Jack told me, and I’m not going to check your tea, don’t be silly.

Nikki: Then, why did you follow me out here uninvited?

Diane: Well, I’m simply wondering what gives you the impression that Jack told me anything.

Nikki: Oh, come now, Diane. For somebody who has built their entire life on deceit, you’re a terrible liar.

Diane: Well, then let me say with complete honesty that Jack cares about you very much.

Nikki: I know, and I care about him. That’s why I warned him over and over about–

Diane: And Jack did tell me that you went through a terrible ordeal, which forced you to revisit places that you had fought so hard to escape.

Nikki: That’s your way of saying what you’re not saying. Yes, I have been through a terrible ordeal, and my sobriety was compromised.

Diane: Sounds difficult.

Nikki: You know, the last time I saw you before you left Genoa City all those years ago, remember that night by the river you pretended to die?

Diane: You weren’t so innocent yourself that night either, Nikki. You hit me in the head with a rock hard enough to think you’d killed me.

Nikki: Well, look at us now. You’re not dead and I’m not drunk. Although, I’m sure when you saw me just now you wondered, “Is she tipsy? Is she sloshed?”

Diane: Nikki, I give you my word.

Nikki: Oh, thank you. Now, we both know what that’s worth.

Diane: All right, Jack also told me that he is helping you through this rough time.

Nikki: And you’re okay with that? Him being there for me, of all people?

Diane: Well, you and I aren’t friends, that’s true, but Jack is always there for his friends. I’m fine. I love that about him.

Nikki: He’s a good man.

Diane: Yes, he is. And when you love someone like Jack, you take the good with the past.

Nikki: Hm. Even though that means his ex-wife and good friend. Well, thank you for your sacrifice, Diane. I’m grateful to have Jack by my side.

Esther: Everything okay, ladies?

Diane: We’re fine, Esther. Thank you.

Esther: Okay.

Diane: Things don’t need to be contentious between us, Nikki. I know the last thing you wanted was me back in town and back in Jack’s life.

Nikki: Phyllis is the one who took things too far, but you’re not wrong.

Diane: Yeah, but since then, we’ve managed to set aside our differences, find a way to peacefully coexist in the same zip code.

Nikki: Hm. What’s your point, Diane?

Diane: My point is that if you’re struggling with your sobriety again, I’m sorry. I mean that. I can’t imagine how painful it is. And if you need someone in your corner, there’s no one better than Jack. He’s generous, he’s– he’s understanding, he’s non-judgmental, and he’s had his own battles with addiction. So, it makes perfect sense that he’s there for you. In fact, no one knows you better. Except Victor, of course.

Nikki: That’s true.

Diane: Yeah, and given their history, I can’t imagine Jack’s involvement in your life would go over very well.

Nikki: I was waiting for the real you to show up. You’re planning on holding that over my head, aren’t you?

Jack: Ash, you are an intelligent, successful woman capable of making brilliant decisions.

Ashley: Usually? You better shut your mouth if you care about our relationship at all.

Jack: Can I just ask what your plans are once you land?

Ashley: I’m going to go back to the café where we had the argument. And I’m sure I’m going to find some eyewitnesses there. There has to be a waiter, if things are as I recall, who remembers the very loud, abusive, ugly American who was berating his new wife.

Jack: “If things are as you recall?” This is what I worry about, he has mourned your self-confidence, your certainty.

Ashley: Just a figure of speech, it was just– Not if. When. When facts are confirmed. Don’t worry about me. This is what I need to do to eradicate him from my life, okay? I just need to prove once–

Jack: To prove to who? To yourself? To Tucker? Do you really wonder which of you is telling the truth? That’s, I think, what I really need to know here. This is about your belief in your recollections.

Ashley: I promise I’m not going to disappear in Paris.

Jack: Ash–

Ashley: I’m not. I’m not going to forget about you or my family or Jabot. I just want to go there and get the information I need. And then I’m going to be back. And I’m going to be stronger than ever. Love you.

Jack: Could we just–

Ashley: I gotta go.

Traci: Was that Ashley I just heard?

Jack: Yeah, she just left for Paris.

Traci: That was quick.

Jack: Wait, are you saying you knew about her plans for this wild goose chase?

Nate: Victoria.

Victoria: Hello, Nate. How are you?

Nate: I’m good, thanks. I’ve been, um, thinking about your mother.

Victoria: Well, that makes two of us.

Nate: How is she?

Victoria: She’s very brave. Very much aware that she’s under the microscope with everyone watching her every move.

Nate: That’s not a comfortable feeling. Can be pretty hard to deal with, even in the best of circumstances.

Victoria: It’s a difficult cycle, drinking. The guilt and the shame and the urge to try to drown those feelings. Sometimes, I don’t know how to be there for her, and yet make sure that she’s not feeling too pressured.

Nate: I can’t speak to Nikki’s sense of pressure, but I do know you have a lot of kindness in your heart. And insight. I’m sure you’re reaching out to her as best as you can.

Victoria: I hope so.

Nate: Your family’s going through a lot lately. And I meant what I said earlier. If you ever want to talk or have any questions, whatever, whenever, I’m here.

Victoria: Thank you, Nate.

Tucker: I’m done with Ashley.

Audra: Right, of course.

Tucker: No, I mean it.

Audra: Yeah, and I’m sure you meant it the six other times. You’ve sworn the same thing.

Tucker: No, it’s different this time.

Audra: You know, I’ve heard an addict’s promises. “This is the last time, I swear.” But the urge never goes away.

Tucker: I’m done. She’s never going to change. And I am done. Jabot, the Abbotts, Ashley, all of it. Glissade, that’s… where I want to put all my energy, so– And you.

Audra: That was oh, so convincing.

Tucker: I mean it, Audra. If you don’t want to work with me, that’s fine. I can handle Glissade all on my own. I don’t want to lose you. Um… you– We get each other, right? You know what makes me tick. And I know what sets you on fire. This. This is it. For me. Us. It’s all there. And it’s ours for the taking.

Audra: It’s too late.

Tucker: For us? No, no, no, no. We’re just getting started. I’m just warming up. Audra, I know what I want. And I want to be with you.

Audra: How flattering. And when I– What I want isn’t an issue.

Tucker: I think we want the same thing. We belong together. It’s always been there, hasn’t it? I know maybe you don’t want to admit it, but… I think maybe you want the same thing. You want to be with me too. In your dreams. are for us. And– and you got dreams, I know you do, and I want to help you… make them come true. Don’t pull back now. All you have to do is say yes.

Audra: That’s all it takes.

Tucker: Say yes, Audra.

Nate: How is, uh, everything else in your life going? Everyone’s well?

Victoria: If you’re asking without asking about Claire–

Nate: If I’m not intruding.

Victoria: No, not at all. I appreciate it, I mean, I don’t think it’s common knowledge yet. And it means a lot to me that people care about how she’s doing. You know, she spent a lifetime without that, ’til now.

Nate: Whatever you’d like to tell me about her, I’d love to hear.

Victoria: Every day, for– for her and for all of us, there are just constantly new discoveries.

Nate: Good and bad, I imagine. And it takes some time for her to find her way.

Victoria: And she will.

Nate: With you looking out for her? I have no doubt.

Victoria: Listen, I want to thank you for what you did the other day. It was nice to be able to talk to you about her. It reminded me to just keep things in perspective. You have a way of seeing into the heart of the matter. You could always remind me of where my focus ought to be.

Nate: Happy to try whenever you need it.

Victoria: Well, I might just take you up on that.

Nate: I hope you do.

Cole: Hey! I’m sorry if I’m early.

Victoria: Uh, no, not at all. Cole Howard, this is Nate Hastings.

Cole: I’ve heard a lot about you, Nate.

Nate: I was about to say the same thing.

Diane: Nikki, I have no agenda, hidden or otherwise. Well, actually, I do.

Nikki: There’s a shocker.

Diane: No, I hope your recovery is everything that you need it to be, so that you come out of this healthier and happier, after such a horrible experience.

Nikki: Thank you. That’s kind of you to say.

Diane: And I want you to know that I won’t betray your trust, or Jack’s. I hope you’re not upset that he confided in me. But you see, Jack and I are equal partners in all things. Marriage, family, work. So, it’s only natural that he would want me to be there for him.

Nikki: I don’t understand. Partners at work?

Diane: Oh, yes. The press release will be out soon. Jack named me co-CEO of Jabot. Isn’t that fantastic?

Nikki: Very impressive, Diane. Some might even say you didn’t waste any time. that she and Tucker have argued again.

Jack: About his gaslighting her, yeah, it makes my blood boil.

Traci: Okay, Jack, I think there might just be some level of confusion for her about his version of events. She just needs some clarity.

Jack: Damn it. This is exactly what I am worried about. For what it’s worth, she told me something completely different. She is absolutely certain that her recollection is correct. She lied to my face.

Traci: Well, maybe this is the reaction she’s trying to avoid. Maybe she told you what she thought you needed to hear so that you would ease up on her.

Jack: I’m trying to protect her, Traci.

Traci: She can protect herself.

Jack: It’s not just Tucker I’m trying to protect her from.

Traci: Who else, then?

Jack: Herself. I don’t want her any more upset than she already is.

Traci: Ashley doesn’t need us second-guessing her like this. There was some heated moment and they can’t agree on it. What she’s doing, going out and finding third-party information, I think that’s a really rational decision, and we should be supporting her on this.

Jack: She is obsessing. She is spinning this one moment for months. It has taken over her life. The blow-up in Paris. Tucker denying it. You clearly don’t see it. Ashley doesn’t either. This is exactly what Tucker wants. He has created this confusion to keep his hooks in her.

Traci: I just– I don’t know.

Jack: What if this is a mistake? What if she’s about to walk into some kind of a trap? She doesn’t trust me. I can’t do anything. She does trust you. Please don’t let her do anything that she will regret.

Nate: I should head out and let you get to it. Nice meeting you, Cole.

Cole: Same.

Victoria: Thanks again, Nate.

Nate: Anytime.

Cole: So, how long did you two date?

Victoria: Is that a lucky guess? Or writer’s intuition?

Cole: Your face. The way you smiled at him, and the way you smiled at each other, looks like there’s a history there.

Victoria: There is. It was a lovely time.

Cole: And then?

Victoria: Things went bad between Nate and my father.

Cole: Yeah, well, once you get on the wrong side of Victor, it’s hard to come back.

Victoria: Yeah, well, Nate’s a good man, though. He’s one of the best.

Cole: But your dad probably has a long list of guys he’d like to keep away from you, right?

Victoria: Well, it’s more complicated than my father being himself, but the outcome was the same. Anyway, enough about the past. Tell me about Claire. How was your visit with her?

Cole: You know what? I’m glad you ask. I’ve got some good news.

Diane: Honestly, I was very surprised when Jack didn’t choose Kyle to be co-CEO. I know how it looks.

Nikki: I’m sure you do. Jack just chose you instead of Kyle, even though Kyle has been with the company for years and years, and knows it inside out.

Diane: Yes, nothing would have made me happier than seeing father and son running the company side by side. I never imagined this.

Nikki: Certainly not. I can just see you manipulating Jack into thinking it was all his idea. “Oh, Jack, do you mean it? This is so unexpected. Just knowing that you believe in me is the greatest gift of all.”

Diane: You know, I just finished wishing you well, and you couldn’t wait to insult me. Is this– is this really how you want things to be, Nikki?

Nikki: You’re right. I shouldn’t have said it.

Diane: Well, don’t worry about it. I have to brace myself for the inevitable backlash. But thanks to Jack, none of that matters, he couldn’t be more supportive of me. Or of you. So, let’s just keep that common ground, shall we?

Nikki: I wish you well in your new endeavor. Excuse me.

Audra: I’m not the one you want. Not right now and not like this. You let Ashley back in and she broke your heart. And, you know, I’ve said some things that get too close to the bone, so you’re probably feeling a little raw.

Tucker: If you’re trying to talk me into–

Audra: Yeah, you’re looking for a win and I’m the fastest way there. But I am not about to be a woman someone settles for.

Tucker: That’s not what this is. That’s not what you are to me. Lately, I’ve been asking myself… “What’s good in my life right now? And what’s always been good?” And the answer is you. Whenever I know I’m gonna see you, I get a spring in my step. And a little smile on my face. And every time you walk into the room, my heart races a little bit. I think I’ve taken that for granted. I don’t want to anymore.

Audra: You know, what you need and want… you won’t find it in me. I’m sorry, Tucker.

Tucker: No, I can’t accept your apology.

Audra: I need to look out for myself now. Without your special brand of assistance. It’s time for you to go now.

Audra: I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.

Nate: You kept things short and sweet with McCall.

Audra: Yeah, sometimes it’s better that way. He adores the sound of his own voice and gets swept up in his fantasies and– Ugh.

Nate: He’s a dreamer.

Audra: He’s a big talker.

Nate: You seem like the only person he depends on. That can be a burden and a compliment. Not an easy thing to walk away from.

Audra: Well, sometimes it is.

Nate: Is this a pattern with you and former partners? You call it quits, but they can’t stay away?

Audra: Why do you ask? Are you interested in a partnership?

Nate: Are you offering? We didn’t, uh, finish our conversation.

Audra: I have a proposition. Leave Chancellor-Winters.

Nate: Give me one good reason.

Audra: Glissade. Join me there. Once I take control of it, of course.

Nate: She’s a dreamer.

Audra: Go big or go home.

Nate: The way I hear it, Tucker’s replaced Glissade’s board with a– with a bunch of lapdogs that’ll tell him what he wants to hear. In return, he gets their loyalty and their consent to run the company however he sees fit, and you think you can undermine that from the outside.

Audra: Oh, my God, Nate. You beautiful genius. You are absolutely right. I will never be able to pull this off from the outside. What I need is a page from your playbook. are we in crisis mode already on my first day?

Jack: It’s not about business.

Diane: What’s wrong?

Jack: I just stopped by the house, saw Ashley leaving for Paris. She wants to question the waitstaff at the café.

Diane: About the scene with Tucker?

Jack: She wants to confirm the facts as they happen, and going to great lengths to do it.

Diane: That’s probably not a bad idea. When it comes to dealing with Tucker versus the truth, it’s best to have hard proof.

Jack: I don’t like it. He’s pulling her strings. She’s letting it happen. He scares the hell out of her, and then has the gall to make her question her own perception. I mean, he’s controlling her. She’s letting it happen.

Diane: Jack, are you more upset about what’s in her head or in her heart?

Jack: Both. For months, she has been dredging up this fight that clearly traumatized her one way or the other. I know she has real questions about her perception, but he’s taking advantage of that. Why can’t she see he’s manipulating her? She’s a brilliant woman. Why can’t she stop herself?

Tucker: I’m done. Goodbye, Ashley. You go to hell!

Ashley: Okay. You loved me. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Tucker: What am I doing now?

Ashley: You’re just throwing around that word like it means nothing. You just use it as a way to control me.

Tucker: No, no, no, no. You have proven ad infinitum that you are a force unto yourself, Ashley. Lacking nothing, needing no one, certainly not me, who would have done anything for you. Now, all I ever wanted in return–

Ashley: What? What did you want from me?

Tucker: I wanted love, respect, I mostly wanted commitment. To be a partner with you in all things, in all ways. But those are things you just can’t give anybody, at least not anybody that doesn’t share your DNA, apparently. I mean, the very idea of commitment sends you scurrying in the opposite direction. And the second there weren’t Abbotts and an army of lawyers between us, well, you just ran home. Yeah, I’m sad, too. But it’s game over for me. I’m moving on, so should you. And you should give up this– this obsession about what happened in Paris.

Ashley: Oh, okay, so not only am I delusional, but now I’m obsessing.

Tucker: You are obsessing, yes, yes.

Ashley: Right.

Tucker: About a moment that is now unrecognizable to me. You know what you ought to do? You ought to hop on that fancy jet of yours across the pond, go to the bistro, talk to the waitstaff, ask them what happened that afternoon. Say, “Do you happen to remember a man in this restaurant going absolutely berserk, and– and smashing wine glasses, and throwing furniture?” I think you’d be surprised what they’d tell you.

Victoria: So, how was Claire when you visited her? What did she say?

Cole: She seemed happier. You know, just much better spirits than she was last time.

Victoria: That’s good. Did she tell you that my mother was able to visit her recently?

Cole: Yeah, yeah, and that’s got to be a good thing for Claire and for Nikki.

Victoria: Yeah. She said that she was allowed to walk around the hospital grounds, you know, I mean, with an escort, of course.

Cole: Yeah, all the way through pediatrics, and she lit up like a Christmas tree when she’s telling me all about it. You know, it was just– it was just wonderful to see her smile like that. You know, but at the same time, it does break my heart a little.

Victoria: Yeah, I understand. Seeing all of those sweet children with sicknesses and illnesses. Their parents were right there, right by her side.

Cole: I’m just worried. I’m worried it will remind her of the childhood she didn’t have. You know, on the other hand, maybe it could help heal her.

Victoria: Yeah, I mean, it could. This could be part of her healing so that she can go on to live a normal, happy, healthy life. God, I hope so. So, did you have a chance to talk to her care team?

Cole: Yes, yes, Dr. Henberg. Now– now, she couldn’t give me details, of course, but she definitely sounded hopeful. She said that others on her team have noted that Claire is more engaged in her private and group sessions. She’s awake more, she’s having conversations. It’s baby steps, I know, I know, but it was so, so great to hear.

Victoria: Baby steps. We were not there for her. But that’s okay, we’re gonna be there from now on. I’m– I’m so proud of her.

Cole: Yeah. She’s trying. She’s getting stronger. She’s– she’s on the road to good things, Vic. And you know that you and I will be there to catch her if she ever falls again.

Victoria: Oh, I know that. We will be. got back the numbers from the Asian market, and– Uh, Nikki, are you okay?

Nikki: I’m fine. Uh, I’m just distracted, there’s so much to do.

Audra: Well, I’m happy to take whatever I can off your plate.

Nikki: What makes you think I can’t handle what’s on my plate?

Audra: Oh, no, you’re right, I should know better. I’ll leave you to it.

Nikki: Well, no need to scurry off.

Audra: Whatever you prefer.

Nikki: Please stop humoring me. I’m not going to break.

Audra: Of course not.

Nikki: Oh, God, you’re doing it again. I wish to hell I had never admitted to you that I had a problem. who loves you madly and respects you deeply, it is my duty to sometimes play devil’s advocate.

Jack: Oh, good, maybe I’ll enjoy proving you wrong.

Diane: All right. Maybe you need to look at this from a different perspective. Yes, Ashley got close to being pulled into Tucker’s thrall, but then she pulled herself out. She deserves some credit for that.

Jack: But is she out? I’m not convinced.

Diane: I am. She’s just gathering the facts so she can shove them down his throat, which is what he deserves.

Jack: I wish my sister could see you defending her.

Diane: Yeah, well, let’s not ruin her image of me.

Jack: I think what I’m most worried about is what this is going to do to Ashley’s psyche. She has been reliving this same moment over and over again. What’s going to happen when she gets answers? More important, what’s going to happen when the answer is not what she wants to hear?

Diane: This is her battle. It’s the way she’s choosing to fight it.

Jack: I don’t like it.

Diane: And in the final showdown between Ashley and Tucker, my money’s on your sister.

Ashley: Are you here to talk me out of going to Paris, Traci?

Traci: No, I’m not. After all this time, I know what fights I can win and when to just get out of your way.

Ashley: Well, then why are you here?

Traci: Because I love you. And so does Jack.

Ashley: I know.

Traci: Well, then you also know we would never let you do something like this alone. So, every step of the way, whatever you need, here I am. So, every step of the way, whatever you need, here I am.

Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless…

Nikki: My whole life is spiraling out of control, and it’s my fault.

Jack: We will fix this. As a matter of fact, I have an idea.

Summer: Something’s lifted for me. I feel lighter.

Chance: Cheers to that. did you? Nikki fired you.

Victor: My security team called me last night and told me that there was a huge fire at the institution where Jordan is incarcerated.

Victoria: Meaning that Jordan could be dead or she could be out there again, ready to do God knows what.

Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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GH Transcript Friday, January 26, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcripts provided by Suzanne and Thane


[ Gasps ] Wow. Like it? [ Chuckles ] I thought nothing could get nicer than our hotel room in New York. But this… We’re literally on the Seine. Spencer, it’s incredible. You’re incredible. Thank you. For the room, not the compliment. Of course. Well, I thought that you and I deserved the very best to welcome us to this new chapter of our lives. We pulled Esme’s credit card records. There was a bus ticket purchased yesterday, destination — Toronto. Any stops along the way? No, it’s a straight shot. If Esme’s hiding out with her former nanny, we have the address of where to find her. Laura, I just heard about Kevin. How is he doing? He’s stable. He’s, um — Well, he’s in and out of consciousness right now, but, um, they’re doing more tests. And you? Are you able to hang in there? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am. Laura, he is so strong. He will pull through this. Please. He will. Thank you, Anna. Thank you. Thank you. I’m sorry. I wish I could offer more than just words. I think you can. You can come back to the PCPD.

[ Cellphone ringing ] [ Sighs ]

[ Ringing stops ]

Ava: Nina, what is this I’m seeing in The Invader? Call me, okay? I’m — I’m worried about you. Who are you talking to? Nina’s voicemail. Have you seen this? Yeah, I-I haven’t read the article, but I know there’s a transition. [ Chucking ] A transition? Hmm. Otherwise known as an ousting. That surprises you after what Nina did to Carly and Drew? Well, even so. I mean, somebody’s got to check up on her. She’s not picking up. Hm. Is that a problem for you? Brick is on his way up here with an update. Has he learned anything about the threats against me? Well, the sooner we stop this, the — the sooner we can end this living arrangement that we have. Apologies for the late arrival. Ms. McCall’s been keeping me apprised of her investigation. How’s — How’s that going? Did you find anything that could affect the case? It’s going. And, yes, I did.

Brick, good to see you. Hey, hey. Come on in. Always good to be seen. Yeah. Hello, Ava. Hi, Brick. How are you? How’s everything? Fine. Would you care for an espresso? No, thank you. No, thank you. Have a seat, Brick. Unfortunately, I got to keep this brief. I’ve got a meeting this afternoon. Yeah, as long as I’m caught up, you can make it as brief as you want. W-Well, if you’re waiting for me to make myself scarce, that’s not gonna happen. N– This concerns me. Okay, I know that, but as soon as it becomes business, leave. Okay? Okay. Alright, fill me in. I couldn’t pull any viable prints off the photograph, the note, or the gun left for Ava, but I was able to trace the weapon. And? It’s part of a stolen set of unmarked guns from the Bureau. Yeah, I know. What? You know what? I don’t know. W-What is the significance of the gun being stolen from the WSB? It means it’s connected to the rifle that shot at me a year ago at the Metro Court pool. I was able to access Muldoon’s E-ZPass records and cross-reference them with security cameras from a gas station across the street from the oncologist’s office. Tell us there was something on that footage. Yeah, a big something — Muldoon entering the medical pavilion before ever meeting with Finn. Gregory: Well, there you have it — proof he was already being treated for cancer. Maybe. Unfortunately, it’s circumstantial. You said a medical pavilion? There must have been dozens of specialists working out of that building. Exactly, a dentist, an ENT, and an allergist, just to name a few. Okay, so Muldoon could have been going to see any one of them. But he wasn’t. He was there to see the oncologist. Right. How do we prove that? Martin: That’s the number-one question, the second being, if he was being treated by that oncologist, why wouldn’t he tell you that? It doesn’t make any sense. Well, I have one more lead to follow up on. If it yields results, I’ll be in touch ASAP. Thanks, Sam. Martin: Thank you, Sam. I really appreciate it. Good luck today. Finn: Thanks. Shall we? Yeah, no time like the present. Let’s do this.

Does the hotel have any of those extra, uh, European outlet converters? My phone’s dead. [ French accent ] Yes, I’ll send one up. Okay, great. Merci. Merci. Wow. That accent is to die for. [ Laughs ] Mine or his? His. Ohh. Yours is decent, though. [ Speaking French ] Mais oui. And that’s about as much as I know. Oh, thank God for the translator app, though. Baby, you don’t have to rely on a translator app. I’m happy to give you French lessons. Yeah? What are you gonna teach me, huh? Um, well… [ Romantic music plays ] To start, there is… une bise. Une bise. I like that one. Mm-hmm. And then we move on to amour. And then? Extase. [ Woman singing in French ]

Have the Toronto authorities been notified? They have, but there’s another way. Which is? Dante has met Esme’s former nanny. We could reach out to her, keep things nice and clean. That is, if the department can spare us. Absolutely. I’ll make arrangements with your superior. But I do know it’s your brother’s trial today. So if you want me to send someone else with Dante… I’ll go. Are you sure? Finn understands that this is important. Okay. Good luck, and keep me posted. Copy that. Alright. You look shocked. Well, because I am. I-I am. The PCPD has been without an active commissioner for months now. It’s been chaotic and confusing. It may even be part of the reason that Esme was allowed to slip between the cracks. But I-I thought that Mac was doing an excellent job. Oh, he is, but not only has he made it very clear that he is not interested in the position full time, he’s been out of the country for I don’t even know how long now. The department needs stability. And you could provide that. Laura, Laura. Listen to me, now. Just hear me out, okay? Next to Jordan, who’s made it very clear to me that she’s happy in her new role as the deputy mayor, you are the next most qualified candidate. Yes, and the most controversial. I mean, forget about my public humiliation. What about what happened with your granddaughter? I don’t blame you for that. I shot a child, Laura. But you were being manipulated by your former director Brennan, right? And on top of that, Valentin chose to keep you completely in the dark about what was going on with Charlotte. This was an accident. It was a horrible accident. But it’s one that doesn’t change the fact that I believe that Port Charles would be safer under your leadership. And for what it’s worth, I agree ,%. Oh, you guys. Y-You have no idea what that means to me. But I’m sorry. I cannot. I-I can’t. What happened with Charlotte, it — it makes me feel like I’m — I’m not ready. I-I don’t deserve the badge. Okay, listen, listen. I understand what you’re going through. I really do, but I am asking you to take some time and to consider this offer. Hang on. Portia? Have you heard anything about Kevin? Is — Is he gonna be okay? All rise. The honorable Judge Arnold presiding. You may be seated.

I just spoke with Kevin’s doctors, and they’re still running some tests, but they are cautiously optimistic that his prognosis will be good, and they’ll know more when he wakes up. Oh. Oh. Thank God. [ Sobbing ] Laura, if you hadn’t found him when you did, this could be an entirely different conversation. I don’t want to think about that. Thank you for keeping me in the loop. Of course. That’s great news. That’s great news. Thank you. It’s such good news. [ Cellphone chimes ] Look, I’m really sorry. I’m late for a phlebotomy appointment, so I have to go. But I will catch up with you later, alrght? Yes. You look after yourself. Bye. Bye, Jordan. I have to see to some business, as well. But you’ll let me know if you need anything? I will. Okay. Thank you. And, Laura, I am really glad that Kevin’s gonna be okay. [ Sobs ] Thank you. Oh. Oh. Now, um, have you heard from Spencer at all? Uh, no, I haven’t. Uh, I’m a little surprised, actually, ’cause I think I might have sounded a little frantic in my message, but… I don’t know. Maybe — Maybe his plane hasn’t landed yet. Well, no, I tracked the flight. It landed. Maybe I should call Trina again. No, no. Don’t bother. You know, Esme is in Canada. Kevin is out of the woods. So Spencer will call me when he calls me. I hope they’re having a good time. They’re in Paris. How could they not be? Yeah. Mm-hmm. [ Sighs ] Champagne toast? When in Rome. [ Chuckles ] That’s the wrong city, baby. It’s the wrong country, even. Oh, this is a good year. [ Door opens ]

Diane: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, now, the name Hamilton Finn, Dr. Hamilton Finn, may be all over the docket on this case. But make no mistake, the story belongs to Dennis Muldoon, deceased husband of the plaintiff. You are going to hear how Dennis Muldoon sought the help of a trusted doctor in his time of need and how that doctor… through sheer negligence… failed to order a test which could have caught the cancer in time. Now, this story is by no means uncommon. Medical practitioners make mistakes all the time, which is why it is of the utmost importance that we hold them accountable not just for the error itself, but for the birthdays, weddings, graduations, everything that Dennis Muldoon will now, sadly, tragically, have to miss. I can and will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dr. Hamilton Finn did encourage Dennis Muldoon to follow up with further testing and that, far from being an error of medical negligence, this was an error of personal responsibility. As tragic as that may be. You’re saying the same person who killed Austin shot Curtis. In a botched attempt to eliminate Sonny. Alright, this is just a theory. You think it has anything to do with the anonymous bid on Wyndemere? Can you do me a favor? Can you give Brick all the information you have? Yeah, on the shell corporation. I don’t have much, but I’ll get what I have. Thank you so much. Sure. Alright, listen, um, I want you to coordinate with Dex as far as, like, you know, stepping up surveillance. All the usual suspects? Carly, the kids, Olivia, now Ava, ’cause she’s in the middle of all this. On it. But I do have a question. What? Does Nina get added to that list? How are you? You alright? Well, I’m pretty sure that I lost my husband and my daughter. And the final kicker is, Drew and Carly want to take everything else from me, too. Otherwise okay? [ Laughs ] Sorry. It’s okay. I brought it on myself, right? At least that’s what everyone tells me. Well, you may be down, but you’re not down for the count. So what’s the plan? For what? For taking back what’s yours. I’m very sorry, monsieur. I knocked on the door, and there was no answer. I assumed you’d stepped out. Thank you. Your converter. Okay. If he showed up a few minutes earlier, he would have gotten quite the show. [ Laughs ] Uh, where’s your phone? I’m gonna charge it. It’s right there. Open up the champagne, please. Okay. Did he knock? Did you hear anything? I mean, in all fairness, we could have put up the “do not disturb” sign. Yeah, that would have kind of killed the romantic flow. Well, option A, take a two-second break from making out, or option B, getting caught by the bellhop in your underwear. Okay, okay, fine. Next time we will put on the “do not disturb” sign. Oh, there’s gonna be a next time, huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, and a next time and a next time and a next time. What is this? You brought your turtledove with you? Well, yeah. There might be weekends where you’re gonna be back home and I’ll be here and… it’ll be like we’re still together. That’s what this thing is for, isn’t it? [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Yeah, it sure is. That’s pretty cute.

Aw, you have yours with you. Yeah, I, um — I take this with me everywhere I go. And once I get my apartment here, then it’ll have a permanent place on my bedside table. Hmm. [ Cellphone chimes ] One sec.

My grandmother left me a voicemail. I don’t mean to bring up a tough subject. I just don’t know where you and Nina stand right now. She’s my wife legally, so she’s gonna be a potential target. I’ll make sure to keep eyes on her. I made copies for you. This is it. This is all Lucy gave me. Thank you so much. I’ll look into it. Let me know if you need anything. Will do.

[ Sighs ] So, how seriously do I need to take this? Stay vigilant or complete lockdown? We’re not there yet. Oh, thank God. ‘Cause nothing good can come from us stuck in this penthouse. On that note, what do you say we get the hell out of here? Do you think I have a leg to stand on? I think you have two gorgeous legs to stand on. [ Chuckles ] Valentin. What? You’re Nina Reeves, for God’s sake. You built Crimson into an empire that it is today. I mean, I can’t imagine that your advertisers and top designers are thrilled with what Drew has decided. Doesn’t matter. Of course it matters. I don’t have any recourse. You don’t? Okay, well, how about you give me a number? What? How much would it cost to create a rival publication and poach every top staffer at Crimson that would give Drew and Carly a fighting chance of success? Did you ever get a sense that there were any health concerns prior to this diagnosis? Mrs. Muldoon: No. We were shocked when we learned that he had stage cancer. He seemed totally fine. And then it’s like we blinked, and… he was gone. The doctors who took care of your husband in hospice, were they able to provide any insight? They said that any physician who would have run even the most basic tests would have seen the cancer. If only someone had. A few months could have made all the difference. My children would still have a father. Objection, Your Honor. Calls for speculation. Mrs. Muldoon’s testimony will be corroborated by Dennis Muldoon’s oncologist, Your Honor. Then we’ll hear it when he or she takes the stand. Sustained. No further questions. Judge Arnold: Your witness. Mrs. Muldoon, I’d just like to start by saying how sorry we all are for your loss. Thank you. I just need to know one thing. Were you there when your husband met with Dr. Hamilton Finn when he was told he needed to go for further testing? No, I was not. So your opinion on Dr. Finn’s urgency, or lack thereof, is based solely on how your husband described it to you. Yes, but — Thank you. That’s all. No further questions, Your Honor. Judge Arnold: You may step down.

That’s it? Mr. Chase, no one ever won a civil trial by ripping a grieving widow to shreds on the witness stand. Jury’s right there. She has her story. We have ours. Diane: Your Honor, I would like to call Dr. Hamilton Finn to the stand.

Spencer, thank you for calling me back. Yeah, of course. What’s going on? Well, I’ve got good news on both fronts. First of all, Kevin is going to be okay. Oh, thank God. And, uh, we have tracked Esme to Canada. The authorities there have the address where she’s staying, and Chase and Dante are on their way there right now. What do you need from me? Nothing, honey, nothing. You just stay right where you are, okay? I’m sort of comforted by the knowledge that there’s an entire ocean between you and Esme at the moment. Laura’s right. You’re far safer there than you would be here in Port Charles. Just let the police handle Esme. Okay, I promise to look after your daughter, Dr. Robinson. I’m gonna hold you to that. Trina, honey? Hey. I want you to be safe, okay? I love you. I love you, too. I will. And we’ll keep you posted if we hear anything. Okay, sounds good. Bye. Bye. I did not agree to have lunch with you to take your money, Valentin. You wouldn’t be taking it. I’d be investing it — in you. With your prowess and the help of your editors and your advertisers, I think that any new publication you launch would bury anything that Drew and Carly can cook up at Crimson. They don’t know publishing. You know publishing. Sometimes the best revenge is good business. If I do this — You’re considering it. Maybe. If I do this, this war with Carly will only escalate until one of us surrenders. To it not being you.

Gotta admit, the hospital is not where I hoped our next meeting would take place. Hm. Give me something I can use, and maybe I’ll give you an upgrade. A man can dream. Hm. Did you trace the number that called me? Yeah, went through some back channels, which I’m guessing is why you reached out to me in the first place. And? Call came from a burner phone, one of them prepaid deals you can get at any gas station. So it wasn’t registered. Now, hold on. You know, the call pinged a cell tower a stone’s throw away from Pentonville the night the call came in. No residents or roads nearby. Pentonville? You better than anyone knows how an inmate could smuggle phones in. Thanks. No sweat. [ Sighs ] Oh, Ms. Ashford? Yeah? I haven’t lost your number. I’m hoping you’re not gonna lose mine. Dr. Finn, how long have you been a department head at General Hospital? Seven years and months. That’s a long time. And in that time, you found a cure for Blackwood’s disease, which was ravaging certain oceanic regions. Am I correct? That’s correct. That’s quite a feat, to use deductive reasoning and applied science to find a cure. Part of the job. It is. So what went wrong on the day Dennis Muldoon came to visit? Objection, Your Honor. Come on. I’ll rephrase. I’ll rephrase. Why didn’t you catch the stage cancer that other doctors insist would have been blatantly obvious at that time? I am an infectious disease specialist. Mr. Muldoon came to see me for treatment for a tapeworm which he had. However, I knew something else was wrong. So I suggested he had more tests run. Was there any urgency to this suggestion, any sort of a warning that he might be dealing with something a little more serious, perhaps life-threatening? I recommended to Mr. Muldoon that he have further tests run. I don’t recall the level to which I stressed urgency. So it’s your contention that it’s not possible that another infectious disease specialist could have deduced that cancer was at play? Can’t speculate on other doctors, and your statement does not equate to malpractice. Mm. Even if you were not at the top of your game, shall we say? I don’t know what that means. Dr. Finn, were you suspended from General Hospital six years ago? I was. Care to tell the court why? Medical privacy, Your Honor. Withdrawn. Would you agree that a doctor at the top of his game could have suspected cancer, could have ordered the proper tests, and could have conveyed to Mr. Muldoon the gravity of his situation? Like I said, I can’t speculate on other doctors. Yes or no will suffice. The expectation that a doctor in another field could immediately catch everything wrong with a patient is not only unreasonable, it’s completely absurd. I did what needed to be done on the day. And just what needed to be done. That’s not what I said. No further questions. Dr. Finn, did you ever tell Dennis Muldoon that a tapeworm was the only cause of his symptoms? No. And did you, in fact, advise him that further tests were necessary to achieve an accurate diagnosis? Yes. Did he take that advice? No, he did not. So conveyed urgency aside, do you, as a physician, have the authority to compel a patient to undergo a test they do not wish to have done? No, I don’t. No further questions, Your Honor. You may step down.

I thought you said Diane would talk about Finn’s past drug use. She didn’t have to. She did more damage by hanging it in the window. And she knows it. You know something, up to this point, I have kept my questioning brief because I honestly believe that the facts are on your side in this case. But I got to be honest, Doctor. That little tit for tat with Ms. Miller just now, I don’t think you did yourself any favors.

Thank you, Doctor, for your input and expertise. Your Honor, the prosecution rests. Judge Arnold: You may step down. I’d like to call for a brief recess. Court will resume at :. [ Gavel bangs ] Bailiff: All rise. Jury is excused. Sam: Thank you. Hey, how’s it going? Hey. Well, all is not lost. But I’m not gonna lie, we could use some help from your end. Okay. Any luck? Um, well, yeah, actually, I did some more digging, and it turns out debt collectors have placed several liens out on the Muldoons.

It looks like their house is about to be foreclosed on. What? I thought they were wealthy. No, they’ve been cash poor for a while now. Treating cancer can get expensive. I’m sure it ate away at their funds. This has actually been going on for a while. The Muldoons had a loan-out corp, and they were heavily invested in Aurora. When the stocks went down, they lost pretty much everything. That was months ago.

Hey. Your phlebotomy go okay? Oh, yeah, everything’s fine. Okay, good. What’s going on? Well, I traced the number for the source who called about the unmarked guns. Do you have a lead on who shot Curtis? Anna, Sonny may have been the intended target, but I think you’re still connected to this, as well. Hi, Sonny. I heard about Ace. Is Spencer okay? Yeah, that’s none of your business. I left you a voicemail. I’m so sorry to hear about Crimson. Nina, call me. We’ll talk when you have a chance, okay? Uh, Av– You want to go somewhere else? No, I don’t want to go somewhere else. Phyllis said that I was always welcome here. I won’t be run off with my tail between my legs. My offer still stands. What do you say? I say that you and I have a bad habit of bringing out the worst in each other. Portia: I got some good news. Oh, that’s my favorite kind. The doctors think that Kevin should be waking up very soon. Really? Mm-hmm. They’re gonna be moving him to his room, and then you’ll be able to see him soon after that. [ Voice breaking ] Thank you, Portia. Oh. Kevin’s gonna be okay. Thank you. The kids are safe. We’re lucky, really, all things considered. [ Exhales deeply ] Yeah. Oh, now if I could just — if I could just stop blaming myself. Blaming yourself for what? Esme. I knew what she was capable of. I absolutely knew it, but, you know, she is — she’s my husband’s niece. She’s — She’s the mother of my grandchild. And I just — I think I just wanted so badly to see the good in her that I let it blind me to all the horrible things she’s done and she never paid for. And she did awful things to your daughter. You must be so angry with me. Spencer: I wish I could say I was wrong and that Esme hadn’t got her memory back and that Ace could still be safe with her. But I guess I did the right thing giving Ace to my father. I mean, if anyone has a knack for disappearing, it’s him. There’s no way that Esme is gonna — Trina, what are you doing? There’s a flight back to New York in two hours. You can make it before midnight. And you’re telling me this because? Kevin just got attacked, and your brother is in danger. Spencer… I appreciate you coming with me, but your family needs you now. It looks like Muldoon has been trying to stop the bleeding for months. He even cashed out a life insurance policy to pay his bills. Before or after he saw the oncologist? Before. That’s excellent work, Sam. Thanks to you, we now have one hell of a theory to present to the court. Oh, my God. Muldoon came to you on purpose. This whole malpractice suit… Is part of his plan. Muldoon set me up. Trina, you heard my grandmother. Kevin is on the mend, and Esme is in Canada, and the police are on her trail, so… And if any of that changes? Then I’m gonna get on a plane and I’m gonna go home. But you heard me just promise your mother that I would stay here and look after you. And we both know that I’m on her hit list, so I think it’s best that I keep my word. Are you sure? Don’t — Don’t stay for me. Baby, of course I’m gonna stay for you. And for me, for us. Now, Trina Robinson, are you ready for the best weekend of your life? So ready. That’s a very good answer. [ Chuckles ] [ Cork pops ] You think that I would be angry with you? [ Sighs ] Well, at the very least, you must think I’m naive. I think that Esme is that good of a liar. Except you never believed it. I never really bought into the idea that Esme had truly changed, but I think it’s just a little bit different with me. Why is that? Because Esme hurt Trina in a very specific, targeted, vindictive way. And it’s hard to see your child suffer through something like that. And I don’t know. It leaves a mark. I am so sorry. You don’t have to be. There’s nothing wrong with hoping someone can change if and when they take accountability for their actions. But Esme never took accountability for anything. So right now, there’s only one path forward with her. Oh, yes, absolutely agreed. Esme must be found. She must be brought to trial for the things she’s done.

Hey, Port Charles police. I’m Detective Falconeri. This is Detective Chase. We were told you were coming. Any updates? We’ve been monitoring the apartment for hours. No one matching Miss Prince or the nanny’s description have exited. So the apartment’s still occupied? Well, thanks for holding off and waiting for us. Could be trouble. [ Knock on door ] I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted by your offer. But? But I have to try to control these impulses that I have if I have any hope of salvaging a relationship with Willow. Okay, but if you change your mind… I know where to find you. Nina, you and I have a long history of twisting ourselves into knots, pretending we’re something we aren’t for other people. You don’t have to do that with me. I’m on your side no matter what. Thank you.

I was thinking, you know. Uh-oh. Well, there’s still a threat out there and — against you. So, Esme’s on the run. Maybe you should spend some time on the island. Huh. Is that a yeah? Well, you know, the gallery is being refreshed this week, and I suppose there are worse places to stay vigilant. Alright, then we’ll — we’ll get you on — on a plane and we’ll — We? Yeah, Dex and I. There’s we? We’ll get you settled in and make sure you’re protected. Oh. Yeah. Okay. Because going to Puerto Rico is all about me and my safety, right? What else would it be about? Maybe you getting as far away from Nina as possible.

So you’re saying that the call attempting to give you information on the gun came out of Pentonville? I’ve been looking into this for months and got nowhere, dead end after dead end. So what’s changed in the last few weeks? Who’s new to Pentonville and knew about a shipment of unmarked guns meant to be in the Bureau’s possession? I knew I recognized that voice from somewhere, but I couldn’t put my finger on it until I overheard you and Laura talking earlier. Oh, the person who called you was John Brennan.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Update Thursday, January 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

In the town square, Johnny surprises Chanel with a new diamond engagement ring. Chanel is surprised and asks how he got it so fast when he just proposed last night. Johnny reminds her that he’s been planning this for awhile and had the jeweler put a rush on it. Chanel tells him that she loves it and kisses him. Johnny talks about wanting to make sure the ring was as special and unique as she is which Chanel calls the most romantic thing she’s heard. Chanel calls this so perfect that they are in front of the plaque of one of Salem’s founding couples. Chanel hopes their love lasts as long as Tom and Alice’s did as they kiss.

Paulina works in her office when she gets a phone call from Abe. Paulina answers and says she’s sorry as she meant to call him. Paulina assures that she’s fine and not over doing anything. Paulina says she was out of the office at the hospital all day so she has a few things to take care of. Paulina promises she won’t be long and hangs up.

Chad joins Everett at the Spectator office. Everett informs him that he’s almost done. Chad asks what he’s writing. Everett reveals that he is typing up his resignation letter which Chad questions. Everett argues that Chad hired him to run the paper with integrity and to make it strong and relevant. Everett tells Chad that protecting Chad’s family is not what he signed up for and he feels completely duped, so he’s moving on.

Stephanie sits with Tripp and Wendy at their apartment, going over ideas for the geocaching scavenger hunt. Stephanie shows an advertisement poster she made for it while Wendy feels it’s needs a name. Stephanie suggests something love related since it’s on Valentine’s Day and comes up with Caching Cupid. Wendy says that’s perfect while Stephanie asks Tripp for his opinion but Tripp admits to being distracted. Stephanie guesses that he’s worried about his mom. Tripp questions what she means by that.

Stefan and Ava go to the interrogation room at the police station. Stefan tells Ava to just keep smiling. Ava responds that she’s been in this situation a million times, so he’s the one who needs to keep it cool. Stefan responds that he’s not sweating. Ava wonders what the cops are planning. Stefan insists that they have nothing and will continue to as long as they keep their mouths shut.

Rafe and Harris talk at the police station outside of the interrogation room. Rafe comments on making Stefan and Ava sweat. Harris suggests it’s time to turn up the heat. Harris feels they are up to their neck in Clyde’s drug ring and that he can squeeze it out of them. Rafe remarks that Ava is one stubborn woman. Harris says he knows as they head in to the interrogation room. Sloan then arrives and reveals that she is Stefan and Ava’s lawyer.

Johnny tells Chanel that Tom and Alice were great people from what he’s heard, but definitely not fans of the DiMeras. Chanel says she’s heard that Tom and Alice were very open people and not judgmental as they gave everyone a chance as long as they proved they deserved it. Johnny tells Chanel that he’s going to prove to her that he deserves her. Chanel responds that he already has and she can’t wait to be his wife. Chanel then reminds Johnny of where they are going.

Chad thinks Everett is overreacting. Everett argues that Chad told him to kill all mentions of the Bistro in the drug ring story just because Stefan preyed on his sympathies and asked him to. Chad argues that he’s not even particularly fond of Stefan, but he does think there should be some loyalty between family members. Everett disagrees when it’s to the detriment of the truth, otherwise he’s not running an unbiased newspaper. Everett says they’ve seen what selective reporting has done to the country. Chad argues that he didn’t cover anything up so it’s not even about being loyal. Chad questions why Stefan’s business should be damaged when there were no drugs found at the raid. Everett calls it part of the narrative as the Bistro was one of three locations raided that night and the only one to not come up with anything, so they can let the readers make assumptions on the whole story. Everett asks Chad what if they had found something. Chad responds then it would be the headline and Stefan would probably be in jail. Everett asks if he’s sure about that because it’s pretty easy to say when it didn’t happen. Chad repeats that he’s sure and asks Everett if he’s going to delete his resignation or if he needs to find a new editor-in-chief.

Tripp asks Stephanie why he would be worried about his mom. Stephanie brings up everything happening at the Bistro, noting that it’s really hurt the reputation of the restaurant which is why they hired her to do PR for them. Tripp hopes she can help them out with that. Stephanie says she will do her best but it’s terrible what it’s doing to their business. Tripp agrees that what happened at the Bistro is terrible.

Stefan tells Sloan that they are grateful to have her and thank her. Sloan declares that her clients have done nothing but cooperate with the Salem police department, pointing out that the raid negatively affected their business, they were both grilled afterwards, and have now been dragged here for more questioning. Sloan calls it bordering on harassment. Harris responds that they have uncovered some new evidence that they hoped to get some answers about which Sloan questions. Rafe informs them that they have reason to believe there is a new drug ring coming out of Statesville Prison, so Harris asks them to tell them what they know about Clyde Weston.

Chanel and Johnny go to Paulina’s office. Chanel hugs her and says they just came to see how she’s doing. Paulina responds that she’s doing just fine. Johnny states that he was sorry to hear about diagnosis but it sounds like her cancer is curable and he’s living proof that she can beat it. Paulina says from what the doctors have told her and everything she’s read, she knows her treatment is generally very successful, so she could be completely cured with no chemo. Paulina says she’s a very lucky woman. Chanel assures that they will be there for her every step of the way. Paulina asks what she would do without her as she hugs Chanel and Johnny.

Everett tells Chad that if he will no longer allow his family to influence any future coverage of any of their stories in any way, then he won’t resign. Chad says he can guarantee that, so Everett says they are good then and they shake hands. Chad suggests they get back to work on publishing the newspaper. Chad asks about the fundraising scavenger hunt. Everett says he told them they were on board to sponsor it, despite Xander’s objections. Everett says there will be a big PR push in the city with the mayor’s office on board. Everett is confident it will be successful and beneficial for the paper. Chad is glad he’s interested. Everett mentions being recruited to help when he was having dinner at Stephanie’s which Chad questions.

Stephanie tells Wendy and Tripp that it was very productive and they got a lot done. Stephanie thanks them for their help. Tripp says he didn’t do much and that Wendy did it all. Stephanie tells Wendy that she will connect with her tomorrow about the beta test and asks Tripp to help Steve hide the treasures if he’s not working. Tripp says he’d love to help if he can. Stephanie says goodnight and exits. Wendy then brings up when Stephanie asked if he was worried about Ava. Wendy asks if he really thinks Stephanie will be able to help. Tripp thinks it will take a lot more than a PR guru to get Ava out of this mess.

Stefan claims he knows who Clyde is but doesn’t know a thing about him. Ava says she only knows his reputation. Rafe questions them not being in communication with Clyde or knowing about his illegal dealings. Sloan argues that they just answered that they don’t know him. Harris says he knows what they said and then presents the visitor logs from prison, revealing that Stefan and Ava both apparently visited Clyde in the last few months and questions if they can explain that.

Chanel says it’s getting late so Paulina should go home and get rest. Paulina says she’s fine and that being occupied helps her. Chanel and Johnny notice the advertisement for geocaching. Paulina tells them that Stephanie is planning a treasure hunt in the town square which Chanel calls interesting. Paulina says it sounds like a good community event. Chanel agrees and asks what Paulina thinks about her hair, trying to get her to notice her ring. Paulina mentions the scavenger hunt being on Valentine’s Day. Chanel says they are busy that day and then reveals the ring to Paulina which thrills her.

Tripp tells Wendy that Ava had been trying to spin things around but something clearly derailed her and she’s in big trouble. Wendy goes over believing that the Bistro is a front for the drug trade. Wendy offers to try hacking in to the Bistro. Tripp thanks her but he doesn’t want her getting involved because it’s not safe. Wendy reminds him that they are in this together. Tripp calls him the greatest girlfriend for wanting to help but says she has to let him handle this on his own. Wendy questions why he should have to. Tripp says because it involves his mother, whose own father drugged and manipulated her. Tripp adds that Ava has been in psych wards and people have died because of her.

Everett tells Chad that Stephanie invited him over for dinner with her family and that it was a last minute thing. Everett doesn’t know if Chad knows Steve very well but says he kind of ended up in the hot seat with him. Chad guesses Steve grilled him about his intentions which Everett confirms. Everett says he assured him that Stephanie just wants to be friends and that he respects that. Chad says he didn’t mean to come across jealous as he was just curious and doesn’t even have a right to ask about it. Chad adds that whatever happens between them, he wishes him the best whether it’s friendship or something more. Everett laughs and calls it a big 180 from the Chad who confronted him about all of this before. Chad admits that he was wrong and if they mutually agree to something more, then who is he to say anything. Everett thanks him for being clear about where he stands on his relationship with Stephanie and for being cool about it. Stephanie then arrives and asks what he’s cool about. Everett says it’s just the scavenger hunt as Xander didn’t want the paper to sponsor but they overruled him. Stephanie says she just spent time with Wendy and Tripp going over all the details. Everett tells her to hold that thought as he gets an alert on his phone that Ava and Stefan have been hauled in to the police station for questioning, so he’s going to go see what he can find out. Everett assumes Chad has no objection to that. Chad tells him to go ahead, so Everett exits. Stephanie asks Chad what that was about.

Sloan asks for a moment with her clients. Stefan states that Clyde is the son of a bitch who murdered his sister in law, so he paid him a visit to tell him he hopes he rots in Hell and asks if there’s a problem with that. Rafe says no problem at all, then asks about Ava. Sloan claims that Ava was exploring opportunities to volunteer with the incarcerated. Ava says no one will buy that. Ava then reveals that Clyde threatened to kill her son if she didn’t work for him, so she went to the prison to tell him no. Harris asks if Clyde just took no for an answer and backed off. Ava responds that she can be very convincing. Harris states that she’s not very convincing right now because obviously every word out of her mouth is a lie. Sloan declares that’s enough and tells Harris to back off and Rafe to get control of his cops. Sloan says they have nothing to hold them, so they are leaving. Ava says not yet and asks to talk to Harris alone first. Stefan says no way. Sloan strongly advises against that. Stefan warns that it’s not a good idea. Ava says she has the right to speak to whoever she wants. Sloan strongly advises her to remain silent. Ava says she’s not going to do that and she’s going to speak to Harris whether they like it or not. Sloan tells Ava that it’s her neck and exits with Stefan as Rafe follows out. Everett is at the station waiting and asks Sloan what is going on in there. Sloan responds that she wishes she knew.

Chad tells Stephanie about having Everett pull mention of the Bistro from the article and it didn’t sit well with him. Stephanie says since she’s taken on the Bistro as a client, she appreciates it. Chad explains that Everett thinks he did it to protect his family but they hashed it out and came to an understanding, professionally and personally. Stephanie questions the personal part. Chad says he’s not telling her anything that she doesn’t already know, but admits he tended to be a hard ass with Everett, especially concerning Stephanie. Stephanie brings up Chad getting him fired initially. Chad admits he can get a bit worked up and overreact, but now he’s changing courses and turning a new leaf. Chad adds that ever spending some time with Everett, he’s a good person who is honest and ethical. Chad declares that Everett and Stephanie are the only two people who should have a say in regards to them.

Chanel jokes that Paulina took long enough to notice the ring. Paulina exclaims how exciting it is and happy she is. Paulina says nothing could lift her spirits more as she looks at the ring. Paulina calls it the best news ever and asks about a wedding date. They reveal that it’s Valentine’s Day which Paulina notes is just around the corner. Paulina asks if they are eloping again and declares she won’t miss her daughter’s wedding for a second time. Chanel assures that Paulina will be there but they agreed to have a small gathering out of respect for Johnny’s family and everything they are going through with Holly. Paulina worries that there is so much to do and not a lot of time to do it, so she wants to get to work. Paulina talks about needing to call the florist to make sure they have enough flowers and her gown consultant Diana to find the perfect wedding dress. Paulina calls Diana and tells her she won’t believe the wonderful news she has.

Tripp tells Wendy that he’s been thinking a lot about how the family you’re born in to can affect the trajectory of your whole life. Wendy says it can but you can also be determined not to follow in your parent’s footsteps. Tripp says ever since finding out who he really was and his mom being part of the Vitali crime family, he’s tried to distance himself but he wonders if maybe it’s just in his DNA. Wendy argues that his last name is Johnson, not Vitali, and he is not responsible for the sins of his mother, grandfather, or anyone else. Wendy calls him a good, honorable man, pointing out that he is a doctor who is dedicating his life to helping people. Wendy tells him that she loves him for that.

Ava tells Harris that she thought a lot about what he said to her on the loading dock about when they were together and how he saw the real her. Harris says he always has because what they had was real. Harris tells Ava that she can trust him. Ava responds that she knows she can and that’s why she wanted to talk to him alone, because she has real feelings for him too and she doesn’t want him to get hurt. Ava says she’s not saying she’s involved with anything but she has a feeling it could turn out to be really dangerous, so he needs to back off for everyone’s sake. Harris tells Ava to just tell him the truth as he can protect her because he loves her. Harris thinks maybe she already knew, but repeats that he loves her. Ava tells him to stop and figure out a way to get over it but Harris then kisses Ava.

Sloan tells Rafe that she’d like to take a look over his search warrant for the Bistro so Rafe takes her to it. Everett tells Stefan that he’s used his only get out of jail free card and if the story leads to him, Chad will no longer be there to protect him. Stefan argues that Chad owns the paper. Everett points out that Chad co-owns the paper with Xander and asks if he really thinks Xander will protect him. Everett adds that he now has full go ahead from his boss, so Stefan’s best bet would be to talk to him. They then get interrupted when they hear Ava call Harris a son of a bitch and slap him in the interrogation room.

Stephanie tells Chad that it means a lot to hear he appreciates Everett as an employee and that he’s no longer upset by her friendship with him. Chad says he’s just glad they are still on good terms and didn’t end things on a sour note. Chad knows the timing wasn’t right for them but says she will always be special to him. Stephanie says she feels the same about him as they hug.

Paulina tells Chanel and Johnny about how they can have the reception but Chanel reminds her it’s a small wedding. Paulina jokes about not getting Alicia Keys on board. Paulina feels they need to celebrate and goes to call Abe but she gets a call from her oncologist. Paulina answers and questions it being that long. Paulina says she understands, thanks them, and hangs up. Paulina informs Chanel and Johnny that the soonest they can do her surgery is two months from now. Johnny calls that unacceptable. Paulina feels it’s good news that there’s no urgency to get it removed and maybe it’s not too aggressive. Chanel encourages that she’s right but still thinks they need to get this behind her. Johnny says he’ll make some calls as he’s sure Kayla can get her moved up and get this sorted. Paulina feels it’s for the best and won’t interfere with their wedding this way. Paulina declares that they are going to get Abe and tonight they celebrate as they exit the office.

Tripp tells Wendy that he doesn’t know how wise it is to love the son of Ava Vitali with the baggage. Wendy doesn’t care and loves him no matter what. Tripp says he’d like to keep loving her for a really long time which is why he doesn’t want her involved. Wendy kisses him and suggests not thinking about anything else right now. Wendy then stops and brings up Ava possibly walking in on them. Tripp agrees that would be awkward and they agree to take this to the bedroom. Tripp then picks Wendy up and carries her to the bedroom.

Rafe, Sloan, and Stefan go back in to the interrogation room as Everett watches and they question what is going on here. Ava complains for Harris to keep his hands off of her. Sloan calls this outrageous and says she told Rafe to get control of his cops. Rafe asks Ava what happened and asks if she wants to file a complaint. Ava says no and that she just wants to get out of here. Ava then storms out with Stefan and Sloan follows out. Everett asks Ava if she’s okay and if she wants to give him a comment. Ava tells Everett to tell his readers that the Salem police department are harassing citizens instead of actually going after real criminals. Ava exits with Stefan while Rafe asks Harris what the hell.

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Interviews with creator and actors from “Hightown”

TV Interview!

Starz' "Hightown" creator Rebecca Cutter, and actors Atkins Estimond & Dohn Norwood

Interview with creator Rebecca Cutter, and actors Atkins Estimond & Dohn Norwood in “Hightown” on Starz by Suzanne 1/18/24

This is an action-packed drama with exciting characters. The new season starts January 26th. It was great to speak with the creator, Rebecca Cutter, and two of the actors who play such interesting people.  I didn’t have a lot of time with them, but it was fun.



MORE INFO: Official site   Trailer

"Hightown" key art“Hightown” – Season 3 – Debuting Friday, January 26

Fishery Service Agent Jackie Quiñones is off the wagon and off the force in the final season of “Hightown,” but that doesn’t stop her from careening into the dark underbelly of picture-perfect Cape Cod to save a missing woman and a murdered sex worker. Meanwhile, her former colleagues Ray Abruzzo and Alan Saintille are focused on taking down drug syndicates, but despite their best efforts, the drugs keep flowing. This attracts Shane Frawley, a gangster from Boston looking to cut himself in on the Cape’s drug trade – and making an enemy of Osito while he’s at it. Alliances are made and old loyalties are questioned in this beautiful but corrupt place where nothing is as it seems.

Monica Raymund (“Chicago Fire,” “The Good Wife”), James Badge Dale (“24,” The Departed), Riley Voelkel (“Roswell, New Mexico,” “The Originals”), Amaury Nolasco (“Prison Break,” “Deception”), Atkins Estimond (“The Resident,” “Lodge 49”) and Dohn Norwood (“Mindhunter,” “The Sinner”) return in their previous roles. Imani Lewis (Eighth Grade, “First Kill”) Mark Boone Junior (“Sons of Anarchy,” “Paradise City”) and Mike Pnniewski (“Madam Secretary”) return in recurring roles while Ana Nogueira (“The Vampire Diaries”), Taja V. Simpson (“The Oval”), Michael Drayer (“Mr. Robot,” “Sneaky Pete”), Garret Dillahunt (12 Years a Slave, “Deadwood”), and Jeanine Serralles (Inside Llewyn Davis, The Woman in the Window) all guest star.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Dohn Norwood, Monica Raymund and Dohn Norwood in "Hightown" on Starz


GH Short Recap Thursday, January 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Robert and Diane argue about Sonny again because Robert can’t understand how Diane could be friends with Sonny. Diane and Robert agree not to talk about her clients when they are out on dates.

Jordan asks Brick to use his computer expertise to help her find out who shot Curtis.

TJ, Molly, and Kristina tell Alexis, Jordan, and Sonny that Kristina is pregnant.

Finn, and Elizabeth tell Martin that Mr. Muldoon had seen a doctor in Beacher’s Corners and that doctor referred Mr. Muldoon to an oncologist. Martin tells Finn he will get a private investigator to find the oncologist.

Laura, Chase, and Dante find an unconscious Kevin in Alexis’ office and call an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Chase finds a letter from Esme’s nanny Maggie in her desk and in the letter Nanny Maggie tells Esme she has a new job in Ontario. Dante traces Esme’s credit card and tells Laura she bought a bus ticket to Ontario. Laura leaves a phone message for Spencer to call her back and they need to talk about Esme.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, January 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Tucker wants to have Audra in both his business and his personal life but, Audra turns down Tucker telling him its time she look out for herself.

Cole tells Victoria he went to visit Claire and she looked happier. Claire’s doctor told him she engages more in her group sessions.

Ashley and Traci head to Paris to find out the truth about the argument she and Tucker had, at the cafe.

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Days Transcript Thursday, January 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


[romantic music]

OK, open your eyes.

Oh, my god, Johnny! You remembered.

Of course I did. It is a blue diamond surrounded by Venetian glass.

In memory of our time in Italy.

That was the idea.

But how did you get it so fast? You just proposed last night.

Well, like I told you, I have been planning this for a little while now. The ring wasn’t supposed to be ready for another three or four days, but the jeweler called me. He put a rush on it and said I could come pick it up this morning. Had I known that, I might have held off last night.

Oh, but I loved your proposal.


Mm-hmm. And I really love this ring.

Well, just so you know, the Venetian glass was imported from Murano, and the blue diamond is actually an extremely rare one. I had to have the DiMera jewelry consultant help me buy it at auction.

The DiMeras have a jewelry consultant?

Well, the DiMeras have a lot of weddings. Now, if I were a name dropper, which I’m not, I would tell you that this beauty may have once graced the hand of Elizabeth Taylor.

You’re kidding.

Yeah. I had the stone removed, set in Venetian glass, not only as a reminder of our time in Italy, but also I wanted to make sure that this ring was as unique and special as you are.

That is probably the most romantic thing that I’ve ever heard. And isn’t this just so perfect? I mean, here we are, in front of this tree with a plaque of one of Salem’s founding couples.


I hope our love lasts as long as Tom and Alice’s did.

[phone rings]

Oh. I’m sorry, Abraham, I meant to call you, but– no, no, no, I’m fine. I’m fine. No, I’m not overdoing it. Oh, no, I’ve been out of the office all day at the hospital, as you know. Then I just have a few things left to take care of. Yes, yes, I promise. I won’t be long. Mm-hmm.


Almost done.

Yeah, with what? What are you writing that’s got you so put out?

My resignation letter.

What? What are you talking about?

You hired me to run this paper with integrity, to make it strong, to make it relevant, to make it a beacon of editorial excellence. Protecting your family is not what I signed up for.


So to be honest, I feel really duped. Completely, completely, completely duped. So I’m moving on.

OK. I’m going to have the online registration ready for us to beta test soon.

Great. And I had a graphic artist mock up this poster for the event. What do you think? What? If you don’t like it, now’s the time to speak up.

I hate the name, or really, that it doesn’t have one.

Oh, you’re right. We need– we need something catchy.

Something with the word “geo” or “caching.”

What if we did something about love, since it’s on Valentine’s Day?

Caching Cupid?

Perfect. Tripp, what do you think?

I’m–I’m sorry. I was a little distracted.

Yeah, I noticed. Your head’s been somewhere else since I got here. Are you worried about your mom?

What do you mean by that?

Just keep smiling.

I’ve been in this situation many times before. You’re the one who needs to play it cool.

Do you see me sweating? I’m totally cool.

I just wish I knew what the cops were planning.

They’re bluffing. Hey, they’ve got nothing, and as long as we keep our mouths shut, they’ll continue to have nothing.

Got it.

Good. Just letting them chill out for a while.

Yeah? Maybe it’s time to turn up the heat. Our raid at the Bistro may have been a wash, but these two are up to their necks in Clyde’s drug ring. And I can squeeze it out of them.

You think, huh? That Ava, she’s one stubborn woman.

Don’t I know it?


Hello, again.

All right. Let’s get started, shall we?

Hello, Commissioner, Detective. You didn’t think you’d be questioning my clients without their lawyer present, now did you?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Yeah, Tom and Alice were great people from what I’ve heard. Definitely not fans of the DiMeras.

From what I’ve heard, they were very open minded and non-judgmental people. And they gave everyone a chance as long as they proved they deserved it.

Well, OK then, it’s settled. I am going to prove to them and to you that I deserve you, Chanel Dupree.

Johnny, you have already proven that. I can’t wait to be your wife again.

Yeah, me neither.

You do know where we’re going right now, don’t you?


OK, you know what? You’re overreacting a little bit.

Oh, really?


OK. So you didn’t ask me to kill all mention of the Bistro in the drug raid story because your brother preyed on your sympathies and asked you to?

OK, you know what, I’m not even particularly fond of Stefan, all right? But I do think that there should be a modicum of loyalty between family members.

No! No! There should not be. There should not be a modicum of loyalty to anyone or anything to the detriment of the truth. Otherwise, you do not run an unbiased newspaper. There has to be a clear cut delineation, Chad. You know that as well as I do. And God knows we’ve seen what selective reporting has done to this country.

OK, do you know what? I didn’t– I didn’t cover anything up, all right? So spare me the lecture. And you know what? This wasn’t even really about loyalty, all right? Stefan had some–had some pretty valid points, all right? So why should his business be damaged, possibly irrevocably, when there were no drugs found at the raid?

Can I tell you why?

Yes, please.

OK, I will tell you why. Because it was part of the narrative! The Bistro was one of three locations raided that night, the only one that bore no fruit. Let the readers make up their own minds based on the full story.

[suspenseful music]

Let me– let me ask you a question, and you have to be honest with me. What if they had found something?

Then that would be the headline, and my brother would probably be in jail.

You sure about that? Because it’s pretty easy to say when it didn’t happen.

I’m sure. Yeah, I’m sure. So are you gonna delete that resignation or do I need to find a new editor in chief?

Why would I be worried about my mom?

Well, I just figured with everything going on at the Bistro. I mean, first there was that tragic overdose, and then the police raid looking for drugs. And even though neither of those involved any wrongdoing on behalf of the Bistro or its staff, it’s just– it’s really hurt the reputation of the restaurant, which is why Ava and Stefan hired me to do PR for them.

Yeah. Yeah, I know, and I really hope that you can help them with that.

Yeah, I’m going to do my best to try to counter all the negative press with good PR. It’s just– it’s just so terrible what this is doing to their business.

Yeah. No, I couldn’t agree more. What’s happening at the Bistro is terrible.

You know our attorney, gentlemen?

Oh, we are well acquainted.

Grateful to have you here, Miss Peterson. Thank you.

I’ll start.

No, I will. My clients have done nothing but cooperate with the Salem PD. They were subjected to a police search that negatively impacted their business, and to what end? It turned up nothing. They were both grilled before and after the search, and now you’ve dragged them back down here to do more questioning. I mean, guys, this is bordering on harassment.

Well, Miss Peterson, we have uncovered some new evidence. And we were hoping your clients could shed some light on it.

What evidence?

I’ll handle this.

We have reason to believe that the new drug ring is being run out of Statesville Prison.

So…tell us what you know about Clyde Weston.

Hey, Mama.

Chanel, Johnny, what are you two doing here?

Just came to give you a hug, see how you’re doing.

Oh, hey. Oh, well. That’s so sweet of you. I’m doing just fine, and hanging in there.

I was really sorry to hear about your diagnosis, Paulina.

Oh, thank you, Johnny.

But from what I’ve read, even though cancer is a scary word, it sounds like yours is pretty curable. And even if it weren’t, I’m living proof you can beat it, right?

Mm-hmm. Yes, you are, Johnny. Thank God for that. And from, you know, what all the doctors have told me and from everything that I’ve read, I know that my treatment is generally very successful, and that the type of cancer that I have, you know, can be completely cured. No–just like you said, Johnny, no chemo required.


So I am a very lucky woman.

Yes, and we will be there for you every step of the way.

Oh, my darlings, what would I do without you? Here, come, come.

If you will no longer allow your family to in any way influence any future coverage of any of our stories, I won’t resign. Can you guarantee that?

I can. I do.

Then we’re good.

Good. Now, we have a newspaper to publish, so let’s get back to work.


Where are we at with the fundraising thing, the scavenger hunt?

Well, I told them that we’re onboard to sponsor despite Xander’s objections, which, of course, I didn’t mention. Just glad to have your vote on that. There’s going to be a big PR push by the city. The mayor’s office is onboard. We’re going to cover both the charity angle and the fun and games of it all. I’m pretty confident it’ll be successful, very beneficial for the paper.

Good. I’m glad you’re interested in that.

Well, I was at dinner at Steph’s the other night and I sort of got recruited into helping plan it.

You had dinner with Stephanie?

Oof, well, that was very productive. We got a lot accomplished. Thank you for your help, you guys.

Well, I didn’t do anything. Wendy did most of the heavy lifting on our end.

Ooh, and she came up with a very clever event name. Good job.

Thank you, but Tripp has been really helpful too.

Don’t let her fool you. I basically was just her cheerleader on this one.

Well, we all need a good cheerleader. All right, Wendy, I will connect with you tomorrow about the beta test.


And, Tripp, if you’re not working, could you maybe help Dad hide the treasures?

It’s a big if, but, yeah, I’d love to help if I can.

Great. OK, well, have a good night, you two.


Night, Steph.


I’ll see you later.

When she asked if you were worried about your mother–

Yeah, tell me about it. I could feel myself going pale.

Do you really think she’s going to be able to help with all the bad juju they’ve had?

I think it’s going to take a lot more than a PR guru to get my mom out of this mess.

Clyde Weston? Yeah, I know who he is. Don’t know a thing about him.

Yeah, me neither. I mean, just by reputation.

So you haven’t been in communication with him or know anything about his illegal business operations?

My client just answered that.

Yeah, yeah, I know what they said. But maybe your clients can explain, given that they know nothing about the man, these visitors logs from Statesville where Clyde is currently, apparently and clearly showing that Stefan and Ava visited Clyde in the past few months.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, so would you look at the time? It’s getting late. Shouldn’t you go home and get some rest?

No, I’m fine. I’m fine. Keeping my mind occupied is good for me. And this city isn’t going to run itself.

What is this document about?

Oh, that’s a proposal for a charity event involving geocaching.

Geocaching? I’ve never done it, but I’ve heard it’s fun.

Stephanie Johnson is planning a geocaching treasure hunt in the Horton Town Square.


Hmm, interesting.

Mm-hmm. Sounds like a good community even, right?

It does. Definitely does.


Mama, would you look at my hair? I tried something different today. What do you think?

Well, it kind of looks the same. But whatever you’ve done, it’s very becoming. You look beautiful as always. And, Johnny, if you’re interested, they’re looking for more volunteers, I mean, for the treasure hunt.

Oh, yeah.

They want to do it on Valentine’s Day.

Johnny is busy that day. You see, we have important plans.


[gasps] Holy shiitake mushrooms!



You know– you know, my mom has been trying so hard to turn things around, and then something must have derailed her. I mean, she’s clearly in trouble.

Yeah. Obviously. And, Tripp, I’ve been thinking. OK, you believe that she could be using the restaurant to front the drug trade, right?

It’s possible.

Well, if the Bistro’s POS system is cloud-based, I could probably hack into it. We can look for patterns and anomalies. I mean, it might not give us anything, but it can’t hurt to try, right?

Thank you, Wendy, but no. The more I’ve been thinking about this, the less I want you getting involved, OK? It’s not safe.

We went through this last night, remember? We’re in this together, Tripp.

And you are the greatest girlfriend in the world for wanting to help me with this. But, Wendy, please. You have to let me handle this on my own.

Why should you have to?

I’ll tell you why. Because this involves my mother, Ava Vitali, whose own father drugged and manipulated her, who’s been in prison and in psych wards, and when I think about the things that she’s done– people have died because of her.

Yeah, um, Steph invited me over for dinner with her family. It was a last minute thing, honestly. I don’t know if you know her dad very well, but I sort of ended up in the hot seat with him.

Yeah, let me guess, grilled you about your intentions the whole time.

I guess you do know him fairly well. Yeah, I mean, I assured him that Steph just wants to be friends and that I totally respect that. So, you know, save the speech about staying away from your daughter and not breaking her heart.

Yeah, good. Good, yeah, and, um– you know, when I asked you about you having dinner with Stephanie, I didn’t– I didn’t mean it to come across as jealousy. It was just–just curiosity. You know, I get it. I don’t even have a right to ask that, so– but, I mean, whatever happens between the two of you, I really do wish you the best, you know, whether that’s a continuing friendship or– or something more.


[chuckles] Sorry, it’s just– it’s a big from the Chad who confronted me about all this before.

Yeah, I know. I just–I was wrong. If you two mutually agree to something more, then who am I to say anything, right?


[chuckles] Wow. Thank you… for being clear about where you stand on my relationship with Stephanie, and for being cool about that.

Cool about what?

Scavenger hunt. Xander didn’t want the paper to sponsor, but we have overruled him.

Good, ’cause I just spent a good chunk of my evening with Wendy and Tripp going over all the details, and it’s going to be great.

[phone beeps] And I wanted to go over where we are with it.

You know what? You are just gonna have to hold that thought. Because I just got a tip that Ava Vitali and your brother have been hauled into the police station for questioning. So I’m going to get down there and see what I can find out. I assume you have no objections to that, boss?

No, go.




What was that about?

If I could just have a moment to confer with my clients?

No. You know what? Clyde Weston? Yeah, he’s the son of a bitch who butchered my sister-in-law. So, yeah, I went to Statesville, paid him a visit to look him in the eye, tell him I hope he rots in hell. Is there a problem with that?

No, no problem at all. How about you, Ava?

Miss Vitali was exploring opportunities to volunteer with the incarcerated.

OK, nobody’s gonna buy that. Right, you want to know why I was there? Clyde tried to kill my son. And he sent a message that if I didn’t work for him, that he would succeed. So, yeah, I went to the prison to tell him I wouldn’t do it.

And what, he took– he just took no for an answer and he backed off, just like that?

Well, what can I say? I can be very convincing.

Well, Ava, you’re not very convincing right now… because obviously every word out of your mouth is a lie.

OK, that is enough. You need to back off, Detective, and you need to get control of your cops.


And since neither one of my clients is under arrest, we’re leaving.

You’re free to go.

Not me. Not yet.


I want to talk to Detective Michaels first. Alone.

No. No way.

I have to strongly advise against that.

Not a good idea, Ava.

Yeah, well, I have the right to speak to whoever I want.

Well, you also have the right to remain silent, which I strongly advise.

Yeah, well, I’m not gonna do that. I’m gonna speak to him whether you like it or not.

Fine. Your neck.

What’s going on in there?

I wish I knew.

So you had Everett pull the mention of the drug raid at the Bistro.

Yeah, and– and it didn’t sit too well with him.

I’m sure it didn’t. But since I’ve taken on the Bistro as a client, I appreciate your discretion, especially since the raid proved fruitless, as you know.

Yeah, no, I know, but Everett still thinks that I’m censoring the story to protect my family. Anyway, you know, we–we hashed it out. We came to an understanding, both professionally and– and personally.


Yeah. You know, I’m not– I’m not telling you anything that you don’t already know. But, you know, I– I have a tendency to be a bit of a hard-ass with Everett, especially when it– when it is concerning you.

More than a bit, considering you got him fired because you didn’t want him around me.

Yeah. Well, you know, I– I can get a bit worked up and overreact.

You think?

But, you know, I’m– I’m changing courses now. You know, I’m a new leaf, as they say. After spending some time with him, he’s a–he’s a– he’s a good person. He’s honest and he’s ethical and, I mean, you know, the only– the only two people that should have anything to say about you and him are you and him.

Is that what I think it is?

It took you long enough to notice.

Oh my, oh my, oh my! Oh, this is so wonderful and exciting! Oh, I couldn’t be happier for you both!

Thank you.

Oh, you adorable people, and so in love! Oh, nothing could lift my spirits more! Let me see that rock. Oh. Oh, and now I’m just going to shamelessly namedrop. Liz Taylor?

None other.

Johnny had it set for me in Venetian glass.

Oh, this is the best news ever. Oh, we need to talk wedding date.

Oh, we already have one. Valentine’s Day.


This Valentine’s Day? Well, that’s just around the corner. Oh, no. Uh-uh. Don’t tell me. Don’t you–don’t tell me you’re eloping again. I’m not going to miss my daughter’s wedding for the second time. I refuse. You–you are not going to deny your mama a chance to see her baby girl walk down the aisle.

OK, don’t worry. You will be there. But Johnny and I did agree to have a small gathering out of respect for his family and everything that they’re going through with Holly.

OK. Oh, yeah, I understand. I understand. Oh, my little girl’s getting married!

[laughs] Oh, we have so much to do and so– not enough time to do it. So let’s get to work. Let’s get to work. Hand me that pad.


So I need to call the florist, make sure we have enough flowers. You know, they’re gonna have a run on roses on Valentine’s Day, so we need to get the pick of the bunch. Let me see, what else, what else? Oh, I know, I know, I know. I need to call Diana, my gown consultant, get her started right now on the hunt for the perfect wedding dress. Oh, it’s late in Miami. Who cares?

The DiMeras have a jewelry consultant. Mama has a gown consultant.

I guess my family’s not so weird after all.

Oh, Diana? It’s Paulina Price. You are not going to believe the wonderful news I have.


You know, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the family you’re born into can affect the trajectory of your whole life.

It can, of course. But you can also be determined not to follow in your parents’ footsteps, right? Whatever those footsteps are or were.

That’s true. You know, and ever since I found out who I really was, that my mom was a part of the Vitali crime family, I’ve been trying to distance myself from it. But then maybe– I don’t know. It has me wondering maybe it’s just in my DNA.

Tripp, OK, first of all, your last name is Johnson, not Vitali. And second, you are not responsible for the sins of your mother, or your grandfather, or anyone else. OK, you are a good man. You are an honorable man. You’re a doctor, dedicating his life to helping people, and I love you for that.

Look, I’ve– I’ve thought a lot about what you said to me on the loading dock about when we were together, about how you saw the real me.

I always have because what we had was real. You can trust me.

I know I can. That’s why I wanted to talk to you alone. Because I had real feelings for you too, and I don’t want you to get hurt. Now, listen, I’m not saying that I’m involved in anything here, OK? But I’ve got a feeling this could turn out to be really dangerous. So you need to back off for everybody’s sake.

We’ve been dancing around this for way too long. No more hypothetical conversations. Just tell me the truth. Ava, please. I can protect you.

No, you cannot.

No, I can! I can. And I will. Because I love you. Look, I think maybe you already knew, but I love you.

You better stop real quick. You better figure out a way to get over this–

Commissioner, hey. I thought while we had a minute I’d like to take a look over that search warrant you had for the Bistro. You know, make sure the I’s are dotted, T’s crossed.

Yeah, yeah, sure. Right this way.

Just so you know, Mr. DiMera, you’ve– you’ve used your one and only get out of jail free card. I go where the story takes me. And if it leads me to you, Chad will no longer be there to step in to protect you.

My brother owns the paper.

He co-owns the paper with Xander Cook. You really think Xander is gonna be there to protect you? And besides, I now have assurances from my boss that he fully backs all my efforts. So your best bet is to talk to me.

You son of a bitch!


I’m really happy to hear you say that, Chad. It means a lot to me to know that you now appreciate Everett as an employee and are no longer upset by my friendship with him.

Yeah, no, I’m not. It’s–you know, even more importantly, I’m– I’m just glad that you and I are still on good terms, that we didn’t end things on a sour note. Because I– I know the timing wasn’t right for us, but you’ll always be someone really special to me.

I feel the same way about you. Please.



Now, if we had the reception at the country club ballroom, we could have a Roaring ‘s theme, but not at the carriage house because it would clash with their more rustic décor. Plus it only holds .

Mama, what part of “small wedding” didn’t you understand?

Oh, yeah. OK, OK, yeah, OK, keep it down. Keep it down. , .



But, look, I don’t think I can get Alicia Keys onboard if I can’t get a grand piano.

Mama, no Alicia Keys, no grand pianos, no eight tier wedding cakes.

OK, OK, OK. Six tiers. Six tiers is fine. It’s fine. Oh. Oh, you know what? Oh, this is so exciting. We’ve got to celebrate. Let me call Abe.

[phone rings] It’s the oncologist.

[suspenseful music]

Hello? Yes. Yes, this is Paulina Price. Really? That long? Oh, yes, OK. Yeah. I understand. Thank you. They said the– the soonest that they can do my surgery, the only date that’s available is about two months from now.

What? That’s unbelievable.

No, unacceptable.

Well, it’s kind of good news, isn’t it? I mean, that there’s no urgency to getting the nodules removed, right? It’s kind of slow growing cancer, right? It’s not too aggressive.

Yeah, yeah, I’m sure that you’re right. And, I mean, but even if it does mean that, don’t you want to get this behind you, Mama?

You know what? I’m going to make some calls. I’m sure Kayla can probably get it moved up and, you know, sorted.

No, no, no, no, no, no, it’s– it’s for the best. It’s for the best. And, you know, it won’t interfere with the wedding. OK, OK, come on, come on, come on now, you know, no, we are going to celebrate. Come on. Let’s get out of here. We’ll get Abe and tonight, tonight we celebrate.

Tonight we celebrate.

I don’t– I don’t know how wise it is to love the son of Ava Vitali. I mean, talk about baggage.

I don’t care. OK, I love you, no matter what.

I love you too, and I’d like to keep loving you for a really long time, which is why I really don’t want you–

Let’s just stick with the you love me part, OK? Let’s not think about anything else right now.

What’s wrong?

Where’s your mom?

I have no idea. You said not to think about her right now.

Yeah, I did. But her walking in on us out here would be–

Right, right. Awkward.


OK, well, my love, shall we take this to the bedroom?

I think that is an excellent idea, my love. Whoa.




What the hell is happening?

What’s going on here?

Tell your detective to keep his damn hands off of me!

This is outrageous. I told you to get control over your cops.

Ava, what happened? You want to file a complaint?

Yes, of course.

No. You know what? I just want to get out of here.

[groovy music]

You OK, Ava? Do you want to give me a comment?

Hey, here’s your scoop. You can go ahead and tell your readers that the Salem PD are harassing and assaulting innocent citizens instead of actually going after real criminals.

What the hell, man?

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B&B Transcript Thursday, January 25, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne

[Relaxing music]

Liam: Um, so when do I get to meet this Poppy? Because with the way we’re going, like how you’re talking about her, I feel like I’m in future step-mom territory.

Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, all right. Whoa, now, slow down. I told you we’re not rushing to the altar. I mean, we’ve only had a couple of dates. Uh, but yes, I– I– I want you to meet her.

Liam: Oh, look at you.

Bill: What?

Liam: You’re just– The way– You’re just– You’re smiling like a dope, I swear. I’m just like, “This is my dad now.”

Bill: Yeah, okay. Yes, she makes me, uh, smile. Well, now, now I gotta meet her. Well, you’re– you– you will. I mean, I certainly hope you will. I don’t know why you wouldn’t. I wanna to get closer to Poppy, you know. Hell, I– I wanna learn everything there is to learn about each other’s families.

RJ: You’re worried, aren’t you?

Luna: Yeah. I’m second-guessing leaving my mom alone with Aunt Li. I mean, she can be so cruel.

RJ: I mean, your mom can stand up for herself.

Luna: Well, she shouldn’t have to. I mean, this is none of her business, but Aunt Li always finds a way to bully herself into other people’s lives.

RJ: Yeah, like telling you you couldn’t intern here.

Luna: Yes, exactly. And what, now she’s harassing my mom about who she can and can’t date? I mean, my mom doesn’t need her sister’s permission, and she certainly doesn’t have to justify or explain her past with Bill Spencer.

Li: You should be ashamed.

Poppy: Ashamed? Seriously? Because Luna doesn’t know her father? Hey, I did just fine raising her on my own.

Li: No, no, ashamed for all the men you’ve chased. Okay, the one-night stands, the countless guys you’ve duped into sleeping with you.

Poppy: Oh, wait, no, I see. Ashamed of having blood pulsing through my veins, of wanting human connection or sharing intimacy or passion?

Li: Say all the words, pretty words you want to describe your immoral behavior, but Penelope, it doesn’t change who you are or what you’re doing.

Poppy: Okay, well, I don’t know what’s so immoral about two consenting adults finding pleasure in–

Li: Two consenting strangers who will never see each other again. This is not how we were raised, Penelope.

Poppy: Well, you make it sound like I have a different man in my bed every night, which couldn’t be further from the truth. And some, I do see again, by the way. Bill Spencer, for example.

Li: Oh, God, no, I still can’t believe you slept with him back in the day. Of course I can. He’s got the one quality you love the most. Money.

Poppy: Oh, come on.

Li: Nothing will come out of this, Penelope. You hear me? Nothing.

Liam: So, uh, does Poppy have, like, a big family? I mean, I know you mentioned the daughter who’s– who’s interning at Forrester Creations. How is– uh, how’s she doing over there?

Bill: What I understand, she’s blowing everybody away. Listen, I’m telling you, Luna is a very impressive young woman.

RJ: Still think it’s pretty wild hearing you say that.

Luna: Say what?

RJL Just that your mom has a past. With Bill Spencer.

Luna: Well, what’s even more wild is that they found each other again, after all these years have gone by.

RJ: Yeah. What’s it been? It’s been, like, years?

Luna: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it goes way back, like, before I was even born.

Li: You and Bill Spencer may have had your wild night of passion decades ago, but it’s ancient history.

Poppy: Oh, I don’t know. The way he’s talking to me… Guy’s into me, Li.

Li: He’s Kelly’s grandfather.

Poppy: Oh, I see. Think I’m too young to be dating a grandfather?

Li: No, Penelope, I’m saying he’s off-limits. Besides, he’s way out of your league. Don’t get your hopes up. Nothing good could ever come out of this relationship with Bill Spencer.

Poppy: Nothing good will come of Bill and me?

Li: What’s the matter? Did I offend you?

Poppy: You wanna know something?

Li: What?

Poppy: I wish you’d be a little less judgmental.

Li: And I wish you would give me less to be judgmental about. Honestly, being your sister has been exhausting. Always has been.

Poppy: Oh, because growing up in your shadow wasn’t a daily thrill?

Li: Excuse me?

Poppy: Yeah, okay. You have been critical to me ever since I was a little kid and getting angry at me over the silliest thing.

Li: Penelope, it was never about anger! It was always about what I wanted the best for you. I wish you’d take life more seriously. Your studies, have a goal or two. But all you cared about was boys and concerts and partying.

Poppy: I like to have fun. That doesn’t mean I don’t have goals.

Li: No, gold-digging doesn’t count. Listen, I don’t care that you and Bill shared a torrid night of passion years ago. It’s not happening again. I won’t allow you to sleep your way into Kelly’s grandfather’s life.

Li: I gotta say, it’s just so cool, you and Poppy reconnecting after all this time.

Bill: It’s very cool. And random. And what are the chances that we’d be in the exact same restaurant at the exact same time?

Liam: Well, I mean, the chances aren’t that low, right? It’s Il Giardino. You go all the time. It’s right down the street from Forrester. Poppy’s daughter works at Forrester. I’m messing with you. It’s totally a fluke and it’s amazing that it happened, and I’m really happy for you.

Bill: Thank you, son. Wow, I mean for somebody who’s not about fate and all that nonsense…

Liam: I know. It’s like–

Bill: Poppy comes back into my world -plus years later.

Liam: Like, this woman just, like, blasts from the past and then all of a sudden, she’s right in front of you again.

Bill: All right. Don’t try to put me in some kind of rom-com.

Liam: I love it. I love it. You deserve your own rom-com, Dad. It’s– Come on. Listen, this, um… This is not an accident that this woman and you have reconnected now.

RJ: You were there, right? When your mom and Bill reconnected?

Luna: Yeah, at Il Giardino. He just approached our table.

Bill: He said he, uh… He recognized your mom, but he couldn’t quite place her or something like that?

Luna: Yeah, I mean, understandably. It had been so long. I mean, at first, it seemed like my mom didn’t even know what he was talking about.

RJ: But then… She like suddenly was like, “Oh, it all came back to me,” something like that?

Luna: I mean, I guess so. I’m not quite sure. I mean, my mom didn’t really wanna talk about it. Why? What were you thinking? Tell me what’s going on in that handsome head of yours.

RJ: I don’t know. I just… I just find it interesting. You know, that two people recognized each other after that amount of time, and, I don’t know, they only saw each other for one night at– at a music festival that was, you know, probably pretty dark and loud, and, let’s face it, you know, one or maybe two of them might have been slightly inebriated. I mean, it’s just, I don’t know. Who’d remember somebody after that amount of time? It just makes you wonder if there was something more maybe going on.

Luna: More going on? What– what are you…

RJ: Well, maybe something happened between the two of them all those years ago.

Poppy: Li, please know that I’m saying this with the utmost love and respect for you. Butt out.

Li: This is my life you’re messing with.

Poppy: No, it’s my life, and I will date who I want, I will sleep with who I want.

Li: Not when it affects my son’s family. It’s bad enough that Luna’s working at Forrester Creations and dating Steffy’s brother. Oh, what’s the matter, Penelope? Did you get jealous? Felt like you wanted to show her up? Yeah? By finding an even richer man for yourself?

Poppy: All right, that is a horrible thing to say.

Li: Horribly true. Like mother, like daughter. That girl turned out just like you, didn’t she? Making moves on poor, unsuspecting RJ.

Poppy: Well, like you said, Bill isn’t poor, and nor is he unsuspecting.

Li: I’m not letting you worm your way into Finn and Steffy’s life any further. I shudder to think of the damage you’d cause if, God forbid, Bill started bringing you around.

Poppy: Imagine. We could be step-grandmothers together. Although I don’t think I’d go by “Grandma.” I’ll choose something a little more youthful. “Nana,” maybe? “Lola”?

Li: Save it for when Luna has a child. You’re not going near Kelly or Hayes. You may have a past with Bill, but it’s over. Cut your ties. There’s absolutely no reason why you should see or speak to him again.

Bill: I am so glad that Poppy has come back into my world. And, yeah, Liam, I guess sometimes life does just happen. Well, I’m glad it’s happening to you, because you deserve it.

Bill: Thank you. And Poppy seems to have a really good one, too.

Liam: A good one what?

Bill: A good life.

Liam: Oh.

Bill: I mean, she seems very relaxed and happy, and she’s got this wonderful daughter. Uh, I don’t think they always had it easy, though. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, I know from my own experience, not growing up with much can really make you driven to succeed.

Liam: And is that something you recognize in Poppy’s daughter? Yeah, she’s very smart, and, well, I’d say she’s tenacious.

Liam: What’s the, um– What’s the deal with the dad? Is he in the picture?

Bill: Never was. Luna doesn’t even know who her father is.

Luna: RJ, what are you getting at?

RJ: Well, I’m just saying that, you know, I have a hard time remembering people that I met, like, two weeks ago, let alone two decades ago. And, you know, your mom’s very pretty. I’m sure she made a very big impression on Bill. So, maybe there was more than, you know, just dancing going on that night?

Luna: You think my mom and Bill Spencer… I knew that they had history years ago, but RJ, you think my mom and Bill Spencer hooked up together?

Poppy: Thank you. Hello?

Bill: Poppy, it’s– it’s Bill.

Poppy: How are you?

Bill: Um, I’m– I’m great. I was just– I was just thinking about you and talking about you as well.

Poppy: Oh, really?

Bill: To my son, Liam.

Poppy: Does he have a beach house you wanna show me too?

Bill: Well, he actually did at one time, but, you know, that’s another story. I still cannot believe that Luna and RJ almost walked in on us the other night. That was a close call.

Poppy: Don’t remind me. Regardless, I had an amazing time with you. I would like to do it again. And I hope you feel the same way. Something wrong?

Poppy: Not with you. I thoroughly enjoyed our night together. It’s, um… It’s my sister. She’s so judgmental. She called me a gold-digger.

Bill: Well, it actually is funny, because I’m the one pursuing you. It’s not the other way around. When I was talking to my son about you, he got me thinking.

Poppy: About?

Bill: I can’t stop thinking about you. And– and I feel like there are forces at work that– that brought us back into each other’s lives for a reason.

Poppy: Well, I don’t know about forces, but things definitely happen for a reason.

Bill: Yes, exactly. We’ve been given an incredible opportunity. And I hope you won’t let your sister’s rudeness compromise that. I wanna spend more time with you. I wanna get to know you better. I wanna get to know your daughter better. I want you to meet my sons. I mean, Liam is really excited to meet you. Well, he just kept reiterating that we’ve been brought back together for a reason.

Poppy: I think he may be right.

Luna: Oh, that kind of freaks me out, thinking about my mom and Bill Spencer, like… At a concert?

RJ: I’m sorry, I don’t mean to paint that picture inside of your head.

Luna: Well, you did, Michelangelo, and now I can’t get it out of my head. I mean, I don’t think that’s what… There’s no actual way that… Why did you bring this up?

RJ: Well, because, you know, you told me that you don’t know who your father is, and…

Luna: I haven’t needed a father. I just always appreciated my mom raising me.

RJ: No, I know. I totally– I get that, you know? The relationship that you two have is great. It’s you two against the world.

Luna: Yeah. For as long as I can remember.

RJ: But, you know, all that time, it could have been the three of you.

Luna: I mean, it’s not that big of a deal. You know, I never felt bad about myself or felt like I was missing out on anything. If anything, I felt bad for my mom. You know, I often thought about how different her life would be if my dad was in the picture and contributing. I don’t know. Every time I brought him up, she would get, like, super distant and shut down.

RJ: So your mom’s never told you any information about your dad?

Luna: Nope. Just that I was made from love.

RJ: Well, if that’s true, you know, whoever your dad is, it’s got to be someone who’s really special to your mom. It’s got to be someone who made a really big impact on her.

Luna: Yeah. I hope so. I mean, that’s how I found comfort over the years. If you do the math with when Bill and your mom met at this music festival — like, over years ago, and– and the fact that they don’t– you know, they haven’t forgotten each other, you know, it just got me thinking– Look, I don’t wanna sound crazy, okay, I don’t want you to wig out, but with how old you are and how long ago they both met at that music festival, when they were connecting there…

Luna: Oh, my God. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?

RJ: What if it’s true, Luna? What if Bill Spencer is your father?

Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

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Interview with Diego Tinoco

TV Interview!

Actor Diego Tinoco of the film "Bad Hombres"

Interview with Diego Tinoco of the film “Bad Hombres” by Suzanne 1/17/24

I enjoyed watching this movie, and I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t exceedingly violent nor gory, and it wasn’t depressing or sad. There was a lot of humor in it, as well. Diego is a remarkable young man, who plays Felix, the main protagonist of the film, even though he’s surrounded by much bigger stars (such as Luke Hemsworth) and other interesting characters. I think we’ll see even bigger things from Diego in the future. I hope you can enjoy this movie, which premieres today in theaters and On Demand, and is on VOD tomorrow.


MORE INFO: Official Site  Trailer

BAD HOMBRES | Crime Thriller Starring Tyrese Gibson, Luke Hemsworth, & Diego Tinoco | In Theaters and On Demand 1/26

Falco Ink. and Screen Media Presents

"Bad Hombres" movie key artBAD HOMBRES

Crime Thriller Starring Thomas Jane, Tyrese Gibson, Luke Hemsworth, & Diego Tinoco

In Theaters & On Demand January 26, 2024 Available on DVD March 12, 2024
*Grand Jury Award – Mammoth Film Festival 2023*
*Achievement in Screenwriting – Mammoth Film Festival 2023*

Directed by John Stahlberg Jr. (Crypto, Muzzle)
Written by Rex NewNick Turner, Story by John Stahlberg Jr.
Produced by John Stahlberg Jr.David FrigerioScott MacfarlandOliver Hudson and Wyatt Russell

Luke Hemsworth (“Westworld”)
Thomas Jane (The Punisher)
Nick Cassavetes (Face/Off)
Tyrese Gibson (The Fast and The Furious)
Diego Tinoco (“On My Block”)
Hemky Madera (“Queen of the South”)
and Paul Johansson (“One Tree Hill”)

Two undocumented immigrants who take a job digging a hole then learn their employers are criminals. They become embroiled in a blood bath with one revealing a secret past that might save them.

RT: 92 Minutes

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Diego Tinoco stars as Felix in "Bad Hombres"


Days Update Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

At the police station, Jada talks on the phone with Brady. Jada asks about Theresa. Brady tells her that she’s doing okay and thanks her for helping track her down. Jada says she’s glad she could help as she knows Brady and Theresa have been through so much. Brady thanks her and hangs up as Kristen brings Rachel to Brady in the town square. Brady hugs Rachel and says he’s so happy to see her. Kristen remarks that they are happy that he actually showed up this time. Brady tells Rachel that he really wanted to be there but he had to help Tate. Rachel mentions that Kristen told her Tate got in trouble and asks if he’s okay now. Brady tells Rachel that Tate will be okay and says right now he is here for her as he hugs her and says he loves her.

Alex comes home from a jog to find Theresa packing her bags. Alex says he wasn’t expecting this as he hoped she decided to stay. Theresa responds that it’s for the best and that she has to go back to California to spend time with her mom and get out of Salem. Theresa says she’ll see Tate when she can in a month, so she booked a red eye ticket and she’s leaving tonight. Theresa adds that before she goes, there is something she needs to tell him as she can’t leave without making things right between them.

Eric and Sloan watch over Jude as he falls asleep. Sloan tells Eric that she’s heading out for a first meeting with new clients. Eric says between her new clients and his photography business, they’ll make enough money to put Jude through college. Eric mentions having his first client over later for a photoshoot which Sloan calls exciting. Eric hopes Jude will sleep through it and says next time, he will call Marlena and John to babysit. Sloan brings up still being mortified about the other night as she can’t believe she got so wasted. Eric assures that they understand she was nervous. Sloan promises to only drink water if there is a next time. Eric promises there will be. Sloan doesn’t remember everything that happened that night but she remembers Marlena talking about losing her first born. Sloan doesn’t know if she could survive that happening to their son. Eric assures that Jude is fine and tells her to focus on that as they are so lucky that he has come in to their lives.

Rafe joins Jada at the police station as Harris arrives. Rafe says he wanted to update them on the Bistro situation as he just got off the phone with Ava and he told her that he wanted to speak to her and Stefan at the police station. Jada questions why they are bringing them in now. Rafe explains that they had to do some investigating and get their ducks in a row, so they are ready for them. Rafe adds that if they show up, they will find out what they know about the Bistro’s connection to the drug epidemic in Salem. Rafe notes that Harris looks skeptical. Harris thinks questioning Clyde Weston might be the more worthwhile approach. Jada asks why he thinks that. Harris reveals that he had a run-in with Clyde earlier and he has an update. Harris explains that Clyde warned him that what happened to Lucas could happen to him if he doesn’t fall in line. Jada can’t believe Clyde was so open about the attack on Lucas. Rafe calls Clyde one tough son of a bitch. Jada says that means they are in for a tough fight. Harris declares that they will win this fight and take Clyde down once and for all.

Alex says he’s pretty sure he knows what Theresa is going to say so he wants to go first. Alex feels like it’s his fault that she’s leaving. Alex brings up accusing her of having feelings for Brady and says he shouldn’t have done that as it was not what she needed to deal with after everything she had gone through. Alex apologizes for falsely accusing her and admits he was wrong. Alex acknowledges that Theresa and Brady share a child together which is a lifelong commitment, so he worried that some of those old feelings would start to resurface. Theresa assures that they haven’t at all. Theresa admits when she first came back to Salem, she thought maybe she and Brady could get back together, but then she met Alex and everything changed. Theresa states that she and Brady have a child so they will share that bond together for life, but the kiss was a drug-fueled mistake. Theresa says Alex may have forgiven her but she hasn’t forgiven herself which is why she has to get out of here and away from everything that made her relapse. Alex argues that Theresa running away to California is a false solution and won’t make what she’s dealing with any less difficult. Alex then asks Theresa to stay here with him and let him help her get clear on what she needs and wants. Alex promises to help her any way he can as he hugs her.

Brady sits with Kristen and Rachel in the town square. Brady tells Rachel that he was thinking The Little Mermaid but Rachel says she’s already seen it. Brady asks what movie she’d like to see. Leo interrupts and suggests the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy which Rachel exclaims she wants to see. Leo then points out that it’s only streaming so if they want to go to an actual theatre, he suggests Wonka which Rachel exclaims she wants to see. Kristen looks it up and finds it is playing in about half an hour. Brady says they can do that and tells Leo he can go now. Leo says the whole town has been wondering and now it’s clear that Brady and Kristen are back together because they are enjoying coffee with their daughter. Rachel clarifies that they are not back together and she doesn’t want them to be. Kristen tells her that she doesn’t have to engage with Leo. Leo says he is happy to see them all together again and tells them to enjoy the movie as he walks away.

Sloan tells Eric that he always knows what to say to calm her spirits. Eric says she does the same for him. Sloan wishes him luck with his new client. Eric says he’s going to need it. Sloan asks why. Eric informs her that it’s a columnist from the Spectator that they are both all too familiar with and reveals that it’s Leo Stark.

Rafe asks for an update on Lucas. Harris says he got beat up pretty bad but he will make a full recovery. Rafe says thank God for that. Harris gets a call and steps out to answer it. Rafe then asks Jada where she was last night since he thought she was going to come over after she finished her paperwork from the raid but she never showed up. Jada apologizes and says by the time she was finished, she was exhausted and just went to sleep so she’s sorry she didn’t come over. Rafe questions why she is lying to him.

Brady questions why Rachel told Leo that she doesn’t want her parents back together. Rachel responds that she hates them fighting all the time. Brady says he gets that but he misses her very much and wishes he could share her more with Kristen instead of just seeing her once in awhile. Rachel says she misses him too but it’s better this way. Brady questions her thinking it’s better that they don’t see each other as much. Rachel says she guesses and goes to buy candy from the movie theater. Brady then questions Kristen about why Rachel is suddenly so against them getting back together and why she is fine with only seeing him once in awhile. Kristen argues that Rachel explained everything. Brady complains that Rachel did a 180 and accuses Kristen of turning her against him.

Theresa tells Alex that she already booked her flight. Alex offers to pay for cancelling it but Theresa says it’s not about the money. Alex knows he hasn’t been the greatest boyfriend and didn’t handle everything she’s going through. Alex brings up all the drama in his family and finding out that Victor is his father, not Justin, and then becoming CEO of Titan. Alex says his whole world has turned upside down so he’s questioning everything and everyone. Alex says he’s not trying to make excuses but he’s waking up some days, questioning who the hell he even is. Theresa thinks back to her and Konstantin altering Victor’s will. Theresa then tells Alex that there is something he should know.

Sloan thought Eric couldn’t stand Leo. Eric says he’s not a fan but he can’t afford to be picky. Leo then shows up at the door and talks about his lawyer and photographer being under the same roof. Leo tells Eric that he needs some wonderfully flattering photos of himself for Lady Whistleblower’s grand return. Eric says he’ll do his best. Leo is sure he will, just as Sloan has done as his lawyer. Leo remarks that he’s eternally grateful for Sloan’s lawyer skills and her generosity. Eric asks Sloan about her meeting with her client. Sloan reveals that she just told her client that she’s going to be a little late and she wants to stick around for Eric’s first shoot. Eric goes to grab something from the back, so Sloan questions Leo picking Eric out of all the photographers in Salem and asks what he is up to. Leo claims he’s not up to anything but getting some great photos and then admits he wants to make her squirm like she is now, because she knows he holds all the cards in their arrangement. Leo warns that Sloan doesn’t behave to his liking, he will drag her down to the bowels of Hell.

Theresa tells Alex that he is not to blame for how she feels. Theresa calls herself the screw up who never learns from her mistakes despite her second chances. Theresa tells him not to comfort her because she just keeps letting people down. Theresa cries that she’s a horrible mother and a terrible girlfriend. Theresa says she just finish packing and get the hell out because he’s better off without her. Alex says that she says she’s a screw up that makes a mess of things but that’s what he does. Alex talks about making terrible decisions at Titan and treating Justin like crap when he’s been a great dad to him for his whole life. Alex states that he is very flawed and he knows it, so that means there is hope for him to correct those flaws. Alex argues that they can work on their flaws, faults, and imperfections together. Alex says showing his true feelings has always been one of his flaws so he asks Theresa to allow him to work on himself and show her how much she means to him as he kisses her.

Kristen swears that she’s never turned Rachel against Brady. Kristen points out that Brady wouldn’t want to get back together anyways so she questions why he would care if Rachel doesn’t want that either. Brady says he just wants to be a decent parent but argues that Kristen doesn’t think he is. Kristen says she doesn’t think that and what happened with Tate is not his fault. Kristen brings up Rachel being very upset when Brady didn’t show up that one day and that broke her heart. Brady argues that maybe Rachel is upset because her parents fight all the time, because she can’t see her father, or because her mom has done horrendous crimes that she isn’t sorry about. Brady tells Kristen not to blame Rachel being upset on him.

Rafe takes Jada in to the interrogation room and says he saw on his daily report that she had pulled Theresa’s credit card records and asks her to explain why. Jada informs him that Brady called and said Theresa was missing, so she wanted to help find her in case she was in danger. Jada explains that she tracked Theresa to a motel where she was so strung out, then she called Brady and Alex, who dealt with her and she left. Jada apologizes for not telling Rafe and says she was just so exhausted and wanted to keep everything on the down low. Rafe tells her it’s okay and that it makes sense. Rafe asks if Theresa is okay now. Jada confirms that she checked in with Brady and that she’s recovering. Harris then comes in and announces that the call he took was about Lucas and he got some news. Harris informs them that Lucas is being moved to a new location for his safety. Jada is sure Kate will be relieved. Rafe asks where they are moving him. Harris responds that he’s sorry, but he can’t tell him that.

Kristen asks if Brady is done lashing out at her and if she can talk now. Brady tells her to go ahead. Kristen says it’s not like anything he said hasn’t been said before, but she’s a little shocked at the level of anger. Kristen says she wants him to be with Rachel and for Rachel to be in his life. Brady points out that Rachel is with her friend Lindsay. Kristen says that gives them a few more minutes to talk. Kristen tells Brady that she feels for him, having Tate in a rehab facility being falsely accused of pushing drugs. Kristen states that she gave birth to Tate and she feels for Brady and Theresa. Kristen asks how Theresa is doing. Brady admits she’s not good. Kristen asks if she has maintained her sobriety throughout this. Brady doesn’t want to talk about this with her. Kristen says they must be helping each other out during this time. Brady admits they have leaned on each other a bit. Kristen asks if that means they are getting close again and going to have a relationship. Brady questions why she cares. Kristen says she’s just curious. Brady brings up knowing what happens when Kristen gets jealous and declares that he and Theresa are never getting back together, much like he and Kristen, they are over completely, forever.

Alex tells Theresa that red eye flights can really take a toll and asks if she really wants to sit on a plane for the next 4 hours tonight when she could be sleeping a nice, comfortable bed keeping her warm. Alex adds that if she stays, he’ll be in that bed too and find more ways to warm her up as they continue kissing. Theresa decides she can keep him warm too. Alex says she can take that terribly crowded flight or she could just stay here. Theresa feels persuaded. Theresa knows that what she needs and wants is to be here with him as they continue kissing and they begin to undress.

Eric returns and tells Leo that he’s sorry for the delay but he has to run down to his car, so he exits. Sloan asks if Leo can just go and says she’ll make up an excuse for Eric. Leo says he needs those photos and talks about how he likes being in the presence of the baby that he delivered and handed to his mother, Nicole. Sloan asks why must Leo do this to her when she’s done everything he’s asked. Leo tells her to stop acting like a saintly person who has done nothing wrong. Leo argues that in Sloan’s way, the baby will never know his real mother. Leo says he might come across shallow but he actually has a heart and it breaks for the baby being stuck with a heartless fake mother. Sloan asks what he’s talking about. Leo thinks she can figure it out. Sloan warns Leo that if he rats her out, she will do everything in her power to take him down to Hell with her. Eric returns and apologizes for taking long as he ran in to a neighbor. Eric asks if Sloan is staying for the shoot. Sloan says she’s not now as she has to get to her meeting. Leo comments on the baby being lucky as Sloan angrily exits and Eric begins his photoshoot of Leo.

Rafe questions Harris not being able to tell him where Lucas is. Harris explains that he means no disrespect but he thinks after the Bistro raid got out, he thinks it’s best if he keeps it to himself so it doesn’t get out as they never know who is listening and they know Clyde has men everywhere. Rafe agrees that Harris is right as they still might have a dirty cop. Rafe looks out the window of the room at the cops in the police station.

Kristen calls it really sad that Brady insists that he could never consider even being with either mother of his children. Brady vehemently insists because he doesn’t want her to have any delusion. Brady calls it sad that Kristen tricked him in to procreating with a sociopath who has been very destructive to him and others. Kristen asks if he’ll never let that go. Brady asks how he’s supposed to let go of the fact that she has put him through Hell all these years and that she’s turning his own daughter against him. Kristen suggests letting go of all that for his daughter’s sake because once upon a time, they were crazy about each other. Kristen argues that he might realize no one is going to love him as much as she once did and cries that she still does.

Alex and Theresa kiss on the couch after having sex. Alex jokes that she can still make her flight if she really wants to. Theresa agrees to stay if he helps her unpack which Alex agrees to. Alex adds that since he is opening up his feelings, he is really starting to fall for her and admits he has been since he first saw her. Alex states that now his feelings are getting deeper and stronger, the more he gets to know her and he feels like he really does know her. Alex remarks that she has been honest with him about who she really is from the very beginning. Theresa claims she’s an open book. Alex says he’s crazy about her and continues kissing her.

Brady tells Kristen not to do this again. Kristen says she’s just being open and honest. Brady repeats there is no future for them except for her being the mother of his daughter. Brady hopes that someday he might find someone that is kind and compassionate who will love him for who he is and his kids, unconditionally. Rachel returns, so Brady says they should get going to the movies. Kristen tells Brady that until he finds the woman of his dreams, maybe they can start seeing the best of each other. Brady calls that a worthy goal as they walk away.

Sloan walks through the park, complaining about Leo. Sloan stops to text Leo, reminding him that if he says one word to Eric about their son, he’ll be screwed in every way possible.

Eric finishes his photoshoot of Leo. Eric says he’ll e-mail him a portfolio later in the day. Eric admits he is photogenic which Leo agrees with. Leo says he will be on his way as he then gets Sloan’s text. Eric wishes Leo luck being back at the Spectator. Leo remarks that there’s always a scandal waiting to be exposed in Salem and sometimes it’s right under their noses. Leo then exits.

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GH Transcript Thursday, January 25, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcripts provided by Suzanne and Thane


So, what do you think? Elegant but not fussy. That’s exactly what I wanted. Uh, now, uh, there’s already one celebration here tonight. This will be just one more. What about that other thing that I wanted? Yes. That’ll be ready to go in about minutes. Perfect. Wow! The woman you’re doing this for must be very special. She is very special… …indeed. And I’m not gonna be home in time to tuck you in tonight. Because I’m at work. Working. [ Chuckles ] Okay. I’ll do my best, sweetheart. alright? You be good for the babysitter. I love you, too. I love you so much. Okay. Bye-bye. Is Violet okay? Oh… She told me to, um, save a lot of lives. Depending how this trial goes… I may not be able to save lives anymore. [ Knock on door ] Thank you for coming. I had to… if only to mark this unprecedented occasion. Okay, so, counting weeks since the date of conception, my niece, or nephew, is going to be a Libra, an air sign, which means they’re going to be intelligent and curious, just like you and TJ! [ Laughs ] And… [ Knock on door ] Oh. Hey. You called at a good time. My last two patients rescheduled. What’s — What’s going on? Kristina, are you okay? Kristina’s pregnant. I-It worked? It worked. We’re gonna be parents! [ Laughs ] [ Chuckles ] Are you sure there is only hours in a day? Because I am pretty sure that defense attorney had us on the stand for longer than that. I don’t think I’ve ever quite been cross-examined to that degree. It would have been faster if we reenacted the entire crime and investigation for the jury. Yeah, but then that defense attorney couldn’t have asked me the same question like times. I almost would have rather Diane Miller cross-examine me. Mnh! I said “almost.” Hm. Oh. I gotta find Esme Prince, bring her in for a statement. Laura: You’ll have to do more than that if we’re gonna keep Port Charles safe.

So, Heather told me she wants Esme to go to prison. Wow. Never thought I’d agree with Heather Webber on anything. She wants her daughter to be close to her so she can look after her. Well, she’s not gonna be looking after her if she’s in prison; the state will. Okay, so, according to Heather, Esme came to visit her as soon as Ace was taken, and Heather tried to convince her to run away before they could reinstate the charges against her. And Esme said no, and she said it was because of Ace, but Heather thinks it’s because she wants revenge. Takes a psycho to know a psycho. So Spencer was right. Esme remembers everything. Yes. Heather confirmed it. She’s not the most reliable, though. I mean, Heather Webber has zero credibility. She has to be working an angle. Agreed. She is not to be trusted. But I think that in her own crazy way, Heather seems to genuinely care about her daughter. She seems determined to save her. Great. Esme almost hurt a lot of people, and that was before she wanted payback. Yeah, and now she’s desperate and she has nothing to lose. We’ve got to arrest her. No matter what, we’ve got to arrest her before she does something terrible. I’m sorry, Laura. We can’t do that. Brick: I have to say… the deputy mayor was the last person I expected to call asking me for a meeting. I reached out as a private citizen. A private citizen who used to be the police commissioner. Let it go — for the purposes of this conversation at least. Okay, okay. So why am I here? I’ve been working on a project — off the books. Okay? Have a seat. I’m looking for someone with a tech prowess who can also keep a secret. I thought you’d be the perfect man for the job. Mm. “Perfect man.” “Prowess.” So much flattery packed into a couple of sentences. Not that I mind. Can we talk about this? Okay, okay. So let’s talk about why you feel you can’t trust the PCPD with this project. I can’t involve the PCPD. It could put them in a bad spot. But you don’t mind dragging me into this? Well, you are the bad spot. [ Chuckles ] Okay. I appreciate the directness. But maybe we should lean towards the flattery again. You’re a known associate of Sonny Corinthos. I’m aware of your skill set, and I know you can be discreet. You seem to know a lot about me. Yeah, well, we have a file. So glad you went through the trouble. What’s in the file? That’s classified. Good stuff usually is. So, what’s the mission… should I choose to accept it?

Well, I see you brought backup. Sonny and Alexis? [ Chuckles ] No. I ran into them outside. But considering the way our last date went, backup might have been a good idea. Well, I’m hoping we can put all that behind us tonight. I hope so, too. Well, you look especially beautiful this evening. Ooh, you’re off to a rousing start. This is lovely, Robert. I kind of wanted to show you just how much you do mean to me. ♪ Give it up to me, baby ♪ Oh. Oh, I love this song. Was that your doing, too? It was. [ Laughs ] Would you care to dance? No. Uh, no? Mnh-mnh. I thought all women loved guys that…danced. Well, that certainly depends on the woman. I do. But, then again, I’m a fabulous dancer, despite my penchant for leading. No, I don’t want a, um — I don’t want a dance partner tonight. Well, whatever you’re looking for, tell me, and it’s yours. [ Laughs ] Okay. An apology. Let me know if you need anything else. Thank you, N’neka. Thanks. So, I was at this convention out of town. It started early. It ran late. And then I got a ride-share, and he dropped me two blocks from here. And I didn’t want to miss Spencer, so I ran all the way — for nothing. What about you? Well, I had some business to take care of. I missed the party, but I said my goodbyes outside. Thanks for keeping me company. I really wasn’t looking forward to going home anyway because I’d go home and I’d think about all the things I have to do, and then I’d worry about everything. I don’t think you were in much of a rush to get home, either, were you? Well, you know, I’m gonna go there after I-I leave here. I saw Kristina the other day. Really? I take it you two haven’t spoken lately? I-I’m just respecting some boundaries, you know. Ahh. Sort of taking a step back since I think I overstepped. You overstepped? I know. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? Well, I think it’s a good thing that you’re taking a step back. It’s not like I have a choice. Well, whatever the reason, it’s a good thing. I hope so. Because it’s killing me.

I can’t stop smiling! Me neither! We’re gonna have a baby! Molly, we’re gonna have a baby! Thank you, Kristina! Thank you! Aww. Please. I’m just honored to be a part of this. Y-You are so much more than that. You’re making this wonderful thing happen for us. We’ll never be able to thank you enough. The look on your faces right now, that is all the thanks I need. You might feel differently during labor. [ Laughter ] How are you feeling? Really. Like, don’t hesitate to tell your OB if you’re feeling, you know, any — Whoa, whoa. Hey. You don’t have to be a doctor right now, TJ. Just be a dad. It’s okay. I’m gonna be a dad. You’re gonna be a dad! [ Laughs ] I can’t wait to hold the baby and smell that little baby smell. And play airplane while we — while we feed our baby mashed bananas and smile like absolute idiots! While we wipe the mashed bananas off our baby’s face and — Hair and… And it’s gonna get on the floor and on the chair. [ Laughter ] What’s wrong? I-I can’t help but think that we got excited like this before, that we talked about this before, and it — it didn’t work out. Violet will love you no matter what job you have. She thinks you hung the moon. And I happen to think she’s right. And I am convinced you’re gonna win this lawsuit. I’m grateful for your conviction. I… I wish I shared it. You know? But… Tomorrow, my trial starts, and my future will be in the hands of people in a jury box. people who have never practiced medicine. Well, apparently all they care about whether I am nice or likable. I mean, how do I defend myself without coming across as defensive? How do I share my medical expertise without being arrogant? You are passionate about your job. You care deeply about your patients. That will come through. And in the end, those people are gonna wish you were their doctor. How can you be so confident? Because I am inspired by you every day. The nicest thing you ever said to me. I couldn’t imagine going through this without you.

Martin: Oh! [ Knock on door ] Apologies. Including for the late arrival. I’m afraid it was unavoidable. Now, why did you need to see me? But we’re using a new surrogate now. I mean, what are the odds it happens to us twice? It can happen to anyone, Molls. The first trimester’s so delicate.. Okay. Uh… come here, both of you. Listen. You’re not spiraling down this rabbit hole, okay? You have to just have a little faith a-and just take a breath. You’re right. Yeah. You’re right. None of us know what the future holds. But if the worst case scenario does happen, then we’re gonna handle it, the three of us, together. And if and when you’re ready, we can try again. Most importantly, we’re a team now. If I haven’t said it before, you are a rock star, Kristina. I know. My sister is just like me, only better. [ Chuckles ]

I mean, it’s not like I haven’t talked to the girls at all. It’s just I sort of keep the conversation light and superficial because I, you know — I want to be careful not to alienate them. You shouldn’t worry so much. Why? Do you know something that I don’t know? Have you spoken to Kristina? Okay. I’m not gonna break any confidence here, but I believe she knows that your heart was in the right place. Oh. Good. I appreciate that. You know, but I think she would prefer that I keep my distance. I’m gonna respect that and not push. No — No matter how badly you want to? Molly is gonna be a mom. Right. And Kristina is gonna carry her baby. I mean, what could go wrong? So I’m just gonna bring joy into their lives and — and enjoy their journey. You have to keep following their lead, you know? Um, look what happened to me. I, you know… lost my family because of the pain that I caused them. You don’t want that in your life. I just want to reiterate this — this one thing again. The laws regarding fertility and reproduction, they’re like the Wild West, specifically — You know how many times you’ve said this to me already? You think I’m neurotic, don’t you? And you — and you just want me to shut up and be a grandma. No, you already said your concerns with the girls. Just move on. I’m trying. I really am. [ Cellphones ringing ] Molly. Kristina. [ Cellphones ringing ] I know I asked you here, but I have to go. Too bad. We were just getting to know each other’s files. We’re not gonna talk about me. And I’m already familiar with your file. Is that right? Ever wonder about the stuff that’s not in the files? I can live with the mystery. Really? I would have expected the opposite. I’ve been defying expectations my whole life. Hm. I’d love to hear a lot more about that. Hm. I’ve been in touch with a contact. They were supposed to provide me with some information and reach out with a location, but I haven’t heard back. And you’d like me to track your contact down. They may have broken off contact because of certain… complications. What kind? The federal kind. What exactly is the nature of this “project”? I can’t tell you. Oh. I see. So let me get this right. You want me to put my neck on the line — with certain agencies, I might add — but you don’t want to tell me why. It’s better for everyone if I don’t. I recall you using words like “discreet” and “knows how to keep a secret” just minutes ago. I did. And I meant it. Good. Because I do know how to keep all secrets — past, present, and future. I don’t doubt that. But I need to keep the circle of trust small. For now. If you do this for me, I’ll owe you a favor as deputy mayor, no questions asked. I do love being owed, but I’m gonna want inside that small circle — soon. Mm-hmm. One step at a time. Okay. Let’s start by triangulating your contact’s whereabouts. I’m not giving you my phone. I don’t need your phone. Just your number.

Don’t abuse it. Wouldn’t dream of it.

Yeah. Gotcha now. So, look, if the D.A. can reinstate some or all of the charges against Esme — the assault, the obstruction — then we can get a warrant for arrest. Yeah, and I’ve already talked to Robert about it. He’s got one of his ADAs writing it up right now. They’re hoping to get a judge to sign off on that tonight. Well, that’s great. We wait for them, and then we make a move. Isn’t there anything that we can do in the meantime? Heather really made it seem like Esme was primed to do something drastic. I could bring her in on some false pretense and see if I get her to spill about the stuff she did with Cameron and Joss and Trina, and maybe that’d be enough to hold her for hours or at least long enough for Robert to establish the charges again. hours in custody is better than nothing. Yeah, but the problem is, Esme hasn’t been charged with a crime. Visiting her mother. I mean, that’s not illegal. Nikolas, on the other hand, he is a fugitive. He held Esme prisoner for months. He’s facing charges of kidnapping and assault. He’s got Esme’s child. I mean, in the eyes of the law, Esme is gonna be looked at as the victim here. Well, then we should tell her that. And, by the way, I don’t want her to be badgered or bullied in any way. I just want her contained so that she’s safe from herself until we can get all of this other stuff sorted out. I’m gonna go with you as backup. Yeah. Me too. I really think I can talk her off the ledge. Let’s just hope she hasn’t already disappeared. Look, I know you’re nervous, but your trial starts tomorrow. My advice is, a light workout and an evening doing something you enjoy. You know, as long as it has nothing to do with the lawsuit or medicine. Cook a good meal. Watch a game. Maybe Parcheesi. Or listen to music. Fact is, you’re as prepared as you’re ever gonna be, and worrying about things that haven’t happened yet, it’s counterproductive. I know. As much as I’d like to take your advice, we found something that might help the defense. And I’m just hearing about it now? Well, we weren’t sure it would do any good. I mean, we’re still not. And why don’t you let me be the judge? Dennis Muldoon saw a doctor in Beechers Corners months before he ever approached me. I-I’m sorry for upsetting you. Shall we dance? [ Chuckles ] You’re sorry for what exactly? For… …upsetting you, of course. Well, yes, yes. Of course. Absolutely. Because…? Uh, I have no idea what I did. Not a clue? Not an inkling? Um, well, I’m not a mind reader. Oh. “This time, we have the DNA evidence to connect Corinthos to a crime and finally put the bastard away. Your guy’s going down… love. And there’s not a thing you can do about it.” You say it like that, I guess it sounds a tad aggressive. Oh. I’m sorry. Was there a more lighthearted, festive version you wanted to relay? I’m — I’m confused. I — We enjoy sparring with one another. I love sparring with you, Robert. That wasn’t sparring. That crossed a line. Forget crossed. It blew right past it. I-I’m still confused. And I’m confused why. None of that was about you. I’m talking about Sonny. I’m talking about taking down a defendant in court. Frankly, I’m not sorry about any of that. Well, you two have great timing. We were together when you called. Oh. That’s convenient. We ran into each other at The Savoy. -Uh-huh. -I’m sorry. You two were hanging out at The Savoy? Well, you know, we don’t typically hang out, but, you know, when I’m with your dad, he is… Amazing. I — So, we were just saying bye to Spencer. Oh, right. Yes. He and Trina are off to Paris. [ Knock on door ] That’s probably my mom. Hey, Mom. Hi, baby. [ Chuckles ] Aww. Well, it looks like the gang’s all here. -Indeed we are. -Hi, Jordan. -Hi. -Hi. Thank you for coming. I know this was a — It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. Uh, but we have some news we wanted to share with you, and we didn’t want to wait. The procedure worked, and I am pregnant with Molly and TJ’s baby. I mean, obviously, we’re gonna confirm it with a blood test, but… Congratulations to all of you. Congratulations, Memaw. [ Laughs ] -Don’t ruin this. -Okay. Okay. Dr. Sawyer could only speak in hypotheticals, but she did say had she evaluated a patient similar to Muldoon, she would have referred him to an oncologist, but we don’t know if Muldoon ever followed up on that referral. And let me guess. You waited until the th hour to tell me because this Dr. Sawyer isn’t willing to go on the record? She skirted the line, but she definitely said enough without confirming. we don’t even know the name of the oncologist that Muldoon was supposed to see. Yeah, and for now, it just seems like a dead end. Not necessarily. There is one avenue we could explore. So you didn’t actually mean your apology? Well, I-I’m — I’m sorry for being unnecessarily harsh, but it’s my job to put men like Sonny away. [Chuckling] No, no. Not just “men like Sonny.” Sonny! It has become abundantly obvious that you have a personal and — I might add, highly unprofessional — vendetta against my client! [ Scoffs ] Do I enjoy watching a known racketeer hide behind family, friends, hell, even the mayor? No, I don’t. But unlike Sonny, I work within the law. Now, I can’t prosecute unless I’ve got evidence. This time, I had evidence. And you couldn’t wait to use it. Here’s the crux of my problem, Robert. You gloated. Tell me something, Diane. Are you offended by the fact that… I might win or that Sonny might lose? I’m so happy that this is finally happening for you. Are you, though? Tell me the truth, Mom. Are you actually happy this is happening?

No sign of Esme. I checked her desk, the break room, the lunch room. I’m running out of rooms. Well, maybe she’s gone for the day. Maybe Alexis knows where she is. Alexis? Kevin?! Oh, my God. -Kevin? -I’m gonna call dispatch. Oh. He — He’s still breathing. Yeah, he has a pulse. We’ve got to get him to the hospital! Yeah. Kevin, can you hear me? Kevin, please. Wake up. There you are. What happened, honey. Tell me. I know the names of several private investigators who could help us out, including Sam McCall. Hmm. One way or another, I’m gonna get somebody looking for this unspecified oncologist tonight. Risk of sounding like a cliché, if there’s a chance that Muldoon had an inkling he had cancer, that would blow your case wide open. E-Even if we do find this oncologist, we don’t know if they can provide anything that would help the case. You leave that to me. Worry about the things you can control — namely your testimony, your effect on the jury when you’re up on that stand. And for God’s sake, remember… only answer the question asked. I don’t want you to elaborate or help out. No information is offered unless explicitly asked about. You got it? I — Yeah, I g– Look, you and Alexis have been abundantly clear, yes. Good. ‘Cause your testimony is either gonna save you… or it’s gonna damn you. I am always forever on your side, your side, and your side. I’m thrilled for both of you. Hm. Can you believe it? [ Laughs ] -Thank you. -Congratulations. You have to know how happy I am that my daughter found the perfect partner. I got pretty lucky, too. You’re gonna be great parents. Yes, they are. Okay. I have to add that during this early stage of our pregnancy, we’re not telling anyone that’s not in this room that we’re pregnant. [ Cellphone rings ] Excuse me… So we’ll make a big announcement after the first trimester. Nobody is gonna know anything until you say so. Thank you. How about a toast? I bought a bottle of nonalcoholic champagne just for this occasion. -That sounds perfect. -Yeah. Right? I’m gonna have to take a rain check. What’s going on? Uh, just an incident at work. What happened? Is everything okay? Everything will be fine. Listen. This is a beautiful night. Don’t let this moment ruin it. I love you. And you.

You’ve lost me. I don’t understand the distinction. Because no attorney likes to lose. There’s an impartial nature here between the attorney/client relationship. Where did you go to law school? That is absolutely not true. I am extremely partisan. I am my client’s advocate. Oh, come on. You’ve had the better of me in court more than once. You’re as smart as a whip. Too smart to know that someone like Sonny is innocent of all the charges he’s faced over the years. Look, it doesn’t matter what I believe or what I know or what I understand. It is my duty, it is my obligation as a defense attorney to provide the most vigorous, the best defense possible, one that is rooted in logic and evidence for my clients. Anything less, and I’m derelict in my duty. Come on. This is a whole lot more than just a client getting a vigorous defense. Why is it that I feel like you want me to say something? No. No? I just want your honesty. Okay. Is Sonny your…client… or is that murdering bastard your friend? Sonny Corinthos is one of my best friends. Now, does that change the way you look at me? Was Esme Prince in this morning? Yeah, I-I saw her when I came in. She seemed fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Although I don’t think she would have clocked in till after I left. Does she have access to your office? Yeah, she does, but so does the cleaning staff. Why is Esme your focus? Detective! I found something. “Your testimony could damn you”? What happened to Finn having a relaxing evening? Well, forgive me. I don’t mean to sound alarmist. I’d hate to hear you if you did mean it. As discussed, it is almost certain that Ms. Miller is going to raise questions about your substance abuse. But he’s been sober for years. His past addiction can’t be used against him now, can it? Well, if it is, I will object on the grounds of medical privacy. But there’s a chance I could be overruled. The judge will allow Ms. Miller to ask you questions about your drug use. So not only do I have to defend myself as a doctor, I have to defend my sobriety, as well. Forewarned is forearmed. If those questions get asked, you just answer truthfully but forcefully. The fact is, the court is only gonna have your word for it that you were sober when you treated Muldoon. And in the end, that’s all this trial is really about, Finn. You just make sure when you’re on that stand the jury gets to meet the man I know you to be, and you’ll win. Diane, I see you as a sharp, passionate woman. Well, we have that in common, at least. And I admire your desire to go that — that extra distance for your clients. I mean, that — that’ll never change. But you don’t approve of my friendship with Sonny. You know what he’s done. I guess I can’t understand how you can look past that. Well, I would think it’s similar to how you can look past all the blood on Anna’s hands. That’s different. How is that different? Well, she’s the mother of my child. Sonny also has children, but I guess that doesn’t give him a special dispensation as far as you’re concerned? Well, what about Holly? What about her? As far as I know, she didn’t bear any of your children, but you can look past all of her alleged crimes. [ Scoffs ] Look. I can’t be responsible for everyone I ever went out with. No one’s asking you that, Robert. I also am not judging you. Because I know that there is more to both Anna and Holly than meets the eye, just as there is more to Sonny. So…can you accept that I am friends with him without holding it against me? Can you accept that it’s my mission to put people like him away? And if I can’t? Want to make a toast. Having a child can be difficult at times. But it’s one of the most incredible experiences a person can have. And I just want to say to you that I’m just so happy that you’re gonna be able to share in the joy of watching your child grow up just like I did. To all of you and to my new grandchild. -Cheers. -Cheers.

[ Monitor beeping ] [ Door closes ] How’s my husband? He’s stable. I’m sending him for tests now. Okay. Uh, can I see him first? Just for a minute. Okay.

Oh, Kevin, my love. Please come back to me. Please, Kevin. I need you… …to tell me what I already know in my bones that it was Esme who did this. I promise you. I will bring her to justice. Oh, Kevin. We still have so much things we want to do together. And I… I don’t want to do one more minute of this life without you. Hey, Chase. You find anything? Yes, a letter to Esme from a woman named Maggie. Maggie Fitzgerald? That was Esme’s old nanny. Yeah, she said she took a position with another family and she wants Esme to come visit. -Where? -Toronto. If y’all forgive me, I’m gonna track down Sam, get her looking for that mystery oncologist. Deep breath. Deep breath. [ Breathes deeply ] Ah. So much for a relaxing evening. Well, it’s not over yet. There’s still time. Wait. Wait. Where do you suggest? Well, my boys are having a sleepover, which means my house is empty. I can cook you dinner. We can listen to music. Or you can listen to the game. Music. Always music. Maybe something from that playlist you made when we drove to Vermont. Oh. And then after that… who knows? You any good at Parcheesi? I’m excellent… at Parcheesi… and a lot of things. I guess we’ve reached an impasse. Robert… I would never ask you to apologize for who you are and what you do. I don’t want you to apologize for caring about Sonny. Okay. What happens if we can never fully see eye-to-eye on this issue? Where does that leave us? Look, I know I’m not always good at expressing myself in these things, but I-I really do care about you. I feel the same way. And I’m not gonna give up on what we’re building. Well, there’s really only one solution. Let’s hear it. We leave Sonny and the clients in the courtroom. Totally accept those terms. Absolutely. Did you notice that, uh… I left out “where they belong” at the end of the last sentence? I did notice that. Thank you, Robert. I appreciate that. See? We can do this. [ Laughs ] Yes, we can. You know I’m gonna spoil this baby like crazy, right? -I won’t even try to stop you. -[ Laughs ] Very proud of you. You gave TJ and Molly an incredible gift. Well, Molly is my sister, and I would do anything for her. You know that bond that you and your sister have? Any parent would pray to have that. And I want to tell you something, okay? I know you’re happy right now, but just know that the road’s not always gonna be without challenges. Anything you need — anything — you always come to your dad, okay?

Do you recognize this? Yeah, I kept that on my credenza. Okay. Does anything else look disturbed to you? It’s hard to say if I can’t go through everything. Do you really think Esme attacked Kevin? She’s our primary suspect, and I’ve got a bad feeling that she’s not gonna stop with Kevin. Spencer, it’s your grandmother. Listen. I know you’re on your way to Paris, but I need you to call me back as soon as you get this. It’s about Esme.

Uh, yeah. Let me know. [ Door closes ] Is, uh — Is Kevin awake yet? Not yet. I can’t stop thinking about how long he might have been lying there. Look… These are the best doctors here, right? They’re gonna take good care of him. Yeah. I want all that to be true. It is. Any word about Esme? Uh, yeah. We tracked her credit card. She used it to, uh, get a one-way bus ticket to Toronto. Any idea who she knows up there?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, January 25, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Summer: I mean, I am just loving this new dress collection. The fitted bodice, and then how it flares out at the waist. It just evokes such a carefree feeling.

Chelsea: And the sheer fabric and floral patterns are going to be the hottest ticket for the spring-summer collection.

Summer: We need to get marketing on this right away. I say that we reach out to a few of the top fashion magazines, give them a sneak peek. What do you think?

Chelsea: I think someone is in a very good mood today.

Summer: I have to admit, my life has taken a favorable turn for a change.

Chelsea: A favorable romantic turn, perhaps?

Chance: Hey, before we get into this meeting, I want to take a moment and I want to thank you.

Billy: You’re very welcome. For what?

Chance: Well, for taking me under your wing. Showing me the ropes around here, really. My transition into this whole world has been a lot smoother than I expected because of you.

Billy: Well, I’m old enough to remember you were not very excited about me being your mentor.

Chance: When I’m wrong, I am wrong and I’m willing to admit it.

Billy: That’s a good trait. You should keep that. Look, the truth is, Chance, you’ve made it easy. You’re observant. You pick up on the nuances. That’s a good thing. I think all that detective training is actually coming into good use.

Chance: Maybe, maybe. I also think when you spend a lifetime around something, it sort of seeps into your DNA. Now, I’ve got a new direction for my life. On several fronts.

Audra: Thank you.

Nate: Why, hello there. Having a little lunch?

Audra: As long as it’s in a glass.

Nate: What’s wrong?

Audra: Look, I’m fine. Okay, maybe not so fine.

Nate: Okay, um, what happened?

Audra: My plans to take over Jabot got blown sky high.

Nate: Why am I not surprised? And you shouldn’t be surprised either. You hooked your wagon to a scheme with Tucker McCall. How did you think that was–

Audra: Okay, spare me the lecture.

Nate: Why would you think you even had a shot at a powerhouse corporation like Jabot? Now, Tucker’s left you hanging out in the cold, hasn’t he?

Abby: Hello? Devon, I’m over here.

Devon: Sorry.

Abby: Daniel and Heather seem to have your full attention.

Devon: Yeah, they do. Is it just me or do you get a vibe between them that’s a little more than friendly?

Abby: It’s not just you. I’ve sensed it before.

Devon: Really?

Abby: But we can’t assume anything, right?

Devon: I mean, I can.

Abby: I’m sure it’s nothing big. They share a history and a child together.

Devon: Yeah, I know that’s true, but…

Abby: But, yeah, exactly. Do you think there’s something more going on?

Heather: Okay. Daniel, what is it? Are you, um, are you feeling self-conscious because Devon and Abby are here?

Daniel: Well, it’s a little awkward.

Heather: We’re not doing anything wrong. We’re just having lunch.

Daniel: I don’t think we can necessarily say that we’re not doing anything wrong. I mean, come on. This is an extension. This is a follow-up to what we did back at my place.

Heather: Right. So, what are you saying now that we’re back in the real world? You regret what we did?

Devon: Ever since Heather’s moved back to town, it’s been really hard to believe that Daniel doesn’t still have feelings for her. Because, I mean, that’s– that was the love of his life. And Lily told me that he was a wreck when she broke up with him and moved out of the country.

Abby: Well, it’s hard not to notice how much time they’ve been spending together. Especially with Lily being out of town.

Devon: I know.

Abby: How serious are things between Lily and Daniel?

Devon: I don’t– I don’t know exactly. I don’t think they’re madly in love with each other or anything like that. But he did move into her building. I thought that was pretty intense. You don’t usually do something like that if you plan on dating around. But, they haven’t put a label on their relationship. I just hope that he’s not playing games with Lily’s emotions again.

Daniel: I want to be clear about something.

Heather: Okay.

Daniel: I do not regret what happened between us. I mean, we still have something powerful and special. And that wasn’t me testing the waters. I mean, if I didn’t feel the way that I did, I wouldn’t have taken things as far as we did. Look, we were both there and it was…

Heather: Wonderful.

Daniel: Yes, it was. It– it is. I mean, you said you felt like it was meant to be. I don’t feel like you’re wrong.

Heather: Now, what matters is if and how we move forward. And I get that some part of you may– may be conflicted.

Daniel: Yes, Heather. A part of me is conflicted. I don’t want to feel like this guy. I’m not the guy that cheats.

Heather: Then don’t think of yourself as that guy. Think of yourself as the guy that is just about to get back everything that he lost.

Daniel: You know, all those years that we spent together, all that time raising Lucy, being there for each other when it all fell apart because of me. I had basically given up hope on us. You know, especially after you told me you were dating this other guy. Up until that point, everything that I did was to try and win you back. Obviously, I had to do it for myself. Obviously, I had to do it for Lucy, too. You know, there was no way around that, but you had moved on. And Lily, she was the person that helped me get through that.

Heather: Okay. Daniel, just tell me this. Do you and Lily share the same magic that we do?

Daniel: You know, today was incredible. It was– it was amazing. But can we do this again? I mean, can we do this again without screwing it up? Because… I don’t think either one of us can go through that again.

Billy: So, let me ask you a question, then. You’ve spent almost your entire life avoiding the corporate shark tank, yet here you are. And yeah, there’s an element of danger in this business, but it’s nothing compared to the real danger of law enforcement. You miss it out there?

Chance: Well, let me put it like this. When I wake up in the morning, I think about Chancellor-Winters. When I go to sleep at night, Chancellor-Winters. And the juices are already flowing, all right? I feel like I already have some good ideas.

Billy: New horizons. That’s a gift, to wake up inspired, to hit the ground running every morning.

Chance: Yeah, I’m totally feeling that.

Billy: Well, from my perspective, this was absolutely the right move for you. And for Chancellor-Winters and now that we’ve got our corporate leadership in place, this company’s going to thrive like never before.

Chance: I’m all in.

Billy: That’s great. Happy to hear that. So, why don’t you fill me in on the rest of it?

Chance: The rest of what?

Billy: You mentioned these new directions. Now, I know things ended with Sharon, but it’s important to have a work-life balance. So, is your personal life in as good a shape as your professional one?

Chelsea: So… this romantic turn of events, does it involve Chance, perhaps?

Summer: Maybe. But I want you to know that I had nothing to do with his and Sharon’s breakup. That happened all on its own. It had nothing to do with me.

Chelsea: No, I know. I– I’m not implying anything.

Summer: I mean, I know that it might seem a little bit fast, and Chance was shocked by the breakup. But then we started spending more time together and…

Chelsea: It must be going well because I’ve not seen you this cheerful in a very long time.

Summer: I am, aren’t I? I think that I forgot what this feeling was like or… I don’t know, maybe I thought that I outgrew it or something. But I seriously cannot wait to see what happens next. And we’re actually getting a late lunch today, and I’m excited just thinking about it.

Chelsea: Aw, you have the butterflies. I get it. It’s the best feeling ever. I’m actually going to see Billy for lunch soon, too.

Summer: Okay, so I’m not totally alone in this?

Chelsea: No, you’re not alone at all. I’m actually going to swing by and get him at Chancellor-Winters. You should come with me. We might as well go together.

Audra: Spare me the judgy tone, okay? I genuinely thought I could control the situation with good reason.

Nate: Oh, yeah? And, uh, what reason was that?

Audra: Tucker McCall. He’s as savvy as they come, and he has won a lot more battles than he’s lost. And Jabot is no more invincible than any other company. There’s always a way in.

Nate: Oh, you think so, do you?

Audra: If anyone could pull off a takeover, my money’s on Tucker. And it was a good plan. I had every reason to believe that it would be a successful and lucrative outcome.

Nate: And yet, it clearly didn’t work out for you.

Audra: Unfortunately, Tucker let his fixation on Ashley cause him to make some bad decisions. He let his personal concerns affect his professional decisions. I tried to warn him the whole deal could implode, but did he listen? No.

Nate: Don’t you think you’re much better off not being tied to the likes of Tucker McCall? Without trying to forcefully take over one of the world’s most prominent brands, owned by one of the country’s most powerful families?

Audra: It could have been done and it would have been amazing.

Nate: You don’t need schemes and corporate backstabbing to succeed, Audra. You’re talented and smart enough without all of that. Besides, you must be solid at Newman Media to have survived this long, with Nikki herself no less. Not an easy thing to do in that tight-knit environment.

Audra: Look, I’m not sure that’s gonna last. I may have overstepped with Nikki and blown the whole thing up.

Nate: Did Nikki somehow catch wind of your plans to jump ship for Jabot?

Audra: Hardly. There’s no way she could have found that out.

Nate: Then, it sounds like something else must have gone wrong.

Audra: You know, why should I confide in you anyway? You hate the Newmans. Don’t you think it would be counterproductive for me to expect any support or compassion from you?

Nate: Hold on, hold on. I may hate the way things ended with Victor, but I certainly don’t hate that family. And I still consider you a friend, right? Now, why would I try to sabotage either one of you? Is this about Nikki’s sobriety?

Billy: And then we can decide where we want to put it.

Chelsea: Hi.

Billy: Oh, hi, hello. Look at you, look at you.

Chelsea: Well, I thought I’d pick you up for our lunch date.

Summer: Hi. And since we had plans, I thought I’d meet you here.

Chance: Gosh, how lucky are we? Two beautiful ladies coming to take us to lunch.

Billy: Why don’t we go together?

Chelsea: Well, maybe they don’t want us to crash their lunch.

Chance: You wouldn’t be crashing, would they, Summer?

Summer: No, no, of course not. Let’s do it.

Billy: Great. Table for four it is.

Heather: I am not afraid, Daniel. I’m not– I’m not worried that we won’t make it or that failing would break us. Okay? We have an entire future ahead of us. We only took a pause from it. And now, we can get it back as a couple and as a family. I really, really believe that. Can you?

Daniel: Yeah. I mean, part of me does, you know. Even though, I’ve watched it all fall apart before. See, I– I look at you, though, and I just– I feel…

Heather: But Lily.

Daniel: The last thing I want to do is hurt her. I’d hate for Devon to say something to her before I get the chance to speak with her. I think that it has to come from me.

Heather: I agree. I think that’s what you have to do. You have to tell her yourself.

Daniel: Wow. You know, after everything that we’ve been through, I didn’t think in a million years that there was going to be another chance for us.

Heather: I swear, Daniel, when I came back to Genoa City, getting back together with you was not part of my plan.

Daniel: Mm. I’m not so sure about that.

Abby: You know what I think?

Devon: I’d love to know what you think.

Abby: I think we just need to let this play out and see what happens. Because maybe it’s nothing. Maybe they are just two parents reconnecting. And they’re spending more time together because they’re helping Lucy readjust to a new city.

Devon: Well, I’d like to think that I’m pretty good at reading people. And if I’m picking up on something and you’re picking up on the same thing, it’s a little hard to ignore.

Abby: Okay, but whatever’s going on between Daniel and Lily and Heather, it’s going to happen whether we get involved or not.

Devon: Yeah, I don’t like the sound of that.

Abby: I know. But Lily is a grown woman. And I love how protective you are of her, but this is their issue to resolve.

Devon: I don’t like the sound of that either.

Abby: I understand. But hey, why don’t we get back to talking about me and my bright new future on the Chancellor-Winters board?

Heather: Do you really believe that I came back here with the sole intention just to seduce you? To woo you back into bed?

Daniel: I, um… No, I mean, I don’t think that you had any kind of agenda, but… a lot has changed, you know?

Heather: Yeah, like you became the man I love again.

Daniel: Yes, there is that. You know, the relationship with the guy in Lisbon fell apart. Lucy wanted to move back here. And I’m sure she would be thrilled at the idea of having her parents back together again. So, it’s easy for me to see you possibly thinking, what if?

Heather: Okay, I can’t deny that. I mean, the more time that we spend together, the more I think about how it used to be. But can you blame me?

Daniel: You know, when you and Lucy left Savannah, I couldn’t believe that I’d lost you. And everything changed for me. I felt like my whole world was spinning out of control.

Heather: Walking away from you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

Daniel: You know, every day, I thought, “What if I could do it all over again?” You know, what would I do different? How could I be better? How could I be more loving? What could I do to make it up to you and… I don’t know. Once it became painfully obvious that there was no longer any room for me in your life, I had to figure out how to get past all that and how to move on. But, still, every now and then, you know, I would hear that voice creep back in my head. What if I had it to do over again? And, I mean, right now that voice is just screaming louder and louder.

Heather: We can be magic again, Daniel. We just need to give ourselves the chance.

Audra: You know Nikki’s been drinking?

Nate: I actually witnessed it myself. I was alarmed because she had been sober for many years. But, she assured me she was getting help. Is she struggling to maintain control despite running Newman Media? Is that what you’re referring to?

Audra: I saw the signs. You know, my– my father was an alcoholic. He, uh, struggled with it his whole life. I tried to take care of him. But uh, that’s how I became an expert at knowing what to look for.

Nate: Wow. I’m sorry to hear that. That disease can destroy whole families, unfortunately.

Audra: Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. You know, I told Nikki I knew about her history with the disease, about my father and I offered her my support. At first, I thought we bonded and that I could reach out to her as someone who understood and wanted to help. You know, but now I’m afraid that in the cool light of day, I may have overplayed my hand.

Nate: Isn’t it possible that maybe you’re overthinking this, just a bit?

Audra: I’m not so sure. I never should have revealed so much about myself. Having me around might make her uncomfortable and constantly on her guard, knowing my particular experience with her problem.

Nate: Okay, I guess that’s possible. Did she give you any indication that she feels that way?

Audra: Not really. But from now on, I think I just need to keep things purely professional. Just focus on doing the best job I can and staying out of anything personal. Do you think I screwed up by being so transparent with Nikki and offering my support?

Billy: Well, this was a good idea if I do say so myself.

Summer: I say so too.

Chance: Yeah, Billy’s got one or two good ideas up his sleeve. I’ve been learning so much from this guy, just watching him maneuver around the office.

Summer: I’m sure you brought a few maneuvers of your own.

Chance: Maybe a few, but I’m learning from the master.

Billy: That’s a good answer. That right there is exactly what’s going to make him a successful executive.

Chelsea: Well, here’s to Chance and his exciting new career.

Billy: Hear, hear.

Chance: Thank you.

Chelsea: Cheers, guys. This is a lot of fun. We should do it again sometime soon.

Chance: That depends. Do I get a corporate card?

Billy: Yes, you do, and the next one is on you.

Summer: Okay, great. I am starving. Should we order?

Chance: Yeah.

Summer: Have you had the spicy jambalaya yet? It’s fire in the best way.

Chance: I don’t think you can handle that kind of heat.

Summer: Oh, don’t challenge me to a chili eating contest. I would destroy you.

Billy: Sorry to interrupt, but Chance, did you get an opportunity to look at that analysis on the company that we’re looking to invest in?

Chance: Yeah, I did. I wanted to go through that with you one more time. I had some questions about the projected ROI.

Billy: That’s good. That’s exactly the right question to ask. Buying an established brand is always a little bit tricky. You know, there’s always going to be changes, but you don’t want so many changes that it’s going to turn off existing customers in order to get new ones.

Chance: You must’ve faced that when you bought out Marchetti. How’d you manage it?

Nate: Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid yourself?

Audra: You know, maybe Nikki’s not thinking that way now, but I can see how this could go. If she keeps drinking, she won’t want me around knowing I can see right through her. Suddenly, she won’t need me in meetings. She’ll delegate to someone else, so she can keep me at a distance. Even if she stays absolutely sober, she’ll know I have a weakness. She’ll see me as flawed and not completely professional. She’ll know what my buttons are.

Nate: It really is painful for you, isn’t it?

Audra: Losing my credibility at work? It’s hell.

Nate: I mean the alcoholism. You’ve been traumatized by it before.

Audra: My point is, even if she sobers up again, Nikki’s drinking is not going to end well for me.

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, this is what we both want. I mean, this is what we deserve. This is what I have wanted since the day you left. A chance to get back what we lost.

Heather: It was never really lost. It was always right here. Just waiting for when the real you came back to us.

Daniel: Oh, my God. Can you believe this is actually happening, hm? Look, I want to be as honest and as upfront as I can about this, with everyone. The first thing I want to do is I want to tell Lily. I mean, I can’t hide this from her. Not while she’s out of town. That’d be wrong. I can’t move forward until she knows. I think I need to plan a little trip out to California so I can go have a face-to-face with her.

Heather: You and me. Finally.

Daniel: Finally.

Heather: I know this isn’t easy for you, though.

Daniel: Hey, man, um, do you have a minute? Can I– can I speak with you? In private?

Devon: So, what’s up?

Daniel: Um, I just, uh, I just want to clear the air and make sure that there’s no misunderstandings.

Devon: No misunderstandings? I hope you’re going to tell me that I’m reading more into what I’m seeing between you and Heather than there really is.

Daniel: No, I’m afraid not. Look, man, what’s happening with me and Heather, this wasn’t planned. You know, we weren’t expecting this, but this is real.

Devon: Mm. That’s great. That’s great.

Daniel: I’m planning on going out to California because I want to talk to Lily. I want to be as open and as honest as I possibly can be with her, and I’m hoping that you’ll agree that she should hear this from me.

Devon: Yeah, I do agree she should hear it from you. Absolutely. I’m just a little surprised that you’re actually admitting it to me and not telling me I’m misreading things.

Daniel: What am I going to do, man? I’m going to stand here and lie to you? I’m going to make excuses?

Devon: I don’t know, but I’m glad you’re not, because Lily deserves to know the truth.

Daniel: I agree.

Devon: Good.

Daniel: And hopefully, you’ll give me the opportunity to be the one to tell her.

Devon: Of course.

Daniel: Look, man, I– I care about your sister. I do. A lot. And I want what’s best for her, but Heather and I– We just… I don’t know, you know, our story’s not done. We still have chapters left that are unwritten.

Devon: That’s– that’s nice. Um, I guess I’m caught between appreciating you coming clean and wanting to hit you for cheating on my sister.

Daniel: You want to take a swing at me, you go ahead. I’m not going to fight you back.

Devon: I’m not going to hit you. I’ve been there, done that. It didn’t help.

Daniel: Look, I do have a question, you know, I’m hoping maybe you can answer.

Devon: What’s your question?

Daniel: Where’s Lily’s head at right now? You know, dealing with everything with Mattie?

Abby: So, I’m guessing that Daniel wanted to talk to Devon in private to discuss what’s going on between the two of you. He’s worried that your getting back together will break his sister’s heart. Is he right?

Chelsea: That’s exactly why. Well, Billy, thank you for treating.

Billy: My pleasure. Next one’s on Chance here. I think we got that on record.

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Summer: We even got some work done.

Chelsea: Yes. Thank you for your input about the spring men’s line. You have some great ideas.

Summer: Well, fall was great. Spring’s gonna be even better.

Chelsea: Yes. Speaking of fall, I recognize that jacket, Chance. I didn’t realize you were a fan of Marchetti?

Chance: Yeah, I have her to thank for that.

Summer: I’ll admit it. It was all me. I lured him in with some expert choices that were tailor-made for him.

Chance: And now she’s completely ruined every other label for me, so…

Chelsea: Aw.

Summer: I gotta get back to work.

Chance: You know what? I should probably do the same. The new kid can’t be taking long lunches already, huh?

Billy: Sure.

Chelsea: Well, this was fun.

Billy: All right, was fun. See you back there.

Chelsea: I’ll see you soon. Bye.

Nate: Somehow, I doubt Nikki’s going to penalize you just for showing some humanity. Did she give you any indication that she’s trying to distance herself from you?

Audra: No. Nothing overt as far as I can see, yet. It’s just a subtle feeling I get when I’m around her lately.

Nate: Look, I think the smart thing to do would be to work on repairing any damage you might have created with Nikki.

Audra: To be quite honest, I’m not sure I want to. It’s not like I’m advancing at Newman Media. I’ll never be anything more than second-in-command there.

Nate: Oh, come on. You can’t be sure of that.

Audra: Oh, you of all people should know there’s no room to move upward, unless you’re family. I’ve got to find a place where I can advance to number one. Where I can take control. Otherwise, what’s the point? I can’t just settle now. I’ve got to have a ladder to climb, right?

Nate: Maybe, just maybe, you need to rein in that rampant ambition of yours.

Audra: Oh, coming from you of all people. We both know you’re just as ambitious as I am, if not more so.

Billy: You know, I felt that there was a little extra going on with Chance, but I did not connect it to Summer.

Chelsea: I just found out before lunch. It’s all very new and, quite frankly, adorable.

Billy: Yeah. You know, I wasn’t happy when Summer and Kyle fell apart. I was hoping they could figure it out, put it back together. You know, they’ve got a family, they’ve got a kid.

Chelsea: Yeah. I don’t think that’s going to happen anymore.

Billy: No, I don’t think it is either. But she and Chance, you know, they have a certain sensibility that seems to work, which is good. And if Chance is happy and in love, then that’s going to make him more stable and effective on the job.

Chelsea: Oh, how practical and unromantic of you.

Billy: He has a future. I can see it. And it’s nice, you know, it’s nice to be able to lead him into being a top-notch, corporate executive. He also, uh, hm.

Chelsea: He also what?

Billy: I think he looks up to me. Which is weird, you know? Nobody’s ever done that before, I don’t think.

Chelsea: It’s funny how things work out, right?

Billy: Yes, it is.

Audra: I admire your overzealous ambition. You know, we’re kindred spirits that way. That’s why I have to create my own safety net.

Nate: Oh. And what would that be?

Audra: Look, I’ve been formulating a plan of my own. A big, audacious plan. And potentially, quite rewarding.

Nate: Tell me more.

Audra: You know what? There’s too many eyes and ears here. And this definitely cannot get out. You want to come upstairs so I can share it with you?

Summer: This was a nice interlude.

Chance: It was.

Summer: Kind of a shame that we both have to go now.

Chance: I know. I wish we had some more one-on-one time.

Summer: I agree.

Chance: Well, how about we make arrangements for a proper dinner date?

Summer: So, just to be clear, this would be an official first date?

Chance: Nothing less. You up for that?

Heather: Actually, Abby, things– things with Daniel, I don’t– I don’t think I can get into that. But no one wants to see Lily hurt.

Abby: I can see it all over your face. Shouldn’t an attorney have a better poker face?

Heather: I’ll work on that.

Abby: Look, I told Devon that the situation is between you and Lily and Daniel. That is, if there is a situation.

Heather: I still cannot–

Abby: Look, I told Devon not to get involved, but he loves his sister and he’s very protective of her.

Heather: I know the feeling.

Abby: I also know what it’s like to get pulled back in by someone that you love deeply and maybe still love. But it is wrong to take advantage of that history at someone else’s expense. And I really hope that’s not what’s going on here.

Devon: Lily’s focused on helping her daughter right now through an extremely traumatic event she just went through. Especially with losing someone that was close to her. That’s where her head’s at.

Daniel: I can’t just fly out there and dump this on her then. Wouldn’t be fair to her. Wouldn’t be fair to Mattie. I should wait. I should wait until she’s in a better place to tell her.

Nate: Here we are. So, what do you have up your sleeve that’s so top secret, you couldn’t discuss it in public?

Audra: It involves Tucker.

Nate: Okay, stop. You don’t learn, do you? Why would you even consider teaming up with Tucker McCall again? Especially after everything he’s put you through.

Audra: I’m not teaming up with Tucker. My plan is to turn his scheme right back on him.

Nate: And exactly how do you intend to do that?

Audra: You know his new company, Glissade? I’m gonna get control of it. And I want you to help me.

Chelsea: How cool is that?

Billy: How cool is what?

Chelsea: Chance, seeing you in a new light. Respect. Admiration. Which you deserve. You are the hero’s hero.

Billy: Okay, I think we can tone down the hero talk just a little bit. It is nice though. I spent a lot of time looking up to Jack. It’s nice to be on the other side of that. Even my mom. My mom seems to be trusting me more than she usually does too.

Chelsea: You see? Moving to Chancellor-Winters was the right move. It couldn’t have turned out any better.

Daniel: Well, um, Devon definitely did pick up on the vibe that something’s going on between the two of us.

Heather: Oh yeah, yeah. Um, Abby– Abby told me.

Daniel: Hm?

Heather: What did you say?

Daniel: I told him that he wasn’t wrong. And I told him that I wanted to be the one to tell Lily.

Heather: Okay. And he understood?

Daniel: Yeah, he did. But I mean, then he told me that Lily is just completely focused on Mattie right now and helping her deal with the trauma from the fire.

Heather: So what does that mean?

Daniel: It means I don’t think that now is the right time to pile this on to her. You know, with everything else that she’s dealing with. I think that Mattie needs to be in a better place.

Heather: Right. No, I– I hear you. Well, what does that mean for us?

Daniel: I think that we need to just put things on pause for a minute. I mean, just– just until Lily’s in the right place emotionally for me to tell her.

Nate: Tell me, Audra, why would you think I’d be interested in working with you? I’m just getting back into the groove working with my family. I’m not about to rock that boat again.

Audra: A boat you’ll never be the captain of. You’ll never advance anywhere beyond where you are right now. You know, Lily and Devon will always be on top, with the side of Billy, Jill Abbott’s son, and Chance Chancellor, Jill Abbott’s grandson, thrown in the mix. Oh, and not to mention, your Aunt Mamie now has her say as well. So, from what I can see, you’re already lost in the shuffle.

Nate: That’s your perspective. It’s a family business at Chancellor-Winters, where I’ll have just as much say as everyone else.

Audra: You really think so? With me, you’ll be an equal. The two of us working side by side. And not to mention, the added satisfaction of beating Tucker at his own game.

Nate: Wow, man. You really turned on the guy, haven’t you?

Audra: Yeah, he gave me no choice. Surely, you can see the potential.

Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, January 24, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe told Jada and Harris that they were going to question Ava and Stefan about the drug connection. Harris said questioning Clyde would be the better option. Jada wanted to know why. Harris said he had a run in with Clyde and had an update. Rafe asked if Clyde threatened him. Jada was shocked that he was open about his attack on Lucas. Harris said they were going to win the fight and take him down. Alex told Theresa that he felt like it was his fault that she was leaving. He said he shouldn’t have accused her of having feelings for Brady. Alex said she and Brady had a bond over Tate. He was afraid that her old feelings for Brady would resurface. Theresa said they didn’t. She said when she came back to Salem, she thought they would get back together, but things changed. Theresa said meeting Alex changed everything. She said she hasn’t forgiven herself for kissing Brady. That was why she had to leave town. Alex said leaving town wasn’t going to make things with Tate better. He asked her to stay with him so he could help her. Eric and Sloan talked about his new business. He let her know Leo was his client. Harris told Rafe about Lucas’ attack. When Harris took a phone call, Rafe asked Jada why she didn’t come over. She said she was exhausted and went to sleep. He wanted to know why she lied to him.

Theresa told Alex she had a flight. Alex told her he was going through a lot and didn’t know who he was. She thought about her scheme to make him think he was Victor’s son. Theresa said there was something he should know. Sloan was shocked that Leo was Eric’s client. Leo showed up at the apartment. Sloan asked Eric if she would stay for the photoshoot. When Eric left to get something, Sloan asked what Leo was up to. Leo said he wanted to make her squirm. He said he would drag her down if she didn’t do what he wanted. Theresa said Alex wasn’t the one to blame for how she felt. She said she made a mess of things. When he tried to comfort her, she didn’t want him to do it. She said she kept letting people down. Theresa said everyone was better off without her. Alex said he made terrible decisions. He said he treated Justin badly because he wasn’t his biological father. Alex said he was flawed and wanted to work on himself. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him. Rafe told Jada that she pulled Theresa’s phone records. He asked if she could explain. She told him what happened with Theresa. Jada apologized for not telling him about it. Harris told them he had news about Lucas. He said Lucas was being moved to a new location for his safety. Rafe asked where Lucas was going. Harris said he couldn’t tell him. Sloan wanted Leo to leave, but he said he wasn’t going. Leo said he liked being in the presence of the baby he helped bring into the world. He reminded her that the baby was Nicole’s. Sloan asked why he was doing that to her when she was doing everything he wanted. He told her not to play the victim when she was the one who stole a good woman’s baby. She threatened to take him down if he sold her out. When Eric got back, Sloan said she had to leave. Rafe wanted to know why Harris couldn’t tell him about Lucas. Harris thought he should keep it to himself since they didn’t know who was listening. Rafe said they still had a dirty cop.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, January 23, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Paulina was nervous about her test results. Everett told Chad about the footage of the drug dealers. Chad looked at the footage. Everett said he was surprised his brothers weren’t there. Ava and Stefan talked about business being bad because of the raid. She said she got Stephanie to help them. Xander told Sarah that he was going to be a better person because of her and Victoria. Sarah was glad to hear it. Paulina got a message that the results were ready. Chad said he didn’t expect his brothers to be involved. Everett wondered if they were covering up something. He wanted to find out what was going on. Ava and Stefan wanted to know how to get the customers to forget about the raid. Stephanie let them know what she was going to do to help them. Paulina told Abe and Chanel that she expected to get the diagnosis she got. She said she was ready to do whatever she had to do to get cured. Abe said he and Chanel would do whatever they had to do to help her. Paulina said she was scared about the symptoms she had. She said she hoped it wasn’t cancer. Knowing she had cancer made her feel stronger since she had her husband and daughter by her side.

Chanel talked to Sarah about Paulina’s cancer diagnosis. Sarah asked if there was anything she could do. Chanel asked her to talk to Paulina about cancer. Sarah agreed to talk to her. Chad and Everett talked to Xander about the Spectator. Xander wanted to know what was going on. Chad told him about Stephanie’s idea. Xander didn’t want to do the Scavenger Hunt. He asked them about money missing from the account. Everett said he used the money. Leo walked in while they were talking. Stephanie talked to Ava and Stefan about her relationship with Chad. She let them know she and Chad were on good terms. Stefan said he was going to talk to Chad. When Stefan left, Stephanie asked if Ava and Stefan were a couple. Ava said they were. Sarah talked to Paulina about her diagnosis. Paulina said she was reading articles about cancer and how it affects people. She said had to get surgery. Sarah said she had to get surgery, but she could live without a thyroid. She said there might be complications. Paulina wanted to know what the complications were. While Ava and Stephanie were talking, Harris came up. Stephanie told her the night with Harris was a mistake. She said she had too much to drink, but nothing happened. Ava thought she must not have been a good kisser. Stephanie said Harris was a good guy. Ava said she was seeing someone behind Harris’ back. Stephanie reminded her that Stefan was married. Ava said his wife was in prison. Stephanie told her what happened was none of her business. Ava said what happened between Stephanie and Harris was none of her business. Stephanie said she wasn’t interested in Harris. Sarah told Paulina that her tumor didn’t spread anywhere else. She said Paulina’s symptoms were normal. Paulina asked about the survival rate. Sarah said the survival rate was 95 percent. She asked if she had any more questions. Paulina asked her to be her doctor. Stefan asked Chad not to do a story about the raid in the Bistro. He said any information about it would ruin the restaurant. Stefan continued to convince Chad not to publish anything about the Bistro. He told Xander, Everett, and Leo that Stefan wanted them to kill the story about the Bistro. Xander and Everett didn’t understand why he didn’t want to write about the raid. Everett and Chad argued over Chad’s decision.

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Days Short Recap Monday, January 22, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Marlena tried to wake John up, but he was ready to attack her. Maggie wanted to know why Steve was about to attack Konstantin. Steve warned her that Konstantin wanted to take advantage of her kindness. Harris questioned Clyde about the drugs he’s selling. Theresa admitted that she screwed up when she and Brady were together. She was afraid that he wouldn’t be her friend anymore since she messed up. Theresa liked how Brady was there for her. They kissed each other just as Alex walked in the room. He demanded to know what was going on. She said it wasn’t what he thought, but he didn’t believe her. Maggie couldn’t believe Steve thought she couldn’t tell when someone took advantage of her. Konstantin tried to explain, but Steve wouldn’t let him finish. Steve tried to convince Maggie that Konstantin was a con artist, but she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. John apologized for trying to attack Marlena. She understood because she was used to it. She noticed that he didn’t sleep in the bed with her. Marlena wanted to know what was going on with him. Clyde told Harris that he’s reformed and a model prisoner. He wanted to tell Harris about what’s happening in town. Clyde offered him an opportunity to work with him. Theresa told Alex that she kissed Brady because of the drugs. She insisted the kiss meant nothing. Brady confirmed her story. He said he doesn’t take advantage of people who are drugged. Theresa told him that she wanted to be with him. Maggie said that Konstantin could change because Steve changed. Steve tried to tell her that Konstantin had an agenda. He believed that he was trying to take advantage of her. Maggie thought Konstantin had a good heart. She felt like it wasn’t Steve’s business to interfere. Steve warned her to be careful.

Theresa wanted Alex to forgive her. She insisted that she got caught up in the moment because Brady’s the father of her son. Theresa agreed to go to meetings to get clean. Konstantin was grateful that Maggie defended him. She was tired of people harassing him. Maggie wondered if it was a good idea for him to be in Salem. Harris was determined to stop Clyde from destroying Salem with drugs. John talked to Steve about his problem sleeping. Steve told him about his run in with Maggie and Konstantin. He knew that Konstantin was up to something. Theresa assured Alex that the kiss with Brady meant nothing. Harris told Clyde that he was lucky Lucas was still alive. Clyde told him luck had nothing to do with it. He had a message for Harris. John and Steve continued to talk about Konstantin’s plans for Maggie. He thought they should give him the distance and enough rope to hang himself. Steve wasn’t sure that was possible. He wanted to do things John’s way for Maggie’s sake. Theresa told Alex that the kiss was reckless and impulsive. She thought it was a mistake. Theresa wondered if he believed her. Harris wanted to know what Clyde was talking about. Clyde warned him to leave him alone. Harris wasn’t afraid of him. He reminded him that he was in the military and didn’t have any family. Harris asked if he wanted to go after someone who had nothing to lose. Clyde didn’t believe he didn’t have anyone to lose. He thought someone meant a lot to him. Clyde said if that special person got hurt, it would be his fault.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Spinelli is jealous of Cody because he thinks that he has feelings for Maxie. Cody tells Spinelli he thinks of Maxie like family and he isn’t romantically interested in her, so he doesn’t have to worry about him.

Curtis throws Trina and Spencer a going-away party at the Savoy where Spencer tells Josslyn and Trina he gave Ace to Nikolas because he suspects that Esme has regained her memory. Spencer tells Josslyn and Trina that he doesn’t have proof, but Josslyn tells them she will get the proof they need while they are in Paris.

Esme tells Kevin she wants to change for Ava’s sake before she hits him on the head with a paperweight to knock him out. Esme plans to go after Spencer and Trina.

Heather tells Laura that Esme has her memory back and Laura must have her arrested before she goes after Spencer and Trina.

Kristina takes an early home pregnancy test and she and Molly hug when they find out Kristina is pregnant.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, January 25, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Billy, Chelsea, Chance, and Summer have lunch together and discuss some business but Billy thinks that Chance and Summer make a good couple. Chance asks Summer out on a proper first date.

Daniel tells Devon that he and Heather have decided to give their relationship another chance. Devon agrees to let Daniel tell Lily he wants to be with Heather. Daniel tells Heather that they should put things on pause until he can talk to Lily.

Audra wants Nate to help her take over Tucker’s company Glissade and help her run the company.

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