Days of Our Lives Best Lines
Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl
(to John when his hair was messed up)
Marlena: I love you too. You might want to introduce yourself to a comb.
Xander: It’s so nice having someone else in the house who can cook.
Sarah: Well don’t get too excited. You haven’t had my meal yet.
(When Stephanie said she doesn’t drink much)
Ava: Your little sleepover with Harris.
Stephanie: You mean Harris Michaels?
Ava: You know another Harris?
(to Leo after he suggested seeing Wonka and other movies)
Brady: Thank you for your suggestions. You can oompa lumpa your way out of here.
(to Eric)
Leo: I need some wonderfully flattering photos of myself preferably ones that make me look taller, younger, thinner for Lady Whistleblower’s grand return.
(to Eric)
Leo: This is Salem. There’s always a scandal ready to be exposed.
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