Y&R Best Lines Friday, March 10, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: So, I basically laid down the law with Summer. I told her she needs to have an open mind about our relationship.

Sally: I hate to cause friction between you and your daughter.

Nick: Ah, don’t worry about it. She and I are crazy close. We’re strong enough to get through it.

Sally: Well, I don’t doubt that. Must be nice to be so strong.
Nick: It is a heavy burden at times.

Sally: Mm-hmm, of course it is.

[Both chuckle] I could definitely use some of that strength. I really need to get my life together.

Nick: What do you mean?


Nikki: Sally is pregnant? Oh, my god. I had no idea.

Summer: Yes, Sally is having a baby, but it’s not dad’s. It’s Adam’s.

Nikki: [Gasps] Hallelujah! No. No, no, this is still a mess.

Summer: It’s what she does best.

Nikki: I have seen Nicholas almost every day at the office, and he hasn’t said anything. And I’ll bet Victor doesn’t know. He would have said something.

Summer: Um, here’s the thing, grandma. I know that it’s a lot to ask, but could you please not tell grandpa about this? At least, until dad or Adam gets a chance to tell him.

Nikki: That he’s having another grandchild? I-I don’t know. I mean, for me to know and not tell him…

Summer: I know. I know. I know. It was really unfair for me to dump all of this on you, but I just — I needed to talk to somebody who would be just as horrified as I am, but the thing is, if grandpa confronts dad about this before he’s ready, it’s gonna cause this huge conflict. And nobody wants that, right?

Nikki: Wow. As rationalizations go, that’s — that’s a bit of a stretch, Summer. But…alright. For the sake of the baby. It’s not healthy to have stress during pregnancy.

Summer: Thank you.

Nikki: I wish that Nicholas would tell Victor already, but he’s probably too embarrassed and upset, doesn’t want to talk about it.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, March 9, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: You know, I am just not interested in discussing my romantic entanglements with you.

Billy: Oh, my g– even hearing you say “romantic entanglements” makes me…

Ashley: Get over it.

Billy: Okay, fine. If you’re not gonna take any brotherly concern from me, what about Jack?

Ashley: [Laughs] That’s funny.

Billy: I mean, he’s got to really not love this entanglement that you —

Ashley: Jack doesn’t have any credibility.

Billy: Why?

Ashley: Well, obviously because of his relationship with Diane. I mean, he moved her in. And I never thought of a house as big as ours could feel crowded, but indeed it does.


Ashley: What are you saying? You’re having an affair already?

[Chuckling] Really? What?

Billy: No, I’m not.

Ashley: What?

Billy: But, you know, I mean, there is someone that, um… look, I’m trying to be thoughtful and I’m trying to take my time and be conscientious. This, you know…


Ashley: Very novel for you. Gosh, I can’t wait till you go public with your relationship so I can just judge the hell out of it.

Billy: Okay, and — and — and because of that right there, I just want to straight up apologize. I am very sorry if you are offended by this line of questioning.

Ashley: Yeah, you should be sorry.

Billy: Whatever you have going on with that manipulative, scheming megalomaniac… it’s none of my business.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 8, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Devon: What the hell do you want?

Victoria: A — a friendlier greeting than that?


Devon: Well, I’d give you one if we were friends. Why don’t you call my office and make an appointment like everybody else does?

Victoria: Oh, I just, um, thought I would bypass your personal assistant and just drop by myself. I understand you’re not in the office much these days, which is completely understandable in light of the lawsuit between you and Chancellor-Winters.


Victor: Jack Abbott. Good god, man, how did you ever become involved with that guy? Anyway, what was — what was the final straw?

Adam: [Chuckles] Are you really gonna make me do this?

Victor: Yeah. Take your time. Sit down.

Adam: [Sighs] I was half-assing it at Jabot. My heart wasn’t in it, and i realized that I didn’t belong there. So as much as it pains me to admit this, you were right about the job — and about me. Do you struggle with occasional nerve aches.

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, March 7, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Oh. I’m good. I’m good. Thank you for meeting with me.

Lily: Of course. So, thankfully, Jill has agreed to move forward with Omega Sphere even while we get everything at the company sorted out.

Daniel: Right. Good. Well, I owe you for that. I know you’ve been fighting for this, so thank you.

Lily: Well, of course I have. I believe in you, and I believe in the project. And that’s why I feel like, no matter what has happened with Heather and no matter how you feel about it, this venture is way too important to walk away from. You’ve put too much time and energy into it.

Daniel: I’ll keep that in mind.

Lily: Daniel, I mean it, okay? This is not just a beautiful gift for your daughter. You’re creating something impactful. And it’s a way to reinvent yourself, just like Heather and Lucy told you.

Daniel: You know I can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes. Plus, I needed to do some wallowing after they left. So, thank you for being patient with me.

Lily: Yeah, of course. I mean, look, it was kind of like hanging out with Eeyore, but, you know


Adam: Well, good thing you didn’t invite me to lunch — because after learning your relationship with Billy has progressed beyond friendship, I’ve lost my appetite.

Chelsea: Trust me. I know about your opinions on Billy.

Billy: Listen, Chelsea, come on. It’s not an opinion. It’s a fact.  Billy Abbott is a self-serving walking train wreck who cannot possibly have your best interests at heart. You deserve so much better than that.

Chelsea: Is that a fact?

Adam: It’s absolutely a fact.

Chelsea: Why can’t you just let go of this animosity and be happy for me that I’m in a good place? You know, I’m doing all the work, and good things are finally happening for me.

Adam: But, Chelsea, I am happy for you. And it’s actually because you are doing the work that you need to be worried. You have to keep your guard up.

Chelsea: Why do you say that?

Adam: From experience. Billy Abbott is toxic.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, March 6, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: I’m in your room. What happened?

Jeremy: You don’t remember?

Phyllis: Oh, God.

[Sighs] I was drinking. Ohh, vodka.

Jeremy: Drowning your sorrows.

Phyllis: Then I walked out of the hotel.

[Inhales sharply] Ohh. Then it’s blurry. Um… I heard a car. No. Did I get in a car? Oh, my god. Was anyone hurt?

Jeremy: Well, I tweaked my back a little when I picked you up off the street, but no one else was hurt.

Phyllis: You picked me up off the street?

Jeremy: Yeah, I watched you stumble out of the hotel lobby. I had a bad feeling, so I decided to keep an eye on you.

Phyllis: You’re a good Samaritan.

Jeremy: I saved your life. You walked into traffic, cars were swerving, and then you just passed out right in the middle of the street.

Phyllis: Oh, my god.

Jeremy: You didn’t bang your head or get hit or anything, maybe some bumps and bruises, but all of that alcohol — whew — you were pretty out of it.


Kyle: Why do you care what i think about my mom and dad being together?

Billy: Because you’re family. We’re not exactly close because you’re a pain in the neck. But I’m on your side and I do care about what you think. I hope you know that.

Kyle: So, all the sudden, you’re going to be the understanding uncle?

Billy: [Chuckles] Your dad said you’re on the fence, but he believes eventually you’ll come back around. Is he right about that?

Kyle: Time will tell.

Billy: Look, Kyle, it’s understandable you’d have mixed feelings about all this.

Kyle: I want my parents to be happy. If they can do that together, I’m all for it. It’d be cool for them to have a stable relationship after all these years.

Billy: But you’re worried that someone’s gonna get hurt.

Kyle: I’d hate to see that happen. And given their history….
Billy: Yeah. I hear you there.

Kyle: Look, if I’m telling the truth, I’m more worried about my mom hurting my dad than the other way around. I know she’s worked so hard to turn her life around. She’s trying to be a better person, and I love that. And I don’t doubt her feelings towards him.

Billy: But it’s impossible to forget what’s happened in the past, the way she just up and left you as a kid. You know, I haven’t been through what you have, but I can relate on some level.

Kyle: How so?

Billy: Well, my mom, Jill, wasn’t exactly a doting maternal presence in my life when I was young. In fact, she still isn’t. You know, I think I broke the family record for being the youngest kid sent off to boarding school.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, March 3, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Yeah. Summer? Hello. It’s your mother. Yeah. Your mom. You only have one of those. I gave birth to you in an elevator. An elevator. Call me back. You can’t avoid me forever. Please…call me back.

[Cellphone thuds]

voicemail. I could tell. There was only one and a half rings. So, you’re trying to avoid me, too. Okay, well, I’ll just tell you what I told your sister. Call me back. You can’t avoid me.

[Sighs] Mnh. Hey, Daniel! I know you made it go to

[Voice breaking] You only have one mom.

Michael: Oh, she —

Lauren: Ohh.

Michael: She’s drunk. The Phyllis train is off the rails.


Phyllis: [Inhales sharply] My children. Children [Gasps] Can break your heart.


Lauren: You are not wrong there.

Phyllis: They think that I’m the cause of their problems and that, um, I’m interfering in their life.

Michael: Because you are, aren’t you?

Phyllis: What the hell kind of question is that? “Because you are, aren’t you?” Seriously? All I’m trying to do is help my children.

Lauren: Okay, well, we know you have the best intentions when it comes to Daniel and Summer.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s it. That’s it. That’s it — the best intentions. That’s all you have to say. And I do. And I’m trying to help my children. And for some reason, they’re turning it around that all their problems in their life are because of me and I am the cause of all their issues. And I am so tired of it.

[Sighs] What is that? You just looked at each other. You think I’m to blame, too?

Michael: We didn’t say that.

Lauren: Yeah. We’re here for you.

Phyllis: No, you’re not.

Lauren: Like we always are.

Phyllis: No, you’re not. Blah.

[Laughs] Your words are so meaningless to me now. So meaningless. I see you guys with your shifty eyes. “Ohh. Phyllis is wrong. Phyllis is on a tear. There’s something wrong with Phyllis.” You know what? I don’t want your “advice.” I don’t want it. The only person that I can rely on is this, this beautiful person right here, this drink. Mm! And myself.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, March 2, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lily: Devon, you have got to stop acting like you are the only one who can carry on his legacy.

Devon: Well, why am I the only one trying to protect the company that he left behind?

Lily: Saving Hamilton-Winters is not going to bring dad back. And if it did, I would be right there with you, fighting. But it’s not. So, you’re wrong. And if it takes a judge to prove that to you, then so be it.

Devon: So, this is you just saying you don’t give a damn?

Lily: Actually, no, it’s the opposite. My dad was more than a name, and he was definitely more than a company. He transcends that. So, you know what? Start a new company. Or take the money that we offered you and retire. I don’t care. But if you go down this path, I guarantee you will regret it.

Devon: I never thought I’d say this in a million years, but I’m almost glad Neil isn’t here to see who you’ve turned into.


Lily: Sorry, I’m unbelievable?

Devon: Yes, you are.

Lily: You’re the one who won’t honor a contract that you signed. You won’t take the money that we offered you. You want to burn everything to the ground. So here we are.

Devon: Yeah, here we are, with you willing to sacrifice our relationship for a business deal that went bad.

Lily: Because you won’t loosen your grip on dad’s company.

Devon: And what’s wrong with me trying to preserve his memory like that,Lily? Really? What is it? I mean, after everything he taught us, after everything he did for us, how can you turn your back on him like that?

Lily: [Sighs] Devon, I am warning you. Do not go there. And you still have your biological father, Tucker.

Devon: You have your biologic– you got Malcolm.

Lily: Tucker is here in Genoa City. He wants a relationship with you. You have a young son who you get to see every single day. My children have their own life. This is all I have left.

Devon: What are you talking about it’s all you — you have me. I’m here in town with you. And I never wanted you to feel alone in any of this. You’re the one that’s made the decision to side with Jill in this IPO move. So, what was I meant to do?

Lily: Honor the contract that you signed.

Devon: Yeah. You know, say whatever you want about Tucker. He will never fill Neil’s shoes.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 1, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: I’m sorry. I just — I really don’t have the time or the energy to get into it with you right now. And, you know, just so you know, I’ve talked to Daniel since the last time we saw each other, and he filled me in on all of the fallout from you butting into his life, too.

Phyllis: Oh. Wow. So, this is how it’s gonna be? You and Daniel against me, talking together, commiserating against me?

Summer: I’m not gonna speak for Daniel, but I can’t just brush aside my feelings. You interfering with Stark — that could have put us all in serious danger. And you interfering in Daniel’s life, both professionally and personally, could have ruined his deal with chancellor-winters and caused irreparable damage in his relationship with heather.

Phyllis: Okay, got it, got it, got it. I mean, all I’m hearing from you is “could have, could have, could have.” It didn’t happen. It certainly didn’t happen. Why do you and your brother refuse to see that?

Summer: Because it’s not the point! It’s not the point. Mom, this is just another example of how you choose to operate. And it doesn’t matter how many times you promise that you’re gonna make it right or that you’re gonna change. It’s really — it’s actually — it’s pointless. And, honestly, I just — I can’t keep showing up for it.


Ashley: So, did you pitch your heart out?

Tucker: I did. I think I did a pretty good job. Uh, I made the offer and explained my reasons in equal parts emotional appeal and bottom-line business considerations. He didn’t accept it, but he also didn’t reject it outright, so…

Ashley: Hmm. I guess you have your work cut out for you.

Tucker: I don’t know what else I could possibly do. I told him he should talk to Abby, actually, so maybe you have some sway there?

Ashley: Oh, I think we should leave the two friends out of this.
Tucker: Friends? Really?

Ashley: Yeah.

Tucker: I don’t know. I get a sense there’s something deeper going on there.

Ashley: I think you need to keep your focus on Devon.

Tucker: Yes, boss. I’m curious. What do you plan to do with little old me, should I fail?

Ashley: I haven’t made up my mind. But I do have a couple ideas.

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GH Short Recap Friday, April 7, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

The Nurses Ball continues with Magic Milo and his magic wands performing their act.

Gladys puts the very expensive bracelet in Cody’s tuxedo pocket while he is on stage performing with the magic wands. The guard who is guarding the necklace finds the necklace and Gladys asks Mac to arrest Cody for trying to steal the necklace. Cody tells Mac and Sam that he is being framed as he is handcuffed and taken to the police station.

Lucy is caught by Victor’s guard backstage at the Nurses Ball but is saved by Sonny.

Carly pays tribute to her mother Bobbie for her 45 years of service to General Hospital. The audience sees flashbacks of Bobbie and the important moments in her life. Bobbie then pays tribute to Lucy while Lucy listens backstage, and she thinks Bobbie will say something bad about her, so she comes out on stage, and everyone gives her a standing invitation.

Liesl is nowhere to be found and Nina worries she could be hurt. Nina also worries that if they don’t find Liesl, Willow won’t be able to have her bone marrow transplant.

Victor shoots Anna. Valentin rushes her to the hospital. The doctor tells Laura, Valentin, and Robert that Anna is in critical condition with a bullet in her abdomen and they are taking her to surgery to remove the bullet.

Victor calls Spencer to meet him at the Haunted Star and then once Spencer is on the boat the boat engines turn on, and the boat leaves the dock. Laura arrives home and finds Esme face down on the floor and she is unconscious.

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Interview with Tatyana Ali, Alpha Nicky Mulowa and Ni’Cola Mitchell

TV Interview!


Tatyana Ali, Alpha Nicky Mulowa and Ni'Cola Mitchell of "Giving Hope: The Ni'Cola Mitchell Story" on Lifetime

Interview with Tatyana Ali, Alpha Nicky Mulowa and Ni’Cola Mitchell of “Giving Hope: The Ni’Cola Mitchell Story” on Lifetime by Suzanne 3/8/23

This was an interesting movie because it was based on a real story of a woman who went through poverty, traumaTatyana Ali stars in "Giving Hope: The Ni'Cola Mitchell Story" on Lifetime and loss, yet she was saved by her inner intelligence, strength and perseverance. She went on to use this drive and determination to help young girls who are at-risk, even though she was a single mother with very little funds. It’s truly an inspirational story. Ali did a wonderful job with the role, and it was great to not only talk to her about the movie, but also the film’s director, and the real-life Ni’Cola Mitchell, on whom the movie is based. You can learn more here about Mitchell’s organization, Girls Who Brunch.



MORE INFO: Trailer Official Site

poster for "Giving Hope: The Ni'Cola Mitchell Story" on LifetimeTatyana Ali stars in Giving Hope: The Ni’Cola Mitchell Story, the emotional true story of best-selling author and inspirational speaker Ni’Cola Mitchell, who after experiencing sexual violence as a young girl, founded an organization dedicated to saving at risk girls from abuse and exploitation.

Ni’Cola Mitchell (Tatyana Ali), successful author, publisher and speaker, realizes at a book signing that her calling is to help disadvantaged girls. Ni’Cola understands what it is like to overcome huge hurdles in life including a difficult childhood and a cancer diagnosis, and after putting her own writing career on hold, she launches Girls Who Brunch, events designed to make young women feel seen and empowered. With the support of her sister Nene (Nadine Whiteman Roden) and daughters Diamond (Kudakwashe Rutendo) and Destani (Mikalah Reid-Beckette), she pours everything she has into the organization, including her own money and mobilizes volunteers, coaches and community leaders to help host events. Ni’Cola is named A Woman of Worth by L’Oréal and sponsorship opportunities begin to come in, helping Girls Who Brunch expand nationally and travel to dozens of cities across the country, reaching tens of thousands of girls in the process.

Giving Hope: The Ni’Cola Mitchell Story is produced by Champlin Media. Executive producers are Barbara Fisher, Tom Berry, Suzanne Chapman and Ni’Cola Mitchell. Producers are Adam Gowland, Jordana Aarons and Cassandra Keenan. Alpha Nicky directs from a script written by Adam Rockoff.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Tatyana Ali, Kudakwashe Rutendo and Mikalah Reid-Beckette in "Giving Hope: The Ni'Cola Mitchell Story" on Lifetime


Days Update Friday, April 7, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Alex joins Maggie at the Titan office. She notes his black eye has healed while Alex says his bruised ego has as well and he always gets back up. Maggie asks if he’s ready for the board meeting. Alex says he actually wants to sit out on this one if that’s okay. Maggie asks if he has something more important to do. Alex knows she’s had her doubts about him but he promises to prove to her that she made the right decision in keeping him in his position, by closing a huge deal for Titan. Maggie asks what huge deal but Alex says it’s a surprise. Maggie doesn’t like surprises but Alex promises she will love this one.

Tripp goes home and lays on the couch but then Stephanie shows up and says she’s been trying to get ahold of him. Tripp asks if there’s news about Steve and if he found Megan Hathaway. Stephanie confirms that he did, but there’s more. Stephanie reveals that Kayla is alive.

Hope and Harris go to a hotel in Greece. Harris carries her bags and tells her that his room will be right down the hall. Hope thanks him for coming with her. Harris says it’s the least he could do as he knows how important Kayla is to her. Hope says she’s family since she was married to Kayla’s brother, Bo. Harris mentions passing a wedding in the plaza. Hope acknowledges that Greece can be romantic. Harris suggests after they find Kayla, maybe they can hang out for awhile and appreciate the beauty. They agree that they would like that. Harris says he will let her unpack and goes to leave, but stops.

Andrew Donovan goes to the police station and greets Shawn. Shawn says he hasn’t seen him in forever while Andrew jokes about missing the last family reunions. Shawn mentions needing to get everyone together again. Andrew informs him that it looks like his mom is trying to do that now as Hope is in Greece, trying to find Kayla.

Kayla tries to escape the cabin in Greece but Bo appears at the door and asks if she’s going somewhere.

Harris and Hope almost kiss but are interrupted by Steve arriving at the door. Steve tells them that he thinks he’s got a lead on the son of a bitch who took Kayla

Kayla claims to Bo that she was just going out to get fresh air. Bo tells her to let him know and he’ll crack a window. Bo hopes she wasn’t planning to leave, warning that the path is treacherous. Bo tells her that he has dinner but Kayla says she’s not hungry. Bo encourages her to eat because it’s a big night. Bo asks if she’s made any progress on the formula for the serum from the orchid. Kayla responds that she’s working on it. Bo mentions that Dr. Rolf said the formula would reverse aging so it would be worth a fortune that would dwarf Victor’s. Kayla asks if Bo’s goal is just to be richer than Victor. Bo says he just wants to build an empire of his own and getting a back a few years he lost would be a benefit.

Shawn thanks Andrew for the update on the search for Kayla but says he knows he’s here on ISA business. Andrew confirms he’s here to transfer his prisoner. Shawn hopes they lock Megan up for the rest of her miserable life. Shawn and Andrew then head in to the interrogation room where Megan awaits. Megan tells Shawn that she would know his face anywhere and that he reminds her so much of his father.

Tripp is shocked and questions how Stephanie knows Kayla is alive. Stephanie confirms that she talked to her on the phone and heard her voice. Tripp hugs her and calls it unbelievable. Tripp says Steve must be going out of his mind. Stephanie says he’ll be a lot better once he finds her. Tripp doesn’t understand and asks where she is. Stephanie says they don’t know as the connection on the call was horrible, so all they know is that Kayla’s been abducted somewhere in Greece. Tripp asks if Steve is there now. Stephanie confirms that he and Hope just arrived. Stephanie adds that Kayla sounded so scared, so she hopes they get there in time. Tripp encourages that he will and that Kayla has survived this long. Stephanie talks about being unable to sleep since the call and knowing that she’s been alive after all these months. Stephanie wonders if she missed a clue to what Kayla was trying to tell her and wishes she could hear the call over again. Tripp suggests maybe she can.

Harris asks if Steve got a location on Thomas Banks but Steve reveals that Dr. Rolf has been spotted in the area. Harris asks how Steve knows that Rolf is here. Steve says his face is all over the news feeds as he’s an international fugitive, so someone called in a tip while he was ordering takeout but he was able to give the local cops the slip and they believe that he made it off the island. Harris says they were so close. Steve notes that Dr. Rolf was apparently in a hurry and left all his stuff at the hotel, so he’s going to the police station to see if they found anything that can lead them to Thomas Banks and Kayla.

Bo asks Kayla how soon the serum will be ready. Kayla responds that after reviewing Dr. Rolf’s notes, she’s pretty sure there is no chance that she will make that serum for him.

Andrew informs Megan that she is now in the custody of the Salem police department, who will hold her until she is transferred to Statesville prison. Megan continues talking about how Shawn reminds her of his father and remarks that it’s as if she actually succeeded in turning back the clock and made Bo young again. Shawn questions what that is supposed to mean.

Bo asks Kayla what the problem is since she has Dr. Rolf’s notes and he made several batches of the serum. Bo tells her to just follow the directions. Kayla argues that it’s complicated, they’re not in a lab, and the notes are incomplete. Bo asks what she means. Kayla says it’s clear that Dr. Rolf was taking instructions from what was on the three prisms that Megan got last summer. Kayla says she can’t decipher the short hand. Bo questions what she is saying. Kayla declares that without the prisms, there’s no serum. Bo thinks he knows where they might be.

Alex calls the police department in Greece and says he’s ready to move over the funds if he has his items. The officer confirms he does and tells Alex to just wire the money and the prisms are his.

Tripp suggests Stephanie try hypnosis and tells her about how it worked for Allie before. Tripp says Stephanie may have been in shock but her brain may have remembered more than she thinks. Stephanie worries that Marlena just got home but Tripp assures that Marlena would want nothing more than to help find Kayla. Stephanie agrees that she has to try and hopes she remembers something that will bring Kayla home.

Bo tells Kayla that when they left the island, he was going to go get the prisms but they weren’t where he thought they would be. Kayla repeats no prisms, no serum, so there is no reason for him to keep her here. Bo says he might know where they are at as it’s possible that Dr. Rolf left them behind.

Alex prepares his wire transfer to the Greek police. Maggie returns to the office. Alex asks how the board meeting was. Maggie says she was distracted the whole time because she was worried about Alex and his big surprise he has planned. Alex informs her that while she was at the meeting, he cemented the deal, so he’s happy to share. Alex brings up Dr. Rolf. Maggie says he’s currently a fugitive and questions what he has to do with Alex’s deal. Alex reveals that Dr. Rolf was hiding out in Greece but he got away, though he possessed three prisms that are powerful artifacts that Li Shin failed to acquire for DiMera last summer. Maggie mentions hearing of these prisms. Alex talks about how there are reports that the prisms can cure diseases and possibly even reverse aging. Alex asks what if he told her that he was about to secure all of the prisms for Titan.

Shawn questions what Megan meant when she said make Bo young again when she knows he’s been dead for years. Megan claims that she was just saying seeing his face was like traveling back through time. Megan states that she and Bo had a very intense love affair until he settled for Hope. Shawn warns her to keep his parents names out of her mouth as he’s done listening to this nonsense. Shawn argues that she’s hurt his family enough. Megan doesn’t think Hope is suffering that much and says she’s moved on from them and from Bo as well with Harris Michaels. Megan informs Shawn that Harris and Hope are together for real now. Shawn repeats that he’s had enough. Megan mocks him that it’s tough when his mom moves on with a new dad. Shawn warns her to shut her mouth.

Hope and Steve talk about finding Kayla. Steve knows it’s a longshot and maybe implausible to think Dr. Rolf left a clue behind. Steve knows the connection is thin but it’s the only one that they have to Thomas Banks, but Harris says maybe not.

Tripp makes breakfast for Stephanie. Stephanie says she’s not hungry but Tripp encourages her to keep up her strength so that she can help Kayla. Tripp offers to cancel his plans for later so he can make sure she can get in to see Marlena. Stephanie asks if Tripp’s plans are with Wendy. Tripp asks who told her that. Stephanie knows Tripp and Joey were competing for Wendy’s attention in Hong Kong and that Joey backed off, then tried to play matchmaker. Stephanie says that Joey just wants him to be happy and she does too. Stephanie asks if Tripp likes Wendy. Tripp confirms that he does but the problem is that she’s been hanging out with Johnny. Stephanie points out that Wendy is going to dinner with Tripp, so maybe she’s just as interested in him.

Harris reminds Hope of the restaurant where they first met. Harris notes that Megan had him staying in a room upstairs and there was another one of her employees looking for the prisms, Thomas Banks.

Maggie tells Alex that she’s heard rumors of these prisms for years but it sounds like science fiction to her. Alex knows that it’s far fetched but says for the price he’s paying, the risk is worth the reward. Maggie says she will be the judge of that. Maggie asks for the details and who his contact is on this transaction. Alex explains that when he found out Dr. Rolf was in Greece, he reached out to Victor’s people and they put him in touch with the police there and it turned out that when Dr. Rolf evaded capture, he left the prisms in his hotel room. Maggie questions them agreeing to sell the prisms to Alex. Alex confirms that one of the cops did. Alex adds that they are just sitting in an evidence locker and the cops have no idea what they have, so he convinced one of them to sell them to him for a relatively small sum. Alex calls it pretty amazing but Maggie calls it amazingly stupid.

Harris and Hope plan to go show Thomas Banks’ picture around while Steve decides to go see what Dr. Rolf left behind. Hope hopes that one of their longshots pans out.

Bo warns Kayla that he doesn’t have all night and has to get going. Kayla brings up their childhood which gets Bo arguing, but then he tells her it was a nice try to walk him down memory lane to get him to be the old Bo, but he likes who he is. Kayla asks what he’s going to do and if he’s just going to just walk in to a random Greek police station and ask for the prisms. Bo says he’s just going to get her what she needs to decipher Dr. Rolf’s notes and then she will get him what he needs. Kayla questions Bo leaving her in a wine cellar. Bo tells her to try to relax as he then leaves her locked up.

Stephanie asks Tripp about declaring his feelings for Wendy. Stephanie tells him that tonight’s dinner is his once chance to convince her to be with him instead of Johnny. Tripp worries about pressuring her. Stephanie doesn’t think being clear about your intentions is ever a bad thing. Tripp asks if he’s not doing what Alex did to her. Stephanie says that Alex tried to manipulate and control her because that’s who he is. Stephanie adds that unlike Tripp, Alex will do whatever it takes to get what he wants no matter what it costs.

Maggie questions Alex using Titan money to pay off a police officer but Alex argues that it’s not a payoff. Maggie asks if it’s a bribe then. Alex says this is how these people do business and Victor has relationships with them. Maggie questions him not talking to Victor about this. Alex says he wouldn’t go behind her back again because he’s going to prove to her that she can trust him. Maggie accuses him of using Victor’s name and Titan’s money to bribe a government official. Maggie remarks that Alex is now giving a black eye to the company and the family.

Andrew tells Shawn that he knows this is intense and asks if he needs to take a break but Shawn assures that he’s good. Megan comments on Shawn having the same temper as Bo. Shawn declares that he’s done talking about his father as her relationship with him is ancient history. Shawn brings up that Megan’s deal requires her to cooperate fully. Megan says she told Steve that Thomas Banks took Kayla and claims that’s all she knows. Megan adds that he can ask any questions he’d like but it will be a waste of time. Shawn says he will decide that. Megan responds that she is exercising her right to counsel because she wants to make sure this transfer goes off without a hitch. Megan asks for a phone to call her lawyer.

Harris and Hope go to the restaurant where they met. Harris recalls when he first saw her and says no photo could capture the spark in her eye as they then kiss. Hope says they shouldn’t draw attention to themselves while Harris says this is them blending in as a couple caught up in the romance of Greece, so they continue kissing.

Kayla complains about her own brother locking her in a wine cellar to create a youth serum. Kayla then finds a lockbox on one of the shelves of wines.

Bo goes to the police station in Greece and impersonates Shane Donovan. Bo says he’s here about evidence collected from Dr. Rolf’s room and a set of prisms that are extremely powerful and could be dangerous if they fall in to the wrong hands. The cops asks if he has any paperwork of his claim. Bo then questions if he’s saying there’s a problem with a request from the director of the ISA.

Maggie hopes Alex didn’t send anything to this corrupt cop in Greece. Alex states that he was about to when Maggie walked in. Maggie argues that he was doing something so irresponsible. Alex argues that acquiring these prisms for Titan is a once in a lifetime opportunity that could change the landscape of science and medicine while also humiliating DiMera Enterprises. Maggie doubts the scientific claims but says it’s still bribery and smuggling. Maggie vetoes Alex’s surprise and orders him to call the dirty cop back to tell him the deal is off. Maggie warns that she will deal with him later and asks if he understands. Alex reluctantly says that he does as Maggie exits the office.

Bo tells the cop that he needs the prisms now as it’s a matter of international security. The cop then gets a call from Alex. He tells Alex that there is a man from the ISA asking about the prisms. Alex begrudgingly tells the cop to go ahead and hand them over because the deal is off and then hangs up. Bo threatens to go over the cop’s head but the cop apologizes for the delay and directs him to wait in a room while he goes to retrieve the prisms for him. After Bo leaves, Steve arrives and tells the cop that he hopes he can help him.

Kayla searches for something open the lockbox she found. She finds a bottle opener and gets the box open.

Tripp offers to go with Stephanie to see Marlena and cancel his plans with Wendy. Stephanie tells him not to do that and thanks him for the offer but assures she’ll be okay. Stephanie adds that if anything happens or she hears from Steve, she’ll let him know. Tripp wishes her luck. Stephanie tells him the same and that Wendy would be very lucky to end up with a guy like him. Tripp thanks her for saying that. Stephanie gets a call and answers, hoping it’s Kayla.

After leaving the interrogation room, Shawn tells Andrew that he’s sorry for not keeping his cool with Megan. Andrew thinks he did fine, given the circumstances. They talk about wishing they could listen to clients and lawyers as it would make things easier. Shawn hopes Megan plays this straight but worries she could use it as another opportunity to go after Hope.

Megan uses her phone call to call Thomas Banks and give him a heads up that a lot of people are looking for him. Megan adds that he can return the favor by doing one little thing for her. Megan instructs Thomas to find Bo Brady and shoot anyone who gets in his way.

Hope asks Harris if he’s ready to do what they came for. Harris confirms that he is and pulls out a photo of Thomas Banks, wondering who they should talk to first. Hope tells him to follow her lead.

Steve introduces himself to the cop and says he’s working with the ISA and needs to see the evidence found in Dr. Rolf’s room. The cop responds that he’s afraid his colleague already made that request as he arrived a few minutes before him. Steve asks if he’s still there. The cop informs him that “Mr. Donovan” is in the other room. Steve questions Shane being there. The cop suggests Steve join him while they check to see what’s taking so long on their end. Steve goes to the room looking for Shane, but is shocked to find Bo instead.

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Days Short Recap Friday, April 7, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Hope thanked Harris for coming to Greece with her to help find Kayla. He suggested that they hang out and appreciate the beauty of the country. When they were about to kiss, Steve knocked on the door. He said Rolf has been seen. He said Rolf got away from the police and left the island. He said he wanted to go to the police and find out what they know about Rolf’s whereabouts. He said it was their only way to find Thomas Banks. Harris said it might not be. He said Thomas stayed above a taverna when they were looking for the prisms. He said he and Hope were going there to ask around. Steve went to the police station. Andrew told Shawn that Hope went to Greece to find Kayla. He said he was in Salem to transfer Megan to Statesville. They went to the interrogation room. Megan was overwhelmed with how much Shawn reminded her of Bo. She said it was as if she succeeded in turning back the clock and made Bo young again. Shawn asked her what she meant about that. He said his father has been dead for years. She told him his mother was with Harris. He told her to shut up. Andrew stopped him from going after her. When Shawn calmed down, he wanted to question her. She said she wanted to call a lawyer.

Kayla said she wanted to go back home to the people she loved. When she opened the door, she saw Bo standing there. He asked if she was going somewhere. She said she was getting fresh air. He told her to open a window. He asked her if the serum was ready yet. She said she couldn’t replicate the youth serum without the prisms. He said he didn’t know where Rolf was now. He said Rolf may have left them where he was. He locked Kayla in the wine cellar and left. She found a box in the wine cellar. She opened it and started looking in it. While Megan was alone in the interrogation room, she called Thomas Banks. She told him a lot of people were looking for him. She asked him to find Bo. She told him to shoot anyone who got in his way. Bo went to the police station. He said his name was Shane. He asked the officer about the prisms they found in Rolf’s hotel room. The officer asked if he had the paperwork. Bo said he didn’t need the paperwork since he was the director of ISA. The officer told him he would get them for him. while Bo was waiting, Steve showed up at the station. He told the police officer that he was working for the ISA. He said he needed the evidence found in Rolf’s hotel room. The police officer said Shane was waiting in the office. Steve went to the office and called out to Shane. Bo turned around. Steve was shocked to see him.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, April 7, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Adam is hurt when Victor informs him that Victoria has decided not to buy McCall Unlimited and he is going to respect her decision. Sally and Adam have a talk and Sally tells Adam that he doesn’t need his father to be successful. He is smart and he can succeed on his own.

Abby tells Chance she is thinking about moving in with Devon. Chance tells Abby to do whatever makes her hapoy.

Chance talks to Sharon about what Abby told him and Sharon thinks it’s healthy that Chance is letting go of his anger about Abby cheating on him. Chance wants to thank Sharon for the talk so he asks her to dinner and she accepts his invitation.

Devon tells Lily he wants to stay at Chancellor Winters and give their partnership another try and Lily is very happy about it.

Abby tells Devon that she wants to move in with him.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, April 6, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

The Nurses Ball continues with a performance by singer/songwriter Danielle Ponder that brings down the house.

Cody almost tells Sasha about Gladys’s gambling problem but Gladys interrupts and when Cody leaves, Gladys tells Sasha she shouldn’t trust Cody.

Blaze and Chase perform a song written by Brook Lynn and, after the song, Brook Lynn sees Linc touching Blaze and congratulating Blaze and screams for Linc to get away from her. Brook Lynn takes the microphone and tells everyone that Linc sexually harassed her when she was a singer and then held the rights to her songs hostage until she signed, a non-disclosure agreement to get back the rights to her songs. Brook Lynn tells everyone thar she is breaking the agreement because she doesn’t want another woman to be Linc’s victim. Linc tells everyone Brook Lynn is lying but Blaze says that Linc also harassed her. Dante arrests Linc for creating a public disturbance.

Liesel, Georgie, and James do a magic act with Liesl as Bertie and James assistant. George and James put Liesl in the magic box and made her disappear but when they say the magic words for her to return and open the curtain of the magic box the box is still empty and nobody can find Liesl.

Victor’s body guard tells Spencer to be ready when Victor calls and do exactly what Victor tells him to do. Victor’s men surround the safe house, so Anna and Valentin tell Lucy to go out the bedroom window and she promises to get help for them. Victor demands that Valentin give him the necklace or he will have his bodyguard break Anna’s neck. Anna tells Valentin not to do it but he gives Victor the necklace and then Victor fires a shot.

Sonny tells Bobbie he wants to give money to start a scholarship for nursing students in memory of Epiphany.

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B&B Transcript Friday, April 7, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Hope: We do make a really great team. I know we do. What is going on with me?

Brooke: Oh, hi, honey. Wow, you got here early. Oh, okay, so I set the table and ridge is on his way over.

Hope: Well actually, I’m– I’m so sorry to be doing this to you, mom, but we won’t be joining you for dinner tonight. I just– I need to spend some alone time with liam and the kids, they– they’re um, spending the night at their friends, so.

Brooke: Is everything all right? Something with you and thomas.

Hope: What? No, there’s– there’s no me and thomas.

>>Brooke: No, I– I just meant–

Hope: Mom, it’s– it’s fine. Everything’s fine, so. I hope you enjoy your night with ridge.

Thomas: We didn’t want you spending the whole night by yourself.

Steffy: Well, thank you for stopping by and helping me get the kids to sleep, especially while finn is working.

Thomas: Does he live here by the way? ‘Cause I never see him. He’s always at the hospital.

Steffy: What can I say? That’s life being married to a devoted doctor.

Thomas: He is devoted, all right.

Taylor: You know, I have a question. How do you really feel about finn saving sheila’s life?

Liam: Hi. Uh, what– what’s– what’s this?

Hope: I just, I– I wanted to do something special and romantic for my husband since we, um, got into our little disagreement at work.

Liam: Um, yeah. Uh, where– where are the– the– the kids?

Hope: Oh. Uh, douglas and beth are at a sleepover. I just wanted some time for us alone tonight so we could reconnect because I– I am really grateful for you and how patient you’ve been. I know it hasn’t been easy, me working with thomas.

Taylor: You know, I can’t imagine how overwhelming that must have been for finn, you know, trying to process all those emotions while making a pivotal decision.

Thomas: Trying to keep sheila alive.

Taylor: Yeah.

Steffy: Well, finn had to fulfill his duty as a doctor and honestly, I don’t think he would’ve been able to live with himself if he hadn’t intervened.

Thomas: Well, um, so far as I know, it seems that sheila is stable and incarcerated.

Taylor: Yeah, that’s what I heard too.

Steffy: Sheila carter is finally behind bars.

Taylor: Thanks to the dynamic duo of your dad and bill.

Steffy: Well, it makes sense why dad’s been M.I.A. For so long.

Thomas: Yeah, that actually, uh, brings up a little question. Why– why are you here? Shouldn’t you be hanging out with dad?

Taylor: No, what? Come on. As– as a matter of fact, your dad is having dinner with brooke.

Ridge: I brought you this bottle of french water you like so much.

Brooke: Oh, la, la. My favorite.

Ridge: Yeah.

Brooke: Thank you for coming, ridge.

Ridge: Of course. Where’s everybody? I thought it was gonna be hope, liam, the kids.

Brooke: Oh, yes, well, it was supposed to be everybody, but then hope canceled on me in the last minute and decided she’d rather spend some time with her husband.

Ridge: Okay, so it’s just the two of us.

Brooke: Yeah, it is. As much as I wanted to have a family dinner, I’m happy to have you all to myself.


macular degeneration

Liam: I mean, you– I don’t know, you looked right into my eyes and– and you told me you weren’t gonna be working with thomas anymore.

Hope: Because that– that was the plan. I didn’t want to work with him, liam. Then, I was presented with some hard truths and I changed my mind and I’m allowed to do that.

Liam: You are. No, of course you are. Um and I’m– I know that you’re under a lot of pressure. It’s just walking in on what I walked in on wasn’t helping.

Hope: I fell and thomas tried to break that fall and– liam, you have been nothing but supportive and respectful of my career. I mean, I– I know you– you’re one of my biggest advocates for hope for the future.

Liam: Of course, I am. I’m– I’m so proud, I am so deeply proud of everything that you’ve accomplished. And I mean, god, if I, you know, if– if I haven’t made that clear, then maybe that’s on me.

>>Hope: No, liam, liam. I feel your support. Even in our disagreements, like today. I can feel how much you love me and I appreciate it so much. And so, tonight, all I wanna do is spend every minute of the rest of the evening showing you exactly how much I love and appreciate you.

Thomas: So, dad’s with brooke tonight?

Steffy: At her place. Just the two of them?

Thomas: Like a date.

Taylor: I don’t think so. No, I mean, it’s– it’s um– it’s hope and liam and the kiddos too, so…

Thomas: Oh, so just with his other family?

Steffy: Wait, you and brooke agreed to swear off dad.

Taylor: Yes, that is the plan. But, you know, your dad just got back and brooke just, you know, she wanted to have dinner with– with her family, you know?

Thomas: Sure, and that makes sense. I mean, I’m sure everyone’s gonna be okay so long as brooke doesn’t cook.

[ Taylor laughing ]

Steffy: Look, we’re not suggesting that you need to be concerned or anything.

[ Taylor groaning ]

Taylor: Listen, brooke and I made a promise to each other. You know, we– we’re putting our friendship over feelings.

Steffy: Including dad?

Taylor: Especially him, yes.

Thomas: So, he’s just hanging out over at his old house where he used to live with his ex-wife for years.

Taylor: Ah-ha, yep. Yep, that’s where he is.

Thomas: Okay.

Taylor: And hope and liam and beth and douglas are there. Come on, it’s– it’s not a cozy dinner for two.

Ridge: This is good, good. Does it have shallots in it?

[ Brooke chuckling ]

Brooke: You’ll have to ask the chef at il giardino. I ordered from deacon.

Ridge: Deacon?

Brooke: Mm-hmm.

Ridge: Well, he deserves a big tip. He helped us with sheila.

Brooke: You know who deserves a big tip? You do because you were determined to get sheila out of our lives and that’s exactly what you did. So, cheers, to you.

Ridge: Cheers.

Brooke: Mm. We wouldn’t be able to sit here and have this very peaceful dinner with sheila out there running around and that’s thanks to you and bill and deacon.

Ridge: It was a rough couple of months, but it was worth it.

Brooke: Yeah, it’s been crazy.

Ridge: So, what else? What did I miss? How’s liam with thomas and hope working together?

Brooke: It’s been a bit of a strain on their marriage.

Ridge: I’m sorry to hear that. For what it’s worth, I think thomas has changed.

Brooke: I don’t disagree.

Ridge: You don’t what?

Brooke: I don’t–

Ridge: You don’t disagree. Where’s that coming from?

Brooke: Okay. I am being, I’m being–

Ridge: Cautiously.

Brooke: Cautiously optimistic.

Ridge: Same.

Brooke: Yeah. I just wish thomas never came between us.

Ridge: Yeah. He owns what he did and so do I. I wish I would’ve talked to you, but I didn’t and that’s why we are where we are.

Brooke: Yeah. For bathroom odors that linger.

Liam: I hate when we argue.

Hope: Oh, we rarely do.

Liam: Yeah, but I really, really, really hate when we argue about thomas.

Hope: I know. I don’t even want to think about him tonight.

Liam: Okay.

[ Cell phone ringing ]

Hope: Um, I’m just– I’m gonna silence it.

Liam: Thank you. Just two of us, kind of nice. Maybe– maybe we can use more nights like this.

Hope: We do. We can use more.

Brooke: Aren’t you glad I didn’t cook?

Ridge: Why– why would you say that? Your cooking is always interesting.

Brooke: Uh-huh. Yeah. Well, that was my welcome home gift to you.

Ridge: That was your gift to me? Not cooking was your gift?

Brooke: Well, we all know that cooking is not my talent but you, on the other hand…

Ridge: I can whip up a steak or two.

>Brooke: Mm-hmm. Always very tender.

Ridge: The steak, you mean?

Brooke: Oh, do you remember? Oh, my gosh.

Ridge: Remember what?

Brooke: When rj was little and he made us that breakfast in bed. Remember? For our anniversary?

Ridge: Oh, when he almost walked in on us?

Brooke: Yeah. Oh, my god, I’m so glad that never happened. But he was so cute carrying that tray, which was as big as he was.

Ridge: Oh, he was– he was very sweet. And the oatmeal was good. He didn’t get the cooking skill from you. He’s– it was all great until, after…

Brooke: Oh, god, yeah, it was after.

Ridge: Yeah, because he wanted to clean up.

Brooke: That was so sweet.

Ridge: It’s very sweet. It’s very sweet. It’s not sweet to put dishwashing liquid in the dishwasher.

Brooke: I know.

Ridge: Suds everywhere, remember that?

Brooke: Oh, that was a disaster.

Ridge: It was up our knees.

Brooke: It was everywhere.

Ridge: We had a suds fight, the three of us.

Brooke: We were slipping and falling and I almost fell out of my top.

Ridge: What? Oh yeah, I do remember.

Brooke: Oh, I remember. Oh, my gosh. We were laughing and laughing. Oh, it’s– it’s funny. It’s nice, you know, to go down memory lane with you. Just kind of warms my heart.

Ridge: And mine too. It’s nice to laugh.

Brooke: It is. I haven’t done that in a while. I’ve missed you.

Ridge: I’ve missed you.

Brooke: Well, at least no matter what happens in the future, we always have our memories, right? Our incredible memories.

Ridge: It’s getting late.

Brooke: Yeah, yeah it is.

Ridge: Um, if it’s okay with you, I’ll just finish my wine and you can– you can go to bed.

Brooke: Okay, yeah. Are you sure?

Ridge: Yeah, I’ll lock up.

Brooke: Okay.

Ridge: I had a nice time.

Brooke: Me too. I did too. Oh. Well.

Ridge: Well.

Brooke: Good night.

Ridge: Good night. I brought in ensure max protein,

[ Both panting ]

Thomas: What is it?

Liam: What’s wrong?

Hope: Nothing, I’m fine.

Liam: Okay, okay.

Thomas: Has brooke ever been able to resist dad before?

Taylor: No.

Thomas: I mean, her feelings for him are pretty intense.

Steffy: Mom, I’m sure brooke values your friendship as much as you do. I’m just hoping that she holds up her end of the agreement.

Taylor: We will see. You know, brooke is a grown woman and so am I, and we made a promise to each other. Honesty and integrity when it comes to your dad. We’re gonna stick to it. Simple.

Brooke: Oh. Oh, god, ridge.

Ridge: Hey.

Brooke: You’re still here. What, what are you doing?

Ridge: Uh, I told you I was gonna finish my wine. What are you doing? I thought you were going to sleep.

Brooke: I was, I just was gonna wash my face and crawl in bed and I realized I didn’t blow out the candles.

Ridge: I told you I was gonna take care of that. I was gonna lock up before I left.

Brooke: Yeah.

Ridge: Yeah. I must’ve dozed off. What, um, you sleep in that?

Brooke: Ah, yes, why?

Ridge: Lucky sheets.

Brooke: The same sheets you used to sleep on.

Ridge: I remember.

Brooke: Mm. It wasn’t that long ago.

Ridge: No, some things, they just pop back in your head, especially seeing… seeing that?

Brooke: Yeah, well, some things are hard to forget, huh?

Ridge: Some things are worth remembering.

Brooke: How’s that wine?

Ridge: It’s good and expensive, just how I like it.

Brooke: You’re savoring every sip.

Ridge: Or maybe I just don’t wanna leave.

Brooke: Yeah, I know the feeling. I was upstairs thinking about how nice it is that you’re here. You and me under the same roof, the way it used to be. I miss it.

Ridge: I miss you.

Brooke: You know… taylor and I, we made a pact and I would like to honor it. So, you and I, we can’T.

Ridge: Yeah, I know.

Brooke: Yeah.

Ridge: Excuse me. Okay, good night.

Brooke: Oh, oops.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, April 7, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Sally: [ Big breaths ] Nate.

Nate: Hey.

Sally: Hey. Hey.

Nate: How’s it going?

Sally: Um, not great. Actually, I’m– I’m really sorry to bother you, but I’m– I’m not feeling very well.

Nate: Okay. Uh, in– in what way? What’s the problem?

Sally: I think something might be wrong with my baby.

Detective chancellor: Yeah, this is detective chancellor. I was hoping to find out when I could expect the toxicology report on the blood that was drawn from phyllis summers. I apologize for the rush request. I understand that these things take time. I could just really use this one as soon as possible. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for understanding. Yeah, I’ll be expecting your call. All right.

Abby: Hi, chance.

Adam: Hey sharon. Can I, uh, get my usual?

Sharon: Uh. I’m sorry, what?

Adam: Uh, I was just trying to order some coffee. Everything okay?

Sharon: Yeah. Um… I’m just having a hard time focusing this morning. I guess I’m still processing. Wait, you don’t know.

Adam: Uh, apparently not. What is it that I don’t know?

Sharon: Well, there’s no easy way to say this, but… last night phyllis passed away.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Hey.

Devon: Thank you for coming over. Yeah. I– I know it’s been a heavy morning. How you doing?

Lily: I mean, I don’t know. I was with daniel last night. I will say I know phyllis wasn’t everyone’s favorite person, but she loved her kids, and her kids loved her.

Devon: Yeah. Of course. They have to be in shock right now.

Lily: Yeah.

Devon: There’s just… nothing ever prepares you for losing a parent this young in life. I’m sure daniel’s grateful though to have you around since, you know exactly what he’s going through.

Lily: Yeah. Well, I wish you and I didn’t know it so well.

Devon: Me too. But… when you deal with loss, they can make you put things into perspective and realize that you can’t wait around to right the wrongs in your life. You have to do it now while you’re here, and while you can. Which is one of the reasons why I asked you to come over, actually. I want to continue our conversation about chancellor-winters.

Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.

Victoria: I can’t stop thinking about nicholas.

Victor: Yeah.

Victoria: How’s he doing?

Victor: I think he needs some time.

Victoria: Poor summer. My heart goes out to her.

Nikki: Thank you. I know. We saw her this morning. She seems to be teetering between being too composed and on the verge of a breakdown. And she’s insisting on planning phyllis’ memorial.

Victoria: Well, she shouldn’t have to deal with that right now. I can help her.

Nikki: No, she doesn’t want any help.

Victoria: Well, that’s crazy. She’s in no shape to take that on.

Nikki: No, she’s not. But those are her wishes. So, I just told her that we’re there for her and ready to help her with whatever she needs, and we’ll give her her space.

Victoria: Well, then I guess I shouldn’t go see her today.

Nikki: It might be better if you wait for her emotions to settle down a bit.

Victor: By the way, sweetheart. You saw tucker? How did that go?

Victoria: Oh, well, that’s very easy to answer. Nowhere.

Victor: What? You weren’t able to make any headway with him?

Victoria: I withdrew our offer to buy the company. I’m no longer interested in mccall unlimited.

Victor: Why would

Victor: Why would you withdraw the offer?

Victoria: It’s already been too much of a headache and I can only see more migraines in the future.

Victor: You know damn well that a deal of this size brings with it headaches.

Victoria: Well, in this case, the– the pitfalls outweigh any upside, both for the company and for the family. I just don’t think it’s worth it, dad. And I told tucker myself last night.

Victor: This was not your decision to make alone. You should have consulted with your father.

Victoria: I am the ceo of newman enterprises, aren’t I?

Victor: Are you forgetting who put you in this chair?

Victoria: Then I take it that you don’t agree with my decision.

Victor: No, I don’T. And all this nonsense about headaches and obstacles. The real issue is adam, isn’t it?

Victoria: You’re mistaken. Adam is your concern. For me, it’s all about the business and what’s best for the business.

Victor: That’s what you keep on saying.

Victoria: Yes. Well, I’ve reevaluated the pros and the cons and the potential risks. Now, you know what? I just changed my mind. Yes, dad. And you know what? There’s no potential room for growth. There’s just not. I would be so happy to show you the numbers.

Victor: And I’m sure you called all the numbers to support your position. What I’m questioning is is your motivation.

Victoria: I always have this company and our family’s best interests at heart. That’s my motivation, dad. And if you don’t believe that, then why did you trust me to be the custodian of your legacy?

Victor: Why are you so reluctant to have adam reunite with his family? Why are you so against him having his own success?

Victoria: How is handing him a company a success of his own? Look, if you want to acquire mccall unlimited and hand it to adam, well, by all means, feel free to do so. But do it independent of newman because this company should have no part of it.

Victor: Don’t ever forget who handed you this company.

Adam: In the blink of an eye, phyllis is gone. What was she doing marrying stark of all people? That sounds off. I’m sure.

Sharon: Sadly, we’ll never be able to ask her.

Adam: Uh, have you spoken to nick about it?

Sharon: Well, not since last night. I was with him when all of the information was rolling in and then when phyllis’ death was confirmed, obviously, he was very focused on summer.

Adam: Hmm. Well, I’m sure he’ll reach out to you when he gets the chance to.

Sharon: I hope he does. You know, he was really there for me when ray died and I want him to know that I can be that person for him now, especially since the situations are so similar.

Adam: You two have been through something like this before. Together. I’m sure that he will reach out.

Sharon: Losing cassie and ray, I feel especially qualified to help people through this. I know what it feels like when fate reaches out and snatches the person you love and the inevitable guilt of things that were said, things that were left unsaid and how that weighs on you.

Adam: Sharon, nick will reach out. Okay? And you will be a great comfort to him. But you can’t be everything to everyone all the time, even though you try. You have to take care of yourself too.

Sharon: I will, if you will.

Adam: [ Laughs ] Deal.

[ Sighs ] I, um, have been summoned. Can we pick this up later?

Sharon: Yeah, of course.

Adam: Okay. I’ll check back in with you.

Sharon: Yeah.

Abby: The news about phyllis is sickening.

Chance: Yeah. Um, I feel sorry for summer and for daniel.

Abby: Yeah. You never expect that it’s gonna be the last time that you see someone. But thank you so much for your hard work. I know the family really appreciates it.

Chance: Just doing my job. Anyway. Nice to runing into you.

Abby: Wait, chance. Um– I don’t want to intrude at a time like this, but I’ve been looking for you. There’s something that we need to discuss.

Devon: Everything changed for me last night. Just being in that room and seeing those pictures on the wall and hearing his favorite music all night long.

Lily: I know. I felt like he was there with us.

Devon: Yeah. And I’m sure he was. And then, hearing about the news of phyllis this morning, it reminded me about that day that we lost him all over again. And made me think about how we really don’t have a lot of time here on this planet. And the most important thing is keeping the people that you love close to you.

Lily: I agree. I do. I mean, time is a really valuable resource, and I really don’t want to waste any more of it.

Devon: Yeah. Neither do I, at all. You know, you’re my sister. I love you and there should never be anything that’s bigger than that. Oh, I wanna give our partnership at chancellor-winters a second shot.

Nate: I gotta say, I– I thought you looked a little different at the gala. But, uh, I learned a long time ago to never assume a woman is pregnant.

Sally: Good call. Yeah, I– I haven’t told a lot of people and I promise I’m not in the habit of just flagging down doctors as they’re casually walking by. So, I thank you, uh, for stopping and listening. Um. Sometimes after I eat, I get nauseous, and I get this, like, fluttering feeling in my stomach and I just am not really sure it’s normal.

Nate: Okay. Well, I can’t be 100% certain and this wouldn’t be an official diagnosis. Okay? Uh. Who’s your obstetrician?

Sally: Dr. Chandler.

Nate: Good, good. She’s the best. You should probably schedule an appointment with her just to be sure. But from what you’ve told me, I’m confident I know what’s going on.

Sally: Okay. Can you connect the dots for me?

Nate: Well, that weird fluttery feeling happens after you eat, right?

Sally: Mm-hmm.

Nate: And then you tend to get relief once you walk around a bit.

Sally: Yeah. Yeah. That’s right.

Nate: Is it possible you get this feeling after you’ve eaten a little too much?

Sally: Uh. Well, an omelet, toast, and double hash browns. So, yes, it’s possible.

Nate: And you’re feeling mild nausea but nowhere near morning sickness.

Sally: Yes.

Nate: Well, I think what’s happening is a cause for celebration.

Sally: What exactly am I celebrating?

Nate: The baby is starting to move.

[ Laughs ] -What’s he doing? -He’s cleaning the trash cans. I’m– I’m playing catch up now.

Sally: So, when I eat, the baby eats as well and the food’s not only providing me with energy, but the baby too.

Nate: Someone was napping in biology class.

Sally: Is it that obvious? I’m– I’m playing catch up now. It’s just there’s something new every day.

Nate: So, you’re right. The nutrition gives the baby a little boost, which in turn contributes to your queasiness.

Sally: So, when I get up and I move around, it’s like I’m rocking my little guy or girl to sleep, which is– soothes them, so the fluttering eases up.

Nate: That’s pretty much it.

Sally: Thank you, nate. You have excellent bedside manner for a media executive.

Nate: I would take that as a compliment. Well, it looks like my take-out order’s here, if you’re good.

Sally: Uh. Yeah, please go enjoy some nausea free carbs for me. And if you wouldn’t mind keeping this to yourself.

Nate: It’s not my news to share. But, um, if you don’t mind, I’d like to leave you with some words of advice. Just three things. Try to eat frequent smaller meals, opposed to fewer large ones, okay? That should lessen the discomfort of sharing a full stomach with a growing baby. Two, chamomile tea helps with digestion.

Sally: Ah, good to know. What’s the third?

Nate: Cherish these moments. They don’t last forever.

Lily: Ah. Okay. Um, you wanna come back to chancellor-winters?

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Lily: Have you thought about this enough?

Devon: I don’t need to give it a lot of time. I can feel like it’s the right thing to do.

Lily: Well, is this because of what happened yesterday? Because I mean, that was a lot for everyone.

Devon: What do you think? This is just like an emotional decision I’m making?

Lily: Well, I just wanna make sure that it’s not, you know. Our– our company, our relationship has been through a lot of turmoil. So, I wanna make sure that we’re being logical about this.

Devon: I’m being very logical about it. The only thing that matters to me is protecting our relationship, as brother and sister and as colleagues, I just want to hit the reset button.

Lily: Yeah. I mean, I want that too, of course, I do, you know, but I– I’m scared, right? Like, what if we end up in the same place? Like, what if it happens again?

Devon: It’s not gonna happen again, we won’t let it. And in order to do that, we have to have open communication between each other at all times. And have total honesty, even if it hurts each other’s feelings.

Lily: Yeah. I mean, listen, I agree. I think last time we both had our own agenda, and we weren’t honest with each other.

Devon: Exactly. So, can we do that moving forward? Have total honesty?

[ Lily sighing ]

Lily: Okay. Well, in light of total honesty. I mean, are you just doing this to mend things with me or because you’re afraid of losing hamilton winters?

Devon: Well, of course, I want to hang on to my company, but no, it’s– the main part of all this is not losing my sister because we’re all we have.

Lily: That’s exactly what aunt mimi said.

Devon: She’s a smart woman. Now, I wanna be partners with you again and I wanna make something out of chancellor-winters that we can both be proud of. And that catherine and neil would be proud of.

[ Lily inhaling ]

Lily: All right. Well, I gotta take yes for an answer.

Devon: Yeah. Good. Cheers.

Lily: Cheers.

[ Lily chuckling ]

Chance: Dom is fine, right?

Abby: Yes. Yes, he’s fine. I’m sorry. I should have led with that.

Chance: Um. Okay. Well, I’m not sure what else there is to talk about.

Abby: Chance, I want to be um, completely transparent with you and this isn’t gonna be easy to hear. Devon asked me and dominic to move in with him.

Chance: Hmm.

[ Chance exhaling ] What do you want me to say here, abby?

Abby: I haven’t made any final decisions. I– I don’t know what I’m gonna do yet, but I just– I wanted to talk to you first because I don’t want to make visitations any more uncomfortable than they already are.

Chance: Uncomfortable? How are they uncomfortable?

Abby: They just are. You know that. And I don’t want to do anything to add to it. And also, this is a pretty small town. People talk, so I know it’ll be a point of gossip.

Chance: Well, I think everyone has other things on their mind at the moment.

Abby: I know. And I know how busy you are. I just, um… I wanted to talk to you before I make a final decision.

Chance: You’re actually asking for my opinion on this?

[ Heavy footsteps ]

Victor: Hey, son. I assume you heard about last night’s events.

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: I just found out from sharon. Uh, I mean, it’s– what a tragedy.

Victor: Yup.

Adam: Phyllis and I, we weren’t exactly close, but… she was never boring. There was times I thought we had a lot in common but, uh, obviously, um, I don’t feel the loss others do.

Victor: Well, I appreciate your candor.

Adam: Well, then let’s, uh, let’s get to the point. What’s going on with tucker’s company?

Victor: Well son, it seems we have hit the roadblock, you know.

Adam: Another one?

Victor: Yeah. Victoria is no longer interested in acquiring mccall unlimited.

Adam: If I’m not mistaken, newman enterprises still belongs to you. So, override her.

Victor: Son, I put victoria in charge for a reason. And I’m not gonna disrespect her decisions.

Adam: Right. Because whenever it’s a choice between me and victoria, it’s not really a choice, it’s game over.

Victor: Son, please don’t go there, all right? I have not given up on acquiring mccall unlimited. I just want us to rethink our approach.

Adam: I don’t think I’m up for that, okay? Nothing is gonna change in our family hierarchy. Oh, I was just– I was fooling myself thinking that anything was gonna change. I think it’s best that we go our separate ways, okay? I’m gonna figure out my future on my own.

Devon: How is, uh, daniel doing?

Lily: Well, I mean, he’s distraught, obviously. He just kept talking over and over about how all of the ways that phyllis could have been saved.

Devon: Yeah, that’s what you do. Your mind goes in 100 different directions.

Lily: Yeah. Absolutely. And he kept beating himself up because, you know, they were in a bad place in her last days. And then he kept thinking maybe he contributed to the stress that made her pass out.

Devon: He can’t do that. He just has to take himself through it. I’d like to think that I’m more at peace with losing neil and hillary, but… you know that hole in your heart never goes away.

Lily: No. And unfortunately, daniel is just at the beginning of his journey.

Devon: This whole thing with phyllis just reminds you that you gotta embrace life. And that’s exactly what I intend to do and not just when it comes to business either.

Lily: Well, what else is going on?

Devon: Well, I asked abby to move in with me.

Abby: I’m not as much asking your opinion on this as I am–

Chance: Just go for it. I’m sure dominic would love it. I assume that you and devon would too. So, no reason not to, right?

Abby: I want to consider your feelings.

Chance: Let me worry about my feelings. And I’m fine with it. Really.

Abby: Okay. Well, um, if I do move out, then you should move back into the chancellor estate. It’s your birthright.

Chance: It’s just a house, abby.

Abby: It’s– it’s not just a house. It– it’s more than that. It’s the chancellor house, a chancellor should live there.

Chance: Dominic does. He’s a chancellor, right?

Abby: Yes, he is and… and maybe one day, it’ll all be his.

Chance: Yeah, of course. It’s his birthright.

Abby: You know, I just– I really don’t feel comfortable living there without you and I get the feeling that nina doesn’t want me there.

Chance: Yeah, she may have mentioned something like that to me as well. I tell you though, it’s jill you need to worry about.

Abby: Okay. Well, um– I’ll leave. But um, maybe I can just keep dominic’s things there and keep his room the same. He loves it there and then everything can just be exactly the way it is now, you know, when he visits you and I won’t have to disrupt his life more than I already have.

Chance: That’s fine with me. I’m gonna do what’s best for dom, whatever I think that is.

Abby: Well, thank you, chance. Um… I hope you have a great rest of your day.

[ Knocking on door ]

Nate: Hey.

Victoria: Hi, come in.

Nate: I just got your text. Thought I’d stop by before I bury my nose in these quarterly reports. What’s going on?

Victoria: I know that you did everything that you could to help phyllis last night.

Nate: Yeah. Thankfully, my medical training kicked back in.

Victoria: Did you and elena figure out what was wrong with her?

Nate: No, and the lack of answers has been weighing on elena. She’s been trying to figure out what we missed, wondering what we could have done to save her before she got into that ambulance.

Victoria: What about you?

Nate: I have questions too, but I can let go in a way elena can’T. Holding other people’s lives in my hands is no longer my responsibility. So, yes, I do wonder what happened to phyllis, truly, but my focus is here at newman. Man: I’m not slowing down anytime soon. ch?

[ Adam sighs ]

Sally: Oh. Where are you rushing off to?

Adam: Um, I’m not sure. Um, nowhere?

Sally: Oh, well, you sure are in a hurry to get there. I’m just here for some chamomile tea.

Adam: Ah. What’s wrong? You all right?

Sally: We’re fine. Uh. But if going nowhere could wait a few minutes, maybe you’d like to sit with me?

Nate: Did you have something specific you wanted to talk about when you sent me the text?

Victoria: Yes. I wanted you to be the first person to know, outside of the family of course. That I am no longer pursuing mccall unlimited.

Nate: I thought that acquisition was the top priority for you. What changed?

Victoria: Can I confess something to you, completely off the record?

Nate: Of course.

Victoria: Well, I denied it to my father, but he was right. The whole mccall thing, it is about adam. Not just for me, but for all of us. If we do manage to acquire mccall, my father is determined to install adam as ceo. And I just keep asking myself if that is the case, why would I… and the company I run, hand adam an empire?

[ Sally sighs ]

Adam: I assume that you heard about phyllis.

Sally: Yeah, it’s pretty awful.

Adam: Yeah. How’s nick doing? I know it can’t be easy for him. I know there’s a lot of– a lot of history there.

Sally: Uh, he’s pretty torn up, especially for summer.

Adam: I don’t know how I’d be able to console connor if chelsea…

Sally: Yeah, he’s struggling with not knowing how to make things better for her.

Adam: Ah. That’s one of the hardest things about parenting is accepting that you cannot protect your kids from everything. No matter how much you want to.

Sally: Well, I’m about to find out what that’s like.

Adam: You will love your child like nobody else.

Sally: I am sure. Yeah, he’s coping with his own grief too. I mean– I mean, he loved phyllis for a really long time.

Adam: And you’re not jealous of that?

Sally: No. I mean, he fell out of love with phyllis long before we ever got together and she is the mother of his child. And like you just said, that is a bond that nothing can break. (Male announcer) important information for viewers age 50 to 85.

Sally: Sounve but th a good sign,

Sally: You seemed pretty discombobulated when I first ran into you… heading out of here with no clear direction is never a good sign, where you’re concerned.

Adam: Yeah. Well, um… I thought that I was running towards something positive but those plans came to a screeching halt.

Sally: You care to elaborate?

Adam: Victor was gonna buy a company that I was going to head.

Sally: Sounds promising.

Adam: But then he pulled the rug out from under me.

Sally: Well, that sounds like victor.

Adam: I’m frustrated. Not only because he chose victoria over me, but, um… for a brief moment, I thought he might choose me.

Sally: Well, I’m sorry that he hurt you again. I mean, we always want to believe the best in the people that we care about. That’s why it is so devastating whenever they let us down. Look at it this way. If victor handed you a company to run, you would have to answer to him and you would be in a never-ending competition with victoria. Is that what you really want?

Adam: Maybe not.

Sally: Everything I said to you when you were ceo of newman media still stands. You are intelligent and highly capable. You have one of the sharpest business minds I have ever seen. You do not need victor to succeed. All you need is you.

Sharon: So, I saw you with abby earlier. Is everything all right?

Chance: I don’t really know how to answer that question. Yes. No. I mean, nothing’s wrong, but… that wasn’t exactly what you would call, uh, small talk, you know?

Sharon: Yeah. I’ve been there. Marriage dissolves and you just try to remain civil and pleasant.

Chance: Yeah, I’m doing my best.

Sharon: Well, tell me… what happened with abby?

Chance: Well, she asked me what I thought about her and dominic moving in with devon.

Sharon: Oh. Wow. Well, what did you do?

Chance: What could I do? Gave the idea a thumbs up.

Lily: Wow. Abby’s moving in with you.

Devon: Yeah. It feels right to both of us. We both know how we feel about each other. Why not?

Lily: Uh, maybe because your ex just moved out.

Devon: Okay. So how much time am i supposed to let go by, then?

Lily: Well, I mean, don’t you think having abby move in with you is just gonna cause amanda more pain?

Devon: No, I don’T. How? She already assumes we live together anyway. She said so last night. And we had a decent conversation, where I feel like there’s some actual closure for the first time. Which is what motivated me to ask abby… and I love her. It’s not a fling, it’s not just some random person, you know. She’s been my best friend for years. She’s the mother of my son. So, us all together as a family feels good to me. And having her and dominic under this roof makes all the sense in the world. (Imitating chicken clucks)

Sharon: Wow. Giving abby the okay to move in with devon, that must have been hard.

Chance: You know, the more I think about it… it really wasn’t that hard.

Sharon: Well, that’s good. Maybe this could mark the end of that. You can put it in the past and that could be really freeing.

Chance: Yeah. You know, it’s tough. There’s never gonna be a clean break with abby. We always have dominic connecting us, you know?

Sharon: Well, you can continue to resent abby for what she did and who she did it with. But abby’s out there living her life and she’s not gonna feel the sting. The only person your anger is gonna affect is you. So… it seems to me that the sooner you let that go the better.

Chance: Well, the way I see it, sharon, is you got two options here. I either pay you for this excellent therapy session or I take you to dinner.

Sharon: And those are my only two options?

Chance: Yeah, those are the only two options.

Sharon: Okay. Dinner.

Devon: Pretty lady.

Abby: Hi.

Devon: Hey.

Abby: Can I come in?

Devon: You know, you don’t have to ask me that question.

Abby: Um…

Devon: What’s up?

Abby: So, I haven’t been able to get your offer out of my mind.

Devon: Well, I don’t want to put any pressure on you to make a decision. Okay?

Abby: No pressure, but, you know, my biggest concern was chance.

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: So, I went and talked to him.

Devon: Really? How did that go?

Abby: Well, he wasn’t ecstatic, but… he gave us the go ahead.

Devon: Really?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Well, that’s the best news, isn’t it?

Abby: Yeah. I mean, I think now that that’s handled, the rest seems doable.

Devon: So, are you saying what I think you’re saying?

Abby: I love you. And I would very much like to make a home with you and our son.

Victoria: If we succeed in buying mccall, I am not gonna be able to stop my dad from handing it to adam. But if the acquisition is a failure, then my company takes a hit. And that means it’s a no-win situation for me.

Nate: Makes sense to me. Personally, I’m happy you’re backing off because it leaves the door open for devon to purchase it. If he chooses.

Victoria: Oh. Win-win for everyone, then.

Nate: Victoria, your instincts are always spot on. I admire your ability to pivot when it’s called for.

Victoria: Yes, well, being nimble is a business secret of mine.

Nate: Thank you for sharing your secrets with me. It’S… nice to be in your inner circle.

Victoria: You’re an asset. I would definitely be a fool not to recognize that.

Nate: Good to hear. Though, I realize that most of the time that circle is you.

Victoria: I can reach out for help whenever the situation arises.

Nate: Yeah? So, you’re thinking of expanding this inner circle of yours?

Victoria: Just by one.

Nikki: It went that badly with adam?

Victor: Well, let me put it this way. He’s still as obstinate as always. He insists that I… force victoria to acquire mccall unlimited.

Nikki: Oh, well, you’re not considering doing that, are you?

Victor: No, of course not. But that answer didn’t sit well with him.

Nikki: Well, I take it as a good thing. Now, we can finally get past the pursuit of a company that tucker clearly wants to sell to devon.

Victor: There’s only one problem. Devon is no longer interested in acquiring another company.

Nikki: What happened?

Victor: Devon wants to rejoin chancellor-winters.

Nikki: Wow, that’s an interesting turn of events.

Victor: It’s not surprising, to be honest with you. After phyllis’s death, I guess everyone is rethinking their relationship with their family. I certainly am not gonna waste any more time being away from my family, including adam. So as far as I’m concerned, mccall unlimited is still on the market.

Adam: Thank you… for always knowing the right thing to say. It’s part of the reason you’re gonna be an amazing mother to our little boy.

Sally: Wait, what? Little boy?

Adam: It’s my track record. All boys, so far.

Sally: Okay. Well, maybe that means you’re overdue for a daughter.

Adam: Hey, I would love a little girl. I mean, I’m gonna be thrilled either way.

Sally: Well, the way this kid refuses to let me enjoy a meal. I’m not sure how either of us comes out of this healthy.

Adam: Are you still having morning sickness?

Sally: No.

Adam: Are you taking the prenatal vitamins? I mean, do we need to go see a doctor?

Sally: No, I’m fine. No, it’s not morning sickness. It’S… it’s just a little nausea. Nothing that chamomile tea can’t fix. Besides, I heard somewhere that indigestion means the baby’s gonna have a full head of hair.

Adam: I have not heard that one.

Sally: Well, look it up. I’m really sorry I worried you.

Adam: It’s unavoidable. I’m the kid’s father and you’re right. That bond is unbreakable.

Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless…

Jeremy: Phyllis. Are you here? How is it that you’re here right now?

Summer: I need your help.

Chance: All right. What can I do for you?

Summer: You and I are gonna expose my mom’s murderer.

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GH Transcript Friday, April 7, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


– ah, finally. That’s more like it. Ah. Release them. – [Groans] – You know, the tragedy is that we could have done this together, valentin, you and me, father and son. Instead, I’ve had to choose another heir to carry on the cassadine name. Your betrayal broke my heart.

[Dramatic music] So it’s only fair that I return the favor.


[Gunshot] – So let’s hear it for our magicians, georgie spinelli and james west.

[Laughing] – Ok, georgie and james were so adorable. But where did obrecht go? – I–

[Tense music] – Looks like the assistant disappeared for real, huh? Are you watching? Yeah?

[Laughs] – Hey, there’s the proud mama. Where’s georgie and james? – In the dressing room. Georgie keeps trying to figure out what went wrong, and james keeps insisting that magic is real. – So what happened? Did aunt liesl get stuck or something? – That’s the mystery. Liesl vanished from the vanishing cabinet.

– So don’t go anywhere because the next act is the one you’ve all been waiting for. And you don’t want to miss it.


– Ms. Gilmore, where is ms. Corbin? – She was here a second ago. Maybe she went to the ladies room? – Thank you.

– How are you? Are you still upset that spencer talked to dex like that? – You were pretty annoyed with him too. – Oh, well, yeah. I was furious. I still am furious. But I’m not dating him. – Spencer, you’re brooding at the bar. Are you just being a cassadine, or is something actually up? – I blew it with trina. Again. – Hi. – Did mark find you? – Who? – The bodyguard from gallery jewelers. – Oh, he has a name? Who knew?

[Laughs] Honestly, sasha, can’t a lady powder her nose in peace? – Gladys. Where’s the bracelet?

[Dramatic music] – Consider us even.

– [Breathing shakily] – Anna! Let me see how bad it is. – Go after him!

[Dramatic music]

– Oh my god. I’ve been robbed! – Ok, gladys, stay calm. – What? Stay calm? A gajillion-dollar piece of borrowed jewelry has been stolen. – It probably just fell off. Look around. – What’s wrong? Ms. Corbin? Where’s the bracelet? – Ok. That’s what I’m trying to tell sasha. Somebody stole it. – Or maybe the bracelet is just missing. Maybe the clasp broke. – Ms. Corbin, when was the last time you’re sure you had it?

[Tense music]

– Ah! I can’t remember. I just pray we find it soon. – It’s not just the way spencer spoke to dex. It’s that spencer seemed to go out of his way to pick a fight. – Look, he’s just being an entitled jerk. He’s overcompensating for his own insecurity by lording his imaginary status over people who actually work for a living. – Yeah, but he wanted to do better. And I really do believe that. Spencer was lashing out, and dex was the nearest target. Something’s going on with him. – Like what? – I’m not sure, but I’m gonna find out tonight. I’m not letting spencer hide this from me anymore. – [Groans] Listen to me. Listen to me. If your father leaves town with that necklace, we will never find him. – There’s no time. I have to get you to a hospital. – [Moaning]

[Tense music]

– That’s nice work with ms. Devane. You provided just enough incentive to get my son to talk. – It was your strategy. – Yeah, and an effective one, if I may say so myself. So you followed up on holly sutton? – She’s still listed as a patient in the swiss burn unit, but she’s not there. She doesn’t have a room. She’s not being treated. And there’s no patients in the facility that fit her description, so she’s not using an alias. – Hmm. All the more proof that that fire was just a ruse. No doubt ms. Sutton has been busy looking for her son while she should have been recovering. – You want us to move him? – Yes, in a manner of speaking. It’s time to offload ethan lovett at a profit.

[Cell phone ringing] Excuse me. When it rains. Tobias? Yeah, have you found lucy coe? I want her home, pcpd, and the metro court under constant surveillance. That’s where she’s probably going to run to. She’s one of our remaining loose ends that I need to have tied up, now that I have everything I want. – Who would steal that bracelet? And at a charity event no less? – Gladys, how about we retrace your steps? Besides the bathroom, did you ever leave the ballroom? – No, I’ve been here the– wait. Wait a second. I did. I went backstage to tell maxie what a great job she’s doing. – Did you talk to anybody else while you were backstage? – Now that you mention it, I– I did see cody bell. – Ladies a nd gentlemen, can ihave your attention, please? We have another anniversary to celebrate. Ten years ago today, at the 2013 nurses ball, there was a performance that not only brought down the house, it set this place on fire. It’s been a few years since we’ve seen them, but they are back. I am so happy to introduce the magic wands.

[Cheers and applause]

[“Devil in disguise” playing]


– Sweet like sugar,

but I’m sour inside

red-hot lover,

but I’m cold as ice

I’m no angel,

even though I look nice

you’ll realize

when you come inside

I’m no angel

I’m a devil in disguise,

devil in disguise tonight


I’m no angel,

I’m a devil in disguise

devil in disguise tonight

kiss my lips

kiss me harder

fly with me

through the fire

dig my nails

a little deeper

you taste like heaven,

but it’s better than hell

I’m no angel,

I’m a devil in disguise

devil in disguise tonight

I’m no angel,

I’m a devil in disguise

devil in disguise tonight

[Cheers and applause]


Take it like a man,

take it like a man


take it like a man,

take it like a man

do you like that?

Take it like a man,

take it like a man


I’m no angel,

I’m a devil in disguise

devil in disguise tonight,

do you like that?

I’m no angel,

I’m a devil in disguise

devil in disguise tonight,

do you like that?

I’m no angel,

I’m a devil in disguise

devil in disguise tonight,

do you like that?

I’m no angel,

I’m a devil in disguise

devil in disguise tonight,

do you like that?

[Cheers and applause]


Do you like that?

Take it like a man,

take it like a man


take it like a man,

take it like a man


do you like that?

Take it like a man,

take it like a man

do you like that?

– All the guys were really good. – Oh, come on. Every football team needs a quarterback. Every heart-stopping, jaw-dropping, all-male revue needs a centerpiece, and that is obviously you. – Oh, careful, sweetie. – Oh. Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there. You know what, you need to hurry and join your group, so you’re not late for your performance. – Hey. Break a leg. It means good luck. Cute kid. – Yeah, she is. And her performance is gonna be darling, which reminds me, I have some stuff to do. – I’ll leave you to it. – Thanks again, milo. – Thanks for asking me. – Now, if I could only find liesl. – Hey. – Hey. Have you seen liesl? – No, I haven’T. And this is ridiculous because she knows she has the bone marrow harvest tomorrow. – [Sighs] Hi.

[Chuckles] Oh. Is the nurses ball still on? I wanted to watch it, but, well, I had to deal with a– a crisis. So how’s it going? Are you enjoying the show? – Uh, yeah. There’s certainly a lot of, um, local talent on display. – [Chuckles] Yeah. – This happens every year? – Almost. I really love how our community comes together to raise money for a good cause. – Yeah, it seems like everybody’S…

[Soft music] Yeah. – He’s looking a little bit tired, isn’t he? Little red cheeks. He’s so– – hey, just don’t touch him.

– I got your text. What’s going on? – Well, we can’t find aunt liesl. – We questioned georgie, james, the stage managers. Everybody says the same thing– liesl stepped inside the disappearing cabinet and never stepped out. – How does this work? – Ok, there is a false back that the assistant slides behind to disappear. Then they slide back to reappear. – All right. Ok, there’s a trapdoor on the bottom. Is there a trapdoor on the stage? – I don’t know. I’m not sure. – I can text the stage manager. – Yeah, yeah. – What if she fell through the trap door? Aunt liesl could be hurt! – Please tell me I haven’t already screwed up the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

[Soft music] Can we talk, please? – Ok. Tell me, spencer, what is going on with you? – What did you think of magic milo? – Those magic wands have gotten felicia all flustered. – I’m not going to apologize for enjoying their act. The one who always gets me flustered is my mac. – My brother’s a very fortunate man. – Don’t I know it? – [Giggles] You were so good! – The things I’ll do for charity. – Yeah, well, hey, what about my sacrifice? I mean, I had to share you with a ballroom full of thirsty women. – Mm. Ok, the things you do for charity.

– Bracelet’s been found.

[Both sigh] – Thank god. – Where was it? – One of the wardrobe people found it when she was moving some of the performers’ clothes. Fell out of a tux pocket. – I told you it was stolen! I told you all. – I can’t believe someone would actually– who was it? – Hey, has anyone seen my–oh.

[Tense music] What’s going on?

– Any problems? – Everything went according to plan on my end. – Excellent. Now I want you to personally check the state rooms, make sure they’re appropriately prepared for our guests. Is tobias back yet? – That’s where there was a complication. – Please stay awake. Please stay awake. – Whatever happens– – nothing’s gonna happen. – I really thank god we found each other. – I don’t know how I got so lucky. – You’re a good man. – Oh, I don’t know about that. I can think of plenty who’d disagree with you.

[Gasps] – Oh, they don’t know you like I do.

They don’t know your–

they don’t know your heart… like I do. – You know me better than anyone.

– I love you. – And I love you.

[Ambulance siren wailing] Oh, thank god. There, you hear that? The ambulance is here.

Anna? Anna.

Psst! Psst!

All good! – Yes, I did. – Of course I know that. – Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. – It’s ok. You know that I would never hurt the baby, right?

[Baby cooing] – Of course I know that. I just…

[Sighs] Did you ever hate letting your kids out of your sight when they were babies? – Yes, I did. – I just like to be with ace. I mean, I feel like everyone’s just trying to lay some claim on him or something, but he’s all I’ve got. – Honey, I know that. But even so, babies, as you can see, pick up the emotions of people around them, you know? And how do you think your constant anxiety is going to affect him? – [Chuckles] I would never hurt my son. – I know that, sweetheart. That’s not what I meant.

[Cell phone ringing] I’m sorry. I have to get that. Laura collins.

[Tense music] My god. Where is she? Ok, I’ll be right there. Thank you.

Esme, I’m sorry. I have to go. I have to go right now. We’ll talk more later.

– I am sorry about what happened with dex. – Sorry because you treated him like dirt or sorry because i was disappointed? – I’m sorry that I upset you. That’s the last thing that I want to do. – You do know that’s the wrong answer, don’t you? – Dex is not a good guy. Whatever is going on between him and josslyn– – is none of your business. – But cam is my best friend, so it is my business. – Cam is in california living his dreams, and that is not the reason why you went after dex. You were spoiling for a fight, and dex was there. And you knew that he worked with your uncle and that he wasn’t gonna fight back. That is the definition of entitled. – You’re right, you’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry. – [Sighs] – I’m trying to do better. – Do you mean that? – Of course I do. – Good. Apologize to dex.

[Cell phone ringing]

[Tense music] Are you really gonna answer that phone right now? – Valentin? Yeah? He’s–what? What? I’ll meet you at the hospital. – Is this cody bell? – That’s him. – Yeah, or you could just ask me. – Mr. Bell, is this your jacket? – How would I know? All tuxes look the same. – So where’s yours? – It went missing while I was on stage. That might or might not be mine. What’s going on? – Cody, did you find a bracelet on the floor and maybe put it away for safekeeping so that you could return it later? – No. – Then why was it found in your pocket? – Because you stole it. – I never touched that bracelet, ok? If they found it in my jacket, it’s because someone else put it there. – Take this conversation elsewhere. I’m trying to put on a show. – Cody, I want to believe you. There must be some way to clear this up. – There’s nothing to clear up. I never touched that bracelet. And besides, the bracelet’s back, so no harm, no foul, right? – Not so fast. – Hey. What’s going on here? – Detective scorpio, arrest this man.

[Dramatic music]


[Soft jazz music]

– Dex, come here. – What’s up? – We have a problem.

– Mac, this is a mistake. – A million-dollar bracelet was found in mr. Bell’s jacket pocket. That’s grand larceny. – Yeah, except I didn’t steal it, ok? Mac, you got to believe me. – I’m just following the evidence. – Sasha, please. – This guy was hanging around me all night, insinuating himself with my daughter-in-law, following me wherever I– I mean, apparently, casing me so he could strike at the perfect moment.

[Scoffs] Do you deny following me in here? – I don’t deny it. – So you admit to following gladys?

– Spencer, we are right in the middle of something.

[Cell phone ringing] – I’m sorry. It’s my uncle victor. I have to. Yes, uncle? – Took you long enough. – Sorry about that. Now is not a good time. – Doesn’t matter. Do you want to get your brother away from esme? – You know that I do. – Then come to the haunted star immediately. And, spencer, tell no one.

[Dramatic music]

– Valentin? Where’s anna? – They just took her in there. – Tell me what happened. – Victor shot anna in the abdomen. The bullet is still inside of her. She coded in the ambulance, but they were able to bring her back. – Anna is very strong. She will make it through this. – Where is victor now? – I don’t know. He got away. – What about lucy? Where is she? – She was able to get out of the house. But I don’t know where she is now.

– [Breathing rapidly] Ok, I’m ok. They’ll be ok if I just find scorpio and tell him that victor found the safe house.

– Don’t move.

– if you scream, I will shoot you. – Well, I would really rather you didn’T. – Good, let’s go. – No, you know, this is just a whole case of mistaken identity. Actually, it’s not because you do know who I am. But I am not a spy. I promise you. I don’t know how to decode. – Good. – I can’t de-bomb anything. – Now move. – No, do you know what one thing I do know how to do? This. – Ah! Damn it! – When valentin called from the ambulance, he said that anna had been shot. Did he offer any other detail? – Valentin didn’t call me. The hospital called me. – When? Now, I was always under the impression that anna and valentin arrived at the hospital– – right before me. Valentin, did victor say anything? Did he give you any idea at all what his next move might be? – All he said was he had already chosen a new heir. – What did he mean by that? – Mr. Cassadine? – How is anna?

[Dramatic music] – So this is where you’re staying. – The haunted star suits my current needs. Did you tell anyone you were coming here? – No. No, I followed your instructions to the letter. So tell me, what’s happening with ace? Is everything all right? – Why wouldn’t it be? – When I spoke to you this afternoon, you told me to sit tight. Has something changed? Is there something that you need me to do? – Her things are still in the dressing room. Her car’s in the garage, and no one’s seen her. – Anything? – No sign of dr. Obrecht. – Sonny, aunt liesl, she’s scheduled to have that stem cell transplant tomorrow. Willow, she cannot wait. And if aunt liesl is missing and she’s hurt somewhere– – nina. We’re gonna find your aunt liesl, ok? And everything’s gonna be fine.

– So you admit to following gladys tonight? – Yes, I followed her, but not to steal some bracelet. – Then what reason would you have? How do you even know gladys corbin? – Gladys and I have crossed paths a few times. – There’s no big mystery here. Cody saw that bracelet on my wrist and thought it was an easy payday.

– Do you have anything else to say? – I didn’t do this. Check the bracelet. I guarantee you my fingerprints aren’t on it. – [Scoffs] That doesn’t prove anything. You can wipe off fingerprints. – Cuffs. Cody bell, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Should you give up that right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. – I know you’re still in the trying stage, but I can probably expect a grandchild within the year? Yes? – Whoa, ok, we are still in the seltzer solidarity stage.

[Chuckles] We have a long way to go. – I know, but you two are the most efficient people I know. I’m sure it won’t take too long.

[Cell phone ringing] Ah. Ugh. It’s the station. Excuse me. Commissioner ashford. Anna devane’s at gh? – We’ve prepped ms. Devane for surgery to remove the bullet. – How bad? – She’s in critical condition. We’re doing everything we can to keep her blood pressure up enough to profuse her organs, including her brain. Gunshots can create considerable damage from the bullet fragmenting. We won’t know the extent of the organ damage until we’re inside and can assess what we’re dealing with. Excuse me. – I’m sorry. I’ve got to make a phone call. Come on, esme. Pick up. – Where’s anna? What did the doctor say? – This is your fault, cassadine. She wouldn’t be in this state if it weren’t for you. – Stop it, robert! Did valentin shoot anna, or did victor do that? Don’t take this out on valentin. – No, you’re right. Victor shot anna to hurt me. This is all my fault.

– Ah! – Looks like you got nowhere to go. – Oh. You may have great, big muscles, but you have a tiny, little gun. And I have– I have this! Ah! – [Groans]

– A boa, really?

– Do you understand these rights as i I have explained them to you? – I always do. Yes, I understand. – Let’s go. – Cody! Whoa, hold on. What’s going on? – It’s a frame-up, sam. This time, I’m innocent.

[Tense music]


[Cheers and applause] – Hello, everyone. I’m carly spencer. Now, I don’t work at gh, but my mother is an integral part of general hospital. Mom, come on out.

[Cheers and applause] Now, for the few of you who do not know her, this is my mother, barbara jean spencer, chief nursing officer at general hospital. – Whoo! – Now, we’re not only celebrating general hospital’s 60th year. We are also celebrating you. This amazing, beautiful woman has been helping people and saving people’s lives for the past 45 years. And what makes general hospital so special is its people, the passion and dedication to helping communities and making the world a better place. And no one embodies that more than my mother, nurse bobbie spencer. – Dr. Hardy, everybody in the hospital is talking about you being released sometime today. I’m so happy for you. Jesse, I graduated at the top of my class! – Bobbie, what– what did they find? – A very large tumor. They took ten lymph glands. Three were positive, but the rest appeared clean. The odds are heavily in favor of its not having spread any further.

[Soft music] – Oh, god, not barbara jean’s heart.


– I don’t know how you did it. I don’t know how you sat next to your little girl as she lay in bed, knowing that you had to say goodbye to her. I can’t do it. I just can’t do it. – I hope you never have to. But somehow, we always find the strength to do what’s required of us. This is medication, commonly known as the morning after pill. It prevents the possibility of pregnancy, and it’s doctor-prescribed to sexual assault victims, which means I’m not authorized. But I’m giving it to you anyway. The instructions are very clear and simple if you decide you want to take it. I have tolerated your insults for years because it’s my son. He’s a wonderful young man, and I’m very proud of him. And if you ever insult my son again, I will bitch slap you all the way to the canadian border.

– I wish I had

known you longer. I wish I would have realized the gift that you are long ago. I am humbled by your compassion

and your capacity

for forgiveness. – She is a consummate healer, infinitely kind and loyal to those she loves, and equally fierce to her adversaries. I should know because I’ve been both. She found me when I was at my worst, and she loved me until I was at my best. And I’m not the only one. That’s what she does for everyone whose life she touches. That’s what nurse bobbie spencer does for general hospital.

– Oh. Oh.

[Breathing heavily] Sonny. Hi. – Hi. You ok? – I’m not dead. – Yeah, I can see that. Good for you. – Thanks to you. – I do what I can. How can I help you? – Please. Ok, listen. I really have this very important errand I’m on if you’ll excuse me, but what do we do with– – I’ll take care of it. – Thanks. – Yeah. – Ta.

[Tense music]

– You’ve already done your part. I called on you and, voila, here you are. – Here I am. So now what?

What’s that? – Oh, don’t you recognize the sound of ships’ engines? – Uncle victor, what’s going on?

– Oh, my god. – I was told you died in paris. – Commissioner, I’d say that reports of my death are exaggerated. – Clearly, because here you are. Meanwhile, I have reports of multiple shots fired at a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. And now one of my best friends is fighting for her life. So why don’t you tell me what the hell is going on? – My father shot anna. – What? Where is victor? – I don’t know. But I do know that whatever insane plan he’s been hatching he will be unleashing on all of us very soon. So we need to stop him.

[Cheers and applause] – Thank you, honey, for that beautiful and unexpected tribute. It is an honor, and it’s also been my honor to be involved with general hospital’s first 60 years. But I’ve also been given another honor this evening, the chance to speak about lucy coe.

[Soft music] It might seem counterintuitive that I’m up here this evening because lucy and I were never friends. Lucy and I were actually tearing each other’s hair out long before the word “frenemies” was even invented. She came to town disguised as a librarian and seduced the man I loved. That was only the beginning. Lucy lied. Lucy cheated. She even married a quartermaine. – Oh, you are one to talk, bobbie! You started out by lying to laura that you slept with scotty! Ah! – But somewhere along the way, 1994 to be exact, lucy shocked everyone, certainly me, by discovering a passion for giving. Lucy finagled a place for herself as mistress of ceremonies of the very first nurses ball, and it transformed her, all that willfulness, all of that guile, the conniving, the deceit, the vanity… – vanity? Vanity? You know what? Your red hair hasn’t been natural for 100 years! – Lucy cajoled. She arm-twisted. She blackmailed to get all of us out here either on stage or in the audience that first year and for many years thereafter. From 1994 to the early 2000s, and 2013 to the present, the general hospital nurses ball has raised millions of dollars for hiv and aids related charities. And lucy coe was the leader, the inspiration, and, yes, the relentless nag who made it all happen. Lucy coe isn’t here tonight. – Ugh, ugh! – But none of us would be here without her. – Whoa!

[Crowd gasping] – What the hell did you call me? – [Gasps] – Lucy! You’re alive? – Yeah, I’m back. Deal with it! – Well, welcome home.

[Cheers and applause]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Friday, April 7, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Good morning, auntie Mac, Alex. Oh, looks like your black eye is healed. Yes, it has. And so has my bruised ego. But you know me, I get knocked down. Pop right back up. Well, I’m glad to hear it. So are you ready for the board meeting? Actually, I think I might sit out on this one if that’s okay with you. You have something more important to do.

Look, auntie, I know you’ve had your doubts about me, especially after I tried to undermine you with Uncle Vic, but I promised you, I’m gonna convince you that you made the right choice by letting me keep my position here at Titan. Oh, and how is that? By closing a huge deal for Titan. Hmm. What? Huge deal.

It’s a surprise. I don’t like surprises, especially when it comes to business. Well, I promise you, auntie, you are going to love.

Thank God you’re here. I’ve been trying to reach you all night. I’m sorry. I just got off an overnight shift to the hospital. I forgot to charge my phone. What is it? News about dad? Did he find Megan Hathaway? He did, but there’s more. My mom. She’s alive.

You didn’t have to carry my bag. What? Uh, I wanted to carry your bag and my room’s just right down the hall. Okay. I know. Thanks for coming with me. That’s the least I can do. I know how important Kayla is to you. Yes, she is. She’s family. I was married to her brother Bo. Yeah. Yeah, it was, it was quite the wedding we passed in the plaza.

Huh? It was, you know, Greece can be romantic if you’re not on mission. Well, maybe after we find Kayla, um, uh, maybe we can hang out for a little while and appreciate the beauty


Well, uh, I’ll let you unpack. Great.

Detective Brady. Oh, Andrew. Whoa. I haven’t seen you in forever. It’s been a minute, cousin. Yeah, I guess I missed the last few family reunions. Hey, we all have, hopefully we can get everyone together soon. Oh, sounds like your mother’s trying to make that happen right now. What do you mean as we speak? Hope is in Greece.

Trying to find out. Kayla,

sorry to run out on your phone. Oh, I gotta go back to people I love. I haven’t gone crazy

going somewhere.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Hey Steve. What’s going on? I think I got a lead on. The son of a bishop took Kayla.

Hi. I was just going out to get some pressure. You need air. Let me. I’ll crack a window for you. Hmm. Thank you. It’s very kind of you. You know, I hope you weren’t planning to leave. That path is really treacherous. Yeah. So you said you hungry? I got dinner here. No, no. You should eat big night. What a birthday celebration for a goat.

I’m so happy you still have your sense of humor. Well, it’s pretty much all I have left. Have you made any progress on the formula for the serum from the orchid? I’m working on it. Good. Cuz Rolf was sure it would restore a person’s youth, so that means that formula would be worth a fortune that would dwarf my father’s.

Is that your goal bow to be richer than Victor? No. I just wanna build an empire of my own. If I could get back a few of those years I lost, that would be a benefit. Thank you for the update on the search for Hank Kayla, but I know you’re here in Salem on uh, ISA business. Yes. I am here to transfer my prisoner to your custody, pending her incarceration, Statesville.

Lucky you. Yeah. Well, let’s just hope that they lock her up for the rest of her miserable life. Shall we?

Hello there. Can I get Hathaway? This is Detective Brady. Sean Douglas Brady. You did your research. I didn’t have to. I would know that face anywhere. You remind me. So much of your father,

Kayla is alive. I h How do you know? I spoke to her. On the phone. I heard her voice trip. This is unbelievable. Oh, I’m so happy for you. Thanks. My dad must be going out of his mind. He’ll be a lot better once he finds her. I don’t, I don’t understand. Where is she? We’re not sure. The connection on the call was horrible.

She tried to tell me where she was, but all I know is that she’s been abducted and she’s somewhere in Greece. Greece. Okay. Okay. Is that there now? He and Hope just arrived. She sounded so scared. I just, I hope that he finds her in time. He will. Okay. He will. He always does. All right. Your mom survived this long.

She’s not gonna give up now. Okay. I mean, she found a way to call you. Right? I haven’t slept since that call. I just, I keep going over it and over it again in my head. I, it just happened so fast. Hey, you must have been in shock. Yeah. It was so overwhelming. I know after all these months that she’s still alive.

But I just keep thinking, what if I missed something? You said the connection was bad. Yeah. But what if there was a clue under all that static? There’s something else that she was trying to tell me. I just, I wish that I could hear that. Call over again.

Maybe you can.

You got a location on Thomas Banks? No, not banks. Another Demer Minion has been spotted in this city. Does the name will helm Rolf ring any bells? Rolf is here. How do you, how do you know? Well, his, uh, face is all over the news feeds and you know, he’s an international fugitive. Someone called him a tip.

That’s right. Someone saw him getting takeout somewhere. Do they bring him in? Is he in custody? No, unfortunately he gave the local cops the slip and they believe he made it off the island. Damn. So close and apparently he was in a big hurry. He left all his stuff at the hotel. Do you leave any clues behind as to where he was headed?

That’s what I’m thinking. So I want to go down to the station and see what they found. Maybe there’s something that can lead us to Thomas Banks and te Kayla as soon as that serum’s gonna be ready. Well, you know, I hate to rain on your parade, brother of mine, but after reviewing Ralph’s, I can pretty much say there’s absolutely no way, no chance that I may make that turn for you.

Ms. Hathaway. You are now in the custody of Salem PD who will hold you until you are transported to Statesville Prison. Megan, are you listening? I know that it’s rude to stare detective, but I can’t help myself looking at you and seeing the way you hold yourself. I remind you of my father. I get it. Oh, it’s more than that.

It’s as if I actually. Succeeded in turning back the clock and made Bo Young again. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

What’s the problem? You, you have all raw snows. I understand that. Well, he made several batches of that fountain of you serum. Can’t you just follow the directions? Yeah. Bo this is not like it’s, you know, mom’s soda bread recipe. This is complicated. And this isn’t exactly a lab setting. And you know what?

The notes are incomplete. What do you mean? I mean that reviewing the documents, it’s clear that Ralph was taking instructions from what was on the three prisms that Megan got her hands on last. Prisms. Yes. And so it’s some sort of shorthand here that I, I can’t decipher. I Are you saying? I’m saying that.

No prisms. No sir. Son of ’em, bitch.

No worries. No worries. I think I know where they might be.

Hey, this is Alex Kikis, Victor Kiki’s nephew. Yes, I know who you are. I ask you not to call me here. Well, I’m sorry, officer. I just wanted to make sure that we’re all on the same page here. Now. I’m. Move over the funds you requested, but do you have my items? I do. All three prisms go ahead and wildly and not we agree.

Done those prisms are all yours.

Okay, look, I know this is gonna sound weird, but have you thought about hypnosis? Hypnosis? Yeah. When Ali accused me of assaulting her, she agreed to let Marlena Hypnotizer and under hypnosis, Allie was able to access her block memories and be able to piece together that it was actually my half brother Charlie who hurt her.

So you’re thinking if Marlena put me under that she could help me relive my call with my mom? Like I said, you were probably in. But maybe your brain absorbed more than you think it did. You know, just a few words or maybe some background. Those cup locator. Marlena just got home. I mean, after all that she’s been through.

No, you know, Marlena, okay. There’s nothing she would want more than to help find Kayla. Oh, you’re right. And even if it’s a long shot, I have to try, in God willing, I will remember something that can finally bring my mom home. When we left the island with Ralph, In the orchid. I was gonna go get the prisms.

Why didn’t you? Well, they weren’t where I thought they’d be. Okay. Well, like I said then, you know, no, uh, prisms. No, sir. No, just hold on. So there’s no reason for you to keep me here against my will. I might know where they’re at. Do you? I don’t know where Rolf went, but I know where he’s been and there’s a possibility he left them behind.

Okay. Officer Wire transfer is queued up and I’m ready to go.

Hey, how was the board meeting? Uh, well, you can uh, read the minutes later. Actually, I was, I was distracted the whole time by what I was worrying about you and this big surprise that you have plans. So tell me what are you love to Okay. While you were at the meeting, I cemented the deal, so I’m happy to share now.

Auntie, are you familiar with Will Helm? Damaris, Dr. Frankenstein, that’s the guy. Well, from what I understand, he’s currently a fugitive from justice. So what does he have to do with this deal of yours? Well, it turns out that Wolf was actually hiding out in Greece where the local police caught up with him.

Oh, so then they arrested him? No, he got away, but he had in his possess, Three invaluable prisms, powerful, powerful artifacts that Lian tried and failed to acquire last summer for Demer Enterprises. I’ve heard about these prisms. Then you know that there are reports that in the right hands these things can cure disease, possibly even turn back the clock on physical aging.

Hmm. The fountain of Youth. Yeah, exactly. Now, what if I told you. That I’m about to close a deal to secure all these prisms for tidy.

What are you trying to say about my father? Nothing. Didn’t sound like nothing. Hey, what did you mean when you said make him young again? I mean, you know that, that my father’s been dead for years. I’m sorry. I was only saying that looking at your handsome face was. Traveling back through time.

When you get to be a certain age, you start taking these walks down memory lane. Is that right? I’m sure you’re aware of the fact that your father and I had a very intense love affair. That is until he lost his taste for Brains in class and settled for hope. Okay, do do yourself a favor and keep my dad’s name and my mother’s name outta your.

Seems like I’ve touched a nerve. No, I’m done listening to this nonsense. You’ve hurt my family enough. I don’t think that your mother is suffering all that much at the moment. I have it on good authority that in fact, she’s moved on not only from our series of episodes, but from your father Beau as well.

What the hell are you talking about? I’m talking about that handsome rogue Harris. He and your mother are together for real Now you know what? I’m done listening to this. Okay? No, I understand. It’s always tough when mommy moves on with a new daddy. Shut your damn mouth, okay? Hey,

don’t worry Steve. We’re gonna find a K. Yes, we are. I know what you’re thinking. That this is a long shot, and I get it. I mean, just because Rolf and banks were both working with Megan doesn’t mean they’re still in contact. And maybe it’s implausible to think that Rolf left some clue behind, but what about any of this isn’t implausible?

It was implausible that Kayla was even alive in the first place. I know the connection is thin, but it’s the only one we have. Two banks, maybe not.

Okay. So I’m guessing if you haven’t slept since that phone call with your mommy, probably haven’t eaten either. So here, oh, that’s very sweet of you. But I’m, I’m just not hungry. Steph, if you need to keep up your strength so you can help your mom, Okay. At least a couple bites. Okay. Okay.

Look, I have plans later on, but maybe I should cancel ’em. I mean, I wanna make sure you get in to see Marlena. Are these, um, are these plans with clinician I who told you that? Mm-hmm. I know that you and Joey. We’re competing for her attention in Hong Kong, and I know that he backed off and tried to play Matchmaker.

Of course, he told you. Well, when it comes to gossip Lady whistleblower, it’s got nothing on our little brother. Huh? Joey just wants you to be happy and so do I. He like her. I do. It’s just one problem. She’s been hanging out with Johnny the. Hmm. Well, she’s going to dinner with you, so maybe she’s just as interested in you as you are in her.

Hope. You remember that little taverna where we first met, where we you were smashing all the plates, remember? Yeah. That I, how could I forget? Of course I remember. I also remember they had one of the best pastries that I’ve had. You know, the one with the nuts and the honey and all that feeling? Ava. Ava, yeah.

The most spectacular views. Well, the view. It’s amazing. So what about this Taver? Yeah, so this, this is, uh, this could be a long shot, but when Megan had me shadowing hope she arranged that I could stay in one of the rooms upstairs. Did she have a connection to the owner? I think so because, uh, another one of her employees was staying there looking for the prisons.

Thomas Banks.

I’ve heard rumors for years about the powers of these prisons, but it sounds like science fiction to me. Yeah. No, I know it’s pretty far out there, but the price I’m paying, the reward is definitely worth the risk. Hmm. I’ll be the judge. So what, uh, are the details? I mean, who, who is your contact on this transaction?

Okay, so when I found out that old Rolf was hanging out in Greece, naturally I reached out to Uncle Vick’s people and they connected me with an ally in the local law enforcement. So you are working with the police? Well, it turns out when Rolf evaded capture, they found the prisms in his hotel room and.

They agreed to sell them to you? One of them did. I mean, they’re just sitting in a evidence locker right now collecting dust. These cops have no idea what they have, so I managed to convince them to exchange them to us for a relatively small sum. Pretty amazing, right? Yes, it is just amazingly stupid.

Thomas Banks has a face only, uh, his mother could love. So if he’s been back to Thatta, someone definitely would’ve noticed. So we’ll go there and show his picture around. Okay. I’ll head to the police station and see what roll left behind re between these two long shots. Uh, hopefully we’ll catch a break.

Okay. Okay. You don’t need, you don’t need to push me. I don’t have all night. I gotta get. You just reminds me of, it reminds me of that time that mom PA took us on that road trip to to Niagara Falls. Do you remember that? And you kept running ahead and pushing me out of the way so that you could get the backseat window.

Remember that? Well, you and Roman always got to choose where to sit. Well, maybe if you weren’t such a nudge and if you weren’t so bossy, I

Nice. Walk me down memory. Hoping I’m the old boat. I like who I am, so sit tight until I get back. So what are you gonna do, Bo? You’re gonna just go walk into some random Greek police station and say, oh, excuse me. Do you have three powerful prisms? Because if you do, I need them. All you need to know smart ass is that I’m going to get you what you need so you can make sense of these notes, and then you’re gonna give me what I need.

So a lot of guys wants to just hang out in this wine cellar. I can think of worse places to hang out. Why don’t you open a nice bottle of mala and try to relax.

So you declared yourself to Wendy? Declared myself. You told her you have feelings for her Better? Yeah. A little more. 21st century. Yeah. So that means this dinner tonight is your one chance to convince her that she should be with you instead of Johnny. You don’t think that’s pressuring her, do you? Oh, it’s definitely pressure, but I don’t think that being clear about your intentions is ever a bad thing.

I’m not doing to her what Alex did to you. Alex tried to manipulate and control me because that’s who he is, unlike you. He will do whatever it takes to get what he wants no matter how wrong it’s,

so, you are telling me that you use Titan money. To pay off a police officer. It is not a payoff. Oh, no. So what it, what would you call it? A bribe, auntie. This is how these people do business. Uncle Vic has relationships with these people. These people. There’s an understanding. Have you talked to your uncle about this?

Of course not. I told you I would never go behind your back like I did before, ever again, because I’m going to prove to you that you can trust. Trust you because you use my husband’s name, you use Titan Cash as a currency to bribe a foreign government official. And I told you this is not a bribe. Ah-huh.

Well, it sounds like your shiner has, uh, finally healed, but now you have moved on to giving a blackout of this company and to this family.

I know this is intense. If you need to take a head break, I can watch it. Uh, no. I’m okay. Are you sure? Yeah, I’m good.

You even have the same fiery temper as Bo. I am done talking about my father. Oh. Your relationship with him is ancient history. If you say, What do you wanna talk about? Well, the condition of your deal to be transferred here to Salem is that you cooperate fully, which I have done. I told Steve that it was Thomas Banks who snatched your aunt Caleb from the island.

And that’s all I know. You can ask me as many questions as you like, but it will be a waste of time. We’ll decide that I’m, but I’m now exercising my constitutional right to counsel. I wanna make sure that this transfer to Statesville goes off without a hitch. Can one of you two darlings please Get me a telephone so that I can call my lawyer.

Thank you.

Okay, let’s do this. Oh, hold on a second before we start rolling people. Let’s get a lay land. See who we’re dealing with. You just want to park lava. We’re in an undercover mission, aren’t we? And yes, if I do happen to order one of the best pastries I’ve ever had, then just know it’s worth mission. All right.


You supposed to be looking at everyone else. I’m trying. No, you’re not. I’m gonna try harder, Harris. I remember when I first saw you, Megan had given me a picture and that picture did not do you justice because there is no photo that could capture that spark in your eye.

That was probably the cafe from the espresso I had ordered. No,

that’s what makes you you. It means you so much life behind those eyes.

I can see the spark right now.

We shouldn’t be drawing so much attention to ourselves. It’s not like we’re, uh, dancing on the tables and smashing plates. This is. This is us blending in. It’s part of our cover. Yeah. A couple caught up in the romance of.

I can’t believe my own brother would lock me in here. And why? So I could create some youth serum. Come on.

I dunno how that goes. Well,

official, how can I help you? I’m Shane Donovan, director of the isa. I understand your property taken into evidence when you rated the rooms of Dr. Wilhelm Rolf. Uh, what property is that set? The Prisms Prisons? Yes. They’re extremely powerful and could be dangerous if they fell into the wrong hands. I’m here to secure them.

Do you have any paperwork? Do you back up your claim?

Am I up to understand there’s a problem with the request coming from the director of the isa?

Please tell me you did not send one single drma to this corrupt cop in Greece. I was about to send the payment when you walked in here. Oh, thank God. Hmm. And they don’t use drma anymore. Auntie. They use euro. I know that. I was just being dramatic. Okay. And don’t correct me. Not when you’re in the middle of doing something.

So colossally irresponsible. Okay, auntie, I need you to think about. Acquiring these prisms for Titan is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Here we are talking about being able to change the landscape of science and medicine. Titan would be on the forefront of making one of the greatest discoveries since penicillin.

Not to mention absolutely humiliating demara in the process. Well, even if the scientific claims are true, in which I honestly doubt you are talking about bribery and smuggling. I already told you I am vetoing this surprise of yours. Now I want you to get on the phone and call that dirty cop and tell him the deal is off, and then I’ll deal with you later.

Do you understand? Maggie, don’t you understand?


I need those prisms. Now it’s a matter of international security.

Excuse me, please.

Hello, Mr. There’s a man here from the ia. He’s asking about the prisons.

You can go ahead and hand them over.

I’m sorry, the deal is off.

Are you getting me those prisms or must I go over your. Ah, yes, of course. Director Donovan, I’m sorry for the delay. If you would please, uh, go wait on that room and I will go retrieve the prisoners for you. Very well.

May I help you? I sure hope so.

Oh, perfect. Want Kayla just like search me.

Oh, hey. Oh, what do we have here?

Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you to see Marlena? I could cancel with when? No, no, no, no. Do not do that. Thank you for the offer, but I’ll be. And if something happens with Marleno, if I hear from Dad, I’ll let you know. Please do. Good luck. You too. And for the record, Wendy would be very lucky to end up with a guy like you.

Thank you for saying that.

Oh my God. This could be her. Could be mom again. Hello Mom. Is that you? Look, I’m sorry I didn’t keep my cool with Megan in there. Are you kidding? I thought you showed great restraint. Given the circumstances, don’t you just, you know, wish sometimes that you could listen in a client speaking to her lawyer.

I mean, it would be a lot easier, right? Yeah. Tell me about it. I really hope that Megan plays. I wouldn’t put a pastor to use this as another opportunity to go after my mother again. Hello, Thomas. I just wanna give you a heads up that there are a lot of people out there looking for you right now. You’re welcome.

Oh, and you can return the favor by doing one little thing for me. I want you to find Bo Brady, and if anyone gets in your way, shoot them where they stand.

I am gonna say, um, that.

I’m also gonna say that I think it’s safe for us to do what we came here for. I thought we were already doing that.

Are you ready?

Ready. Okay.

So who should we talk to first?


My name is Steve Johnson. I’m working with the isa. I need to see any evidence you have from the raid on Will Helm, Rolf’s Hotel Room. I’m afraid your colleague has already made that request. My colleague? Yes. He arrived a few minutes before you did. Is he still here? Yes. Director Donovan’s waiting on.

Shane Donovan is here. Why don’t you go and join him and, uh, we’ll go see what’s taking so long on.

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Interview with Stephanie Mills, Keeya King, Thomas Miles and Erica Campbell

TV Interview!


cast from "Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story" on Lifetime

Interview with Stephanie Mills, Keeya King, Thomas Miles and Erica Campbell of “Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story” on Lifetime by Krista 3/28/23

Lifetime had a press day with the actors from this drama. It’s part of a series of movies about the Seven Deadly Sins. They previously had “Greed” and “Wrath.” You can find more information about the film in the press release below. I enjoyed watching it and being able to ask my question. I hope you’ll enjoy it, too!


MORE INFO: Trailer  Official Site

"Pride" press day poster from LifetimeLifetime Announces “Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story” – The Next Movie Title in its “7 Deadly Sins” Movie Anthology




Los Angeles, CA (February 8, 2023) – Following the immensely popular Seven Deadly Sins movies—LustEnvyWrath and Greed—Lifetime continues the anthology with a new sin and new movie, Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story. Executive produced by T.D. Jakes, Derrick Williams and Shaun Robinson, and inspired by actual events, the movie centers on the story of a famous bakery owner and reality TV star Birdie Moore (Grammy-Award winner, Stephanie Mills) whose past secrets threaten the enormous success she has achieved.  Joining Mills are co-stars Thomas “Nephew Tommy” Miles as Birdie’s son, Gabe Moore; Keeya King as her granddaughter, Ella Boudreaux; and Grammy-Award winner Erica Campbell as Pastor Trey. Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story premieres on Saturday, April 8 at 8/7c.

The prior 7 Deadly Sins Lifetime original movies – LustEnvy, Wrath and Greed – attracted close to 7 million total viewers in 2022.

Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story tells the story of reality TV star Birdie Moore (Stephanie Mills), whose carefully constructed world starts to crumble — like the baked goods that catapulted her to fame — when her family secrets are brought to light. To salvage her legacy, Birdie must let go of the pride that estranged her from her daughter. Birdie’s pride also prevents her from seeing that her son Gabe Moore (Thomas Miles) is actually a thieving opportunist and that her granddaughter Ella Boudreaux (Keeya King) is just a lost twenty-something trying to build up her life after some missteps. While pride helped drive Birdie’s success, it also made her blind to what was happening around her.  Will Birdie finally be able to see and admit the truth, or face the consequences of her pride?

Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story is produced by Neshama Entertainment, T.D. Jakes Enterprises, DNA Media Group and RobinHood Productions in association with MarVista Entertainment. T.D. Jakes, Derrick Williams, and Shaun Robinson serve as executive producers along with Larry Grimaldi, Hannah Pillemer and Fernando Szew for MarVista Entertainment, and Arnie Zipursky and Suzanne Berger for Neshama. Pride is directed by Troy Scott from a script written by Felicia Brooker. Award-winning composer and music director, Ray Chew, is the movie’s composer.

In addition to Stephanie Mills, Thomas Miles and Keeya King, the movie also stars Lucia Walters (Virgin River) as Shanice; and Jaime M. Callica (Ruthless) as Khalil.

The Seven Deadly Sins movie anthology is inspired by novels from author Victoria Christopher Murray, who is a consulting producer on Pride.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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cast from "Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story" on Lifetime


Interview with Hunter King

TV Interview!


Hunter King of "The Professional Bridesmaid" on Hallmark; photo from Hallmark site

Interview with Hunter King of “The Professional Bridesmaid” on Hallmark by Suzanne 4/3/23

Don’t miss the movie, Saturday, April 8, on Hallmark! This was a very quick interview, but I enjoyed it. I’m a huge fan of this young actress, and I think she has a big career ahead of her. She’s already been a hit in “The Young and The Restless,” where she was half of a very popular couple as Summer to the handsome young Kyle (squish name “Skyle”). Even before that, playing Summer meant she was related to half the town on the show, making her an integral part of everything. She was also part of the four-season comedy “Life in Pieces,” which I loved. It was great to talk to her about this fun and romantic movie. It was really lovely to see Chandler Massey as her love interest, too. He is most known for playing Will on “Days of Our Lives.” Both of them have won multiple Daytime Emmy Awards and have done a few Hallmark movies, so pairing them up is genius. If you’re a long-time Days viewer, you may recognize the mayor (also the bride’s dad), Roark Critchlow, who played Mike Horton! And yes, if you’re wondering, a professional bridesmaid is a real thing. Google to find more.


MORE INFO: Preview Official Site

Key art for "The Professional Bridesmaid" from the Hallmark press site

“The Professional Bridesmaid,” premieres Saturday, April 8 @ 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s “Spring into Love” programming event.

Daytime Emmy-winning actress Hunter King, best known for her roles in “The Young and The Restless” and “Life in Pieces,” plays Maggie Bailey who has turned being an expert bridesmaid into her career. Her latest client is the mayor’s daughter, however no one can know Maggie is a “hired bridesmaid”. Maggie must hide her identity while working to coordinate three unhelpful bridesmaids, and keep Henry (Chandler Massey, “Days of Our Lives”), a local reporter assigned to the society story, focused on the wedding, even as she begins to grow closer to him. Hunter shines in this heartwarming film about love and friendship. I would love to gauge your interest in speaking with her about her role in this Spring into Love movie.

Hallmark Channel logo


STUDIO CITY, CA – March 20, 2023 – Hunter King (“Life in Pieces,” “The Young and The Restless) and Chandler Massey (“Days of Our Lives”) star in The Professional Bridesmaid,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, April 8 (8 p.m. ET/PT) on Hallmark Channel.Photo: Chandler Massey, Hunter King Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Years ago, Maggie Bailey (King) realized she had a particular skill set for being an ace bridesmaid – and she went pro. Now she uses her talents to help brides navigate the tricky emotional and social dynamics that go along with planning their big day in addition to the practical. Her latest client, Alexis Shepard (Francesca Bianchi,”A Million Little Things”), is the daughter of Columbus’ mayor who is up for reelection. Alexis’ wedding promises to be the event of the summer with lots of scrutiny, so the mayor’s team hires Maggie to join the bridal party and help keep everything on track. But no one can know that Maggie is a hired bridesmaid, so she is introduced as Alexis’ old friend Maisie. Unfortunately, Henry Whittington (Massey), an ambitious local reporter assigned to the society story is sniffing around hoping to get close to the mayor for a scoop on the pending development of local park land. To pull off her assignment, Maggie must coordinate three unhelpful bridesmaids, and keep Henry focused on the wedding while hiding her identity, even as she begins to grow closer to him.

“The Professional Bridesmaid” is from Lighthouse Pictures Inc. Marguerite Henry is executive producer. Shawn Williamson, Jamie Goehring and Robert Lycar serve as producers. Peter Benson directed from a script by Carol Starr Schneider, Gregg Rossen and Brian Sawyer.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Photo: Ecstasia Sanders, Hunter King Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs


Days Short Recap Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole asked Stefan how his night went with Gabi. He told her that it was fine until Li walked in the room. Stefan texted someone while Nicole was talking to him. She pretended to feel bad for him. He told her that everything was okay because he caught him in bed with someone else. She wondered who it was when Melinda walked in the room. Stefan pulled her in a kiss. They started making out so Nicole asked them about when they got together. She wanted to know about Gabi. He said that she got cold feet and didn’t want to lose her shares. Stefan and Melinda put on another show for Nicole and then he wanted to take her to his room. EJ met with Li in the park. He wanted to know what happened when he walked in on Stefan and Gabi. Li told him that Stefan was with Trask. EJ was upset, but he realized that Stefan played them. Li was upset about being played. EJ told them that they had to be more creative. Li didn’t want to humiliate Gabi and mess up their arrangement. He just wants her. EJ told him that he didn’t have a chance of getting her back. He reminded him of what he did to her. He said the shares were the only thing he had left of the relationship. Li didn’t care about the shares. He warned EJ to stay away from his marriage.

Abe went to see Rafe. He asked him about Jada. Rafe was very happy to sing her praises. Abe wondered if something was going on between them. Rafe knew that they couldn’t be together because of the policy. Abe needed to hear him say it. Rafe said he wasn’t seeing Jada. He reminded him that he and Hope were together while they worked at the station and were each others’ superiors, but no one said anything about it. Abe said they were equals. He said he would change the rules for him, but his hands were tied. Jada told Talia that she and Rafe could lose their jobs if they even went to a movie together. Talia noticed that Jada didn’t deny having feelings for Rafe. Jada said they weren’t ready to get involved. Li came home and saw Gabi texting. She lied to him about who she was meeting. She left and Li followed her. EJ talked to Nicole about Stefan being with Melinda. She wasn’t sure if they were pretending to be together. She said she saw them together. They put their ears to Stefan’s door. They heard Melinda crying out in ecstasy. Melinda was sitting fully clothed when Stefan slipped into the tunnel. Li went to the Bistro and looked around for Gabi. Stefan and Gabi were in the wine cellar.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, April 6, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Paulina told Abe about going to the hospital because of her panic attack. She told him what was going on with Sloan. He told her to rest because he was going to take care of Sloan himself. Sloan filled out a request for a restraining order. Eric asked if it was necessary. She said it was after Paulina accused her of threatening her with the letter with cut out letters from a magazine. He noticed scissors on a stack of magazines. She left to give the request to the judge. He looked through the magazines. Abe went to Sloan’s apartment. Eric answered the door. He defended her to Abe. Abe asked if he believed her. Eric looked doubtful. Abe asked if he was going to stay neutral when she is coming after people he loved. Eric said Abe was family. He said he barely knew Paulina and Chanel. Eric said he empathized with Sloan when he thought Marlena was dead because her loss was bigger than his. Abe said the Eric he knew would never put up with Sloan. Paulina ran into Sloan. Sloan told her about the restraining order. They started arguing with each other. Paulina had trouble breathing. Sloan didn’t care what Paulina was going through. Paulina struggled to breathe. Sloan continued to yell at her before she walked off.

Stefan and Gabi had dinner in the wine cellar. They talked about finally being together. He told her EJ and Nicole thought he was upstairs with Melinda. Gabi was concerned about what Melinda would want in return. He told her he let Melinda know that he only wanted her. She said she couldn’t lose him again. He said she wouldn’t. She said he said that before and he ended up in a morgue. She said he could have picked a better spot for them. He said that was where they realized their feelings for each other. She said she remembered. EJ was upset about Stefan and Melinda. Nicole told him to focus on their love for each other. He said he thought she was enjoying scheming together. She said she was but scheming wasn’t enough anymore He said she was more than that. He said she was the woman he wanted to be with. He said it was time he showed her. He didn’t want to talk about Stefan and Gabi anymore. Stefan and Gabi made love. When they were finished, he wondered how he could stay away from her for four months. They made love again. EJ walked by and saw them in bed together. He took a picture of them. EJ went to tell Nicole what he saw until he saw her dressed in a low cut mini dress. She wanted to go upstairs. Li went to the Square. He got a text from EJ. It was a picture of Gabi in bed with Stefan. Gabi told Stefan that they would be running DiMera in four months. Sloan went back to her apartment. Eric told her he saw Abe. She told him she was going to text a friend to process the restraining order. Paulina told Abe about what happened with Sloan. He said he might have gotten through to Eric. She got a text that said her husband couldn’t save her.

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Days Update Thursday, April 6, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tripp informs Wendy that he has feelings for her. Wendy admits that when they were in Hong Kong, she thought he liked her but then when she moved here, she thought he was over her. Tripp admits that he thought he was too and told himself that, but then he was talking to a patient and it hit him how much he still felt for her. Wendy asks if she knows the patient that he talked to. Tripp tells her that it was Paulina. Wendy then questions Tripp discussing her with Paulina and asks how he could do that.

Abe is shocked to learn Paulina was in the hospital and questions why she didn’t tell him. Paulina insists that she’s fine now. Abe argues that people who are fine don’t take themselves to the hospital and demands to know what’s going on. Paulina tells him to promise not to overreact and then informs him that she thought something might be wrong with her heart, but it’s not and she’s fine. Paulina explains that what she had was a panic attack, courtesy of Sloan.

At Sloan’s apartment, Sloan tells Eric that she’s just finishing up her petition for a restraining order against Paulina. Eric asks if she really thinks that’s necessary. Sloan calls Paulina deranged for showing up here and accusing her of sending her a threatening note with letters cut out of a magazine. Eric calls it a wild accusation. Sloan guarantees it won’t be happening again after she files the restraining order because Paulina won’t be able to come within 1500 feet of her unless she doesn’t mind ending up in a jail cell. Eric then approaches the stack of magazines with scissors by it on Sloan’s desk.

Li goes to the Bistro and wonders where the hell Gabi is. Johnny arrives and asks who he’s looking for. Li informs him that Gabi said she would be there on a business dinner. Johnny guesses he’s checking up on her. Li says it’s none of his business. Johnny asks if he’s worried that Gabi lied to him and is really hooking up with Stefan right now.

Stefan and Gabi kiss in the wine cellar of the DiMera tunnels. Gabi compliments how Stefan decorated the room. Stefan calls it no picnic on the beach. Gabi says all that matters is they are here together and no one can find them, so it’s perfect. Stefan calls her perfect for him and says he has never loved anyone like he loves her and he can’t believe it took him so long to remember. Gabi says what matters is that they beat Kristen, Dr. Rolf, and Li because they love each other that much. Gabi asks if he has any idea how long she’s dreamt of this moment as they continue kissing. Gabi jokes that if they keep this up, the dinner is going to get cold. Stefan jokes that they can let it and he’ll devour her. Gabi can’t believe he got the DiMera chef to make this for him and reminds him they need to keep up their strength. Gabi asks how he got the kitchen to make all of this without EJ and Nicole finding out. Stefan reveals that they know, but they think he’s upstairs eating in his bedroom with Melinda Trask.

EJ and Nicole return to the living room as EJ questions how stupid Stefan thinks they are. EJ complains that he shouldn’t have let Nicole talk him in to coming downstairs and he should’ve barged in to the room because there’s no way Stefan is cheating on Gabi, especially with an ice sculpture like Melinda Trask. Nicole says after what she saw and what they heard upstairs, maybe Melinda can heat up when she wants to. EJ doesn’t care and wants to know what Melinda is getting out of all this. Nicole remarks that it’s more than she’s getting from him. EJ asks what she’s doing. Nicole suggests changing the subject to their own love life instead of obsessing over Stefan’s.

Li tells Johnny to stay out of his business. Johnny says he didn’t mean to overstep and that when he came to the apartment, he couldn’t help but notice the chill in the air between he and Gabi. Li doesn’t care what he noticed and argues that he doesn’t know anything about he and Gabi. Johnny offers to not comment on Li and Gabi anymore, if Li promises to stop trying to convince him that something is going on between Wendy and Tripp.

Wendy complains that she can’t believe Tripp talked about her to a patient when she’s a very private person. Tripp argues that Paulina’s more than just a patient, she’s a friend and is his sister’s boss. Tripp adds that she was also very nice to them after Kayla died. Wendy guesses that she understands. Tripp apologizes and goes to leave. Wendy says he doesn’t have to leave but Tripp informs her that he’s on duty and just took his break because he decided he had to talk to her but he shouldn’t have butted in. Wendy tells him he’s not while Tripp says he didn’t realize Wendy and Johnny were so serious. Wendy remarks that Tripp is acting like Johnny is her boyfriend or something, but says that he is not. Tripp thought they patched things up. Wendy confirms that they did and had a few dates but they’re not exclusive. Tripp asks if that means he might have a shot with her. Wendy tells him that she’s beyond flattered. Tripp guesses that means she doesn’t feel how he feels. Wendy says that’s not what she’s saying and she’s just not sure. Wendy doesn’t know what to say now. Tripp suggests they just stop talking and he kisses Wendy.

Abe questions how long Paulina has been having panic attacks. Paulina swears it was just one and she doesn’t want him worrying about her. Abe argues that he’s been worried about her and Chanel ever since Sloan started this and that the police should be doing something. Paulina agrees but says they keep saying it’s her word against Sloan’s and complains that Sloan is always one step ahead of the cops. Paulina notes that she didn’t even bother to tell the police about the latest thing, revealing that someone left a note with cutout letters from a magazine, that said “This Isn’t Over Bitch”. Abe wants to see the note but Paulina says she gave it to Chanel. Abe argues that she should’ve given it to the police as they might have been able to lift fingerprints from it. Paulina is sure she wore gloves and adds that she confronted Sloan first but she denied everything like she always does. Abe decides that does it and orders Paulina to go home and rest. Abe declares that it’s time that he handles Sloan, himself.

Sloan tells Eric that it won’t take long but she’s going to the courthouse to file the restraining order. Eric points out that it’s the late and the courthouse is closed. Sloan says they don’t lock the front entrance so she’ll just slide it under the judge’s door and come right back. Eric suggests she just e-mail it but Sloan says the judge is old school, so she wants her to see it first thing in the morning. Sloan promises it won’t take long and she’ll come right back as she then exits the apartment. Eric wonders what Sloan has done now as he sits down and begins to look through her stack of magazines.

Li admits it was petty of him to insinuate something was going on between Tripp and Wendy. Johnny asks why he did it then. Li brings up how Johnny went to such lengths to expose his involvement in what Dr. Rolf did. Johnny argues that Li hired Dr. Rolf and told him to rearrange Stefan’s brain. Li questions Johnny being outraged on behalf of an uncle he never even knew. Johnny clarifies that he didn’t do it for Stefan, but for his grandfather Stefano. Li calls Stefano a mob boss. Johnny says he wasn’t that to him and talks about adoring Stefano growing up. Johnny states that Stefan was Stefano’s son and EJ didn’t give a damn about him, so someone had to. Li complains that Johnny tried to ruin his life and also involved his sister in it. Johnny argues that Wendy was just as excited to get to the truth as he was. Johnny adds that they didn’t ruin his life as Li did that on his own. Johnny then asks what the problem is since Li and Gabi are still together, so she and Stefan are farther apart than ever. Li supposes it is time that they bury the hatchet for Wendy’s sake since she seems quite fond of him for reasons he doesn’t understand. Li adds that there doesn’t seem to be anything between Wendy and Tripp, but friendship…

Tripp and Wendy kiss until she pulls away. Tripp asks if he misread the situation. Wendy says it’s not like he forced himself on her, so Tripp questions why she pulled away. Wendy responds that ever since she came to Salem, she hasn’t had much luck in the romance department, so she doesn’t want to mess up whatever this is before it even starts. Wendy says it’s pretty obvious that there is something happening between them. Tripp calls it awesome that she feels it too. Wendy points out that there is still Johnny to consider because she cares about him too. Tripp suggests they go on a real date and then if she’s not feeling it or if she decides Johnny is the one, then they can go back to just being friends.

Gabi thought Stefan said the whole thing with Melinda was just last night. Stefan explains that he had to cover tonight, so he sent Melinda a text and she was cool with it. Gabi questions what happened tonight then. Stefan explains that he and Melinda had to make out in front of Nicole. Gabi questions him making out with that bitch. Stefan says it was just for two minutes but now EJ and Nicole think he’s upstairs with Melinda, so that he could be down here with Gabi. Gabi warns Stefan to be careful with Melinda. Stefan assures that Melinda is on their side and hates EJ for letting Kristen escape. Gabi doesn’t care and says Melinda doesn’t do anything without wanting something in return. Stefan says he promised to make a sizable donation to her fund in her daughter’s name. Gabi asks what if Melinda wants a real shot with him. Stefan assures that he’s told her that Gabi is the only woman for him. Gabi remembers feeling like she lost him forever and says she can’t go through that again. Stefan insists that she’s not going to lose him again. Gabi recalls him saying that before and turns away. Stefan tells her that everything is fine now and that it’s not the time to get superstitious. Gabi knows he made quite the effort, but says he could’ve picked a better setting since this is where she helped Abigail tie Gwen to a chair. Stefan reminds her that this is also where they finally admitted their true feelings to each other. Gabi knows they’ve had bad times but it’s led her to this journey to where she’s always wanted to be, right here in his arms as they kiss.

Eric flips through Sloan’s magazines but finds nothing cut out. Abe arrives and angrily demands to know where Sloan is. Eric informs him that she’s not home and went out to run some errands. Abe questions doing that at this time of night and warns Eric that he better hope she’s not delivering another threatening letter to his wife.

Sloan and Paulina run in to each other in the town square. Sloan asks if she’s stalking her now. Paulina says she should be asking her the same thing and tells onlookers that there is nothing to see here. Sloan shouts that the mayor’s wife is harassing a private citizen. Paulina remarks that she’s losing her mind. Sloan informs Paulina that she just filed a restraining order against her, so by this time tomorrow, she won’t be able to come within 1500 feet of her without being thrown in jail like the criminal she is.

EJ brings Nicole a drink and massages her feet. EJ apologizes if he’s been neglecting her, but says he thought she was enjoying their little game with Stefan and Gabi as much as he was. Nicole says she was but says being a co-conspirator wasn’t enough for her and asks if it is enough for him. EJ tells Nicole that he does see her as more than his co-conspirator. EJ calls her the woman he wants to be with and says it’s time he starts acting like it. EJ decides that this occasion calls for more, so he’s going down to the wine cellar to get Stefano’s favorite champagne and then he will be back to romance the beautiful woman by his side. Nicole jokes that’s more like it. EJ promises not another word will be spoken about Stefan or Gabi in this house tonight. EJ then enters the tunnels…

Stefan and Gabi kiss until he pulls out his phone to turn some music on and they begin to dance. Stefan says if this is a dream, he never wants to wake up. They start kissing and removing their clothes. Stefan calls her even more beautiful than he remembers as they continue kissing.

Abe demands answers from Eric. Eric sees that he’s upset. Abe complains that he’s more than upset because Sloan has been terrorizing Paulina and Chanel. Eric argues that terrorizing is a very strong word. Abe shouts that Paulina went to the hospital today because she thought she was having a heart attack, but it turned out to be a panic attack. Eric says he’s really sorry that happened but Sloan says that she wasn’t anywhere near Paulina’s office today. Abe mocks the idea of Sloan being a woman of her word. Abe mentions somebody leaving a note for Paulina right after the police left, that said “This Isn’t Over Bitch” and the letters were cut out of a magazine. Eric states that Sloan says she didn’t do that either. Abe asks what the hell else she’s going to say and questions if Eric honestly believes her. Eric doesn’t answer, so Abe guesses he has doubts of his own. Abe brings up Eric’s parents being two of his closest friends and says he’s known Eric since he was born. Abe questions if Eric is going to stay neutral when this woman is coming after his loved ones.

Paulina questions Sloan getting a restraining order against her. Sloan states that she’ll have it by tomorrow morning. Paulina argues that Sloan admitted to coming to town to go after her and her loved ones. Sloan points out that nobody else heard her say that and Paulina hears what she wants to hear. Sloan claims she came to Salem to open a law practice and it was only a coincidence that Paulina and Chanel happened to be there too. Paulina says she took that coincidence and ran with it. Sloan brings up how Paulina tried to tear down the town square and says Paulina is a liar who covered up Chanel’s involvement with her mother. Paulina says that was no lie and that Sloan was no better than her mother, who brought Chanel to that roof to kill her. Sloan remarks that Chanel did the killing and it seems to her that it runs in the family. Sloan mentions hearing that Paulina’s other daughter, Lani, is in prison for shooting her own father to death. Paulina warns Sloan to keep her daughter’s name out of her mouth. Sloan calls that another threat to add to her complaint. Paulina starts having another panic attack and complains that she can’t catch her breath.

Li and Johnny toast to their truce. Li remarks that he wishes Wendy could see him having a civilized drink with her new boyfriend. Johnny clarifies that he’s not her boyfriend yet as they are taking it one day at a time. Li asks if he’s alright with that. Johnny admits he wishes things were moving a little faster. Johnny mentions that he’s bringing her here for dinner tomorrow night which is why he came to make the reservation. Li asks if Johnny is serious about Wendy. Johnny confirms that he is. Li reminds Johnny that Wendy is not as experienced as he is. Johnny argues that Li knows nothing about him. Li states that Gabi does and she filled him in. Johnny guesses he earned that reputation but says it’s different with Wendy as he hasn’t felt this way about anyone since his divorce. Li wishes them nothing but the best. Johnny thanks him and says he should get going to tell Wendy about their big night. Johnny tells Li that he will see him around and exits. Li remarks to himself that he hopes Johnny has better luck finding his woman than he did with his.

Stefan and Gabi finish having sex. Stefan can’t believe how much he missed doing this with her and questions how he’s going to stay away from her for another 4 months. Gabi says he’ll just have to think about the stock shares which Stefan says is the last thing he wants to think about. Gabi points out that they have some extra time, so they’ll make it worth their while as they begin kissing again. EJ then comes to get the champagne but finds the door cracked open. EJ slowly pushes it open further and finds Stefan and Gabi kissing in bed. EJ then pulls his phone out to record them.

Paulina’s panic attack continues as Sloan questions what kind of stunt she’s trying to pull. Paulina sits down and tries to breathe while Sloan asks what kind of attention she thinks she’s going to get. Paulina insists it’s not a performance. Sloan remarks that if this is a panic attack, she’s getting off easy because if there’s any justice in the world, she and Chanel will never know another moment of peace. Sloan then turns and walks away.

Eric tells Abe that he thinks of him as part of his family and he’s a constant in his life, but Chanel and Paulina are not and they hardly know one another. Abe asks what the hell he’s talking about, pointing out that Eric was at their wedding and Chanel just ended a relationship with Eric’s niece. Abe brings up Paulina’s sister being Eric’s mother’s roommate in college. Abe then questions what Marlena thinks about this relationship. Eric responds that he and Marlena have a lot to say to each other, but the last thing he will discuss with her is his love life. Abe says when John told him that Marlena was alive, it was like a miracle had happened. Eric talks about thinking he lost his mom and going to a very dark place where he wanted to kill Orpheus and Kristen with his bare hands. Eric thinks that’s why he empathizes with Sloan, because her loss was greater than his. Abe argues that Sloan’s mother tricked Chanel in to meeting her on that rooftop and attacking Chanel for her affair. Eric points out that’s what Chanel says. Abe insists it’s what happened and that Chanel had nothing to do with the death of Sloan’s father. Abe adds that Paulina did exactly what he would’ve done in protecting her child. Abe knows Eric has been through some horrible times and something like that changes a man, but the Eric Brady that he watched grow up was always a good judge of character and he would never be taken in by a woman like Sloan Peterson.

Tripp asks Wendy if they are on for tomorrow night or not. Johnny then arrives and tells Wendy that he knows it’s kind of late but he wanted to let her know that he made plans for them for tomorrow night. Johnny informs her that he booked the Bistro’s best table and told them he wants it to be a very special night for someone who is very important to him.

EJ returns to the living room, excited to tell Nicole about what he saw but she’s gone. Nicole then returns to the room in a sparkling red dress and says she thought she would slip in to something a little more comfortable. Nicole asks about the vintage champagne. EJ says he couldn’t locate it. Nicole says that’s okay as she doesn’t need any more alcohol and she just needs him. They kiss until Nicole suggests they go upstairs so he can take care of her needs. EJ tells her to go ahead and he’ll be right behind her. Nicole says he better be as she heads upstairs. EJ then pulls out his phone and sends a text to Li before heading upstairs.

Li walks through the town square and gets EJ’s text. Li wonders what the hell he wants now as he opens the text and is shocked to see a photo of Stefan and Gabi in bed together.

Stefan and Gabi lay in bed together, wishing they could stay like this forever. Gabi figures Li is already suspicious so she has to go. Stefan hates playing this game. Gabi says she does too but in 4 months, they will be together and running DiMera Enterprises as they were meant to.

Sloan returns home and tells Eric that she’s all his. Eric informs her that she just missed Abe. Sloan questions him showing up unannounced and remarks that she’ll have to get a restraining order against him too. Eric states that Abe is worried about his wife and stepdaughter. Sloan argues that she’s the innocent party here, so if anyone is being harassed, it’s her. Sloan pulls out her phone so Eric questions who she is texting. Sloan says she is just following up with a clerk who works for the judge, to make sure that her restraining order gets processed right away. Sloan declares that it’s time someone taught Paulina a lesson…

Abe waits at home until Paulina arrives. Abe thought she was coming straight here, so he was afraid something had happened to her as he hugs her. Paulina informs him that she had another run-in with Sloan. Abe says he went to her apartment to look for her and questions what happened. Paulina complains that Sloan went off on her and is getting a restraining order against her. Abe suggests that maybe Eric can talk some sense in to Sloan as he thinks he might have gotten through to him. Abe notes that Eric didn’t say anything about it but he thinks Eric might be having some doubts. Paulina suggests Eric should start thinking with his head. Abe thinks people are starting to catch on to Sloan. Abe hopes that before long, she will overplay her hand and they will nail her. Paulina says she needs to sit down but she is then shocked by an anonymous text message that says “Your husband can’t save you.”

Johnny tells Wendy about their dinner reservation while Tripp watches on. Johnny asks if something is wrong. Wendy says she just wishes that he checked with her before making the reservation. Johnny questions if she’s busy tomorrow night. Wendy reveals that she is going out with Tripp.

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