Days Update Thursday, April 6, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tripp informs Wendy that he has feelings for her. Wendy admits that when they were in Hong Kong, she thought he liked her but then when she moved here, she thought he was over her. Tripp admits that he thought he was too and told himself that, but then he was talking to a patient and it hit him how much he still felt for her. Wendy asks if she knows the patient that he talked to. Tripp tells her that it was Paulina. Wendy then questions Tripp discussing her with Paulina and asks how he could do that.

Abe is shocked to learn Paulina was in the hospital and questions why she didn’t tell him. Paulina insists that she’s fine now. Abe argues that people who are fine don’t take themselves to the hospital and demands to know what’s going on. Paulina tells him to promise not to overreact and then informs him that she thought something might be wrong with her heart, but it’s not and she’s fine. Paulina explains that what she had was a panic attack, courtesy of Sloan.

At Sloan’s apartment, Sloan tells Eric that she’s just finishing up her petition for a restraining order against Paulina. Eric asks if she really thinks that’s necessary. Sloan calls Paulina deranged for showing up here and accusing her of sending her a threatening note with letters cut out of a magazine. Eric calls it a wild accusation. Sloan guarantees it won’t be happening again after she files the restraining order because Paulina won’t be able to come within 1500 feet of her unless she doesn’t mind ending up in a jail cell. Eric then approaches the stack of magazines with scissors by it on Sloan’s desk.

Li goes to the Bistro and wonders where the hell Gabi is. Johnny arrives and asks who he’s looking for. Li informs him that Gabi said she would be there on a business dinner. Johnny guesses he’s checking up on her. Li says it’s none of his business. Johnny asks if he’s worried that Gabi lied to him and is really hooking up with Stefan right now.

Stefan and Gabi kiss in the wine cellar of the DiMera tunnels. Gabi compliments how Stefan decorated the room. Stefan calls it no picnic on the beach. Gabi says all that matters is they are here together and no one can find them, so it’s perfect. Stefan calls her perfect for him and says he has never loved anyone like he loves her and he can’t believe it took him so long to remember. Gabi says what matters is that they beat Kristen, Dr. Rolf, and Li because they love each other that much. Gabi asks if he has any idea how long she’s dreamt of this moment as they continue kissing. Gabi jokes that if they keep this up, the dinner is going to get cold. Stefan jokes that they can let it and he’ll devour her. Gabi can’t believe he got the DiMera chef to make this for him and reminds him they need to keep up their strength. Gabi asks how he got the kitchen to make all of this without EJ and Nicole finding out. Stefan reveals that they know, but they think he’s upstairs eating in his bedroom with Melinda Trask.

EJ and Nicole return to the living room as EJ questions how stupid Stefan thinks they are. EJ complains that he shouldn’t have let Nicole talk him in to coming downstairs and he should’ve barged in to the room because there’s no way Stefan is cheating on Gabi, especially with an ice sculpture like Melinda Trask. Nicole says after what she saw and what they heard upstairs, maybe Melinda can heat up when she wants to. EJ doesn’t care and wants to know what Melinda is getting out of all this. Nicole remarks that it’s more than she’s getting from him. EJ asks what she’s doing. Nicole suggests changing the subject to their own love life instead of obsessing over Stefan’s.

Li tells Johnny to stay out of his business. Johnny says he didn’t mean to overstep and that when he came to the apartment, he couldn’t help but notice the chill in the air between he and Gabi. Li doesn’t care what he noticed and argues that he doesn’t know anything about he and Gabi. Johnny offers to not comment on Li and Gabi anymore, if Li promises to stop trying to convince him that something is going on between Wendy and Tripp.

Wendy complains that she can’t believe Tripp talked about her to a patient when she’s a very private person. Tripp argues that Paulina’s more than just a patient, she’s a friend and is his sister’s boss. Tripp adds that she was also very nice to them after Kayla died. Wendy guesses that she understands. Tripp apologizes and goes to leave. Wendy says he doesn’t have to leave but Tripp informs her that he’s on duty and just took his break because he decided he had to talk to her but he shouldn’t have butted in. Wendy tells him he’s not while Tripp says he didn’t realize Wendy and Johnny were so serious. Wendy remarks that Tripp is acting like Johnny is her boyfriend or something, but says that he is not. Tripp thought they patched things up. Wendy confirms that they did and had a few dates but they’re not exclusive. Tripp asks if that means he might have a shot with her. Wendy tells him that she’s beyond flattered. Tripp guesses that means she doesn’t feel how he feels. Wendy says that’s not what she’s saying and she’s just not sure. Wendy doesn’t know what to say now. Tripp suggests they just stop talking and he kisses Wendy.

Abe questions how long Paulina has been having panic attacks. Paulina swears it was just one and she doesn’t want him worrying about her. Abe argues that he’s been worried about her and Chanel ever since Sloan started this and that the police should be doing something. Paulina agrees but says they keep saying it’s her word against Sloan’s and complains that Sloan is always one step ahead of the cops. Paulina notes that she didn’t even bother to tell the police about the latest thing, revealing that someone left a note with cutout letters from a magazine, that said “This Isn’t Over Bitch”. Abe wants to see the note but Paulina says she gave it to Chanel. Abe argues that she should’ve given it to the police as they might have been able to lift fingerprints from it. Paulina is sure she wore gloves and adds that she confronted Sloan first but she denied everything like she always does. Abe decides that does it and orders Paulina to go home and rest. Abe declares that it’s time that he handles Sloan, himself.

Sloan tells Eric that it won’t take long but she’s going to the courthouse to file the restraining order. Eric points out that it’s the late and the courthouse is closed. Sloan says they don’t lock the front entrance so she’ll just slide it under the judge’s door and come right back. Eric suggests she just e-mail it but Sloan says the judge is old school, so she wants her to see it first thing in the morning. Sloan promises it won’t take long and she’ll come right back as she then exits the apartment. Eric wonders what Sloan has done now as he sits down and begins to look through her stack of magazines.

Li admits it was petty of him to insinuate something was going on between Tripp and Wendy. Johnny asks why he did it then. Li brings up how Johnny went to such lengths to expose his involvement in what Dr. Rolf did. Johnny argues that Li hired Dr. Rolf and told him to rearrange Stefan’s brain. Li questions Johnny being outraged on behalf of an uncle he never even knew. Johnny clarifies that he didn’t do it for Stefan, but for his grandfather Stefano. Li calls Stefano a mob boss. Johnny says he wasn’t that to him and talks about adoring Stefano growing up. Johnny states that Stefan was Stefano’s son and EJ didn’t give a damn about him, so someone had to. Li complains that Johnny tried to ruin his life and also involved his sister in it. Johnny argues that Wendy was just as excited to get to the truth as he was. Johnny adds that they didn’t ruin his life as Li did that on his own. Johnny then asks what the problem is since Li and Gabi are still together, so she and Stefan are farther apart than ever. Li supposes it is time that they bury the hatchet for Wendy’s sake since she seems quite fond of him for reasons he doesn’t understand. Li adds that there doesn’t seem to be anything between Wendy and Tripp, but friendship…

Tripp and Wendy kiss until she pulls away. Tripp asks if he misread the situation. Wendy says it’s not like he forced himself on her, so Tripp questions why she pulled away. Wendy responds that ever since she came to Salem, she hasn’t had much luck in the romance department, so she doesn’t want to mess up whatever this is before it even starts. Wendy says it’s pretty obvious that there is something happening between them. Tripp calls it awesome that she feels it too. Wendy points out that there is still Johnny to consider because she cares about him too. Tripp suggests they go on a real date and then if she’s not feeling it or if she decides Johnny is the one, then they can go back to just being friends.

Gabi thought Stefan said the whole thing with Melinda was just last night. Stefan explains that he had to cover tonight, so he sent Melinda a text and she was cool with it. Gabi questions what happened tonight then. Stefan explains that he and Melinda had to make out in front of Nicole. Gabi questions him making out with that bitch. Stefan says it was just for two minutes but now EJ and Nicole think he’s upstairs with Melinda, so that he could be down here with Gabi. Gabi warns Stefan to be careful with Melinda. Stefan assures that Melinda is on their side and hates EJ for letting Kristen escape. Gabi doesn’t care and says Melinda doesn’t do anything without wanting something in return. Stefan says he promised to make a sizable donation to her fund in her daughter’s name. Gabi asks what if Melinda wants a real shot with him. Stefan assures that he’s told her that Gabi is the only woman for him. Gabi remembers feeling like she lost him forever and says she can’t go through that again. Stefan insists that she’s not going to lose him again. Gabi recalls him saying that before and turns away. Stefan tells her that everything is fine now and that it’s not the time to get superstitious. Gabi knows he made quite the effort, but says he could’ve picked a better setting since this is where she helped Abigail tie Gwen to a chair. Stefan reminds her that this is also where they finally admitted their true feelings to each other. Gabi knows they’ve had bad times but it’s led her to this journey to where she’s always wanted to be, right here in his arms as they kiss.

Eric flips through Sloan’s magazines but finds nothing cut out. Abe arrives and angrily demands to know where Sloan is. Eric informs him that she’s not home and went out to run some errands. Abe questions doing that at this time of night and warns Eric that he better hope she’s not delivering another threatening letter to his wife.

Sloan and Paulina run in to each other in the town square. Sloan asks if she’s stalking her now. Paulina says she should be asking her the same thing and tells onlookers that there is nothing to see here. Sloan shouts that the mayor’s wife is harassing a private citizen. Paulina remarks that she’s losing her mind. Sloan informs Paulina that she just filed a restraining order against her, so by this time tomorrow, she won’t be able to come within 1500 feet of her without being thrown in jail like the criminal she is.

EJ brings Nicole a drink and massages her feet. EJ apologizes if he’s been neglecting her, but says he thought she was enjoying their little game with Stefan and Gabi as much as he was. Nicole says she was but says being a co-conspirator wasn’t enough for her and asks if it is enough for him. EJ tells Nicole that he does see her as more than his co-conspirator. EJ calls her the woman he wants to be with and says it’s time he starts acting like it. EJ decides that this occasion calls for more, so he’s going down to the wine cellar to get Stefano’s favorite champagne and then he will be back to romance the beautiful woman by his side. Nicole jokes that’s more like it. EJ promises not another word will be spoken about Stefan or Gabi in this house tonight. EJ then enters the tunnels…

Stefan and Gabi kiss until he pulls out his phone to turn some music on and they begin to dance. Stefan says if this is a dream, he never wants to wake up. They start kissing and removing their clothes. Stefan calls her even more beautiful than he remembers as they continue kissing.

Abe demands answers from Eric. Eric sees that he’s upset. Abe complains that he’s more than upset because Sloan has been terrorizing Paulina and Chanel. Eric argues that terrorizing is a very strong word. Abe shouts that Paulina went to the hospital today because she thought she was having a heart attack, but it turned out to be a panic attack. Eric says he’s really sorry that happened but Sloan says that she wasn’t anywhere near Paulina’s office today. Abe mocks the idea of Sloan being a woman of her word. Abe mentions somebody leaving a note for Paulina right after the police left, that said “This Isn’t Over Bitch” and the letters were cut out of a magazine. Eric states that Sloan says she didn’t do that either. Abe asks what the hell else she’s going to say and questions if Eric honestly believes her. Eric doesn’t answer, so Abe guesses he has doubts of his own. Abe brings up Eric’s parents being two of his closest friends and says he’s known Eric since he was born. Abe questions if Eric is going to stay neutral when this woman is coming after his loved ones.

Paulina questions Sloan getting a restraining order against her. Sloan states that she’ll have it by tomorrow morning. Paulina argues that Sloan admitted to coming to town to go after her and her loved ones. Sloan points out that nobody else heard her say that and Paulina hears what she wants to hear. Sloan claims she came to Salem to open a law practice and it was only a coincidence that Paulina and Chanel happened to be there too. Paulina says she took that coincidence and ran with it. Sloan brings up how Paulina tried to tear down the town square and says Paulina is a liar who covered up Chanel’s involvement with her mother. Paulina says that was no lie and that Sloan was no better than her mother, who brought Chanel to that roof to kill her. Sloan remarks that Chanel did the killing and it seems to her that it runs in the family. Sloan mentions hearing that Paulina’s other daughter, Lani, is in prison for shooting her own father to death. Paulina warns Sloan to keep her daughter’s name out of her mouth. Sloan calls that another threat to add to her complaint. Paulina starts having another panic attack and complains that she can’t catch her breath.

Li and Johnny toast to their truce. Li remarks that he wishes Wendy could see him having a civilized drink with her new boyfriend. Johnny clarifies that he’s not her boyfriend yet as they are taking it one day at a time. Li asks if he’s alright with that. Johnny admits he wishes things were moving a little faster. Johnny mentions that he’s bringing her here for dinner tomorrow night which is why he came to make the reservation. Li asks if Johnny is serious about Wendy. Johnny confirms that he is. Li reminds Johnny that Wendy is not as experienced as he is. Johnny argues that Li knows nothing about him. Li states that Gabi does and she filled him in. Johnny guesses he earned that reputation but says it’s different with Wendy as he hasn’t felt this way about anyone since his divorce. Li wishes them nothing but the best. Johnny thanks him and says he should get going to tell Wendy about their big night. Johnny tells Li that he will see him around and exits. Li remarks to himself that he hopes Johnny has better luck finding his woman than he did with his.

Stefan and Gabi finish having sex. Stefan can’t believe how much he missed doing this with her and questions how he’s going to stay away from her for another 4 months. Gabi says he’ll just have to think about the stock shares which Stefan says is the last thing he wants to think about. Gabi points out that they have some extra time, so they’ll make it worth their while as they begin kissing again. EJ then comes to get the champagne but finds the door cracked open. EJ slowly pushes it open further and finds Stefan and Gabi kissing in bed. EJ then pulls his phone out to record them.

Paulina’s panic attack continues as Sloan questions what kind of stunt she’s trying to pull. Paulina sits down and tries to breathe while Sloan asks what kind of attention she thinks she’s going to get. Paulina insists it’s not a performance. Sloan remarks that if this is a panic attack, she’s getting off easy because if there’s any justice in the world, she and Chanel will never know another moment of peace. Sloan then turns and walks away.

Eric tells Abe that he thinks of him as part of his family and he’s a constant in his life, but Chanel and Paulina are not and they hardly know one another. Abe asks what the hell he’s talking about, pointing out that Eric was at their wedding and Chanel just ended a relationship with Eric’s niece. Abe brings up Paulina’s sister being Eric’s mother’s roommate in college. Abe then questions what Marlena thinks about this relationship. Eric responds that he and Marlena have a lot to say to each other, but the last thing he will discuss with her is his love life. Abe says when John told him that Marlena was alive, it was like a miracle had happened. Eric talks about thinking he lost his mom and going to a very dark place where he wanted to kill Orpheus and Kristen with his bare hands. Eric thinks that’s why he empathizes with Sloan, because her loss was greater than his. Abe argues that Sloan’s mother tricked Chanel in to meeting her on that rooftop and attacking Chanel for her affair. Eric points out that’s what Chanel says. Abe insists it’s what happened and that Chanel had nothing to do with the death of Sloan’s father. Abe adds that Paulina did exactly what he would’ve done in protecting her child. Abe knows Eric has been through some horrible times and something like that changes a man, but the Eric Brady that he watched grow up was always a good judge of character and he would never be taken in by a woman like Sloan Peterson.

Tripp asks Wendy if they are on for tomorrow night or not. Johnny then arrives and tells Wendy that he knows it’s kind of late but he wanted to let her know that he made plans for them for tomorrow night. Johnny informs her that he booked the Bistro’s best table and told them he wants it to be a very special night for someone who is very important to him.

EJ returns to the living room, excited to tell Nicole about what he saw but she’s gone. Nicole then returns to the room in a sparkling red dress and says she thought she would slip in to something a little more comfortable. Nicole asks about the vintage champagne. EJ says he couldn’t locate it. Nicole says that’s okay as she doesn’t need any more alcohol and she just needs him. They kiss until Nicole suggests they go upstairs so he can take care of her needs. EJ tells her to go ahead and he’ll be right behind her. Nicole says he better be as she heads upstairs. EJ then pulls out his phone and sends a text to Li before heading upstairs.

Li walks through the town square and gets EJ’s text. Li wonders what the hell he wants now as he opens the text and is shocked to see a photo of Stefan and Gabi in bed together.

Stefan and Gabi lay in bed together, wishing they could stay like this forever. Gabi figures Li is already suspicious so she has to go. Stefan hates playing this game. Gabi says she does too but in 4 months, they will be together and running DiMera Enterprises as they were meant to.

Sloan returns home and tells Eric that she’s all his. Eric informs her that she just missed Abe. Sloan questions him showing up unannounced and remarks that she’ll have to get a restraining order against him too. Eric states that Abe is worried about his wife and stepdaughter. Sloan argues that she’s the innocent party here, so if anyone is being harassed, it’s her. Sloan pulls out her phone so Eric questions who she is texting. Sloan says she is just following up with a clerk who works for the judge, to make sure that her restraining order gets processed right away. Sloan declares that it’s time someone taught Paulina a lesson…

Abe waits at home until Paulina arrives. Abe thought she was coming straight here, so he was afraid something had happened to her as he hugs her. Paulina informs him that she had another run-in with Sloan. Abe says he went to her apartment to look for her and questions what happened. Paulina complains that Sloan went off on her and is getting a restraining order against her. Abe suggests that maybe Eric can talk some sense in to Sloan as he thinks he might have gotten through to him. Abe notes that Eric didn’t say anything about it but he thinks Eric might be having some doubts. Paulina suggests Eric should start thinking with his head. Abe thinks people are starting to catch on to Sloan. Abe hopes that before long, she will overplay her hand and they will nail her. Paulina says she needs to sit down but she is then shocked by an anonymous text message that says “Your husband can’t save you.”

Johnny tells Wendy about their dinner reservation while Tripp watches on. Johnny asks if something is wrong. Wendy says she just wishes that he checked with her before making the reservation. Johnny questions if she’s busy tomorrow night. Wendy reveals that she is going out with Tripp.

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