Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 8, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Devon: What the hell do you want?

Victoria: A — a friendlier greeting than that?


Devon: Well, I’d give you one if we were friends. Why don’t you call my office and make an appointment like everybody else does?

Victoria: Oh, I just, um, thought I would bypass your personal assistant and just drop by myself. I understand you’re not in the office much these days, which is completely understandable in light of the lawsuit between you and Chancellor-Winters.


Victor: Jack Abbott. Good god, man, how did you ever become involved with that guy? Anyway, what was — what was the final straw?

Adam: [Chuckles] Are you really gonna make me do this?

Victor: Yeah. Take your time. Sit down.

Adam: [Sighs] I was half-assing it at Jabot. My heart wasn’t in it, and i realized that I didn’t belong there. So as much as it pains me to admit this, you were right about the job — and about me. Do you struggle with occasional nerve aches.

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