Interview with Hunter King

TV Interview!


Hunter King, star of "Two Scoops of Italy" on Hallmark (Photo from her Instagram)

Interview with Hunter King, star of “Two Scoops of Italy” on Hallmark by Krista 6/18/24

Speaking with Hunter was so much fun.  It’s probably my favorite interview I’ve ever done because I was really familiar with her and her work on “Young and the Restless.” Seeing her in a different role in this movie was great.

She was so friendly and so much fun to talk to.  I could have talked to her for an hour.  She loves to read like I do, and so we shared our favorite books.  She was so interesting, and I loved hearing about her experiences on this movie and her challenges she faced as well.
The movie airs Saturday, June 22 on Hallmark Channel, or  streaming on Peacock.

Transcript (not edited yet)

Hunter King: Thank you so much for having me.

Krista Chain: Okay. My 1st question is, how did you decide to accept the part in 2 scoops of Italy? What was the audition process, or were you approached by someone to to look at the script? How did that all come about?

Hunter King: Hallmark approached me with the script, and immediately I heard Italy, and I was like, I’m in. Count me in but then I obviously went and read the script, and it was just so charming and such a

Hunter King: like such a sweet feel! Good love story! I love a Romcom such a sucker for a Romcom. So anytime I get the opportunity to do a Romcom, I immediately take it.

Hunter King: But I love the story arc. I love the character arc and obviously getting to take place in Italy is not not a bad day.

Krista Chain: That’s right. And so that answered my next question. I know sometimes when they film movies, they don’t actually film where it’s being set. So it was filmed in Italy.

Hunter King: It was filmed in Italy. I don’t know how I got so lucky to get to film a movie that is based in Italy and actually takes place in Italy. But I somehow I don’t know. I I won the lottery with this one. I really did. It was

Hunter King: more magical than you could even imagine. It was just

Hunter King: a dream come true.

Krista Chain: Well, the movie was excellent.

Hunter King: Thank you. Thank you so much. I’m so happy that you liked it. It was so much fun to film. It was really so like just a blast.

Krista Chain: It looks like it would have been a really good time.

Hunter King: Thank you.

Krista Chain: So what was your favorite part of the movie.

Hunter King: Oh, my favorite part of the movie there I mean, there were so many

Hunter King: fun scenes that we film Nicolet, my co-star. He was great. He was very patient with me, teaching me many Italian words in between in between takes. I just would constantly ask him what different things mean, and then somehow would not remember any of it. 20 min later would have to ask him all over again. A great patient teacher and a great Co star. But getting to film just in all these different amazing locations was just

Hunter King: just I don’t even know how to describe it. And some of the things that we did like. Vespa scenes were so fun because we couldn’t really ride the vesque class they needed to like get us

Hunter King: like the certain camera angles, so we’d be up on the back of a truck with the vespas drafted kind of on a trailer behind. It was just so much fun getting to shoot these different things, and there was so many fun experiences like that on this one.

Krista Chain: So you had never worked with your co-star before.

Hunter King: No, no! This was the 1st time.

Krista Chain: Oh, okay, we all had really good chemistry together.

Hunter King: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, no, he was. He was lovely. He was great. And I give him major props because filming

Hunter King: a movie in your second language. I luckily only had to say a couple of Italian words, and that was difficult for me. So I was like, I don’t know how you’re doing this. That is so hard. And he handled it like such a pro. And just was, Yeah, I was. I was very impressed.

Krista Chain: Okay? And what was your biggest challenge in filming this movie?

Krista Chain: Did you have any obstacles or challenges.

Hunter King: I’m trying to think of my biggest. I mean, honestly, that sounds again, Mika having to film a whole movie in your second language, when I only had to say a couple of words, but I somehow always would botch the words, and the director would tell me, I’m like, Okay, wait, wait. Remind me how to say that like right before we would start filming.

Hunter King: And he’d be like, this is how you say this is how you say it. I’m like, Okay, okay? And then we’d go to film. And I somehow go back to saying it the wrong way. And I would do that so many times. Oh, my God! I felt so bad! And Mika is over here just handling it all like it’s a breeze, and I’m like I can’t even say 2 words in Italian without having to do it 5 different times. So that was probably the most challenging, and the most takes that I had to do was on the Times, that I would have to stay

Hunter King: forwards in Italian, and I would screw it up every time.

Krista Chain: So the biggest challenge was the language. Then.

Hunter King: Yeah, luckily I only had a little bit, but somehow it was still challenging for me. Yeah.

Krista Chain: I can imagine it would have been for me as well.

Hunter King: It was hard it was hard. But I’m I’m determined to get my Italian down, so that the next time I go there I can say more than how to order an espresso at a cafe.

Krista Chain: Is it was that the 1st time you had ever been to Italy.

Hunter King: I’d been to Italy once before, like

Hunter King: 1011 years prior and so now I feel like I appreciated it even more, and getting to be there for work was just

Photo: Hunter King, Sara Mondello Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Moris Pucciosuch an incredible opportunity that I will never forget.

Krista Chain: Well, I have also watched you and young and the restless.

Krista Chain: And so I was just wondering what is the differences in filming a movie and filming a TV show.

Hunter King: Well, I’d say the number one difference between the 2 is just the pace

Hunter King: with the young wrestles. We had to

Hunter King: an hour’s worth of a show in one day, and sometimes more, because we would film like a episode and a quarter or something like that every single day. And

Hunter King: the pacing was just so fast, and you had to. Some days. I had, I think, the most dialogue I ever had in one day was like 55 pages for the young, the restless. When you film a movie, you have, like, you know, 4 5 pages of dialogue that day so definitely the pace. And you get a lot more time and a lot more takes when you film a movie which is nice.

Hunter King: and that one, it’s almost like doing a play every single day is you got to know your stuff? You get one, maybe 2 takes, and then you’re moving on.

Krista Chain: Wow!

Hunter King: Yeah.


Krista Chain: That. That’s 1 reason I really wanted to talk with you today, because I have watched you for so long, and the young and the restless and then saw this movie. And so I really wanted to to have a chance to talk with you today.

Hunter King: Oh, I’m so excited that we’re getting to talk. Then I mean, I feel like the soap opera fans. It’s like

Hunter King: the best kind of fans because you guys are dedicated. You’re watching

Hunter King: single day, like you know the story you? I always said that the fans of the show know the show better than I do, cause they’ve watched for years that they’re like. No, this person was with this person, but then they cheated on this person, and now they have a baby with this person I’m like, Oh, my God! I didn’t even know that. So.

Hunter King: Major Boss.

Krista Chain: My grandmother got me into watching the soap operas.

Hunter King: I love that that’s so sweet. I love that.

Krista Chain: Yeah. When I was when I was young I used to stay with her some during the summer and stuff, and when I was sick from school, and she always had to watch Young and the restless.

Hunter King: Love that, and then they then you get hooked. You watch one episode. You’re like, now I need to know what happens, and.

Hunter King: That’s how they do it. Yep.

Krista Chain: That’s right. And so you I noticed in the movie that you were a chef. Do you have

Krista Chain: passion for cooking and baking yourself, or.

Hunter King: I’m learning. I definitely don’t have the same skills as Danielle for sure. Nowhere close. I have many different battle wounds, as I call them from cooking different burn marks or different cuts on my fingers and scars from accidentally cutting myself.

Hunter King: So I’m definitely nowhere near her level. But I do enjoy it, and I’ve started cooking more and more within this last year, and I’m getting better. It’s edible. That’s for sure. It’s edible, questionable. But we’re getting there slowly.

Krista Chain: That’s the main thing.

Hunter King: I just want to be good enough to eat. I don’t need to be Michelin Star just good enough to eat. That’s it.

Krista Chain: And that I have some. I have some burn marks, too, so.

Hunter King: You get it? Yeah, it takes time.

Krista Chain: So what are you? Some of your hobbies that you do in your free time, when you’re not working.

Hunter King: Oh, my gosh! I always feel so boring when people ask me about my hobbies. I’m like, I like my dogs. I love to read. I’m a really big reader. My boyfriend. And I, we love TV and movies. And so we do watch a lot of TV. We have a whole list of different things that we’ve been watching this year. And it’s

Hunter King: it’s a substantial amount. I’m like, okay, we need to slow down on the TV. Cause this is this is getting out of control. But we do love to watch. We have our favorite shows together. But I I’m a big, big reader, and surprise surprise. Most of the books I read are wrong coms, so I just I keep away from them. I love them so much.

Krista Chain: I love to read as well. What’s your favourite book?

Hunter King: Oh, I mean, I love Colleen Hoover. Just it starts with us. It ends with us, or it ends with us and starts with us. We’re both so good. Verity was incredible. Have you read any colleen Hoover books.

Krista Chain: I haven’t.

Hunter King: Oh, okay, you’re gonna be.

Hunter King: I’m telling you it’s gonna change your life. You’re gonna thank me. You’re gonna come back and you’d be like you were right. Go and read, it ends with us and then read, it’s it’s weird. It starts with it ends with us. Then it starts with us is the sequel, and then a totally different book. Verity.

Hunter King: another one of our books, which I think that that’s 1 of them is

Hunter King: oh, another good one but those are really good, so try those. But.

Krista Chain: Okay.

Hunter King: For you if you want some Romcom books. I got you.

Krista Chain: I I’ve been reading some freedom. Macfadden, have you read her.

Hunter King: No, I haven’t.

Krista Chain: The housemaid and the co-worker, the teacher.

Krista Chain: Those are. Those are the ones. I just finished the coworker, and it was really good. So I’m fixing about to start the teacher.

Hunter King: Ok, all right, I’ll put those on my list. I’ll definitely do that because I’m almost done with my book now, and I need a new one. Check out, Emily Henry, too.

Krista Chain: I’ve seen her, but I’ve never read any of hers either.

Hunter King: If you like. Hallmark, you’d love her books. They’re just so feel good and just make it just feels like you’re reading a warm hug it just they’re just delicious. You gotta read her books.

Krista Chain: I’ll definitely check her out.

Krista Chain: And have you ever worked with you said you had never worked with your co-star before.

Hunter King: No, I have not. This was our 1st movie together.

Krista Chain: Oh, wow! Well, who is someone that you would like to work with that? You’ve never worked with.

Hunter King: oh, my gosh! I mean there’s so many different

Hunter King: great people in Hallmark jonathan Bennett would be so fun. I’ve been a fan of his forever.

Hunter King: Tyler, big fan of his, would love to work with him. Well, I’ve said this before, and I’ve been so lucky with all of the people that I’ve worked with both men and women, just like some of the loveliest people. So if I ever got the opportunity to work with any of my co-stars again, and film either a sequel or another thing, I would jump at the opportunity, because I’ve been so fortunate to have made so many amazing friendships with the people that I’ve worked with, and they’re all not just like great actors, but great people as well.

Krista Chain: I I would think that would be one of the most fun parts of doing movies and stuff like that is getting to meet different people, and making friendships with different ones.

Hunter King: Yeah, no, that honestly, that’s probably my favorite part of getting to do movies and just meeting so many different people and people that you would never would have met, or that live in different places that live in Italy. Now.

Krista Chain: Rather.

Hunter King: In Canada. And so it does make you feel more connected to the.

Krista Chain: And go into different places.

Krista Chain: and I think I had one more question. Do you have any projects coming up that you can tell us about?

Hunter King: I have. Well, I don’t think I’m really allowed to say much about it. I haven’t filmed it yet, but I’m going to be filming a very fun homework movie soon that I cannot wait for. It’s like a dream job. I mean, all the ones that I’ve done have been amazing and just so much fun. And this one is gonna be no different. It’s just gonna be.

Hunter King: Oh, I can’t wait. I’m like bursting at the seams waiting to tell people about it, but it’s gonna be a good one, I promise.

Krista Chain: Oh, I can’t wait to see it!

Hunter King: Thank you.

Krista Chain: Well, thank you so much for talking with me today. And I really, I really did enjoy getting to meet you and talk to you today.

Hunter King: Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. I’m so glad that you got to watch the movie, and that you’ve watched the young the wrestlers for years, but it was so lovely to talk to you.

Krista Chain: Thank you so much. You take care of yourself and have a wonderful day.

Hunter King: Thank you. You, too. Have a good weekend.

Krista Chain: You too. Bye, bye.


MORE INFO:  Official Site  Trailer

"Two Scoops of Italy" key artHUNTER KING (Daniella) – Hunter King is best known for her work as a series regular on CBS’ Life in Pieces opposite Colin Hanks, Betsy Brandt and Thomas Sadoski. King can also be recognized as Summer Newman on The Young and the Restless, a role for which she earned two Daytime Emmys. In feature work, King starred in A Girl Like Her opposite Jimmy Bennett, which garnered incredible reviews for confronting bullying in schools. King was cast as the lead in ABC’s 2020 comedy pilot Prospect. Most recently, King wrapped shooting the lead in the indie feature Give Me Your Eyes. For Hallmark Channel she was last seen starring in The Santa Summit, as well as The Professional Bridesmaid, and A Royal Corgi Christmas. For Hallmark Mystery King also starred in Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths.

X: HunterHaleyKing Instagram: @hunterking



Shot Entirely on Location in Italy As Part of the Network’s June 2024 Passport to Love Programming Event

Chef Danielle Turner (King) is facing a dilemma of gastronomic proportions and might lose her restaurant unless she can come up with a new menu that will wow her investor. Desperate for epicurean inspiration she travels to Ostia Antica, an ancient Roman village. Danielle soon meets Giancarlo Donati (Rosiello), a charming local gelatiere facing his own crisis of the gelato variety. Giancarlo introduces Danielle to the flavors, the culture, the gelato and other charms of the quaint town and together they motivate and encourage one another. As Danielle’s falls for Italy, she discovers it might not be the only thing to capture her heart.

Two Scoops of Italy is from MarVista Entertainment in association with Cattleya. Larry Grimaldi, Hannah Pillemer, Fernando Szew and Todd Y. Murata are executive producers. Roger M. Bobb is co-executive producer. The movie is produced by Christina Giubbeti. Roger M. Bobb directed from a script by Eric Brooks and Nicole Baxter, from a story by Abdi Nazemian

Executive Producers: Larry Grimaldi
Hannah Pillemer
Fernando Szew
Todd Y. Murata
Co-Executive Producer: Roger M. Bobb
Producer: Christina Giubbeti
Production Credit: A MarVista Entertainment Production in association with Cattleya
Directed by: Roger M. Bobb
Written by: Eric Brooks and Nicole Baxter
Story by: Abdi Nazemian
Director of Photography: Patrizio Patrizi
Production Designer: Tiziana Liberotti
Edited by: William Lynch
Music By: Jamie Coleman
Costume Designer: Claudette Lilly
Casting by: Teresa Razzauti

Cast: Hunter King (Danielle Turner)
Michele Rosiello (Giancarlo Donati)
Sara Mondello (Elida)
Simone Colombari (Aldo Donati)
Ruby Kammer (Sarah Turner)
Michele Augusto Magni (Bruno)
Serge Pirilli (La Rana)
Alessia Franchin (Marta)
Davy Eduard King (Owen Bridges)
Lorenzo Padalino (Nico)
James Tumminia (Mario Chiellini)

Photo: Hunter King, Michele Rosiello Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Moris Puccio

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Interview with Barbara Niven

TV Interview!


Hannah meets a new side of law & order as she investigates a murder and crosses paths with by-the-books prosecuting attorney Chad Norton. Photo: Barbara Niven Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Pooya Nabei

Interview with Barbara Niven of “One Bad Apple A Hannah Swensen Mystery” on Hallmark Mystery by Suzanne 4/3/24

Barbara Niven seems very sweet, and it was a delight to chat with her. I had a friend sitting nearby listening, and after the interview, she said, “Wow, she sounds really nice!” While it’s true that actors are good at hiding their feelings, and they’re paid to pretend, I think that Barbara’s real-life kindness comes through in her roles and interviews. She clearly has so much fun playing Delores in these movies. Delores is a little kooky, but she means well.  Make sure you watch the movie because it’s fun, and it’s a good mystery! It airs tonight, 4/5/24, as the 9th film in the series.

MORE INFO: Official Site  Preview Sneak Peek

Premieres Friday, April 5, 9/8c - Hannah meets a new side of law & order as she investigates a murder and crosses paths with by-the-books prosecuting attorney Chad Norton. Meanwhile, Delores has a secret.

Summary: Hannah meets a new side of law & order as she investigates a murder and crosses paths with by the books prosecuting attorney Chad Norton. Meanwhile, Delores has a secret.

Sweeney Reunites On-Screen with Victor Webster Who Joins the Cast of the
Long-Running, Fan-Favorite Franchise
Gabriel Hogan, Barbara Niven, Tess Atkins and Lisa Durupt Also Star
Alison Sweeney (Love & Jane, Days of Our Lives)
returns as everyone’s favorite baker-turned amateur sleuth Hannah Swensen and reunites with
her “The Wedding Veil” trilogy co-star Victor Webster (Mystery on Mistletoe Lane, A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe) for One Bad Apple: A Hannah Swensen Mystery, premiering Friday, April 5 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Mystery. Sweeney wrote the script, which is based on the novel Apple Turnover Murder by Joanne Fluke, and is executive producer on the movie. Gabriel Hogan (Tacoma FD) Barbara Niven (Ms. Christmas Comes to Town), Tess Atkins (The Flash), and Lisa Durupt (Heartland) reprise their roles.


Hannah Swensen (Sweeney) has been asked to teach a baking class at the college in town, but her equipment is tampered with causing an explosion that the fire department rules an accident. Soon, a colleague ends up dead and Hannah begins to put together the puzzle of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the murder while being on the list of suspects herself. Hannah leans on her friends and family to collect the breadcrumbs of foul play and put them together, and meets a different side of law and order when she crosses paths with Lake Eden’s by-the book prosecuting attorney Chad Norton (Webster). “One Bad Apple: A Hannah Swensen Mystery” is from Lighthouse Pictures in association with Looking Glass Productions. Craig Baumgarten, Sweeney, Jamie Goehring and Shawn Williamson are executive producers. John J. Fluke serves as co-executive producer. The movie is produced by Kevin Leslie. B. F. Painter is associate producer. Shannon Kohli directed from a script by Sweeney, based on the book Apple Turnover Murder by Joanne Fluke. Hannah meets a new side of law & order as she investigates a murder and crosses paths with by-the-books prosecuting attorney Chad Norton. Photo: Alison Sweeney, Barbara Niven Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Bettina Strauss

BARBARA NIVEN (Delores) – Barbara Niven is an actor, producer and speaker. She’s also a fierce advocate for human and animal rights. As a mother and grandmother, she knows there is nothing more important than saving this planet and all the beings that live on it.

During her acting career, she has appeared in more than 100 film and TV roles and 2500 TV and radio commercials. She also served three years on the National Board of Directors for the Screen Actors Guild.

For six seasons, Niven starred in the Hallmark Channel original primetime series Chesapeake Shores. She has starred in the Hallmark movie original USS Christmas, four installments of Hallmark Channel’s Christmas in Evergreen movie franchise in addition to Hallmark Movies & Mysteries’ popular Crossword Mysteries, appearing in all installments. Niven starred with Alison Sweeney in the popular Murder She Baked franchise and reprised her role in Sweet Revenge: A Hannah Swensen Mystery in 2021 as well as Carrot Cake Murder: A Hannah Swensen Mystery, and A Zest for Death: A Hannah Swensen Mystery, both of which premiered last year. She also was in Hallmark Channel’s first original primetime series, Cedar Cove. Most recently, Niven starred the 2023 original movie Ms. Christmas Comes to Town, which was part of Hallmark Movies & Mysteries’ Miracles of Christmas programming event. Other credits including starring roles in Christmas at the Golden Dragon, The Christmas Contest and North to Home for Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Her performance as Marilyn Monroe in HBO’s The Rat Pack continues to garner praise as “one of the top three portrayals of the blonde icon on Film & TV.”

Niven has also gained international acclaim as Hollywood’s Top Media Trainer and Video Marketing Coach. She created her Unleash Your Star Power!ℱ system so she could teach people how to hone their message, overcome fear and, use video and public speaking to dominate their niche.

Niven is also a celebrity speaker and best-selling author. Business and motivational topics include Unleash Your Star Power!, Be a Video Marketing Superstar, ACT As If, Live Your Dreams! And Eating Disorders and Pressures to be Perfect.

Niven is a huge animal welfare advocate, a National Ambassador for American Humane and was a regular presenter for Hallmark Channel’s televised American Humane American Hero Dog Awards\ each year. She currently has two rescued dogs named Norma Jean and Brando, and two rescued feral cats named George and Henry (named after her father, George Henry).

Her motto? “Live your passion, connect to your purpose, make a difference. And don’t give up five minutes before the miracle.”

Hannah meets a new side of law & order as she investigates a murder and crosses paths with by-the-books prosecuting attorney Chad Norton. Photo: Barbara Niven Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Bettina Strauss


Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Interview Eliza Bennett

TV Interview!


Eliza Bennett stars in "An American in Austin" on Hallmark Channel. (Photo from her Instagram)

Interview with Eliza Bennett of “An American in Austen” on Hallmark by Suzanne 2/15/24

This was a fun little chat with Eliza about her new Hallmark movie. It’s a thrill ride, it has time travel, and it has romance. What more could you want? I hope you watch and enjoy it Feb. 17 on Hallmark!



Cast: Eliza Bennett, Nicholas Bishop Synopsis: Harriet, who thinks that no real man compares to Mr. Darcy, is transported into Pride & Prejudice and gets an unexpected chance to find out. Genre: Romance, Romantic ComedyEliza will co-star in the Paramount + series, Sexy Beast alongside Sarah Greene, Tamsin Greig, Steven Moyer, and James McArdle. The show is a prequel to the 2000 film which delves into the origin tales of Gal, Teddy, and Don; it is now streaming worldwide.

Audiences may recognize her work from Netflix’s current hit feature, Do Revenge, with Sophie Turner and Camila Mendes. The film re-teamed Eliza with her Sweet/Vicious, writer/director, Jennifer Kaytin Robinson. She also starred as Amanda Carrington in two seasons of the CW’s reboot, Dynasty with Liz Gillies.

Other recent television work includes recurring on ABC’s The Conners opposite Sara Gilbert and John Goodman, Amazon’s comedy pilot, People Just Do Nothing from executive producer, Ash Atalia, and guest-starring with Sterling K. Brown on This Is Us.

Bennett’s breakout came when she played Jules, a college student living a double life, one as a typical sorority girl and the other as a campus vigilante committed to eliminating abusers in MTV’s dark comedy series, Sweet/Vicious.

Variety said: “Eliza Bennett plays Jules, a sorority girl who likes sunset pictures on Instagram and has a bedroom straight out of a pastel Pinterest page. Bennett is asked to sketch all the layers of an earnest character who is pretty square and conformist, but who is also full of confusion and rage and dryly funny from time to time. She pulls off all those rapid transitions without missing a beat”.

Bennett began her career in the United Kingdom on both stage and screen. Her feature credits include the lead role in the New Line’s Inkheart, alongside Brendan Fraser, Paul Bettany, Helen Mirren, and Andy Serkis, critically acclaimed, Nanny McPhee, opposite Emma Thompson, and the Julian Fellowes feature From Time to Time, with Maggie Smith and Dominic West.

Bennett is a seasoned theater performer having starred in numerous West End productions including the lead in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the musical Loserville.

She is a singer/songwriter, having released singles Late Twenties, Visit Me In Georgia, and Hate to Love You in 2022 and a Christmas single, All I Want for Christmas is You with Liz Gillies in 2021.

Bennett splits her time between Los Angeles and the U.K.


An American in Austen

Cast: Eliza Bennett, Nicholas Bishop

Synopsis: Harriet, who thinks that no real man compares to Mr. Darcy, is transported into Pride & Prejudice and gets an unexpected chance to find out.
Genre: Romance, Romantic Comedy
Eliza Bennett stars as Harriet in "An American in Austin" on Hallmark Channel. (Photo from Hallmark's site)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Interview with Hunter King

TV Interview!


Hunter King of "The Professional Bridesmaid" on Hallmark; photo from Hallmark site

Interview with Hunter King of “The Professional Bridesmaid” on Hallmark by Suzanne 4/3/23

Don’t miss the movie, Saturday, April 8, on Hallmark! This was a very quick interview, but I enjoyed it. I’m a huge fan of this young actress, and I think she has a big career ahead of her. She’s already been a hit in “The Young and The Restless,” where she was half of a very popular couple as Summer to the handsome young Kyle (squish name “Skyle”). Even before that, playing Summer meant she was related to half the town on the show, making her an integral part of everything. She was also part of the four-season comedy “Life in Pieces,” which I loved. It was great to talk to her about this fun and romantic movie. It was really lovely to see Chandler Massey as her love interest, too. He is most known for playing Will on “Days of Our Lives.” Both of them have won multiple Daytime Emmy Awards and have done a few Hallmark movies, so pairing them up is genius. If you’re a long-time Days viewer, you may recognize the mayor (also the bride’s dad), Roark Critchlow, who played Mike Horton! And yes, if you’re wondering, a professional bridesmaid is a real thing. Google to find more.


MORE INFO: Preview Official Site

Key art for "The Professional Bridesmaid" from the Hallmark press site

“The Professional Bridesmaid,” premieres Saturday, April 8 @ 8 p.m. ET/PT on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s “Spring into Love” programming event.

Daytime Emmy-winning actress Hunter King, best known for her roles in “The Young and The Restless” and “Life in Pieces,” plays Maggie Bailey who has turned being an expert bridesmaid into her career. Her latest client is the mayor’s daughter, however no one can know Maggie is a “hired bridesmaid”. Maggie must hide her identity while working to coordinate three unhelpful bridesmaids, and keep Henry (Chandler Massey, “Days of Our Lives”), a local reporter assigned to the society story, focused on the wedding, even as she begins to grow closer to him. Hunter shines in this heartwarming film about love and friendship. I would love to gauge your interest in speaking with her about her role in this Spring into Love movie.

Hallmark Channel logo


STUDIO CITY, CA – March 20, 2023 – Hunter King (“Life in Pieces,” “The Young and The Restless) and Chandler Massey (“Days of Our Lives”) star in “The Professional Bridesmaid,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, April 8 (8 p.m. ET/PT) on Hallmark Channel.Photo: Chandler Massey, Hunter King Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Years ago, Maggie Bailey (King) realized she had a particular skill set for being an ace bridesmaid – and she went pro. Now she uses her talents to help brides navigate the tricky emotional and social dynamics that go along with planning their big day in addition to the practical. Her latest client, Alexis Shepard (Francesca Bianchi,”A Million Little Things”), is the daughter of Columbus’ mayor who is up for reelection. Alexis’ wedding promises to be the event of the summer with lots of scrutiny, so the mayor’s team hires Maggie to join the bridal party and help keep everything on track. But no one can know that Maggie is a hired bridesmaid, so she is introduced as Alexis’ old friend Maisie. Unfortunately, Henry Whittington (Massey), an ambitious local reporter assigned to the society story is sniffing around hoping to get close to the mayor for a scoop on the pending development of local park land. To pull off her assignment, Maggie must coordinate three unhelpful bridesmaids, and keep Henry focused on the wedding while hiding her identity, even as she begins to grow closer to him.

“The Professional Bridesmaid” is from Lighthouse Pictures Inc. Marguerite Henry is executive producer. Shawn Williamson, Jamie Goehring and Robert Lycar serve as producers. Peter Benson directed from a script by Carol Starr Schneider, Gregg Rossen and Brian Sawyer.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Photo: Ecstasia Sanders, Hunter King Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs


Interview with the cast of “Ride”

TV Interview!


2023 Hallmark Channel's RIDE Red Carpet Premiere - Tyler Jacob Moore, Tiera Skovbye, Nancy Travis, Sara Garcia, Beau Mirchoff, and Jake Foy attends as Hallmark Channel celebrates the upcoming premiere of its all-new original series "RIDE" (premiering March 26 at 9/8c on Hallmark Channel) with stars Nancy Travis, Tiera Skovbye, Beau Mirchoff, Sara Garcia, Jake Foy and Tyler Jacob Moore at the London Hotel on March 21, 2023 in West Hollywood. Credit: ©2023 Hallmark

Interview with Tyler Jacob Moore, Tiera Skovbye, Nancy Travis, Sara Garcia, Beau Mirchoff, and Jake Foy of “Ride” on Hallmark by Suzanne 3/21/23

This was a fun couple of interviews, and I’m very grateful that I had plenty of time to speak with all 6 main cast members. I enjoyed watching the show’s first 5 episodes. It started off a little slow, but I believe they did this deliberately in order to not only start this epic story, but to give us time to get to know this family and all of the characters on the show. In the first episode, there are three brothers, and they all have beards. I admit that it took me a little bit of time to figure out which one was which. After awhile, the drama of the show drew me in, and it kept me interested. It’s a little bit of a family soap opera. It reminds me somewhat of “Dallas,” but without being so overly-dramatic. Of course, it’s still a drama, so they all have their secrets, and they get angry, and they fight – like any good family. There’s also tragedy, romance, heartbreak, and more. If you love shows like “Yellowstone” or “Walker,” you should love this one, too. I think the characters are more likable than the first, and the show is a bit more realistic than the latter. Enjoy these fun interviews and this new series! It premieres Sunday, March 26 on Hallmark.

Cast photo montage by Suzanne Lanoue. 2023 Hallmark Channel's RIDE Red Carpet Premiere - Nancy Travis (Isabel) and Beau Mirchoff (Cash) attend as Hallmark Channel celebrates the upcoming premiere of its all-new original series "RIDE" (premiering March 26 at 9/8c on Hallmark Channel) with stars Nancy Travis, Tiera Skovbye, Beau Mirchoff, Sara Garcia, Jake Foy and Tyler Jacob Moore at the London Hotel on March 21, 2023 in West Hollywood. Travia and Mirchoff photo Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jordan Strauss. Tiera Skovbye as Missy. photo credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Christos Kalohoridis


Photo montage by Suzanne Lanoue: Sara Garcia, Jake Foy and Tyler Jacob Moore in "Ride" on Hallmark. Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Christos Kalohoridis


MORE INFO: Official Site Trailer

Key art for "Ride" on Hallmark. Premieres Sunday, March 26, 9/8c - Following a tragic event, a renowned ranching family must pick up the pieces to save their Colorado ranch.





STUDIO CITY, CA – March 17, 2023 – Tragedy strikes a dynastic ranching family in “Legend of the Fall,” the series debut of “Ride” premiering Sunday, March 26 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel. Nancy Travis (“Last Man Standing”), Tiera Skovbye (“Riverdale”), Beau Mirchoff (“Good Trouble”), Sara Garcia (“The Flash”), Jake Foy (“Designated Survivor”) and Tyler Jacob Moore (“Shameless”) star.

Isabel McMurray (Travis) is the matriarch of a small-town ranching family going back a generation. After losing her husband years ago, she has resiliently kept the ranch afloat and singlehandedly raised their three sons: illustrious champion Austin (Marcus Rosner, “Valentine in the Vineyard”), servicemember Cash (Mirchoff) and ever-dependable Tuff (Foy). Over the years, the family has grown to include Austin’s talented wife Missy (Skovbye) and Valeria (Garcia), a one-time runaway the family had taken in. One day, just as Cash returns home, tragedy strikes, leaving Missy a widow, the family grieving and leading Valeria to leave town without a word. A year later, as the McMurrays continue to grieve, the fate of their ranch is uncertain. Cash, who has spent a lifetime in his brother’s shadow, considers stepping into his shoes to save it – a decision complicated by Cash’s long simmering feelings for Missy. Missy struggles with her place in the family without Austin and considers new opportunities, while Isabel who has faced more than her fair share of loss, struggles with putting Cash at risk, even if it means losing her life’s work. Then Valeria reappears with more secrets than answers and the family faces an opportunity that could decide the fate of the ranch.

“Ride” is a Blink49 Studios / Seven24 Films Production. Executive producers are Rebecca Boss, Chris Masi, Sherri Cooper, Alexandra Zarowny, Paolo Barzman, Greg Gugliotta, FJ Denny, John Morayniss, Carolyn Newman, Virginia Rankin, Elana Barry, Josh Adler, Jordy Randall and Tom Cox, along with co-executive producer Alejandro Alcoba. The series is produced by Brian Dennis. Lesley Grant is supervising producer. Paolo Barzman directed from a script written by Rebecca Boss & Chris Masi. — HALLMARK CHANNEL —

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Photo: Beau Mirchoff, Nancy Travis, Tiera Skovbye Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: David Brown

Interview with Sadie Laflamme-Snow

TV Interview!

Sadie Laflamme-Snow of "The Way Home" on Hallmark

Interview with Sadie Laflamme-Snow of “The Way Home” on Hallmark by Suzanne 1/25/23

It was so nice to speak to this talented young actress. We had a great, short chat about her new show that is part family drama and part fantasy.



The Way Home When three generations of women reunite after being estranged for more than two decades, they embark on an enlightening – and surprising – journey toward healing none of them could have imagined as they learn how to find their way back to each other.


STUDIO CITY, CA – January 15, 2023 – Three generations of women embark on an enlightening journey to find their way back to each other and learn important lessons about their family’s past in “Mothers and Daughters,” the series debut of “The Way Home” premiering Sunday, January 15 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel. Andie MacDowell (“Maid,” “Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove”), Chyler Leigh (“Supergirl,” “Greys Anatomy”), Evan Williams ( Blonde, “Versailles”), and Sadie Laflamme-Snow (“The Apprentice”) star in the multigenerational family drama. Alex Hook (“I am Frankie”), Al Mukadam (“Pretty Hard Cases,” “The Detail), Jefferson Brown ( Masters of Romance, “Slasher”) and David Webster ( Luckiest Girl Alive, “In the Dark”) also star.

Kat Landry (Leigh), her 15-year-old daughter Alice (Laflamme-Snow) and Kat’s mother Del (MacDowell) are all strong, willful and independent. More than 20 years prior, lifechanging events prompted Kat to move away from her small, Canadian farm town of Port Haven and she and Del have been estranged ever since. Alice has never met her grandmother and is unaware of the reasons for their fractured family. With Kat’s marriage coming to an end and having just been laid off from her job, she decides to return home after receiving an unexpected letter from Del urging her to come back. Although Alice is none-too-thrilled, Kat and her daughter arrive at her family’s farm. Kat is disappointed that she doesn’t receive a warmer reception from Del and it’s clear that there are wounds that need to heal. Wanting to escape the tension, Alice explores the property and finds herself on a surprising journey.

Scene from "The Way Home" on Hallmark

“The Way Home” is a Neshama Entertainment production in association with MarVista Entertainment. Executive producers are Heather Conkie, Alexandra Clarke, Fernando Szew, Hannah Pillemer, Larry Grimaldi, Ani Kevork, Arnie Zipursky, Mary Reed, Lauren MacKinlay, Andie MacDowell and Chyler Leith. The series is produced by John Calvert. Kyle Hart is supervising producer. Jessica Runck serves as consulting producer. Grant Harvey directed from a script by Conkie & Clarke, from a story by Reed, Conkie & Clarke.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Sadie Laflamme-Snow of "The Way Home" on Hallmark

Interview with Loretta Walsh

TV Interview!

Loretta Walsh of "When Calls the Heart" on Hallmark

Interview with Loretta Walsh of “When Calls the Heart” on Hallmark by Krista 3/19/21

This was an interview done by email. We’re always glad when an actor takes the time to type their own answers to our questions because it’s less work for us! As you can see, her answers are very kind and professional.

1. I see that you grew up in Queensland, Australia. What was that like?

It was a very sheltered and “go outside and play” childhood in rural Queensland. I had a wonderful community and big family, but I knew at a young age I would need to leave for a bigger city to pursue my dreams of being an actor.

2. I read that you grew up in a family of actors. What was it like growing up with your family and did you know from a young age that you also wanted to act?

I knew that I wanted to dance from a young age and imagination and play were always a big part of my childhood. I was usually deterred from pursuing a career in the arts by those who knew how challenging a career it can be, but I knew in my heart that’s what I wanted, so I went for it!

3. I saw your first production was as Louisa in The Sound of Music. What was it like being in your first stage production?

Thrilling! I loved the collaboration, creativity and community of making theatre together. I was absolutely hooked!

4. When you first started acting, did you plan to act in all venues, theatre as well as TV and movies? How is it different to act on stage in theatre versus acting on a television show?

When I first started I didn’t know what was possible. I wasn’t focused on one particular medium. But after getting some experience, I knew that I wanted to work both on screen and on stage. The big difference is that on camera, the camera is your audience, on stage your audience is further away. Plus in theatre, the audience reaction is immediate and in real time (no second takes!)

5. You are returning as Florence Blakely in Season 8 of When Calls The Heart. What drew you to accepting this part?

I was really wanting to do an ensemble show that focused on women and the important and deep friendships of that sisterhood. I thought WCTH was that project.

6. What do you enjoy most about your character Florence Blakely?

I enjoy that she is a character who is always “doing” something. She doesn’t wait for things to happen to her – she takes action!

7. What has been your biggest challenge in playing the part of Florence Blakely?

Florence is quite a different person than Loretta, so finding those elements that are different and not playing them as a characature can be a challenge, but I feel that I ‘know’ Florence well now, so it comes a little easier after 8 seasons 😉

8. What is it like playing with the other actors in When Calls The Heart? Do you have relationships/friendships off set?

It’s great! We have a shorthand after so many years of playing together and it’s a real collaboration. And yes, behind the scenes we have our own little “hope valley” style community in real life. It’s a real gift in my life.

9. I saw where Florence will go through a physical and emotional transformation? Can you tell me more about that and what it involves?

You will have to watch as I can’t give any spoilers, but I will say that we will see some sides to Florence this season that we haven’t seen before.

10. What has been the funniest thing you have had happen on set?

I couldn’t pick one! There’s lots of laughter on set. It’s a fun group.

11. I saw where you will be appearing in “A Picture Perfect Wedding” later on, can you tell us a little bit about that movie?

Photographer Lindsey gets asked by a New York mogul’s son, Josh, to shoot his sister’s wedding. Sparks fly as Josh and Lindsey prepare for the ceremony, but as the big day arrives, what will their hearts decide? I play the villain in the movie “Maxine Bower-Smythe”.

12. Any other upcoming projects you can discuss?

The Sinners, a thriller/horror movie on VOD now!

13. I understand you founded your own theatre company. Tell me more about that.

I love theatre and have been deeply impacted by it over the years. I want to share the respect and love of theatre I have with others which is why I started Kindred Entertainment.

14. If you could pick any actor/actress to co-star with, who would you pick and why?

There’s too many to choose from! But I’d love to work with Emma Thompson as I love her authenticity and how she speaks about being a woman and an actor.

15. What piece of advice would you give to someone with a desire to act either on stage or on TV/movies?

Go for it! Study – take great acting classes, build a community, care for yourself and get ready for a marathon (not a sprint) Believe in yourself no matter how many “no’s” you get – good things will come your way!

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of


Loretta Walsh of "When Calls the Heart" on HallmarkBorn and raised in rural Queensland Australia, Loretta Walsh has enchanted audiences since a young age. She comes from a family of actors, and wanted to pursue acting as a career after playing “Louisa” in her local town’s production of “The Sound of Music”. Soon after discovering her love for the art she landed a small part in the tv series “Water Rats” playing a hostess of a swingers club. Loretta’s unique ability to transform and emobody a vast array of characters keeps audiences on their toes – this year will be no exception with her upcoming projects.

This year audiences will see Loretta return as Florence Blakeley in season eight of Hallmark’s “When Calls the Heart” which premiered February 21st. This season reveals new sides to Florence that #hearties haven’t seen before as she goes through both a physical and emotional transformation. Loretta will also appear in a supporting lead role as the villainous Maxine Bower-Smythe in the upcoming film A PICTURE PERFECT WEDDING, premiering later this year.

Loretta has worked on numerous TV shows and films including CW’s “Batwoman”, Netflix’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, A&E’s “Bates Motel” and the award winning teen thriller film THE SINNERS (aka The Color Rose).

Along with captivating audiences in film and TV Loretta has made an inprint in theatre, not only founding her own theatre company Kindred Entertainment, in Vancouver but appearing on various stages in a wide array of productions.

Loretta loves the variety and range of roles she has been privileged to play over the years and is motivated to represent women on screen and their stories that are surprising, complicated and imperfectly human.

SERIES: WHEN CALLS THE HEART"When Calls the Heart" poster

ABOUT THE SERIES: More surprises and challenges are in store for the residents of Hope Valley. Elizabeth’s relationships with Nathan and Lucas continue to deepen, Faith and Carson must make choices about their future, a new family arrives to town, Lee and Rosemary get some unexpected news, Bill is asked to return a prized possession and the whole town joins in the excitement as another wedding takes place.

CHARACTER: Florence Blakeley

PREMIERE: February 21, 2021 on Hallmark


ABOUT THE FILM: Photographer Lindsey gets asked by a New York mogul’s son, Josh, to shoot his sister’s wedding. Sparks fly as Josh and Lindsey prepare for ceremony, but as the big day arrive, what will their hearts decide?

CHARACTER: Maxine Bower-Smythe


Get to Know Loretta

My favorite movies when I was a kid – tied for SOUND OF MUSIC and GREASE. I wanted to be Olivia Newton John or Julie Andrews.

I love to travel
.most favourite vacation was to Positano in Italy. Favorite place in the world – the beach – Noosa, Australia.

I love fashion and getting dressed up, but I put high value in being cozy (think Uggs, slippers, cashmere sweaters and pajamas 😉
I am fascinated by (and terrified of) sharks
I have been skydiving.

Loretta has many different jobs apart from being an actor including.
. at KFC, being a nanny, a bartender, a teacher, a producer, working in events, a wine company rep, worked for an airline, a temp, a tour director, worked ONE night as catering staff
.tough gig!
If I wasn’t an actor/producer, I would like to be a social worker 

or a puppy cuddler

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Loretta Walsh of "When Calls the Heart" on Hallmark