GH Short Recap Friday, April 14, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

rook Lynn persuades Maxie to plan Michael and Willow’s wedding even though it is very short notice. Maxie persuades Brook Lynn not to give up on Chase and advises her to go to the Civilian Review Board hearing which will decide if Chase will get back his job.

Finn and Chase persuade Gregory to talk to Alexis and try to renew their friendship.

Trina is able to find a satellite phone in the communications office of the ship and call her mother. Portia rushes the phone to Curtis, Laura, and Jordan who are talking by the hospital elevators. Portia puts Trina on speaker phone and Laura helps Trina find the coordinates of the ship’s location and the coordinates of where the ship is going so Jordan is able to give those coordinates to the police IT department.

Victor considers it a betrayal that Spencer held Liesl at knife point so he tells Spencer that he will now be treated like a prisoner.

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Days Short Recap Friday, April 14, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole’s vision was blurry as she saw Eric in his priest’s collar. She asked him if he went back to the church without telling her. He asked her why he would do that. She told him he shouldn’t be dressed like a priest. He saw himself dressed up like a priest and was shocked. They went to his room so they could change. He took his clothes off. He thought about her in a bikini. She saw herself in the bikini. He brought up how she used to model for Bella. He pretended to take her picture. They started making out. She stopped them by asking about Sloan. He said she broke up with him. He asked her about EJ. She said he was boring because all he wanted to do was scheme. She said being with Eric was more fun. They kissed and made out with each other. Rafe ate the biscuits from Sweet Bits. Jada came in his office. She said she wanted to make sure things weren’t awkward between them. His vision was blurry. He saw her in a revealing outfit. He said the department rules were ridiculous. She asked if he was okay. He said they shouldn’t let the man dictate their lives. He thought about Jada being seductive with him. He told her how great she looked. When she tried to back away, he kissed her. She pushed him away. Sloan came in the office. She said she was there to turn her phone in. She said they wouldn’t find any evidence on it. While he was talking, he passed out. Wendy wanted to know what was going on between Johnny and Chanel. Johnny reminded Wendy that she was seeing Tripp. He said they could go out after the wedding. She said she thought they had something special. She said she didn’t know he would do something so stupid. She said they were done. He asked Chanel where she wanted to go on their honeymoon. Gabi’s vision was blurred and that Li was Stefan. Li told her they were done. She said they were just getting started. He said he didn’t appreciate being mocked and made tom look foolish. He said he wanted to end their marriage with dignity. She was afraid he forgot their love. She wanted “Stefan” to remember. Li didn’t know why she was calling him Stefan. He went with her to the bedroom. He kissed her but he backed away from her. He said he couldn’t do this. She told “Stefan” they could be together. He said he wasn’t Stefan. She started to see things clearly. He asked if she took something. She said she didn’t take drugs. He said someone drugged her. She threw up on him.

Stefan’s vision was blurry and thought Melinda was Gabi. He told her she was beautiful. She said it wasn’t nice to tease her. He said he adored her. They kissed each other. While they were in bed, he realized she wasn’t Gabi. Melinda yelled at him for humiliating her. Her vision was blurry. She saw him laughing at her. She said she was going to kill him. She threw up and passed out. Eric and Nicole realized what they did. Sloan showed up. She said she wanted to apologize for overreacting. He said he would call her later. She walked in and saw Nicole in the bed. At the hospital, Jada hoped Rafe was okay. Stefan found her at the hospital. He told her he thought EJ drugged him and Melinda. He said Melinda was in surgery. Jada said EJ may not have been responsible. Li and Gabi showed up at the hospital. She was happy to see Stefan. Eric told Sloan he didn’t know what happened. Eric and Nicole said they had sex. While they were telling her what happened, Sloan asked if they were drugged. Talia gave Chanel a glass of water. Jada showed up. She asked if someone could have spiked the biscuits. Chanel thought Sloan did it. She asked who else could do something. Talia flashed back to drugging the biscuits. Jada said she didn’t think Sloan did it. She said she would bring the person to justice.

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The Storytelling in “The Mandalorian” as a Tool to Keep Students Engaged and Teach Important Lessons

TV Article!


The Storytelling in “The Mandalorian” as a Tool to Keep Students Engaged and Teach Important Lessons 

Photo of Grogu from "The Mandalorian" from

by Jodi 3/29/23

We all need good and inspirational examples when it comes to the art of storytelling. It has to connect to the target audience on a special emotional level, which can often be observed in powerful movies or TV series. You will find many famous titles helpful if you are an educator or a student looking for inspiration. When everything is done correctly by the screenplay writers and directors, it serves as a unique tool to keep students engaged and teach important lessons about care, equality, trust, friendship, overcoming your inner fears, and staying true to certain personal beliefs and visions. One such amazing example of storytelling is “The Mandalorian” TV series, a famous space Western hosted by Disney+ channel.

The Storytelling in The Mandalorian as a Helpful Tool to Keep Students Engaged

– The Sense of Belonging and Loneliness.

Grogu, Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and Greef Karga (Carl Weathers) in Lucasfilm's THE MANDALORIAN, season three, exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

The storytelling is done through the eyes of a person seeking a sense of belonging in this world. We can feel the alienation and loneliness as the story unfolds. Unfortunately, it is what many learners these days feel as they try to find their place. These TV series can be used as a way to talk about cooperation and the necessity of being there for others. It’s not a certain point but a process as in process essay examples that many students might have written before. The storytelling is often portrayed through dialogues and monologues as the Mandalorian code of ethics is revealed.

– Overcoming Inner Insecurities.

Another important aspect of storytelling in The Mandalorian relates to the inner insecurities of a person as one must complete an important mission. As students proceed with various learning tasks, they must apply dedication and stay true to their beliefs as they analyze various bits of data. Using the series as the template can be helpful in addressing these important topics for discussion and debate purposes. Ask your learners to talk about how they see cowardice and courage and what decisions they would make based on the storyline in the series.

Fatherhood and Parenting.

While it’s not a new subject for the cinema industry, this aspect has often been skipped during the Star Wars filming. Mandalorian’s way of storytelling seems to fill the gap by focusing on the beauty of parenting and child-parent relationships in a non-typical movie scenario. Numerous American film schools have noticed how these series take a slightly different approach and show more sincerity and reflection as the authority still remains, but the soft sides of parenting become revealed.

"The Mandalorian" season 3 key art

– Earning The Trust.

One of the most important storylines in The Mandalorian is about earning the trust of those people who we encounter on our way. It can be used for argumentative writing and group projects as the art of cooperation is being mastered. Think about how the trust is questioned and how it’s gained in each new episode by taking notes.

The Importance of Reflective Writing

Watching “The Mandalorian”, one cannot help but notice how every episode is filled with reflection and the constant flashbacks to the past where the characters discuss what certain events have taught them or how their personalities have been shaped. Therefore, each episode can be used as an academic task for students to write a reflective essay that can be either based on the TV series or deal with a specific emotion or a scenario. Think about the subject of parenthood and belonging, as these are the primary themes that make The Mandalorian as meaningful as it is! While the Star Wars saga tried its best to avoid the child-parent relationship, these series do so through the skilled art of storytelling. It helps us reflect on our childhood times and prepare for what’s to come in our lives and those of the people around us.

Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and Grogu in Lucasfilm's THE MANDALORIAN, season three, exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Interview with Lolita Milena

TV Interview!

Actress and author Lolita Milena of the movie "1UP."

Interview with Lolita Milena of the movie “1UP” by Thane 4/3/23

It was great to interview Lolita about being an actress, her favorite TV shows, disability representation on screen and whether theatre is accessible to actors with disabilities. She has a fascinating story!



Actress and author Lolita Milena of the movie "1UP."

Lolita Milena is a paraplegic actress and author. Born in Siberia, Milena immigrated to the United States in 2002 as a toddler with her then-foster family. The fall of the same year, through child abuse, Milena was left permanently paralyzed. It was shortly after that she was adopted by her current family. Her introduction to the art form began in musical theatre at the early age of 6 years old. Having performed in an accumulated 20 theatrical productions, Milena had turned to social media platforms to create content ranging from short skits to special effect makeup. During her junior year of high school in 2017, Milena had taken on the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in only 30 days. Not only did she surpass the word count goal by 14,000, but she did so in 20 days. Her first published novel, “2459,” won her first place in her state for the NANOWRIMO content. Also in 2017, Milena had discovered TikTok, opening a new world of possibilities and opportunities. She had gained popularity on the platform by uploading short acting and comedic skit clips.

As of January 2023, Milena has been steadily climbing the ranks on the popular app, sitting at around 720,000 followers. In 2019, Milena was discovered by her management through TikTok, who had assisted her into the industry, eventually booking the character Jenna in Lionsgate and Buzzfeed’s “1UP”. While being an actress and self published author, Milena also begun work relationships with cosmetic and clothing brands through social media platforms. These brands including but are not limited to: TTDEYE, Abercrombie & Fitch, and OrangeJuicetheBrand Clothing. In the summer of 2019, Milena was one of the faces for Abercrombie & Fitch’s “Face Your Fierce” campaign.

Milena was adopted by her current family at the age of 2 years old after the incident. She has 8 sisters, 1 brother, and is the third youngest. She hopes to continue growing as a performer, and with her influence, show young men and women in a similar predicament that, “Just because you have a disability, it doesn’t mean you can’t follow your dreams.”

See more of Lolita: YouTube IMDB  Instagram

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Actress and author Lolita Milena of the movie "1UP."

Y&R Transcript Friday, April 14, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Kissing ]

[ Victoria sighs ]

Sharon: Hi!

Mariah: Hi.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. You’re home.

Mariah: Oh, it’s good to see you, too.

Sharon: Oh, you’re here at last and you brought your own baby girl home.

Mariah: I can’t wait for you to meet her. I mean, all the video chats in the world don’t compare to holding that little nugget in your arms. You’re gonna love her.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] From the moment she came into this world and became a part of our family, I have loved her with my whole heart.

Mariah: Oh.

[ Both giggling ]

Nick: Summer, can I get you anything? You want something to eat?

Summer: No, thanks. Just… having you here is nice.

Nick: Of course. I’ll be here as long as you need me.

Summer: I appreciate that. Especially since I don’t know when I’m gonna hear from kyle.

Nick: I’m sure he will get in touch soon.

Summer: Maybe. He’s probably still at the police station with diane. I guess she’s his top priority now.

Kyle: It’s not true. You have to know that.

Jack: Hey, christine. Thank you for agreeing to see me so soon.

Christine: Yeah, of course. And I understand the urgency. You must be reeling after everything that’s happened. The memorial for phyllis, diane being arrested for her murder. How are you holding up?

Jack: How I’m doing is the least of my worries. Right now, I am trying to do everything I can to help diane. Arresting her was a gross miscarriage of justice. There is no way she is guilty of trying to harm phyllis.

Christine: ‘Kay, look, I’m sorry, as district attorney, I can’t discuss an open investigation.

Jack: Look, I’m glad to hear that it’s open, because I think the person you need to stay laser focused on investigating is jeremy stark.

Christine: Well, I assure you we’re following up on every lead, but right now they all lead back to your fiancé.

Jack: What about stark? He has more motive than anyone else.

Christine: Where’s the evidence?

Jack: Where’s the evidence against diane? You can’t just jump to the conclusion that she’s some kind of murderer. You know diane. You honestly think she’s capable of killing someone?

[ Christine sighs ]

[ Phyllis sighs ]

Phyllis: Oh… I’m sorry. Oh, my god, what have I done? For bathroom odors that linger.

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Christine: Thank you. I’m afraid it’s not as simple as that. There are some irrefutable facts.

Jack: I don’t see how that is possible. I know she is not guilty regardless of what chance or anybody at gcpd claim they have on her.

Christine: The judge never would’ve signed off on an arrest warrant if the evidence wasn’t solid.

Jack: You don’t know what they got their hands on, but they’re soon gonna realize it won’t hold up. Yes, diane and phyllis were in a constant state of conflict, right up to the night that they fought and phyllis died. But diane didn’t murder her. That’s outrageous. Do you know what they brought to the judge?

Christine: Look, jack. I take my professional and ethical boundaries very seriously. If you expect me to reveal some information about this case because of our friendship, I can’T. It would be totally inappropriate.

Jack: I’m sorry. I’m not trying to take advantage. I’m not. I am scared, and I am outraged. She does not belong behind bars. All I’m asking is that you try to slow this thing down and not rush to judgment.

Christine: I assure you, it wasn’t rushed or without very strong evidence. This arrest was made on strong investigative work.

Jack: [ Sighs ] Then you have to focus on stark again. You have to. And somehow get diane out of that cell.

Christine: Okay. Jack, I– I understand how hard this is for you and your family, especially at a time like this. But I’m telling you honestly, there’s really nothing I can do except follow protocol.

Jack: Protocol? There is a murderer running scot-free out there, while my fiancé is sitting in a jail cell on trumped up charges. Did it ever occur to you, maybe he set her up? Whatever this so-called evidence your people have is–

Christine: It is very real evidence. So much so that it incriminated, diane to be arrested, okay?

[ Sighs ] I’m gonna promise you this. This case is not over. And yes, I will look into the loose ends. However, until something turns up to exonerate diane or points to some other person, that is really all I can offer you right now.

Summer: Kyle, I– I didn’t expect you to be home so soon. But I’m glad that you’re here.

Kyle: I need to be with you and harrison. I thought you might need me to.

Nick: Well, it’s been a long, exhausting day. You both need to get some rest.

Summer: How– how did things go at the police station?

Kyle: Dad and I were there while my mom was being processed, but they wouldn’t allow us to talk to her. Chance did allow her to tell us in passing and she was okay. Not that I believed her. She looks shell-shocked and traumatized. I mean, they have to know she didn’t do this.

Nick: I’m sure the police will get to the bottom of what happened. And I know jack will do everything he can to help your mother.

Kyle: Yeah, he’s meeting with christine as we speak. Hopefully, he can convince her to release her as soon as possible. In any case, thank you for bringing summer home.

Nick: Of course. All right, I’mma leave you two alone. I’m a phone call away. You need anything, I don’t care what it is, call me and I’ll be here.

Summer: Thanks, dad.

[ Door closes ]

Sharon: Where are tessa and the baby? You know I’m dying to see her.

Mariah: Oh. You thought you were gonna see the baby tonight? At this hour? No, no, no. I sent tessa and the baby to the tack house. That’s okay, right?

Sharon: You are teasing me, right? Stop, where are they? Are they waiting outside? ‘Cause I’ll go out there and get them myself.

Mariah: No, no, no, no, no. Hold your horses. I will text her to come in. I just wanted to come in first to make sure the place was warm enough and, you know, there wasn’t anybody with any strong perfume, or nobody was, like, hacking up a lung. I know, I sound ridiculous. It’s a little embarrassing.

Sharon: No, no, it’s perfectly normal. You sound like a first-time parent. But now that you see none of those horrors are going on in here, bring her in here. Hurry up! I can’t wait to meet her.

Mariah: Well, there’s, uh– there’s no need. Ta-da.

Tessa: Hey, sharon.

Sharon: Hi, tessa. Finally. Oh, my gosh. Aw.

Mariah: Well, here she is. Meet aria porter copeland.

Sharon: She is perfect. She’s absolutely perfect.

Tessa: Isn’t it crazy how pink her lips are? They’re so perfect.

Mariah: It’s the cheeks that get me.

Tessa: The cheeks, I know.

Mariah: The cheeks, they’re just so round. There are times, I wonder…

[ Kissing ]

Victoria: Oh, yes. Oh.

Nick: Hey, audra.

Audra: Nick. Um, I heard about your loss. Please accept my condolences.

Nick: Thanks.

Audra: You know, I’m surprised to see you here. Wasn’t the service today?

Nick: Yeah, it was. But, uh, there’s always work to be done, and honestly, I could use the distraction.

Audra: Well, if you’re looking for your sister, she’s in her office.

Nick: Oh, yeah? Great. I wasn’t sure she’d be here this late. I do need to speak with her, but I gotta run by my office and I’ll come back and see her. Thanks.

Audra: Yeah. My pleasure, nick.

Sharon: Come here, baby. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Look at you. Oh, my sweetie-jo. Look at you.

[ Gasps ] I think she smiled at me. Did you see that?

Tessa: Yeah, she definitely did.

Sharon: Ugh. Well, does she– does she cry much? Because she just seems so peaceful here. Like, she didn’t even make a fuss when she came into my arms.

Tessa: Aw.

Adam: [ Laughs softly] It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?

Sally: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I mean, they look like their world just got a million times more wonderful.

Adam: Hmm. There’s nothing better than a baby. There’s just something about their presence that fills your heart in a way that you can’t even imagine. Just this little life with endless potential. Your world is suddenly brand new because now they’re in it.

Sally: Well, look at you getting all poetic on me.

[ Laughs ]

Adam: I’ve been there. Trust me. It’s– it’s magical. And it won’t be long until you get to experience that for yourself.

Sally: [ Sighs ] Well, why don’t we go in and meet the new baby?

Adam: Hello to the happy new parents.

Sally: Congrats, mamas.

Mariah: Thank you so much.

Tessa: As you can see, we’re over the moon.

Sharon: Her name is aria. Isn’t that a beautiful name?

Adam: That is absolutely fitting. This kid is gonna get the best lullabies ever.

Mariah: [ Laughs ] True.

Sally: Can I take a peek?

Mariah: Yeah, of course. Go ahead.

Tessa: Oh, yeah, we’re all about sharing the joy. I mean, what else is a baby for?

Sally: Oh, my gosh. Hi. Oh, my god. Look at those little fingers and her precious cheeks.

Mariah: Mm-hmm.

Sally: Aw. How does it feel?

Mariah: What?

Sally: Just, you know, being mothers now and knowing that aria is all yours?

Tessa: It’s like this wonderful miracle just happened.

Mariah: It’s like our– our greatest dream came true.

Kyle: We have a lot to talk about. But first, I wanna know how you’re doing? You poured so much of yourself into planning this memorial and now that it’s over–

Summer: To be honest, I’m just… exhausted. You know, I feel like I could sleep for a week, but… it was worth it, you know? The service was lovely. Don’t you think?

Kyle: It was just right. You did a great job. I can’t believe you did all that work on your own. Everyone was grateful for the chance to say goodbye to phyllis.

Summer: Yeah. And I got to say all the things that I needed to say to her. Things that I should have said to her while she was still here.

Kyle: And phyllis would’ve loved it. I hope that’ll bring you comfort in the days ahead.

Summer: Maybe, but I’m still gonna wake up every morning wishing that she were still her. But maybe– maybe I’ll be able to rest a little easier knowing that we honored my mom in a way that she deserved. And I think she was smiling down at us today. And thank you, my wonderful husband.

Kyle: For what?

Summer: Just for standing by me, for being the loving, supportive partner that I’ve needed throughout this whole ordeal. And I– I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling right now. You must have been blindsided by diane’s arrest.

Kyle: Yeah. I– I really didn’t see that coming. I hate to think that she’s all alone and locked up for something she didn’t do. I mean, how can they even think that? She’s not a murderer.

Summer: You really still think that? Even now?

[ Jeremy sighs ]

Jeremy: What happened to you leaving town last night like we planned? It’s so dangerous for you to be within 50 miles of this place. Why are you still here? Dry skin is sensitive skin, too.

Jack: I understand your point of view. I– I respect it. But promise me you’ll hear this much. From the moment diane came back to town, she has wanted nothing more than to reestablish her relationship with her son and get to know her grandson. That is all. Now she has a future with them, and with me. She has a new and burgeoning career. And why would she jeopardize all of that to get back at an old foe? Why would she go to all that work to rebuild her life here in town, only to throw it all away?

Christine: And I see your point. But the evidence indicates she did exactly that.

Jack: Then the evidence is wrong. This leads us back to jeremy stark. He’s a criminal. He set her up.

Christine: Tomorrow is her arraignment. I think you need to be prepared for what could happen. And given diane’s history of disappearing into the wind, there’s a very good chance that she won’t get bail. And there is nothing I can do about that. And if stark is responsible for phyllis’s death, he has done an excellent job of implicating diane and covering his tracks.

Jack: He may be good, he’s not that good. Eventually what he did wrong will come to light. He will be proven guilty.

[ Clattering ]

Phyllis: I changed my mind. I’m allowed to change my mind. People do it all the time.

Jeremy: Yeah. Look, I knew it. You took an insane risk by going to the memorial service.

Phyllis: I had to go.

Jeremy: No, you didn’T.

Phyllis: I did.

Jeremy: No, the only thing you have to do is get the hell outta town.

Phyllis: I had to see how my children feel about me. I had to see.

Jeremy: There you go with the kids again. Okay. Why do you care? They are adults now. They have their own lives and they’re gonna mourn and get right back to their busy lives.

Phyllis: No, they’re not.

Jeremy: Yes, they will.

Phyllis: No, they’re not.

Jeremy: Yes, they will and you know it.

Phyllis: They’re not.

Jeremy: You know it.

Phyllis: Shh. Shh. You didn’t hear the pain and regret that was in their voice. You weren’t there. I can take that away for them.

Jeremy: By showing up and letting them see that you’re alive.

Phyllis: They’ll forgive me.

[ Jeremy scoffs ] I know they will. I know they will.

Kyle: Of course, I believe my mother is innocent. What– are– are– are you saying you don’t?

Summer: Look, kyle. I know how hard it is to accept a reality that you don’t want to believe is real.

Kyle: Because it’s not. I will never stop believing my mother is innocent. The cops got this one wrong. It is tragic and it is disgusting. But jeremy stark is the only one to blame for what happened to phyllis.

Summer: Look, I don’t doubt that jeremy stark played a role in this and hopefully it won’t be long before he’s arrested, too, but I’m not buying that he acted alone. Chance didn’t arrest diane for no reason. Okay? They have a strong case against her.

Kyle: What? You can’t believe that. Whatever dubious evidence they have comes courtesy of stark framing my mother.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] You’re way too close to this. You just can’t see your mother for who she is. But I can. And now the police do, too. Look, I’m sorry, kyle. But I have to believe that diane is the reason my mom is dead.

[ Knock on door ]

Nick: Vic, you in there?

[ Victoria groans ]

[ Handle creaking ]

[ Nate hissing ]

Victoria: Uh, hey, nick. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I had the door locked. Uh, nate and I were just having a drink. I imagine you could use one after the day you had.

Nate: Yes, thanks.

Victoria: Sure.

[ Nick clearing throat ]

[ Victoria clearing throat ]

Nate: Uh, nick, my, uh, sincere condolences. Losing phyllis is a huge loss to you and her family. She’ll be missed, uh, by the whole city, really. Um, I’m sure you two need some time to talk. Uh, I’ll check in with you later, victoria.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. There you go. So, how was the memorial service? I imagine it was especially hard for daniel and summer.

Nick: I don’t wanna talk about that right now.

Victoria: Okay. What do you want to talk about?

Nick: What are you thinking?

Victoria: [ Scoffs ] What? I don’t understand what you mean.

Nick: Stop. Just stop it. You know what I’m talking about. You and nate. Whatever was happening in this office. (Lucky) uh-oh the magic’s disappearing!

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. (Vo) get them to open up.

[ Chatter and laughter ]

Elena: Is that who I think it is?

Tessa: Elena, meet our daughter, aria.

Sharon: Isn’t she darling?

Mariah: You know, we didn’t plan a welcome home party for her, but it looks like we don’t have to. She’s getting to meet everyone.

Elena: Oh, yes. Welcome home is right. We have all been dying to meet you, baby aria. Look how perfect you are. And look at your mommies. You guys are all glowing.

Mariah: Aw.

Elena: Oh, my gosh. I know how much you both wanted to be a family and now look at you.

Tessa: Thanks, elena. I don’t think I could have done it without you. I mean, all your help and advice before the baby was born. I was just so worried about being unprepared.

[ Elena laughing ] But you totally calmed my nerves. You were so positive and reassuring. You were right, so far. And now aria is here and there’s just nothing that I wouldn’t do for her or for my family.

Elena: That’s because the three of you were meant to be together.

Elena: Oh, hug it out.

Tessa: Yeah, we did.

Nick: I know I’m not the most observant guy in the world, but even I could see the smudge of lipstick on nate’s neck. What about the button you missed there? And what in the hell is going on with your hair? Is that the way you normally wear it?

Victoria: Fine. You got me.

Nick: You think?

Victoria: Look, why are you freaking out about this? When you have other things that you should be concerned about. Why are you not focusing on your family right now?

Nick: You are my family. I care about you. You’re making a terrible mistake.

Victoria: Well, there you go again, making another leap without any evidence to back it up.

Nick: He is in a relationship, vic, with my friend.

Victoria: Yeah, yeah, I know. And you– you have a saintly past, free of guilt. Right, nick?

Nick: Well, he’s an executive here. He could have some ulterior motive. Maybe, uh, looking for some personal gain.

Victoria: What gain? That’s not nate. That’s not who he is. Look, if he was up to something, I would know it anyway.

Nick: Oh, like you saw everything that was going down with ashley?

Victoria: That was a completely different situation, and don’t you ever mention his name to me again. Do you understand?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yes. Sorry. But this could be more of the same, you know?

Victoria: I’m not interested in your opinions or your judgment. I’m just not. I– I… you yourself had a relationship with the ceo of newman media, remember? And you– you firmly told me to stay out of it. And I have been nothing– nothing but respectful of your relationship with sally.

Nick: Yes. And I appreciate it.

Victoria: So, would you please show me the same courtesy? You told me to keep quiet about her pregnancy and that adam is the father and I have done that. So, please, do the same for me. Keep my private life private. Do you understand, nicholas? Now, if that’s everything, I– I have some things that I need to finish.

Nick: Start by brushing your hair.

Kyle: I get how this must look to you. I understand how desperate you must be for answers. But I know my mother. She isn’t capable of poisoning someone just to get them out of the way.

Summer: My mom is not just “someone.” Their hatred for each other goes back decades. As does their competition over jack.

Kyle: Oh, I know. I remember the story about the pool house. Dad had to have it rebuilt after my mom burned it down.

Summer: And she did it so that it looked like my mom tried to kill her. She wasn’t arrested or convicted back then, but everybody knew what happened.

Kyle: That really doesn’t matter. She’s not that person anymore. She has worked very hard to try to prove that to us, ever since she returned.

Summer: Our moms bring out the worst in each other. It’s obvious that some things never change. Or you know what? Maybe– maybe they actually do because this time it was way worse. Your mom was pushed past her limit, and she snapped.

Kyle: Oh, wait a minute. She didn’t–

Summer: No, kyle. Just listen to me. Okay? Hear me out. I’m not trying to make excuses for my mom’s behavior. God knows that I wish that she had gotten a grip on herself and stopped her obsession. Maybe then she would still be alive today. But she didn’T. She was gonna keep on pushing diane and undermining her at every turn, including in her relationship with jack, and diane knew it. She was done with my mom.

Kyle: But not to the point of trying to poison her.

Summer: No, it all came to a head the night of the gala, when they had that crazy fight. Diane said that she wanted to strangle my mom to death.

Kyle: Oh, that was a figure of speech. She didn’t mean it literally.

Summer: She could’ve easily poisoned her right after that. The last words that my mom said to me was that she needed to protect and defend herself against diane. She knew that diane would do anything to make her suffer. And even though she knew the threat that your mom posed to her, she wouldn’t stop. She kept on pushing and aggravating her. It’s just– it is so clear to me what happened. And kyle, I know that it is painful, but you need to open your eyes. There are times, I wonder…

Jeremy: Don’t you think for a second that you can go back. Oh, yeah, they’re shedding tears now. But what do you think will happen when they figure out that you faked the whole thing?

Phyllis: They’ll forgive me. Diane did it. They forgave her. She let her kid think that she was dead for years and years. Trust me, it’ll be fine. It’s only been a couple days.

Jeremy: You seem to be forgetting the point in all this. We put this in motion so we could see diane rot in prison. Meanwhile, you will be off someplace being a whole new person with not a care in the world.

Phyllis: How could I have not a care in the world, jeremy? When there are people out there that I love so much, who are in so much pain?

Jeremy: You seem to be ignoring the fact that we’re in this together. You made a commitment and I’m not about to let you blow everything up over some stupid sentiment.

Phyllis: My kids are not some stupid sentiment.

Jeremy: I mean, revealing your involvement would be revealing my involvement. Okay? And I can’t let that happen. So, if you’re having second thoughts, I suggest you get them out of that pretty little head of yours, before something happens to that pretty little head.

Phyllis: You think you scare me? Is that what you think? That I’m scared of you? You think you can give me orders and tell me what to do? You have no idea who you’re dealing with.

Kyle: All right. All right. I have heard you out. Now you have to listen to me. I swear my mother didn’t do this. I know that nothing can convince you of that right now. But the reality is, we don’t know what evidence the police have. I have no idea how strong their case really is or what we’re actually facing here. So, I am asking you to just let this play out. You will see my mother will be cleared and released.

Summer: Why are you so sure?

Kyle: Because I know there’s no way she could have done this. She didn’t like phyllis, everyone knew that. But she wouldn’t kill her. She isn’t capable. And after everything harrison has been through, I don’t want him to hear these horrible things about his deedee. So, I am asking you, summer, can you please keep an open mind for now? Can you do that for me?

Summer: For harrison’s sake, I will do whatever I can to protect him from the news. But you and I need to agree on a cover story for why diane is gone.

Kyle: I’m hoping it won’t be more than this one night. Her arraignment’s in the morning. I’m hoping that she will get released on bail.

Summer: That’s wishful thinking, don’t you think? The fact is, we don’t know how long it’s gonna be before diane comes back, if ever.

Nick: I thought I might find you here.

Nate: Why is that?

Nick: Figured you’d wanna take some time, you know, figure out what you want to say to elena before you go home.

Nate: I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about, nick.

Nick: See, I already played this game with victoria. I’m not doing it again. So, here’s the deal. I don’t know if it’s, uh, just a fling or if it’s been going on for a while.

Nate: Nick, it is not like that.

Nick: I don’t care. I don’t care, nate. I just need to make sure there’s no agenda here.

Nate: Nothing is going on, other than I have everything I could hope for heading newman media. Things couldn’t be better.

Nick: Oh, I bet. Here’s my concern. You had, uh, a tremendous position at chancellor-winters, but it wasn’t enough for you. You wanted more. So, what did you do? You turned your back on your family for your own selfish gain. And that tells me everything I need to know about you.

Nate: It wasn’t that simple.

Nick: Really? Well, maybe you can explain it to me someday. But as far as I’m concerned, your credibility is shot.

Nate: Wow. Well, if you came here to put me on some kind of notice, fine. Message received. But even though I work for newman media, my personal time is my own business.

Nick: Sure, it is. Until it’s my business.

Elena: Hey. Nick. Long time, no see. What are you guys talking about?

[ Nick clears throat ] (Vo) is she tired? Sad? Bored?

Tessa: Oh, I can’t get over how adorable she is.

Sharon: Ugh, her sweet little face. It’s like all is right in her own little world. Mariah, is everything okay?

Mariah: Yeah, I just– I still can’t believe the news about phyllis. We were about to take off on our flight and nick called us and told us what happened. I just can’t believe that she’s gone, and in such a terrible way.

Sharon: All the people she cared about, they’re all in so much pain right now.

Mariah: It’s why it feels so weird to be happy right now.

Sharon: Hey. You have nothing to feel guilty about and none of those people would want you to feel that way. They want you to relish all the happiness of the moment that you’ve been given. I mean, here you are home with your new baby and tessa, starting a new chapter in your life. And it’s a really special time. It goes by very fast.

Tessa: Aw.

Sharon: Aw, see, aria agrees. She’s already a very wise little girl.

Sally: That is the most precious little girl. It’s her big eyes and her plump little cheeks. I just wanna eat her up.

[ Both chuckling ]

Adam: Sounds like you’re falling in love with the idea of having a daughter.

Sally: Well, a daughter or a son. Either one would be amazing.

Adam: Well, we’re gonna find out soon enough, aren’t we? Thank you, again, for asking me to go with you to your appointment. A little daughter would be nice.

Sally: Finding out is gonna make this all the more real, isn’t it? It is crazy to think in a matter of months, this growing baby is just gonna be out in the world, hanging out in a car seat, just as adorable as little aria.

Adam: I cannot wait.

Nate: Unfortunately, nick didn’t drop in for a friendly visit.

Elena: Oh. What’s going on?

Nate: He seems to share your belief that I’m being consumed by power. And quite frankly, I’m tired of hearing it, on all fronts.

Nick: Well, the truth often hurts. And it gets old when you don’t want to admit it. All right. With that, I will say good night. Elena, it’s nice seeing you. You look beautiful. Nate’s a very lucky guy.

Elena: You wanna tell me what that’s about?

[ Door opening ]

Kyle: Hey, how was your meeting with christine? Any progress?

Jack: Uh, not much, I’m afraid. We’ll have to wait for the arraignment and hope for the best. How’s summer?

Kyle: She’s upstairs. But not in a good way, I’m sorry to say.

Jack: Wait, how so?

Kyle: She is locked into this belief about mom. She truly believes mom is to blame for phyllis’ death. Dad, I– I don’t know how I am going to handle this. I feel like I am caught between my wife and my mother. They both need my support, but they’re on complete opposite sides of the problem. How do I help without feeling disloyal?

Jack: No, you are definitely in a tough spot.

Kyle: Somehow, I have to convince my wife that my mother did not kill phyllis. Not only because I know for certain she is innocent, but because my marriage is at stake, dad. If I can’t accomplish that, I– how does my marriage survive?

Jack: Wait. Of course, you– don’t talk like that. We’ll– we will get her home. We will clear diane’s name. We will put all of this behind us.

Kyle: See, that’s the thing. Summer doubted mom will be freed anytime soon.

Jack: Yeah, christine said something like that, too.

Kyle: Something’s got to come to light to set the record straight, right? Mom has to come home soon.

Jack: I promise you, kyle, I am going to do everything in my power to prove diane’s innocence. We will do it together.

Kyle: Okay. Then we have to start by finding the truth.

Jack: That’s right. And we will not give up until we uncover it.

Phyllis: Let me tell you something. I am not an amateur and I’m not easily manipulated. If I have a problem with somebody, they get it. Let me tell you something else. I usually get away with it. Also, I’ve spent very, very little time behind bars, stark. So, who’s a smart one now? Okay? And if you’re half as smart as you say you are, you will get out of my way.

Jeremy: Okay. Okay. Let me tell you something. Huh? I’m not going back to prison. Do you understand me? You’re not gonna blow this for me. So, you’re going to do what you’re supposed to do. Go it?

Phyllis: Did you hear me? I don’t take orders from anyone. I’m not taking orders from you.

Jeremy: Wait a second. Is this some sort of a game for you?

Phyllis: It’s not my game. It is my life.

Jeremy: No. Wrong. You have no life. You are dead. Dead to the world. And you better keep it that way. So help me god, I will kill you myself. You got it?

Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless.

Tucker: I’m gonna sell my company and I’m gonna leave this town.

Ashley: Okay. So, now you’re threatening me.

Adam: Looks like you’ve, uh, been left out of the loop, dad. Sally’s having my baby and I’m still in love with her.

Michael: Last night I got a call from jack, asking me to represent diane.

Nikki: Oh, my god. Michael. You can’t defend the woman who killed one of your best friends.

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GH Transcript Friday, April 14, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 [Grunts] – Ten… 11– you got it? You wanna take a break? – No. I don’t need one. – Go easy, son. Last time you overdid it, you wound up at the hospital with a bum shoulder. – In fair, dad, only half of that was chase’s fault. The other half was brook lynn.

[Dramatic music] – I’m watching wiley and amelia while willow rests upstairs. Drop everything and get over here. I don’t care if you’re at the hair salon, okay? I have a critical mission for you, and you have to accept it. – Paul, you have an in at the coast guard, so I need you to find out whatever you can about the “haunted star.” Come on in. And allison, uh, I need you to do the same thing with government leads. If they’re credible, find them. Sorry, big news day. – Ah, no–no problem. That’s actually why I dropped by. Dante’s been working so hard on the investigation, but he hasn’t said anything about victor. Have you heard anything? – Yeah, the “haunted star” is gone from its mooring. There’s no accounting for it. They believe there’s hostages, three of them. That’s all I know. – Okay. Well, if anything new comes in, will you please keep me updated? – Mm-hmm. If you do the same for me. I heard you were in court this morning. What’s up?

– Trina is coming home, even if I have to bring her home myself. – Thank you. Thank you for being here and wanting to help find trina. – I can’t just sit around knowing all the danger that faces my daughter.

Your daughter.

– We’re friends as well as colleagues, laura. This plan you’ve been working on with robert and felicia to take down victor cassadine, what is it? And why the hell didn’t you tell me about it? – Anna was a fugitive at the time. If I had involved you, I would have compromised you. Okay, so we all talked about it, and we decided the smart thing to do would be to continue with the plan until we could find proof that it was victor who was behind luke’s death. – Okay, and how did that work out for you? – I knew that I was dealing with a dangerous man, okay? I didn’t know that he would disappear on the “haunted star” or that he would make my grandsons and dr. Obrecht and trina robinson all disappear with him.

– If you think I’m going to help you, you have truly lost

[Speaking german]. – [Laughs] Oh, I do love it when you speak german to me. Well, let’s be honest. You have done worse. And if you choose not to cooperate, I promise you, the consequences will be dire. – Ah! Ah! Oh! – You can say that again. – [Speaking german] – What are you doing? – You need obrecht for your plan to protect your family? No obrecht, no plan. – Don’t just sit there, victor. Do something!

– Have at it.


[Radar beeping, radio chatter] – What’s taking so long with that deflection, spencer?

[Quiet clattering]

– What was that?

[Dramatic music]


– You had a reporter at the courthouse? – He said that cody bell was arrested for grand larceny and you bailed him out. Why? – Well, because cody’s dante’s friend, and he needed help. – So why didn’t dante help him? – ‘Cause he’s busy searching for victor. – So you thought you’d just step in? – Okay, if you wanna hear the full story, I’ll tell you the full story. Sasha gilmore had a very expensive bracelet on loan, and gladys corbin was wearing it at the time. And according to gladys, who is not the most reliable narrator, said that the bracelet just magically disappeared from her wrist. And said bracelet was found in the pocket of cody’s jacket, which he was not wearing at the time. – Mm, doesn’t mean he’s innocent.

[Dramatic music] – What happened to my mother, the lawyer, who believed all defendants were innocent until proven guilty? – She got disbarred. I was under the impression that you didn’t trust cody. – Mom, I told you that I’m handling this. You have enough to deal with. – Fine. Not gonna interfere where I’m not wanted.

– Do you really mean that? – I’m trying. You don’t want me involved in this business with cody, I won’t be involved. – Have you been hit on the head? – [Sighs] I’ve just been told off. – Oh. By gregory? – If I’m pushing myself, blame my nerves. The ccrb meets later today. – Your brother told me that brook lynn had something to do with you getting a second chance. – Brook lynn convinced the board to reconsider my case. – Well, that’s good news, right? – Maybe. Or maybe I wouldn’t have needed a second chance if brook lynn had submitted her letter of support the first time the board had met. – [Sighs] – This better be good. I had to skip the conditioning treatment. – Wow, your hair looks amazing. But we will talk about that at another time. How are james and georgie doing? – Well, I had to tell them that their oma disappeared because she wanted their magic act to be a success. Georgie didn’t buy it, but james believes it, so georgie is pretending to believe it too. – I’m so sorry about liesl. I know how much you care about her. This must be driving you nuts. – I just can’t believe it’s happening. I keep telling myself mac and the pcpd are gonna leave no stone unturned, and if anyone can take care of themself, it’s liesl. – Well, she is a formidable woman. – Yeah, but still, victor cassadine, he’s a scary guy. And how long can willow wait for the bone marrow transplant? – Speaking of willow, you are going to plan her wedding to michael. – You always really cared for trina. – Trina is a remarkable young woman. I was looking forward to being a part of her family… officially. – You are. Curtis, you are a part of her family. And trina– trina and I are very lucky that we have you on our side. We are.

– All that matters is that we get her home safely. I’m gonna see if jordan is still here. – Okay.

– Hey. Will you be okay? – I refuse to fall apart, but I am far from okay. – I feel you.

– [Exhales deeply] Please, please, please.

[Radar beeping, radio chatter]

– [Over radio]

Security main cabin. Repeat, all security units to main cabin.

– Now what? – Put the knife down, spencer. – You think I’m bluffing… – stop being ridiculous! – That I won’t kill her? Do not underestimate me, victor! I will do anything to save my brother from you. – Don’t you understand, dear boy? If you kill dr. Obrecht, you simply seal your baby brother’s fate.

– Back up. Michael and willow rescheduled their wedding until after the bone marrow transplant. They’re getting married in july. – Because willow’s bone marrow transplant was supposed to be today. – Oh, my god. She doesn’t think she’s gonna make it until liesl gets home. – No one knows when liesl’s gonna be found. – Or if she will. – Maxie, stay positive, okay? Liesl will be found, but I understand willow’s concern. She and michael want to be married. They don’t want to risk waiting, so they’re moving it up. – Okay, yeah. I’ll help in any way that I can. What are they thinking, end of the month? – Tomorrow. – I’m sorry, what? – Too soon, I know, but everyone’s pitching in, and it’s gonna be the most beautiful day ever, but we need you. – To plan a wedding in less than 24 hours. – Well, you planned the nurses’ ball in record time. – [Laughs] Shall I count all the ways that that went wrong? – Count all the ways that it went right. Look, you synced the nurses’ ball with gh’s 60th anniversary. Compared to that, planning a romantic wedding in less than 24 hours is a literal piece of cake. – [Huffs] Brew some coffee. Make it strong. I’ll plan this wedding, come hell or high water. Oh, god. – I’m sorry I brought up brook lynn. – Forget it. Who wants to do more reps? – Oh, no thanks. – Dad? – What your brother said. – Come on, you’ve barely broken a sweat today. – Uh , ’cause I don’t needto actively avoid my feelings. – Why does he care so much about me and brook lynn? – I don’t know. Maybe because he loves you? – [Laughs] I love both my boys, and I want them both to be happy. So sue me. – Brook lynn did make me happy. She also hurt and disappointed me. She held off on writing her letter of support because she didn’t want me to get my badge back. She wanted me to focus on music. Supposedly, the plan was for us to expose her music manager as a predator so he couldn’t extort or harass any other women, and for brook lynn to get her songs back. Instead, she signed a nondisclosure agreement with linc. He gave her her songs back, and she agreed to keep quiet. Brook lynn sold out. – Yeah, that’s pretty tough to get past. – From what I understand, brook lynn more than redeemed herself at the nurses’ ball. She broke the nondisclosure agreement, correct? She outed this linc brown as a serial harasser. – She did. And I respect that. But as long as I’ve known her, brook lynn has always put her own interests first and apologized afterward. And no matter what I feel about her, I can’t trust her.

– Gregory and I had a run-in. – Another one? – Yeah, compounded on top of the mess that I made the first time when I went to his boss behind his back. – Okay, mom, well, maybe you shouldn’t have called his boss. But you were just trying to help. And that’s what a good friend would do. – Speaking of friends, let’s go back to cody. Dante seems to know as much about cody as he doesn’t know about cody. – Ah-ah, no, no, no. I told you I am dealing with this. So we’re talking about gregory now. What–what ever happened? Did he have a drinking problem? – Gregory doesn’t have a drinking problem. – Okay. Well, I know that you’ve been really concerned for him. If not a drinking problem, then what is it?

– I know better than anyone that the best of intentions can have unforeseen results. And while I’m not thrilled that you chose not to involve the pcpd, I do understand. But things have changed. And I need you to keep me in the loop. – Okay. Felicia is tracking someone down who may be able to help us to find victor. – Okay. Who is it? And does she need backup? – Not yet. You’ll be the first to know if they do. I mean, all hands on deck. – Well, if that’s the case, count me in.

– Without liesl, your, uh, plan is a nonstarter. If she’s not around to devise a vaccine, you risk your own life as well as me and my brother’S. – A sacrifice I’m willing to make. – [Laughs] Now who’s bluffing? – All that matters is that the world is set to right. So go ahead. Kill liesl. Are you willing to risk that your baby brother will be able to survive what’s coming next? His blood will be on your hands.

– Fine. – Ah!


[Panting] – Cover the exits. Your move, spencer.

– Agh! Cassadines are demented. One has me abducted, the other holds me at knifepoint.

[Speaking german] Is too good for the pair of you. – I knew you’d see reason. Get rid of him.


[Static buzzes] – No, come on. Please be what I think you are.

[Device beeps]

Ah.Let’s do that. I’ll be in touch. – Well? – It’s a little early, but she has peonies. – Oh, good. – She can do all the arrangements and the rose petals for the flower girl. – Oh, flower girls plural, donna and avery. The only family member not slated to participate in the wedding is amelia.

[Scoffs] – Is olivia gonna bake the cake? – Oh, try and stop her. She is determined to cook all of the food for this wedding. – That’s really sweet. – Yeah. – And I’m sure it will all be delicious. We just–we need something to elevate the occasion, you know, make it special. Do you think it’s too late to get monogrammed napkins from portugal? – Why don’t we just– let’s just take some of the pressure out of this thing. Hey, all willow really wants is a joyful and happy day with her friends and family. – I got it! A special song just for them. You could write it, chase could perform it. – Oh, I’d be happy to write a song for willow and michael, but I don’t think chase would perform it. – Why not? It’s for willow. – Yeah, but that means he’d have to work with me.

[Dramatic music] – People have the capacity to change. In fact, history has shown us– – dad, please, no–no lectures. Just–all right. – Okay. All I’m saying is that brook lynn made a huge personal sacrifice when she exposed linc. She put other people ahead of herself when she ignored the nda and outed him. Doesn’t that show she’s changed? – Brook lynn has a big heart, no question. I mean, it’s–it’s why I fell in love with her. But I already told you, she has a habit of acting on her worst impulses and hurting everyone around her. – Sounds like you made up your mind about her. – Oh, come on, don’t make me sound like the bad guy. – No, I’m not saying that, harry, it’s just I thought I taught my sons to be open to second chances. – Yes. Yes, you did. So when does alexis get hers?

– Gregory told me in no uncertain terms that his life is none of my business, and that whatever it is that he’s going through, he’s determined to go through it alone. – Okay, well, you know, sometimes people need to figure things out for themselves. Maybe the best thing that you can do right now is just offer gregory your support and trust that he will reach out to you if he needs you. – Mm, no. He won’T. – [Sighs] And it drives you crazy, doesn’t it? Because you see someone that needs help, and you want to help them. – Yeah, it’s a curse. That’s why I became a lawyer. – Well, he doesn’t need a lawyer and he doesn’t need your help. So why can’t you just let this go? – Because it doesn’t matter what he says. He does need my help. As far as I know, I’m the only one that knows he’s got a problem. So what am I supposed to do, just sit back and do nothing?

– I will do anything to make sure trina makes it home safely.

[Cell phone ringing] – Whoops. Oh. Sorry, I need to take this. Mayor collins. – I appreciate the offer, curtis. – But… – victor cassadine is dangerous. – Right, and he has trina. Believe me, he will not see me coming. – Just trust that we have every available resource looking for victor and his hostages. If there’s something you can do, I will let you know. – Jordan, jordan, jordan. – Curtis, the truth is, there’s not a lot any of us can do right now. We don’t even know where to look for the “haunted star,” so for now, it’s just best that you just sit tight. – Not while trina’s in trouble. If you won’t let me help the pcpd, there are others I can turn to. – Oh, what, like sonny corinthos or selina wu?

– [Choked up] Patient entered the er, um, complaining of stomach pains and nausea.

[Clears throat] Ultrasound indicated that, um…



[Cell phone ringing]

[Sniffles] Hello? – Mom, it’s me. – Trina?

– Trina. Oh, thank god. Where are you, honey? We’ve been so worried about you.

[Dramatic music] – I’m on the “haunted star.” Spencer’s uncle, victor, took spencer, the baby, and dr. Obrecht. He’s taking them somewhere. – And they took you too? Honey, honey, are you okay? How are you calling me right now? – He doesn’t know that I’m here. I followed spencer and snuck onboard. Mom, I don’t know where we are. I need your help. – Okay, honey, hang on, hang on. He-help is on the way. – I don’t understand. You outed that creep, linc, at the nurses’ ball. – But what does that have to do with me and chase? – Well, I saw the look on chase’s face when you laid into that skeevy manager. He was so proud of you. I just assumed when it was all over, he would sweep you into his arms and say all is forgiven. – Look, I didn’t break my nda and expose linc to get back together with chase, maxie, okay? I–I did it because I could not keep quiet for another second and let that creep exploit another woman. – And that is a side of you that chase has not seen before. I know you didn’t out linc for chase, but it is what chase wanted. And maybe now he realizes that his life is empty without you, and you guys can live happily ever after. – I let him down too many times. He thinks I’m selfish. – Oh, brook lynn. You are selfish. – Oh, the pot calling the kettle black. – Selfish with good intentions. You always do the right thing in the end. You just make some questionable decisions along the way. Chase knew that, and he fell in love with you anyway. He will again. – I doubt it. The ccrb meeting is today, and chase will get his life back. A life I’m not a part of. – I think finn has a point, dad. – Your situation with brook lynn was completely different from mine with alexis. – Of course. Of course it is. Uh, wait, how? – Because my relationship with alexis was never romantic. – Ah. – Love doesn’t come along often, son. I hate to see you throw it away. – Love is more complicated than friendship. It requires complete vulnerability to trust another person with your heart. I don’t know what alexis did that was so bad that you can’t be friends anymore. – In all the time we’ve been together, have I ever been drunk in your company? – No. No. Will you please explain to me why you got fired from– – ah! I–

[Huffs] I wasn’t fired. I quit. – I can see that something is really wrong here. Will you please let me help you? – Alexis…

[Sighs] Alexis overstepped. Chase claims that brook lynn violated his trust. Well, alexis did the same to me. – Okay, I–I really don’t want to get in the middle of this. – But you will because alexis is your friend. – Listen, I’ll only say that alexis oversteps because… she is who she is. She won’t be deterred when she thinks she’s doing the right thing. But I think she’s also proven that can respect boundaries. – That hasn’t been my experience. – Have you given her the chance to show you that she can?

– You know, sometimes that’s what a good friend is all about, just waiting for them to come to you. – I’m not very good at waiting for people to come to me. Just doesn’t feel natural. – [Chuckles] – I don’t have a lot of good friends. But the ones that I have, I have this connection with. And gregory and I have a connection. We have common interests, common ethics, common worldviews. And he’s been very supportive of me, so I wanted to return the favor. And when I did, I sort of destroyed whatever connection we did have. So maybe, uh, we didn’t have as solid a friendship as I thought.

– Are you accusing me of something, jordan? – Hey, we’re all on the same side, right? – Right. – I promise, you’ll be the first I tell if you can help. But I’m asking you, for now, just to back off before you get yourself in too deep. If something were to happen to you… – it’s trina! I have trina on the phone. – Oh, my god. – Where is she? – She’s on the “haunted star” like we were afraid of. – Put her on speaker. – Okay. – Trina, this is commissioner ashford. I’m here with curtis and mayor collins. – I’m so glad my mom found you. Um, I’m calling on a satellite phone.

We’re in open water. I don’t know where we are or where victor’s taking us. – Trina, are you okay? Is spencer and ace okay?

– Yes.

Um, victor doesn’t know I’m on the ship, and– and he has spencer and dr. Obrecht under armed guard. – I’ll call it to pinpoint the location of your phone. – I’m not sure how long I have before the guards come back. – Trina, only stay on the phone as long as you safely can.

– I was trying to find a radio

to call for help, but it doesn’t seem to be working. – Are you in the communications room now? – I think so. Um, there’s a lot of equipment here, but I don’t know what it does. – But you do, don’t you? – That ship was my wedding gift.

– [Grunts] What is the meaning of this? I didn’t do anything. – My great-nephew reminded me that one can’t be too careful. You disappointed me, spencer. – The feeling is mutual. I trusted you, uncle victor. And then you tricked me into meeting you here on this ship. You have abducted my baby brother. You have abducted britt’s mother. And what’s worse is you want to unleash hell on all of humanity, including the people that I love. – Tsk, tsk. I had hoped you’d have the stomach for this. Turns out you’re just as weak as your father. – I am not weak. But there has to be another way. You said it yourself, dr. Obrecht is brilliant. And I think that between the three of us, we can come up with a solution that would be amicable to everyone here. – And just why would I believe anything you say now, hm? You betrayed me, spencer. You have to face the consequences.

– take dr. Obrecht back to her cabin. I prefer to deal with my family in private.

[Dramatic music]

I’ll have all the information I’ve collected on the pathogen sent to your cabin so you can see I’m right. Oh, spencer, spencer, spencer. This gives me no pleasure. – Forgive me for not believing you. – Why can’t you understand that love of family has always been my driving force? It really hurts me that you can’t see that I’m not doing this to you, but for you and your brother! – Let’s work together. – Oh, it’s way too late for that now. You’ve left me no choice. – You can’t kill me, uncle victor. Whether you like it or not, you need me just as much as you need liesl. With my father and valentin out of the picture, I am your heir. – [Scoffs] – Well, now, you see, you’re half right. I do have an heir… and a spare.

[Sighs] I’ve allowed my love of family to cloud my judgment too long. All of you have forgotten what it is to be a cassadine. But it’s not too late for the baby. I’ll raise him and educate him as a cassadine. – Over my dead body. – [Laughs] That can be arranged.

– Trina, I haven’t been in the communications room in years, but from what I remember, there was a radar screen. It shows a round circle in the center. There’ll be some lines through it. Can you see something like that?

[Whispering] Get ready. – I see it.

– Great. Okay, in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen, there will be some numbers. Do you see something that looks like coordinates? – Yeah, yeah, I do. Um… 43 degrees, 42.7 north. 89 degrees, 41.1 west. – Um… – they could be the coordinates from the gps device victor tied to the buoy. – Trina, can you find a heading? – A heading?

– Honey, it’s the numbers right at the very top. – 29.369 degrees. – I’ll update it.

– All clear.

All units return to post. – I gotta go. I’ll call you back. – No, no, trina, trina. – No, no, no, honey. – Okay, is that the only satellite phone there? – Uh, I think so. – They’ll notice it’s missing. Whatever you do, do not take it with you. – Got it. – Trina, honey, it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna find you. – Mom? – I’m here. I’m here. – I love you. – I love you too. Now please, just be very, very careful. – I will.

[Dramatic music] – [Breathing shakily]


[Consoles beeping]

[Indistinct radio chatter] – Mom, if a friend truly knows you, eventually, they’re gonna realize that you have good intentions, and they will come back to you. – Well, I’m not sure it even matters what he thinks about me because I’m worried about him regardless. And I wish that he would talk to his sons about whatever this is, and if he would listen to me, I would tell him that when you cut your children out of your life, that it just causes you more misery. – Wait. Mom, gregory told you what’s really going on, didn’t he?

[Melancholy music] Okay, well, then maybe, just– maybe he’s gonna come around. – I doubt highly that I’m ever gonna see him again. – [Sighs] I’M… I am so sorry.

Are you gonna be okay? – It’ll take more than this to keep me down.

– I’m gonna take a shower and go pick up violet. Good luck in the meeting, bro. I’m rooting for you. – Thanks. – Sorry I pushed you. I just thought brook lynn was good for you. – I know. I thought alexis was good for you. – I enjoyed our friendship. Just wish things were different. – Look, I should hit the showers. I don’t wanna be late for the ccrb. – What? – I just realized, if all goes well, I’m gonna be the one who’s seeing more of alexis. – How so? – Well, not only is she a journalist, but the pcpd’s biggest case is tracking down her uncle victor because he kidnapped her nephews. – Yeah, I heard. – I’m sure she’s anxious to hear news about her family.

[Somber music] Anyway, I’ll see you.

– Chase and I were friends, but we didn’t get close until after he was suspended– because of me. – You didn’t ask chase to punch a civilian, let alone two. – But with linc and valentin, I was in a situation of my own making, and chase, you know, stepped in to defend me. – Because he cares. – Yeah, and that caring cost him a lot. And now he has a chance to be a detective again and reclaim his old life and everything he had in it before I came along. – But what you and chase had was real. – Until I messed it up… more than once. – Look, you tried to make it up to him, okay? You wrote that letter to the ccrb. – True. – So why are you giving up now? – I shouldn’t even be thinking about getting back together with chase. I mean, what I really owe him is helping him get his badge back. – I think you’ve done all you can do there. – I don’t know. Maybe there’s more I can do. – All right, then what are you waiting for? Go to that meeting. I’ll stay here with willow and amelia. I’ll work on wedding prep until michael gets back. – There’s still one more thing. What if I’m the last person chase wants to see? – [Sighs]

– It is working on the coordinates trina gave us. – Do you have any idea how long it’s gonna take them to find my daughter? – Portia, listen to me, honey. Trina can do this. The fact that she has evaded victor for this long– it actually gives her and spencer a little bit of an advantage here. – Think about this: Trina snuck onto the “haunted star” without being noticed. That’s brave. And it is that level of courage that will carry her through. – I just pray that this nightmare will be over soon.

[Dramatic music] – Come on, sweetie. – [Sobs] – Double the guards outside dr. Obrecht’s room. She’s a brilliant woman and not easily intimidated. She’s bound to try to escape. All right, time to go. – If you wanted me dead, you’d have killed me already. – Of course I don’t want you dead, spencer. It would pain me no end to harm family. Well, call me sentimental. But I cannot allow your transgressions to go unpunished, so from now on, consider yourself my prisoner. – What have I been until this point? – You will no longer be afforded the privileges of family, including food. – You’re gonna starve me? – Oh, trust me, this won’t hurt you nearly as much as you’ve hurt me.

[Dramatic music] Watkins, take him to his cabin.

– Get in here. – Is one of the walkies missing? – Mm-hmm.


[Melancholy music] – I can see that something is really wrong here. Will you please let me help you?

– Alexis… I’m sick.

– [Sighs]

Come in.

– [Sighs]

– [Sighs] – Brook lynn. – Right on time.

[Tender music]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Friday, April 14, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

[ Steffy laughing ]

Liam: Wait, did I– is that– go back, go back.

Steffy: Here.

Liam: Did she– she pushed that kid. Kelly pushed that kid over.

Steffy: What can I say? Our daughter loves a scavenger hunt. But she did share her prize with all the other kids.

Liam: Aw.

Steffy: She is such a determined little girl.

Liam: Yeah, she is. Now, who– who does that remind me of?

Steffy: I don’t know. It’s so weird. Yeah, she’s my mini-me for sure.

Liam: Thank you for that. I needed, uh, to laugh a little.

Steffy: Are you still stressing over thomas?

Liam: No. No, I’m not– it’s not that I’m– I– okay, maybe a little bit. I just– I want to support hope, right. I want to support her decision-making. I just– yeah, I don’t know if– if I can trust thomas around her here.

Thomas: I am so thankful for you and you being willing to give me another chance in your life and it’s just, it’s a testament to the kind of person that you really are. What did you decide on the fringe, hope?

Hope: Uh, huh? What?

Thomas: The, uh, the camel coat we talked about?

Hope: Oh, right. Um, right.

Thomas: Hope.

Hope: What?

Thomas: Is everything okay?

[ Hope chuckling ]

Taylor: I am loving the menu here. Everything is just amazing, right? It’s, um, it’s decadent in all the best ways.

Brooke: And the company’s not so bad either.

Taylor: Very true. And the company’s about to get even better.

Hollis: Well, hello, ladies.

Brooke: Hi, hollis.

Taylor: Hi.

Hollis: It’s good to see you, both of you.

Taylor: Oh– oh, I exist today.

Hollis: How’s everything?

Brooke: Uh, the food is fabulous.

Hollis: Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourselves.

Taylor: I’m glad that brooke suggested that we come here. This has actually become one of our favorite restaurants. I can’t imagine why.

Hollis: I’ll send over some dessert later, on the house.

Taylor: Oh, that’s very sweet. So, do you, uh, send dessert over to all your return customers?

Hollis: Just the extra special ones.

Customer: Hey, hollis. I had a question about the wine list. I’m looking for something kind of smooth and velvety. Maybe stop by my table when you get a chance.

Hollis: Sure. Yeah.

Customer: Thanks.

Taylor: Mm, smooth and velvety.

Brooke: I guess some people come here for more than just the food and the wine.

Taylor: Yeah, I bet most of the customers come here to flirt with hollis, just like that one was doing.

Hollis: I didn’t notice. There’s only one woman who’s got my attention.

Steffy: Everyone is in a really good place, including my brother.

Liam: That’s what I keep hearing.

Steffy: Your skepticism makes sense. Thomas has given you a million reasons not to trust him. I get it.

Liam: But– but to your point, that’s the thing. I trust hope.

Steffy: Mm-hmm.

Liam: That should be the most important thing. So, what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just focus on the fact that my wife knows what’s good for herself?

Steffy: Because you’re trying to protect someone you care deeply about. We all do that. I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t believe it. And I wouldn’t have pushed hope to work with thomas if I had seen any red flags.

Thomas: Are you okay?

Hope: Me? Yeah. Yeah, everything’s fine.

Thomas: You sure?

Hope: Yeah. It’s just, remember that conversation earlier?

Thomas: About crazy thoughts?

Hope: Yeah, I just– I might be having one of those moments. Man: I’m not slowing down anytime soon.

Taylor: Okay. All right. I know that you weren’t ready then, but I can see that you’re excited. I– let’s– let’s just review the highlights of your– of your dinner with hollis, okay? Okay, you had a gorgeous guy over. You laughed a lot and you made out.

Brooke: I wouldn’t say made out.

Taylor: Yes, you’re the one that said it was hot.

Brooke: It was.

Taylor: See, that’s what I’m talking about. I mean, I guess first kisses are always great, right?

Brooke: Especially with hollis.

Taylor: See, that’s the look I’m talking about. I–

[ Taylor clearing her throat ]

Hollis: Can I get you ladies anything?

Taylor: Um, I am good. Brooke, are you sure there’s not anything you want?

Brooke: No. No, I’m fine, thank you.

Hollis: Oh, brooke, you are so much more than fine. You are absolutely beautiful.

Taylor: Oh, would you look at that? I have a client that I need to call.

Brooke: Taylor. I’m– I’m sorry, she’s being so obvious.

Hollis: No, it’s okay, I actually kind of liked it. Do you mind if I sit for a minute?

Brooke: Sure. Go ahead.

Hollis: It’s really nice to see you, brooke.

Brooke: It’s nice to see you, hollis.

Hollis: Look, I know I should probably be playing this a little more cool, but um, god, I can’t stop thinking about you.

Brooke: Really? Really?

Steffy: You are in a tough position. You’re trying to honor hope’s wishes, respect her career while trying to keep her safe and your marriage healthy.

Liam: Yeah, I mean, I just don’t want thomas taking advantage of her kindness and generosity.

Steffy: And that’s a valid concern because he has in the past.

Liam: Yeah, well, I mean, he’s manipulated all of us at one point or another. But that’s– that’s– that’s why I have a hard time believing he’s just like, cured now. Like all of a sudden, he’s a well-adjusted stand-up guy.

Steffy: If it’s any consolation, he is laser-focused on work. He’s trying to put out the best line possible. And honestly, I don’t sense any weirdness from thomas towards hope.

Liam: Really? I– okay, I’m glad to hear you say that because the guy is getting to spend a lot of time alone with my wife. Oh, my god, listen to me right now. Like I sound so jealous.

Steffy: But you’re– but you’re not. You’re just a nurturing, concerned husband. There’s a big difference and hope understands that. She appreciates it. She appreciates you. We all do.

Thomas: You know I’ve had, uh, I’ve had my fair share of wild thoughts in the past. When your– your mind starts racing, your heart starts beating and I don’t know, it feels like you have this overwhelming anxiety. But I– I’m sure that my version of wild thought and our version of wild thought are very different. But, uh, now, I’m not thinking those kind of thoughts anymore, right. My wild thoughts are having to do with pushing the envelope when it comes to design, right? Like, uh, what do I do with the neckline? And if I do this, is it too much, right? If I add a sequin here, is that too much? If I– if I put ruffles here, is everyone gonna go mad?

Hope: Well, of course, they are because everybody hates ruffles. Don’t you know that?

[ Hope chuckling ]

Thomas: No, that was great. That was great. I’m so glad that we can laugh like this and you’re comfortable enough around me, you know? Um, there was a while where I wanted it all with you and um, now I’m just– I realize that what we have, it’s more than enough. I am so grateful you’re in my life.

Hope: I’m grateful for you too, thomas.

…I’m over 45.

Hollis: Look, brooke, I’m sorry if I’m being too forward, I am, but I had a really great time with you. And I know we only hung out once. And for all I know, it was some silly dare that taylor put you up to. And everyone says that ridge is your– your true love, but I don’t know. At the end of that night, that kiss that we shared, I’ve never experienced a kiss like that before.

Brooke: Oh, come on, hollis. You have girls falling at your feet everywhere flirting with you, like that– smooth and velvety back there.

Hollis: Yeah, well, what about you, brooke? I mean, come on, you’re this world-famous fashion industry icon. You got men falling at your feet left and right.

Brooke: Please, that’s nonsense.

Hollis: No, no, it’s not.

Steffy: I’ll need a report from international by tomorrow. Okay. Yes, absolutely. Yes, pilar will get back to me with a report. Mm-hmm. And a proposal. Yes. Yes, she will. Yeah, come on in. All department heads need to report to me. Thank you. Okay, bye bye.

Hope: You didn’t need to get off the phone.

Steffy: No, no, it’s fine, I was just finishing up.

Hope: Okay. Um, well, I actually was wondering if we could schedule a meeting to go over hope for the future’s latest designs because your brother is on quite the roll.

Steffy: That’s awesome. Yeah, he is really coming through for us.

Hope: He is. I mean, honestly steffy, I haven’t seen him this inspired in– well, ever, really.

Steffy: So, how are things outside of work?

Hope: Oh, uh, well, douglas being home has been wonderful, so thank you again for taking such great care of him.

Steffy: Absolutely, of course. And um, you and liam? I know that liam has some issues with you and thomas collaborating.

Hope: Yes and I wish that weren’t the case.

Steffy: I know, but he loves you and he’s just looking out for you and the kids.

Hope: No, I know. I know he means well. I just– I don’t think he’s ever going to be convinced that thomas isn’t the man that he used to be.

Steffy: Yeah, actually I– I was just– I was talking to liam and that is something he is struggling with.

Hope: Well, I mean, everyone has seen the leaps and bounds that thomas has made. I mean, not just me, but I know you’ve seen it. I mean, everyone here at work.

Steffy: Yeah, thomas is coping very nicely. Like he’s working well under pressure and honestly, I don’t see any of his old patterns re-emerging. And trust me, I am looking very closely.

Hope: Mm. And you made that clear to my husband?

Steffy: I told liam he has nothing to be concerned about when it comes to you and thomas. I’m right, aren’t I?

[ Knock on door ]

Thomas: Hey.

Liam: Hey.

Thomas: Uh, if you’re looking for hope, I think she’s in with my sister.

Liam: Uh, no, actually I’m uh, here for you.

Thomas: Oh, all right. Uh, what’s up? Uh, here, my new design. You wanna check it– check it out?

Liam: Yeah. Yeah. That’s really good.

Thomas: Thanks. Um, I– I appreciate that. It’s– we’re trying some new things, you know. This is like a much more comfortable vibe and not just obviously with the– with the designs, but with the artistic process, everything. It’s like a whole new everything.

Liam: Including you?

Thomas: Yeah, I mean, I– I feel like I’m a completely different person. But you’re not buying it?

Liam: No, it’s– it’s not that, it’s just– it’s a little convenient, you know, given the last time and the time before.

Thomas: Well, hopefully at some point we can only focus on the future and not constantly be looking in the past.

Liam: Yeah, that’s actually, I was– I was just talking to steffy about this.

Thomas: Speaking of someone that, um, I’ve been growing with. I mean, I think, uh– hopefully, I’ve repaired our relationship a little bit. Um, she seems happy about my progress and– and also with my family, there’s progress there too.

Liam: Yeah, she’s, uh– she’s really proud of you, thomas. She’s been a big advocate for you and she– she has reassured me that I don’t have anything to worry about when it comes to you and hope working together. I guess that’s why I’m here. I just, um… wanted to hear it from you. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition.

Hollis: Look, brooke. All I’m trying to say is that you’ve been on my mind a lot since our dinner. And I know you said you didn’t want anything serious right now.

Brooke: I just got out of my marriage.

Hollis: Which I totally respect, but at least let me take you on a proper dinner date.

Brooke: You don’t have to do that, hollis.

Hollis: Yeah, but I– I want to. There’s this place in topanga I’ve been wanting to try. We’ll keep it totally casual. No pressure. I just feel like there’s a lot more here that we can explore. I know there is. What do you say? One kiss from brooke logan just isn’t enough.

Thomas: You got nothing to worry about.

Liam: Yeah, it’s just– it’s one thing to say that, but–

Thomas: No, I understand you’re– you’re apprehensive, especially after what you walked in on the other day.

Liam: Oh, you mean you and hope on the couch with your hands all over my wife.

Thomas: That is not what happened, okay? We were working together, I was making adjustments, she was on the riser and she fell into–

Liam: Thomas, I know. I– I understand that now. I just hope you can understand why I would have assumed the worst in the moment.

Thomas: Yeah, I get it. After everything that we’ve been through. Um, but I’m committed to who I am now, all right. I’m not gonna be backsliding into the old thomas and– and I am focused 100% on– on never jeopardizing what I have with hope now.

Liam: I’m trying so hard to believe that.

Thomas: I know that my word may not mean that much to you, but I am being 100% honest. My focus now is on the line, my relationship with hope as friends, as co-parents. I think we’re creating a great family for douglas in the way that we haven’t and we’re working well together here, okay? But I am not gonna be going after hope in any way. Making any moves on her, all right? And even if she came on to me, I would say no.

Liam: Okay, see that right there. Do you– do you hear what you’re saying? Do you see why that would worry me? That you’re entertaining that? Hope coming on to you as a plausible scenario. Thomas, hope is not going to be coming on to you because that is ridiculous.

Thomas: Of course not because she is fully committed to you and your marriage.

Steffy: So there’s no reason to worry about you and thomas, right?

Hope: No, of course not.

Steffy: Okay. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear you say that because I do feel as though my brother has changed.

Hope: I agree.

Steffy: I just think it’s important that we stay professional and avoid conflict.

Hope: I would love that because I– I don’t want any problems either.

Steffy: I would love that too and I mean, look at our moms. They’re kind of paving the way for us.

Hope: I know. I think they’re actually having lunch together.

Steffy: I think they are. It’s really nice that they’ve been able to move past their differences and come to a place of understanding. I really hope that we can do that too.

Hope: I would love that. I think it would be also really nice for the kids.

Steffy: Yeah, it would. And I’m– you know, I’m happy. I’m– I’m in love with finn and you’re in love with liam and I really do feel as though this is how things are supposed to be. Not to say things weren’t difficult at first.

Hope: Yeah, things were tough at times.

Steffy: Yeah, many times, especially when liam married you and we had our daughter, but it was tough, but I found finn. And I am absolutely in love with him and I just know he is my forever and I know liam is your forever.

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Days Update Friday, April 14, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Nicole hangs up her phone call as Eric approaches her and Nicole imagines that he is dressed as a priest. Nicole questions when this happened and if went back to the church without telling her. Eric says no and asks why he would do that. Nicole asks why he’s wearing that then. Eric questions what’s wrong with what he’s wearing. Nicole says he shouldn’t be walking around dressed like a priest then, leaving Eric confused.

Rafe eats the drugged breakfast biscuits in his office as Jada joins him. Rafe remarks that he doesn’t know what they put in the biscuits, but they’re like crack.

Wendy walks through the town square and is shocked to see Johnny proposing to Chanel. Johnny and Chanel, who are both drugged, talk about how sudden this is but Johnny says they’ve always been spontaneous and he’s always been crazy about her which he thinks goes both ways. Wendy asks herself if he’s serious. Johnny asks Chanel to become his wife one more time.

Li informs Gabi that he knows everything and it’s over. Gabi is drugged and imagines Li is Stefan as he tells her that they are done. Gabi argues that they are far from done and their love is going to stand the test of time.

Stefan goes to his room while drugged and imagines that Melinda is Gabi as he calls her the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen.

Li tells Gabi that this isn’t easy and to let him say what he needs to say. Li tells Gabi to stop it as Gabi questions what’s wrong. Li says he doesn’t appreciate being mocked. Li complains about Gabi’s need to make him feel more foolish and pathetic than he already does. Li gets that he lost and needs to face the reality that there is no hope for them and their sham of a marriage needs to end. Gabi argues against their marriage being a sham as she thinks he’s Stefan and pleads with him to remember their love. Li is confused when Gabi calls him Stefan.

Melinda tells Stefan that it’s not nice to tease a girl. Stefan asks who is teasing and says he adores her. Melinda responds that she almost believes him. Stefan calls her the most stunningly beautiful woman he’s ever met and the most brilliant, captivating, and dynamic woman on the planet. Stefan sees her as Gabi and declares that he’s madly in love with her. Melinda thought there was a chance they would get close while she was helping him out but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. Melinda questions if he’s being serious. Stefan says he’s never been more serious in his life as he only wants to be with her. Stefan then kisses Melinda, thinking that she is Gabi. Melinda drops her towel and they continue kissing.

Chanel accepts Johnny’s proposal and they hug. They exclaim that they are so happy until Chanel stops and asks what about Wendy. Wendy then approaches and agrees in asking what about Wendy.

Eric questions what Nicole is talking about in regards to him being dressed like a priest. Eric then begins feeling the effects of being drugged as well and starts to panic about how he could get in trouble for impersonating a priest. Nicole says they have to get him out of those clothes and says she’ll have them dry cleaned and back to St. Luke’s. Eric and Nicole then head in to the Brady Pub together.

Rafe loudly talks on the phone about their charity softball tournament then hangs up and asks Jada what’s on her mind. Jada asks how much coffee he’s had. Rafe says just a normal amount and asks why she asked. Jada says no reason. Jada tells Rafe that she wanted to apologize for leaving so abruptly yesterday. Rafe says it’s all good. Jada is glad because she loves her job and working for him, so the last thing she wants is for things to be awkward between them. Rafe then imagines Jada in more provocative clothing and asks why it would ever be awkward. Jada reminds Rafe that they talked about the department policy and how they have to obey the rules. Rafe complains about the guys who make those rules. Jada points out that the new policy came directly from the mayor. Rafe says he loves Abe but he’s not a cop anymore, so he doesn’t think he gets them anymore. Jada doesn’t follow. Rafe talks about how they work long shifts and overnights. Rafe declares that they risk their lives every day to make sure the city is safe and if they feel comfort in each others’ arms, then they should just go for it regardless of the policy. Jada asks if he’s okay. Rafe says he’s great and better than ever but he doesn’t think they should let the man dictate their lives. Rafe continues to imagine Jada being dressed differently and tells her how good she looks dressed like that. Jada questions what is going on as Rafe moves in and surprises Jada by grabbing her and kissing her.

Johnny awkwardly greets Wendy and says he didn’t see her there. Wendy questions if she saw what she thinks she saw and if Johnny really just proposed to Chanel. Johnny laughs that he thinks he did and asks what the problem is. Wendy questions him not seeing the problem in proposing to his ex-wife while he’s dating her. Johnny remarks that she never said they were exclusive. Chanel points out that he could have at least given her a heads up. Wendy tells Chanel to stay out of it. Johnny asks why she’s so bent out of shape when she’s dating Tripp.

Stefan and Melinda kiss in bed. Stefan sees her as Gabi and says he can’t wait to make love to her so Melinda tells him to take her right now. Stefan then suddenly snaps out of it and questions what Melinda is doing in his bed and what the hell happened to Gabi.

Li questions why Gabi is calling him Stefan. Gabi continues talking to Li like he’s Stefan and says she’s never going to let him go. Li plays along with it so Gabi says she loves him and wants him. Gabi kisses Li and then says she wants Stefan to take her to bed. Gabi heads to the bedroom, so Li follows her in.

Nicole and Eric go to Eric’s room as they are both drugged. Eric removes his clothes and talks about not knowing why he was dressed like a priest. Nicole says she was glad she was there to help and says she’ll have to get his clothes to the cleaners. Eric then imagines Nicole in a bikini and they talk about having no idea how that happened. Eric brings up how she used to model for Bella magazine and suggests they take pictures for old times sake. Eric then grabs a nearby banana and pretends it’s a camera to take pictures of her. Eric tells Nicole that she looks amazing. They talk about loving being on the beach.

Rafe kisses Jada until she pushes him off and questions what the hell he’s doing right as Sloan walks in to the office. Sloan says she’d like to know the answer to that too. Rafe questions Sloan not knocking. Sloan remarks that if they wanted to be alone, he should’ve locked the door. Jada tells Sloan that it’s not what it looks like. Sloan says what it looks like is that the police commissioner was coming onto Jada and she’s not happy about it. Sloan warns that Rafe just committed a very serious crime. Rafe mocks Sloan and argues that he’s innocent but slurs his words. Rafe asks what Sloan wants. Sloan reminds Rafe that she was summoned here after Jada raided her home. Sloan adds that she brought her phone as asked. Jada says she’ll have a team examine it right away. Sloan notes that she won’t find anything on it connecting her to Paulina and her alleged harassment. Jada argues that there’s nothing alleged about it since Paulina did receive a threatening text message. Sloan says it was not from her. Rafe touches Jada which Sloan calls the real harassment. Sloan says it looks like she came at a bad time and goes to leave but Jada reminds her to give her phone. Sloan warns that when her search comes up empty, she can be prepared to face a lawsuit because she’s really getting sick of this. Sloan hands over her phone to Jada while Rafe, drugged, begins to imagine Sloan as Duke the teddy bear that he and Nicole used to own.

Johnny and Chanel talk about Wendy and Tripp dating but Wendy says they aren’t. Johnny goes over how he showed up to wine and dine her but she told him that she had plans with Tripp. Wendy responds that they ended up not going out. Johnny asks if Tripp flaked on her. Wendy explains that Joey was in an accident so Tripp went to Seattle to be with him. Chanel and Johnny start talking about sending Joey a gift basket. Wendy brings back up their engagement and questions if Johnny really proposed to Chanel because she agreed to go on a date with Tripp. Johnny says he thinks he did. Wendy calls it unbelievable. Johnny tells her not to be so mad and says she can totally come to the wedding and even go on a date after if it’s cool with Chanel. Wendy hopes he’s joking. Wendy brings up that Allie warned her about how badly Johnny treated women but she didn’t believe her. Johnny complains about Allie being such a hater. Wendy tells Johnny that she really thought they had something special and she really wanted it to work. Johnny remarks that she’s in to Tripp. Wendy says she wanted to be open and honest and clarify her feelings for Tripp before fully committing to Johnny but she never thought it would make him do something so stupid. Wendy calls Johnny the jackass that everyone says he is and declares they are done as she then storms off. Johnny then asks Chanel where they should go on their honeymoon.

Gabi tells Li as if he’s Stefan that she wants him so bad and she can’t wait any longer so they start kissing on the bed until Li stops and says he can’t do this. Li assures that he wants her but not like this. Gabi doesn’t understand and asks what the problem is. Li shouts that the problem is he’s not Stefan.

Stefan asks where Gabi is. Melinda questions if this is some kind of game. Stefan asks what she did with Gabi. Melinda shouts that she didn’t do anything. Stefan says that Gabi was there and then she turned in to Melinda. Melinda asks if Stefan was just pretending she was Gabi. Stefan insists that Gabi was there. Melinda mocks Stefan using her for his fantasies about his ex wife. Melinda complains about being humiliated like this. Melinda then starts feelings the effects of being drugged and imagines Stefan laughing at her. Melinda warns him not to laugh at her while Stefan questions who is laughing. Melinda shouts that she’s going to kill him and tries to attack him. Stefan questions what has gotten in to her. Melinda declares that he has messed with her head for the last time. Melinda then suddenly vomits and says she thinks she needs a doctor.

Li tells Gabi that he’s not Stefan and what she’s seeing isn’t real. Gabi tells him not to push her away and says she already knows Li found out so they don’t have to sneak around and lie. Gabi says she will lose his DiMera shares but now they are free to show the world how they feel and that’s what matters now. Li confirms that EJ sent him a picture of Gabi and Stefan having sex in the DiMera wine cellar. Li reiterates to Gabi that he is not her ex-husband, he is her current husband who is a pathetic excuse for a man who was so desperate to hang on to her that he almost ended up in prison. Li adds that he still didn’t get the hint and deluded himself in to thinking he could win her back. Gabi then realizes he is Li and questions what’s going on. Li says she’s been hallucinating and asks if she took something. Gabi says she would never do drugs. Li says that someone clearly drugged her. Gabi then stops and vomits right in front of Li.

Rafe continues hallucinating and imagines Sloan as Duke the teddy bear and hugs her, leaving Sloan and Jada confused. Rafe talks about how he’s missed Duke but says he shouldn’t be here right now because he and Nicole are over and he was trying to get busy with Jada until the blonde witch showed up. Rafe continues to imagine Duke and then questions why the room is spinning. Rafe then collapses to the floor and Jada checks on him.

Eric and Nicole start kissing and talking about how much they want each other. Nicole stops and asks about Sloan. Eric says that she ended things because he had trouble believing that she wasn’t stalking Paulina and Chanel. Eric then asks about Nicole and EJ. Nicole complains that EJ is so boring and only wants to plot against his brother while being with Eric is so much more fun and they kiss onto the bed.

Johnny and Chanel sit together in the town square. Johnny talks about being bummed that Wendy dumped him. Johnny says he can see why since he’s marrying Chanel but he’s surprised it was a deal breaker. Talia comes over, so Johnny introduces himself to her as Chanel’s once and future husband. Johnny adds that Talia is the first person they’ve told other than Wendy eavesdropping. Talia questions them getting married. Chanel says maybe while Johnny argues that she said yes. Chanel says she’s not sure why she said that. Johnny asks if she’s saying she doesn’t want to be his first and second wife. Chanel says she thinks so. Johnny asks if the honeymoon is off too. Chanel says she’s sorry. Johnny guesses he should probably get home. Chanel mentions that she should get back to work. Johnny asks for some more biscuits since he got dumped twice in one day. Johnny then decides he’s going to go home and take a nap as he walks off. Talia questions Chanel as to what that was all about.

Eric and Nicole lay in bed together after having sex. Nicole asks what they just did. Sloan then knocks on the door, calling for Eric to open up. Eric tells Nicole to be quiet and maybe she’ll go away. Sloan calls for Eric to open up because they need to talk. Nicole doesn’t think she’s going away. Eric then covers himself with a pillow and answers the door, claiming he was just getting dressed. Sloan says she came to apologize for overreacting since she did tell him that she was still planning on getting revenge on Paulina and Chanel. Sloan says she’s not guilty of what they are accusing her of but it makes total sense why he’d be suspicious. Eric says it’s no big deal and asks if that’s all. Sloan asks if he’s going to invite her in and questions since when he’s ever been nervous about her watching him get dressed. Eric says he’ll call her later but Sloan pushes her way in and finds Nicole in Eric’s bed.

Jada paces at the hospital, hoping that Rafe will be okay. Stefan arrives and tells Jada that he needs to speak with her. Jada says it’s not a good time but Stefan says he needs to report two attempted murders. Jada says she’s listening. Stefan informs Jada that EJ poisoned him and Melinda, so he needs to be arrested. Jada asks if he has proof. Stefan says no, but he’s pretty sure that EJ poisoned the breakfast biscuits they ate. Jada questions him saying breakfast biscuits. Stefan explains that Nicole picked them up from Sweet Bits Bakery, he and Melinda ate them and started hallucinating. Stefan adds that Melinda is in the ER right now. Jada informs Stefan that EJ may not be the one responsible for this. Gabi and Li arrive at the hospital. Gabi rushes up to Stefan, who questions what happened to her. Li says that’s what they are here to find out as Stefan hugs Gabi and tells her that everything is going to be okay.

Talia and Chanel go to the Bakery where Talia gives her a glass of water and asks if she’s feeling any better. Chanel says she doesn’t know what happened before with Johnny. Talia questions Johnny really asking her to marry him. Chanel questions saying yes and says that he was just so excited and she got caught up in the moment. Chanel guesses it was a temporary moment of insanity. Jada arrives. Talia asks if she got sent on a donut run. Jada reveals she’s actually here to investigate a crime. Chanel asks if something happened to Paulina. Jada assures that she’s fine, but Rafe and Melinda are both in the hospital, suffering from hallucinations. They call that awful while Talia asks what that has to do with the Bakery. Jada explains that they both had the breakfast biscuits that they purchased this morning, so there must have been something in them. Chanel argues that half the town had those biscuits and asks if there’s any other reports of people getting sick. Jada says not yet, but if they really sold that many, it’s likely they will. Talia worries that this could ruin Chanel’s business. Jada says one step at a time. Jada asks if it’s possible someone may have spiked those biscuits. Chanel responds that she knows exactly who it was.

Sloan tells Eric that was fast. Eric says this isn’t what it looks like. Sloan complains about people saying that to her today. Eric says he doesn’t know how this happened. Nicole talks about how Eric was going to take pictures of her. Eric doesn’t think that ever happened. Sloan asks if they are trying to convince her that they didn’t have sex. Eric assures that they definitely had sex. Eric and Nicole then talk about seeing the other dressed as a priest and in a bikini. Sloan questions them seeing things that aren’t there and thinking things are something else. Eric says exactly while Sloan points out that they ended up in bed together but both don’t know how it happened. Sloan declares that it sounds to her like they were drugged.

Chanel tells Jada that it had to be Sloan because she leaked the story about her to the Spectator and now she’s coming after her. Jada asks how Sloan would know Chanel was the source. Chanel admits she told her yesterday and they got in to it physically. Talia mentions getting there to break it up, but not before Sloan drew blood. Chanel calls Sloan a total psycho which is what the headline in Leo’s column said. Chanel says that cost Sloan business so now Sloan is costing her business. Jada brings up that Sloan was at the police station when Rafe passed out and seemed just as shocked as she was. Chanel argues that Sloan was clearly putting on an act. Chanel wonders if that’s what happened to Johnny since they were acting really weird earlier and they both had the biscuits. Chanel argues that this has Sloan written all over it and questions who else would do something this twisted. Talia then has a flashback to herself that reveals she was actually the one who drugged the biscuits. Jada then tells them that whether Sloan is involved or not, she is going to make it top priority to find out who has been drugging the citizens of Salem and she’s going to bring them to justice…

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Days Transcript Thursday, April 13, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Ah. Only one left. Looks like I got here. Just in time man. Customers are jumping on these like they haven’t eaten in days. Yes. Where the mouth is getting out. I just hope we can keep up with the demand. Oh we will. With you on board. Sweet Bits is going to be more successful than ever.

There you are. Mm. Disappeared to this morning. Well, thank you. When I woke up, you were gone. I didn’t want to wake you. You were uh asleep. So I got us breakfast. Aw, that’s sweet. Whatever you got. Smell delicious. Where’d you go?

Sweets. Chanel’s place. What the hell is wrong with you? Breakfast biscuit, anyone? Oh, so that’s where you went? Mm-hmm. I know that the breakfast bar is always stocked with goodies, but variety is a spice of life, right? Oh and one. Mm-hmm. Well, what do you think? Get a whiff.

Ooh, smells good. Sweets from the sweet, not so fast cowboy. Before you indulge, you must show the proper gratitude where, ah, my matters.

Oh, good morning Johnny. It’s not all that good for me actually. Oh no. Did you not sleep water? I didn’t sleep at all. There was a lot of noise coming from down the hall. Sounded like a wild animal park. Uh, yes. Those noises you heard weren’t coming from my bedroom. That was all your all Uncle Stephan.

Really? Uh, I and Gabby are back together. No, it wasn’t Gabby in the Wild Animal park with him. It was our otherwise buttoned up District Attorney.

Melinda, what are you doing and why are you undressed? Well, I know you just showered, but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind getting dirty again in as dirty away as possible.

Hey, so what are my, uh, eggs? Benedicts? I beg your pardon. Actually, I was looking forward to your amazing banana pancakes. Hello. Ever since we moved in here, you’ve made one amazing breakfast. After the other, starting to look forward to it. Why not this morning? Guess I wasn’t in the mood.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives,

Lee is something wrong. My father’s been texting me nonstop about an issue I need to deal with. So you’re on your own for B. Well, I’m too hungry to cook, so I guess I’m going out. Tell your dad I say hello, and then I look forward to being a major Demer shareholder again in about four months. Gabby, yes, you never told me about your dinner meeting with David Saxton last night.

I trust it ended with everyone feeling satisfied.

You are even more beautiful than I remember.

Satisfied doesn’t begin to describe it. Um, when we got in rhythm, everything just flowed the way it’s supposed to. I gotta run. I’m starving. So see ya later.

Who me?

Can’t blame a girl for trying and I hate to be a pain in the ass, but this is the second night I’ve been here yelling your name at the top of my lungs and I have nothing to show for it except a sore throat. Okay, well I will have Harold bring you some tea. Mm. Well I hope you know how grateful I am to you for helping me out.

This will all be over soon. This. Hopefully, and I will repay you. I promise. Platonically, I assume. Nevermind. I get it. You love Gabby. She loves you everlasting love fairytale. Finally together after four years, blah, blah, blah. You seem thrilled for us. Hey, I don’t begrudge you and Gabby’s happily ever after.

I just gimme a realistic timeframe here. And how long are you planning to drag this out? Just until EJ blinks, I’m surprised you haven’t run into our esteemed and apparently quite vocal da wandering the halls. Stefan’s practically moved her in here. Okay. Ew. I mean, uncle Stephan and Melinda Trask really?

Actually, no, not really. It’s all just fun and games for Steph and he’s trying to put one over on the call and me try a biscuit, tell y’all about it. No thanks. I’ll pass, um, on the biscuits and on the details, but I thought you and Uncle Stephanie had buried the hatchet. Why? Why would he be trying to trick you?

Because he and Gabby are trying to conspire to get Lee Shin’s dir shares without her sticking to the deal she signed with them. I’m just trying to protect the company. And your future inheritance fine, whatever. Just, uh, pardon me if I don’t stick around for the matinee. The show last night was more than enough for me.

I’m going to the square. To get a coffee gallon. How to do it.

I know, too. Bet he doesn’t wanna try one. Oh, well more press us. Ah, glad to hear it, mama. No. Yeah, it’s been pretty quiet here too. Oh, thank God. Yeah. Um, fingers crossed. All right. Uh, love you. Oh, and, and don’t forget to come by and try one at Talia’s Biscuits. Okay. Talk soon.

Um, what do you mean about things being so quiet? I’d say things are pretty hectic. Oh, I meant in a good way. Mama was worried that that witch Sloan would try something again. But so far nothing. Thank God. You think she’ll finally back off and leave you alone? I wish. But you don’t know Sloane like I. She has pretty much dedicated her life to destroying mine.

And you know what? I have put up with a lot from that woman and I deserve a treat of my own. And I haven’t even tried one of these yet. See?

Oh my God, Julia, this is a man.

Why would you bring that stuff here into my home? Why would you think I’d ever want to eat anything from that murderers bakery? It’s just breakfast. You know? It’s not just anything. Dammit you. You know how I feel about that family and what they did to me in my family. Not only did you go when you gave them money, but you brought their their trash into my home.

Why would you do something like that? I didn’t because I honestly wanted to help you finally get over it.

Get over it. Do you think I should just get over it? Son, I’m, I’m only trying to help you. I know you were traumatized by what happened. What happened is that my mother was killed. She took her last breath when Chanel pushed her off that rooftop. My mother isn’t coming back from the dead. Eric, I don’t get that luxury to enjoy.

Not, not like some people. Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m not telling you to like get over the death of your mother or your father. Yeah. You just did. No, I’m not, I’m just, I’m just trying to tell you. You’re only hurting yourself and making everything about your mother’s death. Is this about the way that she died?

Because don’t you give me that same song and dance. It was an accident. I’m warning you, Eric. No, no, no. Don’t poop words in my mouth. I don’t wanna fight with you. But what I’m saying is, It’s just this whole need for revenge. It’s too much. It’s not healthy. Just ease off a bit. You have to see that.

Hmm. I’m so tempted to have another one. Um, you might wanna save some for the customers. See we are having a hard time keeping up. I know, I know. But these biscuits are, slap your mama good. Okay. I’m sorry. Did I just hear you say that you have something today that’s. Our brand new hot outfit oven off the J Breakfast biscuits.

You have to try biscuits. Oh, mm-hmm. Okay. You nevermind. Carbs are my kryptonite. Forget it. Oh, no, no, no. They’re a little carb and high protein. Actually, they may win. Not fat yogurt and ho wheat flour. I know they seem very indulgent, but I promise you a very healthy way to start the day. Trust me, she knows all about.

Yeah, but I know that healthy and paste, you usually mean the taste like cardboard. Oh no, no. These are prove wrong here. Have a free sample. Okay. None. You have outdone yourself. Oh, I didn’t do a thing. This is actually T’S recipe. Uh, Gabby meet Talia Hunter, my new employee. Nice to meet you Talia. Uh, hunter.

And in relation to Jada? Uh, yeah. She’s my sister. You know her, her boss is my brother. Wait, wait, wait. Ra. Mm-hmm. Ray Hernandez is your brother. You’ve gotta be kidding me. Okay. Listen. We have to have a talk. Okay. Or am I the only one that sees that they belong together? Yes. I lost somebody else who sees how obvious it is.

No. When two people belong together, it’s a crime to keep them apart. I couldn’t agree more.

No, of course I wasn’t talking about you. Oh, so you’re saying, damn, you about our roomie. She’s still my wife. Even though I may be the only one who remembers that. Right. Well, what are you so upset with her about? Did something happen at the meeting with Saxtons? Did Gabby miss something up? She never went near the Beast Store.

Last night there was no meeting. EJ Damaris sent me pictures of her real rendezvous with Stephan in bed. Wow. Well she did say that lady whistleblower’s story about Stephan and the DA wasn’t true. That’s why she’s so sure about that. Melinda Trask is Stephan’s beard got me insists that she’s keeping to our.

That all she really wants right now are my Demer shares, but that’s a lie. She wants all of it. She wants Stephan. She wants my shares, everything but me. Okay, so what happened when you confronted her,

Lee, didn’t you? You didn’t say anything. I can’t stop loving her, Wendy, even after all of this, I, I still believe that she belongs with me, not Stephan.

Oh, it’s a glorious day, isn’t it? Morning. Oh, good morning. S Stephan. Madame Da. Uh, Stephan, you didn’t tell me your brother was gonna be down here. I’m not even dressed. If you are going to be a regular presence here, da, you might consider bringing one of your own robes over here. That one’s a tad big on you.

Oh, but it’s cozy and it smells like my Hemi. Oh, plus she just looks irresistible in me. I hope you at least have your own toothbrush. Oh, don’t worry. I do plan on having my own supply of everything I need in Stephan’s room. You’re not getting rid of me anytime soon. Oh, no, we wouldn’t want that. Oh, you.

Sable, I hope. Whatever s Stephan Scott runs in the family, if you know what I mean. Oh, I know what you mean. And I have no complaints. Ooh, breakfast. Biscuits. I don’t mind if I do. Plus we could probably use a little suss in it to keep our engines going. Huh? Up yourself. Oh, look at you. You’re getting crums all down your roll of that.

I guess you’re gonna have to help me get rid of them. Hmm. Just all together, just doing that to get you And they are succeeding. Why the hell hasn’t we done anything? Don’t worry about me, let’s just go for a walk so you can cool down and then we can think about what to do next. Upset. I hope that wasn’t expensive.

Excuse us. I will not. I beg your pardon. I will not excuse you nor pardon your utterly Christ behavior. This, this is insulting. Do you honestly expect us to believe this travesty of love affair, not call you out on it? Holy out about. The fact that you are actually having an affair with Gabby and not this, this, this civil servant

stone. Your obsession with Chanel and Paulina is taking over your. Everything you seem to be doing is about them, even when it comes to eating your breakfast. Stop. Giving them so much power, ease off a bit, and I promise you’ll feel better.

Could you be any more condescending? So I have no life, you know, I don’t hear you complaining. Whenever I suggest that we skip the appetizer and go straight for the main course, it doesn’t mean I don’t notice what’s going on or see what you’re doing. What does that mean? What are you not saying? Wow. Wait, this is, that’s what this is about.

You think I’m terrorizing Chanel and her mother, don’t you?

I never said that, but did you think it?

Yeah. Yes I did.

Chanel you mind watching the table for me for a few minutes? Me and Gabby have a lot to talk about. Sure. But I can’t promise you that I won’t eat away the rest of our prophets. I am so happy that you are on the same page. Lord knows our stubborn ugly siblings can’t see the spot it themselves. No, I think they spotted, they’re just afraid to do anything about it.

It’s that stupid department policy that was put in place. I know I have literally nudged Jada a thousand times, and I even took a chance with the rape myself to see how he feels about my sister. Yeah, he definitely shot me down. Of course he did. That’s okay. We’re gonna come up with a plan together and if it’s meant to be, they’re gonna find their way to each other.

I know from experienced coffee, must have coffee. Try one of these firms.

Wow. Mm-hmm. Wow. Just, wow. We’re gonna have to put that in our new ad. I was gonna say, sweet bits, biscuits. Bring zombies back to life. Yeah. Why are you so tired? Anyway, Wendy, keeping you up late. Hmm. I wish that were the case. Huh? Something going on with you two. I think she’s gonna dump me for trip.

The after everything she started the. You actually think you still have a chance with Gabby?

I know I’m supposed to throw a fit and let her have it and tell her she’s never gonna get her hands on these shares, but I’ve been holding on to hope for so long. I don’t think I can give up now and I’m not fooling myself about her feelings for. But things here were actually starting to work. She, she, she said she was looking forward to my breakfast, even if she pretended like she could care less.

And she loved the deal I set up with Saxtons. Yeah. And she uses it as an excuse to sneak out to see stuff. Yeah. Yeah. That hurts. Obvious. Damnit Jing when I, I really thought that if, if we just spend time together and in close quarters like this, shed remember how great we were, better than anything she could ever hope to have a Stephan, what’s happened to me?

It’s not like you to lose. You’re cool like this brother. Oh good god, you don’t get it, do you? You don’t get it. The game is over. Lee has pictures. Pictures that I took of you and Gabby in the secret room. And any minute now, Lee is going to lower the boom on you and Gabby and any hope she had of getting those demeanor shares.

Does this mean I’m out of a job? I’m afraid so, but I owe you Melinda, and your performance was.

Now if you excuse me, I need to, uh, hash this out with my brother, I’ll go shower and leave you to it. Bye-bye.

So you actually spied. On me and Gabby, it’s good to know there’s no bar too low for you. Ej. Oh, oh. Will you listen to him? He and Gabby are happy to sneak around like a couple of horny teenagers lying through their teeth, stealing company shares, and somehow I’m the one who has sunk too low. I am protecting the family business from a vi a Stephan all night.

Talk about her like that. You may not see who she really is, but I do all or too clearly, and I will not apologize for that. But do you want to know when you. Well, s Stephen, besides a liar and a cheat, of course, the traitor to him and everything that he created.

I didn’t wanna suspect you still, but yes, I admitted you did cross my mind. Even though I swore to you that I wasn’t the one trashing Paul’s office sending threatening notes, like I know anyone who has a personal agenda against him in Austin, also, what? What? Paulina received a note, a note with cut out letters from a magazine when I noticed a stack right here on your desk with scissors on.

You actually checked up on me. You went through the magazine, didn’t you?

Did you feel any kind of remorse when you saw that they were intact? No, of course not. Because you assumed I got rid of the evidence. No, I didn’t assume anything. And but then that’s when Abe, he showed up to confront you and he got you. And I thought that you defended. How silly was I to everything that you would have my back, so I did, I I do have your back.

When I told you about Abe coming here to confront you, you sent somebody a text that is exactly the same time that Paulina got a threatening note, a message via text. Well then I’m guilty, obviously. Would I be here if I thought that I no longer give a damn what you. I’m not in the habit of sleeping with people who think I’m out committing felonies in my spare time.

Just get the, get the hell out, okay? Now, and you can collect all your crap from the street once I throw it out the window. So come on, please get. Out

right now.

And you know what? Thank you. You did me a favor by not trusting me. Now I have so much more time to obsess over Chanel and her mother than wasting it on you.

So, You and Wendy. It’s sober. I don’t want to talk about it. Uh, what about you and your mom? Is that horrible woman still terrorizing you? Yes. That horrible woman. A k a Sloan Peterson. She denies that. She’s the one who made all those nasty threats. No surprise, but we’re gonna prove it was her. Anyway, that’s me.

So tell me about you. What is going on with you and Wendy? I thought you told me things were picking up. Oh, remember, I, I just said I didn’t want to talk about it. Oh, come on Johnny. I’m your friend. And I’m a good listener, you know that, and maybe I can even cheer you up. Okay, fine. Um, well, Tripp found out that Wendy and I never said we were exclusive, so he got right to work.

I’m confused if. You and Wendy aren’t exclusive, and then she goes out with trip. That doesn’t mean it’s over between you guys, does it? You don’t understand. Okay. Her, her, her and Trip are already really close. Okay. And so are you and Wendy, right? Yeah. Okay. Then what makes you think you’re getting dumb?

What makes you think I stand a chance? All right. I mean, Wendy’s not dumb. Okay. Trip has way more to offer than I do. I, I can’t compete.

There’s nothing wrong with you. Okay. Unrequited love. It’s, it’s painful, obviously. And unless you’ve been keeping it from me, you haven’t been this much in love with anyone before, have you? No, never. I didn’t think so. And I hate to tell you to give up hope, but you’re going to, only because you’re my big brother.

I hate to see you hurting like this, but you only have to go on your deal with Gabby and if she’s already sleeping with her ex I know, I know. No, but you’re not acting like you know. You have to open your eyes, Lee. This isn’t the time for wishful thinking. Gabby is cheating on you and lying to you. This isn’t the act of a woman who’s starting to warm towards you.

Okay? You need to think. I should go. I’m just getting in your way.

I am the trader of this. Me? Mm-hmm. This coming from the miserable son of a bitch who offered his hand to me in a truce and immediately started working behind my back to sabotage me. Thought you had me dead to rights, didn’t you? As soon as you set me and Gabby up to be found in that hotel room. So, yeah, I worked quickly to think of a plausible pla bruise.

Plausible. Oh, it was idiotic. Oh, it wasn’t meant to fool you, brother. It was meant to make you open your mouth, admit what you were doing. But, um, you didn’t have the guts, did you? And you didn’t have the intelligence or the willpower not to have your ridiculous plan blow up and smoke. Well, now you and Gabby can be together and made like a couple of wild dogs and heat for all I care.

What’s really important to me is that Gabby can no longer get her hands on those dir. You blew it Stephan. I hope one quickie in the basement was worth it.

Oh wow. A text and a call at the same time aren’t. Popular. Listen, I really wanna continue this conversation, but I, I have to take this. I’m sorry. Oh yeah, for sure. Why are you calling me on this phone? You know, maybe can see the history. It doesn’t matter. Cat’s outta the back. EJ saw us together in the secret room.

What? I know. And he sent a picture to Lee. Oh my. That’s why Lee said he wanted to talk and he was so cold this morning and I was trying to figure out why shares. I know. I’m sorry I, this is all my fault. No, no, it is not. We decided this. It’s what we wanted. All right. Uh, we’ll figure this out. But look, there is a bright side.

We don’t have to pretend anymore. Well, yeah, that is a bright side.

What do you wanna do now?

All right. Look, go pack your things. I’m gonna go to the apartment, Lee and I will have it out, and then you can move right in. And don’t forgive to give Melinda her walking papers. Whoa. What’s wrong? I don’t know. I think I just, I got excited for a second. The blood rushed outta my head, but I’m good. Now.

I’m gonna go pack. Are you sure you don’t want me there when you talk to Lee? No, I have to do this. I love you. Love you too.

Hold up. Where does all this I can compete stuff come from? What has Tripp got that you don’t? What are you so worried about? He’s a doctor. I’m just, I’m just some, some failed movie maker. Plus he’s, he’s Bills, he’s handsome. He’s guy like a certain, someone that is standing right in front of me. Plus he marks the sympathy box.

His mom is in an institution. The guy’s got it all. Okay. Are you done? Because I am tired of hearing you put yourself down, Johnny, you have got just as much to offer as trip. And the last thing you are is a failed movie maker. Oh, right. Because my movies have been such hits. Okay. You just haven’t made the movie that’s gonna put you on the map yet.

But look, look, I, I like Tripp a lot. I think he’s a great guy, but so are you Johnny Damira, you are all that. And so much more. Would I have married you otherwise?

Well, thank you. I really appreciate the pep talk. Did. Not really. Oh, come on. This isn’t like you, Josh. I know. I don’t know where my usual self-confidence has disappeared to, but thank you for reminding me of how we used to be back when we got married in Italy, the way you swept me off my feet. Look, I know the way that it ended for us was not pretty.

The way it began, it was magical, spontaneous, and way crazy. But I was so swept off my feet and seeing the San Carlo of the four fountains and that little church you hadn’t been to since you were 10 years old. It was incredible. So beautiful. So are you. I remember standing there and looking at the priest and just thinking to myself, how did I get so lucky?

I mean, who wouldn’t wanna marry this amazing guy? So you can tell yourself confidence to get it together.

G, are you okay? Yeah, just, uh, no, no sleep last night, remember? Mm-hmm. Are you okay? Uh, yeah. It, it’s hot out here, right? Or is it? Not as hot as it was in Italy. Remember, that didn’t bother us. Yeah, that is. That is certainly correct. Hey, you remember that night we stayed up all night long drinking wine and watching the fishing boats go in and out.

I was for everything.

All I remember is that. Fred little dress you had on just, just standing up there next to me with the at the altar and Chanel. Hey. Um, just wanna let you know I’m starting another badge of those biscuit. Oh, okay, great. Johnny loved his

Johnny. Jen, what are you doing? Chanel Dupre, will you marry me?

Got your text. Abby. There’s something I need to say. I think I know.

How did you get here so fast? Huh? Who cares? You’re here now?


Still don’t get why Lee hasn’t acted on that photo I sent to him. I know he got it. I saw the notification. I maybe still upset about it, but it doesn’t matter because you won and Gabby lost as she was destined too. Mm-hmm.

Oh, that’s work. I gotta take this. That’s okay. I need to get to the office anyway. Talk later. Definitely.

Hi, this is Nicole. Yes, those files should be in.

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GH Transcript Thursday, April 13, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Portia: I can’t reach my daughter, Curtis.

Curtis: [Sighs] Well, she, um, might just have her phone off.

Portia: That would explain the voice mail, but the texts? The texts still should be going through. And they’re not.

Curtis: Maybe she’s out of range.

Portia: [Sighs] No. No, no, not Trina.

Curtis: [Sighs]

Portia: No.

Curtis: Jordan.

Jordan: I’m sorry to bother you at work, but we have some questions about an ongoing investigation.

Portia: What kind of questions?

Curtis: Has something happened to Trina?

[Dramatic music]

Spencer: This can’t be the end of us. We’re just getting started.

Trina: I’m glad we’re on the same page.

Spencer: Promise me you’ll be careful.

Trina: I promise. We got this, Spencer. But first, we got to get me out of this room.

Spencer: Yeah, without my escort discovering you.

Trina: Any ideas?

[Distant telephone ringing]

Sonny: Laura.

Laura: Hi.

Sonny: Hi.

Laura: Are you here to check on Anna?

Sonny: How’s she doing?

Laura: She made it out of surgery. They just moved her to ICU.

Sonny: I-I’ll take any–- any good news where I can get it.

Laura: So I take it that means that you don’t have any leads on Spencer?

Sonny: Or Victor. But don’t worry about it, because when I find him, he’s going to pay more than he’s ever paid before.

Michael: Why do I feel like I’m about to get ganged up on?

Brook Lynn: Ganged up on is a little extreme.

Sasha: Willow has something she needs to tell you. That’s all.

Michael: Okay.

Willow: I know this is weird.

Michael: A little bit.

Willow: I just need you to really listen, all right?

Michael: Okay. I always listen to you. What’s going on?

Willow: I want to get married, Michael.

Michael: Okay, good. So do I.

Willow: Today.

[Monitor beeping]

Valentin: Well, hello.

Anna: [Coughing]

Valentin: If it isn’t the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Welcome back.

[Dramatic music]

Michael: You–you want to get married today?

Willow: Tomorrow at the latest.

Brook Lynn: Makes sense, now that the transplant has been postponed.

Sasha: And who knows for how long, since Liesl is still missing?

Willow: I don’t want to wait. [Chuckles] I can’t wait. Time is running out, Michael. I want to marry you as soon as possible so we can have as long as possible together as husband and wife.

Michael: Oh, Willow–

Willow: Just, please consider it. [Chuckles]

Michael: There’s nothing to consider. Willow, I would marry you whenever… wherever you want.

[Tender music]

Michael: [Chuckles]

Liesl: Let me go.

Victor: Ah, Liesl. There you are. And may I say you look divine?

Liesl: No, you may not.

Victor: Hmm. I do appreciate you joining me on such short notice. Uh, breakfast?

Liesl: Looks more like a funeral. All we need now is a body.

Valentin: How is she?

Doctor: [Sighs] Still at risk for post-op complications like infection, but you’re lucky. You’re on track to make a full recovery.

Anna: Thank you. Thank you so– hey, look, you know, um, I’m– I’m really grateful. Thank you.

Doctor: You’re so welcome.

Anna: Thank you. [Sniffles]

Doctor: I’ll be back to check on you, okay?

Anna: Yeah.

[Monitor beeping]

Anna: [Sighs]

Valentin: I don’t think luck had anything to do with it. I think god is an Anna Devane fan.

Anna: [Laughs]

Valentin: I thought I’d lost you.

Anna: I think you saved my life, didn’t you?

Valentin: I’m the reason you got shot in the first place.

Anna: Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t do that.

Valentin: Victor wanted to hurt me. He was willing to take you away from all of us to do it.

Anna: Well, he didn’t.

Valentin: Oh, thank god he didn’t.

Anna: Right before I blacked out, I saw something.

Valentin: What?

Anna: [Sniffles, cries] I saw all the faces of all the people I love. [Sniffles] I saw Robin and Emma and Noah and you. I-I think it’s what helped me fight, because… [Whimpering] I’m not ready to leave any of you just yet. [Breathes shakily, exhales deeply] I think you’re stuck with me.

[Both crying and chuckling]

Valentin: I’ll hold you to that.

Anna: Yeah, you should.

[Soft music]

Portia: You need to tell me what’s going on right now.

Jordan: Can we go to your office?

Portia: Fine.

Curtis: You know, if this is about Trina, I need to come, too.

Portia: [Sighs] Curtis should be there, too.

Dante: Hey. Uh, any word on Anna?

Laura: She’s out of surgery. She made it.

Dante: Well, that’s a relief. Unfortunately, it sounds like Victor’s list of victims is growing.

[Dramatic music]

Trina: There’s no reason for the guard to latch the door when you’re not here, right? It’ll work.

Spencer: Yeah, it better.

Trina: We can do this. You know how I know?

Spencer: How?

Trina: Because we make a good team. I will be the definition of stealth, while– while you create the perfect diversion.

Spencer: Okay, listen to me. My uncle cannot catch you.

[Footsteps approaching]

Trina: He won’t.

Spencer: Someone’s coming.

Trina: No turning back now.

Portia: You wanted privacy, so here we are. Now, please tell me what’s going on before I completely lose my mind.

[Door closes]

Curtis: Jordan, what happened to Trina?

Jordan: We don’t know for sure. But we have reason to believe she’s with Spencer Cassadine… and his great-uncle Victor.

[Dramatic music]

Spencer: Oh, it’s about time. I am starving. Hey, are we going or what?

Anna: What’s happening?

Valentin: I don’t think we should talk about that.

Anna: I want to talk about him.

Valentin: You should be resting.

Anna: I’m–- I’m resting. I’m in a bed. Tell me.

Valentin: Okay. What’s the last thing you remember?

Anna: I don’t know. [Inhales deeply] It’s a bit of a blur. I know you gave necklace– a necklace to Victor, didn’t you?

Valentin: He was going to hurt you. I was out of options.

Anna: It’s okay. I– shh. I would have done the same thing. Did Lucy get out okay? Is she–-

Valentin: Yeah.

Anna: Good.

Valentin: In fact, I think she made a… a grand entrance at the Nurses’ Ball.

Anna: [Laughs] Of course she did. Your father… where is he? Do we know?

Valentin: Yeah. And, no. He escaped on the “Haunted Star.” So far, the location of the boat is a mystery.

Anna: How is that possible?

Valentin: I don’t know. But it is. And you should know that the necklace is not the only thing he escaped with.

Victor: I had hoped we could play nice, but here you are, greeting me with threats. And if you are thinking about causing any trouble, you should know I have guards all over this ship ready to descend at a moment’s notice. Welcome, my boy.

Liesl: And then there were three.

Spencer: What is this?

Valentin: No, you mean who is this. I think you’ve already met Dr. Liesl Obrecht.

Spencer: Where’s my brother? You said he’d be here.

Liesl: Make that four.

Victor: You have my word. You’ll see him after breakfast. Now, please, both of you, come, sit. [Sighs contentedly] There, isn’t this nice? Well, before we begin, let’s raise a glass to new beginnings.

Spencer: Exactly how long do you think that you can string us along for?

Victor: I beg your pardon?

Spencer: You promised me answers, Uncle Victor, and I intend to collect.

Sonny: So Trina is also one of Victor’s hostages?

Dante: It’s looking like that, yeah.

Laura: How much damage can one man do in one night?

Dante: Look, I-I know you guys are probably just as tired of hearing it as I am of saying it, but we are doing everything we can to find them.

Laura: And I know that. [Sighs] And I appreciate it. I really do. It’s just that this is exactly what I was afraid of when Victor came back to Port Charles. You know? I mean… I tried to warn Spencer more than once. I tried to protect him.

Sonny: You still protect him. We’re going to find him and bring him home.

Dante: That is the plan.

[Cell phone ringing]

Laura: Oh, dear. I-I have to take this. Excuse me. Mayor Collins?

Sonny: How’s Michael and Willow?

Dante: I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him. I haven’t sat down since this whole thing started.

Sonny: I bet.

Dante: Have you talked to them?

Sonny: No.

Dante: Willow really needs that, uh, bone marrow transplant.

Sonny: There’s got to be a way we find Victor and bring Liesl home.

Dante: Well, we still have the guy who tried to kill Lucy in custody, but he’s not talking to anyone.

Sonny: Not to the cops. But maybe he’ll talk to me.

Brook Lynn: We can totally do today, but if you guys are willing to wait until tomorrow, things might be a little less frantic.

Willow: We’re good with tomorrow.

Brook Lynn: Okay. Awesome. Everything is going to come together–I just know it.

Sasha: It’ll be the best wedding this town has ever seen.

Brook Lynn: Uh, duh. We’re the Quartermaines.

[Laughter, baby fussing]

Michael: Do you, uh– do you think you can put Amelia down for a nap, please?

Brook Lynn: Yes. Of course.

Michael: Thank you.

Brook Lynn: Come here, Miss Amelia. It is snooze time. Oh, come here, sweetheart.

Willow: Okay. Be honest.

Michael: I am, always.

Willow: Is this really what you want?

Michael: [Chuckles] Willow, I– I want to be your husband. Of course this is what I want. What, did you think I was going to fight you on this?

Willow: I don’t know. I guess… I was just afraid you’d think I was giving up.

Michael: Are you?

Michael: With Liesl MIA right now, I know- I know things are scary. So… I wouldn’t blame you if you felt, you know… frustrated or–or–or hopeless.

Willow: Frustrated, yes, and angry and… afraid. But I have not given up hope. I am praying with every fiber of my being that Liesl is found, and soon.

Michael: Yeah. And there’s every reason to believe that she will be, right? I mean, she hasn’t even missing for a full day.

Willow: Just feels like the days count more than they used to.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, they do.

Willow: And so… we need to be realistic. Dr. Randolph told us I don’t have much time left. And I don’t want to gamble with what could be my final days. I know. I hate the words as much as you do. But ignoring them doesn’t do us any good. If this is the end, I want it to be filled with as much joy and love as possible. [Chuckles] And so… just like I insisted on pushing back the wedding until after the transplant, now I want to get married right away. [Sighs] Am I driving you crazy?

Michael: The good kind of crazy. Let’s do it.

Willow: Yeah?

Michael: Yeah.

[Tender music]

Michael: But we, um… we don’t know what the future holds. And our time together may… be limited. But… our wedding… is an act of faith… that we are going to have many, many, many more years together with a family that our love created, okay?

Willow: I like the sound of that.

Michael: Yeah, so do I.

Dante: Dad.

Sonny: What?

Dante: What do you mean what? I can’t let you talk to the perp. Besides, you already took a crack at him.

Sonny: I don’t know what you’re implying.

Dante: Really?

Sonny: Yeah.

Dante: You don’t think that I know that you’re the reason that he’s got Diane as his attorney? I mean, it’s the only person he’s spoken to. I mean, the–the only lead we have is because of you.

Sonny: The “Haunted Star” is untraceable. We got to find a different angle.

Dante: I know, and we will. I got people working on it. You got feelers out there, too. We will find them.

Sonny: What if it’s not in time?

Dante: She’s not going to quit. I don’t think you should either.

Sonny: I don’t want to be in this position again.

Dante: And what position is that?

Sonny: Where someone that I love… is dying and I can’t do a damn thing about it.

[Dramatic music]

Portia: No. No, no, no. This… [Grunts awkwardly] This can’t be happening. No, no, no, this can’t be happening.

Jordan: When was the last time you saw or spoke to Trina?

Portia: [Sobs]

Curtis: Portia.

Portia: It–it was at the Nurses’ Ball. And I went to her dorm afterwards… but she never showed up.

Jordan: What about you?

Curtis: Same. Jordan, will you tell us what’s going on?

Jordan: We have evidence that Victor Cassadine abducted Liesl Obrecht along with Esme Prince’s baby.

Portia:Oh, my god.

Jordan: We also believe Spencer Cassadine is with them as well. Now, given Trina was last seen with Spencer, who we believe was taken by his great-uncle–

Curtis: Your theory is that somehow Trina got caught up in it.

Jordan: Yes.

Curtis: Okay, so what’s your department doing about it?

Jordan: Well, we have a lead, but, unfortunately, following it won’t be easy.

Anna: Your father has hostages? Who?

Valentin: Nothing is certain, but the police suspect he has Spencer and baby Ace.

Anna: Oh, god, no.

Valentin: As well as Liesl Obrecht.

Anna: Liesl? What does he want with them?

Valentin: I don’t know. Maybe they have value as hostages. Maybe it’s part of his master plan. Or maybe it’s both.

Spencer: You keep talking about new beginnings, but you still haven’t told us where we’re going or why. And from the way that she’s glaring at you, I’m betting that Dr. Obrecht isn’t exactly here because she wants to be.

Victor: I know, this whole situation must seem very disconcerting to both of you. But, Spencer, you’ve always shown willingness to protect our family at any cost. I’m counting on you and your brother to ensure the future prosperity of the Cassadines.

Liesl: As disturbing as that explanation was, I suppose I can understand you kidnapping your own kin. But what is my purpose? I certainly do not care about the Cassadine legacy.

Victor: Oh-ho-ho. Oh, this goes much further than a family legacy. When my plan comes to fruition, we’ll be ushering in a new era for humanity.

Sonny: When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, there was not a damn thing I could do about it, no lead I could take. This awful… [Sighs] disease was just happening to us.

Dante: Yeah, same thing with Stone.

Sonny: All I could do is just stand by there and just… watch him slip away. And no matter how–how ugly it is with me and Michael, I don’t wish that on anyone.

Dante: You’re wrong. The way I heard it, you didn’t just stand there and do nothing. You cared for Mike. You loved him. You made sure his last months, weeks, and days on this earth were good ones.

[Dramatic music]

Dante: You did the same thing with Stone.  Could you save them? No. No one could. But you did them both a… a world of good.

Sonny: Thanks for saying that.

Dante: It’s just the truth. You could do the same thing for Michael and Willow.

Sonny: I would love to, but Michael won’t let me.

Dante: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Michael: Is everything good with Amelia?

Sasha: She went down without so much as a whimper.

Brook Lynn: Clearly, we have the magic touch. So what do we have to do to get this wedding off the ground?

Sasha: Put us to work.

Willow: Most everything is planned already, but we do need to contact the vendors and tell them we’re moving up the date.

Sasha: On it. Send me the list.

Willow: Okay, I will. [Chuckles] Love you.

Sasha: And I’ll talk to you soon, okay?

[Soft music]

Sasha: Bye.

Brook Lynn: Bye, Sasha.

Michael: I’ll, uh–I’ll walk you out. [Sighs] Here…

Brook Lynn: Okay. So notifying the vendors, done. What else?

Willow: Would you mind?

Brook Lynn: Checking on Michael?

Willow: I know this is hard on him. Help him if you can.

Brook Lynn: Yeah.

Jordan: We believe Victor left Port Charles on the “Haunted Star.”

Curtis: Doesn’t that ship have a GPS tracker?

Jordan: It did, but we found it tied to a buoy in the harbor.

Portia: [Sighs] So they could be anywhere.

Jordan: The coast guard is working to locate them via satellite, but so far, no luck.

Portia: This is a living nightmare.

Jordan: We are utilizing all resources, Portia. I promise. The goal is to bring Trina, Spencer, and whomever else is on that boat home safely.

Curtis: Jordan, thank you.

Jordan: I’ll obviously be in touch.

[Somber music]

[Door opens, closes]

Portia: My baby girl. She must be so scared right now. [Cries]

Curtis: It’s okay. Okay? I got you. It’ll be okay.

Portia: Okay.

Curtis: It will be okay.

Portia: [Cries]

Anna: Oh. [Winces] Ow. Okay, look… I don’t think your father is motivated by money, right? So it’s not a ransom. No?

Valentin: No. He could be using Liesl, Spencer, and the baby as human shields.

Anna: Um, yeah, I mean… I imagine that he sees Spencer as practically the only family he has left. But Liesl, I… does he need something from her? Because, remember, we don’t know what the– what the code on the Ice Princess necklace means. We don’t know if it leads somewhere.

Valentin: Well, regardless, Victor has everything he needs to put his plan in motion, and he can strike at any minute.

Anna: Oh, god. How do we or–or anybody– how do we stop him?

Liesl: Once again, you fall prey to your bloated sense of self-importance.

Victor: I’m merely stating a fact. Someone has to do what needs to be done.

Liesl: And that is?

Spencer: Yeah, when you say “new era,” what does that mean?

Victor: When I was younger, I was horrified by the damage we were doing to our planet.

Spencer: Oh, we?

Victor: Yes, we, us, people, humanity, our greed and short-sightedness, carelessly consuming the very resources we needed to survive. I mean, left unchecked, there will be nothing left for future generations. Now, once upon a time, my brother, Mikkos, shared these views. So, together, we developed a technology to reverse mankind’s mistakes.

Liesl: The device you use to control the climate. Do remind us how that turned out.

Victor: Yes, all right, I admit, uh… allying with Mikkos was a mistake. He soon showed himself to be a mere opportunist using our innovation for extortion. His greed was not only disgusting. It was our undoing.

Liesl: His greed, along with Luke and Laura.

Victor: Yes, well, I won’t make the same mistake twice. There are other ways of accomplishing what I set out to do all those years ago.

Spencer: How?

Victor: Mikkos and I developed another set of tools to save the world, tools that we could fall back on if our first plan was a failure.

Liesl: Now, there’s an understatement.

Victor: For security reasons, we placed these tools in bunkers, the locations of which only Mikkos knew. He engraved a code on the Ice Princess, which, when deciphered, would give the coordinates of those locations.

Spencer: The Ice Princess, as in the diamond?

Victor: That’s correct.

Spencer: And I assume that we’re headed to one of those bunkers.

Liesl: Is that why you killed Luke Spencer? So you could get your hands on that diamond?

Victor: Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. And there’s plenty of people out there who agree with me. While I was working on my plan, I gathered a great number of– of true believers, willing to give their life for the cause.

Liesl: Before this is over, how many unwilling people are going to perish?

[Dramatic music]

Victor: Humanity has all but ensured its own annihilation. The only way to reverse the damage is to take extreme measures and take them now.

Spencer: Define “extreme.”

Victor: 40 years after Mikkos’ folly, do you realize the population of the planet has almost doubled? Eight billion people. Think of the strain on our resources and space. There’s no way it can be sustained. But it can be fixed.

Liesl: “Fixed”? How?

Victor: A pathogen stored in one of my brother’s bunkers. Once released, it will reduce the population to manageable levels.

Liesl: Your plan is to release an unknown pathogen into the world?

Victor: “Unknown”? No, no, Mikkos and I cultivated it to very specific specifications.

Liesl: Four decades ago. Who knows how that pathogen has morphed in that time?

Victor: The survivors will usher in a new age of man.

Spencer: So to hell with all the innocent people who will die, so long as your family remains intact. Who appointed you judge, jury, and executioner?

Victor: I know, I know. It seems heartless. But to bring about true change involves sacrifice.

Spencer: Sacrifice from everybody else!

Victor: Someone has to have the courage to make the hard choices!

Spencer: There’s no way. I’m not going to let you get away with this.

Victor: Oh, I’ve been working towards this all my life. No one is going to stop me now. Not even you.

[Dramatic music]

[Device beeps, whirs]

[Indistinct chatter over radio]

Portia: Victor has Trina on some ship for god knows what reason, and we have no idea where they are. What if Trina is hurt, or she–

Curtis: We will find her.

Portia: Yeah, but how? My daughter needs protecting, and I’m not there to protect her. What am I supposed to do?

Curtis: I have seen how Trina handles herself in threatening situations, okay? She’s tough. She’s levelheaded. If she’s with Victor and Spencer, she’s finding a way out of it.

Portia: [Shudders] You really think so?

Curtis: I know so.

Laura: Jordan, Dante just told me that Trina may also be one of Victor’s hostages?

Jordan: It’s a theory for now, but it’s looking more and more likely. I just broke the news to Portia and Curtis.

Laura: She must be going out of her mind.

Jordan: Yeah, not the most fun conversation I’ve ever had.

Laura: We have got to find those kids and bring them back home. My office is at your disposal. Don’t hesitate to ask for anything.

Jordan: Thank you. You know, actually, there is something you can do.

Sonny: Last time I checked, Michael didn’t, you know, want anything to do with me, unless you– you know something different.

Dante: I think in hard times, people’s perspectives change, and you reevaluate what’s important in your life. And I just think Michael’s feelings will change as this situation evolves.

Sonny: You know, when–when Willow got leukemia, there was a moment that Michael and I– I thought we were going to fix things. But last time I talked to him, it got heated. And he just doesn’t want to see me at all.

Dante: Yeah, but–-

Sonny: I know that.

Dante: Okay, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but maybe next week, or who knows, right? If one day he wakes up and finds himself needing his father, it’s not like you’re going to turn away, right?

Sonny: No matter how angry I am with Michael, if he reached out, I’d be there.

Dante: Right. So do that. You’re looking for something to do anyway. Do that.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Dante: Anyway, some of us got to work. I got to go.

Sonny: [Grunts] Thanks for the talk.

Dante: Anytime.

Michael: [Sighs]

Brook Lynn: Hi.

Michael: Hey. Guess you caught me having a moment.

Brook Lynn: Remember what I said about those? You’re allowed to have as many as you need.

Michael: Yeah, well, good, because they seem to be happening a lot more lately.

Brook Lynn: Just not in front of Willow.

Michael: No, no, not in front of Willow. She has enough on her plate. I don’t need to add to it.

Brook Lynn: Can I say something? If you think I’m overstepping–

Michael:  Yeah, I’ll tell you. Go ahead.

Brook Lynn: Maybe it’s time that you and Willow shared a plate… you know? [Sighs] Shared your feelings about what’s really going on, because the truth is, Michael, this is happening to both of you. Just know that I love you, okay? I’m here for whatever you need.

Michael: Yeah, thanks. I love you, too.

Brook Lynn: Even though I annoy the heck out of you sometimes?


[Cell phone ringing]

Michael: I’m being summoned.

Brook Lynn: Let me go.

Michael: You sure?

Brook Lynn: Yeah. I miss the days of rocking Bailey back to sleep.

Michael: Okay. Thank you.

[Ringing continues]

Michael: [Sighs] Look, now’s not a good time.

Sonny: It’ll be quick. You–you don’t even have to respond. Just let me say my piece.

Sonny: I just need a minute, Michael.

Michael: [Sighs] Okay. Go ahead.

Sonny: I just want you to know that I’ve been thinking a lot about you and Willow, and I know this must be tearing you up inside. And, I know how– you know, how that feels. Having to be strong for everyone, and deep down inside, all you want to do is curl up in a ball. I know you don’t want to take me up on this, but I just want you to know that if you ever need me, in any way, I’m here for you. All you gotta do is say the word.  Michael, you still there?

Michael: Yeah, I’m here.

Sonny: You wanna talk?

Michael: Uh, no, I gotta — I gotta go.

Sonny: Okay.

Michael: But, uh… I hear you.

Valentin: I know one thing’s certain, that we won’t be doing anything. We will stay in bed, and we will recover.

Anna: Okay. I– I mean, just because I’m in this bed, it doesn’t render me useless, you know.

Valentin: Of course you’re not useless. I need you. If I’m going to bring Victor down, then I need your health, desperately. But I’m not going to jeopardize your health to do it. Not much scares me, you know. But when I watched you… and then I held you in my arms, and I watched you fade away… That terrified me. I don’t watch to be without you.

Anna: You won’t be.

Valentin: So you promise me you won’t do anything to put yourself at risk?

Anna: Okay. I promise.

Jordan: I know you’ve been working to take down Victor ever since he returned to Port Charles. You made allusions in the past, and Robert and Felicia confirmed it yesterday.

Laura: I have a long history with the Cassadines. They have terrorized me and my family countless times, countless ways. No more.

Jordan: I’m not blaming you. But, you’ve kept me out of the loop for way too long. I want in. Our best chance at nailing Victor is by working together, all of us.

Portia: My mind keeps going to all the scariest places.

Curtis: Honey, you have to try not let it.

Portia: Curtis, we both know the Cassadines — how vindictive and evil and lethal they are.

Curtis: Jordan has the entire PCPD on their tail.

Portia: [ Sighs ] What if they’re not in time?

Curtis: Trina is coming home, Portia. Even if I have to bring her home myself.

[ Device beeps, whirs ]

Trina: Come on, Spencer. Where is the diversion?

Victor: Come on, Spencer. Think about it. This is the only way you and your brother will have a world to grow up in.

Spencer: Assuming we don’t fall victim to the pathogen’s effects.

Victor: Well, that is where the lovely Dr. Obrecht comes in. You see, her expertise will ensure that my heirs are properly inoculated.

Liesl: Thus ensuring your precious legacy. If you think I’m going to help you, Victor, you’ve truly lost your [ speaks German ].

Victor: [ Chuckles] Oh, I do love it when you talk German. But, uh, if you don’t comply with my wishes… I promise you, the consequences will be dire.

Liesl: [ Screams ]

Spencer: You can say that again.

Liesl: [ Gasping for breath ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

Brook Lynn (on phone): I have a critical mission for you, and you have to accept it.

Gregory (to Chase): Well, that’s good news, right?

Sam (to Alexis): Why can’t you just let this go?

Curtis (to Jordan): Believe me, he will not see me coming.

Victor: The consequences will be dire.

Trina: Now what?

Portia (on phone): He-help is on the way.

Spencer: No Obrecht, no plan.

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Days Transcript Friday, April 14, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Uh, I’m gonna have to call you back.

When did this happen? When did what happened? Did you go back to the church without telling me No? Why would I do that? Then why are you wearing that? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? Eric, if you’re not really, you know, then you shouldn’t be walking around dressed like that. Dress like, what a priest

Do you have a minute to chat? Yeah. For you out two. What’s up?

Sorry. I got a couple of these, um, breakfast biscuits from Sweet Beds from dude. I do not know what they put in these, but they’re like, crap,

you wanna get married again? Sure, why not? Is he serious right now? It just all seems so sudden. Oh, come on. Chanel spontaneity has always been our thing in, you know, I’ve always been crazy about you. I think that goes both ways, so, Will you please do me the honor of becoming Mrs. John Roman Damara. One more time.

I know everything Gabby. It’s over. What are you talking about? Enough with the pretending we’re done. We are far from done baby. Our story is just getting started and our. He’s gonna stand the test of time.

Stephan, what are you staring at? Only the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

This is an easy, so I’d appreciate it. You let me say what I need to say. Oh, I see. We leave the talking for another day. Where are you going? I said, stop it. What is wrong with you? I don’t appreciate being mocked, baby. I would never Don’t call me baby. I’m sorry. I didn’t have bothered you. You want to know what bothers me, Gabby?

Your need to make me feel more foolish. Empathetic than I already do. What are you? I get it. Okay. I. I’m the loser. I need to face reality that there’s no hope for us, except that this sham of a marriage needs to end fine, but let me do it with some semblance of dignity. I marriage. It was not sham. Uh, g granted, okay, we started off kind of on a, on, on the wrong note, but then our hearts grew to love each other and, and, and it was wonderful.

It is wonderful. And, oh, no, no, no, no. Please say that you remember. Please, please say that you remember our love. Don’t use Stephan.

It’s not nice to tease a girl, Stephan. Oh, who’s teasing? I adore you. I almost believe you. Hmm. Well, just in case there’s still some confusion, let me spell it out for you one more time. Not only are you the most stunningly beautiful woman I have ever met. You are the most brilliant, captivating, dynamic woman on the planet.

And I am madly in love with you.

Oh, s Steph and I, I thought there was a chance we’d get close while I was helping you out, but I didn’t wanna get my hopes up. Come again. What you just said about me, were you being serious? I’ve never been more serious about anything at all my life. This you, my love only woman I want to be with and only you.

So what are you saying? Of course, I’ll marry you, G. Oh, that is amazing. I’m so happy. Me too. But wait, what about Wendy? Yeah. What about Wendy?

I’m a priest. What are you talking about? Look,

you’re right. How can I do this? I can give big trouble. Damnit, Eric. I can’t help it. I mean, just, I’m mad at. I could get in big trouble. I mean, impersonating a priest is like sacrilege. I know. When you’re cursing on top of it, we, we could get struck by lightning. Oh, forgive me father, for I know not what I’m saying.

Or wearing right now. You’ve gotta get out of these clothes before someone sees you and call the pope. This is why I’m thinking I’m gonna get on that right now. Yeah. Oh, why did you stop? Why are you following me? Well, because you must have stolen that clothing from St. Luke’s. I gotta get it dry, clean before anyone realizes it’s missing.

Good plan. But let’s go.

Oh, you didn’t hear me Sping. I said our crew was gonna kick the fire department’s asses here in the charity softball tournament. Oh yeah, you heard that? Listen. Oh, okay. Well, not if I see you first guy.

Ah. All right. Where were we? Uh, why? You said you wanted to chat? Yes. It’s on your mind. J Jake. Okay. How much coffee have you had today, boss? Normal amount. What do you ask? No reason. You, uh, you have a little something. Yeah. Oh my God. Wow. Thank you. Would’ve been really embarrassing if I, uh, went in front of a city council looking like a big old slob, huh?

Right, right. Anyway, um, I wanted to apologize. Or leaving so abruptly yesterday. Oh, it’s all good. Good, good. I’m glad, uh, cuz I, I love my job and I love working for you. And the last thing I want is for things to be awkward between us.

Why? Why the hell would it ever be awkward? Department policy, we discussed this. We have to obey the rules. Rules, yeah. Rules, rules, rules. You know, the, the guys that make these rules, they, they sit behind the desk, they’re pencil pushers and we, where do they get off making these rules and telling us who we should fraternize with.

The new policy came directly from the mayor who feels very strongly about superiors and subordinates not getting involved. Okay. Yeah. And, and you know, I love the mayor. I love Abe. Right. But he’s not a cop anymore. You know, he’s got his fancy job and his fancy wife and it, I just, I just don’t think that he gets us anymore.

I don’t follow. Yeah. Okay. Well, you and. We work long shifts overtime, steak outs, right? I mean, it is hard. It, it is stressful. It is hard. Did I say that already? I mean, whatever the, the point is this, right? You and me, we wake up every day and we risk our lives to make sure this damn city is safe, right? And, and if we feel comfort in each other’s arms, then that’s cool.

I mean, we should just go for it, right? Screw the policy. Screw them. Ra, are you okay? I’m, uh, I’m great. The, the best I’ve ever been. I’m just saying I don’t think that we should let the man dictate our lives, the man. Yes.

I, I just can’t tell you how good you look right now. Dress like that. Like what? Come on. Come on, hunter. You are right now. Okay. I, I, I don’t. I don’t know what’s going on right now. I have no idea what’s going on today.

Wendy. Hey, I didn’t see you there. Yeah, obviously not. Did I see what I think I just saw? Did you really just propose to Chanel? Uh, yeah. Yeah. I, I think I did. Johnny, Wendy, what? What’s the problem? Oh, you really don’t think proposing to your ex-wife while you’re dating me is a problem. Well, you never said we were exclusive, so it’s, well, Johnny, you could have at least given her a heads up, you know, as a courtesy, do me a.

Stay out of it. Why are you so bad outta shape, aren’t you dating Trip the drip?

I cannot. To make a love to you. Come down, take a step, and take me right now.

Uh, Melinda. What? Yes. Love. What you doing in my bed? What the hell happened to Gabby?

Stephan? Stephan? Answer. Why? Why are you calling me Stephan? What else would I call you? I mean, that’s your name. You look at me and see your ex-husband. I look at you and I see the love of my life who I thought I’d lost forever, and now you’re back and I’m never gonna let you go. I am Stephan. You are Stephan.

You remember? Of course, I remember it. I’m the man who loves you more than anything in this world. And I love you too, and I want you

take me to bed.

No peeking. I’m not.

I’m, are you almost done? Cause we really need to hurry yet. Yes, you go. Oh,

thank you. You know, for the life of me, I still don’t know why I end up dressed as a priest. Well, I’m just glad I was here to help and that no one saw you. I need to get these to the cleaners. Yeah. Make sure you’re steaming the bill. Who’s Bill? Okay. You know what? Just tell me later. Huh? I need to save your soul.

I appreciate that.

Oh, how did you. Do what? Change to that bikini. What do you mean? I’m not wearing a, oh. How does that happen? No idea. But you look good inside that bikini. You know what it reminds me of when you used to model for Bella Magazine? Wait, we should take some pictures for full-time sake. Oh yeah, that’s a great idea.

Great. Wait. I need a camera. Okay. I found it. Okay. Whenever you’re ready. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay. Come on. Perfect. Alright. Got it.

What’s wrong? You look amazing, Nicole. I mean, I love being on a beach with. Me too. I love that sand and the water. Sun. Ugh. Oh hot. Yes.

What the hell are you doing? I’d like to know the answer to that. Do you ever hear of knocking? You know, if you want to be alone, Rafe, maybe try locking the door. But this isn’t what it looks like, but what it looks like is that the police commissioner is coming onto you and you’re not very happy about it.

You know, you just committed a very serious crime. No, no, no, no, no. Did you even go to law school? Okay. Because in this country you’re guilty until proven innocent, and therefore I am innocent. You. You’re guilty. You’re guilty of marching. My mellow What? I meant horsing, my mellow. I said, Marshing, my mellow marsh marshmallow.

Do you My God,

honey. Anyway, what do you want? You summoned me. I did, yes. After Detective Hunter here raided my home, she left me a voicemail saying that she would like me to come down to the station as soon as possible. So, What I had a search warrant, whatever. Look, I brought my phone like you asked, okay? And yes, it is the only one that I have.

Great. I’ll have the tech team examine it right away. You’re not gonna find anything. By the way, with me and Paul, nothing connecting us to the alleged harassment, there’s nothing alleged about this. She received a threatening text message, not from me.

Talk about harassment. Okay, look, it looks like I came out of bad time. I’ll take that phone now.

Fine. But to know that you’ll be wasting even more of your time and the taxpayer’s money, and when you do finally come crawling back to me yet again to admit that this little witch hunt of yours has come up empty, be prepared to face a lawsuit. Because I am really getting sick of this. Du,

what are you looking at?

You are alive.

Toki. That’s you and Trip were dating. I told you he was moving in on her. Oh, I love trip. You guys make such a cute couple. You know, he and I did almost have sex once, but we were hammered so it doesn’t count. And you don’t have to worry about me selling him no trip and I are not dating. Oh, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait a minute.

I came over. Apartment the other night, and I told you all about my big plans to whine you and dine you at the bistro, but you told me that you had plans with Dr. Boy. We ended up not going out. Ah, drip flaked on you. Trip didn’t flake. Joey was in an accident and you wanted to be in Seattle with his brother.

Oh my God. Is Joey okay? He will be. Oh good. Okay. I’m gonna send him a gift basket and I’m gonna put it all against some donuts and cookies. Oh, oh. And send him doza. The biscuits and send me some too. Can we please get back to your engagement? Did you really just propose to Chanel because I agreed to go on a date with trip?

Yeah. Yeah, I think I did. Unbelievable. Wendy. Wendy, don’t be so mad. You, you can totally come to our wedding and we can even go on a date after if it’s cool with shit now, please tell me you’re. No, of course not. I, I, I just call a bistro, move the reservation. It’ll be,

you know, your sister warned me about how badly you treat women. She said You are reckless. Impulsive. But I didn’t believe her. Oh, my sister dis me. You too. Why is she such a hater? It’s getting really old. No. You know what’s getting old? This conversation?

Yeah. Johnny, I really thought we had something special. I really wanted this to work.

Mature the trip. No, I’m interested in trip, so rather than hiding it, I wanted to be open and honest about it. You know, do the mature and respectful thing and, and try to clarify my feelings for him before fully committing to you. It never occurred to me that it would make you do something so stupid. I mean, God.

You really are the jackass. Everyone says you are. We’re done.

So where should we go on our honeymoon?

I want you so bad step, please. I can’t wait any longer.

No, no, no, no, no. Gabby, I, I can’t do this. What? What’s wrong step? Don’t you want me? Of course. I want you, but not like this. I just, I don’t understand. Gabby, please. What? Tell me what is the problem step? Just tell me. The problem is I’m not stepping,

where is Gabby? How the hell should I know? What is this Some kind of game? No, I was just about to ask you the same thing. What did you do with her? Where is Gabby? I didn’t do anything to Gabby. Okay. Well, she was here and then, then she, she, she. And then she, what? She turned into you. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Are you, are you saying that you were just pretending that I was Gabby? Wait, that’s the only reason why you wanted me. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. She was here. Okay. If you’re gonna use me to fulfill some fantasies about your ex-wife, at least have the guts to. Down up to it when you get caught. That’s not, that’s not at all.

I take time outta my incredibly busy life to pulling over on EJ and Lee and this is the things I get under humiliation.

No, not laughing. Don’t you dare laugh. Who’s laughing? Step. What the, what the hell are you doing? Melinda? Melinda, Melinda, take it easy. Melinda. Take me. Going to kill you.

Melin. Hey, what has gotten into you? Let’s help you entitle crepe. You have messed my head for the last time. Oh my God. Oh, Melinda, are you okay? I think I need a doctor.

I can. I’m not, Stephan, what are you talking about? I’m looking right at you, but what you’re seeing isn’t real, baby. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to push me away. I already know that. Ley knows we’re together. He found out though we don’t have to sneak around or lie or anything. We’re free. And yes, I’m gonna lose this.

DER share’s a big deal. What matters now is that we’re free to show the entire world how we feel. That’s what matters now. Yes, Gabby, I did find out about you and Stephanie EJ sent me a picture of the two of you having sex in the Dera Wine Cellars. Why do you keep doing that? Why do you keep talking like you’re in third person for the last time?

I am not your ex-husband. I’m your current. The pitiful excuse for a man who was so desperate to hold onto you. I almost ended up in prison and, and after that, I still didn’t get the hint and diluted myself into thinking I could win you back with Sheila Keels and Van Gogh

Lee. Oh, thank God. What is going on? You’ve been hallucinating. You take something? No. What? No, I don’t do drugs. Well, clearly someone drugged you. Yeah, no, I, I do feel a little weird. Okay. Just take it easy. Okay. Oh, wait, lemme watch out for what?

Who the hell is Duke? I have no idea I missed you buddy. Oh God, you look great. Recovered like a chimp. Recovered what is from decapitation. It props to your effect, but uh, you shouldn’t be here right now. Okay. Says um. Nicole and I are over, and I was trying to get busy with this one when the uptight blonde witch showed up.

Excuses. No, it’s cool. Like we’re still buds. It’s just having, uh, the stuffed bear that my wife and I shared custody with, show up on my date. It’s just a little cramping. My style date, what, what type of date?

Why, why is the room I’m spinning right now? Are you okay? Uh, No, no, no, no. Oh, great. Breathe free.

Oh, I want you so much you here. All I want you.

Wait, wait, wait. What? What about Sloan? She needed things because I had trouble believing that she wasn’t stalking, pulling it, you know, lot of sex for her. Hmm mm-hmm. Wait a minute. What about you and ej? PJ is so boring. Told you all he wants to do is plot against his stupid undead brother. Be with you is so much more fun.

Except they run with your mocha. No, no, it’s, it’s fine. And why aren’t you drinking it? Ah, I don’t know. I guess I’m just kind of bummed that Wendy dumped me. I mean, I can see why she wouldn’t want to keep dating me if you and I are getting married. But I’m surprised it was a deal breaker. Hey, hey, hands.

What? Those things are delicious. Those things are for paying customer. Well, don’t I get a family discount? Oh, your family. Oh. Forgive me. My name is Johnny Dara. I am Chanel’s once and Future husband. Once and Future. Yeah, we’re getting married and you are the first person that we’ve told except for my almost girlfriend, but she doesn’t really count because she was eavesdropping on the proposal, so, but they’re getting married maybe.

Maybe you, you said? Yes. I’m not sure why I said that. Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that you don’t want to be my first and second wife? I think so. So does this mean the honeymoon’s off too? Sorry. Hmm. Oh, well, I guess I should probably get home. Yeah, and I, I have to get back to work. Oh, where do you work?

Here, here at the Bakers. Cool. Oh, cool. Yeah. Well, maybe. Since I got dumped twice in one day, could I get some biscuits for the road?

Okay, well, I’m just gonna go home and take a nap.

What was that all about?

Woo. What did we just do?

Eric, open up. Are you in there? Oh my God, this mo sh. Maybe she’ll go away. Eric, open up. We need to talk.

Hello? I don’t think she’s going away.

What’s with the pillow? Um, I was getting dressed. Okay. Uh, so look, I, I came here cuz I wanted to apologize for overreacting. You know, I thought about, I did say to you that I was still planning on. Getting revenge on Chanel and Paulina. And while I’m not guilty of anything that they’re accusing me of, you know, it makes total sense.

Yeah. That you would find me suspicious. No, it’s not Mickey. Is that all? Oh, aren’t you gonna invite me in? I, uh, I, uh, uh, what, when, have you ever been nervous about me watching you get dressed? I don’t think so. I’m, I’ll call you later. Okay. Good. You’re hilarious.



detective Har, I need to speak to you immediate. This isn’t a good time. Mr. Damara, what if I need to report an attempting partner? Two, actually. Okay. I’m listening. I’d rather EJ poisoned me and District Attorney Trask. He needs to be arrested. Do you have proof of this alleged poisoning? No, but I’m pretty sure he poisoned these breakfast biscuits.

We ate, did you say breakfast biscuits? Yeah. Nicole picked him up from Sweet Bits. Melinda and I both ate ’em and started hallucinating. She’s in the ER right now. Your brother may not be the one responsible for this.

Gabby, is that really you? My love’s me. Hey, what happened to her? That’s what we’re here to find out. Please hold me.

It’s gonna be okay.

Thanks. You feeling any better? Yeah. I don’t know what happened to me like with Johnny before. So he really asked you to marry him? Yeah, and I said yes, which is nuts. I, I don’t know. He was just so excited and I got caught up in the moment and I, I guess it was just like a temporary moment of insanity.

Isis they send you on a donut, right? I wish I’m actually here to investigate a crime. Did something happen to my mother? Ms. Price is fine. But the police commissioner and the DA are both in the hospital suffering from hallucination. Oh God, that’s awful. It’s, but what does that have to do with the bakery?

Well, they both ate breakfast biscuits that they purchased here this morning. There must have been something in them. Have the town had breakfast, uh, biscuits from here this morning. So have you gotten reports from other people being sick? Not yet. But if you really sold that many of them, then it’s likely that we.

This could ruin Chanel’s business. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay. One step at a time. Okay. Chanel, do you think it’s possible that someone may have spiked those biscuits? Yes, and I know exactly who it was.

I was fast. This isn’t what it looks. One more person says that to me today. I swear to God. I meant, I know. Really, son. I don’t know how this happened. Yes, you do. You got undressed and you took out your banana. She means camera. Yeah. He was gonna take pictures of me. Yeah. For all time sake. But I’m. Think that really ever happened?

Hmm. I If you’re trying to convince me that the two of you didn’t just have sex or, oh no, we definitely had sex. But you, we were wearing a bikini. Yeah. Wait, what happened to it? Yeah. Wearing my collar. Collar caller. Yeah. You were supposed to take that to dry cleaner, which I don’t think ever happened. Well, I thought he was dressed as a priest and turns out he.

Yeah, and she was wearing a bikini, but now that’s gone.

So you guys are seeing things that aren’t there. And thinking things that are, there are something else. Yeah, exactly. And you guys ended up in bed together and you both don’t know how it happened.

It sounds to me like you guys were drugged. It had to be Sloan Peterson. Are you sure? Yeah, it makes perfect sense. I leaked the story about her harassing mama to the Spectator, and now she’s coming after me. But how would Sloan know that you were the source? Well, I ran into her yesterday and I told her, and then we got into it physically.

Thank goodness I was able to break it up though. But not before Sloany blood. Oh my God, that woman is a total psycho. And that is exactly what the headline on Leo’s column said. So it makes sense. Look, it cost her business. So now she’s trying to hurt my business. But Sloane was at the police station when RA passed out, and she seemed just as shocked as I was.

Well, she was clearly putting on an. Oh my God. Maybe the, that’s what happened to Johnny. Johnny Dara. Yeah. Johnny was acting really weird before, and actually so was I, and we both had those biscuits. Oh, this has Sloane Peterson written all over it. Who else would do something that twisted.

Okay. I don’t know whether Sloan is behind this or not. I can promise you this. This is going to be my top priority and I’m gonna find out who’s been drugging the citizens of. And I’m going to bring them to justice.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, April 13, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Daniel: I am so proud of you, baby girl. You and I know that your grandma would be proud of you too.

Phyllis: I’m sorry, baby.

Summer: Lucy, that was so beautiful. Thank you. I know how much you loved our mom. And I’m so glad that you two got a chance to spend time together a few months ago. None of us knew that it would be their last real time together. And now… now, my mom’s never gonna never gonna see lucy become an amazing adult. She’s never gonna see harrison grow up. I really do want this to be a celebration of my mom’s life. I really do, but that is so hard to do when we don’t understand why she was taken from us so soon. Or how. I mean, if only we could know what happened that night. Someone knows the truth. That’s all that I want. That’s all that I’m desperate for it’s what my mom deserves. Answers. Any answers could help my family sleep at night and then maybe, maybe, maybe, then we could say goodbye.

Kyle: Sweetheart, perhaps it’s time to focus on the celebration.

Summer: No, there’s been so many beautiful tributes to my mom tonight, but not everybody has had a chance to speak. Diane, we haven’t heard from you. Is there anything that you’d like to say about my mom?

Abby: Hi.

Devon: Hey.

Abby: Do you believe all this stuff? I mean, this is insane. I am insane. My stuff, it’s grown exponentially. All my clothes, all of my shoes and don’t even get me started started on dominic’s things. This is what happens when you have two of everything. One for when he’s with me, one for when he’s with you. I mean, uh, what are we gonna do? We need more storage? Do I need to rent another place downstairs for extra storage?

Devon: Hang on. Shh. Get your breath, okay? Welcome to your home.

Abby: Aw.

[ Both chuckling ]

[ Knock on door ]

Audra: Victoria.

Victoria: Audra. I didn’t hear you.

Audra: Yeah, you were a million miles away. Where was your head just now?

Summer: You and my mom go way back. You definitely had history.

Diane: Yes, we did, but um…

Phyllis: Good job, summer.

Diane: Uh, this is a time for phyllis’s loved ones. Um, the people who knew her best.

Summer: Say anything. Say what’s in your heart.

Jack: Summer, I don’t think it’s appropriate for diane to speak on this occasion.

Diane: You know, victor hasn’t said anything. Perhaps he’d like to add something.

Victor: I shall share my thoughts with my granddaughter in private.

Diane: That is a wonderful idea and I think I’ll follow his lead.

Summer: Oh, come on, diane. Don’t be shy. I know that you can do this. I mean, you had no problem sharing how you felt about my mother the last time you saw her. So please, just think of this as a chance to help my family grieve. And that’s why I wanted to keep this informal, intimate so that we could all lean on each other and speak our truths. The way my mom would have wanted.

[ Diane exhaling ] For people who are a little intense about hydration.

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Abby: This is exactly what I needed. And these flowers, they’re heavenly. We’re actually doing this.

Devon: Yes, we are actually doing this.

Abby: I really, really, really don’t want to leave but there is so much left to do.

Devon: You don’t have to go anywhere. Let the movers handle everything else. You’re exactly where you need to be. And there’s one more thing.

Abby: One more thing.

Devon: Yes.

Abby: Hmm.

Devon: I think you’re gonna like it.

Abby: Oh. My very own set of keys.

Devon: Yes.

Abby: This makes it official.

Devon: Right?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: It will be really official though when louise brings dominic here because I got him some apple juice and some new baby bongos.

Abby: You’re spoiling us.

Devon: Well, that’s the plan. I don’t know if I can guarantee roses and champagne every single time you come home, but I’m never gonna stop trying to surprise you.

Abby: I like the sound of that. Not the surprising me part, but the coming home part. I love you for this, for wanting me and dominic here, for making this real.

Diane: Fine. Okay. Um, I’m– I’m– I’m not even sure what to say. As everyone here knows, uh, phyllis and I weren’t exactly friends.

Jack: You don’t have to do this.

Diane: No, no, jack, it’s okay. Because what I do know is that she loved her children and that you and daniel meant everything to her. And I–

[ Chair scraping ]

Daniel: Um, I think that’s maybe my cue to speak. You know my mother, um, I don’t really know if I could sum mom up in mere words. A friend of mine once described her to me as fierce. I would definitely say that that is an understatement. You know how when you’re a kid, you think that your mom is the most beautiful person in the world. That’s how I saw her. That’s how I’ll always see her. You know, this is, um… just paint and paper. Um, it resembles her. But my mom, she… she was an adventure. I mean, she crackled, she dazzled.

[ Chuckling ] She was unpredictable– you know, at the center of all of that there– there was this intense, just laser focused love. And it was that intensity that touched everything that she did, for better or for worse. I need to tell you, sometimes it was really hard to– to watch her just waste that brilliance. That sheer power that she had on the wrong things because she was that amazing. She really was and she shouldn’t be gone. No, I mean, not yet. Yeah, even in this, um, horrible, senseless death, I feel like she’s still trying to teach me. You know, she’s trying to teach me how to love better and to fight harder for and I feel like she’s trying to teach me how to protect the ones that you love and care about the most with everything that you’ve got. I just wish I could have learned those lessons while she was still alive. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t understand. I’m sorry that we fought. I’m sorry that I spent so much time away from you and I’m sorry that I won’t get any more time with you. I love you, mom. I always will. Why give your family just any eggs

Victoria: My mind was on a new venture. The risks, the rewards, how to maximize capital investment to accelerate growth.

Audra: Sounds exciting.

Victoria: Very.

Audra: Is there anything I can do to help?

Victoria: No, I’ve got this. Thank you.

Audra: These are the figures for the langston deal.

Victoria: Thank you. Adjusted earnings before taxes total indebtedness ratio. Excellent.

Audra: Yeah, I went ahead and did an analysis on the adjusted free cash flow to, you know, get a better idea of the company’s operating performance.

Victoria: You’re one step ahead. That’s exactly what I was gonna ask for next.

Audra: I like to be thorough.

Victoria: You continue to impress.

Audra: Just doing what I love.

Victoria: Well, you’re providing superb backup for nate, that’s for sure.

Audra: That’s the plan. To give nate everything he needs. Uh, so he can do his job to the best of his ability.

Victoria: Well, he does continue to– to prove himself, doesn’t he? It’s been a while since we’ve had a ceo of newman media with his talent.

Audra: Yeah, I know exactly how gifted he is. You know, his instincts are remarkable. So, it wouldn’t surprise me if he shot straight up the ladder here, you know, or somewhere else. So, it doesn’t hurt that I am familiar with practically every aspect of the projects that matter most to him.

Victoria: Correct me if I’m wrong, but what I’m hearing right now is that if nate were promoted, or if he were poached, you would want to take his place?

Danny: When I look at my son,

[ Danny sighing ] I– I see phyllis’s heart. I know her capacity for love and generosity of spirit, will– will live on in daniel and summer and lucy. Her humor, her brilliance.

[ Danny sighing ] Speechified has never really been my thing, so, uh, I’d like to honor phyllis with a song, if you don’t mind.

[ All applaud ]

[ Piano playing ]

I have a life

I live a life

it’s more like living

day to day just to get by

and it’s okay

’cause I get through

but I know there’ll

never be another you

I’ve got my friends

they’re always there

and someone special

that I know who really cares

but late some nights

a voice cries through

reminding me there’ll

never be another you

I can recall

all those winters and falls

nights of love

that I thought

would be always with us

writing our plans

on the beach, in the sand

but they faded in time

in the wind and with you


I think of you

from time to time

sometimes I wonder

if I ever cross your mind

but looking back

is hard to do

because it reminds me

there won’t be

another you

there’ll never be



[ All applaud ] She found it.

Audra: I guess I’m always looking for the next challenge. Uh, but of course, this is all just hypothetical, at least for now. But, you know, who knows what the future will bring?

Victoria: Well, as for the now, nate just started as a ceo of newman media and you’re an even more recent hire.

Audra: Yeah, I– I’m very aware of that. I have a great deal to learn and a lot to offer, which is why I want to make myself as useful as possible. So until the day comes when you need a new ceo, you know, I look forward to continuing to prove myself to newman media and to you.

Devon: What’s on your mind, pretty lady?

Abby: I’m nervous, but in a good way. I’m excited and happy and I’m looking forward to what’s ahead for us in the future.

Devon: Well, I know exactly what you mean because after these last few months of being angry, being hurt and making bad choices, I finally feel like I’m getting back to the life that I want. And that’s spending time with the people that make me happy. Which means staying with chancellor-winters and lily. And making a life and a home, right here with you and dominic. And you got me here. I’ve never been more excited about my future.

Daniel: Um, listen everyone, I just want to say on behalf of my sister and myself, thank you all so much for coming out today. Uh, you have no idea how much it means to us to be able to share our mom with you and to hear your love for her. So, please just have another drink, maybe share a story and uh, let’s just keep this celebration going just a bit longer.

[ Diane sighing ]

Jack: Hey, hey, hey. Are you okay?

Diane: Yeah, I’m– I’m fine. Just why did summer make me get up and say something about phyllis? And she wasn’t taking no for an answer. It was just really– it was just really awkward.

Jack: It was awkward. Summer’s lost her mother. I think her grief is hitting her pretty hard.

Victor: My beautiful girl. You just remember that you have your mother’s heart, strength and courage. And you have all of our support. Don’t you ever forget it.

Summer: I won’t, grandpa.

Nikki: It was a beautiful service, darling.

Summer: Thank you for letting me do it my way. I know that you were worried.

Nikki: Only about you. Your mother would be so proud. I love you.

Summer: I love you.

Lauren: That was such a beautiful song.

Michael: There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, you know, thanks to you.

Danny: Well, I– I just wanted to honor phyllis.

Michael: It was a wonderful tribute. She would’ve been so moved. Despite everything, you’re a huge part of her life.

Lily: I loved your speech. It was really, really beautiful. And I could tell it came from your heart. And I hope you know that your mom is always with you. Her spirit, her love, the memories that you have. Because I mean, as much as it hurt to lose my parents, I feel them with me every single day.

Danny: Excuse the interruption. I thought we could all grab a bite to eat. What do you say? And of course, lily, we’d love for you to join us.

Lily: Yeah, of course. I’d love that. Thank you.

Danny: Great.

Daniel: Um, let me just say goodbye to summer real quick.

Danny: Sure, of course.

Daniel: Hey.

Summer: Hey.

Daniel: I just wanna tell you, this whole event was so wonderful. Mom really would have loved it.

Summer: I’m so glad that you spoke.

Daniel: Me too. I love you.

Summer: I love you.

Daniel: Yeah.

Phyllis: You think you’ve won diane, don’t you? You haven’T. I will do anything to protect my family. Anything, and I will expose you for the lying, cheating psychopath that you really are. And your marriage, that’ll never happen as long as I’m alive. My moderate to severe plaque psoriasis…

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. If you think you have dupuytren’s contracture,

[ Knock on door ]

Victoria: There you are.

Nate: Sorry, I’m late. I had to run back and grab some notes that I forgot this morning.

Victoria: No, not at all. Don’t worry about it. It gave me a chance to go over the figures for the langston report that audra compiled. She also put together an analysis of the operating performance.

Nate: Above and beyond, as usual. She is impressive.

Victoria: Well, that’s one word for it, I suppose.

Nate: Did something happen?

Victoria: You know, while I am, um, happy that you didn’t decide to go back to medicine after the other night’s events, I have this feeling that your coo doesn’t feel the same.

Nate: Still in the dark.

Victoria: Audra has her eyes on your job.

[ Both laughing ]

Nate: Gotta love her.

Victoria: You’re not concerned?

Nate: I’d be a little disappointed if she wasn’t angling for my desk. That’s what makes audra so damn good at her job. Her ambition, confidence. Maybe I see something of myself in her.

Victoria: And you don’t mind looking over your shoulder?

Nate: Uh, the last thing I want to do is discourage her enthusiasm. And there’s nothing wrong with a second in command who’s on top of what’s going on.

Victoria: I hope that that doesn’t mean that you have any plans to move on?

Nate: Oh, I love my job. I’m not going anywhere. At least, not by choice. So, you are stuck with me.

Victoria: Well, I’m very glad to hear that.

Lily: But, thank you for including me.

Danny: Of course. Yeah. I thought it would be good if we all, you know, decompressed. Spent some time with loved ones.

Lily: Yeah.

Danny: Did you know that before your father became a gifted artist and game developer, he was a banana?

Lucy: Excuse me?

Danny: Yeah, that’s right, yes. And lily was a strawberry.

Lily: I cannot believe you told your dad about that. Really? You told him?

Daniel: Apparently I did.

Lucy: What happened?

Danny: Well, these two free spirits free spirited themselves all the way to the west coast.

Lucy: You guys ran away?

Daniel: No, not exactly.

Lily: Yes, exactly. We ran away. We did and we needed jobs, so.

Daniel: And the only way we could make any money was…

Lucy: Pretending to be fruit?

Daniel: Yeah, something like that. Pretty much.

Danny: Ah, you kids are something else. You know, I still have that video your mom sent me of your graduation day. I showed it to everybody on the tour, I think many times and uh, I’m just so proud of you and so was your mom. Not just for the huge milestone, but for the man you were becoming.

[ Diane exhaling ]

Diane: Every time I turn around, she is staring at me.

Jack: Hey, as lovely as all of this has been. I think everyone here is on edge.

Diane: Why is he even here? What, were he and phyllis particularly close?

Jack: As I understand it, he’s here to make sure stark doesn’t cause any trouble. I, for one, am grateful he succeeded.

Kyle: Summer.

Chance: Excuse me.

Kyle: How are you holding up?

[ Summer sighing ]

Summer: Even after all of this, I just can’t believe she’s really gone.

Kyle: She would’ve loved it. The wonderful memories, all the people who loved her, danny’s song. I think she really would have liked the part where you put my mother on the spot. Any particular reason you did that?

Summer: Just um, just kind of came to me in the moment. I guess I was sort of channeling my mom, you know. How she liked to mix things up.

Kyle: Summer, what is it?

Chance: Diane, can I speak with you outside, please?

Jack: Uh, no. No, she’s not going anywhere.

Chance: Jack, I’m not trying to cause a scene. I just need to speak with diane.

Diane: What do you want to speak with me about?

Jack: This is a memorial service. A family is mourning, this isn’t the place.

Kyle: I agree. Whatever the authorities want can wait.

Summer: Why don’t we just hear what detective chancellor has to say?

Diane: I want to go home.

Jack: How about meeting us at the house?

Chance: Listen, jack, I was trying to be discreet about this, but if this is how you wanna do it, fine. Diane jenkins, you are under arrest for the murder of phyllis summers.

[ Diana gasping ] Nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard.

Victoria: Solid metrics, favorable debt to equity ratio.

Nate: With nowhere to go but up. These numbers are even more promising than I anticipated.

Victoria: And using the cash we have earmarked for mccall gives us the liquidity to take langston to the next level.

Nate: Your instincts to jettison the mccall deal were spot on. This purchase is going to expand our market share and make one hell of a power statement.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. And newman is all about power. So, we’re agreed?

Nate: It’s a go.

Victoria: All right. Well, then I will call first thing in the morning and I’ll make the offer. All right, work hours are over. How about we have a drink to celebrate? I bought this new bourbon that I’ve just been dying to try. And if I remember correctly, we seemed to enjoy the last bottle that we shared?

Nate: Very much.

[ Chuckling ] You do know what I like.

Lily: Those empanadas were so good.

Daniel: Mm. Not nearly as good as those grilled cheese you used to make when we were kids.

Lily: What are you talking about? You said I burned them.

Daniel: No, they were just a little crispy. It’s made with extra love, right?

Lily: Yes, absolutely.

Daniel: I think that I actually prefer them that way now.

Lily: No, you don’T.

Danny: You know what? It, uh, it looks like my granddaughter could use some rest.

Daniel: Oh, okay. When’s the last time you slept?

Lucy: Oh, no, dad, it’s okay. You’ve had bigger things to worry about than my jet lag.

Daniel: No, no, no, no. Let’s– let’s get you back to the hotel.

Lucy: No, no. I mean you– you stay. You haven’t even ordered dessert yet and that’s your favorite part.

Danny: Your daughter knows you well. I can take her back, and besides, I will enjoy having a little extra time with this little angel.

Daniel: Well, okay then. I’m– I’m convinced.

Danny: Great. All right.

Lucy: Let’s go.

Daniel: Oh, right now? Okay. Okay.

Danny: Come here, you. I love you.

Daniel: I love you too, dad.

Lucy: Bye, dad.

Lily: Have a good night.

Danny: Okay. Thank you, for everything.

Lily: Of course.

Danny: Okay, we’re off.

Daniel: Okay.

Lucy: Have fun.

Lily: All right. Bye guys.

Danny: See you soon.

Lily: Get some rest.

Lucy: I will.

Lily: Bye.

Daniel: Did you see that?

Lily: What?

Daniel: Pretty sure the two of them are just trying to set us up.

Lily: What?

[ Lily laughing ]

Policewoman: Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law–

Jack: Are handcuffs really necessary here?

Chance: Don’t make this harder than it has to be.

Diane: This is a mistake. I did not do anything. I did not kill phyllis.

Jack: This is insane. Diane is to blame for an ambulance accident that phyllis died in? She was at the gala all night. There are people, many of whom are in this room, can verify it.

Chance: Jack, there is new evidence. A lethal amount of toxin was found in her blood prior to the crash.

Jack: Phyllis was poisoned? That can’t be.

Lauren: That certainly explains her stumbling and the way she fell.

Diane: So, you think I poisoned phyllis? That’s ridiculous.

Kyle: There’s no way my mother did this.

Diane: No, it had to be jeremy stark. He did this, you know–

Jack: Why haven’t you arrested stark? No one here believes he’s married to phyllis.

Chance: I am following the evidence.

Jack: And it leads to diane? That makes no sense at all. What possible proof do you have that she’s involved?

Chance: You know what, I’m not gonna answer any more of your questions. I’m gonna have to take her. Let’s go. Come on.

Diane: No, you know what–

Kyle: Mom, I promise we’ll figure this out. We’ll get you home as soon as possible.

Diane: I didn’t do anything. I want to talk to a lawyer. Michael. Michael, please help me. That’s me before dawn powerwash.

Daniel: Can I walk you to your car?

Lily: Oh, no, it’s okay. I’m just right there.

Daniel: Okay. Um… thank you for being there today. And for helping me through the other day. You know, for trying to help me when I don’t even know what it is that I need.

Lily: I think the two of us helping each other will never change. Even after all these years. Get some rest, okay? And please let me know if you need anything.

Daniel: I will.

Lily: Night.

Daniel: Good night.

Nate: Ooh, 20 year old single barrel reserve. Doesn’t get much better than this.

Victoria: I’m so glad you approve.

[ Victoria chuckling ] The kentucky chew.

Nate: I love the heat it creates on the tongue. Experiencing every nuance the bourbon has to offer.

Victoria: Oh.

Nate: That nice, long finish.

Victoria: Mm. Yum. Leather, spice.

Nate: Just the right amount of sweet.

Victoria: You’re an expert?

Nate: Well, when I’m intrigued by something, I want to know everything I can about it.

Victoria: Oh, I see.

Nate: Unlock the mystery. Make it mine.

Victoria: A man of passion.

Nate: A man with an empty glass.

Victoria: Oh, mm. Dare I offer you a refill or is that too dangerous on a week night?

Nate: When you’re offering me something I obviously want, how can I resist?

Victoria: You resisted before.

Nate: This time, resistance is futile.

[ Both panting ]

Diane: Please michael, say that you’ll represent me. Don’t let them lock me up.

Lauren: Don’t tell me you are seriously considering defending diane right now.

Chase: The evidence will be out soon.

Diane: You have to believe me. I did not kill phyllis. I am innocent and whatever evidence they have against me, I’ve been framed.

Michael: I’m sorry, diane.

Diane: Michael.

Michael: Have jack call an attorney and don’t say a word until one is present.

Jack: I promise I will get you the very best representation. Someone who will get these charges laughed out of court.

Chase: Okay, let’s go. Come on.

Jack: I’m gonna follow in my car. You stay here with summer.

Summer: Go. I’ve got my dad here.

Kyle: Okay.

Nick: You okay?

[ Summer sighing ]

Summer: I guess I got what I’ve been hoping for. The truth. Diane killed my mom. She always said that diane was dangerous and I should have believed her.

[ Summer sobbing ]

[ Phyllis sighing ]

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B&B Transcript Thursday, April 13, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Steffy: Did I forward you that invitation?

Liam: To what? Oh, to josephine’s birthday party? Yeah, I just keep meaning to ask kelly what she wants to get her.

Steffy: No, sky’s birthday. Also on your weekend.

Liam: Oh, my god. Why is our daughter so damn popular? She was invited to everything.

Steffy: I know, right? And the answer is a hockey stick for josephine and something sloth like for sky.

Liam: Sloth like?

Steffy: Yeah, she’s obsessed with them.

Liam: Oh, wow. Okay. Uh, yeah, I should– I should be able to make it there, like barely right after the– um, soccer match.

Steffy: Okay. Well, uh, let me know if you need help. I don’t want to step on your time, but I should be available.

Liam: No, no. Actually, uh, I might take you up on that just because, you know, hope’s been working overtime on the line, and I’ll probably be juggling three kids.

Steffy: Yeah. But it is nice to see hope motivated. Thomas too. I mean, there’s so much that has to be done before the next showing. They’re actually in a meeting right now.

Liam: Hm, imagine that?

Steffy: Am I hearing a tone?

Liam: No. Yeah, a little bit. Look, I don’t wanna– I don’t wanna be that husband.

Steffy: But…

Liam: But thomas is your brother, I know you love him, but you would be straight with me, right?

Steffy: Yeah, always.

Liam: Is he okay?

Hope: These numbers are higher than expected.

Charlotte: Yeah. I mean, it’s still a bit too soon to call it a complete turnaround from where we were a few months ago, but the early numbers are definitely promising.

Paris: Are we surprised though with thomas back on the line?

Thomas: Ha, ha, ha. No, no, no, this isn’t because of me. Hope for the future is a team effort. Zende, especially, your contribution hasn’t gone unnoticed. I mean, you’re as pivotal now as you were before I came back.

Zende: I appreciate that. But let’s give credit where credit’s due. No one, and I mean no one, shares hope’s vision the way you do and communicates it to us. You get her and her line better than anyone.

Paris: And the new promotional material?

Charlotte: Three days at the most, but I can push for two.

Paris: Okay, great. I’ve got several people asking.

Hope: Oh, that actually reminds me. I did get your email and thank you for putting that list together on such short notice because I would like to partner with all of them. I mean, they all seem worthwhile.

Paris: Yeah? Great. When you said you wanted new and dynamic charities attached to this line, I was a little bit worried about finding the right fits.

Hope: Oh, you found them, and then some. I mean, they all have such amazing positive messaging and that’s exactly what hope for the future is about. So, needless to say, I’m thrilled.

Charlotte: Okay, that puts more pressure on me to get that material ready, but I’ll have it tomorrow.

Paris: Even better.

Zende: More pressure on you? How do you think thomas and I feel?

Hope: Hey, hey, you two have been doing a phenomenal job. I mean, I know I’ve been putting the pressure on you guys to get this next collection out, but it’s been remarkable watching you give it your all. Really inspired by the new direction we’re going in. And you have all been so dedicated and focused, and it means a lot knowing that you have my back.

Thomas: Well, I think I can speak for all of us and say that we’re the ones that are thrilled. We’re just all so thankful to be working on the line.

Steffy: Is thomas okay?

Liam: Yeah, I– I’m just, um, I’m not trying to put you in an awkward position. I know he’s your brother and you want him to succeed obviously.

Steffy: Yeah, definitely.

Liam: And I respect that and more than that, I respect you as a businesswoman, but you’re the one who urged hope to bring thomas back on her line and I just, I got– I gotta think you wouldn’t have done that if you thought there was even a possibility that he’s not–

Steffy: No, no, they’re a successful team. A profitable one. And thomas is a really talented designer.

Liam: I know that. I’m not questioning that. I’m just– can he be professional? That’s the thing. Like, can– can thomas be content with– with a totally platonic, healthy working relationship with hope or is he already going down the same path he always goes down where he starts getting obsessed with my wife?

Liam: So, like, wait, I didn’t, just so you know, I wasn’t asking that out of nowhere. Like I– I walked in on something the other day–

Steffy: Ah yes, the infamous fall off the riser.

Liam: Oh, no. You heard about that?

Steffy: About your overreaction?

Liam: I– dude, no! I wasn’t– ugh. You should have seen it.

Steffy: Them tangled up on the couch. Yeah, I get it.

Liam: Okay, but no, but steffy, like what it looked like was bad.

Steffy: I’m sure it was completely innocent. He was helping break her fall.

Liam: Yeah, that has been made clear to me now.

Steffy: Okay, look, given thomas’s history, I do understand why you would be concerned, but–

Liam: But– but what? Are you saying I have a reason to be concerned?

Steffy: No, no, no–

Liam: Really? Are you sure, ’cause?

Steffy: No, not any more. I’m sure. I’m sure. I do believe thomas has made some real significant changes. I wouldn’t have asked hope to work with thomas otherwise.

Liam: Even if it was good business?

Steffy: Liam! I wouldn’t ask hope to work with thomas if I thought thomas was a danger to her. No, look at me. I would not put hope or your marriage at risk.

Liam: Okay.

Charlotte: Thomas had a one track mind, all about you, but I can really see a change in him. He’s different. He’s– he’s a really good guy.

Hope: Yeah, I couldn’t agree more.

Thomas: Hey, uh, tell me you heard from that guy from paris. You’re waiting on a really big order?

Hope: Fingers crossed, we will hear from him today.

Thomas: Great.

Zende: Hey, guys, I’m gonna head down to the sewing room. I want to make sure that they got that fabric change we were discussing.

Hope: All right, thank you, zende, appreciate it.

Zende: You got it.

Hope: Bye.

Paris: We are getting responses. Two charities confirmed already.

Hope: Seriously? That’s amazing.

Paris: And they have questions. Lots of them. Looks like I got phone calls to make. You’ll check on that promotional material?

Charlotte: I’m on it.

Paris: Bye.

Charlotte: And thomas, I just wanted to say that it’s so great having you back. Your talent and your energy. Let me know if you ever want to look over projections together.

Thomas: Sounds good.

Charlotte: Okay, we’ll set something up.

Thomas: I’m, uh, I’m glad we’re alone.

Hope: You are?

Thomas: Yeah, there’s something I wanted to say to you. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you said. It means a lot coming from you. Telling me that I’m doing a great job because I respect you. I respect you so much. I respect your work, the line. I also respect your message, and I promise I respect your marriage. Hi, I’m eileen.

Liam: I mean, don’t get me wrong, like I wanna believe you. I wanna be as confident as you are that thomas is just fine around hope.

Steffy: It’s just that history suggests otherwise? I understand your hesitation.

Liam: Well, yeah, I mean, like, it wasn’t even that long ago that you had to take a hard line with the guy, like you kicked him out of the company.

Steffy: I did, yeah, I promised thomas that he wouldn’t be working on hope’s line. He wasn’t even allowed here in this building. If I thought thomas was the same man he used to be, lying and manipulating, I would not expose hope to that kind of trauma. And I– and I wouldn’t put her or your marriage in harm’s way.

Liam: I know. You really think he’s changed?

Steffy: Yeah, I do.

Liam: It’s just, like, he’s made this claim before, you know that he’s all better now and we know what happened then or what always happens. I’m not, I– I sound like I’m not trying to trash your brother. In fact, I’m really happy that you’re confident about him. I just… okay, let’s say this is legit, right? And he really is working on himself. He’s trying to be a better man. Things can go wrong. Like what if it doesn’t last? What– what– what does that mean for hope then? And I wanna– I want to trust my wife’s instincts and I definitely don’t wanna be like a controlling husband.

Steffy: That is not who you are. I know you. The husband that you are is kind, nurturing and supportive. And hope knows that too, liam. How could she not?

Thomas: You know, I feel like we have finally made it to higher ground. You know, at a place of mutual respect and understanding.

Hope: It does feel that way, doesn’t it? It’s about time.

Thomas: Oh, it’s about time, all right. It is. Finally moving on from the past and– and the way that I was, my issues, and now we’re working together and parenting douglas, and I actually feel normal, you know. And so I’m– I’m proud of that progress.

Hope: I’m proud of it too. It’s been a long road.

Thomas: It has. But how I feel about you now? Well… it’s– my feelings for you are so much stronger and better and– and more mature than they ever were before. I mean, look, I– I– I thought that I was the answer to your problems. I thought that I was the person for you and that I could make you happy. But now I realize, I know, that it’s not me. Obviously, it’s liam. You guys are so happy together and you being happy, it brings me so much joy. And for a while, I was so sure about you and that led me to doing some pretty terrible things, um, things I regret. But at the same time that– that humbles me, you know, and that makes me turn into a better person. And this is just a really long winded way of me trying to tell you that I am so thankful for you and you being willing to give me another chance in your life, and it’s just– it’s a testament to the kind of person that you really are.

Hope: Wow. Well, um, you’re welcome, but I believe there is the right woman out there for you somewhere, especially now that you’ve done all this introspection and made all these changes to your life. I think even, hey, you might be ready for a relationship.

Thomas: Ooh.

Hope: You gotta lot of love to give, thomas.

Thomas: You think she’s out there, huh? The woman for me?

Hope: Oh, I know she is. It’s just maybe you haven’t met her yet? Or maybe you have? Perhaps even, she’s here at forrester?

Thomas: Do you have someone in mind?

Hope: I don’t know. I pick up on a vibe sometimes with you and paris.

Thomas: With paris? No, if there’s a vibe, it’s just a friendly one.

Hope: Uh, okay. Well, uh, what about sloan?

Thomas: The model?

Hope: She asked you out for drinks the other day?

Thomas: Yeah. No, she’s– she’s really cute. It’s just, you know, I, um, I think it would be fun, but the woman for me? Eh.

Hope: Okay, all right, fine. So, you don’t want an office romance, clearly. Uh, but I’m sure you must go out from time to time.

Thomas: You know what? It’s just– it’s not good timing right now.

Hope: Oh, so you’re too busy to date?

Thomas: You said it yourself. I mean, we have so much to do.

Hope: Okay, yes. But a date or two isn’t going to derail hope for the future or your inner progress, right?

Thomas: You’re starting to sound more like my mom.

Hope: Huh. Well, you know what? Taylor’s a doctor, so i will take that as a compliment.

Thomas: Okay, okay. Look, I am– I am excited to find the woman for me, right? And I– I do want that.

[Indistinct] In the potential, who knows, near future, but right now, that’s not what I’m focused on. I’m focused on work and– and creating the best line humanly possible. And honestly, I’m glad I’m doing it with you because I– I don’t think I could be doing the caliber of work that I’m doing with anyone else.

Hope: Thomas, I’m sure you could collaborate with anyone. I mean, especially now.

Thomas: Now that I’ve gotten past my, let’s call them rough patches? There were a few. Yeah. But I– I am glad that my, uh, crazy thought days are over.

Liam: You sure you’re okay?

Hope: Well, thomas, just because you have crazy thoughts, doesn’t mean you need to act on them.

Thomas: Had, not have. I– my, my crazy thought days are over.

Liam: Well, listen, I, um, I appreciate you lending an ear and I appreciate your support. I know you’ve got much better things to do than listen to me drone on and on about your brother, so.

Steffy: Hey, what could be more important?

Liam: Um, I don’t know, maybe the whole like running a company thing.

Steffy: Yeah. That’s true.

[ Liam laughing ]

Liam: It was a good talk. Thank you.

Steffy: Of course. I know you’re worried about this and I just don’t want you to bottle it up. So know that you can– you can talk to me, any time. Your happiness is important to me.

Liam: I’d be a lot happier if I had your confidence. There’s nothing to be concerned about.

Steffy: Life is full of concerns, but mostly small ones, like getting to birthdays and soccer games. Try not to stress about things that aren’t even there. I– I get it. But honestly, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to thomas and hope.

Thomas: What is it?

Liam: What’s wrong?

Hope: Just because you

have a crazy thought, doesn’t

mean you have to act on it.

Liam: You sure you’re okay?

Hope: That can never happen. [ Echoing ] Never. That can never happen. [ Echoing] Never. That can never happen. [ Echoing ] Never.

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Days Update Thursday, April 13, 2023


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Update written by Joseph

After Chanel and Talia leave the Bakery together, someone sneaks in and pours something in to a bowl of dough to tamper with their product.

The next morning, Chanel and Talia are at the bakery putting out biscuit samples and talk about all the customers they’ve had. Talia hopes they can keep up with the demand. Chanel declares that with Talia on board, Sweet Bits Bakery will be more successful than ever.

Eric goes to Sloan’s apartment with breakfast for them. Sloan questions Eric not being there when she woke up. Eric says he didn’t want to wake her so he went to get them breakfast. Sloan calls it sweet of him but then sees that he went to Chanel’s bakery to get it and questions what the hell is wrong with him.

Nicole brings EJ breakfast from Sweet Bits Bakery at the DiMera Mansion. Nicole tells him to show the proper gratitude first, so they kiss until Johnny walks in. EJ says good morning but Johnny says it’s not a good one for him because he didn’t sleep at all. Johnny mentions the loud noises from down the hall that sounded like wild animals. EJ informs Johnny that the noise wasn’t coming from his room but from Stefan’s. Johnny is surprised and questions if Stefan and Gabi are back together but EJ reveals it was not Gabi, it was Melinda Trask.

Stefan comes out of the shower and questions what Melinda is doing and why she is undressed in the bed. Melinda responds that she knows he just showered but she wondered if he would want to get dirty again in the dirtiest way possible.

Li is at home, looking at the photo that EJ sent him of Gabi and Stefan in bed. Gabi comes out from her room and questions where breakfast is as she admits she had begun looking forward to Li’s breakfasts. Li guesses he wasn’t in the mood. Gabi asks if something is wrong. Li claims that his father has been texting him non stop about an issue he has to deal with, so she’s on her own for breakfast. Gabi decides she will go out then. Gabi tells Li to tell his father that she says hello and that she looks forward to being a major DiMera shareholder again in about four months. Li stops Gabi and points out that she never told him about her dinner meeting from last night. Li guesses it ended with everyone feeling satisfied. Gabi thinks back to being with Stefan last night. Gabi remarks that satisfied doesn’t begin to describe it as everything just flowed the way it’s supposed to. Gabi then says she’s starving so she’ll see him later and exits the apartment. Li smashes his phone against the wall and screams “damn her” as Wendy comes out from her room.

Melinda tells Stefan that he can’t blame a girl for trying and points out that this is the second night she’s been here screaming his name and she has nothing to show for it. Stefan offers to have Harold bring her some tea. Stefan tells Melinda how grateful he is to her for helping him out and assures it will all be over soon. Stefan promises to repay her. Melinda assumes he means platonically and says she gets that Stefan and Gabi have an everlasting love. Melinda says she doesn’t begrudge them but questions how long he plans on dragging this out. Stefan says just until EJ blinks.

EJ is surprised that Johnny hasn’t ran in to Melinda in the halls since Stefan has practically moved her in. Johnny questions Stefan being with Melinda but EJ says he’s not really as it’s all just fun and games for Stefan as he tries to put one over on him and Nicole. Nicole offers Johnny a biscuit from Sweet Bits Bakery but Johnny says he’ll pass. Johnny thought EJ and Stefan buried the hatchet so he questions why Stefan would be trying to get one over on EJ. EJ explains that Stefan and Gabi are trying to conspire to get Li’s DiMera shares without Gabi sticking to the deal that she signed with Li. EJ insists that he’s just trying to protect the company and Johnny’s future inheritance. Johnny says whatever and he doesn’t want to stick around as last night’s show was enough for him so he’s going to the town square for coffee. Nicole decides that just means more for them and has one of the drugged biscuits.

Chanel talks to Paulina on the phone and says things have been pretty quiet. Chanel tells her not to forget to come by to try one of Talia’s biscuits as they hang up. Talia questions Chanel saying things were quiet. Chanel says she meant in a good way because Paulina was worried that Sloan would try something again, but so far nothing. Talia wonders if Sloan will finally back off. Chanel wishes but states that Sloan has pretty much dedicated her life to destroying hers. Chanel adds that she’s put up with a lot from Sloan, so she deserves a treat of her own. Chanel points out that she hasn’t even tried one of the biscuits. Chanel then takes a bite and tells Talia that it’s amazing.

Sloan questions why Eric would bring that in to her home and why he would think that she’d ever want to eat something from that murderous bakery. Eric says that it’s just breakfast. Sloan argues that he knows how she feels about that family and what they did to her. Sloan complains that not only did he give them money but he brought it in to her home and questions why he would do something like that. Eric responds that he did it because he wants to help her finally get over it. Sloan questions Eric thinking she should just get over it. Eric says he’s only trying to help and he knows she was traumatized by what happened. Sloan argues that what happened was her mother was killed and took her last breath when Chanel pushed her off the roof top. Sloan complains that her mother is not coming back from the dead and she doesn’t get that luxury like some people. Eric clarifies that he’s not telling her to get over the death of her mother and father, he’s just trying to tell her that she’s only hurting herself by making everything about the death of her mother. Sloan asks if this is because of the way she died and doesn’t want to hear that it was an accident. Eric doesn’t want to fight with her but worries that this need for revenge isn’t healthy, so she needs to ease off a bit.

Talia jokes with Chanel about saving biscuits for the customers. Gabi approaches so Chanel and Talia encourage her to try their new breakfast biscuits. Talia promises it’s a healthy way to start the day and offers Gabi a free sample which she accepts. Gabi says Chanel has outdone herself. Chanel says it’s actually Talia’s recipe and introduces Talia to Gabi. Gabi recognizes Talia’s last name so Talia confirms she is Jada’s sister while Gabi reveals that she is Rafe’s sister. Talia says they have to have a talk about how perfect Rafe and Jada are for each other. Gabi is excited that someone else sees how obvious it is. Talia declares that when two people belong together, it’s a crime to keep them apart. Gabi remarks that she couldn’t agree more.

Li complains to Wendy that Gabi is still his wife even though he might be the only one that remembers that. Wendy asks what he’s so upset about. Li explains that there was no meeting as Gabi never went near the Bistro last night while EJ sent him pictures of Gabi in bed with Stefan. Wendy recalls Gabi saying the story about Stefan and Melinda wasn’t true. Li says this is why Gabi was so sure of that. Li argues that Gabi wants Stefan and his shares and everything but him. Wendy asks what happened when he confronted her, then questions him not saying anything. Li responds that he can’t stop loving Gabi even after all of this, as he still believes that she belongs with him, not Stefan.

Stefan and Melinda go to the living room to put on a show for EJ and Nicole. Melinda talks about having everything she needs in Stefan’s room and tells EJ that he’s not getting rid of her anytime soon. Stefan takes some of the drugged breakfast biscuits for he and Melinda. Nicole steps aside with EJ and encourages him to keep it together and not let them get to him. EJ wonders why Li hasn’t done anything yet. Nicole tells EJ not to worry and suggests they go for a walk to think of what to do next. Stefan and Melinda act playful with each other and end up breaking a glass. EJ shouts at them and questions being expected to believe this travesty of a love affair and not call them out on it. EJ then declares that Stefan is actually having an affair with Gabi and not Melinda.

Eric worries that Sloan is letting her obsession with Paulina and Chanel take over her life and everything she seems to be doing is about them, even eating her breakfast. Eric tells her to stop giving them so much power and to ease off a bit, then she will feel better. Sloan calls him condescending. Eric argues that he sees what’s going on and what she’s doing. Sloan asks what he’s not saying. Sloan guesses he thinks that she’s terrorizing Paulina and Chanel. Eric says he never said that, but admits he thought it.

Talia asks Chanel to watch the table for her because she and Gabi have a lot to talk about. Talia steps away with Gabi and talks about them being on the same page because their siblings can’t see it. Gabi thinks they see it but they’re just afraid to do anything about it because of the work policy. Talia mentions pushing Jada and even trying with Rafe but he shot her down. Gabi assures they will come up with a plan together and if it’s meant to be, they will find their way to each other. Johnny comes by the Bakery, saying he needs coffee. Chanel has him try one of the drugged breakfast biscuits first. Chanel asks why he’s so tired and if Wendy is keeping him up late. Johnny wishes that was the case, but he thinks Wendy is going to dump him for Tripp.

Wendy questions Li thinking he actually still has a chance with Gabi. Li knows he’s supposed to throw a fit and tell her that she’s never getting his shares, but he’s been holding onto hope for so long that he can’t give up now. Li says he’s not fooling himself about Gabi’s feelings for Stefan, but argues that things here were starting to work. Li brings up that Gabi said she loved his breakfast and the deal he set up for her which Wendy points out Gabi uses to sneak out to see Stefan. Li says that hurts obviously but complains that he really thought if they spent time together, she’d remember how great they were together and better than anything she’d have with Stefan. Li questions what is wrong with him.

Stefan comments on EJ losing his cool. EJ tells him that he doesn’t get it and the game is over. EJ informs Stefan that Li has pictures that he took of Stefan and Gabi in the secret room, so any minute now, Li is going to lower the boom on Stefan and Gabi and any hope that Gabi had of getting Li’s DiMera shares. Melinda asks Stefan if this means she’s out of a job. Stefan says he’s afraid so, but he owes her and her performance was oscar worthy. Stefan tells Melinda that he now needs to hash this out with his brother. Melinda decides to go shower and leave him to it. Stefan questions EJ spying on he and Gabi, commenting that there is no bar too low for EJ. EJ argues that Stefan and Gabi were sneaking around like horny teenagers but somehow he’s the one who sunk too low. EJ declares that he’s protecting the family business from a viper. Stefan warns him not to talk about Gabi like that. EJ states that Stefan may not see who Gabi really is, but he does clearly and won’t apologize for that. EJ calls Stefan a traitor to Stefano and everything he created.

Eric tells Sloan that he didn’t want to suspect her but admits it crossed his mind. Sloan brings up that she swore to him that she wasn’t the one trashing Paulina’s office or sending threatening notes. Eric mentions that he doesn’t know anyone else who has a personal agenda against them. Eric then points out that he noticed a stack of magazines with scissors on top. Sloan questions Eric checking up on her and asks if he went through the magazines. Sloan asks if he felt any remorse when he saw the magazines were in tact or if he just assumed she got rid of the evidence. Eric argues that he didn’t assume anything and then Abe showed up to confront her. Sloan thought Eric defended her but guesses she was silly to think he would have her back. Eric insists that he does have her back. Eric points out that when he told Sloan about Abe, she sent someone a text and that is when Paulina got a threatening text. Sloan mocks the idea that she’s guilty. Eric points out that he wouldn’t be here if he thought she was guilty. Sloan doesn’t give a damn what he thinks and doesn’t want to sleep with someone who thinks she’s out committing felonies in her free time. Sloan tells Eric to get out and threatens to throw all of his crap out the window. Eric tries to plead with her but she orders him to get out right now and opens the door. Sloan remarks that Eric did her a favor by not trusting her because now she has so much more time to obsess over Chanel and Paulina than wasting it on him. Eric then exits the apartment.

Chanel asks Johnny if it’s over with Wendy. Johnny doesn’t want to talk about it and asks if Sloan is terrorizing her and Paulina. Chanel says yes and that Sloan denies she was behind the threats but assures they are going to prove it was her. Chanel switches the topic back to him and asks what’s going on with he and Wendy as she thought things were picking up. Johnny repeats that he doesn’t want to talk about it but Chanel argues that she’s his friend, a good listener, and maybe she could cheer him up so he gives in. Johnny informs Chanel that Tripp found out that Wendy said they were never exclusive, so he went right to work. Chanel feels that doesn’t mean it’s over between them. Johnny points out that Wendy and Tripp are already really close. Chanel points out that Johnny and Wendy are too. Johnny doesn’t think he has a chance since Tripp has way more to offer, so he can’t compete.

Wendy encourages Li that there’s nothing wrong with him and says that unrequited love is obviously painful. Wendy understands Li has never been this much in love with anyone before which he confirms. Wendy hates to tell him to give up hope, but she hates to see him hurting like this. Wendy reminds Li that he only has four months to go on his deal with Gabi and she’s already sleeping with her ex. Wendy tells Li to open his eyes as this is not the time for wishful thinking. Wendy states that Gabi is cheating on him and lying to him, so she’s not warming to him. Wendy decides that Li needs to think, so she should get out of his way. Wendy then exits the apartment. Li looks back at the photo of Gabi and Stefan in bed on his phone.

Stefan questions EJ saying he’s the traitor of the family. Stefan calls EJ the miserable son of a bitch who offered him a truce and then immediately started working behind his back to sabotage him. Stefan brings up EJ thinking he had him dead to rights when he set he and Gabi up in the hotel room, but he worked quickly to come up with a plausible ruse. EJ laughs at that and says it was idiotic. Stefan says it wasn’t meant to fool him, but to make him open his mouth and admit what he was doing but he didn’t have the guts. EJ points out that Stefan didn’t have the willpower not to have his plan blow up in smoke. EJ says that now Stefan and Gabi can be together, but what’s important to him is that Gabi can no longer get her hands on the DiMera shares because Stefan blew it. EJ hopes one quickie in the basement was worth it. EJ then walks out of the room and heads upstairs then Nicole follows out.

Li paces around the apartment then pulls out his phone and sends a text.

Stefan pulls out his phone and makes a call.

Talia comments on Gabi receiving a text and a call at the same time. Gabi says she wants to continue their conversation but she has to take this. Talia understands and walks away while Gabi answers the call from Stefan. Gabi asks why Stefan is calling her on this phone when Li could look at the history. Stefan tells her it doesn’t matter and reveals the cat’s out of the bag because EJ saw them in the secret room and sent a picture to Li. Gabi realizes that’s why Li was so cold this morning and worries about the shares. Stefan tells her that he’s sorry and it’s all his fault. Gabi says they decided it because it’s what they wanted. Stefan encourages that they will figure it out and points out they at least don’t have to pretend anymore. Stefan asks what Gabi wants to do now. Gabi instructs Stefan to pack his things while she goes to have it out with Li and then Stefan can move right in. Gabi reminds Stefan to give Melinda her walking papers. Stefan gets a sudden headache and guesses he just got excited and had a blood rush. Stefan says he’s good now and asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want him there when she talks to Li. Gabi assures that she has to do this herself. Gabi tells Stefan that she loves him. Stefan says he loves her too and they hang up. Stefan exits the living room, leaving behind the bakery box while Gabi walks on finishing her drugged breakfast biscuit.

Chanel questions Johnny saying he can’t compete, what Tripp that he doesn’t, and what he’s so worried about. Johnny shouts that Tripp’s a doctor while he’s just some failed movie maker. Johnny adds that Tripp is built, handsome, and marks the sympathy box since his mom is in an institution. Chanel is tired of Johnny putting himself down and encourages that he has just as much to offer as Tripp does. Chanel likes Tripp a lot and thinks he’s a great guy but says so is Johnny. Chanel calls him all that and so much more, asking if she would have married him otherwise.

Sloan trashes the breakfast that Eric had brought from the bakery.

Johnny thanks Chanel for the pep talk but says it didn’t really work. Chanel argues that this isn’t like him. Johnny doesn’t know where his usual self confidence has disappeared to but thanks her for reminding him how they used to be when they got married in Italy. Johnny knows their relationship didn’t end pretty but talks about how it began. Chanel acknowledges that she was so swept off her feet. Johnny tells Chanel that she’s beautiful while Chanel recalls their wedding. Chanel encourages Johnny to get his confidence together. Johnny gets a headache but blames it on his lack of sleep while Chanel starts to feel hot. Johnny recalls when they stayed up all night in Italy. Chanel says she remembers everything. Johnny talks about the red dress she had on. Talia comes back over and tells Chanel that she’s starting another batch of the biscuits. Chanel mentions that Johnny loved his. Johnny starts to get dizzy and envisions Chanel wearing the red dress from their wedding. Johnny then suddenly gets down on one knee and proposes to Chanel. Wendy then walks by and is shocked to see them.

Gabi goes home to the apartment and tells Li that she got his text. Li says there is something he needs to say. Gabi responds that she thinks she knows. Gabi turns to look at Li but imagines him as Stefan.

Melinda gets out of the shower as Stefan enters his room and imagines her as Gabi. Stefan sees Melinda as Gabi and asks how she got here so fast. Stefan then says who cares as she’s here now and hugs Melinda while thinking she is Gabi.

EJ and Nicole walk past the Brady Pub. EJ wonders why Li hasn’t acted on the photo and says he knows he got it since he saw the notification. Nicole says it doesn’t matter since EJ won and Gabi lost. Nicole then gets a call from work and says she has to take it. EJ says he has to get to the office anyway so they will talk later. They kiss goodbye and EJ walks away. Nicole answers the call and says those files should be in. Nicole then imagines Eric approaching her while dressed as a priest.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, April 13, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric went to Sloan’s place with things from Sweet Bits. She was upset that he went to Chanel’s place. He said he wanted to help her get over it. She said her mother wasn’t coming back from the dead. He told her her revenge wasn’t healthy. He told her to let it go. Stefan came out the bathroom and wondered why Melinda wasn’t dressed under the covers. She said she was hoping he would want to get dirty again. He said he didn’t want to. He said he would pay her back in a platonic way for helping him. She asked him how long he was going to drag this out. He said until EJ blinked. Li looked at the picture of Gabi in bed with Stefan. She wondered where her breakfast was. He said he had something to take care of so she was on her own. He asked her about her meeting with David Saxton. He said he trusted that everything turned out satisfying. She thought about making love with Stefan. She said satisfying didn’t describe it. She went out to get breakfast. He threw his phone. Wendy came in the living room. He told her Gabi slept with Stefan. She asked if he confronted Gabi. He said he didn’t confront her because he couldn’t stop loving her. He said she belonged with him and not Stefan. He said he thought Gabi would remember how great they were together. He wondered what happened to him. Wendy said she hated seeing him hurting like this. She suggested that he saw things as they really were. When Wendy left, Li looked at the picture and sent a text.

Melinda went in the DiMera living room wearing a robe. Stefan was with her in a suit. They started flirting with each other. EJ and Nicole were uncomfortable. Stefan took biscuits from him. Stefan and Melinda ate the biscuits. EJ was upset that Li didn’t do anything yet. Nicole told him they should go for a walk. EJ yelled at Stefan for having an affair with Gabi. Stefan told Melinda that he knew EJ would blink. EJ told him Li had pictures of him with Gabi in bed. Melinda left to take a shower. EJ and Stefan got into a heated argument. When EJ and Nicole left, Stefan made a phone call. Eric ate the biscuits as he was telling Sloan to stop getting revenge on Chanel and Paulina. She asked if he thought she was guilty of hurting them. He said he was thinking it. She told him to leave. Stefan called Gabi and told her Li knew about their affair. She told him to pack his things and move with her after she had it out with Li. Stefan started to feel dizzy. He said he wanted to be there when she talked to Li. She said she had to do it herself. She walked away. Gabi went home and was dizzy. She saw Stefan when she looked at Li. When Stefan went to his room, Melinda was there. He saw Gabi’s face. He asked her how she got there so fast. Melinda was confused. He hugged her. Nicole and EJ were outside the pub. He left for work. She stayed behind. Her vision got blurry and she saw Eric dressed in his priest clothes.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric went to see Sloane and found Jada in her apartment. She let him know that she had a warrant to check her apartment. She let him know that she didn’t find anything, but a drawer with his clothes in it. He got defensive, but she let him know that she wanted him to be happy no matter who he dates. He wanted that for her too. He wanted to know if she was dating anyone. She said she was focused on her work. She wanted him to remind Sloan to go to the station and turn in her phone. Chanel told Paulina about Lady Whistleblower’s article about Sloan being a psycho. Chanel knew it would hurt Sloan because she only cared about her law practice and destroying them. Paulina showed her the text that said her husband couldn’t save her. She said she had another panic attack dealing with Sloan and that she walked away before she found out if she was okay. Chanel was upset hearing that. Paulina was sure that Sloan would get what she deserved. Leo opened his door to Sloan. She was upset by his article about her. She demanded that he retract it, but he refused to do it. He was willing to print her side of the story. Sloan said she was innocent so he didn’t have a story. He wanted some gossip from her, but she threatened to sue him if he didn’t print a retraction.

Gwen was upset at the idea of Xander and Chloe being together. They told her that nothing was going on between them. Gwen showed them a picture Leo took of them together. They continued to deny being a couple. Xander wondered why she cared if they were together. Gwen doesn’t appreciate being lied to by anyone. Xander got fed up with her and admitted that he was with Chloe. He kissed Chloe. Gwen got upset and stormed out of the room. Chloe was upset and slapped him. Sloan and Chanel ran into each other at the town square. They stared arguing and Chanel slapped her. Sloan lunged after her and they started fighting. Talia approached them and had to break them up. Sloan was going to file a restraining order against her. Jada went to the station and filled Rafe in on what happened at Sloan’s apartment. She was glad that she ran into Eric because it made her realize that she was over him. Rafe let her know that her sister showed up there and grilled him about what’s happening between them. She was embarrassed because she knew he didn’t have feelings for her. Rafe admitted that he did have feelings for her. He said he would ask her out if he weren’t her boss. Jada admitted that she would go out with him. They agreed that nothing could happen between them. Gwen went to Leo and demanded to know what happened between Xander and Chloe. Leo believed that Xander was using Chloe to make Gwen jealous. Gwen thought Xander could have feelings for Chloe. Chloe yelled at Xander for assaulting for Gwen’s benefit. She was upset because she thought Leo would print an article about it in his column. Xander apologized to her for doing that. He wanted to be friends with her. He asked for another chance. She liked hanging with him, but he had to keep his hands to himself. Sloan went home and found Eric cleaning up after Jada left. He told her that she had to go to the station to turn in her phone. She said she didn’t have anything to hide. She held out her phone so Eric could see for himself. He said he didn’t need to see it because he believed her. She left to take a shower. Eric picked up her phone. Someone wearing latex gloves snuck into Sweet Bits kitchen. The person dumped liquid from a vial into raw dough that was in a bowl.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, April 14, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Mariah and Tessa arrive home with baby Aria and introduce her to Sharon, Elena, Adam, and Sally.

Aura tells Nick that Victoria is in her office hoping that Nick will catch Nate and Victoria having sex but Nick doesn’t catch them having sex. Nick does notice the lipstick on Nate’s collar and Victoria’s disheveled clothes and messed up hair that she and Nate were having sex. Nick tells Victoria she is making a mistake because Nate just wants power, but Victoria says Nate isn’t like that and tells Nick to stay out of her business. Nick talks to Nate to make sure he doesn’t have an agenda with Victoria. Nate tells Nick to stay out of his business.

Kyle and Summer argue because Kyle thinks his mother would never poison Phyllis. Summer thinks Diane poisoned Phyllis. Phyllis returns to her motel room and regrets what she has done because she saw how much pain her death has caused Daniel and Summer. Phyllis tells Jeremy that she is going to tell her children the truth, but Jeremy gets mad and tells Phyllis he isn’t going back to jail just because she is getting sentimental. Phyllis tells Jeremy she isn’t scared of him and she doesn’t take orders from anyone. Jeremy tells Phyllis that if she doesn’t stick to the plan he will kill her himself.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, April 13, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Valentin tells Anna that Victor has taken baby Ace hostage and Anna wonders what it will take to stop Victor.

Jordan tells Laura that they need to work together to stop Victor.

Michael and Willow decide to get married tomorrow. Dante persuades Sonny to reach out to Michael because one day he will realize he needs his father. Sonny calls Michael to give him support and Michael listens to everything he has to say and tells Sonny he heard him but he has to go.

Portia is worried that Trina is on the Haunted Star with Spencer. Curtis promises Portia that Trina will come home even if he has to bring her home himself. Victor tells Liesl and Spencer that he plans to release a pathogen that will kill enough people to bring the world’s population to a manageable level in order to save the planet. Victor tells Liesl that he needs her to create a vaccine to save his family and, along with whomever else survives, they will create a sustainable planet.

Trina gets into the communications office and waits for Spencer to create a diversion so she can call for help. Spencer grabs Liesl and holds a knife to her throat in order to create a diversion so Trina can call for help.

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Interviews with Alex Borstein, Tony Shalhoub, Marin Hinkle, Kevin Pollak, Caroline Aaron and Alfie Fuller

TV Interviews!


Prime Video Celebrates Final Season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Shalhoub and Hinkle - Credit: Marion Curtis/Starpix for Prime Video Copyright: StarPix©2023 All others - Credit: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Prime Video Copyright: 2023 Getty Images Description: NEW YORK, NEW YORK - APRIL 11: Alex Borstein, Tony Shalhoub, Marin Hinkle, Kevin Pollak, Caroline Aaron and Alfie Fuller attend as Prime Video celebrates the final season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel at The High Line Room at The Standard Highline on April 11, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Prime Video)

Interview with Alex Borstein, Tony Shalhoub, Marin Hinkle, Kevin Pollak, Caroline Aaron and Alfie Fuller of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on Prime Video by Suzanne 4/10/23

It was thrilling to speak to these amazing actors, some of whom I’ve been watching for decades. This is a great show with lots of drama and comedy. They do a wonderful job of portraying the period, too (similar to “Mad Men.”). It’s sad that the show is ending after 5 seasons. I was especially excited to speak with Alex (because she plays Lois in “Family Guy“) and Tony Shalhoub (who is brilliant in everything, but especially “Monk”).

Alex also has a special coming out later this month, “Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits.” It’s off-beat, raunchy and hilarious. I was invited to a special press screening this week for the special in NYC, but sadly, I couldn’t go. I’m sure that would have been fantastic. Shalhoub is doing a “Monk” movie with the rest of the cast, on Peacock, so I can’t wait for that.  I was particularly delighted when Kevin Pollak did his William Shatner imitation for me! By the way, a few of the questions here came from fans in the Facebook group Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Group. Season 5 has some new incredible guest-stars that you’re sure to love.  Please enjoy season 5 and these videos!

Alex Borstein (Susie) and Alfie Fuller (Dinah)

Alex Borstein (Susie) and Alfie Fuller (Dinah) of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" on Amazon Prime


Kevin Pollak (Moishe) and Caroline Aaron (Shirley)

Kevin Pollak (Moishe) and Caroline Aaron (Shirley) of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" on Amazon Prime


Interview with Marin Hinkle (Rose) and Tony Shalhoub (Abe) of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on Amazon Prime

Marin Hinkle (Rose) and Tony Shalhoub (Abe) of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" on Amazon Prime


MORE INFO: Trailer

"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" key art - Amazon PrimeShow Description
In the fifth and final season, Midge finds herself closer than ever to the success she’s dreamed of, only to discover that closer than ever is still so far away.

Amy Sherman-PalladinoExecutive Producers, Writers, Directors, Music Supervisors
Amy Sherman-Palladino
Daniel PalladinoCo-Executive Producer
Dhana GilbertKey cast
Rachel Brosnahan – “Miriam “Midge” Maisel”
Tony Shalhoub – “Abe Weissman”
Alex Borstein – “Susie Myerson”
Marin Hinkle – “Rose Weissman”
Michael Zegen – “Joel Maisel”
Kevin Pollak – “Moishe Maisel”
Caroline Aaron – “Shirley Maisel”
Luke Kirby – “Lenny Bruce”
Reid Scott – “Gordon Ford”
Alfie Fuller – “Dinah Rutledge”
Jason Ralph – “Mike Carr”

MIDGE’S FINAL BOW – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Debuts Official Teaser and Key Art For Upcoming Fifth and Final Season, Premiering April 14 on Prime Video

Mar 02, 2023 Maisel goes “Tits up” with a seven-week series send-off

CULVER CITY, California—March 2, 2023—Today, the beloved and celebrated Prime Video series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel revealed the official teaser, key art, and premiere date for the groundbreaking series’ fifth and final season. The series, which has delighted fans for the past six years, will kick off on April 14, 2023 with a three-episode premiere and new episodes weekly.

After burning bridges and being cut from tour, Midge Maisel persisted through Season Four, rebuilding her career and reputation. The final moments of the season culminated with Midge leaving Carnegie Hall reinvigorated and ready to weather any blizzard. After an epiphany in front ofThe Gordon Ford Show’s snowy billboard, Midge is ready to “Go forward” and fight for her ascent to stardom—equipped with her quick wit and sharp tongue, and nothing else to lose.

In the fifth and final season, Midge finds herself closer than ever to the success she’s dreamed of, only to discover that closer than ever is still so far away.

Creator Amy Sherman-Palladino and executive producer Daniel Palladino have “exactly” known the series’ “last images” and “last moment” since the Season Four finale last year.

An awards juggernaut, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has won 20 Primetime Emmy Awards,  including Outstanding Comedy Series; six Critics Choice Awards; four Screen Actors Guild Awards; three Golden Globe Awards; and more. The series has become one of the most acclaimed and beloved shows on television and changed the game of the streaming industry.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, from renowned creator Amy Sherman-Palladino and executive producerDaniel Palladino, is written and directed by Sherman-Palladino and Palladino, and stars Emmy winnerRachel Brosnahan, four-time Emmy winner Tony Shalhoub, three-time Emmy winner Alex Borstein, Emmy nominee Marin Hinkle, Michael Zegen, Kevin Pollak, Caroline Aaron, SAG Award winner Reid Scott, Alfie Fuller, and Jason Ralph.

In the fifth and final season, Midge finds herself closer than ever to the success she’s dreamed of, only to discover that closer than ever is still so far away.

Hashtag: #MrsMaisel
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @MaiselTV

Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits Musical Comedy Special to Premiere on Prime Video

Mar 03, 2023

Step right up and behold this new ringmaster of comedy in her special, premiering worldwide April 18

CULVER CITY, California— Alex Borstein, three-time Emmy winner and one of the stars of the hit series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, is set to release her first Amazon Original comedy special, Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits. The special will premiere on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on April 18, 2023.

Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits is a deeply personal and wildly fictitious account of one woman’s attempt to f*** with perception. A night of comedy, music, and waxing rhapsodic.

A unique comedic special that will lead audiences into Alex Borstein’s mind through a marriage of humor and music,Corsets & Clown Suits is equal parts provocative and whimsical. Borstein’s self-penned performance showcases her captivating form of storytelling with the help of her muse and maestro, Barcelona-native musicians, Eric Mills and Salva Rey.

Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits was filmed at The Wolford Theatre—the fictional burlesque club from Season Four of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. The special also tapped into the award-winning Mrs. Maisel crafts team: production designer Bill Groom, cinematographer M. David Mullen, music supervisor Robin Urdang, music consultant Stewart Lerman, set decorator Ellen Christiansen, sound editor Ron Bochar, sound mixer Mathew Price, and editors Tim Streeto and Zana Bochar.

Alex Borstein is a multi-hyphenate talent who acts, produces, voices the character Lois Griffin on FOX’s Family Guy, and wrote for Showtime’s long-running series Shameless. She also starred alongside Laurie Metcalf and Niecy Nash in HBO’s Getting On, where she brought the vulnerable character of Dawn Forchette to life. Getting On rose to critical acclaim during its three seasons, as it followed the daily lives of nurses and doctors struggling with the dark comedic realities of caring for the elderly in an overwhelmed health care system.

Borstein has won two Primetime Emmys, two SAG Awards, and two Critics Choice Awards for her turn as Susie Myerson on Prime Video’s award-winning series, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. She also took an Emmy home for her voice-over work as Lois Griffin on FOX’s long-running mega-hit, Family Guy.

In film, Borstein was seen in Love the Coopers with Alan Arkin and Diane Keaton. She also appeared in Seth MacFarlane’s A Million Ways to Die in The West and in MacFarlane’s feature film directorial debut, Ted. Previously, Borstein appeared opposite Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Scott Frank’s The Lookout, in Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thornton, and in The Lizzie McGuire Movie with Hilary Duff. Not just a comedic actress, Borstein starred alongside George Clooney in the six-time Academy Award-nominated film Good Night, and Good Luck, which earned her a Screen Actors Guild nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in Motion Picture. The film was also nominated for multiple Golden Globe and BAFTA awards, and was awarded Movie of the Year by the American Film Institute.

Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits is produced by Amazon Studios. Borstein, Dhana Rivera Gilbert, and Scott Ellis serve as executive producers. Sal Carino and Matthew Shapiro are producers. Ellis directed the special.

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Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Prime Video Celebrates Final Season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Credit: Marion Curtis/Starpix for Prime Video Copyright: StarPix©2023 Description: New York, NY - 4/11/23 - The Cast and Crew attends Prime Video’s Celebration of the Final Season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. PICTURED: The Cast and Crew . PHOTO by: Marion Curtis/Starpix for Prime Video. LOCATION: The High Line Room at The Standard


Days Short Recap Monday, April 10, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Days of Our Lives logo

Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chad went to see Marlena and talked to her about Kate. Marlena told him about what happened with her. Marlena told him that the person who shot Kate was probably the one who kidnapped Kayla. He said the henchman could have been Thomas Banks. Marlena didn’t see Thomas there. She knew someone else was there. He was happy to know that she and Kayla were alive. He was about to leave when Stephanie arrived asking Marlena to hypnotize her. Kayla found Victor’s letter to her mother. Caroline never opened it. Kayla got emotional reading Victor’s letter. He apologized for not staying in Salem. He wanted to have a family with her, but he had to return to Greece. He wanted her to visit him so they could get married. Bo wasn’t happy about Steve touching him. He wanted to know how he was alive and why he was there. He also wanted to know why Bo was dressed like Shane. He lied to Steve and said he was on a case and wanted to get evidence. Bo was upset when Steve kept questioning him. Steve grabbed him and told him that he was looking for Thomas Banks since he had Kayla. He told Bo that Hope was there too. He was about to make a call when Bo snatched the phone from him.

Bo let Steve know that Thomas Banks didn’t take Kayla because he did. Steve wanted answers from him. Bo tried to leave, but Steve stopped him. Bo pulled out a switch blade. Steve knew he wouldn’t hurt him. Bo reminded him that he took one eye and has no problem taking the other one. He tries to stab him, but he grabbed the gun. Steve told him that he didn’t know what happened to him but he couldn’t erase their years of knowing each other. He told Bo that he would always be his closest friend. Bo was tired of listening to him so he knocked him out. Hope and Harris were at a tavern when they were approached by him. He was going to take them out with a bat. Hope showed her the story of Harris being exonerated. After she explained everything, Hope showed him a picture of Kayla and Thomas Banks. He wasn’t much help with Kayla and Thomas. Bo dragged Steve to the station. He had the police drag him so he could get arrested. Marlena put Stephanie under hypnosis. She remembered her phone call with Kayla. Stephanie remembered hearing her talk through static. Chad interrupted the conversation. Marlena had to bring her out of hypnosis. Chad apologized for ruining the session. Stephanie said she remembered hearing Victor Kiriakis. Kayla finished Victor’s letter. Bo returned to the prism with Steve. When Bo left the room. Steve looked surprised to see Kayla.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Days of Our Lives logo

Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xannder and Chloe played darts at the pub. While they were playing, Brady walked in. She apologized to him for what she said about Rachel. Xander said he was sure Brady understood. Brady wanted him to stay out of it. Xander said Rachel has been horrible to Chloe. Brady told him to shut up. He wondered who told Xander about it. He thought it was a stupid question. She apologized. She said she was upset and needed someone to talk to. He said he couldn’t believe she chose Xander to talk to. Brady and Xander got in an argument. She stopped them from arguing. Brady asked to talk to her. He told her he wanted to fix their problem. She was upset about what she did to Rachel. She said she understood that what happened with Rachel was a dealbreaker. She said she loved Rachel, but Rachel didn’t love her. He said he would talk to Rachel. Chloe said it would take a miracle for Rachel to forgive her. He asked if she was giving up on them. Xander interrupted them by asking her if she wanted a rematch. Brady told them to go for it. Brady walked out the pub. Xander told Chloe that it didn’t help to cling on something that didn’t work. She wondered if she and Brady were at that point. He asked her the same question. She said she didn’t know how she and Brady could come back from this. She said she has loved Brady for so long. He said there were plenty of available men out there. She wondered who. He asked if he was chopped meat. She reminded him of what he did in Mexico. He said he has done bad things, but he’s not as bad as Brady.

Steve wondered if Kayla was real. She said she was real. She kissed him. He told her he was shocked to see Bo alive. He couldn’t believe Bo was like the enemy. She told him Megan brainwashed him and lied about Thomas Banks kidnapping her. She said Bo wanted her to use the prisms to make Rolf’s serum. She said she was afraid they would never get out of there. He said it was a matter of time before they were found. She fixed Steve’s wound. She told him that Bo rejected being a build an empire. She said it was all about being Victor’s son or his clone. He said love got him and John through Megan’s brainwashing. He said the same thing was true for Bo. He said Bo would return to them the same way he returned to her. She told him about the letter she found to her mother. She said she felt bad for Victor. She said there was something tragic about pining all those years. He compared it to finding Emily and Gideon’s letters. She said she remembered thinking they wouldn’t get their happy ever after. He said they did and he and she would have their happy ending too.

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Interview with Todd Stashwick

TV Interview!


Todd Stashwick of "Star Trek: Picard" on Paramount+

Interview with Todd Stashwick of “Star Trek: Picard” on Paramount+ by Suzanne 4/12/23Todd Stashwick of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: PICARD. Photo Cr: James Dimmock/Paramount+. © 2022 CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This was so much fun. I’ve been watching “Star Trek” since I was a little girl in the 60’s, and I love all of the shows and movies, so I’m always happy to interview anyone from the franchise. I worked hard to get this interview, and I was not disappointed. I’ve spoken to many “Star Trek” actors in the past, but it’s always a thrill. I was trying really hard not to geek out! I’m very sad that this is the last season of this great show. I hope you enjoy the series and my interview. Todd is very nice – and a fellow geek – so he made it easy.



Season 3 Key Art art of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: PICARD. Photo Cr: Joe Pugliese/Paramount+. © 2022 CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.STAR TREK: PICARD features Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role as Jean-Luc Picard, which he played for seven seasons on “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” and follows this iconic character into the next chapter of his life. LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd star alongside Patrick Stewart in the third and final season of the hit Paramount+ original series.

In the epic, thrilling conclusion of STAR TREK: PICARD, a desperate message from a long-lost friend draws Starfleet legend Admiral Jean-Luc Picard into the most daring mission of his life, forcing him to recruit allies spanning generations old and new. This final adventure sets him on a collision course with the legacy of his past and explosive, new revelations that will alter the fate of the Federation forever.

The series is produced by CBS Studios in association with Secret Hideout and Roddenberry Entertainment. For season three, Alex Kurtzman, Akiva Goldsman, Terry Matalas, Patrick Stewart, Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers, Rod Roddenberry, Trevor Roth, Doug Aarniokoski and Dylan Massin serve as executive producers. Terry Matalas serves as showrunner for season three.

Seasons one and two of STAR TREK: PICARD are currently streaming on Paramount+ in the U.S.

STAR TREK: PICARD streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. and is distributed concurrently by Paramount Global Content Distribution on Amazon Prime Video in more than 200 countries and territories and in Canada, it airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave.

Todd Stashwick as Captain Liam Shaw in "Disengage" Episode 302, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

FORMAT: Drama/Sci-Fi (Filmed in HD)
STARRING: Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard)
Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine)
Michelle Hurd (Raffi Musiker)
Ed Speleers (Jack Crusher)
Todd Stashwick (Liam Shaw)
Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut (Sidney La Forge)
Amanda Plummer (Vadic)
Mica Burton (Alandra La Forge)
SPECIAL GUEST STARS: Jonathan Frakes (William Riker)
Gates McFadden (Beverly Crusher)
Michael Dorn (Worf)
Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi)
LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge)
Brent Spiner (Lore)
PRODUCED BY: CBS Studios in association with Secret Hideout and Roddenberry Entertainment
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Alex Kurtzman, Akiva Goldsman, Terry Matalas, Patrick Stewart, Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers, Rod Roddenberry, Trevor Roth, Doug Aarniokoski and Dylan Massin

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Todd Stashwick with Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart and Michael Dorn


GH Transcript Wednesday, April 12, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


GH logo

Transcript provided by Suzanne



[Soft dramatic music]

Mom. Hi.

Hi. I’m sorry. I did try calling before I came over.

Oh. Um, I’m sorry. I’m on my way out. I promised michael that I’d babysit when they prepped for willow’s transplant.

Well, I’m glad I caught you before you left. Willow’s not having the transplant.



Oh, sasha. Come on in.

Brook lynn, hi.

Hi. Good to see you. Hello, you three. Where’s the man of the house?

Uh, wiley’s up at the main house playing with annabelle ii.

Excellent. And how about you? How are you doing?

You know, I’m hanging in there.


[Laughs] And look at this little one. Hi, amelia. Oh, she’s so beautiful.

She is, and she is working it.


So is this a good time?

It’s a perfect time.

Yeah, we just, uh-

just want to chill at home while we can because uh, once the pcpd finds liesl obrecht, which we hope will be soon, we’re gonna be back and forth from the hospital again. You know, first with the chemo and then the transplant, and then happily ever after.


That’s great.Thanks let g1me kno

any word from the coast guard?

Uh, they got a reading on the ship’s transponder, but by the time they got to it, all they found was a transponder sitting on a buoy.

Still, the “haunted star” can’t just disappear. Someone must have seen something.

Yeah, well, victor’s doing everything he can to make sure that boat can’t be found.

Commissioner, hi. I’m here.


[Laughs] To give my statement. I had a very expensive piece of jewelry taken from my person last night. Uh, dante, maybe you can help me?

Yeah, uh, can you come back later, gladys?

I’d be happy to.


Except gelhorn jewelers lent the bracelet to sasha, and they’re not letting it go until cody bell pays for his crime.

Ok, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Yeah, innocent until proven guilty, remember? Excuse me.

Uh, so do i give you my statement?


Do you ever plan on growing up?



Nothing? No word on anna?

The surgeon said it could take some time.

Yeah, we’ve been up all night. Not even an update?

He hates feeling helpless. We all do.

Yeah. And right now, I’m not just worried about anna. Victor has two of my grandsons. I would just give anything to find out where they are, but all I can do is wait and pray.



Dr. Robinson, we have been waiting all night for word on anna devane.

Someone from anna’s team will be down shortly.

No, that’s not good enough. There’s got to be a reason for this extended silence. Something’s gone wrong, hasn’t it?

[Tense music]


Hey. Shh, shh. Thank god you’re safe. Why did you risk coming back here?

The risk was worth taking. I think I found a way off this ship.


[Dramatic music]


Look, I just need to know about anna devane.

As I stated, mr. Cassadine, anna is not my patient.

Ok, so she’s not your responsibility, so I’m not your problem?

I didn’t say that.

No, you’re not really saying much about anything. If you could just maybe not give me a bunch of hospital policy, not give me a bunch of excuses, and just get me some answers.

Valentin, that’s enough, or you’ll have to answer to me.

Wait. Hold on. So when dr. Obrecht didn’t reappear in the magic act, that-

that was real? She disappeared?

It looks like someone kidnapped her. Sonny sent dex to go check, and he found this charm that looks like it belonged to a bracelet, and they know it belonged to britt, and they found it in the crawlspace beneath the stage.

God. Actually, I need to talk to you about dex.

Sonny told me that he knows about you two.

Yeah, he–he caught us, and he told us that he’s known about it for months and that he was just disappointed in dex for lying to him. I mean, thank god dex saved his life.

What are you talking about? What do you mean, dex saved his life? When?

They–they were both in a warehouse, and someone was taking shots at sonny, and dex stepped in, and he saved him. He–he got grazed on the arm, but-


I knew he was injured, but you didn’t tell me he was shot. Why didn’t you tell me?

I didn’t even know he was shot until the day after. And you knew that something was going on with sonny. I mean, he wouldn’t even let the girls up to the penthouse.

Josslyn, sonny’s security issues are one thing. But when my daughter’s seeing a guy who gets shot, I want to know about it.

Ok, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I should have told you. But I’m ok, really. And believe me, I’m gonna be more than thrilled when this whole thing is over, but right now, spencer, his little brother, and dr. Obrecht are all missing. And if dr. Obrecht is missing, that means willow can’t get this transplant.

I know. Calm down, all right? Police are looking for obrecht, and I pray that they find her.

[Soft dramatic music] Josslyn, we’re gonna have to prepare ourselves.


I’m gonna call dante and see if there’s any update.


Wow. He’s really holding it together, huh?

He is. He’s been my rock.


Oh. Uh, nothing. Sorry. Sorry. I, um-

I fade in and out sometimes. Sorry, baby.

Willow, we know that you and michael are being strong for each other.

Everyone needs to vent sometimes, even you. So whatever you’re feeling, just say it.


[Sighs] I know that michael believes that everything is going to be ok, because that’s what he has to believe. But at some point, we have to face facts. And the fact is the pcpd may not find dr. Obrecht. At least, not in time to save me.

[Somber music]

Did you call a lawyer?

I can’t afford to hire one. Public defender is just gonna try and get me to plead out, which I’m not gonna do because I’m innocent.

Well, the evidence says otherwise.

Dante, come on. You know me. Even if I did try and steal that bracelet, you really think I’d try and hide it in my jacket pocket?

Look man, I don’t know. But the thing is, I got three missing people. I just-

I don’t have time to help you.

Yeah, I hear you. I really do. But, look, I’m gonna sort this mess out myself, ok?

How? From inside a jail cell? Why don’t-

why don’t you call mac?

[Laughs] He’s the one who arrested me.

Well, maybe you should have told him to look for his son.

And then–and then what? He’d have the pleasure of putting his son in the slammer?



dude, it doesn’t really matter, ok? I–I already made my one phone call. Help’s on the way.

[Tense music]

Good morning.

How are we going to escape? We’re at sea, and we have no way of communicating with anybody.

Maybe we do, ok? I–I was in the utility closet, and there was all these maps of the ship. So I got to studying…

of course you did.

And it showed the communications room on the map, located at the front of the ship.

The bow?

Yeah, whatever. So I snuck out, and I did some snooping, and I managed to find the room. There has to be a radio there, right?

You didn’t check and see?

No. There was somebody coming, so I had to get out of there as soon as I could, but if there is a radio, I can-

I can call for help.

Well, you’d have to find a way to sneak back into that room without someone noticing you. And trina, if my uncle finds you, do you have any idea what he will do to you? He doesn’t need you as a hostage. He’ll throw you overboard.

It’s our only option.

[Sighs] So this is the plan.

[Suspenseful music]


So I stayed in the closet until around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. I figured victor would only have a skeleton crew on lookout, and I was right. He only had two on the left-


port side.

Uh-huh. And then three on the other side. There’s basically zero visibility of the communications room if they all go on their smoke break at the same time.

Ok. That’s how you found it. How are you gonna get back?

I’ll stay out of sight until-

until tonight. And then I’ll make a break for the office and then radio for help.


I’m sure my nephew

will come around soon.

We just have to make sure.



We finally, finally get a donor, and–and she’s gone?

I know, and it’s crazy. I can’t believe victor took them all, all three. He took spencer, the baby, and obrecht. And I know the police are gonna follow every lead, and they’re gonna talk to every witness, but, god, I pray they find her.

How long is that gonna take? Because willow gets weaker every time I see her. It’s like with oscar, you know? You–you try to stay positive, and you-

you pray for a miracle. But what if that miracle never comes?

[Somber music]


I know.


Excuse me, commissioner.

If you will have a seat over there.

Ok, I-

I am sure whatever everybody’s buzzing about around here is important, but I’m here about a very expensive bracelet.

Someone will take your statement. But we’re very busy, so it might be a while. Perhaps you should come back later.

Aren’t cops supposed to take statements from the victims while the details are fresh? Who knows what I might forget about cody’s crime.

What are you doing here?

Cody called me.


He said that he had no one to turn to.

I didn’t sound that desperate.

No, those were your exact words, actually.

Yeah, but I don’t think you accurately captured my tone.

Well, I’m here. So how can I help?

Maybe you could convince him to hire a cheap lawyer.

I believe she was asking me what I needed.

I believe you have the right to remain silent. Maybe you can help him out with that?

Hey, why don’t you do me a favor? I’ve got this. Please go out and find victor and those hostages.

Yes, ma’am. Bye-bye.

Thank you for coming, sam.

Yeah. So how can I help?

I need you to bail me out.

I can’t just post bail. You have to see a judge first.

No, no, I know. I’ve been arraigned before. But I promise I’m good for the bail money. I won’t go anywhere.

Says the guy with the hot bracelet?

Ok. That was a frame, sam. I don’t care what you’ve heard. I’m being set up.

Said every thief ever. Hell, I’ve even said it, I don’t know how many times, and I was guilty every single one of them.

Ok, well, allow me to be the exception that proves the rule. Someone planted that bracelet on me.

And that is when sasha noticed the bracelet was missing.


Nothing. It’s as though victor, the ship, and the hostages all vanished into thin air.

You know what? I think I know someone who might be able to help us.

[Soft dramatic music]


This is a private conversation. This doesn’t concern you.

It does when it concerns my wife. Now show some respect.

Let me, um-

let me see what I can find out.

Thank you.

I want you to keep a close eye on spence-


[Tense music]

Ambrose, search the ship.


Oh. Hello, uncle. Is something wrong?

She found it.

I am holding on to hope. But at the same time-


in my experience, blind hope can get in the way of saying goodbye.

Exactly. I don’t want michael’s last memories to be of me desperately waiting for the phone to ring. I want him to remember us as a loving family.

Of course, he will.

Amelia won’t remember me at all. And wiley’s so young.

[Soft dramatic music] I want michael to be able to show the kids my picture and say, “look, that’s your mom. See how happy she was?” It’s ok. It’s because she loved us all so much, and she always will.

We can make sure that happens.

See? Sometimes life does come with a guarantee.

That’s why we can’t wait until after the transplant to throw some big wedding. We’re out of time.



It’s ok.

When was the last time you saw trina?

Last night. Maybe she knows something that could help us track down spencer.

Thank you.

I have news. Anna is just out of surgery, and they’re getting her set up in the icu room as we speak.

Can we see her?

After a surgery like this, it might take a while before she wakes up, but yes. Yes, you can.

I don’t want to crowd anna. You go on in first.

I’ll let you know how she is. Dr. Robinson, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.

Apology accepted. Please, go. Go see anna.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can do, please.

Uh, portia, could you wait for a second, please? Excuse me.


What’s up?

I’m sure it’s probably nothing. Have you heard from trina lately?

[Tense music]

You were going over to michael and willow’s, so-

I think the more family, the better. It’s good for them. So why don’t I go with you?

Sure. I’d like that.

All right.


Hey, joss. Hey, carly.


Um, you guys seen trina?

Um, no. No, she’s not here. But come in.


What’s going on, dante?

Well, we’re looking for spencer, actually.

Spencer? I thought that victor cassadine had spencer and his little brother.

Well, we don’t know that he’s got spencer. But trina and spencer were together at the ball. They probably hung out after the ball. So I’m wondering, maybe she could help us, give us a timeline of his whereabouts.

I haven’t seen trina since the ball.

But she was staying here at the dorms, right?

Well, yeah. She was supposed to come back here. We were gonna go to a party together, but I–I remember she was worried about spencer, so she went to check on him and see if she could help him out with anything.


You haven’t seen her since?

No, but her mom came by here yesterday looking for her, but like I said, she wasn’t here.

So no one’s seen trina since the ball?

Not that I know of.


So you’ve been enjoying the sea air?

I wouldn’t know. I’ve been locked up in this stateroom.

Yes. Unfortunate but necessary precaution, till you realize that everything I’ve done has been for your own good.

[Laughs] That’s why you’ve kidnapped me and my brother? For our own good?

Oh, spencer. I didn’t kidnap you. I invited you here, and you accepted.

No, you asked me to join you on your ship, and then when I did, you stole the boat out of the harbor without asking me if I wanted to come.

I am the head of this family. I don’t need to ask anyone anything. And besides, even if I’d given you the choice, the outcome would have been the same. You want to be where your brother is. I need your brother to be with me. So here we all are.

If the point of bringing me along was to make sure that I could spend some time with my brother, how about you let me see him?

Ok, in good time.

Listen to me. I do not work for you, and I sure as hell don’t take orders from you.

I suggest you change that attitude. My son knows what I’m capable of when crossed. I’d hope for you not to have to learn the same lesson the hard way.


[Devices beeping]


Gladys set you up?


[Sighs] God, she is a piece of work.

So you believe me?

I mean, I just-

I–I wouldn’t put it past her. But why?

Uh, ok. I–I told gladys that I was going to tell sasha that she-


was not to be trusted.

Ok, what did gladys do that you needed to warn sasha?

I can’t tell you that.

Why not?

Because I like my kneecaps exactly where they are, you know? They help me to walk, kneel, stay on a horse.

Oh, ok. I get it. You’re being threatened.

No, I’m not the one being threatened. Let’s just say that sasha needs to be really careful about whose hands she puts her life in.

Of course, you don’t want to wait to marry michael. This is your family. You want them to know forever and ever how much you love them.

And the best part is, you don’t have to do a thing. We will make sure this wedding happens.

Thank you both so much. But I haven’t even discussed re-rescheduling the wedding with michael.

[Sighs] I know he would have married me at the hospital months ago. I was the one who insisted on coming home. We were going to be married at the main house. Then we found out dr. Obrecht was a match. I told him I wanted to wait until after the transplant, to dance at my wedding, to really celebrate, and, of course, he agreed. He always wants to give me whatever I want. And now I’ve changed my mind yet again. I want to get married immediately. Isn’t that the same as telling him I’ve given up hope?

[Soft dramatic music]

May I speak to her surgeon?

The procedure was very long, so she’s not available for several hours.

Well, is there anybody else I can talk to?

The doctor did instruct me to inform you that she was able to remove the bullet. It missed the major organs and arteries. However, ms. Devane lost a considerable amount of blood. About an hour into surgery, she went into cardiac arrest.

Again? She coded in the ambulance.

Fortunately, the team was able to get her heart back to sinus rhythm and complete the surgery.

How long do you think it’ll take before she wakes up?

There’s no way to predict. She was under a long time.

So she should be awake right now? She isn’T.


How are you doing?

Mm. To be honest, I feel really uneasy. Just unsettled, you know? It’s like everything that’s happening right now is strangely familiar.

Like a déj vu?

It’s more than that. You know, when I was a kid, the cassadines had me trapped on that boat. Only back then, it was called the “titan.” Is history repeating itself with my grandsons?

Well, I had an extremely strained conversation-

no, no, no, I wouldn’t even call it a conversation-

a moment with trina at the nurses’ ball.

Ok. And after that?

I stopped by her dorm room to talk and check on her, but she wasn’t there, and she never showed up.


So she didn’t call or leave a text saying why she wasn’t gonna be there?

No, no, but she had no idea that I was going to be there. And it’s not like she’s calling or texting me that much nowadays anyway. Curtis, why? Why all the questions? What’s going on?

I know it’s probably nothing-


yeah, you keep saying that, but it’s clearly something.

You can’t ask me all these questions about trina and not expect me to ask why.

I don’t want to worry you.

It’s too late for that.

I texted trina last night that her mom was here, so maybe that’s why she never came back. Let me check something.

Look, I don’t mean to worry either of you. There’s really no reason to believe that trina is in any danger, ok?

Well, you showing up here looking for trina isn’t really giving off that vibe.

Dante, look at these texts.

It says they weren’t delivered.

Yeah, I know.

Can I call her?

Yeah, you can. I didn’t notice last night that they hadn’t delivered. Of course she’s not gonna respond. She never got them.


This is going straight to voicemail. I got to get out of here.

Well, no. You have to tell us what’s going on.

I’ve told you guys literally everything I know.

Victor cassadine has spencer, ace, and liesl obrecht. Does he have trina, too?

I know exactly what you’re capable of, and I have seen the damage that you have done.

[Tense music]

Uncle victor, you kidnapped me-

sorry, you relocated me-

without my consent because the only way that you can have a relationship with another human being is if you are in total, complete control. For god’s sake, you abducted an infant.


I tell you what. Why don’t I send for breakfast? I’m sure you’ll think more clearly on a full stomach. And then we can discuss the future, and I promise I’ll answer any and all of your questions.

Not here.

Another complaint about your accommodations? This is a stateroom.

I have been cooped up in it all night. We are surrounded by open water. I think you know damn well that I’m not going anywhere without my little brother, so you can trust me as far as the dining room.

Perhaps for lunch, hmm?

You say that I’m destined for greater things, and yet you keep me locked up in here, and I can only think of one reason why that might be.

I think that you’re afraid of me. Is that it? Am I right? Are you afraid of what I might do?

[Devices beeping]

You’re a fighter, you hear me? You can do this. I need you to do this. May I hold her hand?

Of course. I’ll give you some privacy now.

[Tender music]


Wherever you are… come back to me.


I have known michael most of our lives, and yes, he’s been through a lot. But that also means he’s survived all of it. And right now he is surviving this, out of love for you and wiley and princess amelia over here. Because he loves you more than anything.

Thank you. I know-


that’s why–now, michael, as we all know, is quite the multitasker. So he can believe with all his heart that dr. Obrecht will get back in time, so that you can have this transplant that you need for a long, long life, and at the same time, understand that you need to-


that you need to tell him and wiley and amelia how much you love them, how much you will always love them.


Even if I’m gone?


Ok. Say your story is true. I need to know all of the players. Who’s threatening gladys corbin?

You don’t want to know. Dante really doesn’t want to know. The cops cannot be involved.

All right. Now here’s where I-

I don’t understand what’s going on here. Because you are being threatened by some lowlife, and you would rather skip town than ask your friends for help? You don’t have to do this alone. Just give me a name.

This isn’t about me.

Um, you’re the one in custody, so I would say it has a little something to do with you.

[Sighs] It’s about sasha, ok? Gladys is in trouble. It could blow back on sasha.

Ok. Not that you shouldn’t, but why do you care what happens to sasha?

I don’t know. I guess we’re kind of friends. Please, just let me handle this my way. I know these people. I know how they operate. All I need to do is get out of this police station, and I can help my friend. I promise I won’t go on the run.

[Soft dramatic music]

Cody bell, time for your arraignment.


Please, sam. Back me up with the judge. Swear I’m not a flight risk.

Ok. You have literally given me no reason to trust you, like, ever.

There’s exactly one reason-

dante trusts me.

He does, doesn’t he?

Look, if I have any more questions, or either of you have any more information you want to share with me, we can talk then, ok? But otherwise, I really should go.

Come on, dante. Where else could she be? She’s not just gonna disappear.

Joss, I-

I don’t know what to tell you, other than you’ll know something when I know something, ok? In the meantime, keep your phone on. And if you do hear from her, please let me know.


I mean, what if she was with spencer when victor grabbed him?


Jordan. Hey, uh, no sign of trina.

Do you have anything else? Any physical evidence to connect her to spencer or victor’s disappearance?

No. Nothing yet. I’m going to go talk to portia. I’m gonna head to the hospital now.

I’ll meet you there.

As it turns out, spencer went missing last night, along with his little brother. And since trina was with him at the ball, she may have been the last person to see him.

Ok. I need to call trina.

It’s going straight to voicemail. Maybe she has her phone off. Trina? Honey, it’s mom. I–I just want to check and see if you’re ok, all right? So give me a call. She’s not gonna listen to that. I’m gonna text her, too.

I’ll call the university, have them do a safety check.

Curtis, the texts, they’re not-

they’re not going through. They’re going as not delivered.

[Tense music] What do I do now? I can’t-

I can’t reach my daughter?


I have this feeling that the answer to all of this lies in the past, you know? Like, some part of my history that I haven’t been able to connect with yet.

Well, let’s break it down. Victor finally has everything he’s after. He’s got the ice princess necklace, the decryption key. He’s got spencer and ace. Where would he go?

I don’t know. Some place that’s isolated where he could protect himself, I guess, if someone were to come after him.

So if someone did come after him-


I guess it would have to be a place where he has some kind of pull with the authorities.

Exactly. So thoughts?

Uh, I don’t know. A lot of the old cassadine haunts come to mind. They’re all pretty similar, you know? They’re fortresses and compounds and islands. They’re places where victor could go and just do whatever he wanted.

Think, where would the “haunted star” sail?

I know that the cassadines had some hideouts in, I think, uh, panama, ecuador.

There was one on the coast of venezuela, and that one was completely isolated because it was cut off from everything by miles and miles of tropical rainforest. In fact, you couldn’t even get to it, except by boat.

That could be it. We might have a lead.


All right, spencer. Tell me, what might you do?

Anything, if it meant being free. Wouldn’t you feel the same in my position?

You make a good point. But spencer, freedom is not a right. Freedom must be earned.

All I’m asking is to have breakfast in the dining room and to see my little brother and to not have a deadbolt on the outside of my door.

Well, I don’t suppose there’s any harm in you getting a little air and nourishment. But that’s only because we’re in the middle of the ocean.

Believe me, the sweet release of drowning is not the freedom that I long for.

Hmm. Very well. We will breakfast in the dining room. It’ll take a few moments to make arrangements. Can you bear your confinement a little longer?

Oh, I’ll survive. I always do.

I’ll send for you shortly.

If I find this deadbolt unlatched again, you’re gonna find yourself in some very deep, cold water, attached to a very heavy weight.


You ok? All right?

Yeah. You were right. We are so trapped here.

[Laughs] No, we’re not. No, we’re not. My uncle victor thinks that he has me all figured out, but he just made a terrible mistake.

I can’t reach my daughter, curtis.

Portia, trina is one of the most practical, level-headed young people we know.

Yeah, except when it comes to spencer cassadine though. That’s the problem.

Hey, maybe-

maybe her phone is dead.

That would explain the voicemail, but not the texts going through.

Ok. Maybe it’s just out of range.

[Tense music]


No. No. No, no, no. Not trina. No.

[Breathes sharply]

[Soft dramatic music]

I always knew cody bell couldn’t be trusted. I bet he’s done time behind bars before.

Hmm. Yeah, maybe he has. But not today. He’ll make bail.

Wait, what? Are you going to-

you bought his act? Are you nuts?

[Door clicks]

[Tense music]


Look at it this way, what you really want is a celebration.

That really is all you’re asking for.

Yeah, so my best advice is just rip off the band-aid, ok? Because you really can tell michael anything.

Brook lynn is right. Michael will understand.

Understand what?

[Soft dramatic music]


What we have is a theory with no real evidence to back it up. We can’t show that to the authorities.

So we have to find something.

Yes, but how? I mean, come on. We’re not gonna be able to infiltrate that compound. Venezuela is a very different country now. It’s tough to get into-

and more importantly, tough to get out of.

Not to worry. I know exactly who can help us.


Trina is important to spencer.

Yep, and victor would use trina as leverage against spencer.

In a heartbeat. But why would he have to do that? Spencer will do anything that victor tells him to do.

Ok, well, maybe he doesn’t have her then.

Then where is she?

I don’t know. I don’t know. But I do know that dante has the entire port charles police department searching for her. So at the very least, wherever she is, maybe she’s not alone.


Ok. You ready?

Yeah. Let’s just go over it one more time anyway.

Ok. I’m gonna cause a diversion with my uncle, and that’s gonna draw attention away from the deck.

Which will enable me to go to the communication office and radio for help.

That’s right.

And spencer-

oh my god, this-

this better-


it’s gonna be epic. The diversion is gonna be epic, ok? You don’t have to worry. Baby, I got plenty of practice causing a scene.

[Both chuckle] In case I don’t get another chance to tell you this, I, um-

I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened-


[Dramatic music]


This is not the end for us. We got this.


I’ve been negotiating…

[Devices beeping] Maybe with god, fate, the universe. I don’t know, maybe with myself. But, uh, I’ve been making a lot of promises in my head, and one promise I can make you… my father will pay for this. I promise you that no matter what it takes, I’ll bring my father down.

[Tense music] But right now, I need you to wake up, darling.

[Somber music]

I just want you to wake up.

[Sobbing quietly]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Jack: Summer worked so hard on these arrangements. She wanted to get every detail just right.

Diane: I’m sure it’ll be a lovely tribute. Although, the location she chose makes me a little uncomfortable.

Jack: Yeah, the new jazz lounge at the athletic club. I was surprised, too.

Diane: Yeah. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s an elegant space. It’s certainly large enough.

Jack: It’s also where we saw phyllis collapse after she created that dreadful scene and where– where we all got the news that she passed away.

Diane: Why would summer pick that spot to say goodbye to her mother? Why not choose a place with happier memories?

Kyle: I couldn’t agree more. It’s a terrible mistake.

Summer: Excuse me, I’m gonna go out for a bit but I’ll be back in time to greet the guests.

[ Exhales ] I will make this right. I promise you that.

Lily: Hi. I figured maybe you want to go get coffee before the memorial?

Daniel: [ Sighs] Room service just brought a fresh pot, help yourself.

Lily: Oh, wow, you’re very organized.

Daniel: Well, I was up pretty early.

Lily: Yeah, I assumed that everything would be really tough for you today. Are you coping or are you just shutting it all out?

Daniel: Little bit of both. Today is important, you know? Even if I’m faking it, I gotta pull it together for summer and for my mom. My sister singlehandedly put this whole memorial together. I’m proud of her, you know? I’m also worried for her.

Lily: Yeah, um… look, I know that you’re really overwhelmed and I really don’t want to add to any of it. So, I wanted to let you know that we’re gonna suspend work on omega sphere.

Sally: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Sally: Come in.

Nick: Thanks.

Sally: How are you this morning? Sorry, that was a really dumb question.

Nick: I’m okay, for now. Thanks for asking.

Sally: Are you worried about summer?

Nick: Yeah. On top of all the pain she’s in grieving for her mom, she’s gotta be exhausted. I mean, she’s been going nonstop, working on the details of this thing with zero help from anyone.

Sally: Not even her brother?

Nick: That’s what she wanted. To be in charge of everything, to be able to create this perfect celebration of life for phyllis. As, like, a gift to her. Could also be to make up for the fact that they had been clashing lately as well.

Sally: Yeah, makes sense.

Nick: Not really feeling this location, though. I mean, we weren’t there when phyllis blacked out, but other people were. It had to be terrifying. And now everyone’s back in the same room. I just– I’m worried that this celebration of life is not gonna turn out the way summer is hoping.

Jeremy: Talk to me. Wait, what? Say that again. What do you mean she was a no-show? She was supposed to be on that damn flight last night. Dry skin is sensitive skin, too.

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Diane: Kyle, I didn’t mean to second guess your wife.

Kyle: No, it bothers me, too. Having the service there with all those traumatic memories. But I couldn’t talk summer out of it. We’ve barely talked about anything lately. She’s so caught up in planning this service, we’ve barely spoken in days.

Jack: Hey, summer is a perfectionist, even in the best of circumstances. Staying busy, distracting herself from the pain she’s feeling might be soothing.

Kyle: It’s more than that, dad. It’s like she’s on a mission to prove something. To be together where we last saw phyllis.

Diane: Well, either way, it leaves me with a dilemma.

Jack: How do you mean?

Diane: Well, I’m trying to give summer space to grieve in her own way, but to her, I’m– I’m a reminder of the events that led up to phyllis’s collapse. I don’t want to cause her any more pain, so maybe I should just stay home.

Kyle: That’s the one answer I was able to get out of her. She wants all of us there. In fact, she insisted. Look, do I think having the service in this venue will be upsetting? Yes. But it’s the only support summer’s asked for. She wants all three of us there. So, we need to be there for her.

Nick: Why don’t you, uh, grab a table and I’ll order?

Sally: Okay, yeah. Sounds good. Summer, I’m– I’m really sorry about your mom. I mean, what a terrible shock. I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask, and feel free to give me a job at the memorial. I would really like to be useful in some way.

Summer: To be honest, sally, it never occurred to me that you would come to the memorial, when you so clearly don’t belong. You know we’re mourning my mother. Do you really think that she would want you there? Especially now that you’ve glommed onto my father. I hate that he is still with you when you’re pregnant with adam’s baby. That is who you should be with. Adam. Because the two of you deserve each other. So, please just stay far, far away.

Nick: Hey, the, uh, barista had a question about your order.

Sally: Yeah.

Nick: What are you doing?

Summer: Everybody’s been telling me to stop being so stoic, so I was just sharing how I felt. You don’t seem to like that either.

Nick: Look, if you need someone to take something out on, I am right here. I mean that. Whatever I can do to help. Is there any part of the service I can take off your hands?

Summer: No, I just came from the venue and it’s all ready to go. I had one more errand to run and I wanted to grab a coffee, but you know what? I’m just gonna get one at the club, so I’ll see you there.

[ Sally sighing ]

Nick: I’m sorry about that.

Sally: Look, she just lost her mom, I get it. I really wanna be there with you. Summer is the priority right now, okay? And she’s right. Phyllis would not want me there. But I will be thinking of you and I will be sending you support. Summer needs you. Go.

Daniel: You’re suspending my platform, why? Do you not think that I can deliver? I–

Lily: No, daniel, that is– that’s not it at all.

Daniel: Well, then why even suggest it?

Lily: Well, because your mother just died. You’re overwhelmed and I don’t want you to worry about work while you’re mourning.

Daniel: Work is exactly what I need to worry about. I need structure. I need something positive to focus on. Lily, please. My mom, she loved the whole idea of this concept, even if she went behind my back and she tried to find other backers without consulting me first. You know, if you think about it, it was probably the most phyllis thing that she could do.

Lily: Okay, daniel, okay. Look, if– if you wanna keep at it–

Daniel: I need– I need to keep at it. This kind of trauma is exactly the sort of thing that chelsea and I think that the game could help people with. So, no, I don’t want to delay it.

Lily: [ Sighs ] Okay. Okay. I mean, yeah, if you want to keep working on it, that’s fine. Just not today, okay?

Daniel: [ Laughs ] Thank you.

Jeremy: Phyllis. Are you here? Dammit. Hi.

[ Summer sighing ]

Kyle: Anything I can help with?

Summer: No, I got everything under control.

Kyle: Well, it must be weird for you being in this room again.

Summer: I’m fine. You know, it feels right to me, even if no one else understands.

Kyle: What’s he doing here?

Summer: Uh, I asked him to be here, in case stark or any unwanted press shows up. I figured a detective could handle them discreetly.

Kyle: Hmm. Sounds reasonable.

Summer: I need to go touch base with him. Excuse me. Any updates?

Chance: No, not yet. Got your message about the venue. It’s why I’m here at your request.

Summer: I appreciate that.

Chance: It looks like you’re going for maximum impact to unnerve diane by choosing this place. That is if there’s any validity to your theory.

Summer: Well, I’m grateful that you agreed to come so you can see for yourself. Wouldn’t expect you to take my word for it.

Chance: Thanks for that.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Once diane sees what my mom’s loss means for all the people that loved her, there’s no way that she’ll be able to hide her guilt.

Adam: I thought phyllis’s memorial was now? Are you not with nick?

Sally: I was supposed to be, but summer made it very clear that she does not want my condolences, which is fine. You know, she’s under a lot of stress right now, and plus, she found out about the baby, which has made her resent me even more.

Adam: Oh. Does she know that it’s mine?

Sally: Oh, yeah.

Adam: Hmm.

Sally: Yeah. She was hoping it would break up nick and me, but no such luck.

Adam: Well, if I can get used to it, I imagine she will, too.

Sally: Well, I really appreciate your optimism. In fact, um, if you would care to join me, I could use a little more positive assurance right about now.

Nikki: Darling.

Nick: Hi, mom.

Victor: Summer seems to be holding up well.

Nick: Yeah, she’s being strong.

Victor: Mm.

Nick: Too strong, if you ask me. When she breaks, and I don’t know how she won’t, it’s gonna be very bad.

Nikki: Ah. My heart goes out to her and daniel.

Victor: Did she arrange all of this on her own?

Nikki: She wouldn’t accept any help, I tried.

Nick: She insisted on doing it herself as a gift to phyllis.

Victor: Well…

Nick: I think she was, uh, trying to make up for the fact that they’d been estranged lately.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Nikki: Well, all we can do is to be there for her when the grief sets in.

Lauren: You know, your mom always raved about your talent, and I can see why. Your portrait really took my breath away.

Michael: It’s lovely, daniel.

Daniel: That’s, um, very kind of both of you to say. I just wish she was still alive to appreciate it.

Michael: Hey, I think there’s, uh, somebody you’re gonna want to say hello to.

Lauren: Oh.

Daniel: Oh, my god, lucy. Oh, my god.

Lucy: Hi, dad.

Daniel: How is it that you’re here right now?

Danny: We couldn’t let you go through this alone.

Lucy: Grandpa talked to mom and took care of everything.

Daniel: Come here.

[ Indistinct whispering ] Hey, man. You could save hundreds

Kyle: He has a lot of nerve showing up here.

Diane: He has no shame, none.

Summer: I was afraid that he was gonna try to pull something like this. I don’t care about his claims that he married my mom. I don’t want him here.

Jack: I will handle this.

Summer: Jack, no. Please don’t let this blow up.

Chance: I’m on it.

Jack: Okay. What the hell do you think you’re doing here? What is it gonna take to get you to back off this vicious plan to frame diane? Name your price.

Jeremy: She’s guilty, jack. She killed phyllis. And for that, she’s going to prison. And that’s the only payoff I’m after.

Kyle: All right, we’re done. You’re out of here. I’m sick of you harassing my–

Chance: Gentlemen. Gentlemen! This is a memorial service.

Jeremy: Yeah, for my wife. And I deserve to be here.

Chance: That is still up for debate.

Jeremy: Listen, I don’t know what you–

Chance: Shut your mouth–

Jeremy: I deserve to be here, just like everybody else.

Chance: Shut your mouth. Nobody wants a replay of the other night, okay? Now, you’ve had your moment. Today is a private affair hosted by phyllis’ children, and you were not welcomed.

Jeremy: You think I’m here to cause trouble? I’m here to mourn my wife, that’s all. But I think you should turn your attention to the real perpetrator, diane, and stop bullying me.

Chance: Stark, I’m going to escort you out of here, or I will arrest you. Pick one.

Jeremy: Arrest me for what?

Chance: I’m sure I can find a parole violation if I look hard enough. Now, it only takes one. You wanna risk it?

[ Summer sighing ]

Sally: First, some ground rules.

Adam: Oh. Should I, uh, take some notes?

Sally: I don’t want to talk about nick and me. Or you and me. And anything too serious is off limits. I really need less stress in my life right now.

Adam: What about babies? Parenthood? I mean, I could let you in on some of my trade secrets.

Sally: Please do. ‘Cause I could use some. When I think about all that I don’t know, it scares the crap out of me.

Adam: [ Chuckles] Well, you and everyone else who is new to this. I mean look, even if you’ve read every book there is on this, when the kid arrives, it still throws you. Plus, every kid is different. So, whatever you’ve read or you’ve heard or you have planned to do, I mean, within the first few months it’s– gets thrown completely out the window.

Sally: So, learn to roll with the punches?

Adam: Mm. Exactly.

Sally: Mm. Well, that’s actually my forte.

Adam: Look, everyone’s a beginner. They just learn on the job. And eventually, the kid is gonna get older, and then you will become an expert on potty training, nighttime routines, discipline, homework, carpooling. You will not realize how boring your conversations have become, but how fascinating you still think they are.

Jack: Hey, hey, you look white as a sheet.

Diane: That horrible man, he has no business being here, spreading his lies.

Kyle: Stark is behind whatever set this in motion, I’m sure of it. And for him to point the finger at you, I want him out of here and far away from us.

Jack: Let’s focus on summer right now, get her through these next few hours, okay? We’ll deal with stark later.

Michael: It’s not the time or the place for jeremy stark to make an appearance.

Lauren: I doubt he’s ever been accused of having manners or of being a decent human being.

Danny: Um, excuse me a second, okay?

Lauren: Yeah. Hey, lily. Uh–

Lily: Hi.

Danny: Hi. Do you mind, uh– just keep an eye on daniel, okay? For– for lucy’s sake.

Lily: Yeah, of– of course.

Danny: Thank you.

Lily: Yeah.

[ Indistinct whispering ]

Summer: If I could have everybody’s attention, please. If you all could make your way to your seats, we’re about ready to begin.

[ Chairs scraping ] That’s me before dawn powerwash.

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. (Vo) is she tired? Sad? Bored?

Sally: The pep talk I gave you on how to deal with victor and victoria, have you given any thought to my advice?

Adam: Um, uh…

Sally: Okay, I get it. I take it your family is off limits, too.

Adam: If you would like to keep things light.

Sally: Fine. I just– I wanna help.

Adam: Well, that’s very sweet of you, it is. But I don’t know how you would, unless you had a couple 100 million lying around that you wanted to invest, if I decided to make a play for mccall unlimited on my own.

Sally: Wait, that’s the company that they want to acquire?

Adam: Wanted to acquire, past tense. Victoria packed up her marbles, she went home.

Sally: [ Clears throat ] Okay. What I have to offer isn’t money, but maybe it’s better. It’s a distraction. Something that’ll give you some perspective on what’s really important, other than business and proving yourself to your family.

Adam: Well, I doubt that there is one perspective that is strong enough to break me of that habit.

Sally: Okay, well, try this on for size. I have a doctor’s appointment coming up. One that checks for any anomalies and the baby’s gender. Would you want to be there?

Summer: I want to thank you all for coming this morning to honor the memory of my mom, phyllis summers. As you can see, I kept the guest list small and intimate, and that’s because I wanted to be surrounded by the people who knew my mom the best. And who loved her and cared for her the most, and who are also grieving her sudden and sh– shocking death. I know that this, uh, choice of venue came as a surprise to many of you. But I felt like it was important to restore some peace to this elegant club. One that was so lovingly dedicated to the memory of neil winters, a great man with a beautiful soul who did so much for our community. I wanted this place to be remembered as where we honored my mom and– and celebrated her life. A place that we could all come again and again. So…

[ Sighs ] The healing starts now. I also want to say that I am so grateful to everybody who offered to help me plan this service and who respected my need to do it on my own. Because… the fact is, is I– I need to make amends to my mom. I mean, we all knew how infuriating my mom could be at times, right? Could lead to arguments and hurt feelings and… unfortunately, daniel and I were both going through a time like that in the weeks leading up to her death. Our mom crossed some lines that she shouldn’t have crossed, and it left us feeling upset and alienated. I think we both understand now why she did it.

[ Sobbing ] It was because she loved us and she wanted the absolute best for us. I was just coming around to accepting that the night she was taken from us. The night I had– I had a chance to tell her that, before suddenly it was too late.

[ Whimpering and sobbing ] I am so sorry, mom. I’m sorry that I fought with you. I’m sorry that I doubted you and I would give anything, anything, to have you back right now. I would tell you right here and right now that… I love you and I believe you.

For your most brilliant smile,

Adam: I would love to come to your appointment. And I’m glad that you trust me to support you in this way.

Sally: It won’t just be the two of us. Nick– nick will be there, too.

Adam: Of course. Does he know that you’re inviting me?

Sally: I haven’t brought it up with him yet, but, I mean…

[ Sighs ] This is an important milestone, so I’m sure nick will understand.

Adam: A little boy, a little girl. Which one will it be?

Sally: Mm.

Adam: Wow, we’re soon gonna have our answer.

[ Sally laughs softly ] How great is that?

Summer: Once everybody has a glass, let’s all raise them in a toast.

[ Sighs ] To my mom, who loved very deeply, and was deeply loved in return. And who will now be terribly missed.

Man: Here, here.

[ All exclaiming ]

[ Glasses clinking ]

Summer: [ Sighs ] Now, I really do want this to be a celebration of my mom’s life. So, if anybody feels moved to speak, I– I hope that you will stand up and say something, starting with my brother. Daniel?

Daniel: Um… I didn’t, uh– I– I– I didn’t prepare anything, I’m sorry, I–

Lucy: It’s okay, dad, just speak from my heart. You got this.

Daniel: I can’t– I can’t, I’m sorry, I…

[ Summer exhales ]

Nick: Phyllis and I were, uh, extremely competitive with each other, in everything. What started out as a cool friendship, deepened into something so much more. It was a love story. One that lasted a very long time. And it produced this amazing, beautiful woman standing next to me.

[ Kissing ] You know, all relationships have, uh, good times and bad. I believe when someone important is taken from you, the difficult memories, they just fade away. What’s left is, you get the very best parts of that person. The difference they made, that they were a part of our lives. If you asked me to describe phyllis in 10 words or less, I couldn’t do it. And if you really knew her, you couldn’t do it either. She was that unique and complex. She was one of the most brilliant women I’ve ever known. Also one of the most fun-loving. She was fearless and adventurous. It’s so damn funny. When phyllis loved you, you felt like the most important person in the world. But boy, when you made her mad, look out.

[ Light chuckling ] There isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for someone she cherished. Especially you kids. She loved you… so much. She was one of a kind.

Jack: I’m gonna say something. I think most of you here know that, uh, my history with phyllis is a– a long story of extremes. Love and heartache, happiness and despair, marriage and divorce. We tried more than once to make it all work, but I don’t know, we seemed destined to hurt each other. Nick is right. She was one of a kind. A force of nature, strong and stubborn and willful and exasperating and fiercely loyal and… [ Chuckles ] And absolutely certain she was right. And god help you if you ever got in her way. I know this because I managed to get in her way for decades.

[ Nikki chuckling ] I have a lot of memories of phyllis, but one in particular stands out. It was winter, middle of an ice storm. Phyllis was very pregnant with nick’s child and she and I were in an elevator on our way out of the building when the power went out. We were stuck between the fifth and the sixth floor, and we pounded and screamed and yelled for help, and tried to find an exit above us. And phyllis’s water broke. And the two hours that followed are perhaps the most powerful in my life. With everything working against her, with very little help from me, she– she struggled and fought through round after round of contractions. And she held my hand and cried and it– just when it seemed like she had no more fight left in her, through sheer strength and courage and this fiery determination… she singlehandedly willed this beautiful little girl into the world. Summer, your mother loved you and your brother more than anything in this world. Your miraculous arrival in that elevator changed her life forever. And I want you to know that her death has forever changed mine.

[ Summer sobbing ] Here’s looking at you, red. -Fixed. -That’s my son.

Sally: Ooh!

Adam: What’s wrong?

[ Sally groans ] You okay?

Sally: Yeah, I just haven’t been sure if what I’ve been feeling has been the baby moving, but I– I think this is it.

Adam: Wha– whoa. Oh! That– that is definitely a moving baby. Wow. He or she, wow, that is quite a kick.

[ Both laughing ]

Lauren: Phyllis was the kind of friend that you could call at 3:00 A.M. For, uh, bail money, and she would show up. Instantly. With the cash, a strong cup of coffee, and no questions asked.

Michael: Not that you ever needed bail money at 3:00 A.M., Because you married a lawyer.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] Perish the thought.

Michael: But still… phyllis was always there for the both of us.

Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. She’s one of the few people who knew what it was really like for me to be, uh, kidnapped and terrorized at the hands of sheila carter. Something I would not wish on my worst enemy, let alone my best friend. She was her victim, too. And, um, that bonded us like nothing else could.

Michael: For phyllis, life was a rollercoaster. The highs could be, oh, thrilling! And the lows…. eh, could be devastating. It’s too bad that she was taken from us on the downswing. Too soon.

Lauren: If only she had had more time.

Nikki: Phyllis and I had our differences, god knows. But we had one very important thing in common, and that was our love for summer. We were in business together, once upon a time. And recently, we collaborated on a special project that was near and dear to both of our hearts. I came to appreciate how her mind worked. She could come up with very creative solutions to prickly problems, and never, ever give up, no matter what.

Jeremy: Phyllis, where in the hell are you? You are not gonna screw this up for me.

Nikki: Of course, if you had told me 10 years ago that I would be at a memorial service for phyllis, singing her praises, I would have told you, you had lost your mind. But her passion and dedication to those that she loved won me over. And I will miss her. But I believe that her unique spirit can be felt in this room, and it will live on.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Would anyone else like to say a few words?

Lucy: Um, I would, if that’s okay.

Summer: Of course. Lucy, go right ahead.

Lucy: Um, phyllis– she let me call her that. Actually, she made sure I called her that. She was always fun. But we had serious talks, too. She taught me to always fight for what I believe in. And to work for what I want. She flew all the way up to portugal just to try and help my dad and i when we weren’t getting along. And I’m really glad she did. Phyllis taught me to never be too proud to say you’re sorry, because love is so much more important.

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Brooke: I– I still haven’t forgotten what you said the other night, hope. How you won’t ruin your marriage with liam. You won’t be drawn to the bad boy like I was. Honey, I can see that you’re struggling with something.

[ Brooke sighing ] Look, it’s really hard for me to imagine, but tell me, do you have feelings for thomas?

Taylor: So, is that a yes?

Ridge: To what? A family dinner with all my favorites? Yeah, of course.

Taylor: It’s actually a family dinner with all our grandkids favorites, so.

Ridge: What’s the difference? They like mac and cheese. I love mac and cheese. They hate kale. I hate kale. It’s the same thing.

Taylor: That’s because you’re a big kid yourself.

Thomas: Who is? Me? Dad?

[ Taylor laughs ]

Ridge: Yeah. Your mom’s giving me a hard time.

Taylor: Oh, no. I’m not. I’m just trying to plan a family dinner. And you know how hard it is for your dad to commit.

Ridge: Well, it’s gonna be a day like that. Okay. No, I am committed. I even helped you with the menu.

Thomas: Mac and cheese?

Ridge: Yeah, mac and cheese. He gets it.

Thomas: Yeah. I love this. Seeing you guys like this together and enjoying each other’s company. And don’t worry, I’m not gonna go too far on this. I’m not gonna try and play matchmaker again.

Ridge: That’s– that’s a good idea because she’s in the committed relationship already.

Thomas: Really? With who?

Ridge: Brooke.

Taylor: Oh, my god. Okay. All right. You guys both know that brooke and I are friends and we’re very serious about it, okay? We even made an oath. Friendship first.

[ Taylor chuckling ]

Thomas: Well, I, for one, think this whole friend’s first thing is great, but you’re not gonna like start calling her logan too, are you?

Taylor: What? I mean, she just started calling me doc, so. Oh.

[ Laughs ] Oh, my gosh. No laughs at all. Okay, fine. You know what? I think it’s kinda funny. All right, fine. You know what? Brooke and i have a new understanding. You guys just need to accept that. It’s based on transparency and trust.

Thomas: That’s great. I mean, how– how do you feel about that, dad?

Ridge: I’m so happy. This– look, after years of being rivals, it’s just amazing that they found each other. I just didn’t think it through. I didn’t think I was gonna get tossed to the side like that.

Taylor: Oh, karma’s a bitch. Oh. [ Laughs ]

Ridge: Just I’m not the be all and the end all. Not now anyway.

Taylor: Oh, my gosh.

Thomas: Oh, that– it looks like him not the be all, end all, it’s– hell may have frozen over.

Ridge: Yeah. Well, that’s– few months you leave and come back and you find this. I don’t know.

Taylor: Yeah. Well, welcome home to friendship first. You know, this frees me up. It really does. Now, I get to just smother my grandkids with love and affection. I’m gonna be a grand-smother. See? You’re not laughing at that either. I’m gonna do the same thing with you and steffy. I’m gonna smother you, okay? Yep. I am. And I’m sure that brooke is gonna do the same thing with hope.

Hope: Mom, what are you talking about?

Brooke: I’m asking you a question and not an easy one at that.

[ Phone chimes ] Is that thomas?

Hope: What? No.

Brooke: Well, then who is it?

Hope: Mom, seriously?

Brooke: If it’s thomas–

Hope: It’s not thomas. But even if it was, we work together. I mean, we’re trying to resuscitate my line. That means long hours and needing to talk to each other.

Brooke: Honey, I’m well aware of that, but I get the feeling that the things that you were saying to me the other night had more to do about you than about me. Plus, when I walked in here just a bit ago, the way you and thomas were communicating just seemed–

Hope: Seemed like what?

Brooke: Oh, honey, come on. You admitted to me that you find thomas attractive. I’m your mother. There’s nothing you can’t say to me. So, are there feelings on your part for thomas?

Thomas: So, how exactly is this whole smothering steff and me thing gonna work?

Ridge: You know what, I’d like to hear that too because these are two grown people.

Taylor: Oh, okay. Okay, okay. I know that smothering sounds a little intense and look, I know that– that you and steffy are adults and you have children of your own, but I have– I have some time to make up for.

Thomas: Time to make up for you being away? That wasn’t your fault.

Taylor: I know, but you know, I’ve been gone since then too. My work in africa–

Ridge: Your extremely important work in africa.

Thomas: Dad’s right. Look, you didn’t just frivolously travel around the globe. You were over there doing incredible work, helping save people’s lives. That’s something that steffy and I will always be proud of you for.

Taylor: Thank you, thomas. I love you.

Thomas: I love you too. I mean, you’re such an accomplished person. You– you really– you’re really incredible, honestly and– and I think all of us just respect you so much.

Ridge: Plus, you are easy on the eyes, so.

Taylor: Oh, god.

Ridge: What?

Thomas: Well, you are– you’re– you’re beautiful.

Ridge: See?

Thomas: Not just on the outside, on the inside too. And honestly, mom, you truly are an inspiration.

Taylor: Thank you. Are you trying to make me cry right now because I–

Thomas: Sorry.

[ Taylor laughs ]

Thomas: But I am kind of, ’cause I have one more thing to say. Um, you were talking about how– how you maybe weren’t always around, but we never– we never doubted your love for us. We always knew what you were doing was really important.

Thomas: And so I just, I need you to remember that we always have and will love and appreciate you.

Ridge: Well, they’re not the only ones that appreciate you. I know who you are. I see you. You were there when these guys were kids and they needed you. They needed a mom, they needed love. Needed a house. You were there when I was nowhere to be found and for that, I will always respect and admire you every minute of every day.

Brooke: You can trust me, honey. If anybody understands getting drawn into the bad boy, the inappropriate man, it would be me.

Hope: Why do you think that is?

Brooke: Why did I do it over and over again, you mean?

Hope: I mean, I’m curious. I’d like to know. I mean, I know things can get complicated, but if you knew you were playing with fire–

Brooke: How could I not get burned, right?

Hope: Exactly. I mean, why risk so much for men that you knew were all wrong for you?

[ Brooke sighing ]

Brooke: I’ve been asking myself that for years. Maybe I felt that I just needed more excitement in my life. Or maybe I was just self-sabotaging, which happened a lot. But you, honey, you are in an incredible marriage with a wonderful man.

Hope: I know.

Brooke: And liam is everything you’ve always wanted.

Hope: I know that too.

Brooke: So now, you’re telling me at this point in your marriage, you might possibly be having feelings for thomas?

Hope: What? I never said that.

Brooke: I know, I’m just trying to figure this out. You and I used to be able to talk about everything, but now, every time I bring up thomas, this is how you act. Honey, I just want you to know that I am here for you.

Hope: Mom, I know you always have my best interest at heart.

Brooke: Yes. Always.

Hope: Okay. So just believe me when I tell you that I do not have feelings for thomas, at least not in the way that you’re implying. Do I care about thomas? Yes, of course. He is douglas’s father and he’s an important part of my son’s life.

Brooke: And yours? (Vo) red lobster presents fun dining:

Taylor: Oh, my gosh.

Thomas: You know, we actually don’t tell you often enough what– what a great mother and grandmother you have always been. And I– I think we should do it more often. Right, dad?

Ridge: Yes. I got it. Taylor hayes appreciation day. All right. We just pamper her once a month.

Thomas: Great idea.

Taylor: You know what, I am– I am totally, totally down for that, but somebody has already beaten you to the pampering.

Thomas: Who?

Taylor: Kelly. She wanted to make something special for her grandma. So, she made me this.

Ridge: Oh, kelly gave you that. I thought you and brooke had matching bracelets.

Taylor: Oh, my god.

Thomas: Okay. That can get a little weird. You– you– you two can have matching bracelets, but please don’t match her giggle ’cause that might get weird.

Taylor: Okay. Well, you know, forget about the giggle. I’m– I’m working on the jiggle. It’s never gonna happen though, ’cause–

Thomas: My mother.

[ Taylor laughing ]

Taylor: You know what? I have a new appreciation for brooke. I really do. You know, even that she was there for you and your sisters in any capacity when I was gone.

Thomas: Okay. But you– we– we were never offended when you were gone. I mean, like, you– having you back, that’s what’s most important. You’re– you’re the family’s moral compass. You know, you’re our heart.

Ridge: You know, he is right. This family’s not the same when you’re not here. So, when you came back, just lifted everybody’s spirits.

Taylor: Thank you. Thank you. I’m– I’m glad to be here. I’m– I’m so happy. I– I– I get to see steffy thriving with her family and– and you and douglas are close again and that makes me so happy. And, you know, I– I get to be here with my– with my best friend.

Ridge: Me? Your best friend?

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Ridge: You can’t have more than one. You have a bff already. You got brooke.

Taylor: Okay. My other best friend.

Ridge: Oh, well, okay. My best friend or not, I’M… I’m glad you’re here where you belong.

Brooke: I don’t mean to make you defensive.

Hope: I’m not.

Brooke: Are you sure?

Hope: Yes.

Brooke: Okay. It’s just the other night, the way you were talking to me and looking at me wasn’t like you, hope. And I don’t mean to blame you or make you feel bad or anything. I’m just concerned about you and liam and your precious little family. Look, I know there’s been a lot of stress going on lately. Everything with sheila, and your line having some problems. And I know it’s not just merely a job to you. You put your whole self into your line and you wanna make an impact on the world. And for that, I– I’m so amazed. I– I’m in awe of you. Really, sweetie. And I can understand why you wanna work with thomas. He’s great at what he does. He’s very talented. It’s just thinking of you guys working together all day and then sometimes into the night, I know it’s putting a bit of a strain on liam and I don’t want it to hurt your relationship.

Hope: Mom, we’re working through things. And like I– I told you, I mean, we had a beautiful night together the other night.

Brooke: Yeah. Until you came up to my house and gave me a piece of your mind.

Hope: Mom, I appreciate your concern, but really you have nothing to worry about. But thomas and me, we just– we share the same passion for my line and– and the same vision for hope for the future. I mean, that is what our relationship is. It’s about work. That is all. The abcs of ckd

Taylor: Okay. Okay. Enough about me. All right. I’m gonna tell you a little secret. I– I love compliments, but I also hate them. Hope that helps.

Thomas: Okay. You don’t have to get embarrassed. All right? You deserve all the praise.

Ridge: And more.

Taylor: Oh, thank you, thank you, but can we focus on this guy? Can we focus on our kid and– and all the work that he’s doing? All the work that you continue to do. Thomas, I– I feel the changes in you.

Ridge: I feel them too. Very proud of you, son.

Thomas: Okay. Now, it’s time for me to be embarrassed. Um, no, honestly, like, your love and your support from both of you, that’s– it means the world to me because there’s a time where I was exiled from the family, from the company, and– and that was the most excruciating time in my life. And now, I get to be in my son’s life again and I get to be around you guys and I get to come to work and– and design, my passion. And– and the designs, honestly, they keep pouring out. Actually, this morning, I– I woke up at dawn and I made this one right here. I was actually, I was– I was gonna surprise hope with it. What do you think?

Ridge: What do I think? I– I think you’re brimming with talent.

Taylor: Ah, gosh, thomas. It’s– it’s– it’s beautiful.

Thomas: That’s good. That’s good. Thank you. My focus right now is just doing the best I can for hope for the future and, you know, winning back hope’s trust and her respect obviously. We– we do a great job working together and we’re also a great co-parents. I’m just glad that our relationship’s finally in a better place.

Hope: I don’t know what else I can say to convince you. I mean, is it because you think I’m projecting or whatever? Look, mom, I said a lot of hurtful things that were uncalled for and– and I do apologize.

Brooke: I appreciate you saying that, honey. Yes, some of those things were very hurtful. Not that I haven’t admitted the mistakes I’ve made in my life, especially with men, but that is why I appreciate you so much. The way you conduct your life, your morals, your principles, your commitment to liam. You don’t do anything scandalous. You’re never in the tabloids. You don’t sabotage your marriage by following your own deep inner desires. I just worry, honey, that’s all. I know that working with thomas has caused a bit of a strain in your marriage and I don’t wanna see anything happen between you, liam, and your kids.

Hope: Mom, I won’t let that happen. I love liam. I love my family and– I mean, we’ve overcome so many obstacles, so many challenges to get to where we are. I will not let anyone derail that. Okay, mom? I– I won’t allow it.

Brooke: Okay. Yeah. I’m glad to hear that.

Hope: Yeah.

Brooke: I love you so much.

Hope: I love you. I’m sorry.


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