GH Transcript Thursday, April 13, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Portia: I canā€™t reach my daughter, Curtis.

Curtis: [Sighs] Well, she, um, might just have her phone off.

Portia: That would explain the voice mail, but the texts? The texts still should be going through. And theyā€™re not.

Curtis: Maybe sheā€™s out of range.

Portia: [Sighs] No. No, no, not Trina.

Curtis: [Sighs]

Portia: No.

Curtis: Jordan.

Jordan: Iā€™m sorry to bother you at work, but we have some questions about an ongoing investigation.

Portia: What kind of questions?

Curtis: Has something happened to Trina?

[Dramatic music]

Spencer: This canā€™t be the end of us. Weā€™re just getting started.

Trina: Iā€™m glad weā€™re on the same page.

Spencer: Promise me youā€™ll be careful.

Trina: I promise. We got this, Spencer. But first, we got to get me out of this room.

Spencer: Yeah, without my escort discovering you.

Trina: Any ideas?

[Distant telephone ringing]

Sonny: Laura.

Laura: Hi.

Sonny: Hi.

Laura: Are you here to check on Anna?

Sonny: Howā€™s she doing?

Laura: She made it out of surgery. They just moved her to ICU.

Sonny: I-Iā€™ll take anyā€“- any good news where I can get it.

Laura: So I take it that means that you donā€™t have any leads on Spencer?

Sonny: Or Victor. But donā€™t worry about it, because when I find him, heā€™s going to pay more than heā€™s ever paid before.

Michael: Why do I feel like Iā€™m about to get ganged up on?

Brook Lynn: Ganged up on is a little extreme.

Sasha: Willow has something she needs to tell you. Thatā€™s all.

Michael: Okay.

Willow: I know this is weird.

Michael: A little bit.

Willow: I just need you to really listen, all right?

Michael: Okay. I always listen to you. Whatā€™s going on?

Willow: I want to get married, Michael.

Michael: Okay, good. So do I.

Willow: Today.

[Monitor beeping]

Valentin: Well, hello.

Anna: [Coughing]

Valentin: If it isnā€™t the most beautiful thing Iā€™ve ever seen. Welcome back.

[Dramatic music]

Michael: Youā€“you want to get married today?

Willow: Tomorrow at the latest.

Brook Lynn: Makes sense, now that the transplant has been postponed.

Sasha: And who knows for how long, since Liesl is still missing?

Willow: I donā€™t want to wait. [Chuckles] I canā€™t wait. Time is running out, Michael. I want to marry you as soon as possible so we can have as long as possible together as husband and wife.

Michael: Oh, Willow–

Willow: Just, please consider it. [Chuckles]

Michael: Thereā€™s nothing to consider. Willow, I would marry you wheneverā€¦ wherever you want.

[Tender music]

Michael: [Chuckles]

Liesl: Let me go.

Victor: Ah, Liesl. There you are. And may I say you look divine?

Liesl: No, you may not.

Victor: Hmm. I do appreciate you joining me on such short notice. Uh, breakfast?

Liesl: Looks more like a funeral. All we need now is a body.

Valentin: How is she?

Doctor: [Sighs] Still at risk for post-op complications like infection, but youā€™re lucky. Youā€™re on track to make a full recovery.

Anna: Thank you. Thank you so– hey, look, you know, um, Iā€™mā€“ Iā€™m really grateful. Thank you.

Doctor: Youā€™re so welcome.

Anna: Thank you. [Sniffles]

Doctor: Iā€™ll be back to check on you, okay?

Anna: Yeah.

[Monitor beeping]

Anna: [Sighs]

Valentin: I donā€™t think luck had anything to do with it. I think god is an Anna Devane fan.

Anna: [Laughs]

Valentin: I thought Iā€™d lost you.

Anna: I think you saved my life, didnā€™t you?

Valentin: Iā€™m the reason you got shot in the first place.

Anna: Donā€™t do that to yourself. Donā€™t do that.

Valentin: Victor wanted to hurt me. He was willing to take you away from all of us to do it.

Anna: Well, he didn’t.

Valentin: Oh, thank god he didn’t.

Anna: Right before I blacked out, I saw something.

Valentin: What?

Anna: [Sniffles, cries] I saw all the faces of all the people I love. [Sniffles] I saw Robin and Emma and Noah and you. I-I think itā€™s what helped me fight, becauseā€¦ [Whimpering] Iā€™m not ready to leave any of you just yet. [Breathes shakily, exhales deeply] I think youā€™re stuck with me.

[Both crying and chuckling]

Valentin: Iā€™ll hold you to that.

Anna: Yeah, you should.

[Soft music]

Portia: You need to tell me whatā€™s going on right now.

Jordan: Can we go to your office?

Portia: Fine.

Curtis: You know, if this is about Trina, I need to come, too.

Portia: [Sighs] Curtis should be there, too.

Dante: Hey. Uh, any word on Anna?

Laura: Sheā€™s out of surgery. She made it.

Dante: Well, thatā€™s a relief. Unfortunately, it sounds like Victorā€™s list of victims is growing.

[Dramatic music]

Trina: Thereā€™s no reason for the guard to latch the door when youā€™re not here, right? Itā€™ll work.

Spencer: Yeah, it better.

Trina: We can do this. You know how I know?

Spencer: How?

Trina: Because we make a good team. I will be the definition of stealth, while– while you create the perfect diversion.

Spencer: Okay, listen to me. My uncle cannot catch you.

[Footsteps approaching]

Trina: He won’t.

Spencer: Someoneā€™s coming.

Trina: No turning back now.

Portia: You wanted privacy, so here we are. Now, please tell me whatā€™s going on before I completely lose my mind.

[Door closes]

Curtis: Jordan, what happened to Trina?

Jordan: We donā€™t know for sure. But we have reason to believe sheā€™s with Spencer Cassadineā€¦ and his great-uncle Victor.

[Dramatic music]

Spencer: Oh, itā€™s about time. I am starving. Hey, are we going or what?

Anna: Whatā€™s happening?

Valentin: I donā€™t think we should talk about that.

Anna: I want to talk about him.

Valentin: You should be resting.

Anna: Iā€™mā€“- Iā€™m resting. Iā€™m in a bed. Tell me.

Valentin: Okay. Whatā€™s the last thing you remember?

Anna: I donā€™t know. [Inhales deeply] Itā€™s a bit of a blur. I know you gave necklaceā€“ a necklace to Victor, didnā€™t you?

Valentin: He was going to hurt you. I was out of options.

Anna: Itā€™s okay. I– shh. I would have done the same thing. Did Lucy get out okay? Is sheā€“-

Valentin: Yeah.

Anna: Good.

Valentin: In fact, I think she made aā€¦ a grand entrance at the Nursesā€™ Ball.

Anna: [Laughs] Of course she did. Your fatherā€¦ where is he? Do we know?

Valentin: Yeah. And, no. He escaped on the ā€œHaunted Star.ā€ So far, the location of the boat is a mystery.

Anna: How is that possible?

Valentin: I donā€™t know. But it is. And you should know that the necklace is not the only thing he escaped with.

Victor: I had hoped we could play nice, but here you are, greeting me with threats. And if you are thinking about causing any trouble, you should know I have guards all over this ship ready to descend at a momentā€™s notice. Welcome, my boy.

Liesl: And then there were three.

Spencer: What is this?

Valentin: No, you mean who is this. I think youā€™ve already met Dr. Liesl Obrecht.

Spencer: Whereā€™s my brother? You said heā€™d be here.

Liesl: Make that four.

Victor: You have my word. Youā€™ll see him after breakfast. Now, please, both of you, come, sit. [Sighs contentedly] There, isnā€™t this nice? Well, before we begin, letā€™s raise a glass to new beginnings.

Spencer: Exactly how long do you think that you can string us along for?

Victor: I beg your pardon?

Spencer: You promised me answers, Uncle Victor, and I intend to collect.

Sonny: So Trina is also one of Victorā€™s hostages?

Dante: Itā€™s looking like that, yeah.

Laura: How much damage can one man do in one night?

Dante: Look, I-I know you guys are probably just as tired of hearing it as I am of saying it, but we are doing everything we can to find them.

Laura: And I know that. [Sighs] And I appreciate it. I really do. Itā€™s just that this is exactly what I was afraid of when Victor came back to Port Charles. You know? I meanā€¦ I tried to warn Spencer more than once. I tried to protect him.

Sonny: You still protect him. Weā€™re going to find him and bring him home.

Dante: That is the plan.

[Cell phone ringing]

Laura: Oh, dear. I-I have to take this. Excuse me. Mayor Collins?

Sonny: Howā€™s Michael and Willow?

Dante: I donā€™t know. I havenā€™t talked to him. I havenā€™t sat down since this whole thing started.

Sonny: I bet.

Dante: Have you talked to them?

Sonny: No.

Dante: Willow really needs that, uh, bone marrow transplant.

Sonny: Thereā€™s got to be a way we find Victor and bring Liesl home.

Dante: Well, we still have the guy who tried to kill Lucy in custody, but heā€™s not talking to anyone.

Sonny: Not to the cops. But maybe heā€™ll talk to me.

Brook Lynn: We can totally do today, but if you guys are willing to wait until tomorrow, things might be a little less frantic.

Willow: Weā€™re good with tomorrow.

Brook Lynn: Okay. Awesome. Everything is going to come togetherā€“I just know it.

Sasha: Itā€™ll be the best wedding this town has ever seen.

Brook Lynn: Uh, duh. Weā€™re the Quartermaines.

[Laughter, baby fussing]

Michael: Do you, uhā€“ do you think you can put Amelia down for a nap, please?

Brook Lynn: Yes. Of course.

Michael: Thank you.

Brook Lynn: Come here, Miss Amelia. It is snooze time. Oh, come here, sweetheart.

Willow: Okay. Be honest.

Michael: I am, always.

Willow: Is this really what you want?

Michael: [Chuckles] Willow, Iā€“ I want to be your husband. Of course this is what I want. What, did you think I was going to fight you on this?

Willow: I donā€™t know. I guessā€¦ I was just afraid youā€™d think I was giving up.

Michael: Are you?

Michael: With Liesl MIA right now, I know- I know things are scary. Soā€¦ I wouldnā€™t blame you if you felt, you knowā€¦ frustrated orā€“orā€“or hopeless.

Willow: Frustrated, yes, and angry andā€¦ afraid. But I have not given up hope. I am praying with every fiber of my being that Liesl is found, and soon.

Michael: Yeah. And thereā€™s every reason to believe that she will be, right? I mean, she hasnā€™t even missing for a full day.

Willow: Just feels like the days count more than they used to.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, they do.

Willow: And soā€¦ we need to be realistic. Dr. Randolph told us I donā€™t have much time left. And I donā€™t want to gamble with what could be my final days. I know. I hate the words as much as you do. But ignoring them doesnā€™t do us any good. If this is the end, I want it to be filled with as much joy and love as possible. [Chuckles] And soā€¦ just like I insisted on pushing back the wedding until after the transplant, now I want to get married right away. [Sighs] Am I driving you crazy?

Michael: The good kind of crazy. Letā€™s do it.

Willow: Yeah?

Michael: Yeah.

[Tender music]

Michael: But we, umā€¦ we donā€™t know what the future holds. And our time together mayā€¦ be limited. Butā€¦ our weddingā€¦ is an act of faithā€¦ that we are going to have many, many, many more years together with a family that our love created, okay?

Willow: I like the sound of that.

Michael: Yeah, so do I.

Dante: Dad.

Sonny: What?

Dante: What do you mean what? I canā€™t let you talk to the perp. Besides, you already took a crack at him.

Sonny: I donā€™t know what youā€™re implying.

Dante: Really?

Sonny: Yeah.

Dante: You donā€™t think that I know that youā€™re the reason that heā€™s got Diane as his attorney? I mean, itā€™s the only person heā€™s spoken to. I mean, theā€“the only lead we have is because of you.

Sonny: The ā€œHaunted Starā€ is untraceable. We got to find a different angle.

Dante: I know, and we will. I got people working on it. You got feelers out there, too. We will find them.

Sonny: What if itā€™s not in time?

Dante: Sheā€™s not going to quit. I donā€™t think you should either.

Sonny: I donā€™t want to be in this position again.

Dante: And what position is that?

Sonny: Where someone that I loveā€¦ is dying and I canā€™t do a damn thing about it.

[Dramatic music]

Portia: No. No, no, no. Thisā€¦ [Grunts awkwardly] This canā€™t be happening. No, no, no, this canā€™t be happening.

Jordan: When was the last time you saw or spoke to Trina?

Portia: [Sobs]

Curtis: Portia.

Portia: Itā€“it was at the Nursesā€™ Ball. And I went to her dorm afterwardsā€¦ but she never showed up.

Jordan: What about you?

Curtis: Same. Jordan, will you tell us whatā€™s going on?

Jordan: We have evidence that Victor Cassadine abducted Liesl Obrecht along with Esme Princeā€™s baby.

Portia:Oh, my god.

Jordan: We also believe Spencer Cassadine is with them as well. Now, given Trina was last seen with Spencer, who we believe was taken by his great-uncle–

Curtis: Your theory is that somehow Trina got caught up in it.

Jordan: Yes.

Curtis: Okay, so whatā€™s your department doing about it?

Jordan: Well, we have a lead, but, unfortunately, following it wonā€™t be easy.

Anna: Your father has hostages? Who?

Valentin: Nothing is certain, but the police suspect he has Spencer and baby Ace.

Anna: Oh, god, no.

Valentin: As well as Liesl Obrecht.

Anna: Liesl? What does he want with them?

Valentin: I donā€™t know. Maybe they have value as hostages. Maybe itā€™s part of his master plan. Or maybe itā€™s both.

Spencer: You keep talking about new beginnings, but you still havenā€™t told us where weā€™re going or why. And from the way that sheā€™s glaring at you, Iā€™m betting that Dr. Obrecht isnā€™t exactly here because she wants to be.

Victor: I know, this whole situation must seem very disconcerting to both of you. But, Spencer, youā€™ve always shown willingness to protect our family at any cost. Iā€™m counting on you and your brother to ensure the future prosperity of the Cassadines.

Liesl: As disturbing as that explanation was, I suppose I can understand you kidnapping your own kin. But what is my purpose? I certainly do not care about the Cassadine legacy.

Victor: Oh-ho-ho. Oh, this goes much further than a family legacy. When my plan comes to fruition, weā€™ll be ushering in a new era for humanity.

Sonny: When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, there was not a damn thing I could do about it, no lead I could take. This awfulā€¦ [Sighs] disease was just happening to us.

Dante: Yeah, same thing with Stone.

Sonny: All I could do is just stand by there and justā€¦ watch him slip away. And no matter howā€“how ugly it is with me and Michael, I donā€™t wish that on anyone.

Dante: Youā€™re wrong. The way I heard it, you didnā€™t just stand there and do nothing. You cared for Mike. You loved him. You made sure his last months, weeks, and days on this earth were good ones.

[Dramatic music]

Dante: You did the same thing with Stone.Ā  Could you save them? No. No one could. But you did them both aā€¦ a world of good.

Sonny: Thanks for saying that.

Dante: Itā€™s just the truth. You could do the same thing for Michael and Willow.

Sonny: I would love to, but Michael wonā€™t let me.

Dante: I wouldnā€™t be so sure about that.

Michael: Is everything good with Amelia?

Sasha: She went down without so much as a whimper.

Brook Lynn: Clearly, we have the magic touch. So what do we have to do to get this wedding off the ground?

Sasha: Put us to work.

Willow: Most everything is planned already, but we do need to contact the vendors and tell them weā€™re moving up the date.

Sasha: On it. Send me the list.

Willow: Okay, I will. [Chuckles] Love you.

Sasha: And Iā€™ll talk to you soon, okay?

[Soft music]

Sasha: Bye.

Brook Lynn: Bye, Sasha.

Michael: Iā€™ll, uhā€“Iā€™ll walk you out. [Sighs] Hereā€¦

Brook Lynn: Okay. So notifying the vendors, done. What else?

Willow: Would you mind?

Brook Lynn: Checking on Michael?

Willow: I know this is hard on him. Help him if you can.

Brook Lynn: Yeah.

Jordan: We believe Victor left Port Charles on the ā€œHaunted Star.ā€

Curtis: Doesnā€™t that ship have a GPS tracker?

Jordan: It did, but we found it tied to a buoy in the harbor.

Portia: [Sighs] So they could be anywhere.

Jordan: The coast guard is working to locate them via satellite, but so far, no luck.

Portia: This is a living nightmare.

Jordan: We are utilizing all resources, Portia. I promise. The goal is to bring Trina, Spencer, and whomever else is on that boat home safely.

Curtis: Jordan, thank you.

Jordan: Iā€™ll obviously be in touch.

[Somber music]

[Door opens, closes]

Portia: My baby girl. She must be so scared right now. [Cries]

Curtis: Itā€™s okay. Okay? I got you. Itā€™ll be okay.

Portia: Okay.

Curtis: It will be okay.

Portia: [Cries]

Anna: Oh. [Winces] Ow. Okay, lookā€¦ I donā€™t think your father is motivated by money, right? So itā€™s not a ransom. No?

Valentin: No. He could be using Liesl, Spencer, and the baby as human shields.

Anna: Um, yeah, I meanā€¦ I imagine that he sees Spencer as practically the only family he has left. But Liesl, Iā€¦ does he need something from her? Because, remember, we donā€™t know what the– what the code on the Ice Princess necklace means. We donā€™t know if it leads somewhere.

Valentin: Well, regardless, Victor has everything he needs to put his plan in motion, and he can strike at any minute.

Anna: Oh, god. How do we orā€“or anybody– how do we stop him?

Liesl: Once again, you fall prey to your bloated sense of self-importance.

Victor: Iā€™m merely stating a fact. Someone has to do what needs to be done.

Liesl: And that is?

Spencer: Yeah, when you say ā€œnew era,ā€ what does that mean?

Victor: When I was younger, I was horrified by the damage we were doing to our planet.

Spencer: Oh, we?

Victor: Yes, we, us, people, humanity, our greed and short-sightedness, carelessly consuming the very resources we needed to survive. I mean, left unchecked, there will be nothing left for future generations. Now, once upon a time, my brother, Mikkos, shared these views. So, together, we developed a technology to reverse mankindā€™s mistakes.

Liesl: The device you use to control the climate. Do remind us how that turned out.

Victor: Yes, all right, I admit, uhā€¦ allying with Mikkos was a mistake. He soon showed himself to be a mere opportunist using our innovation for extortion. His greed was not only disgusting. It was our undoing.

Liesl: His greed, along with Luke and Laura.

Victor: Yes, well, I wonā€™t make the same mistake twice. There are other ways of accomplishing what I set out to do all those years ago.

Spencer: How?

Victor: Mikkos and I developed another set of tools to save the world, tools that we could fall back on if our first plan was a failure.

Liesl: Now, thereā€™s an understatement.

Victor: For security reasons, we placed these tools in bunkers, the locations of which only Mikkos knew. He engraved a code on the Ice Princess, which, when deciphered, would give the coordinates of those locations.

Spencer: The Ice Princess, as in the diamond?

Victor: Thatā€™s correct.

Spencer: And I assume that weā€™re headed to one of those bunkers.

Liesl: Is that why you killed Luke Spencer? So you could get your hands on that diamond?

Victor: Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. And thereā€™s plenty of people out there who agree with me. While I was working on my plan, I gathered a great number of– of true believers, willing to give their life for the cause.

Liesl: Before this is over, how many unwilling people are going to perish?

[Dramatic music]

Victor: Humanity has all but ensured its own annihilation. The only way to reverse the damage is to take extreme measures and take them now.

Spencer: Define ā€œextreme.ā€

Victor: 40 years after Mikkosā€™ folly, do you realize the population of the planet has almost doubled? Eight billion people. Think of the strain on our resources and space. Thereā€™s no way it can be sustained. But it can be fixed.

Liesl: ā€œFixedā€? How?

Victor: A pathogen stored in one of my brotherā€™s bunkers. Once released, it will reduce the population to manageable levels.

Liesl: Your plan is to release an unknown pathogen into the world?

Victor: ā€œUnknownā€? No, no, Mikkos and I cultivated it to very specific specifications.

Liesl: Four decades ago. Who knows how that pathogen has morphed in that time?

Victor: The survivors will usher in a new age of man.

Spencer: So to hell with all the innocent people who will die, so long as your family remains intact. Who appointed you judge, jury, and executioner?

Victor: I know, I know. It seems heartless. But to bring about true change involves sacrifice.

Spencer: Sacrifice from everybody else!

Victor: Someone has to have the courage to make the hard choices!

Spencer: Thereā€™s no way. Iā€™m not going to let you get away with this.

Victor: Oh, Iā€™ve been working towards this all my life. No one is going to stop me now. Not even you.

[Dramatic music]

[Device beeps, whirs]

[Indistinct chatter over radio]

Portia: Victor has Trina on some ship for god knows what reason, and we have no idea where they are. What if Trina is hurt, or she–

Curtis: We will find her.

Portia: Yeah, but how? My daughter needs protecting, and Iā€™m not there to protect her. What am I supposed to do?

Curtis: I have seen how Trina handles herself in threatening situations, okay? Sheā€™s tough. Sheā€™s levelheaded. If sheā€™s with Victor and Spencer, sheā€™s finding a way out of it.

Portia: [Shudders] You really think so?

Curtis: I know so.

Laura: Jordan, Dante just told me that Trina may also be one of Victorā€™s hostages?

Jordan: Itā€™s a theory for now, but itā€™s looking more and more likely. I just broke the news to Portia and Curtis.

Laura: She must be going out of her mind.

Jordan: Yeah, not the most fun conversation Iā€™ve ever had.

Laura: We have got to find those kids and bring them back home. My office is at your disposal. Donā€™t hesitate to ask for anything.

Jordan: Thank you. You know, actually, there is something you can do.

Sonny: Last time I checked, Michael didnā€™t, you know, want anything to do with me, unless you– you know something different.

Dante: I think in hard times, peopleā€™s perspectives change, and you reevaluate whatā€™s important in your life. And I just think Michael’s feelings will change as this situation evolves.

Sonny: You know, whenā€“when Willow got leukemia, there was a moment that Michael and I– I thought we were going to fix things. But last time I talked to him, it got heated. And he just doesnā€™t want to see me at all.

Dante: Yeah, butā€“-

Sonny: I know that.

Dante: Okay, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but maybe next week, or who knows, right? If one day he wakes up and finds himself needing his father, itā€™s not like youā€™re going to turn away, right?

Sonny: No matter how angry I am with Michael, if he reached out, Iā€™d be there.

Dante: Right. So do that. Youā€™re looking for something to do anyway. Do that.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Dante: Anyway, some of us got to work. I got to go.

Sonny: [Grunts] Thanks for the talk.

Dante: Anytime.

Michael: [Sighs]

Brook Lynn: Hi.

Michael: Hey. Guess you caught me having a moment.

Brook Lynn: Remember what I said about those? Youā€™re allowed to have as many as you need.

Michael: Yeah, well, good, because they seem to be happening a lot more lately.

Brook Lynn: Just not in front of Willow.

Michael: No, no, not in front of Willow. She has enough on her plate. I donā€™t need to add to it.

Brook Lynn: Can I say something? If you think Iā€™m overstepping–

Michael:Ā  Yeah, Iā€™ll tell you. Go ahead.

Brook Lynn: Maybe itā€™s time that you and Willow shared a plateā€¦ you know? [Sighs] Shared your feelings about whatā€™s really going on, because the truth is, Michael, this is happening to both of you. Just know that I love you, okay? Iā€™m here for whatever you need.

Michael: Yeah, thanks. I love you, too.

Brook Lynn: Even though I annoy the heck out of you sometimes?


[Cell phone ringing]

Michael: Iā€™m being summoned.

Brook Lynn: Let me go.

Michael: You sure?

Brook Lynn: Yeah. I miss the days of rocking Bailey back to sleep.

Michael: Okay. Thank you.

[Ringing continues]

Michael: [Sighs] Look, nowā€™s not a good time.

Sonny: Itā€™ll be quick. Youā€“you donā€™t even have to respond. Just let me say my piece.

Sonny: I just need a minute, Michael.

Michael: [Sighs] Okay. Go ahead.

Sonny: I just want you to know that Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about you and Willow, and I know this must be tearing you up inside. And, I know howā€“ you know, how that feels. Having to be strong for everyone, and deep down inside, all you want to do is curl up in a ball. I know you donā€™t want to take me up on this, but I just want you to know that if you ever need me, in any way, Iā€™m here for you. All you gotta do is say the word.Ā  Michael, you still there?

Michael: Yeah, Iā€™m here.

Sonny: You wanna talk?

Michael: Uh, no, I gotta ā€” I gotta go.

Sonny: Okay.

Michael: But, uhā€¦ I hear you.

Valentin: I know one thingā€™s certain, that we wonā€™t be doing anything. We will stay in bed, and we will recover.

Anna: Okay. Iā€“ I mean, just because Iā€™m in this bed, it doesnā€™t render me useless, you know.

Valentin: Of course youā€™re not useless. I need you. If Iā€™m going to bring Victor down, then I need your health, desperately. But Iā€™m not going to jeopardize your health to do it. Not much scares me, you know. But when I watched youā€¦ and then I held you in my arms, and I watched you fade awayā€¦ That terrified me. I donā€™t watch to be without you.

Anna: You wonā€™t be.

Valentin: So you promise me you wonā€™t do anything to put yourself at risk?

Anna: Okay. I promise.

Jordan: I know youā€™ve been working to take down Victor ever since he returned to Port Charles. You made allusions in the past, and Robert and Felicia confirmed it yesterday.

Laura: I have a long history with the Cassadines. They have terrorized me and my family countless times, countless ways. No more.

Jordan: Iā€™m not blaming you. But, youā€™ve kept me out of the loop for way too long. I want in. Our best chance at nailing Victor is by working together, all of us.

Portia: My mind keeps going to all the scariest places.

Curtis: Honey, you have to try not let it.

Portia: Curtis, we both know the Cassadines ā€” how vindictive and evil and lethal they are.

Curtis: Jordan has the entire PCPD on their tail.

Portia: [ Sighs ] What if theyā€™re not in time?

Curtis: Trina is coming home, Portia. Even if I have to bring her home myself.

[ Device beeps, whirs ]

Trina: Come on, Spencer. Where is the diversion?

Victor: Come on, Spencer. Think about it. This is the only way you and your brother will have a world to grow up in.

Spencer: Assuming we donā€™t fall victim to the pathogenā€™s effects.

Victor: Well, that is where the lovely Dr. Obrecht comes in. You see, her expertise will ensure that my heirs are properly inoculated.

Liesl: Thus ensuring your precious legacy. If you think Iā€™m going to help you, Victor, youā€™ve truly lost your [ speaks German ].

Victor: [ Chuckles] Oh, I do love it when you talk German. But, uh, if you donā€™t comply with my wishesā€¦ I promise you, the consequences will be dire.

Liesl: [ Screams ]

Spencer: You can say that again.

Liesl: [ Gasping for breath ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

Brook Lynn (on phone): I have a critical mission for you, and you have to accept it.

Gregory (to Chase): Well, that’s good news, right?

Sam (to Alexis): Why can’t you just let this go?

Curtis (to Jordan): Believe me, he will not see me coming.

Victor: The consequences will be dire.

Trina: Now what?

Portia (on phone): He-help is on the way.

Spencer: No Obrecht, no plan.

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