Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 11, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you’d be spending the day with Summer.

Nick: I mean, that was my plan but every time I try and talk to her or offer to help with the service, she just tells me to back off and says she’s got it handled.

Victoria: Well, imagine that. The daughter of two unstoppable powerhouses, and… the granddaughter of an unmovable force wanting to take on the world herself.

Nick: What do you think I should do?

Victoria: Maybe don’t hover so much. Just give her a little space and make sure that you keep an eye on her, though, in case she’s taking on too much.

Nick: Yeah. She could also just be going all in as like a coping mechanism.

Victoria: Which is why you’re also at work today, I assume.
Nick: That’s part of it.

Victoria: Well, you know that your boss is not going to fire you for taking bereavement leave.


Devon: Yeah. Want a drink?

Tucker: What’s this?

Devon: It’s apple juice.

Tucker: I see.

Devon: It’s Dominic’s favorite.

Tucker: Okay. Is it a good vintage?

Devon: I think so. Check the year

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 10, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: Wow, how sweet. You’re actually taking a break from fawning all over Diane to show compassion for somebody else.

Jack: I don’t know why you’d be surprised. My heart goes out to anyone who cared about Phyllis. She was a big part of my life, a big part of this family’s life.

Ashley: Yeah. Seems to me though, you’ve forgotten about all the people you say you care about ever since you got back involved with Diane.

Jack: That is not true, Ash.

Ashley: I think it is, Jack. I almost expected to find you down here consoling her because your big engagement news got overshadowed by Phyllis’s dying.

Jack: It is amazing to me even at a time like this, my own sister can’t set aside her vitriol for the woman I love.

Ashley: Oh, God.


Ashley: You brought Diane into our company, then into our home, and now you wanna make her a member of our family. When is it enough? When is the damage that she’s caused to all of us enough?

Jack: I am not having this conversation.

Ashley: Let’s just be honest, Jack. After all the stress and anxiety that Diane caused Phyllis all these months, is it really just a coincidence? You announce your engagement to Diane and Phyllis collapses and then dies?

Jack: You have no evidence of that. That is speculation.

Ashley: I don’t have to speculate about all the misery that she’s brought to us because I have personally lived it. And now, you’re willing to turn your back on everyone and everything that you say you care about and you still wanna marry her.

Jack: That is enough.

Ashley: It’s not enough because I can’t get through to you and nobody can get through to you. I’m worried for you. I’m worried that you’re gonna suffer the same consequences of being involved with Diane that Phyllis did.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, March 31, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Take your lies and get the hell out of here, stark. Phyllis, the woman you claim to have married, was just take
out in an ambulance, and all you can seem to do is stand here and throw around accusations.

Jeremy: I’m not claiming anything, Jack. I have a marriage license here, dated three days ago.

Michael: Excuse me. Looks like Phyllis is Mrs. Jeremy Stark.

Jack: Wait, that’s — that’s ridiculous. Why would Phyllis marry a known criminal? This is insane.

Jeremy: You want to know why she married me? You, Diane, and many of the fine, upstanding citizens of genoa city has pushed Phyllis to a new low. You pushed us to find each other.

Jack: Wow, you are a piece of work. You know that? You got a lot of nerve taking advantage of Phyllis’ condition. What the hell is wrong with you?

Jeremy: You don’t like that I’m married to Phyllis? Too bad. It’s your fault. All of you! Especially you.


Ashley: Marry you?


Tucker: That’s not the reaction I was hoping for.

Ashley: You can’t be serious. Oh, come on.

Tucker: No, to me, it seems like the next natural step for us.

Ashley: Oh, of course! We went out on a date, and the natural next step would be to plan a wedding. Sure.

Tucker: Well, it wouldn’t have to be a fancy wedding. We could elope.
Ashley: Right. Yeah. No. See, I think what happened to you is that Jack announced his engagement to Diane, and it went to your — your brain. You’re temporarily insane. Thank you. But, no, I will not marry you.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, March 30, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Mom, you need to stop this.

Summer: Please.

Phyllis: Why? Why do I need to stop? I’m embarrassing you? Is that what I’m doing?

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, a little. So why don’t we go, you and me right now? Come on, let’s —

Phyllis: Why? Why? Why? ‘Cause I’m telling the truth? Is that why? Because that woman has convinced everyone in town that she’s a changed woman?

Jack: Listen to your children. Go. Now.

Phyllis: I will go when i am good and ready! When I am good and ready, I will leave this room! But not until then! Does everybody have a problem with the truth? You have a problem with that? You don’t, right? You know what I’m talking about. I have lost everything. I have lost my entire life, my children, everything because of that woman. And I am telling you, that woman is as dangerous today as she was the day she faked her death, and I am the only one, apparently, who sees this.



Phyllis: I’ve hurt a lot of people in this room, but you know I’d sacrifice anything for my children. You know. And I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this, but I have to. I have to. I have no choice. Because of you. Because of you. That’s why I am doing this. Because of you. Because she’ll try to take me down. Oh, I’m — I’m fine.

Summer: Mom.

Phyllis: I’m okay.

[Breathes heavily] I’m fine.

Summer: You’re not fine.

Diane: You’re obviously drunk, so why don’t you just go home and, sleep it off

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 29, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: I should do the world a favor and strangle you to death!

Jack: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What is going on?!

Kyle: Hey! Hey!

Phyllis: Oh, my god!

[Breathing heavily] What do you think’s going on here? She’s trying to kill me! You saw it. You saw her trying to kill me. Oh, this is unbelievable.

[Breathing heavily] Unbelievable. You — you stay away from me. You hear me?


Daniel: You know, I’m glad things have finally taken a turn for the better between you and Devon.

Lily: Yeah, me too. And thank you for being so supportive through the lawsuit. I know it was a lot.


Daniel: That’s what friends are for.

Lily: [Chuckles] And I promise I will share all of the details of what happened. I just — I really want to enjoy this moment right now.

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, March 28, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: So, how did things go with Victoria and your father?

Adam: Uh, better than expected, actually.

Sharon: Well, that sounds promising.

Adam: I realized how fun it could be when my father and i get along.

Sharon: In what way?

Adam: Well, Victoria is jealous. This father and son reunion is killing her. Just seeing her try not to work herself into a frenzy — it’s a gift that keeps giving.

Sharon: Adam…

Adam: I know what you’re gonna say. Okay? And you’re right. We’re not here to celebrate Victoria driving herself crazy. Tonight is about Genoa City’s bicentennial.

Sharon: That’s right. And as long as we are here celebrating history and fond memories and longevity, here’s to us, best of friends


Nick: So, how you doing? You cold?

Sally: A little, yeah. But it was totally worth it. The rooftop view is gorgeous.

Nick: It’s nothing compared to what I’m looking at right now.
[Camera shutter clicking]

Sally: You, always with the right thing to say.

Nick: Yeah, it makes up for the fact that I’ve been a subpar date.

Sally: Well, you’ve been attentive, courteous.

Nick: Haven’t even asked you to dance yet.

Sally: Well, I thought maybe it had something to do with your abilities.

Nick: Uh, what? Wh– did you just question my abilities as an answer?

Sally: I don’t know. I have heard things.

Nick: Oh, no, no. You — let’s go. It’s on.

Sally: [Chuckling] Okay.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, March 27, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: So, what’s been your favorite part of the evening so far?

Kyle: Mm, besides sharing it with you?

Summer: Good answer.

Kyle: I’d have to say walking into this place — I mean, a brand-new jazz venue tucked inside the athletic club. How cool is that? And your grandparents’ speech.

Summer: Really?

Kyle: Mm. What Victor said about people returning to Genoa City to raise their kids spoke to me.

Summer: I know what you mean.

Kyle: I’m so glad we moved home.

Summer: Yeah, Milan was amazing, but this is always gonna be home.


Lauren: [Sighs] I never thought I would see the day.

Michael: Now, now, be nice.

Lauren: [Chuckling] Oh, this is me being nice, darling. You know, back when Diane resurrected herself, Jack was adamant. He said to me that he would never let her back into his life, that that door was shut tight.

Michael: Hurrah for second chances. And even ninth or tenth chances.

Lauren: [Sighs] I just hope he knows what he’s doing.

Michael: Jack’s a big boy. This ain’t their first time around, you know.

Lauren: Still, it’s Diane.

Michael: Alright. Personally, I think they look great together.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Because if Phyllis walked in right now and saw them together, all hell would break loose. [ Sighs ]

***”******** *******

Audra: Hmm. Victoria doesn’t seem to be wasting any time.

Elena: Audra, stop.

Audra: I’m just stating a fact. Victoria is someone you’ll want to keep your eyes on.

Elena: If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go join my boyfriend. Hi.
Nate: Hey, beautiful. I am so glad you made it.

Elena: Wouldn’t miss it for the world.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 22, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: You will never in a million years guess what I found in Diane’s purse.

Jeremy: You were rummaging through her purse?

Phyllis: A big, fat diamond engagement ring. That was in her purse.
Jeremy: Huh.

Phyllis: She did it! She got Jack to propose to her. So, I was right all along. That was her goal — to come here and con Jack and everybody else in this town. And she has a big diamond ring to prove it.

Jeremy: All of her dreams are coming true.

Phyllis: Her dreams are my nightmares. There’s no way in hell I’m letting this happen.

Jeremy: That must be the news she was talking about.

Phyllis: Of course. Of course. She was gloating in advance. This was her “news.”

[Sighs heavily] I’m just thinking of my future family events, how I have to sit there and make nice and ta– oh, I’m not even gonna be invited. Forget it. I will never see my daughter again. I will never have a relationship with my daughter again. I am not letting this happen! This will not be ignored, Jeremy! This evil must be eradicated.

Jeremy: Okay. Well, then it’s a good thing our plan will stop Diane dead in her tracks.


Phyllis: I mean, I know exactly what this woman’s gonna do. She’s
gonna make this whole gala about her and her engagement. She’s gonna celebrate. “Hey, I’m back from the dead, and I’m also the newest member of the Abbott family,” with this big, disgusting ring on her finger.

Jeremy: She is insufferable. I mean, the fact that she’s being so unjustly rewarded despite all the crimes she’s committed and all the lies she’s told.

Phyllis: I don’t understand this. I don’t understand why I’m the only one who sees her for who she is. I don’t get it.

Jeremy: You’re not alone anymore, Phyllis. You got me. And if she’s planning this big announcement tonight, I think it’s only right that we make our move, as well, to balance the scales of justice.

Phyllis: Okay. I mean, everything has to go as planned. It has to because if this blows up in my face…

Jeremy: That’s the beautiful thing about a masquerade ball. I can work my magic, and no one will even know I was there.

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Interview with Esta Terblanche

TV Interview!


Actress Esta Terblanche

Interview with actress Esta Terblanche of “All My Children” by Suzanne 4/21/23

It was great to speak with Esta! I really loved her character, Gillian, on All My Children, and her relationship with Ryan Lavery (played by Cameron Mathison, who’s now on “General Hospital“).  Esta would like to get back into acting, preferably on a soap. It would be amazing if they hired her to be in GH!  Incidentally, she hasn’t aged much at all since she left AMC!


Actress Esta TerblancheEsta TerBlanche

Actress Esta TerBlanche is best known for her contract role of Gillian Andrassy on the ABC Daytime soap opera All My Children. Her credits also include Spin City and hosting the South African youth program K-T.V.

She was born on January 7, 1973 in Rustenburg, North West Province, South Africa. She is an actress and producer, known for All My Children (1970), Germination (2013) and Three Thieves and a Wedding (1991). She speaks numerous languages, including French, Italian, and Russian and was Miss Teen South Africa. [1991]

Became a household name on the first Prime time Daily Soap ever in South Africa as Bienkie in “Egoli – Place of Gold”.

Hosted numerous TV show: Carte Blanche, Math No Problem, K-TV, Supermodel, Wish you were Here, Series of Documentaries by filmmaker Michael Kastenbaum, Documentaries by Neil Sandilands.

Played lead in short film Germination directed by Neil Sandilands.

Played lead in film “Three Thieves and a Wedding”.

Had a lead in a Pilot directed by Neil Sandilands.

Hosted Soap Opera Digest Awards Show

Been on Various Talk Shows/Entertainment Show: Entertainment Tonight (ET), Good Morning America, Extra, Gayle King Talk Show, Pasella, Kwêla.

– Voted as one of the 50 most beautiful women on Television

– Voted one of the 25 most Beautiful Women on Daytime Television

– Part of 2 of the 5 most Legendary Story lines in the History of American Daytime Television

– Emmy Award Best Show

– South African Prestigious Award Rapport & Sunday Times Woman of the Year (previously won by Charlize Theron)

Jockey Billboard in Times Square with Kelly Ripa.

Wikipedia Instagram

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Actress Esta Terblanche


GH Short Recap Friday, April 21, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny has Dex deliver some plans to Christina. Christina is touched when she opens the plans and Sonny has picked several possible locations for the Corinthos Davis house, a shelter for homeless teens. Dex starts to have second thoughts about going through with Michael’s plan to bring down Sonny.

Cody tells Sasha that he thinks Gladys framed him for stealing the necklace Gladys wore to the Nurses Ball. Sasha wonders why Gladys would do that to him. Cody can’t tell Sasha about Selina Wu’s illegal Poker games. Sasha tells Cody she can’t trust him, but she does trust Gladys. Drew, and Curtis to find a map inside a Greek mythology book he gave to Oscar. Curtis and Drew show the map to Laura, who thinks she knows which one of the locations circled on the map that Victor may be taking the Haunted Star.

Dr. Navarro tells Molly she may have endometriosis and the doctor does some tests on Molly.

Trina tells Spencer that she wants him to be her first, and she wants to make love right now. Spencer and Trina stop making love when Spencer looks out the window and notices the ship has stopped because they have reached land.

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Days Transcript Friday, April 21, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Yeah. Who the hell is that at this time of night?

Whoa. And you’re home. Home. You were in Bed Man’s, your. I forgot. I’ll go. No, no. I’ll, no, no, no. Get your butt in here. Come on, man. I’m nowhere near going to bed. You now you look beat. Have a seat. Yeah. Well, yes I am. Uh, the, uh, flight got in late to here. I, uh, couldn’t sleep on the plane. I, it’s way too late. I shouldn’t, I’m doing some work here.

Eating a sandwich. You want some food? I’m, I’m getting you a sandwich. You want a drink? I’m good. Good. All right. No, I’ve, um, been trying to get ahold of you buddy. Yeah. I was in Ireland to, uh, you know, scatter Katie’s ashes. Yeah, I know. And then I spent a few days with Carrie and Austin and, uh, Billy and Chelsea.

So that was good. Yeah. Few days, huh? So what you um, lost track of time. You’ve been gone a hell of a lot longer than that. Yeah. Well, I. Went out the grid for a while. I just needed some, uh, time to myself to kind of, you know, get it together before I came back home without Kate. Yeah, I get that.

A few things I need to tell you. First of all, Steven, I, we found Megan Hathaway. Did you kill her? No. No, but she’s in custody. She’s paying for what she did. Not enough. Roman, there’s something else that you need to know, and this is, this is kind of complicated, John. I thought I heard somebody.

Sure. You don’t want something to eat? No, I, I wanna get. As soon as I get this list of Victor’s properties in order so that we don’t keep doubling back. Some of these places are up in the mountains. This could take forever.

Oh God. Jen, how can this be happening? Hey, listen. Look at me. Your parents are fine. I’m sure of it. How can you be? How can I be? Well, cuz what we’re talking about, Steven, Kayla. The meanest sons of bitches in the valley.

Maybe that’s Andrew.

You found them? We found where they were being held. Steph, when we stormed in to try to rescue them, there was resistance. Resistance. The people who were holding them were armed and they fought back. Steph, they were caught in a crossfire. Both of them. I’m sorry. They died. No, no, no. What, what? What was a nightmare?

He said they were dead. Who? No, nobody’s. Nobody’s dead. They’re not dead. They’re okay.

It’s best for both of us. If you think about. For hope too. She started a whole new life. She’s moved on with you and you guys, you, you have a good thing going. Why break her heart again? So she’s all yours. You get the girl, I get my new life without her win-win as long as you keep this little conversation of ours.

Between us, so I’m, we’re supposed to pretend I never saw you deceive hope and let her believe that her husband’s dead. Yeah. But the way I see it, you’re not really deceiving her from my point of view. That husband is dead.

Yeah. I started on the list. I, I went to Victor Kiki’s, uh, childhood Home. Oh funny. Paris, did you find anything? No, uh, nothing at all. It was, uh, place was deserted.

Hi, did I?

How can you tell the days are just running into each other? Oh, it won’t be much longer. Now why do he say that? Well pause. Bringing to that lab equipment, right? So you can make that serum he’s so obsessed with, which would be a nightmare. You don’t have to worry about that because when we get that equipment, it’ll be a game changer.

How so? Because we’ll be able to arm ourselves. There’ll be chemicals, some metal instruments. Steve Bo has a gun. Yes. Well, listen, I’ll draw his fire white. No, no, no, no. I am not gonna hurt him. He’s my brother. I’m not gonna hurt him. Just disarm him. We’ll get the hell outta here and then we’ll get Beau the help he needs.

Fries and shine. Oh, only one ball this time, huh? Yeah. Didn’t wanna be wearing your meal again. So thanks to you. You have cold leftover fish stoop. Come on, Kate. Get up. We’re leaving.

Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

What the hell time? Is it time for you to have a visitor at this hour? Who is.

Special agent Andrew Donovan Isa. Hello, Ms. Hathaway. We need to talk

here. Ru, I think you better sit down. Yeah. Hey buddy. Come on. Take. Come on. It’s her. Pardon? Where the hell? That was what I was just about to tell you. When we tracked Megan down, we not only found Marna, but we found Kayla too. Of Yes. Yes. Alive.

I, I don’t understand. We were right. Megan is the one that stole the orchid from Kristen. She, Dr. Ralphs manufacturer serum to cure them, and then he kept them in a cryogenic state. Okay. It’s a lot to take in. Yeah. My God. Funeral. She’s alive. My God. That’s wonderful. That’s incredible. Hmm. Oh my God. But what about Kate?

It was just so real. Andrew came and he, he told me my parents were dead.

I know what nightmares are. When I lost Abby, I, uh, I was afraid to close my eyes. Chad, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to No, no, no. Don’t I That’s, I, I, I’m just saying that I know how scared you must be. I really do believe we’re gonna find them alive. That’s weird. What is, you said that in my nightmare, you’re.

Even in a nightmare. Thank you. I couldn’t get through this without you. I wouldn’t let you think about this. We’re making progress. We’re getting closer. Are we? I mean, now that we know that it wasn’t Thomas Banks who took my mom, to me it feels like we don’t even have a clue of who we’re dealing with, let alone why.

Where are we going? Not you? Just her. She’s not her. She’s your sister. Okay. Beautiful. Sister of mine. I have found a Titan Research Lab, brand new. I don’t think anyone’s used it, but it has everything you say. You need to create the formula for the sear. So, yep, we’ve got the orchid, the prisms, everything we need.

Let’s go over my dead body. Hmm. That could be arranged.

Not yet, nothing. What, what’d he ask? Uh, because you look like you haven’t slept. Yeah. It’s just, you know, it’s uncomfortable and I, I can’t stop worrying about Steven, Kayla. Yeah, me too. I, last night I was racking my brain trying to figure out why banks was telling Stephanie and Chad. He said he wanted them to lead him to Kayla, but why does he even care about Kayla?

And why did Megan lie to us about her? Really did take her, she must be protecting someone, right? The question is, who does she care enough about to protect? The fact is that she is crazy too. Yeah, very crazy. But she’s definitely not stupid. She never does anything without reason. A self-serving reason.

Harris, it’s so frustra. There are so many questions and no good answers. Listen, hope

there’s something I have to tell you.

You know, I really do think it’s, it’s good that it wasn’t Thomas Banks that took your mom and that guy is extremely dangerous. He tried to kill hope, but whoever has her and my dad may be worse. I don’t think so. I’m whoever did this was sophisticated enough to waltz into a police station, impersonating Shane Donovan, and walk out with your dad without raising any suspicions.

Chad, that’s terrifying. That means that he’s really, really good at being a criminal. Yeah, I’m, I’m, I’m not so sure. I mean, if it’s the same person who took both your parents, he let your mom get to his cell phone. He hasn’t made any random demands. So then what does he want? I don’t know. I mean, that’s the question.

He can’t be taking orders from Megan Hathaway. If he ever was because she’s in prison. Isa swept the island and found her Ralph and a whole lot of jungle, and there aren’t a lot of people that it could be when you get your detective badge. Well, your dad taught you how to pick locks. Mine was a master criminal.

You ask yourself, what would Stefan out do? Something like that. Yeah. And like I, I, I still think the best clue we have is the one your mom gave us when she said Victor’s name. I think she’s gonna be at one of his properties. I mean, we. You still have a few to check out? I really do believe we’re gonna find them today.

You just gotta have faith. Okay. I’m trying. I’m trying.

Agent Donovan, what brings you to Salem? You. Oh, you’re a bit young for me, but I am flattered, especially since I have to make a hundred license plates in order to afford toothpaste. So don’t suppose we can add toiletries to the dla. I’d assume they were included. Hmm? You say you don’t like it here? No, I’m just trying to score some toothpaste.

Well, that’s not going to work. You can’t add anything to the deal because the deal is off. You can’t do that. I told you who took Kayla. Yeah. And you lied.

Steve told. Come on. If I let him take you outta here, I might never see you again. You keep this up, you won’t. Okay, come on. If I keep you guys apart, you have incentive to work faster to get back to him. Okay? Let’s just say that I could even do it. How do I know for sure you are gonna let me get back to him?

I’m not. I am not here to ruin your lives. You give me what I need. You get your lives back. As long as he behaves himself. What if somebody comes looking for us while you’re gone? You said Chad and Stephanie were, were here and, and Hope and Michael, no one is coming. How can you be so sure? Because someone stopped by yesterday and they won’t be coming back.

Do you have something to tell me? It is. It,

uh, just, um, you know how much I, I care about you. I’m. You’re sorry for what? Well, I, um, I just feel like you know, what you and your family are going through is at least, it’s partly it’s my fault. Harris,

you, you’re doing everything you can now to help us.

Yeah, well I better get dressed standing here. Oh, hold on a second. The cop at the station last night, he gave me the most basic description as use kidnapper, brown hair, brown eyes, a medium build, and that could be almost anyone, right? I hope the plays artist is back at the precinct today.

If we can get a decent sketch of this guy then, then we’ll know who we’re looking for.

Sure. You, you saying that Kate was alive and now she’s. I’m so sorry. I I would’ve tried to help her. I, I couldn’t do anything. Well, I know you would have if you could have, but the Isha in not iron if they’re not hers. Who’s it? We don’t know. And her body, well, the ISA searched the island. They haven’t been able to located,

I dunno. Why is this hitting me so hard? I mean, I had already accepted the fact that she was gone. It’s a lot to process. First you saw me alive and then, then you heard that Kayla’s alive as well, but I wasn’t there when she died. She had to be so frightened. Why? And God’s named and May didn’t have to kill her.

Well, well, and she said she didn’t, said it was someone who worked for her. This is who you think has Kayla. No, we’re not sure about that. Megan said that Thomas Banks is the one who took killing. Thomas Banks is in custody in Greece. He’s denying everything. Well, of course he is. Apparently he has an ironclad alibi and Brady said Kristen sold him a bill of goods about Megan Recanting in the Nu Recanting.

Your story. So all this is tracking. There’s something else you should know. Steve went to look for Kayla. Now he’s missing as well. Damn. So Megan took Kate from me now once, but twice. And now she’s the reason that Kayla and Steve are missing. What is she? She cut a deal to do her time in State’s film. Okay, good.

I don’t have far to go to choke the truth out her. I did not.

The, the word he is arrested Thomas Banks and he insists he didn’t kidnap Kayla. That he didn’t kill Kate Roberts. Well, what else is he gonna say? Shirley, you didn’t believe him? I did because he has an alibi for when Kate was killed and when Kayla disappeared. He was a Aristotle’s retreat. The sex club.

Ding, ding, ding. You got it. And there’s an orgy full of people who can verify his whereabouts. I can’t imagine Thomas going at it with even one person, let alone in orgy full. That is the most ridiculous alibi I can imagine. Hmm. Well, it all checks out. But back to us, our deal was based on you supplying information that would lead us to Kayla, but you didn’t supply information.

Instead, you lied through your teeth. And those lies, in fact, led us off on a wild goose chase that impeded our efforts to find her. You will be remanded to a black site that makes Statesville look like the Ritz.

You know, the, the sketch artist is, uh, it’s a good idea. Yeah, I know it’s a long shot, but what else have we got? Michaels? It’s us. Okay. Hi. And I’m glad you’re here too, right, Marilyn, how are you holding up? Um, pretty well. Only the occasional meltdown. Good morning, Chad. Good morning. So should, uh, should we write up the list like we did before?

I think guys a great idea. We have three sites left on ours. Yeah, same here. Okay. Should we go now again, again, I will reiterate, if you do find anything, please call us right away. Okay. Whoever took your mom and dad is probably just as dangerous as banks. Got it.

What’s up? I just, I can’t wrap my mind. You say that the ISA searched that whole island? Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. And if Megan Hathaway and Dr. Wolf and now Thomas Banks are all in jail and someone had to have taken my mom, there wasn’t anyone else left on that island.

What do you mean somebody was here? Was it Stephanie? Answer me, relax. Cowboy wasn’t Stephanie then who? It doesn’t matter who they were here, they checked this place off their list and they won’t be coming back. So you are not gonna be rescued unless you do what I ask. So step back, you move a muscle.

You’re dead to the door. Kayla. Move Kayla. Move Steve.

Roman, nobody’s going to let you see Megan tonight. And even if, even if you could see her, she will not tell you anything. Patty could screw up our chance to pick up on. I gotta do something to help find him. I failed Kate. I can’t fail. Caleb, you did not fail. If anybody failed pain, I did. I was there. We’re, we’re not gonna do this now here in Rome, the thing.

Chad and Stephanie. They’re over in Greece right now. They’re going through Vic’s old properties. Harris and Hope are heading up the Issa investigation over there. Michaels is there. Yeah. Issa broke through his programming. He’s on our side now. Are you sure about that?

Poor girl has been through so much. Stephanie’s scared shouldn’t be happening to her. This is getting to you, isn’t it? I am sorry, Harris. You’ve lost so much of your own life and now you’re putting on hold to help me find people you don’t even know.

I’m not saying.

You’re definitely not a saint.


Saints sometimes can be boring. And you’re definitely look boring. It’s fine. Steve and Kaylan bring them home. Okay? Because as I remember, you and I have, um, plans after all this is over.

Isn’t this place great. Has all the supplies. You said you needed it. Yeah. Yeah, great. Ralph was able to put the serum together in just a couple of days, so it shouldn’t take you too long. No pressure, eh? Just relax. Focus on your work. Don’t do anything stupid. Cause you know I have your precious, Steve, you get it?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I get right. You’re gonna coerce me into doing something that I don’t want by using the people I love as leverage. Yeah. Oh yeah. I got that. Good. So tell me something, Mr. Whoever you are, let’s just say I happen to figure out Hira. What happens? Then you release me and what. Do I ever see you again?

Don’t see why you’d want to. I’m giving every reason to hate me. Listen to me, Bo. When our mother brought you home from the hospital, she placed you in my arms and she said, you know what baby girl, this is for you. And I have loved you since you were a little baby, and to the man that you became to this moment right now.

So you asked me do I want him? Yes. I want him back. I want my brother back.

I’m gonna lock you in here. I’ll be back tomorrow. Tell me one thing if I make that serum, promise me that you will use it for good.

I will sell the formula to the highest. And everyone will know my name. Yours too, if you want. I don’t want, that’s the Brady Way. Humble and quiet. I was never either one of those things.

We should hedge the police station.

There’s no reason to go to the police station. I know it’s a long shot, but we, there’s just something that, that I have to.

I have to tell you. Okay.

You need to go to Victor’s childhood home. You already searched it. You told me there was nothing. There was nothing there. I know I lied.

Oh, what the hell do I do?

This place seems deserted. So there’s one more door.

Sorry, little brother of mine. No one is standing in the way of me getting back to my family.

Please. You can’t send me away. Actually, I can and I will. I’ll get you the formula. You’ll be rich. I’m not interested.

That’s right. You’re from the Law and Order branch of the Brady Bunch, aren’t you? All I want is to find my aunt and uncle. Your uncle Steve went to Greece to look for Kayla and now he’s missing too. You wanna keep our deal then? Tell me the. Tell me who really took Kayla. Then when and if we find her safe, I’ll let you stay here in Statesville, but if we don’t find her safe, you’ll find out firsthand that the Law and Order branch of the Brady Bunch can be pretty ruthless when exacting revenge.

So you better start talking right. Why did you lie? Why didn’t you want us to find Kayla? That’s not it, Steven. Hope so. Happy to go chasing after Thomas Banks.

And finally they knew who really took Kayla,

that it wasn’t about to give hope, the satisfaction knowing that her beloved bow, he’s alive again.

If that’s not it, then what is

we are going to find this guy with or without your. How do you know it’s a guy? He showed up at a police station in Greece, impersonating my dad. That’s when he took Steve. Oh. And those, uh, prisms, you were ready to kill for prisms. We have a general idea of where he is and a general description of what he looks like.

So if we figure this all out before you help us, your leverage is gone. So what’s it gonna be here in Statesville or the seventh circle of hell?

You lied? What do you mean? I’m.

Uh, this, this isn’t, um, it’s not making any sense. Why? Why would you lie about that? You said you wanted to help. I, I, I did. I do.

You’re just gonna have to go and see for yourself. I am not understanding any of this. You will when you get there and I, I go with you, but it’s something that you have to do on your own. That’s all you’re gonna tell me.

Oh, oh God. Oh. Oh my God.

Look at you. Are you okay? I’m. Fine, thank God. Where’s dad? Is anyone out there?



Anybody here?

Michaels. Yeah, I’ll take the call.

What the hell do you want? Listen to me. If you want a chance with hope, any chance at all, you will take her right now and you will go far, far away. That’s too late for both of us.

Okay? I know D I S A D program, Michaels, and I know what a big party he played in tracking down. But are you sure he is not playing both sides? Him. You work with him? She’s convinced he is no longer under Megan’s influence. Okay, good. And he’s looking for Kayla and Steve because, cause he knows that he has a lot to make up for far to impress hope.

Mo’s gotta be turning over and he could look, I was under Megan’s and fonts, so I know what it’s like to be in Michael’s shoes here, and I think he deserves a. I agree, John. I do agree, and like I said, I know how big a part Michael’s play in tracking down menu. Are you going, well, I’m going to Greece or Statesville?

I don’t know. I’m not gonna sit around here and do nothing. Oh, oh my God. Look at that thing. Let’s find out. Hey, Andrew, I just, uh, saw your lights were on and you’re gonna want to hear this. Uncle Roman. Andrew didn’t know you were back. What are we gonna want to hear? I just came from Statesville. Now that we have Tom Spanks, Megan Hathaway has changed her story.

Well, what is, so, how do you know she’s telling the truth this time? What she said seemed well. Unbelievable. But I’m actually inclined to believe her. Believe what she said, that the person who took Kayla was Uncle Bo.


Anybody here?

Oh dear God.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, April 21, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Billy: Hey, I didn’t expect you in the office today.

Kyle: Somebody’s got to run marchetti.

Billy: How are you– uh, you know what? Forget it. I’m not even gonna ask because I’m sure you’re sick of it.

Kyle: Yeah, it doesn’t help. What am I supposed to say? My mother’s being charged with killing my mother-in-law. She didn’t do it, but my wife thinks she did and so, until she’s proven innocent, my life is hanging on by a thread and so is my marriage.

Billy I’m really glad I didn’t ask. Still, I’m surprised you’re here.

Kyle: I need a distraction.

Billy: Well, I got one for you. Can you tell me what the hell is going on with marchetti’s operation budget from last quarter?

Abby: Hi, welcome.

Mariah: Hello. Wow, greeted at the door. Don’t we feel special?

Tessa: Sorry. We were a little late. Somebody was feeling fussy.

Mariah: Mm, guilty as charged. I changed my clothes like three times and it’s just lunch, but we don’t get out much these days. But we have the best reason in the world for staying in.

Abby: Oh, let me see her. Let me see her. Oh, my gosh. Look at this little sleeping beauty. Oh, she’s a little angel.

Tessa: Aria was such a party animal before we left, but we put her in the stroller and it put her right out. I’m afraid she’s gonna sleep straight through her first girl’s lunch.

Mariah: Thank you for the invite by the way.

Abby: I’m just glad you could make it. Shall we?

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: All right, let’s go.

Abby: Perfect.

All: Surprise!

Tessa: Oh, my gosh.

Abby: Welcome to your baby shower.

Tessa: Oh, my gosh.

Mariah: This is incredible.

Jack: How are you?

Diane: I’m okay.

Jack: How can you possibly be okay? Wrongly locked up, the press having a field day with wild speculations. The other inmates giving you a hard time?

Diane: No, jack. It’s all right. I, um, I can take care of myself. You don’t need to worry about me.

Jack: Whatever you need, I will use every connection I have to make this easier for you.

Diane: Jack.

Jack: We’ll get you more outdoor time. We can get you better accommodation.

Diane: Jack, please. Please just stop. There’s only one thing you can do for me.

Jack: Okay, name it.

Diane: Don’t come back.

Chance: I don’t think diane acted alone. She may have been the one that poisoned phyllis, but I think stark was in on the murder with her.

Christine: What has you so convinced?

Chance: Well, think about it. We don’t have a trace on this guy. He transferred all of the money that he got from phyllis out of our accounts, checked out of the grand phoenix, vanished into thin air. Does that sound like an innocent guy to you?

Christine: No, it doesn’T.

Chance: If he’s trying this hard to cover his tracks, I guarantee you he’s up to something.

Christine: I mean, it looks suspicious and I’m willing to consider the fact that diane and stark were co-conspirators, but I need more than your gut feeling to pursue charges against this guy.

Chance: Our only link to stark is diane. So, let’s put some pressure on her, you know, see what she knows. Give her a big enough incentive to flip, get her talking.

Christine: That would require a deal for leniency. And given the nature of the crime, it’s a non-starter.

Chance: But it might be worth it if we can get stark.

Christine: Diane has been locked up since before stark disappeared. So phone calls, visits, letters, they were all monitored. There’s no way they’ve been in contact.

Chance: What if they plan to split the inheritance? He makes an escape with the funds, they meet up later. If that’s the case, diane would know exactly where that guy’s hiding.

Michael: Did somebody mention my client’s name? Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition.

Additional sponsorship provided by…

Kyle: Marchetti’s operating expenses rose because the employee headcount increased when we acquired those textile factories from newman. If you had looked carefully, you would have noticed–

Billy: That wasn’t at all condescending, was it?

Kyle: If you had looked carefully, you would have noticed that those costs are more than offset by the contractor fees. Not to mention all the other added benefits of bringing manufacturing in-house.

Billy: Yeah, see the problem with that is that historically deals between jabot and newman haven’t worked out very well for jabot.

Kyle: I made that deal with victor with my eyes wide open and it led to adam’s departure. Paved the way for your return. So, how about a thank you, instead of criticizing?

Billy: No, I’m not criticizing, kyle. My issue is with victor. I wouldn’t put it past the guy to force a bunch of troubled properties on jabot.

Kyle: Targeting those factories was my idea, not victor’S. I knew exactly what I was doing. The numbers are high right now, as expected, but everything is going according to plan.

Billy: Yeah, I still think we need to pay attention–

Kyle: Billy, billy! I don’t need your opinion. I have complete autonomy over marchetti, so whatever you think about my business decisions doesn’t really matter.

Billy: Just trying to get the lay of land before I actually dig in.

Kyle: The land is just fine.

Billy: Good to know. Since you are in the office today, I do have an idea on how to bring jabot and marchetti together. If you’re willing to listen.

Mariah: Thank you. Guys, this is awesome. You’re– you’re crazy. You’re crazy.

Tessa: You tricked us.

Abby: Well, this was all sharon’s idea. I am just so happy that I could help and I did have an ulterior motive because I wanted to meet this precious little angel. And I’m just so happy that she’s not gonna sleep through her entire shower.

Mariah: You know, I think I am totally rocking this sash. I’m not gonna take it off. Abby, you can throw us parties any time you want. Please. I just, I’m– I’m so grateful and I’m floored given everything that’s going on that– that you guys wanted to come together for us.

Sharon: Well, we could all use a little joy right now. A reminder of how wonderful life can be and there is nothing happier than a brand-new baby.

Abby: That is for sure. Well, we have all sorts of ways to welcome baby aria to genoa city. We have games, we have crafts, we have food. But first, a toast. To the new mamas, from mariah’s mama. Cheers.

All: Cheers. Cheers.

Michael: So, what did I miss?

Chase: Well, we were just wondering how diane was getting along in prison.

Michael: Ah. Sure you are.

Chase: Has she been in contact with anyone on the outside?

Michael: Well, just come out and ask your questions, detective. Don’t beat around the bush. Not one for subtlety, is he?

Chase: Answer the question, michael, has she?

Michael: I have no idea what you’re talking about and even if I did, I would never violate attorney-client privilege. However, if this was a preview of something you’ll be presenting at my client’s trial, I appreciate the heads up. Not that there should even be a trial.

Christine: Oh, wow. Finally, something we agree on. Diane could save everyone so much trouble if she just pled guilty. Is that something you and your client are ready to consider?

Jack: What do you mean don’t come back? There is no way I am going to abandon you.

Diane: You wouldn’t be abandoning me. You would be honoring my request.

Jack: I am not gonna let you do this, diane. I’m not gonna let you push away the people that love you.

Diane: I could be here a very long time.

Jack: No, no, you are innocent and kyle and I are going to help michael prove it.

Diane: There’s so much evidence against me.

Jack: It is manufactured evidence, planted by a criminal. We’re gonna prove that stark framed you and murdered phyllis himself. Look, it may take some time, but sooner or later–

Diane: Jack, stop it. I’m not getting out of here any time soon and you know it. I’ve been denied bail.

Jack: I know.

Diane: And a murder trial takes a really long time to prepare and my court date could be in ages.

Jack: However long it takes, I will be by your side. So will kyle. You can’t do this alone. Let us support you.

Diane: I love you for wanting to come to my rescue, but the only way I’m going to be able to survive this is if I just keep my head down and just forget about life outside this–

Jack: No, no. Absolutely not.

Diane: You know why? Because seeing your face and your eyes and hearing your voice, it– it doesn’t bring me comfort. It’s just a reminder of everything I’ve lost.

Jack: You have not lost me. I love you.

Diane: And I love you, but we need to do this my way.

Jack: Darling, listen to me–

Diane: Jack, please. If you love me, then you have to stay away. Having diabetes can raise a lot of questions.

Michael: My client is not pleading guilty to a murder she didn’t commit.

Christine: As her attorney, you’re duty-bound to advise her that it’s highly unlikely she’ll beat the charges given the weight of the evidence against her.

Michael: You are forgetting two critical factors. Diane has a brilliant attorney and she’s innocent.

Christine: Oh, well, of course, she is. But on the off chance that she’s not, if she would just cooperate with law enforcement–

Chance: We want stark.

Christine: I would consider recommending the judge impose a shorter sentence.

Michael: Not interested.

Christine: Really? Even if that means the difference between diane having the freedom to see her grandchild again or spending the rest of her life in prison?

Jack: Hey, it’s too soon to make any big decisions. It’s been a tough day. You know, being denied bail is a big deal and you need time to process that.

Diane: I– I think I’m dealing with this a little more realistically than you are.

Jack: By deciding to cut everyone out of your life? No, I mean that may sound fine today but tomorrow–

Diane: Tomorrow, what? What, jack? The sun’s going to come out and– and somehow things will be different than they are right now.

Jack: I am asking you to reconsider.

Diane: Listen to me. When I went on the run after faking my death, the only way I could survive was by shutting down. I– I had to clear my mind of any thoughts of my old life. No memories because if I allowed myself to, you know, to remember or to feel anything, it– it destroyed me.

Jack: This is a completely different situation.

Diane: No, it isn’T. Just like then, I am facing the very real possibility of spending the rest of my life away from everyone and everything that I care about. I know how this works. I know what I have to do.

Jack: Cut everyone out of your life? Try to forget everyone?

Diane: No, I’m not doing this because you and kyle and harrison aren’t the most important things in the world to me. I’m doing this because I love you too much to– to put you through what’s ahead. I mean, look, this is a terrible place. I don’t want you here. I don’t want kyle here and I certainly don’t want harrison here. What are we gonna do, huh? We’re just gonna sit around and try to act like everything’s normal when it’s not? I’m not going to put you through that. No, this is what I need to do to survive.

Kyle: What’s your idea?

Billy: We integrate jabot’s and marchetti’s ad campaign.

Kyle: No.

Billy: You’re not even gonna hear me out? We brand jabot and marchetti as a single fashion and beauty entity. Tessa has been a knockout as a spokesmodel for marchetti. She can work for both brands.

Kyle: No stands. Not gonna happen.

Billy: You’re not even gonna think about it?

Kyle: Don’t have to. Jabot offers a wide range of lines at various price points, each designed to appeal to a different demographic. The idea is that there is something different for everybody. In contrast, marchetti is exclusively a luxury brand. Two very different entities.

Billy: See, I don’t see a problem in that.

Kyle: Okay. Customers pay a premium for our quality, our exclusivity. Linking jabot and marchetti could dilute the brand’s reputation.

Billy: You’re missing the genius part. We tailor the ad campaigns to emphasize the connection between jabot and marchetti’s top-end products. It’s aspirational. It brings more customers to marchetti and it works better for both brands. What’s not to love about that?

Kyle: Where to begin, billy?

Billy: Wasn’t corporate synergy the whole reason jabot acquired a fashion brand in the first place? This idea does exactly that.

Kyle: Wow, you’ve really been here a couple of hours and you think you have the expertise to upend our entire advertising strategy.

Sharon: It means so much to me that aria is my first grandchild. Years ago, I was the young, biological mom who made the difficult choice of adoption. And here we are, full circle. And I’m just profoundly moved that mariah and tessa connected with aria’s birth mother, delphine, and they created a bond that honors their journey together. There’s so many different ways to be a family and aria is learning that already.

[ Laughing ] You better get used to big crowds because now, you have a lot of relatives and friends. You’ve got your aunt faith, who really wanted to be here, but she had an exam. And you have the best uncle in the world.

Noah: Free babysitting.

Mariah: We’re gonna take you up on that.

Sharon: I know that your path to motherhood wasn’t easy. I saw your joy and your determination and your discontentment, but I am so thrilled to see how happy you are now that your dreams of having a family have now come true with this sweet little baby girl. And I’m so looking forward to late nights, diaper changes, first steps and then, in the blink of an eye, aria will be all grown up. I’m really honored to have the three of you in my life. To family.

All: To family.

Mariah: To family. My celebrity colorist?

Abby: As someone who hasn’t been a mom much longer than the two of you, I have learned a few things. Like every single day, in 100 different ways, your child is gonna remind you of what’s important. And there will be good days and not-so-good days and days where you feel overwhelmed, but it’s okay because it’s all part of being a mom. And you will see the world in a completely different way and the joy that it will bring you will be like nothing you’ve ever felt before.

Tessa: We are pretty blissed out.

Mariah: I mean, we could use a little bit of sleep, but it’s no biggie.

Noah: Okay, my turn. Allie wishes she could be here but she got stuck in the lab, so this is from us.

Tessa: Thank you. Let’s see. Aw.

Mariah: Oh, noah, this is awesome. Free babysitting and a library. You guys are our favorite couple.

Tessa: Oh, I cannot wait to read these to her.

Noah: So, it’s mostly classics, but some of my favorites. I always remember my mom reading those books to me when I was a kid. I loved those moments. It kind of felt like we were on some kind of adventure, you know. Now that I think about it, I mean, our life kind of was an adventure. I had my wonderful mom there to guide me every step of the way.

Sharon: I didn’t tell him to say that.

Noah: I know how lucky I am. You know, most kids don’t get that. But, aria here, she hit the jackpot. She has two of the coolest, most amazing moms in the entire world.

Billy: This is not my first stint at jabot.

Kyle: No kidding. You’ve been ceo how many times? Co-ceo, your mom fired you, my dad fired you. Everybody has fired you.

Billy: But there’s a positive there, I’ve learned from my mistakes. And I’m also bringing the experience that I have from working at chancellor-winters when they went through their merger. I know how to bring two companies together. And under the current configuration, jabot is not maximizing the potential of having marchetti under its umbrella.

Kyle: Thanks for your input, but our strategy of keeping marchetti and jabot separate from the beginning has proven successful. I see no reason to change course.

Billy: Sometimes, you gotta think outside the box, kyle.

Kyle: And what about the jaboutiques? Weren’t those another one of your failures?

Billy: I’m gonna let that one slide because you’re under tremendous personal pressure.

Kyle: Yeah, I know you pride yourself on being that guy, the innovator, the idea guy, but sometimes, outside the box is just outside of the box.

Billy: And sometimes, it’s exactly what you need. And because this idea involves both marchetti and jabot, you can’t unilaterally veto it.

Kyle: And by the same token, you can’t unilaterally implement it. It’s my dad’s call.

Billy: Great. I’ll talk to jack, see what he has to say.

Kyle: Fine by me.

Billy: Wonderful.

Kyle: I’m going to lunch. I know what you’re trying to do, distract me with stupid business ideas. Thanks.

Billy: You’re welcome.

Diane: Whatever you wish for and hope will happen, there’s a very good chance that I’m going to be found guilty of murder. And I will be moved to some prison, god knows where. So, not seeing each other now, it’ll just make it easier for you to move on once I’m sentenced.

Jack: To move on? You honestly think I can just forget about you after everything we have been through to find our way back to each other? I have no intention of living my life without you.

Diane: Jack, it’s for the best.

Jack: You can’t do this.

[ Chair clattering ] This is selfish.

Diane: I’m not being selfish. I’m thinking about you and kyle.

Jack: Kyle? Kyle spent decades of his life thinking his mother was dead. Can you really imagine yourself putting him through that kind of pain again?

Diane: Well, if he spends any time with me now, then it will be that much harder for him once I move to some maximum security facility. Kyle needs to get used to the idea that I’m not going to be around.

Jack: And what about harrison? How is that little boy supposed to understand his deedee suddenly disappearing? She doesn’t write, she doesn’t call.

Diane: I want to go back to my cell. Guard!

Jack: Diane. Diane, wait. Wait.

[ Chair clattering ] (Vo) at the tidy cats innovation lab.

“The young and the restless” will continue. (Lucky) uh-oh the magic’s disappearing!

[ Knock on door ]

Billy: Come in.

Chelsea: Hey.

Billy: Excuse me, how did you get past security?

Chelsea: I bribed them with dumplings. I hope it’s okay I stopped by.

Billy: It’s okay and not only because I know that that bag is coming from yang chow’S.

Chelsea: How could you tell?

Billy: ‘Cause I can smell the slippery shrimp from here.

Chelsea: Ah. Well, I figured since it’s your first day back, you weren’t thinking about lunch. So, I thought about it for you. If you have time?

Billy: I will make time on one condition.

Chelsea: What’s that?

Billy: You join me.

Chance: Michael, we are looking for information about people connected to diane, like stark. Now I think there’s more to that story than what we’ve been told.

Michael: Well, I think you’re howling up the wrong tree, detective. There’s no current connection between the two of them. Diane wishes the man had never come to town.

Christine: So she says.

Michael: Have you taken a peek at the man’s rap sheet? I think it’s obvious that stark murdered phyllis on his own and then framed diane. She’s just another one of his victims.

Christine: You’re welcome to make that defense. I don’t think you’re gonna convince a jury based on the fact that diane had means, motive, and opportunity to kill phyllis.

Michael: Oh, that’s one way of looking at it. But I prefer to think that diane helping to put stark behind bars for money laundering will go a long way to persuading the jurors that the man was out for revenge.

Christine: Argh. Um, so we’re going to trial.

Michael: Yes. And you’re gonna lose. Because the D.A.’S office and the G.C.P.D. Have fallen for obviously planted evidence. So, stop pushing diane to confess to a murder she didn’t commit, and investigate the damn crime.

Chase: Excuse me. I’m gonna let you two duke this out.

[ Indistinct whispering ]

Abby: Aw, what a cute little puppy.

Sharon: It’s a bear.

[ Noah chuckles ]

Abby: It’s still really cute.

[ All laughing ]

Elena: Oh, look at that. A real designer original.

Noah: I’m just playing around.

Elena: The man is an artist.

Mariah: All right, guys, I can’t take it anymore, so I gotta– I gotta say something. I just wanted to thank you all and let you know how grateful we are that you guys are here with your love and your support for aria. But that love didn’t just start when we brought her home. You guys have been so supportive, throughout our entire journey. And you were there through the setbacks and the obstacles, and then through the ultrasound pictures and finally, to being able to bring her home. Uh, we didn’t tell you but there was a little bit of a scare, in the delivery. Everything’s okay. It was totally fine. But the nurse said that our daughter was really lucky to have us as mothers, but… I know tessa and I feel that it’s the other way around. Because this magical little girl… deserves everything in the entire world. And all tessa and I want to do is give her everything that she deserves.

Noah: Spoken like a true mama bear.

[ All laughing ]

Tessa: Well, uh, other mama bear would like to say something, too.

Mariah: Yeah.

Tessa: If that’s okay? Um, sharon mentioned the different ways to be a family–

[ Aria cooing ]

[ Tessa chuckles ] And, um, I, uh, never had much luck with my biological family, except for my sister, crystal. I spent years on my own. I never trusted anyone. I never even tried to connect. And then I moved to genoa city and met my family. And each one of you is a member. Well, mariah and I have just dreamed about this moment and this baby for so long, I cannot think of a better way to celebrate it than with our family. You know, we made a deliberate choice to be aria’s moms, but I– I feel on some cosmic level that our daughter chose us. Mm…

[ Mariah giggling ]

[ Aria crying ]

Abby: Hi.

Kyle: Hi. I didn’t realize there was a private event. I’ll leave.

Abby: No, no, no, I’m sorry, I was gonna invite you. I just didn’t think you’d want to come with everything going on.

Kyle: Well, I’m thrilled for mariah and tessa, but I’ll find someplace else to get lunch.

Mariah: Hey, you. You are not getting out of here without talking to me. Hi.

Chelsea: So, first day back. Highlights, insights.

Billy: Hmm. Well, I already managed to get into an argument, but I kept my cool and I handled it peacefully. So, I think that’s progress.

Chelsea: Excellent.

Billy: Yeah.

Chelsea: And it seems you’re enjoying the work.

Billy: I am. Yeah, very much so. You know, it’s not just about pushing paper and numbers and figures. I– I really believe that I can make a difference here.

Chelsea: Well, look at you. It seems like you landed in the– a satisfying career you were always hoping for.

Billy: Yeah, right here in my own backyard.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Billy: How about you? How’s the video game coming?

Chelsea: I’m loving it. I’m creating a world, you know, a community I feel I can– I can really make a difference in. I’ve never been so excited about a project. Uh, the only problem is we’re in a bit of a holding pattern right now, but…

Billy: Why is that?

Chelsea: Well, phyllis’s death, you know. Daniel’s still grieving so I don’t feel comfortable approaching him about work stuff right now.

Billy: No, that’s true. It’s very sensitive of you. How does that make you feel?

Chelsea: How does that make me feel? Look at you with the therapy speech.

Billy: You’re right. This is not a counseling session. This is lunch.

Chelsea: No, that’s okay. I will tell you exactly how I feel. Um, I’m feeling a little impatient, to be honest with you.

Billy: Okay.

Chelsea: I wish things were moving forward more quickly, but I also realize it’s just a bump in the road. I can deal. There’s no reason to freak out. Everything will come together. And I truly have confidence that the project will be all the better for it in the end.

Billy: So–

Chelsea: Mature, right?

Billy: And wise.

[ Chelsea laughs softly ] I am in awe of how strong you have become.

Chelsea: Well, I got you, mr. C.E.O.

[ Billy chuckles softly ]

[ Chelsea sighs ] I mean, look at us, billy, we really did it. We helped each other through some rough times and now we’re finally getting our lives together.

Tessa: I’m so glad you could make it.

Elena: Aw, I wouldn’t have missed it. Remember when you had all of those questions about being a mother?

Tessa: Oof.

Elena: And now you and mariah are the experts of this baby girl and you always will be.

Tessa: Well, thank you for the vote of confidence. But between us, I might have accidentally woken aria up to see if she was breathing, and it might have happened more than once.

Elena: Well, you’re certainly not the first new parents to have done that. And it’s funny, infants always seem so fragile, but we both know that aria is a fighter.

[ Tessa sighs ]

Mariah: I know we’re not exactly huggers, but… kyle, I’m so sorry about your mom.

Kyle: I got your messages.

Mariah: All of them?

Kyle: Yeah, I should have called back. I just haven’t been in the space to.

Mariah: No, you’re– you’re totally fine. You’ve been going through hell.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Kyle: This looks like fun. I’m excited for you and tessa. I can’t wait to meet the newest member of your family.

Mariah: Well, the, uh– the newest member of our family is gonna be starting off her life in style, thanks to you and summer and all of the baby clothes that you guys sent us in portland. I don’t think we’re gonna have to buy aria clothes for a year.

Kyle: I’m glad you like them.

Mariah: Hey, I just– I want you to know that I’m here if you need anything. You know that, right? And summer, too. I– I promise to be a good friend to her. I– I just can’t imagine what she’s going through. Thank god she has you.

Michael: Whatever happened to that kind, compassionate christine who was the champion of the underdog?

Christine: She represents the people of genoa city, which means ensuring that wealthy, well-connected murderers don’t get off on ridiculous plea deals.

Michael: Ooh. Returning to the D.A.’S office has brought out that judgy, self-righteous streak of yours. Between you and me, didn’t miss it.

Christine: Oh, come on. You had a moral compass when you were D.A. Now you just sell off to the highest bidder. I mean, helping victor with some shady deals is one thing, but representing a killer like diane is another.

Michael: Need I remind you that every person accused of a crime is entitled to a vigorous defense? And proving someone’s innocence, that’s pretty noble, in my opinion.

Christine: Mm. Yeah, especially when you’re getting paid very well for it. I think we’re done here. Oh. Just know my door is always open whenever diane’s ready to confess.

Michael: Hmm. Wouldn’t that solve all your problems? See you in court.

Jack: We need to get diane another bail hearing, now! I used to pre-rinse dishes cause my old detergent

[ All giggling and chatting ]

Kyle: Summer’s really struggling, shutting down, practically hiding in her room. And I know she needs space to grieve, but, mariah, this just seems off.

Mariah: Have you tried talking to her?

Kyle: I want to. But it’s kind of hard when she thinks my mom killed hers.

Mariah: Yeah, that’s not complicated at all.

Kyle: And I tried making summer understand that it’s absurd, but she’s only seeing what she wants to right now. I have to prove my mother isn’t guilty. If I don’t, I don’t know how my marriage survives.

Mariah: Well, the one thing that I can say about summer for sure is she is tough, as tough as they come. And she loves you just as much as you love her. So, you guys are gonna be fine. You’re gonna get through this.

Kyle: I appreciate you saying that. But I’ve taken up enough of your time. You need to get back to the onesies.

Mariah: Oh, no, no, no, please stay. I promise you, one goofy little baby shower game, it’s gonna crack that smile wide open.

Kyle: I would only bring down the mood, but congrats on your baby girl. What a wonderful life she has ahead of her.

[ All laughing and chattering ]

Christine: Jack, I warned you about this and I’m sorry, but the judge determined diane was too much of a flight risk to be granted bail.

Michael: The judge made that decision based on your argument at the arraignment.

Christine: And I stand by it. We know diane’s history.

Jack: That is ancient history! I was just with diane. She is not doing well.

Christine: Well, she’s in jail. No one does well there.

Jack: She’s innocent, christine. She doesn’t belong behind bars. Is there any way we can get to this judge? Get her to change her mind? Convince her to grant diane bail?

Michael: I’ll do my best, jack, but the facts haven’t changed. Therefore, it’s highly unlikely the judge will change her decision.

Jack: So what? We do nothing? No, that is not an option. You find this judge, you tell her I will personally pay for whatever bail is set. A million, five, ten, it does not matter. Diane will wear an ankle monitor. They can post an officer to watch her 24/7. I’ll pay the salary. Get something done now, michael. Diane has to come home.

Next week on “the young and the restless.”

Victoria: I’m asking if you’d like to join me on a business trip. There’s no– nothing left for me. There’s no place for me here.

Ashley: There might be a place for you. Why don’t you move in with me?

Summer: Is this for real? Mom, are you real?

Phyllis: I’m real.

[ Both sobbing ]

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GH Transcript Friday, April 21, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Dante, wait. Um, I’m heading over to charlie’S. Do you need me to swing by the dry cleaner’s and pick your suit up for the wedding?

Well, I would if I had remembered to drop it off, but I didn’T. Darn suit.

Well, lucky for you, you have a girlfriend who was thoughtful enough, and I did it for you already.

You did?

I did.

Oh. Well, how am I going to ever repay you for doing that?

Um, I can think of a few things.

I can, too. Hopefully we’re thinking the same thing. And you can consider this a down payment.



Okay, well, you got to get in there and have that conversation with your dad.

Yeah, I know. Any pointers?

Good luck.


I’ll see you.

Coast is clear, cody.

I guess I’m not as slick as I thought. Um, I’m out of cereal. And mama q said that I could just come here-


yeah, don’t bother. I know why you’re really here.

You do?

Yeah. You want to know if you’re going to get fired.


Don’t waste a single second feeling sorry for a lying grifter like cody bell.

It’s just that cody has always been very nice to me. I’m having trouble seeing him the way you do.

Oh, my god, okay, that’s because you’re a sweet summer child. I’ve seen his type before. When I used to go to atlantic city, sharpies like cody were a dime a dozen. They flex their muscles, flash their pearly whites, and then saunter away before you even realize their grubby mitts had made off with your wallet!

You paint quite a vivid picture, gladys. Can’t wait for your memoir.

Okay, my point is, you can’t trust somebody like cody. So, if he comes around spouting nonsense-


what kind of nonsense?

Who knows? He would say anything to stay in your good graces… and close to your money.

You sure you don’t need me to stay? I can get dr. Michaels to cover for me.

No, hey, I’m–I’m positive. It’s just a routine follow-up. I’m sure dr. Navarro will tell us that we have the green light to keep trying.

Well, you know what I say-

always listen to your doctor’s advice, always.

You do say that a lot.


Can you believe it? This time next year, we may have a baby lansing-ashford.

Or is it a baby ashford-lansing?

Hmm. Okay, well, negotiations set to resume later tonight, counselor.


So this is kim nero’s stuff, huh?

Yeah, when she moved to manhattan, kim kept some of my stuff in case I, uh-

I made it home. This… this is oscar’s browns hat. Man, the only thing that he loved more than his music was his favorite football team. Wore this all the time.

[Exhales deeply] Kim said this was going to be hard, but touching my boy’s things, seeing them, you know… losing a child is hard enough, but losing one right after you find out that you’re a father is-


it’s absolutely my worst nightmare.

Alexis? Hi.


I hope I didn’t startle you.

No, no. Sorry, I’m–I’m in a bit of a fog today.

Oh, yeah. Well, the last few days have been pretty surreal. I just came from visiting with anna. She’s recuperating very nicely.

Good. That’s great news. Any word about spencer and ace?

We have some good leads. We just need a little bit more information in order to get their exact location.

Laura, I’m sorry, really. I only wish I knew what victor had planned.

Maybe you know more than you realize.

Trina, are you okay? What–what are you doing here?

[Door closes] What are you wearing?

Stuff from lost and found. One of the guards took me and let me take my pick. But it’s not my personal style of choice.


It’s definitely a lot warmer than my ball gown.

I can’t believe that they left you in here with me. I thought that uncle victor wanted to keep us separated.

Yeah, maybe that was his original plan. But with all this commotion on deck-

I even overheard one of the guards saying they need all hands.

They’re consolidating areas to guard? They might be bringing dr. Obrecht in here next.

Spencer… I’m scared.

Does the pikeman shipment conflict with your son’s wedding?

I am not going to let anything interfere with michael and willow’s big day.

[Knock at door] Yeah?

[Door opens]

Hey. Um, am I interrupting?

No, we were just finishing up some business. Deliver this. Take the rest of the day off.

You got it.


[Dramatic music]

I did not expect you to come by. What’s up?

Uh, I just wanted to know if you wanted to get lunch with me later on today.

Why today?

It’s as good a day as any other, right? Why, you got plans or something?

Yeah, I’m going to your brother’s wedding.

Ah… no, no, you’re not.


Listen to me–whatever my uncle victor has planned next, you know that i would never let him hurt you. You know that, right?

I know, I know. I know you would do everything you can to stop him. You proved that on deck. But what if there’s a reason you can’t help me? What if he hurts both of us?

Uncle victor is out of his mind right now. He’s drunk on power. It’s emboldened by his own inflated savior complex. But I do believe that there is still a shred of humanity that’s left inside of him.

I know you don’t want to hear this right now…

[Dramatic music] But we can’t count on that.

I know. Right now the only thing that we can rely on is each other. But I swear to you, as long as we are together, there is nothing that we can’t face.


We are going to find trina.

I want to believe you, man. I want to believe you, but the longer it’s taking-

I just found out that trina might be my daughter. I can’t lose her now.

You’re not going to lose her. You two are going to have lots more time together.

[Sighs] Drew, my bad-

bringing up my stuff in the middle of oscar’s things. I know it can’t be easy for you to be here.

What are you talking about? This is worth it, okay? The key to finding trina might be in one of these boxes. Now, look, kim gave oscar some of my things in hopes it would help tell him my story. And I realize it’s a long shot, but maybe we come across something from my days as a seal-

something, anything that tells us about project demeter. Okay, this–this is all… I gave oscar all these things. I got a harmonica in here. I got-

what do you got?

Military stuff.

Well, keep looking through that.

Look, I got bedtime stories. I got music theories… greek mythology.

Oscar kept that old thing? Oh, my god, I-

I used to tell him how much I loved these stories, and he wanted to learn all about ’em.

Yeah, well, it looks like it’s been pretty well thumbed through.

Yeah, if only teenage boys were as immortal as the gods in here, huh?

Yeah. Ooh, wait, what’s that?


That’s a map.

Victor has not included me or my daughters in any of his plans. Never really been privy to the inner workings of the cassadines. I’m kind of cassadine adjacent.

Well, that’s probably why you’re sane.

[Chuckles sarcastically]

Yeah. But think–do you have any childhood memories of victor?

There was always tension between my father and victor. My father was a monster. He was into power and greed, and victor-


[Chuckles] He had-

well, he fancied himself having loftier goals.

I wonder what those goals were.

Molly, good to see you.

Yeah, you, too. I’m a little confused, though. I-I thought I was just getting the results of my ultrasound.

After reviewing your ultrasound, I’d like to get some more thorough testing done.

Why? What did you see?

Nothing to be overly concerned with at this stage. But you’ve been experiencing pain and irregularity with your monthly cycle for a while now. I’d like to get to the bottom of what’s causing it.

Okay, and you want to do more testing today?

Yes. And this time, I’d like to do a biopsy.

Fired? Why would I be fi-

yeah, okay, I have been a little worried about what y’all are thinking ever since the incident.

Oh, you mean the incident where you were arrested, charged, and arraigned?

That’s the one.

Oh, yeah. Well, then you should be thanking me.

For the cereal?

No, for pleading your case. My dad wanted to fire you. Wasn’t so easy changing his mind. He’s been in a bad mood with all this elq stuff.

What does mama q think?

I don’t know. You’d have to ask her. But if you want to know my opinion, I think gladys corbin is a walking disaster. You know, she’s a mess. She’s always misplacing important things. I wouldn’t be surprised if-

if she left that bracelet lying around backstage at the nurses’ ball.

[Sighs] I’m glad that someone’s on my side.

Not quite. How did that bracelet end up in your coat pocket, cody?



Gladys set you up?



God, she is a piece of work.

So you believe me?

I mean, I just-

I-I wouldn’t put it past her. But why?

I told gladys that I was going to tell sasha that she–gladys-

was not to be trusted.

Sam? If looks could kill-


believe me when I tell you some people just can’t be trusted. He is one of those types. He’s taking advantage of your good nature.

Do you ever wish you could know someone’s secrets with one single glance?

It’s probably better for everyone in this town that we can’T.

That’s true.

Ooh, is that my dress for the wedding?

No, no, no, this is your dress for the day.

Oh, come on, when have I ever kept anything of yours?

When? Kristina, let me think-

um, my brown leather jacket, those really cool biker boots that have the zipper on the side, and, um-

and my leather pants.

I appreciate you looking out for me, but cody has had a really rough go in life, especially lately.

And so have you, which… is why I’ve been thinking. I think we could both use a vacation.

Whoa. That’s an abrupt change of topics.


What prompted that?

I just think we could both use a little getaway.

Or is there some other reason you want to leave town?

No one was more shocked than me when that bracelet showed up in my tux jacket pocket, which I wasn’t even wearing at the time. I was onstage, taking my clothes off for a worthy cause.

Cody, have you been stealing from my family?

What? N-no.

I had to ask. Sorry, you’ve just been given free rein around this house. Should I be checking my jewelry case?

[Laughs] Brook lynn, uh, no offense, but, uh, your stuff isn’t exactly my style. No, I’m not a thief. I was framed, okay? I left the tux jacket back in the dressing room. That had to be when someone planted it in there.

Okay, let’s say I believe you. Where is your proof?

With things the way they are with you and michael, you showing up crashing the wedding, that’s just going to fan the flames–don’t do that.

That’s not what I’m doing.


Uh, michael’s invited me.

He did? I-I didn’t know that.

Okay, there’s no need to take me on a pity lunch.


I’m going to be celebrating with the family tonight.

That’s great.


That’s great. I mean, I know how much the thought of you not being there was probably eating you up. That’s good. You and nina are making some progress.

Nina’s not invited.

I am so happy that michael and willow decided to move the wedding up.

Oh, I know. With everything they’re going through, they deserve one perfect day.

So is it giving you any ideas? Are you and dante next?

[Laughs] No, no, no, dante and I are–are good just the way things are right now. But let’s talk about your life for a change.

[Door closes]

Oh, no, no, no-

oh, hey, dex. Perfect timing-

I need backup here.

Uh, I’m actually here for sonny.

Oh, okay. Well, I guess that’s my cue.


Hi, dex.

Sam. He wanted me to give you this.

[Indie rock music playing]


I can’t believe my dad did this.

Why would I need to get out of town?


Next month is the two-year anniversary of when you got shot.

After… brando refused cyrus renault’s order to shoot me. If I hadn’t gotten mixed up with those shady people, my son would never have been in that position. I will always regret that.

But look at how far you’ve come, gladys. You should be really proud of yourself. Some memories are hard to face. I know that better than anyone. Look, I can’t get away right now, but you should book a trip for yourself. Use my credit card.

You’re very generous. But you gave me a salary, remember?

[Chuckles] I can pay.

Then how about you let me cover any upgrades?

Well, um, the resort I was looking at does have an incredible spa package.

[Chuckles] Then consider yourself all pampered. I’ve got to run.


[Sighs contentedly]

[Dramatic music]

[Door closes]

I got to tell you, this is the first time that I wished I were in the inner circle of the cassadines. Maybe I could help.

No, it’s okay. I know you’re doing as much as you can.

What about nikolas? Have you heard from him?

You know…

[Sighs] The international news picked up this story. So, even if nikolas left the country, he would still be aware of what’s happening here.

And still he hasn’t been in touch?

No, nobody’s heard a word from him. I mean, I-it’s fine for him to walk away from me-

fair, I suppose, maybe from his work. But from his two sons?


No, right? For him to be missing in action, knowing how much danger spencer and ace are in-


what if he doesn’t have a choice?

Is this oscar’s handwriting?

No, that’s–that’s mine.

Okay, good. Now, is this a travel map or something more?

I don’t remember this map at all. I have no idea why it was hidden in this book. So, if I had to guess, I would guess something more.

Drew, look at that. There’s a mark in the corner.

Wait, that’s the-

that’s the sign for virgo.

I’ve seen this before. Hang on. First, the canteen and then the map. I never realized you were so into astrology.

I am not. I-I mean, I was-

I was born in september.

Canteen makes sense-

marking it as yours. But why the hell is there a virgo sign embossed on a world map?

I don’t know-

maybe there’s something in here that can help explain it. This is the pa-

this is where it was.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait. Here you go. “Versions of mythology differ, “but the most popular cites that virgo has ties “to demeter… the goddess of fertility and agriculture.”

Demeter… as in project demeter.

Yeah, the assignment that victor was so keen on knowing everything about. This is the link.

I bet you wish you never followed me on this doomed ghost ship, huh?



I’m afraid for our lives. And I’m-

and I wish your baby brother wasn’t at risk. But I’m glad I’m with you. Any doubts about being with you are gone.

That’s a big mistake, miss robinson. The man that you’re crushing on is a known reprobate.

Oh, is that so?

Yeah, he’s a convicted felon.

Oh, no!

He’s a spendthrift, an entitled bourgeois, hot-tempered good-for-nothing.

Hmm, yeah, that-

that sounds about right.


Except one detail.


You’re not the man that I’m crushing on, spencer. You’re so much more than that.

Marked with the symbol for virgo, but this cannot be a coincidence. I mean, virgo, project demeter, and the map. Hey, maybe we should take this to the wsb.

No, I know what to do.

Could nikolas be one of victor’s captives?

I don’t think so. Trina didn’t mention seeing him on the “haunted star.” And if I’m being honest, I-

I hate to admit this, but I think my son fled town to avoid his legal problems.

You know how much I love my nephew. I also know he’s made a lot of mistakes. But there is still time for him to do the right thing.

I hope you’re right. But even so, I am determined to find my grandsons and bring them home.


Alexis, mayor collins.


My mom is completely focused on finding the “haunted star.”

Yes, I know. Uh, you don’t have to convince me about how hard your mother works. The city of port charles is very lucky to have her.

Victor is not going to get away with this.

No, he is not. So, uh, I have some calls that I need to make. Let me know if you hear anything, all right? Nice to see you again.

Good to see you.

[Sighs] She’s justifiably worried.

Why do I get the feeling mayor collins isn’t the only one?

All of the symptoms you’re having, combined with what I saw in your ultrasound, could indicate endometriosis.

I’ve heard of that, but what exactly is it?

It’s a condition in which the endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, often leading to cramping, heavy menstrual flow, and pain during intercourse.

Is it rare?

Actually, it affects roughly 10% of all women.

And a biopsy would confirm if I have it?

It’s more definitive than imaging. I’ll scrape off a few cells and send them to the lab, where a pathologist will examine them under a microscope. Don’t worry-

it’s–it’s a quick procedure with relatively little discomfort. But we don’t have to do it today, if you need a little time to think about it.

[Dramatic music]

No, honestly, uh, let’s just get it over with. I have to know what’s happening in my body… and not just for my sake.

Well, how’s nina taking that?

Well, she wants me to go to the wedding, even though she’s not invited.

Well, that’s gracious of her.

Ah, nina is gracious, but I know it hurts her that she can’t be at her daughter’s wedding. And I also believe that michael isn’t the one who wants me there. It’s willow’s idea.

What am I looking at?

My dad knows that I’ve been wanting something more out of my life, and he just found a way to give it to me.

You’re right… unlimited drinks by the beach is important. Um, what’s the difference in price? Um, you know what? Doesn’t matter. You sold me. And I will call you back.

Taking a trip?

Sure am.

It sounds pretty high end.

Well, we all spend on what matters to us. Apparently what matters to you is cody bell.

[Chuckles] Did I hear right that you bailed him out?

If I had any actual proof that I was innocent, I could get the charges dropped. All I have is my word, which, yes, I know, doesn’t go very far in this town.

I know what it’s like not to be trusted, to have everyone assume you have some ulterior motive. But for what it’s worth…

[Sighs] I don’t think you’re the stealing type.

Sasha think so?

I don’t know. Gladys corbin is her mother-in-law, and they are really close. I’m sure she’s upset.

I hate this. She’s the last person in the world I want to hurt.

Let’s say you’re right and that you were framed. You have any idea who would set you up?

[Dramatic music]

Yeah, I posted cody’s bail.

Why? He was caught dead to rights. They found the missing bracelet in his pocket.

So I heard.

Then why bail him out?

Because I’m not sure he did it.

Sasha, hi. Did you bring me all the deception goodies?


Okay, great. I am just going to… put these in here and get out of here.


[Sighs] I really hope you don’t think I did this.

Honestly, I don’t know what to believe.

I didn’t steal anything, much less some bracelet that gladys was wearing. I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re my friend.

Am I? Or were you just using me.

Using you for what?

You tell me.

[Scoffs] Okay, look, I’m not going to deny that I made some mistakes. I mean, how I treated britt, for one, which you know because I trusted you enough to tell you. But you saw how much I regret what happened with her. I’ve grown a lot this year.

I thought you did.

You don’t now?

I’m not sure. Gladys made some good points.

Don’t listen to anything that woman says!

Why shouldn’t I?

Because she’s the one who set me up.

These are listings of properties that can be used as transitional housing for homeless youth.

Uh, I-I don’t understand.

That other day when I came to see my dad, I was telling him I was thinking about opening up a restaurant. And he pointed out that something that time-consuming would interfere with my job here and my volunteer work at the youth center. And he’s right, but he also understood that I’ve been searching for a greater sense of purpose and responsibility.

[Indie rock music playing]

Corinthos-davis house. Your dad’s opening a charity in your name?

I mean, he even highlighted the ones that have industrial kitchens. He found a way to combine all my interests in one place.

That’s a really thoughtful gift.

Yeah, it is.

But it doesn’t surprise me. I mean, my dad just gets me. He sees what’s in my heart, and he protects his own. I just wish everyone could see the sonny corinthos that I do.

Does it really matter who invited you, whether it was willow or michael?

Well, a little bit, but, you know, it’s a good first step. But I know it matters to nina.

Yeah, I mean, this could be one of the last times she gets to celebrate anything with her daughter.

Grandchildren are going to be at the wedding. And, you know, she misses seeing wiley and amelia.

That’s tough. It’s going to get tougher the sicker willow gets, too.

It’s really hard for nina to see her suffer.

[Sighs] Well… we are all praying for willow’s recovery. And whether it’s michael and willow raising their kids together or-

and god forbid, michael doing it on his own, that doesn’t mean that nina is going to be accepted.

[Dramatic music] What is that going to do to your and nina’s relationship, if you’re back in and she’s left out?

Well, it seems like we’re all on edge.

“Understanding als”? Is there–is there something you want to talk about?

It’s not for me, tj. It’s–it’s for a friend.


I’m sorry about your friend.


From what I understand already and what I read in that pamphlet, the progression is brutal.

Well, no two patients are the same. But, yes, is a rare and devastating neurological disease with no cure.

What I would like to know is… is there any hope?

Laura, there you are. Your office said we’d find you here.

Is there news about victor?

We may have found something to lead us to the “haunted star.”

What is it?

We think it has to do with drew’s past and victor’s future.

You mean a lot to me… more than you’ll ever know. I just wish that we were having this conversation literally anywhere else.



dating you is an adventure, spencer.

[Both chuckle] You challenge me. And with you…

I want to experience everything I never have.



I’d like to start new experiences now.

[Soft music]

This is not how I pictured our first time.

Oh, you pictured it, huh?

Well, I just don’t want you to regret…

losing my virginity?

It is a big… deal for you. And it should be special.


Where I do it or when isn’t what makes it special, spencer. What makes it special… is that it’s you and me.

This could be our only chance to feel this close again. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring.


We were looking through some of my old things, and we found this book of mythology, saying that virgo has ties to demeter, as in operation demeter.

Which is what?

Which is a black op that I was involved in when I was a seal. And I don’t remember anything about it at all. But in the book of mythology, there was a map hidden there. And you can see right-

right here, there’s a symbol. And the map is embossed. You see right here? It’s embossed with the symbol virgo.

And there’s obviously something of value to be discovered at one of those circled locations.

Or at each of them. Huh. What kind of mysterious treasure could this be?

And why will victor stop at nothing to find it?

And where is he headed to first?

Well, it depends how you define hope. I’m sure the neurologist I’m shadowing would be happy to answer questions for you and your friend. Now, dr. Bronson won’t know the specifics about your friend’s case, but he’s incredibly knowledgeable, and he’s on the forefront of research for diseases like als.

Good, thank you.

Excuse me, dr. Ashford. Dr. Navarro is finishing up with miss lansing-davis.

Great, thank you.

Molly’s seeing dr. Navarro? Isn’t she an ob?

I sent your cells to the lab. We should have the results in a few days.

Sounds like you think that’s just a formality, though?

I’d like to hold off on giving you an official diagnosis until I see all your results.

But unofficially?

With your symptoms and based on my physical exams and the imaging we’ve done, it’s highly likely that you do have endometriosis. In less severe cases, it can be treated with hormone therapy and pain management.

And in the more severe cases?

Commonly a laparoscopy or a laparotomy.


Don’t worry about that right now, okay? We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it. Let’s just take this one step at a time.

I have one more question. Um… how will this diagnosis affect my plans to have a baby with tj?

It’s, uh, great that your father’s doing this for you… and the kids that you’re going to help.

Yeah, I’m–I’m really lucky. My mom and my sisters are amazing. And they–they love and accept me completely. But no one gets me like my dad. He’s always been my biggest champion. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

What more proof do you need? Cody was caught red-handed. He’s a low-class crook spinning lies and tall tales and using the fact that she sees the good in everyone to cozy up to my vulnerable daughter-in-law just when she lost her husband.

Well, it is in the hands of the authorities now. But the bracelet wasn’t even sasha’S. So the real victim here is the jeweler.

A crime is a crime.

Yes, it is. But tell me something, gladys. Why are you taking it so personally?

I was dancing onstage with magic milo. My–my tux jacket was in the dressing room. That’s when gladys planted the bracelet on me. And then she led the search backstage.

She would never do such a thing.

She would… and she did. Sasha, look, I’m–I’m sorry. I-I really didn’t want to tell you this way, but gladys framed me.

Why on earth would she do that?

Nina and I are going to be fine. I don’t think either of us expected to reconcile with our kids overnight. But I’ve–I’ve–I’ve been seeing a real growth in nina and willow’s relationship.

Well, that’s great.

[Dramatic music] I’m hoping the same thing for you and michael.

Yeah, it’s all going to work out, you know? I mean, I-

call me an optimist.

I don’t–I don’t think I’d ever call you an optimist.

Okay, call me a realist.

[Both laugh] But you know what? Someday when this is all over, we’re all-

and that includes nina-

going to be a family again.


The, uh, pikeman shipment arrives tonight. I’ll let you know what I come up with.

Give me one good reason why gladys would frame you for stealing that bracelet.

[Chuckles] I could give you several thousand.

I’m sorry?

[Sighs] No, no, I’m sorry, because I… I can’t tell you.

I told gladys that I was

going to tell sasha that she, gladys, was not to be trusted.

What did gladys do that you need to warn sasha?

I can’t tell you that.

Why not?

Because I like my kneecaps exactly where they are. But I’m telling you the truth. I-

please believe me.

I’m supposed to believe you over my mother-in-law, the woman who held me when I was sobbing over the loss of my child, who stepped up to be my guardian when my husband died? Gladys has been there for me during the worst times in my life, and you expect me to take your side over hers?

This is all my fault. I-

I should have told you my suspicions weeks ago, but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.

What suspicions?

Well, you remember how I said, with gladys, you need to trust but verify? I’m sorry, sasha. I was wrong. You can’t even trust her.

No, cody. The person I can no longer trust is you.


Everything okay in here?

[Chuckles] Just great.


I was the one wearing the bracelet. It would have been my responsibility to replace it. And as a cop’s girlfriend, you should be more discerning. Supporting cody is a mistake.

[Scoffs] Would that be a mistake for me or for you?


Hi, mom. Hey, I-I didn’t expect to see you here.

Hi, sweetie.



How’d it go?

Honey, what’s wrong?

So, if we go by what trina told us when she was able to call us on the satellite phone that night-


the “haunted star’s” heading?

Yes, it–it would be moving in this direction, right? Just to this one circled location on that very likely course.

Then we may know where the ship is headed.

And we could stop victor.

And get our loved ones back home.

[Exhales deeply]

[Ship groans]

You okay?

What the heck was that?

You hear that?

I don’t hear anything.

Exactly, because the ship stopped.

It’s docked.


We’ve reached land.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Friday, April 21, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Charlie: Nothing. But nothing is better than seeing ridge forrester at his drafting table. It’s like seeing michelangelo in front of a blank sistine chapel ceiling. Like the great julia child–

Ridge: In her kitchen.

Charlie: Right?

Ridge: Yes. What’s up?

Charlie: Well, something sinister, I’m afraid. I had to come up here to get eyeballs on you to make sure that you are here and you are not out there.

Ridge: Out there where?

Charlie: Front entrance. Some whackazoid is pretending to be ridge forrester.

Ridge: Okay, well, there’s no reason to pretend anything like that ’cause I’m here, right?

Charlie: Right you are. You know, listen, I– I noticed that pammy and donna are not at the desk out there, so you know what? I am going to do you a solid and I’m going to plant my keester right there, so if this jokester tries anything funny, and I don’t mean amusing funny, I mean, you know, funny, I’ll– I’ll be there.

Ridge: Okay, that’s great. I appreciate it and I appreciate not being interrupted because I’m working.

Charlie: Oh, sure, well, come on. You’re the king. You’re the king and I will guard this place like buckingham palace.

Ridge: Great. What does that mean? No tourists? Is that what that means?

Charlie: Well, you’re the king. I’m nothing. King, nothing, king, nothing.

Ridge: Yes, charlie. I’m the king of nothing.

Charlie: Yeah. Yeah, well, listen, I– I– got your back and your front. I got– in fact– I’ll be right out there.

Ridge: Why am I paying this guy?

[ Hope sighing ]

Brooke: Oh, good honey, you’re home. I just wanted to run this down from the house. Douglas left his binder.

Hope: Oh. Well, like mother, like son.

Brooke: I’m glad you’re home, actually. I wanted to talk to you about something.

Hope: Ah. Is it about thomas?

Brooke: Uh, no, even though I can’t help but be concerned.

Hope: Well, you have nothing to be concerned about. There’s no need to worry. I already talked to dad about this today.

Brooke: He was here?

Hope: No. No, I went to go visit him at il giardino. You know, give him a long overdue thank you for helping to put sheila away for good.

Deacon: I have been dying to see you. Sheila, you gotta know how sorry I am. I know that this whole thing seems like a huge betrayal to you. Please, I’m begging you. Tell me you don’t hate me.

Bill: You’re hesitating. Now, maybe you don’t want to say it in front of carter, but the sooner he hears it, the better. You know how I feel and I think you feel it too. I’m right, aren’t I? You still love me, katie.

Katie: Bill, you’re really putting me on the spot here. Especially in front of carter.

Bill: You’re the one who insisted he stay.

Katie: Do I care about you? Do I want what’s best for you? Of course. You’re the father of my son.

Bill: That’s right, katie. We share a son, our family. A family I want back.

Sheila: You stabbed me in the back, deacon.

Deacon: I was cornered. Bill and ridge gave me a way out.

Sheila: And you took it.

Deacon: Mm-hm. Yeah.

Sheila: Do I hate you? After everything you did for me? I could never hate you.

[ Deacon sighing ]

[ Knocking on door ]

Ridge: Yes?

Charlie: Hi, me again. Uh, remember that whole debacle about the ridge impersonator?

Ridge: The thing we talked about just a few minutes ago? Yeah, I remember that, charlie.

Charlie: Yeah, well we thought it was a mistake, you know, that there couldn’t possibly be a ridge forrester downstairs.

Ridge: It was a mistake. I’m right here.

Charlie: Right you are. Uh… there’s– there’s someone I think you should meet.

Ridge: Well, that someone’s gonna have to make an appointment. Charlie, I’m trying to explain this to you. I’m in the groove here. I’m trying to get something done. I’m feeling it. I don’t want to be interrupted.

Charlie: Well, I– I know, but th–

Ridge: Handle it, charlie! Please!

Charlie: Okay, yes sir. Um, you absolutely sure?

Ridge: Positive.

Charlie: Okay.

Ridge: Wow.

[ Knocking on door ] Charlie, you are killing me.

[ Ridge laughing ] Rj!

Rj: Hey, dad.

Ridge: Ridge jr. Now, I get it.

Rj: Yeah.

Ridge: Hi. Welcome home. Aw. I’m amber, I’ve lost 128 pounds with golo,

Carter: Look, bill. I get that you two have history, that you share a child and years of memories together, and yes, katie will always love you. I already know that. But it doesn’t have the same meaning for her that it does for you. You see, we’re together now, happily.

Katie: It’s true. We’ve been having a really good time together.

Bill: Time that would’ve never happened if I had been the husband you needed. I’ve got a lot of making up to do and I’d like the chance to do just that, starting tonight over dinner.

Deacon: You don’t hate me.

Sheila: I know how much you risked. All that time that we spent together… everything that you did for me. All those many and many moments that we shared. I’ll never forget it.

Deacon: And neither will I. Not again. There’s no way. It can’t be.

[ Deacon exhaling ]

Sheila: Mama’s back.

Deacon: Oh, sheila, every time I’m near you, my heart, it just goes pitter patter.

Sheila: Yeah. Such happy memories. And now, I’m stuck here.

Hope: Okay, so if you don’t want to talk about dad and you don’t want to talk about sheila and you certainly don’t want to talk about thomas, what did you want to talk about then?

Brooke: Oh, nothing. I mean… it just, sometimes it– it weights on me.

Hope: What?

Brooke: Look, don’t get me wrong. I mean, I’m happy that he’s living the life that he wants to, that he’s travelling the world and doing exciting things. It’s just… I miss him.

Hope: Oh, this conversation again. You want to talk about rj.

[ Ridge laughing ]

Ridge: Another ridge forrester trying to get in the building. Now, I got it.

Rj: Yeah. Just the younger, more handsome version.

Ridge: Really? Can’t argue with you. You’re right.

Rj: You know, it took some serious convincing to get in here. Has it really been that long?

Ridge: It’s been too long. What have you been doing? Hitting the gym? Is that it?

Rj: When I can.

Ridge: When you can. When you’re not influencing people on the world wide web. You look good.

Rj: Thank you, dad. Speaking of, have you seen my latest posts?

Ridge: Oh, the one where you’re bungee jumping off a building or whatever? No, I haven’t seen it, and your mom hasn’t seen it because we don’t wanna see you in those kind of situations. You get that. Can’t believe your mom didn’t tell me you were coming.

Rj: Oh, mom doesn’t know. Nobody knows.

Ridge: You didn’t give anyone a heads up?

Rj: And spoil the surprise?

Ridge: It is so good to see you. Come here.

Rj: It’s good to see you too, dad.

Ridge: I missed you. Do you struggle with occasional nerve aches

Bill: Come on, katie. One dinner with me. What do you say?

Katie: I’m just afraid that it will give you false hope and I–

Bill: And you’re afraid to face the truth. You know we belong together.

Katie: No, it’s not that. Carter and I have a really good thing going on here and I am not going to disrespect that or him.

Bill: Oh, come on, now. Carter’s not afraid of a little friendly competition from little old me. Right, carter?

Sheila: So, what’s next for the incredibly, incredibly sexy mr. Sharpe?

Deacon: All good things, I hope, now that I’ve been granted my clemency.

Sheila: Well… so, you get to roam your life free while I’m in here. I’m happy for you, deacon.

Brooke: So, when is the last time you talked to your brother?

Hope: I talked to him the other day. I mean, we text each other all the time. We video chat and mom, I know you talk to him too. I mean, you see his posts, you know he’s doing fine.

Brooke: Yes, okay, but why can’t he do fine right here in los angeles?

Hope: He’s young. He’s figuring things out. He’s spreading his wings, but at least you know he’s living his best life.

Brooke: Yes, and whatever he chooses to do, I will support him, even if it’s taking videos and pictures from the south pole or making those crazy cartoons.

Hope: Mom, you know he prefers the term “animation.”

Brooke: Okay. He is very talented, but why doesn’t he bring that talent home? I want to thank you for being the one child who stayed.

Hope: Does that make me the favorite?

[ Hope laughing ]

Ridge: Look at you. Are you all right? You good? You happy?

Rj: Yeah, very.

Ridge: Yeah? Running around all over the world, that doesn’t get old ever?

Rj: I don’t know. How could it? It’s awesome, dad.

Ridge: It is awesome. What a stupid thing to say. Of course, it’s awesome. You’re only young once. You should do that. Do your thing.

Rj: Especially, if it means… I bring back gifts. Your favorite licorice.

[ Ridge gasping ] Oh, yeah.

Ridge: When did you do this? When did you go to denmark?

Rj: Well, if you watched the bungee video, you would be able to answer that question.

Ridge: I told you about that. This is so good. Thank you.

Rj: I got something for mom too. I can’t wait to see her. Is she here?

Ridge: She’s not here right now, but she’s coming later. She’s gonna be so excited to see her little boy. Little boy, to see you. She’s gonna be so happy that you’re back. Up at 2:00am again?

Carter: You said over dinner? Nah, man. Katie can spend time and have meals with anyone she wants. She knows how much I care about her and I know how much she cares about me, and I want to continue having her in my life.

Bill: Now, you can want that, but just know, carter, katie and I share a son and I want my family back. I want my katie, and I think you’ll come back after I prove you are the only woman in the world for me.

Deacon: You’re happy for me?

Sheila: Yes.

Deacon: My god, sheila, I helped put you in here.

Sheila: That’s the smartest thing you’ve probably ever done in your life. I mean it. You’ve– you’ve got the restaurant, you’ve got hope, you’ve got your whole future ahead of you. I… I may end up spending the rest of my life here. So, you go. You go and you live your life. Don’t wait for me, daddy.

[ Sheila chuckling ]

Rj: So, the whack job, sheila, is finally behind bars, huh? You know, if the whole fashion gig doesn’t work out, you can totally get a job as an undercover cop, mr. 21 jump street.

Ridge: No, no, no, I know. I thought about it. I think it’s time to hang up the shield, eh. Miss my family too much, especially your mom.

Rj: Yeah. How is mom doing?

Ridge: She’s great. You know her, always doing something. She’s this– this beacon of light for everybody. But there’s, um… how do I say this? There’s a sadness right below the surface. She misses you.

Rj: What? Are you trying to guilt trip me?

Ridge: Yeah.

Rj: Really? I video chat both of you, a lot.

Ridge: Once– once a month or twice a month is not a lot. It’s the opposite of a lot. I’m not giving you– no, I’m not giving you a hard time. I’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing, but your mom misses you. It’s a real thing. She’s gonna be so happy to see you in the flesh.

Brooke: A surprise?

Charlie: Oh, yeah. And i think you’re gonna like it.

Ridge: Oh, hey.

Brooke: Hey.

Ridge: Looking for something? What’s going on?

Brooke: Well, charlie mentioned a surprise.

Ridge: He did? Hm? I don’t know. Oh. Maybe it’s that thing, um, I was gonna show you back there.

Brooke: Oh. One of your creations.

Ridge: Well, it’s really something that we created together.

[ Brooke laughing ]

Brooke: Together? What have we created lately together?

[ Brooke gasping ]

Rj: Hi, mom.

Brooke: Ah! What? Rj?

[ Brooke laughing ] I can’t believe this. What? You’re– you’re really here.

Rj: In the flesh, here.

Brooke: My god. This is just so– so bizarre. I was just talking to hope about you, saying how much I missed you. Wait, did you know about this?

Ridge: Oh, he didn’t tell anybody he was coming. He’s full of surprises.

Brooke: Oh, you are. Okay, so does this mean you’re gonna stay awhile?

Rj: Well, I… do have a channel that’s blowing up.

Brooke: I know. We follow you.

Rj: I’ve got some offers to go to some pretty cool places too. Costa rica’s on the table, thailand.

Ridge: Offers? What do you mean offers? You get paid for that?

Rj: Yeah, dad. Come on. You know the drill. I’m an influencer now. I haven’t hit you up for money in ages.

Ridge: That is true.

Brooke: From your posts, we’ve seen that you’re here, there and everywhere.

Rj: Yes, yeah, and I’ve been a real rolling stone as of lately too. You know, just go, go, go and… anyways, what I really– what I really want is to spend some time with you guys.

Brooke: Really?

Rj: Yeah. I figured I’d stick around and post some L.A. Content for a while, if that’s okay.

Brooke: Oh, my god! Is that okay? Of course, that’s okay.

Ridge: It’s all we ever wanted. It’s great.

Brooke: Oh, my god. We just miss you. Miss you so much. I’m just so glad that you’re home, honey.

Ridge: May I?

Brooke: Of course.

[ Brooke sighing ]

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Days Update Friday, April 21, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

John answers the door at home to see Roman has returned. John invites him in as Roman talks about being beat and unable to sleep while his flight got in late. Roman worries that it was too late to come over but John assures that it’s fine. Roman talks about being in Ireland to scatter Kate’s ashes and then spending time with Carrie and Austin, then Billie and Chelsea. John asks if he lost track of time because he’s been gone a lot longer than a few days. Roman admits he went off the grid because he needed some time to himself to get it together before he came home without Kate. John says he has a few things to tell him and reveals that he and Steve found Megan Hathaway. Roman asks if they killed her. John says no, but she’s in custody so she’s paying for what she did. Roman feels it’s not enough. John reveals there is something else he needs to know and it’s kind of complicated. Marlena then comes out from the bedroom, shocking Roman.

In Greece, Stephanie has a nightmare about being informed that Steve and Kayla were killed. Stephanie wakes up in a panic while Chad encourages that nobody is dead and they are okay.

Harris lays awake in bed, thinking back to Bo convincing him not to tell Hope that he’s alive and then lying to Hope about not finding anything. Hope then shows up at his door and asks him what’s wrong.

Steve and Kayla wake up in the wine cellar. Steve talks about Bo bringing her lab equipment so she can make that serum that he’s so obsessed with. Kayla says that would be a nightmare. Steve says when she gets that equipment, it will be a gamechanger because there will be chemicals and weapons. Kayla reminds Steve that Bo has a gun. Steve tries to come up with a plan but Kayla refuses to hurt Bo since he is her brother. Steve explains that they won’t hurt him, just disarm him and then get the hell out of here so they can get Bo the help he needs. Bo then enters with a bowl of cold stew. Bo tells Kayla to get up because they are leaving.

A prison guard brings Megan to the visiting room where Andrew Donovan informs her that they need to have a talk.

Roman questions how Marlena is alive. John says he was just about to tell him that when they tracked Megan down, they not only found Marlena but Kayla too. Roman doesn’t understand. John says they were right that Megan was the one who stole the Orchid from Kristen and had Dr. Rolf develop a serum while keeping them in a cryogenic state. Roman hugs Marlena and calls it incredible as he can’t believe she’s alive. Roman then asks what about Kate.

Stephanie tells Chad that her nightmare was so real. Chad relates to having nightmares after losing Abigail so he knows how scared she must be, but he really believes they will find Steve and Kayla alive. Stephanie thanks Chad and says she couldn’t get through this without him. Chad encourages that they are making progress and getting closer. Stephanie questions if they are since now they know it wasn’t Thomas Banks who took Kayla, she feels like they don’t have a clue who are they dealing with or why.

Steve asks Bo where they are going. Bo says not him, just Kayla. Bo reveals he found a Titan research lab that has everything she needs to create the formula for the serum. Steve says she’ll go over his dead body. Bo pulls his gun out and says that can be arranged.

Harris tells Hope that nothing’s wrong but admits he hasn’t slept as he can’t stop worrying about Steve and Kayla. Hope talks about racking her brain last night wondering why Thomas Banks tailed Stephanie and Chad, why he even cares about Kayla, and why Megan lied to them about who really did take her. Hope suggests Megan might be protecting someone but questions who she cares about enough to protect. Harris points out that Megan is also crazy. Hope states that Megan is not stupid and never does anything without a self-serving reason. Hope is frustrated that there’s so many questions but no good answers. Harris stops Hope and says there is something he has to tell her.

Chad tells Stephanie that he thinks it’s good that it wasn’t Thomas Banks who took Kayla since he is extremely dangerous. Stephanie worries that whoever has them may be worse. Chad doesn’t think so since whoever did it impersonated Shane Donovan and walked out with Steve without raising any suspicions. Stephanie calls that terrifying because it means they are really good at being a criminal. Chad is not so sure and says whoever it is let Kayla access a cell phone and hasn’t made any ransom demands. Stephanie wonders what he wants then. Chad says that’s the question since he can’t be taking orders from Megan anymore. Chad adds that there aren’t a lot of people that it could be. Chad mentions his father being a master criminal. Chad thinks the best clue they have is still Kayla saying Victor’s name. Chad believes Kayla will be at one of Victor’s properties and they still have a few to check out. Chad encourages Stephanie to have faith that they will find them today. Stephanie says she’s trying as Chad hugs her.

Megan asks what brings Andrew to Salem. Andrew says she did and informs her that their deal is off. Megan argues that he can’t do that since she told him who took Kayla. Andrew reveals that they know she lied.

Steve worries that if he lets Bo take Kayla out of here, he might never see her again. Bo argues that if he separates them, Kayla will have incentive to work faster to get back to Steve. Kayla questions how she knows for sure that Bo will even let her get back to Steve. Bo insists that he’s not here to ruin their lives and if they give him what he needs, then they can have their lives back if Steve doesn’t get in the way. Steve asks what if someone comes looking for them while they’re gone like Chad and Stephanie or Hope and Harris. Bo assures that no one is coming. Kayla asks how he can be so sure. Bo reveals that someone stopped by yesterday and they won’t be coming back.

Hope asks what Harris has to tell her. Harris hesitates and claims that he just wanted to tell her how much he cares about her and that he’s sorry as he feels what she and her family are going through is partly his fault. Hope argues that he’s doing everything he can now to help them. Hope brings up the cop at the police station giving her the most basic description of Steve’s kidnapper, which could be anyone. Hope hopes that the artist is back at the department today since if they can get a decent sketch of the guy, then they will know who they are looking for.

Roman questions Marlena saying that Kate was alive but now she’s dead. Marlena says she’s so sorry as she would’ve helped her but she couldn’t have. Roman questions whose ashes he had in the urn then. Marlena admits they don’t know. Roman asks about Kate’s body. John states that the ISA searched the island but haven’t been able to locate it. Roman doesn’t know why it’s hitting him so hard since he had already accepted the fact that Kate was gone. Marlena understands it’s a lot to process. Roman questions why Megan had to kill Kate. John points out that Megan said she didn’t and someone who worked for her did. Roman asks if that’s who they think has Kayla. John explains that Megan claimed it was Thomas Banks but he’s in custody in Greece and denying everything. John adds that apparently Thomas Banks has an ironclad alibi. Marlena tells Roman that Steve went to look for Kayla and now he’s missing as well. Roman complains that Megan took Kate from him not once but twice and now is the reason that Steve and Kayla are missing too. John informs him that Megan is in Statesville prison which Roman says is good because he doesn’t have far to go to choke the truth out of her.

Megan tells Andrew that she did not lie. Andrew informs her that Greek authorities arrested Thomas Banks and he insists that he did not take Kayla or kill Kate. Megan questions believing him. Andrew reveals that Thomas Banks has an alibi for when Kate was killed and Kayla disappeared as he was at Aristotle’s Retreat, a sex club, so there’s an orgy full of people who can verify. Megan can’t imagine Thomas Banks going out with one person, let alone an orgy full, so she calls that the most ridiculous alibi she can imagine. Andrew confirms that it checks out and reminds Megan that their deal relied on her supplying information that would lead them to Kayla, but she didn’t supply information and instead lied through her teeth which led them off on a wild goose chase instead of finding Kayla. Andrew declares that Megan will be relocated to a black site that will make this look like the Ritz.

Hope tells Harris that she knows the sketch artist is a long shot but they have nothing else. Stephanie and Chad arrive at the door. Hope hugs Stephanie and asks how she’s holding up. Stephanie says she’s doing well with only the occasional meltdown. Chad asks if they should divide up the list like they did before. They mention each having three sites left to check. Hope reminds them to call right away if they find anything, since whoever took Steve is probably just as dangerous as Thomas Banks. Stephanie stops and says she can’t wrap her mind around the fact that the ISA searched the whole island and Megan, Dr. Rolf, and Thomas Banks are all now in jail, then someone took Kayla but there was no one else there.

Kayla questions Bo saying that someone came by. Steve asks if it was Stephanie. Bo tells him it wasn’t. Steve asks who it was. Bo says it doesn’t matter as they checked the place off the list so they won’t be coming back. Bo warns that they won’t be rescued unless they do what he asks. Bo warns Steve that he’s dead if he moves a muscle as he walks Kayla out of the wine cellar. Bo orders Steve to stay and locks him back up as Steve screams in frustration.

Marlena tells Roman that no one will let him see Megan tonight and even if he could, she won’t tell him anything. John adds that it could screw up their chance to find Kayla. Roman feels he has to do something to help find Kayla. Roman declares that he failed Kate, so he can’t fail Kayla too. Marlena disagrees and argues that if anyone failed Kate, it was her since she was there. John decides they are not going to do this. John tells Roman that Chad and Stephanie are in Greece going through Victor’s properties while Hope and Harris are heading up the ISA investigation there. Roman questions Harris being there. John explains that ISA broke through his programming, so he’s on their side now. Roman asks if he’s sure about that.

Hope tells Harris that Stephanie has been through so much. Harris understands she’s scared and says this shouldn’t be happening to her. Hope guesses this is getting to Harris because he’s lost so much of his own life and now he’s putting it on hold to help her find people that he doesn’t even know. Harris responds that he’s no saint. Hope tells him that he’s definitely not boring. Hope says they will go find Steve and Kayla and bring them home because they have plans after all of this is over as she hugs him.

Bo brings Kayla to the Titan lab and assures it has all the supplies that she said she needed. Bo notes that Dr. Rolf was able to put the serum together in a couple of days so it shouldn’t take her too long. Bo warns Kayla not to do anything stupid because he has Steve. Kayla complains about him coercing her to do something that she doesn’t want by threatening the people she loves. Kayla asks what happens after she makes the serum and if she’s never going to see Bo again. Bo doesn’t see why she would want to since he’s given her plenty of reason to hate him. Kayla talks about when Bo was born and how she loved him ever since. Kayla declares that she wants her brother back. Bo says he will lock her in here and be back tomorrow. Kayla asks him to promise to use the serum for good. Bo responds that he will sell the formula to the highest bidder and everyone will know his name and Kayla’s too if she wants. Kayla says she doesn’t. Bo remarks that the Brady way is humble and quiet while he was never either of those things. Bo then storms out of the lab and locks Kayla inside.

Hope tells Harris that they should head to the police station. Harris stops her and says there’s no reason to go to the police station because there is something he has to tell her. Harris informs Hope that she needs to go to Victor’s childhood home. Hope points out that Harris already searched it and said there was nothing there. Harris admits that he lied.

Kayla looks over the serum and questions what the hell to do.

Chad and Stephanie arrive at the Titan lab. Stephanie comments that it looks deserted. Chad points out there is one more door but it’s locked. Kayla hears the door and believes Bo is coming back. Kayla grabs a weapon and declares no one is going to stop her from getting back to her family. Stephanie begins trying to pick the lock.

Megan pleads with Andrew not to send her away and says she’ll get him the formula so he’ll be rich but he’s not interested. Andrew says he only wants to find his aunt and uncle since now Steve is missing too. Andrew tells Megan that if she wants to keep their deal, she can tell him the truth about who really took Kayla and then when they find her safe, he’ll let Megan stay here in Statesville prison. Andrew warns that if they don’t find Kayla safe, Megan will find out first hand that they can be ruthless when exacting revenge so she better start talking right now. Andrew questions why Megan lied and why she didn’t want them to find Kayla. Megan says that’s not it. Megan thinks back to lying to Steve and Hope about Thomas taking Kayla so that Hope wouldn’t know Bo is alive. Andrew asks Megan if that’s not it, what is? Andrew adds that they are going to find this guy with or without her help. Megan asks how he knows it’s a guy. Andrew explains that he showed up at the police station in Greece, impersonating Shane, which is when he took Steve and the prisms. Andrew adds that they have a general idea of where he is and a general description of what he looks like. Andrew warns that if they find him without her help, she loses her leverage. Andrew asks what it’s going to be, staying in Statesville or the seventh circle of Hell?

Hope questions Harris saying he lied. Harris apologizes. Hope says this isn’t making any sense and questions why he would lie about that when he said he wanted to help. Harris says he does and she’s just going to have to see for herself. Hope doesn’t understand but Harris says she will when she gets there. Harris adds that he would go with her, but it’s something she has to do on her own. Hope questions that being all he’s going to tell her. Harris repeats that he’s sorry. Hope asks what for. Harris kisses her and tells Hope that she will see. Hope then exits. After she leaves, Harris says goodbye to Hope.

Stephanie successfully picks the lock to the lab. She and Chad then enter and find Kayla. Stephanie and Kayla joyfully embrace as Stephanie asks if she’s okay. Kayla responds that she’s fine. Stephanie asks where Steve is.

Steve bangs on the wine cellar door, asking if anyone is out there.

Hope arrives at Victor’s childhood home with her gun raised and asks if anyone is there.

Harris gets a call from Megan in prison and asks what the hell she wants. Megan warns that if he wants any chance with Hope, he will take her now and go far away. Harris responds that it’s too late for both of them.

Roman tells John and Marlena that he knows the ISA deprogrammed Harris and that he played a big part in tracking down Megan, but questions if they are sure he’s not playing both sides. Marlena confirms that Kimberly worked with him and is convinced that he’s no longer under Megan’s influence. Roman questions why he’s looking for Kayla and Steve. John says because Harris knows he has a lot to make up for. Roman suggests he could be trying to impress Hope and remarks that Bo would be turning over in his grave. John brings up knowing what it’s like to be under Megan’s influence, so he thinks Harris deserves a chance. Roman agrees and acknowledges how big a part Harris played in tracking down Megan. Roman declares that he’s either going to Greece or to prison because he’s not going to sit around and do nothing. Andrew shows up at the door and says they are going to want to hear this which Roman questions. Andrew announces that he just came from Statesville as Megan has changed her story now that they got Thomas Banks. John asks how they know she’s telling the truth this time. Andrew reveals that what she said this time is so unbelievable that he’s almost inclined to believe it as Megan said the person who took Kayla was Uncle Bo.

Hope looks around the house, asking if anyone is there. Bo then comes in behind her, leaving Hope in shock.

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The Importance of Education in Pedro Pascal’s Life

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Padro Pascal stars in "The Mandalorian" on Disney+

The Importance of Education in Pedro Pascal’s Life by Jodi 4/19/23

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would know about Pedro Pascal. He is a seasoned actor who is a renowned name in the entertainment industry. Today, he is successful because of several reasons, such as talent, hard work and charm. That said, one thing that cannot be overlooked that helped Pedro become the person he is today is his education. It played a crucial role in shaping his life and making him one of the most successful actors in the industry. If you are curious to know more about the life of Pedro Pascal, this article is for you. We will explore the importance of education in Pedro Pascal’s life.

Padro Pascal stars in "The Mandalorian" on Disney+

Pedro Pascal’s Career Path

Born in Santiago, Chile, Pedro went to a public arts school in California, United States. He learned theater at the Orange County School of the Arts. Often in interviews, Pedro has attributed his current success to his high school, which influenced major aspects of his life. He has mentioned how his school provided him with the much-required exposure to the world and helped him enhance his skills to become an actor. If this has you convinced and you are also looking to enroll in a college, you can check resources at local news writer to help you. There, you can find here college students sharing their experiences and valuable tips regarding college education.

After having graduated from high school, he went on to attend Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, where he completed his bachelor’s in fine arts. This school prepared him rigorously for future acting endeavors and trained him to better his craft.

Padro Pascal stars in "The Mandalorian" on Disney+

How Education Shaped Pedro Pascal’s Life

The impact of education on Pascal’s life has not only been limited to his career but has influenced his personal life as well. His educational background has helped him become a determined actor. It has taught him the importance of hard work. That said, along with hard work, one should balance out life by doing other activities too, like maybe watching your favorite shows, going out with friends, etc. Therefore, you may look for any source of entertainment, and if you don’t already have a TV in your room, you should first consider TVs for students. You will find the best deals here on dorm room TVs for college students that are not only affordable but durable too.

Moreover, Pedro has stated how education has helped him take crucial decisions in his life and made him a lifelong learner. It has also influenced him to take on challenging roles and learn something new from each role he does and to keep on improving his knowledge in the field of acting and beyond.

Life Lessons Based On Pedro Pascal’s Path

If you are a Pedro fan, you must be delighted to know how eventful his life has been. Some of the things that you can also learn from Pedro Pascal’s life are as follows:

  1. Education plays a crucial role in your professional as well as personal life.
  2. One must always be curious to learn.
  3. You should be dedicated and hard-working if you want to achieve your goals.
  4. Learning from challenges and failures is important for your growth as a person.

These things have helped Pedro Pascal become the successful person he is today and can also help anyone else looking to succeed in life.

Wrap Up Text

Among many reasons for Pedro Pascal’s success in the entertainment industry is his education. His success is a result of the hard work, talent, and dedication he learned at school. It helped him better his craft and also become a good human being. A strong background in education helped him hone his skills as an actor and gave a boost to his career. Pedro’s story proves how important education is and can inspire actors and students to value education and succeed in life.

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Padro Pascal stars in "The Mandalorian" on Disney+

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, April 20, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Devon: Esther. Hey.

Esther: Oh, devon.

Devon: Hey.

Esther: It’s so great to have you back.

Devon: Oh, thank you. It’s good to be back.

Esther: You know, for a while, I was really worried. I wasn’t sure that things would work out.

Devon: It took a little time but things did and here I am.

Esther: Well, yes, you are. Mrs. C. Would be so happy. Family meant everything to her.

Lily: I agree. Nothing is more important. And this is exactly where my brother belongs. Hi.

Devon: How you doing?

Lucy: Dad, we have tons of time.

Daniel: Yeah, don’t I wish.

Lucy: My flight doesn’t leave until about noon.

Daniel: Sure, but it’s an international flight. So, gotta make sure that you’re there and checked in two hours prior.

Lucy: Dad.

Daniel: Yeah.

Lucy: You worry too much.

Daniel: Portugal is, um– it’s a long way away. So, I appreciate you making the trip.

Lucy: I loved phyllis. I had to come, and plus, I knew you needed me. Nothing is more important than that.

Daniel: Well, you being at the memorial service really helped. So, thank you.

Lucy: You’re still wearing it.

Daniel: Hmm.

Lucy: The bracelet I gave you.

Daniel: Yeah, I barely take it off.

Lucy: The last time I was here, you said that fidgeting with it like that was a sign that I was uncomfortable. And now you’re doing the same thing. Dad, what’s going on? Do I need to stay longer to make sure you’ll be okay?

[ Keyboard clacking ]

Victor: There you are, my baby. I knew I’d find you here.

Nikki: Well, it’s– it’s almost quitting time in bahrain and I promised our logistics manager that I would have this to them by end of day. Hold on.

[ Keyboard clacking ] Done.

Victor: Done. Just like that.

Nikki: Good morning, darling.

Victor: Mm… hmm. You were gone so early this morning.

Nikki: I know, I’m sorry I missed you. Did you want to talk to me about something?

Victor: [ Sighs] Yeah. Seems that sally spectra’s pregnant with adam’s child. While she’s having an affair with our other son. Did you know about this?

Adam: Aw, you shouldn’t have. I didn’t get you anything.

Sharon: I love that every time you see a gift you just assume it’s for you.

Adam: Uh, I’m sure if you look hard enough in your psychology books, that’s probably a symptom of some disorder.

Sharon: I don’t doubt that.

Adam: So, uh, who’s the gift for?

Sharon: Um, it’s for mariah and tessa. It’s their surprise baby shower this afternoon. They didn’t get to have one before aria was born, so…

Adam: Mm. Afraid they might jinx things?

Sharon: In a way. They were with the baby’s mother in portland for weeks until she went into labor, and then mariah insisted that it wasn’t necessary. But, you know, this has been such a long journey for them. I think it’s time to just soak up the joy.

Adam: Hmm. Well, not to mention, it’s your first grandchild. How is that not reason to celebrate?

Sharon: You are absolutely right.

Adam: Yeah, you and the new moms, you were glowing when they brought the baby in. She’s a lucky little girl.

Sharon: Oh, that’s sweet. Thank you.

Adam: Mm-hmm. And since we’re on the subject, I have some very exciting baby news of my own.

Sally: How’d you sleep?

Nick: Not great.

Sally: Yeah, it’s been a rough week. Any chance you’re also upset about today? The ultrasound and me inviting adam to join us?

Nick: Uh, as far as I’m concerned–

Sally: Look, I– I know you said you needed some time to, you know, figure out how you feel. It’s not what you want. I– I get it. You’re afraid that adam is working some angle and he’s trying to edge you out of the picture. But nick, I promise you that is not what’s happening. I just really hope on top of everything else that this hasn’t gotten to be too much for you. Tide is busting laundry’s biggest myth…

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Nick: I’m okay with adam coming to the appointment.

Sally: Really?

Nick: Yeah, really. He is the father of that little boy or little girl. Nobody is pretending like that isn’t happening.

Sally: True.

Nick: I told you I will follow your lead when it comes to this baby. And I know I’m gonna have to share him or her with adam when it comes. But I want to make sure we’re all on the same page, that I will not be sharing you.

Sally: This baby may be adam’s, but I am all yours.

Nick: Good. How long ’til your appointment?

Sally: Um, it’s not ’til this afternoon, plenty of time. Is there any special reason why you’re asking? Is there something that you would like to do in the meantime?

Nick: Don’t you tempt me.

Sally: Oh, why not?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Very interested in your offer, but I really need to run by the office and see vic. And I will meet up with you and adam at the coffeehouse.

Sally: All right. Works for me.

Nick: Okay.

[ Sally laughs softly ]

Sharon: Adam, look at you, you’re beaming. What’s your big news?

Adam: Well, it’s not news yet, but it will be by this afternoon.

Sharon: Okay, well, don’t keep me in suspense. What is it?

Adam: Today is the day that sally and I find out if our baby’s a boy or a girl.

Sharon: Oh, wow. I am so excited for you. I know what a big day that is.

Adam: Thank you. Thank you.

Sharon: So, um, when’s the appointment?

Adam: Uh, it’s a couple hours from now. I’m, uh, meeting nick and sally here before we head to the ultrasound.

Sharon: Nick and sally? The three of you?

Adam: That’s right.

Sharon: Wow. Aren’t you the modern family? So, no more resentment?

Adam: [ Chuckles] Not on my part. And nick is being open-minded.

Sharon: I’m glad to hear it.

Adam: It’s not ideal. We’re all doing the best we can. Even nick, which I have to say surprises me, in a good way.

Sharon: Well, that’s the right attitude to have, so good for you.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No, I’ve been thinking about what connor means to me and after seeing mariah and tessa with their newborn, it’s a great reminder that children are something to be grateful for. And it doesn’t matter what the circumstances are and how they were brought into your lives. They’re not responsible for those circumstances. They deserve to come into this world with a clean slate and receive unconditional love.

Nikki: Summer told me about sally’s pregnancy in confidence and I didn’t want to violate her trust. And I also knew that you wouldn’t take this news well.

Victor: Of course, I wouldn’T. For heaven’s sake, sweetheart. This whole thing is an outrage.

Nikki: And the third reason I didn’t say anything is because the first trimester of pregnancy is stressful enough without having victor newman on your case.

Victor: Are you defending this woman?

Nikki: No, I am not defending her. I am protecting her child. I mean, lord knows I don’t agree with most of the choices sally makes, but that doesn’t negate the fact that her child will be a newman.

Daniel: Ah, look at you turning the tables on your old man. Way to go.

Lucy: Way to sidestep the question.

Daniel: [ Scoffs] Can you ever let me get away with something? Just once?

Lucy: Have you ever let me get away with anything?

Daniel: Okay. You can’t stay. But yes, you are right, I am having a tough time. It’s like my whole life, even when I moved away, mom was just always a phone call away, and, um, well, now she’s not. So, I’m just trying to, you know, figure out my way through this world that she’s not a part of.

Lucy: I’m so sorry, dad.

Daniel: Look, I’m gonna– I’m gonna get through this, okay? It’s just weird. You know, growing up you see other people lose their parents, but… and you figure for yourself it’s gonna be decades away. I thought I had all those years left with her. Now that’s just gone. The virus that causes shingles is sleeping…

Lily: Okay. So, we’re agreed that we each will head up our own divisions and have autonomy within them.

Devon: Yes. And we will be both open to each other’s advice as well as jill’s, right?

Lily: Yes, of course. But I do think that we each should have final say within our own division.

Devon: I think so, too. It sounds good so far.

Lily: Good.

Devon: When you talk about, though, us maintaining boundaries, I agree on a professional level, but I don’t want you to stop talking to me like we’re family when we’re here, or sharing your thoughts with me. ‘Cause I always need you to do that.

Lily: No, of course. You know I have your back and I know that you have mine. You know, and– and before, I did feel beholden to jill because she’s the head of board of directors. But I promise you, if I feel like what you’re saying is correct, then I will definitely have your back.

Devon: And what about when you think that what I’m saying is wrong?

Lily: [ Laughs ] Then I will respectfully tell you what a terrible idea it is.

Devon: Okay. Well, it’s good to know that we’re on the same page, then.

Lily: I’m just so happy you’re back. I missed you. And it has been a rough few months, but here we are.

[ Both chuckling ] So, let’s get to work.

Lucy: I haven’t given much thought to what it would be like if you, or mom… if I didn’t have you in my world anymore. And, um… now you’re going through that. How do you handle it?

Daniel: I’ll be okay.

Lucy: Dad, I know you. Sometimes you just forget and you don’t take care of yourself.

Daniel: I promise, I will this time. There’s no way I’m gonna spiral back to that place that I was stuck in. And– and– I have this as a reminder that I have a terrific daughter who loves me and needs me to be okay for her.

Lucy: It’s good to know you’ll be thinking of me, but dad… we both know you need more than just me and your life.

Sharon: I’m really proud of you, adam. You know, this is a delicate situation and you’re handling it with grace.

Adam: Well, thank you. It means a lot. But it’s still early. I could turn this whole thing to an epic disaster by dinner time.

Sharon: That’s true. But I don’t think you will. It feels like you’re making all the right decisions, for the right reasons.

Adam: Hmm. Well, it’s not like I was given much of a choice.

Sharon: True. Does that mean that you’ve given up your feelings for sally?

Adam: Honestly? No, I– I haven’T. I still love sally and I wish that we could be a family.

Sharon: Understandable.

Adam: But those feelings are separate from this kid that is on the way.

Sharon: Well, I have seen you with connor and you are a really wonderful father to him. So, I’m sure when this baby gets here you will be just as great to him– or her.

Adam: That’s the plan. But I have to remember this is sally’s first child. I’ve been a parent for a while. She has no idea what to expect.

Sharon: Yeah, the experience you get from raising the first one–

Adam: Right, it’s huge.

Sharon: There’s no substitute.

Adam: So, my focus is on sally and it’s on helping her prepare for these first few weeks and accepting whatever place I have in that until the birth. And from that point, I’ll be a 50/50 parent.

Sharon: Amen

Adam: Sally may think she doesn’t need me, may not want me, but this baby is gonna get all the love that I have to give.

Sharon: So, what are you hoping for? Girl or boy?

Adam: I’ll tell you later, uh, sally’s here.

Sharon: Oh, okay, have fun.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

[ Clears throat ]

Sally: I guess, uh, we both beat nick here, huh?

Adam: Uh-huh.

Victor: That spectra woman can never be trusted. Yet here she is reeling in both of my sons. To tie herself closer to our family. Why on god’s green earth would I ever approve of that?

Nikki: You wouldn’t?

Victor: Then why the hell did the rest of you decide to keep this from me?

Nikki: No, that’s not it. It’s about letting things play out on their own. I mean, someday soon nicholas is going to wake up and realize that sally is totally wrong for him. And then it will be his decision to break up with her. If we interfere, I worry that it could blow up in our faces.

Victor: Baby, what if that never happens? What if she decides to carry this charade on indefinitely?

Nick: And what charade would that be?

Victor: A charade that you are involved with, son. The hell is the matter with you? You carry on with a woman that’s pregnant with your brother’s child. Are you mad? Why are you doing this? You torment your brother. For bathroom odors that linger.

Daniel: You don’t have to worry about me, lucy.

Lucy: You’re my dad. I’m always gonna worry about you. You just– you need other people close by you that you can trust and depend on. Friends, like lily.

Daniel: Hmm. You wouldn’t happen to be trying to play matchmaker, would you? Because you are not that subtle.

Lucy: Subtlety is for cowards.

Daniel: Mm. You and lily are great together, don’t you think?

Daniel: Yeah, we’re great friends. Is that okay?

Lucy: You used to be more, though.

Daniel: Yes, once upon a time, we used to be more. But, you know, things are different when you grow up. Your friends, they– they can move away, you can drift apart. Sometimes it’s not worth really going out on a limb and trying to force something or make something more of a relationship when it’s not there. Because, you know, if you blow it, you run the risk of losing that person forever.

Lucy: I get it. It’s very ross and rachel. And if that’s the real reason that you’re holding back, then I get it.

Daniel: Oh, the real reason.

Lucy: Look, I’m not saying you need to fall madly in love with lily, or anyone else. I just… you and mom aren’t together anymore and I go to school in europe. And phyllis is– is gone, too. I just hate the thought of you being alone.

Daniel: I promise, honestly, I’m not gonna be alone. I– I have plenty of other friends besides lily, and I have, you know, acquaintances.

Lucy: Okay. Just don’t lock out the people you’re close to who already are there for you. Because pushing away people like that, it’s just weird. And it’s exactly how you blow things with a woman like lily. By not seeing and appreciating what’s right in front of your face.

Sally: [ Sighs ] I mean, where could nick be? There’s no way he’d miss this, at least not willingly.

Sharon: Um, it’s mariah.

Adam: Uh, take it, we’ll be fine.

Sharon: Hey, sweetie, what’s going on?

Adam: I’m sure that nick will be here any minute.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, the last time, you know, I saw him, he was on his way to newman. Maybe he got hung up or something. I don’t know.

Adam: Well, it’s– it’s not a problem. If nick got held up, we can just meet him at the doctor’s appointment, but we won’t start without him, okay? Just try to relax. Think positive thoughts. Everything is gonna work out how it’s meant to.

Nikki: All right. All right. Why don’t we all take a deep breath before something is said that cannot be unsaid.

Nick: As I have told you many, many times before, my personal life is none of your concern.

Victor: Son, it is my concern. For heaven’s sake, don’t you see what’s happening? That woman is playing odds with both my sons. It’s embarrassing. She can’t hold on to adam, so she latches on to you. Making fun of both of you.

Nick: You have no idea what you’re talking about and I understand that isn’t gonna make you stop.

Victor: Doesn’t this bother you at all? Don’t you realize what this looks like to people?

“The young and the restless” will continue.

Devon: You know, I did see some of what you were dealing with from the sidelines and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to support you through it.

Lily: No, it’s fine. I mean, we were barely speaking.

Devon: Yeah, I know, but I still wish things played out differently.

Lily: I am just glad you’re back and that we’re okay again.

Devon: Me too. I also noticed though, that when, uh– after you and billy split and we were going through everything, that daniel stepped in as a really big support for you. I’m very grateful to him for that. So, I’ll let him know next time I see him.

Lily: Please do. I’m sure some kindness can go a long way for him right now.

Devon: How is he dealing with his mom’s passing?

Lily: I mean, he’s struggling, you know, obviously. And unfortunately, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. And I think if anyone knows that–

Devon: It’s you and me.

Lily: Yeah, I’m pretty worried about him right now.

Victor: It’s bad enough that you and your sister, victoria, have done everything in your power to keep him out of the family business. Now, you’re showing callous disregard for your brother.

Nick: First, I had nothing to do with victoria blocking the acquisition of mccall unlimited. I was okay with us buying it so that adam could go off and run it on his own.

Victor: Oh, yeah. I bet. Out of sight, out of mind.

Nick: Second, I’m not doing anything to prevent adam from raising his kid. Neither is sally, far from it.

Victor: You’re standing in their way to raise that child as a family.

Nikki: So you’re not opposed to adam being involved with the chaotic, destructive person?

Victor: Of course, I am. I don’t approve of any of this dumb nonsense. Son, you just need to bow out of all of this for everyone’s sake, especially for your own.

Nick: You know, you are conveniently forgetting that adam is not a child. He’s a grown man. He’s made his own choices. He’s gonna have to live with the repercussions. He pushed sally away before sally or anyone else knew about the pregnancy. He has blown up his own family multiple times and I don’t think he’s some hapless victim that I need to coddle just because there’s a baby on the way.

Victor: I’m not talking to adam now, I’m talking to you. How the hell long do you intend to carry on like this? What do you want to raise that child and marry her and raise him as your family? It’s nuts. That choice should be adam’s, not yours.

Adam: Keep drinking all this tea, we’re gonna have to name our son, earl gray.

Sally: Or our daughter, chamomile.

Adam: Uh, I don’t know about that.

Sally: Okay, you do better.

Adam: A girl’s name? Mm… I’d rather not.

Sally: How come?

Adam: I have ideas, of course, but look, we have time. We should name our– our little one together. Our child’s name is the start of his or her own journey, their own legacy.

Sally: I like that thought. Of course, newman will be a part of that legacy.

Adam: The name definitely comes with its own history. But hopefully, the baby will find a new way to breathe life into it.

Daniel: When did you get so wise?

Lucy: I think it’s genetic. Probably grandpa. I think it skipped a generation though.

Daniel: Oh, ha ha ha. That’s very funny. I should get you to the airport so you don’t miss your flight.

Lucy: I really wouldn’t mind another day with you.

Daniel: Your mother would kill me.

Lucy: I was hoping you’d forget about that.

Daniel: I’m not gonna forget about that, come on. Oh, you’re probably too old to hold your old man’s hand, huh?

Lucy: Seriously, dad?

Daniel: Come on.

Lucy: Let’s go.

Daniel: Yeah, let’s go. After you. Mom. Can we get a puppy, mom?

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: So, I overheard the tail end of your conversation earlier.

Adam: Oh.

Sally: With sharon.

Adam: Right. Uh, which gender I was hoping for?

Sally: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I know we’ve joked a lot about the fact that, you know, you only have boys, but do you actually have a preference?

Adam: Mm, not really.

Sally: Seriously?

Adam: I imagine if we have a daughter, she will be as smart as her mother and I will be heavily outnumbered.

Sally: And if it’s a boy?

Adam: He or she will be welcomed into this world with just boundless love.

Sally: Man, when I wasn’t sure which one of you was the father, I panicked. I had a lot of sleepless nights. It turns out I did not need to worry because whether the father was you or nick, this child was destined to be loved.

Adam: That’s something you never have to worry about. How much I love this kid.

Nick: Adam, sally, and I are managing the situation just fine. We don’t need your interference.

Nikki: Your father and I have strong opinions where sally is concerned.

Nick: Mom, I love you, but no offense, you gotta butt out of this.

Victor: What do you mean no offense? I am offended. With the lack of respect, you show me and your brother.

Nick: When? When did I do that?

Victor: Yesterday in that damn cafe. I saw what happened. You saw adam and sally sort of flirting with each other, getting kind of close. What did you do? You inserted yourself right between them, to show your dominance, right?

Nick: That is not what happened.

Victor: Oh, really?

Nick: No, it’s not. But I just reminded you why I was justified in doing that. If you give adam one inch…

Victor: That’s just one more way of how you’re trying to thwart him. I’ve been trying for years to integrate that boy into our family. You and your sister have done nothing but throw one obstacle after another in his way. I am sick and tired of your lack of loyalty to him and to me.

[ Nick exhaling ]

Nick: You know, I came here to see vic. She’s obviously not around, so I’m out of here. Leave sally alone. She doesn’t deserve this.

[ Daniel exhaling ]

[ Daniel sighing ]

[ Daniel sighing ]

[ Knock on door ]

Lily: Hi.

Daniel: I thought you had work?

Lily: I do, but, you know, the boss and I we’re pretty close so I can take a break. Are you okay? I used to pre-rinse dishes cause my old detergent

Devon: Hey, esther, is lily available? I want to see if she wants to get lunch.

Esther: Oh, you just missed her. She had to step out for a bit.

Devon: Okay. I’m gonna go to the food court then. Can I bring you back anything?

Esther: Oh, that’s really sweet. But no, I’m brown bagging it today.

Devon: Oh, that’s smart. I’ll be back in probably like an hour.

Esther: Okay. Oh, devon, um– before lily came in earlier, I started to talk about the importance of family.

Devon: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Did you want to finish your thought?

Esther: Well, when mrs. C. Discovered that you were her grandson, it rocked her world. And you had a lot going on back then and you weren’t the least bit interested in letting her into your life.

Devon: I know. I was young and stupid.

Esther: But she was determined to connect with you, to communicate. It mattered a lot to her. She was constantly trying to think of ways to accomplish that. And then it hit her. Mrs. C. Knew exactly what she needed to do.

Devon: I think I know what you’re talking about. She learned sign language so she could talk to me and it blew me away the first time she did it.

Esther: Yeah, she went the extra mile, so the two of you could bond and grow a relationship because that’s what families do. They go out of their way for each other. Like you and lily have, to find a way in your hearts to set aside your differences to make chancellor-winters whole again. Which is my long-winded way of saying, welcome home, devon. I know that mrs. C. And neil are looking down right now and they’re smiling.

Devon: Thank you. Thank you. I love you.

Esther: Oh, I love you. Oh, so glad you’re back.

Lily: Did you and lucy get to have breakfast before you took her to the airport?

Daniel: Yeah. I hate seeing her go. Without her and my dad here, it’s just– I don’t think I’ve ever felt this alone. And that’s scary, you know. But I promised lucy that I would take care of myself. So, I’m gonna have to find a way through it.

[ Daniel sighing ]

Lily: She sent me a text before she took off.

Daniel: Oh, great, that’s–

Lily: Sweet?

Daniel: No, it’s embarrassing.

Lily: Embarrassing, why?

Daniel: My kid shouldn’t feel like she has to look out for me like that.

Lily: Daniel, it’s called love. She wants you to know that you are loved and you’re not alone. You’re not alone.

Nikki: Victor, you are going to have to find a way to accept this.

Victor: This is all madness, sweetheart. This woman could be the destruction of our family.

Nikki: Look, I don’t like her any more than you do, but if we’re going to prevail, we have to approach this strategically.

Victor: How so?

Nikki: Those three are a powder keg. I don’t know how they’re going to avoid setting it off. But I do know this. If you continue to criticize, you will become the common enemy. It will be the three of them against you.

Victor: I don’t give a damn.

Nikki: You’re just going to have to let them figure it out without any input because listen to me, if they band together, they could block your access to the child. No matter how we feel about sally, her baby is going to be your grandchild and I know it would kill you to not be a part of its life. Oh, darling.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: All right. Um, he’s not here, so we should just, go.

Adam: Are you sure?

Sally: Yeah, I’ll just text him and ask him to meet us there.

Adam: Okay. All right, let’s do this.

Nick: Hey, I’m here. Hey, sharon.

Sharon: Hey, nick.

Sally: Thank goodness.

Nick: Sorry to cut it so close. You ready to go?

Sally: Yeah.

Adam: You just made it. That’s great.

Nick: Yep. I’ll take it from here. Let’s go. We’ll meet you at the appointment.

Adam: Yeah.

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GH Transcript Thursday, April 20, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


we need to deal with this right now to mitigate the damage. As soon as possible, call me back.

That sounded bad. What’s going on?

If we don’t do something soon, valentin could destroy elq.

Time is running out. This may be the last chance for nina and willow, and I know you’re capable of rising above. I’ve seen you do it with me, for avery’s sake. Won’t you do it with nina for willow’s?

[Doorbell rings]

What are you doing here? Where’s ava?

She’s not here.

Well, where is she?

She’s out.

When will she be back?

I’m not sure. Hopefully not too long. Is something wrong?

Yeah, my daughter’s dying.

Yeah, we’re all torn up about willow. We’re all trying to support her as best we can.

Of course. I know you all are. I shouldn’t have snapped. It’s just I really needed to talk to ava. What are you doing here?

I was here when ava had to leave, so I told her I’d watch avery.

Ok. Well, I’m here now. I’ll wait for ava. I promise not to leave until ava comes home, so I’ll watch avery. You can go.

Yeah, I don’t think so.

[Knock at door]

Hey, portia, I just heard. Trina is missing?

Trina’s on the “haunted star.”

So then it’s true then. Victor kidnapped her too.

No. No. No. You would think that. But no, she chose to go on that boat. My daughter is in danger, and this is all spencer cassadine’s fault.


Drew. Thank you for coming right away, man.

What’s this about trina? I just heard she’s missing.

Yeah, it was confirmed that she’s on the “haunted star.”

What the hell? Victor took her along with spencer, the baby, obrecht. What’s the purpose of kidnapping all of them?

He didn’t kidnap her. Victor doesn’t even know she’s on board. I’m just not sure how long she can stay hidden from him and his men.

So glad you could join us.

Just get off me! Get off me!



Back off. Back off.

You all right? You all right?

I’m ok. Don’t do anything to make them hurt you.

Oh, how touching. Well, I suggest you take her advice, spencer, and settle down, or I’ll have them take trina away. Well, let me officially welcome you on board. Oh, my, you really are a little slip of a thing, aren’t you? No wonder my men missed you when you slipped on board.

I’m not “a little slip” or a “thing,” mr. Cassadine.

My apologies. A poor choice of words. However, it’s too bad that spencer disobeyed orders and told you where he was going.

Spencer told me nothing. I had a feeling that something was bothering him, and I followed him myself.

Well, how industrious of you. And have you enjoyed the cruise so far?


Mein gott! Where did she come from?

Now, liesl, allow me to introduce la saboteur, the reason for our delay, the stowaway who’s been scurrying around the ship causing all kinds of trouble to our engines.

I wondered why we’d stopped.

Indeed. You see, it was the sabotage, plus the missing walkie-talkie that made me think that perhaps we had an uninvited guest on board. So I had my men call a fake drill. I figured that you, assuming spencer’s cabin was unguarded, would make your way there. And voil, here we are. But you shouldn’t feel too badly about it. It’s a common mistake to equate initial success with ongoing effectiveness. One assumes that once something’s worked once, it’ll go on working indefinitely. See, your advantage was surprise. Once you lost that, well, here we are. But you are clever, I’ll give you that. So perhaps you’ll help me decide what to do with you.

[Tense music]

[Dramatic music]

Leave? Carly, I’m here. I can watch avery.

I promised ava I would stay.

No, that’s not the reason. You don’t trust me alone with her.

Ava asked me to stay. I agreed. I want to be here if avery wakes up. Draw whatever conclusion you want, nina.

You know what? That’s ridiculous. Because avery, she is very comfortable with me. And the past few months, I’ve spent a lot more time with her than you have.

Ok. If you insist on staying, that’s fine. We shouldn’t talk to each other. It’s a really big house. Pick whatever room you want. Just don’t wake up avery, ok?

I am not going to wake up a sleeping child. Wow, you really think the worst of me, don’t you? It was your idea, wasn’t it?


You told michael not to invite me to willow’s wedding.

Is elq in trouble? I know there was a dip in the market recently, but what does that have to do with valentin?

You know about the elq stock drop?

It’s our family business, dad. Yes, I keep up. I know that the stock took a hit when valentin’s death was announced, but then you stepped in as ceo and things stabilized, and that you have been the consistent leader you always were.

Yes, I demonstrated to the shareholders and the market that elq was still strong. And then news came out about valentin’s death being a ploy, and that’s when the stock took yet another hit. It appears that the market doesn’t like the idea of a con man running the company.

But valentin didn’t fakehis own death because of elq. It’s not like he was embezzling money and then took off.

It doesn’t matter. With all the craziness and corruption that goes on on wall street these days, people are skittish. Once shareholders and financial partners lose faith in a company, that company’s days are numbered.

You have raised a very intelligent and courageous young woman. But what was trina thinking sneaking on to that boat like that?

She wasn’T. She wasn’t thinking. She was following. She was following spencer, following spencer into some shady situation, like a moth to a flame. And I’m so utterly terrified right now, I can’t even tell you. And I can’t go home, because curtis isn’t there. It makes it even more lonely. And I can’t work. All I can do is think about all the ways trina could be hurting.

I understand, portia. I do. But we need to keep in mind how smart and capable she is.

But not when it comes to spencer. I mean, she loses all common sense when it comes to him. How many times has he lied to her? When he first met her, he said that his name was victor, probably because he idolizes his great uncle victor.

He may have at the time, but he doesn’t any longer.

So trina managed to get a phone call out?

Amazingly, she called portia on a satellite phone that she found. Portia came out and flagged down jordan, laura, and me to let us listen on speakerphone. Trina even managed to give us the ship’s heading with laura’s help.

Well, that’s great. I mean, the heading narrows things down. But did she say anything about an exact location?

The gps locator was disabled, so we were unable to track the “haunted star” remotely. Trina heard some men coming, so she had to go. I told her to leave the phone there. Now, you know I hated telling her to do that. But, you know, if victor knew that one of his phones was missing, it would alert him that he had a stowaway.

No, that’s a good call.

Well, maybe, but I haven’t had any contact from trina since, and it’s driving me crazy. Laura convinced me not to storm the pcpd, so I’m just staying close here waiting for trina to reach out and manage another call to portia.

Wait, portia’s here?

Yeah. She’s in her office.

And you’re out here?


I’m sorry, man. I’m sorry you guys can’t be going through this together.

You know what? Given the situation, it’s probably best. Anyway, I needed to talk to you. I called you here for a reason.

Ok. Whatever I can do.

I need you to tell me more about your connection to victor cassadine.

Leave trina alone, uncle victor.

You’re hardly in a position to protect her.

That’s not going to stop me from trying.

Dr. Obrecht, a word, now.

[Dramatic music] So you enjoyed your reading?

The properties of the pathogen are fascinating, very complex, and virtually unstoppable.

Are you saying it’s beyond your abilities, that you’re not capable of producing a vaccine?


Nein. I’ve already conceived several protocols that could work.

I knew you would rise to the challenge.

I haven’t agreed to help you.


You sure you’re all right?

Watch yourself.

We’re just talking.

Let them talk. They can’t plan anything with us standing right here.

I’m ok. The guard didn’t try to hurt me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I fell for the trap. I blew it.

No, it’s ok. You ran circles around these morons for 24 hours, and you stopped the ship. That’s all that matters.

I at least did that.

Trina, it’s ok. You may have saved us. We’re going to get out of this.

[Dramatic music]

And you wonder why I didn’t want to leave avery with you. You’re delusional. If willow and michael didn’t invite you to their wedding, it’s because they don’t want you there, plain and simple.

Just be honest with me. When you found out that michael was going to invite sonny to the wedding, you didn’t encourage willow to shut me out?

Michael invited sonny?

Oh, you didn’t know? You mean-

you mean michael and willow didn’t ask your permission for michael to invite his father to his own wedding? Will wonders never cease?

Ok, I get it. Michael invited sonny but not you. And sonny accepted, even though you were excluded.

I wanted sonny to go to the wedding, because I know how much his relationship with his son means to him.

Maybe more than I thought.

What is-

what is that supposed to mean?

Sounds like sonny has finally gotten his priorities straight. I mean, I don’t really give a damn what sonny does anymore, but he is michael and donna’s father. And it just makes me glad that sonny is finally choosing to put his family ahead of you.

[Tense music]

Laura and I were talking about esme and how tricky her memory situation is. And then I remembered you telling me that victor cassadine used a tarot card on you to trigger a memory.

Yeah, but it didn’t work. Talk to me, man. Where are you going with this?

Victor was hell-bent on getting you to remember something. I mean, according to you, he went to a lot of trouble.

Yeah, I think it was the main reason he put up with peter august for as long as he did, because peter was promising victor that he would deliver something that I was supposed to remember.

But could it lead to something that tells us where he’s headed? Anything at all?

Look, I get why you’re heading down this road. Trina might be your daughter. But I think you’re grasping at straws.

Hey, I’ll take a straw.

All I know is that victor wanted information about something called operation demeter.

Operation demeter. This means nothing to you?

I mean, I’m reasonably certain that it was a black op that I was involved in when I was a navy seal, but you know that time of my life I’ve got huge gaps. When I first found out that victor really wanted information about this operation demeter, I tried to remember. I tried to do everything. I-

I sat for hours going over my service records, although most of it was redacted. But I was just trying to piece together everything that was listed there, but I just couldn’t remember. I got nothing.

Damn. Ok. Ok. And you were involved in the plot to overthrow victor with valentin and anna, right?

I mean, yeah, just at the very end. But yeah.

Ok. Drew, I need you to tell me everything you know about victor cassadine.

Spencer has caused trina nonstop heartache, but now she’s vulnerable. Did trina tell you what happened after the wedding?

I know that-

that curtis might be her father.

Did she tell you that we’ve been estranged ever since? Same thing with curtis. I messed up. I kept the truth from all of them, because I wanted to give trina the best life I possibly could. At least that’s what I told myself anyway.

Our lies always seem to catch up with us, don’t they? I know all about making mistakes in the name of doing what’s best for your child. Portia, you were just-

you’re just being the best mom that you could be.

Thank you for that, but the damage is already done. Trina thinks that spencer is the only one that she can count on, so she followed him into danger. I just wish that she had never met him. If she survives this, i promise you that I’ll make sure that she never sees him again.

What are we doing out here?

I am growing so tired of your short-sightedness.

There’s nothing to see but darkness.

And even more tired of your game, spencer. I’m giving you one last chance to join me. I’m not just offering you the opportunity of being part of my legacy. I’m giving you a front row seat to be a part of a glorious future of this planet, unburdened by overpopulation. Now, I already have ace to carry on the cassadine name, but I was hoping to have you by my side.

By your side when you reduce the world’s population? Sick.

Hard choices have to be made to rebalance the ratio of people to natural resources on this planet. And without antibiotics and modern medicine, population attrition would have already happened naturally. I’m just trying to right the scale.

I cannot be a part of this, uncle.

Don’t fool yourself, spencer. Oh, there is steel in that spine. You took your father’s son from him and then drove him out, for heaven’s sakes. Well, you certainly possess that clarity of mind and purpose to do whatever is necessary. You are a cassadine.

Spencer is nothing like you. He has a good heart despite what his family wants him to be. He told me about you and helena, and he will never be that person.

Oh, come on, spencer. You’re way too smart to forfeit your legacy for a pretty face.

Trina is so much more than that. She’s the bravest person that I know. She never shies away from the truth, and she knows right from wrong, and thanks to her, I’m starting to figure that out for myself. I don’t share your vision, uncle victor. And I’ll never join you no matter what you do to me.

Oh, spencer, you break my heart. Throw her over the side.


No! No!

I know spencer pretty well, portia. And it’s true that he was once reckless and vindictive, entitled, petty, but now-


don’t tell me he’s a changed man.

Since he met trina, there’s been a shift in him.

Trina shouldn’t have to be spencer cassadine’s conscience.

No argument there. But this change that I’ve seen in spencer since he’s come back to port charles, it can be directly tied to trina.

And any pain trina had can be directly tied back to spencer.

I can’t argue that. If she chooses to be with spencer, I think that we all need to respect that, right? And you and trina may never reconcile if you keep badmouthing him.

And that might be a moot point. We may never reconcile if she doesn’t make it back.

Dad, no disrespect, but do you think maybe you’re overreacting? I mean, elq has had downturns in the past, and it’s always come out stronger.

I don’t overreact; the market does. And a good investor lives for this. Our stock drops, and shareholders get nervous and start selling. The next thing you know, in come the corporate raiders. The first sign of weakness, and the sharks start circling. I’m going to have to make some tough decisions to streamline, cut costs, but I really don’t want to have to fire thousands of employees to do it.

God, it’s that bad, huh? Well, what can we do?

Well, we have to reassure the market that elq is stable and strong. But valentin has yet to even talk to the press to explain his actions.

Well, that’s because anna nearly died. She’s been in the icu, and valentin hasn’t left her side.

I’m not asking him to hold a press conference, but he could put out a written statement. The longer he stays silent, the worse it looks, and he won’t even return my phone calls.

Dad, it’s not the first thing on his mind right now.

Well, it should be. Anna is being well taken care of at gh. Valentin is our ceo. The health and well-being of this company is his responsibility, and I thought he knew that. The quartermaines have always understood whether it’s grandfather or me or michael. We understand that to keep elq strong and stable, you need committed leadership. And I am starting to regret siding with valentin when michael and drew wanted to oust him.

I have never asked sonny to choose between me and his family. I never have, and I never will. I want him to go to that wedding, even if it’s without me.

It’s very noble. I’m sure sonny appreciates the sacrifice.

It’s not just that I’m missing my daughter’s wedding. But I’m missing what could be her last days, the daughter that I have never been able to really know, and that is your fault.

You’ve known willow for years. She’s known you. You were unfair to her when she was charlotte’s teacher. You attacked michael and willow in open court, and that just goes on and on and on. It’s any wonder willow doesn’t like you.

That was before we knew we were mother and daughter.

God, exactly. It was just fine for you to be a bitch to willow when she wasn’t a relative. And the only thing that’s different now is that you know she’s your daughter, and suddenly willow is wonderful. Willow has been wonderful all along, but you couldn’t see it. You still don’t see it. Willow is a person with wants and needs and her level of comfort. But you don’t get it. You don’t care. The only thing you care about is that she’s yours, your possession, your daughter. No wonder willow doesn’t want to be with you or around you. Instead of you facing that fact, you want to blame it all on me.

I made mistakes. I own my part. But it’s your fault that I don’t have a chance to earn willow’s forgiveness, because we’re running out of time. My daughter’s dying. And it is your fault, carly.

Ever since victor’s been back to port charles, he’s been focused on locating a code that’s etched into one of the diamonds in the ice princess necklace.

So all the killings-

luke spencer, the deputy mayor-

anna, valentin, lucy going missing, that was all over a necklace?

And anna and valentin learned that the code’s actually a set of coordinates indicating a bunker that victor’s brother, mikkos, hid something in that victor wants.

So now victor has the necklace?

Yeah, he acquired it the night of the nurses’ ball.

The same night he left on the “haunted star.”

Yeah, so presumably, he has the location of mikkos’ bunker, and that is where he’s headed.

And victor thought you knew the location of the bunker?


Then you need to remember-

drew, somehow, whatever it takes, man-

you have to remember trina’s life depends on it.



Halt. You have something to say?

Yes. Yes. I will agree to go along with whatever you want, whatever you say, as long as she’s not hurt.

So you’ll stop resisting?

Yes, as long as trina is safe, please. Please. I’ll go along with whatever you demand. I’ll-

I’ll be by your side. That’s what you want, that’s your plan, right, to shape the world?

Release her.

It’s ok. It’s all right. We’re going to be ok. People are coming.

Now, see, that’s where you’re wrong. No one can save you.

I just said I’d do whatever you want.

You really think I’m stupid enough to believe anything you say? I was looking for a partner, someone to share my vision. Instead, I got an ungrateful, duplicitous whelp ready to stab me in the back at a moment’s notice. Fine. You and trina can both drown.


Don’t tell me you’re thinking of asking michael and drew to help you oust valentine, because the last time you did that, you double-crossed them, and your relationship has not been the same since.

It wasn’t a double-cross. It was a tactical adjustment. And I did what was best for elq.

You did what was best for you.

All right, ok, I did think that my position at elq would be stronger if valentin remained a ceo. But let’s be clear. At the time, elq was thriving under valentin’s leadership. There was no reason to vote him out.

But now circumstances have changed.

Yes, because he is all wrapped up in his family’s business while elq suffers. Look, I understand what valentin is going through right now on a personal level, but it won’t change my business decision. Valentin needs to go.

I didn’t give willow leukemia. And I didn’t kidnap liesl to delay the bone marrow transplant.

Of course not. But if you told the truth about the dna test, willow would have gotten that bone marrow transplant months ago, and she’d already be cancer-free.

We didn’t know about willow’s diagnosis months ago, nina.

Don’t you understand, carly? If willow knew that I was her mother, whether she accepted me or not, when the whole possibility of a bone marrow transplant came up, she would have come to me immediately, instead of waiting months and months through that farce that drew put everyone through looking for her birth parents. I was here all along.

I told you. The second I found out that willow had leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant, I told you you weren’t a match.

I wasn’t a match, but liesl, liesl is a match, and she would have gotten tested immediately. And this whole nightmare would have been done and over with.

I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I had any more tears to cry.

Oh, please don’t be sorry. I get it, portia. I’m a mom, too.

I hope it’s not too late for me and trina.

It’s not. You know how I know that? She called you. When trina was in danger and scared she called her mom.

And she told me that she loved me, too.

[Laughs] I wasn’t sure that I would ever hear those words again from her, but now I wonder if that was the last time.

Those will be the first words she says to you when she sees you again. Believe it.


You know, I-

I should get home to avery.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

If you hear anything-


of course. Yes. I’ll keep you updated.

And, portia, when trina comes home, you two will have all the time you need to work things out. You will. Everything is going to work out.

You want to kill me? Is that what you did to my father? Or is he waiting for ace wherever we’re going?

I really don’t know where nikolas ran off to, and I really don’t care. You are as much of a disappointment to me, spencer. At least I still have ace that I can raise any way I want without outside influence.

Oh, no, my baby brother. He needs me. He needs me.

Goodbye, spencer. Victor! Victor! Victor, stop at once. This is-

this is nonsense.

Oh, you want to join them?

No. I want to use them.

[Dramatic music]

You want the cold, hard truth, nina? I kept the dna test results a secret for willow’s sake, because she told me she didn’t want to find her birth mother and fear she’d turn out to be someone like you. You disrespected willow at every turn. You accused her of having an affair. You bothered her over and over again when you knew she was having a difficult pregnancy. I knew it would devastate willow to find out that a woman she hated turned out to be her mother. So don’t look at me as the cause of your non-relationship with your daughter. Take a look in the mirror. The blame lies solely on you.

And I should have the rest of my daughter’s life to be able to make it up to her, but I don’t because willow’s life is measured in days, and that’s you, carly. You stole that time from us. You did that.

[Tense music]


If I knew anything that could lead us to victor, I would tell you in a heartbeat. I just-

I can’t remember, man. I-

I can’T.

I get it. I’m sorry, buddy, for pushing you for information you don’t have.

Trina managed to get her hands on a satellite phone once. Maybe she can do it again.

Yeah, maybe. You know, even before I realized that trina might be my daughter, I just loved her to pieces. She’s so fun and so bright, and she definitely keeps me on my toes. And she’s principled, and I like that, just an amazing young woman. So imagine her keeping it together under those circumstances so focused and so brave. Drew, you know she had to be terrified.

You know what you sound like, don’t you? You sound like a proud father. And trina sounds just like you, unable to sit back without doing anything.

Excuse me. Portia, did trina call again?

No. I didn’t even realize that you were-

you were still here.

I couldn’t leave, not while trina is out there somewhere in danger.


Why would you toss spencer and trina overboard when they could still be of use? I need subjects to test any vaccine I develop.

So you’re saying you’re on board, you’ll join my cause?

I think your cause is madness, but I can see that you’re committed to it, and I don’t want to die. Call it self-preservation.

Oh, come on, are you sure that’s all there is?

I certainly have no personal feelings for you if that’s what you’re implying. However, the science has merit. As a researcher, I’m intrigued by the challenge of creating a vaccine to combat such a-

such a complex pathogen. It would be a singular achievement.

There’s nothing out there like this.

If your experiment succeeds-


it will.

Or fails, it’s of no consequence to me. I am living a half-life since my britta’s death. But this challenge has awakened me. It’s-

it’s the first time I’ve felt alive again. It might even keep me going.

Trina, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.

What are you talking about? I followed you.

No, if I had just left you alone, you’d still be safe in port charles.

Worried sick about you.

Yeah, but I know that you’d be ok.

And I would wonder where you were. At least this way we’re together.

I got to figure something out. I have to find a way to save you and my brother. I don’t know I’m going to do.

Hopefully someone will come and save us. We just need a little time.

Yeah. And maybe dr. Obrecht will give us just that. I just wish that I knew what she was thinking.

I don’t know, but I hate the idea of being a test subject.

Yeah, so do I, but if she can convince my uncle that she needs us alive, then maybe it can buy us some more time to figure out a solution before she turns us into human guinea pigs.

[Dramatic music]

You know michael and drew are going to think something’s up the moment you try to reconcile with them.

Look, with all that’s gone on with willow, I’ve already made overtures to michael, and he knows it’s from my heart. And as far as drew and I, well, I see a path. I see a path there. He’s a reasonable guy. This is worth pursuing.


What’s this? I thought you’d be thrilled at the possibility of some quartermaine family unity for a change.

I am. It’s just-


just what?

Blindsiding valentin and ousting him while his life is an upheaval and his guard is down-


it’s business, brook lynn. He’s a businessman.

He’s also a cassadine. Valentin is not someone you want as your enemy.

I wish that I could help. The only thing that I know about operation demeter is the name.

Maybe we can pressure the navy to unseal those records. What about robert’s connection with the wsb?

No. The navy won’t answer to the wsb. They won’t even acknowledge the op existed.

I can’t believe in this whole wide world there isn’t someone that can tell us what operation demeter was.

Wait a minute. Maybe there is.

Thank you for staying and keeping an eye on avery.

Oh. Any word on trina?

No. No. Unfortunately, it’s still a waiting game.

All right. Well, avery’s fine. She never woke up.

Good. Carly, is-

is everything ok?

Nina was here.

Oh. Oh. How did that go?

How did it go? Let me say this, if you ever feel compelled to give me advice, don’t, ok?


You want the cold,

hard truth? I kept the dna test results a secret for willow’s sake, because she told me she didn’t want to find her birth mother and fear she’d turn out to be someone like you. You disrespected willow at every turn. You accused her of having an affair. You bothered her over and over again when you knew she was having a difficult pregnancy. I knew it would devastate willow to find out that a woman she hated turned out to be her mother. So don’t look at me as the cause of your non-relationship with your daughter. Take a look in the mirror.

The blame lies solely on you.

Sanctimonious bitch. Nothing is ever your fault, is it, carly?

Carly invested in aurora when the plan was to merge that company with elq. But if carly bought aurora’s stock, knowing there was a merger on the horizon, isn’t that insider trading? And she and drew could both be open to prosecution if anybody finds out.

Well, it might be time for carly to face some consequences of her own.

[Engine turning over]

Copy that. Ambrose reports the engine should be repaired within the hour.

Oh, that’s good news. It seems you didn’t cost us too much time.

What are you going to do with us?

You don’t get to ask questions. Watkins, you and maksim take them and lock them up.

You’re not going to kill us?

Well, as dr. Obrecht said, you’re still useful to me. When that’s little longer so, I’ll dispose of you.

A wise choice, but, victor, I need healthy subjects while I work on the vaccine. You must feed and water them like any lab rat so that my results aren’t compromised.

We’re going to be all right. We’re going to make it out of this.

Well, I don’t see how that’s possible. The voyage is almost over. Despite the delay, we should arrive at mikkos’ bunker by morning, and then liesl could get to work.

[Tense music]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Thursday, April 20, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, hey EJ. Look at this, the perfect martini. May I fix you ones? Hmm. Oh, oh, well, oh, you may fix me another, but this time forget the olives and the . Oh, well, uh, yes, but before I do that, what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong is that the call is lying to me.

Johnny, this isn’t a good. Everything okay? No, it’s not. But, uh, you and Gabby not that’s any of your business, but Gabby and I just ended our marriage. Well, I’m, I’m sorry to hear that. And I promise you, I will leave you to wallow in your misery, but I gotta figure out how to deal with mine first. Look, if this is about my sister, it is.

Okay. Look, look, look, I, I’ve been trying to call Wendy. She’s not answering her phone. Do you know where she is?

No, Joey, you’re not taking a ride share with your leg in that cast. Hey, I’m going to pick you up from the hospital tomorrow. I’m going to bring you back here, or I will stay for as long as I’m needed. Okay? Yeah, of course, man.

No, I haven’t heard from dad yet. Yeah. Still in Greece looking for your mom, you know? But I’m sure he is gonna call as soon as he knows something. Okay, you got a brother? I’ll see you in the morning.

Wendy. What the, hey, trip? What? Why are you, why are you here? What, I mean, what are you, what are you doing here in. What’s the matter? Aren’t you glad to see me?

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Nicole and I were right here earlier having a perfectly pleasant conversation. Then when things started to turn romantic, she suddenly claimed she was feeling ill and fled to go take a. After a few minutes, I became concerned. Well, that’s understandable. Hmm. And so I trailed her to see if she was okay.

That’s when I overheard her on the phone with someone telling them that she didn’t want me to know what happened and that they should keep with a secret. Well, that’s hardly cause for suspicion. Perhaps Nicole was throwing a surprise party. My birthday’s in February. Oh, yes. Well, maybe she was planning a romantic getaway.

Right. Just not for us. Who are you jumping to conclusions? Do you have any idea who Nicole was speaking to?

Oh, Anna. Hi. Hi, Nicole. I’m sorry to bother you. I’m just, it’s fine. It’s, it’s fine. What? What’s wrong? I’m just wondering if you have any aspirin. Oh, it was Majong with the girls this afternoon, and I’m afraid I had one too many Pinot Grigios. I know how you feel. I, uh, I have a hangover. Oh really? Mm-hmm. What had you flying high

biscuits. Hey, what are you doing back last week? Okay, I’m fine. I came here to send you me. Why? You said you are gonna check on Melin. That was a while ago. So I said I text you when I was free. I know, but I mean, how long did it take to check up on somebody, Gabriela? Am I sensing a hint of jealousy about me?

Mm-hmm. Jealous of Melina Trust. Come on. That’s, that’s ridiculous. It’s insulting, really. Okay, fine. Yes. I’m jealous.

See, I’m jealous because I know Melinda wants you badly. Okay. Maybe she does. You are the only one that I want to want me. In other words, I’m taken.

Okay. I know, it’s just, I don’t think it might have been the best idea to have her be your lover. I mean, she’s really into you. Okay. First of all, pretend lover. Okay. And it’s over. Okay. Her job is done. We just talked about it. She knows, and I still don’t care why she signed on in the first place because we talked about this.

Okay. She hates EJ for letting Christian Escape, so this was her way to get back at him. And even so this wasn’t a charity case for her. She made it abundantly clear. She expects something big in return. Something big, huh? Yes. And. Just only she intends to collect. As soon as you and I are back in charge of ta.

I bet she’s gonna want a lot more than just a check for her foundation. Maybe. Okay. Probably wonderful. I hope it doesn’t involve her making her way back into your bedroom. Gabby, it’s done. I belong to you. My heart belongs to you and only you. So enough about Melinda, did you speak to Lee? I sure did. And well, I gave him his ring back and now I am free to be with

fear. No, no. I, uh, I wanna have a clear head when I talk to your sister. Did, did she say when she’s gonna be, No, she did not. Why don’t you try calling her again? I just texted her for the thousandth time, man. No response. Damnit. I I thought this was just a misunderstanding. I, I, I don’t misunderstanding. I’m guessing it’s more than that.

If she’s ignoring a thousand texts, come on, Johnny out with it. What’d you do to make my sister so angry? Why she ghosting you.

I’m really happy to see you. I just never expected you to show up here. Yeah, well neither did I. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision newly. How’s Joey doing? Fine. Yeah. The surgery was a success and they’re actually releasing it from the hospital tomorrow, but. I know you didn’t come all this way just to see that knucklehead.

So tell me, come on, what, uh, brought you to Seattle? A plane, Wendy. Okay. I, uh, I actually came because I was disappointed that we didn’t get to go on our date. I mean, not that I’m mad that you came here for Joey. Not at all. I think that’s totally amazing that you did that. I don’t, I don’t know about amazing, but, uh, believe me, I, I felt really bad about canceling on you last minute, but we said that we’d go out as soon as I got back.

So, I mean, for you to. Fly like 2000 miles to get here. There’s gotta be something more going on. Right. Did something happen in Salem? No, no, no. I mean, nothing much is that Johnny and Chanel are getting married again?

No. I don’t know who Nicole was conspiring with on the phone. But does it matter? Of course it matters. It could have been a travel agent or a hotel concierge. But what are you getting so worked up about? I’m worked up because Nicole and I are in a committed relationship. There should be no secrets between us, but there are differences between surprises and secrets aren’t there?

Yes, but Tony, you, you’re not hearing me. Nicole told the person on the other end of that call that she didn’t want me to know what happened. I highly doubt she was trying to book the bloody presidential suite at some upscale hotel. Ej, lemme make you another dream. No, I’m gonna confront the call right now and demand the truth.

No, no, no, no, no. Stop ej,

please take a breath before you do anything that you marry.

Tainted biscuits. What? Heavens I, I’m surprised that you didn’t hear. I mean, I got at least a dozen news alerts. Oh, well, you know, we turn our phones off when we’re playing Majong. There’s so much wine flowing. Everyone needs to stay focused. Well, did they find out who did the ta? No. No, they didn’t. The police are still looking into it, but so many people got drugged.

It was me, ej, Rafe. Eric, you spoke to Eric. Well, we ran into each other under the influence.

Nicole, what is it?

It’s nothing. Nothing. It sounds like a whole lot of something to me. Come on, honey. You know, you can trust me. Just talk to me what happened with you and Eric?

Oh, my,

I, Anna, I, I don’t know how it happened, but I ended up in bed with.

Oh, well that took forever. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you waiting. No, it’s fine. It just, I wish I’d have joined you. Such fun memories of you and I in the shower. All the things we did. It’s such a tiny little space that I never thought we could do, but boy, you sure did. Prove me wrong. Yeah. You know, to be honest, before I came out here I was a little worried, you know, but the way you’re talking, it makes me feel that we’ll get back on track soon.

Oh, after I walked in on you in bed with Nicole, that was a one time thing. And you know, not to mention that we were drugged, but honestly I’d, I’d really like to pick up where we left off. You mean hot sex? No. Well, I wouldn’t use those exact words. Well, look, whatever words you’re looking for, I’m afraid that’s just not gonna work for me anymore.

So my sister saw you propose to your ex-wife. Yeah. Yeah. I was high, I was high on some crazy drug. So was Chanel. I, I, I had no idea what I was doing or what I was saying. Well, why don’t you just text her and explain the whole thing? Yeah, Lee, I did that. I texted. I explained the whole thing, but once I typed it all out, I realized how crazy it was.

I mean, hey Wendy, I know you just saw me propose to Chanel and she accepted, but please just forget all that because we were both Hi on Sweet Bits biscuits. I mean, come on. Yeah, yeah. Well, I, I see your point, but Johnny, I mean, you sure something’s not actually happening with you and Chanel Of course.

I just need you to help me get in contact with Wendy so I can tell her she’s the one I want to be with. I don’t wanna marry Chanel. I, I we’re just friends. Well, you told me the other night, if you’re serious about my sister. Did you mean it? Yeah. Yeah, I did. I, I think Wendy is an amazing person. I know that what I feel for her is real.

I just, I want to prove that to her.

Oh, maybe I can help you out. Really, you do that? I don’t know if I’ll be successful, but I can give her a call, see if I can smooth things out for you. That’s, uh, that’s really nice of you. Huh? actually texted me. I, I didn’t hear it cause I was in the middle of things with Gabby. Okay. Did she say anything about me?

No, she didn’t, but she did say where she is. Okay, great. So then I can go find her, I can talk to her. Where is she in Seattle. Johnny and Chanel are engaged. Yep. I witnessed the very touching proposal. I saw Johnny get down on Bend Knee and ask Chanel to marry him again. Th and get this, he told me he did it because I agreed to go out on a date with you.

What, what, what kind of reason is that? That’s crazy. That’s what I thought. Okay. All right. Well then what did Chanel say? Well, she said yes, no. Yes. She accepted his proposal wholeheartedly. Wow. Okay. Well then it’s official. The two of them have both completely lost their minds.

I dunno. Eric and I were, we were out of our mind. And we were high as a kite because of whatever was in those damn biscuits. Hallucinating. Okay. So, so maybe it was all in your imagination sleeping together part, I mean, no, it, it wasn’t after we came down, we were in. And it was obvious that we had been intimate.

I see. So are you and Eric back together? No. No. I am with EJ and he is with Sloan Peterson. At least he was before she walked in on us. Well, Then if he’s available, maybe there’s a chance for you to, oh man, there’s no chance. Look, Eric and I are always gonna have chemistry, whether we’re with another person or not, but it doesn’t change what happened between us.

You know, all the reasons we split up are, are still there. And we agree that this is just a, a one time slip up because of those drug infused Dan Biscuits. And what about ej?

What about him? Well, you said you were together. I’m just curious as to what that means. Just how serious are you Two?

So you are upset by what happened earlier, right? Maybe if you would’ve just taken a faster shower, I wouldn’t have had. So much time to think about everything, but, um, I did, I, I thought about it, uh, and I was really hurt when I saw you in bed with Nicole. No, please. Lemme just get this off my chest. Okay.

Aside from what I saw upstairs, I was thinking about it, and

unlike everybody else in this town, You know, you trust me. You believe me whenever I tell you that I’m not the one harassing Paulina Price or drugging her daughter’s Buns. Biscuits. They’re, they’re biscuits, whatever. Look, the, the point is, Eric, you make me feel ways. I never expected to feel

and um, I know that I fought so hard to keep this cash flow between you and I and trust me, no one is more surprised by this than me. I’m no longer willing to be. Just your booty call. I want more. More meaning I wanna be your girlfriend.

I cannot tell you how long I waited to do that in public. Have some idea. This is amazing. We’re free. Yes, I bet Lee doesn’t think so though. Did he give you. No, he was actually quite civilized about it. He says he’s not gonna contest the divorce. And you believe him? Yeah. I think he’s finally realizing that you’re the only man I will ever love.

Hmm. Surprising. I thought he would fight till the bitter end. Yeah. But I think he realizes that no matter what he does, he can’t win. He let me go and since he was in such an unusual, generous mood, I did ask him for his Demer shares, but he denied it. Not receivable. Surprise there. Well, he can keep his damn shares because we got what we wanted.

Yeah. But you know, now that we’re together, I want more. AJ stole your family’s company from. Both of us, you and I, my love. We are gonna, we’re gonna team up and we’re gonna get him back.

Wendy’s in Seattle, dammit. She obviously went to see trip trip’s in Seattle with his brother. Yeah. Just leave please. He got a caller. Okay. Okay.

Hey, let me guess you’re wondering why I’m in Seattle. I have an inkling joining The mayor’s here with me. He really wants to talk to you and I think you should hear what he has to say.

Johnny wants to talk to me. Huh? I thought he’d be busy planning his wedding if you just, no. Johnny and I have nothing to talk about. But why don’t you tell him that? I wish him and Chanel. All the happiness in the world.

So first we take over Damira and then take over the world. Oh, I am all in. But first, before we dive into global domination, I need some alone time with you. Pleasure not business. I would love that. Yeah. Mean problem is we have no place to. I’m sure there’s an open room around here somewhere. I mean, we have no place to live.

Sure we do. You’re coming home with me.

You know those Damira men, they are all about power and revenge control and, and it can be exciting, you know, to be part of their highest stake schemes. Lately, EJ has been so obsessed about trying to take Stephan down. I I just feel more like a co-conspirator than a, than a love interest. What did you tell him That I did?

And, and actually he’s been more attentive. He’s, he’s dialed up the romance. So things are, they’re could between us. I don’t want what happened with Eric to mess things up.

Anna, I can trust you to keep this between us, right?

Yeah. There’s any consolation here and I keep secrets away from me all the time, but I encourage it. In fact, you encourage your wife to dece. No, no. Let me explain. The essentially ingredients in a healthy relationship is the discernment in what you share. For example, I don’t wanna know how many glasses of Pinot grigio that honor throws back and today not wanna find that how much money she spent on that hideous crystal lampshade for a nightstand.

Now all of that is irrelevant. It’s no bearing on the relationship, but if I find out certain specifics, well then there could be a conflict there between us. So what do you want Anna to tell you? Is she happy?

If she’s unhappy, especially with me, then I need to know that, cuz that will cause concern and action. I mean, forget about all the alcohol or the exorbitant spending, that doesn’t matter anymore. But as far as you and Nicole are concerned, rather than asking who she’s chatting with or what they’re chatting, I would focus on Nicole being happy.

And is she happy with you? Well, I think so. I have no reason to believe otherwise. Oh, well that makes me happy cause that felt that confident to being with Nicole Uhuh, you just throw all the rest.

That you want to be together, enjoy each other’s company. That’s all.

Oh, of course. I will Keep your confidence. Oh, Nicole, what kind of friend would I be if I went running off to EJ to spill the beans? Well, you took ejs side with the Sydney situation. I mean, that was ages ago, and as you said, I know Dara man, which is why I understand the unique, uh, advantages and challenges of being with one.

So I think it would behoove us to stick together. Okay. Thank you. Uh, I’m, I’m very. Well, and, and let me just say this. I think you’re really good for ej. You know, I know he would never admit it, but he was deeply hurt by Sammy, her shenanigans with Lucas, her shenanigans in general. Yeah. And I’m happy to say that he seems in much better spirits since you two got.

What is it?

What I’m, I’m, I’m just, I’m just worried that, well, that my infidelity, if you can call it that. I, I’m just, maybe I should tell him Oh, no, no, no, no. That would be a big mistake. But, but my, my, my cheating and hiding it has caused a lot of people, a lot of pain. I mean, look what I did to rave. This is an entirely different situation.

I mean, you said that what happened between you and Eric didn’t mean anything. It didn’t. Well, then don’t let it ruin what you have with ej. Look. If you and Eric wanted to be together, that would be one thing, but you just told me emphatically that you don’t. So why rock the boat

to keep the guilt from eating me alive? You have nothing to be guilty about. As you just said, it was a one time. And it only happened because the two of you were stoned out of your gords. So I say, put a lid on it and move on.

Okay. Okay. If you say so. Oh, I do. I do. You see if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that it’s perfectly fine to have a. Harmless secrets from your partner. I mean, do you think Tony really wants to know how many pinot grigios I drank at Majong this afternoon, or that I spent a small fortune on that gorgeous crystal laugh?

Shade from my nightstand? No, these meaningless indulgences are, well, it’s just best to forget them. Decide trust. What our men don’t know can’t hurt them,

so, Sloane Pearon. Your skinny ass is mine. God’s sakes, lady. Just back off. I have a court order that says you’re supposed to stay 1500 feet away from me. Well, my husband, the mayor just told me he put the combustion on. That’s ridiculous. Court order, and he told me those. Breakfast biscuits. Their do with a powerful hallucinogen.

Oh, I heard about your little sadistic daughter poisoning out the town. My daughter has nothing to do with this. You are the psychopath who will spike the dough, who really, do you have any evidence? Oh, believe me, it will be found, especially since you sent the Elise Commissioner, the DA, and a whole bunch of other big wigs to the hospital and they will not rest until they get the proof that they need to put your crazy behind in a cage.

Lina, don’t Paul, Lena, me your girlfriend. Over to prison. So I suggest you take 114 nine steps back from this bitch before she drags you down with her.

When you get the states filled and the other inmates start asking who you are, just tell them you’re the skank. Who was stupid enough to take on Paulina Price? I wait. I know you’re upset about what happened at Chanel’s Bakery, but I had one of those biscuits cause I, I’m not happy about it either, obviously.

I know Sloan is not the person responsible for this. Well, how in the hell are you so certain? She told me and I believe her. I never thought that Marlena Evans would ever weighs any fools, but clearly. I can see I was wrong about that. Listen, I’m telling you. Oh look, you’ve been warned Eric Brady. So when that lunatic stabs you with the scissors you use to cut off that magazine or slip, cite into your chow, do not come crying to me.

So what are you ladies talking about? Oh, I was just asking Nicole. If she would prefer red or white wine with dinner this evening. Oh, what a coincidence. I came up to ask the same thing. Aw, thoughtful.

Let’s go with the white, splendid. Mm-hmm. Cook said everything is just about ready. So Charlie.

Wait, you want us to move into the mansion? Why not? Why? Because EJ kind of hates me, you know? And he serves husband, didn’t let me and Jake move in there. Right. I always forget that you, uh, were involved with my twin brother. Yeah. You know, you should know. I, I now know that I was only with him. I wish to as you.

Okay. Aside from all that, EJ doesn’t intimidate me. That house is Stefano’s house and there was nothing. My father valued more than blood. So you and I are gonna walk through those front doors with our heads held out. Hi. Okay, let’s go home then. Let’s go home.

Hey, hey, hey, you can, you gotta call her back, please, Johnny. I know my sister. She’s not gonna answer. Look, will you just try, just try

straight to voicemail. Damn it. Just give her some time, you know. L let her cool down. Cool down. Yeah. She thinks I’m getting married, so she flew off to see Trip who she already told me she’s interested in. I could lose her to another guy. Look Johnny. You can sit here with me and cry in your beer, but you need to be quiet about it, okay?

I’m not in the mood for your drama. All fine. I will go,

uh, look, if, if, if, if you hear from Wendy, will you please just explain to her what really happened between me and Chanel? Johnny, I’m sorry. I already told you. I know my sister. There’s no way she’s calling me back.

Are you sure you don’t wanna call Johnny back? I mean, there could be a reasonable explanation for all of this. Oh, yeah. The reasonable explanation is that guy’s a player. Okay? So many people, including his own twin sister, have warned me to stay away from him, but I didn’t.

Anyway, I, I don’t wanna talk about him. I came here to see you. Hey, why don’t we have that dinner that you promised me, you know, any good places to eat around here,

I can take of one.

Hi. I’d like to book a flight, please. Yeah. Next. Nonstop to Seattle.

Wow. Mm-hmm. This looks amazing. So you really are a cook. Well, I used to work at a restaurant, so picked up a few things.

Sure. Thank you for doing all of this. Of course. So wish we drink too. How about all friends and. New possibilities. I like that.

Did I forget anything? Just to answer my question when I said I wanted to be your girlfriend, he kind of shut down on me. Come on, there’s, because all I know is here. I’m really sorry the way she spoke to you. Oh, please, I can handle that wind. The question is, can you, what do you mean? And she said all those harsh things about me.

It makes me wonder if your suspicions came back, if, um, if you changed your mind about me. Yeah. I did change my mind. And it wasn’t because of what Paul Sian it was, what it was, what you said.

Listening to you made me realize that what we have, what we’re doing, it needs to end.

Okay then. No, no, no. What I mean is that it needs in because.

What I want is more just like you. I’d love for you to be my girlfriend. Oh, Eric,

just let’s get one thing clear, right? This doesn’t mean I’m gonna start pretending to like a family child, sorry. It’s just more for me,

you know, cook have created such a delightful bome calling fish chowder by a fancy name. Does it make it any more appetizing? Well, I know you have an aversion to this dish, so I’ve asked him to create a. I don’t know what Sal without the, oh darling, you are too good to me. Oh, not at all.

Are you okay? Yes, I’m fine. And very relieved that this day is coming to a close and we can put all our hallucinogenic hygienes behind us. Yes, me too.

How was that fool? I just want you to know that I’ve noticed. The effort that you’ve put in to making me feel like a priority and that I’m important to you, it makes me so happy, ej, and I appreciate it so much.

Okay, you two.

I’d like to propose a toast. Thank you

to. I know a father. Oh, he would be so pleased to see his sons and their lady friends making a toast together under his roof. Well then you better pour two more glasses. Evening folks. Gabby. Stephan, what are you doing here? We live here, huh? I beg pardon. Gabby and I are delighted to announce that we have once again decided to make this place our home.

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B&B Transcript Thursday, April 20, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Sheila: Are you finished? Is there– is there anything else that you’d like to blame me for?

Taylor: No, you’re the one that’s finished. In every sense of the word. You’re locked up here, cut off from anyone you ever claimed to care about. Forever.

Sheila: Because of you. Because of what you did, bill. Using me. Oh, the way that you did. I never should’ve trusted you.

Bill: But you did. You did. Which, in some ways, still amazes me. You brought me into your dark, toxic world. God, I sacrificed so much and I would’ve sacrificed even more for the sake of my family, my loved ones, the next generation so you wouldn’t be a threat to them and now you’re not. You will die in prison alone and unloved, the two things you fear most. They are your fate now. Your inescapable fate.

[ Katie sighing ]

Katie: I’m not quite sure how to answer that question.

Carter: It’s complicated. I know. We thought bill lost his mind, was in love with sheila, when really he was doing this big heroic thing, protecting all of us from her. It’s why I gotta ask, given what bill did, has that changed the way you look at your ex-husband?

Deacon: Honey, come on, you’ve gotta let me fix you something. Hey, my linguine with clam sauce? Unbelievable. Secret recipe.

Hope: All right, that does sound delicious, but I– I do have to get back to work soon.

Deacon: All right, I get it. Never stops, does it?

Hope: No, it does not.

[ Deacon chuckling ] But, you know what else doesn’t?

Deacon: Hm?

Hope: My love for you. How proud I am of you. I mean, the success here at il giardino, you helping to keep us all safe from sheila carter. I mean, dad, I know.

[ Hope sighing ] I know you don’t like to think of yourself as a hero, but you are. Especially to me.

Deacon: Come here.

[ Hope laughing ] Come here.

Hope: You did good.

Deacon: Honey, just so you know, I’m not responsible for bringing sheila down. That was all bill and ridge.

Hope: Okay, dad, I think you’re being way too modest. If it weren’t for you, then–

Deacon: I am– I am so happy that you think I did something heroic, but– but I didn’T. I didn’t orchestrate the sting. I mean, I just kinda got pulled into it.

Hope: Yeah, well, guess what? Now sheila’s in prison, and she can’t threaten or terrorize anyone anymore. And as much as you might wanna downplay it, I think that you have a lot to be proud of.

Hope: Dad, you– you are proud of yourself, right?

[ Deacon sighing ]

Carter: I completely understand why everyone’s in awe of what bill did. Ridge too and I know that you’ll always care for him. He’s will’s father. You two share a lot of history.

Katie: Yeah. Good and bad. And bill is infuriating and exasperating and controlling, but family has always come first for him, which is why it was so confusing, this whole thing with sheila. Ultimately, he was looking out for his family, and not just his own. What bill did was huge.

Carter: And?

Katie: And I’ve always known that there is goodness inside of bill. And now he’s proved it. And I’m glad that everyone can see the goodness inside of him. What I could see so many years ago.

Sheila: My inescapable fate?

Bill: Locked in a cell. Weeks passing into months, months into years, and years into, well, dead. No visitors. No family. No one. That is the fate you’ve brought upon yourself.

Sheila: No, that is the fate that you forced on me.

Taylor: Oh, my god. Sheila, just accept responsibility.

Sheila: Oh, like you have, taylor? I know what you did. You shot bill. You should be in the prison cell right next to mine. Time for downy mcbride to go to work. I recognize that look. That’s the look of a person that needs a slice of tiramisu. I know you said no on the linguine with clams, but I can’t let you leave empty-handed.

Hope: Huh. Now look who’s tryin’ to get rid of me.

Deacon: I’m not. I love when you come see me. I just know that you’re busy with hope for the future, which I’m curious how it’s going.

Hope: Oh. Because thomas is designing for me again?

Deacon: Well, you know, I’m just imagining the two of you back at it, working hard together.

Hope: Hm.

Deacon: Hm.

Hope: Well, it’s not just us. There’s also zende, who is a very important part of our team.

Deacon: Right, right, but of course, zende wasn’t obsessed with you.

Hope: Okay, you know what, dad, it’s going– it’s fine. It’s okay. Everything’s okay.

Deacon: So, you’re telling me that tommy boy is minding his ps and qs?

Hope: Yes.

Deacon: Because if he steps one toe over the line, I swear–

Hope: He hasn’t and he won’T.

Deacon: Okay, all right, okay. You’re sure about that?

Hope: Yeah.

Deacon: Hm.

Hope: It’s going to be fine.

Deacon: And how’s liam feel about that?

Hope: Uh, h– he’ll– he’ll come around.

Deacon: Which means he’s not real thrilled.

Hope: Okay, you know– know what, dad? Uh, how about I just focus on all that stuff, and you just focus on this beautiful restaurant here, and just know how very proud I am of you for helping to get rid of sheila from our lives once and for all, okay?

Deacon: Okay.

Carter: So, bill’s bravery and heroism reminds you of–

Katie: Reminds me that he can be both maddening and marvelous at the same time, but that does not mean–

Carter: Katie, look. Your feelings are your feelings. You don’t have to explain or justify them, least of all to me. Bill did a very heroic thing and he’s riding that wave right now, and I’m not dissing the man or taking away from anything he’s done, but the bill before this went down was a very different man.

Katie: I haven’t forgotten.

Carter: Good. Because what he’s done in the past, the way he treated you, the pain he caused you. I’m not saying this to upset you. I just don’t wanna see him hurt you again. That’s the very last thing I want.

Bill: Enough, sheila.

Sheila: It’s the truth. I know all about your dirty little secret, taylor. If I’ve gotta pay for my crimes, why doesn’t she?

Taylor: Oh no, bill. She’s threatening me.

Sheila: Oh, my– I may be locked up, but I can still cause a lot of trouble.

Bill: You can’t cause squat. I cut a deal with the feds. Taylor is fully exonerated. She never has to worry about that night ever again.

[ Taylor sighing ]

Taylor: Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t that the best news? Thank you. You see, the forresters, the logans and the spencers will never have to worry about being targeted by you ever again. Your days of terrorizing us are over.

Bill: Guard!

[ Door buzzing ]

Bill: You’ll die in here, sheila. And no one, absolutely no one, is going to care. Life… doesn’t stop for diabetes.

Waitress: Hi, what can I get you?

Sheila: I was thinking

of you. How wonderful you

have been and the risk that

you’ve taken allowing me

to stay here. I wanted to take

a risk for you.

Ridge: Nice work, deacon.

You bought us

just enough time.

Deacon: I’m sorry.

Sheila: Was– was any of

this even real?

Katie: I realize that everything you’re saying to me is out of concern for me.

Carter: Good. Because I hate the way bill took you for granted. The way he mistreated you. Returning to brooke saying she’s the greatest love of his life? Katie, he has disrespected you over and over and you are better than that. You deserve better. Even if it’s not me–

Katie: What makes you think it’s not you? I love the way you care for me. I love what we have become to each other. I have always admired you for any number of reasons, but now… I know you. And I can see and I trust that you see me, and you hear me, and that means so much. And I will not take that for granted.

Carter: Look, I’m deeply grateful that you trust me enough to share so much of yourself with me. And I realize your feelings for bill are complicated, just don’t forget you left him for a reason.

Bill: Sorry to interrupt.

Katie: Um, how did things go with sheila?

Bill: Good. She’s totally isolated. And she will stay that way until she takes her last breath. There is no soul left on the planet who has one ounce of sympathy for sheila carter.

[ Sheila grunting loudly ]

Sheila: Why am I still here? Why haven’t you taken my back to my luxury accommodations?

Guard: You got another visitor.

Sheila: Oh, no. No, uh, I’ve had enough of visitors for today, so just send ’em– just send whoever it is away.

Guard: What? Do I look like your secretary? You don’t get to bark orders at me.

Sheila: That’s not what I…

[ Door buzzing ]

Deacon: I’m sorry. I… I’m so sorry. Hi, I’m katie, I’ve lost 110 pounds

Deacon: I was worried about you. After your heart attack. How’re you doing?

Sheila: Well, physically, better, obviously. They never would’ve released me just to stuff me back into a prison cell.

[ Cell phone ringing ]

Deacon: Ridge and bill came to me. They didn’t give me a choice. I would’ve gone back to prison. I was always afraid something like this was gonna happen, you know? That you were gonna wind up behind bars. Your past was gonna catch up with you, but you gotta know, I didn’t want this. You know, I didn’t– just think about this crazy journey that we’ve been on together. That– that crazy redhead who showed up at my place. Sexy nine-toed beauty. I knew from the get go it was nuts to get involved with you, and I just– I couldn’t stop myself. Couldn’t help myself. And believe me, I tried. Every time I tried to get away, something just drew me back in.

Sheila: Do you know what that was?

Deacon: Yes. And so do you. You’ve always known how I felt about you. That hasn’t changed. Please tell me you don’t hate me.

Bill: I think it was really cathartic for taylor to express herself to sheila. Telling her that she will do everything in her power to wipe out any trace of that vile woman, as though she never existed.

Katie: Good. I’m happy she got to do that.

Carter: Me too.

Bill: Enough of that. I didn’t come back here to talk about sheila. I’m here to speak to katie. Alone. If that’s all right with you.

Katie: Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of carter.

Bill: As you wish. You are so important to me, katie. I miss you. I miss what we once meant to each other. And my life, uh… my life isn’t a life without you in it. I need you now more than ever. All that time I spent, uh, trying to bust sheila, doing whatever I had to do to protect you. To protect everyone. It only reinforced how much I love you and how it would… kill me to lose you. But I know that you and carter, uh, have been spending time together. I– I respect that. Uh, I respect carter. He’s a good and decent man. That doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. We share a son. A family. And we can have that again if you just give me one more chance. I think I have proven to everyone with this sheila situation that I will go to any lengths necessary to get what I want. I love you, katie. And I believe that deep down in your soul, you still love me too. Tell me I’m not wrong. Tell me that you’re still my katie.

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Days Update Thursday, April 20, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tony is making a martini in the living room of the DiMera Mansion when EJ walks in. Tony asks if he’d like one. EJ takes Tony’s and drinks the whole thing, then tells him that he can make him another. Tony asks what’s wrong with him. EJ responds that what’s wrong is that Nicole is lying to him.

Nicole goes to shower in her room.

Eric goes to shower in his room and imagines Nicole joining him in the shower.

Nicole then imagines Eric joining her in her shower and them kissing.

Stefan goes to leave the hospital and texts Gabi, saying he needs to see her and asking where she is. Gabi then arrives off the elevator at the hospital.

Li stands in his apartment until Johnny arrives at the door. Li tells him it’s not a good time. Johnny asks if everything is okay. Li says it’s not. Johnny asks if it’s he and Gabi. Li informs him that he and Gabi just ended their marriage. Johnny says he’s sorry and promises to leave him to wallow in his misery but he has to deal with his own. Johnny tells Li that he’s trying to call Wendy but she’s not answering her phone, so he asks if Li knows where she is.

Tripp is in Seattle, on the phone with Joey, telling him that he’s going to pick him up from the hospital tomorrow and he will stay as long as needed. Tripp mentions that he hasn’t heard from Steve yet but he’s sure that he will call as soon as he knows something about Kayla. Tripp tells Joey that he’ll see him in the morning. Wendy then shows up at his door, surprising him. Tripp questions what she’s doing here in Seattle. Wendy asks if he’s glad to see her.

EJ explains to Tony that he and Nicole were having a perfectly pleasant conversation and then when things turned romantic, she suddenly claimed feeling ill and fled to take a shower. EJ says he was concerned, so he went to see if she was okay and he overheard her on the phone, telling someone that he didn’t want him to know what had happened and that they were keeping it a secret. Tony calls that hardly cause for suspicion and suggests Nicole could have been throwing him a surprise party. EJ argues that his birthday was in February. Tony suggests Nicole could be planning a romantic getaway and says EJ is jumping to conclusions. Tony asks if EJ has any idea who Nicole was speaking to.

Anna goes to Nicole’s room and asks if she has any aspirin after having one too many to drink. Nicole relates as she has a hangover too. Anna questions what had her flying high. Nicole responds that it was biscuits.

Stefan asks why Gabi is at the hospital and if she’s okay. Gabi says she came to see him since he said he was checking on Melinda. Stefan mentions that he said he would text her when he was done. Gabi questions how long it could take to check on someone. Stefan jokes about her being jealous. Gabi calls that ridiculous and insulting but then admits that she is jealous because she knows Melinda wants him badly. Stefan says maybe she does, but he’s the only one he wants to want him. Stefan states that he’s taken and kisses Gabi. Gabi doesn’t know if it was the best idea to have Melinda pretend to be his lover when she’s really in to him. Stefan assures that it’s over now, her job is done, and they talked about it. Stefan adds that it was Melinda’s way to get back at EJ for letting Kristen escape. Stefan mentions that Melinda made it abundantly clear that she expects something big in return and she just let him know that she’s going to call in that favor when they are back in charge of DiMera. Gabi bets she will want more than just a check for her foundation. Gabi hopes it doesn’t involve Melinda finding her way back to his bedroom. Stefan repeats that it’s done and declares that he belongs to Gabi, so that’s enough about Melinda. Stefan then asks if Gabi spoke to Li, which she confirms that she did. Gabi adds that she gave Li his ring back, so now she is free to be with the man that she loves as she and Stefan kiss.

Li offers Johnny a beer but he says he wants to have a clear head when he talks to Wendy. Li notes that Wendy did not say when she’s coming back and suggests calling her again. Johnny says he just texted her for the thousandth time to no response. Johnny thought this was just a misunderstanding. Li jokes that it must be more than that if she’s ignoring a thousand texts. Li asks what Johnny did to make Wendy so angry and why she’s ghosting him.

Tripp tells Wendy that he’s really happy to see her, but he never expected her to show up here. Wendy calls it a spur of the moment decision and asks how Joey is doing. Tripp says the surgery was a success and he’s being released from the hospital tomorrow. Tripp knows Wendy didn’t come all this way to see Joey, so he asks what brought her to Seattle. Wendy tells Tripp that she came because she was disappointed that they didn’t get to go on their date. Wendy notes that she thinks it’s amazing that he came for Joey. Tripp says he felt bad about having to cancel their date, but they said they would go out as soon as he got back. Tripp says that there has to be something more going on for Wendy to fly out 2000 miles to be here. Tripp asks if something happened in Salem. Wendy says no, other than Johnny and Chanel are getting married again.

EJ tells Tony that he doesn’t know who Nicole was conspiring with on the phone but it doesn’t matter. Tony argues that it does matter and asks what he’s getting so worked up about. EJ complains that he and Nicole are in a relationship so there should be no secrets between them. Tony suggests there’s a difference between secrets and surprises. EJ argues that Nicole said she didn’t want him to know what happened so he doesn’t think she was booking a hotel. Tony offers to make him another drink. EJ declares he’s going to confront Nicole right now and demand the truth. Tony stops him and tells him to take a breath before doing anything that he may regret.

Nicole tells Anna about the tainted biscuits and says she’s surprised Anna didn’t hear about it since she got about a dozen news alerts. Anna says she turned her phone off and asks if they found out who tainted the biscuits. Nicole says the police are still looking in to it but so many people got drugged including her, EJ, Rafe, and Eric. Anna questions Nicole speaking to Eric. Nicole admits that they ran in to each other while under the influence. Anna asks Nicole what it is. Nicole claims it’s nothing but Anna feels it sounds like a lot of something to her. Anna encourages Nicole to trust her and talk to her as she asks what happened with her and Eric. Nicole breaks down and admits that she doesn’t know how it happened but she ended up in bed with Eric.

Eric goes downstairs and joins Sloan at the Pub. Eric apologizes for keeping her waiting. Sloan says that while he took forever, she wished she joined him as she has many fun memories of them in the shower together. Eric admits that before he came down, he was worried but by the way she’s talking, it sounds like they might get back on track soon. Sloan asks if he means after she walked in on him in bed with Nicole. Eric assures that was a one time thing and they were drugged, but he’d really like to pick up where he and Sloan left off. Sloan asks if he means hot sex with no strings. Eric says he wouldn’t use those exact words. Sloan tells Eric that she’s afraid that’s just not going to work for her anymore.

Li laughs when Johnny tells him about Wendy seeing him propose to Chanel. Johnny complains that he was high on some crazy drug and so was Chanel, so he had no idea what he was doing or saying. Li asks why he doesn’t just text Wendy to explain the whole thing. Johnny says he did that but once he typed it all out, he realized how crazy it all was. Li admits he sees his point and asks if he’s sure something isn’t actually happening with he and Chanel. Johnny says of course and he just needs Li to get him in contact with Wendy, so he can tell her that she’s the one he wants to be with and that he and Chanel are just friends. Li asks Johnny if he meant it when he told him that he was serious about his sister. Johnny assures that he did and he thinks Wendy is an amazing person, so he knows what he feels for her is real and he just wants to prove that to her. Li decides maybe he can help him out. Li doesn’t know if he’ll be successful but agrees to give Wendy a call to see if he can smooth things out for him. Johnny calls that very nice of him. Li then gets his phone and sees that he had a text from Wendy, informing him that she is in Seattle.

Tripp questions Chanel and Johnny being engaged. Wendy confirms that she saw herself as Johnny got down on one knee and asked Chanel to marry him again and said that he did it because Wendy agreed to a date with Tripp. Tripp calls that crazy. Wendy says that Chanel accepted his proposal. Tripp declares that they have both lost their minds then.

Nicole tells Anna that she and Eric were out of their minds and high from the biscuits while hallucinating. Anna suggests maybe it was all in her imagination but Nicole assures it wasn’t. Nicole says after they came down, they were in bed and it was obvious they had been intimate. Anna asks if that means they are back together. Nicole assures that she is with EJ and Eric is with Sloan or at least was before she walked in on them. Anna points out that if Eric is available then maybe there’s a chance for them. Nicole insists that there is no chance. Nicole says she and Eric will always have chemistry, whether with another person or not, but it doesn’t change what happened between them. Nicole adds that all the reasons they split up are still there and they agreed that this was just a one time slip up because of those drug infused biscuits. Anna asks her what about EJ and how serious they are.

Eric questions Sloan being upset about what happened earlier. Sloan complains that maybe if Eric took a faster shower, she wouldn’t have had so much time to think about everything but she did think about it and she was really hurt when she saw him in bed with Nicole. Sloan says unlike everybody else in town, Eric trusts her and believes her when she tells him that she’s not harassing Paulina or drugging Chanel’s buns. Sloan tells Eric that he makes her feel ways that she never expected to feel. Sloan knows that she fought so hard to keep things casual between them so no one is more surprised by this than her, but she’s no longer willing to just be his booty call. Sloan tells Eric that she wants more and she wants to be his girlfriend.

Stefan tells Gabi how long he’s waited to kiss her in public. Gabi calls it amazing that they are free. Stefan asks if Li gave her hell. Gabi says he was actually quite civilized about it and says he won’t contest the divorce as he finally realizes that Stefan is the only man she’ll ever love. Stefan is surprised as he thought Li would fight until the bitter end. Gabi thinks that Li realizes he would never win so he let her go. Gabi jokes that she did ask about the DiMera shares but he denied her which was no surprise. Stefan declares that Li can keep his shares, because they got what they wanted. Gabi points out that now that they are together, she wants more. Gabi states that EJ stole the company from them, so they are going to team up and get it back.

Johnny gets upset and says that Wendy obviously went to see Tripp in Seattle. Johnny asks Li to call Wendy, so he does. Wendy answers and guesses he’s wondering why she’s in Seattle. Li informs her that Johnny is with him and really wants to talk to her, so he thinks she should hear what he has to say. Wendy thought Johnny would be busy planning his wedding. Wendy declares that she and Johnny have nothing to talk about. Wendy tells Li to tell Johnny that she wishes he and Chanel all the happiness in the world as she then hangs up.

Gabi tells Stefan that first they will take over DiMera and then they will take over the world. Stefan says before they plan global domination, he wants some alone time with her for pleasure and not business. Gabi says she would love that, but they have no place to live. Stefan informs Gabi that she’s coming home with him.

Nicole tells Anna that the DiMeras are all about power, revenge, and control and it can be exciting to be a part of their high stakes schemes, but lately EJ has been so obsessed with taking Stefan down that she’s felt more like a co-conspirator than a love interest. Anna asks if she told EJ that. Nicole confirms that she did and EJ has dialed up the romance, so things are good between them and she doesn’t want what happened with Eric to mess things up. Nicole asks Anna if she can trust her to keep this between them.

Tony tells EJ that he encourages keeping secrets and explains that he doesn’t want to know how much wine Anna drank or how much money she spent on her hideous crystal lamp shade because that’s all irrelevant and has no bearing on the relationship, but if he found out specifics then there could be a conflict. EJ asks what he wants Anna to tell him then. Tony says he just needs to know that she’s happy because if not, that would cause concern and action. Tony encourages EJ to focus on if Nicole is happy rather than who she was talking to. EJ says he thinks she is happy with him and has no reason to think otherwise. Tony says he’s happy that he’s confident in being with Nicole, so he can throw the rest away. Tony tells EJ that if he wants to be together, just enjoy each other’s company.

Anna assures Nicole that she will keep her confidence and asks what kind of friend she would be if she went running to EJ to spill the beans. Nicole brings up that Anna took EJ’s side in the whole Sydney situation. Anna points out that was years ago and acknowledges the challenges of being with DiMera men, so she agrees that they should stick together. Nicole thanks her and says she is very relieved. Anna thinks Nicole is really good for EJ. Anna knows EJ would never admit it, but he was deeply hurt by Sami and she’s happy to say that EJ seems in much better spirits since he and Nicole got together. Nicole responds that she’s just worried about her infidelity and that maybe she should tell EJ. Anna says no and that it would be a big mistake. Nicole brings up that her cheating and hiding it has caused a lot of pain like what she did to Rafe. Anna calls this an entirely different situation since what happened with Eric meant nothing, so she shouldn’t let it ruin what she has with EJ. Anna says it would be one thing if Nicole and Eric wanted to be together, but she told her that they don’t, so she questions why rock the boat. Nicole says it would be to keep the guilt from eating her alive. Anna argues that she has nothing to be guilty about since it was a one time mistake and it only happened because they were stoned. Anna suggests putting a lid on it and moving on. Nicole agrees to do that then. Anna declares that if she’s learned one thing over the years, it’s that it’s perfectly fine to have a few harmless secrets from your partner. Anna jokes about Tony not wanting to know how much wine she drank or that she spent a fortune on her crystal lamp shade. Anna says it’s just best to forget that and adds that what their men don’t know can’t hurt them. EJ then enters the room.

Paulina goes to the Brady Pub and tells Sloan that her ass is hers. Sloan tells her to back off and reminds her of her restraining order. Paulina declares that Abe just told her that he put an end to her court order and then told her about the breakfast biscuits. Sloan remarks that she heard about Chanel poisoning half the town. Paulina shouts that Chanel had nothing to do with it and calls Sloan the psycho who spiked the dough. Sloan asks if she has any evidence. Paulina assures it will be found, especially since it sent Rafe and others to the hospital, so they won’t rest until they get the proof they need to put Sloan in a cage. Paulina tells Eric that Sloan is going to prison and suggests he step back before she drags him down with her. Paulina calls Sloan the skank who was stupid enough to take her on. Eric stops Paulina and says he knows she’s upset about what happened at the Bakery and he had one of the biscuits so he’s not happy either, but he knows Sloan was not responsible for this. Paulina questions how the hell he’s so certain. Eric responds that Sloan told him and he believes her. Paulina never thought Marlena would raise a fool but says she was wrong about that. Paulina warns Eric not to come crying to her when Sloan stabs him as she then storms out of the Pub.

EJ questions what Nicole and Anna are talking about. Anna claims that she was just asking Nicole if she would prefer red or white wine with dinner this evening. EJ calls it a coincidence as he came to ask the same thing. Nicole calls that thoughtful and kisses EJ. Nicole decides on white wine. EJ tells her that dinner is just about ready, so they exit the room.

Gabi questions Stefan wanting them to move in to the DiMera Mansion when EJ hates her and he didn’t let her and Jake move in there. Stefan comments on forgetting that she was involved with his twin brother. Gabi insists that she was only with Jake because she wished he was Stefan. Stefan states that EJ does not intimidate him and that house was Stefano’s house and there’s nothing he valued more than family, so they are going to walk through those doors with their heads held high. Gabi agrees that they will go home then and they leave the hospital together.

Johnny pleads with Li to call Wendy back but Li says he knows she won’t answer. Johnny asks him to try, so Li calls her and it goes straight to voicemail. Li encourages Johnny to give Wendy some time to cool down. Johnny complains that Wendy flew off to see Tripp, who she already told him that she’s interested in, so he could lose her to another guy. Li tells Johnny that he can sit here and cry but he needs to be quiet about it because he’s not in the mood for his drama. Johnny agrees to go then. Johnny asks Li to just explain to Wendy what really happened if he happens to hear from her. Li says he’s sorry but he knows his sister and there is no way she’s calling him back tonight. Johnny then exits the apartment.

Tripp asks Wendy if she’s sure she doesn’t want to call Johnny back since there could be a reasonable explanation for all this. Wendy argues that Johnny is a player and complains that so many people including his twin sister warned her but she didn’t listen. Wendy doesn’t want to talk about Johnny as she came here to see Tripp. Wendy suggests they have that dinner that he promised her and asks if he knows any good places to eat. Tripp says he can think of one.

Li sadly removes his wedding ring and places it on a table next to Gabi’s as he then exits the apartment.

Johnny walks through the town square and makes a call to book a flight to Seattle.

Tripp cooks dinner for he and Wendy. Wendy is impressed and thanks him for doing all of this. Tripp mentions picking up a few things when he worked at a restaurant. Tripp pours them wine and they toast to old friends and new possibilities.

Sloan reminds Eric that she said she wanted to be his girlfriend and he kind of shut down on her. Eric blames that on Paulina showing up and says he’s sorry about the way she went off on her. Sloan says she can handle Paulina, but asks if what Paulina said brought back his suspicions about her and if he changed his mind about her. Eric responds that he did change his mind about her but because of what she said, not Paulina. Eric says listening to Sloan made him realize that what they have been doing needs to end because he wants more, just like her. Eric declares that he would love for Sloan to be his girlfriend. They kiss and then Sloan jokes that she won’t pretend to like his family’s chowder or anything.

EJ and Nicole go to the living room where Anna joins Tony as well. Tony tells Anna about dinner. EJ tells Nicole that he’s relieved that this day is coming to a close and they can put all of their hallucinogenic hijinks behind them. Nicole agrees and kisses EJ. EJ asks what that was for. Nicole says she just wanted him to know that she’s noticed the effort he’s put in to making her feel like a priority and like she’s important to him. Nicole says that makes her so happy and she appreciates it so much as she hugs EJ. Tony pours wine and proposes a toast to family. Tony says Stefano would be so proud to see them making a toast together under his roof. Stefan walks in with Gabi and says they better pour two more glasses then. EJ questions what they are doing here. Stefan says they live here and announces that he and Gabi have once again decided to make this place their home.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, April 18, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady talked to Kristen. She told him that she didn’t think Thomas was the one who kidnapped Kayla. Brady wanted to know who she thought did it. She thought about her conversation with Megan. She told him that he would find out when he brought Rachel to see her. He wasn’t sure he could trust her. She said the news was explosive and would change lives. Chad and Stephanie found Thomas Banks at a warehouse in Greece. Thomas aimed a gun at Chad and Stephanie. She accused him of kidnapping her mother. Thomas denied taking her. Thomas said he followed them because he wanted Victor’s list of properties. Stephanie pulled out a list and Chad tried to distract him by talking about Susan. Chad pulled out a handkerchief as he started crying. Chad threw it on Thomas’ face and they fought over the gun. The gun went off. Hope learned that the police officer gave the prisms to an imposter. She showed him a picture of Thomas Banks. The cop said he didn’t recognize him. She wanted him to describe the man. He described him, but it didn’t help her. She wanted to look at the security footage. He told her it was erased. The guy said Steve mumbled something about Shane, but he couldn’t remember what it was. She offered her number in case he remembered something.

Bo opened the door to Harris. He realized he was Hope’s late husband. Bo recognized him too. Harris realized that Megan used the prisms to save Bo. He thought he was the one who kidnapped Kayla. Bo denied kidnapping her. Harris wanted to look around. Bo pulled a gun on him and told him to go home. He said he was going to tell Hope that he was still alive. Bo warned him that he would lose Hope if he did that. He wanted to know if he was ready for that. Megan and Kirsten talked at the prison. Megan was upset that Kristen called Brady to tell him about Bo. Kristen admitted that she did it. She would do anything to be able to see Rachel. Megan told her that she never confirmed that Bo was alive. Megan wanted to work with Kristen. Megan warned her that no one would believe a dead man kidnapped anyone. Chad got control of the gun. Thomas held on to his bleeding ear. Chad wanted to take Thomas to the police station. Harris was confused by what Bo was telling him. He was surprised he wanted him to be with Hope. Bo said that he was starting a new life without Hope. He was tired of people trying to drag him back to his old life. He told him that Hope moved on with her life. He didn’t want to break her heart. He wanted Harris to stay quiet about seeing him. Brady went to see Kristen. She told him that she was wrong about the information. She said Megan was telling the truth about Thomas Banks. She said he did kidnap Kayla. Megan smirked as she listened to their conversation. Hope went back to Harris’ hotel room. She told him what she learned at the station. She wondered if he had any luck. He thought about the deal he made with Bo. He told Hope that he didn’t find anything at Victor’s childhood home. He said the place was deserted.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, April 20, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole told Anna about the drugged biscuits and how she made love to Eric. Anna asked if there was a chance that she and Eric will get back together. Nicole said it was a one-time thing. EJ went in the living room and took Tony’s drink. He told Tony that Nicole was keeping a secret from him. Tony said she could be planning a surprise for him. EJ said he wanted to confront her. Tony told him to relax. He said keeping some things secret was good for a relationship. He said all he wanted to know from Anna is that she is happy. He said what mattered was he and Nicole wanted to be together and enjoyed each other’s company. He said the rest could be thrown away. Anna asked Nicole about her feelings for EJ. Nicole said after all the scheming he was doing she felt more like a co-conspirator than a lover. She said he was trying to fix things, but she didn’t want Eric to ruin it. She asked if Anna would keep what she said between them. Anna said she would. She said Nicole was right for EJ. Nicole asked if she should tell EJ the truth. Anna told her not to do it. She said what their men didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. EJ came in to get Nicole so they could have dinner. Eric and Sloan went to the pub. He said he was hoping they could pick up where they left off. She said hot sex with no strings. She said it didn’t work for her anymore. She said he hurt her when he was with Nicole. She said he was the only one who trusted and believed her. She said she didn’t want to be his booty call anymore. She said she wanted to be his girlfriend. Before he could say anything, Paulina showed up. Sloan reminded her about the restraining order. Paulina said her husband stopped the restraining order. Paulina accused her of drugging the biscuits. Eric tried to fix the situation. Paulina warned him Sloan was going to take him down with her. Eric defended Sloan. Paulina walked away from them.

Gabi went to the hospital to check on Stefan. She said it took long for him to check on Melinda. He thought she was jealous. She tried to deny it, but she ended up admitting to it. She said she knew how Melinda felt about him. He said his heart belonged to her. She told him Li let her out of the agreement. She said she was free to be with him. They kissed him. She told him she wanted more. She said EJ stole the company from them. She said they were going to team up and get it back. He said he was all in, but he wanted to be alone with her. She said she would love that, but they didn’t have a place to live. He told her she could live with him. Sloan asked Eric if Paulina changed his mind about her. He said listening to her made him realize what they were doing needed to end. He said he wanted more too. He said he would love for her to be his girlfriend. Nicole told EJ that she was proud of the effort he was making to make her a priority. Nicole, EJ, Tony and Anna wanted to make a toast when Stefan and Gabi walked in the living room. EJ wanted to know what they were doing there. Stefan said he and Gabi were staying at the mansion.

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