Best Lines provided by Eva
Daniel: Mom, you need to stop this.
Summer: Please.
Phyllis: Why? Why do I need to stop? I’m embarrassing you? Is that what I’m doing?
Daniel: Yeah, yeah, a little. So why don’t we go, you and me right now? Come on, let’s —
Phyllis: Why? Why? Why? ‘Cause I’m telling the truth? Is that why? Because that woman has convinced everyone in town that she’s a changed woman?
Jack: Listen to your children. Go. Now.
Phyllis: I will go when i am good and ready! When I am good and ready, I will leave this room! But not until then! Does everybody have a problem with the truth? You have a problem with that? You don’t, right? You know what I’m talking about. I have lost everything. I have lost my entire life, my children, everything because of that woman. And I am telling you, that woman is as dangerous today as she was the day she faked her death, and I am the only one, apparently, who sees this.
Phyllis: I’ve hurt a lot of people in this room, but you know I’d sacrifice anything for my children. You know. And I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this, but I have to. I have to. I have no choice. Because of you. Because of you. That’s why I am doing this. Because of you. Because she’ll try to take me down. Oh, I’m — I’m fine.
Summer: Mom.
Phyllis: I’m okay.
[Breathes heavily] I’m fine.
Summer: You’re not fine.
Diane: You’re obviously drunk, so why don’t you just go home and, sleep it off
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