Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 22, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: You will never in a million years guess what I found in Dianeā€™s purse.

Jeremy: You were rummaging through her purse?

Phyllis: A big, fat diamond engagement ring. That was in her purse.
Jeremy: Huh.

Phyllis: She did it! She got Jack to propose to her. So, I was right all along. That was her goal ā€” to come here and con Jack and everybody else in this town. And she has a big diamond ring to prove it.

Jeremy: All of her dreams are coming true.

Phyllis: Her dreams are my nightmares. Thereā€™s no way in hell Iā€™m letting this happen.

Jeremy: That must be the news she was talking about.

Phyllis: Of course. Of course. She was gloating in advance. This was her ā€œnews.ā€

[Sighs heavily] Iā€™m just thinking of my future family events, how I have to sit there and make nice and taā€“ oh, Iā€™m not even gonna be invited. Forget it. I will never see my daughter again. I will never have a relationship with my daughter again. I am not letting this happen! This will not be ignored, Jeremy! This evil must be eradicated.

Jeremy: Okay. Well, then itā€™s a good thing our plan will stop Diane dead in her tracks.


Phyllis: I mean, I know exactly what this womanā€™s gonna do. Sheā€™s
gonna make this whole gala about her and her engagement. Sheā€™s gonna celebrate. ā€œHey, Iā€™m back from the dead, and Iā€™m also the newest member of the Abbott family,ā€ with this big, disgusting ring on her finger.

Jeremy: She is insufferable. I mean, the fact that sheā€™s being so unjustly rewarded despite all the crimes sheā€™s committed and all the lies sheā€™s told.

Phyllis: I donā€™t understand this. I donā€™t understand why Iā€™m the only one who sees her for who she is. I donā€™t get it.

Jeremy: Youā€™re not alone anymore, Phyllis. You got me. And if sheā€™s planning this big announcement tonight, I think itā€™s only right that we make our move, as well, to balance the scales of justice.

Phyllis: Okay. I mean, everything has to go as planned. It has to because if this blows up in my faceā€¦

Jeremy: Thatā€™s the beautiful thing about a masquerade ball. I can work my magic, and no one will even know I was there.

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