Y&R Best Lines Monday, March 27, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: So, what’s been your favorite part of the evening so far?

Kyle: Mm, besides sharing it with you?

Summer: Good answer.

Kyle: I’d have to say walking into this place — I mean, a brand-new jazz venue tucked inside the athletic club. How cool is that? And your grandparents’ speech.

Summer: Really?

Kyle: Mm. What Victor said about people returning to Genoa City to raise their kids spoke to me.

Summer: I know what you mean.

Kyle: I’m so glad we moved home.

Summer: Yeah, Milan was amazing, but this is always gonna be home.


Lauren: [Sighs] I never thought I would see the day.

Michael: Now, now, be nice.

Lauren: [Chuckling] Oh, this is me being nice, darling. You know, back when Diane resurrected herself, Jack was adamant. He said to me that he would never let her back into his life, that that door was shut tight.

Michael: Hurrah for second chances. And even ninth or tenth chances.

Lauren: [Sighs] I just hope he knows what he’s doing.

Michael: Jack’s a big boy. This ain’t their first time around, you know.

Lauren: Still, it’s Diane.

Michael: Alright. Personally, I think they look great together.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Because if Phyllis walked in right now and saw them together, all hell would break loose. [ Sighs ]

***”******** *******

Audra: Hmm. Victoria doesn’t seem to be wasting any time.

Elena: Audra, stop.

Audra: I’m just stating a fact. Victoria is someone you’ll want to keep your eyes on.

Elena: If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go join my boyfriend. Hi.
Nate: Hey, beautiful. I am so glad you made it.

Elena: Wouldn’t miss it for the world.

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