GH Short Recaps Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

The residents of Port Charles celebrate Christmas Eve with a lot of love and a little sadness.

Austin and Maxie break up because Maxie thinks their relationship moved to fast. Marie tells Austin that she can’t be with a man who keeps secrets from her.

Trina thinks that if Rory hadn’t met her he would still be alive. Josslyn helps Trina realize that the only person responsible for Rory’s death is the person who killed him. Josslyn also tells Trina that Rory would want her to remember him, but he would want her to be happy.

Alexis advises Spencer to find something that makes him happy and hang on to it so that whatever makes him happy can keep him from getting pulled into the Cassadine family’s schemes. Spencer heads to Trina’s house and wishes her a merry Christmas.

Chase and Finn are both sad about their relationships breaking up, but they pretend to be happy so Violet can have a happy Christmas Eve.

Dante tells Chase that the Civilian Review Board has decided to review his case again in January because of Brook Lynn. Chase arrives just before he is supposed to sing at the Rice Plaza’s Gingerbread Jam.

Willow is worried that she will not be spending next Christmas with Michael, Wiley, and her baby girl but she pretends to be happy for Wiley’s sake.

Carly persuades Drew not to tell Willow that he thinks Harmony kidnapped her and he is looking for her parents. Carly thinks Drew should wait until after the holidays to talk to Willow. Drew gives Carly a key for Christmas and tells her, she will find out later what the key opens.

Josslyn gets in a car accident driving home from Tina’s house.

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Y&R Short Recaps Wednesday, December 21, 2022

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Recap written by Eva

Tucker tells Ashley that he was taking a shower that is why his couch is a mess. He tells her that he will get dressed and meet her upstairs at the Grand Phoenix restaurant so they can talk, about whatever is bothering her. Tucker and Ashley talk about her argument with Jack and how frustrating it is that Jack can’t see the truth about Diane.

Chance tells Sharon that Nina and Jill won’t be able to come home for Christmas so he will spend some time with Dominic and then he will go to work. Sharon tells Chance that if he wants to he can come spend Christmas day at Crimson Lights.

Noah and Allie make plans of how they will spend Christmas day at both the Abbotts and the Newmans and Allie is excited to celebrate a family Christmas.

Summer tells Kyle that she is worried she and her mother won’t be able to repair their relationship. Kyle is worried that Jack won’t be able to negotiate a deal with Jeremy Stark.

Jack shows Jeremy a briefcase full of a half a million dollars and tells him to take the money and never return to Genoa City. Jeremy tells Jack that he wants to talk to Diane because he wants to ask her some questions before he leaves town with the money. Jack tells Jeremy that he will take her to see Diane but, after they talk he must keep his promise to leave town.

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GH Update Tuesday, December 20, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At Carly’s house, Dex and Josslyn continued to talk. Cameron texted Josslyn to ask if she was okay. Josslyn ignored the text. Dex apologized for causing problems in their relationship. Josslyn asked what Dex had to be sorry about. She said that she was the problem in her relationship with Cameron, and that she should have already spoken to Cameron about her feelings. Before Dex left, he asked if Josslyn was sorry that they had kissed. She looked at him and smiled, choosing not to answer. “Yeah, me, neither,” Dex said.

At Volonino’s Gym, Sam told Cody that Dante hadn’t come home the previous night. She told Cody that she had communicated with him via text, but that she was concerned about Dante and how he was dealing with Rory’s death, since Dante had been the first person on the scene.

At General Hospital, Mac told Dante that an autopsy report had confirmed that venom had been found in Rory’s bloodstream. Dante said, “So, it’s official.  We have a serial killer on our hands.”  

Mac’s phone rang and he was surprised to see that it was Cody.  Cody told Mac that he was with Sam and that she was concerned about how Dante was doing. He asked if Mac knew where Dante was.  Mac said that he was standing right next to him and the two cooked up a plan to get Dante to the gym.    

Later, Mac and Dante appeared at the gym, and Dante quickly deduced that Mac and Cody had teamed up to get Dante to the gym. Mac thanked Cody for having helped reunite Dante with Sam. Cody asked how Mac was doing in the aftermath of Rory’s death. Mac said that it was always difficult to lose a brother in the line of duty.  Mac started to leave and Cody said that he wouldn’t bother him anymore and offered to delete Mac’s information from his phone. Mac encouraged Cody to keep his number and to call if Cody ever needed him.

At Charlie’s Pub, Drew confronted Denise about the lies Denise had told regarding the identity of Willow’s birth mother. The whole conversation got very heated and Denise got up to leave, but Carly intervened. Carly made excuses for why Denise had lied. Denise said that the truth is that Harmony, or “Lorraine,” had already had the baby when Harmony had joined the commune years earlier and that Denise had no idea who Willow’s birth mother or father were. Drew wanted to know if that was the case then why had Denise lied in the first place. Denise said that Harmony had been her friend and she was just trying to defend her and her baby from whatever had caused her to run.  Drew questioned what she meant by that statement.  Denise said that Harmony was very jittery and always seemed fearful of something or someone.  This story seemed to match up with the account that Phyllis had given Drew and Alexis previously.  Denise said she did not believe he should continue to investigate Harmony’s past because doing so could expose Willow to the same threat that had made Harmony so fearful.  On her way out of the pub, Denise left a pair of gloves on the table. Carly rushed to return the gloves to Denise outside the pub. Carly handed Denise the gloves, along with a cash payment for Denise’s story.

“Question: were you telling the truth to Drew? Was Lorraine really running from someone?” Carly asked. “She was jumpy around strangers. Always seemed to be looking over her shoulder,” Denise replied.

Also at Charlie’s Pub, Phyllis listened to Nina’s latest drama. Nina recalled that she had gotten into a verbal spat with Willow and Willow had become so upset that she had passed out. Nina told Phyllis that she hoped everything would be okay and that she had no idea that Willow was having such a difficult pregnancy.

Drew approached Phyllis. Drew asked if Phyllis had ever known Harmony to talk about a baby when Phyllis had known Harmony in New York. “Not that I recall,” Phyllis answered.

Carly came back inside from her conversation with Denise. Drew wondered if Harmony had stolen Willow from Willow’s real parents. Drew said now that they knew the story about Willow’s birth mother having died from an overdose was a lie that meant that someone, somewhere was wondering what happened to their little girl.

In the chapel at the hospital, Ava asked Elizabeth how she dared even enter a chapel.  “Aren’t you scared of being struck by lightning?” Ava said.  She promised that Elizabeth and Nikolas didn’t know the meaning of the word pain, but that they  would both be sorry.  Not only will you lose everything you cost me, but by the time I am done, you will have lost so much more,” Ava threatened.

Elizabeth largely stayed quiet as Ava hurled insult after insult until finally Elizabeth had enough.  “Oh, my God, Ava! Shut up! Not everything is about you!” Elizabeth snapped.

Ava mentioned that Nikolas had slept with Esme months earlier, and she was surprised when she discovered that Elizabeth already knew about it. Ava then brought up the baby Elizabeth was carrying. “There’s not going to be a baby!” Elizabeth replied. Elizabeth said that she had miscarried and that Nikolas didn’t know yet. Ava showed no remorse, and in the most cold way possible, she said that she was “sorry” for Elizabeth’s loss. On her way out of the chapel, Ava told Elizabeth not to expect any sympathy from Nikolas, because he only cared for himself and had no regard for others.

After Ava had left, Elizabeth remained in the chapel. She stared at the cross and spoke to herself. “What am I doing?  If the truth is supposed to set me free, then how come it feels like a stone around my neck? But I guess it’s not the truth that’s the problem, is it? Nope. It’s me and the choices I’ve made.” Elizabeth said she had torn her life down over the past few months, piece by piece.  “I lost Finn. I’m helping Nikolas hold a pregnant woman captive because I thought I was keeping everybody else from getting hurt. But now that cop is dead, and I know it can’t be Esme who’s the killer. This isn’t me. I’m a good person, aren’t I?” Elizabeth asked. Elizabeth paused. “Aren’t I?” she asked again.

At Wyndemere, Spencer walked into the living room where Nikolas was sitting. Nikolas told Spencer that they needed to talk. Nikolas recalled having served Ava with divorce papers. Spencer said that he guessed that meant that a reconciliation was right around the corner. Nikolas told Spencer that he had been unfaithful to Ava and there would be no reconciliation. Spencer assumed that Nikolas had been referring to the affair with Esme, and he was shocked to learn that Nikolas was admitting to a separate affair.  Spencer was outraged when Nikolas admitted that it had been Elizabeth.  He said that Elizabeth was practically family and he recalled Elizabeth’s stint in Shady Brook months earlier because she had been taking sleeping pills that altered her memory.  Spencer implied that Nikolas had taken advantage of her and her situation and asked how he would ever be able to face his friend Cameron again.  Spencer called Nikolas disgusting and said that their relationship was through. Spencer said that there was one “positive” thing that would come out of all of this.  He said that he was now determined to be a better man and a better father than Nikolas.

Nikolas told Spencer that he loved him and said that he was already a better man. Spencer left the room.

Nikolas’ phone rang. It was Elizabeth.  She informed Nikolas about her confrontation with Ava and that she had told Ava she had suffered a miscarriage.  She was relieved that she would no longer have to pretend to be pregnant.  “Now I just have to fix all the other mistakes I’ve made,” Elizabeth told Nikolas. “I know this is hard, but we made our choices. There’s no going back,” Nikolas told his best friend.

Later, in the alley behind Charlie’s Pub, Ava told Nina about having confronted Elizabeth. Nina (with great irony) said that she absolutely hated Elizabeth for what she had done. Ava admitted that she actually felt sympathy for both Elizabeth and Nikolas.  She said that she just didn’t believe she could go after them after they had just lost a child, throwing her plans for revenge for both of them up in the air.

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Y&R Update Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Update written by Barbara

At Jabot, Jack firmly urges Kyle and Summer that when they get the go-ahead word from him, they need to get Harrison up to the cabin and into his grandmother’s arms as soon as they can.  He has a plan for getting Jeremy out of Genoa City and if it goes smoothly, Jeremy will be out of their lives for good.

In Tucker’s suite, with Audra hiding in the bathroom after Ashley knocks on the door, he finds himself scrambling to figure out what to tell Ashley. Thinking fast on his feet, he lies and tells her that he had to take another shower because he had worked out at the hotel gym. He tries to distract her by telling her how wonderful the gym is.

After she turns down his offer to come in for a drink, he encourages her to go upstairs to the Glam Club and gives Audra the all-clear to come out of the bathroom.  She tells Tucker that he seems to be getting what he wants both personally and professionally. He lets her know that she will get the reward she deserves if she continues her association with him.

While they’re waiting to hear from Jack, Summer and Kyle decide to open up one of each other’s Christmas gifts.  Summer feels badly about her fight with her mother and how she had to fire her and Kyle is optimistic that she will be able to get through it.

At the Glam Club, things are strained between Noah and Allie, but after they talk about the situation with Audra and smooth things over, Allie tells him she realizes that he only has eyes for her. They kiss, discuss their families’ Christmas traditions and make plans to spend part of the day together.

Tucker joins Ashley at the club and becomes a sounding board for her to vent about how she and Jack cannot get along at all because of Diane.

Over at Crimson Lights, fresh on the heels of Sharon’s uncomfortable run-in with Tucker, Audra comes in and introduces herself to Sharon.  Sharon is quick to mention that she knows who Audra is from seeing her in the coffeehouse previously and is aware that she and Noah are no longer dating. Audra assures Sharon that she knows Noah has no lingering feelings for her and that she won’t cause any trouble for him and Allie.

Chance comes into Crimson Lights, all amped up about cracking a case regarding a man working at the mall as an elf who was responsible for thefts. Audra is sitting at a table sipping her holiday beverage with an amused look on her face as she listens to his conversation with Sharon about it.

Sharon gets a phone call from Faith in Switzerland and steps onto the patio to answer. Audra warms up to Chance, who joins her at the table, and they have a lighthearted conversation. After awhile, he excuses himself and goes over to Sharon to thank her for her support and good advice.

Jack shows up at Jeremy’s suite with a briefcase that has $500,000 in cash inside. He points out to Jeremy that his is twice the amount of money Diane had on her when Jeremy was arrested.

Jack and Jeremy have a heated exchange about the money, which results in Jack getting up in Jeremy’s face and telling him to name his price.  Jeremy deflects and asks if Jack is involved with Diane. Jack is insistent that the situation is all about his son and his grandson.

Jeremy hesitates on Jack’s money offer and tells him it’s more than just the cash.  He insists on meeting with Diane one more time and negotiating with her because he and Diane are on a questions-answers basis.  He tells Jack that after he gets answers from Diane, he will move on, looks over at the briefcase, and adds “with the money, of course.”

After some back and forth talk, Jack tells Jeremy that he thinks he might know where he can find Diane, but he remains firm and unflinching about Jeremy moving on after meeting with her. He tells him that after he has one last chat with Diane, he must take the money and it’s over, “none of us will ever have to see you again.”

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gwen let Leo know that Jack didn’t want to do his gossip column. He wondered how she was going to repay him for the favor he did for Xander. He told her it was possible that she could get Xander back in her bed. She said he wanted that to be true because he wanted to get Sonny in bed. Steve and Stephanie went to see Tripp. Steve said it would have been better if Ava died in the explosion. Tripp didn’t like him saying that about his mother. Steve said she was dangerous. He wanted Tripp to stay away from her. Tripp said he wasn’t going to stay away from her. Steve said he understood, but he didn’t like how she got Tripp killed. Steve said he couldn’t lose him. Ava threatened to expose Xander if he didn’t help her get out of the hospital. They argued about it. While they were arguing, he picked up a scalpel. She wanted him to use the scalpel. Sarah walked in on them. He put the scalpel down. He told her he was trying to get Ava to admit who was helping her. Sarah said he should let the police handle it. She wanted to check on Ava. He left the room.

Sarah told Ava her son was worried about her. Ava said it was Charlie’s fault for trying to get even with EJ. She said he made her drive Susan off the road. Tripp came in the room. Ava pointed at him as if he was Charlie. She told him to tell Sarah the bomb was his idea. Tripped tried to talk to Ava, but she got upset. Sarah sedated her. She saw Charlie. He told her this was like her father did to her. Xander called Gwen and asked her to meet him in the Square. He told her Ava was alive. He said she threatened him. He showed her what he was going to use to get Ava out of the handcuffs. He said he needed a driver. She said she would help him, but he owed her. Tripp told Steve that Ava was seeing Charlie. Sarah said Ava was being transferred to Bayview. Xander showed up. Ava said it was all his fault. She said she was going to tell everyone what he did. He was afraid until Sarah told him she was hallucinating. Ava said she didn’t want to leave Tripp. He told her she as going to get better. Gwen texted Xander to let him know she was ready. He told her the mission was off She said he still owed her.

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GH Announcement: In Loving Memory, Sonya Eddy

Sad GH News

Sonya Eddy (Epiphany of General Hospital) - photo from her Twitter account

General Hospital Executive Producer Frank Valentini has announced the passing of actress Sonya Eddy.  Eddy was best known for the role of Epiphany Johnson on “General Hospital.”  She was 55 years old.  No cause of death was shared.

Valentini wrote on the show’s official Intagram account (@generalhospitalabc):  “I truly loved her, not only as an actress, but as a friend.  The lights in the hub of the nurse’s station will be a little dimmer, but her spirit and light will live on in both the show and our set.

Eddy began her tenure with General Hospital in 2006 and had appeared in over 500 episodes of the soap.  She had grown to be one of the most beloved cast members in the history of the show.  She will be missed by cast, crew and fans worldwide.

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GH Short Recaps Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Josslyn feels badly because Cameron sends her a text message, but she ignores it because she is afraid to tell him that she isn’t in love with him anymore.

Sam is worried because Dante didn’t come home last night. Sam tells Cody she is worried about Dante and he calls Mac and finds out Dante is at the hospital and he tells Sam Dante’s whereabouts. Dante and Mac think that they are dealing with a serial killer since the same snake venom that killed Brando and was also used in Diane’s attack was found in Rory’s body.

Ava has a confrontation with Elizabeth in the hospital chapel and tells her that she will make sure she and Nic\kolas feel more pain than they ever thought it was possible to feel in their lives. Elizabeth tells Ava that she had a miscarriage, but she hasn’t told Nicolas yet. Ava later tells Nina she is wondering If she should seek revenge on Nikolas since he just lost a child. Nikolas tells Spencer that he and Elizabeth slept together and she is pregnant with his baby. Spencer tells Nikolas that he wants nothing more to do with him because he took advantage of Elizabeth when she was having an emotional crisis. Spencer tells Nikolas that he is leaving town when his probation is over because he doesn’t want to be anywhere near him. Spencer also says he is going to get his own apartment and it doesn’t matter what his Uncle Victor thinks he should do.

Denise tells Carly and Drew that Lorraine (aka Harmony) and her husband came to the commune with baby Willow. Loraine was always jumpy and looking over her shoulder like she was running away from someone. Drew tells Carly that he thinks that Loraine kidnapped Willow which means that Willow’s birth parents could still be alive.

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GH Update Monday, December 19, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At Volonino’s gym, Chase worked until Brook Lynn showed up. Chase complained to Brook Lynn that his singing career (which has pointedly told her–he doesn’t want) is all she ever wants to talk about.  He mentioned Rory’s death and how he hadn’t been there on the force to show Rory the ropes because of her fantasy of him being a singer.  Brook Lynn admitted that she had written the letter, but that it had been too little, too late.  Chase said that he wasn’t giving up on his career.  Brook Lynn said that he should do the single with Blaze and use the money to finance his efforts to get his badge back. Chase told her that if he needed extra money he would work extra shifts at a regular job.  He told her that they needed space.  Brook Lynn said that she would draw up the paperwork to end their relationship as client and manager and Chase told her to send it certified, they had no reason to see each other again. 

Sonny and Nina called out Ava’s name as they rushed into the art gallery, followed by Dex. They were concerned that her door had been unlocked, and Nina wondered where Ava had been the previous evening. Nina said that she had even called Nikolas to see if Ava was at Wyndemere.  Ava admitted that she had stayed at the gallery all night and that Wyndemere was no longer her home. Sonny departed as Nina and Ava continued their conversation.  On their way out, Dex asked if he should arrange protection for Ava, but Sonny said no because issues with Nikolas would take precedence. 

Ava claimed that she had been doing paperwork through the night, which had created a sore neck. Nina noticed there was broken glass all over the floor and she helped to clean things up. Nina asked about Nikolas. Ava revealed that Nikolas had served her with divorce papers, and Nina was shocked because she was sure that Ava and Nikolas were on the road to reconciliation. Ava disclosed that Nikolas had not only slept with Elizabeth, but Elizabeth was also pregnant. Nina was floored.

Ava vowed to shed no more tears for Nikolas and that she fully intended to take Nikolas for everything he was worth, thanks to Victor, who wanted to keep family skeletons in the closet. Nina asked Ava if she had lost her mind.  “You do not want to attempt to extort a member of that family,” she said.  But, Ava was undeterred.  She was focused on the task at hand and said that she was leaving to go to the pharmacy to get something for her sore neck.

Josslyn finished her daily run to find Carly just finishing up a phone conversation with Jax. Carly told Josslyn that Jax wanted her to come to Australia.  He thought it was important for her to get out of Port Charles with The Hook still on the loose. Josslyn said that she couldn’t walk out on her life. Carly was concerned about Josslyn’s safety, and she wanted Josslyn to be careful. She gave Josslyn strict orders to remain on the grounds, along with several other rules. She was also worried about Josslyn’s association with Dex.

Carly said that she had faith in Josslyn and that she would always be in her corner. She knew that Josslyn was aware of what life would be like with Dex because of Carly’s relationships with Jason and Sonny. Josslyn apologized for calling Jason an idiot for working for Sonny.  She also told Carly that after what happened the previous night with Spencer that she believed Dex would no longer be an issue.  Carly was shocked to hear that Spencer had been released from Pentonville early.  Josslyn filled her in on Spencer’s release and what had happened at Kelly’s.  The doorbell rang and Carly answered it.  It was Sonny and Dex. Sonny said that he wanted to assign protection to Josslyn and Carly was in full support of that idea.  Carly said that she and Josslyn had a lunch date with Michael and Willow.  Josslyn said she had decided to skip lunch and Sonny asked Dex to stay with Josslyn until he could get someone else as her full time protection.  He told Carly to give Michael and Willow his best wishes.  

Outside Carly’s house, Sonny asked his man to send a gender neutral gift to Michael and Willow without a card. Inside the house, Dex thanked Carly for her assistance when he was wounded, and he promised to keep an eye on Josslyn until the new guard arrived. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Carly remarked as she departed. Josslyn wanted Dex to leave, but he exclaimed that he had his orders. “It’s clear where we stand,” Josslyn insisted. “Aren’t you tired of pretending?” Dex replied. He told her that it was okay to be scared, even though he knew she was tough. He added that she was safe with him. Josslyn began to cry and ran into his arms.

At General Hospital, Michael and Willow were ready for Dr. Navarro to do an ultrasound.  There was some trepidation at whether or not they should find out the sex of the baby and they went back and forth discussing the issue. But, in the end, Willow said go ahead with her ultrasound, since she’d promised to disclose the baby’s gender at lunch.

Dr. Navarro was called to the room and performed the ultrasound. She announced that everything looked good, and they listened to the baby’s heartbeat. She showed Michael and Willow the screen and revealed that they were going to have a baby girl. 

Nikolas found Elizabeth at the nurses’ station and demanded they talk. Elizabeth said that she was working and Nikolas insisted that he would wait.  Elizabeth told him that he would have a long wait because she had just started her shift. Nikolas wanted to know if Elizabeth intended to tell the police about his holding Esme against her will. Elizabeth finally agreed to walk to the chapel once she saw that the conversation was going to get incredibly personal.

Elizabeth said that she had only gone along with Nikolas’ plans because they had thought that Esme was The Hook killer. Elizabeth thought she was in too deep and worried that she would be charged as an accomplice. She said she felt trapped. Nikolas suggested that he hire someone else to take over as Esme’s  nurse. Elizabeth said that it wouldn’t matter. Esme would talk, and Elizabeth’s career would be over, even if she escaped jail time. Elizabeth saw no other option but to continue on as Esme’s nurse.  Elizabeth said that they would have to deal with all of the people they had hurt as part of their scheming and that things were about to get very difficult. Nikolas apologized and left, and soon after, Elizabeth headed to the door and found Ava standing in the doorway. “Going somewhere?” Ava asked before adding, “I don’t think so.”

Drew and Alexis met at Charlie’s Pub and sat at a table. Alexis announced that she had done some “digging” for him regarding Willow’s search for her mother and she had discovered after speaking with a local reporter that there was no Joan at the commune and there were certainly no heroin-related deaths in that county. Alexis and Drew were able to surmise from the available information that Denise had falsified the information she had funneled to Drew.  

Drew flashed back to Carly saying that Harmony had told her that Nina was Willow’s mother, and Alexis noted that she was glad to have verified the information and uncovered the lies. Alexis added that Harmony had been quite the liar herself. Drew agreed that Harmony had definitely told lies, and Phyllis overheard them as she came to offer a refill on their coffee.

Phyllis asked about the investigation and noted that Harmony (or Lorraine as she had known her) had always kept secrets. Phyllis recalled the day she had run into Harmony at Charlie’s pub and said that the way she spoke to her seemed as though she were trying to rewrite history. She went off to see other customers, and Drew said that he wanted to question Denise again because everything she had told him seemed to be a lie.  Just as Drew made the statement about Denise’s lies, Carly walked in and overheard him.  She looked shocked and realized that Drew was on to the campaign of lies that she had set into motion.


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Y&R Short Recaps Tuesday, December 20, 2022

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Recap written by Eva

Nate gets back from his business trip to Los Angeles and has lunch with Audra and after a long talk about her goals, Nate offers her a job at Newman Media once she is done working on the Chancellor Winters IPO. Nate later tells Elena about his lunch with Audra and Elena tells him she doesn’t trust Audra.

Billy and Victoria have a very long talk about whether Johnny should accept a Christmas present that Chelsea bought for him. Victoria thinks that they should set boundaries for Chelsea, so she doesn’t have another crisis. Billy and Victoria decide to tell Johnny about the present so he can decide what he wants to do about it. Johnny tells Victoria that if it bothers her that he accepts the present then he won’t accept the present from Chelsea. Victoria tells Johnny that it doesn’t bother her that he wants to accept the present from Chelsea or that he wants to spend time with Connor. Victoria does look bothered when Johnny tells Billy he wants to buy a present for Chelsea and wonders what Chelsea might like as a present.

Ashley and Jack have another argument about Diane. Ashley is frustrated that Jack doesn’t see that Diane is manipulating him and Kyle and she worries that they will get hurt by Diane. Kyle and Summer want to go to the Abbott cabin with Harrison to spend Christmas with Diane, but they worry that Jeremy Stark will follow them and discover Diane’s location. Jack tells Kyle not to worry because he will distract Jeremy, so he doesn’t follow them.

Tucker and Audra have a meeting in his hotel room and Audra frustrated with Tucker because he keeps changing his plan. Tucker and Audra have sex again and when they are done Ashley knocks on the door. Tucker waits until Audra is hidden in the bathroom to open the door. Ashley looks past Tucker at the couch and tells Tucker “Looks like the couch had a good time.”

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Days Update Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Gwen and Leo meet at the Bistro for a drink. Leo is hopeful that Gwen talked to Jack about getting him a job at the Spectator, but guesses by her look that it didn’t go very well. Gwen tells him that she’s sorry but Jack doesn’t feel like a gossip column is the right fit for the Spectator. Leo guesses drinks are on her then. Gwen questions him already spending all the money she gave him. Leo complains that it was nothing but admits it was a dream to be wrestling around with Xander. Gwen is just glad it went as planned and hopes now Bonnie will stop saying it was Xander who kidnapped her.

Alex, Sonny, Bonnie, and Justin return home from eating at Buddy’s Burgers. Bonnie compliments Justin for remembering her favorite. Justin says she’s had a rough couple of weeks. Sonny says it was the least they could do. Bonnie plays the scratch off from the restaurant and wins free fries. Bonnie declares that the real prize is having a nice dinner with her family. Bonnie thinks the bad times are finally over and just in time for Christmas. Bonnie then starts to imagine the Clown mask on Alex, Sonny, and Justin and tries to ignore it.

At the hospital, Steve is on the phone with Kayla, telling her that he will call with another update as soon as they let him see Tripp again. Steve hangs up as Stephanie arrives and says she heard about the explosion and asks if Tripp is going to be alright. Steve says he thinks so as Sarah is checking on him now. Stephanie questions what Tripp was doing back in Salem. Steve explains that Tripp felt the need to confront EJ about his mother’s death, but it turned out Ava was alive and was the one who set the bomb. Steve remarks that it looks like Ava’s up to her old tricks again and it almost got his son killed.

Sarah tells Tripp that she’ll probably let him go after she gets his blood work and x-rays back. Tripp assures that he feels fine and is only here because Steve insisted. Sarah points out that Tripp inhaled a lot of smoke. Tripp responds that his mom is the one he’s worried about. Sarah understands Ava stopped breathing and Tripp saved her life. Tripp points out that she may have survived the blast but she’s still probably going away for a long time.

After Ava demands Xander get her out or else she’ll tell Sarah that he was her accomplice in the kidnappings of Bonnie and Susan, Xander argues that she can’t be serious. Ava responds that she doesn’t joke around. Xander questions her expecting him to help her escape police custody. Ava remarks that he is her partner in crime and asks who else she’s supposed to turn to. Xander says not him anymore. Xander says goodbye to Ava but Ava warns that she meant what she said, so if he doesn’t help her out, she will tell Sarah everything she knows. Xander argues that Sarah believes in him while the whole town knows what Ava is now. Ava reminds him that she still knows that he kidnapped Susan and Bonnie and how he did it, so once she gives Sarah all the details, she will know that he never changed and he’s still the heartless criminal he always was. Ava declares that Xander will lose Sarah forever.

Bonnie tries to ignore that she sees clown masks. Sonny asks if she’s alright. Bonnie blames the food she had. Justin offers to get her something but Bonnie decides she can get it and hurries out of the room. Alex guesses she’s not alright after all.

Steve tells Stephanie that things could’ve been a lot worse if Tripp hadn’t showed up to confront EJ, since when Ava found out that Tripp was in the church, she went back inside to warn everybody about the bomb which gave them a split second to cover and may have made all the difference. Stephanie asks if anyone else was hurt. Steve tells her that Nicole and Ava were, but he hears both are going to be fine physically. Stephanie comments that it sounds like Ava has really gone over the edge. Steve thinks she has been for awhile but just didn’t let them see it.

Tripp tells Sarah how he tried to get Ava to go to Seattle with him but she wouldn’t hear it. Tripp feels maybe then none of this would’ve happened as he believes he’s the one person who can still get through to Ava. Tripp states that what she did was horrible, but she’s been through so much as she saw Jake get killed and then EJ put all this pressure on her. Tripp asks if he can go check on Ava again but Sarah wants him to stay put until his results are in. Tripp insists that he feels fine but Sarah reminds him that he’s not the doctor today. Tripp asks Sarah to check on Ava and let him know how she is.

Xander complains that Ava has gotten him in to enough trouble as it is. Ava argues that she just offered him a job. Xander says he was desperate for money and he never saw the money. Ava tells him that he botched the job. Xander argues that the job never included murder. Ava says it also didn’t include letting Susan go and he did that. Ava argues that if Susan hadn’t shown up at the airfield, she’d be living it up now on DiMera millions in a tropical paradise. Ava says because of Xander, she had to drive Susan off a cliff to get rid of her. Xander questions blaming him for that. Ava warns that if he doesn’t get her out, she will be blaming him to the cops.

Sonny asks if Bonnie is still seeing clowns. Alex asks what he thinks. Alex tells Justin that he’s really sorry. Justin guesses Bonnie still doesn’t feel safe and is making excuses not to leave the house. Sonny understands her being freaked out after being kidnapped twice. Alex wonders if the guy would really try again after botching it twice and Xander getting a look at him. Justin hopes Xander scared him off for good. Sonny asks if there’s anything they can do to help. Justin suggests they just go out and get a drink since Bonnie is probably embarrassed. Alex says a drink sounds good. Sonny asks if Justin is sure there’s nothing they can do. Justin assures that Bonnie is his wife, so he’s got this and tells them to go have fun. Sonny and Alex then exits the mansion as Justin states that it’s Christmas.

Leo asks Gwen if she’s thought about how she’s going to cash in the favor she did for Xander. Gwen argues that she was just helping a friend out of a jam. Leo says they both know she thinks of Xander as more than a friend and now he owes her in a major way. Leo encourages that this could be Gwen’s ticket back in to Xander’s heart, or at least his bed.

Ava warns Xander that if she goes to prison, she’s taking him with her. Xander argues that she’s handcuffed to a bed and he’s not a magician. Ava brings up that Xander once kidnapped Nicole and kept her in a cage. Ava warns Xander to act fast because once the cops find out she’s okay, they will be there. Xander wishes Ava died in the car crash. Ava mocks the idea of him hurting her feelings. Xander picks up a scalpel from nearby and warns that her feelings are not the only thing he’s capable of hurting.

Steve and Stephanie check on Tripp. Stephanie hugs him and is thankful he’s alright. Steve asks what the verdict is. Tripp responds that Sarah won’t let him leave until his test results come back, but at this time of night, that could take forever. Steve encourages him to be patient. Tripp wants to see Ava. Steve offers to go check on her for him but Tripp says he already asked Sarah to do that. Stephanie guesses it was a real shock to find out that Ava was still alive. Tripp admits he’s still processing it. Steve remarks that it would’ve been better for everyone if she stayed dead this time. Tripp questions how he could say something like that. Steve complains that Ava is the reason why Tripp got kidnapped and Susan is dead. Steve adds that everyone in that church could’ve gotten killed because Ava wanted to get even with EJ. Tripp argues that Ava just isn’t in her right mind. Steve shouts that’s why Tripp needs to stay away from her because she’s completely out of control and dangerous. Steve pleads with Tripp to promise to stay away from Ava from now on.

Ava tells Xander to put the scalpel down because they both know he’s not going to use it. Xander says he wouldn’t be too sure about that. Xander says if he gets rid of Ava, all his problems disappear. Ava argues that he doesn’t have the guts anymore, because if he did, he would’ve killed Susan when she asked him to, so he won’t kill her either. Xander argues that Susan was a decent person while Ava is no better than the cockroaches in his motel, so he’d be doing the world a favor. Ava dares him to go ahead and put her out of his misery then. Sarah then enters the room and questions what Xander is doing there. Xander claims he was just trying to get answers out of Ava, hoping he could get Bonnie and Justin the name of the hired goon she had been using but she’s not talking. Ava says she’s still weighing her options and waiting to see how things shake out around here. Sarah suggests Xander let the police do the interrogating. Xander agrees it was a mistake to come here and says they should go. Sarah tells him that she promised Tripp that she would examine Ava, so she’ll catch up with him later. Xander refuses to leave Sarah alone with Ava after she just tried to blow up a church full of people. Ava asks how much trouble she can cause while chained to a bed. Sarah tells Xander that she will see him later. Xander then reluctantly exits.

Gwen mocks Leo’s idea of her getting a favor from helping Xander. Leo says he’s just pointing out that she scored major points with her ex and Leo believes it totally makes up for drugging his wife. Gwen doesn’t think Xander would agree. Leo encourages that Xander sees Gwen in a new way and they are bonded by this big secret. Gwen argues that it doesn’t change anything since Xander loves Sarah and they are happily married. Gwen says the whole reason Xander worked so hard to cover his tracks is because he can’t bear the thought of losing Sarah. Leo doesn’t think Sarah is right for Xander. Gwen accuses Leo of projecting and says he thinks that if she can get married Xander in to bed, then he can do the same with Sonny, who is also happily married. Leo argues that he told her that he and Sonny are just friends. Gwen tells Leo to admit that he’s mad for Sonny. Sonny and Alex then arrive.

Bonnie comes back to the living room and asks Justin where Alex and Sonny are. Justin tells her that they decided to go out for a drink. Bonnie worries that she ruined their family night. Justin asks about her stomachache. Bonnie says she’ll be fine and goes to drink a glass of water, but she envisions the clown mask on Justin again and drops the glass in shock.

Tripp refuses to abandon Ava again. Stephanie says they know he loves her. Steve argues that Ava has gone way too far and he’s going to end up getting hurt again. Tripp complains that no one will look out for Ava but him so she’s all alone. Steve says Ava did that to herself. Tripp blames EJ pushing her over the edge. Steve says that’s why he needs to stay away from her. Tripp points out that Ava came back to a town where everyone hates her, just for him. Tripp adds that Ava promised she would be different for him and she made good on that promise for a long time. Tripp wants Ava to know that he still loves her no matter what. Stephanie admits that she gets what he’s saying. Steve then agrees that he does too, but he can’t get past the fact that Ava almost got Tripp killed tonight. Steve cries that he can’t lose him again as they hug.

Sarah tells Ava that her vitals are good while Ava begins looking distracted. Sarah mentions that her son is really worried about her and doesn’t understand why she went to such extremes. Ava questions her and says this was all his idea and he wouldn’t leave her alone until she did what he wanted. Sarah asks if she’s blaming Tripp. Ava clarifies that she means her other son, Charlie, and declares that this is all his fault.

Steve calls Kayla and informs her that Tripp got his test results back and the x-rays showed smoke inhalation but no permanent damage and his heart is fine. Steve hopes he can convince Tripp to fly back to Seattle with him and Stephanie tomorrow but he’s not sure he can since Tripp feels he needs to be here for Ava. Steve says he doesn’t like it either but he’ll keep her posted as he hangs up. Stephanie asks if Steve and Kayla were still planning on spending Christmas in Seattle. Steve says as long as he can convince Tripp to come with them. Stephanie says she’s been meaning to talk to him about that because she has to cancel which Steve questions. Stephanie explains that she spent most of the day trying to convince Paulina to not resign as Governor and she said she would sleep on it, but she says she will make her decision tomorrow, so she has to be here for it. Steve feels that sounds like a lousy Christmas and asks if she wants him to stick around. Stephanie says no and tells him to be with Kayla, Joey, and hopefully Tripp. Steve questions letting Stephanie spend Christmas alone. Stephanie feels she’ll be too busy to even know it was Christmas since Paulina is going through a really bad time. Stephanie says she likes Paulina but notes this has been one hell of a day, so she can use a drink. She invites Steve to join her. Steve hates to turn her down but feels he has to stick around in case Tripp needs him. Stephanie figured he’d say that and says she’ll see him at home as they hug. Stephanie then exits the hospital.

Justin sits Bonnie down and asks what is going on. Bonnie claims the glass just fell out of her hand. Justin thinks it’s a little more than that. Justin assures that he would never judge her. Bonnie explains that she thought things were getting better but she keeps seeing the evil clown. Bonnie cries that she wants to be better and questions why this is happening to her. Justin hugs her and tells her it’s okay.

Gwen greets Sonny and asks how long he has been standing there. Sonny says long enough to know they were having an argument. Gwen says that’s nothing new for them. Sonny asks what it was about this time. Leo tells him that Gwen’s father turned down his offer for a gossip column. Gwen and Leo bicker over the Spectator. Sonny tells Leo that he’s really sorry it didn’t work out. Leo says he’s crushed since he doesn’t handle rejection well. Alex mutters that he should be used to it by now. Sonny tells Alex to knock it off since Leo is broke and out of a job. Gwen gets a call from Xander and steps away to answer it. Xander tells her that he needs help. Gwen questions needing help again. Xander says he wouldn’t bother her if it wasn’t important and asks if she can meet him in the town square. Gwen asks what has happened. Xander says he’ll explain when she gets there. Gwen says she’s on her way, so Xander calls her a lifesaver and hangs up.

Sarah questions Ava saying that Charlie told her that she had to get even with EJ. Ava doesn’t know why she ever listened to him since he’s never satisfied and always wants more. Ava says that Charlie made her drive off the road and always makes things worse. Sarah asks if it’s possible that Ava imagined Charlie. Ava insists that he was always there so he must have come back to life. Ava then imagines Charlie appearing in the room and tells Sarah that he’s right behind her and insists that he’s for real but when Sarah looks, she sees Tripp. Tripp tries to get through to Ava, but she sees Charlie and tells him to stop playing games. Tripp argues that she is confused. Ava talks about Charlie trying to trick her in to killing Tripp. Tripp asks Sarah what did this to her. Sarah is not sure and says it could be a delayed effect of the explosion. Tripp tries to get through to Ava that she’s seeing someone who isn’t there. Ava argues that she wants to see Tripp and asks what “Charlie” did to him. Sarah decides she’s going to have to sedate her to calm her down. Ava’s imagination of Charlie urges that Sarah is trying to drug her like her father used to. Ava then screams at Sarah that she will kill her as Sarah sedates her and Tripp watches on in horror.

Gwen meets Xander in the town square. Xander informs her about Ava being alive and how she’s threatening to tell everyone that he kidnapped Bonnie and Susan. Gwen jokes that she’s glad she didn’t put too much effort in to writing her obituary, but admits she did feel guilty since she was once a friend. Xander tells Gwen to focus. Gwen brings up that Kristen blackmailed her in to helping her escape prison, so she does understand. Gwen asks what Xander is going to do. Xander presents bolt cutters and says he can get Ava out of the handcuffs and the hospital, but he is going to need a driver. Xander says he hates asking Gwen to get involved in this mess again, but he’s desperate with no one else to go to. Xander notes that if Ava talks, he’ll lose everything. Gwen reluctantly agrees to help, so Xander thanks her while Gwen comments that he will really owe her one.

Bonnie tells Justin that she feels like a fool because she’s seeing clowns and dropping glasses. Justin encourages her not to be so hard on herself since she’s been through a traumatic experience twice. Bonnie argues that she went to prison for years, so she’s tough and this isn’t like her. Bonnie cries about clowns being scary. Justin informs her that Sarah thinks she might have PTSD, so the worst thing to do is suffer in silence. Bonnie feels it’s too embarrassing but Justin urges her to talk about it and suggests she see Marlena as there’s no shame in seeing a therapist. Justin reminds her that Nancy saw Marlena for a few sessions. Bonnie guesses it couldn’t hurt at this point. Justin decides they will make an appointment after the holiday. Bonnie asks Justin to call for her which he agrees to do. Bonnie cries that she doesn’t know what she’d do without him. Justin says he feels the same and holds her as he assures he’s got this.

Leo remarks that it looks like he’s been ditched by his BFF so he invites Alex and Sonny to join him. Sonny accepts but Alex says no. Sonny argues that it’s one drink. Stephanie then arrives and greets them. Alex says she looks like she could use a drink which she confirms is why she’s there. Stephanie says he would not believe the day she had. Alex wants to hear all about it and walks off with Stephanie. Sonny then sits with Leo and tells him that he’s sorry the Spectator job didn’t pan out but offers to try again to find him something at Titan. Leo says they’ve been over that it won’t work and adds that he is going to have to get creative about his living arrangements since the motel is kicking him out tomorrow for not paying rent on Christmas Eve. Leo admits he spent his last $300 on skincare products. Sonny asks why he doesn’t move in with Gwen. Leo says Chad is there. Sonny asks what he’s going to do then. Leo hopes an angel comes in to this bar but he knows the odds are not high and admits he doesn’t have a plan B yet. Sonny then invites Leo to just come stay with him. Leo questions if Sonny is really inviting him to move in with him. Sonny doesn’t like the idea of Leo staying on a park bench on Christmas. Leo asks what Will thinks about this. Sonny responds that Will is staying in LA for work, so he doesn’t get a say in this. Leo asks about Victor. Sonny says he’ll talk to him and convince him that it’s a big house and that Leo has changed. Leo promises he’ll be good and thanks him. Sonny asks what are friends for.

Ava is wheeled out of her room with Sarah and Tripp. Tripp informs Steve about Ava saying Charlie was telling her to do the things she did, so she’s hearing voices and seeing things. Sarah adds that she’s going to have Ava transferred to Bayview so they can diagnose her. Xander returns to the hospital and asks what’s going on. Ava says this is all his fault, so she’s going to tell everyone what he did.

Stephanie tells Alex that if things had gone slightly different, her brother could have been blown up by a bomb that his mother planted. Alex says no wonder she needed a drink. Stephanie adds that Tripp is still in Ava’s corner and wants to take care of her. Alex relates to that since his mother did crazy things but he still loved her. Stephanie asks if Christmas is hard without her. Alex admits it is a little bit but says it’s really good to be back with Sonny and Justin. Stephanie mentions that her family is supposed to be going to Seattle, so Steve is flying out tomorrow and hopes to convince Tripp to come with him. Alex asks what about her. Stephanie says she has to stay because of work. Alex questions her staying by herself. Stephanie insists that she will survive. Alex says screw that and declares that she’s spending Christmas with him.

Ava envisions Xander as Charlie and yells at him for making her do everything from the kidnapping to the bomb. Sarah explains to Xander that Ava is having hallucinations and psychotic breaks, so she’s having her transferred to Bayview. Xander says that explains a lot. Ava pleads not to make her go there as she doesn’t want to leave Tripp. Tripp tells her that he’s right there and is going with her. Ava cries, repeating that she doesn’t want to go and leave him. Tripp promises it will be okay and they will get her better. Ava cries that she’s scared.

Stephanie asks if Alex is sure his family will be okay with her crashing their holiday. Alex insists the more the merrier. Stephanie points out that he bailed out her Thanksgiving and now her Christmas. Alex is starting to think it’s going to be the best Christmas ever as they kiss.

Leo tells Sonny that this is going to be the best Christmas ever and it’s all because of him. Sonny calls it no big deal. Leo argues that he kept him from spending Christmas alone on a park bench. Leo then hears a bell and tells Sonny that it turns out, he does have a Christmas angel.

Justin is on the phone with Steve, saying he can’t believe Ava is alive and asks if she named her accomplice. Steve says she didn’t. Justin hopes that if she’s in police custody, she will give him up to cut a deal. Steve doesn’t see that happening because Ava has gone off the deep end, so they are moving her to Bayview as they speak. Steve doesn’t think Ava will be in any condition to answer questions any time soon. Justin hoped he would be able to tell Bonnie that this is all over, but now they may never find out who the kidnapper was. Justin hangs up and goes back in to the living room where Bonnie is desperately trying to clean the water that she had spilled.

Sarah announces the ambulance is there and says she will go with Ava. Ava responds that she wants her mom. Tripp tells Sarah that she doesn’t have to and that he will go with her. Steve decides he will walk down with Tripp. Tripp tells Ava that he’s going to get her the help she needs and he will go in the ambulance with her. Ava continues seeing Charlie and asks Tripp to just get her out of here. Ava is then wheeled away with Steve and Tripp. Sarah tells Xander that she can’t believe she’s saying this but she feels bad for Ava. Xander points out that Ava hurt a lot of people. Sarah gets paged so she tells Xander that she will see him at home. Sarah kisses Xander and thanks him again for her birthday surprise as she walks away. Xander then gets a text from Gwen, saying she’s ready to go. Xander responds telling her to abort the mission. Gwen texts back that he still owes her one.

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Days Short Recap Monday, December 19, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric asked Brady what Kristen had over him. Brady told him to forget about it, but Eric didn’t want to. Brady told him that Kristen used Marlena, Kate and Kayla’s lives to blackmail him. Eric said he wouldn’t say anything. Eric said they would find a way to stop Kristen from hurting the people they love. John tried to get Kristen to tell him what was on her mind. She said she wants to be a good mother and wife. She said she wanted Rachel to know she was safe and loved. She was surprised that he was being nice to her. He said he would be there for her when she wants to talk. She appreciated it and left to get Rachel. He called Marlena and left her a message. He told her he was convinced that Kristen was hiding something. He said he was going to find out what she was hiding. Steve and Rafe were at the pub. Steve asked if Rafe found out anything that could get EJ for kidnapping Tripp. Rafe said he didn’t, but he wanted to nail EJ. Kayla called Steve to tell him Tripp was in Salem. She thought Tripp was going to confront EJ.

When the bomb went off in the church, everyone was under the debris. They called out to each other. EJ went to help Nicole since she was hurt and couldn’t move. Tripp checked on Ava, but she wasn’t breathing. He gave her CPR which revived her. When EJ tried to lift Nicole, they realized her leg was under a beam. The beam was holding up the ceiling. When the debris was falling down, Nicole told everyone to leave. They said they weren’t leaving without her. They worked together to move the beam. EJ and Marlena helped Nicole out of the church. Johnny helped Tripp with Ava. Brady went home and told John about Eric. Kristen came in while they were talking. Marlena came in. John wanted to know what happened. She told them what happened. When John and Marlena were kissing, Kristen said they were kissing and making up. Brady wanted to know what she was talking about. She said John and Marlena argued over Marlena wanting her to leave. Kristen asked what he wanted. He said he wanted her to stay. At the hospital, Tripp asked Ava if she planted the bomb at the church. Rafe and Steve were at the hospital. Rafe arrested Ava. He told her she was going away for a while. She wasn’t convinced. Xander was at the hospital to celebrate Sarah’s birthday. When Johnny said Ava was alive, Xander went to her room. She told him to get her out of the hospital or she would tell Sarah that he was her accomplice.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, 12/20/22

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Jack: Something troubling you?

Ashley: Why would you ask me that?

Jack: I’m very familiar with that look.

Ashley: Why are you talking to me? I thought after our last conversation, you washed your hands of me.

Jack: I won’t pretend that I’m not still furious at you for being part of that unholy trinity that drove diane out of town. I’m not sure what I walked in on here, but I’d like to think that what you’re feeling right now has something to do with regret.

Ashley: No. Not even a little bit.

Tucker: Sharon. Hey. I have been in here so many times since I moved back to town. How is it that I have not seen you?

Sharon: I guess I’ve just been lucky.

Tucker: [ Laughs ] I guess my coffee’s gonna come with a little spice today, is it?

Sharon: I’ve heard that you picked up right where you left off — crashing summer and kyle’s vow renewal, circling all of the genoa city businesses like a vulture.

Tucker: Whereas your ambitions seem to have grown considerably more modest since you and I were running newman together.

Sharon: Oh, you mean back when you manipulated me into being your puppet?

Tucker: Ah, don’t sell yourself short. You had a great mind for business. Seems a shame to waste it on finding the best deal for sugar packets.

Sharon: Well, it is very satisfying work, for your information, running a place that serves the community. I have created a space that everyone feels welcome in, including you.

Tucker: I know. I love it here. It was the perfect spot for me and ashley to warm up yesterday.

Sharon: Don’t tell me you’re gonna suck her back in again.

Elena: Nate!

[ Laughs ]

Nate: It is so good to see you.

Elena: Ah, you scared me. You’re back from L.A. When did you get here?

Nate: Uh, just got home a couple of minutes ago. I tried calling you.

Elena: Ugh, it was nonstop at memorial. Every emergency you can imagine. But it was actually a good thing because I didn’t have to think about how much I missed you. How was your trip?

Nate: It was amazing. I met so many great people. They were giving me the star treatment everywhere victoria and I went.

Elena: As they should. You are the brand-new ceo of newman media.

Nate: It was amazing, you know, walking into all those meetings, having the faith and trust of all these movers and shakers. Everyone — and I mean everyone — at newman’s los angeles office was so welcoming.

Elena: That must be so reassuring. You are in the right place doing the right thing.

Nate: It was incredible. So much to do and so little time.

Elena: Ah. I wish I could have been there to see it.

Nate: Next time. I couldn’t wait to get back and tell you all about it.

Elena: Oh! What happened with the meeting with the k-pop star?

Nate: Victoria likes him, but whether we can make a collaboration happen remains to be seen.

Elena: Well, if anyone can do it, it is my brilliant boyfriend.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] This all feels so natural, like I finally found where I’m supposed to be, where my ideas are heard and respected. I’m gonna pretend like I didn’t see that yawn.

Elena: I’m sorry, but I am glad that you’re back.

Nate: You’d better be.

Elena: I was recording episodes for the podcast to complete my obligations with chancellor-winters earlier, and then I spent all night covering for dr. Faulkner. And as much as I want to hear more, can it wait?

Nate: Of course. I remember how exhausting those shifts at the hospital can be.

Elena: Thank you for understanding. And you can tell me all about the rest of your trip as soon as I wake up.

Nate: Sweet dreams.

Elena: Love you.

Nate: Love you, too.

Elena: Ah.

Nate: [ Breathes deeply ]

Summer: Hey. There you are. Can I talk to you for a second?

Kyle: Um, do you mi–

Summer: Oh. Is there something more important than conferring with your creative director?

Kyle: Of course not. I’m just focused on tying up loose ends so I can send everyone home early for the holidays.

Summer: Oh, so you’re gonna be the boss with the heart of gold?

Kyle: This is how I’m building employee loyalty.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] Well, I agree with your strategy, but this is something that we need to discuss right away.

[ Knock on door ]

Victoria: Come in.

Billy: I knew I would find you here. You always work double time over the holidays to give your undivided attention to the kids.

Victoria: Yeah. Well, the work of a ceo/mom is never done. That being said, it’s obvious that you are interrupting me right now. So, is everything okay?

Billy: Everything is fine, yes, but I want to give you a heads-up. Chelsea bought johnny a christmas gift.

Victoria: Oh, did she?

Billy: She did, and I’d like you to hear me out before you make a decision.

Victoria: No. I already have. It’s out of the question. These little cups would make

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Billy: So, you’re not even willing to consider this?

Victoria: Look, I’m sure that chelsea’s intentions are good, and I support her efforts to heal herself, but requesting to spend christmas with our son — I’m sorry. It’s just — it’s going too far, billy.

Billy: She’s not trying to finagle an invitation.

Victoria: Okay, well, then what does she want from us?

Billy: She wants to give me a gift, and then you and I can decide on when we give it to johnny.

Victoria: Well, bravo for her for going through the proper channels, but I still don’t think it’s a good idea. You remember what happened the last time she tried to give him something. You didn’t accept the baby blanket in the way that she wanted, and I believe that that started her spiral.

Billy: Well, it wasn’t, okay? It wasn’t one thing.

Victoria: Well, I don’t doubt that it was a contributing factor, and I worry that — that her desire to give him something else is a sign that she’s regressing.

Billy: I think you’re — you’re blowing this out of proportion a little bit, okay? Our son is showing interest in spending more time with chelsea, and it would be wrong for us to get in the way of that.

Victoria: Well, we are his parents. It’s our job to set boundaries and limits.

Billy: Yeah. You’re right. You have a point there. Maybe you and I shouldn’t be the ones to give johnny the gift.

Victoria: Thank you, billy. I appreciate you listening to reason.

Billy: Chelsea should be the one to give it to him.

Nate: [ Clears throat ]

Audra: Mm. If isn’t newman’s most recent executive hire.

Nate: Audra charles. It’s been a long time.

Audra: Too long. I have fond memories of our dinners when I first got to town.

Nate: So much has changed since then.

Audra: I’m dying to hear the details.

Nate: Let’s just say it’s a whole new world over there.

Audra: I have a tremendous idea. We can pick up where we left off, and you can fill me in on everything you’ve been up to.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Tucker: Ah, thank you. Yeah, uh, ashley and I have been getting reacquainted.

[ Sniffs ] At first, she was as wary of me as you are, but I think I’m winning her over.

Sharon: And how on earth have you managed to do that?

Tucker: Uh, it hasn’t been easy. I’ve convinced her that I’m a changed man.

Sharon: Oh. Are you?

Tucker: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. I had a near-death experience recently, and, uh, it made me reevaluate my priorities. And so now I’m concentrating on those people who matter the most to me — ashley, devon, dominic.

Sharon: Hmm. Somehow I just don’t find that completely plausible.

Tucker: Based on what?

Sharon: Well, a few years ago I got my degree in psychology, and I actually…

Tucker: Did you really?

Sharon: …Work as a therapist now. Yeah, and it’s given me very good insight into people.

Tucker: Analyze me. Come on. Let’s — let’s hear it. I think it’s gonna be challenging for you.

Sharon: I don’t think that you are as complicated as you think you are.

Tucker: Mm.

Sharon: You think you’re the smartest one around, and that’s why you believe that we’re all gonna buy what you’re selling.

Tucker: Well, my car crash is a matter of public record. You could just look that up yourself.

Sharon: Well, I don’t think you’re lying about that, but real, long-lasting change — that usually doesn’t come in an instant, from one traumatic experience. It takes work, tucker.

Tucker: I’ve done the work. I spent a little time in an ashram.

Sharon: Ooh! Well, I bet that impressed ashley.

Tucker: Not really.

[ Laughs ] But I’m showing her that she’s my priority now, and I’m gonna make her dreams come true.

Sharon: Based on everything you’ve said, sounds more like you’re hoping that she will help you make your dreams come true.

Jack: Then you are wholly unrepentant about driving diane out of town.

Ashley: You are the one that should be repentant because of your actions. It was harmful and irresponsible to let diane back into our lives.

Jack: Oh, ash.

Ashley: When are you gonna get it through your head, jack? She’s playing you.

Jack: She is not. She was in real danger. She had to leave.

Ashley: Did she really?

Jack: I don’t get why it’s so hard for you to understand she would be legitimately afraid of a convicted felon who came to town looking for her.

Ashley: Would you just stop, please? I’m not naive. Quite the coincidence, isn’t it, that kyle left town on business the same day his mother leaves for parts unknown?

Jack: Don’t assume the two are connected.

Ashley: All diane kept saying since she came back to genoa city is how she regretted not having more time with kyle. So, why would she leave without saying goodbye? Didn’t make sense to me… until I started thinking, “well, maybe there wasn’t a long, emotional goodbye because she didn’t really leave.” Is that what you’re doing, jack? You’re riding to diane’s rescue, ready to save the day again? Hi, I’m karen.

Jack: Before you start accusing me of having a savior complex, how about you take a deep breath and consider the possibility that diane was so frightened of jeremy stark that she left town? Not out of just fear for herself.

Ashley: Right.

Jack: She didn’t want to put kyle and his family in danger.

Ashley: Okay. You just keep making excuses for her because she’s got you wrapped around her little finger, right?

Jack: Instead of worrying about me, how about taking responsibility for going too far? You did the wrong thing. Admit you were wrong and apologize.

Ashley: Except I’m not wrong. Diane has created this sweet little cocoon for her three favorite boys — you and kyle and harrison — where she is loved and supported and protected. She’s not gonna walk away from that, jack.

Jack: I wish you could hear yourself.

Ashley: She’s gonna keep that going for as long as she can. What’s very sad to me is that you and kyle are getting as much out of this as she is. Now, kyle I understand. He just wants a mother. But you? You’re getting her adoration, which I find particularly disgusting. So, I have a hypothesis here.

Jack: And I’m sure I’m going to hear what it is.

Ashley: Yes. Um, I think that you and kyle have created this little disappearing act for diane so you can continue to keep rewarding her duplicitous behavior in secret.

Summer: I want you to listen to this suggestion with an open mind.

Kyle: Okay.

Summer: I know how important it is to you to spend christmas with diane.

Kyle: It is something I’ve dreamed about. I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but the little boy in me does want to relive waking up on christmas morning and seeing my mother stand there.

Summer: That is nothing to be ashamed of. Look, I understand why, after all of these years apart, you would want to spend the holidays with your mom. But do you know what my christmas dream is?

Kyle: I would like for you to tell me about it so I can try to make it come true.

Summer: You, me…

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: …And harrison all sharing christmas together. Our son deserves to be with both of his parents.

Audra: So, how is newman media treating you?

Nate: Like a rock star. It’s like night and day compared to how things were at chancellor-winters.

Audra: Mm. That sounds fantastic.

Nate: As a matter of fact, victoria and I just got back from L.A.

Audra: Huh. You went on a business trip already? How was it?

Nate: Inspiring. Exciting. I met so many people who wanted to support my vision.

Audra: Wow. That must have been electrifying.

Nate: You have no idea. It’s just an affirmation that i made the right choice.

Audra: Well, congratulations, nate.

Nate: I try not to think about what things would have been like if I had gotten the same respect at chancellor-winters.

Audra: It’s their loss.

Nate: You’re the only one there who isn’t holding a grudge.

Audra: Well, I mean, I’m a contract employee. Your actions didn’t really impact me. And I — I think that I believe the ipo will still move forward. And as you know, I’ve been in the corporate world for a while now to know that things can get cut-throat. I mean, people in the executive suite are supposed to shake things up.

Nate: Exactly.

Audra: I didn’t find what you did particularly, uh, shocking or infuriating. And it wasn’t personal. But I think everything went wrong because you mixed business and family. And in my experience, that often leads to problems.

Nate: I had to learn the hard way.

Victoria: I’m sorry. You’re gonna have to walk me through this because I don’t understand how it’s a good idea for chelsea, who is still recovering from her terrible ordeal, to be spending alone time with our son.

Billy: So, that’s your problem, then? You don’t want johnny and chelsea spending time together, alone, one on one? So, we invite connor. They get along great.

Victoria: Great. So, the three of them can play pretend happy family.

Billy: Vick, there’s nothing pretend about it, okay? Before johnny found out the truth about chelsea, him and connor were cousins. They always have been. Chelsea’s always been his de facto aunt. Biologically, they are family.

Victoria: Yes, but legally and emotionally, so are we. I mean, I’m his mother. Johnny’s my son. I’m responsible for him. I get to make the decisions.

Billy: So, we’re drawing lines in the sand now?

Victoria: Yes! Yes, billy. That is exactly what we’re doing. We have to set some boundaries here before things get out of hand. There’s just — there’s too much at stake.

Tide pods ultra oxi

Billy: So, what do you think is at stake? ‘Cause I don’t believe we’re gonna lose johnny because his family gets extended, right? You didn’t — you didn’t lose reed when mac became his stepmother.

Victoria: Okay. This is not remotely the same thing.

Billy: I just don’t think there’s too many people that a kid could love or that love him, you know?

Victoria: Billy —

Billy: No one benefits then.

Victoria: I realize that. But what you’re ignoring is johnny’s freedom to be a kid without worrying about these adult-level problems. That’s what I’m concerned about.

Billy: Okay. So, if you’re worried about chelsea, I understand that, but I vouch for her, okay? She’s doing really great. She’s taking this one step at a time. She’s not overextending. And I think she’s ready for this.

Victoria: I’m more worried about whether or not our son is ready for this. He’s already blamed himself to some degree for the issues that she had after he rejected her. And what if he’s doing all of this just for her sake? No. That would be unacceptable.

Billy: Then let’s ask johnny. We said all along that this was gonna be his call. And in the beginning, he chose not to have anything to do with chelsea, and we respected that. So I think we should respect that if he decides to spend more time with her, that it’s his choice.

Tucker: Yeah, reuniting with ashley is my dream. Of course, I want to make it mutual. I just want to make her happier than she’s ever been in her whole life.

Sharon: And you think you’re charming enough to do that?

Tucker: I have more to offer than my charm.

Sharon: Ooh! I hope that wasn’t some sexual innuendo.

Tucker: You just have to see the worst in me, don’t you? I will have you know that I want to connect with ashley on a higher level than that.

Sharon: So, what? Are you saying that you want to marry ashley again?

Tucker: Mm… there are other ways to forge a lasting bond with someone, isn’t there?

Sharon: Has she given you any reason to believe that’s what she wants?

Tucker: Well, I’m an optimist.

Sharon: Oh, in other words, no!

Tucker: Well, I’m working hard to prove that I’m worthy of her trust, and I think eventually she’ll — she’ll let her guard down and, uh, yeah, we’ll make something special together.

Sharon: Mm. Well, I guess time will tell.

Tucker: I’m gonna prove you and all the other doubters wrong. Ahh. So nice to see you. Take care.

Audra: Thank you.

Nate: That was the most detailed order for a salad that I have ever heard.

Audra: Eh, it was a little extra, right?

[ Both laugh ]

Nate: You know what you like. That’s a good thing.

Audra: Yeah. I hate being disappointed. And when I am, it can be a bad thing.

Nate: Really?

Audra: Yeah.

Nate: I have not seen that side of you. Then again, there’s a lot i don’t know about you. So, tell me — who is audra charles?

Audra: Hmm. Where do I begin?

Nate: What do you want out of life?

Audra: More.

Nate: Of what?

Audra: Everything. Adventure, excitement, knowledge.

Nate: You came to genoa city as the ipo guru for chancellor-winters, poised to launch the company into the stratosphere. But what are you getting out of this besides a paycheck? What are your goals?

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Audra: Hmm.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone thuds ] I’m not entirely sure.

Nate: What happens when chancellor-winters decides what to do with the ipo? Do you stay in genoa city, or do you go?

Audra: That’s a good question.

[ Chuckles ]

Nate: What people say when they don’t want to give a direct answer.

Audra: Alright. Okay. Initially, I — I planned on leaving once my position ended, but this town is growing on me.

Nate: I hope you stay. We need more players who understand the game. And if you ever find yourself in need of a new job, you should come talk to me.

Audra: You’d hire me at newman media?

Nate: Why not? I believe in surrounding myself with smart, savvy people.

Jack: So, you think that kyle and I have diane in hiding somewhere?

Ashley: Yep, I do. I do ’cause I know you would do anything to protect her.

Jack: You know what? You believe whatever you have to believe to sleep at night. It doesn’t change the fact that you and nikki and phyllis set all of this in motion. You were told what would happen, who would be affected, and you did it anyway. And now your nephew and your grand nephew are spending christmas without diane.

Ashley: Aw, gee, that’s the only kind of christmas harrison’s ever known. And kyle hasn’t spent the holidays with his mother in years, right? So, do I feel for them? Of course I do, jack. But they’re still gonna be with people that actually love them, that have been there for them —

Jack: We’re talking about kyle’s mother.

Ashley: Why is she a mother?! Because she gave birth to him? That doesn’t make her a good mother, does it? You know what I find so pathetic about this? The only reason why this christmas is special is because she actually wants to spend it with her son.

Jack: Yeah, but because you and your co-conspirators lured an ex-convict into town —

Ashley: Listen, if she gave a damn about kyle, she would have been there for him every christmas, every birthday, but she wasn’T. If she had a heart, she would have moved heaven and earth to tuck her son in at night, to give him a goodnight kiss! But she didn’t! She chose not to return, jack, year after year! And I have done whatever I could to protect you and kyle from her! Too bad you don’t like my methods. But it doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

Jack: No, I don’t like your methods.

Ashley: I’m still right. And I don’t know what diane being back in town has done to your brain, but it’s wrecked. Your judgment is just completely off.

Jack: Your complete lack of compassion for everyone involved…

Ashley: Oh, please.

Jack: …Is appalling to me. You have allowed your hatred for diane to make you small and spiteful. And I have heard enough of this.

Ashley: Unbelievable.

[ Scoffs ]

[ Door slams ]

[ Sighs heavily ]

Kyle: Hey, you know how much I want to spend christmas with you and harrison.

Summer: Well, we need this. Harrison has endured so many changes this year. Coming back to genoa city, changing languages…

Kyle: Losing ashland… mm, then let’s make it happen.

Summer: Really?!

Kyle: What if we three spend christmas at home? Then we can wake up early. Hurricane harrison can rip open all of his presents. Then I go to the cabin and spend the rest of the day with my mom.

Summer: Okay, you had me right up until the last part.

Kyle: What’s wrong? You don’t want me to leave to go see my mother somewhere? She’s just been alone for so many holidays.

Summer: I’m not saying that i don’t want you to go. I’m saying that harrison and i are coming with you. This cough.

[Sfx: Coughs]

“The young and the restless”

will continue. Welcome to my digestive system.

Tucker: Fascinating. Right on time.

Audra: You know, you said to get here as soon as possible. I did.

Tucker: Something more entertaining happening?

Audra: Oh, nothing is more entertaining than you, tucker.

Tucker: I know you. You’re distracted.

Audra: No.

Tucker: Would you like to share?

Audra: What did you need to talk about?

Tucker: Uh, the plan is evolving. I spontaneously offered to help ashley break away from jabot and start her own company.

Audra: Oh. Did she accept?

Tucker: Not yet.

Audra: Mm. Do you really believe she’s gonna turn her back on her family?

Tucker: I saw a little glimmer in her eye that said she was tempted to. So, yeah, I think in time, she’ll come around.

Audra: [ Chuckles ] I am beyond thrilled that you called me all the way over here to tell me that the woman you’re obsessed with didn’t exactly turn you down.

Tucker: It’s progress.

Audra: Except for taking a single step in making any of your plans a reality. But, sure.

Billy: Thanks, hannah. We’ll see you in a few. You good?

Johnny: Yeah. Whew. Hannah wouldn’t really tell me why she was driving me here, but, hey, I will never say no to a hot cocoa.

Billy: I don’t blame you, but first things first. Your mom and I have a question for you.

Johnny: Okay, if this family meeting has anything to do with the length of my christmas wish list, I can explain. I don’t expect you to get me everything that’s on there. I really just wanted to give you options.

Billy: Well, that’s very considerate of you, but, uh, we — we just want to talk about one gift in particular.

Johnny: The playstation? I realize it’s a big ask.

Billy: Actually, it’s not

what it is. It’s who it’s from.

Victoria: Uh, chelsea has a present that she’s hoping to give you, and we’re wondering if you want it.

Kyle: What do we do about telling harrison where we’re going? How do we pack up his entire christmas and take it to the cabin?

Summer: We could leave during his nap time. He can sleep most of the way there. We can tell him that it’s a christmas eve adventure.

Kyle: What about when we get back? How do we keep him from telling everyone he woke up on christmas morning and saw dee dee?

Summer: We’ll tell him that she’s one of santa’s elves and that’s why she had to leave before christmas. I don’T…

Kyle: I suppose we could tell him we’re driving to the north pole. He’s a little too young to understand distance. But I don’t like the idea of telling him to keep a secret.

Summer: I know. I know. But in this case, it’s — it’s the only way. We just need to figure out the right way to frame it.

Kyle: You aren’t gonna let this go, are you?

Summer: No. Because it’s important. So I’m gonna keep arguing my case until you say yes.

Kyle: [ Inhales deeply ] Yes. I would love to have you and harrison come with me. But there is one more obstacle in our way. We have to make sure stark is distracted. We cannot risk him following us. If you think all pads are exactly the same…

Summer: Do you really think that stark is watching us, following our every move, thinking that we’ll eventually lead him to diane?

Kyle: It’s pretty clear that whatever payback he wants from her is about more than just money, and I don’t have a handle on how far he’s willing to go to settle the score.

Summer: Well, if he is spying on us, he could just as easily follow you if you go to see her alone. All stark has to do is follow you there, wait for you to leave, and then go after diane when she’s alone again.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] You’re right. As much as I want to spend christmas with my mother, it’s a liability none of us can afford.

Johnny: Chelsea wants to get me a present? She doesn’t have to do that.

Billy: No, but it’s the holidays, and people do all sorts of zany things.

Johnny: Yeah, but that means that she was thinking about me enough to want to get me something, even with all the stuff she’s been through.

Billy: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, look, we can accept it for you, or you can accept it yourself if you want. Whatever — whatever you’re comfortable with.

Victoria: Of course, we haven’t agreed to anything yet. We wanted to make sure that you were okay with it first. But if you don’t want this gift or if you don’t want to spend time with her, if you’re not ready yet, that’s fine.

Billy: Or maybe you can check with connor and see if he wants to hang out with the both of you.

Victoria: Yeah, there’s no pressure.

Johnny: Connor’s cool. We have a good time together. So, sure. Sounds like fun.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] This is a wonderful surprise.

Elena: Well, I thought i should give you a proper welcome home. So, welcome home, ceo.

Nate: Back at our place —

Elena: I was the walking dead. But what a difference a shower and a triple shot of espresso can make. So now I have energy to celebrate your successful trip to L.A.

Nate: That was a quick recovery. I saw how exhausted you were.

Elena: How about this? You can keep telling me what a marvel I am while I treat you to a “welcome home” lunch.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] I’d love to, but I’ve already eaten.

Elena: Did you?

Nate: I was gonna grab some takeout from society, and i bumped into audra, who was alone, and we just ended up grabbing lunch together.

Elena: [ Scoffs ]

Tucker: Don’t stop. Speak your mind.

Audra: You don’t know what you want, okay? One minute, it’s jabot, the next, maybe not. You know, then you say you want chancellor-winters. Or maybe you just want devon to betray lily so you can work with your son. Do you have an end game, or are you just jerking everyone around for fun?

Tucker: Weren’t you the one that was accusing me of biting off more than I could chew?

Audra: All I want to know is where I fit in your plans.

Tucker: You —

Audra: When you asked me to work with you, you promised me that you were gonna —

Tucker: I know what i promised you, audra.

Audra: And now you’re stalling.

Tucker: No, I’m not stalling.

Audra: Yes, now you’re stalling.

Tucker: No.

Audra: You know, perhaps you lost your confidence and your ability to get any of this done.

Tucker: No, I’m applying what I’ve learned in life. You’ve got to be flexible and adaptable and, above all else —

Audra: Look, I am not gonna play the long game without knowing more about what the payoff is. Perhaps it’s time for me to make my own plans.

Tucker: Okay. Yeah, sure. I’M… no one’s holding you back. I, uh… I wouldn’t want to stand between you and your destiny.

Audra: You are s– such an insufferable son of a bitch.

Tucker: I know. I’m sorry. Tyson boneless buffalo bites and hot wings

Jack: Hey. Why the long faces? Have you heard from stark?

Kyle: Not a word.

Jack: Then why do you both look like christmas was canceled?

Summer: ‘Cause it was, basically. At least, my version of it was.

Kyle: Summer wanted to bring harrison to the cabin to spend christmas with me and my mom.

Summer: But no matter how many times we go through the potential scenarios or possible hiccups, we just can’t find a way to make it work.

Kyle: Any trip to the cabin, including mine, puts my mother at risk, and I don’t want to put her in danger just so I can live a childhood fantasy of spending christmas with my mother.

Jack: After all the work to rebuild, to reunite this family, you deserve to spend this time with your mother, your wife, and your son.

Kyle: I can’t risk it. It’s not worth it.

Jack: Yeah, the hell it isn’T.

Summer: We still haven’t found a way to neutralize stark. He’s a danger to us all.

Jack: You leave him to me.

Victoria: You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do. If you’re agreeing to see chelsea out of guilt or because you’re feeling pressured, then you —

Billy: What your mom’s trying to say that this is one of those rare occasions that you don’t have to be polite. You can be completely honest with us. Do whatever you’re comfortable with.

Victoria: Yes. And you’ll have plenty of time to get to know her down the road, okay?

Johnny: I don’t have to see her if you don’t want me to.

Victoria: What are you talking about?

Johnny: It must be kind of weird for you. If seeing chelsea is gonna upset you, then I won’t do it.

Victoria: You know, it’s very sweet and mature of you to worry about me, but I’m — I’m absolutely fine with you hanging out with connor and chelsea.

Johnny: Sweet. So, when’s this gonna happen?

Billy: No time like the present for a present.

Victoria: Sure.

Billy: Let me check and see if she’s upstairs. “Hey. Victoria, johnny, and I are downstairs. If you and connor around, do you want to come down?” There we go. We’ll see.

Johnny: Okay. Wait. But wait.

Billy: Hmm?

Johnny: We don’t have connor’s present, and I have to get something for chelsea.

Victoria: Well, you don’t have to do that.

Johnny: Wouldn’t it be kind of rude for me to not get her something when she’s getting me?

[ Cellphone pings ] Was that chelsea?

Billy: Yeah. She’s not available. She has an appointment.

Johnny: So, maybe later today?

Billy: That could work, right? We could go get connor’s gift, and then we can try and find something for chelsea.

Johnny: What do you think she’d like?

Billy: [ Chuckles ] I don’t know, buddy. I think she would love anything that you get her.

Johnny: But does she like jewelry, perfume? What are her hobbies?

Billy: All very valid questions, and together, the two of us will figure that out.

Elena: Chancellor’s ipo expert had lunch with a disgraced former executive. Doesn’t that blur the lines a bit?

Nate: Audra knows what I did wasn’t personal. And it’s not as if we were trading company secrets with each other.

Elena: Just saying, it’s strange.

Nate: We respect each other professionally, and we shared a meal, nothing more.

Elena: I’m not questioning your intentions. There’s just something about her that doesn’t sit right with me.

Nate: You barely know her.

Elena: Yeah, and the little time I’ve spent with her, it’s like she’s always working an angle, like there’s some sort of opportunity to be gained from working at chancellor-winters.

Nate: I’m sure she’ll get a bonus if the ipo goes through. What else could there be?

Elena: I don’t know. Can’t put my finger on it. But I don’t trust her.

[ Knock on door ]

Audra: [ Whispering ] You expecting someone?

Ashley: Tucker, are you there?

Tucker: Ashley?

Ashley: Open up.

Tucker: [ Whispering ] Hey, hey, hey. Would you mind?

Audra: You can’t be serious.

Tucker: Well, this looks questionable for you, too.

[ Normal voice ] Um… hold on a second. I just got to get decent.

Ashley: Well, that’s gonna take a while.

Tucker: [ Chuckles loudly ] That’s — that’s so funny. You have such A… refreshing sense of humor.

Audra: [ Exhales sharply ]

Tucker: [ Groans lightly ] Hey.

Ashley: Looks like I caught ya at a bad time.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, 12/20/22

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne



elizabeth: Ava. There’s no need for phony small talk. It’s a bit risky, isn’t it, for a woman like you to be in this chapel? You wouldn’t want to be struck by lightning, would you, after sneaking around with my husband? I know I owe you a — what? A thank you, maybe? For keeping nikolas occupied until you realized that you wanted him again? I’m sorry. Oh, no, you’re not. But you will be. I’m sorry. Don’t be. You needed that. And you should stop denying yourself what you really need.

[ Grunts ]

[ Exhales sharply ] Sam, I need to talk to you. You’re still here? The — the gym? No, in port charles. I thought you were leaving town.

[ Breathing heavily ] Yeah, I was going to. Dante convinced me to stay.

[ Chuckles lightly ] That’s because when dante sees you, he sees you as his childhood friend. But when I see you, I see you as a bully and a con artist. Now, I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, so I came to the gym –listen, I heard about the cop who got killed. How’s dante handling it? I couldn’t say. Look, I know you want me out of dante’s life, sam, but… [ Scoffs ] Just answer me this one thing. I mean, bully or not, dante’s my friend. I’m worried. I can’t tell you how dante’s feeling ’cause I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since yesterday. Dante. Tj, um… I need to get rory cabrera’s medical records, me’s report, uh… all that. Anything that might help us catch his killer. Yeah. Um… let me know if there’s something… yeah. Actually… will you still be here in a few minutes? Yeah, I’ll be here. I’m hoping you can help me with something. Okay. Dante. Chief. You look like hell. Oh, thanks. Appreciate that. Did you talk to cabrera’s mom? Yeah, I told her that, uh, the me would release rory’s body as soon as possible. Is that the, uh… autopsy report. They found snake venom in rory’s blood. So let me guess, the same toxin that was found in brando, diane, and oz haggerty? Looks like we got a serial killer on our hands. Are you sure I can trust everything that you recalled? Excuse me? Look, the stakes are high, okay? I don’t have time for games, ms. Makenzie. I checked out your story. The one that was identical to harmony’s — remember that one? You didn’t tell me the truth about willow’s mother. Every word out of your mouth has been a lie. You’re calling me a liar? Yeah. Because you lied. And I need to know why. What are you covering up? Who are you trying to protect?

Um, I’m — I’m good now. Really. You can go. I’m under orders not to leave you alone. Sonny is your boss, not mine. I’m not leaving until steve gets here.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Suit yourself. It looks like saint elizabeth has finally shown her true colors. Not only were you screwing nikolas behind my back, you were doing it behind finn’S. You know, I ran into finn the other night, and he — he seemed a little off. And now I have to wonder, does he suspect? Does he know? Maybe I’ll ask him. He knows. I told him.

[ Chuckles ] Of course you did. It’s best to get right out in front of it, isn’t it? Claim to be sorry. Tell him it’ll never happen again. Catch me up, though. Do you plan on keeping both nikolas and finn on their respective leashes? Not that I care at all what happens between you and finn. Although he seems like a decent guy, probably deserves a lot better. But if you think that you are holding on to nikolas — no. That is not gonna happen. No. Nikolas and I only — we turned to each other because —

[ Laughs ] Oh, no, I know this one. Oh, I know this one by heart. You and nikolas, you turned to each other because you were both feeling so lost and confused and in so much pain. Let me tell you something, elizabeth. Neither one of you knows what real pain is. So take cover. ‘Cause not only will you lose everything you cost me, but by the time I am done, you will have lost so much more. You haven’t heard from dante since that cop was killed?

[ Groans ] He texted me. He called last night to say that he was gonna be okay. He wanted the kids to know that he was gonna be okay. I could practically feel all of his feelings bottled up. I mean, I-I get it. It’s really tough when you lose one of your own. Yeah, I bet. Um… and, uh, yeah, I guess dante is doing his whole hey, don’t worry about me, I’m fine” thing. I can’t say I’m all that surprised, though, you know? No, I-I don’t know. What are you talking about? Well, you know dante. I mean, he’s always the first to step up when someone else needs help. But the last to ask when he needs it. You know, one time he broke his arm in camp. He ended up being the one who consoled mama q, not the other way around. Dante… always being the strong, silent type. No. No, what? Well, one of the things I love the most about dante is how open he is and how willing he is to talk things out. Oh. Oh. Well, th– well, that’s new. It’s good. It’s great. But…new.

[ Chuckles ] Dante and I, we don’t keep things from each other. That’s how I know that whatever he’s going through, it’S… it’s bad. Dante: There’s got to be something that’ll help us figure out where esme’s holed up. Soil samples, grass, something like that. All we have is an earring that elizabeth found on rory. Yeah, well, the lab hasn’t come back with anything on that.

[ Cellphone ringing ] We don’t know where that thing came from. Excuse me. Yeah.

[ Ringing continues ] Cody? Yeah. Um… hi. What can I do for you? Uh, listen, I’m — I’m sorry to bug you. I just still have your number in my phone from when we thought I might be your son. That’s all right. What’s up? Uh, I was hoping maybe you knew where — where dante was. I’m standing with him right now. Why? I’m with sam at volonino’s, and she’s pretty worried. Dante didn’t come home last night. Thanks. I’m on it. Uh, where was I? You were saying you realize you have nothing to prove. That’s right. And — and right before you got into that staredown with carly. Well, that’s a — that — whatever. Whatever. Uh, I’m — I was saying that I have accepted the fact that my past is my past, phyllis, and I’m done apologizing for it. From now on, I’m just looking towards the future. Well, I, for one, am glad to hear it.

[ Exhales deeply ]

You came looking for me. It’s not my fault if you don’t like what I had to say. I don’t like it because it’s not the truth. So, one more time — I don’t have to take this. Hey, guys! Uh, drew. Um…hey. What’s going on? Hey. Carly, this is, uh, this is denise. Denise makenzie. I can’t believe it’s come to this. But it’s really for the best. I mean, this friend of mine and drew’s, she cannot find out who her birth mother is. It — it will cause her a world of pain. Are you trying to justify it to yourself or to me? Because I don’t care about the reasons. Not as long as your check clears. Carly. Nice to meet you. [ Chuckles ] If you say so. Drew: Denise was a member of the friends for peace and love commune. That’s when she knew harmony. Of course, at the time, harmony went by her given name. Uh, lorraine, right? Yeah. Exactly. Well, denise and i met yesterday, and I asked her how lorraine ended up raising willow. And I told you. You told me a story. And that story doesn’t add up. How do I know that? Well, that’s a very good question. I’m gonna tell you. I did a little digging… and I found out that the woman that you claimed to be willow’s mom, poor joan, doesn’t exist. That’s a problem. You lied. And you’re not leaving here until you tell me why.

[ Sighs ]

[ Exhales deeply ]

[ Footsteps approaching ] Father, I didn’t hear you come in. I’ll read this somewhere — hey, spencer. I need to talk to you. About esme? Nina, what happened to that happy-go-lucky woman in love that I was just talking to? Well, she’s still in there. She is. It’s just, I’m mentally preparing myself for carly to come down on me again. Didn’t you just say you were done apologizing for your past? My past, yes. But my present is a different story. What happened? I got into another fight with willow. And I’m sure you had a good reason. I certainly thought so at the time. Willow’s pregnant. I heard. And the argument upset her so much she fainted. Fortunately, carly was there. I never thought I’d see the day you were thankful for carly’s presence.

[ Chuckles softly ] You’re not kidding. I didn’t know what to do. I just froze. She didn’t hesitate. We both came together and helped willow. And thank god she’s gonna be okay. I know you and willow have had your differences, but I know you don’t wish her any harm. No. Of course not. Even carly admitted that.

[ Scoffs ] Wonders never cease. Yeah, but…

[ Sighs ] I just — I feel terrible about it, though. You know? I never knew that willow was having such a rough pregnancy. Um, drew, I-I think, uh, denise has her reasons, right? I-I mean, maybe she was trying to protect harmony. Lorraine — or something. Yeah, I mean, she was my friend. It was a long time ago, but still. Right! And I also think it’s very important to remember that lorraine is gone. So, tell us the truth. And I’ll make it worth your while. Okay…

[ Exhales deeply ] All right. You got me. There was no joan. Lorraine and doug… already had the baby with them when they joined the commune. These are the rest of rory’s personal effects. Can you see that his family gets them? Yeah. I’ll, uh, take care of that. Thanks. Look, I didn’t know rory well, but he seemed like a good guy. He was. And a good cop. I hope you catch this psycho soon. That’s the plan. Look, we’ve done all we can here. You should go home and get some rest. Uh, you know what? I think I’m gonna go back to the crime scene. You’re off duty. That’s an order, detective. Well, what am I gonna do? I’m too wired to sleep.

[ Sighs ] Then I’m taking you to the gym. You know, a workout will do you good. Let’s go. Come on. Nothing to say? No lame excuses for betraying finn, for jumping back into bed with nikolas? At least you weren’t married to his brother this time.

[ Groans softly ] Why are you even here? Are you seeking solace? Guidance from above? Absolution? All I can say is — go on.

[ Sighs deeply ] I’ve made terrible mistakes, and I’m going to have to live with what I’ve done. Gi ve me a break,mary magdalene. I should go. No one is gonna buy this noble martyr act. And I will not be made the bad guy here. For once, I have done nothing wrong!

[ Breathes unsteadily ] If you think that you can tear my life apart, shed a few crocodile tears and skate — oh, my god, ava! Shut up. Not everything’s about you.

You know, just because you’re standing guard doesn’t mean you have to actually stand while guarding me. I’m fine. I thought that you were mad at me. After what happened at kelly’S. Maybe I was. Did you really think I need you to defend me against spencer cassadine?

[ Chuckles ] Well, he did knock you flat with a sucker punch. Should I have fought back? No. I’m glad you didn’T. Spencer is an idiot and a total jerk, but he’s been through a lot. So, giving him a beat down would not have proven anything. Would have proved that I can defend myself. For future reference, I don’t care what spencer thinks. What about the cam thinks? Sorry. For what? Causing problems between you two.

[ Weights clanking ] Will you stop it? Uh… stop what? You’re lurking. I’m just doing some curls. Now you’re stalling. I’m lurking, stalling… what are you hanging around here for? That. Oh, look, mac. Sam is here. What an amazing coincidence. Yeah. I’m guessing you dropped the dime. You calling me a rat? Sam: [ Chuckles ] Hi. Dante: I’m sorry I didn’t call you. Phyllis: Sorry about that. Our pos system went down. But don’t worry. I fixed it.

[ Sighs ] Oh. You seem…preoccupied.

[ Inhales deeply ] Again. More carly? Who? [ Chuckles ] No, actually, uh… I was — I was just thinking about how happy I was when I found out I was pregnant. You know, silas and I, we were gonna be new parents, and I was overjoyed. Oh. I’m sure. Of course I was nervous because I was a really young mother, but I really, really wanted that baby. Silas and i were having problems. He was cheating on me with ava, actually. And now you’re best friends?

[ Chuckles ] Isn’t life funny? I thought that my baby would save my marriage, and… maybe it would have. But thanks to my mother, I — I never got to experience the one time that I would or could

[Voice breaking] Ever have a baby. I will never forgive madeline for robbing me of a life with my daughter. Wait, so lorraine and doug had the baby with them when they arrived at the commune? But we know that harmony wasn’t willow’s birth mother. A dna test proved that. So… so back then, did — did they claim that willow was theirs? Lorraine and doug told everyone that their friend joan had given them the baby to raise. But that was before they joined friends for peace and love. S-so you never met willow’s biological mother? No, I didn’T. So why did you lie to me? Like I said, lorraine was my friend. I wanted to protect her and protect whoever that baby grew up to be. What do you mean, protect? I always got the sense that lorraine was running from something. Or someone. About esme? Esme killed rory cabrera. Right. Yes. I heard an officer had been attacked. Killed. Isn’t that the young man that trina was seeing? It was. I was at kelly’s with trina when she found out that he’d been attacked. Joss and cam were there, too. We all went to gh together, and trina got to sit with rory as he coded, or flatlined, or whatever they call it. She’s devastated. I’m gonna put this back. Ho– how are you feeling… about all of this? I barely knew rory. Yeah, but you care about trina. Yes. Yeah, I care. I want to be there for trina. But I’m the last person who should be, so I am relegated to standing by helplessly or staying away altogether, because I am literally useless in this situation. There’s nothing that I can do. I don’t know. I think that trina would want all the support that any of her friends would give her. Even from the so-called friend who brought esme to town in the first place? How much sense does that make? You are not responsible for esme’s actions. That’s exactly what grandmother said. So it must be true, if you two agree. Your grandmother tried calling me. It must have been about officer cabrera. You’d have to ask her. Well, I’m glad she was there for you. Anyway, I hope they find esme soon. Spencer. There’s something else you need to know. I served ava with divorce papers. Which means a reconciliation is right around the corner. How exciting. There’s not gonna be a reconciliation. Not this time. Why not? Things happened. Things?

[ Scoffs ] That does sound irreparable. Don’t tell me you’ve finally seen ava for the toxic opportunist that she always — do not talk about ava that way. You’re still defending her, I see. So it’s not really over, is it? It is. But it’s not because I don’t love her. Then why? I was unfaithful. I know. With esme. And the less we could say about that, the better. No. It was with someone else. Great. Whose girlfriend did you bang this time? I don’t have any siblings. So you would have had to branch out. Who’s the lucky lady? Elizabeth. I beg your pardon. My husband cheated on me with you. You’re damn right that’s about me. You left nikolas months ago. So what? I leave nikolas all the time.

[ Scoffs ] And like an idiot, I always come back. I suppose I should thank you for snapping me out of it! I didn’t do this to hurt you. This what? Cheap affair? Tawdry hook-up? I hope you don’t think it was anything more than that. That you’re special somehow. You know, you weren’t even nikolas’ first choice.

[ Laughs ] That honor goes to his son’s girlfriend, esme. But… but you know about that, don’t you? He told me about esme. So he lied to me. And he told you and you jumped into bed with him anyway. So now what? Do you think that you and nikolas are gonna have some kind of… happily ever after? That you can forget about all the pain that you’ve caused people and just move on? You and — and nikolas and your brand-new baby?! There’s not gonna be a baby.

You have not caused problems for me and cam. Glad to hear it. The problem is me.

[ Sighs ] I’ve been putting off a conversation that I have to have with him. I’ve been hiding, which makes me a coward, which I hate, but it has nothing to do with you.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, it’s steve. He’s here. Good. You can go. Please tell steve to wait outside. I don’t want any of sonny’s people in my house. One question. What? Are you sorry we kissed? Yeah, me neither. And here I thought you were focusing on your future.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. That’s easier said than done. Okay, meanwhile, back to the present. Why don’t you distract me by telling me all about this hunky guy that you are texting? Ooh, ahh…

[ Both laugh ] Look, I’m sorry I lied. You clearly care about lorraine’s daughter. Whatever she’s calling herself now. But my advice… not that you asked… mm-hmm. Don’t go digging into lorraine’s past. Whatever she was running from, whatever trouble she was in, she was afraid of it. She didn’t show it very often, but she also didn’t stay in one place very long. Now, maybe she was restless, but… I think it was something more. All I’m saying is — it sounds like willow has a good life now. Mayb e she should keeplooking forward instead of back. Oh.

[ Sighs ] Denise left her gloves. Mm. Denise! Thank you for not ratting me out.

[ Scoffs ] I’d like to say it was a pleasure doing business with you, but… I just want to go home. It was stupid of me to get mixed up in this in the first place. I — I understand. Question. Are you telling the truth to drew? Was lorraine really running from someone? She was jumpy around strangers. Always seemed to be looking over her shoulder. Mac: Thanks for calling. I’m sure sam and dante are feeling better now. Yeah, well, bringing people together is what I do. You did a good thing. Thanks. So what about you, chief? Sam was talking about how, uh, hard it is for cops when they lose someone in the line of duty. You doing all right? I’ve been through this before. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get any easier. Yeah, I bet. You know, I just can’t help thinking about [Sighs] The future rory might have had, you know, all the things he could have done with his life if he hadn’t gone to that apartment alone. Such a waste. Yeah, it’s crazy. One bad decision could change your whole life. Elizabeth. Elizabeth who? Do not tell me that you mean cameron’s mother. I do. My god! She’s practically family! Does cameron know? I’m not sure. I don’t think so. How did this… why? We were both having a hard time. Maybe you were having a hard time. She was having a full-blown crisis! She had to check herself into rehab because the sleeping pills that she was on were making her think crazy things! Cam’s been worried sick about her for months. And you — what? You saw that she was vulnerable… …distressed, in pain, confused, and you thought, well, there’s no way she’ll turn me down. You’re disgusting. It had been a long time sinceelizabet h had come home — I should light you up right now! God! It had been a long time since elizabeth had come back from the hospital. We are both consenting adults. No. No, because she was obviously unraveling. And that is the only reason that she turned to you. And you took advantage of her friendship! How are cameron and I supposed to even look at each other now, after you’ve done this? I wouldn’t be telling you this if this was a one-time indiscretion. Elisabeth and I… have been seeing each other. After you slept with esme, I did not know that I could think less of you. Turns out I can. What do you mean there’s no baby? I mean that I am no longer pregnant. Does nikolas know? No, not yet. Oh. Well.

[ Insincerely ] I’m so sorry for your loss. No, ava, don’t say — I should go. Oh. Word to the wise, if you’re expecting nikolas to comfort you, you can forget it. That man only cares about himself.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door slams ]

A man who would usea woman’s emotional problems to try to move in on her — that’s not what happened!That’s exactly what happened. And the fact that you can’t see that makes this all somehow even worse. To thi nk I almost bought into uncle victor’s garbage about finding strength in family. There is no strength. There is no family. You have proven time and time again that this family is unsalvageable. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again — I’m done with you. Spencer.

This is over. And you know the sad part… was that I bought into the fairy tale… that grandmother’s influence saved you. But she was too late. Because you are already a cassadine through and through by the time she cameinto your life. My mother made me a better person. You were worse than this before? There were reasons. And I told you, I don’t care. The second that my sentence is over and I am free to live where I please… I’m out of here. Hey, phyllis, when you were in new york, do you ever remember lorraine talking about a baby or — or a friend that was pregnant? Not that I recall. No? Okay, thanks. Hey. Hey. Thank you. So what was that all about? Oh, uh… phyllis was nina’s nurse when she was in a coma. Harmony worked in the same building. They knew each other. Oh, yeah, I think I remember phyllis telling me about that. So, if harmony and doug had the baby when they arrived at the commune, that changes everything. Elizabeth: What am I doing? My parents finally told me about reiko’s fall and how they tried to make me forget what I had done. If the truth is supposed to set me free, then how come it feels like a stone around my neck? But I guess it’s not the truth that’s the problem, is it? Nope, it’s me and the choices I’ve made. I’m just tearing my life down piece by piece, brick by brick. I lost finn. I’m helping nikolas hold a pregnant woman captive because I thought I was keeping everybody else from getting hurt. But now that cop is dead, and I know it can’t be esme who’s the killer. This isn’t me. I’m a good person, aren’t I? Aren’t I?

I don’t care what uncle victorwants. I cannot — I will not be around you, so… stay clear of me. I have my own money now. I’m gonna get my own place. Preferably as far away from here and you as possible. Spencer, I’m — I’m so sorry that I disappointed you again. Th ere really is no bottomfor you to hit, is there? I feel really sorry for you. But there’s one good thing about this, and it’s that I am more determined than ever to be a better man than you. I know you will be. I mean, you — you’re already your own man. I am so proud of you. No, I — give me a break.

[ Breathes deeply ] Just stop. I know we’re done. But you just know —

[ Cellphone rings ] You just know that I love you. And I believe in you.

[ Ringing continues ]

[ Whispering ] Hey. I just had it out with ava. How did it go? I told her there was no baby, let her believe I had a miscarriage. Anyway, it’s done. No more fake baby. Now I just have to fix all the other million mistakes I’ve made. I know this is hard. But we made our choices. There’s no going back.

[ Door closes ] Hey! Ava: Hi. I was just about to call you to check in on you after, you know, what you told me about elizabeth and nikolas. Mm. Coincidentally, I just ran into elizabeth. Did you let her have it? Started to. And then she told me that she lost the baby. Ohhh. I mean, I hate them for what they did to you, but still, it’s — I know. As much as I want to give it to nikolas — and I really want to let him have it — can I really go after him after he just lost a child? Well, I, uh, better head out. Uh. Yeah, me too. After I hit the showers. Can’t go into the world smelling… like this. Oh, and, uh, don’t worry. About? I won’t keep bugging you. In fact, um… I’ll delete your number right now. No, no, no. Hey, keep it. You don’t mind? Feel free to use it if you’re ever in a jam. It’s my job, you know? Protect and serve? Right. See you later, chief. See ya, cody. Dex: Are you sorry we kissed? Yeah, me neither. I’m trying to do the right thing here. Try being honest instead. You want honest? [ Sighs ]

[ Muffled scream ]

[ Sighs deeply ] So harmony had willow when she arrived in colorado, and denise really thought that harmony was running from something or someone? What if harmony stole willow from her parents? You think harmony kidnapped willow? Well, if denise is telling the truth. It sure sounds like harmony thought that someone was trying to track her down. Yeah. So, where does that leave us? Well, either way — either way, we know that the story about willow’s birth mom od’ing — that’s a lie. Which means it’s possible that somebody could be out there… somewhere wondering what happened to her little girl.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 You talked to your dad about my column, right? That’s why you wanted to have a drink. And from the look on your face, it didn’t go very well. Look, uh, I’m sorry, Mattie, he just, he doesn’t really feel like a gossip column is the right fit for the spectator. Well drinks are on you. I guess. You’ve already spent all the money I gave.

It was a pitten considering that dirty little favor I did for you. Oh, come on. You know, you loved having a tussle with Sander. Okay. It was a bit of a dream come true. Only in the dream he was naked. I wasn’t wearing a muscle suit, but I was wearing a clown mask. Okay. Yeah. Well it’s a good thing that it did go off as planned and hopefully Bonnie Riak is will stop nattering on about the fact that it was Zander who kidnapped her even though it was him.


Oh, I can’t move. The eldest buddy putting those burgers, cement, . You’re the one who insists on having two of them. Look guys, I know they’re feeling, but they are my favorite. You’re so sweet to remember . Well, you’ve better ru couple weeks. Yeah, I mean it’s, it’s literally the least we could do. Thank you. I almost forgot.

This was in one of the bags. There you go. Buddy’s burgers. Scratch off it. See what you got. I, Jack. No, but my next order fries on buddy.

Serious. The real prize is having a nice dinner with my family,

I think the bad times are finally over just in time for Christmas, you know.

I’ll call you with an update as soon as they let me see Trip again. I love you too, sweetness.

I heard about the explosion. Is trip gonna be all right? I think so, baby. I think so. Sarah’s giving him a thorough checkup right now. What was he doing in Salem? Well, he got it in his head that he needed to confront EJ for causing his mother’s death. Of course, Abe is a alive, is it true? She’s the one who’s at the bomb.

Yeah. Looks like she’s up to her old tricks. And they almost got my son killed.

Well, as soon as I get your x-rays and your blood work back, I’ll probably let you go home. Well, I feel fine. The only reason I’m here is cuz my dad insists today trip. You inhaled a lot of smoke. Well, the one that I’m worried about is my mom. You understand that she stopped breathing and you saved her.

Yeah. Well, she may have survived the blast, but she’s still probably going to prison for a very long time. You can’t be serious. You know, I don’t joke around. You expect me to help you escape from police custody. Oh, you’re my partner in crime. I mean, who else am I supposed to turn to in my hour of, not me?

90 more. Goodbye, Ava. I meant what I said Zand. If you don’t help me out, I’m gonna tell Sarah everything I know.

Sarah believes in me, and now the whole town, including her, knows exactly what you are. Maybe, but I still know that you kidnapped Susan and Bonnie and I know how you do it. Once I give Sarah all the details. She’s gonna know that you never changed, but you’re still the heartless criminal you always were, and you’re gonna lose her forever,

like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Are you all right?

No, I’m not. I just think maybe the double double chili cheese. Wasn’t a good idea. Do you want me to engage you something for your stomach? No, no, I, I can keep it.

Yeah. I’m guessing she’s not All right. After all.

I guess in a way, things could have been a lot worse if TRIP hadn’t shown up to confront. What do you mean? Well, you caught up with him at the church and when Ava found out Tripp was inside, she came in to warn everybody about the bomb. Gave everyone a split second to take cover. Probably made all the difference.

Was anybody else hurt? Yeah, Nicole, Ava, I hear they’re both gonna be fine. Well, Ava’s gonna be physically okay, but I wouldn’t call her fine. Sounds like she’s really gone over the edge. Yeah, I think she’s been out there for a while. She just didn’t let us see it.

I have been trying to get my mom to come to Seattle with me in. She just won’t hear it. You know, damn, I, I should have just hopped on a plane two weeks ago and maybe none of this would’ve ever happened. You don’t know that I am the one person that can still get through to her. What she did was horrible, but she’s.

She’s been through so much and yeah, she really loves Jay cuz she saw him get killed. And ej she’s been putting all this pressure on her. Can I go check on her again? I, I would really like for you to stay put until your results are in, but I feel fine. I’m not short of breath. My chest is okay. Yes, but you are not the doctor today, doctor.

All right. Will you just check on her and let me know how she is, please. You’ve got me into enough trouble as it is. Oh, right. It tarnished your lily white reputation. I offered you a job and you grabbed it. I was desperate for money and you promised it money I never saw, by the way you botched the job.

The job description didn’t include neither. I also didn’t include letting Susan go, but she did that. God, if she hadn’t shown up at the airfield, I would be living it up right now on Jake’s millions and some tropical paradise. But you mean ejs millions. Okay. You know what I meant? Because of you. I had to take that nut Jobb, put her in my car and drive her off a cliff to get rid of her.

You are saying on Toine for that. Oh yeah, sure as hell am. And if you don’t get me outta here, I’m gonna be saying it to the cops.

So is Bonnie still seeing clowns? Sunny boy, you were sitting right there. What do you think, dad? I am really sorry. Bonnie still doesn’t feel safe. She’s still making excuses not to leave the house. Makes sense that she’s freaked out. I mean, same guy kidnaps her twice and he is still out there. I mean, do you think he’d really try to do it?

This guy’s boshed it twice already and now Xander’s had a look at him. I’m hoping Xander scared him off for good. I mean, is there anything that we can do to help? You know, maybe you two could just, uh, go out and get a drink. Bonnie’s probably embarrassed. Well, I mean, a drink sounds good. I, I mean, are you sure?

There’s nothing that we can do? No. She’s my wife. I got this. Go out and you know, have a drink. Have fun. Okay, you say so,

joy. It’s Christmas.

It’s Christmas.

Now that you’ve had time to ponder and. Have you thought about how you’re gonna cash in on that favor you did for Xander Cash in? I was helping a friend out of a jam. Sure. But we both know, you think of Xander as more than a friend, and now that friend owes you in a major way work it. This could be your ticket back into his heart, or at least back into his bed.

I mean it, Xander, if I go to prison, I’m taking you with. You’ve been arrested. You’re handcuffed to a bed. I’m not a magician. Come on, you’re the guy who kidnapped. Nicole, I’m captain in a cage. You better act fast because once the cops find out I’m okay, they’re gonna be here with the paddy wagon. God should been you the died in that car crash.

No careful zandy. You might hurt my feelings.

Your feelings on the only thing I’m capable of hurting.


So, what’s the verdict? Uh, Sarah won’t let me leave until she gets all my test results back, but at this time of night, that could take forever. Just be patient . You’re like, he be patient in this situation. No, I want to go see my mom. How about I go check on her for you? No, I’ve already asked Sarah to do that.

It must have been a real shock to find out that Ave was still alive. It is. I mean, I haven’t really processed it yet. Would’ve been better off for everyone if she stayed dead this time. Papa, how could she say anything like. She’s the reason you got kidnapped and why Susan Banks is dead. Everyone in that church could have died, all because Ava wanted to get, even with ej, she’s not in her right mind.

That’s why you need to stay away from her. Your mother is completely out of control. She’s dangerous. Please trip. Will you promise me I’ll stay away from her from now on?

Oh, put that down. You know you aren’t gonna use it. Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. I get rid of you. All my problems disappear. You don’t have the guts anymore because if you did, you would’ve killed Susan when I told you to. You’re not gonna kill me either. Susan was a decent human being. You know better than the cockroaches in my motel have been doing the world a favor.

Okay, go ahead, do it. Put me out of my misery.


what are you doing here?

I was just trying to get some answers out of her. I was hoping to be able to give Bonnie and Justin the name of the HAI goon she’s been using. Did she say anything? No, I did not talking. No. Still weighing my options. Waiting to see her. Things shake up around here. Why don’t you let the police do the interrogating?

Yeah, you’re right. There’s a mistake coming here, Masco. Uh, no. I promised Trip that I would examine Eva. What? Yeah. I’ll catch up with you later. No, no, no. She, she just tried to love church full of people. I’m not leaving you alone with her. Oh, don’t worry. I mean, Really even, how much trouble can I cause while I’m changing a bed?

Ready? I’ll see you later.

You know what? You are right. I think I’ll just stroll right up to Sander and say, now that I’ve helped you avoid prison, can you please return the favor and jump my bones please. You need to finesse that a bit. Ah, you can’t finesse crude and pathetic. Mattie, I’m just pointing out that you’ve scored major points with your ex.

To me. You’ve totally made up for drugging his wife. I don’t think Zander would agree with you, but he sees you in a new way, right? I dunno. I suppose so. And you two are now bonded by this big secret. It doesn’t change anything. He loves Sarah, the happily married. I mean, the whole reason he’s worked so hard to cover his tracks is because he can’t bear the thought of losing her.

If you ask me, she’s totally wrong for him. You are projecting again, what does that mean? You are thinking If I can get a married Xander into bed, you can do the same thing with Sonny, who’s also happily married. What? Sonny and I are just friends. I’ve told you that. Oh yeah. Come on, admit it. You are mad for Sonny.

What’s wrong with your face?

Where’s Alex and Sunny? Uh, they decided to go out and have a drink. Well, because of May I ruined our family evening. No, no you didn’t. How’s your tummy? Um, fine. Soon as I take this,

No, I’m not going to abandon mom. Not again. Look, we know you love her, but she’s gone way too far this time. I’m afraid you’re gonna end up getting hurt again. Nobody’s gonna look out for her except. She’s all alone. She did that to herself. No, EJ pushed her over the edge and that’s the reason you need to stay away from her.

For God’s sake, dad, she came back to a town where everyone hates her just because of me. You see, she swore that she c broke all ties off with her family, and she promised me that she was gonna be a different kind of person, just for my sake.

Yeah, I didn’t know what to. Well, she’s made good on that promise for a while, for a long time.

I, I just want her to know that I still love her no matter what.

I get what he’s saying,

I do too, but I just can’t get past the fact that she almost got you killed tonight.

I can’t, I can’t lose you again.

Your vitals are good. What, uh, your vital signs. Okay, good. Oh, okay. Your son’s really worried about you. He doesn’t understand why you went to such extremes. Are you kidding me? This was all his idea. He wouldn’t leave me alone until I did what he wanted me to. You really blaming this all on trip. No, the other one, Charlie, this is all his fault.

Yeah, trip. Finally got his test results back. The chest X-ray shows smoke inhalation, but there’s not gonna be any permanent damage. Thank God. And his heart is. Yeah, I’m hoping I can convince him to fly back there with Stephanie and me tomorrow, but I’m not sure I can. He’s decided he needs to be here for Ava.

I know. I don’t like it either. Okay. I’ll keep you posted, baby. I love you.

You and mom are still planning on spending Christmas in Seattle. Well, as long as I can convince Trip to come with us, I’ve, uh, been meaning to talk to you about that I have to cancel on Christmas. Why I spent most of today trying to convince Paulina to not resign is governor. And did you do it? She said she’d sleep on it, but she’s gonna make her decision tomorrow and I need to be here to deal with it.

Well, that sounds like a lousy Christmas. You want me to stick around? No, no. Go be with Mom and Joey. Hopefully Trip will decide to go with you and let you spend Christmas alone. Well, if the next few days are anything like today, I will be too busy to even know it’s Christmas. It sounds like working for Paulita is a job and a half.

She keeps me hopping. She’s going through a really bad time, and I do like her. But this has been one hell of a day. One hell of a day. I could use a drink. You wanna join me? I’m buying. Oh, baby girl. I hate to turn you down, but I should stay around here in case trip needs me. I figured you’d say that. I’ll see you at home.

Love you. Love you too.

Rug. The rug is we stop. Okay, it’s water Henderson. We’ll see that it’s cleaned up. Not come here. Sit down. All right. Sit down on the sofa. Okay, sweetheart. What is going on? Nothing. The stupid glass fell out of my hand. I think it’s a little more than that. And don’t you know my now and I would never judge you.


I thought things were getting better.

I keep seeing him

that evil clown. I wanna be happy, I wanna be better. Why is this happening? To what is happening? Ok. Ok. It’s alright. It’s alright. It’s OK, honey. It’s ok. Hmm. Hi. How long have you been standing there? Uh, long enough to know that you two are having an argument. Ah, yes. We argue that’s nothing new for us. Right, right.

Okay, so what was it about this time? Oh, uh, well, Gwen’s father turned down my offer to write that gossip column That would’ve given his boring little newspaper, little pizzazz. Not to mention he stole it from my mother. He didn’t actually steal it from Herati. No offense, QUni. I know you worshiped the guy, but he sure did take control of it from her in a most unseemly way, which is why he might have given her son a break.

Well, I’m, I’m really sorry it didn’t work out. Leo. I’m not as sorry as. I’m crushed. Actually, you know, I don’t handle rejection. Well get, be used to it by now. Knock it off, Alex. All right. He’s broke and he’s out of a job. Oh, um, excuse me a minute.

Hi. What’s going on? I need help again, I wouldn’t bother you if it wasn’t important. Possibly meet me in the square. What? What’s happened? I’ll explain when you get here. Okay? Yeah, I’m on my, you are a lifesaver.

So Charlie told you that you had to get, even with ej, I dunno why? Why I ever listen to. He’s never satisfied. He always wants more. You, you know, he made me, you made me drive off that road. He always makes things worse. You think that it’s hospital? You imagined Charlie? No, no, no, no, no, no. He was always there.

He was in the crit. He was in the car. I don’t know how he did it, but he came back to life. He did. He did it. He did it. Look, look, there he is. There he is. Easy standing. He’s standing right behind you. You see him? See him, don’t you? ? Now you know I’m not lying. Charlie’s for real. He’s for real.

Tell her, Charlie, tell Sarah that it was all your idea. Thomas, it’s me tr stomach. You stopped playing games with me and you tell her that it was you. You wouldn’t stop screaming at me until I planted that bomb. You know, you nearly killed your brother. Did you know that? Okay. Yeah. You, you’re confused. Are you?

You’re not seeing things as they really are. Touch me. You tried to trick me into killing your brother. You hate him so much because he is worth a hundred and you. What, what this turn, I, I’m not sure. It could be a delete, a trauma from the ball that exploded. The Why are you talking to him? You should be calling the cops.

He’s someone who should be handcuffed. Mom. Mom, look. Who look at me listening to my voice. Okay. It, it’s trip. All right. You’re, you’re seeing someone who isn’t here. Why are you trying to con me? Aren’t you? Mm-hmm. . Hmm. Both of you. I know that you’re both trying to gaslight me. Where’s Trip? I wanna see Tripp.

He’s gonna know that I’m telling the truth right here. What did you do to him? What did you do to my boy? I, I don’t, I don’t know what to do. I, I’m gonna have toed. Where is he? I’m gonna give you something that’s gonna help calm me down. No, I’m gonna do it, mom. She’s trying to drug you just like your father used to do.

No, no, no needles. Don’t you do that. Don’t. So I will kill. Do you hear me? I will kill you. No, no.

Avis alive and kicking. She says, if I don’t help her escape, she’s gonna tell the world that I kidnapped Susan Amani. Oh, come. Well, I’m glad I didn’t put too much effort and time into her obituary. I did feel sort of guilty about her at the time, given she was somewhat of a friend, but I was on deadlines and fo focus s.

Right. Yeah. Sorry. Look, Kristen blackmail means helping her is escape. So I do understand what you’re going through. What are you gonna do?

Are you bloody joking? I don’t have a choice. I can get her out of the cuffs and have the hospital burn. I am gonna need a driver. That’s why you phone me. Look, I hate asking you to get involved in this mess again, but who else can I go to? I’m desperate. Quinn. I mean, if favor talks, I’ll lose everything.

You all right? Thank you. You’re welcome. But you do keep this one thing in mind now. Now you really owe me one.

Ah, now I feel like a fool. Why? I don’t know. Seeing clowns and dropping glasses of water and ace on the rug. , don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve been through a traumatic experience twice. Twice. Justin, this isn’t like me. I went to prison, state prison for years. I am a tough. And I’m afraid of my own shadow.

I mean, I get it. I mean, Kyle is stark kinda scary. I mean, they have these painted on smiles and they’re not smiling underneath. I mean, it is Never might, Sarah thinks you might, uh, have posttraumatic stress disorder. Oh God, I heard her, but come on, is that even a thing? Yes. It’s a real thing, and the worst thing you can do is suffer with it in silence.

Justin, it’s too embarrassing to talk about. Get over it, please. Okay. You are still feeling terrified and you can’t keep that feeling bottled up. You need to talk about it seriously. Like what Dr. Phil? Well, I was thinking of something more private. Like seeing Marlena, Justin, come on. She’s a shrink, but there’s no shame in seeing a therapist and Marlena’s one of the best.

Your friend Nancy, didn’t she see her for a few sessions? Right? Well, at this point I guess it couldn’t hurt. Good. Okay. Well, uh, let’s make an appointment after the holiday. Would you call for me?

I can do that.

I dunno what I did about you. That works out because I don’t know what I’d do without you two . Come here. I got this. I got this.

Looks like I’ve been ditched by my bff. You gentlemen. Wanna join me for a libation or two? No, not sure. Why not? What come, Alex, if we can have one drink with him. Hey. But now that looks like a woman who could use a drink. Hmm. That’s why I’m here. You would not believe the day I’ve had. Well, I want to hear all about it.

I’m sorry. Uh, a spectator job didn’t. Maybe I can still find you something to tighten. We’ve discussed this already, sunny. We both know that wouldn’t work. I’m going to have to get creative about my living arrangements though. What do you mean? Well, my current residence, aka the Bates Motel, is kicking me out tomorrow for non-payment of rent on Christmas Eve.

Probably shouldn’t have spent my last $300 on skincare products. Oh. Leo, you’re joking, right? It’s Winter Jackson. I’m trying to maintain my boyish appeal. Okay. Oh my God. Um, look, why don’t you just, I’m move in with Gwen or something. Chad’s there makes it a non-starter.

What are you gonna do? Uh, well, I’m hoping an angel comes into this bar and you know, Tinkles Bell and suddenly I have a wonderful life. Okay, well, I think the odds of that actually happening are not very high. Yeah, same here. But otherwise, I have not come up with plan B yet.

If you really are about to be kicked outta your motel, why? Come stay with me.

Are you really inviting me to move in with you? I don’t particularly like the idea of you sleeping on a park bench on Christmas. So, uh, and what does will think about this idea? I told. Will is staying in LA for work, so he doesn’t get his say in this. And the grouchy old Grinch. I will talk to Uncle Vick.

It’s a big house, and I will convince him that, you know, you’ve changed. You have changed. Right. I’m a model citizen now. I will be good, I promise. Okay. I’ll then tell Norman Bates that you have made other arrangements. You are such a men’s Jackson. K. Thank you so much. What her friends form.

I know why mom’s been doing the things she’s doing. She said Charlie’s been telling her to do them. She’s hearing voices. I’ve seen things too. If she thought I was him, I’m, I’m gonna have her transferred to Bayview and they can diagnose her and come up with a treatment plan. Come on, do this, please.

What’s, what’s going on? This is all your fault. I’m gonna tell everyone what you pick.

Things had gone slightly differently. My brother could have been blown up by a bomb, his mother planted. No wonder you needed a drink, and in spite of all that trip is still in her corner. He wants to take care of her. Well. I can relate. My mother did some crazy things too, but still loved her. Is Christmas hard?

Yeah, a little bit, but it’s really good to be back with Sonny and my dad. My whole family’s supposed to be in Seattle with my brother Joey. My dad’s flying out tomorrow and he is hoping he can convince TRP to go with him. Oh, so what about you? Uh, I have to stay because of work. You’re staying by yourself.

I’ll survive. I mean I’ll, and I’ll just throw on home alone and order some takeout. No, no, no. Screw that. You’re spending Christmas with me.

This was all your idea. Kidnapping Susan, killing Susan. The ball in the church. All fame. You made me do it. You dunno what you’re talking about. Tell them the truth. Charlie, tell them you made me do it. She’s been having hallucinations and psychotic episodes somehow her transferred to Bayview. That’s, uh, well, it explains a lot.

Please don’t. Please, please don’t make me go there. I don’t wanna leave trip. I’m, I’m right here. I’m right here. Mom, I’m going with you. You are you really? Here?

My sweet boy.

I don’t wanna leave you. I don’t want to go there. I, it’s gonna be okay. So I, I promise. Ready? We’re gonna get you better. I’m scared.

Are you sure your family will be okay with me crashing their Holland? Of course. Are you kidding me? The more the merrier. So you bailed out my Thanksgiving and now you’re doing it again for Christmas. Well, I keep trying to tell you, Stephanie, I am a pretty great guy. You know what? I am starting to believe?

And I’m starting to think this is going to be the best Christmas ever.

This is going to be the best Christmas ever, and it’s all because of you tonight, son, that big of. Not that big a deal. You are keeping me from sleeping on a park bench and spending the holidays all by my lungs. Do you hear that? Go hear what? A little bell just went tingling. It turns out I do have a Christmas angel.

After all,

I can’t believe Ava’s still alive. Have the police questioned her? Did she name her accomplice? No, she didn’t, but now that she’s in custody, maybe she’ll give him up to cut a deal. I don’t see that happening. Why? Because Ava’s gone off the deep end. They’re moving her to Bayview as we speak. I don’t think she’ll be in any condition to answer questions anytime soon.

Damn. I was hoping to be able to tell Bonnie that this is all over now. We may never find out who the kidnapper was.

The ambulance is here so I can ride with her. I want my mom, uh, you don’t have to do that. I’ll, I’ll go with her. I’ll walk down with you. Hey mom, you need help. Okay. I’m gonna get it for you, okay? I’m gonna go in the ambulance with you,

please. Just get me outta here.

Oh, I can’t believe I’m feel bad for her, not me. I mean, saying her insane. She’s got a lot of people, you know.

It’s never ending. Uh, I’ll see you. Thank you again for my birthday. Surprise.

Good morning, doc. Merry Christmas Eve. Oh, oh

wow. Strawberries. Hmm. Whipped cream breakfast bed. I think you’re spoiling me. You deserve bed so much more. It looks really beautiful. Thank you.

You tossed and turned all night. Oh, I hope I didn’t keep you awake. I’m not worried about you. So talk to me.

Last night at the chapel and when the explosion happened before I even had time to process what happened? I was thinking about some, about someone about.

She’s been known to have God in churches. And then, um, I woke up this morning and I realized that she’s living.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, 12/20/22

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Sirens blaring ]

Baker: Officer, don’t lose her, but be aware, perp is very dangerous.

[ Sirens blaring ]

Steffy: Are you sure it’s sheila carter driving the car?

Baker: Do you have a positive id?

Officer: Affirmative. Matches subject’s description.

Perp is driving a silver suv

transitioning from

405 south to 105 east.

Finn: Okay, well, don’t lose her. She can’t get away again.

Baker: Suspect is dangerous. Assumed to be armed. Stay on her. Backup is on its way.

Officer: Copy.

Baker: Is anyone else in the car?

Officer: Negative.

I don’t see anyone.

She’s accelerating. Trying to evade.

[ Sirens blaring ]

Katie: Well, I’m proud of you, you know, and choosing yourself, setting a good example, but ridge has been the love of your life.

Brooke: Yes, he is. He’s always been the center of it. The motivation behind every decision I’ve ever made. I mean, think about it. How much energy did I spend trying to hang onto him or trying to fight for him? And taylor lived her life pretty much the same way, so it had to stop.

Katie: So, you’re just ending the tug of war? You’re both dropping the rope?

Brooke: We’re ending the anxiety and the uncertainty and feeling less than. Ridge went away to do some thinking and taylor and I did some thinking of our own.

Katie: Sounds like it.

Brooke: And ridge is very important to both of us, but we need to take care of ourselves.

Katie: And you said all this to ridge?

Brooke: Yeah. Taylor and i were waiting for him in his office when he got back.

Katie: Oh! That must have been a surprise for him, the two of you together.

Brooke: I think he was more surprised to find out why.

Katie: So, you did it? Literally, you kissed ridge goodbye.

[ Brooke laughing ]

Brooke: Yeah. I mean, it’s about time, right?

Katie: Well, I know what it’s like to reach that point where you’ve just had enough. You know, you can’t do this anymore and you have to move on. And I also know that that can feel liberating, but it’s not always easy. So tell me, how do you really feel about all this?

[ Siren blaring ]

[ Car honking ]

Sheila: No, no. I’m not going back to prison. I’m not going back to prison.

Finn: How long until backup gets there?

Steffy: Try to cut her off. Do a pit maneuver.

Baker: That’s too reckless. We don’t want to endanger the public.

Finn: No, letting sheila get away is the most dangerous thing that you could do.

Baker: Officer, talk to me. What’s– what’s your choice?

Officer: Still in pursuit.

Currently on the 605 north,

getting on the 210 westbound.

Suspect is driving erratically.

Baker: Backup should be there any minute.

Finn: Okay, well they better get there fast. You give sheila too much time, there’s no telling what she could do.

Steffy: She shot her own son. She’ll do whatever it takes to protect herself.

[ Siren blaring ]

[ Brakes squeaking ]

Sheila: Move! Move! I’m steve.

Katie: I’m not questioning your decision, but I just want you to know, you can be honest with me. I mean, ridge has been a huge part of your life for a long time.

Brooke: And I will miss him.

Katie: So, you are feeling a little bit of a loss?

[ Brooke sighing ]

Brooke: A little, but for the most part I just feel so… so free.

Katie: From ridge?

Brooke: Oh! From this whole cycle that I allowed to happen for so, so long. I’ve been putting all my faith in our destiny when I should have been putting all that faith in myself.

Katie: So, you’re okay?

Brooke: Yeah, I’m okay. I did the right thing for me and for my family. And we weren’t punishing ridge or belittling him in any way.

Katie: Well, you and taylor had every right to feel angry. I mean, he left you and aspen and then, my god, he left taylor at the altar.

Brooke: I know, that was terrible. Really. It was something that taylor and I would blame each other on in the past.

Katie: But not anymore.

Brooke: No, never again!

Katie: I mean, I don’t mean to overstate this but this is huge for you!

Brooke: Yeah. Kind of feels that way to me too. I just didn’t see the point anymore. To blame taylor for my unhappiness or her children to blame me for hers. It didn’t make sense. I mean, we all have choices to make, right? So taylor and I made ours.

Katie: To stop fighting over ridge.

Brooke: I can see how beneficial that is now. Also, I see how at peace you are from moving on from bill. And donna, she chose herself and then she found joy with eric.

Katie: Well, if you’re looking for more peace and joy, you can come to eric’s house for christmas.

Brooke: I will be there. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Katie: Yay! Yay! Good.

Brooke: And also this year is gonna be even more special because donna is gonna be there hosting it with him.

Katie: You don’t think thomas will come, do you?

Brooke: I don’t know. I mean, taylor said that he’s gone underground. Nobody’s heard from him.

Katie: It’s probably for the best.

Brooke: Well, we don’t really wanna think about thomas when we have somebody else we need to think about. Sheila carter’s on the loose.

[ Siren blaring ]

Sheila: Come on, come on.

Officer: She’s trying to

lose me.

Finn: Where is air support?

Steffy: Oh, this can’t be happening.

Baker: Stay with her, officer. Stay with her!

Officer: Heading

towards downtown.

Sheila: No, don’t stop. No, no, no, no, no. Why are you stopping?

[ Siren blaring ]

[ Car honking ]

[ Loud, continuous car honk ]

[ Sheila groaning ]

Officer: The vehicle


Finn: Look, if sheila gets out of the car, she could be armed.

Steffy: Oh, my god! Where’s backup?

Baker: Do not let her get away, officer! Do not let her get away! (Vo) red lobster. The finer points of fun dining

Brooke: There you go.

Katie: Thank you.

Brooke: Mm-hmm.

Brooke: I was hoping to see R.J. Over the holidays, but he isn’t coming home.

Katie: Neither is will.

Brooke: Our independent boys.

Katie: Mm-hmm. So R.J., Um, is spending the holidays with friends?

Brooke: Yeah. He was so excited about it. I couldn’t really complain.

Katie: But you wanted to. I know the feeling.

Brooke: I just miss him. I wanna see him, but they have their lives to lead. So what’s will doing?

Katie: Uh, he’s skiing with friends.

Brooke: Oh, nice! And bill didn’t make a big push for the family to be together for christmas?

Katie: Oh, he did. He did. He– he suggested that we, I don’t know, sail around on the stella maris. He– it was crazy because his week long suggestion suddenly turned into months and I– I tried to say no gently, but he was just, he was so upset and hurt and vulnerable. I just don’t know what’s going on with him.

Brooke: Well, it could be a difficult time of the year.

Katie: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Especially with families like ours. And we’re all spread out all over the place and connections are frayed and I just… I don’t know when I’ll see bill again. I mean there’s really no reason to anytime soon. I’m not gonna see him over the holidays.

Brooke: Maybe he’ll meet up with will somewhere.

Katie: Yeah.

Brooke: I don’t think we’ll be seeing thomas. And we may have an unexpected visitor on the radar.

Katie: Oh, don’t say it!

Brooke: Sheila could be anywhere.

Katie: You don’t think she’d stick around los angeles, do you?

Brooke: I don’t know. She didn’t make a run for it before. We all thought she was dead!

Katie: This whole thing is insane! I mean, faking your own death, cutting off a toe. It’s crazy, even for sheila.

Brooke: Oh, god! It’s ridiculous. It just shows the length she’ll go to. She’s capable of anything.

[ Siren blaring ]

Sheila: Uh!

[ Car honking ]

[ Siren blaring ]

Sheila: I’m not going down like this. No way! No way!

Finn: Did he get her?

Baker: Officer, what’s going on?

Officer: There’s heavy

traffic, side streets are

blocked. She has nowhere to go.

Finn: She’s cornered?

Steffy: Don’t wait. Get her. Get her now!

Baker: Officer, as soon as you’re clear, you have go ahead to move in.

Officer: Attention,

this is lapd.

Everyone remain in

your vehicles.

Repeat. Remain inside

your vehicles. Police officer.

No, stay in your car.

Stay in your car.

[ Tires screeching ]

Officer: Get down!

[ Cars honking]

Suspect fleeing.

I need backup now!

Steffy: What’s happening?

Baker: Officer?

Officer: Delivery truck

moved, there was an opening,

sheila took it.

She cut over the parkway

and took off eastbound.

I’m blocked in.

Suspect is at large. Repeat.

Suspect is at large.

Steffy: No!

Baker: Go after her.

Officer: I can’t get around.

She’s gone. She–

sheila carter is gone.

Sheila: I’ll never count me out.

[ Sheila laughing ]

Baker: I want all units canvassing the area. She doesn’t have a lot of options right now. Updates every ten minutes.

Finn: So that– that’s it? We just search the city?

Baker: She can’t have gotten far.

Steffy: How can this happen? One minute, she’s trapped, and the next, she’s gone?

Baker: We’re going to find her. Now, unfortunately we lost her around beverly hills, so that’s close to your families. They need to be extremely careful. Alert your security teams.

Finn: Look, you– you– you had her! She was about to be caught!

Baker: We’ll get her back.

Finn: How? Every time we close in on her, she slips away. How much closer do we need to get? My family’s in incredible danger right now!

Baker: And I intend to make sure that nothing happens to them. Sheila carter has been playing games with us, but she’s not going to win. I’m going to find her and I’m going to bring her to justice.

Steffy: I wanna believe you, chief, but sheila has been playing this game long enough and she always escapes!

Brooke: I know sheila is dangerous, but if she really wanted to harm us, she’s had plenty of time.

Katie: Maybe she’ll leave town.

Brooke: Maybe or she’ll try.

Katie: Do you think they’ll catch her?

Brooke: I certainly hope so. Until they do, we can’t let this paralyze us with fear because I know that’s what she wants. That’s how she can control us. But we need this. We need this time to celebrate. We have to have this holiday together.

Katie: Do you have enough security?

Brooke: As much as we can without turning the house and the office into a fortress.

Katie: Oh, it’s sheila who should be in jail, not us.

Brooke: Exactly.

Katie: Have you heard anything new from the police?

Brooke: They’re updating their security team, and if there’s something we need to be aware of, I’m sure they’ll tell us.

Katie: Do you feel confident that sheila will be found?

Brooke: She can’t get away this time.

Finn: Are they gonna find her? She couldn’t have gone far.

Steffy: That’s what I’m afraid of. My family lives in that neighborhood. I mean, she could be headed there right now.

Finn: Well, you heard the cops. She’s fleeing.

Steffy: And she always escapes! Look what happened last time! She shows up and she took you hostage.

Finn: Okay. Nothing like that’s gonna happen again.

Steffy: Something always happens when it comes to sheila! She terrorized our family. She attacked my mother, my grandmother, and when we finally thought we could put her behind us, you know what she does? She shows up! She shows up at our wedding and she announces that she’s your birth mother! She’s a threat to us and she’s a threat to our children. And when I finally figured out a way to drive her away, I forgot. I forgot who I was dealing with.

Finn: Hey. Hey. You’re just trying to protect your family, okay?

Steffy: You’re not

going anywhere.

Sheila: Let go of me.

What the hell do you think

you’re doing?

Steffy: You claim to be

this reformed woman.

You said you put your

devious ways behind you.

Sheila: I have.

Steffy: You’re– you’re just

sick, you’re unhinged.

You shot my mother!

Maybe she can forgive you,

but I can’T.

Now, you need to stay away

from us.

You should be behind bars.

Sheila: I served my time.

Steffy: It didn’t do you

any good!

You didn’t come out

a better person.

You hurt people to get

what you want.

You hurt brooke to have access

to finn and hayes,

access you’re never gonna have!

Sheila: Because you say so.

Steffy: That’s right.

Finn is my husband.

Hayes is my son.

I’m in control,

so know when to give up.

Sheila: Never!

Steffy: Everyone’s gonna

know what you did, sheila.

Everyone’s gonna know

the truth.

Sheila: Oh, it’s not gonna

happen. Steffy, I can stop you.

Steffy: From going to

my father? Not a chance.

Sheila: You know what?

I will if I have to.

You know what it’s like.

You’re a mother. You’d do the same.

Steffy: I tried to put an end to her reign of terror, instead, she takes out a gun–

[ Gun shot ] And tries to take my life.

Finn: I couldn’t let her do that.

Steffy: You risked your life to save me. You could have died.

Finn: I almost died, but I fought my way back so I could come home to you, right? So, I could be your husband again and be a father to our kids. That’s all I thought about when I was wounded and trapped in that room. It was our family and our life together. That’s all I’m thinking about right now, okay? That’s how I know that they’re gonna find sheila and bring her to justice because I am not gonna give up until they do. Sheila’s gonna go to prison and our family will be safe.

Steffy: Oh, god!

Finn: Okay?

Steffy: Oh!

Sheila: You thought you could catch me? Think again. [ Evil laughter ]

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Y&R Update Monday, December 19, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Update written by Barbara

At Crimson Lights, Sharon has a festive holiday time with Mariah and Tessa. Noah comes by after working at the club, where he had served his father and Sally a special drink on their evening out together. Faith won’t be coming home for the holidays because she was invited to join her roommate and her roommate’s family in Switzerland. Although Sharon is sad, she knows that Faith will have a wonderful time there. Tessa declares that she and Mariah are meeting a pregnant woman after New Year’s about a possible adoption. Mariah moves aside with a seemingly upset expression on her face. When Tessa starts to apologize to Mariah for mentioning it, Mariah explains that she isn’t mad – she’s just worried about getting everybody’s hopes up after what happened the last time.

Chloe goes over to Chelsea’s apartment with Esther’s famous Kringle.  Chloe assures Chelsea that she has not come over to check up on her; she just wants to spend time with her bestie. The two women sit on Chelsea’s couch under throws, sipping tea, chatting and laughing. Chelsea tells Chloe that it’s nice to just talk normally instead of talking about things like therapy. Nonetheless, Chelsea says that she wants to make amends with Chloe.  She says that she’s sorry for blaming her when she saw warning signs and pointed them out to her. Chloe accepts Chelsea’s apology. Chelsea mentions that she needs a complete personal and professional make over and that she plans to get it right this time.

Adam shows up at the Newman ranch with a couple of favors to ask his father. Victor is quick to agree with Adam bringing Connor to the ranch for the family’s holiday celebration, but he is against the second favor Adam asks: bringing Chelsea to the ranch for the festivities. Victor tells him that he does not want Chelsea there. He points out that Chelsea threw a wrench into Victoria’s life by insisting on telling Johnny that she’s his biological mother. However, Adam says that Connor should be with both his parents and mentions that Chelsea had no idea how Johnny would react to finding out that she’s his bio mom. He also lets Victor know that as far as Johnny is concerned, he and Connor have been growing closer since they learned they were brothers.  Adam also jogs Victor’s memory about how he forced Chelsea to fake a breakdown and get institutionalized. Victor replies that it benefited Chelsea since he helped her avoid criminal prosecution. After talking back and forth, Victor finally agrees to let Chelsea visit. Adam expresses his appreciation;  Victor agrees firmly that he should appreciate this.

Later on, Victor tells Nikki about what transpired. Nikki says that Victoria mentioned that Chelsea had been in a bad place, so she’s in favor of Adam spending time at the ranch for the holidays. She says that she knows that Victor wants to bring him “back into the family fold”. Victor says that since Adam was the one who left, he would have to make the first move if he wants back in. Nikki points out that by choosing to be with the family on Christmas, Adam may be taking the first step.

Over at the Glam Club, Sally invites Nick to come to her suite for a nightcap, and he takes her up on her invitation.  In her suite, they talk about Christmas plans, and Sally tells him that she doesn’t want him to feel obligated to include her in the Newman Christmas celebration.  Nick mentions that his family has trust issues regarding Sally and lets her know that Victor had a dossier on her compiled of her time in LA. He also mentions that he did not read it, although she says that she wishes that he had because then she would know if anything from her past is a “dealbreaker”. Nick assures her that he doesn’t want to know about her misdeeds from the past, just some good things.  They sit down on the sofa, and she mentions a few, such as her first pet being a little beagle and how she excelled in acrobatics. Afterward, as they lie in bed, grinning, Nick tells her that he’d be fine with changing his holiday plans for her. Then he tells her that he’ll spend some time with his family and then do something special with her later. Sally thinks that sounds perfect.

Chloe and Chelsea go downstairs to Crimson Lights to join in with the festivities. Chelsea gets a call from Adam, who tells her that Connor begged to spend the night at the ranch and help decorate the barn.  She lets him know that she was looking forward to spending time with Connor, but she’ll be fine alone.  Chelsea turns down Sharon’s offer to include her in putting up holiday decorations at Crimson Lights, saying that she wants to go out and get a little air. Sharon and Chloe exchange worried glances.

Outside, Chelsea is enjoying listening to Christmas carolers when Adam comes by. He lets her know that he spotted her leaving the coffeehouse and wants to join her. When Adam mentions Christmas at the ranch, Chelsea assures him that she still wants to go.  When she mentions how Billy has been spending a lot of time helping her, Adam says all that matters is her recovery – if Billy Abbott can help facilitate that, then he has no problems with it. When she asks how he’s doing in light of his break up with Sally, he tells her that he has moments of self-pity and loneliness but wants to concentrate on what he’s got – a wonderful son with a caring mother.Chelsea takes his   arm and smiles while they listen to the carolers together.

Over at the ranch, Nikki and Victor have a slow, romantic dance.

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Days Update Monday, December 19, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tripp rushes up to hug Ava and says he’s so glad to see her. Ava repeats that they have to get out of here. EJ tells Nicole to call the police. Johnny rushes in to the church. EJ assumes this is the mystery woman he was talking about. Johnny confirms that he found her in disguise. EJ guesses she came back to admire her handy work. EJ declares that Ava is going to pay for what he did to his mother and grabs her arm. Tripp tells EJ to get his hands off of her. Ava tells Tripp that she can handle EJ and orders Tripp to just go. Tripp refuses to leave her but she says he has to. Tripp questions what she is talking about. Ava then announces that there is a bomb, shocking everyone in the room. Ava uncovers the bomb underneath the table which is counting down from 6 seconds. Ava screams for Tripp to run and then the bomb explodes.

Eric and Brady hear the explosion from the town square and wonder what that was. Brady suggests it was thunder. Eric wants to get back to the bomb that Brady just dropped. Eric questions what Brady meant by saying Kristen blackmailed him in to breaking up with Chloe and asks what she is holding over his head.

John tells Kristen that if she keeps insisting she’s not a good person, confession is good for the soul. Kristen remarks that it’s too bad there’s not a priest around. John decides she’ll have to settle for the next best thing; an old friend. John asks what is weighing on her conscience and insists that he’s here for her, so she can talk to him.

Steve joins Rafe at the Brady Pub and offers to buy him the next beer. Steve asks if he’s made any progress on building the case against EJ for kidnapping Tripp. Rafe says not yet, but thank God Tripp is safe. Steve points out that he could’ve easily been killed…

EJ, Nicole, Johnny, Marlena, Ava, and Tripp are knocked unconscious in the church after the bomb went off.

Kristen tells John that she spent most of her life on the naughty list but she always felt that she was doing what she did for the right reasons. John acknowledges that she has a big a heart as anyone he knows and sometimes that can lead to inadvertently hurting people. Kristen says what she really wants is a loving family and to be a good mom and devoted wife. Kristen declares that she wants her daughter Rachel to know that she is loved and safe. John responds that is all they want for their kids. Kristen appreciates him saying she has a big heart, but thinks he’s the only person in the world that thinks that. John says they don’t know her like he does. Kristen calls him a good man and says he’s been very kind. John repeats that he’s there for her whenever she wants to talk. Kristen says she appreciates that but she has to head out to pick up Rachel from her after school program. Kristen thanks John for the talk and for understanding as she then exits.

Brady tells Eric that it’s not his life that Kristen is threatening, so Eric asks whose it is. Brady says he said too much already and wants to forget about the conversation but Eric can’t do that. Brady brings up that Eric just quit his job and broke up with Nicole, so he has other things to focus on. Eric argues that this feels like one of those things. Eric says if somebody he cares about is in danger, it’s probably someone he cares about too. Eric asks who Kristen is threatening to hurt. Brady finally reveals that it’s Marlena, Kate, and Kayla, and if he doesn’t do exactly what Kristen wants, then all three of them die.

Tripp and EJ begin waking up in the rubble in pain from the explosion. EJ calls out to Johnny, who then regains consciousness as well. EJ crawls over to Johnny to check on him, who says he is okay. Johnny says the gash on EJ’s head looks pretty bad. EJ says he’s fine but not sure about anyone else. Johnny calls out to Marlena as she then wakes up. They crawl over to Marlena, who asks if anyone is hurt. EJ then asks where Nicole is.

Steve questions Rafe if EJ is just going to walk away free after what he did to his son. Rafe argues that Steve knows how this works as he has to find evidence that EJ was responsible for the kidnapping or that he ordered it and then they will take him down. Rafe assures that he wants to do that as much as he does, maybe more. Steve asks why more. Rafe says he shouldn’t have said that since EJ kidnapped Steve’s son, so it’s not more. Steve asks what he’s talking about and what’s going on. Steve feels this is just as personal to Rafe as it is to him. Rafe admits that it is, as he just found out that EJ is shacking up with his wife.

Johnny tells EJ where Nicole was standing when the blast went off. EJ then locates her as she begins waking up. Nicole complains of her arm hurting but says she’s okay. Tripp begins calling out for his mom. Tripp finds Ava and notes that she is not breathing. Tripp then begins trying to revive her.

Sarah goes to the hospital where Xander and the hospital staff surprise her for her birthday. Sarah can’t believe it and says she’s so touched. Xander presents her with a birthday cake and has her make a wish as she blows out her candle.

John tries calling Marlena but it goes to voicemail. John leaves a message, saying he can’t believe the service is still going so maybe she went to the reception. John says he had a long talk with Kristen and got her to open up a little but she stopped short before revealing what she is hiding. John adds that he thinks even more now that Kristen is holding something over Brady, so now he’s even more determined to find out what it is.

Brady sits with Eric and says he shouldn’t be telling him this but he’s been keeping it inside and it’s been driving him nuts. Brady adds that part of Kristen’s threat was that if he told anyone, all three women would die. Eric asks how. Brady explains that when Orpheus infected Marlena, Kayla, and Kate, Kristen had the orchid to cure them but she threatened to withhold it if he didn’t do exactly what she wanted which was breaking up with Chloe and allowing Kristen to move in with him. Brady says it was the last thing he wanted, but he had no choice as he knows what Kristen is capable of and he wasn’t going to put the three women’s lives at risk.

Rafe thanks Steve for the beer. Steve tells him that he’s sorry about the pending divorce as he knows that has to be tough. Rafe confirms it is and admits it’s a bit humiliating too because he and Nicole were married for like five minutes. Steve argues that he was in love. Rafe calls Nicole the most neurotic, disloyal person on the planet but says it’s all for the best. Steve says he almost sounds convincing. Rafe says he will keep him in the loop on Tripp’s kidnapping and adds that Jada is a good cop, so hopefully she will find something. Steve then gets a call from Kayla, who informs him that Tripp got a flight to Salem and she’s convinced that he’s coming to confront EJ about Ava’s death, which Steve then shares with Rafe.

Marlena joins Tripp and they find a pulse as Ava begins breathing again. Johnny brings up that Ava said she was hard to kill and guesses she was right. Tripp says they need to get Ava to the hospital. EJ asks if Nicole can walk. Nicole says she will try. EJ offers to carry her if not. Nicole then finds her leg is stuck under a beam. EJ and Johnny try to remove it. Tripp joins them and then they look up in worry that the ceiling is about to collapse.

Sarah and Xander eat birthday cake. Xander asks what she wished for. Sarah responds that she wished he would forgive her for accusing him of being the clown that kidnapped Bonnie and Susan because she felt that she hurt him. Xander points out that she already apologized and there’s no reason to. Sarah feels there is because he has worked so hard to make himself a better man, so she shouldn’t doubt that. Sarah says the least she can do is be honest and admit her mistakes like he has. A nurse comes over for Sarah’s help with work. Sarah then notes that Xander looks pale. Xander responds that there is something she needs to know.

With worry about the ceiling coming down, Marlena says they have to move the beam. Nicole tells them to just go but EJ refuses to without her. Johnny says the beam won’t budge.

Eric asks Brady if he and Kristen are really back together. Brady assures that they are not and they are only living in the same place. Brady adds that Kristen knows better than to expect anything more and hasn’t pressed the issue. Eric asks what happens when she does. Eric can’t figure how Kristen has this hold on him and asks why he didn’t kick her out after the women got the antidote. Brady explains that Kristen claims the women are going to need a second dose after New Year’s or they won’t survive. Eric questions believing her. Brady asks how he could take that chance when their lives are at stake. Eric can’t believe Brady has been carrying this secret the entire time. Brady admits it hasn’t been fun holding it inside and says it’s been Hell having to live with Kristen. Brady adds that to top it off, he lost Chloe to Stefan DiMera. Eric asks if he’s going to let Kristen get away with it. Brady says as long as the women’s lives are at stake, she’s going to get away with it. Brady reminds Eric that he has to keep this between them. Eric promises not to tell a soul but says together, they will figure out a way to stop Kristen from hurting him and people they both love.

EJ, Marlena, Johnny, and Tripp manage to remove the beam from Nicole’s leg. EJ, Johnny, and Marlena help Nicole to her feet while Tripp checks on Ava. EJ and Marlena help Nicole out of the building. Tripp asks Johnny for help with Ava, arguing that they can’t leave her there to die. Johnny points out that Susan believed in helping people no matter what, so he agrees to do it in the spirit of Susan Banks. Tripp and Johnny then carry Ava out of the building.

Sarah asks what Xander needs to tell her. Xander starts to tell her but Sarah gets paged that there’s been an explosion at the church and they’ve already brought some people in. Sarah thanks Xander for the birthday party and says she has to go, so she runs off before Xander can tell her anything more.

Brady goes home where John greets him. Brady asks if Kristen is there. John says she went to pick Rachel up from school. John notes Brady’s expression and asks what’s wrong and if there’s something he needs to tell him. Brady informs him that he just saw Eric. John asks how he is. Brady says Eric is not good as he just quit his job at Basic Black and things with Nicole are pretty bad, so he doesn’t want to be anywhere near her now.

Steve tells Rafe that he better get to the DiMera Mansion so Tripp doesn’t get into it with EJ and make things worse. Rafe says he’ll go with him. Rafe then gets a call. Rafe hangs up and informs Steve that Tripp isn’t at the DiMera Mansion, but at the hospital with his mother. Rafe reveals that evidently, Ava Vitali is still alive.

Ava is in a hospital bed. Tripp sits at her side, pleading with her to wake up. Ava then wakes up and they hug as Tripp tells her that she’s okay. Ava is thankful that he’s okay and safe. Ava tells Tripp that she had no idea he would be in the church, so she went back in to get him out. Ava is thankful that she wasn’t too late.

Xander remains sitting at the hospital looking sad. EJ and Johnny arrive. Johnny urges EJ to get checked out since he hasn’t stopped bleeding. EJ insists that he will be fine and needs to be with Nicole.

Sarah checks Nicole out in a hospital room. Sarah says everything checks out and she doesn’t think her arm is broken but she will take some x-rays to be sure. Sarah notes that Nicole is really lucky. Nicole agrees that it could have been a lot worse. Sarah tells Nicole that she’s going to be alright as EJ enters the room and says thank God for that.

John tells Brady that it’s too bad for Eric and Nicole as they’ve had a rough ride. Kristen comes home and says it’s about to get rougher as she just heard that Nicole has leeched onto EJ. Kristen comments on Nicole going from Rafe to Eric to EJ and remarks that some women are just fickle. Brady asks where Rachel is. Kristen says she asked to have a playdate with her friend Amanda, so she couldn’t say no. Kristen asks if that’s okay with Brady. Brady says it’s fine. Kristen suggests they can go pick her up together. Marlena then comes home, covered in dirt from the explosion. John rushes up to hug her and asks what happened to her and what’s going on.

Xander approaches Johnny at the hospital and notes that EJ was sure in a rush, so he asks what happened to him. Johnny informs him that they just came from Susan’s memorial service at St. Luke’s. Xander mentions hearing about an explosion, so he asks if it was a gas leak. Johnny reveals that Ava planted a bomb. Xander argues that Ava is dead. Johnny says that’s what they all thought, until they saw her at the church and she tried to blow them all to kingdom come.

Ava doesn’t know what she would have done if something happened to Tripp. Tripp questions why she would do something like this and put a bomb in a church that could’ve killed innocent people. Rafe and Steve arrive. Rafe says he’d like to know the answer that too. Steve hugs Tripp and checks on him. Tripp starts coughing so Steve wants him checked out but Tripp wants to stay with Ava. Rafe tells him not to worry and assures that Ava is not going anywhere. Rafe then tells Ava that she’s under arrest for five counts of attempted murder and whatever else the district attorney decides to tack on.

Sarah checks out EJ and suggests he follow up with his regular doctor but she doesn’t see any sign of a concussion. EJ jokes that he has a very hard head which Nicole says she can confirm. Sarah says she’ll check on them later and exits the room. EJ asks if Nicole is okay. Nicole says not really. Nicole admits she tried to hide it at the church, but when she was under the beam and thought the roof might fall in, she was so scared. EJ tells her no one is there but them now, so she can show it now. EJ hugs Nicole as Eric then walks in.

Marlena tells John, Brady, and Kristen about the explosion. Marlena says that Johnny went to the hospital with EJ, but he’ll be fine. Kristen argues that EJ shouldn’t have gone in to the church and jokes that she’s surprised he wasn’t struck by lightning. Brady argues that people could have died. John is so glad that Marlena is okay. Kristen comments on John and Marlena already making up. Brady asks what she’s talking about. Kristen talks about how John confided in her that he and Marlena had a fight and he stood up for her when Marlena wanted to kick her out. Kristen tells Marlena not to deny it and complains about Marlena wanting to kick her out in to the cold, days before Christmas. Kristen asks how Brady feels about that.

Eric tells Nicole that Marlena said she was injured, so he rushed over as soon as he could. Nicole says she’s fine and it’s just a sprain. EJ adds that the doctor said she could be discharged. Eric calls that good news. EJ notes that she will still need rest to heal and that’s why she’s coming home with him. EJ thanks Eric for coming as Eric then turns and exits.

Xander asks Johnny is sure that Ava is still alive. Johnny tells him that he can go see for himself as Rafe is there questioning her. Xander is shocked that she’s there at the hospital. Johnny confirms she was caught in the blast. Xander doesn’t get why Ava was anywhere near the bomb if she planted it. Johnny explains that she didn’t know Tripp was going to be in the chapel when the bomb went off, so she found out and tried to get him out, but she was too late.

Rafe handcuffs Ava to the hospital bed. Ava jokes about hearing Nicole moved on already so Rafe is back on the market. Rafe tells her to shut up and reminds her that she has the right to remain silent. Tripp asks if they really have to do this right now when Ava just regained consciousness. Tripp starts coughing again, so Steve worries that he may have smoke inhalation and wants him checked out. Tripp tells Ava that he will be right back as he’s going to be there for her no matter what. Steve and Tripp then exit together. Rafe tells Ava that she managed to cheat death yet again but this time, she’s going to have to live with the consequences of her actions as she’s going away for a very long time. Ava says they’ll see about that.

Kristen asks Brady if he wants the mother of his child to be kicked to the curb and suggests she could stay at the Salem Inn. Brady assures that he wants her here so they can be a family for Christmas. Kristen says that’s what she wants and declares that it’s settled that she is staying. Kristen tells Marlena that she’s so glad she’s still alive to celebrate the holiday with Brady, Rachel, her, and John. Kristen jokes that she believes it will be a joyous time as she exits the room.

Eric stares in the hospital room window at EJ and Nicole. Rafe comes off the elevator and tells Eric that he just heard about Nicole, so he asks how she’s doing. Eric responds that Nicole is doing great as EJ is taking care of her now. Eric then walks away as Rafe looks in through the window and shakes his head, seeing EJ and Nicole laughing together.

Sarah goes over to Johnny and tells him that EJ and Nicole are going to be okay. Johnny thanks her for taking care of them. Johnny notices the balloons and tells Sarah happy birthday. Sarah talks about Xander planning this surprise for her and asks if he’s seen him at all. Johnny says he was right there, but like the rest of them, he was pretty spooked when he found out Ava was still alive.

Xander sneaks in to Ava’s hospital room. Ava remarks that it’s just like old times. Ava brings up how Kristen and Dr. Rolf raised her from the dead and Xander took care of her, so now he’s going to take care of her again. Xander asks what she means. Ava instructs Xander to get her out of the handcuffs and then out of the hospital, warning that if he doesn’t, she’s going to tell Sarah that he was her accomplice in kidnapping Susan and Bonnie.

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Days Short Recap Friday, December 16, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

John told Kristen that he and Marlena argued over her. Kristen asked why they argued about her. He said he didn’t want to throw her out the way Marlena did. He said he didn’t think she was manipulating Brady. He said she belonged with Brady and Rachel. He said Marlena jumped to the wrong conclusion. He brought up how he first met Kristen when she was Kristen Blake. He said he has seen the old he fell in love with since she’s moved in. He said he wanted Marlena to see what he sees in Kristen. He wanted her to tell him what she did. Eric told Brady that he was quitting Basic Black since he and Nicole broke up. Brady thought it was because of Jada and the baby. Eric told him Nicole talked Jada into aborting the baby. Brady told him it wasn’t fair for him to blame Nicole. Eric said it didn’t matter. He said he and Nicole were too different. He told Brady about the argument he and Nicole had over him sleeping with Sloan. Brady insulted Sloan. Eric reminded him about living with Kristen. Brady said they weren’t getting back together. Eric said he was still attracted to her. Brady said he was attracted to vodka too, but he knew it was a disaster to be with Kristen. Eric said it was only a matter of time before he gave into her. Brady said nothing was going to happen after what she did.

Chloe and Stefan showed up while Brady and Eric were talking. Stefan ripped into Brady for the way he treated Chloe. Brady tried to defend himself, but ended up hitting Stefan. Stefan continued to argue with Brady until he and Chloe left. Eric told Brady that he knew that was hard for him. Eric wanted to know what was going on between him and Kristen. Brady admitted that she blackmailed him. Johnny was shocked to see Ava at the church. He thought no one could have survived the crash. She said she was hard to kill. He asked if his grandmother was still alive. She said she jumped from the car after it went through the guardrail, but Susan didn’t. He wondered why Ava was wearing a disguise. She said she wanted to pay her respects and didn’t want to be recognized. He didn’t believe it after what she did to his grandmother. She let him know that EJ was the one who started the war when he made her leave town. He said she started the war when she faked her marriage to Jake. She said he defended her to EJ. He said that was before she killed his grandmother. She said she kidnapped Susan, but she didn’t kill her. She said all EJ had to do was pay her. He said EJ didn’t pay her. She said he didn’t do it until after he kidnapped Tripp. Johnny asked why she still drove his grandmother off the cliff even when she knew Tripp was safe. While at the service, EJ wondered what was keeping Johnny. Marlena said he was looking for a woman earlier. Mary didn’t want Susan’s service to be delayed any longer. There was a bomb under the altar. Tripp showed up at the church. He blamed EJ for killing his mother. They argued with each other. Mary told them to stop. She went outside and saw Johnny talking to someone. He said he hoped he didn’t miss the service. She told him a young man came to yell at EJ for kidnapping him. Ava went inside the church. Tripp continued to yell at EJ. EJ told him to leave. Tripp said he wasn’t leaving. Ava came in and told Tripp to come with her. Tripp hugged her. She tried to get him to leave, but EJ stopped her. She told Tripp to leave because there was a bomb. The bomb went off.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, 12/19/22

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Mariah: Hey, mom, is this the box you were looking for?

Sharon: Oh, yay! You found it! That is full of all my favorite holiday keepsakes.

Mariah: Uh, surely you can’t mean this old thing.

Sharon: Uh, yeah! Who wouldn’t love a holiday musical light-up tv?

Tessa: Ooh, that’s a favorite?

Sharon: Yeah!

Mariah: Mom, it’s so corny, and it only works, like, half the time.

Sharon: Okay, it is not christmas unless that is prominently displayed somewhere for everyone to see.

Mariah: Uh, except it’s kind of an eyesore.

Sharon: No, don’t say that. Nick gave it to me when we spent our first christmas together. And he meant it as a joke, and it always made me laugh.

Mariah: Well, that is just like him, making dad jokes before he was even a dad.

[ Laughter ]

Sharon: Give that to me.

[ Knock on door ]

Chloe: Surprise! It’s your best friend bearing carbs and companionship.

Chelsea: Well, this is a surprise. I’m so spoiled. First billy, then adam, and now here you are.

Chloe: Clearly saving the best for last. And look what I brought — esther’s famous kringle.

Chelsea: Huh. Well, I thought I was full, but esther’s famous kringle? Come on.

Chloe: Well, I’m not allowed to go home unless I get photographic evidence of you trying some, along with a full, detailed critique.

Chelsea: I know what you’re doing here. You came to check in on me.

Chloe: No. I mean, can’t a friend just want to hang out with her bestie?

Chelsea: And shouldn’t you be home with your family, getting ready to celebrate the holidays?

Chloe: Honestly, I just needed a moment away from miles yanking the ornaments off of the tree. And bella is still singing the song she did at her christmas pageant.

Chelsea: Aww, that’s sweet.

Chloe: Yeah, the first thousand times. I love my daughter’s little angelical voice, but if I hear that song one more time, I swear I’m going… so, you would actually be doing

me a favor in giving me a quiet sanctuary.

Chelsea: Well, then, by all means, come in.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: To be honest with you, I’m taking a holiday from the holiday music, as well. So let’s just sit back, relax, and enjoy esther’s delicious pastry.

Noah: Big holiday party coming in tonight. If that space can just be cleared before then, that’d be great. Hey, dad. What brings you in tonight?

Nick: I figured this place would be fire right about now, with all the holiday cheer in the air.

Noah: Okay, I’m really sorry about this, but I’m actually gonna have to give you a warning. We have a strict, strict no-slang policy for people in your age group.

Nick: Well, that just hurts, son.

Noah: [ Chuckles ] You look, uh, awful spiffy for someone flying solo…tonight.

Nick: Look at you. You look great.

Sally: Thank you.

[ Object thuds ]

Adam: Father.

Victor: Hey, son. I’m surprised to see you.

Adam: Yes, I, um — I’m just here to pick up connor from decorating the tree, but i may be a little early.

Victor: Well, as you can see, the tree has already been trimmed. I think connor is right now in the kitchen baking some goods with nikki.

Adam: Okay.

Victor: Last time we talked, you wanted nothing to do any more with your family. What changed?

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Mariah: Good.

Tessa: Mariah, why are you putting that one on top? I mean, it doesn’t even sparkle or anything.

MarMariah: Well, a tree topper doesn’t have to light up. It just needs to be pretty.

Tessa: But it’s supposed to be the icing on the cake. It’s supposed to be the pice de résistance.

Mariah: Okay, I can’t wait for noah to get here because he’s gonna see my vision and he’s gonna agree with me.

Tessa: [ Chuckles ] Look, no offense, but noah’s gonna agree with me because your idea is less than inspiring. So, good thing we can count on his artistic eye.

Sharon: Oh, ladies, please. Is this your first official fight as a married couple?

Mariah: You know what?

Tessa: I think it might be.

Sharon: Okay, well, that’s the sign of a pretty strong marriage if the only thing you disagree on is what ornament to put on top of a christmas tree.

Tessa: When you put it that way, you’re right.

Mariah: You know what? I’m gonna call faith. I’m gonna get her opinion on this.

Sharon: No, no, no!

Tessa: No, no, no! Faith is in switzerland. It’s the middle of the night there. That is a no-go.

Sharon: Yeah. Trust me. Trust me on this one. I, uh — I know that faith does not like being woken up at 3:00 in the morning by anyone, not even her mother.

Mariah: I mean, I’m surprised you even let her go with her roommate’s family, especially on christmas, her first christmas at school.

Sharon: I know. It took every ounce of my strength to let her go, but this was such a great opportunity. How could I deny her a european vacation at christmas? As hard as it was, I had to let my daughter be free.

Noah: Well, I hope you enjoy our special seasonal holiday drink.

Sally: Mmm! That’s delicious.

Noah: Great. Alright, well, I have some other guests I have to attend to, so I’ll see you guys later.

Nick: Hey, thanks again for the spot, bud, on a fire night like this.

Sally: Oh, are you sure you used that word correctly?

Noah: No, no, he’s definitely not.

[ Chuckles ]

Nick: Hey, congratulations. You got a smile out of my son. That’s not easy to do.

Sally: Well, you know, i realize that your kids aren’t exactly thrilled about the idea of us as a couple, but, you know, I have a feeling it’s gonna take a lot more than just a joke at your expense to get noah’s approval. But I’ll take the win.

Nick: You have an ease to you tonight. It’s almost like a — an aura of happiness.

Sally: Well, for the first time in ages, I actually feel like I’m in a really good place. I’m not chasing drama. I am not running from it. And I’m not creating it. I have a clear vision of my professional path. And my personal path is actually looking pretty sweet at the moment, too.

Nick: Mm. Is that a fact?

Sally: I have to admit, i really like this whole “going slow” thing. It actually gives me a chance to savor the moment.

Nick: I like it, too. I like it a lot.

Adam: Look, I was hoping to discuss christmas day with you. I would like to bring connor to the ranch for the family festivities.

Victor: You know you’re always welcome here, especially with your boy and especially for the holidays.

Adam: I appreciate that.

Victor: I love the idea that both of you will come.

Adam: Well, you might not be too happy when I ask you for my second favor.

Victor: Oh, yeah? What’s that?

Adam: I’d like chelsea to come, as well.

Victor: Whose idea was that? Connor’s or hers?

Chloe: And there are cookies just on every surface for miles to grab by the handful.

[ Both laugh ]

Chelsea: Ahh. I’m so glad you’re here. I needed this. I feel like everyone, you know, wants to talk about my mental state and how my therapy’s going. It feels good to just sit here with you and laugh.

Chloe: Well, I don’t want to ignore those topics if you want to talk about them.

Chelsea: Well, um, there actually is something I want to share with you.

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] So, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, obviously, revisiting my past behaviors, things I’ve done, and I have been making amends.

Chloe: Well, that sounds brutal. And very brave of you.

Chelsea: Well, I don’t feel brave, but it was necessary. I’ve done it with, uh, billy, adam, victoria, even sharon. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t fun, but every time I do it, i feel like it releases a burden off of my back. You know, being able to look somebody in the eye and tell them I’m sorry for my past actions and for hurting them, it’s been really helpful. Cathartic, even.

[ Clears throat ] So, I’m hoping to do it again now…with you. Hey! It’s me! Your dry skin!

Nick: I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room.

Sally: [ Sighs ] What elephant is that?

Nick: Your christmas day plans.

Sally: Must we? I mean, why ruin a good time?

Nick: Look, um, I know we’re taking it slow, but I’d really, really like to include you.

Sally: Thanks. But I have some complicated feelings surrounding holiday celebrations. Would it still be considered taking it slow if I invited you back to my suite for a nightcap for this conversation?

Nick: I think that’s fair.

Adam: No, dad, okay? It — it was my idea to include chelsea. My son deserves to be around the people he loves most without bouncing between locations.

Victor: Have a seat, son.

[ Breathes deeply ] Look…I feel for the boy. And I understand he wants to be with his mother, especially during the holidays. But you know that I can’t forget that she threw a wrench into victoria’s life by insisting on telling johnny that she is his biological mother.

Adam: Chelsea didn’t intend to wreck victoria’s life or johnny’s life. She had no idea how he was going to respond.

Victor: [ Sighs ] How do I know that she isn’t using this opportunity to get closer to johnny, which would upset victoria? You know that. So…no, son, I — I don’t want her here.

Chloe: Chelsea, we are best friends. We’re good. I mean, if anyone needs to make amends, it’s me.

Chelsea: You?

Chloe: Yeah. For blowing up the cabin with adam in it. And I’m still embarrassed about running away with connor to paris all those years ago.

Chelsea: I appreciate you saying all that. But this is about me making amends. I have to do this. And I’m actually not referencing stuff that happened a long time ago. I’m talking about this year.

Chloe: I thought we got past all that.

Chelsea: I feel like I need to own up to my anger at you. I blamed you for everything that went wrong at newman media or fenmore’S. You know, I rejected your concern over my obsession over adam and sally and then rey. I didn’t want to listen to anything you had to say. I accused you of being a bad friend, when, really, you saw the warning signs before anybody else. You confronted me. You were willing to jeopardize our friendship in order to force me to see the truth.

Chloe: I was just worried about you.

Chelsea: I realize that now. You knew what was happening. I was spinning. And I was pushing you away when, really, you were just being the best kind of friend because you were being an honest one. And I’m really sorry for everything I put you through. And I’m thankful, and I’m grateful that you stuck with me. And I’m so grateful that you still care about me.

Chloe: Apology accepted. And I just want you to know that [Sniffles] I just want us to let go of the past and focus on the present and the future and about you getting better so you can reach your full potential. I am here for whatever you need, and I just want to try to help you find your purpose.

Chelsea: I know.

[ Chuckles ]

Sharon: Alright, guys, here you go.

Tessa: Oh, what’s all this?

Sharon: Mmm!

Mariah: Well, I thought we could use some delicious holiday treats to celebrate our decorating.

Noah: Guess I’m a little late. This place seems like it’s already done.

Sharon: Hey!

Mariah: Hey! No, no, no, we are not done until we get your professional seal of approval.

Noah: You got it. Looks great to me.

Mariah: Mm-hmm. And the tree topper?

Noah: Yeah. Yeah, I like that you guys went with something a little more subtle. And you definitely earned this little cookie break you’re about to take.

Mariah: And also because mom is missing faith right now. So, I was wondering — maybe you have something a little stronger than cocoa, maybe one of glam club’s new, fabulous holiday cocktails?

Sharon: Yeah?

Noah: Sorry. I don’T.

Sharon: Ohh!

Tessa: Well, we’re meeting with a pregnant woman after new year’s to discuss the possibility of adoption.

Sharon: Oh, really? That’s amazing!

Tessa: Yeah.

Sharon: That’s great! Uh, mariah? What’s wrong?

Tessa: Oh, no. Did I blow it? I’m sorry. I know we agreed not to say anything. Hi, I’m lauren, I lost 67 pounds on golo.

Sally: I don’t want you to feel obligated to include me in your christmas plans. Joining your family for the holidays is not in the “taking it slow” manual. I checked.

Nick: I would absolutely love to bring you to the ranch for christmas, but my sister and parents have some trust issues where you’re concerned.

Sally: I’m not surprised. Victoria fired me, and even though I tried to withstand victor’s judgment whenever i worked at newman, I know I never really won him over.

Nick: Actually, it’s, uh — it’s worse than that.

Sally: How so?

Nick: Uh, my dad had a dossier prepared of your time in L.A. To try and scare me off.

Sally: [ Sighs heavily ]

Adam: Look, I’m — I’m telling you that chelsea doesn’t have any ulterior motives. If anything, I’m hoping that she’ll put aside her qualms and hesitations about being in your home after everything that you did to her.

Victor: What do you mean, after everything I did to her? What are you talking about?

Adam: I’m talking about you forcing her to fake a mental breakdown over poisoning rey to get her institutionalized.

Victor: Are you forgetting i did it for her benefit, for heaven sake? I prevented her from being criminally prosecuted for nearly killing a man and then blaming you for it.

Adam: Okay, look, I’m not here to fight or dredge up some old history. I’m here to make a plea for my family on christmas. My family, something you claim to value. And as far as johnny’s concerned, he and connor have actually grown closer since finding out they’re biological brothers. So, I think it’d be good for them to spend, uh, some holiday time together. I know connor would like to be around all of his family on christmas.

Victor: Remember, son, you were coming to see me to ask me a favor, okay? So watch your tone. Now, if this means as much as you say it does to you and to connor… then you’re welcome. Chelsea can tag along, okay?

Adam: I appreciate that.

Victor: Good. You should.

Chloe: Ahh. I mean, how long has it been since we’ve just hung out like two girlfriends, laughing, crying?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Ahh, I… I really miss this. And I just have to say, as your most honest friend, I can see that you are doing a lot better.

Chelsea: I am. You know, at first I was faking it to make it, you know, just putting it on a front so everyone wouldn’t be so worried about me. But now I’m feeling stronger.

Chloe: That’s so good to hear.

Chelsea: What I went through was a real wake-up call for me. So [Sighs] Figuring out my new purpose, whatever that may be, is part of my new journey.

Chloe: Well, like I said before, whatever you need, I’m here.

Chelsea: What I think I need is a total and complete personal and professional makeover.

[ Laughs ] So, I will keep you posted because I’m definitely gonna need your help because this time I’m gonna get it right.

Tessa: I am so sorry.

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Tessa: I got carried away. And, honestly, I didn’t think you would mind me telling sharon and noah.

Mariah: It’s fine. I’m not mad. I just… I don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up just have them dashed again.

Sharon: You mean you don’t want to get your own hopes up, which is totally understandable. You know, you’re on this roller coaster of emotion. You just have to hang in there through the ups and downs.

Mariah: I just have all of these maternal instincts kicking in. I — I find myself sitting there and fantasizing about having this child in my arms, thinking about what time of year they’re gonna be born. Is it gonna be a boy or a girl? I’ve even decorated the nursery in my head. It’s just, even the idea of a baby is making its way into my heart.

Tessa: I mean, me too. That’s why I wanted to share it. It’s joyful. Yes, there have been disappointments…but it’s all part of the journey.

Sharon: This is the story of how you and tessa are making your way to your child. And, yes, there’s gonna be twists and turns, but you’re going to get there. And no matter what happens, this is still the next exciting step to reaching your goal. So, thanks for including me, tessa.

Tessa: Well, I hope I managed to cheer you up.

Sharon: You absolutely did.

[ Sighs ] The idea that we’re one step closer to a new baby coming into this family makes this holiday that much brighter. A dental tool is round for a reason.

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Noah: Hey, mariah? I know I said everything looked good, but now that I think about it, mom’s musical tv would probably look a little better over there.

Tessa: Oh, that is a good idea.

Mariah: Yeah, anything that keeps it from the center stage.

[ Laughs ]

Sharon: Wait! No! It’ll get completely lost over there, and no one can even see it! Hey. Happy holidays.

Mariah: Hi.

Chloe: Hi. Yeah. We were just heading out, but then I saw the decorations.

Chelsea: We wanted to say hi. The place looks so festive.

Sharon: Oh, well, thank you. Come on in. Take your coats off.

Chloe: Thanks.

Chelsea: Okay.

Chloe: Well, I didn’t realize how friendly you and sharon got. I mean, that’s a change.

Chelsea: Well, it’s nice, right? Sharon’s really been there for me. A lot of people have.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Chelsea: Excuse me. Be right back.

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: Hello?

Adam: Hey, chelsea. Connor wants to stay at the ranch tonight. He is, uh, determined to decorate the barn, and he’s just convinced the horses need some holiday cheer, too.

Chelsea: Oh. Um, yeah. I was looking forward to spending some time with him, but it’s late already, so, sure. Far be it for me to deny the horses.

Adam: Are you sure you’re alright with it? You don’t mind being alone?

Chelsea: I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.

Sharon: It’s terrible over there. If it has to stay there…

Noah: You know, come on. It looks so much better there.

Sharon: Then I have to get a bigger musical tv.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Nikki: Wait until you see how connor has decorated the barn.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Nikki: He’s put red ribbons on the hay bales and he found a little christmas tree and he’s wrapping up apples as presents for the horse.

Victor: [ Laughs ] That’s cute. That’s cute.

Nikki: Our grandson seems pretty happy these days.

Victor: Yep.

Nikki: Victor?

Victor: Mm-hmm?

Nikki: I think that adam’s visit has troubled you.

Victor: Well, it hasn’t troubled me so much as it has made me curious. I think he wants to reconnect with his family and doesn’t know how. You know, he suggested that he bring connor for christmas.

Nikki: Well, of course you said yes.

Victor: Oh, yeah, I love the idea. However, he also suggested that chelsea come along.

Nikki: Oh. I think I know what that’s all about.

Victor: What?

Tessa: I don’t know.

[ Light laughter ]

Sharon: Chelsea, could you help me with something over here, please?

Chelsea: Sure.

Sharon: Here. Taste that and tell me what you think.

Chelsea: Okay. Mmm. Oh, that’s good. It hits the spot.

Sharon: Great. Now, what do you think about where we should put my musical tv?

Chelsea: Actually, you know what, sharon? I think I’ve been cooped up for too long. I think I need to get out. I think a walk on a crisp evening like tonight would be just what I need.

Chloe: Hey, I — I could go with you.

Chelsea: That’s so sweet, but I think I want to be alone.

Sharon: You sure you want to do that? It’s dark outside.

Chelsea: Yeah. I promise, guys. I’m — I’m fine. I just want to get a little air. I’ll call if I need anything.

Sally: Of course victor had me investigated. Ugh! Must have been a pretty thick file. None of it scared you off?

Nick: Didn’t bother to read it.

Sally: [ Sighs ] I really wish you would have. That way, I would have known if anything in my past was a dealbreaker. I mean, you deserve to know who I am and…what I’m capable of.

Nick: I think I have a pretty good idea of who you are.

Sally: Yeah, but not who i used to be. I’m not proud of a lot of the stuff that I did in L.A. Usually it was because I let my ambition or chasing after some guy get the best of me. I even… I faked a terminal illness to get what I wanted. And don’t pretend that doesn’t mean something to you after what ashland did. I know how much you hated him after what he did to victoria.

Nick: Just…stop, okay? I don’t want to hear any more about it.

Chelsea: [ Breathes deeply ] Adam. What are you doing here?

Adam: I, uh — I just saw you leaving crimson lights. I just wanted to check on you. Would, um — would you mind if I join you?

Sally: You don’t want to hear about my past because it’s so horrifying?

Nick: Some of what you told me is pretty extreme. But here’s the thing. Uh, I don’t want to hear about your misdeeds. Now, don’t get me wrong. I want to know everything about you. And I will talk about whatever you want. But the things that interest me are, like…childhood memories. First pet. You a dog or a cat person? Um, did you ever star a school play? You like sports? Please tell me you like sports.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: First celebrity crush. That’s what I want to know. Alright? All that other stuff — i promise you, I’ve done just as bad, if not more. So has everyone else in this town.

Sally: Yeah, I have noticed there are a lot of morally ambiguous folks around here.

Nick: Right? Some people are allowed to turn the page and move on. Others aren’T. I can’t stand that. I’m not gonna play that game. I know who you are now. That’s enough for me. I don’t need to read some dossier about you.

Sally: Well, in that case… …my first pet was an adorable little beagle.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Sally: I starred as genna the gypsy in high school. And I excelled at acrobatics. And prince rocked my world.

Nick: There we go. This is the stuff that intrigues me.

Sally: Thank you, nick, for caring about who I am. And I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited to see where this is going.

Chelsea: I really am fine.

Adam: Well, I’m glad to hear that. I, on the other hand — I was feeling a little lonely tonight without connor. So I figured I would come and find you since you’re the only other person who would understand.

Chelsea: Hmm. I didn’t realize you felt that way, too. The holidays are tricky, you know? They can be wonderful and joyous, but, um, they can also be hard, can’t they?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Both sigh ]

Adam: So, we, uh, are all set for christmas at the ranch. You know, if you’re still up for it. Victor even promised to be on his best behavior.

Chelsea: Hmm. Being with the newmans will be a testament to my newfound strength.

Adam: You know, you don’t have to go if you don’t feel ready for it.

Chelsea: No, I want to go. I want to go. It’s important for connor. That place is magical for him, and I don’t want to do anything to dampen his holiday spirit. Plus, I need to see how he decorated the barn.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Mm-hmm. Just so you know, I, uh — i haven’t told victor and nikki about your recent hospitalization. I figured you should be the one to decide what you want to say and who you want to say it to. It’s your choice, so it’s not gonna come from me. I’m sure victoria feels the same way.

Chelsea: I appreciate that. I talked to my therapist about it, and she agrees. You know, I have to be in charge of telling the people that i want when I want. Plus, I really wouldn’t want to add to the drama [Chuckling] At that family event anyway.

[ Sighs ]

Adam: Well, don’t worry. I’ll be close. I’ll be your wingman. So, if you want to get out of there, just say the word and we will leave.

Chelsea: Thank you for your support and all your help with connor. I know this whole thing hasn’t been easy on you, especially since billy’s been involved.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: So, while we’re talking about open, honest conversation, is there anything you want to say about that?

Victor: What do you know about the chelsea situation?

Nikki: Victoria said that chelsea has been in a bad place, and I assumed it had to do with johnny’s initial reaction in hearing that she was his biological mother.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, I hear that johnny and connor are getting along quite well together now.

Nikki: Yeah. Connor mentioned johnny when we were trimming the tree. I think they have become closer.

Victor: Yeah. Well, according to adam, it would do both chelsea and connor good to spend the holidays with us.

Nikki: Well, you know, I feel all families should be together on the holidays.

Victor: I know you do, baby.

Nikki: That’s why it’s good that adam wants to be here with us.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: I know how happy you would be if you were able to bring him back into the family fold.

Victor: Well, that’s up to adam, you know? He’s the one who turned his back on us. He’s the one who decided to join jabot of all places instead of newman. So, if he wants to be back in the fold, then let him make the move.

Nikki: Perhaps him choosing to be with us on christmas is a first step.

Victor: Yeah. Yeah. My asthma felt anything but normal.

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Well, uh, so much for taking it slow.

Nick: Yeah. Did we even make it 24 hours?

[ Smooches ]

Sally: [ Sighs ] I really don’t want to interfere with your family plans for christmas. It’s one day. I’ll be fine.

Nick: Mm. You know what? I’m more than happy to change my plans…for you. So, how about if I spend some time with my family, make sure christian’s happy… and then I am all yours. We’ll do something special. Just the two of us.

Sally: That sounds perfect.

Nick: Yeah.

Adam: All that matters is your recovery, chelsea. So, if billy abbott can help facilitate that, I have no problem with it.

Chelsea: You mean that?

Adam: I do.

[ Sighs ] You know, your strength and your bravery through this whole thing — I mean the way that you faced it head on with honesty and integrity — inspired me. So it’s only fair that I be equally honest with you.

Chelsea: Thank you. What about you? How you doing this holiday season, huh?

Adam: Ahh.

Chelsea: I know your break-up with sally is still very fresh. And even though I’m not her biggest fan, I could see that the two of you had something special. So, how you feeling about all that?

Adam: Well, I will admit I do have moments of self-pity and loneliness. But I’m trying to focus on what I’ve got — a wonderful son with a caring mother. So, I think this holiday, both of us should just focus on our family.

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GH Transcript Monday, 12/19/22

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Most of this was pre-empted by news, so we’ll have to get it from OnDemand.

Playing a game?

[ Gasps, laughs ] Yes, one I haven’t played in decades. Ah. I gave my number to a man. Phyllis, you’re dating someone? Shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh. I’m texting someone. Ah! The usual? Yeah. I’m not sure I’m up for much more than that. Okay, well, um, do you like this gentleman? His spelling is good, and he uses punctuation. Okay. Alright. We’ll give him points for that. I’m glad that you’re happy. And you know what? Lenny would want you to be happy, too. Yes, he would. No one will ever replace my lenny. But… but? …It’s nice to feel special again. I’ve missed that. Yeah, because you are incredibly special, and you deserve someone who treats you that way. And you, as well. Does my friend sonny still make you feel like the only woman on earth? Mr. Corinthos just left. Josslyn’s guard will be here in 30. Okay. Thank you. Ms. Corinthos. It’s ms. Spencer. Sorry, ma’am. I-I never got the chance to thank you for helping me when I was…indisposed. I’m glad you recovered. Are you sure you don’t want to come with me? I’m fine here. I’ll keep an eye on her. That’s what I’m afraid of. Ooh, sorry. My mom’s a little overprotective. I get it. You don’t have to stay. I’ll lock up. I was given an order. I guess I have no idea what you do or don’t have to do. I can explain why I said that. There’s no need. It’s clear where we stand. For the record, I would stick around, orders or not. Stay. Go. I’m fine either way. Josslyn, isn’t this charade exhausting? Aren’t you tired of pretending? So we know what we need to say. We do. You know, a lifetime ago, this pregnancy could’ve been real. Yeah, I know. Remember? We thought aiden was yours. Maybe if that have been true and we just stayed together, we wouldn’t have caused so much devastation.

[ Sighs ] I’m sorry about you and finn. The issues I had with finn were probably insurmountable. We had a chance, just like you and ava. Now we’re both stuck in this stupid choice we made. I hope sleeping with esme was worth it. You know it wasn’T. But she is carrying my child, and if that baby’s born healthy and I get a chance to parent it… I won’t have any regrets. I wish I could say the same. You must really despise me. Never. It’s not possible. But I do think that we could use some space. The past few months have proven that we — we don’t work. I can accept you firing me, okay, but you did make a commitment. To who, linc? No, screw linc. I’m talking about blaze. You two seem to have a good rapport. Oh, uh, yeah, blaze is cool. She’s got a real passion. I mean, we don’t share the same dream, but I can relate. Okay, then, don’t let her down. Perform as scheduled tomorrow, record the single, and — and use the royalties to pursue a career in law enforcement. Chase, this doesn’t have to be a total loss. A girl?

[ Giggles ] You think wiley will be happy with a little sister? Well, as long as he doesn’t have to share his trucks, maybe. I make no promises. My mom is gonna be thrilled, and — and donna and avery are going to be over the moon. Also, prepare for an onslaught of, uh — of hand-me-downs. Who am I kidding? My mom’s gonna go to the store right when we’re done with lunch.

[ Chuckles ] Did I say something wrong? What if I leave my daughter motherless? What if she winds up like me? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You are not going to leave your daughter, okay? We — we — we’re gonna beat this cancer. Joan was an only child, and there’s no evidence I have any siblings. Drew’s still looking for your father. Drew’s unclear as to who my father even is, and what if he’s gone, too? Then we’ll find somebody through the registry. Look, people find matches who aren’t relatives all the time. We’re not gonna give up. You’re not going anywhere. I’m not. I will not leave my daughter or my son. They need me. And I am not going anywhere without a fight. Drew. Hey. Hey. I’m so glad I got to see you again before my flight. Yeah. Yeah, me, too. Um, join me? Yeah, sure. Great. I wish we had more time.

[ Chuckles ] So do I. Really? Why? Because I don’t think you told me everything that you know.

do me a favor. Send a baby gift to the quartermaine gatehouse. Something nice. Gender-neutral. No card. You don’t have to have everything under control. There you go again, thinking you know me so well. Look, I pay attention, okay, especially to you. I’ve seen you in action, I know you’re tough in a crisis, but it is okay to be scared. I’m fine. No, you’re not. Okay? And that is okay. Just let go, joss. If there’s anywhere you’re safe, it’s with me. Appreciate you helping me. Elizabeth, I know how much this is costing you. I’m sorry. We’ve hurt people, nikolas. We’re gonna have to face that sooner or later. Brook lynn: Think it over. I’ll hold off on contacting linc about canceling the gingerbread jam, and I’ll call you later for your final word. I’ve already given you my final word — no. Okay, well, in that case, I guess I’ll start drawing up the paperwork to sever our business relationship, and I’ll drop them off at your place later. Don’t worry. Just, uh, send them over certified. Ava: Going somewhere? I don’t think so. Nina: I feel guilty. I just left a really good friend who has a broken heart. The man that she loved betrayed her. And you feel guilty because you’re so happy? Because sonny would never treat you that way? Well, sonny and I, we have been tested.

[ Chuckling ] You know. Hmm. I think you are the only person who supported us being together. And despite all the odds, we stuck with each other, and now I am happier than I have ever been. Nina, honey, that makes my whole day. What would do I do without you, my precious friend? You’ve been with me through all those dark times. Sometimes I thought the sun would never rise again. After all that I have lost… I finally feel peace. And I want that for you, too. I’m not sure what more I can tell you, but I can stick around, try to remember more. Are you sure, positive that I can trust everything that you recall? Excuse me? The stakes are too high here. I-I-I don’t have time for games, ms. Makenzie. I really don’t, alright? I checked out your story, the one that was identical to harmony’S. You haven’t told me the truth about willow’s mother. Every word out of your mouth has been a lie.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Monday, December 19, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 My God, mom. Okay. I’m glad to see you too, baby. But we gotta get outta going anywhere. Nicole called the police. The police. I’m assuming this is a mystery woman you were searching for earlier. Yeah, she showed up in a disguise returning to admire her handy worth. No doubt. But don’t worry, Ava’s gonna pay you for what she did to your grandmother.

Hey, get your hand off. Hey, don’t worry, I can handle EJ Tripp. Just please go. No, I’m not gonna leave. Yes, you have to. Why? What’s going on? There is a bomb. What mom? Whatcha are you talking about? Talking about right here.

What was that? I don’t know. Thunder. Maybe. Hey, well let’s get back to the bomb and you just dropped. What do you mean? Kristen blackmailed you into breaking up the. Or she holding over your head? If you keep insisting that you are not a good person, I don’t think I have to tell an ex none. That confession is good for the soul.

Yeah, it’s too bad there’s not a priest around. No. Yes. You’re just gonna have to settle for the next best thing. It’s an old friend. So what’s weighing so heavily on your conscience?

You can talk to me. Kristen, I’m here for you.

Hey buddy. Hey, how about I take care of the next one? Hello. What’s this? By your favorite commission, beer Day? Well, that would suggest that you’re my favorite commission. And I guess you are, since you’re the one and only damn, talk about kicking a guy when he is down. Sorry about that. I’m more serious enough.

Any progress on building that case against CJ Damara for kidnapping my son? Well, nothing yet. Thank our trip. Safe. But he could have easily been killed.

Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

You know, me, John, I, I spent most of my life on the naughty list. But everything I’ve done that that’s been wrong. I’ve always felt I was doing it for the right reasons. I don’t doubt that.

Cause Kristen, you have got as big a heart as anyone I know. And let me tell you something. Sometimes when, when we hadn’t kind of. Spirit and passion that you do. When we, when we so fiercely go after something we, we really want, we can inadvertently end up hurting people we really love. I know this is the last thing you’ve wanted to do.

Yeah. That is so true. That is so true. What I want, what, what I really want most is I want a loving family. I wanna be a good. I wanna be a devoted wife. Oh, but what I want most, what I want most of all, is Sarah. I want Rachel to know that she is loved and that she is safe.

That’s all we want for our kids.

I appreciate you telling me that I have a big heart, but I think you’re the only one on this planet who, who does . Well, it’s because people don’t know that you, like I do.

John, you’re a good man. Thank you. And uh, you’ve been very kind. Yeah. Like I said, I’m here for you whenever you want to talk. I appreciate that. All right. I, uh, have to head out. Gonna be late back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Picking up Rachel from after school program.

Um, John, I want to thank you. Thank you for the talk and for understanding.

If Kristen is holding a gun to your head, no, it’s not my life that she’s threatening then who’s,

look, I’ve said too much already. Won’t we just forget about this conversation? Okay. When, how am I supposed to do that? I don’t know. You know, you just told me you’re quitting your job. You, you told me you were having issues with Nicole. You got other things to focus on, obviously. So yes, I do, but this feels like one of.

Listen, Brady, if somebody you care about is in danger, probably somebody I care about too. Who is Kristen threatening to hurt

your mother? Kate. Kayla. And if I don’t do exactly what Kristen wants, all three of them die.

I’m here.


Hey. That looks pretty bad,

but I’m sure about anyone else. Grandma come

if anybody hurt. Why’s Nicole?

So after what EJ did to my kid, he’s just gonna walk away. Scott, free fuck. Come on, Steve. Oh, look, you know how this works. I gotta find evidence that EJ is responsible for the kidnapping or that he ordered it. All right? And then we’re gonna take this son of a bitch down. Trust me. I want to do that as much as you do.

Maybe more. More. Why? More? Not more. Not more. Look, I shouldn’t have said that. You know, I mean the guy, the guy kidnapped your son. All right. It’s not more, it’s. Look, it’s just, um, what are you talking about? What’s going on, dude, why don’t I get the feeling that this is just as personal to you as it is to me, because it is.

I just found out that the guy’s shacking up with my. Hey Nicole. She was there. She was standing right there when the glass went off here. . Where did she, where she go? She sit here. Oh, Nicole, gosh.

Sorry I didn’t,

must landed on my arm because it hurts. Like how?

I’m okay. I’m okay. Thank God.



She’s not breathing.

Mama. Damn it. Mama. Come on.

I can think, I forget your birthday, did you? Love of my life deserves to be celebrated every day, especially today. Baby, this is so sweet. I, I’m sorry that he forced you to stop doing whatever it was you were doing to join this little party, but I was so touch. Thank you so much. And now, yes, candle is already lit, so

make a wish.

Voicemail. Hey Doc, it’s John. I can’t believe that service is still going on, or maybe it went over the dam mirrors for the reception. Anyway, I had a long talk with Kristen. Got it open up a little bit, but she stopped you short of telling me what she’s hiding. But I’m even more convinced she’s holding something over Brady.

Now I’m even more determined to find out what that is.

I shouldn’t even be telling you this. Alright? But I, I’ve been keeping this inside. It’s been driving me nuts. Can only imagine. Part of Kristen’s threat was that if I told anybody that all three women would die. Die. How remember back in September, An Orpheus infected all those women with, with that biotoxin.

Yeah. How can I forget? Well, Kristen had the orchid that was needed for the cure, and she threatened to withhold it if I didn’t do exactly what she wanted, which was breaking up with Chloe so she could move in with you. Exactly. And Eric was the last thing I wanted, but my God, what choice did I have? You know, I’m fully aware what Kristen is capable of and I wasn’t about to put those three women’s lives at risk.

Well, thanks for the bear. No problem. Listen man, I’m sorry about the pending divorce. I know that’s gotta be tough. Yeah, it is. It is. It’s uh, you know, uh, quite. It’s a bit humiliating too, you know, cuz Nicole and I were married for about what, five minutes? Why is humiliating? You were in love. Yes, I was. I was in love with the most neurotic, disloyal person on the planet.

However, it’s all for the best Really. You almost sound convincing. I’ll keep you in the loop on your son’s kidnapping. Jada’s a good cop. Hopefully she’ll find some.

Hey, sweetness. What’s up?

He did what? Ejs. Okay. Okay. I’m on it. What’s going? Kayla just found out that Tripp took a flight to Salem earlier today. She’s convinced he’s coming here to confront EJ about Ava’s death.

I’ve got a pulse. Well, she’s breathing. Thank God when I got her outside she said she was already killed. Yes, she was right When you need to get her to a hospital. We all need to get outta here. And you walk. I’m a little woozy, but I’ll try. If you can’t, I can carry you. Ah. Oh. What, what? Oh, my leg is so good that it’s beam.

I, I didn’t feel it before coming. Johnny. One, two. Hey, help. Okay.

Happy your birthday, Sarah. Another trip around the sun. Enjoy your special day. Thank you so much, and thank you for celebrating with us. Our pleasure. And now back to work. Yeah. Yes, me too. In a minute. soon? Mm-hmm. , you can tell me what you wish for. I’m guessing you’re just a little bit too old for a opponent.

I wished that you would forgive me for making such a fool of myself when I accused you of being the clown, the kidnapped Bonnie and Susan. No, not me a fool. I, I hurt you,

Sarah. You already apologize for that. And there’s no reason to. No, honestly, I feel like there is. Honey, you have worked so hard since we have been together to make yourself a better man, and I shouldn’t doubt that. The least I can do is be honest and admit my mistakes, just like you’ve been honest with me and admitted your mistakes.

Excuse me, Dr. I’m sorry for interrupting. No, no. It’s okay. Sophia, hang on one second, honey.

Yeah, I, I will, I will get on that. Thank you so.

You look pale. It’s because, um,

there’s something you have to know.

Get him by way. Ceiling gonna come down away. Just go what? You have to leave home without you. They won’t budge.

So you and Chris. You’re really back together. No, no, we’re just living in the same house. She knows better than to expect anything more. Uh, she hasn’t pressed the issue. Not yet. But what happens when she dies? I mean, come on. I mean, why? I can’t figure it as how she’s got this Hold on. You. Why don’t you just kick her out?

Out? She give up the attitude cuz she claims that the women are gonna need a second dose after New Year’s or they won’t survive. And you believe her. Eric, how can I take that chance when their lives are at stake. Hmm. You’ve even been carrying this secret this entire time, man. Me neither. It has not been fun.

I let, I’ve been holding this inside and it’s been hell having to live with Kristen that’s been beyond hell. To top the whole thing off. I, uh, I lost Chloe to Stephan Damara. You’re gonna let Kristen get away with this. As long as those women’s lives are in jeopardy, Eric? Yeah, she’s gonna get away with it.

Listen man, you’ve gotta keep this between us, okay? If Kristen finds out Brady, I promise he won’t tell us all you and I together, we’re gonna figure out a way to stop Kristen from hurting you. The people we both love.

Okay. Alright. Okay. That’s right. Oh, go. I got you. We got you. Johnny. Johnny. He’ll be here. Well, Johnny, please, we can’t leave her here to die.

You’re my grandma. She believes in helping anyone no matter what she thought of. So in the spirit of Susan Bass,

What do you need? What do you need to tell

darling? What you need to know is that, oh, sorry. All. Oh my God. What’s going on? Uh, there’s been an explosion at St. Luke’s and they’ve already brought some people in. I’m so sorry, honey. I, I thank you for the party. I’ve gotta go. No, I need some.

Hey, hey. This is, uh, is Kristen here? She went to pick up Rachel at school. Nice face. What’s wrong? You got something you need to tell? That? Um, yeah, actually, actually I do. I just saw Eric. Okay. And how’s your brother? He’s not good. He just quit his job at Basic Black and things with him and Nicole are pretty bad and he doesn’t want to be anywhere near her right now.

I better head over to the Damaris. I don’t want Tripp getting into it with EJ and making things worse. I’ll go with you. Just uh, lemme grab this first Burnett.

Okay. Your son’s not at the Damaris. Where is he? He’s at the hospital. With his mother. Evidently, Ava Vitali is still alive.

Mom, I need you to wake up. Please.

Yes. Yes. You’re okay. You’re okay. Oh God. Oh, thank God. You’re okay. You’re okay. You’re, you’re safe. You have to believe me. I had no idea you were gonna in that church. Why? I went back in so I could get thank.

Hey dad. Hey. Hold off a second. You need to get checked out. It’s just a scratch. No, that hasn’t stopped bleeding since we left the chapel location. Just lemme get a nurse. It’ll take a second. I’m fine. I just, I just need to be with Nicole. Well, everything checks out. I don’t think that your arm is broken, but let’s get some x-rays just to be sure.

Okay. You’re really lucky. I know, and it could have been a lot worse. From what the EMT at the scene said, yeah, it could have been a lot worse. Ain’t gonna be all right. Thank God for that.

It’s too bad about Eric and Nicole. Let’s two have had a pretty rough road. Well, it’s about to get rougher. Ugh, I just heard that. Uh, Nicole leached onto ej. See, she was with Rafe and with your brother and now she’s with my. I guess some women are innately fickle. Where’s Rachel? Oh, uh, she asked if she could have a play date with her friend Amanda, and a Of course.

I couldn’t say no. That that’s okay with you, isn’t it? That’s fine with me, yeah. Okay, good. And then, then we can go pick her up together. Oh my God. Doug happened to you. Honey. What’s going on?

Hey, you are, uh, dad was sure in a rush. What happened to, uh, we all just came from my grandma, Susan’s memorial service at St. Luke’s. I was an explosion, right? I just heard about it. What was it? A gas leak. It was a bomb. A bomb. How did a bomb, David Vitali planted it. Not even vital. He’s dead. Yeah. So we all thought until we saw her at the church and she tried to blow us all to kingdom come

my precious trip. I don’t know what I would’ve done if something had happened. Mom, come on. Why? Why, why? Why would you do something like this? Why? Why would you put a bomb in a church where you kill innocent people? I’d like to know the answer to that too, son. I’m okay. You okay? You look like hell, I don’t sound much better.

Let’s get you somebody to check you out right now. No, no. I, I had to stay here with my mom. Hold, don’t worry. She’s not going anywhere. Are you a Vitali? You’re under arrest for five counts of attempted murder and whatever else the DA decides to tack on.

All right, well set. Make you follow up with your regular doctor, but I don’t see any sign of a concussion. Oh, surprised to Isaiah. I’ve got a very hot head. I can confirm that. All right, I’ll check on you guys later. Thank you.

You okay?

Not really. I, I tried to hide it back at the church, but when I was under that beam and we thought the roof might fall in, oh God, ej, I was so scared.

Well, no one’s here but us. You can shorten up.

So Johnny went to the hospital with EJ at a. He’s perfectly fine. He had a little scratch on his head. He’ll be okay. Mm. Well EJ shouldn’t have gone into that church and you said that uh, the roof didn’t fall on his head. . I’m surprised he didn’t get struck by a lightning. I don’t know how funny all of this is Chris and people could have died.

I’m so glad you’re okay, sweetheart. Oh, ah, that’s so sweet. You’re already kissing and making up. What are you talking about? Oh, well, your father confided in me that he and Marla had got into a fight and, uh, he stuck up for me when Marlena wanted to kick me out. You know what? Don’t deny it. Don’t deny you said as much yourself.

See here we are a few days before Christmas and your evil ice Queen stepmother wanted to kick me out into the. Hmm. How do you feel about that, Brady?

My mother said you were injured. I wished over as soon as I could. I, I’m fine. It’s just sprain. The doctor said she can be discharged. That’s good news. She’ll still need rest to heal. That’s why she’s coming home with me.

Thanks for coming.

Eva’s alive. You’re sure? Look, if you don’t believe me, go see for yourself. Rav’s questioning you now. Wait. She’s here in the. Yep. Got caught in the blast. Oh, I don’t get it. If she planted the bomb, why would she be anywhere near it when it went off? It was her son. If she didn’t know Tripp was gonna be in the chapel when she found out she tried to get him out, but she was too late,

does this man will go and steady again. What I heard pull moved on already. It means you’re back on the market. Shut up. Ava. Get much better. Tasted jewelry back when May today. Maybe you didn’t hear the part about. You have the right to remain silent. It wasn’t a suggestion. Okay, do we really have to do this right now?

I mean, she just regained consciousness and Hey, hey, listen to me. I’m no doctor, but it sounds like you have smoke inhalation. Now let’s go get somebody to check you out, chip, listen to your father,

okay? Okay. But I’ll be back soon. Alright? I’m gonna be here for you no matter what.

Nice. You know, I have a, maybe you managed to cheat death yet again, but this time you’re gonna have to live with the consequences of your actions. You’re going away for a very, very long time. We’ll see him at that.

Brady, do you want the mother of your child to be kicked to the curb? Oh, I mean, I guess I could, uh, Stay at the end. No. No. Chris, now I, I want you here so we can be a family for Christmas. Well, great. That’s what I want. So it’s settled. , I’m staying. Oh, 10. I am so glad that you are still alive to celebrate this beautiful holiday with Brady and Rachel and me, and of course, your charming husband.

Hmm. I believe this is going to be a joyous.

I just heard about Nicole. How’s she doing? She’s doing great. EJ is taking care of her now.

Hey, your dad’s gonna be okay. So is Nicole. Thank you for, uh, taking care of them. It’s my job. Somebody’s birthday.

Yeah, it’s uh, mine actually. Oh, well. Happy birthday. Thank you. As in or planned, this whole little surprise for me. Have you seen him? Uh, he was, uh, right out here, but you know, like the rest of us, he was pretty spooked when he found out Ava was still alive.

Just like old times, isn’t it?

Kristen Damara. Raw raised me from the dead and you took care of me. Now you’re gonna take care of me again. What are you talking about? Take care of your hair, huh? You’re gonna first get me out of these cuffs and then you’re gonna get me out of this hospital, because if you don’t, I’m gonna tell Sarah that you were my accomplice and the kidnapping of Susan.

You talked to your dad about my column, right? That’s why you wanted to have a drink. And from the look on your face, it didn’t go very well. Look, uh, I’m sorry, Mattie, he just, he doesn’t really feel like a gossip column is the right fit for the spectator. Well drinks are on you. I guess he already spent all the money I gave you.

It was a pitten considering that dirty little favor I did for you. Oh, come on. You know, you loved having a tussle with Sander. Okay. It was a bit of a dream come true. Only in the dream he was naked. I wasn’t wearing a muscle suit, but I was wearing a clown mask. Okay. Yeah. Well it’s a good thing that it did go off as planned and hopefully Bonnie Riak is will stop nattering on about the fact that it was Zander who kidnapped her even though it was him.


Oh, I can’t move. Eldest buddy putting those burgers, cement, . You’re the one who insists on. I’m having two of them. Look guys, I know they’re feeling, but they are my favorite. You’re so sweet to remember. . Well, you’ve better run a couple weeks. Yeah, I mean it’s, it’s literally the least we could do. Thank you.

I almost forgot. This was in one of the bags. There you go. Buddy’s burger. Scratch off. See what you got,

Jack. No, but my next order fries on.

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B&B Transcript Monday, 12/19/22

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Door slams ]

Finn: Wait, so, brooke and taylor were united?

Steffy: Yeah.

Finn: That’s crazy.

Steffy: I– I know, it was so crazy. But, like, in the best way.

Finn: Wait, and you’re not disappointed? I mean, you’ve been pushing so hard to get your parents back together.

Steffy: Well, I’ve always wanted my mom to be happy, but I thought, you know, some of her happiness would be, with my father. But to see my mother and brooke put their differences aside, and choose themselves over a man? The happiness was there. And it was really powerful, and, inspiring. I’m so proud of my mom.

Finn: I am, too. But, I am nervous about mine. I mean, as much as I want to applaud brooke and taylor, it’s hard to have anything else on my mind, other than sheila, knowing that she’s still alive.

[ Knocking at door ]

Eric: Carter.

Carter: Hey, eric. Um, what’s going on?

Eric: I was hoping to have a word with you. Alone.

Carter: Okay

[ Uncomfortable chuckle ]

Bill: You’re guarded. I– I don’t blame you. But you could’ve phoned me off, you didn’t have come tonight, bu– but you did. You’re here. And that tells me, that maybe, you really do still care about me.

Katie: Bill, of course I care about you. I will always care about you–

Bill: Well, if that’s true, then you have to at least consider what I’m saying. Tonight could be a new beginning for us. But you have no idea how much I need that. Please, katie. Tell me you need it, too?

Carter: Is something going on?

Eric: Yeah, carter, um… we haven’t had a chance to talk. Not since, uh… everything that happened between us.

Carter: Yes, eric–

Eric: Yeah, look, I have donna in my life now, and she makes me very, very, happy, and I want you to be able to be happy, too. And, from what donna’s telling me, um–

Carter: Oh, [ Chuckles ] I think I know where this is going.

Eric: Yeah, to, ah, you and katie. Is that, uh, is that true?

Carter: We’ve been spending time together, yes.

Eric: She’s very important to me, carter. I would hate to see katie to get hurt.

Carter: I only want what’s best for katie, and whether that’s me or not, is too early to tell, but… I’m hoping so, but that’s katie’s decision. There is one thing I am certain of though. When it comes for what’s best for katie, it sure as hell isn’t bill.

Katie: We have talked about this. There’s nothing–

Bill: Okay, but before you answer, there’s something I want to give you.

Katie: I don’t want any gifts.

Bill: Oh, come on! I mean, ’tis the season, you don’t want me to be scrooge this year!

Katie: Okay, but seriously, I don’t need anything.

Bill: Oh, but that’s what the beauty of it. It’s not a thing, all right? It’s an experience.

Katie: An experience?

Bill: You, me, and will. A week aboard the stella maris. You name the destination, and I will make it happen. C’mon katie, doesn’t that sound beautiful? I mean, the three of us, we haven’t been together in such a long time. Oh c’mon, please. Please let me arrange this. Will would love it. It’ll give us a chance to bond together as a family. I-I know you want that. And, I want it, too. More than you could possibly imagine.

Steffy: It still freaks me out that I bumped into sheila.

Finn: Hey.

Steffy: I wish I’d gone after her. Maybe she’d be back behind bars by now.

Finn: No, look, you were in shock. Hey, don’t blame yourself.

[ Door opens ]

Steffy: Chief baker!

Finn: Do you have any news?

Steffy: Have you found her? Have you found sheila? My name is austin james. As a musician living with diabete

Eric: Well, I wish you luck. Katie has tried to move on from bill before.

Carter: And it’s never quite worked out.

Eric: No, it hasn’T.

Carter: I know.

Eric: Maybe this time it’ll be different, you know, their son is older. Keeping a family unit together for his sake may not be as important anymore.

Carter: No, I think katie’s finally realized that bill can’t give her what she needs. A man who can commit to only her, and not have eyes for her sister.

Eric: It’s a reasonable request for any relationship, wouldn’t you say?

Carter: I think so. No, katie would not have to worry about that with me. If I was lucky enough to be with her, she would never have to question my commitment.

Eric: You should tell katie that. Maybe under some mistletoe.

Carter: Mistletoe?

Eric: Uh-huh. Why don’t you come to the house for christmas, if you don’t have any other plans? Katie’ll be there.

Carter: Thank you. Yeah, I’d love to.

Eric: Oh, and as an added incentive, ah, bill is not on the guest list.

Carter: That’s even better.

[ Both chuckling ] Actually, she’s, um, with him now.

Eric: She is?

Carter: He reached out. Asked her to come over, she said he doesn’t sound like himself.

Eric: Yeah, well, whatever it is, it’s– it’s a manipulation. It’s a ploy.

Carter: A ploy?

Eric: He’s trying to get her to come back.

Bill: What better way to spend the holidays than the three of us, alone on our yacht, away from it all?

Katie: So you– you wanna do this soon?

Bill: Listen, we– we can stay away for weeks, for months, there’s no reason not to. Katie, I need this. You’ve no idea how much I need this time with you and our son.

Katie: I get that you want it, but, you– you keep saying that you need it.

Bill: I do. Seriously. You are my anchor. And, without you, I’ve– I’m sort of floating, uh, around, lately. Without you to ground me, it is a need. You are. I need you katie, like never before.

Finn: Is that why you’re here? You got sheila?

Steffy: Please say that’s true.

Chief baker: Not quite.

Steffy: What do you mean, not quite?

Chief baker: Well, it took a bit of digging, but we were able to pull some footage of her.

Steffy: But– but deacon said that they weren’t able to catch anything on camera at el jardino?

Chief baker: You think I trust deacon sharp? Hmph. No. We checked nearby establishments. A place down the street caught her on camera, she was leaving the restaurant. Didn’t look much like sheila, either, I’ll tell ya that. We have a direct match. Sheila carter is alive. Here we have our mystery woman caught on camera.

Steffy: This is the woman I bumped into!

Chief baker: Forensics was able to confirm with facial recognition, and retinal scan. It’s a 98% match. In our world, it means “no doubt”.

Finn: I knew it! I knew it!

Steffy: Oh my god, this whole time! Sheila really has been alive! When our daughter and her kids moved in with us… our bargain detergent couldn’t keep up. Turns out it’s mostly water. So, we switched back to tide. One wash, stains are gone.

[Daughter] Slurping

don’t pay for water.

Pay for clean.

It’s got to be tide.

Bill: I can’t do it. I can’t go at it alone, anymore.

Katie: Go at what, alone?

Bill: Life.

Katie: Bill. You’re lonely. That’s what this is all about.

[ Chuckling ]

Bill: I– I know– I know this doesn’t– doesn’t sound like me. But I– I– I feel like I’m losing myself.

Katie: Yet, you’re still wearing that necklace. You still, decided to put it on. Even though you know what it stands for. Do you really think that that’s gonna… lead you back to who you wanna be?

Bill: Then help me! Please? Anchor me. Anchor me, katie.

Katie: I can’T. I can’t be your anchor, bill. I can’T. It’s too much!

[ Sharp inhale ] I can’t hold you in place. You say that you need me. And I believe you, I do. I believe you, but– but you’ve also said that you need brooke, or someone like her. That– that’s what you want. You want to float, and do whatever you wanna do. You don’t want an anchor. Maybe you want someone who sees that sword, and admires it, for– for everything it signifies.

Bill: No, no. No, you– you’re not hearing me. You don’t understand. I really do need you–

Katie: What about– what about– what about what I need! I mean, it’s always been about what you want and what you need, and maybe– maybe, I need someone to hear me? You say that you– you keep learning things about yourself everyday. Your– you’re learning things about yourself. And you’ve done that. You’ve done that on your own, so maybe, maybe, you, should– should go to your yacht, and spend some time alone there, ’cause I– I can’t be with you.

Bill: What are you doing?

Katie: I’m– I’m gonna, um, I’m gonna get somebody to come pick me up–

Bill: No, no, no, no no. Please– please don’t leave–

Katie: I can’t, I can’T. I can’t give you what you want, bill, I can’t give you what you need.

Bill: Don’t go, not yet.

Katie: It was a mistake for me to come here

Bill: Please don’t, look, I can’t stand being alone in this house, and I can’t stand, I gained an enormous amount of weight due to a medication I was put on. When I started the golo plan and taking release, I was surprised at how easy it was for the weight to come off. I’ve never done anything better in my life.

Bill: I can’t do it. I can’t go at it alone, anymore.

Katie: Go at what, alone?

Bill: Life.

Katie: Bill. You’re lonely. That’s what this is all about.

[ Chuckling ]

Bill: I– I know– I know this doesn’t– doesn’t sound like me. But I– I– I feel like I’m losing myself.

Katie: Yet, you’re still wearing that necklace. You still, decided to put it on. Even though you know what it stands for. Do you really think that that’s gonna… lead you back to who you wanna be?

Bill: Then help me! Please? Anchor me. Anchor me, katie.

Katie: I can’T. I can’t be your anchor, bill. I can’T. It’s too much!

[ Sharp inhale ] I can’t hold you in place. You say that you need me. And I believe you, I do. I believe you, but– but you’ve also said that you need brooke, or someone like her. That– that’s what you want. You want to float, and do whatever you wanna do. You don’t want an anchor. Maybe you want someone who sees that sword, and admires it, for– for everything it signifies.

Bill: No, no. No, you– you’re not hearing me. You don’t understand. I really do need you–

Katie: What about– what about– what about what I need! I mean, it’s always been about what you want and what you need, and maybe– maybe, I need someone to hear me? You say that you– you keep learning things about yourself everyday. Your– you’re learning things about yourself. And you’ve done that. You’ve done that on your own, so maybe, maybe, you, should– should go to your yacht, and spend some time alone there, ’cause I– I can’t be with you.

Bill: What are you doing?

Katie: I’m– I’m gonna, um, I’m gonna get somebody to come pick me up–

Bill: No, no, no, no no. Please– please don’t leave–

Katie: I can’t, I can’T. I can’t give you what you want, bill, I can’t give you what you need.

Bill: Don’t go, not yet.

Katie: It was a mistake for me to come here

Bill: Please don’t, look, I can’t stand being alone in this house, and I can’t stand, who I am without you. You’re right. You’re right. You don’t know how right you are. I– I am not a good person–

Katie: You, just– stop, stop, stop saying that! Stop saying those words. You’re not a bad person!

Bill: When I have you, when you’re leading the way. That is the man I want to be. I swear. I swear, katie, I have a greater appreciation for you, now more than ever. I love you. I want to you back. Yes, I– I need you. You don’t like this necklace. I– I don’t care, I– I– I’ll take it off. I’ll throw it away. I’m only wearing it because I– I feel, like I, uh, need it for, protection. But if I have you, I don’t need it anymore. So, here, here, come here.

Katie: No.

Bill: You– you take it. Take it. You do whatever, you want to do with it. I don’t care. I only care about you. That’s all I care about. I just care that you will come back to me. You will come back to me. You will stay by my side. Stay by my side, forever. Please, katie?

Finn: Look, we were all but certain that sheila severed her own toe and staged the bear attack. It was just a theory. Now the police have actual proof, after your bump-in with her.

Chief baker: I have to commend the both of you for re-examining the evidence. If it wasn’t for you two, this case would still be closed.

Steffy: Okay, but we’re still no closer to catching her.

Chief baker: I wouldn’t say that. The security footage was very useful. Not just in terms of proving that sheila was alive, but also, telling us where to find her.

Steffy: You know what kind of car she was driving?

Chief baker: Even better. Her license plate.

Steffy: Oh, my god, this is great!

Chief baker: A stolen vehicle. No surprise there. We’re circling in on her. It’s only a matter of time, before sheila carter is found and arrested. I’m jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance th

Bill: Katie, uh, please, please cancel the ride.

Katie: I think it’s best if I go.

Bill: No! It’s not best. We need to talk this through.

Katie: I think we’ve said everything we need to say.

Bill: We haven’t! We haven’T. There’s too much more. I promise you. I promise you. I will be the man that you need.

Katie: What happens when I believe you? What happens when you hurt me again?

Bill: That won’t happen. Those days are– are behind us, those days are– are over. I swear to you. I will be exactly the man that you want me to be. You gotta listen to me. If you don’T… katie, it’s now or never.

[ Knock on the door ]

Katie: He’s here.

Bill: Who’s here?

Katie: I didn’t use an app. I– I texted a friend.

[ Door opens ]

Katie: Thank you for coming.

Carter: Not a problem. Bill.

Bill: Don’t do this. You can’t be with him. Here. Here is where you belong. With me. With me.

Katie: Goodbye, bill.

Bill: Don’t, katie.

Chief baker: Sheila can’t hide forever. Especially now that we have plates. I got the entire lapd looking out for that car.

Finn: If she’s still in town.

Chief baker: I’ll drop this picture off to your head of security. They need to know what she looks like in disguise.

Steffy: Okay, thank you.

[ Phone rings ]

Chief baker: Oh, excuse me one second. Baker.

Policeman: Sir, I’ve got her.

Chief baker: Sheila carter?

Policeman: Her car. Description. I’m tailing her. Southbound on la cienega.

Chief baker: I’m putting you on speaker. Did you call it in?

Policeman: You were

my first call.

Not sure if she’s

monitoring scanners.

Chief baker: Officer, don’t lose her! But, be aware, perp is very dangerous.

Policeman: Copy.

[ Police sirens blaring ]

Appears vehicle is getting

on the 405 heading south.

[ Sirens continue ] The suspect is fleeing.

Steffy: Follow her! Is he– are you following her?

Policeman: In pursuit.

Chief bake: Don’t lose her.

Finn: You– you can’t let sheila get away!

[ Sirens continue ]

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, December 9, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: Well, I’m not sure you’re gonna find that to be true in 10 minutes. I might not be that great of company today.

Tucker: Uh-oh. Rough morning?

Ashley: Yeah. Um, Kyle was really upset with me.

Tucker: Oh. What about?

Ashley: Jeremy Stark’s in town.

Tucker: Mm.

Ashley: Yeah. And Jack and Kyle both think that Diane’s in danger, and of course they blame me.

Tucker: Well, if you ask me about —

Ashley: You’re gonna say that she deserves everything she gets — right? — Because she brought it on herself.

Tucker: No. No. That’s actually not what I was gonna say.

Ashley: Oh, okay. What?

Tucker: [Laughs] Of all the people I know, you are one of the smartest and most capable and savviest. So please don’t take this the wrong way, but I believe you are in way over your head with this jeremy stark business. And I think it would be wise for you, moving forward, to um, distance yourself from nikki and Phyllis


Ashley: I love it that you want me to let go of my anger when it’s actually your past actions that need letting go of.

Tucker: Mm. God. I love you. And that is what I love about us, that we are equally matched. ‘Cause you see me, right? But I see you, too. You know, when you ended things, I recall you saying to me, “love isn’t enough.” And looking back at those days, I understand why it wasn’t, I mean, considering what I did to you and — and where we were as people back then. But if time passes and people evolve and — and two people come to have a deeper understanding, a deeper connection with each other, isn’t that enough? I mean, at least as a foundation to grow on? Aren’t we both wiser now and have enough life experience to [Sighs] — To realize what we lost? ‘Cause I know you know how good itwas.

[Chuckles] Can you imagine how much better it would be now if we just gave us one more chance?

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, December 8, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Hey.

Sally: I didn’t expect to see you.

Nick: Yeah. I can be unpredictable. Some mornings I’m at Crimson Lights. Others, I’m here.

Sally: Well, I expected it to be a Crimson Lights morning.

Nick: Is it a problem for you that I’m here?

Sally: Not as long as you behave yourself.

Nick: No promises.

Sally: Well, are you gonna be a gentleman and open the door for me?

Nick: Yes.

Sally: Thank you. I can get my own table.

Nick: Look, there’s no reason why we can’t have breakfast together. I’m still working through some things where we’ but I wouldn’t mind some company while I crush some pancakes


Nick: Hey, bud. Hopefully my dad’s not dragging you into too many crazy things.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] He’s keeping things interesting, just the way I like it.

Sally: Well, we don’t want to interrupt your morning any longer. Enjoy your breakfast.

Lauren: Thank you. They’re sharing a meal together, even though they don’t work together anymore. You think something’s going on?

Michael: There are thousands of things that concern me. Whether or not nick and sally are dating doesn’t even come close to making that list.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, December 7, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Care for a drink? Or maybe a watch to replace the one that’s obviously broken?


Audra: Apologies for being tardy, but I do have a life of my own and a job at Chancellor-Winters. What was this urgent information I needed to know?

Tucker: I have been informed that Jeremy Stark is in Genoa City.

Audra: Fresh out of Federal prison and he finds his way here? That’s not a coincidence.

Tucker: No. And I’m sure he wants to make Diane squirm.

Audra: She must be absolutely terrified. I mean, he has to be looking for a little revenge, right? But what about you? Should you strap on a bulletproof vest in case Stark comes looking for you?


Daniel: Yeah. Thought you could use some dessert.

Lily: I said no to the dessert menu at Society.

Daniel: I know. But I know that you still wanted something sweet. You just didn’t want it from there.

Lily: [Chuckles] Okay. Are you psychic now?

Daniel: Mm. Better. Impeccable memory. How could I ever forget how much Lily Winters loves dessert?

Lily: [Laughs] Okay, fine. Red Velvet cupcake and a cappuccino.

Daniel: Cappuccino? At this hour?

Lily: Yeah, you know, a CEO’s work is never done.

Daniel: Uh, you’re not really gonna go back to work? I know that was the plan, but it’s getting late.

Lily: No, I have to get back. I have a lot of deadlines pending. But thank you for tagging along.

Daniel: Ooh. Oh, I see. You — you think that this was all about you? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. See, I’m here for some of that Red Velvet cupcake action, too.

Lily: Okay, well, you better get your own ’cause I’m not sharing.

Daniel: I remember.

Lily: You remember?

Daniel: Yeah. I do.

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