Days Update Monday, May 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Xander, Sarah, and Maggie have tea in the town square. Maggie thanks them for the invite and comments on not knowing how much she needed to get out of the mansion. Xander brings up Konstantin. Maggie says they are doing just fine but there is such a thing as too much togetherness. Sarah hopes they never feel that way so Xander assures they won’t. Xander then reveals to Maggie that he proposed to Sarah and she said yes. Maggie is thrilled and excitedly hugs them.

Rafe goes to Black Patch and tells John and Steve that he has a special delivery. Steve thanks him for coming as Rafe says he was hoping to get them involved on the whole Clyde Weston mess. Rafe hands John the folder and says he hopes someone at the ISA can decode it. John notes that they know some pretty sharp code breakers there. Steve asks how things are at the police station. Rafe says they are busy and with Harris out, they are understaffed as usual. Steve bets a lot of cases are linked to the drugs that Clyde’s minions are still pushing on the streets. John declares the sooner they crack the code, the sooner they can take down Clyde and his whole operation. Rafe admits he’s more interested in what was on the outside of the book than what’s inside. Steve questions what he means. Rafe then explains that it could be the key to securing Gabi’s freedom and finding Li Shin’s real killer.

Harris returns home to Ava in his navy outfit. Ava welcomes him home as they hug and kiss. They talk about how much they missed each other. Harris mentions sticking around for a memorial service. Ava asks if it was emotional for him since she knows he had friends that died while serving. Harris says visiting grave sites of people you lost is always tough but fills him with gratitude. Ava is grateful he’s still here. Harris is grateful for their sacrifices and talks about paying tribute. Harris declares today the day that they have Clyde Weston in their sights. Ava says they are going to take that bastard down.

At the DiMera Mansion, Nicole tells Eric that she doesn’t understand and questions how Jude could be her and EJ’s son. EJ asks Eric to please explain. Eric says he’s still processing it himself but Sloan just confessed to him that Dimitri never took Nicole’s son to the hospital. EJ asks how that could be. Eric says he brought him to Sloan. EJ calls that impossible. Eric explains that Dimitri was on the run and thought Sloan could help somehow, so he left the baby with her. Eric adds that their private adoption had just fallen through, so Sloan kept Nicole’s son and told everyone else that he was their adopted child. Eric says now they know the truth that Jude is Nicole’s son and he belongs with his mom.

Maggie wants to know everything about Xander and Sarah’s wedding plans. Sarah says they are still trying to figure that out. Xander talks about taking Sarah to Scotland for the honeymoon. Maggie calls the ring very unique. Xander and Sarah say their love is together and always as they kiss.

Rafe informs John and Steve that Gil’s fingerprint and Li’s blood was found on the outside of the book, so he’s convinced Gil is the one who killed Li Shin and asks how else he would’ve come in contact with Li’s blood. John hopes Rafe can prove that as he can’t imagine what Gabi is going through. Rafe says he won’t say anything to Gabi until he’s sure that he can get the case reopened which they are working on. Steve says it’s a damn good thing that EJ is out as the district attorney. Rafe agrees, noting that Melinda isn’t a fan of his family either but she cared about Li, so he hopes she’ll be motivated to find his killer. Steve hopes so too for Rafe and Gabi’s sake.

Ava and Harris continue kissing as they talk about missing each other. Harris reminds her that they have to stay focused. Harris says he wants to make up for lost time, but the clock is ticking and then once Clyde is out of commission, they will have all the time in the world to spend together. Ava calls it all the more reason to get rid of Clyde and make things better in the world. Harris can’t believe that Clyde’s black book could lead to Gabi being cleared of murder. Ava says a lot has happened since he’s been gone and mentions EJ being out as district attorney. Harris asks if Rafe and Stefan have convinced the new D.A. to reopen the case. Ava says not yet but they are hellbent on proving that Gil murdered Li. Harris asks about the theory. Ava explains that Gil came looking for her, but found Li instead and they got in to it where Gil killed him and they know what happened days later when Gil found her. Ava talks about Wendy being such a good soul and so good to Tripp. Ava asks how she’s going to tell Wendy that Li might be dead because of her. Ava says their family finally got closure when Gabi was convicted but now all those old wounds are going to be reopened again as she hugs Harris.

EJ and Nicole question the doctor saying their baby was dead. Eric says he can’t explain that and guesses Sloan paid somebody off. Nicole can’t believe this is happening. Eric knows it’s a lot to process but says the only thing that matters is that Nicole’s son is in her arms. Nicole asks if this is really true. Eric figures they’ll want to run their own test but can’t imagine why Sloan would make up something so awful if it wasn’t true. EJ agrees that wouldn’t make any sense. Nicole brings up all those months ago when she held Jude for the first time and how she always felt like he was her son. Eric says he remembers. Nicole recalls Eric agreeing to the DNA test just to prove that it wasn’t true. Eric explains that Sloan said the results were tampered with. EJ says they will make sure all necessary tests are performed but the most important thing right now is that they all know the truth and their son is back home where he belongs. Nicole calls it incredible. EJ points out that Nicole knew it all along. Nicole says even when she had to let it all go, she always felt he was her boy. Nicole guesses it was parent intuition when it’s your child, you just know deep in your soul. Nicole tells Jude that she’s always loved him. Her and EJ smile with Jude as Eric watches on with tears in his eyes.

Maggie tells Xander and Sarah that they deserve a wonderful wedding as they fought hard to get here and had a few bumps in the road. Sarah and Xander joke that they don’t remember any bumps. Maggie then asks if she and Konstantin can get married first and that they wait until after to have their wedding. Sarah asks why before she agrees.

Nicole and EJ take Jude in to the living room as Nicole talks about how there’s going to be so many changes. Nicole tells Jude that he means everything to them and they are going to be a family like they were always meant to be. Eric sadly looks on as he brings in a bag that has most of Jude’s essentials and says he can bring the rest tomorrow but EJ says that won’t be necessary as they’ll purchase whatever else they need for a fresh start. Eric apologizes to Nicole and says he doesn’t know what else to say. Nicole says he has nothing to be sorry for since he’s a victim too and this was all Sloan. Eric doesn’t know how he didn’t see it and suggests maybe he just didn’t want to. Nicole argues that Sloan stole their baby, so she needs to be arrested and never see the light of day again. Nicole wants Sloan to experience the same emptiness that they did for all those months. EJ says there will be plenty of time for that. Nicole insists that Sloan needs to be punished. EJ says she will be, but she can’t hurt them anymore. Nicole complains that Sloan doesn’t get to just go on her merry way as she is a criminal and talks about if she gets her hands on her. Holly then comes home and calls out to Nicole, saying she’ll never believe what happened today in her chemistry class. Holly enters the living room and asks what’s going on and why Jude is there.

Rafe is on the phone in the interrogation room, questioning what is taking so long. Rafe says he knows Everett was released on bail and that they are wasting time debating this as he says to just do it and hangs up.

Nicole tells Holly that she won’t believe this but her brother didn’t die on the day he was born. Nicole reveals that Jude is her and EJ’s baby, so he is Holly’s little brother.

Sarah asks Maggie if she’s sure everything is okay with her and Konstantin. Xander asks if he did something to upset her. Maggie says it’s nothing like that, so Sarah questions why she wants them to wait to get married. Maggie says she just wants to be fully present when Sarah marries Xander. Xander questions why she wouldn’t be able to be fully present earlier. Maggie claims she’d be thinking about her own plans, so it’d be all about her and not them and every choice they made, she’d be comparing to her own. Sarah argues that Maggie is having a small, civil ceremony with just family and a few friends. Maggie says it’s still a wedding and with that comes complications. Maggie talks about the Hortons moving out of the Kiriakis Mansion and Alex and Theresa are moving in which Xander questions.

Steve tells John that Rafe seemed really stressed out. John remembers that feeling when he was on the force with all the open cases and not enough hands on deck. Steve comments that it seems the Salem PD is always understaffed. John adds that on top of all that, Rafe is trying to clear his sister of murder. Steve calls it all the more reason to hope the ISA decipher the black book. John is glad that Rafe trusted them enough and says now he has two more good guys to work overtime to bring down Clyde Weston. John notes Steve’s reaction and asks what’s bugging him. Steve asks John what kind of mission he thinks this is. John asks what he means by that. Steve asks how far they are willing to go to get Clyde Weston out of their lives. John asks if he’s asking if he’s willing to go outside the bounds of the law. Steve says he’s just thinking that it would be a good idea if he runs point on Clyde while John takes the lead on Maggie and Konstantin. John questions if there’s something he doesn’t know or needs to know. Steve says he just needs to keep a close eye on Ava as he’s pretty sure she’s on Clyde’s tail. Steve thinks back to Ava telling him that they needed a permanent solution to the Clyde situation. Steve tells John that he just has to make sure that Ava doesn’t screw anything up. John agrees that it sounds like a plan, but says that Steve must have more patience than a hospital to put up with Ava.

Harris tells Ava that he and his Navy buddies weren’t able to decipher the black book but once Clyde opens the e-mails they send, they will be notified of his location and they’ll know exactly where to find him.

Holly questions how this can be that Jude is her brother. EJ calls it a true miracle. Holly asks how. Nicole explains that there’s been a terrible mistake and Eric is here to make it right. EJ states that he and Nicole suffered so much grief when they lost their son, but now it’s turned to pure joy. Holly cries that she’s so happy for all of them. Eric says he should go. Holly stops him and says she’s confused as she thought he and Sloan adopted Jude. Eric reveals that it turns out Sloan was lying to all of them and that Jude is Nicole and EJ’s son. Holly realizes this means Eric is losing his son.

Harris goes to see Rafe in the interrogation room. Rafe says he’s glad to see him and asks about his Memorial Day. Harris says it was meaningful. They thank each other for their service. Harris brings up his request for a couple more days of unpaid leave but Rafe says he can’t do it as he’s drowning here and they need him. Harris hates to put him in this position but says he really needs those few days so he’s going to have to take them one way or another. Rafe asks if Harris is saying he’s going to quit if he doesn’t give him those days. Harris hopes it doesn’t come to that. Rafe asks why he doesn’t just tell him what’s going on and if it has something to do with his navy friends or what they found in Clyde’s black book. Harris notes that they haven’t been able to crack the code yet. Rafe says he took it over to John to see if the ISA can help out. Harris says the more people to help, the better and that he’ll coordinate with John. Rafe asks Harris again what he’s doing but Harris says he can’t explain right now and that he just needs the few days. Harris asks Rafe to just trust him. Rafe then agrees and tells him to take the time he needs and that hopefully he’ll have his job waiting for him when he comes back. Harris thanks him and they shake hands.

John asks if Steve and Ava are on good terms now. Steve says good is too strong of a word and he thinks he’s just getting better at accepting her for who she is and predicting her erractic behavior. John jokes about putting that on his resume. Steve thinks they are all on the same page as they all want Clyde Weston out of their lives. John brings up them all being at risk if Clyde blows the whistle on them when he’s caught. John warns that if Clyde tells the world that they were involved, they could be behind bars when the Maggie and Konstantin situation comes to a head. Steve admits that he didn’t think of that. John worries that they would be leaving Maggie out to dry when she needs them the most. Steve promises he won’t let that happen.

Xander questions Maggie letting Alex move in to the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie explains that she didn’t have a choice since Victor left him half the estate. Sarah questions moving in with Theresa as she didn’t know they were back together. Maggie says she tries not to pry in to their relationship but they are close together on some level. Xander laughs off that Theresa is after his money. Maggie feels Theresa really cares about Alex. Sarah points out that Maggie has a soft spot for Theresa which Xander says he’ll never understand. Maggie thinks Theresa just wants to be loved while Xander argues that she wants to be showered with the Kiriakis fortune. Xander worries about Maggie since she was stressed having the Hortons there and will now have hurricane Alex and tornado Theresa living there. Maggie repeats that it’s Alex’s father’s home which means it’s his legacy and luckily, the house is big enough for all three of them. Xander reminds her to include Bonnie, Justin, and Konstantin.

Nicole tells Eric that she’s so sorry as she’s been so caught up in her own shock and joy that she didn’t think about what he’s going through. Eric says it’s okay as this is not about him. Nicole says it is since Jude was his son. Eric tells her to focus on her family and that Jude belongs with his mother. Holly tells Eric that she’s so sorry as she knows how much Eric loves Jude. Eric thanks her and says it means a lot. Eric wants Nicole to know that he won’t fight for custody or anything. Nicole says she wasn’t worried about that, but she’s worried about him. Eric tells her not to as he just wants her to be happy. Eric says he appreciates her thoughts but there’s nothing she could do. Eric decides he needs to go deal with Sloan. Nicole wishes him luck as she knows that won’t be easy. Eric promises that Sloan will pay for what she did. Nicole repeats that she’s so sorry. Eric says he is too, more than she knows. EJ offers to walk Eric out as he wants to thank him for doing the right thing. Nicole then stops Eric and asks if he wants to hold Jude one last time before he goes.

Ava packs her bag and tells Harris that she’s ready to go as soon as they know where they are headed. Harris says it’s showtime then and gives her the flash drive as Ava pulls up the e-mail address that Clyde sent. Harris instructs Ava to send the e-mail and then they just wait, but they have to be ready to hit the ground running. Ava mentions not telling Roman yet that she needed more time off and admits she’s a little nervous since he just hired her, so she doesn’t want him to think that she doesn’t care about the job. Harris understands since Rafe wasn’t happy about giving him the time off either, so hopefully they can just get this done and when it’s over, their jobs will still be there. Ava still can’t believe Harris is doing this for her and now he’s putting his job at risk too. Harris says he is doing it for her and also for Tripp, Wendy, himself, and every person that Clyde tried to ruin the life of. Harris says he took an oath to serve and protect and he takes that very seriously. Ava guesses it’s just them against Clyde. Harris then reveals there’s somebody else he would like to loop in.

John tells Steve that Maggie is all in on trapping Konstantin as she set him up with an office at Titan with access to all of Victor’s charitable funds. Steve calls Maggie a brave woman and asks how it works. John calls it pretty simple to move around some funds and make it look like Konstantin is embezzling from Titan. Steve hopes he will be busted before Maggie has to actually go through with marying him. John says that’s the plan and they’re trying to nail down the timing because Konstantin has messed with Maggie’s life enough already.

Maggie remarks that it seems like a revolving door at the Kiriakis Mansion ever since they lost Victor. Sarah suggests that’s because Maggie is too generous. Victoria wakes up crying, so Xander decides he will take her for a diaper change, allowing Maggie and Sarah to have some alone time. Maggie calls Victoria the most beautiful baby in the world. Sarah is glad it’s just them for a minute because she wanted to talk to Maggie about something that she didn’t want to say in front of Xander.

Eric asks if Nicole is sure it’s okay. Nicole says of course as she knows how much Jude means to him and how much they mean to each other. Nicole then hands Jude over to Eric. Eric tells Jude that he’s grateful for all the time they shared and he will always love him more than he’ll know. Eric thanks Nicole and hands Jude back to her. Nicole tells Eric that he can come by and see Jude any time but Eric thinks it’s best if Nicole and Holly have time to bond with Jude. Holly tearfully hugs Eric. Eric thanks her and says he loves her. Eric tells Holly to take care of Nicole and then exits the mansion in tears.

Maggie tells Sarah that would definitely make her wedding more special and that she likes the idea, but she thinks she should run it by Xander first since it is his wedding too. Sarah agrees and guesses she will tell him but she hopes he approves.

John tells Steve that he will get the pages off to Andrew since cracking codes is what the ISA does. Steve declares they will have everything they need to find Clyde and wipe him off the map. John states that Clyde is a menace who has hurt a lot of their friends and family. John advises Steve to be careful as he knows he wants to take the lead, but it’s important they finish this out as partners. John then declares that more than partners or friends, Steve is his brother. Steve responds that he feels the same. John adds that nobody including Konstantin will ever drive a wedge between them because he trusts him with his life. Steve says the same as they hug.

Harris question why Clyde isn’t downloading the messages. Ava guesses he’s a little busy. Harris asks if she talked to Roman. Ava says Roman was busy, so she left him a note that she had to leave town on an emergency. Harris is sure he will understand. Harris then gets an alert from the e-mail to Clyde and it tracks that Clyde is at a public library in Ennis, Montana. Harris decides he will book the next flight out and asks if Ava is ready to put this mess behind her once and for all. Ava says let’s do it while Harris says there’s just one pit stop on the way.

Nicole and Holly sit with Jude. Nicole tells Holly that she knows things have been rough between them but she wants to thank her for the text she sent as it meant a lot. Holly apologizes and insists she didn’t mean any of the horrible things she said. They say they love each other as EJ joins them on the couch. Nicole calls it a new beginning for all of them. EJ agrees and kisses Nicole.

Eric returns home where Rafe greets him at the door. Eric thanks him for meeting him. Rafe says he’s glad he’s called and he’s sorry for all that Sloan put him through. Rafe asks if he thinks Sloan is home. Eric says he should be, but they head inside and Sloan is gone. Rafe asks if the place was like this when he left. Eric says no and goes to check the bedroom. Eric returns and notes that all her things are gone. Rafe then finds the necklace with Jude’s birthstone that Eric gave Sloan for Mother’s Day. Eric guesses that Sloan took off.

Nicole holds Jude in the living room and talks about how she knew it but she can’t believe he’s here.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Anna asks Jason to tell her details of what happened with Sonny and Dex at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding.

Anna also tells Jason that Brennan seems to like Carly and claimed to have stabbed himself so he can see Carly. Carly goes to visit Brennan at the hospital to ask him to keep Jason out of his business. Brennan tells Carly he can’t promise that but he is glad she came to visit him.

Tracy goes to offer her condolences to Chase about Gregory’s death. Chase blames himself for Gregory’s death because he asked him to officiate the wedding. Tracy tells Chase that officiating his wedding kept Gregory alive so, he shouldn’t blame himself for his death.

Alexis calls Gregory’s phone and Chase answers and gives Alexis the news that Gregory has died. Alexis considers taking a drink. Spinelli tells Sam he is having second thoughts about hacking into the FBI computer to help Jason. Spinelli tells Sam he will think about it and talk to her later. Spinelli talks to Maxie about helping Jason and she tells him to do it but not get caught because she and her family need him.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sally accepts Adam’s offer to move in with him and he gives her the keys to his apartment.

Sally tells Chloe that she is closing the interior design business and may have a temporary job at Marquetti. Chloe is hurt that Sally made all of these decisions without consulting her since they are business partners. Chloe wishes Sally the best with Adam and hopes that Adam doesn’t break her heart again.

Adam and Chelsea head off to Maryland for their first in-person visit with Connor.

Jack talks to Nikki and he agrees to be her sponsor again and Diane is very angry about it.

Victor and Cole tell Claire, Nikki, and Victoria that Jordan was found on the banks of the river alive. Victor explains that Jordan was taken to maximum security prison and won’t hurt them again.

Jill has a video call with Billy and tells him she has been having rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath, so she went to London where her brother Snapper is taking care of her.

Billy wants more details about her condition but Jill doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Jill tells Billy not to tell Lily or Devon about her condition. Jill tells Billy she will be fine and asks him to protect the legacy of the company. Jill tells Billy she is proud of him and loves him very much.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Steffy: You were at sheila’s wedding?

Finn: By accident. Okay, I was picking up the pizzas from il giardino.

Steffy: And deacon and sheila just happened to be getting married?

Finn: Yeah. Steffy, I had no idea it was going on. The ceremony was supposed to be at the beach.

Steffy: You weren’t just there, finn. You were part of the ceremony.

Liam: Well, I know how you used to feel about sheila, and now she’s your stepmom, so that’s fun.

Hope: Ooh, yes, definitely not my first choice. But she is my dad’s, so I– I have to support him.

Liam: Correction. You don’t have to support him. You’re choosing to support him, ’cause that’s the kind of daughter that you are and he is beyond lucky to have you.

Hope: I don’t know. You know, the weird thing is, they seem really, really happy together.

Liam: Gross. You know what the weird thing is to me? That finn showed up. What, is he out of his mind?

Rj: So, I’ve done the math. We have about 98 more kisses to make up for, okay?

Luna: I hated every second away from you, rj?

Rj: Not as much as me.

Luna: I’m just– I’m really glad that we were able to work through everything because it’s been so hard.

Rj: Yeah. On both of us. Which reminds me, how are, um, how are you and your mom doing?

Poppy: Bill and I go way back.

Bill: Way, way back.

Katie: Yeah, yeah. Twenty years. That’s a long time to be friends.

Bill: Yeah, poppy and I lost touch for a while.

Poppy: Yeah, and then we just happened to run into each other again.

Bill: Totally unexpected. I was grabbing some lunch, and then there she was.

Poppy: Fate brought us back together again for a reason. Gave us a chance to reconnect.

Luna: Yeah, I wish things were back to normal with my mom, but, you know, we’re trying to get to a better place, but i honestly haven’t seen that much of her recently. She’s been hanging out with bill spencer. I’m starting to think that she’s really falling for him.

Katie: So, how did you two meet?

Bill: We met at a music festival in the bay area.

Katie: A music festival?

Bill: Ah, here we go. Yeah, a music festival. Why is that so weird?

Katie: Um, I’m just trying to visualize dollar bill grooving it up in the grass.

Bill: Oh, well, you just– you take all the time you need. Uh, the fact is that poppy caught my eye. And here we are, some 20 odd years later, back in each other’s lives.

Katie: Well, that must’ve been one hell of a night.

Liam: Look, I’m not here to give you a hard time.

Hope: Oh, I would appreciate it if you didn’T. Besides, you probably won’t get where I’m coming from.

Liam: I mean, I rarely agree with my father, but he’s still my dad, so I kind of do.

Hope: Yeah, it’s just my dad and I were estranged for so long, and I just– I don’t want to go back to that.

Liam: I know your reason for feeling obliged to be there kinda at least makes some sense. Finn is a whole different story.

Steffy: What were you thinking? What, you just happened to stumble upon their ceremony?

Finn: Yeah. Now, look, I told you, I had no clue it was even taking place.

Steffy: Why wouldn’t you just take the pizza and leave?

Finn: They weren’t ready.

Steffy: So, you just stayed around and participated?

Finn: Look, I just– I– I don’t know. I didn’t know what to do.

Steffy: Well, you gave sheila exactly what she wanted. How could you do that?

Rj: So, poppy’s actually falling for bill?

Luna: Yeah, that’s the vibe I’m getting.

Rj: I mean, well, I can’t say I’m surprised. I mean, they’ve been on a ton of dates recently. I mean, what– what makes you think it’s gotten more serious?

Luna: Well, is it that serious for him? It’s hard to tell, but…

Rj: Luna, come on. Poppy’s this pretty, creative, smart– I mean, she’s all the good things. I mean, why wouldn’t bill be into her? Come on.

Luna: My mom’s always been super popular with guys, but it’s always been casual. I mean, my mom’s focus has always been the two of us, you know? Nozawa power. But I’ve noticed like this change in her recently.

Rj: Because of bill spencer?

Bill: Well, I’m sure you’d rather not discuss my love life, katie.

Katie: Oh, I don’t mind if you don’t mind.

Bill: No, it’s not awkward for me. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.

Katie: I don’t feel uncomfortable. I mean, you don’t have to explain anything to me. You haven’t had to do that in a long time. I’m just– I can see how happy you both are and– and as soon as I walked in here, I could tell that you had become close.

Bill: Poppy and luna have become a very important part of my life.

Katie: That’s good. I’m happy for both of you. I’m gonna take off. And, uh, truly, um, good luck.

Bill: Thanks, katie.

Poppy: It was lovely to meet you.

Katie: Yeah, same.

Bill: I’ll walk you out.

Liam: You know, he could’ve put his wife and his family first, but instead, he went with the not that option.

Hope: To be fair, sheila did kind of guilt finn into staying.

Liam: And he caved. Which tells me that if steffy asks finn for one thing, and sheila asks finn for the opposite thing, finn goes sheila.

Hope: Finn had no idea they were going to be at il giardino.

Liam: So what? So what? Let’s say it was dumb luck that he goes to pick up dinner and he just accidentally crashes his mom’s big day. What did he not do? Make a beeline for the door like any sane, rational, ethical human being. Instead, he stayed for the celebration.

Hope: Oh, my gosh, that is not how it happened. Finn felt deeply, deeply uncomfortable being there.

Liam: Yeah, I know. It’s uncomfortable when you directly disobey your wife’s wishes. She’s gonna be pissed.

Steffy: Were you planning on saying anything?

Finn: Of course, I was.

Steffy: When? Before or after the photo was posted?

Finn: I was just about to tell you, honey. And then you got the photo notification.

Steffy: Yeah, that photo just makes me sick.

Finn: I’m– I’m sorry you found out that way.

Steffy: So am I.

Finn: It was poor judgment on my part.

Steffy: Yeah. I asked you one thing. One. To not associate yourself with sheila. And what did you do? What did I just see? I see a picture of the two of you at her wedding.

Bill: You like it?

Poppy: A girl could get used to this.

Bill: Well, you ought to spend more time here.

Poppy: I’d love to.

Bill: I was also thinking we should take a little trip together.

Poppy: Hm.

Bill: Maybe the south of france. Monte carlo.

Poppy: Oh. Well, I’m gonna have to check my schedule.

Bill: Hm. Okay, you do that. You check your schedule. I’ve already been talking to my captain.

Poppy: Your captain?

Bill: I wanna take you on my yacht.

Poppy: You have a yacht? Like an actual yacht?

Bill: An actual yacht, yeah. The stella maris. Here, wait a minute. Ah, all right, take a look.

Poppy: Oh, wow. Uh, she’s yours?

Bill: Mm-hmm. All mine. What do you think?

Poppy: She’s beautiful, bill.

Bill: Yeah. She is beautiful. But not as beautiful as you. Something wrong?

Poppy: It was just meeting katie.

Bill: Yeah, I’m sorry about that. She has a tendency just to pop in. I– I guess she likes to talk about things in person. Like the parents weekend.

Poppy: Oh no, she’s fine. I mean, she was really lovely. She couldn’t have been sweeter, actually. But she was also intimidating.

Bill: Because she’s my ex?

Poppy: That, and she’s so accomplished and impressive. She’s so smart, stylish, pretty. It makes me wonder.

Bill: Wonder what?

Poppy: Why you weren’t together anymore. What happened between the two of you?

Bill: Uh, that is a very long story and I would just truthfully rather not get into it.

Poppy: Well, I just couldn’t imagine being married to you and then letting you go.

Hope: I don’t wanna lose my dad again. But that does not mean that I condone everything that he’s doing. I mean, believe me, this– this has not been easy for me.

Liam: Okay, well, there you go. I understand that you’re– you’re under a lot of pressure and this is complicated for you, but can we circle back one more time to the no sheila and beth in the same place at the same time? Can we just agree?

Hope: Yes, I understand, liam. But, food for thought, sheila did fight sugar to try to protect steffy and the kids. So maybe, just maybe, she is capable of change.

Liam: Ugh, now you’re really starting to sound like finn.

Finn: Look, I just– I don’t like seeing you upset.

Steffy: I can’t understand how you keep putting yourself in these situations.

Finn: Oh, but look, this was a total coincidence, okay? I had no intention.

Steffy: Of what? Being a member of the wedding party?

Finn: No, and it wasn’t like that.

Steffy: No, it was just the two of you. You and hope. You guys were the only guests. And now this photo of you, sheila and deacon, it’s on the internet for everyone to see.

Finn: Hey, I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make this right?

Steffy: You just have to learn to say no.

Finn: Okay, yeah. Honestly, you’re right. That’s exactly what I should’ve done. I should have just done a 180 and got out of there.

Steffy: Finn, this can’t– this can’t keep happening. I told you over and over again to stay away from sheila. And I hate to say it, but you– you let me down, again.


Luna: My mom and I have always been so close. I mean, I know her better than anyone. And I am positive that she’s falling in love with bill.

Rj: How do you feel about that?

Luna: I’d be supportive.

Rj: Hm.

Luna: I mean, bill’s been nothing but kind to me. Sometimes, I kind of wish he was my dad.

Poppy: It’s funny, we only spent that one night together, but I don’t think you realize how much it meant to me, bill. Even more than I realized at the time.

Bill: In hindsight, I wish that I hadn’t been so totally engrossed in my business. That I had reached out, tried to find you. Gone on that second date instead of waiting two decades.

Poppy: I wish you had too.

Bill: It’ll always be a big regret of mine.

Poppy: I was heartbroken.

Bill: Sorry for hurting you, poppy.

Poppy: You know, it’s crazy. Our lives went in such different directions. And, you know, if only we could go back and do it over again and not spend all those years apart. The difference it would’ve made.

Bill: Poppy, with everything you’re saying, I have to ask.

Poppy: Ask what?

Bill: Is there any chance at all that luna is my daughter? Do you know who luna’s father is? Could it be me?

Poppy: Yes, bill. It could be you. You might be luna’s father.

Hope: We don’t get to choose our biological parents. I mean, it’s not finn’s fault.

Liam: Does finn really not understand how much he’s undermining his marriage? How much he’s putting his family at risk with this whole connection to sheila? I mean, you, you’re you. I can’t, you know, if you wanna have a relationship with deacon and sheila, that’s fine. That’s your choice. I can’t stop you. Once again, though, the kids.

Hope: Yes, I– I heard you and beth will not be around them.

Liam: Thank you. Just be careful, okay? Because I don’t want you putting yourself in danger either. Sheila is dangerous and I don’t want you to listen to anyone who tries to tell you otherwise, including and especially finn.

Hope: Great talk.

Finn: I’m sorry for letting you down. You know, obviously my interactions with sheila are making you feel unsafe.

Steffy: You don’t make me feel unsafe. But staying at deacon and sheila’s wedding, like that is, that was the wrong move.

Finn: Okay, yeah. Look, I’m sorry, but you gotta understand, like, today– today was random. Okay, it was the last thing I expected. And I just– I didn’t– I don’t know, man. I just– I didn’t know what to do.

Steffy: You knew exactly what to do.

Finn: Look, I’m not making any excuses, but I was in a weird spot.

Steffy: How many times do i have to tell you this? You need to stay away from sheila. I don’t care that she’s your mother. I don’t want you to have a relationship with her.

Sheila: Finn, I– I’ve been given a second chance. Thank god, my son, thank god.

[ Kelly coughing ] Thank you, finn, for– for being at my wedding, baby. I love you.

Steffy: How many times do I have to say it? You need to stay away from sheila. I don’t care if she’s your mother. You can’t have a relationship with her.

Hope: I– I know you’re a little nervous about how steffy’s gonna react to this, but I don’t know if she should be the one dictating what your relationship looks like to your birth mother. I mean, maybe that should be up to you.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


EJ’s personal effects, I take it. Surprised you left them in his office. My office. And, um, I was going to send them via messenger, but since you’re here, you can bring them to your brother. Save me on the delivery fee. Sure. Can I help you with something? I actually came by to offer my congratulations. Can’t say that felt entirely genuine.

Why wouldn’t it be? I helped push EJ out of office and I’m a big reason why you’re back in this job, Melinda. You’re also a demure, so I would be a fool to trust you. Look, I lost this job once before and I have no intention of letting it go again. And if you even think about doing to me what you did to your brother, you will find yourself a very dangerous enemy.

Oh, God. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were working. It’s alright. Hello, stranger. Well, hello, Maggie. Oh, it feels like it’s been forever. Where have you been? I’ve just been laying low. I mean, it’s been a little too hectic around here for my taste. I mean, you are a gracious human for opening your house to the Horton clan, but It was a lot.

Well, it was very lively. Those kids can be rambunctious. Well, the kids are great. It’s the oldsters you gotta watch out for. You’re in present company, excluded, obviously. Obviously. Peace and quiet at last. You and Constantine, me and Justin, we finally have a place to ourselves. Am I right? Oh my god. So, how’s our baby boy doing?

Well, besides being perfect, because he is perfect, you know that, right? I do indeed. Every time I walk into the room, I can hardly believe my eyes. Our precious son is alive. The answer to our prayers. And you knew it all along. I felt it in my heart the moment I set eyes on him.

I know I said it before, but I will forever be sorry that I didn’t believe you. Can you ever forgive me? Honey, of course I forgive you. How could you have known? I had a connection with him because I carried him inside of me. You can’t beat yourself up for not recognizing your son in the same way. It’s not your fault.

There’s only one person to blame for what happened. I’m sorry.

Sloane! Did the place look like this when you left? No.

Look who thinks we’re gone. What’s this?

It’s the um, The gift that I gave Sloane for Mother’s Day. A jute spur stone. Damn it, she took off. I can’t believe she just left. She’s gotta know that running is just gonna make her situation worse. I’ll find her.

Hey, it’s me. I’ve got to put out an APB on Sloane Peterson.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Alex. Theresa, I wasn’t expecting you so soon. I, I didn’t know we needed to make an appointment to walk into our own home, but Bonnie, good to see you. Oh, oh. back. Got you handsome. So you two women in, you haven’t heard, uh, not right till right this minute. , Alex, you didn’t tell Justin. You know, we didn’t get a chance to connect, but uh, it’s not like it’s a big surprise or anything.

Well, he sure has missed you those last couple months. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled that you’re gonna be under the same roof. Right, yeah. I am gonna be pretty busy for the foreseeable future. I got a lot of businesses going on, but You know, I’m sure we’ll connect soon. Sure, I’ll have him penciled in soon into his calendar.

Right. Yeah. Okay, so where are your things? Movers are on their way. We should probably let Henderson know, right? You are welcome to alert him yourself. He’ll probably get the staff to come, you know, help you if you need it. Great Thank you so much Maggie for your hospitality. Honestly, it means so much. Of course, dear I am so happy that you are going to be living here

Look Melinda, I don’t want to get off my wrong foot here. Oh, is that what’s happening here? My only interest is in proving that my wife is innocent. Your wife who was convicted of murder. A murder that she didn’t commit. Now, EJ had no interest in righting that wrong, but I am hoping that you’ll Look, I am just getting settled back into the job here.

I haven’t made any decisions on any cases as of yet. All I’m asking is that you follow the law. Just out of curiosity, why didn’t your brother help you? Because EJ had his own personal agenda. But I believe that you are an honorable public servant. Plus, this could curry some favor from the police commissioner.

Oh, you understand I do not work for Commissioner Hernandez. Yes, I, I do understand that, but Wouldn’t it be a great message to restart your tenure as DA by bringing justice to Lee’s real killer? Look, like I said, I haven’t had a chance to look at the files yet. Could you look it over now? I’m sure that you will see that the new evidence that Commissioner Hernandez found is compelling and overwhelming.

Okay, I think I remember seeing the file around here someplace. Um, Ah, Here it is. The Lee Shin murder case. So does that mean you’re reviewing? Let me know as soon as someone gets a lead on Sloane Peterson. Thank you. And I want updates every 30 minutes. Listen, this just doesn’t make sense. Her passport, her driver’s license are still here, and her keys, they’re right here.

Well, obviously she left in a hurry. Which leads me to believe that she left a clue behind listening. We have officers at the airport, the bus and train stations, the APB, it is statewide. I just want you to find her because I want this to be over with. Yeah, we will. You have any idea how much of a head start Sloan has?

When was the last time you saw her? I assume she just left after I took Jude to Nicole, so, maybe a couple hours. Okay, that’s good. Salem PD is going to use every resource that we have. I also want to explore a couple other avenues.

We are never going to get that time back that Sloan took from us. And all those days and nights that we were away from our little boy. And I, I know holding him is going to make things better, but I can’t stop thinking about what we lost and how we suffered. Jude will heal us, Nicole. It’ll just take time, okay?

Yeah. I know, but I can’t seem to let go of all the questions I have about the details of that night. Very confusing to say the least. You know, after the accident, I trusted Dimitri to take our baby to the hospital because saving him was all that mattered. But when we got there and no one knew what was going on I think we were just all in shock.

The doctor not only told us that our child had died, but that had been accidentally cremated. We couldn’t even say a proper goodbye. E. G., that was awful. I thought I lost everything.

I never thought my life would be whole again. And it is now.

Now as far as how it all went down, the scheming, the manipulation You heard Eric. He and Rafe are going to make sure that Sloan faces the consequences. What about that doctor? And Dimitri, they owe us answers too. I suppose, yes. You know, I’m sorry E. J., but I don’t think Sloane pulled this off by herself.

She had to have had help.

So? I have to say, this is some interesting reading. Interesting? Yeah, uh, most of the cases that cross my desk are deadly dry, but this one, it has it all. Twists, turns, cliffhangers. I’m so glad you’re entertained. Listen, I can assure you that every piece of evidence in that folder has been thoroughly investigated.

All of the witnesses vetted and the bloody fingerprint on that black book, Rafe ran it himself. The brother of the accused ran the test. Well, I went through the lab, obviously. Obviously, I can’t take anything as fact until my office has run its own independent investigation. Well, sure. But you have to admit, these facts in this folder, seem pretty convincing in Gabby’s favor.

Do I? I’m sorry, what does that even mean? It means that Gabby Hernandez was found guilty of a crime by a jury of her peers. And as much as you and her brother want to paint a certain picture of innocence, that doesn’t make it true. What the hell, Melinda? You’re gonna review this case? Or do I need to go over your head?

Not sure if Constantine told you or not, but our plan is to move into the East Wing. Oh, that’s where the Hortons were living. Yes, I’m aware. But now that they’re gone, I’m thinking that should be a good enough space to suit our needs. Well, the East Wing it is. Henderson is, uh, cleaning it out now. All right, well, I’ll alert him to set up our rooms.

Rooms? Hold on, I thought we were sharing a room. Baby, this is the East Wing. This is a massive space. You’re gonna have a room. I’m gonna have a room. We’re gonna share a room. No more cramped apartment living. You know, and you’re gonna have a giant walk in closet that you’ve always dreamed of. And I’m gonna get you a wardrobe befitting for the, um, Someone with the cariocas air.

Someone with Really? Well, we haven’t really defined ourselves yet. We’re not really in the labels these days. Come on. Let’s go. Let’s go. We’ll set up. Okay. Thanks again, Maggie. Good luck.

What in the holy hell was that? What do you think the deal is with those two? That is a very good question. There are so many lingering questions about what happened the night of the accident and perhaps there always will be. But when I look into our son’s eyes, none of it matters. Nothing except making sure that he has the most incredible life a kid could ask for.

We need to count our blessings and focus on being the best parents we can be. I know. I’m trying, EJ. It’s just, Every time I think of Sloan, I just want to take my hands and wrap them around her neck. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You’re right. You’re right. I, I, I cannot let my anger take over. Away this moment, you, my precious boy deserve a mommy who is present and loving and hopeful.

And we’ve wasted too much time not being a family. And I’m not going to waste any more time thinking about that. Horrible. Sorry to interrupt. Have you brought in Sloan? No. She’s gone. Without a trace.

Okay, just got off the phone with Justin. He was surprised to hear that Alex was moving back in. Okay, good surprise or bad surprise? Well, mostly good. I mean, he’s Mm hmm. Mm hmm. to be able to spend more time with Alex, but he voiced some concerns over, let’s see, how did he put it? Ah, yes. The corrosive nature of the Kyriakos fortune.

Mm hmm. Well, I share that opinion. See, I’m counting on Justin to be a good influence on Alex. Worked on me.

We’re back. Everything alright up there? Oh, my goodness, more than alright. I’m telling you, I’ve probably moved 50 times in my life. I have never had a personal maid unpack my things. Oh, you better get used to it. That’s our life now. Oh, okay. So, will you two be joining us for dinner? Absolutely, but I do want to check out the menu.

A cook is probably out in the garden now, and I’m sure he’ll be happy to go over the menu with you and offer any alternatives, if you’re not pleased. Great. Alright, well, I’m going to actually head down to the stable. I want to check a few things out. And maybe later we can go for a swim. Wow. Work on that breaststroke.

Oh, sounds good.

Wow, I could really get used to this. Yeah.

Let’s be clear about something, Mr. DiMera. I am not your brother, nor am I some toady from DiMera Enterprises. I am the District Attorney of Salem, and I will not be pushed around no matter what your last name is. I wasn’t trying to push you around. Oh, okay, so that wasn’t you who was threatening to go over my head, whatever the hell that means?

I was attempting to apply pressure. I am very anxious to bring my wife home. I understand. It must be terrible having her locked away. Away from you, away from her daughter. It is. But we can right that wrong together. Melinda, I know that you and I, well, our past hasn’t always been pleasant, right? But I need you to know that I hold you and this office in the utmost respect.

I appreciate that. I heard your press conference. You said that you were committed to making Salem a safer, more just place. Doesn’t that mean releasing innocent women from prison and getting killers off the streets? Stefan, I have no personal issue with reopening her case. As long as the facts, they, they check out.

But you and I both know that only a judge can make that decision. So you’d be willing to take it to court? The court is, is awfully backed up at the moment. Okay, all I’m asking is that you do your best. And I will wait as long as it takes. You’re not hearing me. You might be waiting forever.

You don’t know where Sun went. Not yet. I’m sorry. Just while I was bringing Jude to you, she obviously took off. You don’t have to apologize, Eric. You brought our son to us. I should have called police first. Well, you were just acting like a parent, and you did the right thing. She’s right. Jude is our priority, too.

Look, we all hope that Sloan faces the consequences, but That’s out of our hands. Uh, so what are you doing to, to find her? Well, we’ve put out an APB, but so far she’s eluded us. I mean, honestly, I don’t know what she was thinking to run like this. Well, obviously she was thinking that she didn’t want to face the consequences or me.

So instead of taking responsibility, she ran like a coward. Yeah. Why are you here, Riff? Excuse me? Why are you here wasting valuable time when you could be out there finding her and bringing her in? Well, actually, I have questions for you, that’s why.

I’m not sure how I could be of assistance. How would EJ know anything about where Sloan is? Well, Sloane took off without her passport, her driver’s license, even her credit cards. And, uh, her car is still there. She left with nothing? Nothing. Well, maybe she plans to go into hiding and change her identity. I mean, she’s changed her name before, right?

Right, yes. But last time, no one was looking for her. Do you think she actually has the resources to stay in hiding and start over? I don’t know. I wouldn’t suppose so. I can’t believe you were able to get this done so

fast. You hold in your hands everything you need to start a new life. Driver’s license, social security number, passport. There’s a number for a driver in there who will take you to Chicago and provide you with an airline ticket in your new name. And the money? The details of your offshore account are included.

You’ll discover that it has been generously funded to last you a lifetime. Well, I’ve, um, I’ve never been to the Amalfi Coast. Oh, you’re going to love it. Sand, sea, and sky. You’ll never want for anything. As long as you promise never to return to Salem. Or tell anyone that Eric is Jude’s biological father.

E. J. Based on my initial investigation, I tend to agree. Sloan was resourceful, but she wasn’t exactly flush with cash. No, she wasn’t. I don’t even know how she got this far. Right, exactly. Um, quite far, in fact, considering her resources were so limited. Yours, EJ, on the other hand, are not. What

the hell? Why would I have to wait forever until my wife’s case is reopened? Melinda, you are sitting on evidence that an innocent woman is in prison. Isn’t it your duty to see that justice is carried out? And I do want justice. But as long as we’re being honest here, I, I believe he already got it. My wife is not a killer.

Look, that’s debatable. But let’s start by talking through what we already know about the case. A motive. Everybody knows that Gabby hated Lee. He blackmailed her for months, forced her to stay in a loveless marriage. A lot of people had issues with Lee. But not Gil. The guy that you allege murdered Lee? He didn’t even know him.

He was a known criminal. So is your wife. You are wrong about this, Melinda. I suppose it’s, it’s possible. And look, I, I’m, I’m still open to the idea that things might possibly change, but from my professional opinion, what you have here, circumstantial evidence, bias witnesses, it is not enough to reopen this case.

Or free her. Goodbye, Mr. DeMiro. No, no, no. Listen to me, please. Look, look, look. Do me a favor. Close the door on your way out.

If there is anything you need, anything at all, you just let me know. I want you to, I don’t know, feel at home here. Thank you. Honestly, you’re so kind. I’m just so grateful that I, I can be somewhere where I don’t have to worry about Brenton Utilities. I’m just glad to help. I know about your struggles.

About Brady and Tate and your career. Um, I just hope you take this time to sort out your life. You know, to figure out, well, what you want to do next. Yeah, I hope so too. Your friend Alex seems to know exactly what he wants to do next. Well, now that he’s coming to all that money. Oh, yeah, he is. So focused and so confident and so rich.

You just be careful Teresa. Money has a way of changing people. Amen sister. And I’m going to speak with Alex. Why is something wrong? No, there’s nothing wrong at all. It’s just a family matter that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Excuse me. Have at it Maggie. Okay.


You remind me of someone. I get that a lot. No. You remind me of me. I mean, sure, there are a few differences. I mean, I’m a little bit curvier. You’re a few years younger, but How exactly do I remind you of you? Well, it’s no secret that the first time I waltzed into this house, I had my eye on the prize, too.

Cariacas Cash? Yep. I tried to marry Victor to get it. But with Justin, it’s a whole different story. Seems to me, you’re going for door number one. Are you accusing me of being a gold digger? Oh, hey. No judgements here, sweetheart. Believe me. It’s perfectly fine to fall in love with a man and his money. As long as you’re not trying to con him like that miserable creep Constantine.

Word to the wise, stay away from that piece of garbage. I heard. You knew. As far as I’m concerned, as long as you love Alex, as much as you love his money. Look at me. Yeah? Do a poll for it.

What do my resources have to do with Sloane’s escape? What are you asking, Rafe? I am just saying that the DiMeras have resources well beyond what Sloan could muster on her own. Beyond what Salem PD could access, honestly. I’m sure that’s true. I’m sorry, you’re thinking that someone helped Sloan disappear?

I mean, no offense, DiMera like. That’s why we’re here. Okay, I still don’t understand. Okay, EJ, you and Nicole would like Sloan brought back to Salem, right? Of course. Yes, we want her to get what she deserved for taking our son. Right, exactly. Okay, so, it might be helpful if you were to, let’s say, reach out to some of your, uh, Connections that could possibly have insight on Sloan’s disappearance.

I see. You want our help in tracking Sloan in case this goes beyond the scope of the law. Well, I didn’t say that. But if you were to come up with some answers. Of course. Whatever you need. I’ll make some calls. Great. Okay. Excellent. Uh, I’ve got to get back to the station. Do you need a ride? Yeah, sure. Okay.

Um, you, do you want to say hi?

I don’t want to wake him up. Another time then.

You alright, pal? Yeah. No. No, no.

I know, man. It’s hard. Judy’s where you’re supposed to be. My heart.

Yeah. I know. I felt that pain. Yeah, I did. I had to turn David over after I was raising him all those months. It just doesn’t feel right. Reheal. He feels like my son. Yeah. It’s gonna feel that way for a while. Will. Hey. I’ve been through. Okay. I just want you to know that I am here for you. Whatever you need, okay?

Appreciate that. Yeah. And you know, I hated it. I hated it because people told me this all the time. But it’s true. Whatever you are feeling right now, It will get better over time. I promise. You’re right,

EJ. I cannot give any more of this energy to Sloan. And like you said, she will get what she deserves. But right now, I We do need to focus on Jude. I am very glad to hear you say that because we have a lot of work to do, starting with rebuilding the nursery. I can’t believe we’re starting over. I’ve already placed some orders.

We’ll have enough for at least the first week. Thank you for doing that. Of course, anything to make Jude’s transition as smooth as possible. And speaking of which, we do need to talk about your job. Right. I haven’t really thought about it. I know, I know, but you need to be honest with yourself about what you want.

Yeah. I mean, I can’t really see myself leaving Jude right now. I had a feeling you were going to say that. I will call Chad and talk to him about maternity leave. Okay. I know you love your job, but you need to take advantage of this happy time. No, um, I, I will. It’s just What is it?

I feel so lucky right now. And also a little guilty. Guilty? Why? Because now I, I have everything. And Eric lost everything. And he’s wanted to be a father for so long, and he’s had so many disappointments, and now this child’s been ripped away from him, and I feel for him. I do. But this is our child. Our son.

Eric was misled and duped. Okay, the happiness that we are experiencing right now should have been ours all along.

Maggie. Oh, you’re just the person I wanted to see. Likewise, I just came back from the stables. They’re an absolute mess. I mean, even the horses are embarrassed. It needs a complete renovation. When was the last time you actually had somebody go there and like, do the, like an inspection of the conditions of the stables?

Well, I can’t say for sure. Neither can I. Luckily, I have an architect who can come up with a whole new plan. He’ll create the whole thing and, uh, build it from scratch. I mean, it’s not gonna be cheap, but I can get a Titan construction crew out there and start demo right away. There is gonna be no construction on the grounds until after the weddings.

Weddings? Like plural? That’s right. Mine and Sarah’s. Xander and Sarah are engaged. Isn’t it wonderful? Sure. It’s great. Glad you agree. Yeah. I do hope that Teresa and I will be invited to the wedding though. We are family after all. We know Victor would want everybody to get along. The MDA. Do you have a minute?

Commissioner, if you’re here to talk about your sister, I’ll tell you what I already told Stephan DiMera about her case. I’m not here to talk about my sister. Well, not yet anyway. I promise you, we will be having that discussion very soon. I am here to talk about the disappearance of Sloane Peterson.

You’re family, Alex. And I think we can find a way to coexist in the house. Because that’s what family does. Why do I sense a but coming on? But I just want to be clear about the boundaries. Your boundaries or my boundaries? Both. Oh. I’m not going to roll over. And I’m not going to acquiesce to your every wish.

Now that you’re the Kiriakou’s heir. I mean, you talk about what Victor wanted, I promise you, he wouldn’t want you disrespecting his wife or anyone he cared about. Now, is that a warning? Oh, no, no, no, no. I just have limits. Yeah. And I have ideas, Maggie. About the stables. About this house. About the staff.

About how to shake off decades of stale thinking. Luckily, I am the future of this family and I’m going to take this family into the modern world. I hope. And I’m not going to hold back just because it might hurt your feelings.

Oh, well, so that’s what you think. This is all about my feelings. What else would it be about? I can tell you just love being in karaoke. You relish all the trappings of the lifestyle and the title and the power, and I don’t blame you. I’ve gotten caught up in it myself, at one time or another. But there’s more to it than a name.

So you’re saying you don’t think I understand? What it means to be Victor Sloan. I think that along with the perks, you’re going to discover a great deal of responsibility and sacrifice that comes along with it. And unless you’re ready to embrace all of it, you’re just merely playing at the job of being an heir.

What do you mean Sloan disappeared? Uh, well, she left the apartment that she shared with Eric just a few hours ago, took nothing with her, and vanished.

Sloane, promise me, promise that you will not take that little boy if you go on the run. I, I know you love him, but you just can’t do that. Don’t, don’t worry. I mean, maybe I can outrun the FBI, but E. J. DiMera Exactly.

If I do what E. J. says, maybe I get something out of it. If I admit that Jude’s Nicole’s, if I make Eric believe the lie that EJ’s the father, Uh, EJ helps me disappear. And you’ll be safe. Why would she do that? Because she got caught. Caught? Wait, where is her son? She didn’t take Jude with her, did she? Well, that’s interesting that you mention him.

I don’t know. He’s the reason that she took off. I don’t understand, Commissioner. Are you saying to me that you know nothing about this baby switch? Did you say baby switch? Okay. Sloan confessed to Eric that the adoption that you were helping to arrange many months ago fell through. But instead of telling Eric the truth Sloan somehow faked the death of EJ and Nicole’s baby so she could take him and raise him with Eric.

What? No. No, no. Sloan? She would not do something like that. I don’t believe it. You helped to arrange this adoption. You You honestly expect me to believe you knew nothing about this? That it had fallen apart? Once the details were confirmed, Sloan, she took over. As far as I know, Jude was the baby that they adopted.

She didn’t claim that I knew something, did she? No, Eric didn’t say that she mentioned you. But I have so many questions about this whole thing. Well, I do hope that you find Sloan soon. So do I. And I hope that I can trust you to see this through. Of course. You’re the DA now, and we need to be on the same side.

I am on the side of justice, for all who deserve it.

Oh my. Hey, hey, hey, shh. Please don’t slam the door. Sorry if I’m a bit frustrated, but if you had just reopened Gabby’s case when I asked you to. What the hell is this? You guys babysitting? No. This is our son. You what? Jude is awesome. I, I, I, I don’t understand. Short version, Sloane Peterson stole our baby and tried to play him off as hers and Eric’s adopted child.

Um, how the hell would she do that? That’s a good question. And so what, now she just decides to bring him back? No, Eric learned the truth and he brought June to us.

I can’t believe it. I’m so happy for you. For both of you. Thank you, Stefan. Yes, thank you.

I saw how badly you suffered when you thought you’d lost your child. My God, nobody

has the right to break a family apart. And sometimes the universe just makes things right. It shows us that miracles do happen.

Do we go from here? What’s the one thing we should do?

We were holding in our hearts The thing we wanted to


Seems we’ve lost that love too much

Temporary beauty was our crutch

Happily embracing an emptiness we’re chasing Cause we need to believe The light of love is shining bright, Will it get us through the night? What’s our story now? Ooo, Ooo What’s our story now?

What’s our story?

Alrighty. What did you end up getting? Well, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

Do you think that Jude. We’re like This. Well, I think he’s gonna love it. And I also think that I just One upped you. You went upside down, Pete. Uh, best grandma in the galaxy. And that you are. Oh, darling. I think I’m happy.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Laughing ]

Kyle: Hey, bud, how’d you like that ferris wheel?

Harrison: It was fun.

Claire: Thank you for grabbing my hand when I got a little bit scared. It was like you knew exactly when I needed some extra courage.

Kyle: You got scared, huh? How about you?

Harrison: I might have got a little nervous, just a little bit.

Claire: Really? I had no idea you were so cool under pressure.

Harrison: And the ducks were super hungry.

Kyle: Those ducks are getting chubby. I think you may be feeding them a little too much, sir.

Harrison: Nuh-uh.

Kyle: Well, go on up and get washed up for dinner, okay?

Harrison: Is claire staying?

Kyle: You know you’re more than welcome to, right?

Summer: Oh, my god, chelsea. My heart goes out to you and adam. Seriously. I know how hard it is to see your child suffer, especially when there’s nothing that you can do to take their pain away.

Chelsea: Yeah, it’s been very difficult. I feel helpless. Cut off from my son. Which is why I asked you to meet with me. Connor’s doctors say he’s ready for a visit from us.

Summer: That’s great.

Chelsea: It is. Um, but I’m afraid I have a huge ask.

Summer: Ask away.

Chelsea: Well, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate how supportive you’ve been to me. You know, not just as my boss, but as my friend. Um,, I feel like I really need to be more present and available for connor as he goes through this, so, I’m asking to take a leave of absence.

Summer: Of course. I mean, take whatever time you need, chelsea. Whatever connor needs.

Chelsea: Thank you. I know the timing couldn’t be worse.

Summer: We’re up against some deadlines for the winter collection, but…

Chelsea: Which is why I don’t wanna leave you in the lurch. I have a suggestion that I hope you’ll keep an open mind about.

Adam: I know that I’m gonna feel better once I can see connor’s face in person. You know, these video calls are just not cutting it.

Sally: I can imagine you’re relieved.

Adam: But I’m not looking forward to leaving you.

Sally: Well, we have tonight.

Adam: Yes. But there is something more that I, uh, I need to tell you.

Sally: I don’t know if I like the sound of that.

Adam: Okay, it’s nothing bad. At least I don’t think it is. I just– I wanna be completely up front with you so there’s no repeat of a misunderstanding. I don’t want you to get angry at me like you did when I spoke to my father about bringing your design company under the newman umbrella.

Sally: What did you do this time?

Jack: I’m actually feeling hopeful about ashley now that she and traci and alan are headed to paris. He seems convinced she experienced something significant that undermined her stability. Hopefully they’ll get to the bottom of whatever her problem is and work it out there.

Diane: Well, that’s– that’s good. But ashley’s not the only one I’m concerned about.

Jack: If you mean me…

Diane: Yes, I do. And how you’re dealing with all of this. Now that you have professional confirmation about ashley’s psychological problems and on the heels of everything that happened with nikki, it’s a lot. And I’m sure it’s weighing heavily on you.

Jack: It is a lot. You’re right. But I’m doing fine. I’m not fixating, I’m not spiraling, not having trouble functioning. I’m not in the least inclined to hide behind a haze of pills or anything else.

Diane: Well, I certainly hope that’s the case.

Jack: I want you to believe that. Look, as far as ashley goes, I am optimistic that once she gets to paris, she will turn a corner.

Tucker: Ashley’s in paris?

If you have wet amd,

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

Summer: Okay, I will try to keep an open mind.

Chelsea: What you need is someone who’s a great designer, who knows how to launch a line, can manage a team, make sure everything is done on time. Very few people can seamlessly take that ball and run with it.

Summer: That is true. If you have somebody like that in mind, I mean, that’s– that’s great.

Chelsea: Okay, so I know you don’t have a great history with sally.

Summer: Sally?

Chelsea: I know, but listen, she’s changed. Trust me, I had my reservations about her at first too. But seeing how supportive and wonderful she’s been to adam when he’s had to handle all this very upsetting connor news, I think that’s just who she is as a person.

Summer: Okay, well, based on my experience with sally, she really had nowhere to go but up, so…

Chelsea: Okay, but you have to admit, from a creative and business perspective, she is very talented.

Summer: Sure, sally has put out some great designs, but, I mean, she’s not even in fashion anymore. She moved on to interior design.

Chelsea: Well, apparently she’s not happy with that decision. And, I mean, she is a fashion designer at heart. It’s, like, in her dna. And according to adam, she misses it.

Summer: I’m really not thrilled with this idea. Sure, it would solve some of the problems, but… it’s sally.

Adam: Okay, like I said, it’s not a bad thing. In fact, you may see it as a great opportunity.

Sally: Okay, now I am concerned. What– what is this opportunity?

Adam: Chelsea’s planning on taking a leave of absence from marchetti. She wants to have more time for connor. She wants to be available to focus on his needs. So, I asked her if she would suggest to summer that you fill in to finish the winter line.

Sally: Wait, you asked chelsea to pitch me to summer?

Adam: Yeah, but don’t get upset, okay? I did not commit to anything on your behalf. I just suggested it to test the waters out.

Sally: So, your ex is supposed to tell the woman who hates me, “hey, what about this option?”

Adam: You told me how much you miss working in fashion. And this possibility just opened up. I felt like I had to say something. I mean, anything to get you a shot at getting back to your dream, your one first love. I hope I didn’t do the wrong thing again.

Sally: I’m not upset. I’m not. How could I be? I mean, everything that you’re going through, and you still thought about me. I– you’re amazing.

Adam: I’m just relieved you’re not upset. And this could be a perfect thing for you.

Sally: How did chelsea respond?

Adam: She sees the logic. She’s totally open to the idea.

Sally: Wow. Okay, well, I’d have to thank her for that. And yeah, yeah, it would be an amazing opportunity for me right now. I’m just not gonna hold my breath. I mean, the likelihood of summer actually wanting to work with me is probably slim to none.

Adam: Come on, you don’t know that. There is a chance that she’s let go of the acrimony between you. You’re talented, and you’ve got a lot of business savvy. Summer’s father had enough faith in you to back your business. Nick’s opinion counts for a lot. So with some luck, you know, maybe summer will recognize that this could be a smart move for marchetti.

Sally: I really appreciate your faith in me. But it’s a long shot, adam. It’s great. But it’s not likely. And I really do not wanna spend our last night together for a while talking about me and my career.

Adam: Well, I did not want tonight to be all about business either. And I can think of a few more appealing topics.

Sally: You can, can you?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: Like what?

Adam: I think we deserve something special before I go back to the east coast. Don’t you?

Jack: This is a private conversation. Just because you overheard something doesn’t mean you’re entitled to know more.

Tucker: Yeah, but I thought I overheard you say that ashley’s in paris. Is that something dr. Alan approved of? Has he weighed in on her diagnosis yet?

Diane: Tucker, now is not the time.

Jack: Where ashley is, what she does, what her diagnosis is, is none of your damn business.

Tucker: Jack, don’t you realize by now that I only have the best intentions for her and her recovery at this point? Oh, I guess he didn’t tell you that I was the one who brought her home after she collapsed.

Jack: Why would I tell her anything about you? You have nothing to do with this.

Tucker: Oh, really? Nothing to do with it? She hit on me, you know. She wants to start back up with me again.

Diane: Tucker, I think you heard what you wanna hear.

Tucker: No, no. She wants me to believe that we could still have everything we might have had as a couple. But I am not gonna go there with her, so I took her home.

Diane: Well, good for you. But I’m wondering why you suddenly decided to be her hero. What’s– what’s in it for you?

Tucker: Nothing. I just don’t wanna make matters worse for her. ‘Cause I still care about her, believe it or not.

Jack: As if you ever did.

Tucker: Yes, I did. I still do. So why don’t you tell me what she’s doing in paris?


Summer: Chelsea, I really appreciate you trying to find a fix for this. I’m gonna need to think about it.

Chelsea: I understand. And I’m sorry I’m not giving you much notice.

Summer: Well, personal issues don’t really adhere to a work schedule. It– it’s fine. It– it will get handled.

Chelsea: This is really stressing you out, isn’t it?

Summer: No. Not this. Well, I mean, not just this. A couple of things have come up recently. It requires me to make a big decision. And to trust people that I have a very good reason not to. Actually, you might wanna get a refill. I have a lot to catch you up on.

Claire: Thanks for the invite, but I should get home.

Harrison: I wish you could stay. We had the best day ever.

Claire: Oh, I had the best day too. But fingers crossed we’re gonna have even better days, you and me.

Kyle: That’s right. Go on, dinner’s almost ready.

Claire: So… do you think that summer was being sincere about considering me for the nanny position? Or was she just being polite?

Kyle: In front of harrison? She wouldn’t get his hopes up just to shoot them down.

Claire: I guess I’m nervous about getting my hopes up too, so I’m being cautious.

Kyle: I mean, summer had to have seen how happy and comfortable harrison was around you. I mean, how could she not? And I told her that being around you puts his little mind at ease, so it makes sense that she’d be open to reconsidering her position on this.

Claire: Open’s great, but that doesn’t mean it’s a done deal. I mean, it must still be hard for summer to trust me. Why should she?

Sally: Dinner was perfect.

Adam: And so were you.

Sally: I’m gonna miss you. But my heart will be with you the entire time you’re in maryland.

Adam: It helps to hear that. I am a little tense about going. I have this constant worrying in the pit of my stomach, you know, just wanting him to be okay. We haven’t seen him in person since we dropped him off at the facility. I mean, it feels like forever.

Sally: Well, maybe that’s been good for connor. He’s probably been improving every day.

Adam: No, that’s what worries me. You know, how will our trip affect him? Is it gonna help or is it gonna trigger a setback? Are we selfish to go? Is this more about us than him? You know, ’cause the last thing that I wanna do is set him back anymore or undo any progress.

Sally: Adam, come on. Don’t create negative scenarios around the unknown. Seeing you and chelsea may be exactly what connor needs right now. Having in-person time with his parents could make all the difference in the world.

Adam: You think so?

Sally: I mean, the doctors would tell you otherwise, wouldn’t they?

Adam: Oh, they sure would.

Sally: I am sure connor misses you. And having the comfort of the people that love him more than anything in this world could really, really lift his spirits.

Adam: Well, I hope you’re right.

Sally: But, connor will be taking cues from you and chelsea. So, if you’re tense, he’s gonna know it.

Adam: Well, that’s the last thing that I want. I don’t want him to worry about us.

Sally: Right.

Adam: Or our feelings.

Sally: So, then all you need to do is be the calm, devoted, insightful father that he loves and adores.

Adam: You always know the right thing to say. Especially when I need to hear it the most. And I can’t tell you how much I love you for that. Among other things.

Jack: Okay, fine. You wanna know why ashley’s in paris. Alan seems to think that this situation with ashley stems from an incident that happened after her fight with you.

Tucker: Please don’t tell me you’re trying to convince her or alan that it was our fight in paris that’s the underlying cause of these issues. Really? Just blame tucker again?

Jack: No, no. This isn’t about tucker mccall for once, or about your little fight. I said it was after the conflict, but you blew right by that.

Tucker: Oh. In that case, I’m sorry. I apologize. Please go on.

Jack: Do you have any clue as to what might have happened after? Anything that might inform this conversation?

Tucker: No, I wish I did. But, I came right back here after the fight and I didn’t see or talk to ashley until much later after she got back. So is the plan that dr. Alan’s taking her back there so she can face the trauma head-on? Sounds reasonable.

Diane: I’m glad you approve.

Tucker: I wish her the best. And I will– I will try not to run into her while I’m there.

Jack: Wait. You’re going to paris as well?

“The darkness of bipolar

depression made me feel like

Diane: Tucker, seriously? You’re going to paris? What is wrong with you?

Tucker: My trip was already booked, diane. Would you like to see my itinerary? It’s a business trip for glissade, which is headquartered there, if you recall.

Jack: Oh, yes, I do recall. A convenient coincidence, isn’t it? God, I’m so sorry I told you anything about ashley’s whereabouts. It’s just the kind of information you would abuse.

Tucker: Don’t you get tired of this? Always playing the blame game with me?

Jack: Oh, I am sick and tired of it. But for what it’s worth, it’s not a game. I have no doubt in my mind you played some role, however minor, in what’s happening to ashley right now. And no, I don’t trust you not to interfere and drag her further back. Stay the hell away from ashley.

Tucker: I intend to, jack. The last thing I would like to do is muddy things for her. If she’s truly serious about dealing with this.

Jack: If?

Tucker: Yeah, her decisions have not exactly been set in stone lately. That’s not a judgment on her, that’s just an observation.

Jack: You don’t get to doubt ashley, or question her judgment. You don’t get to have any questions about anything in her life. You understand that?

Tucker: May I be a concerned observer in that case? And no matter what her diagnosis is, or whatever…

Jack: This is none of your business, do you hear me? And you care to keep this to yourself. The last thing ashley needs right now is her personal life dragged around by outsiders.

Tucker: I haven’t told anyone.

Jack: Good, keep it that way.

Tucker: Of course I told you a while ago, didn’t I? And what did you do? Instead of listening, you just went off on me. Because you’re part of the problem, jack. Yeah, you’re part of the reason she didn’t get the attention she needed when she needed it. Now, I would love nothing more than for her to beat this thing, and go back to being the person she was. Do you?

Jack: Boy, we can’t get that bastard out of our life, can we? If he does anything to jeopardize her recovery…

Diane: You know what, jack? Maybe we should just accept what tucker’s saying.

Jack: What?

Diane: I mean, I– I don’t like him or trust him either, but think about it. What motive does he have for interfering?

Jack: Oh, far be it for me to try to guess at his motivations. All I know is he could do real damage now that ashley has finally agreed to get help. Seeing him on the streets of paris would trigger her immediately.

Summer: Kyle wants to hire my new cousin claire as harrison’s nanny.

Chelsea: Oh, victoria’s daughter.

Summer: Yeah.

Chelsea: Adam mentioned her. Is she qualified? I don’t know much about her.

Summer: Oh, my god, chelsea, it is so ugly. I mean, it’s beyond ugly. It was very dangerous. Basically, claire came to genoa city with a mandate from her crazy aunt to get in good with the newmans.

Chelsea: A mandate?

Summer: Yes. Her aunt, jordan. She’s been out to destroy the entire newman family for years. All because of this slight to her late sister that happened decades ago. So she was using claire, and the two of them poisoned basically my whole family. They tried to kill my dad, my grandparents, my aunt victoria, I mean, claire’s own mother. And if her aunt jordan weren’t dead, she would be trying to finish the job. And all of the newmans have just forgiven her. They’ve welcomed claire back into the family, and now she’s supposed to look after my kid.

Chelsea: Wow. That was a lot that happened in a very short amount of time.

Summer: I know. And the whole thing is like, “poor claire.” That’s what everybody says. She’s jordan’s victim, because she had to deal with all the psychological damage from 20 years of brainwashing. And– and I– I get that. I do. What I don’t understand is how they just trust her suddenly. I– I can’t do that. I’ve been the lone holdout because I have to protect my son.

Chelsea: Yeah. I mean, I’m a firm believer in having caution, especially where our kids are involved. We need to protect them at all costs. I don’t know. I mean, if the newmans of all people have come to accept claire after everything she did, they must trust her. They must see something in her that gives them confidence. Maybe eventually, one day, you’ll be able to see that too.

Kyle: So, are you trying to talk yourself out of a job?

Claire: No, no, no. I’m just saying, look at me. On paper, I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a kid. Or an adult. Or anyone, really.

Kyle: Well, this isn’t on paper. This is in person. And practically everyone has said you were a good fit as harrison’s nanny.

Claire: Well, that makes me feel really good. But if summer can’t overlook my history, no hard feelings. I get it.

Kyle: Well, don’t worry. Summer wouldn’t have said anything if she wasn’t seriously considering it.

[ Cell phone buzzes ]

Kyle: Hmm. Well, I can’t be sure what this means, but summer says she’s on her way over. To talk.

Adam: Hey, something just hit me.

Sally: Something good or something bad?

Adam: Well, potentially something great. But that depends on you.

Sally: Okay. What is it?

Adam: Move in with me.

Did you know…

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Summer: Claire, hey. I didn’t know that you’d be here. Is everything okay with harrison?

Kyle: Yeah, he’s upstairs getting washed up for dinner. I’m happy to report today was a massive success.

Claire: The ferris wheel was a big hit. So were the ducks.

Summer: Good. I’m glad. And, um, actually, I’m glad that you’re here. I was thinking about our conversation in the park and I– I wanted to follow up on that.

Kyle: Have you made a decision about the nanny position?

Summer: Not yet. There were some questions that I wanted to ask.

Claire: I’m ready to answer anything and everything that you wanna know.

Summer: Well, um, okay. Most importantly, what would you do in case of an emergency?

Claire: I would call 911 immediately, depending on the severity of the emergency, and then I would text or call you and kyle.

Summer: Do you have any first aid training?

Claire: I took a course in high school, so I know the basics, including cpr. Do you have any qualifications in childcare, like a certificate or a degree or diploma? Anything like that?

Claire: No, but I’ve been doing extensive research on childcare.

Summer: What have you learned so far?

Claire: So much. I’ve learned that children harrison’s age need to have an established schedule, and I would be responsible for honoring it at all times when I’m with him. I would also need to know his likes and dislikes, things like how much outdoor time is best for him. What kind of after school activities would you do with him?

Claire: First, I would limit his screen time. It’s fine to have a little bit, but there are just so many other things to do for fun. I love art and music, and it seems like he does too, so we would paint or draw or color while listening to music. Maybe we could get a keyboard and figure it out together. You guys would be more than welcome to join the jam sessions.

Summer: Well, you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into this, and you’ve done your homework.

Claire: It’s been really fun for me. But on the flip side, I understand the trauma that harrison has faced. Not just the recent abduction, but my mom filled me in on the whole history with his biological mother and the man he thought was his father. And I can relate to those feelings of abandonment and– and confusion that harrison must have felt.

Summer: Kyle and I have done everything in our power to mitigate the damage from all of those early losses.

Claire: And that is what is so beautiful about your family. You have dealt with every trauma. It’s obvious that he still sees the world as a magical place that he can’t wait to explore. That adorable, caring, and resilient little boy is a testament to your love.

Sharon: Chelsea! Nice to see you! How’s connor? How are you?

Chelsea: Um, honestly, things are a lot rockier than I’d hoped. And right now, I’m not sure how much rockier they’re going to get.

Sally: Wait, you want me to move in with you?

Adam: I want… is it too out of left field? You look shocked.

Sally: No, I’m not shocked. I’m just surprised.

Adam: Even though you’re here most nights?

Sally: I mean, yeah, that’s true.

Adam: And I mean, you have stuff in the bathrooms and extra outfits in the closet, just in case.

Sally: Yeah, I mean, that’s also true.

Adam: And this place, it’s pretty great.

Sally: I’m not arguing any of that. Look, we don’t have to talk about this tonight. I mean, you’re getting ready to go out of town.

Adam: But, I’m not gonna be gone long. You could move in while I’m gone. I mean, take over the closet to your– your heart’s content. Redecorate if you want.

Sally: This is a really big decision, adam.

Adam: I mean, look, I know that you have housekeeping at the club, but you know what they say. There’s no place like home.

Sally: That’s a really loaded word, you know.

Adam: It is. Home means something constant. Something you can count on. It’s a place where you can recharge and be yourself. There’s something to be said about having your own key and your own refrigerator with your own food. Your own bed. I mean, look, I know that it’s a very big step.

Sally: Yeah, it’s a huge step, especially when things are so up in the air for you right now. Adam, please look at me. You don’t have to give me my own closet and my own key to know that you can count on me. You know that, right? I’m not going anywhere.

Adam: Well, maybe I want you to know you can count on me.

Sally: That sounds beautiful. But I am gonna take a moment to think about this. And I really want you to do the same.

Adam: Hmm. Well, take all the time you need. But just know how much this would mean to me. Think of how happy we would be. Let me give you a place to call home. It was one thing when my mom got alzheimer’s,

Sharon: You must be so happy finally getting to see connor again in person.

Chelsea: Happy, yes. But also torn between excitement and absolute terror.

Sharon: Well, there’s nothing to fear in seeing your son.

Chelsea: I know. You know what? I think I’m just– I think I’m just missing billy. You know, he’s my– he’s my touchstone. He keeps me grounded.

Sharon: Well, don’t sell yourself short, okay? I know that you have a wealth of strength and a bottomless reserve of love and compassion for connor. And that’s exactly what he needs right now.

Chelsea: Well, thank you for the kind words, sharon. But I’ve really had to rely on a lot of people to get through this. Adam, actually, being one of them, he’s surprised me through this journey.

Sharon: Yeah. When he lets himself care, I think he has a lot more to offer than even he realizes.

Chelsea: It’s true. And don’t get me wrong. I mean, he certainly has stumbled, but so have I. Overall, though, throughout this whole thing, he’s been really open and caring and compassionate. I’m grateful that I could rely on that.

Sharon: Well, I love that for you. And for him. You know, adam can really rise to the occasion just when you need it the most.

Hold me steady now

and I need your solid ground

to carry on

’cause I’m not ready

so hold me steady

Summer: Look, I appreciate all the research that you’ve done for harrison’s sake. He really is such a special little boy, and he has experienced a lot of loss. But that joy that he has, the excitement to meet every day, I want, well, I mean, we want to nurture that.

Kyle: And the projects and the music and the rest, we love that.

Claire: Your son is so sweet. And I feel like we’ve bonded after everything we’ve been through. I guess, privately, I was hoping that you would change your mind about me. So, yeah, I did a little bit of research. But also because I feel like this is my career path, working with kids. It feels right.

Kyle: You’ve definitely gotten a good start.

Claire: Well, I wanted to learn as much as I could so that I could get a strong sense of harrison. So I could best serve his needs. And, to be honest, I– I’m envious of how lucky he is to have such loving and supportive parents.

Summer: Okay. We get it. You don’t have to lay it on so thick. It’s fine.

Claire: I must sound so serious. Um, well, I mean every word of it. And I’m not looking for pity here. But I would’ve loved to have grown up with parents who put their child first. Makes the world a different place when you know where you belong and who you belong with.

Audra: I got your message, tucker. How did you find out I was in paris? Are you keeping tabs on me?

Tucker: No, I’m not.

Audra: What part of I’m done with you don’t you understand?

Tucker: If that’s the case, why would you be meeting with personnel at the companies glissade acquired?

Audra: So you are tracking my every move.

Tucker: No, uh, I’m not. Um, what part of all or nothing don’t you understand? You walked away from me. You walked away from everything.

Audra: Okay, just because you think that way doesn’t mean I do. You and I are done. Glissade and I are not.

Tucker: Audra, do you really think that’s how this is gonna work? I’m afraid you’re very mistaken. (Vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn’s disease

Audra: You’re stalking me, tucker, and I’m not gonna stand for it. So you better tell whoever is tailing me to back the hell off.

Tucker: I am not stalking you, I’m not keeping tabs on you. An employee at glissade contacted me to ask me if i would be attending the meeting with ms. Charles. A meeting I had no awareness of and did not approve of.

Audra: I can meet with whomever I wish. You don’t control me.

Tucker: But I do control glissade, audra. So that’s why I canceled that meeting. And then I heard that you were uh, meeting with the companies that glissade acquired, so I canceled those too. Stay away from glissade. It’s you… you walked away from me. And that means you have nothing to do with glissade, okay?

Audra: We’ll see about that.

Summer: Harrison does enjoy spending time with you. And honestly, seeing him so worried about you just hurts my heart. So maybe this is the answer. Maybe if he can see that you’re okay, he can go back to being his normal, adorable self. So, I guess with that and all the research that you’ve done and knowing that kyle is already on board, I would like to offer you the position. On a trial basis.

Harrison: All washed and clean.

Kyle: Ah, good job, buddy.

Harrison: Mom, are you staying for dinner?

Kyle: Well, I have good news. Everything’s all worked out. So are you still okay with claire being your new nanny?

Harrison: Yay!

Jack: Hey there. Did we miss a party or a celebration?

Kyle: Well, summer and I just hired claire as harrison’s new nanny.

Jack: Well, congratulations, claire, and welcome.

Adam: Look, I know that– that it’s too late for me to ask for favors for myself, so I’m not gonna start now. But… please just help my son make it through this and get better. And please help chelsea have the strength to get him there. Okay, what happens to me, I– I probably deserve. But them, just– just look out for them and help them get to the other side of this. They deserve that. And so much more. Please.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, May 28, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


another visit? I had to come. I hear you stabbed yourself for me.

Yesterday I saw you dining alone? How you doing there? I can’t believe he’s really gone. I know. Keep looking at the present he got us, thinking he was just holding this. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift. Unexpected but perfect. Typical of your dad. I feel like i should be doing something, but all I want to do is sit here right now. Hey, then that’s what you should do. You know, I’m going to make myself useful and, um, start unpacking our suitcases.

[ Sighs ] This is so surreal. We’re supposed to be on our honeymoon right now. I know.

[ Knock on door ] Are you expecting anyone? No. Somebody probably found out about my dad. I’m not sure I can handle any more sympathy right now. Don’t worry. I will get rid of whoever it is. Ah. Fair samantha, come in. Thank you. Oh, gosh.

[ Chuckles ] Welcome to my humble workspace. You can never have too many external hard drives. -That’s what I always say. -So, you know, I’ve been thinking about what we discussed at the wedding. So much was going on. And, you know, of course, I was naturally, deeply troubled by the revelation that jason was coerced into working for the fbi. So upon further reflection, I feel like I just have to re-emphasize that tangling with the federal bureau of investigation is highly ill-advised. What do you mean, spinelli? Are you saying that you don’t want to help me anymore? It’s, uh — it’s late. Something happen? You tell me. You don’t have any bruises, huh? Why would I? Last night you got in the middle of sonny attacking dex.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Obviously, I’m dining alone — by choice. So feel free to move on. My salad is getting cold. What are the odds? Both of us choosing the same diner? I think you’re following me. Go away. I haven’t even ordered yet. How’s the food? Now, fergus, am i gonna have to report you to your own disciplinary committee for harassment? I’ll leave you to your salad and your novel momentarily. But first, I’m curious. Why now? Is that a metaphysical question? You were disbarred years ago, but yet you weren’t even interested enough to show up in person to hear the verdict or to file an appeal. And yet, here you are on a pilgrimage to albany, where the fate of your law career hangs in the balance. So I’ll repeat the question — why appeal now? Chase, I’m so sorry about your father. He was a wonderful man. I will cherish him always. Thank you. I know he really enjoyed your friendship, too. We appreciate you coming by, but, um — I brought you something. This is in lieu of a casserole, which I couldn’t make anyway. I brought you this. Oh, my. Barolo? Wow, this isn’t easy to find here. Well, the two of you should really be on your honeymoon, strolling arm in arm through a piazza under the moonlight. And since that isn’t possible, I thought I’d bring a taste of italy to you. -Thank you. -It’s very generous. Thank you for everything. I’m going to go open one of these up. I’m glad to have a chance to thank you for being such a good friend to my dad at a time when he really needed one. That’s very kind, but I would prefer to skip the platitudes, if you don’t mind. I haven’t changed my mind, per se. And, you know, if jason had asked me directly, I’d gladly do anything I could, but… going behind jason’s back feels wrong. You know how much jason trusts you. I think the only reason why he hasn’t contacted you is ’cause he doesn’t want to drag you into this. It is very jason-like to try to handle everything on his own. It is still near impossible for me to believe that he’s been acting as an fbi informant. I know, which means they must have something on him, something huge, spinelli. I mean, what sort of circumstance could force him to be an fbi informant? I don’t know, but that’s what we need to figure out. De x came to my office earlier.Interesting conversation. Said sonny had attacked him and you intervened and kristina witnessed it, obviously traumatized by it. Why wouldn’t she be? It’s a hell of a thing to see your father do. Is dex pressing charges? No. He — he decided that he didn’t want to do that to kristina. Thank you. Don’t thank me. It was dex. He made the call. Do you agree with him? Yeah, I do. I mean, if we could get a conviction, what, sonny would serve two years max. Better to wait to bring sonny to justice with a charge that carries a longer sentence. So why are you here? Well, I heard dex’s version of events… …and now I need to hear yours. Well, normally, I’d send flowers, but my options were somewhat limited in prison. Ah. And a self-inflicted wound was the next best thing, huh? See, you, you get me. -Let me see the scar. -[ Laughs ] Well, unfortunately, my wound is bandaged, so the scar will have to remain a mystery for now. But if it makes you feel any better, pretty epic. I look forward to seeing it at another time. So are you gonna tell me what really happened? Some thug jumped me in the showers, uh, waited until I was vulnerable, then he made his move. Oh. I’m not buying it. -Why not? -Aren’t you a spy? Well, that’s not the job title on my business cards, but, uh, I suppose that’s an accurate description of my skills. Exactly. And with your experience, you would never let yourself be that vulnerable. And I’ll bet that you could outpower most of the prisoners at pentonville. Well, maybe I did just want to see you. Well, I understand that. I am good company.

[ Chuckles ] But I don’t believe that you would leave a liter of your blood on the shower floor for a chance meeting with me. So what’s really going on?

It’s not a platitude. It is the truth. I’m sorry. That came out all wrong. You’d think, with all the people I’ve lost in my life, that I would be able to do this better, but it just never gets easier. I’m sorry for offending you. It’s fine. I didn’t mean to snap at you. Tu rns out I’m not very goodat this grief stuff. You know, if it had been up to me… …your father and I really never would have been friends. I don’t know if you noticed, but, um, I have acquaintances but very few friends. That’s because I find most people annoying. But not your father. Caring about him as much as I did sort of… it snuck up on me. Yeah, he — he does, uh… he did that to people. He was… warm and engaging and never self-pitying, even when his illness gave him every right to be angry and feel sorry for himself. That was one of the most impressive things about him. He faced the end of his life with great dignity and courage. Chase, you should be very proud of him. I am. I’m so proud. And that is why it is killing me that — that I, uh…

[ Sighs ] That you what? It doesn’t matter. Oh, chase. If there’s one thing that I learned from my husband luke’s death, it’s that regrets only bring you more pain. And I don’t think your father would want that for you. So if, in fact, there is something that’s bothering you, you need to let it go. I can’T. Why not?

[ Sniffles ] Because it’s all my fault.

[ Sniffles ] My dad pushed himself so hard because I asked him to officiate my wedding. I wanted him up there so bad at the altar that I didn’t even think about what it would do to his body. That wedding was too much for my dad, and that is why — oh, chase. Do not do this to yourself. Clearly you think there’s some big secret here. But there’s really nothing nefarious about this. It just took me a long time to recognize what a huge miscarriage of justice my disbarment was.

[ Scoffs ] I don’t buy that for a second. Well, it’s a good thing your opinion doesn’t matter then. I think you’ve been playing the long game, biding your time until you figure everybody forgot about what you did so you could sneak back in the side door and plead procedural violations to get your law license reinstated with minimal pushback.

[ Sighs ] I cannot believe how well you know me. You’re right. This was all part of my master plan, because now I have the legal system just where I want it. Oh, stop painting yourself as some sort of helpless victim. You clearly are not helpless. You have an excellent command of the law, and you are nobody’s victim. You essentially did this to yourself. With a lot of help from you. And on that note, I have a question for you. What’s the real reason that you made it your mission to keep me from practicing law? That’s a bit of an exaggeration. Is it? Because you went out of your way to track ava down to get her to sign that affidavit against me. It’s very complicated. Uh, you wouldn’t understand. Oh, well, maybe if you talk real slow and I can try and sound out the big words, I might be able to keep up. I’ve offended you. That wasn’t my intention. I’m not offended. I don’t like being lied to. My evasiveness has nothing to do with your intelligence. I think you are extremely smart. But as you said, I’m a spy. And these are spy games. All that entails. Everyone plays fast and loose with the truth, and everyone has a double or triple motive. It is, to quote a master of our craft, a wilderness of mirrors. Nothing is as it appears to be. So you’re not really guilty. Is that where you’re going with all this? I’m in prison because I’ve been accused of being the head of pikeman. But I haven’t been tried yet for my alleged crimes because they’re afraid of what would come out in a courtroom. So there I sit. Well, everyone is entitled to due process. But you’re not exactly innocent. Not by a long shot. But neither are any of the people that I’m playing against. And that includes anna devane. I didn’t see the fight start. When I got there, sonny was kicking dex, and I just — I just pulled him off. How did you even know the fight was happening? I mean, I could see that sonny wasn’t happy that dex was at the reception, and I just, you know, had a bad feeling. Rightly so. And when sonny followed dex out, I — I went after them just in case. And you found sonny attacking dex? Anything else? Dex has already decided he’s not going to press charges. This isn’t an interrogation. It’s informational for me, jason. I’m trying to understand what the hell is going on with sonny. Is it off the record? Yeah. I mean, he lost it. He threatened to kill me and dex. What exactly did he say? -I’m sure dex told you. -No, I need to hear it from you.

[ Sighs, clears throat ] He said, uh — sonny said something about emptying a gun in both of our heads. Oh, gosh. I-I — I do not understand how sonny would allow something like this to happen in a public place where anyone could witness it. I mean, I was — I was 200 feet away, not to mention the bride and groom and bride’s extended family, who, for all intents and purposes, seem to think that sonny walks on water. They certainly wouldn’t if they saw that, though. No, they wouldn’T. Do you think that sonny would try to have you and dex killed?

Officiating your wedding was the honor of your father’s life. You saw him at the reception. He was fully present and over the moon watching you in brook lynn. But you saw what happened to him during the vows. I mean, what if that was too much for him? What if it was exactly the opposite? Your father was struggling recently. But he was determined to seeyou and brook lynn married. Officiating your wedding was the thing that was keeping him going. It’s what kept him alive. I never thought about it like that. Sometimes we get too close to a situation to really see it clearly. You trusted him to officiate. You didn’t infantilize him. You made sure he had his dignity to the end of his life. Do not punish yourself for his death. It was sad and unfair. But sometimes that’s just the way life is. And it’s nobody’s fault, least of all yours. But I tell you something else. I never heard your father brag… …except… when he talked about you and finn.

[ Chuckling ] He was so proud of you. He loved to talk about you. He never stopped talking about you. In fact, it was his only truly annoying quality.

[ Laughs ] Oh, man. I think that was the first time I laughed since I got the news. Glad I could amuse you. Care to let me in on the joke? You had to be there. Okay. Here you go. Oh, uh, actually, I cannot stay. So you two enjoy this. And don’t bother to show me out. This place is the size of a postage stamp. Don’t listen to my grandmother. It’s just who she is. She calls them like she sees them. Spinelli, I would not be involving you if I thought I could do this alone. But there’s no way I can hack into the fbi’s system by myself. Finding evidence like that is next to impossible. Jason is far too important of an asset. Whatever they have against him, the fbi will be protecting with their strictest of security protocols. Look, I know that I am asking a lot, maybe even too much, but I would never be asking for your help if it were just for me or — or for jason. But please, spinelli. Do it for danny. He is just a kid, and he’s been through so much already. And he adores his father. And he just got him back. I don’t know what danny would do if he lost jason again. You know, there was a time I would have told you that sonny would never think about targeting me. Because you two were so close. Because it would be the wrong call. I mean, something happens to me, something definitely happens to dex? Sonny’s the first suspect. He’s got to know the pcpd and the fbi will do whatever it takes to put him away for life. Of course. I mean, the sonny that I knew was smart, he was cool-headed. There were lines that he would not cross. I’m hoping that’s still the case. But you can’t be certain anymore. Anna and I go way back. We came up in the wsb together. We worked side by side on, uh, ah, too many ops to count. Which may be why anna suspects me of all kinds of nefarious things. A few of which I’ve actually done. But no one is innocent in our world. That’s just how it works with espionage. It’s hard enough to navigate that twisted universe when you’ve been trained for it, and you clearly haven’t been. What is that supposed to mean? If you were a spy, you never would have made the mistake of visiting me at pentonville. And here I thought you enjoyed that visit. I did. Which is why it pains me to say this, because I worry it means this will be the last time you come see me. But you have no idea what you gave me that time. Okay. You’re a spy. Former head of the wsb. Mm-hmm. I assume, even in prison, you have a way of keeping yourself in the loop. Mm-hmm. What could I have possibly told you that you don’t already know? Well, allow me to give you your first lesson in espionage. A good spy never tells.

Really have to hand it to my grandmother. She really knows her stuff about wine. This is exactly. What I needed tonight. Yeah. Me, too. Something wrong with that sip?

[ Sighs ] No. No, actually, I’m really enjoying it. Good. It’s just crazy how fast everything can change. I mean, one minute, we’re about to go enjoy our honeymoon. And the — the next, I’m getting the worst news of my life. It’s like I have whiplash. Does that make sense? It does. Chase, you are grieving an incredible loss. I know how much pain I’m in. And it must be even worse for finn. I mean, dad is the last parent that he had left. So how can I blame him for drinking when I’m — I’m doing it, too? Your situations are very different, though. You don’t have a problem with alcohol. Finn’s in recovery. -Yeah. Alcohol is dangerous for finn in a way that it just isn’t for you. Yeah, you’re right. I talked to finn when you took violet on a walk. Mm-hmm. He said he’s aware that he broke his sobriety and what that means. And he told me to pour out the rest of the bourbon. And then he promised he would never have another drink. That’s good. I’m not saying that it isn’t a big deal that he had a drink because he’s been sober for so long, but… …finn is the one that found dad. Every time I think about what that must have been like, I… look, I don’t — I don’t want to add to how much finn is already beating himself up. If I’m as supportive as possible, I-I know… I know that I can get him through this without another drink. Okay. That’s what you’re going to do. And I’ll be right by your side supporting him through it. Thank you. Hacking into the fbi is a federal crime which can land us both in prison for life. Are you willing to chance losing your freedom over this? I would never risk being separated from my family if I didn’t think it was absolutely necessary for both danny and jason.

[ Knock on door ] Knock, knock. Sorry I’m late. James was refusing to eat his broccoli. Ooh. Sam, hi. Maxie, hi. It was so great seeing you guys at brook lynn’s wedding. Dante was really getting his groove on.

[ Chuckles ] After everything he’s been through, it’s nice to see him doing so well. I know. Right? He’s, like, basically back to his old self again. The doctors are really amazed how quickly his recovery has been. -I really love that. -Me, too. You know what? I am, uh — I’ve got to get going, but why don’t the four of us grab dinner sometime? On me. That sounds great. Right, spinelli? -Yeah? -Offer most delightful, yes. Okay, so I’ll call you, and we’ll schedule something? -Yeah. -Okay. Think about what I said? I’ll be in touch. Bye, maxie. -Bye. That was cryptic. I’m guessing I interrupted something? What is it sam wants you to think about? She contacted the paneland offered to sign an affidavit that you had perjured yourself. Fergus, did you ever think about checking into ava’s past before you decided to take her on as an unimpeachable witness? The woman is quite literally a murderer. Doesn’t make her allegations any less true. How about the fact that she had a personal vendetta against me? Well, ava did mention the fact that you essentially destroyed her brother’s life. Strikingly similar to the way you destroyed both my brothers’ lives. You know what I find interesting? Neil never once mentioned you to me. I mean, that’s weird. We were very close. I mean, that’s not normal that he didn’t tell me that he had a brother. So, fergus, why do you think that is?

That’s the hardest part my brothers and I… had issues. Emotions were running high after my father’s death, and we argued over his estate. Angry words were exchanged. Feelings were hurt. I didn’t speak to either of them for a decade. So much for brotherly love. I deeply regret that we weren’t able to resolve our differences before they passed. But how was I to know that, within the span of two years, they’d both be gone? And all because of you. At lea st I was able to consolemyself with the knowledge that you’ll never be allowed to practice law again. And I intend to do everything in my power to make sure you never are.

Yet another reason that you’d be able to take somalie going after me isn’t going to make up for abandoning your brothers, alienating them, or the decades of time that you wasted that you’re not going to get back. You know, I was actually hoping that you’d be able to take some responsibility for your actions, but clearly that’s not the case. Yet another reason you’re probably not fit to practice law. I’m just upholding the ethics and standards of my profession. Despite what you think, it’s not personal. You know, if you were under oath right now, you would have just committed perjury. Actually, you’re the perjurer, and I’m the one with the law license. Enjoy your salad. When I first heard about my dad’s als diagnosis, I did a lot of research. I know that it’s always fatal. Intellectually, I knew that it would eventually take my dad’s life, but… my dad’s so strong. I mean, he was superman to me. But now that he’s gone, I realize that there was a tiny part of me that actually thought he’d beat it. Beat a fatal disease. How insane is that? No, it’s not. It makes sense.

[ Sighs ] I just wasn’t prepared for how much this would hurt. I’ve called him — or, I’ve tried to call him like four times today. I just can’t believe I’m never gonna talk to him again. I just wish there was something I could do to make this even a tiny bit easier for you. Just you being here. That makes all the difference. And I think my dad knew that. What do you mean? Your grandmo ther made me realizehow much it meant to my dad to see us getting ready to spend our lives together. And… I think that he felt like it was okay to go after the wedding. He knew I wouldn’t be alone. He knew I’d have you. Always. Sam thinks it’s the only way that jason can retake control of his life. By you hacking into the fbi? Ah, I know how it sounds. In light of our — you know, our renewed closeness and — and — and our daughter, I just — I thought you should know what was going on. But you haven’t told sam yet whether you’re going to do it or not. Well, at the wedding I-I said that I’d do it, but just now I was telling her I was having second thoughts, and she had some very persuasive and heart-tugging arguments. So your entrance was incredibly well-timed, because it now gives me some breathing room to — to think it over. Okay. First, I think it is insane what the fbi is doing to jason. And, of course, I want you to help him get out from underneath their thumb. And I really do understand where sam is coming from as far as danny is concerned. She’s just trying to protect her son. But, spinelli, isn’t hacking the fbi a felony? A federal crime of the most punishable nature. Mm. They could lock me up and throw away the key if I get caught. Yeah, yeah, that’s what I thought. So you doing this could put you at risk, and in turn, your family. That’s — that’s why, if you don’t want me to do it, I’m — I’m — I’m happy to turn sam down. So I had ahold of sonny, and I told dex to — to go, and sonny was just yelling threats. And then we heard some plates drop, and we turned and we saw kristina. And kristina was in shock. She was staring at sonny, and then — and then she took off. And I told dex to go again, because I still had sonny. And it wasn’t — you know, he was still not rational, but he was no longer completely out of control, and I let him go. And then he went after kristina, and I called carly. To talk sonny down. She’d be the only one who could get through to him. Carly to the rescue again. What do you mean? What does that mean? Who else did carly rescue? I don’t care. I don’t care what information I gave you in pentonville. I don’t care about the crimes that anna suspects you of. I don’t care that you stabbed yourself because I know you’re going to be fine. The only thing I care about is that my friend, my best friend, jason, that he stays safe. Never met the man. But he must be a great guy if he can inspire you to be this loyal to him. He deserves peace now that he’s home. Ah, yes. Peace. I remember what that’s like. It’s been a while, though. I’m just asking. Whatever is going on, keep jason out of it.

[ Monitor beeping ] Given the respect I have for your intelligence, I won’t go through the motions of assuring you that I’ll never harm your friend when I’d probably kill him if I had to. But cheer up. I mean, what are the odds I’ll even run into your mr. Morgan? After this little vacation, I’ll be whisked back to pentonville and locked away in a cell again. Glad to hear it. I should go. Get some rest. Maybe I’ll come back and see you before you head back to prison. You shouldn’T. You should stay far away from me.

If I wasn’t a part of this equation, would you do this? Despite a plethora of misgivings, I would. Okay, I think you should help them. -Really? -Yeah. Yeah, you’re the only person with the skill set who could actually pull this off. I just — I have one requirement. Anything, maximista. Don’t get caught. I wasn’t planning on it. I mean it, spinelli. You can’t get caught. You have to promise me you’re going to be careful. And if it seems like the fbi is even a little bit onto you, you abandon ship because no one, especially jason, wants you to sacrifice yourself for him. I’ll be cautious and untraceable. You better be, ’cause the kids and I really need you. -You do? -Yeah. They asked about you like four times today. James even said you would not have made him eat his broccoli. That little scamp. He’s right. He’s right.

[ Both chuckle ] Everybody really misses you living with us. Think maybe you could come over for dinner tomorrow night? Just try and stop me. Brennan was stabbed. Pentonville. He is currently undergoing treatment at G.H. And the stab wound was serious enough he lost a lot of blood. He’s going to be fine. Timing seems a little suspicious, don’t you think? Yeah, the placement of the wound, it makes me believe that the injury was self-inflicted. Get-out-of-jail-free card. Because he knows that, at G.H., He’s going to have a much easier time communicating with whoever it is that’s running pikeman for him. Yeah, so what does any of this have to do with carly? Initially, brennan insisted that he had been stabbed in the shower by another prisoner when his guard was down. But I know this man. His guard is never down. And he could tell that I wasn’t buying his explanation, and he changed his story and said that actually he had stabbed himself in order to see carly again. Is that possible? It’s not impossible. I mean, he does seem to be genuinely taken with her. But we both know that brennan is up to something, and he might be using carly as a cover. People will tell you I’m a bad, bad man that you should avoid at all costs. I don’t listen to people. I make up my own mind. Beautiful and smart. I have never meant anything more than the vows I said to you. Me either. I’m so glad my dad was there to hear them. Me, too.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Did you change your ringtone? Uh, no, I think that’s my dad’s phone. I took it from finn’s place. It’s alexis.

[ Ringing continues ] She must not know yet. My dad mentioned she was going out of town. Well, you should answer it before it goes to voicemail. Alexis, this is chase. Hi. Hi, chase. Can I talk to gregory, please? Yeah, I am — I’m sorry to do this over the phone, but, um… there’s something I got to tell you.

[ Gasps ]

[ Exhales slowly ] I’m sor– I’m so sorry, chase. I’m so sorry. Will you tell me if there’s anything I-I can do and details about the service? Yeah, take care. Take care of yourself.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Adam asks Sally to move in with him and she tells him she will think about it and give him an answer later.

Adam and Chelsea are nervous about going to Maryland for their first in-person visit since they sent Connor for treatment. Chelsea tells Summer about Connor ‘s OCD and that she has decided to take a leave of absence to concentrate on Connor and his treatment. Chelsea suggests to Summer that Sally fill in for her at Marquetti. Summer doesn’t like the idea but agrees to think about it.

Tucker promises Jack he will stay away from Ashley while he is in Paris on business.

Summer talks to Chelsea about Claire and why she is worried about her being Harrison ‘s nanny. Chelsea thinks Summer should give Claire a chance to prove herself and show she can be trusted. Summer interviews Claire and then decides to give her the nanny job on a provisional basis and Harrison is very happy.

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Days Transcript Monday, May 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Well, thank you so much for inviting me out for tea. We’re delighted you joined us, Marie. Well, I guess you noticed how quickly I got here after I got your text. I didn’t realize how much I needed to get away from the mansion. And Constantine? No, no, he and I are doing just fine. Although, you know, there are such things as too much togetherness.

Bop. I hope we never go that way. That’s never gonna happen, love. Oh my goodness. Does this mean? With a little assist from Victoria, I asked your daughter for a hand in marriage and she made me the happiest man on earth by it. I said yes. Oh! So you’re engaged. Oh, that’s wonderful! Ah! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!

Hey. Special delivery for Black Patch. Hey, dude. Thanks for coming, man. Well, I was glad to get your call. I was hoping to bring you guys on board with this whole Clyde thing. Hoping someone at the ISA can help decode that mess. Well, we know some pretty sharp code breakers over there. How are things going down at the station?

Well, you know, busy and, uh, with Harris out, we are, uh, we’re understaffed, as usual. And I’ll bet you a lot of those cases are linked to the drugs Clyde’s minions are pushing out on the streets right now. Oh yeah, yeah, the sooner we can crack that code. The sooner we can take him down and his whole operation.

Yeah, for sure, but to be honest, I’m more interested in what was on the outside of that book than what it says on the inside. What do you mean? What I mean is that it could be the key to securing my sister’s freedom and defining leash. Chen’s real killer.

Are you waiting for someone special or you just keep your door open for any old stranger? Only the handsome one. Oh, welcome home. Feels so good. I missed you. I missed you too. You know, I would have been home earlier, but I stuck around for the Memorial Day service at Arlington. That’s a pretty good reason.

Yeah. Was it emotional for you? I know that you’ve got friends who died while serving. Yeah. Yeah, you know, visiting the gravesites of people you lost, it’s always tough. But it always fills me with gratitude. Well, I’m grateful that you are still here. Thank you. I’m grateful for their sacrifices. I mean, they’re really fighting a good fight against the evil in the world, and we should always pay tribute to that.

Especially, Since today is the day, we have Clyde Weston in our sights. Time to rid the world of that evil bastard.

Eric, I don’t understand. How could you be our son? Yes, please explain. I’m still processing myself. Someone just confessed to me. Confessed what? None. None of your action. Dimitri never took your son to the hospital. How could that be? He brought him to the slum. That’s impossible. No, it’s just that Dimitri, he was on the run and he thought that slum could help somehow and He left the baby with her.

And I guess just given the timing What about the timing? We, our private adoption had just fallen through. So she kept your son. She told me and everyone else that he was our, our adopted child.

Oh my God. Now that we know the truth, Jude is your son. He belongs with his mommy

like Sands through the hour class. So are the days of our lives.

So, tell me everything, wedding plans, dates, yeah, we’re still trying to figure that out. We have talked about visiting Scotland for the honeymoon. I’ve always wanted to go, it just seems so romantic. Highlands and Castles, I want to show you all my favorite childhood horns the ones i’m allowed to go back to So, yes, we are we’re still talking about it.

Oh, that sounds wonderful And your ring is just very unique. Isn’t it beautiful? Yeah It’s very you Well, I sure hope so That’s gonna be with me forever and always Just like I know. Just like I know. So

Gil’s fingerprint was found in Lee’s blood on the outside of that book? Yeah, it was a bit smeared, but, uh Definitely a match. I ran it several times. So you’re convinced this guild dude is the one who killed Li Shen? Well, it sure seems like it to me. I mean, how else would he have come in contact with Li’s blood?

Yeah, well, hope you can prove it, Rafe. Can you imagine what your sister’s going through, wrongly accused of murder? Does she know about these prints? No, not yet. I’m not going to say anything until I’m sure that we can get the case reopened. Any progress on that? Yeah, we’re working on it. Well, it’s a damn good thing EJ is out as DA, huh?

Yeah. Especially given EJ’s feelings about Gabby. I mean, not that Melinda Trask is any fan of my family, but I know that she definitely cared about Lee, and I’m hoping she’s going to be motivated to find the truth about his killing. I hope so too, buddy. For your sake, and for Gabby’s.

You really did, you really did miss me, huh? Something about a man in a unicorn. I’m out of it. You’re gonna be, hey, you’re gonna make me lose focus. We have to stay on point right now. We have to. I know, I know, I know, I know. Aww. For Toothy! Believe me, I want to make up for lost time as much as you do. But the clock is ticking, okay?

And once Clyde is out of commission, we have all the time in the world to spend together. It’s all the more reason to just get rid of him, and make things right in the world. Yeah. I mean, who, who’d have thought, finding Clyde’s black book. Could help Gabby get off the hook for Lee’s murder. Yeah, well, a lot has happened since you left.

You know, EJ’s out as D. A. Yeah, no, I heard that. Yeah. So, have Stefan and Rafe convinced the new D. A. to reopen the case? Mm mm, not yet. But they are hell bent on, um, proving that Gil’s the one who murdered Lee. Okay, so what’s that theory? That Gil came over to Wendy’s house looking for me and found Lee instead.

They got into it somehow. Gil killed him and then days later when he came looking for me, well We know what happened then. God, you know, it’s just, Wendy is such a good soul. She’s so good, and she makes Tripp so happy, and I mean, how am I going to tell them that Lee might be dead because of me? I mean, her poor family, they just They finally got closure with Gabby’s conviction and now

all those wounds are going to be reopened all over again.

How could that be? The doctor said our baby was dead. Why, why would he say that? I can’t explain what happened at the hospital. Someone must have paid somebody off. Oh my gosh, I can’t, I can’t believe this is happening. Yeah, there’s just a lot to process. The only thing that matters right now is that Your son is in your arms.

I mean, is this really true? Imagine you’re going to want to run your own test to prove that it’s true. I don’t understand why Sloane, she would make up something so awful if it wasn’t. No, that wouldn’t make any sense, would it? All those months ago, when I held Jude for the first time, I always felt like he was my son.

I remember. And then you agreed to a DNA test, just to prove that it wasn’t true. But how? How? So, she said that the results were tampered with. Oh, by her. We’ll make sure all the necessary tests are performed. What’s the most important thing right now is that we all know the truth and our son is back home where he belongs.

Yeah. It’s incredible, E. J. Our son. And you knew all along.

Even when I had to let it all go. I always felt he was my boy. Yeah. I don’t know, I mean, I guess it’s just something to do with parent intuition. Yeah. When it’s your child, you, you just know deep in your soul.

Sweetheart. Yeah, I love you. I do with all my heart. I’ve always loved you.

Well, you both deserve a wonderful wedding. You fought long and hard to get to this place. And you’ve hit a few bumps in the road. Bumps? I don’t remember any bumps, honey. Do you remember any bumps? Nary a one. Nary a one, mom. That being said, and at the risk of dampening the incitement of your good news, I have a favor to ask.

Yeah, sure. What is it? I’d appreciate it if Constantine and I could get married first. That you would wait until our wedding to have your own. Um, before I agree, can I ask why? It’s okay, sweetheart. I know, I know there’s gonna be so many changes. Yes, there are. There’s gonna be so many changes and a new house and a new family and I’m so excited.

Oh my god. But you know what? We’re gonna take such good care of you, okay? Because you mean everything to us. Yeah. And we’re gonna be a family. Like we were always meant to be. Yeah. Yeah. I’m your mommy and this is your very silly daddy. Yeah. Yeah. He likes you. I brought all his essentials from my apartment.

I can bring the rest tomorrow. Oh, thanks. That won’t be necessary. We’ll purchase whatever we need for the nursery, fresh start and all. Here you go. Koi. I’m sorry. I just don’t know what else to say. What do you have to be sorry for, Eric? I mean, you’re a victim here too. This was all Sloan. I just don’t know why I didn’t see it.

Maybe I didn’t want to. That bitch stole my baby. Our baby. She needs to be arrested, EJ. And they need to put her away and never let her see the light of day again. Nicole. No, I want her to experience the same kind of pain and suffering and awful emptiness that we did all those months. There’ll be plenty of time for that.

She needs to be punished. And she will be. Sloane is obviously a depraved woman, but she can’t hurt us anymore. No, she doesn’t just get to confess and then go on her merry way. She is a criminal. She needs to suffer. And so help me, EJ, if I get my hands on her.

What’s going on? Why is Jude here?

What is taking so long? Yes, I know that Lynch was released on bail.

No, there is no other crime. I just want him located, and then I want that reported to me. You are wasting time debating this. Just do it! Thank you. Honey, you’re not gonna believe this, but your brother, he He didn’t die on the day he was born. What?

This isn’t my baby.

Our baby.

Jude is your little brother.


Mom, are you sure that everything is okay with you and Constantine? Has he done something to upset you because if he has no no, no, it’s nothing like that Okay, then why do you want us to wait to get married Because Because I want to be fully present when my beautiful daughter marries my handsome son in law and You wouldn’t be able to be fully present Earlier, because Uh, because I’d be thinking about my own plans.

It’d be all about me and not about the two of you. So, every choice that you made, I would be, uh, comparing it to my own. But you’re having a small civil ceremony, right? Just family and a few friends. Yeah, but it’s still a wedding, and with that comes, uh, complications. Not unlike the activity that’s going on at the mansion right now.

The Hortons are moving out and Alex and Teresa are moving in. Wait. Did you say Alex is moving in? Wow. Rafe seemed really stressed out, huh? Yeah. You know, I remember that feeling when I was on the force. All these open damn cases here and not enough hands on deck. Yeah. Seems like the Salem PD is always understaffed.

Especially when it comes to hanging on to good, clean cops. Yeah, well, and on top of all of that, he’s trying to clear his sister on a murder rap. It’s all the more reason. To hope that the ISA can decipher Clyde Weston’s black book. I’m just glad that Rafe trusted us enough to bring us in on it. So now he’s got two more good guys here that are going to work overtime to put an end to Clyde Weston.

Yeah, yeah.

What’s bugging you, man?

Let me ask you something. What kind of mission do you think this is?

What do you mean by that? I mean how far are we willing to go to get Clyde Weston out of our lives?

So are you asking me if I’m Willing to go outside the bounds of the law. No, man. I’m just thinking, uh, It’d be a good idea if I run point on Weston and you take the lead on Maggie and Constantine. You sure about that? Yeah. I think so. Well, why the shift? Is there something I don’t know or I need to know? I just need to keep a close eye on Ava.

I’m pretty sure she’s on Clyde’s tail. I am telling you, I agree with you. If Clyde gets captured, yeah, he is gonna sell all of us out. You, me, and John. So we need a way for that not to happen. A permanent solution to the Clyde situation.

I just have to make sure Ava doesn’t screw anything up.

Key. Sounds like a plan. But I gotta say this. You must have more patients than a hospital to put up with that crazy ex of yours. So you and your naval buddies weren’t able to decode Clyde’s black book, huh? No, not yet. But I do have the encrypted images for you to send to Clyde. And then? And then, once he opens them, we’ll get notified of his location.

So once you finish packing up, I’m gonna go check in with Rafe, okay? Hey, and when, uh, you need it back, we’re gonna send the files to Clyde, right? Yeah. And once Clyde opens the email, we’ll know exactly where to find that son of a bitch. How,

how can that be? He’s my brother? It’s a miracle, Holly. A true miracle. But how? Well, there’s been a terrible mistake. And Eric’s here to make it right. Your mother and I suffered so much grief when we lost our son, but when I look down at This little guy, it’s turned to pure joy.

I’m so happy for you, Mom. For all of us.

I should go. Eric, I’m confused. I thought you and Sloane adopted Jude, no? So do I. Turns out Sloane was lying to us. To all of us. Judah’s your mom and EJ’s son. Wait. Eric, so that means you’re losing your son?

Yeah. Hey, boss. Harris. Good to see you. How was your memorial day? It was, uh, It was meaningful. Thank you. No, glad to hear it. Uh, thank you again for your service. Thank you for yours. So, uh, did you get a chance to review my request for a couple more days of unpaid leave? Mm hmm. Yeah? Yeah. No can do, man. I’m drowning here.

Do you not see that? I mean, we need you. Okay, I I hear you and I hate to even be putting you in this position but I really need those few days and I’m gonna have to take them one way or another. Hmm. So you’re saying if I don’t give you the leave that you’re gonna quit? Well, I mean, I hope it doesn’t come to that.

I mean, why don’t you just tell me what’s going on? Does this have something to do with your Navy friends? The, the, uh, information they found in Clyde’s black book? No, they haven’t been able to crack the code yet. Okay. Okay. I took it over to John Black, see if maybe ISA can help out. That’s good, the more people working on this the better.

I’ll just, I’ll just coordinate with John. Okay, if you just told me what you’re doing. Look, I can’t, I can’t explain right now. I just, I just need, I just need a few days.

Please. Trust me.

Okay. Fine. Take the time you need. And then hopefully I will have your job waiting for you when you come back.

Thank you.

So, um, you and Ava, But you’re on good terms now? Good is too strong a word, man. No. I think I’m just getting better at accepting her for who she is. Predicting her erratic behavior. Oh, now there’s a skill set you can put on your resume. We have Ava Vitale Wrangler. Yeah, very funny. Well, I think what it is is we’re all on the same page now.

We all want the same thing. Clyde Weston out of our lives. Yeah, well, of course you know that we’re all at risk if he blows a whistle on us when he’s caught. You know I know that. And you also know that if he tells the world that we helped him escape, you and I could be behind bars when Maggie and Constantine’s situation comes to a head.

I didn’t think of that. So we would be leaving Maggie hanging out to dry when she needs us the most.

I can promise you, partner. I won’t let that happen.

You’re letting Alex move into the mansion. I didn’t have a choice. It’s his father’s home. And Victor left him half of the estate. So that technically includes the mansion.

But he’s moving in with Teresa. Hmm. I didn’t know that they were back together. I try not to pry to the nature of their relationship. But they’re, um, you know, they’re close together. On some level. Yeah, on the level that Teresa’s after his money. I don’t know. But they are close. And I feel that Trace really cares about him.

Oh, I’m sure she does. Honey. Mom has a soft spot for Teresa. Yeah, I’ll never understand it. Well, Teresa’s no angel. But I just think she wants to be loved, like we all do. Sure. And when you say loved, you mean Showered with the Kyriakos fortune. You’ve made your point, honey. Alright, I’m just I’m worried for you, Maggie.

If you were stressed having the Hortons there, imagine the chaos of having Hurricane Alex and Tornado Teresa there on a daily basis. Come on. Well, like I said, it’s his father’s home. That means it’s his legacy. And luckily, The house is big enough for all three of us. Three? I mean, don’t forget Bonnie and Justin, and of course your beloved Constance here.

What was it you were saying about too much togetherness? Eric,

I’m so sorry. I’ve been so caught up in my own shock and joy, I didn’t even think about what you were going through. It’s okay. This is not about me. No, but, but it is. I mean, Jude. Jude was your son. Well, you need to focus on your family.

Jude belongs with his mother.

Eric, I’m so sorry. I know how much you love him. Thank you. It means a lot.

I just want you to know that I love you. I’m not gonna fight for any custody or anything like that. Oh, Eric. I wasn’t worried about that. But I’m worried about you, and if there’s anything I can do Don’t be. Don’t be. I just All I want is you to be happy. But Eric Really, I appreciate Yeah, I can get on the thoughts, but there’s nothing you can do.

I need to go. I need to deal with Sloan. Good luck. Cause I know that’s not gonna be easy. Someone’s gonna pay for what you did, I promise. Here I come. I’m so sorry. Me too. More than you know. Let me walk you out. I want to thank you for doing the right thing.

Very quick. Wait.

Don’t you want to hold Jude before you go?

Alright. Hey, how’s the packing going? Hey, I am ready to go as soon as we know where we’re headed. Okay. Then it’s showtime. Do you have the email address that Clyde sent? Yeah, it’s right here. Okay. Here’s this. Yeah. You ready? Yeah. Send away. Now what? Now we just wait. But we gotta be ready

to hit the ground running. Did you tell Wilma that she needed more time off? Not yet. I didn’t really have a chance, you know, and I honestly, I’m a little nervous since he just hired me. I don’t want him to think I don’t care about the job. I get that. Rafe wasn’t happy about giving me more time either. So hopefully we can just get this done and our jobs will still be here when it’s over.

I still can’t believe you’re doing this for me. I mean, and now you’re putting your job at risk too.

I am doing this for you. And I’m doing it for Tripp, and I’m doing it for Wendy, and I’m doing it for me, and every person whose life Clyde has ruined or tried to ruin.

I took an oath to serve and protect. I take that very seriously. Even if it means breaking some rules. So I guess it’s just you and me against Clyde.

Actually, no. Um, there’s somebody else I’d like to loop in.

So Maggie’s all in on trapping Constantine. Oh, yeah. She’s got them all set up in a corner office at Titan there. Gave them full authority over all of Victor’s charitable funds. Wow. Gotta hand it to her. She is one brave woman. I’m pretty shrewd, too. So how’s the setup work? It’s pretty simple. Just move some money around and make it look like Cos Teen has embezzling Titan funds.

Well, let’s just hope we can get him busted before she has to go through with actually marrying him. Yeah, well, that’s the plan. He’s trying to nail down the timing here because that bastard has messed around with her life enough already. It seems like a revolving door at the mansion these days. Ever since, you know, we lost.

Victor, there always seems to be somebody coming in and out. That’s because you’re a generous person, Mom. Maybe a little too generous. Oh, look who’s up! As she wants everyone in the square to know it. I think our little princess needs her diaper changed. Oh, I’ll do it. No, no, no, no. Let Daddy do it. Yes! Glue that mummy in nine and a half smooth on time, yeah?

Thank you. My pleasure.

Well, I might be biased, but she is obviously the most beautiful baby in the world. You’re not biased. She is. You’re right, I’m not at all. Um, actually, I’m glad that it’s just you and me for a minute, because I wanted to talk to you about something, but I didn’t want to say it in front of Xander. Are you

sure it’s okay? Of course. I know how much Jude means to you. And how much you mean to each other.

Oh, I like that. Hey, sweet boy. Hey.

Hey. I’m gonna be grateful. For all the time we shared. And I will always love you.

More than you will know.

Thank you. Yeah. Come by and see him anytime, okay? Yeah, I think it’s best that, uh, You have time to bond with your son and all he is. With your brother. I love you. Take care. Your mommy. EJ.

Well, that will definitely make your wedding special. Not that your wedding wouldn’t be special anyway. Do you really like the idea? Oh, I do. I do. But I, I think you ought to run it by Xander first. I mean, it is his wedding, too. True. All right, I guess I’ll tell him. I hope he approves. Okay. Fingers crossed.

All right.

Alright, I’ll get these pages off to Andrew and some of the other big brains at the ISA. They’re cracking codes is what they do. Good. And we’ll have everything we need to find Weston and wipe him off the map. The man’s a menace. He’s hurt a lot of our friends and family. Yes, he has. Yes. Hey. Be careful. I know you want to take the lead on this western angle here, but it’s important that we finish this out as partners.

Scratch that, man. We’re more than partners. We’re more than friends. You’re You’re my brother, Steve.

I feel the same way about you, partner. And nobody, even Constantine, is ever gonna drive a wedge between you and me. I trust you with my life.

Right back at you brother.

Why isn’t Clyde downloading these messages? I guess he’s a little busy. Did you talk to Roman? Uh, no, he was busy too. So I left him a note, I let him know I needed to leave town on an emergency. Yeah, well I’m sure I’ll understand. Yeah. Is that it? Did he get a signal? Bingo. Clyde is at a public library in a town called Ennis in Montana.

Our book is the next flight out. You know, I have never been to Montana. I hear it is beautiful. Yeah, big sky country. Not sure we’re going to see a lot of it. So are you ready to put this mess behind you once and for all? Let’s do it. There’s one pit stop on the way.

All the same, Mom, he looks really happy to be in your arms. Yeah, he does, doesn’t he? Hey, honey, um, listen, I know things have been rough between us lately. No, you don’t have to do this right now. I just want to thank you for the text you sent me. It really meant a lot. I’m sorry. I hope you know I didn’t mean any of those horrible things I said.

Of course not, sweetheart. I love you. I love you. And I love you. Look at him. Look at him. Oh, look at your daddy. Oh, this is like a new beginning, huh? For all of us. It is. Yeah. For all four of us. Oh, he’s a mover and a shaker. He’s a mover and a shaker. Hey, man. Hey. Thank you for meeting me. Yeah, man. Glad you called.

Listen, I just I’m so sorry about all this. Everything that Sloan’s putting you through. Yeah. Me too. You think she’s home? She should be. Sloane! Is this the place like this

when you left? No. Where do you

think she’s gone? What’s this?

It’s a necklace that I gave her for Mother’s Day with Jude’s birthstone. Oh, boy. Damn it, she took off. Oh my god, I

knew it. I knew it. Yes, I did. I knew it. Yes. I can’t believe you, you’re here, you’re here, oh my god, yes I know, I know, I know, look at us, look at us.


EJ’s personal effects, I take it Surprised you left them in his office my office And uh, I was going to send them via messenger, but since you’re here you can bring them to your brother Save me on the delivery fee Sure. Can I help you with something? I actually came by to offer my congratulations. Can’t say that felt entirely genuine.

Why wouldn’t it be? I helped push EJ out of office and I’m the big reason why you’re back in this job, Melinda. You’re also a demure, so I would be a fool to trust you. Look, I lost this job once before, and I have no intention of letting it go again. And if you even think about doing to me what you did to your brother, you will find yourself a very dangerous enemy.

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were working. It’s all right. Hello, stranger. Hello, Maggie.

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B&B Transcript Monday, May 27, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Steffy: Kelly and Beth are all set up next door. They are having a blast already.

Liam: Yeah. God, that was nice of nellie to invite them over to a pool party last minute.

Steffy: Yeah. I guess it’s kind of a waste that I sent out finn to get pizza, because they’re gonna be having a feast over there.

Liam: No, it’s not a waste, because I want a slice.

Steffy: Oh, okay.

Liam: Aunt liam is hungry. Liam and his little friend, apparently. Where is finn, by the way? This is taking forever.

Steffy: Yeah, actually. Yeah, I thought he’d be back by now.

Deacon: Well, mrs. Sharpe, we did it.

Sheila: We did, didn’t we? Mr. And mrs.

[ Sheila chuckles ]

[ Hope clears throat ]

Hope: Congratulations, dad.

Deacon: Thank you so much.

Hope: I like seeing you so happy.

Deacon: Thank you.

Finn: Congratulations. It was A… beautiful ceremony.

Sheila: It was, wasn’t it? And you know what? Even more beautiful because you were here. Thank you. Thank you, finn, for– for being at my wedding, baby. I love you.

Poppy: Um… what do you say we take this upstairs?

[ Bill chuckles ]

Bill: Well, we could do that. But I think, uh… ah, right here works just as well.

[ Door opens ]

Katie: Bill? You home? Oh. Um… didn’t realize you had company.

Katie: Swear to god, I knocked.

Bill: Did ya? Yeah, I don’t think I heard the knock, but of course we were, um… you know what? Doesn’t matter. It’s not a problem. Have you met my friend poppy?

Katie: I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. Nice to meet you, I’m katie.

Poppy: Hi, it’s nice to meet you.

Katie: Likewise.

Bill: You must know her daughter, luna. She’s interning at…

Katie: Oh, yeah, of course! Of course, I love luna, she’s lovely.

Poppy: Thank you.

Katie: Speaking of lovely children, have you given any thought to going and seeing will for parents’ weekend? We gotta rsvp.

Bill: Oh, oh, oh. You know will. Talking with him on the phone only goes so far, but, yeah, yeah, I’m in.

Katie: Okay, good.

Poppy: Oh, you’re that katie!

Katie: Yeah, that katie.

Bill: That katie.

Steffy: Hmm.

Liam: Nothing?

Steffy: No, he still hasn’t texted me back.

Liam: I mean, if he’s driving, that makes sense, right? Like, he’s gotta be on the road by now.

Steffy: Or il giardino’s maybe a little slow. Deacon’s not there to call the shots, so.

Liam: That is true. I mean, that place descends into utter chaos every time deacon takes a day off to marry the local psychopath.

[ Steffy sighs ]

Steffy: Maybe I shouldn’t have sent finn to il giardino.

Tom: Um, I just– you need to sign right here, uh, right next to hope.

[ Finn sighs ]

Finn: You– you really need two?

Tom: Well, two’s better than one. I mean, you did witness the wedding, didn’t you?

[ Finn sighs ]

Finn: Yeah. Yeah, I did.

Tom: Well, then here you go. Right there. Great. I’ll get this right over to the county recorder’s office.

Deacon: Hey, tom. Hey. Listen, I just wanna tell you, sheila and I, we will be forever grateful to you. Thank you.

Sheila: Yeah, we couldn’t have done this without you.

Tom: Oh, no, please. I forgot how much I enjoyed doing these. I mean, it has been a long time. You know, I clean up pretty good.

Deacon: Damn straight you do! Look at this suit. I picked it out. What do you think?

Sheila: I’ll tell you what, it makes your eyes pop.

Deacon: I’m talking about more the ceremony, though. I mean, we wouldn’t have been able to do our vows at all if it wasn’t for you.

Hope: Aww. Our parents grow up so fast, don’t they?

[ Finn chuckles ]

Finn: Yeah.

Hope: I still can’t believe this just happened. I mean, I really just stood up for sheila carter as her maid of honor. [ Laughs ] But the, uh, reception has been lovely.

Finn: Yeah. No, it– it has.

Hope: Uh…

[ Both chuckle awkwardly ] Well, I– I could see that it meant a lot to her, you being here.

Finn: Yeah. I mean, I just was completely blindsided. I thought that– I thought they were getting married at the beach. I mean, I came here to pick up some pizzas.

Hope: Oh, pizza with a side of “I do.”

Finn: Yeah, well, it’s something that’s gonna take some explaining.

Hope: To steffy?

Finn: Yeah. She’s not gonna be thrilled about this. Not thrilled at all.

Hope: Toe?

Finn: Mmm.

When dry eye symptoms

Bill: So, did will tell you that his streak of a’s continued on his latest exam?

Katie: No! He’s not an open book with me the way he is with you. I have to, like, pry out every little, tiny tidbit.

Bill: No, you see, that’s what happens when you’re the favorite parent.

Katie: Oh, yeah, right. Sure. [ Chuckles ] Sorry. You don’t need to listen to us debating parental rankings.

Poppy: Oh, no, I don’t mind. It’s a funny concept to me, actually. I raised luna on my own, so I got to be the favorite parent by default.

Katie: Well, you did a wonderful job. She’s super smart. She helped me tremendously with a project that we just finished today, actually.

Poppy: Thank you. That makes me really happy to hear.

Katie: And you know what’s funny? She never once mentioned that her mom was friends with you.

[ Chuckles ]

Liam: You know, if you hadn’t given finn that ultimatum, he could very well be at sheila’s wedding right now.

Steffy: No, I don’t think he would have gone. Okay, maybe he was entertaining the idea, and you’re right. I’m glad that I spoke to him.

Liam: Do me a favor, if nothing else, for kelly’s sake: Look out for that husband of yours. Make sure he doesn’t get conned again.

Steffy: No, I– I will. I’ll be there for finn. No matter what sheila throws at him.

Sheila: Now, come on. You sure I can’t, like, toss you the garter on the way out?

Tom: Oh, no, no, no. Please, please. Been there, done that when it comes to marriage.

[ Sheila laughs ] But wait, don’t let my bad luck reflect on you guys at all. I’m sure you will ride off in eternal bliss. Thank you for including me in your ceremony.

Sheila: No, thank you for officiating it and… doing all that you did. I mean, you helped save my life, and– and– will I see you again?

Tom: Well, I don’t know.

Sheila: I hope so.

Deacon: Hey, what do you say we commemorate this moment? Come on, guys, get in here. Come on.

Tom: What? Oh!

Deacon: Smile! Yeah! Here we go. Look at that. That is a good-looking group. Deacon: All right, okay, put tom in the middle. Yeah!

Sheila: I like that. Here we go.

[ All laughing ]

Tom: Let me. Let me.

Deacon: You wanna take some? All right, okay. All right, I’m gonna get–

Tom: Let me be the wedding photographer.

Sheila: Okay.

Tom: That’s good. You guys are a beautiful couple. Wait, let’s get some family shots. To the beautiful, gorgeous family. Come on, come on.

Finn: You know, let’S…

Tom: Oh, come on, finn. Will you say no to the wedding photographer?

Deacon: All right.

Tom: Now, everybody get close. Come on, you guys are a family now. Come on. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Oh, that’s good.

Sheila: You’re getting us all in?

Tom: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold on. There you go!

Deacon: All right.

Tom: God, you guys are beautiful.

Deacon: Thanks, tom. Give me this. Hey, come here. Let me talk to you for a second.

Tom: Sure.

Deacon: Let me ask you something. Um, so, uh, where– where are you going after this?

Tom: Well, I’ve got a motel room for the next couple nights, but, you know, after that, it’s– it’s kinda iffy.

Deacon: I was thinking that maybe you could come back during business hours. Look, tom, I know that you’ve hit some hard times, like a lot of good people, and I’d like to talk to you about working here.

Tom: Really?

Deacon: Yeah. I mean, the pay’s good, and as an added bonus, you get all the free food you want, even on your days off.

Tom: You know, I don’t know much about the restaurant business.

Deacon: Hey, that’s okay. I’ll train you myself. Just think about it, okay? And you come back real soon. Hey. Take these.

Tom: Are you kidding?

Deacon: No!

Tom: Thank you, deacon.

Deacon: You’re welcome.

Tom: I appreciate it.

Deacon: Thank you.

Tom: Thank you. Can I have one of–

Deacon: You take whatever you want. Please, take as many of the toes as you’d like.

Tom: These are really good.

Deacon: Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] Hey, I just, uh– I just wanna thank you both for being here. I mean, it really– it means a lot to both of us that you were here to share this. Hope, it was just– it was powerful for me to have you here. And, finn, I know you didn’t intend to be here, but damn, it just meant the world to your mother.

Finn: No, I– I– it was a sweet ceremony, and, you know, I really do wish you guys the best.

Deacon: Thank you.

Finn: But I– I really do need to get going home and get those pizzas, yeah. Okay? All right.

Did you know…

[ Sheila laughs ]

Sheila: Hey! One more hug before you go.

[ Both chuckle ] Oh, and thank you. Thank you again. I mean, it just– it meant the world to me having you here today.

Finn: Hey.

Waitress: The boss said it’s on the house.

Finn: Oh, hey, thanks.

Deacon: It’s not gonna be an everyday thing just ’cause we’re family now, all right? Wife, let’s go.

Finn: Well, I appreciate it.

Sheila: Hey, thank you again.

[ Hope clears throat ]

Finn: Yeah.

Hope: That was, uh, something. Uh, good luck on your journey home. I– I know you’re a little nervous about how steffy’s gonna react to this, but, uh, you had no idea that this was going to be going on here, so I hope that she will be understanding. And besides… your parents are happy, and I think that should count for something.

Finn: I don’t think steffy’s gonna see it that way.

Hope: Who knows? Maybe she will.

Finn: She’s gonna–

Hope: No, I– I totally get it. You are in a very difficult position.

Finn: Yeah.

Hope: You want to respect your wife’s wishes, but at the same time…

[ Sighs ] I don’t know if she should be the one dictating what your relationship looks like to your birth mother. I mean, maybe… that should be up to you.

Finn: Hmm. Well, thanks for understanding that.

Hope: Yeah, well. Here for you.

Finn: Well, right back at you. Especially in the headache department. Okay, you– don’t hesitate to call me if they continue, all right?

Hope: All right. I– I will do so.

Finn: Okay.

Hope: Good luck.

Katie: So, how did this, um, budding friendship come about? Do you have business with spencer?

Poppy: “Budding” doesn’t exactly describe it. Uh, bill and I go way back. We, um– we have a lot of history.

Bill: I first met poppy some 20 years ago, and we just recently reconnected.

Poppy: And I’m very glad that we did.

Katie: Hmm.

Steffy: Wait, wait, wait. All this talk about you being hungry, and now you’re gonna leave before the pizza even gets here?

Liam: Trust me, I’m not happy about it, but–

[ Door opens ]

Steffy: Oh! Hey!

Finn: Hey.

Liam: Oh, my god. Finally. Sorry. Forgive me. I’m taking one for the road. Thank you. Mmm. And it’s cold. That’s great.

Finn: Hey, are the, um– are the girls in kelly’s room?

Steffy: Uh, no, they’re– they’re next door at nellie’S. They’re going for a swim. And haynes is sleeping. Wait, did you not get my texts?

Finn: Oh, I don’t know. I was– I was on silent.

Steffy: Uh, why did you have it on silent?

Finn: Uh, liam, you were– you were headed out, right?

Liam: Yep, sure was. Uh, I’ll come back for kelly.

Steffy: Yeah. Yeah, you got it.

[ Door opens, closes ] What’s going on?

[ Finn sighs ]

Finn: Okay, um… okay, you’re– you’re never gonna believe this. I–

Steffy: What?

Finn: I– I go to the pickup window at il giardino, and it’s– it’s closed. So I go into the restaurant to get the pizzas, and, um… there they are. And I never thought that they would be there.

Steffy: Who?

Finn: Sheila and deacon. Always dry scoop before you run.

Katie: So, you’ve known each other for years?

Poppy: We have. You could even say that, um… I had him first.

Katie: Hmm.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Deacon & sheila laughing ]

Deacon: Hey, you know I had to do it! I had to do it.

Sheila: Oh, my gosh. Are there any other newlywed traditions you’re going to do?

Deacon: Oh, I got a couple traditions in mind.

Sheila: Oh.

Deacon: Listen, I know this isn’t some fancy resort, but I promise I’m gonna make our honeymoon night a night that you’re never gonna forget.

Sheila: Ooh.

Deacon: But first things first…

Sheila: Mmm?

Deacon: One tradition. A new one.

Sheila: What’s that?

Deacon: I promised I’d do– well, hollis convinced me to start an account for il giardino, you know, to post things like, um, I don’t know, recipes and specials and wine pairings and, you know, things like when the boss marries the star waitress, things like that, so.

Sheila: Well, let’s hope it gets more likes than the daily soup, right? Okay, what we got?

Deacon: That’s not bad.

Sheila: That’s not too bad.

Deacon: What do you think? Is that the one?

Sheila: Look at your smile. And look at finn, too. That’s definitely the one.

Deacon: Okay.

[ Phone chimes ]

Sheila: I still can’t believe that he came. To our wedding. Wow. Our wedding.

Deacon: Yeah.

Sheila: I love you so much.

Deacon: I love you too, baby. Come here.

[ Knocking on door ]

Liam: Hey. Thought I’d find you in here.

Hope: Hey.

Liam: Well, you look beautiful.

Hope: Thank you.

Liam: Got a night out on the town planned, or, uh… a wedding?

Hope: Ha.

[ Clicks tongue ] Yeah, I might’ve just come from one of those.

Liam: Oh, please tell me there was some other random one happening tonight, please!

Hope: Liam, he’s my dad, and it was his wedding day.

Liam: Oh, man! I mean, just ’cause you’re his kid doesn’t mean you have to support everything he chooses. Hell, even finn found a way to say no.

Hope: So–

Liam: What? What?

Hope: I– I wasn’t the only one there at the wedding. I mean, finn was there, too.

Liam: Finn was at the wedding? Today?

Finn: We knew the wedding was today. We just– we thought it was at the beach.

Steffy: Yeah, but why were deacon and sheila there? We placed an order at il giardino. They probably knew that you were coming, so they ambushed you. That’s exactly what happened.

Finn: No, no. They didn’t ambush me, okay? They were just as surprised to see me as I was to see them. And hope was there, too. Apparently she decided to be sheila’s maid of honor. And tom, the, um– remember the homeless man I told you about, the one that helped lead us to sheila? Believe it or not, he was there and… performing the ceremony.

Steffy: So you actually walked in, into the ceremony?

Finn: Yeah. Look, I– steffy, I just–

[ Phone chiming ]

Steffy: Okay, wait. Just wait for one second. I wanna make sure that the kids are– the kids are okay. Just… oh, my god. Oh… my god. What am I looking at? It’s a picture of, uh– a wedding photo of deacon, sheila and you? You’re standing right next to her!

Finn: I mean, I realize that looks like–

Steffy: You were there! That’s why you– that’s why you didn’t call me. That’s why your phone was on silent, because you were at sheila’s wedding! Answer me, finn.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, May 27, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

Victor, after much persuasion from Michael and Cole, agreed to release Jordan to the authorities. He staged her discovery by claiming his security team found her near the riverbank, ensuring her return to prison. Meanwhile, Chelsea confided in Nick about her struggles with Connor’s situation, expressing feelings of helplessness and concern for her son’s well-being. Nick offered support, suggesting she consider taking a step back to focus on her own mental health.

Elsewhere, Ashley experienced a significant breakthrough in her therapy sessions with Alan. She confronted her alternate personalities, leading to a deeper understanding of her trauma and a path toward healing. This progress marked a pivotal moment in her journey toward mental wellness.



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Y&R Transcript Monday, May 27, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Adam: Well, it’s got to be a good sign that they’re gonna let us see connor.

Chelsea: After that call we had with him earlier, I wasn’t gonna take no for an answer.

Adam: Well, the doctor did back up connor’s explanation. It was the timing of the call. Thirteens.

Chelsea: Which is our fault, again.

Adam: They’re working on this. Yeah, it’s a small thing, but it’s part of a bigger problem. And we’re just gonna have to roll with it.

Chelsea: I know. I just hate this. It doesn’t seem like we’re making things easier for him. It seems we’re making things harder.

Adam: Well, let’s just hang on to the fact that we’re gonna get to see him in person. You know, think about that hug you’re gonna be able to give him.

Chelsea: The biggest.

Nick: Hey, I’m glad I ran into you. Did you have that call with connor? How’d it go?

Adam: Oh, we did. It was– it was really great to see his face.

Chelsea: Yeah. The doctors say he’s progressing.

Nick: Okay, um, I know you both better than that. How’s he really doing?

[ Door closes ]

Jack: Hey, it’s such a beautiful day outside. Traci and I decided to go for a stroll. Maybe you and alan could…

Traci: Where is alan?

Ashley: I asked him to leave.

Traci: Why?

Ashley: Because I can only handle so much at one time. I mean, my head is absolutely spinning.

Traci: Okay, well, we can reach out to him later. I’m sure he understands.

Ashley: I need more than a few minutes. I don’t know what I need.

Jack: Okay, well, look, just take all the time you need. Maybe we can help you think things through.

Ashley: Oh, my god. It’s a lot to process. I mean, did he… did alan tell you what his opinion is of what’s going on?

Jack: You mean about what you’re dealing with?

Ashley: You can say it. He thinks it’s, uh, dissociative identity disorder. Multiple personalities.

Jack: Well, that’s just a theory right now. He wants to do a full medical workup.

Ashley: I know, but jack, have I really had entire conversations that I simply don’t remember, where I was a completely different person?

Traci: That’s kind of difficult for us to answer, ashley. You know, it’s been confusing for us, too.

Ashley: Okay, so you actually sent for alan to come here for me. And wasn’t I supposed to see a therapist that sharon…

Jack: Yes, and you agreed to both.

Traci: But at the last minute, you seemed to change your mind.

Ashley: Do you really think I’m this unbalanced? I mean, really, do you really think I need to commit myself?

Victor: What are you doing here?

Jordan: Saving me from you. You monster.

Victor: Over, my dead body.

Jordan: Oh-ho-ho-ho. Don’t you listen to him, okay? You’re good, you’re decent, you’re good and–

Victor: Shut up. Stop talking.

Jordan: No, no, no. You don’t listen to him, okay? Because he has a worse plan for me, and if so, my blood will be on your hands. Anthony: This making you uncomfortable?

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

Victor: What are you doing here?

Michael: As your lawyer and friend, I couldn’t stand by and let this happen, victor.

Victor: As my lawyer and friend, you went behind my back.

Cole: Okay, don’t blame michael. Right this is all on me, victor. You know I was suspicious. I just put the pieces of the puzzle together. Then I just debated on what the hell to do.

Victor: Who have you told?

Cole: I’ve not told anyone but michael. And I didn’t say a word to victoria, I didn’t wanna implicate her.

Michael: He called me for advice.

Cole: He’s been telling me not to do anything behind your back.

Michael: That’s not true. Cole is trying to protect me. I’m as much a part of what was about to happen as he is.

Victor: Is that why you tried to lure me and nikki away for lunch? Huh?

Jordan: They’re my angels of mercy. They’re gonna get me the hell out of here.

Victor: Shut up! Two of you follow me upstairs.

Traci: Having yourself committed is not at all how we would describe this. If you’re asking, do we think you need to get help? I know my answer is yes. You trusted me enough to confide in me about your blackouts is reason enough to get some kind of treatment.

Jack: We’ve all seen personality shifts big enough we can’t ignore them. And frankly, they’re dangerous.

Traci: Yeah. I think both of us would be so much less terrified about your safety if you were supervised around the clock with a team of doctors who can help you–

Ashley: I’m not going there. I’m telling you right now, I’m not going to fairview.

Jack: No, no, no, no, no, we agree. That would do more harm than good.

Traci: Ashley, there are wonderful facilities. We’ll find you the very best care.

Ashley: I don’t know.

Jack: Look, I know you feel you need time to think about this. I think waiting would be a mistake.

Ashley: Alan said the same thing. He offered to help me.

Traci: How?

Ashley: He thinks that i suffered some kind of a trauma after the argument I had with tucker in paris. And he said that I need to figure out what that is before I can get treatment. Did he tell you that too?

Traci: He did.

Jack: So what do you think about that?

Ashley: I’m so sorry.

Traci: Sorry about what?

Ashley: I’ve put you both through such hell, haven’t I? If you think I should go, I’ll go.

Chelsea: To be honest, the call was hard. Connor got very upset because we called a couple of minutes early. It set him off.

Adam: Well, it set his ocd off.

Chelsea: Right, right, it’s the ocd, it’s not him. At least that’s what the doctors keep telling us. But it’s hard, ’cause it certainly feels like connor in those moments. Just feels like we’re failing him over and over.

Nick: Yeah, I hate hearing that. It’s gotta be so rough not being able to see him in person.

Chelsea: Yeah, that’s why it makes it all the more upsetting when a call like that falls apart.

Adam: But we knew that there was gonna be ups and downs going into this, you know, two steps forward, one step back.

Nick: Um, did they give you any idea when you might be able to visit with him?

Chelsea: We’re actually just talking about that. They’re ready for us to come for an in-person family therapy session. It’ll be the first time we see him since he’s gotten there.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Well, that sounds promising.

Adam: Yeah, I was gonna clear the trip with you and dad first.

Nick: Adam, stop, you don’t have to do that, all right? Of course, you need to go, and dad will insist that you go as well. Remember, it’s family before business, always.

Victor: This is my plan. Neither of you have the right to interfere, is that clear?

Michael: I beg to differ. We can’t unsee what you’re doing.

Cole: We’d be accomplices to a crime.

Victor: What crime? What crime?

Michael: I can name a few. Kidnapping, illegal imprisonment, intent to cause harm, all felonies, with hefty sentences.

Victor: Enough! This is my plan. She’s done enormous damage to my family. That’s why I want that woman to rot in hell. Now, I would like you to leave the premises, not speak of this again, ever.

Cole: Sorry, victor. Not gonna happen.

Michael: We’re not going anywhere.

“The darkness of bipolar

depression made me feel like

Victor: Do I need to remind either of you of the damage that woman has done to my family? She almost killed the love of my life, for heaven’s sake.

Michael: We’re well aware of that, and the court will be too.

Cole: Vic, she’s gonna spend the rest of her life in prison.

Victor: I can’t take that risk. What if she escapes again? Visits even greater harm on our family.

Michael: Victor, what’s your plan? To keep her locked up forever? To let her starve to death?

Victor: So what? She deserves it, after what she has done to us. Almost killed nikki. Almost killed your daughter.

Cole: I’m not gonna lie to you.

Victor: What?

Cole: I thought about leaving her down there.

Victor: Yes. Just forgetting that I ever even seen her in that cage that you set her up in. But I can’t do it, victor. I’m not gonna become her. I’m not gonna stoop down to her level because it’s wrong. And somebody else is gonna figure this out, by the way. Your staff is gonna be on to this, and so is nikki and victoria.

Victor: I have an alarm set, which went off because you went down there.

Michael: Victor, listen to your logic here.

Victor: Stop that nonsense! There is no logic or argument for you to make. That woman has to rot in that dungeon.

Michael: Victor, you do–

Victor: Wait a minute. What about the prison inmates? What about all the prison guards? People who died as a consequence to when she set fire to that damn prison. No one does that kind of damage to my family. No one! Let her rot in hell! She’s exactly in the place where she belongs.

[ Jordan sobbing ]

Jordan: I was so close. I was so close. I was so close. I was so close. So close to my– to my freedom. My freedom. And away from this damn slow death! Oh, it’s all– it’s all slipping away it’s all slipping away again.

[ Jordan crying ]

Tucker: Hi, audra. Um, so, it would appear you decided to go on our paris trip after all. I just wanted to give you a heads up that it might’ve been a waste of a plane ticket unless you have some shopping to do. Uh, that– that meeting you scheduled without my knowledge, I canceled that. And, if you schedule another, I’m gonna cancel that too.

[ Tucker sighing ]

Traci: Well, ashley, I know it must be really terrifying to think about going back to paris. The place where probably all of this started.

Jack: We trust alan. And if you’re in his company, well, he can get you to the source of all of this.

Ashley: Stop listening to them. Listen to me. Yeah, honey. Those two don’t know what they’re talking about. Where am I? What is this place? Who are you? Oh, now, honey, I know it’s a lot to take in. You need to think of it like this. We don’t have time for some long, boring diagnosis. I wasn’t gonna get all clinical. And as I was saying, there are so many parts to the human mind. And you are a flower and we are your petals. Or perhaps you are the onion and we are the many layers. And we don’t have time for poetry and stupid metaphors either. You are the voices that have been tormenting me for months. Well, now, she is actually more of the tormentor. I’m the fun one. If only you could remember when we were at that piano bar. Now, that was a good time. That was when you almost blew our cover for the umpteenth time. At least I didn’t try to murder anyone. I don’t remember any of this. But you’re the ones that caused my blackouts. Nice job, you stupid idiot. You’re freaking her out. Now, sweetie pie, just take it easy, okay? We are here to help you, aren’t we? Absolutely. You are our number one priority, which is why you can’t be in control right now. And you absolutely cannot go to paris with alan. When anyone in this house wears white,

Adam: So we will let connor’s doctors know that we’re ready to try again for an in-person visit.

Nick: I know connor really appreciates that you’re there for him. It may not always seem like that, but I promise you on some level, he knows you’re both fighting for him.

Adam: Well, thank you for saying that.

Nick: And if there’s anything I can do for connor, do not hesitate to ask.

Adam: I wish there were, but we’re gonna have to put our faith in the doctors right now. Are you okay? ‘Cause I should go find sally and tell her the plan?

Chelsea: Go, I have to check in on mark anyway.

Adam: Okay. Thank you.

Nick: Yeah.

Nick: Well, you don’t have to try and hold it together for me. How are you really doing?

Chelsea: Not great.

Michael: Victor, I know you. I know the way your mind works, what drives you and what keeps you up at night. And I know as furious and as repulsed as you are by jordan, you are not a killer. It will haunt you if you let that woman die out there.

Victor: I will be the judge of what haunts me.

Michael: It doesn’t work that way. We don’t get to choose in advance. We both know that more than anyone else.

Cole: You put her through hell for weeks, victor. Can’t that be enough?

Michael: She’s a shadow of her former self from what I could see. And don’t you wanna be free of the burden of having to keep her prisoner down there? Think of the price you’d have to pay if she was discovered. You’d have to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Victor: The only way that will happen is if one of you goes to the authorities. Is that what you’re planning to do?

Cole: No, no, of course, of course not.

Michael: No, we’re trying to help you, to protect you.

Cole: We’re trying to protect you the way that you’ve always protected everyone else.

Victor: What’s your plan?

Michael: Jordan is a prison escapee, an arsonist. The system will be prepared to contain her at all costs. She’s tipped her hand. They know all her tricks, all her scams.

Cole: The woman I saw in that cage isn’t capable of any new scams.

Michael: Agreed, agreed, but if something were to change, we’re talking about a facility with the tightest security possible. The kind of place that no one gets out of, ever.

Victor: What if that woman squeals? She goes to the authorities and tells them I kept her in a damn dungeon. What then?

Michael: She is a psychopath and she can claim what she wants.

>>Cole: Who’s gonna believe her, right? Let her rant and rave.

Michael: They think she’s just trying to get a lenient sentence, but it won’t change the judge’s mind about what she’s done.

Michael: There’s one more thing we need to do.

Victor: What?

Michael: Just in case. Destroy the dungeon and the cell. Bury all evidence.

Ashley: Jack and traci are right. Something is so very, very wrong with me. Oh now, honey, please don’t fret. This is what we do. We are here to protect you. Yes, because clearly this is way too much for you. What you need to do is just sit back and take a nice long nap. And let me take charge. Well, actually, I should take charge. I have a much better chance of getting us out of this situation, especially if alan is involved, because you see, he has a thing for me. The point is you need to stop fighting me and let me take it from here, okay? How am I fighting you? I had everything under control until that stupid tucker woke you up from your nice, deep sleep. Are you talking about the lounge earlier? Why– why was I there? Why were you there? Well, I was trying to take care of you like I’m trying to take care of you now. But you keep resisting me. Now stop it and let me take over. Okay, now you just cool your jets, miss meany. Sweetheart, she’s telling you the truth, though. You don’t wanna go to paris. It won’t be good what you find there. You could make things a lot worse. What am I gonna find in paris? What do you mean?

Traci: Oh my god, jack, what’s happening to her? Ashley, ashley, can you hear me? Ashley? Are you all right?

Jack: What happened just now?

Ashley: I went to this incredibly strange place.

Jack: What place?

Ashley: I’m falling apart. I’m breaking apart.

Traci: No, no, it’s okay, it’s okay. We’re here, you’re with us, you’re safe.

Ashley: I’m telling you right now, alan’s right. I have to go to paris. The answers are there. I know it. Before my doctor and I chose breztri

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Chelsea: I thought I’d be tougher. I thought I’d be more resilient, you know, considering everything I’ve been through, all of my own mental health issues, all the therapy. When this all started, I thought that I was gonna be a rock for connor because I’ve been there. I know what he’s going through, but truthfully, nick, I am running on fumes here.

Nick: Has it ever occurred to you that this is so hard because you know what it’s like? You know, you’re feeling your feelings and connor’S. Chelsea, you gotta let yourself off the hook for that. Don’t try and take that on. This may not be easy to accept, but you gotta let connor work through his own feelings. That’s what’s gonna get him stronger.

Chelsea: Yeah. But to watch my kids suffer and do nothing.

Nick: It’s almost impossible, I know.

Chelsea: Yeah. Oh, anyway, sorry. Thank you for letting me, uh, crumble a little bit. It’s been hard ’cause billy’s been away.

Nick: Where’s billy?

Chelsea: Oh, he’s just– he’s away on business meeting some chancellor-winters executives.

Nick: Don’t like hearing that. This is a lot to take on by yourself.

Chelsea: Well, you know what? I actually haven’t been by myself. Believe it or not, adam’s been pretty great.

Nick: Yeah, I was surprised to hear him talk about the process. Like it’s two steps forward, one step back.

Chelsea: I know, right? Don’t get me wrong. In the beginning, he was very adam. He, uh, fought the diagnosis. He threatened to yank connor out of the school, then threatened to yank connor out of the treatment program. Didn’t trust any of the doctors. But then, you know, he, um, he did a bunch of his own research and he came around. Believe it or not, he’s been the more stable parent.

Nick: I didn’t think I’d see the day anyone called adam the stable one.

Sally: How’d it go with your call?

Adam: Not great. But the upside is, the doctors want chelsea and I to come for an in-person family therapy session. So, we are gonna leave first thing in the morning.

Sally: How long will you be gone?

Adam: They suggested a week or two. You know, give or take.

Sally: Well, that sounds like a very important step. I really wanna get connor a present. Just something that shows him that I’m thinking about him. Maybe that card game that we always play. And you should bring him that soccer jersey that he loves. I saw that he left it at your place. I really think it would bring him a lot of comfort.

Adam: You know, you’ve been really great through all this. And you’ve been so patient.

Sally: Of course. You know I love connor.

Adam: And I love you. So, I need you to stop putting on a brave face ’cause I can tell something’s wrong. Something’s bugging you. And before you say anything about being a burden, will you just let me in?

Jack: You sure you’re feeling strong enough for a trip like this, chasing down what happened?

Ashley: I’m gonna do whatever I have to do to make these voices get out of my head. And if alan says I need to go to paris, then I’m going.

Traci: Okay, good. Good. I– I– I’m so glad that you feel strong enough to get to the bottom of this. And alan’s gonna help you every step of the way. But ashley, I’m going with you to paris. And I’m not gonna take no for an answer.

Ashley: I’m not gonna fight you on that.

Traci: Oh, good. Oh, good, because I’m not gonna interfere with alan. And whatever process he feels will make you better. But I’m gonna be there for you to give you the love and the support that you need.

Ashley: Thank you. Would you mind packing for me, please? And could you call and get the jet ready?

Traci: Of course, but where you going?

Ashley: I’m gonna go see alan.

Jack: Hold on, wouldn’t it be easier just to call him?

Ashley: I need to see him in person. I need to tell him what I experienced while it’s still fresh in my mind and let him know that I’m gonna take his advice. I promise you, my word of honor, I will do whatever I have to do to get better. I’ll see you soon.

Cole: You feel betrayed.

Victor: Yeah.

Cole: I understand. But we felt like this was the only way, victor. I mean, I swear, we only have the family’s best interest at heart.

Michael: What would happen if nikki were to stumble upon that secret panel, like cole did? What would happen to her sobriety if she were to find out that jordan was living in her basement?

Cole: Nobody wants to see you go to prison. My aunt is ruthless. If she somehow or another got the upper hand, if you slipped going down the stairs or she figured out a way to jimmy that lock, things could go wrong.

Michael: Unpredictable things. Things that would put everyone on the ranch in danger. In our plan, the only person who suffers is jordan.

Victor: So what’s your suggestion?

Cole: You be the hero. Just say your men found jordan washed up on the riverbank, barely alive.

Michael: You be the one to bring her in. Justice prevails because of victor newman.


Alan: Yes, I will call you as soon as she arrives, all right?

[ Knock on door ]

Alan: Oh, hold on. That may be her. Oh, come on in.

Ashley: Thanks.

Alan: Um, she’s here. Yes, will do.

Ashley: My brother?

Alan: Uh, your sister. They’re worried about you. Wondering if you’d disappear or wouldn’t show up where you said you would. I wish you’d called me. I would’ve come right over.

Ashley: You’re right. I’m losing my damn mind.

[ Cell phone chimes ]

Tucker: Hey, jean-jacques. Yeah, I’m sorry I had to cancel your meeting with audra, but she is to have no further contact with anyone at glissade, okay? Hold on, wait a minute. She’s meeting with the companies glissade acquired? How many do you know about? Uh, no, no, I’ll– I’ll take it from here. Um, yeah, I’ll… thank you. I’m gonna call you later.

Chelsea: Oh, oh, no.

Nick: Everything all right?

Chelsea: I completely missed a meeting with your daughter, also known as my boss.

Nick: Summer will certainly understand given the circumstances.

Chelsea: You know, adam’s really lucky you cover for him. I’ve been trying to focus at work, but it’s difficult. I’ve been really, really trying, but between you and me, my team has basically been on their own. I feel guilty.

Nick: Just take a leave of absence, chels. I mean, summer is a mother. She will absolutely understand.

Chelsea: No, I’d be letting too many people down. I thought about it, but I can’T. We’re finalizing our winter line. And my team is amazing, but I’m the only senior designer.

Nick: Okay, first, you gotta stop thinking that you’re letting anyone down. There’s gotta be a solution.

Chelsea: I can’t think of one.

Nick: There’s gotta be someone who could step in and help you finish the line.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: I’ve just been in a little bit of a funk about work, really. It’s nothing to worry about.

Adam: Okay. Well, if I promise not to worry, will you at least talk to me about it? ‘Cause it would make me feel a hell of a lot better to support you in a fraction of the way that you’ve let me lean on you.

Sally: Well, if you must know, I feel lost.

Adam: I knew it. I’ve been too distant lately.

Sally: No, no, no, no. This has absolutely nothing to do with you or us. We’re great. This is about my career. I’ve never been so unsure about my future.

Adam: Look, I know that I– I dropped the ball with victor about pushing your design company, okay? And I can pick that up with him again when I get back in town.

Sally: That’s the thing. I realized I don’t want you to. I think moving into interior design was a mistake. That may be the reason that my business hasn’t been a success is because my heart isn’t fully in it. I tried to convince myself that designing offices is the same as designing clothes, but I miss fashion. It’s in my dna.

Adam: So go back to it.

Sally: I’m just afraid that it’s too late. No, I mean, I’ve had my moment, a few of them, actually, and the business is fickle, memories are short. I could go to try and launch a line again and people are like, sally, who?

Adam: Okay, come on. I’m not gonna let you think like that. It is never too late to start over. Okay, and when I get back in town, I’m gonna do everything I can to help you do that.

Sally: Hearing you say it almost makes me believe that I can.

Jordan: My judge and jury. So, what’s the verdict? What are you gonna do with me?

Victor: Those two here will have me deliver you into the care of prison guards or the doctors of the loony bin.

Jordan: Is this some new trick, victor? You want me to believe this? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, you– you want me to die a slow and miserable death right in front of you?

Victor: You are an evil woman. You have done extraordinary damage to my family. Perhaps the story that i concocted, that you went onto that bridge whilst fleeing from my security guard, you slipped and plunged into waters 100 feet below. Maybe we make that story a reality. How’s that?

Jordan: Okay. I can’t play your game. You’ve won. You’ve won, you’re right. Done. Do with me what you will. Just put me out of my misery.

Victor: Not yet. With chewy, it’s never been easier

Adam: All right, the newman jet is all locked in. Are you, uh, good to go for first thing in the morning? Clear it with work?

Chelsea: I didn’t clear it with work yet, but I will. You know, I just had the most interesting conversation with nick. He suggested I take a leave of absence, step away from marchetti for a bit so I can focus on connor, not be pulled in a million directions.

Adam: I mean, that’s– that’s not a terrible idea.

Chelsea: Well, I’m sure nick would let you do the same.

Adam: No, I know he would, but working at newman is one of the few things that provides a welcome distraction. But then again, nick can step in for me at a moment’s notice. You don’t have the same luxury.

Chelsea: Yeah, my creative work certainly taps a different part of my brain, but I can’t access that when my heart is a thousand miles away with connor.

Adam: Okay, so do it.

Chelsea: I can’t, adam. I don’t have anyone to cover me. I’m not gonna leave summer in the lurch.

Adam: Look, I hope that this doesn’t sound too opportunistic, but I was just having a conversation and it might help both of you.

Chelsea: Okay, if you have an idea, go on.

Adam: Would you consider letting sally step in?

Alan: Why don’t we just take a breath, okay?

Ashley: So did traci tell you what happened?

Alan: Why don’t you tell me?

Ashley: Okay. Um, I’m talking to jack and traci and then I– I– I get kind of lightheaded and I– i guess I blacked out, which is what apparently I’ve been doing. And then I– I’m in this room and it’s all white, very bright white light and I’m there, but there’s two others of me, but we’re different. One is a– a bitch and the other one has like a southern accent and they’re fighting over me. They’re arguing over me.

Alan: What were they saying?

Ashley: They were saying that I should absolutely not go to paris with you and that I should let them take over. Is this what you meant? Is this what you were trying to explain to me?

Alan: I believe so, yeah. These personalities, alters, call them, they think they’re doing the right thing, ashley. They think they’re protecting you, but the fact that they exist at all means that there is something terribly wrong.

Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from?

Alan: Well, that’s what we need to find out. I think you should go to paris with me as soon as possible.

Tucker: Yeah, hi, hayley. Uh, I need you to book me on the next flight to paris. Absolutely, tonight.

[ Jordan groaning ]

[ Jordan sobbing ]

Jordan: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, I will not die like this. I will not die like this. Not at your hands, victor, no. No, I will not. Help me, help me, help. Oh.

Cole: Just don’t fight.

Jordan: Please, please have mercy, please. Please, please.

[ Jordan panting ]

[ Jordan crying ]

Cole: Okay, put her back, put her back.

Victor: This is victor newman. We found that jordan woman who escaped from prison twice and who terrorized my family and almost killed my wife. We found her on the banks of the galewood river. Yes, that woman. She’s alive, we’ll bring her to you.

Cole: You’re doing the right thing.

Victor: No, cole, you and michael betrayed me. And that I will not easily forget. Thththe itch and rash of moderate to severe eczema <

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Days Opinions For The Week Of May 20, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel from Days

Did the writers forget the history of the show? We know they would never do that. When Johnny told Chanel where he got the oyster crackers from, he referred to Roman as “Uncle” Roman. The last time we checked, Roman is Johnny’s grandfather. He’s not his uncle. You would think the writers would have caught that mistake especially since Johnny was talking about Sami.

Speaking of Chanel, how long is she going to punish Paulina for her mistake? As a soon-to-be mother, Chanel should understand Paulina’s situation. If Paulina died, she would never forgive herself for the way she’s treating her. Paulina apologized to Chanel for risking her life, but she refused to let it go. Before Chanel found out she was pregnant, she was willing to forgive Paulina. Now that she knows she’s pregnant, she wants to give Paulina the cold shoulder. Her attitude doesn’t make sense especially since she plans on keeping the baby.

Holly confronted Tate about what she did to Nicole. She told Nicole that she deserved to have miscarriages and didn’t deserve to be a mother. Marlena recommended that she write a letter to Nicole. You would think Holly would have talked to Nicole. Why would she go to Tate? She must have wanted to go to Tate because he would have told her she was okay doing what she did. Holly should have gone to Nicole and made it right.

How convenient was it that Nicole was drunk when she kissed Eric? She can never do things on her own. Nicole conveniently had to go through something so she’s not responsible for what she does. She kissed Eric while she was drunk. EJ caught her kissing Eric. Speaking of Eric, Eric didn’t rush to push her away. Nicole was conveniently drunk, but Eric knew what he was doing.

EJ deserves a metal for defending Nicole. He saw her kissing Eric, but he still tried to defend her against Holly’s actions. EJ had the perfect opportunity to put her in her place, but he still tried to be a good husband to her. She gave him no reason to support her, but he did it anyway. He’s a better husband than he’s given credit for more times than not.

It shouldn’t have taken Melinda to empathize with Paulina for risking Chanel’s life by saving her. Paulina’s family and friends judged her for what she did like they wouldn’t have done the same thing, yet her former enemy understood. Who knew Paulina and Melinda would have something in common.

Why would Stephanie be concerned about Everett after what he did to Eric? Everett punched Eric in front of her, yet she was concerned about him. You would think she would be concerned about Eric since he is her cousin. Stephanie has no loyalty to her family.

We felt bad for Eric when Sloan told him the truth about the baby. He put on a brave front, but he was devastated by her telling him Jude was Nicole and EJ’s son. Sloan told him she loved him and didn’t want to lose him for why she lied. Did she really think he would have been moved by her love for him? She should have known he wouldn’t have cared to hear about that. It would have been better for her to leave him a note saying the baby was Nicole and EJ’s. It broke our hearts seeing him say goodbye to Jude. If she was going to tell the truth, she may as well have told him the whole truth. She was already going to lose Eric so she may as well have told him the truth.


Eric from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of May 20, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(about EJ coming after her for taking his job)
Paulina: What’s he gonna do? Put a horsehead in your bed?
Melinda: You never know.

Leo: This lady is not going to blow your whistle.
Holly: Why not?
Leo: You sound disappointed.

(to Kate)
Ava: I think you should know by now since word gets around in this town that I don’t like being threatened.

(to Sloan)
EJ: I wouldn’t turn this into a trashy reality show if I were you.

(to Everett and Stephanie)
Leo: Have you two decided if you’re a thing or a thing thing?

(to Everett and Stephanie when they were talking gibberish)
Leo: Is this some ancient straight person language I know nothing about and don’t want to know about?

(to Theresa when she told him he would find love again)
Brady: Love will find you? You got any more greeting card expressions?

(about the prom)
Theresa: Let’s hope there aren’t any telekinetic kids trying to get revenge.
Brady: This is Salem. They are probably everywhere.

(about Everett getting arrested)
Stephanie: What are you saying? You think Everett got what he deserved?
Chad: Yeah, when you go around punching people in the face.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 20, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Melinda from Days


-Melinda could be heard talking to Paulina while Holly was shown.

-The music playing in Sloan’s scene could be heard in Nicole and Eric’s scene.

-Johnny called Roman “Uncle”, but Roman is his grandfather.

-Eric could be heard talking to Sloan while Leo was shown.


-Sloan could be heard talking to EJ while Leo was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Roman while Chad was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Sloan while Chad was shown.

-When Eric answered his phone, he thought it was Sloan. It’s likely that he has caller ID so he should know that it was Roman.


-The music playing in Alex’s scene could be heard while Chanel and Johnny were shown.

-Julie could be heard talking to herself while Theresa was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Chad and Julie were shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Theresa while Alex was shown.


-Melinda could be heard talking to Sloan while Eric was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking on the phone while EJ was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking on the phone while Stephanie was shown.

-Why would Stephanie defend Everett after he punched Eric? Eric is her cousin, yet she chose to defend the man who punched him in the face.


-Rafe could be heard talking to Marlena and Jada while Stephanie was shown.

-Sloan cried without any tears.

-Nicole could be heard using a laptop while Johnny was shown.

-Sloan’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


Rafe from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Friday, May 24, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Marlena told Rafe and Jada that Everett had two personalities in his head. Chanel told Johnny that she was feeling excited about the baby. She was ready to tell everyone that they were having a baby. Nicole got a text from Holly apologizing to her for what she said. After she responded to the text, EJ showed up. When he was seemingly upset, she wanted to know why. Sloan told Eric that Jude wasn’t their son. Eric wanted to know what she was talking about. She told him the baby was Nicole and EJ’s. Sloan said the baby wasn’t dead. Eric said it was impossible, but she said it was true. When he wanted to know why she lied, she said she didn’t want to lose him. Chanel asked if Johnny wanted to tell people about the baby. Johnny said he wanted to tell people. Chanel thought he wanted to wait until they found out if the baby was healthy. He said he wanted to wait, but she convinced him that they should tell people. Johnny said he was concerned about telling people because of what happened with EJ and Nicole’s baby. Chanel said the news of their baby might help them heal. Nicole wanted to know why EJ was so upset. EJ said he hoped Paulina would change her mind about firing him. Nicole thought Paulina should change her mind. EJ said Paulina would regret crossing a DiMera. Eric asked Sloan if she took another woman’s child because she was afraid of losing him. Sloan said she was grieving over the miscarriage and the idea of being infertile. She said she thought he would leave her. Sloan said she wanted a family after losing hers. While she was talking, she told him about the snag that happened when they tried to adopt a baby. She told him the other parents didn’t want a horrible person like her raising their child. Sloan told him Dimitri showed up with the baby. Eric said Dimitri was supposed to take the baby to the hospital. Sloan said he couldn’t take the baby because of the police. She said she decided to keep the baby when she saw it. It was their last chance at being parents and holding on to him. She said she decided to keep the baby and keep it as theirs.

Marlena told Rafe and Jada that she thought Everett had DID. She said it was rare and misdiagnosed. It happened because of early childhood trauma. She thought Everett lashed out at Eric because of something that happened in his childhood. Jada said his behavior explained a lot. She called Stephanie to ask if she saw Everett. Stephanie said she didn’t see him. Jada said there was information that came to light and wanted her to come down to the police station to explain. Johnny and Chanel showed up at the mansion to talk to EJ and Nicole. While they were talking, they told EJ and Nicole that Chanel was pregnant. Eric wanted Sloan to tell him it wasn’t true. He asked about the test results that proved EJ wasn’t the father. Sloan said the results were tampered with. Eric asked if she did it. Sloan said she was heartbroken and wished she didn’t have to tell him now. Eric asked why she was telling him now. She flashed back to EJ threatening her. Sloan lied and said he was getting closer to the truth. She said Leo knew the truth. Eric realized Leo was going to tell the truth when he and Nicole found him. He ripped into her for accusing Nicole of kidnapping her child. Sloan said she did what she did because she loved him. Eric told her not to tell him she loved him. He said anyone who loved him wouldn’t have done what she did. While Marlena, Jada, and Rafe were talking about Everett, Stephanie showed up. Nicole was excited about Chanel’s pregnancy. She wondered if what happened to her was why they didn’t tell her sooner. Sloan told Eric that she did what she did because she loved him. Eric told her he was taking the baby back to Nicole and EJ. Jada talked to Stephanie about Everett’s DID. Stephanie wanted to know how they were going to help him. Marlena said he had to realize he needed help. Stephanie said she discharged him. Marlena said he discharged himself. Stephanie realized he lied to her. Marlena said he needed help, but he was resistant. EJ wanted to talk to Johnny privately. He confronted Johnny about the baby. Johnny said Chanel wanted to be optimistic about the baby no matter what. EJ asked if he believed that too. Johnny said he did. He said he was trying to be optimistic. EJ said Johnny was having misgivings about the baby. Johnny said it wasn’t his choice to say anything. EJ said it was his baby too. Johnny said Chanel was his wife. When Sloan wanted to say goodbye to Jude, Eric told her she didn’t have the right to do it. He didn’t want her to say another word. After he told the baby goodbye, he warned her not to leave because she was going to pay for what she did. Stephanie said she wanted to help Everett. Marlena said it would take therapy for him to get help. Stephanie asked if she wanted her to talk Everett into getting therapy. Marlena said it was the only thing that would help. Stephanie agreed to do it. Eric went to see EJ and Nicole to tell them Jude was their son.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, May 23, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Sloan told Melinda that EJ wanted her to tell Eric that he and Nicole are Jude’s parents. He wants Eric to lose everything. Sloan told her everything that happened with EJ. Melinda wanted her to keep her name out of it. She didn’t want to lose everything. Jada told Rafe that Everett was arrested. Stephanie told Chad about what happened with Eric and Everett. He wondered how long it took for the police to come. She didn’t understand why the police reacted that way when he was trying to help. Chad wondered if he really was trying to help. Eric talked to Marlena about why he got punched. He thought Everett was trying to protect Stephanie. He had to go and Marlena wanted him to be careful. Sloan couldn’t believe that Melinda was worried about what she would lose. Melinda told her that she was reinstated at the D.A. and thought the situation would ruin her. Sloan had to think of a way to get out of that situation. EJ told Nicole that he was fired as D.A. He reminded her that she wasn’t in any condition to handle the news. Nicole thought about kissing Eric. She felt terrible that she wasn’t there for him. He felt bad that he wasn’t there when she went through her argument with Holly. EJ thought Eric wouldn’t have had to be there. Jada told Rafe that Everett insisted that he was Robert when he got arrested. She thought Marlena could help him. Jada called Marlena to ask her to visit Everett at the station. Marlena told her that she wasn’t seeing him anymore. Jada remembered that Stephanie told her about it. Marlena informed her that she didn’t stop helping him. He decided to quit. Jada asked her to help him anyway. Melinda didn’t know what she could do to help Sloan when EJ was holding the cards. Sloan said that EJ would take her son and she would lose Eric. Melinda told her that she didn’t have a choice. Sloan said Eric and Jude were all she had and needed Melinda to help her. Stephanie defended Everett to Chad. She noticed the look on his face and wanted to know what that was about. Chad told her that Everett had violent tendencies. She insisted that he doesn’t act that way. Chad wondered if Bobby was the one who did it. He thought Everett overreacted to the situation. Jada and Rafe were talking to Everett and he insisted that he was Robert. Everett said that every keeps calling him Robert. Marlena arrived and he seemed to forget what happened. He wanted to know what happened.

EJ tried to make Nicole feel better about what happened with Holly. He assured her that she was a good mother. Sloan told Melinda that she might get something out of going along with EJ’s plan. She could get money and Eric wouldn’t know the truth. Sloan thought Eric deserved to know the truth. Melinda advised her not to tell Eric the truth. She thought she should move on with her life. Marlena talked to Everett about what happened. He wanted to leave. Everett didn’t seem to know why he was at the station. Marlena wanted to know his name. He told her that he’s Everett. Everett didn’t remember referring to himself as Bobby. She asked him why he attacked her son. Sloan talked to Melinda about how happy Eric was with Jude. She wondered where she went wrong. Eric arrived while Sloan was talking to Melinda. Nicole thought Paulina has been unpredictable and wanted to talk to Abe about firing EJ. He didn’t want her to speak on his behalf. EJ thought Paulina’s actions were a direct result of her radiation. He wanted to have the votes recalled and get the job himself. Nicole didn’t think it was a good idea. EJ left and made a call. He wanted to know what was going on at Sloan’s apartment. Marlena was surprised that Everett didn’t remember hitting Eric. Everett told her what happened when he saw Eric. Rafe and Jada arrived when Marlena talked to him about therapy. He told him that he made bail. Everett wanted the cuffs off. Eric wondered if he did anything to upset Sloan. She wanted to tell him the truth about Jude. Sloan told him that he wasn’t their son. Eric knew that he wasn’t their biological son and that she was mourning the loss of their son. Sloan wanted to tell him what she did with Jude. She blurted out that Jude was Nicole and EJ’s son. Sloan told him their son didn’t die and that Jude is their child.

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Days Update Friday, May 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie works at the Spectator. She looks behind her at the empty desk and then grabs her phone to call Everett but it goes straight to voicemail again. Stephanie leaves a message that she’s starting to worry as she asks where he is.

In the interrogation room, Rafe and Jada question Marlena knowing why Everett acted so strangely and attacked Eric unprovoked. Marlena says she can’t give them information from their therapy sessions but just from what she gathered here since she is no longer his psychiatrist. Jada asks if she has a possible diagnosis. Marlena says it would only be based on what they saw in this room. Rafe remarks that it was like he was two very different people. Jada and Marlena agree that it was like he was Bobby and Everett, two very different people who live inside his head.

Johnny and Chanel have coffee and breakfast in the town square. Johnny talks about Chanel being over her morning sickness. Chanel talks about being excited about the baby. Johnny says he’s excited to. Chanel says screw fear, doubt, and worry as she’s deciding that she’s done living in dread over what being exposed to radiation may or may not have done to their baby. Chanel announces that she wants to tell all of their friends and family that they are expecting and she hopes they are all just as happy. Chanel asks what Johnny says to that.

Nicole sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion when she gets a text from Holly, apologizing for what she said and their fight, adding that she hopes Nicole can forgive her. Nicole smiles and texts back that she loves her. EJ then enters with a tray of food and asks if Nicole is alright. Nicole responds that she’s relieved because she just got a text from Holly, saying she was sorry for what she said to her. EJ says she knew Holly would come around eventually. EJ then gets a call from Rita. EJ angrily tells her that he told her not to bother him today unless it was urgent. EJ tells Rita to set it up for Monday Morning and orders her not to call again as he hangs up. Nicole questions how EJ snapped at Rita which EJ says is nothing new. Nicole says she’s never heard him speak to her like that. EJ says she’ll be fine. Nicole is sure Rita is thrown like she was and says she can tell something is upsetting him. EJ promises he’s fine but Nicole doesn’t buy it and asks what has him so wound up.

Eric tells Sloan that he knows Jude isn’t their son biologically and that she’s still mourning the loss of their child. Sloan stops him and declares that Jude isn’t their son biologically or otherwise. Eric asks if there’s something wrong with the adoption. Sloan says no, so Eric asks what it is. Sloan says she’s trying to tell him what she did with Jude. Eric worries that she had a lot to drink last night and goes to get her some water but Sloan stops him and announces that Jude is Nicole and EJ’s baby, as their baby didn’t die but is very much alive and is right there, leaving Eric in shock. Eric calls it not possible but Sloan reveals it’s true and she lied the whole time. Eric asks why. Sloan responds that she didn’t want to lose him.

Chanel asks if Johnny doesn’t want her to tell people that she’s pregnant. Johnny says he wants to tell people eventually. Chanel guesses he wants to wait until they are sure the baby is okay and the radiation didn’t cause any issues. Chanel says she gets that but she’s sick of the what if’s when their baby could be perfectly fine. Chanel encourages focusing on the positives instead and asks if they should throw a party at the DiMera Mansion to announce they are expecting or a video on social media. Johnny suggests slowing down but Chanel wants to enjoy every moment of the pregnancy and says they can’t do that until they stop treating it like a deep, dark secret. Johnny responds that it’s not just the scare of the radiation exposure that makes him hesitant to tell people. Chanel asks what the other reason is. Johnny points out that it wasn’t so long ago that EJ and Nicole lost their baby. Chanel suggests that maybe EJ and Nicole finding out they have a grandchild on the way will be the news they need to start to heal. Chanel points out that they are going to have to tell them sometime and she’s going to start showing before long. Chanel declares that their baby is here to stay, so it’s time to start thinking about the future.

Nicole wants an explanation as to why EJ bit Rita’s head off on the phone and why he’s acting all edgy and anxious. EJ insists that it’s not a big deal. EJ guesses he was hoping that Paulina was calling to say she came to her senses and would keep him on as district attorney but that’s not going to happen as she was final in her decision. Nicole calls it Paulina’s loss since EJ was good at the job. EJ agrees and declares that when he has Paulina recalled as Mayor, she will rue the day that she crossed a DiMera. Nicole tells EJ that he will have plenty of time to figure out how to extract his non-violent revenge against Paulina, but reminds him they are supposed to be relaxing this afternoon. Nicole calls him over to massage his neck and questions why he keeps checking his watch. EJ claims there’s no reason but Nicole demands an answer as to why he’s so on edge. EJ responds that he’s expecting a delivery.

Eric questions Sloan taking another woman’s child because she was afraid to lose him. Sloan says she was grieving after the miscarriage and being told she was infertile while knowing how much it meant to Eric to be a father. Sloan thought if she couldn’t give him a child, he would leave her and she wanted to have a family with him so badly. Sloan talks about being so happy and relieved when he agreed to adopt, like they had been given a second chance. Eric complains that his head is spinning. Sloan reveals that the adoption fell through at the very last minute because the parents pulled out after they looked into her background and didn’t want a horrible person like her raising their child. Sloan cries that she was devastated to lose their second chance and then Dimitri Von Leuschner showed up at her doorstep with a baby. Eric recalls Dimitri and Leo delivering Nicole’s baby on the roadside and Dimitri was supposed to take the baby to the hospital. Sloan explains that he couldn’t because he was on the run and the hospital was swarming with cops, so when she saw the baby boy, she decided to keep him. Sloan saw it as their last chance at being parents, at happiness, and her last chance to hold onto Eric. Sloan says that’s when she made the choice to take Nicole’s baby as their baby.

Marlena informs Rafe and Jada that she thinks Everett has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Rafe recalls Abigail having that. Marlena calls it very rare and often misdiagnosed, noting that it usually happens because of some early childhood trauma. Marlena thinks Everett may have lashed out at Eric because he was triggered by something in his own childhood which led him to turn in to Bobby. Jada says this would explain so much. Rafe thinks they should call Stephanie to warn her since she posted his bail. Jada calls Stephanie and asks if she’s seen Everett today since he’s been out on bail. Stephanie responds that she hasn’t but she’s been trying to reach him and he’s not picking up. Stephanie asks if Jada knows where he is. Jada says she doesn’t but some new information has come to light, so she asks Stephanie to come to the police station to discuss some things.

Nicole questions what kind of delivery EJ is expecting. EJ says it’s nothing Nicole needs to concern herself for now. Nicole asks about him being so cryptic. They start to kiss until Johnny and Chanel walk in and greet them. Johnny tells EJ that he hadn’t gotten to talk to him since he lost his district attorney job and he’s sorry about that. EJ says he appreciates that. Chanel says the same and that she would put in a good word for him, but her and Paulina are not on the best of terms. EJ supposes that even Chanel thinks Paulina was in the wrong for leaving isolation and subjecting her and others to radiation. Chanel confirms that she does, especially because she’s pregnant.

Eric asks Sloan if this is a horrible nightmare that isn’t true. Sloan wishes it was. Eric asks about the DNA test results that proved Nicole and EJ weren’t Jude’s parents. Sloan admits the results were tampered with by her. Sloan assures her heart is broken and that Eric’s is probably more than her. Sloan wishes she didn’t have to tell him this. Eric asks why she is telling him now then. Sloan thinks back to EJ’s warning. Sloan then tells Eric that she’s coming clean now because she had to. Eric demands to know why. Sloan claims it’s because Eric was getting closer and closer to the truth and every time she put out a fire, another would pop up. Eric asks what she’s talking about. Sloan reveals that Leo knew the truth since he delivered the baby on the side of the road which is why he felt such a bond with Jude and then Dimitri told him. Eric realizes that Leo was going to tell him at the Salem Inn that night and he said he had news to share with Nicole. Sloan admits that’s why Nicole felt such a bond with Jude as she must have just sensed it. Eric argues that Sloan shunned Nicole and accused her of kidnapping her child when she knew all along that Jude was Nicole’s child and her baby was alive. Eric complains that Sloan put Nicole and EJ through Hell by making them think their child was dead. Sloan screams that she did it because she loves Eric. Eric tells her not to tell him that she loves him or Jude because nobody would’ve done that. Eric declares that Sloan is incapable of love.

Jada tells Marlena that out of all her years as a detective, she’s never come across anyone with D.I.D. and didn’t even think it was real. Marlena says there’s a lot of myths about it but confirms it is real. Marlena talks about Abigail suffering from it and the difficulties her and Chad had with it. Marlena mentions Abigail being successfully treated for it, so she believes Everett can be as well. Rafe points out that nobody knows where Everett is now. Stephanie then arrives and assumes they are talking about her bailing out Everett which Rafe confirms. Stephanie asks why she shouldn’t have and what’s going on.

Nicole congratulates Johnny and Chanel, telling them how exciting this is. Nicole then realizes EJ already knew and questions if they didn’t tell her because they didn’t think she could handle it. Johnny explains that they weren’t telling anyone and he only told EJ in confidence. Chanel adds that as soon as they started telling people, they wanted her to be the first to know. Nicole calls that sweet and excitedly tells them that they will be great parents. EJ asks for a private father-son talk with Johnny, so they step out of the room.

Eric questions how Sloan could do this to EJ and Nicole and to him. Sloan knows it was terrible and repeats that she did it because she loves him but Eric doesn’t want to hear it. Sloan hugs Eric and cries that she did it for them. Eric yells at her to stop as she repeats that she loves him. Eric pulls away and goes to Jude to ask if he’s ready to go. Sloan questions what he’s doing. Eric declares that he’s going to take Jude back to his real parents.

Stephanie can’t believe it as she hears about Everett having D.I.D. Jada talks about how it makes sense and everything he did to hurt her was because his other personality didn’t know the other one existed, so it was because of his illness. Stephanie says now the question is what do they do to help him. Marlena responds that he first must admit he needs help. Stephanie brings up Marlena discharging Everett from her care which Marlena clarifies never happened as she urged him to stay in treatment. Stephanie realizes that Everett lied to her. Marlena confirms that Everett is resistant to getting help because he’s terribly frightened, but says that is where Stephanie comes in.

EJ argues that Johnny isn’t thinking straight and questions why he would make this decision when he knows it’s a catastrophic decision. Johnny argues that it’s none of EJ’s business. EJ complains that it was when he flew in the specialist from Switzerland. Johnny argues that EJ only did that to try and control their decision. EJ disagrees and says he was trying to be helpful. Johnny tells EJ to be helpful then, pointing out that Chanel is excited and happy about the baby as she has chosen to be optimistic and to believe the baby will be a blessing no matter what. EJ asks if Johnny has also chosen to believe that. Johnny responds that he has and he’s trying to be happy and excited. EJ argues that he knows Johnny is having serious misgivings about this. Johnny admits he’s a little worried as he doesn’t know if going through with the pregnancy is the right thing but he doesn’t know if it’s his place to say so, since Chanel is carrying the child and she is his wife so he won’t just overrule her. EJ repeats that he thinks he’s making a terrible mistake. Johnny says he’s entitled to his opinion but declares that if it makes his wife happy, it’s never a mistake to him.

Nicole gives Chanel a baby book that she got at her baby shower. Nicole thought she gave away all the gifts she got but came across this. Chanel tells her that she’s really grateful and calls it their first baby gift. Chanel knows it must be really hard for Nicole. Nicole admits it is but it’s because seeing how excited Chanel is reminds her of how excited she was to raise another child. Nicole assures that she’s very happy for her. Chanel thanks her as they hug.

Eric begins packing a bag. Sloan starts to cry over Jude but Eric tells her to stay away from him. Sloan wants to say goodbye to Jude but Eric says she doesn’t get to do that and orders her not to say another word.

Nicole apologizes to Chanel for falling apart when they have such wonderful news. EJ and Johnny come back in. EJ asks what’s wrong. Nicole explains that she just got emotional which Chanel says is understandable. Nicole says she should be focusing on the positive and their baby will bring so much joy to their lives. Johnny suggests they head upstairs. Chanel thanks Nicole for her kindness and says she’ll see them later as she and Johnny exit. EJ wishes he could take Nicole’s pain away. Nicole responds that no one can, but she does seem to move forward since she has a daughter, a husband, and a new job, but she has to accept the fact that the pain is always going to be there and will never go away. EJ hugs her and checks his watch again.

Eric tearfully says goodbye to Jude and talks about how much he will miss him, but it’s time to meet his real parents. Eric picks up Jude and tells Sloan not to think about leaving because he will be back and she will pay for what she has done. Eric then exits with Jude, leaving Sloan in tears.

Stephanie says she wants to help Everett in any way she can but questions what she can do. Marlena responds that the most effective treatment for D.I.D. is intense psychotherapy. Jada adds that is if Everett or Bobby is open to being helped. Stephanie guesses Marlena hopes that she can convince him to get back in to treatment. Marlena thinks she is the best shot they have since they are friends and he trusts her. Stephanie agrees to do whatever she can. Marlena calls it the first step. Stephanie asks if there’s any particular strategy to persuade Everett that he has to get help. Marlena thinks the best strategy is to proceed carefully since if he senses she’s forcing him, he will become defiant and resistant. Stephanie says she understands. Marlena warns that they have to proceed very carefully. Rafe points out that first, they have to find him.

Johnny and Chanel go to their bedroom. Johnny asks how it felt to finally tell people about the pregnancy. Chanel notes that EJ and Nicole are family, so it felt right. Chanel asks what EJ had to talk to him about in private. Johnny says since EJ hired the specialist, he knows about all the dangers and risks of the radiation. Chanel asks what EJ said, so Johnny claims that EJ just told him they don’t have to worry about the bills and he’ll have it all covered. Chanel is surprised and calls that really kind of him. Johnny asks about Chanel’s talk with Nicole. Chanel says it was so sad. Chanel shows Johnny the baby book that Nicole gave her from her baby shower as she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it. Johnny says it was sweet of Nicole to give it to her. Chanel worries that Nicole is still in such terrible pain and grieving the baby boy that she and EJ lost. Chanel feels them having a baby is going to make it harder for Nicole to heal as it will be a constant reminder of her loss. Johnny says there is no avoiding that but Chanel suggests they could move out and get their own place.

Sloan picks up Jude’s stuffed bear that was left behind and holds it as she cries.

EJ and Nicole sit together in the living room. EJ says he hopes she’s feeling better. Nicole says she is and thanks him for taking such good care of her. EJ says that’s what he loves to do. The doorbell rings so EJ says he’ll get it. Nicole says maybe it’s the delivery he’s expecting. EJ says they will see and goes to answer the door to see Eric with Jude. Nicole joins EJ at the door as EJ asks what brings Eric by. Nicole greets Eric and asks what he’s doing here. Eric remains silent so Nicole asks what’s going on. Eric reveals to Nicole that her son didn’t die and announces that Jude is her son. Eric hands Jude over to Nicole. Nicole is shocked as EJ smiles while Eric looks on in tears.

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GH Short Recap Friday, May 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Cody tells Tracy that Gregory died in his sleep and she tells Cody that he is a lot like Gregory. Tracy talks to Stella and shares her grief about Gregory and she tells Stella that Gregory changed her for the better and that is why she doesn’t want to let him down because he was a good man.

Tracy tells Stella that she wants to take care of Gregory’s medical bills without the family knowing she took care of the bills for them.

Elizabeth tells Portia that Finn had a momentary slip and has been drinking ever since he found Gregory’s dead body. Elizabeth asks Portia to keep it a secret because she is sure he will get back on track again. Portia promises to keep Elizabeth’s secret about Finn’s drinking.

Chase and Finn share memories of Gregory and share how much they will miss him. Finn tells Chase to get rid of the vodka bottle and later Finn decides to go to a meeting.

Fergus Byrne tells the court that Alexis is responsible for the death of both his brothers and she shouldn’t practice law because she likes to manipulate the law when it suits her. Alexis tells the court that she was disbarred because of a vendetta and she deserves to practice law again. The court tells Alexis they will notify her of their decision in thirty days.

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Days Transcript Friday, May 24, 2024

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Straight to voicemail again.

Everett, it’s Stephanie and I’m starting to worry. Where are you?

So you know why Everett was acting so strangely? Why he attacked Eric completely unprovoked? Look, you both understand that I can’t give you any information based on, on prior psychiatric sessions that I’ve had with him. I can only give you insights that I’ve gained from, from right here during the interview in this room because I am no longer his psychiatrist.

Understood. And since I am not his psychiatrist, I, I’m not privy to his latest thoughts or feelings. Do you have any possible diagnosis? Yes. It would only be possibilities. But they’d be based on what the four of us saw right here in this room. Well, I sure as hell know what I saw. And it was like he was two very different people.

Right. Bobby and Everett. Yeah. Bobby and Everett. And as you said, they’re very different people and they both are They both live inside his head.

Mmm. Mmm. Wow, this brownie is so good. I might have to get the recipe so I can add it to the menu on Sweet Bitch. Looks like someone is over their morning sickness. Yeah, it’s definitely subsiding. I can see that. In fact, I’m ravenous now. Yeah, I’ve noticed. But more than that, Johnny, I’m not just ravenous, but I’m excited.

About this little person that’s growing inside of me. Yeah, I’m excited too. So you know what? Screw it. Screw what? Fear and doubt and worry. I am deciding right here, right now, that I am done living in a perpetual state of dread over what being exposed to that radiation may or may not have done to our baby.

Okay. I, okay. So, I want to tell all of our friends and family that we’re expecting. And I want them to be just as excited about it as I am right now. I think it’s time that we shout it from the rooftops of Salem, the news of our pregnancy. So, what do you say?

I had cook prepare us a nice afternoon snack.

Darling, are you alright? Yes, um, Actually, I’m relieved. I just got a text from Holly saying how sorry she was for what she said to me. That’s so good, darling. But I knew she would come around eventually. Express regret over how much she hurt you. Bollocks. Yes. Rita, dammit, this could wait. I told you not to bother me today unless it was urgent.

That’s fine. Set it up for Monday morning. And don’t call here again without a damn good reason, alright? Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. What? What? What? How you just snapped at Rita. There’s nothing new there. Really? I have never heard you speak to her like that. She has thick skin. She’ll be fine. Maybe so, but I’m sure she was thrown by it, just like I was.

AJ, I can tell something’s upsetting you. I’m fine, I promise. No, no, you’re not. What is going on? And what has got you so wound up?

Sloane, sweetheart. It’s obvious that Jude isn’t ours biologically. I know that you’re still mourning her loss of her baby and Stop. Stop. Please. Jude isn’t ours biologically or otherwise. Is this why Melinda was here? Is there something wrong with the adoption? No!

Sloan. Baby, don’t confuse. What is it?

That’s what I’m trying to tell you. What I did. You know what, you had a lot to drink last night. Let me get you some more, okay? He’s Nicole and EJ’s.

Nicole and EJ’s baby. He’s not dead. He’s very much alive. He’s right there. Jude is their son.

No, it’s not possible. It can’t be. It is. It’s true. I’ve been lying. I lied the whole time. Why? Because I didn’t want to lose you. Like sands through

the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

You don’t want me to tell people I’m pregnant, do you? What? No! No, of course! I want to tell people eventually, I just You, you want to wait until we’re sure that the baby is, is okay, that the radiation didn’t cause any, any problems? Yeah. Yeah, I, Johnny, I get that. I’m concerned about that too, obviously. But, I mean, aren’t you sick of just obsessing over all the what ifs?

Our baby could be perfectly healthy, right? So, why not think about the positive outcome? You know, isn’t it better to focus on that instead of the alternative? Yeah. Yeah. I guess it is. Yes, it definitely is. So, should we, I don’t know, throw, throw a party at the mansion to announce that we’re expecting? Or, ooh, I know, you can make us a video and then we can put it on, um, social media and blast it all over.

Okay, babe, let’s just, let’s slow down. No, I don’t want to slow down. I want to enjoy everything. every moment of this pregnancy and we can’t do that until we stop treating it like some big dark secret. What? What are you thinking? I’m just, I’m thinking that’s not the only reason, okay? It’s not just the scare of the radiation exposure that I’m hesitant to tell people you’re pregnant.

Okay, well, what’s the other reason?

It wasn’t so long ago that my dad and Nicole lost their baby. Oh. Yeah, right. Well, maybe E. J. and Nicole finding out that they have a grandchild on the way will be I mean, I know it’s not Nicole’s grandchild biologically, but still, maybe it’ll be just the news that they need to help them finally start to heal.

Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Johnny, we’re gonna have to tell them sometime. I mean, it won’t be long before I start showing. Oh. Uh, yeah, I actually hadn’t even thought about that. Well, daddy, it is high time you start thinking about it because this little one is here to stay. So, uh, it is time that we start thinking about the future.


Okay, I’m waiting for an explanation as to why you bit Rita’s head off on the phone just now. And why are you acting all edgy and anxious? It’s not a big deal, really.

I suppose I was hoping Paulina might be calling to say that she had come to her senses that she was going to keep me on as DA. Well, she damn well should come to her senses about that. Well, she’s not going to. She was final in her decision. Well, it was a terrible decision. Hey, you know what? You did a really good job.

It’s gonna be her loss. Most assuredly will be. And once I have her recalled as mayor, she is going to rue the day she crossed the DiMera. Okay. You will have plenty of time to figure out how to exact your non violent revenge against that woman. But, um, honey, aren’t we supposed to be relaxing this afternoon?

Yes, yes, yes, I remember. Yes, yes, yes. Okay, so why don’t you come here and sit down and I will rub your neck. Ooh, yes, please. Okay. How’s that? That’s lovely. Lovely, lovely. You have a hot date? Huh? Hmm? Why do you keep checking your watch? Don’t be silly. I’ve already snagged the hottest catch in town. Then why are you so concerned about the time, especially since said hottest catch has her hands all over your body?

There’s no reason. Oh, wow. Best up da Mira. Otherwise I’m going to have to play my hardcore techniques. Oh. Yeah. So tell me, why do you keep checking your watch? And why are you so on edge? Okay, okay.

Let’s just say I’m expecting a delivery.

You took another woman’s child? Because you were afraid to lose me?

I was grieving at the miscarriage and then I was told I was infertile. Knowing how much it meant to you to be a father, I thought that if I, if I couldn’t give you a baby, I thought that you would leave me. I wanted to have a family with you so badly. Especially after losing my parents, my brother. And when you agreed that we could adopt, I, I was so happy.

I was, oh, I was relieved. It felt like, you know, we’d been given a second chance.

What I didn’t tell you was that that adoption, that second chance, it fell through, like, very last minute. What? The parents of the little boy that we were supposed to get, before the baby was even born, they decided last minute to pull out. What? Why? Because, because they did some research into my background and they found that they didn’t want a horrible person like me raising their child.

I was devastated. It was like there goes our second chance. You know how bad living a happy little life with our family together. And then. And then what? And then Dimitri von Leuschner showed up on my doorstep with the baby. Well, hold on a minute.

He and Leo Stark, they delivered Nicole’s baby. On the roadside. And Dimitri, he was supposed to, he was supposed to take the baby to the hospital. Right, but he couldn’t because he was swarming with cops. He couldn’t take him to the hospital because he was on the lam. So he brought him to me instead. And that’s when I saw him holding a precious little baby boy.

I, I decided to, to keep him.

I saw it as our last chance of being parents. Our last chance at happiness. It was my last chance to hold on to you. And, uh, and that’s when

I made the choice to keep Nicole’s baby and take him as ours.

Are you saying that I’m saying that I think that Everett has DID. Dissociative Identity Disorder. Have you heard of it? I am kind of familiar with it, yes. Abigail DeMera had it. Right. Right. It’s very rare and it’s often misdiagnosed. Usually it happens because of some early childhood trauma. I think that Everett may have lashed out at Eric because he was triggered by something that happened in his own childhood.

Right. Okay, and so that triggering event, um, I am to turn into Bobby. Hmm. Oh my God. If this is true, this would explain so much. Yeah, Stephanie posted his bail. We should call her. Water.

Jada, hi. Hey, Steph. Have you seen Everett? I mean, today, since he’s been out on bail? No, actually. And I’ve been calling him, trying to reach him, but he’s not picking up. Do you know where he is? I don’t. But listen, there’s some new information that’s come to light. Can you come down to the station? We need to discuss some things.

So what kind of delivery are you expecting? Oh, uh, nothing that you need to concern yourself with. Not now, anyway. Not now. Why are you being so cryptic about all of this? Hey. Oh, hi. Hi there. . Oh, Nicole. Dad, I haven’t, uh, had a chance to talk to you since you lost your DA job. I’m, I’m, I’m sorry. I, uh, I appreciate that, Johnny.

Yeah. Um, me, me too. And I would put in a good word for you, but, uh. My mom and I are not really on the best of terms. I suppose that even you think your mother is in the wrong, leaving isolation and, um, subjecting you and others to radiation. Yes, I do. Especially because

I’m pregnant.

Horrible nightmare. Just tell me it’s not true. Yeah, I wish that I could. What about, what about those DNA test results that prove that Nicole and EJ weren’t Jude’s parents? The um, the results were, they were tampered with. What?

By you. Eric,

Eric, believe me, my heart is broken. I know yours is too, probably more than mine. I wish I didn’t have to tell you any of this right now. Then why are you? Why are you coming clean with this now? So you need to make a decision, Sloan. Do you want to say goodbye to your freedom? Spend the rest of your life surrounded by barbed wire, fencing, and surly guards.

All for a pyrrhic victory. Where do you want to start, and you? Anywhere in the world. Have you ever been to Milan? I hear there are quite a lot of single billionaires roaming around there.

Please, please, I can’t, I can’t, I need just more time. I, you have only 24 hours and not a second more. I’m coming clean now because I, I had to, I, I had to. Why? Why? Why?

Because you were getting closer and closer to the truth. Every fire that I would put out, another fire would pop up. What are you talking about?

Leo knew the truth. Leo delivered the baby on the side of the road. That’s why he felt such a bond with him. And then Dimitri told Leo that he dropped the baby off with me. That’s when Leo was, he was gonna tell me at the salium, isn’t it, that night that

when the money all dried up. Yeah. Nicole and I, we found a bar drunk and that’s when he said he had news to share with Nicole to make her happy and make me sad. That’s why Nicole, Felt such a bond with him as well, she must have just sensed it. You shunned her. You, you accused her of kidnapping your child.

I wanted to keep her. When you knew all along that you was her child, that her baby was alive. You, you put, Nicole and EJ threw hell making them think that their child was dead. I did it because I love you! No! I did it because I love you! Don’t tell me you love me! Don’t tell me you love me or Jude! Because nobody would have ever done that to me.

You’re not even capable of love.

Wow. You know, I have to say, I Out of all my years as detective, I’ve never run across anyone with DID and I have to admit that I kind of thought it wasn’t real. Well, there are lots of myths about DID but it is an actual illness, right. Was right. Abigail suffered with it and uh, had a hard time, as did Chad.

Yeah. But she was successfully treated, right. She was. And I think that Everett can be as well. Yeah, but, uh, who the hell knows where he is right now? Only Stephanie hadn’t bailed him out. Yeah. I assume you’re talking about my having bailed out Everett? That’s what we were talking about. Well, why shouldn’t I have?

What’s going on? Oh my goodness, this is so exciting! Congratulations! Oh, wow! Isn’t this exciting, EJ? It is, yeah. Yeah! You knew, didn’t you? I did. And you didn’t tell me? Neither of you told me? Is Is it because you think I couldn’t handle it? Or Oh, no, no, no, Nicole. It isn’t that. Nicole, look, we weren’t telling anyone at first, really.

And I only told my father in confidence. Yeah, and as soon as we decided to spread the word, we wanted to make sure that you were the first to know. Oh. Oh. Oh, that’s, that’s very sweet. Oh, you two are going to be such great parents. Johnny, may I have a, uh, private moment with you? Just a little father son talk.

Yeah, sure. Excellent. Sure. Excuse us both, it might be a moment. Yeah, of course. How could you do this? How could you do this to E. G. and Nicole? How could you do this to me? How could you Believe me, please. I know it was terrible. I don’t want to hear that. I did it because I love you. Please believe that. Can I just say it?

No, I just, I love you. I did it for us. I wouldn’t do anything for her. Don’t touch me. I love you. I love you. Stop. Stop! I love you. No! Stop! You ready to

go, big guy? What are you doing?

Can’t you figure this out? I’m gonna take,

I’m gonna take Jude back to his real parents.


God, I don’t believe this. But if you look at all the mixed signals that Bobby was sending, it makes sense. And now I realize that everything I was so angry at him about, everything he did to hurt me, the lying, the cheating, walking out on me, he only did that because his other personality didn’t know the other one existed.

It was, it was because of his illness. And now the question is, what do we do to help him? First thing that has to happen is he has to admit that he needs help. But you, you discharged him from your care. Do you not realize that he No, no, I, I did not discharge him. I urged him to stay in treatment. So he lied to me.

Yes. He’s resistant to getting help. For good reason, he’s He’s frightened. He’s terribly frightened. And that is where you come in. You’re not thinking straight, Johnny. Don’t do this. Why would you make this decision when you know full well that it is a mistake, a catastrophic mistake, in fact? Honestly, it’s none of your business.

Oh, but it certainly was my business when I flew that specialist in from Switzerland, right? You only did so that you could control our decision. Not true, damn it. I was trying to be helpful. You want to be helpful? Then be helpful. Okay, look. Chanel is excited. And happy. About this baby, okay? She has chosen to be optimistic.

She has chosen to believe that this baby will be a blessing to us no matter what. Okay. And what about you? Have you chosen to believe that too? Yeah. Yeah, I have. Okay. Okay, and I’m trying to be optimistic. I’m trying to be happy and excited. Okay, trying. Really? Because you are having serious misgivings about this.

I know you are. Okay, okay. I’m not gonna lie to you. I’ll admit I’m a little worried. Okay, I don’t know if going through with this pregnancy is the right thing, but I also don’t feel that it’s my place to say so. What do you mean it’s not your place? You’re the child’s father. I understand that, but Chanel is carrying our child, okay?

She’s my wife, whom I love and respect. And I’m not just gonna overrule what she wants. Well, as I said, I think you’re making a terrible mistake. Well, you’re entitled to your opinion. To me, if it makes my wife happy, then it’s never a mistake.

Here, I want you to have this. Tales of the Cuddly Bunny? Yeah. I, I got it at my baby shower, and um, You know, I thought I gave all the gifts away, and I came across this, and I, I just couldn’t give it up. And, and maybe this is why. Well, I’m really grateful. This is our, our first baby gift. And, Nicole, I know that this must be really, really hard for you.

It is. I have to admit. But I think it’s because seeing how excited you are reminds me of how excited I was to have a baby and to raise another child. But I, I want you to know, honey, I’m so very happy for you. Thank you. Thank you so much. That’s so wonderful.

Oh, my sweet little baby boy. Stay away from him.

At least let me say goodbye to him. No, you don’t get to do that. And don’t say another word.

Oh, oh gosh, I’m, I’m so sorry. What? No, you, you have nothing to be sorry about. Yes, yes I do. I mean, here you and Johnny have brought such wonderful news and I’m falling apart.

Nicole, darling, what’s wrong? Oh, uh, Chanel and I were just talking and I, I got emotional, understandably. No, no, not understandably. I should be focusing on the positive, and this baby is going to bring so much joy to all of us. Right, Grandpa EJ? Oh, of course, yes. Yeah. Okay, well, uh, I think we probably better head upstairs.

Okay. Right. Okay. And thank you, Nicole, for I’ll, um, I’ll see you guys later, okay?

Oh, my precious Nicole, I wish I could take your pain away. No one can. But I, I, I do, I do seem to move forward since, you know, I, I have a daughter. And I have a husband and a new job. Uh,

but I just, I have to accept the fact that The pain is always gonna be there. It is never gonna go away.

Hey, sweet boy.

I’ve come to love so much.

I’m gonna miss you. So much. I’m never, I’m never gonna stop missing you. Do you think it’s, what

you think about going to meet your own mommy and daddy now? Yeah.

I know. And don’t think about leaving at all. I’ll be back.

And you’ll pay for what you’ve done. I

want to help Everett in any way that I can, but what can I do? The most effective treatment for DID is intense, prolonged psychotherapy. Well, that’s if Bobby or Everett is a minimal to being helped. Right. And you’re hoping that I can convince him to get back into treatment? I think you’re the best shot we have.

You have a prolonged friendship. He trusts you.

Then I’m in. I’ll do whatever I can. All right. And this is the first step. Right. Um, is there any particular strategy to, uh, You know, persuade Everett that he has to get help. I think the best strategy is to proceed carefully. If he has a sense that you’re forcing him, he’ll become defiant and resistant.

Right. I understand. In short, we have to proceed very carefully. Yeah. But first, we have to find him.

So, how did it feel finally telling people about the pregnancy? Well, uh, EJ and Nicole are family, so It felt right. And, uh, what did your dad have to talk to you about? Why did he need to talk to you privately? Um, yeah, he just, um, you know, since he, you know, He hired that specialist. He now knows of all of the risks and dangers associated with the baby being exposed to radiation, so.

So? So Johnny, what did he say to you? So he just said, you know, he didn’t want me to worry about any of the bills that he’s got us covered. Oh! Wow, well that was, that was really, really kind of him. Yeah. So how was your talk with, um, Oh, man, it was so sad. Yeah, oh, look at this little book she gave me. She said she got it at her shower.

And she, uh, she kept it? Yeah. Yeah, she got rid of everything else, but she said she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of this book. Oh, that was, uh, very sweet of her to give it to you. Yeah. Yeah But Johnny she is just She’s still in such terrible pain Still grieving that little boy. She and your dad boss now with us You know having a baby of our own.

Yeah, it’s gonna make it even harder for her to heal I mean once I start showing and then the baby is born It’s just gonna be a constant reminder of her loss, you know, but there’s there’s No avoiding that, right? Yeah, there is. We could move out, get a place of our own.

Feeling better, I hope. I am. Thank you, honey, for taking such good care of me. It’s what I love to do. I’ll get it. Oh, maybe it’s the delivery you’re expecting. Geez. We’ll see. Oh.

Eric. Jude. What brings you by? Hey, Eric. Oh, hey cutie. What are you doing here?

Eric, what’s going on?

Jude. What about Jude? Your son.

He didn’t die.

Jude is your son. What? How? What? How?

Oh, I know, I know. I know. I know. Hey, buddy. Hey, buddy.

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B&B Transcript Friday, May 24, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[String playing classical music]

Sheila: [Laughs] Oh… I have been praying for this…

Finn: [Sighs]

Sheila: …Hoping that– that you would make it to my wedding, and here you– you are, my beautiful, beautiful boy.

Finn: [Exhales]

[Seabirds calling]

Steffy: What are the girls up to?

Liam: Oh, they’re just making sock puppets of us and finn and hayes.

Steffy: Oh, no.

Liam: Oh, yes.

Steffy: [Laughs] I’m almost afraid to ask. What do we– what do we look like?

[Laughing] Is…is that you?

Liam: [Goofy voice] Spitting image, right?

Steffy: [Laughs] I don’t even wanna know how I turned out.

Liam: Ooh. Still working on that. Uh, kelly wants to get the, uh, the hair just right.

Steffy: That makes sense.

[Laughter] I love when they are together.

[Girls giggling in distance] I also love how it’s making me forget about deacon and sheila’s wedding today.


Brooke: Oh, eric, you are looking better and better.

Eric: Makes me wonder what I looked like before.

Brooke: [Laughs]

Eric: Thanks for checking in on me. I appreciate it. So, uh, is it true, what I’ve been hearing?

Ridge: Is what true?

Eric: Donna’s with katie, and they just texted me, and they said that, uh, deacon and sheila are getting married today?

Ridge: Bad news travels fast.

Eric: What the hell is deacon thinking?

Eric: Well, I’m one to talk, aren’t I, having been married to sheila myself?

Ridge: That is not the same thing. There’s no comparison.

Eric: [Sighs] Yeah.

Brooke: Eric, you had no way of knowing all those years ago what a sociopath sheila was.

Eric: But deacon knows. He’s gone into this eyes wide open.

Ridge: He knows exactly what that woman did to her family. But apparently, that makes no difference to him.

Steffy: If deacon was smart, he’d call off this wedding, save him all the pain and misery later down the line.

[Girls chattering indistinctly in distance]

Liam: Do you think they’re doing the deed right now?

Steffy: [Sighs]

[Girls giggling in distance] Probably. I don’t know. Deacon and sheila told finn that they’re gonna have the wedding at the beach.

Liam: Oof. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was happening…right below us.

Steffy: Trust me, I’ve already looked. I know sheila wants nothing more than to have finn at her wedding.

Finn: Look, I, um… I just came to pick up some pizzas.

[Horn honks in distance] Okay, why–why are you get– you two said you were getting married on the beach.

Sheila: Oh, we– we changed our mind.

Deacon: Look, you–you gotta wait for your pizzas anyway. Why don’t you just stay?

Finn: [Sighs]

Sheila: Yes. Sweetheart, please stay. This–this was– this was meant to be.

Finn: [Sighs]

“The darkness of bipolar

depression made me feel like

Eric: How’s hope doing with all this? I mean, it’s one thing to realize the two of them are sharing an apartment, but… but for her father to marry this sociopath?

Brooke: You know my daughter. She says she’s never going to forgive or forget all of the horrible things sheila’s done to our lives, but…

Eric: Mm-hmm.

Brooke: Meanwhile, she loves her father, and she’s over there supporting him right now.

Eric: You didn’t try to talk her out of it?

Brooke: No, I did try to talk her out of it.

Eric: Well, did you succeed?

Brooke: Apparently, she thinks that there may be a change in sheila.

Eric: What?

Brooke: Well… [Sighs] She thinks that it’s because of her father, because of his positive influence, and the love that deacon has for sheila is actually making a difference.

Ridge: I’m so sorry. And this is ridiculous. I know you love your daughter, but if she thinks that sheila has changed, that’S…not just concerning. That’s dangerous.

Steffy: [Sighs] The girls will be getting hungry soon.

[Girls chattering indistinctly in distance]

Liam: Yeah, well, I’m sure, ’cause making… eerily realistic sock puppets…

Steffy: [Laughs]

Liam: …Works up an appetite.

Steffy: Oh, my gosh.

Liam: It’s actually really nice of finn to go pick up the pizza.

Steffy: Yeah, it’s nice of him to drive all the way to il giardino, especially when there’s so many pizza joints around here. But kelly–I mean, she just… loves deacon’s specialty pizza, so…

Liam: [Laughs] She’s very particular.

Steffy: She is.

Liam: It’s kind of ironic… finn going to deacon’s restaurant today of all days.

Steffy: Well, at least he doesn’t have to worry about running into sheila today.

Sheila: Please, finn, sweetheart.

Finn: I… [Sighs]

Sheila: Say that you’ll stay for the ceremony.

Deacon: Come on, finn. What do you say? Look, tom’s gonna keep it short and sweet. Won’t you, buddy? I mean, you remember tom, right?

Finn: Yeah, uh, from when we found sheila.

Deacon: Yeah, he told us to look in the warehouse, you know, where sugar was keeping your mother. I mean, we never would have known to look. In my book, that makes this guy a superhero.

Sheila: In mine, too.

Tom: Oh, s-superhero is laying it on a little thick, don’t you think?

Deacon: No, I don’T. You helped save my bride’s life. In my book, that makes you a superhero, and I’m just glad that you’re here. I mean, life is so crazy, right? I mean, who knew when I invited tom to come to the wedding that it would turn out that he’s actually a licensed wedding officiant?

Finn: Huh.

Tom: I wore many a hat in my past life.

Deacon: [Laughs] I mean, are we lucky, or are we lucky? And hope’s agreed to be your mother’s maid of honor.

Finn: You have?

Hope: Mm-hmm.

Deacon: So, come on, finn. What do you say? Just stick around to the end of the ceremony while you’re waiting for your pizzas.

Sheila: Finn, sweetheart, please. Uh, deacon’s right. I… it’s gonna be a short ceremony. It’s just us exchanging our vows.

Finn: Uh… [Sighs] S-sure. Sure.

Sheila: Yes!


Tom: First of all, I wanna say how honored I am to be here. Now, I have not known you two for very long. Life works in mysterious ways. Fate brought me here… just as fate brought you two together. Now, deacon, I saw the passion and care you had in saving this woman’s life. You, too, finn. I mean, you are both amazing men. And, sheila, I look into your eyes, and I see the passion and love that you have for deacon and finn. Now…I’ve spoken with deacon, and I know a little bit about your past. I think all of us here believe in the power of redemption and second chances.

Bladder leak

underwear has one job.

Eric: I agree with ridge. I think it’s frightening that– that hope–that hope would even buy into this, this whole idea that sheila’s changing.

Brooke: Wait. Okay. [Laughs] I don’t think she’s buying into it. I just think she’s being open for her father. By the way, I did tell her how I felt about it, especially her being maid of honor.

Eric: Wait. Wait. She’s standing up for sheila?

Ridge: Yeah. Can you believe that?

Brooke: Yeah. I just– I just hope she doesn’t go through with it.

Ridge: Why can’t she just do what finn did– just walk away from it?

Brooke: Well, about that– she did say that she thinks there’s a part of finn that would like to be there for his mother.

Ridge: Oh. I’m sure there is. The point is, finn is gonna be nowhere near that wedding. I promise you.

Liam: Hey, can I ask you something?

[Girls chattering indistinctly in distance]

Liam: Uh…

[Girls giggling in distance] Finn wouldn’t tell me, but how is he really doing, knowing that his birth mom and deacon are getting hitched today?

Steffy: Honestly, I’M… I’m not completely sure. But I-I do know this. Finn totally gets why he can’t make an appearance at the wedding today.

Tom: Well, all righty. You two lovebirds didn’t come here to listen to yours truly gab.

[Laughter] So… it’s time for you to talk to each other, speak your vows.

[Horn honks in distance] Have at it, deacon.

Deacon: Okay, um… I didn’t write anything down because I wanted to make sure that I-I spoke from my heart, not from my head. Sheila, you came into my life like…a hurricane, and you turned it upside down in every possible way, in the best possible ways. You know, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, and tom talked about redemption and second chances, and the good lord has also seen fit to give me quite a few of them, coming out of prison, reconnecting with my beautiful daughter… having this unbelievable business, but most important, having the second chance to be with the woman who I love more than anyone in this world and to be the very best husband that I can be, and that’s one second chance that I’m gonna make the most of because I love you.

Sheila: Wow. Well, you talk about miracles. Brushed up my life, and I’m here getting married to you. I have hope as my maid of honor, and I have my son, who… is here to share on my wedding day. My heart has never been so full. Deacon, you have always stood by me, no matter what. When I need strength, you are my strength. And when I need guidance… you make me a better person. You complete me. And all I’ve ever wanted… I have right now. Because all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved… completely. And I feel that. True…complete love. And you give that to me. You give that to me every day, always. And I love you.

[Mouths words]

Sheila: [Exhales] (Chef vo) fancy feast. at that

[Birds chirping]

Eric: Finn is not gonna be at that wedding today.

Ridge: No, of course not.

Brooke: Well, unfortunately, hope said there is a part of finn that would like to be at the wedding. However, his loyalty, his commitment will always be to steffy.

Ridge: It better be.

Liam: It was deacon’s idea, right, to invite finn today?

Steffy: Apparently, he knew how much it would mean to his bride if her son were there.

Liam: Yeah, yeah. Do you think sheila put deacon up to it?

[Girls giggling]

Steffy: You know what? Sheila can try to manipulate him, but it’s not gonna work. Finn’s not gonna be part of her life ever.

Liam: What is taking finn so long at il giardino?

Seffy: I know.

Tom: [Exhales deeply] Well, it’s time to get to the nitty gritty.


Tom [Clears throat]

Tom: Do you, deacon, take this woman to be your wedded wife? And will you be faithful to her for as long as you shall live?

Deacon: I do, and I will.

Tom: Then repeat after me. “I, deacon…”

Deacon: I, deacon…

Tom: “Take you, sheila to be my wedded wife…”

Deacon: Take you, sheila, to be my wedded wife…

Tom: “To have and to hold…”

Deacon: To have and to hold…

Tom: “From this day forward…”

Deacon: From this day forward.

Tom: “For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.”

Deacon: For richer, poorer, in sickness and in health.

Tom: “To love and to cherish till death do us part.”

Deacon: To love and to cherish until death do us part.

Tom: Do you, sheila, take this man to be your wedded husband and will you be faithful to him for as long as you shall live?

Sheila: I do.

Tom: Then–

Sheila: Yes, I will.


Tom: Then repeat after me. “I, sheila, take you, deacon to be my wedded husband.”

Sheila: I, sheila, take you deacon, to be my wedded husband.

Tom: “To have and to hold from this day forward.”

Sheila: To have and to hold from this day forward.

Tom: “For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.”

Sheila: For richer, for poorer, sickness and in health.

Tom: “To love and to cherish till death do us part.”

Sheila: To love and to cherish till death do us part.

Tom: Um… the rings?

Deacon: Oh. Finn, would you hand these to tom for your mother and me?

Tom: These rings are symbols of eternity in the unbroken circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning or end. You’ve chosen to exchange rings as a sign of your love. Deacon, put this ring on sheila’s finger and repeat after me. “With this ring, I give you my heart.

Deacon: With this ring, I give you my heart.

Tom: “I promise, “from this day forward, you shall not walk alone.”

Deacon: I promise, from this day forward, you shall not walk alone. All nine toes of you.


Sheila, put this ring on deacon’s finger and repeat after me. “With this ring…

Sheila: With this ring,

Tom: “I give you my heart.

Sheila: I give you my heart.

Tom: “I promise, “from this day forward…

Sheila: I promise, from this day forward…

Tom: “You shall not walk alone.”

Sheila: You shall not walk alone. No, you will always be walking beside me with my nine toes.


Well, by the power vested in me by the state of california, it is my great pleasure to pronounce deacon and sheila husband and wife. Deacon, you may kiss your bride.


Sheila: [Laughing]

Deacon: [Laughing]



Announcer: Here’s a look at what’s ahead.

Poppy: And I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you.

Bill: Let’s do it now.

Brooke: Steffy, this has nothing to do with the company.

Steffy: It’s a business decision. Hope for the future needs to come to an end… today.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, May 24, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Nick: So, tell us, how are you doing?

Summer: Um, I’m doing better. My stress levels are to a point where I’m not jumping every time a phone rings, so.

Phyllis: Harrison is still having nightmares?

Summer: Not as often. He’ll have really good days, and then, all of a sudden, he has to be as close to me as physically possible, all because that psycho told him that we didn’t want him anymore.

Nick: And then he settles down?

Summer: Yeah, the therapist says it’s a process, but we’re– we’re good, you know? We’re– we’re doing okay.

Phyllis: What’s wrong?

Summer: I just told you, I’m fine.

Nick: Yeah, but we can tell something’s wrong.

Summer: I don’t wanna talk about it, okay? How are you two?

Phyllis: Is it claire?

Summer: Mom–

Nick: If something’s bothering you, please just tell us about it. Has claire been coming around again?

Summer: No. She’s kept her promise to stay away from harrison. Not that it’s really mattered.

Nick: What does that mean?

Summer: ‘Cause harrison keeps on asking about her, okay? He’s worried sick about her. It’s what all of his nightmares are about. And it just– it breaks my heart. I hate it. She has this power to upset my little boy, even though she’s not even around. I just wish that I could wave a magic wand and make her disappear forever.

Claire: Nikki looked so happy to be home, didn’t she?

Victoria: She really did. You know, when I picture my mom, I picture her strong and confident. It’s so nice to see her back to her normal self. I know it’s gonna be one day at a time when it comes to the alcohol, but I just get this sense of strength coming from her that I haven’t felt since jordan slithered her way into our lives.

Claire: Yeah.

Victoria: I didn’t say that because I want you to feel responsible for any of it, because you’re not.

Claire: I know. But… sometimes I can’t help feel it.

Victoria: We all survived. And we’re gonna live happy and successful lives while jordan rots in hell. Look, here’s another way to look at it. If it weren’t for jordan, we would– we would have never found you. In my mind, that’s a pretty fair exchange and I know your grandmother agrees.

[ Knocking at door ]

Cole: Hey.

Victoria: Hi.

Cole: Hey. Sorry to bail right after lunch like that.

Victoria: No, yeah.

Cole: Hi, sweetheart.

Victoria: Okay, it was a little sudden, but did you handle the business that you needed to take care of?

Cole: Yeah. Yeah, I– I think so.

[ Cell phone pings ]

Michael: Oh, welcome home, nikki. You look wonderful!

Nikki: Oh, thank you, michael. For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say that I feel the same way.

Michael: I’m happy to hear that. And lauren will be, too.

Nikki: Now, I still have a lot more work to do, but while I’m an outpatient, I will have daily mandatory meetings. I am going to do it right this time.

Victor: I am sure you will.

Nikki: And I cannot thank lauren enough for stepping in for me at newman media. She is a wonderful friend, and I owe her a long, expensive lunch.

Michael: Now that sounds like a great idea. How about now?

Nikki: Now?

Michael: I’m sure lauren can slip away from work for an early repast. And what better way to celebrate this new chapter than the four of us getting together? What do you think, victor?

Kyle: No, harrison, I– I don’t know why chickens can’t fly.

Harrison: They’re birds, aren’t they?

Kyle: Yeah… I mean, I guess. No? I– of course, they are.

Harrison: Then why can’t they?

Kyle: Well, they sort of do. They kind of hop around, then they, you know, get up in the air for a little while, just like this.

[ Both laughing ] Okay. Let’s go get some ice cream.

Harrison: Sure.

Kyle: Yeah. Hey. Hey, what is it? What’s wrong?

Harrison: It’s her. The witch is back.

Scout is protected by

simparica trio

Announcer: Additional

sponsorship provided by…

Nick: Look, I understand how you feel. Your child is hurting, and it’s easy to blame claire because claire is the reason that jordan came into our lives. But you do know that claire doesn’t want harrison to suffer, right?

Summer: I guess. I don’t know if what she wants actually matters, though, ’cause either way, she was a part of something horrific that happened to my family. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for me to not wanna see her.

Nick: I get that. I do.

Summer: But you’re ready to argue with me about it anyway.

Nick: I just know that harrison really likes claire, and claire certainly cares about harrison. Maybe they should spend some time together once in a while.

Summer: So you think that claire should be harrison’s nanny?

Nick: It doesn’t even need to go that far, summer. It could be something as simple as just letting harrison see that claire is safe and secure, and that he is, too.

Summer: He has seen her. He’s seen her.

Nick: Maybe it needs to be more than that. If they saw each other regularly, if they fell into a nice routine, it might make harrison feel more confident and cool with everything.

Summer: You sound exactly like kyle.

Nick: I don’t mean to–

Summer: What am i supposed to do? Ignore my own feelings about this? ‘Cause, why? Claire is somehow entitled to a job with someone else’s child? Is that the answer? Is it? Is that everybody’s answer except for mine?

Phyllis: Can I say something?

Nick: Please do. I really feel like I’m screwing this up.

Phyllis: No. Um… hey, summer. Listen to me. This is not our call. Not your dad’s, not mine. Certainly not the newmans’ call. It’s yours. If you’re not ready or willing to trust claire with harrison, you shouldn’t be pressured to do so. Not by kyle, not by anyone.

Kyle: You see?

Harrison: It looked like her.

Kyle: Well, but it wasn’T. The witch is gone. She’s never coming back, and she’s never gonna be able to hurt you agaiN.

Harrison: You promise?

Kyle: Absolutely.

Harrison: Then what about claire? Can she hurt her again?

Kyle: Okay, harrison. Listen to me. What you and claire went through, it was really scary. I know you’re still worried about it. But I promise you, your mom and I will never let anything like that happen to you again. The woman who did this, she was– she was sick in her mind. But she’s gone now, and she’s never coming back. Okay?

Harrison: Okay.

Kyle: All right. Let’s go get that ice cream.

Harrison: Dad?

Kyle: Hm?

Harrison: Why doesn’t mommy like claire?

Claire: More business?

Cole: Yeah. Yeah, I’m afraid so.

Victoria: What is it? Is your publisher hounding you for your next masterpiece?

Cole: No, no, no. There’s no pressure on that front. My deadline is miles away.

Claire: You’re not being completely honest with us, are you? You keep dancing around it, but it’s getting harder to pretend that that’s not what you’re doing for all of us.

Cole: Wha– what do you think that I’m not telling you?

Claire: Oxford wants you back. Is that it?

Cole: Claire, listen–

Claire: No, look, I know you said that it’s not an issue, but it’s your job, it’s your career, and they’re gonna need you back eventually. I’m gonna be completely honest, maybe a little bit selfish. I don’t want you to go. I just found you and I hate the thought of losing you so soon.

Victoria: I would hate that too.

Victor: Well, I mean, nikki just got home, so I think she needs some time to settle in, right?

Michael: Oh, of course, of course. No pressure at all. I just know that lauren would love to see you looking so well.

Nikki: Aw, and I can’t wait to see her either. To tell you the truth, I am starving.

Victor: Baby, are you sure?

Nikki: I’m tired of living under this dark cloud. I don’t wanna miss any more moments with the people I care about.

Victor: Well, then let’s do it.

Michael: Great, great, great. I will call lauren and make a reservation.

Victor: Good.

Michael: Oh, gosh! Victor, I almost forgot. I’m sorry. Uh, I know you want me to sign off on those german contracts.

Victor: Yeah, they were due today.

Michael: They’re 98% finished. I just need to make one more pass.

Victor: You’ve got to send it now, all right?

Michael: I– I am sorry. It slipped through the cracks. I will get right on it. It shouldn’t take me too long and I’ll meet you at society.

Victor: See you there. All right.

Michael: All right.

Marshalls buyers have a very

particular set of skills.

Cole: All right, okay. So. Let me make this clear. England is not on my radar right now, okay? You have my word on that.

Claire: Good. Thank you. I feel better.

Cole: And I have no intentions of leaving you guys anytime soon.

Victoria: So, what was that call about, then?

Cole: Uh, it was, well, extending my sabbatical.

Victoria: For how long?

Cole: Right now, it’s open-ended.

Claire: Won’t oxford need you back before the next semester?

Cole: Yeah, well, we’re– we’re just working out all of the details and– but, you know, it’s all gonna be just fine.

Victoria: Are you okay?

Cole: Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Why– why would you ask that?

Victoria: I don’t know. I mean, you seemed a little preoccupied at lunch. You seem a little bit jumpy right now.

Cole: Uh, well, I’m sorry. Uh, I got a lot on my mind right now, but don’t worry, it’s nothing that’s, you know, that’s gonna affect anyone or anything, so, we’re good.

Victoria: You don’t still suspect that my father had something to do with jordan’s death, do you?

Cole: No, I don’T. No. What would be the point, anyway? I mean, if jordan is really gone, I mean, why does it matter?

[ Victoria sighs ]

Victoria: I couldn’t agree more.

Claire: You said “if” jordan’s gone.

Cole: Did I?

Claire: Does that mean that you think she might not be, that she could still be out there somewhere?

Cole: Claire, claire, no. Absolutely not. I don’t believe that jordan is out there ready to come after you or anybody else ever again. And, you know, if what victor did or didn’t do has something to do with that, then I’m just gonna make it my business to let him handle it himself. I think what you should do is just– actually, I think what we all should do is just take a deep breath and count our blessings.

Victoria: You know what? I think your father’s right. I do. I mean, we’re safe now. We’ve been given a gift. So, I think we just need to stop looking over our shoulders and start living again.

Kyle: Why do you think mommy doesn’t like claire?

Harrison: I can just tell.

Kyle: How so?

Harrison: She’s not as nice. Maybe she thinks I like claire more than her.

Kyle: No, I’m sure she doesn’t think that.

Harrison: Claire’s my friend, but I love mommy.

Kyle: Well, mommy knows that. You see, while you were away, mommy was really worried. It’s just taking her a little time not to be worried anymore.

Harrison: But claire didn’t scare me. The witch did.

Kyle: No, I know that. And mommy does too. We just need to give mommy a little extra time, okay? All right.

Harrison: Can claire come be with us here?

Kyle: Oh, I don’t know. She might be busy.

Harrison: Well, we should call her. ‘Cause there’s a ferris wheel at the carnival, and it’ll go away tomorrow and she probably hasn’t seen it yet, and it might make her feel better to ride it if she’s not doing okay.

[ Kyle chuckles ]

Kyle: I’ll see what I can do.

Nick: Summer, of course, hiring a nanny, completely your call.

Summer: And kyle’S. Look, I’m not trying to leave him out of it. I just think that we should agree.

Nick: 100%. When it comes to who your child hangs out with, a parent’s comfort level is everything.

Summer: But you still think I’m wrong about claire, don’t you?

Nick: I did not say that.

Summer: Dad, I know you. You’re not just gonna drop this. You think I’m being unfair to her.

Nick: Okay. Um, I don’t think this has anything to do with claire at all. I think this is about you.

Summer: Me?

Nick: Yep. You want my theory?

Phyllis: You’re gonna hear his theory whether you want it or not.

Nick: It is simply an observation.

Summer: I’m listening.

Nick: I think you’re taking out all this built-up anger and rage on claire because you can’t take it out on the real villain here, which is jordan.

[ Michael sighs ]

Claire: Let’s talk about my riding lesson.

Victoria: Okay.

Claire: I’m terrified.

Victoria: Come on, claire! You’re gonna be fine. I mean, we are putting you on midnight blue, who is the safest and the kindest horse in all of the stables. And your father is an excellent teacher.

Claire: Did he teach you?

Cole: [ Chuckles ] Well, your mother was already a very accomplished rider when I met her. She certainly didn’t need any lessons in that area.

Victoria: Well, I think that that’s your father’s kind way of saying that I was an accomplished rider, but I had some insecurities in other areas.

Claire: Look at you all these years later.

Victoria: Yeah.

Claire: Well, I was wondering, if it’s not too much trouble, if both of my expert equestrian parents wanted to give me my lesson now.

Victoria: Uh, yeah, sure. We could do that. Can we?

Cole: Yes, absolutely. That sounds great. Yeah.

[ Cell phone pings ] Hang on. My moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back…

Cole: I– uh, I’m gonna have to postpone this riding lesson for an hour or two.

Victoria: Oh? What’s going on?

Cole: Uh, I just– something I have to take care of.

Victoria: Really? Is it that urgent?

Cole: I wanna get it off my plate. So, uh, why don’t you two go on down to the stables and get to know midnight blue a little better, and then I’ll see you there.

Victoria: Uh, well, is there an eta?

Cole: Uh, just whenever I get done. I– I really don’t know right now.

[ Victoria scoffs ] What?

Victoria: I just– you really are the man of mystery today, cole.

Cole: Well, it’s– it’s really no big deal. I just need, uh, to fill out some forms for the sabbatical. But I promise I’m gonna be down there just as soon as I can.

Claire: Okay. I’ll cut you some slack on the lesson, but only because you’re going to all this trouble to stay here, and that makes me happy.

Cole: This is as much for me as it is for you. So… tell you what, just– you’re going down to the stables, and I’m gonna get there before you know it, okay?

Claire: Do you think that these shoes are okay for the lesson, or should I change into boots?

Victoria: Don’t you think it’s kind of late in the uk to be sending texts?

Claire: I don’t know. Maybe that’s how they do things at oxford.

Victoria: Yeah, maybe.

Claire: Come on, let’s go to the stables!

Nick: You know, I’m not trying to be a cheerleader for claire. I had my doubts about her just like everyone else, but I have watched her. I’ve seen harrison with her. I really don’t think that claire is a threat.

Phyllis: Okay, well, summer shouldn’t be forced to hire her.

Nick: That is not what I’m suggesting. I’m just saying I think you should let go of some of this anger because it’s got you tied up in knots. I’ll bet you anything harrison’s picking up on it.

Summer: No, I never badmouth claire in front of him. I don’T.

Nick: You don’t have to. Kids sense things about parents. You always could.

Summer: So what am I supposed to do? Fake it? Act like she’s my best friend? I’m not good at that.

Nick: Then maybe just let her come around and let harrison see that she’s okay. I think this would be good for all of you.

Summer: Or, having to dwell on her at all is just gonna make things worse. Look, I had a bad feeling about claire long before the kidnappings. Sometimes, you just have an instinct about people.

Nick: And harrison’s instinct is to like and trust claire. So… do it for him. Actually, you should do it for yourself. Look, you have been carrying around all this fear and anger. Jordan’s gone. Don’t you think it’s time you let the rest of the bad stuff go away along with her?

Cole: I didn’t think this would happen so fast.

Michael: Neither did I, but I had a chance to get nikki and victor out of the house, so I figured it was now or never.

Cole: How did you manage that?

Michael: Lauren and I are supposed to meet them at society to celebrate nikki coming back, which means we have to work fast before victor gets suspicious.

Cole: All right, all right. Let’s do it, let’s do it.

Michael: All right. Well, which one of these panels is–

Cole: I’ve got it. I’ve got it right here.

Michael: I can’t believe I’m about to do this.

Cole: It’s for the greater good. Come on.

Michael: Yeah, to protect victor from himself.

Victor: Well, well, well.

Nick: Mom! So glad you’re back.

Nikki: Oh, me too. It’s so good to see you.

Summer: Grandma, you look amazing.

Nikki: Aw, thank you. I feel even better.

Victor: Doesn’t she look great?

Nick: Yes.

Victor: In fact, so good that we will have lunch with michael and lauren.

[ Nikki gasps ]

Nikki: Why don’t you join us?

Phyllis: Even me?

Nikki: Yes, phyllis, even you.

Victor: Why not?

[ Victor chuckles ]

[ Cell phone pings ] I have got to go.

Nikki: What? We just got here.

Victor: I know, but I’ve got to take care of this.

Nikki: What is it? Victor!

Victor: Sweetheart…

Nikki: What is going on?

Victor: It’s a very simple business matter I don’t want you to worry about, all right?

Nikki: Why are you being so vague? Did something happen at newman while I was gone?

Victor: Sweetheart, I have no time now to discuss it, okay? I’ll be back.

Nikki: But, victor, I– I would’ve called yesterday.

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. At the home depot, you can get up to $500 off

Nick: What, uh, was that about?

Nikki: Oh, just your father being mysterious about some business he has to take care of.

Phyllis: Victor being mysterious? That’s a shock.

Nick: Is he coming back?

Nikki: Well, he said he was, but who knows? Anyway.

Summer: It really is great to see you.

Nikki: Oh, and you too, my darling. How is harrison?

Summer: We’re making progress.

Nikki: I’m gonna come by tomorrow to visit him.

Summer: Oh, he would love that.

Nick: You really do look great, mom.

Summer: Right? Her face is, like, glowing.

Nikki: All right, now you’re embarrassing me.

Phyllis: What’s your secret?

Nikki: Alcoholism.

Victoria: You know, midnight blue has really taken to you.

Claire: You think so?

Victoria: Mm-hmm. Horses have really good instincts about people.

Claire: He’s so smart. And gentle. It’s like he knows how much I have to learn.

Victoria: You will. You have all excellent teachers.

Claire: I think about that sometimes.

Victoria: You think about what?

Claire: You and dad teaching me things. What my life would have been like if jordan hadn’t taken me from you. Tying my shoelaces, riding a bike, driving a car. I would’ve learned all those things from my parents.

Victoria: I think about that a lot too. Especially lately.

[ Victoria sighs ] You know, in the beginning, when we thought that we had lost you, I felt so empty. It hurt to think about you, and reliving it was really painful. But, then the days and the weeks and the years went by and… I was surprised to realize that I could actually think about my baby, eve, with some gratitude. That miracle had been in this world, even if it wasn’t long enough. I mean, it was still painful, that’s for sure, but there was this sense that the love was still in my heart, and that kept you alive. And now this miracle. You and me getting to spend all this mother-daughter time together. It’s truly just this precious, precious gift that I would never take for granted.

Claire: I know what she took from me.

[ Claire sniffles ] But sometimes, I forget how much she took from you. Everything she ruined.

Victoria: She will never be able to take anything from us ever again.

[ Victoria exhales ] The past is gone and now the future is the only thing ahead of us. And I intend to enjoy and cherish every single minute of it. So, when you try to convince me that I need to go back to work, it’s not happening, all right?

Claire: Dad will be here.

Victoria: Huh? Oh, I know. I know he will.

Claire: You’re worried.

Victoria: No, I’m not. I’m not worried, I– cole’s just been– I don’t know, he’s been very preoccupied the last few days. It’s very unlike him.

Claire: Well, if you’re worried that it’s another woman, I doubt that very much.

Victoria: That thought never occurred to me until you said it just now.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: I’m just teasing you, mom. But I can tell by the look on your face that you’re hooked.

Victoria: I’m hooked?

Claire: Yeah, you’re hooked on dad. And stop feeding me that whole, “oh, it’s just strange stirred-up memories between exes.” ‘Cause I see the way that he looks at you too, and that is not just the look of an old friend.

Michael: My god. Victor, what have you done?

Cole: You see what I mean?

Michael: Unfortunately, I do, and I wish I could unsee it.

Cole: You’re not getting cold feet, are you?

Michael: About ever agreeing to be victor newman’s attorney again? Yes, absolutely. But where’s the prisoner?

Jordan: You abandoned me. So, why are you here? And why is the newman lawyer here, too?


Victoria: You’re the daughter, okay? I am the mother. I should be the one asking you about your crushes.

Claire: Oh, so you’re allowing there’s a crush?

Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Would you please stop?

Claire: No, it’s actually– it’s too much fun making you blush.

Victoria: For you, maybe. Could we just go back to talking about your riding lessons or your future job prospects, the weather, anything but this, please?

Claire: Okay, well, all kidding aside, I promise that this isn’t coming from a place of a little girl wanting her parents to get back together, but I do see something happening between you and dad. Am I wrong?

Victoria: No, you’re not wrong. I do feel a growing connection to cole. But I have no idea where it’s going, all right? And neither one of us is in any hurry.

Claire: So, you’ve talked about it?

Victoria: Yes, we have.

Claire: That’s huge!

Victoria: However, right now, you are our main focus.

Claire: But I don’t wanna be. Hear me out. I appreciate that you both wanna help me adjust, but I want you to start focusing on yourselves. You’re right. Jordan is gone. Nikki is sober. It’s time for us to get back to our lives. And I do hope that life for you includes dad. It feels right.

[ Cell phone ringing ] Hi.

Kyle: Claire. Hi.

Claire: Hey, kyle.

Kyle: Sorry to bug you, but I have this kid here who insists on showing you a pretty cool ferris wheel.

Claire: Well, that’s adorable, and it sounds like a blast. I did hear that the carnival was coming to town.

Kyle: Great. We’ll see you in front of the ride.

Claire: Wait, sorry. Right now?

Kyle: You’ve met harrison. He’s very into instant gratification.

Claire: I would love to. And I would hate to disappoint harrison… but I don’t wanna cause any trouble.

Kyle: Not an issue. There’ll be no trouble at all. Plus, I have it on very good authority that today is the last day before the carnival moves on. So, can you make it?

[ Claire exhales ]

[ Claire chuckles ]

Summer: Oh, grandma, you don’t have to–

Nikki: No, summer, I don’t mind talking about it. I just got back from rehab. That’s why nicholas and summer were so thrilled to see me. My drinking had gotten out of control and it called for immediate action.

Phyllis: Well, that’s great. You took care of yourself. And you did right by your family, so I respect that. Congratulations. Welcome home.

Harrison: You think claire’s gonna come?

Kyle: She said she’d try.

Harrison: That ferris wheel’s so cool, dad. I’m sure she’s gonna love it.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Harrison: And we can win a goldfish, too.

Kyle: A goldfish? That’s a big responsibility, taking care of a goldfish.

Harrison: I can do it.

Kyle: Well, you’d have to name it.

Harrison: Sam.

Kyle: Oh, sam the fish.

[ Both laughing ]

Kyle: Hey, look who it is.

Claire: Where’s this special ride?

Harrison: Have you ever been on a ferris wheel before?

Claire: Uh, it would’ve been years and years ago.

Harrison: It’s really fun and not too scary. Except sometimes when they stop and they’re at the top.

Claire: That’s high up.

Harrison: It’s okay. Dad and me are here if you get too scared.

Kyle: Aw. Okay. Looks like we’re about to get going, guys. Hang on tight.

Harrison: I am.

Claire: So am I.

[ All laughing ]

[ Claire exhales shakily ]

[ Claire laughing ]

Kyle: Whoo! Getting a little high.

Claire: Whoo!

“The darkness of bipolar

depression made me feel like

Nikki: It seems like harrison is recovering from the nightmare. Oh, but it’s so hard on the mother. How is summer doing, really?

Nick: It has been hard on her. She’s still processing it. Um, there’s a lot of anger there.

Phyllis: Yeah, a psycho kidnapped her son. Of course there is. You know, she couldn’t eat, she couldn’t sleep, worrying about harrison. You know, we did our best to distract her and reassure her, but…

Nikki: Well, I’m sure you were a comfort to her.

Nick: It was rough, obviously, but I’m glad it turned out the way it did.

Nikki: Yeah, I could tell that she was putting up a front for me. I mean, of course she must still be reeling.

Nick: Yeah, there’s some residual rage there.

Nikki: Oh, I’m sure there is. Sometimes, it’s not until the crisis is over that those feelings are allowed to come up.

[ Nikki sighs ] I feel for summer. I really do. I mean, the worst thing in the world is to know that your child has suffered, or is still suffering.

Nick: It goes both ways, mom. Kids worry about their parents too. It’s a relief to see you like this.

Nikki: Thank you, sweetheart.

Phyllis: That’s really great, nikki. Hey, uh, can you tell me about claire?

Nick: Phyllis–

Phyllis: Just a conversation. Just a conversation, that’s all. Not attacking her. I just wanted to know about her because, um, well, obviously you were jordan’s target, right? But claire was your assistant, and then you find out that she’s your granddaughter, and you had the most contact with her, so… I mean, you would be the one to hold a grudge, but you’re not holding a grudge.

Nikki: I did have my doubts about claire. The whole family did. But we have all come around.

Phyllis: Okay. And, um, you know that residual rage that you were talking–

Nick: I was referring to jordan.

Phyllis: Okay, but we both know it’s not only her.

Nikki: I understand how summer feels given what happened to harrison, but claire is really a very sweet, caring person, and I see nothing but good things in her future. Now that jordan is out of our lives forever, I’m sure that summer will see that, too.

Kyle: Hold on, you two!

[ Laughter ]

Harrison: Mom, guess what? We rode the ferris wheel. It was so much fun. Claire got a little scared, but not too bad. And she laughed a lot.

Summer: It looks like you’ve been laughing a lot, too.

Claire: Uh, why don’t we look at those pictures that we took?

Kyle: Hey.

Summer: Uh, yeah.

Kyle: Harrison had a minor freak-out about jordan earlier.

Summer: What do you mean? What happened?

Kyle: He thought he saw her. It wasn’t her, obviously.

Summer: But she’s still in his head.

Kyle: I know. I hate it, too. But look at him now. One ride on the ferris wheel with his pal, claire, and he’s doing great. Seeing her safe makes him happy for some reason. I mean, look at that grin.

Summer: Claire, thank you for being there for harrison.

Claire: We had fun. He’s a great kid.

Summer: We couldn’t agree more, obviously.

Claire: I hope it’s okay that I’m hanging out with him.

Summer: Yeah. I mean, harrison seems happy, and that’s the most important thing, right? Um, look… maybe you and I should get together later and– and talk about something more regular.

Claire: Really?

Summer: Yeah. I mean, harrison needs someone other than mom and dad around, and it’s time that we start getting back to normal. We can see how it goes.

Claire: I would love to do that.

Summer: Anybody that can make harrison smile like that deserves to be in his life more often.

Harrison: Hooray!

Cole: There’s a part of me that was ready to let you rot down here forever. But that’s not my call to make.

Jordan: That’s right. That’s right. Because you– you are a good and decent man, the best nephew… who didn’t let me free before, but you will now, won’t you?

Michael: You’re lucky this man has a conscience.

Jordan: And why are you here?

Michael: We’re taking you out of here and putting you in a real prison.

Jordan: Oh, thank god! Thank god. Thank god.

Victor: I’ll be damned if I allow that to happen.

Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless…

Billy: Okay, so what do we do now?

Jill: Just keep this to yourself. I don’t want anyone else to know.

Alan: These, um, personalities, they think they’re doing the right thing, ashley. They think they’re protecting you. But the fact that they exist at all means that there’s something terribly wrong.

Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from?

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GH Transcript Friday, May 24, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 he’s gonna give himself a migraine if he keeps that up. He obviously hates me, which is fine, ’cause I hate him. Good. He knows that I didn’t have any responsibility in neil’s death. That didn’t stop him. As a lawyer, you and I both know that sentence was over after the words “didn’t have any responsibility.” Nothing that man has said today bears any relevance on your case, nor is it factual. He’s completely unhinged. Okay. All rise. Hi, elizabeth. Hi. I’m so sorry to hear what happened. Finn called me and told me about gregory and that he wasn’t gonna be in today. I didn’t know him that well, but I knew him to be an incredibly decent man. Better than decent. One of the best. He handled his als diagnosis with phenomenal dignity. I felt ver y lucky to see himin his element yesterday, how proud he was of his family, and how much he clearly loved them. It was really beautiful. Yeah. It’s hard to fathom the wedding was just yesterday. Finn didn’t tell me very much. He just said that it happened suddenly? In his sleep. Oh. And sometimes when that happens, it can be very difficult for the family members who are left behind. More difficult than I could have imagined. I know about a lady who lived to be over 100. Yeah? I wonder if my dad could do that. Maybe. I wish grandpa could have. I wish he could have, too. But we know that was impossible because grandpa was sick. I searched up als. It’s easy to spell. It is. Brook lynn, I’m scared. Why, honey? Because I forget things all the time. I forget my times tables. I forget my eights. And even though I tell myself not to, what if I forget my grandpa? Not possible. How do you know? Because his hugs and smiles and funny stories — those aren’t things you can memorize for a test. The people that love us and that we love — that changes us. That love becomes a part of us, imprinted on our hearts. Like a tattoo? Exactly like that. Tattoos are forever. That’s why my daddy says I have to be sure if I want to get one, because they’ll stay. Just like your grandpa’s love for you. It’ll never go away. Look, I don’t want anyone telling me how to handle losing dad, so I’m not gonna turn around and judge you for how you’re dealing with it. This is gonna be one of the hardest days of our lives, especially for you. Chase, no. No, that you had to find him like that. I-I don’t know how you did it. I had no choice. Still. It’s not like it was my first dead body. It’s not a body, finn. It’s dad. It didn’t look like dad. You know, our dad’s eyes, they were kind and understanding, and his mouth — you know how curved up at the edges?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Like he was always ready to give a smile if anyone gave him half a reason to.

[ Laughs ] Yeah. That wasn’t the person that I found, bro.

[ Voice breaking ] It was… he didn’t smell like old spice anymore. And he was so cold to the touch. I mean… colder than you could ever imagine was possible. That wasn’t our dad. Our dad was warm. Yeah. One of warmest people I’ve ever met. Yeah.

[ Crying ] I don’t want this to be happening. I don’t want it to be happening. Neither do I, finn.

[ Crying ] Neither do I.

[ Humming ] Um, [Chuckles] How was the ride? Mm-mm!

Just what the doctor ordered, I mean, literally. I have to thank that dr. Randolph for telling me to get outside more. Sun on my face, wind in my hair — yummy. That’s — that’s — that’s great. I’m really glad. Um…I was told you’re needed up at the house, so don’t worry about the mount and the saddle. I’ll take care of that. Really? No one was up when I left. And if they’re up now, it’s ’cause they’re gossiping about the bensonhurst family members that I met at the wedding and thankfully have already forgotten. It sounded pretty important. Really? Who needs me? Chase. No, chase in brook lynn are on a plane to florence. They — they didn’t get on it. They — they couldn’T. Why not? Why not?! I’m sorry.

This must be hard for you, too. Gregory wasn’t simply a patient. You were practically a part of the family. Felt that way. So how’s finn holding up? He’s struggling. We all are. If you want to take the day off to go be with him — I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want me around right now. Well, that doesn’t sound like finn, [Chuckles] Especially under these circumstances. Positive. Honey, are you sure? Elizabeth, what’s going on? I am your friend, too, remember? You’re also the co-chief of staff. Gregory died? I’m sorry. I-I know I already said that, but I just… I don’t really know w-what to — to say. Um, here. Why don’t — why don’t you take a seat, and I’ll — I’ll get you a water. Here. Um… is there anything else I can do? I wish you’d seen… gregory at the wedding yesterday. Must have been proud. He was happy. How is it that that person no longer exists? I-I’m sorry. It sounds ridiculous. No, it… doesn’t sound ridiculous to me. We all knew it was coming. It’s just that… …this is so sudden. I don’t know. I-I feel like you can intellectually expect something and then still feel punched in the gut when it actually happens. I’m just — I’m sorry that you had to hear it from me. I’m not. I used to… try to imagine what gregory would have been like when he was young. And you know what? What? I imagine that he was a lot like you. Court is now back in session. Are you ready for this? I’ve done nothing but prepare and be ready for this. What more do you want me to do? What more do i want you to do? I want you to get mad at somebody other than yourself. And I want you to fight like hell, or just give it up and go home. At this point, I don’t care. But what I don’t want is even a hint of the wishy-washy, “oh, maybe I deserve this” nonsense.

[ Door opens ] I trust everyone had a productive recess. We’re ready to hear your final statements, starting with ms. Davis.

[ Exhales ] Your honors, if I may, I would like to return to my earlier points without them being obscured by opposing counsel, if that is at all possible. Yes, I lied under oath. But that perjured testimony was made in front of a medical board hearing and not a court of law. And why does that distinction matter? Because I wasn’t testifying as an attorney. I was testifying as a private citizen who was desperately trying to protect the career and the reputation of a man that I deeply cared about, a man that just so happened to be the late brother of opposing counsel fergus byrne.

I have handled everythingin the worst possible way. No, you haven’T. Yes, I have. What am I doing? Hmm? Hurting elizabeth, pushing her away? Being someone that you and violet can lean on? No, I have selfishly made this about me and that bottle. There is no right way to grieve. No, but there’s a wrong way. And that’s what I’ve done. You’re being too hard on yourself. You’d think after all this time, I would have been stronger. You are strong. You know, it’s not like we weren’t prepared. We’ve — we’ve known dad was… we’ve known he was dying for months. Yeah, but knowing it and experiencing it are two completely different things. I hurt him. I… I hurt him so many times, and now I’ve — I’ve gone and thrown away my sobriety, the — one of the things he was really proud of me for. No, now you’re just rewriting history. Did I or did I not ruin my relationship with dad? Did you rebuild? Did you? Landing in a place of understanding and trust and love? You did it with dad. You can do it with your sobriety. I need a favor, bro. Anything. Get rid of it. You know, I-I really am flattered that I remind you of gregory, but I gotta say I-I don’t see it. You both have a quiet, open way about you, unhurried, unworried.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, believe me, I worry plenty. Just good at hiding it? More like good at alleviating it.

[ Horse whinnies ] Or the horses are, rather. You know, I come here to the stables and I hang out with these guys, and I figure a world with them in it can’t be all bad. That is exactly what gregory would have said, except about his family. They are what grounded him and what gave him a reason to keep smiling. I’m happy he had ’em. Me, too. Want some more similarities? If you wanna share ’em. You don’t talk too much, and you don’t miss a thing. And you don’t push people around. You give people a lot of grace. That, my friend, is a gift. Heading back to the house? No. Not yet. Off to finn’s? Mnh-mnh. He needs time. Did you notice — did I leave some clothes in the tack room? Um, yes. I hung them up behind the towels so they wouldn’t get dusty. Thank you. Yeah. Um…if anybody asks, would you tell them that you, um… you told me the news? Of course. I really am sorry, tracy.

[ Voice breaking ] I really am sorry, too. Molly. Hi. Hey, I thought we were meeting downstairs. Oh, I couldn’t remember if that’s what we said, so I just came up in case you were waiting for me. What do you feel like for lunch? You pick. Actually, I picked last time. And you did such an amazing job of it. Bobbie’s? Bobbie’S. Bobbie’S. Molly. Hi. Uh, I’ve been trying to get ahold of your mom, and I keep getting her voicemail. To tell her about gregory? Tj let me know what happened. I’m so, so sorry. Thank you. It’s gonna be a really big loss for my mom. They were really close. It’s not every day you jump out of a plane with someone. Yeah, yeah. So, do you know where she is or how I can reach her? She and diane are in albany for a court of appeals hearing. Oh! Right. That’s why she couldn’t go to the wedding. How’s it going? I haven’t heard anything yet, but she should be home tomorrow. Do you want me to try to call her? No. That’s okay. I would like to talk to her myself, but thank you. Okay.

As soon asI learned that my brother neil figured into the complaint against ms. Davis, I recused myself from the medical review board. And was replaced by his partner of his law firm. Sounds like an inside job to me.

[ Sighs ] Something else that I think is very noteworthy is that ava jerome was the sister of my ex-husband. And I think that her credibility should be called into question because she had clear motive to have me disbarred. Which was? Retaliation for divorcing her brother. Ms. Jerome’s animus toward ms. Davis is irrelevant, your honor. I beg to differ. We’re going in circles here. Ms. Davis perjured herself, plain and simple. Which I already admitted. It’s where I perjured myself that’s relevant. What’s also relevant is that I was never informed of my disbarment hearing, or the fact that his law partner was sitting on that panel, or that ava jerome was involved. And had I known any of those things, I would have proceeded differently. It has become very clear to me, and I hope to you as well, that this disbarment is not about my wrongdoing, but about the personal vendetta of the jerome family and fergus byrne. What do you think’s happening at the hearing? I wish I knew. I hope it’s going well. Can you imagine? I mean, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that my mom comes home from albany and is able to practice law again. I certainly wouldn’t bet against alexis and diane. Whoo. Me neither. What about a little davis girls matchup? You mean if my mom and I went up against each other in court? Yeah, who do you think would win? That is a nightmare scenario that I do not even want to think about. You’d know all of her weak spots. Yeah, and she would know all of mine. Even so, I’d put my money on you. You have to say that. You’re my domestic partner. Rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

[ Both laugh ] How about…dp? Is that better? Dp. Ah… I could get used to that. I could get used to you. You better. Because I’m not going anywhere.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

[ Sighs ] It’s a hard day. One of the hardest. If you’re looking for finn, he — no, I assume he’s home. He is. Actually, I was looking for, um, stella henry. You know where she is? Yeah, last I saw her, she was in the break room. Okay, thanks. And I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for yours.

[ Sighs ] I heard about gregory.

[ Door closes ] Please don’t leave. Look, I was confused and honestly a little hurt that you didn’t want to talk to me. Am I wrong about our friendship? I — no. No. But what I would be talking to you about — it’s not my story to tell. Okay. Okay. Just know that you can trust me if you change your mind. I’m worried about you. I’m not the one you should be worried about. Now you’re scaring me.

[ Sighs ] Is someone in trouble? When I went to finn’s this morning… …he was drinking.

You have to understand that finn had just found his father’s body, and you even said how difficult it is when the death is sudden like that. There’s no warning. There’s no chance to say goodbye. Gregory was just gone, and finn was in shock and needed to hold on to something. And he grabbed the wrong thing. It’s all been… wrong. Yeah. Right. Portia… …don’t make me regretconfiding in you. Thank you. You and gregory were very close. I’m glad with the time we had together. But you wish you’d had more. So much more. Curtis and portia told me the wedding was magical.

[ Chuckles ] It was. Gregory officiated over the ceremony beautifully. It was so important to him. Mm. And chase in brook lynn, I’m sure. Did you hear anything else? About the wedding? No. About his… his cause of death. Well, from what I understand, it — it was in his sleep. No seizures, no paralysis? Not that I’m aware of. It sounded peaceful. What do you think it was? I’ve heard a few theories. Cardiac arrest. Pulmonary embolism. Both merciful outcomes for an als patient. I-I’m sure doctor kramer’s filed his death certificate. Do you want to see it? No, I do not. But do you think there’ll be an autopsy? No. There won’t be. Good. Family shouldn’t have to go through that. I agree. I-I wonder if you could do something for me. Name it. Okay, I know your job title is, uh, patient advocate, but I get the feeling you sort of run this place?

[ Laughs ] Don’t tell my supervisor. Okay, so if anything comes up, like medical bills or official notifications, anything that I can handle with my hands or my checkbook, would you let me know? Ah. Absolutely. So how are you spending the rest of your day off? I was thinking about going for a walk around the bluffs. That sounds great. But?

[ Laughs ] I mean, do I sound too much like a dad if I’d prefer you didn’t go alone? Well, seeing as you are about to be a dad, you should probably start sounding like one. Ask kristina. I did, actually, um, but she said yes, and — and that was a few days ago, and now she’s not answering my calls. Was that my fault? It’s what your fault? That there’s this rift between you and kristina. I wouldn’t call it a rift. I mean, we talked about going on a walk casually. I’m sure kristina didn’t even know it was, like, a plan plan. Oh, okay. Well, um… why didn’t you just say that from the start?

[ Chuckles ] Because you think the moment you mention kristina not being the paragon of perfection, I’ll jump on it. Right? Would I be wrong? Oh, I missed you. We weren’t even gone a whole hour. Still too long. You smell like toothpaste. Yeah? Did you have lunch yet? No. I was waiting for you. Does a grilled cheese sound good? With tomatoes like grandpa used to make it? You got it, kiddo. Why don’t you go wash your hands? I’ve made choices in my life that I wish that I hadn’t, but I paid for them. I don’t think that my personal life, as flawed as it may be, should have any bearing on my ability to practice law. I’m a good lawyer. And I have a track record to prove it. I’ve lost my career as a result of a personal vendetta, and I was never given a chance to speak my piece. So I’m speaking it now. Thank you for listening. Ms. Davis asks us for separation of her personal and professional lives. It’s ironic, don’t you think, since all of the mitigating factors she presented were personal? Get to the point, mr. Byrne. Ms. Davis asks us to rely on her ability as a lawyer, citing examples of her work in and out of the courtroom. And those examples are impressive, though decidedly cherry-picked. Before we start polishing her lawyer of the year trophy, let me point out a few details that she conveniently left out.

I think when it comes tomy sister, we’re both to blame. Don’t you think? I mean, you say something about kristina, I jump to her defense. I say something, it’s your turn. Well, I haven’t done much defending lately. I’ve been too busy second guessing her every move. I’m sorry, molly. You’ve been hesitant to bring up your own sister and that — that’s not right. I mean, I think it’s just easier to worry with kristina. What do you mean? I mean, it’s easier for us to doubt our surrogate because it’s my sister. Like, if it were andrea or another candidate, do you really think we’d be monitoring their bedtime and showing up with groceries? Or looking for parts of their family tree to chop off. Yeah. Doubtful. We’d just want them to be healthy and happy and living their lives. That’s what we should want for kristina, too.

[ Chuckles ] What? Oh, I’m just trying to picture how anyone else would react to our… inquiries. You mean you don’t think our surrogate would welcome me showing up on their doorstep with kale and yogurt? Greek yogurt. Full-fat. Obviously, our baby needs protein. Mm. Say that again. Protein. No.

[ Chuckles ] Our baby.

[ Chuckles ] We’re having a baby. I can’t wait. You’d really step up for gregory’s family like that? They have enough to negotiate. So if there is any issue with his literary works or his papers at the university, I’ll just take care of it and get them professionally stored. That could be a lot of work. I don’t mind. I have one more favor. Okay. As much as I will miss gregory immensely, it really is not my loss. And I want you to keep this just between the two of us. I don’t want my name all over it. Okay. I understand, and I will. But let me be very clear on something. It is your loss, tracy. Not yours alone, but it’s your loss. In my neighborhood, when someone is grieving, you bake them a casserole.

[ Laughs ] Oh. Nobody wants me baking a casserole.

[ Laughs ] The point is, these are extraordinary gestures. Stella, it’s what I can do. Yeah, a lot of people can do things, but they don’t have your heart, so they end up doing nothing. Gregory changed me. For the better, it would seem. Well, he expected a lot of me, and I don’t want to let him down. Not this soon anyway. What ms. Davis didn’t tell us is that she was suspended for a time for discouraging her client carlos rivera from taking a plea deal which would have afforded him a lighter sentence. That’s a curious choice… until it’s revealed that the man mr. Rivera would have been testifying against was none other than her husband at the time, julian jerome. And I assume mr. Rivera can testify to that. Unfortunately not, your honor. Before the case could come to trial, mr. Rivera was murdered by julian jerome. Perhaps ms. Davis’s plan all along. Objection! Objection! Prejudicial! My apologies. It’s just that it’s difficult to keep ms. Davis’s personal and professional life separate when the two are so entangled! I encourage you to try and avoid such wild speculation. Understood.

[ Scoffs ] Is it, though? In addition, my other brother, brendan, futilely attempted to hold ms. Davis accountable for my brother neil’s death, which tragically led to brendan’s death, as well. That is a wildly inaccurate statement… you want to accuse me of perjury? Meant to inflame the panel. That’s exactly what you’re doing right now. I said “led to.” Show me the lie. Oh, you know very well that I had nothing to do with either one of your brothers’ deaths. Do you truly think… order! …That my brother neil wouldn’t be alive today if he had never met you? Of course he would! And brendan would, too! Order in this court. You destroyed my family, alexis! And I’m here to make sure you never destroy anyone else’S. Order!

[ Bangs gavel ]

You have someplace to be? Not really, but I probably should head home. I have avoided my family long enough. Ah, what’s a few more minutes?

[ Laughs ] Yes.

[ Laughs ] Let’s schedule an mri. Mm-hmm. Dr. Park and I are gonna need copies of the results. Can you check on mr. Rand in 307? He was having back pain, and I just want to make sure it subsided. Okay. Okay, thank you. And please keep me updated on her condition. Thank you. Okay, I’m sorry I dumped all of that stuff on you earlier. I-I just come from his apartment, and we had gotten into it, and — elizabeth, it’s — it’s fine. Really. I, uh… I can’t really imagine what must be happening with the two of you right now. But I am glad that you trusted me as your friend. It’s all just really fresh, you know? I think that once the dust settles, then it’ll all go back to normal. And finn…

[ Quietly ] Finn having a drink was a complete aberration. He had a-a moment of weakness, and that’s all it was. It was a moment. Mm. You know, he has to take care of violet, and I know he’s going to pull himself together and be strong for her. And he has patients that are counting on him as well. Of course, and he would never put his patients in danger. You know that. Portia, you have to keep this a secret. Please. I know how important finn’s sobriety is to him. And I’m sure that this was a, uh… a one-time crisis. And it’s probably over already. Yes. Thank you. Um… I really needed to hear someone say that. I’m glad I could be the one to say it. Saved you the last bite. You are too good to me. I know. Mmm! So good. Can I play on my tablet for a little? Sure. But first, daddy needs a hug. I love you so much. Never, never forget that. I won’T. Brook lynn, I am so sorry. I’m so sorry you’re missing your honeymoon. No, no, no, no, no. Our family being together is the most important thing right now, okay? And I’m here for whatever you need — errands, um, food, laundry, babysitting. Consider me at your beck and call. Thank you. Of course. But right now, what I think I need is a meeting. I think that’s a great idea. Lying under oath is perjury, your honors. Yes, it took place at a medical board hearing. And, sure, some would argue that makes it less impactful. But the repercussions from that lie had enormous impact. Your honors, how many times [Chuckles] Will opposing counsel say exactly the same thing? Wrap it up, mr. Byrne. Ms. Davis’s lie set off a chain of events which led not only to the deaths of both my brothers, but removed ms. Davis from the state bar as well. She has demonstrated repeatedly that she has no regard for legal ethics. Nothing that happened can be undone, but that should include the disbarment of alexis davis. Thank you, mr. Byrne, ms. Miller, ms. Davis, for your statements. The court will communicate our decision within the next 30 days. Court is dismissed. You should be ashamed.

[ Door closes ] Well, I’ll say this for you — you swung for the fences. Oh my god. What is your n ame? Bi ll. I love you, bi ll. Bill, are you really doing t his?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Short Recap Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Alexis asks the judge to make Fergus disclose who accused her of perjury years ago and caused her to be disbarred. Fergus tells Alexis that her accuser was Ava Jerome. Diane asks for a ten-minute recess so she and Alexis can regroup and think about their closing argument. Alexis figures out that her disbarment had nothing to do with the law, it was just because she was upset that Alexis broke up with Julian to be with Neil.

Dex decides not to press charges against Sonny because he doesn’t want the stress of testifying to put Kristina’s pregnancy at risk. Ava persuades Sonny that the fact that his children and Dex are turning against him is Jason’s fault.

Elizabeth calls Chase and tells him that Finn needs him since she was unable to persuade him to go to a meeting. Finn tells Chase the details of how he found Gregory dead in his bedroom and admits to drinking a few drinks and breaking his sobriety.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, May 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nick thinks Summer is angry with Jordan for what she did to Harrison but she is taking it out on Claire because Jordan isn’t around for Summer to tell her how angry she with her for what she did to her family. Nikki also tells Summer she thinks Claire is a kind caring person despite everything Jordan put her through when she was growing up.

Kyle and Harrison invite Claire to ride the Ferris wheel with them. Summer later sees Claire, Kyle, and Harrison in the park and tells Claire they should get together later to discuss her being Harrison’s nanny.

Michael and Cole go to Jordan’s cell in the wine cellar and tell her they are going to put her in a proper jail cell. Victor arrives and tells Michael and Cole he isn’t going to let them take Jordan anywhere.

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