Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Adam asks Sally to move in with him and she tells him she will think about it and give him an answer later.

Adam and Chelsea are nervous about going to Maryland for their first in-person visit since they sent Connor for treatment. Chelsea tells Summer about Connor ‘s OCD and that she has decided to take a leave of absence to concentrate on Connor and his treatment. Chelsea suggests to Summer that Sally fill in for her at Marquetti. Summer doesn’t like the idea but agrees to think about it.

Tucker promises Jack he will stay away from Ashley while he is in Paris on business.

Summer talks to Chelsea about Claire and why she is worried about her being Harrison ‘s nanny. Chelsea thinks Summer should give Claire a chance to prove herself and show she can be trusted. Summer interviews Claire and then decides to give her the nanny job on a provisional basis and Harrison is very happy.

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