Days Short Recap Thursday, May 23, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Sloan told Melinda that EJ wanted her to tell Eric that he and Nicole are Jude’s parents. He wants Eric to lose everything. Sloan told her everything that happened with EJ. Melinda wanted her to keep her name out of it. She didn’t want to lose everything. Jada told Rafe that Everett was arrested. Stephanie told Chad about what happened with Eric and Everett. He wondered how long it took for the police to come. She didn’t understand why the police reacted that way when he was trying to help. Chad wondered if he really was trying to help. Eric talked to Marlena about why he got punched. He thought Everett was trying to protect Stephanie. He had to go and Marlena wanted him to be careful. Sloan couldn’t believe that Melinda was worried about what she would lose. Melinda told her that she was reinstated at the D.A. and thought the situation would ruin her. Sloan had to think of a way to get out of that situation. EJ told Nicole that he was fired as D.A. He reminded her that she wasn’t in any condition to handle the news. Nicole thought about kissing Eric. She felt terrible that she wasn’t there for him. He felt bad that he wasn’t there when she went through her argument with Holly. EJ thought Eric wouldn’t have had to be there. Jada told Rafe that Everett insisted that he was Robert when he got arrested. She thought Marlena could help him. Jada called Marlena to ask her to visit Everett at the station. Marlena told her that she wasn’t seeing him anymore. Jada remembered that Stephanie told her about it. Marlena informed her that she didn’t stop helping him. He decided to quit. Jada asked her to help him anyway. Melinda didn’t know what she could do to help Sloan when EJ was holding the cards. Sloan said that EJ would take her son and she would lose Eric. Melinda told her that she didn’t have a choice. Sloan said Eric and Jude were all she had and needed Melinda to help her. Stephanie defended Everett to Chad. She noticed the look on his face and wanted to know what that was about. Chad told her that Everett had violent tendencies. She insisted that he doesn’t act that way. Chad wondered if Bobby was the one who did it. He thought Everett overreacted to the situation. Jada and Rafe were talking to Everett and he insisted that he was Robert. Everett said that every keeps calling him Robert. Marlena arrived and he seemed to forget what happened. He wanted to know what happened.

EJ tried to make Nicole feel better about what happened with Holly. He assured her that she was a good mother. Sloan told Melinda that she might get something out of going along with EJ’s plan. She could get money and Eric wouldn’t know the truth. Sloan thought Eric deserved to know the truth. Melinda advised her not to tell Eric the truth. She thought she should move on with her life. Marlena talked to Everett about what happened. He wanted to leave. Everett didn’t seem to know why he was at the station. Marlena wanted to know his name. He told her that he’s Everett. Everett didn’t remember referring to himself as Bobby. She asked him why he attacked her son. Sloan talked to Melinda about how happy Eric was with Jude. She wondered where she went wrong. Eric arrived while Sloan was talking to Melinda. Nicole thought Paulina has been unpredictable and wanted to talk to Abe about firing EJ. He didn’t want her to speak on his behalf. EJ thought Paulina’s actions were a direct result of her radiation. He wanted to have the votes recalled and get the job himself. Nicole didn’t think it was a good idea. EJ left and made a call. He wanted to know what was going on at Sloan’s apartment. Marlena was surprised that Everett didn’t remember hitting Eric. Everett told her what happened when he saw Eric. Rafe and Jada arrived when Marlena talked to him about therapy. He told him that he made bail. Everett wanted the cuffs off. Eric wondered if he did anything to upset Sloan. She wanted to tell him the truth about Jude. Sloan told him that he wasn’t their son. Eric knew that he wasn’t their biological son and that she was mourning the loss of their son. Sloan wanted to tell him what she did with Jude. She blurted out that Jude was Nicole and EJ’s son. Sloan told him their son didn’t die and that Jude is their child.

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