Y&R Best Lines Thursday, November 23, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, November 22, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lauren: To you too. Well, you look about as stressed as I am. What’s going on?

Abby: Oh, you know, just the usual restful thanksgiving. Leaving here, Devon and I are having drinks with lily and Daniel and Nate and Mamie. Then, we were supposed to go to the Newman Ranch, but my dad called me and said they had to go out of town unexpectedly. Something to do with Nikki. I have no idea what. Which leaves us more time for more turkey with the Abbott family. And then, I am heading home and having dessert with just Devon and Dominic.

Lauren: Wow. It sounds like you need to rack up some frequent flyer miles just for that dinner. And thank goodness this only comes once a year, right?

Abby: Yes.

Lauren: It’ll take a weekend or two to recover and then we’ll be as good as new.

Abby: Please, god.


Tucker: Is this a ball or what? Huh?

Audra: Eh.

Tucker: I got one question about Thanksgiving for you.

Audra: Mm. What is it?

Tucker: Why Thursday? What’s the deal with that? They just– the pilgrims were just booked for the weekend, said, “you know what? Let’s just do it Thursday. Get it over with.

Audra: You know, I have no idea, but you bring up some valid points.

Tucker: And what’s with the hats? And the shoes with the big buckles on them?

Audra: You know, you said one question. You’ve asked about a dozen.

Tucker: I’m sorry, go ahead.

Audra: Kyle’s role in bringing down jabot from the inside. How do you see that playing out?

Tucker: No, no, no. I don’t want to talk business on thanksgiving. You can do better than that.

Audra: Okay. I’ll try. What do you have in mind?

Tucker: Kyle Abbott.

Audra: Excuse me? But didn’t I just?

Tucker: No, no, no. Not Kyle Abbott and jabot. Kyle Abbott and you.

Audra: Okay


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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

The entire episode takes place in Oregon at the house in Blue Lake.

Aunt Jordan tells everyone that they must sit and listen to her and Claire and if they listen maybe after they hear the story then they will have to persuade her and Claire to give them the antidote to the poison which will soon kill them. Claire tells Cole and Victoria that she is their daughter Eve which Victoria gave away because she didn’t want a baby to interfere with her life. Aunt Jordan tells Cole that she is his aunt and she wants to get revenge on Victor because she thinks Victor caused the death of his mother Eve. Cole isn’t sure if Jordan is his aunt because he only met his aunt. His mother and Aunt Jordan didn’t get along well. Cole and Victoria explain to Claire that baby Eve died because she was born prematurely and Cole was there when baby Eve took her last breath. Aunt Jordan claims she switched the babies the day Eve was born to make the Newmans pay for taking her sister away from her.

Nikki is upstairs hallucinating that Victor is telling her to fight to live and take the IV of Vodka out of her hand. Nikki manages to take the IV out of her hand and drops the IV pole. Victor and Nick hear the noise. Nikki also hallucinates Claire telling her she will never get out of that room. Everyone downstairs is getting weaker because of the poison. Claire is confused and hurt because her aunt lied to her. Jordan tells Claire not to believe Cole and Victoria because they will say anything to stay alive. Cole and Victoria tell Claire that if she gives them the antidote they will help her find out if she really is their daughter.

Nick grabs Jordan so Victor can go upstairs and look for Nikki. Victor finds Nikki and manages to open the door to the bedroom. Jordan heads upstairs with Nick right behind her. Nick grabs Jordan to keep her from stopping his dad from rescuing his mom. Jordan stabs Nick with a big knife and then goes upstairs to stop Victor and Nikki from leaving the bedroom. Victor and Nikki are about to leave the bedroom when Jordan arrives, points the knife at them, and says
“Where do you think you are going?”

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GH Short Recap Monday, November 27, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

The Thanksgiving episodes continue. The smoke alarm has gone off at the Quartermaine mansion because Lois’ mother forgot to turn the stove down on the onions, so they caught fire and the sprinklers went off. Their turkey and kitchen is too wet to eat or use. Lois pries the truth out of her mother: she accidentally pissed off a woman that is married to a Russian mobster. Yuri offers to help.

Nina drops a Thanksgiving basket off at Michael and Willow’s house and leaves, with a note that she has to work (as per Michael’s blackmail instructions). The Quartermaines phone Nina to get replacement food for their ruined dinner, but the Metro Court turkey dinners are all spoken for, so she brings them pizzas and dessert instead. Michael isn’t happy to see Nina there and warns her to stay away. Ned also lets her know that he remembers her but promises not to say anything for now. The Quartermaines all sing their traditional “We Gather Together,” led by Ned and his guitar.

Robert has surprised Anna by bringing their granddaughter Emma in to share Thanksgiving with them. They meet Diane at the Metro Court for dinner. Anna sees Nina there and confronts her about deleting the security footage of Charlotte breaking into her suite. She blames Nina for Charlotte’s shooting. When Nina tries to deny it, Anna wonders what Sonny would think of it. Later, Anna fills Sonny in about the dead body that was found of the WSB agent.

Carly and Drew host Thanksgiving with the kids. Sonny arrives, with Dex. Sonny suggests that Dex stay with Josslyn. Ava also arrives, invited by Carly and Joss, so she can spend time with Avery. Dex and Joss kiss. Later, Carly and Drew talk about how fragile life is.

Curtis intends to spend his Thanksgiving doing PI work (he’s investigation his shooting). Marshall is there, but the woman are gone. Portia is at the hospital but hopes that Spencer and Trina have broken up for good. Spencer and Trina have been busy in bed making up. Portia goes home, and so does Trina (with Spencer), so they all have Thanksgiving together after all. They all join hands and Curtis says Grace.

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Days Transcript Monday, November 27, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


You–you want to hold him?

Ah, just for a moment. I thought maybe if I held him in my arms, it might bring me a little solace.

Nicole, I don’t know if that’s such a–

I–never mind. I’m sorry. You’re just getting to know him, and I shouldn’t have asked.

No, no. It’s OK. Of course you can hold him.


[poignant music]

Ah, yes, scarfing down a sandwich alone in the pub. What the holidays are all about.

[clears throat] EJ, heard about what happened to you and Nicole. I’m so sorry for your loss.

I don’t want your condolences, commissioner, I want you to find the bastard who ran my wife off the road.

Dimitri, what are you doing here? Have you forgotten that you’re a fugitive? I thought you were leaving town.

I thought you were helping Leo. But I suppose our expectations don’t always align with reality.

I am helping Leo.

Really? Huh. Then why is it that I just heard that he’s being charged with murder? And I think we both know that if anyone should be facing those charges, Sloan, it’s you.

[tense music]

Is your lawyer on her way?

Unfortunately, she is not. She was otherwise engaged. But she will be here eventually, and she will prove my innocence. I had nothing to do with the untimely demise of that sweet little baby. In fact, I had everything to do with the opposite– with bringing him into the world. For which I am very proud, though heartbroken, that his stay here was so tragically brief.

Yeah, thanks to you and your boyfriend.

Would you not say that? Anyway, if you’re just going to stand there and take pot shots at me, please leave so I can mourn that sweet little creature and wallow in self-pity.

Wallow away.

[door shuts] Hey.

Hey. I just heard what happened to that Carter guy. How’s Ava?

She’ll be OK, provided DA DiMera doesn’t drop the hammer.

Well, knowing how EJ feels about her, I wouldn’t place any bets.

[tense music]


Missing something?

Yeah, my keys. You haven’t seen them, have you?

So how do you want to decide who breaks into this evidence room? Rock, paper, scissors?

What are you, six years old?

You want to come up with something?

I’m not coming up with anything because I’m flat-out not gonna do it.

I’m the one who made a copy of these things.

And I’m the one who swiped them. Which, I might add, is a hell of a lot riskier than sauntering into a hardware store.



It’s my face on the security footage.

Oh, then why didn’t you wear a Guy Fawkes mask?

[sighs] OK, so neither of us wants to do this.


[sighs] Someone’s got to break in and steal that evidence, or Clyde is gonna be very, very unhappy.

Just got an idea. Why don’t we let Mr. I Cannot Tell a Lie decide for us?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Did you lose your keys?

I don’t know. I’m sure they’ll turn up.

Well, you should probably find them sooner than later.


Any luck with Stark?

Well, he swears up and down that he’s innocent, but he’s having a little trouble tracking down his lawyer, so I figure I’ll just let him stew in the interrogation room for a while and maybe he’ll get interested in making a deal.

Hmm. Mind if I take a crack at him?

Be my guest.

EJ, believe me, our department wants Dimitri found just as badly as you do. I have my best detectives on the case.

Hmm, while you sit here enjoying a turkey dinner.

EJ, you are well aware of your family’s resources. Now, with that said, there is a pretty damn good chance that your nephew is setting up a hammock in a Caribbean tax haven.

I don’t care if he is hang gliding over the Caspian Sea, I want him found. And when he is unceremoniously frogmarched back into Salem into police custody, I am going to throw the book– actually, no, the whole library– at him and his boyfriend Leo Stark.

Heard about that. Pretty steep charge.

Do you take issue with how I decide to prosecute criminals?

Alleged criminal. And no, in this case, I do not. But I am curious as to what you’re doing with Ava Vitali.

[exhales deeply]

So you want to decide who breaks into the evidence room by flipping a coin?

Better than rock, paper, scissors, no?

Ugh. I guess! All right, but if we’re doing this, I’m calling it.

[laughs] Fine.



You think I should be charged with murder? Whose?

So that’s how you want to play this.

Play what? What are you talking about?

OK. You remember when I stopped by here a couple of days ago with a premature but otherwise perfectly healthy baby boy in my arms, and you assured me that you would deliver said baby to the hospital? Well, now I am hearing– and please do correct me if I’m wrong– that that baby is, how shall I put it, dead?

Dimitri, listen.

Sloan, no, you listen. Now, I know that there was no love lost between you and Nicole, but I mean, god, do you despise her that much?

Excuse me, do you think that I killed Nicole’s baby?

Well, didn’t you?

What? No! Listen, Dimitri, I’m no doctor, but as you said, Nicole’s baby was born prematurely on the side of a road after a car crash. The baby was– the baby wasn’t doing well. That’s why I took it to the hospital. But by then, it was too late. The baby didn’t even stand a chance.

Mm. I see. Well, then, tell me–may I– why is it, if Nicole’s son is dead, that your apartment looks like you ransacked the baby department at Saxton’s?

[dramatic music]

Oh, he’s so beautiful.

[laughs] Oh, are you trying to smile? I think he’s smiling at me, yes.


Obviously, he likes you.

Yes, a sweet little boy. He’s so…

[baby coos] Precious.


Wait. How could this be?

How can what be? Nicole, what is it?

This is my baby.

[dramatic music]

[breath catches]

[phone rings]


Hey. I wasn’t expecting to see you again today. Is everything OK?

Yeah, everything’s fine. I just thought I’d stop by because, um, I have something for you.

We just got the forensics back. My team found fibers underneath Gil’s fingernails consistent with those which we got from Ava’s blouse, which obviously lends credence to Ava’s story and the fact that he did, in fact, attack her.

You don’t think Ava is clever enough to falsify evidence?

It’s possible. But why would she? From what I can tell, and based on the evidence we have so far, she had no motive to kill him except in self-defense.

Mm. Then if you are satisfied with the facts of the case as presented by Ava and substantiated by the evidence at the scene of the crime, I see no reason to press charges.

Nor do I.

And now I must attend to my wife. And you, Commissioner Hernandez, must find the bastard who killed my son.

[laidback rock music]

Detective Hunter, you’re looking lovely today. You didn’t happen to bring me a turkey dinner, did you? Or better yet, a tofurkey. I consider myself a vegan at heart. You know, just one that eats meat from time to time.

Nope, no turkey or tofurkey. And I’m afraid, Leo, that you’re the one whose goose is cooked.

Ooh! I do love a clapback with some spicy wordplay.

Cut the crap, Leo. I heard that you were up for murder felony charges for the death of Nicole DiMera’s baby. Which, believe me, is no laughing matter, and especially is not funny to the DA.

What is–well, “funny” is not the word. I’d say the word is “disturbing”– is that the DA happens to be Nicole’s husband. So if you’re done trying to twist my arm and spread good cheer–

I’ll be happy to leave you in peace, but not until I tell you how I can make these charges go away.

Really? How?

Simple–by throwing your boyfriend under the bus.

What? This? Well, this is all for my baby.

Your baby?



Yes, really. If you must know, Melinda Trask has been helping Eric and yours truly in the adoption process. That’s why she was here the other day when you showed up. You see, we were dotting our I’s and crossing our T’s in some of the paperwork. Actually, we just received our bundle of joy today. He’s out with his father right now.

He. I’m sorry, he. So it’s a boy.

Yes, it’s a boy.

Wow. Well, I think congratulations are in order.

[chuckles] But let me just get something straight. Uh, just a few days ago, I leave you with a perfectly healthy baby boy who then suddenly somehow dies of heretofore unknown internal injuries. And then as luck would have it, you find yourself the recipient of a perfectly healthy infant, a boy, nonetheless, who is born, as it seems, the exact same time as the baby that I dropped here with you just days earlier. Now, Sloan, how stupid do you think I am? You took the baby for yourself. Didn’t you?

[tense music]



What do you mean?

Just as I said– this is my baby.

[breathes shakily]

Nicole, I–


I can’t even begin to imagine the kind of pain you’re in right now, but this isn’t your baby.


[eerie notes] It’s a boy.

He’s so adorable. That teeny little nose and all those little fingers.

He’s my precious baby. It’s a little miracle.

[breathes shakily] Right after he was born, Leo put him in my arms and I held him for the first time, and I saw his sweet little face. I’ll never forget. Eric, this is him. This is–this is the baby that I gave birth to. This is the baby that I carried inside of me for months. This is him! This is my son.

[dramatic music]

You have something for me?

I do indeed.


Mm. Since you are stuck here all night, I thought you might be hungry.

Wow, you–you made me Thanksgiving dinner?

Yeah, well, it’s– it’s linguine carbonara. I know it’s not very Thanksgiving-y, but, uh, I didn’t think you’d mind–


–you know. It’s what I had on hand.

I don’t– I don’t mind at all. Thank you. This place gets so crazy sometimes, I just forget to eat. I’m so hyped up on caffeine and reading these witness statements, it’s no wonder I lost my keys.

[laughs] I’m starting to think if my head wasn’t attached, I’d lose that, too.

[both laugh]

[mysterious music]

Come again? You want me to throw the love of my life under the bus? Very tired cliche, by the way, “under the bus.” Dead phrase walking. I would prefer “sell him down the river” or better yet, “forsaken.” A bit musty, but not nearly as tiresome.

How about you stop trying to be funny and call Dimitri? Wish him a happy turkey day. Tell him you’re out on bail and you’d like to meet up with him.

Let me guess, he shows up to meet me, you and another gumshoe jump out of the foliage with a butterfly net and cuffs, spouting his Miranda rights to him.

Mm, something like that.

Well, I’m not going to do it.

You know, Leo, there’s no reason why a man so stylish and witty as you– a man of letters, no less– should be cooling his heels in a stuffy room like this, especially since you’re not the one we want.

What does that mean?

We want the big fish.

Oh! Well, now I’m insulted on top of everything else. Are you saying I’m not a big fish?

In this case, no. You’re a guppy, a minnow. And yes, it might seem like you and Dimitri are partners in crime equal, but it’s clear that he’s the mastermind behind this operation.

Well, I would agree he does tend to be the assertive one.

Mm, he’s also the criminal, evil, and despicable one who tried to kill Stefan and Gabi and who assaulted a police officer. And the most appalling of all, he was the one driving the car that ran Nicole DiMera off the road. So, uh, why don’t you give Dimitri a call and I can have you out of here in time for turkey and gravy?

Of course I didn’t take Nicole’s baby. You know, Dimitri, it is possible for two babies to be born on the same day. In fact, I presume that it’s possible that thousands of babies are born on the same day in this country alone.

Right, but we are talking about a baby that I brought to you on the same day that you’re claiming that Nicole’s baby died

So what? Never heard of coincidence?

Yeah, but this is a pretty convenient coincidence, don’t you think, Sloan? Look, I really don’t care either way if my beloved uncle and Nicole get to raise this baby. But what I do care about is Leo, and right now, he’s being charged with the murder of a child that is still very much alive.

Excuse me, what are you doing?

Oh, I thought I’d give Salem PD a quick call, get this mess sorted out.


What–wait, wait.

Nicole, what’s–


What’s going on? Whose baby is this?

It’s mine. Sloan and I adopted him today, but… Nicole thinks that he’s hers. I mean, I’m sorry, yours.

Because he is. I swear he is. Yes.

Nicole, sweetheart, look at me. This–this baby isn’t ours.

[exhales] EJ. Yes, he is. After the accident, I cradled him just like this. And I saw– I saw him. I saw his sweet little face, and I could never forget it. I would know it anywhere. Just look at him. Isn’t he beautiful?


[breathing shakily] This is our boy, EJ.


This is our boy!

Oh, sweetheart. I wish–I wish it were. I’d give anything for this to be our baby, darling. He’s not. This baby is– this baby is Eric and Sloan’s. They adopted him today. Yeah? And I think it’s time we gave him back to his father, OK?

[breathes tearfully]


[poignant music]

Rafe, thank you, man. That is great news. Thanks again.


What was that all about? What was the great news?

It’s about you.

You kidding?

Rafe told me that EJ’s decided not to charge you in Gil Carter’s death.

Oh my–oh my god. Oh my god.

You’re a free woman.

Thank you!


Oh my god, wow. Oh my god, I have to– I have to go tell– I have to go tell– OK. Oh, here–here’s your carbonara, and, um, don’t–don’t work too hard.



Hey. I got you, yeah.

[sniffs] I’m sorry. I guess my mind is just playing tricks on me and I thought– I–I was so sure he was mine.

It’s OK.

I’m sorry, Eric.

Nicole, it’s OK.

It’s not OK. I mean, this– this is your baby, and I– I should have been happy for you. And I’m–I’m really sorry.

Sweetheart, enough with the apologies, OK? Look at me. You’ve been through a lot these past few days, more than most people could handle. And Eric understands.

Of course I do.

Here, let’s go. Let me take you home. Come on.

Everything OK?

Yeah. Everything’s fine.

Doesn’t seem that way.

Yeah, actually, it’s just– it’s sad. Nicole seemed to think that this is her baby.


So I shouldn’t call the cops.

No. You shouldn’t.

So you admit it– that this little baby you’re claiming that you and Eric adopted is in fact Nicole’s.

Yes, it is. He–he is. It’s not–I didn’t plan to take him, it’s just–

You know, I’ve actually used that line before, when I was caught shoplifting at the mall, and that excuse didn’t even work for a pair of rollerblades.

Could you stop joking, OK? This isn’t funny.

Who said anything about jokes? You think telling me that you didn’t plan to steal a baby somehow exonerates you?

Dimitri, you don’t get it, that’s not–

Then what–

It’s not like that.

What is it?

[tense music]

[sighs] Eric and I, we’d been planning for a while to adopt a baby. And right when we found out that it was happening, that we were about to get a child of our own, Melinda called and said that the mother, she had changed her mind. Apparently, my reputation precedes me. But the mother didn’t think I was fit to be a parent. And I thought, if one prospective parent could find out the truth about me, who’s to say that all the rest couldn’t? And that is when I realized that me being a mother was going to be an uphill battle– a battle that I quite possibly would lose. When you showed up at my door unannounced and you have that beautiful baby in your arms–

You thought, finders keepers? No. No! Sloan, no. Wait. So that’s why you agreed to help Leo, because you knew that that was the only way to get me out of town. And if I’m out of town, then I’ll never discover your nefarious little plot.

Well, I did agree, didn’t I? Isn’t that what you care about? Isn’t that what you want?

Are you kidding me? The only reason that Leo is even in this mess is because you decided to play Mommy Dearest with someone else’s kid!

Please try and understand, Dimitri.

Oh, no, no, I understand, Sloan. I understand that you are void of conscience to do something so underhanded, not to mention criminal.

Dimitri, just listen.

No, you listen to me now, Sloan. You’re gonna have to do a whole lot more than help to get yourself out of this one, lady. You are going to have to get these charges against Leo Stark dropped, and I mean tout suite, or I swear I am going to sing like a canary.

[dramatic music]

You know, this is a tough call.

[gasps] This reminds me of that time I worked as a stagehand in that off-off-off-Broadway production loosely based on “Sophie’s Choice.” Then we got that nasty letter from the lawyer and they were forced to change the name to “Hannah’s Choice.”

Damn it, Leo, I am so tired of your half-assed comedy standup act or whatever this is.

What? I can’t explain my thought process.

OK, how about this for a thought process– if you don’t call von Leuschner in the next five minutes, you will have no choice. The deal will be off.

Here’s another idea. Let’s say the two of us head down to the pub and I mull over your very tempting offer over spiced hot chocolate.

Damn it, Leo.

Oh, come on! You’re asking me to betray someone I care about, someone I love to the depths of my soul. Do you know how many people I’ve loved in my life? Not counting that yappy little Pomeranian that belonged to my former roommate/yoga instructor–not a person, true, but closest you could get. Mm.

I know you think you are deeply in love with von Leuschner and believe me, I know that love can sometimes blind you to the other person’s failings. Well, in your case, the fact that he is a disgusting dirtbag–

You’re not helping your case, Detective.

OK, then ask yourself this– do you even think a guy like Dimitri is even capable of love? The guy’s a sociopath, maybe even a psychopath. I mean, do you think he even cares about you, let alone loves you?

Cares? Of course he cares. He just–

He just what? Left you holding the bag?

No, that’s not how it went down, and there was no bag.

OK, however it went down, bag or no bag, just look around. Not exactly the Chateau Marmont now, is it?

I wouldn’t know, I’ve never stayed there. I hate Los Angeles.

OK, well, you’re going to hate a prison cell a lot more. And DA DiMera, he is out for blood. The question is, do you want it to be yours?

[beeping] I have to take care of something. I’ll expect an answer when I return.

[thoughtful music]

Ugh, come on, how many Sikowskis have been arrested in the last day or so?


[tense music]

Yes, I’m in the evidence room now. What are we looking for again? Sure, of course. Uh, it should be right over here.

So this is your new baby?



Thank you.

It’s wonderful.

Yeah, I’m–I’m sorry. It’s just– I was just a little rattled.

Yeah, well, that’s understandable. Nicole thinking that this is her baby, like you said, that’s, um, really sad.

[exhales] Damn. I still can’t believe her baby didn’t make it.

Yeah, me neither. You know, EJ said that their child, their– their son was accidentally cremated. He and Nicole never really got a chance to say goodbye to their baby.


Darling, I am going to run you a bath, I am going to put on some nice classical music, and I want you to relax, OK?

EJ, I was so sure. I was so sure about the baby. I mean, his– his little face and– and the look in his eyes, and the way I felt when I held him. I–I was so sure he was mine.

Well, I don’t think that’s all that surprising, given what you’ve been through, the unimaginable trauma your body has experienced these past few days, coupled with the grief that you and I both feel. Your mind was just playing tricks on you, that’s all. Like you said.

I know, I know, I know I said that. I know I did. But the more I think about it, I– it’s just his face, EJ. He looked just like him, the baby I gave birth to. And not only did he look like him, it was the way I felt. It was the way I felt when I held him.

Sweetheart, when you held our son, you had just been in a terrible accident. You were badly hurt. I mean, even when I got there, you were still in a daze. And from what I gathered, you hadn’t– you hadn’t held the baby for very long.

No, I hadn’t. But even though I held him a moment, I– Come on, EJ, will you just hold me, please?

Of course. Of course.


It’s OK.

OK, fine. I’ll find a way to get Leo out of this mess, but you have to hightail it out of here. Like now, before Eric comes back and sees you.

Shake on it.

[tense music] Sorry, before I go, um, I’m a little bit short on cash.

Oh. You really are unbelievable. Here, just take it and get out.

Ah. Pleasure doing business with you, ma’am. One more thing– uh, I would highly recommend you to use every trick in the book to get Leo out and fast. Otherwise, I promise you, I will make certain that this little baby-stealing scheme of yours is the biggest piece of news of the st century, and this whole beautiful, perfect life that you’ve built for yourself will blow up in your face.

I think the box is right here. Oh, it’s Terence Smith, not Lawrence Smith? Ah, I see. Found it. Bringing it right over.

[tense music]

[thoughtful music]

[phone rings]


So what’s it going to be, Mr. Stark? Are you going to call Dimitri and give us the big fish so you can swim away free?

I’ve thought about it, Detective, and… I’m not calling anyone. I can’t–I won’t betray the man I love.

[exhales] I’m going to get you out of this mess, Leo, if it’s the last thing I do.

So you got it? You got the evidence?

I did, yeah.


Now that we have it, we have to find somewhere to offload it.

You sure you got all of it?

Pretty sure, yeah, but considering I was this close to getting caught, no way in hell I’m doubling back. How about you? How’d it go on your end?

Yeah, well, I made sure that Harris would get his keys back. That was the easy part. But slightly harder lying to his face.


[phone rings]

Hey, just the man I’m looking for.

Commissioner, what is going on?

Well, someone from the sergeant’s desk found these downstairs and I recognized the keyring.

[sighs] Thank you.


It’s a relief. I’ve been looking all over for these. But you know, I don’t remember leaving them down near the sergeant’s desk.

Maybe you dropped them somewhere.

Hey, here we go.


Aw. Hi! How’s our little guy doing?

Oh, he’s doing great, actually.

[laughs] Aw, you just love spending time with your daddy, don’t you?

Yes, he does, and he’s much better now that he’s got a pacifier.

Oh, he is. Aw.

Hey, Sloan, there’s something that I need to tell you.


Um, I ran into Nicole. And–

Oh, and–and– what?

Well–she just got released from the hospital and, well, when she saw the baby, she said that it was hers.

[tense music]


Well, I’m guessing you’re not terribly hungry, so I’m going to put these sliders in the fridge for later. Why don’t I put on a pot of tea, hmm?


Love you.

Love you.

[tense music]


Mm. Nicole, uh, thought our baby was hers? Doesn’t make any sense.

Yeah. I know, it’s just– I mean, she obviously was just overwhelmed with grief.

I mean, well, what did you– what’d you do? What did you say?

Well, EJ, he showed up, and then we managed to convince her that the baby wasn’t hers.


Yes, a sweet little boy. He’s so…precious. I don’t care what anybody says. I know that was my baby.

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B&B Transcript Monday, November 27, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Hope: Hi, dad.

Deacon: Hey, sweetheart. Thanks for coming. Uh, can I get you anything?

Hope: No, I’m good. Uh, actually, I should be at work, so what’s this all about?

Deacon: Well, before we get into that, I– I just want you to know that I’m sorry, we didn’t see each other for thanksgiving. I missed you.

Hope: Oh, you understand why I kept my distance, right? Is she here today? Is she working? Is sheila here?

Deacon: No, uh, not at the moment.

Hope: Okay, good because i don’t want to be around her, but sadly, that also means that I don’t get to be around my dad.

Brooke: Ah, it was really a wonderful day.

Ridge: Forrester thanksgivings. They always are.

Rj: Yeah, family, friends, food galore.

Brooke: It’s just hard to really enjoy it… knowing what we know.

Ridge: I always thought my dad would be there. You know, every party, every special occasion. Now, he’s slipping away more and more every day. And we have to pretend that everything’s fine.

Eric: So, ladies, tell me, uh, tell me what you see?

Katie: I see eric forrester sitting behind his desk, reveling in his triumphant glory.

[ All chuckling ]

Eric: Thank you. And, um, anything else?

Donna: I see a man who won the fashion challenge, reclaimed his office and control of his company. Who’s at the top of his game and the top of the fashion world again.

Eric: Imagine how that makes me feel.

Katie: We love seeing you like this.

Donna: Just like we love seeing you at the head of the table on thanksgiving.

Katie: Forrester family patriarch whom we all love and cherish.

Eric: Thank you. Yeah, one might think that I don’t have that much to be thankful for this particular– particular thanksgiving, but, um, they’d be wrong because I get to get up every morning and– and– and create beauty for the whole world to see. And– and I can get– I can be celebrated for it and– and be given credit for it. I mean, what could be better than that?

Deacon: Let’s not dwell on sheila because that’s not why I asked you here. I’m hearing that you’re still seeing thomas. Is it true?

Hope: Why do you ask?

Deacon: Because I’m a protective father. And because I don’t think the guy’s right for you.

Hope: Are you being serious right now?

Deacon: Very. Yeah, I am. I mean, you know, given the guy’s history, the hurt that he’s put you through.

Hope: Wow. Wow. I’m really getting dating advice from a man dating a psycho like sheila.

Eric: I want to, uh, I– I want to pull out all the stops for this collection, okay? I wanna do a pr campaign that’s the biggest thing the fashion industry has ever seen. I’ll give you a– I’ll– I’ll up your budget for this, katie.

Katie: Um, excuse me. What?

Eric: Whatever you need. Whatever. [ Coughing ] Anything you need, katie.

Donna: Eric. Honey bear.

Katie: Eric, are you okay?

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. Yeah. You know my mantra. I’m not dead yet. Look, the whole world thinks that I’m– I’m alive and well and I’m at the top of my game. I don’t want that to change.

Rj: Granddad’s dying and we’re supposed to just act like it’s no big deal.

Brooke: Honey, it’s wonderful how much you’ve been there for your grandfather. How much you love him and care for him.

Ridge: He turned to you because he needed you, and you were there for him. And you guys, you created this amazing line that’s gonna live– that’S… the fashion world is gonna remember. And that means a lot to dad. So in a way, you’re keeping him alive. Well done. He hits his mark -center stage-and is crushed by a baby grand piano.

Deacon: Um, I got a pretty good idea how you feel about sheila. But hope, right now, I’m more concerned about you. You can’t tell me that you’ve forgotten all the crazy stuff that thomas has done.

Hope: Oh, you want to talk about crazy? Thomas is a saint compared to sheila carter.

Deacon: He’s got his own fair share of demons. You can’t have forgotten.

Hope: Dad, you don’t need to remind me of thomas’ past misdeeds. I mean, I know better than anyone. I haven’t forgotten.

Deacon: Well, I’m thinking maybe you have if you’re buying what this guy’s selling.

Hope: Thomas has changed for the better. And he is loving and caring toward me and he doesn’t have conflicted feelings, unlike liam.

Deacon: Baby, look. I don’t want to fight with you.

Hope: I don’t want to fight with you either. But, dad, you have to– you have to understand that things don’t just get to go back to normal now, right? I’m disappointed in you for even entertaining the idea of being involved with someone like sheila carter. For wanting to risk everything that you have worked so hard for, dad. I am hurt because you are choosing her over me.

Eric: I like this color. I think this color is beautiful.

Katie: It’s exquisite, eric.

Eric: Thank you, katie. Thank you. [ Coughing ]

Donna: Okay. Okay, that’s enough. I cannot let this go on. We need to call your doctor.

Eric: No, no. No, I don’t wanna see the doctor.

Katie: I– I have to agree with donna. Eric, you should at least check in.

Eric: No, no, katie. Every time I– every time i visit the doctor, it’s like visiting the grim reaper. You know, he– he– I don’t want to spend my last days being brought down by that. I want– I want to spend my days creating beauty. That’s what I want.

Donna: Okay. I– I get that. I really do. It’s just– okay, you know what? I– I’m not gonna push because the last thing you need is me nagging you like that.

Eric: The last thing you would be is– is a nag. You don’t nag me. I thank you both so much for your– for supporting me so much. Thank you. Thank you. But I don’t want my dying to consume my living. As long as I’m breathing, I wanna be able to create. I wanna be able to design. It gives me peace. Especially if this is my last– especially if this is my last collection.

Brooke: Rj, your father and i are worried about eric. But we’re worried about you too.

Rj: No. Don’t– don’t worry about me. I’m completely fine. I’m fine. I’m– I’m just– I’m gonna be working day and night to help granddad bring this line to life. That’s what I’m doing.

Ridge: Yes, of course. Because that’s the kind, considerate young man that you are, but… don’t take all of this and put it on your shoulders. It’s not necessary.

Rj: No. I– I am. I’m going to put this on my shoulder. This isn’t about me. This is about granddad. That’s the focus.

Ridge: I get that. I– I understand, but seeing him grow weaker and weaker every day, that’s not–

Rj: That– that’s not what I’m seeing. When he’s– when he’s in the creative zone and he– and he’s– and he’s focused on the design, it brings him life. It energizes him because he loves this. I– I– I just want to help him with that. I– I feel like that’s really important.

Ridge: What your mom and I are saying is–

Rj: I can see what you and mom are saying and I love the two of you. I do. I love you so much, but I need to do this. Okay? I need to know that when granddad’s passed on that I did everything that I could to… you know what? We just need to make sure that his medical diagnosis doesn’t get out. He can’t know that all these people know that he’s dying and he can’t know that he lost the fashion challenge, dad. That would–

Ridge: He’s never gonna know. He’s never gonna know that. He’s got too much pride and he’s got too much dignity to– to ever think that somebody gave him pity. But can we all try to remember something? It’s not like we handed him everything. The– the seat that he’s in is something that he earned a long time ago. Whoa! The new iphone 15. With that amazing camera.

Donna: Eric, please. I– I don’t wanna think about the end.

Eric: How can I not? How can I– if I have to face the last few months of my life, I’m gonna face it the same way I faced everything in my life. Every challenge. With courage and– and with determination. I mean, look– look at this. Look at this. All this– these ideas, they’re just pouring out of me. I– I can’t stop. I have to keep designing. If this is my last chance, I have to do it. If this is my– if this is my last collection, this is what I have to do.

Rj: No, you’re right. Granddad keeps– he keeps pushing himself. He’s putting– he’s getting out one incredible design after another. And you know, when he’s in that creative zone, he is unstoppable. I– I can’t, you know, I– I’m just trying to keep up with him. Honestly, keep up with what he’s telling me.

Katie: Hey, I’m glad you’re all here. I just came from eric and donna. Ridge, if you could see him sitting behind his desk in his chair. He’s so proud. I’m telling you, letting him win the fashion challenge, it was the most beautiful thing you ever could have done for him.

Ridge: Okay. All right. But there’s got to be something else we can do. There’s gotta be something we can do to keep him with us. No, I– I just thinking of this office without him in it. This– this family without him here. I– I don’t know how to do this.

Deacon: Honey, I’m not choosing you over sheila. I could never do that.

Hope: Well, you say that, but then you’ve gone and made her more a part of your life now than– than I am. And so, there obviously must be a little more care.

Deacon: That’s not true. Hope, I love you.

Hope: And I love you too, dad, but you knew what you were doing. You knew what you were risking.

Deacon: There’s like an– there’s like a disconnect here. You’re asking me to accept the fact that thomas has changed, right? Why won’t you believe my intuition that sheila’s changed too? Why won’t you extend me the same benefit of the doubt?

Hope: I understand that you think our circumstances are similar here. They are not, dad. Sheila is actually dangerous.

Deacon: You mean everything to me. You and douglas and beth. I love those kids, I adore them and I haven’t seen them in ages.

Hope: Because of sheila.

Deacon: Wait– wait a second. Are you– are you telling me that I can’t see them anymore?

Hope: Well, dad, as long as you are involved with sheila carter, I– I…

Deacon: Okay. Look, she doesn’t have to be with me, okay? I’ll make sure of it.

Hope: Dad, don’t you get there are consequences to your actions? And I knew I couldn’t trust sheila carter. But now I– I don’t even know if I can trust you.

Deacon: Honey, please, listen to me.

Hope: Dad, there is nothing more that you can say. Okay? As much as it– it kills me to say this to you. As long as sheila carter is a part of your life… you don’t get to have access to mine.

Hope: I don’t know how sheila did it. How she managed to manipulate you of all people? But, dad, she’s using you. And you need to wake up because she is dangerous. And I will not allow her or anyone who is close to her near my children.

Deacon: Hope, she’s different now.

Hope: Dad, people like that, who are missing that empathy part of their brain, they cannot change.

Deacon: But thomas can? I changed. I’m not the same man that I was years ago.

Hope: Dad, please. Sheila carter is in a league of her own. And you actually put in the work. I mean, dad! Look at il giardino. Look at everything you’ve done to repair our relationship. Look at– look at how you’re showing up for beth and douglas. I mean, they adore you.

Deacon: And I adore them and I adore you.

Hope: Okay, good. So, then you should understand why this decision is so hurtful. It just feels like you’re choosing you. Yet again. And I don’t– I don’t want to lose you. I never wanted to lose you, dad. But now, once again, you just– you aren’t even considering family or the impact that it might have on your daughter or your grandkids. So, I don’t want this to happen, but if… it will happen if you don’t cut sheila carter out of your life for good.

Brooke: Maybe I should have gone with ridge and rj.

Katie: I think they wanted to see eric on their own. Spend some time with him.

Brooke: Yeah. Something he doesn’t have a lot of.

Katie: I know. I was with him earlier and he was coughing up blood.

Brooke: What? He should be in the hospital.

Katie: I– I don’t disagree with you but it’s– it’s not our choice to make. It’s his choice. We have to respect it. I know that my situation is not the same thing, but I– I know what it’s like to face your own mortality. You know, my– my heart could stop any day. Which is why you have to take every day and– and– and appreciate it as the precious gift that it is and– and live every moment. And I think that’s what eric is doing. He’s– he’s doing what he loves. He’s designing and creating, and it’s inspiring. But it’s– it’s heartbreaking.

Brooke: But he is so– he’s so courageous. And you know what makes it hard is the fact that he built up this wall, and I just wish that I could get through to him.

Katie: I know.

Brooke: Or one of us. We just need to be able to tell him the truth. The truth that we know. That way we can love him and we can support him. The way that he needs, until the end.

Eric: I’m– I’m particularly proud of this one, actually. I like how it turned out. It– it gave me a hard time at first but– but it’s come out really wonderful, I thought.

Ridge: It’s breathtaking, dad.

Eric: I had a hard time at first, but then I had a lot of wonderful, great help with my extraordinary right-hand man. Rj, um, well, you know how I feel about you.

Rj: I– I do. Same way I feel about you, sir.

Ridge: Well, listen, all of this– this whole collection is uh, is amazing. And I know– I know you wanna– you wanna do this on your own.

Eric: Absolutely, I want to do it on my own. You have no idea how important that is to me.

Ridge: No, I– I do. I– I do understand that. I just– look, everything I know I’ve learned from you and those– those are special days for me.

Eric: I’m glad you haven’t forgotten.

Ridge: I would never forget any of that, dad.

Eric: Yeah?

Ridge: You’ve given me everything and– and– this is your collection. But even michelangelo, I mean, he had help painting the sistine chapel. He didn’t do it alone. He– you have help. You have my son and maybe it would make sense to have your son help as well. And I– I will stay in the background. I just thought maybe this would be a time for me to repay you for everything you’ve done. Not just as a dad, but as– as a– as a mentor, and I– I just, I don’t want anything. That’s a lie. What I want is to work with you one last time. What do you say?

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Y&R Transcript Monday, November 27, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Adam: Oh, hello, nate.

Nate: Adam.

Adam: Hey, will you hang on a minute? Have you seen victoria or victor here?

Nate: No.

Adam: Have you seen them anywhere? I mean, there’s nobody at the office.

Nate: I don’t know why you’d think I’d know anything about that.

Adam: Uh, it’s just a question.

Nate: If you recall, I no longer work at newman enterprises.

Adam: Right. And from that information, I should reasonably assume that you’re no longer involved with victoria, either?

Nate: Whether I am or I’m not, that’s none of your damn business. Although, I do find it interesting that neither victor or victoria chose to fill you in on their activities. So, I’ll reasonably assume that you haven’t risen that far up in the ranks from when you were my assistant. They’re still keeping you in the dark. Not exactly exactly a sign of confidence.

Adam: Mm. And a good evening to you, sir.

Sally: You just make friends everywhere you go, don’t you?

Adam: See, that’s the thing. Nate, uh, likes to make a show that he hates me, but way down, deep inside? He really, really hates me. Especially after losing his job.

Sally: What was that, that he said about your family still shutting you out? I thought you were getting past that.

Adam: No, forget about it. He doesn’t know anything. My relationship with my father has never been closer.

Nikki: Oh, god. I gotta get out of here. Okay. Okay. Oh, god.

[ Nikki sobbing ] What? Eve?

Cole: Victoria. It’s me, cole. Listen, I’m at the house that nikki told me to go to, but she’s not here and obviously, neither are you. I’m all by myself, I think. You know, it’s a little weird ’cause I’m in somebody’s house and I have no idea whose it is. Anyway, just give me a call as soon as you get this.

[ Jordan grunting ]

[ Jordan chuckling ]

Nikki: Claire? No. Who– who are you?

Jordan: You can call me jordan, for now.

Nikki: Oh. Oh. What do you want with me?

Jordan: Sh, sh, sh, sh. You need to relax. You need to stay calm. Don’t push yourself. You know, you really shouldn’t have pulled that iv out. You need it. It’s important. You need to stay hydrated. Your family should be arriving soon.

Nikki: My– my family?

Jordan: Yes. Isn’t that wonderful? And pretty soon, you’re going to be joining them. But in the meantime, you need to rest and relax. Stay calm. You’re not a well woman.

Nikki: Oh, my god. No. No.

Jordan: No, what, nikki?

Nikki: You did this to me.

Jordan: No, nikki newman. You did this to yourself. Your whole family did this to you.

Claire: Aunt jordan, we’re here.

Victoria: I thought you said she’d be home? That’s what she told me. Well then, where is she?

Claire: Hello? Uh, maybe she went back to the hospital.

Nick: What hospital?

Claire: I don’t know. I’m sorry. Can I get you all something? Some water, something warm?

Nick: Sure, water. It’s fine. Thank you.

Claire: Your mother will be fine. Please don’t worry.

Victoria: Why are you saying it like that?

Jordan: Visitors. Hello.

Claire: This is my aunt jordan.

Jordan: I’m sorry. I– I didn’t hear you come in.

Victor: Excuse me, we are looking for my wife.

Jordan: Oh.

Victor: Nikki newman.

Jordan: She’s still at the hospital.

Victoria: But uh, you said that…

Jordan: Oh, please rest assured, she’s going to be fine. The doctors are just going to keep her overnight.

Victor: Well, if you just give us the name of the hospital, we’ll find it.

Jordan: Well, I’m afraid that visiting hours are– are over. They won’t let you in.

Victor: Trust me, they’ll let me in.

Sally: So, I’m supposed to believe that everything is fine between you and victor? That you guys have mended all the fences and everything else that needs mending?

Adam: Well, not everything, but we’re working on it.

Sally: Good. I’m glad.

Adam: Yeah. There’s actually been, uh, quite a lot that has happened since the last time that I saw you, but, uh, you seem to be avoiding me ever since we were together that night.

Sally: I’m not avoiding you, adam. I just needed some time to process everything. That’s all.

Adam: I understand.

Sally: Yeah, I’m just still conflicted about everything.

Adam: No, I get that. I do.

Sally: Do you?

Adam: Look, neither one of us were expecting for that to happen, but it did. You know, I’m not gonna pretend like I’m not happy that it did. Because it proved to me that what we have is still there.

Sally: I just don’t want to go backwards, adam.

Adam: I’m not asking you to. All I’m asking is for you to look at me as I am now.

Sally: Yeah, but who you are now is still the man who admitted that he was willing to use his father’s illness to take him down.

Adam: But I didn’t go through with it.

Sally: You almost sound proud of that?

Adam: Yeah, I– I kind of am. You know, it showed some maturity, some restraint on my part.

Sally: And you know, you set the bar really low for yourself. It’s still a lie, adam. You still played everyone, including me. I really, really want to be able to trust you, but I–

Adam: I know. It was a precarious situation. But I finally did tell you the whole truth, okay? The old me– the old me would have buried that. But I didn’T.

Sally: You just keep lowering the bar. Eventually, it’s just gonna be on the floor, just a wrinkle in the rug. Like, “hey, everybody, at least I didn’t lie to everyone today, so give me some credit. It’s the new me.”

Adam: That’s correct. That’s totally accurate. But I am sincerely sorry that I could not let you in on what I was up to. Okay? We used to be a team. Is that why you’re upset?

Sally: No. I will tell you why I’m upset.

Adam: Okay. Okay, I get it. But look, I was a victim in this.

Sally: How?

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: Victor was the one who told the biggest lie of all. He made this entire thing up, trying to trap one of us into betraying him. And of course, everybody suspected that it would be me. But surprise. It actually turned out to be nate.

Audra: Uh, so tell me, what’s going on? What’s the story with you and the newmans?

Nate: The story is, I’m not a part of that family, so they don’t need me.

Audra: Come on, that’s it?

Nate: In the end, it was. Victor pretended he was slipping. Forgetting things, people’s names, what year it was. You know, classic symptoms of early-stage dementia. He was pretty convincing.

Audra: Why would he do that?

Nate: Well, he thought his children were so angry that he had taken the reins at newman again, that one of them would betray him. Use his condition to oust him.

Audra: That’s seriously messed up.

Nate: You’ll get no argument from me there.

Audra: Hm. So, how did victor faking senility come back to bite you?

Nate: Well, I was the one who made the suggestion that we get him some help. Keep it quiet. Send him to a private sanitarium where he could be taken care of without any media scrutiny.

Audra: Except victor wasn’t really losing it and he thought you were making a play to take over.

Nate: Victoria would have taken over, but yes, that’s basically it.

Audra: Mm. You kind of walked right into that one, didn’t you?

Nate: Look, I understand how victor saw it from his perspective. Like I was making a move on his position, but I am a doctor. I was genuinely concerned about the man’s well-being. What? You don’t believe me?

Audra: No. I believe, um, that’s the story you tell yourself and anyone who asks, but I know you too well, nate. This wasn’t just a mission of mercy. You were making a play and victor shot you down. Yeah, yeah, yeah

real fruit…

and whole grains. Yeah, yeah, yeah

doing something

good for yourself

has never been this easy.

Just do what’s delicious.

Adam: He fooled us all.

Sally: And you’re okay with that?

Adam: With victor’s loyalty test? I mean, that’s what he does. I get it. He thought that his children had an agenda and I mean, he wasn’t wrong. Victoria wanted her old job back. Nick wanted to make sure that I wasn’t rewarded for anything. And you already know what my plan was.

Sally: That’s some family you got there.

Adam: Oh, yeah. We’re fun, aren’t we? And now after all this, he wants the three of us to come back together and work it out.

Sally: Mm. That’s clearly not possible.

Adam: No. Especially since nick and victoria go out of their way to avoid me. We can’t even be in the same room together. It’s kind of a theme for me lately. The people in my life, avoiding me.

Sally: I told you I needed some space.

Adam: I remember. But the truth is it was making me crazy. Not seeing you, talking to you. I would sit around and wonder where do we go from here? I mean, have you thought about that at all, sally? What happens now?

Victor: I would like to see my wife, nikki newman.

Jordan: Well, I can– I can order a car service for you. I would offer you my car, but I’ve been having some mechanical problems. A regulator, alternator, something like that.

Nick: A car service will be fine. Thank you.

Jordan: Oh, of course. Of course. Time is of the essence. Claire, would you mind?

Claire: Of course.

Victoria: You still haven’t told us what exactly happened to my mother?

Jordan: Oh, of course. Um, let me see what I can recall. Uh, we– we were having a lovely dinner and she was singing claire’s praises for everything that claire has done working with her and she was, uh, very effusive. Is that the right word? Um, and– and then at the end of the meal, uh, something changed and– and she just seemed off.

Victor: What do you mean by something seemed off?

Jordan: Well, she started rambling. And, um, just couldn’t seem to follow a conversation. Almost as if she’d been drinking.

Nick: My mother is a recovering alcoholic. She hasn’t had a drink in years.

Jordan: Oh, I see. I– I– I didn’t know that. That’s interesting.

Victoria: So, what happened? How did she end up in the hospital?

Jordan: Oh, well, um, after dinner, I suggested that she stay here. I didn’t think it was safe for her to be leaving to go to her sisters. I thought that if she spent the night, that maybe in the morning she’d feel better and could leave then. I mean, I know that I don’t like to travel when I’m not feeling well.

Victor: Now, tell me more about her seizure.

Jordan: Well, I’m getting to that.

Victor: No. I want to hear it now.

Jordan: Well, I offered to make up the guest room for her, but she was very insistent about leaving. And that’s when she started to have a seizure. She collapsed right there where you’re sitting, mr. Newman. So, I called 9-1-1. And thank god. They arrived within a few minutes.

Nick: Was she able to get treatment in time?

Jordan: Oh, yeah, she’s fine. They gave her a– a– an anti-seizure medication. Uh, uh, uh, phenytoin. And sure enough, she stabilized within 30 minutes.

Victor: I really appreciate you helping her.

Jordan: There’s no need for your appreciation, mr. Newman. I mean, you have a lovely wife. I felt like I knew her the minute I met her.

Claire: The car will be here in 15 minutes.

Jordan: Thank you, darling. So, can we fix you something to eat while you’re waiting?

Victor: No, thank you.

Nick: We’re fine. Thank you.

Victoria: No. None of us are hungry at all. We just– we want to see our mother.

Jordan: Well, I suggest that you have a seat and you all relax. A seat and you all relax. Because there isn’t going to be a car.

Victoria: Uh, claire just told us that there was a car.

Jordan: And there won’t be a hospital you’re going to either, I’m afraid.

Nick: What the hell is this? What are you talking about?

Jordan: What this is, young man, is that it’s time to start telling the truth. All of it.

Victor: What is this? Is this some kind of a sick story? Where’s my wife?

Jordan: All in due time.

Nick: I’m done waiting. Tell me where my mother is or I’m calling the police.

Jordan: Really? I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Victoria: Are we supposed to be frightened of you or something?

Jordan: Well, that depends on what you’re frightened of. Now, if you want to see your mother again, you’ll shut up and listen to me.

Victoria: Ah, this is absurd.

Nick: Lady, I don’t know who you are or what you’re up to–

Victor: Sh, sh, sh, son, son. Let her speak. Go on.

Jordan: All right. But first, I have a question for you, mr. Newman. Do I look familiar to you? Maybe something in the eyes.

Victor: I’ve never seen you in my life.

Jordan: That is true. But you did know my sister, intimately. Eve howard.

Victor: Eve howard?

Jordan: Yeah. And she loved you and you betrayed her and you broke her heart. And you threw her out like she wasn’t even human. Because that’s who you are. That’s what you do, victor newman. And so I’m here because I’m waiting for all of you to make amends.

Audra: Do you wanna hear my theory?

Nate: Do I have a choice?

Audra: I imagine you thought the best way to protect victor was to clear a path so victoria and you could take over while he was in treatment.

Nate: Exactly. And it was a good plan. Victor needed help, or so we thought. Look, we had to keep it discreet so business partners wouldn’t get nervous. And somebody had to step in during all that to keep the company running. Now tell me, how was that betrayal?

Audra: It isn’t to me, okay? But victor saw your concern as a move against him and it’s his opinion that matters most.

Nate: I was just a scapegoat. If one of his kids had suggested what I did, he would have accepted it unconditionally. I was set up to fail right from the start.

Audra: And who was behind that?

Nate: Nikki, nick, adam. All of them.

Audra: You left someone out.

Nate: With victoria, it’s– it’s a little more complicated.

Audra: I’m sure.

Nate: And I do not want to talk about that.

Audra: Hm. You’re pretty angry, aren’t you?

Nate: Oh, I’m furious.

Audra: Furious enough to want to get back at them?

Sally: I have thought about that night.

Adam: Yeah. And have you come to any conclusions or are you still working it out?

Sally: I honestly don’t know how I feel about it.

Adam: Well, I guess as long as it’s not hatred or regret I can live with anything else.

Sally: There’s never been any hatred, adam. I’ve never stopped caring about you. Even in the moments when you were driving me crazy. And regret, that’s– that’s a different thing altogether.

Adam: Oh, I knew that was coming.

Sally: I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel something. But I don’t know, I also felt like I was betraying nick. Even though that doesn’t really make sense anymore. Or maybe I was just betraying myself for not having the strength to stop it.

Adam: Did you want to stop it?

Sally: No. And that’s what’s so confusing. Because I felt like I– I should have this massive regret. Like I was stepping back to a place where I just didn’t belong anymore.

Adam: With me.

Sally: Yeah. With you. But I didn’t feel that way at all. Look, I– I haven’t reached out to you because I knew that you’d be asking these questions. I– I wasn’t avoiding you. I just really don’t have the answers. You know, it’s– it’s it’s hard to explain. Obviously.

Adam: No, it is. But my feelings have been pretty clear. I can tell you exactly what I’ve been feeling since that night.

Sally: What’s that?

Adam: Longing for you. For us. And hoping that somehow, you feel the same way.

Sally: Oh, you’re not making this any easier.

Adam: I– I don’t mean to put you on the spot, but I would like to know. Do you believe there is any chance for the two of us, moving forward?

Sally: I have thought a lot about it. And I’ve put it out into the universe.

Adam: And?

Sally: So far, it has been unresponsive.

Adam: The universe is very busy. Or maybe it’s waiting for your heart to tell you what to do. To clear away some of that noise and doubt so you can listen to it a little more closely.

Sally: It sounds so simple.

Adam: Okay. It can be. Look, I understand why you are hesitant. I blew our first chance and possibly our second. I know I don’t have the best track record when it comes to maintaining relationships, but I want to fight for this one. Because I believe that night we were together meant something. To both of us.

Sally: Well, of course, it meant something. I think we’re just trying to figure out what it was. So, what do we do now?

Adam: You know what? I have a great idea.

Sally: Oh, god. I’m almost afraid to ask.

Adam: Let’s have dinner here tonight.

Sally: Like a date?

Adam: Like a proper date. No pressure, no expectations. And I promise we’re not going to talk about the future.

Sally: Or longing?

[ Adam chuckling ]

Adam: Right. No longing talk. It will just be the two of us, living in the moment.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: Okay.

Adam: Great.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, what could be the harm, right?

Victor: What kind of a scam is this? You want money? Eve howard was a deeply disturbed woman, you know. She made my life a living hell. But she never mentioned having a sister.

Jordan: Because we were estranged at the time. And then she died and we never had the opportunity to heal. If she hadn’t met you, if she hadn’t moved to genoa city, we would have had that chance.

Victor: It took you 40 years to come up with this cock and bull story?

[ Jordan laughing ]

Jordan: So, you don’t think that I’m eve howard’s sister?

Victor: I don’t give a damn who you are. We’re out of here. Let’s go.

Nick: Let’s go.

Victor: We’re gonna find this hospital on our own.

Jordan: Well, your wife is not at the hospital. And her so-called seizure was merely a ruse to get you all here. My mom’s alzheimer’s never changed how much we love her.

Nick: What do you mean my mom’s not at the hospital?

Victoria: What have you done to my mother?

Victor: Lady, we didn’t come here to play games, so you better tell me where my wife is. Or else.

Jordan: Or else what?

Victor: I promise you, you don’t want to find out. Especially not when it involves my family.

Jordan: Oh, your family. Do you mean like my sister? Did my sister, eve, cross you? Is that why you threw her out like trash, victor newman?

Victor: Where’s my wife?

Jordan: Oh, she’s safe, for now.

Victor: I’m through playing games with you.

Jordan: Oh, this is no game. This is as serious as a heart attack, which is what you will all be experiencing very soon thanks to the poison that you just drank in your water bottles. Digoxin. You don’t have long to live. And it’s going to be my utmost pleasure to stand here and watch you die.

Nikki: What have you done to him?

Eve: He died tonight. They took him away. At the end, he finally realized what it meant to be with each other. He was going to give me his name.

Nikki: You’re crazy.

Eve: Am I? Yes, I– I was going to marry victor. And we– we hurried because I knew he couldn’t last much longer, but it was too late.

Nikki: You talked victor into marrying you?

Eve: Oh, no, no. No, no. He asked me. He begged me to. He had to. I gave him a son. I gave him my life.

Nikki: No, no.

[ Nikki panting ]

[ Nikki sobbing ]

Adam: Well, the company seems to be taking off like a rocket.

Sally: I– I don’t know if I would go that far, but it has been encouraging. I’m building something and I love it.

Adam: Well, that’s great. What about nick?

Sally: What about him?

Adam: I mean, have things been tense? Have they been awkward at all?

Sally: Actually, it’s been the opposite. You know, there was a moment there where I considered that maybe he would pull the funding out of the business, but he’s followed through on everything he said he would and he kind of just lets me do whatever I want.

Adam: Well, nick is an honorable man.

Sally: Is that real or sarcastic?

Adam: Can it be both? Nick and I are just not destined to get along, but generally, I’ve known him to keep his word, so I’m glad he kept his promise to you.

Sally: Do you think that’ll ever change? You and nick?

Adam: That we’ll actually be friends? Uh, the odds are against us. Look, we’ve tried. There’s been times where I thought we were gonna have a breakthrough, but it’s just never lasted.

Sally: Well, never say never.

Adam: Well, I love the optimism.

Sally: So, what are you gonna do with connor this weekend?

Adam: Oh, he’s, uh, he’s got a basketball game on friday night. And then after that, we’re just gonna wing it. He made some new friends, which is great, so I don’t want to step on his plans.

Sally: Well, I’m sure he’ll make time for you.

Adam: I miss him. You know, he’s a great kid and after everything he has been through, he’s– he’s actually shockingly normal. You know, there was a while there that I was terrified he was gonna end up like… you know?

Sally: You?

Adam: Yeah. There was a time I thought he had the worst parts of me and that would make things difficult for him. I did not have an easy life.

Sally: But it’s getting better.

Adam: Oh, it’s much better. It’s in large part due to connor. It’s amazing how kids affect your life. It like, changes your perspective and things just become all about them. And it’S… I didn’t mean to.

Sally: No, it’s fine. Really, I’m not that– I’m not that fragile.

Adam: No, I know. Just, it was an insensitive comment. I know that you’re still mourning our daughter.

Sally: You know, I’m really not that hungry. And– and I really don’t want to eat this late.

Adam: Is it? Is it that late? I– I hadn’t noticed.

Sally: This has been lovely. But do you mind if we raincheck this dinner?

Adam: Of course. But you aren’t just blowing me off, are you?

Sally: No, we will get dinner. A proper date sometime soon. But tonight I– I just– I just really need to be alone and sort through some things.

Adam: Sure. I probably gave you a lot to think about.

Sally: You did and I’m glad you did. I just need to go through it on my own.

Adam: Yeah. No, I– I completely understand. Well, let’s get you up to your room.

Sally: Ah, just one more thing.

Adam: What’s that?

Sally: You can’t walk me to my door this time because we always get in trouble when you do that.

Adam: I mean, it’s a good kind of trouble, isn’t it?

Sally: Sometimes, it’s just trouble.

Adam: Can I at least walk you to the stairs? I mean, that’s not too dangerous, is it?

Sally: I think I can handle that.

Adam: Well, I guess this is as far as I go.

Sally: What a gentleman. Thank you for a lovely evening.

Adam: I’m so glad that I ran into you. Thanks for having drinks with me and very nearly having dinner. And I think we should have a– a real date soon. See where it takes us.

Sally: I would like that. I know you’re trying to be better. I can see it.

Adam: Thank you.

Sally: Well, good night.

Adam: Night. Well, I was not expecting that.

Sally: Neither was I.

Nate: I’m angry, but I’m not stupid enough to go after victor newman. That would be professional suicide.

Audra: What will you do?

Nate: Swallow my pride and move on to something else. Again.

Audra: I might be making a move too.

Nate: Really? I thought you were happy at newman media?

Audra: I have some potential opportunities I have to consider.

Nate: Okay. Where?

Audra: Well, I can’t say yet until the deal is finalized, but it’ll be a place where I have much more freedom than I do now. And you know, we could always use smart, strong people to come on board.

Nate: Are you making me an offer?

Audra: I could be, soon. You know, once everything is more concrete. That’s if you’re interested, of course.

Nate: I’ll listen.

Audra: You know, I like surrounding myself with colleagues who I can trust to get the job done, by whatever means.

Nate: Is that how you think of me? Um, I gotta tell you, I’m not as ruthless as you seem to think.

Audra: Mm. Keep telling yourself that.

Victor: You’re crazy. Let’s get out of here.

Nick: Let’s get out of here now. Let me try.

Jordan: You won’t get to the hospital. In fact, you won’t even get out of the house because all the windows and doors are triple-locked.

Nick: This isn’t moving. Maybe there’s another way out.

Victoria: Why are you doing this?

Jordan: Oh, I’ve already told you. So, claire and I can stand here and watch you die.

Victoria: Oh, my god. Cole?

Victor: Cole howard?

Victoria: What the hell?

Claire: Well, he had to be here for the family reunion. Didn’t he, mother?

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GH Transcript Monday, November 27, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Fire alarm beeping ] What’s happening? That is sound of kitchen fire. Uh, okay, so it’s — it’s just the alarm. I-I’ll go see what’s happening. I’m coming with you. God, just when it seemed like we might actually have a normal thanksgiving for once. Well, at least leo thought it was cool enough to go tell cody. Not helping, brook lynn. Ma. What did you do? Oh, good. They’re still at the parade. Okay, my little ones… we couldn’t share dinner together, but at least I can leave you a bit of my love. I love you. This is exactly what I need — thanksgiving with the three of us. Um, the four of us.

[ Elevator doors open ] Here she is. Yes! Ooh, daddy, doubles! You get two turns. Drew’s winning!

[ Laughs ] Only if I can avoid this little monkey slide right here. Here we go.

[ Doorbell rings ] Okay. Oh, I’ll get it. Donna, your turn. Yeah. Happy turkey day, mama carly!

[ Laughing ] Oh! Happy thanksgiving. All quiet on the western front. Nothing much for me to do here with us skipping the big feast. It suits me fine, pop. Portia’s on call at the hospital, and aunt stella is globetrotting around london again. And miss trina is off doing her own thing. Yeah, well, it’s just as well. What’s all this? Decided to become an architect? This is, uh, the floor plan of the 11th floor of the metro court hotel. Why are you looking at that, curtis? Because someone took a shot at me there and it left me in this wheelchair, and I want to find out who it was. Hey, sweetie. It’s me. I know, I know, I know. I’m just checking in. I know you wanted to have a marathon study day, but I was just calling to say hi. It’s pretty slow here at work.

[ Sighs ] Honey, I’m — I’m really sorry that things aren’T… working out well with spencer. Um…I know it has to be really difficult for you, so I just wanted to say that I’m here, and, um… and I love you. Okay. Bye. Hopefully, um… hopefully that’ll be the last of spencer cassadine. Whew!

[ Laughs ] Happy thanksgiving. And to you. So, what are you thankful for? Oh. Let’s see. Um…hmm. These arms. These hands. These lips. Okay, so… I told you what I’m thankful for. What about you?

[ Sighs ] There’s so much, I don’t know how to list it all. Try. Okay. Okay. Well, first off, there’s joss. She’s my rock. And then there’s my mom. She’s like wonder woman without the hot pants. Mm-hmm. And then my granddad. He is solid gold. And then I have two amazing fathers. So, I’m, like, swimming in gratitude. And, uh… I think that’s it. Not even an honorable mention? Oh, yeah. I’m thankful for you, too… when you’re not being a jerk. It’s a good day, pop. Wow. For someone whose wife pulled the work card and daughter is off doing her own thing and you’re stuck here with your old man, you’re in a pretty good mood. Actually, when you put it like that… no. No, you know, I have to admit there’s a lot to be thankful for. Um, beautiful house, beautiful family, and now I have a purpose. Oh? Solving this case is your purpose? It is now. Lois: Oh, thank god that alarm went off. That hurt. Olivia: My ears are still ringing. Brook lynn: It’s insane. Ma! You look a million miles away. What’s up? Olivia: Oh, my god! Brook lynn:

[ Gasps ] Ohh! What happened to you?! Onions burning in pan. Sprinklers are activate by smoke. Turkey is wet. No good. Oh, my god! Not the turkey! Hold on. Wait for me! Yeah, there’s, uh, no saving that bird. That bad? Not unless you like soup. Ugh. I change. Well, I’d better call and tell cody that he, sasha, and leo don’t have to rush up here. Hey, ma. You know, the first thing you taught me about cooking was you never leave anything on the stove unless it’s on simmer. So what’s going on? Diane, this delightful young lady is our granddaughter, emma drake. Of course. Hello, emma. So lovely to see you again. Thank you. My grandfather didn’t mention we’d have you with us. How wonderful. Yeah, absolutely. Um, I’ve taken the liberty of ordering us turkey all around.

[ Laughs ] Sounds great. I love turkey, grandpa. Yeah. Shall we? Where are we — over here? Oh, great. Well, you outdid yourself this time, scorpio. Just in a day’s work, killer.

[ Laughs ] Please. I want to see what’s in the basket. Alright, buddy, it’s all yours. Go for it. Willow: What’d you get? Candy! And a cool robot! And a soft kitty for amelia! That is so sweet. Who’s it from? Who else? “To wiley and amelia. Happy thanksgiving. Sorry I can’t be with you today. Left you some treats. Love, grandma nina.” That is so thoughtful. How come grandma nina didn’t come for us for dinner at the big house? She’s working today, but we’ll see her soon. I hope so. I love her. Michael, I-I get that you’re not thrilled about the gift, but can you try to play along for wiley’s sake? So, what’s that? Pecan pie. What?! You always liked it when my dad brought it. I did, and it’s gonna be delicious. Why don’t you go in the living room and play? They’re playing “monkey.”

[ Gasps ] “Monkey in the metal”?!

[ Laughs ] Oh, my gosh. She loves that game. Boss, I parked by the gate, so you let me know when you’re ready to go. You — you want to say hi to josslyn? Appreciate it. Thanks. Happy thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving. Don’t say I never do anything for you. Oh, good. You’re out! Nice! Okay. Alright, you’re up. Wow, I did not expect to see you tonight. Well, you have sonny to thank for that. I just might have to.

[ Knock on door ] You alright with “the other guest”? Yes. Hey, ava. Glad you could make it. Hi. Well, I’m glad to be here. Happy thanksgiving. Febreze has a microchip to control scent release febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? And its refill reminder light means I’ll never miss a day of freshness. Gloria, your feast is drenched. And get this — tony’s is closed for renovation. What? Tony’s is never closed. And we can’t use our pizza oven because the kitchen is ruined. No, it’s not ruined. It’s — it’s just extremely wet. I hate to say “I told you so,” but thanksgiving never works at the quartermaines’. This place is cursed. No! Stop it! And you… you own a hotel with a gourmet restaurant. I’m — I’m — I am just going to make a phone call, and I will get turkey for the quartermaines if it’s the last thing I do. I am so hungry.

[ Laughter ]

[ Telephone rings ] Uh, hello, metro court restaurant. Hello. Who is this? It’s nina reeves. May I help you? Hello, nina. This is lois cerullo calling from the quartermaines’. I would like to order some turkey. Olivia, I’m so sorry. You know, I-I’m so absent-minded… this is not your fault, gloria. Thanksgiving never works out. I don’t know if it’s the house or the family, but they have not had a turkey on thanksgiving since the ’90s. Okay. Ah. [ Laughs ] Problem is solved! We are back on track with the turkey. You’re kidding me. Yeah. No. Nina reeves is on her way over with a feast for 15. Turkey, nibbles, dessert, the whole shebang. Oh, lois, you’re a genius! Come on, brook lynn, help me set it up. Okay!

[ Laughs ] Well, you sure rode in to the rescue. Yeah, mm-hmm. Although I wouldn’t have had to if you had remembered that you had onions on the stove. My bad. Ma. What’s going on? First you cancel your plans in canarsie, and then you ruin thanksgiving in port charles. Well, you heard olivia. It’s the quartermaine curse. Oh, come on. I can tell something is going on, and the more you deflect, the more I’m gonna worry. Alright, alright, alright. Okay. A couple of weeks ago, I was playing bingo, st. Nicholas church. You know, the russian orthodox up on nostrand. Yeah, I know it. You know, so, I was playing my boards. I was minding my own business. And you know I can do 15 at the same time. Ma. Is there a point to this? Yeah. So, anyway, along comes this broad. She sits down next to me and starts talking russian into her phone at the top of her lungs. I very nicely looked at her and said, “could you turn it down a notch?” She swore at me in russian. Okay, how do you know what she said? You don’t speak russian. Well, I-I played cribbage up in brighton beach, and I picked up a few words. Okay, so then what happened? Well, you know, I-I tried to ignore it and keep things calm, but she kept pushing and pushing, so I finally swore at her… in english. Ma! Well, look, lois, everybody has their limit. And I was not gonna let that obnoxious woman bully me. And I told her that. Okay, so, how did she take it? Well, she screamed and screamed, and they kicked me out of the church. And I’m not allowed to play bingo anymore till I apologize to her. And I didn’t apologize. Okay. So, fine. So, you go somewhere else to play bingo. Well, that’s what I’m planning on. So, then, what’s the problem? Well… uh, where’d everybody go? Wiley, why don’t you be a good big brother and go check if amelia woke up? If she did, you can surprise her with that adorable kitty cat. Okay!

[ Sighs ] I mean, come on, willow. You don’t — you don’t find this note the least bit manipulative? “Sorry I can’t be with you today”? Michael, nina’s a part of our family. Wiley really bonded with her at the wedding. Yeah, and now she’s taking advantage, just like she did last time. Okay, yes, nina made some mistakes, but she’s trying. Why are you so intent on rekindling bad memories?

[ Sighs ] Know what? You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m just being protective, especially when it comes to you. Okay, well, don’t be. Nina has been nothing but kind and wonderful. No. Yeah. I-I-I’ll just try to do better, especially around the kids. Thank you. Yeah. Mommy! Amelia’s awake. Can we go to the big house now? I want to show leo grandma nina’s cool toy! Yeah, let me go get amelia ready. Okay, great. Okay. Come here, buddy. Let me get a good look at that robot. Hey, trish. Trish. I just got off the phone with the quartermaines. They need a full turkey dinner for 15. Nina, we have a 200 head count tonight and a big party in the ballroom. Our turkeys are taken. So, emma, tell me, how long are you in town? Just for the weekend. I have to get back to the lab. Robert: Doing an internship at berkeley. Atom… smashing. Smashing!

[ Laughing ] No, not exactly. It’s a little more involved than that. Oh! Anna: Would you excuse me just one second? I’ll be right back. Nina. You avoiding me? What do you want, anna? Oh, I-I just think it’s time you and I had a chat. Don’t you? Spencer: I know that I can be a jerk sometimes, but…who isn’t, right? Hmm, let me see. My mom, curtis, your grandmother, kevin. Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, you’re right, you’re right. Isn’t it easier just to agree with me from the start? Yes, ma’am. I’m glad that you’re able to forgive me. You talked me off of a ledge, and I’m sorry that it took me so long. You usually come around. I just don’t want my little brother to feel abandoned the way that I did. And, um, you helped me see that it’s not 100% one way or the other, and that esme wanting to take ace and be independent, it doesn’t make her a villain. I know it’s hard, but you can’t always get what you want. I know. Um… but figuring this one out isn’t gonna be easy, trina. Good things never come easy, spencer. You have to work for them. I spoke with jordan about getting all of the police records. Pop, I just can’t sit around and wait for the pcpd to solve this. I-I got to be involved in my own investigation. Curtis. Do you really think that’s a good idea? I was a cop. I was a P.I. So, yeah, I know my way around a good investigation. Of course you do. But I thought you wanted to move on. I can’t just move on, pop. I got — if I’m not being proactive, then it’s like — it’s like being the passenger when I’m supposed to be the driver in my own car. So you’re telling me… you think getting involved in this investigation is going to make a difference? At least I’ll be doing something.

[ Sighs ] I’ve learned in life that it’s — it’s not always about getting. It’s about giving and the experiences you get along the way. Thanks so much for inviting me today. Well, I know that avery would really want you here, especially after everything our family has been through. They’re playing games in the living room. Oh. [ Chuckles ] Hopefully nothing to do with water. No, no. No water guns. Promise. Try the punch. Oh, nice! You knocked him over. Ava! Ava: Hi. Hello, ms. Jerome. Oh, dex. I think after everything that’s gone down, I’d prefer it if you called me ava.

[ Chuckles ] Fair enough. Avery: Mommy! Hey, here she is! There’s my girl! Oh, I love you. You alright with ava being here? Actually, um, josslyn suggested it. Josslyn? Yeah. After the kidnapping, she thought it’d be nice for avery to be with her mother. But you agreed. Yeah. Because we do what’s best for our kids. We always will. Do you have any idea how your actions escalated an already volatile situation? By deleting that security footage and keeping quiet about it, you basically enabled charlotte, which led directly to her being shot. Yeah. Don’t you think that you and valentin had a duty to come clean about it so that we could deal with it?I think this is between you and valentin, anna. I was just doing a favor for a friend. A friend? Do you think sonny will see it that way? ( )Hey, sonny. Nice to see you out of that jumpsuit. Nice to be seen. Quite a gang. Too bad I can’t join you. Yeah, you know, we got it going on here. It’s nice that your mom got all the kids this year. We got some punch and the whole thing. Yeah, it is. Dex, you got the keys? Yeah. You want me to get something from the car? No, it’s just that I got to get going, so I thought maybe you’d want to stay. Are you sure? Happy thanksgiving. Thanks. Bye, girls! Bye, daddy. Bye, daddy.

[ Laughs ] Sonny. Happy thanksgiving. Yeah. You, too. Well, it, uh, looks like turkey is off the menu. The kitchen sprinklers ran amok. Oh, no! There will be turkey, but nina is going to bring it from the metro court. That’s your grandma, wiley — saving the day. Yeah, is there anything she can’t do?

[ Doorbell rings ] Ned. Nina, remember me? I remember you very clearly. Ned, I hope that — don’t worry. No, no. I’m not gonna make any trouble. At least not today. Oh, nina, thank god you’re here. Come on in. Come in. Let me take those. I thought you were bringing turkey. Yes, I-I told lois that I was bringing turkey, but, um, then I found out that our turkey was spoken for, so I had fernando fire up our new pizza oven. And lucky for us, we started testing it last week. Did you hear that, grandfather? The curse continues! I’ll take those. Elliot, can you grab the desserts? Thank you. Here she is to save the day… with pizza. Don’t ask. Grandma! Hey, sweetheart! It’s nice to see you. Oh, wait. You got my gift! Yeah. It’s the best robot ever! Thank you! You’re welcome. You are so welcome, little man. I didn’t know you were coming to town. Is your mom here? No, just me. I’m grandpa’s surprise for grandma. Oh, one of his nicer surprises. Yes, nicest. Damn right. Better stay on your toes here, corinthos. Oh, you know what? I’m light on my toes. Maybe you could meet me at volonino’S. You could put some gloves on. Anna: Oh, let’s avoid the fight club, shall we? Diane: Indeed. Indeed. Let’s move straight past that. Let’s just all toast to this lovely young woman’s visit and to bright holidays for all of us. Anna: Yes. Here we go. Emma: Cheers. Cheers. I’ll drink to that.

[ Laughter ] I’ll drink to that.

[ Telephone ringing ] Dr. Robinson. Dr. Randolph on line 5. Okay. Thank you.

[ Ringing continues ] Terry, hey. How’s the conference? No, no, you’re not missing anything here, really. It’s like a ghost town. Now, that’s what I call an entrance. Hi. Hey, honey.

[ Laughs ] Is that the good stuff? Spencer. Well, what? I wanted to make sure that you guys had a happy thanksgiving. Whew! No complaints here.

[ Laughs ] Okay. Come on, spencer. Let’s put the flowers in the vase and take a look at that dessert. Well, this is a nice surprise. Yeah? I thought since your mom was working, we agreed to do our own thing this year. I mean, yeah, that was the plan. But then I realized that this would be our first chance spending thanksgiving together since finding out that you’re my father. And I didn’t want to miss that. My mom’s alzheimer’s never changed how much we love her. But it did change her. She developed agitation that may happen with dementia nina, thank you for bringing these. Oh. Yeah. You care to join us? Yeah, grandma, stay! Oh. I would love to. I really would. But I am meeting your grandpa sonny at the metro court. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. Oh, well, why don’t you take these? Chase, could you help me with the setup? And, uh, nina, you are a lifesaver! Thank you. Oh! Wiley: Pizza! Give me that. This isn’t the deal we made, nina. I didn’t plan for this, michael. I can’t control fate at the quartermaines’. Well, you better figure out how to control it. Josslyn, I just — I just wanted to thank you again for everything you did to help dex and dante find me. Oh, my gosh, well, we’re just happy you’re okay. I’m putting it behind me. Oh, and I’m so glad to hear that that’s exactly what trina has done with spencer. Yes, yes, I’m — I’m very happy they made up. Excuse me. I got to…

[ Chuckles ] Carly. Hey, drew. Hey. Hey. You have quite a full house here. I’m just — thank you for making room for one more. Of course, of course.

[ Sighs ] So, carly tells me that you’re, uh — you’re selling wyndemere? Yeah. Yeah, how is that going? I don’t know.

[ Chuckles ] Lucy’s got a buyer, a serious buyer, but I have no idea who it is. Well, let’s just hope it’s some benevolent billionaire and not somebody who’s gonna bring their bad karma to port charles. Ooh, well, too late for that. Wyndemere’s got nothing but bad karma. I’ll just be glad to forget all the…bad memories.

[ Laughing ] Oh! I thought you were studying all day. Well, I thought you were working. Well, it was so slow at the hospital, so I decided to just go ahead and… I could have sworn that you told me that you and spencer — you — you guys were on the outs. Yeah, it was just a misunderstanding. We worked it out. Dr. Robinson, a very happy thanksgiving to you. Thank you, spencer. Will you look at this? We thought we weren’t gonna have anyone for thanksgiving, and now we got a house full.

[ Chuckles ] So, grandpa…how long have you and diane been dating?

[ Coughs ] Emma. Grandpa. If I can handle quantum entanglement, I can handle yours.

[ Laughs ] I’ll get this.

[ Stammers ] I think I can handle this. I mean, after all, it was directed at me. Sure. Well, uh… to answer your question… we’ve been dating a month. Yeah. Nice to see emma in town. Much-needed relief. It’s lovely. Just what the doctor ordered. That bad? You talked to dante? No. Should I have? I just wondered if he’d mentioned a certain dead man that showed up here. You know, I’ve been doing these deep dives into my past, and, um, I found something that could conceivably tie into the shooting at the pool. Okay. But now the supporting evidence, it all disappeared in the chaos of halloween night. Mm-hmm. And the man that this information pertains to… he turned up dead here in port charles. What are the odds? Looks like someone stacked the deck.

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a big story to tell. Listen, your deodorant just has to work.I use secret aluminum free. Just swipe and it lasts all day. Secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. And hours later, I still smell fresh. Secret works! Ohhh yesss. -Are you

joking?-[Laughing] You’re joking. Tell me you’re joking. Uh, it’s a little early for jo kes, but here it goes. This muffin goes on vacation- what’s happening? You said “joking” three times, that’s why I’m here. Uh, anyway, so this muffin- well I was just excited about my new car. -New car? Oh, you don’t need a joke, you need a jake.

[Singing] Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. Your state farm agent can help you choose the coverage you need. Alright, I’ve got a show, so- you forgot your toothbrush, jimmy fallon!

Like a good neighbor,

state farm is there. Special k is oven-toasted to crisp perfectionthe setbacks,I do feel as if I’m inching towards the truth, you know? Whoever’s behind this is not messing around. And, again, if you need protection, then I-I’m there. Mnh-mnh, no. That was really all about charlotte. And valentin. Lesson learned. I won’t be fooled by him again. Hi. Finally. Trish said you had a crisis or something. Yeah, I just got back from the quartermaines’. Lois’ mother set off the sprinklers in the kitchen. Gloria? Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, man. Hello, anna. Nina. I’m gonna get back to my family. Oh, those look scrumptious, don’t they, lois? Oh, yeah, they look delicious. Ah, you know what? Would you excuse us for a sec? Can I talk to you? What? Yeah. Come on. Sit. Yes. Alright. Oh. Eh! Just enough with the food. Okay? What is the problem? Well, that broad — her husband is kind of a big shot. They call him uncle pete. Wha– ma! Pete petrov? Yeah, yeah. His wife’s name is petra. A lot of p’S. Oh, ma. Uncle pete petrov. Come on. He’s in deep with the brighton bratva. They’re as crooked as they get. Ma, you’ve got to apologize, and fast. It’s too late. They’re after my ziti. What?! Ziti, your shih tzu? Yeah, t-that’s why I didn’t go to canarsie. That’s why — yeah, francesca, she’s — she’s hiding ziti for me. Ma, please tell me they’re — they’re just trying to intimidate you. Right? You have trouble with russians? I help. I am so thrilled. This has turned into one perfect thanksgiving. And everyone’s under the same roof. Well, almost everyone. Stella, she — she’s still gallivanting around london. She’s taken a real shine to her newfound cousin wanda, it seems. Oh.

[ Chuckles ] Well, then cheers to new family connection. I’ll drink to that. Marshall: I’ll drink to that, too.

[ Laughter ] Mmm. I am really happy that we’re all here. And lucky you, you, you, and, you, I’ve got a vat of turkey gumbo ready to go.

[ Laughter ] Pop, you always make enough for a small army. And if we run out, we have all that dessert that spencer insisted on bringing. Well, it’s always good to have options. Well, the lord always provides. Sometimes we just never know what that’s gonna look like.

[ Laughter ] Oh!Alright. Graciella said dinner is served. Get to that table! Josslyn: Come on, let’s race. Save me a seat. Save me a seat. Hey. I just wanted to — I just wanted to steal a moment really quickly and just tell you that I am so grateful to be spending thanksgiving with you this year. It’s so normal, isn’t it? I can’t believe after everything we went through, when I almost lost you… then let’s just stay right here. Let’s stay right here. Let’s forget about the past. It’s just so fragile, you know? We just take love for granted, a-and I don’t know why because we can’t guarantee that it’s always gonna be there. That’s why we got to savor moments like this. We got to be grateful for them because there’s no guarantee. There’s no guarantee there’s gonna be anything like it in the future. Sometimes it can feel like there’s no way out of treatment-resistant depressi something seemed, like, off between you and anna. W-what’s going on? It’s nothing. It’s nothing. Come on, just — no, it’s nothing. It’s just — it’s the valentin and charlotte thing. And she knows how close I am with charlotte. Oh, right. Can we just forget about that for right now? You and I are in the same room, finally. And this is our first thanksgiving as husband and wife. Yes, it is. You miss the girls? No, they’re having a great time. Plus, my life is full of blessings. Um, you and I are married. Cyrus is exposed and in my sights. Drew’s out of prison. Michael is in our lives again. And basically, our family’s together. Yeah. But you know what makes me real happy… is that you and willow are, uh, getting along.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. We have so much to be grateful for. No offense, yuri, but we don’t need any russian translations. Yeah, she’s right. And, you know, these are dangerous people. And a nice boy like you does not want to get involved with uncle pete. I know I look like nice boy, but I am not always nice. I can handle these people. Come on in, guys. Let’s get thanksgiving started. Olivia: Okay, cody is bringing leo and sasha up from the stables. Ned: Perfect! That’s just the time we need. Everyone here knows the drill. Michael: Wiley? First we sing… together: Then we eat!

[ Laughter ]

We gather together to ask the lord’s blessing

he chastens and hastens his will to make known

the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing

sing praises to his name

he forgets not his own since stella isn’t here, I’ll, uh — I’ll lead the prayer this year. Hey, you know, dad, um, I’d like to do it this year. Go ahead, son. Okay, everybody, let’s join hands, shall we? Yes. Okay, um… dear god, um, you know, I’m covering for aunt stella. I usually talk to you in private. So if I lose my way, take the wheel. There have been a lot of ups and downs this year for a lot of us. And for those of us going through it, we’re reminded that there is a higher power keeping tabs and guiding us to our next right step. And so we’re…gathered here with good people, with a table full of good food, and we’re reminded just how blessed we are, perhaps more than most. And so, god, we ask that you keep a watchful eye out for those less fortunate than us… because life does give us curve balls. And so we’re gonna hit those curve balls out of the park. We’re gonna learn a lesson or two and still find a reason to crack a smile at the end of the day. Aunt stella would probably say something poetic about, uh, butterflies or — or rebirth. But, god, I’m gonna keep it simple. As we prepare to enjoy this meal… …we thank you for being better to us than we’ve been to ourselves. We thank you for yesterday, today, and for the promise of tomorrow. Now, god, I know you’re listening. This goes out to you. Amen. Oh! Look out! Oh, my goodness! Oh, they’re coming in from both sides! We’re being attacked!

[ Laughs ] Come here. Oh, hey! Oh! You okay? Full tummy? Wasn’t it yummy?

[ Laughs ] Did you have — did you like dinner?

[ Indistinct conversations ] Okay! Ladies first, I’m thinking. Oh, oh, oh. Yes, yes. Ladies first. There we go. Oh, wow!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, November 17, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: Wow.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Summer: Okay. What are we calling this style? Bachelor pad chic? I mean, I don’t see an air mattress or a foosball table, but I actually think that you have room for one over here.

Daniel: Don’t worry, foosball table’s coming. Beer pong table is gonna be over here along with the kegerator.

Summer: Very swanky. But I actually like that lamp. I mean, if it was in a different place, I would like it.

Daniel: Yeah, my designer has great taste.

Summer: Lily?

Daniel: No, I hired someone. Sally Spectra.

Summer: Nice.

Daniel: I know. Look, she just launched a new design firm. Lily suggested that I call her.

Summer: Yeah, because why would you want to consult with your sibling who’s in the design industry


Sharon: Okay, so tell me! What’s the latest? How is aria doing with her hearing aids?

Tessa: Sharon, you saw her yesterday.

Sharon: But she’s a baby. She’s going to make changes and progress on a daily basis and I want to hear all the details. So, how is she adapting to them?

Mariah: Uh, well, I– I can say the kid likes what she likes and she knows what she doesn’t like. We’ve used all of the tips that dr. George suggested.

Tessa: And aria is able to handle the hearing aids for about an hour, but after that, no way.

Mariah: No.

Sharon: Okay, but still, an hour, that’s amazing.

Mariah: Yeah. And to see her little face, her reactions. I mean, it’s obvious she can hear us, which is great.

Tessa: Oh, we read her a bedtime story last night. Mariah was doing all these different voices.

Mariah: And just smiling and giggling and laughing. I’m highly entertaining, clearly.

Sharon: And you didn’t video chat me? Okay. I see how it is.

Mariah: Well, uh, actually we’ll do that later because right now, you have a visitor.


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, November 21, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Kyle: That I would throw my aunt under the bus to show whose side I’m on.

Audra: It was a dirty move. Sneaky, even. I’m impressed.

Tucker: I see. Dirty and sneaky Kyle Abbott.

[Chuckles, snorts] I didn’t think you had it in you.


Kyle: You want to weaken the company without destroying it beyond repair. That requires intel only someone from the inside can deliver. Timing is everything.

Audra: Hmm. He makes a good point.

Kyle: And I don’t trust you. Either of you. No offense.

Audra: None taken.

Kyle: Look, you’re hurt. Part of you wants to hurt back. You want to punish Ashley and all the people important to her. My family. I can see that.

Tucker: Cool. Did you get that from your freshman psychology class? I know more about you than you think, Kyle. I always will. Don’t forget that. So, just so we understand, you are joining us, yes?

Kyle: Well, I’m not gonna let you burn it down out of spite. But I want to run the company, and this is the only way that’s going to happen. So, yes, I am in.

Tucker: Very good. I’m glad you found some clarity.


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, November 20, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chance: Hey.

Jill: Oh. Oh… let me look at you. You are infuriating. Do you know that? You really are. Are you sure it’s okay?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I promise you, for the fifth time. I’m fine. I’m recovering but I’m being a textbook patient too. Don’t worry.

Jill: Do you know how irritating it is to come into town and find out that your grandson has been in the hospital?

Chance: Well, I took that bullet just to annoy you. You know that, right?

Jill: Hey, hey, hey, don’t joke about nearly dying.

Chance: Come on, I didn’t almost die.

Jill: Stop arguing.

Chance: Okay. All right. Sorry. I promise you, I thought being chief would get me out of the line of fire more often, but clearly, I was wrong.

Jill: Oh, I’m just so happy that your injury wasn’t worse and that that bastard’s been caught.

Chance: Well, justice will be served.


Tucker: I’m really not in the mood.

Ashley: Clearly. I can see that. What’s got Devon so upset?

Tucker: It’s a personal and private family matter. So it really has nothing to do with you.

Ashley: Unfortunately, whether or not we’re married, we share a grandson. Looks like you need somebody to talk to.

Tucker: Someone maybe, but not you.

[ Ashley sighs ]

Ashley: Can you afford to be so picky? Look at your life. I mean, it’s imploding. Our marriage is done. Your business is done. Looks like your relationship with your child is done. Well, it’s the truth and you do realize that whatever affects devon affects my daughter and our grandson. So, I mean… I’m willing to listen.

Tucker: Which accomplishes what, exactly?

Ashley: That’s a good question. Do you want to fix things? Because if you stop being such an ass, I might be willing to help.


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, November 16, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: Why am I not surprised that you two are here? You’ve just come from being with dad. Am I right?

Adam: Yes, we have.

Victoria: And you want to try to convince me to stay on at Newman because now you are the good and faithful son all of a sudden. Even though everybody knows that’s a lie, except for dad, who’s desperate to believe it because otherwise, you’re just a reminder that not everything Victor Newman touches is golden.

Adam: Yeah. And you hate the fact that maybe I did the right thing, for the right reasons. Because then you would have to take me seriously and would consider that victor might actually trust me. And that terrifies you, doesn’t it?

Victoria: No. See what terrifies me actually is that you might blow up the family and the company. But on a personal level, not a chance.

Nick: Okay. Will you two just stop, okay? Things are actually blowing up around us and we need to figure out a way on how to fix it.

Adam: You’re right. I’m sorry, Victoria.


Nick: What our dad wants is for the three of us to work together, okay? Now, a day ago, you were terrified about losing dad, right? Well, it turns out dad is the same Victor Newman he always has been. He wants the three of us to work together at his company, and he is not wrong.

Victoria: You know, I just think that that’s kind of funny. Coming from the guy that left Newman.

Nick: Okay. That’s fair. I’ll admit it. I was wrong. My place is at Newman and it always has been. I’m back, Vic, 100%.

Victoria: Well, I guess two out of three isn’t bad. I hope you guys have a really wonderful time working together and I hope dad enjoys every minute of it.

Nick: Oh, come on. Are you really gonna do this to me?

Victoria: What, Nicholas? What is being done to you?

Nick: I am stuck in the middle between dad and Adam with no ally. Do you think that sounds appealing to me?

Victoria: Well, you’re the one that wants to stay on no matter what.

Nick: Look, we both know that eventually he’s gonna do something stupid and shoot himself in the foot. It is inevitable.

Adam: Okay. Not that I don’t treasure the kind words of encouragement, but need I remind you that I didn’t plan any of this. Now, Victor seems to have confidence in me, so why can’t the two of you?

Nick: If Adam implodes and no one is there to mitigate the fallout, he’s gonna drag dad and the company down with him.

Adam: You realize that I can hear you, right?


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, November 15, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Okay. Well, then why are we wasting each other’s time?

Nick: Look, will you just stop talking and listen for once?

Adam: No. What for? So pops can put a fatherly hand on my shoulder?

Victor: Are you finished?

Adam: Apparently so. At least at Newman Enterprises. Unless I’m missing something here?

Victor: I told Victoria if she insisted on demanding that, that she would no longer have a job at this company.

Adam: What is this? Is this another game? A contest? What hoops have you arranged for me to jump through this time, dad?

Victor: Listen carefully. The games are over and you have won. The stance you took when everyone else thought that that my mental capacities were in decline. I could no longer run this company. You came up with a plan to support both me and the company.

Adam: Yeah. But that was my intention, 100%.

Victor: And I appreciate it. And if Victoria doesn’t see it that way, so be it. I run the show around here. If she disagrees with that, she can take a walk.


Victor: Son, that’s enough. I’m sick and tired of all the bickering among you.

Adam: It has grown quite tedious, Nicholas.

Victor: Okay? No more. I will assign a job to you that is of importance. Nicholas, you will take over Nate Hastings’s position. And you will both do your best to convince Victoria to come back to the fold, all right?

Adam: Would that be okay for you, nick?

Nick: It doesn’t look like I have any choice.

Victor: You’re damn right you don’t have a choice. I call the shots, no one else. And if any of you don’t like it, you can all walk. I’ll replace all of you.


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nate: I take comfort in the fact that I don’t have to work with you any more. That is a significant silver lining.

Adam: Oh, yeah, your shirts. They’re still at the dry cleaners, so you’re going to have pick them up now that I’m not your assistant any more.

Nate: Point taken.

Adam: Hmm? Oh, no, I’m just getting started. I mean, I feel like there’s a giant weight that’s been lifted off my shoulders. I don’t know what to do with myself now that I’m not responsible for your– your emails and your schedule–

Nate: You’re annoying as hell, but I’ve got to hand it to you. You took a risk, made a play and ended up surviving.

Adam: You mean when I told my father not to trust you when you were gonna ship him off to treatment?


Adam: Look, I understand victor’s aim. He was trying to uncover bad intentions, which you clearly had.

Nate: When I believed your father was sick, I wanted him to receive the best care and attention possible. That’s why I pushed for the suggestion I made. You know, I wonder if things really paid off for you in all of this. Did Victor offer you a promotion for convincing him of your– your goodwill?

Adam: The details are still in the works.

Nate: That sounds like an evasion.

Adam: No, I have proven myself to my father. First, as being your assistant, and now by protecting him from an enemy, and that is you.

Nate: And yet, victor hasn’t rewarded you. Which leads me to believe he doesn’t trust you any more than he now trusts me.

Adam: Nate, you and I, we’re not in the same boat.

Nate: Well, since I’m out as you so graciously put it, you can no longer be my assistant.

Adam: What a tragedy.


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, November 13, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nikki: Oh, Victoria, what is it?

Victoria: Are you serious?

Nikki: What I am is exhausted.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. I– I can imagine how draining it must have been keeping such an ugly secret from all of us.

Nikki: Okay. You know, it’s late. I want to send Claire home. I want to convince your father to do the same.

Victoria: Yeah. I’ll bet– I’ll bet that dad has a lot to celebrate. I bet he’s feeling really on top of his game right now after deceiving all of us. Of course not you. No, not you.

Nikki: I know you are upset. We have to talk about this tomorrow.

Victoria: Why? What will it matter? What will it change? Dad exploited our concerns and our fears for what? A trap? That he suspected that one of us would fall into? I mean, does he have that little of faith in me? And you, you just let him do it.

Nikki: Let me tell you this. It’s not like your father consulted with me before beginning this charade. And then when he finally did tell me, I let him know how much I disagreed with it.

***************************Adam: You know, we had those conversations about what you wanted for me, what you hoped that I would become.

Victor: All of that is true.

Adam: I know. And then I started to think about how I’d hurt you over the years and how many times that I’ve let you down. I mean, how many times have we done this, you and I? A truce? And then something almost like a father and son.

Victor: Almost.

Adam: Yeah. Because I wanted to be a member of this family. I wanted to truly fit in. To be a part of this company. This– this amazing entity that you have built. But I fought it. And instead, I held on to anger and that hurt and that rage. Until you started exhibiting some extremely disturbing behavior. And it all changed.


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Y&R Best Lines Friday, November 10, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: I was getting ready to show Chloe and sally the apartment and then, you know, sally, she started asking me if I had any general, like, design ideas.

Lily: You mean besides the poker table and folding chairs?

Daniel: Yeah, those. And then heather and Lucy, they just showed up at the door. I mean, I didn’t even know that they were back in town and there they were, you know. I guess Lucy wanted to surprise me and then well they succeeded on that. But, um, I mean, there was nothing planned about it. You know, I– I was hoping that you would be back from your meeting with Devon and we could talk to sally, talk about her ideas over dinner.


Nina: Hi, honey. Oh, how are you doing? I just talked to your doctor. She said you’re gonna be just fine.

Chance: Yeah, of course I am. I take after my mother. I’m tough. Nothing can bring me down.

Nina: Ah, I love you. Now, what the hell is wrong with you, putting your mother through this? Oh. Oh, are you okay?

Chance: Hey. No, no, no. No crying. No crying. I can’t deal with the crying.

Nina: What do you expect? We’ve been through this before. You know, I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.

Chance: I know.

Nina: And you know, this job, it may not be too dangerous for you, but it’s definitely too dangerous for me.

Chance: Hey, look at me. I’m fine. Okay, I’m good as new.

Nina: Geez.

Chance: That’s a promise. Come on.


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GH Short Recap Thursday, November 23, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

It’s Thanksgiving in Port Charles and the Davis family invites Blaze to spend Thanksgiving with them.

TJ tells everyone he is thinking about specializing in neurology.

Robert surprises a depressed Anna with a visit from Emma, and they have Thanksgiving dinner together.

Laura and Valentin confront Charlotte about what she has been doing to Anna. Laura and Valentin try to persuade Charlotte that her grandpa Victor manipulated her to hurt Anna. Charlotte insists that Anna is a bad person and she was only protecting Valentin from Anna. Charlotte also tells Valentin she didn’t burn down Anna’s house.

Cody and Sasha spend Thanksgiving at the Quartermaine mansion where Lois’s mother Gloria arrives to help Lois cook Thanksgiving dinner. It looks like the Quartermaine’s are going to have their first Thanksgiving dinner since the 90’s until the smoke alarm beeps.

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Days Short Recap Friday, November 24, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Harris called Ava and let her know that he couldn’t find his key. He wondered if she saw his keys. She looked at the table and saw the keys. She put the keys in her pocket when Stefan arrived at her apartment. He told her that he was her new partner. Ava pretended not to know what he meant. Stefan told her that Clyde blackmailed him with Gabi’s safety, so he had to help him. He asked her about the keys, and she showed it to him. Stefan was going to make copies of them so she could give them back to Harris. She wonders why she should trust him, and he told her they had to work together. He told her they had to protect the people they love, but he didn’t plan on being blackmailed for long. Stefan was about to leave when Harris arrived. He lied to Harris about why he was there. He wanted to talk to Wendy and Tripp about Li being killed. Harris warned him about interrogating witnesses. After Stefan left, Harris wondered why she didn’t return his call. She said she was about to call him when Stefan showed up. He asked her about his keys, and she said she didn’t see it. Sloan was on the phone with Melinda. She talked about the guilt she felt about the baby when Eric walked in the room. Sloan told him that she was on the phone with Melinda. She was happy and wondered if Eric was. He was happy too, but he kept thinking about Nicole’s baby. Melinda arrived with the baby. They were excited about the baby. Sloan was nervous because the baby cried with her and was calm with Eric. He thought she had to get used to the idea. He took the baby for a walk. After he left, Dimitri was at the door.

EJ arrived at the hospital to help Nicole get discharged. Dr. Pierce talked to them about the autopsy results from the baby. He said the baby died because of the car accident. Nicole didn’t understand so he explained it to her. She wanted to see her baby, but he didn’t think it was a good idea. Nicole refused to back down about that. He left to make the arrangements. She told EJ he didn’t have to stay, but she had to do it. He said he wanted to see the baby too. She apologized that he didn’t get a chance to hold the baby. Nicole thought they should hold him now. Harris talked to Leo at the police station. He told him that Nicole’s baby died, and he would be charged with murder. Leo didn’t understand since the baby seemed healthy. Harris told him that the baby died because of the accident. He left Leo alone so he could talk to his lawyer. Leo called Sloan and she said she would help him as soon as she could. Dr. Pierce went to see Melinda. He told her that Nicole and EJ wanted to see their baby. She told him that he took the money and he had to figure out what to do. He demanded more money from her. Dr. Pierce went back to the hospital. Nicole was upset when he didn’t have the baby with him. He told her the baby was accidentally cremated. He apologized to EJ and Nicole. EJ and Nicole were upset and yelled at him. He apologized again and offered to get the ashes. Dr. Pierce left the room and Nicole broke down in EJ’s arms. Later EJ took Nicole to the pub. She wanted to wait outside because she didn’t want to face anyone. Eric showed up with the baby. Nicole was surprised they already had the baby. He said he was bringing the baby there to meet his father. Nicole wanted to hold him.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, November 24, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Tate talked to Brady about Holly. He said he tried to make her feel better but she ghosted him. Brady advised him not to give up on her. He said she could use a friend to lean on as long as she respects her boundaries. He suggested that Tate bring her pie. Chanel talked to Paulina about Holly’s crush on Johnny. She didn’t want Holly going after her man. Johnny called Chanel and told her he was going to be with Holly for Thanksgiving because she was upset about the baby. Chanel told him she understood. When Chad came home, he and Stephanie talked. Chad went to take a shower. While he was gone, his phone rang. she saw Gwen’s name on his phone. When he came out of the shower, she asked him about Gwen’s number being on his phone. He lied to her about why she was on the phone. When Stephanie left the room, Gwen called him. He told her the contracts were signed. The money was going to be transferred by the next day. He thanked her for selling half the Spectator. He asked her to keep quiet about it. He said he didn’t want Stephanie to find out he was doing this to get Everett out of their lives.

Chad and Stephanie went to the Horton House for dinner. They saw Everett in the house. Julie told them she invited Everett to dinner. Chad asked her if she knew him. Everett thought they knew each other in a previous life. He told them about the story he wanted to write. Stephanie asked Chad and Everett to check the turkey. She talked to Julie about her past with Everett. Abe, Paulina, and Chanel ate dinner. When they were finished, Chanel showed him pictures of Lani, Eli and the twins. He was upset that he didn’t remember them. Chanel apologized to him. She said she didn’t mean to upset him. When Chanel left to clean up, Abe and Paulina spent time together. She told him she was tempted to kiss him. She said she knew the mistake she made the last time. She was determined to be grateful for what she has. He said he wanted to kiss her. Johnny and Holly spent time together until Tate showed up. Johnny decided to go see Chanel since Holly wouldn’t be alone. When Johnny left, Holly told him she would forgive him for being an idiot if he helped her break up Johnny and Chanel. Tate told her Johnny was too old for her. He agreed to help her. He said he wanted to see her happy. She said would be happy when Johnny saw that Chanel was wrong for him.

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Days Update Friday, November 24, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Ava is at home and listens to a voicemail from Harris, wishing her a Happy Thanksgiving and saying he’s grateful that she’s not spending it at the police station. Harris mentions that he can’t find his work keys and asks if Ava saw them while she was there. Ava looks down at the keys. Harris ends his message, saying he’s sure the keys will turn up and he hopes they can talk later. Ava then picks up the keys and Stefan shows up at her door.

Sloan calls Melinda for an update on the baby. Melinda is sure that Sloan is excited to soon be holding her baby in her arms. Sloan responds that she is excited, but also terrified. Melinda encourages her to stop with all the doubts and guilt since everything is going really smoothly. Melinda reminds her that all she has to do is keep her mouth shut. Sloan asks what if when the baby gets older, he starts to look like Eric and Nicole and they start to suspect that he’s their biological son.

EJ visits Nicole in the hospital and comments on the Thanksgiving menu at the hospital being limited. EJ then informs Nicole that she’s being discharged today but Nicole has no reaction. EJ shows her that he brought her a bag of her clothes. Nicole notes the bag is the bag that she packed with baby items for when she went in to labor. Dr. Pierce enters the room and informs them that the autopsy was just completed so he asks to speak to EJ outside but Nicole argues that she needs to know what happened to their son. Dr. Pierce claims his death was the result of injuries from the car accident. Nicole doesn’t understand since he was perfectly fine after giving birth. Dr. Pierce says sometimes the damage is delayed with internal trauma. EJ argues that Dimitri is the one who caused the accident and that Leo will pay for this.

Harris confronts Leo in the interrogation room. Leo asks if he’s being let go but Harris says that’s not going to happen. Harris informs Leo that EJ plans to charge him with murder.

EJ tells Dr. Pierce about Leo being a passenger in the vehicle that struck Nicole’s. EJ informs Dr. Pierce that he should be prepared to testify that the vehicle caused his son’s death. Dr. Pierce says he’ll do whatever he can to help. Nicole stops and says she wants to see their son.

Leo asks Harris whose murder EJ plans on charging him with. Harris informs Leo that it’s EJ’s son. Leo asks if he means Johnny. Harris clarifies that he’s talking about Nicole’s baby. Leo questions Nicole’s baby dying and says that can’t be. Leo asks what happened to the beautiful little boy.

Melinda tells Sloan to stop fast forwarding to the future as the baby won’t be a clone of Nicole or Eric and everyone will accept that he is Sloan and Eric’s adopted kid. Sloan agrees to stop but asks what about now, worrying that people will ask questions. Sloan reminds her that Dimitri and Leo saw Nicole’s baby and know he’s healthy. Melinda explains that Dr. Pierce is telling EJ and Nicole that the baby died from internal injuries that nobody could have predicted. Sloan feels this is so dark and asks how she can be so matter of fact about. Melinda argues that she’s being practical and Sloan needs to be too. Melinda reminds Sloan that she wanted to give Eric a baby so that’s what she’s helping her do. Melinda tells Sloan that this should be the happiest Thanksgiving of her life. Sloan agrees and says she wanted to give Eric a baby and raise a child with him, but she never thought it would happen like this as Eric then comes home.

Nicole repeats to Dr. Pierce that she wants to see their baby before going home. Dr. Pierce doesn’t think that’s wise but Nicole doesn’t care, complaining that her baby was taken from her before she could hold him again. Nicole insists on holding her son one last time. Dr. Pierce asks EJ to back him up that this isn’t a good idea but EJ says he heard his wife and demands he bring them their son. Dr. Pierce thinks back to Melinda telling him to figure something out. Dr. Pierce then tells EJ and Nicole that he will arrange it right away and exits the room.

Ava asks if Stefan came to see Wendy but Stefan says he came to see Ava. Ava asks why. Stefan says they are practically family since she was engaged to his late twin brother, Jake and pretended to be married to him which Ava reminds was Gabi’s idea. Stefan says that Gabi is actually why he’s here. Stefan says he heard about her unfortunate incident with Gil. Ava calls Gil a disgusting pig and says she’s glad he’s dead. Stefan says he can’t say the same because now that Gil is dead, she needs a new business partner and unfortunately that’s him. Ava asks if he bought the Bistro. Stefan responds that it has nothing to do with the restaurant business but everything to do with the business she was running under Gil for Clyde. Ava claims to not know what he’s talking about but Stefan reveals that Clyde told him all about how he strong armed her into running his drug operation by threatening the life of her son and now he’s doing the same to him, by threatening Gabi. Stefan complains that Gabi is a sitting duck in prison and Clyde has made it clear that he will not hesitate to have Gabi killed if he doesn’t play ball, so he and Ava are working together whether they like it or not.

Leo tells Harris about how he delivered Nicole’s baby. Leo asks how he could have died. Harris responds that they believe it was internal injuries from the crash. Leo argues that he didn’t have anything to do with that and he’s the one who brought the baby in to the world. Harris blames the delay in getting him medical treatment that resulted in death. Leo doesn’t understand and questions what the delay was. Harris says if Dimitri ever turns up, they can find out but since Dimitri and Leo fled the jurisdiction in Jada’s stolen car, they can be charged with felony murder. Leo responds that he needs to speak to his lawyer.

Sloan tells Eric that she was just telling Melinda how she never thought she’d be a parent this way. Melinda encourages Sloan that when she holds her new baby in her arms, all of her worries and guilt will be behind her as she’ll be too busy being a mom to think about anything else. Sloan thanks Melinda for everything and hangs up. Eric asks if Melinda said when they will bring home their baby. Sloan reveals that Melinda is on her way with him right now which excites Eric. Eric congratulates Sloan, who says it feels amazing because she’s going to be a mother to Eric’s baby. Eric says this is really happening. Sloan says even though she’s never been the maternal type, she’s fallen more in love with Eric because she’s realized there’s nothing she wants more than to have a family with him even if she’s not the biological mother. Eric states that all that matter is that he is their baby to love with all their hearts.

Nicole tells EJ that she understands if he doesn’t want to do this, because it’s going to be really hard to see their son, but says she needs to hold him one last time. EJ responds that he understands. Nicole points out that EJ never had the chance to hold him and he should have. Nicole says she’s so sorry it has to be this way.

Dr. Pierce goes to see Melinda and tells her that just as he feared, they want to see the baby. He says he tried to talk them out of it but they insisted. He worries that if they start asking questions, it will become very clear that no baby was brought in to the ER that night. He asks what they are supposed to do. Melinda argues that he took the money so he can figure it out. He complains that this was her idea. Melinda points out that he didn’t walk away, which he regrets. Dr. Pierce warns that if he goes down, Melinda is going down with him. Melinda guesses it’s up to her since he can’t come up with a way to present their dead baby. He warns her to come up with something right now because they are expecting him to walk in any minute with the remains of their dead baby boy. Melinda responds that he won’t have to because she has a brilliant idea.

Stefan explains to Ava that Clyde wants him to use DiMera Enterprises to ship drugs through the Bistro which is where Ava comes in. Ava mentions her and Gil not getting that far before she shot him and asks if he’s sure he wants to be her partner. Stefan says he has no choice. Stefan brings up that Clyde mentioned something about needing to get in to the evidence room at the police station. Ava confirms that Clyde had her take the keys off Harris. Stefan says he will take the keys, copy them, and bring them back. Ava question how she knows she can trust him. Stefan asks if she has an alternative. Stefan states that he takes Clyde’s threats very seriously and he’s not going to let him or his goons lay a hand on his wife. Stefan declares that for the foreseeable future, he and Ava are going to have to keep the ones they love very close and safe. Stefan adds that he won’t let Clyde use him like this for very long. Ava says she’ll make sure to let him know if she figures a way out before he does. Stefan thanks her and then goes to leave right as Harris arrives.

Eric tells Sloan that he’s so happy that they are having a baby that he wants the whole world to know. Sloan asks what’s stopping him. Eric says he just wants to wait for the right time. Sloan asks if now isn’t the right time. Eric points out them becoming parents on the heels of a terrible tragedy for Nicole. Sloan gets a call from Leo, who complains that Harris just told him that he’s being charged with felony murder. Leo says Nicole’s baby dying is awful but not his fault. Leo tells Sloan that he needs her to get there now. Sloan says she’ll be in touch and will help him fight the charges, but she has to go right now. Leo argues that he needs to hear her strategy and she only has one phone call. Sloan hangs up as there’s a knock at the door. Eric excitedly answers the door to see Melinda with the baby. Melinda wishes them a Happy Thanksgiving.

EJ returns to Nicole’s room after she has gotten dressed to leave the hospital. EJ tells her that the doctor will be there soon with their baby and then they can go home. EJ adds that Holly will be happy to see her. Nicole hopes Holly can forgive her for snapping at her when she came to visit earlier. Nicole feels she was insensitive when Holly lost her little brother. EJ assures that she will understand. Nicole says she’s grateful to have Holly. Dr. Pierce then returns to the room. Nicole questions where their son is. He responds that he’s afraid it’s not possible for them to see him because their baby was accidentally cremated, shocking EJ and Nicole.

Ava tells Harris that it’s good to see him. Harris says he just stopped by during his break to see how Ava is doing. Stefan claims that he stopped by to see Tripp and Wendy to let them know again that they were mistaken by what they saw on the night that Li died. Harris calls that witness tampering. Stefan argues that his wife is locked up in prison, awaiting trial for a murder she didn’t commit, so he’s out doing everything he can to see that she goes free. Ava tells Stefan that he will have to come back another time since Tripp and Wendy aren’t home. Stefan tells Harris again that Gabi is innocent and that he should be out there trying to find Li’s real killer. Harris points out that the district attorney thinks they already have. Stefan argues that EJ is a pompous ass, biased, and wrong as he then exits the apartment. Ava comments on Stefan being upset about his wife. Ava says that’s enough about him and she’s glad Harris came by. Harris asks how she’s been and if she got his message, admitting he got a little worried when he didn’t hear back. Ava tells him that she was just about to call back when Stefan knocked on the door. Harris asks if it’s hard for her to be back in the apartment after what happened to Gil. Ava admits it is a little but it’s better than spending the night in lockup. Ava thanks Harris for putting in a good word with Rafe since she knows how much Rafe hates her, so she’s grateful that he listened to him. Harris calls Rafe a fair guy and says he believes him, so when forensics backs her up, her story will be proven. Ava guesses EJ will have no choice but to drop the charges. Harris notes that EJ is pretty preoccupied with his son’s death. Ava calls that terribly sad. Harris can’t imagine what they are going through. Ava calls it heartbreaking and asks if he wants a coffee or tea. Harris says he has to get back to the station and then brings up his keys as he asks if Ava remembers seeing them.

Leo remains in the interrogation room and thinks back to telling Dimitri that he’d meet him in the park behind the hospital after delivering Nicole’s baby. Leo states that he misses Dimitri and wishes he could tell him what the hell happened to the baby.

EJ questions Dr. Pierce about their son being accidentally cremated. Nicole shouts at him, asking how he could let this happen. Dr. Pierce says he’s afraid their son’s body was mislabeled and he’s sorry. EJ calls it a travesty and asks how anyone could make such a horrible, heartbreaking mistake and why he wasn’t there to stop it. Dr. Pierce says it was done without his knowledge, but he’ll arrange to have the ashes sent to them as soon as possible. Nicole yells at him to get out so he exits. Nicole then breaks down crying and tells EJ that she’s so sorry that he never got to hold their baby. EJ cries that they will just have to hold him in their hearts now as they hug.

Melinda asks Sloan and Eric if they are ready to hold their baby for the very first time. Eric thinks Sloan should go first so Melinda hands the baby over to Sloan. Melinda says she will leave them to bond with their son. Eric thanks her. Melinda says it was her pleasure to help a friend make this happen and she’s so glad everything worked out. Melinda then exits. Sloan and Eric try to figure out why the baby is crying. Sloan suggests she’ll make a bottle to see if that works and then hands the baby to Eric, which stops his crying. Eric tells the baby that he’s his daddy and he loves him with all his heart.

Ava claims to Harris that she doesn’t remember seeing his keys. Harris says he’s sure they will turn up. Harris is sorry they can’t spend Thanksgiving together since he has to pay his dues and work the holiday. Ava tells him how thankful she is for him and kisses him.

Melinda goes back to her room and packs her bag. Dr. Pierce shows up at her door again. Melinda asks if EJ and Nicole bought his story. He confirms that they did and says it was brutal which is why he needs more money. Melinda questions him extorting her. Dr. Pierce remarks that she could report him to the new district attorney, but he’s the one who said heads would roll over the loss of his son.

EJ tells Nicole that he’s so sorry that this happened and he will see to it that whoever is responsible will be relieved of their duties, but Nicole asks him not to and says she doesn’t care because there’s nothing anyone can do to fix this. Nicole says when she said she wanted to hold her son one last time, she really wanted to hold him, see him smile, and hear him cry but no one can make that happen. EJ hugs Nicole as she cries. Nicole tells EJ to just take her home, so they exit together.

Eric calls the baby perfect. Sloan wonders if he’s not hungry then. Eric thinks the baby is settled down now and asks if Sloan wants to hold him again. Eric hands him over to Sloan and he starts crying again. Sloan worries that she has no idea what she’s doing. Eric says he doesn’t either so the baby will have to be patient with them both. Eric suggests taking the baby for a walk in his new stroller but Sloan wants to stay home to arrange his clothes and wait on a delivery. Eric promises that Sloan is a natural and will be perfect at this. Eric thanks Sloan for making all of this happen and kisses her. Eric then takes the baby and puts him in the stroller.

Stefan returns to Ava’s apartment and presents his copy of the evidence room key. Ava says now she just has to fix it so that Harris finds his keys. Stefan says that’s the easy part while the tricky part will be getting in to the room and finding whatever they have on Clyde’s associate. Ava argues that Stefan’s brother is the district attorney and asks if he can’t find a way to work this out with him. Stefan tells Ava that he even offered EJ all of their DiMera shares but he’s a stubborn son of a bitch and he’s on his bad side, so EJ is going to make him pay for it in spades.

EJ and Nicole walk past the Brady Pub. Nicole stops and doesn’t know if she can do this. EJ brings up the fries that she loves. Nicole says she craved those when pregnant and thought getting them now would make her feel closer to her son. Nicole says she realizes if people ask how she’s doing, she’s not sure what to tell him because she doesn’t know. EJ understands and offers to go in and grab the fries while she stays outside which Nicole agrees to. EJ kisses her and heads in to the Pub. Nicole cries that she misses her baby so much. Eric then comes around the corner with his baby in the stroller.

Melinda tells Dr. Pierce that she only got involved in the adoption because she lost her job, she needed the money, it paid well and she was helping a friend. Melinda adds that she stuck her neck out mostly out of the goodness of her own heart which Dr. Pierce laugh at. Melinda says he’s in no position to judge since he went along with it all the way. Dr. Pierce says he regrets it and calls the whole scheme rotten to the core and he hopes it doesn’t backfire on them. Melinda hopes the same and that she never sees him again which he says is fine by him. Melinda pays him off and he then exits. Melinda then pulls out her phone.

Harris returns to Leo in the interrogation room and asks if he reached his lawyer. Leo tells him that he’s not worried about getting out of this place, he’s instead mourning the loss of the baby that he happened to deliver. Leo remarks that he doesn’t know if he’s ever been this sad in his entire life. Harris questions Leo having a heart. Leo states that aside from Dimitri, everyone in town thinks he’s a shallow loser. Harris asks if his lawyer is on her way. Leo responds that she’s unfortunately not as she was otherwise engaged.

Sloan remains at home, complaining that it was almost as if the baby could tell Eric was his real father and that she wasn’t the real mother. Sloan worries that she’s not cut out for this and wonders if she just made the biggest mistake of her life. Sloan then gets a text from Melinda, saying it’s all going to be okay. Dimitri then shows up at Sloan’s door and declares that he’s back.

Eric thought Nicole would still be in the hospital. Nicole responds that she just got released and that EJ is in the Pub getting takeout. Nicole asks about Eric’s baby and didn’t realize he had him yet. Eric confirms that Melinda brought him by a little while ago, so he came to show him off to his dad. Eric says he better get inside but Nicole stops him and asks if he would mind if she held the baby.

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Days Transcript Friday, November 24, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


Ava, it’s me, Harris. Happy Thanksgiving. And I’m really grateful you’re not spending it here at the station, that we were able to get you released from police custody last night. Anyway, look, I think I lost my work keys yesterday. And I was just wondering if you saw them while you were here because I cannot seem to find them anywhere.

[mysterious music] Some detective I am, huh?

[laughs] Well, I’m sure they’ll turn up. I hope we can talk later.

[phone beeps]

[knock at door]

Hello, Ava.

[dark music]

But the baby’s okay, right? He’s drinking enough formula, not crying too much?

Oh, he’s crying plenty. In fact, I’m surprised you can’t hear him, even on the other side of town.

Hmm, sounds quiet now.

Yeah, he’s just showing off for his new mom, who I’m sure is very excited that she’ll soon be holding her precious little boy in her arms.

No, yeah. I-I am excited. I–yeah, I’m just also terrified.

Sloan, you gotta stop with all the doubts and the guilt, okay? Everything is going really smoothly, and more so than I even expected. So all you have to do is keep your mouth shut.

Yeah, except–except, what if, uh, when the baby, he gets older, you know, if– what if he starts to look like them? You know, he starts to look like Eric and Nicole, and, I don’t know, someone suspects– if they do, that– that he’s their biological son?


[somber music]

What’s, uh– what’s that? Oh, I see the Thanksgiving lunch menu options are limited: low-sodium turkey dinner or low-sodium plant-based turkey dinner. Good news, you won’t have to choose either because you’re being discharged today. I brought your things.

What? That’s the bag I-I-I packed to go to the hospital when I went into labor. It’s–it’s got the baby’s receiving blanket, coming-home clothes, Bear Bear. And that’s–it’s Holly’s first stuffed animal that she wanted her little brother to have.

I’m sorry, sweetheart, not anymore. It just has your clothes in it. You must be tired of being in that hospital gown. Although, you do look beautiful in anything.


[clears throat] Sorry to, uh, interrupt.

Dr. Pierce, do you have any updates on what caused our, um– our son’s death?

Autopsy was just completed. Uh, Mr. DiMera, maybe we can speak outside?

No. I need to know. I need to know what happened to our son.

It’s as we suspected. His death was a result of injuries sustained in the car accident.

But I– I don’t understand. After I gave birth to him, I held him. And–and he was perfect. He was fine.

So you’ve said, yes. But with internal trauma, sometimes the damage is delayed. There’s no way anyone could have known.

But I should have known. I’m his mother.

Don’t you dare blame yourself, Nicole. My nephew Dimitri caused the accident that resulted in our son’s death. And though he may be out of reach, Leo Stark is not. And that bastard will pay for this.

Huh, I guess I do have something to be thankful for today after all. You’re finally letting me out of here.

That’s not gonna happen.

Uh, I know my rights, blue eyes. You can only hold me for hours without filing charges.

Well, you’re right about that.

So you’re gonna let me go?

Wrong about that.

DA DiMera plans to charge you… with murder.

[tense music]

As you may be aware, Dr. Pierce, Leo Stark was a passenger in the vehicle that struck my wife’s. Now I’m informing you, as Salem’s district attorney, you should be prepared to testify that that vehicle and that accident was the one that caused my son’s death.

I’ll do whatever I can to help. Now if you’ll excuse me.

Wait. Please. I wanna see him. I wanna see our son.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[scoffs] Murder? Exactly whose murder is EJ planning on charging me with?

His son’s.

You mean Johnny? Johnny DiMera is dead?

No. Talking about Nicole’s baby.

What? Are you telling me Nicole’s baby died? No. No, that can’t be. Oh, my God, what happened to that beautiful little boy?

[sighs] Would you stop fast-forwarding to the future? Borrowing trouble, as my mom used to put it. It’s not like the baby’s gonna be a clone of Nicole or Eric. He’s gonna look like himself. And everyone will accept that he is your adopted kid, yours and Eric’s.

Okay, yeah. I’ll stop fast-forwarding. But what about now, huh? Are you sure people aren’t gonna ask questions? Nicole, Leo, and Dimitri, who were there at the birth, they saw Nicole’s baby, they know he’s healthy.

Dr. Pierce is going to explain to Nicole and EJ that their child died from internal injuries sustained in the crash and that no one at the scene could have predicted that.

God, this is so dark. How can you be so matter-of-fact about it?

I’m–I’m being practical, which you need to be too. Look, Sloan, you wanted to give Eric a baby. And that’s what I’m helping you do. And–come on, Sloan. A little gratitude, huh? This should be the happiest Thanksgiving of your life.

Yeah, it should be. I love Eric. I’ve wanted so much to give him a baby, raise a child with him. I just never thought it would happen like this.

[unsettling music]

Please. Before I go home, I… I wanna see our baby.

Mrs. DiMera, I– I don’t think that’s wise.

I don’t care what you think. You told me my baby needed an autopsy, and he was taken from me before I could hold him again. I want to hold my son one last time.

[tense music]

Mr. DiMera, surely you must agree with me that this– this is not a good idea. I’ll–I’ll give you a copy of–

You heard my wife, doctor. Bring us our son.

And what happens when the parents ask to see the baby?

[sighs] You’re a doctor. You–you’ll figure something out.

But it’s so incredibly cruel to– this couple, these parents, they’ll be devastated.

I know, and believe me, I-I don’t feel great about it either. But look at the bright side, you’ll be making another couple very, very happy.

If you insist. I’ll arrange it right away.

Stefan. Um, you here to see Wendy? I hear she’s working for you now.

No, Ava, I’m here to see you.

Me? Why?

Ava, you and I, we’re practically family, right? I mean, you were engaged to my late twin brother, Jake, and then pretended to be married to him to get your hands on his DiMera shares.

Okay, that was your wife’s idea.

Oh, no, Gabi told me all about it. She’s actually why I’m here.

I’m not following.

I’ll spell it out for you. I heard about your, uh, unfortunate incident with Gil Carter.

Yeah? Happened right over there. You a friend of his?

[chuckles] No. Didn’t even know the guy.

Oh, well, lucky you, ’cause he’s a disgusting pig, and I’m glad that he’s dead.

Okay, well, you know, I actually can’t say the same for myself.

Why not? You just said you didn’t know the guy.

I didn’t, but now that he’s dead and you need a new business partner… and unfortunately, you’re looking at him.

[dramatic music]

My new business partner? What, did you buy the Bistro?

No, no, no. This has nothing to do with the restaurant business and everything to do with the business you are running under Gil Carter’s watchful eye, for Clyde Weston.

I actually don’t–I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Ava, don’t, please. Clyde told me all about how he strong-armed you into running his entire drug operation by threatening the life of your son. And now he’s doing the same thing to me by threatening Gabi. And Gabi’s a sitting duck up at Statesville, and that son of a bitch Weston has made it abundantly clear that he will not hesitate to kill her or have her killed unless I play ball. So yeah, you and I, we’re working together, whether we like it or not.

[ominous music]

But I was there. I delivered that baby. Nicole, she was– she was so brave. And–and that little boy, he was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I–messy when he first came out, and his skin was wrinkly, but in the few seconds that I held him before I gave him to his mother… we bonded. My God, how could that little cutie have died?

Well, they believe it was internal injuries from the crash.

But I didn’t have anything to do with that. I’m the one who brought him into this world. Messy and wrinkly, yes, but he looked so healthy, so alive.

Yeah, he may have appeared healthy, but it was the delay in getting him medical treatment that apparently resulted in his death.

I don’t–I don’t understand. I mean, what was the delay? Why didn’t Dimitri get him right to the hospital?

We’re only gonna find out if he ever turns up. But if a death happens during the commission of a felony– in this case, you and Dimitri fleeing the jurisdiction in Detective Hunter’s stolen vehicle– the perpetrators can be charged with what’s called felony murder. And you… are one of the perpetrators.

I need to speak to my lawyer.

Eric, hi. Talking to Melinda.


I was just saying how–

That you never thought you’d be a parent this way?

[giggles] Uh, Melinda, I’ll see you soon.

Yes, you will, Sloan. And when you hold your new baby in your arms, all of your worries will be behind you and your guilt. You’ll be too busy being a mom to this sweet little angel that you won’t have time to think of anything else.

Thank you for everything.

So did Melinda say when we were gonna bring home our little guy?

Actually, she did.


The baby’s touched down in Salem, and Melinda’s on her way with him right now.



Yes! Mm!


Yes! Oh, my God. Congratulations, Mama.

No one’s ever called me that before.

Well, how does it feel?

Amazing. Because the baby that I’m gonna be a mother to is yours.

And the baby that I’m going to be a dad to is yours. This is really happening.


It is.

[sighs] And Eric, even though I’ve never been the maternal type, ever… as I’ve fallen more in love with you, I just realized that there was nothing I wanted more than to have a family with you. And I don’t even care if I’m not the biological mother.

Hey, neither do I. All that matters is that he is ours. We’re gonna love him with all our hearts. both: Mmm.

[sighs] If you don’t want to do this, EJ, I understand. It’s gonna be really hard to see our son… Our little boy. But I-I-I need to hold him one last time.

I understand.

And you–you– you never had the chance to hold him. And you should have. And I am so sorry that it has to be this way.

Yeah, me too.

I was just on my way out. What’s going on?

Well, I talked to the DiMeras, offered to show ’em the fake autopsy report. And just as I feared, they want to see the baby.

Seriously? Even though the kid’s been dead for two days?

Only as far as they know.

Oh, God.

And I tried my best to talk ’em out of it, but they– they–they insisted.


If they start asking questions, soon it’ll become very clear that no baby was brought into the ER that night.

Well, it can’t become clear now, can it?

So what do we do?

We? You took the money. You figure it out.

None of this was my idea, Miss Trask. When you reached out to me and asked me to– to act outside my ethical obligations, I thought you were gonna ask me to prescribe some off-label weight loss drug or something.

Hey, watch it, Doctor.

No idea I’d be engaged in child trafficking.

And yet you didn’t turn on your heels and walk out on me, did you?

To my deep regret. And keep in mind, Miss Trask, if I go down, you’re going down with me.

You don’t think I get that? And since it’s obvious that you don’t have the brainpower to come up with a way not to present their dead baby to them, I guess it’s up to me.

Yeah? Well, you better think of something right now! Because they’re expecting me to walk in any minute with the remains of their little boy.

No. You won’t have to because I have a brilliant idea.

[sighs] Clyde wants me to use DiMera Enterprises to ship drugs into Salem, and he wants me to move them through the Bistro. That’s where you come in.

Yeah, well, that perv, Gil, and I, we didn’t get very far on our business plan.

Before you shot him?

You sure you wanna be my partner?

[laughs] I don’t really think I have a choice. So Clyde mentioned something about needing to get into the evidence room at Salem PD.

Yeah, yeah. He had me lift these off of Harris.

I’ll take ’em.

And do what?

I’m gonna copy ’em, and I’ll bring ’em back.



How do I know I can trust you?

Is there any other alternative, Ava? Look, I don’t know about you, but I take Clyde Weston’s threats very seriously. So I’m not gonna let him or any of his goons lay a hand on my wife. So you and I, for the foreseeable future, we’re gonna need to keep the ones we love very close and very safe. And I’ll tell you this: I’m not gonna let Clyde use me like this for long.

Okay. If I figure a way out of this before you do, I will, uh, make sure to let you know.

Thanks… partner.

[eerie music]

You know, I am so happy that we’re having a baby. I’m so happy I just want the whole world to know.

Well, what’s stopping you?

Nothing. Nothing will. Just want to wait for the right time.

Mm. Now isn’t the right time?

Well, I think you know why– I mean, us becoming parents on the heels of a terrible tragedy for Nicole?

[phone ringing]

I think this is work. I should take this.

Okay. Hey, I’m gonna go finish assembling the swing.

Sloan Petersen.

Sloan, thank God you picked up. It’s Leo. Detective Michaels just told me I’m being charged with felony murder. Did you know that Nicole’s baby died?

Yeah, I did. It’s…

[sighs] It’s awful.

Awful? Yes! My fault? No! I need you to come down here and get these ridiculous charges dropped. I’ve already missed the Macy’s Day Parade, but I can still live stream the National Dog Show if you hurry.

Look, I’ll be in touch. I-I– I’m gonna help you fight the charges.

[exhales] Thank you. Thank you.


[knock at door] Uh, I just– I gotta go right now.

What? No, wait! I need to hear what your strategy’s gonna be, and I only get one phone call!


Is that…

I hope so.



Happy Thanksgiving, you two.

[soft strange music]

You look beautiful.

I thought you were the doctor, coming back with our baby.

He’ll be here soon. And then we can go home, okay? Holly will be happy to see you.

Oh. I hope she can forgive me for snapping at her when she came to visit me earlier. I mean, it was insensitive. After all, she lost her little brother.

I’m sure she will understand. You were still in shock, sweetheart.

Well, it was unkind. And I’m so grateful to have her. She’s my sweet daughter. Well, where is he? Where is our son?

I’m afraid it’s not possible for you to see him.

[sighs] Why not?

Because your baby was accidentally cremated.

Yeah, I thought I’d stop by on my break, see how you’re doing.

And I stopped by to see Ava’s son Tripp and Wendy Shin to let them know once again that they misunderstood what they saw the night Li Shin died.

Hmm, sounds like witness tampering.

[sighs] My wife is locked up in Statesville, awaiting trial for a murder she didn’t commit, so yeah, as her husband, I’m out here doing everything I can to see she goes free.

And, uh, you’re gonna have to come back another time because Wendy and Tripp, they’re not here.

Right, and we established that, and I was just leaving. Since you’re here, Detective Harris, I would like to reassert, once again, my wife’s innocence and that you should be out there trying to catch Li’s real killer.

The DA thinks we already have.

Well, my brother, amongst other things, is a pompous ass… biased and wrong.

Stefan’s pretty upset about his wife.

Yeah. No, I get it.

And, uh, um, well, enough about him. I’m glad you came by.

How you doing? How you holding up?

I’m okay.



You get my message? ‘Cause I got a little worried when I didn’t hear back from you.

I did, and I was just about to call you back when Stefan knocked on the door.

Is it hard to be back in here after what happened with Gil?

A little. But, you know, it was a hell of a lot better to be sleeping in my own bed than to be spending the night in lockup. So, um, I also wanna thank you. Thank you so much for putting in a good word with your boss. I mean, I know how much he hates me, so I’m especially grateful that he listened to you.

Well, from what I’ve seen, Rafe is a fair guy. And he said he believed you, and now when the forensics back up your story and your statement, this is all gonna be over.

[sighs] And then I guess EJ’s got no choice but to drop the charges, right?

Well, he’s, uh– he’s pretty preoccupied, you know, with his son’s death right now.

Yeah. Yeah, um, it’s– it’s terribly sad.

I can’t even imagine what he and his wife are going through.

It’s heartbreaking. Um, okay, so what do you want? What can I get you, huh? Tea, coffee, what do you want?

No, I’m good. Actually, I gotta get back…


To the station, and, oh, before I forget, my keys– I still haven’t found ’em. Do you remember seeing ’em?

[mysterious music]

Okay, listen, I will meet you in the park behind the hospital after the ambulance gets here. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Think about all of the karma we are earning helping Nicole and her little baby– maybe enough to help us get away forever. The world is going to owe us one, yeah?

[laughs] You’re crazy. I love you, but you are crazy. And I’m not quite sure I like this whole you-taking-charge business.

Yeah, well, you’re gonna do it, right? Oh, God, I miss you, Dimitri. And I wish you could tell me what the hell happened to that adorable little baby.

What the bloody hell do you mean, “Our son was accidentally cremated”?

I’m gonna kill you. How could you let this happen?

It’s standard practice at this hospital that, after an autopsy is done, the decedent is sent directly to the funeral home. And I’m afraid your son’s body was mislabeled. I’m–I’m terribly, terribly sorry.

Oh, you’re sorry? You’re sorry? You think that’s good enough? This–this–this is a bloody travesty. For God’s sake, how could anyone make such a horrible, heartbreaking mistake? And why weren’t you there to stop it?

I wish I were. It was done without my knowledge. I-I-I– I’ll arrange to have the ashes delivered to you as soon as possible.

Get out.


Get out!

[tense music]


[despondent music] How? EJ… my little boy. Oh, God. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry you never got to hold him.

Me too.

[sniffling] So now we’ll just have to, um– we’ll just have to, uh, hold him in our hearts.

Are you ready to hold your baby for the very first time?

Yeah, I think Mommy should go first.

[laughs] Oh.

[gasps] Look at you.

[gasps] So precious.


Oh, no, no. Oh, don’t cry.

Oh, and that’s his quiet cry.


It’s okay. Oh, shh.


Well, I–I’ll leave you two to bond with your son.

Hey, thank you. Thank you so much.

It was my pleasure to help a friend make this happen. I’m just so glad that everything worked out.




I-I don’t know. What do you think is wrong?

I don’t know. Maybe he’s hungry or tired.

Right, well, maybe I should just make him a bottle, see if that works.

Yeah. Hey, may I?

Of course.



There he goes.


Yeah. Hi there, big guy. I’m your daddy. And I love you with all my heart. seeing your keys at the station. I’m sorry.

It’s okay. I’m sure they’ll turn up. I’m sorry that we can’t spend Thanksgiving together. You know, the new guy has to pay his dues and work the holidays, so.

Yeah, I understand. Hey, before you go, though, I just want to tell you how thankful I am for you.

[soft piano music]

[knock at door]

[sighs] Oh, you again.

What, are you getting out of Dodge?

Just out of this godforsaken dump now that baby’s been delivered to his new home. So did, uh, EJ and Nicole buy your story?

[scoffs] It was your sick idea, not mine. And yeah, they bought it. But it was brutal… which is why I need more money.

Are you extorting me, Doctor?

[laughs] Go ahead, report me to the new DA. Oh, yeah. He’s the one that said heads would roll over the loss of his son.

[tense music]

Nicole, I, um– I-I-I am so sorry that this happened. And I will see to it that whoever is responsible for this will be relieved of their duties.

EJ, please don’t. Don’t. I don’t–I don’t care. Because there’s nothing anyone can do to fix this.

[mournful music] You know, when I said I wanted to hold him one last time, you want to know what I really wanted? I wanted to hold him in my arms and see him smile and…


[sobs] And hear him cry, but no one can make that happen.

[sobs] Oh, God, please. I wanna get out of here. Just take me home.



You are just perfect, aren’t you?


[laughs] Look at those big ol’ blue eyes. Oh, yeah.

You know, maybe he’s not hungry.

You know what I think? He’s just probably settled down now. You want to try holding him again?

[uneasy music]

Oh. Okay, sure.

Ah, there you–



Oh. Well, I think we’ve got a genius on our hands. I think he knows it’s me.

Oh, he doesn’t.

Uh-huh. I think he just–he knows that I have no idea what I’m doing.

Well, neither do I. He’s gonna have to learn to be patient with both of us. You know what I can do? I’m gonna get a pacifier when I step out.

Out? Where are you going?


No, no, no, no. You can’t leave me here with him alone.

No, no, I was just gonna take him for a walk in the new stroller. Come on, let’s get out of here.

Well, I think I should stay here because I’ve got all his clothes to arrange, and– and I’ve got a delivery coming. You know, I’ve got the glider, rocker.

Right. Okay. Hey.


You’re gonna be perfect at this. You are a natural, I promise. Thank you. Just thank you for making all this happen. Okay, see? All right, let’s go, big guy. I gotcha. All right. Let’s get out of here. You get a copy of the evidence room key?

Right here.

Great. Now I just need to fix it so Harris finds his keys.

That’s the easy part. See, the trickier part is gonna be getting into that evidence room and finding whatever they have on Clyde’s associate.

Your brother is the DA. Can’t you just find a way to work this out with him?

Believe me, I even offered him all of our DiMera shares if he got Gabi out, but he is a stubborn son of a bitch, and I got on his bad side.

Oh, and now he’s gonna make you pay for it.

In spades.

[sighs] EJ. I don’t know if I can do this.

No? What about picking up those sliders you love?

You mean the ones I was craving when I was pregnant? I just–I just thought that if I got them now, I would feel closer to him. You know, it’s crazy. I know that.

No, no, no, no, no, no, it’s not crazy at all.

[gentle music]

But then I realized, I mean, if people ask me how I’m doing, I-I-I–I’m not– I’m not sure what to tell them. I don’t know. I don’t–I–

I understand. Hey, I understand. So what if I ran in and grabbed them? It’ll only take a minute, and you can stay out here. Yeah?

Yeah, okay. I’ll be fine.

Won’t be long.

[sighs] God, I miss you, baby boy. I miss you so much.

[soft tense music]

Look, the only reason I got involved in the adoption is because I lost my job as DA, and I needed the money. And it paid well, and I was helping a friend. Then things got more complicated than I expected, and I stuck my neck out, mostly out of the goodness of my own heart.

[laughs] And such a good-hearted endeavor it’s been.

Well, you’re in no position to be judgmental, Dr. Pierce, since you went along with it all the way.

To my deep regret.

It’s a little late to have an attack of conscience, don’t you think?

You wanna know what I think?


I think this whole scheme is sordid and depraved and rotten to the core. And I just hope to hell it doesn’t backfire on us.

Yeah, well, I am hoping the same thing and that I never see you again.

[chuckles] Fine by me.

That poor little boy.

[phone rings]

Did you reach your lawyer?

Um, before I answer that, I want you to know, for the record, that I am not sitting here as you might expect, worried about little old me getting out of this ghastly, depressing place. Instead, I am mourning the loss of that little boy that I happened to have delivered– the cutest little nose and… tiniest fingers I’d ever seen. I don’t know that I’ve ever been this sad in my entire life.

Oh, you have a heart? Is that–is that what you’re trying to say?

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying because aside from my boyfriend, everyone in this town just thinks I’m a shallow loser whose only real talent is being hilariously funny and charming.

Is your lawyer on her way?

Um, unfortunately, she is not. She was otherwise engaged.

Mm, it’s almost as if Baby could tell that Eric was the real father and– and that I wasn’t the real mother. My God, I am losing it. I’m talking to a stuffed bear. What if I’m not cut out for this? What if I just made the biggest mistake of my life?

[phone beeps] Oh, Melinda texted. She said it’s all gonna be all right, so it’s all gonna be all right, right?

[knock at door] Oh, that’s probably the rocker right there.

[suspenseful music]

[exhales heavily]

I’m back.

Hey, I thought you’d still be in the hospital.

Oh, I-I-I just got released. EJ’s inside getting takeout. Is this your baby? I-I– I didn’t realize you– you have him yet.

Well, Melinda, she brought him by a little while ago. So I just thought I’d stop by and show him off to my dad. You know, I’d better get him inside.

Uh, Eric. Um.


Would you mind if I held him?

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Days Update Thursday, November 23, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

At the Brady Pub, Tate tells Brady that he was right, admitting that he wasn’t happy about coming in early to prepare meals for the homeless but after delivering them, he feels good. Brady agrees that it feels good and says they have two extra turkey dinners so he invites Tate to have a feast with him which Tate agrees sounds fun.

Chanel sets the table for Thanksgiving dinner and tells Paulina that she knows how excited she is to have Abe over. Paulina says she’s not the only one with reason to give thanks for romantic perspects. Chanel says that she and Johnny are good but Paulina questions her frown. Chanel claims it’s nothing but Paulina insists. Chanel then admits that she’s just worried that some other girl is trying to catch her man’s eye.

At the DiMera Mansion, Johnny finds Holly alone in the living room. Johnny mentions that he’s heading to Chanel’s for Thanksgiving dinner. Johnny tells her that he knows it’s a tough time for all of them. Holly claims she’s fine. Johnny asks if she’s sure about that. Holly then admits she’s not fine at all. Johnny hugs Holly as she cries.

Chad goes home where Stephanie shows him that his kids made him his own trophy in case he didn’t win the turkey trot. Stephanie mentions that the kids are in their room doing a glow in the dark puzzle. Chad thanks Stephanie for bringing them to cheer him on. Stephanie is sure he raised a lot of money for a good cause. Chad says he’s going to shower. Stephanie mentions that she heard from Doug and Julie and that they said they can come over for Thanksgiving around 5 so they are fine on time. After Chad goes to shower, Stephanie sees Chad’s phone ring with a call from Gwen and questions why she’s calling Chad.

Julie is startled to find Everett in the Horton house as he wishes her a Happy Thanksgiving.

Paulina questions Chanel thinking Holly has it bad for Johnny. Chanel says she does a terrible job at hiding her crush. Paulina asks about them being related. Chanel explains that they are technically now stepsiblings but not related by blood. Paulina brings up Johnny and Chanel having a history of being in a love triangle but Chanel insists this is nothing like those times because this is not serious. Paulina points out that she’s looking pretty glum about it. Chanel says that’s just because things have been going so well for them and she doesn’t want any complications. Paulina calls that understandable. Chanel says even if it just silly, she doesn’t need an angsty teenage girl looking at her boyfriend while staring daggers at her.

Johnny tells Holly that it’s so sad what happened to Nicole and EJ, losing their baby the way they did. Holly wishes they at least got to meet their baby brother. Holly says he should probably go so he’s not late to Thanksgiving dinner with his girlfriend. Johnny asks if Holly has any plans. Holly says EJ is at the hospital with Nicole, Kristen took Rachel out, and Stefan is visiting Gabi in prison so she has no plans. Johnny then tells her that she does now.

Julie questions who Everett is and what he’s doing in her dining room. Everett informs her that Doug let him in and apologizes as he introduces himself as Everett Lynch, the new editor of the Spectator and he’s here to tell her story which Julie questions. Everett explains that he’s new in town but saw Tom and Alice’s plaque in the town square, so he knows the Horton family and that Julie and Doug are the living matriarch and patriarch of the city. Everett says he’d love to do a feature on them both for the paper. Julie responds that she’s surprised because his last feature was on Leo Stark, who deserves to be in an institution. Julie adds that he went to great lengths to glorify Leo’s crimes in that feature article and now he appears on Thanksgiving, full of hubris and sure that she and Doug will want to give him an interview to fulfill whatever his vision is. Julie informs him that they are not going to give him a word to print about them in his paper and adds that she plans to cancel their subscription. Julie argues that the Spectator has been going steadily downhill ever since it was stolen by Xander and Gwen from Jennifer and Jack. Julie declares that the only thing that would save the paper is a new regime and new ownership that cleans house.

Chad returns to Stephanie and jokes about taking the fastest shower in the world. Stephanie hands him his phone and informs him that he missed a call from Gwen that she just happened to see. Stephanie questions why Gwen is calling Chad as she thought he hated her. Chad claims that he does hate her and doesn’t know why she’s calling. Stephanie questions if he’s not curious about the message she left and notes that she is. Chad listens to the message and then claims that Gwen was just calling to wish Thomas a happy birthday tomorrow since they were close when she was his nanny. Stephanie tells Chad to finish getting ready as she exits the room to see what’s going on. Chad then pulls his phone out and calls Gwen back to tell her that the contracts are signed and the money will be transferred tomorrow. Chad thanks Gwen for selling him her half of the Spectator and reminds her to keep it to herself, because he doesn’t want Stephanie to find out why he’s doing this to get Everett Lynch out of their lives.

Everett explains to Julie that Leo’s gossip column was very popular. Julie argues that he had no moral integrity. Everett says he’s still finding his footing and hoped an article on Doug and Julie would help him find his balance. Everett assures that he wants to restore Jack and Jennifer’s legacy in making the Spectator a respected institution. Julie decides to believe him and says something about his face makes her want to believe him.

Brady and Tate eat together at the Pub. Brady jokes about Tate finishing quick. Tate mentions having another dinner with Theresa later. Brady gets a text from Marlena about his second dinner with her since John is out on a case. Brady mentions wanting to send Nicole a text since the accident and he feels horrible. Brady asks if Tate has reached out to Holly but Tate thinks she would prefer a little space right now.

Paulina tells Chanel that she knows it’s no fun to have another girl looking at her man but she needs to remember that Johnny is beyond lucky to have her. Chanel then gets a call from Johnny. Johnny says he hates to do this but he’s afraid he’s not going to be able to make Thanksgiving with her at her mom’s. Chanel asks why not. Johnny explains that Holly is at home alone and really upset about Nicole’s baby. Johnny suggests maybe they can hang out later. Chanel says maybe and that she totally gets it. Johnny says he knew she would. Chanel says he’s a good guy so he’s going to be there for his family when they are hurting since he has a really big heart and she knows Holly needs him right now. Chanel starts to say something but then stops and just sends her condolences to Holly. Johnny repeats that he’s really sorry about tonight and says he’ll call her later. They hang up and then Abe arrives. Abe wishes Chanel a Happy Thanksgiving and notes there are four places at the table so he asks if Chanel’s boyfriend will be joining them. Chanel responds that he was supposed to, but something came up.

Holly tells Johnny that he didn’t have to do that as she would be okay alone. Johnny tells her it’s okay and that Chanel was very understanding. Johnny says he’ll make it up to them so it’s no big deal. Johnny knows EJ gave the cook the day off, so he suggests they go to the kitchen to see what they can throw together for Thanksgiving dinner which Holly agrees to.

Tate explains to Brady that when Nicole went missing, he tried to comfort Holly but he misread the moment and asked if they were going to kiss. Tate complains that he was just trying to make her feel better and he didn’t make any big moves, but women can be hard to read. Brady jokes that it doesn’t get any easier. Tate says he tried texting Holly, but she’s ghosting him. Brady suggests trying to actually call her. Tate doesn’t think she will pick up. Brady advises Tate to not give up as he thinks Holly could use somebody to lean on. Tate says he’s probably right. Brady tells him to just respect her boundaries. Tate points out that he didn’t kiss her. Brady insists that he’s no better at navigating relationships. Brady suggests that if Tate doesn’t think Holly will answer her call, he can try bringing her a slice of pumpkin pie which Tate calls a great idea.

Chad and Stephanie go to the Horton House where Julie greets them and says she’s thankful they are there. Julie asks about the kids. Chad points out they are outside on the swing. They joke about their dinner. Chad brings a pie that he says he helped the kids make. Stephanie assumes that Doug is cooking in the kitchen. Julie says he’s actually taking a nap after the turkey trot wore him out, but he’ll be down for dessert. Chad jokes about it wearing him out too. Everett then walks in and says everything is going smoothly in the kitchen. Everett is surprised to see Stephanie and Chad as he wishes them a Happy Thanksgiving. Stephanie greets him. Julie explains that she invited Everett to join them for Thanksgiving dinner since he has no family in Salem, so tonight, they are his family. Chad questions Julie and Everett knowing each other. Everett says maybe in a previous life, but they just met as he asked Julie if she and Doug would be willing to do a profile for the Spectator. Everett says that Julie has been very kind while Julie says that Everett has been very helpful in the kitchen while telling stories of his early days in journalism as she calls him very charming. Stephanie suggests Chad and Everett go check on the turkey while she helps Julie out here. Chad questions why they both have to check on the turkey. Julie asks them to put the side dishes in the oven, so Chad and Everett head to the kitchen. Julie apologizes to Stephanie and asks if she’s upset that she invited Everett to dinner. Stephanie then informs Julie that Everett is her ex-boyfriend. Julie assumes their breakup was amicable. Stephanie says it was abrupt and confusing. Stephanie adds that Everett is a nice guy but she doesn’t think he’s convinced that she has moved on with Chad. Julie understands that can be difficult and apologizes as she had no idea. Julie doesn’t see how she can ask him to leave now. Stephanie assures that she can’t. Julie jokes that Thanksgiving dinner this year will be awkward.

Abe, Paulina, and Chanel have Thanksgiving dinner. Abe praises the buttermilk biscuits as the best he’s ever had and says everything was delicious as he thanks Paulina. Paulina is just so glad he could join them. Abe calls it a wonderful Thanksgiving day. Abe asks what Chanel has been up to. Chanel explains that she just got back from visiting Lani in Maryland and that she stopped to visit Eli and the twins. Chanel shows Abe the pictures on her phone. Abe comments on the children, then stops and thanks Chanel, saying he doesn’t want to see anymore because it’s hard for him to see pictures of his daughter and grandkids when he doesn’t really remember anything about them. Chanel understands that would be hard and apologizes for upsetting him. Paulina asks Chanel to give them a minute. Chanel says the Bakery is a mess from all their holiday orders so she can go there to do some cleaning, but Abe asks her not to go and insists that he’s okay. Chanel tells him that he doesn’t have to be okay as they get it and they are here for him. Abe doesn’t want her to miss dessert. Chanel says they have plenty at the Bakery so she’s heading there now. Chanel assures that they are thankful Abe is there. Chanel then exits.

Johnny and Holly have sandwiches for Thanksgiving dinner. Johnny helps her wipe gravy from her face as she smiles. Tate then walks in with slices of pie and says he comes with dessert as Holly looks annoyed.

Chad, Stephanie, Everett, and Julie go to the dining room. Everett thanks Julie for including him. Julie apologizes for it taking so long since Doug is still resting and the kids are playing. Stephanie says she will get the kids when the food is ready. Julie suggests they all sit at the table. Chad pulls out Julie’s chair for her while Everett does the same for Stephanie, which annoys Chad as they sit down.

Tate apologizes if he interrupted their Thanksgiving dinner as he was just hoping to talk to Holly for a minute. Johnny tells him it’s no problem and that he only brought dessert for two anyway. Johnny decides if Holly doesn’t mind, he’s going to run over to Chanel’s for dessert since Holly is no longer alone. Holly claims that’s fine. Johnny wishes them a Happy Thanksgiving and exits. Tate apologizes for his timing. Holly responds that she’s actually glad he’s here. Tate asks if that means she forgives him for acting like a total idiot the last time they saw each other. Holly responds that she does but on one condition. Holly then tells Tate that she needs him to help her break up Johnny and Chanel.

Abe hopes he didn’t do anything to make Chanel leave. Paulina assures that she’ll be fine and she’ll be back later. Paulina encourages Abe to try his pie, so he does and calls it his favorite. Paulina thinks back to the last time she kissed Abe and scared him off. Abe asks where she went. Paulina admits she was very tempted to kiss him but remembered the last time she did and what a mistake it was since she scared him off.

Julie suggests pouring the wine while waiting for the others. Chad pours Julie’s wine while Everett pours Stephanie’s. Julie gets a text from Doug, saying he’s getting some more rest so they can go ahead and enjoy the wine and that he will make a toast when he gets there. Julie asks who wants to go first. Chad and Everett speak up at the same time but Chad stands up first. Chad toasts to Julie and Doug because he wanted them to know how grateful they are for them, for their kindness, warmth, and welcoming them in to their home. Chad says he and the kids love them so much and they mean a lot to them. Julie responds that they love them too. Chad toasts to his beautiful girlfriend Stephanie, saying his life is so much better with her in it and the kids too. Chad tells her that they love her and appreciate her so much as she just means so much to them. Chad tells Stephanie that he loves her. Chad stops and imagines firing Everett from the Spectator at the table. Stephanie calls out to him so Chad guesses he zoned out and blames being exhausted from the turkey trot. Chad then toasts to his family and to new friends as he sits back down.

Abe tells Paulina that when she kissed him before, he was overwhelmed and he knows that he hurt her feelings. Paulina understands he was overwhelmed and that she was rushing him which was selfish, but she’s not going to do that anymore because it’s Thanksgiving so instead of wishing for more, she’s determined to just feel very grateful for what she has now in his wonderful company. Abe responds that he feels that way too. Abe then stops and admits that he wanted to kiss her too and he still does. Abe and Paulina then kiss.

Chanel leaves the Bakery and runs in to Johnny in the town square. Johnny says he was hoping to make it to her mom’s for dessert. Chanel says he still can but she left to give Paulina and Abe some alone time. Johnny says he’s glad he ran in to her then because she’s the one he wants to be with. Johnny apologizes for not making it for Thanksgiving dinner. Chanel repeats that it’s okay and she understands. Chanel asks how Holly is. Johnny responds that he left her in good hands.

Tate questions Holly wanting him to help her break up Johnny and Chanel. Holly responds that she’s going to make it happen whether he helps or not, but it would go a little faster with his assistance. Tate questions if she really wants to do this and points out that it’s not very nice. Tate knows she doesn’t want to hear this, but Johnny is way too old for her. Holly argues that they could’ve been friends again but declares that she’s no longer interested. Holly tells Tate to never help her again with anything and keep his stupid opinions to himself.

Chanel tells Johnny about her day at the Bakery and how a customer waited an hour for her to make ten boxes of cookies. Johnny calls it unbelievable how generous she is with her time and talents. Chanel thinks she was just in a really good mood because she knew she was seeing him for Thanksgiving as she hugs him. Johnny repeats that he’s sorry for missing Thanksgiving dinner. Chanel states that they are together now and that’s all that matters. Chanel tells him how glad she is that they found each other again. They wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving and then kiss.

Tate reluctantly agrees to help Holly but makes her apologize for saying his opinions were stupid. Holly says she was just upset but didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. Tate blows it off and says he’s over it. Tate tells Holly that she’s his friend, so he wants to see her happy. Holly hugs him and calls him the best. Holly says she will be happy and over the moon once Johnny sees how wrong Chanel is for him. Holly declares that by the time Christmas comes, Johnny will be sharing dessert with her.

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GH Transcript Thursday, November 23, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


What’s the deal? Aren’t we doing thanksgiving? Honey, you know what? I’m just not up for it this year. And it breaks my heart because you know how much I love thanksgiving. But it’s just — it’s always a disaster with the quartermaines. Oh, bite your tongue. Thanksgiving is about family. It’s — it’s — it’s about being together. Come on. We’ve got way too much to celebrate this year. And I-I love celebrating more than anybody. You know that, lolo. But not over a turkey. Not in this house. Come on. It’s gonna be great. And it’s gonna be full of surprises. Surprises? Uh-huh. What kind of surprises you talking about? Trust me, we are doing thanksgiving, and we aren’t going to as much as break a nail. Ugh. Chase, have you seen my purse?! I swear this place is a black hole. Why are you so jumpy? What’s going on? My mom has been bombarding me with texts saying we have to be early to the quartermaines. I swear, she’s planning something. Well, that sounds promising. Promising? Are you kidding me? If my mother is planning something, you better buckle up. So she’s like you, then? A whirling dervish? Are you saying I cause chaos? Absolutely. But the best kind.

[ Sighs ] Oh! Finally. Oh, my gosh, I don’t know how you put up with me.

[ Sighs ] You know, after such a roller coaster of a year, there’s still so much to be thankful for. I nailed a recording session with blaze, patched things up with maxie, dad’s back to normal, and my grandmother is — is in europe for a little while, so things are a lot more peaceful at home. Wait, you just said home. Are you — do you want to move back in to the quartermaines’? Do you want me to move out? Happy thanksgiving. Back at ya. Here. This is for you, as you requested. Oh, great. You’re a lifesaver, honey. Molly, tj, and jordan will be here soon. I tried to call molly, but I got her voicemail. Any word? Yeah. “Yes, and we’ll be there,” to be exact. Oh. She’s going through a lot after the surrogate’s miscarriage. So the important thing is just that she’s coming. She’s probably all talked out. Okay. I’m so glad to have all my girls here. Where’s your entourage? Um, scout is with drew and carly. They have all the girls. Yeah, I knew about scout, but where’s dante and the boys? They are gonna join us for dessert. Dante actually scored some really awesome tickets to a football game, and I thought it would be good for danny. It’s a nice distraction from everything that happened with charlotte. How are you feeling, sweetheart? I’m okay. Just glad to be finally home. Well, make yourself comfortable on the couch. I’ll get you a cup of tea. I like to go see my room. Yeah. Of course. Just take it easy. Well, now that she’s home and she’s physically recovered, what are you gonna do about charlotte?

[ Knock on door ] Robert: Anna!

[ Groans ] Go away. Anna. Hey, wakey, wakey. I can hear you breathing in there. You can’t hide forever. Come on. Hey.

[ Knocking continues ] Hey, it’s me. Me. You know. Come on. Wakey, wakey. Seize the day. Stuff like that there. Come on. Ye– what? What? This. Wakey, wakey. Look, the day’s started already. Just, can you… robert, I’m having a bit of a pity-party thanksgiving. Understand? I just… that’s nonsense. Come on. You’ve never been one to wallow. I happen to have something that’s gonna pull you out of your funk. No, I don’t want any more surprises in my life. None. Oh, I think you’ll want this one. Do you think ferdinand ever feels weird being the only alpaca with all the horses?

[ Chuckles ] Well, I hope he feels unique and special because he is. Do you like animals better when you’re you or you’re eddie? You know, leo, the whole time I was eddie, I was also me deep down inside. For a while, it just made more sense to forget about business, all the problems I couldn’t solve and just, you know, live for rock ‘n’ roll. Granny tracy said you’re being an arrested adolescent. Well, she isn’t completely wrong, but she isn’t completely right. Sometimes people just need a break from the pressures of life. Sometimes I just want to go bug hunting or read my books. You have a good head on your shoulders, leo. And I want you to know something. I appreciate you being so understanding. I’ll never forget my time as eddie, but I feel grateful to be just ned again.

[ Footsteps approaching ] Well, hello, gentlemen. How’s ferdinand doing? He probably wishes he was back posing for fancy pictures with you and your girlfriend, sasha. This surprise that you’re talking about — it’s animal, vegetable, or mineral? Don’t you worry about a thing. We have got it all covered. You just leave everything to us. Okay. “Us,” “us.” The “us” that you’re talking about, that’s you and who exactly? You and ned have so much to be grateful for. There is no way we’re skipping thanksgiving.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh! Ahh! Ha ha! Speak of the angel. The surprise has arrived. Come on.

[ Gasps ] Who’d have thunk I’d be back having thanksgiving with the quartermaines? Gloria! Ohh! Mission accomplished! Look, if you think high tea or a joyride in that midlife crisis motor of yours is gonna cheer me up, you have another think coming. Okay, misery guts. What’s got your knickers in a twist today? Thin ice, robert. Thin ice. Your mood — it’s as thick as a london fog. Come on, shake it off. I can’t stop thinking about charlotte. And now forsyth is dead and all the evidence against him has disappeared. I mean, every reference to him is gone. The mission reports, the blown ops — it’s all gone. So there’s no point in moping about it. I want to. I’m a bit of a mess right now, alright? Yeah, I understand. The evidence is right in front of me. You do look pathetic. I look pathetic? Yeah. Yeah, well, look, go get dressed, do your hair while you’re at it, and, you know, let’s get things going. Alright, I am going to go and get dressed, but when I come back, I’m gonna kick you out. I’ll take my chances.

[ Telephone ringing ] Uh, this is probably for me. Yeah. Already? Yeah. We’re in the room. Thank you. Feel like I’m walking on a tightrope around charlotte. I’ve messed up every step of the way. All I want to do is help her. We have all bent over backwards to protect her. Maybe it’s a little too much. What am i supposed to do? “Charlotte, would you like a pillow? By the way, I know you’ve been terrorizing anna devane”? At victor’s behest. Just remember that. I was worried when victor took her to boarding school. It never occurred to me the level to which he would manipulate her mind. It never occurred to me, either. But we have got to intervene now to break this hold that victor has over her. How do we do that without pushing her further away? Well, the first step is gonna be to bring everything out into the open, which means having a difficult conversation with charlotte. What does grandma mean “a difficult conversation”? Want you to move out? When I spent who knows how long trying to convince you to move in? I’ve loved having you here. I-I think it’s going great, don’t you? Of course I do. I didn’t bring up the subject of moving. Well, you just called the quartermaines’ home, and I don’t know, I-I guess I’m a little more insecure about our relationship than I realized. Chase, I’m sorry. I just… you know that home is where the heart is, and my heart is definitely here with you. Well, I’m glad because this place wouldn’t be the same without you. You’re just glad that you have someone to wake you up in the morning. No, I am glad for you, brook lynn. And that we finally get to be real with each other. Six months ago, we would have had this talk and we would have been tiptoeing around each other and second-guessing ourselves. And now we clear the air in, what, two minutes? Maybe two and a half. But seriously, chase, I don’t want us to ever keep secrets from each other again. Especially now that things are going so well. My dad’s back to normal — hey, don’t edit it yourself. Alright? That is your good news, and you should celebrate it. It’s just so unfair. I finally get good news about my dad, and we get terrible news about yours. Yeah, but… now that I know that my time with him is limited, we can make the most of it. Yeah, that’s what we should both do. Make the most of our time and not sweat the small stuff. And you call me the zen one. Gloria: She said you got to make the sauce a little bit sweeter. And I say you can’t tell her… what’s going on? What’s happening in there?

[ Russian accent ] You will see. Oh, nedly! Gloria?! Oh, wow. Where did you come from? Bus station. I pick her up. She just got in. You let your mother take the bus. I love taking the bus. I met so many colorful people. You see? That is our gloria. You put this woman on a bus, before you get to the next stop, she knows every person’s life story. Everybody’s got a story. Gloria, it is so wonderful to see you again. Yes, and you too. I’ll tell you what. This woman right here, she really has been a lifesaver. She’s been, like, the linchpin coming out of all the quartermaines’ chaos. My baby. The apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree. You know what? You were right, lois. This is shaping up to be a very unforgettable thanksgiving. I can’t tell you how happy I am that we get to have thanksgiving here every year. Oh, well, my contribution to the festivities. Over here, jordan. I already started pouring. So happy you found the courage to make it. Oh, you know me, sam. Never one to risk poor attendance. Hi, everyone. We just want to say that even though this is a sad and tough time for us, today is the day to focus on what we have, not what we don’t have. All of you, my family are what have gotten me through the last few days. So today I’m just grateful that we’re all here together. Hear, hear. Here. I got that one. Who needs this one? Tj, here you go. No one should be alone on thanksgiving. To family. To family. Family. Cheers. Come on over here. Enjoy. Yeah. Make yourself comfortable. -Thank you. -Thank you. Yeah.

[ Indistinct conversations ] Hey, uh, happy thanksgiving. I know you probably have, like, a million people to be with and a million things to do, but I just thought I would throw this out there. My mom is hosting thanksgiving, and I would love it if you could come. Oh, this is much better. Yeah, a roundhouse kick to your fat head would be even better. Oh, come on. Violence never got anyone anywhere. Okay. How do i get rid of you?

[ Knock on door ] Oh.

[ Sighs ] Um, you want to get that? Just don’t tell me what to do. -It’s your room. -Please. My god. What?

[ Gasps ]

[ Giggles ] Emma! Oh. If your moderate to severe crohn’s dise apologies for the delay. I know you wanted us here earlier, but chase and I, we got a little held up at our apartment. I’m sorry. No, no, not to worry. You’re here now. I thought you didn’t want to make such a big deal out of thanksgiving dinner this year. Well, things have changed. Is that what you were hinting at in all your texts? You’re not running some crazy scheme, are you? Who, me? [ Scoffs ] Gloria: Is that my brookie? Grandma?! Oh, my gosh. You kept this a secret. Oh, hey. Keep them guessing. That’s my motto. Unless the stakes are high or handsome. You must be the hunk. I guess that’s me. I’ve heard a lot about you. Only good things, mom. Yeah, well, now, how are things in the kitchen? Oh, well, they’re awaiting your magical touch. Now, listen, you’ll have to excuse us. We’re about to prepare a feast. Did you remember to get the french onions for the green beans… grandma, you’re — you’re not cooking? No. Not alone. No, my dear. No, your mother’s gonna help me. Okay, because the quartermaine thanksgiving always ends in disaster. Oh, nonsense. Ma and i have it under control. Yeah. Bye. Come on.

[ Knock on door ] Sasha. Come in. Hey. Miss sasha, can I take your coat? Thank you. Okay, so this is where the fun is, huh? Oh, wow. Somebody cleans up nice. Cody, it’s your girlfriend. So the jump from police commissioner to deputy mayor is permanent? Hmm. Well, titles aside, I’m excited to start building bridges and cutting through red tape. Jordan, this is a game changer. There are so many policies ripe for reform. Where do you even start? Actually, I can think of at least three initiatives that you might want to revisit. Hmm. There has to be a better way to address citizen concerns than codifying ordinances. Hey. You see this, right? Molly’s just, like, diving into work. It’s her coping mechanism, sam. And honestly, she could use it right now. True. Okay. And we will be there for her when she’s ready to talk. Yeah.

[ Knock on door ] I’ll get it. Wow. Emma.

[ Gasps ] What a sight for sore eyes. You look beautiful. You’re just blossoming into this stunning young woman. Grandma, you always say that. Well, it’s true. I’m still the same emma. Just taller. I missed you so much. Are your parents here? Is everything okay? Well, noah caught bronchitis, so my parents are being super cautious about it. Honestly, I’d say they’re being paranoid, so I thought, what better time for a mini adventure with my two favorite grandparents? Oh. Nicely done. Charlotte, why don’t you tell your father what you told me in the hospital? I don’t really remember. Well, you were very upset, but you told me that you believed that anna shot you intentionally. She did. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just bringing the keychain I found, and she came in and shot me. Why isn’t she in jail? Charlotte, you’ve got to believe me. Anna shooting you was a tragic mistake. No. You’re wrong, papa. No, I’m not. This is all my fault. That’s what she wants you to believe. I thought you could finally see how dangerous anna is. And that’s why you’ve done what you’ve done? What do you mean? What did I do? Charlotte, I know what you’ve been up to. ( ) Listen, what you have been doing is not only illegal, it’s cruel and it’s dangerous. Now, I know that victor told you that you needed to protect me from anna, but he lied. No. You’re wrong, papa. Grandfather was only trying to protect the family. He said I was the key to holding us together. You are the most important person in the world to me. But he’s been manipulating you. No. He said you were the one that was manipulated. And that’s why we couldn’t be together. Because of the secret work anna pushed you into. He warned me about her. Charlotte, victor was using you. He was manipulating you to hurt anna and to hurt me. He was right about anna. She’s not who everyone thinks she is. Don’t you remember when she got you arrested? They took you away from us. I was trying to scare her to save you. Charlotte, you lit a devastating fire. You could have killed somebody when you burned anna’s house. I never set fire to anna’s house. How could you even think that of me? It’s just so wonderful to have the whole family together again for a holiday. Even if monica and tracy can’t be here. Yeah, it’s too bad monica is busy with that conference in germany. She seems to be enjoying herself. She had very complimentary things to say about the doctors and… you are a million miles away right now, aren’t you? You replaying the spat that you had with drew and michael about elq? What? They won’t shut me out. Ned, it was a very difficult time. You — you were off the grid. Nobody knew what to do. You’re right. It just feels like I’m playing catch-up. But today, let’s just put the world on hold. And I’m going to focus on you and my family. Mom! Mom! Hey. You won’t believe what ferdinand did when I fed him.

[ Laughs ] Oh. What? Sasha. Hey, what leo said earlier about you being my girlfriend, that… kids, right? Relax, cody. It’s all good. Are you sure? Because I-I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I’m happy to make my excuses if this is awkward. No, no. We agreed to work together. Let’s just enjoy the holiday and not make it about us. Alright. Sasha, maxie sent me some shots from the spring photo shoot. They are incredible. Yeah. It was — it was a lot of fun. Especially for ferdinand. Yeah, well, you had it easy. You were in your street clothes. Yeah, but I did have to clean up ferdi’s little…accidents. Tmi, cody. Well, dinner is on track. It already smells amazing. Chase, I haven’t smelled real thanksgiving food in this house since the ’90s. Eh, don’t jinx it. Oh, ye of little faith. Oh, ye of little faith. Jinx!

[ Laughter ] Who are those gorgeous young lovers over there? Do you know? Terry, missing you like a bear miss honey.

Da. How is the conference? Eh, is good we work if we can’t be together. Yes. This family is crazy, but good crazy. Happy thanksgiving to you as well. Pumpkin ice cream. I thought it was appropriate for the occasion. You didn’t have to bring anything. We’re just glad you’re here. I know, but I wanted to. And these are beautiful. My mom’s going to love them. No, those are for you… to thank you for saving me. My family’s in puerto rico visiting my abuela, and work’s keeping me here. So my thanksgiving was going to be a takeout salad and endless hours of true-crime podcasts. Well, hi. I’m so glad you could make it. Happy thanksgiving. Thank you. Thank you for having me. A pleasure. Blaze brought that pumpkin ice cream we love so much. Ooh. Alright, well, I’ll go put that in the freezer. Tj: Aunt stella has really been after me lately about picking a medical specialty. Well, stella’s tough-love lectures are legendary. Yeah, her heart’s in the right place. I couldn’t have managed without her lately. My mom’s alzheimer’s never changed how much we love her. Sasha, I have seen you on every one of your appearances on “home & heart” and that stunt with the baby noise, oh, that was something. Especially when you came back for the second time. You should have seen cody. He was about to streak across the stage to shut it down. Ooh, I would have loved to have seen that. Ma! Kids. What’s streaking? Um… is it like sparklers on 4th of july? Bingo. Let’s all just stick with that definition, okay? Sasha, you have a knight in shining armor there. I would have given that “haven de vil” a piece of my mind. That I’d pay to see. Are you gonna come live with cody at the stables like my big sister lives with chase? Chase: Whoa! Hold your horses, buddy. Cody and sasha just started their relationship. It’s too soon to make a big decision like that. Exactly. You got to let cupid work his magic. Gloria, I cut the onions. Oh, you’re a pet, yuri. I got to go check that bird. Okay. Oh, drum roll, please. This I got to see. If I wasn’t smelling it, I wouldn’t believe it. Turkey at the q’s? Unheard of. Leo: We had turkey last year. Except mr. Wattle wrecked the table. Really? Mm-hmm. I let him out of his cage, and he ended up pulling down the tablecloth and breaking all the dishes. Maybe he knew the table was already set and he was supposed to be the entree.

[ Laughter ]

[ Door closes ] Charlotte, I love you, but I need the truth. Didn’t you talk to nina? She believes me. I didn’t burn anna’s house. It’s time for honesty. Your grandmother and i are here for you. We’re not against you. But victor took advantage of your vulnerabilities. We’re not gonna allow that to continue. Grandfather was only trying to protect the family. And he was right about anna. You know, grandma. She shot me on purpose. Charlotte, your father and i have had our share of run-ins with victor. So believe us, honey, believe us when we say that he is manipulating you. He’s taking advantage of your youth, honey, and he’s exploiting your innocence. I’m not some dumb little kid. No, no, you’re not. You’re extremely intelligent. And your grandfather knew that. But, listen, I know how he’s been manipulating you. I have seen the letter you hid in your french encyclopedia. I’ve seen the tarot cards that were not given to you by a friend. They were given to you by victor. You went through my stuff? What’s the deal with valentin? We’re done. He knows this? Yeah. He knows. Would you tell me all about your internship at berkeley? Well, the particle astrophysics center — it was insane… in a good way. We’re running experiments on dark matter and cosmic rays. Okay, I don’t understand any of that. It sounds very complex. Hardly seems like a gap year. It’s not a break. It’s a stepping stone. The lab is just a gold mine of experience. I couldn’t pass it up. Bosons, buckyballs. Gobbledygook. Yeah. That’s it. You’re too practical for particle physics. Yes, but not too particular about physical practice, huh? Oh, wow. Well, your dad jokes would fit in right at the lab. Hey! But none of my colleagues have action grandparents like you two. “Action grandparents,” that’s what I like. Aww. You were quite the showstopper at the nurse’s ball, tj. Look who’s talking. With brook lynn as your manager now, you’re gonna be bigger than you already are. I can attest. I was at the studio with this one, and she’s incredible. You’re being there probably energized the performance. Having an audience always adds something special. Glad I could be of service.

[ Laughter ]

[ Timer dings ] Oh. The gravy. Excuse me. Tj… have you chosen a medical specialty yet? You know, I have. After careful consideration, I’m leaning towards neurology. The brain has always been like a puzzle that I want to solve. I used to be all about psychology. The software, so to speak. These days, I’m really drawn to the hardware. That’s great. It’s an important field. Sure is.

[ Cellphone ringing ] See? No need to worry. We got a 5-star meal all ready to go. Oh, gloria, that smells amazing. H-here’s to “auld lang syne.” Oh, ma, no. That’s new year’S. Well, we’re here with friends…reunited. Yeah. And nothing’s gonna go wrong. Ah, there you are. Hiding out. Huh? Yeah. I needed a breather. I’m sorry for going awol. It’s all good, you know? The q’s can be a little much. And then there’s gloria. It’s not about us or what people say or think. I can handle that. Yeah, I’m sensing there’s a “but” in there? It’s just that last time this year with liam and brando… life looked so different. It feels like I’m staring at a fading photograph and…everyone else just moves on like it’s nothing. Sasha… you’re so strong. It’s amazing that you’re still standing. See? That’s just it, cody. Whenever people praise me or make it seem like I’m some kind of survivor… …it makes me feel disloyal, like I’m leaving them behind. Your family is really something. Yeah, they’re, uh — they’re pretty great. Mother can be infuriating, particularly when she’s right. But I wouldn’t trade her for the world. That’s how it is with family. They can drive you crazy. Correction. Mine do drive me crazy, but I can’t live without them. I’m really glad you’re here. Here you are. Thank you. Take that.

[ Both chuckle ] Escape to mother nature, huh? Yeah. Just needed to reconnect with something real. Foliage this year… I just never really appreciated these colors. Yeah. You know, sometimes nature has its way of resetting us. Yeah. It’s been quite a year. I’ve been so engrossed in the idea of starting a family, I haven’t really paid attention to much else. There you two are. I am gonna go check on the meal. Whoa, whoa, wait, wait. Tj and — and molly are out there. Have I ever told you how…proud I am of you?

[ Chuckles ] You, my toughest critic? Yeah. Go on. I just… I see your potential. You’re a visionary. And I could go on and on. Whoa. Never thought of myself as a visionary. Why don’t you just smile and nod your head and say, “you’re right, sam”? You’re right, sam. I only wanted to protect you, papa. Grandfather believed in me, and I hoped you would, too. No, no, no, no, leave her alone. You gave an awful lot for her to think about. She’s just so passionate about defending victor. She’s a teenager. Everything feels like life and death right now. And, you know, as much as she loves you, she is rebelling against you. You spent a lot of time apart from her, and she can’t be angry at you, so she put all of that on anna, and then victor just played her perfectly. My father continues to pull strings from beyond the grave. We’ll get her through this. I promise you that. Your father will not win. Now, listen, I really hate to leave the two of you alone right now, but I have to go. I’m supposed to make an appearance at the municipal parade, and I’ve got to go pick up esme and ace before I do. Go, we’ll be fine. Okay. I really am sorry about it, though. Laura… thank you.

[ Door closes ]

[Coughing] Copd isn’t pretty. Everything is on track, and you showing up was just icing on the cake. You channeling nonna ginger and her cooking sherry, are we? You know, why don’t you let this old broad just enjoy her two babies today, alright? It’s a day to celebrate. I-I — look, I’m — I’m not complaining. It’s just, you know, I-I’m still surprised that you canceled on aunt frannie in canarsie. You never do that. Well, I heard that you were gonna come see brookie. I couldn’t resist it, so I horned in. Yeah. Okay. I just, you know, it’s fine. It just — it gave us the perfect opportunity to save the day. Okay, look, you go rally the troops because your mama’s got a little more magic she’s got to conjure up. Okay. Alright, you know what? You’re not just a card. You’re the whole deck, ma. Yeah. Bye, noah. Love you. Bye, noah. Bye, noah. Love you. Oh, my goodness. Noah’s really starting to look like your dad, right? Oh, oh, wait.

[ Mumbling ] I think he has just the right amount of scorpio je ne sais quoi about him. That’s just wishful thinking. Anyway, look, I hope you two have left some room for food. I happen to have us a reservation at the hotel restaurant upstairs for a thanksgiving dinner, including extra cranberry sauce. Alright, dinner is almost ready. But before I put the feast on the table, I just really wanted to thank all of you for showing up. It’s been quite a year. A seesaw, right, with exhilarating highs and excruciating lows. And somehow we’ve managed to stick together through all of it. And I am profoundly grateful for that. And, no, I am not gonna make any saccharine, greeting-card sentiments because, quite frankly, they annoy me. But I do want to say that, you know, life doesn’t pull any punches, and sometimes people have to fight for every scrap of joy they get. Because of that fight, we need to cherish every single moment. So… I would like to make a toast. Here’s to the davis family… past…present… and future. -To family. -To family. Mm-hmm. I’ve never really had closure. And now suddenly, I’m back in normal life trying to put it back together one step at a time. Inviting anyone else into this mess, it’s — it’s too much. Yeah. No, I-I-I get it. You need your space to heal. I’m not here to make things more complicated. And you’re sure you’re okay with this? Even if there are no guarantees where it will lead? I’m more than okay. [ Chuckles ] I promise. Like, no ulterior motives. Promise. Everyone says that brando would want me to go on with my life, and I know that he would. I just haven’t quite figured out how. Well, going on doesn’t mean forgetting. Brando and liam — you’ll always have them in your heart and you’ll figure out the next steps. And what everyone else thinks doesn’t really matter, does it, ferdinand? Is everybody ready? We’re gonna be serving in a few minutes. Oh, trust me, you haven’t lived until you taste my ma’s onion stuffing. Well, that sounds like the cue to make our way into the dining room. Wouldn’t it be something if, for once, everything actually went smoothly? Miracles are possible, you know? Amen to that. I could just see edward’s face. We have finally gotten rid of the quartermaine curse. Ma! Shh! What?! Lois, you may have just summoned the family gremlins according to my superstitious wife and daughter. Oh. Pish-posh.

[ Smoke alarm beeping ] Oh! Here we go again. Gloria: It’s the alarm. The alarm. Uh…

[ Beeping continues ]

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Days Transcript Thursday, November 23, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


Well, Dad, you were right.

I was right? Say that again. I was right. Hold on. That’s a first.

Look, I wasn’t–

What was I right about?

I wasn’t thrilled about coming in here early to prepare all those meals for the homeless shelter, but now that we’ve delivered them, it does feel pretty good.

Mm, yeah, it does feel pretty good. And you know what we have? We have two extra turkey dinners and two giant slices of pumpkin pie. So what do you say? You want to have a feast with your old man?

Yeah, yeah, sounds fun.


I was just coming in to set the table. But look at this! Oh, you’ve got it all done.

Well, you wouldn’t let me anywhere near the kitchen, and I had to do something to help. I know how excited you are to have Abe over for Thanksgiving.

Oh, I am. But I’m not the only one with good reason to give thanks when it comes to romantic prospects, am I?

Oh, yeah, Gio and me, yeah, we are all good.

Yet you say that with that very telltale little frown on your face. Well, what is it, baby?

It’s nothing.

It’s always nothing until it’s something now. Darling, come on. Talk to me.

I’m just worried that some other girl is trying to catch my man’s eye.

[soft dramatic music]

Holly, hey.

You look nice.

Thanks, I’m headed over to Chanel’s for Thanksgiving dinner. Hey, look, Holly, I know, all right, I know this is a really tough time for you. It’s a tough time for all of us.

I’m fine.

Are you sure about that?

No, I’m not. I’m not fine at all.


There you are.


Check this out.

Whoa, what is that?

Thomas was worried that you may not win the Salem Turkey Trot, so he and Charlotte made you your own trophy.

Oh, that’s so sweet.

Well, don’t tell them I showed you. They want to present it to you themselves, of course. But they’re in their room playing a very challenging glow-in-the-dark puzzle.

OK. Thank you for this and for bringing them to cheer me on.

We were proud to support you, especially for such a good cause. I’m sure you raised a lot of money for the food bank.

I heard it was a windfall. Hey!


All right. I have to go shower real quick.

Yeah. Oh, and I heard from Julie. She and Doug said that we can go over to Thanksgiving dinner at about :, so we’re fine on time.

[phone ringing] Gwen Rizczech? Why is she calling Chad?


Happy Thanksgiving.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So you think little Holly has it bad for Johnny, huh?

Oh, a major crush that she is terrible at hiding.

Well, aside from the age difference, I mean, aren’t those two related somehow?

Yeah, his dad and her mom just recently got married, so they’re technically step-siblings, but they’re not related by blood obviously.

Well, you and Johnny do have a history of being two sides of a triangle.

No, no, this is nothing like me and Johnny and Allie or me and Johnny and Wendy. This is definitely not serious.

Mm, well, you’re looking pretty glum about it.

Well, that’s just because things with me and Johnny have been going so well lately, and given how complicated they were before, I just don’t want a repeat of that.

Mm-hmm, that is understandable.

Yeah, and even if it is just silly and will never amount to anything, I– I don’t need some angsty teenage girl looking at my boyfriend with puppy-dog eyes and staring daggers at me.

[soft dramatic music]


It’s just– it’s so sad what happened to your mom and my dad, just them losing their baby the way they did. It’s–

Yeah, it really is. You know, I just wish we would have at least gotten to meet him, our baby brother.

Yeah, me, too.

Oh. Well, you should probably go. I don’t want to make you late to Thanksgiving dinner with your girlfriend.


[clears throat] What about you? Do you have any plans for tonight?

Oh, well, your dad’s at the hospital with my mom. I think Kristen took Rachel out. Stefan’s visiting Gabi in prison, so it looks like I have no plans.

Well, you do now.

Happy Thanksgiving. Who are you? What are you doing in my dining room?

Your husband, Doug, let me in. He–he didn’t tell you?

Obviously, not.

[laughs] I’m so sorry. I’m Everett Lynch. I’m the new editor at “The Spectator,” and I’m here to tell your story.

My story?

Yes, I’m– I’m new in town, see? And I saw Tom and Alice Horton’s plaque in the square, so I know that the Horton family is a Salem institution, and that you and your husband are the living matriarch and patriarch of this city. I’d love to do a feature on you both for the paper.

[groovy music]

I am surprised.

Why is that?

Because the last feature you did in your newspaper was on Leo Stark, who deserves to be in an institution.

Ah, I see.

And you went to great lengths to glorify his crimes in that feature article. And now you appear on Thanksgiving, full of all this hubris and absolutely sure that my husband and I will want to give you an interview and fulfill your vision, whatever it is. Well, we’re not going to, not a word, not a word to print about us in your paper. In fact, I’m planning on canceling my subscription.

I understand.

No, no, I don’t think you do, Mr. Lynch. “The Spectator” has been going steadily downhill ever since it was stolen by Xander Cook and his little Gwen from my cousin, Jennifer, and her lovely husband, Jack Deveraux. If you ask me, the only thing that’s gonna save that paper from utter ruin is a new regime, new ownership that cleans house.

Tell you what. I might not have won the Turkey Trot, but I just set the record for fastest shower in the world.

Oh, ooh-ooh. Wow. Well, you missed a call.

Huh? Oh, OK, thank you.

It’s from my cousin, Gwen.

Oh, yeah.

The caller ID popped up. I just happened to see it. Chad, why is she calling you? I thought you hated her.

I do. I–I don’t know why she’s calling me.

Um, you don’t have any curiosity about the message she left? I know I do.

[dramatic music]

[soft dramatic music]

[phone beep]


She was just, um– she was just calling to wish Thomas a happy birthday. She knows his birthday’s tomorrow because when she was his nanny, you know, they– they got– they got pretty close so…

Um, finish getting ready. I’ll go see what’s going on.

[phone beeps]

[phone ringing]

Hey, it’s Chad. Yeah, no, the contracts are signed. I’ll have the money transferred as soon as the banks are open tomorrow. Hey, thank you for selling me your half of “The Spectator.” Remember, I need you to keep this to yourself. Because I told you, Gwen, I don’t want Stephanie finding out why I’m doing this, to get Everett Lynch out of our lives.

My first instinct was to distance the paper from Leo Stark, but PR advised against it. As you may know, “Lady Whistleblower” is very popular.

Of course, it’s popular. The writing is dreadful, and there’s no moral integrity there.

Well, I will admit, Mrs. Williams, I’m still finding my footing. I’m hoping that an article extolling the virtues that you and your husband embody might provide some balance there. I assure you that I am committed to restoring Jack Deveraux and Jennifer Horton’s legacy and to making “The Spectator” a respected institution.

I choose to believe you. There’s something about your face. It makes me want to believe you.


What? Wow, someone was hungry. You want the rest of mine or?

No, thanks, I’m meeting Mom later for another dinner.


Hey, I’m a teenager. You’ve got to feed us more than most.

[phone beeps]

Trust me. I’m aware of that. Oh, it’s a reminder from your grandmother, Marlena. My dad is out of town on a case, so I will be having my second dinner with her.

Save me some leftovers, OK?

Oh, yeah, absolutely, because you’re gonna be starving after your two turkey dinners.

Yeah, you never know.

Hey, Tate, do you mind if I give Nicole a quick text? With the accident and her losing her baby, it’s been awful. I’ve been thinking about her all day.

Yeah. Yeah, no, it’s the worst.

Have you reached out to Holly?

Uh, I think Holly would prefer it if I gave her a little space right now.

Well, darling, as much as I know it’s no fun to have another woman, or should I say girl in this case, looking at your man with puppy-dog eyes, you need to remember that Johnny DiMera is beyond lucky to have you. If he doesn’t get that, and if he ever makes puppy-dog eyes back at that girl, well, you better set that fella straight.

Oh, I will.

[phone rings]

Well, and here he is now.

[sighs] Hey, you.

Chanel, hey, listen, I really– I hate to do this, but I’m afraid I’m not gonna be able to make Thanksgiving with you at your mom’s.

What? Why not?

Well… Holly is here alone, and she’s really upset about the baby, and maybe you and I can hang out later?

Yeah, yeah, maybe. And, hey, I totally get it.

I knew you would.

Why wouldn’t I? You’re a good guy. So, of course, you’re gonna be there for your family when they’re hurting. You have a really big heart, and that’s one of the things I love most about you. And Holly, I know that she’s– she needs you right now. So it’s just–

It’s just what?


Chanel, what is it?

It’s–it’s nothing. Give my condolences to Holly, please.

I will. And, again, I’m– I’m really sorry for tonight. Please apologize to your mom for me as well.

I will.

OK. I’ll call you later.

You better.

[phone beeps]

Well, hello, Chanel.

Hey, Abe. Happy Thanksgiving.

Oh, and to you. You know, I see there are four places set here. So does that mean your boyfriend is gonna join us?

Oh, he was supposed to, but something came up.

[soft dramatic music]

Johnny, you really didn’t have to do that. I’d be OK here alone.

No, it’s OK. Chanel was very understanding. And I’ll make it up to her and her mom, so it’s no big deal.

Are you sure?

Yes, I’m sure, OK? And, hey, I know my dad gave cook the day off. So why don’t you and I head over to the kitchen and see what we can throw together for Thanksgiving dinner? Mm?

Yeah, let’s do it.

When Nicole went missing, I was trying to comfort Holly, but I sort of misread the moment.

Mm, how so?

We were close, close enough to kiss. so I kind of asked her if that’s what was happening.

But it wasn’t, right?

I was just– I was just trying to make her feel better. You know, I’m not completely clueless. Like, I don’t know. I didn’t make any big moves or anything. It’s just women can be hard to read, right?

[laughs] Yes, son, it never gets any easier. Trust me.

I tried sending her a few texts, but she’s ghosting me so…

Mm, the old ghosting thing. Maybe you should do more than text. You know, maybe you should actually call her. It’s this weird thing that we do. You actually take the phone, and you call the person. You can actually talk to them.


We did it in the olden days.

I don’t think–

And it works.

I don’t think she’s gonna pick up.

Well, my advice to you is to not give up because you are a great kid, and she is a great girl, and I think, especially now, she could use somebody to– to lean on.

Yeah. Yeah, you’re probably right, especially now.

As long as you respect her boundaries, Tate.

Dad, I told you. Though it seemed like she wanted me to kiss her, I didn’t.

All right. Hey, listen, I’m– I’m no better at navigating relationships than you are. Trust me. And, honestly, if you don’t think that she wants to take your call, I think a nice gesture would be to take those two beautiful pieces of your great-grandmother Caroline’s pumpkin pie and offer them to her.

Yeah. Yeah, that’s actually a great idea.

[soft acoustic music]

I’m so glad you’re both here. I am thankful.

As are we.

Well, where’s Tommy? Where’s little Charlotte? Where are they?

They are outside playing with the swing. They didn’t touch the thing when we lived here, and now they’re fighting over it.

Oh, of course. I’m so glad we have the big fence around there, so they’re perfectly safe in the backyard.

Yeah, not for long. I mean, we can see them out there for now at least.

Well, it looks like there’s been a cease fire. I told Thomas to let his little sister go first, and he agreed.

Well, that’s because she bribed them and told them they didn’t have to eat vegetables with their dinner.

It’s a holiday.

Yeah, it’s a holiday. How about the adults don’t have to eat the broccoli casserole?

Great, I’m relieved. But we are still eating pie, right, because the kids made this. I helped just a little bit.

Oh, darling, thank you. I’m sure it’s delicious. You will help me bring the food in from the kitchen when it’s dinner time?

I assume Doug’s in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

Well, actually, he’s taking a little nap. Running that Turkey Trot really exhausted him today.


I’m jealous. I’m actually pretty worn out myself.

Well, it’s a wonderful cause, and I’m so proud of both of you for participating. He’ll be down for dessert. Of course, if I tell him that he doesn’t have to eat the broccoli, he might come down for the main course.


Everything is going smoothly in the kitchen. Oh! Hey, Steph, Chad, Happy Thanksgiving.

[soft dramatic music]

Everett, hey.

[soft dramatic music]

I’ve invited Everett to join us for Thanksgiving dinner. He has no family here in Salem, so tonight we’re his family.

And, um, you two know each other?

From a previous life maybe. But, no, we just met. I came here to ask Mrs. Williams if she and Doug would be willing to do a profile for “The Spectator.” And she’s just been so kind and welcoming.

And he’s been very helpful in the kitchen, regaling us with stories of his early days in journalism, a very charming fellow, charming.

Chad, why don’t you and Everett go check on the turkey? I’ll help Julie out here.

Well, we–we both have– why do we both have to check on the turkey?

You could put the side dishes in the warming oven for me. They’re sitting right there on the counter. Would you do that for me?

Yes, yes, um, we will do that.

Yeah, we’re gonna do that, no problem.

I’m so sorry. Are you upset because I invited that man to– to dinner? I had no– I’m sorry.

Well, actually, he and I not only worked together.

Yeah, he told me that.

He’s also my ex-boyfriend.

Oh, wow. He didn’t share that little fact.


Well, I assume the break-up was amicable.

It was an abrupt and confusing break-up, but that’s a different story for a different day. Cutting back to the present, Everett is a nice guy. I just don’t think that he’s convinced that I’ve moved on with Chad.

Oh, I see. Well, that can be very difficult for you, even more difficult for Chad. I’m so sorry, darling. I had no idea. But I don’t see how I can possibly ask him to leave now.

Oh, God, no, you can’t. You can’t.

So–so Thanksgiving dinner this year will be…

[chuckles] Awkward.


Oh, boy, those are the best buttermilk biscuits I have ever had.

Did you make them, Chanel?

No, Mama, this was all her cooking. I learned from the best.

Oh, I tell you, everything was just delicious. Thank you so much, Paulina.

Oh, it was my pleasure, Abraham. I’m just–I’m just so very glad you could join us.

Well, I tell you, this was a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving Day.


And, Chanel, what have you been up to?

Well, I just got back from Maryland. I went to visit Lani. And, of course, I stopped by to see Eli and the twins. And, oh, my god, Jules and Carver, they have gotten so big. And you know I took lots of pictures. Here, just swipe right to see them all.

All right. Oh, my, look at those beautiful children. Oh, and the smiles there.

[sighs] Thank you. Thank you for showing me those pictures. I–um, I don’t want to see anymore.

Well, Abraham, are you OK?

Yeah, it’s just really hard for me to see pictures of my daughter and– and grandkids when I really don’t remember anything about them from before.

Oh, of course, of course, that would be hard. I am so sorry, Abe. I didn’t mean to upset you.

Honey, give us a minute. OK, you know what? Actually, the bakery is a mess from all the orders that we filled for the holiday. So I’m just gonna head over there to do a little bit of cleaning.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, Chanel, please, please, don’t go. I’m OK really.

You don’t have to be OK for me or for Mama. We get it, OK? And we’re here for you.

I don’t want you to miss your dessert.

Oh, no, we have plenty of dessert at the bakery. So I am just gonna head there now, OK? But we are so thankful that you’re here.

Oh, thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving. Mwah.

OK, baby.

See you guys later.


Mm, so this is what you call Thanksgiving on a bun, huh?

Oh, yeah. So you got your turkey, your gravy, your stuffing, and your cranberry sauce.

It looks kind of messy.

What, you can’t handle it, Jonas?

I can handle anything you got, DiMera.



Oh, you, uh–

Well, it’s messy, but it’s really good.

Here, you’ve got a little bit of– you’ve got some gravy right there.

Oh, my God, it’s so embarrassing.

Ah, don’t worry. It’s not like I’m gonna take a pic and post it on social media.

I’d kill you if you did. Um, did I get it all?

Ah, almost. You missed a spot right… There. Got it.

Hey, there. I–I come bearing dessert.

Well, I’m so glad we’re all here together.

Thank you, Mrs. Williams.

Julie, please.

Julie, I am– I’m so grateful and surprised to have been included in this celebration.

I’m sorry it’s taking so long. Doug is still resting. The children still seem to be playing.

Right, well, I’ll go get them when it’s ready.

Great, great.

Great, great.


Why don’t we all sit down?



Well, we should do that.


Yeah. Here, I got that.

Oh, thank you.

Oh. Thank you.

I’m sorry. Is this seat taken?


[tense music]

[chuckles] OK. Yeah.

Sorry if I interrupted your Thanksgiving dinner. I was just hoping to talk to Holly for a minute.

Yeah, no, no worries. It looks like you only brought enough dessert for two anyway.

Pumpkin pie.

Well, great. Then if that’s the case, Holly, if you don’t mind, I might run over to Chanel’s house and have my pie with them since you are no longer–

Yeah, yeah, no, that’s– that’s totally fine, mm-hmm.

OK, awesome. Well, Happy Thanksgiving, guys.

Happy Thanksgiving. I’m sorry. It seems like I’m the master of bad timing.

You know, actually, I’m glad you’re here.

Yeah? Does–does that mean you forgive me for acting like a total idiot the last time we saw each other?

I do but on one condition.

Name it.

[soft dramatic music]

I need you to help me break up Johnny and Chanel.

You know, I hope I didn’t do anything to make your daughter leave.

Chanel will be fine. She’ll be back later. Now, how about you try your pie? Come on, eat it.


All right, let’s see here. Mm, mmm. Wow!


Right? It’s my favorite.

Well, then it’s my favorite now, too.



What–what the hell? What the hell is going on? Paulina, where did you go?

I was just– I was just thinking about back to when–

What? Just tell me, tell me.

Well, I– I was very tempted to kiss you just now, and then I remembered the last time I did. Well, what a mistake it was, how I scared you off.

Well, while we’re waiting for the others, let’s pour the wine.


[phone beeps] Here you go.

Thanks, darling.

That good?

OK. Oh, Doug has texted me that he was not coming down right now. He needs a little more rest, and he says go ahead. Enjoy the wine, make some toasts, and he’ll come down and make one of his own when he gets here. So who wants to go first?

Well, I would just like to say–

Yeah, I’ll say something. Yeah.

[sighs] To you, Julie, and to Doug, to whom I will repeat this when he comes down, but I just wanted you to know how grateful we are for you and Doug for your kindness and your warmth, for welcoming us into your home, me and Thomas and Charlotte.

[tender music] You’re just–we love you so much, and we are just so grateful for you, and– and you mean a lot to us.

We love you, too.

And… to my beautiful girlfriend, Stephanie, my life is so much better with you in it. My kids, too. And I know I don’t tell you this enough, but we love you very much, and we appreciate you so much, and you just mean so much to us. I love you. And to Everett, our new editor-in-chief of “The Spectator,” who has held the position for about five whole minutes.


A little longer than that.

Yeah, yeah.

I would just like to say, before you continue, Chad, that I am so grateful to have the chance to do what it takes, with Stephanie’s help, of course, to restore the reputation of your late wife’s family’s newspaper.

Right. Well, that is very noble of you. It’s just a shame you’re not gonna be able to do that.

[tense music]

Chad, what are you talking about?

What? Oh, well, I’ve got some breaking news for you, Lynch. I just bought half of “The Spectator,” and my first act as co-owner is to fire your ass.

[tense music]

Chad, Chad, you said you were gonna make a toast.

Um, yeah, right, sorry. I think I just zoned out a little bit. I must be a little bit dehydrated from the Turkey Trot. Uh, uh, to my wonderful family, who I am deeply grateful and to new friends.

Thanks, man.

Yeah, you’re welcome.

[clears throat]

[soft dramatic music]

You know, when you kissed me before, I was overwhelmed. And I know that I hurt your feelings.

Oh, no, it is understandable that you were feeling overwhelmed. I was rushing you, which was selfish. But I’m not going to do that anymore because this is Thanksgiving, and so instead of just wishing for more, I’m– I’m determined to just feel so very grateful for what I have now. You’re wonderful company.

Well, good, I feel that way, too.

[both chuckle]

Ooh, what, what is it? Lime too sour?

No, no, no, I just– oh, I’m just–

You’re just what?

Earlier, when you wanted to kiss me… I wanted to kiss you too.

[tender music]

You did?

I did. And I still do.

[clears throat] Chanel, hey, I was, uh– I was hoping to make it over to your mom’s for dessert.

Hey, Johnny. Well, you still can. I’m not there obviously. I left to give Mom and Abe some alone time.

Well, then I am glad that I ran into you because you’re the one I want to be with.


[chuckles] I’m really sorry that I couldn’t make it over to your mom’s for Thanksgiving dinner.

Oh, it’s OK. I told you I understand. How’s Holly?

I left her in good hands.

[dramatic music]

Are you serious? You really want me to help you break up Johnny and Chanel?

I’m gonna make it happen whether you help me or not. It’ll just go a little faster with your assistance.

But are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean, first of all, it’s not a very nice thing to do. And also, Holly, I know you don’t want to hear this, but Johnny is like way too old for you.

You know what? I said we could be friends again but never mind. I’m not interested anymore so don’t ever help me with anything, and you can keep your stupid opinions to yourself.

So this guy, he comes into Sweet Bits five minutes before closing and says he wants to order one more box of Italian cookies to the ten, yes, ten boxes that he’s already ordered.

Ten boxes of cookies?

Yes, and so I tell him, you know, I’m sorry, but we’re all out. And then he says, “Oh, I don’t mind waiting.”

Wow, well, I hope you told him no.

I didn’t. I mean, he’s a good customer, right? So I didn’t want to disappoint him, so I went in to make another batch, and he sits out here, and he waits. and it takes me about an hour because I still luckily had some dough left from earlier.

Honestly, I can’t believe you did that. That’s, wow.



Yeah, wait, wait, wait. I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. So I box them up, right? I box them up, and then I come out. And then he’s still sitting there with three empty boxes.


Yes, the guy had, like, cookies in, like, an hour.


[laughing] And the craziest part about the whole thing is that he didn’t say a word about it. He just pays me and goes.


Mm-hmm. He had a serious sweet tooth, right?

No, no, I’m talking about you. Just you’re so generous with your time and with your talents.

Yeah, not always. I think I was just in a really good mood because I knew I was gonna be seeing you for Thanksgiving.

Ah, OK. Look, I–I really am sorry that I missed Thanksgiving dinner with your mom.

Hey, don’t be. We’re together now, and that’s all that matters. And I don’t know if I tell you enough how glad I am that we found each other again and how much I love our time together.

Yeah, I love it, too. Happy Thanksgiving, Chanel.

Happy Thanksgiving, Johnny.

[tender music]


OK what? You’ll help me bust them up, Johnny and Chanel?

First, you need to apologize for saying my opinions are stupid.

Yeah, fine, I’m sorry. I was just disappointed, you know? I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

Yeah, well, you did so– but it’s fine, whatever, I’m over it.

Good, I’m glad. OK, so you’ll help me, right? I mean, you’ll do it?

I said I would, didn’t I? I’m your friend, Holly. I want to see you happy.

[squeals] Tate, you are the best. And you know what? I will be happy. In fact, I’m gonna be over the moon once Johnny sees how wrong Chanel is for him. And then by the time Christmas comes, he’ll be sharing dessert with me.

[tense music]

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