Y&R Best Lines Friday, November 10, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: I was getting ready to show Chloe and sally the apartment and then, you know, sally, she started asking me if I had any general, like, design ideas.

Lily: You mean besides the poker table and folding chairs?

Daniel: Yeah, those. And then heather and Lucy, they just showed up at the door. I mean, I didn’t even know that they were back in town and there they were, you know. I guess Lucy wanted to surprise me and then well they succeeded on that. But, um, I mean, there was nothing planned about it. You know, I– I was hoping that you would be back from your meeting with Devon and we could talk to sally, talk about her ideas over dinner.


Nina: Hi, honey. Oh, how are you doing? I just talked to your doctor. She said you’re gonna be just fine.

Chance: Yeah, of course I am. I take after my mother. I’m tough. Nothing can bring me down.

Nina: Ah, I love you. Now, what the hell is wrong with you, putting your mother through this? Oh. Oh, are you okay?

Chance: Hey. No, no, no. No crying. No crying. I can’t deal with the crying.

Nina: What do you expect? We’ve been through this before. You know, I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.

Chance: I know.

Nina: And you know, this job, it may not be too dangerous for you, but it’s definitely too dangerous for me.

Chance: Hey, look at me. I’m fine. Okay, I’m good as new.

Nina: Geez.

Chance: That’s a promise. Come on.


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