Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, November 21, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Kyle: That I would throw my aunt under the bus to show whose side I’m on.

Audra: It was a dirty move. Sneaky, even. I’m impressed.

Tucker: I see. Dirty and sneaky Kyle Abbott.

[Chuckles, snorts] I didn’t think you had it in you.


Kyle: You want to weaken the company without destroying it beyond repair. That requires intel only someone from the inside can deliver. Timing is everything.

Audra: Hmm. He makes a good point.

Kyle: And I don’t trust you. Either of you. No offense.

Audra: None taken.

Kyle: Look, you’re hurt. Part of you wants to hurt back. You want to punish Ashley and all the people important to her. My family. I can see that.

Tucker: Cool. Did you get that from your freshman psychology class? I know more about you than you think, Kyle. I always will. Don’t forget that. So, just so we understand, you are joining us, yes?

Kyle: Well, I’m not gonna let you burn it down out of spite. But I want to run the company, and this is the only way that’s going to happen. So, yes, I am in.

Tucker: Very good. I’m glad you found some clarity.


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