Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nate: I take comfort in the fact that I don’t have to work with you any more. That is a significant silver lining.

Adam: Oh, yeah, your shirts. They’re still at the dry cleaners, so you’re going to have pick them up now that I’m not your assistant any more.

Nate: Point taken.

Adam: Hmm? Oh, no, I’m just getting started. I mean, I feel like there’s a giant weight that’s been lifted off my shoulders. I don’t know what to do with myself now that I’m not responsible for your– your emails and your schedule–

Nate: You’re annoying as hell, but I’ve got to hand it to you. You took a risk, made a play and ended up surviving.

Adam: You mean when I told my father not to trust you when you were gonna ship him off to treatment?


Adam: Look, I understand victor’s aim. He was trying to uncover bad intentions, which you clearly had.

Nate: When I believed your father was sick, I wanted him to receive the best care and attention possible. That’s why I pushed for the suggestion I made. You know, I wonder if things really paid off for you in all of this. Did Victor offer you a promotion for convincing him of your– your goodwill?

Adam: The details are still in the works.

Nate: That sounds like an evasion.

Adam: No, I have proven myself to my father. First, as being your assistant, and now by protecting him from an enemy, and that is you.

Nate: And yet, victor hasn’t rewarded you. Which leads me to believe he doesn’t trust you any more than he now trusts me.

Adam: Nate, you and I, we’re not in the same boat.

Nate: Well, since I’m out as you so graciously put it, you can no longer be my assistant.

Adam: What a tragedy.


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