Y&R Best Lines Thursday, November 16, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: Why am I not surprised that you two are here? You’ve just come from being with dad. Am I right?

Adam: Yes, we have.

Victoria: And you want to try to convince me to stay on at Newman because now you are the good and faithful son all of a sudden. Even though everybody knows that’s a lie, except for dad, who’s desperate to believe it because otherwise, you’re just a reminder that not everything Victor Newman touches is golden.

Adam: Yeah. And you hate the fact that maybe I did the right thing, for the right reasons. Because then you would have to take me seriously and would consider that victor might actually trust me. And that terrifies you, doesn’t it?

Victoria: No. See what terrifies me actually is that you might blow up the family and the company. But on a personal level, not a chance.

Nick: Okay. Will you two just stop, okay? Things are actually blowing up around us and we need to figure out a way on how to fix it.

Adam: You’re right. I’m sorry, Victoria.


Nick: What our dad wants is for the three of us to work together, okay? Now, a day ago, you were terrified about losing dad, right? Well, it turns out dad is the same Victor Newman he always has been. He wants the three of us to work together at his company, and he is not wrong.

Victoria: You know, I just think that that’s kind of funny. Coming from the guy that left Newman.

Nick: Okay. That’s fair. I’ll admit it. I was wrong. My place is at Newman and it always has been. I’m back, Vic, 100%.

Victoria: Well, I guess two out of three isn’t bad. I hope you guys have a really wonderful time working together and I hope dad enjoys every minute of it.

Nick: Oh, come on. Are you really gonna do this to me?

Victoria: What, Nicholas? What is being done to you?

Nick: I am stuck in the middle between dad and Adam with no ally. Do you think that sounds appealing to me?

Victoria: Well, you’re the one that wants to stay on no matter what.

Nick: Look, we both know that eventually he’s gonna do something stupid and shoot himself in the foot. It is inevitable.

Adam: Okay. Not that I don’t treasure the kind words of encouragement, but need I remind you that I didn’t plan any of this. Now, Victor seems to have confidence in me, so why can’t the two of you?

Nick: If Adam implodes and no one is there to mitigate the fallout, he’s gonna drag dad and the company down with him.

Adam: You realize that I can hear you, right?


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