Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, November 22, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lauren: To you too. Well, you look about as stressed as I am. What’s going on?

Abby: Oh, you know, just the usual restful thanksgiving. Leaving here, Devon and I are having drinks with lily and Daniel and Nate and Mamie. Then, we were supposed to go to the Newman Ranch, but my dad called me and said they had to go out of town unexpectedly. Something to do with Nikki. I have no idea what. Which leaves us more time for more turkey with the Abbott family. And then, I am heading home and having dessert with just Devon and Dominic.

Lauren: Wow. It sounds like you need to rack up some frequent flyer miles just for that dinner. And thank goodness this only comes once a year, right?

Abby: Yes.

Lauren: It’ll take a weekend or two to recover and then we’ll be as good as new.

Abby: Please, god.


Tucker: Is this a ball or what? Huh?

Audra: Eh.

Tucker: I got one question about Thanksgiving for you.

Audra: Mm. What is it?

Tucker: Why Thursday? What’s the deal with that? They just– the pilgrims were just booked for the weekend, said, “you know what? Let’s just do it Thursday. Get it over with.

Audra: You know, I have no idea, but you bring up some valid points.

Tucker: And what’s with the hats? And the shoes with the big buckles on them?

Audra: You know, you said one question. You’ve asked about a dozen.

Tucker: I’m sorry, go ahead.

Audra: Kyle’s role in bringing down jabot from the inside. How do you see that playing out?

Tucker: No, no, no. I don’t want to talk business on thanksgiving. You can do better than that.

Audra: Okay. I’ll try. What do you have in mind?

Tucker: Kyle Abbott.

Audra: Excuse me? But didn’t I just?

Tucker: No, no, no. Not Kyle Abbott and jabot. Kyle Abbott and you.

Audra: Okay


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