GH Transcript Tuesday, October 24, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Lucy: I’m about to sign over 51% of my company to tracy quartermaine. Well, sign it. Otherwise, things are only going to get worse. I really don’t know how they could get worse.

[ Footsteps approaching ] Laura: Scott. Hey. Uh, I did not know you were back in town. Hi. Hi, lucy. Uh-huh. I need to talk to you now.

[ Scoffs ]

[ Sighs ] So, laura, h-how was that trip with — what were you thinking? Y-yeah, I’m not following. What compelled you to help my brother get out of prison? I knew you’d come back here. I’ve done everything that you’ve asked me to do. You’re walking around a free man because of me. And still… you try and kill ava? Hey.

[ Door closes ] I thought you were working late. Is everything okay? Are you sure there is nothing else I can provide for you? Brook lynn: Thanks, yuri, but we just had lunch. You know what? I would love a plate of those little cookies and a pitcher of lemonade. Yes, ma’am. Soon coming. Mmm! He’s cute. Yes. I can’t believe monica lets him work here. Lets him work here? Mm-hmm. She’s the one who hired him. And what’s with the little cookies? You just said you were stuffed from lunch. Now you want little cookies? No, but maybe chase does.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, I know you’re super busy, but I wanted to show you something. What — I was just… look, look. No, no, no, no. Okay, I bought this frame, and I put in some pictures. It’s wiley

from the wedding for michael and willow… ah. …And then donna for carly. I think they’re gonna love it. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Carly, too. Martin: I called the sec at nina reeves’ direction and I suggested they investigate drew cain and carly spencer for insider trading.

[ Recorder beeps ] Time to let my father know exactly what kind of woman he married. You know, I’d think twice before doing that if I were you. You know, laura, I-it’s not like I broke cyrus out of pentonville. Well, you may as well have, because he’s out walking the streets right now. Yeah, I know. I-I-I just saw him in there. You saw him in — in there? Yeah, and I-I made it clear to him that I’m not on retainer — it was a one-shot deal.

[ Sighs ] But, you know, he — he was just very pleased with my work.

[ Chuckling ] Yeah, I bet he was. Believe me, I also got an earful from mac scorpio. Well, can you blame him? He is the police commissioner now. On top of everything else, he has to worry about cyrus renault being free. He is your brother. I know that, and I don’t need to be reminded.

[ Exhales sharply ] You know something? When cyrus was in the hospital, he told martin to give away all of his money, and martin did it. So tell me something, scott — how did you get paid? I’m very impressed, austin. I never would have thought that little boy I watched grow up had this in him. It’s no big deal, really. It’s not difficult to overpower a man who is — and now I’m quoting — “weak and incapable of hurting other people.” You’ve had your moment. And I’m going to forgive this clumsy transgression because it’s clear you have very strong feelings for ava jerome. First, you will take your hands off of me. And then you will find a way to get me into that room with your cousin mason.

[ Monitor beeping ]

[ Door opens ] Oh, what now?

[ Door closes ] Mr. Gatlin. I just wanted you to know that all your tests and blood work looks good after your surgery. Your vitals are stable. There’s no reason you shouldn’t make a full recovery. Whoopee. I’m glad that makes you happy. Well, I’m thrilled. I won’t be cuffed to this damn bed anymore. No, no, you’ll likely be behind bars. Ah, don’t count your chickens, doc. I’ve gotten out of worse spots… many times before.

[ Scoffs ] Everything’s fine.

[ Chuckles lightly ] I just took a late lunch, and I decided I would come home and spend it with my baby.

[ Chuckles ] Oh. Wow, looks like you’re going over the books. Yeah, I was, but, um… you know, it was such a beautiful day outside, so I wanted to take advantage of it. So I spent some time looking at the trees and the leaves, and, you know… and then I took some time to look at the pictures that trina sent from new york. And I got to say, there’s a lot of pictures of her with spencer. Oh, awesome. Let me see. Are you sure? Of course I’m sure. Let me see the pictures. It’s okay.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ] Oh. Hm, they really got around, huh? You seem to be okay with that. You want to tell me what’s going on? Trina cares about spencer, and it seems that spencer genuinely cares about trina. She’s old enough to make her own decisions without her mom constantly butting in. This one is yours. I already wrapped one for michael and willow and one for carly. Thank you.

[ Chuckles ] You’re welcome. No, it’s beautiful. I just wish that I had one of avery at the wedding. We’re — we’re going to make it up to avery big time. Yeah, I’m just glad that she and ava are okay. Yeah, and you know what? Uh, I’m going to make sure they stay that way. Good.

[ Chuckles ] You just can’t stop staring at wiley, you know? Oh. No, it’s just… I’m thinking. Thinking about the time you lost? Well —

[ Scoffs ] I plan on making that up, and… it’s nobody’s fault. Some of it was carly’S. Michael: You’ve already done your part, martin. Well, don’t go patting yourself on the back. If you think I’m surprised that you recorded me, you’re sorely mistaken. But even if that was admissible in a court of law, which it isn’t, this isn’t about court. It’s about you trying to destroy nina reeves. She’s done that herself. Yeah, well, you see it that way. Nina won’T. I don’t give a damn how she sees it. She destroyed my mom’s life, and she got drew sent to prison. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do. You know, I always make it a point to do extensive research on the life of anybody who asks me to represent them. In my line of work,it’s kind of important. Somebody like nina — I mean, I know I don’t have to remind you of the kind of things ms. Reeves has done in the past. I’m not concerned about her past. I’m concerned about what she’s done lately and about the future. And that’s the rub, isn’t it? Because the future is exactly what you should be concerned about. And since you know what she’s capable of, kind of things she’s done, kind of things she will do… once you try to take away everything that matters to her. I told myself I was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid ar, he did mention something about some kind of a fund that helps prisoners reform, you know, he did mention something about some kind of a fund that helps prisoners reform, and, you know… that’s the fund that he donated his money to? Oh, my god.

[ Chuckling ] Oh! Leave it to cyrus to find a way to use that money to help himself. Well, he is pretty resourceful.

[ Sighs ] Oh, he is nothing if not resourceful. Tell me something — did you ever believe that — that my brother actually deserved to be released, or was this just a payday for you?

[ Sighs ] Laura, what kind of a lawyer do you think I am? Do you want me to answer that? Okay, all right, listen, I-I-I know that lee would probably be disappointed in me like you are, but, you know, it was a high-profile case, and I’m trying to keep my practice going. Do you want me to be chasing ambulances for the rest of my life?! Okay. I’ve heard enough. I’ve heard enough. I’m just asking you, okay? When you were at the hearing and you saw my brother there, did you believe that he deserved to be released?

[ Exhales deeply ] Well, he did seem like a different guy, you know? And — and the doctor spoke on his behalf, the warden, and eventually, the judge, you know, did sign off for his release. Now, when I saw him earlier in his suede jacket and everything, he did look pretty healthy. Yeah, that’s exactly what I said when I saw him in the prison. Hm.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I got to go.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Breathing heavily ] You didn’t sign!

[ Monitor beeping ] Hello, mason. I thought if we were going to come back here and go over your plans for blaze, that chase might want to join us. As it turns out, he has a couple of hours off, and he said he would love to spend time with us — I mean, with you, you know, because he’s been working such long hours. Oh, you’re not going to do this, ma. Do what? Arrange for my daughter to spend time with her gorgeous boyfriend? I know exactly how you think, all right? You think that you’re going to bring chase over here, that tracy’s offer is just going to happen to come up in conversation…

[ Scoffs ] …Then he’s going to help you convince me to change my mind. Brook lynn, how dare you accuse me of such a thing? And if tracy’s offer happened to come up in conversation, as you say, then maybe — I swear to you, ma, if tracy’s offer comes up, you will regret it. I will put you in the same box that I put her, and I will never talk to you again. Do you understand?

[ Door opens ] Mr. Chase to see you.

[ Exhales sharply ] Carly and I both made [Sighs] A lot of mistakes. I suppose, but she and drew are paying big time for the one they made. Is, um — is drew back in pentonville? Yeah, the doctor says he’s healthy enough to go back. I’m — you know, I’m doing everything I can to keep him protected in there, and carly is trying to get him out. I hope she does. You amaze me, you know that? Well, the feeling is mutual… husband. Ooh, I like that word — “husband.” I-I like “wifey,” too, ’cause you can’t get rid of me anymore.

[ Chuckles ] Mm. Okay, we both have… what? …A lot of work to do, okay? What do you mean? So I’m going to go. Okay. Love you. Love you, too. Hey, you know what? What? Thank you for that. You’re welcome. Come on, let’s be honest here, martin — you’re concerned about what nina will do to you because she’s not going to be happy when she finds out that you betrayed her confidence and told me that she’s the reason that drew’s in prison. Absolutely true. See how I’m scared to death of what nina reeves could do to me? And I’ m not the only personwith skin in this game, am I? I mean, we are talking about the woman who induced ava jerome’s labor just so she could kidnap your baby sister. Same woman let you all think that sonny was dead. Now she owns the metro court and a very powerful, influential magazine. You could be right. I mean, given the circumstances and feelings for your father, she might be a shrinking violet. She might just take her medicine, fade away.

[ Chuckling ] But… you let that genie out of the lamp, and she’s a wounded animal. She’s going to take that power and that influence, and she’s gonna make it her mission to make your life hell and the life of anybody you care about. That is something to think about before you pull the trigger. You just make sure you dig two graves, mr. Corinthos. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd thingsokay. All right, well… that makes sense. Yeah, I might make a lot of money off of this. No, I’m not gett ing too excited,so just calm down. Listen, I’ll call you back when I get a chance. Goodbye. Took my pen! Chase, I’m so glad you could make it. Yeah, I’m kind of surprised you wanted to meet here. Oh, tracy’s spending the day in new york city. You know, speaking of tracy — ah! Ay-yi… oh, ma, I am so sorry. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! No, I know you are, but accidents — they happen. No, really, ma, do you understand just how sorry I am? I do, I do, and I know that it will never happen again. No, it won’T.

[ Clears throat ] Chase. Oh, well, brookie wanted to show me some of the music that she had picked out for blaze. Great. I’d love to see it. Yeah. Yeah, well, she told me that you and blaze used to work together and that you might know best what would fit her voice. Well, brook lynn’s really the expert in that area. I don’t know about that. Oh, no, brook lynn, she has musical genius running through her veins, thank you very much.

[ Chuckles ] But, you know, seeing a song on paper is totally different than hearing it out loud. So brook, honey, would you mind playing the song for us? -Here. -Sure, okay. Yay! And, chase, would you mind singing along with it? Come on. Oh, no. You don’t have to do that, chase. Oh, no, what? You want to, don’t you, chase? No, ma, he doesn’t sing anymore. He’s a detective.

[ Scoffs ] Yeah, but I’ll always sing for you. Oh. So how’d you enjoy your lunch? Ah, it was delicious. It was just what I needed. The new co-chief of staff needs to keep her energy up.

[ Both chuckle ] Yes.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh. So, um, I guess you got to get back. Yeah. Sorry. No problem. But I’m glad we had this time together. I will be late tonight. I understand.

[ Chuckles ] I love you. I love you, too. Portia. Thank you so much. No, thank you. I know that you’ve been really wanting to see curtis, and I just think that now would be a really good time. Okay. He’s right outside on the patio, okay?

[ Chuckles ] Uh, just in case you didn’t know already, my brother cyrus is out of prison. Yeah, I — I do know that. Okay. Um, could you do me a favor and not mention it to curtis just yet? He’s got a lot on his plate, so… yeah, of course. He’s going to be really happy to see you. Oh, oh, don’t try to move.

[ Grunts ] Those handcuffs will dig into your wrists. How are you feeling?

[ Monitor beeping ] Pain. A lot of pain. God, I can only imagine. Uh, you see your cousin austin is here with me? He arranged this…visit. That was really nice of him, wasn’t it? Yeah. You know, when I got here, he let it be known that he was extremely upset with me. Do you know why? Well, it — it’s kind of amusing, actually. He — he was under the impression that I gave you the order to kill ava jerome, a woman he cares very deeply about.

[ Sighs ] You see, mason, I made a deal with austin. I gave him my word, so to speak, that if he helped me get out of prison, I would see to it that ms. Jerome was brought home safely. Now, as you can see, I am out of prison. And have you ever known me to go back on my word? No. Exactly. And you have worked for me for a very long time, haven’t you? Yes. Now, I want you to tell your cousin precisely the last words I said to you that night you were with ava. “Take her home.” And you disobeyed me, didn’t you, mason? Sonny: Yeah, it’s got to be special… for the perfect woman.

[ Chuckling ] Yeah. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. All right, listen — thank you and send best wishes to you and your family. Bye.

[ Exhales deeply ] Michael: Hey, dad. Hey. Haven’t seen you since the wedding. I just kind of lied to sal. Oh, you did? Well, it was kind of a white lie, ’cause the — the best time I’ve had, I think, is… getting married to nina, and you guys were all there to watch it. Yeah. Um, look, dad, there’s — there’s something I need to talk to you about.

[ Playing piano ]

I don’t know why my heart feels this way when I’m with you all is quiet, all is calm and I feel safe when I’m with you all my worries fade away won’t you stay stay with me? Won’t you stay stay with me? Oh, ’cause I’ve been waiting all for you I’ve been waiting all for you all for yoooou yoooou have I told you near enough you’re the one I was dreaming of all this time, all this time?

Hi, tj. What’s going on today? Dr. Ashford? Hey, um… portia, I’m — I’m sorry. What? Is everything okay with you? Everything’s fine with your surrogate, right? Yeah, everything’s good. Okay. Well, something else is going on, so… no, everything’s fine. Um… tj, come on. I know you. It’s okay. You can talk to me. There’s this patient. There’s just something about him. Okay. Which patient? His name’s mason gatlin. The one who tried to kill ava? I asked you a simple question, mason. I want an answer.

[ Monitor beeping ] I disobeyed you.

[ Laughing ] Oh, good. I am so glad we got that cleared up. Now, I am not happy at all that you disobeyed me, but ms. Jerome is safe at home, so you dodged a bullet there.

[ Chuckles ] At least you dodged the fatal one. And we’ve already established that you believe I am a man of my word, yeah? Yes. Okay, so… I give you my word now in front of almighty god and your cousin that the pain you felt when you were shot, any pain you have felt during your entire life will pale in comparison to the pain you will feel during your long, excruciating journey to death if you ever betray me again. Do you understand and believe that?

[ Mouths word ] Say it! I understand… and believe it. Yes. I think you do. Godspeed.

[ Grunts ] Do we understand each other now? We do. Good. Hello, curtis. Laura. I hope it’s all right that I came. I’m so glad you did. Scott… uh, I was supposed to meet lucy here today. You haven’t seen her by any chance, have you? Yeah, she was here, but she left like a thief in the night. Mnh. Now I’ve got other fish to fry. I’m sure. Oh, uh, if you do see her, tell her to give me back my pen! Sonny: Looks like something serious. It is. Is willow and the kids okay? Yeah, yeah. They’re — they’re fine. Carly? Yeah. Okay. Before we get into it, can I just show you one thing? Mm, dad, I — no, no, I think you’re going to like this a lot. Look at that. Take it. Uh, nina came by this morning, and, uh, I know I’m spoiling the surprise, but she’s going to give the one of wiley to you a-and willow. Isn’t that great? Yeah, it’s a great picture. You can’t have too many pictures of your son because, you know, I used to have the same thing with you and morgan, same at around that age. And she also has one of donna. She’s going to give it to carly. But you’re not going to say anything, right? No, I promise. So… I mean, it is very thoughtful, right? Yeah. I know you know what that means. What? You and willow have not been married that long, but you know what it’s like to love… …to love somebody so much that it — it hurts. Nina has changed my life. I just — I mean, no, no — nothing against your mother or anything because she’s happy in her own way now with drew, especially once he gets out of that hell hole. Yeah, uh, look, dad, that’s — that’S… kind of what I came to talk to you about. My mom’s alzheimer’s never changed how much we love her.Curtis… I’m really sorry that I was away for so long, but — no, no, no, no. I — I know you were looking for your son.

[ Exhales sharply ] Any luck?

[ Chuckles ] We just missed him. He doesn’t want to be found, but it really — it made me feel relieved to know that he’s okay. I’m sure.

[ Breathes deeply ] You know, it’s kind of ironic. We were just in greenland, dodging bullets… …only for me to come back to good old port charles and be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I want you to know that mac and dante are doing absolutely everything in their power to find the shooter, and I’m making sure that they have all the resources they need to do so. I also know that, uh… that’s little solace to you now. I’m just trying to focus on the future. Mm. It’s quite possible that I could be in this chair for the rest of my life. So if that’s the case, then, uh, I will damn well make the best of it.

[ Playing piano ]

Won’t you stay stay with me? That was absolutely perfect. I — i definitelydon’t know about that. For once, my ma’s dead right. Mm. It’s perfect. Blaze will sound great singing that song. I wish I could have heard the two of you sing together. I really like this song, too. Would you sing it as well, hm? Oh. Where is she?! Oh, you! Well, where is she? Where is the wicked witch of the west and the east and the north and the south?! I do hope you’ll be here soon, darlin’.

[ Stammering ] Listen, I don’t understand how this could have happened. If you would just let me expla–

[ Exhales sharply ] Trish told me you were here. Martin, what have you done? Any news on drew’s appeal? No, no, um…

[ Breathes deeply ] But you know how happy that drew and my mom were. Right. And when drew got sent to pentonville, it destroyed my mom, and she — she… she thought it was her fault. Carly always thinks it’s her fault. Drew doesn’t blame her, so he’s good for her. Yeah, he would be if he wasn’t in pentonville. Well, let’s get him out of pentonville. Yeah, that — we might not be able to make that happen, but I do know — okay, wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Nina made it a pointwhen she was here to say that she was happy for carly and drew — she wanted them to be happy and that she wanted drew out of pentonville. Now, crimson — very important magazine. She owns it. She can use the magazine to help. Dad, I don’t think that that’s — no, I know you don’t understand, but she can be strong and she can put the heat on. I’m going to call her right now. No, dad, wait! Is there something that you sensed about this guy when you met him before? Nothing specific, but it did not seem like austin liked him coming around very much even then. I think the best thing that you can do is just — just steer clear of them altogether. Yeah. He probably just reminds me of…. some other creep.

[ Elevator bell dings ] I thought about calling you so many times. I know, I know. Portia told me you reached out to her to check on me. It’s just that I didn’t think I could… adequately express on a phone call how much you mean to me, curtis. Yeah, we’ve, uh — we’ve been through some tough times, huh? You’re a hero. No. Just accept it. And you know, it’s not just because you saved so many lives, two of them being my grandsons. But I had a special place in my heart for you a long time ago. Yeah, it’s funny how that works. Sometimes you just make A…connection with someone. It’s unexplainable. And it’s unbreakable.

[ Exhales deeply ] Okay? Nothing will ever change that. Hiya, lucy. Hi — hiya, lois. [ Chuckles ] Don’t change the subject. Where is she? Where’s tracy? She went to new york city for the day. Of course she did! She went out of town ’cause she didn’t want to be here for the dirty deed to get done! But you’re here, aren’t you, brook lynn? And you are just as responsible for all of this as tracy is! Now, wait a minute… why didn’t you stop her? Uh. I no touch woman. I mean, like that way — please, everyone just let lucy talk. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, ’cause I have plenty to talk about your girlfriend and your daughter. How about your insincere camaraderie? How about your unending lying and the fact that you actually outright stole from us?! No, no, no. She has every right to be furious with me. I have every ri– I am furious! I am so furious, but you know what? I really wanted your evil grandmother to be here to witness the spoils of her vicious attack.

[ Exhales sharply ] Come here, big man.

[ Breathing heavily ] There! There! Are you happy? I hope you are so satisfied. And please, please tell your grandmother she can kiss — nope. I’m too much of a lady.

[ Exhales deeply ] Excuse me.

[ Clears throat ] Should I, uh, lock door? It’s a little late for that. Nina, I am so… desperately sorry. You’ve got to believe me. Nothing like this ever happened before. My clients are my first priority. That is why I’m so ashamed of… letting you down like I — like I have. I-I just hope you can find it in your heart to — look, you don’t — it’s — it’s not the end of the world. It’s just I wanted those contracts with estron to be filed before they could change their mind and pull their ads. Estron… yeah, you were supposed to file them by end of business yesterday. Yeah. Uh, well, I know, I know, which is why I’m so utterly ashamed to have let you down like I have. Listen, I, um… I — I know I can make it right. I mean, I have a great relationship with the ceo, so I promise you no damage will — will come to crimson. All right. See that there isn’T. I really do believe that nina can help, michael. Just — just, uh… it’s — it’s not a good idea. Why? What do you mean?

[ Stammers ] You just got married. You should be celebrating. Don’t put this on her plate right now. Okay, you’re right. Yeah. I mean, we did just get married. I don’t want to spring this on her, even though I know she’d probably be fine with it because that’s who she is. I’m so happy that… …you got to be at the wedding. Mm. I love her, you know? I want this to last forever, like you and willow.

[ Exhales deeply ] Yeah. I’ll let you get back to work. Yeah, hey — didn’t you — we have the time. Sorry, but you had to tell me something? No, it’s fine. You know, it’s just something I realized that I can — um, I can handle on my own, but, uh, I appreciate that. Thank you. All right. You know you can come to me for anything, right? I love you, my son. Love you, too, dad. All right.

[ Sighs ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Exhales deeply ] Is nina reeves in? No, no, no. No message. Um, are you expecting her back soon? Good. I’ll speak to her when I see her.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne



Thank you for calling me back, Mrs. Eckert. Yes, I was very excited about the personal chef job, but I found another opportunity.

[soft dramatic music] Well, let’s just say that they made me an offer that I can’t refuse. Absolutely. Thank you.

[phone beeps] Damn you, Clyde Weston.

[phone rings]


[phone beeps] Good morning.

Morning. I got your text. What’s up?

Oh, nothing. I just wanted to wish you a good first day at the Salem PD.

Well, thank you. Um, it feels like it’s been about years since I’ve been at the police academy, so I–I hope I know what I’m doing out there.

You’ll be great.

You OK? You sound a little stressed.

Me? No, I’m–I’m fine.

Ava, you’re– you’re gonna get a job. Something’s gonna come along soon. I promise.

Yeah, here’s hoping. Hey, you be careful out there, OK?

Will do. Hey, I’ll–I’ll call you when my shift ends, OK?

Sounds good.

You got a job?

Thanks to you. You encouraged me to talk to Rafe, and it turns out, he did have a spot for me. And you were also right about him needing help dealing with the criminals in this town.

[soft country music]


May I help you?

[suspenseful music]

You’re Ava Vitali, right?

Who’s asking?

I’m a friend of Clyde Weston’s. He asked me to stop by to see how your son is doing.




Are you OK? Is it your arm?

No, I tried to not sleep on the spot where the guy cut me, but now I have a stiff neck. Oh.


You may be the doctor, but I think I can help with that.

Mm. Oh, my God. Wendy, that feels amazing. Oh, if you could just move.

[groans] A little to the right.


Oh, yeah. Ooh. Now back to the left.



[groaning] Oh, you really give a great back rub. Great everything.

Well, it really is the least I can do to thank you for getting me out of that horrible hospital. And you should know that this is just the beginning of my expressions of gratitude. There’s a lot more magic where that came from.


Have I told you how happy I am? We’re together. We’re safe.

Hidden away where no one will ever find us.

[tender music]

[door slams]

Rise and shine, boys. You’re under arrest.

[suspenseful music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Put your hands in the air. Now!

And get out of the bed, slowly.

But we’re naked.

Well, I’m sure it’s nothing we haven’t seen before.

And I’m sure you’re wrong because, you see, Dimitri has a magic penis.

Great. Well, he can put on shows for the other boys at Statesville for the next to life. Now get the hell out of the bed now.

All right, all right.

Wait. Dimitri, the sheet, it’s– it’s tangled. I can’t–I can’t see. Help me. I can’t breathe! Dimitri! Help! Whoa.

Hey, whoa.


Hey, it’s OK. Bad dream?

Oh, my love, it was horrible. I was terrified.

What happened?

Well, you and I were here sharing an intimate moment, and we were– we were interrupted in the most awful way.

By who?

The police.

[dramatic acoustic music]

Thank you again for coming in.

Ugh, listen, I was happy to give you my statement.

Yeah, just sign at the bottom there.


I’m sorry this happened to you.

[scoffs] You know, I still can’t believe it, that Dimitri would handcuff me to a hospital bed while Leo Stark helped him escape.

Yeah, I’m just glad you’re all right.

Thank you. Listen, I know that you are not supposed to comment on ongoing investigations, but since I am, sort of, right in the middle of the whole thing, can you make an exception?

Well, what do you want to know?

Do you have any leads on catching these two bozos?

[sighs] Not yet. We’re a little short staffed at the moment, which I am working on.

So Rafe actually hired you?

Well, you sound surprised.

Well, I suppose I am.

Well, if you didn’t think Rafe was gonna hire me, why’d you tell me to ask him for a job?

Well, because I knew the Salem PD could use someone like you, someone who had the skills and intelligence, but I also thought the vetting– the vetting process would be more involved and your past employment would probably raise a few red flags.

Oh, yeah, it did, as did the fact that I was committed to a mental institution. But Rafe knows that my working for Megan wasn’t my choice.

Yeah, well, as a member of that Megan Hathaway survivors club, I can certainly know what you’re talking about. That woman could create havoc.

Yeah, she doesn’t control me anymore. I was completely deprogrammed at Bayview, and I’m still seeing Dr. Evans on an outpatient basis.

Yeah, no, I know. I know you’re not a danger to anyone anymore, but I also know Rafe is a bit risk-averse.

So even though I’m better now, you think that Rafe is taking a chance on me?

Well, no, I don’t think so. I–well, I do know, though, that your past associates and current associates could give him pause.

Who–who are you talking about, Kate? I mean, who am I associating with that might– might be a problem?

Ava. Ava Vitali.

Oh, are you the son of a bitch that hurt Tripp, slashed him with a scalpel? You know, maybe I ought to do the same thing to you.

Heard all about the famed Vitali temper. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.

Oh, you hurt my son, I won’t regret a damn thing.

I’d dial it down if I were you, lady. But for the record, I never laid a hand on your son.

[suspenseful music]

Mm, you keep doing that, we’ll never leave this bed.

I would love that, but I do need to get up and look for a job today.

Oh, man, look no further. I think you found your calling.

This isn’t work, OK? I like taking care of you.

And I appreciate it. I mean, oh, man, do I appreciate it. Oh.

Now does that feel better?

[sighs] So much better. And there has to be some way I can repay you.

Well, my neck is fine, but there are some other spots that could use some attention.

Well, I’m at your service.

[sensual electronic music]

So you’re not the creep that Clyde sent to attack Tripp?

I’m more middle management. That said, I’m more than willing to get my hands dirty.

Listen, you lay one finger on him, I swear to God–

Here’s the deal.


You stay in line, you’re good. You don’t, Clyde’s got plenty of people on his payroll who have no problem putting your boy in the ground.

Here we go. It’s just a bad dream.

But it seemed so real. Rafe was here pointing his big gun at us.

I know, but you’re safe. I got out of that horrible hospital and all the way to this no tell motel on the outskirts of town, where no police officer will ever think to look for us, all thanks to you.

[soft dramatic music]

So what’s our next move? We can’t stay here forever.

Yeah, I know. These sheets are like sandpaper.

No, lover, we can’t stay here because the police are gonna be looking for us, and if we hang around, it’s only a matter of time before my nightmare becomes our reality.

So what should we do?

We’ve got to get out of Dodge.

Well, I can’t believe that I let an imbecile like Leo Stark get the better of me.

Well, don’t– don’t blame yourself. He wasn’t acting alone.

Yeah, but, you know, it’s embarrassing. Being married to Steve all these years, I have seen my fair share of bad dudes, and that I couldn’t handle these two jokers?

Yeah, well, like I said, don’t blame yourself. I mean, it’s Stark and Dimitri Von, whatever the hell his name is. I mean, these guys are two particularly slippery weasels.

I just want them caught.

Well, their mug shots are everywhere. And the minute they come out from whatever rock it is they’re hiding under, someone is gonna see ’em, and they’re gonna call it in. I mean, that’s if one of our officers doesn’t nab him first.

All right. Well, listen, keep me posted, all right?


Oh, oh, and by the way, I meant to ask you, do you have any leads on the guy who attacked Tripp at the hospital?

Oh, no. Not yet. A junkie with no ID. And good luck with that.

And the hospital security camera footage didn’t help?

Well, we didn’t get a clear shot of his face. And even if we did, I mean, it’d be a challenge to know where to even start with that.

Yeah, you don’t know who he is, you don’t know where to look, right? And you’re short staffed.

Yeah, listen, I understand. Tripp is your stepson. I wish that I could make that case my top priority, but–

I understand. Hey, it’s not the first time that someone on drugs has attacked a member of my staff. I just would like to see the guy off the street and get the help he needs.

You and me both. The truth is, random crimes are much harder to solve, and perps with no motive are much harder to find.

I–I know Rafe and Ava have history, but I don’t see why that matters whether he hires me or not.

Well, I think he might have questions about your relationship with her.

Why? Because their relationship ended badly?


[chuckles] She used her ties to the mafia to try to make Rafe look like a dirty cop.

[sighs] Yeah. That was a long time ago.

OK, well, look, if I was the police commissioner, I think I would question hiring an officer who was cozying up to someone, to a woman who tried to ruin my life. You know, and I’m not even exaggerating there. She nearly destroyed Rafe. And I’m not even bringing up what she did to Steve Johnson.

OK, I’m not really into this whole gossip thing.

Oh, this isn’t gossip. This is a warning.

OK, but I thought we were talking about my job.

Yeah, yeah, well, you’ll need to be careful if you get a job as a police officer. You need to be careful if you become romantically involved with Ava.

Ava and I are just friends.

Does she know that? Because you broke her out of Bayview, and then, you took off on the lam with her to London.

Yeah, to rescue Susan Banks.

Mm-hmm, putting your life on the line, that’s a rather grand gesture for someone you don’t have any feelings about.

I–I did feel for Ava. She felt like she had nobody on her side. She needed help, I helped her, and that’s it.

Mm. Well, in my opinion, she didn’t deserve your help.

Well, you know what? You are entitled to your opinion. I should get going.

Hey, wait, wait, wait, look, I like you. I’m rooting for you. I mean, I’m happy that you’re living upstairs. I’m–I’m happy you have a job. And after everything you’ve gone through in life, to be rebuilding your life, that’s a big deal. I don’t want to see Ava derail that for you.

That’s not gonna happen.

OK. Look, you rescued her because that’s what you do. But she’s not a victim. She’s a predator.

Kate, please.

Look… I know that because she either is obsessed about a man or she is using a man. She used my son to launder mob money through Titan.

OK, look, Ava’s told me everything about her past, and she says she left it behind. And don’t you think it would be a little awkward considering her friend is now a cop?

[soft country music]


Look, I understand that Clyde needs a new business partner, but I made it very clear that I’m not interested.

And he made it clear that it’s a done deal. You owe him for screwing up his plan.

By accident. I didn’t know that Clyde was planning to force EJ to take over his new empire.

It doesn’t change the fact that you got in the way. Thanks to your interference, Mr. DiMera is no longer an option, which means you need to step up and take his place.

I am telling you, I can’t do that.

I thought yesterday’s incident would be enough of an incentive. Maybe you need a little more convincing.

Mom, is everything OK?

[tense music]

Hey, yeah, baby, everything’s fine. This is–

Gil. Gil Carter.

I’m Tripp.

Nice to meet you, Tripp. Your mom was just telling me about what happened to you at the hospital yesterday. I hope you’re OK.

Oh, yeah, yeah, it could have been worse.

I’m sure.

Listen, when I came in, I heard you tell my mom that she might need some more convincing. About what?

Well, you know the Bistro here in town?

Sure. Yeah, I love that place.

I’m the new owner, and I was hoping that your mother would be my manager. I am so impressed with her skills as a businesswoman, her love of food. I’ve offered her the job several times, but she seems reluctant to commit.

Oh, Mom, this sounds perfect for you. Well, what’s– what’s the problem?

You know, Ava, if you think I’ll treat you differently because of your past, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ve had my own brushes with the law, and I’m a big believer in second chances.

Hey, I’ve made my share of mistakes too. You know, I wouldn’t be practicing medicine if someone in my family hadn’t given me a shot to get my life back on track.

Nothing matters more than family. Am I right?

[chuckles] OK. All right. I’ll take the job. Yes, OK? Thank you, Mr. Carter.

Mom, that’s amazing. Ah, congratulations.

Oh, hey.


That’s amazing.

Oh, hello, Kate.


I’m just picking up breakfast.

Oh, I heard what happened at the hospital. Are you OK?

Yes, I just have a bit of a bruised ego. But I’m fine.

So is it true? Did Megan’s psychotic son actually handcuff you to a bed?

Yes, he did. But it was only for a few minutes. I heard he had you prisoner on a boat for longer than that.

God, I still can’t look at a fish without getting nauseous. Please, you have to tell me that the police have tracked him and Leo.

Well, not yet. But Rafe is on it. And he is certain that they’re gonna be caught and put in jail where they belong.

[soft country music]

Winter is coming. The cold is murder on my skin. I say we go west. LA.

[gasps] No, Maui. You’d look very hot in a hula skirt.

Yes, be that as it may, but might I suggest somewhere outside of the country, somewhere where extradition isn’t a possibility.

I agree, my little dim and then sum, but to do that, we need help.

Mm, and I know just the person to help, my dear mother.

Um, no.

What do you mean, um, no?

We’re on the run, honey bun. We have to be stealth, fly under the radar.

Your point being?

Your mother is about as stealth as a fireworks display. She’s all about attracting attention, which is the last thing we need.

All right, well, then do you have a better idea?

Ah, well, there must be someone in this horrid little hamlet who can help us, a friend, another family member.

The only family member that I had a connection with in Salem was my dear Aunt Kristen, and the last time I saw her, she was pointing a pistol at me. And your only friend was…



My BFF. Last time I saw her, she told me to BFF myself.

Which brings us back to mother. She adores me. She will do anything I ask.

Which is probably the only thing Megan and I have in common. But she’s also a fugitive. We have no idea where she is.

Well, then we’ll have to track her down.

Given that the ISA, CIA, FBI, and every other law enforcement agency on the planet has failed to do so, we have to assume that that is going to take us some time. So we’re gonna have to be on the move, and to do that, we’re gonna need cash.

Then we will pool our funds, and make a plan, and stay right ahead of the police.

[tense music]

How’s it going?

Oh, still no tip on Leuschner or Stark.

You look like you could use a break.

Well, yeah, I have the same caseload and no partner to share it with. I could really use some help.

I agree. That’s why, Detective Hunter, I want you to meet your new partner, Harris Michaels.

[soft dramatic music]

Well, Mayor Price signed off on the hire, so you are officially a member of the force. Welcome aboard.

Well, thank you. I appreciate the opportunity. I do.

Well, we are glad to have you. We’ll get you a gun and a badge. We’ll get you started, as long as you’re still OK with it.

Yeah, when Rafe told me that you were gonna be my new partner, I–I did take a look into your file, and it’s not all pretty.

I know. No, it’s not. But I was hoping this job would give me a chance to start fresh and– and do some good. Look, I don’t want to make any waves. If you don’t feel comfortable, teaming up with me–

I already told the boss here that I think you are more than qualified. And besides, I like the idea of a Navy SEAL having my back.

Well, I’m looking forward to learning a lot from you, Detective Hunter.

First thing to learn, call me Jada.

Jada it is. So you said our first assignment is to find the person who delivered Susan Banks to Edmund Crumb in London. Is that–is that correct?

I did say that, but decided we’re going to focus on something that’s a little closer to home. We need to find these two punks and make them pay.

[soft dramatic music]


And $..

Huh. You know, I thought we had a bit more working capital.

So did I. Where’s the rest of your cash, Mr. Heir to the Von Leuschner fortune?

Well, as you know, my inheritance is in jeopardy at the moment. Besides, who carries cash?

People on the run from the law.

Last I checked, you were one of those people, sweetheart. Where’s your cash?

You expect me to bankroll us, Thelma? Do you know how much newspapers pay these days?

Apparently, enough to buy a $ packey of lotion from the vending machine.

FY eyeball, it was moisturizer. If I don’t nourish my skin three times a day, I start to grow scales. Is that what you want? To cuddle up next to an iguana?

OK, OK, this is hardly an insurmountable problem, Leo. We just need to get our hands on some money.

And I know just where we can find it.

Leo Stark, he’s a real piece of work, isn’t he?

Oh, you mean Nurse Leona. That was his disguise so he could come and grab a wheelchair and roll his boyfriend out of the hospital.

[chuckles] Oh, my God. They’re a couple from hell, aren’t they?

You and Leo go way back, don’t you?

Well, yes, I did take over one of Vivian’s plots to have that lowlife falsely accuse Sonny of sexual harassment.

[sighs] Don’t even remind me. I don’t want to think about it.

Oh, well, don’t you just miss the intrigue and the scheming just a little bit?

No. Yes, a little, I do. But I am happy being married to the ex-police commissioner. You know, it’s probably better than living on the other side of the law, right?

[soft acoustic music]

Oh, Mom, I’m so proud of you. Congratulations.


Thank you, Mr. Carter.

Please, call me Gil.

Oh, thank you, Gil, for giving my mom this opportunity. You won’t be disappointed.

I’m sure I won’t be.

Have you been in the restaurant business for a while?

I have, actually. But what we’re gonna be doing at the Bistro, exciting stuff.

I’ll bet.

Yeah, I’ll be counting on your mother to keep the operation humming along. Why don’t we head over there now, start figuring out our game plan?

Sure. Love you, Tripp.

Love you too.

Nice to meet you.

Yeah, you too.

[suspenseful music]

Was someone here?


Yes, my mom’s new boss.

She got a job?

Mm-hmm. And a good one too. She’s the new manager of the Bistro.

No way. That’s amazing.

I know.

Wait, so do you get a family discount? Because I could totally eat there every night.

I thought you liked my cooking.

I love your cooking.


But I also love pretty much everything on their menu.


[laughs] Seriously, Tripp, that is amazing news.

I know. I know. I’m really happy for her. She was stressing a lot about finding work, so.

So was I, but I think I happen to have a solid lead on a job myself.

Mm, tell me?

No. I don’t want to jinx it. But I’ll tell you if I get it.

When you get it.

[tender music]

[sighs] Hey.

Hey, you. How’s the arm?

It’s good. It’s good. It’s healing well.

Good. I–I spoke to Rafe, and he is not optimistic about catching the person who did that.

Yeah, I’m honestly not too worried about it.

Well, I am. In fact, I have security on the alert if he shows up here again.

Well, thank you for looking out for me. On a happier note, my mom got a job.


Mm-hmm. I thought you said yesterday you weren’t even sure if she was staying in Salem.

Well, this was too good to pass up. She’s gonna be managing the Bistro. I just met the new owner. He seems like a super nice guy.

Manage a restaurant? Wow. That’s a lot, long hours, lots of stress. I mean, are you sure that Ava can handle that?

Well, she was a little nervous, but it’s right in her wheelhouse. And it’s honest work. Look, I know you and Dad are concerned about me getting too close to my mom, but like I told you, she’s better now. She’s really dedicated to getting her life back on track, and getting a legit job is a really important first step.

Agreed. But listen, promise me that you will stay cautious. If anything happens or if she seems untethered or something, make sure that you call me or your dad.

I will. But I’m telling you, this job, it’s gonna be good for her.

[soft dramatic music]


Is there a problem?

Yeah, you know, I don’t appreciate you threatening my son.

Why don’t you focus on the positive?

What’s that supposed to mean?

You went straight from the loony bin into a steady job. Like any job, there’s going to be parts you like and parts you don’t. You’re going to be making good money. We’re going to be serving good food.

Yeah? With a side of illegal pills. It’s not a restaurant. It’s a drug front.

Keep your voice down.

I–listen, Gil, we got a problem here. I mean, if you haven’t noticed, my heart isn’t into this, OK? I gave up this kind of business a long time ago, and I’ve got no desire to get back into it. So why don’t you allow me to propose an alternative?

What are you talking about?

I handed my family business over to my cousin Angelo. We’re still tight. So I’m sure that he could recommend somebody who is much more qualified and much more motivated.

You’ll need to speak to Clyde about that.

Maybe not. Gil, come on, you seem like you’re much more reasonable than Clyde, and frankly, a lot smarter too. I consider myself pretty sharp. So why don’t we put our two heads together, come up with a way to let them know that this just isn’t going to work out?

So Leo busted Dimitri out of the hospital yesterday. And–and what? Still no leads?

We have a tip line set up. But so far, no one has called to report seeing them.

Maybe because they’re already long gone.

Yeah, or they’re holed up somewhere in town. We just got to figure out where to look.

Maybe we should start from the beginning.

What do you mean? Go back to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn?

Yeah, well, the manager’s been bugging me to take off that crime scene tape from across the door.

All right.

And maybe with a fresh set of eyes, we might find something that we missed.

It’s worth a shot.

All right.

All right.

In my room at the Salem Inn, I have an envelope stuffed with money.

And here I was thinking that you were but a lowly newspaper man.

I’m a lady, and it’s petty cash. The Spectator gave it to me for minor expenses, pencils, stamps, things like that.

And what do you actually use it for?

I pay off sources. Occasionally, I get a gelato.

That’s my boy. How much is there?

Enough to get us out of town. Problem is, Commissioner Hunky Hernandez probably has our pretty mugs plastered all over town.

Wait a minute. You think he’s hunky?

Darling, focus. We have to figure out how to get from this dump to the Salem Inn in broad daylight, get that moolah without being seen.

I’ll do it. You’ve taken enough chances for me.

No, no, I’m not gonna to risk losing you.

Well, we have to do something. I mean, as much as I’d love to jump back into that bed and hide under the sheets, we just can’t do that.

Maybe we can.

[dramatic music]

[keyboard clicking]

OK, I’m clicking on the file. Why won’t it open?

[clicking] Oh, now the screen is frozen. What the hell? My God. This–

I heard the Department needs a new IT person. Looks like I got here just in time. What’s going on?

Well, my screen’s frozen. Oh, look, now a bunch of ads are popping up.

Can I take a look?

Yes, if you would, please.


[keyboard clicking]

What do you think? Have we been hacked?

Oh, no, this is just some very annoying spyware. Here, I’ll remove it. Done.

Wait. That’s it?

That’s it.

Wow. Oh, fantastic.

[chuckles] I’m so glad we didn’t get hacked.

Oh, you could have been, easily. Your computer is basically a sitting duck. You have no anti-spyware software, obviously. I’m guessing you haven’t installed anything to protect against viruses or malware. And I’ll bet your password is your birthday.


Yeah, you need to up your tech game.

Yeah, OK. Well, then you’re hired.

I’m sorry?

Yeah, yeah, the IT job, it’s yours.

But–but you haven’t even interviewed me or–or seen my resume.

Well, I’ve seen enough. I just saw what you did.

And that was impressive enough to hire me on the spot?

Yes, it was. I mean, there’s also another reason.

And what’s that?

Well, I figure if you’re working for me, then you won’t have the time to make phony passports and help fugitives escape.

[sighs] It’s perfection.

Don’t you think it’s a bit on the nose?

That’s what makes it so brilliant. Today is the Horton Town Scare.

The what?

It’s Salem’s Annual Halloween festival. The square will be packed with people in costumes. Who’s going to bat an eye at a couple of ghosts?

Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps the police officers on patrol?

I’ll tell you what, this doesn’t work, you can ghost me.


If this doesn’t work, we might both end up dead.

Oh, well, then you can haunt me.


I’m glad that one of us finds this amusing.

Trust me. Casper, we are gonna to get that money, and we can float right on out of Salem.



So you’re sure that that arm is OK?

It’s fine. I promise, OK? How’s your day looking?

Ah, well, you know, I’m just behind on my charts. And in fact, I haven’t even– I haven’t even started the report about what happened to you yesterday.

Yeah, I–I keep going over the interaction with that patient in my head, just trying to figure out what I did or said to make him come after me.

I doubt you said anything.

Well, I tried to draw his blood. That’s when he got mad. Maybe that was my mistake.

You were only trying to help him.

And failed.

Listen, Tripp, when someone is under the influence of drugs, they’re not thinking clearly. I mean, for all you know, he was hallucinating. He may have looked at you and saw Freddy Krueger.

Yeah, and felt the need to defend himself. I mean, I–I get that. I just wish I knew for sure.

I know. As doctors, we want answers. But unfortunately, we don’t always get them. And when something like this happens with a patient, we may never know his motive.

[soft piano music]

You want to negotiate, haggle with the vendors over the price of artichokes. As far as you being the face of this fine establishment, that’s settled. Not up for discussion.

OK, listen, if you would just–

Whoa, whoa, whoa, I’m gonna make a one time exception and keep your suggestion between us. But I’m sure the Clyde would not appreciate you going behind his back to try to influence me.

OK. Look–look, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, OK? It’s just, I don’t want any part of this. I am begging you, Gil, please. There has got to be another solution here.

You want your son to keep breathing, this is it. There is no other option.


[sighs] Hey, you–you seem upset. Is something wrong.

[tense music]

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Ridge: Why do I feel like you’re holding out on me?

Brooke: Honey, your father and I are just worried about Eric. His behavior lately has been a bit off.

Ridge: And we’ve been over this, but why is he pushing this line now? Why?

RJ: Does it really matter why? This fashion challenge is gonna happen. It’s all gonna be over and done with soon. It seems pretty silly to keep asking why. He owns the company. He wanted to do his own line. He wanted to create a grand finale. Does he need more reasons other than that?

Ridge: A couple of things. Number one, we own the company. Number two, you don’t design a whole collection on a whim.

RJ: It’s not a whim. It’s incredibly important.

Ridge: Exactly. So, why now, after all these years, does he have to do this? Why now? There’s something you’re not telling me.

Katie: This just doesn’t seem real.

Donna: I know.

Katie: Eric is dying?

Donna: Yeah. I wish it wasn’t real. I– I– honestly, I’m– I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this. I mean, the doctor gave us the news and– and– and everything just stopped. I mean, I could see his lips moving, and words were coming out of his mouth, but I– I– I just couldn’t make any sense of any of it. It just–

Katie: Oh, honey, this is so devastating. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.

[ Phone chiming ]

RJ: Wait, hold on, hold on. I’m not letting you leave. Talk to me.

Luna: I have to. I’m sorry. It’s a family matter. I can’t get into it. Goodbye, RJ.

RJ: Hey. Wait. No, seriously, I– I should be the one thanking you, honestly. I mean, being able to open up to you about my granddad’s situation, especially when I can’t talk about it with anybody else, it means a lot to me.

Luna: Well, I’m glad I can help, even if it’s just a talk. Secret’s safe, I won’t say a word.

Carter: Luna, don’t send out that invoice just yet. Eric has a last minute order. We also have to call our distributor, and– Luna.

Luna: What? Uh, sorry, what was that?

Carter: You seem a little distracted. Is everything okay?

Ridge: You’re holding something back, I can tell.

RJ: What do you want me to say?

Brooke: Honey, we’re a family. We all love each other. If Eric needs help–

Eric: Listen, when I come downstairs, I don’t want to hear any more about us not being able to complete this collection. Nothing else. And I certainly don’t want you to tell anybody else about my condition. Certainly not your father.

Ridge: RJ, if something’s wrong with my dad, I need to know. Think about it. If there was something wrong with me or with your mom, you’d want to know, right?

RJ: Okay. You’re right. There’s something that you– you both need to know about Granddad.

Donna: It started off as, you know, tremors. He had pain in his hand, and, um, it was frustrating, but you know, we could do it because RJ helped.

Katie: That’s when he started designing.

Donna: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, collaborating with RJ was the best thing that came out of this. Eric adores his grandson.

Katie: Well, I think the feeling is mutual. RJ worships his grandfather

Donna: Yeah. And it seemed like it– it was all gonna work out, you know? Eric would play the piano and they would sketch together, and he was on top of the world and it was magic.

Katie: Until it wasn’t.

Donna: Yeah. And then, the pain became debilitating and– and then, the coughing happened, and he was coughing up blood, and he, um–

Katie: Oh, my God.

Donna: Was hiding it from me until recently and– and then, the doctor said that, uh, he only has six months to live. Maybe less. [ Sobs ]

Katie: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[ Donna sobbing ]

Ridge: Please, son. What do I need to know about my dad?

RJ: Granddad is… he’s never been more determined to create a collection. It’s like his life depends on it. There’s– this line, this– this grand finale, nothing means more to him, Dad. He’s going to give it everything he’s got to make it a reality one last time.

Brooke: We just don’t understand why he feels like he needs to do it alone.

RJ: But he’s not alone, he has me. Listen, I have to go. I have a ton of work to do, um, but it was good to see you.

Brooke: Okay, honey, bye.

RJ: Bye.

Ridge: Hey, son.

RJ: Yeah, dad?

Ridge: Whatever happens on that runway… we all love each other. We’re family. That always comes first.

RJ: Dad, I’ll never doubt how much you love me or Granddad. I hope the two of you never doubt how much I love you both.

Luna: I’m sorry, Carter. I’ve just, um, I’ve been swamped helping RJ and Mr. Forrester. I guess I spaced out.

Carter: [ Chuckles ] Well, that’s understandable. You’re new here and things can get really crazy when we’re headed into a collection launch.

Luna: Yeah, there is definitely a buzz in the air.

Carter: You haven’t seen anything yet. I’ve been here for a long time, I’ve seen a lot of events, but this one promises to be epic. I just wish Ridge and Eric weren’t pitted against each other.

RJ: Oh, hey, come on. I think we can keep it relatively friendly-ish.

Carter: Please do. You know, presenting us as a united front is part of our image and it’s important to our bottom line.

Luna: Yeah, well, Eric’s designs are incredible. I can’t imagine his collections not being a success.

Carter: Ridge is no slouch and he’s gonna bring it, but yes, you’re right. Eric has been working really hard.

RJ: Yeah, really hard, dude, he’s– he’s giving us everything that he has, body and soul.

Carter: I’ve– I’ve never seen him more motivated, that’s for sure.

RJ: He wants this line to define him. That means that this has to blow everything else that he’s done out of the water.

Carter: Well, that’s a tall order. [ Laughs ] But if the last time I saw him was an indication, I say the man’s up for it. I went to drop off some paperwork, right? And he could not sit down long enough to sign it. No, he was so– he was so amped, you know? He was so full of life.

Donna: Thank you. I love you so much. You know, I really miss my sisters.

Katie: Honey, we are right here for you. Brooke would be, too, if you told her.

Donna: No, no, no, no, no. Uh-uh. Eric doesn’t want anyone to know and as– as hard as it is to keep it to myself, that’s what he wants. And I love him so much. I don’t wanna upset him.

Katie: All right, all right. We will do whatever is best for Eric, don’t worry.

Donna: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Eric: Katie, you came back. And, uh, clearly, you know what’s happening.

Katie: Oh, God.

Eric: Okay. Okay. That’s enough of that now. That’s enough.

Katie: I just– I, um– I forgot my phone and so, I came back and I– I overheard you saying that you were dying. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. That’s so– it’s unbearably unfair. This isn’t supposed to happen to the good guys and you’re– well, you’re just about the best guy I know.

Eric: Thanks.

[ Eric sighs ]

Luna: You were gone longer than I expected.

RJ: Yeah, um, well, my dad put me on the spot. He noticed that something is a little off with Granddad, that he’s been acting differently. I mean, it’s just– he’s worried about him.

Luna: It’s pretty amazing. I mean, even though they’re both at odds and they’re working nonstop to try and win the showdown, the love and respect is still there.

RJ: Yeah, we’re Forresters. We– we always care about each other, no matter what. It’s our tragic flaw.

Luna: [ Laughs ] Well, as tragic flaws go, I think it’s a pretty good one.

RJ: If my dad just knew the truth.

Ridge: Why do I feel like you’re not listening to me? The sample is going to be down there, I promise you. Yeah. Thank you.

Brooke: The fashion challenge is putting a lot of strain on your relationship with your father. And guess who’s in the middle? Our son. That’s putting a lot of pressure on him. And I’m just worried that this might affect your relationship with RJ somehow.

Ridge: Not gonna let that happen.

Carter: All right, the big day is almost here. We’re finalizing the special guest list for the fashion events.

Brooke: And who are you rooting for?

Carter: Oh, I can’t– can’t say.

Brooke: Oh, yes, you can. Tell me.

Carter: I’m rooting for my best friend, of course.

Ridge: Right. Good answer. That’s why we’re friends, see?

Carter: But I also have to throw some support to Eric. I mean, the guy, he’s an icon. He represents the history and lineage of Forrester Creations and he gave me my job here.

Ridge: All right, BFF. You have a sentimental favorite. I get it. Not gonna stop me from beating my father on the runway.

Eric: All right, Katie. Everything’s gonna be all right. I don’t plan on going anywhere very soon at all.

Katie: I know you don’t want anyone to know, but Ridge and Brooke–

Eric: No, no, no, no, no. I don’t want you to tell them. I don’t– I don’t want you to tell anyone. Least of all, Ridge and Brooke.

Katie: They would want to help. They love you, we all do.

Eric: I appreciate that, but I want you to respect my wishes, please, please. Now, I’m not gonna worry about what the doctor said. None of us knows what the future holds. Life is fragile. Nobody knows that better than you do. What did you say to the doctors when they told you you couldn’t have a baby because of your heart condition? What did you say?

Katie: I told them to go to hell.

Eric: That’s exactly what you said, and that’s not all you said either. I remember. Katie, how old is will now? Come on. Look, all we can do is live each day that we’re given and cherish each second we have of this life that God gave us. That’s all we can do. Now, I have my own baby to nurture here and to raise and to bring to fruition and I’m gonna do it. This is gonna be my finest collection ever. And we’re gonna beat the couture pants off the Ridge while we’re at it, you’ll see. Okay.

Luna: Hey, you’re a good grandson.

RJ: Am I really?

Luna: Of course, you are. You know how much everything you’re doing means to Eric. Your grandfather is sick. He can’t design, which is like, the one thing he loves doing more than anything else in the world. You’re helping him bring his passion to life. This final collection wouldn’t be happening without you, RJ. I mean, this is huge.

RJ: Yeah, I know, but what about my dad? What– what kind of son am I being to him? I mean, I– I’ve been keeping this secret. Uh, you know, we– we don’t know how bad his health issues are, but I’ve been keeping this secret because I– I respect my grandfather. But what’s gonna happen when my dad finally finds out? How is he gonna feel about me?

Luna: He’ll understand.

RJ: No, I don’t know that. I don’t know if I would. If my father was sick and nobody told me, nobody let me take care of him or care for him, I’d be pissed, I’d be hurt. It’s not fair. What if I’m robbing him of precious time with his dad? Listen, I think he deserves to know the truth.

Ridge: You know, you’re right about what you said earlier.

Brooke: Yeah, I am right about a lot of things, but remind me specifically what you’re talking about right now.

Ridge: This fashion challenge being unhealthy ’cause it is. It’s all about my dad wanting to be in the spotlight again. It’s all he wants and RJ doesn’t see that.

Brooke: And I am worried about your relationship with your son. No fashion challenge is worth jeopardizing your connection with RJ. I’m right about that too.

Ridge: You’re right about that. That’s why I gotta keep Dad out of this chair. And I know it sounds cold and callous, but I’m right about it. He should be out there enjoying his life or– or mentoring people, but that is not what he wants. He wants to be right here in this chair. The grand finale? Mm-mm. My dad isn’t going anywhere.

Eric: All right, that’s enough of the tears and the worry and the concern, all right? Everything’s gonna be fine. I promise you. It’s time. We have work to do. It’s time to get– it’s time to beat Ridge and get Forrester back on track.

Katie: The company is doing really well, Eric. I mean, I think your legacy is safe.

Eric: Yeah, well, I’m not– I’m not exactly sure about that. You know, the company is doing very well. Hope For The Future is a sensation.

Katie: Yeah.

Eric: And I give, uh, Hope and Thomas all the credit for that for spearheading that, but it’s– it’s fashion forward. It’s fast fashion and that’s not– that’s not what Forrester is known for. It isn’t. You know, my– my legacy is built on classic elegance, classic couture. And, you know, Ridge wants to take Couture and put an edge to it and make it trendier. I don’t– I don’t agree with that. I think when a woman wears a– wears a Forrester gown, her beauty should be timeless and shouldn’t be interrupted by some– some faddish dress. You can’t do that. But Ridge doesn’t agree with that. He– he doesn’t quite respect what I want to do, he doesn’t. He’s not taking care of my legacy for me.

Donna: Eric, this– this isn’t about the company. This is about your well-being, your future.

Eric: My future is the same as Forrester’s future. It is. Look, I– I wanna make a mark that people are gonna know. Everybody’s gonna know this mark and it’s gonna put my name on the company indelibly.

Katie: But that’s already true.

Donna: Eric, you know, I’m trying so hard to stand by you, I am, but you heard what the doctor said. He doesn’t want you to do the showdown.

Katie: It– it’s not too late to back out. I can have a press release circulating within an hour.

Donna: I think we should just put an end to this. You can tell Ridge, Katie and I will– we’ll tell Brooke and– and–

Eric: You tell them what? That I’m dying? No, come here. Come here, both of you. Look, I appreciate it so much your– your love and your concern and your support. It means so much to me. More than I can say. But, uh– but this is my battle. And it’s pretty much what I gotta tell you. This is my battle. This is my choice. It’s my life, it’s my company. And if this is my last act, I’m going to take my final bow my way.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 23, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chloe: Well, would you please say something? I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.

Sally: Okay, fine. Um, Nick has been avoiding me.

Chloe: Okay. Um, that might turn out to be a good thing.

Sally: How in the world is nick avoiding me a good thing?

Chloe: Just let him cool down. You know, give him some time to miss you. The two of you can’t talk through things rationally when he’s all worked up.

Sally: Yeah, but this doesn’t feel like a break or a cooling down period. This feels like the end.

Chloe: No, that’s just because you’re scared, so you’re going to the worst case scenario.

Sally: You weren’t there, Chloe. You didn’t see the look in his eyes or hear the tone in his voice. For Nick, there’s no way forward for us.

Chloe: Yeah, well, I– I refuse to believe that. It– don’t just freak out over something that hasn’t even happened yet.

Sally: Well, I’d say it kind of has happened


Victor: Then, you agree. They’re trying to take me down.

Adam: No, no, no, I– I did not say that. But do I think that she wants her title back? Of course, she wants her title back. And Nate will go along with anything that she says, but why do you think that they’re actively pursuing that?

Victor: I don’t know. I overheard some whisperings, you know. She said that she was very upset about having been demoted by me. And Nate, instead of calming her down, he encouraged her. I’m convinced they’re trying to prove that I am, you know, I’ve lost my marbles. I’m incapacitated.

Adam: Well you– we all make little mistakes, call people by the wrong name, stuff like that.

Victor: Well, what do you think about that?

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: I– I– I don’t want to say anything that will um, demean Victoria.

Victor: No, no, tell me honestly. What do you think?

Adam: Victoria was furious when you announced that you were gonna come back.

Victor: Yeah.

Adam: So yeah, she’s probably trying to undermine you. She’s probably even planning a coup.

Victor: Okay.

Adam: She’s smart. She’s shrewd, she’s ambitious. Just like Nate. So yes, the two of them teaming up is a real possibility.


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GH Short Recap Tuesday, October 24, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Cyrus makes Mason admit to Austin that he disobeyed his orders to take Ava home. Cyrus warns Mason that if he ever disobeys him again he will die a painful death.

TJ still can’t remember where he has seen Mason before. Portia advises TJ to stay away from Mason because he is dangerous.

Michael tries to tell Sonny that Nina turned Carly and Drew in to the SEC, but he can’t ruin his father’s happiness so he decides to talk to Nina and heads over to Nina’s office.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, October 25, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Christine tells Danny her marriage is over because Paul doesn’t love her anymore. Nikki persuades Victor to tell Nick that he is faking his memory loss. Nick advises Victor to tell Victoria the truth or she will never forgive him. Victor doesn’t want to risk Victoria telling Nate the truth because he needs to know if he can trust Nate or Adam.

Kyle tells Audra that he will work with her and Tucker to take over Jabot. Ashley returns home and tells Jack and Billy that she will pretend to be in love with Tucker so he can figure out his plan. Kyle comes home and tells his parents, Billy, and Ashley that he was with Audra. Ashley thinks that Kyle is being used by Audra as part of Tucker’s plan.

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Days Update Monday, October 23, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Eric and Sloan talk at home about their excitement for becoming parents. Sloan claims that Melinda said it’s practically a done deal which Eric calls the best news as they hug. Sloan asks about Eric’s visit with his friend in the hospital. Eric says it went well and then he had to step out during his procedure. Sloan question if Eric waited alone the whole time but Eric reveals he actually wasn’t alone because Nicole was there.

Nicole goes home to the DiMera Mansion and sets down her DNA test results envelope. EJ comes in to the room on the phone and goes to write down an account number but Nicole tells him not to write on the envelope.

Alex sits at home when the doorbell rings and he answers to see Xander.

Brady goes to the Kiriakis Mansion, surprising Maggie. Brady says he just wanted to check up on her. Brady mentions hearing a rumor that Constantine was staying there which Maggie confirms. Maggie says they had an amazing day as she took him on a tour of Salem and then he cooked, but sadly he’s leaving tomorrow. Brady asks if he’s upstairs. Maggie says he went to take a walk and take in more sights as he loves it in Salem.

Theresa packs her bags at the Salem Inn when Constantine shows up at her door to surprise her. Theresa responds that she told him to stay put in Greece until he heard from her and questions what the hell he’s doing here. Constantine tells her to let him in and he’ll tell her, pointing out that they don’t want anyone knowing that they are friends.

Brady tells Maggie that he was surprised that an old friend of Victor’s popped in without notice. Maggie talks about Constantine brightening her day through his connection to Victor. Brady says it’s nice to see her smiling again which Maggie says is thanks to Constantine, who came all this way just to lift her spirits.

Theresa questions what exactly Constantine is doing here. Constantine asks what kind of friend of Victor’s he would be if he didn’t visit Maggie. Theresa asks about him coming to see Maggie. Constantine talks about bringing her a photo album and cooking her dinner, but says he also came to see Theresa. Constantine asks Theresa if she is still trying to get her hooks in to Victor’s long lost son.

EJ questions if he did something wrong. Nicole explains that the envelope just contains everything they need to know about their baby which makes EJ happy. Nicole says she lost the last copy, but if their baby gets sick this could be helpful. EJ adds that another reason to keep the document safe is that it names him as the father of her child which makes him ecstatic as they kiss.

Sloan complains to Eric that Nicole has a way of just showing up where ever he is. Sloan then stops and asks why Nicole was there, making sure the baby is okay. Eric explains that she was just refilling a prescription and apologizes for even bringing Nicole’s name up since it always just upsets Sloan. Sloan admits it’s because she’s envious that Nicole is pregnant and can carry a child to term. Eric reassures and encourages her while mentioning that Nicole picked up a copy of her original DNA report on the baby, which causes Sloan to panic. Eric asks if she’s okay as she’s starting to look pale. Eric questions why she even cares about the genetic report of Nicole and EJ’s baby. Sloan claims she doesn’t care but just thought Nicole would be more careful with something so important to the baby. Sloan then claims that she got a text from a client and has to go help them. Eric questions it being that much of an emergency right now. Sloan says if she doesn’t go now, her client will spend the night in jail. Eric offers a ride but Sloan declines and says she doesn’t know how long it will take but she’ll call him. Sloan rushes out and tells herself to think. Sloan says she still has the copy that says EJ is the father, so she has to get there and make a copy.

EJ tells Nicole that he’ll keep the DNA results with his documents in the safe. EJ asks if she minds if he looks at it before they lock it away. Nicole jokes that he’s already memorized it. EJ says he wouldn’t mind reading it over again as they can’t have too much information where the child is concerned. EJ then gets a call from an investor and steps out to answer it, leaving the envelope behind on the table.

Brady tells Maggie that it’s obvious that Victor and Constantine share a lot of memories together, but Victor never mentioned him to Maggie. Maggie says Victor didn’t like to deal with the past, but it’s clear there was a real bond between them going back to when they were kids. Maggie mentions that Victor loaned Constantine money to open his own restaurant and wouldn’t let him pay him back. Brady remarks that doesn’t sound like Victor. Maggie thinks that shows how important Constantine was to Victor. Maggie says after so many years of loving Victor, he was always unpredictable. Brady agrees and says his latest revelation certainly seemed out of character for him. Brady still can’t believe that Victor kept Alex being his son a secret from them for all these years.

Alex tells Xander to forget it because the Titan job is his. Alex brings up his dad so Xander questions which dad and calls Justin his fake dad. Xander points out that Victor did not name Alex CEO of Titan in his will, so he thinks he should honor Victor’s wishes. Xander remarks that’s what he would do if he were Victor’s son.

Theresa tells Constantine that she is going straight to Alex’s apartment to move in with him. Constantine comments that she doesn’t waste any time. Theresa says from what she remembers, neither does he. Theresa flashes back to being in Greece and reading the letters in Victor’s briefcase until Constantine showed up, found Victor’s will, and was angry that Victor left him nothing in it. Theresa calls it not Constantine’s favorite day. Constantine responds that it got better for both of them.

Marlena goes to see Eric, which he calls a lovely surprise and asks how everything is going. Marlena talks about worrying about Belle every day. Eric asks how she’s doing. Marlena says that Belle claims to have everything under control. Eric acknowledges Shawn leaving the country and going to rehab. Marlena says she’s tried to spend time with Belle and asks Eric to check on her which he agrees to do. Marlena then asks where Sloan is.

EJ finishes his call and tells Nicole that now they can take another look at the DNA report. Nicole says she’s first going to check on Holly to see if she needs help with her homework. Nicole tells EJ to let her know if he finds anything new and surprising in the report as she exits the room. Sloan then appears outside the door.

Brady tells Maggie that Alex didn’t waste any time stepping in to the role of Victor’s son, staking his claim on Titan and quitting Basic Black without notice. Maggie mentions turning down the position that Alex offered her in the company because she and Alex are like oil and water. Maggie calls it surprising considering how well she and Victor got along.

Alex tells Xander that he is Victor’s son so his take on what he wanted is all that counts. Xander argues that Victor did not want Alex running his company. Alex argues that he has controlling interest and talks about letting Maggie live in the mansion. Alex asks if Xander wants a job. Xander says no and he just can’t buy this insanity. Xander questions Victor tearing up his will and writing a new one just to cut all of them out and give Alex everything. Xander asks how that makes any sense.

Theresa tells Constantine that she was interested in Alex before she met Constantine and before she read Victor’s will. Theresa says she just didn’t want to take any chances and then when Brady and Alex came back, she purposely asked Brady to stay with him so that he would turn her down harshly in front of Alex. Constantine acknowledges that she knew Alex would have pity on her. Theresa remarks that it helped that she knew Alex was about to inherit a fortune, while he had no clue. They flash back to Constantine being furious about not being included in Victor’s will and that he wouldn’t have his fortune without him. Constantine told Theresa that he sent Alex and Brady on a wild goose chase while he came here to find the will because he wanted to know how generous Victor decided to be. Theresa responds that he wasn’t very generous with anyone but his wife and his son. Constantine complained about it being a son that Victor never even acknowledged and then found the letter that would explain everything. Constantine decided he and Theresa would read the letter together, where they found out Victor’s long lost son is actually Xander Cook! Back in the present, Constantine acknowledged that Victor had an affair with his brother Titus’ wife and the end result was Xander. They continue their flashback with Constantine and Theresa complaining that Victor left Xander half of everything. Theresa then suggested changing it from Xander to Alex. Constantine calls it a pity that Alex will never know what they have done for him.

Alex and Xander continue to argue over Victor leaving Alex everything in his will. Alex talks about finding out that Justin wasn’t really his father. Xander talks about Alex’s place in the family not changing while he was always the outcast. Xander talks about wishing Victor would’ve acknowledged him that way. Xander calls Alex one lucky bastard.

Eric tells Marlena that Sloan just left to deal with a client’s bail situation. Marlena questions doing that at this time of night. Eric says that’s the life of a criminal lawyer. Marlena feels that Sloan is not comfortable around her. Eric feels that’s because Marlena doesn’t like her. Marlena says she doesn’t know her that well. Eric encourages that they can fix that. Eric says a lot of people don’t like Sloan but he knows her better than anyone and she makes him happy. Marlena says that’s all she cares about, so she’s fine with her.

EJ prepares to open the DNA report when the doorbell rings. EJ calls for Harold but guesses he’s on dinner break so EJ goes to answer the door. Sloan then sneaks in through the side door. EJ answers the front door but no one is there. Sloan approaches the envelope left on the desk.

Marlena tells Eric how good it is to see him optimistic about the future and if that’s because of Sloan, she’s grateful. Eric thanks her. Marlena would also love to have a beautiful grandbaby and says Eric deserves to have someone love him, who is true and loyal which seems to be Sloan. Marlena adds that Eric also deserves to have a child. Eric hugs her and tells her that he loves her.

EJ calls out at the front door but no one is there. Sloan picks up the DNA report with another copy of the same envelope. EJ guesses the Halloween pranks showed up early and closes the front door. Sloan swaps the envelopes and escapes the mansion as EJ returns and questions the noise he heard.

Brady tells Maggie that Victor knew it would be shocking for all of them and devastating for Justin, Maggie, and Alex. Brady questions Victor just leaving them all to sort it out and why he would let Alex’s true paternity remain a secret all these years. Maggie wishes she had the answers and is the question she would ask if she had one more minute with Victor.

Alex gets why Xander and every other shallow idiot in town thinks he should be eternally grateful for his fortune, but it’s hard to see it that way when his whole world was turned upside down. Xander thought Alex would be gloating instead of a pity party. Alex says he would’ve never traded Justin as a father. Alex tells Xander that at least he knows who his parents are and he finds it highly unlikely that he’ll be told he was wrong and that his life was a lie.

Constantine asks if Theresa is having second thoughts. Theresa says of course not but she does feel somewhat guilty. Theresa remarks that Xander can live on the streets but it’s Alex. Constantine argues that they made Alex rich while Theresa points out that they also made him fatherless. They flashback to Theresa coming up with the idea of changing the names so that Alex becomes the heir and Xander ends up with nothing. Constantine agreed that he would bring her a forged letter that no one would question and they agreed to become partners. Theresa states that Alex asked her to move in but getting him to pop the question, she doesn’t know how long that it will take so Constantine might have to wait for his payday. Constantine responds that he will just have to find a way to stick around.

Xander tells Alex that no one likes to hear billionaires whine about their hurt feelings. Xander then goes to leave right as Theresa arrives to move in. Xander is not surprised that Victor has a new rich son and Theresa is already on the case. Xander then exits. Alex tells Theresa not to listen to Xander as he’s just jealous and wishes all of this happened to him instead.

Constantine returns to the Kiriakis Mansion and brings daffodils that he found on his walk for Maggie. Maggie acknowledges them as her favorite and she can’t believe he would remember that but she also doesn’t believe they were blooming in the park in October. Constantine admits he bought them for her, feeling it’s the least he could do after spending the night. Constantine talks about his time in Salem being magical but says his time here has come to an end, claiming he never planned to stay more than a day or so. Maggie argues that plans change, so if there’s nothing urgent in Greece, he’s welcome to stay with Victor’s family for as long as he’d like. Constantine doesn’t want to impose but Maggie says having him would be a pleasure.

Sloan returns home. Eric notes that she got back sooner than he thought. Sloan says sometimes things just work out and greets Marlena. Eric says he was just walking Marlena out. Marlena notes that they were just talking about Sloan as Eric was telling her about all the wonderful things upcoming in their life. Marlena then invites Eric and Sloan to dinner which she says she would love. Marlena says she will call with dates and set it up. Eric then exits with Marlena. Sloan pulls out the DNA report envelope that she stole from the DiMera Mansion.

EJ opens the safe as Nicole returns and asks if he finished reading. EJ says he got interrupted and now has another work call, so he’s going to put the envelope in the safe so they don’t lose it again. EJ declares that no one will have access to it but them.

Sloan puts the DNA report in the paper shredder.

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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge and Brooke keep pressuring RJ to tell them if something is wrong with Eric, but he won’t.

Katie comforts Donna, who’s upset that Eric is dying. Katie hugs Eric, who knows now that she knows about his condition. Katie and Donna try to talk him into telling Ridge and Brooke about his dying, or to cancel the fashion challenge, but he refuses. He wants to do things his way for his grand finale.

Luna comforts RJ, who’s worried about Eric and also about how Ridge is in the dark about Eric being sick.

Carter admires Eric’s designs and his passion for his new collection, but he’s siding with Ridge (at least to his face), since they’re friends.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, October 20, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: I suppose you think you’ve talked me into backing down.

Mamie: Well, a smart guy like you knows when resistance is futile.

Tucker: [Chuckles] I should just bow out gracefully?

Mamie: You could always just trust me.

Tucker: Yeah. I’m not sure how much I trust this plan with nate. Seems to me it’s just…buying us more trouble than we need.

Mamie: Oh, I thought you were a “trust the universe” kind of person.

Tucker: You’re not the universe.

Mamie: Maybe a little bit of it? As are you.

Tucker: Well, I can at least take comfort in one thing.

Mamie: Oh?

Tucker: It’s a long shot if you think you can lure Nate away from Newman enterprises.


Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Nikki: Listen, um… I just saw Nate outside, and he seems suspicious that you’re acting normal.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Nikki: You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?

Victor: Doing what on purpose?

Nikki: You know what I mean– vacillating between lucidity and confusion. This is some kind of plot you have concocted, isn’t it? Victor, for god’s sake, will you please tell me the truth? I need to know that you’re not losing your mind.

Victor: Baby, I’m not losing my mind, okay?

Nikki: So then you are tricking everyone.

Victor: Let me put it this way… things are beginning to coalesce around me, so…

Nikki: I don’t even know what that means.

Victor: Well, that means that I’m beginning to discover certain patterns amongst my children… and it’s somewhat upsetting.


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, October 19, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Danny: Great. Thank you.

Phyllis: Hey. You’re not swarming with fans.

[ Danny laughing ] Can I join you? I figure I should shoot my shot while I can.

Danny: I’m not really sure how to answer that one.

Phyllis: Well, I’ll tell you how to answer it. “Sure, Phyllis. I would love for you to join me.”

Danny: Okay. Only because you seem to be in such a good mood.

Phyllis: Oh. I am in an extraordinary mood.

Danny: Even better.

Phyllis: I haven’t felt this upbeat in a really long time.

Danny: Okay. I’m happy to hear it. Uh, what, uh, brought this on?

Phyllis: Oh, gosh. Well, let’s just say that I scraped the last bits of nasty connection off my shoe.

Danny: Do I wanna know who or what that might be?

Phyllis: [ Laughing ] No, you don’t need to know. You don’t need to know. All you need to know is I feel so great. I finally feel optimistic about my future. I haven’t felt that way in a really long time. As long as I can remember


Daniel: So, what do you think?

Lily: Um, I think it’s an apartment downstairs from mine and–

Daniel: And– and I happen to know the owner of the building, one mr. Devon winters.

Lily: Oh, yeah, Devon. He’s the worst.

Daniel: [ Laughing ] Well, you know, he let me know that one of his tenants was gonna be moving out and selling this place and, uh, he thought I might be interested.

Lily: Interested in– in buying it?

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Lily: An apartment in my building? [ Chuckling ] Well, that’s a little intrusive, don’t you think?

Daniel: Really?

Lily: Yeah. I mean, how would I get away from you? Just day after day and night after night, it would be nothing but this…

Daniel: Can I take that as a yes?

Lily: Please take it as a yes.

Daniel: Oh, I was hoping that you’d like the idea.

Lily: Are you kidding? I love it. I mean, I love this place for you. It’s– it’s perfect. I say go for it.


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, October 18, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: No pithy remark? No snarky comment?

Tucker: What would you like me to say?

Phyllis: Oh, what would I like you to say? I’d like you to say, “Phyllis, you’re a genius. Phyllis, you’ve got me. I surrender. You’re correct.”

[ Phyllis chuckling ]

Tucker: You are entertaining.

[ Phyllis laughing ]

Phyllis: I am. I just uncovered your connection to Mamie Johnson and all you are saying to me is I’m entertaining.

Tucker: Whatever connection I have to Mamie Johnson is personal and private.

Phyllis: So, there’s a connection.

Tucker: It’s none of your business, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Mm, it kind of is, you know? I uncovered that you have some super-secret connection that you didn’t want anyone to know about. I mean, consider me the fly in your ointment.

[ Tucker chuckling ]

Tucker: God, your self-importance is just astounding. As is your ability to conjure something out of nothing.

Phyllis: You think it’s nothing? Oh, okay. I don’t know if Jill and Devon and lily will think it’s nothing. I’m sure they’ll wonder what your motives are for connecting up with Mamie.

Tucker: What is it you think you’ve learned?


Kyle: Do you really consider Tucker to be that much of a threat against us?

Billy: Yes, of course, tucker’s a threat. He’s ruthless. He’s hurt and he’s angry. He’s got time, money, and the inclination to cause real damage to our family and to our company.

Jack: Selling McCall unlimited to Newman enterprises more than covers his debt. He’s got a serious war chest and he’s itching to use it.

Billy: And he loves to amuse himself. He finds himself entertaining. I mean, putting a listening device in a bonsai tree? Lame.

Jack: Besides, this is just another smoke screen. Just like hacking into Jabot’s finances to set up Billy. He thinks if we’re busy putting out fires, we will be distracted enough that we won’t see what he’s really up to.

Kyle: Yeah, I see the predicament.


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, October 17, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Okay. Look at this! Having dinner like a normal family. So normal.

Daniel: Just wanted to celebrate your first day at your new job.

Phyllis: Oh, goodness! Great. Ha! You’re paying, right? Because, you know, I’m not making the kind of money I’m used to.

Daniel: I know, I know, but you know, this is all about getting a clean start. Emphasis on the word “clean,” remember?

Phyllis: Yes. Exactly. And I will not let you down.

Daniel: No.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Daniel: That’s all either of us could ask for.

Phyllis: Good


Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. My immediate superior, she is a embryo, a zygote actually.

Daniel: Kayla is 29 and she has a masters in computer science.

Phyllis: Ooh! Oh wow. A masters. Oh, my goodness. Well, I have a lot to learn from her, don’t I?

Daniel: Mom?

Phyllis: My goodness! She’s a lovely, lovely, young, so very young lady.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Yeah. Listen, I– I’m happy to be there. I’m just having fun with you, okay? And I was very productive today, don’t you think?

Daniel: I was told you were on your best behavior.

Phyllis: Yes. And– and like I said, I will not let you down.

Daniel: You know, the, uh, trick is going to be to see if you can continue that team spirit for longer than a day.

Phyllis: Right. Yes. I– I– I do have team spirit. I– I can and I will.


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 16, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Lucy would like to know if you could stop and pick up some of those brownies from crimson lights and bring them back on the plane to Lisbon.

Heather: Would she? Uh, it’s going to be morning when I land there?

Daniel: Well, then I guess it’s brownies for breakfast. I’ll tell her you said yes.

Heather: Okay. So, I guess I’ll be doing a brownie run before I head to the airport. But when I get back to Portugal, it shouldn’t take us too long to pack what we need.

Daniel: Well, it might not take you that long. Our daughter on the other hand.

Heather: Yes. Uh, it will be very difficult to convince Lucy she doesn’t need to bring every single book, stuffed animal, every single t-shirt. But I can just ship anything she wants later. You know, once we’re settled here.


Claire: Oh, my god.

Nate: No damage.

Claire: I’m so sorry.

Nate: No damage to your tablet.

Claire: Oh, god. Totally my fault. I need to learn that walking while reading is not considered multitasking.

Nate: That is good advice.


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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Danny, Phyllis, and Lily have dinner with Daniel at his new place. Phyllis mentions how happy she is that Heather and Lucy are moving back to Genoa City. Daniel and Lily argue later because Daniel thinks Phyllis mentioned Heather to Lily because she wants to make Heather an issue in his and Lily’s relationship. Lily tells Daniel that she thinks Phyllis is just happy that Heather and Lucy are moving back to Genoa City. Lily tells Daniel that Heather won’t be an issue in their relationship unless he makes her an issue in their relationship. Danny tells Phyllis not to interfere in Daniel’s relationship with Lily.

Adam worries about Victor when he finds a piece of paper where Victor has written “Adam,” “Victoria,” and “Nicholas” over and over along with a drawing of a snake with fangs. Adam asks Nick if they can put their differences aside to help Victor with his illness. Nick tells Adam he will handle it and tells him to stay out of it. Adam later calls a doctor named Dr. Skelton and tells him he needs his help his father. Nick goes to the Newman ranch and demands that Victor come clean and tell the truth.

Christine returns from Portugal and runs into Danny at Crimson Lights.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, October 23, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Claire: These are the files for your video conferences tomorrow. I’ve highlighted the issues you mentioned wanting to discuss with each of them.

Nikki: Thank you.

Claire: You’re welcome. And your masseuse is holding a 5:30 appointment for you at the ranch in case you need a little help relaxing after a very long, stressful day.

Nikki: Well, that’s so thoughtful of you. You take good care of me.

Claire: Only because you deserve it, nikki.

Nikki: Well, and you do it so calmly and cheerfully and that really helps me. You have no idea.

Claire: Well, that’s because I really do enjoy working for you. I’m finally doing what I’ve waited so long to do.

Nikki: This is just your first step on your journey. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself.

Claire: I don’t want to fall behind.

Nikki: I don’t think that will happen.

Claire: You’re very encouraging.

Nikki: Well, you’ve already proven that you’re on top of things and I can trust you.

Victor: Adam. Hey son, join me. You’re looking good. Everything all right?

Adam: Yeah.

Victor: You got a minute? Sit down.

Adam: Okay. How you doing today?

Victor: You know–

Adam: Doing okay?

Victor: I’m doing damn well. I feel as if I’m on the top of the world.

Chloe: Hi, lady.

Sally: Chloe. Hi.

Chloe: Is this seat taken?

Sally: It’s entirely yours. Uh, just one– one second, let me finish this.

Chloe: Yeah, no problem.

Sally: Okay. All right, done. Sorry.

Chloe: No, please. I hope it was work. And if it was, I hope that means you took my advice and gave up thinking you have any loose threads to tie up with adam. Please tell me you’ve talked to nick and you’ve worked things out.

Nick: It’s this constant tension. Vic insists that dad isn’t himself and that he’s in some sort of crisis.

Sharon: And you’re not sure about her motives.

Nick: I wasn’t sure about her motives. That’s all changed.

Sharon: Why? What do you mean by that? What happened?

Nick: I just want to get your professional take. Um, I hate even saying this out loud. I think there’s something wrong with my dad. Trelegy for copd. Birds flyin’ high, you kn ow how I feel. Breeze driftin’ on by… …you know how I feel take this one step at a time because now you really have me worried about victor and you. You don’t scare easily. What have you noticed?

Nick: All right. Some of this is firsthand. Let me just say that upfront. Um, a lot of it’s gotten back to me, so I can’t swear that it’s accurate, but I do believe it.

Sharon: Understood. Go ahead.

Nick: Dad made a comment about victoria taking over newman media, not mom. He backtracked, but then he thought that adam and sally were still having a baby.

Sharon: Wow, that is scary.

Nick: Then, he called adam “nicholas.”

Sharon: Has anyone corrected him?

Nick: I mean, I definitely have. I think the others have too. How he reacts to it is a toss-up. I mean, he could be completely pissed off and in total denial, shrug his shoulders and just walk away. Other times, he’s completely lucid.

Sharon: So, it sounds like the issues that victor’s having are memory-related.

Nick: Yeah. I mean, physically he’s fine. As good as ever. It’s just these memory lapses and every time they happen, they’re a complete shock because it is unlike him.

Sharon: Have you spoken to nikki about this?

Nick: Yeah, vic and I tried, um, you know. Mom was resistant. So, she’s either in denial or she sees it and she doesn’t want to talk about it.

Sharon: Nikki would insist on victor getting help if she really thought he needed it. So, she maybe truly doesn’t believe there is a problem.

Nick: Yeah, I don’t know. Vic and I tried to talk to dad.

Sharon: And that didn’t go well?

Nick: No, of course not.

Sharon: Has he acknowledged any of this?

Nick: No, he just flew into a rage and accused me and vic of trying to stab him in the back. Then he kicked us out of his office.

Sharon: Memory issues, emotional volatility, confusion.

Nick: So, what do you think it could be? Like alzheimer’s? Dementia? Are we just overreacting to someone who’s just naturally getting older?

Sharon: I wouldn’t begin to speculate, you know, unless I spoke to victor myself. And even then, I’m not a specialist. You know, this is way out of my field.

Nick: I know. Can you at least tell me where we should go from here?

Victor: Nate hastings tells me that you’re doing a damn good job working for him. Makes me very proud of you.

Adam: Oh.

Victor: Yeah.

Adam: Well, that’s nice to hear. But honestly, it’s– it’s not that hard of a job.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Adam: Nate refuses to give me any work that involves sensitive newman business because he thinks I’m gonna misuse it. He makes no secret that he doesn’t trust me.

Victor: Well, can you blame him?

Adam: No, not really. Can I tell you something off the record?

Victor: Of course.

Adam: Frankly, I don’t think nate cares about protecting newman business. I think it’s just about reminding me that I’m under his thumb.

Victor: Hm. Interesting. Huh. Now, do you mind if I tell you something? Just between the two of us?

Adam: Yeah, of course. What is it?

Victor: I have a very strong suspicion that nate hastings is conspiring with victoria to undermine me. To unseat me. To push me out of my ceo chair so that she can take over again and run the damn company.

Chloe: Well, would you please say something? I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.

Sally: Okay, fine. Um, nick has been avoiding me.

Chloe: Okay. Um, that might turn out to be a good thing.

Sally: How in the world is nick avoiding me a good thing?

Chloe: Just let him cool down. You know, give him some time to miss you. The two of you can’t talk through things rationally when he’s all worked up.

Sally: Yeah, but this doesn’t feel like a break or a cooling down period. This feels like the end.

Chloe: No, that’s just because you’re scared, so you’re going to the worst case scenario.

Sally: You weren’t there, chloe. You didn’t see the look in his eyes or hear the tone in his voice. For nick, there’s no way forward for us.

Chloe: Yeah, well, I– I refuse to believe that. It– don’t just freak out over something that hasn’t even happened yet.

Sally: Well, I’d say it kind of has happened.

Chloe: No, he is furious at adam. It’s his brother who overstepped and once he realizes that, things will change and the two of you will be able to talk.

Sally: It’s more than that, chloe. Nick is convinced that I have some deep, unresolved feelings for adam and he’s not going to compete with that.

Chloe: Okay. So then convince him that’s not the case. Because it’s not, right? No. Sally, absolutely not.

Nikki: So, how are you settling in?

Claire: It’s a process.

Nikki: Well, at least you already know genoa city from the summers that you spent here during your college years.

Claire: That’s been a huge help, yes.

Nikki: Is it feeling a bit more like home?

Claire: Slowly, but surely. I’m finally finding my way around to the places I don’t already know without constantly consulting my gps, which is huge.

Nikki: Have you made any new friends? What about that friend of yours from college? Have you been able to connect with her?

Claire: We’ve been playing phone tag, but I’m sure we’ll connect one of these days.

Nikki: Oh, that’ll be good for you when you do.

Claire: In the meantime, yes, I’m very happy to say I’ve made some new friends that I’m really enjoying. In fact, I’m actually going out for drinks with a few of them tonight.

Nikki: Oh, that’s great. I– I admit it, I am selfish. I want you to love being here so you don’t get any ideas about leaving.

Claire: When I have a dream job working for a woman I couldn’t admire more, I’m not about to walk away from that.

Nikki: Thank you. For that and for everything you have done for me since you’ve been here.

Claire: I’m the grateful one. You have given me an amazing opportunity.

Nikki: Only because you deserve it. All right, you have done more than enough work today, so go on, get out of here.

Claire: Correction, nikki. It’s actually time for you to get out of here. You head home and I’ll lock up.

Nikki: Are you sure?

Claire: Positive. I’ll see you first thing in the morning.

[ Nikki sighing ]

Nikki: You are an angel. Thank you and have a wonderful time with your new friends tonight.

Sally: I shouldn’t have said anything.

Chloe: No, no, no, no, no. No, I’m sorry. No more judgment.

Sally: Okay. That’s a lie.

Chloe: No, I– I promise I won’t say a negative word. Please just tell me, how are you feeling?

Sally: Okay. Just so you know, adam and I had it out. I completely tore into him for all the ways that he’s messed up my life.

Chloe: Good, good for you.

Sally: But before you get too proud of me.

[ Sally sighing ] I also admitted something to him I probably shouldn’t have.

Chloe: Okay.

Sally: I told him the reason that I’ve been feeling all this so deeply is because I haven’t been able to let him go. Okay. You have zero poker face, so you might as well just yell at me.

Chloe: You gave him exactly what he wanted. He wanted to get inside your head and look, mission accomplished. Now, you gave him an opening and now, he will continue to hound you. Even though you were too good for him. Even though he broke your heart. Even though he is a terrible person. Not even a person, I don’t think. And you know what a good, decent, trustworthy, not to mention, sexy man, nick is. Why would you give adam all that power?

Sally: ‘Cause I had to be honest with him.

Chloe: Why? Why? Adam doesn’t understand honesty? It’s like you gave him a free pass to be adam.

Sally: Okay. Well, it’s too late now. It’s out.

[ Chloe groaning ]

Chloe: Okay. Life lesson. Even though you’re feeling something doesn’t mean you need to always let someone know it. Because he is adam, he will do everything he can to make you fall for him again. And then, because he’s adam, he will break your heart.

Sharon: I guess I could have a casual, unassuming conversation with victor. Obviously, I’m more objective than you are and I know him very well. I’d be able to tell if something was off with him. And then that will give me a better sense of what you and victoria are worried about.

Nick: That’d be great. You know, we could set up a time and place for you two to just run into each other and then you can take it from there.

Sharon: Perfect. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure that victor doesn’t feel like he’s being interrogated. I know how to handle victor newman.

Nick: Thank you so much. I’m extremely grateful and I know my mom and victoria will be too. In the meantime, I’ve promised them both that I will devote a lot more of my time to checking in with dad and monitoring the situation.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Nick: You don’t think that’s a good idea?

Sharon: Oh, no, I– I think that’s a very good idea. I don’t mean to sound self-involved, especially at a time like this, but do you think that– that will leave you enough time and energy to focus on our business launch?

Nick: Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, sharon. I’m not gonna leave you in the lurch. I’m still committed to our company. I’m very excited about its future. Although I have to say, I don’t doubt for one minute that you could brilliantly do the thing on your own, if it ever came to that.

Sharon: That’s nice of you to say. But part of the fun of doing this is the fact that we’re doing it together.

Nick: Same for me. Don’t worry. Looking out for my dad is not going to interfere in this new adventure we’re starting together. Or pull me back to newman enterprises.

Adam: Well, I– you, you know that victoria is insulted. You demoted her. And nate, um, he’s definitely ambitious.

Victor: Then, you agree. They’re trying to take me down.

Adam: No, no, no, I– I did not say that. But do I think that she wants her title back? Of course, she wants her title back. And nate will go along with anything that she says, but why do you think that they’re actively pursuing that?

Victor: I don’t know. I overheard some whisperings, you know. She said that she was very upset about having been demoted by me. And nate, instead of calming her down, he encouraged her. I’m convinced they’re trying to prove that I am, you know, I’ve lost my marbles. I’m incapacitated.

Adam: Well you– we all make little mistakes, call people by the wrong name, stuff like that.

Victor: Well, what do you think about that?

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: I– I– I don’t want to say anything that will um, demean victoria.

Victor: No, no, tell me honestly. What do you think?

Adam: Victoria was furious when you announced that you were gonna come back.

Victor: Yeah.

Adam: So yeah, she’s probably trying to undermine you. She’s probably even planning a coup.

Victor: Okay.

Adam: She’s smart. She’s shrewd, she’s ambitious. Just like nate. So yes, the two of them teaming up is a real possibility.

Victor: Yeah. That’s what I am fearing. I’m just very glad that I talked to nicholas and he said that he might come and join me again at newman enterprises to keep an eye on both of them.

Adam: When did nick reconsider coming back to newman?

Victor: Mm-hmm. A while ago, I mean, you don’t seem happy to hear that.

Adam: I’m– I’m not. I mean, there’s already been so many changes around that place already. I don’t even know why he would want to show his face at newman enterprises again. He– he was pissed when victoria shoved him out of the way to bring in nate. Especially now, sharon and he started their own company. Unless… unless he has his own agenda. Do you know what brought this on?

Victor: Yeah. Victoria managed to convince nicholas that, you know, their father is losing it. Unstable enough not to be able to run his company.

Adam: Wow, they, uh, are really coming at you from all sides, dad.

Victor: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Breaks my heart. My own two children conspiring against me. For the stupid, absurd reason that I’m losing it mentally.

Adam: Well, no one’s tougher, sharper and smarter than you are, pop. Must sting that your kids think otherwise. I’m really sorry about that. And might I add, shame on them both.

Victor: Well, I need allies, you know. I really do. Will you be one of them?

Adam: Of course, I will.

Victor: Good.

Adam: You know, I meant it when I said I learned my lesson. So whatever you need, whatever happens, I’m on your team. I’ve got your back.

Victor: I knew I could count on you.

Sharon: You went from dealing with the cameron nightmare, the tragic loss of the baby and now this? You can’t catch a break.

Nick: Yeah. Maybe, I’m the problem. Nick newman: Bad luck charm. That’s all right. I know everything’s gonna get better once I figure out what’s going on with my dad.

Sharon: You and I both know that this is about more than just your dad. You suddenly don’t have sally to talk to or lean on. Adam said something happened.

Nick: It didn’t work. That’s what happened. And I don’t want to think about it and I certainly don’t want to talk about it. I have too much going on in my life to be focusing on what went wrong with sally.

Sharon: Do you want some advice?

Nick: No, but I know you’re gonna give it to me anyway.

Sharon: If you are carrying around unresolved issues about your relationship, they are going to eat away at you. You have to deal with them right away before they all blow up and things get worse.

Nick: I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. Is your advice that I should try and work things out with sally?

Sally: Well, nick had just walked out on me and I was furious and hurt and I had this jumble in my brain and then– and then adam said, “I screwed up, but I always do, so what is different this time?” And I just blurted out what I felt. And I regretted it the second the words came out.

Chloe: Well, at least you’re still sane enough to know that you screwed up. Unfortunately, adam will hold on to those words for dear life.

Sally: Yeah, I get it. I just have no idea what to do.

Chloe: Nothing. Just forget it ever even happened.

Sally: But I can’t unsay it.

Chloe: Well, it doesn’t mean that you have to follow through on it. And for god’s sake, please go fix things with nick.

Sally: It’s not that simple.

Chloe: Well, nothing worth fixing ever is. Don’t let adam cost you someone who is so valuable to you, on so many levels. If you let nick slip away, you won’t just potentially lose your new business. You will also lose the best man you’ve probably ever known. If your moderate to severe crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks…

Nick: I’m not the problem. Sally is still in love with adam. What is there to work out?

Sharon: Has she said that or have you just decided that you know how she feels?

Nick: She didn’t have to, not with words. It’s there. You know how it is with adam and the pull he has on you.

Sharon: Yes, I do. And I also know that what I once thought was love with him sometimes was actually something else. Something very complicated and very unhealthy for everyone.

Nick: But it kept you attached to him. Just like sally is right now and she doesn’t want to admit it. She knows in her head that being in love with him is a bad idea, but it’s still clearly there and I don’t want to compete with it. It’s something she has to work out. In the meantime, I gotta move on.

Sharon: Well, I’m sorry that things turned out like this, for both of you.

Nick: Yeah. Well, um, my focus right now is my dad and getting our business off the ground.

Sharon: Oh, speaking of business. Does moving on from sally mean that you will also be moving on from the new company that you were planning to fund for her? Are you still going to go ahead with that or have you rescinded your offer?

Nick: I don’t know. It’s a tough one. On one hand, it keeps me tied to her. On the other, this was my idea, you know. I made this commitment to her and pulling the funding just because things didn’t work out with us seems like a very adam thing to do.

Sharon: Okay. Well, I don’t know, sally that well, but if the two of you haven’t talked about it, I imagine she’s probably assuming you are going to pull the plug and she’s about to lose everything. So, maybe you at least owe her a conversation so that she isn’t sitting there worried that she’s about to lose everything in her life without any warning.

Nick: You’re right. You’re right. The last thing I want to do is look back on this situation someday and regret how I handled it. Thanks. Hey, it’s me. Can we meet?

Sally: Of course. Yeah, whenever, wherever you want. Okay. Yeah, I– I will be there. And nick, thank you for calling.

[ Sally sighing ] Okay. Well, what do you know?

Chloe: And see? That is a good guy. Doesn’t play games. Isn’t afraid to have a conversation like an adult. This is a really good sign, don’t you think?

Sally: Well, the way my life’s been going, I– I’m afraid to get my hopes up, but one way or another, at least I will know more than I know now after I talk with him. All right, let’s get going because, oh, I have a meeting with nick newman that could change my whole life.

Chloe: Well, fingers crossed, my friend.

Sally: Okay.

Nikki: I am so fortunate that claire came into my life. She is so smart and she’s interested in the business. God knows she’s on top of everything. And calm, you know, there’s no drama because… oh, it’s happened again. I’m talking to myself, aren’t I?

Victor: Oh, sorry, sweetheart. No, not at all. I– I was listening. Um… something about claire and how you liked her and how efficient she was and all that, right?

Nikki: Yeah.

Victor: Sorry, but I had a discussion with adam earlier.

Nikki: And?

Victor: I planted the idea in his head that victoria may be plotting against me, with nate’s help.

Nikki: I’m sure he loved hearing that.

Victor: Well, he didn’t make it too obvious that he was happy about that. But he did say that he thought I was justified in suspecting that victoria was indeed plotting against me. And he quickly pledged his allegiance to me.

Nikki: Of course, he did.

Victor: Yeah. Well, too quickly, but he was trying to be convincing.

Nikki: Victor, do I need to tell you again how much I hate this plan of yours? People will be hurt, including you. No matter how it ends, you’re gonna find out things you don’t want to know.

Victor: Maybe it’s not what I want to know, it’s what I need to know, you know. I need to find out who is gonna make the first move. Victoria or adam. But I’m beginning to have a feeling I will soon find out.

Adam: Sally.

Sally: Adam.

Adam: I, uh, was gonna call, but I figured you needed some time.

Sally: You were right.

Adam: Gotta say, it’s nicer to see you in person though.

Sally: Please don’T.

Adam: Well, I can’t lie. I, um, I can’t get what you said out of my mind.

Sally: Okay. Well, try really hard because I had no business saying any of those things to you, except one. There is no future for us. So, just hold on to that, will you? Please?

Adam: Is– is nick here to meet you?

Sally: Oh, yes, he is.

Adam: Why?

Sally: It’s none of your concern.

Adam: Sally, he abandoned you because of his bruised ego. Can you really stay in a relationship with him after you admitted how you feel about me?

Sally: I am really glad you asked that. So, people hold on to the past for all sorts of reasons and I shared a private thought with you in a moment of confusion. That was a mistake. So, if you respect me at all, you will just leave it alone.

Adam: Sally, I respect you more than you respect yourself. You– you think that these feelings are bad or they’re wrong? Or this is some sign that you’re messed up, but I know that the love that we had, it deserves a chance.

Sally: I’m not having this conversation with you. Not now. Not ever. Okay? Goodbye, adam.

Adam: Oh, well then, I guess that’s that.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: Thank you for meeting with me. I was hoping that you would ’cause we have a lot to discuss.

Nick: We don’t have to talk about anything personal. It’s strictly a professional conversation about your–

[ Nick breathing deeply ] About your business startup. Nothing more.

Sally: I see. So in other words, you’re pulling the plug. I get it. You have lost faith in that too.

Nikki: Darling, I don’t deny that victoria was furious when you announced you were coming back to newman and demoted her to co-ceo, but you’re still her father. She still adores you. She would never do anything to betray you. Trust me. If anyone is plotting against you, it’s adam.

Victor: Trust me. I’ll find out soon enough.

Nick: Sally, I’m not pulling out of your business.

Sally: You’re not?

Nick: No. I’ll admit it. I did think about it, but that’s not who I am. And I wanted to tell you that in person. I made a financial commitment to you and I will honor it. Yes, things have changed with us, but one thing that hasn’t changed is my belief in your talent and your potential. So, I’m good, no matter how off track our relationship has gotten.

Sally: How did things get so off track between us?

Nick: Like I said, we don’t have to talk about that. But I will say, it’s not because of me. I was very excited about our relationship. Where it was going and what it could be. Every day, I was hoping and praying that adam would just fade away, but he never did. He was always there. Sally, from someone who deeply cares about you, you need to figure out what you want in life or you’re never gonna be happy.

Sally: I’ve just been so confused. So much has happened.

Nick: I hate to sound cold, but that is not on me. I knew exactly what I wanted. It was your confusion, it has to be worked out. And I just have so much going on in my life. I can’t keep doing this with you.

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: What? What the hell is going on with you, dad?

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GH Transcript Monday, October 23, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Lois: Oh. Brookie? Hello?

Brook Lynn: Hey, Ma, sorry. I’m just sending this one… last… text. There. Okay.

Lois: What was that about?

Brook Lynn: I am about to sign a very important client.

Lois: [ Gasps ] Congratulations!

Brook Lynn: Okay, let me reiterate, Ma — I’m about to. It hasn’t happened yet.

Lois: Yeah, but you will.

Brook Lynn: Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to breathe easy until I sign these contracts.

Lois: Oh, oh, Brookie. I’m so proud of you.

Brook Lynn: Thanks, Ma.

Lois: Can I ask you a question?

Brook Lynn: Sure. And you can ask me another one.

Lois: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, okay. Um… are you happy being back in the music business?

Brook Lynn: Yes, of course. I should have never left.

Lois: Mm. Well… not everybody agrees.

[ Scoffs ]

Mac: Kevin!

Kevin: Mac.

[ Both grunt ]

Mac: How have you been?

Kevin: Good, good.

Mac: Glad to have you back in Port Charles.

Kevin: It’s good to be back. I understand you had your hands full as acting police commissioner.

Mac: Yeah. It’s, uh — [ Chuckles ] It’s been a lot. There was one case — or should I say one perp in particular — that, um, really got to me.

Sam: Hi, Cody.

Cody: Hey.

Sam: Dante isn’t here right now.

Cody: No, I’m — I’m actually here to see you.

Sam: Oh, well, in that case, come on in.

Cody: All right.

Sam: What a nice surprise.

Cody: Well, get ready to be even more surprised.

Sam: Oh, no. Why? What’s going on?

Cody: No. Well, look, for the first time, I’m actually not here to ask you for a favor. I’m just here to say thank you.

And again and again… and again.

What are you doing here? I thought all hard-working, high-level executives took lunch at their desks.

Well, actually, it was a working lunch. We were discussing what a pain in the rear new shareholder we have.

You mean your boss?

[ Chuckles ] Yes. Obtained only through blackmail and a hostile takeover. So, what is it you want?

Maxie: What Lucy is trying to say is, what can we do for you?

Lucy: I don’t have to remind you that I own 51% of this company, and as such, I expect to be informed of all major decisions before they happen.

Such as?

Changing the Face of Deception.

[ Exhales deeply ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ]

Sasha: Dante.

Dante: Hey, Sasha.

Sasha: Are you here on official business?

Dante: Uh, yes and no.

Sasha: Okay, um… do you want to come in?

Dante: Sure. Thanks.

Sasha: Am I in trouble?

Dex: With Spinelli’s help, I was able to track Mason’s car to the side of a cliff where he was getting ready to throw Ava over the edge.

Sonny: Son of a bitch.

Dex: Then we exchanged gunfire. He was blinded by my headlights, so I was able to get the jump on him. Ava managed to escape during the fighting, but he got the advantage and was about to push me over the edge when Dante showed up and put two bullets in his back.

Sonny: And now Dante is on forced administrative leave for saving your life. You did good.

Dex: Thanks, boss. But stopping Mason doesn’t solve the problem. What’s the next step?

Sonny: Well, I didn’t cut my honeymoon short for nothing. We need to stop the man that Mason works for.

Cyrus: Dr. Robinson. It’s good to see you.

Sonny: And it was Austin who brought the fabricated Pikeman information that we, you know, planted with Betty to someone at Pentonville.

Dex: Right, where Cyrus was an inmate at the time. So that’s who you think Austin and Mason have been working for?

Sonny: I have no doubt.

Dex: Then Cyrus is the one who leaked to the feds about your deal with Pikeman.

Sonny: You know what? He’s been trying to remove me before he was released. He’s hated me always. But I tell you what — he made a big mistake by abducting Ava.

Dex: You want me to go pay Austin a visit?

Sonny: Not yet, ’cause I want to make sure that all my allies stay loyal.

[ Knock on door ]

Dex: I got it.

Sonny: [ Grunts ] Speak of the devil.

Portia: What are you doing here?

Cyrus: I’m here to see you, Dr. Robinson.

Portia: I heard about your early release. An abomination of justice, if you ask me… after everything that you’ve done.

Cyrus: I’m sorry you feel that way.

Portia: Let me just make one thing clear to you. I can’t stop you from entering the hospital, but one thing’s for damn sure is I can stop you from approaching me or anyone in my family.

Cyrus: You have nothing to fear from me.

Portia: I’m going to get a restraining order. I’m going to get a restraining order to keep you away from me and my daughter. What, you think that I’m just going to forget? I’m going to forget that you held us hostage, that you pointed a gun to my daughter. I think a judge will agree with me. That’s a pretty damn good case for me to get a restraining order against you.

Cyrus: Dr. Robinson, that is all in my past. God has cleansed me of those sins, and the justice system has agreed and forgiven me, and I’m here now just to ask forgiveness of you.

Portia: This is redemption? Is — is that what this is? Because the fact that you’re approaching me at my place of work is proof that I need a restraining order.

Cyrus: You have my deepest regrets for my past actions. I seek you out now only to apologize.

Brook Lynn: The only person I know who doesn’t think I should be in the music business is Granny. That’s not exactly news. She has mentioned on multiple occasions how she thinks I should be in a more prestigious business because after all, according to her, I am a Quartermaine.

Lois: You’re also a Cerullo. Don’t you forget that.

Brook Lynn: Since when does Granny’s opinion hold any weight with you?

Lois: It doesn’t.

Brook Lynn: So then what’s your point?

Lois: Okay, my point is… [ Exhales sharply ] …You might want to care a little more about what your Granny thinks… …’cause she’s about to give you Deception.

Brook Lynn: [ Coughs ]

Kevin: So who’s this perp you’re telling me about?

Mac: Wait a minute. You haven’t told me about your adventure with Laura in Europe.

Kevin: Ahh, evading my question.

Mac: You just got back. I want to know all about it.

Kevin: You know, when someone evades the question, it usually means it’s important to them.

Mac: [ Chuckles ] Have I ever told you how I hate it when you try to shrink me?

Kevin: Oh, yeah. But I also know you very well. And if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. I’m just saying, if you do, I’ll listen.

Mac: How much have I told you about Cody Bell?

Cody: This is for you.

Sam: Um, wait, my birthday isn’t until May.

Cody: No, I know, it’s just, uh — it’s just something to show how grateful I am for you helping Sasha and me.

Sam: Oh, thank you, Cody. You didn’t have to do this.

Cody: Well, I know, but I couldn’t have gotten Sasha out of Ferncliff without your help. I mean, you had me committed, you had a getaway car waiting for us, you arranged for the cabin for us to stay in. Yeah, it’s just a — it’s just a little present to say thank you.

Sam: Well, I was happy to help. I just wish I would have listened to you earlier so then we could have helped her sooner, and for that, I — I am very sorry.

Cody: No, Sam, you have nothing to be sorry about. You took a leap of faith when you had plenty of reasons not to. And, I mean, you believed in me, and once you did, you went above and beyond to help Sasha.

Sam: You have been a really good friend to her, Cody. Your concern for her was sincere. And your determination to help her was admirable.

Cody: Yeah. I guess Sasha doesn’t need my help anymore.

Sasha: I don’t know what I could be in trouble over. I was cleared of all the charges involving my breakout of Ferncliff, and my lawyers told me that Cody wasn’t going to press any charges against me for stabbing him.

Dante: Yeah, no, no. I’m sorry, Sasha. You’re not facing any charges. I’m not here — I’m not here on official police business.

Sasha: Okay. Was there something else I did wrong, then?

Dante: No, no, no, no. It’s — it’s nothing you did. It’s, uh… it’s what you’re about to do.

Lucy: You made it very clear — you are part owner. But you know what isn’t clear is one — why would you care if Blaze is the new Face of Deception? Two — what you got against poor Blaze? And three — hmm, I can’t think of a three. Oh, I know. Why is it any of your business? It’s not, nada, none, zilch.

Maxie: Okay, I think what Lucy is wanting to say is Blaze is a perfect fit for us. She’s already a major recording artist. She’s clearly on the brink of super-stardom. She’s got millions of followers on social media, and…

Lucy: Thank you. That’s exactly what I would be saying. Go ahead.

Maxie: Younger women idolize her. Older women respect her. She’s the perfect person to uplift Deception and market us through major demographics.

Tracy: Bravo. You should be in sales. I might even have bought it if I cared. I don’t care. What I care about is that my 51% says Sasha Gilmore remains the Face of Deception.

Dante: From your police reports and your medical records the hell you went through at Ferncliff with that Dr. Montague. I am so sorry you went through all that.

Sasha: Thank you, Dante.

Dante: I know — I know it’s not the same, but — but I — I — I went through something about three years ago, and when my hell ended, I wanted to run away from everyone and everything I ever knew. I didn’t want to be associated with my former life, I think because I felt like I had been… irreparably changed, you know? And I love my life, my friends and my family, but at that point of time, I wanted nothing to do with any of them. I wanted to run as far as I could and never come back. I think trauma does that to us. I know it did it to me. I think it’s doing it to you. And I think running just makes things worse.

Sam: Oh, wow. Cody, what is this?

Cody: It’s a softball, Sam.

Sam: No, it’s a — it’s signed uh, by, actually — the US women’s softball team. That is so sweet. Thank you so much. You didn’t have to do this.

Cody: Yeah, well, you didn’t have to help me and Sasha, but you did.

Sam: Thank you.

Cody: Yeah, uh, Dante’s always talking about what a clutch softball player you are, so I thought, I don’t know, you might appreciate it.

Sam: I do, I do. I think this is awesome. I think I’m going to put it in the family room so we can all share it.

Cody: I love how you guys say that — the family room. I bet you and Dante and the kids all get together on the weekend and watch movies in there.

Sam: [ Chuckles ] You’re right, we do. On Sundays, it’s either a movie or sports or a board game. We make it a point to spend time together, and then we talk about our week or, I don’t know, we just hang out.

Cody: I used to wonder what that would be like. You know, be a part of a family.

Sam: What do you mean — you don’t wonder anymore?

Cody: No, I had my chance. I…threw it away.

Portia: I don’t want your apology. It is so meaningless. Your remorse, sir, is a sham. You should be in prison for the rest of your life. [ Stammers ] And the fact that you are free standing in front of me right now is — it’s a travesty. It’s insane.

Cyrus: You have every right to your anger, Doctor.

Portia: Don’t patronize me.

Cyrus: It breaks my heart that you are burdened with this resentment. If I could, I would — I would take it from you.

Portia: Now you’re playing games with me. There’s no point in trying to convince me. I know you’re not a changed man. The people that released you back into society, yes, they may have believed the reformed act, but me? I don’t buy it. And I never will.

Cyrus: I understand, but if you believe nothing else about me, believe this — I am extremely grateful to those who stopped me that night. My sister, Laura, and the very resourceful Jordan Ashford, and my gratitude also extends to your husband, Curtis.

Sonny: Thanks for coming to see me.

Selina: I’m always pleased to receive an invitation to meet with you, Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: You know Dex Heller, right?

Selina: I do. Hello.

Dex: Ms. Wu.

Selina: Congratulations to you and Nina. I heard you got married on your island. How was it?

Sonny: It was great. It was fantastic. You know, can I clear something up with you? How did you allow my cousin Gladys to run up such a massive gambling debt? And you didn’t even have the courtesy to inform me.

Brook Lynn: Did I hear you correctly? Tracy’s giving me Deception?

Lois: Was I mumbling?

Brook Lynn: What would give you that idea?

Lois: Tracy herself gave me that idea. She says she wants you to be able to provide for yourself if the music business doesn’t work out. She also told me that Lucy and Maxie weren’t using you to your fullest potential. Okay, that I’m going to agree with her on because, Brook Lynn, you have amazing potential, and if they were taking advantage of you, that’s not okay.

Brook Lynn: Ma, stop, okay? Tracy blackmailed me and — and took the company from them. You’re saying she did that for me?

Lois: According to Tracy, that’s the truth. She intends to hand over her controlling interest in Deception to you.

Brook Lynn: Come on, Ma, you believe her?

[ Exhales deeply ]

Mac: Cody got himself into trouble saving Sasha Gilmore. He put his neck on the line to save her. And what he did not only impressed me, but brought back memories of how I went to similar lengths trying to save Cody’s mother, Dominique.

Kevin: Weren’t you involved with Dominique before she was involved with Scott Baldwin?

Scott: Did I just hear my name mentioned?

Lucy: Sasha has been through too much. She has been through the most horrible, ugly ordeal because of that disgusting Gladys. So the worst thing to do for Sasha is throw her back into the spotlight where she was publicly skewered.

Tracy: I’m fully aware of what Sasha has been through.

Lucy: Okay, then you’re aware she stabbed Cody Bell at the Metro Court pool. She stabbed someone in public. I cannot have someone that freaks out and actually tries to kill somebody. Deception needs a spokesperson that has nothing to do with anything like that.

Tracy: And what about what Sasha needs? She was the face that relaunched this company. Your beloved Deception was shut down for over a decade.

Maxie: Can I say something?

[ Both Tracy and Lucy ] No!

Lucy: Look, I am just trying to think of Sasha.

Tracy: No, you’re not. If you were thinking of Sasha, you would reinstate her contract. Look, I need you to look at the big picture. Look at corporate culture. What kind of message would you be sending if you shut out somebody who’s struggling with addiction? What if this job is the very thing that gets Sasha back on her feet? Would you deny her that?

Lucy: Wow. I don’t know what’s happening here.

Tracy: Well, that’s not surprising.

Maxie: Okay, I’m going to say something whether you two like it or not. I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but, uh, what Tracy is trying to tell us is to have a heart and give Sasha another chance.

Tracy: Exactly, Maxie.

Lucy: This is classic Tracy — do something rotten and horrible, and then when it’s done, claim you did it for altruistic reasons.

Brook Lynn: Okay, she didn’t fall far from the Edward Quartermaine tree, that is for sure. As soon as Tracy got back to Port Charles, she — she zeroed in on Deception like a heat-seeking missile. I mean, she blackmailed me into spying for her, which I agreed to, to my everlasting regret. And then once Tracy had the upper hand, she filed a lawsuit and basically bullied Lucy and poor Maxie into settling.

Lois: She’s a real piece of work, I give you that. But I’m not so sure that this time she’s being 100% selfish.

Brook Lynn: Tracy did all this for Tracy, Ma. Don’t be fooled, okay? Any excuse that she did this for me is a blatant lie.

Lois: I’m not so sure, Brook Lynn.

Scott: Mind if I join you?

Scott, we were actually —

You know, actually, it– it’s been a while since the three of us has done any catching up.

As he was saying, we were right in the middle of catching up, Scott.

Scott: Yeah, but Kevin, you were talking about me.

Scott, we were actually talking about your client, Cody Bell.

Cody: What I did was I found my biological father, and I lied to him about being his son.

Sam: Are we talking about Mac?

Cody: Yes, good guess.

Sam: Gut instinct.

Cody: I guess that’s why you’re a great PI.

Sam: Why did you lie to Mac?

Sasha: You’re right, Dante. Um, we reacted similarly to the things that happened to us, but like you said, the circumstances were not the same. You had a family to come back to. I don’t. Brando is gone… and he’s not coming back, and neither is my baby boy. My family was taken from me, and every bit of me aches for them.

Dante: I — I can’t even imagine, Sasha. I’m — I’m so sorry.

Sasha: [ Exhales sharply ] You know, I — [ Scoffs ] I really tried like hell to carry on. I went on with my day-to-day activities, even though I was still grieving and still in pain. And honestly, I thought I was doing okay.

Dante: Well, for what it’s worth, Cody said you were doing pretty good before Montague started giving you those drugs.

Sasha: Yeah. I thought I was doing all right. But now, I’m not so sure.

Cyrus: Curtis was a hero that night, and I was deeply sorrowed to hear that he’d been injured. And it must be frightening to know that he is no longer capable of protecting you the way he once could.

Portia: I’m going to need you to get the hell away from me. And I swear, if you approach me or anyone, I swear, anyone that I love, I’m calling the cops. I don’t care, I’m going to have you thrown back in prison where you belong.

[ Door slams ]

Cyrus: Welcome home, Dr. Robinson.

Get away from the door. Go!

Selina: Gladys was, shall we say, an enthusiastic player, one who never turned away, even from the best players. But sadly, she lost more often than she won. But she assured me that she could do good on her debts, and although she was slow with payment, the money always arrived. So I saw no reason to doubt her or to bother you with it.

Sonny: Okay, I’m going to stop you right there because the next thing you say may have long-lasting repercussions. In our business, do you know how to distinguish between allies and enemies?

Selina: Of course I do.

Sonny: Okay — enemies lie to each other. Allies deal in honesty. So before you open your mouth, you need to decide… …which one you want to be.

Scott: You know, you’re lucky that Cody is such a forgiving soul. If it was up to me, I would slap this city with a huge civil lawsuit. Litany of charges. Cody would be singing his way to the bank.

You’d be singing your way to the bank all the way, too, Scott.

Scott: Yes, yes, yes, I would.

Assuming you’d win, how much of those damages would you collect?

Scott: Well, 20%, 30%, but my wallet is already fat enough. However, he has no interest, which seems a little weird.

Why? You said yourself Cody is a forgiving soul.

Scott: Yeah, but a few months ago, he was willing to sue the WSB for all that stuff that went on in Greenland. I just wonder what happened.

Lois: In Tracy’s own twisted way, I think she wants to do this for you. She’s afraid you’re not going to be able to make a living as a music manager, and she wants to make sure that you could support yourself in a way that she deems acceptable.

Brook Lynn: Right. Tracy won’t be happy regardless of what I do.

Lois: I don’t know, Brook Lynn, honestly. I mean, she seems to be really happy for you and Chase. She even brags about being the one that brought the two of you back together in the first place. And, you know, in true Q fashion, she doesn’t want you living on a cop’s salary.

Brook Lynn: Oh, right. So Tracy’s solution for my financial problems is to blackmail her own granddaughter and rob Lucy and Maxie of their dream.

Lucy: Let me try and get this straight. You, Tracy Angelica Quartermaine, you, after deviously stealing our 51% of the company and taking my precious 1% of ELQ, you expect us to believe that you have compassion for Sasha? You want to give her another chance? [ Chuckles ] Wait. What’s in it for you?

Tracy: Nothing.

Lucy: Mm. Oh, pooh. I’m not buying it.

Tracy: It’s the right thing to do.

Lucy: Okay, it’s — it’s freaky Friday, isn’t it? It’s freaky Friday.

Okay, okay, Lucy.

Lucy: Tracy, if there’s nothing in it for you, why is it so important that Sasha gets her job back?

Tracy: Because we’re all business women here, and we should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down.

Lucy: What?! You tore us completely down!

Tracy: Apples and oranges.

Selina: My alliance with you, Sonny, is vital to my interests.

Sonny: Then explain to me what happened with my cousin Gladys.

Selina: When Gladys lost, I extended her a line of credit. When the time came to pay, Gladys had lost more and she didn’t have the money to pay. She told me she had access to Sasha Gilmore’s money through a guardianship, but she couldn’t withdraw too much at once. That’s when she sold me her son Brando’s garage at below-market value.

Sonny: I’m surprised. Didn’t it ever occur to you to inform me, your ally, in this situation? If I was the suspicious type… …I would think that maybe you were trying to get information or leverage on me. And if that were the case, you and I would have a big problem.

[Deep exhale]

Cody: I had the DNA test in my hand at G.H., Sam. But instead of telling Mac the truth, I — I lied to him. I mean, hell, he found the test on the floor at the Q stables. I got it out of his hands before he knew what it was, but… that was my second chance to come clean, but instead, I lied again, right to his face.

Sam: But why, Cody?

Cody: I — I don’t know. I — I told myself it was because I was going for the money, but — but really, Sam, I just think — I think Mac’s too good of a guy to be saddled with a son like me.

Sam: No, it’s not too late to tell Mac that you’re his son.

Cody: I have lied repeatedly to his face. Any chance or hope of me earning his trust is gone. Look, Mac’s — Mac’s — Mac’s got a great wife and a happy life. He doesn’t need me as a son.

Sam: I’m assuming Dante knows all this.

Cody: Yeah, he’s — he’s known for a while, and I’m sorry, Sam I should have never asked him to keep a secret like that from you, which is why I’m telling you now. After all that you’ve done for me and Sasha, you deserve to know the truth.

Sam: Does anyone else know that you’re Mac’s son?

Cody: One other person. Sasha knows.

Sasha: Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m running away. But honestly, can you really blame me for not wanting to live in a place where everywhere I turn is a constant reminder of what I’ve lost or a mistake that I’ve made? Sometimes the pain is just too much.

Dante: To be clear, I don’t blame you for anything, Sasha. You do what’s best for you. I just want you to know that there are people here who love you and can help you heal from the trauma you’ve suffered. Hey, Michael, Willow, Chase, Maxie, Nina. Plus, you got some — some new friends in me and Sam and Cody. We’d all really miss you.

Tracy: From everything that Michael and Brook Lynn have told me, Sasha’s been through hell.

Lucy: Maxie and I are well aware of everything that Sasha has been through. You do not have to remind us.

Tracy: Well, apparently I do. Look at what’s been done to her. She deserves a break. Where is your empathy?

Lucy: Empathy?! Do you even know what that word means?

Tracy: I do. And I demand we give her a break.

Lucy: “Demand.” Demand.

Okay, Tracy, you are right. A lot of terrible things have happened to Sasha because she trusted the wrong people. We know a little something about that, don’t we, Lucy? I love Sasha, and I would hate it if I wasn’t there for her when she needed me.

Tracy: We all agreed.

Lucy: We have not all agreed.

Tracy: Oh. [ Chuckles ]

Well, you know, Sasha’s out of town, gone, so case closed.

Tracy: That’s what phones are for. Pick it up. Call her. Tell her that Deception has decided to reinstate her contract. And do it today.

Lucy: Ohhh…

Selina: I don’t seek leverage over you, Sonny. In retrospect, my actions were ill-advised. And I regret that. I also regret letting Gladys join my poker game. But having done so… I agree with you. I owed it to you, my ally, to apprise you of the situation as it unfolded.

Sonny: I’m glad we’re on the same page.

Selina: You’ve been a good business partner, Sonny, and I want to continue that relationship in the future. How can I make amends?

Sonny: I’m sure you’ve heard Cyrus is once again free.

Selina: I’m aware.

Mac: Cody was arrested after he broke out of Ferncliff and allegedly kidnapped Sasha Gilmore. Now, the charges were dropped, the paperwork filed away. I’m guessing Cody doesn’t want to bring it back out into the light of day, lest Sasha get involved. He’s very protective of her. Or Cody simply developed a conscience. Sorry, Scott. I know that’s not a word you’re familiar with — I got a conscience.

Cyrus: Excuse me, uh, for interrupting, gentlemen, but I’d like to have a word with my attorney, Mr. Baldwin.

Lois: Don’t you for one single minute think I’m sitting here defending Tracy because I don’t agree with anything she’s done on any level.

Brook Lynn: Good. For a second there, I thought hell was freezing over.

Lois: Well, hold on a second, ’cause hell might get a little chilly, because I do believe that Tracy is being sincere when she says she’s going to hand over her controlling interest in Deception to you.

Brook Lynn: Tracy can be as sincere as she wants… because there is no way in hell I will ever accept that company.

Dante: You know, Sasha, whatever decision you make, I wish you nothing but the best. I just didn’t want you leaving town without you knowing how much you’re loved and how much you’ll be missed.

Sasha: Thank you, Dante. Means a lot.

Dante: Hey, um… Brando was family, which makes us family. And if there’s one thing I learned from my mother and my father, it’s that family is everything. Take care. And if you need anything… you let me know.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Exhales deeply ]

Sam: It doesn’t surprise me at all that you would trust Sasha with the secret that you are Mac’s son. I mean, you did form a close bond when you broke her out of Ferncliff.

Cody: Yeah, yeah. Not that any of that matters anymore.

Sam: Why doesn’t it matter?

Cody: Uh, Sasha’s leaving Port Charles.

Sam: Since when?

Cody: I stopped by her place yesterday. I found her packing.

Sam: Did you try and talk her out of it?

Cody: Yeah, I tried. I failed. Sasha said that the movers are coming this morning, so… she’s, uh, probably gone already.

Lucy: Okay, what do you think that was all about?

Maxie: I have no clue.

Lucy: All right, but that woman is up to something. Mark my words. She is always up to something, and the only thing she does anything for is to benefit her shady bank account.

What could it be?

Maxie: Look, Lucy, I really have no idea, okay? But I’ve got to be honest — I kind of like what Tracy was saying. It would be nice to work with Sasha again.

Lucy: Yeah, maybe you’re right. You know, she could change her mind and not stay in Austin. After all, you know those fabulous winter coats she has that we love? She can’t wear those in Texas.

Maxie: We’re getting a little ahead of ourselves. What if she doesn’t accept the offer?

Lucy: [ Gasps ] What if she does? What are we going to tell Blaze?

Brook Lynn: I’m committed to my music career. And honestly, I don’t care if Tracy doesn’t have faith that I can succeed because I have faith in myself, and you were always the one who told me that’s all I need.

Lois: That. That is the Cerullo fire.

Brook Lynn: And you know what?

Lois: Hmm?

Brook Lynn: Even if I fail, I would rather get a job waiting tables at Kelly’s than let Granny gift me a stolen company. I’m going to go tell Tracy that right now.

Lois: Okay, hold your roll for just a second because as much satisfaction as it would give you to throw that gift right back in her face, I think I have a better way to handle this.

Scott: Oh, hey, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Why don’t we talk over here in private?

Scott: I think you might be a little confused. I’m not on retainer. You paid me a chunk of money to take care of you at the hearing, but that’s it. That’s the end of the story. Case closed.

Cyrus: Oh, no, no, our story isn’t finished yet. You were remarkable at the hearing, and I might have use of your brilliant legal mind again.

So much for Scott’s conscience.

I wish Scott stuck to chasing ambulances and defending Cody. Helping Cyrus Renault get released from Pentonville won’t end well, I’m sure of it.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Sonny: Any updates on our people watching Cyrus?

Dex: He paid a visit to G.H. today. He was spotted talking to Dr. Robinson.

Sonny: Trina’s mother?

Dex: Then he left G.H., went straight to the Metro Court restaurant. I told our people not to take their eyes off of him. They’ll report back with any updates.

Sonny: You know what? Ms. Wu has agreed to, you know, put eyes on Cyrus as well. So I tell you what — with her network and mine, he’s not going to make a move without me knowing. So we’ll have him under 24-hour surveillance. She’s going to notify me as far as who he’s interacting with, his associates, whatever, and if he tries any kind of overture to Selina, she’ll notify me immediately.

Dex: Can we trust her?

Sonny: The only thing I trust is that Selina will serve her own business interests. That’s why I have to keep her close.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Monday, October 23, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Ridge: Mm. Well, I needed that. Thank you. How do you know?

Brooke: I think I can pick up your signals right now. Yeah.

Ridge: Okay, see if you can pick up this one. Ah?

Brooke: I think I know what that is.

Ridge: Yeah? Not even close.

Brooke: No?

Ridge: Uh-uh.

Brooke: Oh. Um… you seem a little… distracted today. What is it?

Ridge: This whole thing, fighting my dad, it’s– it’s just getting to me.

Liam: Hey, sorry to… interrupt. Boy, am I interrupting.

[ Brooke chuckles ]

Liam: Uh, I don’t suppose either of you have talked to Steffy recently.

Donna: I made you another yummy green juice.

Eric: Oh, Donna, thank you.

Donna: What are you working on?

Eric: I’m working on the walking order for the collection.

Donna: Well, anyone would be captivated by these designs, no matter what order they’re in.

Eric: I think so too. They’re beautiful. I’m very happy with them.

Donna: Yeah.

Eric: RJ’s done a wonderful job executing my designs. He really has. My grand finale is really coming together.

[ Eric sighs ]

Donna: Hey, it’s okay. You know, the doctor called and, um, is gonna come over later.

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Donna: Hopefully, now, we can finally figure out what’s going on with you.

Eric: Yeah, that’s fine. That’s fine. I just don’t want you to worry about it, okay? I’m not worried about it, either. The last thing I want to think about. I’m gonna beat the pants off Ridge at this final showdown. I’m gonna do it.

[ Eric coughing ]

Eric: Sorry.

[ Door rattling ]

Katie: Hey, baby, I gotta call you right back, okay? I love you, too.

[ Eric coughing ]

Katie: Eric, your cough sounds horrible. Are you okay?

Eric: I, uh…

Ridge: Steffy is, uh, backpacking in The Alps, last I heard.

Liam: She’s– wow. Wow. When did that happen?

Ridge: I don’t know.

Brooke: Hopefully she can decompress from the threat of Sheila.  Speaking of which, does she know about Deacon and Sheila?

Ridge: She doesn’t know it from me. You and I haven’t been able to get a hold of her and it’s not the kind of thing you leave on a voicemail.

Liam: Sheila and Deacon Sharpe are a thing.

Eric: I’m fine, Katie. Really, I’m fine. Just– thanks for asking.

Katie: Okay. Are you sure? That sounded like some cough.

Eric: Yeah, I think it’s just allergies or something.

Donna: Yeah, it’s just been really dry out lately.

Katie: Well, take care of yourself because your schedule is about to get very full. No one can accuse me of not doing my job.

Eric: Couldn’t do any of this without you.

Katie: I just stopped by because I wanted to go over the final invite list. I have Ridge’s requests, but I’m sure there’s gonna be some overlap.

[ Eric coughing ]

Eric: I’m sorry, Katie. Um, I think I have some cough drops out here. I’ll get them.

[ Eric coughing ]

Katie: Are you sure that’s just allergies? What’s really going on with him?

Liam: So, at the moment, there’s no way to get a hold of Steffy?

Ridge: I– I don’t know. I really don’t know. Why you keep asking about Steffy?

Liam: Because I gotta– I gotta– I gotta talk to her about stuff, you know?

Brooke: Does it have to do with Kelly?

Liam: Uh, yeah, yeah. Um, as you know, I miss my daughter very much. I want her to come home. I want them all to feel– to feel safe enough to come home. Really– actually, sorry, that’s not the only reason I’m here. Um, as you know, Spencer Publications has multiple outlets covering the– the upcoming fashion event.

Ridge: So, you want me to make a pitch? ‘Cause Katie is on it.

Liam: Uh, yes, she is and she’s very thorough. I just thought, um, maybe I could give you–

RJ: Oh!

Ridge: Katie’s on it.

Liam: Fair enough. Hey, RJ.

RJ: Um, what’s up?

Liam: Nothing. I’m gonna– I’m not gonna take up any more of your time. I’m out. Good to see ya.

RJ: Good to see you too.

Liam: Let me know if you do, um, if you do talk to Steffy.

Ridge: Yeah, will do.

RJ: What was that all about?

Ridge: I don’t know.

RJ: Okay. Well, um, I– I just got the talking points from Katie about the fashion challenge. It seems like you wanted to change the rules a bit.

Ridge: No, rules are the same. Your grandpa and I, we wanted to keep it an intimate event and we’re just inviting people that are friends of Forrester Creations and they get to bid on the gowns, and whoever sells the most wins.

RJ: Hm.

Brooke: And nobody will know that it’s a fashion challenge: Father versus son.

Ridge: Yeah, no one will know what I designed or what your grandfather designed.

RJ: Right, so what I’m hearing is that you’re worried that if they know it’s Granddad’s Creations, he’s gonna win on name value alone.

Ridge: No, I’m– I’m worried people are gonna buy his gowns because it’s his “last collection.”

[ Donna scoffs ]

Donna: Nothing is going on, Katie. It’s just Eric is working day and night on a collection that could be the most important collection in his life. And regardless of his confidence and his talent, it’s stressful.

Katie: But he just seems so energetic and full of life. I mean, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that. I just can’t believe he’s gonna walk away from something that clearly means so much to him. Forrester has defined who he is. I mean, how can he say this is his grand finale when he could have so much more to offer?

Donna: I don’t know. I– I just think this is his last one.

Katie: Why are you saying that? I mean, is there something I’m not aware of? What’s really going on, Donna?

Eric: Donna, I’m wondering if you– Donna, you remember that appointment we have, right?

Donna: Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready right now, actually.

Eric: Okay.

Donna: Yeah.

Katie: Okay, that’s my cue. Um, this is the invite list. Please look it over when you get a chance. Let me know if there’s any changes.

Eric: Oh, I will. Thank you. Thanks, Katie.

Katie: All right. I love you. I’ll see you later.

Donna: Okay.

Eric: I’m sorry, honey. I know a part of you is dying to tell Katie what’s going on with us, but– and I hate putting you in this position, but I– I wouldn’t be able to stand the pity. I wouldn’t.

Donna: I know, and I love you and I don’t want to do anything you don’t want me to do. Did you, um, cough up–

Eric: Yeah, yeah, a little bit, a little bit. Nothing to worry about. [ Eric chuckles ] My beautiful Donna. Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. I’m not going anywhere. Everything’s gonna be– I’m gonna live ’til I die. And until then, I’m gonna be holding you in my arms and be a very happy man. Okay?

Donna: Okay.

[ Knocking on door ]

Donna:  Dr. Colby, please come in. Uh, you wanted to see us?

Colby: Yes. I have news about Eric’s condition.

Ridge: How’s the line coming along?

RJ: Wouldn’t you like to know?

Ridge: Oh, I do know. I– I get all the bills. I know he’s spending money on lace and diamonds. Has he ever heard of less is more?

RJ: Yeah, I’m sure he has. Come on, Granddad knows what he’s doing.

Ridge: Oh, I know. You okay? I was just playing with you.

RJ: Yeah, yeah, yeah, fine.

Ridge: Okay? I’m glad that, uh, things are okay here, because I– I know that my dad’s upset with me. I just don’t want you to be upset with me. Actually, I’m proud of you. I’m– I’m so happy that you’re working in this business. It just always felt you would be next to me. That’s all.

Brooke: That’ll happen soon enough. Don’t make him feel guilty.

Ridge: I’m– that’s not what I– I’m not– I’m sorry. That’s not what I mean to do at all. I’ve just asked you so many times to come work with me, and then you ended up saying no to me and then working with Granddad, and um… I don’t know. Is there something I’m not seeing here? Did something happen? What?

Donna: There– there has to be something more that we can do. Specialists that we– we can consult or something.

Colby: Of course. We’ll explore every avenue, but we also have to be realistic about what we’re dealing with.

[ Donna scoffs ]

Donna: No, I’m not just– I’m not just gonna sit back and accept this.

Eric: Donna, Donna, don’t worry.

Donna: Don’t worry? Don’t worry? What are you– what, did you not just hear what he said? You’re– you– you– oh, my god, I can’t believe this is happening. It’s just–

Colby: I’m sorry, okay? I hate delivering this kind of news and having to give it to you, but we’ve been running extensive tests and with Mr. Forrester experiencing hemoptysis, coughing up blood, I’m afraid his condition is worsening. My advice is that you take it easy and conserve your strength.

Donna: So– so you don’t want him doing the fashion show or any–

Colby: I strongly recommend against it. It quite literally could kill him.

Donna: Okay. Well, then, then it’s settled.

Eric: No, no, no, no, no, nothing’s settled. Doctor, excuse me, but if you think you can come into my house and drop this kind of a bomb, that I’m dying… and I’m gonna just sit here and wait for it– ha–

Donna: What?

Eric: You’re very much mistaken, all due respect.

Donna: What?

Eric: I’m gonna do this show. If this is… if this is the way I’m going out, then I’m going to go out on my own terms. This is my life! This is my skill and my talent. This is my gift! This is how I’ve lived all my years and if you think I’m going to forego seeing these– these designs come to life for all the world to see, you’re mistaken about that too. Now, if I have so little left in my life, then I’m gonna toast it with a glass of champagne and I’m gonna die a happy man. You think I’m gonna give this up? This collection will be a reality. I don’t care if it kills me. I don’t care.

Ridge: You know you can tell me anything, right? Is there something going on? Something, something wrong, maybe?

Brooke: Ridge, stop putting him on the spot. I’m sure RJ feels bad that he can’t work with you right now, but having his grandpa as a mentor is a wonderful thing.

RJ: No, Mom, it’s fine. It’s– it’s okay. I understand why he’s asking these questions. Dad, I didn’t think I’d be caught in this situation. I– I didn’t even know when i got home, if I wanted to design. I thought if I ever ended up designing, it’d be with you, here. I– I really did. I still want to. It’s just… Granddad is…

Ridge: What, he needs you? Is that it?

RJ: Yeah. Yeah, he needs me, and I need him right now. You know he’s a force of nature, right, Dad? Like– like, if anyone can understand that, it would be you. I mean, when he– when he comes up with ideas, it’s like a stream of consciousness. He– one second, he’s talking about how satin moves, and then how– how he wants to do a taper in a waist, and then he just picks up a pencil and he has it on a piece of paper, in seconds. Working with him, it’s– it’s like– it’s like magic when he’s in the zone. It’s emotional. He creates every single design with express intentions to make people feel something. I’ve never experienced anything like that before. It’s incredible. Designing, for him, is life, and nothing is gonna stop him. And that… I’m proud to be a part of that.

Ridge: I’m proud you’re part of that too. My point is, when you came back to Forrester, you didn’t want to do any of this at all. And now you’re doing it with Granddad. I just want to know if I’m missing something. Is my dad okay?

Donna: I just can’t believe this. I– I’ve loved you for so long. I’ve dreamed of being with you and I lost you once, and it was the biggest mistake of my entire life. How am I gonna lose you again?

Eric: Don’t, don’t, don’t. Don’t go there. Stay right here. Right here. Feel our hearts beat. Listen to ’em, really. This is what we have, right now. It doesn’t matter what the doctor says. I’m gonna live ’til I’m about 110 years old. It doesn’t matter what he says. I promise you.

Donna: How can you say that?

Eric: Because it doesn’t matter, Donna. We’re all gonna die. Everyone’s gonna die. And we’re all not gonna sit around and curl up in a ball and wait for it. We’re not going to. Look at this. Look. This is the path I’m on and this is what I’m gonna do. This is my– my grand finale. It doesn’t matter that some doctor says I’m gonna die. It doesn’t matter because I’m here and I’m alive and I’m with you. It’s gonna last forever. Okay?

Donna: Okay.

Eric: I love you.

[ Donna exhales ]

Donna: I love you so much.

Eric: See? Now, I’m gonna take a walk, and then I’ll come back in and– and get some work done and so on. Chin up, Donna Logan.

[ Donna chuckles ]

Donna: Okay. Okay.

Donna and Eric: Okay.

[ Donna inhales and exhales ]

Katie: Donna.

Donna: Katie? What?

Katie: Is what I heard just now true?

Donna: What– what did you hear?

Katie: Eric is dying?

Donna: Yeah. Yeah, it’s true. I– I– I… I, uh… the doctor was just here and, um, he gave us– he gave us the news tonight.

Katie: Honey… honey, I’m so sorry.

[ Donna sobbing ]

Katie: I’m so sorry. I know how much you love him. I can’t believe you’ve been going through all this all by yourself. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have been here for you.

Donna: What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I can’t lose him.

Katie: You’re not gonna lose him. You’re not. You’re not. You want to know why?

Donna: Why?

Katie: Because Eric has a life force inside of him that is strong and fierce and vital.

Donna: Oh, god, Katie, he’s just– he’s been working so hard. He’s been pushing himself and he’s just–

Katie: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, the fashion show. That’s why he keeps calling this his last finale.

Donna: Yes.

Katie: Donna, does– does Ridge know?

Donna: No! No, no, no, no. He cannot know. He doesn’t want him to.

Katie: Donna, you have to tell him.

Donna: No.

Katie: Ridge has to know that his father is dying. He has to know.

Ridge: Something doesn’t add up. You working with Granddad on his– what is his last line, his grand finale. I need you to be completely honest with me. Something going on with my dad? Something I don’t know about?

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B&B Short Recap Monday, October 23, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Liam drops by Forrester Creations to see Ridge and Brooke, who are kissing (as usual). He wonders if they’ve heard from Steffy (since he left the voicemail on her phone about Deacon and Sheila being together). Ridge says that she’s hiking in The Alps. RJ comes in just as Liam is leaving. Ridge jokes with him but then pressures him to tell him what’s going on with Eric. He even asks if Eric is OK, but RJ won’t answer. He just says that Eric needs him.

When Katie visits Donna and Eric, Eric keeps having coughing fits, but he claims that it’s just allergies. After Eric leaves the room, Katie asks if he’s OK. Later, the doctor visits to tell them that Eric is dying. We don’t get any details about what disease Eric has. The doctor tells him that he should rest and not do the fashion show, but Eric insists on doing it, even if it kills him. Eric holds Donna, who is crying. He urges her to live in the moment. Katie overhears and sympathizes with Donna. Donna tells her not to tell Ridge.

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Days Transcript Monday, October 23, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


This gets more and more exciting, doesn’t it?


I mean, we’re soon to be parents.


According to Melinda, it’s practically a done deal.

This is the best news ever.


Oh, and how was your visit with Mr. Dorsey at the hospital?

Good. Good. Thank you. The doctors are hopeful for a speedy recovery. I’m sorry I was so late. It’s just–I had to step out of the room while they performed the procedure.

Oh, you waited there alone the whole time?

No. Actually, I wasn’t alone. Nicole was there.

[solemn music]

Hold on, let me write that account number down.

No, no, no, no, don’t write on that!

[doorbell rings]

Theresa? I thought it would take you a week to pack.

[suspenseful music]

Brady! Oh, my goodness!



I just wanted to…


Come see you. Check up on you, see how you’re doing.

Oh, how sweet of you to do this.

Well, I heard a rumor.


That Victor’s friend, Konstantine Meleounis, he was staying here. Is that true?

Yeah, he is. And we had the most wonderful day.


Yeah, I took him on a little tour of Salem. And when we got back here, he cooked this amazing meal-

all Greek delicacies.

Mm? Mm-hmm.

But sadly, he is leaving tomorrow.

Oh. Is he upstairs packing, or?

No, he went back to town to walk off his dinner. He loves it here in Salem. He wanted to take in some more sights. Hmm.


[solemn music]


[knocking on door] Feldman’s here already?


Damn it! Konstantine, I told you to stay put in Greece until you heard from me. What the hell are you doing here?

Let me in, and I’ll tell you. After all, we don’t want anybody knowing that we are friends now, do we?

[suspenseful music]

[soft orchestration] announcer Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”


Hm. I got to admit, I was surprised to hear that one of Victor’s friends from the old country just popped in without notice. You weren’t expecting him, right?

No, not at all.

Well, he certainly seemed to have brightened your day a little bit.

Well, he has. I mean, mainly because of his connection to my precious husband. I mean, through Konstantine’s stories and that photo album, I’ve gotten to see a handsome young Victor, who’s got his whole life ahead of him. Hmm.

I guess it’s nice to see you smiling again.

Aw. Aw. Well, that’s thanks to Konstantine. Do you know that he came all this way just to lift my spirits?

[ominous music]


What exactly are you doing here?

What kind of friend would I be to the late lamented Victor Kiriakis if I didn’t pay a condolence call on his widow?

You came here to see Maggie?

I brought her an old photo album filled with pictures of a young Victor. I made her a lovely dinner. It’s the least I can do after all. But I also came to catch up with my new friend Theresa. Tell me, dear, are you still trying to get your hooks into Victor’s long-lost son?

Who did you think I was when you were opening the door?

Now why is that any of your business?

Just curious.

What can I do for you, Xander?

Not much, cousin. Just resign as CEO of Titan and give Maggie her job back immediately.

[dramatic music]

I’ll have to call you-

call you back. Did I do something wrong?

No. No. I’m sorry. It’s just that this isn’t scrap paper.

Well, what’s in it?

Just everything we need to know about our baby’s genetic makeup, all in one document.

You got them to print you out another one?

Yeah. After I lost the last copy. But if our baby gets sick, this could prove to be helpful.

True. But there’s another reason to protect this like the precious document it is. It names me as the father of our child. And given that I absolutely adore the mother of our child, it makes me ecstatically happy.



Me too.

Mmm? Good.


Nicole has a funny way of just showing up wherever you seem to be, doesn’t she?


No, it’s just-

it’s just that it’s weirdly coincidental. What was she doing at the hospital, anyway? Is the baby OK? Everything’s-

Yes, the baby is fine. She was just refilling a prescription. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just that I should have never mentioned her. Because every time I mention Nicole’s name, it just upsets you.

Yeah. It seems it does. That’s-

because I’ll admit I’m envious that she’s pregnant. That she can carry a baby to term.

Sloan. As we discussed before, we’re about to be parents. And like I told you, just like I told Nicole before she picked up her baby’s DNA report, that I don’t need to pass along my genes to a child. I just need to love-

Wait, what did you just say? Nicole picked up her baby’s DNA report? You said she was there to pick up a prescription.

Yeah, she did, but she asked the nurse if she could get another copy of the original baby’s genetics because she lost the original.

Oh, my God.

[suspenseful music]

Hey. Are you OK? I mean, you’re starting to look pale.

Am I?

Yeah, by the way you reacted. Why do you even care about the genetic report in Nicole and EJ’s baby?

Oh, I–I don’t. I don’t care. I just–I just thought that Nicole would be, you know, more careful with something that’s so important about her baby. I just–I hope that she takes everything a little bit more seriously with the rest of the pregnancy, that’s all. Um… Oh, I got a text. I–I have to go. It’s a client. He just got arrested. So now I got to go get him a bail hearing and-

Oh, my God, is it that big of an emergency? I mean, like right now?

Yes, right now. We’re on the clock. And if I don’t go right now, then he’s going to have to spend the night in jail. And that just would not be a good thing.

All right. Do you need a-

do you need a ride?

No, I don’t even know how long I’m going to be there, how long it’s going to take. But I’ll call you, OK? Ah, just think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think!

[inhales] OK. OK. I still have the copy of the report that shows that EJ’s the father. And then the envelope couldn’t have been that different that they give Nicole. If I just-

I get there. I swap the envelopes. I just pray to God they haven’t opened it.

Now why don’t I keep this with my documents in the wall safe?

Good plan.

Also, sorry about writing numbers on it before you stopped me.

One, two-

And baby makes three.


Would you mind if I took a gander at this before we lock it away?

As if you haven’t memorized everything in it anyway.

Well, that may be true, but I wouldn’t mind reading over it again. Can’t have too much information when our new child is concerned.



[phone ringing]


Excuse me.


Oh, I forgot to call that investor back. Ahh, I need to-

I need to take this.

Of course.

EJ DiMera.

[ominous music]



Well, it’s obvious that Victor and Konstantine shared a lot of memories together.


But Granddad never mentioned him to you, did he?

No. I haven’t-

not that I recall, no. But you know your grandfather. He didn’t like to deal with the past. But it’s clear that there was a real bond between them. I mean, it went back to when they were kids. Did you know that Victor loaned Konstantine money to open his own restaurant?

[laughs] Yeah, I’m sure with a hefty interest rate, right?

No, he forgave the loan. And he wouldn’t even accept a single payment, or even free meals.

OK. That doesn’t sound like Victor.

Oh, tell me about it. But I think that shows how important Konstantine was to him. I mean, you know, after so many years of loving that man, Victor was always so unpredictable.

I think we can both agree on that.


But I’ll tell you what this latest revelation, Maggie. It certainly seemed out of character for him.

Oh, you mean about the fact that Alex was his son?

Yeah. That’s exactly what I mean. And honestly, I still can’t believe that he kept that a secret from all of us, for all these years.

You’re wasting your time, Xander. See, the job is mine. Get it? If my dad couldn’t talk me into giving it over to Maggie-

Your dad? Which–which dad?

Go to hell.

Oh, that was a silly question because obviously, you’re talking about your fake dad, the one that’s still around. But let’s talk about what your biological father wanted-

your biological father who did not name you CEO in his will. So don’t you think you should honor his wishes? I mean, if I were his son, that’s-

that’s what I’d do.

[suspenseful music]

Well, in answer to your question, exhibit A, my packed suitcases. I’m going from here straight to Alex’s apartment.

You’re moving in with him?

You catch on quick, huh?

And you certainly don’t waste any time, do you?

From what I remember, neither do you.


[clicks tongue] Victor, Victor, Victor. Leave it to you to blow up everything in your last will and testament.


Room service!

[dramatic music]

Who are you? You don’t work for the hotel.

Where is it? There it is!

Hey! What are you doing? Give me that!

What the hell? I’m supposed to be in this will! Victor left me nothing?

Not your favorite day, was it?

It got better as the day went on as I recall-

for both of us.

This was a lovely surprise.

Well, thank you. I was driving by. I saw your lights on. I thought, oh, I’ll just pop in and see you.

[laughs] I’m glad you did. How is everything going?

Oh, fine. Fine, except for worrying night and day about-

about Belle. Have you spoken to her?

Recently? No, I haven’t. How’s she doing?

Well, to hear Belle tell it, she’s got everything under control.

Only after her husband left the country and went into rehab.

Yeah. I’ve been trying to spend some time with her, but, you know, who wants her mother hovering all the time? I thought maybe you could check on her.

Of course, I can. I’m happy to help.

Good. And I’m sorry, if you and Sloan are in the-

where’s Sloan?

Yes, we’ll touch base again at the end of the week. Good night. Well, now that I have that all sorted, shall we take another look at this report again?

Yes. But first, I’m going to check on Holly and see if she needs any help with her homework.

Meanwhile, I’ll get started on mine.

[laughs] And let me know if you find anything new and surprising.


[blows kiss]

[ominous music]

[sighs] Well, Alex certainly didn’t waste any time, did he? Stepping into the role of Victor’s son.

Mm-hmm, he certainly staked out his claim at Titan.

Yeah, he also quit Basic Black without any notice whatsoever. I heard he offered you a position in the company.

Oh, he did. I turned him down, obviously. Alex and I are like oil and water. I mean, it’s somewhat surprising considering how well his father and I got along.

[gentle music] Hm.

I appreciate your concern. Actually, I don’t. Because you’re not Victor’s son. That would be me. That is why my take on what he wanted is the only one that counts.

He did not want you running this company, Alex.

Then why did he give me controlling interest?

Perhaps so you could show some character, not run his widow out.

OK. Yeah, yeah. First of all, when it comes to challenging character issues, you’re a joke. Second of all, I happen to have, A, the character to be staying in this very modest apartment while I’m allowing Maggie to run the Kiriakis mansion-

which I own–as she sees fit.

Wow, what a guy.

[laughs] What do you want? What do you–you’re here to beg for a job?

Oh, no, the last thing I want from you is a job, Alex. I’m just here because I still can’t believe this insanity. Oh, so Victor tore up his old will and what? Wrote a new one that cut the rest of us out just to give you half? You tell me, why the hell does that make any sense?

[suspenseful music]

For the record, I was interested in Alex before I met you and before I read a single word of Victor’s will.

Perhaps. But after you got a sneak peek, you were like a heat-seeking missile.

Well, I didn’t want to take any chances. And then when Alex and Brady came back, I purposely asked Brady if I could stay with him. And as expected, he turned me down. He was harsh, cruel, actually. And I let it all play out right in front of Alex.

You knew he’d take pity. Well played.

Well, it helps when you know the man is about to inherit a fortune, and he doesn’t even have a clue.

Hm. My father helped give that man a start. Without that seed money, there never would have been Titan. Victor would never have amassed his fortune. I’m the one who talked him into writing a new will-

and still, he left me out of it.

Are you done ranting? Or do I have to call security to haul you out of here?

Depends. Do you want your friends Alex and Brady to know you’ve been reading Victor’s will?

Who the hell are you, anyway?

I am Konstantine Meleounis.

You are the one who’s supposed to help find Victor’s letter.

Alex and Brady are on what you Americans might call a wild goose chase, but not for much longer.

How did you know to come here? How did you know the will was here?

I didn’t. I had a man watch the place. And when the head of the ISA showed up with a battered briefcase, I made an educated guess. I needed to just how generous my old friend decided to be.

Yeah, well, it turns out he wasn’t really very generous with anyone, was he? Except for his wife and his son.

[scoffs] A son he didn’t care enough about to even acknowledge when he was alive. And who is this young man, anyway? And where is this so-called letter that explains everything?

I have no idea.

[suspenseful music]

This must be it, right? The one on top? And it hasn’t even been opened yet. Why don’t we read it together-

shall we?


Victor’s long lost son is-

Xander Cook?

Mm. Never saw that coming.

Nor did I. But I do know that Victor had an affair with his brother Titus’s wife. And the product of that affair was-

Xander? This can’t be right. Xander is Victor’s son?

Apparently so.

Oh. And Victor left him half of everything? I mean, do you even understand what a piece of garbage this man is?

I understand that quite well. My father did business with him. Papa was getting older. His judgment had slipped. And Xander robbed that old man blind. And now this criminal, he’s a gazillionaire and I get nothing? Oxi!

I mean, just the irony that there’s two Alexanders in this family and this waste of space is the one who’s going to get the huge payday. Why couldn’t it have been the handsome, charming Alex?


Maybe it still could be.

It is a pity that your friend Alex will never know what we have done for him.

Xander, if you want to know why Victor waited until his last will and testament to reveal that I’m his son, hire a psychic. I moved on.

Well, that’s easy to do when you’re on the receiving end of a fortune.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I have the money. I have the job. I also just found out that the man that I thought was my father my whole life isn’t really my father.

Oh, give me a break, Alex. You know your place in the family is barely changed at all. You’ve always been loved and accepted, unlike me. I mean, I’ve always been treated like the black sheep, like I’m barely even qualified to landscape the ground.

Aw, poor you.

Yeah, poor me. Do you have any idea what I’d have done to have Victor acknowledge me the way he finally acknowledged you? No, he always treated me like I was an outsider, like-

and worse, I was an embarrassment. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t feel sorry for you, Alex. As far as I’m concerned, you are one lucky bastard.

Sloan, she just left. She had to go deal with a client’s bail situation.

Oh. At this time of night?

Life of a criminal lawyer. I know she’ll be sorry she missed you.

Well, no, she won’t.

[laughs] She’s uncomfortable around me.

Maybe because she knows that you don’t like her?

No, I just don’t know her all that well.

Mom, maybe we can fix that. I know a lot of people don’t really like Sloan. But I know her better than anyone. She’s got a big heart, and she makes me happy.

That’s all I care about. So then she’s fine with me.


[ominous music]


[doorbell ringing]

Harold? Harold!

[sighs] I suppose even the help are allowed a dinner break.

[dramatic music]

I can’t tell you how good it is to see you optimistic about the future. And if that’s because of Sloan, then I am grateful.

Thank you.

I’d also love to have a beautiful little grandbaby.


You know? And you deserve this. You deserve to have someone love you who is true and loyal. And that-

that seems to be Sloan. You also deserve to have a child.

[gentle music]

I love you.

Hello? Hello?

[suspenseful music] Looks like the Halloween pranksters showed up early this year.

[door shuts] Nicole? Uh, OK, what was that noise?

[sighs] Maggie, here’s what I don’t get. Granddad knew that it would be shocking for all of us. I mean, he knew that it would be devastating for Justin, for you, for Alex-

knowing that Alex was his long lost son. Yet he just left us all to sort it out? I don’t understand. I don’t understand why he would just let Alex’s true paternity remain a secret all these years.

I wish I had the answer for you. But you know, if God granted me one more minute with that man, that is the exact question that I would ask him-


Oh, I get why you and every other shallow idiot in this town thinks that I should be eternally grateful for my good fortune. Just kind of hard to see it that way when your whole damn world’s been turned upside down.

You know, when I came over here, I thought you’d be gloating. I wasn’t expecting a pity party.

No, I’m not looking for anybody to feel sorry for me. But if you think for a single second that I would have traded Justin as my dad for Victor’s money, you don’t know a damn thing about me. You call me lucky? At least you know who you are. You know who your parents are. And I find it highly unlikely that you will ever be told that you are all wrong. And that your life was a lie.

Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts.

No. Of course not. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel somewhat guilty about it, though.

You feel guilty? For robbing the swine of his birthright?

Hell no. Xander can live on the streets for all I care. It’s Alex.

What is there to feel guilty about Alex? We made him rich!

We also made him fatherless.

What do you mean it still could be Alex?

This letter from Xander’s mother talking about her affair with Victor and the child it produced, well, it’s sort of vague.

Vague? How?

I’m just saying that it wouldn’t be that hard to substitute “Anjelica Deveraux” at the bottom of the letter.

Anjelica is?

Alex’s mother.


And see, I know enough about their past to know there’s nothing in this letter that would contradict it.

So Alex becomes the heir and-

Xander ends up with nothing?

He would squander all the money away, anyway.

Agreed. But why Alex Kiriakis? Why make him the wealthy man in Xander’s stead?

We have a connection going. We’ve already talked about going out. He seems real interested. And if I can make something happen fast, something between us before he learns that he’s the heir, then he won’t have to question me going after him for his inheritance.

That is quite a plan.

It would be so simple. I wouldn’t even have to tweak the will. All it says is that he leaves half of his inheritance to the son he never acknowledged-

no name. I can make this happen.

You mean, we can make this happen.


I have access to equipment. I can bring you a brand new letter, one forged so well that no one will question it. We both bring something to this equation, Theresa. And when it comes to Victor’s fortune, there’s more than enough to go around. Partners?

[suspenseful music]

Alex asked me to move in with him, but getting him to pop the question, well, I don’t know how long that’s going to take. So I can’t promise you when you’re going to get your payday.

Then I’ll just have to find a way to stick around for a while.

Little bit of advice, cousin. Maybe keep the sob story about your parentage to yourself. No one likes to hear billionaires whine about their hurt feelings.

Xander. What are you doing here?

I was just leaving. Why are you here?

She’s moving in.

[laughs] That’s who you thought I was when I came here earlier? Why am I not surprised? Victor has a new rich son, and Theresa’s already on the case.



Do not listen to him. He’s jealous. And wishes all this happened to him instead of me.


How was your walk?

It was lovely. I passed by these in the park and thought of you.

Daffodils. They’re my favorite.

I believe Victor told me that once.

I can’t believe you remembered that. I also don’t believe that they were blooming in the park in October.

[laughs] I had the feeling I would not get away with that story. You are too clever.

You bought them for me.

It was the least I can do after I spent the night. Oh, Maggie, meeting you and seeing the town Victor called home, it has been magical. However-

However what?

My time here has come to an end, Maggie.

Oh. Does it have to?

I never planned to stay more than a day or so, so.

Plans change.

[stammers] I mean, if there’s nothing urgent for you back in Greece, you’re more than welcome to stay with Victor’s family as long as you like.

A night was one thing. Asking to stay longer would be such an imposition.

You didn’t ask. I offered. Having you here, it would be a pleasure.

Oh. Oh, hi.

Hey, you’re back quicker than I thought.

Well, sometimes these things just work out.


Hello, Marlena. Nice to see you.

Hello, Sloan. Nice to see you, too.

I was just walking my mom out.

Yeah. But you know what? We were just actually talking about you before you came in. Eric was telling me about all the wonderful things coming up in your life.

Glad to hear it.

But we’ll have to get together. You know, why don’t-

why don’t you both come to supper?

Yeah, I would like that.


Good. Good. I’ll–I’ll call you with some dates, and we’ll-

we’ll get it set up.




[door shuts]

[suspenseful music]

Oh, did you finish your homework?

Oh, I was interrupted. And now I have to take another work call. So I’ll get to my homework a little later. In the meantime, I’m going to put this precious document with very important information about our soon-to-be-born little one into the safe so we don’t lose it again.


And no one will have access to it but Mommy and Daddy.

Ooh. Excellent plan, Daddy.



[suspenseful music]

[shredder whirring]


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GH Short Recap Monday, October 23, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Lois is happy to hear that Brook Lynn might have signed an important music client, but she tells her that Tracy wants to give her controlling interest in Deception. Brook Lynn is shocked but not interested in the job.

Kevin and Mac catch up. Mac tells Kevin that the way Cody rescued Sasha reminds him of when he was younger and rescued Dominique. Scott drops by when they mention his name and insists on joining them.

Cody visits Sam to give her a gift – a softball signed by the U.S. Woman’s Softball Team – to thank her for all her help with Sasha. Sam is grateful for the gift. He tells her about Sasha leaving town and also about Max being his dad.

Tracy visits Deception and tells Lucy and Maxie that they to hire Sasha back as the Face of Deception, even though she’s leaving town.

Dante visits Sasha to let her know that he’s been through some similar circumstances and that has friends and family who love her.

Cyrus tries to express his sympathy and regrets to Portia, but she’s not having any of it and warns him to stay away from her family. Cyrus tells Scott that he still needs his services.

Dex fills Sonny in on what happened with Mason. Selina visits because Sonny summoned her. He’s not pleased with the fact that she never told him about Glady’s gambling problems. She apologizes and promises to keep an eye on Cyrus for him.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, October 23, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Claire does work for Nikki at the office. They get along really well. Claire is doing a good job, and Nikki trusts her. They have a nice chat. Nikki leaves, so Claire looks around at the photos on her desk, particularly the one with Victoria. Claire glares at that photo. Back in her room, Claire gets out a folder with some photos of Victoria and the Newmans. She glares at them some more.

Adam sees Victor at GCAC. Victor, who’s in a good mood, invites him to sit down. Adam asks him how he’s doing. Victor is doing well and tells Adam that he’s heard from Nate about how well he’s doing, so he’s proud of him. Adam is glad to hear it but complains that Nate doesn’t trust him, so he doesn’t give him many interesting things to do. Adam admits that he can’t blame Nate for it, though. He does confide to Victor that he thinks Nate just wants to keep him under his thumb, and it has nothing to do with business. In turn, Victor confides that he suspects that Nate and Victoria are conspiring to push him out of his job as CEO. Adam believes they would want that, but he doesn’t know if they’re really pursuing that. Victor tells him about a conversation he overheard between Victoria and Nate about Victor “losing his marbles.” At Victor’s urging, Adam admits that it could be possible that they’re working against him. Victor tells him that Nick will come back to the company and keep an eye on them for him. Adam is shocked to hear it and wonders why Nick would come back. Victor thinks that it’s because Victoria convinced him that Victor is losing it mentally. Victor says that it breaks his heart, so Adam offers his sympathy. Victor asks Adam to be his ally, so Adam assures him that he will be. He pledges to Victor that he has his back and is on his team. They shake hands warmly.

Later, Victor and Nikki have dinner. Nikki praises how great Claire is, but Victor is distracted, due to his discussion with Adam. They talk about what happened with Adam. Nikki reminds him how much she hates his plan to figure out whether Adam or Victoria is trying to sabotage him. Nikki points out again that Victoria loves him and that it’s probably Adam that’s working against him. Nikki texts Victoria to come to the ranch for a visit.

Chloe finds Sally at Society, working on her laptop. Chloe hopes that Sally has given up on the idea of getting back with Adam and has made up with Nick. Sally tells her that Nick has been avoiding her. Chloe wonders if Nick just has to cool down a little. Sally is worried that Nick is ending things between them. Nick believes that Sally has unresolved feelings for Adam, and Sally can’t deny that. She tells Chloe that she gave Adam a tongue-lashing for all the ways he’s hurt her, but she also told him that she hasn’t been able to let him go. Chloe isn’t happy to hear that. They discuss it. Chloe suspects that Adam will prey on Sally and break her heart again. Chloe advises her to work things out with Nick.

Nick chats with Sharon about Victor’s recent memory lapses and how he’s been trying to deal with him. She wants Sharon’s psychological opinion, but it’s not really in her field of expertise. She offers to have a chat with Victor to see if she can see what Nick and Vicky are worried about. Nick agrees to set up a meeting. Sharon asks if Nick will have time and energy to focus on their new business, but he assures her that he will. Sharon holds his hand for a second, recounting all the tough things he’s been through lately. Sharon thinks that Nick’s losing Sally has been hard on him, but he shrugs that off. She advises him to deal with any unresolved issues he might have with Sally. He thinks that her feelings for Adam are the problem. They discuss that. Sharon is sorry that things didn’t work out for him and Sally. She wonders if he’s still planning to fund Sally’s new company. Nick hasn’t decided yet, so she suggests that he talk to Sally about that. He thanks her for her advice and phones Sally to meet up. Sally is very excited to hear from him.

Sally goes to GCAC to meet Nick but sees Adam there. They greet each other. He can’t forget what she said. She tells him that they have no future. Nick walks in, so Adam tries to convince her to choose him over Nick. They argue, and he leaves. Sally thanks him for meeting with her, but he tells her that they just need to have a professional conversation about her startup. She thinks this means he’s pulling the plug on her funding. They sit at the bar. He assures her that he’s not taking away the funding. He tells her that he was excited about their relationship, but he blames Adam, and her feelings for him, for their troubles. Sally is very confused, but he can’t keep arguing with her.

Adam goes to Victor’s office and looks around. He pours himself a drink and sits at his desk. He stares at his painting on the wall. Then he starts going through Victor’s desk drawers. He finds a notebook with a drawing of a snake and wonders what it means. He seems alarmed.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of 10/16/23

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Stephanie from DOOL


Stephanie forgot Abby’s birthday. She acted as if she was close to her, but she forgot her birthday.

Kate talked to Marlena about her kids, but she didn’t mention Billie and Cassie. Did she forget she had daughters?

Stephanie shouldn’t have been surprised that Chad doesn’t love her the way he loved Abby. She knew that Chad was in love with Abby so there’s no need to be surprised that he doesn’t love her the same way.


Kayla pulled strings to get Talia a job at the hospital, but she was ready to go back to California.

Clyde is managing to do a lot in prison. He helped Edmund kidnap Susan. There’s no reason why they should have met each other.


Stefan was upset that Gabi chased Vivian away as if she hadn’t gone for a long time. She was in prison, so he wasn’t seeing her.

Dimitri was shot and was going to be arrested for attempted murder, but he didn’t have a cop outside of his room at the hospital.


Leo didn’t know Dimitri was going to be on the run so how did he know to have a blonde wig with him?

Rachel could be heard talking to Stephan while Tate was shown.


When did Steve have a problem with Theresa? Theresa said she couldn’t stay with Kayla because Steve had a problem with her.

Emily O’Brien (Gwen/Theresa) was talking with her British accent.



Steve from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of 10/16/23

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Chad and Stephanie from Days

Stephanie got what she deserved this week. She got shocked when Chad pulled away from her. She didn’t remember Abby’s birthday. Stephanie is Abby’s cousin, but she didn’t remember her birthday. You would think she would have remembered her birthday because they are family. Lucas took the time to call Chad from prison to acknowledge Abby’s birthday. We loved the look on Stephanie’s face when Chad pulled away from her. She didn’t know how to react to that. We felt that she should have remembered that. Chad wasn’t perfect either. He pulled away from her, but he moved on with his life. He didn’t wait a year before he moved in with Stephanie. He doesn’t have a right to get upset about her birthday now. He went to the park and talked to her picture about missing her. He didn’t prove that by moving in with her cousin less than a year after she passed away.

Was anyone else ready to throw something at the screen when Sarah yelled at Xander? As you know, Xander wanted to sue for full custody of Victoria because Sarah lied about the baby’s paternity. He and Sarah talked once she learned he didn’t kill Susan. They seemed to work things out until Justin told her that Xander wanted to sue for full custody. We don’t get Sarah’s anger about it. She got mad at him because he wanted the baby. Is she the only one entitled to change her mind about something? He had no way of knowing that she was going to come around about the baby. Sarah’s high and mighty attitude is going to make things worse for her. She made the situation worse than it needed to be. We are looking forward to a big custody battle. Hopefully the case won’t take place offscreen the way other things seem to be happening on the show. We waited a long time to see a juicy court case on the show. Xander didn’t roll over once Sarah went off about him going after the baby. He wanted Sloan to go after Sarah once she told him off.

We’re not sure how we feel about Tate yet, but he said something that made us cheer. He put Brady in his place when he told him about working at the pub. Tate was being a brat about working at the pub to pay off his debt. He needs to own up to his mistakes. Causing destruction in school isn’t okay no matter who does it. Tate informed Brady that he only cared about him because he lost Rachel. We cheered as he told him that. He reminded Brady that he wasn’t around for him. Brady sat there with his mouth open. There wasn’t anything else he could do because Tate was right. We know that Brady chased after Chloe and Nicole, so there was no time for him to check on his son. Tate did that to get out of working at the pub, but we loved hearing him put Brady in his place.

Nicole and Eric’s conversation made us want to roll our eyes. She drove it home that Eric always wanted to have a child that was biologically related to him. He mentioned that he wanted a child with his mother’s eyes and had Brady features. Eric also said he wanted a child to love. Nicole must have forgotten that he has two adopted uncles. The Bradys embraced them as if they were blood related. Nicole got lucky that she conveniently got pregnant because the only option she had to have another child was adoption too. We didn’t like their scenes because it’s obvious that she only cared about him having a biological child because she’s pregnant with his baby. It would be funny if EJ turned out to be the father of Nicole’s baby after all. We know that won’t happen because the writers need her with Eric, but it was nice to dream about it.

Salem university needs to close for good. Dimitri escaped the hospital by handcuffing Kayla to his bed. There should have been a cop outside his room because was shot. The police wanted to arrest him for trying to shoot Stefan and Gabi. Leo was able to get a wig and scrubs to sneak him out of the hospital. Rafe and Jada were at the hospital and still didn’t see Dimitri sneak out of the hospital. For some reason, they left Dimitri alone, allowing him to escape from the hospital. The security guards should have been around, but no one was there. He was leaving in a wheelchair and the hallway was empty. The hospital’s security team is a joke.


Eric and Nicole from DOOL

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Lines For The Week of 10/16/23

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

Days of Our Lives logo

Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl


Stephanie forgot Abby’s birthday. She acted as if she was close to her, but she forgot her birthday.

Kate talked to Marlena about her kids, but she didn’t mention Billie and Cassie. Did she forget she had daughters?

Stephanie shouldn’t have been surprised that Chad doesn’t love her the way he loved Abby. She knew that Chad was in love with Abby so there’s no need to be surprised that he doesn’t love her the same way.


Kayla pulled strings to get Talia a job at the hospital, but she was ready to go back to California.

Clyde is managing to do a lot in prison. He helped Edmund kidnap Susan. There’s no reason why they should have met each other.


Stefan was upset that Gabi chased Vivian away as if she hadn’t gone for a long time. She was in prison, so he wasn’t seeing her.

Dimitri was shot and was going to be arrested for attempted murder, but he didn’t have a cop outside of his room at the hospital.


Leo didn’t know Dimitri was going to be on the run so how did he know to have a blonde wig with him?

Rachel could be heard talking to Stephan while Tate was shown.


When did Steve have a problem with Theresa? Theresa said she couldn’t stay with Kayla because Steve had a problem with her.

Emily O’Brien (Gwen/Theresa) was talking with her British accent.


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Days Short Recap Friday, October 20, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander went to see Sloan to talk about his chances at winning custody of Victoria. She reminded him that Sarah was mad at him for trying to take their child. He reminded her that Sarah didn’t think about his feelings when she lied about the baby’s paternity. She felt like they should convince the judge that Sarah’s a pathological liar and mentally unstable. Xander didn’t want to do that. Sloan warned him that he had to be ruthless if he wanted custody of Victoria. He tried to defend Sarah’s mental instability. Sloan insisted they had to do whatever it took to win. Melinda showed up to see Sloan so Xander chose to leave. Sloan wanted to tell Eric the news, but Melinda didn’t have good news for her. She told Sloan that the adoption might be complicated because of her feud with Paulina. She also had a problem because she covered up for her brother. She begged Melinda to help her get a baby. Melinda promised to help her. Sarah met with Justin to talk about the custody case. She told him that Xander wanted full custody. Justin reminded her about what she had going for her. He did tell her that she had to think about what Xander had on her. She thought her situation was different. He warned her that Xander could use her mental history against her. Sarah believed he wouldn’t go that far. Justin informed her that custody battles bring out the worst in people. She wanted to leave to check on Victoria. Xander arrived and confronted Jusitn about representing Sarah. After his conversation with Justin, he called Sloan. He wanted her to do whatever she needed to do so they could win.

Eric and Nicole ran into each other at the hospital. Nicole asked about the adoption. He felt like it was going well thanks to Melinda. She hoped Eric got the chance to be a father. A nurse interrupted them to give Nicole her prescription. Nicole asked her for another copy of her genetic analysis. She got the copy for her. Later, Eric went to Sloan’s apartment. She lied to him and said Melinda said they could adopt a baby. Konstantin expressed his gratitude to Maggie for showing him around town. He believed Victor found true love with her. He offered to cook. Sarah arrived and told Maggie that Xander planned to sue for sole custody. The news shocked Maggie. Maggie assured her that Justin would take care of everything.

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