Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 16, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Lucy would like to know if you could stop and pick up some of those brownies from crimson lights and bring them back on the plane to Lisbon.

Heather: Would she? Uh, it’s going to be morning when I land there?

Daniel: Well, then I guess it’s brownies for breakfast. I’ll tell her you said yes.

Heather: Okay. So, I guess I’ll be doing a brownie run before I head to the airport. But when I get back to Portugal, it shouldn’t take us too long to pack what we need.

Daniel: Well, it might not take you that long. Our daughter on the other hand.

Heather: Yes. Uh, it will be very difficult to convince Lucy she doesn’t need to bring every single book, stuffed animal, every single t-shirt. But I can just ship anything she wants later. You know, once we’re settled here.


Claire: Oh, my god.

Nate: No damage.

Claire: I’m so sorry.

Nate: No damage to your tablet.

Claire: Oh, god. Totally my fault. I need to learn that walking while reading is not considered multitasking.

Nate: That is good advice.


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