Days Short Recap Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe told Abe about the drugged biscuits. Rafe told him he kissed Jada while he hallucinated. Abe understood what he was telling him. He said he had to document it. Rafe said it was handled discreetly, but Sloan saw what happened. Abe said she was most likely the one who drugged the biscuits. Jada and an investigative team got the evidence from the kitchen. Chanel said Sloan was the one who drugged the biscuits. Jada asked Talia about her recipe. Talia was shocked when Jada told her the victims went to the hospital. Eric thought about his encounter with Nicole. Sloan showed up to get her scarf. She was nasty to him. He asked her why she thought he and Nicole were drugged. Nicole thought about her encounter with Eric. EJ showed up. He told her about the drugged biscuits and what it did to people in Salem. He said his hallucinations made him photocopy a picture of his behind. He said he tried to send the picture out to everyone at the company, but he forgot the password. He asked if she did anything while she was under the influence. She said she did. Stefan brought Melinda flowers. He asked her if anything was hurting. She said her pride was hurting. He said they were both out of their minds. They joked about her attacking him. He said he wouldn’t press charges against her. She asked if he thought EJ did it. He said he thought EJ was innocent. Gabi went home to Li. She said the hospital took some blood, but the test results weren’t back yet. She told him she was feeling better. He said she was in good hands with Stefan there. She brought up how she asked him to make love to her when she thought he was Stefan. She asked why he didn’t do anything.

Li told Gabi he was tempted, but he loved her too much to take advantage of her. He said he didn’t just want her in bed. He wants her heart. He said the way she looked at him when she thought he was Stefan showed him that would never happen. He said he was giving up on chasing after her. He said she was free of their agreement and their marriage. He said he regretted hurting her, but he loved her. She said she hurt him too. She gave him back the ring. Nicole lied to EJ about what she did while she was hallucinating. When Stefan’s name was mentioned, she thought EJ and Stefan were at war with each other. EJ said he was going to win the war. He said she had his attention. When he tried to kiss her, she pulled away from him. She said she was still feeling the effects of the drugs. She went to take a shower. Talia asked Jada how Rafe was doing. Jada was defensive. Chanel asked what he did while he was influenced. Jada thought about Rafe kissing her. Talia said she looked warm. Jada ignored what she was saying. She noticed the security cameras. Chanel opened up the app on her phone, but there was no footage from that night. Jada told them to stay away from Sloan while she finds out who did this. Sloan said she thought Eric and Nicole were drugged based on how they were acting. She said half the town got sick. When Eric said she didn’t eat them, she thought he was trying to accuse her of something. He said he believed she was innocent. He said he was glad she was okay. She yelled at him for being with Nicole. He said what happened was a one-time thing. He said they could barely tolerate each other. She said it wasn’t like she was his girlfriend. He said she kept saying that. They continued to talk. He said they could go out to dinner and take things from there. Melinda told Stefan she wasn’t honest about her feelings. He said he was insensitive to ask her. She said he was a nice guy for a DiMera. He said she was cool and fun. He said a lucky guy will be glad to get her. She told him to be with the woman he loves. She reminded him that he and Gabi owed her one. She said she was going to collect. Gabi told Li that her lawyer was drawing up the divorce papers. He said it would go smoothly. She asked if he would consider letting her keep his DiMera shares. He told her she couldn’t keep them. Jada went to see Rafe at the hospital. She told him and Abe that the lab called. She said the drug was something they had never seen before. She said Chanel didn’t drug the biscuits. she said someone was trying to destroy her and the bakery. Nicole called Eric to make sure they were on the same page about what happened. She said she didn’t tell EJ what happened, so it had to be their secret. Eric agreed to keep it a secret. When Nicole went to her room, EJ came from another door. He was upset.

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Days Short Recap Monday, April 17, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Alex went to see Marlena to see if there was any news about Kayla. She let him know that she hadn’t heard anything. He was hoping there would be some news so he could be redeemed. She wondered if he wanted another chance with Stephanie and he admitted that he did. He thought the therapy was helping, but he didn’t think he needed it anymore. Kristen tried to call Brady, but he wouldn’t answer the phone. She got upset and yelled. Someone told her to take it easy. It turned out to be Megan. Kristen noted how good she looked for a dead person. Megan told her what her secret was for looking good. She told Kristen about the crimes that led her to prison. Kristen realized she lied about Thomas Banks taking Kayla. She wondered who took Kayla. She knew it couldn’t be Stefano or Bo since they were both dead. She realized what happened to Megan and wondered Bo was alive. Megan didn’t trust her enough to let her know yet. She wanted to settle in at the prison. Brady told John about Stephanie mentioning Victor under hypnosis. He said that Victor didn’t know anything about Kayla’s kidnapping. Chad and Stephanie flew to Greece to check his properties. Brady hoped they weren’t walking into a trap. John wanted to help with the search, but he didn’t want to be away from Marlena. Brady understood that. He mentioned Chloe and what’s going on between her and Rachel. John warned him that cutting Kristen out will only make Rachel more resistant to Chloe.

Bo deleted Stephanie’s text to Steve. Hope was worried because she didn’t hear from Steve. She suddenly received a text from him. The text said he was with Stephanie. She texted him back about what’s going on with the search for Thomas. Harris and Hope talk about their dance and the kiss they shared at the tavern. There was a knock on the door so Harris left to change. Hope answered the door and it was Chad and Stephanie. Bo was upset about the text he just sent to Hope pretending to be Steve. He brought food for Steve and Kayla to eat. He demanded that Kayla get started on the prism. He said that Stephanie was on the island and Hope was searching so the time was winding down. Steve threw his stew on Bo and they fought over the gun. Hope mentioned that Steve texted her that he was with Stephanie. Stephanie told her that she hadn’t seen him since they left Salem. Harris thought they should go to the police station since that’s the last time he was seen. Chad told them they had a lead. He told them that they had a list of Victor’s properties. Hope said she would go to the station while Chad and Harris divide the properties. Chad and Stephanie left to start searching. Hope thanked Harris for his help with her family. He wanted to help her since she gave him back his life. Bo got the upper hand in the fight. He aimed the gun at Steve. Steve told him to pull the trigger. Bo agreed and shot at him. He was splashed with wine. Bo warned him that it would be his brain next time. Steve yelled at him for trying to be corrupt. Bo told him that he shot Kate. Steve and Kayla try to use his kids and grandkids to get him to change his mind. He thought that made what he was doing more important. He demanded that she get back to work. She said she needed a lab and equipment. He told her that he would get her what she needed. Steve told Kayla the fact that Bo didn’t shoot him proves that he isn’t completely different. He knew Hope and Harris would find them. Hope arrived at the police station. She showed the police a picture of Steve. The officer said the director of the ISA took him into custody. Hope showed him a picture of Shane. The officer told her that wasn’t the man who took him. She wondered who took Steve. Bo opened the door to Harris.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, April 21, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Mariah and Tessa are happily surprised by their baby shower at Society.

Billy tells Kyle he wants to do a joint ad campaign with Marchetti and Jabot, but Kyle thinks it’s a bad Idea after their argument. Billy tells Kyle he will talk to Jack about the idea.

Chelsea brings lunch to Billy at his office to celebrate his first day at work and they have lunch together.

Michael turns down a plea deal offered by Christine because he will prove she was setup by Jeremy.

Jack is very upset and hurt when Diane tells him she doesn’t want him to visit her in jail because his visits remind her of everything she has lost. Jack demands that Michael do anything he has to do to get Diane bail.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, April 20, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Nina and Carly argue about Willow again and, after the argument, Nina decides it’s time Carly face some consequences about the insider trading situation that happened before the failed Aurora Media/ELQ merger. Ned tells Brook Lynn that ELQ stock has fallen for a second time since the stockholders found out Valentin faked his death. Ned tells Brook Lynn he made a mistake taking Valentine’s side when Drew and Michael wanted to merge Aurora Media with ELQ. Ned plans to persuade Drew and Michael to help him oust Valentin from his position as, CEO of ELQ.

Curtis asks Drew to try and remember what Victor wanted to find and where it was located. Drew tells Curtis he has tried but he can’t remember anything. Drew tells Curtis that there may be another way he can help find Trina.

Victor wants to throw Trina and Spencer overboard when Spencer refuses to help him with his plan to reduce the world’s population. Liesl tells Victor she needs to use Spencer and Trina as test subjects for the vaccines he wants her to develop to save the Cassadine family from the pathogen.

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Days Update Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Rafe is in the hospital, thinking back to hallucinating Duke the teddy bear. Rafe remarks on that being totally normal. Abe enters the room and says he heard his police commissioner was in the hospital. Abe asks Rafe what happened. Rafe responds that he honestly has no idea but he has his best detective on the case…

Chanel and Talia go to the bakery and find Jada with her team of detectives. Jada tells them that they can’t be here until they are done collecting evidence as they need to treat the kitchen as a crime scene. Chanel argues that it’s her Bakery. Jada says she understands. Chanel complains that she doesn’t need any more evidence as they all know who drugged her biscuits.

Eric is in his room and thinks back to he and Nicole hooking up while drugged. Eric questions what he and Nicole did. Sloan then shows up at his door and asks if this is a bad time again. Sloan comments that at least he’s alone and asks if he was expecting somebody else.

Nicole enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and sits down as she thinks back to kissing Eric. EJ enters and asks for her thoughts.

Melinda is in the hospital. Stefan visits her with flowers. Melinda jokes that she’s not dead yet. Stefan asks how she’s feeling. Melinda responds that the only thing hurting is her pride as a few hours ago, she thought he really wanted her but it turns out that she was just delusional.

Li is at home, looking at a photo of he and Gabi on his phone and then to the photo of Gabi and Stefan in bed. Gabi then comes home. Li asks about the hallucinations. Gabi says her test results haven’t come back yet. Li asks if she’s sure she shouldn’t still be at the hospital. Gabi insists that she’s fine. Li wishes she called him to drive her home but Gabi says it’s okay. Li guesses she didn’t need him to stay at the hospital as she seemed to be in good hands with Stefan.

Melinda admits she’s still hazy on the details of what happened to her. Stefan asks what she does remember. Melinda has a vivid memory of trying to bash his head in with a remote and says she doesn’t remember what happened to her as it’s like she totally lost her mind. Stefan thinks he knows why as they went on a trip they had not planned.

EJ tells Nicole that he didn’t mean to interrupt as whatever had her attention must have been engaging. Nicole says she was just daydreaming and mentions being a little off lately but not knowing why. EJ reveals it was the breakfast biscuits and informs her of the rumor that they were dosed with a toxin that has caused erratic behavior all over Salem.

Eric tells Sloan that he’s really glad to see her as she hasn’t been responding to his texts. Sloan responds that she didn’t come for a visit but she thought she may have left her favorite scarf here. Eric doesn’t think so but tells her that she’s free to look. Sloan looks around and doesn’t see it. Eric says he’s sorry. Sloan says she’ll just get out of his way then and out of his life. Eric stops her and brings up what she said before. Sloan comments on finding him and Nicole tangled in the sheets and says there are a lot of things she wanted to say but didn’t. Eric brings up that Sloan suggested they were drugged and questions what would make her think that.

Chanel tells Jada that Sloan has been trying to destroy her life ever since she got to Salem and complains that she decided to come after her business by poisoning the customers. Talia thinks back to being the one who drugged the biscuits. Jada tells Chanel that she needs proof and mentions checking for fingerprints. Chanel and Talia point out that their prints would be there. Jada asks if anyone else was in there. Chanel assures that they do a thorough cleaning after they finish up. Jada notes that if Sloan’s prints do show up, she would have a lot of explaining to do but as a detective, she can’t afford to jump to conclusions. Jada adds that she hasn’t even started questioning anyone, but she thinks she needs to start with Talia. Talia asks why she would question her. Chanel asks if she seriously thinks it was her sister. Jada says of course not but she said the biscuit recipe was Talia’s, so she needs to know what she put in them to compare with the lab results. Talia says she usually keeps her recipes a secret but she can trust her sister so she will tell her. Jada says she appreciates that and turns on her recorder. Talia calls it a very simple recipe with whole wheat flour, baking powder, nonfat yogurt, sugar, kosher salt, honey, butter, and healthy organic buttermilk. Jada notes that it sounds healthy. Chanel argues that they shouldn’t make anyone sick. Jada says not regularly but they have been linked to multiple illnesses. Talia asks how bad it was. Jada responds that the hallucinations were the worst of the symptoms but some of the victims had it so bad that they were sent to the hospital.

Abe asks if Rafe thinks he was poisoned. Rafe thinks drugged would be more appropriate. Abe asks if he was personally targeted. Rafe doesn’t think so as apparently Gabi and Stefan had similar effects to his and it seems they all fell under a powerful hallucinogenic drug. Abe worries that if this is widespread throughout Salem, they are just beginning to learn the consequences.

Li tells Gabi that it was clear she wasn’t in her right mind earlier. Gabi acknowledges that she thought he was Stefan and recalls that she practically begged him to make love to her. Li confirms that she did, so Gabi asks why he didn’t.

Stefan tells Melinda that he only came on to her because he thought she was Gabi. Stefan tells her not to take it personal as she is a very desirable woman but he is hopelessly in love with someone else. Melinda apologizes for not handling it well which they laugh about. Melinda wants to prosecute the person who drugged them and asks if she’s right to assume it was EJ. Stefan reveals that it was not and for once, he thinks that EJ was innocent.

Nicole asks if the hallucinations happened to EJ too which he confirms. EJ admits at first he thought Stefan was responsible but it turns out he was a victim too. Nicole asks what it was like for EJ. EJ says that when he went to the office, it was like he stepped in to the looking glass. Nicole asks how weird it got. EJ jokes that he used the copy machine to produce an image of what some would say is his good side and when he tried to distribute it company wide, he was suddenly convinced that his e-mail password was EJ repeated a thousand times. EJ says it would’ve ended his tenure as CEO. Nicole asks if he has any copies. EJ jokes that she has a standing invitation to see it in person any time she likes. EJ then asks if Nicole did anything crazy while under the influence. Nicole admits that she actually did. EJ asks what she did. Nicole thinks back to being with Eric and then claims to EJ that when she was experiencing delusions, she went to Basic Black and cut off all the collars of the summer line because she was convinced it looked like something a priest would wear. EJ calls that odd but fortunate that she didn’t do something more extreme. Nicole agrees and says at least EJ didn’t call Wei Shin or make any rash decision concerning DiMera like when Stefan drugged him. Nicole notes that it seems EJ and Stefan have declared war again. EJ confirms that they have and assures that this time, he’s going to win decisively.

Stefan admits to Melinda that at first, he thought EJ was behind it as well but it turns out that EJ, Rafe, and a bunch of others also got sick and it turns out they were drugged by the biscuits at Sweet Bits. Stefan adds that the police are working on it now. Melinda insists that she will stay on them so that the person responsible will be punished. Melinda tells Stefan that he can go and adds that he can take his flowers with him because the charade is over. Melinda adds that he and Gabi can have their happily ever after, so he can give the flowers to her.

Li admits to Gabi that he was tempted to take her to bed, but he didn’t want it to happen like that because of some drug tricking the mind. Gabi points out that he hasn’t been above tricking her before. Li can’t deny that but says this was different and not real. Li adds that he loves her too much to take advantage of her like that. Li says he was so sure that if he had six months of marriage, he could make her love him again but the goal was never just to have her in bed, but to have her heart. Li say seeing how Gabi looked at him when she thought he was Stefan made him know in that moment that it was never going to happen.

Abe asks if Rafe is saying someone put the hallucinogen in to Chanel’s baked good. Abe questions who and why. Rafe says Jada is there now trying to figure that all out. Abe is relieved Rafe is doing okay but worries that this seems like more than a prank and could lead to some serious consequences. Rafe tells Abe that he knows and the drug caused him to do something he shouldn’t have but not something serious in the grand scheme of things. Abe asks if he’s going to tell him what he did that he shouldn’t have. Rafe agrees to tell Abe and reveals that he kissed Jada.

Chanel asks Jada about Rafe being in the hospital. Jada confirms he was taken in for observation but is expected to make a full recovery. Talia comments that Jada must be relieved because she knows how much Rafe means to her. Jada questions why that sounds like an accusation and states that Rafe is her boss and that’s it. Chanel asks what Rafe did when under the influence. Jada thinks back to Rafe kissing her. Talia then asks if Jada is okay. Jada tells them to just focus on the case. Chanel asks if Jada is going to arrest Sloan now or what.

Eric asks Sloan what would make her say that he and Nicole were drugged. Sloan points out that they were both babbling on like lunatics with Nicole saying she saw Eric dressed like a priest and Eric saying he saw Nicole in a bikini. Eric admits that he thought he did. Sloan calls it highly unlikely that they would get high together. Eric talks about still not knowing what caused him to hallucinate. Sloan reveals that it turns out that half the town got drugged by the biscuits at Sweet Bits. Sloan remarks that if it’s not bad enough that Chanel killed her parents, she had to go and poison the whole town. Eric asks if Sloan is sure that she’s the one who did this. Sloan asks who else and adds that Chanel will turn it around on her with everyone going along with it.

Talia doubts that Jada will find Sloan’s fingerprints since she likely wore gloves. Jada says they will see and points out that there were no signs of forced entry. Jada then notices the security camera which worries Talia. Chanel says she totally forgot that Paulina had them installed last month. Jada asks if she has access. Chanel confirms that she has an app on her phone which Jada notes would make things a lot easier. Chanel checks but finds there is no footage. Talia apologizes and says it’s all her fault because Chanel told her to turn them on when she locked up, but she must have forgot. Jada guesses the security cameras won’t tell them if anyone was there after Talia left.

Rafe assures Abe that he is fully aware of the new policy that prohibits relationships between supervisors and subordinates in the police department. Abe tells him it’s okay as he was under the influence of a substance that he did not willingly ingest. Rafe points out that rules are rules. Abe states that this will have to be documented. Rafe insists that nothing like this will ever happen again. Abe is glad to hear that and says he will talk to Jada. Rafe adds that he will too when he gets out. Abe trusts that Jada’s assessment of the situation will match Rafe’s. Rafe says he would assume so. Abe imagines they would all like to handle this discretely which Rafe confirms. Rafe adds that someone else also witnessed the event and it was Sloan Peterson.

Eric points out that Sloan didn’t eat the biscuits. Sloan asks if he’s insinuating that she knew they were drugged. Sloan argues that she would never eat anything from Chanel or her family. Eric says he believes her. Sloan brings up that Eric also thought she trashed Paulina’s office. Eric assures that he believes that she didn’t because she said she didn’t. Eric says he’s just glad she is okay. Sloan tells Eric to save all his cares and concerns for Nicole. Sloan complains that Eric promised and swore to her that it was over between he and Nicole, but somehow they found their way back to each other.

Nicole asks if EJ is sure that things between he and Stefan won’t get out of control. EJ appreciates her concern but assures that he can handle his bastard brother. Nicole jokes that he’s technically a bastard too. EJ says Stefan will learn that the hard way. EJ adds that he appreciates having Nicole in his corner but he doesn’t want to spend all their time together plotting Stefan’s downfall. EJ tells Nicole that right now, she has his full attention. EJ kisses Nicole and then asks her what’s wrong.

Stefan tells Melinda that he’s sorry that all this happened to her. Melinda jokes that she’s sorry she tried to murder him. Stefan says maybe he had it coming. Melinda acknowledges that Stefan was always honest about why she was there and what he needed from her, while she was the one who wasn’t honest about her feelings. Stefan feels it was still insensitive to ask her to help him out in this way. Melinda comments that for a DiMera, he’s a pretty nice guy. Stefan jokingly tells her not to let that get around.

Gabi questions if Li’s new strategy is to get her to realize he’s suddenly this nice guy. Li says it’s not a strategy, he’s just facing reality. Li mentions talking to Wendy earlier before Gabi’s episode and he was going to tell her when she walked in that he’s giving up on chasing after her. Li declares that he’s letting Gabi go, so she’s free from their agreement, their marriage, and all of it, so she can be with the man she loves.

Nicole tells EJ that she’s sorry and guesses she’s still feeling loopy from the biscuits. Nicole says she’ll be fine and thinks she just needs a shower to try and clear her head. EJ tells her to do what she needs, so Nicole then heads upstairs.

Eric tells Sloan that he and Nicole are not together. Sloan says they could have fooled her. Eric points out that she said herself that they were not in their right minds. Sloan questions that they just happened to end up together. Eric states that they have history while Sloan says it felt like current events. Eric insists that what happened was a one time thing. Sloan questions why she should believe that. Eric argues that he and Nicole are not together and can barely tolerate each other, so it doesn’t change anything and he hopes it doesn’t change anything between he and Sloan. Sloan says whatever as it’s not like she’s his girlfriend. Eric points out that she came to apologize. Sloan says she was hurt because he made her feel like he didn’t trust her but admits she overreacted. Eric accepts her apology and hopes she will accept his. Eric hopes they can then go downstairs and have dinner. Sloan questions him wanting to have dinner after all of this and asks then what. Eric says they will see where it takes them.

Rafe explains to Abe that they called Sloan to the police station to examine her phone to see if she was sending threatening texts to Paulina and that’s when Sloan walked in on Rafe kissing Jada. Rafe would be surprised if Sloan didn’t use it against him. Abe calls it ironic because Sloan is probably responsible for the kiss even happening. Rafe asks if Abe thinks Sloan drugged the biscuits. Abe responds that they both know someone is targeting Chanel’s bakery and Sloan is the most likely suspect.

Chanel tells Jada that she doesn’t need security footage to know that Sloan is the rat in their kitchen. Talia points out that they still don’t have any proof. Jada declares that until they find something to connect Sloan to the biscuits, there’s nothing she can do. Chanel complains that Sloan is ruining her life. Jada tells them to keep their distance from Sloan and let her do her job. Jada promises to find who did this and bring them to justice.

Stefan asks Melinda if she’s sure she’s going to be okay. Melinda assures that she’ll survive and tells Stefan to go before people get the wrong idea about them. Stefan doesn’t care what other people think and says he has seen a different side of Melinda through all of this. Stefan admits she’s pretty cool, fun, and attractive. Stefan adds that some guy will be very lucky to have her in his life for real. Melinda thanks him and tells Stefan to go be with the woman he loves because there’s no reason for them to be apart anymore. Stefan agrees now that Li knows everything.

Gabi questions Li letting her go and admits she’s surprised since he spent a year doing everything he could to hang on to her. Gabi thought he would try to punish her when he learned the truth about her and Stefan. Li admits he was angry, but mostly hurt, and it’s obvious to him that she doesn’t regret it which Gabi confirms. Li responds that he has lots of regrets. Li says he was groomed to be a success at business for his whole life and to be cold, calculating, and take what he wants but he never learned the personal side. Li is afraid in his pursuit of Gabi and desperation to hold onto their relationships, he used tactics better suited for a hostile takeover than a marriage. Li declares that the worst part is that he hurt Gabi, but despite all of that, he hopes she knows that he really did love her. Gabi admits that she knows he did and that she hurt him too by agreeing to honor their marriage for six months which she did not do. Li understands she’s trying to be with the man she loves and keep ahold of the DiMera shares. Gabi asks if he can blame a girl for wanting to have it all. Li guesses they have that in common. Li declares that he will stop fighting for them but he will never stop believing they could’ve been good together. Gabi asks if the deal is off then which Li confirms. Gabi then removes her wedding ring and hands it back to Li.

Stefan thanks Melinda again for her help with EJ. Melinda reminds Stefan that he and Gabi both owe her one and when the time is right, she has every intention of collecting on that debt.

Gabi packs her bags and informs Li that her lawyer is starting to draw up divorce papers. Li says it should be a smooth process which Gabi says she appreciates. Li points out that they did have some really good times together. Gabi agrees and says she would like to look back on those times fondly. Gabi asks if Li would consider letting her keep his DiMera shares. Li says hell no. Gabi says it was worth a shot and then exits the apartment.

Jada visits Rafe in the hospital and asks how he’s feeling. Rafe says he’s doing fine. Abe asks how Jada is feeling. Rafe informs her that he told Abe what happened between them while he was under the influence of drugs. Jada says Rafe was not in his right mind, end of story, and wants to talk about the case. Rafe asks for the update. Jada notes that Chanel’s security cameras were not on last night but she did get a call from the lab, confirming that what was in Rafe’s system as well as Gabi’s and Melinda’s all matched something that was in the biscuits. Rafe asks what it was. Jada reveals it was a strong hallucinogen that they have not seen before. Jada adds that Chanel did not put it in her own batter, so someone is trying to destroy Chanel and her bakery. Rafe adds that they don’t care who they hurt to do it.

Chanel tells Talia that she turned on the security cameras so maybe Sloan will return and they will bust her this time. Talia apologizes for not turning them on last night. Chanel tells her not to worry and hugs Talia. Chanel promises that Jada will find out who did this and they will make them pay.

Sloan tells Eric that it’s not fair because she can’t say no to him. Eric calls that one of his favorite things about her. Eric suggests she go get them a table while he showers and he’ll be down in a minute. Sloan then exits. Eric gets a call from Nicole, who says she was just calling to make sure they were on the same page about what happened. Nicole mentions that she didn’t tell EJ and she doesn’t want him to know so it has to be their little secret. Eric agrees. Nicole is glad they could come together on this. Eric asks if there’s anything else. Nicole says that’s it and tells him to have a great day as they hang up. Nicole then heads in to her room while EJ comes out from his, having overheard her on the phone.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, April 20, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Lucy tells Daniel that she doesn’t want him to be alone and encourages him to lean on his friends. Lily arrives to check on Daniel who feels alone but Lily assures Daniel he isn’t alone and Lily and Daniel kiss.

Victor tells Nick he is stopping Adam and Sally from being a family. Even though he doesn’t approve of Sally, Victor wants Adam’s baby to have a family. Nick tells Victor to stay out of his relationship with Sally and then he heads to Crimson Lights to meet with Adam and Sally so they can go to Sally’s doctor’s appointment. Nikki advises Victor to let Adam and Nick figure this out because if he doesn’t stay out of it, Adam, Nick, and Sally could keep him from seeing his grandchild.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, April 19, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Austin and Elizabeth try to ease Else’s worries about Ace and tell her not to give up hope that the Haunted Star will be found and Ace will return home to her.

Ava asks Carly to put her differences with Nina aside so Nina can spend the time Willow has left with her.

Michael invites Sonny to the wedding and Sonny accepts the invitation even though he can’t bring Nina to the wedding.

Curtis talks to Laura and during their conversation, he gets the idea that Drew could help him find the Haunted Star. Spencer tells Trina Victor’s plan and she decides to go to the engine room to try to find a way to, slow down the Haunted Star to give everyone who is looking for them time to find them. Trina manages to damage a cable that supplies power to the ship. Once Victor is told about the problem with the ship he figures out someone is helping Spencer. Victor sets a trap by telling his guards there is an emergency and when Trina comes out of the engine room the guards catch her. Victor tells Spencer he can eat and takes him to the dining room and brings Trina there to show Spencer that he caught Trina.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, April 19, 2023

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Tucker: Hi.

Ashley: Hi. A little early in the day for this?

Tucker: Oh, it’s never too early for champagne. I thought you could use a break from all things abbott right now.

Ashley: Oh. Very thoughtful of you.

Tucker: But not entirely selfless. I… I couldn’t wait any longer to see you.

Ashley: So this is good news, right, about devon and mccall unlimited?

Victoria: Oh.


[Knock on door]

Audra: Is this a bad time?

Nate: [Sighs heavily]

Elena: I thought you were working.

Nate: I didn’t want to wake you since you got called back to the hospital late last night. I must have been at the gym when you got up.

Elena: So you don’t have to go back to the office?

Nate: I’m taking the day off. I thought we could spend some time together.

Elena: [Scoffs] Okay. But first… I’d like to talk about what you were talking about last night with nick. Why, considering everything he’s going through right now, did he feel compelled to confront you? And why does he think you’re consumed with power? And are you finally ready to tell me what’s actually going on?

Mariah: Hi, mom.

Sharon: Well, hey. What are you doing here?

Mariah: There’s the maternal warmth I was looking for?

Sharon: No, i am being maternal. It was just A…reflex because I know that you hate leaving tessa and the baby at home, and who could blame you? But I’m always glad to see you.

Mariah: Well, I am going to be heading home soon, but I just wanted to come here, pick up some treats and some much needed coffee on my way back from jabot.

Sharon: The office? Why? I thought you were on parental leave.

Mariah: I am, but, uh, with diane’s arrest, I just thought I could put in a few hours at work. I mean, she can’t handle her own pr crisis.

Sharon: The whole situation is so horrible.

Mariah: Yeah.

Sharon: But I’m sure that jack will really appreciate you stepping up at a time like this. You know, on the other hand, it’s also okay for you to put yourself and your family first. I mean, the first few days with your new baby are so precious.

Abby: I couldn’t agree more.

Mariah: Hi!

Abby: Hi! Oh.

Mariah: My gosh.

Abby: Welcome home. How are you and tessa doing?

Mariah: Uh, we are exhausted, but deliriously happy.

Abby: Well, I remember the feeling. When can I meet little aria? If you ever want to sneak in a nap, I can totally babysit.

Mariah: I’m going to take you up on that. Uh, how are you? I know we haven’t spoken since the divorce finalized.

Abby: Uh, I’m–I’m okay. You know, it can be a little complicated, but it’s not all bad, which probably sounds terrible under the circumstances.

Mariah: If you and chance weren’t happy, I… I totally understand, you know? And eventually, you’ll both move on with your lives.

Abby: About that, um… I have some news, and I wanted you to hear it from me directly. It’s something I didn’t see coming until it happened.

Ashley: So this feels very decadent, but what the hell? We’re celebrating, right?

Tucker: Yeah.

Ashley: Cheers.

Tucker: Cheers. Mm. I have orange juice if you’d prefer.

Ashley: Would you please just tell me what happened when devon finally came around? Take it slow. Tell me the story.

Tucker: Sadly, that’s one thing I can’t offer you. Devon has decided to go back to chancellor-winters rather than take over mccall.

Ashley: Well, that’S… that’s very disappointing.

Tucker: I’m sorry. Sorry that I couldn’t pull off the one task you gave me.

Ashley: Why are we drinking champagne? I mean…

Tucker: I’m hoping we can toast to us. I’m appealing to your better angels, ashley. I haven’t given up on becoming the man that you want and deserve.


Additional sponsorship provided by… eggland’s best.

Ashley: Well, you’re certainly taking your defeat in stride.

Tucker: Hmm. Actually, I was really stung by devon’s rejection. Actually, no, not stung. I was hurt because it’s been my dream to have my son take over my company and continue my legacy. But while I am disappointed for myself, I’m very happy for devon and lily, because they have this really strong bond that’s rare and to be cherished.

Ashley: You’re so upbeat and magnanimous about the whole thing.

Tucker: And don’t be so surprised. I am capable of both those things. And I think I have reason to be positive ’cause I give myself a little credit for devon’s current happiness.

Ashley: Well, that’s a shock. You give yourself credit? Why is that?

Tucker: For providing him an alternative. Because when I laid out the possibility that he might sever ties with chancellor-winters and lily to take over mccall, I’d like to think that inspired lily to make peace. So in a way, I did devon a service, and I’m proud of that. And I hope you can be proud of me, too.

Victoria: Nate and I went over your langston report, and we have decided to make an offer to buy the company.

Audra: That’s great news.

Victoria: I have some notes, and nate will email you the details, if he hasn’t already.

Audra: Uh, this is the first I’m hearing about it. Uh, when did you two exactly decide to greenlight the deal?

Victoria: Yesterday.

Audra: Oh.

Victoria: You know, uh…

[Sighs] Whenever I have a meeting with the ceo of newman media, the coo doesn’t necessarily have to be there, right?

Audra: Understood. I just like to stay on top of things, like I imagine you do.

Victoria: You’ve made that abundantly clear. You’re always going above and beyond, aren’t you?

Audra: [Chuckles] Is–is that a compliment or a criticism? Look, I hope I didn’t offend you during our last meeting when I talked about my own ambitions.

Victoria: I don’t offend easily.

Audra: Well, if there’s any question, let me go on the record now. I am absolutely a team player.

Victoria: That’s good. Very good. I respect ambition, but I respect loyalty even more.

Audra: I plan to emulate nate in that regard.

Victoria: Meaning?

Audra: Oh, you know, just that nate’s really putting in the hours and working day and night to satisfy you. There’s no doubt where his loyalty lies.

Nate: I wasn’t trying to avoid you or your questions last night. You got called into that emergency at the hospital. There wasn’t much time for talking.

Elena: Okay. Well, we’re both here now, so why is nick upset with you?

Nate: Truth is, he’s never been thrilled that I took the job to run newman media.

Elena: Because victoria got rid of sally against his wishes?

Nate: And due to the way I left chancellor-winters. He felt like I sold out my family for a better job at newman.

Elena: Oh. Didn’t realize you guys had such a frank conversation about it. Although I can see why he might have felt that way.

Nate: Because you felt the same way.

Elena: Luckily, we were able to get through it.

Nate: And I was hoping, uh, nick and I could as well. I told him I would try my best to gain his trust, you know, work hard to prove myself to him. But I guess that second chance isn’t going to happen now.

Elena: Why? What happened yesterday?

Nate: [Sighs] Nick’s emotions are running hot because of phyllis’ death, and he might have heard something at newman that set him off.

Elena: Like what?

Nate: I’m not exactly sure, but victoria loops me in on things more often than nick would like, and that doesn’t sit well with him.

Elena: So you’re saying your access to victoria is causing more problems between you?

Nate: Yeah, and there’s nothing I could do about it. I have to take my cues from my boss.

Elena: Right. So let’s talk about you and victoria. There are times, I wonder…

Abby: Devon asked me to move in with him. And after some thought, dom and I moved into his penthouse yesterday.

Mariah: Wow. [Laughs] Uh…yeah, that…that is, uh… that’s big news. Sorry, I just need a minute to kind of wrap my head around that.

Abby: Yeah, that’s been most people’s reaction. Sharon, you don’t seem surprised.

Sharon: Oh. Uh… well, chance mentioned it.

Abby: Right. Yeah. I’m–I know the two of you have become friends. Um… I’m really happy that he has someone to talk to. He doesn’t want to discuss things with me recently, which I don’t blame him for, so…

Mariah: Abby, you know that I love you and devon and chance. I’m in all of your corners. I just didn’t know that you and devon were so serious already. Just, it does seem a little fast.

Abby: I totally get that. Yes, it does seem fast, but… I don’t know. It… it just feels right. After talking to chance, of course, and he didn’t object. I know this can’t be easy for him, but he has been very mature, and he has handled things very civilly.

Mariah: Well, it’s probably been difficult for him, but I’m sure he’s just going to continue to do what’s best for dom.

Abby: I have no doubt about that. Our child comes first.

Mariah: I didn’t see that as a kid myself, but I absolutely want to make that true for my daughter. And my heart could burst.

Sharon: Welcome to the club.

Abby: [Laughs]

Elena: I have concerns about your dynamic with victoria. She has a deep-seated need for power, and you have a need to prove yourself to her.

Nate: Only because I want to be good at my job.

Elena: Obviously, I’m not at newman every day, but nick is. And seeing him confront you the way that he did did not make me feel any better about whatever’s going on at that office.

Nate: Look, I love my job. I love the opportunities it represents, but I’m not obsessed with power. I’m just trying to do what I can to grow newman media and show that I deserve to be in that ceo seat.

Elena: I never said you shouldn’t love your job. That is exactly how I feel about mine.

Nate: But I realize I’ve been a bit of a workaholic lately, and that’s taken a toll on us. When you’re at the hospital, you have a shift. There’s a reason why you clock out– because it can be all-consuming. The business world is the same way, but there’s no one else to take over when I get off. And things come up around the clock. So… lines could get blurred. But I should have set some limits. Listen, you are my top priority. I want you to know that. Feel it. That’s why I took today off, because I want to work on making things right between us. And I know I told you we’d find a way to balance our jobs and our relationship, and I’ve been slacking in that department. [Scoffs] I missed you. And you deserve better. I promise, things will be better from now on.

Ashley: Am I proud of you? You didn’t really keep up your end of the bargain.

Tucker: Ashley, I tried my best to do right by devon, to prove to him that I could be a better man and a better father to him. I was just going to hand my company over to him. I offered to stay on as an advisor so I could work alongside him, so we could rebuild the business together. I mean, do you doubt my sincerity in this?

Ashley: I know you tried. I believe that. But I think your take on his rejection is just a little bit too shiny.

Tucker: No, but I actually believe, honestly believe, that– the way things turned out is gonna be the best thing for him and lily. And I can’t force him to do something he doesn’t really want to do. That would be putting my wants ahead of his. I have to respect his position. And despite my best efforts, he just doesn’t trust me. I really want you to tell me that’s not true for you.

Ashley: I don’t know how to answer.

Tucker: Don’t do that! Don’T… don’t use devon to retreat again and put up your walls, ashley. You know, there was nothing fake about our fake engagement to me. I’ve opened my heart to you. I want to marry you. I want to be the husband to you that I should have been the first time. And I saw that look in your eye when I asked you, and I knew that you wanted it as much as I do, but then you pull away as you always do, because you won’t let yourself believe it.

Ashley: I can’T.

Tucker: [Sighs]

Ashley: Look, I’m sorry. Maybe it’s easy for you just to let go of the past and move on with your life, but it’s not that easy for me. Okay? I’m having a hard time doing that. But then again, you weren’t the one that was deceived, right? I mean, you did really crappy, despicable things to me. And you know what? You’re always going to have a roving eye, because that’s just who you are.

Tucker: Not anymore.

Ashley: Yes, it is. You love the game. You know you do. You dropped in on all of us, literally, out of the blue. You hid your alliance with diane. You hid your alliance with audra. And you think I’m stupid? Really, tucker, you think I don’t know there’s a little something going on between the two of you?

Tucker: I have tried every conceivable way to show you that I have changed. You have to know now that my love for you is real. Yeah. But that’s not good enough for you, though, is it?

Sharon: Oh, look how cute. I am so grateful to know this sweet little girl.

Mariah: Yeah. This is from this morning. It was her first time waking up in her new room. Although she had, uh, been up for a few hours before that ’cause she needed to be fed. And it definitely wasn’t daytime out. The sun was not out, uh, but, uh, there’s no need to get into that. I am extremely grateful for every second.

Abby: Even when they’re fussy and they’re having their meltdowns.

Mariah: Uh, though, right here, she happens to be very cute and very, very bubbly. Are they not like this all the time?

Sharon: Oh, yeah, they are. They’re always a bundle of sunshine and rainbows.

Abby: Oh, yeah, and I’ve heard they stay that way. Yeah, the terrible twos are just a myth.

Mariah: Wow. Okay. Well, the less cute moments make the cute moments 10 times better. I mean, just look at those cheeks and those eyes. Oh, god, she’s an old soul.

[Gasps] I have become one of those people that won’t stop gushing about their kid.

Abby: Well, it’s a good thing you’re with two people who can’t hear enough about her.

Sharon: I could talk about this baby 24/7.

Mariah: [Laughs]

[Cellphone rings] Uh…oh, this is work. It’s from one of my teammates. I’ll be right back. Sorry. Hello? Yeah. I’m heading out.

Sharon: Um, abby, I want to talk to you about something. I’m glad we have a moment alone.

Abby: Do you want to talk about chance? I know that he’s been confiding in you. I’m sure you’ve heard an earful about me.

Sharon: No. I told you a long time ago, I’m very fond of you and devon and chance, and I’m not judging. It’s not my place to. I wanted to talk to you about mariah and tessa. I’m, um, hoping to throw them a baby shower, and I really want it to be a surprise.

Abby: That’s amazing. That’s a great idea. Yeah. We could get around mariah insisting that it’s not necessary and that we shouldn’t go to the trouble.

Sharon: Exactly.

Abby: Because it is no trouble at all. Showering mariah and tessa with gifts and love– they deserve it all. So you can totally do it at society. Just tell me when.

Victoria: Good work speaks for itself, and the rewards– they just follow. You don’t really have to push it.

Audra: I just wanted to be honest about my intentions.

[Knock on door]

Nate: Hey. Um… just wanted to let you know i decided to come in and take care of a couple of things.

Victoria: Great. Better late than never.

Audra: Victoria was just filling me in on the langston deal. Exciting.

Nate: Yeah, yeah. It should be a good acquisition for us.

Audra: Yeah, I agree. Have you had a chance to look at the audio book app I sent you? I meant to follow up with you about it last night, but I couldn’t track you down.

Nate: Yeah, I was, uh, tackling some other stuff.

Audra: Right. Of course. Uh, you two were greenlighting the langston deal.

Nate: Look, uh, I should have some time this afternoon to go over stuff. Uh, let’s sit down in a bit.

Audra: I’ll be in my office.

Victoria: So… what brings you into the office today after all?

Ashley: I’m sorry that I can’t tell you what you want to hear. I’m sorry I can’t tell you that I see us riding off into the sunset.

Tucker: You can. You choose not to.

Ashley: I never made you any promises.

Tucker: No, I suppose you didn’T. Always consider myself a smart man. But I’ve been an absolute fool when it comes to you. And I have failed at every turn. My own son wants nothing to do with me, and now the woman I love does not love me in return. But you know, you say that I’m the one who enjoys the game. I don’t think so. I think you’re the only one playing games here, ashley. Yes, because if you never felt any genuine feelings for me, that means you were just enjoying, uh, torturing me and manipulating me.

Ashley: Look, that’s not true.

Tucker: It is true!

Ashley: It’s not.

Tucker: Yes, it is. Of course it is. You wanna just–you love it to see me just tie myself in knots for your own amusement! Well, so much for good intentions, man. I am done.

Ashley: You’re done?

Tucker: Yes, I’m done with this exercise in self-flagellation.

Ashley: Okay, so–

Tucker: I know when I’m beat. I said I’m beat!

Ashley: Okay. What does that mean? What does it mean, tucker?

Tucker: I’m going to pick up this phone. I’m gonna– I’m gonna sell my company, and I’m gonna leave this town.

Ashley: Okay, so now you’re threatening me.

Tucker: No, I’m telling you the truth. I don’t know how you can be so cold. Of course, I don’t know how I didn’t see it coming. Because you love to push me and you just push me and push me right to the edge, and then you push me over, and you get some kind of sick satisfaction out of it! You know what you are? A sadist!

Ashley: Okay. Thank you so much for the drink. You do whatever you need to do. Want luxury hair repair that doesn’t cost $50?

“The young and the restless” will continue.

Sharon: Here you go. Coffee and pastries to keep you going.

Mariah: Thank you so much. You are a lifesaver. I’m sorry I can’t stay and chat longer.

Sharon: No, go on, get home and give aria a kiss for me.

Elena: Give her a kiss for me, too.

Mariah: Hi! You just missed an endless barrage of baby photos.

Elena: Ooh, text me next time.

Sharon: Me, too.

Mariah: Well, we’ll probably have a photo session this afternoon, so…

[Laughter] See you.

Sharon: Bye.

Elena: Bye.

Sharon: Elena. What can I get you?

Elena: Uh, oat milk latte, please.

Sharon: You got it. You know, actually, I’m glad you stopped by. It saves me the call. We are throwing a baby shower for mariah and tessa, and it’s a surprise. Tomorrow at society. Do you think you can make it?

Elena: Um, I’m working nights for the foreseeable future, so yeah, I’ll be there.

Sharon: Great. It’ll be so much fun. Things are really coming together for mariah and tessa. It’s so nice to see. They are just happier than ever.

Elena: That’s the way it should be.

Sharon: Is everything all right with you?

Elena: Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.

Victoria: Well, I was kind of wondering if– if you were taking the day off because of… you know, because of what happened between us.

Nate: I was. I needed some time to consider the situation before seeing you.

Victoria: Okay. Um…I’m not really liking where this is going.

Nate: We made a mistake.

Victoria: “We”? Uh…look, maybe you feel that way, but you can’t speak for me. I don’t feel like I made a mistake.

Nate: All right. I made a mistake. I’m the one who’s in a committed relationship, one that I value deeply. Look, I don’t want to be that guy who betrays the person I love, okay? Someone who risks wrecking a good thing because I lost control.

Victoria: Don’t you feel like maybe it’s more than that at this point?

Nate: Victoria, you’re an incredible woman, and I’m not denying the connection between us.

Victoria: By that you mean a meeting of the minds, an incredible physical connection.

Nate: This is about right and wrong. I am with elena. We acted impulsively without thinking about the repercussions. The fact that your brother almost walked in on us proves the point that we weren’t thinking straight.

Victoria: My brother won’t be an issue. He’s not that much of a hypocrite.

Nate: [Scoffs] Hate to tell you, but he tracked me down last night, made all sorts of accusations, and I don’t think it’s the last we’re going to hear from him.

Tucker: What do you want?

Audra: Well, hello to you, too. You know, you really know how to make a woman feel welcome.

Tucker: Not really interested in your repartee at the moment.

Audra: You used to love my repartee.

Tucker: Yeah. Get to the point.

Audra: Okay, well, I said I would get back to you about your offer to locate J.T. Hellstrom, but your help won’t be needed. You know, I’ve just been feeling especially resourceful and lucky lately. I don’t know, but it’s like useful information just keeps falling into my lap, and I don’t want to be indebted to you when I have other options at my disposal. So thanks, but no, thanks.

Tucker: Fine. Is that it?

Audra: You are in a mood. Mm. Does it have anything to do with the half-empty champagne glass? Let me guess. Your latest attempt to woo ashley crashed and burned. Like I told you, you are kidding yourself when it comes to that woman.

Tucker: Great. Congratulations. You were right. I was wrong. You’re smart. I’m stupid. There’s the door.

Audra: See you around, tucker.

[Door slams]

Abby: Mom?

Ashley: Oh, hey.

Abby: Hi.

Ashley: Hi. I was just, uh, taking a chance that you were here.

Abby: Uh, yeah. Is everything okay?

Ashley: Sure. I mean, we haven’t had a lot of mother-daughter time lately, and I could use some of that, so…

Abby: Well, me, too. Come inside.

Ashley: Okay.

Abby: Well, it looks like I will get some mother and father time.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. Hi, sweetheart.

Abby: Dad, hi. What are you doing here, flying solo?

Victor: Well, you know, taking a little time for myself after all the things that have happened.

Ashley: Yep. A lot of information to digest.

Victor: Yes, indeed. Why don’t you two sit down? We need to discuss something as a family, all right?

Victor: My dear abby, I’m sure your mother is as interested as I am in your new living arrangement.

Ashley: Oh, I am indeed.

Abby: Well, it’s new, but no regrets. Dom and I are making ourselves at home.

Ashley: Okay. Well, I’m not gonna lie. I was a little surprised when I first heard. But…clearly, I hope it all works out the way you want it to, honey.

Abby: Well, it is so far.

Victor: Well, devon seems to be in a better place now that you and his son are living with him. And you went back to work at chancellor-winters.

Ashley: Right, instead of pursuing mccall.

Victor: Uh…

Ashley: Yeah, tucker told me.

Audra: Hi. Uh, mind if I join you?

Elena: Yeah, sure. Take a seat.

Audra: Where was your head.

Elena: About a million different places. Mostly back at home, I guess.

Audra: What happened there?

Elena: Hey, tell me, did you happen to see nick yesterday?

Audra: Uh, yeah, I-I ran into him briefly at the office last night.

Elena: Did he happen to mention anything about being frustrated with newman or nate?

Audra: Um…no. Why are you asking?

Elena: Because I met nate at society, and when I got there, he and nick were having an intense conversation.

Audra: Hmm. You didn’t ask nate what it was about?

Elena: Yeah, he explained that he and nick have been having issues since he came on board, that nick doesn’t like that victoria relies on him so much. I…I guess it was a good conversation.

Audra: But you’re still coming to me looking for answers. So…which part of his story are you doubting?

Victoria: [Sighs] I told nick this was none of his business.

Nate: Hmm. Obviously, he felt differently. Went off on me for getting involved with you, accused me of having some sort of an agenda.

Victoria: I know. Using me for your own personal gain. I told him that was not happening. I shut him down. I mean, at least i thought I shut him down.

Nate: I can’t afford a repeat performance. Elena showed up.

Victoria: What? Did he say anything to her about me?

Nate: Not this time.

Victoria: Well, I’ll make sure that that doesn’t happen. I-I promise.

Nate: Good. Then let’s close the door on this and move on. Forget this thing between us ever happened.

Victoria: Do you really think that’s possible? Nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard.

Elena: It’s not that I don’t believe what nate told me. He was very loving and reassuring. But at the same time, nate has also sworn to me that work wouldn’t get in the way of our relationship and that I wouldn’t have to worry about victoria. And as much as I think he wants that to be the case, I’m not sure it is.

Audra: Look, you should know that their dynamic at the office is still as intense as ever. Victoria newman is used to getting what she wants. So the sooner she can set her sights on something else, the better it will be for everyone.

Elena: And by something else, you mean J.T. I know. I still need to track him down to interview for my podcast.

Audra: I can take over the search if you want. Not just to help you personally, but, you know, it would also be a major win for newman media.

Elena: Yeah, that’d be great.

Audra: No problem. I already explored one avenue that didn’t pan out. But I promise you, I won’t let you down.

Elena: Thanks. All right, well… [Sips] I’ve got to get back to memorial, so we will touch base later.

Elena: Count on it. Hey, hon. How’s my favorite rock turner? Oh, I’m good. You know, just settling into life in genoa city. Yeah, no, it’s–it’s been interesting. It’s about to get more so. Listen, I’m calling you because I need a favor. I’m–I’m trying to track someone down. The name is J.T. Hellstrom.

Victoria: I think what’s happening between us is happening for a reason. It’s not just out of the blue. Even if you’re not ready to admit it, you know it’s true. Those feelings, you know, they’re not– they’re not just gonna go away if we ignore them, right?

Nate: I disagree. It ends here. It has to.

Victoria: Okay. I respect that. Even though I know you’re eventually going to change your mind.

Nate: I won’T. But again, I hope this won’t affect our working relationship.

Victoria: Oh, you don’t have to worry on that front. I know how to keep business separate from personal.

Nate: Then let’s get back to business.

Abby: Well, dad sure left in a hurry. I wonder what was wrong.

Ashley: I don’t know, but when victor moves that quickly, somebody’s in trouble.

Abby: What was dad talking about with you and devon and tucker, the whole mccall thing? Is there something I should be worried about?

Ashley: No, honey, there’s nothing to worry about. I wanted devon to buy mccall so that he could, you know, mend his relationship with his father. But I totally understand why devon wants to stay with lily at chancellor-winters, so no problem.

Abby: Right. Because he doesn’t fully trust him, and I agree with him. We need to set some healthy boundaries, a healthy distance.

Ashley: I get your message, and it’s not an issue.

Abby: Good. Okay, well, I am going to go check on some things in the kitchen. I’ll be right back.

Ashley: Okay.

Tucker: Welcome.

Victor: Hello, tucker mccall. So what the hell is all this about?

Tucker: An offer. A deal to be made. Victoria may no longer want mccall unlimited for newman enterprises, but I assume you’re still interested.

Victor: Yeah.

Tucker: Good.

Victor: I want the company for adam.

Tucker: Yeah, I don’t care what you do with it. I just want to sell it so I can be out of this godforsaken town.

Victor: For good?

Tucker: [Chuckles] Will that make a difference in your offer?

Victor: Well, now, does that mean if I throw in a few more bucks, you get the hell out of town permanently? Is that it?

Tucker: Just give me a reasonable figure, victor, and I will have the paperwork drawn up immediately. Deal?

Victor: It’s a deal.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, April 19, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


.[Phone ringing]

[Soft music]

Esme, can you wait here for a minute while I go talk to my friend?


Okay, here’s your discharge paperwork. Now, since you had a head injury, I want you to come back if you experience any of these symptoms, okay?


Esme, is there anything else I can do for you?

I need to speak to dr. Gatlin-holt. It could be a matter of life and death.

Has portia heard any more from trina?

Jordan has it monitoring portia’s phone just in case trina calls again.

That’s good. At least we’ll be ready this time.

Yeah, but you know what, laura? It’s not enough. You know what? I’m gonna go down to the pcpd and find out what’s taking them so long to find the “haunted star,” okay?

No, curtis, you can’t do that. It’s not going to help anyone, least of all trina.

[Dramatic music]


I was going crazy. Are you okay?

I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m sorry. I’m sorry your uncle’s denying you food. I can try to get you something.

No, no, no, no, no, it’s not worth the risk.

Well, maybe we’ll eat soon enough. It worked.

You got inside the communications room?

That and more.

Excuse me, mr. Cassadine, the nurse says the baby is sleepless and constantly crying.

And what does she expect me to do about it?

Mr. Cassadine?

And what the hell are you doing here? You’re supposed to be guarding spencer’s room.

The dead bolt’s locked, sir.

Yeah, well, I’ve heard that before. And why did you leave your post?

Well, there’s a walkie-talkie unaccounted for. It’s likely misplaced, but I thought you should-


and why are you bothering me with these mundane details? You were tasked with guarding my nephew, not counting inventory. Now, get back to doing just that.

Yes, mr. Cassadine.

Unlocked doors, mislaid equipment, inept nursery maids. What am I running here, some kind of soppy clown show? This is unacceptable. I run a tight ship. Carelessness will not be tolerated. You two might have walked on as crew, but I can see to it that you’re carried off as cargo.

Here or over here?

Mm, what do you think?

I think here.

Ah, you think right.

Yeah, and maybe this one goes here.

[Laughs] Well done. Oh, it’s past your bedtime, isn’t it?

I can’t go to sleep yet.

Why is that?

Because then you’ll be lonely. I hope daddy nikolas comes back soon.

Well, all I need is you, sweet girl. Now, how about we go read to each other a bedtime story, huh?


Yeah. [Laughs]

[Doorbell ringing] Oh, who could that be, huh?

[Knocking on door]


Come on, ava,

I know you’re home.

[Dramatic music]

Ava? Brook lynn told me that michael and willow are moving up the wedding. They’re getting married tomorrow. And I mean, that’s a good thing, right? First, the baby. They deserve to be happy.

I wish I could see it that way, sonny. But this wedding–there’s nothing to celebrate about it. It’s just the beginning of the end.

[Dramatic music]

okay, okay, let me look at you. Did you grow another inch?

Want to see my puzzle, mama carly?


Hey, uh, avery, why don’t you go in and work on that puzzle a bit more, and we’ll be right in?


Okay. So what’s going on?

Willow’s moved her and michael’s wedding up. They’re getting married tomorrow.

Oh, that’s great. Why the rush? Oh, I see. I’m so sorry.

Well, willow would like avery to be a part of the wedding party, you know? She’d like it to be a family affair.

Why would you say this wedding is the end?

Don’t you see why michael and willow are doing this?

They love each other. They just had a baby.

And they’re running out of time, sonny.

Pledging your love to another person, it’s a beautiful expression of love. I don’t-


yeah, it is beautiful, even if that life is nearly over. You know, saying “I do” might be the last thing that willow does.

[Phone ringing] Just–it’s okay. Just get it. I’m fine.

No, it’s-


just get the phone. It’s fine. I’m okay.

All right, all right. Michael?

Where are you?

Hospital chapel. Is everything okay?

I need to see you.

Where are you at, at the gatehouse? At home? What? I mean, I’ll come to you.

No, no, willow is resting with the baby. I’ll come to you.

All right, I’ll be here.

[Dramatic music]

Michael’s coming-

michael’s coming here. You have any idea what that’s about?



Wow, you’re almost done.

What’s in the bag?

I’m so glad you asked. Do you know what this is?

It’s so pretty.

Yeah, and you know why it’s so pretty? Because it’s so special.

Only for flower girls.

Flower girls?

Donna has one, too. And this could be yours, if you accept the very important job. It’s for michael and willow’s wedding.

Yes, I’ve always wanted to be a flower girl.


The crime is taking place in international waters. That’s way beyond the scope of the pcpd. Now, we have reached out to the appropriate authorities. We’ve also managed to freeze victor’s assets, which should make it a little bit more difficult for him to operate.

That doesn’t get us any closer to finding the “haunted star.”

I know, but just think about this for a moment. Jordan is being pulled in every direction imaginable, right? With anna being shot, my grandsons being kidnapped, esme being attacked, and trina, a stowaway. If you go marching down to the pcpd and start demanding answers, then-


I’ll just be another distraction, right.

Exactly. So come on, now. Let’s put our heads together, and we’ll have to come up with a way to help where we’re not getting in the way.

Esme. I hear you have suffered a head injury. How you feeling?

Well, never mind me. I’m fine, but my baby isn’T.

[Dramatic music]

My mom, your grandmother, jordan, and curtis know we’re on the boat. And laura was familiar with this boat and the communications room. She talked me through so that I could find the heading on the radar screen.

Is there anything that my grandmother can’t do?

I just hope I gave them enough so that they can find us.

So why did you take the walkie?

To monitor the guards’ movement. So now we just have to sit tight and wait to be rescued.

Yeah, I just hope that they can find us in time.

What? What do you mean?

Trina, while you were gone, I found out a few things myself. I always knew that my uncle victor was a very powerful man with all kinds of connections, and I knew that he could be ruthless, but that man is more dangerous than I ever could have imagined. He has this plan, one that could endanger billions of lives, and if we don’t stop him before we make landfall, it will be too late for all of us.

[Dramatic music]

Your uncle wants to reduce the global population?

Yes. My uncle has made this his life’s mission, like some maniacal zealot. He only intends to clear out half of the world’s population. Cassadines are exempted, of course, at least those that he can convince to come over to the dark side. And I wonder if maybe my dad found out about this, and then my uncle did something with him.

Well, we can’t say that for sure, spencer. But we do know that your uncle is insane. No one can engineer the future of humanity.

Do you want to be the one to tell him that?


Ambrose, are you back on station?


Resuming post in 10 minutes.



Let me know

when you’re in position.



We can’t reach wherever we’re headed. This–this might be my only chance. I know where the engine room is.

Trina, no, you’ve taken too many risks already.

But what if our families don’t find us in time to stop victor? I can–I can buy us some time so that they can catch up to us.

Trina, no. I know that you’re smart, and I know that you’re brave. But you need to be careful. Please promise me that you’re not gonna take any unnecessary risks, because I don’t know what I’m gonna do. Please, promise me.

I won’T. I wanna come back to you.

[Dramatic music]

This is about more than you and me now. We have no choice. We have to do something. It’s up to us.

I’ll be back soon.


Now might be a good time to start praying.

My baby–he’s been kidnapped.

I–I know.



and it’s–it’s terrifying. And I hope that this is some comfort to you, but I was once really close to someone who had a baby kidnapped, too. And–and she was told to stay strong and to keep it together. And I think it’s really important in moments like this that we remain hopeful that ace is gonna be fine, and he’ll be back in your arms really soon.

Well, did your friend get their baby back?

She did, yeah.

He’s right. The pcpd is on it. They’re gonna find your baby.

It’s just that ace’s colic-

it isn’t being treated. All the stuff you gave me-

it was in his diaper bag, and the kidnapper just left it, and-


okay, hey, if you’re concerned that ace’s colic is gonna turn into a serious health crisis, you don’t need to be. It’s not life-threatening. It’s probably just gonna resolve itself.


Yeah, ace is not gonna suffer any lasting harm from colic.

Yeah, well, I hate the idea of him suffering at all.

I know, but these things have a way of working out.

Yeah, but who’s rocking him to sleep at night? How do I know he’s eating properly if I’m not there to do it?

Esme, I heard that spencer was also kidnapped. So that means they’re probably together. And I know that spencer will do everything he can to comfort his baby brother and to protect him.

So you’re saying I shouldn’t worry because my baby doesn’t need me?

Thank you for letting me tuck avery in.

It was the only way we were gonna pry this out of her hands.

Yeah, I should have known she’d want to practice her flower girl duties.

Well, I’m sure it will be a lovely ceremony.

Right, aside from the fact that the bride may be dying.

Well, no one can predict the future. My current feelings about love and marriage aside, I think this wedding is a great idea, life-affirming, even.

I agree. Celebration with family and friends is just the perfect medicine for willow. All right, well, I will be in touch. And I’ll see myself out.

Oh, carly, I’m-

I’m just–I’m unclear about something.

What’s that?

Well, you said earlier that the wedding is gonna be a family affair. And I’m just curious, does that include nina and sonny?

They’re moving up the wedding because of willow’s condition, but that’s not the only reason. They’re saying to the world that they love each other and that love should be celebrated, no matter what the situation.

You’re right. You’re–you’re right. And despite my differences with michael, I have to admit, your son loves my daughter.

More than anything.

And we will celebrate this, them getting married, even though we can’t-

we can’t be there with them.

[Dramatic music]

[Lock clattering]

[Uneasy music]

Ace! Hey, you–you brought him. Is he okay?

Here, just take him.




Well, he’s fussy and restless, so I thought maybe a visit with his brother might do you both some good.

[Dramatic music]



Engine room,

assistance needed on deck.

Copy that.


Esme, no one is suggesting that your son doesn’t need you.

Oh, please. People have been lined up to take ace away from me since the moment that he was born.

Esme, you’re ace’s mom. And from what I’ve observed, you’re a conscientious and loving parent. So maybe just give yourself a break. Don’t let people get in your head.

I’m really sorry.

No, it’s okay. Look, you don’t need to apologize.

[Sighs] Look, we’re all just really hopeful that ace returns safely.

You’ve been a great comfort, both of you. Thank you.

[Dramatic music]



You handled that well.

Oh, thank you. You did, too, so thanks for that.

Well, I didn’t want to get into it with her, but I’ve lived through that trauma. I mean, for me, in the end, it–everything turned out okay, but fearing for your child, not knowing what’s happening to him… it’s an indescribable terror.

I’m glad you came through it okay. And I hope esme comes through it okay. She’s been through a lot. I really feel for her.

I never thought I’d say this, but so do I.

You know, kevin and I have a friend who’s a brigadier general. I mean, he’s a very busy man, obviously, but he may be able to assist the coast guard.

Okay, and I still have some of my contacts from my law enforcement and pi days.


I want to get a bead on victor’s support personnel. From the description of the safe house takeover, they sound like paramilitary.

Mm, that’s a very good point. He’s got a lot of resources.


I’ve officially been released. I’m free.


Although some may say I don’t deserve to be.

It’s not my wedding. The guest list is up to michael and willow.

I’m sure they took your feelings into consideration.

If nina and sonny aren’t invited, it’s not because of me.

Okay. Well, I just know that michael and willow love you. They want you to be comfortable, and that might dictate who they include and who they choose not to include.

Right, and michael and willow have their reasons for who they invite and choose to exclude.

Okay, of course, right. I just–I think that a health crisis of this magnitude would bring you all together and not make a bigger divide.

What’s it to you? I mean, seriously, why do you care?

Nina. She’s my friend, and she is devastated about willow, willow’s health, the daughter that you kept from her. So what, I can’t ask if my friend has been invited to her daughter’s big day?

How is it that you guys are friends? What could you possibly have in common besides hating me?

I hear congratulations are in order, michael. I’m wishing you and willow the best on your big day. Excuse me.

How did she-


brook lynn.

Yeah, well, I guess I’ll have to thank her for saving me the trouble.

Brook lynn was-

she felt terrible for letting it slip. But I’m glad she did, and I’m happy for you and willow. Give her my best wishes.

Or you could do it yourself.

What does that mean?

Would you like to attend our wedding?

You’re inviting me to your wedding?

Willow and I want this to be a family affair, so that includes you.

Well, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for willow or you.

Yeah, willow wants it to be simple, so we’re–we’re keeping it intimate. So this guest list is gonna be small.

I’m even more honored to be included.

Well, good. I hope you understand that this invitation is-

it’s for you, you alone.

So what you’re saying is, you want me to come to your wedding, but you don’t want nina to come to your wedding?

[Dramatic music]


I don’t hate you, carly.

Your friend, nina, sure does. And here you are, doing her bidding. How is this so-called friendship even possible? The woman immobilized you and forced you to give birth to avery.

Nina has definitely benefited from forgiveness and grace.

So you’re telling me when you look at nina, you don’t see what she did to you? All is forgiven and forgotten?

I’m not saying that. To be honest, I try not to think about it. And when I look at her, I don’t see the disturbed woman that she used to be. I see the woman that has gotten help, that has turned her life around. And–and yeah, nina and i have become friends, as unlikely as that is. And you know something, carly? It feels a lot better than harboring bitterness and resentment.

Thanks for the inspirational talk. The next time I come by, I’ll make sure to wear beads and bring a candle.

Oh, carly, I’m not trying to get into it with you. I just want you to see how much power you have here. You are on the inside, and that gives you the perfect opportunity to broker peace.

Since when did you become an authority on peace?

Well, I get a lot of quiet in this old house, but no peace. I’m just trying to spare you my regrets.

Really? What regrets?

Thanks again for dropping everything to speak with esme.

Ah, you don’t need to thank me. I’m happy to help.

[Dramatic music] Nurse baldwin, can you do something for me? Could you please tell me why nurse driscoll is looking at me like that? Because she’s been doing it all day.


Nurse driscoll, is there something dr. Gatlin-holt can help you with?

No, but I may be able to help him.

How would you do that?

You should stop seeing ava jerome if you know what’s good for you.


I’m in no position to judge you, carly. I know that. We all make choices in this life, some of which keep us up at night.

Does morgan keep you up at night? When you think about how I deprived nina of her daughters, do you think about how you deprived me of my son? I do, every time I have to see you, and then I think about avery, and I co-exist with you for her sake. But do not deceive yourself that I’ve forgotten, that it’s over, because I haven’t, and it never will be.

So is there anything else you need to say to me? Any more insight into my behavior?

Yeah, just–just one more thing, actually. Time is running out. This may be the last chance for nina and willow. And I know that you’re capable of rising above. I’ve seen you do it with me for avery’s sake. Won’t you do it with nina for willow’s?

It’s not my call. It’s willow’s choice to make. Whatever boundaries she set with nina, it’s one she’s comfortable with.

I tried.

Maybe you’re trying so damn hard to fix nina because you can’t fix trina.

What about trina? Has something happened?


This is my very good friend, curtis ashford.

I recognize the name, but-


yeah, no, we’ve met before, esme, but I’m sure you don’t recall.

Somehow I thinkit’s best that I don’T. But it’s nice meeting you again. I’m gonna go grab a drink from the cafeteria before we head home.

Okay, sure.

[Dramatic music]


I don’t know how you do it, laura. I don’t know how you can have her under your roof.

She’s the mother of my grandson. You can relate to this. Family is everything, right?


It’s a condition where perfectly healthy babies sometimes will cry for hours. It’s why ace is a little bit fussy right now. I’m surprised that your nanny didn’t know this.

Yeah, well, that’s why I brought the little tyke to you.

I’m glad that you did. I’m always happy to help. You know, he can stay here with me.

No, don’t press your luck.

You might not trust me, uncle victor, but babies, especially infants, they need routine and familiarity and comfort.

I wouldn’t know anything about that. I haven’t had any interaction with babies, not with valentin or any child, for that matter.

Is that what this is about? Did losing valentin finally push you over the edge?

Spencer, this has been my plan all along. I did include my treacherous son, but it is his loss.

Okay. Is–are you saying that valentin is still alive?

[Sighs] The incident in paris was just a ruse. It worked for a while. I was distracted with grief for a son that was alive and well and in hiding. Meanwhile, valentin and his allies were conspiring to keep me from acquiring the one thing I needed to complete my mission. He betrayed me and very nearly condemned this planet. Valentin is alive, but when all is said and done, he’ll wish he was dead, as will anyone who stands in my way.

I’ll take the baby back to his nurse now. Hopefully, she’ll know how to deal with this colic.

Are you sure that it’s over for you and valentin? You weren’t ready to give up on my father. Why should you give up on your own son? It’s not too late for you to put this plan of yours on ice and summon valentin.

Nice try, spencer. Don’t make me regret this visit.

[Pounding on door] Yes, enter.

May I speak with you privately, mr. Cassadine?

[Dramatic music]

There’s trouble with the engine.

What sort of trouble?

The electrical cable that supplies power to the propulsion motors, it’s badly damaged.


Yeah, the engineer says if he can’t fix it, he may have to call for an emergency tow vessel.

Well, you tell the engineer he better damn well fix it, or I’ll scuttle this ship with him on board.

Do you really think that esme doesn’t remember who she is or was?

I haven’t seen any signs that she does. Look, I can understand your reservations, and I do appreciate it because what she did to trina was a pretty serious thing. But honestly, she doesn’t feel like that person anymore. And you know, even trina argued for her to be released.

Okay, but what about when the memory returns?

I wish I could tell you that. The thing is that even if she does recover her memory, it doesn’t mean that she’s going to revert back to who she was. I’ve had so many conversations with kevin about this, really, and he’s just made it so clear to me that the human memory is an incredibly complicated thing. And I’ve actually witnessed that myself with elizabeth. And what about drew?

Drew. That’s right.

What’s right? The human memory is an incredibly complicated thing?

Exactly. Laura, you just gave me an idea how to find the ship.

Amy, that was highly inappropriate.

I’m sorry, elizabeth, but I saw with my own eyes how chummy he was with ava jerome at the nurses’ ball.

Okay, is that an issue?

What business is it of yours who he sees or doesn’t see?

I just think he needs to know that ava jerome is someone to be careful around.

[Tense music] Rumor is, she and her ex just went through a bitter divorce. Now, he’s disappeared.


How sure are the police that victor has trina?

All I know is, I was at josslyn’s dorm when dante showed up, and he wanted to ask trina some questions. Then we all realized that no one had seen trina since the nurses’ ball. Josslyn said trina was really worried about spencer because he was upset. We’re all just assuming that trina was with spencer when victor took him.

Oh, that son of a bitch. Okay, I have to go and see portia. She might have an update. And even if she doesn’t, I really should give her my support. So would you mind-

would you stay with avery for a while?

Go. I’m happy to stay with avery.

Thank you. Thank you.

[Dramatic music]


Oh, and, watkins, when exactly was the electrical cable damaged?

The engineer was alerted by a computer warning 15 minutes ago. Everything was fine this morning.

And you enlisted the engine room guard to join the search for the missing walkie?

[Baby fussing]

Shh, shh, shh. It’s okay. It’s all right. It’s okay. I got you. It’s gonna be okay.

The guard was searching, but he says the room wasn’t left unattended longer than ten minutes.

That’s plenty of time.


I want you to listen carefully. Follow these instructions to the letter.

I forgot my purse.

Michael invited me to the wedding.

How wonderful.

You know what? I can’t do it. I’m sorry.

No, no.

What do you mean, no?

Weddings are to be celebrated–love. I’m really glad that you can be there to witness it.

I just-

I wish it was different.

Me, too. Starting with aunt liesl, I wish she was able to, you know, go through with the transplant.

I’m sorry about liesl.

How’s willow?

She’s–she’s weak, but planning the wedding has given her renewed energy.

Yeah, I’m sure there’s no shortage of help for her. I’m so thankful that she has people who uplift her and support her. She–she definitely deserves that.

Everybody does.

Yeah. She’s gonna be a really breathtaking bride. If you just–if you can just-

just tell her that I’m thinking about-

about her.

[Sorrowful music]


[Sighs] For a moment there, it sounded like you were about to decline my invitation.

Well, you know what? It depends. Is this invite from both of you or just willow? Do you really want me to be there?

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Look, I want what’s best for my family. And that means having you there. But I also know that this could cause some issues with nina, so no harm, no foul, if you choose not to attend.

I also want what’s best for my family.

Well, just think about it and let me know.

I already made my decision. I’ll be there.

You’re a good doctor and a good guy, dr. Gatlin-holt. Maybe you don’t know about ava jerome.

Okay, that’s enough. Don’t you have charts you’re supposed to file?

Me? No.

Well, you do now.

Wow. I guess it’s true what they say. You are gonna make a great head nurse.

[Sighs] That’s not a done deal. And epiphany wouldn’t have allowed for this gossip-mongering, and neither will I. I am really sorry about that. I don’t know what got into amy, so I apologize for her…

it’s okay.

Inquisitiveness about you and ava.

It’s really fine. She must have just seen me and ava at the nurses’ ball, and she’s just jumping to conclusions.

Well, I just hope that ava is over nikolas.

Mm. I can’t say, but I can say for sure that things are not always what they seem.

[Dramatic music]



Master drill.

All crew report

to the main deck.

Repeat, master drill.

All hands on deck.

[Dramatic music]



Time is running out. This may be the last chance for nina and willow. And I know that you’re capable of rising above. I’ve seen you do it with me for avery’s sake. Won’t you do it with nina for willow’s?

[Doorbell ringing]


[Dramatic music]

I seem to have sparked an aha moment. You want to fill me in?

Laura, it’s just like you said. The human memory is complicated. It’s something I learned as a cop. Questioning witnesses, people often remember more than they realize.


I’m sorry to interrupt. Laura, I got one for you, too.

Oh, thank you. That was very thoughtful of you.

You’re trina robinson’s stepfather, right?


I just had to say that trina has been very kind to me when, from what I’ve heard, she had every right not to be. I hope you find her soon.

Thank you, and same to your baby. I appreciate the talk. I’ll let you know what I learn.

Please do.


All right, hon, I should probably get you home. You need your rest. Are you ready to go?

I’m not sure.

Oh, honey, are you afraid to go back to the apartment? Do you feel unsafe there? Because I can tell you, the city has beefed up our security, and kevin has made sure that-


it’s not that, laura. I trust that you’ll protect me.

Then why don’t you want to go home with me?

Because ace won’t be there.

[Dramatic music]


It’s okay. What am I doing here?

I thought you would enjoy a little break from your close quarters. Watkins, take ace to the baby nurse, would you? Go on.

Please be–please be careful with him. I finally got him to calm down.

I decided to let you eat after all.

What made you change your mind?

Well, we no longer have reason to pull off those diversionary stunts of yours. I hold all the cards.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.


[Footsteps thumping] Ah, I see our dinner guest has arrived.

[Dramatic music]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

[ Katie sighing ]

Katie: But there’s

no one like you.

The extraordinary lengths

you go to.

This one was really crazy.

This is why I left you, bill.

But it’s also why I love you.

Bill: How do you do it? How do you get more beautiful by the day?

Carter: The only logan

I have my eye on

is the one I’m staring at.

You’re amazing, katie.

And beautiful.

Very beautiful.

Taylor: Carter.

Carter: Taylor.

Taylor: Hi.

Carter: Hi. Hey. Who you lookin’ for? Steffy or thomas?

Taylor: Neither one. Bill wanted to talk to me.

Carter: Spencer? Here?

Deacon: Okay, victoria, don’t forget to let me know when the bread guy arrives, all right?

Victoria: Will do.

Deacon: Okay. Ugh, I hate doin’ this. Hey.

Hope: Hi.

Deacon: What a beautiful surprise.

Hope: Uh, you got a minute?

Deacon: Yeah, I got all the time in the world for you. Yeah.

Hope: Oh.

Deacon: What’s up?

Hope: Oh, I just think we need to have a long, overdue conversation about sheila carter.

Deacon: Of all the things we could talk about, you wanna talk about sheila carter?

Hope: Well, not particularly, but I know what you did with her.

Deacon: You do?

Hope: Yes, dad. I do. *

Deacon: Just, please,

turn yourself in.

Sheila: No. Never. I am–

I am never

going back to prison.

Bill: Oh, I think you are.

Deacon: I’m sorry.

Taylor: Yeah, bill said he was coming to forrester and he wanted to talk to me.

Carter: Didn’t say why?

Taylor: No. But I’m assuming it has to do with this whole sheila sting.

Carter: Probably right.

Taylor: Yeah. You know, I am– I am still blown away. You know, bill and ridge teaming up together to take sheila down. What a couple of heroes.

Carter: Yeah, we’re grateful for the end result.

Taylor: Yeah. Well, obviously bill isn’t here, so I’m gonna go check the design office–

Carter: Well, katie’s working in there. You know, I can walk over with you.

Taylor: It’s right over there. I– I got it.

Bill: You’re getting my calls and my texts. I wanna see you, katie. And I’ve made it easy. I’ve already arranged dinner. I’ve had the house fumigated, I even had an exorcism performed now that vampire is gone.

[ Katie sighing ] So, what do you say? Join me? Give me one more chance.

[ Knocking on door ]

Taylor: Hey. Hi.

Katie: Hi.

Taylor: There you are. Hi, katie.

Katie: Hey.

Taylor: I got your message. Said you wanted to talk. What’s up?

Bill: Well, I thought that you and I should take a little trip.

Taylor: Intriguing. Where– where to?

Bill: Prison. To see sheila. Want luxury hair repair that doesn’t cost $50?

Deacon: Hope, I don’t know what you think you heard, but I–

Hope: Dad. Like I said, I know what you did.

Deacon: With sheila?

Hope: To her. And helping bill and ridge send sheila back to prison.

Deacon: Right, that.

Hope: Come on, dad. Don’t be so modest. It is a big deal. I mean, what the three of you did. I mean, we never have to worry about sheila carter ever again. That nine-toed freak is finally behind bars, where she should’ve been to begin with. I mean, we don’t ever have to worry about her making parole or escaping.

Deacon: I did it for our family. You know I did.

Emilio: Hey, boss, what can I get you this morning? The tiramisu is to die for.

Deacon: Uh, I think I’m just gonna do a cappuccino. And, uh, emilio, do me a favor, don’t go bonkers with the whipped cream, okay?

Hope: Actually, that sounds really good. I’d love one of those too.

Emilio: Gotcha.

Hope: Thanks.

[ Bread stick crunching ] Look, dad, all I’m saying is that I know that couldn’t have been easy for you, pretending to be friends with sheila when you know all of the horrible things that she’s done to people we love and care about. She finally got what she deserved, and I just wish I could’ve been there when her face cracked when she finally realized that nobody was on her side.

Deacon: You know, it was actually kind of sad.

Hope: I’m sorry, wait– oh, are you serious?

Emilio: Two cappuccinos.

Busboy: Delicious.

Deacon: Yeah, you know, I mean, just human to human. I mean, I could see that this– this woman’s whole life was shattering right in front of her.

Hope: Look at you, you big softie.

Deacon: Get out of here.

Hope: No wonder sheila felt like she could trust you.

[ Prison buzzer buzzing ]

[ Keys jingling ]

Guard: You know the drill.

Sheila: What’s happening?

Guard: Someone wants to see you.

Katie: Why do you wanna go see sheila?

Bill: Well, it’s not for me. It’s for taylor. I’ve already told sheila exactly what I think of her. But you haven’t had that opportunity and I believe you’ll feel better if you do it.

Taylor: Um…

Katie: I agree. You should. You should confront sheila, after everything she’s done to your family. I mean, I can’t imagine what you went through.

Bill: Yeah, um, I have to own my part in that. I’m sorry for what I put you through, making you think I was blackmailing you. I hope you understand.

Taylor: I– I– I– I understand now. Um, but I’m the one that’s sorry. I– I should’ve never done what I did to you. It haunts me every single day. I– I wanted to turn myself in, and…

Bill: Well, I’ve struck a deal with the feds, so you don’t have to be haunted any longer. I’ve put it out of my mind, I want you to do the same.

Taylor: I am trying. Thank you. Do you know what, bill, you are– you are actually right. I– I do have some things to say to sheila. How soon can we see her?

Bill: Well, I’ve taken the liberty of– of making a call. So, they know that sheila is expecting a visitor.

Katie: You had a lot of faith in your power of persuasion.

Bill: I’m workin’ on it.

Taylor: Okay, so, are– are you ready to do this?

Bill: If you are.

Taylor: Let’s do this. I’ll meet you outside.

Bill: Gonna be here for a while?

Katie: All day.

Bill: Then I’m comin’ back. I’m gonna convince you to have that dinner with me. Won’t quit until I do. As hard as I worked to put sheila away, I’m gonna work even harder to get my family, my katie back. Family is just very important.

Carter: Good news. The budget increase you requested was approved. It’s good to know people in high places.

Katie: Mm. It’s a good thing I’ve been putting my time in with the C.O.O.

Carter: Mm-hmm. So, I talked to taylor earlier.

Katie: Mm-hmm?

Carter: She was looking for bill.

Katie: Yeah.

Carter: Said he wanted to meet her here.

Katie: She found him.

Carter: He was with you?

Katie: Mm-hmm.

Carter: It’s no surprise you were his first stop. There’s no secret that he wants you back now that this whole sheila saga is over.

Katie: Does that bother you?

Carter: It makes sense. Bill wasn’t bill when he was with her, but now that he’s himself again, he wants his life back. Any man would.

Hope: It always still amazes that after all this time worrying and wondering what life-threatening thing that sheila was going to pull next, she is finally out of our lives for good.

Deacon: Well, it was something that had to be done.

Hope: Well, of course it had to be done, after all the chaos that she’s caused in everyone’s life. I mean, from– from being finn’s birth mother to shooting steffy and finn to cutting off her own toe and faking her own death in order to avoid prison. I mean, dad, that is just a fraction of the crazy things that sheila carter has done. I mean, that woman is literally insane.

Deacon: Yeah, there is no doubt about it. There is no one like sheila carter.

Sheila: I don’t have anything scheduled with my attorney.

Guard: An attorney’s not gonna do you any good.

Sheila: Ah, well thank you for that brilliant legal analysis. Why– why am I here?

[ Door buzzing ] Eh, just take me back to my cell because I don’t– I don’t wanna see them.

Bill: You don’t have a choice. I’ll take it from here.

Guard: We’ll be right outside.

[ Door buzzing ]

[ Laughing ]

Sheila: Isn’t this an ironic pairing? The victim and his shooter. Hi, I’m angela.

Carter: Wait, hold on, so they’re at the prison now? Taylor agreed to go?

Katie: Yes. Bill said that he was able to confront sheila to tell her exactly what he thought of her and that taylor deserved the same opportunity and I agree. She lost a lot because of sheila.

Carter: Yeah, she almost lost her daughter. She shot finn and steffy in cold blood. Yeah, I can imagine taylor has a few things to get off her chest.

Katie: Yeah, and sheila is a captive audience.

Carter: Hm. Captive being the operative word.

Katie: Mm-hmm, thank god. I was beginning to think that we would never get that woman out of our lives.

Carter: Hm, I gotta give it to him. I mean, bill pulled it off. Dude fooled everybody, especially sheila.

Katie: She seriously thought she was going to be the next mrs. Bill spencer.

Carter: Yeah, his ruthless streak came in handy this time. We all owe bill a debt of gratitude.

Katie: Hm.

Carter: Has that changed the way you look at him?

[ Katie sighing ]

Sheila: Look, are you here to check up on me? And the last time we saw each other, I did fall on the ground with a heart attack, but I don’t want you to worry because I’m– I’m better now. I was such a fool. Believing that you could be kind. And loving. Compassionate. I– I truly thought you– you loved me. Yeah, we really opened up to one another, and for the first time in my life, I really felt seen. Respected. I trusted you and it was all just a lie. A setup to put me in here for life.

Bill: Well, you’re not such a fool after all. You’re getting it.

Sheila: I’ve never claimed to be a saint, ever, but what you did was deplorable. And you, as a psychiatrist, you must see that.

Taylor: Well, um, yeah, I mean, I guess as a– as a psychiatrist, I– I believe in kindness and compassion. To be honest, even if it hurts. You know, one of my greatest gifts is being able to find the innate goodness in someone. Shine a light on it so that they see it too and you know I believe that everyone has that quality. And then there’s you. Deplorable. Yes, that is shooting steffy and finn to save yourself. Gunning your own son down in an alley.

Sheila: That was an accident.

Taylor: Because you meant to kill my daughter. That’s why it was an accident. You almost took both parents from hayes, someone else you claim to love. But you are only capable of loving yourself. Who is gonna help you? Who can be there for you? That is who you love. Until you don’T. And then, it’s terrifying. I know because I’ve been on the other side of that. Just so scared. But you love to terrify people. You do. It gives you power and it makes you feel alive because deep down inside, you know you’re irrelevant. And thanks to– thanks to bill and ridge, you’re gonna be locked up here for the rest of your life. You almost took my daughter away from me and from everyone who loves her, but by god’s grace, you didn’t do it. I want you to listen to me. From this day forward, your name will never be mentioned again. And hayes won’t ever even know you existed. He won’t even know you walked this earth. The name sheila carter will mean nothing to my family and you will be erased from our lives… forever.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Seeing giant bears.

I heard my commissioner was in the hospital, babe. So what happened, Val? Honestly, I have no idea, but I have my best detective on the case.

Oh my God. What is all this? I’m sorry. You girls can’t be in here until we’re done collecting evidence. We need to treat this kitchen as a crime scene. Okay, but this is my bakery. I understand that. Okay. Then you should also understand that you don’t need any more evidence. We all know who slipped those drugs into my biscuit.

Oh, Erica, I want you so much. You are all I want. Nicole. Nicole, what did we do?


Is this a bad time? Again?

See, you’re alone. At least maybe you were expecting somebody else.

Your thoughts.

Hey. Oh, it’s you. Yep, it’s me. These are for you, Lil’s. I don’t think I’m dead yet. No, you’re very much alive. How you feeling? Anything hurt? No thing hurting is my pride. A few hours ago I thought you really wanted me. Turns out I was just delusional.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

How are you? Did they say what was causing the hallucinations? They took some blood, but the, uh, test results haven’t come back yet. You sure you shouldn’t still be at the hospital? I’m fine. I started to feel better as soon as they hooked me up to the iv. You didn’t drive yourself home, did you? I wish you would’ve called me.

It’s okay. Really?

Oh, I guess you didn’t need me to stay with you at the. It seemed like you were in good hands. Stephan. You mean the real Stephan?

I admit, I I’m still hazy on the details of what happened to me. I must have been asleep when the doctor came in. So, um, what, uh, what do you remember? Uh, well, I have a vivid memory of trying to bash her head in with an ashtray. It was a remote. Oh, smoking can be hazardous to your health. I, I don’t know what happened to me.

It’s like I totally lost my mind. Yeah, me too. I, I think I know why. You and I went on a little trip we hadn’t planned ej. Hi, I, I didn’t mean to interrupt. Whatever. Had your attention must have been quite engaging. Yeah, I was just daydreaming. I’ve been a little off all day and I’m not sure why. Those biscuits are the culprit.

I’m sorry. A rumor has those yummy little confections were spiked with a toxin that has caused erratic behavior all over the cell.

What? Well, I’m really glad to see you. You haven’t been responding to my text. Yeah, I didn’t come here for a visit. So what brings you by. I, um, I thought I might have, um, left a scarf here. It’s my favorite. Well, I don’t think so, but you know, please feel free to look. Uh, no. Yeah, I don’t see it. I’m sorry. No worries.

Well, I’ll just get out of your way. And out of your life. Sloan, please wait. What is it about what you said before? Before when? Before I found you and Nicole tangled in those sheets right there. Oh, yes. But believe me, there was a lot of things that I wanted to say that I didn’t, and I appreciate that. But you suggested that Nicole and I must have been drugged.

What would make you think that?

Sloan Peterson has been trying to destroy my life since the minute she got to Salem. She tried to have me thrown to jail, and when that didn’t work, now she decided to come after my business by poisoning the customers.

Chan. If Sloan did this, then we will arrest her. But before that can happen, I need proof what proof the woman is a psycho. Well, let’s see if any prints turn up. Uh, well, you’re gonna find my prints, of course, and mine. Do you know if anyone else has been in this kitchen? Talia and I were alone in here last night, and we always do a thorough cleaning after we close up shop.

So if we find a new prints Sloans, if we find Sloan’s prints, then she’ll have a lot of explaining to do. But as a detective, I cannot afford to jump to any conclusions. I haven’t even started questioning anyone, but I think I need to start with you.

Wait, why would you question me? You don’t seriously think your sister would? Of course not. But you said that the recipe for the biscuits for Talia, so I need to know what you put in them so I can compare them to the lab results. Alright. Well, I usually keep my recipes a secret, but I think I can trust my own sister.

So yeah, of course. I’ll tell you. I’d appreciate that. Okay. If I record you? Yeah, fine. No problem. Um, it’s actually a very simple recipe. Wheat flour, baking powder, not fat. Yogurt, sugar, kosher salt, honey butter, and a pour of healthy organic buttermilk. Hmm, sounds healthy. You know, the biscuits might raise your cholesterol, but they shouldn’t make anyone sick.

Well, not under regular circumstances, but these Biss were linked to multiple illnesses. How bad was it? Well, the hallucinations were the worst symptoms. Some of the victims experienced it so bad that they were sent to the hospital.

You think you were poisoned? I think drugged would be more appropriate. Were you personally targeted? I don’t think so. Apparently Gabby and Stephan had a similar experience to mine. Seems like we all fell under the effects of a powerful hallucinatory drug, but this is widespread throughout Salem. We’re just beginning to learn the consequences.

You know, when you were here earlier, it was pretty clear that you weren’t in your right. No, I wasn’t. I, I was convinced that you were stuffing and from what I remember, I practically begged you to make love to me. You did. So why didn’t you

like I attempted to explain, Before we’ve tried to claw my eyes out. Oh, I only came onto you because I thought you were Gabby. And then we got into bed and you realized it was just little old me. Don’t take this personally. Ugh. Melinda, you are a very desirable woman. I just happen to be hopelessly in love with somebody else.

Yeah, that. Much as obvious to me now, like, and I apologize for not handling it well. It’s kind of an understatement, huh? Yeah, little bit. She thought you were gonna kill me at one point. I don’t think I would’ve taken it that far. Mm. But it does seem like you might have a good case for saw and battery emphasis on the.

You’re not gonna press charges, are you? No. Besides, I think the, uh, DA will decline to prosecute. Uh, I appreciate that. Mm-hmm. There is one person that the DA sure as hell is gonna prosecute person who drugged us. Yeah. Am I right to assume that it was ej? No, actually it’s, it’s not for once. I actually think my brother is innocent.

It happened to you too, the hallucinations? Mm-hmm. I must admit, at first I thought Stephan was the one responsible for the poisoning that he’d come after me, but as fate would have it, my brother was a victim. Okay, so what was it like for you after you ate the biscuits? Well, uh, when I stepped into the office, it was if I suddenly stepped through the looking la ooh, how weird did it get?

For starters, I used the copy machine to produce a rather personal image of what some would say is. Good side. Wow. That is your good side. Mm-hmm. Furthermore, when I tried to distribute the rendered copy, uh, company wide, I, um, I suddenly was convinced that my email password was letter E and the letter J all in caps repeated over and over again 1000 times.

Oh, and that’s not your password. No. No, it’s not. And that would’ve been quite a public relations disaster. And would have ended. No pun intended. My tenures co. C o Oh, I don’t know if it would’ve been that bad, but, uh, Hey, you got any, uh, extra copies now? Why would you want to fact simile when you have a standing invitation to see it in real life?

Oh, ah, I will, I will definitely keep that in mind. Mm-hmm. So tell me, do you do anything crazy while under the influence? Oh, Actually I did.

So what did you do while under, under the Influence? I hope you didn’t embarrass yourself as much as I did.

Here you go. Oh.


when I was experiencing the delusions, I went to basic black and I cut off all the colors of the samples for the summer line. The colors? Yeah, because apparently I was convinced that it looked like something a priest would wear. Ah, that is definitely. Huh. But fortunate you didn’t do anything more extreme.

Yes. Very fortunate. But at at least you didn’t call way shin or make any other rash decision having to do with Humira. Right? Right. Like I did when Stephan drug me. Exactly. And speaking of whom, it, it sounds like the two of you have declared war again. Yes, we have. And this time I’m going to win decisively.

You know, initially yes, I thought it was e j’s handiwork, but from what I hear, EJ and Rafe and a whole bunch of other people got sick too in the working theory is that everybody was drugged. I’m eating the biscuits at Sweet Bits. The biscuits. The biscuits. Really? Yeah. So the Saban PDs working on it now.

For better or worse. Oh, I’ll stay on them. The person who did this will be punished accordingly. I don’t doubt that. And now you can go. Um, and please feel free to take your flowers with you. Why would I do that? I brought them for you. Come on, the char is over. Stephan. You and Gabby can have your happily ever.

So give the flowers to her.

Well, I don’t have to tell you, I was sorely tempted to take you to bed, but I didn’t want it to happen like that cuz of some drug tricking the mind. Let’s be honestly, you haven’t been above tricking me before. I can’t deny that, but no, this was, this was d. It wasn’t real and I love you too much to take advantage of you like that.

Really, really, you know, I was so sure that if I just had six months of marriage to you of, of living together, that I, I could make you love me again. But the goal was never just to, to have you in my bed, is to have your heart and. Seeing the way you looked at me when you thought I was Stephan,

I just, I knew in that moment that it wasn’t gonna happen. Not today, not ever.

Are you saying that you think that someone put that hallucinogen into Chanel’s baked goods now? Who? Why? Well, Jada’s over there right now trying to figure that all out. Well, I am relieved. You’re doing okay. Thanks. But this seems like more than a prank, this could alleged to some serious consequences.

Yeah, believe me, I know. Although the drug did, uh, cause me to do something that I shouldn’t have, albeit not so serious. I mean, On the grand scheme of things, Uhhuh. Okay. Are you going to tell me what you did that you shouldn’t have? Sure. Yeah. I’ll tell you,

I kissed Jada.

So your boss, Rafe, he was one of the people in the hospital. Yeah. Commissioner Hernandez. Phil Ill, and was taking there for observation. How’s it gonna be? Okay. Yeah. He’s expected to make a full recovery. Wow. You must feel relieved. I know how much he means to you. Why does that sound like an accusation?

I’m just saying he’s my boss. That’s it. Okay. So, uh, what did he do? I mean, when he was under the influence

ti. Huh? Are you okay? You look a little warmer. Yeah. Yeah. I, uh, it’s kind of warm in this kitchen. Sure. Look. Can we, can we just focus on the case, please? Okay. Now that you’re done questioning us, are you gonna arrest Sloan Peterson or what?

You’re sitting, Nicole and I could have been drugged. What would make you say that? Uh, well, for starters, the both of you kept babbling on like a couple of lunatics. I mean, she said she saw you dress as a priest. And you said you saw her in a bikini? Yeah, and I thought I did. Mm-hmm. Well, look, maybe I’m being too generous, but it seemed highly unlikely that the two of you would intentionally get high together.

Well, until you said that, I still couldn’t figure out what caused me to hallucinate. I still don’t. I do. Yeah. Turns out half of town got sick off those baked goods from Sweet bits. Sweet bits. Remember those biscuits, you kept pushing on me. They were tainted. As if it’s not bad enough. Chanel killed both my parents.

She’s gotta go and poison the whole town. You’re sure that she’s the one who did this? Come on. Who else? And you know she’s gonna turn this around on me and the whole town’s gonna go along with this.

I highly doubt you’re gonna find Sloan’s prints in here. I mean, don’t you think she would’ve been smart enough to wear gloves? We’ll see. I did note that there were no signs of forced. Wait, you security cameras. What? Oh my God, I, I totally forgot. Yeah, mama. And insisted that she have her guys come install them like last month.

You can access them. Yeah. Yeah. I have an app on my phone. Well, that would make things a lot easier now, wouldn’t it?

Okay, let’s see. Date yesterday. Time. Oh no, Chanel. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. How is this your fault? There’s no footage from last night because she told me to turn it on before I locked up. But I must have been so excited about dinner with you and your mom that I must have forgotten. I guess the security cameras won’t tell us if anyone was here.

After Talia left,

before you lay into me, let me again assure you that I am fully aware of the new policy that prohibits romantic relationships between supervisors and subordinates at Salem pd. It’s okay, Ray, you are under the influence of a substance that you didn’t willingly ingest. Yes. By rules or rules, yes, they are.

And this will have to be documented per policy. Of course. And I want you to know nothing like this will ever happen again. Well, I’m glad to hear that. And I’ll talk to Detective Hunter as will I, as soon as I get outta here and back on. And I trust that, uh, that her assessment of this situation will match yours.

I would assume so. And I imagine that we all would like to handle this discreetly. Yes, I would definitely like that as hopefully We’ll, detective Hunter, however, there was. Someone else who witnessed the event. Someone saw you kissing Jada. Yeah. Not just someone, Sloane Peterson.

Okay. Why are you looking at me like that? I was just, well, you didn’t eat any of those biscuit. Yeah, I didn’t eat any Are you insinuating I knew the biscuits were drugged. No, I was just thinking that because Eric, honestly, I would never eat those biscuits because I would never eat anything from that girl or her family.

I mean, you believe me, right? Yes. You know, cuz you did. He did, um, suggest that I trashed plaintiff’s office evil. I asked and you answered, you said you had nothing to do with. You didn’t vandalize her office or send her threatening texts, and I believe you. You sure? Yes. I’m sure you said you didn’t need any of those biscuits.

I’m just glad you’re okay. That’s sweet, Eric. But you can save all your cares and concerns for Nicole. Wait, Sloan, wait. No, you promised me. You swore to me it was over between you two and somehow you find your way back to one another.

Are you sure? The thing between you and Stefan isn’t gonna get outta control. I appreciate that. You are concerned for me, but I can handle my Ba of brother. Hmm. Technically aren’t you a bastard too? Damn, rod. I am. And Ste is going to learn that the hard way. Look Nicole, I appreciate having you in my corner.

I really do. Like I established before, I don’t want to spend all our time together plotting my brothers down for, so right now you. Have my full attention.


Linda? For what it’s worth, um, I’m sorry. All this happened to you. I appreciate it and I’m sorry I tried to murder you. Oh, maybe I had it coming. No, you didn’t. You were always honest about. Why I was there and what you needed from me. I was the one who wasn’t honest about my feelings to, to you or to myself.

Well, it was still insensitive of me to ask you to help me out in this way. You know, for a demira, you’re a pretty nice guy. Oh, don’t let that make its way around. Oh.

Is this your new strategy? That kept me to think that suddenly you’re this nice guy. It’s not a strategy, just facing reality. Talked to Jing Wen earlier before you had your episode, I was going to tell you when you walked in, tell me what I’m giving. I’m chasing after you. Gabby. You are giving up. Yeah, I’m letting you go.

You’re free. From our agreement, from our marriage, from all of it. You can be with the man you love.

I am, I’m sorry, I, I guess I’m still feeling a little loopy from whatever was in those biscuits. You weren’t feeling well? No. I’ll be fine. I think I just need to go upstairs, take a shower and try to clear my head. Of course. Do what you need to.

Nicole and I are not together, could fool me. You said yourself. We were not clear minded. It was just random that the two of you ended up in bed together. I don’t deny that we have history feels more like current events. Okay. What happened here was a one-time thing. And why should I believe that? Because Nicole and I are not together.

Even when we’re clearheaded, we can barely tolerate each other. That doesn’t change anything for you or for her? Both. And I’m hoping this doesn’t change anything between you and me. Whatever. Like it’s not like I’m your girlfriend. So you keep saying, but you came here earlier to apologize. Correct? Look, I was hurt.

Okay. Because you made me feel like you didn’t trust me with the whole pulling and Chanel thing, and, but yes, I overreacted then. Yes, I accept your apology as I hope that you will accept mine. And what I’d really like to do is for us to go downstairs and have dinner together. You wanna have dinner after all this dinner?

Yes. And then what? And then we’ll see where it takes us.

So we called Sloan into the station so we could examine her phone. Sincere. She’s the one sending those threatening texts to Paulina. Yes. And that’s when she walked in on you kissing Jada Pat timing, huh? Yeah, he could say that, especially considering Sloan’s insistence that she’s innocent and the victim of police harassment.

You think she’s gonna use this against you? I’d be surprised if she didn’t. Yeah. It’s ironic. Sloan is probably responsible for that kiss even happening. So you think that she’s the one who put the drug in the biscuits? Well, we both know that somebody’s targeting, she knows bakery Sloan is the most likely suspect.

Look, I don’t need surveillance footage to know that Sloane Peterson is the rat in our. Only rides are smart and we still don’t have any proof. She’s right, Chanel. Until we find something that connects Sloane to those biscuits, there’s nothing I can do. Damn, that bitch is ruining my life. I understand. But for now, both of you need to keep your distance from her.

Let me do my job. And I promise you, we will find who did this and bring them to justice.

You sure you’re gonna be okay from the poisoning or from you trampling on my heart. Both. I’ll survive and goun. You don’t want people to get the wrong idea about us, do you? I don’t care what other people think and I have to say. Through all this, I got to see a different side of you, Melinda, the woman, as opposed to the da.

And I have to say, you, uh, you’re pretty cool and fun and attractive, and some guy one day is going to be very lucky to have you in his life. For real. Well, thanks. And now you should go be with the woman that you love. There’s no reason for you guys to be a part anymore. Right? That’s right. Now that Lee Shin knows everything.

You are letting me go. You seem surprised. Of course. I’m surprised you’ve spent a year doing everything you can to try to hang on to me. I. I just thought that when you knew the truth about stuff and I, yes. I thought you’d tried to punish me. Well, I can’t deny that I was angry, but mostly hurt. It’s obvious to me that you don’t regret it.

I don’t.

Well, I have regrets. Lots of them. You know, my, my whole life I was groomed to be the success at business, to be cold and calculating and take what I want, but I, I never learned the personal side, and I’m afraid that, In my pursuit of you and and desperation to hold on to our relationship, I used tactics that were better suited for a hostile takeover than a marriage.

And the worst part is that I hurt you.

But despite all. I hope you know I, I really did love you.

I know you did, and yeah, I, I hurt you too. I, I made an agreement to honor our marriage for six months, and I did not honor that

you’re trying to be with the man you. And keep ahold of the Demer shares. Can you blame a girl for wanting to have it all?

Guess we have that in common, right? Yeah. Yes, we do. Well, I’m gonna start fighting for. But I’ll never stop believing that we could have been good together. We were good together. Right. You were so, uh, heels off,

deals off.

Thanks again for your help with me and e. You’re welcome. And now that you and Gabby have joined forces to take over the world, I need to remember one thing. All right? You both owe me one. And when the time is right, I have every intention of collecting on that debt.

I texted my lawyer, she’s starting to draw up divorce papers. Yeah. Don’t tell mine that this should be a smooth process. I appreciate that. We did have some really good times together, right? Yeah, for sure.

You know, since we did have good times and I’d like to look back on them fondly,

Maybe, maybe you consider letting me keep your Demari shares.

Hell no

worth the shot.

How are you feeling? Bossun? Doing fine. Thanks. And how are you feeling? Me? Yeah. I told the mayor what happened between us while I was under the influence of drugs. Okay. Well, I’m sure re explained to you that he was not in his right mind and a story. Hmm. So can we just, um, talk about the case now? Let’s do it.

What’s the. Oh, well, I just came from sweet bits and unfortunately Chanel security cameras were not engaged last night. Oh, that’s too bad. Yeah, but the lab called me on my way here. And the drugs found in your system as well as the DA’s and your sisters all matched something that were in those biscuits.

Okay, cool. What was it? A strong hallucinogen, something they hadn’t seen before. Needless to say, Chanel did not put that in her own batter. Meaning someone’s trying to destroy Chanel and her bakery and they don’t care who they hurt to do it.

Well, I turned on the security cameras. Better leave than never. Right. Hey, maybe Sloan will return to the scene of the crime and we can buster this time. Chanel, I am so sorry if I would’ve just turned on those damn cameras. Stop blaming yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten to turn them on.

Look, I know you’ve got my back. Your sister’s gonna prove who did this and we are gonna make them pay.

This isn’t fair. Because you know, I can’t say no to you. It’s one of my favorite things about you. Hey, why don’t you go downstairs, grab us a table. I’ll take a quick shower and be down there in a minute,


Nicole, are you there? I’m, I’m here. Uh, I was just calling to make sure that we were on the same page about what happened and after we talked when Sloan left, we decided that yeah, we were both out of our minds because of some kind of drug. Right. And I, I didn’t tell ej and I don’t want him to know, so it has to be our little.

Agreed. Okay. Well, I’m, I’m glad we could come together on this. Anything else? No. No. That, that, that’s it.

Well, um, yeah. Have a great day. Yeah, you too.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh yeah. What the hell are you thinking that?

All right, let’s have it. Kristen, what is it that’s so damn important. What is it that you got to tell me that I’ve got to hear? Actually, it has to do with my long lost sister Megan hath. And her latest partner in crime.

Thomas Banks in the flesh. Now what are you two crazy kids doing here? What are we doing here? We’re looking for you. You maniac to find out what you did with my mother.

You sure? This is definitely not the man who took Steve Johnson to custody. No, it was not him. I had no way of knowing that he was not who he said he was. Okay. He showed me his badge. He told me he wanted to see the evidence from Wilhelm Ralph’s room. I know the rule of is under investigation, so I gave him the prisons.

Wait, prisms, you gave this man the prisms? Yes. He took them. Look, I’m sorry. Like I said, I, I, right. I, I, I understood. But then what? He just walked out of here. He left with the evidence and Steve, Look, I, I did not know that he was what he was going to do. Hold on, hold on. Is this the man who is posing is Shane Donovan.

Wait a minute. This, this, this can’t be, I’m sorry, but it, it is your, him, your hopefully husband. I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. So if you excuse me. No, hold on. Hold on. It’s you. I know it’s you. I’ve seen a lot of pictures. You’re Bo Brady,

like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Xander. What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? That’s That’s a breakfast biscuit, Chloe. Yeah, it was until you annihilated it. What the hell? You can’t eat either. It’s crazy. I’m crazy. You are crazy. I’m about that biscuit this morning and I’ve been running around all day waiting to eat it and I had a million errands and now you’ve ruined it.

Unless you want your million and first errands to be a trip to University Hospital, leave the bloody biscuits alone. The hospital? Yeah. Oh. Have you not heard the news? Someone dosed those biscuits with hallucinogen. Anyone who eats one has seen pink elephants or worse. Wait. Seriously? Huh? Oh my God. Oh my God.

I almost ate that. Hey, look, I came along when I dead. Yeah. Thanks. Uh, so do they know who would lace those biscuits with drugs? I mean, who would do something like that? They don’t know they’re investigating, but. It’s a truly evil thing to do. Yeah, definitely. I mean, never did this. It’s clearly dangerous. Ah, wow.

Okay. Uh, well I guess the coffee cart probably still has some bagels though. They’re usually stale. Ah, wait a minute. Wait. Forget the stale bagels. Can’t let me treat to lunch. Oh, oh, oh. Uh, I think I might be hallucinating. Did you just offer to buy someone lunch? Who’s not you? I am a working man, man. I can forward to be generous.

Just, um, don’t let go around.

Megan Hathaway, what about her? Well, it turns out that she is now a fellow guest here at Statesville. And, and well, we start talking and, uh, we got to know each other a little bit. Wow. That’s fascinating. I don’t care. Kristen, why is this of the utmost importance? I was getting to that. You see, she gave me some details about the deals she made so she wouldn’t get locked up in a supermax Isa dungeon for eternity.

Kristin, I already know all of this. Megan Hathaway told the police that it was her henchman Thomas Banks that was responsible for Kayla’s kidnapping. Right. Look. So unless you is that I’m not so sure it was him.

Yeah. Well, I’ve heard. Two. Michael Harris. No, no. Scratch that. Reverse it. Harris Michaels, how do you know who I am? We have a mutual acquaintance, Megan Hathaway. I gotta tell you, man, she’s extremely proud of how she orchestrated your dissent. How did she put it? The corrupting of a good man, a Navy Seal with a impeccable record turned into a simple hired gun.

But even with all her conditioning, she missed something. It was soft side and the real fly in the ointment. Hope Brady,

who is that? His name is Thomas Banks. You have reason to believe he’s involved in all of this? No. Clearly I would not forget a face like that. It was not him. Okay. Then if it wasn’t Thomas Banks impersonating Shane Donovan. Then what did this man look like? Describe him to me please, in detail.

Now, isn’t that better than a crust, your breakfast biscuit? Well, I’m sure if that biscuit hadn’t been laced with the hallucinogens, it would’ve been divine, but this chatter is always delicious, so thank you. You’re welcome. It was at least I could do after that snack, attack outside, but it does occur to me that we are back where you bested me in dance Bested.

Okay. I am sorry, sir. I believe I, I wept the floor with you. Yes, you did. And it was quite humiliating actually. So maybe you’ll soothe my wounded ego by allowing me a rematch. Uh, well, since I’ve been doing a little dart technique research, I’m not sure that I would be able to soothe your wounded ego dart technique research.

Oh, yeah. It’s a whole thing. I mean, I learned it’s, it’s very important to lead with your elbow and then you use your sight line for your throwing. Can you use your dominant eye to look at the target while you aim? So, um, are you sure you’d like a rematch?

Well, now you’re fasty and I like it, but you’re gonna have to be just a little bit more specific, see and known a lot of mothers, off the top of my head, I just can’t remember what I did with heat. Is that really the game you’re gonna play? Banks game? I don’t even know the rules, Chad. Fine. Let me spell it out for you.

The woman you kidnapped is my mother, Kayla Johnson. And you are damn well gonna tell us where you took her. Sorry to disappoint you. You got the wrong dude.

Okay, so you are saying that you don’t think it was Thomas Banks that kidnapped Kayla? Based on what Megan was saying, I think it’s possible it could be someone else who, what are you saying, Megan? You’re saying that Bo Brady is alive.

I’ll tell you when you bring Rachel to see me, Kevin, you don’t. Is that what this is all about? Really? I should have known Kristen. Well, you can’t blame me for trying to use this information to my advantage. Kristin, you’ve never given me a reason to trust you. Why would you think that? I would think this is any.

You’re dangling some tidbit of information that I’m gonna find interesting. Just so you can see Rachel. Ready. I’m sorry, but you are really gonna want to hear this, not just you, everyone in Sailor. This news is so explosive and it’s gonna change a lot of people’s lives. Mm-hmm. I’ll think about it.

I don’t know how helpful my description will be. I mean, normally we have our sketch artist come in and draw a picture of Thep, but he’s working in another town. Okay. Please just. Something, anything. Does this man have any distinctive features? Scars, tattoos, tall, short, skinny. He was just pretty average looking guy.

Okay. Middle aged, brown hair, brown eyes, medium built. Sound like anyone you know.

Well, if you heard about me from, from Megan, maybe. She had something to do with bringing you back?

No, because when I, when I was in that lab, there was someone else in one of those polygenic tubes. But I never knew who it was,

but what Megan wanted most was those three prisms.

They were why she brought me under control, why she programmed me. Now, she didn’t tell me what she was gonna use ’em for, but I know that they had some healing properties that maybe they could be used to perform medical miracles. And now it all makes sense. She wanted to use the prisms to revive somebody in that cryogenic state, somebody that she left,

that somebody was you.

Unbelievable. It’s just unbelievable. Lemme see these darts. Have you got magnets in there or something? There are no magnets. I just happen to be extraordinary at this game. Yeah. But you’ve also been researching dart plane strategy behind my back, haven’t you? Uh, well, you were kind enough to warn me about those biscuits laced with drugs that would’ve had me saying pink offense or whatever.

So I will give you a handicap and for this next dart I. I’ll close my eyes. Oh, come on. You threw the first bullseye of your life last night with your eyes closed. Do you want the help or not?

Okay. Elbow sideline.

Did I nail it?

Yeah. You uh, you nailed it. All right.

All right, thanks. Hey, your boss Megan already told us that you’re the one that kidnapped you. Whoa. Whoa. No. Where’s your boss? Ele? I’m an independent contractor. Okay. I’m sure just like you looking for your mama, that’s why I followed you. You were following us. Oh yeah. You think it’s just a Wanka dance? We all ended up here.

I saw you in the hotel lobby and I knew you would take me to where I need to go now. Gimme the list. List. What list? I don’t have a list. Do you know anything? Now who? Who’s playing games? Blue ass. Huh? Who? I saw you talking, you were talking about all the places your mama could be. No. Give me the list now.

Before I get your fingers, you’re getting itchy. Hmm.

Costas, the man you just described today alone. I saw dozens of men that fit that same exact description. Yes. I’m afraid I just described half the population of Greece. Yes, you did. Look, as I said, the sketch artist is working in another town today, but I could call Ken. What about your security cameras?

May I see the footage? I’ll pull up the file. Thank you.

Oh my God.

That’s quite a narrative you’ve strung together. You do have a flare for the dramatic, it’s not really a narrative. I made up, I heard it from home. She told me how obsessed Megan was with you. Ah, yeah. Well, those feelings weren’t mutual. One of the many reasons I left that island. And you brought Kayla with you, right?

Why would I do that? Because she’s your sister.

Let me catch you up here. The rumor I heard is that this character by the name of banks kidnapped her. Yeah, yeah. No, I, I heard that. He just seems, I, I’m just curious. You, you don’t seem that really concerned about. How about your sister? Have you met Kayla? She’s tough. She knows how to take care of herself.

She always has. Right? So, so you’re saying that you and your sister were on the same island at the same time, and you left the island coincidentally around the same time, but you’re not together. What? Man, I, I didn’t even know she was on the island or why Megan brought her there. All I know is I was fed up with, Games.

And so I took off as fast as I could alone. Okay, I understand. But since I came all this way, uh, to find her. And since you have nothing to hide, I mean you wouldn’t mind if we took a look around together, would you? Yeah. Yeah. I kind of wouldn’t mind.

Oh my God. Are you okay? I dunno. Does this mean I finally get a point? Should you, should I pull it out? Yeah. No, no. Wait, wait, wait. Well maybe you should, I dunno if I want it, Eric. Wait, what if I punctured an artery or something? Right. If you punctured along, maybe I’ll deflate like a balloon. That’s that’s not how it works.

How do you know? Do they teach that in opera school? No. No, but you can’t walk around with a dart sticking out of your chest. What are we gonna do? I dunno. Well, unless you want to even me out. Ah, I guess we are taking a trip to University Hospital after all. Oh my God. Let’s get there.

Oh, all settled in, are you? Yes. Thank you. Although I had to evict my Sully from the bottom bunk, she wasn’t too keen on the idea, but I managed to convince her. I think once she gets back from the infirmary, I won’t have any further problems with her making good friends. Good for you. Mm-hmm. So, How’s Brady?

Brady? What do you mean? Oh, I think you know what I mean. I overheard your chat. Just now. You have to say you’re not very discreet. Ah, Megan. God, I was just talking and here I was thinking that we were on the precipice of a newfound sisterhood, talking about the good old day sharing secrets, boys drinking a bit of toilet wine together.

And yet, as soon as I turn my back there you are squawking to your man about me and about Bo Brady being alive. You know what? I actually didn’t say fine. Fine. I am sorry that I betrayed some sisterly confident. But I’m gonna level with you. The only thing that matters to me is my daughter and I will play any card.

I have to get a chance to see her. I completely understand Sister. But here’s the tiny problem with your little ski. You’re not holding any cards. I never said that Bo Brady was alive.

Nice meeting you and all, but we’re done here. So, Why don’t you run along home? Okay, wait. And if I don’t, what? Who are you gonna do? Are you really gonna shoot me?

Killing a military hero? Bad karma. So why don’t you just do what’s best for both of us and run along home? Now I’m gonna run straight to hope and tell her exactly what happened. And why would you do that? What? Why’d he sink? You know damn well she’s in love with you, and now knowing that you’re alive.

Come on. So this would be a selfless act. Selfless, yeah. You tell hope I’m alive. This budding romance of yours is abruptly over. So you ready to lose her?

The footage is gone. I, I don’t understand it. It’s all been erased. Well, how is that possible? I don’t know. Okay. I imagine it could be a problem inside the system cost us. Who else has. To the security footage. But you think somebody did this? Yes. That it was delivered? Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Okay. The man that left with Steve, did he say anything else?

Anything that Mike, give us a call about who he is.

A actually, yes. Now that you mention. Mr. Johnson did say something. What? What did he say? Please tell me. What did he say? Give me the list. Don’t piss me off. Okay, now. Okay, dude. Do it. Decide to give him the list. Get it. They’re getting itchy. Okay. She’s they real itchy. I think it’s in now. Hey, I think it’s in my purse.

Okay. No surprise. Okay. You go slow. Sorry. Slow. You know, since we’re here, I wanted to, um, I wanted to, uh, offer you my condolences. What the hell for you’re, um, your poor sister. She, uh, you know, she passed away a few months ago. Oh, you. Sister Mary Mara’s, your dad. Oh no, that’s a shame. Although she was a real pain in my ass.

I was sticking her nose in my business. No, not, I’m not Mar Mary Moira, your other sister, Susan. It was cute. What happened? That’s, um, it was, uh, very tragic accident. She was, Trapped in a car in it, and it, and it went over a cliff and it, uh, exploded. Oh no. Gosh, that’s just me, me, me now Sissy. She was a good girl.

You know, she didn’t deserve that. I always kind of thought maybe I wasn’t all bad because she was my sister and she was so good that maybe I had a little bit of good and a lot of bad, but just. A little bit of good. She didn’t serve that. It makes me sad. Makes me real sad. My fault says, sorry.

Hey, this Dr. So they just finished bandaging you? Yeah. Oh my. Are you okay? I’m fine. Doctor says it probably won’t even scar. I just pierced a muscle. Oh. Did they ask you how it happened? Well, he did ask if I was hopped up on biscuits, but I just told him that my friend isn’t the best dart player in the world.

He told me the police were on the way so I can make a report. Wait. You know that was an accident, right? I’m fucking dying. I’m joking. Ah, you are not funny. Sorry. It does make me wonder though, what if maybe unconsciously this isn’t some kind of retaliation on your part. Retaliation for that kiss last night, the non-consensual.

Oh yeah, that. Um, well, as annoyed as I was by it, I don’t think that it warranted a violent dart assault as long as you promise never to do it again. Well, I would cross my heart, but it’s a bit tender right now.

Even if you did have some pertinent information to share, why would you sell it off so cheaply for one measly visit with your daughter?

Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. My daughter means everything to me. And any chance I to see get it. I get it, I get it. But what your problem is is you think too small. Take a step back. Look at the big picture. The big picture. First and foremost, I went to a great deal of trouble to make sure that I was incarcerated here in states.

Now if you even suggest that I might have stretched the truth, then they are gonna ship me off to some black side in East Timbuktu, which will not exactly help you either.

So take some advice from your big sister, the two of us working together here. There is no limit to what we can accomplish. What are you talking about? You mean you want to objective numeral unal. Ever since I discovered that the rumors of a Sunday bar are greatly exaggerated here, I have no intention of staying here one minute longer than I absolutely have to,

and don’t think that I haven’t already started formulating a plan. So ask yourself, which sounds better? One measly visit with your. We’re spending the rest of your life with her outside.

Take some time to ponder on all of that before you make the biggest mistake of your life. The signs who’d believe you. Everybody knows Bo Brady is dead. How can a dead man kidnap his sister?

I have to say, being a criminal mastermind is exhausting. I need a cat now.

See you around sis.


Shut off. Why didn’t you listen? You should have listened to. Reason come. I gonna listen if you shot off my ear. The hospital, but no, shut off. We’ll pat you off on the way to the police station. Okay. Mr. Johnson did say that the man claiming to be Director Donovan was not who he said he was. He did. He said that you just ignored it.

Hall Director Donovan was the man claiming to be the director of that. Said that Mr. Johnson was simply just trying to protect his own mo, that he was in fact the real con artist. Did Steve say anything else? Let me see. Yes, he was mumbling something as the man was escorting him out. Would I for the life of me?

I cannot remember what it was.

Okay. Well, thank you. Um, if you do happen to remember, or if anything else, Comes up, would you call me, please? Here’s my number.

I will do that.

Thank you.

Okay. Really Sure I understand this. You want me to be with hope? Yeah. Look, I am starting a whole new life without her and I’m a little sick of people trying to drag me back to that old life. Okay, so you’re just gonna let me go if what? I don’t say anything about finding you. Yeah. I mean, it’s best for both of us.

And if you think about it for hope too, she’s started a whole new life. She’s moved on with you and you guys, you, you have a good thing going. Why break her? Again, so she’s all yours. You get the girl, I get my new life without her win-win as long as you keep this little conversation of ours between us. So I’m, I’m supposed to pretend I never saw you.

Deceive hope and let her believe that her husband’s dead. Yeah, but the way I see it, you’re not really deceiving her. From my point of view. That husband is dead. So what do you say, commander? We got a deal.

Well now that my long lunch is almost turned into dinner, I should probably make an appearance to the paper. Hey, um, once I’m fully healed, any chance I can get a rematch, eyes wide open next time. Yeah. Wow. I’m surprised you would risk it. It’s a matter of honor at this point, isn. Oh, where? Fancy souvenir.

Oh my goodness. They kept the dart. Oh, we’re gonna need the full set if we’re gonna have that rematch, aren’t we? You know, I’m pretty impressed that you would be willing to come near me ever again while holding a dart. Well, you may be dangerous, Chloe. Scary, but uh, you do make up for it. And charm.

Alright, let’s have it ready. You actually came. I did to hear this supposedly explosive piece of information that you uncovered. Well, what is this big news that’s going to change everybody’s lives in Salem?

It turns out I was wrong. I’m sorry, what? Yeah, Megan was telling the truth. Thomas Pinks was the winner kidnapped Kayla

O. Excuse me, officer, you’re gonna want to book this man. He’s on the most wanted list. His name is Thomas Banks. Do you know him? No, but I’ve seen his picture. An uglier person. No, that’s not very nice.

Hey, any luck is a police station. Yeah, the back kind. Someone posing as Shane Donovan took Steve from the PD along with the pr. Any idea who, no. And the cop’s description was very vague and someone erased the security footage. How does that even happen? Well, I think whoever kidnapped, Steve erased it, obviously.

Uh, a real pro. And as Steve was being let out, he kept protesting, saying that this person wasn’t who he said he was. And the cop did nothing. He didn’t even question, he just slept This person, whoever he is, walk out with Steve and the prison.

What about you? Did you have any luck? Yeah, I, um, yeah, I started on the list. I, I went to Victor Kiki’s, uh, childhood Home. Oh,

Harris, did you find anything? So I’m supposed to pretend I never saw. Deceive hope and let her believe that her husband’s dead. Yeah, but the way I see it, you’re not really deceiving her. From my point of view, that husband is dead. So what do you say, commander? We got a deal.

So are we in agreement?

We are. Good man. You made the right decision.

I know. Uh, nothing at all. It was, uh, The place was deserted.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Jack sighing ]

[ Diane sighing ]

Jack: Sweetheart, you have no idea how good it is to see you.

Diane: Jack, thank god you’re here.

Jack: Are you okay? Is there anything I can get you?

Diane: They took my ring.

Jack: Oh, we’ll get that back, don’t worry about that. Did you sleep at all?

Diane: No, I kept on– I just kept thinking about you. How– how good it would feel to have your arms around me. Take a– take a shower, put on some clean clothes. You know, if I had known I was going to be arrested at phyllis’s memorial, I might have worn something more sensible.

Jack: I cannot imagine how hellish this has been for you.

Diane: Well, my secret is I’m just pretending it’s not happening. I keep telling myself that they’ve made a mistake and that they’ll realize I’m not a murderer and then they’ll just let me go.

Jack: As much as I want to believe that, I’m afraid it’s time to face some difficult truths.

Kyle: I woke up around three. Where’d you go? Still couldn’t sleep?

Summer: I went to check on harrison. His room is so peaceful, you know. I crawled into bed with him and before I knew it, I was out.

Kyle: Good. You needed it.

Summer: What about you? Part of the reason I left was so that I wouldn’t keep you up.

Kyle: Oh, uh, for a while, I was in that hazy place. Not quite asleep, but not awake. And the rest of the night, I was going down rabbit holes online and torn between giving you your space and checking to see if you were okay.

Summer: How could I be okay? I just keep replaying my mom’s last moments. I mean, she was lucid enough to say poison. Was she lucid enough to be afraid, to feel pain? And did she think about me or daniel?

Kyle: Summer, don’t–

Summer: What were you– what were you researching online?

Kyle: I was looking up names of criminal defense lawyers because today’s my mom’s arraignment. And we still don’t know if michael baldwin’s gonna be our guy.

Summer: Don’t you think it’s a little heartless or, I don’t know, perverse asking him to defend diane in my mom’s murder?

Noah: Summer?

Summer: Noah. Oh, my god.

[ Summer sniffling ]

Chance: You filed the criminal complaint against diane?

Christine: Bright and early?

Chance: All right. What do you need from me?

Christine: Talk me through the evidence.

Chance: Okay. Well, there is phyllis’s toxicology report and that proves there was poison in her blood. There’s a vial of poison that I found in her room and I have evidence that links diane to the purchase of that poison. Of course, there are witnesses to a threat that night, as well as a very long history of antagonistic behavior.

Christine: I just don’t want any surprises at the arraignment.

Chance: I can’t promise you that. We’re dealing with a lot of people who haven’t shown any kind of respect for the legal system.

Christine: Yeah. I talked to jack.

Chance: Oh, yeah. What’s his game plan?

Christine: They’re gonna plead not guilty and ask for bail.

Chance: I mean, any judge would have to deny that.

Christine: Yeah. With her history, his money, forget it. Flight risk.

Chance: I hope the judge sees it that way. Who did they get for a lawyer?

Christine: As far as I know, that job’s still open.

Nikki: Well, if it isn’t the man who restored my faith in attorneys.

Michael: What could I possibly have done to be worthy of that compliment?

Nikki: Ah, it’s what you didn’t do. Now, I know you have a soft spot for diane and I will never understand why, but the way you refused to rush to her rescue at phyllis’s memorial, trust me, we all got the message, loud and clear. If the best attorney in genoa city thinks she’s guilty and won’t go near her with a 10-foot pole, well…

Michael: Well, yeah. Well, have a seat, please. Nikki, our constitution assures all citizens are innocent until proven otherwise, even the ones who don’t measure up or haven’t earned your seal of approval.

Nikki: According to the constitution, yes. But the founding fathers never met diane. We know what she’s capable of. She’s dangerous and now phyllis is dead.

Michael: Correlation doesn’t equate causation.

Nikki: Your clever tone has me a little worried. Please tell me I don’t need to be.

Michael: Last night, I got a call from jack asking me to represent diane.

Nikki: Oh, my god. That is outrageous. Michael, you can’t defend the woman who killed one of your best friends. I used to pre-rinse dishes cause my old detergent

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Noah: I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here.

Allie: We flew back from london as soon as we could.

Summer: Well, you’re here now and that’s all that matters.

Noah: It just– it doesn’t make sense to me. I mean, phyllis and then diane got arrested.

Summer: Yeah, she was charged with murder. They found poison in my mom’s system and they tied it back to diane.

Allie: I thought this was all an accident, right? Wasn’t there an ambulance?

Summer: No, it was murder. My mom was poisoned. It was a premeditated act at the G.C.A.C. It wasn’t some accident on a dark road.

Allie: It just– it’s so hard to believe.

Kyle: It is. There are certain things we don’t know for sure.

Summer: All of the evidence is pointing at diane. I– I– I don’t know why you would doubt it.

Allie: Murderer? I don’t know. She was so happy here with you guys, jack, harrison. Maybe there’s, um, another option that we’ve overlooked.

Kyle: That’s what I’ve been saying.

Summer: Under the right circumstances, everyone is capable of murder.

Diane: It’s so good to see your face.

Jack: I hate seeing you like this. I want to grab you and take you out of this place.

Diane: I want that too. But the arraignment’s still today, right?

Jack: Yes, but–

Diane: So, I’ll get in front of a judge, I’ll tell them I’m not guilty. They’ll set bail and I’ll get to leave.

Jack: Let’s talk about the bail.

[ Diane sighing ]

Diane: Yeah. And given my unfortunate history of disappearing, there’s– there’s the probability that I’ll be denied bail. Which means that I am stuck here until the trial begins.

Jack: No, wait, wait, don’t get ahead of yourself. Let’s take this one step at a time. Let’s talk facts.

Diane: Yeah, fact is, I don’t even have a lawyer. And– and christine is the D.A., Which means that we need someone who’s not intimidated by her. Some– some heavy hitter who just loves fighting for the underdog.

Jack: I have spoken to michael again.

Diane: No, he has already turned me down.

Jack: He’s the right man for the job. I will convince him to take your case.

Diane: Jack, I know that when you look at me, you see the woman you love, whom you believe, but when he looks at me, he sees his best friend’s nemesis. And lauren would never forgive him if he defended me. She loved phyllis. They both did.

Jack: That doesn’t matter.

Diane: Well, it matters to me. I want someone who doesn’t know about my past. Who has– who has no relationship with you. Some– someone who’s just in it for the money because everybody else wants me dead. Everybody but you and kyle. I mean, I might as well admit it, you know. Everything is stacked against me and I don’t have a chance in hell.

Jack: You have me and we will get you through this, together.

Nikki: And, you can’t take diane on as a client. You work for victor.

Jack: If a worthwhile case finds its way to my desk, I am free to do as I choose.

Nikki: The operative word there being worthwhile.

Michael: Do you really, nikki, believe that diane is a murderer?

Nikki: Yes, I do. She has despised phyllis for decades and that kind of hatred doesn’t just disappear. That’s motive. And there were witnesses, including jack that saw her threaten phyllis that night. My god, michael. I mean, I know you’re an attorney, but don’t you have any common decency?

Michael: You are cherry-picking facts to suit your narrative.

Nikki: That’s because my narrative is the right one.

Victor: What, pray tell, is this all about?

Kyle: It’s definitely one of the more complicated and stressful situations we’ve been through, but the guilty party still hasn’t been arrested. So, once stark is in a cell–

Summer: Look, I know that it hurts, kyle. You don’t want to believe that your mom could be so evil, but all of the evidence is pointing squarely at diane and the sooner you accept that, the less painful it’s gonna be.

Kyle: Good thing you’re not the judge and jury.

Summer: No, but I’m probably gonna be a witness and I’ll be sure to tell them that I heard your mom threaten to murder my mom.

Allie: You know that– that’s a lot, summer. I know how hard it is to lose a parent. I lost my dad last year and it was so incredibly painful.

Summer: I’m really sorry for your loss, allie, but I imagine it was under very different circumstances.

Noah: Hey, you know, I’m– I’m feeling a little stir crazy.

Allie: Yeah, it was such a long flight.

Noah: Yeah, yeah, it was. You know, summer, I could probably catch a second wind if you want to get out of here. Maybe grab something to eat.

Summer: I don’t know.

Noah: Come on. It’s been a long time since I’ve had some one on one with my sister. You don’t mind, do you, kyle?

Kyle: No, it’s a good idea. I’m still waiting to find out if my dad was able to retain michael baldwin for my mom’s attorney.

Summer: Seriously, still? Michael baldwin?

Noah: Hey, what do you say?

Summer: Get me out of here, now.

Kyle: Bet you’re glad you came home from your vacation early.

Allie: Oh, kyle, I’m so sorry.

Kyle: The two women I love the most in this universe cannot exist together. What am I supposed to do?

Jack: I know you don’t want to get your hopes up, but right after this, I am meeting with michael and I am not going to give up until I get him to take your case.

Diane: He won’t do it out of respect for phyllis and his wife. And I get that. And we need to respect his choices, agreed?

Jack: You’re ready to have have a stranger be in charge of your life?

Diane: No, I just want to come home, jack. I mean, this– this feels like a nightmare, but it’s my life. I mean, one minute the man of my dreams is announcing our engagement, and the next, I’m in a jail cell framed for murder, facing the rest of my life in prison.

Jack: I promise you, we will get you through this.

Diane: I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe not this time. I mean, I already– I already fought myself back from total disgrace. I tried to rebuild my life. I tried to earn the forgiveness of everybody that I care about.

[ Diane sighing ] I mean, I– I actually thought that you and I could have a life together, a future together. And I– I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Jack: Don’t say that, that’s not true.

Diane: You know, you and i were so proud that we had pulled one over on jeremy and so he did this. And now he’s got the last laugh.

Jack: We will prove that he is the guilty party.

Diane: Yeah, but what if we can’t? I mean, that’s how he operates. Somebody else always takes the fall and this time it’s me.

Jack: Do you trust me?

[ Diane exhaling ]

Diane: Of course I do.

Jack: There is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you and I will not let you pay for a crime you didn’t commit.

[ Clicking ]

Diane: That means our visit’s over.

Jack: Okay. I– I’ll see you at the arraignment. Be strong, have faith, and know that every moment that passes, I am working to get you back home.

Christine: Even though we have very strong evidence against diane, I think we need to leave all of our avenues open. I wouldn’t want the other side accusing us of confirmation bias.

Chance: Yeah. Well, jack and kyle are convinced that stark killed phyllis so he could frame diane for it, so I’m looking into that.

Christine: Okay, and show me how that all connects, you know? Who and why, who benefits, what would stark’s motive be for murder?

Chance: Money? You know, he’s getting half of phyllis’s estate. I mean, that’s a hell of a payout for a couple days of wedded bliss, you know.

Christine: A vibrant, beautiful woman with friends and family marries a criminal with whom she has no romantic relationship. Not even a friendship that we know of? Why?

Chance: Well, stark said it was for protection. Yeah, phyllis was scared of diane, but knew that diane was scared of stark. So, she married him.

Christine: And I don’t buy that. Phyllis wasn’t afraid of anyone. Why would she fear diane and not stark? He was the one who was unpredictable and dangerous. Diane was just a major annoyance, not someone that would make her run for cover. Not the phyllis summers I knew.

Chance: Yeah, I didn’t buy that either. She wouldn’t run from anyone.

Christine: Could retribution be a motive?

Chance: Yeah, that is possible. I mean, you should have seen stark when he found out jack and diane framed him for stealing that necklace.

Christine: Yeah, but there was never any actual proof of that.

Chance: It didn’t matter. I mean, a guy like stark, he finds out that somebody’s trying to mess with him? Getting revenge becomes an obsession.

Christine: Okay. Show me what that would look like.

Chance: Well, he marries phyllis for the money, kills her, frames diane for the murder. He gets beaucoup bucks and he gets to watch diane go to prison.

Christine: Pay back with a little bit of payout.

Chance: Two birds, one stone.

Christine: Hm.

Nikki: Michael is about to defend the indefensible, diane.

Victor: Why in the world would you do that?

Michael: The truth is, I haven’t really–

Victor: Wait a minute. Am i not keeping you busy enough?

Michael: I enjoy my job very much.

Victor: Good.

Michael: Just as I was enjoying my coffee until a few minutes ago. Oh, well, would you look at that, my morning meeting. Nikki, thank you for the enlightening conversation. Quite edifying, but I’m sure you have a full day ahead of you.

Victor: Now jack, don’t keep him too long, all right? He’s on my payroll, okay?

Nikki: Jack.

Michael: Can I get you anything? Have you even eaten?

Jack: No appetite.

Michael: Have you seen diane?

Jack: I just left her.

Michael: How’s she holding up?

Jack: Not well. We still don’t have an attorney and I know you don’t want to hear this, but her future is in your hands. Known as a passionate artist.

Christine: Without having strong evidence tying stark to this crime, all we have are interesting theories.

[ Chance sighing ]

Chance: You want me to have another conversation with him? Bring him into the station?

Christine: Would it do any good?

Chance: He’s pretty tight-lipped. He knows how to talk to police. He’ll probably just find a way to wiggle free.

Christine: It’s worth a try. Is he still in town?

Chance: Yeah, as far as I know. I’m tracking his finances, so if he moves any cash or makes any kind of big purchase, I’ll know.

Christine: Smart. Oh, god. I mean, what are we missing? A woman like phyllis marries a criminal and then willingly gives over half her money.

Chance: Maybe he had something on her, had something she wanted. I don’t know. All I know is that I’m not getting the whole… one second. Chancellor. Yeah, what you got? Yes, that was the plan. Today? Ugh. All right. Well, then we need more boots on the ground asap. Yeah, hey, let me call you back.

Christine: That about stark?

Chance: He checked out of the graham phoenix, right after the distribution of phyllis’s assets into his account.

Christine: You’ve got to be kidding?

Chance: It gets worse. No one knows where the hell he is.

[ Christine sighing ]

Kyle: It all comes back to stark. He concocted this entire thing to get back at my mom.

Allie: Because of their time in california?

Kyle: Yeah, she turns on him for laundering money. He does time in a federal prison. While he’s away, she gives up that way of life. Comes back to genoa city. He gets released and follows her here fixated on one goal, to make my mom pay.

Allie: Okay. Yeah, I mean, that all makes sense.

Kyle: Yeah. My parents do everything they can think of to try to get him to leave town, but stark won’t go. They finally find a solution. Make it look like he’s returned to his criminal ways. They tip off the cops. Cops catch stark red-handed. Just like that, he’s back in jail.

Allie: But he’s out again?

Kyle: With an axe to grind. He needed to send my mother a message, so he took advantage of the already volatile situation. The deadly feud between phyllis and my mother.

Allie: So he killed phyllis and made it look like diane did it.

Kyle: That’s what I think.

Allie: Why not just kill diane? Now that I say that out loud, it sounds even worse than it was in my head.

Kyle: It’s okay. I’ve already thought about that. I think he thinks it’s more fun to watch my mom suffer. Phyllis was just collateral damage.

Allie: That sounds so dark. But given who jeremy stark is, I guess it’s feasible. Summer’s not buying it at all?

Kyle: No. She’s grieving her mother and she thinks my mother is to blame, so there’s no convincing her. Not much communication lately.

Allie: I am so sorry that you guys are going through this.

Kyle: The only way out is to prove my mother’s innocent and she doesn’t even have an attorney yet.

Michael: As much as I’ve come to believe that diane is being framed by jeremy stark.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you cannot know how happy I am to hear you say those words.

Michael: But– but, there is no easy way to say this, I can’t take diane’s case.

Jack: Okay. Can– can we discuss why?

Michael: Two words. Phyllis, lauren. She was my best friend, our friend, she was your friend too and now you’re asking me to help the woman that–

Jack: You just said yourself, diane has been framed. She is defenseless, counselor. Against murder charges.

Michael: Phyllis’s spirit would haunt me until the day I die if I help diane. And lauren would be worse. All right, look, I– I need time–

Jack: Diane’s arraignment is in one hour.

Michael: So am i your last resort?

Jack: You are the only game in town as far as we’re concerned.

Nikki: Victor, you’re staring.

Victor: I want him to see me watching him.

Nikki: Do you really think he’s going to take the case?

Victor: He’s a smart man. I think he’ll do the right thing.

Michael: You do realize I work for victor?

Jack: I will do my very best not to hold that against you. Michael, I am the first person to say diane has made mistakes. That was a lifetime ago. You’ve seen yourself, she has changed. Look, she’s reunited with kyle. She has a wonderful relationship with harrison. She and I are about to plan a wedding. Why would she jeopardize all of that just to get back at an old foe? It makes no sense. And the more you dig, michael, the more this makes no sense at all. She is being punished by that son of a bitch, stark. Now, can you honestly stand by and watch her take her chances with just any lawyer? And keep this in mind, if she goes to prison, the actual killer is still on the streets, newly emboldened because he thinks he can get away with murder. I need your help, michael, please. Diane needs you. Imagine if you could get ahead of your ibs-C…

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Michael: Jack, it’s an interesting case, but I know once you find the right attorney–

Jack: I have found the right attorney. You know all the stories, all the history, all the players. I’m looking at the best. Without you, we are lost.

Sharon: Noah.

Noah: I know, I didn’t call, I’m sorry.

Sharon: Oh, my goodness. I’m so glad you’re here.

[ Sharon sighing ] Is there anything I can do?

Noah: Maybe just a quiet table for two. Couple of iced coffees.

Sharon: You got it.

Noah: Thanks.

Chance: Well.

Sharon: I, uh, I wish I had something to fix her broken heart. You know, phyllis really was a good mother and she was particularly close with summer. This is gonna be really hard on the kids.

Chance: Well, at least she has her brothers.

Noah: Dad told me about that service you put together for her. I’m sure she’d be proud of you.

Summer: Just reminded me that we really need to love the people in our lives while they’re still here. Tell them how much they mean to us and that we appreciate them because I mean, she was so loved, more than she knew, probably. I just wish that she could tell me that she forgives me, but I’m never gonna get that. I’m just gonna have to miss her like this for the rest of my life.

Victor: Hello, michael.

Nikki: I can only imagine the kind of nonsense jack was trying to feed you.

Victor: Well now, michael is a very smart man and I’m sure he would do the right thing. Right, michael?

Michael: I probably will.

Victor: You know, otherwise, you’d have to ask for a leave of absence and then I would have to approve it and then I might be inclined to fire you.

Michael: We wouldn’t want that.

Victor: We wouldn’t, would we?

Nikki: That’s what I love about you, michael. You always manage to do the right thing.

Michael: Your faith in my decency is humbling. I’ll do my best to live up to it. Have a good meal.

Victor: Have a good day, michael.

Kyle: Has michael agreed to take the case?

Jack: No, we are back to square one.

Kyle: Well, if it’s any consolation, allie’s here.

Allie: Hey, jack.

Jack: Hey, it’s great to hear your voice, sweetheart. Did you come home early?

Allie: Being at home right now is way more important.

Jack: Let me get back to you. I– I think I’m about to get some news.

Kyle: Okay, good luck.

Jack: Thanks. So, did you find us a defense attorney?

Michael: Yeah, about that. We need to talk. So, you found the no7 then…

Nikki: Your father just left. I don’t know. He said he had an errand to run. I know, victoria. I’m worried about that too. Look, I’ll be at the office soon. I will fill you in later. Okay.

Milton: Captivating. Simply captivating.

Nikki: Hello, milton. It’s been a while. How are things in accounting?

Milton: Everything is adding up. That was–

Nikki: An accounting joke. Yeah, I get it. And how’s your wife? Uh, sarah is it?

Milton: Excellent memory. We’re divorced.

Nikki: Oh, I– I’m sorry to hear that.

Milton: Don’t be. Turns out she hated my accounting jokes. But that does mean, if there was ever a chance for us, nikki, this is it.

Nikki: Now, milton, as I have told you before, it’s– it’s just not going to happen. And you can’t really talk like that anymore.

Milton: Because victor would squash me like a bug.

Nikki: There’s that, but that kind of direct proposition, it– no matter even if it is in jest, some people would be uncomfortable with that. Like when you wanted me to live with you on that tropical island.

Milton: That. Yes, I can see how wrong that would be. What we should do is buy matching motorcycles and travel across the country, playing guitars around a campfire and looking up at the stars.

Nikki: Oh. Oh, milton. Milton, darling, I don’t play guitar.

Milton: Nikki newman, you are a golden goddess.

Noah: Listen, I wish I could have been here. I wish I could have said goodbye.

Summer: I do too.

Noah: Why did you have to go and have the memorial service so fast?

Summer: I’m sorry. Noah, I’m sorry, but you got to understand that there– there– there are reasons why I had to do it the way that I did it and I– I can’t explain it all now, but it’s just– look, I promise you, you and I will do something really special to honor my mom’s memory, okay? It’s just been– trying to balance my grief over losing mom in such a horrific way with kyle’s refusal to acknowledge diane’s guilt.

Noah: Summer, summer, summer, we don’t know that for certain. Look, I– I can’t lie. I’m– I’m worried about you, okay?

Summer: I’m fine. I’m keeping busy. There is just so much that I need to do and today is just one step, but it– it– it’s an important one.

Noah: Diane’s arraignment?

Summer: Yeah. And so, um, I actually need to get going and I’m– I’m sorry to do this, but I’ll be in touch, okay? And I love you so much and I’m so glad that you’re home.

Noah: Love you too.

[ Noah sighing ]

Kyle: Uh, sorry to interrupt, sharon. Uh, summer?

Sharon: She was out on the patio, but–

Kyle: Thanks.

Noah: Yeah, I’m about to head back now. Yeah, I’ll grab you some food. Love you too.

Kyle: Where’s summer?

Noah: She just took off.

Kyle: Yeah, I tried calling, but she wouldn’t pick up.

Noah: Yeah, well, she’s got a lot on her mind right now, man.

Kyle: We both do, but we’ll get through it.

Noah: You as confident as you sound? Because I doubt it’ll be that easy?

Kyle: Of course, it’s not, but once we prove my mother’s innocent–

Noah: Then what? What, summer will just have to face facts? How exactly does that work, kyle? Because even if you have evidence, even if you can prove that stark is responsible, summer is gonna be miles away from okay. Because whether you like it or not, stark’s intentions in killing phyllis come down to the same damn thing and that’s diane, she’s the trigger. Summer’s not gonna forget that.

Diane: Michael. Are you here to see a client?

Michael: Please sit. Yes, I am indeed here to see a client. You.

Diane: Thank you.

Michael: Don’t celebrate. Don’t– don’t, please don’t celebrate quite yet. I just lost my best friend a few days ago. She was funny and fierce and I will miss her forever. And so will my wife who adored her.

Diane: I know.

Michael: You have no idea.

[ Michael sighing ] I didn’t take this case lightly, diane. You deserve a vigorous defense and I intend to give you one, but we don’t have much time. We have less time than I even thought. We have a lot of work to do. But I require– I require one thing of you.

Diane: Tell me what it is.

Michael: The truth, at all times.

Diane: You have my word, michael. Thank you so much for taking my case. I don’t know what– what made you change your mind, but I am so grateful that you did. I feel like I might have a fighting chance. I might actually go home. I’ve been telling everyone.

Chance: I mean, would it kill them to call me and tell me what the judge decided?

Sharon: I’m sure you’ll hear from christine soon. And then once you do, will you start to look into stark’s connection?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah, there’s definitely something going on there. I mean, he just disappeared. His wife’s murderer hasn’t even gone to trial yet and he disappears. I mean, he’s risking a parole violation by taking off. Why would he risk going back to jail right now? I mean, he’s gotta be running from something or to something or to someone. Sorry, if I’m boring you, I’m just thinking out loud right now.

Sharon: It’s fascinating.

Chance: Oh, come on. I’m sure ray used to go on and on about work, no?

Sharon: Hardly. Really, you’ve told me a lot more than he ever did.

Chane: Mmm. Well, I usually don’t talk about work with anybody. Never did with abby.

Sharon: Well, I’m a vault so you don’t have to worry. If you were worried that I might be serving up gcpd secrets along with my croissants.

Chance: No, I, uh, I trust you. It’s weird. Not like a– a bad weird.

Sharon: Like, weird, weird?

Chance: It’s a nice weird. You know, you’re a good listener and you’re objective.

Sharon: Thank you. I also make a pretty good cup of coffee.

[ Chance laughing ] You know, there was a time when most people wouldn’t have thought there was anything decent about me.

Chance: Oh, were you a, uh, a troublemaker?

Sharon: Now, I’m a brownie baker.

[ Both laughing ] It can happen.

Chance: You are a lot more than that, sharon, a lot more.

Michael: You know, we discussed this possibility when we went in for diane’s arraignment.

Jack: No bail. She is a danger to no one, michael.

Michael: Well, the judge agreed with christine that she was a flight risk. And we knew that bail of any amount was a long shot.

Kyle: Okay, how can we get this appealed?

Michael: That’s not gonna happen. You know what? What we have to focus on is my specialty, building a strong defense.

Kyle: Yeah, proving stark engineered this whole thing. How can we get the police or the da to investigate?

Jack: We do whatever we have to, we hire our own people. We do whatever is necessary to clear diane’s name and bring her home.

Diane: Summer. I didn’t see you at the arraignment.

Summer: I’d like to think that this is exactly where my mom would want me to be.

Diane: Well, I’m glad you’re here.

Summer: Really? I’m not sure that you should be. I’m not here because of me. I’m here for you. ‘Cause you’re probably terrified, aren’t you? You don’t know what’s gonna happen next. So, I’m gonna tell you what’s gonna happen next. You’re stuck here. You’ll be found guilty of killing my mother and you’ll spend your days imagining all of the family celebrations that you’ll miss. And the wedding that you’ll never get to plan. The grandchildren you’ll never hold again and all the pictures that you won’t be in and don’t worry about kyle, diane. He’s lived most of his life without you, remember? We’re all gonna be fine. We’ll move on, but you’re gonna be stuck behind four gray walls, tortured by thoughts of a world that doesn’t want you. And then… then, you will get exactly what you deserve for ripping my mother out of all of our lives.

[ Diane exhaling ]

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General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[Tense music]

Any luck?

Well, it’s hard to tell with all the smoke. How’d you do with roadside assistance?

They should be getting back to me momentarily.

Um, look, I’m really sorry about–

don’t be sorry, robert. It’s not your fault. Unless it is your fault.

Well, I should know better than to drive this thing around town. It prefers the open road.

I see, so not stopping and starting in city traffic. Look, I’m just going to spitball here, but you might want to consider investing in a commuter car.

Well, I thought about it. But I just can’t quite pull the trigger on that one, you know?

[Cell phone chimes]

I know. Oh, no.


Roadside assistance can’t get here for another two hours. Well, there goes dinner.

Two hours?


I could fix it myself quicker than that.

I wanna see that.

All right.


[Sighs] All right. I think we’re good to go, wedding-wise.


Almost? Oh, did something come up with my mom?

There’s something I want to talk to you about.

Sounds serious.

More like important.


It’s about sonny.

If victor has your aunt liesl, we’re going to find her, bring her home in time to save willow, whatever it takes.

Well, I hope and pray that happens, but you’re not a magician, sonny. I found out that the “haunted star” is completely untraceable.

I actually have an update on that, one that might give you some hope.

Your former colleagues on the force have provided strong praise and support in their written statements. And your associates in the music industry have spoken quite eloquently and thoughtfully on your behalf. But the question is, was that testimony enough? After careful consideration, the committee has come to a decision.

Gregor– gregory! Are you all right?


Ok, all right. I’m going to call 9-1-1.

No! No! No ambulance.


For the privilege of ending the life of ethan lovett, the bidding will start at $1 million.

What’s happening? Why would anyone want to kill ethan?

My son’s been keeping busy since he left port charles. Running scams on the rich and powerful is apparently his specialty.

So that’s why we’re here. He’s about to be sold for the purpose of–

killing him, yup.

That’s just brutal. That’s–

it’s starting.

And we are officially underway. We have a bid for $1 million. Do I hear 1.2 million?

[Dramatic music]

What has sonny done now?

Nothing. That I know of, at least.

He actually, uh, called me earlier.

He did?

Yeah. He said he’d be here if we needed anything, asked if I wanted to talk.

And I’m guessing you said no.

[Scoffs] I have nothing to say to him, willow. And I know you want me to forgive my–

I am not asking you that or telling you how to feel. Your relationship with sonny is your own.

Ok, then I guess I’m a little confused.

I think we should invite him to the wedding.

[Tense music]

Are you saying that they found the “haunted star”? Is my aunt liesl coming home?

No, not exactly. Trina robinson made contact from the boat. Apparently, she’s a stowaway.

Victor doesn’t know she’s on board?

No, at least not at the time that trina made contact with her mother.

Well, if trina has made contact, that means they know the location of the boat, right?

I would think so. You may want to talk to jordan.

Yeah, we will.

Apparently, trina is a pretty resourceful young woman.

Yeah, ava thinks the world of her.

So does josslyn.

Yeah. Thank you for the update, valentin.

You know, it’s been a lot of bad news. This is a good thing.

It’s been a brutal couple of days, thanks to my dear old dad.

All right, here, let me get you some water. Here.

In a minute, in a minute.

I can help you drink it. Here.

I got it. This’ll pass. I get cramps.

Is that why you fell?

No, severe muscle cramps. Ok.


I’ll try the water.

All right.

Thank you.

Ok, when you’re ready, I’m going to take you to the hospital.

No, I said no hospital.

You said no ambulance. You just collapsed on my office floor. Somebody needs to check you out.

Why? They’re not going to tell me anything I don’t already know. Besides, what just happened is child’s play, compared to what comes next.

Harrison chase, the committee has decided to reinstate you as a detective with the port charles police department.

Effective immediately?

Commissioner ashford will be in touch with regards to timing. Congratulations.

Thank you so much. I won’t disappoint.

[Soft music]

Oh, thank god. Thank god.

Oh, I think the person I should be thanking is you.

Hey! Am I correct? Did I hear it right? I’m getting my partner back?

Yeah, that’s the word on the street.

If you ask me, it couldn’t be to a more deserving person.

Wow. I honestly didn’t know how that was all going to play out. If brook lynn wouldn’t have… where’d she go?

Payment in full is due immediately via wire.

[Laptop beeps]

[Tense music] Do I hear 2 million?

[Whispering] What are we going to do?

Quiet, I can’t think.

Maybe we can distract the guards to create a diversion.

Do I hear 2 million for the life of ethan lovett?

If only we could bid.

2 million.

can I ask you something?

Certainly. I can’t promise you’ll get an answer.

Why do you continue to work for that S.O.B.?

I always say, it’s for the money, that sonny pays me extremely well, which is true. I’ve never had a more generous retainer.

But there’s got to be more to it, right?

I will never forget my first corinthos assignment. You know, alexis had been representing sonny for years, and one day, she just up and quits. So I get a call from sonny’s accountant, who tells me that one of sonny’s associates has been arrested.

Which one?

Wait for it. So I’m down at the station, giving my standard spiel. And they bring out from the back this little man-boy, who throws his arms around me and says, “thank you, mob lawyer.”



I have never felt so appreciated in my entire legal career–

or so confused, or intrigued.

So sonny is nothing if not interesting.

In a word, yes.

So this explains the incident at the metro court.


I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry. I misread the situation.

I knew it would happen eventually. That’s why I stopped teaching.

Did you have an episode in the class?

Not like this one. Mid-lecture, I realized I was slurring my words. Luckily, it didn’t last long. The class didn’t seem to notice, but… I panicked. What if it happened again and I wasn’t able to disguise it?

[Soft music]

So you quit.

I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t stand the thought of being publicly incapacitated. And that was just in front of a bunch of undergrads. Imagine if it were friends and family. Imagine if it were my sons.

I can’t believe brook lynn would leave without saying goodbye.

Well, maybe she just had somewhere to be. What matters is she was there to support you.

Oh, she did more than that. She testified on my behalf.

So I heard, on top of writing a letter.

She must really believe in you.

Well, she felt so guilty with how things played out that she bent over backwards to make things right.

Well, you know what, the two aren’t mutually exclusive, but let’s not lose sight of the deal here. You made it happen, man.

I didn’t do anything.

What do you– what are you talking about? You had the door slammed in your face, repeatedly. And you’ve persevered instead of giving up. I’m grateful for that.

Just for the record, I just want you to know that I don’t hold you responsible for victor’s actions.

No, no, of course not.

Thank you. And just so you know, I hold no allegiance to my father. And I won’t sleep until he’s been put down.

All right, I’m going to make a few phone calls, see if anything new has turned up.


I am so glad that you’re ok.

Is he treating you well?


Good. I’m glad.

Me too. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion something else is on your mind?


You want my father at the wedding.

Not for me or you. This isn’t some “down the road, I think you’ll regret it” situation.

Good, because that won’t be an issue.

I know it won’T. I want sonny there for donna and avery. They are just the right age. They will love being flower girls, to wear their dresses and toss their rose petals.

What does that have to do with sonny?

For better or worse, he is a part of your family. And him being at the wedding, I don’t know, I feel like it would cement it for them.

For my sisters.

That we’re all in this together. That even though things change, we’re still very connected in this important way. I think they need that, even if we don’T.

So you think for family unity, my father should be there.

Don’t you?

We have 2 million. Do I hear 3?

[Dramatic music]

Holly, do you have that kind of money?

2.2 million. Do I hear 2.4 million?

3 million.

I hope you know what you’re doing.

3.5 million?

[Tablet beeping] We have 4 million. Do I hear– $10 million.


Do I hear 11? 11 million? 10 million, going once, going twice. Sold. You have just bought yourself the exquisite privilege of executing ethan lovett.

Oh, goody, we won. Now what?

You are welcome to claim your prize.

And exactly how do you plan to pay $10 million?

I don’t, but just follow my lead.

[Tense music] My money manager will be in touch shortly.

No need. Simply enter the account number here. Once the transaction is complete, this man’s life will be yours to end.

You know, unlike nina, who’s never had a role in my life, and as far as I’m concerned, never will, sonny has had a role in yours. A huge one. And while it may be past tense for you, it is still very present for your sisters. So, yes, I think he should be at the wedding.

You do know he’s going to want to bring nina.

And I’m sure she’d love to come. But I’d like to believe that even nina knows she has no place at our wedding.

Well, that’s very–


I was going to say, optimistic, given nina’s history with boundaries.

I will handle nina. Don’t worry. Do you know what one of the very first things I realized about you was?

What, that I’m alarmingly good-looking?

That you are the centerpiece of your family, with loving but self-involved and wildly volatile parents. You are the one who anchors everyone, who takes care of your siblings and makes them feel safe. And now, more than ever, donna and avery need you, just like–n even though I never met him– morgan needed you.

[Soft music] Maybe it’s not fair to put all of that onto you…

well, life is rarely fair.

Fact is, every time you don’t include sonny, you are laying the seeds for donna and avery to have to choose between you and their father.

Let me know if you hear anything new. Brook lynn, how you doing?

Hey, I’m ok. You?

I’m hanging in there. You don’t have bad news, do you?

Oh, no, no, no, no, nothing like that. I’m here picking up leo from his assistive technology class.

He like it?

Oh, he loves it. The extraction is actually the hardest part, which, now that I’m thinking about it, is probably why my dad and olivia always send me. Anyway, I’m early, so it gives us a chance to catch up.

I was gonna reach out to you.


Yeah. I thought it was very brave, what you did at the nurses’ ball, talking down that dirt bag. I just wanted to grab that guy, just, like, just punch him in his face.

Yeah. Well, you wouldn’t have been the first, believe me. But don’t call me brave, sonny. That might be the last thing I am.

You are giving me way too much credit.

Mm-mm, no, I’m not. This isn’t the first setback you’ve had in your policing career.

Thank you for the reminder.

Well, no, that whole thing with nelle, I mean, if anyone thought you would have quit, it would have been then and there, and we would have totally understood. And then, now, you’ve got this whole music career you could have fallen back on.

Yeah, but it’s not the same. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Singing is great, and being famous-adjacent had its perks.

Famous-adjacent? Why, adjacent is something. I don’t know if it’s fair, but– but it’s not what I’m passionate about. I don’t know how else to say it. It’s like, being a cop is who I am.

I get it. It’s when you feel like you’re you.

And all the other stuff is just playing dress-up.

Well, you stuck it out, and I’m grateful.

That’s the second time you’ve said that.

Nah, I mean it, man. Good partners are hard to find. And you happen to be one of the best.

I don’t know your diagnosis. But, gregory, unless you’re in some kind of treatment, you may very well have an episode in front of your sons. Are you in treatment? Has a doctor tried to help you with your cramps?


What do you mean, no?

There’s nothing they can do.

[Dramatic music]

You know, I never thought about it like that, but you’re right. Representing sonny has been interesting. And over the years, I’ve actually liked a lot of the work that I’ve done.

Helping him and his lot flaunt the justice system.

I prefer the word “navigate.” You know who was genius at it? Jason. Setting me up, so that I could actually argue the law accurately to get him off, giving me just enough room so I could slide in and do my job.

And do it very well.

Thank you, kind sir. So, yes, representing sonny has gone from, I know you’re a mobster, and I will only participate in this tiny sliver of your world, to what is a fascinating interaction. But don’t get me wrong. I know where the line is, and I will not cross it because I don’t care how interesting it is, the hill doesn’t exist on which I would risk my legal career.

[Soft music]

If donna and avery were older, it would be different. They would be able to navigate the line in the sand between you and sonny, just like dante and christina do.

But they’re kids, and they shouldn’t– they shouldn’t have to understand or make that choice.

And I know you want them in the wedding as much as I do. I love those girls. Not to mention, wiley would completely revolt if they weren’t there. Not that they wouldn’t come because of sonny.

No, I get it. It’s about setting an example for the future, and we should make it easier on them.

When we can, yeah. Sometimes that will be impossible, but in this case…

I completely agree.

You do?

Yeah, donna and avery are more important than anything going on between me and my dad, so…

I will invite sonny to the wedding.

So tell me. What’s it like?

What’s it like finding out that willow is my child? It’s shocking, valentin. It’s exhilarating. It’s life-altering. It’s– a million adjectives.

Yeah, I mean, there’s so many facets to it, it’s almost impossible to know how to react.

Well, who says you have to know? Feel what you feel when you feel it.

You make it sound really easy.

I’m fully aware it’s not. Listen, I want to apologize. I should have reached out to you.

What are you talking about? You were in hiding.

Also, I’m not sure that it’s really my place anymore.

It might be more your place than anyone else. Nobody knows as much as you do how much I want a child.

And now you have one.

Yeah, it’s so surreal, and to say that willow and i were in a bad place when we found out, well, that would be a massive understatement. But things are– they’re getting a little bit better, and I am so thankful to my aunt liesl, and not only for agreeing to be willow’s donor, but also, she’s opened some channels of communication between us. That being said, there’s still a very wide, very deep gulf for us to navigate.

I wish I could say, time heals all wounds.

Yeah. What do you do when you– you don’t have much time left?

[Dramatic music]

What am I doing, dumping all my relationship drama on you when you have so much going on?

Honestly, it feels good to talk about something else. How’s it going with chase and the review board?

They ruled in his favor. He got his badge back.

Well, that– that’s good news. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

You won’t get an argument from me there.

But originally, didn’t they say he’d lose his job for good?

They did.

What did you do? Because I can tell by that look.

I may have called in a little favor.

[Soft music]

[Laughs] You think I walk around with my account numbers?

Don’t you know who she is?

I don’t care who she is. I care about the money. The funds have to be immediately available via wire transfer. Otherwise, no sale.

This is absurd. If you can’t trust my word–

the rules of the auction were made very clear. You lose.

If she didn’t win, then who did?

Well, the next highest bidder…

[Tablet beeping] Who has just transferred the funds.

[Dramatic music] Ethan lovett is no longer yours for the taking.

But this is unacceptable. I won the auction, and no one else.

That is not how it works. You’ll be escorted off the premises, as the winner will be arriving to collect her property.

Hold on, there must be something we can do.

Welcome, señora. And might I add, congratulations. You have secured quite the prize.


Also known as lou gehrig’s disease.

[Sighs] Gregory. God. I’m so sorry.

Thank you.

Are you sure there’s nothing anybody can do? It’s neurological, right?

You know, the motor neurons degenerate and die, stop sending signals to the muscles. Eventually, your brain loses the ability to initiate and control voluntary movements.


So there’s not–

no way to reverse the degeneration. My doctor keeps talking about supportive care, a term I find incredibly irritating. Basically, it means physical therapy, nutritional changes, meds that may or may not slow down the nerve damage. And when time comes, medications to help manage my symptoms. Time that seems to be approaching a lot faster than we thought it would.

[Soft music]


God, gregory.

Eventually, I’m going to lose control of my movement. And then, I will be entirely in the care of my sons. That’s why I haven’t told them yet. I just– I want them to go about living their lives for as long as possible before they have to deal with that burden. I figure that’s the least that I can do for them now. Before they have to do everything for me.

I cannot believe it’s all over.

Yeah, it is. I really appreciate you being there for me.

Bet you can’t wait to get that badge back, huh?

Oh, big-time. But now that I know that it’s going to happen, that it’s all going to work out, I can wait. But just so we’re clear, the second the commissioner gives me the ok, I’m going to be at the precinct 24/7.

What are you talking about? You’re going to be out hunting for the “haunted star.”

If they reinstate me before they find it.

I have a feeling that won’t be a problem. Welcome back to the force, detective.

Hey. There’s hope. You and willow may have time to build a relationship after all.

From your lips. We’ve come a long way, haven’t we, valentin? From the days of you trying to make me believe that sasha was my daughter. You know, I know that was hugely misguided. But I also know that came from a place of caring. You knowing how much of my life I spent alone. How much of my life that I yearned to be a mother. You knew how big the hole was inside of me, and you saw that that was the only way to fix it.

I wanted to give you what you wanted so badly. I just didn’t know how to do it.

[Soft music]

It’s bitterly ironic.

Your father is one of the most violent, cruel men that I have ever encountered. And yet, here you are, with such a capacity to love.

It’s a pretty incredible thing. Don’t you think?

Sometimes you got to do what you got to do for the people you love.

Well, chase and I are not together.

I’m just saying, be open.

To what?

To everything, to anything. You know, life can change in a heartbeat.

[Cell phone chimes]

Oh, boy, extraction time.

Good luck.

Yeah. And then, I gotta jet home. You know, planning a wedding in 24 hours is not for the faint of heart.

Whose wedding?

Well, michael and willow’S. They’re getting married tomorrow. They decided they don’t want to wait. I’m sorry. I thought you knew.

[Dramatic music]

Thank you.

[Chuckles] Thank you.

For throwing a total wrench in our wedding plans?

No, for… reminding me what truly matters.

You would have gotten there on your own, eventually.

[Chuckles] Would I, though?

Yes. Because that’s the kind of brother you are. I get jealous sometimes.

Yeah, what for?

Your bond with your siblings. Never having brothers or sisters myself, when I see you guys together, that effortless closeness.

Mm. Well, it’s not always effortless.

For you, it is. How naturally it comes to you to love them the way that you do. It’s a gift, michael.

Yeah, well, they give it back to me tenfold.

It makes me happy to know that wiley and amelia will have that kind of bond. Promise me you’ll foster it.

[Soft music]

On one condition.

You’ll do the same.


All right.

You think less of me now, don’t you?

Just the opposite. You’re an intelligent woman. I appreciate that. You know how to play the game. That line in the ground there, you know not to step over it. You’d have made a good spy.

I’ve always wanted to be a spy.

Actually, scratch that.

There goes the dream.

Look, you’ve got a strong personality, and you can’t disguise that. And you shouldn’t try to.

[Cell phone chimes]

Hang on. Oh, excellent. Roadside assistance is going to be another hour.

Well, fear not. I think I’ve got it. Come here.


I want you–


To put your finger.



Right there?



While I start the engine.


All-righty. Here goes nothing.

[Engine grinding]

Oh, no! Oh, oh, oh!


Give me another chance to find the money, please.

Just accept that you’ve lost and make your way home. Lovett, let’s go.

You’re not going anywhere.

Don’t touch me!



[Dramatic music]

Tracy, what are you doing here?

Same as you, only successfully.

Are you working together?

I will just take my prize and be on my way. Thank you very much.

Seize them!


[Dramatic music]

I’m such an idiot for saying something. I really thought that you knew.

No, I’m happy for michael and willow.

Look, if I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late, but I’m sorry, and I love you.

I love you, too.

[Dramatic music]

Diane, um–

if you say you’re sorry one more time–

you’ll what?

I don’t know.

Well, at least let me pay for the dry cleaning.


If it’s any consolation, that jersey looks pretty good on you, you know.

Does it?

Oh, yeah. And who am I kidding? Come on. You’d look great wearing a paper bag.

Well, let’s not test that theory, shall we? What? No.

What do you mean, no?

I don’t want you to kiss me like this!

[Soft music]

I should go. Thank you for listening.

Let me drive you home.

I’ll call a rideshare.

Are you sure? I want you to know, I harbor no illusions about the nature of my disease. I will need help. And I’ll ask for it when the time comes.

Anything, any time. I really wish there was something I could do, even remotely.

You already have.

[Soft music]

How do you have this?

Commissioner gave it to me when I left this morning.

She couldn’t have known how the review board would rule.

Sure she did. We all did. I mean, the reason why you got through this whole thing, it highlighted why you need to be back on the force. You’re a cop, you’re a good cop, and we need people who have a genuine desire to help people.

I don’t know what to say.

Then don’t say anything. Just clip that puppy back on there, and let’s get to work.

We’re getting married.

[Chuckles] That’s the plan, yes.

No, like, we are getting married. I’m going to be your wife!

And I can’t wait.

I know we have this crazy, scary thing looming over us, but I don’t want it to overshadow the amazing fact that we are marrying each other because we love each other. Whether we get 60 hours or 60 years, you’re my guy.

And you’re my girl. And I love you so much.

I love you too.

[Soft music]

Well, I should get back to anna.

Yeah, send her my best.

I will. Nina. What you said really means a lot to me. Thank you.

I meant every word.

Can you come with me for a second?

What, where?

Something was brought to my attention, and I want to talk to you about it in private.

[Tense music]

What is this about?


Well, congratulations. You’ve managed to ruin, oh, everything.

[Dramatic music]




Let’s go!

Oh! I appreciate it the save.

Oh, any time. Let’s get the hell out of here!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Sentimental music ]

Ridge: Make a wish.

[ Claps ]

Ridge: Nice job.

[ Steffy laughs ]

Steffy: Dad, you didn’t have to do all of this. This is so sweet. It’s– it’s wonderful. Maybe we can, um, put it in the kitchen or I– I can take it home, okay?

Ridge: Sure. ‘Cause you gotta go, right?

Steffy: Y– yeah. I– I just wanna get ready before finn gets home.

Ridge: Yeah. Oh, you haven’t seen the card yet?

Steffy: What card?

Ridge: Sit down. You have a second. Come on.

Steffy: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Ridge: And I– I need to press–

Steffy: Oh, no.

Ridge: I got this.

Steffy: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Ridge: That I think. Yes, right there.

[ Joyous instrumental ]

[ Steffy gasps ]

Steffy: Oh, my god. Dad, you put this together?

Ridge: Yeah. It’s all me. No, I wasn’T. I don’t know how to do that. I found the pictures and then zende did it.

Steffy: Oh, my goodness.

[ Steffy laughs ]

[ Steffy chuckling ] That is so– it’s so sweet. It really is. Thank you. But I– I–

Ridge: But you gotta– yeah. Yeah.

Steffy: I’m gonna be late. I’m gonna be late.

Ridge: So what’s the rush, really?

Steffy: Dad!

Ridge: I just thought, you know, we would spend some father-daughter time. We haven’t done that in a long time.

Steffy: What? Didn’t we just– didn’t we just do that?

Ridge: Yeah, sure. No, I just thought we’d go for a walk on the beach and some sushi. You know, that kind of stuff.

Steffy: But you knew I had plans tonight.

Ridge: Yeah.

Steffy: You did. But look, dad, this is wonderful. Like I said, this is amazing and I really loved it and it was super sweet. And I love you so much, but I gotta go.

Ridge: I love you more.

Steffy: I love you. Okay. Don’t eat all the cake. I will have some later.

Ridge: Okay.

Steffy: Love you. Thank you.

Ridge: Me more. Happy birthday.

Taylor: How did it go?

Ridge: It was– it was good. I wish you could have been here. It was, uh– it was nice. It was really nice.

Taylor: Oh, good. Good. I knew she’d love it. It was so special. And now she is–

Ridge: She’s, um, she not here with me.

Taylor: Because she is with her husband, spending her birthday with him.

Ridge: I know.

Taylor: Okay.

Ridge: Yeah.

Taylor: Okay. I mean, come on. You gotta love that steffy has finn, right?

Ridge: Yes!

Taylor: Because there’s no more heartache. There’s no more drama. It’s the complete opposite of what she had with liam. He was such a fool to let her go. And then finn came along.

Ridge: And everything was perfect. No, look, I get it. She’s gonna spend her birthday with anybody but me, then it– yeah, should be finn.

[ Taylor laughs ]

[ Knock on the door ]

Steffy: Oh, liam. Hi.

Liam: Hi.

Steffy: I thought finn forgot his key again.

Liam: No, no, no. Just me. But I– I know you have birthday plans tonight.

Steffy: I’ve– I’ve got a few minutes. Come on in.

Liam: Yeah?

Steffy: Yeah.

Liam: Okay. So, uh, not gonna stay long. I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday.

Steffy: Aw. Thank you.

Liam: Also, I brought your favorite instrument of torture, mr. Quacksworth. Kelly was asking about it.

Steffy: Oh, right.

Liam: And yeah, I could pretend like that was the only reason, but it’s not. I– I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I’ve been taking the walk down memory lane. Thinking about our life together. All the stuff we’ve been through and I just– um, we were really fortunate, weren’t we?

Steffy: Mm-hmm. Cha cha cha.

[ Laughter ]

[ Duck squeaking ]

[ Both laughing ] If you’ve had sensitivity, those zingers can really cause

Taylor: This is good.

Ridge: Uh-huh.

Taylor: You know, steffy really has lived two incredibly different lives with two incredibly different men.

Ridge: It’s amazing to me that you keep forgetting the other incredible that she had in her life.

Taylor: Oh, my god.

Ridge: It doesn’t matter. How was your breakfast with steffy?

Taylor: Hmm. It was wonderful. It was fun. It was wonder-fun. Okay. You know, I love being here for– for these celebrations. I missed out on so many.

Ridge: Don’t do that. The kids always knew that you were here in spirit, even when you were out saving people.

Taylor: I know. I know. But it still– it still hurts right here.

Ridge: I get that.

Taylor: Yeah. But can you believe that our little girl, our little steffy, she’s– she’s married. She has two kids and she runs an international fashion house.

Ridge: She co-runs it, but yeah. No, she– she’s very, very ambitious. I wonder where she gets it. I love that kid. And not just because she has achieved so much, but because… because of the person she’s become. We should take some credit for that.

Taylor: Should we?

Ridge: Nah.

Taylor: You know, steffy– steffy deserves all the joy this life has to offer. And you know what? She found it with finn. She’s probably in his arms right now, where she belongs on her birthday.

Steffy: That is so not true.

Liam: It is absolutely true. She was there first. You jumped out of the damn car to stand in the parking space.

Steffy: So, we could be first in the space. I wasn’t gonna be– I wasn’t gonna miss the first song of concert, okay? So you’re welcome. You’re welcome.

Liam: Fine.

Steffy: You’re welcome.

Liam: Fine. I’ll tell– I’ll give you this, there is nobody quite like steffy forrester.

Steffy: I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment.

Liam: Oh, it’s a compliment. Trust me. It’s a compliment. You gotta think. I mean, for a huge chunk of our lives, we were everything to each other.

Steffy: Yeah. The hell we shared. Wow.

Liam: Yeah. It’s funny. At the time, I kinda thought it would last forever.

Steffy: Yeah, me too. But we have the memories.

[“The song that never played”]

Notes on a page

have all been arranged

trying to find

the words to say

what I’ve been thinking

I spent all night

working so hard to write

but, by the time

I got it right

I looked, you were gone

well, the melody was perfect

but all the while

I was blind

without someone to listen

there’s no reason or rhyme

and now I write here alone

so you’ll finally know

how you and I became

the song that never played

Liam: Two, three.

Steffy: I’m okay.

[ Steffy gasps ]

Liam: Yeah, you’re not– you’re not going anywhere. Neither am I.

Notes on a page

have all been arranged

Steffy: Mr. And mrs. Spencer.

Liam: Finally.

Steffy: Forever.

Liam: Forever.

What I’ve been thinking

Liam: Hey, you know something? Our love, it’s– it’s changed, but… it’s never going away. Happy birthday. I love you.

I have type 2 diabetes,

Ridge: She just left.

Taylor: Oh, come on, ridge. It’s her birthday.

Ridge: What? No. No. I don’t mean– kindergarten. Do you remember? She– she just left. All the other kids who were clinging onto their parents’ legs crying and… steffy just left. Just turned, walked into that room and never looked back.

Taylor: Yeah. Well, you knew that was coming because she stood up and started running before she could walk.

Ridge: Our beautiful, independent daughter.

Steffy: How is

everybody feeling?

[ Crowd cheers ]

Taylor: Our wild child.

[ Ridge grunts ] You know, as– as parents, we just want our kids to be safe and happy. She found that with finn.

Steffy: Oh, my gosh. Finn?

Finn: Kelly and hayes are already out for the evening. They already wished you a happy birthday. Now, it’s my turn.

Steffy: You did not have to do all of this.

Finn: What? Ah, you wanted a quiet dinner at home. And if I’ve learned anything being your husband, it’s how to take orders.

Steffy: Hey!

[ Finn laughs ] Our lobster rolls from our favorite restaurant? Favorite pinot grigio. Talk about a celebration, baby.

Finn: Oh, well, we have a lot to celebrate and give thanks for. We made it through some insane challenges that– that would break most people, but, uh, not you.

Steffy: Close. But thankfully, you’re still here.

Finn: Yeah. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express just how grateful I am that you appeared and came into my life and changed it the way you did. I mean, before I met you, I was committed to my work. I– I had no idea what I was missing. Now, I have this brilliant, beautiful wife who always keeps me on my toes.

[ Steffy laughs ] This wonderful, growing family. You taught me balance, fulfillment. Can’t imagine my life any other way. I love you.

Steffy: I love you. Nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard.

Steffy: We are so lucky. Our love, we skirted death. We danced with the devil. We went halfway around the world. This birthday means more to me just… just because I have you here. You know, you… you saved me when we met. You gave me a second chance at life, love, family. And I couldn’t be more happier and more grateful with what we built.

Finn: I got you a gift.

Steffy: I am looking right at my gift. You. You’re here. You’re home. My incredible husband. Amazing father. So happy you’re here. Especially after everything. Things I’ll never forget.

God, finn, can you hear me,

please? Please, finn. Finn. Took off to monaco. I– I thought you were gone.

Finn: But I wasn’T. And I knew she wasn’T.

Sheila: I am taking care

of you.

Finn: No. I wanna see

my wife. I had to get out of there. Make it free and come find you… in monaco. I looked everywhere for you. I looked and I looked.

[ Church bell ringing ] And then…


It’s me! It’s me!

I found you.

Steffy, it’s me.

It’s really me.

[ Steffy sobbing ]

Honey, I’m alive.

[ Church bells ringing ]

Steffy: Gosh, we heard the bells. That’s when I saw you. I found you. Oh, I couldn’t be more grateful for that moment.

Finn: Yeah. About the present?

Steffy: Baby, forget about the present. I– I wanna be–

Finn: Just… please open it.

Steffy: Okay. What is this?

Finn: Yeah. Press– press the button.

Steffy: Okay.

[ Church bell ringing ] Oh, my goodness. You got the bells? Are you kidding?

Finn: I had an italian craftsman– yeah, I installed them in the tower.

Steffy: Oh, my god! Thank you. Oh, my gosh, finn. I can’t believe this.

Finn: Well.


Almost too good to be real

’cause this is how love

used to feel

and I think most every

moment with you is reverie

every moment with you

is reverie

Finn: Happy birthday.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon and Abby plan a surprise baby shower for Mariah and Tessa at Society.,

Elena asks Audra to find JT for her so she can interview him for her podcast.

Nate tells Victoria that what happened between them can never happen again since he loves Elena. Victoria promises to respect his wishes and keep their relationship strictly professional.

Tucker tells Ashley that Devon wants to stay at Chancellor Winters and not buy McCall Unlimited. Tucker hopes that Ashley will still consider a future with him. Ashley admits that she thinks he will always have a roving eye, and she can’t forgive how he hurt her in the past. Tucker tells Ashley that he is tired of her games and he is going to sell his company and leave town. Ashley tells Tucker to do whatever he wants, so Tucker calls Victor and tells him to make him a reasonable deal for the company and then they shake hands.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Gregory finally tells Alexis he has been diagnosed with ALS otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Gregory tells Alexis that he will tell Chase and Finn the truth eventually, but he wants his sons to live their lives before they have to take care of him.

The Civilian Review Board gives Chase back his job thanks to Brook Lynn and Blaze’s testimonies on behalf of him. Brook Lynn later tells Sonny that she feels guilty because she called in a favor for Chase. Sonny tells Brook Lynn that you do what you have to do for the people you love. Dante gives Chase back his badge and tells him Jordan gave it to him after the hearing because everyone knew he was going to get back his job.

Brook Lynn tells Sonny that Michael and Willow are getting married tomorrow and he is happy for them. Willow persuades Michael to invite Sonny to the wedding so that Avery and Donna know that no matter what happens they are a united family.

Robert’s car breaks down on the way to their date. Robert tries to fix the car but makes things worse by getting motor oil all over Diane. Robert and Diane kiss while they wait for a tow truck.

Felicia and Holly try to rescue Ethan, but they get outbid by Tracey. The auctioneer thinks that Holly and Felicia are working together so they are about to capture Tracey when Ethan punches the auctioneer while Holly and Felicia punch out the other guys, and then Ethan, Holly, Felicia, and Tracey make their getaway.

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Days Update Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Chloe sits outside the Brady Pub with a breakfast biscuit from the Bakery but Xander arrives and smacks it out of her hand, asking what the hell she is thinking and tells her that she can’t eat that.

Brady asks Kristen what is so damn important that she has to tell him. Kristen responds that it actually has to do with her long lost sister Megan Hathaway and her latest partner in crime.

Chad and Stephanie are confronted at the warehouse in Greece by Thomas Banks, who pulls a gun on them and questions what they are doing there. Stephanie responds that they came to find out what he did with Kayla.

Hope asks the cop at the Greece police department if he’s sure that Shane Donovan is not the man who took Steve in to custody. He confirms that it is not and that he had no way of knowing it wasn’t Shane since he showed him his badge and said he wanted to see the evidence from Dr. Rolf’s room. The cop adds that he knows it’s under investigation, so he gave the man the prisms which Hope questions. Hope asks if the man then just walked out of here which the cop confirms. Hope shows another photo and asks if this is the man who was posing as Shane Donovan.

Bo goes to leave the cabin right as Harris arrives at the door and they come face to face. Harris says this can’t be and questions if he is Hope’s late husband. Bo claims not to know what he’s talking about but Harris stops him and says he knows it’s him because he’s seen a lot of pictures. Harris identifies him as Bo Brady.

Chloe asks what the hell is wrong with Xander. Xander repeats that she can’t eat the breakfast biscuit and calls her crazy. Chloe argues that she just bought it this morning and was waiting all day to eat it while running errands and now he ruined it. Xander warns that unless she wants her next errand to be going to the hospital, she will leave those biscuits alone which Chloe questions. Xander realizes she hasn’t heard the news and informs her that someone dosed those biscuits with hallucinogens and are seeing pink elephants or worse. Chloe can’t believe she almost ate that. Xander says it’s good he came by when he did. Chloe asks if they know who laced the biscuits with drugs. Xander says they are still investigating as Chloe calls it a truly evil thing to do. Xander remarks that whoever did it is clearly dangerous. Chloe guesses she can get bagels from the coffee cart but Xander offers to treat her to lunch. Chloe jokes that she must be hallucinating. Xander says he’s a working man now so he can afford it but tells her not to let it get around.

Brady asks Kristen what about Megan Hathaway. Kristen informs him that Megan is now a fellow guest in Statesville and they just started talking to get to know each other better. Brady doesn’t care and asks why this is of utmost importance. Kristen explains that Megan gave her some details on how she avoided being locked up in an ISA prison. Brady responds that he already knows that Megan told the ISA that it was Thomas Banks who kidnapped her mother. Kristen states that she’s not so sure it was him.

Bo tells Harris that he’s heard about him too. Harris questions Bo knowing who he is. Bo reveals they have a mutual acquaintance in Megan Hathaway, who is extremely proud of how she orchestrated the descent of Harris. Bo recalls Megan saying Harris was a navy seal turned in to a simple hired gun and mentions Hope.

Hope tells the cop that she has reason to believe Thomas Banks is involved in all of this but the cop assures it was not him. Hope asks the cop to describe the man to her in detail then.

Xander and Chloe have lunch in the Brady Pub. Xander jokes that this is better than a crusty old breakfast biscuit. Chloe says the chowder is delicious and thanks him. Xander brings up that they are back where Chloe bested him at darts so he wants a rematch. Chloe talks about researching dart techniques and asks if he’s sure he’d like a rematch.

Thomas Banks tells Stephanie to be more specific because she knows a lot of mothers. Chad questions Thomas playing a game. Stephanie tells Thomas that the woman kidnapped is her mother, Kayla Johnson, and demands he tell them where he took her. Thomas responds that he’s sorry to disappoint but they got the wrong dude.

Brady questions Kristen saying she doesn’t think it was Thomas Banks that kidnapped Kayla. Kristen responds that based on what Megan was saying, she thinks it’s possible it could be someone else. Kristen flashes back to asking Megan if Bo Brady is alive. Kristen tells Brady that she will tell him when he brings Rachel to see her. Brady questions if that’s what this is all about and says he should’ve known. Kristen argues that he can’t blame her for using this information to her advantage. Brady argues that he’s never had a reason to trust her. Kristen insists that he’s really going to want to hear this and so will everyone in Salem because this news is so explosive that it will change a lot of peoples’ lives. Brady responds that he’ll think about it and hangs up.

The cop doesn’t know how helpful his description will be and says their sketch artist is working in another town. Hope asks him for anything and asks if the man had any distinctive features. He calls him a pretty average looking guy, middle-aged with brown hair, brown eyes, and a medium build. He asks if that sounds like anyone she knows.

Harris says if Bo heard about him from Megan, maybe she had something to do with bringing Bo back. Harris recalls someone else being in the lab in the cryogenic tube but he never knew it was, but what Megan wanted most was the three prisms and that’s why she programmed him. Harris adds that she never told him what the prisms were for but he knows they could be used for medical miracles and now it all makes sense. Harris states that Megan wanted to use the prisms to revive somebody she loved and that was Bo.

Chloe and Xander play darts. Chloe gets another bullseye and Xander can’t believe it. Chloe jokes with him and decides she’ll give him a handicap by throwing the next one with her eyes closed. Chloe does so, but ends up accidentally hitting Xander with the dart.

Chad informs Thomas Banks that his boss Megan already told them that he kidnapped Kayla. Thomas responds that no one is the boss of him and he’s an independent contractor. Thomas reveals that he followed them and calls it no coincidence that they are all here. Thomas says that he saw them in the hotel lobby and knew they would take him to where he needed to be. Thomas says to give him the list. Chad claims to not know anything about a list while Thomas asks who is playing games now. Thomas says he saw them talking about all the places where Kayla could be and demands the list now while holding them at gunpoint.

Hope tells the cop that she saw dozens of men that fit his description as he described half the population of Greece. The cop repeats that their sketch artist is working in another town but he can call him. Hope asks for the security camera footage so the cop pulls up the file.

Bo comments on the narrative Harris strung together. Harris explains that he actually heard it from Hope, who told him how obsessed Megan was with Bo. Bo responds that those feelings were not mutual and one of the many reasons that he left the island. Harris asks if Bo brought Kayla with him. Bo asks why he would do that. Harris points out that Kayla is his sister. Bo responds that the rumor he heard is that some character named Banks kidnapped Kayla. Harris questions Bo not seeming to care about his sister. Bo says that Kayla is tough and knows how to take care of herself. Harris questions Bo and Kayla both being on the island at the same time and coincidentally leaving the island around that time but not being together. Bo claims he didn’t even know Kayla was on the island or why Megan brought her there. Bo declares that he was just fed up with Megan’s games so he took off as fast as he could alone. Harris says he understands but he came all this way to find Kayla and if Bo has nothing to hide, he asks to take a look around but Bo stops him and pulls his gun on him.

Chloe panics about hitting Xander with the dart and asks if he’s okay. Chloe worries about pulling the dart out of his chest and questions what to do. Xander guesses they are heading to the hospital after all.

Megan returns to the visiting room and tells Kristen that she’s all settled in after having to evict her cellmate from the bottom bunk. Kristen jokes about Megan making friends. Megan asks her how Brady is. Kristen asks what she means. Megan reveals that she overheard Kristen’s chat just now. Kristen tries to explain while Megan says she was thinking that they were beginning a new sisterhood but as soon as she turned her back, Kristen is talking to Brady about her and Bo Brady being alive. Kristen apologizes for betraying some sisterly confidence but admits the only thing that matters to her is her daughter, so she will play any card she has to get a chance to see her. Megan says she understands but the problem is, Kristen is not holding any cards as she never said Bo Brady was alive.

Bo tells Harris that it was nice meeting him but they are done here and tells him to run along home. Harris asks if Bo is really going to shoot him if he doesn’t. Bo remarks that killing a military hero would be bad karma and tells Harris to just run along home. Harris threatens to go tell Hope what happened. Bo asks why he would do that. Harris argues that Bo knows damn well that Hope is in love with him and now she could know he’s alive. Bo questions this being a selfless act since telling Hope that he’s alive will end their budding romance. Bo asks if Harris is ready to lose Hope.

Hope and the cop find that the security footage is all gone and been erased. Hope questions who else had access to the security footage and thinks someone did it deliberately. Hope asks more about the man who left with Steve in hopes of finding a clue of who he is. The cop recalls that Steve did say something. Hope asks him to please tell her what he said.

Thomas Banks demands the list and warns them not to piss him off. Chad tells Stephanie to do what he says. Stephanie says the list is in her purse. Chad tells Thomas that he wanted to offer his condolences on his sister passing away a few months ago. Thomas thinks he means Sister Mary Moira but Chad clarifies that he means his other sister Susan. Thomas questions what happened. Chad calls it a very tragic car accident that exploded over a cliff. Thomas calls that mean and says Susan was a good girl who didn’t deserve that. Thomas says he always thought he wasn’t all bad because Susan was his sister. Thomas admits that makes him sad and starts to get emotional so Chad offers a napkin but then throws it in his face and grabs him. They struggle over the gun until it goes off.

Chloe checks on Xander in the hospital after the doctor finishes bandaging him up. Xander tells her that he’s fine and just pierced a muscle. Xander jokes about her not being the best dart player. Xander wonders if this is some kind of retaliation for when he kissed her last night. Chloe admits she was annoyed by that but doesn’t think it called for a violent retaliation as long as he promises to never do it again.

Megan questions why Kristen would sell any information she did have so cheaply for one visit with her daughter. Kristen repeats that her daughter means everything to her. Megan gets it but argues that Kristen thinks too small. Megan advises Kristen to look at the big picture. Megan talks about going through a great deal of trouble to make sure she was incarcerated here. Megan warns that if Kristen even suggests that she stretched the truth, they will ship her to some black site which won’t help her either. Megan encourages that there’s no limit to what they can accomplish here if they work together. Megan tells Kristen that she has no intention of staying here one minute longer than she has to and she’s already started formulating a plan. Megan asks Kristen what sounds better; one measly visit with her daughter or spending the rest of her life with her daughter outside? Megan tells Kristen to ponder over that before making the biggest mistake of her life. Megan asks who would believe Kristen anyway when everybody knows Bo Brady is dead, so she asks how could a dead man kidnap his sister. Megan remarks that being a criminal mastermind is exhausting so she needs a nap. Megan tells Kristen that she will see her around and heads back to her cell.

Thomas screams in pain as he is shot in the ear and Chad takes the gun, shouting that he should’ve listened to reason. Chad tells Thomas that they will patch him up on the way to the police station.

The cop reveals to Hope that Steve said the man claiming to be Shane Donovan was not who he said he was. Hope questions him ignoring that. The cop explains that the man had said Steve was the actual con artist. Hope asks if Steve said anything else. The cop remembers Steve mumbling something as he was dragged out but he can’t remember what it was. Hope thanks him and says to call her if he remembers anything else. Hope leaves her number and then exits the station.

Harris tells Bo that he’s not sure he understands this, questioning Bo wanting him to be with Hope. Bo explains that he’s starting a whole new life without Hope and he’s sick of people trying to drag him back to that whole life. Harris asks if he’s just going to let him go if he doesn’t say anything about finding him. Bo insists that it’s best for both of them and for Hope too since she started a whole new life and moved on with Harris. Bo says they have a good thing going so he asks why break her heart again. Bo tells Harris that Hope is all his, so Harris gets the girl and Bo gets his new life as long as he keeps this conversation between them. Harris questions pretending he never saw him, deceiving Hope, and letting her believe that her husband is dead. Bo argues that he’s not really deceiving her since from his point of view, that husband is dead. Bo asks Harris if they have a deal.

Xander tells Chloe that he should probably make an appearance at the paper and jokes about wanting another rematch when he’s healed. Chloe is impressed that he’d be willing to come near her ever again with a dart. Xander jokes that she may be dangerous and scary, but she makes up for it in charm.

Brady goes to the prison which surprises Kristen. Brady says he came to see this supposedly explosive piece of information that she uncovered. Brady asks what the big news is that’s going to change everybody’s lives in Salem. Kristen claims that it turns out she was wrong and that Megan was telling the truth that Thomas Banks was the one who kidnapped Kayla. Megan listens from outside the room and smiles.

Chad and Stephanie bring Thomas Banks to the police department in Greece. Chad tells the cop that he’s going to want to book him as he’s on the most wanted list. The cop recognizes Thomas from seeing his picture earlier and calls him even uglier in person which Thomas calls not nice.

Harris returns to his room where Hope shows up at his door. Harris asks if she had any luck at the police station. Hope says only the bad kind as someone posed as Shane Donovan and took Steve and the prisms. Harris asks if there’s any idea who. Hope says no as the description was vague and someone erased the security footage. Harris questions how that even happens. Hope thinks whoever kidnapped Steve erased it and was a real pro. Hope complains about the cop not even questioning the man and just letting him walk out with Steve and the prisms. Hope asks if Harris had any luck. Harris responds that he started on the list and went to Victor Kiriakis’ childhood home. Hope asks if he found anything. Harris thinks back to his conversation with Bo where they agreed on the deal to not tell Hope about him. Harris then lies to Hope and tells her that he found nothing at all and the place was deserted.

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Days Update Monday, April 17, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Marlena returns to her office at the hospital. She sits at her desk and declares she’s back in business. Alex then arrives and asks if she has a minute. Marlena calls it a nice surprise and invites him in.

Kristen calls Brady from prison, but he does not accept the call. Kristen screams in frustration until she is greeted by new prisoner, her half sister, Megan Hathaway.

Hope goes to see Harris and tells him that no one saw Steve come in, so now she’s starting to worry that something has happened to him.

Steve pounds on the door of the wine cellar while screaming for Bo to open the door. Kayla tells Steve that Bo won’t suddenly come to his senses and let them out. Steve declares that they will have to find themselves out of here.

Chad and Stephanie arrive in Greece. Stephanie calls Steve and leaves a message, saying she’s starting to worry because she hasn’t heard from him so she hopes to hear from him soon. Stephanie tells Chad that it’s been two days and worries about something happening to her father too. Chad tells her that she can’t think that way and they are here now, so they will find him.

Bo has Steve’s phone and listens to Stephanie’s message on his voicemail.

John comes home with flowers for Marlena. Brady informs John that Marlena isn’t home. John knows that Marlena went back to work but he thinks it’s a little bit soon. Brady points out that Marlena has been seeing patients on the couch ever since she returned, so he thinks she’s ready which John agrees with. Brady brings up Marlena hypnotizing Stephanie and Stephanie remembering Kayla saying something about Victor. Brady questions what that is all about. John explains that Victor is out of town but Chad and Stephanie talked to him on the phone and he said he knew nothing about Kayla’s kidnapping. John adds that Maggie gave a list of Victor’s properties in Greece so Chad and Stephanie flew there to check them out. Brady asks if John thinks Victor is telling the truth. John says he’d like to think so, but he’s been wrong about him before. Brady hopes Chad and Stephanie are not walking in to some kind of trap. John says he’d feel a lot better if Steve hadn’t gone off the grid but they have no idea where he is. John would love to be on the search but he can’t bring himself to be away from Marlena so soon after getting her back.

Marlena tells Alex that they haven’t formally met. Alex tells her it’s great having her back as he knows how much she means to so many people. Marlena feels lucky to be back with the people she loves. Alex hopes it’s not a bad time. Marlena says she’s not seeing patients today and was just catching up on paper work but she invites him to have a seat and asks what she can do for him. Alex brings up Stephanie being in Greece, looking for her mom who is alive. Alex wondered if Marlena had any news about her since she is so close to the situation. Marlena says she hasn’t heard anything new. Marlena asks if Alex knew Kayla. Alex says not really, but he hopes to God they find her because that could mean his redemption.

Hope complains about calling and texting but then she gets a text from Steve’s phone, that says sorry for not being in touch and that Stephanie arrived in Greece, so he’s trying to calm her down. Harris says that’s one problem solved while Hope is relieved that Steve is okay.

Bo turns off Steve’s phone after sending the text.

Kristen and Megan meet one another which each calling the other infamous. Megan remarks that despite different last names, they are undeniably family. Kristen comments on Megan being dead ten years before she ever came to Salem. Megan credits a cryogenic chamber. Kristen mentions hearing that she was apprehended on an island off Greece. Megan comments that news travels fast. Kristen questions what she’s doing in Salem. Megan explains that she cut a deal with the ISA so that she could be incarcerated here. Kristen questions why the ISA would even consider giving her a deal after everything she has done. Megan responds that they were desperate to find Kayla and she told the feds that her former associate, Thomas Banks, was the one who took her. Kristen calls Thomas a disgusting little creep and brings up Thomas masquerading as her before.

Chad and Stephanie talk about going through Victor’s properties and hopefully find Kayla. They take their bags to their hotel room as someone watches them.

Alex explains to Marlena that he had no idea that Kayla was dying when he turned Stephanie’s phone off and he just wanted quality time with his girl, but he knows that it was his fault that she didn’t have the opportunity to say goodbye to her mother and she had every right to be, but that’s why they broke up and now she’s with Chad. Alex says when he heard about Kayla being alive, he realized that maybe he didn’t rob Stephanie of her last moments with her mother after all. Alex knows they still have to find her or else he will live with this guilty conscience forever.

Hope sends a text back to Steve’s phone that they will continue to look for Thomas today and keep him updated. Hope says it’s too bad they didn’t accomplish much last night but Harris points out that they did have fun, especially with their dance. Harris and Hope kiss until there’s a knock at the door. Harris goes to get dressed while Hope answers the door to see Chad and Stephanie.

Kristen questions Megan as to why Thomas Banks would kidnap Kayla. Kristen then asks if she ordered it. Megan asks why she would do that when Kayla is of no use to her now. Kristen asks what Megan was planning to do with her with Dr. Rolf. Megan explains that Kayla, Marlena, and Kate were going to be Dr. Rolf’s human guinea pigs and it would’ve been a monumental scientific breakthrough for all of humanity. Kristen guesses she was mostly interested in what it would do for her. Kristen asks why Kate had to bite the bullet and not Marlena. Megan says it was not her choice and that one of her employees went a bit rogue. Kristen says it had to have been Thomas since they didn’t find anyone else on the island but Dr. Rolf. Megan questions where she gets all this information. Kristen responds that she’s aware of everything that concerns her family. Kristen says that Megan threw Thomas under the bus and that’s a major breach of DiMera loyalty. Megan explains that she had to give the ISA a name and they knew that Thomas had been one of her hired guns. Kristen questions why she lied and for whom. Kristen asks if Thomas didn’t take Kayla, who did?

Bo returns to the wine cellar, mentioning that his gun is just an insurance policy. Kayla questions where he was. Bo claims he was fishing and he made them some stew. Kayla complains about him holding them hostage. Bo says they had to eat. Kayla asks why Steve is here. Bo says he got in his way. Steve brings up Hope and asks why he doesn’t want to see her. Bo recalls that Hope hated and misunderstood why he grew to love and admire his father, so there’s no reason to have Hope in his life. Steve calls that a lie and says Hope understands him too well, so he’s afraid that she will break through to him which scares the hell out of him. Bo decides that’s enough talk. Bo argues that Kayla said she would get information off the prisms. Kayla clarifies that she thought that. Bo warns that the clock is ticking. Bo reveals that Stephanie has found her way to Greece which shocks Steve. Bo says it’s only a matter of time before Stephanie or Hope find out that they are missing. Bo warns about either of them getting in his way. Steve then grabs Bo and they struggle over his gun while Kayla tries to intervene.

Brady asks how John could say it’s irrational as he understands John wants Marlena by his side every second because she’s the love of his life. Brady says everyone is happy for John and adds that he’s envious of him. Brady mentions his relationship with Chloe. John knows the pain of when things go wrong and that Marlena told him it’s rough right now with Chloe and Rachel. Brady says that what makes him so infuriated is that Kristen manipulated the whole situation to her advantage and succeeded at making Rachel hate Chloe, so he has no clue how to fix it.

Megan says she never denied that Thomas took Kayla. Kristen points out that she never confirmed it either and asks why she doesn’t just tell her the truth. Megan questions why she would, pointing out that she doesn’t know her. Kristen brings up sisterly bonding. Megan talks about never having a sister. Kristen says the same but notes that she has so many brothers. Megan says she doesn’t know them either. Kristen calls it obvious that Megan hasn’t talked to anyone in decades other than misfits, hostages, and dead people. Kristen encourages Megan to confide in someone normal, that she’s related to. Kristen jokes that they can be sisters in crime. Megan admits that they have one thing in common; a desire to get out of prison. Kristen suggests she scratch her back and Megan scratch hers.

Marlena says that Alex’s urgency to find news about Kayla seems to be about more than his guilty conscience. Alex says of course he wants Kayla to be alive, mentioning that she’s a respected doctor and so many people love her, just like Marlena. Marlena questions if he came all the way over just to say what a wonderful doctor she and Kayla are. Alex doesn’t know what she’s getting at. Marlena feels that Stephanie broke up with him because she felt that he had cost her the last moment she would have had with her mother and now that her mother is alive, she wonders if Alex is thinking he has a second chance with Stephanie.

Hope invites Chad and Stephanie in, asking where Steve is. Stephanie responds that they don’t know. Chad says they went to his room and he wasn’t there. Hope introduces Chad and Stephanie to Harris Michaels. Stephanie responds that she knows who Harris is and brings up how he delivered pizzas to them in Seattle when one of them blew up in her face. Harris apologizes and says he can’t tell her how much he regrets his actions during that time. Stephanie mentions ending up in the hospital but recovering quickly. Harris hopes she can accept his apology. Stephanie understands that he wasn’t himself and that Steve went through something similar awhile back, so she accepts his apology, especially because he’s helping look for her mom. Harris is grateful for her understanding. Stephanie states that now she’s worried about her dad. Hope mentions that Steve just texted them that he was with her. Stephanie argues that he isn’t and they haven’t heard from him since before they left Salem. Stephanie worries that Steve is in trouble.

Bo fights off Steve and warns him not to pull that crap again. Steve dares Bo to pull the trigger and argues that he’s had plenty of chances to kill him but hasn’t done it yet. Bo warns that it can be arranged. Steve yells at Bo to pull the trigger, so he does.

Alex thanks Marlena and wants to pay her for a session. Marlena says no but Alex says she deserves to be compensated for helping him. Marlena says it just feels good to be working. Marlena then points out that Alex didn’t answer her question. Alex guesses he hasn’t thought much about getting back with Stephanie, maybe because he may seem confident, Stephanie was the only woman that he truly loved and being rejected by her was really painful. Alex guesses maybe he’s just afraid of getting hurt again. Marlena understands he’s feeling vulnerable because he has very deep feelings for Stephanie which he admits. Alex guesses this discussion is just bringing his subconscious thoughts to the surface. Marlena says that’s how therapy works. Alex realizes that part of him is hoping that if they do find Kayla, maybe Stephanie will be able to get past what happened and they could be together again.

Hope tries calling Steve but it goes straight to voicemail. Hope worries that it’s possible that someone else has Steve’s phone. Stephanie worries that he’s not okay. Chad asks when they last saw him. Harris says they split up yesterday and Steve went to the police station to look at Dr. Rolf’s belongings for any clues on where Kayla is. Hope notes that they haven’t seen him since then. Harris decides they should go to the police station as right now, it’s the only lead they have. Chad stops him and says it’s not the only lead.

Bo pulled the trigger and shot a bottle of wine. Bo blames Steve for making him do that and wasting a bottle but Kayla argues that this is on Bo because he’s trying to be someone that he’s not. Bo responds that he’s not Shawn’s son who never fit in and remarks that he was never a Brady. Kayla argues that he was and still is. Steve adds that if Bo thinks it’s better to be a Kiriakis, he’s a fool. Bo asks if Steve keeps pushing him because he doesn’t think he’s capable of killing. Bo then brings up that he put a bullet in Kate. Kayla shouts that Bo doesn’t need to do any of this and what he’s thinking and feeling is because of what Megan did to him. Steve adds that Megan has been captured and is in prison as they speak. Steve questions if Bo is going to let Megan control him from an ocean away.

Megan says if they are sharing secrets, she wants Kristen to start. Kristen decides that if Megan doesn’t want to tell her who has Kayla, she will figure it out on her own. Kristen questions Megan just giving up Thomas Banks and argues that whoever took Kayla is someone she is protecting and someone she cares about. Kristen states that as she knows, Megan never cared about anyone in her entire life other than maybe Stefano and Bo but they are both dead. Megan remarks on Bo dying of a brain tumor, just like she was dead before they dumped her in a hot tub and fried to her a crisp, yet here she sits before her. Kristen asks if Megan is saying that Bo Brady is alive.

Chad shows Harris the list of Victor’s properties in Greece. Stephanie points out that they don’t know if Kayla is actually in any of those properties while Chad encourages her to stay positive as they just have to start looking. Harris suggests they split up. Hope agrees and decides she will go to the police station since she’s been working with the ISA, so they will talk to her. Hope tells Stephanie and Chad to stick together. Chad splits the list of properties and hands one to Harris as he and Stephanie exit together. Harris advises Hope to be careful too. Hope responds that she’s going to the police station, the safest place in town, but Harris points out that Steve possibly disappeared from there. Hope says that’s what she is going to find out. Hope thanks Harris for helping her family. Harris responds that she gave him his life back, so he just hopes that he can return the favor as they then exit.

Alex tells Marlena that he always mocked the whole getting in touch with your feelings thing, but admits it’s really helping which Marlena is glad to hear. Alex asks if she thinks he needs therapy. Marlena responds that therapy is what she does, so she thinks everybody can be helped in therapy. Alex says he’s always thought he doesn’t need it as talking about his feelings and emotions is not really his vibe. Marlena asks if he’s changed his mind. Alex admits this did help a lot right now, but it didn’t change his mind as he doesn’t think he wants to continue. Alex declares that he’s fine. Marlena says if he does change his mind again, he can call her and hands him her card. Alex thanks her and says he appreciates that. Alex adds that it was great meeting the famous Dr. Evans as he then exits her office.

Brady tells John that Marlena said she would keep working with Rachel as far as talking things through. Brady adds that Marlena is really the only mother figure that Rachel has right now. John says they really adore her and asks if he’s taken Rachel to see Kristen lately. Brady says no and that Rachel’s only time seeing her lately was her solo trip to the prison. Brady admits that Kristen’s been hounding him but he doesn’t want Kristen poisoning Rachel’s mind any further. Brady mentions that he just declined Kristen’s call a little while ago. John questions him thinking it’s okay to freeze her out. John warns that if Rachel thinks he’s keeping her from seeing her mother, she’s going to dig in even more. John says as much as they wish it wasn’t true, in this case, there’s a strong bond between mother and daughter that he’s not sure can be broken.

Megan tells Kristen that they may be sisters but it does take time to trust someone. Kristen questions what she is getting at. Megan responds that she’s just not quite ready to play true confessions. Megan decides it’s time to get settled in to her new home because it looks like she’s going to be here for awhile, theoretically at least. Megan then leaves the visiting area.

Bo declares that no one controls him and that Megan just opened him up to who he really is. Kayla argues that this is not him. Bo asks what he has to show for the pansy that she says he was. Steve and Kayla bring up Bo’s children and grandchildren. Steve reveals that Ciara is pregnant so Bo has another grandchild on the way. Kayla calls that wonderful news and a blessing. Bo says that makes what he’s doing that much more important because he’s going to build an empire like his father. Steve argues that his kids want him, not some Kiriakis wanna be. Kayla repeats that what the Bradys lacked in wealth, they made up for with how much they loved each other. Kayla tells Bo that is more valuable than numbers in a bank. Bo complains that they are wasting his time as this is happening whether they like it or not. Bo tells Kayla to get back to work. Kayla argues that she needs equipment and supplies. Bo accuses her of stalling. Kayla insists that she needs a lab. Bo reluctantly agrees to get what she needs and exits the cellar.

Stephanie warns Chad that this could be dangerous. Chad says they knew that when they came. Stephanie doesn’t think she should be dragging him in to this when he has kids to worry about. Chad assures that nothing is stopping him and he’s not letting her do this alone. Chad declares they will be fine as they have each other. They exit the hotel as someone remains watching them.

John goes to Marlena’s office and brings her flowers. John asks how her first day back is. Marlena responds that it’s been pretty busy. Marlena then gets a call from Alex, who decides he would like to make an appointment.

Brady gets another call from prison and this time he reluctantly accepts. Brady answers and asks what Kristen wants. Kristen says she wants to relay something to him of the utmost importance.

Steve asks Kayla if she’s okay. Kayla says she’s not and complains that Bo could have shot Steve, so she questions why he baited him like that. Steve says he was proving a point. Steve says that Bo didn’t shoot him and won’t. Kayla worries that he could have and now Stephanie is here. Steve argues that if Bo couldn’t hurt him, he won’t hurt his own niece, and declares that Bo is not as dangerous as he pretends to be. Steve tells Kayla that Hope and Harris have to be wondering where he is now, so Hope is going to follow the bread crumbs and they are going to find them.

Chad and Stephanie go to a warehouse which Chad notes is huge with a lot of place for someone to be sulking around. They are then startled by a noise behind them.

Hope goes to the Greek police station and introduces herself as from the ISA. Hope informs the cop that she’s looking for a colleague who was there yesterday named Steve Johnson. The cop says it doesn’t sound familiar and asks for a description. Hope then shows him a photo of Steve which the cop recognizes and tells her that the Director of the ISA said he was an impostor and took him in to custody. Hope questions that and shows him a picture of Shane Donovan but the cop says that’s not him. Hope says that’s Shane, so she questions who is the man who took Steve in to custody.

Bo goes to leave the cabin right as Harris arrives at the door and they come face to face.

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Interview with Dorothy Meyers

TV Interview!


Dorothy Meyers of "Love Undone" on YouTube

Interview with Dorothy Meyers of “Love Undone” on YouTube by Suzanne 4/12/23

It was very nice to speak with Dorothy. She has a lot of charm and energy. I hope she gets some more good roles soon!



Dorothy Meyers of "Love Undone" on YouTube

Dorothy Meyers was born in The Garden State of Trenton, New Jersey and raised by a single father, who is retired. She is the tenth child of ten siblings. A graduate of Trenton Central High School, she made her primetime debut as a co-star on FOX’s “Almost Family.” She appeared as a co-host on FOX’s Dr. Oz Show with Chef Roble. She was also cast as Harvette Williams in “Stalked: The Harvette Williams Story” (one of her first TV appearances).  She also starred as Kim Worthy in “The Real Story with MES” and starred as a mom in Pharell Williams “Brainchild” on Netflix.

Additional TV appearances include:  The Rachael Ray Show, FOX Philly, PIX 11 News, The Morning Show on CBS, BET, The Perfect Murder, Murder Lies Here, The AVE, King of Newark and The Fearless 2. Most of these can be found on Amazon and TUBI TV. Magazine appearances include: Harper’s Bazaar, Backstage Magazine, Manhattan Digest, The Hollywood Digest, 360 Magazine, The Hype Magazine and Celeb Crunch Magazines. Interviewed by; WIMG radio station, Breaking It Down with Frank MacKay, Blog Talk Radio, and The Ktookes Spot.

Commercial/Print appearances include L’Oreal, DOVE Billboard at Times Square, Hair Secret by Finishing Touch, New Jersey Lottery, Penn Medicine, Biosil, National Ramp, Thrive Causemetics, Nurx, Google, Money Lion, Nike, Nike Jordan, Booty Secret, Bee Magic, AAA Taxi, and Badoo. ~ Written by Dorothy Meyers

Love Undone explores the complexities and nuances of two unconventional couples.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Michael decides to defend Diane despite the objections of Nikki and Victor and even though Victor threatens to fire him..

Noah and Allie return home early from their vacation to support Kyle and Summer through this crisis.

Michael asks Diane to always tell him the truth so he can build a proper defense for her.

Christine persuades the judge that Diane is a flight risk, so Diane is denied bail.

Chance gets a call telling him that Jeremy checked out of the Grand Phoenix after he got the money Phyllis left him and nobody knows his whereabouts.

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Days Transcript Monday, April 17, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne



I guess I’m back in business.

Good morning.

Hey, Dr. Evan. You got a minute? What a nice surprise. Sure. Come on in.

No, I will not accept the call.

What? He declined my call.

Damn him. Take it easy, sister. Oh ho. Take it as my own damn business. And I am not your sister. Actually. You are.

Hi. Oh, uh, yeah. I was just going to actually hop, hop in the shower. Come in, come here. Yeah. Did you, uh, did you find Steve? No. No. I just, uh, I just went to his room and I checked with the front desk and no one saw him come in last night. But now I’m starting to worry that something’s happened to him.

Whoa. Oh, Brady open this door. I don’t know why you’re wasting your breath. You think he’s suddenly gonna come to his senses and let us out? No. So we’re gonna have to find a way to get ourselves out of.

Hey, Papa Chad and I just got to Athens and I haven’t heard from you, so I’m starting to worry. I hope everything’s okay, and then I’ll hear from you soon. Love you voicemail. It’s been like two days. It’s bad enough. My mom is missing. What if something’s happened to my father too? Stop. Listen, you can’t, you can’t think that way.

We’re here now. Okay. We’ll find him.

And I haven’t heard from you, so I’m starting to worry. I hope everything’s okay, and then I’ll hear from you soon. Love you.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Hey kid. Hey dad. Oh, thanks. She’s this are from Arlene, right? I knocked off work early here and stopped by the florist and thought I’d bring a little something home. Yeah, I don’t, I don’t think she’s here. I didn’t see her car, the garage when I came in. Oh, I know. She decided to go back to work today. I’m not really down with that.

I think it’s a little bit too soon. You. That she’s been, uh, seeing patients in this living room on that couch about 24 hours after returning to the land of the living. So I say she’s okay and she’s ready.

You got a good point there. Yeah. Yeah. I, uh, I heard that she hypnotized Stephanie yesterday and that Stephanie recalled Kayla saying something about my grandfather. What, what is that all about? Apparently Vic is out of town, but Chad and Stephanie talked to him on the phone and of course Vic, I know nothing about Kayla’s kidnapping.

Now for Maggie’s part, she gave Chad and Stephanie a list of Vic’s properties in Greece and they flew over there right now to check ’em out. Do you think my granddad’s telling the truth? Well, I’d like to believe so, but God knows I’ve been wrong about him before. I just hope they’re not walking into some kind of trap.

Yeah. Here you’re, I’d feel a hell of a lot better about this if Steve hadn’t gone off to quit. I got no clue where he is. Huh? Nothing. Damn it, kid. I would love to be on that search, but you know, the idea of just leaving Marna here. I know, I know that she’s physically fine. Maybe I’m being irrational here, but I just, I can’t bear to be away from her so soon after.

Got her back.

It’s Alex, Kiki. Right? I don’t think we’ve actually formed Met. We haven’t. But let me just say it is great news having you back. I do know how much you mean to clearly so many people. I thank you. I feel so lucky to be home with the people that I love most. Right? I hope this isn’t a bad. Oh, no. No, not really.

Uh, I, I’m, I’m not seeing patients today. I was just going to catch up on some paperwork. Oh, but why don’t you have a seat? I, come on, sit down. Thank you.

What can I do for you? Um, well, as you know, Stephanie’s in Greece right now. She’s looking for her mom who is alive. Yes, I know. It’s another miracle, right? Yes, it is. So I was just, I was wondering if maybe you, uh, had any news about her things that you were so close to the situation yourself? Um, no, I haven’t heard anything new.

I’m sorry. Okay. Did you, did you know. No. No, not, not really. No. Um, but I hope to God they find her. Yes, we all do. Yeah. Me more than most. See for me, that could mean mighty redemption. I have called, I have text. Oh, wait a second, finally. Okay. All right. All right. All right. He’s texting us back. Let’s see what he has to say.

Sorry, I haven’t been in touch. Uh, Stephanie arrived. She’s upset about her mom. I’m trying to calm her down. Let me know if you track down banks. Okay. Well, there, there we go. Yeah. It’s one problem solved. Yeah. Yeah. Thank God Steve’s.

I’ll let you two get reacquainted or just acquainted, so. You are the infamous Megan Hathaway and you are the infamous Kristin Damira. Different last names perhaps, but we are undeniably family. Yeah. Well, let’s not start singing Sister Sledged just yet, but I do have to say you went pretty well preserved for someone who was already.

10 years before I even stepped foot in, sang that cryogenic chamber fluid. It’s wonderful for the skin, uh, as is, uh, Mediterranean heat. Yeah, I heard that, uh, you were apprehended on an island off Greece. We’re a host of international crimes. Oh, news travels. Fires. Mm-hmm. So what are you doing here in Salem?

I cut a deal with the, is. So that I’d be incarcerated here. And why would the ISA even consider giving you a deal with everything you’ve done? They were desperate to find Kayla Johnson. And I told the feds that a former associated mine, Thomas Banks, was the one absconded with her. Thomas, Ugh. That disgusting little creep.

I mean he masqueraded as me in Monte Carla. I can’t even believe some SAP actually believed that that hideous little creature was yours. Truly,

I God, everyone’s at the desk. Good. We’re gonna need their help to go through this list of Victor’s properties and hopefully find my.

So you see, I, I had no idea Stephanie’s mom was dying when I turned her phone off. I just wanted some quality time with my. Yeah, I understand and thank you, and still I know that it was my fault that she didn’t have the opportunity to say goodbye to her mother. She was so upset. Not that she didn’t have every right to be, she did, but I’m just explaining to you why we broke up and now she’s with Chad.

Yeah. Anyway, when I heard this news about Kayla being alive, I realized that maybe I didn’t rob Stephanie of her last moments with her mother after all, and I know they still have to find her. It’s either that or I live with this guilty conscience forever.

We didn’t get anywhere at the Dive Verna last night, but we will continue looking for banks today. We’ll keep you updated. You know, it’s really too bad we didn’t have much success last night at the. I wouldn’t say that. I mean, we didn’t find Thomas Banks, but we had some fun, especially during our dance.


Oh, it’s room service. Throw some clothes on. Could you? Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, I got it.

So why would Thomas Banks kidnap Taylor Johnson unless. Did you order it? Why would I do that? Kayla is of no use to me now. Right. Oh. And just what we planning to do with her back at the ranch with Dr. Ralph, she, Marlene and Kate were going to be Ralph’s human Guinea pigs. It was going to be a monumental scientific breakthrough for all of humanity.

Hmm. Let me just take a wild guess here. You were mostly interested in what it could do for you. Am I right? No comment. Fine. All right. Then answer this. If someone was going to bite it, why couldn’t it bend? Marlena Yk. If it had been my choice. Oh, it wasn’t? No it wasn’t. One of the employees went a bit rogue Thomas.

It had to have been. I mean, they didn’t find anyone else on that island except for Rolf. Right. Tell me where are you getting your information from? It sounds like you’ve downloaded the ISA intelligence report. I am aware of everything that concerns my family. Listen, change the subject you just threw Poor Thomas under the bus and that is a.

Nature major breach of the Damer Code of ethics for maintaining loyal employees. Look, I had to give the ISA a, and they knew that Thomas had been one of my hired guns, so, so you lied. Why? Hmm. I’m for whom? If Thomas didn’t take Kayla, then who did? Huh?

Sis hatch. Oh, don’t mind the gun. It’s just an insurance. Where were you, Bo? Fishing. Fishing. Yeah. You’re kidding. Right? Go. I made you some stew with fresh sea bass. Beats the anchovy rations we had when we were in the merchant marina. You are holding us hostage here and you are out fishing. Yeah, indeed. I asked for your help.

You didn’t give it willingly, so, so what about Steve? Why is he here? Got in my way. What about hope? Why don’t you wanna see her? Oh my God. Okay. As I recall, she hated and really kind of misunderstood why I grew to love and admire my father. So since that’s the direction my life is, No reason to have her in it.

No. That may be the story you tell yourself, but it’s a lie. It’s not that hope misunderstands you, it’s that she understands you too well, and you don’t like that you’re afraid she’s gonna break through to you and that scares the hell outta you, doesn’t it?

Now enough talking more work. I don’t see much of that going on down here. I wonder why you wanted the prism. I went and got it for you. You told me that you’d get the information off of it. I told you. That’s what I thought. Okay. You don’t seem to understand. The clock is ticking. Your daughter has found her way to Greece.

What? What? Stephanie’s here and it’s just a matter of time before she or hope. Find out that you are missing. I can’t keep putting them off. And if either one of them gets in my way,

come on. How can you say it’s ir? Of course you want Marlena, buy your side every second because she’s the love of your life. And it’s like, you just, it’s like you just got her back, you got a second chance with her. And then dad, everyone’s happy for you. I’m happy for you. Hell, I’m, I’m envious of you. Ah, come on, come on, come on.

No. Hey, it’s not like I’m comparing my relationship with Chloe, yours and Marlene’s. It’s just that, hey, you mean even though your love for Chloe hasn’t gone on for decades? Still doesn’t use the pain when things go wrong, and yeah, doc told me that it’s. It’s a rough go right now with, uh, with, with Chloe and Rachel.

Rough. Yeah. Rough, rough. R That doesn’t even describe it. What makes me so infuriating? It’s all because Kristen manipulated the whole scenario to her advantage. She set out to make sure that Rachel hated Chloe, and she did it. She succeeded in it and that I don’t have a clue how to fix it. Not a clue. I never deny that Thomas was the one who took Kayla and you never confirmed it.

Why don’t you just tell me the truth? Why would I, why would I tell you anything? I don’t know. You having heard of sisterly bonding, my sister Renee died before I knew her, so I’ve never actually had a sister. Mommy neither. I mean, there was Lexi, but I barely knew her. On the other hand, so many male siblings, aka brothers, I don’t know them either.

No, I do want to come on. It’s obvious that you haven’t talked to anyone in decades. I mean, except for misfits, hostages and dead people. Yeah, I Where you can find it. Someone normal, someone you’re related to. Come on. I mean, not only. Can we be sisters, but we can be sisters in crime? Well, there’s definitely at least one thing that we have in common, a desire to get out of this place.

Right? So why don’t I scratch your back? You scratch my, what do you say sis?

So this urgency to find out about Kayla, it seems to be about more than just assuaging your guilty conscience. Well, I mean, of course I want Stephanie’s mother to be alive. She’s an amazing person, a well-respected doctor. So many people love her just like you. So you came all the way over here. Say what a wonderful doctor Kayla is and what a wonderful doctor I am.

I don’t know what you’re getting at. It seems to me that Stephanie broke up with you because she felt you had cost her the last moment she would’ve had with her mother, and now that now that her mother’s alive. I wonder if you’re thinking perhaps. You have a second chance with her?

Uh, Stephanie Chad, please come in. Uh, Seth. Where’s your dad? We don’t know. Yeah, we went to his room. It wasn’t there. Oh. Uh, Harris, this is my niece Stephanie. This is Chad Dara. This is Harris Michaels. He’s helping us look for. Yeah, I know who this man is. He was back in Seattle that he delivered pizzas to me and my family.

One of them literally blew up in my face. Stephanie, I’m, I’m, I’m sorry. I really am. I can’t tell you how much I regret my actions during that time. I assume you weren’t seriously injured. I ended up in the hospital, but I recovered pretty quickly. Thank God for that. I just hope you couldn’t accept my apology.

Well, I do understand that you weren’t yourself. My dad went through something very similar a while back, so yes, I do accept your apology, especially because you’re helping me look for my mom. I’m grateful for your understanding. I’m grateful for everyone’s efforts in trying to find my mom, but now I’m worried about my dad too.

Why? He just texted us, said that he was with you. What? But he isn’t, obviously, and we haven’t heard from him since before we left Salem. My God, my dad’s in trouble listening.

Are you okay? Fine. Jesus. Don’t pull that crap again. What? Huh? Come on buddy. Pull that trigger. No, stop it. I know. He just had plenty of chances to kill me and he hasn’t done it yet. That can be arranged. Oh, I don’t think you have it in yet. Stop it. Don’t prove me wrong. Come on, stop it. No, I’m waiting. Pull the trigger.

Do it.

Dr. Evans, this was so good of you. I’m gonna pay you for a session. Absolutely not. Oh, yes, yes, yes. You just got back in here. You are trying to help me. You deserve to be compensated. No, I’ve been away for a while and right now it feels really good. It’d be working. Are you sure? I’m sure. But

you could answer my question.

Okay. Um, well, I guess I haven’t thought that much about getting back with Stephanie. Um, I guess maybe because, uh, As confident as I may seem, you know, being a halfway attractive guy, um, Stephanie was the only woman I truly loved and, uh, being rejected by her really painful.

So I guess maybe I’m, uh, just afraid getting. Again,

you’re feeling vulnerable because you have very deep feelings for her. I do. I guess all this, um, discussion is just bringing all these, um, subconscious thoughts to the. That’s how therapy works. Right? Right. I am realizing as I sit here with you, um, part of me is hoping that if they do find her mom, maybe Stephanie will be able to get past what happened.

She and I could be together again, straight to voice. Damnit. Hannah, what are you thinking? That it’s possible someone else has your dad’s phone because they’ve taken him and they want us to think that he’s okay, which means that he’s not. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s Okay. Wh where and when did you last see him?

Well, we, we split up yesterday. Yeah. Helping, I follow the lead on Thomas Banks. That was the dead end. Steve went to the local police station to take a look at Wolf’s personal effects to see if that could give us a clue on your mother’s whereabouts. Did it? Well, we don’t know. We haven’t seen him since then.

Let’s go to the PD for now. That’s the only lead we’ve got. No, it’s not the only lead.

What the hell is the matter with you Bo? Next time it’s your brains. Oh man. It made me go on ways to perfectly good red. No, he didn’t do anything. This is all you Bo, because you’re trying to be somebody that you are not. Who I’m not is Sean Brady’s son. The one who never fit in was never a Brady. No, that is not true.

Of course, you were. You still are. And if you’re not proud of that, if you think it’s better to be a curus, corrupt and greedy, selling your soul and your heart for money and power, and you’re a damn fool and a co. You don’t think I’m capable of killing? That’s why you keep pushing me. I put a bullet in Kate Roberts.

Oh, you need to listen to me. You don’t need to do any of this. What you’re thinking, what you’re feeling right now is because of what Megan Hathaway did to you. For your information, Megan Hathaway’s been captured. She’s in Statesville Prison as we speak. Are you gonna let that crazy woman control you from an ocean away?

Okay. Since we’re sharing secrets, how about you star?

Oh, you were chatty Cathy a minute ago. Now you’re not willing to share. I see how this works. Oh fine. Don’t tell me who has Kayla. I will figure it out on my own. Good luck with that. Oh, screw luck. I’m excellent at deductive reasoning. And you know what, you just give up. Thomas Banks, your trusty right hand man.

Bull. See whoever took. Is someone that you’re protecting. See, I think I’m getting close. She’s better than Sudoku. See, whoever you’re protecting is someone that you care about. And as I know, you never cared about anyone in your entire life. I mean, maybe father, but he’s dead. Oh, Brady, of course, but he’s dead too.

Yes. Poor Beau died of a brain tumor just as I was dead before the unceremoniously dumped me into a hot tub and fried me to crisp. And yet here I sit before you.

What are you saying, Megan? You’re saying that Bow Brady is alive.

How long is that list of properties? It’s long. Everything from Titan’s headquarters to Victor’s child at home? Of course, we have no idea if my mom’s even at any of these properties. Let’s just stay positive. All right. All we gotta do is get out there and start looking. I think we should split up. Good idea.

I’ll go to the police station. I’ve been working with the isa, so they’ll talk to me. Stephanie, Chad, you speak together and Harris,

there you go. All right, let’s do this. You two. Be careful. Keep your phones on. Okay? I do. Hey, um, you be careful too. I’m going to the plays. Safest place in town. Uh, Steve possibly disappeared from there. That’s what I’m gonna find out. Thank you for helping my family. You gave me my life back. Just hope I can return the favor.

Wow. What that, just, this whole getting in touch with your feelings thing. You know, I, I always mocked it, but it’s really helping. I’m glad to hear that.

You think I need therapy. Therapy is what I do, so I’m predisposed to think that every. Can be helped in therapy. Ah. See I’m predispose to think I just don’t need it sitting around talking about my feelings and emotions. It’s not really my vibe.

Have you changed your mind? Well, I mean, I, this did help. A a lot right now,

but no, it didn’t change my mind, I don’t think. I wanna continue. I’m good. Not really. I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m fine. Really good. If you do change your mind again, you can call me. Oh, thank you. Appreciate that.

Yo, I’ll tell you one thing though. It was great meeting the famous Dr. I know

Marlena said that she would keep working with Rachel. I mean, not, not, not officially working with her, but she’s just talking things through with her. Yeah. She’s really the only mother figure that Rachel has. Right. Well, we really adore that little girl.

So have you, have you taken Rachel to see Kristen lately? No. No. The only, the only time she’s seen her mother recently is when she took that solo adventure to Statesville. Kristen keeps hounding me, but Dad, I don’t want Kristen poisoning her mind any. I just declined her call a little while ago. Oh, I see.

So you think it’s okay to, uh, to freeze her out? I, I, I, I mean, I mean, if, if Rachel. Thanks that you’re trying to keep her from seeing her mother here. She’s gonna dig in even more. You know that. Yeah, I know that. I don’t. As much as we would like it not to be true in this particular case, there’s a strong bond between mother and daughter.

I am not so sure that can be broken.

Look, uh, we may be sisters, but even so, it does take a little time to trust someone. Don’t you agree? What the hell are you getting at? Just not quite ready to play True confessions. Well, it’s time for me to go get settled into my new home, away from home, cuz it looks like I’m gonna be here for a while.

Theoretically, at least

no one controls me. Megan just woke me up to who I am. No, this is not you, Bo. Oh yeah. What do I have to show for that pansy ass? You say I was? How about a son and two daughters and two beautiful grandchildren, Bo and another one on the way. What? Is he pregnant? Yes. Do you hear that? Isn’t that wonderful news?

I mean, it’s a blessing Bo, isn’t it? Bo? This makes what I’m doing that much more important. What are you talking about? I’m gonna build an empire like my father did. Make something on myself, bro. They want you. They don’t want some kriyas to want to be, it’s like I told you before, whether the Brady’s were lacking in wealth.

We made up for how much we’ve loved each other. Come on. You know that, you know, the most valuable thing is that not just a bunch of numbers in a. You have to see that. What I see is that you’re wasting my time. Again, this is happening whether you like it or not, so get back to work. I need equipment, I need supplies.

You’re just stalling. No, I’m not. But maybe Ralph could just, you know, work with random junk. I can’t. I need, I need a laboratory. I need equipment. All of a sudden you have.

Okay, what you need.

This could be dangerous, Chad. We knew that when we came. So what I’m saying is I don’t think I should be dragging you into this. You have Thomas and Charlotte to think about. Nothing is gonna happen to me. Okay? And I’m not letting you do this alone. We’re gonna be fine. We got each other.

Oh, hey Doc. Oh, hi. Hi. Yeah, you got some flowers, but you know what? Mine are better. They are because they’re my favorites and because they’re from you, I love. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So tell me how is the first day back? Um, it’s been pretty pissy. Mm-hmm. Good. We’ve been doing a lot, lot of catching up, right?

Sorry. Excuse me. Catching up. Yeah. Hey, this is Dr. Evans. Hi, Dr. Evans. It’s Alex Kiki. I’d like to make an appointment.


Hello? Yeah, I’ll accept Brady. Yeah, it’s me. What do you want? Actually, what I want is to relay to you something of the utmost importance.

You okay? No, I’m not. Okay. He could have shot you. Why did you bait him like that? To prove a point. He didn’t shoot me. He won’t. But he could have. And now Stephanie’s here. Don’t, don’t worry about Stephanie. If he can’t hurt me, he’s not gonna hurt his own niece. He’s not as dangerous as he pretends to be.

Baby. Listen, hope and Michaels have to be wondering where I am now. Okay? Hope is gonna follow the breadcrumbs. They’re gonna find us. You hear me? They’re gonna find us.

This warehouse is huge. There’s a lot of places for someone to be soaking around. What was that? Oh my God.

I’m Hope Brady Isa. I’m looking for a colleague. He was supposedly here yesterday, but hasn’t been seen since. Name’s Steve Johnson. Doesn’t sound familiar. You give me. Actually, I can do better than that. Ah, yes. The director of the ISA said he was an imposter, took him into custody. Shane Donovan took him into custody.

No. Okay. What, hold on a second, just to be clear. This, uh, this is the man who took Steve Johnson to custody. No, that, that’s not him. But this is Shane Donovan. So who’s the man who took Steve? Mr. Johnson’s custody.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, April 17, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Kyle: This is a nightmare, dad. An arrest warrant, handcuffs? How can they even think mom killed phyllis?

Jack: I cannot bear the idea of diane spending even another second locked up for a crime I know she did not commit.

Kyle: Well, we– we have to post her bail, whatever it is.

Jack: If she can even get bail. Given her history for pulling disappearing acts, christine may argue for no release at all.

Kyle: Okay, well then what are we supposed to do? We can’t leave her sitting in a cell.

Jack: No, you are right. We have one choice. We have to prove her innocence, which is exactly what I’m going to do. We do have one other issue.

Kyle: What?

Jack: We don’t have a lot of support, even in our own house.

Kyle: Summer will be adamantly against anything we do. She truly believes my mom had something to do with phyllis’ death.

Jack: Summer is reaching out for answers. She is mistaken about your mother.

Kyle: Yeah. Well, that’s why we have to clear her name, not only for the authorities, but for my wife. If we don’t, I don’t know how my marriage survives.

[ Footsteps approaching, sighs ]

Chance: I guess I don’t have to ask what you’re doing here.

[ Summer sighing ]

Summer: I just couldn’t help myself. I keep thinking about that night and… it’s nagging at me. Something feels off and I can’t let it go.

Chance: And neither can I. Look, summer, maybe this isn’t the best place for you to be right now. You should go home or to the office. Anywhere but here.

Summer: I can’T. I can’t stay away.

Jeremy: You got that, phyllis? You have no life. And if you think you’re going back on our deal, I will make that a permanent reality.

Phyllis: You don’t scare me. You’re not a killer.

Jeremy: Okay, listen. You have absolutely no idea what I’m capable of. And you’re not gonna blow this for me.

[ Phyllis sighing ]

Phyllis: You got what you wanted. Diane is behind bars.

Jeremy: Yeah. And she won’t be for very long if you’re stupid enough to show your face in public. And if my role in your fake death is revealed, I’m going back to prison. And that’s not gonna happen. So, if I have a choice of going back to prison or killing you, that’s not a choice at all.

Adam: Well, after the ultrasound tomorrow, we’ll know the baby’s sex. It means you can get busy designing some very chic baby clothes. I know you’ve moved on from fashion as a career, but can you really resist making our baby the fashion model of the year?

Sally: I’m embarrassed to say I hadn’t even thought of that.

Adam: I’m surprised.

Sally: Right?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: But now that you mention it, I mean, how can I resist? Our baby can’t wear clothes off the rack, right?

Adam: No! Never.

[ Laughs ] Oh. Not flossing well?

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Adam: Oh, it’s a newman family reunion. Should have called. I would’ve got the potato salad and the picnic basket ready.

Nick: Well, I don’t know about dad, but I’m definitely not here to see you.

Adam: Oh, well maybe you’re here to dangle some fresh new company in front of me, only to yank it away again just for fun.

Victor: Surprised to see you here, son. Especially with that lady.

Sally: Adam and I just ran into each other.

Adam: That’s right. I, uh, I insinuated myself into sally’s private tea time. You know how pushy I can be and she was too nice to ask me to leave, but I will not keep her any longer. She’s all yours.

Jack: Hey, we’re both going to have to be understanding of summer’s feelings. How could we not? She’s lost her mother. Grief has colored every part of her life. She’s looking for answers. She wants to blame someone. And diane is her mother’s greatest enemy. But the truth will come out. We’re gonna see to it, right?

Kyle: Absolutely, we are.

Jack: And when it does, summer will see that diane is innocent, just as clearly as we do.

Kyle: Yeah. Well, I’m relieved to hear your faith and mom hasn’t wavered. It’s just you and me, dad. No one else believes in her. Now, all we have to do is convince the world.

Jack: No. What we have to do is figure out what kind of case the gcpd is building against her. What possible evidence could be so damning against diane? I know they came here. I know they searched the house. What could they have found?

Kyle: Well, I’m guessing it’s something that links the poison in phyllis’s system to mom. Whatever it is, it was planted.

Jack: You’re right. You’re right. Stark found some way to get manufactured evidence into this house.

Kyle: Oh, how could he even get in here with all the security?

Jack: I don’t know. He did it somehow.

Kyle: Okay. Well, however he did it, there is no doubt in my mind that he’s framing mom.

Jack: Oh, clearly this is payback for how diane and I framed him for that jewelry heist with the newmans. God. He got exactly what he wanted. All of our lives are turned upside down. This is my fault. Diane would not be in this position if it weren’t for me.

Chance: I can’t imagine how painful it is being here.

Summer: It’s just like the memorial service. Coming here is a part of my penance.

Chance: Penance? Summer, none of this is your fault. You don’t have to do penance for anything. I hope you know that.

Summer: No, I do. I treated my mom so badly at the end. I know that diane’s been arrested, but until she is convicted and sentenced, I owe my mom an enormous debt. I just… I don’t know why I didn’t trust her. I should have believed her and… that’s a mistake that I’m gonna regret for the rest of my life.

Chance: Give yourself a break, okay? Take some time to grieve. You’re being really hard on yourself.

Summer: I am grieving. Coming here, it’s not just a penance. It also brings me some comfort, you know? This is forever gonna be the last place I saw my mom alive.

Phyllis: Listen, I have a plan. I will say that I came up with this entire scheme. That it was all me. I’ll keep your name out of it completely.

Jeremy: Who’s going to believe that? How could you possibly explain it all? Huh? The hijacked ambulance, the poison, the dead body doubles. What possible reason would you give for marrying me when you knew you were gonna fake your own deaths supposedly without me even knowing about it? No. There’s too many holes. It won’t work.

Phyllis: No. I’ll come up with plausible answers for every single thing. Trust me.

Jeremy: There’s no way I wouldn’t be implicated. So no, we are moving on with our plan whether you like it or not.

Phyllis: Look at you. You think you’re scaring me, don’t you? You’re nothing compared to the terrifying thought of my children needing me and I’m not there for them? My strength as a mother is fiercer than anything you got.

Dehydrated hair?

Kyle: Dad, I refuse to let you take any of the blame for what mom is going through. Stark has been out for revenge since the day he showed up. He had a plan even before the burglary in chicago. He was determined to make mom pay for rejecting him and helping put him away.

Jack: Of course, I know you’re right, but I have to take some responsibility for underestimating stark. I thought by just standing up to him, freezing him out, he would be neutralized. That not giving him that power in our lives, he would ultimately just give up and go away. Wow, was I wrong.

Kyle: Hey, stark has gotten lucky.

Jack: No, he has been one step ahead the whole way. I couldn’t have been more wrong about any of this. And now… and now phyllis has paid for her life by mistakes I made.

Kyle: Hey, hey. Who could have known how deranged that man is? That he would go as far as to murder phyllis to punish mom. That’s how little he values life.

Jack: I appreciate you defending me, but I– I deserve some of this guilt I am carrying. I… god, I handled this whole thing so badly. And moving forward, we can’t do that. We can’t make any mistakes. We know now, this man is a murderer and if he has that little value for human life, believe me, there’s no stopping him from killing again.

Phyllis: My children are suffering. They’re tortured. You didn’t hear the pain in their voice. Oh. I was wrong. I was wrong to do this. My children don’t hate me.

Jeremy: Okay.

Phyllis: No. Shh.

[ Phyllis exhales ] I can’t put them through this. I can’t put them through this. Okay? They regret the way that they treated me.

Jeremy: Okay. But you’re out of it now, okay? So deal with it. They made it very clear how they felt about you before your divorce.

Phyllis: I know, but– but they regret it. Seriously. Please, please just listen. They are tortured. They are tormented right now losing their mom like this.

Jeremy: You are blowing this way out of proportion.

Phyllis: I want you to see this from my angle, where I’m coming from, please.

Jeremy: Okay. I really don’t care where you’re coming from. I only care about where you’re going. Away.

Phyllis: No!

Jeremy: Okay.

Phyllis: I’m not going away!

Jeremy: We had a deal and I held up my end of the deal. Okay? This is exactly what you signed up for. What the hell did you think was gonna happen?

Phyllis: I didn’t know my children were going to suffer.

Jeremy: Oh, they’ll get over it.

Phyllis: No, they won’t get over it.

Jeremy: You wanted a part in taking diane down. Okay, you got it. We pulled it off. Plus you got to see her escorted away in cuffs. That had to be some sort of a satisfaction, huh? Justice served.

Phyllis: At what cost, huh? At what cost? Because what my kids are going through right now, it’s not worth it.

Jeremy: Okay. You’ll get over it.

Phyllis: I did an impulsive thing and I regret it.

Jeremy: Okay. You’ll get over it.

Phyllis: I’m not gonna get over it! Because everyday, I’m gonna look in the mirror and all I’m going to see is diane jenkins. This is what she did. And she let her son suffer for years and years thinking that she was dead. I cannot do that. I can’t go through another minute of this knowing how my children feel. I cannot do it.

Jeremy: Okay, just shut up and think. The only reason your kids softened towards you is because they think you are dead. Now, once you become alive again and they realize that you deliberately put ’em through this hell, trust me, it’s not gonna be sunshine and roses. And on top of that, there’s gonna be some serious consequences.

Phyllis: What are you talking about?

Jeremy: You’ll be facing charges too. And what kind of a happy reunion will it be with you behind bars, okay? That could be you in the prison cell instead of diane. Poor ol’ diane, the living martyr. You’re gonna be the locked up criminal. Hm? Are you gonna let her get away with that, huh? Are you gonna let her win?

Sally: Actually, if you will excuse me. I should be going.

Nick: Well, I showed up at the right time. I’ll drive you to the athletic club then.

Sally: Sure you don’t wanna stay and order something?

Nick: No, I’m good.

Sally: All right. Then, uh, good night.

Adam: Yeah. Thanks again for, um… thanks.

Victor: That was quite a display, son.

Adam: Mm-hmm. What’s that?

Victor: You know exactly what I’m talking about. You and your brother fawning over that woman.

Adam: Okay. Well, I can’t speak for nick, but I hope you have a good night.

Victor: Son.

Adam: Enjoy your coffee.

Victor: I’m talking to you. Don’t walk away from your father, okay?

[ Adam sighing ] Want luxury hair repair that doesn’t cost $50?

Kyle: You’re right, dad. We have to be on high alert where stark is concerned. We have no idea what he’s capable of.

Jack: I’m gonna call security. Have them double up. I don’t want that man anywhere near this house, especially with harrison here.

Kyle: Agreed. But one way or the other, we have to prove he’s behind what happened to phyllis. How do we even do that?

Jack: Carefully. Very carefully. Especially now that we know he’s not above murder.

Kyle: I’m gonna go check on mom at the police station, see if she needs anything. Hopefully, the initial shock has worn off and maybe she’ll have some fresh ideas as to how stark managed to pull this off.

Jack: Give her my love. Tell her I’ll be there shortly to update her on the whole lawyer situation. I have calls out to every major law firm in chicago, milwaukee, minneapolis. I’m not gonna give up ’til I find the right lawyer. We have to find her the right lawyer.

Summer: What are you doing all alone here tonight? I can’t imagine that you’re still working.

Chance: Actually, I am. I like to take in the crime scene while I think. That helps me kinda paint a picture of what happened. Can’t get that sitting at a desk.

Summer: Have you come up with anything?

Chance: No, not yet. I’m just taking notes.

Summer: Would it help you if I reenacted it? I mean, when my mom collapsed, I– I– I remember every single second of it. I keep replaying it in my head. The whole night, really, from the time that I– I criticized her at the bar ’til when she crumpled here on the floor. I just–

Chance: Summer–

Summer: No, seriously. It’s fine. I promise you. It’s all I think about anyway.

Chance: Let me call somebody for you, okay? Maybe your dad or kyle, maybe your brother.

Summer: No, there’s no need. Daniel’s grieving and kyle’s convinced that his mom is innocent and my dad just hates seeing me in pain. He just wants to give me a shoulder to cry on, but that’s not what I need right now. There’s only one thing that’s gonna make me feel better.

Chance: What’s that?

Summer: Knowing that my mom’s true killer will be punished.

Jeremy: You can see that there’s no way back, right? Only forward. You made your bed, now you have to live with it.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. You’re right. I have to stick with the plan. I have to stick with the plan. If I don’t, I’ll lose everything. Oh, my god. Yeah.

[ Phyllis sighing ] I just have to accept the fact that I have to start life anew.

Jeremy: Good. I was hoping you were gonna say that. Because the alternative…

Phyllis: You made it clear what the alternative is.

Jeremy: Look, there’s nothing bad with starting over. Just picture this. A secluded beach on a remote island where the water is bluer than the sky, the wave splashing against the shore, sipping our tropical drinks while we watch the sunset.

Phyllis: Sipping our drinks?

Jeremy: Oh, I… I didn’t mention that? Change of plans. I’m coming with you. When you have chronic kidney disease.

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. This isn’t charmin! No wonder I don’t feel as clean. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to be all lonely out there. I think I need to be right by your side, so you won’t be running home anytime soon. I’ll be right there to remind remind you that there’s no turning back now.

[ Jeremy huffing ]

Phyllis: Is that good news?

Jeremy: Yep. And the timing couldn’t be better. It’s an old colleague of mine. He’s helping me with my offshore accounts. I’ve arranged to send half of your money to the island.

Phyllis: Wait a second. Wait. You’re– you’re sending half of my money to your offshore account? I mean, why would you do something like that? You’re just implicating yourself. Diane hasn’t even been found guilty.

Jeremy: [ Scoffs ] Look, diane is still in jail. There’s no one that’s gonna be tracking me.

Phyllis: Yeah, but if you disappear, it makes you culpable and then the police are on your tail, and then that brings you to me and this all blows up in our face.

Jeremy: Hm. Maybe you’re right. I’ll stay here until she’s convicted and then when it’s safe, I’ll come join you.

Phyllis: You’ll join me.

Jeremy: Oh, yeah. We make a great team. There’s no reason to break things up when we have endless possibilities.

Victor: Please have a seat, son.

Adam: All right. I’m listening. What more is there to be said between us, dad?

Victor: I really am sorry you feel that way.

Adam: I’m just– I’m not sure that this conversation is necessary.

Victor: I hope you will take my advice in the spirit in which it is given.

Adam: Go on.

Victor: I think you’re making a terrible mistake.

Adam: You’re gonna need to be a little more specific.

Victor: I’m talking about sally spectra.

Adam: Ah, I see. And what did she do now?

Victor: Are you aware that she’s involved with your brother and they’re trying to make it work out? Son, you need to come to terms with that and move on. Pining over this woman will give you nothing but heartache and disappointment.

Sally: Then I saw mariah and tessa and sharon with baby aria and, oh, she’s just sweet. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. And then adam got caught up in the moment too and god, aria is just such a cutie. I felt like I was witnessing this, like, perfect little miracle. I’m sorry. Am I talking too much?

Nick: No. I do wanna hear about aria, just maybe not right now.

Sally: I understand. Are you okay?

Nick: [ Chuckles ] It’s just been a brutal day. I’m really wiped out.

Phyllis: Okay, don’t you think doing something like this would complicate things?

Jeremy: That’s what we both thrive on, right? Complications. That’s another thing we have in common.

Phyllis: Let’s just focus on taking diane down.

Jeremy: Okay. Come on, phyllis. You didn’t think doing business with me would cost you something? We are husband and wife now. You belong to me. Hey! Hey! Where the hell do you think you’re going? I told myself I was ok with my moderate

Victor: You’re wasting your time pining away over a woman. You’re flirting with your ex-girlfriend who’s involved with your brother.

Adam: Don’t you think I know that? What’s your point?

Victor: My point is mccall unlimited is waiting for you. That’s a much better opportunity.

Adam: Okay, stop. I don’t need you to tell me what my better opportunities are. Why can’t you understand? Sally and I, we’re bounded for life.

Victor: Son, I thought you were a little bit more mature than that. You sound like a teenager whose love struck. Come to your senses, son.

Adam: You really– you don’t know, do you? Looks like you’ve been left out of the loop, dad. Sally’s having my baby and I’m still in love with her.

Sally: I’m sorry for going on and on when you’ve had such a horrible day. I’m– I’m sure the memorial was heartbreaking.

Nick: Yeah. And on top of that, summer’s mother-in-law was just arrested for killing phyllis, which makes the pain that much worse. There isn’t anything I can do about it. Then, there’s my sister.

Sally: Victoria?

Nick: Yes.

Sally: What’s going on with her?

Nick: Vic is setting herself up for a boatload of trouble. I can see it coming. I’ve warned her, but she will not listen to me.

Sally: That sounds like a lot of weight to carry around. Look, you always look after me. Let me look after you for once.

Nick: Well, I appreciate the offer, but don’t you know looking after you is like my favorite thing to do in this world? Being with you right now is exactly what I need.

Jack: Christine, please apologize to your assistant for me. I maybe got too aggressive in trying to find out where I could locate you.

Christine: Jack, I really don’t think it’s wise for us to be speaking right now.

Jack: I understand. I just want some advice.

[ Christine grunts softly ]

Christine: If this is about the case–

Jack: No, it is not– at least not the way you think. I’m in a bit of a loss right now. I was hoping that perhaps you could recommend a good defense attorney. I’ve been making a few phone calls and I wanna get the very best. I wanna do everything I can to help diane.

Christine: I’m sure.

Jack: Well, some of the big name attorneys don’t wanna represent a woman who deceived the whole town and faked her own death. I thought maybe by this point I would know something to tell them about the case against her as they could be good candidates. The evidence that you–

Christine: I understand, okay? I– I understand. That will all come out in discovery. Jack, honestly, I want to help you, but my hands are tied. I am bound by the law and my own personal code of ethics. I know you understand. This is nothing personal.

Jack: Yeah, of course.

Christine: And I do wish you luck in finding an attorney for diane.

Summer: I know that you’re doing everything you can to find out exactly what happened that night. I just… I don’t want you to get distracted trying to look for evidence against stark. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that that man took advantage of my mom. I mean, clearly, he manipulated her into marrying him, but diane is the reason my mom is dead.

Chance: Summer, you know I can’t talk about the investigation and I don’t want you to get involved. No more stunts. Don’t try to pull anything else like you did at the memorial service trying to coax a reaction out of diane. That was risky enough.

Summer: I know. It’s just all that I think about. I mean, my mom collapsed right there. Right, right there. It’s an image that I’m gonna have to live with for the rest of my life.

Chance: I hate seeing you like this. I really do. Let me drive you home.

Kyle: I think you’ve done enough for now.

Phyllis: I mean it. Let me out, jeremy.

Jeremy: No, I don’t think so.

Phyllis: You’re gonna keep me in here?

Jeremy: If I have to. You didn’t change your mind, did you? It was all an act. You’re going back into town for the kids, aren’t you?

Phyllis: You can’t stop me from doing that.

Jeremy: Oh, I think I can. And I can make this all stop, but I will put you in a shallow grave if I have to.

Phyllis: You’re bluffing. You’re not going back to prison.

Jeremy: [ Laughs ] You don’t get it, do you? You’re already dead. No one’s gonna look for your body. Killing you is a victimless crime.

Phyllis: What are you doing? What are you doing? You don’t have to do that.

Jeremy: You leave me no choice.

Phyllis: Please, jeremy. Please. Oh, my god. Please, no. Oh, my god! No!

(Cheery music) – they get it.

Nick: You know what? Enough talk with all this loss and sad stuff. Let’s talk about something a lot more fun.

Sally: That sounds like a great idea.

Nick: I cannot wait to go to your doctor’s appointment with you. I get to be right by your side when we find out if you’re gonna have a little scrapper or a beautiful little princess.

Sally: Yes, it is going to be very exciting, but I have some news to break.

Nick: Okay. What is it?

Sally: I’m not sure if you’re gonna like it.

Nick: Oof. Really? All right. I’m listening.

Sally: Look, you know, I am so excited for you to be there tomorrow and– and you know to look out for me like you always do.

Nick: I wouldn’t miss it for anything in this world.

Sally: Well, it’s not just gonna be the two of us at the appointment tomorrow. I invited adam to join us.

[ Sally sighing ]

Victor: This is unexpected. Are you sure sally spectra is telling the truth?

Adam: What do you mean?

Victor: It’s not some drama she created, like a supposedly fatal illness while she was in los angeles?

Adam: No, dad. I assure you, this is legit.

Victor: Why has she not told your brother about this?

Adam: She has told nicholas about this. He knows.

Victor: Man, oh man, oh man, oh man. What the hell are you two doing? I don’t get any of this.

Adam: There was a paternity test. I’m sure nick wishes he was the father, but I won out.

Victor: You think you won out? You think this is a victory?

Adam: I think that you should start speaking more kindly about your next grandchild.

Victor: You are involved with a woman that is now involved with your brother. This pisses me off!

Adam: I don’t know why.

Victor: Don’t you understand any of this? What has gotten into you? You should be working. You should have purpose in your life, a direction in your life, instead of pining away over a woman that is now with your brother. What the hell are you thinking?

Adam: You just, you don’t get it, do you?

Victor: No, I don’t!

Adam: Connor and my new son or daughter, your grandchild, that is my purpose. That is my sense of direction.

[ Victor exhaling ]

Kyle: You okay? When you weren’t at home, I had a feeling you might be here.

Summer: You didn’t have to track me down.

Kyle: Yeah, I did. I was worried about you.

Chance: It’s probably a good idea to get her home.

Kyle: Look, I just came from visiting my mother in jail. She’s in there alone and suffering because of you and the rest of your police force. You are harassing her and falsely accusing her of a crime she never would’ve committed in a million years. Meanwhile, the most obvious suspect, jeremy stark, he’s still out there free as a bird.

Chance: I have evidence that says otherwise.

Kyle: Oh, what evidence?

Chance: You’ll see.

Kyle: I’m warning you, chance. Don’t fill summer’s head with your crazy baseless theories. You have nothing but trumped-up planted evidence. These accusations against my mother are not true. She is not some cold-blooded killer.

Summer: Kyle, just stop. Nobody is filling my head with anything.

Kyle: Okay, but chance is making his job to prove to people my mom is guilty.

Summer: You know, I don’t wanna get into this with you right now. Let’s just go home, please.

Kyle: Of course. Of course. This is borderline harassment. You already put my mom in jail, stay away from my wife or I will find a way to make you pay, detective.

Jack: Christine, we have known each other for a long time now. I’m not asking that much. I just need to know what we’re dealing with. Is there anything you can tell me? Anything at all?

Christine: Jack, good night and good luck.

[ Jack sighing ]

Jack: Hey, I’m glad you picked up. I appreciate you asking. Things are a little more urgent now than they were the last time we spoke. It appears you are diane’s last chance. Is there anything I can do to change your mind? She needs you. My family needs you, michael.

[ Phyllis panting ]

[ Phyllis exhaling fearfully ]

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GH Transcript Monday, April 17, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


hey. That was fast.

Well, we dropped everything as soon as you called.

Whatever willow needs, we’ll do.


That’s a good thing, because we need you both.

Now more than ever.

Hey. I just, you know, stopped by to say hi to anna. Yeah, any doubt that she’s a world-class survivor, she just retired the trophy. Is that coffee for anna?

Tea. Earl grey, her favorite.

I just sent her some flowers.

Is that how it worksnow-

give with one hand, take with the other? I mean, is this the current mo?

I don’t understand what you’re talking-

what are you-

do we have a problem?

Since you used diane miller to circumvent the law, yeah, I think we do.


Brook lynn.

Right on time.

The meeting hasn’t started yet. You already submitted a letter on my behalf. Why are you here?

Why do you think? Someone’s got to make you presentable.

If chase and finn heard that you were ill, they did not hear it from me.

Alexis, please. I didn’t come here to argue with you.

Gregory, are you ok?

I will be if you’ll do me a favor. I promise you it’s the last time I’ll ask.

[Upbeat music]


[Knock at door]



Did senorita ask for more towels?

Oh, no. I’m sorry, you probably have the wrong room. Oh. I don’t think you know what you’re doing, but I’m going to call the front desk.

No. Please don’T.

[Gasps] Holly!

[Laughs] What took you so long?


[Dramatic music]

Why are you in a disguise?

Well, when you’re supposed to be mummied up in a swiss burn unit hiding out from victor cassadine, you can’t afford to be too careful.

Right. Well, for someone who was barbecued in a house fire, you look pretty amazing.

The ultimate chemical peel.

Oh, yeah.

People pay thousands for that in a fancy spa. But speaking of looking good, look at you. You look amazing. Whatever you’re doing with mac, keep it up.

Oh, thank you. Well, ever since I got back into the pi game it’s been really good for me. It keeps me on my toes, which is how I got the brilliant idea to fly to caracas, hop a boat, and catch up with you here on this island.

Let me guess. This has something to do with the ice princess necklace.

Oh, so you know that victor has the real deal.

Yes. Robert got word to me that it was especially important that I lay low right now, because if victor has the necklace, it’s likely he knows that I pulled a fast one.

Well, unfortunately, he’s taken hostages. I’m sure he won’t hesitate to grab you again if he gets the chance.

Not if we turn up the heat, but first things first.

Right. First we find your son, and then we find the person who killed luke.

It seems to me you’re under the impression that I crossed the line in some kind of way. What’s that about?

Somebody hired diane miller to represent this lowlife who was hired to take out lucy coe at the nurses’ ball.

Every defendant has a right to legal representation. You know that.



Yes. But not an a-list attorney like diane miller, who just happens to be on your retainer. You made this guy an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Correct me if I’m wrong. Didn’t this person of interest reveal that victor has hostages aboard the “haunted star”? That was because of diane’s information. She got that information. Now you guys are armed with all this knowledge. Who cares how you got it?

But that depends. I mean, how far is too far, eh, nina?

[Bell dings]

[Tense music]


Ok. What’s going on? I mean, we were kind of worried when you asked us to come by. We, you know, assumed it was a health-related issue.

It–it is, in a way. But what I need help with is planning our wedding.

Oh, my gosh. Yeah, of course. We told you we’re happy to help. But I thought that wasn’t for a few months.

Right. I wanted to wait until after the transplant. But now, with my donor missing, I’ve reconsidered. What do you say, carly? Do I have your blessing to marry your son tomorrow?

Mom, please say yes.

The last time you’ll ask me for a favor-

what does that even mean?

I’m sorry. No. No, let me clarify. When I say it’s the last time, I mean I won’t bother you again if I’m imposing. That’s all. By now it’s public knowledge that your family may be involved in what may turn out to be the story of the year.

You’ve hea rd aboutthe ghost ship then.

It’s impossible not to. But what’s really blowing up the internet are the names of the villain and the victims. I know to you those aren’t just names. They’re flesh and blood, your family.

Oh, it’s my family, all right. I have reporters on it. Nikolas has vanished. Nobody knows where he is, and his sons apparently are hostages. And the mastermind of the whole thing is my uncle victor.

Yeah. I’m sure it must be overwhelming to have to juggle your job and your emotions. So that’s why I’m here, to offer my help.

[Tense music]

Just stay still. You want to look your best before the committee, don’t you?

I don’t think the ccrb is going to give me a thumbs-up or thumbs-down based on my appearance. It’s my character and judgment that are in question.

Well, they’d be lucky to have you back. Anyone would be.

Right this way, please.

Um, just look each one of them in the eye, be yourself, and you can’t lose.

Is that my manager talking?

No. I’m just someone who believes in you. Is it ok if I stay?

I would like that.

Break a leg.

[Ominous music]


This meeting of the civilian complaint review board will come to order. We’re here to consider the reinstatement or permanent dismissal of detective harrison chase. Will you come forward, please?

mr. Chase, the committee has reviewed your work record. And in many ways, it’s exemplary.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

However, given that you twice resorted to violence in your off-duty life, the committee’s concerned you may lack the temperament and the discipline required of an officer of the law, much less a detective. To that end, this is a forum both for those opposed to and in favor of restoring your badge.

I understand. Thank you for the opportunity.

I’d like to speak in chase’s favor.


And your name is-



Is that your first name or your last name?

It’s my stage name. My real name is alison rogers.

And your relationship to mr. Chase is-


he’s my singing partner. And I’ve enjoyed every minute of performing with him. But as talented as chase is, and a real natural on stage, I know his true calling is being a police officer.

How do you know that?

Chase stood up for me when my creep of a manager was sexually harassing me. But chase didn’t throw his weight around, if that’s what you’re thinking. He just put linc brown on notice. Chase made me feel safe and protected, even respected. And isn’t that what a cop’s supposed to do-

serve and protect?

Honestly, I didn’t think I was ever going to see you again. Our last visit sort of implied that.

Yeah. Well, I considered keeping my distance, not wanting to add to your troubles. But then I thought, wait a minute. My friend alexis is trying to put out a newspaper while holding her family close, because this story strikes so close to home. So I just put everything else aside, and got in the elevator, and here I am.

So you get to help me, but I don’t get to help you. Interesting terms for a friendship.

Of course you have my blessing. You’ve always had my blessing. Are you sure that you want to push the wedding up when, you know-


when I’m living on borrowed time. I don’t want to waste another minute.

And you’re ok with that?

Yeah, absolutely. I want willow to have everything she’s ever dreamed of.

So maxie is overseeing. Brook lynn is taking care of all the arrangements here at the house, and sasha is contacting the vendors.

I want to do something too.


Oh, me too. Me too. Whatever you need. Give me a job.


What are you doing?

Oh, I just wanted to talk about alternative treatments for willow with dr. Randolph. But it’s no use, because willow never signed the release to let me have her medical information.

I’m sorry.

I’m just-

I’m just grasping at straws. Willow pretty much said that there’s no other treatments. Sonny, we have to find aunt liesl in time for the transplant. At least we know why she disappeared from the nurses’ ball, and we know who has her-

all thanks to you.

Ok. I don’t know exactly what you heard.

Listen, there’s no reason to keep me out of the loop anymore. It’s common knowledge that victor cassadine vanished with the “haunted star,” and aunt liesl is one of his hostages. It’s a lot more than we knew last night. I asked you to do whatever it takes. You took me at my word and did it. Didn’t you?

[Tense music]

Thank you so much.

Ooh. Coffee run?

Earl grey. One’s supposedly for anna. But she’s being examined right now, and I-

I guess it’ll be cold by the time she’s finished. Hmm. Oh, maybe you’d care to join me, or would this be looked upon as a conflict of interest by your boss?

I’m the senior partner of my own law firm, robert. I don’t have a boss. I have clients.

Hmm, I doubt that sonny knows the difference. You’re not here to receive your marching orders, are you?


[Chuckles] In point of fact, I am here to depose a client who is being wrongfully accused of malpractice. I’m no wartime consiglieri…


Da scorpio. I am an attorney with principles.

I’m sorry.

I was out of line, out of line.

Yes, very.

Please accept my apology and this lukewarm cup of tea.

I hate to admit this, but I’d almost given up hope of finding ethan. Even with all my contacts with robert’s trusty-rusty rolodex, it was as if he’d vanished off the face of the earth.

Yeah. People have a way of vanishing when they’re in victor cassadine’s orbit.

Is it true about liesl obrecht?

Yeah, and most likely spencer and nikolas cassadine’s infant son.

God knows what victor’s got in mind. Thankfully, I finally got wind of a lead that ethan is being held somewhere here on this island.

So you know where he is.

Mm, no, I just heard this literally in the last 24 hours.

Huh. Doesn’t that just strike you a little bit convenient coming on the heels of victor fleeing port charles?

Without a doubt. But this is my son we’re talking about. I have no choice but to follow the lead.

Right. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s find him.

But I can’t like this.


I got you covered. Welcome to felicia’s boutique. Take your pick.


What would I do without you?

stimony, miss rogers. The committee will take your thoughts into consideration. That being said, we also have to consider detective chase’s poor judgment and quick temper. Frankly, there’s also concern about his commitment to the badge. We understand that someone suspended without pay has to earn a living. But pursuing a music career-

perhaps you’ve got a new calling in show business.

Excuse me, but I think I know what chase’s true calling is.

And who are you?

Brook lynn quartermaine.

I believe you’ve already submitted a written statement in support of detective chase.

Yes, I have. But I have more to say. If you want to know where detective chase’s heart lies, nobody knows that better than me. Nobody.

In my book, friends don’t always have to agree. You know, sometimes they fall out for years. And I hope that isn’t the case with us. Look, I know your daughters are a strong support system for you. But sometimes it’s good to have the support of friends who you can communicate with in a different way.

In other words, you missed me.

[Chuckles] Guilty as charged. And I’m hoping you’re feeling the same way.

I do. I like our connection. I like being able to talk to somebody who’s intelligent and observant. So yes, I missed you too. So sit down, and let’s get to work.

Ok. Ok, we have a story to tell, one that cuts close to the bone. So I think if we put our heads together and set our egos aside, like we did on the trail of the hook killer, then we can make this work.

[Clears throat] Ok. Can I see a proof of tomorrow’s front page?

Mm-hmm. Here it is. Hang on.

What? What? What’s wrong? Did I already stepped on your editorial toes?

My toes are just fine, thank you very much. But first we need to tell another important story.

Oh? What’s that?

Your story.

You’re absolutely sure you want to know? ‘Cause if I tell you, you can’t unknow it.

I know what I’m asking.

Let’s sit down. Ok. Victor’s enforcer, the guy who tried to kill lucy at the “haunted star,” I knew he wasn’t gonna talk to the cops. So I arranged for him to have legal representation with diane.

Well, you were doing your civic duty.

Something like that, yeah. So in their meeting, diane discussed with him a plea bargain, how he can-

he can accept a lesser charge if he gives important information.

Oh, so he gives up victor cassadine to get a less severe charge.

Exactly. You know what? We don’t live in a perfect world. But one thing I’ve learned-

one thing you can count on-

nobody does anything for free.

Wow. What is this place? It seems way too formal to be on a tropical island.

If you have to ask, you are not a member.

I’m not. Are you?

No. But victor is.

I’m sorry, ladies, but tonight’s auction is closed to the public. It’s strictly virtual.


I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave.

Are you sure you couldn’t make an exception in our case?

I’m sorry, but you’ve made a serious mistake.

[Ominous music]

Take these ladies off the property now.

Oh, you don’t understand. We represent a consortium that does business with mr. Victor cassadine.




so our clients insist that we bid for them in person. We can’t risk leaving a digital footprint, if you know what I mean. Um, you understand, right?

Very well. Take a seat. Everything will start shortly. And bring the item up. And remember mr. Cassadine’s instructions. Handle with care.

Well done. That was some fast thinking.

How do you figure this gets us any closer to ethan?

I think we’re already closer than we think.

[Tense music]

So what should we drink to?

How about to trust?

Trust. I trust you. I mean, in fact, I damn well admire you. Just, well, it’s too bad you’ve got to be compromised by the likes of sonny corinthos.

Every time you take a plea deal and you don’t prosecute, are you compromised?

Not the same. Apples and oranges.

Is it? Were you compromised when you and holly were running around carrying out those dubious operations for the wsb, or every time you and anna broke the rules just to take down the bad guy?

It’s–it’s different. It’s–it’s not the same thing.

Why? Oh. Oh, let me guess. Because you were doing it for god and country, is that it? Admit it, robert, we don’t deal with saints. We choose to work with complicated men and women. And, honestly, we wouldn’t have it any other way.


So now that you’ve asked for my help, you have second thoughts?

Not a one. The mike that I fell in love with in nixon falls is still the sonny that I’m still in love with. I realize that I can’t pick and choose the parts of you to love.

Damn, I thought it was the dimples.

Well, yeah. The dimples do definitely help, for sure. Hey, sonny, since we now know where aunt liesl is, are we any closer to finding the “haunted star” and bringing aunt liesl home in time to save willow?

Michael, josslyn, do you think I could have a word with your mom in private?

Of course. Did I ever tell you about that epic volleyball match that we had last week? ‘Cause I’m about to.

Michael has been wonderful about the wedding. But as soon as I start to talk about what happens after I’m gone, he doesn’t want to hear it.

Neither do I.

But you’re a mom, and you understand.

Ok, willow-


I want my children to have what I never did-

to grow up surrounded by family.

Willow, I mean, between us and the quartermaines, amelia and wylie are going to have more family than they can handle. You know?

It’s their aunts and uncles I’m worried about. As long as michael is at odds with sonny, his siblings will feel that they have to choose sides. Dante, I’m not worried about. He’s able to navigate between the two. But christina is fiercely loyal to sonny. She’s already pulling away from michael, not out of malice, but she sees the situation from her father’s point of view. As they get older, what if avery and donna do the same? I don’t want those little girls to miss out on having michael as a big brother. I don’t want my children to miss out on avery and donna.

So you’re asking me to make peace between michael and sonny.

[Tense music]


Look, I had no plans to tell you I was sick. I regret losing my temper and blurting it out. It was wrong of me to dump it on you.

I’m glad that you dumped it on-

I’m not glad that you’re ill. I’m glad that you shared it. Gregory, as much as our collaboration means to me, your health and well-being mean more. And I know myself; I can’t unhear or ignore what you told me.

I’m not asking you to pretend you didn’t hear it. I’m just asking you to not let it get in the way of us doing what we do so well together. And if you can do that, then I can promise I won’t let my little problem come between us again.

What I didn’t say in my letter is that chase does have a problem-

a big one. He cares too much. When you boil it down, that’s what blaze was saying, and all the people who wrote letters. Chase isn’t just a cop. He’s a human being. That’s what caused him to come to my defense not once but twice, and he has paid the price. And all the more, he has learned from it. Do you want to know why he’s so good at being on stage? It’s the same reason he’s great at investigating a crime. Because he puts his heart and his soul into it, and he never quits until he gets it right, never quits on anyone, even if they deserve it. And we-

we need someone like that enforcing the laws in this town-

the kind of person who feels for people and fights for them, you know, the kind of cop-

the kind of man who we are all proud to call detective harrison chase.

Detective chase, your witnesses spoke quite eloquently on your behalf. Do you have anything to add?

Not very much. Because no matter what the review board decides, I will always be grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of port charles as a detective. It was a true honor. However, if you all decide to reinstate me, I will do my very best to deserve your trust.

The committee will adjourn to consider our decision.

Thank you so much for what you just said, blaze.

I only spoke the truth. And if they don’t reinstate you as a detective, please know I’d be thrilled to be your duet partner for life.


Sorry, I can’t stay to hear the final decision. I’m due at the recording studio. I’m putting together a new demo.

That’s great. Good luck.

You too. Bye-bye.


[Sighs] How you doing, chase?

You know what? No matter what happens, I’m gonna be ok.

Why is that?

Because of you.

I appreciate you not wanting me to know anything about your illness. But if something were to happen to you, how will I know what to do?

What if you get hit by a bus? What if I slip and fall in the shower? What if an asteroid hits the planet? Isn’t life just one big what if? Look, it’s not that I don’t understand you wanting everything out in the open about my illness. But, ultimately, it’s happening to me. All I’m asking is that you respect my privacy so that we can get back to doing what made you want to work with me in the first place.

Not a bad argument. You should have been a lawyer.

Does that mean I’ve gotten through? Come on, alexis, let’s just forget everything else and tell this story.

Making peace would mean pressuring michael, and I don’t want that. But I also don’t want to leave my children in a divided family when I’m gone.

Ok. Please don’t say that. I mean, of course, I will be with michael if anything were to happen. But can we not put that out in the universe? Please don’t say when.

Ok. If I go, I want wylie and amelia to be able to see their grandfather, and their aunts and uncles and not feel the tension underneath.

All right. I understand where you’re coming from. What do you need from me?

Part of the reason why michael has drawn such a hard line with sonny is out of loyalty to you.

I know that. And I didn’t expect it. I never asked michael to turn his back on sonny.

No. No, of course you didn’T. But you’re michael’s mother. Sonny treated you unfairly, and michael resents it. It’s made him question everything else about sonny, and there’s a lot to question. It’s all perfectly justified. But being right doesn’t build bridges. Compromise does. And for the sake of our youngest family members-

for avery, and donna, and wiley, and amelia-

I am asking you to be the one who builds the bridge.

So I’m not sure if it matters to you, but sonny knows about me and dex.

Since when?

Since the night of the nurses’ ball. He found us together. He told us he’s known for months. He said he was disappointed in dex for keeping it from him but that he saved his life.

Wait, sonny acknowledged that dex saved him?

Yes. He also said that I’m mom’s daughter and it’s mom’s issue to deal with. He wasn’t happy, of course, but he wasn’t that mad either. I mean, you know what it’s like when he’s mad.

I do. So what happened next?

Nothing. He gave dex another job, which turned out to be to look for obrecht. Anyways, my point is, dex told me that sonny is using every connection to find her.

Yeah. Oh, and sonny called me, told me that he’s-

he’d do anything to help.

Sonny called you?

Mm. Yeah, and there was something-

there was something in his voice that almost made me forget about all the destruction and the broken lives. I don’t know. I just-

for a moment, he sounded like-


like who?

He sounded like my dad.

You need to focus on the positive. Now jordan has all this information. She’s gonna notify everyone from interpol to the U.S. Navy.

Yeah, I know that jordan is probably doing the best that she can. But I also know that you have more resources than these so-called authorities lack. I know, sonny, that you are working behind the scenes. I just want to be able to help you.

Do what you can to help your daughter as much as she’ll let you. You understand me?

In other words, stay out of your business.

It’s safer. It’s safer this way.

The thing is, is, I do-

I trust you. And if I wanted safer, I would have walked away from you a long time ago. I want you to know this. I’m not asking you to share your trade secrets with me. All I’m saying is that you don’t need to shield me. And what I mean by that is, when I said, “I’m sure,” I’m sure I love you. And I’m sure that I trust you. And I am sure that you’re going to put me and your family before anything else. I’m not asking for anything more, sonny. Just you. All of you.

You got me.

Bienvenido, willkommen, bienvenu and welcome. As you know, you represent a select group invited by our host, victor cassadine, to bid on what I dare say is one of a kind item, one that has a personal meaning to each and every one of you. Bring him up.

[Ominous music]

I promise you, willow, I will do my best. I promise.

[Somber music]



So everything ok in here?

Yes. I was just telling willow that I am going to do everything I can to make your wedding everything the two of you want it to be.

We both will. Are we heading out?

Yeah. Yeah. Take care of her.


Goodbye, willow.


Well, looks like we’re good to go wedding-wise.


I really mean it. You don’t have to protect me. I’m not trying to change you ever. I love you.

I love you, too. And I’m not giving up on your daughter. If victor has your aunt liesl, we’re gonna find her. We’re gonna bring her home in time to save willow. Whatever it takes.

It meant a lot that you spoke on my behalf today.

Well, blaze did too, which really impressed me. Because if you get your badge back, she loses a duet partner.

What blaze said was amazing. But I don’t have the same history with her that I do with you.

You’re right. Speaking out, I owed it to you.

But still, thank you.

You’re welcome.

[Gentle music]


Mr. Harrison chase, the ccrb have made our decision.


You know, the first time we met, when you almost hit me in the head with a frisbee, I knew you were as stubborn as I was.

I don’t like to show all my cards at once.

All right, listen. I will go along with this if you promise to tell me if this gets worse and you let me help you.

Maybe, and maybe not. It really depends on the situation.

Oh, you’re exhausting. It’s a good thing I like your work.

Which means-


which means I will cooperate for now. Have it your way. All right? So let’s get to work, professor. Don’t just sit there, and take this copy and do your thing.




You do realize, of course, that it’s been weeks since you promised to take me out to dinner and fill me in on the mystery that began with the fire that scarred poor holly and ended up destroying the ice princess necklace.

Weeks, really?

Weeks. Then, of course, that only deepened with the murder of eileen ashby.

Well, the deputy mayor had her share of enemies.

And now apparently there’s this ghost ship floating around with hostages on board.

Wait. Wait. There’s no time like the present. We’ll have dinner tonight.

So you just assume that I don’t already have plans this evening?

Um, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had plans.

I don’T. But in the future, a lady likes to be given a little advanced warning.

[Chuckles] Thank you.

Guards, show everyone exactly what they are bidding on.

[Tense music]


For the privilege of ending the life of ethan lovett, the bidding will start at $1 million.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Monday, April 17, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Liam: So, I think, um– I think maybe there’s been a– a misunderstanding. I didn’t come here because I need you to reassure me about my marriage.

Thomas: I get it. You don’t like hope spending time with me.

Liam: That’s true, but… I trust hope. I just don’t trust you.

Thomas: Sure, and I– I haven’t really given you a reason to trust me.

Liam: And you’ve never given me a reason to change my mind.

Thomas: But maybe I can in time. Everyone knows that hope is committed to you and your marriage.

Liam: And nothing is gonna change that, including you. You understand that, right?

Steffy: Sometimes things work out the way they’re meant to. Sheila’s in jail, our families are safe. I’m happy with finn and our kids and douglas is back with you and liam and beth and you’re happy and in love with liam.

Hollis: I mean, it’s been a lot of time since our dinner and I still can’t stop thinking about you. I just know that there’s so much more that we can have together. Much more.

Brooke: Hollis, you’re very sweet and sexy, a good kisser, but you’re looking to date and I’m not ready yet.

Hollis: Yet.

Brooke: [ Laughing ] Okay. You are relentless.

Brooke: I am flattered, I truly am, but I think our days of special deliveries are over.

Hollis: Look, maybe dinner at your house wasn’t as romantic as it should have been.

Brooke: Oh, no. No, it was. It was lovely. And that kiss. Oh, my gosh, that kiss. But as much as I enjoyed it, I’m not sure I’m ready to jump into something.

[ Taylor clears her throat ]

Taylor: Oh, hello there. You’re looking a little flustered.

Brooke: Whoo.

Taylor: So is–

Brooke: I am.

Taylor: So is there gonna be another dinner with hollis or did you chase him away?

Liam: Hope brought you back for one reason, to help save her line.

Thomas: And we’re gonna make that happen. I’m not gonna let her down.

Liam: That’s awesome because you are a valuable co-worker to her, but nothing more. So, please understand, all the long hours, all the talk about teamwork and partnership, there’s no hidden message there. It’s all about hope for the future. It’s not about you.

Steffy: If thomas does become a problem for you, I– I wanna know.

Hope: He won’t be.

Steffy: I’m glad to hear that, but I do have high hopes for this partnership. But if thomas does step outta line or if you need some distance, you can come to me. I– I do want hope for the future to succeed, but I also want you to feel supported. Our moms are doing it and I hope we can do that too.

Hope: Thank you. Steffy, I– I appreciate that. I really do, but your brother has just been a complete professional.

Steffy: I’m really glad to hear that.

Hope: Yeah, I just– I wish liam would believe it too. You know, I’ve tried to reassure him, but I don’t know, nothing seems to help. Maybe if he heard it though, coming from someone who– who works here at the office and knows firsthand how thomas and I interact. I mean, I know you already kind of broached the subject with him, but maybe it’s worth trying again. You know, help liam see that there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to thomas and me. Keep it quilted means you keep it the best…

Steffy: You want me to help you out with liam?

Hope: Well, I just– maybe you might be able to get through to him. I mean, talk to him, reassure him, it might make more of a difference coming from you.

Steffy: I– I tried, I tried to make it clear to him that I think my brother has changed. And his obsession with you is in the past.

Hope: And liam just wouldn’t listen.

Steffy: Hope. Okay– okay, I will, uh– I will give it another shot. I will talk to him again.

Hope: Thank you.

Steffy: Yeah, of course. It’s the least I can do. You let thomas come back to hope for the future and yes, it was right for the line, but it was also so good for him. I’ve never seen him so motivated and energized.

Hope: Yeah, I can see it too.

Steffy: But if– if thomas, like, freaks you out, being around him in any way, like, come to me. Know that I’m here for you.

Taylor: Hello? You’re quiet all of a sudden.

Brooke: Yeah, sorry.

Taylor: That’s okay. What’s going on? Are you thinking about hollis asking you out to dinner again?

Brooke: I wish, no. Probably something I can’t do right now.

Taylor: Right, because you want to focus on your family?

Brooke: Yes. And this isn’t about ridge?

Brooke: No, nothing like that, no.

Taylor: Okay. Well, you’re thinking about something. Something’s wrong. What is it?

Brooke: Look, I don’t wanna get into it. We’re here, having a nice meal, nice dessert. I don’t wanna get too heavy. Probably reading too much into it anyway.

Taylor: Okay. And maybe– maybe your feelings are completely valid and we can work it out together. It’s kind of my specialty.

Brooke: It’s hope. Our relationship as mother and daughter. She would like to be the complete opposite of me.

Thomas: Hope and I have agreed to keep things professional.

Liam: Right, but hope doesn’t have a problem with boundaries. You do.

Thomas: I did, you’re right. But not anymore.

Liam: [Indistinct] Was so much easier if I could just, like, take your word for it.

Thomas: I’m not– I’m not expecting you to just take my word for it, all right? I– I know that my promises don’t mean that much to you, but I’m asking you to trust me.

Liam: I know, yeah, I know. You just want a chance to prove yourself. I know.

Thomas: Yeah. I do.

Liam: Listen, hope did what she had to do to save her line and I will always be supportive of her career, but thomas, she is not attracted to you. Hope is impregnably faithful and she loves me with all of her heart.

Thomas: Hope.

Liam: Hey.

Hope: You two playing nice?

Liam: Yup.

Thomas: Well, liam’s concerned about me, in relationship to your marriage. It’s not like I can blame him, all right. But I promised both of you that I am fully respectful of your marriage and your commitment to each other.

Liam: That’s all I wanted to hear. You wanna– do you wanna get out of here? Do you wanna, uh, grab some lunch or something?

Hope: Actually, uh, thomas and I still have some work to do, but I won’t be late.

Liam: Okay. I’ll see you later.

Hope: I’ll see you soon.

Thomas: Um, I meant what I said and I don’t think liam’s gonna believe me, but, I promise, hope, I don’t want to cause any issues for you or your marriage or turn your world upside down, ever again. Imagine if you could get ahead of your ibs-C…

Brooke: My daughter doesn’t want to be anything like me.

Taylor: Do you think she really meant it like that?

Brooke: Those were her exact words.

Taylor: Okay. What– what sparked it? Have you been arguing?

Brooke: No, I mean my past hasn’t been an issue between us for a long time.

Taylor: Wait a minute. She– she brought up your past?

Brooke: My relationships with inappropriate men. I do regret the pain that my decisions have caused my family. I do, but you know what, those were my decisions to make and I made them. And whether they were right or wrong, it doesn’t really matter. I’m not gonna beat myself up for following my heart.

Taylor: Are hope and liam having problems?

Brooke: Every time I ask her, she just gets more and more upset. So, I am concerned, yeah.

Taylor: That makes sense. I understand that. But hope and liam will work it out. I– I do believe that. Hope is so in love and committed to liam.

Brooke: Yeah.

[ Knock on door ]

Steffy: Hey, hey, are you looking for hope?

Liam: No, no, actually I just saw hope. But if you’re busy, I can, I–

Steffy: No, no, actually, um– I– I need to speak with you.

Liam: Okay. Is it about kelly? Did she clock another boy?

Steffy: No. No, no, it’s– it’s about hope. I’m not trying to bring up a bad subject, but we’ve already had this discussion and um–

Liam: Yeah.

Steffy: Yeah, and hope she– she came here and she, um…

Liam: Steffy, she what? She came here.

Steffy: She’s worried about your concerns with thomas.

Liam: Is she maybe starting to share those concerns?

Steffy: No. No and neither. No, and neither am I. But clearly, you still have a problem with it, so she asked if I could talk to you.

Liam: Oh, great. So now you’re both pleading his case.

Steffy: No, no, look, hope and thomas, they are doing really great work and they’re doing everything they can to rebuild their professional connection. She understands that you’re upset and she knows that she hasn’t been able to convince you, so she asked if I could help.

Thomas: Like I said, hope, I’m– I’m so sorry for the heartache and pain that I’ve caused you in the past. Especially when you came in and transformed our lives. When caroline died, douglas and I, we were lost, but you came in and you– you– you gave him a mother and you showed us both love and compassion that we needed. And I cannot thank you enough for that. I am so grateful for you, hope. And I promise, like I said before, I– I don’t want to come in between your marriage and disrupt your life, okay? But my feelings for you, well, they were valid. It makes complete sense that anyone could fall in love with you because hope, you’re amazing.

For your most brilliant smile,

[ Brooke sighing ]

Brooke: Hope and I have our differences, but I really admire who she is, who she’s become. And her morals and her principles, her priorities. But ever since her outburst, I’ve been really concerned.

Taylor: In what way?

Brooke: Are you having

feelings for another man?

Is it thomas?

Hope: This isn’t about me.

This is about you.

Brooke: All marriages have problems. That’s what I told her. You just have to face them together.

Taylor: And you really think that hope and liam are having issues?

Brooke: Their marriage has been under a lot of pressure.

Taylor: Oh, it’s because of hope working with thomas. Oh, I wish there was a way to convince liam that thomas had truly changed.

Liam: Hope wants you to speak to me?

Steffy: I told her I already had. Look, I’m– I am just trying to be completely transparent with both of you, but I am in a weird position because part of me feels like hope wants me to defend my brother and…

Liam: Which you… you have an issue with?

Steffy: No, no, not at all. And that is the strangest part of all because after everything my brother did, all the infuriating and destructive things he has done, I truly believe when he says it won’t happen again. My brother is working on himself. He is on the straight and narrow. He’s going to therapy. He is focused on work.

Liam: Well, yeah, he’s focused on hope’s collection, where he gets to spend as much time with her as he wants.

Steffy: Okay. The feelings thomas had for hope, they are in the past. They will not interfere in your marriage, okay?

Hope: I’m not perfect.

Thomas: Well, maybe you don’t see yourself that way but douglas does.

Hope: Well, he’s a little boy, of course, he looks up to both of his parents.

Thomas: Right, but only one of his parents deserve it. You gave douglas a future. He loves you so much.

Hope: And I love him.

Thomas: Yeah. Even when– even when he wasn’t living with you, when he was living with me, or when he was living with steffy, he still knew you were there for him. He could always count on you. You’ve always been that for him. You– you’re just incredible and– and in his life and I honestly, I– I can– I thank you for all of that. And I– and I wanna show you all the gratitude in the world, but honestly, I– I– I– I– I don’t want to freak you out or… yeah.

Hope: You’re not.

Thomas: No?

Hope: No. You and caroline created a beautiful, amazing boy and I am just– I’m lucky that I get to be a part of his life.

Thomas: Okay. Even if, um– even if his father is a part of the package?

Hope: Yeah, sure. Even if his father is a bad boy every now and then.

Thomas: Oh, well, good thing you’re the good girl.

Hope: Hm. It’s not as easy as it looks. To be honest, thomas, most of my life has felt like me trying to be someone different than my mom. You know, she had a tendency to jump from one man to the next, chasing passion and desire. She thrived on the attention and I judged her for it. I thought it was inappropriate, but maybe really, she was just following her heart. Maybe I was wrong.

Thomas: Um, what are you saying?

Hope: I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m just trying to still figure my life out.

Thomas: Aren’t we all doing that? There is one thing I know for sure.

Hope: What is that?

Thomas: Your place in douglas’s life? Like when– when things are going crazy. I don’t know which way is up. I’ve got two things, right? I’ve got my work and I’ve got our son and you’re always there for him. And I know it’s really, really cheesy and I’ve said it before, but you honestly are the hope for our future.

Hope: Well, thank you, thomas. I– I needed to hear that.

Thomas: Maybe I am the bad boy, but you’ll always be the good girl. You’re like an angel.

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