Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March 11, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Tripp and Wendy from Days


-The music playing before Tripp and Wendy were shown could be heard while Tate was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to herself while Tripp and Wendy were shown.

-The siren from an ambulance could be heard while Harris was shown.

-When Paulina flatlined, why did Abe look at her instead of getting help.


-Tate could be heard talking to Holly while Ava was shown.

-Sarah could be heard walking while EJ was shown.

-The music playing in Steve, John, and Ava’s scene could be heard while Brady was shown.

-Brady’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Wendy’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-The elevator at the hospital could be heard while Wendy was shown.

-Steve and Kayla could be heard talking while Paulina was shown.


-Eli could be heard talking to Julie while Ava was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Konstantin while Julie was shown.

-Marlena could be heard talking to John while Maggie was shown.

-Steve could be heard reading out loud while John was shown.

-When Maggie and Konstantin talked about her kids, she didn’t mention Melissa. She acted as if Sarah was her only child.


-Theresa could be heard talking to Tate while Harris was shown.

-Nicole could be heard knocking on Holly’s door while Tate was shown.

-John could be heard talking to Konstantin while Steve was shown.

-Konstantin could be heard talking to John while Steve was shown.


Konstantin from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March, 4, 2024

Nitpcks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Lani from Days


-The music that was playing while Lani was reading to Paulina drowned out the scene.

-The music that was playing in Harris and Goldman’s scene could be heard while Ava was shown.

-Julie could be heard talking while Steve was shown.


-The music playing in Tripp and Wendy’s scene could be heard while Ava was shown.

-Stefan could be heard breathing in his scene while Tripp and Wendy were shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Stefan while Ava was shown.

-Stefan said EJ was his only sibling. He has other siblings besides EJ.


-Brady’s phone rang while Sarah was shown.

-Roman could be heard talking to Chad while Nicole was shown.

-Julie could be heard talking to Stephanie while Chad and Roman were shown.

-Everett could be heard talking to Marlena while Stephanie was shown.


-Nicole could be heard walking down the stairs while Tate was shown.

-Sloan could be heard opening the door while Nicole and Eric were shown.

-Ava could be heard talking on the phone while Leo was shown.

-Sloan could be heard talking to Theresa while Tate was shown looking at a phone.


-The music playing in John, Steve, and Ava’s scene could be heard while Tripp and Wendy were shown.

-Tripp could be heard talking to Wendy while Abe was shown.

-Abe cried without any tears.


Abe from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of February 26, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Everett from Days

We have trouble believing that Everett didn’t remember who he was in the past. When he saw Jada at the pub, he walked away as if he recognized her. Once she realized who he was, he suddenly didn’t remember his past. We think there’s more to Everett than meets the eye. It’s easy for him to pretend that he has amnesia because no one can prove that he doesn’t. We won’t be surprised if it turns out that he’s faking his amnesia.

Speaking of Everett’s amnesia, Stephanie acts as if it affects her more than Everett. She had an attitude while Marlena was talking to him like she was the victim. Jada was the victim in the story not Stephanie. Stephanie didn’t have a reason to act as if Everett betrayed her. Now we’re supposed to believe she and Jada were such good friends that she will break up with Everett if it turns out he lied about not knowing who he was.

The writers shouldn’t have had EJ understand that Johnny got married without inviting him to his wedding. Johnny could have invited EJ to it. He claimed they didn’t want to stress out Paulina, but his father should have been invited to the wedding. Johnny didn’t have any family at the wedding so Paulina would have understood if EJ was at the wedding.

Why was Tate suddenly upset with Brady and Theresa? They did everything they could to help Tate yet now he suddenly doesn’t want anything to do with them. He had some nerve talking to them the way he did. Brady and Theresa could have let him stay in prison if they didn’t care about him. He treated them like it was their fault he was in trouble. Tate got himself in trouble.

Eli and Lani came back to Salem to visit Paulina. While they were talking about the twins, they mentioned that they were with Doug and Julie. What were the odds that they didn’t mention the fire? We know Paulina’s in the hospital, but Eli is a Horton. You would think he would have been concerned about the Horton house burning down. It was his grandmother’s house yet he didn’t say a word about the fire at the hospital.


Eli and Lani from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of February 26, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Tripp and Wendy from Days


-The music playing in Tripp and Wendy’s scene could be heard while Everett was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Harris while Tripp and Wendy were shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Stefan while Tripp and Wendy were shown.


-The music in EJ’s scene could be heard while Chanel was shown.

-Abe could be heard opening a door while Jada was shown.

-Johnny could be heard talking to EJ and Nicole while Chanel was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to Jada while Johnny was shown.


-Holly could be heard coughing while Brady and Theresa were shown.

-How did Chad know that Johnny and Chanel got married when he wasn’t there?

-Stephanie said she missed Thomas and Charlotte. If she missed them, she could have visited them.


-Steve could be heard closing a door while Stefan was shown.

-Sloan could be heard opening a door while Tripp and Wendy shown.

-Eli and Lani talked about the twins being with Doug and Julie but they didn’t mention the fire at the Horton house.

-Wendy could be heard talking to Tripp while Steve and Ava were shown.


-Harris’ monitor could be heard beeping while Stefan was shown.

-Stefan’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Steve could be heard talking to John while Stefan was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Theresa while EJ was shown.


Harris from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of February 19, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Konstantin from Days


-Konstantin could be heard talking to Maggie while Kayla was shown.

-Jada could be heard talking while Konstantin was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Jada while Maggie was shown.

-When Jada looked for a picture of Everett on her phone, she basically went right to it.

-Chanel could be heard talking to Johnny while Kayla was shown.


-The music playing in Sloan’s scene could be heard while Roman and Kate were shown.

-Alex could be heard opening a door while Brady was shown.

-Ava could be heard opening a door while Theresa was shown.

-Melinda could be heard talking to Sloan while Ava was shown.


-The music in Doug and Julie’s scene could be heard while young Tom was shown.

-Leo could be heard talking while a shot of the Horton stairs was shown.

-Lucas’ flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Stephanie could be heard closing a door while Brady was shown.

-The music playing in Everett’s scene could be heard while Stephanie was shown.

-The music playing in Rafe’s scene could be heard while Everett was shown.


-Ava’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-John could be heard talking to Steve while Ava was shown.


John from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of February 12, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Chad from Days

Why would Chad take the risk of trying to put out the fire in the Horton house? He has two kids who lost their mother. It didn’t make sense for him to try and put out the fire. He didn’t need to try and be a hero and save the house. Instead of watching the fire, he could have called for help. The fire department might have gotten there in enough time to put out the fire. We understand what he was trying to do, but he took a risk playing hero when he could have lost his life.

We have a theory about Everett. It feels like he’s behind the drug case. When the people set the Horton house on fire, shot at Lucas, and shot Harris, nothing happened to Everett. Everett was the one who wrote the story about the drug cartel, yet nothing happened to him. If anyone should be suffering, it should have been him. Everett could be the one working with Clyde.

Why would Johnny get married without EJ being there? Chanel wanted to make sure her mother was at the wedding, but he didn’t want his father there. Why wouldn’t Johnny want his father to see him getting married? Also, why didn’t he invite the rest of his family? They may have been getting married at the hospital, he could have invited his family.

What made Kristen think Brady wanted to reunite with her? She blackmailed him when he was with Chloe last year. Did she really think he would get over what she did to him? We know Brady bounces back and forth between her and whoever is available, but she shouldn’t have thought that he would have gotten back together with her that fast.


Kristen from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of February 12, 2024

Nitpick & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel from Days


-Why did Chanel knock on the door when she had three bags in her hands?

-Rafe could be heard shuffling papers while Paulina was shown.

-Stefan can be heard talking to Tripp, Ava and Wendy while Chad and Julie were shown.

-Why did Chad and Julie waste time looking at the fire in the Horton house instead of getting out of the house or calling for help?

-Kate could be heard talking to Lucas while Ava was shown.


-Goldman could be heard talking to Jada while Chad was shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Ava while Goldman was shown.

-Kayla could be heard talking to Ava and Stefan while Jada was shown.

-Ava’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Julie cried without any tears.


-Paulina could be heard talking on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-John and Marlena could be heard kissing while Steve and Kayla were shown.

-Why wouldn’t Johnny’s family be at his wedding?

-Paulina could be heard talking to Abe while Alex was shown.


-Sarah could be heard talking to Xander while Ava was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Kristen while Chad.

-Everett could be heard talking to Chad while Stephanie was shown.

-The music in Brady and Kristen’s scene could be heard while Everett was shown.


-Leo could be heard talking to Everett while Stephanie was shown.

-Theresa’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to EJ while Tripp and Wendy were shown.


Leo from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of February 5, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Stephanie and Everett from Days

Stephanie didn’t waste any time jumping into bed with Everett. We guess she got over Chad quickly. Stephanie acted as if she was head over heels in love with Chad, yet she had sex with Everett. If she loved Chad the way she claimed, she could have made Everett wait. Speaking of Everett, did he think having sex with Stephanie was going to keep him from having to tell her the truth about Jada? Having sex with Stephanie doesn’t change the fact that he was married to Jada.

Why did Johnny suddenly have doubts about marrying Chanel? He claimed he was concerned about his family after he talked to Chad about it. Johnny knew about his family long before he talked to Chad, yet he proposed to her anyway. It didn’t make sense for him to suddenly have doubts about marrying her. Also, why was he suddenly concerned about her feelings or Allie? When he proposed to her, he knew she used to date Allie. He should have thought about his family and Allie before he proposed to her.

Once again, the writers are changing John’s story. He’s the only one whose story has changed numerous times throughout the years. Are they getting hard up for a storyline for him that they must go down the road of him being a pawn? Speaking of John being a pawn, did the writers forget the chip is no longer in John’s head? The chip was taken out of his head while Hope was on the show. We will give the story a chance, but we anticipate the story changing even if it gets resolved.

Alex was so obvious that he wanted Kristen to pursue Brady to keep him away from Theresa. He must have forgotten what Kristen did to Brady. We know Alex didn’t want Brady to be around Theresa, but did he really think Kristen was a better option? For someone so arrogant, Alex has insecurity issues when it comes to Theresa.

Did Stefan think EJ would help him after what they went through in the past? Stefan didn’t care that the drugs he sold led to Holly overdosing. He was looking out for himself and Gabi. EJ had no reason to protect him after everything that was going on with Holly. Stefan needs to figure things out for himself instead of relying on other people to do things for him.

Why was Sloan surprised that she and Eric kept getting interrupted by the baby? Did she think the baby wasn’t going to cry? Maybe she should have thought about that before she decided to keep Nicole’s baby. She and Eric would have all the time in the world if she didn’t take Nicole’s baby.

When did Tate start resenting Brady? Before he left to go to rehab, Tate didn’t say anything about hating Brady. Now suddenly, he hates him. The writers had to come up with some reason to justify Brady being at the AA meeting with Theresa. They could have come up with a better reason than that to get him at the meeting.

Who were Johnny and Chanel inviting to the wedding? Johnny has family other than the DiMeras, yet none of them mentioned the wedding. You would never know Johnny was related to Marlena and the Bradys. He’s not just related to the DiMeras. Did they plan on only inviting Paulina and the DiMeras?


Johnny and Chanel from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of February 5, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Paulina from Days


-Paulina could be heard talking to Abe while Chanel was shown.

-Wendy could be heard talking to Tripp while Ava and Stefan were shown.

-John could be heard talking to Konstantin while Stefan was shown.

-Wendy could be heard talking to Tripp while Stephanie was shown.

-Johnny suddenly had doubts about marrying Chanel when he was the one who wanted to marry her.


-Clyde’s phone could be heard ringing while Abe and Paulina were shown.

-Why would Brady tell Kristen about Theresa getting high? Kristen didn’t need to know about it.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Alex while Rafe was shown.


-EJ could be heard talking to Stefan while Ava was shown.

-Chanel could be heard talking to Abe and Paulina while Stefan was shown.

-Ava’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-EJ called Stefan little brother. The last time we checked, Stefan was older than EJ.


-Theresa could be heard talking during the AA meeting while Stephanie was shown.

-Sloan could be heard pouring a glass of wine while Theresa was shown.

-Why did Eric and Sloan have alcohol when he was an addict?


-Theresa could be heard talking to Alex while Tripp and Wendy were shown.

-Sarah could be heard talking to Xander while Lucas was shown.

-Julie could be heard talking to Charlotte and Thomas while Sarah was shown.

-Johnny and Chanel were supposed to get married on Valentine’s Day yet none of his family referred to the wedding.


Alex and Theresa from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of January, 29, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Alex from Days


-Alex could be heard closing a door while John was shown.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Everett while Theresa was shown.

-Kate was shown talking to Roman while Everett was shown.


-Kayla referred to Johnny as Johnny DiMera as if he wasn’t her nephew.

-Sarah could be heard talking to a nurse while Kayla was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Wendy while Steve was shown.


-Chad told Johnny that the DiMeras were raised by an unscrupulous man. Did the writers think we forgot that Chad wasn’t raised by Stefano?

-Stefan could be heard talking to Xander while Alex was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Alex while Xander was shown.

-Brady’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Chad could be heard talking to Everett while Eric and Sloan were shown.

-Lucas could be heard exercising while Brady was shown.

-Eric didn’t burp Jude after he fed him. He put Jude down after he fed him.


-Sarah could be heard putting silverware down while Brady was shown.

-Ava could be heard reading her book out loud while Konstantin was shown.

-Everett could be heard talking on the phone while Stefan and Ava were shown.


Ava from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of January 22, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


Eric from Days

This week’s episodes had us scratching our heads. We had some questions about the things that happened this week.

When did Eric get a photo studio? We remember him talking about getting the studio, but he never mentioned anything else about it again. Out of the blue, he suddenly had a photo studio. Clearly the writers did this so the audience wouldn’t wonder what he was doing for money when Sloan said she didn’t have any money.

Speaking of Eric’s photo studio, what were the odds Leo was his first client? Of all the people in Salem, Leo happened to want to get his pictures taken. Eric never said he advertised the studio so how did Leo know to schedule an appointment with him? Also, what were the odds the studio happened to be at Eric and Sloan’s apartment? It was an excuse to have Leo and Sloan run into each other.

Where did Sloan get her confidence to threaten Leo not to tell Eric the truth? If she was so tough, she never had to let him blackmail her. He could have told Eric the truth about the baby. She took a risk threatening him because he could have let the truth slip out easily. Sloan would have been sick if Leo had told Eric the truth.

Why was Brady offended that Rachel didn’t want him and Kristen to get back together? Brady made it painfully obvious he had no interest in reuniting with her so why did it matter that Rachel didn’t want them together? What would he have done if Rachel wanted them together? He wouldn’t have gotten back together with Kristen so what difference did it make if Rachel wanted them together?

Why did Alex have to convince Theresa not to leave town? Theresa was the one who kissed another man in front of him, but he had to talk her into staying in town. She was clearly manipulating him to make up for the fact that she kissed Brady. Leaving town doesn’t change the fact that she kissed another man. Alex must not have any pride left that he would beg her not to leave town. It’s funny that he would beg her not to leave him, but he wouldn’t beg Justin to forgive him for the way he was treating him.

Speaking of Theresa, why would she stay in town when her son is in rehab? We know she can’t see him right away, but she could have stayed in the same city. If she did, it would make it easier for her to see him. All she thought about was having sex with Alex. You would think sex would be the last thing on her mind when her son was “suffering” in a rehab center.

Why would Maggie take Konstanin’s side when Steve tried to warn her about him? She had known Steve for years but wasn’t willing to side with him over Konstantin. Maggie took a stranger’s word over her good friend. Personally, we can’t wait to see Maggie’s face when she finds out Konstantin was after her money. It would serve her right if he took her money. What is she going to say when she finds out Steve was right about him?

Why would Everett threaten to quit the paper over one story? He basically had a temper tantrum because he couldn’t put a story in the paper. If he was going to quit, he could have stayed gone when Chad fired him. Is Everett the only good reporter in town? We find it hard to believe Everett is the only one who could run the paper.


Maggie from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks and Flubs For The Week of January 15, 2024

Nitpicks and Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel from Days


-If Chanel was freezing, why did she have her coat open?

-Salem is a small town so it’s hard to believe Jada got racially profiled. The storeowners should have known she was a police officer.

-Nicole suddenly wanted to give Sloan advice about making it through dinner with Marlena. They’re not friends so why would Nicole give Sloan advice?

-Why did Chad have to be convinced to publish Leo’s article about gay rights when two of his best friends are gay?


-Sloan could be heard talking to Eric while Harris was shown.

-Why did John take the time to have dinner with Eric and Sloan? He should have been with Brady helping him get through what was going on with Tate.

-Ava got a text message from an unknown person who told her to meet them at the dock. It could have been anyone sending her that message. You would think she would have been skeptical about the message since she didn’t know who the text was from.


-Stephanie told Tripp that she and Chad broke up, but he acted as if it was a surprise that it happened.

-Stefan clearly wasn’t talking to anyone on the phone. He didn’t give Gabi a chance to respond before he reacted to what she said.

-Ava could be heard talking while Stefan was still onscreen.

-While Ava and Harris were outside of The Bistro, she said she was cold. If that were true, why wasn’t she wearing a coat?


-Wendy could be heard moaning while Chanel was shown.

-Brady’s phone could be heard ringing while Harris was shown.

-Why did Brady have Jada’s phone number? Brady and Jada aren’t friends so it wasn’t likely he would have her phone number.


-Nicole was shown packing while Eric was talking.

-Alex could be heard opening the door while Nicole was shown.

-Harris could be heard coming into the infirmary while Steve was shown.

-Maggie cried without any tears.


Gwen from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of January 8, 2024

Nitpicks and Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Everett from Days


-Everett found out too much information about the drugs. He managed to find out EJ was involved in drugs.

-Why would Chad put it past Stefan to be involved with drugs after what he did to Abby?


-Marlena could be heard closing a door while Theresa and Alex were shown.

-Theresa’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Why would Alex try to flirt with Theresa when she was worried about her son? What made him think she would be in the mood after what her son was going through?


-How many days have gone by since Paulina got checked out at the hospital? She just went to see Kayla, yet she suddenly has an endocrinologist.

-Does Chanel still work at Sweet Bits? She never seems to be there.


-Chad questioned Everett about kissing Stephanie as if he didn’t break up with her.

-Everett managed to see Paulina’s phone. He shouldn’t have been close enough to see her phone to know the hospital called her.


-Why would EJ talk to Nicole about hugging Eric after what she is going through with Holly?

-Why was Nicole okay with Holly smoking weed? Weed may be legal but it’s still a drug.



Nicole from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks and Flubs For The Week Of January 1, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Alex and Theresa from Days


-Alex and Theresa could be heard kissing while Harris was shown.

-The lump on Paulina’s neck wasn’t showing. Chanel made a big deal about seeing the lump, but it wasn’t visible.

-Why didn’t Brady tell Nicole right away what happened to Holly? Nicole could have gotten to Holly sooner.

-Tripp and the nurses weren’t wearing masks while they were helping Holly. They wore gloves, but they weren’t wearing masks.


-How did EJ know Theresa was a drug addict? He might have found out through Sami but it’s not likely she would have told him something like that.

-Why would Brady take the blame for the drugs at the risk of getting arrested? He would never get Rachel back if he was in prison.

-Ava could be heard talking to Tripp while Marlena was shown.


-Why did Marlena feel Eric needed to know about Holly? Eric isn’t linked to Holly, so he didn’t need to know what happened to her.

-How did Everett know Holly was in a coma?

-Why didn’t EJ tell Chad about Holly? Why did he have to find out through Everett?


-What were the odds EJ had Chanel’s number? EJ and Chanel never talk to each other so it’s not likely she would have given him her phone number.

-Why was EJ determined to make Tate pay for Holly overdosing? EJ acted as if he had a personal ax to grind with Tate.


-When did Sarah decide she didn’t trust Konstantin? She said recently that she trusted him and now she doesn’t.

-Wendy could be heard talking to Tripp while Xander and Sarah were shown.


Sarah from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of January 1, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Tate from Days

Nicole wasted no time hoping in bed with EJ. What happened to her depression over losing her baby? She was upset at the idea of having another baby, but she was okay with doing what it takes to make a baby. Maybe she wasn’t as upset about the loss of her baby as she claims. We understand she wants to take her mind off her troubles, but it seems like she should have waited before having sex.

Why was Tate being accused of drugging Holly? The police treated him as if he put the drugs down Holly’s throat. They must have forgotten about the other people who overdosed on drugs. Was Tate suddenly responsible for the other people overdosing? Maybe we missed something, but we didn’t see why Tate was arrested for Holly overdosing.

Tate got himself in trouble when he tried to protect Holly after she overdosed. He should have told the police the truth about the drugs instead of trying to cover it up. If he did the right thing, he wouldn’t have to worry about the trouble he was in. It didn’t make sense for him to protect her at the risk of getting into trouble himself. We know he likes her, but going to prison wouldn’t be worth it.

The writers tried to rewrite Lucas and Will’s story by having Brady take credit for Tate giving Holly the drugs. We know Brady wanted to protect Tate, but it didn’t make sense for him to claim credit for the drugs since Tate was innocent. Tate might have had a better shot of getting off than Brady would have. Clearly, Brady didn’t have faith that Tate would get off the hook for what happened.

Alex had nerve telling Theresa that Justin wasn’t a good enough lawyer for Tate’s case. He didn’t have the right to make that call just because his financial status changed. Now that he thinks he’s Victor’s son he thinks Justin isn’t a good enough lawyer. We can’t wait to see the look on Alex’s face when he finds out the truth about Victor. He needs to be knocked off his high horse.

Why was EJ so determined to make Tate pay for what happened to Holly? EJ doesn’t have any proof that Tate gave her drugs, yet he is treating him as if he put the drugs down her throat. Nicole wasn’t determined to make Tate pay and Holly is her daughter. If anyone wanted Tate to pay, it would be Nicole. EJ is going overboard trying to play the hero for Nicole. His efforts are in vain because she still wants to be with Eric.


EJ from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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2023 Archived Days of Our Lives Opinion Articles

DOOL Opinion Articles


DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- “Day of Days” -- Pictured: (l-r) Elia Cantu, Galen Gering at the Xbox Plaza at L.A. Live on November 12, 2022 -- (Photo by: Todd Williamson/Peacock)

Opinions by Michelle and Cheryl

Nitpicks & Flubs by Michelle and Cheryl

By Jonathan

by Suzanne

Older articles


Deidre Hall (Marlena), Dick Van Dyke (Joseph Bell) and Drake Hogestyn (John Black) on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

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My favorite Top 20 TV Shows of 2023

Blog Post #213


striking actors from 'Supernatural"The WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes made 2023 a particularly weird year in television. The strikes were important and needed to happen (and it was so amazing that the writers and actors actually won!), but they were hard on anyone even remotely connected to the TV and movie industry, as well as viewers. It made for a very strange Fall season, from which we’re still recovering. I’ve never seen a worse Fall season, and I’ve been watching them since the 1960’s. Back then, we used to get the TV Guide Fall Preview issue every year. I really enjoyed reading their descriptions of the new shows and looking at the new schedule.  Now I make my own schedule, but sadly, this year most of the new series were reality shows, game shows or foreign imports, and quite a bit of the schedule was filled with reruns.

Many series were suspended or canceled due to the strike (some of which had previously been announced as renewed). It was a difficult time to be a TV fan or journalist because we didn’t have as many shows to watch, or as many people to interview. We had to create content from very little news.

Still, there were many enjoyable series that aired before and after the strike. I can’t watch all TV shows that come out (I used to, but The alien from "Resident Alien" on Syfythere are just too many now). I prefer superhero, scifi and fantasy series. I also love some British shows, some regular dramas, some comedies, etc. I admit that sometimes I’ll watch a show just because I really like the actors in it. That doesn’t mean it’s my favorite, though, or even close (sorry, “Night Court” and “Gotham Knights”). Sometimes I’ll just watch a show for nostalgia’s sake (like “CSI“) or because it’s scifi, even though it’s ridiculous (like “La Brea.”).  Some of my absolute favorite current shows didn’t air this year at all, like “Resident Alien” on Syfy, “Acapulco” on AppleTV+ or “Curb Your Enthusiasm” on HBO/Max. Some good shows that I want to watch premiered, but I just haven’t gotten around to watching them yet (“The Gilded Age” season 2). There are quite a few shows that haven’t been renewed yet (come on, Hulu/Disney, renew “The Orville” already!).

I’ve chosen shows here that I really enjoyed watching.  I don’t watch many non-fiction shows, so they’re not included. I also don’t like shows with unlikable or irredeemable characters, actors with no chemistry, depressing stories, overly complicated plots, storylines that go too slow, unfunny comedies, too much violence, or highly predictable plots. Also, all of the shows on this list have very uplifting or hopeful stories.  I just can’t watch shows like “Succession” (full of jerks) or “The Walking Dead” (too depressing and gross), even though they are very well-written and popular shows. Of course, these are all MY opinions, so yours may vary. What I consider “too violent” or “not funny” varies from show to show.

My Favorite 20 shows, roughly in order:

"Ghosts" airs on CBS1. “Ghosts” on CBS Married New Yorkers Samantha (Rose McIver) and Jay Arondekar (Utkarsh Ambudkar) believe that their dreams have come true when they inherit a beautiful country house from Sophie Woodstone, Sam’s great aunt, only to find that it is falling apart and inhabited by ghosts who died on the property and are now bound to the area, appearing as they did at the times of their deaths, until they can reach the afterlife. Jay cannot see or hear the ghosts, but Sam can after a near-death experience.

I don’t like most of today’s sitcoms, but this is one of the exceptions because it has a wonderful cast, smart scripts and lovable characters. It doesn’t make me laugh out loud very often, but it does make me giggle consistently. It definitely got better as the show progressed and made me more interested in the story and characters. They’re all fun, but my favorite is Sasappis (Román Zaragoza) because he;s usually smarter than the others, but then he can sometimes be dumb, too, which shows that he’s not quite as smart as he thinks he is. He has the funniest lines, in my opinion. The fact that it’s a fantasy show as well as a sitcom is undeniably another reason that I love it.  The original UK version (which they’ve been showing on The CW) is good, too, but it’s very different. The USA version returns Feb. 15, and I can hardly wait!

Selena Gomez, Steve Martin and Martin Short star in "Only Murders in the Building" on HULU2. “Only Murders in the Building” on HULUThree strangers –  washed-up actor Charles-Haden Savage (Steve Martin),  hasbeen Broadway director Oliver Putnam (Martin Short) and  directionless young woman Mabel Mora (Selena Gomez) – share an obsession with true crime and suddenly find themselves wrapped up in one. When a grisly death occurs inside their exclusive Upper West Side apartment building, the trio suspects murder and employs their precise knowledge of true crime to investigate the truth. Perhaps even more explosive are the lies they tell one another. Soon, the endangered trio comes to realize a killer might be living among them as they race to decipher the mounting clues before it’s too late.

This is one of my favorite shows of all time, and I’m so glad that it’s popular as well (at least I assume it is, since they’re going into season 4). Everyone involved with this show deserves all the accolades they have received. Who would have thought that two aging stars that I loved so much in high school (Martin and Short) would have a big hit comedy series nearly 50 years later?  Its subject matter is timely, it’s funny, it has quirky characters, and it’s a good mystery. I can’t imagine anyone not liking this show.

However, I do feel bad for the Slate journalist that posted an article back in November about how Short was annoying (and then was blasted by the internet). First, it was his opinion, which he was entitled to. Comedy is subjective. Second, I agree that he definitely can be annoying, and many of his characters lean heavily into that. Traditionally, he’s one of those love-him-or-hate-him kind of comedians. On this show, though, he skirts along the edge of annoying, never quite going too far. He makes for perfect contrast to Martin, who is the perennial straight man. They’re a legendary comedy team.

Gomez, who is also a fantastic singer, fits in well with the other two with her deadpan lines and expressions. The casting director for this show must be phenomenal, or perhaps the two stars just get their friends to join the show.  You can’t argue with their roster of guest stars: Nathan Lane, Tina Fey, Paul Rudd, Meryl Streep, Jane Lynch, Andrea Martin, Jesse Martin, and Matthew Broderick fill out an already impressive lineup. I’m really looking forward to season 4, even though it may or may not air this year. Check it out on HULU. Also, ABC is running the first season starting this week.

Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez of “Only Murders in the Building” on HULU TCA 8/6/21

"Loki" season one and two can be season Disney+3. “Loki” on Disney+Loki (Tom Hiddleston), the God of Mischief, steps out of his brother Thor’s shadow to embark on an adventure that takes place after the events of “Avengers: Endgame” when he’ s seemingly plucked out of existence by the Time Variance Authority. Loki Season 2 picks up in the aftermath of the shocking season finale when Loki finds himself in a battle for the soul of the TVA. Along with Mobius (Owen Wilson), Hunter B-15, and a team of new and returning characters, Loki navigates an ever-expanding and increasingly dangerous Multiverse in search of Sylvie, Judge Renslayer, Miss Minutes, and the truth of what it means to possess free will and glorious purpose.

Season 1 was mind-blowing, and I just didn’t see how they could create more head-spinning story in season 2. However, they did make a season 2 in the case of Loki…and the show became even better. I was surprised because Marvel doesn’t seem to care whether their TV shows survive or not. I was very disappointed that WandaVision, Hawkeye and all of their other shows didn’t get a second season. Sure, it helps if you’ve seen the “Thor” and “Avengers” movies, but it’s not necessary. This is another show with an amazing cast, led by the talented bromance duo of Loki and Mobius. Season 2 seemed to have a definite ending, but comic book characters seldom end for good. We may see more of the series, or we may see Loki (or one of his variants) turn up in a future Marvel movie.

"The Flash" can be seen on The CW's site, Netflix and many other places online.4. “The Flash” on The CWBased on the Barry Allen incarnation of DC Comics character the Flash – a costumed superhero crime-fighter with the power to move at superhuman speeds. It is a spin-off of “Arrow”, existing in the same fictional universe known as the Arrowverse.

I was very sad when they announced that they were canceling “The Flash” after season 9, but they really pulled out all of the stops for the last season, writing-wise. I just wish they had written the show this well during its entire run; perhaps it would have gotten at least another season.  I loved the cast and the characters, but the writing was uneven throughout the series. The constant cast changes didn’t help, either (although it wasn’t as bad as sister show “Legends of Tomorrow.”).  Cisco and Joe in particular were missed by fans after their departures.  One thing I really loved about season 9, besides how they neatly wrapped up most of the storylines and propelled everything forward, was how they had frequent guest-stars from other Arrowverse shows, especially Oliver. I was elated to see Batgirl, Diggle, and Dreamer, as well as many past “Flash” villains and heroes. I really miss all of the CW superhero shows, but Flash was always my favorite.

The cast of "Quantum Leap" on NBC5. “Quantum Leap” on NBC This science fiction series is a revival of the original 1989–1993 show created by Donald P. Bellisario. It takes place in 2022: 27 years after Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and 22 years after the Season 5 finale where the show left off. 

I was a huge fan of the original series, so I was dubious about a reboot, but this series has won me over.  They’ve done a fresh take on the older series without sacrificing what made it so awesome. The lead actor, Raymond Lee, plays Dr. Ben Song, who leaps into various people in time to “put right what went wrong.” He is a fine actor who has unbelievable chemistry with everyone on the show. Yet, he is also laid back in a similar way to Scott Bakula. who played Sam Beckett in the original show. All of the characters fit together very well. I think what makes the show so special is that it features some of the same team that worked on the 1989 series, especially EP Deborah Pratt. They no doubt guide the talented younger writers and producers who bring new blood to this franchise. The shows this season have been particularly exciting as they keep introducing new elements to keep us off-balance. I can’t wait to see what happens next! Season 2 returns sometimes this year (hopefully in the late winter).

"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" on Paramount+6. “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” on Paramount+Based on the years Captain Christopher Pike manned the helm of the U.S.S. Enterprise, the series features fan favorites Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike, Rebecca Romijn as Number One and Ethan Peck as Science Officer Spock. The series follows them in the years before Captain Kirk boarded the U.S.S. Enterprise, as they explore new worlds around the galaxy. 

I’m a huge Trekkie from way back, so I’m going to love ANY Star Trek series or movies, to a certain extent (although I’m not a huge fan of the Chris Pine movies, especially the second one). I watch all of Paramount’s Trek series religiously. Unfortunately, they’ve started canceling them now, so I’m just trying to enjoy them while I can.  This one appears to be a hit (we can only guess, since streaming services don’t share their ratings). It resonates with older fans because it’s episodic (like the older Trek shows), but it’s not afraid to change facts and divert from “canon,” so it doesn’t entirely pander to us. Also, it’s exciting and explores ideas in a way not done by the older series.  Mostly, though, it’s just very fun, with a superb cast and stellar writing.  In this past season, we got to know all of the characters more, and they built a delightful romance between Spock and Nurse Chapel. This is a story about romantic yearning that we never knew we needed.

Since it takes place before the original “Star Trek,” with characters we saw in that show, any fans who are sticklers for canon probably don’t watch it anymore, but that’s their loss. I hope that it is successful and will run for many years to come. The show is expected to return for season 3 sometime later this year.

The Phelps family of "Shining Vale" on Starz7. “Shining Vale” on StarzA dysfunctional family moves from the city to a small town after Patricia “Pat” Phelps (Courtney Cox), a former “wild child” who became famous through writing a raunchy female empowerment novel, is caught cheating on her husband, Terry (Greg Kinnear). In an attempt to rebuild their family, they move into a house where terrible atrocities have taken place. Nobody seems to suspect anything odd except for Pat, who is convinced she is either depressed or possessed. But soon, the demons haunting the family’s new home (featuring the ever-luminescent Mira Sorvino) begin to appear much more real.

The only problem with this show is that it airs on Starz, which doesn’t have nearly as many subscribers as other pay networks (and thus won’t get as many viewers for their shows). That’s a shame because they have some good shows. This one is a first-rate horror/comedy. It would be outstanding as a horror show alone, but with this cast and the excellent script, it’s a hilarious parody as well.  The show has many fun allusions to horror movies and television shows. Season 1 was based largely on “The Shining,” while Season 2 is based more on “Rosemary’s Baby.” Unfortunately, Starz canceled the show, so I hope they can find a home for season 3!

Shining Vale” on Starz  2/7/22: Mira Sorvino, Judith Light, Merrin Dungey, Dylan Gage and Gus Birney, and Jeff Astroff

Interview with EP Jeff Astrof of “Shining Vale” on Starz 10/10/23

"Secret Invasion" on Disney+ stars Samuel L. Jackson8. “Secret Invasion” on Disney+Nick Fury learns of a secret invasion of Earth by a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls; Fury joins his allies, and together they race against time to thwart an imminent Skrull invasion and save humanity.

I enjoyed this show, but the beginning had really slow pacing, so I think that may have turned some fans off. Still, it was worth watching Samuel L. Jackson reprise his role of Nick Fury. I didn’t think it was possible, but he actually improved the role. This show was not just a comic book story about the Skrulls taking over the Earth. Much like the variant’s journey and redemption in “Loki,” it was about a beaten, weary hero who had to prove who he is to himself and the rest of the world. It was also largely a spy story with a tiny bit of action and almost no superheroes, so that may be why it wasn’t as beloved as “Loki” or “WandaVision.”

Jackson would have been good enough to carry any show, but they had many other great actors in the cast, especially Ben Mendelsohn, Olivia Colman, Don Cheadle, Emilia Clarke and Martin Freeman. I grew up reading comics, so I remember the Skrulls very well. It was exciting to see a show about them. I would love it if they made a Skulls TV series (even an animated one).  Unfortunately, there’s no news so far about any future seasons of the show, which had some pretty bad reviews. We can only hope that they decide to bring it back. I’m sure that, either way, we’ll see Jackson’s Nick Fury in some future Marvel film.

"Found" airs Tuesdays on NBC9. “Found” on NBCIn a riveting new drama, brilliant recovery specialist Gabi Mosely (Shanola Hampton) and her team are dedicated to finding America’s missing and forgotten people. They’ll stop at nothing to solve these cases because for them, it’s personal – every member of the team has firsthand experience with a mysterious disappearance. But Gabi has a chilling secret of her own that could unravel everything… she’s got her childhood kidnapper locked up in the basement, helping her crack every case.

When I first watched this show, I wrote it off as a standard broadcast network drama. It is reminiscent of “Without a Trace” (2002) or the less successful series, “Ransom (2017),” both of which I enjoyed.  However, broadcast networks are now having to compete with the hundreds of shows on streaming networks, so their shows are becoming more more complex. Sometimes it works, and sometimes the shows are overly complicated or boring because “complex” isn’t always handled so well. This one works. In fact, it was the surprise hit of the Fall season.

In each episode, Gabi and her crew of four have to find a missing person. It helps that one of them comes from a rich family that underwrites the business.  They also work with a police officer, Mark Trent (Brett Dalton). He and Gabi have an on-again, off-again romance.  The big secret that we learn at the end of the first episode is that Gabi has her former abductor (who goes by the name “Sir”) locked in the basement.  This is the weird twist we didn’t see coming, and it’s the sort of thing makes you want to keep watching. Over the course of the season, we learn about the characters’ backstories, especially those of Gabi and Sir (Mark-Paul Gosselaar). They have amazing chemistry, and their interactions are fascinating to watch. Gabi wrestles with her conscience about whether Sir has turned her into the same kind of monster that he is. It’s worth watching on Peacock or On Demand and returns January 9 for the rest of its first season. It’s already been renewed for season 2, which will probably debut in the Fall.

The cast of "Upload" on Prime Video10. “Upload” on Prime VideoScience fiction comedy-drama television series created by Greg Daniels, set in 2033, where humans can “upload” themselves into a virtual afterlife of their choosing. When computer programmer Nathan Brown (Robbie Amell) dies prematurely, he is uploaded to the very expensive Lakeview, but then finds himself under the thumb of his possessive, still-living girlfriend Ingrid (Allegra Edwards). As Nathan adjusts to the pros and cons of digital heaven, he bonds with Nora (Andy Allo), his living customer service rep. Nora struggles with the pressures of her job, her dying father who does not want to be uploaded, and her growing feelings for Nathan while slowly coming to believe that Nathan was murdered.

Season 3 just finished in November, and it looks like there will be a season 4. I sure hope so because they left on a weird cliffhanger. In case you don’t know, this is a scifi show, but it’s also social satire and has a lot of comedy. Somehow it all works. Throughout the series, we see a warped version of the future that is somehow both shocking and completely believable because the writers take what is going on now with people, technology, politicians, corporations, etc., and project them into a corrupt future. This is not a depressing series, though. The show is very witty and engrossing. You want to root for Nathan and his family against the evil corporations. William B. Davis, who was so memorable as the Cigarette Smoking Man in “The X Files,” is brilliant here as David Choak, the embodiment of everything bad in the world.  You don’t want to miss this series because it’s not only highly entertaining, but also thought-provoking.

"Ahsoka" poster11. “Ahsoka” on Disney+Former Jedi knight Ahsoka Tano investigates an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy.

I love the Star Wars franchise almost as much as I do Star Trek, so I enjoy most of the newer movies and series.  “Andor” (2022) was arguably the best of all of the Star Wars TV series, but this one is also of high quality. “Ahsoka” is a character we saw briefly in “The Mandalorian” in 2020 and in “The Book of Boba Fett” last year, but she had an even larger role in many Star Wars animated series broadcast since 2008.  She’s played in this series by fan favorite Rosario Dawson.  Dawson has appeared in many scifi roles for animated series and movies (including voicing Wonder Woman), and as Claire Temple in all of the Marvel Netflix series, as well as many other dramas and comedies. She lends a gravitas and character to the role of seasoned Jedi warrior Ahsoka Tano.

This series is a spinoff from “The Mandalorian,” but many of the characters come from earlier animated Star Wars series. Although there are only eight episodes, it feels like more because there are so many characters and so much action. The story starts slowly but soon speeds up. Ahsoka suspects that evil Empire General Thrawn is returning to fight against the New Republic. Her former apprentice, Sabine Wren, aids her in tracking down leads to find Thrawn, and to fight against the remnants of the Empire.  If you’re a Star Wars fan, you will definitely enjoy it. If you’re not, you should give it a try. If you’ve never seen any Star Wars cartoons before, you shouldn’t be lost (I wasn’t). It’s a worthwhile addition to the Jediverse.

"Star Trek: Lower Decks" on Paramount+12. “Star Trek: Lower Decks” on Paramount+This series focuses on the support crew serving on one of Starfleet’s least important ships, the USS Cerritos, in 2380. Ensigns Mariner, (Tawny Newsome) Boimler (Jack Quaid), Rutherford  (Eugene Cordero) and Tendi  (Noël Wells) must keep up with their duties and their social lives, often while the ship is being rocked by a multitude of sci-fi anomalies. The ship’s bridge crew includes Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis), Commander Jack Ransom (Jerry O’Connell), Lieutenant Shaxs (Fred Tatasciore) and Doctor T’Ana (Gillian Vigman). This is the second animated spin-off in the franchise after 1973-74’s “Star Trek: The Animated Series,” but has a decidedly more adult tone and humor.

I didn’t like this show at first (it took me a while to get used to their style of humor), but it’s really improved over the years. It’s very funny, and they’ve found their niche in the Star Trek universe. This past season was even better than the past three, as they had a season-long story arc about a mysterious ship that was eliminating ships from various races. The villain behind that was a fun surprise for long-time fans. As a bonus, they did an episode of “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” which featured the “Lower Decks” characters – the actors who voice the characters in the animated series crossed over to the live action series. It was a real hoot!  The episode was directed by Star Trek veteran Jonathan Frakes (Riker on TNG), and he did a super job with it.

"Star Trek: Picard" season three on Paramount+13. “Star Trek: Picard” on Paramount+Set at the end of the 24th century, 18 years after the events of `Star Trek: Nemesis’, with Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role, `Star Trek: Picard’ revolves around retired admiral Jean-Luc Picard. He is still deeply affected by the loss of Lieutenant Commander Data, portrayed by Brent Spiner, and the destruction of Romulus, and steps into the next chapter of his life.

I read online that many fans complained about the first two seasons of this show, but I loved all three seasons. The third season pandered heavily to the fans, and that’s why, I think, a lot of them loved that season the best. I mean, how could you not love seeing most of the original TNG cast reunited on the bridge of their old Enterprise D? I enjoyed all of the action of season 1, the Romulans, the new crew (especially Agnes and Captain Rios), and the return of Trek characters Riker, Troi and Seven of Nine!  Season 2 had time travel, Guinan, the Borg Queen and Q, as well as Picard exploring his childhood.  Then, in season 3 we saw Crusher, Riker, Troi, Worf, Data and Geordi, among many others, as well as Picard and Crusher’s son, Jack, and a tremendous new villain Vadic (Amanda Plummer). It was the perfect ending for the entire series.  I did miss Agnes and Captain Rios, though, in the third season. Anyway, the joy of all of the new Star Trek series is that no matter what kind of Trek fan you are, you should love at least one of them. Each one is a little different.  “Picard” has probably ended at three seasons, but it hasn’t been officially canceled yet, so I’m holding out hope for more.

Max and Oskar of "Vienna Blood" on PBS14. “Vienna Blood” on PBS1900s Vienna is a hotbed of philosophy, science and art. Dr. Max Liebermann’s extraordinary skills of perception and Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt’s determination lead them to some of the city’s most mysterious and deadly cases.

I love this fun little detective show from the UK. Matthew Beard is perfect as a young Freudian psychiatrist in 1908 Vienna, Max Liebermann.  His teachings and methods are doubted by other doctors, but he’s convinced Police Detective Oskar Rheinhardt that he knows what he’s talking about, so Max assists him in solving murders. Max is handsome and endearing, but he’s also single-minded when it comes to work, and clueless about almost everything else. He has trouble with relationships with women and his family, for instance. In that regard, Rheinhardt serves as a fine contrast. It’s a good buddy cop procedural, set in an unusual place and time. It also addresses issues such as antisemitism, police corruption, feminism, and more. There’s a lot more action than you might expect, too. This compelling series returns for season four, probably late this year.

The Kent family on "Superman and Lois" on The CW15. “Superman and Lois” on The CWAfter years of facing supervillains, monsters and alien invaders, the world’s most famous superhero, The Man of Steel aka Clark Kent, and famed journalist Lois Lane come face to face with one of their greatest challenges ever — dealing with being working parents in today’s society. Complicating the already daunting job of raising two boys, Clark and Lois worry about whether their sons, Jonathan and Jordan, could inherit their father’s Kryptonian superpowers as they grow older. Returning to Smallville to handle some Kent family business, Clark and Lois are reacquainted with Lana Lang and her Fire Chief husband, Kyle Cushing. The adults aren’t the only ones rediscovering old friendships in Smallville as the Kent sons are reacquainted with Lana and Kyle’s rebellious daughter, Sarah. Of course, there’s never a dull moment in the life of a superhero, especially with Lois’ father, Gen. Samuel Lane looking for Superman to vanquish a villain or save the day at a moment’s notice.

Superman has always been my favorite superhero. I grew up reading his comics, and I’ve loved most Superman series, such as ‘Smallville” and “Lois and Clark“.  Some of the characters from this series got their start on “Supergirl,” which I also enjoyed. They’ve done a very good job with this show by making it completely separate and different from the rest of the Arrowverse.

I enjoyed season 1, but I thought season 2 was too dark, slow, and depressing. They got back on track in season 3. The show returns for a fourth season sometime later this year, but that will be the last. It got top ratings on The CW, but that network has been taken over, and they’re rebranding, which means they’ve canceled a lot of shows. Still, that’s a good run for most shows on network television today, but it’s sad because not only is it a good show, but most of the other superhero series on The CW were all renewed for far more seasons–Smallville: 10; Flash: 9; Arrow: 8; Legends of Tomorrow: 7; and Supergirl: 6. I think that if “Superman and Lois” had premiered five years earlier, it would have enjoyed a much longer run.  It has a fabulous cast, good writing, and a lot of action. It’s not only a superhero show, but a family drama. This last season, they had an honest and moving story about Lois having breast cancer. The show has carved out its own distinct place in Superman TV history. I hope the last season will be as strong as the last season of “Flash.”

Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee of "Dark Winds" on AMC/AMC+16. “Dark Winds” on AMC/AMC+Based on the Leaphorn & Chee book series by Tony Hillerman, the year is 1971 on a remote outpost of the Navajo Nation near Monument Valley. Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn of the Tribal Police is besieged by a series of seemingly unrelated crimes. The closer he digs to the truth, the more he exposes the wounds of his past. He is joined on this journey by his new deputy, Jim Chee. Chee, too, has old scores to settle from his youth on the reservation. Together, the two men battle the forces of evil, each other and their own personal demons on the path to salvation. Starring: Zahn McClarnon, Kiowa Gordon, Jessica Matten, Deanna Allison, Rainn Wilson, Elva Guerra, Jeremiah Bitsui, Eugene Brave Rock, Noah Emmerich. Directed by: Chris Eyre, Sanford Bookstaver

This is a relatively new drama series, but it’s been sensational in both of its seasons. It reminds me a little bit of “Fargo,” but it’s not quite as offbeat or dark as that show can be. It’s simply one of the best shows on TV right now. Each season is only six episodes long, but they pack a lot into each episode: drama, action, and even a little comedy and romance.  Season 3 returns sometime in 2025, so that’s a long time to wait, but this show is worth it. If you don’t have AMC or AMC+, you can watch it on Prime Video. The free Roku Channel has the first two episodes available for free.

Jessica Matten and Kiowa Gordon of “Dark Winds” on AMC/AMC+ 7/10/23

FIRE COUNTRY stars Max Thieriot (SEAL TEAM) as Bode Donovan, a young convict seeking redemption and a shortened prison sentence by joining an unconventional prison release firefighting program in Northern California, where he and other inmates are partnered with elite firefighters to extinguish massive, unpredictable wildfires across the region. It’s a high-risk, high-reward assignment, and the heat is turned up when Bode is assigned to the program in his rural hometown, where he was once a golden all-American son until his troubles began. Inspired by series star Max Thieriot’s experiences growing up in Northern California fire country. FIRE COUNTRY airs this fall on Fridays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.17. “Fire Country” on CBSBode Donovan, a young convict seeking redemption, joins an unconventional prison release firefighting program in Northern California, where he and other inmates are partnered with elite firefighters to extinguish massive, unpredictable wildfires. It’s a high-risk, high-reward assignment, and the heat is turned up when Bode is assigned to the program in his rural hometown, where he was once a golden all-American son until his troubles began. Five years ago, Bode burned down everything in his life, leaving town with a big secret. Now he’s back, with the rap sheet of a criminal and the audacity to believe in a chance for redemption.

Who would have thought that CBS, which has a long history of being the old people’s network, with its many uninteresting procedurals and sitcoms, could have such an original and authentic show? I guess that sometimes it takes one actor to shake things up. Star Max Thieriot (Bode) created this show, based on the area where he was raised (Northern California) and the firefighters he knew growing up. This show has exciting characters, some of my favorite actors, and thrilling stories. It’s one part action show and one part soapy drama (but in a good way).  It’s reinvigorated Friday nights and returns 2/16 for season 2.

The Doctor, Donna, The new Doctor and Ruby in "Doctor Who" on Disney+18. “Doctor Who” on Disney+ – A British science fiction series broadcast by the BBC since 1963. The series depicts the adventures of an extraterrestrial being called the Doctor, part of a humanoid species called Time Lords. The Doctor travels in the universe and in time using a time travelling spaceship called the TARDIS, which externally appears as a British police box. While traveling, the Doctor works to save lives and liberate oppressed peoples by combating foes. The Doctor often travels with companions. Beginning with William Hartnell, fourteen actors have headlined the series as the Doctor; as of 2023, Ncuti Gatwa leads the series as the Fifteenth Doctor. The transition from one actor to another is written into the plot of the series with the concept of regeneration into a new incarnation, a plot device in which, when a Time Lord is fatally injured, their cells regenerate and they are reincarnated. Each actor’s portrayal is distinct, but all represent stages in the life of the same character and, together, they form a single lifetime with a single narrative.

I didn’t watch the original “Doctor Who” series growing up (it didn’t air in San Diego), but I’ve really enjoyed the newer version that started in 2005.  At its base, it’s a fantasy show for kids, but its themes and drama are often very adult-oriented. This can make the scripts uneven at times. I just like to sit back and enjoy it, whether it makes sense or not.

The show moved this year from BBC America to Disney+, and new episodes premiered this past November as a part of the show’s 60th anniversary. These episodes served to bridge the long gap between the end of season 13 (with Jodie Whittaker as the thirteenth Doctor) in December, 2021, and the new season 14 with the fifteenth doctor this spring.  David Tennant came back to play the 14th Doctor in between the two, in these special episodes.  It reintroduced the terrific writing of Russell T. Davies and set up the story for the new Doctor’s introduction, as well as giving long-time fans of the 10th Doctor (also Tennant) and his companion, Donna, a better ending. More importantly, those of us who are huge Tennant fans didn’t have to watch him die once again! Along with all that, there was also Neal Patrick Harris as an amusing, yet scary villain, the return of Donna’s whole family, including a new trans daughter, and a heartfelt, entertaining Christmas special with the new Doctor that introduced his new companion. I’m really looking forward to the next season, which will start in May.

"Sweet Tooth" on Netflix19. “Sweet Tooth” on NetflixA fantasy drama television series developed by Jim Mickle, based on the comic book series created by Jeff Lemire and published by DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint. Nonso Anozie, Christian Convery, Adeel Akhtar, Stefania LaVie Owen, and Dania Ramirez star while James Brolin provides the narration. Sweet Tooth is set in a world in which a virus has killed a majority of the world’s human population, coinciding with the emergence of hybrid babies that are born with animal characteristics. Convery plays Gus, a naïve 10-year-old part-deer boy, who sets out to find his mother after the death of his father.

Here’s another post-apocalyptic show that is not depressing; it has a lot of hope. The story, characters and pacing are lovely. I was so happy when they renewed it for a second season because it didn’t seem like the kind of show that everyone would love as much as I do. I’m ecstatic that it’s got one more season left. That seems just about right (also, the boy who plays Gus will probably age too much for them to continue on with his story. This show just hits all the right notes. Season 3 premieres later this year.

Some of the cast of "Gen V" on Prime Video20. “Gen V” on Prime VideoFrom the world of The Boys comes Gen V, a thrilling new series set at America’s only college for superheroes. These gifted students put their moral boundaries to the test, competing for the university’s top ranking, and a chance to join The Seven, Vought International’s elite superhero team. When the school’s dark secrets come to light, they must decide what kind of heroes they want to become.

This is one of the exceptions I mentioned above. Both “The Boys” and “Gen V” are very, very violent, and gross, and not terribly uplifting. I don’t mind it because they’re such fun. The show’s creator (who also did “Supernatural,” which is very tame in comparison) revels gleefully in turning all the superhero tropes and horror movie clichés on their heads. Each season or show is more over-the-top than the previous one, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  These shows just crack me up, and I love the actors in them.

"Titans" on MAXHonorable Mention (it was very hard for me to put the shows above in order and whittle my list down to 20, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten some others that I’ll think of later):

“Titans” on MAX
“Justified: City Primeval” on FX
“Primo” on Freevee
“Bosch: Legacy” on Freevee
“Fantasy Island” on FOX
“Secrets of Sulphur Springs” on Disney
“The Ark” on Syfy
“The Watchful Eye” on Freeform
“The Irrational” on NBC"The Watchful Eye" cast on Freeform
“SurrealEstate” on Syfy
“Miss Scarlet and the Duke” on PBS
“Grantchester” on PBS
“Sanditon” on PBS
“Harlan Coben’s Shelter” on Prime
“Doom Patrol” on MAX

Which shows did you like best in 2023? What are you watching now? Let us know in the comments!

Here are all of our Articles!

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers


"Bosch: Legacy" on Prime Video

Days Opinions For The Week Of December 18, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Sloan from Days

Eric and Sloan’s baby was kidnapped
Sloan left Jude unattended to look for her wallet at Sweet Bits. We could focus on that stupidity alone. What type of parent would leave a child unattended to look for anything? She could have taken the baby inside with her to look for the wallet. We’re pretty sure Sweet Bits allows children inside. She took him inside to pay for her things. For some reason, she was careless with her money and left the wallet on the counter. It’s time to stop for a second. There’s no way she would be stupid enough not to put her wallet back in her pocketbook. What distracted her that much that she would do that? She doesn’t need to go out if she gets distracted like that. Sloan decided it was a good idea to leave Jude outside and go in to look for her wallet. Needless to say, that was the wrong choice to make. Speaking of her decision to leave her son alone, why would she go to Sweet Bits? She hates Chanel so why would she want to give her any business? She could have taken Jude somewhere else to get some air.

It’s time to get back to the point of this rant. Sloan left Jude alone and he got kidnapped. She panicked when she saw that he was missing. Sloan left her baby alone and he disappeared. What a shock! The police got involved with the kidnapping. Eric reminded Rafe that Nicole kidnapped Sami’s baby, so he went to see EJ. EJ vehemently denied Nicole’s involvement in the kidnapping. Monday’s episode ended with a cliffhanger when EJ caught Nicole with the baby. Nicole was the kidnapper. We liked how the writers didn’t drag out the identity of the kidnapper. They allowed us to find out in the same episode the kidnapping happened. We had to tune in to find out why Nicole took the baby. Her justification brings us to the next part of our rant.

The aftermath of the kidnapping
As we mentioned earlier, Sloan left the baby alone when Nicole kidnapped him. We brought it up again for a reason. Nicole used that as her reason for taking the baby. She told EJ that she took Jude because Sloan left the baby alone. Nicole felt like Sloan didn’t deserve to be a mother for that mistake. We’re sure Nicole’s fans felt like she was justified doing that to Sloan. The situation leaves us torn. We know that Sloan is wrong for what she did to Nicole and Eric. She took her baby and let Nicole think her son was dead. With that said, Nicole didn’t have the right to kidnap the baby. She thought she had the right because she lost her baby. We know that Jude is her son, but she doesn’t know that. As far as the law is concerned, she committed a crime. Nicole isn’t innocent because she has a bigger fanbase than Sloan. We were shocked when EJ was the voice of reason in the storyline. He told Nicole to give the baby back to Sloan and Eric. When EJ wants to do the right thing, that speaks volumes. Nicole agreed with him and gave the baby back.

EJ and Nicole turned the baby in, and Sloan wanted to throw the book at her. We saw the irony flag waving too. She had a lot of nerve to get mad at Nicole for taking her own baby. Sloan has to keep up false pretenses, so she has to be the upset mother. She did what any mother would do. Sloan wanted justice for the kidnapping. Eric expected her to show Nicole mercy for what she did. We couldn’t believe what we were hearing. He thought Sloan should show her mercy for what she did. If the shoe were on the other foot, Nicole would not do the same. Once she finds out the truth, she won’t forgive Sloan for taking her baby. Eric wanted too much leniency for Nicole because he felt sorry for her. We think he did it because he loves her. It’s not likely he would have sympathy for the kidnapper if EJ took the baby. He would expect Rafe to throw the book at him. Eric expects Sloan to take a lot where Nicole is concerned. He believed she just needed to talk to someone, and her problems would be over. Eric made the wrong call. Nicole should get some time in jail for what she did. We know the truth, but they insist on keeping them in the dark about it. He shouldn’t want Nicole to get a slap on the wrist for what she did since he wouldn’t let anyone get away with it.

Stephanie’s attitude with Chad
Chad listened to Paulina’s advice and decided to apologize to Stephanie for what happened. He poured his heart out to her about his concerns with Everett. The conversation didn’t go the way she thought. Chad broke up with her. Stephanie became vicious when he ended their relationship. Stephanie packed her stuff and moved out of their apartment. How did she think their relationship would work when she didn’t live there anymore? She drew the line in the sand when she moved out of the apartment. Stephanie got upset with him for leaving. We believe she wanted to be the one to dump him. Her ego couldn’t handle getting dumped. Chad and Stephanie are not a good couple and needed to break up. She wants Everett and it’s a matter of time before she gets together with him. Stephanie needs every eligible man in town.

The Horton tree trimming dinner
Long time fans know that Days has a tradition of showing the Hortons gather for Christmas. They gather at Tom and Alice’s house for the tree trimming dinner. They put their personalized ornaments on the tree. The traditional moment resonates with fans. It’s part of their tradition. We praise the writers for including the tradition, but something felt off about it. Most of the family weren’t there for the ceremony. You could count the amount of Hortons at the ceremony. There were people at the dinner who didn’t belong there. Xander, Stephanie, and Everett aren’t part of the family and shouldn’t have been there. The writers could have recasted the characters, so there could be more family members at the dinner. It didn’t feel the same watching the ceremony without the family. The writers missed the beat of talking about Bo and Hope. Hope was usually at the ceremony and her absence was felt. Belle didn’t leave town with Shawn so she could have attended the ceremony. The dinner gets smaller each year. We hope to see more Hortons at the next ceremony. The writers did give us a few flashbacks, so it helped ease the void. Thankfully we got a chance to see some of the family in flashbacks.


Hortons tree trimming

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of December 18, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Eric from Days


Nicole didn’t change the way we’re supposed to believe. She expected EJ to use his money to hide Jude.

Eric called Sarah by her full name. He used to date her so he didn’t need to refer to her by her full name.

Is something wrong with Eric? Why would he want to show mercy to someone who kidnapped his baby? Would he show mercy if EJ took him and not Nicole?


What good did it do for Brady to hear Theresa’s conversation when he only heard part of it? He never sees or hears anything that she does.

Chad didn’t think about Clyde while he was dating Stephanie, but now he wants to make him pay for killing Abby.

Tom and Alice passed away before Chad got together with Abby, but he said they had trouble accepting him with her at first.


Maggie cried without any tears.

It’s wintertime, but the people in Salem aren’t dressing accordingly. They are wearing light jackets. Salem is in the Midwest so it’s most likely cold there.


It’s suddenly Holly’s birthday. Nicole didn’t say anything about her birthday. Holly didn’t mention it either.


Why did Julie have an ornament with Stephanie’s name on it when she’s not a Horton?


Holly from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of December 11, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



Leo tried to stall to keep from telling Nicole about her baby. If he wanted to tell her the truth, he could have said it.

The DiMeras need to close off their secret entrances since Leo keeps getting into the mansion.

How did Lucas find out about Nicole’s baby? Who told him about it and why would he care that she lost him?


It’s strange that Alex wanted to defend Chad to Stephanie.

Jada didn’t say anything to Rafe about the anniversary of her father’s death.


Theresa could have got rid of the hoodie by throwing it out for the garbage. Why would she bury it when anyone could see her?

Abby wasn’t a reporter very long so it’s not likely that Everett knew about her skills as a reporter.


Why did Xander take Victoria to the hospital when Sarah was working? Why didn’t he take her to the mansion to her nanny?

The DiMera mansion was suddenly decorated with Christmas decorations.


You would think Sloan would be more careful with her wallet. She should have known that she left it at Sweet Bits.

Why would Sloan leave Jude in the middle of the square to find her wallet? She made it easy for Jude to get kidnapped.

Winter doesn’t start until the 21st, but Nicole said it was a beautiful winter morning.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of December 11, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ Nicole and Leo

Dimitri told Leo the truth about the baby
We got some movement in the Nicole/EJ/Eric/Sloan/Dimitri/Leo storyline. Dimitri told Leo that Nicole’s baby didn’t die. He let him know that Sloan claimed the baby as her own. We’re glad that he told him what she did. She doesn’t need to get away with what she did. The writers seemed to enjoy putting the blame on Melinda for the plan. Sloan was okay with going along with the plan. She is just as responsible for what happened as Melinda. Dimitri informed Leo and he wanted him to blackmail Sloan. Hopefully Leo will make Sloan squirm when he reminds her that she took Nicole’s baby. She didn’t have the right to take the baby when he didn’t belong to her. It’s hard to feel completely sorry for Nicole because she’s getting her karma, but that’s a conversation for another time. We wanted to focus on Dimitri telling Leo the truth. This storyline is the only one starting to move along and we’re curious to see how it plays out.

Leo tried to tell Nicole and EJ about the baby
Speaking of the baby storyline, Leo tried to do the right thing. He wanted to tell Nicole and EJ the truth, but they didn’t want to listen to him. Nicole wouldn’t let him talk about it for some reason. She had a feeling that her baby was alive, but she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. Leo didn’t have a reason to see Nicole since the baby was gone. The only thing he would have told her was the baby was alive. If she listened to him, she would have had her baby. Maybe Nicole should listen to people when they try to tell her something. It’s a writer’s troupe that Nicole kept interrupting Leo when he tried to tell her the truth. The writers had to find a way to keep the storyline moving. Leo decided to continue blackmailing Sloan. As much as we enjoy watching Sloan backed into a corner, what’s the point of doing that? Nicole and EJ didn’t believe him so they wouldn’t listen to him when he wanted to tell the truth.

Sloan gets away with everything got out of the call from adoption lawyer
Sloan is a true villain on the show. She always manages to escape trouble. Sloan could have been busted this week when the adoption lawyer called Eric. If you guessed that Sloan got out if it, you’re right about that. Sloan managed to lie to Eric to get out of the call. Let’s back up a bit. The lawyer called Eric to apologize about the adoption falling through. You would think Sloan’s goose was cooked. We weren’t surprised that she avoided getting caught. She came up with a lie and managed not to get caught.

Theresa wanted to cover her tracks
Theresa might need to take lessons from Sloan on how to cover her tracks. She decided to get rid of the hoodie she wore when she kidnapped Victoria. For some reason, she chose to bury the sweater in the park. If you’re thinking she’s an idiot for doing that, you aren’t alone. Brady and Tate almost spotted her doing that. She got lucky they didn’t see her burying the sweater. Theresa could have thrown the sweater in the garbage, but she chose to hold on to it. There were so many ways to get rid of the sweater, but she didn’t do it.

Jude was kidnapped
Sloan was careless when she took Jude out for some air. She chose to leave him in the town square unattended. What do you think happened? That’s right. Someone took the baby and the stroller from the town square. The baby got kidnapped in broad daylight and no one saw anything. There’s always people milling around outside, but no one saw who took the baby. The kidnapper managed to take him without the baby crying. Could that mean he knows the person who took him? Nicole turned out to be the culprit. She didn’t believe that her baby died and took the baby. Nicole must be fast because she took Jude and managed not to get caught leaving the stroller at the pub. She also took the baby to the DiMera tunnels without the staff seeing her.

Random moment of the week
We added a random moment because we didn’t see this coming without reading spoilers. Stephanie and Harris ended up going to bed together. They got drunk and woke up together. Stephanie had her reasons to drink, but why did Harris do it? He didn’t get into a fight with Ava, so he didn’t have a reason to drink. We were shocked when we found out they were going to be in bed together. He told her that he would explain later. The writers chose to recycle the story. Shawn and Talia had a drunken encounter earlier in the year and now Stephanie and Harris did the same thing.


Stephanie Jada and Harris

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of December 4, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Holly and Johnny


Why would Johnny ask Holly to help with his anniversary party when he knows Chanel thinks she has a crush on him?

If Darius could find Dimitri, why did the police have trouble finding him?


Nicole questioned Kayla about the test results. If she didn’t think the test results would be accurate, why did she want her to do them?

Kayla said there wasn’t enough DNA to test against the baby. Nicole’s DNA should be on file at the hospital because EJ’s was on file.


Wendy wanted to stay in the same apartment her brother was killed in. You would think she wouldn’t want to keep getting reminded that he was killed in her apartment.

Why did Ava and Harris choose to eat their food in dim lighting?

Chad’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Rafe has a house, but he continues to hang out with Jada at her place.


Stefan shouldn’t have been surprised that Vivian didn’t want to help Gabi. She would still be in Salem if Gabi didn’t throw her under the bus.

Chad should have made a better effort to cover his tracks when he bought Gwen’s half of the paper. You would think he wouldn’t have made it easy to get caught buying the paper.


EJ knew that Nicole had a difficult pregnancy so why would he tell her they could try to have another baby?

Why did the adoption lawyer call Eric and not Sloan about the baby?



Eric and Sloan

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of November 27, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



You would think Nicole wouldn’t want to hold a baby after losing her. It was convenient that she wanted to hold Eric’s baby since the baby is hers.

Rafe basically thought Dimitri wasn’t a criminal. Did he forget that he tried to kill his sister?

Jada managed not to see Stefan in the evidence room.


Doug was too tired to deal with the family for Thanksgiving, but Chad made the kids stay with him and Julie.

Theresa’s accent slipped when she talked to Alex. Theresa is American so she shouldn’t sound like Gwen.

Xander was holding a drumstick one minute and it was gone the next.

What kind of friend is Kayla? Why would she want Maggie left in the dark about the type of person Konstantin is.

Theresa was looking in Alex’s direction but didn’t see him walk in the room while she was talking to Konstantin.


Kayla acted as if Steve had a reason to lie about Konstantin. He doesn’t gain anything by exposing Konstantin for his lies.

Thanksgiving was last week, but they were still talking about it.

Alex and Theresa were with Maggie and were suddenly at the town square the next.

Alex was supposed to punch Xander, but he clearly didn’t hit him.


Sloan was supposed to go to the station, but she went to see EJ.

Eric told Marlena that she could check on the baby, but she said that you shouldn’t disturb a sleeping baby. She said she would peek at the baby. She didn’t realize that’s the same thing Eric suggested.

There weren’t any covers on Alex’s couch when he and Theresa had sex. It suddenly appeared after they were together.


The actor playing Tate was clearly reading his lines while he was talking to Johnny and Chanel.

Chanel was wearing a big coat, but she was wearing shorts.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of November 27, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


Nicole realized that Eric and Sloan’s baby was hers. She looked at the baby and immediately felt the maternal bond. We weren’t sure if she would feel that way immediately, but she surprised us. She held Eric’s baby for a few minutes and realized he was her baby. She was like a dog with a bone with her theory. Eric, EJ, and Sloan told her that the baby wasn’t hers. She wouldn’t believe them. We didn’t think the story would move that fast. Storylines like that usually stretch for months at a time. We’re pretty sure the writers will find a way to slow the storyline down, but we give them credit for moving it along the way they are. Arianne Zucker did a pretty good job with the material she was given. She made us believe she was a grieving mother. We were pleasantly surprised by her performance. The story was easily the best one of the week. Watching Nicole drive it home that Eric had her baby kept us glued to the screen.

Speaking of Nicole’s storyline. Holly showed that she’s more than just a lovesick teenager. She suggested that Eric get a DNA test done on the baby. Holly didn’t seem clever enough to come up with an idea that could help push the storyline alone. She went to Eric and asked him to get a DNA test done on the baby. He was willing to do it. You would think the adults in the storyline would have come up with the idea that could solve the problem. We aren’t psychics, but we know that Sloan will intercept the test, so Nicole won’t find out the truth about the baby. For now, we’ll be happy that someone was thinking in the storyline.

Since the baby storyline dominated the week, it makes sense for most of the article to focus on the baby storyline. Anyway, Dimitri figured out that Sloan took Nicole’s baby. He demanded that she clear Leo’s name or he would tell her the truth. Sloan came up with different excuses until she admitted that she had the baby. Dimitri wanted her to help Leo or else. We loved the look of panic on her face when she squirmed while he threatened her. She had to do whatever it took to help Leo, but she kept hitting dead ends. Sloan needed to get a reality check because it seemed like she was the good one at a point. She was the one who started everything in the first place. Now she must do everything Dimitri wants, or he will tell the truth. We don’t care for Dimitri, but he had her number. We will enjoy watching him blackmail her for as long as it lasts.

The DNA test was done this week. Eric took the baby to Kayla so she could do the procedure. We know that Sloan will do something to make sure that she isn’t busted right away. We have seen this happen so many times on the show that we already know that Sloan will get away with swapping the DNA results. She doesn’t know anything about fixing tests, but she will find a way to switch the results, so the story won’t end soon.

Why is everyone acting as if Steve has an axe to grind when it concerns Konstantin? He isn’t a schemer so his family and friends should trust him. He has no reason to lie about Konstantin. What does he gain from exposing him? What does Konstantin gain from lying? Konstantin has a reason to lie because he doesn’t want to get exposed. Maggie may as well paint gullible on her forehead when it concerns Konstantin. She believed every lie he told her. We want to see the look on her face when she realizes that Konstantin and Theresa schemed against her.

Chad must be reverting to his old ways. He schemed with Xander so he could get Everett fired from the paper. He thought that would keep Everett from Stephanie. His plan will blow up in his face because Everett has more time to spend with Stephanie. We won’t pretend to care about this storyline because we don’t. we see that Chad is acting like he’s the good one in the story when he’s not. Stephanie isn’t good either. She loves the fact that Everett is still in love with her. She enjoys the attention. Everett decided to call Gwen to find out why she fired him. He could easily figure out that Gwen sold Chad her half of the paper. Stephanie could also ask Everett to work for her. Chad’s plan could backfire on him.


Stephanie and Chad

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of November 13, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ from Days


EJ didn’t think to check Nicole’s location to find her, but Eric conveniently used it to find her.

Leo volunteered Dimitri to take Nicole’s baby to the hospital. That didn’t make sense because he is the one the police were after. Leo should have taken the baby to the hospital.

Dimitri conveniently heard Rafe talking about coming after him.

Speaking of Dimitri, he saw Rafe and EJ, but they didn’t see him holding a baby at the hospital.

How did Dimitri know where Sloan lives? He showed up at her place with Nicole’s baby, but he shouldn’t know where she lives.


Nicole didn’t have any bruises on her face after her car accident.

Nicole’s baby wasn’t checked out after she gave birth to him. Melinda and Sloan took their time getting him to the hospital.


Nicole cried without any tears.

Dr. Pierce was able to walk around the hospital wearing a medical jacket without anyone noticing.

How did Dr. Pierce find Nicole’s room without anyone getting suspicious of him?

EJ cried without any tears.


Sarah had to rush to work, but she talked about Konstantin with Maggie.

Who would have told Chad that Dimitri’s family didn’t want to give her the money?


Maggie didn’t watch Victoria and made it easy for Theresa to kidnap her.


Maggie and Konstantin

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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