Days Opinions For The Week Of February 12, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Chad from Days

Why would Chad take the risk of trying to put out the fire in the Horton house? He has two kids who lost their mother. It didn’t make sense for him to try and put out the fire. He didn’t need to try and be a hero and save the house. Instead of watching the fire, he could have called for help. The fire department might have gotten there in enough time to put out the fire. We understand what he was trying to do, but he took a risk playing hero when he could have lost his life.

We have a theory about Everett. It feels like he’s behind the drug case. When the people set the Horton house on fire, shot at Lucas, and shot Harris, nothing happened to Everett. Everett was the one who wrote the story about the drug cartel, yet nothing happened to him. If anyone should be suffering, it should have been him. Everett could be the one working with Clyde.

Why would Johnny get married without EJ being there? Chanel wanted to make sure her mother was at the wedding, but he didn’t want his father there. Why wouldn’t Johnny want his father to see him getting married? Also, why didn’t he invite the rest of his family? They may have been getting married at the hospital, he could have invited his family.

What made Kristen think Brady wanted to reunite with her? She blackmailed him when he was with Chloe last year. Did she really think he would get over what she did to him? We know Brady bounces back and forth between her and whoever is available, but she shouldn’t have thought that he would have gotten back together with her that fast.


Kristen from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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