Days Opinion Article Week of 9/4/23

Opinion Article


by Cheryl

EJ and Johnny on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

EJ was suddenly thinking of Susan. He basically forgot about her all this time. Now that Ava is back he is suddenly thinking about her. He wasn’t ready to get revenge on Ava before she came back and now he has become obsessed with making her pay for Susan’s death. He also wanted to get revenge on Xander for not going after Ava. Being a new father hasn’t changed him at all.

Why would Theresa come back to Salem without Tate? Victor was his great grandfather so it didn’t make sense that she didn’t bring him with her to the funeral. She claimed he had school, but she still should have brought him to the funeral. Rachel should be in school, but no one has mentioned her being in school. It was an excuse not to have Brady be around his son. We were surprised he even remembered Tate’s name since he hasn’t seen him in years. 
Brady clearly hasn’t been seeing Tate over the years because he and Theresa were talking about what she did with Xander as if it happened yesterday. We understand they had to use exposition to let new fans and remind longtime fans of their history, but it didn’t make sense that they are just now having a conversation about it. 
Theresa and Xander talked about their relationship woes. How did Theresa know about Xander’s relationship with Sarah? Theresa wasn’t in Salem when Sarah was with Xander. Who was keeping Theresa up-to-date about Xander and Sarah’s relationship? 
Nicole needs to make up her mind about who Chloe should be with. One minute Nicole wanted her to be with Brady, and now she wants her to be with Philip. Nicole must want Chloe to be indecisive about the man in her life the same way she is. It was obvious that Nicole’s advice was about her own life and not Chloe’s. Nicole is the one who can’t make up her mind about her love life. We loved how Chloe called Nicole out for her hypocritical advice. 
Why would Johnny defend Ava to EJ? Did Johnny forget that Ava killed his grandmother? Johnny tried to downplay Ava’s actions by mentioning her mental issues. We know Johnny had a soft spot for her once upon a time, but it doesn’t change what she did to his grandmother. 
Why would Harris risk his life to go on the run with Ava? He doesn’t know her very well, so why risk his freedom for her? Is he starting to fall for her? That would be the only explanation for why he would choose to go on the run with her. 
Why didn’t the writers find a way to bring Victor and Maggie’s families to Salem for his funeral? It didn’t make sense for them to be missing. Where were Melanie, Ciara and Claire? If they couldn’t get the same actresses to play them, they could have recast them. 
How many times is John’s story going to change? It has changed several times. The writers don’t seem to be able to decide who he is going to be. They will probably end up changing his paternity once again.


Harris and Ava on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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