Nitpicks & Flubs
EJ didn’t think to check Nicole’s location to find her, but Eric conveniently used it to find her.
Leo volunteered Dimitri to take Nicole’s baby to the hospital. That didn’t make sense because he is the one the police were after. Leo should have taken the baby to the hospital.
Dimitri conveniently heard Rafe talking about coming after him.
Speaking of Dimitri, he saw Rafe and EJ, but they didn’t see him holding a baby at the hospital.
How did Dimitri know where Sloan lives? He showed up at her place with Nicole’s baby, but he shouldn’t know where she lives.
Nicole didn’t have any bruises on her face after her car accident.
Nicole’s baby wasn’t checked out after she gave birth to him. Melinda and Sloan took their time getting him to the hospital.
Nicole cried without any tears.
Dr. Pierce was able to walk around the hospital wearing a medical jacket without anyone noticing.
How did Dr. Pierce find Nicole’s room without anyone getting suspicious of him?
EJ cried without any tears.
Sarah had to rush to work, but she talked about Konstantin with Maggie.
Who would have told Chad that Dimitri’s family didn’t want to give her the money?
Maggie didn’t watch Victoria and made it easy for Theresa to kidnap her.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.
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