Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of 10/2/23

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ DiMera


Dimitri didn’t have any blood on him after Vivian shot him. Stefan made a big deal about him bleeding badly, but there wasn’t any blood shown. Stefan didn’t have any blood on his hands after checking on Dimitri.

Jada tried to stop Shawn from going to the DiMera mansion with her. He is her partner so she didn’t have the right to stop him from going as if she’s his boss.

Leo admitted that he slept with Gwen’s husband. Why was he surprised when she punched him? What did he think was going to happen?

Gwen told Leo about working with Kristen. She shouldn’t have told him that if she wanted to get revenge. Leo could have told Dimitri about her plan. She shouldn’t have dipped her hand like that.


Shawn took the risk of talking about being with Talia in public. He should have talked to Jada about it in private.

Belle has a right to be mad at Shawn for cheating on her, but she’s not in a position to talk. She cheated on him with Philip and EJ so she’s not innocent.

Marlena cheated on Roman so she shouldn’t have been so judgmental when she found out that Talia slept with Shawn.


Chloe could be heard talking while Bronson was shown.

Chloe cried without tears.

EJ found out that Rex was pretending to be the father of Sarah’s baby. Who told him that Sarah lied about the father of her baby?


Susan helped Ava to set up EJ considering she was the one who tried to kill her. You would that she wouldn’t help her. EJ was trying to avenge her death and she decided to turn on him.

EJ knew where to find Xander. How did he know where he lived?


Alex told Maggie that Victor left Titan to him. He didn’t even look at the will so he didn’t know who was in charge of running the company.

Kristen’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Who told Kate that Susan was in town? She didn’t run into anyone who would have known the truth.


Alex Kiriakis

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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