Y&R Transcript Thursday, August 24, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Billy: Thank you very much, simone. Appreciate the tip. How’s married life?

Tucker: Oh, it’s sheer and utter bliss. I’m the luckiest man alive.

Billy: Yeah, let’s hope you deserve her.

Tucker: Your sister would definitely tell you that I do not.

Billy: My sister’s usually right. I’m actually glad I ran into you, I was– I was thinking about you and ashley, wondering what the status is about the plan for jabot.

Victor: Thank you for coming by.

Nate: Yes, I, uh, I appreciate you valuing my opinion on sharon, nick, and adam’s new company. May I speak frankly?

Victor: I want you to speak frankly.

Nate: I find their early planning to be lacking cohesion.

Victor: In what way?

Nate: Well, I read in detail the slides depicting the overall goals and direction of the company. It was as if the three co-ceos each came up with a portion of the plan and then put it all together. There’s not a lot of unity or sense of singular vision to it that I can find.

Victor: So, what do you attribute that to?

Nate: Well, I have my theory. On top of the brothers’ friction over sally spectra, adam’s focus seems to have been on one thing, newman media. Doing whatever he can to combine it with sna.

Victor: That’ll be handled.

Nate: Still, it’s created conflict and instability with sharon and nick. They don’t share his fixation.

Victor: That’s no longer an issue.

Nate: And you really trust that adam can fall in line?

Victoria: Oh, I hear congratulations are in order.

Ashley: Yes, thank you.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, sure. I guess tucker finally convinced you that he’s a changed man.

Ashley: Well, he made quite an effort to win me back when he returned.

Victoria: You know, to be honest, I didn’t think you would allow yourself to be seduced by him again. Hm. Maybe you’re the one who’s changed.

Ashley: In what way?

Victoria: You know what I also heard? I heard that you have plans to leave jabot and that you and tucker are starting a new company.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Already in progress.

Victoria: Wow. Well, that’s quite a shift for you. You’ve reconciled with tucker and you’ve pushed your family away. This seems more like a ruthless move that tucker might make.

Ashley: Isn’t that a little extreme? Now, you’re accusing me of being ruthless?

Victoria: I don’t know. I mean, tell me, how do you see it? Are you really gonna turn your back on jabot? The family business? I mean, that’s your father’s legacy. By creating this competitive enterprise, I mean, what is the strategy with that? Are you gonna have a cosmetics war or is this just the first step in trying to get jabot away from jack? My active psoriatic arthritis

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Ashley: Well, I am not going rogue, victoria. Tucker and I are not the new corporate bonnie and clyde.

Victoria: Wow, that is a relief.

[ Both chuckling ] You know, I’m only asking because tucker’s reputation precedes him.

Ashley: Yeah, well, jack and I decided mutually to part ways for everybody’s benefit. I’m very excited to start a new venture with my husband.

Victoria: That sounds lovely. Really, I just have a hard time believing that you would be comfortable leaving jabot behind.

Ashley: Well, I guess my priorities have shifted. What can I say? I’m in love.

Victoria: Oh, and I’m happy for you.

Ashley: Thank you so much.

Victoria: Yeah, I’m sure that jack isn’t thrilled though.

Ashley: Mm-mm.

Victoria: Yeah, I know he’s not a fan of tucker and neither is billy for that matter. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Ashley: Yeah, right. Yeah, it’s a bit of a sticking point for sure. You’re not wrong.

Victoria: Yeah. Well, I hope you and tucker are prepared for fireworks.

Ashley: Yeah, I think we’re gonna be okay.

Victoria: Good. You know, I’m having a similar business rivalry within my own family with adam targeting newman media. I know the kind of chaos and instability that that kind of divisiveness can cause.

Ashley: So, why are you asking me so many questions about jabot and my family? Is there something you want to know that you’re not saying?

Victoria: Look, I’m gonna be honest with you. I’m a little bit worried about how all of this affects billy. You know, he’s finally in a good place. He’s a co-ceo of jabot, seems to be in a solid relationship with chelsea. I just, um, I don’t think that, uh, he deserves to be put in the middle of some corporate or family war.

Ashley: Don’t you worry about billy. He’s exactly where he wants to be. He’s gonna be just fine.

Victoria: [ Scoffs ] That doesn’t sound very reassuring. Or is billy somehow a part of your plans?

Tucker: I assumed you figured out on your own that our plan for jabot was no longer necessary given what happened at the wedding.

Billy: Ashley seemed skeptical of jack’s wedding gift, handing back her assets and– and buying out her portion of jabot didn’t seem like enough.

Tucker: Uh, no, not really. She finally got what she wanted from jack, so she can walk away from jabot with her fair share and move on.

Billy: Just like that, huh? It seems unlikely.

Tucker: The situation has shifted dramatically, so we just don’t see the point in using you.

Billy: Well, I mean, from where I’m sitting, it hasn’t changed at all. Jack is still very much in love with diane.

Tucker: Yeah, that’s definitely not gonna–

Billy: And now, they are married, so diane is gonna do anything she can to get her seat on the board, if not more.

Tucker: Yeah, and that’s jack’s problem.

Billy: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Diane has no clue how to run jabot, okay? My family’s company is nothing more to her than an opportunity to grab more power and control, which means that the threat to my father’s legacy still very much exists. I don’t think ashley has changed her mind about that.

Tucker: But she has realized how futile it is to fight with jack when he insists on making this fatal mistake with diane.

Billy: You’re dead right about that one, tucker. This is a fatal mistake and I just don’t believe that ashley has decided that she doesn’t care about protecting my father’s legacy.

[ Tucker chuckling ]

Tucker: Billy, come on, man. This isn’t really about ashley or john abbott. I see right through you.

Billy: Is that so?

Tucker: Yeah. Hm. You were intrigued by the idea of running jabot all on your own and now you just can’t get it out of your head and now, you’re scared. Scared that maybe you missed your chance.

Nate: I don’t mean to sound flippant about adam. I know you have a soft spot for him in spite of history. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to forgive him for so many things over the years.

Victor: I will always be protective of my children, no matter what.

Nate: Understood. But in my eyes, adam’s actions and attitude are detrimental to the business health of sna.

Victor: Because of his fixation with the newman media?

Nate: Yes, adam has wanted it for so long. You may think he can let go, but I’m not sure he really even can. And that’s a clear red flag of what’s to come.

Victor: You also mentioned that the issues between the two brothers could be a problem.

Nate: I don’t doubt that. Nick is at odds with adam on a daily basis and that is bad for business, especially when just getting off the ground.

Victor: Any suggestions?

Nate: Do you believe adam can be controlled? Can he ever fall in line and do what is needed to be done in order to create a successful, harmonious company?

Victor: He has done so in the past, yes.

Nate: But for how long? Will there be another newman media fixation down the line?

Victor: So, you made your thoughts about adam clear to me. What do you think about nicholas?

Nate: Nick is much more level-headed, but I’m not sure he’s forward thinking. I suspect he prefers to play things safe, take no risks, go for the sure thing.

Victor: And you don’t think that’s beneficial?

Nate: There’s nothing wrong with it if you’re already established, but sna is just coming out the gate. A new company like that demands boldness.

Victor: If you were in charge of this company, what would you do to drive it to success? Before my doctor and I chose breztri for my copd,

Nate: Adam is a wild card for sure. But I think the biggest problem with the new company is its overall structure. The merging of kirsten and mccall.

Victor: Go on.

Nate: The business structure of each entity is vastly different. Mccall’s media division is advancing quickly and many of kirsten’s platforms are already close to being obsolete. I’m sorry to say it, but it’s a short sighted merger.

Victor: Solutions?

Nate: If it were up to me, I’d strip sharon’s company down to its essentials.

Victor: And?

Nate: And we fold the new company into newman media. That’s the only move that makes sense to me. It’s good business. I know you see it, too.

Victor: So does adam.

Nate: Well, um, perhaps you prefer not to give adam that much of a win by admitting you agree or you feel that, um, sna needs more time to gain stability.

Victor: It’s possible.

Nate: There’s no doubt in my mind that sooner or later, you will bring the new company into newman to create one powerhouse. Well, um, I appreciate you allowing me to express my perspective, but, uh, something tells me that you know everything I’m telling you, which begs the question, why are you really asking me about any of this?

Ashley: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to alarm you. As you said, billy is in a good place. I know he’ll be able to handle himself and, you know, whatever challenges might pop up at jabot.

Victoria: So, you believe there will be challenges?

Ashley: Yes, I mean, because diane has a position of power there. It might get a little bumpy sometimes. That’s all.

Victoria: And how do you see all of that playing out? You leave jabot, you become the competition, and then how do you think jack’s gonna react to that?

Ashley: Well, unfortunately, jack’s only focus these days, um, is diane and that’s why I have to step aside because, uh, now that she has this, uh, senior role there, it’s untenable for me.

Victoria: Hm. Well, you could just avoid each other.

Ashley: It’s not very realistic though, is it? So, I can’t just stand by and watch her do harm to the company, um, I have to move on.

Victoria: Doesn’t sound like you at all. Throwing in the towel, surrendering.

Ashley: Hm, c’est la vie.

Victoria: No. You love what your father built too much. You’re not gonna just walk away and let diane do damage to it. Doesn’t matter how jack claims to–

Ashley: Listen, I have done what I can to get through to my brother, okay, victoria? I’ve done whatever I can and he won’t hear it, so now I have to let go. That’s it.

Victoria: You know what? Your laissez-faire attitude doesn’t really ring true to me and if you really don’t think that there’s any impending challenges on the horizon, then why did you mention billy being able to survive one–

Ashley: What is it with billy all of a sudden? I mean, what is this? You just said that you’d let go of it.

Billy: I don’t think you know me quite as well as you think you do.

Tucker: I think I know you even better. And I’m truly sorry to have to break this sad news to you, but ashley and I have definitely decided this war with jack is just not worth it.

Billy: A week ago, ashley was determined to prove that diane was gonna destroy jabot if left to her own devices and now you’re telling me she no longer cares and all it took to give up her father’s legacy was jack giving her a portion of the company?

Tucker: She has different priorities now.

Billy: I just don’t believe it. No, I know my sister. I know how much our company means to her. It feels like more so, you are trying to ice me out.

Tucker: Why would I do that?

Billy: Because you didn’t want me part of this in the first place. And it was ashley’s idea, wasn’t it?

Tucker: Maybe. Here’s the thing, billy. I don’t think you’re trustworthy. I mean, look what you’re willing to do to your own family.

Billy: I could say the same thing about your new wife, but ashley and I agree, diane is dangerous. We also agree that jack is gonna continue to make boneheaded decisions because he is in love with diane and jabot is going to suffer because of that.

Tucker: Yeah, well, why don’t you take it up with jack?

Billy: [ Sighs ] This is very dangerous for jabot, tucker, and I’m not gonna stand for it and I think ashley knows that. And if you really cared about ashley, you would do everything you could to protect her and fix this.

Tucker: Right. Which brings us back to my original point. Amidst all this chaos, you’ve seen an opening for yourself and you think, “she’s with jack so punch drunk in love, I would be much better suited to run jabot,” right? Then, you’d have total control, total autonomy.

Billy: Whatever it takes to make things balanced again, I will do.

Tucker: [ Laughs ] Right. That’s very noble of you. Well, if that’s the case, you’ll have to figure out on your own how to dethrone diane. All right. Hey, adam.

[ Adam clears his throat ] Wow. No, no, no. Come on.

Adam: Hm?

Tucker: No, just come here. I just– I’m just absolutely astonished that your ego can handle being out in public after your most recent failure. That was an epic one.

Adam: Yeah, uh, I’ve had a few failures lately. You’re gonna have to be more specific.

Tucker: Uh, audra thwarting your blackmail attempts and being busted by big daddy himself.

Adam: Yeah, uh, you– well, you can’t win them all, you know? Shouldn’t you get back to celebrating the fact that you fooled ashley into thinking you were a changed man?

Tucker: My friend, my whole world is a celebration. Everything. It’s just– everything’s coming up roses. You, on the other hand.

Adam: You know I still have those emails, so maybe I will let that evidence slip out just to wipe that smile off your face.

Tucker: I don’t think you’d be that foolish.

Adam: You think? I mean, I’m a screw up and I always will be, right? You ever think about that?

Tucker: No, no, the negative press would not be good for a company you now own. And nick and sharon would be none too pleased and that would, uh– it would put you in even less good favor with your old man than you already are, don’t you think?

Adam: I’m pretty confident sna would survive, but you probably wouldn’t and that would be totally worth the risk.

Billy: Gentlemen. Hey. What’s going on?

Ashley: You’re still so protective of billy. You’re not having any regrets that things didn’t work out for you two, are you?

Victoria: Billy and i have both moved on. Things have happened that we can’t come back from.

Ashley: Well, I’m kind of sad that things didn’t work out for you. I mean, I know you and I haven’t always gotten along, but I thought you were kind of good for billy.

Victoria: I don’t have any regrets at all. We’re better off apart. That way we can focus on what’s really important, johnny and katie.

Ashley: Hm, well, you know how life is. Who knows, right? You might see things differently down the line.

Victoria: Would you be straight with me? Is billy involved in something that has to do with your departure from jabot?

Ashley: [ Laughs ] What is with you today? You just said that you had let him go and moved on.

Victoria: Yeah, billy and i are not together anymore, but we share children. I care about him just like I know he cares about me, and if he’s involved, if he’s in some kind of trouble, I’d like to know about it.

Ashley: Everything is going to be okay for billy, all right? He’s okay, I’m okay, we are all okay. And, um, it’s been a lot of fun but, um, I gotta go.

Adam: Well, you can always count on billy to stick his nose in where it doesn’t belong.

Billy: [ Laughs ] Well, some would say I’m reliable that way. So, is anyone gonna answer me? What’s going on?

Adam: He was just giving me a hard time about how I’m choosing to run his company.

Tucker: Hm, yeah, that’s what’s going on.

[ Tucker chuckles ] All right. Night, guys.

Billy: Night, tucker.

[ Billy sighs ] Glad I ran into you, actually.

Adam: Yeah?

Tucker: Um, how are chelsea and connor? You talk to them?

Adam: Yeah, I’ve been in contact with chelsea. I was gonna call my son when I got home, but they did have a successful visit at the therapeutic school that connor found.

Billy: Good. I’m happy to hear that.

Adam: Yeah. There was an immediate opening, so they did decide to stay. They’re already getting settled in at anita’S.

Billy: That’s great. I will, uh, I’ll reach out to her in the morning.

Adam: I’m sure she would like that.

Billy: Look, I, uh, I’m sorry about all of this stuff that’s going on with conor and I’m glad he’s getting the help that he needs, but I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you.

Adam: Well, thanks. Although I’m sure your concern is only partially sincere.

Billy: What do you mean by that?

Adam: Well, you’re trying to put me at ease because you want to fish for information about tucker. That’s what you’re really after, right?

Nate: If I offended you, I– I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep by questioning your motives.

Victor: You didn’t overstep at all. Hi, son.

Nick: Hello. Sorry if I’m intruding.

Victor: Nate was just on his way out.

Nate: Thank you, victor.

Victor: Thank you. You have a good night.

Nate: Good night.

Nick: What was that about?

Victor: I invited nate to give me his perspective on the sna business plan.

Nick: Why would you do that? Is this about adam? Is he on the chopping block again? Are you thinking about replacing adam with nate? Because if that’s the case, I will not work alongside that guy. With moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Hey.

Ashley: What is it? What’s wrong?

Billy: Well, I’m really sorry that you feel that way, adam. Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not working with tucker. I don’t know if you know this, but we don’t like each other all that much.

Adam: Yeah, well, I suspect that you dislike diane more. You know, the enemy of my enemy and all that. It can’t sit well with you that jack went ahead and married her.

Billy: Jack knows how the family feels about diane and he’s choosing not to listen to our opinions, so it’s not worth the fight.

Adam: I’m not just talking about her place in the family. I mean, don’t you think it’s crossed jack’s mind to replace you with diane as co-ceo?

Billy: No.

Adam: The idea is appealing enough that it probably crossed jack’s mind. Diane and jack abbott, side by side running jabot and that would be a slap in the face to you and you’d be on the outside of the family.

Billy: Jeez, man, remind me to never show you any compassion again.

Adam: I’m showing concern right now.

Billy: Adam, you don’t have a concerned bone in your body or a trusting one. I mean, you see the world through this web of deception and that’s how you– you see life now. That’s how you see everyone.

Adam: Okay. Now, I know you’re fishing for information about tucker.

Billy: Okay, let’s play this little game then. Okay, so let’s just say I am, hypothetically. What does that matter to you?

Adam: I would say that I might have information that tucker would never want revealed, the details of which that would knock him down a few notches.

Billy: Everybody’s gotten an opinion or information on tucker. What makes yours any different?

Adam: It is the damaging gun. And, hypothetically speaking, I might be willing to sell it to somebody if they could do me a favor.

Billy: Well, I’d be surprised if that information was so damning that it would get under your skin in that way.

Adam: Well, then I guess we’re out of hypotheticals, but if you ever want to have this conversation again, I’m around, billy.

Victor: For your information, no one is on the chopping block, all right? I was simply looking for another perspective.

Nick: But why go to nate for that? His view on sna is completely irrelevant.

Victor: He made some very good points. He thinks that kirsten incorporated will be obsolete within ten years.

Nick: Yes, sharon and i have talked about that at great length. We are prepared to update anything that is antiquated, but it is a non-issue. If you had some concerns about that, you should have come to us. Why would you need to go to nate for his take on the business plan?

Victor: Your views of nate hastings are clouding your judgment.

Nick: I know you too well. There’s something else at play here. Is it adam? Is it me? Are you questioning my work? Or sharon’s?

Victor: His evaluation of your company with sharon and adam was right on. I agree with his assessment.

Nick: Oh, he plays the game well, I’ll admit that, but do not fall for his calm demeanor or business savvy. At the end of the day, he will stab any one of us in the back to get ahead, including victoria.

Victoria: Billy. Hi. It’s me. Um, I’m hoping that we can get together tomorrow morning to discuss something. It’s about your family. So, just let me know, please. Thanks.

Nate: You seem concerned. Is everything all right?

Victoria: Yeah, there just seems to be some trouble brewing over a jabot and billy might get caught in the middle.

Nate: It’s nice of you to be so caring towards your ex. Are you gonna worry about me that way if we, uh, ever break up?

Victoria: It’s hardly the same thing and you know it.

Nate: I’m sorry. Um… I didn’t mean to upset you, especially now that you’ve agreed to forgive and trust me again.

Victoria: Um… I apologize for snapping. It’s not you. I just– I had this really odd and disconcerting encounter with ashley abbott.

Nate: I’m sorry it upset you.

[ Victoria sighing ]

Victoria: And also, I’m– it’s been a long day. I’m just tired. I want to go home and take a nice long, hot bath and have a big glass of wine and unwind before bed.

Nate: That sounds fantastic. I wish I could join you, but I get the sense that we’re not at the stage where you’re ready to have me at your actual home.

[ Victoria sighing ]

Victoria: I appreciate you understanding.

Nate: If you don’t mind, may I alter your plans slightly by adding dinner beforehand?

Victoria: That sounds lovely. I see that you are in a good mood. I assume that has something to do with your meeting with my father?

Nate: Honestly, I don’t know how I feel. It was either the best meeting or the worst. I can’t figure out what he’s up to.

Victor: Hello, sharon.

Sharon: Hello. I got here as soon as I could. What’s going on?

Nick: I have no idea, but I have a suspicion this has something to do with nate.

Victor: Hello, son.

Adam: What’s going on?

Victor: Thank you all for coming on such short notice, but I have some thoughts about your new company and some changes will be made.

Tucker: I’m fine. I’m excited because we’re gearing up to cut the ties of the bind. Make a fresh start. Right? How are you?

Ashley: I’m okay. I mean, I had a weird conversation with victoria. Kind of got me thinking about our future and things.

Tucker: Not second thoughts, I hope.

Ashley: No, I mean, I love you, you know that. And I know my brain is telling me that it’s the right thing to do to step away from jabot and let diane and jack think that I’m through with them and the company.

Tucker: I thought you were through with them. I thought it was live and let live, is that not the plan now? I thought we were going to focus on us. Am I sensing hesitation here?

Ashley: It’s just not that easy, you know, when I’m staring at it in the face now. It’s right there. It’s my family. You know I know my father’s company. I’ve spent months trying to protect them from diane, you know?

Tucker: Right. And where has that gotten you?

Ashley: Just listen, okay? Please. Okay, so if I back away from this battle and I leave billy here to fight the whole thing on his own, right, he’s gonna push diane to the point where the company collapses. Doesn’t that seem kind of ruthless to you? I mean, if I’m capable of doing something like that, then hasn’t diane beaten me? I can’t let her win.

[ Tucker scoffs softly ]

Billy: Jack?

Jack: Hey.

Billy: Hey, thanks for getting back to my text. This can’t wait.

Jack: So, what happened? The text said you saw tucker?

Billy: I did, yeah. I wanted to check in and, you know, get the status of what his and ashley’s plans are for jabot.

[ Billy sighs deeply ] It seems like their surrender is real. Sounds like they’re giving up the fight.

Jack: Do you believe him?

Billy: I believe that tucker wants to move on, yeah, but I– I don’t buy that ashley does. I just– I think that the family company is too important to her.

Jack: I can’t help but wonder if this is another diversion, an effort on their part to put us at ease before the next onslaught.

Billy: It feels like there’s something else coming, yeah. I also picked up on something between adam and tucker.

Jack: What, a collusion?

Billy: More like a conflict. I– I walked in on them having a heated discussion and, uh, when I pushed adam on it, he says he has information on tucker, the kind of information that tucker wants to keep secret.

Jack: Wait, why would adam reveal that to you?

Billy: He wants to trade it for something else. (Wheezing)

Tucker: But diane is not going to win. You know that and I know that and she won’t need your help to lose. She won’t need billy’s help. Why is this still an issue?

Ashley: You know how important this is to me. We’re talking about my father’s legacy.

Tucker: Yes, I know, but I thought you were… I thought we agreed you were not going to try to fight a useless, unwinnable war. How many times do I have to tell you this, ashley? You don’t need jabot, you don’t need jack.

Ashley: I’m walking away from my family, tucker.

Tucker: I’m your family, too! And this obsession you have with jack and diane and jabot, it’s– it has for months gotten in the way of us.

Ashley: Yeah, I don’t like it when you– you label this as an obsession that I have.

Tucker: Well, I don’t know what else to call it. I don’t understand. A couple of days ago you were– all you wanted to do was walk away.

Ashley: Okay, but you know what? If we can’t talk about this as a couple, then what do we have? Where are we exactly if we can’t talk to each other about this?

Tucker: You’re right. I’m sorry. I know how difficult this is for you. You know, I applaud your strength, really. I marvel at it. But I just wish you could take some of it and direct it our way.

[ Tucker sighing ] I just wish you could focus on us a little bit, and just let everything else take care of itself. And it will. I swear.

Jack: So, what does adam want from us? What is it he thinks we have?

Billy: I don’t know. It’s adam, so I’m gonna assume that he’s playing games.

Jack: I sense there’s more to it.

Billy: Look, I’m concerned about what ashley and tucker are up to, okay? And now my opportunity to find out what that is from the inside, that door has been slammed shut.

Jack: You think they’re onto our charade? Maybe they just don’t trust you anymore?

Billy: No, I don’t think that’s what it is. I think I’ve played my part perfectly. It was that moment that you gave ashley her part of the company. That’s what threw the game off kilter.

Jack: Or maybe that put the brakes on everything. Yeah. Even the score. That’s what ashley wanted all along. Now that she has it, we can all move on with our lives and this messy war.

Billy: Yeah. I guess so.

Jack: You don’t seem too pleased with that. Why is that? It’s almost like you’re disappointed that we won’t have this battle to fight anymore.

Nate: I gave victor my assessment of sna. I pointed out the weaknesses in the business plan, mostly stemming from adam’s obsessive focus on taking back newman media and that’s really all about getting back at you.

Victoria: Adam’s capacity for revenge is never ending. It’s one of his greatest failings. Did my father agree with you?

Nate: Victor seemed very interested in my opinions. He even went so far as to ask me how I would handle things if I were in charge.

Victoria: Well, he wouldn’t have asked you that question if he wasn’t entertaining the possibility or had some other angle. I think my father definitely has a plan that involves you, one that might take you away from working at newman enterprises.

Nate: Away from you.

Victoria: Which I will not condone.

Nate: Do you think he’s considering putting me in charge of sna?

Victoria: Hm. I wouldn’t dream quite so big. More than likely, he wants to replace adam with you, which would put you on an equal level with nick and sharon.

Nate: I don’t know. I get the feeling that victor’s starting to believe there’s too many cooks in the kitchen over there.

[ Victoria chuckling ] That the company needs a strong, singular leader.

Victoria: Yes, but it’s unlikely that he would offer that title to you.

Nate: But what if he did? If victor were to offer me the sole position, would you try to block the move?

Victoria: You know, if I didn’t know better, I would think that maybe you’re trying to play me for a promotion here.

Victor: My first instinct was to watch your newly developed company perform.

Adam: Mm-hmm. You’ve given us three months to do that.

Victor: That is true. I’ve changed my mind. We’re going with your plan. We’re going to fold sna into newman media.

Adam: [ Laughs ] Now– now that you’ve considered it, my idea was a good one?

Victor: That’s right.

Adam: Hmm. [ Clears throat ] Dad, um, it’s never that simple with you. I mean, after the hell that you rain down on me, I don’t believe that you just changed your mind because I said so. So, what really changed your mind, dad?

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GH Transcript Thursday, August 24, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Carly: Don’t! Shoo! Don’t you do that. You’re no fun. I’m tons of fun. But if you want french fries, you got to order them. No, I want information. About what? Your visit to pentonville.

[ Knock on door ] Oh. I come bearing gifts. Well, hello, ava.

[ Door closes ] Hi, I hope I’m not interrupting. Anyone with caffeine and sugar is definitely not an interruption. Thank you so much. You’re welcome. What brings you by? Well, I–I was at the gallery earlier and I saw trina. Mm. It’s been such a good distraction for her. I’m so grateful she has an outlet. I sure love having her back. But she, um — she gave me an update on curtis, and that’s the reason I came by. I know you have an awful lot to deal with, and I just — I just want to know if there’s anything I can do. Brent: You got it. Keep going. Almost there.

[ Breathing heavily ] You did it.

[ Exhales deeply ] Ahh.

[ Breathing hard ] Oh… phew. It’s not like I climbed mount everest or anything. Maybe not, but you made incredible progress and you should be proud of yourself. I’ll be proud of myself when I get out of here on my feet and go home.

[ Exhales deeply ] Alright, let’s go again. I think we should take a break. No way. Come on. Am I still going to be living with esme and ace at my grandmother’s house when she gets back? Uh… I-I don’t know. I honestly haven’t given it much thought. What kind of answer is that? No, I don’t mean to be flippant about it. It’s just that there’s been a lot going on, and I’ve been trying to make sure that my brother stays safe from esme as well as trying to be supportive of you. Yeah. I get it. Look, I never realized how much work went into taking care of a baby, and it is a lot, so it’s been difficult for me to think about, you know, practical, big picture things like where I’m going to be living as ace gets older. Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up. No, it’s okay. Don’t apologize. You have every right to ask the question. It’s just that I wish that I could give you a simple, straightforward answer. That’s the problem. There is no simple or straightforward answer. Oh, my god. This is a disaster. How? Just — just tell me, how could this have happened? Okay, you need to calm down. We don’t have all the facts yet. We have enough to know that deception is under direct attack. Someone is out to bring us down with malicious intent. I refuse — I refuse to let that happen.

[ Door closes ] We have to talk. Not now! Not now! Yes, now. I need to sell sasha’s deception stock, and I can’T. What the hell is going on? Mmm. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I am not complaining, but what was that for? Just because. Hmm. Hey, I was wondering, uh… would you be down with doing me a favor? You don’t have to kiss me to get a favor. I know that. I wasn’t kissing you to get a favor. Mm-hmm. They’re two separate things. Okay. Would you mind going to check on cody at the quartermaines’? Sure. But he’s your friend, so why don’t you go? Because I think if I go and check on him, it’s going to make him act even crazier than he already is.

[ Crunching ] Sorry, bud. I just can’t do it. I can’t leave sasha just sitting there when I know she’s in trouble. I mean, I wouldn’t leave you with dangerous people. Not that I’m comparing sasha to a horse… or you to sasha. Although, if you think about it, you guys do have some similarities.

[ Horse whinnies in distance ] You’re both gorgeous. You’re both kind, sweet, make people happy. You both got a great head of hair. Mac: Cody, you in there? What the hell do you want?!

Do you remember when I told you that gladys slapped cody with a restraining order and he went nuts and threatened her in front of me and mac? Yeah, but I wouldn’t blame anyone for having a problem with gladys. And I don’t think that cody would ever hurt a woman. Okay, exactly. Wh-when he was acting like he was going to kill her, I knew it was an act. Did you call him on it? Yeah. Took him into the interrogation room. He’s chucking around papers and kicking over chairs, and I finally got him to admit that he just couldn’t get into ferncliff to see sasha. He’s trying to act crazy so that he can get himself committed. What’s the emergency? We need to prep a statement for social media, pronto. That can wait. I’m the one with the emergency! Zip it. Not until you tell me what’s going on with sasha’s stock. Why can’t I sell it? Oh, because sasha is a co-owner of deception. None of us can sell our stock because of that lawsuit. Lawsuit? What are you talking about? Intellectual property theft. Someone’s claiming that we stole the design for the deceptor. I was just checking on you. How are you doing? Oh, how am I doing? How do you think I’m doing? I got two cops on my tail, dante won’t stop texting me, and you — you’re here.

[ Laughs ] You both keep waiting for me to commit a crime. Maybe I already did. Maybe I hit gellhorn jewelers and hid another bracelet around here. Why don’t you check around? Go ahead and search. Or better yet, why don’t you just cuff me right now and take me in, officer? It’s so sweet of you to offer. It really is. And, yes, there is something that you can do for me. Just name it. You can tell me how trina’s really doing. I know that you two have a special connection, and I don’t want to pry, but I would absolutely love your opinion. How’s trina handling everything? I think under the circumstances, trina is doing remarkably well, and she has spencer, and I know he’s very supportive. He’s clearly helping her through this. Is he really? That’s hard to believe, is it?

[ Scoffs ] I know that trina has feelings for spencer, but it’s just so much more complicated now with esme and ace coming as a package deal. And I’m worried. I-I’m worried that it’s going to be too much for her to handle. Spencer is good for trina. He makes her so happy. She lit up when he came into the gallery. But where spencer goes, trouble follows, and it’s the same with the whole family, I mean — you don’t have to tell me about the cassadine family, right? But, portia, I think that you should give spencer a chance, for trina’s sake. The one thing that I want to make certain of is that my little brother feels secure. I do not want him to feel abandoned the way that I did by my father. But you’re not his father. I understand that. But while my father is god knows where, it’s kind of up to me to fill that void. I’m going to make sure that he feels safe. I’m going to make sure that he feels secure, and I’m going to make sure that he feels loved, because I never had those things. I was the kid who was stuck alone in a big house by myself. And sure, I had staff there to take care of me, but that’s no way to raise a child. My father was never there, and other kids, they had parents to tuck them in at night. And what did I have? I had… chandler. Who’s that? Chandler was my chauffeur. I mean, can you imagine that? I was eight years old. I was eight. And my best friend in the world was the guy who was driving me around town in a limousine. I have memories — we would pull up outside my school and I would see the other kids getting out of minivans and their mothers kissing them on the cheek, and I wished with every fiber of my being that that was me. All I wanted was to be a part of a real family. That’s so sad. And then my father pretended to be dead for three years. Who does that to their kid? Who? He abandoned me, and now he abandons my little brother. I’m really sorry, spencer — and I just — and I just wish… I wish I knew where he was. A big part of me wants to believe that he was forced out of port charles. Maybe on some level, that makes it easier to accept. Maybe he was. You know what your uncle victor was capable of. Maybe he did something to your dad to — no. My father left us. He left us. But you don’t know that. Why do you always assume the worst of him? Because it’s all he’s ever shown me. Why do you want to know about pentonville? You were there to visit drew. Yeah. How do you…? Dex told you? Yep. Okay. What do you want to know? If you saw gatlin-holt, and if he was there with anyone.

Jordan ashford, my pt, brent snyder. Are you curtis’s sister? Uh, jordan is my ex-wife. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Same here. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m glad you did. I was trying to get this guy to take a break. Well, brent, you must be good at what you do, because curtis is making great progress. He makes me look good. It’s all about how hard our patients are willing to work, and curtis is incredibly motivated. He might not be ready for a break, but I am. Nice to meet you, jordan. You’ve really come a long way with your physical therapy. You came all the way down here to check up on my progress? Actually, no. I have some news. Someone burned down anna’s house. If spencer wasn’t making trina happy, I would step in. But I hate to admit it — you’re right. For some reason, trina is able to look past all of the baggage that comes with spencer. So the only thing that I can really do is just be there for her if she needs me. And you have enough to deal with. When is curtis coming home? It’s not really a when. It’s more of an — of an if. At this point, I don’t — I just don’t really know where we stand. Oh, I’m so sorry. I — I hope I didn’t overstep. No, no, no, no, no. Um… of course I want curtis to come home as soon as he possibly can. It’s just that… I have no idea what he really wants. So you don’t know how much longer he’ll be in rehab? No, no, no. He’s — he’s dedicated to his physical therapy, but it’s about more than just his body healing. Um, the past couple times that I’ve visited him, it’s been tense, and he’s completely shut me out. And I just feel like I’m just walking on eggshells around him. If I compliment his progress, he sees that as pity. If I discuss anything else, it’s as if I’m, you know, avoiding the topic. I’m so sorry, portia. That must be very difficult. It is. So I just try to focus on the practical things in life, like getting the house ready. I’m just praying that curtis comes home. I don’t buy it. Excuse me? About your dad. You love him. You know there’s something good in there somewhere. I remember hearing a few happy stories, like when you were scared to get on a horse the first time, but your dad put you on his lap and told you that there was nothing to be scared of. And he sat with you on the horse for hours, until you felt comfortable. How do you do that? What? Find a way to talk me off a ledge. Or a tree.

[ Chuckles ] You’re right. I do love my father. And what if something bad did happen to him? Well? Yeah. Yeah, I saw gatlin-holt. I don’t know who he was visiting. Why? Why do you care? I don’t trust that guy, and neither should you. I mean, he’s nothing but trouble, carly. That makes sense. What do you mean? He’s seeing ava. She’s a magnet for trouble. You know, I just don’t know if I played it all entirely right with cody. How do you mean? Well, I shouldn’t have let him know that I knew what he was doing, ’cause then he just denied it and told me I was crazy and that either I had to lock him up or cut him loose. So you let him go? Well, yeah. Putting him in prison was going to be a worse idea, I think. What was mac’s take on it? Surprisingly, mac understood where he was coming from. I guess he had a similar situation with cody’s mother, dominique, when she was in a mental facility, because he broke in to try and get her out. Okay, well, that still doesn’t make it a good plan. No, cody rarely has good plans. My concern is that this guy is gonna get in there and he’s not going to be able to get out. You’ve had it out for me ever since the beginning, so why don’t we just get it over with and drag me down to the station? Cody… look, I’m sorry you feel that way, but it’s not true.

[ Scoffs ] I don’t think the worst of you. I know you have a good heart. It just really threw me when I found out you were dominique’s son. Why? I never even knew her. I wish you had. She was a very special person. She was kind and warm and gentle, but I always thought she was too trusting. Yeah. She sounds a lot like sasha. They had more in common than you realize. Dominique was also sent to a mental hospital.

I don’t care who ava’s seeing as long as it doesn’t affect avery. I just want to know if you picked up on anything when you saw gatlin-holt. Um, I just saw him walk through the visiting area. He didn’t even stop to visit with anyone. I just assumed he was taking care of a patient in the prison. Why would you say that? ‘Cause he had his doctor bag with him, and I just assumed he was going to the infirmary. I wish that I could offer you some words of wisdom, but unfortunately, I do not have the best track record when it comes to healthy relationships. And I’m not one to throw stones. To say that curtis and i were going through a rough patch before the shooting — yeah, that would be an understatement. He was just so hurt when I didn’t tell him that he could be trina’s father, and I don’t blame him. It almost destroyed our relationship, and we were actually making baby steps towards healing when he was shot. But even if we hadn’t faced all of those hurdles, even if we had been blissfully happy since the wedding, I still think that curtis would have reacted the same way in his situation. So you don’t think his hostility is about what happened before his injury? No, no. I think that this is about curtis. It’s about how vulnerable he feels. You know curtis. You know he’s very, very proud. And it’s as if he doesn’t want me to see him in that way. He doesn’t want me to see him in — in a wheelchair. I imagine that he doesn’t want to seem weak or helpless, right? But he isn’t helpless. Even if he has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, it’s not going to make me love him any less. And I’ve told him that. I’ve made it clear to him that I’m in this with him. I’m in it for the long haul, no matter what life throws at us. But he’s still keeping his distance. Yes. And it makes him pull away from me even more. You said someone burned down anna’s house, so you must have proof it was arson. So this is what we know so far — anna went for a late-night run sometime after 10:30. She thinks she was gone about 45 minutes. When she got home and saw the flames, she called the fire department, but by the time they arrived, the whole place was engulfed. So the arsonist was watching, waiting for her to leave. And at that late hour, they could have hid under the cover of darkness. No one would have even noticed them. Exactly. And clearly, they just wanted to send a message. Unlike the shooting at the metro court pool, they didn’t want to kill anna. Yeah, but, see, you have to prove that there was intent to kill. I mean, the bullet that hit me was a ricochet. So what’s your theory? Maybe the shooter wasn’t intending to hit their target. Like the fire, maybe they were just trying to send a message. And you were collateral damage. We don’t know if anything bad happened to your father. We just have to hope that your grandmother and kevin come back with answers. Yeah. Right. Okay, well, let’s get to work. I can help you hang these paintings for the art show. Do you know how much there is to do before we get to that stage? I have to check in every painting, log in all the artist information, and make the tombstones. The tombstones? That’s the little label that goes next to the artwork describing the piece. Oh, you have a lot to learn, so let’s get busy.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Um, she wants to know if I’m coming home for dinner. She? Esme? I don’t understand. Oh, we’ve been served. It’s a lawsuit filed for huge damages. And if that wasn’t bad enough, our deception stocks are frozen. Frozen? Frozen? Frozen. “Let it go.” The lawsuit claims that the design for the deceptor was stolen. Which it wasn’T. It was not. It was 100% my idea, with a little inspiration from marty, of course. But it was all mine. But who filed the lawsuit? We don’t know. The plaintiff is just listed as an llc. I don’t even know what those letters mean. It means we don’t know who’s suing us, gladys. Okay, well, then how — how are we going to get the ban on selling stock lifted?

[ Scoffs ] Gladys, you don’t seem to understand what’s going on here. We cannot sell our stocks. It’s a court order. Well, then un-order it! We have to do something! I need the damn money! I was in love with dominique, and I know she would have adored you. The crazy thing is, cody, I understand your instinct to want to rescue sasha. I tried to do the same thing with dominique, so I get where you’re coming from. Then why don’t you just back off and leave me alone? Because I can’t! For a short time, I thought you were my son. It was a feeling I’ve never had before — until it wasn’T. I have to look out for you. It’s what dominique would have wanted, okay? I’m here to help you, so please let me. Cody?

[ Door closes ] Where are you going?

I’m so sorry, portia. I just don’t know what more I could do. I’m trying to convince curtis that my love for him has nothing to do with whether he can walk or not. And of course, I am praying that he gets out of that wheelchair, but if he doesn’t, it just doesn’t change my love for him. You know, it may seem like curtis is trying to keep his distance from you, but I think that’s probably just a defense mechanism. He knows that he needs your support. He just doesn’t want the guilt that comes along with it. Yeah, but what does he have to feel guilty about? I’m the one — I’m the one that hurt him. I don’t want to play armchair psychologist here, but maybe he thinks that you’d be giving up your life to take care of him. But I wouldn’t be giving anything up. It would be — it would be challenging to adjust to a new reality, but I just feel like that’s what marriage is about — “in sickness and in health.” Yeah. I’m not the one you need to convince, though, right? You need to go and you need to tell curtis this. Tell him how you feel. I have tried. I have tried. He’s not listening to me. Well, then make him listen. Tell him again and again and again until he hears you! Because you know, curtis may not be able to admit it right now, but he really needs you. Any updates on the fire at anna devane’s house? Oh, great. Can you send me that file?

[ Knock on door ] Yeah. Okay, great. Thanks. Hey, valentin. Hey, dante. Charlotte should be down any second. Great. Listen, thank you for letting her stay here while laura’s out of town. Yeah, of course. She’s family, right? And rocco’s really enjoyed hanging out with her again. Good. I figured that it would be safer for her to be here than with me, and given what happened, looks like I was right. Yeah. Yeah. I’m sorry about all that, anna’s house burning down. I mean, where are you going to live now? Great, another one here to hassle me. What, did dante send you to do his dirty work? To hell with the both of you. That went well. I’m worried about cody. He’s just so combative. He won’t listen to reason. Yeah, I know. Dante told me about his meltdown at the pcpd. He totally lost control. He was paranoid and hostile. I’m doing my best to calm him down, but he just won’t listen to reason. You know, hopefully being here at the quartermaines’ will help him, and the horses will be a good distraction. Yeah, let’s hope so. Look, I have to head out, but keep me in the loop. Yeah. If cody needs anything, let me know. Yeah, of course. Certainly. Go ahead. Thanks. Mm-hmm.

[ Door closes ] You got rid of the cop. Great, now it’s your turn. There’s the door. No, no, no, no. Stop. Drop the act! I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on. Thanks for the information. Mm-hmm. How was your visit with drew? He’s hanging in there. He’s much better now that he’s out of solitary confinement. Thank you. Why was he there in the first place?

[ Sighs ] He was defending an inmate. Oh, that sounds like drew. Yeah, except that it was cyrus renault. Why would he want to protect that guy? I don’t know. I don’t understand it myself. But that’s why we got to get him out of there, sonny. I’m afraid the other inmates are going to want to retaliate. You don’t have to worry about book. Who’s book? Book’s a punk, and he’s not gonna bother drew again. That’s why dex was there. So she wants you to come home for dinner? Well, I would much rather stay here with you. Look, I get it. There’s a ton of things I have to do for this exhibit, so you just go home and have dinner with ace. Well, his dinner consists of a bottle. It’s really not much of a big — okay, alright. Thank you for understanding. You’re probably right.

I can’t believe you let mac think that you were actually having a nervous breakdown. Maybe I am. No, the timing is way too convenient, so you can drop the act. Tell me the real story. Sam — no. First, you try to go and see sasha, and that failed. And then suddenly, out of the blue, you want to put yourself in a straightjacket. You can’t con a con. I know a play when I see one. Then help me pull it off. Why do you need to sell sasha’s stock? Well, not all of it. It’s just that her medical bills are piling up. Well, doesn’t she have insurance? Well, of — of course, but the deductible is huge. The only way I can pay for it is to sell her stock. Gladys, it’s not gonna happen. But can’t — can’t you get the lawsuit thrown out? Obviously, our lawyer is working on that, and you just need to calm down. Okay, they need to work faster, ’cause I can’t wait. You’re gonna have to. Our hands are tied. It’s up to the court now. The plaintiff submitted their design process right along with ours.

[ Chuckles ] Talk about theft. How in the world did they get their hands on our designs? Which actually shouldn’t matter, should it? Because they were not stolen. It was all right from in here. But now our bestselling product is on ice, our stocks are tanking, and this is an absolute nightmare which gummies probably won’t fix. Yeah, well, we’re still figuring things out, but in the meantime, as far as charlotte is concerned — I mean, if she’s happy here, I don’t see any reason to uproot her. I mean, if that’s okay with you. Yeah, yeah, it’s fine. We love having her. How’s anna doing? Well, it’s an emotional time. She didn’t just lose her home, she lost all her possessions, I mean, things that meant something to her. And of course, that happened after her past was exposed. Yeah. She’s been through a lot. That’s weird timing, huh? The fire. It’s kind of suspect, when you think about it. I mean, whoever did it, they must have been surveilling the house, ’cause anna wasn’t there. You weren’t there. I heard you were at elq that night or something? Yeah, I had a minor emergency I had to take care of. Oh, no. I’m sorry. What kind of emergency would be at elq at that time of night? Papa!

Mon petite! I had a great day at camp. Great. I can’t wait to hear all about it. I hope you won’t be offended if I point out your ex-wife is one attractive lady.

[ Chuckles ] Why would I be offended? Jordan’s a beautiful woman. Is she a beautiful woman who happens to be single? I don’t keep tabs on my ex-wife. I hope she comes to visit again.

[ Chuckles ] For you or for me? Hey, I’m just looking out for my patients. It makes me happy when you guys have visitors. And should the opportunity present itself again, perhaps I can get to know jordan a little bit better. Oh, you don’t know jordan, but she’s — she’s a great lady. Very complicated. I can deal with complicated.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I need to check in with my supervisor. I’ll get you started as soon as I’m back. No rush. I know what to do. ‘Sup. Hey. What, is my form lacking? No, not at all. I…[ Sighs ] I was just wondering if I could ever get that far. Dr. Robinson, I was just here helping trina get set up for her art show. Oh, I see. So, how’s ace? He’s doing great. Good. Good. Those parenting classes with esme, they must really be helping. Oh, yeah. They’re really helping a lot. Okay, well, I will let you get back to work. Uh, enjoy your dinner. Sorry. [ Chuckles ] I didn’t mean to intrude. I-I just wanted to bring you dinner to celebrate your first week back at the gallery. No, it’s okay. I’m glad you’re here. I know you probably need a distraction with everything you and curtis are going through.

Alright, guilty as charged. But I have to get into ferncliff. It’s the only way I can help sasha. But that means getting yourself committed. Exactly. Oh, you must be really crazy if you think that that plan will work. Have you ever seen “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest”? Once you get in, it’s really hard to get out. Then help me. What, help you fake crazy? No. Help me get committed.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, no way. I told you about the cit program, right? The counselor in training program, yeah. And a bunch of my friends are doing it, too. Well, that’s great. I mean, you must be excited to see them after so much time away. You know what’s weird, papa? What? In some ways, my friends are so different, but in others, they’re exactly the same. Well, you’re still enjoying being with them, though, right? Yeah. But it’s hard at the end of the day, when I see them being picked up by their moms. You miss your mom? Dante took me to see her last week. [ Sighs ] I keep hoping she’s going to wake up, but she never changes. Go grab your backpack. I’m hungry. We’re gonna eat by the pool at the metro court. Dante, I really appreciate everything you’re doing for charlotte, but if you’re going to take her to see lulu, will you let me know? Because it’s very upsetting for her. It is upsetting for her, valentin, but lulu’s her mother, and charlotte asked me to take her to see her, and I’m going to do that every time without asking your permission. I’m ready for a cheeseburger. Great. Let’s go. Bye, dante. See you. Have a good time. Man, your determination, it’s impressive. I mean, I sit here and I wonder how long it would take me to get to your level, and then I think I’ll probably never get there. If you start comparing yourself to other disabled people in terms of what you can and can’t do, you’ll drive yourself crazy. Everyone’s situation is different. You have to learn what limits you can push past and which ones you have to accept. That’s easier said than done. You know, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around… you know. Look, do I have a different life than I expected? Sure. But it’s still my life, so despite the limitations, I’m gonna live it to the best of my ability. And you should, too. Well, everybody’s really pulling together for curtis. Stella is gonna stay in town, and poor n’neka, she’s overwhelmed at the savoy, so marshall is going to help out and look for a manager, you know, that’s gonna — that’s good. Yeah, help out until curtis gets on his — that’s really good. Until curtis is — is feeling better. Did you go to visit him today? I tried. Visiting hours were over? No, no. I drove there, but I didn’t make it out of the parking lot. I just…sat there.

[ Voice breaking ] I just sat there in the car for 20 minutes, looking at the building. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t — I couldn’t go in. And I wanted to see him. I wanted to see him so badly. But every time I visit, he pushes me away, and I just couldn’t go through that again. Maybe right now, curtis just needs space. Just let him go through his physical therapy, and he’ll come around. I’m not so sure about that. And I feel so utterly selfish. I mean, curtis is in a wheelchair, and I’m upset because he’s pushing me away? I want to be there. I want to be there for him so bad… but he doesn’t want me. I don’t know what to do. There are no easy answers. So how is dex? Why would you ask that? Because he’s dating my daughter, and I don’t want her dragged into some dangerous situation. Dex is smart. He knows how important josslyn is to me. He cares about her. He’s not going to let anything happen to her. Let’s hope so. I got to run. If you find out anything else as far as austin visiting pentonville, let me know. ‘Cause he gets under my skin, and I’m gonna find out why.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Thursday, August 24, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Slow? Sloane? Hey, hey, Sloane. Oh, Eric. You

okay? It looks like you’re, uh, Oh, the worst. I tripped. We lost the baby.

Sloane, I,

uh, it wasn’t a dream. My baby’s gone. What?

Baby’s gone. Oh.

I’m coming, Mother.

Ava, you’ve got no place to go now but prison. Well, better yet, hell. And once I catch up with you, I get to decide.

No, no, what the hell is she doing? Mother!

Help! Oh, dear God. Oh, God, it can’t be. No. What? What can’t be? It’s her. It’s her. She’s right behind you. It’s Susan Banks. She’s come back from the dead.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

She’s right there. She’s smiling at me. She’s smiling in angry, terrifying grief. Ava, Ava, shh. It’s okay. It’s okay. The woman you’re seeing is not Susan. Please. Please, please leave me alone. Leave me alone, Susan. I didn’t mean for you to die. She must be off her meds. What’s your name? I’m Mitch. Mitch Waters.

Don’t listen to trick us. You shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be here, Susan. You don’t belong, so please just leave. Please, for God’s sake, leave me alone!

Alright, there you go. Nice and strong, just the way you like it. Thanks.

I still can’t believe he’s gone. Yeah, me neither. I was beginning to think he’d outlive all of us.

Don’t tell me you’re mourning the old scoundrel. No, I wouldn’t say that exactly. We did have our issues. Take it down a notch, Marlena. I didn’t do anything to your son. In fact, it was Father Eric doing. Kristen didn’t.

We were a team in this. I’ll split it with you. And you would have had nothing against Kristen if I hadn’t given you that flash drive. If I hadn’t thanked you, my apologies. Your apology will begin to cover what you’ve done. You knew what was on that DVD when you gave it to me. And you knew that if I took that in and put it on the screen, it would destroy my son’s life.

I know he caused a lot of chaos and difficulty in Salem, but… He did make the place more interesting. Oh, ho, ho. That he did. And we’re very close to a lot of people who, who truly loved him. Yeah. Victor and Kate share a son. If anybody knows what kind of lifelong bond that creates, it’s you and me. Yes, we do.

How’s Betty holding up? He’s doing alright. It’s a little more complicated because of what’s going on with Kristen and their daughter. Poor guy. Truly poor guy. And Belle said that she and her family are having a bit of a hard time with it, too. Yeah, well, despite his crimes and indiscretions, Victor Kariakis was a big part of everyone’s lives there.

A force to be reckoned with, that’s for sure. To Victor.

To Victor. And those who loved him.

It’s funny how our things come in bunches, isn’t it? I mean, funerals and weddings. I guess you heard that Eric is engaged. Don’t remind me. Yeah, I wasn’t thrilled when he told me that son was pregnant. But that would mean that Eric’s a dad and we’d be grandparents. Regardless of how we feel about her, they’re…

They’re going to get married.

Why? Why? You know, why did this happen to us? I was having a healthy pregnancy. I know, I know. I, I, I don’t know. You know, they’re running tests, right? According to the doctors, I guess sometimes these things happen. Please. Hey guys. Hi, Aunt Kayla. How are you feeling, Sloan? How do you think? My baby is dead.

Sorry. I don’t mean to snap at you. You don’t need to apologize to me. I am, uh, I’m sorry for the loss. Both of you. Thank you. Do we have our test results back? I need to know why this happened. I need to know why I lost my baby.

You’re welcome.


just… Stay there and rest. While I… Or… I need… Admit you… To Stefan’s attempted murder. See ya. Okay,

this should work.

What do you think you’re doing?

Good morning, sleepy Head. I guess I wore you out last night, huh? Why are you looking through my phone? Uh, wait, this is your phone? No wonder I couldn’t find any of my emails. I’m so sorry, I thought it was mine. Well, it isn’t. Well, they were right here on the table next to each other, and you know, if we’re going to be doing these sleepovers, we really should get different cases.

So, can I have it back? Oh. Of course. Where’s my head? Thank you. So, last night was fun, huh? You mean last night and this morning? That too. Yeah, that was definitely a good time. I hope you know I didn’t plan on coming here to sleep with you. Guess I swept you off your feet. I guess you did.

Ugh. You’re kidding. Hmm. Lee, I, uh, I really, really want to, but I, I, I have to get to the courthouse. Oh. Hmm. Isn’t this so much more fun than putting bad guys behind bars? Yeah, it is, but girls gotta earn a living. Ah, excuses, excuses. May I use your shower? Do you need me to join you? No time.

What exactly are you up to, Melinda?

Eric, would you mind keeping Sloane and me a minute alone? No. Yeah, yeah, of course. No, I want him to stay. Are you sure? You’re worried about my privacy. I’m giving you permission now to share everything with him. He was his baby too. Alright. Thank you. So what did the test reveal? Sloan, um, your test results show that you have an autoimmune disorder.

Which is where your body’s immune system mistakenly creates antibodies that attack your healthy tissues. And that can also cause blood clots in your arteries and your veins. Is that why I passed out? Most likely. And we think that that’s probably what caused the miscarriage. But you need to know that there are effective treatments.

And before we go any further, I’m going to go print up some literature that you guys can read, so you can understand more what you’re dealing with. Okay? Okay. Thank you. I’m Kayla. I am so sorry for your loss.

Well, at least we know now why this happened.

I know exactly why this happened. Nothing to do with an autoimmune disorder. What do you mean? What are you, what? I’m being punished. Punished? Eric. Punished for what? Being who I am. For the choices that I’ve made. No, no Sloan. God does not work that way. Oh, like hell he doesn’t. Your precious God took our baby for the decisions that I’ve made.

Oh, hey. Who’s up?

You okay? Um, I’m fine. It’s nothing. Well, it doesn’t look like nothing. Looks like you’ve seen a ghost. It’s because I have, in a manner of speaking. Well, what happened?

It was just a nightmare. Truthfully, it was a, a series of memories. Memories of what? The night Ava Vitale killed my mother.

I know why you’re here, Susan. You came back for revenge, didn’t you? What is she talking about? She’s just a little confused. It’s okay, Ava, you’re safe. How can you say that? She’s standing right there.

I didn’t mean to kill you. Susan, Susan, it was an accident, I swear. And if your son, if your son hadn’t been chasing me, I never would have been forced to drive off the road. Stop looking at me like that. Stop torturing me. Leave me. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s okay. Hey, hey. I got her, it’s okay. Mitch, just, just walk away.

She came back. She

came back. She came back for revenge. She came back to punish me. No, no, nobody’s gonna punish you. Nobody’s punishing you. know that I deserve it. Oh my god. Ava. Oh my god. Ava, listen to me. Hey, hey, look at me. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t handle it. I can’t take it, Harris. I can’t, I can’t. Ava. Ava. Hey.

Please, just Look at me.

That woman

is not Susan. It’s not Susan. I can promise you, that woman is not her. Her name is Mitch. Okay, she’s a patient here. It is not, Susan. Go ahead and take a look. It’s, it’s okay. Just go ahead. Oh my god. I’m so sorry.

Don’t be sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Don’t, don’t. Hey. It’s okay. Don’t be sorry. Oh my god. It’s not gonna be okay. How is it gonna ever be okay? I’m still seeing dead people. That means I’m still psychotic. And I’m never gonna get out of here. And I’m never gonna be well again.

I’m not. Oh, you picked me out a tie. How domestic. Yeah. How’d I do? Excellent choice.

So, how long have you been having these nightmares about your mother and Ava? Um, ever since the night she died. Why didn’t you tell me? Well, it’s not every night. It tends to only occur when I’m under duress. Well… Have you talked to anyone about this? No, no, and you don’t need to be Dr. Marlena Evans to get to the root of it.

It’s obvious that my loss is unresolved because I haven’t managed to avenge my mother’s death. Ava Vitarly faked a mental breakdown and managed to get herself shipped off to some cushy mental hospital. Where’s the justice in that? BJ, I, I, I know I am not Ava’s biggest fan, but, I really, I don’t think she’s faking mental illness.

And with my extensive dealings with her, I can attest that that woman is deranged. Hmm. Still and all, she and that mongrel Xander cook her alive and well, while my dear sweet mother was sent to an early grave. And these nightmares will continue to plague me until I make sure those two rotters get what they deserve.


know, here I was. I was feeling so good after my visit with Tripp.

I really thought I was pretty damn bad. I don’t know, maybe it’s just a matter of adjusting the molds. I don’t know. I’m

starting to wonder if anything’s going to help me. No, no, we’re not going to talk like that. Iris.

What if the doctors see what happened today as some kind of major setback? What if they isolate me? And they don’t allow me any visitors? I don’t think they’re gonna do that. I need to see my son. I mean, what if they, they decide that I’m incurable? I’m always gonna be a threat to society. You know,

what if I told you that I know a psychiatrist and you can trust him implicitly? He will not see you as a threat. And definitely not incurable. She’ll do everything she can to help you without judgment.

Who? What, what, what psychiatrist? The best there is. Dr. Marlena Evans.

You have to admit that it would be nice to have a, a grandbaby to spoil again. I do love babies. You do. You are the Baby Whisperer. You always have been. And I miss using those skills since Allie and Henry moved to New Zealand. I bet you do. I

have an idea. Okay. Why don’t we have a baby shower for Sloane right here at the pub? You’re serious? Well, uh, would be for, would be for Eric too, you know. I’m gonna pass. I thought you were looking forward to having another grandchild. That doesn’t mean I have to throw a big party for Sloane Peterson. You know, she did insult my clam chowder.

Seriously? Yeah, it is serious. That recipe came with Brady’s from Ireland generations ago. They fought famine, rough seas. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Your mother told me many, many times. Okay, then you understand the significance. Look, she might be carrying her baby. Hell, she might talk him into marrying her one day.

But that doesn’t mean I have to feed and or like her.

I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Why do you deserve punishment? What did you do?

Okay, Nicole Walker. No genetic anomalies detected. Blah, blah, blah. Okay, where is

it? E. J. DiMera.

Not a genetic match. Dear God. The baby’s not E. J. ‘s. It’s Eric’s.

Okay, that should do it. Presto change o. No mention of EJ not being a genetic match for Nicole’s baby.

I’ve been through some of the terrible things that I’ve done.

Who hasn’t? Sloane, you’re being way too hard on yourself right now. If you knew some of the things that I’ve done, you keep saying that, but you, you were trying to tell me something before you collapsed it. Is that what this is about?

Are you sure You don’t need me to come in? No, I don’t. You were here till 4:00 AM and the last thing I need is exhausted doctors in my er. So you need to rest doctor’s orders. Okay. I just wanted to see if there’s anything I could do for Sloan. That’s very sweet of you. How is she? It’s quite a blow, obviously.

And for Eric, too. Have you figured out what might have caused Sloan to miscarry? Sloan lost the baby?

Thanks for the update, Kayla. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you tomorrow. Did you drop much? I was just walking through and I heard you say that Sloan Peterson had a miscarriage. That’s awful. What happened? I think you know that I’m not at liberty to discuss a patient’s medical issues. Oh, please. You Salem U doctors violate HIPAA more than you change your scrubs.

Huh. Well, this conversation’s over. Look, I’m a friend of Sloan’s. Okay, then talk to her. Fine. I will. No, wait, wait, wait. You’re not supposed to know.

Damn. Sloan, what were you about to tell me before you got sick and passed out?

Please, please, just tell me.

Just, just say that I… Okay, um, here’s what I found on your autoimmune disorder.

This condition doesn’t mean that I’m never going to be able to have a baby. Well, there are medications that you can take that will lessen your chances for blood clots or having another miscarriage. So, is it curable? It’s treatable, but not curable. So this is something I’m going to have to live with the rest of my life.

EJ, you know me. When it comes to revenge schemes, I usually am the one who jumps in with both feet. But… Things are different now. How so? How so? Um, hello? We’re having a baby. And let’s not forget the last time you went to war with Ava, there were casualties. And the last thing we want is our baby getting caught in the crossfire.

You don’t have to worry, darling. I would never let anything happen to you or our baby. Okay. So you’ll let this go? Please? I’m afraid I can’t do that. Because as long as Ava Vitale is out there, she is a threat to my family. And so is anyone else who is willing to help her. Why would Marlena want to help me?

Because it’s what she does. You, you don’t understand. Marlena and I, we have a history. Okay. I have done some really dirty things to the people she cares about. Including sleeping with her husband.

Oh. Wow, that’s… Yeah. And Marlena and John, they’re really good friends with my ex, Steve Johnson, and his wife, Kayla. And

I made their lives hell when I first returned to Salem. And then there’s her former father in law, Sean Brady. Don’t tell me you slept with him too. No. Okay. No, but he did die in a plane crash. That I made happen. Oh, and did I mention that Marlena and Susan Banks, they were close? And that, um, I kinda sorta blew up the church.

At Susan’s funeral with Marlena in attendance. Okay. That definitely is a lot.

But, um, I have also done some terrible things to her loved ones. But Dr. Evans has been helping me. She’s remarkably non judgmental.

I know. Maybe. I mean, she… She did treat Ben Weston, you know, necktie killer, Hope’s son in law. That’s what I heard, yeah. And like I said, she’s remarkably nonjudgmental. So, why don’t you let me give her a call on your behalf?

Knock yourself out. Go ahead, call her.


Yeah. Uh, no, Harris, it’s okay. Yeah. I’ll be right there. I’ll see you soon.

Everything okay? Uh, yes, yes, just a, uh, patient needs to see me, so I’m afraid I have to run. Well, bound to happen sooner or later, but, uh… I do appreciate the time we have. Me, too. I’ve enjoyed this with you. And, um, would you be good enough to call Eric and tell him that we’ve decided to give them a baby shower?

We have. We have. Why can I still not say no to you? I do not know. Tell Kate that I will be in touch with her about the details. I will.

I get the feeling I am going to regret this.

So if I try and get pregnant again, I have to worry that I could develop a blood clot that will kill my baby? Well, your doctors would keep an eye on that. And like I said, there are medications. You said they could lessen the risk. I mean, what kind of percentages are we talking about here? Hey, slow down. I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

Okay, we need to focus in on your recovery. Okay?

What is it? Uh, sorry, my dad wants me to call him. But I’ll do it later, okay? No, no, that’s okay. Call your dad. Really, I mean it. I… The truth is, I could use a moment alone to just… Process everything. Okay. You guys don’t have any questions for me, do you? Um, the printouts… Yep, and I’m good. All right. I’ll be in my office if you need anything, all right?


you sure you want me to go? Yeah, sure. Okay, well, I’ll just be right outside by the nurse’s station, okay?

Okay. Oh

my god, Sloane. Are you okay? What are you doing here? I, I heard about the baby. How? Trip Johnson was on the phone and I, I overheard what he was saying. Are you kidding me? See, Al, you’re saying it in the open? Yeah, um, he was, but… Honey, I am so sorry about your baby. Are you, Melinda? Are you so sorry?

Where’s Melinda? She left. Without saying goodbye? Should I be offended? She said she had to run. Okay. I hope, uh, we didn’t disturb you and Jing Wen last night. Or this morning. It’s all good. Great. Yeah. Because I was worried that we might have been a bit too active.

No, I didn’t even notice. Uh, you know, and I take that, you know, with Melinda sleeping over that you decided to take my advice and given her another chance. Yeah, you could say that. So you two are back together? We’ll see what happens. What does that mean? It means… We’ll see. I know that a lot of men in my position might find it hard to get past a woman trying to trick them into confessing attempted murder.

Well, good thing for Melinda you’re a little more forgiving than most. Yeah. It doesn’t hurt that she’s a… Fascinating woman. Well, good luck with that. Uh, I’m gonna go for a run while the weather’s still cooperating. I’ll see you later. Yeah. See you later.

EJ, how would your mother feel about your plan to go after Ava? I mean, I could just hear her now, quoting some bible passage. Vengeance is mine, thus saith the Lord? No! God, no. Not that one. The Susan I know would want you to turn the other cheek. Well, she’s not here now, is she? And Ava is the reason. Okay.

Well, if the memory of your mother’s faith isn’t enough for you to drop this, may I remind you that we are getting married? And it is very unattractive and distracting for you to be plotting revenge against someone when we would, we should still be in the honeymoon phase and while we should be focusing on nothing but each other.

I’m capable of multitasking. No reason I can’t be focused on my beautiful bride while eliminating dangerous psychopaths at the same time. Hey, Jay. Okay, fine, fine, fine, you’re right. The timing is not ideal.

Honey, we are building a life together. And vengeance plots just don’t seem to fit in.

It’s Dr. Swanson. She refilled my prescription. Do you need it right away? No, no, I’ll… I’ll get it, I’ll just go to the hospital pharmacy, but you have a job to do. You need to go down to the courthouse and get the forms to fill out for our marriage license. Thanks for reminding me. I didn’t make it last time before they closed because I was cornered by that dreadful Melinda Trask.

Yeah, who warned you about me, I remember. She loves to push my buttons. I mean, the nerve of that woman implying that she knew some secret reason why I shouldn’t marry you. Yeah, well, for once, I’m not worried about it. My conscience is clear, because we are, we’re committed to each other, and this is a baby.

I mean, what, what reason could there possibly be? Hmm,

Of course I am sorry about your baby. Cut. No, I… Please, less than 24 hours ago you were trying to blackmail me. And now I’m supposed to accept your sympathy? Look, that was nothing personal. You know, just save it, okay? Save the excuses, you know? It doesn’t even matter now. I mean, this is what I get, right? For lying to Eric?

My baby’s gone. But he can still be a father.

You don’t need to worry about that right now. Why should he suffer like I’m suffering? I get the message loud and clear.

I’m gonna tell him that he’s the father of Nicole’s baby as soon as he gets back. He deserves to know.

And, I’m, I’m done with the lying. I don’t think you should do that.

Hey Dad, what’s up? Well, uh, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Something going on? Well, your mother was just here, and, uh, the two of us have decided that we’d like to throw a baby shower for you and Sloane here at the pub. Dad. Look, I mean, I know that I haven’t exactly been Sloane’s biggest fan, but, uh, your mom has convinced me I need to get it over with myself.

Dad. I mean, Sloane is having your baby shower, so… Dad, you don’t understand! There can’t be a shower. Sloan… Sloan lost the baby.

Dammit! I’m so sorry, man. Watch where you’re going! I probably didn’t see you here. Dr. Johnson, what a coincidence. Yes, just this morning I was thinking about how that depraved creature you call a mother murdered mine. My mom was suffering from a mental health relapse from Ms. Banks. When Ava killed her. A relapse you helped exacerbate, by the way.

Are you seriously blaming me for your mother’s crimes? Well, let’s not pretend you don’t share some of the responsibility. I do seem to remember being kidnapped by one of your goons. Unbelievable. It seems that lack of remorse runs into the Tali bloodline.

Look, I’m very sorry that you lost your mom. It was a terrible tragedy. And not that you asked, but my mom is finally getting the help that she needs. She’s actually doing a lot better. No, seriously, Dad, Dad. It’s the truth. And we hope that someday, she’ll fully recover. And that they’ll release her. And, when that day comes, you’re just gonna have to deal with it.

We’ll see about that.

Dr. Evans, you came. Yes. You said it was important. It is. Hello, Dr. Evans. Ava? Thank you for coming.

What’s going on here? Um, is there somewhere that we could talk in private? Sure. Follow me.

They can’t hate you, sweetheart. You see, no one can.

Not until you start telling the truth.

Previously, on Cedar Cove. Ladies. He likes you. You should come out sometime. How’d it go? You should let him come after you. Sit back and do nothing? I lost a brother, and a father. Stan just ran away and did. I’ve been seeing a therapist. Better late than never.

You do want to come to this event. Save your money and show up. You’ll have a lot of fun. Yes, please come to our bachelor auction. So once a year, it’s a good cause for pet adoption. Okay?

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B&B Transcript Thursday, August 24, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne


[ Dramatic music ]

Hope: I lost my way and made some choices that were… very unlike me and I can’t change it. But, what hasn’t changed are my feelings for you. I mean, I’ll always love you, Liam. Watching you with our daughter at her birthday, it just made me realize just… how much this is worth fighting for. It’s worth the effort to try to hold our family together. And so, while we have this moment in time, before it is too late, I just wanted to know, um… if it really is over between us.

Finn: Thanks for seeing me.

Steffy: Of course, I’d see you. You’re my husband.

Finn: Well, it’s just, you know, we’re in such limbo and then things, well, they seemed uncertain.

Steffy: I know. I hate that.

Finn: Then, let’s fix it. I mean, I– I miss you and the kids beyond words. I mean I– I walk into our empty house and it– it hurts so much that it takes my breath away. I wanna hold my wife. I wanna feel you sleeping next to me. I wanna read Kelly and Hayes a bedtime story. I want them to have them beg for another one before I tuck them in. Look, I am so sorry for everything that happened, but you need to let me make it right. Can you please come home?

Ridge: Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?

Eric: Sitting at my desk. Do I have to constantly remind you that this is my desk?

Ridge: No. It’s– it’s your desk. Always will be.

Eric: It’s my office, right? You know, you’re avoiding me. You know what I’m talking about.

Ridge: Dad, are you nuts? I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve just been busy with work and this whole thing with Steffy, Sheila being around.

Eric: Oh, we’ve all been worried about Steffy. All of us are worried about her, but she– she moved out of the cliff house and she’s perfectly safe with me, you know that.

Ridge: I do know that. I appreciate you taking her in.

Eric: Yeah, well, your appreciation doesn’t cover the fact that you’ve been avoiding me. I mean, what is it? Have you decided I’m no longer a vital part of this– this business I created, Forrester Creations? Because I am, you know.

Finn: I– I’ve been texting and calling and… you haven’t responded.

[ Steffy sighing ]

Steffy: I know. I’m– I’m sorry. I guess I haven’t really figured out what– what to say.

Finn: How about you say “I love you” and… you love our family because I know that’s how you feel.

Steffy: Finn, of course I do. That hasn’t changed.

Liam: Ah, wow. Um… it’s really nice to hear you… hear you say those things, I mean, about losing your way with Thomas.

Hope: Just trying to take accountability, Liam.

Liam: And that’s– that’s great, but you– I mean, you know how much everyone admires you and loves you.

Hope: Do you? Do you still feel that way about me?

Eric: You know, our designs together, our… our collaborations, they’ve all been so successful and part of the most celebrated collections ever.

Ridge: I learned from the best.

[ Eric chuckling ]

Eric: Simple. Classic. Pure. And each one with just a little… a little twist. That became our calling card. Just a little twist and a surprise that you didn’t think was coming.

Ridge: Yes. You created a legacy, Dad.

Eric: Yeah. I wanna do one more. I wanna do a new collection. The most sophisticated, elegant couture collection that Forrester has ever done.

Ridge: Really?

Eric: Yeah.

Ridge: You’re aiming pretty high there.

Eric: You don’t think I could do it.

Ridge: Didn’t say you couldn’t do it, I just–

Eric: Yeah, well, I’m gonna do it. I have great ideas. I just need to get them all down on paper. I need to do that right away. Are– are you even hearing me?

Ridge: I’m– I’m hearing you. No, no, no. I got it. I’m hearing you. Just don’t know where it’s landing yet because you– look. You’ve inspired me my whole life with your drive and– and– and your talent. And I think, maybe, you should now inspire another generation, your great-grandkids. This is time that’s never gonna come back to you. So relax.

[ Phone chiming ]

Ridge: Sorry. Take it easy. You deserve it.

Steffy: Please, don’t ever doubt my love for you, Finn. We have been through so much, but I am still in shock about what happened at the beach with Kelly, and I still don’t understand why you were hugging Sheila.

Finn: Look, I haven’t heard from Sheila since that day at the beach.

Steffy: Finn, that makes me even more nervous. When Sheila is quiet, that is when she’s the most dangerous.

Finn: Okay, I won’t let her near you or the kids.

Steffy: I wanna believe that, Finn, I really do.

Finn: Steffy, you can, okay? Don’t doubt that.

Steffy: But your connection with her. Your vulnerability and her determination to be part of your life and Hayes’ life. That is why I’m here, Finn. I had to take the kids. I needed to protect them.

Finn: Okay, I know, okay? And I understand your perspective. But I need my wife and I need my family. I can’t spend another night away from you.

Liam: Of course, I love you. I’ll always love you. I’ll always… admire you. I mean, you– you’re an incredible person. It’s just– it’s just, a lot has happened, you know?

Hope: I know. I know and I am– I’m sorry. I’m sorry for my part in that.

Liam: And I believe you. And I’m sorry for mine. But, it’s like you said, Thomas is a one woman man and I’m… …not.

Hope: And I do deserve to be with someone who doesn’t have a divided heart.

Liam: Yeah, you do.

Hope: But I also realize I might have brought that up to try and justify what I did with Thomas.

Liam: Wow. Um… I mean, I– I appreciate that. Maybe it was just a– a rationalization after the fact, but… you weren’t wrong about me and my history.

Hope: Okay, but… what I’m asking, what I want to know is if you think that is something we can work through together and– and– and grow together and move past, because, Liam, I just want to make sure that, that we are very clear about these next steps moving forward and that this is not going to be something that we regret doing. That what we had didn’t just disappear overnight. And if we wanted to, Liam, we could work to reunite our family.

Liam: Can I– okay. Um, can I ask you something, or maybe ask you– ask you to ask yourself something? You said that– that it always felt like Steffy was this third person in our relationship, right? I mean… did it feel like that? Even during the good years? The years that I was completely devoted to you without incident? Because if it did, how do you know that Steffy wouldn’t always be there, right? In the same way that– that Thomas would probably always be there for me.

Eric: So, you think I should just take it easy.

Ridge: Yes, you deserve it.

Eric: Yeah, what I deserve is a viable spot in this company.

Ridge: Dad, you are this company. No one ever said otherwise.

Eric: Yeah, but what you’re saying is my contributions are not needed anymore.

Ridge: That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that the people that you picked, the people that you hired and trained are doing what you asked them to do. They’re running this company the way that you wanted to. We have– we have new clientele, we have more contemporary designs, and it’s working. And you, you should enjoy that. Just go play golf or learn how to be better at pickleball so you can beat donna.

Eric: So, I should just ride off into the sunset?

Ridge: No– no, I’m not–

Eric: I’m not some old dinosaur, you know, Ridge. I may not pick up the pencil and sketch as much as I used to when I was a young man, but that doesn’t mean I’ve lost my touch.

Hope: Well, that’s… kind of a difficult question for me to answer. I mean, how do I feel about Steffy? I mean, really, isn’t that a question for you to answer? I mean, I know you’ve seen her recently, so… I– where– where do the two of you stand, Liam? How do you feel about Steffy?

Liam: You– you know this already. My feelings are… really complicated right now. Hey, look. We could– we could talk about Steffy, we could talk about Thomas, but maybe right now, we just keep it here.

Hope: Okay then. What I want to know, Liam, is do you want to make this work? Do we try to hold this together for Beth? I mean, I know I messed up, Liam. I know I did and I’m sorry, but I– I can’t– I can’t take it back.

Liam: No, I suppose you can’t. I love you… and I… loved our life together. But I’m supposed to be honest with myself right now, right? I’m not gonna be able to do it. I’m not gonna be able to forget and I’m not gonna be able to forgive. Not you and Thomas.

Finn: I mean, just think about everything that we have overcome to be together. I’m never gonna stop fighting for you, Steffy.

Steffy: Finn, I never wanted us to be apart.

Finn: We don’t have to be, okay?

Steffy: But Sheila won’t stop.

Finn: I understand why you don’t feel safe at home right now, but we don’t have to stay there. Look, I could– I could move in here… okay, and we could be together again as a family. I know you miss that. I know you miss me. Steffy, all I wanna do is hold you in my arms and protect you, so please, let me help you feel safe again. Let me remind you why we fought so hard for each other, why we’re meant to be together. I miss you and the kids more than anything in the world and I can’t spend another night away from my wife and children.

Ridge: Dad, what’s going on? No one’s putting you out to pasture.

Eric: No, no. Golf, pickleball, anything to keep me out of this building, out of this business that I created.

Ridge: Well, I don’t know what I said, but I didn’t mean to offend you.

Eric: Yeah, well, you did. I am just a little offended. You mean to replace me, that’s what you mean. You know, you need to be careful, Ridge. I’ve been in this game a lot longer than you have.

Ridge: Okay.

Eric: You can’t just put me off in a corner some place and dust me off and bring me out once in a while to give yourself some credibility.

Ridge: Oh, okay. That’s– wow. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.

Eric: Well, it was. It was very disrespectful.

Ridge: What are you looking for?

Eric: I’m looking for my stapler.

Ridge: Your stapler?

Eric: Yeah. My stapler. The stapler has been here for like, 50 years, on my desk. My desk. It’s my stapler and I don’t know where it is.

Ridge: All right, well, your stapler stopped working about 20 years ago, so.

Eric: Where is it?

Ridge: I don’t know. Probably got thrown out. We got you a new one.

Eric: Thrown out? My stapler? You threw out my stapler out because it’s old and it’s worn out a little bit? You threw it away? You gonna do that with me too, Ridge?

Hope: So, this is it then? You can’t forgive me.

Liam: I’m sorry.

Hope: No, I’m– I’m sorry, Liam. I’m sorry. Uh… I– I just, I think I misread it. Um… but at least now we know, right? I love you, Liam.

Liam: I love you, too.

Finn: Look, I know I’ve made mistakes, Steffy, and I own them. I’m not gonna make any excuses for what happened with Sheila. It’s– it’s inexcusable. But you have to give me, you have to give us another chance, okay? You said you love me.

Steffy: I do.

Finn: Okay, then let’s work through this, honey. Together.

Steffy: We can’t ignore Sheila. The threat she poses.

Finn: Okay, I will never let her harm you or the children again. You can trust me. Come back to me. Look, we lost each other once, but we found our way back, right? I mean, remember Monaco. Think about Monaco. You remember what it was like when we were reunited.

[ Bell tolling ]

Finn: You remember. I know you do. When we were able to hold each other again.

Steffy: Of course I remember. I thought you were dead. I thought I never was– I thought I never was gonna see you again. It was a miracle.

Finn: Yeah, it was. To have my arms around you and to see the look in your eyes. That’s when I knew there was nothing that was ever gonna keep us apart, not even death. I just– I love you. I love you so much, Steffy, and I can’t lose you, okay? So tell me that you feel the same way. Tell me that you never want to be apart again.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, August 23, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: Well, Esther, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but nick, Adam, and I are going to be running a new media company together.

Esther: Yeah, I did hear. That’s so exciting! Well, you’re gonna have your plate full with the business and– and Crimson Lights.

Sharon: Yes, I am going to be very busy, which is why I asked you to come over today.

Esther: Oh?

Sharon: Yeah, I have a proposition for you. Um, this new company is gonna need to take most of my focus, and I’m really not ready to let go of crimson lights. It’s just such a big part of me. So I thought that maybe the next best thing would be to find someone to manage it for me.

Esther: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Someone I can count on, someone who’s good with people, has an eye for detail. Someone who’s maybe worked here before and knows how we do things around here? Does that… sound like anyone you know?


Esther: You’re talking about me? You want me to manage Crimson Lights?

Sharon: I kind of thought it might be the perfect job, but I know that being at Chancellor-Winters means a lot to you, the connection with Katherine.

Esther: Well, Mrs. C was family, and that means Devon’s family, and I was thrilled when he wanted me to be part of the company with Lily, and being able to, uh, bug Jill once in a while.

[ Laughs ] Had a friend benefit. But now that I’ve been there a while, there are some things that I don’t like.

Sharon: Like what?

Esther: Well, when I took the job of a receptionist at Chancellor-Winters, I– I– I thought that I would be able to talk to a lot of people, that employees and clients would be coming in for meetings. But now it just turns out that there’s just video conferences and texts and people are calling on their cell phone all the time and working from home is the thing, and, well, I just wanted more human interaction.

Sharon: Well, there are plenty of people coming in and out of here every day, and they do have to talk to you if they wanna eat or drink.

Esther: Well, yeah, I mean, they wanna be alone or else bond with a friend and order a triple shot Cappuccino with cinnamon.

Sharon: Exactly. Right? See, you know, you used to work here. You know the ins and outs of this place.


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, August 22, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Look, all this anger that you’ve been carrying around for months, it shouldn’t be directed at me.

Nick: Really?

Adam: Not all of it. I assume that you know what dad did to sally by offering her a great opportunity at Newman, even finding her a replacement at Chancellor-Winters, and then, sorry, not happening.

Nick: Yeah, Sally told me.

Adam: He left her with nothing. He messed with her the way that he messed with us. She didn’t deserve that.

Nick: I know.

Adam: Well, then why do we keep putting up with it?


Nick: Look, I never wanted sally to take dad’s job offer. I knew he would just mess with her head.

Adam: Or he never intended to follow through. And dad didn’t just renege on the offer. He shut down her options at chancellors-winters first. He just left her hanging out to dry.

Nick: Sally’s going to be just fine, all right? She will get through this. She will find something else.

Adam: Yeah, of– of course she will. That’s not the point. I mean, he hurt her and it meant nothing to him. It was cold and it was calculated like…

Nick: It’s a chess move.

Adam: Exactly. Just some expendable piece on the board, one step closer to his real goal.

Nick: And what do you think that is, Adam?

Adam: It– it’s us. It’s about you and it’s about me. You’ve been walking around for months, angry at me because I decided to defy him and ignore this ridiculous decree that we not merge the companies when it makes sense from a business perspective. So why would he do that?

Nick: Look, what happened with Sally, it’s–

Adam: Just another manipulation. It’s another power move. Only this time he used a woman that we both care about to do it. He had to take back control by showing us he’s still in charge. So what I don’t understand is, why you are not more pissed off about that?


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GH Short Recap Thursday, August 24, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Carly if she saw Austin when she went to see Drew at Pentonville. Carly tells Sonny she did see Austin but she doesn’t know who he was visiting. Carly tells Sonny she assumed he was visiting a patient since he was carrying his medical bag. Sonny asks Carly to let him know if she sees Austin at the prison again because he thinks Austin is hiding something and he wants to find out what Austin is hiding because he doesn’t trust Austin.

Jordan visits Curtis in rehab and tells him someone burned down Anna’s house. Curtis thinks that the shooter didn’t intend to kill Anna maybe the shooter just wanted to scare her and his injury was collateral damage.

Ava advises Portia not to let Curtis push her away to keep telling him she loves him and his injury doesn’t change her feelings for him.

Dante asks Sam to check on Cody because he is acting crazy so that he can get into Fern Cliff to rescue Sasha. Mac tells Cody that Dominique was also wrongfully committed to Fern Cliff, and he tried to get her out just like he is trying to help Sasha. Sam refuses to help Cody get committed to Fern Cliff.

Lucy and Maxie tell Gladys that Deception is being sued by an anonymous company. They are claiming that Deception stole the idea for the Receptor from them. Lucy and Maxie tell Gladys that Deception stock has been frozen and can’t be sold.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, August 25, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Mariah and Tessa see Elena at the park and tell her that Aria’s pediatrician thinks she might have severe hearing loss. Mariah and Tessa tell Elena that they made an appointment with a specialist to get a more accurate diagnosis. Mariah and Tessa stop by Crimson Lights to tell Sharon what the doctor said about Aria.

Esther excitedly and loudly tells them she is the new manager of Crimson Lights and Aria starts to cry.

Nick and Sharon try to persuade Adam that they must continue to run the new company together, but he insists that he must be the CEO.

Audra goes to talk to Victor and Nikki to ask if she would have a job after the merger. Victor assures her she will have a place at Newman. Victor is impressed by both Nate and Audra. Nikki tells him Nate and Audra don’t need mentoring, they need a short leash because they are too ambitious.

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Interview with Monique T. Parent

TV/Movie Interview!


Monique T. Parent (from her Instagram)

Interview with Monique T. Parent of “That’s a Wrap!” by Suzanne 8/9/23

It was nice to speak to Monique. We had a great chat. I even asked her about some makeup things after our “official” chat here. She’s had a long and interesting career. I’m not a big fan of horror movies…especially “slasher flicks” like this one, but it has quite a lot of comedy and art to it that was fascinating to see.  Monique did a great job in it.


"Blood Scarab" poster starring Monique T. ParentMORE INFO: Trailer

Known as ”The Thinking Man’s Sex Symbol”,  the sci-fi and horror vet also runs a YouTube channel offering makeup and hair tips for women over 40 as well as sharing her life as an actress. She is an advocate for celebrating natural beauty and graceful aging. She lives in L.A with her two cats.


"That's a Wrap" key art


STARRING Cerina Vincent, Monique T.Parent, Sarah French, Gigi Gustin, Dave Sheridan



Award winning director Marcel Walz’s upcoming horror/thriller THAT’S A WRAP is scheduled to release on digital platforms on August 25th, 2023 from Quiver Distribution.  Cerina Vincent (Cabin Fever), Monique T. Parent (Jurassic City), Sarah French (Space Wars : The Quest for Deepstar), Gigi Gustin (The Retaliators) and Dave Sheridan (The Devil’s Rejects) star in a film written by Joe Knetter and Robert L. Lucas.

The cast of a film arrive to a wrap party, but someone has dressed up as the slasher in the film, and begins to stage their own kill scenes. One by one, the cast disappear until the true nature of the evening is revealed.

Joe Knetter, Marcel Walz and Sarah French produce, with BJ Mezek, Andreas Tremmel, Justus Heinz, Yazid Benfeghoul,  Tina Limbeck , Robert L. Lucas and Kai E. Bogatzki executive producing.

Says director Walz (Blind, Pretty Boy), “I’m so excited to have a colorful Giallo slasher as the first movie from our own production company, Neon Noir. Everyone involved in this project brought so much love and talent to the table and made the whole process from start to finish something special. I know the audience will see the love in the end product. My favorite film of all time is Wes Craven’s Scream. That’s a Wrap is a fun meta slasher that showcases my love for that series of films combined with my love of Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story. As a gay director I’m thrilled to have an opportunity to have LGBTQ characters represented in the film. One even plays a key part in a scene that will no doubt get people talking about how that kill is something they’ve never seen before. It’s so ridiculous. I love it.”

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Monique T. Parent in "That's a Wrap" (from her Instagram)


Days Transcript Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Please. Ava. Good morning, Hicks. Oh. Don’t you just love waking up to the smell of freshly mopped linoleum floors? I am, uh, I am getting used to it. They only have decaf here? Yeah. You seem like you’re in good spirits. Your visit with, with your son went well? Yeah. Yeah, it was, it was incredible. I think that same trip was just what the doctor ordered.

You trying to drown out the noise from Caligula’s Garden of Delights in there? Yeah, if only it was working. You know, I wish there was a front desk so I could channel my inner Karen and complain. Yes, I’d like to speak to the manager. Oh, if you’re the manager, then I’d like to speak to the manager’s manager.

Hey, Karen, make sure you let them know how little sleep you got. Is it that obvious? Well, I just assumed, because I sure didn’t get any sleep. I mean, who can really sleep with all that going on in there? Well. All that is going on between my brother and Melinda Trask. Oh, so he decided to give her another chance.

He sure did. Well, you get a 10 for stamina, right? Definitely. Hey, you don’t think they started like one of those webcam side hustles, right? Uh, absolutely not. It’s bad enough I have to listen to it. I do not need those images in my head, thank you very much. I don’t know, I have to say, when I see those images in my head, I get a little envious.

I shouldn’t have admitted that, right? Actually, it’s kind of cool that you admitted that. And truth be told, I feel the same way. Cut to NPS.


that was incredible. Are you watching this on your morning cardio? That’s very thoughtful of you. My phone keeps going off. Let me see what… Oh my god. What? What is it? Victor Kiriakis, he died in a plane crash. That’s… Whoa. Yeah. Whoa. Oh my God. It’s really sad.

I gotta tell you, I’m a little taken aback by your reaction. I mean, there’s really no love lost, right, between you and Salem’s answer to Aristotle Onassis? It wasn’t, but, I mean, this is Sonny’s uncle. I mean, he always made sure to make Ariana feel part of the family. Right. Well, Salem’s not gonna be the same without that old larger than life coot scheming and manipulating every upstanding citizen this side well, both sides of the Mississippi.

Yeah. Hey, um, wait, if we Hey, listen, talking about schemers, we need to talk about your sister. Which one? You know which one, Steph and Kristen. She’s up to something, and we need to get to the bottom of it.

I tried my damnedest to send you to your grave. And at long last, you finally made it there. Without my help.

You stole my child. And now, thanks to you, I may never see her again. Oh, don’t be so dramatic. We’ll find your daughter.

Emmett, woman, put that knife down. We both know that you’re not gonna But

I wouldn’t give to watch the hounds of hell tear you limb from limb. Ah, rest in misery, you son of a bitch. I’ll

get it, Harold!

Can I help you? I certainly hope so. I’m looking for Dimitri von Leuschner. Um, concerning what? Concerning a rather urgent business matter.


Well. Looks like someone’s tummy has recovered. Yes, thanks to a good night’s rest and the loving attention of my beautiful wife slash travel companion.

Well, now that you are the perfect picture of health, shall we go check out those lava fields? Yes, yes, that sounds great. Although you should know that I would be happy… Doing anything, as long as it’s spending time with you. Whether it’s at an Icelandic lava field, or… The parking lot of a strip mall. Oh, you…

God, you just really know how to melt my heart, don’t you? Okay, my sweaty little Romeo. Why don’t you go have a shower so we can make a move? Yeah. You know, I think that we just melted whatever ice was left in Iceland. Oh no, now they’ll just have to call it land from now on. They could call it water land, you could be my Kevin Costner.

Oh, this is perfect. Here we are. Together.

On your honeymoon. With my best friend.

You know what? I just had an idea. Should we invite Leo? Like sand

through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Okay, when isn’t my sister up to something? No, I know, but this time it’s, it’s different. I heard her talking to Rachel yesterday. They have some shared secrets, something about touching money. You mean like… Monopoly money or money money? Money money, honey. That’s why my ears perked up. Okay, so what else did your perked up little ears hear?

Any specifics? Okay, well, I wouldn’t say specifics exactly, but it has something to do with your nephew, Dimitri. Of course it does. Dimitri? Well, that is my darling nephew. Please, come on in. Is the man of the hour here? I have this residence listed as Mr. von Leuchner’s home of record. Well, it is, but he is away right now.

On his honeymoon, actually, with the love of his life, who has a charming English accent, just like yours. Too bad he’s not around. I suppose I should have, uh, done journeying all the way from Alamania. Did you just say alumania? So, is it safe to assume that this has something to do with the cortisol of the Von Leuschner Trust?

Yes, it does actually. Uh, sorry, may I ask, Miss… Oh, DiMera. Kristen DiMera. And you are? Elliot Roth. I’m a barrister, uh, representing Sedd von Leuchner Trust. Barrister, huh? So did you pack that funny little wig in your carry on? It’s at the dry cleaners. But I’m curious, Mr. Mirror. You mentioned the Codacil. How did you become privy to its existence?

Well, my nephew and I are very close. We practically share everything. Oh, well then I can share with you that I flew to the States to personally present Mr. von Neuschne with the first installment of his funds. Oh, well, looks like Santa arrived earlier this year, and not by sleigh. Well, you can leave that with me, Mr.

Wolf. Not so fast, Auntie Dearest.

Really? You want Leo to come to the lava fields with us? Well, he’s your best friend, right? And he just seems so lonely, traveling all by himself. I just thought maybe, I don’t know, it’d be nice to, uh, make him feel included.

My, my, my, my Dimitri von Leuschner, you… Oh, such a wonderful man. My God, I mean, my annoying, garrulous, pesky, gay best friend crashes our honeymoon, and instead of you being infuriated, which, believe me, most blokes would be, you invite him to join us. Whatever did I do to deserve you? Well, I know how much he means to you.

And honestly, the thought of him all alone… In his hotel room, watching the Icelandic version of Mamma Mia without subtitles. Yes, or trying to seduce some blue eyed twink named Gunnar. Hang on. Was it the Madonna concert last night? Doesn’t that mean that he would be flying to Salem now as we speak?

Did you order room service?

Quinny, thank God you’re here. I was worried you would be at the lava fields or whale watching or at the blue lagoon. God, Matty, what’s wrong, babe? Quinny, I feel awful, just awful. What? But why? Talk to me. Listen, there’s something I have to tell you. You

know, something that would make me a little less envious. As if tamped down my envy. That’s the idea? And Wendy,


wanted to apologize again for, you know, interrupting at the Salem Inn. That wasn’t your fault. You got that important call from Bayview about your mom. You never told me how that went. It was, it was really encouraging. Okay. She’s… She’s improved so much. That’s, Tripp, that’s amazing. Yeah, yeah it was. You know, she and I were talking and I was looking at her and there’s lights in her eyes, they’re back on, you know.

Like, there’s none of that craziness, no more paranoia. It’s just, actually like I had my mom back. I am so happy for her.

And for you.

So you, you know that I was concerned that seeing Tripp might, might cause intrusive thoughts or hallucinations. It didn’t. Not a one. That’s great. It sounds like the uh, the meds the doctor puts you on are working. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, I can feel it. You know, I can, I can feel it in my psyche. I can, I can feel it in my soul.

Yeah. Yeah, I feel like I’m healing.

And just in time to face the consequences of what I’ve done. I don’t know if you want to worry about that right now. I mean, you’re, you’re getting better. Focus on that. You know, focus on our healing journey, right? Is that what they say? Yes, but part of my healing journey is being accountable for what I’ve done.

And a, uh, a very sweet, innocent woman is dead. Because of what I’ve done. I’ve gone it. You know, I have to own that if I hadn’t let my rage for E. J. DiMera get the better of me, that his mother would still be alive. Mimosa? Uh, no thank you. I, I don’t drink on the job. Oh, I’m sure Don Draper would like to have a word with you.

Um, Mad Men? Okay, you know what, never mind. Anyway, uh, I hope that you can forgive my insolence earlier. As I mentioned, my nephew and I are very close and… So, I took umbrage at the notion that, uh, he would be anything other than grateful to you if you gave that cheque to his favorite antichrist. I’m sure your nephew would be fine with it, but there’s a protocol.

I have to make sure the conditions of the codicil are carried out to the letter before I can disperse. Disperse the first installment of the funds to Mr. Von Leuschner. Yes, yes, of course. Um, and I also understand that the codicil stated that Dimitri was to be a married man before his 40th birthday.

That’s correct. Well, I’m happy to inform you, Mr. Roth, that your job here is done. See, I can personally attest that Dimitri has met all the conditions of his paternal family’s trust. See, I was at the wedding. I am an eyewitness. Well, I can’t just take your word for it, Mr. Bearer. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to commit fraud to get their hands on even a fraction of this kind of money.

That is so true. What a corrupt world we live in. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me if my greedy sister Kristen and duplicitous DiMera coffers. Babe, we are going to get to the bottom of this. Ow. And what exactly did you learn from your little chat with Rachel that you both share a fondness for Spongebob Squarepants?

Look, I got nothing. Nada. She’s her mother’s daughter. She keeps her cards close to the vest. No, no, no, no, no. Mi amor, you’re using the wrong metaphor. See, we de Meres were a family of chess champions, okay? Not common poker players. And I can assure you… From birth, Rachel has been taught to protect her queen at all costs.

The question is, what role is Dimitri playing in Kristen’s latest con? Does she see him as an equal? Her king standing right beside her? Or is Dimitri just another one of her pawns?

Leah, whatever it is, I’m sure we can find Come on, tell me. Tell me what’s upset you like this. What’s wrong?

It’s my Uncle Victor. He’s dead. Oh! Oh dear, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you had an Uncle Victor. Gwendolyn, of course you did. My Uncle Victor, Kiriakis, Ringabel. Oh that, Victor, you mean Sunny and Xander’s pathetic excuse for an uncle? You’re crying over that old geezer. Yes, I am. He was family. He was my… Well, technically, he was my uncle in law for a brief period.

You mean that brief period when you blackmailed his nephew into marriage? Come on, the man despised you! he glared at me with the intensity of a thousand suns, and, sure, he had the warmth of Jack Nicholson in The Shining, but… We had a special bond. When I think of the last Christmas we spent together at the family home…

So, how do Christmas mornings work around here? When do we open the gifts? An hour after we throw you out on your sugarplum ass. Victor, you’re such a cut up. Anderson! I need you to escort this deranged woodland critter out of my house. I think, deep down, Despite all the kvetching I’ve done about him in therapy, I think he actually liked me.

Oh, I’m so sorry, Matty. No, never, don’t.

I know our stories aren’t the same. But I do get what it feels like to become so lost. It’s so separated from reality that you end up hurting innocent people. You see, but our stories aren’t the same at all. No, you, you told me, right? That this Megan cow, she brainwashed you. So you. You weren’t in your right mind when you heard those people weren were, but you weren’t, but you weren’t even in your right mind when you went after Susan Banks.

You told me that you were grieving over your ex-fiancee. And God knows people when they grieve, do crazy things, especially when they’re alone, when they don’t have support, which clearly you didn’t.

I, I don’t know. Maybe, maybe. I know you didn’t ask for my opinion. But from what you just told me, it sounds like E. J. DiMera and this Gabby woman used you as a pawn in your twisted little family war.

You know, this could be a palace coup. I mean, Kristen could be using her daughter as a red herring, knowing we’d follow the scent, and then… And then what? She beheads us all and she ascends the Iron Throne? I wouldn’t put it past her. Okay, I wouldn’t either, but I haven’t seen any white walkers milling about.

So let’s slow down, go with what we know, what we can deduce, and build on that. Okay, well we know that Dimitri is too smart, too cunning, to be Kristen’s pawn. Unless she’s double crossing him. Which is entirely possible. However, we know that she and Mr. Gotta Be Married By My 40th Birthday are in this together.

Yeah, whatever this is. You know, when I talked to Rachel, I asked her to play 20 questions with me, and we only answered one question before Mommy interrupted. What was the question? What was the answer? I told her that I knew that her and Kristen had a secret, and that it had something to do with money. So I asked her if it involved anybody in this house.

And what did she say? She said yes. Well, that’s a start. Yes, and we still have 19 chances to get to the finish line. Hmm.

Please, sit.

So, just out of curiosity, Mr. Roth… Oh, please, uh, call me Elliot. All right, Elliot. Pray tell, what, what would happen to the money earmarked for my nephew via the von Leuschner codicil if, uh, the marriage doesn’t stand up to your… Rigorous scrutiny. It’s quite simple. Should I determine that Mr. Von Leuchner did not meet the terms of the codicil or that his marriage is fraudulent, the money set aside for him would be divided between the remaining heirs of the Von Leuchner Trust.

Oh, I see. And that would be Carly Manning, Frankie Brady, Some love child no one knows about, an unassuming cobbler in Vienna. There aren’t any cobblers listed as theirs. But you’ve certainly done your homework on the von Leuschner family history. Mr. Mehra, I grow more impressed by the minute. Hmm. Well, Elliot, I am not one for homework.

I just want everybody to be treated fairly. That’s commendable. And getting back to business, it appears Katerina and Francois both renounced their claim to the von Leuschner family fortune decades ago. It seems they’re more than happy to subsist on their wages as a film director and chocolatier, respectively.

I see. Uh, so who, uh, Would get the money if it falls through for Dimitri. Dimitri’s portion would be divided equally between Katerina’s children, Dimitri’s cousins. Nicholas James Alamein and Melanie Jonas. But, surely you aren’t worried about your nephew failing to meet the terms of the codicil, are you?

Mr. Merrill?

Oh, I don’t know where all this grief is coming from. Maybe it’s just being here in Reykjavik. Walking past all the tall, blonde Icelandic zaddies. That I’ll never get to cover head to toe in Skier. Oh, so much is coming up. I’m even thinking about how I’ve never had a chance to mourn Bernardo. From West Side Story.

I saw the movie recently. The original from 1961. And George Chakiris, oh, I was so smitten. And when Tony takes Riff’s blade and stabs him? Oh, God! Oh, Matty, I’m so sorry. You’re feeling so sad. Is there, is there anything I can do to help you feel better? Actually, I did see a picture of a weirdly shaped ice cream cone downstairs with an impossible to pronounce word beneath it.

Right, okay. Well, if ice cream is what Matty wants, then ice cream is what he shall have. Chocolate or vanilla? Okay, both. Dimitri, can I get anything for you, darling? Oh, uh, I probably shouldn’t risk it after earlier. Oh, right, the yogurt, yes. Right, well, very well then. I will be back in a jiffy, okay?

What was that? You scared me half to death, showing up here in tears. It looked like you had a confession on the tip of your tongue. What? I would never. I really am sad. I’m sad about, well, mostly that all the viking themed gay bars I thought would be here for some reason aren’t. Although… A confession would have served you right.

After you suggested I take Gwen with me to a very fictional Madonna concert? How is that gonna play out? We show up at the Fjord extravaganza and no one’s there. I only said it because you called me a tight ass. That was a compliment. You also said that I had no taste in music. Was that a compliment too?

No, but I was just acting for Gwen, playing the role of someone not having sex with her husband. Really? Really. And were you acting just now or are you actually sad about Victor Kiriakis passing? I really am sad. Curmudgeons are a dying breed. We need them. Aww. Oh, darling. Everything’s gonna be okay. Hey, you know what?

I just had an idea. How about we take your mind off things?

So? Where do you think your mom goes from here? Well, it’s hard to say. Um. It’s, of course, great that she’s doing better. But, I mean. The reality is, is that she’s still responsible for the death of Johnny’s grandmother. But surely the courts won’t hold her responsible for something she did while she wasn’t in her right mind.

Well, the only person that knows for sure whether or not my mom will be prosecuted is in that room with your brother. Huh. Well, why don’t we knock on the door and ask Melinda right now?

Of course I’m not worried. Dimitri and Gwendolyn Ryszczak are completely above board. And they said their vows and Dimitri is deeply in I appreciate the reassurance. Oh, trust me, Elliot. Those two are head over heels. They can’t keep their hands off of one another.

Yo, I cannot take my hands off of you. Well, you have to. We cannot do this. Oh, come on. I just… Just what? I am in deep mourning. This is as inappropriate as the comment that lacrosse coach made to me when I was peeling a banana in the cafeteria.

You are funny. I try. Too hard most of the time. No, not too hard. You always manage to lift my spirits with that sense of humor. It’s one of the many reasons that I am just crazy about you. Stop it! Stop it! Stop! Stop! What if Gwen comes back and finds out you are as gay as a Cher collage? You can tell her you were just consoling me.

I’ll be quick. Oh, uh.

But really, must we leave this room? Because I’m telling you, I hate staying here. We must, babe. We must. Because, listen, I would love to stay in bed with you all day and all night. But the sooner we get downstairs and sniff out what your sister’s really hiding… The better. Okay? Time is of the essence. Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you’re planning someone’s takedown?

Oh, right. That guy just did. Shall we? We shall.

You better get that. It could be Gwen. It could be Gwen.

Yes. Ground control to Major Tom. Honeymoon is over, nephew. You need to haul your ass back to Salem. Pronto. I don’t

know, it’s kind of crazy. You know, my therapists are already helping me understand and process, you know, some childhood traumas. Um, all the things I endured as a SEAL. And how all that made me more susceptible to the mind control. Well, I’m glad you’re getting the help that you need, Harris.

You know, about what you said earlier, you know, I know that you were trying to just ease my conscience. But the fact is, I was in control of my faculties when Gabby asked me to pretend to be married to Jake. I could have said no. But I chose to go along with the lie.

And then when EJ found out the truth, and he banished me from Salem, I just, I just went into a really dark place.

But you know the, the help and the treatment that I’m getting here at Bayview, it’s… I feel like it’s actually starting to help and I’m finally able to see some light. And that’s why

I have faith in you too. We’ll be walking out of here very soon. There is Michael.

Oh my god, did you hear what I just heard? Seems like Melinda and your brother are not quite tapped out. Yeah, and less stamina like you said. So it looks like I’ll have to wait to ask the DA about mom’s case. You know when she and your brother aren’t, uh… Otherwise occupied. In the meantime, maybe we could take a page from their book and make a little noise of our own.

Mmm. Mmm! Oh, true!

So, who was that on the phone? Dad, that was my, uh, my Aunt Kristen. She’s in Chicago for a few days. You’re lying to me, I can tell. I am not lying. You are, and I know this because you’re doing that thing where the words coming out of your mouth don’t sound true. So tell me, what was so important that Kristen had to bother us on our honeymoon?

Oopsies. Your honeymoon with Gwen. Okay, fine. The truth is, that somebody showed up at the DiMera mansion representing the von Leuschner Trust. And? Did they bring the money from the cata salt? The first payment, yes. Oh my gosh! Wow, wow, wow! You know, this means we could actually fly to a secret Madonna concert.

We’re gonna get it. Just as soon as Gwen and I return to Salem and prove to this man that we are a legitimate married couple.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, that’s quite all right, but were you able to get in touch with your nephew? Well, I didn’t know we had company. What a pleasant surprise. Well, if you’ll excuse us, um, Elliot, let me walk you to the door, please. Uh, wait! Aren’t you going to introduce us to your guest, Kristen? Uh, Elliot Roth, I represent the The Martin Preparatory, uh, Academy.

Uh, this is Rachel’s new headmaster at her school. Rachel, I, um Kristen, I didn’t know you were pulling Scalemel Elementary. Yeah, you see, um, she needed a more challenging scholastic experience, uh She’s very clever, like her mommy. Yes, um, shall we go?

Nice meeting you, Elliot. Yes, um, likewise. Thank you.

I told you she was up to something. That Elliot is, is, is not the headmaster at Martin Prepper or anywhere else. What’s going on, Miss DiMera? Who’s Rachel? And why are you telling those people I’m the headmaster of some school? Rachel is my daughter and that is my brother and my sister in law. Maybe I’m not understanding.

Why are your brother and sister in law not… Well, Elliot… My brother is married to an opportunistic fortune hunter who is hell bent on sleeping her way to the corner office at DiMera. And the last thing that Dimitri and Gwen need right now is that woman knowing about this enormous fortune that he has come into.

I suppose that makes sense. So when exactly are Dimitri and Gwen expected to return? Well, actually, very soon. The Demerijad is on the runway. Uh, in Reykjavik, as we speak. Well, I do look forward to concluding my business with Mr. Leuchner. I’d better be off. Tell your nephew I’ll be staying at the Salem Inn.

Wonderful. And I will make sure he comes to see you the moment he returns.

So, you’re telling me this Elliot character is in Salem to vet your marriage? Mm hmm. What is this, the Middle Ages? Does he have a golden chalice, a feathered quill? Right, well, two Bragafer something or other ice creams, coming right up. I’m sorry that took me so long. You should have seen the queue, lads.

You’d think that we were waiting to see the Queen lying in state. Mattie? Dimitri? Is everything all right? Yes, yes of course Gwen, uh, but unfortunately I’m afraid it is so long, au revoir to Iceland for now. What? Why? Well, I received a phone call while you were away and my presence is requested back in Salem at once.

Requested? By whom? I’ll tell you all about it on the way, but for now we really have to get packing. Chop chop! So

how’s Rachel getting on at her new school? Is she, uh, playing well with others? Hmm. Where is your wife? She got an errand to run.


I’m gonna get to the

bottom of why Mr. Elliot Roth is really in Salem.

What’s wrong? I don’t know, I just, uh, I guess I didn’t envision our first time together happening before a live studio audience. Me neither. I guess the collective three hours of sleep has impacted our decision making abilities. Agreed. We deserve better. Yeah, mood lighting, rose petals. At the very least, privacy.

Yeah, I mean, I’m a simple guy, a locked door will suffice. Let’s say we both get ready for work. And then once we get home, we can make a solid plan about when and where we can finally be together. Sounds good to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a very cold shower.

And the doctors think that the visit went so well that they say that Chip can come back soon. Oh, God, and Harris, I, I can’t wait till he does. Oh, my boy. God, my sweet, wonderful boy.

No, the only thing that I’m actually proud of in this life is getting to be his mom. Your progress gives me hope. I’m telling you. This place can help me, can help anyone. And look, I know it’s only been a couple of days since my last episode, but um, I feel like I’m really getting my life back. And, to put my own little spin on a quote from one of my favorite Bruce Willis movies, I no longer see dead people.

Heh… Hm.

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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, August 23, 2023

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Recap written by Suzanne

Thomas tries to convince Hope that he’s not the same person he used to be but then says the only thing he can do is back off from her because he loves her and wants her to be happy. She’s shocked and blames herself for hurting him – and everyone else. She agrees that they should end things, and she should try to put her family back together with Liam.

Steffy can’t believe that Liam doesn’t want to take Hope back, but he doesn’t want her with Thomas, either. Steffy reminds him that Thomas has changed, but Liam still thinks he’s bad for her. Liam still wonders how he ever let Steffy go. Later, Hope and Liam meet up at home; she asks whether they can try to put their marriage back together, since the divorce papers haven’t been filed yet. Liam is surprised.

Brooke is confident that Hope might go back to liam. RJ and Ridge aren’t so sure about that. Brooke believes that Beth’s birthday party reminded her who she really is.

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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, August 22, 2023

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Recap written by Suzanne

Liam fills Steffy in on his conversation with Hope (trying to convince her to stay away from Thomas). Steffy wonders if he wants Hope back. Liam doesn’t really answer her question but maintains that he just wants her away from Thomas.

Brooke is hopeful that Hope will dump Thomas and go back to Liam. Hope likes that Thomas loves just her, whereas Liam loves Steffy. Hope is torn.

Thomas is put on the spot by Ridge about what his relationship is with Hope. RJ comes in and can tell they’re having an uncomfortable conversation. When Ridge tells him what they’re talking about, RJ puts in his two cents that Hope should get back together with Liam. Thomas assures them both that he wants what’s best for Hope. RJ brings Ridge a cupcake. Brooke drops by and jokingly gives Ridge a hard time for eating cupcakes. She fills them in on her conversation with Hope.

Hope goes to see Thomas. When he tries to kiss her, she freezes up. She tells him that she’s been thinking about the trouble in their past, so he knows she means the trouble he caused. He reminds her that he’s very different now.

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Days Update Wednesday, August 23, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

At Bayview, Harris Michaels sees Ava reading a book and greets her. Harris notes that she seems to be in good spirits and guesses her visit with Tripp went well. Ava confirms it was incredible and thinks seeing Tripp was just what the doctor ordered.

Tripp and Wendy talk at home about not getting a lot of sleep last night because of Li and Melinda in the other room. Tripp comments on Li giving Melinda another chance. Tripp and Wendy joke about being a little envious.

Stefan and Gabi finish having sex. Gabi then gets an alert on her phone that Victor Kiriakis died in a plane crash which shocks them. Gabi calls it really sad. Stefan is taken aback by Gabi’s reaction since there’s no love lost between Gabi and Victor. Gabi says there wasn’t but he was Sonny’s uncle and always made sure to make Arianna feel like part of the family. Stefan admits Salem won’t be the same without Victor scheming and manipulating. Gabi then tells Stefan that they need to talk about Kristen because she’s up to something and they need to get to the bottom of it.

At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen reads the article on Victor’s death and comments that she tried her damndest to send him to his grave but he finally made it there without her help. Kristen thinks back to when she stabbed Victor. Kristen wishes Victor to rest in misery. The doorbell then rings so Kristen answers the door to see a man, who says he’s there to see Dimitri concerning an urgent business matter.

In Iceland, Dimitri does pushups in the hotel room as Gwen comes in and comments that it looks like he’s recovered and they kiss. Gwen brings up visiting the lava fields. Dimitri tells Gwen that he would be happy doing anything with her. Gwen responds that he knows how to melt her heart. Gwen suggests they go shower. Dimitri thinks back to being in bed with Leo. Dimitri then suggests to Gwen that they invite Leo.

Stefan asks Gabi when Kristen isn’t up to something. Gabi says this time is different as she heard Kristen and Rachel talking about a secret involving money and it has something to do with Dimitri.

Kristen tells the man that Dimitri is her nephew and invites him in. He asks if Dimitri is home. Kristen informs him that Dimitri is away on his honeymoon with the love of his life. He says that’s too bad and guesses he should’ve factored the honeymoon before coming all the way from Alamainia. Kristen assumes this has something to do with the Von Leuschner trust which he confirms. The man introduces himself as Elliot Roth and says he represents the Von Leuschner trust. He asks how Kristen found out about it’s existence. Kristen claims she and Dimitri are close, so they share everything. He then informs Kristen that he flew to the US to personally present Dimitri with the first installment of his funds. Kristen jokes that Santa has arrived early and says he can leave it with her but Elliot says not so fast.

Gwen questions Dimitri wanting Leo to come to the lava fields with them. Dimitri says that Leo is Gwen’s best friend and he seems so lonely traveling by himself, so he thought it would be nice to make him feel included. Gwen calls him such a wonderful man as she talks about Dimitri not being infuriated by Leo crashing their honeymoon, but inviting him to join them. Gwen asks what she did to deserve him. Dimitri says he knows how much Leo means to Gwen. Gwen remembers Leo talking about the Madonna concert last night, so he would be flying back to Salem as they speak. Leo then shows up at the door and is thankful that Gwen is there. Gwen asks him what’s wrong. Leo responds that he feels awful. Gwen asks why and tells him to talk to her. Dimitri shakes his head behind her back as Leo tells Gwen that there is something he has to tell her.

Tripp kisses Wendy and apologizes for leaving their night at the Salem inn. Wendy understands it wasn’t his fault since his mom called and asks how that went. Tripp calls it really encouraging since Ava has improved so much. Wendy calls that amazing. Tripp talks about Ava being like he got his mom back. Wendy says she’s so happy for her and for Tripp.

Ava reminds Harris about how she was worried that seeing Tripp might cause her hallucinations but it didn’t. Harris calls that great and says it sounds like her meds are working. Ava says she can feel it and feels like she’s healing just in time to face the consequences of what she’s done. Harris doesn’t know if she wants to worry about that right now since she’s getting better and encourages her to focus on the healing journey. Ava responds that part of her healing journey is being accountable for what she’s done. Ava acknowledges that a sweet, innocent woman is dead because of what she’s done so she has to own it that if she didn’t let her rage for EJ DiMera get the better of her, then his mother would still be alive.

Kristen repeats to Elliot that she and Dimitri are very close, so he would be fine if he left the check with her. Elliot says he understands but he has to make sure certain terms are met with Dimitri. Kristen brings up that Dimitri had to be married before the age of 40 which Elliot confirms. Kristen informs him that his job is done as she can personally attest that Dimitri has met all the conditions of his family’s trust since she was at the wedding and is an eye witness. Elliot argues that he can’t just take her word for it and remarks on how many people would commit fraud for this amount of money. Kristen comments on what a corrupt world they live in.

Stefan tells Gabi that it wouldn’t surprise him if Kristen and Dimitri were planning on embezzling from DiMera. Gabi insists that they will get to the bottom of this. Stefan talks about the DiMeras being chess champions and assures that Rachel has been taught to always protect her queen. Stefan wonders what role Dimitri plays in Kristen’s scheme, if he’s the king next to her or just another pawn.

Dimitri tries to interrupt while Gwen asks Leo what’s upset him. Leo then reveals that Victor Kiriakis is dead, who he calls his uncle. Gwen questions Leo crying over that. Leo argues that he was family as he was his uncle-in-law for a brief period. Gwen argues that Victor despised and belittled Leo. Leo claims they had a special bond and thinks back to the last Christmas they spent together at the family home where Victor threatened to throw him out. Leo thinks deep down, Victor actually liked him. Gwen hugs Leo and says she’s so sorry while Leo and Dimitri exchange looks at one another.

Harris tells Ava that he knows their stories aren’t the same but he gets what it feels like to become so lost and separated from reality that you end up hurting innocent people. Ava agrees that their stories aren’t the same at all since Megan brainwashed Harris so he wasn’t in his right mind when he hurt people. Harris argues that Ava wasn’t in her right mind when she went after Susan since she was grieving and didn’t have support. Harris knows she didn’t ask for his opinion, but he feels it sounds like EJ and Gabi used her as a pawn in their twisted family war.

Gabi tells Stefan that Kristen could be using Rachel as a red herring, knowing they would follow the scent. Stefan suggests slowing down and going with what they know and building off that. Gabi states that Dimitri is too smart and cunning to be Kristen’s pawn. Stefan says that’s unless she double crosses him. Gabi says they know that Kristen and Dimitri are in this together. Gabi tells Stefan that all she could get out of Rachel was that the secret about money involved someone in the house.

Kristen asks Elliot what would be happen to Dimitri’s money if the marriage doesn’t stand up to his scrutiny. Elliot explains that if he determines that Dimitri did not meet the terms or that the marriage is a fraud, the money would be divided among the remaining heirs of the Von Leuschner trust. Kristen notes that would be Carly Manning, Frankie Brady, and asks who else. Elliot acknowledges that Kristen has done her homework and he’s impressed. Kristen claims she just wants everyone to be treated fairly. Elliot says it appears that Katarina and Francois both renounced their claim to the fortune decades ago. Kristen asks who would get the money if it falls through for Dimitri. Elliot explains that Dimitri’s money would be divided among Katarina’s children, Dimitri’s cousins, Nicholas Alamain and Melanie Jonas. Elliot asks if she’s worried about Dimitri failing to meet the terms.

Leo says he doesn’t know where all this grief is coming from and talks about all the guys he’s passing by in Iceland. Leo cries about watching West Side Story. Gwen says she’s so sorry he’s feeling so sad and asks if there’s anything she can do to help him feel better. Leo mentions seeing an ice cream cone downstairs. Gwen declares that if Leo wants ice cream, that’s what he will have. Gwen asks Dimitri if she can get him anything but he declines. Gwen says she’ll be back and exits the room. Dimitri then questions Leo, complaining that he scared him to death as he looked like he was going to confess. Leo says he would never and that he really is sad. Leo then adds that a confession would’ve served him right after Dimitri suggested he take Gwen to a fictional Madonna concert. Leo says he was just acting for Gwen’s sake and playing the role of someone not having sex with her husband. Dimitri asks if he was acting now or if he really is sad about Victor. Leo says he really is sad. Dimitri tells him that everything is going to be okay and that he just got an idea to take his mind off things as they start kissing.

Wendy asks Tripp where he thinks Ava goes from here. Tripp says it’s hard to say and it’s great that she’s doing better, but she is still responsible for the death of Susan. Wendy thinks the court won’t hold her responsible for something she did while she wasn’t in her right mind. Tripp says that the only person who knows for sure if Ava will be prosecuted is in the other room with Li. Wendy suggests knocking on the door and asking Melinda right now.

Kristen assures Elliot that she’s not worried since Dimitri and Gwen are completely above board, said their vows, and they are deeply in love. Elliot appreciates her reassurance. Kristen insists that they are head over heels and can’t keep their hands off each other.

Leo and Dimitri continue kissing until Leo says he can’t do this and talks about how inappropriate it is. Dimitri calls him funny and says he always lifts his spirits with his humor which is why he’s crazy about him. Leo stops him and asks what if Gwen comes back and finds out he’s gay. Leo asks if he will tell her that he was just consoling him. Dimitri tells Leo that he’ll be quick and goes down on him.

Gabi tells Stefan that she would love to just stay in bed with him, but the sooner they get downstairs and find out what Kristen is really hiding, the better. Stefan tells Gabi how sexy she is when planning someone’s takedown as they exit their room together.

Dimitri and Leo continue kissing until his phone rings. Leo says he better answer that as it could be Gwen. Dimitri answers the call from Kristen, who tells him that the honeymoon is over and he needs to haul his ass back to Salem.

Harris tells Ava that it’s kind of crazy that his therapists are already helping him understand and process some childhood traumas and all that he endured in the Navy and how that made him more susceptible to mind control. Ava is glad he’s getting the help he needs. Ava knows that Harris was trying to ease her conscience earlier but says she was in control when Gabi asked her to pretend to be married to Jake as she could’ve said no but she chose to go along with the lie. Ava adds that when EJ found out the truth and banished her from Salem, she went to a really bad place but the treatment she is getting here is starting to help and she’s finally starting to see some light. Harris has faith that Ava could be walking out of here soon. Ava tells Harris the same for him.

Wendy and Tripp laugh about hearing that it sounds like Melinda and Li are not quite done. Tripp guesses he’ll have to wait to ask Melinda about Ava’s case. Wendy suggests that in the meantime, they could make a little noise of their own as they kiss.

Leo asks Dimitri about his phone call. Dimitri claims that Kristen is in Chicago for a few days but Leo says he can tell he’s lying to him. Leo asks what was so important that Kristen had to bother them on their honeymoon. Dimitri then admits that somebody showed up at the DiMera Mansion, representing the Von Leuschner trust with the first payment. Leo gets excited about the money. Dimitri reminds him that they can get the money when he and Gwen return to Salem to prove to this man that they are a legitimate married couple.

Elliot asks Kristen if she was able to get in touch with Dimitri. Stefan and Gabi then walk in as Gabi comments that she didn’t know they had company. Kristen tells Elliot that she will walk him to the door but Stefan questions if she’s not going to introduce them to her guest. Elliot starts to introduce himself but Kristen interrupts and claims that Elliot is the head master of Rachel’s new school. Gabi questions Kristen taking Rachel out of her current school. Kristen claims that Rachel needed a more challenging experience. Kristen then hurries Elliot out of the mansion. Gabi tells Stefan that she knew Kristen was up to something and that Elliot is not the head master of any school.

Kristen walks Elliot outside as he questions who Rachel is and why she was telling those people that he’s the head master of her school. Kristen explains that Rachel is her daughter and Stefan and Gabi are her brother and sister in law. Elliot still does not understand. Kristen calls Gabi an opportunistic fortune hunter who is hellbent on sleeping her way to the top and argues that Dimitri and Gwen don’t need Gabi knowing about the enormous fortune that he’s about to come in to. Elliot supposes that makes sense and asks when exactly Dimitri and Gwen are expected to return. Kristen says it will be very soon as the DiMera Jet is on the runway in Iceland. Elliot looks forward to concluding his business with Dimitri. Gabi listens in from the front door as Elliot tells Kristen to tell Dimitri that he’ll be staying at the Salem Inn. Kristen assures that she will make sure Dimitri comes to see him the moment he returns.

Leo questions Dimitri about Elliot until Gwen returns with ice cream. Gwen apologizes for taking so long and complains about the line. Gwen then asks them if everything is alright. Dimitri tells her that unfortunately they must say so long to Iceland for now, since he received a phone call and his presence is requested back in Salem. Gwen questions by who but Dimitri says he’ll tell her on the way but they have to get packing now.

Kristen goes back inside where Stefan asks her about Rachel’s new school. Kristen asks where Gabi is. Stefan responds that she had an errand to run.

Elliot goes to his room at the Salem Inn. Gabi sneaks around the corner and declares that now she’s going to get to the bottom of why Elliot Roth is really in Salem.

Tripp and Wendy kiss until Tripp stops and jokes that he didn’t envision their first time happening before a live studio audience. Tripp blames their lack of sleep affecting their decision making abilities. Wendy agrees that they deserve better. Wendy suggests they both get ready to work and then once they get home, they can make a solid plan on when and where they can finally be together. Tripp says that sounds good to him and that he’s going to take a cold shower.

Ava tells Harris that her doctors think the visit went so well that Tripp could come back soon. Ava speaks fondly of Tripp and declares that the only thing she’s proud of in life is being Tripp’s mom. Harris comments that her progress gives him hope. Ava declares that if Bayview can help her, it can help anyone. Ava knows it’s only been a couple days, but she feels like she’s really getting her life back. Ava jokes that she no longer sees dead people, but then she looks up and envisions Susan Banks and screams.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, August 23, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ava talked to Harris about her visit with Tripp. He was happy that her visit went well. She was hopeful that she will have more visits. She felt like Tripp is the one thing she did right. She got serious and told him that she had to take responsibility for Susan’s death. He tried to assure her that it wasn’t her fault. He also talked to her about his therapy. They continued to connect with each other. She felt like she was getting better. She screamed when she saw Susan. Kristen read about Victor’s death in the paper. She thought about when she tried to kill him. She wasn’t sad about his death. A man named Elliott Roth was there to see Dimitri. He was a lawyer for the Van Leischner family. He was there to give Dimitri his first installment of his money. She tried to get Elliott to leave the check with her, but he couldn’t do that. He had to make sure the marriage was valid. She was willing to vouch for him since she was at the wedding. Gabi and Stefan arrived so Kristen lied about who Elliott was. Kristen told Elliott that Gabi was a golddigger so she couldn’t know about Dimitri’s money. She promised him that Dimitri would be home soon. He told her that he would be at the Salem Inn.

Gwen walked in the room and saw Dimitri working out. She was happy that he was feeling better. He credited it to her loving attention to him. She wanted to spend time with him. He thought about being with Leo and suggested that he come with them. She appreciated him wanting to include Leo in their plans. Leo arrived and was surprised to see Gwen. He covered by saying he was sad about Victor’s death. Gwen tried to comfort Leo and went to get him ice cream. Dimitri and Leo started making out when Kristen called. She told Dimitri that Elliott Page was at the mansion and that he had to get home. When Gwen came back, he told her that they had to leave immediately.

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Days Short Recap Monday, August 21, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Belle was shocked that Chloe was thinking about accepting Xander’s proposal. Chloe said she didn’t have a reason not to accept it. Brady showed up. He was upset with Chloe for considering Xander’s proposal. He told her Xander punched him. Chloe yelled at him for fighting about her when Victor was dead. Brady asked Belle about Shawn. She said he blamed himself for Victor’s death. She said he wished he were with Brady and Xander when they talked. She got a text and had to leave. She told him to stop harassing Chloe before she left. He told Chloe that he was jealous, He said Xander proposed to her because he couldn’t have Sarah. She said she and Xander were in love with other people when they got together. She said they fell in love despite their baggage. Eric found Shawn drinking. Eric offered his condolences about Victor. He said he didn’t understand why Belle wasn’t with Shawn. Shawn said it didn’t matter. Shawn said Victor’s death was his fault. Eric tried to tell him that it wasn’t true, but it didn’t work. Eric offered to take Shawn home, but Shawn didn’t want to go. They got into an argument when Belle showed up and stopped them. Eric left so they could talk. She told Shawn that she wasn’t leaving him alone to deal with everything.

Melinda went to see Sloan so she could pay her back for the favor she owed her. Sloan thought it was blackmail. Melinda told Sloan about Abe’s plan to appoint Paulina as mayor. Sloan thought Paulina would fire her for going after Chanel. She told Sloan that she had a plan, but she needed her help. Melinda said her plan was to after Li for shooting Stefan. She thought once he found out he was being investigated, he would hire Sloan as his lawyer. She said Sloan could give her the evidence from what she finds out from Li. Sloan said she wasn’t going along with the plan because she could lose her license or go to jail. Melinda tried to change her mind. When Sloan wouldn’t do it, Melinda threatened to tell Eric the truth about Nicole’s baby if she didn’t help her. Sloan told Melinda to leave. Sloan said she would tell Eric the truth herself so it couldn’t be held over her head. She thought they could work it out because she was pregnant with his child too. Melinda said she would lose Eric. Sloan wanted to do things her way. When Eric came home, Sloan told him she had to tell him something. Xander went to the Kiriakis mansion and found Sarah. He was shocked to find out that she was pregnant. He thought the baby was his. He couldn’t believe she didn’t tell him. She said the baby was Rex’s. He didn’t believe her, but she stuck to her story. She mentioned his relationship with Chloe. He told her he proposed to Chloe. When Xander left, Sarah called Rex and accepted his proposal. When Xander went home, Chloe accepted his proposal.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Melinda wanted to tell EJ what she knew. She considered telling him when Li called her to ask her out. EJ wanted to know what she was going to tell him. She told him to forget she said anything and left for her date with Li. Nicole and Johnny talked about Victor’s death and how she’s engaged to his father. He wanted to know if his mother knew about it. Nicole told him that they were going to go to Italy and elope, but the jet wasn’t available. He played around with her and told her that they got the idea from him. He thought marrying Chanel was the best day of his life. He told her that he was still in love with Chanel. Nicole gave him encouragement. He let her know that Chanel was dating Talia. Nicole told him not to give up on Chanel. She advised him to let Chanel know how he feels and let her make the decision. He didn’t know if he should do that, but she told him to be honest with Chanel. Melinda was about to meet with Li. She was determined to get the info she needed on Li herself. Li was convinced he could seduce Melinda so she wouldn’t prosecute him. He answered the door and put on the charm. She did the same thing. They have a good time and things get heated between them.

Sloan wanted to talk to Eric something, but she had to know how he felt about her first. He assured her that did and that she could tell him anything. She remembered her conversation with Melinda so she decided to tell him the truth. She suddenly got a cramp in her stomach. Eric was worried about her. Her pain was getting worse so he wanted to take her to the hospital. Talia was at the hospital and ran into Kayla. She asked Talia how her therapy was going. Talia was okay, but she needed a paying job. Kayla offered her a job at the hospital as a doctor. Talia was surprised that she wanted to help her after what she did. Kayla believed in second chances and would go to bat for her to get her the job. Talia thanked her and promised to do a good job if she got it. Talia was happy when Eric and Sloan arrived at the hospital. Sloan’s pain was intense. She collapsed and Talia rushed to give her CPR. Talia realized that Sloan wasn’t breathing. Kayla arrived and told Talia that she saved Sloan’s life. Eric thanked her for saving Sloan. Later, Kayla gave Sloan and Eric the sad news that the baby didn’t have a heartbeat.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Mariah: What a lovely afternoon.

Tessa: I’m glad that you’re enjoying your last day as a lady of leisure. Could be a while before you just sit and enjoy the sun.

Mariah: Did you hear that, aria? Mommy thinks that hanging out with you and working at jabot is leisure, and my new job is gonna be so much harder. She’s so funny, isn’t she? She backs me up.

Tessa: Mama is gonna be working at sna, which is basically a startup, which means it’s gonna take up a lot more time and brain space, because you want it to be successful, because you are brilliant, because it means so much to sharon.

Mariah: It means a lot to me too. You know, I’m selfishly excited.

Tessa: Well, you are, and I am excited for you.

Mariah: So, do you think you’re gonna survive at marchetti without me in the same building?

Tessa: Oh, I am so glad that I’m gonna have some space between us.

Mariah: You know what? That was rude.

[ Tessa laughs ]

Tessa: No, because I can focus on my modeling work and not be thinking about how I can sneak away to your office and spend a little time behind closed doors with you.

Mariah: Well, I’m not gonna tell aria that.

[ Thunder rumbling ] Oh, wow.

Tessa: Wow.

Mariah: That was incredibly loud.

Tessa: Just when we got aria to go to sleep. Oh. The thunder didn’t wake her up. She’s still asleep.

Mariah: Yeah, I guess she’s– she’s really out. But that was very loud.

Tessa: Yeah.

Sharon: Esther, hi.

Esther: Hi, sharon. Hi.

Sharon: Thank you for coming by. I hate to bother you on a weekday, but I’m sure devon and lily do give you an occasional break.

Esther: Oh, they are the best bosses. But– but no one can top mrs. Chancellor.

Sharon: Mrs. Chancellor, of course.

Esther: Yeah.

Sharon: Well, esther, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but nick, adam, and I are going to be running a new media company together.

Esther: Yeah, I did hear. That’s so exciting! Well, you’re gonna have your plate full with the business and– and crimson lights.

Sharon: Yes, I am going to be very busy, which is why I asked you to come over today.

Esther: Oh?

Sharon: Yeah, I have a proposition for you. Um, this new company is gonna need to take most of my focus, and I’m really not ready to let go of crimson lights. It’s just such a big part of me. So I thought that maybe the next best thing would be to find someone to manage it for me.

Esther: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Someone I can count on, someone who’s good with people, has an eye for detail. Someone who’s maybe worked here before and knows how we do things around here? Does that… sound like anyone you know?

Sally: Well, it worked, right?

Nick: What worked?

Sally: I successfully distracted you from adam and everything he’s up to, not to mention your father and his mind games.

Nick: You, sexy lady, can distract me from pretty much anything.

Sally: Well, what do you say we continue this back in my suite?

Nick: I’d like that very much.

[ Sally chuckles ]

Kyle: I, uh– summer.

Summer: Hi. Uh, I wa– I was at the house earlier. Harrison’s really excited about the school year.

Kyle: Yeah. He loves the special notebook and colored pencils you got him.

Summer: He is so proud of being able to write his name.

Kyle: And he’s convinced he can read now that he’s memorized three bumpy the camel books.

Summer: Well, you know, that is reading, sort of.

Kyle: Yeah. Let’s go with that.

Summer: So… we should stop this.

Kyle: Stop what?

Summer: I think it’s time, kyle. For a divorce. Are you tired of clean clothes that just don’t smell clean?

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

[ Thunder rumbling ]

[ Both gasping ]

Mariah: Heat lightning. We should get indoors.

Tessa: Yes. Absolutely.

Mariah: That’S…

Tessa: How is she sleeping through all of this?

Mariah: Hey. Aria. Aria. Hi!

[ Aria wailing ] Oh…

Tessa: Oh, wow. Listen to that.

Mariah: Yeah.

Tessa: Our child has got a set of lungs on her.

Mariah: See, she’s fine. Everything’s fine.

Tessa: But we panicked and woke her up.

Mariah: Yeah, we’re new mothers. That’s what we do.

Tessa: Isn’t it weird though? That the thunder isn’t fazing her at all?

Mariah: Uh, I mean, it’s like the other day when you dropped all the utensils on the floor. I mean, I was scared, I was upstairs, and she was right there.

Tessa: So she has a tolerance for loud, scary noises?

Mariah: Maybe her birth mom was around loud noises and she just got used to it.

Tessa: Hmm.

[ Thunder rumbling ] Okay.

Mariah: Yeah.

Tessa: I hate that sound.

Mariah: All right.

Tessa: Sorry. So much for a glorious day.

Mariah: That’s fine. Let’s go.

Esther: You’re talking about me? You want me to manage crimson lights?

Sharon: I kind of thought it might be the perfect job, but I know that being at chancellor-winters means a lot to you, the connection with katherine.

Esther: Well, mrs. C was family, and that means devon’s family, and I was thrilled when he wanted me to be part of the company with lily, and being able to, uh, bug jill once in a while.

[ Laughs ] Had a friend benefit. But now that I’ve been there a while, there are some things that I don’t like.

Sharon: Like what?

Esther: Well, when I took the job of a receptionist at chancellor-winters, I– I– I thought that I would be able to talk to a lot of people, that employees and clients would be coming in for meetings. But now it just turns out that there’s just video conferences and texts and people are calling on their cell phone all the time and working from home is the thing, and, well, I just wanted more human interaction.

Sharon: Well, there are plenty of people coming in and out of here every day, and they do have to talk to you if they wanna eat or drink.

Esther: Well, yeah, I mean, they wanna be alone or else bond with a friend and order a triple shot cappuccino with cinnamon.

Sharon: Exactly. Right? See, you know, you used to work here. You know the ins and outs of this place.

Esther: Oh, yeah, I remember, I really did like being here. I got to see everyone I knew pretty much all the time.

Sharon: Well, esther, I’m not trying to give you a hard sell. I just thought that the manager role could be perfect for you.

Esther: Yeah, it seems like it.

Sharon: So?

Esther: Well, of course, I– I’d have to check with devon and lily, and– and make sure they could have someone, like, there when I’m here. But when I can figure that out, well, then, well, yeah, of course I accept.

Sharon: Great. When can you start?

[ Sighs ]

Adam: Top floor. That is a hell of a view. And we are just as high as you are, pop. Hell, I bet we could see newman tower from the executive suite. Yep. That’s perfect.

Kyle: Uh, divorce?

Summer: Why are you acting surprised? Kyle, I feel like you’ve made it really clear to me that this is what you want.

Kyle: Yeah, I guess I just didn’t expect you to be the one to say it first.

Summer: We’re in this limbo, right? And it’s not good for us and it’s not good for harrison. Somebody had to say it. I mean, I– I’ve accepted the fact that you– you don’t wanna try and repair our marriage. I mean, you haven’t reached out to me at all lately. I mean, not even about harrison, any conversation that we’ve had about him, I’ve had to initiate.

Kyle: Oh, summer, that’s not–

Summer: Kyle, I’m not trying to criticize you. I’m just saying that we’re in this limbo and we need to get out of it. And the way to do that is to formalize our separation, make it permanent.

Nick: Uh, hold on a second.

Sally: What’s wrong?

Nick: It, uh, looks pretty intense over there.

Sally: Do you need to go see if they’re okay?

Nick: Yeah. Um, why don’t you go upstairs? I’ll be up there in a minute. I just wanna make sure she’s okay.

Sally: Okay.

Nick: All right.

Kyle: Well, summer–

Nick: Well, hi, you two. Looks like you’re talking. That’s got to be a good thing. Or… not.

Summer: We’re fine. We’re just–

Kyle: We’re just discussing harrison’s future.

Nick: Kyle, would you mind if I talk to you alone for a minute? Having diabetes can raise a lot of questions.

Esther: Well, actually, I should be able to start fairly soon. Um, but just let me make sure with devon and lily that there’s someone able to step in to cover me on the reception desk on the days that I’m here, okay?

Sharon: Perfect. Oh, look who’s here.

Esther: Hi, ladies.

Mariah: Hey, guys!

Esther: Oh, I haven’t met this little one yet.

Mariah: Well, esther, meet aria.

Esther: Oh, such a cutie. Oh, my gosh. She’ll be the love of your life.

[ All chuckling ] Okay, sharon, we’ll talk soon.

Sharon: Yes, we will, crimson lights’ new manager.

Esther: Yes.

Mariah: Oh, my goodness! Esther is your new manager?

Sharon: Yeah, she is.

Mariah: Well, she’s a great choice.

Tessa: Yeah, she’s worked here before, right?

Sharon: For a little while. Yeah. A lot’s happened here since nick and I bought the place back in the day. Mostly good things. Cassie sure loved this place. And I know that esther is gonna give crimson lights the care it deserves.

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Sally sighs ]

Sally: Adam?

Adam: Sally. Hey, guess what I’m looking at right now.

Sally: Uh, no idea.

Adam: I am looking at a photo of sna’s new offices, and they are spectacular.

Sally: Why are you calling me to tell me this?

Adam: Because I know that you would love the view. So you should reconsider my job offer and you should say yes this time.

Summer: Dad, everything’s fine. You don’t need to get involved.

Nick: It’s just a friendly man-to-man chat. Kyle, you’re cool with that, right?

Kyle: Of course.

Summer: Okay. I just wanna state for the record that I’m not asking either of you to do this.

Nick: Understood.

Kyle: No problem.

[ Summer sighs ]

Nick: Let’s get a drink. A couple of beers, please.

[ Kyle sighs ] We, uh, haven’t really had a chance to talk since you and summer split up.

Kyle: Yeah, I was sorry to hear about faith being kidnapped by that lunatic and sally losing her baby. What you’ve been through sounds like hell.

Nick: Yeah, it’s been a rough couple of months for a lot of us. Look, kyle, um, my daughter crossed the line, there’s no doubt about that. Her knowing that phyllis was alive and not telling anyone while your mother was in custody for her murder is just… it’s completely wrong, and who wouldn’t be upset by it?

Kyle: She broke my trust.

Nick: I know.

Kyle: Yeah, she was the one person I believe would never lie to me, and– and… well, the lie doesn’t get much bigger than the one that put my mother behind bars. What if we never found out the truth? My mother could be serving a life sentence right now.

Nick: Well, I highly doubt summer would have ever let it get to that point.

Kyle: We’ll never know. Will we?

[ Nick sighs ]

Nick: Look, um– thank you. My daughter’s heart was broken. Yeah, I know yours is too. But underneath all that hurt, there has got to still be some love there. I mean, you and summer are great together. I know you can work this out.

Kyle: You’ve had relationships end, right?

[ Nick laughs ]

Nick: Uh, yeah.

Kyle: Was all the love gone there every time, or did the reasons you break up have nothing to do with love and everything to do with betrayal?

Nick: I regretted a lot of those. It was a big mistake for both of us. God, when I look at you two, I remember the way you looked at each other during your vow renewal. I see this perfect little family that you and summer and harrison have built. You’ve been through so much. You have known each other for so long. It just– it can’t be the end of it.

Kyle: Unless it is.

Nick: Summer made a terrible mistake. A tragically awful mistake. But it– it can’t permanently destroy one of the most solid couples I’ve ever seen. Can it? I’m jonathan lawson

Tessa: Uh, you know, there is a former barista that would be happy to step in and help her mother-in-law.

Sharon: Oh, thank you, tessa. I really appreciate that. You know, I might end up calling you, but I think right now you have a lot on your plate with marchetti and things at home. You too, mariah.

Mariah: I am very excited to start working for you.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. I hope you still feel that way after you hear my long list of ideas, starting with this splashy launch. It’s gonna need a lot of publicity, because I want us to make our mark right out of the gate.

Mariah: Well, good, because I have music, fashion, and influencers who are already in waiting to get to know the new sna media powerhouse.

[ Thunder rumbling ]

Sharon: Goodness.

Mariah: She’s still asleep.

Sharon: What’s wrong? Is aria afraid of the noise?

Mariah: No, not at all. That’s– it’s nothing. We’re just being paranoid.

Sharon: Oh, well, that would be a first in the history of the world.

Mariah: Yes, I know. We’re probably overreacting.

Sharon: Okay. Why don’t you tell me what’s really got you worried?

Tessa: Well, um, we were in the park and aria was asleep, and then there was a big clap of thunder.

Mariah: Yeah, it was loud. I mean, it scared even us. Uh, but aria didn’t wake up.

Sharon: Well, maybe she was just in a deep sleep.

Mariah: Yeah, see, that’s exactly what I said. You know, then it seemed to get louder and still nothing.

Tessa: It was only when mariah touched her, just barely touching her chest just to check that she woke up and started crying.

Mariah: So, of course, like we do every single day, you know, we started thinking that something could be wrong.

Sharon: And what do you think it may be?

Sally: Adam, I really appreciate the offer, but there are multiple reasons why me working for you and nick and sharon is not the best idea.

Adam: Well, you’re gonna have to list these multiple reasons, because I just don’t see it.

Sally: Are you still planning on going after newman media?

Adam: No, I’ve– uh, I’ve let the merger idea go.

Sally: I– I’m glad to hear it.

[ Sighs ] Look, there has been conflict aside from that, and I just feel like me working for the company might bring even more.

Adam: You’re referring to nick and me. My brother and I are fine.

Sally: Look, I– I just am not up for anything other than a pleasant, stable work environment right now.

Adam: This will be that. Okay? We will get there. Look, how about we meet tomorrow and we talk about it?

Sally: Adam–

Adam: You’re not working– no, you’re not– you don’t trust me, but you trust nick. So don’t take this job for my sake. Why don’t you take it for yours and nick’s?

Sally: Fine. Fine. But I’m not making any promises, so please do not get your hopes up.

Adam: Fair enough.

Kyle: I’m sorry, nick, but I’m done. I can’t find a way to forgive summer, and honestly, you shouldn’t ask me to.

Nick: I think she deserves another chance.

Kyle: No, she doesn’T. Summer’s betrayal of me, of my mother, it– it’s too big. It’s massive. Look, I thought with more time that we’d find a way to get past it. For harrison’s sake, if nothing else. But I can’T.

Nick: It hasn’t been that long.

Kyle: It’s been long enough, and it hurts now as much as it did when I first found out she was lying to me about phyllis, and I see it now very clearly. Summer is more like phyllis than I ever imagined.

Nick: That is a huge exaggeration.

Kyle: Is it?

Nick: Look, summer did some pretty wild things when she was young. I mean, so did you. What kid doesn’t? But she’s not like that anymore, all right? She has grown up. She’s a very smart, very kind, beautiful young woman. One I’m extremely proud of. Now make no mistake, I know that’s partly because of you. Her confidence, her maturity, her ability to be so good with harrison. It’s because of that connection that you have, kyle. It’s because of your love. Don’t you see that?

Kyle: Okay, let’s say that is true. I owe it to the world to stay with summer because she’s more mature now? Look, she hasn’t grown up enough not to lie.

[ Nick sighs ] Okay, sorry, nick, but no. Look, phyllis, she will never change. She’s not capable. And I now feel the same way about summer. She’s the same woman that blackmailed me in a marriage to save lola’s life.

Nick: She’s different now. That is my point. Come on, man.

Kyle: Okay, let’s say I do give my marriage a second chance. I would be waiting every day, every week, every year for a shoe to drop. And eventually it would. Our mothers will keep fighting, for sure, 100%. So family harmony is impossible, and I don’t want that for harrison. I don’t want that for myself.

Nick: So there’s nothing I can say.

Kyle: No. Mm-mmm. Look, I don’t wanna live like this anymore. Summer told me earlier she doesn’t either. She’s ready to move on from this limbo that we’re in.

Nick: She said that?

Kyle: She said she’s ready to move forward with a divorce.

Nick: She doesn’t mean that, kyle. I know my daughter, and it’s not what is in her heart.

[ Summer exhales ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Sniffling ]

[ Sighs ] (Bridget) with thyroid eye disease

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. Nurtec is the only medication

Mariah: I guess we were just wondering if it’s normal for her to not react to loud sounds.

Tessa: It’s not just the thunder. The other day I knocked over a utensil container in the kitchen, and it was loud, and mariah, who was all the way upstairs, heard it and ran down just to make sure everyone was okay.

Mariah: Yeah, and when I came downstairs, aria was still fast asleep in her playpen. Uh, she didn’t react at all.

Sharon: Well, it’s– what I’m saying is she’s a deep sleeper. You know, faith was that way.

Tessa: Yeah?

Sharon: Yeah. Don’t you remember, mariah, that time she was supposed to get up and go meet you for breakfast, but then you came over, she was still in bed asleep? How hard it was to wake her up?

Mariah: Uh, yeah, that’s true.

Sharon: She’s even had me call her at school a few times because she was afraid that she would sleep through her alarm and miss her exams.

Tessa: But isn’t aria old enough to be reacting when we call her name? I mean, isn’t that one of the milestones?

Sharon: Girls, relax. Okay? Your beautiful daughter is fine. You’re scaring yourself for no reason. There is no set date for when babies are supposed to do things.

Mariah: Yeah, we know that. Right? We know that. I mean, that’s what we’re always telling ourselves when we’re with other moms and they’re talking about their genius children.

Sharon: Okay, but if you really are worried that there’s something wrong with aria’s hearing, take her in to the doctor and have her tested. That’s easy enough, and it may set your minds at ease.

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: It is a new day, dad, and now I’m gonna show you what I’m made of.

Sally: Are things any better between summer and kyle?

Nick: Apparently not. Uh… summer’s talking divorce.

Sally: Um, would she really give up on her marriage that easily?

Nick: No, she wouldn’T. And I don’t care if she brought that up to kyle. She doesn’t mean it, she’s just heartbroken.

Sally: Kyle’s had a hard time dealing with what summer did. But, I mean, does he really want it to be over over?

Nick: I mean, he seems pretty set on moving on and making this split permanent. He doesn’t care that summer feels terribly for choosing her mother over their marriage. Phyllis put her in an impossible situation, and this is the fallout.

Sally: Well, how did you react to that? I mean, did you put the fear of god in him?

Nick: No. It was tempting. I just wanna grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him and tell him that he is making a huge mistake. He’s giving up the best thing that ever happened to him.

Sally: You held back.

Nick: This is not my fight. It’s hard… because I just wanna take my little girl’s pain away. What’s wrong?

Sally: You just would have been the best bonus dad to ava.

[ Summer sighs ]

[ Knocking on door ]

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Kyle: Look, I– I’m sorry to just show up like this, without calling or anything.

Summer: Kyle, it’s fine. As it stands, you are still my husband.

Kyle: That– that’s what I wanna talk to you about. I think you’re right. There’s no coming back from what you did. No second chance for our marriage. So let’s end this torture.

Summer: So?

Kyle: It’s time to divorce. No reason not to move forward.

Summer: Okay. Okay. I’ll, um… I’ll move all my stuff out of the house as soon as I can. I– I’ll– I’ll get in touch with a lawyer. Kyle, I really hope that we can keep this friendly. For harrison’s sake.

Kyle: We’ll I handle it as adults. As parents.

Summer: Kyle, wait. I really am sorry… for– for everything.

Kyle: Me too.

[ Door closes ]

[ Summer sighs ]

Sally: I’m so sorry. I know that you were talking about summer and her heart break, and I just made this all about me.

Nick: Nothing to be sorry about. You’re grieving. And sometimes that’s the way grief works. I want you to know, I think you’re doing great. I’m proud of you.

Sally: Thank you for understanding.

Nick: But you are right. I would have done everything I could… to be the best daddy in the world to your daughter. Maybe someday I’ll have another chance.

Sally: Wait. Are you saying that you want to have a kid with me?

Sharon: Yes. That’s right. That is, yes. Tomorrow? Okay. Thank you so much.

Mariah: We’re just being ridiculous. Right?

Tessa: I don’t know. Yes. Yes, we are. We are just jumping to conclusions because our baby doesn’t startle at every single sound.

Mariah: Yeah, I– I– I mean, she could just be a very deep sleeper like sharon said.

Tessa: Or our hearing is more sensitive than hers.

Mariah: I– I guess.

Tessa: I don’t know. We’re– we’re first time moms, we don’t know anything.

Mariah: We are freaking out for nothing. I mean, they tested her hearing at the hospital. It was fine.

Tessa: Yes. Right. Right. Right.

Mariah: It’s fine.

Sharon: Okay. Aria has an appointment with her pediatrician first thing tomorrow.

Tessa: Sharon–

Sharon: You may or may not have taken that step yourselves.

Mariah: She knows us very well.

Sharon: I don’t wanna see you girls driving yourself crazy. Just go see the doctor, have the test done, find out everything is fine, and then you can move on to worrying about something else.

Mariah: Why? Is there something else we should be worrying about?

Sharon: No, I was speaking in general, mariah. My granddaughter is fine.

Mariah: Yes. Yes, she is. Thank you so much, mom.

Tessa: Thank you, sharon. Thank you. You– you’re the best.

Sharon: I know. [ Chuckles ] (Wheezing)

Tessa: Well, now that the lighting’s gone, we should probably get this little nugget home.

Mariah: Yeah.

Sharon: Oh, I don’t know. You’re not ready to go home yet. Are you? I think you wanna stay here with me for a little while. Um, you sure, your girls don’t wanna leave her here with me for a little while, maybe go out and have a date night? It’s been a while since your last one.

Mariah: That’s, uh, very tempting. Rain check.

Sharon: Sure. Don’t worry, you girls.

Nick: I’m not proposing, if that’s what you–

Sally: Uh, thank– thank god.

Nick: Well, don’t sound so relieved.

[ Both chuckling ] Look, I’m not saying that, um, you know, us having a kid is something we should be talking about. I’m also not not saying that.

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Okay.

Nick: Look, if we ever got to the point, you know, for us, and that was something that we both wanted… I’d be excited. I’d love to have a kid with you because I know that you will be an amazing mother.

[ Phone chimes ]

[ Sighs ] Will you marry me? Again?

[ Summer laughs ]

Summer: This is bliss. Just the two of us, the quiet interlude before the wonderful mayhem of our vow renewal tomorrow.

Kyle: I don’t know what’s real with you anymore.

Summer: Kyle, wait. I’m just trying–

Kyle: I don’t– I don’t need anything from you, summer. I wish you the best with your choices, because I’m doing just fine with mine.

Summer: There never was any hope for us.

Kyle: I guess not. So, we’re done here.

[ Summer sighs ]

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Marshall once again tells Mrs. Wu that the Savoy isn’t for sale and Marshall makes it clear that the illegal poker games at the Savoy are done. Marshall tells Mrs. Wu that he can’t be blackmailed because he has nothing to lose. Gladys feels guilty that Dr. Montague has hooked Sasha on drugs again. Gladys demands that Dr. Montague release Sasha from Fern Cliff, but he wants Gladys to pay him $50,000 to release Sasha from Fern Cliff.

Mrs. Wu also wants Gladys to pay her debt in full because she has to shut down the poker games.

Stella returns to her job as patient advocate at the hospital. After watching Stella work, Felicia decides to apply for a job as patient advocate.

Carly persuades Drew to let Diane see if she can get him an early release from Pentonville. Dex visits “Book” and tells him Sonny wants him to stay away from Drew but also protect Drew if anyone bothers him.

Austin thanks Cyrus for being a friend to his mother and paying for his medical school but he is done working for him because he has done more than enough to pay the debt he owes him. Austin feels guilty that he lied to Ava and told her Nikolas is dead since he was the one who saved his life.

Dex is surprised to see Austin at Pentonville prison talking to Cyrus, but he can’t hear what they are saying to each other. Cyrus thanks Austin for bringing him the thumb drive and tells him to go in peace.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, August 23, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


thanks hello, anna. Hey. How are you holding up? Yeah, sorry. I’m just wearing jeans. I’ve had to go out and buy some clothes. You could wear a burlap sack and you’d still look great.

[ Chuckling ] Thank you. That’s very nice. You hungry? ‘Cause I’ve been cooking for hours in the kitchen. Really? What are you making? Our very special lunch. Sasha, are you up for a visitor? No, no, no, no, no, no.

[ Whimpers ] What’s wrong with her? Dr. Montague says she’s going through withdrawal. From what? Drugs? That doesn’t make any sense. Wouldn’t she have gone through withdrawal already? Unfortunately, dr. Montague says she’s been using here in ferncliff.

[ Stammers ] Sasha found someone to bring her drugs. Who? How? She’s not allowed any visitors. I’m the only one who gets to see her. The medical staff gets to see her, and so does the custodial staff. You’d be surprised what an addict will do in order to get what they want. Marshall, so good to see you again. We are blessed with a beautiful day. Are you here for a swim? I’m waiting on my sister-in-law. Well, since she hasn’t arrived yet, this is a great opportunity for us to revisit my offer to purchase the savoy. Stella, it’s so great having you back working here. Well, as long as my family needs me, and, lord, do they ever, I am sticking around port charles. I might as well keep busy and earn some extra money while I’m at it.

[ Door opens, closes ]

[ Clatters ]

[ Screams ] Trina, you scared me. I’m so sorry. I promise you it sounded worse than it was. Oh, my god. What are you doing here? Oh, how is avery? Is everything okay? W-what’s — what’s wrong with avery? What’s dr. Gatlin-holt doing here? I mean, he had his doctor’s bag. Maybe he was here seeing a patient or just doing some form of community service or something. Yeah, I never liked that guy. He manipulated chase into spying on the quartermaines. I remember that. I can’t figure out what his deal is. Something about him I don’t trust. Guard: Here’s your patient, dr. Gatlin-holt. Dr. Gatlin-holt, it’s so nice to see you again. And it’s good to know someone still makes house calls. Okay. Mr. Renault, how about we just get this over with?

What? What is it?Did something happen to avery? No, I mean, joss just told me that she was sick, that she has a cold. Oh. I think the new nanny told her that, but joss is not a fan of hers. Yeah. You know, I think we might have made a mistake, letting pilar go. I mean, she did make a mistake, that’s true, but avery likes her so much and she was so comfortable with her, and I think just because somebody has a spotless résumé as a nanny doesn’t mean that person is the right person to take care of your particular child. Are you talking about pilar or betty? Um… I-I think that sonny and i should give pilar another chance. But e-enough about that. How are you? How’s your summer? How’s spencer? I wouldn’t know. You’d have to ask esme. I’m sure austin has a very good reason for being here at pentonville, and I’m not gonna waste any more time speculating about him. Well, I like the sound of that. Yeah. I want to focus on you. You told me you saved cyrus’ life. I mean, that means every inmate in here thinks you’re his ally. I mean, doesn’t that put you in even more danger? It’s just the way life works in prison. You can’t stay neutral. That’s not realistic. Like it or not, everybody in here, everybody is allied with somebody else. You’re not answering my question. Doesn’t that mean the enemies of cyrus are now going to be targeting you? You’re a lucky man. Yes, I know. The good lord chose to keep me on this earth for a while longer so I can continue doing his work. No. You’re a lucky man because you had a heart attack in front of a trained navy seal who knew enough to keep you alive until the medical professionals could arrive. You are lucky that drew cain was there to intervene, otherwise, you wouldn’t be alive. I’m thankful god chose to put drew in my path that day. That whole experience was enlightening in so many ways. Yeah, I’m sure. And if that helps you sleep at night, I’m happy for you. Me? I’m a big fan of science, and this is medicine, this is for your heart. This is a statin and it will help unclog your arteries. You take it once a day with baby aspirin. Really, doc? That’s it? No lollipop? This is so delicious. Who taught you how to cook? I taught myself. Cooking relaxes me. I rarely cook, honestly. I’ve grown to like it a bit more, though, but I can’t remember the last time I spent a significant amount of time in my kitchen. I’m sorry your house burnt down. I think it’s hitting me harder than I thought it would. It’s your home. You’re gonna be hurt. Yeah, but… I mean, I hadn’t lived there that long. You know, and the stuff inside, it’s just things, like furniture and clothes and… I-I have to remind myself that the important thing, no one was hurt. Like, what if robin and the kids had been visiting or if charlotte was home? That’s the stuff that I keep running around and around in my head. Well, you know, look, the important thing is that nobody was hurt, yeah, that’s true, but it is your home, and you picked out the furniture, your clothes, and you felt safe. And someone deliberately destroyed that. They wanted to take what you valued and leave you with nothing. Yeah. I mean, whoever is out there trying to ruin my life, they’re doing a pretty good job. Thank you, emma. Hi, honey. My name is stella henry. And the nurse told me that your mom was brought in with a lung issue and put on a ventilator, and I know that must be very scary for you. Is there anyone that

I can callto come here and be with you — your dad, grandparents, a sibling? It’s just me and my mom. And now she can’t talk, and I don’t know what the doctors were saying to me. Well, that’s where I come in. My job is to help you understand all the medical jargon so that you know exactly what’s going on with your mom. Okay?

[ Sniffles ] All right, now, what’s your name? Joni. Good name. I got a friend back home named joni.

[ Pen scratching ] And your mother’s name? She’s pretty amazing, isn’t she? She knows exactly what to say. We see it here all the time. Stella is hands down the best patient advocate we have. If anything ever happened to me, I’d want her in my corner.

[ Chuckles ] I didn’t ask you to join me.

[ Scoffs ] I find that it’s so much more civilized to discuss business in comfort. We have no business to discuss. I thought I told you the savoy is not for sale. Yes, but that conversation happened in front of your son, who has suffered a devastating injury. I understand that you didn’t want to discuss taking anything else away from him, but we’re alone now. It’s time for you to face reality. Either sell the club to me, or, simply put, the savoy will go under. Sasha, honey. It’s me, gladys. Sasha. Do you know who I am? Gladys, you’re here.

[ Breathing heavily ] Yeah. It’s me. I-I don’t understand. Why — why is this happening? Why — why is what happening? Everything hurts. Is — is — is brando coming? Oh. Sweetheart… we lost brando. He’s not coming. No. No, no, no, I — I-I need him. I-I… I need brando. Everything hurts. Everything hurts. Everything hurts. What have you done to my daughter-in-law?

So, any progress on trying to find out, you know, who burnt down your house? No, no. I-I was with dante this morning at the pcpd, but, um, nothing. I’ve asked around, I haven’t heard anything, and I’m trying to figure out if the shooting at the pool was meant for you or me. But if you were the target, do you think there’s a connection between the fire and the shooting? I really can’t — I don’t know. I mean, I’m not sure what’s more upsetting, if… this thought that there’s an individual out there laser-focused on ruining my life, or if there are multiple people out there after us. I’d still like to offer you protection. Thank you. Dante offered that this morning, too. But I will tell you what I told him — thank you, but no. Dante’s a cop. It doesn’t make sense for him to guard you. And if you don’t want the cops to track you — look, I —

[ Chuckles ] I’m just — I’m just a friend who’s worried for your safety. What do you want? I work for sonny corinthos. He sent me here with a message for you. What’s that? You shouldn’t have to take on cyrus’ enemies. I can only imagine that’s one hell of a list. Well, I can’t undo what’s already happened. Like it or not, I set something in motion when I stepped in to help cyrus. There’s no way to stop it. Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Why? What are you thinking? I’m thinking we can avoid all this by focusing on getting you out of here. Glad it’s not a child-proof cap. Again, lucky you. Ah.

[ Exhales sharply ] God certainly works in mysterious ways. All right.

[ Exhales sharply ] I have done everything that you have asked me to do, and now it’s your turn. It’s your turn to — to repay the favor. Do unto others, right? That’s the basics for your newfound faith, right? Because I’m done. I’m done cleaning up your messes. I’m done cleaning up mason’s messes. I’m — I’m — I’m done risking the integrity of general hospital, putting innocent people at risk. I’m — I’m done. I have more than paid off my debt, and I want out. Oh, do you now? I know it can’t be easy to watch spencer and esme playing house with spencer’s little brother. Yeah. I mean, I-I don’t blame spencer. I know it shouldn’t bother me. I mean, if I had a little brother whose mother was esme, I know I wouldn’t take my eyes off him. Yeah. And I understand spencer’s impulse. He’s worried about ace. I get that. Family is too important to take for granted, and I see that with my mom and everything that’s going on with curtis. I mean, my dad. So I don’t blame spencer forstanding by his little brother. That’s what family does. I have some answers for you. I spoke to dr. Burns and he said he put your mother on a ventilator because her lung collapsed, and he also thinks there might be a possible infection, so he’s ordered some other tests to figure out why her lung collapsed in the first place and what could be causing the potential infection. And he may need to put a stent in her lungs to help her breathe better. It’s a serious situation, but it is far from being fatal, and dr. Burns expects your mom to make a full recovery.

[ Sobbing ] Really? Yes, yes. Oh, sweetie. Thank you, stella. You’re so welcome, sweetheart. I want her out of this place today. Take a look at your daughter-in-law, gladys. She’s in no shape to be released. She’s a mess. Because of you! You put her in this nuthouse, and you’re the one who can get her out. So she can go straight to prison?

[ Groans ] All of this is t– it’s too much, and I want it to stop. Sure, gladys. Anything you want. That is, after you pay me for all my trouble. I’d say $50,000 will do the trick.

Wow! This new showing is really something, guys. I always knew that ava’s gallery was for the birds.

[ Laughs ] Hee-hee-hee, very funny, spencer. Is this someone who I’m familiar with? No, it’s just this very talented up-and-comer I happen to have great faith in. Trina can tell you all about it. Trina, I am gonna go and take care of what we discussed earlier, so… okay, so tell me about this new showing. It looks very cool, very exciting. You haven’t seen me in forever, and you really want to talk about the new art exhibit when we have much better things to do? Much better things to do. Like what? Like this. Joni? Your mom’s asking for you.

[ Gasps ] I can take you to see her. See, didn’t i tell you? Your mom’s gonna be okay. Thank you, stella, for everything. Oh, you’re so welcome, sweetheart.

[ Chuckles ] Now go see your mom, and if you need anything after, I’ll be right here, okay? Excuse me. We’ve never met before, but my name is felicia scorpio. Hi, felicia, I’m stella. What can I help you with? I was noticing you with that young girl, and the way that you comforted her was really remarkable.

[ Chuckles ] Well, thank you, felicia, but honestly, I was just doing my job. Which is what exactly? A social worker. Well, here at G.H., I’m a patient advocate. I help patients and family of patients navigate their way through the healthcare system, which can be very daunting for the average person. Must be very rewarding to be able to help people. It is a very rewarding job. But you also have to remember that not every patient gets better, so there are some rough days, too. Marshall: What are you telling me? If my son doesn’t sell you the club, you’re gonna run — run the savoy out of business? I’m sorry. Allow me to clarify. I’m just stating the truth. That curtis isn’t physically capable of running the savoy right now, and you’re not qualified to run the hippest club in town. You don’t have the connections or know the ins and outs to keep it going. I’ll tell you what i do know. I know you’re running an illegal poker game in the back room, and as my first act as manager, your poker game [Snaps] Is done. You being welcomed at the club anymore is done.

[ Snaps fingers ] And whatever you got on curtis or whatever arrangements you have with curtis,

[Snaps] Done. You ain’t got nothing on me, lady. You’ve lived long enough to know how life works. Everyone has something that can be used against them. It’s just a matter of me finding what yours is. $50,000? I don’t have that kind of money. But sasha does, and you’re in charge of her finances, so you do have that kind of money. It’s not liquid. It’s not like it’s sitting in some account somewhere. I’d have to sell stock, and I’m already in debt to selina wu, and I can’t sell any more. Well, if I were you, I’d find a way to figure it out because sasha isn’t leaving ferncliff until I get paid. I really appreciate your friendship. It’s nice. It feels…

[ Exhales deeply ] Well… it comes with amazing food.

[ Laughs ] And now that I’m no longer in law enforcement, it’s a lot less complicated, too. So…you agree to have my guys watch you? No. No? [ Chuckles ] I don’t want your people following me, I really don’t because I treasure my privacy. And my autonomy. You know, I can still have my guys watching you.

[ Stammering ] Just think about that for a second — how does that work? Because if — if I have strangers trailing me, I’m not gonna know if they’re your guys that are following me or if they’re, you know, the bad guys, so you see how that would be confusing? All right, all right, I won’t pressure you. I just want you to know that I’m here, I’m available, and, uh, I got a lot of resources if you need help. I know you mean it. I also know you have challenges of your own. Yeah, but I can handle that. You want some more parmesan?

[ Both laugh ] Well, I — no, you can have a bit more. Remedies everything, I suppose, doesn’t it? Mr. Corinthos wants drew cain to be left alone. Don’t mess with him, don’t approach him, nothing. Carly, I pled guilty. I accepted the verdict. There’s no way to get out of that. I disagree. That sentence that the judge imposed on you was unfair and wrong, and it wasn’t what you agreed to with the da. There has to be a way to appeal it, get it overturned, and get you the hell out of here. You want out? Just like that? Just like that. Mm. I do. And I’m — I’m hopeful that you’re gonna be open to the idea of ending things because we go way back. Don’t we, mr. Renault? When I was a kid, man… when you showed up at the house, it was like christmas morning. It was the only time in my childhood that I can remember that my mom stopped crying. It was great. For her, it was like — it was like it was her birthday or something, every single time, and it was so good for me. It was like a-a relief, you know? ‘Cause for those little chunks of time, I didn’t have to be her perfect little man. And I’m so grateful. I really am. Thank you. Thank you for paying for all of my education. And thank you for checking on me all of those years. I’m grateful. But that’s enough. It’s — it’S… it’s enough. ‘Cause now, it’s just all the — the downside because little by little, you and mason, you roped me into this world that I just don’t belong in. Whatever gratitude there was between us, you have manipulated it, and any love that might have been between us, you have twisted it. And you have exploited my skills as a doctor and you’ve used me, you’ve coerced me, and you’ve — you’ve — you’ve forced me to do things that I didn’t even think a person could do, ever. I didn’t know I was capable of that. I look at ava jerome right in the eyes and I-I lie to her — beautiful woman. I told her her husband was dead. Who does that? I’m done. Ava deserves to know the truth. She deserves to know that nikolas is alive and that I’m the reason — I saved his life.

Heya, sonny. Hey. So has there been any word? Have you figured out who austin and mason’s mystery boss is? I’m working on it. How about you? Are you working on it on your end? Hello. Hey, anna. I was thinking about ordering some food. Are you hungry? Uh, no, not really. Um, I just had lunch with sonny. You’re being very open about your friendship with sonny these days. Well… I’m not wearing a badge anymore. You could say the conflict of interest is gone. Kinda like my house. You can threaten me all you want. The answer is not gonna change. I can assure you that no threat was being implied. I’ve lived my life, paid my consequences, and I ain’t got nothing left to lose, but I will do whatever it takes to protect my son and his interests, which means his dream. The savoy is not for sale. Your illegal poker game is shut down. Now, this conversation is over. I’m gonna need that chair for my sister-in-law. Goodbye, ms. Wu. Do patient advocates have to be social workers? No, not necessarily. Why are you so interested? Well, I’m thinking about changing careers. I want to do something that’s more about service and giving back to the community, especially G.H. Why G.H.? Well, general hospital is where they saved my daughter’s life when she was a little girl. Oh. Well, if you’re interested in giving back, I think you should definitely look into becoming a patient advocate. The work can be very challenging at times, but it is the most rewarding job I have ever had. Yeah, okay, I definitely missed that.

[ Chuckles ] There’s a lot of things we’ve missed. Yeah. About that — I know that this was supposed to be our time to connect with each other after everything that happened in greenland, but — don’t — no. Don’t apologize. He’s your little brother. And I just don’t want him to suffer the same fate that I did. I know that it’s really, really far from ideal for me to be living at my grandmother’s house with esme and ace… while she’s off looking for my father. I — [ Chuckles ] Yeah, um… my hope is that my living situation improves once my grandmother and kevin get back, but I know that my family’s situation is really complicated. I really wish that I had something simple like what you have. Had. With curtis being shot and paralyzed, my life is far from being ideal. How’s he doing?

[ Sighs ] It’s hard seeing him suffer like that. And my mom, too, ’cause she wants to help him so badly. So badly, and he keeps shutting her out, and — and the worst part is that there’s nothing I can do to make it better, and I just feel like… hey, hey. I’m gonna hire diane. Your sentence was harsh and arbitrary, and there has to be a judge out there who would at least review it, and diane is the perfect person to find that judge and argue the case. Carly, I hate being in here. I-I hate it. I hate being away from you and scout, but I have to do the time. No, you don’T. If there’s a chance that we can get him to over– see, that’s just it. The cha– I — just hoping like that, hoping for an early release, that — that is its own form of torture. I wasn’t going after drew. I was going after cyrus, then drew got in the middle, otherwise, I would have left him alone. Mr. Corinthos doesn’t want any explanations or excuses. He wants full compliance, so… even if drew spends all day, every day with cyrus renault, that’s his business. You don’t go anywhere near him. I’m done. This thing that I did with nikolas is the last thing that I do. We’re even now. That’s it? You’ve got nothing to say? Go in peace. So, what are you planning to do with this piece of information that I just gave to you? I’ll do what I should have been doing all along — god’s work. Where are you going?

Ha, ms. Wu.

[ Chuckles ] I was hoping to find you here. That must mean you have your next payment. Yeah, a-about that, um… there’s a little problem getting the money together. Some kind of hold was put on sasha’s deception stock, but — but — but don’t worry, I will do everything I can to clear it up quick. I’m not here to listen to your problems. I want my money. I’m worried about you, anna. I’ve been talking to the pcpd. It’s unfortunate that I can’t head up the investigation into the fire since I accepted this new role as deputy mayor, but I need you to know I am monitoring your case. Thank you, thank you. I appreciate what everyone is doing, really, but, um… it’s — it’s strange there just aren’t any leads. I find that quite interesting. Do you think the arson could be connected to the shooting here that injured curtis? Marshall, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. No need to apologize. Work you’re doing at G.H. Is important.

[ Chuckles ] I couldn’t agree with you more. And I think I might have recruited someone new to join my department. I would not count curtis out just yet. I mean, it is really, really hard for me to imagine someone as vital and active as curtis facing life in a wheelchair. Do you remember what kind of badass he was in greenland? That was amazing. I think that you really need to trust that he’s gonna figure this out. And as soon as he gets his thoughts together, he’s gonna do the right thing by your mom. I just wish I can do something.

[ Sighs ] Trina, you can’t put that on yourself. I think ultimately, you need to remember that this is something that’s between your mom and curtis, and even though i view you as superwoman, this is one battle that your mom is gonna need to fight on her own. And what’s more, your mom is one hell of a doctor, so she is not going to let curtis get anything other than the very, very best care that he possibly can, no matter what he says. The most important thing that you can do… is stand by your parents because that’s what family does. I did just what you asked me to do. I went to austin and I asked him if betty had found any information about you and pikeman. What’d he say? He assured me that they had everything they need and that as soon as the information is given to their boss, then we get nikolas’ body back and this will all be over. Do you think austin believes that? Do you think that mason and the mystery boss is just gonna hand nikolas’ body over to you? And lose whatever leverage they have? If you want to stay on mr. Corinthos’ good side, not only are you going to avoid any trouble with drew, but you’re gonna help him out if he gets into trouble with anyone else. Got it. But for the record… drew is pretty good at taking care of himself. I know this is your life, but I’m gonna fight for you. And if there’s the slightest chance that we can get you out of here, we’re gonna take it.

Oh, sasha, I do have sympathy for you. You’re so confused. W-wait. Gladys was — was just here, wasn’t she? Yes, yes, she was. But — but… is she s-still here? No, she had to go. But wh– well — well, why did — where did she go? She went to save you, sasha. And for your sake, you better hope she comes through. Selina, please. I’m good for the money. You know that. Do I really? I mean, in the past, I’ve always made my payments on time. There’s just a little problem with the deception stock. Yes, you already said that. Right, so — so you get it. I just — just need a little more time. Time is what you don’t have because I’m shutting down the poker game. What? Why? I don’t have to explain anything to you, gladys. But when I close down the poker game, I’ll also be closing the books on it. No more extensions. No more credit. Payment in full. I don’t have any evidence to support my theory, but my instinct tells me that the shooting here — it’s not related to the arson at all. I really wish we had something on the shooting. Any lead, even a small one, because curtis is really going through it at the rehab facility. Even though we’re fairly certain curtis wasn’t the intended target, it sure would help him to know who was responsible for leaving him paralyzed and unable to walk. Someone saw me in action at work today at G.H. And she asked me about my job, particularly the patient advocacy part, and I got a chance to tell her how wonderful the job could be and how it really gives you a sense of giving back to the community. You really think you’re gonna — you’re gonna get a new colleague? Well, she certainly seemed receptive to the idea. Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me one bit. You know, you got a way of, uh — eh, eh — getting your point across. You know, you can poke fun at me all you want, but you are not gonna spoil my good mood. Yes, I believe I changed somebody’s life today. Yeah. Wow. Is that a smile that I see? Did I just succeed in cheering up trina robinson?

[ Chuckles ] More like you got me to stop the pity party. Because how am i gonna help anyone if I’m feeling sorry for myself? So I’m going to take a deep breath…

[ Breathes deeply ] …And promise to be there for my mom and curtis, whatever it is they may need from me. Yeah, that sounds more like the fearless person that I know that you are. Thank you for reminding me that family is all that matters. Speaking of family, how is your little family with esme?

[ Chuckles ] What do you mean? When laura and kevin get back, are you all gonna still live together? Honestly, I don’t know from one day to the next if austin is being sincere with me or if he’s manipulating me. The night that nikolas died, though, I would have sworn he really wanted to help me. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what austin believes. It’s nikolas’ body that’s the ultimate leverage over you. We — look, we’re not gonna get it back unless we find out who austin and mason are working for. Right. And so let’s say that your plan works and that the phony information that brick planted on the computer for betty to find does lead you to their boss. Then what?

[ Slams table ] I’ll deal with him. I know zeke robinson is a great attorney, but diane is the best, and your case is her area of expertise. Okay. Ah! Okay, let diane explore other options. I’m gonna get you out of here. Just — just don’t get your hopes up, okay? The odds are that I’m gonna have to serve the full three years. I don’t believe that. And whatever happens… I’m with you. I’ll be back for another visit soon… because I’m gonna be monitoring you closely to make sure you’re following mr. Corinthos’ orders.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, August 23, 2023

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Thomas: Okay, um, liam got in your head, right? ‘Cause he’s– he’s bringing up the past. But you know that I’m not that person anymore, and that– you know you pursued me, right? You’re the one who kissed me, and… but obviously, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you, ’cause I do.

Hope: I know you do.

Thomas: And like I said, there really is only one thing I can do.

[ Hope scoffs ]

Hope: One thing you can do, thomas, what… what does that mean?

Steffy: You’re really serious. Even if you’ve gotten through to hope, you’ve got her to open her eyes about my brother, you’re– you’re not willing to take her back.

Rj: You’re– you’re saying things might not be over between hope and liam? What happened?

Brooke: Oh, something seems to have clicked inside of hope.

Ridge: Forgive me if I’m being a little skeptical after, um, everything.

Brooke: Well, a mother knows. And I really do believe that hope and liam could save their marriage.

Ridge: All right. Not that I’m not happy about your optimism, but… they signed divorce papers.

Brooke: But they didn’t file them.

Ridge: Oh, okay, and you think that’s enough for them to work everything out?

Brooke: That is one factor, right? But also, hope is different. She’s back to the way she used to be. She’s more focused, more clear-headed, more determined. I know she has regrets for what she did, but her eyes are wide open now. And spending the day with liam at beth’s birthday party, I think, impacted her in a way that she didn’t expect.

Rj: Well, yeah, but I mean, do you think a– a nice afternoon is enough to get her to forget about all the damage that’s been done?

Brooke: Well, I think liam talking to her really got through to her. Also, everything that she said to me, I– I just really believe that there’s a chance that hope and liam can work things out.

Liam: I’m always gonna love hope, I’m always gonna care for her, and I’m always gonna worry about her, right? So that– that– that just means I’m not gonna stop trying to convince her who thomas really is.

Steffy: Thomas has changed. He’s not the same person he used to be.

Liam: Okay, but yeah. But whether he’s new and improved or not, he was obsessed with her for years, and that obsession caused him to keep traumatizing her over and over again. Now m– now, maybe that part of him is at bay, fine, but it’s still there. And for hope to ignore that… it’s not good for her.

Thomas: One thing I can do is… back off, hope. Not because I’m afraid of becoming that guy again, ’cause I’m not. I’m not that person anymore, and you know that as well as I do. It’s because I love you.

[ Thomas chuckles ] And I– I want you to have what you want, and if that’s liam… then I have to accept that.

Hope: You’d be willing to do that? You’D… you’d be willing to let me go? Before my doctor and I chose breztri for my copd,

Brooke: I really think this birthday party was an eye-opener for hope. Spending time with beth and liam, and celebrating their daughter’s birthday together, and then talking to liam afterwards. I think it all opened her eyes to see what she might be missing if she went through with this divorce.

Ridge: Yeah, well I’m not convinced that liam, uh, is ready to forgive her.

Brooke: He does love her. And he worked really hard on reminding her the heartbreak that they both went through. And the part that thomas played. I mean, we can’t ignore what he did, ridge, really–

Ridge: Well, we can, because this really isn’t about thomas at all, is it?

Brooke: No, no, it’s not, actually. It is about my daughter, and the decision that she made. She went against her morals and her principles, and she wasn’t herself. But now she’s opening her eyes. She’s starting to see what she really wants.

Rj: Her family. And liam.

Steffy: I understand your concerns about thomas, but you can’t deny that he is a different person today.

Liam: Okay. All right. Let’s– let’s say that’s true. As far as hope and i are concerned, it doesn’t just magically erase the memory of her kissing him in rome.

Steffy: But you said you have gotten through to hope.

Liam: Well, I– yeah, I hope I have.

Steffy: Okay, then I– I– I’m just really confused, because if you did, aren’t you willing to forgive her? Keep your family intact?

Hope: Thomas, I’M… I’m sorry.

Thomas: No. You don’t have to apologize. We’ve been through too many dark times in the past, and I wish I could go back and change that, but I can’T. All I can do is show you that I’m a changed man now.

Hope: [ Chuckles ] None of it’s– none of it’s been easy.

Thomas: No. No, it’s not. And I don’t want to cause you any more trouble. If you want to go back and be with liam, I totally understand, and I am not gonna stop you.

Thomas: That’s how much I love you. Where are you going?

Ridge: What about hope’s idea that steffy was always in their marriage from day one? Is it just gonna go away or–

Brooke: No, I don’t think so. I mean, that is still a factor that will need to be addressed. But I also think that, with an unconscious way for hope to justify what she was doing with thomas.

Rj: So, you– you do think a reconciliation’s possible, though, right?

Brooke: After we spoke, she ran out of there, and I imagine she went over to thomas’S. She’s probably ending it with him right now.

Hope: This wasn’t fair to you, thomas. I– I got your hopes up. I kissed you in rome, and now… so much more. Yet I’m the one walking away. I mean, what kind of person does that?

Thomas: Hold on. I came into this situation with my eyes wide open.

Hope: Well, I– I should have stopped it. But I didn’t, though, because I got so caught up in my feelings for you, because it– and– and now look. Look at what I’ve done. I’ve– I’ve hurt you. I’ve been hurting so many people, it’s like I’m a human wrecking ball.

Thomas: No, no, no. Stop. I’m not– I’m not gonna let you do that, beat yourself up. I’m never gonna regret what happened between us. From rome through these past few weeks. This is on both of us, all right? Not just you.

Hope: Thank you.

Thomas: You decide you want to go be with your family, to be with liam and– and beth, I’m not gonna keep you from that.

Hope: Is that something you’re okay with?

Thomas: No. It is– I’m 100 percent not okay with this. It sucks! Of course I wanna be with you, I love you, but… you wanna go be there, for your daughter. I mean, if I stood in the way of that, I would never be able to forgive myself, so I– I have to stand back, and let you go.

Hope: Thomas–

Thomas: Hey. I love you. That’s never gonna change.

Hope: Um… thank you. For understanding. You’re a good man. You truly have changed, thomas. Don’t let anyone try to erase the work that you have done to get here. Okay?

[ Thomas chuckles ]

Hope: But it’s, um… our history–

Thomas: Yeah, I know.

Hope: Yeah, um… so I– um, yeah. We should– we should put a stop to this. It needs to end. I have, um… hurt a lot of people, it’s hurting a lot of people. I’m hurting a lot of people, and I… I do want the chance to try to repair the damage I’ve done. But I want to try to make my marriage work for the sake of my daughter. So… uh, yeah. Uh… I don’t even know if it’s– if it’s going to work, but I– i have to at least give it a try. I’m sorry.

Steffy: Liam, come on. It’s me. It’s not like I don’t know you. I know how forgiving you are, and it’s obvious how excited you are that you’ve gotten through to hope. Convinced her to stay away from thomas. And if that is true, I– I hope you’re willing to put your marriage back together. There’s nothing worse than a broken marriage.

Liam: I really appreciate that. But… [ Clears throat ] …I think two different things can be true at the same time. You know, on the one hand, yeah, I really– I really want to know that I’ve gotten through to hope when it comes to thomas, but on the other… what I’m going through right now… is wondering how I ever let you go.

The thought of getting screened

Hope: I’m sorry. I am so ashamed of my behavior, for leading you on. I just… hope that maybe someday you can forgive me.

Thomas: I’m– I’m not gonna pretend like this is easy. I mean, I would never trade our time together for anything. Knowing that I’m not gonna be able to kiss you again, to… but we do have the– the beautiful memories.

Hope: I’m sorry things are ending this way. I never intended to hurt you, to hurt anyone.

Thomas: I know. And, um… I want you to know, I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone. Yeah.

Ridge: I never wanted hope and liam’s marriage to be in trouble. I’m just a concerned father, that’s all.

Brooke: Well, we are all concerned, ridge.

Rj: Yeah, it’s been a mess for everyone involved, dad.

Ridge: Yep. And liam will always love steffy.

[ Phone chiming ]

[ Steffy sighing ]

Liam: Hi.

Hope: Hi.

Liam: Uh, I got your message. It sounded important, but not about beth, right?

Hope: No. No, no, no. Don’t worry. Come in.

[ Clears throat ] I, um… I just wanted to touch base after the talk that we had. I think you made some good points, and I just want to put everything on the table.

Liam: Oh, yeah? Okay.

Hope: Um, obviously, beth’s birthday, um, was really special. You know, the three of us together, like that, it– it just was nice, to forget about all the chaos going on, and…

Liam: Yeah.

Hope: …To focus on our family.

Liam: Well, it’s a beautiful family. I love you both, I hope you know that.

Hope: Oh, I do.

Liam: Good.

Hope: Good. Um… okay. So, I just– I wanted to make sure that you know that I heard you. Everything you said. Your warning about thomas, and… agreeing to work with thomas put a strain on our relationship. Then I kissed him in rome. And you saw it, and I am so sorry for– for doing that and– and causing you all of this hurt and all of this pain, and for jeopardizing our family in that way. I mean, we’ve– we’ve signed divorce papers. Uh… but as you mentioned… those papers haven’t been filed yet.

Liam: I don’t– I don’t– um… [ Clears throat ] Don’t really know where you’re going with this.

Hope: I just can’t help but wonder if maybe there’s a reason for that. Why we’re dragging our feet? And I still stand by everything that I told you. I deserve to be with a man who doesn’t have divided feelings, and steffy has played a part in our relationship, but that is because of your feelings for her, but to have you sit here and tell me that you acknowledge that, that you’ve made mistakes, and take accountability, it just– it meant a lot to hear that. And obviously, I’ve– I’ve made mistakes, a lot, that I am not proud of. Um… ’cause I’m not perfect. Uh, but, um, basically, what I’m trying to say is, you know how much I value our family, and… beth’s happiness. And so I was wondering if… if maybe you wanted to try to give it one last shot. For her. I mean, for us. I– I just– I just want to know if– if it is too late.

[ Liam groans ]

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, August 24, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Billy has a talk with Tucker and after that talk he tells Jack he feels Tucker wants to end the fight for Jabot, but Ashley isn’t ready to let go of Jabot yet.

Billy also tells Jack about a talk he had with Adam where Adam offered to trade some information he has on Tucker that Tucker doesn’t want anyone to find out about because it very damaging to him.

Tucker and Ashley argue because she isn’t ready to let go of Jabot yet.

Victor listens to Nate’s assessment of the SNA business plan and later calls Adam, Nick, and Sharon to a meeting at the ranch. Victor tells them that he has decided to merge SNA with Newman Media. Adam asks Victor why he changed his mind to merge SNA with Newman Media.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hey. Hi. Oh, enjoying the last days of summer? Yeah, yeah, you know, just getting in every last lap I can, I guess. An evening swim. Sounds nice. Yeah, the water’s, uh, water’s great. You should take a dip. Yeah, maybe. So, do you have any plans tonight?

There’s a free concert at the park tonight. Japanese take no jumps. Yeah, it’s gonna be kinda cool. Yeah. You wanna go? Um, I’d love to. So I guess this is the date? Yes, it’s a date. Neither a

No, nope, I’m, uh, free as a bird.

Hey girl, what’s up? I heard a rumor that your mom’s the new mayor and Rawlings is out on his ass. Could it be true? Yup, which is good for Salem and especially good for me because I can reopen my bakery. Chanel, that is amazing news! I’m so happy for you. Thank you. I guess mama really did have a plan after all.

Yeah, sure sounds like it. Hey, you know, I completely understand if you can’t make it to the concert tonight. I know you have a million things to do to get Sweet Bits back up and running again. Uh, I do have to do some prep work, but it shouldn’t take long. I can still make our date, if you’re still up for it.

What? Are you kidding? Of course I am. I’ve been looking forward to this all day. So, let’s say I pick you up from the bakery in about 30 minutes? Perfect.

Hey, I heard, uh, on the radio that Victor Kiriakis died in a plane crash. It’s awful, right? To live so long and then die like that? Yeah, you were, uh, you were married to him once upon a time, right? Once upon a time. Indeed. In fact, I was just thinking about him. Our, our marriage. It was miserable. In fact, we totally despised each other.

So that’s a, uh, a celebratory glass of lemonade. Then . At one point in my life, it definitely would’ve been, I probably would’ve danced on his grave. Not busting out the dancing shoes tonight? No, I’m, I’m not. And weirdly, a part of me is gonna miss that old geezer. And he, he wasn’t my least favorite ex husband.

I take it my, uh, dad wasn’t either. He just told me you guys, uh, got engaged again. Congrats, by the way. Yes, we did. And thank you, Johnny. So, you two lovebirds set a date? Not yet, but, uh, your dad went to go get the forms for our marriage license. Oh.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need the forms for a marriage license for Nicole and myself. Are you sure you want to do that? Uh, what’s that supposed to mean? Hey, I’m just trying to offer you some friendly advice. Hmm, because we’ve always been the closest of friends, haven’t we? You having spent the last decade trying to put me behind bars.

It really was nothing personal, but hey, if you don’t want to listen to me, fine. I just think if you want to make a commitment to Nicole, then you should really make sure that’s what you want. Of course it is. I want nothing more. Is that because she’s pregnant? I’m very happy. that Nicole is having my child.

Yes. Not that this is any of your damn business. I’m just throwing it out there that if that’s the only reason why you would like nothing more but to marry her, maybe you should reconsider.

What is it, Sloane? What do you need to tell me? What’s going on? I recently told you that you owe me a favor. I like to think of it more like extortion. You know, I do whatever it is you say I need to do, or you tell Eric that he’s the father of Nicole’s baby. I don’t care what you call it, but your first payment is due today.

I’m telling Eric the moment he gets back, and if I do, then this little hole that you have over me is gonna be zero. Don’t do it. You’ll lose them if you do.

Can I ask you one thing first? Do you love me? Of course. I love you. I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me if I didn’t love you. Now what is going on?

There’s something I have to tell you that I’ve. I’ve been keeping a secret, and I’m really worried that you’re going to be angry, but it can’t wait any longer, so

I just pray you’ll understand. Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Wow. Whatever you’re cooking smells amazing. One of my best and most challenging recipes.

What was that for? Respect the chef. Respect my hunger. Sorry, Jingwen, but you’re going to have to satisfy that hunger someplace else. Because this happens to be a special dinner. for me and a date, which is why I’m going to need you to disappear for the whole evening. Lee, I just worked a 14 hour shift. I don’t want to go out.

Hey, come on. You’re the one who’s always pushing me to focus on my love life. I would think that you would be happy for your older brother and willing to do me this kindness. Fine. But before I disappear, give me the scoop. Who’s the lucky lady?

Melinda. Wait, what? Trask? The one and only. Well, I hope you’re gonna send her through a metal detector before she comes in. Jingwen, please. No, you said you couldn’t trust her. That was then. This is now. We’ve decided to, um, start over. Why? What changed your mind? Hmm. Eh, nothing specific, just that, uh, I think dating Melinda is…

Exactly what I need.

Again, not that it’s any of your damn business, but just for the record, the fact that Nicole is pregnant with my child is not the only reason I’m marrying her. I don’t view this as some sort of obligation. I happen to also love her very much. Oh, my heart melts. But as Shakespeare once wrote, the course of true love never did run smooth.

So before you marry Nicole and you ride off into the sunset together, perhaps you should know the obstacles that may become evident once the sun does set and the two of you are left in the dark. So you light as a poet, do you? Well, I am an orator, after all. A rather infuriating orator who speaks in riddles.

Look, you clearly have something to say to me, so why not stop wasting my time and spit it out? Fine. I suppose you are going to hear about it soon enough anyway.

Sloan. Whatever it is, you can tell me.

First of all, never in my life have I ever cared about anybody the way that I care about you. Which is why I’m so scared. Because it’s the first time I actually have so much to lose. I don’t know how many ways I can tell you this, but I’m not going anywhere. I love you. Tell me what is on your mind.

I should have told you this so much sooner. Sloane!

Sloane, are you… Gosh, are you okay? What’s wrong? I just had this like, this really sharp pain, like really sharp. But it’s, it’s okay. I think it’s… Okay, uh, well, why don’t we go sit down, okay? Okay. I’ll call the doctor, alright? No, no, please, it’s, it’s pretty much gone now. I think I’m okay. Well, I still think we should get it checked out.

No, I just, it’s almost gone. Oh, oh, oh, no, no. Okay, no, no, no, come on. Come on, we gotta get you

to the Just finished up a session with Dr. Evans. Oh, how’s that going? Really well. I think I’m making a lot of progress. It’s probably one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Even if it was court ordered. Well, those sessions wouldn’t be worth anything if you weren’t giving them effort. And you clearly are doing that, so.

Yeah, I’m taking this very seriously. I mean, between therapy and community service, I am determined to make up for my mistakes. Well, it sounds like you’re on your way to doing that. Yeah. The trouble is, nothing of what I’m doing is financially rewarding. Obviously. Yeah, I understand that. Yeah. I mean, I have my sister.

But I can’t lean on her forever. Gotta stand on my own two feet somehow. The only problem is, is the only job I have was Sweet Bits. And… that didn’t end too well. Right. But I mean I have to find something. Something soon. I just don’t know what it is. What? Maybe you could work here.

Hey, ex roomie. Wendy, hey. It’s been a minute, right? Yeah, too long. So, how’s my favorite baker doing? Sorry, I, uh, wasn’t thinking. No, it’s okay. Your favorite baker is actually doing great. Now that I get to bake again. Really? Yes, I am happy to report that Sweet Bits is reopening. Oh, Chanel, that is such great news.

Congratulations! Um, and honestly, it’s such a relief for me because I’ve been having serious apple furter withdrawal. Well, come by tomorrow. I’ll hook you up. You’re the best. And I know just how to repay you. In advance. I was just about to hit up the bistro. How’s dinner with an ex roomie sound? I’m buying.

Okay, I would love to, but I actually already have plans tonight. Oh. Bummer. I was hoping you could keep me company. I’ve been banished from the apartment Trask.

Her? Yeah, that’s the face I made. Weirdly enough, Tripp seems to think she’s not so bad. Well, he sees the best in everyone, which can be pretty annoying at times. Yeah, I can see that. Speaking of, how come your man isn’t taking you to the bistro tonight? Oh, you know, the usual excuse, he’s off saving lives or whatever.

Yeah, but damn, so not only does he see the best in people, but he also does noble work? Yeah, so annoying. I know, right? But all that aside, Tripp is, he’s a really great guy, and so, I’m really happy for you both. Thank you. Yeah, I’m happy too. I just wish Johnny hadn’t gotten hurt in the process. Yeah. But, look, he’ll bounce back soon enough.

Fine old Johnny. And you definitely do. Which is why I was thinking, maybe you could be the one to help him pick up the pieces.

So, does my, uh, mom know that you and my dad are getting hitched again? Oh, is there a knife sticking out of my back? Haha, then no, she doesn’t know. Well, you know, she does live on another continent, so there’s a chance the knife could still be on its way here. Haha, true. You know, if the day had gone differently, she could have had a front row seat to our nuptials.

What do you mean? Well, your dad had the idea to fly to Italy and elope. So we would have asked Sydney to be our witness and possibly Sammy. What, uh, what stopped you guys? I mean, aside from the fact that my mom might, you know, not give you her blessing. That’s not the reason. Actually, your cousin Dimitri took the family jet to Iceland for his honeymoon.

Well, that’s too bad. I mean, you guys could have just flown commercial, right? Ew! Oh, no, no, no, no. The DiMeras do not rub shoulders with peasants, you know that. Right, of course. Well, it was a nice idea. Even if you guys did totally steal it from me. Oh, that’s right. You and Chanel eloped in, in Rome. Yeah. It was the, uh, best day of my life.

Oh. Sounds like you really loved her. To be honest, Nicole, I still do. You know, if this were anyone else, I might feel bad for them. But you are not a nice guy to put it mildly. So I think I’m going to enjoy watching you process when I’m about to tell you which is what? Hold that thought.

Hello? Did you get my text earlier? Uh, no. Sorry. I must have missed it. Well, I have a home cooked meal and a bottle of red wine with your name on it. Hoping you would grace me with your lovely presence for dinner. When? That would be good. A little late notice, don’t you think? Well, I did text you earlier, but hey, I know you’re a busy woman.

I just really like to see you tonight. I thought maybe you’d want to see me too. But I understand if you have something more important going on.

Colinda? You still there? Sorry, yeah. So what do you think? Should I text you my address? You don’t want to let all my hard work go to waste, do you? Okay, yeah. That dinner sounds lovely. I’ll be there soon. Great. I’ll see you when you get here. Finally. So why are you hinting that I shouldn’t marry Nicole? Are you cooking up some false charges against her I should know about?

You know what? Forget I said anything. Are you kidding me? After all that? I am so glad we got a chance to talk. We should really do it again sometime. Ta ta. Oh ho ho. You know, your father and I got divorced twice, which I’m sure you know, and somehow we found our way back to each other, and maybe the same thing will happen for you and Chanel.

Yeah, that’s what I was hoping. And I was ready to… Tell Chanel how I feel, but unfortunately somebody beat me to the punch. Who? Talia Hunter. Jada’s sister? That’s the one. Yeah, I heard them, uh, making plans to go on a date tonight. So I just, you know, kept my mouth shut. Slipped away before anybody knew I was there.

That’s crazy. Talia tried to destroy Chanel’s life. Why would she agree to go out with her? No clue. No clue. But it seems like all is just, you know, forgiven, so that’s, that’s good. That’s stupid. After everything she did to Chanel, how could, how could she be trusted again? Yeah, I don’t get it either, but bottom line is, I missed my chance and now I have to move on.

Hey, maybe Wendy’s brother can set me up with his matchmaker. Matchmaker? You don’t need a matchmaker. And why are you giving up so easily on Chanel? Unless I checked, you are a DiMera. I don’t know. Chanel seems pretty into Talia. That’s because she doesn’t know you’re an option. Why don’t you throw your hat in the ring?

Let her decide for herself.

You think Johnny and I should get back together? Well, why not? You two were married, after all. That feels like a lifetime ago, but it’s obvious you two still have a connection. I mean, it’s partly why I ended up choosing Tripp. Wait, what? What are you talking about? Johnny didn’t tell you? No, he didn’t say anything.

Well, it felt like every time I turned around… He was running off to spend time with you. As much as he said he wanted to be with me, it was clear you were his main priority. Oh my god, Wendy. I am so sorry. I never wanted to come between you and Johnny. No, please. It’s fine. I know it wasn’t intentional. And anyway, it made me realize that…

Trip is the man I want to be

with. Oh. I’m glad. But I think you misunderstood. Johnny, he was just being a good friend to me. Nothing more. You sure about that? He said the same thing, but I’m pretty sure he has unresolved feelings for you. You really think that? Yeah. I do. So? What about you? Do you still have feelings for him?

Yes! I would love to work here! What positions do you have open? Well, um, considering you have your medical degree, I was thinking, I don’t know. A doctor? Wait, are you kidding? You would want me to practice medicine here after everything that I did? You realize they call me the Biscuit Bandit, right? Who called you that?

It was in the Lady Whistleblower column. Oh, I should have guessed that. Look, I’m not saying that your criminal record won’t be an issue. Um, and it’s definitely not my sole decision. But as you and I were just discussing, you are working hard to repay your debt to society. And I am a firm believer in second chances.

So I will definitely go to bat for you. Mom! Kayla, seriously, thank you so much. Seriously, thank you. And I promise, if this happens, I’m gonna work my ass off. I have no doubt. Okay? Hey listen, I heard that you were first in your class, so… I’m going to keep an eye on you. I won’t let you down. Okay. I’ll let you

know what happens. Okay. What’s wrong with Sloane? I’m done. I’m

done. Forget Sloane Peterson. I will get the goods on me. All by myself. If I can sweep Melinda off her feet, hopefully she won’t prosecute me. I’ve just got to turn up the charm.


Wow. You look… You’re not so bad yourself. Please, uh, come in. Come in. I know I didn’t give you much notice, but, I’m thrilled you’re here. As am I. When I called you earlier, you, uh, sounded like you were in the middle of something. I hope I didn’t pull you away from anything important. Oh, no, nothing important.

I was just, uh, talking with E. J. DiMera. I ran into him at the pub. Ah, I see. So, of a little importance, other than his self importance. Ha, ha, ha. What about good looks and a sense of humor, Hunt? Oh, I try. Um, yeah, he was his pompous ass self. And he was a little testy, as Well,

it happened the slightest. I mean, it’s merely congratulating him on his engagement to Nicole Walker.

Johnny, you really should tell Chanel how you feel. You have so much history. Yeah, but… The whole love triangle thing hasn’t really worked out very well for me, as you know. I mean, I… I lost Chanel to Ally, then I lost Wendy to Tripp. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but three strikes and you’re out. And I just don’t think my fragile ego could take it.

Yeah, rejection can be demoralizing to say the least. Trust me, I know. I mean, I feel like I’ve spent my whole life playing second fiddle and, and being a perennial loser in love. But you cannot give up. I didn’t. And look at me.

I don’t know. Honestly, I feel like it would be best for everyone if I just back off. Donnie, Donnie. You just said that marrying Chanel was the best day of your life. Isn’t it worth fighting for more days like that? For love? Well, earlier this

year I did feel a spark with Donnie and me. But I was with Allie and I didn’t want to cross any lines. And then, when things blew up with Allie anyway, Johnny was involved with you. I think that Johnny and I might have missed our moment. Well, what about now?

You both are free. Moments can come back around. True. But, the plans that I have tonight, they are actually with Talia. It is our first official date. Talia? The girl who? Yes, the girl who. I’ve, I’ve heard the speech several times. Okay, sorry, I didn’t mean to. No, no, it’s okay. You are right to question it. I did myself, but what happened before, Talia, she was being manipulated by her boyfriend, and she’s truly sorry for what she did.

You don’t have to justify it. If you like Talia, that’s cool. I’m happy for you. I just thought there could be something with you and Johnny. Well, I think you might be off base about his feelings. He hasn’t said anything to me. And, I don’t know, maybe it’s best to move forward and not backward.

Well, I hope things work out with Talia. Thanks. You know what? It’s actually funny. She should be here by now. I wonder what’s keeping her. Soon, soon. Please honey, wake up. No, no, no. She’s not breathing. I don’t, I don’t feel a pulse. Oh my god, okay! Somebody please help us over here! Hey, I’m a doctor, okay? Just give me some space.

Okay. Alright. Please. Please help. Hey, she’s pregnant.

Please help her. What’s going on here? Oh, uh, she, uh, she was hit with a sharp pain. But then she said it was okay, but then it kept happening. So I, I brought her in and then she just collapsed. Kayla, she wasn’t breathing. No, it’s okay. She has a pulse. Oh, good. I’m so sorry, Dr. Johnson. There was literally nobody else around.

Look, don’t apologize. You saved her life. But I’ll take it from here. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Come on

baby, you stay with me. Oh, something wrong? Uh, Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I don’t feel anything. Okay, well, try right here. No. Nothing. Oh, maybe it’s my imagination. Anyway, how did things go at the courthouse? Oh, they didn’t. By the time I got there, they were closed. I’ll have to go back tomorrow for that form. Oh, that’s too bad. I thought you left here with plenty of time to spare.

I did, but then Melinda Trask turned up. What now? We had the strangest encounter. Oh, I’m intrigued. Do tell. I mentioned to her that you and I were engaged and she implied, and not that subtly, that there was some reason why I shouldn’t marry you.

You know, this is so lovely. I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me. Shame on your previous beau. Oh, it’s the least I could do. Since you were generous enough to forgive me for literally running out on you. Well, I can’t blame you. I tried to trick you into confessing to a crime you didn’t commit.

I thank you for forgiving me for that. Even Steven. You know, I have to admit, I sometimes have problems prioritizing. I focus so much on my job that I let it get in the way of my personal life. Mmm, I completely understand. My life was all about DiMera Enterprises. Every decision I made revolved around that damn company.

But, now that I’ve… Taking a step back, I finally feel free. Maybe I should try doing that too. Putting work on the back burner and concentrating on the things that really matter. Don’t tell me you’re going to start saving the whales. No, screw the whales. I’m talking about love. Hmm. Well. Having dinner with me is a step in the right direction.

Wouldn’t you say? I think it’s a little early to be calling this love. Hmm. Yes. What about… A healthy attraction. It’s awfully clinical, don’t you think? I suppose it is. Well then, how about a lustful desire? Lustful desire? Did you ride in here on your noble steed, shirtless and glistening? I could if you wanted me to.

So you desire me, huh? If you have to ask, I must be doing this all wrong. Let me fix that.

Well, I have plenty of time to hang out thanks to my brother. So why don’t I keep you company until Talia gets here? No, that’d be great. Thank you. Hey, guys.

Hey, Johnny. You know, I was just about to leave, but, uh, it’s good to see you. Wendy.

Something I said? No, no, she just thinks. Never mind. Okay, uh, well hey, I heard um, That Abe appointed your mom as the new mayor, So I guess that means you get to reopen Sweet Bits, huh? First thing tomorrow. Alright, you must be busy, are you uh, Spending the rest of the night getting things ready? No, actually, I have…

A date. And I know you’re not gonna approve, but it’s with… Talia. How did you know that? I, uh, I, I, I went by your place this morning and I, I, I just, I heard you two making plans, so, oh, well why didn’t you say anything? Didn’t want to interrupt the moment. Oh, well that was very considerate. A few. Yeah. But I’m curious, why did you stop by?

I went to your place this morning because there’s something that I want to talk to you about. About what? Well, I have been thinking a lot and… Chanel! Hey Johnny. Oh, Natalia. Chanel, I am so sorry that I’m late. Long story short, let’s just say… I’ve had a day. Okay, well, don’t worry about it. Um, we can still make it before the concert starts if we hurry, and we can hopefully get a good spot.

Uh, but first, you were about to say something. Oh. No, no, um, it was nothing important. You guys go, go, uh, make sure you get a good spot. Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, go. Okay, well, um, thank you. And, uh, we’ll, we’ll talk later. Yeah, you guys have a good time.

Alright, thank you, Johnny. See ya.

Should we take this to the bedroom? You don’t want to finish dinner? I mean, you went through so much trouble. Mostly so we could get to this part of the evening. So, you had an ulterior motive, huh? Was I being presumptuous?

Last will is desire indeed.

Wait, wait, get the wine.

Did Melinda say why you shouldn’t marry me? She was very cryptic about it. And when I pressed her to just spit it out, she was called away. Said I’d find out another time. Bizarre. I don’t suppose you have any idea what she was talking about? No, I don’t. I mean… She was pretty pissed off when she caught me tampering with witness during Rafe’s trial.

Maybe she wants to bring up charges again, but it was over a year ago. Maybe it has nothing to do with you at all. Melinda Trask is certainly no fan of mine. Maybe she’s just playing mind games. Or maybe she wants us to be as miserable as she is. You know what? I wouldn’t give it another thought. Happily.

Yeah. Okay. The baby kicked. I know for sure this time. A little flutter? Amazing! Oh, gosh. I still can’t believe this is happening for me. And for us. Believe it, darling.

I love you.

I love you, too. Is the baby okay?

Sorry, but there’s no heartbeat. The baby didn’t make it. Oh, God.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Nikki: Hello.

Victor: Oh. Hello, my sweet baby.

Nikki: How are you?

Victor: All right, darling. Sit down. So, wait a minute, your meeting was more successful than you expected, right?

Nikki: Who have you been talking to?

Victor: You have a whole walk and look of a predator who had a successful hunt.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Well, um, how has your day been going so far?

Victor: Well, I had a visit with our new coo.

Nikki: Oh, well, I’m sure nate came hat in hand, very apologetic.

Victor: Well, he explained his actions.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: I think that would be hard to explain away seeing as he went directly against your wishes.

Victor: Well, he was trying to, you know, prevent newman enterprises from suffering an embarrassment.

Nikki: And he lied to victoria.

Victor: Well, he mostly did that to protect victoria.

[ Nikki scoffing ] Yeah. Anyway, this is all adam’s fault, you know. He defied my wishes. He actually used blackmail, and I need to keep him in place just for the sake of the optics. But don’t think I have any illusions about not expecting trouble from his side.

Nikki: Well, I’ll tell you this, nicholas and sharon aren’t going to put up with that. They will push back and keep him in check.

Victor: They’ll try.

Nikki: [ Sighing ] So, what’s your next move?

Victor: I enlisted nate.

Nikki: To do what?

Nick: Adam, I’m doing everything I can to make our venture work.

Adam: Well, I need it to work.

Nick: But everything you’re doing keeps putting it in jeopardy.

Adam: Nick, from a business perspective, joining with newman media makes sense.

Nick: So you resort a blackmail to make it happen. Just so you know, I was able to get every single one of mccall’s foreign divisions to be excited about us in the direction we’re going, just in case you were interested.

Adam: Well, I’ve been dealing with a family matter. Connor has been struggling.

Nick: I’m very sorry to hear that. He’s a great kid. But despite that, adam, you were still able to find time to dig up dirt on tucker.

Adam: Listen to me. It’s over.

Nick: It’s not over. It is never over with you. You know, dad was able to secure financing for S.N.A. Media under the premise that you were going to be a part of it. So, we’re stuck with you.

Adam: Look, all this anger that you’ve been carrying around for months, it shouldn’t be directed at me.

Nick: Really?

Adam: Not all of it. I assume that you know what dad did to sally by offering her a great opportunity at newman, even finding her a replacement at chancellor-winters, and then, sorry, not happening.

Nick: Yeah, sally told me.

Adam: He left her with nothing. He messed with her the way that he messed with us. She didn’t deserve that.

Nick: I know.

Adam: Well, then why do we keep putting up with it?

[ Knocking on door ]

Victoria: Oh, well, there he is, the new coo of newman media. You know, I am so pleased that audra convinced you to come on board.

Kyle: I’m glad to be a part of the–

Victoria: Family.

Kyle: So to speak.

Victoria: Well, it’s not the first time that you’ve worked for newman enterprises and given our very complicated family history, you’ve maintained a good relationship with my father. He’s very happy that you’ve accepted the job.

Kyle: If victor’s happy, the world will remain on its axis.

[ Both chuckling ] So, is there something you wanted to discuss?

Victoria: Oh, no, I just thought that it was time that I check in and see how you’re settling in.

Kyle: I kind of skipped the settling in part. There’s a learning curve, of course.

Victoria: Uh-huh, which requires you collaborating effectively with audra. So, talk to me about how things are going with your boss.

Nate: You don’t seem to appreciate what a disaster this could have been.

Audra: It was averted because I went to victor and told him about adam’s blackmail plan. You know, victor seemed very appreciative of my loyalty,

Nate: Not the reaction I got for my role in this.

Audra: No, I– I made it absolutely clear that you did this to protect me and, you know, the company. That it had nothing to do with manipulation or personal gain, right?

Nate: You came to me, remember? I did act to protect you.

Audra: Look, and I’m grateful. Look, it’s over. Victor managed to shut down adam’s threat. Things worked out.

Nate: For you. For now.

Audra: Meaning what exactly? (Wheezing)

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Nate: Don’t kid yourself that this is over. Adam is still a threat.

Audra: Well, daddy put him in his place.

Nate: But he didn’t cut him loose and it’s hardly the first time adam has defied victor. The family is always going to come first.

Audra: That’s what’s really bothering you. You knew this going in. Is it what fuels your drive to succeed? The need to prove yourself as an outsider. Nate, you have.

Nate: Except now I’m in a position of needing to defend myself. Explain my actions to nikki, to victor.

Audra: You are hooking up with their precious daughter, running their precious company with her. You’re going to be under the microscope. It’s part of the job.

Nate: It is victoria, too. There is a distance, a wariness. She knows I didn’t let her in from the very beginning about why I was pushing for the merger.

Audra: You acted to neutralize the threat, okay? Not to mention merging the two media companies newman owns makes sense, okay? If a savvy businesswoman like victoria can’t see that–

Nate: I broke trust, audra.

Audra: No, you didn’T. Ashland locke broke trust with her among others. You acted in victoria’s best interest, okay? In my opinion, it just seems like she’s just dumping her old baggage on you, which isn’t fair.

Nate: Oh, well, thank you for the brilliant insight.

Audra: You are ambitious, decisive and willing to take a risk if the reward is worth it. That’s something we have in common.

[ Nate sighing ] Those are very attractive qualities, okay? And I can’t seriously imagine that victoria would want to change that.

Nate: It’s a matter of trust, audra. Tell me something. Have you ever trusted anyone? Been trusted in return?

Audra: Well, I don’t make a habit of it.

Nate: Hm.

Audra: Answer me this. Do you think you’ve, uh, done irreparable damage to your relationship?

Nate: No, we’ll work through this.

Audra: Then, what are you worried about?

[ Nate scoffing ]

Nate: Next time you need this kind of favor, look somewhere else.

[ Nate sighing ]

[ Audra sighing ]

Kyle: It’s a shift, of course, moving into the media sphere from the world of high fashion and beauty, but they share some common elements. Tracking trends, staying keyed in with your target demographic, connecting with your team.

Victoria: Mm-hmm, so they’re motivated to bring their best and innovate. Do you know this is not an interview, kyle? You already have the job.

Kyle: Hey, my enthusiasm is real.

Victoria: I’m sure that it is.

Kyle: Okay. It’s not just the rush of being a part of a business that has the power to shape and inform public perception. It’s a challenge. Someplace new, free from family drama. My family.

[ Both chuckling ]

Victoria: You’ll have a lot of autonomy over there. You and audra. I mean, we believe in her, obviously.

Kyle: Well, you should. She’s dialed into every facet of the company and the numbers speak for themselves.

Victoria: Well, I know that you’re still relatively new, but can you speak to her approach? What is it like working with her?

Kyle: She’s smart enough not to feel threatened.

Victoria: Oh?

Kyle: When someone else has a good idea. Not that I’ve had that many yet.

Victoria: Well, as with you, this job represents a fresh opportunity for audra, given the amount of time she spent involved with tucker at that other business. At chancellor-winters. So, did she ever talk to you about any of that specifically?

Kyle: May I be honest?

Victoria: Yes, please.

Kyle: This feels like kind of a test. Your questions aren’t really about me. They’re about audra.

Nick: Look, I never wanted sally to take dad’s job offer. I knew he would just mess with her head.

Adam: Or he never intended to follow through. And dad didn’t just renege on the offer. He shut down her options at chancellors-winters first. He just left her hanging out to dry.

Nick: Sally’s going to be just fine, all right? She will get through this. She will find something else.

Adam: Yeah, of– of course she will. That’s not the point. I mean, he hurt her and it meant nothing to him. It was cold and it was calculated like…

Nick: It’s a chess move.

Adam: Exactly. Just some expendable piece on the board, one step closer to his real goal.

Nick: And what do you think that is, adam?

Adam: It– it’s us. It’s about you and it’s about me. You’ve been walking around for months, angry at me because I decided to defy him and ignore this ridiculous decree that we not merge the companies when it makes sense from a business perspective. So why would he do that?

Nick: Look, what happened with sally, it’s–

Adam: Just another manipulation. It’s another power move. Only this time he used a woman that we both care about to do it. He had to take back control by showing us he’s still in charge. So what I don’t understand is, why you are not more pissed off about that? Febreze!

Victoria: Audra is still relatively new to the job and this type of leadership role, so yes, I am looking to you for your– your executive experience. Any opinion that you might have or inside information. You seem very protective of her.

Kyle: Uh, audra told me newman media was recently the target of a takeover.

Victoria: Not exactly a takeover, but obviously, you heard about adam’s backdoor maneuver.

Kyle: I know how difficult things can get during an internal family battle, but I would hate to see audra become a casualty.

Victoria: Well, I appreciate your sense of loyalty and I’m sure that audra does, too.

Kyle: You know, does victor know adam resorted to blackmail?

Victoria: Yes, he does. And there’s something that I should share with you. Audra was the target of the blackmail.

Kyle: What?

Victoria: She was involved in covering up a potential scandal at mccall while she was working there. It involved one of their clients, a singer. The charge was statutory rape and if audra’s role had become public in that, it could have been very damaging to her career. You know, it’s not surprising that she kept this information from you. That was a long time ago.

Kyle: Yeah. Victor’s aware of what she was covering up?

Victoria: He is and because she confessed everything to him, her position at newman media is still secure for now. And he also made adam’s blackmail threat disappear.

Kyle: Hm. Now, your questions are making sense.

Victoria: I believe in audra. I want to continue to have full confidence in her. It goes without saying I won’t tell her that I shared this information with you.

Kyle: And victor made it clear he was against the merger. So, how does adam still have a job?

Victoria: Investments were made based on adam’s involvement in this new entity, which will now be called S.N.A media. And my father’s not exactly thrilled about the situation.

Kyle: I don’t imagine nick and sharon are either.

Victoria: Let me ask you something. How do you feel about merging newman media with S.N.A.?

Kyle: With adam still involved and him feeling like he can act with impunity? Victoria, I think it would be a disaster.

Victoria: I agree. Hopefully, it’s only a matter of time before adam is gone.

Kyle: This has been very informative.

Victoria: Yes, it has. I’m very happy to know that I have an ally.

Kyle: And I feel the same way.

Chloe: So bella is on this kick about getting a dog and I told her when she is old enough and she can take care of it, but you know kevin.

Esther: She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. Well, a puppy might be nice.

Chloe: It– it would be like having another baby, except one that wants to eat your house. I don’t know, it’s just– you know, it’s all going to fall on my shoulders and I just can’t deal with any of that right now.

Esther: Okay. What is really going on, honey?

[ Chloe sighing ]

Chloe: I walked away from my partnership with sally.

Esther: Why?

Chloe: Victor made her this offer to run a whole new design division under the newman umbrella.

Esther: I don’t understand. A whole division? I mean, that sounds–

Chloe: Too good to be true? Yeah, because it is. I mean, we have a great gig at chancellor-winters with, you know, good and decent people and I warned sally that this would be an awful decision, but, you know, she is just determined to see it through.

Esther: Yeah, to seize an incredible opportunity.

Chloe: Mom.

Esther: Honey, you and sally are great together. You have a successful partnership. I don’t understand why you would just walk away and cut off your own future just because you don’t want to work under victor.

Chloe: Because it’s victor.

Victor: Well now, my two boys. Do I need to referee?

Adam: Ha. No, we’re not fighting. This is actually something that we agree on, dad.

Victor: Really?

Nick: You offered sally an amazing opportunity and then you pulled the rug out from under her. Why?

Victor: The timing was wrong.

Nick: You had no intention of making good on that offer, did you?

Victor: Did your brother tell you that?

Adam: Why would you go through all this trouble to mess with her like this?

Nick: Were you trying to teach her a lesson or send her a warning? I would really like to understand this.

Adam: Or did you do it just because you could?

Victor: You’re both presuming too much. You can’t leave without cuddles.

Victor: Boys, all the time and effort I put in… to make you work together, to be successful, encourage you to become part of a family we know we can be and all you do is you come together and you focus on protecting sally spectra. What’s this?

Nick: Sally doesn’t need protecting.

Adam: Yeah, she’s going to move on from this.

Victor: Then why did you come here? To waste my time? I told you I simply changed my mind about the design division. We don’t need it. It’s a business decision–

Adam: You went too far, okay? She just lost her baby.

Victor: Son, you’re lucky you have a job. I’ve had it with your constant defiance. After the latest stunt you’ve pulled, I have reached the limit of my tolerance. I want the merger to have been accomplished by next week. There’ll be a press party where we will announce the launch of a new media company called S.N.A. If you won’t do it, I will.

Esther: Working at newman enterprises would bring your career up to the next level.

Chloe: If it was a normal job opportunity, but this isn’t normal and victor isn’t generous. He doesn’t just go handing out design divisions to people without the newman name.

Esther: Well, he feels that this is a sound business move.

Chloe: Or some other kind of move with an ulterior motive.

Esther: Okay. Sally just lost a baby. It’s victor’s grandchild. She’s involved with nicholas. So– so maybe this is victor’s way of acknowledging the connection without actually acknowledging it.

Chloe: Okay. Well, that is a very victor-like way of dealing with a very simple human emotion.

Esther: Yeah, but this– this is what works for him. That’s why sally wants you to be part of this because of what you bring to the partnership. I mean, together, the– it’s– the sky’s the limit.

Chloe: Oh, mom, you’re so corny.

Esther: Oh, but I’m right.

[ Both chuckling ]

Sally: Um, hi. Sorry for interrupting a nice moment.

Esther: Oh, your timing is perfect.

Chloe: Yes. My mother was just imparting some wisdom. She thinks I was a little too knee jerky when you told me about your offer from victor.

Sally: With good reason.

Chloe: Well, I think I was wrong and, um, I would like to join you on this new venture at newman.

Sally: You were right not to trust victor. Victor is not starting a new design division. Maybe he never was.

Esther: Well, then why did he tell you?

Chloe: Because it’s victor.

Audra: Thank you.

Kyle: Sorry, I’m late. Victoria wanted to see me.

Audra: Oh, what does she want?

Kyle: Ostensibly, to check in with me, see how I’m settling in.

Audra: And the real reason?

Kyle: She was fishing for information about you and I called her out on it.

Audra: Noble. But do you think that was wise?

Kyle: Well, I told her if it came across as protective it was because I know what it’s like when family infighting spills over into the business. You know how ugly it can get. I didn’t want to see you become a casualty.

Audra: Thank you. And how did she respond?

Kyle: By telling me all the details about adam’s blackmail. How he was holding that cover-up of that singer over your head.

Audra: Um… I should have just told you about it.

Kyle: No, no, no, it was perfect. My surprise was genuine and victoria thought since she withheld information, it would change the way I look at you.

Audra: Does it?

Kyle: No. I let victoria believe she succeeded in planting her seed of doubt. That it made me more watchful of you. Anyway, the meeting ended with her saying, uh, she was glad that she had me as an ally.

Audra: Nicely done.

Kyle: But there’s a more immediate concern. She doesn’t completely trust you.

[ Knocking on door ]

Nate: I imagine I look like a walking cliche.

Victoria: You definitely do.

Nate: I’m sorry for creating this tension between us. I miss you. And I’m encouraged slightly that you didn’t throw it in my face.

Victoria: And waste a perfectly good cliche?

Nate: I want to find a way for us to get past this. Can we? I’m not just accomplished.

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. With nurtec odt, I can treat a migraine

Nate: It was a mistake for me not to immediately tell you what was going on with adam.

Victoria: Yes, it was, and it brought up an all too familiar feeling. It made me wonder if there are more things that you’re not telling me and maybe I should see this as a warning sign.

Nate: I had nothing to gain by what I did. I was acting to manage a threat to protect the company and you.

Victoria: I’ve been through this before.

Nate: It won’t happen again.

Victoria: And I’ve heard that before.

Nate: I am not like them.

Victoria: Then why didn’t you just come to me from the start?

Nate: I’ve been asking myself that.

Victoria: And?

Nate: As close as we’ve gotten, as genuine as this feels, I am still the outsider. The one viewed with suspicion. I want to be able to tell you anything, to– to have that level of connection.

Victoria: And yet your inability to completely trust me has made me unsure that I can trust you.

Nate: No, it’s– it’s not about us. It’s about all the games, the– the brinkmanship. You know what? Let’s get out of here. Go away for the weekend and see if we can find a way to get past this.

Victoria: I guess it’s worth a try.

Sally: Victor had a change of heart about the whole design division and he said it is not happening.

Esther: Then why did he change his mind?

Chloe: Because he’s a heartless jerk.

Sally: He said it’s business and that’s how it works.

Chloe: Please. It was totally personal and it was definitely deliberate.

Esther: But why?

Sally: Doesn’t really matter why.

Chloe: Well, I’m sorry. It sucks for you.

Sally: Yeah.

Chloe: So, what are you going to do now?

Esther: You’re going to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get back to work. That’s what.

Sally: Yeah, except for victor did us the favor of finding us a replacement at chancellor-winters, so I didn’t feel so bad about walking away to take his nonexistent job, so that offer is not an option.

Chloe: Okay. Well, on the bright side, we never got involved with victor.

Sally: But on the not so bright side, we are back at square one and have to start all over, come up with a new business plan and go out and find clients.

Esther: Well, whatever doesn’t kill you, it’ll make you stronger.

Sally: I’m not so sure about that.

Chloe: Mm, yeah, I always hated that saying.

[ Phone ringing ] Sorry. Uh, this is chelsea. She’s been going through some stuff with connor.

Sally: Yeah, go, go.

Esther: You can take it.

Chloe: Great.

Sally: Man, I got involved with not one, but two newman men and here I am. I put myself in this position.

Esther: Well, victor had no right to treat you this way.

Sally: Well, thank you, but I’m not the only one affected by it. I got chloe caught up in this whole thing and I just feel terrible about it.

Esther: No, sally, there is no need to. You are such a good friend to chloe and that’s more important than any contract or business plan in this whole world.

Nikki: So once again, adam is stirring things up and this time he managed to get nicholas to join him.

Victor: Well, I handled it.

Nikki: It’s been nothing but trouble since you bought mccall and forced those two to work together.

[ Victor sighing ]

Victor: The fact that nicholas was willing to side with adam to me is a positive development.

Nikki: Darling, you can only push them so far before it backfires.

Victor: Sweetheart, I push the hell out of them to get the best out of them.

Sharon: So, victor made sally this offer and then just yanked it away.

Nick: Yeah, dad told her that these things happen.

Adam: Yep. That’s what dad does when he wants to remind everybody who’s in charge.

Sharon: After everything she’s been through.

Adam: Mm-hmm. It’s about as cold blooded as it can get. And what about his parting words that if we don’t get the merger and the launch done this week, he’s going to step in and do it himself?

Nick: Well, dad has this never ending need to remind us all that, ultimately, he is always in charge.

Adam: I think there’s more to it than that. I think that he’s making moves with our company, if he hasn’t started already.

Nick: What makes you say that?

Adam: You know how his mind works. Wouldn’t it be the perfect thing to put us in our place if he took over S.N.A. Media entirely?

Sharon: Half the company would still be mine.

Adam: It doesn’t matter to him. He doesn’t care who he hurts. That’s why we have to act to get him off our back.

Nick: No, no. Just hold on. Wait a second.

Adam: We can’t afford to wait, okay? We got to take the fight to him, nick.

Nick: Are you kidding me, adam? That’s your answer? Before my doctor and I chose breztri for my copd,

Nick: So, dad gives us an ultimatum and this is your response. To push things further with no thought of the consequences.

Adam: I’m thinking about the consequences if we don’t act.

Sharon: Maybe we do need to be preemptive. I mean, from the beginning, victor’s been changing the rules on us.

Nick: And whose fault is that?

Adam: It’s mine, okay? For a lot of it. You both were right. I was focused on newman media.

Nick: Well, it’s a little late to own up to it now.

Sharon: Well, we can’t blame it all on adam. Victor has been all over us from day one, telling us what we can and cannot do. It’s become his vision of the company, not ours.

Nick: I mean, that’s a little too extreme.

Adam: Is it?

Sharon: It’s almost as if victor expects S.N.A. To fail. Maybe so that he can come in later and save the day.

Adam: Look, we have to find a way to take back control and get free of dad’s hold on us.

Nick: I’m telling you, this is not the way to handle things. I need a break.

[ Audra sighing ]

Audra: That’s the sense I got from victoria as well. That she’s no longer my biggest fan.

Kyle: No, I think she’s just making the same calculations any executive would make when there’s potential for a scandal. Besides, you’re obviously too smart and talented for her to let you go.

Audra: Well, if she does decide otherwise, she already has a very attractive replacement in my coo.

Kyle: This will blow over. You just need to keep putting up the same numbers you put up last quarter and you don’t have anything to worry about.

Audra: Hm. Says victoria newman’s new bestie.

Kyle: Being on good terms with her is good for both of us.

Audra: Yeah, well… I no longer have nate as an ally in the c suite.

Kyle: What happened?

Audra: Uh, well, he– um, he told me not to count on him for help if I ever get into another sticky situation that might affect his relationship with, uh, victoria and victor.

Kyle: Yeah, well, he’s just looking out for himself. That’s what he does.

Audra: What about you? When the going gets tough, are you the kind of guy who only looks out for himself?

Kyle: I will always have your back. You can count on me.

Esther: Everything okay with chelsea?

Chloe: Yeah, she and connor are going out of town for a while. She’s going to spend some time with her mom.

Sally: Well, getting away might be just what connor needs.

Chloe: Yeah, it was actually his idea.

Sally: Then, I think it’s a good thing.

Chloe: Yeah. Um, so she’s going to work remotely and she offered me a job to be her second-in-command at marchetti.

Esther: Oh, then why don’t you seem more excited about it?

Chloe: Well, because it would just be me and I– I mean, I really don’t want to leave you in the lurch again.

Sally: I think you should take it.

Chloe: But what about our company?

Sally: I’m starting to get the feeling maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.

[ Chloe sighing ]

[ Both laughing ]

Victoria: Yeah. Oh, I’m sorry.

[ Phone ringing ] Oh. Oh, it’s– it’s my dad.

Nate: I’m busy.

Victoria: No, no, no. You should get it. You should get it.T . Get it.

[ Both sighing ]

Nate: Victor.

Victor: Have you looked at the kirsten-mccall business plan as I requested?

Nate: I have. Yes.

Victor: And?

Nate: I have thoughts.

Victor: Oh, good. I want to hear them. Please come over to the ranch.

Nate: On my way.

Victoria: I don’t like this. With moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,

Victoria: My father’s up to something. He has a plan and you’re part of it.

Nate: If you’re right, it’s a good thing. A chance to reestablish myself.

Victoria: He’s pulling you away from me.

Nate: What makes you say that?

Victoria: Because I know how his mind works. He wants to replace adam with you. It’s a smart move. I’m just not sure that I like it.

Nate: Which means you do forgive me.

Nikki: So, you plan to use nate as a threat to adam.

Victor: Nate is not a threat. He’s insurance.

Nikki: Adam’s going to see this for what it is.

Victor: I don’t give a damn. Adam has been acting recklessly, pursuing his own interests instead of focusing on the merger.

Nikki: But this is just going to upset him, which will make him even more reckless. And darling, I know your ultimate goal is to unite this family, but this seems to be setting things in motion to create more chaos.

Victor: My baby, you’ve got to trust me when I tell you I know what I’m doing.

Sharon: Nick will calm down. He wants what we all want.

Adam: Yeah. Well, I’m more concerned about my son right now. How anxious and depressed connor is, how angry he got.

Sharon: Well, anger is good. Anger you can work with. The worst thing that connor could have done was isolate himself and keep it all bottled up inside, but the fact that he found the school near anita’s on his own, you should feel good about that.

Adam: You know, I have this fear that I can’t shake. We all want our children to inherit the best parts of us, right? My whole life, I battled this guilt and anger and this– this darkness and given chelsea’s emotional struggles, I can’t help feeling we passed it on to him and it just– it breaks my heart, sharon.

Sharon: You know, connor will get help. He wants help.

Adam: I just want him to heal, whatever it takes. I don’t want our relationship to become like the one I have with my father because no matter how much I hope, it just seems to get worse.

[ Sally sighing ]

Nick: You okay?

Sally: I have been better.

Nick: Adam and I went to see my dad to call him out over what he did.

Sally: Oh, I wish you hadn’t done that. Now, he’s going to think it was all my doing.

Nick: Sally, this was never about you.

Sally: Yes, this was about him making a point to you and adam.

Nick: Which is why I never wanted you to work with my dad in the first place. No matter what he says, it’s never just about business. Adam seems to think we need to find a way to get out from under his control. Sharon, too.

Sally: What, you mean break away from newman enterprises? Won’t that just make things worse?

Nick: I’m trying to play peacemaker as usual, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep it up. Eventually, something has to give and god help us all when it does.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, August 22, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Dante: oh, hi. Anna. Thanks for meeting me.

Yeah. I wanted us to be able to talk alone.

Without Valentin?

Yeah, exactly.

Anna: Okay, so I want to see this evidence that you have…


…That he wasn’t at ELQ the night of the fire.

Dante: He wasn’t.

Anna: Okay. I want to see it.

Dante: I know. I’m gonna show you everything we have. But first, wait. Can you…promise me that you’re gonna get a bodyguard or something?

Anna: No! I’m not gonna do that. I won’t allow you to take away the one thing I have left — my privacy.

Finn: Hey, Dana.

Dana: Hey, Finn.

How are you?

Finn: Good. Where do you want to sit?

Dana: Actually, I’m the speaker today.

Finn: No kidding? Good luck.

Dana: [ Chuckles ] Thanks.

Kim! I am so glad you called. This is exactly what I needed.

Finn: Are you sick? Have you, uh — have you been diagnosed?

Gregory: Yes.

Finn: Maybe I’ll be able to help. Can you tell me what it is?

Gregory: ALS.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Alexis: Esme, I’m on my way to a meeting. What’s wrong?

Cyrus: May I offer you a word of advice? You need some kind of family to survive behind these walls. If you won’t join my flock, then I strongly suggest you find another.

Nina: Oh, hey. Thanks for coming.

Martin: Why are we here?

Nina: Because I didn’t want to go somewhere we might be overheard or seen again.

Martin: Okay. What can I do for you?

Nina: Listen. Are you still getting pressure from the FBI and the SEC to reveal your source for the insider-trading tip against Carly and Drew?

Martin: You mean, am I being pressured to tell them it was you?

Carly: Katrina, it’s not your fault. It’s okay. Yeah, I have an appointment, but I can leave when you get here. Okay. Be safe.

Willow: Ohh… Willow. Ohh, Willow! I’m so happy to see you.

Carly: Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry it’s been so long.

Willow: You never have to apologize to me after everything you’ve done for us.

Carly: Are Michael and the kids with you?

Willow: Michael is working. Olivia agreed to watch the kids. I am on my own.

Carly: Wow. How’s that feel?

Willow: Good. Like something I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to do again.

Carly: Okay.

Willow: Michael told me you took over Kelly’s.

Carly: Yeah.

Willow: Wow! Look at what you’ve done to the place!

Carly: Yeah, I just wanted to spruce it up a little.

Willow: Well, you sure did that.

Carly: God. It’s so good to see you. So what can I do for you?

Willow: Actually… I’m here to see if there’s any way I can help you.

Austin: There is nothing to worry about, Ava.

Ava: I am worried. And actually I do have good reason to worry.

Austin: Okay. Can we talk about this in a place that’s not my office?

Ava: I just need to know exactly what’s going on.

Austin: With?

Ava: You know, I’ve got this — this con artist Betty. She’s pretending to be a nanny. She’s spending time with my daughter. And I’m already, like, super worried about going to jail.

Austin: What, for killing Nikolas? I promise you, Ava — you are not going to jail for killing Nikolas. Everything is under control.

Ava: But how? How exactly is everything under control?

It’s working? Ohh. Good. All’s well. See you later.

[ Applause ]

Dana: Thanks, everyone. Now, who would like to share first? Finn?

Finn: Hello. Hi. Um… I’m Hamilton, and I’m an addict. I want to — I want to thank Dana for her powerful message. The idea of navigating life’s challenges while dealing with addiction really resonates with me right now. Recently, I had some — had some bad news. Some bad news about someone I love very much. This person has been suffering, and I had no idea. Had I have known, I feel like I could have helped them, but I guess I was just so caught up in my own life. But the fact that I — I couldn’t help them because I didn’t know they needed help, well, that’s left me just — it’s left me a little resentful. You see, because I have this — I have this good friend and she knew the truth and… she chose to keep it to herself.

Nina: This is important to me, Martin. That’s why I was anxious to set up this meeting.

Martin: I know. I know. I’m sorry. But my brother, Cyrus, had a heart attack. I had to take care of some business for him. And it’s not like the situation is all that urgent.

Nina: Maybe not to you, but I need to know if the SEC is gonna be knocking down my door.

Martin: Nina! Listen to me. I told you. It’s under control. Drew Cain took a plea deal. There will not be a trial. Therefore you cannot be pressured to testify. You can relax.

Nina: It’s really done?

Martin: Yes! There is no reason that Willow or Sonny should ever find out it was you who turned on Drew and Carly.

Nina: Okay.

Carly: The ELQ order is almost ready. Let me know when the wings are done. Alright. Sorry about that.

Willow: Carly, I don’t want to take up your time. If you need to work, it’s totally fine.

Carly: No, no, no. The lunch rush is over. I just have to wait for Katrina to get here so I can go visit Drew.

Willow: You’re going to see Drew. That’s great.

Carly: Well, it will be great — now that he’s out of solitary confinement.

Willow: Wait. Why was Drew in solitary?

Dante: Anna, from where I’m standing, I just feel like privacy should be the least of your concerns right now.

Anna: Don’t make me regret sharing information with you.

Dante: I don’t want you to regret anything. I want you to be safe. It’s my job to keep you safe. I care about you, Anna. Okay?

Anna: If they wanted me dead, I would be dead, Dante.

Dante: Okay. What do you think that shot was at the metro court pool? Was that just a friendly message — the one that put Curtis in a wheelchair? You have no idea whether or not they thought you were in that house or not.

Anna: If they were watching me, I would be dead already.

That’s what I’m saying.

They would have got me on my run.

Dante: Okay, there’s another thing I really don’t think you should be doing at that hour of the night on your own.

Anna: Oh, for god’s sake. It had been a long day. Alright? Look, I’ve already told you that setting a fire is too clumsy because you can’t guarantee that you will get your mark. What you can do is destroy a person’s life. They can take everything away from me, alright? My reputation, my memories, literally my home. Because I believe someone is out to leave me with absolutely nothing!

Austin: So, Betty collected some very valuable information on Sonny, and last night, she passed it on to Mason.

Ava: So then your crazy cousin got what he wanted, then.

Austin: Yes, yes. And he will deliver the data. And then we get on with our lives. We go find Nikolas’ body.

Ava: Ohh. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Austin: You can believe it. Okay? It’s gonna happen.

[ Telephone rings ]

Austin: This whole nightmare will soon be over. Hello. Yeah, no, I — I know. I’m sorry. Something important came up. I’m on my way. I got to go. Okay. I promise that I will let you know the minute that I hear back from Mason that it’s done.

Ava: Now, if I don’t hear from you —

Austin: You will hear from me. You will.

Jake! Hey. And Wyatt. Wow. Okay. Right. I haven’t seen you since last summer. What’s going on?

We had a little laser flip incident.

Oh, I see. That’s not good. Let’s — let’s find ourselves an exam room and take a closer look, okay?

Mr. Chase. This is Dr. Ashford. He’s doing a neurology rotation, and he’s gonna be shadowing me, with your permission.

Gregory: Absolutely. We’ve met before. I’ve heard great things about you from my son, Finn.

It’s good to see you.

I’m gonna have him stay for your exam consultation.

Gregory: Of course. Having two good doctors in my corner is even better. I know I’ll be needing all the help I can get.

So it’s been more than six months since Mr. Chase’s initial diagnosis. He went to the mayo clinic, and they did extensive tests.

Gregory: Yes. Unfortunately, there’s no doubt that I have ALS, and I understand that I am in for the fight of my life.

Y-you said on the phone you had another episode.

Gregory: Yes. Uh… I agreed to babysit for my granddaughter, Violet, and I took a fall.

I’m sorry.

Gregory: Fortunately, she wasn’t in the room, but… the look on her face when she found me…

Why don’t we — why don’t we get started with the exam?

Finn:  Look, I know times like this, facing crisis, that’s the possibility of using again, right? But I don’t think that’s gonna help. Right now I have — I have someone who needs me. They need me now more than ever, and I just want to focus on being there for them. It’s funny, the things that come flooding back to you, though. They didn’t want to burden me with their problem, but they were reaching out, you know, wanted to spend more time together. And I would have, just if I would have known. I understand… why my friend didn’t tell me what she knew. I wish she would have. Because then I would have had more time. And time is so important. Time is everything. And I just want to spend every minute I can taking care of this person for as long as I can. I want to thank you all for listening to me.

[ Applause ]

[ Shower running ]

Cyrus: Ohh. We know the importance of cleanliness, don’t we, god? [ Chuckles ] Thank you for granting me another beautiful day.

Carly: I don’t know the details of why Drew was in solitary confinement. I’m hoping to find that out when I see him.

Willow: Okay, well, please give him my love. I wouldn’t be here if Drew hadn’t risked his life in Greenland to get Liesl Obrecht back for the transplant.

Carly: Yeah. He’s such a good guy. And he’s helped so many people.

Willow: It’s just so unfair that Drew is stuck in prison just because someone was spiteful enough to turn you two in.

Carly: Yeah.

Willow: Are you still convinced Ned was the one who turned you in?

[ Nina clears throat ]

Nina: Hi, Willow. Carly. Wow. Place looks really nice. The improvements you’ve made look great.

Carly: Thank you. Oh. I got to go.

Hey. Are you okay?


Carly: Alright. I’ll be back later. Alright?

Nina: I didn’t mean to drive Carly out.

Willow: Don’t worry. You didn’t.

Dante: I’m sorry. Anna, I didn’t mean to come down on you like that. I know it’s, uh, not easy.

Anna: That’s alright. I’m lucky to have a friend like you. Everyone’s been very supportive.

Dante: Yeah, but you lost your house. That’s awful. And it’s got to hurt.

Anna: No, what hurts… is Curtis in a wheelchair because of me.

Dante: You do have to stop blaming yourself for that, though.

Anna: No, I don’t. It doesn’t compare, really. I mean, I — I’m not hurt and I have resources. Insurance is taking care of the fire.

Dante: How’s Valentin doing with everything?

Anna: He’s good. He’s very supportive of me.

Dante: And… he showed up by your side the morning after the fire. And since. But he lied to you about working for Pikeman.

Anna: He didn’t lie to me.

Well, he was dishonest. He withheld the truth. I-I just…

Dante: Why did he tell you? Why then? Why? Did it come out of nowhere?

Anna: I was putting together the pieces, and he came — came home.

Dante: You told him what you knew, and he realized he had no choice but to come clean. So, yeah, we don’t have to call that a lie if you don’t want to, but we both know he did lie to you about where he was the night of the fire.

Anna: Alright. I want to see this proof that you have.

can see Valentin’s car never showed up to ELQ garage. His car wasn’t even in the neighborhood. I checked the surrounding areas. No sign of it at all. Also, there was no water-main break. I confirmed that, as well. So Valentin was, in fact, lying to you.

Alright. I’ll take that into consideration.

Well, then you should also take into consideration why he would have lied to you that specific night.

Just because he didn’t tell me where he was, it doesn’t make him the arsonist.

I’m not saying it does, but it also means you cannot rule him out as a person of interest.

That is ridiculous!

Is it, though?


Why? H-he finds out everything you know. He — he has to tell you that he worked for Pikeman. You call me. I come to the house. Maybe he sees that all happen.

Any number of people could have seen that happen.

Yeah, but you said the person who did this wants to take away everything from you. Who has motive to leave you with nothing?


Could Valentin want you totally dependent on him?

No! He loves me. That I’m certain of.

Told you it wasn’t broken.

Austin: Hey, now. It’s a pretty bad sprain. So it’s good you’re here. Jake was right to bring you.


Austin: Alright. Here’s what we’re gonna do. Heat, ice, alternate. And try not to move it at all for a couple days.

Wyatt: Isn’t there some way you can heal it faster? I’m supposed to play cello at our band concert the day after tomorrow.

Austin: And that’s your bow hand?

Wyatt: Yes.

Austin: Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.

Jake: Hey. I’m really sorry, Wyatt. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have talked you into going to the skate park. I messed everything up for you.

Wyatt: You didn’t make me do the laser flip. You even tried to talk me out of doing it again.

Jake: Yeah, it was really cool, though. I’ve only ever seen one other person do it, and he was a lot older than you, so…

Wyatt: At least I did it once.

Austin: And I’m sure you’ll do it again.

Dana: This is it. Thanks, everyone. That’s all the time we have for sharing today. Finn, could you lead us in the serenity prayer?

Finn: Yes. Yes. God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change… courage to change the things that I can… …and the wisdom to know the difference.

[ Applause ]

Thank you. Thank you. Good luck.

See you next week?

I’ll see you next week. -Bye. -Bye. Bye.

Can I help you?

Finn: I’m guessing you heard my “share.”

Alexis: Loud and clear. Good.

Let’s put as much pressure in there as you can.

Yeah. -Okay. That’s good. That’s good.

Uh, okay, so we’ll run more extensive diagnostic tests next week. For now, I want to get you fitted for leg braces and hand and wrist splints. Y-you wear them at home. Try to wear them when you sleep to help your extremities remain stretched and in a good position.

Gregory: [ Sighs ] Do I need a cane?

Do you?

Gregory: I don’t think so.

Then you don’t for now. Other than the episodes you described, you seem to be ambulatory without it.

Gregory: When the time comes, I’d prefer a cane to a wheelchair.

A wheelchair won’t be necessary right now, but considering the episodes you’ve had, you absolutely shouldn’t drive. Do you need someone to drive you home?

Gregory: Oh, no. I-I took a car service here. After what happened with my granddaughter, I-I don’t want to put anyone else at risk. I’ll — I won’t be driving anymore.

[ Shower running ]

[ Water splashing ]

Nina: Are you sure Carly racing out of here didn’t have a little something to do with me?

Willow: No. She was late for her visit with Drew at Pentonville.

Nina: Oh. How’s he doing?

Willow: I’m sure it’s miserable. But he’s such an amazing guy. Always positive. I don’t know how he’s doing it.

Nina: Well, I will always be grateful to him for helping save your life.

Willow: Yeah, so will I. And I-I’m grateful that even in Pentonville, Drew knows he has Carly’s love and support. He’ll make it through this.

Yeah, yeah. Of course he will. But it is still an outrage that Drew was even sent to Pentonville in the first place.


Carly: Hi. I’m so sorry I’m late. Katrina’s car broke down. I had to cover for her at Kelly’s before I could get here.

Drew: You’re here. That’s all that matters. I love you. I love you.

Alexis: I know you’re very angry at me for not telling you, and I don’t blame you. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you. I did. I just couldn’t because he was adamant about me not doing it.

Finn: Hey, look, I understand the position he put you in, alright? He — hell, he probably wouldn’t even have told me now if he hadn’t collapsed in front of Violet.

Alexis: Ohh!

Finn: She’s okay. I just… Alexis, I can’t believe I was so caught up in my own life that I — I didn’t see the signs.

Alexis: Well, he was very good at covering them up.

Finn: Uh-huh. And you were very good at honoring his wishes.

Alexis: Too good. I’m sorry.

Finn: I know you are. I understand. He — he’s a very private and, uh, persuasive man. To see him accept this…

Alexis: Your dad is very brave.

Finn: I know. You know, he’s so — so excited about this trip he wanted to take. You know, all of us go on this trip. And I — I put him off, you know, ’cause… I could have done it. I could have made it work. But I — I didn’t. I got so caught up in everything that Violet was going through. But I could have made it work!

Alexis: Don’t you understand? That’s exactly what he wanted, is for you to just continue to lead a normal life so he could watch you and Chase and Violet all being productive and happy. He does not want you to zero in and focus on his illness. That is not how he wants to spend the rest of the time that he has left.

Finn: The time I stole from him.

Alexis: Just focus on today. That’s all any of us can do.

Elizabeth: …Ice and alternate. Let that arm rest for a few days. Okay? It was really nice seeing you.

Wyatt: You too, miss Baldwin.

Jake: I thought you’d be more mad you can’t play in your concert.

Wyatt: I’m gonna play. I just won’t tell anyone I fell.

Gregory: Wyatt? I thought that was you. Hi, Jake.

Wyatt: Hi, Mr. Chase.

Gregory: Wyatt, I haven’t seen you since our camping trip last summer. Looks like you had a little accident.

Anna: I didn’t realize you disliked Valentin quite so much.

Dante: Oh, no. Anna, look. I-I’m just doing my job here.

Anna: This is not about your job.

Dante: You’re right. You know, you’re right. It’s about more than that. It’s about Charlotte. She’s staying with us right now. Lulu’s daughter. Valentin’s her dad. We love her. She loves him. So I guess what I’m saying is you’re not the only one who thinks that Valentin’s changed.

Anna: He has changed.

Dante: Okay. But, please, Anna, put yourself in my shoes right now. With the facts and logic laid out as they are, are you telling me you wouldn’t even for a second entertain the thought that Valentin could be a suspect?

Anna: He wouldn’t do that, Dante! He wouldn’t!

Dante: Sure — but he would! Anna, you cannot just ignore the man’s past! He’s manipulative.

Anna: Oh, wow.

Dante: Come on! You know it! He’s always been that way. I’m sorry. Maybe you got too close to some truth. Maybe he needs you completely and totally dependent on him for some reason or another. I don’t know. But are you telling me that you can look at me and tell me you — you think there’s no way that he could have done something like this?

Anna: Okay. Whatever he’s lying about, it’s not that he burned down our home.

Dante: Your home. Why’d he lie to you?

Anna: I think it has something to do with Pikeman.

[ Shower running ]

[ Faucet squeaks, shower stops ]

Austin: What are you doing here?

Mason: Stay calm. But it’s almost show time.

Austin: Why would I care?

Mason: Because you have the starring role.

Austin: No, no. I don’t. I’ve already played my part.

Mason: No. It’s time for the big finale. You get to deliver the flash drive to the boss.

Austin: No, I don’t. I’ve got appointments lined up all afternoon. There are other doctors.

[ Knock on door ]

TJ: Dr. Gatlin-holt? Sorry. I didn’t realize I was interrupting.

Austin: You’re not, Dr. Ashford.

Mason: Yeah, I-I’m not a patient. I’m Austin’s cousin. The two of us were just… catching up. I’m Mason Gatlin.

TJ: Nice to meet you. Here’s the chart. I’m really sorry I didn’t get it to you earlier.

Austin: Not a problem. Thanks.

TJ: Have we met somewhere before?

Carly: I’m just trying to understand why you chose to protect Cyrus Renault.

Drew: Look. S-some guys were coming at Cyrus. I stepped in. We fought. We both got solitary. It’s — it’s as simple as that.

Carly: But it’s not that simple.

Drew: Carly, can we drop this?

Carly: No. You weren’t in Port Charles when Cyrus was out of prison and he was threatening everyone. I just don’t understand why you had to intervene. Why couldn’t you just walk away?

Nina: Does seem wrong that Drew was sent to Pentonville for what he did.

Willow: He has been so good to us and supportive in every way. He was supposed to walk me down the aisle when Michael and i got married. I could talk to him about anything. He would listen and give me the best advice. And he never had an agenda.

Nina: And I always do. I’m sorry, Willow. You know, sometimes I just push too hard, don’t I?

Willow: Yeah, you do. But in all fairness, you know, Drew isn’t my father, and he doesn’t feel as if he has anything to make up for. So my guard isn’t up when I’m around him.

Nina: Like it is with me. But I would like to change that.

Willow: Well, uh, you’re marrying Sonny. You’re — you’re gonna be a part of my life. W-we’re gonna be seeing a lot of each other, whether we like it or not.

Nina: That’s one way to look at it.

I don’t want things to be so strained between us.

No, me neither. We need to find our way to some kind of relationship.

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

But no matter what, you know, t-those things take time.

Willow: [ Chuckles ] Uh, well, I-I have to — I have to get home to Wiley.

Nina: Right. So…

[ Chuckles ] Okay. Alright. Bye. Thank you. Hi.

Ava: Progress?

Nina: I think maybe so.

Drew: The guy that came at Cyrus, he was way younger than him. Cyrus isn’t exactly in his prime, and I just — I don’t have it in me to turn a blind eye to something like that. I’m sorry. I guess it’s a character flaw.

Carly: Yeah. It is. But it’s one of the many things I love about you.

Drew: Oh, yeah?

Carly: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, if you were the kind of guy to watch an old man get beat up and not do anything and just walk away, you wouldn’t be the man I love.

Drew: It is kind of crazy. Cyrus was the one person I was trying to stay as far away from as possible. Now we’re basically bonded for life.

Carly: I’m sorry. What do you mean, “bonded for life”? All you did was stop the fight.

Drew: After the fight, Cyrus had a heart attack. I gave him CPR. I saved his life.

[ Shower running ]

Cyrus: You work in mysterious ways. Very mysterious ways. And I’m grateful.

Mason: No, I don’t believe we’ve met. Then again, people are always saying I remind them of someone. Sometimes even vin diesel. The hair and the voice.

TJ: [ Chuckles ] No. I think we did meet before. I just can’t remember where.

Mason: I haven’t really spent that much time in Port Charles, but who knows?

TJ: Yeah. Maybe I’ll figure that out. Thank you for the file, Doctor.

Austin: So you’ve met Dr. Ashford? We may have crossed paths.

Dante: Do you think he’s lying to you about Pikeman?

Anna: When you called me last night to say that you had evidence that he wasn’t at ELQ the night of the fire, Valentin was in the shower. He had just received some papers. Kind of looked like a contract, maybe a consultancy project or something. They had the Pikeman logo on them.

Dante: You think he could be working for Pikeman again?

Anna: I don’t know.

Dante: He told you he wasn’t working for them anymore, but then he’s got these papers with their logo on it.

Anna: Yeah. Could Pikeman have been behind the shooting at The Metro Court pool?

Dante: We don’t know that. Maybe — maybe they weren’t after you. Maybe they were after Sonny, and they hired Valentin to set him up.

Alexis: Will you please stop being so hard on yourself? Your father has gotten past all of that.

Finn: How? I was estranged from my father for years. I look at my — my daughter now. I look at Violet, and I get to watch her grow up. And I can’t imagine, not for a moment, her not being in my life.

Alexis: There is no value in dwelling on the past. There just isn’t. We just learned this right here, right now. Right? All we have is today. And I don’t plan on wasting a minute of it.

[ Cellphones dinging ]

Oh. Isn’t it nice that we’re so popular?

Back to the real world.

Alexis: Yeah. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to tell you about your dad’s condition. But I’m glad that you know.

Finn: I’m not looking forward to helping him tell Chase.

Alexis: Well, I hope he tells him sooner than later, so he doesn’t resent you like you might resent me.

Finn: I don’t — no. I don’t resent you. I-I know I’m lucky to have you as a friend. If my dad had to tell someone about his condition other than me, I’m glad it was you.

Alexis: Thank you. I just wish he wasn’t so damn stubborn.

Pot, kettle.


[ Cellphone rings ]

Alexis: I got to take this. Esme has some other office crisis now.

It was nice while it lasted.


Wyatt: If I hadn’t tried that laser flip again, I wouldn’t have hurt my arm and I’d be fine. And I can’t let the band down.

Gregory: And the doctor told you to let your arm rest for a couple days, so you won’t be able to practice at all, will you?

Wyatt: No.

IGregory: f you do try to play it, you really think you’ll be able to do your best?

Wyatt: No.

Gregory: Yeah. Sometimes… [ Sighs ] Sometimes you have to be honest with yourself about what your body can and can’t do. If you show up, try to play, you can’t do your best, then you’ll be letting everyone down.

Wyatt: I never thought of it like that.

Gregory: Admitting that you’re injured even though you really want to play… it’s probably the most honorable and generous thing to do in the long run.

Wyatt: You’re right, but I still hate it.

Gregory: I know exactly how you feel.

Wyatt: Thanks, Mr. Chase.

Anna: Valentin would never agree to set up Sonny.

Dante: Never?

No. Unless he was being blackmailed.

Right. Maybe Pikeman has something on him from when he worked for them.

Right. They could use it against him.

Yeah. Or, uh…


Anna: Well, I know how much Valentin loves Charlotte. He’d do anything for his daughter. What if Pikeman were threatening her?

Dante: It’s a theory, Anna. Not gonna be easy to prove.

Anna: I just want proof that this theory is wrong and that Valentin is clean.

Dante: Well, we both better just keep digging. We need to find out what the truth is. No matter where it leads us.

Ava: I wanted to talk to Carly about Avery. Have you seen her?

Nina: No. She went to go visit Drew.

Ava: Oh. How are you?

Oh. I’m better, I think.

Well, good.


Nice to hear.

Nina: Hey. Question. Are you and Sonny gonna get rid of that new nanny of Avery’s? Because every time I see her, she seems kind of like a —

Ava: She seems like such a bitch, right? Yes. Hopefully she won’t be around too much longer.

Nina: Good, because it’s one less thing to worry about, with our wedding coming up and then we got…

Ava: Drew in prison because you sent him there.

Nina: Hey. Do you have to say that out loud?

Ava: Okay.

Nina: I mean, I was surprised that they sent him to a place like Pentonville.

Ava: Just keep hoping that Sonny and Carly never find out.

Nina: Well, they won’t.

Ava: You seem pretty sure of yourself.

Nina: I am. Because as long as my beautiful, intelligent friend stays quiet… the SEC is going to drop it. And no one will ever know that I’m the one who turned in Carly and Drew.

Drew: And I stayed with Cyrus after I revived him until the prison doctor got there.

Carly: Okay, so everybody in this prison knows that you defended Cyrus and then saved his life?

Drew: Word travels pretty fast around here, yeah.

Carly: The word is going to be that you’re Cyrus’ ally. So does that mean that his enemies are gonna target you?

What’s he doing here?

Thank you so much for taking the time. I really appreciate you meeting me. Here’s your patient, Doctor Gatlin-Holt.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Steffy: So, you think hope actually heard you? Took your concerns seriously?

Liam: I’m– I’m just saying I think maybe I got through to hope about who thomas really is.

Brooke: Sounds like you and liam had a very good conversation. You don’t know how hopeful this makes me. Yes, I agree with liam, you lost your way. But not anymore. You have to tell thomas it’s over and you have to save your marriage.

Thomas: Okay, so you wanna know what’s going on with hope and me?

Ridge: Seems like a reasonable question. You guys went through a lot, so yeah, I would like to know what’s goin’ on.

Thomas: Well, uh, we are co-parenting douglas, and we’re killin’ it on hope for the future.

Ridge: Please don’t do that. I know what brooke walked in on. She’s not happy about it, I’m not happy about it and I’m concerned. So, I need you to be honest with me.

Thomas: I wasn’t ever trying to hide anything from you, dad. I just– whole situation’s complicated and I–

Rj: Dad! You missed it. Oh! Thomas, hey. Hey. Am I, uh, am I interrupting or–

Ridge: I was just talking to thomas about his relationship with hope.

Liam: Thomas is your brother. You’re gonna defend him. I totally get that.

Steffy: Hope kissed him in rome, not the other way around.

Liam: Yeah, exactly. Right? So, as much as I don’t trust thomas, this really isn’t about him. This is about hope and her choices.

Steffy: And putting your marriage and your future in jeopardy?

Hope: I know it seems like to everyone that I went astray or that thomas led me there and that’s not the case, mom. I had my reasons. Thomas loves me and only me. And that is an assurance that liam cannot provide me because of our history with steffy and I kept hoping that maybe one day, he would change, and I just– I just don’t wanna live my life like you had to with ridge and his divided loyalties.

Brooke: Honey, I understand that. And I respect it because you are respecting yourself, but I have to wonder if there’s something else going on here. I mean, you’ve only been talking like this since you got involved with thomas. All these criticisms towards liam. I have to wonder if it’s some way of justifying your behavior? Being unfaithful to your husband with thomas? These hands used to hold me as a little girl.

Ridge: Well, I’m not gonna get into this. Not now, not with rj here.

Rj: Yeah. I don’t wanna get into it either, but I will say, I’m really worried about my sister. I mean, hope and liam, they have a great family. I mean, after seeing them today with beth, hope is really happy.

Thomas: She should be. Especially today, I mean, it’s an important moment. Seeing your child happy, fulfilled, succeeding, it’s– it’s amazing. I’m glad it went so well.

Rj: Yeah, it did. I know that you and hope kissed in rome and I don’t know if anything else has been going on, but after seeing them today, together, with beth… I just, I really think that hope should go back to liam.

Steffy: So, you told hope all of this? That she lost her way, thomas can never be trusted and you think she heard you?

Liam: I– I hope she heard me. I– I desperately hope she heard me, yeah. What?

Steffy: No, nothing.

Liam: What?

Steffy: I’m– I’m just– I’m confused. I’m just trying to figure out what this– this– this means.

Liam: What th– I don’t– I don’t follow.

Steffy: Okay, you and hope signed divorce papers. Your marriage was on the verge of being over. Are you telling me that’s not the case anymore? You want hope back?

Brooke: I admire the fact that you would like to be with a man that is committed to you and only to you. And you deserve that. But I have to wonder if that’s just an excuse to justify your behavior. I know you, hope, and I know that you feel bad about what you’ve done with thomas. You know, at the party, I could see the love between you and liam and beth. What a sweet little family you are. And that’s still there. And you could have that. But now you signed the divorce papers, so–

Hope: Well, apparently, they haven’t been filed just yet.

Brooke: No? Well, that’s great! Honey, why don’t you just talk to me? Tell me what you’re feeling.

Hope: You know, obviously today, seeing beth at her birthday party with her dad… had an impact on me. Yeah, uh, I– I was wrong for what I did with thomas, mom, but at the same time, I… I do have feelings for him and thomas does love me, fully, with his whole heart, but I think you can also be right too, which is that… I don’t know. Maybe I am looking for excuses for my behavior. Liam came over. He, um, reminded me of everything we had been through, with beth and thomas’s involvement in that and uh… maybe I… didn’t want to think about that because of how painful it was.

Brooke: Yeah. Thomas is wrong.

Hope: I do believe that thomas has changed. But mom, maybe I have changed too because when I look in the mirror… I don’t know if I recognize myself anymore. I think I just… I wanted a distraction. There was hope for the future, and then there was the show and then there was italy and then there was thomas and… I got caught up in him.

Brooke: Well, like you mentioned, nobody knows the full extent of your involvement with thomas, except for ridge and me.

Hope: Well, no one should know because it is none of their business.

Brooke: I’m relieved to hear you say that, sweetie, because this is hard for me, too, you know. As a parent, I hate to see you suffer. But… I am relieved. I am because I can see. I can see that you’re becoming yourself again.

Hope: Yeah, I guess we’ll have to see if it’s too late.


Thomas: Rj, have I told you lately how grateful I am to have you back in town?

Rj: Come on, thomas, I’m being serious.

Thomas: I know. I know you are. So am I. ‘Kay, look at– I really respect where you’re coming from, both of you and it’s kind of nice, having family around, lookin’ out for me.

Ridge: I couldn’t agree more. We’re stronger together.

Thomas: I promise, like the both of you, I– I just want hope’s happiness. Actually had a similar conversation with steffy. Look, um… I promise both of you that I’m not gonna be the one who hurts hope. Not ever again, ‘kay? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I actually do have a few things to take care of, so I’ll see you.

Brooke: It’s never too late, honey. And the logans never give up. Come on, you know that. You and liam, you have such a beautiful, special family. And yeah, there are issues, but you love each other. And unfortunately, you got swept up with thomas, and… things happened, but that’s over. You can focus on your family. And you said so yourself, you didn’t file those divorce papers. So? That means it’s not too late, right? It’s never too late.

Hope: You’re right. You’re right, mom. You’re right.

Liam: I feel like you’re not hearing me. I might have actually gotten through to hope. That’s big, if true.

Steffy: Yeah, that– it is, it’s big. It’s– it’s great. I’m just wondering if you’re not hearing yourself. You think you got hope to wake up, come to her senses. And if she is willing to put an end to whatever is going on with thomas, are you willing to forgive her? Repair your marriage? Keep your family intact?

[ Knocking on door ]

Thomas: All right. Hey! Hey, come on in.

Hope: Hi.

Thomas: I, uh– I wasn’t sure I was actually gonna see you, you know? I hadn’t really communicated and beth’s party and all, and I– I– we already talked about this, but I wish I could have been there. You know, but with liam and the possibility of drama.

Hope: Yeah. I’m– it was, uh, it was great. It was, um… big day.

Thomas: Well, good. Well, I’m just glad to be a part of that big day now. Missed you.

Thomas: Hey. What’s– what’s wrong? To 50 years with my best friend.

[ Phone chiming ]

Ridge: So, you came by just to say hello?

Rj: Yes and I might have brought you something, but you cannot tell mom. You cannot tell mom!

Ridge: Don’t put me in that position. I don’t want to do that, I don’t want to have secrets with your mom. This is not what we do, unless cupcakes are involved. Ah, you’re a good man. Thank you. Someone raised you right.

Rj: Course, but hey! I expect to see you by the pool tomorrow, okay? I got some core routines we should try out.

Ridge: I’ll be there, for sure.

Rj: Come on! I’m just lookin’ out for you.

Ridge: Mm-hmm. Lookin’ out for a lot of people these days, aren’t you?

Rj: I– I hope it comes across that way, ’cause I’m not, like, I’m not like indicting him or anything. I mean, I still don’t fully comprehend why hope kissed thomas in rome, but, I mean, she has a family. It’s worth fighting for, right?

Ridge: Yeah.

Brooke: That marriage is definitely worth fighting for and so is your health, mister. I see that!

Ridge: How did this–

Brooke: Why don’t you enjoy it now because tomorrow, you’re gonna be working on your core.

Ridge: This is the most unkindest cut of all. You knew she was comin’.

Rj: No, I didn’T. I didn’t know. So mom, how did– how did everything go with hope?

Brooke: Good. Turns out, she might think that her marriage is worth fighting for. It may not be the end for hope and liam.

Steffy: It’s a logical question. After everything you two have been through, what you mean to each other, hope suddenly has this epiphany. Are you willing to fight for your marriage? Look, what– what’s going on with finn and me, it’s awful and I don’t want the same for you and hope–

Liam: I– I get what you are saying. How ’bout this, all right? I love hope, of course, but it’s not that simple. This is not about getting back together with her, for me. Sh– she’s the mother of my child, right? We built a whole life together. I still care about her and her well-being and her safety and that’s why I’m not giving up trying to get through to her because this is about… it’s about hope becoming hope again. Finding her way back to herself, and… away from thomas.

Thomas: I can see something’s going on. What is it?

Hope: Sweetheart,

what was your favorite part?

Beth: Being with mommy

and daddy. I love you.

Liam: Aw. Aw.

Thomas: Hope, something’s obviously different about you. What’s wrong?

Liam: How do you turn

to the man who tried to keep

you? I mean, what he did,

it was evil.

How do you let him

come between us?

Hope: I don’t– I don’t– well, I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m doing. I mean, what are– what have we done? I don’t–

Thomas: Okay. Uh, obviously, something’s wrong. Um, something’s really bothering you. I can tell, okay? So, what happened at beth’s birthday?

Hope: Just reminded me of, um… all of those… hurtful things we had been through.

Thomas: Ah. With, uh, with me. Things that were my fault. Right. Um… you know, I’M… way past that. You know that because, well, when you kissed me at the colosseum, that was beautiful. And these nights that we’ve had recently have been wonderful. And I promise, I– I– I love you in a true way, and I do, I do want a life with you.

Hope: It was just hard. Being with beth and liam and our little family unit together and… liam and I, we went to, um, drop off her gifts back at the cabin and we got to talking and he reminded me of all of the pain and suffering that we had to go through during those years when we thought we had almost lost her and also, of course, reminded me about… you keeping that truth from me.

Thomas: I– I see what you’re saying. But that’s– that was a different me. You know I’m not that person anymore. I’m so sorry that that’s a part of my past. I wish I could go back and rewrite it, but I can’t, right? But you know that I’m a different person, I mean you’ve– you’ve– you’ve– you’ve told me that, over and over again. So, I’m just, um… I guess I’m– I’m a little lost. Um… did liam get in your head or something?

Hope: But everything liam said was true.

Thomas: Yeah. Okay. Um… all right, well then… I guess there’s only one thing I can do.

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