Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Mariah and Tessa see Elena at the park and tell her that Aria’s pediatrician thinks she might have severe hearing loss. Mariah and Tessa tell Elena that they made an appointment with a specialist to get a more accurate diagnosis. Mariah and Tessa stop by Crimson Lights to tell Sharon what the doctor said about Aria.
Esther excitedly and loudly tells them she is the new manager of Crimson Lights and Aria starts to cry.
Nick and Sharon try to persuade Adam that they must continue to run the new company together, but he insists that he must be the CEO.
Audra goes to talk to Victor and Nikki to ask if she would have a job after the merger. Victor assures her she will have a place at Newman. Victor is impressed by both Nate and Audra. Nikki tells him Nate and Audra don’t need mentoring, they need a short leash because they are too ambitious.
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