Days Transcript Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Ugh, they never warn you how much of a hassle it is keeping someone captive, do they? Holding Rafe in the tunnels is becoming a full-time job. Not that I need to tell you that. Of course, I don’t have a job, thanks to Jada Hunter. But I’ll get my revenge. The woman will rue the day she crossed a DiMera.

What woman would that be, Dad?

[laughs] You caught me. I was just complaining to your nonno about Commissioner Hunter.

What’d she do?

Well, besides going behind my back to Mayor Price and getting me fired.

Right, that. Well, look, I’d be happy to put in a good word for you with my mother-in-law, except I’m not exactly high up on Paulina’s list after what I did to her daughter.

[tense music]

Well, hello, hello. Hey! [chuckles] Well? How do I look?

You look good, Mama. Yeah, where are you going?

Oh, to an event for my police commissioner.

Mm. A fundraiser?

Hell, no. It’s Jada’s bachelorette party. So put down that popcorn. Get dressed. You are coming with me.

[music playing]

Well, tonight is Jada’s last hurrah as a single woman.

Ah. It’s our job to make sure it’s a night she never forgets.

I brought just the thing to help with that.


All right.

[whimsical music]


Oh, you know it, girl. All right. Here.

Party doesn’t start for an hour.

Well, don’t tell me Patch Johnson’s daughter is scared of a little pre-game. Yes! OK, now we’re talking. On three?

Sure. One, two–

Mmm. [laughing]



Shawn, what are you still doing here?

Well, I just finished the report on Rachel Black. Apparently, Child Protective Services are getting involved.

Oh. Let’s hope nothing comes of that. Rachel was upset and ran away because her parents aren’t together. It’s unfortunate, but it’s– it’s nobody’s fault.

Yeah, I agree. And now that I’m done with that, I’m about to head over to your groom-to-be’s bachelor party.

Hmm. You boys better not get too wild.

Oh, come on. This is Rafe we’re talking about here. How wild do you think it’s going to get?

Ah. Well, let’s see. What are we in the mood for? Wild, Wild Cheerleaders or MILFs Gone Wild?

Oh, what’s up, primo? Why are you so jumpy?

Ah. I don’t know. I guess because I’m anxious about getting married tomorrow.

Which is why you need to relax. So I’m throwing you a bachelor party tonight.

You said bachelor party? As in booze and strippers bachelor party?

Yeah, you down with that?

Hell, yeah, I am.

Wow, I thought you might have been resistant to it.

Are you kidding me? Just don’t hog all the lap dances, OK? Groom gets first pick.

Oh, you don’t worry about that. You know tonight’s entertainment’s not my flavor.

Yeah, right. What kind of hot-blooded man doesn’t want a lap dance from a beautiful woman?

A hot-blooded man that likes other hot-blooded men.

[soft orchestration]

Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so arethe “Days of Our Lives.”

Come on, you. Get a move on. Get dressed. We’ve got a party to attend.


Don’t you Mama me. Now, I’ve been watching you moping around here for days, crying over that trifling ass Johnny DiMera.

Who happens to be my husband.

Well, look, I know– I know you’re still hurting. But just sitting around here feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to change anything. So chop, chop. Get a move on. Get dressed. Get cute. Come on. Get up. Get up! Come on. I am going to get that man, that Johnny DiMera off your mind if it’s the last thing I do.

Oh. Ooh!

I take it there hasn’t been any improvement in your marital situation.

No, Chanel wants nothing to do with me.

Well, don’t give up hope. I can’t tell you the amount of times your mother and I forgave each other.

Till you didn’t. What’s with the tray?

Oh, I– I just got Harold to prepare me a light meal, light dinner, in fact, to have in my quarters.

You’re eating in your room? [chuckles]

Just trying to mix things up.

OK, well, I’d better– I’d better get going.

OK. Where are you off to?

Rafe’s cousin is throwing him a bachelor party down at the Pub.

A bachelor party?


I didn’t know about this.

Well, why would you? You can’t stand Rafe.

Well, of course, the man is insufferable. But as you well know, I recently hired him to help me on a case. And he should be focused on the task at hand, not sowing the last of his wild oats.

Don’t you think Rafe deserves one night to let loose?

How loose are we talking?

I don’t know. I don’t have all the details. And it’s not like Rafe is known as a party animal.

Of course, you’re right. Well, please go have fun.

Thanks. I’ll see you later.

[chuckles] Bye. [sighs] The last thing I need is for Arnold to let loose in front of Rafe’s friends and family. One drunken slip of the tongue, and he could ruin everything.

Primo, did you forget that I’m gay?

No. No, I– of course I didn’t forget. I just figured that maybe tonight– tonight you go with the flow.

The flow? Well, yeah, stranger things have happened.

I guess. All right, well, I’m going to go get showered and get ready for the big night. Can’t wait to get some quality lap time with a hot little number and get hammered. Hammer time. [laughs]


Sorry, my fiancé is so straight-laced.

Why are you apologizing to me?

Well, considering you’re a newly single guy, I’m sure you’d be up for a real party.

Hey, this is Rafe’s big night, so we go at his speed.

Well, I am glad to hear that. And, hey, I don’t want you to think that I’m complaining. Rafe is the most loving and loyal guy that I could ever want. I can’t tell you how good it feels to know exactly where I stand at all times, especially after some of my past relationships. Madame DA.

Hi there, Bridey. Hi, Shawn.

Hey, Belle.

Please tell me we don’t have an appointment that I forgot about.

Well, kind of. I was sent here to escort you to your bachelorette party.


Stephanie thought I needed an escort?

Well, she knew you had to work late and didn’t want you to weasel out of having a good time the night before your wedding.

But I’m not even dressed.

Oh, well. Tada! [laughs] Here, go change in your office. Go!

All right.

I was going to say, you look a little overdressed for police work.

Oh. [laughs]

I mean, come on. You look great.

Aw. Thank you. What are you doing tonight?

Well, as a matter of fact, I’m about to go to a bachelor party.

Oh, I wasn’t sure there was going to be one.

Yep, there’s one. And I think it should be fun.

Yeah. I’m really happy for Jada and Rafe.

Yeah, me too. So I guess I’m going to see you at the wedding tomorrow, then?

Yeah. Yeah, I’ll see you there. Ah, I should probably go and see if Jada needs any help.



Ha! Ha! Someone told me there’s a party.

Come on in, boss.

Oh, no, I am not your boss tonight. I’m just here for the fun. And I brought a friend.

Hi. I hope you don’t mind me crashing.

Are you kidding? The more the merrier.

Oh, Chanel, she needs some cheering up. She and Johnny, they’re going through a rough patch.

Dang, Mama. Why do you have to put my business all out in the street?

We’re among friends. Besides, I am sure that Stephanie and Gabi both know what it feels like to have a man cheat on you and break your heart.

Oh, you bet I do.

Your mom is right, Chanel. We’ve got your back.

Yeah, well, thank you. I really do appreciate that. Too bad my husband isn’t as loyal as my friends.

There you go, buddy.

Thanks. Where’s– where’s everybody else?

They should be here soon. Javi said that Rafe is still getting ready.

Is my– is my Grandpa Roman in the back?

Oh, no. No. Roman is in Chicago visiting with your Uncle Rex. He left me in charge of the joint, which is a decision he might live to regret. That was supposed to be a joke.

Ah. Right. Yeah. I’m sorry.

What’s going on? You OK, buddy?

Yeah. No, I’m fine. I just– I was– I was kind of hoping to talk to my Grandpa Roman about some stuff. I could use some advice.

OK, well, I’m not your grandpa, but I’m a good listener. And, you know, Kayla and I were over at Abe and Paulina’s the other night for dinner. We saw Chanel.

So then you– you know how badly I messed up.

I got the gist.

I think I really blew it, Uncle Steve. I– I don’t know if Chanel’s ever going to be able to forgive me.

Come on, Johnny. Listen, we all make mistakes, OK? A mistake doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage. Just ask your Aunt Kayla about how many times I screwed up.

So then how’d you come out on the other side?

I’ll tell you how we did it. By trusting in the power of our love no matter how stupid I was to take it for granted.



That a girl.

OK, chica.

Maybe– maybe we should try to pace ourselves, baby.

I’m good, Mama. I know my limits.



Oh, the bride has arrived.

I told you I’d get her here looking fabulous.

I’m not overdressed?

Va va voom!

Oh, my god, are you kidding? You look amazing.

Come on in. The water’s fine.

It looks like you started without us.

Well, then you better catch up.

Are you ready?

Oh, yeah.

You know what? I am ready to turn all the way up tonight. Let’s put those boys to shame!


There you go.

Thanks. You know I got to admit, I was expecting something a little more rowdy.

We’ll get there. The night’s still young.

Yeah! So how awesome is this? Party for me with all my bros to celebrate.

Yeah. You deserve it, pal. There you go. Yeah.

So this party is anything goes, right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, whoa, whoa. It’s a bachelor party, OK? You can say or do anything, and no one is going to tell you to stop, all right?

Good evening, gentlemen.

So much for that.

Dad, the Pub is closed for Rafe’s bachelor party.

I know.

Then what are you doing here?

Why wouldn’t I want to raise a toast to the lucky groom?

Well, maybe because you hate the guy’s guts.

And vice versa.

Well, I won’t deny that Rafe and I have had our clashes. I think we’re trying to turn a corner. Right, Rafe?


It’s hardly a ringing endorsement.

Well, Shawn, if you really must know, I’ve hired Rafe to investigate on my behalf, and I’ve come for a progress report.

Is that true, Rafe?

Yeah. Yeah, he did. It’s a– he just– he hired me to track down that Sloan Petersen chick. Is there a problem?

Yeah, there’s a problem. You can’t just take on new cases without running it by me first.

OK. I don’t see what the big deal is, man. I mean, we’re PIs. And he hired me, paid me a bunch of cash to do PI stuff.

The big deal is it’s my name and John’s name on that door, not yours. And it’s never a good idea to get involved with the DiMeras.

OK, buddy. You need to chill out.

Hey, hey, hey, Rafe, tell me you understand what I’m saying or we’ve got ourselves a real problem here.

Chug, chug, chug!


[dance music playing]

What are you looking at, hmm? Thinking you’re all cool with your little sunglasses and your little six-pack abs. I bet you cheat on your little inflatable wife all the time, too, don’t you?

Well, OK.

What did you put in these, because you’re not supposed to taste the alcohol.

Well, I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.

No, you– you can’t threaten me. I am the commissioner. OK, honey? I’m–

Yeah, Jada’s right. That’s actually a prosecutable offense, and I would know because I’m the DA.


OK, I’m the mayor, and I don’t give a damn what’s in them.


It tastes good.

Wow, you think the guys are having as much fun as we are?

To hell with the guys, OK? Death to all straight cisgender men.

You’re trying to start something with me, Patchy?

Hey, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys. This is supposed to be a party. You can talk about who’s hiring who next week.

Yeah, you know what? Javi’s right. Let’s go– let’s go check on the food, you guys. And Johnny, maybe you could see if your dad has someplace else to be, so that’d be great.

Yeah, Dad–

Ah, Shawn, I’ll take a veggie and hummus tray if you have any back there. Just trying to cut back on the fried foods, you know?

Rafe, you see he’s just trying to cause trouble, and you’re playing right into it.

Come on, Uncle Steve. Come on. Let’s go see how those wings are doing. Let’s go. Come on.

It’s OK.

Dad, maybe– maybe it’d be a good idea if you found someplace else to go.

Nonsense. Rafe’s more than happy to have me here, aren’t you?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I’m fine if he stays.


Well, it’s your night. I’m gonna go see if they need help bringing the food out of the kitchen.

I’m going to check on the entertainment, see if they’re on their way.

OK. Yeah, yeah, see, now you’re talking. This guy. You’re ruining my night.

This party isn’t for you, you pathetic slug. It’s for Rafe Hernandez!

Oh, yeah. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have his stupid face.

These are some of his closest friends. And Steve Johnson is a professional snoop. If anyone can spot that you’re a fake, it’s him.

Oh, yeah. You know what? He didn’t see nothing. That’s why he was tweaking out, this guy. Besides, you’re the one who’s screwing things up. You didn’t have to tell Cyclops that I’m working for you, did you?

I needed to come up with a reason why I would attend a party of someone that I detest.

OK, whatever. I’m just waiting for the strippers.

You need to keep your eye on the prize. I am not paying you to get lap dances. You have one mission and one mission alone– to help me get back at Jada Hunter.

Easy now.

What? I’m just blowing off a little steam.

Oh, well, breathe, breathe, baby. That nice lifeguard didn’t do anything to you.

OK. OK. You know what, everyone? How about a game? Huh? Huh?

OK. What kind of game? Because I am at the point where I can’t remember any trivia.


No trivia. No trivia. Each of these cards has a personal question on it. So you pick one and you answer honestly or you take a shot. [laughter]

Oh! Hey!

Perfect. OK, first card. Oh! Name a hookup you regret. I’ll go first. Jeremy Horton, world class dirtbag.


And I’m going to take a shot anyway, to wash his name out of my mouth.

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Aha.



Oh! That’s easy. 50 Cent.


You hooked up with 50 Cent?

It’s pronounced Fitty Cent.


Oh, yeah, we ran in the same circles, back in my Miami days.


OK, I don’t think I would regret that one because that man is fine.

Oh, no, no. I don’t regret anything. We had a fabulous time.


Ooh, I just regret what happened afterwards.

What happened afterwards?

Ooh, brotha wouldn’t stop blowing up my pager.


Oh, I said “Curtis, boo, enough. I know I’m hard to get over, but please try.”


That is an incredible flex.

Yes, you– you are a legend.

Wow. We should use that story during your campaign.


Oh my god. Wow. OK, well, who’s next? Belle?

Oh, god, no, I’m not following that. I’ll take a shot.


All right, then, what about our bride? Yeah. Commissioner Jada Hunter, soon-to-be Hernandez. Give us a hookup you regret.

OK, well, it was actually my first time.


This is good.

Yeah, I was in high school, and we went to band camp.


Like in “American Pie”?

No, no, no. It was not like that in the movie. It was– it was actually like– it was pretty sweet.


Yeah, until the gorgeous saxophone player that I hooked up with went around and told every single person at the camp that we slept together.

Oh, no.

What a tool.

I know.


Did you find him and shove his sax down his throat?


No, I was too embarrassed. I was too embarrassed. But even– even after all this time, if I ever catch him out, it is a one trip ticket to taser-town.


OK, OK. Hey, no one heard me say that.

No, no, please, please, please. We’ll help you do it. What’s this loser’s name?

No, no, no, no. Forget about it. Gabi, you’re next. What hookup do you regret?

That’s easy. EJ DiMera.

Wait, you hooked up with EJ?

Uhh. I wanted to pay Stefan back for sleeping with Ava while I was in prison.

You see, every damn DiMera! Cheaters!


It was a huge mistake, and it completely destroyed my marriage.

Screw EJ!

Screw EJ!

Oh my god. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Here’s another one. All right, all right. You know what? Belle, quit keeping us in suspense. Spill.

Well, Gabi here already stole my thunder because my most regrettable hookup was also EJ.

[tense music]

You hooked up with EJ?

OK, listen, this was when Shawn and I were separated. And, you know, I actually thought that we had something. And then my sister showed up, a.k.a. EJ’s ex-wife, and she completely freaked out. So–

So Sami scared you away?

No, Sami scared EJ away. And he was, like, tripping all over himself, telling her how much I didn’t mean anything to him.


I know, I probably deserved for breaking girl code, so–

No, no, to hell with them. EJ went after his ex’s sister. That man has no conscience.


I can attest to that.

Is there anyone in the room who has not slept with my father-in-law? Praise the Lord. Some of y’all got taste.

Chanel, your turn. Tell us the hookup that you regret.

Oh, that’s easy. My husband, Johnny. He is every bit as nasty as that father of his.

Are you listening to me?

You’re as bad as one-eyed Willie. I know what to do, OK?

You better, because I’m starting to lose my patience.

Dinner is served. All the deep fried goodness you could ever want, and some rabbit food for Lord Fauntleroy over there.

So I couldn’t get in touch with the entertainment. But would anyone like to play darts while we wait?

I’m afraid playtime is over, boys. At least for one of you.

You don’t mean that about Johnny.

The hell I don’t. You know what? I thought that Johnny was the love of my life. But all he did was shatter my heart into a million little pieces when he cheated with that skank, Joy Wesley.

Ooh, boy.

And, you know what? I should have known– I should have known when he was possessed by the devil that he was not right for me.

Say what now?

You know, the devil, he only preys on the weak-minded.

Oh, well, we know that’s not true from experience.

OK, what is going on here?

You know what this party needs?

An exorcism.


A change of scenery. What say we hit the road?

Can we help you with something, officer?

I’m the one asking the questions here, Pirate Pete.


What’d she just call me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, I’m sorry. I don’t– I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Detective Shawn Brady. OK, look, my family owns the place, and we’re having a private bachelor party for a good friend of ours who just happens to be the ex-commissioner.

Good for you.

I’m sorry, officer. What’s going on here?

You’re the groom?

Yeah. Is there a problem?

Oh, you better believe it. I’m here to arrest you for identity theft.

[dramatic music]

Identity theft?

You heard me. You’re going around Salem claiming you’re someone you’re not.

Yeah, I don’t know–

A married man. When you’re still very much single.


At least for one more night. Woo!

I told you there’d be entertainment.

That’s what I’m talking about.

Let’s go.

[upbeat music]

OK, guys, our car is here, and we should all be able to squeeze in.

OK, OK, where are we going? Are we going clubbing?

Yeah! You’ll see. You’ll see.


You know what? Why don’t you girls, you go on ahead. I think I’m going to get Chanel home.

Are you sure?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. She wasn’t really up for this, and I just– I didn’t listen to her, so let me– come on, let me get you to bed.

No, I don’t want to go home.

Well, I think you do.

No, I don’t. I’m just starting to have fun.

Now, baby, you’re still hurting.

No, I feel great, OK? Look, the night is young and free and so am I. So where are we going?

[music playing]

Oh. I’ve been a bad boy. Want to arrest me?

Uh-uh-uh. You can look, but you can’t touch.

Oh, come on, baby. Just one little touch. I’m a good tipper.

Your bride is a lucky lady.



Hmm. Having a good time?

Jada? Jada, I was–

Oh, don’t let us interrupt you, big brother.

No, no, no, I– we were just doing–

Calm down, Rafe. You know what happens at bachelor parties. Go ahead. Finish your lap dance.

[laughs] No, no, no. Because I would rather have a lap dance from you.

What the hell are you doing here?

I could ask you the same thing.

OK, well, you better not ruin this night for my brother. I’m going to go get a drink.

OK, nice talking to you, Ms. Hernandez. [gags]

Hey. What happened to the bachelorette party?

Well, someone needed to make sure that your boys are behaving. [laughs]

Yeah. Well, let’s just hope that these two behave.

Hey, I– I didn’t know you were going to Jada’s party.

Yeah? Well, that’s because I don’t have to tell you my plans anymore.

It’s not what I meant.

No. No, because you never say what you actually mean, like when you said that you promised to– what was it? Love, honor, and be faithful to me?


No, no. Save it. Or matter of fact, you know what, tell it to Joy Wesley, OK? Because you are her problem now.

Oh! Chanel!

I’m on it.

No, no, no. Let me go. Let me go. I’m the only one that’s completely sober. And plus, I know a little bit about letting alcohol and anger get the better of you.

Thank you.

All right.

[laughs] Well, as much fun as tonight has been for the both of us, I think we should be heading out.

What? Now?

Yeah. We don’t want to be hung over for our wedding day tomorrow. I’ll get us a car.

Yeah, well, actually, I already got a room at the Inn.

You do? Why?

No, no, no. Well, because it’s– I mean, you’re not supposed to be together before your wedding, right? It’s bad luck. Besides, it’s going to make our wedding night all the more special, right?

Wow, you really are old-fashioned.

Is that a bad thing?

Well, I’m not thrilled that we’re going to spend the night away from each other, but I’ll allow it, if it means that it will make tomorrow as special as we both want it.

Oh, I know it. Yeah.

Oh, well, looks like you ladies had a good time, huh?

I will be paying for it tomorrow.

No, you won’t.

Oh, boy.

No, no, no. Come on. No, no, no. We’ll clean up later. Come here. Yes, you come over here with your Papa. Have a seat.

It’s such a mess, though.

The mess can keep. Come on. Sit down.

OK. What’s up?

Well, why don’t you tell me? I know that you and your mom had an ice cream and rom-com night so you could process your break up with Phillip. I just want to make sure you’re OK. Because she said you sounded kind of defeatist.

Maybe that’s because I’ve been defeated.

Come on, baby girl. You can’t let one bad experience cause you to give up on love.

One bad experience? Are we forgetting that this is my second time at bat with Philip, not to mention Chad and Everett and all the other failed relationships.

Come on. Forget about those guys. Listen to me. There is somebody out there who’s just as perfect for you as your mom is for me.

I don’t know about that.

Oh, I do. And one of these days, you’re going to find him. And you’re going to be having your own bachelorette party.


Yeah. And after that, I’m going to walk my little sweetness down the aisle.

Thanks, Dad. I needed to hear that.

Come here. Oh, my baby girl.

You know you did not need to drive me home, and you certainly did not need to walk me to my door.

You seem to have had an awful lot to drink tonight.

Oh, please, I barely had anything to drink. I had, like, six Jell-O shots. Maybe seven. I don’t know.

Oh, was that all?

I know how to call a rideshare.

My driver was already sitting outside the Pub.

Oh, well, you’re nothing if not a gentleman.

Well, you know, I have my moments.

Oh, well, do you have your moments where you recognize sarcasm? Because I was being sarcastic. I don’t think you’re a gentleman at all.

[sighs] What is your problem with me, Belle?

My problem?

I mean, if there was any reason to be upset, it’d be me.

[scoffs] You?

Yes, yes. You stole my job.

Well, you ghosted me after Sami found out about us.

Is that what this is about? Did you go after the DA position because you hadn’t gotten over me yet?

Oh, please, the only person here who hasn’t gotten over you is you. Now get the hell out of my house.

Ooh, I seem to have struck a nerve. In vino veritas and all that.

Oh, my god. You are so smug. I don’t know what I ever saw in you.

I don’t know. You tell me.

[soft music]

[dance music]

Oh, there you are.

Finally, a friendly face.

It’s good to see you, too.

Wait, wait, did Mama send you?

No, no, she didn’t send me. I volunteered. I’m here to make sure you get home safe.

I don’t want to go home. I want to dance. Come on. Come on. Dance with me, Shawn.

Chanel, you are drunk.

Yeah, I know. And I plan on getting even drunker. And then who knows where the night will take us.


You guys are so sweet to make sure that I got home OK.

Well, we live here too.

I have the bestest future in-laws ever.


Well, I’m just glad that you had fun tonight and that you weren’t too upset walking in on that stripper.

Oh. Why would I be upset? That stripper might have had one dance with my man Rafe. But I– I get to spend my whole life with him.

Hell, yeah, you do.

Yeah. How lucky am I? Well, I better get to my room because I got to get some sleep so I can be fresh for my wedding day tomorrow with your brother. Oh. You know, just think, in a few short hours, I am going to be Mrs. Rafe Hernandez. [giggles]


Oh, you came.

Why else would I have taken your number?

Oh. All right, then. Let’s get this party started, shall we?

[music playing]



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Beyond the Gates Cast

Beyond The Gates Season 1 Table Read (cast and crew of the show) - photo from



Joey Armstrong – Jon Lindstrom
Derek Baldwin – Ben Gavin
Pamela Curtis – Cady McCain
Anita Dupree – Tamara Tunie
Dani Dupree – Karla Mosley
Vernon Dupree – Clifton Davis
Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson – Daphnee Duplaix
Andre Hamilton – Sean Freeman
Bill Hamilton – Timon Durrett
Chelsea Hamilton – RhonniRose Mantilla
Jacob Hawthorne – Jibre Hordges
Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne – Arielle Prepetit
Hayley Lawson – Marquita Goings
Vanessa McBride – Lauren Buglioli
Ashley Morgan – Jen Jacob
Tomas “Tom” Navarro – Alex Alegria
Katherine “Kat” Richardson – Colby Muhammad
Martin Richardson – Brandon Claybon
Ted Richardson – Maurice Johnson
Bradley “Smitty” Smith – Mike Manning
Dana “Leslie” Thomas – Trisha Mann-Grant
Eva Thomas – Ambyr Michelle


Tamara Tunie stars as Anita Dupree in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and Paramount+.Tamara Tunie stars as Anita Dupree, matriarch of the family. A famous singer back in the day, Anita worked hard for her success, and raised two daughters with her now-retired senator husband. But underneath her glamorous and refined exterior is a fierceness she gained from her humble beginnings in Chicago.

Tamara Tunie is a seasoned daytime star appearing on “As the World Turns” for many years. Also, she originated the role of medical examiner Dr. Melinda Warner with a now landmark 23 seasons on the legendary series “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” In addition, she has held recurring roles on shows including BLUE BLOODS, THE GOOD WIFE and ELEMENTARY for the Network.Daphnee Duplaix stars as Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Daphnee Duplaix stars as Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson, daughter of Anita, and Dani’s sister, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson is a high-achieving and competitive philanthropist and psychiatrist, and exudes warmth, empathy and compassion. Nicole’s success in life extends to her marriage to her surgeon husband. She has the perfect life … from the outside.

Daphnee Duplaix boasts an illustrious acting career that has spanned over two decades, most notably earning her an NAACP Award nomination for her outstanding portrayal of Rachel Gannon on “One Life to Live.”

Clifton Davis stars as Vernon Dupree in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.Clifton Davis stars as Vernon Dupree, the Dupree family patriarch married to Anita and father to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Dani Dupree. A venerable former senator, Vernon is gentle, humble and generous with his knowledge and experience. Retired now, Vernon was at the forefront of the civil rights movement.

Clifton Davis is a veteran actor with a 60-year career that spans television, film, Motown and nine Broadway shows. His most recent recurring roles include the series “Clipped,” “Godfather of Harlem” and MADAM SECRETARY on the Network. Recently on Broadway he played Dr. Dillamond in “Wicked” and originated the role of The Sultan in “Aladdin.” Davis is a Tony Award nominee for “Two Gentlemen of Verona,” a Theatre World Award winner for the Gershwin Review “Do It Again” and a GRAMMY nominee for writing “Never Can Say Good-bye” for The Jackson 5.Karla Mosley stars as Dani Dupree in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Karla Mosley stars as Dani Dupree, Anita’s other daughter, and a former model turned momager who gave up her career for love. Dani was the Dupree family wild child. Free-spirited, headstrong and uninhibited, she dropped out of school to pursue a high-flying modeling career and she has always marched to the beat of her own drum.

Karla Mosley starred as Maya Avant Forrester on THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, for which she was nominated for an NAACP Image Award. Additional credits include “Guiding Light,” “Gossip Girl,” “Hart of Dixie,” “Deadly Cheer Mom” and “Burn After Reading.”



Maurice Johnson stars as Ted Richardson, Brandon Claybon stars as Martin Richardson, Colby Muhammad stars as Katherine “Kat” Richardson and Sean Freeman stars as Andre Hamilton in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Maurice Johnson stars as Ted Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson’s husband and father to Martin and Katerine “Kat”. Ted is a brilliant plastic surgeon with an ultra-exclusive private practice and women clamor to put their faces and bodies in what they call his blessed hands. Ted has created an impeccable life with his wife – whom he loves passionately – and sleeps well at night, secure that his past will never disrupt his perfect world.

Maurice Johnson’s credits include “Chicago Fire,” “Good Girls” and “To Catch a Killer.”

Brandon Claybon stars as Martin Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s son and older brother of Katherine “Kat” Richardson. Martin is a congressman who lives outside “the gates” in a Washington, D.C., brownstone with his husband and two adopted children. Following his grandfather’s path into politics, he has ambition to be the first openly gay Black President.

Brandon Claybon’s credits include “Grey’s Anatomy,” Tyler Perry’s “Zatima,” and “General Hospital.”

Colby Muhammad stars as Katherine “Kat” Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s miracle baby. She is the younger sister of Martin Richardson and lives in her parents’ guest house. Kat’s been indulged all her life, which has made her spoiled, entitled and dismissive of those she considers beneath her. She’s confident and secure and has never doubted herself or her privileged position in the world. She doesn’t like to share but doesn’t know that the day when she is forced to may be fast approaching.

Colby Muhammad recently starred in the first national tour of the Broadway hit play “Jaja’s African Hair Braiding.”

Sean Freeman stars as Andre Hamilton, the sophisticated nephew of Ted Richardson. Andre tragically lost his parents in a plane crash and inherited a double fortune, which allows him to live his bliss as a photographer. Nicole and Ted stepped up for Andre when his parents died, and he depends on their support and wise counsel. A playboy who is smooth on the surface, there is something elusive about Andre that occasionally makes people question his intentions.

Sean Freeman’s credits include “Finding Happy,” “Tales” and “Boxed In.”


Timon Durrett stars as Bill Hamilton, Arielle Prepetit stars as Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne, RhonniRose Mantilla stars as Chelsea Hamilton, and Marquita Goings stars as Hayley Lawson in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Timon Durrett stars as Bill Hamilton, Dani Dupree’s ex-husband and father to Naomi and Chelsea. Bill is an opportunist, publicity hound and narcissist, according to his ex-wife, Dani. He is a charismatic and calculated criminal defense attorney who is well-connected, well-received and gets what he wants by any means necessary.

Timon Durrett’s credits include “Cheaper by the Dozen,” “Queen Sugar” and “Stuck with You.”

Arielle Prepetit stars as Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s oldest daughter and Chelsea’s older sister. Naomi lives outside “the gates” in Washington, D.C., where she humbly serves as a civil attorney. She’s whip smart and the only one in the Dupree family who inherited her grandmother Anita Dupree’s gift for singing, which bonds them.

Arielle Prepetit’s credits include “BMF,” “Found” and “The System.”

RhonniRose Mantilla stars as Chelsea Hamilton, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s youngest daughter and Naomi’s younger sister. Chelsea is a social media influencer and has been a successful but reluctant high fashion model since she was 18. Her career expertly guided by Dani, Chelsea is charged with recreating the life her mother gave up, which doesn’t fit her own life vision. She has a lot of money, which allows her to follow her dream of designing a line of purses and building her brand. Chelsea indulges in the good things in life, like beautiful people, parties, her new condo in D.C. and the freedom to experiment.

RhonniRose Mantilla recently starred in “Harmony the Musical” on Broadway.

Marquita Goings stars as Hayley Lawson, a paralegal at Bill Hamilton’s firm. Hayley is gorgeous, intelligent, charming, witty and the new fiancée of Dani Dupree’s ex-husband, Bill Hamilton. Considered a husband-stealing tramp in Dani’s circle, Hayley is nothing if not confident. With time, patience, charm and effort, she will try to win them over – and if not, so what? Hayley has what matters: Bill.

Marquita Goings’ credits include “Woke” and Tyler Perry’s “Zatima.”


Trisha Mann-Grant stars as Dana “Leslie” Thomas and Ambyr Michelle stars as Eva Thomas in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Trisha Mann-Grant stars as Dana “Leslie” Thomas, Eva Thomas’ mom and a long-time waitress and bartender. Dana “Leslie” is not wrapped all that tight and intense, but she’s charming and easy out in the world. The only person who sees what’s disturbing about her is her daughter, Eva, and very soon all will see what is unsettling about her, too.

Trisha Mann-Grant’s credits include “Family Business” and “A Royal Christmas Surprise.”

Ambyr Michelle stars as Eva Thomas, Dana “Leslie” Thomas’ daughter and Nicole Dupree Richardson’s new assistant, who vibrates with intensity and purpose. Eva is determined to right a grievous wrong done to her mother as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Ambyr Michelle’s credits include “The Runarounds,” “Running Point” and “Snowfall.”


Jibre Hordges stars as Jacob Hawthorne, Mike Manning stars as Bradley “Smitty” Smith, Jen Jacob stars as Ashley Morgan, Ben Gavin stars as Derek Baldwin, Lauren Buglioli stars as Vanessa McBride and Alex Alegria stars as Tomas “Tom” Navarro in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Jibre Hordges stars as Jacob Hawthorne, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s husband and a robbery/homicide detective with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. Jacob hails from a family of law enforcement. He is proud of his wife, the family he comes from, serving the community and seeking justice for victims.

Jibre Hordges’ credits include “Grown-ish,” “9-1-1” and “The Resident.”

Mike Manning stars as Bradley “Smitty” Smith, husband to Congressman Martin Richardson and father to teenagers Tyrell and Samantha. A former political reporter turned househusband, Smitty is a fantastic dad who has guided his children with warmth and good humor. Smitty is thinking of resuming his writing career but is hesitant to tell Martin, who likes their home life the way it is.

Mike Manning’s credits include “The Bay,” “Days of Our Lives” and “This Is Us.”

Jen Jacob stars as Ashley Morgan, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s best friend, who is the only child of a young single mother. Ashley was a latchkey kid who has never been afraid of rolling up her sleeves. She is a nurse at Washington D.C.’s Garland Memorial Hospital and has the perfect temperament for her profession – positive, cheerful, brisk, resourceful and independent. She can be serious but is also fun-loving with a smile that lights up a room. Jen

Jacob’s credits include “The Union” and “Law & Order: Organized Crime.”

Ben Gavin stars as Derek Baldwin, a devoted firefighter in a relationship with Ashley Morgan and best friend to Jacob Hawthorne. Derek is fearless, holds nothing back and goes into a zone when he fights fire – which is almost personal for him rather than just a professional calling. Incredibly handy, Derek can fix almost anything.

Ben Gavin’s credits include “Super 8,” “The Dark Tower,” “My Christmas Love” and “Missing at 17.” His recent roles include the films “A Place Called Home,” “Going for Two” and “Winterset.”

Lauren Buglioli stars as Vanessa McBride, a high-end real estate agency owner who specializes in luxury property and is neighbors with Dani Dupree and best friend to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. The mother of twins, Vanessa is in a loveless marriage with her high school sweetheart.

Lauren Buglioli’s credits include “Bad Monkey,” “Florida Man” and “A Jazzman’s Blues.”

Alex Alegria stars as Tomas “Tom” Navarro, a handsome and confident young attorney at Bill Hamilton’s law firm. Tomas has an eye for Katherine “Kat” Richardson.

Alex Alegria’s credits include CSI and “Gossip Girl.”

Cady McClain stars as Pamela Curtis, an old friend of Dani’s. They get into some trouble.

Cady McClain’s is most known for her role as Dixie Cooney on “All My Children,” as well as other soap roles:  Rosanna on “As The World Turns,” Kelly on “The Young and The Restless,” and Jennifer on “Days of Our Lives.” She won 3 daytime Emmys for her work. More Info

Jon Lindstrom stars as Joey Armstrong, a bit of an entrepreneur in a kind way. Joey comes from the other side of the tracks. He has fought his way up in many ways, but he’s never lost his charm. But Joey runs a casino, which, if you’ve ever been inside a casino, you know a casino is kind of like what a bar is to an alcoholic. So, people can get into a lot of trouble around Joey, and Joey doesn’t like trouble. He knows how to end trouble, but he doesn’t like trouble.

Jon Lindstrom has played many roles on soaps, including his current role as Kevin on “General Hospital.” He’s also a best-selling author and has appears in many movies and primetime TV shows. More info


List updated 3/3/25


Table read with some of the cast of "Beyond the Gates" on CBS/Paramount+

All info is from CBS/Paramount.

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Beyond the Gates News

Episode #1.001 Coverage of the CBS Original Series BEYOND THE GATES will premiere Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, and air weekdays (2:00-3:00 PM, ET; 1:00-2:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+*. Pictured: Daphnee Duplaix as Nicole Dupree Richardson and Tamara Tunie as Anita Dupree. Photo: Quantrell Colbert/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


BTG News and Information!

From CBS

Monday, 3/10/25: Dani makes a confession, Doug tries to get out of a sticky situation, Leslie comes face to face with Ted, and Naomi confronts Jacob.

Tuesday, 3/11/25: Dani crashes Nicole’s interview, Eva bonds with Ted, Tomas shows interest in Kat, and Jacob meets his new partner.

Wednesday, 3/12/25: Martin makes a deal with Smitty, Joey ropes Doug into a backroom game, Diego gets territorial over Vanessa, Derek interrupts Andre’s moment with Ashley, and Leslie questions Eva’s loyalty.

Thursday, 3/13/25: Vernon gets wind of Martin’s next move, Ted gets in Leslie’s way, Naomi pleads with Dani to be civil, and the family attends Nicole’s award ceremony.

Friday, 3/14/25: Nicole suspects Dani is up to something, Kat and Tomas heat things up, and Andre tries to hide his interest in Ashley.

Soap Opera Digest Info

Older News


Monday, 3/3/25: Chelsea goes live; Leslie reveals a secret about Eva; Ashley and Andre team up to help a patient; and Bill convinces Haley to persevere.

Tuesday, 3/4/25: Smitty questions Martin; Ashley and Andre bond; Derek feels insecure in his relationship; and the Dupree family hold a press conference.

Wednesday, 3/5/25: Doug gives in to temptation; Vanessa flirts with Diego; Jacob feels guilty; Eva meets Ted; and Kat and questions Leslie about Laura.

Thursday, 3/6/25: Chelsea has a moment with her friend’s wife; Kat is suspicious of Eva; Martin confronts Smitty; Dani confronts Hayley; and Andre stirs the pot on Derek and Ashley’s double date night.

Friday, 3/7/25: Jacob alleviates his guilt with a bold move; Joey helps Doug out; Eva solidifies her position with Ted; and Nicole and Leslie’s bitterness boils. John Lindstrom (General Hospital) makes series debut as Joey Armstrong.

Sneak Peek of the opening credits and theme 2/21/25

Tamara Tunie on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” 2/20/25

The first new soap opera of the 21st century is set in Prince George’s County 2/14/25

Spoilers 2/16/25

Cady McClain and Jon Lindstrom added to cast! 2/16/25

Five-Part Entertainment Tonight Special Beyond the Gates: Welcome to the Neighborhood to Air in Daytime Next Week 2/11/25


Soap Opera Digest: “Beyond The Gates Is Doing ‘Something That Hasn’t Been Done Before,’ Execs Say” Jan. 2

Episode #1.001 Season 1 Episode 1
Series Premiere: The holiday season is upon us and in the spirit of scandals, backstabbing, grudges and family drama, CBS brings you the first look at the new scintillating daytime series BEYOND THE GATES.
BEYOND THE GATES will premiere Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, and air weekdays (2:00-3:00 PM, ET; 1:00-2:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+*.

Meet the Cast



CBS announced today that BEYOND THE GATES, the new daytime drama series and debut project from the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, will premiere Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, and air weekdays (2:00-3:00 PM, ET; 1:00-2:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+*.

The series began production in Atlanta, Ga., this month and stars Tamara Tunie, Clifton Davis, Daphnee Duplaix, Karla Mosley, Alex Alegria, Lauren Buglioli, Brandon Claybon, Timon Kyle Durrett, Sean Freeman, Ben Gavin, Marquita Goings, Jibre Hordges, Jen Jacob, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, Mike Manning, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit.

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington, D.C., and in one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those who live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life … and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon W. Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.

*Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers will have access to stream live via the live feed of their local CBS affiliate on the service, as well as on-demand. Paramount+ Essential subscribers will not have the option to stream live, but will have access to on-demand the day after the special airs.

BTG Scoops and Spoilers

Note: Dates mentioned may not be accurate due to pre-emptions.

By Suzanne

Beyond the Gates trailer and Promo




Veteran Actor Clifton Davis to Star as Dupree Family Patriarch

Additional Cast Includes Alex Alegria, Lauren Buglioli, Ben Gavin, Jibre Hordges, Jen Jacob and Mike Manning

New Daytime Series Premieres on CBS in Early 2025

CBS announces the final cast members for BEYOND THE GATES, including veteran television and stage actor Clifton Davis starring as Vernon Dupree, the Dupree family patriarch and husband of Anita Dupree (Tamara Tunie). Also joining the new daytime series are Alex Alegria, Lauren Buglioli, Ben Gavin, Jibre Hordges, Jen Jacob and Mike Manning. From the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, BEYOND THE GATES begins production in November and will premiere on CBS in early 2025.

Clifton Davis stars as Vernon Dupree, the Dupree family patriarch married to Anita and father to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Dani Dupree. A venerable former senator, Vernon is gentle, humble and generous with his knowledge and experience. Retired now, Vernon was at the forefront of the civil rights movement. Clifton Davis is a veteran actor with a 60-year career that spans television, film, Motown and nine Broadway shows. His most recent recurring roles include the series “Clipped,” “Godfather of Harlem” and MADAM SECRETARY on the Network. Recently on Broadway he played Dr. Dillamond in “Wicked” and originated the role of The Sultan in “Aladdin.” Davis is a Tony Award nominee for “Two Gentlemen of Verona,” a Theatre World Award winner for the Gershwin Review “Do It Again” and a GRAMMY nominee for writing “Never Can Say Good-bye” for The Jackson 5.

Jibre Hordges stars as Jacob Hawthorne, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s husband and a robbery/homicide detective with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. Jacob hails from a family of law enforcement. He is proud of his wife, the family he comes from, serving the community and seeking justice for victims. Jibre Hordges’ credits include “Grown-ish,” “9-1-1” and “The Resident.”

Mike Manning stars as Bradley “Smitty” Smith, husband to Congressman Martin Richardson and father to teenagers Tyrell and Samantha. A former political reporter turned househusband, Smitty is a fantastic dad who has guided his children with warmth and good humor. Smitty is thinking of resuming his writing career but is hesitant to tell Martin, who likes their home life the way it is. Mike Manning’s credits include “The Bay,” “Days of Our Lives” and “This Is Us.”

Jen Jacob stars as Ashley Morgan, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s best friend, who is the only child of a young single mother. Ashley was a latchkey kid who has never been afraid of rolling up her sleeves. She is a nurse at Washington D.C.’s Garland Memorial Hospital and has the perfect temperament for her profession – positive, cheerful, brisk, resourceful and independent. She can be serious but is also fun-loving with a smile that lights up a room. Jen Jacob’s credits include “The Union” and “Law & Order: Organized Crime.”

Ben Gavin stars as Derek Baldwin, a devoted firefighter in a relationship with Ashley Morgan and best friend to Jacob Hawthorne. Derek is fearless, holds nothing back and goes into a zone when he fights fire – which is almost personal for him rather than just a professional calling. Incredibly handy, Derek can fix almost anything. Ben Gavin’s credits include “Super 8,” “The Dark Tower,” “My Christmas Love” and “Missing at 17.” His recent roles include the films “A Place Called Home,” “Going for Two” and “Winterset.”

Lauren Buglioli stars as Vanessa McBride, a high-end real estate agency owner who specializes in luxury property and is neighbors with Dani Dupree and best friend to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. The mother of twins, Vanessa is in a loveless marriage with her high school sweetheart. Lauren Buglioli’s credits include “Bad Monkey,” “Florida Man” and “A Jazzman’s Blues.”

Alex Alegria stars as Tomas “Tom” Navarro, a handsome and confident young attorney at Bill Hamilton’s law firm. Tomas has an eye for Katherine “Kat” Richardson. Alex Alegria’s credits include CSI and “Gossip Girl.”

They join previously announced cast members including Tamara Tunie, Daphnee Duplaix, Karla Mosley, Brandon Claybon, Timon Kyle Durrett, Sean Freeman, Marquita Goings, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit.

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington, D.C., and in one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life … and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon W. Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.



Brandon Claybon, Timon Durrett, Sean Freeman, Marquita Goings, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit to Star

New Daytime Series Begins Production in November and Premieres on CBS in Early 2025

NEW YORK, N.Y.Oct. 25, 2024 – CBS reveals the next round of casting for BEYOND THE GATES, including Brandon Claybon, Timon Durrett, Sean Freeman, Marquita Goings, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit. Joining previously announced stars Tamara Tunie (Anita Dupree), Daphnee Duplaix (Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson) and Karla Mosley (Dani Dupree), the new cast members round out the extended families of the Duprees and key characters who influence their worlds. BEYOND THE GATES, from the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, begins production in November and will premiere on CBS in early 2025.


Maurice Johnson stars as Ted Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson’s husband and father to Martin and Katerine “Kat”. Ted is a brilliant plastic surgeon with an ultra-exclusive private practice and women clamor to put their faces and bodies in what they call his blessed hands. Ted has created an impeccable life with his wife – whom he loves passionately – and sleeps well at night, secure that his past will never disrupt his perfect world. Maurice Johnson’s credits include “Chicago Fire,” “Good Girls” and “To Catch a Killer.”

Brandon Claybon stars as Martin Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s son and older brother of Katherine “Kat” Richardson. Martin is a congressman who lives outside “the gates” in a Washington, D.C., brownstone with his husband and two adopted children. Following his grandfather’s path into politics, he has ambition to be the first openly gay Black President. Brandon Claybon’s credits include “Grey’s Anatomy,” Tyler Perry’s “Zatima,” and “General Hospital.”

Colby Muhammad stars as Katherine “Kat” Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s miracle baby. She is the younger sister of Martin Richardson and lives in her parents’ guest house. Kat’s been indulged all her life, which has made her spoiled, entitled and dismissive of those she considers beneath her. She’s confident and secure and has never doubted herself or her privileged position in the world. She doesn’t like to share but doesn’t know that the day when she is forced to may be fast approaching. Colby Muhammad recently starred in the first national tour of the Broadway hit play “Jaja’s African Hair Braiding.”

Sean Freeman stars as Andre Hamilton, the sophisticated nephew of Ted Richardson. Andre tragically lost his parents in a plane crash and inherited a double fortune, which allows him to live his bliss as a photographer. Nicole and Ted stepped up for Andre when his parents died, and he depends on their support and wise counsel. A playboy who is smooth on the surface, there is something elusive about Andre that occasionally makes people question his intentions. Sean Freeman’s credits include “Finding Happy,” “Tales” and “Boxed In.”


Timon Durrett stars as Bill Hamilton, Dani Dupree’s ex-husband and father to Naomi and Chelsea. Bill is an opportunist, publicity hound and narcissist, according to his ex-wife, Dani. He is a charismatic and calculated criminal defense attorney who is well-connected, well-received and gets what he wants by any means necessary. Timon Durrett’s credits include “Cheaper by the Dozen,” “Queen Sugar” and “Stuck with You.”

Arielle Prepetit stars as Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s oldest daughter and Chelsea’s older sister. Naomi lives outside “the gates” in Washington, D.C., where she humbly serves as a civil attorney. She’s whip smart and the only one in the Dupree family who inherited her grandmother Anita Dupree’s gift for singing, which bonds them. Arielle Prepetit’s credits include “BMF,” “Found” and “The System.”

RhonniRose Mantilla stars as Chelsea Hamilton, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s youngest daughter and Naomi’s younger sister. Chelsea is a social media influencer and has been a successful but reluctant high fashion model since she was 18. Her career expertly guided by Dani, Chelsea is charged with recreating the life her mother gave up, which doesn’t fit her own life vision. She has a lot of money, which allows her to follow her dream of designing a line of purses and building her brand. Chelsea indulges in the good things in life, like beautiful people, parties, her new condo in D.C. and the freedom to experiment. RhonniRose Mantilla recently starred in “Harmony the Musical” on Broadway.

Marquita Goings stars as Hayley Lawson, a paralegal at Bill Hamilton’s firm. Hayley is gorgeous, intelligent, charming, witty and the new fiancée of Dani Dupree’s ex-husband, Bill Hamilton. Considered a husband-stealing tramp in Dani’s circle, Hayley is nothing if not confident. With time, patience, charm and effort, she will try to win them over – and if not, so what? Hayley has what matters: Bill. Marquita Goings’ credits include “Woke” and Tyler Perry’s “Zatima.”


Trisha Mann-Grant stars as Dana “Leslie” Thomas, Eva Thomas’ mom and a long-time waitress and bartender. Dana “Leslie” is not wrapped all that tight and intense, but she’s charming and easy out in the world. The only person who sees what’s disturbing about her is her daughter, Eva, and very soon all will see what is unsettling about her, too. Trisha Mann-Grant’s credits include “Family Business” and “A Royal Christmas Surprise.”

Ambyr Michelle stars as Eva Thomas, Dana “Leslie” Thomas’ daughter and Nicole Dupree Richardson’s new assistant, who vibrates with intensity and purpose. Eva is determined to right a grievous wrong done to her mother as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Ambyr Michelle’s credits include “The Runarounds,” “Running Point” and “Snowfall.”

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington, D.C., and in one of the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life … and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon W. Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.



Tamara Tunie, Daphnee Duplaix and Karla Mosley to Star

The Series Will Premiere on CBS in Early 2025

NEW YORK – Sept. 19, 2024 – CBS announces first cast members for BEYOND THE GATES with Tamara Tunie, Daphnee Duplaix and Karla Mosley starring as prominent members of the Dupree family. Formerly known as “The Gates,” this series from the CBS Studios / NAACP Venture is the first Black one-hour daytime drama to air on television. BEYOND THE GATES begins production later this fall in Atlanta and will premiere on CBS in early 2025.

Tamara Tunie stars as Anita Dupree, matriarch of the family. A famous singer back in the day, Anita worked hard for her success, and raised two daughters with her now-retired senator husband. But underneath her glamorous and refined exterior is a fierceness she gained from her humble beginnings in Chicago. Tamara Tunie is a seasoned daytime star appearing on “As the World Turns” for many years. Also, she originated the role of medical examiner Dr. Melinda Warner with a now landmark 23 seasons on the legendary series “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” In addition, she has held recurring roles on shows including BLUE BLOODS, THE GOOD WIFE and ELEMENTARY for the Network.

Daphnee Duplaix stars as Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson, daughter of Anita, and Dani’s sister, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson is a high-achieving and competitive philanthropist and psychiatrist, and exudes warmth, empathy and compassion. Nicole’s success in life extends to her marriage to her surgeon husband. She has the perfect life … from the outside. Daphnee Duplaix boasts an illustrious acting career that has spanned over two decades, most notably earning her an NAACP Award nomination for her outstanding portrayal of Rachel Gannon on “One Life to Live.”

Karla Mosley stars as Dani Dupree, Anita’s other daughter, and a former model turned momager who gave up her career for love. Dani was the Dupree family wild child. Free-spirited, headstrong and uninhibited, she dropped out of school to pursue a high-flying modeling career and she has always marched to the beat of her own drum. Karla Mosley starred as Maya Avant Forrester on THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, for which she was nominated for an NAACP Image Award. Additional credits include “Guiding Light,” “Gossip Girl,” “Hart of Dixie,” “Deadly Cheer Mom” and “Burn After Reading.”

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington D.C., and in one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life … and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.



New Daytime Drama from CBS Studios/NAACP Venture in Partnership with Procter & Gamble Studios

LOS ANGELES – CBS today announced the series order for the new daytime drama THE GATES for broadcast on the Network in January 2025. The specific time period, launch date and other series details will be announced at later dates.

THE GATES follows the lives of a wealthy Black family in a posh, gated community. Michele Val Jean, who has written more than 2,000 episodes of daytime dramas and won multiple Daytime Emmy and WGA Awards for her work on THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL and “General Hospital,” will serve as writer and showrunner. Val Jean will also be an executive producer alongside Sheila Ducksworth, Leon Russell, Derrick Johnson and Kimberly Doebereiner.

THE GATES was developed from the joint venture between CBS Studios and the NAACP. The series will be produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP venture in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble.

The CBS Studios production venture and development deal with the NAACP was established to help elevate a diverse range of voices as well as increase the visibility of Black artists on broadcast and streaming platforms in an ever-evolving media landscape.

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CBS Presents BEYOND THE GATES ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Billy tells Sally that he is thinking of starting his own communications company. Billy also tells Sally he is looking forward to competing with Newman Media but isn’t the reason that he wants to start the company.

Victor sends Michael and two members of his security team to pick up Ian and bring him to the ranch. Victor wants Ian to sign a confession that says he kidnapped Sharon and killed Heather. Ian tells Victor that he didn’t kill Heather or kidnap Sharon because he is a changed man.

Mariah is frantic because Tessa and Aria are missing. Mariah blames herself for Heather’s death and Sharon’s kidnapping. Mariah is also sure that Ian kidnapped Tessa and Aria and Mariah tells Tessa she wants Ian obliterated.

Nick demands that Ian tell him where he is holding Tessa and Aria.

Victor tells Ian that if he doesn’t sign the confession he will soon see Jordan again. Ian reminds Victor that he sent a letter to the police that says that if he should be harmed they should investigate the Newman family.

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Days Transcript Monday, January 27, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Kassandra and Rhett in holy matrimony. If anyone knows any reason why these two should not wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. And then back from the dead, Charlemagne bursts in to announce she’s pregnant with Rhett’s baby. Pandemonium erupts. But why should she get to have all the fun? Who says there can’t be two interruptions? Suddenly, Rhett’s twin brother Thrust bursts into the church. And he says– he says–

Who do you have to sleep with to get a drink around here?

[jazzy music]

Hey, I’m sorry to just show up like this. I hope you weren’t busy.

No, no, I was just on Julie’s computer trying to find a job. I need to start paying you back that money that you loaned me. What’s going on? Are you OK?

Not really.

Let me guess. Is this about that girl that Tate got pregnant?

[light upbeat music]


Hey. Any takers?

Well, everyone seemed really concerned, and everyone took one. They said they’d put it in their windows and stuff. Ah, I just hope it gets results so we can track her down.

Yeah, I’ve been checking social media. It’s getting a lot of reposts, but no word yet.

Dad said he would call if there’s any news. So far, I haven’t heard anything.

[ominous music]

[phone beeps]

Brady, it’s Ava. You need to call me back as soon as you get this–

[phone static] [line clicks]

Damn it, Ava, what were you trying to tell me?

Rachel, are you–
[eerie music]

[dramatic musical flourish]

That was even easier than I thought.

No kidding.

Looks like this Ava woman won’t be coming between your mommy and daddy anymore.

[soft orchestration]

Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so arethe “Days of Our Lives.”

[jazzy music]

That is the first thing you said to me when we met. Who do you have to sleep with to get a drink around here? Thought it was wonderfully crass and bold. And I considered answering, me. But then I thought that was too crass and too bold, not to mention a little pushy. So I controlled myself and said something reasonably polite, as I recall.

Actually, you said nothing, as I recall. You were, uh, sitting right here in this very bar, and you were sitting over there typing away, drinking a spicy Mezcal Paloma.

Time-out, time-out, Romeo. If you knew what I was drinking, why did you act like you didn’t?

Maybe because I wanted you to tell me about it. Is that such a big mystery, Juliet?

No. I just like hearing you say it.

You were drinking a caipirinha.

My usual.

Mm-hmm. It was tart, very sweet. And I knew that as soon as I tasted it, I would always associate it with you. Which is why I couldn’t even look at a caipirinha for a while– you know, when we were not seeing each other.

Yeah, things did get a little loco between us, I mean, for a while anyway.

Thanks to me and this cursed laptop.

No, no, don’t hurt its feelings. That’s what drew me over to you in the first place.

I thought it was my dimples.

Well, creative guys are my weakness, but creative guys with dimples? Guárdame. And besides, all that matters is that we found our way back to each other.

[phone beeps]
[line trilling]

Come on, Ava. Come on, pick up. [phone ringing]

[eerie music]

Brady calling. It’s your dad.

What do we do?

Simple. We just won’t answer it.

Ava, hey. It’s Brady. I got your message. I heard you say that you needed me to call you back, but there must have been a bad connection because I couldn’t hear the rest. Is this about Rachel? Please call me when you can.


So I was with Tate trying to help him find his missing sister.

His sister’s missing?

Yeah. She ran away and nobody can find her.

Oh, wow. I’m really sorry. That’s terrible.

Yeah. Everyone’s, like, really worried.

Yeah, well, I’m surprised you’re still not with Tate.

Well, we were trying to get the word out on social media. We figured if enough people knew she was missing, maybe someone would have seen her.

Sure. Yeah, of course.

Mm-hmm. And just as we were brainstorming ideas, Sophia shows up unannounced. And she drops this huge bombshell that her mom won’t let her give the baby up for adoption, which, I guess, now means that Tate and her have to raise the baby together. So that’s why I’m still not with him. [twangy guitar music]

Hey, I’m thinking maybe we should split up. You know, I’ll stay here. I’ll watch the laptop. And you go home and maybe see if you can help out there

No, actually, I think we’ll get more done together. Besides, we need to talk about what happened.

Uh, OK.

Because I’ve been thinking, Tate, about the whole adoption thing.

OK. What about it?

Well, since my mother is never going to agree to it, what if we–

What if we what?

What if we do it anyway?

[tense music]

So, speaking of your sexy profession, how’s the writing going?

Well, if I could figure out a way to make this wedding sexy, then all of my problems would just melt away. Alas–

Hey. If anyone can do it–

Well, then I would still have to figure out where 15 different cast members are sitting, who says what to whom. It’s a lot of work. I should be getting hazard pay.

Hey. Try planning a real wedding. Jada and Rafe are getting married in 16 hours, and I still don’t even want to think about what I have to do tomorrow.

Well, at least you have help. Who’s Rafe’s best man?

I don’t think he has one. Tell me– what?

Who’s planning his bachelor party?

What, I’m supposed to do that, too?

Well, if nobody’s volunteered.

Oh my God. I have never planned a bachelor party. I’ve never been to a bachelor party. So I have to order food. I have to book a venue.

OK. the venue is the easy part, Martha Stewart. Just reserve this place. no perspiration required. Or better yet, the Brady Pub. That’s probably more Rafe’s speed. Look, it’s just a bunch of guys sitting around drinking. They’re not going to care where they are, as long as there’s a stripper.

A stripper? Where am I going to get stripper?

That’s where your roguish boyfriend comes in.

I got a feeling Rafe would prefer a woman.

His loss.

And for that matter. Jada would, too.

OK, you need a stripper? I can find you a stripper. Oh, shoot.

What is it?

That kid, Doug, left me a message yesterday. I must have missed it.

 Mr. Stark, it’s Doug Williams. I just wanted to let you know I paid off all my debts. A friend gave me a loan. And I’m determined to get a job and pay it back completely. I need to do right by the people here in Salem that have been so good to me.

So if you could call me back, I was wondering if there’s any way you could help me again. And I want to do whatever it takes to get that necklace back to Julie.

[suspenseful music]

Maybe this isn’t as bad as you think it is.

Right. It’s probably worse.

Oh, come on. Just because Sophia has to keep the baby doesn’t mean she and Tate are going to raise it together.

Yeah, I guess that’s true. But still, it’s like they’re going to be tied to each other for– for practically the next 18 years. I mean, we’re literally going to be in our 30s by that time.

OK. I think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself there.

No, not really. I mean, when I first found out Sophia was pregnant, I tried to be so understanding and hopeful because– because I know the two of them didn’t mean for this to happen. And they were on their way to get an abortion.

Which would have made everything a lot simpler.

Right. But when Sophia’s mom found out, it’s like all of a sudden Sophia’s actually having the baby. And only then Tate tells me they’re even talking about adoption. But guess what. Sophia’s mom didn’t approve of that, either. So– so it’s like this is never going to be over. Next thing you know, Tate’s going to be telling me he has to marry Sophia after all.

[twangy guitar music]

I’m sorry. What do you mean we’ll do it anyway? How are we going to give the baby up for adoption without your mother’s approval?

Simple. I’ll be 18 before the baby is born. So what if we go to an adoption agency and make all the arrangements? And my mom never has to know.

Sophia, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Why not?

Because I just– I don’t think that going to an adoption agency on the sly is a good plan.

It is if we’re the only ones who know about it.

Sophia, your parents are going to find out about this. You said your mother freaked out when you went to the doctor’s appointment without her, right? OK, what happens when you go to the hospital nine months’ pregnant and you don’t come home with a baby? [tense music]

Brady, come on. What is the news? Just tell me what’s going on.

JJ stopped by the house earlier, said there’s nothing new to report yet. Did you get some rest?

No! I couldn’t. I’m just a little too worked up.

I know. Me, too.

I mean, especially after I talked to EJ.

Talked to– what are you, a glutton for punishment?

No. I mean, he was actually kind of being great.



EJ DiMera? Great?

Well, I mean, we do have our moments sometimes. And he just– he wanted to let me know that he was doing everything he could to find Rachel and that were, you know, still a family, even though we’re not related by blood.

Is she dead?

Not to worry. She’s very much alive.

She’s clearly a tough bird, though. No wonder she caused so much trouble for your mommy. But now she’s out of the way, nothing to stop your mommy and daddy getting back together again.

Tate, listen. This could really work. OK, just– just think about it. We don’t tell my parents about the adoption until after the baby is born. And what can they do about it then aside from yelling? It’s not like they can interfere with the adoption since I’ll be over 18.

What? What are you thinking?

Just that– they’re– they’re not just going to yell and then get over it. They’re bound to be extremely upset and angry.

So what? I’m used to that.

Yeah, but not the kind of anger you’d be getting over something this huge. Sophia, like, I don’t know. What if they decide not to pay for your college?

Then I will take out a loan. Or maybe I’ll get a scholarship, or at least a partial one.

I just– I think this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Not necessarily. I mean, like I said, I can take my parents going ballistic. And if they don’t want to support me after that, then fine. I’ll support myself. They can disown me for all I care.

What? What are you thinking now?

[gentle piano music]

You said your mom doesn’t want the baby raised by strangers, right?

Yeah, that’s what she said.

What if they weren’t strangers? Like, what if– hear me out. What if we found a really, really perfect couple who wanted to adopt a baby? And then we got to know them, you know. And your mom did, too. She’d– she’d probably end up really liking them, maybe even trusting them, right? What do you think?

Well, I can’t imagine my mom liking anyone who’s not religious.

OK, fine. All right, then we’ll make sure the couple is religious. You know, my Uncle Eric used to be a priest, so maybe he can put us in touch with some couples. Sophia, if your mom knows that the baby is for sure going to be raised in a good Christian home, then maybe she’d change her mind.

Please get back to me when you can. Thanks.

So what’s this necklace that he’s talking about?

Uh, I probably shouldn’t have played that message out loud.

No, it’s too late. You got to spill.

Look, I was doing this kid a favor. Technically, it might have been illegal. Look, the less you know the better, considering you’re planning a wedding for the police commissioner and the former police commissioner.

Well, now I just want to know if I’m going to be visiting my boyfriend in jail.

Listen to me. I’m going to take care of this. You just focus on planning an unforgettable bachelor party. Although now that I think about it, the ones people can’t actually remember are probably the best ones.

Well, a night of debauchery is my plausible deniability.

Don’t forget– more alcohol, the better. Words to live by.


Courage! I’ll be back soon.

Hey, don’t forget about my stripper!

[jazzy music]

Not– not my stripper. Just a stripper. Yes, just a random stripper.

God, I’m so sorry for trauma-dumping on you again. I probably sound so self-involved.

Why wouldn’t you be? I mean, you’re dealing with a lot. And it’s not fair to you. I mean, you’re in love. This is supposed to be the time of your life that people write songs about.

Yeah, I’m sure a ton of people write songs about their boyfriends getting another girl pregnant, too.

Yeah. Yeah, they do. But they don’t end up on any decent playlists, because they’re so depressing.

God, I’m such a cliché, aren’t I? Ohh.

Well, look at it this way, OK? It’s like you’re gathering material for your first album. So when you become rich and famous, I can say I knew you when.

But will you put me on your playlist?

On repeat.

[gentle music]

EJ and I– I mean, we started talking about my biological family. And well, he seemed curious about some of the more, well, shall we say, colorful aspects of my upbringing.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, who wouldn’t be?

Well, it was all in my memoir.

It’s going to be a Pulitzer Prize-winner for sure.

No, undoubtedly it will. But he was interested in my childhood and my biological parents. And so I went to get my scrapbook to show him, you know, all about Aremid and my family and our summer home there. And the book is not on the shelf anymore.

So someone moved it to another shelf or something.

Yeah, well, I certainly didn’t do it. And Harold– I asked him, and he didn’t do it. So who took it off the shelf, Brady? That’s what I want to know. What? Come on. No, no, no. What are you thinking? Come on.

[stammers] Could be Rachel.


Yeah. Kids are always curious about what their parents were like growing up, right?


You said you recently had it out. You were looking at it. Is it possible that she saw you taking it off a shelf or putting it back?

No. Yes. I think– yeah, I guess so. Maybe.

Because if she is the one that took the book, that would be a clue to where she might be. You said this book was all about your family, Kristen.

Yeah. Oh my God, Brady. You think she went to Aremid? I mean, I know it’s not very far. It’s just a few miles out of town.

Let’s go.

It’s a shot. Let’s– yes, yes!

[dramatic music]

So do you really think my parents are going to get back together now?

Well, I can’t say for sure, but we certainly have cleared the path.

Until she wakes up. What will happen then?

Well, we certainly don’t want things to go back to the way they were, do we?

No way.

So we’re going to have to come up with a plan, some way to make sure this mean lady doesn’t prevent you from getting what you want– a family, you, your mommy and daddy together forever.

[eerie music]

[gentle music]

[doorbell rings]

I should probably go get that.


Ooh, I am so sorry. I just got your message about the necklace. Holly, hi.


Not sure if you’ve heard, but I make necklaces now. Really all sorts of jewelry– just a little side gig to make ends meet.

Mr. Stark, it’s OK. She knows everything.

Well, there’s everything. And then there’s everything.

We’re friends.

Ugh, give a girl a heart attack, why don’t you. Is there anyone else in on this? The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, perhaps?

Don’t worry. Julie’s not here.

Hallelujah. OK, so you want to get the necklace back, yeah?

Is that even possible?

Well, I’m sure I’ll be able to track it down. That’s not the hard part. But knowing how these people operate, it will likely cost you more to get it back than you got it for in the first place. In fact, I can assure you they have even fewer scruples than I do.

I was afraid of that. I don’t even know what I was thinking when I left you that message. I mean, I definitely want it back. But I don’t have a dime to my name after I paid off those guys I owed.

How did you make up the difference? You said you didn’t get enough from the sale.

That’s thanks to Holly. She loaned it to me. And I definitely need to pay her back first.

Don’t even worry about that. Just worry about getting the necklace back, OK?

No. You first. Definitely. As long as I can start making some money soon. And once I make enough to repay you, and hopefully I can buy back the necklace if it’s still available. But first, I need to find a freaking job.

OK. OK. Look, there is only enough space in this dubiously decorated room for one drama queen, meaning–

Why don’t you come and work for me?

Like I said, my mother has never been a change her mind kind of person. And she seems hell-bent on keeping this kid in our family. But if she did get to know this couple, and she could be sure the baby wasn’t just being sent off to parts unknown, then–

Then yes, then– then this could be the answer, Sophia, for both of us– all three of us.

And then I could actually go off to college.

Exactly. Yeah. So what do you think? Do you think your mom might agree to this? Is it worth a shot?

I do. I mean, I don’t want us to get our hopes up too high. But I– I do think it might work. Oh my God. How did you even come up with this idea?

I don’t know. Something about necessity being the mother of invention kind of thing.

Right. Well, it’s kind of brilliant, actually.

Well, hang on. Only if it works.

True. But I’m actually hopeful for the first time since my mother found out about the baby.

Yeah. Me, too.

Now all we have to do is find the perfect couple.

[light music]


Are you here, sweetie?

My God, it looks like no one’s been here for ages.



Oh my God!


No, no.


I’ve been so worried about you!

Wow. You scared us half to death!

Oh, you’re OK? You’re OK, yes? Oh my God.

What are you doing here?

What do you– honey, what do you think we’re doing here?

We’re looking for you.


Oh, well, it looks like our instincts were right.

Sweetheart, you did take my book.

How else would I find this place?

Why didn’t you tell us were coming here?

Sweetie, we had no idea where you were. You were all alone here. Anything could have happened to you in this weird place.

But I wasn’t alone.

[eerie music]

I totally lost track of time. I should probably get home. Oh, but it’s good that we talked.

Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I should go, too. Maybe there’s been some news about Rachel.

Oh, yeah. Text me if there is.

Of course. Hey, I just want to let you know everything will be OK. Whatever we do, we’ll figure it out together.


[twangy guitar music]

Like I said, I couldn’t get through this without you.

Work for you?

I could use an assistant. Honestly, I can’t believe I’ve made it this long without one.

But I don’t know anything about writing.

Which is why I will be doing the writing, and you will be doing the assisting.

Well, I even less about soap operas.

Well, look, it is complicated. I won’t lie. There are a lot of pieces, all moving at different speeds at different times. But all you really need to know is that we tell love stories. You know about love stories, don’t you?

Yeah, he does. We were just talking about the “10 Things I Hate About You.” The title is supposed to be ironic.

Uh, OK.

Mr. Stark, I can’t ask you to do this for me.

Honestly, you’ll be doing me a favor. I am drowning in scripts. And after the whole Lady Whistleblower fiasco, I need somebody to make sure that things stay secure.

OK. That sounds amazing. Thank you so much.


And it’s probably going to take a little bit of time, but I can finally start paying you back.

Uh, did you hear the way she just stuck up for you? And you want to make her wait? I don’t care what they say. Chivalry is not dead. And I suppose I could find my way toward giving you an advance.

[gentle music]

Honey, what do you mean you weren’t alone?

I was with Seymour.

[gentle piano music]

Listen to me, young lady. You and Seymour are in serious trouble.

How serious?

How serious? OK, you know what? We’ll talk about this when we get home. Now get your things and come on. Get packing. I can’t believe this.

Are you OK?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I’m just– I’ll collapse later.

Yeah. I’ll be right behind you. All right, come on, honey. We got to go. All right, you got everything? Let’s go.

Wait. I forgot something. My parents found me.

Yes, but the plan can still work. Here, take Ava’s phone. I’ll take care of Ava.



[ominous music]

OK, I think we’re all set for the bachelor party. Did you get the stripper?

It’s all arranged. Sadly, Gypsy Rose Lee wasn’t available.


Oh, Javi. I have so much to teach you. I should start calling you Grasshopper.

Who’s– OK, forget it. What about your necklace situation?

I think it’s all worked out. Everything is coming up roses.

Ah, so you were able to help the kid out?

I did what I could.

He’s lucky to have you looking out for him.

Maybe. But I get the feeling I’m not his only guardian angel.

Wow. You’ve got a job.

I have one question. What is “10 Things I Hate About You”?

Oh my God. Um, OK, it’s this heartbreaking tale of young love set in Czarist Russia.


No, not really. It’s just a silly old rom-com. Anyway, that was super nice of Leo. I mean, he hardly knows you, and he really stuck his neck out for you.

Yeah. I mean, he’s not the only new person in my life that’s been nice to me.


[phone rings]

It’s Tate. Hey, what’s going on?

Holly, guess what. I just talked to my dad. They found Rachel.

Oh my God. That’s amazing.

Yeah, I know. Hey, uh, listen, I’m really sorry about before. Do you maybe want to get together and talk? Are you busy?

Uh, no. No, I’m not busy. I’ll be right there.

[gentle music]

I have already called Harold. And you are getting three weeks without cable and Wi-Fi.

Three weeks?

Yes, three weeks. And I– I am being very generous, my dear. You know, I could be laying down the law right now and sending you to bed without any supper. But since you have survived 24 hours with only one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I’m going to have Cook make you up some mac and cheese, and I will try not to slather it with a lot of hot sauce. But I can’t make any promises, young lady. Hmm?

Daddy, do you want to stay for mac and cheese?

After everything you just put me through? Yeah, yeah, I could probably use a couple bites of mac and cheese. Listen, I want you to understand that this little stunt you pulled, it’s not going to put Mommy and Daddy back together. And I know you think that that’s what’s going to happen. But you have to understand that Ava is a big part of my life right now, OK? And there’s nothing you can do to change that, sweetie.

[foreboding music]

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, January 27, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

Sharon struggled with guilt over her actions while under the influence of drugs administered by Ian and Jordan. She confided in Nick about the terrible things she had said and done, particularly towards Daniel, and expressed difficulty in forgiving herself. Nick reassured her, emphasizing that her behavior was a result of the drugs and not her true self. Later, Sharon experienced a hallucination of Cameron, who encouraged her to move forward and seek forgiveness, leading her to resolve to make amends and find peace.

Meanwhile, at the Newman ranch, Victor confronted Nikki, Victoria, and Claire about their secretive plan to eliminate Jordan. Claire admitted to orchestrating the scheme, acknowledging its flaws. Victor criticized their lack of preparation and insisted on developing a more effective strategy to handle Ian, who remained a threat. Tensions rose as the family grappled with the consequences of their actions and the ongoing danger posed by Ian.


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GH Short Recap Monday, January 27, 2025

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Recap written by Suzanne

Willow invited Chase to the gatehouse for a friendly chat. He brought a re-housewarming gift from him and Brook Lynn to welcome Willow back to the Quartermaine estate. Willow lamented that, except for Brook Lynn, all the Quartermaines seemed to hate her and hated Drew even more. Chase assured Willow that not everyone hated her, but he couldn’t say the same for Drew. Willow then changed the subject to Chase and Brook Lynn, expressing excitement about their plans to have a baby. At that moment, Chase received a message from his doctor about his test results and asked Willow to interpret them. Upon reviewing the results, Willow looked at Chase and told him he needed to talk to his doctor. When Chase pressured her for answers, Willow revealed that, according to the results, he couldn’t father a child.

Meanwhile, Nina walked into Curtis’ office for what she thought was a business meeting but needed to vent about Willow and Drew first. Curtis informed her that Drew was the reason for the meeting and told Nina that he didn’t think Drew could sink any lower, but he just had.


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GH Short Recap Monday, January 13, 2025

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Recap written by Suzanne

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest at General Hospital. Isaiah deduced that Michael had been poisoned with digitalis and administered the appropriate antidote, stabilizing his condition. Following this incident, Isaiah informed Portia of his suspicion that a killer was targeting patients within the hospital.

Meanwhile, Carly and Sonny were taken aback when Willow asserted her authority over Michael’s medical decisions, insisting that Portia communicate solely with her. Tensions escalated as Willow, influenced by Drew, demanded the return of her children in exchange for allowing Carly and Sonny access to Michael. After negotiations, a compromise was reached: Wiley and Amelia would stay with Nina, enabling Carly and Sonny to focus on Michael’s recovery.


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Days Update Monday, January 27, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Leo sits at the bar, working on his scripts for Body and Soul until Javi shows up to join him.

Holly goes to see Doug III at the Horton House. He mentions looking for a job so he can start paying her back and asks if she’s okay. Holly says not really, so Doug III guesses it’s about the girl that Tate got pregnant.

Tate joins Sophia at the Brady Pub as they talk about the search for Rachel. Tate mentions waiting for Brady to call if there’s any news but he hasn’t heard anything.

Brady goes back to his phone and listens to Ava’s voicemail but it was distorted and cuts out. Brady wonders what Ava was trying to tell him.

Ava goes to the house that Rachel gave her the address to and finds Rachel’s stuffed animal snake. The Woman in White helps Rachel knock out Ava from behind and remarks that it was even easier than she thought and that it looks like Ava won’t be coming between Rachel’s parents anymore.

Leo and Javi talk about when they first met at the bar. They recall the drinks they each had and how things got crazy between them for awhile. Javi declares that all that matters is that they found their way back to each other.

Brady tries calling Ava back but she doesn’t answer.

The Woman in White picks up Ava’s phone and tells Rachel that Brady is calling, so Rachel asks what to do. She responds that they just won’t answer it.

Brady leaves a message for Ava, saying there must have been a bad connection because he couldn’t hear the rest and asks if it’s about Rachel.

Holly explains to Doug III that she was with Tate, trying to help find his missing sister who ran away. Doug III says he’s sorry as that’s terrible but he’s surprised she isn’t still with Tate. Holly adds that they were trying to get the word out on social media but then Sophia showed up unannounced and dropped the huge bombshell that her mom won’t let her give the baby up for adoption, so she guesses that means Sophia and Tate have to raise the baby together and that’s why she’s not still with Tate now.

Tate suggests to Sophia that they split up and says he’ll stay at the Pub while she goes home but Sophia thinks they’ll get more done together. Sophia adds that they need to talk about what happened because she’s been thinking about the whole adoption thing. Sophia says her mother will never agree to it, but asks what if they do it anyway.

Leo talks to Javi about writing a wedding scene for Body and Soul while Javi complains that he’s planning an actual wedding since Rafe and Jada are to get married in 16 days. They talk about Rafe not having a best man and realizing that Javi has to plan the bachelor party too. Javi talks about how he’s never been to a bachelor party. Leo suggests reserving the bar or the Brady Pub and says it will just be a bunch of guys sitting around drinking so they won’t care where they are as long as there’s a stripper. Javi questions where to get a stripper. Leo says that’s where he comes in. Leo goes to his phone but sees that Doug III left him a message that he missed. Leo listens to the voicemail from Doug III, saying he paid his debts thanks to a friend’s loan and says he wants to pay back the people of Salem who have been so good to him and asking for Leo’s help again because he wants to get the diamond necklace back to Julie.

Doug III encourages Holly that maybe things aren’t as bad as she thinks and it’s not guaranteed that Sophia and Tate are going to raise the baby together. Holly still feels they will be tied to each other for the next 18 years. Doug III thinks she might be getting ahead of herself. Holly says when she first found out that Sophia was pregnant, she tried to be understanding and hopeful since they didn’t mean for it to happen and were going to get an abortion but when Sophia’s mom found out, now she’s actually having the baby and her mom didn’t approve of adoption either so it’s like it will never be over. Holly worries that next, Tate will tell her he has to marry Sophia after all.

Tate questions Sophia as to how they will give the baby up for adoption without her mother’s approval. Sophia points out that she will be 18 by the time the baby is born, so they could just go make the arrangements without her mother knowing. Tate doesn’t think that’s a good plan. Sophia argues that only they would know about it. Tate points out that her parents will find out, reminding her that her mom freaked out about Sophia going to her doctor’s appointment without her. Tate asks what will happen if she goes to the hospital while 9 months pregnant and doesn’t come home with a baby.

Brady goes to the DiMera Mansion and tells Kristen that JJ told him there’s no news to report on Rachel. Brady asks if she got any rest. Kristen says she’s still too worked up and mentions talking with EJ. Brady asks if she’s a glutton for punishment. Kristen tells him that EJ was actually great and that they have their moments sometimes which surprises Brady. Kristen explains that EJ wanted to let her know that he’s doing everything he can to find Rachel and that they are still family even if not related by blood.

Rachel asks The Woman in White if Ava is dead. She checks her pulse and confirms that Ava is very much alive. She declares that now Ava is out of the way, so there’s nothing to stop Rachel’s parents from getting together again.

Sophia insists to Tate that it could work if they don’t tell her parents about the adoption until after the baby is born and there’s nothing they can do about it but yell, pointing out that they can’t interfere with the adoption since she will be over 18. Tate worries that her parents will be extremely upset and angry. Sophia says she’s used to that. Tate asks what if her parents decide not to pay for her college. Sophia suggests getting a loan or a scholarship. Tate feels it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Sophia insists she can handle it and that her parents can disown her for all she cares. Tate brings up that Sophia said her mom doesn’t want the baby raised by strangers and asks what if they weren’t strangers and they found a perfect couple who wanted to adopt and they got to know them. Tate adds that Sophia’s mom could end up liking and trusting the couple. Sophia can’t imagine her mom liking anyone who isn’t religious, so Tate says they will make sure they are religious. Tate brings up how his uncle Eric used to be a priest so maybe he can put them in touch with some couples, feeling Sophia’s mom could change her mind if she knows the baby will be raised in a good Christian home.

Javi asks Leo what necklace Doug III is talking about. Leo admits he probably shouldn’t have played that message out loud while Javi says it’s too late, so he has to spill. Leo explains that he was doing Doug III a favor, but technically it might have been illegal, so the less he knows the better, especially since he’s planning a wedding for the police commissioner. Javi worries about if he’s going to be visiting him in jail. Leo tells him to just focus on planning an unforgettable bachelor party and says the more alcohol, the better. Javi calls out to Leo not to forget about the stripper as Leo exits the bar.

Holly tells Doug III that she’s sorry for dumping her trauma on him again. He understands she’s dealing with a lot and it’s not fair to her. Doug III encourages her as they get close.

Kristen explains to Brady that she and EJ were talking about her biological family and he was curious about her upbringing. Kristen mentions that she went to show EJ her scrapbook but the book isn’t on the shelf anymore. Kristen says she didn’t do it and Harold didn’t, so she wants to know who took the book off the shelf. Brady suggests it could’ve been Rachel and it could be a clue to where she might be. Kristen agrees that it’s a shot and decide they should go check in her hometown.

Rachel asks The Woman in the White if she thinks her parents will get back together now. She says the path is now cleared. Rachel asks what will happen when Ava wakes up because she doesn’t want things to go back how they were. She tells Rachel that they will have to come up with a plan to make sure Ava doesn’t prevent her from getting her family back together.

Doug III and Holly are interrupted by the doorbell ringing. He goes to answer the door and Leo comes in, saying he just got his message about the necklace. Leo then sees Holly and tries to cover but Doug III says it’s okay as Holly knows everything. Leo questions if anyone else is in on it. Doug III assures that Julie isn’t home. Leo talks about getting the necklace back but insists it will cost even more to get it back. Doug III doesn’t know what he was thinking since he doesn’t have a dime to his name. Leo asks how he did come up with the money. Doug III says it was all thanks to Holly, so he definitely wants to pay her back first but Holly tells him not to worry about that. Doug III insists she will come first when he starts making money, so he needs to find a job. Leo then invites Doug III to come work for him.

Sophia tells Tate that her mother never changes her mind and seems hellbent on keeping the baby in their family. Sophia acknowledges the potential of her mother getting to know the couple. Tate excitedly says this could be the answer for all of them while Sophia could go off to college. Sophia admits that her mom could agree to it, so it might work. She asks how he even came up with this idea and calls it kind of brilliant. Tate says that’s only if it works. Sophia says she’s actually hopeful for the first time since her mother found out about the baby, so now all they have to do is find the perfect couple.

Brady and Kristen go to Kristen’s childhood home, looking for Rachel. Kristen comments that it looks like no one has been there for ages. Brady and Kristen then uncover Rachel under a sheet and rejoice. Rachel asks what they are doing there. They say they were looking for her. Rachel questions them doing it together. Brady and Kristen see that she did take Kristen’s scrapbook. Rachel asks how else she would find the place. Brady and Kristen worry about Rachel being alone and how anything could have happened to her, but Rachel responds that she wasn’t alone, leaving them confused. Ava’s unconscious body is covered under a sheet nearby in the room.

Sophia tells Tate that she should get home but it’s good that they talked. Sophia tells Tate to text her if there’s any news on Rachel which he agrees to do. Tate assures her that everything will be okay and they will figure out whatever they do together. Tate hugs her as Sophia repeats that she couldn’t get through this without him.

Leo tells Doug III that he could use an assistant. Doug III argues that he doesn’t know anything about writing or soap operas. Leo admits it is complicated but all he needs to know is that they tell love stories which Holly claims he does know about. Leo tells Doug III that he could use the help since he’s drowning in scripts. Doug III agrees it sounds amazing and thanks him. He adds that it might take time, but he can finally start paying Holly back. Leo points out how Holly stood up for him and suggests he could give Doug III an advance.

Brady questions Rachel saying she wasn’t alone. Rachel claims she just meant her stuffed animal snake. Kristen tells Rachel that she’s in serious trouble and they will talk about it at home as she orders Rachel to pack. Kristen tells Brady that she can’t believe this as they then take Rachel and exit the house. Rachel then says she forgot something and goes back inside where The Woman in White comes out from hiding. Rachel tells her that her parents found her. She tells Rachel that the plan can still work and gives her Ava’s phone while saying she will take care of Ava.

Leo returns to Javi at the bar and tells him that it’s all arranged with the stripper. Javi asks about his necklace situation. Leo thinks it’s all working out and everything is coming up roses. Javi asks if he was able to help the kid out. Leo says he did what he could. Javi says he’s lucky to have Leo looking out for him. Leo says maybe but feels he’s not Doug III’s only guardian angel…

Holly congratulates Doug III on getting a job and says it was super nice of Leo considering he hardly knows him. Doug III remarks that he’s not the only new person in his life that’s been nice to him. Holly then gets a call from Tate, announcing that Brady just called to tell him that they found Rachel. Holly says that’s amazing. Tate tells Holly that he’s sorry about before and asks if they can talk. Holly says she’s not busy and will be right there as she hangs up.

Brady and Kristen bring Rachel home. Kristen informs Rachel that she will be getting three weeks without cable or wi-fi, but says she will have Cook make her a meal and goes to the kitchen. Rachel invites Brady to stay which he accepts. Brady tells Rachel that her little stunt is not going to put he and Kristen back together. Brady knows she thinks that will happen but she has to understand that Ava is a big part of his life now and there’s nothing she can do to change that…

The Woman in White ties Ava up and pushes her in a chair.

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GH Short Recap Friday, January 24, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jack goes to visit Carly in Germany to see how things are going with Michael. Carly is frustrated that the doctors won’t let her see Michael. Carly blames herself for bringing Sonny into Michael’s life but Jack tells her she isn’t to blame. Jack tells her he lost a friend during a mission and all the rest of the team members couldn’t deal with what happened on the mission and ruined their lives. Jack tells Carly what happened to Michael was a terrible accident and she isn’t to blame for it. Jack drives Carly to the hospital so she can persuade the doctors to let her see Michael.

Lulu and Brook Lynn have a long talk with Maxie and the ladies decide that they can work together so Lulu gets the job as Brook Lynn’s assistant.

Drew wants to work with Curtis again at Aurora Media but he wants controlling interest in the company. Curtis tells Drew that he doesn’t trust him and since Michael will be back after his recovery he would rather work with Michael because he is trustworthy and a better businessman.

Tracy tells Willow that Drew is banned from the Quartermaine property and if she wants to see him she will have to do it somewhere else.

Kai tells Trina that the orthopedist told him he can’t play football again.

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Days Update Friday, January 24, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

At the Bistro, Brady tells Ava that he tried to put on a brave face for Kristen and assure her that everything will be alright, but admits he’s worried about Rachel being out there, sad, angry, and alone. Brady feels guilty because they drove Rachel to do this and worries that they failed as parents and didn’t love her enough. Brady worries that Rachel felt she had to do this to get their attention. Brady just wants her to come home. Ava hugs him and assures that she will be okay. Brady apologizes for leaning on Ava but Ava says she wants him to as she’s there for him. Brady thanks her but notes that Kristen wouldn’t be very happy that they are together like this. Ava responds that Kristen doesn’t need to know.

Kristen remains in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and looks at a photo of her and Rachel on her phone. Kristen complains that she needs Rachel to come back to her and the police have been predictably useless with no leads on where Rachel could be. Kristen looks to the portrait of Stefano and says he wouldn’t sit around if his family was in danger, so she won’t either. Kristen then heads towards the tunnels but EJ walks in and stops her, questioning what the hell she is doing.

Marlena is in her office finishing a call as Cat arrives. Cat says she’s sorry to bother her but the front desk said she was on break, so she wanted to ask if she talked to Kayla about hiring her as her assistant. Marlena says she hasn’t had time yet. Cat worries that she changed her mind. Marlena assures it’s not that but that there’s a lot going on and they are in a bit of a crisis as her granddaughter has gone missing.

Chad’s at home, making calls about putting Rachel’s picture on the front page and amber alerts sent out. JJ comes in and tells Chad that they had a false alarm about a girl hit by a car but other than that, he’s got nothing as if Rachel disappeared in to thin air…

Rachel arrives in a big room with old furniture covered by sheets and says it’s not how she imagined it. A woman then enters the room and startles Rachel.

JJ tells Chad that they’ve gone over the security footage from the DiMera Mansion and it’s like Rachel went out the front door and there’s been no sign of her since. JJ points out that she couldn’t have gotten far with little money and they are trying to cover every angle, but Jada insisted he come home to take a break and go back out later with fresh eyes. Chad says he’s been using the Spectator to get the word out and feels somebody had to have seen something. JJ says the only tips they have gotten have not led anywhere. Chad says he feels so bad for Kristen because her daughter is her life.

Kristen complains to EJ that her daughter is missing and she’s not going to sit around doing nothing like the police are, so she’s going to start her search in the tunnels. EJ stops her and says there’s no need to look there because the security footage showed Rachel leave through the front door, not the tunnels. EJ says he’s torn apart every inch underground and assures there’s no sign of Rachel down there. Kristen asks where the hell Rachel is then.

Cat tells Marlena that she’s so sorry as she saw the amber alert but had no idea it was her granddaughter. Cat asks if there’s any leads or if they know what happened. Marlena says they think she ran away and the police are out looking everywhere for her, but it’s hard not to worry that she might find some danger all by herself.

Rachel questions who the woman is. She responds that Rachel is the one trespassing so she asks who she is. Rachel introduces herself and reveals that Kristen’s mother used to live here. She questions what Rachel is doing in her house. Rachel says she ran away from home. The woman says her parents must be worried. Rachel says she wants them to be worried which the woman questions. Rachel calls it a long story, so the woman says she has nothing but time.

Chad informs JJ that Cat Green is back in town. JJ thought she was going back to Vancouver to be with her mother. Chad explains that her brother Aaron decided to stay while Cat came back to be with their sister Felicity, so she’s going to be living in Salem. JJ responds that he hopes he never runs in to her. Chad notes that might be tricky because she may have just got a job at the hospital as Marlena’s assistant.

Marlena tells Cat that she’s sorry she hasn’t been able to talk to Kayla about her yet. Cat says she completely understands. Marlena explains that she’s been preoccupied trying to reach her husband as John doesn’t know Rachel is missing yet and she hasn’t been able to tell him that he didn’t hurt Catharina either. Cat guesses John is away on business. Marlena knows if John was there, he’d be able to find Rachel and bring her home safe.

Ava tells Brady that she understands Kristen was concerned about her involvement in this, but she still feels partly responsible for Rachel’s disappearance. Brady tells her not to say that and that even Kristen admitted Ava was not to blame. Brady thinks he and Kristen are both frustrated that they know they are to blame. Brady argues that Rachel should’ve been in therapy a long time ago and that he should’ve been firmer and not letting her get whatever she wants. Ava encourages that he couldn’t have known Rachel would take it this far regardless. Brady feels he should’ve predicted that her reaction to her parents not getting back together would be bad. Brady says when Rachel comes home, she will think everything is going to be fine but he will have to tell her that her parents are never getting back together. Brady states that he just wants her to come home.

EJ tries to calm Kristen down as she cries that she just wants her daughter. Kristen says she feels so powerless in all of this. EJ encourages that DiMeras are never powerless and tells her all that he has doing to help bring Rachel home, including putting out a reward. EJ tells Kristen that she is a DiMera, even if she was born a Blake, as Stefano regarded her and Peter as his children. EJ jokes that Kristen was the one who took after Stefano the most. Kristen says her mother would be so disappointed to hear her say that as she was always trying to appeal to her better angels. Kristen says she just wanted Rachel to grow up more like a Blake and that’s why she named her after her mother.

Rachel tells the woman about Brady and Kristen and Ava. The woman agrees with Rachel that Ava is standing in the way of her parents being together, so Rachel needs to get her out of the picture permanently.

Cat tells Marlena that she knew a little bit about John’s past because of his connection to her mother. Marlena says that John doesn’t like to talk about it and he’s lived many different lives. Marlena recalls first thinking he was her presumed dead husband, Roman Brady. Cat recalls meeting Roman at the Pub. Cat goes over how Roman was Marlena’s husband and John was impersonating him but now John is her husband. Cat says they were obviously innocent victims unlike her situation with Chad. Marlena feels she was a victim of circumstance. Cat feels she broke Chad’s heart in the worst way, so she can’t imagine he could ever get past that.

JJ can’t believe Marlena would give Cat a job after what she did to their family. Chad points out the circumstances while JJ argues that Chad almost died, so he questions how Chad could defend her. Chad points out that Gabi did terrible things to their family but JJ has no problem dating her. JJ calls that completely different. Chad brings up what Gabi did to Julie. JJ questions if Chad’s saying he doesn’t want him to see Gabi. Chad clarifies that he’s not telling JJ who to associate with, so he would expect the same courtesy. Julie comes in to the room, so JJ asks if she knew Cat Green was staying in town and that Chad has no problem with it. Julie declares that nothing matters to her anymore and exits the room, leaving Chad and JJ confused.

Ava brings Brady a dinner plate at the Bistro. Ava recalls running away from home when she was Rachel’s age because her dad used to beat up her mom, so she thought her disappearance would shock some sense back in to him but it just made it worse. Ava talks about trying to get her mom to leave because she knew eventually her father would take it too far with a beating she would not come back from which ended up happening.

EJ tells Kristen that he never knew the reasons behind her naming Rachel after her mother. Kristen feels that she failed in raising Rachel in her mother’s image. EJ says from what he knows, Kristen’s mom was a badass. Kristen says it’s sad that she wasn’t able to be a mother very long and that she hated Stefano for taking her and Peter away. Kristen talks about how her mother tried to kill Stefano, but he survived while her mother was not so lucky.

Rachel tells the woman about how she sent Ava texts to get her to go away but Kristen took her phone and tried putting her in therapy. She tells Rachel that she doesn’t need therapy, she needs to get Ava out of the way and declares they are going to do that together.

JJ asks Chad if they should follow Julie. Chad doesn’t think so but admits he’s worried. Julie comes back with tea and mentions that she’s hardly sleeping at all. Chad asks if she thought about talking to Marlena. Julie responds that she did but it’s not going to bring Doug back. Julie insists that she will eventually be fine so they don’t have to worry about her. Chad says they are worried and asks what the harm is in talking to Marlena, noting that if it doesn’t work, she can just stop going. JJ adds that Doug would want her to feel better. Chad agrees that Doug would want her to be happy and start living her life again which Marlena can help her do. Chad asks Julie to do it for them because they love her and need her to take care of herself. Julie agrees that Doug would say all those things and thanks them. Julie decides maybe she’ll call Marlena tomorrow but Chad suggests she get dressed and he will take her over there now.

Marlena tells Cat that Chad is a very kind and compassionate man. Cat agrees but feels being nice to her is one thing but having feelings for her is an entirely different situation.

Brady tells Ava that he’s really sorry as he had no idea she went through all that. Ava says she meant to encourage him about Rachel coming home and not turn it in to a sob story. Brady thanks her for sharing with him. Ava says Rachel is the issue now and urges Brady to eat and get some sleep. Brady agrees that he should get some rest and thanks Ava for listening.

Kristen tells EJ that Rachel never got to know her family but she told her stories about the town and their summer home there, including the ghosts that she and Peter were sure were in the attic. Kristen tells EJ that she has a scrapbook about the old town and goes to show EJ but finds it is gone.

The woman tells Rachel what they are going to do and instructs Rachel to use the rotary phone to call Ava which she does. Rachel tells Ava that she needs help and she couldn’t reach her parents so she has to come straight away. Ava asks where she is and grabs a pen.

Marlena questions Cat having romantic feelings for Chad. Cat explains that her feelings evolved while she was pretending to Abigail. Cat says she knows nothing could come of it and she’s been trying to avoid Chad and bury her feelings. Chad then arrives with Julie.

The woman tells Rachel that she did a great job and they make an excellent team. She talks about being glad Rachel visited here and asks how she ended up here tonight. Rachel reveals the scrapbook and how she read about Kristen, her brother Peter, and their mother Rachel Blake. Rachel asks what the woman’s name is. She responds that she could just call her The Woman in White.

Kristen is confused by the missing scrapbook and says she just saw it the other day and she would be really heartbroken if she lost it as it’s all she has of her mother.

Ava calls Brady and leaves a message that he needs to call her back immediately as she knows where Rachel is and she’s heading there now.

JJ goes to see Brady and says he couldn’t stop thinking about Rachel so he came to see if he got any news. Brady says he’s been waiting for his phone to ring. His phone lies on the table with a missed call from Ava.

Julie begins therapy with Marlena and explains that she’s not here on her own but she gave up arguing with Chad because he was insistent on her seeing Marlena. Marlena asks if she doesn’t think this will help. Julie admits coming in and seeing Cat was a surprise. Marlena apologizes but Julie understands Marlena is a doctor and committed to helping everybody. Julie calls Marlena her friend and she understands that psychoanalysis works, but argues that she’s not sick, she’s just a widow who lost the love of her life and is terribly sad. Julie thinks that’s just normal. Marlena agrees. Julie says time healing all wounds just won’t work for her because she doesn’t want to stop thinking about Doug. Julie cries about their love and asks who cares if she can’t sleep or move on with her life. Julie declares that all she has left are the memories of Doug and she doesn’t want to lose that. Marlena says she understands. Julie thinks launching in to therapy would be a terrible waste of their time. Marlena assures that Julie could never waste her time. Marlena knows Julie is only there to appease Chad, but thinks they should try a session and if it doesn’t work, they never have to do it again. Julie agrees and asks what harm it can do.

Cat tells Chad that she really didn’t mean to upset Julie. Chad says it’s his fault for not realizing she could’ve started her new job already. Cat explains that Marlena still needs to talk to Kayla about hiring her first. Chad asks what Cat was there for then. Cat says Marlena was just getting her talking about her feelings.

EJ tells Kristen that he hates to leave her at a time like this but he has pressing matters to attend to. Kristen says she’ll be fine. EJ asks where the hell Brady is. Kristen says he said he had to go home to shower but it’s probably a cover up to spend more time with Ava. EJ asks if they are still an item. Kristen mocks them being Salem’s hottest couple and says she detests Ava. Kristen blames Ava for Rachel running away and declares that if Ava wasn’t in the picture, none of this would happening while she and Brady would be together.

Brady thanks JJ for checking in and says he’ll let him know if he hears anything. JJ then exits. Brady goes back to his phone and listens to Ava’s voicemail but it was distorted and cuts out.

Ava goes to the house that Rachel gave her the address to and finds Rachel’s stuffed animal snake. The woman in white helps Rachel knock out Ava from behind and remarks that it was even easier than she thought.

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Days Short Recap Friday, January 24, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ava comforted Brady and blamed herself for why Rachel was missing. Brady assured her that it wasn’t her fault. He said Rachel should have been in therapy years ago. Brady told her that when Rachel came home, he was going to tell her that he and Kristen weren’t getting back together. Ava opened up to Brady about running away when she was younger and how her father killed her mother. When they finished talking, Brady left. Kristen was upset about Rachel being missing. When Kristen was about to go to the tunnels, EJ showed up and stopped her. She said she was looking in the tunnels for Rachel. He said he checked the tunnels and Rachel wasn’t there. Kristen was upset. EJ said he got Stefano’s people on the case and had a reward out for Rachel’s return. He said she and Rachel were family even if they weren’t blood DiMeras. She said her mother would be upset if she knew how much she turned out to be like Stefano. Kristen said she hoped Rachel was more like a Blake than a DiMera. She said she didn’t do a good job of making sure that happened. EJ said he heard that her mother caused trouble. Kristen told him about her mother’s past. When she wanted to show EJ a scrapbook of the Blake family, she noticed it was gone. She was upset because it was the only memory of her mother. EJ said Harold might have misplaced it.

Chad told the paper to put Rachel’s disappearance on the front page. JJ walked in and told him about the false alarm involving the girl at the hospital. He said there weren’t any leads, but Rachel couldn’t have gotten far on foot and with a little bit of money. Chad told him that Cat was back in Salem and was possibly getting a job with Marlena. JJ wondered why Chad was defending Cat after what she’s done. Chad reminded JJ of everything Gabi did to the family and told him not to judge who he talks to. When Julie walked in, JJ told her that Chad forgave Cat. Julie said she didn’t care about anything anymore. When Julie left, Chad and JJ said they were worried about her. Chad tried to talk Julie into seeing Marlena, but Julie said it wouldn’t bring Doug back. Julie said she would be okay, so they didn’t have to worry about her. Chad and JJ said Doug would want her to be happy. They told her they wanted her to take care of herself. Julie agreed to talk to Marlena tomorrow, but Chad wanted her to go right away. At Marlena’s office, Cat showed up to ask if she talked to Kayla about hiring her. Marlena said she didn’t have a chance because Rachel was missing. She told Cat about Rachel running away. Marlena said she has been trying to get in touch with John. She told Cat about John’s past. Cat realized that his story was like hers, but she wasn’t a victim like they were. Marlena said she was a victim of circumstance. While they were talking, Marlena told Cat that Chad was forgiving. Cat said it wouldn’t be that easy since she had feelings for him. She said she was going to do whatever she could to control her feelings for him. Chad showed up with Julie. A woman in white showed up while Rachel was in a room. Rachel threatened the woman with her snake. The woman wanted to know who Rachel was. Rachel told her about her Kristen and her grandmother Rachel. She said her grandmother used to live in the house. The woman wanted to know why she was there. Rachel said she ran away from home. When the woman wanted to know why, Rachel told her. The woman said Ava was an interloper who needed to be out of the way. She said she and Rachel would get rid of her together. They talked about the plan. Rachel called Ava and told her where to go. Ava said she would go and wrote down where Rachel was. When Rachel got off the phone, the woman in white told her she did a good job. The woman asked Rachel how she knew about Aremid. Rachel took out the scrapbook. Rachel asked the woman what her name was. She said to call her the Woman in White. Ava tried calling Brady, but she didn’t get an answer. She left a message saying where Rachel was. Ava showed at Aremid and noticed Rachel’s snake. When she picked it up, Rachel and the Woman in White hit her in the head.

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Days Transcript Friday, January 24, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[somber music]

I don’t know. I’ve really been trying to put on a brave face for Kristen, showing her we’re going to find Rachel. We’ll be fine.

I’m thinking about her out there all alone, just–just angry and sad. I-I’m not only scared, Ava. I feel very guilty.

Why guilty?

That–that she was driven to this. Kristen and I failed as parents. We didn’t–we didn’t–we didn’t love her the right way. We didn’t cherish her the right way. She felt she was so desperate that this is what she needed to do? What does that say about– I just want her to come home, I just want her to come home.

Come here, come here, come here, come here, come.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you know, I’m sorry for leaning on you.

No, no, no. What is–no, no, no. Are you kidding me? This is your daughter we are talking about. I want you to lean on me. I’m here for you.

Thank you. I appreciate it. Tell you what, though, given– given the way Kristen reacted when I last spoke to her, I doubt she’d be very happy that we’re together like this.

OK, well, Kristen doesn’t need to know, does she?


[tense music]

[sighs] Rachel. Sweetheart, I need you to come back to me. Oh, and the police. The police have been predictably useless in their endeavor. No news, no leads, not even an inkling of an idea of where you could be. [scoffs] What would I expect from Salem’s finest?

You wouldn’t sit around waiting for any help from these simpletons if yourfamily was in danger. So neither will I.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey! What the hell? What the hell are you doing?


What are you doing?

Mm. Hi, Belle. Thanks for checking in. Oh, I thought I’d come into the office for a while and see if I could get some work done. Hmm, yeah. Look, you will let me know if there’s any word at all about Rachel, won’t you? Yeah. Thank you. I love you too, honey. Bye-bye. [knock at door] Come in. Oh, Cat.

Dr. Evans, I– sorry to bother you. The front desk said that you might be on a break right now?

I am, yes.

OK, I just quickly was hoping to ask if– if you had had time to talk to Dr. Johnson about hiring me as your assistant.

Oh, the assistant job. I’m sorry. No, I haven’t had time yet.

Oh. OK. [chuckles] You know what? If you’ve changed your mind, I don’t–

No, no, no. It’s not–it– it isn’t that at all. It’s just that… there’s a lot going on here right now, and–and… and we’re in a bit of a crisis. My granddaughter has gone missing.

Yeah, I want my niece’s picture on the front page. And I want the AMBER Alert pushed out on all our social media. Yeah, thanks. Hey, anything new?

Unfortunately, no. We did have a false alarm earlier. A child matching Rachel’s description was taken to the hospital with serious injury, but it turned out it wasn’t her. It was actually a young girl named Lucy, who’s going to be OK, apparently.

OK. Good, good. What else you got? I’ll keep it under wraps.

I don’t think that’s going to be an issue, because I’m sorry to say I’ve got nothing. It’s as though Rachel’s disappeared into thin air.

[somber music]

Well, it’s not how I imagined it. How about you, Seymour? [soft thud] Who’s there? I have a snake, and he bites.

[tense music]

Well, luckily for you, I don’t.

[soft orchestration]
 announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

We have gone through the footage from the DiMera mansion, and it seems Rachel walked off the property through the front door of the house. No sighting of her since. But she couldn’t have gotten very far. Obviously, way too young to drive, and the only cash she took with her were contents in her piggy bank, less than 100 bucks.

Well, I mean, could she have came up with extra cash? You know, from somewhere around the house?

I’ve been checking any of the transport options where she might have tried to use it, buses, trains, planes. So far, nothing.

Well, you’re covering all the angles, then.

Certainly trying. Jada insisted I come home, take a break, go back later with fresh eyes.

I’ve been using “The Spectator” to get the word out, but– I mean, somebody had to have seen something.

Yeah. No, you would think. But we haven’t gotten very many tips. Ones we have gotten haven’t led anywhere.

I just feel so bad for Kristen. Her daughter is her life.

What am I doing? My daughter is missing, EJ, in case you’ve been too self-absorbed to notice! And I’m not just going to sit around and do nothing while the incompetent fools of our so-called police force are doing essentially the same. So if you don’t mind, I am going to start my search in the tunnels.

Kristen, Kristen, there’s no need to look there. The footage from the CCTV showed that Rachel left through the front doors, not the tunnels. Besides, I myself have torn apart every inch of that underground labyrinth and found nothing. Believe me, there is no sign of Rachel. There’s no sign of Rachel down there.

[tense music]

OK. If she is not in the tunnels and she is not in the house or with family and friends, then tell me, EJ, where the hell is she?


I am so sorry, Dr. Evans. I saw the AMBER Alert this morning. I had no idea it was your granddaughter. Do they know what happened? Do they have any leads?

Well, we think she ran away. At least, we’re not worried that she’s being held by some stra– stranger.

Thank God for that.

And she’s–she’s a very resourceful girl, you know? The police are out looking everywhere for her.

[somber music] It’s just hard not to worry that, I don’t know, she might find some… dangers out there all by herself.

Who are you?

Well, you’rethe one trespassing. Why don’t you tell me who you are?


I see. What a beautiful name.

Thanks. I’m named after my mommy’s mommy. She used to live here.

Oh. And what is your mommy’s name?


[inhales deeply] Ah. Beautiful name as well. If I had a daughter, I might call her that, too. And what about your reptilian friend here?

This is Seymour.

Hmm. And what, may I ask, are you and Seymour doing in my house?

I ran away from home.

Oh? Well, I suspect your parents must be very worried.

Sure hope so.

You want your parents to be worried?


And why’s that?

It’s a long story.

I have nothing but time.

Hey, listen, man, um, I should probably give you a heads-up about something that’s not going to make the family very–very happy.

Yeah? OK, what’s that? Cat Greene is back in Salem.

What? I thought she was going back to Vancouver, be closer to her mother.

Yes, she was, but her brothers decided to stay up with Catharina. And Cat came back so she could be with Felicity during her last year of high school.

So are you telling me that she’s going to be living in Salem?

It seems that way, yeah.

[tense music]

Well, I hope I never run into her.

Mm, yeah, that’s going to be tricky. She might have got a job at the hospital. Yeah, Marlena’s assistant.

I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to talk to Kayla about you yet.

No, of course. It’s completely understandable.

Well, I’ve been preoccupied trying to reach my husband. He doesn’t know that– he doesn’t know that Rachel is missing yet.

Oh, I’m– well, at the very least, maybe he felt relieved to find out about my mother that– that he was trying to help her and not hurt her.

I haven’t been able to tell him that yet either.

Oh. Is he away on business?

Kind of. I just–I just know that if he were here right now, he would be able to– he would be able to find Rachel and bring her home. Safe and sound.

Listen. I understand Kristen’s continued concern about my involvement with this. Look, I still hold myself partly responsible for Rachel’s decision to run away.

No, no, no, no. Don’t say that. It’s not true. Even Kristen admitted to me that you are not to blame for any of this at all.


She said that when she was calm. You know, I think we’re both very frustrated that we know we’re to blame for this, solely. Well, she–Rachel’s been troubled for a while now. She should have been in therapy years ago. And I should have had a firmer hand to let that little girl know that she can’t always get her way.

OK. But come on, Brady. You didn’t know that she was going to take it this far. I mean, regardless of her troubles.

No, but I should have predicted that when she was told her mommy and daddy are never going to be together that the reaction would be bad. [Ava sighs] Now she’s going to come home and she’s going to think that everything is going to be fine. And I’m going to have to sit my little girl down and say, no, baby.

Mom and Dad are not getting back together ever.

I just want her to come home.

Now, I think if we both just take a moment to calm down–

I don’t want to be calm. Look, I don’t want any damn water, EJ! I just want my daughter! I want Rachel! God, I just– I feel so powerless in all this.

We DiMeras are anything but powerless. I’ve already put Father’s eyes and ears on the case. They’re sure to be far more successful at gathering intel than the police have been. And I’ve already put in motion an offer for a substantial reward for any information leading to Rachel’s safe return.

You would do that for Rachel?

Of course. She’s my niece.

Yeah. But she’s not by blood.

Kristen, you are a DiMera, even if you were born a Blake. Stefano regarded you and Peter his children just as much as we were. And you were the one who took after him the most. [Kristen shudders and chuckles]

Yeah, my dear, old mother would be so disappointed to hear you say that. I mean, she was always trying to appeal to my better angels. And that’s–that’s before things went wrong.

I just– I just wanted Rachel to grow up more like a Blake. That’s why I gave her my mother’s name.

Well, it sounds as though your parents have traveled a long and tortured journey together. And that this Ava woman is quite the pesky interloper indeed.

A what?

It means she’s standing in the way of your family living happily ever after.

Yep, that’s her.

And, you know, there’s only one thing to be done about people like her. You need to get her out of the picture. Permanently.

[tense music]

Oh, obviously, due to his connection with my mother, I knew a little bit about John’s past.

Yeah, but he doesn’t like to talk about himself. You know, it’s partly humility and partly, he’s just– he’s led so many different lives.

You mean as the Pawn.

Yeah. You know, when I first met him, I thought he was my… presumed dead husband, Roman Brady.

Roman Brady? Oh, I’ve met him. He owns the Brady Pub.

Yes, yes.

Oh, so– so Roman was your husband who you thought was dead and John was impersonating him, but John is your current husband?

Yes, it’s been… very difficult for all three of us.

No, no, I can imagine completely. I just–I was thinking about myself. I– you three were obviously in a situation where you were innocent victims, unlike the situation with me and Chad, where I was–

You were a victim of circumstance. Because of Clyde’s hold over your mother.

Yes, but–[sighs] I broke Chad’s heart in the worst possible way. I can’t imagine he would ever be able to get past that.

Marlena’s assistant? Look, I can’t believe that she would give Cat a job after what she did to our family.

Marlena knows the extenuating circumstances.

Nothing gave Cat the right to do what she and her brother did. My God, man. You almost died. How–how are you defending her?

Whoa, Gabi did terrible things to this family, and you have no problem defending her. I mean, let alone dating her.

Hey, that’s completely different.

How is it different? Look what Gabi did to Julie.

Are you saying that you don’t want me to see Gabi?

No, no. I’m not saying– I’m not saying any of that. What I’m saying is I’m not telling you who you should associate with, and I would expect that you would give me the same courtesy.

[somber music]

Hey, Julie, did you know that Cat Greene is settling down in Salem? Apparently, Chad doesn’t have a problem with it?

Well, you know, fellas, that doesn’t matter to me anymore. Nothing matters to me anymore.

Hey, hey.

Oh, come on.

Dinner is served. [Ava chuckles]

Thank you.

You’re welcome. You know what I was just thinking?


I was thinking about, uh– [chuckles] when I was about Rachel’s age, I also ran away from home.


I did. Mm-hmm. I went to my friend Monica’s house. And I decided I was going to stay for about a week, maybe two.


But then I immediately decided I was going home because her parents were serving salmon loaf.

Salmon loaf?

Salmon loaf, right?


What is that? [Brady laughs] I mean, I decided I could not live without my rigatoni. I came home that very night.

Sure, sure.

Yeah. [chuckles]

What, um–what made you run away in the first place?

[somber music]

Um… my dad, he–he used to– he used to beat up my mom pretty badly. So, uh… that’s all right, you know, I was just his pride and joy. And so I– I thought that my disappearance would shock some sense back into him. But, uh, when–[chuckles] You know, and the day I left, he just– he ended up blaming her. So when I came back, she got it ten times worse.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, I tried to get her to leave. I did because I just knew– I knew eventually he would– he’d take it too far. You know, that one day he would give her a beating that she would not come back from.

And one day he did.

I’m not sure I ever knew your reasons for choosing your mother as Rachel’s namesake.

A whole lot of good that did. I certainly didn’t raise Rachel in my mother’s image.

Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure. I may not know much about Rachel Blake, but it is my impression that your mother was a bit of a badass.

She was. [both chuckle] It’s sad, though, that she, uh… wasn’t able to be a mom most of our lives. She–she hated Stefano for taking Peter and I away from her. And I’m sure you know that she tried to kill our father in Paris.

I am certainly aware of that, but the details are a little foggy.

Well, she fired a shot which caused an explosion, which we all assumed both had died. And, well, it wasn’t until later we all discovered that our father, Stefano, survived.

[chuckles] The Phoenix always rises from the ashes.

It does indeed. But my mother, not so– not so lucky.

So you sent this Ava woman texts to get her to go away, hmm? And as a consequence, your mommy confiscated your phone and tried putting you in therapy?

So dumb, right?

New-age nonsense. Besides, it doesn’t even get to the real problem. You don’t need therapy, you need to get this Ava woman out of the way. And we’re going to do that, Rachel dear. Together.

[ominous music]

Do you think we should follow Julie?

Mm… well, I don’t think she really likes people fussing over her. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. Hi.

Made myself chamomile tea. Maybe that’ll help me sleep.

You still having– having trouble sleeping, Julie?

Having trouble? I’m hardly sleeping at all.

[somber music]

Did you, um, did you think about talking to Marlena, like I brought up, about what’s going on?

Yes, I did.


It’s not going to bring Doug back, is it, darling?

Look, fellas, I– I appreciate all this. But eventually, I’m going to be just– just fine. So you don’t have to worry about me.

OK, wait. We are worried. What’s the harm in talking to Marlena? If it doesn’t work, just stop going. [Julie sighs]

And you know that Doug would want you to feel better.

He would. Julie, Doug would want you to be happy. And if he were here, he would tell you you’ve got to start living your life again. Marlena can help you do that, OK? If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for– for us, your family, because we love you and we need you. And we–we really need you to take care of yourself.

Yes. Doug would probably say all those things.

Yes, he would.

Thank you.

So it worked?

[bittersweet music]

I’ll call Marlena tomorrow, maybe.

Hey, why don’t– why don’t you just go get dressed, and I– I’ll take you over there right now? How’s that?

You know that Chad is a very kind and compassionate man.

Yeah, he’s incredibly compassionate and understanding. But I mean–

But what?

Well, being nice to me is one thing, but having certain feelings about me is an entirely different situation.

What kind of feelings are you talking about?

Um… the kind of feelings that I have for him.

[tender music]

Well, sorry. I had no idea that you went through that.

No, no, you know what? I’m sorry. Because the goal of me telling you that story was to make you feel better about Rachel coming home safely. No, I didn’t mean to turn it into a sob story.

No stop, stop. It wasn’t a sob story, it’s your past. Please never apologize for sharing that with me. OK?

OK, OK. But you know, even so right now, the issue is Rachel, and that is what matters. So you need to eat something because I want you to take care of yourself. Maybe you want to take it– take it to go, take it home. You probably could use some sleep.

Probably could. I should probably get home and get myself together. [Ava chuckles softly] Does this fine establishment of yours have to-go boxes? [Ava chuckles] Do you have those available?

Well, we actually do. I will go grab you one.

Hey, hey. Um…

Thank you. Not just for the food, but thank you for the ear. Really.


Rachel never got to know my family. And I never took her to Aremid. I just–I don’t know, I told her stories about the town and– and our summer home there. But the stories, you know, that I told her, they were just sugarcoated and romanticized. There was no Parrot Man or the creepy cemetery or the ghosts that Peter and I were convinced that were up in the attic.

Um, the Parrot Man?

Yes. [both chuckle] If you’re curious, I have the scrapbook right here. And it’s just–


It’s all about my family and Aremid and–[chuckles]

This is weird.

[tense music] It’s gone.

So do you understand exactly what it is we’re going to do, Rachel?

I guess so.

And I have a telephone right here.

That’s a phone?

Oh, that is not just any phone. That is a princess phone meant for a princess. My daughter used to love it.

So do you happen to have the phone number of this Ava woman?

Sure. I used to text her all the time.

Excellent. Let’s give her a call. Now, put your finger in the number hole and spin.


Have a go.

[phone ringing]



Rachel? Honey, is that you?

Yes. I need help. And I couldn’t reach Mommy and Daddy. You have to come straight away.

Of course, I will. Where are you, sweetie?

Do you have a pen?

Yeah, yeah, I’m grabbing one.

You’ve got feelings for Chad. Romantic feelings?

[tender music]

I do. Yeah, they evolved while I was pretending to be Abigail. I know nothing can ever happen between us. I know that. I-I’ve been doing my best to avoid him completely lately. And I am just doing everything I can to bury those feelings and move on. So– [knock at door]

Oh, excuse me.


Come in.

[tender music] [Julie sighs]

[tense music]

Great job, Rachel. Think we make an excellent team. And I am so very glad that you came here this evening. Not too many people visit Aremid these days. A bit far out of the way. And how is it that you wound up here tonight? Did you know something about this house?

I read about it in this book.

It’s about my mommy, Uncle Peter, and their mommy, Rachel Blake.

I see.

And I’m Rachel Black.

What a coincidence.

What’s your name?

Oh, you can just call me… the Woman in White. – I–I could have sworn it was right here. I moved it from the bookshelf. And I just saw it the other day.

Well, perhaps Harold moved it while he was dusting. I’m sure it’s around here somewhere. It’s OK.

Oh, God, I hope so. I mean, I’d be really heartbroken if I lost that. That scrapbook, I mean, it’s–

It’s all I have of my mother.

Oh, come on, come on, pick up. Pick up. [sighs] Oh, Brady, it’s Ava. Listen, you need to call me back as soon as you get this. I just got a call from Rachel. I know where she is. I’m heading there right now. The address is–

[knock at door]

[sighs] Hold on.

JJ. Any news?

No, I’m sorry. I just got off duty and I couldn’t stop thinking about Rachel. I wanted to see if you’d gotten any news yourself since I interviewed you.

No. Not a damn thing. I’ve been waiting for my phone to ring. Nothing.

[somber music]

First of all, Marlena, I think it’s important that I tell you I’m not here on my own volition. I just ran out of energy arguing with Chad. You see, Chad was very insistent that I see you.

Thank you for your clarity. Julie, you don’t think this might be helpful to you? [Julie scoffs]

Well, to be honest, coming into your office and seeing Cat Greene standing there was a bit of a surprise.

So sorry about that.

It’s all right. It’s all right. I understand. I mean, you’re a doctor. You’re dedicated to helping everybody. More importantly, you’re my friend. My respected and treasured friend. And I do understand that psychoanalysis works. I mean, I’ve lived long enough to know that much. However, I’m not sick. I’m a new widow. And I have lost the love of my life. And I’m terribly, terribly sad. Now, I think that’s just normal, don’t you?

I do.

And all those old words about time will cure all wounds, it’s just not going to work with me. I don’t want to stop thinking about Doug.

[somber music] I want to think about him every minute of every day. How he loved me. How I loved him. That was the stuff that dreams are made of. Who cares if I can’t sleep or I can’t move on with my life?

All I have left are memories of him. I don’t want to lose that.

I understand.

So… launching into therapy, I think, would be a terrible waste of our time.

Julie, you could never, ever waste my time.

I– I know you’re only here to appease Chad. But as long as you’re here… I don’t know, we’ve got the time. Why don’t we– why don’t we try a session? And if it doesn’t work for you, we never have to do it again.

Oh, Marlena.

[tender music] All right. All right. What harm can it do?

I really did not mean to upset Julie.

It’s not your fault. It’s my fault for not realizing you could have started your job already.

Oh, that’s not actually why I’m here. Dr. Evans hasn’t had an opportunity to talk to Dr. Johnson and she needs approval from her before she can hire me.

So you were just here?

We were talking.

Yeah? About what?

[chuckles] You know, psychiatrists, right? Always getting you to talk about your feelings.

[scoffs] As much as I hate to leave you at a time like this, I have some pressing matters I need to attend to.

Oh, I’ll be fine.

Maybe so, but shouldn’t Rachel’s father be here with you? I mean, where the hell is Brady?

Uh, well, he said he had to go home and take a shower. Uh– I mean, that’s what he said. I mean, it’s probably just a cover-up to spend more time with… [whispers] Ava.

Ah, so I take it those two are still an “item”?

Oh, Salem’s hottest couple of 2025.

Oh, you don’t approve?

Oh, God. That’s putting it mildly. I detest that two-faced bitch. Oh, she is the reason that Rachel ran away.

What are you talking about?

What I’m talking about is Brady said it wasn’t Ava’s fault. But I’ve been pretending to indulge in his fantasy. But the fact of the matter is, Ms. Vitali, if she wasn’t in the picture, then none of this would be happening. [scoffing] And Brady and I, we would be together. [Kristen sighs]

Listen, I appreciate you checking in. I know you’re off duty so thank you for doing that.

Of course.

And I’ll let you know if I hear anything, OK?

Yeah, same here.

All right. Thanks, JJ.

Talk soon, I hope.

Yeah. [sighs]

[tense music]

[phone beeps] – Brady, it’s Ava. You need to call me back as soon as you get this. I–

[electronic glitching]

[line clicks]

Hello. Rachel, are you–


That was even easier than I thought.

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Days Transcript Thursday, January 23, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[dramatic music]

Hey, did you find something?

Brady, hey, it’s Ava.

Hi, Ava.

Sounds like you were expecting a different call.

[sighs] Well, the police were going through the security footage to figure out where Rachel went. I was hoping for an update.

There hasn’t been any word yet?

Nothing. No, Kristen and I, we were at the station all night, and Shawn finally convinced us that we weren’t gonna do Rachel any good by running on stale coffee and no sleep, so I brought her back to the estate.

That’s good. Sounds like you could use some rest too.

[sighs] I don’t–I don’t know how either one of us is gonna get any rest.

Well, Brady, I am so, so sorry. Truly.

Well, thanks, Ava. I appreciate you calling.

[tense music]

Well, that makes one of us.

All right. Thanks, JJ. Let me know when the tech team’s gone through all the footage. And any sign of Rachel, you call me.


Belle, your assistant said that you were out of the office.

Oh, no, I just came from court. Is there any news on Rachel?

Unfortunately, no. And Brady and Kristen are going out of their minds.

Hold on a second, Ava.

Oh, I’m sorry. Did I interrupt? I mean, sure, our daughter’s missing, but that call seems really important, so pardon me.

I’ll call you later, OK?

Of course. I’m here if you need me.


I thought you were going upstairs to rest.

Rest? Rest?


How in the hell am I supposed to rest when I need to focus all my energy on finding our daughter, which is what you should be doing instead of schmoozing with Ms. Ava Vitali!

Stop, Kirsten! For God’s sake, she was just calling to check in.

Yeah, well, I don’t need her to check in! This does not involve her! This is a family matter, Brady.

Damn it! God, why can’t I get this? That’s great. That’s awesome. Really fantastic.

Do you think a little brain food might help?

No, Grandma. [sighs] I don’t know how I’m supposed to just sit here and derive these equations when Rachel is off God knows where.

[dramatic music]

Maybe it’s time for a break.

I don’t get it. Like, where could she have gone? Like, I must have texted her 100 times, begging her to come home. Then I remember Dad telling me that Kristen has her phone.


[sighs] I just wish there was something more that I could do, like help in the search, but I don’t know how.

You have. You have. You put up all those posters in the park today.

Yeah, but that doesn’t feel like enough.

I know. We’re all doing the best we can. I met with the police and gave them ideas about where Rachel might have gone. I know your dad and Kristen have also been dealing with the police, and they’re using their every resource.

I just can’t believe my sister is missing on top of everything else.

Ah, everything else. You’re talking about Sophia’s pregnancy?

Sophia, hey.

Hey. I was wondering if maybe I could pick up a shift.

Honey, I don’t have room on the schedule today. I thought you were taking the day off so you could go to the doctor.

I was, but I actually went to my appointment yesterday.

So why am I only hearing about it now?

[tense music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[tense music]

Mom, what are you doing here?

I think the question is, what are you doing here? And why aren’t you answering your phone?

Oh, sorry. Were you calling me? I must have had it on silent.

Look at what’s in your hand. You were supposed to meet me at the hospital an hour ago for your OB appointment. I waited 20 minutes for you, worrying that you were gonna miss it, and then I find out you had it yesterday.

Well, they had a scheduling mix-up, so they moved it.

That’s not what Dr. Johnson said.

You talked to Dr. Johnson?

That’s right. When the receptionist told me that you weren’t on the schedule, I asked to speak to her, and she told me that you called to move the appointment.

OK, fine. I changed it. [sighs] I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you hovering over me. I’m nervous enough as it is.

[sighs] So you went to the appointment alone?

No. Tate was with me.

Well, I’m glad to know that boy isn’t shirking his responsibilities, but I should have been there too.

Why? It’s my baby, not yours. And I don’t need you there holding my hand. I’m not a child.

You sure about that? Because it seems to me that a mature, responsible adult would not be in this situation.

I know we haven’t talked much about Sophia’s pregnancy, I mean, about how it’s affecting you.

[dramatic music] I’m glad you have your father to talk to, but I hope you know that I’m here for you too.

I do know that, Grandma. Thank you.

Of course. Do you want to talk about it now?

I don’t know, just feels kind of wrong to be talking about my own problems when Rachel’s missing.

Honey, it’s not wrong. We’ve discussed this. The police are out looking for her. There’s nothing you and I can do now but– but just wait. And if you–if you don’t want to discuss the Sophia situation, then–

Actually, no, I think I want to. Maybe you can help me, Grandma.

I’m happy to try.

Well, I’m just trying to wrap my mind around all of this. I really want to do the right thing and help Sophia, but whatever I do, I end up hurting my relationship with Holly.

How so?

OK, well, for example, yesterday I went with Sophia to her doctor’s appointment, and afterwards we were looking at the sonogram photo, which– I don’t know, it made it way more real than before, seeing this actual image of a baby that– Sophia and I–well, I mean, I’ll speak for myself here. It’s like this miracle, you know, that we made a life. But– [sighs]

But what?

But it made me really sad just knowing that we couldn’t actually appreciate this miracle because we didn’t mean for any of it to happen.

[sighs] Anyways, Holly happened to run into us right then, and when she saw what we were looking at, I could tell she got really upset. I mean, of course. How could she not be? It’s a picture of our baby, Sophia’s and mine.

Have you had a chance to talk to Holly?

No. Haven’t heard from her since. [knock at door]


Oh, come in.

Tate, I just heard Rachel’s missing.

Yeah, she ran away yesterday, and so far, there’s been no sign of her anywhere.

Oh, my God. You must be so worried.

I will give you some time alone.

Oh, Dr. Evans, you don’t have to leave because I’m here.

No, no, I have somewhere I really need to be. You’ll call me if there’s any word at all?

Of course, the second I hear anything.


Bye, Grandma.

Bye-bye, honey. [door clicks shut]


Really glad you’re here.

Of course I’m here. Why wouldn’t I be?

Because you seemed pretty upset when you ran into me and Sophia yesterday.

[dramatic music]

So until you’ve proven yourself capable of making good decisions, I will be taking you to your doctor appointments. Understood?


Mrs. Choi, I don’t blame you for being upset about being left in the dark about Sophia’s doctor’s appointment, but since we can’t go back in time, maybe Sophia could tell you how it went.

She better. Is everything all right with you and the baby?

So far, so good.

You’re gonna have to give me more than that. How are your iron levels? Did Dr. Johnson give you any recommendations for vitamins or supplements?

The blood tests will come in soon, but she doesn’t think I’m anemic. And the vitamins I’m taking are the ones she recommends.

That’s good.


So you’re healthy.

I’m fine, Mom.

I have something to show you.

Oh, my.

Look at that. That’s my grandchild. Oh, my.

Mom, I’m sorry I went to the appointment without you.

It’s OK. I understand. I just– [sighs] I’m trying to look out for you, Sophia.

I know, Mom. And you’re right. You should be involved. Actually, Dr. Johnson mentioned something that I wanted to talk to you about.

OK. What’s that?

Well, she asked if Tate and I had considered putting the baby up for adoption.

Look, I know you’re upset, OK? Ava was just concerned, that’s all.

OK, I don’t need her concern. She is the reason our daughter ran away.

Kristen, you know that’s not true. Just yesterday, you told me that Rachel was upset because you told her her parents were never getting back together.

Yes, and the reason we’re not getting back together is because of a certain ex-Mafia princess.

No, it’s because of a million reasons, which we’re not gonna get into right now, OK? But Ava has nothing to do with it.


Kristen, Rachel’s been struggling for a while now. These threatening texts, her behavior, this running away– this goes a lot deeper than who I invited to “The Nutcracker.”

OK, fine, fine. Fine. Fine. It’s not Ava’s fault. Fine. I am just on edge, Brady, obviously.

Kristen, I know. I am too.

And I just– I can’t help think about the worst-case scenario. I mean, our daughter has been missing for 24 hours. The police have no leads on her. Where is she? Where is she, Brady?

I just can’t imagine what my brother’s going through right now. Is there anything I can do to help?

Honestly, I think we’ve got all of our bases covered. I mean, we have every available uniform canvassing the area around the DiMera estate and patrolling the local transportation hubs. JJ’s working with the tech team now, going over the surveillance footage for the last 24 hours, so I don’t know, just a matter of time till something breaks now.

God, I hope so. I’m just so worried about my niece and my brother. I mean, after everything he went through earlier this year… [phone ringing] If anything happens–

It’s JJ. Hey, JJ, what’s up?

Oh, no.

Hey, look, none of that matters, what happened yesterday, not when your sister’s missing.

But it does matter. Holly, I could tell that you were upset when you ran into me and Sophia in the square.

[dramatic music]

I mean, yeah, I kind of was. When I saw you guys, you were together, laughing like you were sharing some inside private joke, and I don’t know, when I saw the picture of the sonogram of the baby, I realized there is something between you two. I mean, you have this whole connection that I’m, like, totally not a part of anymore.

I totally get why you would feel that way. And honestly, I don’t think either of us knew how to react to the whole sonogram thing. You know, it’s so weird to think about. So yeah, if it looked like we were, you know, sharing a moment, it was probably just like, whoa, this is bizarre and scary, you know?

Yeah, I get that. But it’s not just a moment you two are sharing. You’re having a baby together.

Yeah, but we’re not parenting a kid together. Sophia and I have talked about it. We still want to give the baby up for adoption as long as her parents are cool with it.

Adoption? Dr. Johnson suggested that?

Well, she mentioned it, but Tate and I had talked about it before, and we thought it might be a good idea.

I see. You couldn’t sneak away to get an abortion, so you and Tate thought of a new way to dispose of the child you created.

Mom, we’re just trying to do the responsible thing here. I mean, don’t you think it would make sense? Neither one of us is ready to be a parent.

Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you decided that you were ready to have sex!

OK, Mrs. Choi, I think that what your daughter’s trying to say is–

I can hear what she’s trying to say, loud and clear. You don’t want to face the consequences of your actions.

Oh. So the baby is a punishment. Wow. OK, I got it. I’m sure that will make the kid feel so loved.

Don’t get smart with me, Sophia.

OK, Mrs. Choi, I just really think that your daughter is trying to do what is best for this baby.

What is best for this baby is not to be given away to strangers. There is not going to be any adoption.

All right. I’ll talk to you soon.

[light country music]

Steve, thank you for meeting me.

Sure. What’s going on?

Oh. I guess you haven’t heard. My granddaughter is missing.

What? Oh, my God.

She ran away. There’s been no– no sign of her. The police are all over it.

I’m so sorry, Marlena. What can I do to help?

You can help me contact my husband.

I know this waiting is– is getting to both of us, Kristen. But the police are– they’re coming at this from every angle, OK? They will help us get Rachel home.

Well, that’s what they said the last time.

What–what last time?

When we finally found out that Rachel was ours, only to have Sarah run off with her. You know, I know it was a long time ago, but honestly, I thought I had forgotten what it was like. But those memories, those terrible memories, they just keep flooding back.

Hey, hey. There’s a difference. No one took her this time. She’s a smart kid, but I doubt she’s gonna be able to charter a jet to Paris.

[laughs] You sure about that?

No. Yes. She cannot do that, I’m sure of that.

Yeah, well, I know– I know it was a different situation. I really do. But it feels the same.

Back then, I had this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was never gonna see my daughter again, and I feel that same way right now, Brady.

Thanks, JJ. I’ll be right there.

What was that? Was that about Rachel?

JJ’s been in contact with the ambulance dispatcher. They just got a call about a little girl who was hit by a car.

Oh, my God.

She’s unconscious, and they’re taking her to the ER now.

You don’t think that she could be–

According to JJ, her description matches Rachel’s.

Marlena, you know John is deep undercover.

I know that. His granddaughter has gone missing. And Brady is– Brady is half out of his mind with worry. He needs his father. And I know if John knew what was happening, he would want to be here.

Of course he would. John would move heaven and earth to find that little girl and to support his son.

All right, then can you contact Shane and ask him to contact John?

I already did. After you and I spoke the other night and you gave me the good news about Catharina, I reached out to Shane.

[dramatic music]

I didn’t ask you to do that.

I know you didn’t, but I can see how hard this no-contact arrangement is on you. This mission has gone on so long. It’s not fair to John’s loved ones, especially you. That’s what I told Shane. I read him the riot act.

What did he say?


I’m sure Dr. Johnson is a competent physician, but at your next appointment, I’ll tell her to keep her ideas about family planning to herself.

I told you, Mom, it wasn’t just her idea. Tate and I talked about it. Don’t you think we should have some say in this?

No, because I am the adult, and I make the decisions. I think that you’re forgetting that you’re still 17.

OK, Mrs. Choi, don’t you think Tate and Sophia are really, really young to be raising a child?

Well, it’s not as if they’d be doing it on their own. Your father and I have every intention of helping you, and I’m sure that Tate’s family will do the same.

And I appreciate that, but how exactly is that gonna work? I’m going to college next year, right?

OK, you know, and I also know that Tate has plans to go away to college.

Yes, I am well aware of your plans for college. But unfortunately, just like we’ve all had to learn, plans change.

Mom, if you’re gonna force me to have this baby, then fine, I will have the baby. But you can’t take college away from me. You really want me to throw my whole future away?

Of course not. But having to put your dreams on hold, that is the risk that you took when you–

Had sex? Fine, I get it. You’ve lectured me enough, OK? And believe me, after this, I’ll become a freaking nun. Will you respect me then, Mom, if I’m a good little girl and I never even look at a boy again?

That is enough, Sophia. I will not have you lashing out at me when you are the one who created this situation.

Yeah, well, here’s the situation that you’re creating. You’re making me sad and depressed and miserable. You’re ruining my life. [crying]

You really think Sophia’s parents are gonna be cool with putting the baby up for adoption? I thought her mom was, like, insisting on you guys getting married.

Yeah, but she can’t force us. And I think my dad made it pretty clear to her that that’s not happening.

[sighs] Well, good. ‘Cause as much as I’d like to see you in a three-piece suit… [sighs] I’m sorry, I think I’d have to send my regrets.

Again, that is not happening.

OK. Well, I hope Sophia talks to her parents about the adoption thing soon. It’s kind of killing me, not knowing what’s gonna happen.

Yeah, me too.

Obviously, I know this affects you more than it does me, so…

That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to worry about it.

Yeah. But whatever. I didn’t come here to talk about me or my feelings, so let’s just focus on Rachel. I know how scared you must be, and I am too. I mean, we used to live together, and she would drive me crazy.

[laughs] Yeah. That’s kind of her specialty.

But I do really care about her, so if there’s anything I can do to help–

I don’t know. I wish there was. I don’t know what else we can do that the police haven’t. I already put posters up in the park, but, like, do people even notice those? I’m usually looking at my phone. I probably wouldn’t even see them.

Well, maybe there’s a better way to get people’s attention.

Kristen, we just have to keep reminding ourselves that when we lost Rachel all those years ago, we got her back. And we’re gonna get her back this time, probably sooner than later because this time, she wasn’t kidnapped. She just–she just ran away.

Right. But in some ways, that scares me even worse. I mean, even though she left on her own volition, she is just a child, Brady. And she’s out there all alone. I mean, who knows what could happen to her?

This little girl who was hit by a car, could that be Rachel?

Apparently, she’s roughly Rachel’s age. Has light brown hair, and–

That could be any number of little girls.

She was wearing a leopard-print coat. Kristen said that Rachel’s leopard-print coat was taken from the closet.

Oh, my God. Should I call Brady?

No. No, no, no. Don’t do that. Let’s just wait till we know something for sure. I’m gonna go to the ER right now.

OK, well, I’m coming with you.

OK. Let me get my coat.

[dramatic music]

I’m afraid Shane turned me down flat. He did say that he was sorry and he understands how these missions can be hard on families, but apparently, John is in a very delicate spot. If Shane or anyone else tries to contact him, it could not only jeopardize the mission, but it could put John in serious peril.

Is it that dangerous?

I’m afraid so.

Why would John take on such a risky mission?

In all the years I’ve known your husband, I would never describe him as risk-averse.

I just–I don’t know why he would agree to break off contact with his family, agree to put his own life at risk.

I don’t know. But whatever it is, it must be something big.

[tender music]

Come here. Look, I know–I know Rachel’s out there all alone, and it’s nerve-racking. It’s scary, but… Kristen, she’s not a typical little girl. I mean, she is smart. She is very resourceful. How could she not be? I mean, she’s half Kiriakis, half DiMera.


I think the rest of the world ought to watch out for her, honestly.

I’m sure you’re right. I’m sure you’re right. Did I–[laughs] Did I tell you that she left Edgar on Harold’s bed?

No. The snake?

Yeah, with instructions on how to feed him and a warning: in case he gets very hungry, he might eat Harold for lunch. [laughter]

That’s great. That’s great. That’s great. Listen, try to get some sleep, please. You’ve been up all night. I’ve been up all night. I mean–[sighs]

I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get some sleep. Will you?

I don’t know. I got to try. We got to try. We need to be reasonably rested when that little girl of ours comes through those doors, so…

OK. I’m gonna try.

I’m gonna try too.


And I will be back soon.


Shawn. The little girl, is it–

It isn’t Rachel.

Oh, my God. Thank God.

[dramatic music]

Who does she think she is, storming off like that? She better get right back here.

OK, you know what? Maybe–maybe we should just give her a moment.

It’ll give us a chance to talk.

What do we have to talk about?

Look, I know that this is none of my business, but I have gotten to know your daughter over the past several months, and she is a wonderful girl. She’s smart. She’s hardworking. And it’s clear that you obviously love her very much and you only want what is best for her. So maybe it would help to try and see things from her point of view.

Oh, but I do. I don’t need to imagine what it’s like to make a mistake and have to suffer the repercussions of it. I’m a sinner, just like everyone else. And unfortunately, facing consequences is a part of life.

Don’t you think she’s already learned her lesson? Being forced to have a baby when she’s not ready is traumatic enough.

Ms. Vitali, I can tell that you and I don’t see eye to eye on some important issues. But I am very strong in my beliefs, so I’ll advise you to tread lightly.

Of course. Look, you are entitled to your beliefs, and I respect them. All I’m trying to say is that, look, it’s life-changing for anyone to find out they are pregnant. And for Sophia, at her age? Look, she’s obviously overwhelmed. She’s overwhelmed, and she’s very scared about what this is going to mean for her future, as Tate is. Look, they are so young. They are nowhere near ready to be parents. And so maybe, just maybe you could consider that putting the baby up for adoption is the best thing for them and for the baby too.

You’re right. It is none of your business.

OK, we just– we need to come up with a good hashtag, something that can get trending. And then maybe if enough people see it, they’ll know where Rachel is.

OK. I don’t know, like, Return Reptile Rachel?

Sure. Yeah, that’s perfect.

Hey, why don’t we try using, like, some existing hashtags, maybe try to gain some momentum?


Yeah, there you go. That’s a good idea. Yeah.

OK. I’ll tag them too. Maybe they’ll even write an article.

Yeah. Hey, thank you for doing this, by the way. You have way more followers than me. If I posted it, I’m sure no one would see it.

Yeah, that’s because you don’t post at all. And of course, anything I can do to help. [knock at door]

Just see who that is real quick.


Sophia. Whoa, whoa. What’s wrong?

[crying] My mom won’t agree to the adoption. She said we have to raise the baby ourselves.

[dramatic music]

Holly, I didn’t know you were here.

Yeah, obviously.

Holly’s here because we were trying to figure out ways to track down my little sister.

Track her down? What do you mean?

She ran away.

What? Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. I had no idea you were in the– in the middle of a crisis. I should go.

Ah, you know what? Actually, I’ll go.

No, Holly, don’t. No.

Tate, it’s fine. I’ll finish this post for Rachel. You two obviously have a lot to talk about. [door clicks shut]


[sighs] Believe me, I want my partner back too. But listen, Marlena, I will do everything I can to help the police find Rachel.

Thank you. We need all the help we can get.

You got it.

Would you–would you please try to find out from Shane anything else you can? I mean, it just– not knowing where John is, not hearing from him, of course I imagine the very worst.

I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.

I understand. I appreciate whatever you can do.

Of course.

I know how hard this is on you, Marlena.

I just– I’m terribly worried, and I– I miss him. I just miss him so much.

I know you do.

Oh, God, I am so glad that Rachel wasn’t hurt. Oh, but what about the other little girl?

Lucy. She’s pretty banged up, but she’s gonna be fine.

Oh, good. Is her family here?

Yeah, they’re on their way. She’s–she’s awake and she’s talking, and smart girl remembered her mom’s phone number.

Oh, that’s so good. Oh, I’m so glad I didn’t call my brother. I would have felt terrible scaring him like that.

Yeah, well, I’m sorry I scared you.

Oh, no, don’t be. I mean, it’s a leopard coat. You were following a pretty credible lead. All right, well, I’m gonna go pick up some takeout for my family.

Yeah, yeah. I should, you know, probably get back to the station.

OK, well, thank you for everything you’re doing. And you’ll keep me posted, right?

Yeah. Yeah, of course I will.


Brady, hey. Any news?

[sighs] Nothing.

Oh, God. I’m so sorry.

I was just–I was walking home, and I was finally gonna get some rest tonight. I don’t know, I wanted to see you.

OK. I’m here. What can I do to help?

I mean, I think all we can do for Rachel right now is just hope and wait, right?


Hope and wait.

Hope and wait, but what about for you?

I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m trying to put on a brave face for Kristen and assure her that everything is gonna be all right. Everything will be fine. We’ll find Rachel. But I–oh, God, Ava, I’m thinking about her out there, you know? I know she’s sad, and I know she’s angry, and I know she’s alone, and I’m feeling guilty.

Why are you feeling guilty?

‘Cause I–because we drove her to do this. We–we–Kristen and I failed. I failed. She failed. We didn’t love her enough. Maybe we didn’t cherish her enough. She had to–she felt like she had to do this to get our attention. Wake up, Mom and Dad.

I just want her to be OK. I want her to be OK. I want her to be OK.

It’s OK. It’s OK. It’s OK. She’ll be OK.

Who am I kidding? [sighs]

Oh. Oh, my darling. [sniffles, sighs] Where did you go? Where did you go?

[door creaks]

Well, Seymour, we finally made it.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, January 23, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Cody tells Mac he has had a rough time lately and that is why he has been getting in fights in bars. Cody tells Mac that he always sabotages his life when things are going well. Mac tells Cody that he won’t be able to push away the Scorpio family because they will forgive almost everything so he should stop trying to push them away. Cody promises that he is done with bar fights and he won’t get in one again. Mac thinks Cody had a good idea when he decided to spend the night in jail since he didn’t have the money to pay the damage he did at Charlie’s.

Ric persuades Ava to buy a small apartment because she needs a place to live if she is going to get custody of Avery away from Sonny.

Lucy continues to tell Jens Sidwell all about the residents of Port Charles and introduce him to them when she can do it. Jens Sidwell wants to meet Laura Collins because he has a business proposition for her. Lucy sets up a meeting for Jens with Laura. Jordan tells Laura she saw Jens at Charlie’s bar with Lucy. Laura knows Jens was the person holding Lucky hostage so she checks if Jens has a criminal record which he doesn’t although he is a criminal. Laura calls Jens and tells him she wants to meet with him tomorrow.

Lucky and Elizabeth decide to go back to Turning Woods to talk to the employees and see what they can find out about Cyrus.

Lucas tells Josslynn that Lucky and Elizabeth think that Cyrus is killing patients who are very sick because he thinks he is releasing the patients from their suffering. Lucas tells Josslynn that Elizabeth and Lucky are trying to figure out how Dex and Sam fit in with the rest of the murders because they were both healthy. Lucas makes Josslynn promise to stay away from this case because it is very dangerous.

Sonny tells Brick about his heart condition. Brick immediately makes Sonny an appointment with the top cardiologist who is in Los Angeles. Natalia and Sonny start brain storming a good reason why Sonny needs to go to Los Angeles because the five families can’t find out that he has a heart condition.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, January 24, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Billy tells Jack that he has decided to let go of his plan to try and get Abbott-Chancellor back from Victor. Billy tells Jack that several people have told him that he won’t get Abbott-Chancellor back and he should just move forward with his life and look for something new to do. Billy tells Jack he realized that his anger was more about the pain he feels because Jill didn’t trust him to run Abbott-Chancellor and sold the company to Victor. Billy wants to create something new and Jack offers to invest in his new idea when he decides what he wants to do.

Billy is touched with the way Sally decorated his new place.

Sharon comes home and Nick tells Sharon, Mariah, and, Faith that Ian Ward killed Heather because he wanted to frame Sharon because, when Sharon was in prison, he could have a clear path to be in Mariah’s life again. Mariah blames herself for bringing Ian into their lives but Sharon and Nick tell Mariah she is a Victim too just like Heather and Sharon.

Claire tells Jordan she poisoned her with an entire bottle of sleeping pills. Jordan tells everyone she would rather die than go to prison again. Victor asks Jordan to tell her where Ian is but Jordan tells Victor that she hopes that Ian makes everyone suffer. Jordan dies and this ordeal is finally over for everyone.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, January 23, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady was on the phone with Ava talking about Rachel being missing. Kirsten walked in and told Brady that he should have been focused on finding their daughter instead of spending time with Ava. She said Ava wasn’t involved so she needed to stay away since she was the reason why Rachel left and the reason why she and Brady weren’t getting back together. Brady said there were a million reasons why they weren’t getting back together. He said Rachel’s problems went beyond Ava. Kristen said she was on edge because Rachel has been gone for so long. She said she thought about Sarah taking Rachel in the past. Brady said Rachel ran away. Kristen said she had the feeling that she wouldn’t see Rachel again. She said Rachel was alone. Brady said Rachel was fine and the world needed to watch out for her. He suggested they get some sleep so they could be rested when Rachel came home. After they hugged, he left. When Sophia asked Ava for an extra shift to make up for leaving for her doctor’s appointment, Amy walked in and wondered why she was just hearing about it. She said Sophia was supposed to meet her at the hospital, but Kayla told her the appointment was changed. Sophia said Tate was with her. Amy didn’t care for Tate being there for her, so she was going to take her to her appointments. Ava suggested that Sophia let Amy know what happened at the appointment. Sophia said everything went well and the baby was healthy. She showed Amy a picture of the sonogram. Amy was emotional and told her she was trying to look out for her. When Sophia brought up the idea of giving the baby up for adoption, Amy was furious. She thought Sophia was trying to get rid of the baby. Amy and Sophia got into an argument over the baby. Ava tried to keep them from arguing by telling Amy to see things from Sophia’s point of view. Amy said Sophia was a sinner. Ava told her that Sophia was scared about what all of this would mean for her and Tate. Since Sophia and Tate weren’t ready to be parents, putting the baby up for adoption would be the best decision. Amy let Ava know that it was none of her business before she left.

Belle went to the police station to ask about any leads on Rachel. Shawn said there weren’t any leads. She offered to help, but he said they had it under control. Belle said she felt bad for Rachel and Brady. While they were talking, Shawn got a call from JJ saying a little girl fitting Rachel’s description was hit by a car. Shawn suggested that she wait to tell Brady until they knew for sure. When they went to the hospital, they found out the girl wasn’t Rachel. Tate talked to Marlena about Rachel being missing. Marlena assured him that he was doing everything he could to help find Rachel. He said the stress of Rachel being missing was one more thing to worry about on top of Sophia being pregnant. Marlena said she would be there for him. He opened up to her about what Sophia’s pregnancy was doing to him and Holly. Tate said seeing the sonogram was a miracle, but he and Sophia didn’t mean for it to happen. He said Holly was upset when she saw the sonogram. Marlena asked if he talked to Holly. While they were talking, Holly showed up. She said she heard about Rachel being missing. Marlena left them alone to talk. Tate was glad to see Holly after what happened with the sonogram. Holly said Rachel was more important. He said Rachel being missing didn’t change their problems. She said his connection with Sophia hurt, but she kept telling herself that they want to give the baby up for adoption. Holly hoped that Sophia’s parents would go along with the idea. They decide to post messages online looking for Rachel. While they were posting the messages, Sophia showed up to tell Tate that her parents didn’t want them to give the baby up for adoption. Marlena met with Steve at the pub. She told him that Rachel was missing. She said she needed to get in touch with John because Brady needed his father. Steve said he tried reaching out to Shane, but it didn’t do any good. He said getting in touch with John could put his life in danger. Steve said he would do anything he could to help find Rachel. Marlena asked him if he could get any information on John.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Leo had a nightmare about Kerry bursting in the room with a gun. He woke up to find Javi waiting for him. Leo told Javi about his nightmare. Javi reassured him that Kerry was out of the picture. He wanted to spend the day together, and Leo wanted to do that too. He just needed to find out what his nightmare meant. Javi felt it meant that Kerry was gone for good, and he didn’t have to miss him anymore. Jada wanted JJ to take over Rachel’s case because she felt like Bonnie’s fall down the elevator shaft wasn’t an accident. She received a text from Javi and said that they had a suspect to bring to the station. The stalker was shown drawing an “x” on Bonnie’s picture. Stephanie told Alex about her breakup with Philip. She said she was with Philip because of him. Stephanie didn’t want to stop seeing Alex. He admitted that he didn’t want it to end either. They didn’t want to end their friendship. Joy was just a cover and that’s when she decided to see Philip. Alex admitted that he spent the night with Joy on New Year’s Eve because he thought she moved on with her life. He wanted to move on too. They realized they made mistakes and wondered if they should be together while working together. Stephanie suggested that she quit the show so they could be together. He didn’t want her to give up her biggest client so they could be together. She missed him more than she loved the job. Alex worried what would happen if they didn’t work out. She thought there was a chance that they could make it work. While they were talking, Joy arrived. She gave Alex a hug and wanted to take him to see Bonnie. Seth panicked about the ramifications of Bonnie’s fall, but Kate reassured him that the show’s insurance would handle it. Joy overheard Kate’s conversation and thought Chanel quitting caused problems for the show. Kate told her about Bonnie. She felt like Bonnie was responsible for being on the set when she was, but Joy didn’t think it was her fault. Joy felt like Chanel quitting was responsible because the exit scene was rushed. Kate shot down her theory and wondered why she thought that way. Joy was upset that Chanel slapped her, and she was done letting her blame her for what happened with Johnny. She didn’t like Johnny in that way. Joy told her that she was dating Alex. Kate advised her about dating a co-worker.

Abe went to see Kayla to check on Bonnie. She informed him that she was resting, but she wouldn’t be back to work soon. Abe felt like he was screwed after everything that happened. He wondered what else would go wrong. Abe asked Kayla to play Cassandra to help keep everyone employed, but she wouldn’t do it. He continued to plead with her to do the soap temporarily. Jada talked with Kerry at the station. she wanted to know what happened to Bonnie. She explained to him how he had the opportunity to attack Bonnie. Kerry told Jada that his issue was with Leo because he rejected him. He gave Jada his phone, but she said it could have been a burner phone. He was ready to leave, but she wasn’t ready to stop talking. She didn’t have anything concrete on Kerry so she told him not to leave town. Abe met with Kate and told her that Bonnie would be out for a while. He was able to get Kayla to fill in for her temporarily. Kate wasn’t sure if they should work with Kayla. Kayla called Steve to tell him the news about being on the show. She noticed Stephanie looking sad. Stephanie told her what happened with the soap. Kayla let her know that she would be on the show temporarily. Alex and Joy talk about Bonnie’s situation. Joy felt like he and Bonnie were the only people she could tolerate on the show. She let him know that she told Kate that he was the only one there for her. Jada wanted a background check done on Kerry. She called Justin to tell him that she would find the person responsible for what happened to Bonnie. Someone hung a picture of Bonnie up with an “x” through it. He reached for a picture of Alex.

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Days Update Thursday, January 23, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Brady paces at the DiMera Mansion until he gets a call from Ava. Brady tells her that the police are going through security footage trying to find Rachel so he’s hoping for an update. Brady adds that he and Kristen were at the police station all night until Shawn convinced them it would do no good, so he brought Kristen home. Ava says it sounds like Brady could use some rest. Brady doesn’t know how they will get any rest. Ava tells him that she’s truly sorry. Brady thanks her and appreciates her calling. Kristen walks in behind Brady and says that makes one of them.

At the police station, Shawn finishes a call with JJ about the security footage looking for Rachel. Belle arrives and asks if there’s any news on Rachel. Shawn says unfortunately no and that Brady and Kristen are going out of their minds.

Brady tells Ava to hold on while Kristen asks if she’s interrupting, mocking the phone call as important while their daughter is missing. Brady tells Ava that he will call her later. Ava says she’s there if he needs her. Brady hangs up and says he thought Kristen went upstairs to rest. Kristen questions how she can rest when she needs to be out looking for Rachel and argues that Brady should be too instead of talking to Ava. Brady argues that Ava was just calling to check in while Kristen complains that she doesn’t need to check in because this does not involve her, calling it a family matter.

Tate complains about his homework at home until Marlena comes in. Tate asks how he’s supposed to do his homework while Rachel is out there missing. Tate doesn’t know where Rachel could have gone and mentions texting her to come home but then he remembered Kristen took her phone. Tate wishes he could do more to help in the search for Rachel. Marlena encourages that he put up all the posters in the park while Tate doesn’t feel like that was enough. Marlena says they’re doing all they can, noting that she met with the police as did Brady and Kristen and that they are using every resource. Tate can’t believe his sister is missing on top of everything else. Marlena guesses he’s talking about Sophia’s pregnancy.

Sophia goes to the Bistro and asks Ava if she can pick up a shift. Ava says she doesn’t have room on the schedule today and thought she was taking the day off to go to the doctor. Sophia informs Ava that she went to her appointment yesterday, then her mother Amy comes in behind her and questions why she’s only hearing about it now. Sophia asks what she’s doing there. Amy questions Sophia not answering her phone. Sophia says she must have had it on silent, but Amy points out the phone is in her hand and argues that she was waiting for her at the doctor only to find out she went yesterday. Sophia claims there was a schedule mix up so they moved it but Amy reveals she talked to Kayla, who told her that Sophia called to move the appointment. Sophia then admits that she changed it because she didn’t want her hovering over her. Amy questions her going to the appointment alone. Sophia informs her that Tate went with her. Amy argues that she should’ve been there too. Sophia complains that it’s her baby and she doesn’t need her holding her hand because she’s not a child. Amy asks if she’s sure about that because a mature responsible adult would not be in this situation.

Marlena tells Tate that she knows they haven’t talked much about Sophia’s pregnancy and how it’s affecting him. Marlena is glad he has Brady to talk to, but assures she’s there to talk too. Tate thanks him, so Marlena asks if he wants to talk about it now. Tate says it just feels kind of wrong to be talking about his problems while Rachel is missing. Marlena encourages that it’s not wrong as the police are out looking for Rachel, so there’s nothing they can do but wait. Tate then decides he does want to discuss the Sophia situation because maybe Marlena can help him. Marlena says she’s happy to try. Tate talks about trying to do the right thing to help Sophia, but whenever he does, he ends up hurting his relationship with Holly. Tate mentions the sonogram photo making it all more real. Tate calls it a miracle that they made a life, but it made him really sad knowing that they can’t appreciate the miracle because they didn’t mean for it to happen. Tate adds that he could tell it really upset Holly. Marlena asks if he’s had a chance to talk to Holly. Tate admits he hasn’t heard from her since. Holly then shows up at the door and tells Tate that she just heard about Rachel missing and she knows he must be so worried. Marlena says she’ll give them time as she has somewhere to be, so she exits. Tate tells Holly that he’s really glad she’s there. Holly asks why she wouldn’t be. Tate feels she seemed pretty upset when she ran in to he and Sophia yesterday.

Amy tells Sophia that he will be taking her to her doctor’s appointments until she proves herself capable of making good decisions. Ava says she doesn’t blame Amy for being upset about being left in the dark, but suggest Sophia can tell her how the appointment went. Sophia tells Amy that it’s all good so far, they are waiting on blood tests, and she’s taking the recommended vitamins. Amy says it’s good that she’s healthy. Sophia then shows her the sonogram photo which Amy acknowledges as her grandchild. Sophia apologizes for going to the appointment without her. Amy says it’s okay as she understands, but she’s trying to look out for her. Sophia decides that Amy is right that she should be involved. Sophia adds that she wanted to talk to her about adoption.

Brady knows Kristen is upset but says Ava was just concerned. Kristen blames Ava for Rachel running away. Brady argues that’s not true since Rachel was upset about them not getting back together. Kristen calls Ava the reason they are not getting back together. Brady says there are a million reasons that they won’t get in to, but Ava has nothing to do with it. Brady adds that Rachel has been upset for awhile now and it goes a lot deeper than he and Ava. Kristen reluctantly admits it’s not Ava’s fault and she’s just on edge and she can’t help but think worst case scenario since Rachel has been missing for 24 hours with no leads. Kristen questions where she is.

Belle tells Shawn that she can’t imagine what Brady is going through and asks if there’s anything she can do to help. Shawn thinks they are doing all they can, noting they have every available unit on the area and JJ is going over security footage so it’s only a matter of time. Belle worries about Brady after everything he’s been through the past year. Shawn then gets a call back from JJ.

Holly tells Tate that none of yesterday matters when Rachel is missing. Tate says it does matter as he could tell she was upset running in to he and Sophia in the town square. Holly admits that she was because they were together, laughing and when she saw the sonogram, she realized there is something between them and it’s like a connection that she’s not a part of. Tate understands why she would feel that way. Holly says it wasn’t just a moment they were sharing, they are having a baby together. Tate says they still want to give the baby up for adoption if Sophia’s parents are cool with it.

Amy questions adoption. Sophia says she and Tate had talked about it and thought it might be a good idea. Amy argues that they couldn’t get away with abortion so they are looking at another way to dispose of the baby. Sophia says they are just trying to do the right thing, pointing out that she and Tate are not ready to be parents. Amy shouts that they should’ve thought about that before deciding they were ready to have sex. Amy declares that Sophia doesn’t want to face the consequences of her actions. Sophia mocks the idea that the baby is a punishment. Ava backs up Sophia doing what’s best for the baby. Amy disagrees and declares there will not be any adoption.

Steve finishes a call at the Pub as Marlena arrives and thanks him for meeting her. Steve asks what’s going on. Marlena guesses he hasn’t heard that Rachel is missing which shocks him. Marlena explains that Rachel ran away, there’s no sign of her, and the police are all over it. Steve asks what he can do to help. Marlena responds that he can help her contact John.

Brady tells Kristen that he knows waiting is getting to both of them, but encourages that the police will help them get Rachel home. Kristen says that’s what they said last time when they finally found out Rachel was their baby, only to have Sarah run off with her. Kristen knows that was a long time ago but she had forgotten what it was like and now the terrible memories are flooding back. Brady argues that the difference is that no one took her this time. Brady says Rachel is a smart kid but he doubts she can charter a flight to Paris. Kristen cries that she knows it was a different situation but it feels the same as she had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach that she was never going to see her daughter again and she feels that same way now.

Shawn finishes his call with JJ and informs Belle that the ambulance dispatch just got a call about a little girl who was hit by a car and is being taken to the hospital now. Shawn reveals that according to JJ, the description matches Rachel.

Steve reminds Marlena that John is deep undercover. Marlena argues that his granddaughter has gone missing and Brady needs his father, so she knows if John knew, he would want to be there. Steve agrees, so Marlena asks him to contact Shane to ask him to contact John. Steve reveals that he already did after Marlena gave him the good news about Catharina. Marlena notes that she didn’t ask him to do that. Steve says he can see how hard the no contact is for her and the mission has gone on so long that it’s not fair to John’s loved ones. Steve says he read Shane the riot act, so Marlena asks what he said.

Amy tells Sophia that at her next appointment, she will tell Kayla to keep her ideas to herself. Sophia argues that she and Tate should have some say in this but Amy declares that she is the adult in this situation, reminding Sophia that she is still 17. Ava points out that Tate and Sophia are really young to be raising a child. Amy argues that they won’t be doing it on their own as Sophia’s parents have every intention of helping and she’s sure Tate’s family will do the same. Sophia questions how that’s going to work if she’s going to college next year. Amy responds that unfortunately, plans change. Sophia says she will have the baby, but she can’t take college away from her. Amy shouts that putting her dreams on hold is the risk she took when she had sex. Sophia complains that she’s lectured her enough and asks if she will respect her enough if she becomes a nun and never looks at another boy again. Amy tells Sophia that she will not lash out at her for her decision. Sophia cries that her mother is making her sad and miserable and ruining her life as she then runs out of the Bistro.

Holly asks if Tate really thinks Sophia’s parents would be cool with adoption when her mom was insisting on them getting married. Tate argues that she can’t force them and he thinks that Brady made it clear they are not getting married. Holly hopes Sophia talks to her parent about adoption soon because it’s killing her not knowing what’s going to happen. Holly says she didn’t come to talk about her or her feelings and says she knows how scared he must be about Rachel. Holly brings up that she used to live with Rachel so she really cares about her and offers anything she can do to help. Tate wishes there was but he doesn’t know what they can do that the police haven’t. Tate says he put posters up in the park but wonders if people even look at those. Holly suggests a better way to get people’s attention.

Brady tells Kristen that they have to keep reminding themselves that they got Rachel back all those years ago and they will this time too, pointing out that she wasn’t kidnapped. Kristen says in some ways, Rachel running away scares her worse because she’s out there all alone and who knows what could happen to her.

Belle asks Shawn if it could be Rachel that was hit by the car. Shawn says she’s apparently Rachel’s age with brown hair and a leopard print coat. Belle asks if she should call Brady. Shawn says to wait until they know for sure. They decide they are going to the ER and exit the police station.

Steve informs Marlena that Shane turned him down flat, but said he was sorry and understands how these missions can be hard on families but apparently John is in a very delicate spot so if anyone tries to contact him, it could jeopardize the mission and put John in serious peril because it’s that dangerous. Marlena questions why John would take on such a risky mission. Steve says he would never describe John as risk averse. Marlena doesn’t know why John would agree to break off contact with his family and put his own life at risk. Steve says he doesn’t know but it must be something big.

Brady tells Kristen that he knows Rachel is out there alone and it’s scary but encourages that she is smart and resourceful, joking that she is half Kiriakis, half DiMera so the rest of the world better watch out for her. Kristen is sure he’s right. Kristen brings up that Rachel left her snake, with instructions on how to feed it. Brady urges Kristen to try to get some sleep since they have put up all night. Kristen doesn’t think she will be able to. Brady says they have to try so they can be reasonably rested when Rachel comes home. Kristen agrees to try. Brady says he will be back soon as he hugs Kristen.

Belle paces at the hospital as Shawn comes back to her and reveals the little girl hit by a car was not Rachel. Belle is relieved and thankful as she hugs Shawn.

Amy complains about Sophia storming off. Ava suggests giving Sophia a moment so they can have a chance to talk. Amy questions what they have to talk about. Ava knows it’s none of her business but she’s gotten to know Sophia and she’s a wonderful girl. Ava says it’s clear that Amy loves her and wants the best for her, so maybe it would help to see things from her perspective. Amy argues that she knows what it’s like to make a mistake and having to face the consequences of it. Ava thinks Sophia has already learned her lesson as being forced to have a baby when she’s not ready is traumatic enough. Amy sees that they don’t see eye to eye on some important issues, but she has her beliefs and advises her to tread lightly. Ava says she’s just saying that it’s life changing to find out you’re pregnant and Sophia is obviously overwhelmed and scared. Ava talks about Tate and Sophia being so young and not ready to be parents, so maybe she could consider that adoption is the best thing for them and the baby. Amy then agrees that it’s none of Ava’s business and walks out of the Bistro.

Holly tells Tate that they need to come up with a good hashtag to get trending and if enough people see it, they can know where Rachel is. Tate suggests #ReturnReptileRachel along with existing hashtags. Holly uses the Spectator as a hashtag as well and says maybe they’ll post an article about it. Tate thanks Holly for doing this since she has way more followers than him and says he’s sure no one would see it if he posted it. Holly jokes that’s because Tate doesn’t post at all. Sophia then shows up at the door in tears, revealing that her mom won’t agree to the adoption and said they have to raise the baby themselves as she hugs Tate. Sophia then sees Holly and says she didn’t know she was there. Tate explains that they were trying to track down his little sister after she ran away. Sophia apologizes and says she had no idea he was in the middle of a crisis, so she will go. Holly decides she will go instead. Tate tries to stop her but Holly says they obviously have a lot to talk about and exits.

Steve tells Marlena that he wants his partner back too and promises to do everything he can to help the police find Rachel. Marlena thanks him and says they need all the help they can get. Marlena asks Steve to find out any more he can from Shane too because she imagines the very worst when not hearing from John. Steve agrees to try but can’t make any promises. Marlena understands and appreciates whatever he can do. Steve knows how hard it is on her. Marlena admits she’s terribly worried and she misses John so much. Steve hugs her and says he knows.

Belle tells Shawn that she’s so glad that Rachel wasn’t hurt but asks about the other little girl. Shawn says her name is Lucy and she’s banged up but she will be fine. Shawn adds that her family is on the way as she’s awake and talking. Belle is glad she didn’t call Brady and scare him like that. Shawn is sorry that he scared her. Belle understands he was following a credible lead. Belle decides she is going to pick up food for her family. Shawn says he should get back to the police station and agrees to keep her posted.

Brady goes to the Bistro where Ava asks if there’s any news but Brady says there’s nothing. Brady says he was just walking home to get some rest and decided he wanted to see her. Ava asks what she can do to help. Brady thinks all they can do is hope and wait. Ava asks what she can do for him. Brady says he tried to put on a brave face for Kristen and assure her that everything will be alright, but admits he’s worried about Rachel being out there, sad, angry, and alone. Brady feels guilty because they drove Rachel to do this and worries that they didn’t love her enough. Brady worries that Rachel felt she had to do this to get their attention. Brady just wants her to be okay. Ava hugs him and assures that she will be okay.

Kristen remains in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and looks at a photo of her and Rachel on her phone. Kristen tearfully wonders where Rachel has gone.

Rachel arrives in a big room with old furniture covered by sheets. She pulls out her stuffed animal snake from her backpack and declares that they finally made it.

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Days Update Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Leo has a nightmare about Kerry interrupting he and Javi in bed with a gun, then wakes up in a panic as Javi comes in with coffee.

At the hospital, Alex questions Stephanie and Philip breaking up when they seemed so happy on New Year’s. Stephanie responds that it was new and they were still figuring out if they could work, but she got a vivid reminder of why they broke up the last time. Alex tells her that he’s sorry but Stephanie says it’s good that things ended as quickly as they did. Stephanie adds that she never would’ve even thought about dating Philip again if it wasn’t for Alex.

At the Brady Pub, Kate finishes a call with Seth Burns about Bonnie’s accident and the safety protocols. Kate hangs up as Joy appears to ask if everything is okay. Kate responds that she was putting out another fire with Body and Soul. Joy guesses Chanel quitting caused a lot of problems. Kate says that’s not important anymore as she was talking about Bonnie’s accident, which Joy was unaware of. Kate then informs Joy that Bonnie almost died when she plunged down the elevator shaft.

Abe goes to Kayla’s office at the hospital and asks how Bonnie is. Kayla says she can only discuss her condition with her family but her prognosis is good. Kayla adds that Bonnie won’t be going back to work any time soon. Abe admits he was worried that she would say that and declares that he’s royally screwed.

Jada calls JJ from the hospital and tells him to keep on the Rachel case as she’s still finishing up the Bonnie case. Jada tells JJ that Bonnie will recover but she has a long recovery ahead. Jada says just between them, Justin thinks someone lured Bonnie to the elevator and that her fall was no accident.

Someone wearing all black walks in to the park with a photo of Bonnie. They then take a red marker and draw an X over her photo.

Alex doesn’t understand how he’s the reason that Stephanie started dating Philip again. Stephanie tries to tell him to forget it but Alex insists. Stephanie explains that when they decided to stop seeing each other because of work, she told him it was no big deal but that was a lie as she wasn’t really ready to end things between them. Alex admits he was not either.

Kate fills Joy in on Bonnie’s accident. Joy asks if she’s okay. Kate says Bonnie’s alive and that’s all that matters, but it was a terrible fall. Joy worries about Alex, noting they were on set late last night so this must have happened right after. Kate remarks that at least she knew not to go down the elevator. Joy doesn’t think it’s Bonnie’s fault, so Kate questions whose fault it is.

Jada tells JJ that she doesn’t know if she agrees with Justin’s theory as it could be a coincidence, but admits the text message that Bonnie got was pretty damn suspicious, so they have to tread lightly. Jada gets a text from Javi and then tells JJ that if this was pre-meditated, they have their first suspect.

Javi asks Leo about his nightmare. Leo tells him it was about Kerry choosing violence. Javi tells Leo that he texted Jada about him. Leo wonders if Kerry will get in trouble. Javi declares that all that matters is that Kerry is gone and they are here together. Javi doesn’t think they have anything to worry about from Kerry, but thinks they should stay in bed all day. Leo worries that Gabi will be pissed at him but Javi says she will forgive and forget. Leo tells Javi that he has to get to set and wonders what could have blown up in the last 12 hours. Javi tries to convince Leo that he deserves a day off, so Leo agrees to stay with him, but says there is something important he wants to discuss with him.

Abe tells Kayla that it’s bad enough that Bonnie’s accident happened on his watch, but now Leo is missing. Abe says they need all hands on deck as they cannot afford to lose another day of production. Kayla wishes she could help. Abe responds that maybe she can.

Stephanie questions Alex not wanting to break things off either and why he didn’t say anything. Alex says probably the same reason she didn’t as he didn’t want to put himself out there if she wasn’t going to and he didn’t want to risk ruining their friendship, but he did want more. Stephanie wishes she knew and admits that part of her thought he felt the same way, but then she heard about Alex and Joy. Alex insists that was just a cover and they weren’t really dating. Stephanie says she knows that now, but seeing Joy and Alex leaving the New Year’s Eve party made her more open to seeing where things could go with Philip. Alex explains that he and Joy only left the party because Chanel had confronted Johnny. Stephanie says she assumed that they spent the night together. Alex then admits that they did.

Joy tells Kate that blaming Bonnie feels like victim blaming. Kate argues that Bonnie’s the one who wasn’t paying attention, unless Joy thinks this wasn’t an accident. Kate asks if she thinks it’s her or Abe’s fault. Joy responds that she blames Chanel because if she hadn’t quit the show, they wouldn’t have had the open elevator shaft. Kate thinks that’s a stretch and says there will be a lot of fingers pointed here, but she doesn’t think any will be pointing at Chanel. Kate asks Joy what this is really all about.

Jada goes to the police station to see Kerry in her office. Jada informs him that there was an incident on the set of Body and Soul. Kerry remarks that the set has been cursed ever since moving to Salem and asks what happened this time. Jada reveals that Bonnie fell down an elevator shaft right after taping an elaborate stunt. Kerry says it sounds like she should be talking to production instead of him. Jada brings up the possibility of Bonnie being lured to the elevator shaft. Kerry says that’s pretty sick but questions what that has to do with him. Jada says that’s what they are here to find out.

Javi jokes with Leo about sounding serious. Leo says it’s not a bad thing but he was thinking they just kind of fell in to bed two seconds after he was in bed with Kerry. Leo asks if they are rushing things. Javi points out that it’s not like they haven’t slept together before. Leo says he just wanted to make sure and he needs to know that this means something. Javi doesn’t think he was really ready to sleep with Kerry and part of him knew that he wasn’t right for him. Javi admits he couldn’t get Leo out of his head. Javi knows he put on a big show by turning Leo away when he apologized, but deep down he was missing him and he’s so glad that he doesn’t have to miss him anymore and that Kerry is out of his life for good.

Kerry tells Jada that he has no idea what she’s talking about. Jada explains that the elevator was blocked off from cast and crew, so everyone knew to stay away from it except Bonnie, who got a text from the wardrobe department except they never sent the text, so someone may have been impersonating them. Jada informs Kerry that she’s very close with Javi and he texted her about everything that went down between them. Kerry questions her pegging this on him because he’s Lady Whistleblower. Jada goes over how Kerry broke in to Leo’s hotel room, put spyware on his computer, and had access to the production schedule as well as Bonnie’s phone number. Kerry questions why he would want Bonnie to fall down an elevator shaft. Jada points out he had an axe to grind with the show. Kerry responds that his only axe to grind was with Leo Stark, who rejected and humiliated him, so he wanted to humiliate him and that’s all. Kerry adds that he has no problem with Bonnie, other than her over the top acting. Kerry denies sending the text to Bonnie and hands over his phone if she doesn’t believe him. Jada argues that he could have used a burner phone which Kerry denies. Jada asks if he didn’t send the poisoned cupcakes to the cast and crew either. Kerry asks if she’s just going to keep throwing accusations at him until one sticks. Kerry tells Jada that she has nothing on him so they are done here, but Jada responds that they are done when she says so.

Kayla doesn’t know how she can help since she can’t speed up Bonnie’s recovery. Abe responds that she can fill her shoes because they need someone to play Cassandra and says Kayla is the best recast. Kayla says they went over this already that she’s a doctor, not an actress. Abe points out that Bonnie wasn’t an actress either. Abe brings up when Kayla went undercover with Steve and says she acted her ass off because her life depended on it. Kayla says her life doesn’t depend on this while Abe says his does along with the entire cast and crew. Abe declares that he’s desperate to keep everyone employed. Kayla questions one character jeopardizing all of that. Abe says they can’t afford another crisis and losing another day. Kayla questions needing to step in immediately. Abe repeats that the only person right for it is her.

Joy admits to Kate that maybe Bonnie’s accident wasn’t Chanel’s fault and that she may still be salty about Chanel slapping her for real on set last night which surprises Kate. Joy declares that she’s done letting Chanel blame her for her marriage falling apart. Kate asks who is victim blaming now. Joy argues that Johnny is the one who cheated and she’s not even interested in him as she’s seeing Alex now. Kate thought that was a cover story. Joy says it was until it wasn’t. Joy adds that they’ve gotten a lot closer and they are just figuring things out. Joy notes that Abe said he’s okay with it since there’s no power imbalance. Kate says she gets that, but brings up what tension between people on set can do. Joy promises that if they break up, they will be total pros. Joy declares that she’s pretty much alone in Salem and Alex is the only person who hasn’t been a jerk to her. Joy states that Johnny used her, Chanel blamed her, and EJ bribed her while Alex has been nothing but supportive through all of it. Joy tells Kate that she’s never felt more safe with anyone than she has with Alex.

Alex tells Stephanie that he wants to be honest with her and admits that he and Joy slept together. Alex explains that it wasn’t planned but Joy was upset about Chanel while he was upset, thinking that Stephanie had moved on with Philip. Stephanie realizes that he was only with Joy because he thought she was with Philip while she was only with Philip because she thought he was with Joy. Stephanie points out that she’s not with Philip anymore, but Alex is still with Joy. Alex says they aren’t official and were just spending more time together. Alex swears that if he knew Stephanie was single, he would slow it down completely but he doesn’t know if they can be together while working on Body and Soul. Stephanie then asks what if she wasn’t working on Body and Soul and quits being the show’s publicist. Alex says no way since they are her biggest client, so he can’t ask her to quit her job for them. Stephanie points out that he didn’t ask and that the show could easily replace her with a publicist. Alex argues that she loves her job and never considered quitting. Stephanie says she didn’t until she realized how much she misses him.

Kate tells Joy that she’s grateful that Alex was respectful and kind to her when others weren’t, but the heart is most vulnerable when worn on the sleeve so she advises her to protect it. Joy thanks her and says she will. Joy wonders if Alex is still at the hospital as she’d really like to be there for him. Kate doesn’t think there’s anywhere else he would be since Bonnie is family. Joy talks about liking Bonnie and decides she might bring her flowers. Kate tells Joy to give Bonnie her best and that they can’t wait to have her back on the show.

Javi suggests that Leo call in sick. Leo talks about upcoming storylines for Body and Soul. Leo talks about Bonnie and Hattie’s characters, then apologizes if he’s boring Javi.

Jada tells Kerry that she doesn’t have anything to tie him to Bonnie’s accident or the poisoned cupcakes, but he did break in to Leo’s hotel room which is a crime. Kerry argues that he and Leo were involved once, pointing out there is no evidence of a break-in so she doesn’t have enough to charge him or even for a warrant. Jada warns Kerry not to leave town as he then exits her office.

Kayla tells Abe that she will pass but Abe insists that she’d fit right in and that Kate would love it. Kayla thinks it sounds insane. Abe encourages Kayla dreaming of being a TV star growing up. Kayla says healing people is now her passion and she wouldn’t want to take someone else’s dream as she’s sure hundreds of actresses would love to be on Body and Soul. Abe questions who is available the day after tomorrow. Kayla argues that Bonnie won’t be back for weeks and she can’t neglect her patients to go be a soap star. Abe says they will start searching for a recast right away while Kayla would just have to step in. Kayla worries about if she’s terrible and makes things worse. Abe assures that she will knock it out of the park and asks what he has to say to convince her.

Alex tells Stephanie that he misses her too, but he doesn’t want them to rush in to something they might regret if it doesn’t work out. Stephanie asks what if it does. Alex points out that Kate and Abe won’t like this at all since the show is already going crazy. Stephanie admits the show is in chaos but she can’t fix it, she can only spin it but she doesn’t need that. Joy arrives and hugs Alex, telling him that she’s so sorry about Bonnie and asks if she can have visitors. Alex says he’s sure she would appreciate that. Joy asks Alex to take her to Bonnie’s room. Joy invites Stephanie to come with but Stephanie says she’s swamped with work, so Alex tells Stephanie they will catch up later and takes Joy to Bonnie’s room.

Leo asks Javi to run a scene with him as they joke together until Kerry walks in to interrupt them. Leo tells him about his nightmare that Kerry came to shoot him. Kerry says he’s not going to throw his life away over them. Javi asks what he wants. Kerry returns his key which Leo questions Javi giving to him. Kerry then tells Javi that he would like his Rochester sweatshirt back.

Jada makes a call to have a background check run on Kerry.

Leo questions Javi giving Kerry a key when they were taking things slowly. Javi returns Kerry’s sweatshirt to him and says there’s nothing else. Kerry hopes Javi and Leo live unhappily ever after. Kerry adds that it’s a tough break about Bonnie and says he’ll be seeing them as he exits. Leo and Javi are left confused, wondering what happened to Bonnie.

Abe goes to the Brady Pub and tells Kate that it’s been a hell of a day and it’s barely 10 AM. Abe asks if she wants the good news or bad news first. Kate picks bad news so Abe informs her that Bonnie has a long recovery ahead of her. Kate asks what the good news is. Abe reveals that he already has a temporary recast to start tomorrow which shocks Kate. Abe then informs her that it’s Kayla.

Kayla calls Steve and leaves a message that she has some very interesting news for him. Kayla hangs up and sees Stephanie, noting that she looks so down so she asks what’s going on.

Joy tells Alex that she knew Bonnie was badly hurt but she was not expecting to see her like that. Alex says she’s lucky to be alive. Joy calls Alex and Bonnie the only people in the cast that she can tolerate, so without Bonnie, it’s only Alex. Joy adds that she was telling Kate that she doesn’t know if she would have gotten through any of this without Alex as she hugs him.

Leo looks up on his phone and finds out that Bonnie was severely injured after falling down the elevator shaft at the hospital. Leo feels horrible and hopes she will be okay, but worries about his upcoming storyline.

Stephanie tells Kayla that she’s fine and there’s just a lot going on with Body and Soul. Kayla then informs Stephanie that she’s looking at the latest, most reluctant cast member to join the show which surprises Stephanie. Kayla calls it silly but says Abe twisted her arm to fill in for Bonnie. Kayla assures that she’s only filling in until Abe finds a permanent recast and she thought it would be fun to work with Stephanie a bit.

Jada calls Justin and tells him that she brought in Kerry for questioning but she had to let him go because he didn’t have a criminal record. Jada assures that they will haul him in if they find anything that links him to what happened. Jada promises that if Bonnie’s fall wasn’t an accident, she will find who is responsible.

The mystery person in all black hangs Bonnie’s photo with a red X through it and then approaches a photo of Alex next.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Kristina reopens the remodeled Charlie’s and Brick comes to celebrate Kristina’s big night.

Brick gets jealous because he sees Jordan sitting with Isiah.

Natalia finds Sonny unconscious on the floor of his office. Natalia finds Sonny’s pills and put one of the pills in his mouth to dissolve and calls 911. Sonny regains conciseness and tells Natalia he doesn’t want to go to the hospital. Sonny tells Natalia to call using his cell phone and tell him what happened.

Isiah leaves Jordan after he tells her that he has a medical emergency.

Brick sits down with Jordan and they talk and flirt for a little bit.

Cody goes to the re-opening of Charlie’s and gets drunk because he is still depressed that lost all his money on the PCU game. A drunk Cody asks Spinelli to pay him $75,000 not to tell anyone what he did with the Society setups dating service years ago. Spinelli tells Cody he doesn’t have that kind of money and he should be ashamed of himself for trying to shake down, a member of his family. Lucky comes over to try to calm down the situation and he gets punched in the face by Cody. Brick breaks up the fight between Cody and Lucky. Cody and Lucky are arrested and taken to the police station.

Isiah tells Sonny he needs to go to a cardiologist, but Sonny still wants to keep his condition a secret. Isiah tells Sonny he needs to be under observation for the night. Natalia tells Isiah she will stay with Sonny.

Jason manages to make a deal to resolve the situation between Willow and Tracy. Willow will move back to the carriage house with the kids so Monica can have them nearby and the kids can be in their home and their lives won’t be uprooted.

Drew tells Martin that he needs to get Willow a divorce as soon as possible because he thinks the Quartermaines will still try to take the kids away from Willow and he must protect Willow from the Quatermaines.

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Recap written by Eva

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Days Transcript Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


That manipulative tool.

[dramatic music]

Good morning to you too.

You are not going to believe what Lady Whistleblower wrote in her latest column.

Or we can put away the tablet and start this morning off right.

Get a load of this. “Leo Stark may think he’s won, but he’s gonna pay for what he’s done to me.”

What you’ve done to him? He was targeting you. All you did was expose him.

And tank his romance with the incredibly hot guy I’m currently in bed with.

You know, flattery will get you everywhere. [chuckles] But Kerry lost me because of what he did. Actions have consequences, and he’s learning that the hard way.

Why is “The Spectator” still printing this derivative trash?

OK, that is enough fake news for today. Kerry can never hurt us ever again.

[door clicks open]

[dramatic music]

What the hell?

Kerry! What are you doing?

If I can’t have you, Javi, no one can.



Leo? What’s wrong?

You and Philip broke up? You guys seemed so happy on New Year’s.

It was new, and we were still figuring out if we could work. And let’s just say I got a very vivid reminder of why we broke up last time.

I’m sorry.

Don’t be. It was good that things ended as quickly as they did.

Besides, I never would have even thought about dating Philip again if it wasn’t for–

Wasn’t for what?

You. [sighs]

[light country music]

Seth, don’t raise your voice. This is not on me or on Abe. We both followed the safety protocols, the ones that you signed off on. Yes, of course. Insurance will pay for any liability on the hospital’s part. [sighs] Hey, listen to me. Do you want to be on the show anymore or not? Yeah, I thought so. Goodbye.

Is everything OK?

Oh, yeah, just putting out another fire that’s engulfed “Body & Soul.”

Ah. Wow, Chanel quitting sure caused a lot of chaos.

[scoffs] That’s not important anymore. I was talking about Bonnie.

What do you mean?

You haven’t heard? [sighs] Bonnie almost died when she plunged down the elevator shaft.

[dramatic music]

[knock at door]


Got a minute?

For you? Always. Come in.

Well, how’s Bonnie?

[sighs] Well, you know, I can only discuss her condition with her family. But I can tell you that her prognosis is good.

Oh, thank God.

Yeah, but she’s not gonna be going back to work anytime soon.

I was worried you’d say that. Well, I am royally screwed.

JJ, can you take point on the Rachel Black case? I’m still here at the hospital wrapping a few things up. Well, the good news is that Bonnie Kiriakis is gonna pull through. The bad news is that she has a long recovery ahead.

Listen, keep this between us for now, OK? But I just spoke with Justin, and he thinks that someone lured Bonnie to the elevator, that her fall was no accident.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[dramatic music]

I don’t understand, Steph. [chuckles] How am I the reason you started dating Philip again?

Forget it. You’ve got so much on your plate right now.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It’s OK. Please, tell me.

So… [clears throat] When you and I decided to stop seeing each other because of work, I told you it wasn’t a big deal.

But that was a lie. I wasn’t really ready to end things between us.

Neither was I.

[light country music]

So unfortunately the padding had been removed after Chanel’s stunt, and there was nothing there to break Bonnie’s fall, and–

Oh, my God. Is she OK?

Well, she’s alive. That’s all the doctor would tell me. But it was a terrible fall.


I mean, I don’t see how she couldn’t have a serious injury.

God, Alex must be worried sick. I was on set with him until pretty late last night. This must have happened right after.

Well, thankfully you knew enough not to go into a hot set after– after a stunt. I know that Bonnie’s not a professional, but what was she thinking?

I–I really don’t think this is Bonnie’s fault.

[dramatic music]

Well, if it’s not hers, then whose is it?


Look, I don’t know if I agree with Justin’s theory. It could all just be a coincidence. But that text message that Bonnie received was pretty damn suspicious. We have to tread lightly. I’ll take the lead on this.

Send me a uniform to bring someone in. If this was premeditated, we have our first suspect.

Thank you.

Well, didn’t want to wake you. You were sleeping so soundly when I went downstairs. But when I got back– something wrong?

Mm, I was having a nightmare, obviously.

Well, do you remember what it was about?

Unfortunately. Kerry didn’t take this whole Lady Whistleblower situation lying down.

Well, the whole situation was his fault.

Nightmare Kerry saw things differently. He chose violence.

Mm. I texted Jada, if it makes you feel any better.

Do you think he could get into some serious trouble?

That’s not my problem. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. And the only thing that matters is that he is gone and we are here together.

[tender music]

Mm, I don’t think that we have anything to worry about from “Real World Kerry.” But, you know, to play it safe, I think that we should hunker down here in bed all day.

[both laugh]

Isn’t Gabi gonna be pissed if you play hooky?

Well, she’s family. She’s required to forgive and forget. So what do you say?

Hmm. I say that I have been incommunicado all night. And unfortunately I have to get to set. Who knows what could have blown up, literally or figuratively, in the last 12 hours?

You’re entitled to a day off every now and then.

Yeah, you do drive a hard bargain. And there are things that are more important than work, right?


Like my health, world peace, you.

[tender music]

So is that a yes?

It’s a yes. But first there is something important I want to discuss with you.

[dramatic music]

It’s bad enough that Bonnie’s accident happened on my watch. Now Leo’s MIA.

Mm. Normally that would be a blessing.

Not when we need all hands on deck. We–we cannot afford to lose another day of production.

Sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Maybe there is.

You didn’t want to break things off either?

No, Steph. I wanted to see where this could have gone.

Why didn’t you say anything?

I don’t know. Because I didn’t– I didn’t–I don’t know. I–probably the same reason why you didn’t. I wasn’t gonna put myself out there if we weren’t on the same page, run the risk of ruining our friendship. But I always wanted more.

Man, I really wish I would have known that.

Although part of me did feel like you did feel the same way. Then when I found out about you and Joy, I figured I was deluding myself.

Yeah, but that– that was just a cover. Joy and I weren’t really dating like that, you know?

I know that now. When she dragged you out of that New Year’s Eve party, I thought you guys were leaving to hook up. So when Philip took me home, I– I guess I was a little more open to seeing where things could go because I– yeah, I was just more open to seeing where things could go than I otherwise would have been.

For the record, Joy only bolted from that party because Chanel had confronted her about Johnny.


But when you showed up the next day wearing the same clothes, I– I just assumed that you two had spent the night together.

We did.

[light country music]

I don’t know. I’m just saying blaming Bonnie feels a little…

A little what?

Victim blaming.

Mm-hmm. She’s the one who wasn’t paying attention, yeah.

Unless you think that this wasn’t an accident.

No, no, I just–

What? Do you think it’s my fault or Abe’s fault? Because we were following very strict protocols.

No, no. I blame Chanel.

Why is that?

Well, if Chanel hadn’t freaked out and quit the show, you wouldn’t have had to tape a slapdash exit scene. No open shaft, no fall.

Mm. I think that’s a little bit of a stretch.

[sighs] Maybe.

OK. Look, there are going to be a lot of fingers pointed here in this situation. And I’m thinking, out of the hundreds of words that are going to be printed about this accident, none of them are going to be pointing fingers at Chanel.

So what’s this really all about?

[siren wailing]

Mr. Youmans.

Wow, pronounced it right on the first try.

I’m Commissioner Hunter. Please, have a seat. Thanks for coming down.

Well, your officer didn’t give me much of a choice. So to what do I owe this inconvenience?

Oh, you didn’t hear? There was an incident on the set of “Body & Soul” last night.

[gasps melodramatically] Oh, sorry, I’m not much of an actor. [sighs] That set has been cursed ever since it moved to Salem. What was it this time, schtupping costars, psychedelics in the writers’ room?

Bonnie Kiriakis fell down an elevator shaft.


It happened right after the taping of an elaborate stunt.

Sounds like you should be talking to the production team, not me.

[dramatic music]

Yeah, except there is one theory, and that is that Bonnie was intentionally lured to the elevator.

That’s pretty sick. But what does it have to do with me?

Well, that’s what I’m here to find out.

[gasps melodramatically] Sounds serious. Should I brace for impact? [laughs]

No, it’s not a bad thing. I mean, not necessarily. But I was thinking, we just kind of fell into bed last night, like, two seconds after you were in bed with Kerry, and… are we rushing things?

Isn’t that my line? Leo, it’s not like we haven’t slept together before.

Yeah, I just want to be sure. Yeah, I’m usually quite good at separating the sexy stuff from the mushy stuff, you know?

And I make you feel all the mushy stuff?

Yes, you do. And I just want to know– well, I need to know that this– that this means something.

It does mean something. And if I’m being honest, I don’t think that I was really ready to sleep with Kerry. I mean, he was running out of patience with me, so I put aside my doubts and–

Your doubts?

Mm-hmm. A part of me knew that something wasn’t right with him or at least that he wasn’t right for me. And besides, I just couldn’t get you out of my head.

[both laugh]

Is that right?

Yeah. And I know that I put on this big show, turning you away when you apologized. But deep down, I was missing you. And I am so glad that I don’t have to miss you anymore and that Kerry is out of my life for good.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Let me break it down for you. The elevator was closed off for that stunt. Cast and crew knew to stay away, except Bonnie Kiriakis, who received a text asking her to take said elevator to the first floor for a wardrobe fitting.

Again, take the safety violation up with the unions. I don’t work for the wardrobe department.

Yeah, they claim they never sent that text. And someone may have been impersonating them.

And you think that someone is me?

Look, I’m very close to Javi Hernandez. And he sent me a text telling me everything that went down with you two last night.

You’re pegging this on me because I’m Lady Whistleblower?

Look, if you get your kicks by being a troll, that’s none of my business. But what is my business is the fact that you broke into Leo Stark’s hotel room and installed spyware on his computer. You had access to the production schedule and not to mention Bonnie’s phone number.

So what if I did? Why in God’s name would I want that poor woman to fall down an elevator shaft?

Well, you clearly have an ax to grind with the show.

Mm, my only ax to grind is with Leo Stark.

Care to elaborate?

Oh, so Javi didn’t text you a play-by-play? Leo rejected and humiliated me, so I wanted to humiliate him. That’s all. And as far as Bonnie goes, I don’t have a problem with her, I mean, other than her over-the-top acting. I mean, like, the show lives in the close-up. Why is she playing to the cheap seats?

Did you send that text to Bonnie Kiriakis?

No, I didn’t. But if you don’t believe me…

Be my guest.

You could have used a burner.

Could’ve, but I didn’t.

So you didn’t send the poisoned cupcakes to the cast and crew either?

[laughs] So this is how it’s going to be? Just keep throwing accusations my way until one sticks?

Face it, Commissioner, you’ve got nothing on me. We’re done here.

We’re done when I say we’re done.

I–I really don’t know how I can help. I can’t speed up Bonnie’s recovery.

No, but you could fill her shoes.


We need someone to play Kassandra right away. And the best recast is you, Kayla.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We went over this already. When you asked me in the beginning to be in the show, I told you I am a doctor. I am not an actress.

Bonnie wasn’t an actress either.

I know, but, you know… [laughs] I mean, her– she’s uninhibited. Her whole life is a performance.

Kayla, when you went undercover with Steve, you acted your ass off because your life depended on it.

Well, lucky me, my life does not depend on this.

Well, mine does… and the entire cast and crew. Look, I am–I am desperate to keep everyone employed.

[sighs] And one character missing really jeopardizes all that?

The show won’t survive another crisis. We can’t afford to lose another day.

[groans] So this would just have to–you know, someone would just have to step in immediately, right?

Well, there’s only one person who’s right. And that’s you.


[light country music]

OK, maybe Bonnie’s accident wasn’t Chanel’s fault. I guess I’m just a little salty after Chanel slapped me across the face, for real, on set last night.

She what?

Don’t worry. I’m not gonna file an HR complaint or anything like that. I just–I am done letting Chanel blame me for her marriage falling apart.

OK, so who’s victim blaming now?

Johnny’s the one who cheated, not me. Plus, I’m not even interested in him. I’m seeing Alex now.

I thought that was a cover story.

It was, until it wasn’t. We’ve gotten a lot closer. And we’re just figuring things out. We talked to Abe about it last night, and he’s fine with it since there’s no power imbalance between us on set.

OK, I get that. It’s not an HR thing. And as your boss, I’m not going to say anything about it. But as a friend, could I offer a bit of advice?

Yeah, always.

OK. Well, you’ve seen firsthand what tension between people on set can do. And since you and Alex are actors who are going to be working intimately with each other, I mean, if you break up or, knowing Alex, when you do break up–

If we break up, we will be total pros, I promise. I am basically alone here in Salem. And Alex is pretty much the only person who hasn’t been a complete and total jerk to me. I mean, Johnny used me. Chanel blamed me. EJ bribed me. Alex has been nothing but supportive through all of this.

[dramatic music]

Honestly, I’ve never felt more safe with anyone than I do with him.

Steph, I’m sorry, I–

I really just want to be honest with you.

Joy and I slept together.


But it wasn’t planned or anything like that. I mean, she was just, you know, fighting with Chanel, and she was all upset. And I had seen you and Philip together, and I was upset, and… I just told myself that if you were moving on, maybe I should too.

Wow. [sighs] So you were only with Joy because you thought I was with Philip, and I was only with Philip because I thought you were with Joy.



But you’re not with Philip anymore.

No. But you’re still with Joy, right?

Kind of.

Define “kind of.”

I mean, it’s not like we’re official or anything, you know? We’re just spending a little bit more time together. But I mean, if I had known you were single, Steph, I swear to God to you, I would slow that down completely so that you and I could–

So that you and I could what?

Just forget it, really. Because I don’t even know if you and I can really be together. As long as the two of us are working on “Body & Soul”–

What if I wasn’t?

Hear me out. What if I quit being “Body & Soul’s” publicist?

What? No. No, no, no, no way.

Well, why not? I have plenty of other clients.

This show’s your biggest client, Steph. I can’t ask you to quit your job for us.

You didn’t ask, though, did you?

No. But I’m not the one offering to quit, so it feels a little lopsided.

It’s not the same thing. The show can easily replace me as publicist, but you’re really popular with the fans. It’d be much harder to replace you as Arrow. Not to mention, there’s already been so many cast changes.

Steph, I’m not talking about the show. I’m talking about you. You love your job, and you never even considered quitting until–

Until I realized how much I’d miss you.

[tender music]


[light country music]

Well, I am grateful that Alex was respectful and kind to you when others weren’t. But let me also say a heart is most vulnerable when it’s worn on its sleeve. Protect it.

I will. Thank you.

[sighs] Do you think Alex is still at the hospital? I’d really like to be there for him.

No, I don’t think there’s any other place he would be. Bonnie is part of his family.

She is a riot. I really like her, even if she used to hate my sister, Chloe. But honestly, I can relate, so….

Well, who can’t? [both chuckle]

Well, maybe I’ll bring her some flowers or something.

Sure. If you do see her, please give her my best. And tell her we can’t wait to have her back on the job.

How about this: you check your email, you fire off a few script notes, and then you call in sick? And you can even use my laptop.

Since mine is still compromised?

Exactly. But I’ll clear off the table while you cook up another plot twist.

Hmm. I still hate that we had to write out Faith. But I have to say that Regan having Arrow’s baby is really gonna turn heads. And I think that Kassandra could be a big obstacle for those two now.


Mm-hmm. That’s Arrow’s mother. Scheming in-laws are very much our soap’s oeuvre.

Well, I mean, good thing that no one can relate to that. [laughs] Bonnie plays Kassandra, right? I mean, I bet she’ll love to sink her teeth into that story.

Yeah, yeah. But I also have to figure out a way to bring Charlemagne into the mix, keep those two characters at odds. You know, viewers say that they want to see that rivalry evolve. But in reality, it’s about giving them the illusion of change but having all the characters– I’m sorry. I’m boring you to tears right now, aren’t I?

Not even in the slightest.

You’re right. I don’t have anything to tie you to Bonnie’s accident or the poisonings.

Then I’ll just be on my way.

But you did break into Leo Stark’s hotel room, which is a crime, by the way.

Leo and I were involved once too. How do you know I wasn’t invited or have a standing invitation to let myself in?

That’s not what Javi told me.


Javi heard you say it directly. That’s not hearsay. That’s admissible.

You sure I wasn’t just bluffing, trying to look tough in the middle of a love triangle? I mean, there must be some form of evidence of a break-in, right?

[dramatic music]

Hmm, we both know security at the Salem Inn is mid at best, meaning you don’t have enough to charge me. [scoffs] You don’t even have enough for a warrant.

Don’t leave town, Mr. Youmans. Understood?

[sighs] Hard pass.

See, you already know the industry lingo. You’ll fit right in.

Come on. What do you think Kate’s gonna think of your brilliant idea?

Kate’ll love it, I’m sure.

Are you? Because it sounds pretty insane to me.

Oh, come on. It’ll be a blast. Didn’t you ever dream about being a TV star when you were a kid?

I don’t know. I mean, maybe. But, you know, then I grew up, and I found a new dream. Healing people, that’s my passion. And you know what? I wouldn’t want to take this opportunity away from somebody who actually really does still have that dream. I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of actresses that would like to try out for “Body & Soul.”

Who’s available the day after tomorrow?

Day after tomorrow?

And we would accommodate your schedule.

But–but Bonnie’s not gonna be back for weeks.


I can’t neglect my patients like that. I can’t. I can’t. What, go off and be a soap star? Are you kidding me?

We’ll start searching for a recast right away, someone who will be able to take over until Bonnie’s back.

So I– I just have to step in in the meantime.


[groans] What if I’m terrible? I’ll make things worse for you.

You’re gonna knock it out of the park. Come on, Kayla, please. What do I have to say to– to get you to yes?

[jazzy music]

Steph, I miss you, too, so damn much. I just–I really don’t want us to rush into something that we might regret one day, you know? What if it doesn’t work out?

What if it does?

Kate and Abe are not gonna like this at all. The show is already in so much craziness. I don’t–ugh.

I thought we weren’t thinking about the show, that we were just thinking about each other. And you’re right. The show is in chaos right now. I can’t fix it. I can only spin it. And that’s a huge headache that I really don’t need, especially not if it’s keeping us from being–


[dramatic music]

Hey, Joy. Hey.

I heard about your stepmother. I am so sorry.

Thank you.

How is she doing?

Not doing great.

[sighs] Can she have visitors?

Of course, yeah. I’m sure she’d appreciate seeing you.

I hope so. Would you–would you show me where her room is, please?

Of course.

Steph, do you want to come with?

No, you two go ahead. I’m–I’m pretty swamped.

We’ll catch up later.


A next-day line change? Well, lucky for them, I’m feeling generous. “Regan, I bet you like your eggs like your suitors think of you–easy.” Yeah, I suppose that is clunky. Feel like walking through a scene with me?


OK, so let’s pretend that you’re Kassandra and you’re cooking eggs. And they get into a fight, and the eggs catch on fire. So the eggs are burning.


[jazzy music]

Ay! The eggs are burning!



Was that bad?

No, that was absolutely perfect. [laughs]

[dramatic music]

[gasps] Oh, don’t shoot!

What are you talking about?

Oh, it’s like my dream is coming true. You walked in here and shot me.

Easy on the dramatics, Agnes. This isn’t Pineview. I’m not gonna throw my life away over you or my ex, who has questionable taste.

What do you want, Kerry?

I wanted to return this.

You gave him a key?

Oh, and I’d like my sweatshirt back.

Hey, I need you to run a background check on someone. The name is Kerry Youmans.

You gave him a key? I thought you were taking things slowly.

Here. Leo, please.


So if there’s nothing else–

Oh, don’t worry. I’m leaving. I hope you two live unhappily ever after.

Oh, and tough break about Bonnie Kiriakis.


Be seeing you.

What did he mean by that? What happened to Bonnie?

[light country music]

Oh, wow, it has been a hell of a day.

Abe, it’s barely 10:00.


[sighs] So I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. So which do you want first?

OK, let’s get the bad news over with.

So it looks like Bonnie is– she’s got a long recovery ahead of her.

Oh, no. Poor thing.


[sighs] What’s the good news?

I already have a temporary recast.

What? To start tomorrow?



Kayla, Kayla Johnson.

Steve, I need you to call me back. I have some very interesting news for you. I love you. Stephanie?

Oh, Mom. Hi.

You look so down. What’s going on?

[dramatic music]

I knew Bonnie was badly hurt, but I was not expecting to see her like that.

She’s lucky to be alive.

She can barely open her mouth. How is she supposed to eat? How is she supposed to talk?

When it comes to Bonnie, I think the latter is the bigger concern.

I think you’re probably right. Damn, you know, you and Bonnie are pretty much the only people in the cast that I can actually tolerate at this point. And without Bonnie, that’s only you.

I was telling Kate, I don’t know how I would have gotten through any of this without you, so…

[jazzy music]

“Bonnie Kiriakis was severely injured “after falling down an open elevator shaft at Salem University Hospital.”

Oh, my God.

Oh! Poor Bonnie. Not to be callous, because I really do like Bonnie and I feel horrible that this happened to her and I pray that she’s gonna be OK, but…my story. Now who’s gonna come between Joy and Alex? [sighs] – I’m fine, Mom. There’s just a lot going on with “Body & Soul,” obviously.

Well, I guess you haven’t heard the most recent news about the show?

I don’t know. Have I?

You are looking at the latest, most reluctant cast member joining the show.

[gasps] What?

I know, it’s completely silly, but Abe twisted my arm to fill in for Bonnie.

Wow. I mean, I want to say congrats.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don’t need to go that far. I am only filling in until he gets a permanent replacement. That is the only reason I said yes. And also, I thought it might be kind of fun for me to work with my girl just a bit.

Well, yeah. Yeah, that’d be– that’d be great.

Yes, Justin, I brought in Kerry Youmans for questioning. I had to cut him loose. Because he didn’t have a criminal record. We’ll haul him in if we find anything that links him to what happened. I promise you, if Bonnie’s fall wasn’t an accident, I will find who’s responsible.

[suspenseful music]

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Days Update Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Arnold cooks breakfast at Rafe’s home while playing music loud until Jada comes out from the bedroom. Arnold turns off the music and says he’s sorry if he woke her. Jada talks about taking a nap because she doesn’t get much sleep while working multiple high profile cases. Jada says the breakfast smells perfect and they go to kiss but are interrupted by EJ showing up at the door.

Stephanie sits at home with her invitation to Rafe and Jada’s wedding when she gets a call from Philip. Stephanie answers and repeats that she has nothing to say to him. Philip says he knows and he just wanted to thank her for not telling Xander about Victor’s letter as it’s a lot to ask and he’d appreciate her doing it for him. Stephanie clarifies that she did it for Sarah, not him.

Sarah sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Sarah talks to the portrait of Victor, saying it’s his secret that got them in to this mess in the first place but she’s trying to keep the peace, stop Xander from murdering Philip or from turning in to Victor which would happen if Xander was in full control of Titan. Sarah comments on feeling guilty about it. Xander walks in and asks what she would feel guilty about. Sarah says she just feels guilty not being there for Justin. Xander insists that there’s nothing she could’ve done about Bonnie falling down the elevator shaft. Sarah says her heart still goes out to him as it’s a terrible tragedy.

Alex goes to the hospital and hugs Justin, asking how he’s holding up. Justin says as well as could be expected. Alex asks if he’s seen Bonnie yet. Justin says that Kayla told him to prepare himself. Alex suggests they go together which Justin says he would like. Bonnie is unconscious in a hospital bed with cuts and bruises on her face as they enter the room. Bonnie wakes up, holding back tears. Justin and Alex sit by her side. Justin tells her that Kayla said she will be just fine, so all she has to do is rest. Justin tells Bonnie not to talk since her jaw is banged up. Bonnie worries about the pages of dialogue she has to learn for Body and Soul. Justin tells her not to worry about that anymore and declares that she is done acting on the show. Alex advises him not to overreact. Justin says that he’s already made it crystal clear to Abe and Kate that they are not to contact Bonnie and declares that she is to never go back to that set, feeling that she could’ve been killed.

Xander tells Sarah that you never know what life is going to throw at you since at one moment, Bonnie was on top of the world with Body and Soul and then next she almost plummets to her doom. Xander tells Sarah that he feels lucky to be married to the most compassionate woman in the world and hugs her.

Stephanie tells Philip that Sarah believes Xander needs someone to reign him in at Titan, even if it’s someone as morally bankrupt as Philip. Stephanie tells Philip that he’s the one who has to live with tricking his own brother out of his birthright. Philip reiterates that he truly believes Victor would want him to run the company. Stephanie tells him to save it as she’s tired of him trying to justify what he did when it was wrong. Philip says he’s still grateful for her keeping the secret. Stephanie hates that he roped her in to it and used her. Philip repeats that he’s sorry. Stephanie responds that she’s sorry for ever believing he was capable of change, when he’s still the same selfish, manipulative liar he’s always been. Stephanie talks about defending him and considering getting back together with him, but she’s thankful she got out early this time. Stephanie tells Philip to stop calling and leave her alone, as he got what he wanted and what she wants is to be out of this whole thing. Stephanie prays that Xander never finds out for Sarah and Philip’s sake as she then hangs up.

EJ says he just stopped by for an update from his private investigator “Rafe”. Jada suggests he could have called but EJ says it’s a very personal matter, so he prefers to discuss it in person. EJ asks Arnold if he’s had any luck tracking down Sloan Peterson. Jada says she will let them talk and head to work. EJ hopes her number one priority is finding his niece and remarks that if Rafe was still commissioner, Rachel would be found by now. Jada assures that she had the entire department working overnight to find her. EJ remarks that he and Kristen don’t want to hear her excuses. EJ orders Jada to locate Rachel immediately or he will sue the police department immediately. Jada calls EJ a bully who has no concept of what goes in to a missing persons search. Jada tells “Rafe” that she will see him for dinner and exits. EJ asks Arnold what he just walked in on and what is going on between he and Jada or what went on last night. EJ hopes Arnold did not lay a finger on Jada. Arnold tells him to relax as he did not touch her. EJ questions where his shirt and pants are. Arnold responds that he gets hot when he cooks. Arnold tells EJ that he slept alone since Jada was out all night looking for Rachel and when he got up, she was coming home, so they didn’t share a bed at all. EJ reminds Arnold to stay focused on his job which is making Jada pay for costing him his job.

Xander asks Sarah how things are going on the job front. Sarah says she’s going to follow up with Kayla at the hospital and check on Bonnie while she’s there. Xander says to send his best to Bonnie and Justin. Xander adds that he should get going to do as he has lots to do at Titan. Sarah notes that he almost sounds enthusiastic. Xander admits things are going well since he adjusted his attitude. Sarah says it seems like his partnership with Philip might work out. Xander says he promised her and Maggie that he would try to get along with Philip and admits it’s nice to look forward to going to work instead of being filled with dread. Xander adds that it’s not like he has much choice thanks to Victor’s letter. Xander tells Sarah to have a great day and exits.

Justin tells Alex and Bonnie that he’s going to sue Body and Soul, declaring he will grind them in to dust. Alex tries to tell him to take it easy. Justin calls it gross negligence and willful misconduct. Alex knows Justin is angry but calls it an accident. Justin questions Alex taking his employer’s side over his own family. Alex argues that Kate and Abe didn’t mean for this to happen. Justin argues that Bonnie almost died thanks to them not caring about the safety of their employees, so he’s going to make them pay. Alex remarks that Justin sounds like Victor. Bonnie tries to argue that it was an accident. Bonnie’s phone rings with a call from Richard from the wardrobe department. Justin answers the call and tells him that Bonnie broke nearly every bone in her body and is in agony. Justin asks what was so important that she had to have a last minute fitting. Justin says he’s blaming him because his text sent this whole thing in motion. Richard then reveals that the wardrobe department never sent Bonnie a text. Alex says that makes no sense. Justin notes that he was on the phone with Bonnie when she got the text. Justin wonders why Richard would lie. Alex suggests maybe he was afraid of getting fired. Justin remarks that he should be fired but admits maybe he scared him in to lying. Alex suggests checking Bonnie’s texts, so Justin checks and finds the text but notes that it came from an unknown number. Justin points out that when Richard called, he saw the name, so Alex questions why it wouldn’t come up on the text.

Arnold comments on EJ really having it in for Jada. EJ says that Jada convinced Paulina to have him fired, so turnabout is fair play. EJ tells Arnold that he’s going to do to Jada what she did to him and get her canned. EJ adds that he’s going to use Arnold to do it.

Jada goes to the hospital and calls Shawn, telling he or JJ to let her know the second they find anything on Rachel. Jada calls this case of the utmost importance. Jada then hangs up and sees Stephanie at the hospital. Jada tells her that she was up all night searching for Rachel and now she has to question Bonnie. Stephanie asks if she couldn’t get a detective to do it. Jada says that Paulina asked her to pay special attention to the Body and Soul case. Stephanie adds that she’s there for Bonnie too and to make sure the media isn’t hounding her. Stephanie can’t believe Bonnie stepped in to an empty elevator shaft. Jada calls it a freak accident. Stephanie swears that it’s been one crisis after another ever since she took on Body and Soul as a client. Jada adds that on top of all that, Stephanie is dealing with a break up. Stephanie admits it hasn’t been fun but it’s for the best. Jada notes that she never told her exactly what happened and asks why she ended things with Philip.

Xander goes to the Titan office and greets Philip. Philip questions him giving a genuinely friendly greeting. Xander reminds him that they were friendly yesterday. Philip says that co-existing will take some getting used to. Xander says he wants them to be a team to make Titan the best it can be. Xander remarks that is what Victor wants or else he wouldn’t have written that letter. Xander says they have both wanted this for so long, so they should make Victor proud. Philip asks if he wants a coffee. Xander says he’s good and they can just get to work. Xander assures he won’t pitch any more hostile takeovers as Philip was right that it would be good to not start any wars with the DiMeras right now. Philip changes his tune and says that maybe Xander was right. Philip declares that Xander said they want to make Victor proud, so maybe they can do it by accomplishing what Victor never could in taking over the DiMera empire.

Sarah goes to see Kayla in her office at the hospital. Sarah mentions being sure that Kayla is swamped with Bonnie’s accident. Kayla talks about feeling bad since she’s the one who convinced Seth Burns to let them film at the hospital. Kayla imagines Seth is distancing himself now. Sarah asks how Bonnie is. Kayla says that her long term prognosis is good but her injuries are severe. Sarah says she and Xander were just talking about the accident. Kayla calls it crazy, noting that Bonnie fell two stories with nothing to break her fall. Sarah says she will check on Bonnie and Justin before going home. Kayla knows they would appreciate that. Kayla thanks Sarah for the research she left for her and says it was excellent. Sarah says she was happy to do it and she learned a lot. Sarah mentions running in to Stephanie and getting to chat while waiting for her. Sarah is sure seeing Kayla made Stephanie feel better. Kayla comments that Stephanie is definitely bummed out about the way things ended with Philip. Sarah asks if Stephanie told her why they broke up. Kayla responds that Stephanie told her everything as they don’t have any secrets, so Sarah questions Kayla knowing what Philip did and what exactly Stephanie told her. Kayla says that Stephanie just said Philip behaved in a way that hurt her and that he wasn’t totally honest about a business maneuver. Sarah asks if she didn’t get in to specifics. Kayla says she didn’t and asks if she told Sarah something more. Sarah flashes back to her conversation with Stephanie, but tells Kayla that she told her the same thing.

Xander tells Philip that he was adamant that going after DiMera was a terrible idea, so he questions what changed his mind. Philip thinks back to his conversation with Sarah about having to work with Xander and not against him. Philip then tells Xander that he realized working together means he needs to compromise. Xander calls this quite the reversal since Philip’s whole speech about not wanting to operate that way. Philip feels he has to be flexible. Xander brings up that Philip also went on about how dangerous the feud was with the DiMeras, especially for Stephanie. Philip then reveals that he and Stephanie broke up, so Xander questions what happened there.

Jada tells Stephanie that she doesn’t have to tell her why she and Philip broke up if it’s too personal. Stephanie acknowledges Jada as her best friend and says she will tell her, so Jada asks why they broke up. Stephanie flashes back to talking to Sarah about keeping the secret. Stephanie then tells Jada that she just saw a side of Philip that she can’t stand, that puts power above everything else at Titan. Stephanie says the way he does business just doesn’t sit right with her. Stephanie adds that some people might not let one side of a person affect the whole relationship, but she can’t. Jada respects that and says she couldn’t be with a guy whose work life was shady either. Stephanie points out that Rafe is the opposite of shady and one of the best. Jada tells Stephanie that she’s so sorry she’s going through this. Stephanie points out that now she has extra free time to help out with Jada’s wedding. Jada says that’s kind of her but suggests she use her free time to get a massage. Stephanie insists on wanting to pitch in on the wedding if there’s anything she can do. Jada then asks Stephanie to be her maid of honor.

Arnold asks EJ how he’s supposed to get the police commissioner fired and what he wants him to do. EJ wants Arnold to expose Jada for the corrupt cop she is. Arnold remarks that she seems squeaky clean to him. EJ argues that no one is that clean including Jada. Arnold questions wanting him to dig up dirt on her. EJ decides he will do the digging and tells Arnold to concentrate on the exposing.

Alex suggests maybe someone else from wardrobe sent the text to Bonnie. Justin points out that Richard said they didn’t need Bonnie for a fitting, so he asks why they would text her. Bonnie struggles to speak so Justin encourages her to forget about all of this and try to rest. Alex decides he will step out to give them some alone time. Justin tells Alex that he doesn’t like this, so they need to contact the police. Alex says he’s on it and exits the room. Justin tells Bonnie not to worry as they will get to the bottom of this.

Stephanie is excited by Jada asking her to be her maid of honor and asks what about her sister. Jada says that Talia sadly can’t make it. Jada tells Stephanie that she’s like a sister to her. Stephanie feels the same and says she would love to stand up for her at her wedding as they hug.

Philip informs Xander that he and Stephanie just didn’t see eye to eye, so she’s not a factor anymore. Xander questions him now being all in on going after DiMera. Philip admits he may have been a bit hasty and standing in his way just because he could. Philip says they would have to think through a hostile takeover and consider the timing. Xander assures the timing is now, pointing out that EJ and Chad are out while Kristen is distracted. Philip notes that’s because Kristen’s daughter is missing and feels that’s a bit ruthless. Xander asks if Philip went soft. Philip says he hasn’t but he does have lines he won’t cross. Xander feels this is not one of those lines. Philip questions Xander suggesting they profit off a missing child who also happens to be Brady’s child. Xander argues that Brady or Kristen could have Rachel stashed somewhere in their never ending custody battle. Xander is confident that Rachel will turn up safe and sound. Xander feels they need to strike while Kristen is distracted. Philip brings up that Kristen did try to blackmail Xander with the serum for Sarah’s paralysis. Xander complains that Kristen wanted to barter for Sarah’s future, just like she did with Kate’s life and the orchid. Philip admits Kristen is a cold hearted snake. Xander says that when Kristen wanted Titan, she just saw them as her biggest competitor and she wanted to be unstoppable. Xander points out that Kristen had absolutely no problem or sympathy when he was at his worst and didn’t hesitate to try to take everything. Xander asks why they should hesitate now that the shoe is on the other foot.

Alex comes over to Jada and Stephanie. Stephanie asks how Bonnie is. Alex says she has broken bones and a broken jaw, so it’s pretty bad but she will be okay eventually. Stephanie and Jada say they are sorry. Jada says that Paulina wanted her to look in to what happened. Alex offers to take Jada to Bonnie’s room but Jada says she will find it and walks off, leaving Alex with Stephanie.

Arnold asks EJ what happens after he exposes Jada with the dirt that EJ digs up. EJ responds that Paulina will have no choice but to toss Jada out on her ass. Arnold questions who Paulina would get to replace Jada. EJ tells him that it would be Arnold, posing as Rafe. Arnold still doesn’t get what EJ is getting out of this outside of seeing Jada lose her job. EJ assures that he’ll get far more because Arnold will convince Paulina that Jada was fired because EJ was on to her corruption and then Paulina will have no choice but to hire him back.

Jada joins Justin in Bonnie’s hospital room. Jada tells Bonnie that she’s so sorry about what happened but she’s thankful she survived such a terrible accident. Justin responds that he’s not so sure that Bonnie’s fall was an accident.

Sarah informs Kayla that her physical therapist lifted all restrictions and she has full range of motion and that she was given the all clear to perform surgery as well. Kayla responds that she reviewed her records, so she would love for Sarah to come back to work at the hospital full time, effective immediately. Sarah says she’s so relieved. Kayla never doubted that Sarah would be back. Kayla calls her a wonderful doctor and friend, noting that she’s so glad she was there for Stephanie the other night. Kayla hates that Stephanie is hurting but feels like maybe she dodged a bullet with Philip. Kayla points out that when they were involved before, Philip almost got Stephanie killed and not to mention what happened with Brady when Philip was mentally ill. Kayla admits she always had this feeling that Philip is somehow broken and can’t be fixed. Kayla doesn’t know if he was born that way or if it’s something Victor put him through. Kayla feels it’s just a matter of time before Philip would do something to really hurt Stephanie or someone else.

Stephanie tells Alex that it’s so weird about Bonnie’s text. Alex is glad that Jada is looking in to it. Stephanie informs him that Jada just asked her to be her maid of honor and she was so touched. Alex brings up Philip but Stephanie reveals that Philip won’t be accompanying her to the wedding because she broke up with him.

Philip tells Xander that he’s right that Kristen clearly has no qualms about hitting them when they are down as she’s done it before and will do it again while Stefano is the definition of ruthless. Xander points out that Victor was too. Xander asks if they are really doing this and if the Kiriakis Brothers are going after the DiMeras. Philip declares it is game on and that Kristen and the rest of those losers won’t know what hit them.

Arnold asks EJ how Jada and Rafe’s wedding fits in to his big plan since Jada won’t want to get married after he ruins her career. Arnold suggests calling off the wedding but EJ says absolutely not. EJ tells Arnold that if all goes according to plan, the union of Jada and Rafe will definitely be an affair to remember.

Justin talks with Jada about the text Bonnie got and the possibility of it being a mistake or if it was more nefarious and someone wanted Bonnie to fall down the elevator shaft. Justin says he’s not saying that’s what happened but they can’t rule it out. Jada questions who would do it and who would want to hurt Bonnie. Justin doesn’t know but suggests it could have been the same person who poisoned the cupcakes and whoever is behind it may have tried o kill Bonnie.

Someone wearing all black walks in to the park with a photo of Bonnie. They then take a red marker and draw an X over her photo.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Michael tells Carly he wants to go to Germany for treatment so Jack Brennan arranges for a medical flight with a nurse to take Michael and Carly to Germany. Michael tells Carly he wants to talk to Sasha so Portia says that Michael is handling the pain so he can stay awake until after he talks to Sasha but then he will have to sedate him again. Willow wants to talk to him before Sasha. Willow apologizes to Michael for hurting him by sleeping with Drew. Willow tells Michael despite what happened with Drew she is thankful that he made her a mother and she will always love him. Michael has a spasm and the monitors go off.

Portia later tells Sonny, Carly, and Sasha that Michael had to be sedated because his immune system can’t take being awakened again right now. Carly says goodbye to Sonny before she leaves to get on the medical plane with Michael.

Ava tells Kristina she still intends to have her testify in Avery’s custody hearing and Kristina warns Ava not to push her and Alexis tells Ava to stay away from Kristina.

Jack tells Anna the WSB knows the type of incendiary device used in the explosion of Sonny’s penthouse but he doesn’t think any three letter agency would want to kill Sonny because the incendiary device is used by other governments not three letter agencies.

Anna asks Jason to try and persuade Tracy to tell him where Wiley and Amelia are, but Tracy chooses to be arrested instead of telling Jason the location of the children.

Ava asks Sonny to give her custody of Avery because she is in danger with him. Sonny says no, that Avery is fine. Ava tells Sonny that her lawyer, Martin, will show the court pictures of Michael’s burns and she will get custody of Avery. Sonny has chest pains after Ava leaves his office then he falls to the floor unconscious.

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