GH Short Recap Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Michael tells Carly he wants to go to Germany for treatment so Jack Brennan arranges for a medical flight with a nurse to take Michael and Carly to Germany. Michael tells Carly he wants to talk to Sasha so Portia says that Michael is handling the pain so he can stay awake until after he talks to Sasha but then he will have to sedate him again. Willow wants to talk to him before Sasha. Willow apologizes to Michael for hurting him by sleeping with Drew. Willow tells Michael despite what happened with Drew she is thankful that he made her a mother and she will always love him. Michael has a spasm and the monitors go off.

Portia later tells Sonny, Carly, and Sasha that Michael had to be sedated because his immune system can’t take being awakened again right now. Carly says goodbye to Sonny before she leaves to get on the medical plane with Michael.

Ava tells Kristina she still intends to have her testify in Avery’s custody hearing and Kristina warns Ava not to push her and Alexis tells Ava to stay away from Kristina.

Jack tells Anna the WSB knows the type of incendiary device used in the explosion of Sonny’s penthouse but he doesn’t think any three letter agency would want to kill Sonny because the incendiary device is used by other governments not three letter agencies.

Anna asks Jason to try and persuade Tracy to tell him where Wiley and Amelia are, but Tracy chooses to be arrested instead of telling Jason the location of the children.

Ava asks Sonny to give her custody of Avery because she is in danger with him. Sonny says no, that Avery is fine. Ava tells Sonny that her lawyer, Martin, will show the court pictures of Michael’s burns and she will get custody of Avery. Sonny has chest pains after Ava leaves his office then he falls to the floor unconscious.

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