Days Short Recap Friday, January 24, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ava comforted Brady and blamed herself for why Rachel was missing. Brady assured her that it wasn’t her fault. He said Rachel should have been in therapy years ago. Brady told her that when Rachel came home, he was going to tell her that he and Kristen weren’t getting back together. Ava opened up to Brady about running away when she was younger and how her father killed her mother. When they finished talking, Brady left. Kristen was upset about Rachel being missing. When Kristen was about to go to the tunnels, EJ showed up and stopped her. She said she was looking in the tunnels for Rachel. He said he checked the tunnels and Rachel wasn’t there. Kristen was upset. EJ said he got Stefano’s people on the case and had a reward out for Rachel’s return. He said she and Rachel were family even if they weren’t blood DiMeras. She said her mother would be upset if she knew how much she turned out to be like Stefano. Kristen said she hoped Rachel was more like a Blake than a DiMera. She said she didn’t do a good job of making sure that happened. EJ said he heard that her mother caused trouble. Kristen told him about her mother’s past. When she wanted to show EJ a scrapbook of the Blake family, she noticed it was gone. She was upset because it was the only memory of her mother. EJ said Harold might have misplaced it.

Chad told the paper to put Rachel’s disappearance on the front page. JJ walked in and told him about the false alarm involving the girl at the hospital. He said there weren’t any leads, but Rachel couldn’t have gotten far on foot and with a little bit of money. Chad told him that Cat was back in Salem and was possibly getting a job with Marlena. JJ wondered why Chad was defending Cat after what she’s done. Chad reminded JJ of everything Gabi did to the family and told him not to judge who he talks to. When Julie walked in, JJ told her that Chad forgave Cat. Julie said she didn’t care about anything anymore. When Julie left, Chad and JJ said they were worried about her. Chad tried to talk Julie into seeing Marlena, but Julie said it wouldn’t bring Doug back. Julie said she would be okay, so they didn’t have to worry about her. Chad and JJ said Doug would want her to be happy. They told her they wanted her to take care of herself. Julie agreed to talk to Marlena tomorrow, but Chad wanted her to go right away. At Marlena’s office, Cat showed up to ask if she talked to Kayla about hiring her. Marlena said she didn’t have a chance because Rachel was missing. She told Cat about Rachel running away. Marlena said she has been trying to get in touch with John. She told Cat about John’s past. Cat realized that his story was like hers, but she wasn’t a victim like they were. Marlena said she was a victim of circumstance. While they were talking, Marlena told Cat that Chad was forgiving. Cat said it wouldn’t be that easy since she had feelings for him. She said she was going to do whatever she could to control her feelings for him. Chad showed up with Julie. A woman in white showed up while Rachel was in a room. Rachel threatened the woman with her snake. The woman wanted to know who Rachel was. Rachel told her about her Kristen and her grandmother Rachel. She said her grandmother used to live in the house. The woman wanted to know why she was there. Rachel said she ran away from home. When the woman wanted to know why, Rachel told her. The woman said Ava was an interloper who needed to be out of the way. She said she and Rachel would get rid of her together. They talked about the plan. Rachel called Ava and told her where to go. Ava said she would go and wrote down where Rachel was. When Rachel got off the phone, the woman in white told her she did a good job. The woman asked Rachel how she knew about Aremid. Rachel took out the scrapbook. Rachel asked the woman what her name was. She said to call her the Woman in White. Ava tried calling Brady, but she didn’t get an answer. She left a message saying where Rachel was. Ava showed at Aremid and noticed Rachel’s snake. When she picked it up, Rachel and the Woman in White hit her in the head.

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