Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Arnold cooks breakfast at Rafe’s home while playing music loud until Jada comes out from the bedroom. Arnold turns off the music and says he’s sorry if he woke her. Jada talks about taking a nap because she doesn’t get much sleep while working multiple high profile cases. Jada says the breakfast smells perfect and they go to kiss but are interrupted by EJ showing up at the door.
Stephanie sits at home with her invitation to Rafe and Jada’s wedding when she gets a call from Philip. Stephanie answers and repeats that she has nothing to say to him. Philip says he knows and he just wanted to thank her for not telling Xander about Victor’s letter as it’s a lot to ask and he’d appreciate her doing it for him. Stephanie clarifies that she did it for Sarah, not him.
Sarah sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Sarah talks to the portrait of Victor, saying it’s his secret that got them in to this mess in the first place but she’s trying to keep the peace, stop Xander from murdering Philip or from turning in to Victor which would happen if Xander was in full control of Titan. Sarah comments on feeling guilty about it. Xander walks in and asks what she would feel guilty about. Sarah says she just feels guilty not being there for Justin. Xander insists that there’s nothing she could’ve done about Bonnie falling down the elevator shaft. Sarah says her heart still goes out to him as it’s a terrible tragedy.
Alex goes to the hospital and hugs Justin, asking how he’s holding up. Justin says as well as could be expected. Alex asks if he’s seen Bonnie yet. Justin says that Kayla told him to prepare himself. Alex suggests they go together which Justin says he would like. Bonnie is unconscious in a hospital bed with cuts and bruises on her face as they enter the room. Bonnie wakes up, holding back tears. Justin and Alex sit by her side. Justin tells her that Kayla said she will be just fine, so all she has to do is rest. Justin tells Bonnie not to talk since her jaw is banged up. Bonnie worries about the pages of dialogue she has to learn for Body and Soul. Justin tells her not to worry about that anymore and declares that she is done acting on the show. Alex advises him not to overreact. Justin says that he’s already made it crystal clear to Abe and Kate that they are not to contact Bonnie and declares that she is to never go back to that set, feeling that she could’ve been killed.
Xander tells Sarah that you never know what life is going to throw at you since at one moment, Bonnie was on top of the world with Body and Soul and then next she almost plummets to her doom. Xander tells Sarah that he feels lucky to be married to the most compassionate woman in the world and hugs her.
Stephanie tells Philip that Sarah believes Xander needs someone to reign him in at Titan, even if it’s someone as morally bankrupt as Philip. Stephanie tells Philip that he’s the one who has to live with tricking his own brother out of his birthright. Philip reiterates that he truly believes Victor would want him to run the company. Stephanie tells him to save it as she’s tired of him trying to justify what he did when it was wrong. Philip says he’s still grateful for her keeping the secret. Stephanie hates that he roped her in to it and used her. Philip repeats that he’s sorry. Stephanie responds that she’s sorry for ever believing he was capable of change, when he’s still the same selfish, manipulative liar he’s always been. Stephanie talks about defending him and considering getting back together with him, but she’s thankful she got out early this time. Stephanie tells Philip to stop calling and leave her alone, as he got what he wanted and what she wants is to be out of this whole thing. Stephanie prays that Xander never finds out for Sarah and Philip’s sake as she then hangs up.
EJ says he just stopped by for an update from his private investigator “Rafe”. Jada suggests he could have called but EJ says it’s a very personal matter, so he prefers to discuss it in person. EJ asks Arnold if he’s had any luck tracking down Sloan Peterson. Jada says she will let them talk and head to work. EJ hopes her number one priority is finding his niece and remarks that if Rafe was still commissioner, Rachel would be found by now. Jada assures that she had the entire department working overnight to find her. EJ remarks that he and Kristen don’t want to hear her excuses. EJ orders Jada to locate Rachel immediately or he will sue the police department immediately. Jada calls EJ a bully who has no concept of what goes in to a missing persons search. Jada tells “Rafe” that she will see him for dinner and exits. EJ asks Arnold what he just walked in on and what is going on between he and Jada or what went on last night. EJ hopes Arnold did not lay a finger on Jada. Arnold tells him to relax as he did not touch her. EJ questions where his shirt and pants are. Arnold responds that he gets hot when he cooks. Arnold tells EJ that he slept alone since Jada was out all night looking for Rachel and when he got up, she was coming home, so they didn’t share a bed at all. EJ reminds Arnold to stay focused on his job which is making Jada pay for costing him his job.
Xander asks Sarah how things are going on the job front. Sarah says she’s going to follow up with Kayla at the hospital and check on Bonnie while she’s there. Xander says to send his best to Bonnie and Justin. Xander adds that he should get going to do as he has lots to do at Titan. Sarah notes that he almost sounds enthusiastic. Xander admits things are going well since he adjusted his attitude. Sarah says it seems like his partnership with Philip might work out. Xander says he promised her and Maggie that he would try to get along with Philip and admits it’s nice to look forward to going to work instead of being filled with dread. Xander adds that it’s not like he has much choice thanks to Victor’s letter. Xander tells Sarah to have a great day and exits.
Justin tells Alex and Bonnie that he’s going to sue Body and Soul, declaring he will grind them in to dust. Alex tries to tell him to take it easy. Justin calls it gross negligence and willful misconduct. Alex knows Justin is angry but calls it an accident. Justin questions Alex taking his employer’s side over his own family. Alex argues that Kate and Abe didn’t mean for this to happen. Justin argues that Bonnie almost died thanks to them not caring about the safety of their employees, so he’s going to make them pay. Alex remarks that Justin sounds like Victor. Bonnie tries to argue that it was an accident. Bonnie’s phone rings with a call from Richard from the wardrobe department. Justin answers the call and tells him that Bonnie broke nearly every bone in her body and is in agony. Justin asks what was so important that she had to have a last minute fitting. Justin says he’s blaming him because his text sent this whole thing in motion. Richard then reveals that the wardrobe department never sent Bonnie a text. Alex says that makes no sense. Justin notes that he was on the phone with Bonnie when she got the text. Justin wonders why Richard would lie. Alex suggests maybe he was afraid of getting fired. Justin remarks that he should be fired but admits maybe he scared him in to lying. Alex suggests checking Bonnie’s texts, so Justin checks and finds the text but notes that it came from an unknown number. Justin points out that when Richard called, he saw the name, so Alex questions why it wouldn’t come up on the text.
Arnold comments on EJ really having it in for Jada. EJ says that Jada convinced Paulina to have him fired, so turnabout is fair play. EJ tells Arnold that he’s going to do to Jada what she did to him and get her canned. EJ adds that he’s going to use Arnold to do it.
Jada goes to the hospital and calls Shawn, telling he or JJ to let her know the second they find anything on Rachel. Jada calls this case of the utmost importance. Jada then hangs up and sees Stephanie at the hospital. Jada tells her that she was up all night searching for Rachel and now she has to question Bonnie. Stephanie asks if she couldn’t get a detective to do it. Jada says that Paulina asked her to pay special attention to the Body and Soul case. Stephanie adds that she’s there for Bonnie too and to make sure the media isn’t hounding her. Stephanie can’t believe Bonnie stepped in to an empty elevator shaft. Jada calls it a freak accident. Stephanie swears that it’s been one crisis after another ever since she took on Body and Soul as a client. Jada adds that on top of all that, Stephanie is dealing with a break up. Stephanie admits it hasn’t been fun but it’s for the best. Jada notes that she never told her exactly what happened and asks why she ended things with Philip.
Xander goes to the Titan office and greets Philip. Philip questions him giving a genuinely friendly greeting. Xander reminds him that they were friendly yesterday. Philip says that co-existing will take some getting used to. Xander says he wants them to be a team to make Titan the best it can be. Xander remarks that is what Victor wants or else he wouldn’t have written that letter. Xander says they have both wanted this for so long, so they should make Victor proud. Philip asks if he wants a coffee. Xander says he’s good and they can just get to work. Xander assures he won’t pitch any more hostile takeovers as Philip was right that it would be good to not start any wars with the DiMeras right now. Philip changes his tune and says that maybe Xander was right. Philip declares that Xander said they want to make Victor proud, so maybe they can do it by accomplishing what Victor never could in taking over the DiMera empire.
Sarah goes to see Kayla in her office at the hospital. Sarah mentions being sure that Kayla is swamped with Bonnie’s accident. Kayla talks about feeling bad since she’s the one who convinced Seth Burns to let them film at the hospital. Kayla imagines Seth is distancing himself now. Sarah asks how Bonnie is. Kayla says that her long term prognosis is good but her injuries are severe. Sarah says she and Xander were just talking about the accident. Kayla calls it crazy, noting that Bonnie fell two stories with nothing to break her fall. Sarah says she will check on Bonnie and Justin before going home. Kayla knows they would appreciate that. Kayla thanks Sarah for the research she left for her and says it was excellent. Sarah says she was happy to do it and she learned a lot. Sarah mentions running in to Stephanie and getting to chat while waiting for her. Sarah is sure seeing Kayla made Stephanie feel better. Kayla comments that Stephanie is definitely bummed out about the way things ended with Philip. Sarah asks if Stephanie told her why they broke up. Kayla responds that Stephanie told her everything as they don’t have any secrets, so Sarah questions Kayla knowing what Philip did and what exactly Stephanie told her. Kayla says that Stephanie just said Philip behaved in a way that hurt her and that he wasn’t totally honest about a business maneuver. Sarah asks if she didn’t get in to specifics. Kayla says she didn’t and asks if she told Sarah something more. Sarah flashes back to her conversation with Stephanie, but tells Kayla that she told her the same thing.
Xander tells Philip that he was adamant that going after DiMera was a terrible idea, so he questions what changed his mind. Philip thinks back to his conversation with Sarah about having to work with Xander and not against him. Philip then tells Xander that he realized working together means he needs to compromise. Xander calls this quite the reversal since Philip’s whole speech about not wanting to operate that way. Philip feels he has to be flexible. Xander brings up that Philip also went on about how dangerous the feud was with the DiMeras, especially for Stephanie. Philip then reveals that he and Stephanie broke up, so Xander questions what happened there.
Jada tells Stephanie that she doesn’t have to tell her why she and Philip broke up if it’s too personal. Stephanie acknowledges Jada as her best friend and says she will tell her, so Jada asks why they broke up. Stephanie flashes back to talking to Sarah about keeping the secret. Stephanie then tells Jada that she just saw a side of Philip that she can’t stand, that puts power above everything else at Titan. Stephanie says the way he does business just doesn’t sit right with her. Stephanie adds that some people might not let one side of a person affect the whole relationship, but she can’t. Jada respects that and says she couldn’t be with a guy whose work life was shady either. Stephanie points out that Rafe is the opposite of shady and one of the best. Jada tells Stephanie that she’s so sorry she’s going through this. Stephanie points out that now she has extra free time to help out with Jada’s wedding. Jada says that’s kind of her but suggests she use her free time to get a massage. Stephanie insists on wanting to pitch in on the wedding if there’s anything she can do. Jada then asks Stephanie to be her maid of honor.
Arnold asks EJ how he’s supposed to get the police commissioner fired and what he wants him to do. EJ wants Arnold to expose Jada for the corrupt cop she is. Arnold remarks that she seems squeaky clean to him. EJ argues that no one is that clean including Jada. Arnold questions wanting him to dig up dirt on her. EJ decides he will do the digging and tells Arnold to concentrate on the exposing.
Alex suggests maybe someone else from wardrobe sent the text to Bonnie. Justin points out that Richard said they didn’t need Bonnie for a fitting, so he asks why they would text her. Bonnie struggles to speak so Justin encourages her to forget about all of this and try to rest. Alex decides he will step out to give them some alone time. Justin tells Alex that he doesn’t like this, so they need to contact the police. Alex says he’s on it and exits the room. Justin tells Bonnie not to worry as they will get to the bottom of this.
Stephanie is excited by Jada asking her to be her maid of honor and asks what about her sister. Jada says that Talia sadly can’t make it. Jada tells Stephanie that she’s like a sister to her. Stephanie feels the same and says she would love to stand up for her at her wedding as they hug.
Philip informs Xander that he and Stephanie just didn’t see eye to eye, so she’s not a factor anymore. Xander questions him now being all in on going after DiMera. Philip admits he may have been a bit hasty and standing in his way just because he could. Philip says they would have to think through a hostile takeover and consider the timing. Xander assures the timing is now, pointing out that EJ and Chad are out while Kristen is distracted. Philip notes that’s because Kristen’s daughter is missing and feels that’s a bit ruthless. Xander asks if Philip went soft. Philip says he hasn’t but he does have lines he won’t cross. Xander feels this is not one of those lines. Philip questions Xander suggesting they profit off a missing child who also happens to be Brady’s child. Xander argues that Brady or Kristen could have Rachel stashed somewhere in their never ending custody battle. Xander is confident that Rachel will turn up safe and sound. Xander feels they need to strike while Kristen is distracted. Philip brings up that Kristen did try to blackmail Xander with the serum for Sarah’s paralysis. Xander complains that Kristen wanted to barter for Sarah’s future, just like she did with Kate’s life and the orchid. Philip admits Kristen is a cold hearted snake. Xander says that when Kristen wanted Titan, she just saw them as her biggest competitor and she wanted to be unstoppable. Xander points out that Kristen had absolutely no problem or sympathy when he was at his worst and didn’t hesitate to try to take everything. Xander asks why they should hesitate now that the shoe is on the other foot.
Alex comes over to Jada and Stephanie. Stephanie asks how Bonnie is. Alex says she has broken bones and a broken jaw, so it’s pretty bad but she will be okay eventually. Stephanie and Jada say they are sorry. Jada says that Paulina wanted her to look in to what happened. Alex offers to take Jada to Bonnie’s room but Jada says she will find it and walks off, leaving Alex with Stephanie.
Arnold asks EJ what happens after he exposes Jada with the dirt that EJ digs up. EJ responds that Paulina will have no choice but to toss Jada out on her ass. Arnold questions who Paulina would get to replace Jada. EJ tells him that it would be Arnold, posing as Rafe. Arnold still doesn’t get what EJ is getting out of this outside of seeing Jada lose her job. EJ assures that he’ll get far more because Arnold will convince Paulina that Jada was fired because EJ was on to her corruption and then Paulina will have no choice but to hire him back.
Jada joins Justin in Bonnie’s hospital room. Jada tells Bonnie that she’s so sorry about what happened but she’s thankful she survived such a terrible accident. Justin responds that he’s not so sure that Bonnie’s fall was an accident.
Sarah informs Kayla that her physical therapist lifted all restrictions and she has full range of motion and that she was given the all clear to perform surgery as well. Kayla responds that she reviewed her records, so she would love for Sarah to come back to work at the hospital full time, effective immediately. Sarah says she’s so relieved. Kayla never doubted that Sarah would be back. Kayla calls her a wonderful doctor and friend, noting that she’s so glad she was there for Stephanie the other night. Kayla hates that Stephanie is hurting but feels like maybe she dodged a bullet with Philip. Kayla points out that when they were involved before, Philip almost got Stephanie killed and not to mention what happened with Brady when Philip was mentally ill. Kayla admits she always had this feeling that Philip is somehow broken and can’t be fixed. Kayla doesn’t know if he was born that way or if it’s something Victor put him through. Kayla feels it’s just a matter of time before Philip would do something to really hurt Stephanie or someone else.
Stephanie tells Alex that it’s so weird about Bonnie’s text. Alex is glad that Jada is looking in to it. Stephanie informs him that Jada just asked her to be her maid of honor and she was so touched. Alex brings up Philip but Stephanie reveals that Philip won’t be accompanying her to the wedding because she broke up with him.
Philip tells Xander that he’s right that Kristen clearly has no qualms about hitting them when they are down as she’s done it before and will do it again while Stefano is the definition of ruthless. Xander points out that Victor was too. Xander asks if they are really doing this and if the Kiriakis Brothers are going after the DiMeras. Philip declares it is game on and that Kristen and the rest of those losers won’t know what hit them.
Arnold asks EJ how Jada and Rafe’s wedding fits in to his big plan since Jada won’t want to get married after he ruins her career. Arnold suggests calling off the wedding but EJ says absolutely not. EJ tells Arnold that if all goes according to plan, the union of Jada and Rafe will definitely be an affair to remember.
Justin talks with Jada about the text Bonnie got and the possibility of it being a mistake or if it was more nefarious and someone wanted Bonnie to fall down the elevator shaft. Justin says he’s not saying that’s what happened but they can’t rule it out. Jada questions who would do it and who would want to hurt Bonnie. Justin doesn’t know but suggests it could have been the same person who poisoned the cupcakes and whoever is behind it may have tried o kill Bonnie.
Someone wearing all black walks in to the park with a photo of Bonnie. They then take a red marker and draw an X over her photo.
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