GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Kristina reopens the remodeled Charlie’s and Brick comes to celebrate Kristina’s big night.

Brick gets jealous because he sees Jordan sitting with Isiah.

Natalia finds Sonny unconscious on the floor of his office. Natalia finds Sonny’s pills and put one of the pills in his mouth to dissolve and calls 911. Sonny regains conciseness and tells Natalia he doesn’t want to go to the hospital. Sonny tells Natalia to call using his cell phone and tell him what happened.

Isiah leaves Jordan after he tells her that he has a medical emergency.

Brick sits down with Jordan and they talk and flirt for a little bit.

Cody goes to the re-opening of Charlie’s and gets drunk because he is still depressed that lost all his money on the PCU game. A drunk Cody asks Spinelli to pay him $75,000 not to tell anyone what he did with the Society setups dating service years ago. Spinelli tells Cody he doesn’t have that kind of money and he should be ashamed of himself for trying to shake down, a member of his family. Lucky comes over to try to calm down the situation and he gets punched in the face by Cody. Brick breaks up the fight between Cody and Lucky. Cody and Lucky are arrested and taken to the police station.

Isiah tells Sonny he needs to go to a cardiologist, but Sonny still wants to keep his condition a secret. Isiah tells Sonny he needs to be under observation for the night. Natalia tells Isiah she will stay with Sonny.

Jason manages to make a deal to resolve the situation between Willow and Tracy. Willow will move back to the carriage house with the kids so Monica can have them nearby and the kids can be in their home and their lives won’t be uprooted.

Drew tells Martin that he needs to get Willow a divorce as soon as possible because he thinks the Quartermaines will still try to take the kids away from Willow and he must protect Willow from the Quatermaines.

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Recap written by Eva

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