Days Update Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Leo has a nightmare about Kerry interrupting he and Javi in bed with a gun, then wakes up in a panic as Javi comes in with coffee.

At the hospital, Alex questions Stephanie and Philip breaking up when they seemed so happy on New Year’s. Stephanie responds that it was new and they were still figuring out if they could work, but she got a vivid reminder of why they broke up the last time. Alex tells her that he’s sorry but Stephanie says it’s good that things ended as quickly as they did. Stephanie adds that she never would’ve even thought about dating Philip again if it wasn’t for Alex.

At the Brady Pub, Kate finishes a call with Seth Burns about Bonnie’s accident and the safety protocols. Kate hangs up as Joy appears to ask if everything is okay. Kate responds that she was putting out another fire with Body and Soul. Joy guesses Chanel quitting caused a lot of problems. Kate says that’s not important anymore as she was talking about Bonnie’s accident, which Joy was unaware of. Kate then informs Joy that Bonnie almost died when she plunged down the elevator shaft.

Abe goes to Kayla’s office at the hospital and asks how Bonnie is. Kayla says she can only discuss her condition with her family but her prognosis is good. Kayla adds that Bonnie won’t be going back to work any time soon. Abe admits he was worried that she would say that and declares that he’s royally screwed.

Jada calls JJ from the hospital and tells him to keep on the Rachel case as she’s still finishing up the Bonnie case. Jada tells JJ that Bonnie will recover but she has a long recovery ahead. Jada says just between them, Justin thinks someone lured Bonnie to the elevator and that her fall was no accident.

Someone wearing all black walks in to the park with a photo of Bonnie. They then take a red marker and draw an X over her photo.

Alex doesn’t understand how he’s the reason that Stephanie started dating Philip again. Stephanie tries to tell him to forget it but Alex insists. Stephanie explains that when they decided to stop seeing each other because of work, she told him it was no big deal but that was a lie as she wasn’t really ready to end things between them. Alex admits he was not either.

Kate fills Joy in on Bonnie’s accident. Joy asks if she’s okay. Kate says Bonnie’s alive and that’s all that matters, but it was a terrible fall. Joy worries about Alex, noting they were on set late last night so this must have happened right after. Kate remarks that at least she knew not to go down the elevator. Joy doesn’t think it’s Bonnie’s fault, so Kate questions whose fault it is.

Jada tells JJ that she doesn’t know if she agrees with Justin’s theory as it could be a coincidence, but admits the text message that Bonnie got was pretty damn suspicious, so they have to tread lightly. Jada gets a text from Javi and then tells JJ that if this was pre-meditated, they have their first suspect.

Javi asks Leo about his nightmare. Leo tells him it was about Kerry choosing violence. Javi tells Leo that he texted Jada about him. Leo wonders if Kerry will get in trouble. Javi declares that all that matters is that Kerry is gone and they are here together. Javi doesn’t think they have anything to worry about from Kerry, but thinks they should stay in bed all day. Leo worries that Gabi will be pissed at him but Javi says she will forgive and forget. Leo tells Javi that he has to get to set and wonders what could have blown up in the last 12 hours. Javi tries to convince Leo that he deserves a day off, so Leo agrees to stay with him, but says there is something important he wants to discuss with him.

Abe tells Kayla that it’s bad enough that Bonnie’s accident happened on his watch, but now Leo is missing. Abe says they need all hands on deck as they cannot afford to lose another day of production. Kayla wishes she could help. Abe responds that maybe she can.

Stephanie questions Alex not wanting to break things off either and why he didn’t say anything. Alex says probably the same reason she didn’t as he didn’t want to put himself out there if she wasn’t going to and he didn’t want to risk ruining their friendship, but he did want more. Stephanie wishes she knew and admits that part of her thought he felt the same way, but then she heard about Alex and Joy. Alex insists that was just a cover and they weren’t really dating. Stephanie says she knows that now, but seeing Joy and Alex leaving the New Year’s Eve party made her more open to seeing where things could go with Philip. Alex explains that he and Joy only left the party because Chanel had confronted Johnny. Stephanie says she assumed that they spent the night together. Alex then admits that they did.

Joy tells Kate that blaming Bonnie feels like victim blaming. Kate argues that Bonnie’s the one who wasn’t paying attention, unless Joy thinks this wasn’t an accident. Kate asks if she thinks it’s her or Abe’s fault. Joy responds that she blames Chanel because if she hadn’t quit the show, they wouldn’t have had the open elevator shaft. Kate thinks that’s a stretch and says there will be a lot of fingers pointed here, but she doesn’t think any will be pointing at Chanel. Kate asks Joy what this is really all about.

Jada goes to the police station to see Kerry in her office. Jada informs him that there was an incident on the set of Body and Soul. Kerry remarks that the set has been cursed ever since moving to Salem and asks what happened this time. Jada reveals that Bonnie fell down an elevator shaft right after taping an elaborate stunt. Kerry says it sounds like she should be talking to production instead of him. Jada brings up the possibility of Bonnie being lured to the elevator shaft. Kerry says that’s pretty sick but questions what that has to do with him. Jada says that’s what they are here to find out.

Javi jokes with Leo about sounding serious. Leo says it’s not a bad thing but he was thinking they just kind of fell in to bed two seconds after he was in bed with Kerry. Leo asks if they are rushing things. Javi points out that it’s not like they haven’t slept together before. Leo says he just wanted to make sure and he needs to know that this means something. Javi doesn’t think he was really ready to sleep with Kerry and part of him knew that he wasn’t right for him. Javi admits he couldn’t get Leo out of his head. Javi knows he put on a big show by turning Leo away when he apologized, but deep down he was missing him and he’s so glad that he doesn’t have to miss him anymore and that Kerry is out of his life for good.

Kerry tells Jada that he has no idea what she’s talking about. Jada explains that the elevator was blocked off from cast and crew, so everyone knew to stay away from it except Bonnie, who got a text from the wardrobe department except they never sent the text, so someone may have been impersonating them. Jada informs Kerry that she’s very close with Javi and he texted her about everything that went down between them. Kerry questions her pegging this on him because he’s Lady Whistleblower. Jada goes over how Kerry broke in to Leo’s hotel room, put spyware on his computer, and had access to the production schedule as well as Bonnie’s phone number. Kerry questions why he would want Bonnie to fall down an elevator shaft. Jada points out he had an axe to grind with the show. Kerry responds that his only axe to grind was with Leo Stark, who rejected and humiliated him, so he wanted to humiliate him and that’s all. Kerry adds that he has no problem with Bonnie, other than her over the top acting. Kerry denies sending the text to Bonnie and hands over his phone if she doesn’t believe him. Jada argues that he could have used a burner phone which Kerry denies. Jada asks if he didn’t send the poisoned cupcakes to the cast and crew either. Kerry asks if she’s just going to keep throwing accusations at him until one sticks. Kerry tells Jada that she has nothing on him so they are done here, but Jada responds that they are done when she says so.

Kayla doesn’t know how she can help since she can’t speed up Bonnie’s recovery. Abe responds that she can fill her shoes because they need someone to play Cassandra and says Kayla is the best recast. Kayla says they went over this already that she’s a doctor, not an actress. Abe points out that Bonnie wasn’t an actress either. Abe brings up when Kayla went undercover with Steve and says she acted her ass off because her life depended on it. Kayla says her life doesn’t depend on this while Abe says his does along with the entire cast and crew. Abe declares that he’s desperate to keep everyone employed. Kayla questions one character jeopardizing all of that. Abe says they can’t afford another crisis and losing another day. Kayla questions needing to step in immediately. Abe repeats that the only person right for it is her.

Joy admits to Kate that maybe Bonnie’s accident wasn’t Chanel’s fault and that she may still be salty about Chanel slapping her for real on set last night which surprises Kate. Joy declares that she’s done letting Chanel blame her for her marriage falling apart. Kate asks who is victim blaming now. Joy argues that Johnny is the one who cheated and she’s not even interested in him as she’s seeing Alex now. Kate thought that was a cover story. Joy says it was until it wasn’t. Joy adds that they’ve gotten a lot closer and they are just figuring things out. Joy notes that Abe said he’s okay with it since there’s no power imbalance. Kate says she gets that, but brings up what tension between people on set can do. Joy promises that if they break up, they will be total pros. Joy declares that she’s pretty much alone in Salem and Alex is the only person who hasn’t been a jerk to her. Joy states that Johnny used her, Chanel blamed her, and EJ bribed her while Alex has been nothing but supportive through all of it. Joy tells Kate that she’s never felt more safe with anyone than she has with Alex.

Alex tells Stephanie that he wants to be honest with her and admits that he and Joy slept together. Alex explains that it wasn’t planned but Joy was upset about Chanel while he was upset, thinking that Stephanie had moved on with Philip. Stephanie realizes that he was only with Joy because he thought she was with Philip while she was only with Philip because she thought he was with Joy. Stephanie points out that she’s not with Philip anymore, but Alex is still with Joy. Alex says they aren’t official and were just spending more time together. Alex swears that if he knew Stephanie was single, he would slow it down completely but he doesn’t know if they can be together while working on Body and Soul. Stephanie then asks what if she wasn’t working on Body and Soul and quits being the show’s publicist. Alex says no way since they are her biggest client, so he can’t ask her to quit her job for them. Stephanie points out that he didn’t ask and that the show could easily replace her with a publicist. Alex argues that she loves her job and never considered quitting. Stephanie says she didn’t until she realized how much she misses him.

Kate tells Joy that she’s grateful that Alex was respectful and kind to her when others weren’t, but the heart is most vulnerable when worn on the sleeve so she advises her to protect it. Joy thanks her and says she will. Joy wonders if Alex is still at the hospital as she’d really like to be there for him. Kate doesn’t think there’s anywhere else he would be since Bonnie is family. Joy talks about liking Bonnie and decides she might bring her flowers. Kate tells Joy to give Bonnie her best and that they can’t wait to have her back on the show.

Javi suggests that Leo call in sick. Leo talks about upcoming storylines for Body and Soul. Leo talks about Bonnie and Hattie’s characters, then apologizes if he’s boring Javi.

Jada tells Kerry that she doesn’t have anything to tie him to Bonnie’s accident or the poisoned cupcakes, but he did break in to Leo’s hotel room which is a crime. Kerry argues that he and Leo were involved once, pointing out there is no evidence of a break-in so she doesn’t have enough to charge him or even for a warrant. Jada warns Kerry not to leave town as he then exits her office.

Kayla tells Abe that she will pass but Abe insists that she’d fit right in and that Kate would love it. Kayla thinks it sounds insane. Abe encourages Kayla dreaming of being a TV star growing up. Kayla says healing people is now her passion and she wouldn’t want to take someone else’s dream as she’s sure hundreds of actresses would love to be on Body and Soul. Abe questions who is available the day after tomorrow. Kayla argues that Bonnie won’t be back for weeks and she can’t neglect her patients to go be a soap star. Abe says they will start searching for a recast right away while Kayla would just have to step in. Kayla worries about if she’s terrible and makes things worse. Abe assures that she will knock it out of the park and asks what he has to say to convince her.

Alex tells Stephanie that he misses her too, but he doesn’t want them to rush in to something they might regret if it doesn’t work out. Stephanie asks what if it does. Alex points out that Kate and Abe won’t like this at all since the show is already going crazy. Stephanie admits the show is in chaos but she can’t fix it, she can only spin it but she doesn’t need that. Joy arrives and hugs Alex, telling him that she’s so sorry about Bonnie and asks if she can have visitors. Alex says he’s sure she would appreciate that. Joy asks Alex to take her to Bonnie’s room. Joy invites Stephanie to come with but Stephanie says she’s swamped with work, so Alex tells Stephanie they will catch up later and takes Joy to Bonnie’s room.

Leo asks Javi to run a scene with him as they joke together until Kerry walks in to interrupt them. Leo tells him about his nightmare that Kerry came to shoot him. Kerry says he’s not going to throw his life away over them. Javi asks what he wants. Kerry returns his key which Leo questions Javi giving to him. Kerry then tells Javi that he would like his Rochester sweatshirt back.

Jada makes a call to have a background check run on Kerry.

Leo questions Javi giving Kerry a key when they were taking things slowly. Javi returns Kerry’s sweatshirt to him and says there’s nothing else. Kerry hopes Javi and Leo live unhappily ever after. Kerry adds that it’s a tough break about Bonnie and says he’ll be seeing them as he exits. Leo and Javi are left confused, wondering what happened to Bonnie.

Abe goes to the Brady Pub and tells Kate that it’s been a hell of a day and it’s barely 10 AM. Abe asks if she wants the good news or bad news first. Kate picks bad news so Abe informs her that Bonnie has a long recovery ahead of her. Kate asks what the good news is. Abe reveals that he already has a temporary recast to start tomorrow which shocks Kate. Abe then informs her that it’s Kayla.

Kayla calls Steve and leaves a message that she has some very interesting news for him. Kayla hangs up and sees Stephanie, noting that she looks so down so she asks what’s going on.

Joy tells Alex that she knew Bonnie was badly hurt but she was not expecting to see her like that. Alex says she’s lucky to be alive. Joy calls Alex and Bonnie the only people in the cast that she can tolerate, so without Bonnie, it’s only Alex. Joy adds that she was telling Kate that she doesn’t know if she would have gotten through any of this without Alex as she hugs him.

Leo looks up on his phone and finds out that Bonnie was severely injured after falling down the elevator shaft at the hospital. Leo feels horrible and hopes she will be okay, but worries about his upcoming storyline.

Stephanie tells Kayla that she’s fine and there’s just a lot going on with Body and Soul. Kayla then informs Stephanie that she’s looking at the latest, most reluctant cast member to join the show which surprises Stephanie. Kayla calls it silly but says Abe twisted her arm to fill in for Bonnie. Kayla assures that she’s only filling in until Abe finds a permanent recast and she thought it would be fun to work with Stephanie a bit.

Jada calls Justin and tells him that she brought in Kerry for questioning but she had to let him go because he didn’t have a criminal record. Jada assures that they will haul him in if they find anything that links him to what happened. Jada promises that if Bonnie’s fall wasn’t an accident, she will find who is responsible.

The mystery person in all black hangs Bonnie’s photo with a red X through it and then approaches a photo of Alex next.

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