Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Brady paces at the DiMera Mansion until he gets a call from Ava. Brady tells her that the police are going through security footage trying to find Rachel so he’s hoping for an update. Brady adds that he and Kristen were at the police station all night until Shawn convinced them it would do no good, so he brought Kristen home. Ava says it sounds like Brady could use some rest. Brady doesn’t know how they will get any rest. Ava tells him that she’s truly sorry. Brady thanks her and appreciates her calling. Kristen walks in behind Brady and says that makes one of them.
At the police station, Shawn finishes a call with JJ about the security footage looking for Rachel. Belle arrives and asks if there’s any news on Rachel. Shawn says unfortunately no and that Brady and Kristen are going out of their minds.
Brady tells Ava to hold on while Kristen asks if she’s interrupting, mocking the phone call as important while their daughter is missing. Brady tells Ava that he will call her later. Ava says she’s there if he needs her. Brady hangs up and says he thought Kristen went upstairs to rest. Kristen questions how she can rest when she needs to be out looking for Rachel and argues that Brady should be too instead of talking to Ava. Brady argues that Ava was just calling to check in while Kristen complains that she doesn’t need to check in because this does not involve her, calling it a family matter.
Tate complains about his homework at home until Marlena comes in. Tate asks how he’s supposed to do his homework while Rachel is out there missing. Tate doesn’t know where Rachel could have gone and mentions texting her to come home but then he remembered Kristen took her phone. Tate wishes he could do more to help in the search for Rachel. Marlena encourages that he put up all the posters in the park while Tate doesn’t feel like that was enough. Marlena says they’re doing all they can, noting that she met with the police as did Brady and Kristen and that they are using every resource. Tate can’t believe his sister is missing on top of everything else. Marlena guesses he’s talking about Sophia’s pregnancy.
Sophia goes to the Bistro and asks Ava if she can pick up a shift. Ava says she doesn’t have room on the schedule today and thought she was taking the day off to go to the doctor. Sophia informs Ava that she went to her appointment yesterday, then her mother Amy comes in behind her and questions why she’s only hearing about it now. Sophia asks what she’s doing there. Amy questions Sophia not answering her phone. Sophia says she must have had it on silent, but Amy points out the phone is in her hand and argues that she was waiting for her at the doctor only to find out she went yesterday. Sophia claims there was a schedule mix up so they moved it but Amy reveals she talked to Kayla, who told her that Sophia called to move the appointment. Sophia then admits that she changed it because she didn’t want her hovering over her. Amy questions her going to the appointment alone. Sophia informs her that Tate went with her. Amy argues that she should’ve been there too. Sophia complains that it’s her baby and she doesn’t need her holding her hand because she’s not a child. Amy asks if she’s sure about that because a mature responsible adult would not be in this situation.
Marlena tells Tate that she knows they haven’t talked much about Sophia’s pregnancy and how it’s affecting him. Marlena is glad he has Brady to talk to, but assures she’s there to talk too. Tate thanks him, so Marlena asks if he wants to talk about it now. Tate says it just feels kind of wrong to be talking about his problems while Rachel is missing. Marlena encourages that it’s not wrong as the police are out looking for Rachel, so there’s nothing they can do but wait. Tate then decides he does want to discuss the Sophia situation because maybe Marlena can help him. Marlena says she’s happy to try. Tate talks about trying to do the right thing to help Sophia, but whenever he does, he ends up hurting his relationship with Holly. Tate mentions the sonogram photo making it all more real. Tate calls it a miracle that they made a life, but it made him really sad knowing that they can’t appreciate the miracle because they didn’t mean for it to happen. Tate adds that he could tell it really upset Holly. Marlena asks if he’s had a chance to talk to Holly. Tate admits he hasn’t heard from her since. Holly then shows up at the door and tells Tate that she just heard about Rachel missing and she knows he must be so worried. Marlena says she’ll give them time as she has somewhere to be, so she exits. Tate tells Holly that he’s really glad she’s there. Holly asks why she wouldn’t be. Tate feels she seemed pretty upset when she ran in to he and Sophia yesterday.
Amy tells Sophia that he will be taking her to her doctor’s appointments until she proves herself capable of making good decisions. Ava says she doesn’t blame Amy for being upset about being left in the dark, but suggest Sophia can tell her how the appointment went. Sophia tells Amy that it’s all good so far, they are waiting on blood tests, and she’s taking the recommended vitamins. Amy says it’s good that she’s healthy. Sophia then shows her the sonogram photo which Amy acknowledges as her grandchild. Sophia apologizes for going to the appointment without her. Amy says it’s okay as she understands, but she’s trying to look out for her. Sophia decides that Amy is right that she should be involved. Sophia adds that she wanted to talk to her about adoption.
Brady knows Kristen is upset but says Ava was just concerned. Kristen blames Ava for Rachel running away. Brady argues that’s not true since Rachel was upset about them not getting back together. Kristen calls Ava the reason they are not getting back together. Brady says there are a million reasons that they won’t get in to, but Ava has nothing to do with it. Brady adds that Rachel has been upset for awhile now and it goes a lot deeper than he and Ava. Kristen reluctantly admits it’s not Ava’s fault and she’s just on edge and she can’t help but think worst case scenario since Rachel has been missing for 24 hours with no leads. Kristen questions where she is.
Belle tells Shawn that she can’t imagine what Brady is going through and asks if there’s anything she can do to help. Shawn thinks they are doing all they can, noting they have every available unit on the area and JJ is going over security footage so it’s only a matter of time. Belle worries about Brady after everything he’s been through the past year. Shawn then gets a call back from JJ.
Holly tells Tate that none of yesterday matters when Rachel is missing. Tate says it does matter as he could tell she was upset running in to he and Sophia in the town square. Holly admits that she was because they were together, laughing and when she saw the sonogram, she realized there is something between them and it’s like a connection that she’s not a part of. Tate understands why she would feel that way. Holly says it wasn’t just a moment they were sharing, they are having a baby together. Tate says they still want to give the baby up for adoption if Sophia’s parents are cool with it.
Amy questions adoption. Sophia says she and Tate had talked about it and thought it might be a good idea. Amy argues that they couldn’t get away with abortion so they are looking at another way to dispose of the baby. Sophia says they are just trying to do the right thing, pointing out that she and Tate are not ready to be parents. Amy shouts that they should’ve thought about that before deciding they were ready to have sex. Amy declares that Sophia doesn’t want to face the consequences of her actions. Sophia mocks the idea that the baby is a punishment. Ava backs up Sophia doing what’s best for the baby. Amy disagrees and declares there will not be any adoption.
Steve finishes a call at the Pub as Marlena arrives and thanks him for meeting her. Steve asks what’s going on. Marlena guesses he hasn’t heard that Rachel is missing which shocks him. Marlena explains that Rachel ran away, there’s no sign of her, and the police are all over it. Steve asks what he can do to help. Marlena responds that he can help her contact John.
Brady tells Kristen that he knows waiting is getting to both of them, but encourages that the police will help them get Rachel home. Kristen says that’s what they said last time when they finally found out Rachel was their baby, only to have Sarah run off with her. Kristen knows that was a long time ago but she had forgotten what it was like and now the terrible memories are flooding back. Brady argues that the difference is that no one took her this time. Brady says Rachel is a smart kid but he doubts she can charter a flight to Paris. Kristen cries that she knows it was a different situation but it feels the same as she had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach that she was never going to see her daughter again and she feels that same way now.
Shawn finishes his call with JJ and informs Belle that the ambulance dispatch just got a call about a little girl who was hit by a car and is being taken to the hospital now. Shawn reveals that according to JJ, the description matches Rachel.
Steve reminds Marlena that John is deep undercover. Marlena argues that his granddaughter has gone missing and Brady needs his father, so she knows if John knew, he would want to be there. Steve agrees, so Marlena asks him to contact Shane to ask him to contact John. Steve reveals that he already did after Marlena gave him the good news about Catharina. Marlena notes that she didn’t ask him to do that. Steve says he can see how hard the no contact is for her and the mission has gone on so long that it’s not fair to John’s loved ones. Steve says he read Shane the riot act, so Marlena asks what he said.
Amy tells Sophia that at her next appointment, she will tell Kayla to keep her ideas to herself. Sophia argues that she and Tate should have some say in this but Amy declares that she is the adult in this situation, reminding Sophia that she is still 17. Ava points out that Tate and Sophia are really young to be raising a child. Amy argues that they won’t be doing it on their own as Sophia’s parents have every intention of helping and she’s sure Tate’s family will do the same. Sophia questions how that’s going to work if she’s going to college next year. Amy responds that unfortunately, plans change. Sophia says she will have the baby, but she can’t take college away from her. Amy shouts that putting her dreams on hold is the risk she took when she had sex. Sophia complains that she’s lectured her enough and asks if she will respect her enough if she becomes a nun and never looks at another boy again. Amy tells Sophia that she will not lash out at her for her decision. Sophia cries that her mother is making her sad and miserable and ruining her life as she then runs out of the Bistro.
Holly asks if Tate really thinks Sophia’s parents would be cool with adoption when her mom was insisting on them getting married. Tate argues that she can’t force them and he thinks that Brady made it clear they are not getting married. Holly hopes Sophia talks to her parent about adoption soon because it’s killing her not knowing what’s going to happen. Holly says she didn’t come to talk about her or her feelings and says she knows how scared he must be about Rachel. Holly brings up that she used to live with Rachel so she really cares about her and offers anything she can do to help. Tate wishes there was but he doesn’t know what they can do that the police haven’t. Tate says he put posters up in the park but wonders if people even look at those. Holly suggests a better way to get people’s attention.
Brady tells Kristen that they have to keep reminding themselves that they got Rachel back all those years ago and they will this time too, pointing out that she wasn’t kidnapped. Kristen says in some ways, Rachel running away scares her worse because she’s out there all alone and who knows what could happen to her.
Belle asks Shawn if it could be Rachel that was hit by the car. Shawn says she’s apparently Rachel’s age with brown hair and a leopard print coat. Belle asks if she should call Brady. Shawn says to wait until they know for sure. They decide they are going to the ER and exit the police station.
Steve informs Marlena that Shane turned him down flat, but said he was sorry and understands how these missions can be hard on families but apparently John is in a very delicate spot so if anyone tries to contact him, it could jeopardize the mission and put John in serious peril because it’s that dangerous. Marlena questions why John would take on such a risky mission. Steve says he would never describe John as risk averse. Marlena doesn’t know why John would agree to break off contact with his family and put his own life at risk. Steve says he doesn’t know but it must be something big.
Brady tells Kristen that he knows Rachel is out there alone and it’s scary but encourages that she is smart and resourceful, joking that she is half Kiriakis, half DiMera so the rest of the world better watch out for her. Kristen is sure he’s right. Kristen brings up that Rachel left her snake, with instructions on how to feed it. Brady urges Kristen to try to get some sleep since they have put up all night. Kristen doesn’t think she will be able to. Brady says they have to try so they can be reasonably rested when Rachel comes home. Kristen agrees to try. Brady says he will be back soon as he hugs Kristen.
Belle paces at the hospital as Shawn comes back to her and reveals the little girl hit by a car was not Rachel. Belle is relieved and thankful as she hugs Shawn.
Amy complains about Sophia storming off. Ava suggests giving Sophia a moment so they can have a chance to talk. Amy questions what they have to talk about. Ava knows it’s none of her business but she’s gotten to know Sophia and she’s a wonderful girl. Ava says it’s clear that Amy loves her and wants the best for her, so maybe it would help to see things from her perspective. Amy argues that she knows what it’s like to make a mistake and having to face the consequences of it. Ava thinks Sophia has already learned her lesson as being forced to have a baby when she’s not ready is traumatic enough. Amy sees that they don’t see eye to eye on some important issues, but she has her beliefs and advises her to tread lightly. Ava says she’s just saying that it’s life changing to find out you’re pregnant and Sophia is obviously overwhelmed and scared. Ava talks about Tate and Sophia being so young and not ready to be parents, so maybe she could consider that adoption is the best thing for them and the baby. Amy then agrees that it’s none of Ava’s business and walks out of the Bistro.
Holly tells Tate that they need to come up with a good hashtag to get trending and if enough people see it, they can know where Rachel is. Tate suggests #ReturnReptileRachel along with existing hashtags. Holly uses the Spectator as a hashtag as well and says maybe they’ll post an article about it. Tate thanks Holly for doing this since she has way more followers than him and says he’s sure no one would see it if he posted it. Holly jokes that’s because Tate doesn’t post at all. Sophia then shows up at the door in tears, revealing that her mom won’t agree to the adoption and said they have to raise the baby themselves as she hugs Tate. Sophia then sees Holly and says she didn’t know she was there. Tate explains that they were trying to track down his little sister after she ran away. Sophia apologizes and says she had no idea he was in the middle of a crisis, so she will go. Holly decides she will go instead. Tate tries to stop her but Holly says they obviously have a lot to talk about and exits.
Steve tells Marlena that he wants his partner back too and promises to do everything he can to help the police find Rachel. Marlena thanks him and says they need all the help they can get. Marlena asks Steve to find out any more he can from Shane too because she imagines the very worst when not hearing from John. Steve agrees to try but can’t make any promises. Marlena understands and appreciates whatever he can do. Steve knows how hard it is on her. Marlena admits she’s terribly worried and she misses John so much. Steve hugs her and says he knows.
Belle tells Shawn that she’s so glad that Rachel wasn’t hurt but asks about the other little girl. Shawn says her name is Lucy and she’s banged up but she will be fine. Shawn adds that her family is on the way as she’s awake and talking. Belle is glad she didn’t call Brady and scare him like that. Shawn is sorry that he scared her. Belle understands he was following a credible lead. Belle decides she is going to pick up food for her family. Shawn says he should get back to the police station and agrees to keep her posted.
Brady goes to the Bistro where Ava asks if there’s any news but Brady says there’s nothing. Brady says he was just walking home to get some rest and decided he wanted to see her. Ava asks what she can do to help. Brady thinks all they can do is hope and wait. Ava asks what she can do for him. Brady says he tried to put on a brave face for Kristen and assure her that everything will be alright, but admits he’s worried about Rachel being out there, sad, angry, and alone. Brady feels guilty because they drove Rachel to do this and worries that they didn’t love her enough. Brady worries that Rachel felt she had to do this to get their attention. Brady just wants her to be okay. Ava hugs him and assures that she will be okay.
Kristen remains in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and looks at a photo of her and Rachel on her phone. Kristen tearfully wonders where Rachel has gone.
Rachel arrives in a big room with old furniture covered by sheets. She pulls out her stuffed animal snake from her backpack and declares that they finally made it.
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