Days Update Friday, January 24, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

At the Bistro, Brady tells Ava that he tried to put on a brave face for Kristen and assure her that everything will be alright, but admits he’s worried about Rachel being out there, sad, angry, and alone. Brady feels guilty because they drove Rachel to do this and worries that they failed as parents and didn’t love her enough. Brady worries that Rachel felt she had to do this to get their attention. Brady just wants her to come home. Ava hugs him and assures that she will be okay. Brady apologizes for leaning on Ava but Ava says she wants him to as she’s there for him. Brady thanks her but notes that Kristen wouldn’t be very happy that they are together like this. Ava responds that Kristen doesn’t need to know.

Kristen remains in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and looks at a photo of her and Rachel on her phone. Kristen complains that she needs Rachel to come back to her and the police have been predictably useless with no leads on where Rachel could be. Kristen looks to the portrait of Stefano and says he wouldn’t sit around if his family was in danger, so she won’t either. Kristen then heads towards the tunnels but EJ walks in and stops her, questioning what the hell she is doing.

Marlena is in her office finishing a call as Cat arrives. Cat says she’s sorry to bother her but the front desk said she was on break, so she wanted to ask if she talked to Kayla about hiring her as her assistant. Marlena says she hasn’t had time yet. Cat worries that she changed her mind. Marlena assures it’s not that but that there’s a lot going on and they are in a bit of a crisis as her granddaughter has gone missing.

Chad’s at home, making calls about putting Rachel’s picture on the front page and amber alerts sent out. JJ comes in and tells Chad that they had a false alarm about a girl hit by a car but other than that, he’s got nothing as if Rachel disappeared in to thin air…

Rachel arrives in a big room with old furniture covered by sheets and says it’s not how she imagined it. A woman then enters the room and startles Rachel.

JJ tells Chad that they’ve gone over the security footage from the DiMera Mansion and it’s like Rachel went out the front door and there’s been no sign of her since. JJ points out that she couldn’t have gotten far with little money and they are trying to cover every angle, but Jada insisted he come home to take a break and go back out later with fresh eyes. Chad says he’s been using the Spectator to get the word out and feels somebody had to have seen something. JJ says the only tips they have gotten have not led anywhere. Chad says he feels so bad for Kristen because her daughter is her life.

Kristen complains to EJ that her daughter is missing and she’s not going to sit around doing nothing like the police are, so she’s going to start her search in the tunnels. EJ stops her and says there’s no need to look there because the security footage showed Rachel leave through the front door, not the tunnels. EJ says he’s torn apart every inch underground and assures there’s no sign of Rachel down there. Kristen asks where the hell Rachel is then.

Cat tells Marlena that she’s so sorry as she saw the amber alert but had no idea it was her granddaughter. Cat asks if there’s any leads or if they know what happened. Marlena says they think she ran away and the police are out looking everywhere for her, but it’s hard not to worry that she might find some danger all by herself.

Rachel questions who the woman is. She responds that Rachel is the one trespassing so she asks who she is. Rachel introduces herself and reveals that Kristen’s mother used to live here. She questions what Rachel is doing in her house. Rachel says she ran away from home. The woman says her parents must be worried. Rachel says she wants them to be worried which the woman questions. Rachel calls it a long story, so the woman says she has nothing but time.

Chad informs JJ that Cat Green is back in town. JJ thought she was going back to Vancouver to be with her mother. Chad explains that her brother Aaron decided to stay while Cat came back to be with their sister Felicity, so she’s going to be living in Salem. JJ responds that he hopes he never runs in to her. Chad notes that might be tricky because she may have just got a job at the hospital as Marlena’s assistant.

Marlena tells Cat that she’s sorry she hasn’t been able to talk to Kayla about her yet. Cat says she completely understands. Marlena explains that she’s been preoccupied trying to reach her husband as John doesn’t know Rachel is missing yet and she hasn’t been able to tell him that he didn’t hurt Catharina either. Cat guesses John is away on business. Marlena knows if John was there, he’d be able to find Rachel and bring her home safe.

Ava tells Brady that she understands Kristen was concerned about her involvement in this, but she still feels partly responsible for Rachel’s disappearance. Brady tells her not to say that and that even Kristen admitted Ava was not to blame. Brady thinks he and Kristen are both frustrated that they know they are to blame. Brady argues that Rachel should’ve been in therapy a long time ago and that he should’ve been firmer and not letting her get whatever she wants. Ava encourages that he couldn’t have known Rachel would take it this far regardless. Brady feels he should’ve predicted that her reaction to her parents not getting back together would be bad. Brady says when Rachel comes home, she will think everything is going to be fine but he will have to tell her that her parents are never getting back together. Brady states that he just wants her to come home.

EJ tries to calm Kristen down as she cries that she just wants her daughter. Kristen says she feels so powerless in all of this. EJ encourages that DiMeras are never powerless and tells her all that he has doing to help bring Rachel home, including putting out a reward. EJ tells Kristen that she is a DiMera, even if she was born a Blake, as Stefano regarded her and Peter as his children. EJ jokes that Kristen was the one who took after Stefano the most. Kristen says her mother would be so disappointed to hear her say that as she was always trying to appeal to her better angels. Kristen says she just wanted Rachel to grow up more like a Blake and that’s why she named her after her mother.

Rachel tells the woman about Brady and Kristen and Ava. The woman agrees with Rachel that Ava is standing in the way of her parents being together, so Rachel needs to get her out of the picture permanently.

Cat tells Marlena that she knew a little bit about John’s past because of his connection to her mother. Marlena says that John doesn’t like to talk about it and he’s lived many different lives. Marlena recalls first thinking he was her presumed dead husband, Roman Brady. Cat recalls meeting Roman at the Pub. Cat goes over how Roman was Marlena’s husband and John was impersonating him but now John is her husband. Cat says they were obviously innocent victims unlike her situation with Chad. Marlena feels she was a victim of circumstance. Cat feels she broke Chad’s heart in the worst way, so she can’t imagine he could ever get past that.

JJ can’t believe Marlena would give Cat a job after what she did to their family. Chad points out the circumstances while JJ argues that Chad almost died, so he questions how Chad could defend her. Chad points out that Gabi did terrible things to their family but JJ has no problem dating her. JJ calls that completely different. Chad brings up what Gabi did to Julie. JJ questions if Chad’s saying he doesn’t want him to see Gabi. Chad clarifies that he’s not telling JJ who to associate with, so he would expect the same courtesy. Julie comes in to the room, so JJ asks if she knew Cat Green was staying in town and that Chad has no problem with it. Julie declares that nothing matters to her anymore and exits the room, leaving Chad and JJ confused.

Ava brings Brady a dinner plate at the Bistro. Ava recalls running away from home when she was Rachel’s age because her dad used to beat up her mom, so she thought her disappearance would shock some sense back in to him but it just made it worse. Ava talks about trying to get her mom to leave because she knew eventually her father would take it too far with a beating she would not come back from which ended up happening.

EJ tells Kristen that he never knew the reasons behind her naming Rachel after her mother. Kristen feels that she failed in raising Rachel in her mother’s image. EJ says from what he knows, Kristen’s mom was a badass. Kristen says it’s sad that she wasn’t able to be a mother very long and that she hated Stefano for taking her and Peter away. Kristen talks about how her mother tried to kill Stefano, but he survived while her mother was not so lucky.

Rachel tells the woman about how she sent Ava texts to get her to go away but Kristen took her phone and tried putting her in therapy. She tells Rachel that she doesn’t need therapy, she needs to get Ava out of the way and declares they are going to do that together.

JJ asks Chad if they should follow Julie. Chad doesn’t think so but admits he’s worried. Julie comes back with tea and mentions that she’s hardly sleeping at all. Chad asks if she thought about talking to Marlena. Julie responds that she did but it’s not going to bring Doug back. Julie insists that she will eventually be fine so they don’t have to worry about her. Chad says they are worried and asks what the harm is in talking to Marlena, noting that if it doesn’t work, she can just stop going. JJ adds that Doug would want her to feel better. Chad agrees that Doug would want her to be happy and start living her life again which Marlena can help her do. Chad asks Julie to do it for them because they love her and need her to take care of herself. Julie agrees that Doug would say all those things and thanks them. Julie decides maybe she’ll call Marlena tomorrow but Chad suggests she get dressed and he will take her over there now.

Marlena tells Cat that Chad is a very kind and compassionate man. Cat agrees but feels being nice to her is one thing but having feelings for her is an entirely different situation.

Brady tells Ava that he’s really sorry as he had no idea she went through all that. Ava says she meant to encourage him about Rachel coming home and not turn it in to a sob story. Brady thanks her for sharing with him. Ava says Rachel is the issue now and urges Brady to eat and get some sleep. Brady agrees that he should get some rest and thanks Ava for listening.

Kristen tells EJ that Rachel never got to know her family but she told her stories about the town and their summer home there, including the ghosts that she and Peter were sure were in the attic. Kristen tells EJ that she has a scrapbook about the old town and goes to show EJ but finds it is gone.

The woman tells Rachel what they are going to do and instructs Rachel to use the rotary phone to call Ava which she does. Rachel tells Ava that she needs help and she couldn’t reach her parents so she has to come straight away. Ava asks where she is and grabs a pen.

Marlena questions Cat having romantic feelings for Chad. Cat explains that her feelings evolved while she was pretending to Abigail. Cat says she knows nothing could come of it and she’s been trying to avoid Chad and bury her feelings. Chad then arrives with Julie.

The woman tells Rachel that she did a great job and they make an excellent team. She talks about being glad Rachel visited here and asks how she ended up here tonight. Rachel reveals the scrapbook and how she read about Kristen, her brother Peter, and their mother Rachel Blake. Rachel asks what the woman’s name is. She responds that she could just call her The Woman in White.

Kristen is confused by the missing scrapbook and says she just saw it the other day and she would be really heartbroken if she lost it as it’s all she has of her mother.

Ava calls Brady and leaves a message that he needs to call her back immediately as she knows where Rachel is and she’s heading there now.

JJ goes to see Brady and says he couldn’t stop thinking about Rachel so he came to see if he got any news. Brady says he’s been waiting for his phone to ring. His phone lies on the table with a missed call from Ava.

Julie begins therapy with Marlena and explains that she’s not here on her own but she gave up arguing with Chad because he was insistent on her seeing Marlena. Marlena asks if she doesn’t think this will help. Julie admits coming in and seeing Cat was a surprise. Marlena apologizes but Julie understands Marlena is a doctor and committed to helping everybody. Julie calls Marlena her friend and she understands that psychoanalysis works, but argues that she’s not sick, she’s just a widow who lost the love of her life and is terribly sad. Julie thinks that’s just normal. Marlena agrees. Julie says time healing all wounds just won’t work for her because she doesn’t want to stop thinking about Doug. Julie cries about their love and asks who cares if she can’t sleep or move on with her life. Julie declares that all she has left are the memories of Doug and she doesn’t want to lose that. Marlena says she understands. Julie thinks launching in to therapy would be a terrible waste of their time. Marlena assures that Julie could never waste her time. Marlena knows Julie is only there to appease Chad, but thinks they should try a session and if it doesn’t work, they never have to do it again. Julie agrees and asks what harm it can do.

Cat tells Chad that she really didn’t mean to upset Julie. Chad says it’s his fault for not realizing she could’ve started her new job already. Cat explains that Marlena still needs to talk to Kayla about hiring her first. Chad asks what Cat was there for then. Cat says Marlena was just getting her talking about her feelings.

EJ tells Kristen that he hates to leave her at a time like this but he has pressing matters to attend to. Kristen says she’ll be fine. EJ asks where the hell Brady is. Kristen says he said he had to go home to shower but it’s probably a cover up to spend more time with Ava. EJ asks if they are still an item. Kristen mocks them being Salem’s hottest couple and says she detests Ava. Kristen blames Ava for Rachel running away and declares that if Ava wasn’t in the picture, none of this would happening while she and Brady would be together.

Brady thanks JJ for checking in and says he’ll let him know if he hears anything. JJ then exits. Brady goes back to his phone and listens to Ava’s voicemail but it was distorted and cuts out.

Ava goes to the house that Rachel gave her the address to and finds Rachel’s stuffed animal snake. The woman in white helps Rachel knock out Ava from behind and remarks that it was even easier than she thought.

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