Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Leo had a nightmare about Kerry bursting in the room with a gun. He woke up to find Javi waiting for him. Leo told Javi about his nightmare. Javi reassured him that Kerry was out of the picture. He wanted to spend the day together, and Leo wanted to do that too. He just needed to find out what his nightmare meant. Javi felt it meant that Kerry was gone for good, and he didn’t have to miss him anymore. Jada wanted JJ to take over Rachel’s case because she felt like Bonnie’s fall down the elevator shaft wasn’t an accident. She received a text from Javi and said that they had a suspect to bring to the station. The stalker was shown drawing an “x” on Bonnie’s picture. Stephanie told Alex about her breakup with Philip. She said she was with Philip because of him. Stephanie didn’t want to stop seeing Alex. He admitted that he didn’t want it to end either. They didn’t want to end their friendship. Joy was just a cover and that’s when she decided to see Philip. Alex admitted that he spent the night with Joy on New Year’s Eve because he thought she moved on with her life. He wanted to move on too. They realized they made mistakes and wondered if they should be together while working together. Stephanie suggested that she quit the show so they could be together. He didn’t want her to give up her biggest client so they could be together. She missed him more than she loved the job. Alex worried what would happen if they didn’t work out. She thought there was a chance that they could make it work. While they were talking, Joy arrived. She gave Alex a hug and wanted to take him to see Bonnie. Seth panicked about the ramifications of Bonnie’s fall, but Kate reassured him that the show’s insurance would handle it. Joy overheard Kate’s conversation and thought Chanel quitting caused problems for the show. Kate told her about Bonnie. She felt like Bonnie was responsible for being on the set when she was, but Joy didn’t think it was her fault. Joy felt like Chanel quitting was responsible because the exit scene was rushed. Kate shot down her theory and wondered why she thought that way. Joy was upset that Chanel slapped her, and she was done letting her blame her for what happened with Johnny. She didn’t like Johnny in that way. Joy told her that she was dating Alex. Kate advised her about dating a co-worker.
Abe went to see Kayla to check on Bonnie. She informed him that she was resting, but she wouldn’t be back to work soon. Abe felt like he was screwed after everything that happened. He wondered what else would go wrong. Abe asked Kayla to play Cassandra to help keep everyone employed, but she wouldn’t do it. He continued to plead with her to do the soap temporarily. Jada talked with Kerry at the station. she wanted to know what happened to Bonnie. She explained to him how he had the opportunity to attack Bonnie. Kerry told Jada that his issue was with Leo because he rejected him. He gave Jada his phone, but she said it could have been a burner phone. He was ready to leave, but she wasn’t ready to stop talking. She didn’t have anything concrete on Kerry so she told him not to leave town. Abe met with Kate and told her that Bonnie would be out for a while. He was able to get Kayla to fill in for her temporarily. Kate wasn’t sure if they should work with Kayla. Kayla called Steve to tell him the news about being on the show. She noticed Stephanie looking sad. Stephanie told her what happened with the soap. Kayla let her know that she would be on the show temporarily. Alex and Joy talk about Bonnie’s situation. Joy felt like he and Bonnie were the only people she could tolerate on the show. She let him know that she told Kate that he was the only one there for her. Jada wanted a background check done on Kerry. She called Justin to tell him that she would find the person responsible for what happened to Bonnie. Someone hung a picture of Bonnie up with an “x” through it. He reached for a picture of Alex.
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