Y&R Best Lines Thursday, January 26, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Ah. Thank you. Hey, Daniel.

Daniel: Tucker McCall. Yeah, I heard you were back in town. I’m sure that so many just love having you here.

Tucker: [Chuckles]

Daniel: How’s the reception been?

Tucker: Nice to see you, too.

Daniel: [Chuckles]

Tucker: Actually, the timing couldn’t be better.

Daniel: Why is that?

Tucker: Oh, I’ve been hearing great things about your new gaming venture. I must say, it sounds intriguing.


Sally: So, you were thinking of me here in L.A. And didn’t want to send a text like a normal person?

Nick: Me? No way. I’m old school. I wanted to hear your voice. In fact, I’m so old school, I’m calling you from a rotary phone built in 1973.

Sally: [Laughs]


Nick: Hey, what’s that groan about? Is that because of the joke, or are you still having morning sickness?

Sally: A little of both.

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GH Transcript Friday, January 27, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


why are you smiling? Did you know that when you sleep, your nose wrinkles just a little bit? It does not. No, it does. It does. It does. I like it. You’re being ridiculous. Yeah, maybe. Ridiculously happy. Good morning. Yeah, it is. Give me the latest. Have they determined the cause of the flooding? Pierre: A water main

underneath the building burst.

[ Sighs ] Well, I am perfectly aware the pipes are old, but it is inconceivable they should just happen to burst on the very night that valentin and anna come to retrieve my guest. Have they found my son?

Not yet, or ms. Devane or ms. Coe,

for that matter. You do realize that’s not the answer I was looking for? What’s the holdup? A section of the adjoining catacombs collapsed. The area is too unstable. I couldn’t care less how dangerous it is. I want a team down there right now looking for my son.

[ Button clicks ]

[ Sighs ]

I hope I wasn’t too much of a disappointment. I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner. You actually were very, very good, and I was actually very impressed. But what about that belly and your beard? What about them? Mmm. You ready for another round?

[ Laughs ] Oop. My dear, sweet lucy, where are you?

[ Elevator bell dings ] You have been ignoring my calls, which I do not appreciate. What the hell — tell them I’ll pay triple the rate. Because my son might be trapped in those catacombs. He could be injured. Just find him. Alexis. Victor. Everything okay? Oh, just wonderful. Are you having breakfast with your daughters here? I’d love to see them. You never give up, do you? Well, family is worth every effort. Ah. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m here to see the mayor, not my children. Oh, well, that’s a pity. Will you excuse me? So, how’s everything going with nikolas? Oh, I assume you’re referring to my utter and total disappointment in my nephew? Fathering esme’s child is just… so unseemly? Yes. So I guess things are a little tense at wyndemere? Oh, they would be, but I’ve taken a suite here at the metro court. Not that that has anything to do with a conflict with nikolas. Oh, but why? Oh, I’d have thought my nephew would have told you. He’s handed spoon island over to ava as part of the divorce settlement. Oh, I completely forgot. Britt’s memorial is today, isn’t it? At general hospital? Yeah. We’re honoring her work as co-chief of staff. You know, I think she would really like it. Practicing medicine was really important to her. It showed. How are you holding up? I’m fine. You know, my job right now is to be strong for aunt liesl, and that’s what I’m going to do. I was referring to the willow situation. We haven’t had a chance to talk about that yet. I still can’t believe it. Willow is your daughter? A fact I would never know if that bitch carly had gotten her way.

[ Monitors beeping ] Hey. Morning. Is it morning? It’s always so hard to tell in here. Did you get any sleep? Uh, yeah, a few hours.

[ Inhales sharply ] Oh, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you? No, no, no. I don’t mind the pain. Just promise you won’t let go. I promise. When a cold comes on strong, knock it out with vicks dayquil severe. Just one dose starts to relieve 9 of your worst cold and flu symptoms. To help take you from 9 to none. Power through with vicks dayquil severe. What carly did was unconscionable. First it was nelle, now it’s willow. Mm, to be fair, though, carly didn’t know nelle was your daughter until after she had died. And that makes it okay? No, of course not, and I’m not defending her. Well, I should hope not, ava. Because there is no defense. Of course, saint carly will be forgiven because she was protecting willow from evil me, who no one would ever want as a mother. And now that I’m not a bone marrow match, there’s no foul, no harm. Nina — what? We know that that is what carly is going to say, ava. And everyone, people will buy it. You just wait and see, okay? But I’m going to tell you this. I don’t care if the whole world forgives carly. I’m not, ever. And I am not going to rest until that woman pays for what she did to me. It is so incredible being alone with you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to pretend that we’re just friends? Really? ‘Cause I thought it was easy. Oh, do you, now? Yeah, yeah. I mean, like, I would see you across the room and I would say, “oh, yeah, there’s drew. Whatever.” Okay, that’s how it is, huh?

[ Laughs ] Alright. You know I’m kidding. God. When I would see you across the room when we were at the quartermaines’ for christmas, you have no idea how bad I wanted to come across the room and just kiss you. Yeah? Yeah. Well, if you’re feeling the urge. Thank you… for sticking with me. You had every reason to bail. I’m just really glad you didn’T. I am, too. Any regrets? Except the fact that we can’t go public? Oh, gosh. No. It’s so frustrating, because the aurora-elq merger didn’t even happen, so I don’t know why there’s an issue with insider trading. Yeah. Well, I mean, that helps on some level, I guess, but somebody could still report it to the sec, and if that happens, then…

[ Sighs ] Yeah. Can we talk about something else? Yeah, please. You start. Okay. I love waking up with you. I love waking up with you. Anything else you like doing with me? Mm, I can think of a few things. Yeah? Tell me more. I’d rather show you. How are we doing in here? Willow’s in some pain. Is there any way we can up her meds? Michael, no. I don’t want that. You’re uncomfortable. If I have more, I’ll just want to sleep, and I refuse to waste… we’re — we’re ready to discuss treatment now that we know that nina isn’t a viable bone marrow match. The donor registry could still come through. Right, but we can’t count on that, though. I wouldn’t advise it. So what now? There is another option. Please, let’s hear it. As you know, when bone marrow is taken from a donor, stem cells are harvested, and your body can use those healthy stem cells to fight leukemia. But bone marrow isn’t the only source. You can also find stem cells in cord blood from the umbilical cord and placenta. If you’re talking about taking something away from the baby to help me, the answer is no. Willow, willow, if there is an option that can save both you and our daughter, please just hear the doctor out. I find it hard to believe that nikolas would give up wyndemere. Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps he felt he owed it to ava after sleeping with his son’s ex-girlfriend. Well, when you put it that way. It still seems really out of character for my nephew. I hope you’re happy. I don’t know, am I? You’ve gone too far this time. Too far! I’m sorry. What on earth are you talking about? I was just contacted by the paris authorities. Valentin is dead.

What did you just say? Valentin is dead? Laura: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. A portion of the paris catacombs collapsed last night. Oh, my god. How? Why? I guess they flooded when a water main broke. Rescue efforts are ongoing, but they have already recovered three bodies. Oh. Oh, my god. And one of them has been identified as valentin.

[ Exhales deeply ] What about — what about anna? Wasn’t she with him? Martin told me that he saw them leave ireland together, yes. So is one of the other bodies…? A woman, but not identified yet. I–I can’t believe — I can’t believe valentin is gone. I know. It’s horrible. It’s just horrible. All we can think about is charlotte. She’s going to be so completely devastated. Oh, my god, and robin… well, we don’t know about that yet. We don’t have confirmation on that. As bleak as it may look, there is still the possibility that anna survived somehow. Enough. Is the blindfold really necessary? Clearly, I’m cooperating. I think it’s best for all of us, you included, if you don’t know where we are. Well, mission accomplished.

[ Knocks rhythmically ] Okay. Come in. Come on. Come on. Get over here! It’s so good to see you safe. And breathing. Yes, well, there’s that. Good to see you, love. Thank you. Hello, can I please take this thing off? I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Marty, marty, marty, marty! Lucy! Oh, marty! Lucy! Oh! Oh! Oh, are you a sight for weary eyes or what? Okay, take it all in. Take it all in. And then kiss me this instant. If you insist. At last, this nightmare is over. Not quite. There’s still the small matter of my death. I want to stay right here forever. Is that too much to ask?

[ Chuckles ] I got to admit, hiding out sounds pretty damn perfect right now. Oh, yes. I don’t want to go back to the real world. You know? Where willow has cancer and wiley might lose his mom and michael — oh, michael. Michael. I promised michael that I would bring wiley to visit willow. I can’t believe he hasn’t texted me. Michael asked you to bring wiley? That’s promising that things are going to be okay between you two. Yeah. Yeah. I’m lucky michael has a big heart.

[ Cellphone rings ] Okay, it’s sonny. I think there’s probably news about nina. Hello? No. Are they sure?

[ Sighs ] Okay. Thanks for calling. Oh, my god. Nina’s not a match? No.

[ Sighs ] I’m so sorry. Oh, my god, willow is so sick. What if they don’t find a donor in time? I mean, I could strangle her for trying to keep my daughter away from me. I mean, who does she think she is? Nina, stop it. No! Ava, are you saying that I don’t have the right to hate her? Of course you do. But carly is not what’s important right now. I’m not gonna let it go. I’m not. I can’T. I can’t let it go. I know. Because it’s easier to be angry with carly than it is to feel the pain and fear of possibly losing another child, isn’t it? Nina, willow is your daughter and she’s sick. She’s very sick. I can’t save her, ava. I can’T. I won’t do anything to jeopardize our baby’s health. I understand. But the baby won’t be affected in any way other than being delivered by c-section a few weeks early. I know. I agreed to have the baby early to prepare for a marrow transplant. But I was never comfortable with it, and I’m still not. I’d prefer that our daughter be born when she’s ready. But I’ve consulted with dr. Navarro, and she’s confirmed that this late in the pregnancy, the risks to your baby are minimal. 99% of babies born at this stage not only survive, but thrive. And after the birth, when the umbilical cord and placenta are no longer serving a purpose, it’s possible to harvest stem cells from the blood. So what is the success rate of this type of transplant? Nothing’s 100%, but it’s the best chance we have. Because the stem cells would be coming from your baby, he only need about half the hla markers to match, which is less than bone marrow stem cells. That’s incredible. In my medical opinion, this is by far your best option. Will you give it a shot?

Do you know how many times I have imagined this? Not nearly as many as I have. Oh, how I have missed thee. Let you count the ways? I don’t think they have numbers that go that high. Oh, please, you two. Get a room, huh? Mm! Oh, robert. That’s an absolutely brilliant idea. Guess what? We actually have a room. Right this way, mr. Grey. Where you lead, I shall follow.

[ Laughing ] I think it’s sweet. Is there any reason that we needed to bring him here? It was vital. Yeah, otherwise, lucy would have driven us crazy. When you called this morning to say that you brought lucy back, I don’t remember the last time I was so relieved. And you, your life as a fugitive is over. Are we forgetting the fact that the pcpd happens to have a videotape of someone looking a lot like you putting a shot into lucy point blank. Okay, well, lucy’ll just say the shooter wasn’t anna. Charges dropped, right? I don’t know that I’m ready to reveal myself just yet. Not since we have gone to the trouble of trying to convince victor that valentin is dead. Look, any plan that puts him six feet under is fine with me. Yeah, I thought you’d like that. Oh, robert. Just stop. You know, you really need to think about this. There are people other than victor that will be very upset. What, that he’s croaked? Yes. Are you willing to have that on your conscience? Who contacted you, and why did they call you and not me? Laura: Because charlotte is valentin’s next of kin. Oh, poor charlotte. How do they know the body’s valentin? Oh, don’t pretend you care. Of course I care. He’s my son! Who you tried to control by threatening his little girl.

[ Sighs ] Charlotte was never in any danger. Oh, face it. You only value family when it works to your advantage! I need to make some calls. I’m just filled with regret — what we missed out on and what could have been. Will you stop talking in the past tense? Willow is not gone. There is still hope.

I was her hope. And now that I’m not a match — see, I was supposed to be the game changer. My bone marrow was supposed to save her life, and… and then she’d forgive me and she’d love me, and…

[ Voice breaking ] But she doesn’t want to be my daughter, ava. She — she doesn’t want anything to do with me. I’ve been there. I know how much that hurts.

[ Inhales shakily ] I can’t breathe. I just feel like the pain is going through my body with every heartbeat. Now I have to go to the hospital and say goodbye to my cousin when I know my daughter is there fighting for her life, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. The very worst part. I won’t survive losing her. I won’T. Oh… so what do you think?

[ Door opens ] Is now a good time? Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, bring him in. Wiley? I’ll give you some time to consider your options. Okay. Mommy, mommy! Whoa! Incoming. Hi, sweet boy. Wiley, I’ll lift you up. Just remember to be careful, okay? Oh, forget careful. I want the biggest, strongest hug I can get get. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve missed you too.

I want to know exactlywhat the paris police know, and I mean down to the last detail. This — this is unacceptable. My son was never supposed to be harmed, and I want answers, and I want them immediately! Victor seemed really shaken up. Did he ever?

[ Chuckles ] Well done, madam mayor. You were very convincing. Yeah. This better work. Laura and alexis know the truth. We brought them in on it. But what about charlotte? I mean, you can’t be okay with letting her believe that you’re dead. There’s a plan in place. Laura knows exactly what to say to charlotte. And if everything has gone according to plan, then laura should have broken the news to victor about now. I’m sure that our illustrious mayor is spot on the target and will deliver on schedule.

[ Chuckles ] What? You know, sometimes I just can’t believe it. Little laura on the run from frank smith, holding the cassadines at bay with a machine gun. And here we are, the epitome of law and order. Look who’s talking, mr. District attorney. Yeah. My, how the mighty have fallen. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Lucky, you swear to me you’re alright? Mm-hmm? I’m fine. I’m okay. Victor’s goons, they didn’t hurt you, they didn’t touch you in any way? Mnh-mnh. Don’t I feel alright? You… you… you feel… you feel incredible. Still, still, it had to be awful, being victor’s prisoner. Okay, yeah. I mean, I did spend every minute of every hour of every day praying to get out of there, and I did manage to concoct a few escape plans. That’s my girl. I’ll bet you did. But actually, surprisingly, they treated me physically okay. Well, except for the part where I was chained in the basement. I mean, literally chained. I mean, chain chains. I think it was all part of that plan to get anna and valent– I swear to you, I could just kill that smug son of a bitch. I know. Mm. Okay, to tell you the truth, the worst part? The catacombs! I actually had to swim through the catacombs, and it was disgusting and icky. Okay, deep breath.

[ Breathes deeply ] That is all in the past, and I am back and I’m home safe with you. Yeah.

[ Laughs ] Yes, you are. And I thank god for that. But I’m not kidding — watching you get shot — that — that drone footage… I know. You know, rubber bullets, they are really not that rubbery. It’s not a joke. It’s not funny. But they hurt! That was one of the worst moments of my life. My poor baby. I am so sorry you had to go through all of this. Is it is just me, or does this not feel real? It’s real, and I know just how I can convince you it’s so. Oh, I’ll just bet you do.

[ Laughs ] You evil, evil —

[ Laughs ] Ava: Oh, nina. You have to hold on to hope. Is there any? Course there is. As long as willow is alive, so is the chance to reconcile. Well, if she beats this cancer, the possibilities of that are remote. Look at it this way. Your feelings changed as soon as you learned that willow is your daughter, yes? You immediately saw her in a different light. Yeah, but it wasn’t the case for willow, and she’s made that abundantly clear. Still early days, nina. I tried to remember the first time that I saw willow, and I don’t know if it might have been the park or the classroom when she was just ms. Tait and she was giving charlotte a hard time. I couldn’t stand her. Because you thought she was picking on your kid. Yeah. Turns out that she was my kid, too. It makes sense that we didn’t get along. She’s a lot like me, never running from a fight. Willow’s always been really strong. Now it’s your turn. Don’t let her push you away. What do you suggest that I do? You want me to force myself into her hospital room? That might be going a little bit too far. Ava, you’re a really good friend. No giving up. No giving up. That’s more like it. Cream cheese or butter? Both. You had cream cheese

and butter on your bagel? We cut it in half. Yeah. He had one of each. Oh, now, that’s smart, wiley. That way you don’t have to choose. When are you coming home? I’m not exactly sure. But listen, the second the doctors tell me that I can, I’m going to run all the way to the gatehouse. In your hospital gown? I have to. I’d like to see that. Yeah, me, too. Hey, wiley. Here. Let’s give mommy your card that you made her. For me?

[ Laughs ] Aww. Oh. [ Crying ] You didn’t make this. Yes, I did. I — this — these pictures are amazing. I mean, they must have been drawn by a professional artist. Mommy, I’m the artist. Well, um… thank you. Thank you so much. I love it. I am going to put it right here next to my pillow, so that way, it’s the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning.

[ Door closes ] Thank you for bringing wiley. Seeing willow’s face light up when she saw him, you know, that’s everything. Yeah. It obviously means the world to her. Meant the world to me that you asked. Hope this means that we’re okay. We’re — we’re okay. Or at least we will be eventually. What did doctor randolph have to say? It was actually good news. There may be a way to save willow.

I was really relievedto get your call this morning, because I was starting to lose hope. Yes, I know. I was, too. But it is absolutely true, anna, valentin, and lucy, safe and back to the U.S. Good. Alright, so do you think valentin’s supposed death will survive and hold up under victor’s scrutiny? I think so, at least in the short term. And by the way, thank you for your help on that. Well, the invader will print the official story, that the french authorities say that valentin was caught in an underground flood in paris. He’s been declared dead. Excellent. Alright. I should get going. Britt westbourne’s memorial is going to start very soon. I’m so sorry. What happened to her, it’s really tragic. Yes, but she did die a hero. If only all of us could say the same. So we’re good? I got it from here. Thank you. Okay, I-I just — I have to tell you something. You know, it’s true what they say, when you think it’s over, your life flashes before your eyes. Must have taken a while.

[ Gasps, laughs ] No, I — hey! That’s not what I meant. Listen, you’re the definition of ageless beauty. No, I just was thinking that, you know, my lucy, there’s a woman who’s lived one heck of a life. She sure has. And, you know, I love that about you. You live. You live each day to the fullest and then some. Okay, you know what my last conscious thought was before I hit that water? No. I just thought I didn’t want it to be over. And you have a lot to do with that, you know? Do I? I just — I just feel like I have so much I want to do and so much life left to live, and I would kind of like it if you would do it with me, be by my side? Thank you for coming back to me. Anytime. I mean it. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’T. Well, you know I would never, ever let victor cassadine get the best to me. Never. Thank you. Have you heard from holly? No, but I don’t expect to, at least not till she finds ethan. And then what about those pieces of the ice princess that victor was looking for? Victor thinks that that was destroyed in the explosion. Oh, god. It’s happening, robert. We are getting closer and closer to victor paying for what he did to luke. Yeah. It’s good to have the gang back together, isn’t it? Oh, yeah. Am I part of the gang? You did okay in paris. Managed to not slow anna down. That’s high praise. How about this? As long as anna trusts you, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but the second you step out of line… message received. Michael, this is incredible. It’s the answer we’ve been waiting for. I wouldn’t get too excited. Willow hasn’t agreed to it yet. Why wouldn’t she? You’ve seen how protective she is over the baby. I’m just afraid she’s gonna say no. Oh, come on, michael. That’s insane. We have to convince her to do this. I’ll do my best, mom, but ultimately, it’s willow’s decision.

[ Sighs ] Okay, baby, it’s time to come out. We’re ready for you. Wiley’s right. It’s time. Really? We’d better call dr. Navarro. We’re having a baby. Yay!

[ Crying ] I love you. I love you, too. You excited? Yeah? [ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ] Victor, I’m sorry to intrude. Have you been able to find out anything? Ah, not yet. It’s absolutely unfathomable that valentin is gone. We got off to a rocky start, but we ended up in a good place. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for your loss. Oh, don’t be. Screw these reports. I refuse to accept my son’s dead. Thank you, laura. I will pass along that update. Talk to you soon. What? Victor bought it. Oh.

[ Gasps ] Oh, that’s great. We finally have him off balance. Yeah. So what’s the next part of the plan? We exploit victor’s guilt. Maybe he will admit to something in his grief-stricken state. Ramp up the pressure? Big time. Yeah. Ideas? Don’t worry. I have plenty. Carly, hey. Hey. What is it? Did willow have a setback? No. I mean, it’s just the opposite. I think willow’s gonna be okay. Really? Really. That’s incredible. It’s incredible! I want nikolas out of wyndemere by tomorrow.

[ Chuckles ] No, no, no. This is not a negotiation, demetrius. The house is mine. I want him out. Good. No, no, I don’t — I don’t plan on moving in right away. I’m — I’m needed here, for the time being. I’ll have dr. Randolph paged right away. Thank you. Do you have any apple juice? Wiley. Sorry about that. It’s no problem. You know what? I think we can scrounge up some juice. What does “scrounge” mean? Well, come on, let’s find out.

[ Door opens, closes ] So you really mean it? You’ll go through with the cord blood transplant? Yes. I’m going to trust the doctors that our daughter won’t be hurt. She won’T. She won’T. She’s strong, just like her mother. I can’t wait to meet her. Neither can I. And someday, we get to tell her how she saved her mother’s life.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Friday, January 27, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music]

Hope: Look, I’m still upset with thomas. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to trust him again.

Steffy: Not personally. But would you be able to trust him with your line?

Hope: Well maybe I have to. You know, maybe hope for the future does need him.

[ Elevator dinging ]

Steffy: What are you suggesting? Have you actually thought this through? Could you really work with thomas again?

Sheila: Finn! Sweetheart, hi!

Finn: Don’t with the “hey sweetheart”. All right, that is not what we’re doing here. Ever.

Sheila: It’s just really good to see, you.

Finn: I wish I could say the same. But who knows? Maybe someday.

Sheila: Okay, really?

Finn: Sure. The day I see you behind bars.

Sheila: I love you so much, bill. I’m yours for life.

[ Door unlatching ]

Katie: The guard said you were up here alone. Does that mean you’ve kicked sheila out? Suppose that was too much to hope for. I’m here because I care about you, bill. And I’m worried about you. More worried than I’ve ever been.

Paris: Back so soon?

Thomas: Yeah, I didn’t want to get caught listening in.

Paris: Any news? Are they letting you design again?

Thomas: It’s too soon to say, but I think there might be a chance.

Paris: Yeah?

Thomas: I mean, I can feel it. I think I might actually be back on hope for the future. Possibly as soon as today.

Steffy: You’re worried about your line. Frankly, I am too. But is it worth lobbying for thomas to return?

Hope: That’s not what I’m doing. I– I’m just trying to look at all the options, not only for the good of my line, but also for the company. Now, if we were to consider letting thomas work remotely so he didn’t have to come on site–

Steffy: On site or not, think about everything thomas has done.

Hope: No, I know, I just– I’m thinking out loud.

Steffy: Look, hope for the future is important to you. But is it worth compromising your values? Because forcing yourself to work with thomas? That’s exactly what it feels like you’d be doing.

Sheila: All right. That was hard for me to hear. But I understand it. Does it upset you to run into me here?

Finn: No, this was no accident. Sheila, I knew you were here. I got word from a friend who spotted you. I dropped what I was doing and I rushed right over.

Sheila: To come see your mother.

Finn: No, to tell you, in no uncertain terms, that you will never have anything to do with me and my family.

Bill: You don’t have to worry about me.

Katie: Well, I must admit it’s a new feeling for me. Being worried about you. I’ve never felt that way before. You’ve always been so self-assured, so… in control of every situation, at least that’s how it appeared. But now, you and sheila. I’m frightened for you, bill. I’m frightened for our son and I am here to do whatever it takes to get through to you. To save you from this unhealthy, dangerous situation. Some people are born to hustle.

Paris: So this could really be happening.

Thomas: Excited?

Paris: Well, I know how much this means to you and I know how sorry you are for what you did. And, come on, there is no line without your designs. Hope’s vision can only go so far and she clearly knows that or she wouldn’t be considering putting you back on.

Thomas: I like the way you think.

Charlie: You are not supposed to be in the building, thomas. Orders from the head honcho.

Thomas: Uh, orders changed. Steffy’s actually–

Charlie: Not that head honcho, the other head honcho. Your father. And until I hear otherwise, you’re not welcome.

Thomas: My name is on the side of the building. I think that gives me certain rights–

Charlie: You know, your name might be on the side of the building, but if you don’t do what I say, your name is gonna be on an orange jumpsuit, mr. Forrester. Now am-scray. Pronto.

Steffy: Think about it. My dad and your mom aren’t together because of what thomas did. He framed brooke. Made it seem that like she called cps on him. You’re thinking that is someone you might want to work with again? Okay, let’s say– let’s say thomas does come back and hope for the future is a huge success. Are you honestly gonna feel good about that?

Hope: You do have a point there.

Steffy: Have you talked to your mom about this? Liam? I mean, we both know how he feels about thomas. Think about what this could do to your marriage.

Hope: No, you’re right. You’re right. I– I can’t believe I was even contemplating this. I mean, I– I can’t, I can’t do that. I can’t work with him. Thank you. Thank you, seriously. And, um, I apologize.

Steffy: For what?

Hope: For just… I don’t know, taking up your time with– with all of my concerns about my line when I know you have much, much bigger things on your plate. I mean, what thomas did, his lies and manipulations, I mean that kind of pales in comparison to the threat of sheila.

Sheila: We have an opportunity here for a second chance thanks to bill spencer, so, please, let’s not waste it.

Finn: A second chance?

Sheila: To start over.

Finn: I don’t want to see you. I don’t want to know you’re alive. You just stay away from me, my wife, and our children. Just stay the hell away. =

Bill: You call it unhealthy, dangerous, but you don’t see when it’s just the two of us. The attention she gives me, the affection.

Katie: What I see is a man standing in front of me who is unrecognizable. You’ve been hurt. You feel rejected. I… I understand that. I know what it’s like to feel lonely, maybe better than anyone. But what I don’t understand, what I don’t get is why you can’t see that you’re being played? You are dollar bill spencer and you’re believing all of sheila’s lies.

Bill: What lies has she told? I know all of her sins and she knows mine.

Katie: This is not you, bill. The bill I know, the man I admire, would realize what she’s doing. He would never allow himself to fall for this con. But you don’t see it. And I don’t understand why. Why can’t you see that sheila carter is playing you?

Introducing astepro allergy.

Charlie: One of us isn’t listening and it’s you. You need to go.

Thomas: Right, I’m just waiting on word from–

Charlie: You want me to call back up? I don’t think you want that because ruth is on duty today and ruth is a rottweiler.

Thomas: Uh, charlie, I– I– just let this slide this one time, okay? Steffy is literally about–

Charlie: I got a situation on the executive floor. I’ve got a combatant that is unwilling to leave–

Thomas: Okay, all right, fine, fine, fine. I get it. I’ll leave, I’ll leave. This is ridiculous though.

Charlie: You know, um, following the rules is never ridiculous, my friend.

Thomas: I didn’t want to tell you this, but actually this is a code 519-B. It’s

[ French accent ] “Top secret,” course is french for “top secret”. Shh. Don’t say anything.

Charlie: That’s not a 519-B.

Steffy: Well, there’s one nice thing we can say about thomas. At least he isn’t as bad as sheila.

Hope: I still can’t believe that she’s free, that a judge would let a woman like that go. How are you feeling about all this? Knowing that she was out there somewhere and that your mom is being blackmailed?

Steffy: Can’t say it’s easy. My mother’s future is at stake. Her freedom. It’s all in sheila and bill’s hands.

Sheila: As much as I wish you had more of an open mind about me and what our relationship could be, I– I understand why you’re hesitant.

Finn: I am not being hesitant, sheila. I’m telling you no. It will never happen.

Sheila: We’ll have to see, won’t we? See, you are my son and I am not gonna give up on you. I never give up. With the right amount of patience and confidence, I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to.

Katie: Sheila doesn’t know how to love. Her heart is a cold, dark place.

Bill: Maybe mine is, too.

Katie: No. No way. You can’t say that to me because I have felt your love. I’ve witnessed it. You can’t sell me that. This is not you. This is not who you are. You’ve been hurt. I hurt you. But for you to turn to a fugitive?

[ Katie sighing ] I’m so sorry if my rejection played any part in this. I’m so sorry. I just never dreamed that you would– I hurt you and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I’m so, so sorry. I have moderate to severe crohn’s disease.

Steffy: You have no idea the nightmare it is being at sheila’s mercy. Sheila’s just walking around. She’s a threat to everyone, but especially my family.

Hope: I– I can only imagine. Having your mother’s freedom in her hands and bill’s?

Steffy: I don’t even know bill anymore. He seems like a completely different person.

Hope: I know. Liam is really worried about him.

Steffy: I don’t want to believe that sheila completely corrupted him. I have to hold on to hope that somehow, some way, someone, is gonna get through to him.

Katie: What does this look like going forward? What’s your plan? How do you envision this future with– with a woman who has tried to kill so many people you care about? I mean, are– are we just gonna invite her to family functions? We’re gonna sit around the thanksgiving table and– and break bread with her? Wh– what happens when– when will gets married? Are you gonna show up at his wedding with this murderer on your arm? How do we explain this to our son?

Bill: “Your father found someone. Someone who cares about him.”

Katie: Someone he will never, ever meet. You know that right? I cannot allow will to be around you if you are with sheila. And that’s not a threat, that’s just a fact. I will protect my son. And I don’t want to keep him away from you, bill. I love the bond that you have. I– I know you love all of your boys, but… but will. Will is yours. You raised him and he loves you so much. And the relationship you have with him, it’s– it’s special and unique and it makes me so happy. I don’t want you to feel attacked, okay? This is not– this is not me attacking you. I know that– that that’s the way you felt since this whole thing started. And you don’t need that anymore. What you need, what you need to hear is that you have people in your life who love you and who care about you. Like me. Please don’t do this. Please, please don’t bring this woman into our lives. Don’t let her anywhere near our son.

Bill: What do you mean, our lives? You turned your back on me, katie. We made a pledge. A pledge that we would raise our son together. That’s what I wanted for us.

Katie: You wanted brooke. That was the problem. I hurt you. And you hurt me. We’ve hurt each other over and over again. I– maybe too many times. But this– this is beyond hurt. This is– this is despair. Knowing that you’re with sheila, it– it’s killing me.

Bill: I’m sorry, katie. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done. For all the times I hurt you. You were right and I was wrong. But does it have to mean the end of us forever? You, me, and will?

Katie: If you’re with sheila, then yes. It is the end of our family. But if she were to go back to prison–

Bill: What are you saying? That you would take me back? If sheila goes to prison, that you would forgive me? That our family could be one again?

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Y&R Transcript Friday, January 27, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript proofread and provided by Suzanne

[ Door opens and closes ]

Victoria: Thanks, all, for coming. I wanted to meet because I have some deep concerns about Tucker McCall. I know that we have all speculated about his real reason for returning to Genoa City ever since he landed on the Abbott lawn. His interactions around town were intended to make us believe that he wanted to reunite with Ashley and Devon and to exploit the Chancellor-Winters IPO.

Nick: Well, in all fairness, we wanted to do the same thing.

Victoria: Yes, true, but since then, he has completely failed both at his personal and his professional goals.

Nikki: Well, he lost any hope of a reunion with Ashley the minute she boarded that plane for Paris.

Nick: Judging from what I’ve heard from Abby, Devon found out what Tucker was up to and no longer wants anything to do with him. So, he struck out on all three fronts. You’re probably wondering why is he still in town and what his next move is.

Victoria: Yes. I had a conversation with him where he implied that he was looking for another target, which means that we all have to be vigilant about his movements, at least while he’s here.

Victor: Well, now I’ve acquired some information about that man which may throw some light on his motives.

[ Knocking on door ]

Chelsea: Hey.

Billy: Hi. Um, I was just in the neighborhood, thought I’d come by and say hi and, you know, maybe spitball some ideas about the podcast.

Chelsea: Not sure that’s a good idea.

Billy: Okay. Um, if you’re busy, I can — I can come back later.

Chelsea: Actually, I’m thinking the entire podcast might not be a good idea.

Audra: What a waste of time. Okay, why was Phyllis pitching us if she didn’t even have a right to approach us with her son’s project?

Nate: You know, I actually admire her brazenness. And I’m intrigued by Daniel’s gaming platform. If it’s on unsteady ground at Chancellor-Winters, there may be something to pursue.

Audra: I can’t see how. Having been privy to Chancellor-Winters’ legal contracts, I can tell you those things are ironclad. Yeah, I don’t think Daniel can get out of his unless the company decides to release him. You know, and if Lily’s reaction to Phyllis shopping around his idea was any indication, I don’t think that’s gonna happen, which means we’d be wasting time, energy, resources by going after it.

Nate: Mm. Exactly how much access did you have to Chancellor-Winters’ legal contracts, when it comes to projects like Daniel’s?

Daniel: Why would you take it upon yourself to go to Nate to pitch my project to him when I explicitly told you that I wasn’t ready to give up on the deal with Lily and Chancellor-Winters?

Phyllis: Okay, well, you said that that company was putting your project on hold.

Daniel: When I told you that things were shaky over there, I thought I was confiding in my mother and not some opportunist who was gonna go and shop my idea behind my back.

Phyllis: “Opportunist”? Seriously? That’s how you see me? Listen, I just went to Newman Media ’cause, you know, I was doing it as an exploratory thing, you know, to sort of whet their appetite. And I think I did. We need to have alternatives if this thing crashes in. I mean, we need to have a backup plan.

Daniel: Okay, you need to stop talking like this is ours. This is my platform, mine alone. And I’m not gonna trust virtual strangers with my dream project. [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: All right, listen, Daniel, the Newmans are hardly strangers. Nick was your stepfather.

Daniel: Well, nonetheless, I’m wary of getting involved with any Newman-run company. I mean, I got to tell you, the worst part about this is you shared privileged information. I mean, I poured my heart out to you and Dad. I told you how much this project means to me, why I need this so bad, and not just on a professional level. I mean, I can’t just ignore the fact that you have compromised my intellectual property. Now any person or any company that you spoke with about it — they can take my ideas and they can run with them before I ever get Omege Sphere off the ground.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. I’m sorry. I — I — listen, I only spoke to Nate and — and his COO because, uh, it seems like Chancellor-Winters is shelving this project indefinitely. And I know what that does to you. Listen, I want to see your vision come to fruition. And I didn’t say anything risky to Nate. I didn’t say anything risky. Really. I didn’t even talk to the rest of the Newmans about it.

Daniel: What about Tucker McCall?

Phyllis: What about Tucker McCall? I mean, Tucker just overheard me leaving a message for Nate. Honestly, Tucker — I wouldn’t give him a sip of water if he was in the middle of a desert.

Daniel: Hmm. Okay. So, you only shared information with the man who sold out his cousins to give Newman the opportunity to acquire a majority holding of Chancellor-Winters. That’s great. No, I just never thought that you would go and do this with Nate without asking me first. I — I don’t know. That’s my mistake for thinking the best of you.

Phyllis: What? You don’t mean that. Daniel. Okay, I’m sorry. Oh, my gosh. I overreacted. Give me a break. I care about this project for you. I just want the best for you. That’s all.

Daniel: Fair enough. But if my platform ever needs a new home, which it doesn’t yet, it’s my call who we go with, okay? My call. And if I’m being honest with you, right now, if I had to choose, Tucker looks like the better option instead of Newman Media.

Billy: So, what made you think that the podcast might not be a good idea?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I had my therapy session with Dr. Malone. I told her my idea, and she thinks it’s too soon to venture into something so personal and intimate.

Billy: Mm.

Chelsea: Reliving the trauma of my suicide attempt before I’ve finished processing it could be a potential minefield for me.

Billy: Well, I’m sure that was disappointing, but I — I understand what she’s saying.

Chelsea: Well, I was disappointed…until I talked it through with Dr. Malone. She said that it’s actually a really good thing that I wanted to do the podcast. It means I’m focused on my recovery and I am trying to pay it forward and I’m focusing on the future, which is something I couldn’t say a few months ago. So… all of this is about my recovery, right? So [Sighs] How can I be disappointed?

Billy: Hmm.

Victor: Well, now, I asked Michael Baldwin to look into Tucker McCall’s claim that he was a reformed man when he landed in Genoa City.

Victoria: What did he find out?

Victor: Apparently, McCall’s lavish lifestyle — spending money left and right — has put his company under a mountain of debt.

Nikki: How is that possible? The last we knew, he was selling off parts of his company in order to secure capital to buy out Chancellor-Winters’ stock. I mean, you would think he would have some liquid assets available.

Victor: That’s what we all assumed, but then he took out a number of short-term loans. That’s how short he was of his agenda.

Nick: Could just be a desperation move to stabilize his empire.

Victor: But those debts are coming due. So I think what he’s doing — he’s looking for a lucrative company to keep him afloat.

Audra: I told you I didn’t know the details of Daniel’s deal. My insider info was limited to things pertaining directly to the IPO, nothing connected with development or creative planning.

Nate: You never heard anything around the office?

Audra: Uh, I knew Lily and Devon were discussing building an entire gaming division around the idea Daniel was developing. I was also aware that they were preparing a press release towards the end of my tenure with them. Since it never came out, I’m assuming they hit a standstill.

Nate: Hmm. Interesting.

Audra: Why are you asking me all this? Are you thinking of poaching Daniel from Chancellor-Winters? Or stealing his idea?

Nate: No. No, I’m just curious. I would definitely like to know what’s going on at Chancellor-Winters that would make this project so precarious. I’m sure it has something to do with Devon. His inability to collaborate or take chances is probably bringing the entire company to its knees.

Audra: Why do you still care so much about your family’s company? If I remember correctly, you were quite adamant about putting your time there behind you.

Nate: You’re right. Old habits die hard, I guess. You know, it’s too bad you burned your bridge with them, too. It would have been nice to have some inside information.

Audra: We both burned our bridges at Chancellor-Winters. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here.

Nate: You’re right. So I’m glad you did.

Audra: Even if I disagree with you about going after the gaming platform?

Nate: Look, let’s get something straight. I appreciate your input. I’m not afraid of being challenged. I like to hear different points of view so I can make an informed decision.

Audra: And I’m willing to support you 100% if you feel strongly about something, even if our opinions differ. But let me ask you this. If you’re not ready to let go of the idea and if we have no insider information to help us sign Daniel, how would you go about pursuing him?

Nate: I say we sit the guy down and sell him on Newman Media, show him why we’re a better, much more stable, fit for his venture.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Audra: [ Sighs ]

Nate: Everything okay?

Audra: Yeah. Uh, can we finish this discussion in a little bit? I have to go take care of something.

[ Door opens ]

Audra: [ Sighs ]

Billy: Well, that is a great attitude to have, positive and accepting of Dr. Malone’s advice. I remember a time when if someone said no to your idea, you’d fall down the rabbit hole.

Chelsea: Exactly. And that wasn’t that long ago.

Billy: Well, look at how far you’ve come. That’s a good thing.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: I heard what she had to say, and it’s just not the right time for a podcast.

Billy: You know, uh, I got to say, when you first told me the idea about the podcast, I did share some of Dr. Malone’s concerns. But this is your recovery, this is your process, and I just want to be supportive.

Chelsea: And you have been. You’re more in tune with what’s good or bad for me than you realize. And I want you to know, I really appreciate hearing your honest, unfiltered thoughts. I know I have to run everything by Dr. Malone, but I — I feel like I’m ready to start opening myself up again to feedback, even if it’s negative. So, receiving it from somebody that I know cares about me — that could definitely cushion the blow.

Billy: Well, I appreciate your vote of confidence, although I’m not sure you should be taking my advice. I have screwed up plenty of times, and I’m still playing it by ear.

Chelsea: Aren’t we all?

Phyllis: Daniel, Tucker McCall is not a good guy. He is a snake.

Daniel: Well, at least he’s true to form. And he’s a smart and intuitive businessman. And he made a lot of salient points. He understood that there could be a crossover between our business and our personal lives. Look, I got to tell you, without me even saying anything, he already knew that Lucy and Heather leaving me was a big part of why I created this whole gaming experience and a way for me to heal.

Phyllis: Oh, a way for you to heal. Really? Oh, my goodness. He’s manipulating you. He’s very good at reading people. He’s very good at reading people and then manipulating them to do what he wants.

Daniel: Or another way of looking at it is that he showed some insight. And McCall Unlimited — they have all the resources and infrastructure we need to hit the ground running.

Phyllis: Okay, well, a lot of companies would.

Daniel: Yeah, a lot of companies do, but with McCall, I’d be dealing directly with Tucker — one guy, less hoops to jump through, and more autonomy.

Phyllis: Okay, well, he’d be holding all the hoops. You know this. And if you start working with him and your agenda is different than his agenda, it’s war.

Daniel: I’m not naive. I know his reputation. But I don’t judge people for the worst thing they’ve ever done. And he seemed genuine in his enthusiasm for my vision.

Phyllis: Of course he is — because your vision is brilliant, because you’re brilliant, Daniel. He wants to be a part of that. He is not real. He is not a genuine guy.

Daniel: You know, Omege Sphere is supposed to be about changing people’s lives, right? Giving the opportunity to grow and be better. I think that if Tucker is willing to do that in his own life, then he might be the better alternative than Newman Media. If — if we need one. I’m not ready to jump ship yet. I trust Lily to come through.

Victor: Well, Michael Baldwin is still trying to find out what Tucker McCall’s true motives are. I mean, how is he gonna regain solid footing without selling his entire company? He has no backing, no bank supporting him at the moment. I think the walls are closing in on him.

Nick: There’s something else we should be worried about. Newman Media recently hired Audra Charles. Now, Nate told Victoria that she was working with Tucker to leak information about the Chancellor-Winters IPO. So we need to be very wary of her allegiances. Despite what she’s told us, I wouldn’t put deception past her. We still don’t know the status of her and Tucker’s relationship. They could still be aligned.

Nikki: We need to keep Audra at a distance until we know if we can trust her.

Victor: Well, let’s think about that for a moment. I think it might be to our advantage if she keeps working with Tucker McCall.

Victoria: I think Dad’s right. I think we need to stay on the offense, turn the tables, force him to be on his guard around us.

Nikki: Are you saying you think we should go after McCall Unlimited?

Victoria: I am. And we were looking for a way to expand by taking over Chancellor-Winters. That door has closed, so maybe another one is opening.

Nick: I don’t think that’s the right move at all. If Tucker’s struggling, it could make him an even more dangerous adversary, and we all know what he’s capable of. Tucker could be very close to crumbling on his own. If that’s the case, then we just let him do it. And then Newman Enterprises swoops in, takes up all the pieces as his company falls apart. To blatantly go after him right now seems too risky.

Victor: Or it’s a golden opportunity. His divisions fold nicely into our portfolio.

Nick: If we succeed in taking them over.

Victor: Son, have you ever known me to go into battle without believing I’d win?

Nick: I’m not dismissing the idea, Dad. I just think we need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before we make the move. Vick, we really got to go. We’re late for that meeting with VPs.

Victoria: But I would like to revisit this sooner rather than later. It’s a good opportunity. I wouldn’t want to see it slip away.

[ Door closes ]

Audra: I was surprised to hear from you. Last time we spoke, you wanted nothing to do with me.

Tucker: Yeah. I let my temper get the best of me. I apologize. It’s a part of myself that I really don’t like and I’m trying to evolve past. [ Sighs ] But, um…I miss — I miss our conversations and — and your take on things. And I’m in a bit of a crossroads now, and I could use some of that.

Audra: So, you called me here to entertain you.

Tucker: No. No.

Audra: Then you want some kind of information out of me?

Tucker: [ Chuckles ] When did you get so cynical?

Audra: The day I met you. You know, I’ve known you way too long to fall for this “Let’s have an innocent chat” line, okay? Just get to the point.

Tucker: Uh [Clears throat] I was actually wondering if you knew anything about Newman Media’s pursuit of Daniel Romalotti’s new gaming platform.

Audra: Ah! There it is. You want me to use my connections and resources to collude with you again? I’d think you would have more important things to do, like, um, fly to Paris and beg Ashley for forgiveness or mending the rift with your son. Wait. Now I’m starting to think that everything you told me about coming to Genoa City to repair your relationships with them was absolute B.S.

Tucker: No. No. My desire to make things right with them was and still is sincere.

Audra: Ah.

Tucker: Yeah, but dwelling and sulking are not in my nature, so I need to keep moving forward. And this — this gaming project seems intriguing to me.

Audra: Keep your hands off that. If anyone is gonna snatch it away from Chancellor-Winters, it’s gonna be Newman Media.

Tucker: [ Laughs ] I got to say, the idea of competing with you on it makes it even more interesting. I miss you, Audra. I miss our partnership. And we were good friends, right?

Audra: We were. But you blew it.

Tucker: I know I did. I’m sorry.

Audra: Hey.

Tucker: Can we hit reset?

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Thanks for, uh — for joining me.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Billy: Felt like I needed to get some fresh air, you know, clear my head a little.

Chelsea: Mm. I did, too. I was getting a little antsy in the apartment. And it’s nice to finally want to go out and want to go somewhere.

[ Sighs heavily ]

Billy: It’s a crisp, beautiful day.

Chelsea: It is. So, why do you have to clear your head? Is something on your mind?

Billy: No, nothing in particular, really. I guess I’m just, you know, thinking about you and your desire to find your purpose. That’s not an easy thing to do.

Chelsea: Mm.

Billy: Trust me. I’ve failed at it repeatedly.

Chelsea: Hey, don’t talk about my friend like that.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: I don’t know. I think the key to finding peace isn’t just [Sighs] figuring out what your purpose is. It’s figuring out what your purpose isn’t. And you are doing that work. You’re narrowing it down. You’re — you’re giving yourself space to explore, you know? I believe that you shouldn’t just choose between things that people offer you. You need to trust yourself and pave your own path.

Billy: That’s a very generous perspective of my life.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ]

Daniel: Lily has been one of the truest and most genuine people that I’ve known for as long as I can remember. If anyone can be trusted, it’s her.

Phyllis: Listen, I really like Lily. I do. And I understand that you have loyalty toward her. I totally get where that comes from. But it just seems to me that her company is imploding. I really think you should get out while you can.

Daniel: Huh. Well, this is just a little bit ironic, don’t you think? I mean, it seems like you’re sitting here telling me that I should cut all ties before they drag me down. You literally just let an old grudge ruin your career and your relationship with Summer.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. Daniel, everything that I said and I predicted about that situation proved that I was correct.

Daniel: That’s great. That’s fantastic. What did being right get you? [ Sighs ]

[ Door closes ]

Billy: You know, I’ve had a lot of time to think. I don’t have a job. Living alone at the Grand Phoenix, you know, plenty of time to ponder my loneliness, my likes, my dislikes, my joys, despair. I’ve had a lot of sobering moments. But, you know, it’s like I said last time we were hanging out. When I see you, it’s, uh — you know, it’s like a highlight of my day. I guess I’m realizing in all of this that we’ve — we’ve lived parallel lives for quite some time.

Chelsea: Well, that’s kind of a stretch.

[ Both chuckle ]

Billy: Well, maybe my issues haven’t been quite as intensive as yours, but, you know, there are similarities there, both emotionally and mentally. You know, this — this journey that we’re on — I don’t know. I guess that’s maybe why we connect. I guess what I’m saying is I’m very grateful for this friendship.

Nate: Everything okay?

Audra: Yeah, absolutely. Ready to jump back in.

Nate: Whatever you had to do seemed to put a pep in your step.

Audra: Oh, I, uh, had to put some issues from my past to bed. And, um, yeah…I feel good.

Nate: I hope this brush with the past doesn’t involve anything that might take you away from Newman and back to London.

Audra: I’m not looking for a new gig. I like it here. But it’s good to know that I’m valued. And I’m coming around the idea of going after Omege Sphere.

Nate: Really? Great.

Audra: So let’s put our heads together and figure out a way.

[ Knock on door ]

Victor: Baby, you have been awfully quiet since we broached the subject of potentially acquiring Tucker McCall’s company.

Nikki: I’m hoping that Michael will find something that will make a takeover less hostile and risky.

Victor: I’m still in favor of making a move on his company.

Nikki: Well, I can certainly see the upside for us, although Newman Enterprises really isn’t lacking in anything right now. And for Victoria, I know for her it’s more the love of the game, which she inherited from you. What I don’t understand is why you seem to be so invested in this.

Victor: Baby, you just said that Victoria inherited her love of the game from me. Doesn’t that explain everything?

Nikki: Not this time.

Victor: Hmm.

Nikki: It seems like you are specifically going after Tucker McCall. And if that’s the case… I want to know why.

Nick: I am glad that didn’t take long.

Victoria: I know. The VP meetings are much more efficient when we eliminate all the small talk at the beginning.

Nick: Agreed. Thank you, Andy. What looks good to you? I’m starving.

Victoria: Before we worry about what we’re gonna eat, I have to ask you — why are you not sold on this Tucker idea? I mean, the upside is enormous. The reach of McCall Unlimited is international, and having that brand under the Newman umbrella, it would just solidify our position in the global community. Plus, snatching Tucker’s company out from underneath him would be delicious karma, especially after all of his past lies and machinations.

Nick: That’s all true, but something about this doesn’t sit right with me. I can’t shake the feeling that this is all part of a bigger plan that Dad’s put in motion by telling us about it.

Victoria: Well, that wouldn’t be the first time.

Nick: Doesn’t make it alright.

Victoria: Anything else troubling you?

Nick: [ Sighs ] What do you mean?

Victoria: I don’t know. Call it sisterly intuition, but I feel like you’ve been carrying around this personal weight all day. Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it, alright? Because if we have learned anything this past year, it’s that we can trust each other. Tucker. Join us.

Tucker: Hey.

Victoria: Hi.

Daniel: Sorry for stopping in unannounced and for all the confusion with my mother earlier. I just wanted to clear the air. Obviously, she overstepped. Her intentions were good, but she jumped the gun on something that she doesn’t know a lot about and doesn’t have any control over.

Audra: I suspected as much since I remember hearing about your collaboration with Chancellor-Winters when I worked there, and I assume it wasn’t as easy as just placing a bid.

Daniel: You’re right. It’s not. I have an active contract with them, and I have every intention of honoring it. After our encounter, I just felt like I should come here in person and, you know, clarify any misconceptions. But if anything does change in the future, I’d be happy to sit down and discuss possibilities. So, again, sorry for any confusion.

Nate: Uh, hold on a second. If you have a few minutes and there’s an opportunity for some kind of future collaboration, however small the chances are, what’s the harm in letting us sell ourselves to you?

Chelsea: You’ve been thinking about this a lot, haven’t you?

Billy: Does it seem that way? Well, I guess it’s just, you know, we’ve — we’ve both had our fair share of struggles.

Chelsea: Mm.

Billy: And I’m not comparing mine to yours or anything like that, but I know — I know that darkness…

Chelsea: Mm.

Billy: …When you’re trying to find that light or that saving grace. I know that feeling. You know, we’ve both been adrift when it comes to finding a career or something that fulfills us. And don’t take this the wrong way, but we both struck out on love.

Chelsea: Alright, alright, I get it.

Billy: You’re not finding any comfort in what we have in common?

Chelsea: No, please, please carry on.

Billy: I don’t know. You know, it’s just we’ve both fought back against being pigeonholed into these opportunities that other people think are right for us.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Instead, we search for what makes us feel good, what our passions are. And I think — [ Sighs ] I think that’s what I loved about the podcast, you know? I mean, the back-and-forth was great, of course, but I think it was getting to know each other on that — that deeper level.

Chelsea: I think so, too. You know, when you said the parallel lives thing earlier, I thought you were just trying to make me feel less alone, but now I believe you actually mean it.

Billy: I do. You know, I’m — I’m very proud of all the work that you’ve done and how determined you are. And it makes me feel determined, too.

Chelsea: [ Breathes deeply ]

Nate: The first thing I would say as far as Chancellor-Winters versus Newman goes is that Audra and I have worked at both places and we have found Newman Media to be a much happier business home.

Daniel: Well, I’m sorry you didn’t have a good experience at Chancellor-Winters, but that hasn’t been the case for me.

Audra: You had to have noticed the turmoil there.

Daniel: I am committed to Lily and her company. My word — it means a lot to me. When I make commitments, I do my best to honor them and to not betray the people that believe in me. This project means everything to me. It’s literally my future. It’s not a “sell to the highest bidder” kind of thing. So, I hope that’s something that you can both understand and accept and respect. [ Chuckles ] Again, thank you for your time.

Nate: I am more intrigued than ever.

Audra: If you intend to go after Daniel’s platform, you should know you have some competition waiting for you. Tucker McCall has the same idea.

Nate: And you know that how?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] You did not have to walk me home, but that was a very chivalrous gesture.

Billy: All good. Um, so, listen. I, uh — I have a few things to take care of today, but maybe we can grab dinner soon.

Chelsea: Sure. Um…I could cook us something.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, we can do that, or we could — could go out, you know, unless it’s too stressful.

Chelsea: No. I don’t think it would be too stressful. I’d like that.

Billy: Okay, good. Some food, some — some fun.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Alright, uh… well, we’ll figure it out.

Chelsea: Sounds great.

Billy: Okay. Have a good one.

Chelsea: You too.

Billy: Okay.

Chelsea: Bye.

Billy: See you.

Victor: But I have other reasons for wanting to acquire McCall Unlimited.

Nikki: Care to fill me in?

Victor: [ Breathes deeply ] I have a feeling that one of the divisions might be appealing to Adam when he comes back.

Nikki: You mean if he comes back. Victor, don’t tell me that’s what this is about — trying to lure Adam back to Newman Enterprises.

Victor: No, no, no, no. As I said, there would be many benefits to acquiring McCall Unlimited.

Nikki: And you realize that your other children are not pawns in your constant battle with Adam, right?

Victor: I know that. Don’t you worry, okay? I’ve thought this through. I think this will be good for everyone concerned. But when Adam realizes that we have McCall Unlimited in our portfolio, that would give him a very strong reason to stay.

Tucker: A, uh — [ Laughs ] an invitation from the Newman siblings? That’s…a suspicious surprise.

Victoria: No, we — we just wanted to talk.

Tucker: Oh, really? What about?

Nick: Your future plans.

Tucker: Yeah, I figured. Say, did you fill him in on the nasty rumor you started that I’m coming after your company?

Victoria: Oh, that? Uh, no, I — I hadn’t given it a second thought since we spoke, since the idea of you being successful at it is dubious at best.

Tucker: What, then?

Victoria: Oh, we just wanted to let you know that there’s another nasty rumor floating around.

Tucker: Oh. Do tell.

Nick: Your company’s in trouble.

Tucker: Well, you know you’re on top when people feel the need to start gossiping about you. But, uh, I don’t believe rumors. Neither should you.

Next week on “The Young And The Restless”…

Nate: Someone else in my place might wonder if you’re working Tucker…or me… or both of us.

Phyllis: I’m going out of town. Um, I just wanted to let you know.

Summer: Okay. Where — where are you going?

Phyllis: I’m going to meet with Heather. [ Sighs ] I’m gonna convince her to take your brother back.

Kyle: I found something interesting, something I think you can use to get Adam out of the company.

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Interview with Warren Christie, Amy Acker and Emily Fox

TV Interview!

Warren Christie, Amy Acker and Emily Fox of "The Watchful Eye" on Freeform

Interview with Warren Christie, Amy Acker and Emily Fox of “The Watchful Eye” on Freeform by Suzanne 1/19/23

I really enjoyed speaking to these three stars. I’ve been a huge fan of Warren’s since he starred in “Alphas” on Syfy, and Amy Acker since she played Fred on “Angel” years ago. They have been in many great shows, as I told them in this interview. Showrunner Emily Fox is also quite successful and has done some wonderful shows. Not only that, but I watched 8 episodes of this show and really enjoyed it. I hope you will, too!



"The Watchful Eye" on Freeform

Freeform Picks Up New Drama ‘The Watchful Eye’ (FKA ‘The Nanny’) to Series From Ryan Seacrest Productions

Mariel Molino Leads Ensemble Cast

Freeform has ordered new scripted series, “The Watchful Eye,” from Ryan Seacrest Productions. It is created by Julie Durk (“Grace and Frankie”), who also serves as consultant. Emily Fox (“Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist”) is showrunner and executive producer. Ryan Seacrest Productions’ Ryan Seacrest, Nina Wass, Andrea Shay and Jeffrey Reiner serve as executive producers with Reiner (“Dirty John”) directing the pilot. The series is produced by ABC Signature.

“The Watchful Eye” follows Elena Santos, a young woman with a complicated past, maneuvering her way into working as a live-in nanny for an affluent family in Manhattan. She quickly learns that everyone in the mysterious building has deadly secrets and ulterior motives. What they don’t know, however, is that Elena has some shocking secrets of her own.

“I’m incredibly excited about this series because it presents a contemporary twist on the classic mystery and thriller genre,” stated Jamila Hunter, EVP of Programming and Development for Freeform. “Julie, Emily and everyone on the team have created a surprising world of haves and have-nots that’s perfect for Freeform’s audience.”

“We are so excited to be working with our partners at Freeform and ABC Signature on ‘The Watchful Eye,’ an updated twist on a classic Hitchcockian thriller featuring an empowered female lead who’s got an ax to grind,” say Fox, Wass and Shay. “An elegant New York City apartment building called The Greybourne provides a backdrop where nothing is as it seems and where the palace intrigue has an undercurrent of terror. Elena Santos is very much a force to be reckoned with, and the Manhattan power players who underestimate her may soon realize they’ve met their match. In this day and age, who doesn’t secretly long to eat the rich?”

“The Watchful Eye” cast is led by Mariel Molino (“Promised Land”) who plays Elena Santos, a bright, savvy young woman hired as the live-in nanny to a wealthy widower and his young son. When Elena moves into The Greybourne, a landmark Manhattan apartment building, she quickly learns about the complex politics among its wealthy inhabitants and a history riddled with mystery and tragedy. Luckily, Elena is more than equipped to handle anything that comes her way on her own terms. Warren Christie (“The Village”) plays Matthew, a self-made architect dealing with grief and confusion over his wife’s death and its impact on his young son. Kelly Bishop (“Gilmore Girls”) portrays Mrs. Ivey, a lifelong resident of The Greybourne who rules the roost and is accustomed to getting her way through a potent combination of wealth, power and sheer force of will.

Additional cast includes Amy Acker (“The Gifted”) as Tory, a woman who instantly dislikes the fresh-faced, eager young nanny hired by her handsome brother-in-law, Matthew. Jon Ecker (“Firefly Lane”) stars as Scott, Elena’s sharp and cunning boyfriend who has helped arrange for Elena to get a live-in job at The Greybourne. Lex Lumpkin (“All That”) portrays Elliott, a precocious teenager who lives in The Greybourne and strikes up an instant friendship with Elena. Henry Joseph Samiri (“The Bold and the Beautiful”) as Jasper, Matthew’s son, an intelligent but withdrawn child still reeling from the recent death of his mother. Aliyah Royale (“The Walking Dead: The World Beyond”) rounds out the cast as Ginny, who works alongside Elena as a nanny and is one of the few people who can get past her new friend’s tough outer shell.

About Freeform
Freeform’s distinct brand of coming-of-age programming helps to position it as the No. 1 primetime cable network in entertainment among Adults, Women and Men 18-34 in the 2021/2022 TV season to date. Connecting to audiences with its bold original programming and immersive social engagement, Freeform channels the force and momentum of its young adult audience in its quest for progress with authentic, groundbreaking original series such as Emmy®-nominated “grown-ish,” “Good Trouble,” “Motherland: Fort Salem,” “Single Drunk Female” and “Cruel Summer,” which was the No. 1 new cable drama of 2021 among Women 18-34. Last year, Freeform aired four of the Top 15 scripted cable original series among Women 18-34 — more than any other network, with “grown-ish” ranking as cable’s No. 1 live-action comedy series of the year in the demo.

About ABC Signature
One of the Disney Television Studios, ABC Signature produces many of ABC Entertainment’s most significant hits, including “Grey’s Anatomy,” and “Station 19”; co-productions “The Good Doctor,” “A Million Little Things,” “The Rookie,” “The Rookie: Feds” and “Home Economics,” and late-night talk show “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” ABC Signature’s returning and upcoming series include “grown-ish” “The Watchful Eye” and “Everything’s Trash” for Freeform; “The Wilds” for Amazon and “Godfather of Harlem” for EPIX; “Bad Sisters” and “Five Days at Memorial” for Apple; “Reasonable Doubt” and “This Fool” for Hulu.  For streaming service Disney +, series include “The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers,” “Big Shot” and the upcoming “National Treasure: Edge of History” and “Muppets Mayhem.”

About RSP
Ryan Seacrest Productions (RSP) is an Emmy-winning entertainment production company, founded by Seacrest in 2008. RSP produced the E! hit cable series “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” and its spin-offs, as well as the new Hulu series “The Kardashians.”  The production company has a lengthy resume of other projects including Netflix’s “Insatiable,” NBC’s drama series “Shades of Blue,” “E! Live from the Red Carpet,” and Bravo’s “Shahs of Sunset.” The company also produced the Emmy Award-winning reality series “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.”

The cast of "The Watchful Eye" on Freeform

The Watchful Eye: Season 1 Lead Sheet

“The Watchful Eye” — Season 1
Premieres January 30, 2023

“The Watchful Eye” follows Elena Santos, a young woman with a complicated past, maneuvering her way into working as a live-in nanny for an affluent family in Manhattan. She quickly learns that everyone in the mysterious building has deadly secrets and ulterior motives. What they don’t know, however, is that Elena has some shocking secrets of her own.

“The Watchful Eye” cast is led by Mariel Molino (“Promised Land”), who plays Elena Santos, a bright, savvy young woman hired as the live-in nanny to a wealthy widower and his young son. When Elena moves into The Greybourne, a landmark Manhattan apartment building, she quickly learns about the complex politics among its wealthy inhabitants and a history riddled with mystery and tragedy. Luckily, Elena is more than equipped to handle anything that comes her way on her own terms. Warren Christie (“The Village”) plays Matthew, a self-made architect dealing with grief and confusion over his wife’s death and its impact on his young son. Kelly Bishop (“Gilmore Girls”) portrays Mrs. Ivey, a lifelong resident of The Greybourne who rules the roost and is accustomed to getting her way through a potent combination of wealth, power and sheer force of will.

Additional cast includes Amy Acker (“The Gifted”) as Tory, a woman who instantly dislikes the fresh-faced, eager young nanny hired by her handsome brother-in-law, Matthew. Jon Ecker (“Firefly Lane”) stars as Scott, Elena’s sharp and cunning boyfriend who has helped arrange for Elena to get a live-in job at The Greybourne. Lex Lumpkin (“All That”) portrays Elliott, a precocious teenager who lives in The Greybourne and strikes up an instant friendship with Elena. Henry Joseph Samiri (“The Bold and the Beautiful”) as Jasper, Matthew’s son, an intelligent but withdrawn child still reeling from the recent death of his mother. Aliyah Royale (“The Walking Dead: The World Beyond”) rounds out the cast as Ginny, who works alongside Elena as a nanny and is one of the few people who can get past her new friend’s tough outer shell.

“The Watchful Eye” is from Ryan Seacrest Productions and is created by Julie Durk (“Grace and Frankie”), who also serves as consultant. Emily Fox (“Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist”) is showrunner and executive producer. Ryan Seacrest, Nina Wass, Andrea Shay and Jeffrey Reiner serve as executive producers, with Reiner (“Dirty John”) directing the pilot. The series is produced by ABC Signature, a part of Disney Television Studios.

The Watchful Eye

SERIES PREMIERE: Monday, Jan, 30th

A young woman is thrust into the world of old money and deadly secrets after accepting a nanny job from a handsome widower.

Warren Christie

Matthew, Freeform, The Watchful Eye

Warren Christie plays Matthew, a self-made architect dealing with grief and confusion over his wife’s death and its impact on his young son on Freeform’s “The Watchful Eye.”
Recently, Christie starred opposite Robin Wright in her award-winning directorial debut, “Land.” Christie’s additional film credits include a starring role in the Weinstein Company’s feature “Apollo 18” and as Reese Witherspoon’s ex-husband in “This Means War,” alongside Chris Pine.
His television credits include the NBC Drama series “The Village,” as a series lead role on USA’s “Eyewitness” opposite Julianne Nicholson, and in a recurring guest star role on ABC’s “The Catch.” He was previously seen as a heavily recurring on NBC’s hit series “Chicago Fire,” playing the role of fireman Scott Rice. Christie has also had recurring roles on ABC’s “Motive,” Bravo’s “Girlfriend’s Guide To Divorce,” and CBS’s “Zoo.” He is also known for his leading role on “Alphas,” his series regular role on “October Road,” and the series “Happy Town,” all airing on ABC.

Amy Acker

Amy Acker stars as Tory, a woman who instantly dislikes the fresh-faced, eager young nanny hired by her handsome brother-in-law Matthew on Freeform’s “The Watchful Eye.”
Acker is known to millions of fans throughout the world for her long-running starring role as Winifred “Fred” Burkle/Illyria in Joss Whedon’s hit sci-fi/fantasy series “Angel.” For her portrayal, Acker received four Saturn Award nominations, winning in 2004 for Best Supporting Actress. Other notable television credits include a reoccurring role in the Fox hit series “9-1-1: Lone Star” and starring roles in Fox’s “The Gifted” and the hit CBS series “Person of Interest.”
On the big screen, Acker starred in the role of Beatrice in Joss Whedon’s “Much Ado About Nothing.” From the Atlantic, “Maybe the most spectacular recent example of a young American movie and television actor tackling a classical part is Acker’s radiant Beatrice in ‘Much Ado About Nothing,’ Joss Whedon’s nimble, and very faithful, 2012 movie of one of Shakespeare’s sprightliest comedies.” She has also starred in “The Cabin in the Woods” and appeared in the Leonardo DiCaprio-Tom Hanks hit film “Catch Me If You Can.” She has also appeared in several independent features, including “The Energy Specialist,” “Let’s Kill Ward’s Wife,” “21 and a Wake-Up” and “The Novice.”

Emily Fox

Showrunner and Executive Producer, Freeform, The Watchful Eye

Emily Fox is the showrunner and executive producer of Freeform’s “The Watchful Eye.”

Prior to the series on Freeform, Fox developed “Skin Tight,” about the war between Guess and Jordache, as a limited series for Amazon. She also served as showrunner on “Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce” for Bravo and worked on the Netflix series “A Series of Unfortunate Events.” Fox created the beloved VH1 series “Hindsight,” the critically acclaimed series is certified as 100% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Warren Christie, Amy Acker and Emily Fox of "The Watchful Eye" on Freeform

Days Transcript Friday, January 27, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

Days of Our Lives logo

Transcript provided by Suzanne


won again. Are you sure you’re not letting me win? Why would I do that? I, uh, I don’t know. You know, my mom just went off the deep end and my stepmom just died, and I feel terrible about both those things. I’m not that good a person. Hmm. I always play to win. Oh, okay. Well then I will accept my victory and thank you for keeping me company all day.

I was happy to be here. You sure I saw you checking your phone every a few minutes? I was not. Hmm.

Okay. Maybe I thought I’d hear from Johnny. I am sure he is just busy with family stuff.

Are you kidding me right now, Courtney? Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt this special moment. Look, this is not what you think. Okay? Okay. So my brother and my girlfriend weren’t just about to cheat on me. No, Allie, take it easy. Okay. It was just a friendly hug. Well, this is the second time that I’ve caught the two of you getting cozy together.

Obviously something is going on and I would like to know.

Why do I let Chanel’s mom get to me time? Pauline is a formidable woman. All right. Just try not to let her get to you. Enjoy breakfast. Not only has she ruined my entire life, but she’s also ruined my pancakes. They’re ice cold. All right, let me warm up for you. No, that’s okay. I’m not even hungry. I mean, how can I eat after I have to deal with both Nicole and Paul in the same day?

Yeah. I’m really sorry. Things got outta hand between you and Nicole,

whatever. At least now she knows that you’ve moved on and hopefully she realizes that it’s time for her to do.

Nicole, what you doing? Whatcha doing me right?

Hey, are you home? I was hoping I could stop by really? I thought you said you couldn’t stand being in the same room as me. Well, I just had a little run in with Stephan and got ugly. Did he hurt you? No. No, nothing like that. I just just wanna talk. Is that all right? Of course. I’ll be waiting. Okay. See you soon.

Stephan, I’m gonna get you deprogrammed, whether you like it or not.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Hey. Hey. Thanks for bringing this by. Yeah. Special batch of chatter for you and the family. I’ll make sure Dad eats some. Yeah. Is uh, is he around? No, him and Steph just went to St. Luke’s to make arrangements, but they should be home soon. Okay. Oh, hi, I, I’m, uh, Roman Brady. I’m, uh, Tripp’s uncle. Oh, yeah. I’m, I’m sorry.

Uh, uncle Roman. This is Wendy Shin. Hi. Nice to meet. Uh, I’m so sorry to hear about your wife and your sister. Well, thank you. If I may, I met Dr. Johnson in Hong Kong and she was a tonal badass that she was. Yes. Uh, So what’s with Shiner kid? Uh, it’s just a weird thing at the park, but it’s all good now.

All right. Look, I’m telling you, there’s nothing going on between the two of us. And why are you here? I came over to see Wendy. Okay. And since she wasn’t here, you decided to throw yourself at Chanel. We were just talking and hugging. Do not forget that I, I wouldn’t cheat on you. Oh, no you wouldn’t because you admitted to me last night that you and Johnny almost kissed.

So how far would you have gone today? All right. Stop it, Allie. Yeah. I am glad that I stopped it by walking through that door because if I hadn’t, the two of you might be having sex on that couch right now.

Can I at least heat that up for you? That’s just gonna make them rubbery. Let me get you something else. How about my family’s famous clams Chowder for breakfast. Considering an early lunch, I mean, it will warm your soul and rain. Now your soul needs to warming up. It’s on the house. All right. You can’t say no.

I can never say no to you.

Well, I, I, I, I, I, I’ve, I don’t think this is a good idea. Ah, why the hell not? Well, for one thing, you’re still upset about Eric. Ah, please. I don’t care about Eric, and obviously he doesn’t care about me. He and Sloan are probably somewhere off doing it, like rabbits. This is what I’m talking about. Well, I’m talking about how slow, I’m like to rub this in my face, so I’m gonna rub this in her face.

I don’t think Sloane would care if you and I slept together. Hi. Now rub it near it’s face. Yeah, the whole goose scanner thing. Wait a minute, IOR. Oh, let’s just do this.

Okay. You sure you don’t want me to stick around? At least until your family comes back, I will be fine. Okay. You are officially relieved of your babysitting duties. I wasn’t babysitting. I actually like hanging out with you, even though I do have to occasionally throw the controller. You swear you aren’t letting me win.

I told you I’m not that generous. You on the other hand, you are a good guy. You did something nice earlier. What did I do? Oh, and Roman asked about your eye. You didn’t rat out Johnny. Yeah. Well my family’s going through enough. Like I said, he apologized, so we’re cool still. You probably saved him a lecturer.

Two from his grandfather. You didn’t have to. Okay. Yes, you’re right. I’m a hero. So you are gonna be sticking around Salem for a while? Yeah, I’m not sure. At least through the funeral. Well, if, uh, you ever need to talk or crush someone at two k. Feel free to hit me up. Thanks, Wendy. I appreciate it.

Will you stop overreacting right before you just walked in here? I was telling Chanel that I’m happy you two were together and I was telling Johnny I was happy he found Wendy. What you saw was just us wishing each other. Let’s just chill. Okay. Okay. Well maybe I could just chill. If the two of you hadn’t almost kissed last night, it was a dumb, impulsive moment and it will never happen again.

Why would I believe that? Because it’s the truth. All right, well, you stop. You’re getting yourself all worked up over nothing and all this jealousy you’re starting to sound like, like Mom, were you just about to say, I sound like Mom. I. You take that back right now. Why would I, you are acting exactly like her.

You’re jumping to conclusions, you’re throwing a tantrum. You’re making it all about you. Okay. Well, you know what? I think that you’re acting like your dad. How, uh, EJ makes moves on women who are already taken, like Aunt Bell or mom when she was race. Oh, all right. I am not making moves. Of course you are.

And just like your father, you don’t care about the relationships that you ruin as long as you get what you.

Nicole, Nicole, stop. Stop. Stop, stop, stop. What is the problem? A New year’s you avan us getting together. Yes. And you put the breaks on. Remember, you said you wanted to stop making impulsive decisions. Okay, well, it’s been almost a month, so there’s nothing impulsive about it. You made it very clear. That you weren’t ready.

Mm-hmm. . But now I am ready. Oh. Looks like you are too. . What? What? Why are you doing this? Hey, Jay, don’t you want me ? Of course. Of course I do.

Then why do you keep pulling? Because I don’t think you are in the right mind to make an informed decision. Why not? Common parlance my drunk is a skunk.

Hi, come on in. Thanks. Sorry, I’m kind of sweaty. I was, I was at the gym working off my frustration over getting fired. DJJ fired you? Yeah. Came by Bright and nerdly to do it in person. I guess that’s not surprising, but I’m sorry. Thank you. So what happened with Stefan? Well, I was at the Demir state, um, trying to convince Stefan yet again to get Deprogrammed.

You don’t give up to. No, it’s not in my nature. I mean, I tried to remind him of, you know, the love that we used to share, but he just doubled down and was calling me vicious names, telling me I’m a terrible person. Mm-hmm. . I hate that he’s doing that too. Thank you. Why you telling me all this? Gabby? Is it so you can yell at me again for brainwashing, Stephan, for turning him against you?

No, Lee, that’s not why I’m here. And why are you.

I am here to say that you’re right when it comes to Stephan, I’m wasting my time and the person that I should be with is you.

What did you say? You heard me? Okay, then I’m going off the rails and hurry. You don’t get to criticize my father when yours is in prison for kidnapping mom. Oh, you really think my dad has committed more crimes than yours? Oh, you better watch out Chanel if all starts to feel too insecure, she might have you kidnapped little.

Okay. That is enough. Stop it. Both of you. Did you hear what he just said to me? I heard what you both said, Johnny. And it’s time for you to go. Yeah, it’s fine by. If we tell Wendy that I stop by. Yeah. Okay. And I’ll make sure to tell her that when she wasn’t here. You hooked up with my girlfriend instead.



mm. Seriously? You, you’ve never had cle char. It’s good. I mean, it’s substantial.

Are you saying you don’t like our famous chowder? Uh, no. I’m just saying that, um, warm milk and clams not really my thing. Okay. First of all, it’s just heavy cream. It sure is. Okay. You know what? I had completely judged your character. I don’t think we can be friends after this. Look, I’m not saying it’s not good chowder, you know, I’m just, I’m a little bit more of a chicken noodle.

Traditionalist chicken noodle. That’s it. Out out. I want you, Adam, you’re kicking me out into Yes, you can take your blasphemy over to Julie’s place and you and Paul. Y’all can enjoy your spongy little noodles and chicken cubes. I didn’t realize you took your chowder so seriously. Oh my God. Are you kidding me?

That is a famous Brady recipe. And if my father heard you despairing his moss chowder, oh my God. It’s like putting the knife to his heart. Well then I’m so glad that you’re gonna keep this between the two of us because I would hate for your dad to know that. Um, I actually kind of hate it. Yeah, you certain.

Good morning to hear that.

Excuse me. There is nothing skunky about me. No, but you are inebriated. Inebriated as in chimpanzee. I don’t get it. I’m not drunk. It’s a skunk and a drunk. With a monk. I understand. Okay. Like I can’t be drunk. I just had one measly mimosa and maybe teeny tiny champagne chaser. Tiny. And nevertheless, it has hit you pretty hard.

Oh, stop. I can find, see. Perfectly fine. Oh, oh God. Oh, oh, oh. The room. Spinning. I’m gonna be sick, Nicole.

I have to say, this is very surprising. The last time I saw you, you dumped a bucket of ice on my head. I was upset clearly. I mean, can you blame me after everything that you did? I suppose not, but Gabby, that doesn’t explain the sudden 180

after I calmed down, I, I thought about what you said and I wouldn’t have even bothered you if I didn’t feel like there was some sort of passion between us.

So you admitted.

I admit that I, I feel emotions around you. I feel them very strongly. You are right. You are right about a lot of things. Like what? You and I are the same. We, we both go to drastic measures for what we want and. Stephan would never love me the way that you do and that you and I belong together. You didn’t want to hear it.

I know, but that was then, and I mean, after everything that happened today, I, I can’t deny it. Gabby, what are you saying? I’m saying I need to give up on stuff and, and really give our marriage a try.

Nicole, how are we doing in there? You okay?

Oh, don’t, don’t look at me. Why? Because this is so embarrassing. There’s no reason to be embarrassed. Ah, yes. I, I practically jumps you in. You turn me down, and then I puked like a freshman at a frat party.

I’m flattered, you know, flatter that I threw up. I’m flatter that you wanted to be with me. Trust me, it was hard to turn you down and why did. Because you were too drunk to know what you were doing. Ah, this doesn’t make any sense. I mean, I only had a, a drink and a half. I mean, everyone knows I can hold my liquor.

You said you didn’t have breakfast. Yeah, but still I’m Nicole freaking walker, the goat. Even restaurants won’t serve me bottomless mimosas because I put ’em out of business. . Hey, even LeBron James has an off day. Yeah.

Unless, unless, unless something was wrong with the champagne. Maybe, but I had some and I’m fine.

And what happened to me,

Sloane? This is my dad. Dad, this is Sloane Peterson. Mr. Brady, it’s a pleasure to meet you, and I’m very sorry to hear about what happened to your wife. Thank you. I appreciate that. Even if. Do hate my chatter. Oh, first of all, let me just say I hate all Clem chowder. I’m not sure that’s helping. Uh, anyway, I’m extremely grateful for the hospitality, and I hope you don’t hold us against me.

Of course. Now what I do hold against you is the way you’ve gone after Paulina Price and retire. Dad is married to a carver who happens to be my best friend, which makes her family. There is nothing more important than me than family. I feel the same way, which is why I won’t stop until Paul and Chanel have both paid for their crimes.

They took my parents from me, and I’m not gonna stop until they’ve both been brought to Justice.

Wendy, I was not hooking up with Chanel. Allie just completely misread. You don’t need to explain yourself to me. You can do whatever you want.

You know, you’re right. You’re nothing like mom. Thanks, lassis.

Where are you going? To the office to do some work? Mm-hmm. I don’t think so. We are gonna talk this out. I’m not really in the mood. I thought you said you came home to work things out with me. Yeah. And then I saw you in my brother’s arms. I told you it was totally innocent. You knew that. I was really upset about the two of you Almost kissing last night.

Why would you think it’s okay to have him over and give him a hug for the ump? Empty time? Johnny and I are just friends. You have nothing to worry about. Yeah. That’s what. Hold up. You went to see Alex.

I missed you so much. I missed you too. Are are, are you serious about this? About giving our marriage a try? I’m gonna show you how serious I am.

The vows that we took to love each other for better or worse, I don’t take them lightly. So you’re giving up on Stephan? He gave up on, on me a long time ago. I just couldn’t see it. So am I The consolation of prize probably. I I loved you before Stephan came back, but yes, I had a hard time accepting it.

But the Stephen. That I used to love is gone for good, and I believe you. I believe that we can get back to where we used to be. I can’t believe this. How do we start? What’s our first step? Well, we never did consummate our marriage.

You wanna consummate our marriage. Now, I wanna feel close to you again. Every time we made love, we had this deep connection. Absolutely. And if we could get to being close like that again, it, it could go towards building our relationship. Don’t you agree? Y Yeah. I mean, This is incredible. Well then why are you hesitating, Gabby?

I, I, I just wanna make sure this is what you really want. This is what I want. I, I wanna make this a real marriage. I wanna commit. I’m ready to commit. Great. Well, you think you could do a little favor for me first? Anything. Well, you mentioned you went to the gym, so maybe you could take a shower first.

Yeah, I, I can handle that and uh, in the meantime I’ll get undressed please. Leo, you have no idea how you meet.

There has to be something in here that will get rough, and I know your loyalty is with Aen, his family, but this is a complicated situation. I’m not saying. Lost her mother because Chanel pushed her off a building. From what I understand, that was self-defense. Well, Chanel and her mother are lying about that.

ARD didn’t think so well. I believe that the American judicial system will come to a different conclusion. Yeah. Hebe told me that you are suing for wrongful death. That’s right. And I expect to be vindicated. Yeah. My advice would. Drop to vendetta and move on. Dad still has every right to pursue the case.

The hell she does, all she’s doing is causing more pain. Haven’t we all had enough of that? You know what I, um, I really don’t wanna get between the two of you and cause more attention, especially at a time like this. I think I’d better just go some we’re in the middle of a lunch date.

This is a client. It shouldn’t take long, but maybe it will give you and your dad a time to sort through some things.

Can’t you just give Sloan a chance? What? You two getting serious? No, but I like. What about Nicole? Nicole? Me. You’re over. All right, we moved on. I’ve heard that before. You sure this time?

Tea and toast. The over indulges Best friend. Oh, thank God. I thought you were gonna bring me more. Your mimas yucky hangover here. Hey, that cure works. Yeah. Even if it is a little bit disgusting. Hopefully this makes you feel better. No, it couldn’t make me feel worse. That’s the spirit.

Thank you. My pleasure. No, I mean. Thank you for being a gentleman earlier.

I can’t believe it means to fool myself. You didn’t. I did, but I, I want you to know ej, that not everything I said and did was because the alcohol.

I am sick of pining over.

Eric’s not the same person. I used to love Anna to move on, and if you’re willing,

I’d like to move on with you.

Wendy. Hey, I told you I don’t need you to explain anything. Okay. It’s not like we’re a couple. Yeah. Well, yeah, but I mean, we’re, we’re what we kissed on New Year’s Eve. We haven’t even gone on a date yet. So if you’re hooking up Chanel, I mean, that’s totally, I told you I’m not hooking up with Chanel, but Allie said this.

Yeah, Allie said what she said because she’s in a fight with Chan. She wanted to mess things up with you to hurt me, so there’s nothing going on with you and Chanel.

Look, I wanna be honest with you, okay, last night at the hospital. I almost kissed her. Okay, so, so let me get this straight. You were upset with me for hanging out with Johnny while at the same time you were being consoled by Alex Kikis, one of the biggest players in town. You and Johnny were married. Okay.

And you had sex with Alex? We both did. Well, maybe you decided that you didn’t wanna share ’em after all. Maybe you wanted to turn our threesome into a twosome. I had Henry with me. We were just. Yeah, like Johnny and I were just talking and I’m sorry. No offense, but you sound like a total hypocrite. I never had feelings for Alex.

Okay. I know that. I’m just trying to make a point, which is I trust you Horton, so why the hell can’t you trust me? I mean, I’m not the one who’s cheated before, before.

That was really unfair. Yes, I cheated on trip, but I cheated on trip with you because you and I are meant to be together. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. No, you shouldn’t have. But I also shouldn’t have accused you of cheating with John.

Look, um, emotions are clearly running high right now and, um, maybe we should just stop before we say something that will regret, or something else that will regret. Yeah, so. Maybe we should take a little time apart.

Yeah, I think we could both use some space. I can go to my grandpa’s. No, no. Your family’s dealing with a lot right now. I’ll, uh, go pack a bag and I’ll go stand my. Okay, thanks.

You almost kissed your sister’s girl. . What does that mean? It means that we probably would have, if Fally didn’t walk in, oh gee, I wonder why your sister’s mad at you. It’s not like that. Okay. I was upset about my grandma Marlena Chanel was just comforting me. Oh. With her lips? No, I. I was the one who instigated it.

Right. Fuck. She used to be my wife. She used to be my wife. Okay. And in that moment, I, I, I don’t know. I guess I, I just, I needed to feel close to someone. Well, do you still have feelings for her? No. I mean, I’ll always care about her, you know, and if I’m being honest with myself, There’s probably something a little unresolved between us, but that doesn’t matter.

Seems like it does. No, it doesn’t because Chanel is committed to Allie and I, I really like you.

You do.

And if it’s all right with you, I’d really like to take you on that date. What do you say?

So what exactly it is moving on with me in town?

Do I really have to explain it to you? I mean, are we talking about a relationship or just a good old fashioned roll in the hay?

I dunno. Can we just figure it out as we go along? Of course. And for the record, I’m game fryer.

Because I have a feeling we’ve been down this road many times and to make a full on commitment, I dunno, it just would be a bit premature. Yeah, it was gonna say unwise . Agreed. So perhaps when you are feeling better, You and I can go out to dinner on a proper date, just the two of us. And see how things go from there.

I would love that. And it’s a date? Yes.

And would you just trust. When it comes to me and Nicole, the ship is sailed, doors has left the stable. Okay. Pick your cliche. It’s over. Well, I’m really sorry to hear that. No, no, no. Don’t be all right. It’s over. It’s time for us to both move on. Okay, Eric, but really, phone sit in the middle of an ugly battle with Paul Le and Chanel.

You know what? I really don’t want to talk about my love life. Right. How you doing? I’m hanging in. Well, how are things going? I mean, where are you at with the funeral arrangements? Well, I told you Kate didn’t want any fuss. Okay, so what about Aunt Kaylin and mom? Well, you can talk to John and Steven from what I understand.

There’s nothing more to do at this moment. I’m back. Hope I gave you guys enough time. Sore through things, definitely, and I will bring you out something less offensive to track

Well, don’t I just make fabulous first impressions.

I guess he wouldn’t risk contacting Ralph on his regular phone. He must have a burner around here somewhere.

I, let me see. Oh, he’s called this number a bunch of times. Must be.

Oh, hi. Yeah. Hi, Dr. Rolf. This is Gabby Hernandez. No, no, no. Do not hang up on me. I need your help and I’m not taking,

I’d really like to go out with you. You would. That’s great. That’s great. I’d really like to go out with. , but your life seems really complicated right now. I told you I’m not interested in Chanel. Not, no, it’s, it’s more than that. You’ve just lost both your grandmothers, you’ve got all this drama going on with your sister.

You, you should really be with your family right now. Okay. All right. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s not the ideal time to start a relationship, but is it ever maybe. I just, I wanna be sure we’re both in it for the right reasons.

Okay? Okay. How about this? All right, we both take some time. We, we, we, we take our time. I get to be with my family. We let the alley and Chanel thing cool off and then things are a little more settled down. I want to take you on that date.

Okay. I can live with that. Good. So we’re good? Yeah, we’re good.

Hey. Hey. So, uh, I was thinking that maybe you should. Take the next few days off from work too. Really? Yeah. You’re dealing with a lot with your grandma and your family needs you and you need them. Okay. If you’re sure we have enough coverage, I’m sure. Okay, thanks.

Well, uh, text me if you need anything. I.

Now this is more like it. I’m glad you’re finally satisfied. Hmm. I wouldn’t say satisfied. Okay. What’s the problem? Oh, there’s no problem. But, um, if you’d like to satisfy me, maybe you can come back to my place later tonight. That is, if you’re up for the challenge, always.

If you want, I can bring some.

Trust me, Rolf, if you do what I ask, you’ll be back in the good grace for Damaris and more importantly, your ass stays out of prison. Okay, so we have deal. Good. Now get to Salem asap.

Gabby, where are you going?

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Days Update Friday, January 27, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tripp and Wendy play a video game together. They joke about Tripp’s victory after. Tripp thanks Wendy for keeping him company all day. Wendy says she’s happy to be there. Tripp asks if she’s sure because he noticed her checking her phone every few minutes. Wendy admits that maybe she thought she would hear from Johnny, but she’s sure he must be busy with family stuff.

Allie comes home to see Chanel and Johnny hugging. Allie asks if they are kidding and says she’s sorry to interrupt their special moment. Johnny tells her it’s not what she thinks. Allie questions if they weren’t about to cheat on her. Johnny says no but Allie argues that this is the second time she has caught them getting cozy together so obviously something is going on and she would like to know what it is.

Sloan and Eric continue their breakfast at the Pub. Sloan questions letting Paulina get to her. Eric tries to encourage her but Sloan complains that Paulina ruined her life and now her pancakes are ice cold. Eric offers to warm them up for her but she says it’s okay as she’s not even hungry anymore. Sloan asks how she can eat after having to deal with Nicole and Paulina in the same day. Eric says he’s sorry things got out of hand between her and Nicole. Sloan declares that at least now, Nicole knows Eric has moved on and hopefully she realizes that it’s time for her to do the same.

Nicole starts kissing EJ until he stops and questions what she’s doing. Nicole tells EJ to make love to her right now and starts kissing him again.

Gabi leaves the secret room in the tunnels where she has Stefan tied up and calls Li, asking if he’s home because she hoped to stop by. Li brings up that she said she couldn’t stand being in the same room as him. Gabi says she just had a run in with Stefan that got ugly. Li asks if he hurt her. Gabi says it was nothing like that and claims she just wants to talk if that’s alright. Li says he’ll be waiting and they hang up. Gabi declares that she’s going to get Stefan deprogrammed whether he likes it or not.

Roman brings Tripp some chowder from the Brady Pub for him and his family. Roman asks if Steve is around. Tripp informs him that Steve and Stephanie just went to St. Luke’s to make arrangements for Kayla, but they should be home soon. Tripp introduces Roman to Wendy. Wendy tells Roman that she’s so sorry to hear about his wife and sister. Wendy mentions meeting Kayla in Hong Kong and says she was a total badass. Roman asks Tripp about his black eye. Tripp claims it was just a weird thing at the park but it’s all good now.

Johnny tells Allie that there’s nothing going on between he and Chanel. Allie asks why Johnny is even here. Johnny explains that he came to see Wendy. Allie questions if he decided to throw himself at Chanel since Wendy wasn’t there. Chanel argues that they were just talking. Allie points out that they were hugging too. Chanel insists that she wouldn’t cheat on her. Allie questions that since she admitted last night that they almost kissed, so she asks how far they would’ve gone today. Allie remarks that if she hadn’t walked in and stopped them, they might be having sex on the couch right now.

Eric offers to get Sloan something else to eat, insisting on some chowder to warm her soul and says it’s on the house so she can’t say no. Sloan responds that she can never say no to him.

Nicole and EJ continue kissing until EJ pulls away and says he doesn’t think this is a good idea. Nicole asks why the hell not. EJ points out that she’s still upset about Eric. Nicole argues that she doesn’t care about Eric and he obviously doesn’t care about her as he’s probably off doing it with Sloan. Nicole wants to rub this in Sloan’s face. EJ doesn’t think Sloan would care if they slept together. Nicole says she’ll rub it in Eric’s face then. Nicole says they should just do this an continues kissing EJ. Nicole then pushes EJ onto the bed and climbs on top of him.

Wendy asks Tripp if he’s sure he doesn’t want her to stick around until his family comes home. Tripp assures that he’ll be fine and jokes that she’s relieved of her babysitting duties. Wendy responds that she actually likes hanging out with him and they joke about their video game playing. Wendy calls Tripp a good guy, pointing out that he didn’t rat out Johnny when Roman asked about his eye. Tripp says the family is going through enough and adds that Johnny apologized, so they’re cool. Wendy says he probably saved Johnny a lecture from Roman and he didn’t have to. Wendy then asks if Tripp will be sticking around Salem for now. Tripp says he’s not sure but he will be at least through Kayla’s funeral. Wendy tells him to feel free to hit her up if he ever needs to talk. Tripp thanks her and says he appreciates it as they hug.

Johnny asks Allie to stop overreacting and says he was just telling Chanel that he’s happy they are together. Chanel adds that she was telling him that she’s happy he found Wendy. Johnny tells Allie that what she saw was just them wishing each other well. Johnny tells Allie to just chill. Allie responds that maybe she would if they hadn’t almost kissed last night. Chanel calls that a dumb, impulsive moment that will never happen again. Allie questions why she would believe that. Johnny calls it the truth and complains that Allie is getting worked up over nothing. Johnny remarks that Allie is starting to sound like Sami with all this jealousy. Allie demands he take that back. Johnny argues that Allie is jumping to conclusions, throwing tantrums, and making it all about her. Allie then accuses Johnny of acting like EJ since EJ makes moves on women who are already taken like Belle or when Sami was with Rafe. Johnny argues that he’s not making moves. Allie says that just like EJ, Johnny doesn’t care about the relationships he ruins as long as he gets what he wants.

Nicole and EJ kiss in bed until EJ stops her. Nicole asks what the problem is since he was all about them getting together on New Year’s. EJ reminds her that she put the brakes on because she wanted to stop making impulsive decisions. Nicole argues that it’s been almost a month so there’s nothing impulsive about it. EJ notes that she made it very clear that she wasn’t ready. Nicole says now she is ready and questions why EJ is doing this. Nicole asks if EJ wants her. EJ says of course he does. Nicole asks why he keeps pulling away then. EJ responds that he doesn’t think she’s in the right mind to make an informed decision, pointing out that she’s drunk as a skunk.

Gabi goes to Li’s room at the Salem Inn. Li informs her that EJ fired him. Gabi guesses that’s not surprising but she’s sorry. Li thanks her and asks what happened with Stefan. Gabi says she was trying to convince him again to get deprogrammed. Li notes that she does not give up. Gabi says she tried to remind Stefan of their love but he doubled down, calling her vicious names and saying she’s a terrible person. Li hates that Stefan is doing that to her. Gabi thanks him. Li asks why she’s telling him all of this and asks if she’s going to yell at him again for brainwashing Stefan. Gabi says that’s not it, so Li asks why she’s here. Gabi claims she came to say he’s right that when it comes to Stefan, she’s wasting her time and the person she should be with is Li.

Johnny tells Allie that she doesn’t get to criticize his dad when her dad is in prison for kidnapping their mom. Allie asks if he really thinks her dad has committed more crimes than his. Johnny tells Chanel that if Allie starts to feel too insecure, she might have her kidnapped. Chanel tells them to stop. Allie asks if she heard what he just said. Chanel says it’s time for Johnny to go which he says is fine with him. Johnny asks Chanel to tell Wendy that he stopped by which she agrees to do as she opens the door. Allie then shouts that she’ll be sure to tell Wendy that when she wasn’t there, he hooked up with her girlfriend instead, right as Wendy then arrives and questions what she just heard.

Eric questions Sloan never having clam chowder before and asks if she doesn’t like it. Sloan admits it’s not really her thing. Eric jokes that they can’t be friends after this. Sloan says she’s more of a chicken noodle traditionalist which Eric jokes is blasphemy. Eric talks about how Roman would react. Sloan says she’s glad that he’s going to keep it between them then because she wouldn’t want Roman to hear that she actually hates the chowder. Roman then appears at their table and remarks that she certainly wouldn’t want him to hear that.

Nicole jokes with EJ about being drunk and then argues that she can’t be drunk after just one mimosa and champagne. EJ points out that it’s hit her pretty hard. Nicole claims she’s perfectly fine as she gets up and spins around. Nicole then feels sick and rushes to the bathroom.

Li tells Gabi that this is very surprising since last time he saw her, she dumped a bucket of ice on his head. Gabi says she was just upset after everything he did. Li argues that doesn’t explain her sudden 180. Gabi claims that she knows the passion between them. Li asks if she admits it then. Gabi admits she feels very strong emotions around him and he was right about a lot of things. Li asks like what. Gabi responds that they are the same in that they both go to drastic measures for what they want and that Stefan would never love her like he does. Li points out that she didn’t want to hear it before. Gabi says she can’t deny it now. Li asks what she is saying. Gabi tells him that she needs to give up on Stefan and really give their marriage a try. Gabi then kisses Li.

EJ asks Nicole if she’s okay as she comes back from the bathroom. Nicole feels embarrassed since she jumped him, he turned her down, and then she puked. EJ says he’s flattered that she wanted to be with him. EJ assures that it was hard to turn her down. Nicole asks why he did then. EJ responds that she was too drunk to know what she was doing. Nicole argues that it doesn’t make sense since she only had a drink and a half and everyone knows she can hold her liquor. EJ reminds her that she didn’t have breakfast and suggests it was an off day. Nicole then suggests something was wrong with the champagne. EJ points out that he had some and he’s fine. Nicole wonders what happened to her then.

Eric introduces Sloan to Roman. Sloan tells him that it’s a pleasure to meet him and she’s very sorry to hear about what happened to his wife. Roman thanks her even if she hates his chowder. Sloan clarifies that she hates all clam chowder. Sloan says she’s grateful for the hospitality and hopes he doesn’t hold that against her. Roman says he doesn’t but he does hold against her the way she’s gone after Paulina. Roman goes over how Abe is his best friend and Paulina being married to him makes her family. Roman declares that nothing is more important to him than family. Sloan responds that she feels the same way which is why she won’t stop until Paulina and Chanel both pay for their crimes. Sloan declares that they took her parents from her, so she won’t stop until they have both been brought to justice.

Johnny tells Wendy that he was not hooking up with Chanel and that Allie just completely misread the situation. Wendy cuts him off and says it’s fine. Wendy tells him to do whatever he wants and storms off. Johnny then tells Allie that she’s nothing like their mom and rushes out. Allie tells Chanel that she’s going to the office to work but Chanel stops her and says they are going to talk this out. Allie says she’s not in the mood. Chanel thought she came home to work things out. Allie says she did but then she saw him in her brother’s arms. Chanel repeats that it was totally innocent. Allie argues that she knew she was really upset about them almost kissing so she questions why Chanel thought it would be okay to have him over and give him a hug. Chanel repeats that she and Johnny are just friends and she has nothing to worry about. Allie mentions that’s what Alex said. Chanel then questions Allie going to see Alex.

Li tells Gabi that he missed her so much and asks if she’s serious about giving their marriage a try. Gabi wants to show him how serious she is and brings up their wedding vows. Li asks if she’s giving up on Stefan. Gabi says he gave up on her a long time ago and she just couldn’t see it. Li questions if he’s just the consolation prize. Gabi assures that she loved him before Stefan came back and she just had a hard time accepting that the Stefan she used to love is gone for good. Gabi claims that she believes she and Li can get back where they used to be. Li can’t believe it and asks what their first step is. Gabi points out that they never did consummate their marriage. Li questions if she wants to do that now. Gabi says she wants to feel close to him again and every time they made love, they had a deep connection. Gabi says doing that again could get closer to building back their relationship. Li calls this incredible. Gabi questions him hesitating. Li just wants to make sure this is what she really wants. Gabi says she wants to make this a real marriage and she wants to commit. Li states that he’s ready to commit. Gabi then asks him to take a shower first since he was at the gym. Gabi says she will get undressed in the meantime. Li tells her that she has no idea how happy she made him as he kisses her. After Li goes to shower, Gabi begins searching the room and says there has to be something in there that will get her to Dr. Rolf.

Eric knows Roman is loyal to Abe and his family but calls this a complicated situation. Eric points out that Sloan lost her mother because Chanel pushed her off a building. Roman says he understands that was self defense but Sloan insists that Chanel and Paulina are lying about that. Roman points out that the London authorities not thinking so. Sloan mentions suing in civil court and expecting to be vindicated. Eric feels Sloan has every right to pursue this while Roman argues that all she is doing is causing more pain when they’ve all had enough of that. Sloan doesn’t want to get between them and cause more tension, so she thinks she better just go. Eric reminds Sloan that they are in the middle of a lunch date. Sloan gets a call from a client. Sloan tells Eric that it shouldn’t take long but maybe it will give he and Roman time to sort though things. Sloan then exits the Pub to answer her call. Eric asks Roman to just give Sloan a chance. Roman asks if they are getting serious. Eric says no, but he likes her. Roman asks about Nicole. Eric says they are over and have moved on. Roman notes that he’s heard that before and asks if he’s sure this time.

EJ brings Nicole tea and toast in bed, hoping that it makes her feel better. Nicole thanks EJ for being a gentleman earlier as she can’t believe she made such a fool of herself. Nicole wants EJ to know that not everything she said and did was because of the alcohol. Nicole tells EJ that she’s sick of pining over Eric as he’s not the same person she used to know, so she’s ready to move on and if EJ is willing, she’d like to move on with him.

Johnny catches up to Wendy in the park. Wendy tells him that he doesn’t need to explain anything as they weren’t even a couple. Wendy adds that they only kissed on New Year’s Eve and hadn’t even gone on a date, so he can hook up with Chanel. Johnny insists that he’s not hooking up with Chanel and that Allie only said that because she’s in a fight with Chanel. Johnny explains that Allie wanted to mess things up with her to hurt him. Wendy asks if there’s nothing going on with him and Chanel then. Johnny says he wants to be honest with her and admits that last night at the hospital, he almost kissed Chanel.

Chanel questions Allie being upset with her for hanging out with Johnny, while at the same time, she was being consoled by Alex. Allie argues that Chanel and Johnny were married. Chanel argues that Allie had sex with Alex. Allie points out that they both did. Chanel suggests maybe Allie decided she wanted to turn their threesome in to a twosome. Allie reminds her that she had Henry with her and they were just talking. Chanel says her and Johnny were just talking as well. Chanel remarks that Allie sounds like a hypocrite. Allie argues that she never had feelings for Alex. Chanel says her point is that she trusts Allie, so she questions why Allie can’t trust her. Chanel then points out that she’s not the one who has cheated before. Allie calls that really unfair, noting that she cheated on Tripp with her because they are meant to be together. Chanel apologizes and admits that she shouldn’t have said that. Allie acknowledges that she shouldn’t have accused her of cheating with Johnny. Chanel says emotions are clearly running high so they should stop before saying something they regret. Chanel suggests they take a little time apart. Allie agrees that they could both use some space. Allie offers to go to her Grandpa’s but Chanel says her family is dealing with a lot right now, so she will go pack a bag and stay at Paulina’s.

Wendy questions Johnny almost kissing his sister’s girlfriend and asks what that means. Johnny responds that it means that they probably would have kissed if Allie didn’t walk in. Wendy realizes that’s why Allie is mad at him. Johnny says it wasn’t like that as he was just upset about Marlena and Chanel was comforting him. Wendy questions her doing that with her lips but Johnny admits that he was the one who instigated it. Johnny reminds Wendy that Chanel used to be his wife and in that moment, he just needed to feel close to someone. Wendy asks if he still has feelings for Chanel. Johnny says no. Johnny adds that he’ll always care about her and there’s probably something unresolved between them but that doesn’t matter because Chanel is committed to Allie and he really likes Wendy. Johnny says if it’s alright with her, he’d really like to take her on that date.

EJ asks Nicole what exactly moving on with him entails. Nicole asks if she really has to explain it to him. EJ asks if they are talking about a relationship or just a roll in the hay. Nicole admits she doesn’t know and suggests they just figure it out as they go along. EJ tells her that he’s game for either one. Nicole feels they’ve been down this road many times, so making a full on commitment would be premature. EJ suggests that when she’s feeling better, they can go out to dinner on a proper date and see how things go from there. Nicole responds that she would love that and agrees to the date.

Eric asks Roman to just trust him that the ship has sailed for he and Nicole, so it’s over. Roman says he’s really sorry to hear that. Eric insists that it’s time for both of them to move on. Roman questions doing that with Sloan when she’s in the middle of a heated legal battle with Paulina. Eric doesn’t want to talk about his love life and asks how Roman is doing. Roman says he’s hanging in. Eric asks where he’s at with funeral arrangements. Roman reminds him that Kate didn’t want any fuss. Eric asks what about Kayla and Marlena. Roman says he can talk to John and Steve but he understands there’s nothing more to do at the moment. Sloan returns and says she hopes she gave them enough time. Roman says definitely and that he will bring her something less authentic than the chowder to try. Sloan jokes to Eric about her making fabulous first impressions.

Gabi continues searching Li’s room and then checks his phone. Gabi says he must have a burner phone around somewhere which she then finds in his drawer. Gabi calls the number on it and tells Dr. Rolf not to hang up on her because she needs his help and she’s not taking no for an answer.

Wendy tells Johnny that she’d really like to go out with him, but his life seems really complicated right now. Johnny insists that he’s not interested in Chanel but Wendy says it’s more than that. Wendy brings up that he just lost both of his grandmothers and has all this drama going on with his sister, so he should really be with his family right now. Johnny says maybe she’s right that it’s not the ideal time to start a relationship but asks is it ever. Wendy just wants to be sure they are both in it for the right reasons. Johnny suggests they both take some time, he’ll be with his family and let Allie and Chanel cool off. Johnny says then when things are more settled down, he wants to take her on that date. Wendy says she can live with that and that they’re good as Johnny hugs her.

Chanel packs her bag and tells Allie that maybe she should take the next few days off from work since she’s dealing with a lot and her family needs her. Allie says okay if she’s sure they have enough coverage and thanks her. Chanel tells Allie to text her if she needs anything. Allie says she will. Chanel then leaves the apartment while Allie holds back tears.

Sloan eats a salad and says this is more like it. Eric is glad she’s finally satisfied. Sloan says she wouldn’t say satisfied and invites Eric back to her place tonight if he wants to satisfy her. Sloan adds that’s if he’s up to the challenge which Eric says he always is as they then kiss.

Nicole falls asleep so EJ puts a blanket over her.

Gabi tells Dr. Rolf that if he does what she asks, he’ll be back in the good graces of the DiMeras and he’ll be out of prison. Gabi asks if they have a deal and then tells Dr. Rolf to get to Salem ASAP. Gabi then hangs up and puts the phone back. Gabi goes to leave the room but Li comes out of the shower and questions where she is going.

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Days Update Thursday, January 26, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel repeats to Johnny that it’s not a good time so Johnny says he understands and will go try to track down Wendy on his own. Johnny turns to leave but stops and says he can see Chanel is upset about something and they are good friends. Johnny offers to talk about whatever is bothering her. Johnny asks if it has anything to do with Allie. Chanel admits it might so Johnny guesses they didn’t patch things up. Chanel informs him that when she got home, Allie was home with Alex and wanted to have another threesome.

Alex works out at the Kiriakis Mansion without a shirt on as Allie walks in and watches with a smile.

Sloan asks if she was interrupting something between Eric and Nicole. Sloan then says she just thought Eric would want his phone back and talks about how they made such a mess that he left it in her bed. Sloan tells Eric that she’ll see him around, but Nicole calls her pathetic.

Stefan opens the vial from his pocket and slips it into the drink he’s making EJ. Gabi sneaks in to the DiMera Mansion behind him. Stefan remarks that he hopes EJ enjoys his drink because after this, his judgment will become so impaired that the DiMera Board will have no choice but to remove him and he cannot wait. Gabi then grabs a nearby statue and uses it to hit Stefan in the back of the head, knocking him out. Gabi quickly shuts the door and tells Stefan that she’s sorry that she had to do that, but some day soon he will thank her. Gabi then begins dragging Stefan’s body away.

Sloan questions Nicole calling her pathetic. Nicole argues that instead of giving Eric his phone back discreetly, she let everyone know that she’s a pathetic slut. Sloan asks if she’s pathetic for enjoying instead of feeling ashamed about her sex life, while Nicole is throwing around slurs against women. Nicole doesn’t care who Sloan sleeps with and tells her to have some class and keep it to herself. Sloan argues that Nicole cares very much since she is sleeping with Nicole’s very handsome ex-husband. Sloan tells Nicole that she should be asking herself why she cares. Sloan asks if it’s because Nicole still has the hots for Eric while she’s drooling and panting over EJ DiMera.

Gabi continues dragging Stefan’s body as she hears EJ coming back to the room. Gabi gets Stefan’s body outside as EJ then enters and questions what the hell is going on here and why she is in the house. EJ tells Gabi to save her lies and guarantees that Stefan will never submit to deprogramming. EJ adds that Gabi desperately sneaking in to his home will only lead to her being charged with breaking and entering. Gabi says that is exactly why she’s there and asks what EJ knows about love. EJ assures he knows more than her and he’s also well versed in loathing which is all Stefan feels towards her now. Gabi says she’s very aware of what Stefan thinks he feels towards her but she knows deep down in his heart, beneath Dr. Rolf’s mind control manipulations, Stefan still loves her and they are going to be together again. Gabi declares that Stefan will be hers forever. EJ applauds her performance. Gabi says she will see herself out but EJ stops her and says he won’t have her wandering around the grounds, so he will personally see her out the front door himself. EJ then escorts Gabi out, while Stefan’s body lies outside the side door.

Belle walks through the town square while on the phone with John. Belle breaks down crying that she can’t believe they are planning Marlena’s funeral. Belle finishes the call and comes across Paulina, who tells her that she’s so sorry about Marlena. Paulina adds that Tammy is devastated as well and sends her love to their family.

Alex finishes his workout and puts a shirt on as he asks Allie what brought her by. Allie explains that she was dropping Henry off with Will, but she’s glad she ran in to Alex because she wanted to apologize for what happened last night at her place.

Johnny questions Chanel about Allie wanting another threesome. Chanel explains that Allie only said it to get back at her because they almost kissed. Chanel says Allie was so upset and she tried to talk to her about it, but they got in to a huge fight.

Nicole tells Sloan that she doesn’t know anything about her or about her and EJ. Sloan agrees but remarks that she does happen to know Eric intimately and he doesn’t want her. Sloan then suggests Nicole stop being so desperate and throwing herself at him. Nicole slaps Sloan and Sloan slaps her back. Eric gets in between them and says that’s enough. Nicole tells Eric that she knows he’s grieving and maybe that’s affecting his judgment, but there’s no excuse for the horrible human he’s become. Nicole remarks that if he ever breaks out of this spell, she has no doubt that he’ll regret ever laying eyes or any other body part on Sloan. Nicole calls Sloan a loathsome, awful bitch. Nicole tells Eric that she’s really sorry about his mother and then storms off.

EJ sends Gabi out the front door as she shouts that she’ll be back. EJ shuts the door and says he finally has peace and quiet. EJ calls out to Stefan, wondering where he disappeared to. EJ remarks that he doesn’t blame him for disappearing when Gabi is stalking him. EJ heads upstairs looking for Stefan while Gabi sneaks around and back in to the living room. Gabi says it’s the things we do for love as she opens the entrance to the underground tunnels and begins dragging Stefan’s body back inside.

Alex tells Allie that she will never have to apologize with him for offering a threesome. Allie says that’s very funny but it was unfair to drag him in to a fight between her and Chanel. Alex jokes that she can keep him in mind for future invitations. Alex asks if they made up after he left. Allie tells him that they slept in separate rooms and when they did talk, it just led to another fight. Alex says that sucks and he’s sorry to hear that. Allie adds that she did get Chanel to admit that she and Johnny were about to kiss at the hospital.

Johnny argues that he and Chanel both know that what happened at the hospital meant nothing and that she was just comforting him as he was upset about Marlena. Johnny insists that she should just let him talk to Allie but Chanel assures that he’s the last person that Allie wants to see right now other than maybe herself. Johnny says he’s sorry. Chanel says she couldn’t deny it anymore and Allie cornered her and forced her to admit that what she thought almost happened did almost happen.

Paulina tells Belle that her family is there for her if there’s anything they can do. Belle thanks her and says it means a lot. Paulina says she doesn’t want to keep her and she has to call her attorney. Belle asks who is suing her. Paulina informs Belle that Sloan has slapped her with a civil suit.

Eric asks Sloan if she’s sure she’s okay. Sloan assures that she gave as good as she got. Eric asks if this was totally necessary. Sloan reminds him that she was bringing him his phone which Eric says he appreciates. Eric offers to buy her breakfast. Sloan says he doesn’t have to but Eric says there’s no strings and they are at the Pub. Eric says he owes her for all the beer, takeout, and visits to her place. Sloan then accepts his offer and decides she could use a mimosa or four after today, so they head in to the Pub.

EJ returns to the living room and finds Nicole. EJ assumed she went to the office and asks if she’s okay. Nicole responds that she’s a fool because she went to see Eric to give her condolences and tell him how sorry she was about his mother, but then Sloan flew in on her broom, bragging that she slept with Eric. EJ grabs the drinks that Stefan poured and gives one to Nicole. EJ says that Stefan seems to have disappeared, so now he and Nicole will toast to Sloan moving in on Eric, and to Nicole moving on from that hypocrite. EJ declares that Sloan deserves Eric while Nicole deserves better. EJ and Nicole then drink the drinks that Stefan poured, with Nicole having the one that Stefan had drugged.

Allie complains to Alex that Chanel and Johnny are sticking to the same lame story that Chanel was just consoling Johnny. Allie argues that she’s upset about Marlena too but she’s not making out with the person standing in front of her or going after Johnny’s girlfriend. Allie acknowledges that she can’t cut her brother out of her life forever, but she doesn’t want to worry about him going after her girlfriend or about Chanel betraying her.

Johnny wants to go find Allie but Chanel doesn’t want him to. Johnny insists that their almost kiss meant nothing and whatever it was, was all him. Johnny says that Allie needs to know that and insists that he can get her past this. Chanel stops him and says she can’t let him take all the blame. Chanel acknowledges that Johnny did lean in to kiss her, but she didn’t stop it. Chanel then admits that in that moment, she didn’t want to stop it.

Paulina tells Belle that after everything she did, Sloan has filed a civil suit for wrongful death. Belle questions why she didn’t come to her right away. Paulina points out everything she’s been going through. Belle says that work gets her mind off things so she asks to help Paulina and Chanel which will help herself too. Paulina says she’d be happy to add her to the team if she’s sure. Belle assures that she’s positive and declares that she likes Paulina almost as much as she hates Sloan. Paulina says the feeling is mutual and offers Belle breakfast while they talk strategy on how to take Sloan down.

Eric and Sloan eat breakfast together at the Brady Pub. Sloan tells Eric that he was right that provoking Nicole was a mistake. Sloan knows she shouldn’t be looking for trouble, but says Nicole makes it easy to get under her skin. Sloan then admits that maybe she was a little jealous because it’s very clear that Nicole still has feelings for Eric. Sloan then asks if Eric still has feelings for Nicole.

EJ asks if Nicole is feeling better. She says she is feeling much better. EJ asks what happened between her and Sloan. Nicole complains that Sloan is beyond smug. Nicole says that Sloan saw her hugging Eric and she really was just consoling him. EJ jokes about Sloan harassing her for hugging her boyfriend. Nicole tells EJ about how Sloan used returning Eric’s phone as an opportunity to gloat about how he’s another notch in her bedpost. Nicole argues that Sloan made an uncomfortable situation even worse by making lewd assumptions about them. Nicole then gets up to pour another drink. EJ warns her about overdoing it but Nicole insists that she can hold her liquor. Nicole then drops her glass, smashing it on the floor.

Stefan wakes up in the tunnels and is tied up in a chair. Stefan screams out asking who did this. Gabi then appears and admits it was her.

Alex tells Allie that he’s the last person to give relationship advice since he ruined his last relationship, but he’s seen Allie and Chanel together and how much Chanel loves her which is why she chose to be with her over Johnny. Allie argues that Chanel and Johnny were married. Alex points out that they are not anymore. Alex encourages that Allie is beautiful, smart, funny, and way hotter than her brother. Alex calls Allie probably the hottest girl he’s ever been with which she says makes her feel a lot better. Alex encourages her to go home and make up with her girlfriend.

Johnny questions Chanel wanting to kiss him. Chanel says maybe she shouldn’t have said that, but it was in that moment. Chanel insists that she loves Allie and is totally committed to her, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still feel something for Johnny. Chanel acknowledges that she loved Johnny once too. Johnny asks what they are going to do about this lingering attraction.

Eric tells Sloan that there will always be a connection with Nicole but they’ve had more than enough chances to make it right and never did. Sloan instructs Eric to answer the question of whether he still has feelings for Nicole. Paulina interrupts and says she doesn’t see how anyone can have an appetite with Sloan here. Sloan tells her to get used to her presence since they are going to be stuck in a courtroom together very soon. Sloan adds that she can’t wait to see what joker Paulina hired to represent her and Chanel. Belle then arrives and reveals that she is Paulina’s lawyer. Belle remarks that she’s already beaten Sloan once and she can do it again with her hands tied behind her back.

Nicole tells EJ that she just got a bit woozy but she’s fine now. Nicole says she just hates that she let Sloan get her so upset. EJ tells her not to give Sloan that power over her as she knows how to illicit an emotional response from her and throw her off balance. Nicole doesn’t want to give Sloan the satisfaction of getting her upset and getting to her. Nicole then asks why she should deny herself the satisfaction of going and ripping every hair out of Sloan’s head. EJ says he wouldn’t tell someone to deny their darker impulses. Nicole leans in to kiss EJ but EJ decides to help get her upstairs.

Stefan struggles with being tied up and says his head is killing him as he calls Gabi a psycho. Gabi says she’s sorry as she didn’t want to hit him that hard but there will be no permanent damage and they know he has a thick skull. Gabi remarks that she’s not the one with mental problems and since Stefan no longer wanted to undo the mental problems, she felt desperate action was required because she’s not giving up on them. Stefan suggests they can open up discussions again about it. Gabi tells him that he’s not getting out of it this time and whether he likes it or not, they’re going to fix that thick skull of his and then they will see where his heart lies.

EJ helps Nicole to her bed and tells her to get some rest. EJ offers to stay with her if she’d like. Nicole thanks him and says she will just lie down for a minute. Nicole says she usually can hold her liquor so she doesn’t know what’s wrong with her. EJ tells her there is nothing wrong with her. EJ calls her a smart, dynamic and very beautiful woman. EJ calls Eric a fool, who never should’ve let her go.

Belle questions what Eric’s problem is, arguing that their mother just died and he’s hanging out with Sloan. Eric accuses her of being an ambulance chaser. Belle argues that this is an attack on innocent people and a lawsuit with no merit. Eric tells her to stop grandstanding and to save it for the courtroom. Eric says he’s seen enough to know that she’s on the wrong side of this. Eric argues that Sloan is the injured party here and he can relate to having lost a mother too soon. Eric says it’s done irreparable harm to Sloan that Chanel took her mother from her and Paulina covered it up, end of story.

Gabi offers Stefan some aspirin. Stefan asks if she’s out of her mind and declares that he will never ingest anything from her ever. Stefan screams at her to untie him and let him go. Gabi says it’s just aspirin. Stefan calls her unbelievable and says this is why he abandoned any possibility of ever getting back with her. Stefan complains about her psychotic drive and obsessive need to get her way. Gabi argues that these are reasons he couldn’t live without her before. Stefan questions being forced to be someone he’s not against his will and being brainwashed again. Gabi insists that it’s for the love that she knows is in there and that was taken against his will. Stefan tells her that he doesn’t want to be with her and he never will. Gabi knows he believes that and it hurts her to hear him say it, but she knows it’s the brainwashing talking. Gabi says she had no other option and they will get through this together. Gabi promises that when it’s done, he will see it was all worth it. Stefan questions how this is going to work since Marlena is dead and Dr. Rolf has disappeared. Gabi tells him that they don’t know where Dr. Rolf is, but they do know somebody who does. Gabi then calls Li and says she really needs to see him.

Chanel tells Johnny that normally, she would just ghost him but since she’s in love with his twin sister, she doesn’t really see that happening. Johnny jokes that he’d prefer not to be ghosted regardless. Johnny guesses they’ll just have to be more careful around each other from now on and he promises not to lean in anymore. Chanel promises the same. They shake hands on that. Johnny tells Chanel that he really cares about her and Allie. Johnny says they were able to overcome this triangle before and he doesn’t want to come between them again. Johnny adds that he thinks this thing with Wendy could be really good. Chanel says she’s happy for him. Johnny says he’s happy for her and Allie and he knows they are going to figure this out. Johnny and Chanel hug right as Allie comes home and sees them.

Paulina tells Eric that normally she would defend her daughter to the death but out of respect for his mom, she’s not going to do that. Paulina decides she and Belle will go to Julie’s Place instead and they leave. Sloan tells Eric that maybe she should get going too, pointing out that first there was Nicole and now this. Sloan says she doesn’t want to be the person that comes between Eric and his sister, Belle. Eric assures it’s nothing he can’t handle and he likes having Sloan around.

Nicole thanks EJ for what he said and says it’s always nice to hear, especially these days. Nicole tells EJ that he’s right about Sloan and she doesn’t need to go engage with her because that’s exactly what she wants. Nicole declares to Hell with Eric, Sloan can have him as she doesn’t need him anymore. Nicole tells EJ that she wants to have him and they start kissing.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, January 26, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chanel talked to Johnny about her fight with Allie. He said he wanted to find Allie so he could to her what happened was his fault. Chanel said she couldn’t let him take the blame for what happened. She said she didn’t want to stop him when he tried to kiss her. She said at the time she didn’t want to. She said she was in love with Allie. They said they would be careful around each other. He said he cared about her and his sister. He said he didn’t want to come between them again. She said his thing with Wendy could be good. She said she was happy for him. He said he was happy for her and Allie. They hugged each other. Allie walked in the room. Belle and Paulina ran into each other in the Square. They talked about Marlena. Paulina mentioned she had to get in touch with her lawyer about Sloan’s lawsuit. Belle asked if she could join her legal team. She said working would help her. She said she liked Paulina just as much as she hated Sloan. Paulina wanted to strategize. Sloan let Nicole know she and Eric slept together. Nicole called her a sl*t. Sloan said Nicole still had feelings for Eric while lusting after EJ. Sloan called her desperate. Nicole slapped her. Sloan slapped her back. Eric showed up and stopped them from fighting. Nicole told him she knew he was grieving, but there was no excuse for him to be the terrible person he was becoming. She said if he ever broke the spell he was under, he would regret looking at Sloan. Nicole said she was sorry about his mother before she walked away.

Eric asked Sloan if she provoked Nicole. Sloan said she did. She said it was a mistake to provoke Nicole. Sloan said it was too easy to get under Nicole’s skin. She said she thought Nicole was jealous. She asked if he still had feelings for Nicole. He said there would always be a connection between them. He said they never made it work and they never would. She asked him if he had feelings for Nicole again since he didn’t answer her question. Paulina showed up and argued with Sloan. Sloan said she couldn’t wait to see who she got as a lawyer. Belle showed up and said she was Paulina’s lawyer. She reminded Sloan that she beat her before and would do it again. She asked Eric about being with Sloan after their mother died. He called Belle an ambulance chaser. He said she was on the wrong side of the case because Sloan was the victim. He said he could relate to Sloan since they just lost their mother. He said she should be able to relate too. Paulina and Belle left. When Stefan was pouring liquid in EJ’s drink, Gabi hit him in the head with a statue. She dragged him to the door. EJ called out to Stefan. He walked in and saw Gabi. He yelled at her for sneaking in the mansion. He told her to give up trying to convince Stefan to get deprogrammed. She said Stefan still loved her. She said he would be hers again. When she was about to leave, he grabbed her so he could throw her out himself. He went upstairs to look for Stefan. Gabi snuck back in the mansion. She grabbed Stefan so she could take him in the tunnel. Nicole went to the DiMera mansion. She told EJ what happened with Sloan. He wanted to toast Sloan for being with Eric and for Nicole for moving on from him. Nicole started to feel weird. She kept drinking until she dropped the glass. She almost kissed him. He took her upstairs. She wondered what was wrong with her. She said she could usually hold her liquor. He complimented her. He said Eric was a fool. She looked at him and realized she didn’t need Eric when she had him. They kissed each other. Stefan woke up tied in the wine cellar. He called Gabi a crazy b*tch. She said she was desperate. She said they were going to fix his skull whether he liked it or not. She said they would see where his heart lied. He yelled at her. She said her urge to fight for what she wanted was what he loved about her. He said he didn’t want to be with her. She said she knew it was the brainwashing talking. She said they would get through this together. She said when it was over, he would see that it was worth it. He asked how it was going to work when Rolf was missing, and Marlena was dead. She taped his mouth and called Li.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, January 25, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Allie and Chanel had a fight about Johnny. Chanel admitted that she was about to kiss Johnny at the hospital. She explained that Johnny was a wreck and their emotions were running high. She assured Allie that it didn’t mean anything because she loved her. She wanted her to forget about it. Allie wanted to know if she was attracted to her brother. Chanel wanted to know if she was attracted to Alex. They ended up arguing again. Wendy went to see Gabi. She brought flowers to her. She explained that Li begged her not to say anything to her about the brainwashing. She wanted her brother to be happy. She knew it wasn’t an excuse to do what she did. She was sorry for everything. Gabi accepted her apology. Wendy wondered if Stefan could be deprogrammed. Gabi told her how she tried to get Marlena to do it. She said that Stefan was disgusted that she would do that while Marlena was on her deathbed. He didn’t want to see her again. Wendy suggested that she get a court order to have Stefan deprogrammed or have an intervention for him. Gabi informed her that she would need Stefan’s consent for the court order. She said that if she did get it there would be no one to perform the deprogramming. Gabi was out of ideas. Wendy didn’t think Gabi would give up. She left the house. Gabi thought about what Wendy said. She decided not to give up after all.

Stefan planned to make EJ pay for what he did. He promised Stefano’s portrait that he would make him pay. Nicole overheard him talking about making someone pay. She wondered who he was talking about and he told her that he was talking about Kristen. She told him that Kristen was arrested and would pay for killing Kate and Kayla. Stefan told her about Marlena. She was shocked to find out that Marlena passed away. He showed her Marlena’s obituary. He wondered if she was thinking about Eric. She admitted that she was. She was worried about all of Marlena’s kids. Stefan talked to her about EJ’s involvement in his brainwashing. She acted like she didn’t know about it. He didn’t believe her. She walked out to go to work. Nicole walked out and ran into Eric. She offered her condolences to him. They hugged when Sloan showed up. She told him that he left his phone in her bed. Li talked to Rolf on the phone. Rolf told him that he will need for his lab. Li agreed to help him as long as he kept quiet about the brainwashing. EJ showed up to fire Li. Li threatened to expose him for knowing about the brainwashing. EJ told him that Stefan already knew about it. He told him that Stefan knows so he was fired. Li let him know that Wei wouldn’t be happy with his termination. EJ said that he couldn’t do anything about it since Li was involved with Stefan’s brainwashing and tried to kill him. Li warned him that Wei would try to get him to stay since there wasn’t any proof that he did anything. EJ wasn’t worried about it and wished him luck. Later, EJ let Stefan know that he fired LI. EJ left to start the paperwork. Stefan prepared drinks for them. He put something in one of the drinks. He knew EJ’s mind would be clouded after a few sips of the drink. He knew the board wouldn’t have a choice, but to remove EJ from his position. Gabi snuck in the mansion. She snuck up behind Stefan. She grabbed a statue and hit Stefan in the head. Stefan fell to the floor.

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Days Transcript Thursday, January 26, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Look, like I said, Johnny, this really isn’t a good time. Yeah. Um, yeah. Okay. Uh, sorry to bother you. I will, um, see if I can track down Wendy at Damara. Fuck Chanel. If you want me to go, I’ll go. Okay. But I can see that you’re upset about something and we’re friends, right? We’re good friends, so if you wanna talk, we can talk about whatever bothering you.

Wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with my sister, would it? Maybe. So you guys didn’t patch things up? No, no. Last night when I got home, Alex was here with Allie and she, uh, she wanted to have another threesome.

Hey, how’s it going?

Sorry, am am I interrupting? I just thought that you know, Eric might want his phone back. I’m not surprised you left it at my place. We made quite the mess, didn’t we? I found it. Loft in a tangle of clothes and sheaths on my bed.

Woo. Hello? Is he around that guy? Nicole, you know what Sloan? You really are pathetic.

Hope you enjoy your little drinky j. Because after a few doses of this, you’re gonna start acting pretty strangely. In fact, your judgment’s gonna be so impaired that the Derion board will have no choice to remove you and I, for one can not. Wait,

I am so sorry that I had to do that, but plus me someday soon. You’re gonna thank me.

I thought it was grateful to the mountain, but well turns out here, the mountain

like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

I am pathetic. Yeah. Because instead of handing Eric his phone discreetly you decided to broadcast it to not only me, but to every sale mite within a five mile radius. That you are a pathetic slut. Okay. What? Oh, I’m pathetic for enjoying and not feeling ashamed about my sex life. . Meanwhile, you’re out here throwing around very hurtful, antiquated slurs against women, real progressive.

Should I just go and call the town crier and tell ’em about my transgressions? You know what? I don’t care who you sleep with or how many who’s there are. Just have some class. Keep it to yourself. All right. Why don’t we just, you care very much about who I sleep with, Nicole. Oh, so much. Because this particular who happens to be you’re very handsome ex-husband.

The real question you should be asking yourself is why do I care? So Nicole, why is it because you still have the hots for Eric. Meanwhile, you’re out here drooling and panting over EJ Damira.

Oh, what did you have for breakfast? A bowling ball. Did you pull the champagne brother?

What the hell is going on here?

I just, what the hell do you think you’re doing it here? Easy. Just the person I wanted. Save your lies. It’s obvious what you’re doing in here. It. If you’re transparent, Gabby, I am. Yes. But I guarantee you Stefan will never submit to Deprogramming and you desperately sneaking into his home. Into my home to persuade him.

Otherwise will only result in you being charged with breaking an entry. I don’t think I broke anything regardless. Stephan’s feelings toward you were at one point ams, but that was a long time ago. And the sooner you give up on. Degrading enterprise That fine, fine. You got me. That’s exactly why I’m here.

Although I hardly think true love is a degrading enterprise. But what would you know about love more than you? I assure you. I also happen to be very well versed in the art of loathing present company included, and that’s all My brother feels toward you. Now, as one might say, I know it when I see it, and with Stephan, I see it.

He loaves you. I’m very, uh, aware of what he thinks. He feels about me. Thank you very much. You know, I don’t have to prove it to you or anybody else for that matter. What I know to be true and. A deep down beneath Wolf’s mind control manipulations. Your brother Stephan still loves me and we’re gonna be together again.

He’s gonna be mine forever.

bra, the performance. Well, you know what? Now if you excuse me, I’m gonna see myself out too. I don’t think. I’m not gonna have you wandering around these grounds unfettered and flip toward me gladly. As soon as I personally see you out the door myself. And we will be going through the front door, Joe.

Yeah, no, that sounds, that sounds lovely. I think she’d like that.

No. I can’t believe that we’re planning our funeral now. Yeah. Surreal. I know, dad. Thank you. I love you too.

Oh, oh. Bella, I was so sorry to hear about your mom. Thank you, Paulina. And I just spoke to my sister, Tammy earlier. Your your mom’s old college roommate. She’s devastated like all of us. She sends a love to you and to all your family.

What? You don’t have a gym in this mazz. Sadly we do not. Victor thinks exercise is a waste of time. He doesn’t like to break a sweat. I see. So what’s up? Surely you didn’t come by here to Just to watch me pump iron. Mm-hmm. Sorry for the blow. True ego, but no, I did not. Besides how would I even know that’s what you’d be doing?

Good point. Yeah. I came to drop by Henry off to see his uncle Will. But I’m actually really glad that I ran into you. I wanted to apologize. Apologize. For what happened last night at my place.

Another threesome. Oof. Yes. And uh, Allie wanted it to happen again. Yes, but the only reason she said that was because she wanted to get back at me because we almost. She was so upset with me, and then I tried to talk to her about it again, and then we got into this huge fight.

Oh, sweetheart, you don’t know anything about me or about me and ej. All right. Okay. All right. No, you’re right. I don’t, but as previously established before, I, I do happen to know Eric and rather intimately. And I know that he, he doesn’t want you, so I think it’s best for all parties involved. If you stop being so desperate, throwing yourself up.

All right. Oh God, it’s not the both of you. Oh

God. Eric, you know what? I know you’re craving and maybe that’s what’s affecting your judgment, but there is no excuse for the horrible person that you’ve become. And if you ever break whatever spell you’re under, I have no doubt that you will regret laying eyes or any other body part on her. She’s a lot, some awful bitch.

I’m really sorry about your mother.

Finally, peace, quiet.

Where did you disappear to? No, rather, I don’t blame you. If I had a happy like that stalking you. I disappeared too. Step I just, you can come out now.

Thanks. We do for love,

Allie with me. You are never going to have to apologize for offering up a threesome. That is my solemn vow. All right. Very funny, but I dragged you into a fight between me and Chanel. That wasn’t fair. Don’t worry about it Serious. , but keep me on the list for future invitations. Alex, come on,

Did you two make up after I left? To what? No, that’s the thing. We slept in separate beds and then we barely talked this morning. You know, when we did talk, it just led to another fight. Oh, it sucks. I’m sorry to hear that. Yeah, but I did get Chanel to admit one thing. She admitted that when I caught her and Johnny at the hospital.

They were about to kiss. Come on. You and I both know what happened at the hospital. Man. Nothing. Right? I, I, I was upset about my grandma Marlena, and you were just comforting me. Look, I told you, you should just let me talk to Allie. Don’t trust me. You are the last person Allie wants to see right now with me being the one possible exception.

I’m sorry, Chanel, I just, I couldn’t deny it anymore. And then Allie pushed me into a corner and then she forced me to admit that what she thought almost happened almost happened.

My family is here for your family. Anything we can do, please, please let us know. Alina, thank you so much. That means a lot. Well, I don’t wanna keep you. I should be going anywhere. I have to call my attorney who’s dealing with some frivolous litigation. Hello? Well, if you don’t mind me asking, who’s suing you?

Who else? Sloan Peterson. That’s sadistic. Little Wish has slapped me with the civil suit.

You sure you’re okay? Mm-hmm. . This, the blow that your ex gave was superficial, but I gave as good as I got. I’m totally necessary. I was bringing you your phone, Eric, and I appreciate it. Listen, how in return I buy you breakfast. Now you don’t have to do that. No strings attached. Just we are. I mean, I owe you for all the, the beer, the takeout, you know, the visits to your place.

So come on. What did you say? Fine, after today, I could use four.

I assume you went to the office. You okay? No, I’m not. Okay. How fool is what I am. Yeah. I went to see Eric to give him my condolences and, and tell him how sorry I was about his mother and, and then Sloan flew in on her broom bragging to everyone with an earshot that she slept with.

Yeah, Stephan pulled him so we could toast to him taking his place by my side as CO c e o Deir. Congratulations, Stephan. But he seems to have disappeared, so now you and I will toast to Sloane Peterson. Oh, there’s no way in Helen Toast that bitch. You didn’t let me finish. Take it

to Sloan for moving in on the holier than thou hypocrite Eric Brady and to you for moving on from set. Hypocrite. She deserves Soon you deserve better.

Both of them, Johnny and Chanel are sticking to their lame excuse that he was upset about my grandma and she was consoling him. Alex, I’m upset about my grandma too, but you don’t see me making out with the person standing right in front of me. Of course not. Like, I’m not going after Johnny’s girlfriend, but I also can’t cut my brother outta my life forever, especially with everything going on in our family right now.

But I also don’t wanna worry that he’s always gonna be chasing after my girlfriend, and I don’t wanna worry about Chanel betraying me.

That’s it. All right, I’m gonna go find Allie. I’m gonna talk to John. No, wait. Wait, I told you I don’t want you to do that. I know, I know. Okay. But this, this almost kiss, it meant nothing. And whatever something there was, it was on me. All right. Allie needs to know that she’s already used to the idea of me being an insensitive jerk so I can get her past this.

Trust me. And I know my sister Johnny.

I can’t let you take all the blame for this. Yes. Yes, you did lean in to kiss me. That was you, but I didn’t stop it. And if I’m being totally honest with myself in that moment, I didn’t want to.

But then, Everything you did to stop the extradition order and you saved me and my daughter, Sloane, has turned around and filed a civil suit for wrongful death. Paulina, why didn’t you come to me right away? You know what hell I mean after everything you’ve been going through. Oh, well, I appreciate that, but work actually helps me deal with all of it.

Gets my mind off things. Please let me help you and Chan. It’ll help me too. I’m well, I’d be thrilled to add you to the team, but are you sure? I am positive. I like you almost as much as I hate Sloane Peterson. So what do you say? I’d say the feelings. Mutual . Why don’t you, uh, let me treat you to breakfast.

We’ll talk strategy about how to take that off a lady now.

You were right. I told you I’d make a mean pancake. No, about Nicole. Provoking Nicole. Um, it was a mistake. Oh, that, I know I shouldn’t be looking for trouble, but she just makes it so easy to get under her skin and knock her off balance. And I hate to admit it, but maybe I am a little jealous. Oh, you were a little jealous, huh?

Well, it’s very clear that she still has feelings for you. Sloan, but what’s not clear is Eric, do you still have feelings for her?

How are you feeling? Any better? Yes, I’m feeling much better. Thank you. So you want to tell me what happened between you and Ms. Sloan Peterson? That woman is beyond smug. . Okay. So she saw me hugging Eric, and I really was just consoling him. Look, I’ve known him for half my life. She’s known him for what?

Five minutes. She harassed you for hugging her boyfriend Eric. Hugging. Eric, sorry. She went to the pub to give him his. and instead of handing it to him like an adult and excusing herself, she used it as an opportunity to gloat about how he’s a another notch on her bed post. And she made an uncomfortable situation even worse by making lewd and inappropriate insinuations about.

About, about us, you and me. Oh,

uh, Nicole. Maybe that’s, we’re doing a little bit. Ooh. Hmm. I can hold my liquor.


Who did this? Who are you?

That would be me.

All right, Alex. Now I know I’m the last person to give any type of relationship advice. Because the one serious relationship I had or that wanted to have, I found every which way possible to ruin it. But I’ve seen you and Chanel together more than most people, probably more than anybody ever really think about it.

But you going, the point is, I have seen you and Chanel together. I see how much she loves you. She adores you and that’s why she chose to be with you over Johnny. Her and Johnny were married. They were married. They’re not married anymore. Okay? So please listen to me. You are beautiful. You were smart, you’re funny, and you’re way hotter than your brother.

I always thought So , that is so, that is a fact. You can e in stone. That is never. Probably the hottest girl I’ve ever been with, and I’ve been with a lot of girls. Is that weird to say? Yeah. Oh no. You know what? No, that actually, that actually makes me feel a lot better. Well, good. Very good. So why don’t you go home and make up with your girlfriend

you wanted to kiss. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, but in that moment, I just look, I, I love Allie and I am totally committed to her, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still feel something for you.

Well, um, you know, I, I loved you once too.

So then, uh, what are we gonna do about this lingering attraction?

There’s always going to. Some sort of connection between me and Nicole. There always will be. You know, we’ve had enough chances to make it right. We’ve had more than enough chances to make it right. We never did, and even will, if we were in court, I would ask the judge to instruct the witness to answer the question, which was, do you still have feelings for Nicole?

I don’t see how anyone could have an appetite in this pub. With you sitting here, you better get used to my presence, Ms. Price. After all, we’re gonna be stuck in a courtroom together very soon. Speaking of which, I can’t wait to see what Joker you hired to argue your daughter’s defense. And yours. Oh, well, the weight is over, Ms.

Peterson. I am the joker who’s already beat you once and well, I could beat you again with my hands tied behind my back,

just, just bleeding the call. I’ll have Harold clean it up. Oh gosh. I, uh, I don’t know what happened. I just got a bit oozy there for a second, but I’m fine now.

Oh God. I just hate that. I let that bitch get me so upset, Nicole. Don’t give her that power over you. She’s a cold-blooded lawyer. She knows exactly how to elicit an emotional reaction from you and throw you off ballots. It’s her job.

You’re right. I, I certainly just don’t wanna give her the satisfaction of getting me upset and getting to me. I,

but on the other hand, Why should I deny myself the satisfaction of going over there and ripping every little hair on of her head? Well far be from me to tell someone to deny the Docker impulses. But Nicole,

Nicole, let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s get you upstairs. Let’s get you upstairs.

Ah, my head is killing me. Psycho. I’m sorry. I, I’m, I didn’t wanna hit you so hard on your head, but it’s fine. We know that there isn’t gonna be any permanent damage. Us. We both know how thick your skull is. You crazy. Hey, you know, I’m not the one here with the mental problems, and since you already told me that you no longer wanna find Ralph to undo some mental problems, I, I felt that desperate action was required because I’m not giving up on us.

Okay. Maybe we should open up discussions again about . Nice tray, smart guy. Listen, you’re not gonna get out of it this time, whether you liked it or not. We’re gonna fix that thick skull of yours and then, then we’re gonna see where your heart lies.

There you go. Better? Yes, it’s much better. Just lie down and rest. Stay with you if you’d like. Thank you, ej. I just. I think I’m just gonna lie down for a minute. I, I usually hold my liquor with the best of what’s

is nothing.

You’re a smart. Dynamic and

very beautiful woman.

Eric Grady is a fool. He never should have let you go.

What is your problem, Eric? Our mother just died and you’re, you’re just here hanging out with her. All right. Why don’t you not question me or my decisions, and I won’t question why you’re out. Ambulance chasing ambulance. Where’s there an ambulance? This is an, this is an attack on good people and a frivolous lawsuit with absolutely no merit whatsoever.

Why don’t you stop grandstanding and say it for the c. I’m not on the jury, but I’ve seen enough to know that you are on the wrong side of this. Sloan is an injured party here, and having lost the mother too soon, I can relate. And so should you stunt irreparable harm to Sloan, not the other way around.

Chanel took her mother away and Paulina covered it up. It’s in the story.

Ah, nice friends for you. If you want aspirin, are you out of your mind? First off, I will never, ever ingest anything from you as long as I live. Secondly, I’m timing. Lemme go. Okay, stop. It’s my turn. Now. First of all, settle down. Second of all, it’s just aspirin, Stephan. Okay? If I’m not gonna. Oh, you are unbelievable.

Thank you. See this. This is exactly why I abandoned any, any possibility, however, slim of ever getting back with you, your psychotic drive to take what you want in your incessant need to get your way, you know, step and fall. Actually, you don’t know because Rolf scrub your brain, but all the reasons that you’ve given me for not wanting to be with me.

Are there reasons why couldn’t live without me? My relentlessness, my, my passion, my drive, my desire to, to fight for what is mine, to defend what I think is mine. That’s what you loved about me. You couldn’t get enough. Oh, right. So then I should be forced to be someone I’m not against. My will is, To undergo some weird experimental therapy to re brainwash me so I can start feeling feelings that I don’t feel anymore or love Stephan for the love that I know is in there.

The love that was taken away from you. Es your will. Okay, Gabby, listen up. I don’t want to be with you and I never will. I know that you believe that. It hurts me to hear you say this, but I know it’s the brainwashing talking, and I know you don’t wanna be tied to this chair, but I had no option. We’re gonna get through this together, and once it’s done, you’re gonna see that it was all worth it, I promise.

How Gabby, how is this gonna work? Huh? Marlena is dead. Rolf has disappeared. Your husband Lee ought of that. So without Rolf the only person who can undo his own handiwork, I don’t see how I look. You’re right about one thing. My love. Yes. We don’t know where. But as you just said, we do know somebody who does.

Hi Lee, it’s Gabby. I really need to see you.

What? Well, normally I would just ghost you, but. , seeing as I’m in love with your twin sister. I don’t really see that happening. And really I prefer not to be ghosted regardless of how complicated this may be, fair. So I guess we’ll just have to be a little more careful around each other from now on, and I promise not to lean in anymore deal, and I promise not to lean back or not to lean away.

or no, not to lean into Well, you get the picture. Yeah. So what’s the deal?

I really care about you Shael, and I really care about my sister and we were able to overcome this little triangle we had a while back. And I don’t want to come between the two of you again. Besides, I think this thing with Wendy could be, uh, could be really. I’m happy for you. I’m happy for you too and for Allie.

Um, look, I know you guys are gonna figure this out. Okay. Thanks.

Normally I would defend my daughter to the death and put ignorant, mean-spirited people in their place. But out of respect for your mama, I’m not going to do that. Let’s just go to Julie’s place instead. Oh,

maybe I should get going myself. What? Why? It turns out these breakfast benefits aren’t really that beneficial first, Nicole, and now. I don’t wanna be the person that comes between you and your sister, please. It’s nothing that I can’t handle science. I like having you around.

Thank you for saying that, ej. That’s always nice to.

Especially these days,

and you know, you are, uh, you’re right about Sloan. I mean, I, I don’t need to go over there and engage with Sloan. It’s exactly what she wants. Why should I give into. You shouldn’t.

You know what? It’s a hell with Eric Sloan can have him. I don’t need him anymore.

I wanna have you.

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Interview with Sadie Laflamme-Snow

TV Interview!

Sadie Laflamme-Snow of "The Way Home" on Hallmark

Interview with Sadie Laflamme-Snow of “The Way Home” on Hallmark by Suzanne 1/25/23

It was so nice to speak to this talented young actress. We had a great, short chat about her new show that is part family drama and part fantasy.



The Way Home When three generations of women reunite after being estranged for more than two decades, they embark on an enlightening – and surprising – journey toward healing none of them could have imagined as they learn how to find their way back to each other.


STUDIO CITY, CA – January 15, 2023 – Three generations of women embark on an enlightening journey to find their way back to each other and learn important lessons about their family’s past in “Mothers and Daughters,” the series debut of “The Way Home” premiering Sunday, January 15 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel. Andie MacDowell (“Maid,” “Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove”), Chyler Leigh (“Supergirl,” “Greys Anatomy”), Evan Williams ( Blonde, “Versailles”), and Sadie Laflamme-Snow (“The Apprentice”) star in the multigenerational family drama. Alex Hook (“I am Frankie”), Al Mukadam (“Pretty Hard Cases,” “The Detail), Jefferson Brown ( Masters of Romance, “Slasher”) and David Webster ( Luckiest Girl Alive, “In the Dark”) also star.

Kat Landry (Leigh), her 15-year-old daughter Alice (Laflamme-Snow) and Kat’s mother Del (MacDowell) are all strong, willful and independent. More than 20 years prior, lifechanging events prompted Kat to move away from her small, Canadian farm town of Port Haven and she and Del have been estranged ever since. Alice has never met her grandmother and is unaware of the reasons for their fractured family. With Kat’s marriage coming to an end and having just been laid off from her job, she decides to return home after receiving an unexpected letter from Del urging her to come back. Although Alice is none-too-thrilled, Kat and her daughter arrive at her family’s farm. Kat is disappointed that she doesn’t receive a warmer reception from Del and it’s clear that there are wounds that need to heal. Wanting to escape the tension, Alice explores the property and finds herself on a surprising journey.

Scene from "The Way Home" on Hallmark

“The Way Home” is a Neshama Entertainment production in association with MarVista Entertainment. Executive producers are Heather Conkie, Alexandra Clarke, Fernando Szew, Hannah Pillemer, Larry Grimaldi, Ani Kevork, Arnie Zipursky, Mary Reed, Lauren MacKinlay, Andie MacDowell and Chyler Leith. The series is produced by John Calvert. Kyle Hart is supervising producer. Jessica Runck serves as consulting producer. Grant Harvey directed from a script by Conkie & Clarke, from a story by Reed, Conkie & Clarke.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Sadie Laflamme-Snow of "The Way Home" on Hallmark

Interview with Julian Bailey

TV Interview!

Julian Bailey of "Three Pines" on Prime

Interview with Julian Bailey of “Three Pines” on Prime by Suzanne 1/24/23

This was a very fun interview. I watched the show last week and really enjoyed it, so it was great to speak to one of the main actors in the show. Make sure to watch it!



Julian Bailey as Peter Morrow in "Three Pines" on Prime

JULIAN BAILEY (X-MEN : DARK PHOENIX, “FAR CRY 5”) plays Peter Morrow in Amazon Prime’s THREE PINES, currently one of the top 10 TV shows around globe.


Now on Amazon Prime

A man investigates murders in Three Pines; he sees things that others do not: the light between the cracks, the mythic in the mundane, and discovers long-buried secrets and faces a few of his own ghosts.

Julian Bailey as Peter Morrow in "Three Pines" on Prime


Julian Bailey is a film and television actor with theatre roots. During his youth in Montreal, Canada, Bailey performed with the National Theatre School of Canada, and was cast in a CBC TV movie, before going on to lend his voice to animated characters such as Pepito in the original Madeline specials for HBO, and Mowgli from the popular anime Jungle Book series.

After graduation from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (West), in Pasadena, California, Bailey would move to Chicago, becoming involved in the local theatre scene and subsequently performing in a series of critically acclaimed productions. Managing to get his SAG card in Chicago, Bailey returned to the Los Angeles area, where after two years of auditioning without a booking, he landed a role on a Lifetime tv series with Lea Thompson (Back To The Future). When the show was cancelled after its first season, Bailey worked odd jobs in between appearances on shows like Judging Amy, Just Shoot Me, and JAG, among many others. A guest spot on the hit show, NCIS, earned Bailey fans around the world for his portrayal of a sociopathic young naval officer. The actor would go on to appear in many internationally syndicated programs, films, and video games, including Supernatural, Dark Phoenix, and Far Cry 5. Bailey is the lead voice (HQ) of the massive first person shooter juggernaut, Rainbow Six: Siege, one of Ubisoft’s most successful franchises ever, boasting more than 70 million registered players worldwide.

In 2021, Bailey voiced Netflix’s title character for the English version of the globally popular Korean series, Vincenzo.

Julian Bailey currently stars as enigmatic artist, Peter Morrow, in Amazon Prime Video’s hit television series, Three Pines, along with Alfred Molina and a dynamic ensemble cast.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Julian Bailey of "Three Pines" on Prime

Y&R Transcript Thursday, January 26, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

Y&R logo

Transcript provided by Suzanne

Tucker: Ah. Thank you. Hey, daniel.

Daniel: Tucker mccall. Yeah, I heard you were back in town. I’m sure that so many just love having you here.

Tucker: [ Chuckles ]

Daniel: How’s the reception been?

Tucker: Nice to see you, too.

Daniel: [ Chuckles ]

Tucker: Actually, the timing couldn’t be better.

Daniel: Why is that?

Tucker: Oh, I’ve been hearing great things about your new gaming venture. I must say, it sounds intriguing.

Daniel: Really?

Tucker: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: What have you heard and from whom?

Tucker: Mm. Word around town, you know. Plus, I had an interesting conversation with your mom about it.

Daniel: Hmm. Yeah, well, my mom can’t help but brag about my new idea.

Tucker: Mm.

Daniel: Still in the very early stages, though, so got to be protective of my intellectual property. I’m sure if anyone can understand that, it’s you.

Tucker: She didn’t divulge any secrets or anything. But I did gather that you are looking for a new backer. So, as long as we’re here, why don’t you let me refill your coffee and — and make you a pitch as to why that backer should be me?

Audra: Regina is a fireball. I told you she knows her stuff.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] And you. You said all the right things to get her on board with helping us to launch our showcast initiative.

Audra: You were pretty savvy, too, nailing a few of the key details that, you know, could be beneficial to newman media if the deal goes through. I think we just might have hooked her.

Nate: I got that sense, too.

[ Chuckles ]

Audra: Listen, I appreciate you giving me the chance to dive in like this.

Nate: Of course. That’s the kind of collaboration I want to see around here. Speaking of which, I have a meeting now that I’d like you to sit in on. It’s with daniel romalotti. He has a new gaming concept that sounds like it might be promising.

Phyllis: Hey. I’m a little early. Is that okay?

Nate: Of course. Of course. Come in.

Phyllis: Okay, great.

Nate: I asked my new coo, audra charles, to sit in on this pitch. Audra, this is phyllis summers, daniel romalotti’s mother. She set this meeting up.

Phyllis: Nice to meet you.

Audra: Hi.

Phyllis: Hi. Um… uh, well, alright. Well, I am ready. Uh, shall we proceed?

Nate: Don’t we need to wait for daniel? You told me this was your son’s project. I was expecting to hear his vision directly.

Lily: Great. Sounds like we have a deal then. Okay, well, let’s follow up tomorrow. Alright. Bye. Oh. Thank you. Hi.

Billy: Just like you, multitasking, of course.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Yes, always. Well, thank you for the assist.

Billy: Yeah. There was a time that that was my job, right? Make sure that your day ran smoothly.

Lily: Yes. When you were my coo.

Billy: That, too.

Sally: I know, chloe. I cannot believe that jill did that to us, either. I mean, we came all this way to meet her, and she just canceled on us with no explanation? I mean, who does that?

[ Scoffs ] Right. Yes. No. Jill does that. Yeah, I think I’m gonna stay in L.A. For a little while. I don’t know. Maybe she’ll change her mind, or maybe I’ll just barge in her office and give her a piece of my mind.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. I mean, it sounds like a lot of fun.

[ Chuckles ] Alright. Yeah, I will, uh — I’ll let you know how it goes. Alright. Bye.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: Sally, I’ve been through this a few times. Is there a chance this is morning sickness?

Sally: I just didn’t want to say anything until I was sure.

Nick: Are you sure?

Sally: I’m pregnant.

Sally: [ Breathes deeply ]

[ Exhales heavily ] Okay.

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Sally: S’up?

Nick: S’up? I, um — I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Diane: Are you as happy as i am right now?

Jack: How could I not be? Everything feels so right.

Diane: Yeah.

Jack: What is that smile on your face all about?

Diane: [ Laughs ] Oh, I bet you can guess.

Jack: Yeah, probably the same thing that put a smile on my face this morning.

Diane: Mm. Wait, jack. We — we really shouldn’T.

It’s the most wonderful

time of the year.

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Summer: Good morning. Diane, you’re here awfully early.

Jack: Because she spent the night…again.

Kyle: Really? Why? Are you still worried about mom’s safety? Does that mean harrison’s in danger also?

Jack: No, no, nothing to worry about. Stark is still being held without bail. Our plan worked. We are all safe from that criminal.

Kyle: Well, that’s a relief.

Jack: There’s something the two of you should know.

Kyle: Good news for a change, I hope?

Jack: We think it is, yes. Hopefully you’ll agree. Um, my relationship with diane has taken a turn… romantically speaking.

Sally: So, you were thinking of me here in L.A. And didn’t want to send a text like a normal person?

Nick: Me? No way. I’m old school. I wanted to hear your voice. In fact, I’m so old school, I’m calling you from a rotary phone built in 1973.

Sally: [ Laughs ]

[ Groans ]

Nick: Hey, what’s that groan about? Is that because of the joke, or are you still having morning sickness?

Sally: A little of both.

Nick: You okay?

Sally: Yeah. I’m actually doing better than last week. I’m just a little shaky this morning.

Nick: Well, you might also just be a little nervous because you’re meeting with jill. Sally, you and chloe — you’re prepared. You’re going to kill it.

Sally: Yeah. We’ve been working hard. Uh…I’m just a little distracted. I’m sure you are, too.

Nick: Yeah. It’s, uh — it’s been on my mind a lot.

Sally: I’m sorry.

Nick: For what?

Sally: Well, I feel like i just dropped this huge news on you and then I just a minute later jumped on a plane to california.

Nick: No, I don’t want you to worry about that, alright? You’re the one who has a lot on your plate right now. Speaking of which, are you eating healthy?

Sally: Yes.

Nick: Okay. Also getting a lot of rest, drinking water, taking your vitamins?

Sally: Yes, yes, and yes, dr. Newman.

Nick: Good — ’cause that’s all you should be worrying about right now, is taking care of yourself and the baby.

Sally: Oh, is that all I have to worry about?

Nick: Well, the baby and your meeting with jill.

Sally: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Uh, well, you know, daniel and I are partners. Um, he’s the creative, and i handle all business matters. Um, so I’m just here as, um, the advance team, um, here to gauge interest.

Nate: I see.

Phyllis: Yeah. And if this goes well and you are, in fact, interested, I’ll set up a meeting with daniel.

Nate: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay?

Nate: Proceed.

Phyllis: Yeah. Okay. Well…how do I start? My son has created a new gaming platform. It’s, uh, innovative. It’s obviously creative. It’s — it’s gonna change gaming, quite honestly. And it has the potential to be incredibly lucrative. It appeals to adults and young people alike. Not only that — it is emotionally and psychologically productive.

Nate: I sense a mother’s pride.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, of course, but, I mean, you know I’m a gamer, right? So I know when something works and when something is good. I mean, I wouldn’t be here if i wasn’t passionate about this project.

Nate: Well, your enthusiasm is contagious.

Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Thank you. Well, it is a game changer, pun intended.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] I get it. And I love what I hear.

Audra: If this is as good as you say it is, I’m guessing there are other corporations interested. Are we the first to hear this pitch, or are you trying to start a bidding war?

Daniel: Are you really serious about this?

Tucker: I wouldn’t be sitting here with you wasting my time or yours if I wasn’T.

Daniel: Do you know any of the details about my project?

Tucker: I know enough. And I’m pretty sure mccall is a match in a lot of ways. Why don’t you tell me more about what you’re looking for?

Daniel: Deep pockets, creative freedom.

Tucker: Of course.

Daniel: But you obviously heard enough from your conversation with my mother to be interested already. So, why don’t we just skip to the part where you dazzle me? I’d like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual.

Phyllis: You both know how the gaming field works, right? Usually when there’s a lot of interest about a project, yeah, people talk and it becomes a hot commodity. So, that’s why I came to you. I, you know, just wanted to make sure that you wanted in quickly, on the ground floor.

Nate: Well, look, um, I pride myself on being bold and decisive, but before I can make a move on an investment of this magnitude, I would have to have further discussions with daniel involved.

Audra: I agree with nate. I would like to hear from someone other than the creative’s proud mother before making an investment.

Phyllis: Great. Well, I will set up a meeting with daniel, but that’s why I’m here. He’s the creative, and creative geniuses — they need their energy and their time protected. And that’s what I do. I protect him, so… well, if there’s truly interest in daniel’s project, then I will set up a meeting with him. Thank you for your time.

Nate: Thank you, phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nate: I like what I heard. But I get the feeling you’re somewhat reticent.

Tucker: I heard that you got the venture set up at chancellor-winters, but that phyllis has also pitched it to newman. If creative control is what you’re after, both those companies are a very bad fit.

Daniel: How would you know that?

Tucker: I know how the newmans work. And I know jill very well. So, if you think you’re gonna have any autonomy at either of those places, think again. I, on the other hand — I know how you’re feeling. I know — I know the hunger and the drive you have. I know what it’s like to build something from nothing ’cause I’ve lived that. There’s a sense of ownership, that it’s hard to let go of, right?

Daniel: Mm. Well, this is more than, you know, just being about ownership or ego. My platform isn’t just a game. It has a bolder mission to transform people’s lives.

Tucker: Terrific. As someone whose, uh, spiritual soul was reborn at an ashram, I can get behind any platform that’s, uh, life-affirming, as well as entertaining and, uh, lucrative. Hey, I got to tell you, I did a little research on you. Um, it’s led to a couple assumptions.

Daniel: Like what?

Tucker: Well, I know that your partner and daughter are now living in portugal. Is that right?

Daniel: That’s right.

Tucker: Yeah.

Daniel: I’m not really sure how details of my personal life are really any of your business. But you know what? You want to know what I’m looking for in a corporate partner? It’s, um… it’s one who doesn’t pry where he’s not welcome.

Sally: You know, if chloe and I make a deal with chancellor-winters, I might have to move out here.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Really?

Sally: I mean, it’s a possibility. How would you feel about that?

Nick: Um, I guess the, uh — the bigger question is, how would you feel about that? Could you live there again?

Sally: I mean, it’s nice when the sun is shining. And it’s always shining. It’s vibrant and exciting. It might be the best thing for me, professionally.

Nick: Well, if that is the best thing for you, sally, then, um…we’ll make it work.

Sally: So, you would support me if I had to pack up and move back to california?

Nick: I would.

Nick: But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, alright? You and chloe still need to make your pitch, and then we will take it from there. But whatever happens, I will support your decision. We’re gonna make this work, sally.

Sally: You’re right. Yeah. We will make it work.

[ Chuckles ] And I’m not moving back to los angeles. I feel like genoa city is my home. I belong there… with you.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Billy: I’ve been thinking about you. How did everything go with devon?

Lily: Well, I would love nothing more than to talk shop with you…

Billy: Ah, yeah.

Lily: …’Cause I really miss those days. But I think I shared a little more than I should have.

Billy: You always led with integrity. Just one of the things that i admire about you.

Lily: How are you? Have you figured out your next life move?

[ Both chuckle ]

Billy: No. No. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. Although I do have a few ideas that I miss running by you, too.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: What do you say? You want to grab coffee? We can talk about anything but chancellor-winters. That’s me before dawn powerwash.

Lily: I would love to. I — I really would. But I have such a crazy day ahead of me.

Billy: Hey, it’s okay. No problem.

Lily: But thank you for helping me with my coat.

[ Both laugh ] And for understanding what I can and can’t talk about right now. But, listen, I’m sure if you call jill, she will give you an earful. I just — I don’t feel like it’s my place.

Billy: Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. I’m actually gonna steer clear of my mother right now. I don’t feel like putting myself in the line of fire.

Lily: I hope you know that nothing I’m dealing with at chancellor winters is because of you.

Billy: Thank you. Appreciate that. And I’m sorry about everything you’re going through. But I do know that you’ll figure it out.

Lily: Thank you. I hope you find what you’re looking for, too. Bye.

Billy: Yeah. Bye.

Diane: How do you feel about this? I know there’s been a lot going on around here, and, well, this is another change to take in.

Kyle: We wondered if this might be coming. We’ve seen the signs of the two of you growing closer, but to be honest, we never thought it would actually happen.

Diane: Well, it kind of took us by surprise, as well. Look, I-I want you to know this was not my intention. I came back to town solely for the purpose of connecting with you. I mean, I never expected jack to forgive me for the past. But, kyle, you know more than anyone what a special man your father is. And I’m beyond grateful that he was able to appreciate the changes that I’ve made in my life, changes I’ve made for you.

Jack: Look, it may be premature to analyze all this right now, but I thought it was very important that you and summer both know. The last thing I want is for diane to feel she has to sneak around. She’s every bit as welcome here as you are. She’s family.

Kyle: I-I don’t know how i feel about all this. So I apologize if I’m not ready to fully embrace the idea of the two of you being back together. But you two seem happy. And of course I’m all for that.

Jack: I’d like to think you could be pleased for us. That’s all I can ask. Oh, and to your point — yes, we are very happy.

Summer: Okay. Well, um, kyle and I actually have to get going. We’ve got that, um, breakfast meeting that we’ve got to get to, remember?

Kyle: Right, right. Um… we’ll see you later.

Jack: Yeah.

Diane: [ Sighs ] I don’t think kyle was very pleased at all.

Audra: Daniel already has his project set up at chancellor-winters. I wasn’t privy to the details of the deal since it wasn’t pertaining directly to the ipo, but lily and devon talked of plans of building an entire gaming division around his idea.

Nate: Then why is phyllis coming to us?

Audra: [ Scoffs ] It doesn’t make any sense. Unless, you know, she and daniel are double-crossing lily and devon or trying to inflate their offer with a counteroffer.

Nate: Or…things are in flux at chancellor-winters. I’ve heard enough to be interested, but I don’t want to waste my time on it if we’re being used in some sort of chess match.

Audra: And I have to wonder about phyllis’ involvement. She strikes me as a bit of a loose cannon. But whatever it is, I am confident we can get to the bottom of this.

Tucker: If you feel i overstepped, I apologize. I certainly didn’t mean to be intrusive by looking into your personal life. I just feel like it’s — it’s important to understand the whole person, you know, their state of mind, especially people that I might be doing business with.

Daniel: And you think by digging up dirt on my family, you can do that?

Tucker: [ Clears throat ] Well, I’ve come to believe that it’s nearly impossible, if not impossible, to separate the personal from the professional. And so, given your circumstances with your family, um, there’s bound to be some sadness and some feelings of loss. So, that might affect your decision making. But, hey, I’ve been alienated from family, as well. And, uh, unfortunately, it was due to my own actions. But I know that, at the same time, that pain you feel from the past can be a strong motivator to set things right. Really, all I’m saying is I can tell that, for you, this venture is not about money. It’s not about subscriptions. It’s about trying to do something meaningful, important for you and your family, and showing to them that you can learn from your mistakes. And that’s — pfft. That’s what I am all about these days. So I would like to help you achieve that goal. I think together we could really achieve something meaningful.

Lily: Hello.

Tucker: Hello.

Lily: Sorry to interrupt. I just — I happened to hear your not-so-subtle pitch. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I don’t know if you knew this, but daniel’s actually under a contract with me. Trelegy for copd.

“The young and the restless”

will continue.


Kyle: Thanks. Two coffees, please. I’ve got to admit, I was pretty thrown, even more than I let on.

Summer: [ Sighs ] I guess my mom was right. Diane’s had her sights on jack all along.

Kyle: You think my mom came back for him?

Summer: No, of course not. She came back to reconnect with you. Her love for you and harrison isn’t in question, but you got to admit, reuniting with jack is a perk.

Kyle: I know, in theory, kids are supposed to want their parents to get back together, but given their history, i just — I can’t root for that.

Summer: Yeah, every time my parents reconnect, they end up crashing and burning. So I understand. On the other hand, diane is a bit of a step up from the last woman your dad fell for — sally spectra.

Kyle: Yeah, that’s an extremely low bar to clear. And my dad’s way more invested in my mom. So, if things fall apart, he’ll be devastated. I just wish they’d kept things platonic.

Summer: That would have been a lot more simple for everyone. I guess, even after all this time, they still have chemistry.

Kyle: Maybe it was inevitable, given everything they’ve been through since my mom came back to town, bonding over being parents and grandparents to working together to get rid of this threat with stark. I saw the signs, but, still, this is too fast.

Summer: It’s possible that the adrenaline from pulling off that caper against stark actually escalated things. There’s nothing more intoxicating than a little danger.

Diane: You know, I just feel like I’d already lost so much ground with kyle after this whole jeremy stark mess that he’s become wary of my motives. I just get the feeling that he’s afraid that I’m going to hurt you again. And I hate that.

Jack: I just wish he could know I would never be standing here if I thought there was any chance of that.

Diane: Jack, I want you to know that I would never do anything to drive you away again.

Jack: Oh, god —

Diane: No, after everything I’ve been through and — and all those years, I — I know what it’s like to lose you. And kyle. To be alone. And I will — I will never put myself at risk for that again.

Billy: Hey, you two. Sorry to interrupt, but I was just hoping that you could clear something up for me.

Kyle: What?

Billy: Jeremy stark’s arrest. How did that come about?

Kyle: Apparently, he stole a necklace from victor and nikki’s apartment in chicago. The police found his prints there and since he was already in the database it was easy to locate him here and now he’s back in jail where he can’t threaten my mother or anyone else again.

Billy: Well, that’s good. But it does seem odd, doesn’t it? I mean, everything I’m reading about the guy, he sounds like a high-stakes money launderer, and then he gets busted stealing jewelry?

Kyle: I guess his time in federal prison made him a more diversified criminal.

Billy: Well, if he didn’t learn the first time, I doubt he will the second time. Good to see you both.

Kyle: See you.

Tucker: Yes, I’m aware that daniel is set up at chancellor-winters. But, uh, apparently there’s some kind of snag with your intended ipo that’s holding things up? Certainly you didn’t expect your up-and-coming ventures to just sit around in limbo while you try to fix your company’s problem.

Lily: Well, I don’t know if you forgot, but you’re actually responsible for those snags and problems. You planted audra in our office, tried to take over our company. Remember that? And then devon figured it out. Daniel, this guy is unbelievable. You cannot trust him. He tried to betray his own son. He would have no problem betraying you.

Tucker: There are two sides to every story.

[ Chuckles ] Especially when it comes to family conflicts. Anyway, I will leave you two to it. Please think about what I said. Lily.

Lily: Daniel, you’re not actually thinking about breaking our contract to go with tucker, are you? Because that would be a huge mistake. Age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss.

Lily: Daniel, I thought that you had faith in me, that I want to make omega sphere real.

Daniel: Yeah. No, I do. I don’t want to back out of our deal. Look, the holdup’s making me nervous, and I am anxious to move forward for a lot of reasons, all of which you already know. And I did not seek out tucker. The man came to me.

Lily: How did he even know to come to you?

Daniel: Apparently, my mother put a bug in his ear, something which I’m really not too happy about.

Lily: Oh, my god. Please tell me you didn’t buy anything that he was saying. He is such a snake. I am telling you.

Daniel: No, no, no, I get it. I mean, you’ve made how you feel about the guy perfectly clear.

Lily: Look, daniel, I — i know why you want to make this launch happen quickly. I know — ’cause you want to show heather and lucy that you have turned your life around. I get that. And I want to make that happen for you.

Daniel: I believe you.

Lily: But you know that i can’t move forward with any projects until we figure out this thing with the ipo. You know that.

Daniel: Honestly, that’s what’s been making me so nervous. You know, it’s like I want nothing more than to move forward on this with you, but —

Lily: Look, daniel [Sighs] I know this is important to you, okay? And I want to make this happen. So I’m gonna make you a deal, okay? Give me one week. One week to make this happen. And I promise you, if I don’t, I’ll let you out of your contract.

Tucker: Hi, phyllis.

Phyllis: Tucker.

Tucker: Hey, I just had a very interesting and productive conversation with your son.

Phyllis: Did you?

Tucker: I did. And the good news is he sees the wisdom in bringing me aboard.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I told you to keep away from my son. You went behind my back.

Tucker: Didn’t you go behind his back to pitch the business to newman media? Daniel tried to hide it, but i could tell he had no idea.

Phyllis: Stay away from my son. I mean it. Neither my son nor I want anything to do with you, business-wise, at all. And I’ll take the next one, by the way.

Tucker: Alright. You should talk to daniel about that because you might get a different perspective. As far as I know, uh, it’s his project and you’re just along for the ride.

Audra: I know.

Lily: Ohh. Well, look what we have here — the ceo and coo of newman media. I’m so happy you two landed on your feet. That’s amazing. Clearly, the company you work for has questionable business ethics.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] Daniel, I liked what I heard from phyllis about your new gaming venture. I am eager to hear from you directly about your —

Lily: Wait, I’m sorry. You are talking to tucker and you have your mom talking to nate?

Daniel: Hold on. I had nothing to do with any meeting at newman media. She obviously acted on her own and quite prematurely.

Audra: I thought something seemed off.

Daniel: [ Sighs heavily ] You know, I’m really sorry that my mother wasted your time. Um, I’ll make sure that she’s better informed about my goals in the future. I’m gonna check in with you later.

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: Stark is in jail, but the trouble he’s caused still lingers. Billy’s clearly not buying the story. Neither do nikki or chance. How long till all this falls apart?

Summer: This is why I said that plan was a mistake from the get-go, but no one wanted to listen to me.

Kyle: Mm. I know your feelings on the matter. And if you hadn’t insisted i stay out of it, maybe I could have helped my parents come up with a better solution.

Summer: You really think getting involved would be a better option? You should be thanking me for keeping you out of it.

Kyle: Come on, summer. I — [ Sighs ] I don’t want to argue. This has been a stressful enough time for all of us. Hopefully, no one will press us on the details of the cover story and we can all put this in the past.

Summer: I couldn’t agree more. There’s nothing I would love better than to go back to leading marchetti and enjoying married life with our wonderful son. No more family plotting. Which reminds me — have you made a decision yet?

Kyle: About victor?

Summer: Yes. And his plan to enlist you in forcing adam to fail at jabot? Please tell me that you turned him down.

Nick: You can do this. You and chloe are gonna get in that room with jill and you’re going to dazzle her. You got a great idea. You are ready. She wants to work with you. This is a slam dunk.

Sally: What are you, like, a part-time cheerleader?

Nick: Hey, if that’s what you need to get motivated, a rah-rah routine, I can do it. Let’s go. Rah, rah, rah.

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Ah. Alright. You have put me back on the right track.

Nick: You’re gonna do this. You got it?

Sally: I got it. Thanks, nick. I’m really lucky to have you in my life. The baby’s really lucky to have you, too.

Nick: Good luck this morning.

Sally: I’ll be home soon.

[ Sighs ]

Diane: Mmm.

Jack: I could stay here forever.

Diane: Wouldn’t that be nice? We could just stay in this wonderful cocoon, not have to worry about anybody.

Jack: You still worried about kyle?

Diane: I can’t help it.

Jack: I understand your being concerned, but he needs time to process it. He’ll come around.

Diane: You think so?

Jack: I do.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Jack: Hey. I just hate to see worry like this. I will be by your side, making sure he knows how happy we are. Mmm.

[ Both breathe deeply ]

Kyle: All victor wants is to find a way to give adam a little push out of jabot.

Summer: And he wants your help in doing that. You can’t let my grandpa manipulate you this way.

Kyle: Whoa, he’s not manipulating me. I am in the driver’s seat.

Summer: I just can’t believe that you’re still even considering this.

Kyle: I explained my reasoning for that. I would only do it if I was certain I was protected and no one would find out about it — and for those textile mills for marchetti.

Summer: You know, there are other ways to gain control of those, if that is your endgame. But I’m starting to think that you’re just using that as an excuse.

Kyle: What do you think I’m really after then?

Summer: I’m afraid that your hatred for adam is your main motivation. And I would really hate to see you damage your relationship with your father over that.

Kyle: I would only do it if i was sure he wouldn’t find out.

Summer: But no one can guarantee that, not even my grandpa.

Kyle: Okay, you’re right.

Summer: Look, colluding with my grandpa — it’s not a good idea. It’s not likely to end well. And I just would really love to avoid any more drama right now.

Kyle: That’s what I want, too.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Summer: What’s up?

Kyle: Um…nothing important.

[ Knock on door ]

Phyllis: Oh, hey! I’m glad you’re here. Listen, I have a lot to report. Um, but before that, I need to set you straight on something. Or, I should say, set you straight on someone.

Daniel: No. No, actually, I need to set you straight. I know what you did.

Phyllis: What are you talking about?

Daniel: Omega sphere. And while I appreciate that you were trying to help me, you need to stay out of this. I am not risking what I already potentially have with lily and chancellor-winters. You can’t just decide on your own to go and pitch my idea. No, you can’T. We are not partners. You work for me. And once again, I’m questioning why I hired you.

Nate: Have you had a chance to go over anything else about the new podcasts?

Audra: Uh, yeah. So, right now I’m filtering out based on availability and —

Billy: Boy, oh, boy, was i wrong about you. I mean, I really thought you were better than this. I thought you actually cared about your family, but I’m wrong. You have fully embraced the ruthless cliché of the c-suite executive, haven’t you? Backstab your family, jump to newman enterprises, and hire audra. Congratulations. I gave you far too much credit.

Audra: [ Sighs ]

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B&B Transcript Thursday, January 26, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Thomas: Look, I am asking you for a favor. You’re a businesswoman and a damn good one at that.

Steffy: Flattery. Really, thomas?

Thomas: Okay. Look, I will be on my best behavior from now on. I promise. The straight and narrow. Steff, I realize I went too far trying to get mom and dad back together, okay? And I even get it if people don’t wanna see me around the office, but I can still contribute. I can save hope for the future.

Hope: You’re asking if I want thomas back on my line?

Paris: Is it something you’d consider?

Hope: Well, should I? Considering that he torpedoed my mother’s marriage and pressured our son into keeping it a secret.

Paris: Thomas also designed the most successful collection hope for the future’s ever produced. I know what that means in this business. I was wondering what it means to you.

Finn: I might have something in here. There. Think this will help your patients feel better?

Kelly: Yes.

Douglas: That’s so cool. Are they real?

Finn: Yeah. Here’s one for you, dr. Spencer. There you go. And one for you, dr. Forrester. Oh, here, try that side.

Douglas: Wow. My heartbeat’s so loud.

Finn: Well, that’s no surprise. Everyone knows you have a good heart, douglas.

[ Knock on the door ]

Finn: Hey!

Liam: Hey.

Kelly: Daddy, look.

Liam: What? What is the– what is the what– what– what’s going on here?

Douglas: Some of kelly’s dolls aren’t feeling well.

Finn: Mm-hmm.

Kelly: I am a doctor.

Liam: Ah, wait a minute. Wait. When I called earlier, you were a chef.

Finn: Yeah. Kelly and douglas made pizza crackers.

Liam: Oh my god. Do you know something? Do you know I love pizza crackers? You’re gonna have to make me some when mom drops you off in a few days. But right now, I’m here for this guy. You ready to go?

Liam: Uh, mr. Douglas, do you have all your stuff ready?

Kelly: Do you have to go?

Douglas: Can I stay just a little longer? I’m just checking up on kelly’s stuffed animals?

Liam: Uh, yeah. It’s okay with me if it’s okay with finn. Give us a chance to catch up.

Finn: Yeah.

Douglas: Thanks. Come on, kelly.

Liam: Well, look at you.

[ Finn chuckling ]

Finn: They’re amazing kids.

Liam: Yeah, they are.

Finn: Douglas seems happy being back with you, hope and beth.

Liam: We’re happy to have him back. I really, really missed him. And I love him just as much as I do beth or kelly. I know you know something about that. You’re an amazing stepdad. Kelly adores you.

Finn: Oh, douglas feels the same about you.

Liam: Yeah. Yeah. I think I just want him to feel supported ’cause he’s never been able to count on that from thomas. And it’s not easy being let down by your father.

Hope: Thomas has burned a lot of bridges around here, paris.

Paris: Yeah. After what he did, he’s not gonna find a lot of fans in the building.

Hope: Nope.

Paris: But, he still is one of the most acclaimed designers out there. And if anyone can bring your collection back from the brink…

Hope: Well, while hope for the future is my line, thomas’s role in the company isn’t up to me. That’s for ridge and steffy to decide.

Thomas: I’m sorry, steff. I thought I was helping.

Steffy: Helping? Wow, thomas. Really?

Thomas: Look, I get it. I get it. I wasn’t helping. I was wrong. And I understand that you’re furious. Look, from now on, I’ll just be the perfectly obedient older brother. How about that?

Steffy: I didn’t want you to be obedient, thomas. I wanna be able to rely on you, trust you, your judgment. Do you think I like being at odds with you? I don’T. I hate this. God, I don’t even know what to say to you right now. You want another chance. You want your job back. Well, I want my brother back. The guy that I grew up with who always tried to do the right thing.

Thomas: I’m– I’m sorry, steffy. I know that I have been in the wrong. I haven’t been a good person. And you deserve better than that. You’ve always been so much better than me. I love you, steff. And I wanna be that person for you. I wanna be the rock that you can lean on. And I’m sorry that I haven’t been, but I promise that I will work tirelessly to become that man. Okay? I promise.

Who’s on it with jardiance?

Finn: Douglas is an amazing kid.

Liam: Yeah, he really is. He’s smart, he’s ethical, he’s resilient.

Finn: Especially when you consider everything he’s been through.

Liam: His mom dying so young. Yeah. I mean, that’s not easy. My cousin just adored him. And when caroline died, you know, thomas became his only parent. I hate to think about what his life would’ve been like if hope hadn’t kind of stepped up and become his mother.

Finn: You’re an important part of that too, huh?

Liam: Well, yeah. I am in the sense that he can depend on me. You know, he knows I’m not gonna let him down. I’m not gonna make him question my judgment.

Finn: It’s just, it’s a shame he got caught up in another one of thomas’s schemes.

Liam: Yeah. Well, he– but– but he didn’t though, right? I mean, he knew. Douglas knew that that bogus call to cps was wrong and he wasn’t gonna keep it a secret. And once again, once again, he did the right thing.

Finn: Clearly something his father hasn’t learned.

Liam: Yeah. Really. I mean, if there’s any justice in this world, it’s that thomas will have learned from all this that actions have consequences.

Paris: Thomas has been a big part of hope for the future’s success.

Hope: Oh, I’m not denying that.

Paris: But it isn’t something you could see happening again?

Hope: I don’t– I don’t know, paris. I mean, what do you think? I mean, how do you feel about thomas?

Paris: Thomas is an extremely creative and talented man. He definitely understands what women find appealing.

Hope: Yes. Agreed. But again, his future at the company is, it’s not my call.

Paris: Yeah. All I’m saying is fashion is about breaking rules and pushing boundaries, especially a line like yours. Yes, thomas went too far with trying to get his parents back together. I’d never say otherwise. But that kind of passion is what makes his work so exciting and successful.

Hope: So you want me to take him back?

Paris: I can’t tell you what to do, but I know how deeply you care about this line. You poured your heart into hope for the future. You want it to thrive. Do you think you should talk with steffy and see if both thomas and his collection can get a second chance?

Thomas: Come on, steffy. We’ve hit rough patches before. You’ve been angry with me, but you’ve always been a person who can support me and be in my corner.

Steffy: Why do you always have to make this so damn hard?

Thomas: I’m sorry. And I know what I did was wrong, but I did it for the right reasons.

Steffy: That is no excuse.

Thomas: You’re right. It’s not an excuse. And that’s why I knew, I knew what was coming and I was ready to take my time in exile.

Steffy: Yet here you are.

Thomas: Yeah, because it’s one thing for me to be punished for my actions, but it’s not okay for hope for the future to be punished. Steffy, you read the review. I can make this better, okay? You need me. Hope for the future needs me. I could’ve waited to tell my doctor my heart

Hope: I’ll admit losing thomas from the team has been a blow.

Paris: Yeah. The reviews for the latest collection weren’t the greatest.

Hope: No, they weren’T. Thomas and I, we– we– were good at collaborating with each other. We were wonderful creative partners and I thought that we understood each other. That we had the same vision and goals. But I was wrong. I was wrong. I told everyone that he had changed. I stuck up for him and he let me down. I trusted him with a lot of things that I hold dear, paris. He hurt the people that I love the most. And so, while on the one hand, I swore to never work with thomas again in order to protect my family, in order to do what was best for them. But then, on the other hand, I care about my career. I care about my line and what it means not only to me but to– to the customers around the world. And I have a responsibility to the people that work for me, for this company. So, I don’t know what to do.

Finn: You know, douglas is welcome here anytime.

Liam: See, I really appreciate that.

Finn: And steffy, she was kinda jealous I got to hang out with him. She really loves her nephew.

Liam: Let her be jealous. No, he– he– he loves spending time with all of them.

Finn: It’s great, the way the kids all get along.

Liam: Well, yeah, ’cause that’s family, right? That’s the way family should be. I– I regret the way that douglas came back to hope and me. But man, it’s so nice to have him home. It’s just– it’s just wonderful that we’re all together again.

Finn: I bet.

Liam: And hope and I are trying. You know, we’re– we’re– we’re– we’re doing our best to give him the– the happy, healthy, loving, secure home that he deserves.

Finn: That’s away from thomas.

Thomas: Nobody understands hope’s vision the way I do. You have to see that. The reviewer definitely did.

Steffy: I get your point, thomas. But I don’t think we should be having this conversation right now, especially while dad’s gone.

Thomas: Look, I don’t think you wanna waste too much time on this. Granddad and zende, they’re both amazing designers, obviously, but they have two very different visions. So the collection, it– it– it lacks focus. What are you gonna do? You’re gonna banish me forever? I want to help and I know that I can.

Hope: Steffy, I– thomas.

Thomas: Hope. Uh, I’m glad that you’re here.

Hope: What’s going on?

Thomas: I– I read the review and I– I never wanted what I did to impact your line. So I was thinking that steffy might let me help you with it. I never stopped designing. What I did to your mom was unforgivable and I’m so sorry. And I asked our son to lie. I hurt everyone. But the worst of it is that I hurt you because you believed in me more than anyone else. I never meant to hurt you. And I am asking for another shot, but not just for me. For you and your line.

Hope: Thomas, do you mind if I have a word with your sister alone?

Thomas: Sure. Um, steffy knows how much I want this. And it’s not gonna fix all the problems that I caused, but it might make a big difference for your collection. And I at least owe you that.

Steffy: Hope, I am so sorry. I had no idea he was gonna show up like this.

Hope: Or is it right on time?

Steffy: Hope?

Hope: Steffy, the collection is a mess. I mean, you read that review, no amount of tinkering is going to save it.

Steffy: So what are you saying? Are you asking me to let thomas come back to the company and design for hope for the future? Hey… it’s me! Your dry skin!

Finn: Doctors, how are the patients?

Douglas: Good. Thanks for letting us borrow your stethoscope, uncle finn.

Kelly: Can we use them again?

Finn: Sure.

Douglas: I told kelly I might be able to come back after school tomorrow.

Finn: We might be able to work something out.

Liam: Yeah. Let’s– let’s ask mom when she gets home later. Do you have your jacket?

Douglas: Yep. And the picture kelly made me.

Liam: Oh, come here. Come here. That is beautiful, kel! I love you. I’ll see you later, okay?

Douglas: Thanks for letting me hang out, uncle finn. I had a really good time.

Finn: Hey, you are always welcome here, douglas. Your aunt and I love having you. And I know kelly and hayes feel the same way.

Paris: Thomas?

Thomas: Miss me?

Paris: You are not supposed to be here.

Thomas: Yeah. Well, maybe that’s about to change.

Paris: Maybe. I was just talking with hope and I think she’s considering letting you back on the team.

Thomas: Actually, hope is meeting with my sister right now about that. I think that there’s a real chance I’ll be welcomed back at forrester, specifically hope for the future. They need me.

Steffy: You wanna give thomas his job back?

Hope: Never in a million years did I think I would ever consider it. But this is business. It can’t be personal. As– as much as it infuriates me and as much as I hate feeling conflicted like this, I mean, thomas did target my mother’s marriage to your father. He dragged our son into his manipulations again.

Steffy: But he is not gonna learn anything if we don’t hold him accountable.

Hope: I agree.

Steffy: But you also have your line to consider.

Hope: Exactly. This is a fashion house and we have a lot of people to consider. And as co-ceo, I know you understand that. And look, when it comes to thomas, I trust his talent. But that is as far as it goes for me.

Steffy: I know you’ve floated the idea of thomas designing, but not coming into the office. Is that what you’re suggesting?

Hope: I honestly have no idea what I am suggesting. I don’T.

Steffy: Well, we need to figure out what this means. The message we’re sending thomas. Will we give him a pass, welcome him back with open arms? I mean, the guy has had so many chances, but no real consequences. He didn’t just hurt your mother, but he broke my parents’ heart. He hurt our family.

Hope: He disappointed a lot of people, especially douglas. But we also have to face the fact that thomas and his talent are a very big part of forrester creation success.

Steffy: Are you saying what I think you’re saying? In order for hope for the future to succeed, we need thomas and his designs?

[ Hope sighing ]

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, January 25, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Michael: Lauren?

Lauren: Ah! Perfect timing.

Michael: Any time I spend with you is perfect, my brilliant, ravishing wife.

Lauren: Well, thank you, my incredibly handsome husband, for the compliment.

Michael: One that’s so especially well-deserved. It’s not every day you win the lifetime achievement award for leadership in fashion.

Lauren: Oh, such an honor, and one that is made more momentous because I get to spend it with the people that I love the most


Gloria: Well, I’ve always approved of you. I doubt this Mary and I would have gotten along very well.

Lauren: Oh, truer words were never spoken.

Gloria: You know something? I’ve always been curious. I’ve never asked. But why did it end with you and Paul?

Lauren: You know, um, a few reasons. First and foremost was this guy name Shawn Garrett. When I met him, he was, you know, very kind. He said he’d been to all my concerts, and he wanted to start an official fan club for me. And then he became obsessed with me. He tried to ruin Danny’s career. And then he said that he would kill Paul if I didn’t divorce him. So, I did. I did to protect Paul. I tried to pretend to have feelings for Shawn, but when he found out how I really felt? To say that he lost it would be an understatement.

Shawn: [Panting] By the time

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GH Short Recap Thursday, January 26, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Cody overheard a conversation between Selina Wu and Gladys where she tells Mrs. Wu that she will give her Brando’s garage to help pay the $ 175,000 she owes her. Cody suspects Gladys is Sasha ‘s mother-in-law but he gets confirmation when he asks Mrs. Wu Gladys’ last name.

Trina tells Spencer that she doesn’t think he is emotionally ready to raise a child, but she will support his decision because they are friends.

Nikolas tells Ava he loves her and someday when she finds out how much he has sacrificed for their love they will get remarried and be happy. Ava tells Nicolas that she almost fell for his lies but that will never happen again. Ava gives Nikolas back the wedding ring he gave her.

Drew and Carly talk and he tells her he forgives her but they must be honest with each other from now on if they want their relationship to last. Drew and Carly go back to her house and have sex. Nina and Willow are devastated because Nina isn’t a bone marrow match but Michael assures Willow that they will find a match for her.

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GH Transcript Thursday, January 26, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Nina: This looks great. Sonny: Yeah. Thank you. You got to eat. Right. Okay. Let’s see. I little of this.

[ Chuckles ] You know, sonny, I’m sorry. It’s just — it’s — it’s no use because I just — I can’t sit here waiting for the results of my blood work. Not when my daughter’s life depends on me. Nina. I can’t believe I just said that. Nina. It’s all gonna work out. Yeah. I really love you for trying to distract me, but I need to get to the hospital, and I need to go now, okay?

[ Knock on door ] Hey. Hey. She went in the back, so she’s gonna come out. Hi! What are you doing here? Someone told me you can use a friend.

[ Monitor beeping ] Need something else to read? The good news is pashminas are still on trend for 2023. So all is right with the world.

[ Sighs ] Talk to me. This waiting is torture. I’m scared. I’m scared, too. Oh, hold that elevator! Dad? What are you doing here? N’neka, add mr. Bell’s drink to my tab. Generous. You were very effective in the game tonight. That’s what you pay me for. Money well spent. I wasn’t sure you would show, given recent events. My condolences. Now, why would the murder of my almost-girlfriend keep me from fulfilling my obligations? Shall we grab a table? What’s up? I warned cody about that woman. Why do you care what happens to cody? Please don’t ruin the moment. I’m unwinding from the day. What do you want? I’m here because of what you want. The divorce settlement agreement. Congratulations, ava, on getting everything you asked for and I’m losing the only thing that I treasure. Your father may not be the best option to raise the baby, but he’s the only option. Not necessarily. What? What about me?

[ Scoffs ]

[ Chuckles ] I mean, w-what about you? I’m sure you’ll be a good father someday in the far-off future. What if the future wasn’t so distant? You’re saying your father may not be able to raise the baby? I plan on making sure of it. I’m going for custody, trina. I just came to check on wiley. Ah, well, you, um — you just missed him. He went up to the main house with olivia for a sleepover with leo. Oh, that’s great. Yeah. Perfect distraction for him. I just stuck around to, um, lock up. Oh, um…okay. I’ll leave you to it. Hey, carly. Don’t go.

Did sonny tell you? Sonny was kind enough to invite me over, but it was willow who told me. What did she say about me? It’s okay. You don’t have to spare my feelings. Willow is reeling, same as you. I think you’re both struggling to reconcile your history with the news that you’re mother and daughter. You know what? You guys talk ’cause I-I gotta make a phone call. Okay. Let me take your coat. Thanks. Are you hungry? Do, um — do you want something? Sonny’s been taking really good care of me. Oh, looks delicious. Hey, was I keeping you from leaving? It looked like you were going somewhere. Yeah, I was just gonna — I was going to G.H. Because I had a blood test to determine if I was a bone-marrow match with willow. And there’s an outside chance that the lab will have the results in tonight. And the odds are really good that you’re a match, right? A sibling is the best match, but nelle is…gone. Well, let’s hope that you’re a match. I don’t even want to think about what will happen… if I’m not. Dad, just promise me one thing. Hmm. Be nice. I’m always nice. Be nicer.

[ Sighs ] You gave me what I asked for? Spoon island and everything on it? Including wyndemere and all the contents in it. You left me with nothing, ava. Not even my pride. Well, welcome to my world. The whole city knows you knocked up a girl who can’t even legally drink this martini. They didn’t have to know. That wasn’t my plan. It’s never your fault, is it? You’ve lost your son, your wife, your house. Still the excuses. I’m owning my mistakes. Witness that document in front of you. I gave you everything without a fight. It’s easier to own your mistakes when your hand is being forced, isn’t it? My god, you’re so weak. I can’t believe there was a time I didn’t see it. You saw me, ava. And you loved me regardless. Just like I saw you. We beat the odds again and again. After everything we survived, can you really say that the love is gone? You’re gonna try to get full custody of your baby sister or brother? What — what about your father? What about esme? I’m not worried about esme. She’s not fit to parent a child. She doesn’t even know who she is. Yeah, but she might remember.And that would be even worse. Let’s not pretend that either of this baby’s parents are moral, upstanding citizens. They’re far from it.

[ Scoffs ] Some might say the same of you. My father has a proven history of selfishness, immorality, and neglect. Diane miller thinks that I may have a chance. Sounds like you already got your mind made up. I want to do whatever it takes to protect this baby. You’re looking at them again. I know you, mac scorpio. You care about cody. He’s dominique’s son. She’d want me to look after him, whether he was mine or not. You can’t kid a kidder. Oh, mac, you’re such a good man. There’s always room in your heart for more. And I’m not just talking about robin and the girls. But all those rookies that you took under your wing on the force, giving them guidance and counsel. I know how much dante appreciates your mentorship. Cody might, too. Cody’s made it clear that he’s not interested in that. I just want to make sure that he doesn’t get mixed up with the wrong people. And selina wu is definitely the wrong people. I know you weren’t a fan of britt. Dr. Westbourne and i came to an understanding. My nephew’s quite devastated by her loss, as I’d imagine are you. I have sympathy for those grieving. Yeah, bet you’re all choked up. People express emotions many different ways, much like you’re doing now. If you’ll excuse me. Ah. If it isn’t my old friend gladys. So, did wiley ask about his mom? Yeah, there — there were some questions. You know, it was kind of tricky, to be honest. I didn’t want to say more than willow and michael wanted me to share. He’s a smart kid. Did the best I could. Yeah. I’m sure you did great. It’s a fine line, you know? I-it’s tough to know what to tell him at this age. Hmm. It’s a delicate balance, for sure. Yeah. Ultimately, honesty is the way to go. I really thought I was protecting willow. Truly. And look, I know that nina and sonny are determined to believe that this was all about revenge on nina. I don’t think that, carly. I know you came to my defense earlier with sonny. But other than that, you’ve been really quiet on the subject. What do you think?

If anyone knows what an incredible lawyer diane is, it’s me, right? Sure. But your dad has plenty of resources. He’s not giving up custody of his child without a fight. I know. I’m well aware. But I have a secret weapon. Which is…? Ava agrees with me, and she’s going to help. Pause.

[ Scoffs ] You’re telling me ava supports this? Yeah. For the first time, ava and i are actually in agreement that neither my father or esme are fit to parent this child. Oh, that’S…really something. Are you surprised because we agree or because you don’t agree, that is? I mean, it’s not really my place to weigh in. But it is because I’m asking you because I’m curious about what your thoughts are, and your opinion matters to me, trina. Okay. Since you asked… I don’t think you’re ready to be a father. Cody, how’s it going? Mac, felicia. Date night? No, just unwinding. Sorry to hear about britt. How you doing? I’m hanging in…now. Thanks. It’s strange having people ask me how I’m doing. [ Laughs ] Britt and I really didn’t know each other that long. That doesn’t mean you didn’t care about her. I did. And I want to thank you. For what? This lovely lady right here. You sent her to tell me. I thought it might soften the blow. Well, you thought right, and I appreciate it. Hearing you lost someone is hard. Living with it is even harder. I know I should have come to see you immediately after the game, but I had to run to the restroom to, um, collect myself. Tough night, huh? Win some, lose some. Seems you’re losing more and more. And it’s time to cover your debt. I feel like the rug keeps getting pulled out from underneath me. First I had to let go of the idea of you as my daughter. Thank god now you’re my friend. Then I found out that nelle was my daughter after she died. And willow, she’s my child. And it might be too late to have a relationship with her. Don’t say that it’s too late. She hates me.

[ Glass clinks ] Willow is alive, and so are you. It is not too late. Show up for her the way that you showed up for me. Be there and show her the nina that I came to love. And no matter how long or short the time that we have together, it’s precious. And it’s so, so worth it. I want that with all of my heart. But willow has made it very, very clear that she doesn’T. Both she and michael seem hell-bent on punishing me. And sonny.

[ Monitor beeping ] I hope you like them. Ned: We won’t stay long. I’m sure you’ve had lots of visitors. Everyone has been incredibly kind. Chase and sasha stopped by earlier. Sorry. For what? Anyone want anything from the cafeteria? I’ll join you. Boy, you can sure clear out a room, can’t ya?

[ Laughs ] I’m sorry. I did not mean to bring up a sore subject. It’s fine. How are you coping with the breakup? Great. Mostly. Ned, just want to say thank you for coming. It meant a lot to willow. We love willow. You know that. But I didn’t come here just for her. Carly, you — you already explained y-you were trying to protect willow. You didn’t think that she would want to know that nina was her mother. But it wasn’t my secret to keep. And I regret that. And I told michael and willow how sorry I am. Well, that’s good. It’s so important to make amends. But there’s another apology that I owe, and that’s to you. And — and I should have said it sooner. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that I went behind your back and that I lied to you because the last thing I want is for you not to trust me. Thank you. I mean, if the circumstances were different and willow’s life wasn’t on the line, I-I don’t know if I would regret keeping the truth from nina. I mean, I’m still processing all the pain that she caused my family, especially michael and willow. I never thought that you were obligated to tell nina. You know, that was always willow’s call to make. And I see that now. And I’m so grateful that willow has forgiven me. I’m just wondering, hoping… can you?

And michael may still want to take me down, but she — she did ask me if I would reconcile with — with michael. What? Yeah. You didn’t tell me that. Well, I did– there was a lot going on in a couple of days, you know, so — but I think the situation has motivated her to encourage amends.

[ Chuckles ] How about that? If willow feels that michael and sonny can let go of their past and reconnect, then there’s hope that she would do the same with you. Yeah. Do you think? Maybe things are falling into perspective for her. Yeah, especially if I can give her the bone marrow that she needs. I just — I want to show willow that I will do anything for her. Of course you will.

[ Cellphone rings ] Just give me one second. It’s the lab. It’s — it’s the lab. Alright. Nina reeves. Thank you for getting back to me. Chase and I are in a better place these days. That’s good to know. Even if it’s not what I asked. How do you feel? Only you would be in a hospital bed asking how someone else is doing. Chase is a hard man to forget. Impossible. What do I do? Should I hold out hope or just try to move on? So much of my life these days is about holding out for hope. Keeping the faith. Believing that the impossible is possible. My situation is different. Chase and I, our relationship is not life or death. Feels that way, though, doesn’t it? If you can’t picture your life without chase, don’t give up. Miracles happen every day. I know things are tense between us, and I don’t like being at odds with you, michael. Yeah, ned, none of that matters now. Agreed. What’s important is seeing you and willow through this, which is why I’m here. Because no matter what happens in business, we are, first, foremost, and forever family. Why don’t you join mac and me? I really should be hitting the hay. It was a long night. Yeah. So what have you been doing these days? Keeping busy, huh? This and that. Anything to keep my mind off of…you know. Maxie organized tomorrow’s memorial for britt. Will we see you there? I know my assets aren’t very liquid at the moment, but — but if you stake me again, I will break this losing streak. You’ve exhausted your line of credit. You owe the house $175,000. 175 grand? A-are you sure? Very sure. I’ve got an mba in finance. Really? When can I expect payment? I hold our love in the same esteem you held my dignity. Everything in order? Seems so. What’s the catch? There’s no catch. I just want to do right by you. No counter? Nothing you want from me? Just one thing. Of course. And what is that? I need you to listen. You’re forgetting… I owe you nothing. You owe me. I grant you that. But since you seem to prefer to go through my uncle victor as an intermediary these days, this might be the one last time I get to speak to you directly. Well, unless you can tell me that you didn’t sleep with esme and elizabeth, there really isn’t much to talk about. Things aren’t exactly as they seem. Spencer, I-I don’t think you’re really equipped for this. Financially, maybe, but emotionally? Raising a child takes an insane amount of responsibility, more than we can imagine. Yeah, my uncle sonny said something similar, but how am I supposed to become a more responsible person without first taking on more responsibility? You’d be learning at the expense of the baby. Trina, that is literally how all first-time parents learn. Have you thought about what this will do to your social life? You’re still young, spencer. Being an insta-father will affect your friendships and put a definite crimp in your future relationship. Are you saying that people won’t want to be my friend or be my girlfriend if I’m raising a baby? I’m not saying it’s one way or the other. Some might. Well, what about you? Would you want to be with a man who’s raising a baby?

You consider beingwith a man who’s raising a baby? I mean, well, I-I wouldn’t know the answer to that. I would have to…be in the situation. Fine. But what about the situation that you’re in with me? Is me going after custody of this child going to impact whatever is going on between us? What do you mean “whatever is going on between us”? I just mean that everything, what we’ve been doing with trying to, um, catch the killer by pretending to be friends, potentially even more. I mean, it worked. Didn’t it? Esme showed up and now she’s locked away. I mean, she may not be the killer. But what are we doing, though? Are we playing the game, or is the game playing us? I-I-I don’t really know what you’re asking. Be real, trina. We’re hanging out. There’s no cameras around. We text each other constantly. But we don’t publicize it. It’s a lot of behind-the-scenes effort for pretense, don’t you think? Okay. It may not just be play-acting for me. I, uh — I haven’t decided yet about the memorial. Well, it might be helpful for c-closure. Yeah, I’m not sure I really believe in closure. Felicia only means that facing what you’re really feeling can sometimes set you free. And sometimes just reminds you of all the ways you screwed up. You guys have a nice evening. I don’t have that kind of cash on hand. Then we have a problem. Oh, I know, I know. I-instead of cash, you can take my son’s garage. Are you the owner of the property? Depends on what you mean by “owner.” Everybody makes mistakes, carly. Not you. You’re damn near perfect. I make mistakes all the time. I used to blow through town with a chip on my shoulder. All anybody can hope for is — is forgiveness and — and the chance to make things right. That’s all I want. I just want to make this right somehow. Well, you did the right thing by telling nina, by urging her to get tested. Maybe that’ll make the difference. I pray it does. But what about us? Where do we stand? I can’t do this again, carly. I know I seem like I’m an easygoing guy, but I — I’ve got limits. Right. I understand. And I’m really sorry. In the future, we — we can’t lie to each other anymore. You said “future.” I want one. With you. I can’t promise that it’s gonna be easy. I’m willing to try if you are. I’m ready. I’m willing and able. Will you come home with me?

Cally, the garage belongsto my daughter-in-law, but — but we’re in the process of selling it, so I’ll just cut out the middleman and sign it over to you. I mean, sonny says it’s worth a pretty penny. And your daughter-in-law will consent to this? Oh, yeah. I-I-I have the power to make these decisions for her. I wound up having a nervous breakdown on live television. I’m guessing that’s where the guardianship came in. Yeah. Originally, it was brando. But when he died, his mother, gladys, took over. Wait, your — your mother-in-law’s name is gladys? Why? Well, it’s just, I-I know a woman named gladys, but she’s — she’s probably not your mother-in-law, though. You would know if you met her. She’s pretty memorable. Gladys: My daughter-in-law will be fine with this, especially once I win it back. Do we have a deal? Sorry. I didn’t mean to disrupt your visit with brook lynn, but I thought…you’d want to know tonight. Know what, nina? The lab called me. The results of my blood work are in. And? It’s not a match. Despite our familial dna, I-I don’t have the right markers to be your donor. I’m so sorry. I thought I would be able to end this nightmare for you. I’m not sure anyone can.

[ Monitor beeping ] We — we go through all of that a-and nina is not even a match? Hey, we can’t give up hope. I’m sorry, buddy. It’s gonna be fine. I know. I hurt you. I betrayed our trust. I dishonored our marriage. I’m gonna have to live with that. But one day, you are gonna realize that our marriage was undermined by outside sources. Sources whose names both begin with the letter “e”. You’ve got it wrong. And once the truth is known, I feel confident that you’re gonna see things differently. What do you mean? All I can say is that there’s more to this story. Now, I know I haven’t given you any reason to believe me, but I loved you, ava. And I still do. With all my heart. So you take everything that I have. And one day… all those possessions that I’ve granted you, they’re gonna be ours again. And we’re gonna be married and living in wyndemere, and we’re gonna be in love, in lust and happy. How can you be sure? Because our story isn’t over. One day you’re gonna realize all of the sacrifices I made for what we had. And when that day comes, I’ll be waiting for you. Trina: For the last few weeks, I started to see you in a certain light. Same here. Why didn’t you say anything? Because you burned me. I’m a little sensitive. Fair enough. Um… I hope that you know that — I hope that you know that I’m never going to hurt you again, trina. I do. Which is why I told my mom how I really feel about you. You did? And how’d she take it?

[ Chuckles ] She was concerned, but I-I told her that you’ve grown up. You changed. You think so? That’s very nice of you to have noticed. I do. And I told my mom that I can make my own choices when it comes to you, that you’re my friend. And she doesn’t have a decision on the matter. So we don’t have to pretend anymore. Or — or hide our friendship. Friends. Yeah. And I know I said we weren’t friends, and I-I was just — I was just really hurt. But so much has changed, and you’ve really been there for me. Trusting and steadfast. Like a golden retriever. Not quite. Dogs are obedient. Um… anyway, I just — I really hope that you feel the same way. You have no idea.

[ Sighs ] I have wanted this for months. Me too. Part of me wanted to guard my heart. You know, play it safe. So I didn’t risk the pain of losing you. But then the wiser part of me knew that I couldn’t waste this chance. I know you, carly. You’re not afraid to take a chance. Neither am I.

I really hope that me going after custody of this baby doesn’t change things between us. By that I mean joss and cam and me and you. Me too. Would you please do me a favor and keep everything that I told you here today confidential? I think that diane wants me to keep this quiet for right now. Of course. So you’re determined to do this. With or without anyone’s approval. But it would mean the world to me if I had your support.

[ Sighs ] Well… you know I have my reservations about you taking on this level of responsibility, but… I’m really, really proud of you for stepping up. Thanks. You haven’t seen anything yet, but you will. I’m not like my father. When I make a commitment to someone, I…I stick to it. And I’m ready to do just that.

You can let my one light be my one light habit you can let my one light be my one light habit and it grows, yeah, it grows higher, can’t fight it when it grows, yeah, it grows higher, can’t fight it can’t fight it can’t fight it can’t fight it can’t fight it willow was in such good spirits. I mean, we were teasing each other like always and now this. It’s more than one person should have to bear. I just hate that devastating things keep happening to all the good people in my life.

[ Sniffles ] Willow has so much to live for. She has so many people who love and support her. Chase has to be updated. It’s gonna kill him to hear. Both: I should call him. That, uh, woman you were just talking to right now, the one I took to the cleaners tonight, what’s her last name? Why do you ask? Well, I think gladys and I might have a mutual acquaintance. And if so, I’d like to keep my distance. Corbin. Gladys corbin. She’s also involved with deception. So it would seem. For a minute there, you almost had me. I almost believed you. I nearly fell for your lies again. But believe me when I tell you, I will never let that happen again.

[ Monitor beeping ] You heard? I heard. That’s it. Michael, we’re out of options. Come here. You’re wrong. We can do this. We can find you a donor. How?

[ Siren wailing in distance ] Damn it. Damn it! Damn it! Hey, hey. Damn it!! What do you need? Tell me what you need.

[ Sobs ] Sonny. What do you need? I won’t — I won’t survive losing another child. I won’T.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, January 26, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Jack and Diane tell Kyle and Summer that they are now a couple and Kyle later tells Summer that he is worried Jack will get hurt if his relationship with Diane doesn’t work out.

Summer and Kyle argue about him helping Victor push Adam out of Jabot. Summer doesn’t think it is a good idea for Kyle to work with Victor because if Jack finds out he will be upset with him. Kyle gets a message from Victor asking to meet him to discuss next steps in the plan.

Phyllis meets with Newman Media to discuss Daniel’s gaming platform and Daniel is very upset that she met with Newman Media without his knowledge. Lily overhears Daniel talking to Tucker about his gaming platform and promises him she will make his gaming platform happen in a week or she will let him out of his contract.

Jill cancels her meeting with Sally and thanks to a pep talk from Nick she decides to do everything she can do to make her interior decorating business a reality.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Okay. Horton. Enough of a silent treatment. You’re the one who didn’t say good morning. Okay. You’re the one who slept in Henry’s room last night. Whatever. No, not whatever. We need to talk about this. Fine talk.

What are you waiting for, Dupree? Just minute it. While my grandmother was dying, you were busy macing on my brother.

So you’re saying I can’t come visit my mother anymore?

No, no. Dr. Ricker, of course. I wouldn’t want to upset her in her condition. I was just hoping that we could

just call me if anything changes. Okay. Thanks.

Well, look, I know you’re busy, so I’ll let you go. I just, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about Marlena and Kate too. I mean, so incredibly sad. Of course. Hey, listen, if you need me to pick up Ari, just let me know. Okay. I’m here. Whatever you need.

Oh, what the hell do you want?

Morning, father, don’t you look at me like that? I know you don’t approve of me going after my brother ej, but if you’ll remember, EJ struck first. He knew exactly what Lian had done to me, and he didn’t say a word. So I know while you vehemently disapprove of one dera going after another, think you’ll agree.

In this instance, this particular Dera is there to pay.

Rolf, what the hell are you calling me? You. You need more Petri dishes. You can’t be serious. Okay? Okay, fine. I’ll get you whatever you want. Just make sure you don’t forget about our deal. If anyone asks about ej, I never had anything to do with Stefan’s brainwashing. Got it.

I have to go


I was just on my way to the office. Oh, then I’ve saved you a trip. I don’t understand. Let me be more clear. You’re fired.

Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Johnny, Hey. Sorry. I, uh, just dropped in like this. Open. I didn’t. Interrupt breakfast? No. No. Uh, my dad just went out to talk to the priest about his service, and Steph and Joey just went with him. Huh? Did you wanna come in? If it’s okay? Yeah.

Look man, I, I, uh, I know you got a lot going on, so I’m gonna make this quick. I, I said some things last night, some, uh, some unkind things about your mother, which was unfair and uncalled for. Look, whatever Ava did I know, I know it wasn’t your fault and I was just, I was upset about my grandma Marlena, and I took it out.

Look, I, I was way outta line trip and uh, I just wanted to come say that. I’m sorry,

Nicole. Good morning. Morning coffee. I’d love some. Yes.

Thank you. You are welcome.

It’s the brew not to your liking. Oh, no, it’s, it’s delicious. But I was curious about something, what’s. Well, when I walked in, I couldn’t help but notice you talking to Stephanie’s portrait, something about making Ed Zamira pay. Which one were you referring to?

Stephan. Who were you telling your father you wanted to get back? Kristen, of course Kristen don’t sound so surprised. Nicole. She conspired with Lee Shin to have me brainwashed, but she’s already facing pretty severe punishments considering it’s all but certain that she will be charged with murdering Kate and Kayla.

And next she’s going to be charged with murdering marle evidence. What you haven’t heard,

it’s been all over the news. I, I, I turned my alerts off of. What are you saying? Marlena died

last night.

You let me sleep in? Mm. I figured you could use a little rest after last night. , that’s more than I expected. So my mother’s obituary, oh, she lived an amazing life. But Eric, I gotta say, I mean, some of the stuff in here, it’s pretty wild. I think that the spectator needs some better fact checkers. Well, I’m sure it’s all.

Papers owned by our family’s friend. Well, no offense to your family’s friend, but it says something in here about your mom being a serial killer. I mean, that is a liable suit in itself. I mean, just let me show you what, it’s all right now. I’d rather do this.

Well, are you just gonna stand there or do you plan on telling me why you.

Gabby, I,

I know that you’re upset with me and you have every right to be, but I just wanted to come by and apologize again for my brother to, to Stephan. Anything else? Just that Okay. I didn’t agree with it when I heard, I was actually pretty horrified. Yes. Getting inside someone’s head and manipulating their feelings, playing God like that.

Oh, you must not been too upset since you didn’t bother to tell me. I wanted to. I swear. I mean, I came close so many times. Keeping that secret was agonizing. You know what’s agonizing, Wendy? Finding out that the man that you married is a two-face criminal and that the woman that you asked to stand up for you at your wedding is a damn liar.

They begged me to stay. He was so afraid of losing you. You know, I’m glad it all came out. I, it’s honestly such a huge relief. What if it hadn’t? Hmm? What if, um, what if I didn’t remember that, uh, that wolf told me that Lee tried to kill Stephen in his sleep, or that, or that Lee had ordered Ralph to, to make Stephan hate me?

What then edman, would you have kept me in the dark forever?

I don. You dunno, , you just wanted leave me happy and you made him happier than anyone has in his entire life. And I couldn’t take that away. He’s my big brother. I love him.

But I know that’s no excuse. I just came by to tell you that I know what I did was wrong.

Hmm. We both know you can’t fire me. Why not? Last I checked, I was c e O of Damir, and you have me to thank for that. I was the one who got you the votes needed to give Gabby the boot and take back control of the company. On behalf of the entire Demira family allowed me to express my sincere gratitude for all your years of service, which I’ve determined is no longer needed effective immediately.

Now, let me be clear. I’m going to remain in my position as your number two with your enthusiastic support. Most, of course, you want Steph. Find out about your role in his brainwashing. You see, that’s the thing, Lee, he already knows. Excuse me. I told my brother everything, and now since you no longer have anything to hold over me, you’re out.

What do you want me to say that I was kissing Johnny? It’s the truth. No, isn’t it? Look, Henry is still asleep, but he could wake up any minute. So why don’t you just admit what you did and we can all move on with our day. I’m not going to admit something I didn’t do. Chanel, I saw you when I got off the elevator.

You and Johnny sprung apart like you had been caught because you had, I was comforting him. That’s all you’re gonna gimme the comforting him line. I know that line. I’ve used that line on trip when you and I had sex behind his back. Okay. I know what you think you saw. Stop. Stop it. Because the more that you try and make me seem crazy and paranoid, the more insulting it is.

So if you have any respect for me whatsoever, you’ll just admit what is obviously going on and tell me the damn truth. When I got off that elevator, you and Johnny were about.

Yes, we were.

Finally, you admit it. You did wanna kiss Johnny. I’m sorry. No, don’t be because now I know how you really feel and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you having the courtesy to tell me. Okay. It wasn’t like that. I was really comforting him. Right. With your lips. No, I totally get that. Could you please just let me tell you what happened?

Yeah. Okay. Go for it. Oh, but um, just how steamy does it get, should I make popcorn? Allie, please. I am listening. So I, I went to the hospital looking for you, and then I ran into Johnny and then we started talking and then I got your text saying that you had gone home. So I was getting ready to leave. And then your grandpa John came running over to us, right?

Yeah. Because he wanted you to set up the rooftop for him and Grandma Marlina. I already know all of this. Okay, but what you don’t. Is that the whole time we were up there, Johnny was trying so hard to stay positive, and then we saw your grandmother in a wheelchair and she just looked so weak and pale.

And Johnny, he just, he kept smiling, but I could just see how sad he was and how scared he was. And as soon as we got back downstair. He, he lost it and I hugged him and we talked about your grandparents and, and about how blessed they were to have found each other and about how tragic it was that it had to end this way.

And after that, I, I don’t really remember what happened, but. Johnny, he, uh, he leaned forward to kiss me. So now you’re blaming it on him. I’m not blaming anyone. I’m just telling you what happened. Your brother, he was a wreck and emotions, they were running high and, and it just was like, it just, it happened in the heat of the moment.

It just said, what does it mean? It doesn’t mean anything. Okay, Atley. I am in love with you. I chose you. The whole reason I went to the hospital in the first place was to be there for you. I know you’re in pain, okay? And Molly, you need support right now and I wanna give you that support. I really do. I really wanna be there for you to help you, cuz I know you’re dealing with all this loss.

So please, Allie, can we please just forget about this?

Huh? That depends on what you say, that I’m the one you wanna be with, that you chose me and that what happened with Johnny last night was meaningless.

But to almost kiss somebody, that means that there’s attraction there. So tell me, are you still attracted to my brother?

Okay. I appreciate the apology. You taking the time to come by, that means a lot. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Look, I don’t blame you for being angry at my mom. I, I, I love her, but I’m also very aware that she’s done some truly terrible things. She’s sick and I kick myself every day for not being here, for not knowing how bad it was and not getting her the help that she needed sooner.

She’s at, uh, Bayview now, right? Yeah. She’s not getting out anytime soon. I’m sorry. Between, between that and losing Kaylee, you’re having a pretty rough time too, and, uh, hitting you. That was, it was not cool. Yeah, don’t worry about it. I didn’t take a swing at you first. . Oh, I should, uh, I should probably get going.

Um, give your family my condolences. Same. So we’re good. We’re good. All.

You told stuff in the truth. Mm-hmm. , he must be furious with you. Quite the contrary. He was very understanding. He understood that his own brother stabbed him in the back. Well, he wasn’t happy about it, of course, but he sees the bigger picture. By reclaiming Demira from an unqualified interloper, I’ve saved the company and preserved our legacy for generations to come.

You’re saying Stephan approved of your portrayal. I’m saying he respected it, and more importantly, he forgave me. And from now on, we’ll be running the company together as co CEOs. All in the family as it should be. . Funny you should mention family. You are aware that my father’s chairman of the demerit board, he’s not gonna like this.

True. True. He’s a very proud man. And you’ve embarrassed him terribly. I mean, he’s not going to like that. I’m being dismissed. He’ll never stand for it. I’m not sure what he can do. Seeing as you tried to murder my brother and subsequently had him brainwashed by a mad scientist. There’s no evidence of that.

Well, not yet. And in the meantime, there is a very decent chance Kristen could flip on you to save her own ass. You, the cops, your crazy sister, have nothing on me. Therefore, my father’s gonna make the case the very strong case to the shareholders and the board that until, unless I’m proven guilty of a crime.

I deserve to remain right where I am. Hmm. Wayne May be a formidable businessman, but he is not a demir. His opinion will never hold the same weight as ours. Are you willing to stake your company on it? I am in Indeed because the C E O I have every right to make this decision, which I’m sure I’ll have broad support in making, and I can always call on my voting block if I have.

Bottom line is whether you end up in prison may be an open question, but whether you have a job is not.

Good luck in all your future endeavors.

Oh, and uh, flee.

Let this be a lesson.

You don’t cross a demeanor and get away with it.

Fine. I accept your apology. Did you hear what I said? Do you want me to change my mind? No, no, no. Of course not. Thank you so much, Gabby. Thank you. Are those for me? Yeah. I thought they could be peace offering. Pretty lame, right? I would’ve preferred to design a handbag, but I do need Lily’s.

So what happens now? With who? With Stephan? Is he going to be Deprogrammed? Now that everything’s out in the open, you could do that. . We could, but Stephan’s not interested. He was at first, but he changed his mind. Why would happen? As you may know, after we got over our initial hurdle in this whole nightmare, you know, having Stephan believe that he was actually brainwashed and he finally did after Johnny told him that he went to Jakarta with you.

Yeah. That was huge. Yeah, it was for the first time after Stephen came back to life, he was actually nice. Sympathetic, almost caring. He said that now that he knew the truth, he understood how horrible this has all been for me. And he even apologized for hurting me. Must have been so happy to hear him say that.

Except he also told me that his, uh, feelings for that cow Chloe Lane are also real. But instead of arguing about how ludicrous that is, you know, I just told him we should find Dr. Rolf, have him undo what he did, and then he could decide if he still. And Stephan agreed. Yeah. Yes. Until we found out that Dr.

Rolf was in my, a disappeared without a trace. So I had one option left. The esteemed Dr. Evans, I, I went to see if she could help when yesterday is, I know that she was dying, but I had no choice. Okay. Well, what did she say? Brady wouldn’t let me in, which is a huge mistake because if anybody believes in the power of love, it’s Marlena.

I mean, if she could have helped, she would have, but now it’s, it’s too late. I’m sorry. I thought I was doing a good thing. I thought I was doing what Stephan wanted, but what I wanted too for him to remember what we had so that we could be together. But when he found out what I did that, and I even turned to Marlena, he was angry.

Oh, he was more than angry. He was repulsed. He says he never wants to see my face again.

I can’t believe she’s gone. Yeah, it did happen stunningly fast and the impact of her loss is so much greater than I could have possibly imagined. What do you. Well, her pit was picked up by every paper across the globe, and initially I thought Marlena was just a small town shrink, but hardly that’s so I learned she was one of the most well-respected psychiatrists in the world, and her impact didn’t just reach her patients, her colleagues or friends, and her children.

Thinking about Eric

Nicole, are you thinking about Eric? Of course. I’m thinking about Eric. I’m thinking about all of Marlena’s children, including Eric and Sammy and Bell and Brady. Right? Okay. Yeah. I wonder what’s keeping ej, isn’t he at the office? I asked him to, uh, take care of something for me first. Oh, that can’t be good.

Hmm. No, it’s a very good thing, Nicole. I asked him to fire Lee Shin on your. Oh, it was the least he could do. Considering he newly brainwashed me and didn’t say a word to me for months. AJ knew about that. Yeah. After the fact he came clean last night. Oh my God. I, I had no idea. Yeah. Nice try, Nicole. I’m. I have heard that you are a very gifted liar, but your acting skills use a little tune up.

Clearly you are fainting surprised about ej, just like you were pretending to care exclusively about Eric. Wow, I have to go to work. Hmm? You do that.

That’s it. No. Round two. I’d love to, but I can’t. All those shots you did last night, finally catching up to you. No, it’s not that. It’s just that my family is arranging my mother’s services and as much as I live to stay here with you, I need to go home and help. And of course, but just remember if you need to work through anything, I’m here for you.

Hey, Eric,

step doesn’t know me at all. Thanks. I’m this completely cruel, selfish person, person. Look, you can’t let what he said upset you. He didn’t mean any of it. Of course he didn’t. And he only said it because, oh, he hates me because of the, the brainwashing. But if he’s just got deprogrammed, he’d still love me.

But if he still hates me, he’s never gonna get deprogrammed. So I’m stuck.

You know? It’s too bad that you can’t make him do it. You mean force him? You mean, how would I do? Well, you just said s Stephan’s not in his right mind. I’m not a lawyer, but I would think that if you could have a mentally ill person committed, I mean there must be some way you can compel s Stephan to get the brainwashing reversed.

You mean get a court order? I don’t know. Maybe not. Maybe the best strategy would be to put on a full court. Okay. Get everyone who knows and loves Stephan to convince him he has to do this. Like an intervention. Yeah. But make it all about him. Like how doing this could give him back control of his thoughts, his feelings, his life.

And then once he has that, he can make whatever choices he wants. And of course he choose to be with you. Yeah. But even if Stefan gave consent, I. Well, I’d still be stuck because Marlene’s gone, Ralph’s in the wind. We have nobody to fix the damage. So no, I’m, I’m completely out of moves. Oh,

well, I’ve imposed on you long enough.

Anything else? Well, I guess I’m just a little surprised about what I’ve seen, how hard you fight for what you want. It’s one of the things I admire most about you. I never expected Gabby Hernandez to give up.

Wendy. Hey, that time, no, no. What’s going on? No. I just came by to see how you’re doing after last night. Oh my God. You’re fine. . No, no. Don’t worry about it looks worse than it is. Oh, I still can’t believe Johnny hit you. Oh, I actually just came by to apologize. good. I mean, I know he’s upset about his grandmother, but he can’t just go around punching people.

Ah, well, to be fair, I took a swing at him first. Yeah. After he said some horrible stuff about your mother, he actually apologized about that as well. Said that he was upset about Marlena and that he lashed out at me. Yeah. With his fist. I didn’t like it, but I get it. John just lost somebody who he really loved.

Am I still attracted to Johnny? What kind of question is that? I don’t know. You’re talking about emotions being high and things happening in the heat of the moment, so to me that sounds like there’s still chemistry there. Okay. Well you wanna talk about chemistry? Well, what about you and Alex? Me and Alex, yeah.

The other night when I came home, you two looked pretty cozy together. Drinking beers, hanging out. So what you wanna tell me that you’re not attracted to him? We were talking. But I’m thinking that maybe you wanted to do a little more than that considering that you asked for another threesome.

You know, it’s too bad that you can’t make him do it. You just said Stefan’s not in his right mind. I’ve seen how hard you fight for what you want. I never expected Gabby from N to give up

Wendy’s, right? I can’t just sit back and accept this. I have to freaking do something and I will.

So it’s done. Hardly take it. Oh, he made a lot of noise about how there’s no proof he did anything wrong, that his daddy’s chairman of the board, blah, blah, blah, blah. But rest assure. You don’t have to worry about having that trader in your midst any longer, Glen, hear. And even better, as soon as we finalize that paperwork, you and I will officially be co-CEOs of the mirror, which is a way it should have been all along headway, not intervened so unnecessarily.

And with the brothers de mirror back in charge, this guy’s the limit. Hmm. Sounds like reason to celebrate. Mm. Should I grab a fresh bottle of champagne from the cellar? We can toast to our future. Huh Uh. It’s a bit early, isn’t it? Oh, I’ll make you a mimosa . Okay. Okay. That, uh, that sounds lovely. I just need to email the paperwork to the lawyers and I’ll be right back.

Sounds good.

You’re throwing a threesome comment back in my face. You know, I didn’t mean that. Well, you sounded pretty serious to me. I was trying to make a point by airing out our private business in front of Alex. Do you know how uncomfortable you made him? Please? He doesn’t care. Okay. Well, I do. You made it sound like I’m unfulfilled in our relationship.

That was me. Me. No, no, no. You’re not gonna turn this back around on me. You are the one who almost kissed Johnny. Okay. And you brought Alex home. Alex took me home after he ran into me in the square and saw how upset I was about my grandmother and didn’t want me to be alone. Okay, I understand that. So why can’t you understand what happened with me?

Because Tony’s not some rando that you’re never gonna see again. He’s your ex-husband. Okay. Ex as informer as in no longer happening, right? Except for the whole comforting him. Well, have you ever thought that maybe I need some comforting too. I mean, I, I, if you’ve forgotten, I was recently arrested for murder.

The charges were dropped. Yeah, but it isn’t over. Sloane Peterson is suing me and mama in civil court, and she’s made it very clear that she is out for revenge as she’s not going to stop until she ruins both of our lives. So yeah, I’m kind of having a hard time right now. Oh. And I’m. I lost both of my grandmothers right before walking in on my twin brother, about to shove his tongue down my girlfriend’s throats at Lee.

No, I don’t wanna talk about this anymore. I have a ton of things to do. Oh, so that’s it. You’re just gonna walk away. Yeah. I need to go help with my grandma’s arrangements, so I’m gonna go get Henry dressed and then we’re out here

On your mom? Yeah. I just spoke to her doctors. Um, they asked me to stay away. They think seeing me might somehow trigger. Oh, no, I just, I feel so helpless. You know, I, I, I can’t go see my mom. I, I could have gone with my dad and my siblings to talk to the priest about care service, but that also didn’t really feel right.

But weren’t you closest with your stepmom? Yeah, I mean, over the past few years, I mean, she was like a mother to me, but. At a time like this, I just, I don’t know. It feels inappropriate to group myself in with Steph and Joey. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. I know, I know. I just don’t intrude.

I don’t know what to do with myself honestly, Wendy. I am. I’m lost.

That’s okay. With grief illness. There’s no roadmap how you find your way outta it. I’m not sure you ever do completely, but I think in time it gets better.

So for now, I should just want stay calm. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and eventually

you’ll end up exactly where you belong.


hi. Hey. I just heard about your mother. I’m so sorry. Thanks. That’s such a terrible loss. Senseless, and, and shocking, and I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now. I, I feel numb. It makes sense.

I should inside. Of course. Um, Aaron, before you go,

nevermind, what

would it be Okay if I gave you a hug?

Yeah, of course you can gimme hug. Are you sure? Yeah.

Eric. Hey, Sloan. Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt Nicole. Hello Sloan. Is everything okay? No, everything’s fine. You just left your phone in my bed.

Johnny, look, this, this really isn’t a good time right now. I, and actually until things cool down, we should probably stay away from each other. I came here to see Wendy. Oh, uh, sorry. Um, yeah, she’s not here. Where’s she? I don’t know. She left pretty early this morning, but I’m not sure where she went. Can I get you some ice for that eye?

I noticed that it doesn’t hurt.

Hold you. Okay. Tough guy. Hmm. I’m just glad that Johnny apologized. I’ve kind of been on an on an apology toward myself this morning. Oh yeah? Yeah. And who’s on your route? Mm. , how did that go? Well, first I thought she was gonna slam the door in my face. Mm-hmm. , but uh, and she heard me out and in the end forgave me.

Nice. I just wish I could help her with stuff. And you know, he refuses to get the brainwashing reversed. What? Why? Long story. But even if Gabby could convince him to get to be programmed, there’s no one who could actually do it. So she’s stuck with him hating her. That sucks. I know. I just feel so bad that there’s nothing she can do.

Hope you enjoy your little drinky J because after a few doses of this, you’re gonna start acting pretty strangely. In fact, your judgment’s gonna be so impaired. The mayor board will have no choice to remove you. An eye for one can not wait.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Michael: Lauren?

Lauren: Ah! Perfect timing.

Michael: Any time I spend with you is perfect, my brilliant, ravishing wife.

Lauren: Well, thank you, my incredibly handsome husband, for the compliment.

Michael: One that’s so especially well-deserved. It’s not every day you win the lifetime achievement award for leadership in fashion.

Lauren: Oh, such an honor, and one that is made more momentous because I get to spend it with the people that I love the most.

Michael: Ahh!

Lauren: [ Laughs ]

Gloria: Oh! There she is, the woman of the hour!

Lauren: I’m so glad you guys are here.

Gloria: Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Kevin: Chloe asked me to pass along her congratulations. She, of course, wanted to be here, but she’s traveling for business.

Lauren: Aw!

Kevin: You know how much she loves parties, fashion, you — not necessarily in that order.

Lauren: Well, I hope not!

Chloe: Wait!

Lauren: Oh!

Chloe: Do not get started without me!

Gloria: Yes!

Michael: Yeah!

Lauren: Yay!

[ Laughs ]

Michael: Oh, we are delighted that you’re able to join us.

Gloria: And is scott coming?

Lauren: Oh, unfortunately not. He’s on a reporting assignment in the middle east.

Kevin: Oh. What about fen?

Lauren: Ah-ha! There’s your answer.

Fen: Hi, mom. Way to go on the award. I’m so proud of you.

Lauren: Oh, sweetie. Thank you.

Fen: You look great, by the way.

Lauren: Thank you. You too.

Fen: Dad, you do, too.

Michael: Yeah, of course i do.

Fen: Good to see you.

Gloria: And grandma glo, my handsome grandson!

Chloe: So good to see you, as always, fen.

Fen: I’m glad to be here. Uh, everyone, this is my boyfriend, trey. Trey, this is my uncle kevin, aunt chloe, grandma gloria, last but not least, my dad, michael baldwin, and my mom, lauren fenmore.

Michael: It’S…it’s fantastic to meet you in person at last.

Trey: Same here. It’s lovely to meet all of you.

Michael: Well, i think I speak for all of us when I say that we are thrilled to have this opportunity to get to know you.

Fen: Well, we’ll have plenty of time for that. But right now, I think that trey is dying to talk to mom.

Gloria: Ooh!

Trey: Yeah, congratulations on your big award. I can’t believe I’m here this evening, let alone sitting at your table.

Lauren: Oh, it’s — it’s my pleasure.

Fen: So, trey is a buyer for fenmore’s in nashville.

Lauren: Oh!

Fen: But what you didn’t know is…

Trey: You’re an icon to me, ms. Fenmore. Truly, this is such a privilege. I can’t even tell you.

Lauren: Oh.

Fen: So, I’ve been telling him all about you. Talked about you a lot. But I thought he’d want to hear your life story from you directly.

Trey: Only if you’re up for it. I know this is your big night, so I don’t want to put you on the spot.

Lauren: Oh.

Trey: But, um, I do want to know all about the woman who raised the man I love.

Gloria: Oh!

Lauren: Aw! That’s so sweet. Alright, well, uh [Laughs] Where do I start?

[ All laugh ]

Trey: I guess from the beginning. And by that, I mean whenever your life first started getting interesting.

Lauren: Oh, well, if we’re going to go that far back, we all better settle in and get some cocktails, because this is gonna be one heck of a ride.

[ All laugh ] Did you know if you turn to cold with tide She didn’t want to be a moth

Lauren: So, without a doubt, I was daddy’s girl. My parents, they divorced when I was very young, and my mother decided she didn’t want to be a mother. So, my father, neil, he raised me, and I adored him. My mother, joanna? Uh, not so much.

Lauren: All I ever wanted was for you to be proud of me. But you never were. And I know why. Because you were trapped in a marriage and a family that you wanted no part of.

Joanna: That same family turned around and wanted no part of me.

Lauren: But what did you expect us to do?

Joanna: Obviously, I expected too much. Oh, lauren…

[ Sighs ] …If only I’d known you were carrying this around all these years.

Lauren: And if you had? Would it have made a difference?

Lauren: Being raised by a selfish ice-queen mother and an indulgent father who worked more hours than he should have could have contributed to the fact that I was such a handful as a teenager. But I had passion. And back then it was music. And I was so excited to be able to sing with danny romalotti.

Fen: I’ve actually seen videos of the concert. I mean, what a — what a trip. You were — you were seriously good.

Michael: Hey, your mother is a woman of many talents.

Lauren: Well, it was an extraordinary time in my life. And it didn’t hurt that danny was, like, the kindest, cutest guy I’d ever seen.

[ Laughs ]

Lauren: I guess I don’t need to ask you what you feel about my singing with you.

Danny: No, there’s — there’s no need to ask. It’s all settled.

Lauren: No dice, huh?

Danny: Did I say that?

Lauren: You mean?

Danny: Yes, I want you to do a song with me at my next concert.

Lauren: You mean — you really mean that?

Danny: Under one condition.

Lauren: What — anything.

Danny: That you wear more than your engagement ring on stage with me.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] You got it. You got it! Oh! Thank you. Oh, thank you.

Lauren: Danny was much nicer than I was back then. And when I found out that there was a rival for his affection, whoo! The mean girl in me came roaring out.

Lauren: Came out pretty good, didn’t it? A friend of mine took that at danny’s big rehearsal, remember?

Traci: Yes, I remember.

Lauren: And, naturally, danny wanted a copy. So, I got him one, too.

Traci: He told you we wanted a copy?

Lauren: He didn’t have to. I’m getting to know danny real well.

Traci: Yeah, I’ll bet.

Lauren: See you around, trace.

Traci: Don’t count on it, lauren.

Lauren: [ Sighs ] I was definitely not my best self back then.

Michael: Hey, you were young. You grew out of it.

Lauren: Not as fast as i should have. Honestly, I mean, I had everything a girl could ever want, and yet I was such a wild child. Ironically, getting in trouble is how I met my first husband.

Paul: Alright, just a minute, sweetheart.

Lauren: What? I —

Paul: I think you better come with me.

Lauren: No, but —

Paul: Come on.

Lauren: Paul is our chief of police now. But back then, he was a private detective. We shouldn’t have made sense, but we did.

Lauren: I thought you were busy working on a case.

Paul: Um, I changed my plans.

Lauren: Why?

Paul: So I could be with you, of course.

Lauren: Hmm. Well, then, I’m not going to complain.

Paul: You know, even 007 has to take a break every once in a while.

Lauren: 007?

[ Chuckles ] Well, in my opinion, you’re a perfect 10.

Trey: Sounds like a terrific guy.

Lauren: He is. And his parents were salt of the earth. His father, carl, was a retired police detective. And his mother, mary [Laughs] A devout catholic, very protective of her family. So, you can imagine how I went over.

[ Laughs ]

Mary: Listen — there is nothing wrong with not wanting to have children, nor is there anything wrong with wanting to stay single. But you have to be up front about it.

Lauren: You know, this is none of your business.

Mary: And that’s what i question about you. It’s not your values or your goals or what makes you happy. It’s the way you — you misrepresent yourself. Now, paul thinks that you’re going to marry him. He thinks you — he expects you to marry him and give him children.

Lauren: Now, has he said this? Has he said these words to you, mrs. Williams? Because let me tell you something. Paul and i have a great relationship. We have been through an awful lot and we have survived it all. And so, if anybody is going to know what’s best for paul, it’s going to be me. Now, I have some things to do. Goodbye, mrs. Williams.

Gloria: Well, I’ve always approved of you. I doubt this mary and I would have gotten along very well.

Lauren: Oh, truer words were never spoken.

Gloria: You know something? I’ve always been curious. I’ve never asked. But why did it end with you and paul?

Lauren: You know, um, a few reasons. First and foremost was this guy name shawn garrett. When I met him, he was, you know, very kind. He said he’d been to all my concerts, and he wanted to start an official fan club for me. And then he became obsessed with me. He tried to ruin danny’s career. And then he said that he would kill paul if I didn’t divorce him. So, I did. I did to protect paul. I tried to pretend to have feelings for shawn, but when he found out how I really felt? To say that he lost it would be an understatement.

Shawn: [ Panting ] By the time you wake up, lauren, it’s going to be too late. No one will ever hear you. No one will ever find you.

Paul: [ Grunting ] Oh, my god!

Lauren: Paul was my hero. I mean, I shudder to think of what would have happened to me without him.S and it was after that very uncertain, complicated time, after I suffered such a big loss, that I decided it was time. It was time to grow up. Hi, I’m katie.

Lauren: I was only in my 20s when my dad died. It was such a shock. I wasn’t prepared to lose him so soon, and I certainly wasn’t prepared to take on his life’s work.

Paul: “And a wistful sadness came over his face as he said, ‘my one and only regret is that my daughter lauren never joined me in the business. She’s a bright, talented, young woman, and she’d be a terrific asset to fenmore’S.'” Honor your father’s last request. Why don’t you take over the business?

Lauren: I was determined to make my dad proud.

Michael: Hey. You have. You took his legacy and made it even more successful than it was.

Lauren: Thank you for that. You know, once I took the reins and started running things, I actually grew into the role pretty quickly. You know, that brazen self-confidence I had as a child actually started to pay off. And that’s when I met my second husband, scott grainger. He was this amazing doctor. He was kind, handsome. Don’t worry, not like you, not like the love of my life, completely different.

[ Laughter ]

Scott: I never dreamed I could be this happy.

Lauren: Well, if you only knew what you’ve done for me, what you’ve brought to my life, peace and security that I feel.

Scott: Mrs. Grainger, will you do me the honor of having this dance?

Lauren: I’d love to dance with you, dr. Grainger.

Fen: So, dr. Grainger was scott’s dad, but he died when my brother was really little.

Lauren: Uh, we just, you know, we got married too soon, and we had a lot of problems. The main one was this nurse that he was working with who decided that she was the only woman for him.

Michael: Ooh. I was wondering when you were going to bring her up.

Lauren: Yep. You know, I thought I could handle anyone or anything, no matter how crazy. And then I met sheila. Little did I know that I was looking in the face of pure evil.

Lauren: You keep this up, and you’ll lose big.

Sheila: Are you threatening me?

Lauren: You’re damn right I’m threatening you. You don’t know the meaning of trouble. You mess with me, and you’re going to find out. So, why don’t you just stay away from my husband?

Sheila: I really —

Lauren: I’m a very powerful woman, and I wouldn’t forget that if I were you. Now, this will be your only warning. You keep your claws away from my husband, or you’re going to have to answer to me. And believe me. You don’t want to do that.

[ Telephones ringing ]

Lauren: And sheila didn’t stay away from scott.

Lauren: Sheila is pregnant?

Scott: Yes.

Lauren: And it’s your baby. Is that what you’re telling me?

Scott: Yes.

Lauren: She — she said — she told you it’s yours, right?

Scott: Lauren, I know it’s my child. She’s not involved with anyone else.

Lauren: So, all this time there was an involvement, and you denied it.

Scott: Honey, it’s not the way you’re making it soun–

Lauren: Well, how is it? Obviously, there was an involvement. You fathered her baby.

Scott: Lauren, I know this hurts.

Lauren: Oh, thank you for being so understanding.

Scott: Lauren, I am telling you this because I want to save the marriage, and I don’t think we can do that unless we’re totally honest with each other!

Lauren: You know, I told you about her!

Scott: Lauren —

Lauren: But you wouldn’t listen to me. You said, “no, she is just a good friend.” Was that before you slept with her or after?

Lauren: Turns out that, um, i was pregnant, too. I hid it from scott. Um, it was a baby boy, dylan. I loved him so much, and, um… he didn’t survive. And I struggled to put the pieces of my life back together. And sheila was, uh, so vicious and cruel.

Sheila: I know you don’t want to believe this, and I don’t want to disappoint you, but I did forget. Your dead baby isn’t always uppermost in my mind.

Lauren: How can you be such a vile, hateful person? How can you be so vicious?! How?! How?!

[ Both grunting ]

Sheila: [ Gasps ]

Lauren: Even then, I didn’t grasp how profoundly sheila hated me and how far she would go to hold onto scott… so much more than I ever could have imagined.

Lauren: Your mother just said that you switched babies at the hospital after my son was born.

Sheila: Sad, isn’t it? I told you she was delusional, lauren.

Molly: Liar!

Sheila: Can you imagine her saying such a thing?

Lauren: You’re telling me that this is just some delusion, some bizarre hallucination?

Sheila: Poor, poor mama. All this incessant chatter, and yet nothing you have to say makes any sense at all.

Molly: Liar!

Lauren: That made sense, sheila.

Sheila: Oh, you’re going to believe her, lauren? You’re going to believe the words of a deranged, hallucinating, old woman? She tells you this incredible story, and you’re going to accept it?

Molly: [ Stammers ] Yes.

Lauren: If what you’re saying is true, then my baby, my… my son is still alive.

Molly: Yes!

Lauren: Is it true? Is it true?! Answer me! Is it?!

Sheila: Alright, lauren. Yes. Everything my mother told you is absolutely true.

Molly: Sheila!

Sheila: Mother, would you just — aah!

[ All screaming ]

Lauren: Molly and I escaped, and I thought sheila perished in the fire. I thought I was finally rid of her. But that just began decades of torment. She showed up again and again, and she tried to destroy me. And, you know, even now, when I’ve been assured that she’s dead, I don’t really believe it. But if that bitch decides to resurrect, and she comes near me or anyone that I love, she will wish she had stayed dead.

[Coughing] I

Lauren: I learned a lot living in L.A. I met a lot of incredible people. But, ultimately, I made my way home. And thank goodness I did, because otherwise I wouldn’t have met this remarkable man.

Michael: Mm.

Lauren: [ Chuckles ]

Michael: Some things were meant to be.

Kevin: It’s true. You do seem destined to be together. But there was another step in there. I’m the reason the two of them got to know each other.

Trey: Oh, did you set them up?

Kevin: No, it’s nothing as sweet or simple as that.

Gloria: Nothing ever is in our family.

Kevin: When I met lauren, I was a total goner, completely smitten from day one.

Michael: Who wouldn’t be?

Lauren: And I thought you were a lovely young man who just seemed a little lost.

Kevin: I got it in my head that lauren was falling for me as hard as I was falling for her. And when I realized I was mistaken, I didn’t handle it very well.

Kevin: The day we met at the boutique, you told me how rare it was to find somebody in this world that was actually kind. And then you said that the older people got, the less likely they were to judge somebody before they really got to know them.

Lauren: Yes, I did.

Kevin: So, is any of that true, or is it just a bunch of empty words?

Lauren: No. That was sincere. That’s the truth.

Kevin: Okay. Because you didn’t know who I was then. Then I told you my name. You probably heard all the stories, you know, and you just assumed they were true. And you never even gave me a chance.

Lauren: I want to give you a chance now. Come on. Let’s work through this, please?

Kevin: No, no, no! There’s no way that’s going to happen — not after you made a total fool out of me.

Lauren: Kevin, just —

Kevin: No, no, no! Okay? That’s enough! No more games! It’s going to end here, now, tonight.

Kevin: Fortunately, lauren is one of the most forgiving people I’ve ever known. She cared about me, even though I was a total train wreck.

Michael: And lauren and i were talking a lot then, mostly concerning kevin. But pretty soon we realized that we couldn’t seem to get enough of each other.

Lauren: [ Laughs ]

Michael: And I was the goner.

Lauren: Oh, me too. I fell madly in love.

[ Laughs ]

Michael: And pretty soon, i realized that I would be an absolute fool if I didn’t ask this amazing woman to marry me. And so, I offered up my heart on a platter — or on a casino table.

[ Laughter ] But you got the idea.

Michael: It has been my experience that people have a way of thinking themselves out of the best thing that’s ever happened to them.

Lauren: And you think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me?

Michael: Oh, I know I am. And you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. No risk, no reward.

Lauren: Well… if you insist on having an answer out of me right this minute…

[ Sighs ] …I’m afraid the answer has to be… yes.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Noisemakers blaring ]

Michael: [ Laughs ]

Lauren: And I was on my way to becoming an official member of the baldwin-fisher clan.

Kevin: And everything that comes with it, starting with the wedding.

Gloria: I offered to plan the wedding. And, of course, I knew how skeptical they were. But it could not have been a more elegant ceremony.

Lauren: You did a magnificent job.

Gloria: Thank you.

Michael: My entire life grew brighter that day, like the grinch’s heart growing three sizes. I didn’t think there was room for any more love in this body of mine. Then fenmore came along — what a miracle you are.

Lauren: One of my greatest joys. And our family was growing.

Michael: Oh, in ways that we couldn’t predict, especially the fenmore side.

Lauren: Oh, wow. Yes!

Michael: [ Laughs ]

Lauren: I usually prepare for anything, but I did not see that coming at all. Oh-oh! Ma ma ma ma

[Clears throut]

“The young and the restless”

will continue. Dry skin is sensitive skin, too.

Fen: So, you know that jill abbott is my aunt, right?

Trey: Yeah.

Fen: Well, she wasn’t always. Or well, she was, but my mom didn’t always know they were sisters.

Lauren: Right. I mean, it came as a total shock. Jill’s adoptive mother told her that neil fenmore was her biological father. Of course, when she told me, I did not believe it.

Lauren: Your half-sister? How is that even possible?

Jill: Trust me. I am as shocked as you are.

Lauren: Where’d you hear this?

Jill: Liz told snapper when she was dying. She didn’t want the secret to die with her.

Lauren: So, tell me what she said.

Jill: Okay. She said that she has always known who abandoned me at the hospital. It was this young girl, a teenager — very poor.

Lauren: What was her name?

Jill: I don’t know her name. I do know that her boyfriend was willing to marry her. But the boy’s father, his whole family, objected very strongly. They were well-to-do. They were influential. They wanted their son to go to college and become successful. They didn’t want him to disgrace the family with an illegitimate child, you know. And his father put a lot of pressure on him until he was willing to walk away from my mother and me.

Lauren: So, this boy, your father…

Jill: Was neil fenmore, your father.

Michael: But the dna test proved it was true.

Lauren: I was not so gracious. The last thing I wanted to do was welcome jill into my family.

Fen: But they managed to work things out.

Lauren: Eventually. Yes, we still drive each other up the wall, but we get along pretty well. You know, most of the time.

Lauren: Are you really trying to justify having sex with a stranger in my office?

Jill: Oh! He wasn’t a stranger, okay? And I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of this.

Lauren: You know what? We were trying to have a very romantic anniversary dinner…

Michael: [ Laughs ]

Lauren: …Which you ruined.

Jill: Maybe if you didn’t have this place secured like the damn pentagon, I wouldn’t have accidentally set off the silent alarm! What are you laughing at?

Michael: [ Laughs ]

Lauren: Are you trying to blame me? Oh, my…

Jill: Oh, my!

Michael: [ Laughs ]

Lauren: [ Laughing ] We come in, guns blaring.

[ All laughing ] You should have seen the look on your…

[ Laughter continues ] Not to mention your hair!

Lauren: [ Laughs ] Oh, there’s never a dull moment in this family.

Michael: We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Lauren: So true.

After advil.

Phyllis: My goodness.

Lauren: I’m so glad you came.

Phyllis: Oh, I wouldn’t miss this for the world, fashion expert extraordinaire.

Lauren: We’re just having some champagne before we go into the ballroom. Join us.

Phyllis: Oh, great. I’d love that. Hey, fen.

Fen: Phyllis, hi. I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend, trey.

Phyllis: Very nice to meet you.

Trey: You too.

Lauren: So, if they ever write a book about michael and me, this woman deserves a chapter.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness.

Kevin: A very long, twisted chapter. Mm.

Phyllis: No. No, definitely not. I like to think of us as a dynamic trio. You know what I mean? We have a very special bond, lauren.

Phyllis: If you would have asked me months ago how I would feel about being pregnant, um, I would have said it was the worst thing in the world. But…but I have to be honest with you. When I was at dr. Thompson’s today, I mean, I just realized how excited I am about this baby.

Lauren: Well, then, that’s all that matters, right?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Okay. So… who do you want the father to be?

Phyllis: Um… how about michael? Is he available?

Lauren: No. Taken.

Phyllis: Okay. Too bad. He’s going to be such a great father.

Lauren: Yeah, he is.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Lauren: Hey, why did you see dr. Thompson tonight?

Phyllis: Oh, I, um, I was spotting and…

Lauren: Oh.

Phyllis: Yeah, but she wants me to do an amnio, just, you know, to be sure.

Lauren: You know, I had one today. Do you want me to go with you?

Lauren: You know, it’s easy to have friends during the good times, but it’s the one who really shows up when things aren’t so good that really counts.

Chloe: That is so true.

Trey: Not just with friends.

Phyllis: Well, you two, watch and learn. These two, their relationship goals — you have an incredible bond. I mean, they haven’t been, now, without conflict. That’s for sure.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] No.

Phyllis: But how they’ve navigated through it, you know? And they have a great relationship because they rely on each other. When one of them falls down, the other one leans down and picks them up.

Michael: Please, just end this.

Lauren: No, I won’t do it.

Michael: Don’t make me say things that will hurt you.

Lauren: You don’t think this hurts?

Michael: Oh, I know it does. And I want the pain to end for both of us. The only way that’s going to happen is if you accept the fact that I don’t want to be with you. I don’t love you anymore.

Lauren: I will not accept that. What we have is real, and i will never give up on us.

Michael: My wife is the bravest, fiercest human being that I have ever met. And we’re all the stronger for it. …Will remain radioactive for years to come.

Michael: Thank you guys so much for coming.

Kevin: Thank you!

Michael: Love you, love you, love you.

Kevin: Congrats again!

Michael: Kevin, call me.

Kevin: Love you all. Bye.

Michael: Bye! Thank you, phyllis.

Gloria: Bye, handsome son number one.

Michael: Bye, mumsy.

Fen: Bye. And I think we’re actually going to check out noah’s club.

Lauren: Alright.

Michael: Ah!

Lauren: Expect to see you far more often.

Fen: I know. Yes, ma’am.

Lauren: Right?

Fen: I love you.

Lauren: I love you.

Michael: Thank you so much.

Lauren: So nice to meet you.

Trey: You too.

Michael: Alright. Pleasure, trey.

Lauren: Bye.

Trey: Bye.

Lauren: I’m so grateful.

Michael: Mm-hmm!

Lauren: Fen is back on track, and he’S… he’s found love.

Michael: I don’t mean to be self-congratulatory, but I think phyllis got it right when she talked about us setting a good example for others. I mean, lord knows we have faced obstacles that would pulverize other couples.

Michael: Lauren?!

Lauren: In sickness and in health! Those were the vows that I took, and they weren’t just words. I meant every single —

Michael: Alright, neither of us expected this.

Lauren: But that doesn’t mean that I walk out on you. I love you. Cancer does not change that.

Michael: No, no, no. Cancer changes everything.

Lauren: It doesn’t have to!

Michael: It will!

Lauren: You shut me down! You drove me away! And you drove me to find peace and comfort and support elsewhere.

Michael: In another man’s arms!

Lauren: We made it this far because we pledged to love each other forever. We meant it.

Michael: Do you remember what you were doing one year ago today?

Lauren: Let’s see. One year ago today. Ooh, my nails? These poor things.

Michael: Okay, fine. If that’s how you’re going to play it, you’re not getting your anniversary gift.

Lauren: [ Gasps ] Gift? Gift?

Michael: Well, too late, too late.

Lauren: Why didn’t say in the first place?

Michael: I am so taking it back to the store.

Lauren: No, you are not.

Michael: Yes, I am.

Lauren: Not if I can find it first.

Michael: No, no. Stop!

[ Laughing ] Stop! Stop it! Stop it!

Lauren: No, I’m gonna find it!

Michael: Alright, alright. Right there. Go ahead. It’s yours.

Lauren: You gonna give it to me?

Michael: Yeah.

Lauren: Okay.

Michael: Yeah.

Lauren: Oh. Michael. I’m gonna pick yours up later, okay?

Michael: No, look. You have given me the most precious gift in the world…and it’s asleep! Open.

Lauren: Okay. Oh!

Michael: Lauren fenmore baldwin… I promise to love and honor and cherish you until the day I die.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, January 25, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Grandmother. Hello. Spencer, trina, hi. Nice to see you, mayor collins. So nice to see you, too. Yeah. Listen, kids. Um… I think cameron really needs some friends tonight. Oh, no worries, grandmother. Trina and I will look after cam, make sure he’s okay. Thank you. Good to see you both.

[ Sighs ] Do you know what’s going on with cam? Joss stabbed him in the back. Josslyn: I hurt you, cam. And now you want to hurt me. Maybe I deserve that. But that doesn’t change the fact that if sonny finds out that dex and I slept together, he could turn on dex. He might have him killed. You really believe I’m gonna go on the internet, tell everyone that my girlfriend left me for some stupid criminal? No, your secret’s safe with me. Thank you. Don’t you dare thank me for being a better person than you are. Unlike you, I don’t betray the people that I care about.

[ Knock on door ] Hey. Hey. I got your message. What’s wrong? I screwed up. Whew!

[ Panting ] Wow! You’ve been lifting weights, bud? No.

[ Grunting ]

[ Strained ] Then you’ve been definitely eating spinach. Oh! How did that just happen? I’m strong! Yeah, you are. I demand a do-over. I wanna tell grandma. Can I?

[ Exhales sharply ] I think I’m gonna like us. A lot. I already do.

[ Sighs ] Yeah, I’m perfectly aware the accommodations are not as luxurious as our guest would wish, but they’ll have to do for the time being. Yeah, and keep me apprised of any developments. She might just be my best hope for bringing my son back to me. Lucy! Lucy, can you hear us? It’s anna and valentin.

[ Muffled talking ] What?

[ Muffled talking ] Yeah? Lucy, nod your head yes or no. Are you hurt?

[ Muffled shouting ] O-okay. Okay. Look, w-we’re coming to get you.

[ Breathing heavily ] Victor…

You can tell grandma about your epic win later. Right now, it’s time for bed.

[ Knock on door ] I wonder who that could be. Annabelle.

[ Laughs ] Last I checked, dogs don’t knock, bud. Hey, hey, hey! Hey! Hi, mama q! Oh! Honey, I told you. It’s auntie olivia, eh? Cody says it’s mama Q.

[ Laughs ] Is annabelle with you? No, annabelle’s sleeping ’cause she’s all tired out from playing with you. Well, speaking of being tired out and time for bed, you got to get to bed. It’s pj time, man. Well, that’s actually why I’m here. ‘Cause wiley is officially invited for a slumber party up at the main house. What? What do you think? How does that sound, buddy? Yeah!

[ Laughs ] Goody. So go pick out your favorite pjs and two toys. Only two? I know. It’s gonna be hard to narrow it down. So you’d better get up there and get started. Oh! Cutest kid ever. Yeah. Other than leo, of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. And that’s very sweet of you to invite him up to the main house. Well, I figured you guys could use a little break. I mean, y-you’re doing a pretty good job of, uh, keeping your feelings from wiley, but I can tell you’re really worried about willow. Mm. Yeah, well, aren’t we all? And, yeah, I’ve — I’ve definitely gotten closer with willow and with michael this past year. It’s just — she’s just — she’s — she’s so incredible. She’s such an incredible woman. It kills me that she’s going through this right now. At least now there’s hope for a donor, right? I assume that you know that nina is willow’s mother. I do. But how do you know?

[ Laughs ] Drew, how long have you been with the quartermaines? Yeah, I guess news travels faster than the speed of light in this family. Yeah. Yeah, whatever my feelings are for nina, and — and — and there are a lot

[Sighs] I just hope that she’s a good match and I hope that willow’s gonna be okay. You know, she could be okay already, you know. Look, willow could already have her bone marrow transplant. She could be on her way to recovery if — if what? Drew? What are you not telling me? And why do I get the distinct impression that it has something to do with carly? Carly: Hey. What happened? I’m sorry that I didn’t see you when I was at the hospital. Um…[Sniffles] How’s willow? She was asleep when I was there. She’s the same. Just… waiting to see if nina’s a bone marrow match. I should have stayed.

[ Breathes deeply ] There was just so much going on. What’s going on? What is going on with you? You didn’t give me a lot of detail on the message you left. I hurt cam all over again. I lost him as a friend.

[ Voice breaking ] We’ve known each other forever. And I blew it.

[ Breathes sharply ] Now, why do you say that? Cam came over here tonight. And I wasn’t alone. Okay, you need to explain this to me. What do you mean joss stabbed cam in the back? Spencer: I can’t believe that your best friend didn’t tell you. Tell me what? What’s going on? I’m sorry. You really don’t know? I kept my mouth shut for once. About what? If something’s gone wrong between you and joss, I need to know. You want to tell her, or should I? Martin: Well, looky here. Must be my lucky day. How is it the two most attractive ladies in the room should pay attention to little old me?

[ Laughs ] Well, kevin is working late, and charlotte and I decided to have a girls’ night out. Right? Would you like to join us? You know something, charlotte? It’s official. You are as well-mannered as you are beautiful. But I would never intrude on a girls’ night out. Hey, uh, what do you say you wash up before dinner? Okay. Okay, hon. Think about having dinner with us, uncle martin. You look like you could use a friend.

[ Indistinct conversations ] Out of the mouths of babes. Mm. She’s very observant. And she’s right. You should have dinner with us. I mean, if nothing else, we’ll provide a distraction. I want frequent updates and a speedy resolution. Oh, hold it right there, granddaughter. Enjoy your girls’ night out. I have no need or reason to subject my brand-new niece to a serious case of low spirits. Martin, you’ve got to have faith. I believe that anna and valentin are going to find lucy and bring her home. Yeah. And amen to that. Truth be told, I was sitting here stewing about how I could tip things in their favor. Speaking of, have you ever pondered what was said at pentonville? We had that little tte–tte with our dear incarcerated brother. You mean when he suggested that we work together to bring victor down? You’re not actually considering that, are you? I know the way in. Follow me. Wait, wait, wait. There’s a door right there. Is — is that the only entrance?

Oui. Yeah, but it’s gonna be guarded, obviously. You sure there’s no other point of entry? Oh, I think we’re looking at one. What? These joints are so rusted, I think we can yank this grate right off. Okay. T

Carly knew that nina was willow’s mother. She’s known since harmony died, and she didn’t say anything. She what?!

[ Stammers ] Carly believed that she was protecting willow. And as soon as she found out that willow was sick, she did tell the truth.

[ Sighs ] But in the meantime, she kept that information from everyone. Including you. And… that wasn’t the only lie. She was so determined… to make sure the truth didn’t come out, she actively sabotaged my search for willow’s birth family. How did you find out about all of this? Well, c-carly confessed once I told her that willow had leukemia.

[ Sighing ] Oh, wow. Okay. You’re dealing with some very heavy stuff here, drew. You know what? Willow collapsing, willow being rushed to the hospital, that’s heavy stuff. We got to — we got to show up for her, and — and — and that’s all that matters right now. Of course that’s what matters most, but — but… your relationship with carly, it matters, too. You think that your “friendship” can survive this? I talked to michael a little bit, um, but he was totally focused on willow, of course.

[ Sniffles ] And I was just sitting around the hospital, and I didn’t want to run into sonny or nina. And then dex showed up. And we rode in the elevator together, and I brought him back here. And it really helped… …to talk to him and… …to be with him. And, uh, we decided to order food. Dex was only in his pants. I wasn’t in much more. And when we went to answer the door, it was cam.

[ Sobs ] The look on his face.

[ Sighs ] Mm. Hey. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. So am I. I’m not sorry that I was with dex. But I’m so sorry that I hurt cam like that. Trina: Joss broke up with you on new year’S. And I’m just hearing about this now? Why didn’t she tell me? I don’t know. Maybe she was embarrassed. Embarrassed? I’d be embarrassed to break up with cam. But why did she break up with you in the first place? She said that we grew apart. Yeah, allegedly. You don’t believe her? I already told cam that I think that there’s more going on than josslyn’s lame reason. And judging by the look on his face, I’d say that I’m probably right. You know as well as I do that cyrus’s good intentions also come with an agenda. I guess. You’re right. Don’t worry, I’m not seriously considering working with cyrus. But I did bump into victor earlier when I was… at the hospital.

[ Sighs ] It was a rather harsh and in-your-face reminder that he’s the real reason I’m not sitting here having dinner with lucy tonight. Okay, I believe that anna and valentin are going to bring lucy home. I promise you. How are you in a position to promise me that?

[ Sighs ] Well, valentin sent me a message on christmas. Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Did he — did he say anything about lucy? No, he didn’T. He didn’T. But he did say that things were going well and that they’re making headway. Yeah, headway. Headway. What the hell does that mean? Headway. You and I both know the longer it takes the two of them to find lucy, the worse her chances are of survival. I’ll tell you what, I am sick and tired of sitting around. Putting my eggs in alternate baskets. I think I found myself another way to get to mr. Victor cassadine. By representing esme prince. Charlotte, how lovely. You know, I have been meaning to visit you for ages now. But your grandmother has other ideas. She and I do have our differences, but I was hoping we could put them aside as far as our shared family is concerned.

[ Breathes sharply ] Oh, well. So how are you doing, my dear? I’d be a lot better if I knew where my father was.

[ Grunts ]

[ Grate clangs ] Lucy: Oh! Oh, lucy. Oh, my god.

[ Breathing heavily ] Are you alright? Oh, my god. You — you sa– you saved me. A-after you tried to kill me. No, I didn’t, I didn’T. It’s not what you think. It’s not what you think. I don’t understand. What the hell is going on? Okay, it was a setup. I was framed. We don’t have time to explain. We got to get you out of here. Come on. Renee: I’m sorry. But she’s not leaving. And neither are you.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Mother nature can be very powerful. These storms go over all of our roads. The minute

the windstops blowing we’re open. If you’re evacuating, we have food, we have water, come inside. Letting them know that you’re not along in this. It’s been unbelievable in the way everybody has stuck together. You can really see we have a family. There’s no limit to what we can do as long as we’re taking care of people. Be ready for whatever life throws your way. Only dial provides a hard-working clean but is gentle to skin with its skin smart complex and 3 moisturizers to leave your skin feeling fresh and healthy. Nothing cleans like dial. I asked dex to leave. He didn’t want to, but he did. And the second that me and cam were alone, he asked me straight out… if I had slept with dex before we broke up. I didn’t even need to say anything.

[ Scoffs ] He could see the truth on my face. What is the truth? Dex and I have been sleeping together since new year’S. So now cam thinks I’m a liar and a cheater and that I broke up with him for dex, and I didn’T. Okay, I know. Two things can be true. You know, your feelings for cam could have changed at the same time you were starting to connect with dex. I should’ve broken up with him weeks ago. But I kept putting it off. And part of that is legit, because we had a lot going on. But the other part of me didn’t want to hurt him. And now I ended up hurting him even worse. And it’s not even that he just walked in here. It’s also that I asked him — i had to ask him… not to say anything about me and dex. Sonny told dex to stay away from me. If he finds out that dex disobeyed him, he could kill him.

[ Sighs ] You’re right. Dex is risking his life by being with you. But he’s also risking his life by working for sonny. That doesn’t seem to bother dex. Does that bother you? I-I don’t know what you’re asking me. Josslyn.

[ Sighs ] I was about your age when I met jason. And he also didn’t have a problem with risking his life. In fact, I think he liked it. And I liked that he liked it. You know, that he was dangerous… but yet he could make me feel safe. Jason would take these crazy chances, but I always knew that he would be there for me. Is that how dex makes you feel?

[ Sniffles ]

[ Crying ] Yes. Then you’re going down a really difficult road. And you need to be sure this is what you really want. Carly outright lied to me when she told me that nina wasn’t willow’s mother. I — I had no reason to doubt her. I-I certainly had no idea that she could go to such lengths to cover up the truth. You’re angry. You’re damn right I’m angry! On willow’s behalf, knowing what she’s going through, and on mine. I-I-I trusted her.

[ Sighs ] You know what? Drew, you and i got a lot in common. We’re both straightforward people. We don’t like the lies and the secrets. We want everything out on the table where you can deal with it. You know, that’s been a real challenge for me dealing with the quartermaines. And it’s gonna be a challenge for you dealing with carly. I can understand why — why you’re very upset with her. On some level, I get why she lied to me. You know, beca– she found out about willow’s dna results right during wiley’s visitation hearing. And I remember that. I remember how — how hard it was on willow, how furious she was at nina. And that’s why actually I stood up for carly when her family was laying into her a little bit about withholding the truth. Clearly you still care a great deal about carly. Of course I care about her. But it doesn’t change the fact that she lied to me. You would have to ask joss. I only know what she told me. I mean, y’all are going through a rough patch right now. But you always seemed meant to be. Maybe you can work through it. Trina, just drop it, alright? Me and joss are done. Spencer: Hey, man, go easy. What the hell are you guys even doing together right now? Esme’s been found. You can stop pretending. Isn’t there enough B.S. To go around already? Okay. Wow. Sorry about that. It’s fine. Cam’s just hurting. Maybe we should give him a break. It was nice of you to stick up for me, though. Any time. Is anyone in your corner tomorrow for dr. Westbourne’s memorial service? Oh. I can’t believe that she’s gone. I really don’t know if I’m ready to say goodbye. Well, would it help if I tagged along?

[ Sighs ] It would.

[ Breathes deeply ] Yeah. Okay. Then it’s a lock. Cool. Thank you. Cam’s right, you know. About what? Well, there’s no reason for us to keep… pretending that we’re closer than we really are. How could you? How could you take her case? Number one, I didn’t have much of a choice. And, number two, don’t you dare. If I had to wait around for your approval for all of my clients, I would never work again. Seriously, I seem to remember you having a really dim view of me representing peter august, and look how that turned out. Okay, look, esme is no peter august. But she did horrible things to my family. Horrible. Who, by the way, are your family, too. Yeah, which your son made abundantly clear to me when he had me assigned to esme’s case pro bono. And just so you know, when I tried to remove myself, he promised me triple my normal rate to remain her attorney. Now, I may have been born yesterday, but I stayed up all night. And even if nikolas is hiding something up his sleeve, two can play that game, because your boy and his beloved uncle have been thick as thieves lately. Please tell me that you’re not gonna use a pregnant girl who has traumatic memory loss as leverage. A little. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not a monster. We both know that information is power. If something lands in my lap helps me free lucy, I am damn well gonna take advantage of it. Okay. I suppose I understand that.

[ Sighs ] I do, but consider this a warning, okay? If you try to outmaneuver victor, you’re only gonna end up in trouble. Please, join me for a bit. Can I get you a soda? No. Now [Sighs] Why would you think I’d do anything to your father? I’m not naive, grandfather. You sent me to boarding school in switzerland to keep me away from him. I thought you were enjoying your school. I didn’t enjoy not being able to leave or not seeing my papa. And now you’ve done something to get him out of port charles. My dear charlotte, your father makes his own choices. And I’m very sorry if those choices keep him away from you for too long. But I fully intend to bring us all back together again soon. We’ll be skipping that reunion. Charlotte, let’s go. Step away from lucy.

[ Exhales deeply ] Anna devane, always looking for an escape plan. But there’s no escaping this.

[ Speaking french ]

[ Door opens ] On your knees. Hands behind your head. Valentin: Who paid you to sell me out, renee?

Je suis désolée,

mon amour. I needed the money. I had no choice. No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one. Depends on where you’re standing. Or kneeling, as the case may be. No, no, no, th-they’re not gonna — you’re — you’re not gonna kill us, are you? Maybe.

[ Breathes sharply ] I’m sorry. You’re interrupting. I was just catching — let’s go, charlotte.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Sighs ] What? Everything’s set. Would you like to speak to everyone? Yeah, put me on speaker.

[ Cellphone beeps ] Victor: Valentin, anna,

how is the reunion going? I’m sorry it’ll be short-lived.

The cops don’t think that esme is the killer, which means the real hook is still out there, still attacking people who are connected to me. Right. Which means that keeping up this charade is our best bet to lure her out of whatever rock she’s hiding under. So we’re agreed. We keep pretending to be a couple? Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Right. Mm-hmm. Even though my mom called me out for letting you back into my life.

[ Chuckles ] Well, I can’t say that I’m surprised that, uh, she had a strong reaction to us. She hates me, and I probably deserve it. It doesn’t matter. I stood up to her, told her who I hang out with is my business. Well, I am sorry to cause problems between you and your family. I keep telling them that they need to learn boundaries, that I can make my own choices. Your family just cares about you. A lot of people do. I can’t tell you how to live your life. You’re exactly like me. No one can tell you anything. You’re gonna have to figure it out for yourself. But my life can be divided… between what happened before I met jason and everything that happened after. And that’s gonna be the same for you if you stay with dex. That person that puts you in danger and gets you out of it. That person that makes you want to take crazy chances. Person you want to lie for, even when he doesn’t want you to. I got to tell you, as your mother, I don’t want that for you. Do you want that? Because this isn’t just some other guy, joss. This will change your life. I can’t un-meet him. I can’t un-care about him. What’s going to happen between me and dex has already started. And I don’t want it to stop. I do understand that no one likes to be lied to. Mm. I understand that better than anybody. But carly kept the truth from willow because she was trying to protect her. Her motives could not have been further from selfish.

[ Sighs ] Understanding carly’s motives and trusting her, those are two different things. You know… I am willing to bet that you were drawn to carly for all of these traits that you’re grappling with right now, her open heart and — and her determination to protect her family at all costs, even when those things sometimes hurt the people that are closest to her. Your eyes are open. There is no pretense about who carly is, about the things she’s done. And you chose her anyway. You’re gonna have your goons kill us while you’re half a world away?! Never pegged you as a coward, dad. Do you think I could dispose of you that easily, my boy? I couldn’t make charlotte an orphan. Besides, I still have hope for our relationship, although it probably never stood a chance with her influence. Whose influence? Just know you’ll always be my son. I’ll never give up on you. Gavin. Here.

You know where to take ms. Coe

and my son. Get rid of ms. Devane. I’ll kill you myself, victor!

You’re right. I wanted to be with carly for all of that, for everything that she is. I know better than anybody that carly sometimes goes about things in a backwards way when she’s trying to protect her family. She and I have had some epic arguments about our sons. But she’s also come through for me many, many times. I care about carly. A lot. I just don’t see what kind of future we could have moving forward. Do you really think that — that it was easy for her to lie to you about this? No, no, no. Listen. I’ve known carly for a lot of years. We’ve been friends a long time. She feels things very deeply. I’m willing to bet that she was at war with herself about this, wanting to be honest with you, wanting to protect her family, not wanting to lay another secret on you. But s-she was — she was so adamant that she did the right thing. And who knows? Maybe she did. Based onhat she knew, based on what she didn’t know. Lookit, carly will protect the people she loves at all costs. And damn if that’s not the person that I want to have in my corner. Bottom line is we can’t be in a relationship where lying is okay.

[ Sighs ] I get that. Okay. Drew… only you can decide what’s okay and what’s not okay in this relationship. Yo u’re gonna have to makethat decision for yourself. I’m gonna go wrangle wiley. Um… you lock up before you leave. You know how I said that dex is gonna be the person you lie for? Yeah. Don’t ever lie to me. Okay? I’m not always gonna approve of what you’re doing or agree with everything, but I will always have your back. And I need to know that you will always come to me when there’s something wrong. But you have your own problems and your own life. Josslyn, stop it. Nothing is more important than being your mother. Nothing. Okay. Okay what? Okay, yes, I’ll come to you. You better. You miss jason? Every day. But drew helps? He did.

[ Breathes sharply ] He did? What does that mean? You broke up? Well, uh, no. I mean, not yet, anyway. What happened? What happened? You — honey, you know that… I found out that nina was willow’s mother, and I didn’t say anything. So he’s mad? He feels betrayed. You know, I kept things from him. I lied to him. So what, you’re just gonna give up?

[ Chuckles ] This doesn’t really sound like you. I am — oh, I am holding on to hope that we can work through this. But, you know, I… I do understand how drew feels. I know why you kept willow and nina’s relationship a secret. It’s the same reason that I kept my feelings for dex a secret from cam. Why inflict unnecessary hurt? But willow and cam still got hurt despite our best intentions. Yeah. Because we can’t control how other people feel and we can’t control how other people are gonna react to our decisions. That’s why it’s better to tell the truth. It’s less painful than defending a lie.

[ Chuckling ] What? Just wondering how you got so wise. I’m not sure.

[ Sighs ] Have you spoken to your father since the… you know? Since he got my ex-girlfriend pregnant? No.

[ Chuckles ] I’ve, uh, tried to avoid him as much as I possibly can. And I plan to keep doing so. He’s hurt me again and again and again and again. I hate him for it. I want nothing to do with him. I get the impulse, but that may not be feasible. Why not? You’re about to have a new sibling. Are you really going to let your feelings about your father prevent you from having a relationship with your new baby sister or brother? Grandmother, do you know where papa is? Sweetheart, we know that he’s safe because he sent us that message on christmas. But that’s not the same as knowing where he is, what he’s doing. What if grandfather victor’s done something to cause papa to disappear and we’ll never see him again? Oh, sweetheart. Please, I’m begging you! Don’t — don’t do this!

[ Speaking french ] Ow! Don’t you — what’s this? These were in her bag.

[ Beep ]

[ Explosion ] That’ll be the c-4 that I attached to the water mains when you thought I was lost. In about one minute, this whole chamber is gonna be flooded. Anna was on to you from the very beginning, renee. Yeah. You changed your appearance when you left our hotel room. So I kind of figured maybe you’re more than just a cataphile. And I do everything she says.

[ Water rushing ] I hope you can swim or breathe underwater.

[ Grunts ] Anna!

Of course I’m not going to turn my back on my sibling, but my father is toxic, and I need to make sure that he doesn’t get the chance to hurt my sibling and treat him the way that he treated me. Good. Your brother or sister will need you. The best thing to do would be to ensure that my father isn’t the one who gets to raise the child.

[ Scoffs ] Obviously, that would be best. But esme is not much of an improvement. Besides, she’s facing criminal charges and may be sent to prison. So your father may not be the best option, but he’s the only option. Not necessarily. What? What about me? One thing I know about your father is that he will move heaven and earth to get back to you. And the rest of us are gonna be right here for you till he does. Thanks, grandmother, uncle martin. I think it’s my turn to wash my hands.

[ Chuckles ] Be right back. Mm. Victor: Excuse me.

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Sighs ] Leave charlotte alone. You can try to turn my family against me, laura. But you won’t succeed. Charlotte will come around… if she ever wants to see her father again.

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Coughs ] Oh, god. I don’t think…

[ Coughs ] …You’ve ever been more beautiful than when you punched renee in the mouth. You’re so romantic. You alright? I don’t know. I don’t know.

[ Breathing heavily ] Okay. Thank goodness you gave me this. Or I might have ended up like that renee and those guards. Oh, my god, I’m not gonna miss them, but seeing their dead bodies, I’m not gonna get that sight out — out — it’s okay. It’s tragic, lucy, but it was you or them. Come on. We got to move. No. No, no, no, no, no. I don’t want to go yet. Do you have a phone? A phone that’s still working? Please, I really — I really need to call marty, please. No, listen to me. You can’t — you can’t call — you can’T. Why?! I want to talk to marty! You can’T. Why not? Because as far as the rest of the world knows, we’re all dead. And we have to stay that way.

[ Breathing heavily ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Sheila: Mm. The new owner of il giardino, you really have outdone yourself, deacon.

Deacon: It’s been a dream of mine for a long time, but it’s nothing compared to what you’ve accomplished.

Sheila: What’s that? Maintaining my freedom?

Deacon: I– I don’t know how you did it, but you did it again. You pulled another rabbit out of your hat.

Sheila: With the help of a very good man.

Deacon: Oh, thank you. I appre– oh, you– I’m sorry. You meant your– your boy toy, bill. By the way, you might have to find a nickname because boy toy, bill, little long in the tooth. Come on. Honestly, are you telling me that you’re in love with this megalomaniac, or are you just using him?

Eric: It’s fine, don’t worry. We’ll– we’ll make adjustments.

Steffy: It’s only one review, hope.

Zende: What does that guy know anyway?

Hope: Well, he’s just one of the top critics in the fashion world.

Steffy: Well, he’s wrong. Your line is spectacular. You, zende and granddad work day and night, perfecting those designs.

Eric: Now read it again. It can’t be that bad.

Hope: “The new design team for hope for the future shows signs of inspiration, but it is a far cry from the artistry and innovation under thomas forrester.”

Thomas: Artistry and innovation.

Paris: You can’t get enough of that review, can you?

Thomas: Look, it’s not like I want my granddad or zende to fail, but the truth is no one can bring out the life of that line like I can.

Paris: What are you doing? Looking for more compliments?

Thomas: No, I am checking my messages. I’m waiting for hope or my sister to reach out and tell me how much they need me.

Paris: I don’t know if I’ve seen you this happy.

Thomas: Vindication.

Paris: I know you’d still rather be working at forrester.

Thomas: Yeah, it is gonna be awesome when they ask me to come back.

Paris: Wow, you seem pretty confident.

Thomas: It’s only a matter of time before they rehire me, right? And I know it’s gonna be hard for them to swallow their pride, but um, they need me. And that lackluster review, that proves it.

Zende: I’m sorry. I can’t help feeling responsible.

Eric: No, don’t do that. Don’t do that. This– this critic just needs time to uh, adjust to the changes we’ve made in the line, the changes in the look, you know. If anyone is to blame it’s me.

Zende: Grandad, come on.

Eric: No, no. I have decades of experience. I– I should have been able to pull this off. No, no. No one is to blame. This was a collaboration. We all signed off on the final looks, but clearly we missed the mark. And now we have a limited amount of time to make it right. And I am trying not to panic.

Steffy: Don’T.

Hope: Well, steffy, we invested every resource into making this collection a hit.

Zende: So we go back to the drawing board.

Hope: I mean, will that really help though? I mean, I hate to say it, but do desperate times call for desperate measures? Do we need thomas back on hope for the future?

Deacon: You still haven’t answered me.

Sheila: What? About the pizza? I told you less oregano and a little more garlic.

Deacon: No. About your claim that you’re in love with spencer. How is that even possible?

Sheila: Why is it so hard to believe?

Deacon: Oh, well, for starters, he’s not your type.

Sheila: Well, I really wouldn’t have thought so either, but.

Deacon: How long has this secret little affair been going on? I mean, you were living with me for months. I– I thought you were into me? And now you’re with spencer, the most arrogant jerk on the planet?

Sheila: Yeah. Well, don’t take it personally. I know it’s difficult to lose at love. I– I– I know that.

Deacon: Hm. But did I really lose? And is your relationship with spencer the real deal? I’m managing my high blood pressure, you’re trying to be

Thomas: Yeah. It’s just,mmm.

Thomas: You know, I lost so much, but you have been so great to me. Your encouragement and um, well, allowing me to crash here.

Paris: Oh, hey, I enjoy the company even though you make me late for work.

Thomas: Yeah. It’s just, it’s nice that someone still wants me around.

Paris: Well, I always try to see the best in people. You made a mistake, obviously a really bad one, but you regret it.

Thomas: Yeah. But nobody really wants to hear my apologies. They kicked me out of forrester, out of the family, and I’ve lost my son. That’s the worst part. I miss douglas so much.

Paris: I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but I can also see you’re trying to be a better man. And hey, things are looking up for you. Forrester seems to need you. They’re struggling without you.

Steffy: Thomas? Hope, seriously?

Hope: Well, you heard that review. The line is in trouble.

Zende: So we’ll fix it. You, me and granddad will put our heads together and–

Hope: And what? Are we going to pull a brand new line out of thin air?

Eric: Yes, we can do that. It’s not too late. We can do it.

Steffy: It’s a way better idea than welcoming back thomas. You just terminated him and you said that you’re trusting your line in zende’s and granddad’s hands.

Eric: Have you forgotten what he did to your mother?

Hope: No, I haven’t forgotten. And I won’t be able to forgive him for that. But this is bigger than me. I mean, I have a whole team of people to think about, their livelihoods. So I need to consider every angle. I mean, I don’t know. Maybe there’s a way we could do it in a way that hasn’t been done before.

Steffy: What are you thinking?

Hope: Well, thomas could work remotely and that way he’s not allowed into the building. And he could communicate via email.

Zende: Really?

Hope: It’s an option.

Steffy: Wow. I was not prepared for this. But as ceo, I’ll consider it. But ultimately, we need to speak to my dad before making any decision about thomas.

Deacon: I do appreciate you coming here before open so that no one would see us together, even though you’re a free woman. A lot of people though, wouldn’t be too happy to see us together.

Sheila: Heavens forbid.

Deacon: Mm. So how did this– this spicy romance with bill get started?

Sheila: Oh, you want details?

Deacon: I’m a big boy. I think my shattered heart can handle it.

Sheila: Well, I was living upstairs and I snuck down here one night and bill spencer was sitting at the bar eating and drinking alone, and something just seemed off. I was wildly intrigued by that.

Deacon: Hmm.

Sheila: When he left, I followed him.

Deacon: Back to his palace.

Sheila: No. No, to the beach. We sat in the sand until sunrise talking.

Deacon: Sounds like a cheesy novel my grandmother would read. The billionaire and the fugitive.

Sheila: He really surprised me. Turns out we’re more like one another than I could have ever imagined. Just both misunderstood and– and always under attack. Turns out we both just wanted to be loved.

Deacon: Well, you know, look at you all– all glowing and stuff. Okay, great. You’ve got real feelings for bill.

Sheila: Yeah, I do. I really do. And I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with bill spencer.

Deacon: I’m sure you hope you do.

[ Sheila laughing ]

Deacon: I’m just trying to wrap my head around the idea of you and spencer.

Sheila: Hey, it was unexpected for me too.

Deacon: So tell me the truth. I mean, were you just using me? I mean, not just for this, you know, the– the food, the shelter, the security, all that.

Sheila: No, I cared for you, deacon. And I still do.

Deacon: Now, you’re moving on with spencer.

Sheila: It’s– it’s not that I didn’t enjoy every minute with you.

Deacon: How could you not? I treated you like a queen.

Sheila: You were a very, very giving roommate.

Deacon: I’ve heard that before. I have. Yeah. But– and where’s it gotten me? You know, single. And I– when– bill and me, I’m just curious, you know, how do I measure up?

Sheila: Um.

Deacon: Come on.

Sheila: You– you measure up just fine.

Deacon: Boom! I knew it!

Sheila: You do not have to feel less.

Deacon: Haha. And I don’T. Hey, tell me, does he do that little thing with it?

Sheila: Oh. Uh-huh. You know, a lady doesn’t kiss and tell.

Deacon: This has been a crazy ride, hasn’t it? I mean, you show up at my place, a desperate jail bird. You got nowhere to go. No place to stay. Now, look at you. You’re free as a bird. Living in spencer’s mansion. Miracles do happen.

Sheila: Miracles don’t just happen. I make them happen. I do.

Deacon: I know.

[ Sheila laughing ]

[ Hope sighing ]

Paris: Hey.

Hope: Oh, paris. Hi.

Paris: Sorry again for missing the meeting.

Hope: It’s fine. It’s been a pretty stressful day for everyone.

Paris: What’s going on? Oh, right. The review on the latest collection is supposed to come in today.

Hope: Yeah, it already did.

Paris: Not good?

Hope: The critic wasn’t too impressed.

Paris: Oh, no. That sucks. Did they say why?

Hope: Um, basically, it is pretty clear what the problem is. And that is that–

Paris: Zende and eric aren’t thomas.

Steffy: Obviously, pierre has been in business for years, but it’s the first he’s seen of many new designs. There is so much more to come, so many surprises. Do you mind if I– I call you back? Thanks. Thomas, what are you doing here?

Thomas: It’s okay. Charlie didn’t see me. I snuck in, so nobody knows I’m here.

Steffy: I do.

Thomas: So what? Dad’s out of town and granddad is having his afternoon pickleball date with donna right now.

Steffy: You shouldn’t be here. You know that.

Thomas: By that sound of that phone call.

Steffy: Oh, you’re eavesdropping?

Thomas: I read that piece on hope for the future and steffy, I am sorry that you’re having to do all this damage control.

Steffy: Thomas, it’s not your business anymorE. God, I can’t– I can’t deal with you right now. Timing couldn’t be worse.

Thomas: Actually, hearing the spin that you’re trying to put on that bad review seems like my timing couldn’t be any better.

Deacon: So then you admit it. You worked your charm. You made it happen with bill.

Sheila: Actually, it– it happened organically. You know how it is when you open up to somebody and– and you’re talking about your life and– and what you like and– and your wants and your needs. Kinda what– what lights you up.

Deacon: Kinda thought that’s what we were doing not too long ago back at my palatial estate.

Sheila: Actually I really liked that little place. You know what, now that you are a restaurateur, I’m sure you’re going to have your own estate in no time.

Deacon: We’ll see.

Sheila: You know, I– I really… I look back fondly at all those hidden moments that we had together.

Deacon: Okay. Sheila, you can’t say anything about that.

Sheila: I know.

Deacon: I mean it. I– I– especially, especially for hope. Nothing.

Sheila: No, quite honestly, I really don’t want bill to know that we were rooming together either.

Deacon: We were sleeping together in the bed, the couch.

Sheila: Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah.

Deacon: Against the wall, in the kitchen.

Sheila: Uh-huh. Yeah. I– I remember quite vividly.

Deacon: Oh, I bet you do, honey. You ain’t never gonna forget.

Sheila: No. No. We have a lot of romantic moments, but you know what was really special to me is when you came to see me in jail.

Deacon: Thought I’d be doing that for years.

Sheila: I really do appreciate it.

Deacon: All right. All right. Look, I– I– I gotta ask, with you and spencer, I– I get it, your feelings are legit. You’re not playing the guy.

Sheila: Sorry to disappoint.

Deacon: He’s just so full of himself. I mean, are you– are you really that tight?

Sheila: I thought I made myself perfectly clear, deacon. I hope you enjoyed that because that is never gonna happen again. I don’t wanna do anything that’ll risk what I have right now.

Deacon: Then why did you come here?

Sheila: I wanted to tell you about bill and me. And I– I wanted– I wanted to congratulate you or you know what? Maybe I should be saying congratulazi– um, congratulazi–.

Deacon: Are you trying to say congratulazioni? You gotta move your mouth more.

Sheila: No. Yes.

Deacon: You can do it.

Sheila: That’s what I wanted to say.

Deacon: Brava.

Paris: Well, for what it’s worth, I thought the collection was beautiful.

Hope: Thank you. I did too. And you know, obviously we were trying to pick up where we left off with the previous collection, but I guess we just did not recapture that magic.

Paris: I don’t mean to pry, but are you considering asking thomas to come back and design for hope for the future?

Thomas: Take a look at what I’ve come up with.

Steffy: Thomas, you don’t work here anymore.

Thomas: Yes, I know that. But maybe, just maybe, these will change that. Just look, they’re for hope for the future. They’re good, sis. No, scratch that. They are great. They’re exactly what hope’s line needs. It’s a shame they’re not in production right now.

Steffy: Well, you know why, thomas.

Thomas: Yeah, I get it. Everyone’s mad at me, but I still care about the line.

Steffy: And hope?

Thomas: Yes, I care about hope, but not like that. Steffy, look, I know that I screwed up, all right? But I– I can’t be, like, banished forever. I mean, that review shows how much hope and her line needs me right now. I mean, what? Am– am I supposed to be like never forgiven, never brought back into the line, never brought back into the family? Look, yeah. I– I used an app to try and reunite our parents.

Steffy: You say it so casually, thomas. Do you not have any remorse?

Thomas: Of course I have remorse and I’m very sorry for what I did. All right. But what about brooke and all the years of pain and heartache that she’s brought on our family? I’m not asking for a full pardon. I know it’s gonna take a while for me to regain everyone’s confidence, but at least let me be a part of the family business.

Steffy: It’s not that simple, thomas.

Thomas: Look, you know that I am artistic and creative types can be a little obsessive.

Steffy: You took it to a whole new level.

Thomas: Yeah, I did. I went way overboard and I never should have. I’m so sorry, steffy. I– I– it– it pains me so much that I hurt you, that I hurt douglas, but come on, please give me another chance. I mean, you– you have the power, right? You’re co-ceo with dad. You could bring me back into the family and you could give me a chance here. I mean… please tell me that I still have a place here. Tell me that I can still be a part of forrester creations.

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Days Update Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Allie and Chanel have an awkward morning of not speaking to each other. Chanel has enough and tells Allie that they need to talk about this. Allie tells Chanel to just admit that while her grandmother was dying, she was busy macking on her brother.

Tripp is on the phone, being told by the doctor at Bayview that he can’t come visit Ava. Tripp tells him to call him if anything changes. Tripp then hangs up and answers the door to see Johnny.

Gabi finishes a call with Will at home, saying she’s so sorry about Marlena and Kate too. Gabi says to let her know if she needs to pick up Arianna and hangs up. Wendy then shows up at the door with flowers, but Gabi answers the door and asks what the hell she wants.

At the DiMera Mansion, Stefan talks with the portrait of Stefano in the living room. Stefan knows Stefano doesn’t approve of him going after EJ, but argues that EJ struck first by not saying a word about what Li did to him. Stefan declares that Stefano wouldn’t approve of DiMera vs. DiMera, but that this DiMera deserves to pay. Nicole then opens the doors to the living room.

Li gets dressed in his hotel room when his phone rings. Li answers the call from Dr. Rolf and questions why the hell he’s calling him. Li says he’ll get him whatever he wants as long as he remembers their deal that if anyone asks, he had nothing to do with Stefan’s brainwashing. Li hangs up as EJ shows up at his door. Li says he was just on his way to the office. EJ responds that he’s saved him a trip then. Li doesn’t understand, so EJ informs him that he’s fired.

Johnny apologizes to Tripp for just dropping in and hopes he didn’t interrupt breakfast. Tripp says that Steve just went out with Stephanie and Joey to talk to the priest about Kayla’s funeral service. Tripp invites Johnny in. Johnny knows he has a lot going on and says he’ll make it quick. Johnny acknowledges that he said some unkind things last night about his mother which was unfair and uncalled for. Johnny says he knows whatever Ava did was not Tripp’s fault. Johnny admits he was just upset about Marlena and took it out on him. Johnny acknowledges that he was way out of line, so he just wanted to come say he’s sorry.

Stefan greets Nicole and offers her coffee which she accepts. Nicole then informs Stefan that she couldn’t help but notice he was talking to Stefano’s portrait about making a DiMera pay. Nicole questions which DiMera he was referring to. Stefan claims it was Kristen since she conspired with Li to have him brainwashed. Nicole points out that Kristen is already facing severe punishment as it’s almost certain she will be charged with the murders of Kate and Kayla. Stefan adds that next she will be charged with the murder of Marlena Evans, which shocks Nicole as she did not know. Stefan tells her it’s all over the news. Nicole mentions that she turned her alerts off and asks if he’s saying Marlena died. Stefan shows her the article on his tablet and confirms that she died last night.

Eric wakes up in bed with Sloan. Eric comments that she let him sleep in. Sloan figured he could use some rest after last night. Sloan talks about reading Marlena’s obituary. Sloan says it’s wild and says something about Marlena being a serial killer which she questions. Eric tells her that it’s all alright and kisses her.

Gabi questions why Wendy is here. Wendy knows she’s upset with her and has every right to be, but she just wanted to come by and apologize again for what Li did to Stefan. Wendy adds that she didn’t agree with it and was horrified by it. Gabi remarks that she must not have been too upset since she didn’t bother to tell her. Wendy swears that she wanted to and came close many times as keeping that secret was agonizing. Gabi responds that what’s agonizing is finding out the man she married is a criminal and the woman she asked to stand up for her is a liar. Wendy argues that Li begged her to keep quiet because he was so afraid of losing her. Wendy is glad it all came out and calls it a huge relief. Gabi asks what if it didn’t come out and she didn’t remember. Gabi questions if Wendy would’ve kept her in the dark forever. Wendy admits she doesn’t know. Wendy says she just wanted Li to be happy and Gabi made him happier than anyone ever has, so she couldn’t take that away from him. Wendy declares that Li is her big brother and she loves him but she knows that’s no excuse. Wendy states that she just came by to tell Gabi that she knows what she did was wrong.

Li tells EJ that they both know he can’t fire him. EJ asks why not since he is the CEO. Li reminds him that he was the one who got him the votes he needed to boot Gabi out and take back control of the company. EJ says on behalf of the entire DiMera family, he expresses his gratitude for Li’s years of service but he’s no longer needed. Li tells EJ that he’s going to remain in his position as his #2 unless he wants Stefan to find out about EJ’s role in his brainwashing. EJ then reveals that Stefan already knows as he told him everything and now Li no longer has anything to hold over him, so he’s out.

Allie accuses Chanel of kissing Johnny and tells her to just admit what she did so they can move on but Chanel denies it. Allie argues that when she got off the elevator, Chanel and Johnny sprung apart like they had been caught because they had. Chanel argues that she was comforting Johnny. Allie compares it to when she and Chanel had sex behind Tripp’s back. Chanel complains that it’s only what Allie thinks she saw. Allie tells her to stop trying to make her seem paranoid. Allie tells Chanel to admit what is obviously going on and tell her the truth that she and Johnny were about to kiss. Chanel then admits that they were. Allie states that Chanel finally admits that she did want to kiss Johnny. Chanel says she’s sorry but Allie tells her not to be because now she knows how she really feels. Chanel argues that it wasn’t like that and she was really comforting him. Chanel asks Allie to let her tell her what really happened. Chanel explains that she went to the hospital, looking for her and she ran in to Johnny so they started talking and then she got Allie’s text that she had left. Chanel says she was going to leave but John came to ask them to set up the rooftop. Allie says she already knows all of this. Chanel tells Allie about how the whole time they were on the roof, Johnny was trying to stay positive and then they saw Marlena and she could see how sad and scared Johnny was. Chanel adds that once they got downstairs, Johnny lost it so she hugged him and they talked about Marlena and John. Chanel claims after that, she doesn’t really remember what happened but Johnny leaned forward to kiss her. Allie questions if she’s blaming it on him now. Chanel says she’s not blaming anyone and is just telling her what happened. Chanel says that Johnny was a wreck, emotions were running high, and it just happened in the heat of the moment. Allie questions what that even means. Chanel says it means nothing and reminds Allie that she’s in love with her, she chose her, and only went to the hospital in the first place to be there for her. Chanel knows Allie is in pain and she needs support right now which she wants to give her. Chanel asks Allie if they can just forget about this. Allie says that depends since Chanel says she’s the one she wants to be with, that she chose her, and that what happened with Johnny was meaningless. Allie argues that almost kissing somebody means there’s attraction there. Allie then asks Chanel if she’s still attracted to her brother.

Tripp appreciates Johnny’s apology and says it means a lot. Tripp adds that he doesn’t blame him for being angry at Ava. Tripp says he loves Ava but is also very aware that she’s done truly terrible things. Tripp states that Ava is sick and he kicks himself every day for not being there and knowing how bad it was to get her the help she needed sooner. Johnny asks if Ava is in Bayview now. Tripp confirms that she’s not getting out anytime soon. Johnny says he’s sorry and acknowledges that Tripp is having a rough time between Ava and losing Kayla. Johnny admits that hitting him was not cool. Tripp tells him not to worry about it, pointing out that he took a swing at him first. Johnny decides he should get going and tells Tripp to give his family his condolences. Tripp says the same and agrees they are good as they shake hands as Johnny then exits.

Li says Stefan must be furious with EJ if he told him the truth. EJ responds that Stefan was actually very understanding which Li questions. EJ says that Stefan sees the bigger picture that he saved the company and preserved their legacy for generations to come. Li questions EJ saying that Stefan approved his betrayal. EJ says that he respected it and forgave him, so from now on they will be running the company as co-CEOs and it will be all in the family, as it should be. Li says it’s funny he should mention family. Li reminds EJ that his father is chairman of the board and he won’t like that he’s being dismissed, so he’ll never stand for it. EJ is not sure what he can do since Li tried to murder Stefan and then had him brainwashed by a mad scientist. Li argues there’s no evidence of that. EJ says not yet. EJ warns that Kristen could flip on Li to save her own ass. Li argues that they all have nothing on him, so his father will make the very strong case that unless he’s proven guilty of a crime, he deserves to remain right where he is. EJ points out that Wei Shin is not a DiMera, so his opinion will never carry the same weight as theirs. EJ declares that as CEO, he has every right in making this decision and he can always call on his voting block if he has to. EJ says Li going to prison may be an open question but whether he has a job is not. EJ wishes Li luck in his future endeavors. EJ warns Li to let this be a lesson that you don’t cross a DiMera and get away with it. EJ then exits the room.

Gabi tells Wendy that she accepts her apology which surprises her. Wendy thanks her and gives her flowers as a peace offering. Wendy comes in and asks what happens now with Stefan. Wendy asks if he’s going to be deprogrammed. Gabi says they could do that but Stefan is no longer interested. Wendy questions what happened. Gabi explains that after getting over the initial hurdle of this nightmare and Stefan believing he was brainwashed, he said he understood how horrible everything had been and apologized for hurting her. Gabi then adds that Stefan also told her his feelings for Chloe are real, so she told him that they should find Dr. Rolf to undo what he did, so he could decide if he still loves her. Gabi says that Stefan agreed until they found out that Dr. Rolf has disappeared, so her only option left was Marlena. Gabi says she went to see Marlena yesterday and she knows she was dying, but she had no other choice. Wendy asks what she said but Gabi reveals that Brady wouldn’t let her in. Gabi calls that a huge mistake since if anyone believes in the power of love, it’s Marlena. Gabi says if Marlena could have helped, she would have, but now it’s too late. Gabi explains that she thought it was what she and Stefan both wanted so they could be together, but when he found out that she tried to see Marlena, he was repulsed and said he never wants to see her face again.

Nicole can’t believe Marlena is gone. Stefan states that it did happen stunningly fast and comments on the impact of her loss. Stefan says every paper across the globe has picked up her obituary and her impact reached beyond her patients to her colleagues and friends. Nicole brings up Marlena’s children as well, so Stefan asks if she’s thinking about Eric. Nicole assures that she is thinking about of Marlena’s children including Eric, Sami, Belle, and Brady. Stefan wonders what’s keeping EJ. Nicole asks if he’s not at the office. Stefan says he asked EJ to take care of something for him first. Nicole worries that can’t be good, but Stefan says it’s a very good thing because he asked EJ to fire Li Shin. Nicole questions that being on his order. Stefan argues that it’s the least EJ could do considering he knew that Li brainwashed him and didn’t say a word for months. Nicole questions EJ knowing about that. Stefan informs her that EJ came clean last night. Nicole claims she had no idea but Stefan says nice try. Stefan tells her that he’s heard she’s a gifted liar but her acting could use work. Stefan declares that Nicole was clearly faking surprise about EJ, just like she was pretending not to care exclusively about Eric. Nicole responds that she has to go to work and exits the mansion.

Eric puts his clothes back on. Sloan questions not having a round two. Eric says he’d love to but he can’t since his family needs to arrange Marlena’s services, so he has to go home and help. Sloan reminds Eric that if he needs to work through anything, she’s there for him. Eric says he’ll remember that and kisses her. Sloan tells him not to be a stranger as Eric then exits the apartment.

Gabi tells Wendy that it’s like Stefan doesn’t know her at all, like she’s a cruel and selfish person. Wendy encourages that Stefan didn’t mean what he said. Gabi blames the brainwashing and says if he would just get deprogrammed, he would still love her but he hates her so he’s never going to get deprogrammed, so she’s stuck. Wendy remarks that it’s too bad she can’t make him do it. Gabi asks how she would force him. Wendy points out that she said Stefan isn’t in his right mind, so if she could have a mentally ill person committed, there must be a way to convince Stefan to have the brainwashing reversed. Gabi asks if she means get a court order. Wendy says maybe the best strategy would be a full court press and get everyone who knows and loves Stefan to convince him that he has to do this, like an intervention. Wendy encourages making it all about how it would give him back control of his feelings and life. Wendy says after that, he would choose to be with Gabi. Gabi feels even if Stefan gave his consent, she’d still be stuck because Marlena is gone and Dr. Rolf is missing so they have nobody to fix the damage. Gabi declares that she’s completely out of moves. Wendy decides she’s imposed on her long enough and gathers her things. Gabi asks if there’s anything else. Wendy guesses she’s just a little surprised because she’s seen how hard Gabi fights for what she wants, so she never expected Gabi Hernandez to give up. Wendy then exits the house. Gabi remarks that she doesn’t have a choice.

Wendy goes to see Tripp and says she just came by to see how he’s doing after last night. Wendy notes his black eye. Tripp says it looks worse than it is. Wendy still can’t believe Johnny hit him. Tripp informs him that Johnny actually just came by to apologize. Wendy says that’s good because he can’t just go around punching people. Tripp points out that he took a swing first. Wendy understands that was because Johnny said horrible things about his mother. Tripp notes that Johnny apologized for that as well, saying he was upset about Marlena and lashed out at him. Tripp admits he didn’t like it, but he gets that Johnny just lost somebody that he really loved.

Chanel questions Allie asking if she’s still attracted to Johnny. Allie says it sounds like there’s still chemistry there. Chanel questions Allie and Alex looking pretty cozy together when she came home and asks if she’s not attracted to him. Allie responds that they were talking. Chanel remarks that she’s thinking Allie wanted to do more than that, considering she asked for another threesome.

Gabi sits alone, thinking back to what Wendy said to her. Gabi declares that Wendy is right that she can’t just sit back and accept this, so she has to do something and she will.

EJ comes home to the DiMera Mansion and informs Stefan that it’s done. Stefan asks how Li took it. EJ says Li made a lot of noise about how there’s no proof and his dad is chairman of the board. EJ assures that Stefan doesn’t have to worry about Li anymore and as soon as the paperwork is finished, they will be co-CEOs like it should’ve been all along. EJ declares that with the DiMera Brothers back in charge, the sky’s the limit. Stefan suggests getting champagne to celebrate. EJ says he just has to e-mail the paperwork to the lawyers and he’ll be right back. EJ heads upstairs while Stefan pulls a vial out of his pocket and looks back at the portrait of Stefano.

Allie questions Chanel throwing the threesome comment back in her face when she knows she didn’t mean that. Chanel says she sounded pretty serious to her. Allie argues that she was making a point while Chanel complains that she was airing their private business in front of Alex and making him uncomfortable. Chanel calls it mean that Allie made it sound like she’s unfulfilled in their relationship. Allie says Chanel is not going to turn this around on her when she’s the one who almost kissed Johnny. Chanel tries to argue that Allie brought Alex home while Allie clarifies that Alex took her home after seeing how upset she was about Marlena and not wanting her to be alone. Chanel asks why Allie can’t understand what happened to her. Allie argues that Johnny is her ex-husband. Chanel insists on the ex part while Allie complains about Chanel comforting him. Chanel asks if Allie ever thought that maybe she needs some comforting too since she was recently arrested for murder. Allie points out that the charges were dropped. Chanel informs her that it’s not over since Sloan is suing her and Paulina in civil court and has made it clear she’s not going to stop until she ruins their lives, so she’s kind of having a hard time right now. Allie asks if she’s not when she lost both her grandmothers right before walking in on her twin brother about to shove his tongue down her girlfriend’s throat. Allie declares that she doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. Chanel asks if she’s just going to walk away. Allie tells her that she has to go work on Marlena’s arrangements, so she’s going to get Henry and then they are out.

Wendy asks Tripp if there’s any news on his mom. Tripp informs her that he just spoke to her doctors and they asked him to stay away because they think seeing him might trigger Ava. Tripp says he feels so helpless since he can’t go see his mom and he could’ve gone with his siblings and Steve to talk to the priest about Kayla’s service but that didn’t feel right. Wendy asks about him being close to Kayla. Tripp says she was like a second mom to him over the last few years, but at a time like this, he felt it was inappropriate to group himself in with Stephanie and Joey. Wendy is sure they wouldn’t mind. Tripp says he just doesn’t want to intrude. Tripp admits he doesn’t know what to do with himself and he’s lost. Wendy tells him that’s okay because there is no road map with grief and illness. Tripp asks how to find the way out of it. Wendy is not sure you ever do completely, but she thinks in time it gets better. Tripp asks what he should do for now. Wendy instructs him to stay calm, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and eventually, he will end up exactly where he belongs.

Nicole runs in to Eric outside the Brady Pub. Nicole tells him that she just heard about his mother and she’s so sorry. Eric thanks her. Nicole calls it such a terrible loss that is senseless and shocking. Nicole says she can’t imagine what he’s feeling. Eric responds that right now, he feels numb. Nicole says that makes sense. Eric says he has to get inside. Nicole starts to say something but says never mind. Eric tells her to just say it. Nicole then asks if it would be okay if she gave him a hug. Eric says of course. Nicole asks if he’s sure. Eric says yes, so Nicole hugs him. Sloan then approaches and says she didn’t mean to interrupt. Eric asks her if everything is okay. Sloan says everything is fine and reveals that Eric just left his phone in her bed, which annoys Nicole.

Johnny goes to Allie and Chanel’s apartment. Chanel answers the door and tells him that now is not a good time. Chanel adds that until everything settles down, they should probably stay away from each other. Johnny clarifies that he came to see Wendy. Chanel tells him that she’s sorry but Wendy isn’t there. Johnny asks where she is. Chanel says Wendy left pretty early, but she’s not sure where she went.

Wendy offers to get Tripp ice for his eye and says she’s just glad that Johnny apologized, noting that she’s also on a bit of an apology tour with Gabi. Tripp asks how that went. Wendy says she first thought Gabi was going to shut the door in her face, but then she heard her out and forgave her. Wendy wishes she could help Gabi with Stefan but he refuses to undo the brainwashing. Tripp asks why. Wendy says it’s a long story but even if Gabi could convince Stefan to do it, there’s no one that can undo it, so she’s stuck with him hating her. Tripp says that sucks. Wendy feels bad that there’s nothing Gabi can do…

Stefan opens the vial from his pocket and slips it into the drink he’s making EJ. Gabi sneaks in to the DiMera Mansion behind him. Stefan remarks that he hopes EJ enjoys his drink because after this, his judgment will become so impaired that the DiMera Board will have no choice but to remove him and he cannot wait. Gabi then grabs a nearby statue and uses it to hit Stefan in the back of the head, knocking him out.

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, January 24, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Abby: Hi. I just wanted to drop off Dominic’s vitamins.

Devon: Oh. He’s not gonna like that you remembered. He hates these things.

Abby: Oh, that’s only because you don’t sing him the special vitamin song. Yeah. Which I will teach you after you tell me what’s on your mind. What’s up?


Tucker: You know, it’s a beautiful day, is it not?

Victoria: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. You know, I think that it’s dinnertime in Paris right now. It must be gorgeous, with the lights twinkling on the seine, lovers walking arm in arm down the Champs-Elysées. And I’m sure that Ashley is glancing out at the Eiffel tower, basking in the fact that she escaped you. You must be so crushed that your plan to win Ashley back failed.

Tucker: Well, I must say, I’m very flattered you’ve been thinking of me so much.

Victoria: I do. I do think of you, tucker, as much as anyone thinks of an invasive species. Very difficult to eradicate, but once they’re gone, everybody’s so blissfully satisfied.

Tucker: Are you trying to tell me you think I should leave town?

Victoria: Ashley’s out of your reach. You’re out of reasons to stay.

Tucker: Well, why should i run away and deprive myself the pleasure of one-upping my enemies?

Victoria: I don’t think you’ve one-upped anyone this go-round.

Tucker: Give it time.

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