Days Short Recap Thursday, January 26, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chanel talked to Johnny about her fight with Allie. He said he wanted to find Allie so he could to her what happened was his fault. Chanel said she couldn’t let him take the blame for what happened. She said she didn’t want to stop him when he tried to kiss her. She said at the time she didn’t want to. She said she was in love with Allie. They said they would be careful around each other. He said he cared about her and his sister. He said he didn’t want to come between them again. She said his thing with Wendy could be good. She said she was happy for him. He said he was happy for her and Allie. They hugged each other. Allie walked in the room. Belle and Paulina ran into each other in the Square. They talked about Marlena. Paulina mentioned she had to get in touch with her lawyer about Sloan’s lawsuit. Belle asked if she could join her legal team. She said working would help her. She said she liked Paulina just as much as she hated Sloan. Paulina wanted to strategize. Sloan let Nicole know she and Eric slept together. Nicole called her a sl*t. Sloan said Nicole still had feelings for Eric while lusting after EJ. Sloan called her desperate. Nicole slapped her. Sloan slapped her back. Eric showed up and stopped them from fighting. Nicole told him she knew he was grieving, but there was no excuse for him to be the terrible person he was becoming. She said if he ever broke the spell he was under, he would regret looking at Sloan. Nicole said she was sorry about his mother before she walked away.

Eric asked Sloan if she provoked Nicole. Sloan said she did. She said it was a mistake to provoke Nicole. Sloan said it was too easy to get under Nicole’s skin. She said she thought Nicole was jealous. She asked if he still had feelings for Nicole. He said there would always be a connection between them. He said they never made it work and they never would. She asked him if he had feelings for Nicole again since he didn’t answer her question. Paulina showed up and argued with Sloan. Sloan said she couldn’t wait to see who she got as a lawyer. Belle showed up and said she was Paulina’s lawyer. She reminded Sloan that she beat her before and would do it again. She asked Eric about being with Sloan after their mother died. He called Belle an ambulance chaser. He said she was on the wrong side of the case because Sloan was the victim. He said he could relate to Sloan since they just lost their mother. He said she should be able to relate too. Paulina and Belle left. When Stefan was pouring liquid in EJ’s drink, Gabi hit him in the head with a statue. She dragged him to the door. EJ called out to Stefan. He walked in and saw Gabi. He yelled at her for sneaking in the mansion. He told her to give up trying to convince Stefan to get deprogrammed. She said Stefan still loved her. She said he would be hers again. When she was about to leave, he grabbed her so he could throw her out himself. He went upstairs to look for Stefan. Gabi snuck back in the mansion. She grabbed Stefan so she could take him in the tunnel. Nicole went to the DiMera mansion. She told EJ what happened with Sloan. He wanted to toast Sloan for being with Eric and for Nicole for moving on from him. Nicole started to feel weird. She kept drinking until she dropped the glass. She almost kissed him. He took her upstairs. She wondered what was wrong with her. She said she could usually hold her liquor. He complimented her. He said Eric was a fool. She looked at him and realized she didn’t need Eric when she had him. They kissed each other. Stefan woke up tied in the wine cellar. He called Gabi a crazy b*tch. She said she was desperate. She said they were going to fix his skull whether he liked it or not. She said they would see where his heart lied. He yelled at her. She said her urge to fight for what she wanted was what he loved about her. He said he didn’t want to be with her. She said she knew it was the brainwashing talking. She said they would get through this together. She said when it was over, he would see that it was worth it. He asked how it was going to work when Rolf was missing, and Marlena was dead. She taped his mouth and called Li.

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