Days Update Friday, January 27, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tripp and Wendy play a video game together. They joke about Tripp’s victory after. Tripp thanks Wendy for keeping him company all day. Wendy says she’s happy to be there. Tripp asks if she’s sure because he noticed her checking her phone every few minutes. Wendy admits that maybe she thought she would hear from Johnny, but she’s sure he must be busy with family stuff.

Allie comes home to see Chanel and Johnny hugging. Allie asks if they are kidding and says she’s sorry to interrupt their special moment. Johnny tells her it’s not what she thinks. Allie questions if they weren’t about to cheat on her. Johnny says no but Allie argues that this is the second time she has caught them getting cozy together so obviously something is going on and she would like to know what it is.

Sloan and Eric continue their breakfast at the Pub. Sloan questions letting Paulina get to her. Eric tries to encourage her but Sloan complains that Paulina ruined her life and now her pancakes are ice cold. Eric offers to warm them up for her but she says it’s okay as she’s not even hungry anymore. Sloan asks how she can eat after having to deal with Nicole and Paulina in the same day. Eric says he’s sorry things got out of hand between her and Nicole. Sloan declares that at least now, Nicole knows Eric has moved on and hopefully she realizes that it’s time for her to do the same.

Nicole starts kissing EJ until he stops and questions what she’s doing. Nicole tells EJ to make love to her right now and starts kissing him again.

Gabi leaves the secret room in the tunnels where she has Stefan tied up and calls Li, asking if he’s home because she hoped to stop by. Li brings up that she said she couldn’t stand being in the same room as him. Gabi says she just had a run in with Stefan that got ugly. Li asks if he hurt her. Gabi says it was nothing like that and claims she just wants to talk if that’s alright. Li says he’ll be waiting and they hang up. Gabi declares that she’s going to get Stefan deprogrammed whether he likes it or not.

Roman brings Tripp some chowder from the Brady Pub for him and his family. Roman asks if Steve is around. Tripp informs him that Steve and Stephanie just went to St. Luke’s to make arrangements for Kayla, but they should be home soon. Tripp introduces Roman to Wendy. Wendy tells Roman that she’s so sorry to hear about his wife and sister. Wendy mentions meeting Kayla in Hong Kong and says she was a total badass. Roman asks Tripp about his black eye. Tripp claims it was just a weird thing at the park but it’s all good now.

Johnny tells Allie that there’s nothing going on between he and Chanel. Allie asks why Johnny is even here. Johnny explains that he came to see Wendy. Allie questions if he decided to throw himself at Chanel since Wendy wasn’t there. Chanel argues that they were just talking. Allie points out that they were hugging too. Chanel insists that she wouldn’t cheat on her. Allie questions that since she admitted last night that they almost kissed, so she asks how far they would’ve gone today. Allie remarks that if she hadn’t walked in and stopped them, they might be having sex on the couch right now.

Eric offers to get Sloan something else to eat, insisting on some chowder to warm her soul and says it’s on the house so she can’t say no. Sloan responds that she can never say no to him.

Nicole and EJ continue kissing until EJ pulls away and says he doesn’t think this is a good idea. Nicole asks why the hell not. EJ points out that she’s still upset about Eric. Nicole argues that she doesn’t care about Eric and he obviously doesn’t care about her as he’s probably off doing it with Sloan. Nicole wants to rub this in Sloan’s face. EJ doesn’t think Sloan would care if they slept together. Nicole says she’ll rub it in Eric’s face then. Nicole says they should just do this an continues kissing EJ. Nicole then pushes EJ onto the bed and climbs on top of him.

Wendy asks Tripp if he’s sure he doesn’t want her to stick around until his family comes home. Tripp assures that he’ll be fine and jokes that she’s relieved of her babysitting duties. Wendy responds that she actually likes hanging out with him and they joke about their video game playing. Wendy calls Tripp a good guy, pointing out that he didn’t rat out Johnny when Roman asked about his eye. Tripp says the family is going through enough and adds that Johnny apologized, so they’re cool. Wendy says he probably saved Johnny a lecture from Roman and he didn’t have to. Wendy then asks if Tripp will be sticking around Salem for now. Tripp says he’s not sure but he will be at least through Kayla’s funeral. Wendy tells him to feel free to hit her up if he ever needs to talk. Tripp thanks her and says he appreciates it as they hug.

Johnny asks Allie to stop overreacting and says he was just telling Chanel that he’s happy they are together. Chanel adds that she was telling him that she’s happy he found Wendy. Johnny tells Allie that what she saw was just them wishing each other well. Johnny tells Allie to just chill. Allie responds that maybe she would if they hadn’t almost kissed last night. Chanel calls that a dumb, impulsive moment that will never happen again. Allie questions why she would believe that. Johnny calls it the truth and complains that Allie is getting worked up over nothing. Johnny remarks that Allie is starting to sound like Sami with all this jealousy. Allie demands he take that back. Johnny argues that Allie is jumping to conclusions, throwing tantrums, and making it all about her. Allie then accuses Johnny of acting like EJ since EJ makes moves on women who are already taken like Belle or when Sami was with Rafe. Johnny argues that he’s not making moves. Allie says that just like EJ, Johnny doesn’t care about the relationships he ruins as long as he gets what he wants.

Nicole and EJ kiss in bed until EJ stops her. Nicole asks what the problem is since he was all about them getting together on New Year’s. EJ reminds her that she put the brakes on because she wanted to stop making impulsive decisions. Nicole argues that it’s been almost a month so there’s nothing impulsive about it. EJ notes that she made it very clear that she wasn’t ready. Nicole says now she is ready and questions why EJ is doing this. Nicole asks if EJ wants her. EJ says of course he does. Nicole asks why he keeps pulling away then. EJ responds that he doesn’t think she’s in the right mind to make an informed decision, pointing out that she’s drunk as a skunk.

Gabi goes to Li’s room at the Salem Inn. Li informs her that EJ fired him. Gabi guesses that’s not surprising but she’s sorry. Li thanks her and asks what happened with Stefan. Gabi says she was trying to convince him again to get deprogrammed. Li notes that she does not give up. Gabi says she tried to remind Stefan of their love but he doubled down, calling her vicious names and saying she’s a terrible person. Li hates that Stefan is doing that to her. Gabi thanks him. Li asks why she’s telling him all of this and asks if she’s going to yell at him again for brainwashing Stefan. Gabi says that’s not it, so Li asks why she’s here. Gabi claims she came to say he’s right that when it comes to Stefan, she’s wasting her time and the person she should be with is Li.

Johnny tells Allie that she doesn’t get to criticize his dad when her dad is in prison for kidnapping their mom. Allie asks if he really thinks her dad has committed more crimes than his. Johnny tells Chanel that if Allie starts to feel too insecure, she might have her kidnapped. Chanel tells them to stop. Allie asks if she heard what he just said. Chanel says it’s time for Johnny to go which he says is fine with him. Johnny asks Chanel to tell Wendy that he stopped by which she agrees to do as she opens the door. Allie then shouts that she’ll be sure to tell Wendy that when she wasn’t there, he hooked up with her girlfriend instead, right as Wendy then arrives and questions what she just heard.

Eric questions Sloan never having clam chowder before and asks if she doesn’t like it. Sloan admits it’s not really her thing. Eric jokes that they can’t be friends after this. Sloan says she’s more of a chicken noodle traditionalist which Eric jokes is blasphemy. Eric talks about how Roman would react. Sloan says she’s glad that he’s going to keep it between them then because she wouldn’t want Roman to hear that she actually hates the chowder. Roman then appears at their table and remarks that she certainly wouldn’t want him to hear that.

Nicole jokes with EJ about being drunk and then argues that she can’t be drunk after just one mimosa and champagne. EJ points out that it’s hit her pretty hard. Nicole claims she’s perfectly fine as she gets up and spins around. Nicole then feels sick and rushes to the bathroom.

Li tells Gabi that this is very surprising since last time he saw her, she dumped a bucket of ice on his head. Gabi says she was just upset after everything he did. Li argues that doesn’t explain her sudden 180. Gabi claims that she knows the passion between them. Li asks if she admits it then. Gabi admits she feels very strong emotions around him and he was right about a lot of things. Li asks like what. Gabi responds that they are the same in that they both go to drastic measures for what they want and that Stefan would never love her like he does. Li points out that she didn’t want to hear it before. Gabi says she can’t deny it now. Li asks what she is saying. Gabi tells him that she needs to give up on Stefan and really give their marriage a try. Gabi then kisses Li.

EJ asks Nicole if she’s okay as she comes back from the bathroom. Nicole feels embarrassed since she jumped him, he turned her down, and then she puked. EJ says he’s flattered that she wanted to be with him. EJ assures that it was hard to turn her down. Nicole asks why he did then. EJ responds that she was too drunk to know what she was doing. Nicole argues that it doesn’t make sense since she only had a drink and a half and everyone knows she can hold her liquor. EJ reminds her that she didn’t have breakfast and suggests it was an off day. Nicole then suggests something was wrong with the champagne. EJ points out that he had some and he’s fine. Nicole wonders what happened to her then.

Eric introduces Sloan to Roman. Sloan tells him that it’s a pleasure to meet him and she’s very sorry to hear about what happened to his wife. Roman thanks her even if she hates his chowder. Sloan clarifies that she hates all clam chowder. Sloan says she’s grateful for the hospitality and hopes he doesn’t hold that against her. Roman says he doesn’t but he does hold against her the way she’s gone after Paulina. Roman goes over how Abe is his best friend and Paulina being married to him makes her family. Roman declares that nothing is more important to him than family. Sloan responds that she feels the same way which is why she won’t stop until Paulina and Chanel both pay for their crimes. Sloan declares that they took her parents from her, so she won’t stop until they have both been brought to justice.

Johnny tells Wendy that he was not hooking up with Chanel and that Allie just completely misread the situation. Wendy cuts him off and says it’s fine. Wendy tells him to do whatever he wants and storms off. Johnny then tells Allie that she’s nothing like their mom and rushes out. Allie tells Chanel that she’s going to the office to work but Chanel stops her and says they are going to talk this out. Allie says she’s not in the mood. Chanel thought she came home to work things out. Allie says she did but then she saw him in her brother’s arms. Chanel repeats that it was totally innocent. Allie argues that she knew she was really upset about them almost kissing so she questions why Chanel thought it would be okay to have him over and give him a hug. Chanel repeats that she and Johnny are just friends and she has nothing to worry about. Allie mentions that’s what Alex said. Chanel then questions Allie going to see Alex.

Li tells Gabi that he missed her so much and asks if she’s serious about giving their marriage a try. Gabi wants to show him how serious she is and brings up their wedding vows. Li asks if she’s giving up on Stefan. Gabi says he gave up on her a long time ago and she just couldn’t see it. Li questions if he’s just the consolation prize. Gabi assures that she loved him before Stefan came back and she just had a hard time accepting that the Stefan she used to love is gone for good. Gabi claims that she believes she and Li can get back where they used to be. Li can’t believe it and asks what their first step is. Gabi points out that they never did consummate their marriage. Li questions if she wants to do that now. Gabi says she wants to feel close to him again and every time they made love, they had a deep connection. Gabi says doing that again could get closer to building back their relationship. Li calls this incredible. Gabi questions him hesitating. Li just wants to make sure this is what she really wants. Gabi says she wants to make this a real marriage and she wants to commit. Li states that he’s ready to commit. Gabi then asks him to take a shower first since he was at the gym. Gabi says she will get undressed in the meantime. Li tells her that she has no idea how happy she made him as he kisses her. After Li goes to shower, Gabi begins searching the room and says there has to be something in there that will get her to Dr. Rolf.

Eric knows Roman is loyal to Abe and his family but calls this a complicated situation. Eric points out that Sloan lost her mother because Chanel pushed her off a building. Roman says he understands that was self defense but Sloan insists that Chanel and Paulina are lying about that. Roman points out that the London authorities not thinking so. Sloan mentions suing in civil court and expecting to be vindicated. Eric feels Sloan has every right to pursue this while Roman argues that all she is doing is causing more pain when they’ve all had enough of that. Sloan doesn’t want to get between them and cause more tension, so she thinks she better just go. Eric reminds Sloan that they are in the middle of a lunch date. Sloan gets a call from a client. Sloan tells Eric that it shouldn’t take long but maybe it will give he and Roman time to sort though things. Sloan then exits the Pub to answer her call. Eric asks Roman to just give Sloan a chance. Roman asks if they are getting serious. Eric says no, but he likes her. Roman asks about Nicole. Eric says they are over and have moved on. Roman notes that he’s heard that before and asks if he’s sure this time.

EJ brings Nicole tea and toast in bed, hoping that it makes her feel better. Nicole thanks EJ for being a gentleman earlier as she can’t believe she made such a fool of herself. Nicole wants EJ to know that not everything she said and did was because of the alcohol. Nicole tells EJ that she’s sick of pining over Eric as he’s not the same person she used to know, so she’s ready to move on and if EJ is willing, she’d like to move on with him.

Johnny catches up to Wendy in the park. Wendy tells him that he doesn’t need to explain anything as they weren’t even a couple. Wendy adds that they only kissed on New Year’s Eve and hadn’t even gone on a date, so he can hook up with Chanel. Johnny insists that he’s not hooking up with Chanel and that Allie only said that because she’s in a fight with Chanel. Johnny explains that Allie wanted to mess things up with her to hurt him. Wendy asks if there’s nothing going on with him and Chanel then. Johnny says he wants to be honest with her and admits that last night at the hospital, he almost kissed Chanel.

Chanel questions Allie being upset with her for hanging out with Johnny, while at the same time, she was being consoled by Alex. Allie argues that Chanel and Johnny were married. Chanel argues that Allie had sex with Alex. Allie points out that they both did. Chanel suggests maybe Allie decided she wanted to turn their threesome in to a twosome. Allie reminds her that she had Henry with her and they were just talking. Chanel says her and Johnny were just talking as well. Chanel remarks that Allie sounds like a hypocrite. Allie argues that she never had feelings for Alex. Chanel says her point is that she trusts Allie, so she questions why Allie can’t trust her. Chanel then points out that she’s not the one who has cheated before. Allie calls that really unfair, noting that she cheated on Tripp with her because they are meant to be together. Chanel apologizes and admits that she shouldn’t have said that. Allie acknowledges that she shouldn’t have accused her of cheating with Johnny. Chanel says emotions are clearly running high so they should stop before saying something they regret. Chanel suggests they take a little time apart. Allie agrees that they could both use some space. Allie offers to go to her Grandpa’s but Chanel says her family is dealing with a lot right now, so she will go pack a bag and stay at Paulina’s.

Wendy questions Johnny almost kissing his sister’s girlfriend and asks what that means. Johnny responds that it means that they probably would have kissed if Allie didn’t walk in. Wendy realizes that’s why Allie is mad at him. Johnny says it wasn’t like that as he was just upset about Marlena and Chanel was comforting him. Wendy questions her doing that with her lips but Johnny admits that he was the one who instigated it. Johnny reminds Wendy that Chanel used to be his wife and in that moment, he just needed to feel close to someone. Wendy asks if he still has feelings for Chanel. Johnny says no. Johnny adds that he’ll always care about her and there’s probably something unresolved between them but that doesn’t matter because Chanel is committed to Allie and he really likes Wendy. Johnny says if it’s alright with her, he’d really like to take her on that date.

EJ asks Nicole what exactly moving on with him entails. Nicole asks if she really has to explain it to him. EJ asks if they are talking about a relationship or just a roll in the hay. Nicole admits she doesn’t know and suggests they just figure it out as they go along. EJ tells her that he’s game for either one. Nicole feels they’ve been down this road many times, so making a full on commitment would be premature. EJ suggests that when she’s feeling better, they can go out to dinner on a proper date and see how things go from there. Nicole responds that she would love that and agrees to the date.

Eric asks Roman to just trust him that the ship has sailed for he and Nicole, so it’s over. Roman says he’s really sorry to hear that. Eric insists that it’s time for both of them to move on. Roman questions doing that with Sloan when she’s in the middle of a heated legal battle with Paulina. Eric doesn’t want to talk about his love life and asks how Roman is doing. Roman says he’s hanging in. Eric asks where he’s at with funeral arrangements. Roman reminds him that Kate didn’t want any fuss. Eric asks what about Kayla and Marlena. Roman says he can talk to John and Steve but he understands there’s nothing more to do at the moment. Sloan returns and says she hopes she gave them enough time. Roman says definitely and that he will bring her something less authentic than the chowder to try. Sloan jokes to Eric about her making fabulous first impressions.

Gabi continues searching Li’s room and then checks his phone. Gabi says he must have a burner phone around somewhere which she then finds in his drawer. Gabi calls the number on it and tells Dr. Rolf not to hang up on her because she needs his help and she’s not taking no for an answer.

Wendy tells Johnny that she’d really like to go out with him, but his life seems really complicated right now. Johnny insists that he’s not interested in Chanel but Wendy says it’s more than that. Wendy brings up that he just lost both of his grandmothers and has all this drama going on with his sister, so he should really be with his family right now. Johnny says maybe she’s right that it’s not the ideal time to start a relationship but asks is it ever. Wendy just wants to be sure they are both in it for the right reasons. Johnny suggests they both take some time, he’ll be with his family and let Allie and Chanel cool off. Johnny says then when things are more settled down, he wants to take her on that date. Wendy says she can live with that and that they’re good as Johnny hugs her.

Chanel packs her bag and tells Allie that maybe she should take the next few days off from work since she’s dealing with a lot and her family needs her. Allie says okay if she’s sure they have enough coverage and thanks her. Chanel tells Allie to text her if she needs anything. Allie says she will. Chanel then leaves the apartment while Allie holds back tears.

Sloan eats a salad and says this is more like it. Eric is glad she’s finally satisfied. Sloan says she wouldn’t say satisfied and invites Eric back to her place tonight if he wants to satisfy her. Sloan adds that’s if he’s up to the challenge which Eric says he always is as they then kiss.

Nicole falls asleep so EJ puts a blanket over her.

Gabi tells Dr. Rolf that if he does what she asks, he’ll be back in the good graces of the DiMeras and he’ll be out of prison. Gabi asks if they have a deal and then tells Dr. Rolf to get to Salem ASAP. Gabi then hangs up and puts the phone back. Gabi goes to leave the room but Li comes out of the shower and questions where she is going.

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