Days Update Thursday, January 26, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel repeats to Johnny that it’s not a good time so Johnny says he understands and will go try to track down Wendy on his own. Johnny turns to leave but stops and says he can see Chanel is upset about something and they are good friends. Johnny offers to talk about whatever is bothering her. Johnny asks if it has anything to do with Allie. Chanel admits it might so Johnny guesses they didn’t patch things up. Chanel informs him that when she got home, Allie was home with Alex and wanted to have another threesome.

Alex works out at the Kiriakis Mansion without a shirt on as Allie walks in and watches with a smile.

Sloan asks if she was interrupting something between Eric and Nicole. Sloan then says she just thought Eric would want his phone back and talks about how they made such a mess that he left it in her bed. Sloan tells Eric that she’ll see him around, but Nicole calls her pathetic.

Stefan opens the vial from his pocket and slips it into the drink he’s making EJ. Gabi sneaks in to the DiMera Mansion behind him. Stefan remarks that he hopes EJ enjoys his drink because after this, his judgment will become so impaired that the DiMera Board will have no choice but to remove him and he cannot wait. Gabi then grabs a nearby statue and uses it to hit Stefan in the back of the head, knocking him out. Gabi quickly shuts the door and tells Stefan that she’s sorry that she had to do that, but some day soon he will thank her. Gabi then begins dragging Stefan’s body away.

Sloan questions Nicole calling her pathetic. Nicole argues that instead of giving Eric his phone back discreetly, she let everyone know that she’s a pathetic slut. Sloan asks if she’s pathetic for enjoying instead of feeling ashamed about her sex life, while Nicole is throwing around slurs against women. Nicole doesn’t care who Sloan sleeps with and tells her to have some class and keep it to herself. Sloan argues that Nicole cares very much since she is sleeping with Nicole’s very handsome ex-husband. Sloan tells Nicole that she should be asking herself why she cares. Sloan asks if it’s because Nicole still has the hots for Eric while she’s drooling and panting over EJ DiMera.

Gabi continues dragging Stefan’s body as she hears EJ coming back to the room. Gabi gets Stefan’s body outside as EJ then enters and questions what the hell is going on here and why she is in the house. EJ tells Gabi to save her lies and guarantees that Stefan will never submit to deprogramming. EJ adds that Gabi desperately sneaking in to his home will only lead to her being charged with breaking and entering. Gabi says that is exactly why she’s there and asks what EJ knows about love. EJ assures he knows more than her and he’s also well versed in loathing which is all Stefan feels towards her now. Gabi says she’s very aware of what Stefan thinks he feels towards her but she knows deep down in his heart, beneath Dr. Rolf’s mind control manipulations, Stefan still loves her and they are going to be together again. Gabi declares that Stefan will be hers forever. EJ applauds her performance. Gabi says she will see herself out but EJ stops her and says he won’t have her wandering around the grounds, so he will personally see her out the front door himself. EJ then escorts Gabi out, while Stefan’s body lies outside the side door.

Belle walks through the town square while on the phone with John. Belle breaks down crying that she can’t believe they are planning Marlena’s funeral. Belle finishes the call and comes across Paulina, who tells her that she’s so sorry about Marlena. Paulina adds that Tammy is devastated as well and sends her love to their family.

Alex finishes his workout and puts a shirt on as he asks Allie what brought her by. Allie explains that she was dropping Henry off with Will, but she’s glad she ran in to Alex because she wanted to apologize for what happened last night at her place.

Johnny questions Chanel about Allie wanting another threesome. Chanel explains that Allie only said it to get back at her because they almost kissed. Chanel says Allie was so upset and she tried to talk to her about it, but they got in to a huge fight.

Nicole tells Sloan that she doesn’t know anything about her or about her and EJ. Sloan agrees but remarks that she does happen to know Eric intimately and he doesn’t want her. Sloan then suggests Nicole stop being so desperate and throwing herself at him. Nicole slaps Sloan and Sloan slaps her back. Eric gets in between them and says that’s enough. Nicole tells Eric that she knows he’s grieving and maybe that’s affecting his judgment, but there’s no excuse for the horrible human he’s become. Nicole remarks that if he ever breaks out of this spell, she has no doubt that he’ll regret ever laying eyes or any other body part on Sloan. Nicole calls Sloan a loathsome, awful bitch. Nicole tells Eric that she’s really sorry about his mother and then storms off.

EJ sends Gabi out the front door as she shouts that she’ll be back. EJ shuts the door and says he finally has peace and quiet. EJ calls out to Stefan, wondering where he disappeared to. EJ remarks that he doesn’t blame him for disappearing when Gabi is stalking him. EJ heads upstairs looking for Stefan while Gabi sneaks around and back in to the living room. Gabi says it’s the things we do for love as she opens the entrance to the underground tunnels and begins dragging Stefan’s body back inside.

Alex tells Allie that she will never have to apologize with him for offering a threesome. Allie says that’s very funny but it was unfair to drag him in to a fight between her and Chanel. Alex jokes that she can keep him in mind for future invitations. Alex asks if they made up after he left. Allie tells him that they slept in separate rooms and when they did talk, it just led to another fight. Alex says that sucks and he’s sorry to hear that. Allie adds that she did get Chanel to admit that she and Johnny were about to kiss at the hospital.

Johnny argues that he and Chanel both know that what happened at the hospital meant nothing and that she was just comforting him as he was upset about Marlena. Johnny insists that she should just let him talk to Allie but Chanel assures that he’s the last person that Allie wants to see right now other than maybe herself. Johnny says he’s sorry. Chanel says she couldn’t deny it anymore and Allie cornered her and forced her to admit that what she thought almost happened did almost happen.

Paulina tells Belle that her family is there for her if there’s anything they can do. Belle thanks her and says it means a lot. Paulina says she doesn’t want to keep her and she has to call her attorney. Belle asks who is suing her. Paulina informs Belle that Sloan has slapped her with a civil suit.

Eric asks Sloan if she’s sure she’s okay. Sloan assures that she gave as good as she got. Eric asks if this was totally necessary. Sloan reminds him that she was bringing him his phone which Eric says he appreciates. Eric offers to buy her breakfast. Sloan says he doesn’t have to but Eric says there’s no strings and they are at the Pub. Eric says he owes her for all the beer, takeout, and visits to her place. Sloan then accepts his offer and decides she could use a mimosa or four after today, so they head in to the Pub.

EJ returns to the living room and finds Nicole. EJ assumed she went to the office and asks if she’s okay. Nicole responds that she’s a fool because she went to see Eric to give her condolences and tell him how sorry she was about his mother, but then Sloan flew in on her broom, bragging that she slept with Eric. EJ grabs the drinks that Stefan poured and gives one to Nicole. EJ says that Stefan seems to have disappeared, so now he and Nicole will toast to Sloan moving in on Eric, and to Nicole moving on from that hypocrite. EJ declares that Sloan deserves Eric while Nicole deserves better. EJ and Nicole then drink the drinks that Stefan poured, with Nicole having the one that Stefan had drugged.

Allie complains to Alex that Chanel and Johnny are sticking to the same lame story that Chanel was just consoling Johnny. Allie argues that she’s upset about Marlena too but she’s not making out with the person standing in front of her or going after Johnny’s girlfriend. Allie acknowledges that she can’t cut her brother out of her life forever, but she doesn’t want to worry about him going after her girlfriend or about Chanel betraying her.

Johnny wants to go find Allie but Chanel doesn’t want him to. Johnny insists that their almost kiss meant nothing and whatever it was, was all him. Johnny says that Allie needs to know that and insists that he can get her past this. Chanel stops him and says she can’t let him take all the blame. Chanel acknowledges that Johnny did lean in to kiss her, but she didn’t stop it. Chanel then admits that in that moment, she didn’t want to stop it.

Paulina tells Belle that after everything she did, Sloan has filed a civil suit for wrongful death. Belle questions why she didn’t come to her right away. Paulina points out everything she’s been going through. Belle says that work gets her mind off things so she asks to help Paulina and Chanel which will help herself too. Paulina says she’d be happy to add her to the team if she’s sure. Belle assures that she’s positive and declares that she likes Paulina almost as much as she hates Sloan. Paulina says the feeling is mutual and offers Belle breakfast while they talk strategy on how to take Sloan down.

Eric and Sloan eat breakfast together at the Brady Pub. Sloan tells Eric that he was right that provoking Nicole was a mistake. Sloan knows she shouldn’t be looking for trouble, but says Nicole makes it easy to get under her skin. Sloan then admits that maybe she was a little jealous because it’s very clear that Nicole still has feelings for Eric. Sloan then asks if Eric still has feelings for Nicole.

EJ asks if Nicole is feeling better. She says she is feeling much better. EJ asks what happened between her and Sloan. Nicole complains that Sloan is beyond smug. Nicole says that Sloan saw her hugging Eric and she really was just consoling him. EJ jokes about Sloan harassing her for hugging her boyfriend. Nicole tells EJ about how Sloan used returning Eric’s phone as an opportunity to gloat about how he’s another notch in her bedpost. Nicole argues that Sloan made an uncomfortable situation even worse by making lewd assumptions about them. Nicole then gets up to pour another drink. EJ warns her about overdoing it but Nicole insists that she can hold her liquor. Nicole then drops her glass, smashing it on the floor.

Stefan wakes up in the tunnels and is tied up in a chair. Stefan screams out asking who did this. Gabi then appears and admits it was her.

Alex tells Allie that he’s the last person to give relationship advice since he ruined his last relationship, but he’s seen Allie and Chanel together and how much Chanel loves her which is why she chose to be with her over Johnny. Allie argues that Chanel and Johnny were married. Alex points out that they are not anymore. Alex encourages that Allie is beautiful, smart, funny, and way hotter than her brother. Alex calls Allie probably the hottest girl he’s ever been with which she says makes her feel a lot better. Alex encourages her to go home and make up with her girlfriend.

Johnny questions Chanel wanting to kiss him. Chanel says maybe she shouldn’t have said that, but it was in that moment. Chanel insists that she loves Allie and is totally committed to her, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still feel something for Johnny. Chanel acknowledges that she loved Johnny once too. Johnny asks what they are going to do about this lingering attraction.

Eric tells Sloan that there will always be a connection with Nicole but they’ve had more than enough chances to make it right and never did. Sloan instructs Eric to answer the question of whether he still has feelings for Nicole. Paulina interrupts and says she doesn’t see how anyone can have an appetite with Sloan here. Sloan tells her to get used to her presence since they are going to be stuck in a courtroom together very soon. Sloan adds that she can’t wait to see what joker Paulina hired to represent her and Chanel. Belle then arrives and reveals that she is Paulina’s lawyer. Belle remarks that she’s already beaten Sloan once and she can do it again with her hands tied behind her back.

Nicole tells EJ that she just got a bit woozy but she’s fine now. Nicole says she just hates that she let Sloan get her so upset. EJ tells her not to give Sloan that power over her as she knows how to illicit an emotional response from her and throw her off balance. Nicole doesn’t want to give Sloan the satisfaction of getting her upset and getting to her. Nicole then asks why she should deny herself the satisfaction of going and ripping every hair out of Sloan’s head. EJ says he wouldn’t tell someone to deny their darker impulses. Nicole leans in to kiss EJ but EJ decides to help get her upstairs.

Stefan struggles with being tied up and says his head is killing him as he calls Gabi a psycho. Gabi says she’s sorry as she didn’t want to hit him that hard but there will be no permanent damage and they know he has a thick skull. Gabi remarks that she’s not the one with mental problems and since Stefan no longer wanted to undo the mental problems, she felt desperate action was required because she’s not giving up on them. Stefan suggests they can open up discussions again about it. Gabi tells him that he’s not getting out of it this time and whether he likes it or not, they’re going to fix that thick skull of his and then they will see where his heart lies.

EJ helps Nicole to her bed and tells her to get some rest. EJ offers to stay with her if she’d like. Nicole thanks him and says she will just lie down for a minute. Nicole says she usually can hold her liquor so she doesn’t know what’s wrong with her. EJ tells her there is nothing wrong with her. EJ calls her a smart, dynamic and very beautiful woman. EJ calls Eric a fool, who never should’ve let her go.

Belle questions what Eric’s problem is, arguing that their mother just died and he’s hanging out with Sloan. Eric accuses her of being an ambulance chaser. Belle argues that this is an attack on innocent people and a lawsuit with no merit. Eric tells her to stop grandstanding and to save it for the courtroom. Eric says he’s seen enough to know that she’s on the wrong side of this. Eric argues that Sloan is the injured party here and he can relate to having lost a mother too soon. Eric says it’s done irreparable harm to Sloan that Chanel took her mother from her and Paulina covered it up, end of story.

Gabi offers Stefan some aspirin. Stefan asks if she’s out of her mind and declares that he will never ingest anything from her ever. Stefan screams at her to untie him and let him go. Gabi says it’s just aspirin. Stefan calls her unbelievable and says this is why he abandoned any possibility of ever getting back with her. Stefan complains about her psychotic drive and obsessive need to get her way. Gabi argues that these are reasons he couldn’t live without her before. Stefan questions being forced to be someone he’s not against his will and being brainwashed again. Gabi insists that it’s for the love that she knows is in there and that was taken against his will. Stefan tells her that he doesn’t want to be with her and he never will. Gabi knows he believes that and it hurts her to hear him say it, but she knows it’s the brainwashing talking. Gabi says she had no other option and they will get through this together. Gabi promises that when it’s done, he will see it was all worth it. Stefan questions how this is going to work since Marlena is dead and Dr. Rolf has disappeared. Gabi tells him that they don’t know where Dr. Rolf is, but they do know somebody who does. Gabi then calls Li and says she really needs to see him.

Chanel tells Johnny that normally, she would just ghost him but since she’s in love with his twin sister, she doesn’t really see that happening. Johnny jokes that he’d prefer not to be ghosted regardless. Johnny guesses they’ll just have to be more careful around each other from now on and he promises not to lean in anymore. Chanel promises the same. They shake hands on that. Johnny tells Chanel that he really cares about her and Allie. Johnny says they were able to overcome this triangle before and he doesn’t want to come between them again. Johnny adds that he thinks this thing with Wendy could be really good. Chanel says she’s happy for him. Johnny says he’s happy for her and Allie and he knows they are going to figure this out. Johnny and Chanel hug right as Allie comes home and sees them.

Paulina tells Eric that normally she would defend her daughter to the death but out of respect for his mom, she’s not going to do that. Paulina decides she and Belle will go to Julie’s Place instead and they leave. Sloan tells Eric that maybe she should get going too, pointing out that first there was Nicole and now this. Sloan says she doesn’t want to be the person that comes between Eric and his sister, Belle. Eric assures it’s nothing he can’t handle and he likes having Sloan around.

Nicole thanks EJ for what he said and says it’s always nice to hear, especially these days. Nicole tells EJ that he’s right about Sloan and she doesn’t need to go engage with her because that’s exactly what she wants. Nicole declares to Hell with Eric, Sloan can have him as she doesn’t need him anymore. Nicole tells EJ that she wants to have him and they start kissing.

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