Days Transcript Thursday, November 24, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Alex, what’s on this? Well, what does it look like?

You said there was a work emergency. There is. It’s Thanksgiving and you have been working way too hard and you promised me a second date, so this is it.

Okay, so, um, just, uh, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes and then let it cool before you serve. Oh, and, um, there’s homemade whipped cream in the fridge if you lift a bowl in there.

Thank you. The least I could do. So enjoy your dinner.

I guess this is goodbye.

Judah and I talked earlier and very thankful, very happy to announce that she has decided to have the. And she and I are looking forward to raising our child together.

Should I go help Kate and your dad with the dishes? Oh no. They got it covered. It’s just not my style to sit around and not help. Yeah. Well, you have an excuse. I do. Um, you’re pregnant. That . Yeah, that, well, it’s a little early to be playing that card, don’t you think? Especially considering that I’m still taking down bad guys as a badass police detective.

That’s a good point. But to be honest, I think it was my dad and Kate’s way of giving us some time to talk. Yeah, I, I picked up on that too. Good. So you can sit back and relax. Can I serve you another piece of. Now that I can do myself, you know, I just, I want to tell you how much I appreciate it, and I’m glad you stayed for Thanksgiving dinner.

I hope it wasn’t too awkward. It was a little but mostly nice. Much better than being alone on the holidays.

Ej, it’s Ray Fernandez. Sorry to bother you again. I know this is a difficult time, but it’s very important I get the full story of what transpired between you and Ava Vitale. I’d like to set up a time for you to come down to the station and give your statement. Or I can come to you, whatever would

like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Allow me. Thank you. You’re welcome. I know your parents are in Seattle with Trip. Can’t have you spending Thanksgiving all alone. Oh God. I feel so awful for Trip. Yeah, me too. Well, I hope you haven’t eaten already. Just a granola bar from the vending machine at the police station. Hmm. How’s Chanel doing?

She’s hanging in there. Abe was able to pull some strings so he and Allie and Polly know were able to have Thanksgiving dinner with her. Good. I’m glad. Speaking of Thanksgiving dinner, didn’t you already eat with your family? Yeah, but you know, it was kind of a hot mess. Bonnie’s still a bit traumatized over Ava and Susan, and she just keeps going on and on about how easily she could have been killed, but she wasn’t.

Thanks to you and your dad.


hi. Excuse me for interrupting a. Harold thought it might be all right if I came in. I,

I just wanna offer you my condolences. You and Johnny, um, Johnny’s out of town. I, I haven’t spoken with him yet. Oh, so he doesn’t know about Susan. I don’t think so, and I have no idea how I’m going to tell him, especially since this is all my fault.

So what can I expect from a Hernandez family? Thanksgiving? Well, it’s just gonna be me, you, and rave. So I think this is gonna be low key. Low key’s. Good. Right. No drama for a change. Hey Lee, can I get you a beer? Well, actually, Lee brought a really nice bottle of wine. Oh, we can have that for dinner. Yeah, I take a beer.

All right, J, you know what? Sure, why not. All right. Three beers coming up. Hey, thanks for inviting me. Yeah, man. Of course you know you’re gonna be family soon. Oh man. Oh my God. Where’s la? Is she in her room? Oh, she stayed over at Sunny’s after the parade. Oh, all right. I made her favorite cornbread with Jala.

Oh, um, sorry. She, uh, was talking with Holly about this cheesy Christmas movie they wanted to watch. I told her it was okay.

You upset? No, no, no. That’s just, uh, yeah. Nicole and Holly we’re here. Wouldn’t even be an issue. And they’re not here. You know why? Because Nicole is a ridiculously fickle person who doesn’t appreciate the amazing husband that she. Nicole ruined everything. I swear to you, one day she’s going to realize what an idiot she was for leaving you for Eric Brady.

She’s gonna regret the hell out.

Another benefit to being pregnant. . What is, oh, you’re eating for two. It’s almost like you got a free license to use as much as you want. , listen, pregnant or. I do not need permission for that.

What? Nothing. It’s, you know, I’m just really happy. I’m really happy you decide to keep the baby. I promise you, jd. I’m gonna be there for a kid. A hundred. I’m calling to be a good dad. I know. You’ll, and you said the other day that you already wanted to be a father. I, I did. Just never thought it was gonna happen.

You know, my life went different directions and I became a priest in a different kind of father . Right. And after you left the priesthood, oh, I just didn’t think it was in my cards.

What about you? You always wanna be a mom. My ex-husband and I, we discussed it, but we were so busy with our careers that we decided to put it off. Hmm. Which I’m glad we did because our marriage didn’t last. Sure we could have co-parented like you and I are going to do, but you would’ve been really complicated.

Hey, you were not gonna make this work. You believe that, right? Yeah, I do. But, but why? One? I just can’t help but wonder how Nicole’s gonna feel about this. I mean, what is she gonna say when she finds out that I decided to keep this baby?

Hey, Nicole, Helen. Hey, happy Thanksgiving. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving. . Uh, how’s, uh, how’s Chanel? Did they let her out for the holiday or No, the bail didn’t come through in time. Oh, no, I, I’m so sorry you didn’t get to see her. Well, actually we did. Mm-hmm. , uh, all and my wonderful husband here made a Thanksgiving feast and they let us share with Chanel at the station.

Oh, I’m so glad to hear that. I’m sure she was so grateful. Well, uh, how about you and Holly? What’d you do for Thanksgiving? Well, she had dinner with Maggie and her family, and. Supposed to host a gathering with Rafe, but you know, we’re getting divorced now. Yeah. So sorry to hear about that. Yeah. I hate hurting him.

I was over at his place packing my things and it was, it was pretty tense. I bet it was. But, He let me help out by baking my mom’s pumpkin pie for his family. Well, nobody made a better pie than Faye Walker’s . Oh, again, now you didn’t let me finish. Nobody except my wife and my stepdaughter. That is the same.

Well, since you missed out on Thanksgiving dinner, I’m, Hey, well we grab a table and dig her to some leftovers. Uh, Melia. Are you sure? Yeah, of course. We sure. It’ll give us a chance to catch up and give me a chance to, uh, have a little bit more stuffing . . Well, that sounds lovely. Thank you. . Yes,

I wasn’t exactly a hero. I literally just walked in the shed with my dad and we found Bonnie. Well, you didn’t know what you were walking. , that freak in the clown mask could’ve been there. I wish he was. I think half of Salem bought out those Halloween masks. I, who knows if they’re ever gonna find the guy.

Well, if an Insane clown Posse breaks in here, I’m confident you’d protect me. Oh, definitely. You kidding me? I’m not letting any bozo. Get my girl . Anyway, let’s eat. . Wait, are you telling me that the Kriyas Klan doesn’t start with a clam chowder, appetizer? Something tells me you’re more a Cornish game hens than be blank gravy.

Okay. Whoa, you’re, you’re forgetting that I grew up in Adrian’s house. Me and my brother, we used to fight over these bad boys right there. Stephanie Johnson. You are about to indulge on a rare culinary delicacy. Grandma Joe’s stuffing muffin. Oh, you know about Grandma Joe stuffing muffins . Yes. We’ve eaten them only every year.

I thought I was about to blow your mind now, Alex, you did blow my mind. I thought I was going to spend tonight alone eating a microwave frozen Turkey dinner, but now my Thanksgiving is truly complete.

Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Oh.

How could you possibly be responsible for Susan’s death? I mean, for what I understand Ava kidnapped her and then drove the car off the road. She did all that to retaliate against. punished me for what I did to her. What did you do? I found out that her and my brother’s marriage wasn’t real. She faked the whole thing as part of some scheme with Gabby Hernandez, and so I exposed her, took back all her shaz of the mirror and left it with nothing.

Well, she, she can’t possibly blame you for that.

She was committing fraud. I thought I didn’t stop there.

I bashed her from Salem.

Johnny was starting to develop feelings for Ava and I didn’t want her anywhere near my son, so I threatened her in prison. If she ever returned. Needless to say she didn’t comply. She came back and kidnapped Susan.

She demanded a huge ransom and I arrogantly thought I could out maneuver out. All I did was provoke her father, and now my mother is dead.

Ej, please don’t blame yourself for this. How can I? Huh. My ego, my vindictiveness, my absolute refusal to relinquish control is what got my mother killed. Just like it. Got advocate or killed. Oh, no. No. I thought I could handle ply on my own.

Was fighting my time to get my revenge. And Abigail is dead because of it, and it so easily Could have been your daughter. Yes, bill told me. But there’s no way that, that you’re responsible for what, what Clive did or what Ava did. I am responsible for my own action.

I should have told Chad right away that Clyde threatened our family, but instead of sharing what I knew, trusting my own brother so that we could work together to neutralize the threat, I was prideful and selfish. Now, Chad is a widower with. I didn’t speak up with Eva. I didn’t listen. Tony begged me, begged me to pay the ransom, but once again, I knew best both times it was all about me and two innocent women paid the price.

Tony warned me. Warned me that Ava was dangerous and unpredictable, but I, I had to show her I had to win,

declare Czech mint, so while I was running around playing stupid games. My mother was locked up somewhere. Scared out of her mind. You did the very best you could. No. No, I didn’t. I let down the one person who loved me unconditionally my entire life. I could have saved her, but I didn’t.

I didn’t. Ej ej, you’re right about part of that. Your mother loved you unconditionally. She would never wanna see you punishing yourself like this. She wouldn’t, she wouldn’t wanna see it happen,

maybe. Alright. But I was a terrible son.

She deserves so much better.

Cook did a good job with these. Mm-hmm. , maybe a little bit too much sage, but, Hmm. Tasted great to me. Hmm. Well, I have a very sophisticated tongue pal. I mean, palate, . I’m in palate. I bet you too. Hmm. There’s one left. Come on. I know you want it. . I, I couldn’t possibly have another bite. I think you can. Okay.

You ready? You are not feeding me, Alex. All right, fine.

I am all about respecting your boundaries. Ah, go. My God, he’s a GOs mcal. Oh my God. Hmm hmm. So I’m assuming Nicole is spending Thanksgiving with. I don’t know. She didn’t say what her plans were when she was here earlier. Wait, Nicole was here earlier. Why? Yeah. She came to pack up some of her things and, and she made a pumpkin pie.

Oh, I love pumpkin pie. You came, hold on a second. So she, she dumps you for another man and then she thinks that baking is gonna make it all better. You, you should have shoved that pie right in. Actually, after she left, I did throw it in the trash. Good. Oh wait. Um, there’s no pie. All right. Look, I am not exactly Nicole’s biggest fan right now, but she, I mean, she was just trying to help.

She feels guilty. Well, she should feel guilty. She should be consumed with. You, you’re with me, right, Lee? Look, she took your heart. She broke it into a million pieces and where she’s gonna live, happily ever after. With Eric, maybe not,

you know, call. She understands how much I’ve wanted a child. She’ll be okay with it. Are you sure about that? The man she’s in love with is having a baby with another woman. How could that not be hard? Well, I never said it was gonna be easy, but I will make it clear that it’s, she’s not gonna affect our relationship.

She’ll definitely be supportive if you say so. You’re doubting that, look, I’m not trying to throw shade, but real talk. The Nicole Walker that I’ve seen is incredibly insecure and territorial. There is no way she’s gonna take this news and.

You’re not eating much. I know. It can’t be the food. Ah, no. Everything’s delicious. Something wrong.

It’s just that, uh, before I, I ran into you, I had gotten some upsetting news. What happened? I don’t know if you know, but Jada Hunter is pregnant with Eric’s baby. Oh, good. Gravy. We hadn’t heard. She found out around the same time Eric ended things with her to be with me. Oh, now that’s some unfortunate timing.

Yeah, I, she wasn’t sure if she was going to keep it, and then I walked in and overheard her and Eric telling Kate and Roman they were gonna have the baby and they. Raise this child together. That’s a big decision. I mean, it kind of ties them together in a certain way. Yeah, it sure does. Oh, well, honey. Well, but what does Eric say about your relationship?

Nothing. I mean, I, I ran outta there before he saw me, but it seemed pretty clear Eric’s gonna dump me and stay with Jada and the baby.

I must have been a great disappointment to my. She worked so hard to mold me into a good person. What all she got was an egotistical, ruthless son of a bitch. No, I can tell you for a fact you were never a disappointment to your mother. You were the love of her life. She was so proud of you. She would talk about.

How charming you were. What a good son. What a good father. I think she was a bit biased. Yeah. . Only because she loved you. So

you know, from the day you were born, you were the center of her life. You,

you were Elvis. You are a beloved son.

You know, it was funny. Um, mother was often scared of a very unha, but when it came to protecting her family, she was fearless. Well, You never wanna underestimate the mother’s love for her child. Jada is pregnant with Eric’s baby. She is. I love it. Nicole and the kids what she deserves. Gabby, come on. You can’t tell me he doesn’t warm your heart.

That karma gives her a swift kick in the ass. There is a baby involved. This is a tough situation for. or hear me out, this could be a great situation for Jada. Maybe her and Eric will finally get together again, and that will leave Nicole with no one, which actually warms my heart to no end. Gabby, I know you’re trying to be supportive of your brother, but I, I’m not so sure this is helping.

I, I, I might the only one seeing the bigger picture here. Okay, cool. What are you doing? I am going to send Jada and Eric. Hey, baby. No, no, no. You are not. Why not? No. Well, for one thing, you don’t send baby gifts until around when the baby is born like a baby shower. Is that not true? Oh, I guess, yeah, I guess it is.

Yeah. And for another thing, we are not gonna gloat. Okay. Why think about Nicole. I mean, it’s Thanksgiving right now. Okay? I do not wanna be thinking about my soon-to-be ex-wife. Can we just focus on happier things? Yeah, yeah. Like our upcoming wedding. Yes, exactly like your upcoming wedding. That’s fine. I’d rather talk about us anyway.

I’m glad to hear it. Ted. You know what, I actually, I wanna make a toast. It’s my little sister and her fiance. I’m really happy for you two. Well to love and to laughter forever sa sad Salu salo.

I really thought Eric and I were finally gonna be together and put all our troubles behind us. Mm. Honey, I’m so sorry. Oh, what a miss. Yeah, especially because. Always wanted children so much, and we all know how old fashioned he is, so I think he feels he owes it to the baby to be with a mother. Plus, he and Sammy came from a broken home and we all know how messed up she is, and he just doesn’t want the baby to turn into another.

Sammy, you know, you need to talk to Eric about this. Yeah. Well, I would’ve liked to have had this discussion before he and Jada told the world that she was carrying his baby. I do agree with you. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. My Eric needs a, a chance to explain, Ben, maybe he misunderstood. Oh, no, I understood.

And like I said, it’s crystal clear. I’m out and Jada and the baby are in.

Now I’m gonna talk to Nicole. I honestly believe that we’re not gonna have a problem with her. Is this like a faith thing? No, it’s just, you know, once I talk to her, I’ll make sure she knows that she has nothing to worry about that. You gotta trust me on this. Okay. I trust you. Thank you. Are you sure you don’t want any help cleaning up?

Oh, no, I got it. Well, in that case, I think I should probably head upstairs and finish packing. Whoa. Whoa. What’s the. Well, I know I said I would stay until the end of the month, but now I’m thinking I should probably move out tomorrow since I have the date off. Well, you know what I’ve been thinking now that you’ve decided to have the baby, maybe you should move out.

After all.

I don’t get it. Why shouldn’t I move out? Well, You know, I mean, if it’s okay with you, I, I just wanna be involved with this pregnancy as much as I can. I mean, I could take your doctor appointments or, or, or, or birthing classes, just whatever. I mean, it’ll be a lot easier if you were close by. It’s not like I’m moving out of the state.

You can still be involved even if I’m not living down the hall. Yeah, I know. But what if you have a late night craving? I could, you know, I could come to the kitchen. And you know you’re gonna just need a lot more help once the baby comes again. What about Nicole? I never said that we weren’t gonna have to figure things out, but by the baby’s sake, we’re just gonna have to put our best foot forward.

Well, you know, I can, and I know you can. . Nicole doesn’t even know that we decided to keep this baby. Yeah, but I’m gonna talk to her soon. I’m, you saw how wonderful it went with my dad and Kay. Right. That’s a little different. That’s the point is, is that a baby can bring people together. Just, you know what?

Let’s just give it a chance. Let’s take it step by step.

Okay. I’ll stay for now.

Go. You know, I think you should go back over to the pub and talk to Eric. What? I just can’t crash his family’s Thanksgiving dinner. They’d be glad to see. What, what am I supposed to say? Oh, I overheard you telling your dad you’re done with me. And you know, besides, he should be reaching out to me. I’m the one who.

Handed my marriage to be with him. Okay. Now that part I agree with. This is all Eric. Now is not the time to stand on pride. Maybe not, but the boy’s going to break up with her then he is going to have to make the first step. We have no idea if that’s what Eric is planning,

you should go and talk to him. Abraham, me, you. Yeah, you, you know, you’re basically his uncle. What would I say? Well, you can start off by telling him, he’s being a big dummy. I don’t think that’s my place. Why not? I mean, Nicole’s like a throw to you, right? Yes. Yes, she is. And while I would view almost anything for you, I just don’t think I should interfere in this.

Yeah, I understand. Well, I don’t, you are not going to put Eric in his place then. I will.

That was quite possibly the best Turkey dinner I have ever had. Wow. Even without the gilet and gravy. Thank you for doing this. It was amazing. It’s my pleasure. Did you save room for dessert? I really couldn’t eat another. Really, may I present an alternative? Mm-hmm. , go for it.

I know this was probably an unconventional second date. Probably not what you had in mind, right? But I promise you, I’m going to up my game next time. Bungee jumping skydiving , Alex? Yes. It was perfect.

You and my mother had quite an unlikely friendship.

She was so warm and compassionate, and her enthusiasm was contagious. She suddenly did idolize. Her beloved, Dr. Marena, Evan. Hmm. She made me a gift when I got married. She made a doll that looked exactly like me. . Oh, certainly does sound like Mother , but she went to such trouble for it. I mean, she even made a, a minia.

Dress of the gown that I was wearing when John and I got married in 1999.

I think it was the most touching gift I had ever been given.

I wish told her there’s a lot. I wish I told her.

Well, certainly I inherited many qualities from my father, my ambition, my temper, but if I have any good in me at all, it came from my mother.

She was the best.

I have to tell. That was a lot better than pumpkin pie. Mm-hmm. , how about a second? Don’t mind if I do.

Oh, then I should be just about ready. You guys can go sit at the table. Are you sure you don’t wanna. Well, no. Come on man. What kind of host would I be if I made you guys clean up? Okay, well then we’ll see you in there. Alright? Okay. I get that there’s no pie, but does that mean there’s no dessert at all?

Come on.

Thank you so much. Mm-hmm. , Paulina for wanting to help but Abe’s right. I, I, I really should deal with Eric on my own su. Abe . Thank you for dinner. . I’m sorry that he’s such a donor. You are not a Don . You were a bit of a donor. , what’s your title? Why don’t you come over without place and have some coffee?

Thank you. I just think I wanna be alone for a little while. Okay, honey. But you know, if you need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to call. Thank you so much for saying that, especially with everything that Chanel’s going. And Paulina, I’ll be praying for her. Come on. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Oh, what’s her? One less piece of advice. Now. I still think Eric is making a big mistake if he stays with Jada out of some sense of obligation. But honey, if you love him, then you can’t just sit. And let ’em slip away. You two have been through too much for you to give up without a fight.

I know I said I was going to unpack, but I think I could use a nap first. Oh, yeah. It sounds like a good plan. You need to rest. So are you going to see Nicole? I will. I just, I’d stop by and see my mom first. Tell her about the good news with the baby and all. She just lost a dear friend. I was just hoping I could help lift her spirits.

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Interview with actors from “Criminal Minds: Evolution”

TV Interview!

Erica Messer, Joe Mantegna (David Rossi), Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia), Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss), A.J. Cook (Jennifer Jareau), Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) and Zach Gilford (Elias Voit) of "Criminal Minds: Evolution" on Paramount+

Interview with Erica Messer, Joe Mantegna, Kirsten Vangsness, Paget Brewster, A.J. Cook, Aisha Tyler and Zach Gilford of “Criminal Minds: Evolution” on Paramount+ by Suzanne 9/21/22

Two months ago, I was on a virtual TCA panel for “Criminal Minds: Evolution” on Paramount+ with all the stars of the show.  The talent in attendance were Erica Messer (Showrunner, Executive Producer & Writer) and stars Joe Mantegna (David Rossi), Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia), Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss), A.J. Cook (Jennifer Jareau), Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) and newcomer Zach Gilford (Elias Voit).

The showrunner introduced the panel, thanking us and telling us that the show premieres 11/24 with its first two episodes on Thanksgiving and then new episodes will drop weekly. There are ten episodes in total for the first season, which “explore what our heroes have been up to since February of 2020, which is the last time you saw them, or, as we call it, ‘the before times.'” The team has gotten closer in these tough times. They find that “there’s been a prolific killer on the loose since 2005” (played by Zach Gilford) who became a legend during the pandemic. He concluded, “We’re lucky to have Zach Gilford bring this one-of-a-kind unsub to life and have so many familiar BAU agents back on the show.”

Adam Rodriguez is also in the cast, but he couldn’t make it to the panel because he was directing.

I asked a question regarding what I’ve seen fans post about on social media, “I’ve read that a lot of the fans were really unhappy with the original finale, and I was wondering if that was taken into consideration at all when you restarted the show.” I didn’t ask any particular person to answer, so Messer started and then the actors chimed in. Her opinion was that fans didn’t want the show to end, so she thinks that was the main reason they were unhappy about the finale. She did add that “you can’t please everyone,” but they try to write the characters as honestly as possible and stay true to them, and that’s all they can really do. Tyler said that she thinks some fans are always unhappy about any finale, but she mostly heard from fans about how much they loved the characters (or as she put it, “this family.”). She feels that most of the fans were just mourning the loss of the characters after 15 years, but she heard mostly good feedback. Mantegna then said, “The only ones that should be upset are the ones that were dumb enough to cancel it in the first place.” Everyone laughed nervously after that. Messer said, with a chuckle, “Joe calls it as he sees it.” Then there was more laughter.

Cook admired the way the finale was written because it left things open – that they were still out there fighting crime, which left everyone with hope for the future, and that the show would return. She agrees that it’s hard to please all the fans at once.

The actors talked about how happy they were to be back doing the show. It was a “joyous” occasion when they first met up on Zoom. Messer revealed that they would have just one unsub for the whole season (Gilford’s character). She also told us that the idea of Gilford’s unsub came to her during the pandemic. She started wondering what serial killers would be up to during the pandemic.

The cast was asked whether any of the disturbing stories of the show have given them nightmares. Vangsness confided that they all bothered her, and Tyler said that her husband was worried that he would get nightmares from the show. Mantegna added that this version of the show is going to be much more disturbing. The show’s stories don’t bother him because he knows it’s not real. What bothers him is that the real-life law enforcement have to deal with these type of crimes.

Gilford shared with us that he does get very disturbed by what’s done on the show. His wife asked, “What’s wrong with you?” and he replied, “I was just doing this to people all day. Leave me alone.” Everyone laughed, and then he said, “it gets dark.” Vangsness joked “it gets hard on serial killers” and he repeated that in a joking, self-pitying way, so there was more laughter.

Tyler agreed with Mantegna, saying that she thinks fans find the show satisfying because the criminals are caught in the end by these “intelligent, hard-working, devoted professionals are out there working very hard every day to make the world safer for the rest of us.” She also echoed what he said about the real-life people who do the job.

Cook disclosed that the show delves more into the characters’ personal lives and how they’re affected by the horrible things they have to deal with.

Messer was asked about whether the show will be a lot darker, now that it’s on streaming instead of broadcast TV. She didn’t want to make it too dark because teenagers watch it, but it will have some curse words that they couldn’t say before. She feels that this is normal language that people would use in real life. She teased Mantegna, saying he speaks that way all the time. He agreed with a smile that it wasn’t much of a stretch for him.

They were asked about directing episodes of the show. Mantegna told us that he, Cook, Tyler and Rodriguez have directed some of the episodes (as they had in the past on the original show). He praised Gilford, whom he worked with a lot while directing, “he’s been a great, incredible addition to our show.” Mantegna also mentioned that it takes them 8 days to shoot each episode.

Gilford grew up in Chicago, so he shares that he was a bit star-struck working with Mantegna, whom he considers a legend. He shared a cute story that us non-actors may not appreciate as much. He said, “we’re shooting the scene, and he goes, ‘Okay, and then you’re going to walk over here, and then we’ll cut, and I’ll yell, Cut.’ And I was like, ‘Did you just like line-read your directing?’ He’s like, ‘I’m an actor. I can’t help myself.’ I could not stop laughing, because it was — I’ve never seen a director do that before.” The other actors all laughed, so they must have found it funny, too.

Tyler then complimented Mantegna on his directing and loves it when actors direct because they’re easier for them to work with. Paget added in her two cents, thanking them all for directing because she never wanted to do it.

Messer shared that David Rossi is the character most in crisis when the show begins, and she talked about what a great job Mantegna did with the story. She said that how his character is feeling causes “a ripple effect” that goes through everyone else.

She also told us that two characters from the previous season won’t be returning: Matt Simmons (Daniel Henney) and Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler). However, they are still mentioned – “gone but not forgotten.” That was very disappointing to hear because Reid is my favorite character. Their desks are still there, with things on them. She never said whether they would explain why the characters aren’t back. I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

MORE INFO: Trailer

Criminal Minds: Evolution key art

In CRIMINAL MINDS: EVOLUTION, the FBI’s elite team of criminal profilers come up against their greatest threat yet, an UnSub who has used the pandemic to build a network of other serial killers. As the world opens back up and the network goes operational, the team must hunt them down, one murder at a time. Original cast members continuing their roles include Joe Mantegna, A.J. Cook, Kirsten Vangsness, Aisha Tyler, Adam Rodriguez and Paget Brewster. Zach Gilford joins the dynamic cast as a recurring guest star in a season-long arc.
PREMIERES: November 24, Exclusively on Paramount+
GENRE / FORMAT: Drama, Crime
STARRING: Joe Mantegna
A.J. Cook
Kirsten Vangsness
Aisha Tyler
Adam Rodriguez
Paget Brewster
Zach Gilford
PRODUCED BY:  ABC Signature and CBS Studios
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Erica Messer, Breen Frazier, Chris Barbour, Glenn Kershaw, Mark Gordon

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Days Update Thursday, November 24, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie goes to the Kiriakis Mansion where Alex has set up a candle lit dinner. Stephanie is pleasantly surprised as she asks about him saying there was a work emergency. Alex responds that there is because it’s Thanksgiving and she’s been working way too hard. Alex adds that she also promised him a second date, so this is it.

Rafe continues cooking Thanksgiving dinner and thinks back to Nicole making the pie before saying goodbye. Rafe then takes the pie and dumps it in the trash.

Nicole walks past the Brady Pub and thinks back to overhearing Eric announce that he and Jada are looking forward to raising their child together. Nicole then turns and walks away.

After Thanksgiving dinner, Jada asks Eric if she should help Roman and Kate clean up. Eric says that they have it covered and reminds her that she’s pregnant. Jada jokes that she’s still working as a badass police detective. Eric thinks it was Roman and Kate’s way of giving them time to talk which Jada admits she picked up on too. Eric assures that she can sit back and relax with another piece of pie. Eric tells Jada how much he appreciates that she stayed for Thanksgiving dinner and he hopes it wasn’t too awkward. Jada admits it was a little but it was nice and better than being alone on the holidays.

EJ listens to his voicemail from Rafe, asking to set up a time to record EJ’s statement. EJ deletes the message and resumes drinking at home.

Alex tells Stephanie that he knows her parents are in Seattle with Tripp, so he can’t have her spending Thanksgiving all alone. They both feel terrible for Tripp. Stephanie mentions being at the police station earlier so Alex asks how Chanel is doing. Stephanie says she’s hanging in and that Abe was able to pull some strings so that he, Allie, and Paulina were able to have Thanksgiving dinner with Chanel. Alex says he’s glad. Stephanie asks if Alex didn’t already eat with his family. Alex says he did but it was a mess because Bonnie is still traumatized over Ava and Susan and keeps going on about how easily she could’ve been killed too. Stephanie points out that she wasn’t thanks to Alex and Justin.

Marlena goes to the DiMera Mansion to see EJ and offer her condolences to him and Johnny. EJ tells her that Johnny is out of town, so he hasn’t spoken to him yet. Marlena asks if he doesn’t know about Susan then. EJ doesn’t think so and he has no idea how he’s going to tell him, especially since this is all his fault.

Li and Gabi sit together at Rafe’s. Li asks what he can expect from a Hernandez family dinner. Gabi responds that it’s just going to be them and Rafe, so it will be low key. Rafe comes in with food and says low key is good, so there’s no drama for a change. Rafe gets them beers. Li thanks Rafe for inviting him. Rafe responds that Li is going to be family. Rafe asks where Arianna is. Gabi informs him that she stayed over with Sonny. Rafe mentions making her favorite cornbread. Gabi says Arianna wanted to watch a Christmas movie with Holly and asks if Rafe is upset. Rafe says no and it’s just that if Nicole and Holly were here, it wouldn’t be an issue. Gabi calls Nicole a ridiculously fickle person who doesn’t realize what a stupid decision she made. Gabi swears that Nicole will one day regret leaving Rafe for Eric.

Eric and Jada joke about her eating for two. Eric tells Jada that he’s really happy that she decided to keep the baby. Eric promises to be there for the baby and to be a good dad. Eric talks about never thinking he would be a father since his life went a different direction and he became a priest. Eric asks if Jada always wanted to be a mom. Jada says her and her ex-husband talked about it but they were so busy with their careers that they put it off and she’s glad they did since the marriage didn’t last. Jada adds that they could’ve co-parented like she and Eric are going to do but it would’ve been really complicated. Eric assures that they are going to make this work. Jada says she believes that, but she can’t help but wonder how Nicole is going to feel about this and what she’s going to say about her decision to keep the baby.

Nicole walks through the town square and runs in to Abe and Paulina. They greet each other and wish a Happy Thanksgiving. Nicole asks about Chanel. Paulina says the bail didn’t come through in time for the holiday but Abe and Allie made a Thanksgiving feast for them to share with Chanel at the police station. Nicole is sure she was grateful. Abe asks about Nicole and Holly’s Thanksgiving. Nicole tells him that Holly had her feast with Maggie and her family while she was supposed to host a gathering with Rafe but they are getting divorced now. Abe says he’s sorry to hear that. Nicole hates hurting Rafe and talks about packing her things at his place which was pretty tense. Nicole adds that Rafe let her help out by baking her mom’s pie. Paulina invites Nicole to join them for leftovers. Abe calls it a chance to catch up which Nicole accepts.

Alex tells Stephanie that he wasn’t exactly a hero as he just walked in to the shed with Justin and found Bonnie. Stephanie points out that he didn’t know what he was walking in to as the freak in the clown mask could have been in there. Alex wonders if they will ever find the guy. Stephanie is confident that he would protect her. Alex and Stephanie prepare to begin their meal. Stephanie says she thought she was going to spend her Thanksgiving alone with a frozen dinner but now her Thanksgiving is truly complete.

Marlena questions how EJ could possibly be responsible for Susan’s death since she understands that Ava kidnapped her and drove the car off the road. EJ explains that Ava did all that to get back at him and punish him for what he did to her. Marlena asks what he did. EJ informs her that he found out Ava and Jake’s marriage wasn’t real and she faked the whole thing as part of some scheme with Gabi, so he exposed her and took back all her shares at DiMera, leaving her with nothing. Marlena argues that Ava can’t possibly blame him for that since she was committing fraud. EJ admits that he didn’t stop there as he banished her from Salem. EJ explains that Johnny was starting to develop feelings for Ava and he didn’t want her anywhere near his son, so he threatened her with prison time but she didn’t comply and came back to kidnap Susan. EJ adds that Ava demanded a huge ransom and he arrogantly thought he could out maneuver her, but all he did was provoke her further and now his mother is dead. Marlena encourages him not to blame himself for this. EJ asks how he couldn’t and blames his ego and refusal to relinquish control being what got Susan killed, just like it got Abigail killed. EJ states that he thought he could handle Clyde on his own and was biding his time to get his revenge but now Abigail is dead because of it and it easily could’ve been Belle instead. Marlena confirms that Belle told her but says there’s no way that EJ is responsible for what Clyde or Ava did. EJ feels that he is responsible for his own action. EJ argues that he should’ve told Chad right away that Clyde threatened their family, but instead of sharing what he knew and trusting his own brother so they could neutralize the threat, he was prideful and selfish and now Chad is a widower. EJ says with Clyde, he didn’t speak up and with Ava, he didn’t listen when Tony begged him to pay the ransom. EJ complains that both times it had to be all about him and two innocent women paid the price. EJ admits that Tony warned him that Ava was dangerous and unpredictable, but he had to win. EJ says he was playing stupid games while Susan was locked up somewhere, scared out of her mind. Marlena encourages that he did the best he could. EJ disagrees and cries that he let down the one person who loved him unconditionally for his whole life. EJ adds that he could’ve saved her but he didn’t. Marlena argues that Susan would never want to see him punish himself like this. EJ says maybe she’s right, but he was a terrible son and Susan deserved so much better.

Alex and Stephanie continue their meal together.

Gabi assumes that Nicole is spending Thanksgiving with Eric. Rafe responds that he’s not sure as she didn’t say what her plans were when she was there earlier. Gabi is surprised to hear that and questions why Nicole was there. Rafe explains that she came to pack some of her things and she made a pumpkin pie. Gabi questions Nicole dumping him for another man and thinking that baking is going to make things better. Rafe admits that he did throw it in the trash after she left. Li questions there being no pie. Rafe acknowledges that Nicole was just trying to help as she feels guilty. Gabi argues that Nicole should feel guilty since she broke Rafe’s heart and now she’s going to live happily ever after with Eric, but Rafe says maybe not.

Eric assures Jada that Nicole knows how much he’s wanted a child, so she’ll be okay with it. Jada asks if he’s sure about that since the man she’s in love with is having a baby with another woman. Jada questions how that can’t be hard. Eric admits it won’t be easy but he’ll make it clear that it won’t affect their relationship and she’ll definitely be supportive. Eric questions Jada doubting that. Jada says she’s not trying to throw shade, but the Nicole that she has seen is incredibly insecure and territorial, so there is no way she’s going to take this news in stride.

Abe and Paulina point out that Nicole isn’t eating much. Abe asks if something is wrong. Nicole informs them that before she ran in to them, she had gotten some upsetting news. Abe asks what happened. Nicole reveals that Jada is pregnant with Eric’s baby which surprises them. Nicole adds that Jada found out around the same time that Eric was breaking up with Jada to be with her. Paulina calls that unfortunate timing. Nicole explains that she walked in on Eric and Jada telling Roman and Kate that they were going to raise the baby together. Paulina calls that a big decision that ties them together. Paulina asks what Eric said about their relationship. Nicole says she ran out of there before he saw her, but it seemed pretty clear that Eric is going to dump her to stay with Jada and the baby.

EJ talks about how he must have been a great disappointment to his mother since she worked so hard to mold him in to a good person but all she got was an egotistical, ruthless son of a bitch. Marlena assures that he was never a disappointment to his mother and that she was so proud of him. Marlena encourages that Susan loved him so much. Marlena talks about EJ being the center of Susan’s life from the day he was born. EJ talks about how Susan could be scared of her own shadow, but when it came to protecting her family, she was fearless. Marlena says you never want to underestimate a mother’s love for her child.

Rafe reveals to Gabi and Li that Jada is pregnant with Eric’s baby. Gabi laughs at it as Nicole getting what she deserves. Rafe argues that there’s a baby involved, so this is a tough situation for Jada. Gabi thinks it could be a great situation since Jada and Eric could get together again, leaving Nicole with no one which would make her happy. Li knows Gabi is trying to be supportive of Rafe but he’s not sure this is helping. Gabi asks if she’s the only one seeing the bigger picture here. Gabi decides she’s going to send Eric and Jada a baby gift but Rafe says no and adds that’s not something you do until a baby shower. Rafe declares they are not going to gloat. Rafe points out that it’s Thanksgiving, so he doesn’t want to be thinking about his soon to be ex-wife. Rafe suggests focusing on happier things. Li brings up their upcoming wedding. Gabi decides she’d rather talk about them anyway. Rafe then makes a toast to Gabi and Li, saying he’s really happy for them.

Nicole really thought she and Eric were finally going to be together and put all their troubles behind them. Paulina says she’s sorry that it’s such a mess. Nicole talks about Eric always wanting children so much, so she thinks he will feel like he owes it to the child to stay with the mother. Nicole brings up Eric and Sami coming from a broken home, so he won’t want the baby to become another Sami. Abe tells Nicole that she needs to talk to Eric about this. Nicole says she would’ve liked to have had this discussion before Eric and Jada told the world that she’s having his baby. Abe agrees but says not to get ahead as Eric needs a chance to explain and maybe Nicole misunderstood. Nicole insists that it’s crystal clear that she’s out while Jada and the baby are in.

Eric tells Jada that he honestly believes they won’t have a problem with Nicole and he will make sure Nicole knows that she has nothing to worry about. Jada tells Eric that she trusts him. Jada offers to help clean up but Eric says he’s got it, so Jada decides she will go finish packing upstairs. Eric questions her hurry. Jada knows she said she would stay until the end of the month, but she thinks maybe she should move out tomorrow since she has the day off. Eric stops her and thinks now that she’s having the baby, maybe she shouldn’t move out at all. Jada doesn’t get why. Eric wants to be involved with the pregnancy as much as he can like taking her to doctor appointments or birthing classes and it will be easier if she’s close by. Jada argues that it’s not like she’s moving out of state, she just won’t be down the hall. Eric notes that if she gets a late night craving, he could come to the kitchen and she’s going to need a lot more help with the baby. Jada again asks about Nicole. Eric says they will have to figure things out, but for the baby’s sake, they have to put their best foot forward. Jada knows they can, but says that Nicole doesn’t even know they decided to keep the baby. Eric assures he will talk to her soon and compares it to how wonderful it went with Roman and Kate. Jada calls that a little different. Eric comments that babies bring people together and asks her to just give it a chance. Jada then agrees to stay for now.

Abe thinks Nicole should go back to the Pub and talk to Eric. Nicole argues that she can’t just crash his family’s Thanksgiving dinner. Abe thinks they’d be glad to see her. Nicole asks if she’s just supposed to say she overheard him telling his dad that he’s done with her. Nicole feels that Eric should be the one reaching out to her, since she is the one ending her marriage to be with him. Paulina agrees that this is all on Eric. Abe argues that now is not the time to stand on pride. Paulina insists that Eric will have to make the first step. Paulina then suggests maybe Abe should go talk to Eric. Abe questions what he would say. Paulina says he could start by telling him he’s being a big dummy. Abe doesn’t think it’s his place but Paulina points out that Nicole is like a daughter to him. Abe says he would do almost anything for Nicole, but he doesn’t think he should interfere in this. Nicole says she understands but Paulina doesn’t. Paulina decides if he won’t go put Eric in his place, she will.

Alex and Stephanie finish their Thanksgiving dinner, which Stephanie calls the best she’s ever had. Stephanie thanks him for doing this. Alex asks about dessert but Stephanie says she can’t eat another bite. Alex suggests an alternative as they then kiss. Alex knows this is an unconventional second date and not what she had in mind, but he promises to up his game next time. Alex suggests bungee jumping or sky diving. Stephanie calls this perfect as they continue kissing.

EJ acknowledges that Marlena and Susan had quite an unlikely friendship. Marlena talks about Susan being warm and compassionate. EJ talks about Susan idolizing Marlena. Marlena recalls Susan making a Marlena doll for her wedding and all the trouble she went through for it. Marlena calls it the most touching gift she’s ever been given and she wishes she told Susan that. EJ says there’s a lot he wishes he told her. EJ knows he inherited many qualities from his father, but any good in him at all came from his mother as she was the best of him.

Alex and Stephanie continue kissing which Alex calls better than pumpkin pie.

Rafe tells Gabi and Li that dinner should be just about ready so they can go sit at the table. Gabi says they’ll see him in there as Li jokes abuot having no dessert. Rafe picks up a framed photo of he and Nicole and puts it away in a drawer.

Nicole thanks Paulina for wanting to help but agrees that she should deal with Eric on her own. Nicole thanks Abe for dinner and apologizes for being a downer as they hug. Abe invites her to come back to their place for coffee. Nicole thanks him but thinks she wants to be alone for awhile. Paulina tells Nicole to call if she needs anything. Nicole thanks her and says she’ll be praying for Chanel. They wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving. Paulina still thinks Eric is making a big mistake if he stays with Jada out of obligation, but if Nicole loves him, she can’t sit back and let him slip away as they have been through too much for her to give up without a fight. Paulina and Abe then walk away.

Jada decides she could use a nap. Eric encourages her needing her rest. Jada asks if he’s going to see Nicole. Eric says he will, but thought he’d go see his mom first to share the good news about the baby since she just lost a good friend and he hoped he could lift her spirits.

Marlena goes home and brings out the doll that Susan made of her, then places it on the mantle.

EJ brings flowers to the cliff where Susan died.

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GH Update Tuesday, November 22, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At the Metro Court, Sam and Dante meet with Alexis for lunch. Nina interrupts and asks Dante how worried Ava needs to be about Esme. Alexis is surprised to hear Esme is back in town, and of the theory that the attacks are connected to Trina’s trial. Nina pretends to be worried about Ava but it is clear she is looking out for number 1.  Since Ava is temporarily staying at her place, she feels she may be in dangerous.  Dante can only say the investigation is ongoing and suggests they stay vigilant.

After Nina walks off, Alexis turns the discussion to food, and what Sonny will be cooking for Thanksgiving. Dante says a feast from what he hears. They all plan to go to Sonny’s, but Sam and Dante are later going to the Quartermaines for pizza. Dante says his mom even invited Cody, but he doubts he’ll come. Dante says he will probably have to go down to the stables to coax him out. Sam seems surprised. Dante messages Brook Lynn again about her statement to help Chase. She tells him that she’s in a meeting at Kelly’s. Dante tells them duty calls and excuses himself.

Alone, Alexis asks what the face Sam made was about when Dante mentioned Cody. Sam reveals Cody dropped hints that Dante may have done something illegal as a child, and she thinks she should find out what it was. When Sam steps away, Alexis asks Nina why she’s so certain Esme could be the hook. Nina says Ava seems very concerned about her return. Later, Alexis calls the PCPD and leaves a message for Jordan. Because she has not received her exclusive that she was promised she is going ahead with the printing of the hook’s letter on the front page the following day and would like a comment from the commissioner.  At Kelly’s, Chase and Brook Lynn arrive and meet with Blaze and Linc, who has issues with Brook Lynn’s song. Blaze loves the song, but she feels she’s singing too much back up to Chase. Chase and Brook Lynn believe they can work this out. Linc agrees as he caresses Blaze and says she knows how to play nice. Brook Lynn and Chase see this blatant sexual harassment but manage to keep their cool. Brook Lynn suggests she and Linc grab some coffee and let Blaze and Chase talk.

Brook Lynn says, “It won’t be just me.” She points out all the instances recently where one woman came out publicly against someone, which results in more coming out, and all she has to do is light the match. She says fortunately she doesn’t have a singing career he can hang over her head to keep her quiet, and she is going to destroy him. Linc says, “Or, you could get your songs back.”

Dante sits down with Chase and asks why Blaze is in Port Charles. Chase reveals they are working on a song together. Dante explains he’s been leaving messages for Brook Lynn and came to track her down. Chase relays that she’s been working around the clock promoting him. Dante says, “With this new career of his, maybe she doesn’t have to write that letter.”

In Britt’s office, Cody finds her on the floor holding the necklace. The office is a mess, and he asks if someone broke in and tried to steal the necklace. She tells him no. He can see she’s upset and asks if he can help. Britt cries to Cody that when she found out her father died, she thought it was finally over. However, his reach extends beyond the grave and he’s still hurting her. She can’t believe she wasted so much time seeking his approval. He tells her if Faison didn’t appreciate her then that’s on him, and she is worth loving. She asks, “Even with what’s been passed down to me?”

Cody initially assumes she’s speaking of the necklace and suggests she can give it to him because it’s basically his anyways. She can’t believe she didn’t see this before and screams she wasn’t talking about the necklace. She thinks that’s all he wanted. She tells him if he wants it so bad take it and get out! She hands it to him.

As Britt opens the door and demands Cody leave, Robert is standing there with a cop. He has a warrant for the necklace and demands Cody hand it over. Cody hesitates. Robert explains some of the diamonds in it are possibly stolen, Cody continues to stand there motionless so Britt finally grabs the necklace and hands it over to Robert.  Robert and the officer leave.

Britt again demands Cody get out, but he refuses. He wants to know if she wasn’t talking about the necklace then what was she talking about? He apologizes for making a mistake, and she knows he has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth. He asks what it will take for her to give him the benefit of the doubt. She says, “More than I have to give.”

Obrecht arrives and says, “What is going on here?”  “Absolutely nothing,” Cody says as he exits. Obrecht asks what is going on, and Britt breaks down and cries “I’m sick.”

In the lobby of , the officer cuffs the briefcase with the necklace to Robert’s wrist. He reveals he’s going to turn it over to some WSB agents at the Metro Court. One of Victor’s men overhears this and calls Victor.Elsewhere, Michael and Willow arrive for her first chemo appointment. They run into Carly, and soon after TJ appears. Willow whisks TJ aside to talk to him about her pregnancy. While they are alone, Carly asks Michael how everything is going. Michael reveals Willow wants to find her birth parents. Carly is stunned and asks what changed her mind. Michael simply says with the baby coming, they thought it could be important to have all the medical information available to them.  He makes no mention of Willow’s leukemia to Carly.

Nearby, Willow admits to TJ that she feels like a coward not letting anyone know she’s sick. TJ assures her that she’s not a coward. TJ and Willow rejoin Carly and Michael. Carly asks TJ if he and Molly have plans for Thanksgiving. He explains Alexis is going to Sonny’s, but they thought that might be awkward. Carly is confused, so Michael tells her about Nina’s accusations about Willow and TJ having an affair. Carly is livid and storms off.

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GH Update Wednesday, November 23, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At Kelly’s Diner, Linc asked Brook Lynn to help him salvage his less than stellar reputation. In exchange, Linc said he would give back to Brook Lynn the remaining contents of her catalog. Brook Lynn was incredulous.  She couldn’t believe that Linc was now suggesting she agree to rehabilitate his reputation in return for the songs that he virtually stole from her.

Chase joined them, and he asked Brook Lynn directly if she was okay with whatever Linc had proposed. Brook Lynn hesitantly said that she and Linc were on good terms, and Linc left. Chase told Brook Lynn that he trusted her to do the right thing. Brook Lynn appeared no where near as certain as Chase was as they walked outside.

Earlier, Chase was surprised to learn that Dante had asked for Brook Lynn’s help in getting Chase reinstated as a detective. Chase pointedly asked Dante how long ago he had made the request and Dante told him it had been weeks. Chase wondered if Brook Lynn had ever intended to send a letter on his behalf to the review board. Dante told Chase not to simply assume the worst about Brook Lynn.

In Britt’s office at the hospital, Britt told Liesl that her Huntington’s disease had advanced. She told her Liesl that the specialist had given her between five to 15 years to live. Britt said that within a year, she might require around-the-clock care. Liesl said that they were both intelligent, talented doctors and that they would not let the disease win so easily.  But, Britt was not having it.  She told Liesl that she needed a mother, not a doctor.  Liesl said that she could do that, but she stated that Britt deserved a better mother.  They cried together.  Britt asked Liesl to go home to Scott.  But, Liesl couldn’t stand the thought of Britt being alone.

At Volonino’s Gym, Drew told Sonny that he was searching for Willow’s biological mother at the requested of Willow and Michael. Sonny shared that he had heard the failed merger between Aurora and ELQ had recently caused trouble between Drew and Carly. Drew seemed surprised when Sonny said that Carly had felt the need to tell Sonny about her relationship with Drew. Drew asked how Sonny had reacted, and Sonny recalled that he had told Carly that he was happy for her. “Well, that was nice of you to say. Did you mean it?” Drew asked. Sonny said that he had been sincere when he had wished Carly well, and he added that he only wanted what was best for Carly because she was Donna’s mother.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Carly and Nina bickered at each other over Nina’s misinterpretation of Carly’s visit to Brick’s room at the Metro Court. The argument grew ugly and at one point, Carly took a bowl of soup from Trish, a waitress who had walked by. Carly eventually returned the bowl to the waitress after Sonny and Drew appeared. Carly said that she had been tempted to throw the soup in Nina’s face, but she claimed she had refused because she had too much respect for the hotel and its staff.

Sonny convinced Nina to walk away. Afterwards, Carly was surprised when Drew said he would help Willow search for her birth mother. Carly had yet another flashback to months earlier when she had learned that Nina was Willow’s biological mother. Carly then told Drew that she would help with the search for Willow’s mom.

At Pier 55, Valentin was surprised to find Martin, who was still grieving the loss of Lucy. Martin said that Anna had murdered Lucy. Valentin swore that Martin was wrong about Anna, but Martin said that Valentin’s judgment was clouded by his love for Anna. Valentin offered sincere apologies to Martin, who added that he wished Lucy hadn’t gone to the pier on the night of the gunshot. Valentin clarified that there had been two shots fired instead of one. Martin wondered what Valentin’s point had been. “If Anna was the shooter, she wouldn’t need two shots, especially at close range,” Valentine reiterated.

Valentin told Martin to come with him because the two had work to do. “Go where?” Martin asked. “To find out what happened to Lucy,” Valentin answered.

In the restaurant at the Metro Court, Robert waited for his WSB contact to appear. Diane joined Robert, who shared that the briefcase that was handcuffed to him contained diamonds from the Ice Princess. Diane was intrigued with being so close to the famed Ice Princess. Holly joined them, and Robert introduced her to Diane. Robert ordered tequila shots for the table. Robert said that Holly was someone he trusted with his life. Holly said that she and Diane had both cheated death, and then excused herself for a moment. When Holly was away, Diane told Robert that she was lovely and said she could see why Robert was so fond of her.  Robert warned Diane that she could be duplicitous. Holly returned to the table and found a way to drug Robert without he or Diane noticing.  Robert wanted Holly to do a shot with him, but Holly claimed she had to watch her salt intake. Holly and Diane had a conversation, and Robert grew quiet. Diane asked Robert a question, and suddenly, Robert’s head fell to the table.

Diane was concerned about Robert. Holly claimed that he just wasn’t able to handle his liquor anymore. Robert appeared to have been drugged, but he said he needed to stay at Metro Court to wait for the WSB contact. Holly convinced Robert to leave with her.

After Robert and Holly left, Diane left a voice message for Robert. Diane shared that she hadn’t had a good feeling about Robert being alone with Holly. Diane hung up, and she was stunned when Robert stumbled off the elevator. He appeared to have been assaulted and the suitcase that had been cuffed to his wrist was gone.

Elsewhere, Holly opened the box in the suitcase that had contained the necklace. She pulled the necklace from the box and held it in her hands.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, 11/23/22

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Tessa: So, what kind of turnout can we expect?

Sharon: Well, it’s been a pretty rough year for a lot of folks, so I would be prepared for a big crowd.

Nick: Don’t worry about the food. New hope’s got you covered there. There’s going to be mounds of it for the guests.

Mariah: Wow, look at that. Ashland locke managed to do some good in this world despite himself.

Sharon: Well, that huge donation he made to new hope in rey’s honor, I will always be grateful for.

Nick: Before we begin with the food prep, um, I come bearing gifts. Christian wanted to contribute, so he made, uh, you know, decorations.

Mariah: That’s adorable.

Nick: Yeah, he wanted to bring them by himself, but he is staying home so he can make thanksgiving cards.

Sharon: Oh, so that’s what noah meant when he said he had to supervise an art project.

Nick: Yeah, they’ll be here later. Except for faith’S. I told her I’d take a picture of hers and make sure she gets it today.

Sharon: Oh, our sweet girl. I miss her so much. But, you know, it’s great that she’s such close friends with her roommate that she decided to go home with her for the holiday.

Victoria: Happy thanksgiving.

Sharon: Happy thanksgiving.

Together: Hi.

Sharon: I’m so glad you decided to join us. You know, we were just about to get started setting up.

Victoria: Oh, excellent. Well, put us to work.

Nick: Looks like you’re short a couple hands. Where’s katie?

Victoria: Oh, well, she actually decided to go to the ranch and help the cook with dinner there.

Johnny: I want to know what part she’s “helping” with before I eat it.

[ Laughter ]

Nick: Yeah, I wonder if she’s going to get your mom’s skills in the kitchen.

Victoria: Well, at least i know how to make a reservation.

[ Laughter ]

Chelsea: Hey, everybody.

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: Hi, you two.

Connor: Hey, there.

Chelsea: We’d like to volunteer. We have a dinner, but it’s not till later, so we’d like to donate our time since we have so much to be thankful for.

Abby: I hope this table’s okay.

Nikki: Oh, darling, it’s perfect. We’re just having coffee.

Abby: Great. I will have someone bring it over.

Victor: I didn’t know that you would still be here.

Abby: Well, we are sold out for a holiday dining event, and I wanted to be here to personally oversee all the details.

Victor: I see, I see. Well, I’m sure it’ll be a great success.

Abby: Well, I’m surprised to see the both of you here. I thought you’d be getting everything ready for the family gathering.

Nikki: Well, you know how your father is. He can’t stay away from newman even on a holiday.

Victor: What are you talking about? Speak for yourself. I know that you checked up on your office.

Nikki: Guilty as charged.

Victor: Right.

Nikki: So we’re just going to relax a bit before heading back to the ranch.

Victor: Of course, we’re looking forward to seeing you later with chance and our grandson.

Abby: Yeah, um, to be honest, chance and i are having some problems, so we won’t be spending the day together.

Victor: Huh. Sorry to hear that.

Nikki: I hope you’ll be able to work things out.

Abby: Thank you. Thank you for your concern. Um…I don’t want to get into the details right now, so, uh, if you’ll excuse me.

Nikki: You had no idea about this?

Victor: I have no clue.

Phyllis: Ah.

[ Screams ] Daniel! Oh, my gosh.

Daniel: Mom.

Phyllis: Oh!

Daniel: Happy thanksgiving.

Phyllis: Happy thanksgiving to you. Look at you. Very nice.

Daniel: Oh, thank you.

Phyllis: Okay.

Daniel: Okay.

Phyllis: Yeah. I didn’t know you were coming back into town. Why didn’t you tell me?

Daniel: I wanted to surprise you.

Phyllis: Oh, you did.

Daniel: It’s a good surprise?

Phyllis: Yes, it’s a great surprise. My baby boy. My baby boy. Ah.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Harrison is upstairs decorating turkey handprints.

Ashley: Cute.

Summer: He is so excited to be here with everyone today.

Jack: Yeah, he’s not the only one.

Allie: I am thrilled to be spending my first thanksgiving with my new family.

Traci: And we are so thrilled to have you here with us.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Kyle: I’ll get it.

Ashley: I think it’s so fantastic that we’re all here together. All of us loved ones sharing this day, it makes me happy.

Traci: It is fantastic, and the more the merrier, right?

Jack: I’m just so glad you could all be here.

Diane: Happy thanksgiving, everyone.

Music (“I swear”) plays

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Abby: I wasn’t expecting to see you today.

Devon: I know. Tucker wanted to meet and have a holiday meal together, so we thought we’d beat the rush.

Abby: Well, I’m glad. Things have been so chaotic since…what happened. And, um…I don’t know. Something about seeing your face, it just makes me feel more calm.

Devon: I’m glad I can do something good for you. Have, uh, things gotten any better at all with chance?

Abby: No, um, I’m pretty sure it’s over. He moved out of the house. I don’t even know where he’s staying. He only comes by to see dominic when he knows I’m not going to be there.

Devon: I’m sorry.

Victor: I really thought chance was a good match for her. What the hell happened?

Nikki: I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough. But abby made it clear today is not the day to have that conversation. So patience, darling.

Sharon: That’s so sweet of you guys to want to help. We would love to have you.

Chelsea: Well, it seems like a great way to celebrate the holiday. Plus, it’s the least I can do, considering I’m living right upstairs now.

Victoria: You are?

Chelsea: Yeah, sharon’s the new landlady. Mariah and tessa moved to the tack house, so sharon offered me their old place. So where can we start?

Sharon: Well, you can help me with something in the back, and, connor, why don’t you take this box of decorations out to the patio?

Connor: Sure.

Nick: Don’t forget these.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: Here you go, dude.

Sharon: And, victoria, if you wouldn’t mind rolling silverware sets into napkins, that would be a really big help. And, johnny, why don’t you have connor on the patio?

Johnny: Sure.

Sharon: Okay, well, let’s get to it, everybody.

Mariah: Alright.

Victoria: You okay?

Connor: Yeah. Fine. But I should go get started.

Victoria: Okay. Sharon gave chelsea the apartment upstairs. When did this happen? What did I miss?

Nick: I don’t know. Chelsea said sharon’s been incredibly kind and generous to her. Maybe just chalk it up to holiday spirit.

Victoria: Maybe. But it seems like there might be more to it than just that.

Connor: I need to talk to you about something so you’ll be cool around my mom. Not say anything mean to her.

Johnny: I was just planning on avoiding her. What’s going on?

Connor: Things were worse than I thought. Mom got super depressed and had to go into a hospital.

Johnny: Hospital?

Connor: I think she’s better. They wouldn’t have let her out otherwise. Dad let me stay over last night and she seems okay, but she takes a lot of deep breaths like she’s stressed out. I know she’s trying real hard to act normal.

Johnny: When I found out she was my biological mother, I completely freaked out. Acted like a total jerk to her.

Connor: I get it. You were worried things might change. So was I.

Johnny: I completely froze out chelsea. I didn’t mean for anything like this to happen.

Connor: I felt the same way and talked to my mom about it. Like, what brought this on.

Johnny: Yeah? And?

Connor: She keeps saying it wasn’t any one thing, and it’s definitely not about you or me.

Johnny: But is that really true?

[ Sighs ]

Mariah: You got it?

Sharon: Hey.

Billy: Hi.

Sharon: Wow, more helping hands. Excellent.

Lily: Yeah, thanks. Of course. How can we help?

Sharon: Why don’t you ask victoria?

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Hey. Happy thanksgiving. Um, are charlie and mattie home?

Lily: Uh, no. They’re staying in new york.

Victoria: Oh, well, I’m sure you must miss them terribly.

Lily: Uh, yeah, but I tell myself there’s always christmas.

Billy: I got your text. So, uh, johnny’s here, but katie’s already at the ranch?

Victoria: Yeah, she sent me the cutest message, wearing an apron. Here’s a picture of it. I’m not sure what she’s making.

[ Chuckles ]

Billy: Oh, lordy.

Lily: Uh, you know, will you excuse me? Chelsea, hi.

Chelsea: Hey, lily. Happy thanksgiving.

Lily: Thank you. You, too. Um, I haven’t seen you since I heard the news, and I just had some things that I wanted to say. Moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin.

Phyllis: How long has it been since you’ve been home with your mother?

Daniel: Way too long.

Phyllis: Wa-a-a-y too long. That’s the correct answer. Way too long. But I’m glad you’re here now. Mm-hmm.

Daniel: You’re usually not this sentimental.

Phyllis: Oh, I’m not?

Daniel: No, you’re not.

Phyllis: Last year sucked for me. It was horrible. You were gone. Summer was across the ocean with her own family. I was all alone. But you’re here. It’s a good reason to give thanks.

Daniel: I’m a little surprised that you wanted to meet here. I figured you’d want to go to some fancy restaurant and have a proper meal.

Phyllis: Really? I don’t want to do that.

Daniel: No?

Phyllis: No.

Daniel: You sure?

Phyllis: Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Let’s have chinese. I’ll do that.

Daniel: Yeah?

Phyllis: Let’s have chinese. Let’s go out. Let’s go out to, um, that place that you always used to go to — I’ve never been there — in burlington.

Daniel: You want to go to the place in burlington?

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Yes. Do I?

Daniel: Okay.

Phyllis: But let’s go have fun, and then maybe we can meet up with summer for dessert or something after she does her thing with the abbott family.

Daniel: [ Laughs ]

Phyllis: And, uh, how’s that sound?

Daniel: Sounds perfect.

Phyllis: Good.

Daniel: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make this all about me. How are you doing?

Devon: Well, I’m — I’m hanging in there. I don’t want you worrying about me at all, though. You have enough on your plate.

Victor: Hello, devon.

Nikki: Hi.

Devon: Mr. And mrs. Newman, hello.

Victor: Happy thanksgiving.

Devon: Happy thanksgiving.

Nikki: Good to see you. Thank you.

Devon: Good to see you, as well.

Abby: Are you taking off?

Victor: Yeah. Got to go.

Abby: Okay, I will walk you out.

Victor: Alright.

Devon: Take care.

Nikki: Good to see you.

Victor: Devon, nice to see you.

Devon: Yeah, you, as well.

Abby: I am so sorry, but I’m going to have to skip the family dinner tonight.

Nikki: Oh, darling, are you sure?

Victor: You can still come without chance.

Abby: I know, but I just feel like, with everything going on, I’m just going to bury myself in work and spend the rest of the day with dominic. But we will stop by the ranch to see you guys soon. Or, if you’d like, dominic’s there at our place with the nanny if you want to stop and see him on your way home.

Nikki: Well, we just might do that. But we understand. Don’t worry about it.

Abby: Thank you. Um, I’m going to get back to work, but happy thanksgiving.

Victor: You, too, sweetheart.

Abby: Mwah. I love you. Happy thanksgiving.

Nikki: Happy thanksgiving.

Tucker: Hello, there. Nice to see you both.

Nikki: We were just leaving.

Tucker: [ Chuckles ] Oh, hey, by the way, uh, I understand that ashley passed along the information about diane. I assume you’re pleased to get that and, uh, will be putting it to good use.

Nikki: Hopefully, it will encourage her to bid farewell to genoa city. We’ll just have to see.

Victor: You know, tucker mccall, I think we’d all be better off when you and diane get the hell out of town.

Tucker: Well, I hate to disappoint you, victor, but I have a couple more things to accomplish here. But, uh, happy thanksgiving.

Victor: Hey, tucker, you just remember I’m watching you.

Allie: Guys, there are so many pies in the kitchen.

Jack: Yeah, we abbotts take our desserts very seriously.

Kyle: Along with every other course.

Diane: I’m sure every bite will be divine.

Ashley: I’ll take this bottle back with the rest of them.

Kyle: Allie, what were some of your traditions growing up?

Allie: For thanksgiving, uh, let’s see.

Diane: Obviously, ashley isn’t thrilled that I’m here. I hope she can refrain on stirring up any trouble today of all days.

Jack: I agree. I have already warned her to cool it on the antagonism.

Diane: I appreciate that.

Jack: Please don’t read too much into that. Things are not completely resolved, as I see it.

Diane: I know I have a long way to go to get back into your good graces.

Traci: Hey, everybody, look who’s here.

[ Chuckles ]

Summer: Aww.

Harrison: Happy turkey day!

Jack: Happy turkey day, indeed.

Summer: Happy thanksgiving.

[ Laughter ]

Summer: Oh, my gosh.

Jack: Look at that.

Summer: Awesome. ()

Lily: I really hope that you’re doing better.

Chelsea: Thank you, lily. That’s very kind. I appreciate the support.

Lily: So how are things going so far?

Chelsea: Um, I’m taking it day by day. I was in crisis. It was crucial that I got the help that I needed. I really can’t thank billy enough. He truly saved my life.

Billy: Hey.

Johnny: We can stop pretending. I know chelsea went to the hospital because she was seriously depressed. It was bad. Connor filled me in.

Billy: Okay, well, now that you know, how do you feel?

Johnny: I think the crappy way I’ve been treating her ever since I found out that she was my bio mom may have really hurt her.

Billy: I know for certain that chelsea doesn’t feel that way, okay, and she would not want you to think that way, not for a second.

Johnny: Maybe not, but I still feel bad about it.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Johnny: I’d like to talk to her if you think that’d be okay.

Billy: I’m okay with it.

Victoria: If it’s that important to you.

Johnny: It is. And I’d like to do it now before a ton of people come for dinner and we’re all too busy.

Billy: You want me to come with you?

Johnny: Dad, no. Come on. No offense. Sorry.

Billy: Okay, yeah. None taken.

Johnny: [ Sighs ] Excuse me, could I talk to chelsea a sec?

Lily: Yeah, of course. Um, I have to get back to work anyway, but I’m really glad that you’re doing better.

Chelsea: Thanks. Have a seat, johnny.

Connor: Thanks. What would you like to talk about?

Billy: I know this comes as a shock to you.

Victoria: Yes. Poor chelsea. I had no idea she was in such a fragile state. How serious was this?

Billy: About as serious as it gets. We’re lucky to have her with us still. That first 72 hours in the hospital were crucial, but she’s doing better. I can tell she’s on a good path now.

Victoria: Well, I’m relieved to hear that, but why am I finding this out from johnny now instead of you?

Diane: Harrison, I just love my turkey handprint. I’m going to hang it on my mirror so I can enjoy it every day.

Kyle: Ooh, you hear that, buddy? Your turkeys are a hit. Great job.

Traci: They are. Every single one is just beautiful.

Allie: Yeah, harrison, you might be a little picasso.

Summer: It looks like we’ve got a few extras.

Traci: Nope, no extras. The red one is for phyllis. The pink one is for abby.

Summer: Aww.

Diane: Speaking of phyllis, how is she spending her holiday?

Summer: My brother daniel is in town, so she’s spending the day with him, and I’m going to catch up with them later.

Diane: Sounds nice.

Kyle: What about abby? What’s she up to today?

Ashley: She’s at society, helping with the preparations for their special thanksgiving event. Then she’s going over to the ranch for dinner, and, of course, I’ll be squeezing in some time for them both later, her and dominic.

Diane: I’m sure they’d love to see you.

Ashley: Because that’s what a mother does. I mean, a good mother manages to spend as much time as she can with her child.

Jack: Will noah be dropping by.

Allie: Yes, yes. He’s coming in right after he makes the rounds with the newmans.

Jack: Well, I hope he likes pie.

Allie: Oh, god, yes. He loves anything sweet.

Jack: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, clearly he does.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, excuse me.

Ashley: Do you think that when noah gets here, we can swap him out for diane and just tell her there’s not enough room at the table?

Traci: Ashley, come on. It’s thanksgiving. I’m begging you.

Jack: I just got a text from billy. They are taking part in the annual thanksgiving dinner for the homeless at crimson lights. He and lily say they’re running late, and they don’t know when they’re going to get here. Or, as billy says, “don’t let that bird get cold.”

[ Laughter ] So…dinner is served.

Kyle: Hey, hey, let’s do it.

Diane: Let’s go get some dinner.

Kyle: Hey, we’re going to go eat.

Diane: Come on.

Kyle: Oh, come on. Alright, come on. For people who are a little intense about hydration.

“The young and the restless”

will continue. What happens to your body language

Billy: It wasn’t my story to tell. I mean, that circle of trust was very small. It was sharon and i and, of course, chelsea.

Victoria: Well, I guess that explains why she’s been going out of her way for chelsea lately.

Billy: Sharon? Yeah, she’s been amazing, and her professional experience has been a godsend. And she agrees that this is chelsea’s story and she can choose when and how she wants to share it.

Victoria: Makes sense.

Billy: Look, if it makes you feel any better, adam and connor and lily, they only found out about this yesterday.

Victoria: And now johnny knows. I-I feel sorry for chelsea, and I don’t want to see her suffer, but our son has to be my top priority.

Billy: Absolutely.

Victoria: Just how much has connor told him? What’s chelsea saying to him now? And how’s this going to affect things moving forward?

Billy: I know that chelsea was pretty open with connor, but it doesn’t seem like connor got into the details with johnny.

Victoria: This is heavy stuff for kids that age.

Billy: It is. I’m worried about him, as well, okay, but some of this is out of our control. We just have to be there for johnny as he processes all of this.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I suppose.

Billy: I mean, look at him. He seems to be handling it with empathy and maturity. Maybe we should follow his lead.

Connor: Anyway, I know it really hurt you with the way i reacted when mom and dad told me the truth about how we’re…related, and as upset as I was, I shouldn’t have gone after you like that. So I’m really sorry if it messed you up, and I hope you’re okay now.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Johnny, thank you for saying that. That means so much to me. But [Sighs] You need to know none of this is your problem. You are not to blame. I really owe you an apology for ever putting you in an awkward position. And you have to believe me when I tell you that what happened to me was the result of a lot of things going on in my life. You know, I just went through a rough patch, but I’m better now.

Johnny: Really?

Chelsea: Really. Yeah. And I need you to know, I think you’re a great kid with terrific parents.

[ Chuckles ] And you’ve always been so kind to connor, and that truly means the world to me. So I’m just hoping…

[ Sighs ] I’m hoping, going forward, we can be friends.

Lily: Hey, I think it’s so great that everyone’s rallying around chelsea.

Sharon: Yeah, she really needs it right now.

Lily: Yeah, billy told me how much you’ve done for her since that night, and that must be such a good feeling.

Sharon: I’m happy that i could be there for chelsea, yeah. But, you know, you deserve a lot of credit, too.

Lily: For what?

Sharon: For the way you’ve hung in there with billy. He’s spent a lot of time helping chelsea these past few days. He’s put a lot of energy into that, and that had to be confusing for you if not frustrating.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, I mean, that was then and this is now, so, hopefully, things will be calmer from here on out.

Daniel: You know, I heard that you have been knocking it out of the park at marchetti.

Phyllis: Mm.

Daniel: And how great is it that you and summer get to work together?

Phyllis: Yeah, that’s super fun.

Daniel: Mm?

Phyllis: Ah, we’ve been talking about me nonstop. I want to talk about you. There’s so much — you know, we have just been texting. We have not really spoken voice-to-voice, okay, and I know there are some details that I’m missing out on.

Daniel: Ah, what details? Come on.

Phyllis: Details. You know. What’s going on with you? So, lucy and heather, where are they?

Daniel: Well, heather got a short-term gig working as a lawyer for this american company in portugal. She took lucy with her.

Phyllis: Portugal?

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Interesting. You didn’t go with them?

Daniel: Eh, you know, I figured it’d be a good experience for lucy to spend some time abroad. And, look, I had a ton of stuff that I needed to take care of that couldn’t wait.

Phyllis: Yeah, like what?

Tucker: I’m delighted you were able to accept my invitation. I figured you and lily would’ve had plans.

Devon: No, nothing big. She’s just going to come hang at my place a little later.

Tucker: Nice. Now, it’s been too many years since you and I shared a holiday. That’s on me, of course.

Devon: Nah, you know what? It’s not on anybody. It’s just the way things are.

Tucker: You know, I’d like things to be different from now on, maybe be a more regular part of your life.

[ Sneezing ] Are you okay?

Abby: Um, maybe that table over there would be good?

Elena: Maybe we should go somewhere else.

Nate: Nope, we’re not going to play it like that.

Elena: Are you sure about that?

Nate: Baby, this is your favorite restaurant. We’re not going to run away because my cousin happens to be in the same room. Excuse me. Hello. Good to see you two.

Devon: Not really.

Nate: Can’t we at least be civil to one another on thanksgiving?

Tucker: See, I don’t think thanksgiving means giving a free pass to someone who stabbed you in the back. What you were planning to do to your family’s just reprehensible. And I don’t foresee devon forgiving you anytime soon, if ever.

Nate: You finished?

Tucker: Hey, man, you made your choice. If you regret it, that’s your problem. You deal with it. You’re going to leave devon alone now.

Phyllis: There’s more to the story, right?

Daniel: [ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Daniel: I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be able to hide anything from you.

Phyllis: What “anything”? What?

Daniel: Let’s just say that things with heather have been a bit rocky, and they have been for a while, I mean, before the whole trip came up. Look, I really don’t want to get into it. Not right now, anyway.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, I mean, everything seemed like it was okay in june when I saw you.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Alright. Well, I’m not going to push. I won’t do that. But, uh… I am here for you. I am always here for you. Okay? And your sister, she is here for you. And whatever you need, just call me, okay?

Daniel: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Hey, what are your big plans, by the way?

Daniel: [ Chuckles ] Well, I’m thinking of starting a new chapter of my life. I’ve been channeling my talents in a new direction.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. A new direction. Wow. I like hearing this, even though you haven’t told me anything.

Daniel: Well…

[ Both chuckle ]

Phyllis: Well, that is reason to celebrate. Clink.

Daniel: Cheers.

Jack: While we are waiting for the first course, I thought we might go around the table and each say what we are most thankful for today. I think it’d be a good example for harrison. Who wants to go first?

Ashley: I will. I am so grateful for my family and how unified we all are.

Jack: Traci?

Traci: I am so blessed by all of you lovely people who love me and support me every single day.

Allie: I’ll go next. I am so thankful for finding this wonderful family after losing my dad.

Kyle: Summer and harrison.

Summer: Kyle and harrison.

[ Laughter ]

Traci: Harrison, what about you, honey? What are you the most thankful for?

Harrison: Mashed potatoes.

[ Laughter ]

Jack: Diane, would you like to say something?

Diane: Oh, um, I’m grateful for kyle and being able to be reunited with him. And for my amazing grandson, harrison.

[ Chuckles ] And just for being allowed to be part of this family.

Traci: Well, everybody, your words had been quite moving, but I have to admit harrison is my absolute favorite. So extra mashed potatoes for my friend over there.

[ Laughter ]

Harrison: Yay!

Jack: I asked for no conflict today. Just today.

Ashley: There is no conflict, jack. I suggest you tell diane not to get too comfy here.

Allie: I want several.

Jack: Everybody get some rolls?

Traci: Oh, yes. Would you like some?

Jack: Yeah, I would love. I tried everything to remove fabric odors,

Nick: Alright, the line’s already. Halfway down the block. We’re going to open up the doors soon.

Sharon: Wow. Good work, everyone.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Nick: My man, connor, and I, we need an extra set of hands to get the food out of the catering van.

Lily: I’ll help.

Nick: Alright, alright, lily, let’s go.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Okay, so what else do you need from us?

Sharon: How about an update? That young woman, joss, who’s been considering you as adoptive parents for her baby. What’s the latest? I know that you were anxious to hear more from her.

Tessa: Well, we were going to wait to tell you until after the holiday, but last night we got an e-mail from her, and, apparently, her cousin will be taking the child after the birth.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] Wow. That’s disappointing. I’m so sorry.

Mariah: Yeah, so are we. But she was really nice about it. And she said that she was so impressed with us, and if it had been anybody but family, then she would’ve picked us.

Tessa: Which means a lot.

Mariah: Yeah. I think it gives us some hope.

Sharon: Well, I’m glad you’re staying positive, and you’ll connect with the right birth mother soon.

Mariah: Well, christine prepared us. You know, she said that this possibly wouldn’t work out, and we knew that adoption was going to be a tough road.

Tessa: But the day that we finally bring home our baby, it’ll all be worth it.

Victoria: How did your talk with chelsea go?

Johnny: Good. I told her that I was sorry to hear how sad she was and that i never wanted to add to any of it.

Victoria: What did she say?

Johnny: She said that it had nothing to do with me. And she’s okay now.

[ Sighs ] I’m really glad I talked to her. It was the right thing to do.

Victoria: I’m very proud of you, son. I’m proud of you for being compassionate, for following your heart.

Billy: So, you’re quite the center of attention today.

Chelsea: Everyone has been so kind. You will not hear me complaining.

Billy: Well, that’s good. How’d your conversation with johnny go.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] He was so sweet. He apologized for how he treated me and asked how I was doing. I told him I’m better and that he’s not to blame for any of this.

Billy: That’s good to hear. How much do you think he knows?

Chelsea: Just the bare bones, that I was depressed and spent a few days in the hospital. Nothing about…

Billy: Right. Okay.

Chelsea: I think it was, um… I think it was really positive for both of us.

Billy: Well, that’s good. Um, what do you got planned for the rest of the day?

Chelsea: Connor and I have dinner without adam, actually.

Billy: Alright. Well, if you’re still up for some pumpkin, uh, you can come by devon’s for dessert. Unless, of course, you’re on pumpkin overload, then you can come for the conversation and hang out, if you’d like.

Chelsea: Oh, thank you, billy. That’s a very nice offer.

Billy: Yeah.

Chelsea: I don’t know how the evening will unfold, but I will keep that in mind.

Nate: I really wish that would’ve gone differently. I wanted today to be extra special since I blew it last night with our dinner date.

Elena: Yeah, I’m not really concerned about that right now. After the way tucker just laid into you, how worried should I be?

Nate: Do not worry. I can handle tucker mccall.

Elena: He had no right speaking to you that way. This didn’t happen to him, and I don’t care that he’s devon’s father. He hasn’t been a real parent to him in ages. You and devon need to work this out on your own without tucker’s unwanted interference. Why are you smiling?

Nate: I was just thinking that I am so incredibly lucky to have you by my side.

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Devon: I appreciate you speaking up for me like that, but you don’t have to. I can always fight my own battles.

Tucker: I — I know that, and I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself.

Devon: Alright.

Tucker: Oh, uh, be right back. Hey, you.

Ashley: Hi. Happy thanksgiving.

Tucker: Yeah, you, too.

Ashley: Have you seen abby?

Tucker: No, but I’m sure she’s back there somewhere. You okay? You seem a little worked up.

Ashley: [ Sighs ] I was forced to sit down and share a meal with diane today.

Tucker: [ Snickers ]

Ashley: Yeah, exactly. So I just needed to get some fresh air.

Tucker: Yeah, it went that well, eh?

Ashley: I can’t take it anymore. It’s time to bring that bitch down.

Traci: [ Chuckles ] Well, I am so sorry that ashley had to leave, but I know she wanted to spend time with abby and dominic.

Summer: It’s totally understandable.

Jack: Well, ashley is just going to miss out on a fabulous final toast.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Kyle: [ Chuckling ] If dad does say so himself.

Jack: Seriously, I was just sitting here, thinking that john and dina sat at this very table for so many thanksgivings, and though I wish they were here with us now, I know they are smiling down on us because there is another generation at the table, their great grand children the sign of a growing family, the sign of an ongoing legacy. Everybody, grab a glass. One last toast.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: [ Voice breaking ] To family. To love and loyalty. To kindness and compassion. And most of all, today, to gratitude that we can all be here together on this blessed thanksgiving day. And to many more family holidays and gatherings to come.

Diane: Aww.

Jack: Happy thanksgiving.

Together: Happy thanksgiving.

Summer: Here, here.

Traci: Well said, jack.

Kyle: Cheers. Cheers.

[ Laughter ]

Next week on

“the young and the restless”…

Diane: I am just so touched that you’d stand up for me that way. I hope you know it means everything to me.

Kyle: Am I interrupting something?

Summer: You went to work with chancellor-winters?

Daniel: Thinking of a new career. It might just be a game changer.

Victor: What’d you do to my daughter?

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GH Transcript Wednesday, 11/23/22

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Indistinct conversations in distance ]

[ Breathing sharply ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Panting ] Drew cain. Lauren:

Mr. Cain. Lauren hart. I’m a reporter from the aurora affiliate in tucson. Yeah, I’ve been expecting your call. I tracked down the last known location of the friends for peace and love commune. Fantastic. Great work. Yeah, unfortunately, that community pulled up stakes years ago, vanished into the mojave desert. Well, um… thank you for the update, lauren, but you got to keep searching, okay? Somebody somewhere, they’ve got to know something. They’ve got to remember willow. Let me know.

[ Sighs ] Sounds like you hit a dead end. Yeah. It’s starting to seem, uh, impossible, actually. What do you mean? I’m looking for somebody — somebody, anyone that remembers willow when she was kali miller. Can’t you ask willow? Nah, it’s not… it’s not a question that she can answer. I’m, uh… I’m looking for her biological mother. Carly. Nina. Care to see the cocktail menu? I recommend the kir royale. No, just biding my time till my room is ready. You’re gonna need to run that by me one more time. What letter was brook lynn supposed to write? Wait, you don’t now? I don’t know what?

[ Indistinct conversations ] Look, I know you want to be a cop again, so I mentioned to brook lynn that the civilian complaint review board might be open to reinstating you if she wrote a letter kind of explaining what happened with the incidents. Punching valentin and linc. Right. Like, if she told them that you were defending her, if she kind of put some context around what happened, they would be open to reinstating you, perhaps. When did you suggest this to her? I don’t know. A few weeks ago. But, look, she’s busy, so… yeah, maybe. Brook lynn: Let me get this straight. You’re offering to return my music, the songs that I wrote from my heart that you’ve been profiting off of selling as — as commercial jingles for dog food and paper towel commercials? Those commercial tunes are non-negotiable. They’re sold forever. But the rest of your songbook can be yours. I see. As long as I keep my mouth shut about all those women that you sexually harassed, including me? Well, that’s a first. My mother is speechless.

[ Chuckles ] This isn’t funny, britta. Wh– when you say you’re sick, do you mean the huntington’s disease has started to progress? We’ve known for over a year now that I have the marker. Still, to hear the doctor tell me that it’s no longer theoretical, that the disease is affecting me… it was pretty shocking. But you can’t deny the truth. Then we’ll — then, uh, we’ll get a second opinion and a third. T-there’s a specialty clinic in zurich. I’ll fly you there. Mother, this isn’t a matter of opinion. It’s a fact. The symptoms have started… and they’re not going away. It’s here to stay.

[ Buoy bell ringing, waves crashing ] Martin. What are you doing here? I’m missing lucy. What’s with the cake? Once upon a time, I told her how much I loved hummingbird cake, how hard it was to find in upstate new york. So she threw herself into learning how to bake one. That’s thoughtful. Yes and no. Touch and go there for a while. Some of them were just dreadful.

[ Chuckles ] But she never gave up. And, eventually… she perfected it. So in answer to your question, that’s what I’m doing here — trying to remember, that your girlfriend murdered mine. Robert scorpio. May I finally buy you that drink, or are you waiting for somebody? Yes, yes, yes, and…yes.

[ Laughs ] Please, have a seat. Uh… oh, my. I’m waiting for my contact from the wsb to come and relieve me of this. You must have some very important papers in that. Oh, goodness. You ever hear of a kid’s game called “rock, paper, scissors”? Rochambeau. Yep. Um… paper covers rock, rock breaks scissors, scissors cut paper. But what does that have to do with that? Well, diamonds, they cut anything. You’ve got diamonds in that —

[ Whispers ] You’ve got diamonds in that case? Is that why you’re handcuffed to it? Not just any diamonds. You ever hear of the ice princess? You have the wrong idea. Damn it! You can’t talk your way out of this, kid! Yes, I’m doing victor’s bidding!

Willow’s biological mother? Why are you interested in finding her? Willow’s actually looking for her biological father as well, uh… for her own reasons. Okay, so that’s none of my business, is that what you’re saying? I’m not trying to be mysterious about the whole thing. I mean, everybody knows it’s no secret willow was raised on a commune by a woman she believed to be her mother, right? Lorraine miller, A.K.A. Harmony. The way that willow explained it to me is that she knew that harmony wasn’t the best parent, but she was still her mom, and that gave her life a little bit of structure. Now her life is just… one big mystery, so she’s made the decision to try and track down her birth parents. Said that I would help, for willow. And for your son. I’ll be right over here. Let me know when that room’s ready. Carly, carly, you’re s– you’re staying here in my hotel? I’m surprised you don’t know. I booked the honeymoon suite. Honeymoon? Yeah. Only the best. Brick’s on his way. And I’m sure you’d love to know he’s gonna stay the night. Oh, you’ve spoken to sonny, have you? Yeah, I spoke to sonny, and you and I need to have a little chat. No, I don’t think it’s necessary for us to have a little chat, carly. We need to get a few things straight before you tell any more lies about me and my family. Look, um, maybe she doesn’t want to get your hopes up, man. Maybe that’s why she didn’t tell you about writing the letter. Yeah, that’s one explanation. Maybe she was waiting for the right time. Although, uh, time is of the essence, because the review board meets every quarter and the next meeting is, well, it’s next week. Does brook lynn know? Yeah, as far as I know. I mean, I-I feel like I tried to convey that to her, yeah. Which makes me wonder if she changed her mind about sending the letter, or ever intended to send one at all. You’re entitled to your opinion. Then, so am I. We don’t live in a corporate world with hr departments. We’re artists. We live by a different set of rules. Oh, please. Don’t give me that tired old line. We’re both adults here, and what we’re talking about is a “he-said, she-said” situation, and in those situations, no one usually wins, which is why my solution benefits us both. Once you sign an nda, I’ll continue to develop blaze, and you can focus on making chase the next big thing. You can hear him perform your music the way you always dreamed it to be. Now… do we have a deal? Or don’t we? I know that you need somebody to blame for lucy’s disappearance, but I’m telling you, you’re wrong about anna.

[ Scoffs ] Am I, hmm? In spite of all that evidence, the drone footage of anna shooting lucy. It was enough for the police, enough for commissioner ashford to have anna arrested, arraigned. And let’s not forget when her prison transport miraculously crashes on the way to pentonville, what does she do? She escapes. Well, forgive me, valentin. I’ve been around enough courtrooms to know innocent people don’t run away. They do if they’ve been framed. If you’re gonna start singing that old song, I’m not — listen to me. She wasn’t just thinking about herself when she crawled out of that prison van. She wanted to find lucy, hopefully alive, and bring her home. She wanted to identify the real perpetrator. More than anything, she wants to make sure that justice is served. That’s why I’m down on the pier. I’m doing my part to help anna by retracing the steps of whoever the real shooter is. Do you hear yourself? You’re in love with the woman. Your judgment’s questionable at best. Hell, they’ve got video, for god’s sakes. Even your own father thinks she did it. That’s because it’s in victor’s best interest that the world thinks that anna is guilty. How? Are you gonna make a wish or what? For lucy. For lucy.

[ Blows ] And I hope your wish comes true, marty. I really do. It’s me. Robert’s in the metro court restaurant with the briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. I understand. We can’t let robert hand off the briefcase to the wsb. Yes, victor, I know. If the ice princess falls into the hands of the wsb, then ethan pays with his life, I know. Okay, uh, but you better get that to me soon. That’s what I need to get the diamond. Sooner rather than later.

Everyone has heard of the ice princess. It’s the stuff of legend. There’s a necklace in this case made from diamonds taken from the ice princess. Oh. May I have a look? Just a little one? I won’t tell anyone. Absolutely not. The less you know about this, the better.

[ Sighs ] Robert, mind if I join you? Have a seat. Uh, diane miller, attorney extraordinaire and a frequent opponent in court, meet holly sutton, ex-wife, and a woman I trust with my life.

[Phone vibrating]

[Elevator music plays]

[Music gets louder] And tonight’s winning numbers are 18, 18 55, 39, 71, and 43 we won! Yes! Noooo… noooo… noooo… quick, the quicker picker upper! Bounty picks up messes quicker and each sheet is 2x more absorbent, so you can use less. I’ll hold onto that. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. Diane miller. That name sounds familiar. Didn’t you just… cheat death?

[ Laughs ] Yes. Yes, I did. And I think that’s one thing you and I have in common. Yes, but make that two, because clearly we’re both quite fond of this chap, even if he is a little paranoid. I’m not paranoid, just cautious. Nothing’s gonna happen in the middle of a restaurant. Um, if you’ll excuse me, I’m just gonna go powder my nose. Ooh, why don’t you order a round of tequila shots on me for old time’s sake? Okay. She’s lovely. I understand why you fell so hard for her back in the day. Yeah, well, don’t be fooled. She can be quite lethal. I guess it’s a combination I find irresistible. Oh, trish, a round of tequila shots for the table here, and, um, something off the top shelf, I think? Okay, coming right up. Thank you.

[ Chuckles ] Have you got it? Yeah, just what you asked for. This should do the trick. You and brook lynn are both my friends. The last thing I wanted to do was cause trouble for you two. Well, I-I appreciate your honesty, dante. I just wish brook lynn would have done the same and told me about the letter. Okay, but don’t go dredging up trouble like that. You know she cares about you. I’m sure she’s been meaning to tell you, but… yeah, I know. Show biz always just seems to get in the way.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. Sam says the same thing to me about police work. I’m offering you what you’ve been asking me for months — ownership of your songs, your music, your way. With the bonus, they’ll be sung by the guy who rocks your world. Tell me that’s not a win-win situation for everyone. Tell it to blaze and to the next girl who comes off of a flight from the midwest with her own artistic dreams, but who has the unfortunate luck of meeting you as her first contact in the music business. Yeah, I’ve met a bunch of those women. They all come here with their eyes wide open.

[ Scoffs ] I’m just giving them what they want. And you’re just gonna keep treating all those future women the same way you treated me as long as I keep my mouth shut. Did I say that? No, no, brookie, you misunderstand me. I don’t want your silence. You don’t? Isn’t that the whole point of this deal that you’re offering? To close this little deal of ours, I’m gonna need much more. Time is of the essence. As it happens, there’s a conference taking place in toronto and one of the leading experts on huntington’s is attending. Dr. Talone? You know her name? Yeah. Thanks to austin, I was examined by dr. Talone earlier today. And? And it turns out while I was on the run with dear old dad and serving time in prison, I was experiencing stage 1 huntington’s without even knowing it. What I thought was just fear and anxiety was the opening stages of the disease. And now I have progressed to stage 3. I — I-I just wish you told me you were seeing dr. Talone so I could have been there to support you. Well, thank you, mother, but austin was there. He’s become a really good friend to me. I’m glad you weren’t alone. Was dr. Talone able to give you a prognosis? Mm-hmm. Anywhere from 5 to 15 years.

[ Chuckles ] Well, you must be so relieved, britta. It’s not all good. Oh. Dr. Talone said, being realistic, a year and a half from now, I could be in assisted living, requiring full-time care. O-okay. Okay. Um… now that we have your prognosis, w-we can begin experimental treatments. We will — we will engage a nutritionist, do whatever it takes. Stop. Please, I don’t need a doctor. I need a mom.

[ Both crying ] And that, you shall always have. Sonny, you’re still here. You know, I feel — I just — I’m curious why willow feels the need to search for her birth mother when she didn’t want to be any part of her life at all. Yeah, I mean, that’s true. Willow felt like that. Right? Yeah. But now that she’s pregnant, I think the doctors would use any kind of family history that they can get their hands on. Medically speaking, I think that would help. I’m also interested in why michael wouldn’t come to me to, you know, help him look for willow’s parents. And he — he — he comes to you, like he’s comfortable asking you for help. Sonny, michael’s my family, too. Yeah. And we’re business partners. I mean, that is if the elq and aurora merger had gone through. The merger that didn’t happen. I hear it caused problems between you and…my ex. I don’t need you, carly, to tell me that I misinterpreted some things. Misinterpreted, my ass. You saw what you wanted to see, and you couldn’t wait to accuse willow of cheating on michael. I apologized to willow, okay? And you know what america’s sweetheart said in return? And I quote, “drop dead.”

[ Chuckles ] Of course you think that’s funny. I don’t think it’s funny. Willow has been struggling since her pregnancy began, and your kind of gossip isn’t helping. But you don’t give a damn, do you? No, I was thinking of wiley growing up in a broken home. Really? Because the only home-wrecker I know is standing right in front of me.

I don’t care about sonny. You’re welcome to him. And you can spread whatever malicious lies you want about me and brick, I could not care less. You want to come at me? Bring it on. But when you go after my son and his family, don’t pretend that you’re thinking about wiley, because you’re looking for payback because they don’t want someone like you around their son. How’s that working for you, nina? Are you spending any time with wiley? When I brought josslyn back to the house the other night, you were there. Um, and it — it’s no surprise. Look, you were — you weren’t there for a family visit, and — and carly confirmed as much today. Carly told you about us? I know you got to be discreet because of the, uh, you know, trading issues and all that, but, carly, I don’t know why, but she had the need to tell me, and she pretty much, you know, told me all about you guys. Huh. Yeah. She did, huh? Mm-hmm. Carly, well, honest to a fault, huh? Well, I don’t know anybody that knows carly would describe her as “honest to a fault.” Right. So after she told you about us, what, uh… I mean, how’d you react? Well, you know, with ex-spouses, I-it takes a little while to find your way forward with each other. So I just told her that you’re not a threat to me and I’m — and I’m happy for her. Well, that was nice of you to say. Do you mean it? Sam makes a good point. If and when I’m lucky enough to wear the badge again, the last thing I want to do is take work home with me. Yeah, brook lynn wouldn’t like that any more than you like her keeping things from you. I mean, maybe she’s just being careful not to make things more complicated by writing the letter. Assuming I agree to keep my mouth shut about what a miserable misogynist you are — unfortunately, I know from firsthand experience that you do, in fact, sexually harass women — what else could you possibly want? Like I said, I’m not interested in your silence. I’m looking for a different narrative. Because like you said, we’ve worked together in the past. You’re uniquely qualified to tell the world what kind of man I am.

[ Scoffs ] I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. You can’t be serious. You want me to paint a good picture of you? In every interview you give, in every pr release you write, you’ll sing my praises. Ooh, poor word choice, ’cause you can’t sing now, can you? All I’m asking is that you speak from your heart. Oh, well, my heart says that you are a loathsome dirtbag who preys on vulnerable women. You mean something like that? Alright, fine, don’t speak from your heart, speak from your head. Because at the end of the day, you know you’re not gonna get a better deal than this. All you have to do is swallow your pride and paint a picture of me that’s so warm and winning, that it’ll counter any false accusations that are already out there… or those yet to come, like from blaze or anyone else. So you’re saying, think defensively, because if there’s a bad narrative about you, I could be dragged down with you? You have a reputation for being strong, brook lynn. Some might even say “feisty.” So if you go on the record in my favor, you’ll be extra motivated to help me nip in the bud any outrageous complaints about my less than gentlemanly behavior. Otherwise, you look like a traitor to your sisters, or just a sellout who only cares about herself. Make no mistake, linc, I see you for exactly who you are. Great. Then this is a no-brainer, right? If you really believe in chase, you can go this extra mile, can’t you? I ordered those shots for the two of you to enjoy. What are you waiting for? Well, I have just come from an extended stay at general hospital, so thank you, but my doctors put the kibosh on alcohol for the next three weeks. Me, I’m just a gentleman awaiting your return. Oh, well, wait no more. Cheers. Oh. Your turn, robert. Look, I know you’ve got a few holes in your memory over the last couple of years, but surely you haven’t forgotten our ritual. Oh, you’re absolutely right. Well, it’s not too late to remedy. Go on. You see, there’s only one way to drink a tequila shot. I was on this cruise once, and this rather loud-mouthed woman who lived in orange county taught me a phrase I’ve never forgotten. Ahh. Now, lick it. Mm. Slam it. Ahh. Suck it. Oh.

[ Laughter ] Bleh. Mm. I still got it, kid.

[ Laughing ] You certainly do.

I wouldn’t say I’m happy for carly if I didn’t really mean it. No, I don’t mean to be questioning your word. It’s just that I also know that you and carly obviously had a very long, complicated history, so… wouldn’t be a huge surprise if you had mixed emotions about her moving on. Like you have mixed emotions about sam and dante living together? Alright, I guess I walked right into that one. Carly’s always gonna be donna’s mother, and I only want what’s best for her. Carly, you can’t just waltz in here insulting me like you used to. Have you forgotten that you don’t own this hotel anymore? I do. Have you really looked around? I not only hired a new chef, but I’ve added subtle but significant touches to every aspect of this hotel. It’s thriving, from the restaurant to the spa. But I wouldn’t expect you to appreciate such things, hm? Oh, trish, come here. Please, let me see this. No. P– no, carly! Put that down! Hey. I want to see for myself the subtle changes you’ve made. Now this, this looks like soup. No, carly, it’s potage with a dollop of white truffle cream, so put it back. Do you want it? Because you can have it. Brook lynn wants you to have it all, man. She wants you to have the star on your door, the badge on your chest, everything, okay? I — I should have kept my mouth shut. No, I’m happy you told me about the letter, and I’m just gonna have to trust that brook lynn, you know, she knows the right thing to say and she knows the right time to send it. You bastard. Here I thought you couldn’t sink any lower. Now you want me to cover for you? I’m just asking you to present a counter-narrative. I don’t care how you spin this. I’m not gonna do it. Your choice, but then my offer goes away, and all you have left of your precious songs is more dog food jingles and a singing cop without a badge or a future. Hey, what happened to our ritual? I know, I know. But times change, and I have to limit my salt intake. But it’s your turn. Go on. No, I — I think I’ve had enough. Okay, you’re my witness. Excuse me? Well, I noticed it as soon as I got back to port charles. Our dashing and daring aussie is in a bit of a rut. I mean, the right diet, the right exercise, a straight and narrow job, even got the right friends. Personally, I think he needs to indulge in a few more unpredictable evenings like tonight, and even with a hint of danger or a few acquaintances that are slightly unreliable? Such as? My english accent always fools people into thinking that I am posh and proper.

[ Chuckles ] But, ms. Miller, I have never claimed to be respectable.

[ Chuckles ] Have you? Well, first off, call me diane, please. And second, I was involved with someone who worked for the mob, so there are a few people out there who would say I was less than respectable. But I think robert deserves a say in this, hm? What do you have to say for yourself, da scorpio? Robert, you’ve hardly said a word all evening. Are you okay? Peaceful state.Full plate. Wait, are you my blind date? Dancing crew. Trip for two. Nail the final interview. Buy or lease? Masterpiece. Inside joke. Artichoke. Game with doug. Brand new mug. Come here, kid. Gimme a hug. Have you gotten your updated covid-19 booster? They’re designed to help protect against recent omicron variants. Schedule yours at vaccines.Gov. When you’re ready to go, but static says “whoa.” Try bounce lasting fresh. More freshness. More softness. Less s tatic. Less wrinkles. New bounce lasting fresh. Yeah! It’s the sheet. Hey! It’s me! Your dry skin! I’m craving something we’re missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so I can lock in moisture. We’ve got to have each other’s backs… cerave. Now the #1 dermatologist recommended skincare brand. Listen, I’m done settling. Because this is my secret. I put it on once, no more touch ups! Secret had ph balancing minerals; and it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. So pull it in close. Secret works. (Vo) get in the holiday spirit with chex cereal’s12 days of surprises! Learn easy recipes, get festive freebies, and more. Shop specially marked boxes of chex cereal today. I’m jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. If you’re age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps? The three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. A price you can afford, a price that can’t increase, and a price that fits your budget. I’m 54, what’s my price? 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No problem. Hey. Hey! Everything okay? Yeah, I was about to throw a bowl of soup in nina’s face, and then I changed my mind because I have too much respect for this place and the people that work here. Okay, uh, thanks for helping out willow with the search. Come on, let’s go. Let’s go. So it’s true. You’re gonna help willow find her birth mother? Yeah. Yeah. Why, is there a problem with that? Damn, man. I got to go. Duty calls. Alright, get out of here. But, hey, I’m glad we had this talk. Yeah? Are you sure about that? Because I don’t know. Maybe you’re lying to me and you’re not happy I brought all this up. No, you just being a true friend to me and brook lynn. Alright, good luck. Yeah, see you. I’ll see you around. I’m so sorry, britta. It’s my natural instinct to fix something, not — not necessarily to nurture it. My training, my — my medical knowledge, that — that comes so easily to me. But being a good mutter? I was given two children to love, and twice, I’ve failed. You deserve so much better, liebchen. You deserve a mutter who knows how to say and do all the right things, not me. Not the woman whose obsession with cesar faison did this to you! Okay. Okay, mother. Please stop. My huntington’s disease isn’t your fault. It’s not. And as much as I hate to admit it, it’s not my father’s fault, either. Sure, I inherited it from him, but he inherited it, too. It’s just the luck of the genetic draw. No, I won’t let it win that easily. We’re both doctors, intelligent and well-trained. We have to fight back. We can’t let it win this easily. There is something I need you to do. Of course. Anything. Go home to scott. Absolutely not. I’m asking a favor, please. You unexpectedly found love at this stage in your life with scott, and I want you to embrace that, okay? Just like in this moment, I need to embrace being alone. Well, either you’re all in or — is everything okay over here? Your conversation looked pretty intense. We’re just getting the details of our agreement nailed down. Right, brook lynn? I wasn’t talking to you, linc. I was asking my manager. Are you okay with his terms? Well…so much for the hummingbird cake. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel any better. Lucy’s still gone. Anna’s still out there on her own. Yeah, well, at least you know she’s alive. I’ve got people offering unsolicited advice about how unless and until they find a body, there’s reason to hope. It’s getting harder and harder to keep hoping. Guess I just miss her too much. I’m sorry, marty. I am. Yeah, so am I. If only she hadn’t come down here the night that shot was fired. Two shots. There were two shots fired, weren’t there? What’s your point? Why were there two shots? I mean, if anna was the shooter, she wouldn’t need two, especially at close range. In the heat of the moment, nobody’s perfect. No, no, no. Think about it. The police only found one bullet casing from anna’s gun. The second casing was never found. Yeah. So? So I don’t know. But if I figure it out, that’s how I’m going to save anna. Robert? Robert? Sh-should we call an ambulance? An ambulance? No, he’s just passed out after doing a shot. I guess it’s true. We’re not as young as we used to be. I’m gonna order him some black coffee.

[ Groans ] I-I-I’m okay. I’m — I’m — I’m okay. You’re hardly okay after one shot doing you in like this. Come on, I’m gonna take you downstairs and let you sleep it off. Wait a minute. I-I — I got to wait for my contact. He’ll be here any minute. No, you’re in no shape to do any business. Um, could you do us a favor? Could you wait here for robert’s contact and then, uh, just direct them to robert’s room? I still think he needs black coffee. Yeah — oh, no, I-I know what he needs. You’re so good to me, honeybunch. Oh, I know when — when he calls me honeybunch, then I know he needs a nap.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, where are we going? I don’t feel…

I hate to do this to you,but I’ve got to leave. So if someone shows up asking for either robert scorpio or a man with a briefcase, would you please have them call the front desk and ask for robert’s room? Of course. I’ll take care of it. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Diane, diane, diane, nice to see you up and about. Oh, it’s nice to be up and about. Yeah. Hey, nina. Hi, diane. All right, well, I’m gonna — I’m gonna call it a night. Okay. Good to see you. See you. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Just — you just got to let it go. Yeah, I know. I’m trying. But…someone needs to tell carly that. You sound surprised that I’m helping willow find her birth parents. You’re — you’re not opposed, are you? Oh, my god, it’s true. Nina’s willow’s mother. I heard from the lab. And? Nina’s not willow’s mother. No, no, I-I have no objection. I just think it’s gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack, and you’re gonna need all the help you can get. Sounds like you have someone in mind. Yeah. You’re looking at her. Yes, everything is very clear to me now. You and me, we’re good. Terrific. I knew I could count on you, brookie. Now to let blaze in on the good news. You know, it’s not too late. For what? I trust you to do the right thing for both of us. You know that, don’t you? I can’t leave you at a time like this. I mean it, mother. I need some time alone to…gather my thoughts. From the time you were tested… we’ve known that huntington’s disease would be a — a part of your life. But there was no way to know the timetable. It could have been decades before you showed symptoms. But now that is happening… well… if you need a mom, then I need my daughter more than ever, please.

[ Sobs ] All gone, just like lucy. Oh, no, not gone, just missing. There’s a big difference. Anna was set up to take the fall. Come on, marty, we got work to do. And where are we going? To find out what really happened to lucy. Robert, hi. It’s diane. Listen, I don’t feel right about leaving you alone with holly. I’ve got a bad feeling about all of this. So would you please call me when you get this? Robert! Oh, my god, what happened to you?

[ Grunting ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Yeah, we are gonna miss you today, but I am, uh, glad you guys are there for trip. Let him know we’re thinking about it. All right? Yeah. Love you too, sis. How’s trip? Uh, four kids having a tough time. I mean, losing his mom right before the holidays. But your aunt ca and Steve are looking after. Well, at least he’s in good hands for sure.

But that also means we’re gonna have two lost people for Thanksgiving dinner. So I hope you and Jada are hungry. Otherwise we’re gonna have a tunnel leftovers that about Pa Jada. There’s something you need to know.

This is Brady. Hi, happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving, and please call me Kate. I’m just getting used to my married name. Oh, congratulations on your wedding, by the way. I heard it was a lovely ceremony. Well, yes, it was as lovely as it could be on your deathbed, but you’re totally recovered now, right?

Yeah, no, I’m feeling great and I came up to tell you that dinner will be ready in an hour. Uh, well actually I wasn’t planning on coming to dinner. I had a lot of packing to do. Packing Eric didn’t tell you I’m moving out.

The last time we were here in this kitchen when I was arrested, uh, you know, I had asked you what you thought about starting our relationship and uh, he never really answered me well. There was a lot going on. True. Yep. Yeah. But now here we are, back in the kitchen. So I’m gonna ask you again, what do you think?

No, Chanel is still in police custody. My Aunt Fells trying to get her bail, but I haven’t heard anything, so thanks. Yeah, it was really good talking to you too. Uh, again, trip. I’m so sorry about your mom. Take care of yourself. Okay, bye


Can you look disappointed? No, I’m, I’m, I’m always happy to see you. I just thought it was Chanel.

Mama. Oh, Chanel my poor baby. Oh, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Not even for a second. Same. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving. My precious girl

like sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

I was praying that I was gonna see you today. I should have come sooner. I wanted to, but they’ll advised me to stay away. Said it’s what’s best for you right now, which makes no sense. You needed your mama wasn’t here. Oh my darling girl. I’m so sorry. No, mama. I’m the one who’s, sorry. Wow. You are moving out.

Why? Well, because living here might be a little awkward now that Eric and Nicole are back together. What, when did that happen? Uh, pretty recently. Well, I, I’m so sorry. I mean, I’m sorry not to have you here, but I can understand you wanting to make a clean break. Well, unfortunately that may not be possible.

Why not? So, uh, Jada’s pregnant

and you don’t seem too happy about it? No, I, I, I am. It’s, it’s a blessing. It’s just, you know, I’ve always wanted to have children, but it was obviously not. Of course not. I mean, well, because Jada and I, I mean, we’re not on the best of terms. Something happened. Yeah, yeah, it did. I mean, right before I, I got news about the baby Nicole and I decided to get back together.

Are you here? I came to get the rest of my things. Yeah. Well I already told Eric I’d have him sent over to the pub. Yeah, well you, you shouldn’t have to do that. And I came here because I thought you would be at the station. And also to avoid, well this, that is so Nicole. Yeah. Always taking the easy way out.

I heard about the accident last night. Yeah. Well, it’s still on our investigation, huh? Yeah, I, I know, I know you can’t talk about it. I just, I know we had our issues with Ava, but I still feel terrible about what happened. Yeah, yeah, me too. I heard EJ was there. He must be devastated. Couldn’t even get him to gimme a statement.

I can’t even imagine what he’s going through right now.

I got everything Holly and I need for now. I’ll, I’ll send for the rest later. How is Holly? She’s a little confused about everything that’s going on, but you know, generally she’s okay. It’s with Maggie right now until I find a place to settle down.

Still cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Yeah. Well, uh, I made a promise I want to let Ari and Gabby down. You know, they’ve been looking forward to this. So is I Sorry you had to do everything. I’m wrong. Oh, it’s fine. I make deal turkeys in the air fryer. Just have to, uh, make a couple. Oh my God. I was supposed to make my mom’s pie.

Please tell me you have another dessert. Well, actually I did send Gabby to, uh, go to Sweet Pit Spa. They were closed. Okay, mom, I could still make it. No. Why not? They’re still time. I said, no, you cannot have Thanksgiving dinner without dessert. Please, Ray, if it’s the least I could do, if not for you, then for your family, fine for Ari.

It’s the only reason I’m saying yes. Hey, one pie coming up.

I’ve been baking a lot to keep myself from worrying about Chanel 24 7. In a weird way, it kind of makes me feel close to her. Hey, is uh, is that big mama sweet potato pie? Yes. Chanel and Paulina used to make one every Thanksgiving, so I figured it was a good choice, . Um, but anyway, how Salani, I heard you went down to Maryland to tell her about.

Yeah. Yeah, she, she misses her family, obviously, but I assured her that her, her sister’s getting a lot of support. I, I heard that you, you got a chance to see Chanel yesterday. Yeah. Trask wasn’t allowing visitors, so I had to get special permission from Rafe. But yeah, um, it was really good to see her. It was good to spend some time together.

Has Paulina been able to see her yet? She’s at the station right now. Oh. And I, I would’ve been there with her, but she asked me if I could come check on you. Oh, that’s very sweet, . How you holding up? Uh, honestly, I’m terrified. Just the other day, Chanel and I were talking about our future together. You know, getting married, possibly having kids.

And now it’s like, but if we have no future, sweetheart, you have absolutely no reason to be sorry. But I ruined your big day. You were elected governor and instead of being able to celebrate, you were publicly humiliated because of me. Please. The only person to blame for how it all went down is that horrible da.

She insisted that Detective Brady arrest you at the worst possible moment. Yeah. And now the whole world knows that your daughter committed murder.

You know that incident that Chanel was involved in, Paulina filled me in on the whole story. Yeah, it was just an accident. Chanel did not intend to hurt that woman. Do you think a jury will believe that? It’s hard to say. You know what concerns me is, is the coverup. Paulino meant well, but, well, it’s, uh, it could be a problem.

I’m just so sorry that Chanel and her mom have to go through this.

I do too, Allie. But we have to be strong for them. That’s. That’s all we can do for now.

You are not a murder Russian now. You were only defending yourself. That woman lured you to that roof and attacked you because I was sleeping with her husband. Well, that still doesn’t give her the right to put her hands on you. You were just a young girl. I was a college student, old enough and smart enough to know that I shouldn’t be going to bed with a married man.

A married man was your professor. He had all the power and he took advantage of it. He preyed on you. Chanel. Okay. Even if he did, even if he did lie to me and lead me on, it doesn’t change the fact that I was the one who pushed Martha Bedford off of that building. You were fighting her off. If you hadn’t pushed her, you might have been the one who fell to your death.

What happened was a tragic accident. No one is to blame no matter what that what that spiteful daughter says. But daughter, oh my God, I forgot. You didn’t know Chanel. Sloane Peterson is not just some random lawyer. She’s not? Nope.

She’s the daughter of Martha and Nathan. She’s hell Ben, on revenge.

So what’s the plan? Uh, I’m not sure with Jada being pregnant now, I don’t, I don’t know where I stand with Eric. I met with our divorce. God, I’m sorry.

You know what? I haven’t really thought about it yet. I haven’t really thought about it. Okay. Well I figured there’s no reason to wait. So, um, after the holiday you might as. Get a lawyer and I’ll do the same. Okay? And don’t worry, I’m not gonna fight you or drag it out just because you were in love with your ex-husband the whole time we were married, right?

Uh, we’ll just, um, we’ll just call it irreconcilable differences.

After we talked and Cole and I, we realized that we couldn’t deny it any longer. We loved each other. We wanted to be together. Well, I’m not surprised. And uh, as long as you’re happy, that’s very important to me. So, uh, Nicole is ending her marriage to Rafe, obviously. Yeah. And I decided to end things with.

But before I could do that, I got a call from rape that Jada had fainted. So Nicole and I went to the hospital and that’s where Sarah broke the news to Jada and I. So Jada was pregnant. Yeah, which was a total surprise. I mean, we were careful and while it’s a blessing, It’s just the timing couldn’t be any worse, obviously.

So what does this mean for you and Nicole? That’s a good question. So does, does Eric know about the pregnancy? He was there when I got the news. Okay. That didn’t change anything. Not for me. I’m not looking to trap a man who wants to be with someone. No, no, no. Absolutely. I mean, I, I understand that, and I have to admit that before you came into the picture, I, I was encouraging Eric to get back with Nicole, probably saw their undeniable chemistry along with everyone in Salem.

Okay. I also saw you and Eric together, and it’s very clear to me that he has feelings for you. Not as strong as his feelings for Nicole, but you are carrying his baby now. And for a man like Eric, that carries weight. Meaning what? Meaning that I don’t think you should give up on that relationship so easily.

I mean, it’s not for your baby, for you.

Eric is pretty committed to Nicole and she’s already told rape that she wants a divorce. It’s a pretty done deal. Yeah. I don’t know the, the number of times those two have gotten together and broken up. I mean, I really, I couldn’t even count them, you know? I mean, if you are really interested in a relationship with him, kind of in your way, fight for him.

I appreciate your advice, Keith, but Eric’s made his decision and now it’s time for me to make. On whether or not I’m going to keep this baby.

So you’re thinking of terminating the pregnancy? I grew up in the church, so it’s not my first inclination, but I also believe in a woman’s right to choose Stu. Under these circumstances, it’s just not ideal to bring a baby into this world. Uh, no. I mean, they aren’t ideal circumstances, but knowing Eric, I think he would be in favor of keeping the baby.

Yes. He’s, he’s made it clear that he’s gonna support whatever decision I make. Okay. Well then you need to figure out what you want. I, I wanted to be with Eric, and if Nicole wasn’t in the picture, I, I think I would’ve been happy to raise a child with him, but I, I don’t think I’m prepared to be a single parent, and so I was thinking that maybe baby, maybe I shouldn’t have this baby.

Obviously, I still love. And I want to be with her. We’re just gonna have to have a long conversation of how this is gonna work. If Jada does keep the baby. If she hasn’t made a decision head, is she leaning one way or the other? I don’t know. It’s her decision to make, and I’ll respect it, whatever it turns out to be.

But if you add your way, like I said, of course I want to be a father. Never got to be a father at a little McKinsey. I just hope that whatever decision Jada doesn’t make, it’s not because of what I’ve done. Although, although what? No, I would understand. She doesn’t want to have a baby with a guy who left her for his ex-wife.

So there was no mystery client? Nope. Sloan is the one who’s blackmailing us to avenge. Your mother, Nathan? He, he told me that he had two kids, but he never told me their names. I can’t believe this. So his daughter has been here in Salem, lying and wait for over a year. Goes back much further than that.

Sloane was in law school when Martha died. Initially, her father claimed it was a suicide, but on his deathbed, he admitted to Sloane that that was a lie. He passed away before she could find out more, so she launched an investigation of her own and managed to dredge up the evidence that I had buried long.

Now she wants us both to pay for it. Trask threatened to have you arrested if I didn’t talk. Did you Bell shut it down pretty quickly. But Trask could still charge you for covering up my crime. I won’t let that happen, mama. I will not let you pay for something that I did. Don’t you worry baby. I’ve been in plenty of jams and I’ve always gotten out of them.

Now, trust me, this is no. You and I, we’ll be just fine.

Today was supposed to be our first real holiday as a couple. Chanel and I were so excited to spend Thanksgiving with you and Paulina. You know, maybe that could still happen. I highly doubt Chanel will make bail. Well, I still haven’t stepped down as mayor, so perhaps I could pull a few strings and we can all spend the holiday together.

I didn’t realize how much I really needed to talk to someone about this. Thank you so much for listening. Of course. Anytime. Well, I better get back to packing. So, um, are you leaving today? Um, my rent’s paid till the end of the month, so, um, I’ll be staying for a few more days. Well, in that case, I think you should take a break and join us for dinner.

I don’t think that’ll be a little awkward. Of course it will be awkward. Thanksgivings are always awkward , but it will give you and Eric a chance to talk.

I’ll think about it. Okay, fair enough. And one more little piece of. At the end of the day, forget about Eric. Forget about Nicole. Guess it’s your life, your body, it’s your decision.

Can I run a hypothetical by of course, if Nicole wasn’t a. And you found out that Jada was pregnant, how would you feel? Would you have wanted to raise a child with Jada? I think so, dad, everything’s just happening so fast and it was early in our relationship and Jada is a good person. We did along well.

There’s no point in bringing it up because Nicole is a factor. I love her and I always will. It’s why it’s just become such a big mess. Well, that’s quite an understatement. Just just heard the news. J’s pregnancy. How does she sound? Well, not to break a confidence, but I don’t think she could feel worse about having conceived a child with a man who’s in love with someone else and always has been.

Okay. So, um, Just, uh, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes and then let it cool before you serve. Oh, and um, there’s homemade whipped cream in the fridge. I left a bowl in there. Okay. Thank you. Least I could do. So enjoy your dinner.

I guess this is goodbye.

I promise you, baby, I will get us outta this mess. , thank you. And I am so grateful that you’re looking out for me, mama. I’m just, I’m worried about what this is doing to everyone else who’s getting dragged into this. Like who? Well, I’m sure Abe’s reputation is taking a hit and then there’s Allie. I had to tell her what I did.

Mama, I’m so ashamed. Oh no. I’m sure she understands. You said she does, but. Now that she knows about my past, what if she decides that she doesn’t wanna be with me anymore? That is never going to happen. What are you two doing here? Well, since you couldn’t come to Thanksgiving dinner, we brought Thanksgiving dinner

before I go. I just wanna tell you again how sorry I am. You are such a good man, and you didn’t deserve this. I don’t know about that. Maybe I did and you and I hooked up. I was still with Ava.

Who’s some sort of carmic intervention?

No, I don’t believe in any of that.

If you’ve, you’ve always been such a good friend to me all these years, and I just wish that we could still be friends that we can. Resume what we had before things got complicated.

Yeah. Yeah. I just, I don’t, I don’t see how that’s possible.

Please, not now.

Okay. I understand.

So we may need another place setting because I asked Jade to, to join us for dinner, although I’m not sure that she will. Maybe I should go talk to her. No need. I would like to join. And if you still have room at the table, of course we do. Um, maybe we should go check on the dinner. Okay.

Hey, I’m really glad you decided to join us for Thanksgiving dinner. I just had a really long talk with Kate and she was great. She offered me some really good advice and it gave me some clarity about our situ. Have you made a decision about the baby yet?

I have.


Okay. Who wants more pie? . Not me. I am stuffed. Me too. Yeah. Everything was delicious. Thank you for including me. Well, it was lovely to have you with us. Okay. You know what we haven’t done yet is go around the table and say what we’re thankful for. It’s a big part of our Thanksgiving ritual. Yes, it is. So I’ll start.

I am very grateful that Katie was able to make a full recovery and very, very grateful that she did me the tremendous honor of becoming my wife.

I am grateful too for being here. And for being married to you? My love, my husband. I’m also grateful for my children and my grandchildren that they’re all healthy and I really wish they were here, but they’re not. But I am mostly grateful for everyone who is here and that we could share this Thanksgiving together.

Okay. So who would like to go next? I will, Jada and I, we had a conversation earlier. I’m very thankful. I’m very thankful to announce that Jada decided to keep the baby. Oh. Oh, you’re going to be raising this baby together. Oh.

Alex, what’s on this? Well, what does it look like?

You said there was a work emergency. There is. It’s Thanksgiving and you have been working way too hard.

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, 11/23/22

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Taylor: Okay. Okay. I do not understand what is going on, but, um, nothing is going to ruin how amazing this day is going to be, right? Because I am about to marry your father in five minutes.

Steffy: Just prepare yourself.

Thomas: Steffy’s right, prepare yourself to be happy for the rest of your life with dad.

Taylor: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that– that is the plan.

Thomas: Okay, well, stick to it, all right? We’ll worry about our little thing and you just worry about being the beautiful bride you are.

Steffy: Nice try, thomas, but mom needs to know what you’ve done.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Finn: Hey. How are the kids?

Li: Amelia’s working her magic.

Ridge: How is douglas?

Li: Now that you mention it, he seemed a little subdued.

Ridge: Still, huh? That is not like him.

Finn: Well, if you’re worried he’s not feeling well, I can go check him out.

>>Ridge: I don’t think it’s his health, I just– he seems preoccupied.

Eric: He’s probably just overwhelmed with everything that’s going on here.

Li: It’s a big day for douglas’s father, for the whole family. It’s a big day for you, ridge.

Brooke: I can’t believe ridge is marrying another woman today.

Katie: He’s making a terrible mistake.

>>Brooke: Yes, he is.

Donna: Look, we’re here for you. Whatever you need, just– just ask us.

Katie: We’ll get through this terrible day together.

Brooke: Thanks, you guys. I don’t know what I would do without my sisters.

Donna: We love you so much, sis.

[ Knocking at door ]

Katie: Are you expecting someone?

>>Brooke: No. Dad!

Stephen: Sweetheart! Oh!

>>Brooke: Oh!

Stephen: Oh, you remember lucy.

Lucy: Hi.

Brooke: Yes, hello.

Donna: Oh, it’s dad.

Lucy: Oh, you girls.

Donna: Daddy! Lucy! It’s so good to see you in person and not on video chat.

Stephen: Look at the three of you, aw, more beautiful than ever.

Katie: And we finally get to meet the lovely girlfriend.

Donna: What are you doing here?

Stephen: We’re just passing through L.A. And we wanted to say hi.

Lucy: Well, we didn’t want to impose, but your dad thought it’d be fun to make it a surprise. And, oh, brooke, we have had a chance to see some of hope’s fashion preview. I mean, it’s stunning. And all the press around it has been so good, and your father, let me tell you, he has been one proud papa. He’s been boasting about it to all of our friends, the logans and the forresters. I mean, you are an unstoppable team.

Stephen: Alright, girls. I know these looks. I feel like I walked in on something. You want to bring me up to speed?

>>Brooke: It’s ridge. He is marrying taylor today.

Ridge: Thank you for performing the ceremony. Thank you.

Carter: I would have been offended if you hadn’t asked.

Li: Shall we get the kids? I assume the wedding will start soon.

Carter: Not without a bride.

[ Clearing throat ]

Taylor: Okay, you guys are freaking me out, okay? I am still traumatized from the last time your father and I tried to get married, so if you need to tell me something, now’s the time.

Thomas: Don’T. You’ll ruin everything.

Steffy: It’s not me, you did this!

Taylor: What did you do?

Thomas: Let it go. Just let mom and dad be happy.

Taylor: Stop.

Steffy: Brooke never called child protective services on thomas like dad thinks. This is gloria.

Lucy: Had we known you were going through all this today–

>>Brooke: Oh, no. No, lucy, I’m glad you guys are here.

Stephan: So, you think that thomas had something to do with the end of your marriage?

Brooke: Uh, I just don’t trust him, dad. I don’t think I ever will. Not after the stunts that he’s pulled and the things that he’s done to hope. And he’s made it no secret how he feels about me, that he has no use for me and that he wants to get me out of ridge’s life. Well, here we are. Ridge and taylor are getting married.

Katie: Whatever he said or did worked.

Stephan: Well, it shouldn’t have. I mean it. You’re ridge’s wife. He should have given you, at the very least, the benefit of the doubt instead of running back to taylor and not telling you why. I mean, what the hell?

>>Brooke: Uh, well, welcome to my world. And I mean that literally. Really. I’m so glad that you’re here. Especially on a day like today.

Stephan: I just wish there was something I could do to help.

Brooke: Dad, you just being here and supporting me, that is enough. Thank you. I love you.

Stephan: I love you, too, honey.

Carter: How’s the groom?

Ridge: Never better.

Carter: Yeah. Okay. You seem a little–

Ridge: Carter. What’re you getting at?

Carter: You’re my best friend. I want you to be happy.

Ridge: I appreciate that, I am.

Carter: Okay. Well, it’s your wedding day. I’m here to support and facilitate.

Ridge: I know.

Eric: Shouldn’t thomas and steffy be down here by now?

Li: Taylor seemed pretty ready the last time I saw her.

Ridge: She’s probably having a moment with them.

Finn: I mean, this is a huge day for steffy and thomas, something that they wanted for so long.

Ridge: Yeah.

Carter: I imagine emotions are running high.

Ridge: Mm-hmm.

Thomas: Steffy, stop.

Steffy: I won’t let our parents start a life together without knowing the truth. All of it. And I’m not saying you and dad are getting married because the cps call. I know you two love each other, but brooke didn’t make that call.

Taylor: She– she didn’t?

Thomas: It’s a bad idea.

Steffy: Douglas has an app on his phone where you can change your voice and make it sound like someone else.

Taylor: Okay. I need more details, please.

Steffy: Here. Listen.

Agent: Child protective services.

Brooke’s voice: Hello. I’d like to report a child in danger. His name is douglas forrester. He’s at 369–

Taylor: Okay, stop. Why? Why would douglas call cps?

Thomas: Steffy–

Steffy: No. Someone else used douglas’s phone.

Thomas: Hello. I’d like to report a child in danger. His name is douglas forrester. He’s at 369 willow hill road, los angeles. His father, thomas forester, is unstable. He has a knife.

Taylor: Thomas…

Thomas: It’s not exactly what it seems.

Steffy: Don’t lie to our mother, tell her the truth.

Taylor: Tell me now.

Thomas: Okay. I called cps, and honestly, it doesn’t matter.

Taylor: It matters, thomas. It really matters.

Thomas: No, it doesn’t because look where we are. I got the job done. Brooke is gone and out of our lives and you are about to get married to dad.

Steffy: No, thomas. Dad needs to know what you’ve done.

Taylor: Oh, my god.

Steffy: You can’t base your marriage on a lie, mom. Dad needs to know the truth. The world is full of make or break moments.

Stephen: I’m still trying to comprehend the idea of ridge marrying taylor again.

Katie: We all are.

Brooke: Especially me.

Lucy: For him to leave the way he did, so abruptly.

Donna: And with no explanation why.

Stephen: I don’t get it. What could have happened that made ridge shut down on you like that?

Brooke: I don’t know. All of sudden, he just took off to aspen to be with taylor. And of course, I followed, but by the time I got there, I already lost him.

Stephen: And you think thomas had something to do with it?

Brooke: More and more I’m feeling that way, yes.

Donna: Thomas doesn’t even try to hide his disdain for brooke. I mean, he’s constantly putting brooke down in front of ridge at home, at the office. You know, steffy too, for that matter.

Katie: It’s been this relentless campaign by steffy and thomas to get ridge and taylor back together. I mean, I think steffy might have some limits, some lines that she won’t cross, but thomas? Not so much.

Stephen: That guy’s turned out to be bad news for this family. This focused effort on manipulating ridge back to taylor and his obsession with hope.

Brooke: He’s always been a constant source of tension for ridge and me, and I really hate that because he is ridge’s son. I wanna be there for him and I want to support him and understand him, but I can’T. Not after the things that he’s done and obviously is still doing. I mean, somehow he came between ridge and me. And now we’re just minutes away from marrying another woman.

Li: Finn, where did you disappear to?

Finn: I just went upstairs to see what was going on.

Eric: You find out?

Finn: Thomas, taylor, steffy, they’re all together. I was gonna knock, but didn’t want to intrude.

Ridge: Let ’em have their moment. They earned it.

Taylor: No, no, no–

Steffy: Mom, dad needs to know what thomas did.

Thomas: That’s not for you to decide, that’s up to mom.

Steffy: Obviously, I want you and dad to get married today, but I don’t want you to start your life based on a lie.

Thomas: It’s not a lie, okay? It’s information that she would choose to omit.

Steffy: Dad thinks betrayed him by calling cps. That is a lie. It wasn’t brooke. It was you. Dad deserves to know the truth.

Thomas: Why are you so determined to blow this up?

Steffy: I’m not!

Thomas: You have wanted our family together for years with me. You should be thanking me.

Taylor: Thanking you? Thanking you, thomas? Do you realize what you’ve done? Why? Why did you do this? What is wrong with you? You manipulated this entire situation. I thought you had changed.

Thomas: I have changed. I didn’t do this because I’m obsessed about getting a mother for my son or anything like I did in the past. I did this for our family. I did this for you and you and our father. I want our family to be happy. Brooke has destroyed and blown up our family for years and years. And I’m sick of it. And I see that look, all right? I know that you’re disappointed in me, and I am sorry if I let you down, mom. But listen to me. Dad said he wants to be with you because he loves you. Because he loves the woman that you are and the loves the one that you’ve always been. Not because of anything that brooke did. So go downstairs and marry the man that you’ve love for most of your life.

Steffy: I agree with thomas to a point. I do. You and dad deserve this. Our family deserves this. But not like this. Not like this. Dad needs to know the whole story. That brooke didn’t lie. She didn’t make that call. Dad deserves to know the whole truth. Mom, you have to say something. Listen, I’m done settling. Because this is my secret.

Taylor: Oh, my god, thomas, I can’t even look at you. Why did you do this? Why?

Steffy: You know I’m not a fan of brooke, but what you did to her is awful. It was unfair. It was unfair to mom. And to dad. Mom, you know you can’t do this until you talk to him first.

Taylor: Me?

Thomas: Don’t listen to her, mom. This isn’t about brooke. This is about your relationship with dad and your new life together.

Steffy: That will be tainted if dad goes into this not knowing what really happened.

Taylor: Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Okay. I– I agree with both of you, okay? I know that your father loves me. He loves me, and– and he’s not with me just because of something brooke did, right?

Thomas: Exactly.

Steffy: I don’t disagree, but he needs to know what thomas did.

Thomas: He can’t know what I did. Mom, think about it. If dad finds out about it, my entire relationship with him will be ruined.

Taylor: You should have thought about that before.

Thomas: Just forget about this conversation, go downstairs, and move on with the rest of your life.

Ridge: I’m here because I love you. And I want to be with you for always.

Steffy: I love you, mom. And I want you to get married. But you can’t do it until dad knows the truth.

Thomas: He doesn’t need to know the truth. Just go downstairs and get what’s been yours all along.

Steffy: You know what needs to happen, mom.

Taylor: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. It’s time. I don’t know what– what’re we going to do? What am I going to do? What’s going–

Steffy: What are you going to do, mom?

Taylor: I don’t know.

Thomas: Are– are you going to get married or not?

Taylor: Okay, I– I need you guys to leave me alone. I need a moment, okay? I need a moment.

Thomas: Okay. Just do it. Go get married.

Steffy: Mom, not until you tell dad first. Love you.

Brooke: Ridge should be here. He should still be married to me. Instead he’s probably saying vows to taylor. Probably as we speak. Why is this happening?

Ridge: I really thought the music was gonna bring them down. Maybe we should check on them.

Ridge: They’re probably just spending a little extra time with their mother.

Li: Are you excited to see your grandparents get married?

Douglas: Sure.

Kelly: I love weddings. Brides are pretty.

Finn: That’s because their hearts are full of love.

Ridge: What about grooms? We don’t count?

Kelly: You look pretty too.

Ridge thank you. Oh, here they are.

Carter: We were about to send out a search party.

Ridge: Is there a problem I should know about?

Thomas: No, no, no, no. Just the opposite, actually, we were talking with mom about how much this day means to our entire family and to all of us.

Carter: Places everyone.

Ridge: You okay?

[ Indistinct chatter ]

[ Laughing ]

Ridge: You okay?

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Days Update Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Roman is on the phone with Kayla at the Brady Pub. Roman tells Kayla that they will miss them but is glad they are there in Seattle for Tripp as they hang up. Eric asks how Tripp is. Roman responds that he’s having a rough time, losing his mom right before the holidays, but Steve and Kayla are there to look out for him. They agree that he’s in good hands. Roman points out that does mean that they have two less people for Thanksgiving dinner, so he hopes Eric and Jada are hungry or else there is going to be tons of leftovers. Eric informs Roman that there is something he needs to know about Jada.

Jada packs her bags in her room until Kate shows up at her door. They wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving. Jada congratulates Kate on her wedding. Kate jokes about being on her deathbed but confirms she’s recovered and feeling great. Kate informs Jada that she came to tell her that dinner will be ready in an about an hour but Jada reveals that she wasn’t planning on coming because she has a lot of packing to do which Kate questions. Jada asks if Eric didn’t tell her that she’s moving out.

Nicole goes to Rafe’s house and returns her key to the house. Nicole looks around and thinks back to when she and Rafe decided to begin their relationship there. Rafe then comes out from the back and is surprised to see her.

Allie is at home on the phone with Tripp, saying that Chanel is still in police custody and Belle is trying to get her out on bail but she hasn’t heard anything else. Allie says it was good talking to him and she’s really sorry about his mom. Allie tells Tripp to take care of himself and hangs up. There’s a knock at the door and Abe arrives. He notes that she looks disappointed. Allie responds that she’s always happy to see him but she just thought it was Chanel.

Chanel remains in the interrogation room, handcuffed to the table. Paulina arrives and hugs her, saying she hasn’t stopped thinking about her for a second as they wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving. Chanel says she was praying that she would see her today. Paulina says she wanted to come sooner but Belle advised her to stay away. Paulina feels she needed her sooner and she’s sorry. Chanel responds that she is the one who is sorry.

Kate questions why Jada is moving out. Jada responds that living here might be a little awkward now that Eric and Nicole are back together. Kate is shocked and questions when that happened. Jada says it was pretty recently. Kate tells her that she’s so sorry but understands Jada wanting to make a clean break. Jada remarks that unfortunately, that may not be possible which Kate questions.

Eric reveals to Roman that Jada is pregnant. Roman feels Eric is not too happy about that. Eric says that he is and calls it a blessing as he always wanted children but it wasn’t planned and they aren’t on the best of terms. Roman asks if something happened. Eric informs him that right before he got the news about the baby, he and Nicole decided to get back together.

Rafe questions why Nicole is at his house. Nicole says she came to get the rest of her things. Rafe tells her that he already told Eric that he would have them sent over to the Pub. Nicole feels he shouldn’t have to do that. Nicole adds that she also came because she thought Rafe would be at the police station and to avoid this. Rafe calls that so Nicole to always take the easy way out. Nicole mentions hearing about the accident last night. Rafe says it’s still under investigation. Nicole knows he can’t talk about it and that they had their issues with Ava, but she still feels terrible about what happened. Rafe says he does too. Nicole mentions hearing that EJ was there and he must be devastated. Rafe confirms he couldn’t even get EJ to give him a statement as he can’t imagine what he’s going through right now. Nicole packs her bags and tells Rafe that she got everything she needs for now and will send for the rest later. Rafe asks about Holly. Nicole admits she’s a little confused about everything going on but she’s okay. Nicole mentions that Holly is with Maggie now until she finds a place to settle down. Nicole asks if Rafe is still cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Rafe responds that he made a promise and doesn’t want to let Gabi and Arianna down since they’ve been looking forward to it. Nicole comments that she was too. Nicole says she’s sorry Rafe had to do everything on his own. Rafe says it’s no big deal. Nicole remembers that she was supposed to make her mother’s pie so he doesn’t have a dessert. Rafe mentions sending Gabi to the Bakery but they were closed. Nicole offers to still make the pie but Rafe says no. Nicole asks why not since there is still time but Rafe says no. Nicole argues that he cannot have Thanksgiving dinner without dessert. Nicole says it’s the least she can do for his family. Rafe then agrees only for Arianna so Nicole puts on an apron.

Allie tells Abe that she’s been baking a lot to keep herself from worrying about Chanel and it makes her feel close to her. Allie mentions making Chanel’s grandmother’s sweet potato pie. Allie asks about Lani since she heard Abe went to Maryland to tell her about Chanel. Abe says Lani obviously misses her family but he assured her that Chanel has lots of support. Abe asks Allie about seeing Chanel yesterday. Allie explains that Melinda wasn’t allowing visitors so she had to get special permission from Rafe but it was really good to see her and spend time together. Allie asks if Paulina has been able to see her yet. Abe responds that she’s at the station with her now and he would be with her, but she asked him to come check on Allie which she says it’s sweet. Abe asks how she is holding up. Allie admits that she’s terrified. Allie talks about how she and Chanel were just talking about their future together, getting married and possibly having kids while now it’s like what if they have no future.

Paulina tells Chanel that she has no reason to be sorry. Chanel argues that she ruined Paulina’s big day as she was elected Governor and instead of celebrating, she was humiliated in public because of her. Paulina argues that the only person to blame for how it went down is Melinda, who insisted Shawn arrest her at the worst possible moment. Chanel remarks that now the whole world knows she committed murder.

Abe tells Allie that Paulina told him the whole story about the incident that Chanel was involved in and that it was just an accident as Chanel did not intend to hurt that woman. Allie asks if he thinks a jury will believe that. Abe says it’s hard to say and what concerns him is the cover up. Abe knows Paulina meant well but admits it could be a problem. Allie is so sorry that they have to go through this. Abe encourages her to be strong for them and that’s all they can do for now as he hugs her.

Paulina argues that Chanel is not a murderer and was only defending herself after she was lured to the roof and attacked. Chanel argues that she was a college student who should’ve known she shouldn’t have been going to bed with a married man. Paulina complains that he had all the power and took advantage of her. Chanel says it doesn’t change the fact that she pushed Martha Bedford off the building. Paulina points out that if she didn’t, Chanel might have been the one who fell to her death. Paulina calls it a tragic accident, no matter what that spiteful daughter says. Chanel questions what daughter. Paulina forgot that Chanel didn’t know. Paulina then reveals that Sloan Peterson is not just some random lawyer, she is Martha and Nathan’s daughter who is hellbent on revenge which shocks Chanel.

Rafe asks Nicole what her plan is. Nicole admits she’s not sure since Jada is pregnant, so she doesn’t know where she stands with Eric. Rafe clarifies that he meant their divorce. Nicole apologizes and admits she hasn’t really thought about it yet. Rafe figured there’s no reason to wait, so they might as well get lawyers after the holiday. Rafe assures that he won’t fight her or drag it out just because she was in love with her ex-husband the entire time they were married. Rafe decides they will just call it irreconcilable differences.

Eric explains to Roman that after he and Nicole talked, they realized they couldn’t fight it anymore, that they wanted to be together, and they love each other. Roman admits he’s not surprised and says as long as Eric is happy, that’s very important to him. Roman guesses Nicole decided to end her marriage to Rafe. Eric confirms that she did and that he was going to end things with Jada when he got a call from Rafe that Jada had fainted, so they went to the hospital and that’s where Sarah broke the news to them that Jada is pregnant which was a total surprise since they were careful. Eric calls it a blessing but admits the timing couldn’t be worse. Roman asks what this means for Eric and Nicole. Eric calls that a good question.

Kate asks Jada if Eric knows about the pregnancy. Jada confirms that he was there when she got the news. Kate asks if that didn’t change anything. Jada says not for her as she’s not looking to trap a man who wants to be with someone else. Kate understands that and admits that before Jada came in to the picture, she was encouraging Eric to get back with Nicole. Jada guesses she saw their undeniable chemistry like everyone else in Salem. Kate says she also saw Eric and Jada together and it was very clear that Eric had feelings for her. Jada says not as strong as his feelings for Nicole. Kate points out that Jada is carrying Eric’s baby now and for a man like Eric, that carries weight, so she doesn’t think Jada should give up on the relationship so easily. Jada points out that Eric is pretty committed to Nicole and Nicole already told Rafe that she wants a divorce, so it’s a pretty done deal. Kate brings up how many times Eric and Nicole have broken up and gotten back together. Kate encourages Jada to fight for Eric. Jada appreciates her advice but says Eric made his decision, so now it’s time for her to make her decision on whether or not she’s going to keep the baby. Kate asks if she’s thinking of terminating the pregnancy. Jada admits it wasn’t her first inclination but she also believes in a woman’s right to choose. Jada says under these circumstances, it’s not ideal to bring a baby in to this world. Kate agrees they aren’t ideal but knowing Eric, she thinks he would be in favor of keeping the baby. Jada confirms that Eric made it clear that he will support whatever decision she makes. Kate tells Jada that she needs to decide what she wants then. Jada talks about how she wanted to be with Eric and if Nicole wasn’t in the picture, she would’ve been happy to raise a child with him but she doesn’t think she’s prepared to be a single parent, so she was thinking maybe she shouldn’t have this baby.

Eric tells Roman that he still loves Nicole and wants to be with her, but they are going to have to have a long conversation about how this is going to work if Jada keeps the baby, but she hasn’t made a decision yet. Eric calls it Jada’s decision to make and he will respect whatever it turns out to be. Roman asks what Eric’s way would be. Eric admits he always wanted to be a father but he hopes that Jada’s decision isn’t based on what he has done, though he would understand if she doesn’t want to have a baby with a guy who left her for his ex-wife.

Paulina explains to Chanel that there was no mystery client and Sloan was the one blackmailing them to avenge her mother. Chanel mentions Nathan telling her that he had two kids but never said their names. Chanel can’t believe that Sloan has been in Salem, lying in wait for over a year. Paulina informs her that it goes back further than that since she was in law school when her mother died and believed it was suicide until her father admitted on his deathbed that it was a lie, but he passed away before he could tell her more so she launched her own investigation and dredged up the evidence Paulina buried a long time ago and now she wants revenge on both of them. Chanel brings up that Melinda threatened to have Paulina arrested if she didn’t talk, but Belle shut it down pretty quickly. Chanel worries that Melinda could still charge Paulina for covering up her crime and declares that she won’t let Paulina pay for something she did. Paulina tells her not to worry as she’s been in plenty of jams and always gotten out so this is no different. Paulina declares that they will be just fine.

Allie tells Abe that today was supposed to be her and Chanel’s first real holiday as a couple and they were so excited to spend Thanksgiving with Paulina and Abe. Abe suggests maybe that could still happen. Allie highly doubts that Chanel will make bail today. Abe points out that he hasn’t stepped down as Mayor yet, so perhaps he could pull a few strings so they could all spend the holiday together which excites Allie.

Jada tells Kate that she didn’t realize how much she needed to talk to someone about this and thanks Kate for listening. Jada decides she should get back to packing. Kate asks if she’s moving out today. Jada says she has a few more days so Kate thinks she should take a break and join them for dinner. Jada asks if she doesn’t think that would be awkward. Kate jokes that Thanksgivings are always awkward, but it will give her and Eric a chance to talk. Jada agrees to think about it. Kate adds that at the end of the day, it’s Jada’s life and body, so it’s her decision. Kate then exits the room.

Roman asks Eric how he would feel if he found out Jada was pregnant and Nicole wasn’t in the picture. Eric thinks he would want to raise a child with Jada but everything happened so fast and early in their relationship. Eric calls Jada a good person and says they get along well. Eric adds that there’s no point in bringing it up because Nicole is a factor as he loves her and always will which is why this has become just a big mess. Kate comes downstairs and calls that quite an understatement as she just heard the news. Eric asks how Jada sounded. Kate doesn’t think Jada could feel worse about conceiving a child with a man who has always been in love with someone else.

Nicole tells Rafe to just put the pie in the oven for 45 minutes and adds that she left a bowl of whipped cream in the fridge. Rafe thanks her. Nicole repeats that it’s the least she could do. Nicole tells Rafe to enjoy his dinner. Nicole starts to cry as she guesses this is goodbye.

Paulina promises Chanel that she will get them out of this mess. Chanel thanks her and says she’s so grateful that she’s looking out for her, but she’s worried about everyone else getting dragged in to this like Abe’s reputation and Allie. Chanel talks about being so ashamed having to tell Allie about what she did. Paulina is sure Allie understands. Chanel asks what if now that Allie knows about her past, she decides she doesn’t want to be with her anymore. Allie then walks in with Abe and declares that is never going to happen. Chanel asks what they are doing here. Allie responds that since she couldn’t come to Thanksgiving, they brought Thanksgiving dinner to her.

Nicole cries to Rafe that she just wanted to tell him again how sorry she is because he’s such a good man and he didn’t deserve this. Rafe responds that maybe he did since they hooked up when he was still with Ava, so maybe it was karma intervening. Nicole doesn’t believe that. Nicole says he’s always been such a good friend to her for all these years and she just wishes they could still be friends and resume what they had before things got complicated. Rafe doesn’t see how that’s possible now. Nicole says she understands and tearfully walks out of the house with her bags.

Kate informs Roman and Eric that they may need to set another place at the table because she invited Jada to join them, though she doesn’t know if she will accept. Jada then comes downstairs and announces she would like to join if they have room at the table. Roman says of course they do. Kate then takes Roman to check on the dinner. Eric tells Jada that he’s really glad that she decided to join them for Thanksgiving dinner. Jada mentions having a talk with Kate and says she was great, offering her really good advice and giving her some clarity about their situation. Eric asks if she’s made a decision about the baby yet. Jada reveals that she has.

Abe, Paulina, Allie, and Chanel have Thanksgiving dinner in the interrogation room at the police station.

Roman, Kate, Eric, and Jada have Thanksgiving dinner at the Brady Pub. Roman asks who wants more pie. Eric and Kate both say they are stuffed. Jada thanks them for having her. Kate says they were glad to have her. Roman points out that they haven’t gone around the table to say what they are thankful for. Eric tells Jada that’s a big part of their Thanksgiving ritual. Roman starts by saying he’s very grateful that Kate made a full recovery and did him the tremendous honor of becoming his wife. Kate says she’s grateful to be here and to be married to Roman. Kate adds that she’s grateful for her children and grandchildren being happy and healthy and that they could share Thanksgiving together. Eric reveals that he and Jada had a conversation. Nicole comes around the corner and sees them as Eric announces that Jada has decided to keep the baby and they will be raising the baby together. Kate claps and calls that great news as Jada hugs Eric while Nicole listens in with a worried expression.

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GH Update Monday, November 21, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At Pozzulo’s, Sonny continued to try to reach Dex by phone. He left a voicemail demanding that Dex call him. Brick arrived and told Sonny that he had also been unable to locate Dex. Sonny informed Brick that he was not cool with Carly visiting Brick’s hotel room, and Brick assured him that he would never disrespect Sonny. He added that he would tell Sonny if he insisted but to do so would be to violate Carly’s trust. Sonny’s guard came to tell him a supplier needed to speak with him. Brick was left alone in Sonny’s office.

After finishing up a run, Drew ran into Carly and Carly told him that they still needed to be super careful.  She informed him that Josslyn had seen them kissing, but she told Drew that Josslyn could be trusted. Drew agreed and then told Carly that he was trying to locate Willow’s birth parents or even possibly some family members.  Carly looked stunned for obvious reasons.

Olivia arrived in the plaza and greeted them but Carly quickly made her exit when she received a message from Brick. He told her that Sonny was aware that they had met, and Sonny had had some wild ideas.

In Josslyn’s dorm room, Dex awoke and grabbed a sleeping Josslyn’s hand as she slept in a chair next to the bed. She opened her eyes and checked his fever, which she said had broken. Dex said that he felt better, but he groaned in pain when he began to move. She handed him a bottle of water and urged him to stay hydrated. Dex asked her to get him some clothes so that he could leave. Josslyn reminded him that he couldn’t walk, let alone stand, but Dex struggled as he got out of the bed and stood up by himself. Josslyn thought that Dex was too weak to leave, but he didn’t want to take a chance of her getting into trouble with all the people around the dorm.

Sonny returned to his office, and Brick told him that he wouldn’t disclose discussions that were about private matters. There was a knock at the door, it was Carly. She announced that she’d heard that Sonny had gotten the wrong idea about her meeting with Brick, and said she was there to set him straight. Carly told Sonny that the entire matter was none of his business, and Sonny looked toward Brick, who stated that Sonny had been curious. Carly told Sonny that she and Drew were seeing each other but that had to keep it quiet for the time being. She claimed that she had gone to Brick and asked him to conceal any digital footprint that she and Drew might have left.

Sonny asked Brick to leave him and Carly alone, and Brick left. Sonny told Carly that he was happy for her. Carly said she didn’t want Sonny getting the wrong idea, and he disclosed that Nina had been the one to inform him that Carly had gone into Brick’s hotel room. Carly was not at all surprised, and she noted that it was time for Nina to get a life and stay out of hers.

Back at the dorms, Josslyn returned with clothing for Dex. She told him he could not take the antibiotics without food and grabbed a granola bar for him. Dex was surprised to see a pair of socks in the bag, and Josslyn explained that she wouldn’t dig through his bloody things for the pair he’d been wearing. He was unable to put them on himself, but Josslyn helped him. He also asked for help with his pants, and she slid them over his legs. He managed to get out of bed and pull them up himself. Josslyn packed a duffle bag of odds and ends for him to carry to avoid suspicion and told him she’d burn all the bloody clothing and rags in the fire pit at home.

Dex said that she had gone through an awful lot of trouble for him.  Josslyn agreed. Suddenly, Dex grabbed her, and they began to kiss passionately. “Damn!” Dex muttered when they finally separated. He told her that wasn’t supposed to have happened. “Well, it did!” Josslyn replied. She smiled broadly as Dex left.

At General Hospital, Austin informed Britt that Dr. Talone, a leading specialist in her field, was on the way. Britt appreciated Austin’s help, and while he didn’t have to stay, she admitted she’d like his moral support. When the doctor arrived, they all sat down. Britt admitted to a family history and symptoms as the reason for her pursuing Huntington’s disease further. She admitted to having given a false name with incomplete information when she’d had the hospital visit while on the run.

The doctor suspected that Britt could be further along than originally thought. She explained that the symptoms could have been masked by her carpal tunnel syndrome. Austin urged Britt to be honest, and she admitted to various symptoms such as tremors and irritability. Dr. Talone then stated that she wanted to run more tests. Once Dr. Talone left, Britt and Austin joked about the doctor’s lack of bedside manner and made a comparison to Britt.

Britt thanked Austin for treating her no differently. She admitted that her disease was easier to discuss with someone she didn’t know well because she wanted her loved ones to remember her and not her disease. She stated that she knew how her story would end. The doctor returned and announced that Britt had Stage 3 Huntington’s. Austin grabbed Britt’s arm as the doctor explained that while it was probably a low to intermediate stage, the symptoms would increase, including those of cognitive impairment. She thought that Britt could survive another five to 15 years, although she could need full-time care in as little as 18 months.

Scott met with Cody and sat down with him at a table in Metro Court. Cody said that he wanted legal advice because he might be coming into an “absurd amount of money.” Scott suggested that it was illegal, but Cody assured him it wasn’t. Cody told Scott about the necklace that belonged to either the heirs of Faison or those of Taub. Scott had advice for Cody. “Run for the hills!” he exclaimed. Scott said that the diamonds being cut from the Ice Princess were cursed. 

At Pier 55, Robert shouted at Holly. He yelled that he had baited her with a phony address for Anna, and Agent Whitten had appeared there after an anonymous tip from Holly. “How long have you been working with Victor?” he demanded to know. Holly admitted the truth, although she insisted it was not by choice. She grew hysterical and informed him that he would be a target if she told him anything. Robert replied that everyone was a target with Victor around, and he wanted to hear all of it.

Holly told Robert of her lies, she remembered the past two years. She took a deep breath and explained that she had been investigating Rudge and his casino, and she’d heard that he’d been working with Victor. She went on to say that her cover had been blown, and she’d been taken captive. She recalled being able to phone Robert for help, and he remembered the call. She said that Victor had threatened her, and he’d forced her to watch as he killed her sister, Paloma.

Robert recalled Paloma’s body being found on the casino grounds. He noted that she’d resembled Holly. Holly recounted that Paloma had been wearing Holly’s wedding ring, and dental records had been falsified. She continued that she’d been moved from Crete to somewhere else and then to Port Charles. She explained that Anna had been in the way of Victor’s plans, and she had also been ordered to distract Robert. Holly admitted to being the one to have shot Lucy, although she maintained that she’d used one rubber bullet. She added that a second bullet had been fired into the water, leaving behind residue and casings.

Holly assured Robert that Lucy wasn’t dead, and he was skeptical. She said that Victor had never wanted to hurt Lucy. She explained that she had been wearing prosthetics when she’d committed the shooting, in order to resemble Anna. She said that Victor’s guards had retrieved Lucy from the water. She told Robert that  Victor couldn’t know that she’d told Robert anything, or her son Ethan would be in danger.

In Sonny’s office, Carly finished rebuking Sonny when Brick returned with Dex. Carly hastily departed. “Where the hell have you been?” Sonny asked. Dex told him about the bullet graze, how he’d been lying low and lost his phone. Brick and Sonny exchanged looks. They agreed it was all less than professional, but Dex insisted he could be counted on.

As Josslyn packed away all the bloody clothing and bandages, Carly arrived and announced that she’d seen Dex in Sonny’s office. Josslyn was annoyed, but Carly reminded her that Dex was working for Sonny of his own volition and it was his choice to continue to do so. Carly wondered if Josslyn would even see Dex again. Josslyn announced that she needed to get to the fire pit.

After Dr. Talone left Britt’s office, Britt told Austin that she wanted to be alone. She closed the door and wandered around. She picked up her diploma and her business card. Her quiet weeping turned into rage as she threw things and swiped the items off her desk with a vengeance. She looked at her trembling hand and sobbed. She picked up the necklace from the floor just as Cody knocked on the door.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn makes a deal with Linc that she will say good things about him in all the interviews she does in order to help him fight off sexual harassment accusations that might come up from some of the artists he has managed.

Dante tells Chase that he asked Brook Lynn to write a letter to the police review board to help him have a chance to get his job back. Dante tells Chase that he told Brook Lynn about the review board hearing weeks ago, but she still hasn’t written the letter.

Britt tells her mother that her Huntington’s disease is in stage three and she might need to live in assisted living within a year.

Holly drugs Robert’s tequila and steals the necklace from him.

Carly offers to help Drew find Willow’s biological parents.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, November 23, 2022

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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis is happy to have Daniel home for Thanksgiving, and he tells her that Heather has a job in Portugal with Lucy because Heather got a job with a law firm. Phyllis senses there is something wrong but tells Daniel she is ready to listen whenever he wants to talk about it.

The annual Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless at Crimson Lights has a lot of volunteers: Billy, Lily, Nick, Victoria, Johnny, Chelsea,, Connor, Mariah and Tessa.

Mariah and Tessa tell Sharon that Joss, the young mom who was considering giving them her baby, decided to give the baby to her cousin. Joss told them that she would have given her baby to them if her cousin didn’t want the baby.

Connor tells Johnny that Chelsea spent a few days in the hospital because she was depressed but she is getting help, and is doing better. Johnny apologizes to Chelsea for the way he treated her. Chelsea tells Johnny that none of her problems are his fault and she hopes that they can be friends someday.

Abby tells Devon that Chance moved out of the house and she doesn’t know where he is staying. Abby tells Devon that Chance asked her for a divorce. Abby decides to work instead of spending Thanksgiving with the Abbotts or the Newmans.

Allie spends her first Thanksgiving with the Abbotts and is grateful to have found her family.

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Days Update Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Stefan and Chloe walk through the town square and head to the Bakery but find it’s closed. Chloe mentions that one of the owners was just arrested for murder. Stefan guesses they should’ve had dessert at the restaurant. Chloe says even without dessert, she had a really good time. Stefan calls it their second first date and says he wanted it to be perfect. Chloe tells him that it was. They kiss as Gabi walks up and sees them.

Li is in his hotel room, wondering what Wendy is up to, why she is in Jakarta and why she’s not answering his calls. Li then gets a call from Wendy’s phone and answers, saying it’s about time she called but it’s Dr. Rolf, who informs him that this is not his sister. Li questions what the hell he is doing with his sister’s phone. Dr. Rolf responds that he received his message, warning him about his sister’s arrival, but it was too late.

Xander repeats to Sarah that he has something to tell her as she got distracted by thinking she saw a roach in the room and says she’s getting paranoid. Xander has flashbacks to kidnapping Susan and says he knows that feeling. Sarah guesses that something has happened and it’s bad. Xander confirms it’s something terrible and he did it.

Rafe is at the airstrip and calls in an APB on Ava Vitali, noting that Susan Banks may be in her car so he wants all units to proceed with caution because Ava is considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Ava’s vision of Charlie appears in her car and informs her that EJ is right behind her and since EJ used to drive race cars, it’s only a matter of time before he catches up to her. Charlie asks what Ava’s plan is when he does.

EJ declares that Ava has nowhere to go now but prison or Hell and when he catches up to her, he will get to decide.

Ava’s vision of Charlie asks if she’s going to drive all the way to Seattle when she knows the DiMeras will hunt her to the ends of the Earth. Ava tells him to shut up because she’s trying to think. Susan argues that she didn’t say anything but then says she will shut up. Susan warns Ava to keep her eyes on the road because it would be terrible to get in an accident. Charlie complains that Ava is scared when EJ should be, but she let him get the upper hand and now he’s chasing her while she runs away. Charlie declares that Vitalis don’t run away and she should’ve shot him when she had the chance. Ava says she’s not scared while Charlie points out she’s crying like a baby. Ava shouts that’s because she lost everything. Charlie argues that Steve and Rafe didn’t want her, Jake is dead, and Tripp abandoned her to move across the country, but she still has him and they can be together like he always wanted. Charlie says she can still win this and hurt EJ but she knows what she has to do. Ava then swerves the car off the road, causing EJ in the car behind her to question what the hell she is doing. EJ comes to a stop as Ava’s car goes flipping off a cliff.

Gabi interrupts Stefan and Chloe, exclaiming that she’s so glad she ran in to them because she just got her wedding invites. Gabi hands them invitations. Stefan questions her wanting him at her wedding. Gabi confirms that she wouldn’t want him to miss the celebration.

Li questions why Dr. Rolf has his sister’s phone. Rolf responds that he saw all the calls that he made to her and he was right to be worried as she was on a fishing expedition. Li asks what happened. Dr. Rolf explains that Wendy pretended that Li sent her to him and that she knew about Li having him erase Stefan’s feelings for Gabi. Li asks if he told her that she was wrong. Dr. Rolf says unfortunately, he hadn’t received his warning yet. Li questions Wendy knowing and asks where she is now. Dr. Rolf responds that at the moment, she is somewhat indisposed. Wendy and Johnny both lie unconscious in hospital beds inside of Dr Rolf’s lab.

Sarah tells Xander that he’s starting to scare her. Sarah says to just tell her what he’s done and they can figure out how to handle it. Xander thinks back to telling Susan that Sarah would never forgive him if she found out what he did. Xander then informs Sarah that he broke his word to her. Sarah doesn’t understand and asks what he means. Xander thinks back to Susan promising not to tell what he did. Xander tells Sarah that he hates to tell her this, but reveals that he quit his job.

EJ runs to the edge of the cliff and screams for his mom.

Gabi tells Stefan and Chloe to cancel their New Year’s Eve plans because this party is going to be better than anything they could dream of. Chloe informs her that they are probably going out of town to somewhere like Miami. Gabi brings up that Chloe is working for Li now and she’s pretty sure he would want her at his wedding. Stefan gives one of wedding invitations back and says they won’t need it because Chloe will be his plus one. Gabi calls that nice. Stefan remarks that it is nice when fate brings two people together.

Li questions Dr. Rolf having Wendy and Johnny restrained. Dr. Rolf explains that they arrived together and that Johnny was recording his conversation with Wendy, so he had to detain them. Li questions how Wendy got on to this and how Johnny got involved. Dr. Rolf says all he knows is what’s on the recording and he could destroy it but that won’t solve everything. Li asks how to stop Wendy and Johnny from going straight to Gabi with what they know when they get back to Salem. Dr. Rolf informs him that he hasn’t been idle since being sent to Jakarta as he’s been working on an exciting robotics program. Dr. Rolf adds that to complete it, he needs a set of human vocal chords and two would be even better. Li questions Rolf wanting to remove their vocal chords and says he has a much better idea.

Johnny wakes up tied to the hospital bed. Johnny calls out to Wendy and she wakes up, asking what happened. Wendy says the last thing she heard was feedback from her mic and Dr. Rolf was coming at her with a needle. Johnny explains that he found her out cold and then Dr. Rolf came at him with another needle. Wendy remembers Dr. Rolf spilling his guts. Johnny points out that they still don’t know EJ’s involvement and complains about Dr. Rolf figuring out what they are up to. Wendy points out that Dr. Rolf is not stupid and they agree that he won’t be letting them off with just a warning. Johnny doesn’t think they can count on the local cops to come to their rescue so they have to find a way out.

Rafe calls the FBI about Susan Banks being kidnapped and calls it a high profile case. Rafe adds that the kidnapper is Ava Vitali. Rafe explains being at the Salem airstrip because Tony told him that EJ would be there to pay the ransom but it looks like things didn’t go as planned and Ava may have taken off with Susan. Rafe says he has every one of his men out looking for them now. Rafe then gets a call from one of his men and switches over. Rafe asks how bad it is and asks for the exact location of the crash. Rafe hangs up and storms off.

Sarah questions Xander quitting his job when he just started and said it was such a great opportunity. Xander knows it’s a shock but says he had no choice. Sarah still doesn’t understand. Xander tells her that the job wasn’t what he was told it would be. Xander thinks back to Ava changing the plan and ordering him to kill Susan. Xander then tells Sarah that his boss asked him to do something that he knew was wrong and he thought of Sarah, so he couldn’t go through with it.

EJ continues screaming for his mother as Rafe arrives and stops EJ from trying to go down the cliff. EJ screams about Susan being down there. Rafe tells him that he knows as Tony told him everything. EJ complains that Ava deliberately drove off the road and yells at Rafe to get his hands off of him. Rafe tells EJ to get a hold of himself as the rescue squad is on their way and they have a much better chance of getting to Susan than he does getting down the cliff. EJ questions doing nothing when his mother is down there in the car. EJ and Rafe then look over the cliff as Ava’s car explodes.

Sarah brings up that Xander told her this company was legit so she questions his boss asking him to do something dicey. Xander says that she made the job out to be something it wasn’t, so he doesn’t work there anymore. Sarah asks Xander what she wanted him to do. Xander would rather not talk about it. Sarah says she’s just trying to understand what he didn’t want to do and asks if it was unethical or worse than that. Sarah asks if it was like cooking the books or something. Xander claims it was like that. Sarah says if that’s the case, he did the right thing and she’s really proud of him as she hugs him.

EJ and Rafe stagger back to their after being knocked down by the explosion. EJ tells Rafe not to try to stop him from saving his mother. Rafe tells him he can’t go down there but EJ says he’s not going to sit there and watch his mother burn. EJ then begins climbing down the cliff and Rafe reluctantly follows after him.

Stefan brings Chloe to the DiMera Mansion for dessert. Stefan hopes it helps them forget their run in with Gabi. Chloe asks why Stefan said they wouldn’t miss Gabi’s wedding. Stefan says he knows Chloe wasn’t at his and Gabi’s wedding, but that she used him and as soon as they exchanged vows, she turned on him and kicked him out of the house, so he can’t wait to see what she has in store for Li. Chloe asks if he thinks she’s going to do the same thing to him. Stefan says he doesn’t know, but he knows Gabi doesn’t love him yet she’s making a big deal about the wedding, so he can’t wait to find out why.

Li asks Dr. Rolf if he’s clear on what he wants and if they are on the same page. Gabi comes home to the room as Li tells Dr. Rolf that when Wendy comes home, she better be emptyhanded. Li then quickly hangs up and says he didn’t hear Gabi come in. Gabi questions what’s wrong with Wendy.

Dr. Rolf finishes his call and goes back in to his lab where he sees Johnny and Wendy are both awake. Wendy warns Dr. Rolf to let them go before Li finds out what he’s done. Dr. Rolf says he wouldn’t be so sure about that happening and adds that he doesn’t take too well when people come to him under false pretenses and then secretly record his conversations. Johnny mocks him. Dr. Rolf declares that no one will ever get to hear his recording as he burns it and trashes it. Wendy demands to speak to Li. Dr. Rolf responds that she just missed him as they had a fruitful conversation on her phone. Dr. Rolf informs them that Li gave him strict orders to ensure that they never tell anyone what they heard today. Dr. Rolf prepares his syringe and says it will take a few seconds so they can sit tight.

Chloe questions why Stefan thinks Gabi doesn’t love Li. Stefan responds that he doesn’t think Gabi is capable of loving anyone as she’s too obsessed with money and power. Stefan points out Gabi ending up with Li when his father is chairman of the board, who can help her climb back to the top of DiMera. Stefan asks why Gabi didn’t just go after Li’s father himself. Chloe points out that he’s married. Stefan jokes that it’s never stopped Gabi and guesses she figured that Li would be more helpful in clawing her way back to the top. Chloe questions why Gabi is so anxious to have Stefan at her wedding. Stefan says he doesn’t know. Chloe thinks she does and it has to do with him, not money or power.

Li claims to Gabi that he was on the phone with the maintenance crew of the DiMera Jet because they suspected Wendy was playing hooky and it turns out that she did it in style as she and Johnny commandeered the DiMera Jet to Indonesia. Gabi questions why and what’s in Indonesia. Li remarks that he would tell her if she’d return his calls but claims he has no idea why she went, adding that they were never that close. Gabi questions why Li was telling them to make sure Wendy came back emptyhanded and asks what he’s afraid of her bringing back.

Wendy asks if Dr. Rolf has a soul or feelings. Wendy tells him that they are here because of Gabi because they think she got a raw deal from Li and EJ. Dr. Rolf questions them coming all this way and putting themselves in grave danger for someone who means nothing to them. Wendy argues that Gabi just found out Stefan was alive and he was the love of her life. Johnny adds that now Stefan wants nothing to do with her. Wendy asks if there was ever someone in Dr. Rolf’s life that meant everything to him. Johnny asks what if love happened and someone like him messed it up. Wendy questions it not bothering Dr. Rolf to messing with the natural order of things. Johnny tells Dr. Rolf to just let them go and they will let Gabi know the truth. Dr. Rolf remarks that Gabi does know the truth, only she’s forgotten thanks to his syringe which they will find just as effective on their memories from today. Johnny questions what’s in the syringe. Dr. Rolf calls it CRS-17 and jokes that it stands for Can’t Remember Stuff. Dr. Rolf declares that they will return to Salem, believing that they came here for nothing and asks if that’s so horrible.

Sarah asks why Xander said that quitting his job was such a terrible thing. Xander talks about how much he wanted to find a good paying job and he really thought he got it sorted to take care of her. Xander says it’s killing him to walk away from the job as he feels like he let her down again. Sarah knows he wants to be the provider but says it means more to her that he wants to make an honest living and that he quit upon finding the job wasn’t on the up and up. Sarah says she admires that and loves him so much. Xander says he loves her and doesn’t know what he’d do without her as they kiss.

Rafe and EJ sit at the scene as one of the firefighters comes over and informs them that the fire is almost out. EJ asks about his mother. He responds that he’s sorry but no one could survive that blast.

Chloe tells Stefan that even the most ambitious people are capable of falling in love. Stefan talks about how many times he’s told Gabi that there’s no chance for them. Chloe points out that Gabi doesn’t take no for an answer. Stefan argues that Gabi’s stubbornness is based in greed, not love. Chloe points out that she saw Gabi’s face after she saw them kissing and she was upset. Stefan questions why she would react by waving her wedding invitations in their faces then. Chloe doesn’t know but is sure that she wishes she wouldn’t have done that. Stefan feels that Gabi will regret it even more on the day of the wedding when he and Chloe are holding hands front and center. Chloe questions why Stefan wants to hurt Gabi. Stefan responds that it’s not about that, he just wants to get through to her and that’s it. Stefan states that he doesn’t care about Gabi enough to want to hurt her and he doesn’t care who she marries because he only cares about Chloe as they then kiss.

Li tells Gabi that coming back empty handed was just a figure of speech as he doesn’t want her shopping for souvenirs, he wants her back in Salem because he needs people he can count on, not flighty girls who take off with guys on a whim and go halfway around the world. Gabi asks what he’s going to do when Wendy gets back. Li declares that he’s going to fire her. Gabi encourages him to give Wendy a break and mentions that she and Johnny are kind of cute together which Li questions. Gabi talks about running in to them in the town square a couple days ago and they had an energy between them, so she was curious and Johnny admitted that he has a crush on Wendy. Li argues that he can take her out to dinner then, not to Indonesia on his dad’s jet. Li angrily calls Johnny a spoiled little brat. Gabi comments on Li being angry. Li admits that he’s really angry. Gabi suggests he just let them enjoy their romantic getaway.

Dr. Rolf decides ladies first for the injection. Wendy tries to fight it and pleads with him not to do this and says she won’t say anything. Dr. Rolf warns that she should’ve thought about that before lying her way in to his lab. Johnny gets an arm free and grabs Dr. Rolf, demanding he take his hands off Wendy.

Xander and Sarah lay in bed together. Xander states that he needs to think about more than just money when it comes to finding a job because he wants to be proud of what he does. Sarah encourages that the right job is out there for him. Xander comments that it might be tricky explaining why he can’t ask his old boss for a reference. Sarah argues that people leave jobs on bad terms all the time. Xander decides to go shower while Sarah says she’ll be waiting for him. Sarah then turns on the TV.

Rafe tells EJ that he’s sorry and that he wishes this hadn’t happened. Rafe decides there’s no reason to stay here. Rafe offers to have an officer take EJ’s car to his place, so EJ can ride with him to headquarters. EJ questions why. Rafe points out that he will need his statement because Tony told him that Ava had kidnapped Susan but he didn’t know the rest, so he will need that from him. EJ questions why since it’s not going to bring his mother back. Rafe tells him that Ava did this, so he wants to get it all in public record. EJ responds that he’s not going to relive this nightmare for the sake of public record. EJ then gets up and declares he’s going home as he walks away.

Li tells Gabi that he’s touched that she’s standing up for his sister but asks if she would be so generous if she was still CEO and her new employee went for a joyride on the company jet. Gabi asks what’s more important, wasted jet fuel or true love? Li jokes that she’s an old softie. They kiss and Li then decides that she’s convinced him. Li notes that there will have to be consequences since she skipped out on work, but he promises not to overreact since no real harm was done.

Johnny breaks free and fights off Dr. Rolf. Johnny begins untying Wendy when Dr. Rolf comes back after him. Dr. Rolf corners Johnny but Wendy breaks free and knocks out Dr. Rolf by hitting him in the back of the head with a tray. Johnny and Wendy tell each other that they did great.

Stefan and Chloe continue kissing. Stefan remembers that he promised her dessert but they both decide they are over it. Stefan says he would hate to think they came here for no reason. Stefan then stops and asks if he’s moving too fast because she’s still not over Brady. Chloe admits that she’s not but she does want to move on with her life. Chloe says that Brady moved Kristen in 5 seconds after they broke up, so to hell with both of them. Stefan is happy to help with that transition as they continue kissing. Stefan calls this one of the best nights he’s had in a long time. Chloe feels the same. EJ then walks in looking a mess and immediately pours a drink. Chloe asks what happened while Stefan asks if EJ is okay or if he was in an accident. EJ says no, but his mother was and reveals that Susan’s dead which shocks Chloe and Stefan.

Gabi and Li look over their wedding invitations. Gabi wants to keep one to herself as a reminder that this is really happening. Li declares that by December 31st, they will be a married couple. Gabi adds that they will be bringing in the new year as husband and wife. Li says he can’t wait as they kiss.

Johnny and Wendy tie Dr. Rolf up to the hospital bed in the lab. Johnny states that Dr. Rolf may have destroyed their recording, but they can still undo everything he did and once they get back to Salem, that’s exactly what they are going to do. Wendy declares that she is going to tell Gabi personally what Dr. Rolf did to Stefan’s brain. Johnny adds that Gabi is going to come after him with more than a scalpel. Johnny and Wendy decide they are ready to go. Dr. Rolf argues that they can’t leave him like this. Johnny remarks that as a brilliant scientist, he can figure his way out. Johnny and Wendy then exit together, leaving Dr. Rolf screaming.

Xander gets out of the shower and back in bed with Sarah. Sarah tells him about watching the news bulletin on Susan’s kidnapping. Xander asks if they said who did it. Sarah says just the same thing that Bonnie told her, some guy in a clown mask. Xander asks what the bulletin was then and if Susan told them who did it. Sarah then reveals that Susan couldn’t say anything because she’s dead which shocks Xander.

Stefan stops EJ from drinking. EJ then throws a glass across the room in frustration and screams as he drops to the floor. EJ breaks down crying that his mother is gone and it’s all his fault.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, 11/22/22

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Daniel: Lily. [ Chuckles ]

Lily: Oh, my god!

Daniel: Oh, look at you.

Lily: Wow, it’s so good to see you. What are you doing here?

Daniel: I’ve come to spend thanksgiving with my mother and summer.

Lily: Oh, wow. That’s amazing.

Daniel: Mm-hmm. This is a wonderful surprise. I mean, I came here to get some takeout. The place seems like it has a pretty good vibe.

Lily: Yeah. Abby has done such a great job with this place. Wait, are heather and lucy with you?

Daniel: Actually, they’re in europe.

Lily: Oh. Okay. You’re not spending the holidays together?

Daniel: No, no. Um, heather got a short-term gig working for the legal team of this american company in portugal. So, you know, she had to go, and we just figured it’d be a great experience for lucy to go with her and spend a few months there.

Lily: Wow. That’s really nice. She’s gonna love that.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Lily: I’m sure you miss them like crazy.

Daniel: You have no idea.

Billy: Hi.

Chelsea: Hey. Thanks for coming to meet me. I feel bad taking up more of your time.

Billy: No. No. It’s — it’s, uh — it’s fine. I’m actually glad that you texted. I’m really interested to hear how it went with connor.

Chelsea: Well, I took my therapist’s advice and I was open and honest and I told him about my depression. Unfortunately, connor jumped to the conclusion that he was the reason I was feeling low and he was the reason I was in the hospital.

Billy: Aw. Poor kid. That must have been a very difficult conversation. And I got to think adam’s presence probably made it even worse.

Adam: I came here to relax. I didn’t expect to see you and nick together. But now that I’ve seen you together, I… sally, it’s eating away at me, okay? I know it’s a mistake, and you deserve better than that.

Sally: Okay, well, it’s none of your concern.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Yes, it is. I feel like I pushed you into his arms. Look, I regret every foolish thing that I did to drive you away. I want to be with you. We belong together. Marry me, sally.

Sally: Okay, you’re a little drunk, okay? So you should probably stop before you make things worse.

Adam: No, no, no, no, no. I know what I’m saying, okay? And so do you. I could see the look on your face when I asked you. You didn’t totally reject the idea. You were just trying to see if i knew what I was saying, and i do. This is what I want. It’s what we both want.

Diane: Kyle? Are you here?

Ashley: Oh, my god. You don’t even bother knocking anymore. Just you and me.

Diane: I’m looking for my son.

Ashley: I’m sure you are. Because you’re scared. And you need to find your very last ally before your lies come crashing down all around you, right?

Diane: [ Scoffs ]

[ Pounding on door ]

Jack: Answer the door!

Tucker: Jack abbott. As I live and breathe.

Jack: Save it.

Tucker: Oh. You seem worked up.

Jack: I’m here to tell you one thing.

Tucker: What’s that?

Jack: Whatever you are planning, it’s not gonna work. I’m sholeh and I lost 75 pounds with golo.

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provided by… eggland’s best.

Tucker: Would you care for a drink?

Jack: What do you say we skip the social pleasantries?

Tucker: What you call social pleasantries I call 18-year-old single malt.

Jack: I’m way ahead of you, tucker. Whatever you have up your sleeve, I will be ready.

Tucker: Okay. What are we talking about?

Jack: I think you know what I’m accusing you of.

Tucker: Oh, well, I get accused of many things every day, so you’re gonna have to be a lot more speci–

Jack: Jabot. You’re coming after my company.

Tucker: Hmm. Where’d you get that idea?

Jack: That doesn’t matter. I know it’s true. The problem is, there is one flaw to your plan.

Tucker: Do tell.

Jack: You came back to genoa city to win ashley back and to steal our family’s company out from under us.

Tucker: How ambitious of me.

Jack: The problem is you can’t do both. They are mutually exclusive, which I think you already know. Which tells me that there’s only one goal you’re really after. And given your obsession with winning in the corporate sphere, I’d say you’re coming after jabot, that my sister is just a means to that end, that ashley is being used to get to my company.

Tucker: That was my first drink. But if you don’t mind, I’m gonna pour myself a second one ’cause after listening to you talk, i can tell this is going to be a two-drink-minimum conversation.

Jack: I notice you’re not denying it.

Tucker: [ Sighs ] I’ll just say this. You, like 99.9% of the population, are totally incapable of seeing the big picture like I am.

[ Bottle thuds ]

Diane: I am sorry to disappoint you, but that’s not the reason I’m looking for kyle. You make it sound like I’m about to be run out of town by an angry mob carrying torches and pitchforks.

Ashley: No, I don’t think that happens very often these days. I think we could find you a ride to the airport and somebody to wave bye-bye as you fly off into the wild blue yonder.

Diane: I’m not going anywhere. I might not have many allies in this town, but I have the most important one of all — the truth.

Ashley: I can’t believe you just said that with a straight face.

Diane: Jack is also on my side, and I have told him everything that tucker is planning.

Ashley: Yeah. Well, it doesn’t surprise me that you ran to him for protection. I’m sure you managed to squeeze out a few phony tears and tell jack how you’re such a victim and those mean ladies that just won’t believe that you’ve actually changed.

Diane: Jack believes me because he’s been witness to how unfair the three of you have been to me. Whether it’s phyllis trying to ruin my career or nikki sending that investigative reporter to dredge up my past or you…

Ashley: Me what? I have done absolutely nothing to you.

Diane: You’re colluding with tucker.

Ashley: I’m colluding with tucker? No, I’m not. I’m actually just taking what he told me seriously, diane.

Diane: You know, actually, you’re the most devious of the three. You’re letting nikki and phyllis do all the dirty work in hopes of giving yourself plausible deniability. But jack sees right through you. And the harder you push at me, the more he’s going to protect me.

Ashley: Well, maybe that was true a month ago, diane, but the more you go to him whining and complaining, it’s just not as effective as it once was.

Diane: I don’t think you understand the relationship that jack and I have.

Ashley: I think I understand it quite well. And I’m telling you that his goodwill towards you is waning. And you know why, right? He’s sick of it. He’s sick of you. All of your lies. We’re so sick of it, diane. All the lying and the mess you make wherever you go. It’s boring.

Diane: You’re wrong. And, honestly, it makes you sound petty.

Ashley: I think the worst thing of all for you, though, is gonna be when kyle sees you for who you really are. I mean, that day will come eventually, but until then, you’re gonna just keep playing on his emotions, aren’t you? That poor guy. He just wanted a mom. He just wanted a nice, normal mother, and he got you.

Diane: Kyle knows how much i love him, and he understands that I am trying to make up for lost time.

Ashley: It’s sad. It’s really sad ’cause you keep promising him a future, a big, happy family. But you and I both know there is no future as soon as jeremy stark gets released from prison.

Diane: Oh, really? Jeremy stark.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Diane: You’re the one who should be worried about that.

Chelsea: Actually, adam was great with connor. He was gentle and understanding. Whatever reservations he had, he followed my lead. He reassured connor that this wasn’t his fault and that I had been dealing with a lot of issues before all the stuff happened with johnny.

Billy: Okay. Well, I’m — I’m actually really glad to hear that.

Chelsea: But then the conversation took a turn. Before I could explain to connor what happened that night on the roof, he figured it out on his own. He said, you know, he’s not a kid anymore, and he told me that he knows what it means when someone wants to un-alive themselves.

Billy: Wow.

Chelsea: I know. I didn’t see that coming.

Billy: I mean, he’s a smart, perceptive boy, but I hope that wasn’t too jarring for you.

Chelsea: It was shocking. But in the end, I think it actually helped us be more open and honest about what happened. And I think connor appreciated that. He could tell I was being authentic, so when I told him this wasn’t his fault, he believed me. When I told him I’m getting better, he knew I was being sincere.

Billy: I’m proud of you.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: No, really. You — you made the hard choice to have a very difficult conversation, and you didn’t back down.

Adam: Look, I hate that i didn’t take this step before. I mean, it makes all the sense in the world, sally.

Sally: Mr. And mrs. Adam newman? That makes sense to you?

Adam: Yes. I mean, we shouldn’t waste another second being apart. It feels right. Sally, we were meant to be, and I know that you feel the same way because of everything that we shared. Our connection — it cannot be broken.

Sally: [ Breathes deeply ]

Adam: I’m being serious.

Sally: Because you wouldn’t make a joke out of my feelings for you, right? ‘Cause that would just be cruel.

Adam: You’re right. I would not do that, okay? I’ve put you through enough.

Sally: You played games, and you lost. And so now you’re just pulling out all the stops to keep me here, but you know what? I refuse to stay here and let you do this to me. I’m not — I’m not —

Adam: No, sa– look, sally, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Nick: Hey. Hey. Get your hands off her now.

Adam: Just… dishes still coming out dirty?

Adam: Look, are you trying to insinuate that I was threatening sally? Is that what you think you saw, nick?

Nick: Do not grab her like that again.

Adam: You know what? I think what really bothers you is seeing sally with me and what we have, what’s in her heart.

Sally: Do I get a say in this? I listened to you. That is what you wanted, okay? Now do something for me and stop this.

Nick: Let it go.

Adam: [ Breathing heavily ]

Chelsea: Thank you for coming here and listening to me, especially on such short notice.

Billy: It’s all good. I’m glad I was nearby.

Chelsea: Well, I should get back up to connor.

Billy: Yeah. It turns out moving upstairs is a good thing, right? It’s both convenient and worthwhile. It’s nice.

Chelsea: Yeah. We’re both really comfortable up there. Believe it or not, it’s starting to actually feel like home.

Billy: It’s amazing, chelsea. There’s a real — there’s a real shift in you, you know? You seem like you’re more at peace. It’s a good thing to see.

Chelsea: And your support has really helped me get to this place.

Billy: No. It’s all you. It really is. You know, you made the choice to have a difficult conversation, and that was, uh — wasn’t easy to do.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I was at the lowest point in my life, but now I feel like it’s gonna be a great thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Billy: Yes, you do.

Nick: I’m sorry adam grabbed your arm like that. I also apologize if I made it worse with anything I, uh, said.

Sally: [ Sighs ] No. I’m — I’m glad that you stepped in when you did. But grabbing my arm was not the most outrageous part of his performance.

Nick: What do you mean?

Sally: He proposed to me. And he insisted that we belong together. I mean, why would he do that? In public and half-drunk?

Nick: You know why he did it. He’s willing to do or say anything to end our relationship. It’s not gonna work.

Sally: I like this. I like us.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: I like us, too. I’m gonna go home to christian. I’ll be thinking about you all night.

Sally: I will be thinking about you, too.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Lily: Thank you. Remember when we went to california?

[ Laughs ]

Daniel: Of course. But I think you mean ran away.

Lily: Oh, my god, that’s right.

Daniel: Let’s not delude us.

Lily: That’s right. We left the state without permission.

Daniel: Our parents were freaking out trying find us.

Lily: [ Laughs ] Oh, and then we were broke, and we got that job where we were wearing fruit costumes. Remember that?

Daniel: Yes, yes! Not the worst job I’ve ever had.

Lily: Oh, my god.

Daniel: Close, but…

Lily: [ Laughs ] Well, I mean, we had no work experience, and they paid cash.

Daniel: Ah, I think the thing I remember most about that whole experience was the, uh, itchy banana costume.

Lily: [ Laughing ] Oh, my god. Aww, those were the good old days. We’ve come a long way since then.

Daniel: Mm. Yes, we have. I mean, look at you. From dressing up as a bunch of grapes to ceo of chancellor-winters? Congratulations.

Lily: Thank you.

Daniel: I mean it. I am extremely impressed with everything that you’ve accomplished.

Lily: Wow. Thank you. Well, I mean, what about you? Renowned artist.

Daniel: Mm.

Lily: Hello?

Daniel: [ Chuckles ]

Lily: Your photography was amazing. And then your painting. Do you have any exhibitions coming up?

Daniel: I’ve been taking a bit of a break lately.

Lily: You’re not painting anymore?

Daniel: Well, I’m still creating. I’ve got a few new ideas that I’m really excited about, and i really like the direction I’m headed. And I want to tell you all about it soon.

Lily: Does it involve another banana costume?

[ Both laugh ]

Daniel: Possibly. Possibly.

[ Clears throat ] I read — I read somewhere that you and billy abbott are a couple? I couldn’t believe it, even after my mother confirmed it.

Lily: I know. It came as a surprise to us, too.

[ Laughs ] Actually, jill made my job offer contingent on the fact that billy and I had to work together as a team, and I was kind of his boss.

[ Both laugh ]

Daniel: I love that. I bet billy didn’T.

Lily: Well, no. I mean, it was fine. He didn’t mind that I was in charge. We have different styles, you know, and different ideas of what’s acceptable risk.

Daniel: And, what, did he keep pushing the envelope and driving you crazy?

Lily: There were some clashes, but… I don’t know. It was good. We were a good combination. Even though, you know, we had our differences, it — it worked.

Daniel: Until it didn’T. Super emma just about sleeps in her cape.

Lily: What makes you say that? Who told you it didn’t work?

Daniel: Oh, I don’t have any insider knowledge as to what happened. I do remember reading the retraction that billy had to write after publishing the ashland locke story. The one without an actual source?

Lily: Yes. That. Uh, I mean, you know, it’s complicated. It wasn’t entirely billy’s fault.

Daniel: Mm. It sounds like you’re trying to brush it off, but that was a big deal. I mean, that’s how you guys lost chanccomm, right?

Lily: I mean, not entirely, but it definitely was a major factor.

Daniel: Well, it sounds like you’ve gotten past that.

Lily: Yeah, got past that incident.

Daniel: I’m sorry. Have there been more?

Lily: I’m sorry. What’s with all these questions? Are you writing a book about my company?

Daniel: No, no. I’m — I’ve just been trying to stay informed as to what’s been going on around here. And I will admit, I’ve been down a few internet rabbit holes looking up my old friends in genoa city.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Daniel: [ Sighs ] You know, the rest of genoa city has changed. There’s new buildings and businesses, and a couple of familiar faces I passed in the street, they — they just look different. Older. But you, lily — I mean, you look, um…

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Hey.

Billy: Daniel. Man, hell of a surprise.

Jack: The world according to tucker mccall. This I got it hear. What is it you think I’m missing?

Tucker: Well, first of all, you don’t seem to realize that ashley is just miles ahead of you — and all the other abbotts, actually — in both vision and intellect.

Jack: Oh, you’ll get no argument from me about ashley’s brilliance. But you would be a fool to think you can outwit both of us. And you’re kidding yourself to think that ashley would ever fall in love with you again.

Tucker: Well, time will tell.

Jack: Trust me, the only reason she is spending time with you is solely to uncover what your real motive is.

Tucker: I’m aware of that. She and I have actually discussed it. I’ve accepted her challenge to prove to her that I am sincere in wanting her back and that I’ve got nothing more to hide, which is why I filled her in on all of diane’s nasty little secrets. And apparently, diane has been filling your head with all sorts of fantastic tales of my sinister plans.

Jack: Come on. You and I both know this is about a lot more than you trying to prove your noble intentions to ashley.

Tucker: Are you sure, jack? ‘Cause it seems to me you have no idea what you know. You come here on some fishing expedition, just hoping maybe, just maybe, I’ll confirm your suspicion. I mean, what did you say? That I’m no match for you and ashley together? Well, that means you know the truth — that you, by yourself, are no match for me.

Jack: Wouldn’t it have been easier just to say, “jack, no, I’m not coming after your company”?

Tucker: No. No, I think I’d like to just keep you guessing. I’m having too much fun watching you sweat.

Diane: You’re the one fabricating this outrageous lie that I am somehow responsible for sending jeremy stark to prison? Do you know, if he heard that and believed it, how dangerous that would be?

Ashley: I don’t think it’s a lie, diane.

Diane: Oh, really? Oh, really? You’ve read the court transcripts? You were debriefed by the treasury department and the fbi? You know how it all happened?

Ashley: Clearly, no. But I know the story, and i don’t believe anything out of your mouth. So, there’s that.

Diane: It must feel so nice to be all-knowing.

Ashley: I’m not all-knowing. Like, I don’t know why jeremy stark being released from prison is dangerous for me. I mean, that is what you said, isn’t it?

Diane: Yes, I did.

Ashley: Uh-huh.

Diane: He is a ruthless man. And you’re putting a target on my back. But I’m not the only one in this equation. I am kyle’s mother. I am harrison’s grandmother. I am summer’s mother-in-law. I work in the jabot buildings. I am a welcome guest here. If jeremy stark causes problems for me, it won’t just affect me. It’ll affect your whole family. And that will be your fault.

Ashley: You are just so shameless. It’s gross. It really is. I mean, you’re basically using your own grandson as a human shield.

Diane: [ Scoffs ]

Ashley: I mean, come on. I guess I can’t blame you, though. You’re scared, aren’t you? You should be. You should be very scared. Because you know what? This is your last chance. I’d run if I were you. I’d run before it’s too late.

Diane: [ Scoffs ]

[ Knocking on door ]

Sally: [ Sighs ]

Adam: Hi!

Sally: Wh– what are — what are you — what are you doing? Are you crazy?

Adam: I’m just…

Sally: [ Scoffs ] Wh– no. Come on. You don’t — you don’t — you do not need any more to drink. Did they cut you off upstairs?

Adam: I don’t know. Probably.

Sally: [ Sighs ] Okay, I don’t know if you think this is endearing or it’s romantic, but it’s not. It’s not. It’s maddening and it’s hurtful. Wh– what are you doing? You proposed to me in the middle of a club while I’m with nick, while you’re half-drunk. Why would you do that?

Adam: [ Scoffs ] You know why, sally. We make sense. We’re magic. And I don’t understand why you would rob yourself of that. If you’re on medicare,

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Sally: You’ve had too much to drink.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Maybe. But, look, I have never had more clarity about anything in my life. I’ve never felt so totally in sync with someone. We — we are equals on every level. That is — that’s so rare. We can read each other. We — we can… we know what the other one’s thinking, our dreams, our desires, all this —

Sally: Yeah, but that was before.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Yes, before I screwed things up. I know. But I did that for you. I loved you so much that I was willing to cut out a piece of my heart by letting you go. I wanted you to have everything because you deserve it, sally. You’re perfect.

Sally: [ Laughs ] Okay. Now I know you’re drunk.

Adam: I’m — I’m — I’m not saying you’re — you’re not without your flaws. I mean, you’re — you — you’re incredibly complicated. Like a wildfire. A beautiful mess, okay? I know the real you, and I love all of it. And I know that you’re afraid to show that side to nick because of how he’ll react. And let’s face it — you’re with him to hurt me. I get it. And for nick, it’s — it’s just about the sex.

Sally: How is any of that supposed to be flattering? Do you not see how insulting that is? You just told me that I’m using nick and that he’s using me right back.

Adam: Yeah. Because that’s exactly what’s happening.

Billy: Man, it’s really good to see you.

Daniel: You too. Lily and I were just talking about you.

Billy: Uh-oh.

Daniel: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: Are you, uh — are you sticking around, or are you just passing through or what?

Daniel: Here for the holiday, maybe longer.

Billy: Well, that’s cool. I’m sure lily and summer are gonna to be thrilled to see you and heather, lucy.

Lily: Actually, heather and lucy are in portugal.

Billy: Wow. That sounds nice. So, uh — so you’re here alone.

Daniel: Yeah, that’s right. Just me all by myself catching up with old friends.

Billy: Mm.

Lily: How is chelsea?

Chelsea: Uh, she’s good. She’s doing better.

Daniel: I think my food’s ready. I gotta get back to the hotel. Um, I’d love to catch up some more.

Billy: Yeah, that’d be great.

Daniel: Actually, I’d like to run my new idea by the two of you.

Lily: The thing you mentioned before?

Daniel: Exactly. Maybe we could set up a time, i could come by chancellor-winters, and we could talk about it.

Lily: Yeah, I’d love that. I’ll have my assistant e-mail you some times.

Daniel: Great. I’ll be seeing you then.

Lily: Alright.

Billy: Yeah.

Daniel: You guys have a nice night.

Lily: Thank you.

Billy: You too. Good to see you.

[ Groans ] I think it’s gonna be steak for me tonight.

Diane: Ashley, you are so focused in railroading me out of genoa city that you are putting everyone in jeopardy. You’re buying into tucker’s game. I refuse to do that.

Ashley: What are you talking about? The only reason why you’re back in genoa city is because you struck a deal with tucker. You’re the one playing by his rules.

Diane: Not any longer. Have you asked yourself why tucker has so suddenly turned on me?

Ashley: Uh, yeah, I did, and I realize it’s because it’s advantageous to him. He knows there’s a lot of people in this town that would be so happy if he helped send you back to california.

Diane: Oh, and I’m sure he made it sound like a gift so that you would be grateful and reward him appropriately.

Ashley: I know exactly who tucker is. He’s out for himself.

Diane: The real reason that tucker and I are on opposite sides is because I refused to give him information on jabot’s financials. That was originally part of our deal.

Ashley: Jack told me.

Diane: Well, then he must have also told you that i wouldn’t go along with it. It would risk everything I’ve rebuilt with kyle, and so I said no.

Ashley: That’s really great. You know, I’d be careful if i frame your refusal to participate in corporate espionage as a noble act, especially since you agreed to do it in the first place, right? I mean, it kind of sounds like you’re just doing damage control.

Diane: You are missing the point! Tucker was asking me for information about your family business and your love life. Ashley, he’s using you!

[ Door slams ]

Jack: I cannot have the two of you arguing and sniping with each other in this house with harrison here.

Diane: My only goal is to protect this family.

My family. So you need to listen to me.

Adam: Sally, what I’m offering you is love. Sincere, hopeful love. You’re wasting your time with someone — he’s never gonna make you happy. And I just — I would hate to see you settle for…that.

Sally: Okay, I know you can’t stand the idea of me being with nick. So, now what? You’re — you’re doing everything you can to put an end to it?

Adam: No, I’m — I’m being very real. He is never going to treat you the way that you deserve, sally. Yeah, he can make women feel like they’re the most important thing in the world, but he’s just looking for a replacement for sharon. She’ll always have his heart, okay? That’s why it didn’t work out with, uh, him and phyllis — because he couldn’t turn her into sharon. Same thing for chelsea. Poor chelsea. You know, she’s going through a lot, so it’s no wonder that she…

Sally: It’s no wonder what?

Nick: Hey, chels.

Chelsea: Hey.

Nick: How are you?

Chelsea: I’m good.

Nick: Yeah, sharon told me you were, uh, moving upstairs.

Chelsea: Connor and I love it up there. It was really kind and generous of her to offer it to us.

Nick: Well, that’s sharon. What are you doing for thanksgiving?

Chelsea: Uh, you know, I’m not sure yet. I need to talk to adam about it. We’re gonna do something together so connor can be with both his parents.

[ Sighs ] Speaking of, I got to get these pastries upstairs so he can wake up to them in the morning.

Nick: Yeah. Here to pick up some morning treats for christian myself.

Chelsea: Ah, well, great minds think alike.

Nick: Well, I hope you have a great thanksgiving.

Chelsea: You too, nick.

Billy: Sorry that took a little longer than i expected. I wanted to just run over and run back, but…

Lily: No, no, it was fun, actually, running into daniel and catching up.

Billy: Yeah. I know. It was good to see him. It was nice of him. He was kind of like my seat filler, you know, keeping you entertained while I was gone.

Lily: [ Scoffs ] I mean, it wasn’t exactly like that.

Billy: Come on. You two looked like you were having a good time.

Lily: Um, I know that we’ve been really busy and we haven’t had a chance to talk about thanksgiving.

Billy: Thanks-what?

Lily: Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel that way, too. Um, I was thinking that we could help sharon at the coffeehouse. People in need.

Billy: I love that idea. That’s great. And then maybe we can go to the abbotts for dinner after that.

Lily: Yeah. And then maybe devon’s for dessert?

Billy: Boom. Look at that. Plans made.

Lily: Yeah, that was easier than I expected.

[ Chuckles ] I do love thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. Just spending time with family and friends.

Billy: With a big old slice of pie at the end.

Lily: The perfect day.

Billy: Speaking of, uh, family and friends — and in the spirit of thanksgiving — there’s something I want to run by you.

Lily: Does it involve chelsea? Do you struggle with occasional nerve aches

Adam: Chelsea is just going through a lot right now. That’s all.

Sally: Okay, but you said “no wonder.” What did you mean by that?

Adam: Sally, you think I’m — you think I’m drunk, so it doesn’t matter what I tell you.

Sally: Yes, but what you say when you’re drunk might mean more than when you’re sober.

Adam: You’re right. So you should know that I meant everything that I said to you tonight, okay? So, just forget about the booze and my rambling. Pay attention to our connection. That’s what’s important. I know that you understand that. Think about what I said. The proposal. You know, it was from the heart. Just know that I love you.

[ Door closes ]

Nick: Daniel?

Daniel: Nick!

Nick: Look at you!

Daniel: Hey! How you doing?

Nick: Good. Are you home for thanksgiving?

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, just got in today.

Nick: Summer and phyllis have got to be thrilled.

Daniel: Oh, they better be.

[ Both laugh ]

Nick: It’s gonna be an awesome holiday.

Daniel: Well…

Nick: How are heather and lucy?

Daniel: Oh, they’re great. Yeah, they’re just — you know, they’re great.

Billy: You’re right. This does have to do with chelsea.

Lily: [ Sighs ] So, she, what, doesn’t have anywhere to go for thanksgiving?

Billy: I think she’s hoping to spend it with connor and adam, but just in case that doesn’t happen, I don’t want her to be alone on the holiday. That — that wouldn’t be a good idea.

Lily: So you want her to come with us?

Billy: I would like her to have the option, she and connor, depending on what happens.

Lily: Sorry. What do you think is gonna happen?

Billy: I don’t — I don’t know exactly, but, you know, it’s adam. He could — he could choose to fly off to the himalayas the morning of. I don’t know.

Lily: Okay, I don’t think that’s a reasonable scenario.

Billy: Well, something as absurd could happen, and I don’t want her to be left out in the cold. So, if it’s okay with you, it’d be nice if connor and chelsea were able to spend thanksgiving with us, if need be.

Lily: Right. Um, I am sensitive to chelsea’s situation, but you’re making assumptions. You’re worrying about offering help that she might not even need. So, why don’t we just enjoy our holiday and see what happens?

Billy: Okay.

Diane: Ashley, I think you hate me so much that you are blind to what’s happening here. If you let yourself be swayed by these revelations about my time in L.A., Then tucker will succeed. It could be catastrophic.

Ashley: I hardly think that you finally owning up to everything you’ve done and then leaving town would be a catastrophe.

Diane: Instead of spending all of your time thinking about me, you should be worried about tucker. He’s after jabot. You need to open your eyes and see that I’m not the enemy here.

Ashley: Stop telling me what I need to do.

Jack: I just had a very unpleasant meeting with tucker. I think diane is right. He’s coming after jabot.

Diane: And what you need are allies to figure out what tucker is planning and how to stop him, and you couldn’t ask for a better one in this situation than me.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, 11/22/22

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


All right. No sign of linc or blaze. Linc said there were some issues with the song, a song that I wrote. Did he say what those issues — does it matter? I’m not taking notes on a love song from a perv whose idea of romance is plying women with booze and sticking his tongue down their throat. Did he try that with you? Of course he tried it. Fortunately for me, I have an excellent sense of communication and delivered a clear and concise message with my knee. What a sleaze. You know, I can’t wait to ruin him. Expose him for the predator that he is. Remember, no punching. Yeah, I’m not making any promises. No, it was very subtle, but you could tell none of the furniture was where it was supposed to be. Oh, no. The boys were — were pulling a full-on coup. No, and scout refused to spy for us. I even tried to get her to be our ci. She wasn’t, uh, too interested in that. Can’t imagine why. Mm. They’re basically on a power play all the time. It’s three on two. Mm-hmm. Yes. We’re — we’re outmatched. In any case, I’m glad that we have this opportunity to get together ’cause we’re all so busy, right? Mom… I’m not gonna ask any questions about the hook killing thing, and I’m not gonna ask you anything about the investigations about your pcpd, present or past. Okay, good. So… great. I’m sorry to interrupt. I’m so sorry. Uh, hello, alexis, sam. Nina. Nina, is everything okay? Uh [Sighs] That depends. Dante, I will not ask for any details about the case. I just need to know this — how worried does ava need to be about esme prince? Are you all right? Uh, did someone break in and try and steal the necklace? What? No. Okay. So… you want to tell me what happened? There’s no point getting into it. Just humor me. Pretend that I’m useful. Please…let me help. Hey, willow. You okay? We’re early, that’s all. Can we wait down here? Yeah, if you want. I don’t want to wait by the chemo treatment room. I know it’s silly. No, not at all. Whatever makes you comfortable, that is what we’re going to do. Hey! Hey, guys. What are you doing here? You know [Sighs] I’m beginning to wonder if robert is quite as trusting as you led me to believe. I’ve done everything I can to convince robert that I have no memory of the last two years. And as far as I can tell, he completely believes me. Stop it! Stop lying to me, holly.

Esme has been seen in town, right? And didn’t she attack elizabeth baldwin? Really? I didn’t know that. Uh…y-yes. Um, but elizabeth is — is doing fine. But if esme is behind these hook attacks, dante, that would make sense, right? Because it fits in with the pcpd’s theory that these attacks are connected to trina robinson’s trial. It wouldn’t be the first time esme went after trina. I mean, given the victims… yes. Starting with ava… …who was a mentor to trina — or is a mentor — is that correct? Yeah. Right? And diane — she defended and represented trina. And diane also told me that oz haggerty sold esme the phone that she used to record josslyn and cameron. Wow. That’s right. And guess what — elizabeth is cameron’s mother, right? So she would be targeted, too. Annnd the investigation is ongoing. Okay, okay. Can you at least tell me this — is ava safe? Or should I expect esme to be showing up at my door with a giant hook? No, I — all I can suggest is that you stay vigilant. But, yeah, you go ahead and live your lives. Okay, dante, okay. I’m sorry again for interrupting. No worries. That’s okay. Have a great night. You, too. You, too. The investigation is ongoing. Got it. It’s not that I don’t like your song, brook lynn, I do. What an honor. I mean, the lyrics? Terrific. But the arrangement… I’m not singing backup for chase. Look, no one’s asking you to. The song is perfectly balanced. Look, each of you, both you and chase, get a solo verse before singing the chorus and a third verse together. When we do sing together, I’m always the melody while his part really shows off his range. My part is… it’s a little boring. It’s an excellent point, babe. Blaze deserves her time to shine. This sounds like a rehearsal issue. Okay, look, this is a collaboration. We communicate, and we fix it. After all, we’re on the same side, right? I just want the song to be good. Well, we can certainly figure out a way for this song to showcase us both. Linc: I’m sure we can work something out. Blaze knows how to play nice. Don’t you, babe? Sorry, I’m just, uh… going through a tough time.

[ Sighs lightly ] Yeah, um, you know, I’ve — I’ve had a few of those.

[ Chuckling ] You know what’s funny? My father…

[ Voice breaking ] When he died, I thought… “it’s over.”

[ Chuckles ] “I’m finally done.”

[ Chuckles ] Little did I know the reach that man had. You know, his brain is, like, in a jar in the wsb somewhere? And his body is literally in the wind.

[ Sniffles ] We scattered his ashes, and now a man who spent his life trying to destroy the world is spending eternity polluting it. He’s dead and gone, and he’s still hurting me. And I wasted so much of my life striving for his approval. But no matter how much I accomplished, it was never going to happen. Hey, he must have been delusional to not see how great you are. Yeah, maybe he was. Hey, that’s the spirit, you know? If your old man can’t appreciate you, that’s on him — that’s not on you. Is it really that easy for you?

[ Chuckles ] You know, kind of. Honestly, I wasn’t very close with my family, you know? My mom, who — the woman I thought was my mom, she had to work to — just to put food on the table. So she didn’t really have time for me, you know? It was, uh — it was only, uh, if I outgrew my sneakers or to tell me I wasn’t allowed to play hockey ’cause she couldn’t afford the pads.

[ Chuckles ] Thanks, but… it’s not the same. No, I-I — I know — I know it’s not the same, but I-I know what it feels like to be overlooked, you know, to feel like you’re a burden. You’re not. [ Sighs ] Worth loving? Hey, you… …are definitely worth loving. Even that’s what’s been passed down to me? For god’s sake, victor. You’re the only person I’m not lying to. I’m completely betraying robert, my friends, probably several countries, because you’re holding my son ethan’s life in your hands. I have worked too hard, come too far for… one more life means nothing to me. I will kill luke’s son as easily as I killed luke himself. Though perhaps not quite as quickly as I killed your sister, paloma. Believe me, you don’t have to remind me of everything that you’ve already taken from me. Oh, trust me, you have a lot more to lose. And if you are sloppy and arousing robert’s suspicions… miraculously, robert still trusts me. Then why was anna not at the safe house? I don’t know. She’s an expert at evasion. If she doesn’t want to be found, you won’t find her.

[ Sighs ] Yes, well, wasn’t that lucky for you? Otherwise, robert wouldn’t have given you a second glance all those years ago. Does it still sting to know that you’ve always played second fiddle to anna? Didn’t expect to see you here. Everything okay? Yeah, everything’s great. Just keeping busy. What about you guys? Are you working, or do you have an appointment? Tj: Hey, everyone. Hey! Happy thanksgiving. Back at you. Tj, I have a question for you. Um, it’s a nursing thing. Excuse us. Yeah.

[ Sighs ] How’s willow doing? Has her pregnancy gotten any easier? Uh [Sighs] Actually… uh, willow and i are kind of nervous. ‘Cause she decided that she was gonna try and find her birth parents.

This duet is an opportunity for both blaze and chase. I mean, blaze is the one with the following. How many followers you got, babe? A few million. Since you’re the one riding her coattails, I think it’s on you to make this work. You know what? Here’s an idea, linc. Why don’t we grab a coffee at the counter and we’ll let the talent talk? Ooh, a little one-on-one time with blq? I’d be…happy to suss things out. I hope you don’t mind my saying so, but you seem a little… uncomfortable around linc.

[ Chuckling ] Uncomfortable? Yeah, with how touchy and handsy he can be. That’s the business. I mean, we’re artists, not accountants. It’s all hugs and kisses instead of handshakes. Like, I’m not talking about schmoozing. Linc — what he’s doing is so far beyond that. But you can fight back. Sit there. Why? You know why. I’m not letting you grope me.

[ Sighs ] You always were dramatic. And you always were a sleaze. And judging by the way you treat blaze, not much has changed. You don’t hear blaze complaining, do you?

[ Scoffs ] What linc is doing is, at the very least, sexual harassment. So? I have a contract with linc. And I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I’m not going to blow it now.

[ Scoffs lightly ] It doesn’t matter how talented you are if you get a bad rep for being difficult. We’re here to talk about the song. So…let’s do that. I wonder if esme’s been living in port charles all this time. I think she posted on social media a few days after the trial from the south of france, but it could have been faked, I suppose. Well, either way, she left and came back, or she never left at all. But it is possible that she could have attacked ava way back in — in august.

[ Sighs ] Hm.

[ Sighs ] And everyone gets to speculate about that except us. No, don’t drag me into this. Okay. Everyone gets to speculate about that except me because of you. No, you could speculate all you want.

I’m not allowed to join in, but you guys go ahead. You know what, dante? What? You’re no fun. Ooh. No kidding. At all. You are. Thank you. Thank you. All right, if we can’t talk about the case, let’s talk about food. Ooh. I like food. What’s sonny cooking for thanksgiving? Uh, it sounds like he’s cooking a whole bunch of stuff, like, way too much food. Yeah. There’s gonna be leftovers for weeks, so it’ll probably go bad. Um, you’re good with the kids spending thanksgiving eve with you, right? I’m not cooking. I know. The oven will be off. Okay. I’m ordering in. We’re gonna have a little picnic on the floor in the living room. Nice. And you’re not disappointed that the kids are gonna be at the q’s for thanksgiving? Why would I be disappointed?

[ Breathes sharply ] Alright, besides, I get to have them all to myself tonight. What are you guys doing? We are gonna go to sonny’s after we drop the kids off at the q’S. And then after we go to sonny’S…

[ Chuckles ] …We’re gonna go back to the q’s for pizza. I guess there’s gonna be, like, a big crowd at the quartermaines’, huh? Sounds like it. The usual. Plus, my mother invited cody to go out, which is — I don’t think he’s gonna be into that at all. So I’ll probably have to go down to the stables and take a beer to him so he doesn’t spend the holiday alone. Cody’s not spending thanksgiving with britt? I don’t know. He didn’t say. So is britt spending tomorrow with you and scott? Unless she gets a better offer. Oh, you’re talking about cody. So, are things getting serious between them? Well [Clears throat] Not yet, but it is inevitable. What do you mean? I don’t know how to say it. I never have. I tried to make it go away. I — I figured if I just didn’t acknowledge it… “it”? You —

[ Sighs ] My father’s legacy. The only thing he ever gave me. You’re talking about — I-I — I’ve tried to, you know, put faison out of my mind. And it — and it actually worked. I mean, of course, he’d pop up every now and then. But he’d never linger. Now I’ll remember him for the rest of my life. However long that is. Don’t talk like that. Your dad’s dead and gone. Yeah, but he left some things behind. Okay, well, then throw them away. I can’T. Sure you can. You can just give it to me. How will you and sonny be spending thanksgiving? Sonny’s hosting. Is he? I confess I’m surprised. Why, aunt liesl? Family’s very important to sonny. I don’t mean this to sound harsh, but who in his family’s still speaking to him? His daughters. Ah, yes, the, um — the toddling ones. No, and kristina… tj and molly. But I am sure they have other plans already. Anyway, all family are welcome. Even that ingrate michael. Willow wants to find her birth parents, huh? Yeah, and any other relatives who might be out there. Carly: Oh, my god, it’s true. Nina’s willow’s mother. I-I’m curious. What changed her mind? I feel like such a coward leaving michael to deal with his mom when I’m the one who wants to keep my condition private. Hey, michael can deal with his mother. And you’re facing leukemia. You should feel free to handle that any way that works for you. I know that everyone would be supportive if I told them, but I cannot risk wiley finding out that I am sick. It would scare him too much. Okay, well, we will tell him when the time is right. And if that is many years from now, even better. Here’s hoping. Right now [Sighs] I want to keep this as quiet as possible.

Good news?Uh, it could be. If brook lynn would get back to me. How are things with you and brook lynn? Uh, w-well, it’s pretty good, but this — this isn’t really about us. It’s, uh, the civilian complaint review board. They’re gonna re-evaluate chase’s case. Oh, that’s good. Is he gonna get his badge back? Well, I’m hoping he does. Mm. Well, I hope he does, too. You know, it’s not easy to lose your job. It’s hard to bounce back. Yeah, and I thought you were happy at the invader. I’m okay.

[ Cellphone chimes ] You know, I’m very lucky that I had a second chance at a career. Uh, you know what? I’m sorry. But I — I gotta go deal with this. Mm-hmm. Well, duty calls? Yeah, something like that. Anything you’d like to add? Mom! On or off the record? Thank you for lunch. See you. Perhaps the reason you’re not the distraction I hoped you’d be is because robert is busy waiting for anna to tire of valentin.

[ Waves crashing, buoy bell ringing ] As valentin has tired of you? Why is it that your one and only son isn’t by your side, aiding and abetting your crimes? You’re gonna be so lonely when you finally create whatever ridiculous world it is that you’re forging and you have absolutely no one to share it with. Careful how you tread, missy. Lest I teach you the true meaning of loneliness. Oh, I’m very sorry. I take it back. You know how loved you are… as I know how much robert loves me. As you love him? Doesn’t matter how I feel about robert. The only person I care about at the moment is my son ethan. And I want to talk to him. Oh, well, I’m afraid he can’t come to the phone right now. If I don’t speak to him, how do I know that the worst hasn’t already happened? Oh, come on, holly, don’t be so melodramatic. You get that proof-of-life photograph of him every day, don’t you? Photos prove nothing. Well, I’m afraid you’re just gonna have to trust me, then. As you’re going to have to trust that I will take care of robert. Give it to you? Well, I mean, yeah, you — you didn’t want it anymore, and it probably belongs to me, so, you know, win-win, right?

[ Chuckles ] What are you talking about? Your father’s legacy. The necklace.

[ Scoffs, chuckles ] You think this is about a necklace? Well, I mean, it’s hardly just a necklace, but, you know… of course. Wait, wait, wait. Of — what else could you be talking about? Of course! It’s about the $35 million in jewelry on my desk! I mean, after all, the only thing you care about is getting rich, right? Wait, wait. No, no, I — I — I can’t believe I’m even surprised. It was the necklace you wanted! I was just here! Wait, hold — okay, all right, britt, this is — I don’t — t-this conversation just took a massive wrong turn. What — I didn’t mean t– y-y-you didn’t mean what? You didn’t mean for me to let my guard down? You didn’t mean for me to be vulnerable for five minutes after you’ve been grilling me for months?! Yeah, I wanted to get to know you! Oh, sure you did. So you could get that stupid necklace! Well, you know what? You want it so bad? Here you go. Here you go and get out. I’m not sure what you think is missing. I mean, you’ve got some huge vocal moments in here. It’s — you — right here and — yeah. It’s — it’s not the song, per se. The song is actually great. So when you were complaining before… totally posturing.

[ Both chuckle ] I love it. But when linc talked about taking me in another direction… this is not what I had in mind. What’s wrong with the direction that you’re on?

[ Laughs ] Please. Between the wigs and the costumes… half the time, I don’t recognize myself. Fair enough.

[ Chuckles ] And what direction did you want to take this? Honestly? I wanted a folk song. You like folk?

[ Chuckling ] Yeah. What’s wrong with it? No, not a thing. It’s just a 180 from your usual songs. Ah. My first manager came up with my look, and I went along with it. Linc signed me as a pop singer. Now, linc says that my fans won’t accept me singing anything else. But I want the chance to try new things, don’t you? No, not really.

[ Both laugh ] I — I like things that I know. Ah. Singing standards. Like being a cop. Like in the village people?

[ Laughs ] No, no. I-I was a detective with the pcpd. I kind of fell into singing. ? Uh, I wouldn’t say that. Well, with, the, um — you know, the baby coming, we — we decided that it’s, um, it’s important to know as much as possible about willow’s family medical history. Mm.

[ Footsteps approaching ] That makes sense, yeah. So how are you going about finding your birth parents? Well, um, willow and I’ve been doing our own research. But, uh, also, drew offered to help. Did he? Sorry, I’ve got to run, but happy thanksgiving, everyone. Tj, what are you molly doing tomorrow? Yeah, um, m-my mom’s coming over to our apartment to celebrate, and alexis is going to sonny’s, which would be super awkward, so we won’t see her until friday. Why would that be awkward? I-I — I th– I thought you knew. Uh, knew what? What? All right. What now?

[ Sighs ] Nina accused willow of sleeping with tj, and sonny believed her. What are you waiting for? Congratulations, your plan worked.

[ Chuckles ] Now get out of my office, out of my life. Ah, dr. Westbourne. Oh, sorry to interrupt. Looks like you’ve had a break-in. No. I wanted it like this. Yeah, well, your call, I guess. What’s in the case? None of your business. If it’s a $35 million necklace recovered from peter august, yeah, it’s my business. And, uh, I have a warrant here for it. Hand it over.

You and brook lynn?

[ Scoffs ] And you were giving me a hard time about linc. That is completely different.

[ Chuckles ] Brook lynn is more than just my manager. Well, clearly. She’s also my best friend. We’ve helped each other through a lot. And this whole…business arrangement between you two. From what you’re saying, it seems pretty one-sided. No. We’re both committed to this relationship. But you’re still doing what she wants, not what you want. Well, singing may not be as fulfilling as police work, but I’m happy to do it for brook lynn. I would do anything for her. And I know that she’d do anything for me. What you need to accept, brook lynn, is — can’t wait for this pearl of wisdom. You’re old news. What do I need you for when I have blaze? And when I’m this close to signing magdalena perez. Magdalena perez? She can’t be more than 17. She’s 18. And don’t let the name fool you. She’s no virgin. You’re disgusting. I thought I could stomach working with you, but nope! Wrong. Fine by me.

[ Sighs ]

[ Chuckling ] Oh, no. This definitely will not be fine for you. Because from this moment on, I will not let you harass one other person. Oh, is that right? Whatcha gonna do, blq? I’m gonna expose you for the creep that you are. I’m gonna tell everyone how you treated me when you were my manager. I just have one question — if I was so awful back then, then why are you working with me now? Hm? Do your worst, brook lynn. No one’s going to listen to a bitter has-been. Oh, linc… it won’t be just me. So what was t-the face about? What face? The face you made when dante mentioned cody. Cody hinted that dante may have done something, maybe something illegal, when he was younger. You mean like egging cars or going on a spree of bank heists? Mom, I don’t know. He didn’t get into details, but he made it sound serious. Okay. What age are we talking about? Dante said that they lost touch when they were like 16, so I imagine it would have to be before that. Well, did you ask dante about it? No. Why not? What are you thinking? I don’t know. It’s cody. He’s probably exaggerating. Yeah, yeah, there you go. But I — I have this instinct that I need to know what happened. Nina lives to cause trouble. And sonny knows you would never do something like that. Well, at least he should. Nina claimed she was worried about how my affair would

[Breathes sharply] Affect wiley. Of course nina used wiley as an excuse. That woman never stops. She tried to make sonny think there was something going on between me and brick. Hey, what? Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I’ll explain later, I got to go. See you later. So you engaged in a little gossip and got it wrong. Really wrong — like twice. Did you destroy michael and willow’s saccharine union? No. [ Sighs ] Then they have no cause for complaint. And if they try, let me know. No, no. No, thank you. Mnh-mnh. I think I can handle it. It’s just… the tension with michael — it really upsets sonny, and I don’t like to see him hurt ’cause he feels things very deeply. And sonny is treating you well, as he should? I’ve never been happier. Maybe next year, we —

[ Laughs ] What? No. No! This — I was — I was gonna say maybe next year we could have thanksgiving together. But, you know, with sonny and me and britt and cody and [Chuckles] You and scott. But we both know that’s never gonna happen. You can’t just walk in here and take my necklace. It’s my necklace, jackass. You just gave it to me. It was a futile attempt to shame you. Were you really gonna take it? No. But you can’t have it. This warrant says I can. And as per the state of new york, we have reason to believe that the diamonds in that piece were obtained, uh, unlawfully. So, until this is resolved, it stays in our possession. Officer. Hand over the necklace, sir. Best not to resist. Robert scorpio, your friendly neighborhood da, and, uh, until recently, almost your uncle. Yeah, close call. Apparently. Sir? For pete’s sake. Here, take it. Hm. Yep, fits the description. Britt: Well, come back any time. You’re on the wrong side of my door. Get out. Wait. If you weren’t referring to the necklace, what’s this legacy you were talking about? Now, from here, I need you to escort me around to the, uh, metro court hotel, then I want you to head back. Maybe I should stick around? You know…I think I can handle this. Besides, I’ve got the bureau guys coming over for the, uh, diamonds here. But, you know, uh, why don’t you cuff this to my wrist? Good idea. There we go. Good. Figure that ought to do it.

[ Cellphone rings ] Yes? The package has changed hands. Scorpio has the necklace. What? Well, how? He came to westbourne’s office with a cop. But don’t worry, I know where he’s headed. Excellent. .

once I go public, other women you’ve harassed over the years will come forward. I mean, we’ve seen it happen time and time again. All I have to do is light a match. And your reputation, your career, your family will go up in flames. You are kind, sweet, and genuinely easy to work with. Well, I thank you.

[ Chuckles ] Get out of this business. While all of that is still true. I’ve gotta run. New costume fitting. I have to make sure I can breathe in it.

[ Both chuckle ] Well, it’s good working with you. And think about what I said, okay? Oh, thank you. Oh, hey. Uh, hey, you’re, uh, you’re blaze, right? I am, indeed. Oh, cool. My — my son is — he loves you. He’s a big fan. But you don’t? No, I-I do. I am. I-I just didn’t recognize you without all of the stuff. Disappointed? No, not at all.

[ Laughs ] Thank you. Yeah, have a good one. Hey, did you get her autograph? No, but I should have. Rocco would have loved that, man.

[ Chuckles ] What is blaze doing in port charles? We’re actually working on a song together. What? Dude, that’s amazing. Look at you. [ Chuckles ] We’d better head upstairs. First day of chemotherapy. You’re gonna do great. If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to call. I won’T. Thank you, tj, for all the support. Yeah, thank you. You, um — you’ve been a great friend.

[ Sighs ] You ready? Absolutely. Okay, let’s go. Nina, uh, do you have a second? Um, uh, sure. Uh, how can I help you? I was just wondering, um, why are you so sure that esme is the hook killer? Well, that’s really something you need to talk to ava about, not me. But you’re living with her, right? Yeah. So I-if esme were to attack again, you could be in danger. Well, how about this? I’ll talk to ava about it, and she will give you a call. Good? Okay. You okay here? This hook story keeps getting bigger and bigger and more dangerous. And people keep promising me information that they’re not giving me. All the while, I’m sitting on what I know that could be helpful. You’re talking about the letter the killer sent to you? Yes, I am. I held back and didn’t print anything in exchange for jordan giving me an exclusive. She’s giving me the runaround, and I’m worried about waiting. What are you gonna do? What are you still doing here? Leave! No. No. No, no, no. I-I want to know about this — this legacy that faison left you.

[ Scoffs ] Why? It’s not anything you could sell.

[ Chuckles ] I made a mistake. Okay?

[ Laughs ] I was truly just trying to help you, though. How? By — by — by taking $35 million off my hands? Well, it didn’t seem like you wanted it. And if I’d known that you were talking about something else, I would have — I was.

[ Sighs ] Goodbye. For good. Okay, so what? What? Are we at that point where you’re gonna slam the door in my face? Again, britt, I made a mistake. I’m sorry. Look, I know…that you have a hard time opening up, just like I have a hard time not putting my foot in my mouth. But I can’t be expected to have the perfect reaction all the time. I wasn’t expecting you to have the perfect reaction. I-I-I would have taken… hell, somewhat less mercenary. Please, just tell me, what will it take for you to give me the benefit of the doubt? More than I have to give.

[ Knock on door ] Come in.

[ Sighs ] What is going on here? Absolutely nothing. Do you understand? Good. Well, holly. Your time has come. Meaning? Meaning robert has acquired something I want. It’s in a briefcase. He’s on his way to the metro court. Your job is to intercept him and get the briefcase. Sounds easy enough. One little wrinkle — briefcase is handcuffed to his wrist. Well, he’ll have to uncuff at some point. No matter. Tonight, when he’s asleep, I’ll steal it. Ah, yes, but, you see, the wsb are on their way to recover the contents of that briefcase as we speak. How the hell am I supposed to get around that? Well, I don’t know. You’ll think of something. Let ethan be your inspiration.

This is alexis davis, editor-in-chief of — of the invader. If you would be so kind as to give commissioner ashford a — a message for me. Yeah. Tell her that I will be printing the letter that the hook killer sent to me in full — it’ll be on the front page of the paper tomorrow.

[ Breathes deeply ] Ask her if she has any comments.

[ Monitor beeping ] I did nothing wrong. No woman ever told me “no.” I did, several times. You overreacted. The only reason women keep quiet about you, the only reason women hold their noses and let you touch them is because you’ve convinced them that, if they don’t, their careers will go bye-bye. Well, fortunately for me, I don’t have to worry about my singing career anymore. And fortunately for them, they won’t have to worry about you anymore. Not when I become their manager. Oh, what, you’re going to poach my clients? That’s right, linc. Not only am I going to expose you — I’m going to completely ruin you. I will destroy you. Or… you could get your songs back. I’ve been leaving all these messages for brook lynn. I had to come here to track her down. Cut her some slack, okay? Brook lynn has been working 24/7 — promoting my new single, booking gigs — you name it. Hey, man, that’s — I’m really happy to hear how well everything’s going for you. Thanks. I can’t complain. Well, I bet not. I mean, look, this new career you got. Maybe she doesn’t have to write that letter. What letter?

[ Door closes ] Here, let me help you. Please don’t! Britta, what has happened?

[ Voice breaking ] Nothing! Nothing. It’s just one more mistake is all. Oh, meine tochter. Couples argue. That doesn’t mean it’s over. We’re not a couple! Not really. But you were well on your way. Perhaps, in time — I-I don’t have time, mother. Britta, please. You have to tell me what’s wrong. Then I can help you. There’s nothing you can do.

[ Scoffs ] I’m sick.

[ Breathes deeply ] What you’re asking is impossible. Nonsense. You’re ideally placed to retrieve that necklace from your ex-husband, provided you’re not lying to me and robert still trusts you. It’s not a question of trust. It’s a question of logistics. Then what are you waiting here for? You better get going, holly. Before the wsb get their hands on that briefcase.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, 11/22/22

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Douglas: Dad’s gonna be so mad at me.

Steffy: Hey, you don’t worry !@ So, thomas really did this? He used your app. He called cps pretending to be brooke.

Douglas: Ya, so granddad would leave her, and marry grandma taylor.

Taylor: You know, I hate to even say this but, thomas, I wish your father would have told me that brooke made that call to cps. I mean, he told me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, and he said it had nothing to do with brooke. But I believe him.

Thomas: Okay, mom. I need you to listen to me. Dad promised the reason he wants to be with you is because he loves you. He loves you and he always should have been with you. So, this has nothing to do with brooke or any of her horrible actions, all right? Never forget that.

Taylor: I won’T.

Ridge: Hey, dad.

Eric: Yah.

Ridge: Hate to tear you away from yourself, but I appreciate you having the ceremony here today.

Eric: When did I ever turn down a wedding ceremony in this room? Especially, one of yours.

Ridge: When you don’t approve, maybe?

Eric: I never said that, ridge. I never said that.

Ridge: You didn’t have to.

Eric: Look, I know how you feel about taylor. I do. And if you want to spend your life with her, I think that’s fine. I’ll support you.

Ridge: Tell me about the “if”, what is that–

Eric: If it were brooke, I would support you teeny tiny bit more, because I know how you feel about her. Are you sure you wanna do this? You sure you want to commit to taylor.

[ Sighs ]

Brooke: Are you really doing this to us, ridge? Are you really marrying taylor?

Katie: What about brooke? Ridge is marrying taylor. Now you’ve got another chance.

Bill: The chance I wanted, the one more chance that I asked for over and over again was with you.

Bill: You’re the only woman I want. Come back to me, my katie.

Katie: Bill, I know what happened after brooke came back from aspen. How you rushed over here. Just like I said you would. So, you can’t stand there with a straight face and tell me that you’re not here because you don’t want a second chance with brooke. I think I can read the situation a little bit better than that. My guess is that she turned you down and then, I come in and you’re like, “oh, katie!” Option 2. It was a good thing I walked in the door and not the gardener. I’m sorry, I don’t want to be flip. I don’t want to joke because I care about you. And I always will. We have meant so much to each other, we have been so many different things to each other. We’ve been lovers, husband and wife, and you’re the father of my son. And, and I love the father that you’ve become. I love watching you with him. And bill, I just want you to be happy. I really do. Mmm, and I want to be happy too. I mean, you can’t make me happy, because you’re not happy. You can’t give me what I need and frankly, what I deserve. I deserve a man whose mine. I deserve a man who loves me, and only me and I want to look in his eyes and I want to see that I’m the only one in his heart. That man is not you. I’m gonna go check on brooke.

Carter: Are you kidding me? What you said to katie just now, right after saying the same thing to brooke? Thank god she turned you down. Katie deserves a hell of a lot better than you.

Ridge: Dad, I know you mean well–

Eric: Ridge, are you absolutely certain you want to marry taylor because of brooke’s cps call that she made, are you sure?

Finn: Hey, hey.

Kelly: Grandpa. Grandpa. You’re getting married.

Ridge: I am? When?

Kelly: Today.

Ridge: Good thing I’m wearing a bow tie.

Finn: Is hayes–

Eric: He’s in the den with amelia.

Finn: Okay, great. Come on, kelly. Let’s get you settled with them.

Ridge: Bye.

Li: Congratulations. I’m so happy for you and taylor. I can only imagine how excited she is right now.

Ridge: Mmm.

Taylor: You know one thing that I’m really, really excited about today?

Thomas: What’s that?

Taylor: You and your sister are in the wedding. I am so happy about that. You know, I am so proud of both of you. That you, thomas, the way you’ve turned your life around.

Thomas: Well, you know. You– you have helped me, you help everyone, but you’ve helped me so much. And if there ever was a time if I can every return a favor, I will. All right? You can count on me.

Taylor: I love you so much.

Steffy: You’re certain, douglas?

Douglas: Dad admitted it. He told me I had to delete the app and forget about it.

[ Steffy sighs ]

Douglas: You know, I should have listened to him and kept his secret. But, it’s just not right.

Steffy: You’re right. It isn’T. Don’t you worry about your father, okay? I’ll take care of him. Hi, I’m darlene

Bill: Well, well, well. If it isn’t mr. Nuptials-r-us. Shouldn’t you be presiding over a wedding right about now?

Carter: Shouldn’t you stop lying to katie? She’s a smart, sophisticated woman, bill. She’s not about to be someone’s second choice.

Bill: You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Carter: How do you not get it? How do you not get how extraordinary she is.

Bill: That’s why I married her, twice. And what do you give a damn how extra– oh.

[ Laughs ] Okay. Stay away from katie.

Carter: You have no right to ask me that–

Bill: I wasn’t asking.

Carter: You were just promising–

Bill: I don’t care what I was promising brooke. Katie is my ex-wife. The mother of my child. She is and always will be “my” katie.

[ Knocking at door ]

Taylor: Yes.

Li: Taylor, it’s li finnegan.

Taylor: Oh, come in. Hi.

Li: Hi. I just wanted to wish you well.

Taylor: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Li: Mmm. I promise I won’t take too much of your time. I know you probably still have a million things to do.

Taylor: No, no. Actually, I am okay. I’m pretty calm, somehow. I’m actually pulling off a no stress wedding.

Li: As you should. You deserve a relaxing and joyful ceremony. And reception, too. No nasty surprises like what happened to finn and steffy.

Taylor: No. No nasty surprises. Today is going to be perfect.

Li: It is.

Eric: Shouldn’t carter be here by now?

Ridge: He’s actually doing me a favor. He went over to brooke’s, but he should be here–

Eric: Wait, he went over to brooke’s?

Ridge: I have some cuff links that taylor gave me a long time ago and they’re over there, and I want to wear them today for obvious reasons.

Eric: Uh-huh.

Ridge: And I didn’t want to be the one to get them–

Finn: For obvious reasons.

Thomas: There he is. Wait till you see mom. She’s gonna take your breath away.

Ridge: I’m sure she will.

Thomas: She wanted me to send stef in with– where is stef?

Eric: She’s upstairs. She’s checking on douglas.

Woman’s voice: His father, thomas forrester is unstable. He has a knife.

Steffy: It sounds just like her.

Douglas: But it isn’T. Don’t forget, the app can turn any recording into someone else’s voice.

Steffy: Okay. Okay, play me the original. The one your dad made, okay?

Thomas’ voice recording: Hello. I’d like to report a child in danger. His name is douglas forrester. He’s at 369 willow hill road, los angeles. His father, thomas forrester is unstable. He has a knife.

Thomas: Douglas. What have you done?

Steffy: No, thomas. What have “you” done? How could you do this? What the hell? How could you be so cruel? If you’re on medicare,

Carter: Your katie? You think she’s a piece of property, part of your portfolio?

Bill: She’s part of everything that I am. And beyond that, what I think about my wife, is none of your business.

Carter: “Ex” wife. And you should know, I’m making katie and her happiness, very much my business. Especially since you professed your love to her right after you did to brooke. You had your chance with katie, and you threw it away for her sister. She deserves a man who can commit to her, and only her.

Bill: And that man is you? You and katie.

Carter: Well, as you put it, bill, it’s none of your business. Good talk. I gotta grab something and go officiate a wedding.

[ Door closes ]

Li: Oh ridge, your bride looks lovely.

Ridge: That’s what I’ve heard. Looking forward to seeing that for myself.

Finn: Well, won’t be long.

Ridge: Wont’ be long, unless she decides to make a run for it, ’cause–

Eric: I don’t think that’s gonna happen.

Li: Agreed. Nothing is stopping taylor from marrying you, today.

Thomas: Cruel? No, no, no. Come on. There must be some kind of misunderstanding. You know kids and their apps.

Steffy: No, don’t blame this on your son. It was you.

Thomas: Douglas, will you tell her, please, about the app.

Steffy: Stop. Stop lying. Stop it. And don’t you dare take this out on your son. He shouldn’t be punished for telling the truth. Douglas, you did the right thing.

Douglas: I know but, I just wish dad knew it, too.

Steffy: Let me talk to your father. Why don’t you go to the den and hang out with amelia, hayes, and kelly, all right?

Douglas: Okay, aunt steffy.

Steffy: Do you mind if I take your phone? I just want to make sure your father doesn’t delete any of the brooke files.

Thomas: Yeah, bud, go ahead. Hang out with your cousins.

Thomas: Now you’re gonna pretend to feel bad for brooke?

Steffy: I feel bad for your son. Douglas should never be put in this position.

Thomas: I can’t believe he got those files back. He’s a smart kid.

Steffy: Files, framing brooke. How could you do something like this?

Thomas: Yes, I did that and I got our parents back together. What is it with all the fake outrage?

Steffy: Okay. Wait till they hear what happened.

Thomas: No, no, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. What I did is what got our parents to come back together. So, no one should stop that from happening. You shouldn’t do a damn thing.

Carter: Sorry that took me so long. There was a situation I had to take care of.

Ridge: Involving brooke?

Carter: No, don’t worry. She didn’t see me grab those. Those are them, right?

Ridge: Yeah. Thank you.

Carter: It’s beautiful. Again, I’m sorry. I got here as soon as I could.

Eric: No worries, carter. You could have taken as much time as you wanted. We can’t start without you.

[ Laughs ]

Carter: That’s a good point.

Eric: Ridge, you want help with those?

Ridge: Nah, I think I got it. Thank you.

Eric: Okay. Look at this. Look how beautiful she is. Let me look at this dress.

Li: Thank you so much.

Eric: I saw it when you came in, but my goodness.

Li: This is your dress.

Finn: Should we take a picture?

Eric: Yes. Sure.

Finn: Let’s take a picture. Ridge.

Ridge: What?

Finn: Would you mind taking a picture of us?

Ridge: No, I got it. Nothing to do at all. Okay.

[ Laughs ]

Ridge: Yeah. All right. Here we go. Big smiles, everybody.

[ Laughs ]

Ridge: Okay. Got it.

Eric: Thank you. Nice.

[Indistinct conversation]

Brooke: This will never make sense to me. Why? Why are you giving up on us, ridge? Why?

Thomas: All you have to do is keep quiet, then mom and dad become husband and wife again. And brooke is out of our lives for good.

Steffy: Something I desperately want, but not like this. Not based on lies and deception.

Thomas: Yeah, ’cause you are are always on the up and up. Breaking into security systems and blocking phone calls–

Steffy: This is different, thomas. You called cps, pretending you were brooke.

Thomas: Okay, yeah. So, the one time that brooke doesn’t actually do something wrong? It would have happened eventually and dad would have gotten hurt.

Steffy: I don’t want dad to marry mom for the wrong reasons.

Thomas: She’s not marrying him for the wrong reasons. He says he loves mom and he want to be with her. Okay? It has nothing to do with anything brooke did.

Steffy: So then, tell the truth. Tell the truth. If dad is committed to mom, then he’s not gonna care if he finds out that brooke didn’t lie to him. It’s not gonna make a difference. They need to know what you’ve done, thomas.

Thomas: Absolutely not.

Steffy: Then, I’ll tell them. Try to stop me. I dare you.

Taylor: Honey, what is going on? I can hear you two fighting down the hall.

Thomas: Look at mom, isn’t she the most beautiful bride–

Taylor: Enough. Stop it. What could you two possibly be fighting about on my wedding day to your father?

Thomas: It’s really not that big of a deal. Honestly, I think we should all just go downstairs and grab a drink.

Steffy: Don’t listen to him. Don’t believe him. There’s something you should know.

Thomas: Let it go, stef.

Taylor: Okay. Somebody tell me, right now, what is going on.

Steffy: It’s about you and dad.

Thomas: Stop.

Steffy: We wanted this day for so long. We prayed for it. And now…

Taylor: And now– now, what?

Steffy: There’s something you and dad need to hear. Something thomas did that can change everything.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Come on one. I make heels and you walk so fast. I know, but Sweet Pits is about to close. I remember you saying how much you like the Flowerless chocolate cake. Huh? My watch must be slow. Where are they Just closed early. I mean, one of the owners was just accused of murder yesterday. Should have had dessert at the restaurant, Eva with no dessert.

I had a really lovely time. Yeah, it was our second first date. I wanted this one to be perfect. It was.

What are you up to now? Jen? What are you doing in Jakarta? Why don’t you return my calls?

So by the time you called me back, this is not just sister. Oh my God. Ro what the hell are you doing with my sister’s phone? I received your message warning me about Jin Van Only. It came too late.

Sorry, did you hear what I said? I have to tell you something. Sorry. I thought I saw a roach. I am getting paranoid


something’s happened, hasn’t it? Something bad, something terrible, and I did it on an A P B out on a late model four door sedan drivers. A woman named Ava Vitali at 10 20 is a Salem airfield field. Victim’s name is Susan Banks. She might still be a passenger in the car, so I want all units to proceed with caution.

Ava Vitali is considered armed and extremely dangerous.

EJ is right behind you and seeing as he used to drive race cars, it’s only a matter of time before he catches up to. What’s the plan when he does

Eva? You’ve got no place to go now, but prison. Oh, better. Yes. Hell, and once I catch up with you, I get to decide what are you gonna do? You gonna drive all the way to Seattle. The Damaris will hunt you to the ends of the earth. You know that, just shut up. Okay. Shut up. I am trying to think. I didn’t say anything.

Oh, you know what? I, I, I, I’ll, I’ll stay. Shut up. But, um, just please, please Ms. Stanley, please just keep your eyes in descriptive. Romine, it would be horrible if we get to an accident. I be. Ej, look at you. You’re scared. EJ is the one who should be shaking in the boots, but you let him get the upper hand and now he’s chasing you.

You’re running away. Rule number one, vitals don’t run. You should have shot that son of a bitch when you had the chance. I am not scared. You’re crying like a baby because I lost everything, not everyth. Yeah, it’s true that Steve didn’t want you, Rafe didn’t want you. Jake Stead trip abandoned you to move across the country, but you, you still have me, mother.

I’m still here, and we can be together forever, just like I always wanted. And you can still win this. You can still hurt ej. You know what you have to do?

I don’t know. What the hell is he doing?

Oh my God. No, no, no, no, no.

Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Do you still want dessert? Maybe later. I am so glad I ran into you guys. She doesn’t mean that. No, really? I uh, just got my wedding invites. See, I wasn’t lying when I told you they were ready. Aren’t they great? The paper is Heritage Talk. They are lovely. And, uh, very heavy. You know, you can almost slit someone’s throat with these, well, hang on to them.

I’m gonna save me some time.

You want me at your wedding? Oh yeah. I wouldn’t want you to miss a celebration.

You still haven’t told me why. You have my sister’s phone. I saw all the calls you made to. You were right to be worried. She was here on a fishing expedition. What happened? Oh, she pretended that you’d sent her to me. She also pretended to know you’d used me to eliminate Stefan’s feelings for Gabby, but you told her she was wrong.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t received your warning yet. She knows. Damn. Where is she now at the moment? She’s somewhat, uh, indisposed.

You’re starting to scare me. Just tell me what you’ve done and we can figure out a way to handle it. I promise Sarah that I was a changed man, that her love changed me, but she finds out what I. She’ll never forgive me. She’ll see me. For what? I really,

I broke my word to you. I don’t understand. What do you mean you don’t have to do this? I’m not gonna tell. I promise. I promise I crossed my heart enough to. You know, the rest


I quit.


I hope you two haven’t made New Year’s Eve plans because, well, if you have canceled them, cuz this party’s gonna be better than anything. You two can dream up. Okay, Gabby, listen actually, uh, Steph and I are probably gonna be out of town on New Year’s Eve. We were thinking of going someplace warm. Miami maybe.

Aren’t you? You’re working for Lee now, right? I mean that’s, that was a big step for you. No, I’m pretty sure Lee would want you at his wedding. I mean, for your sake. I hope you haven’t bought airline tickets. No. Cavi. We have not purchased any airline tickets. You can take this back and give it 20 of your friends because we’re not gonna need it.

Chloe is gonna be my plus one. How nice. It is nice when fate steps in and brings the right people together. Don’t you think

you have my sister in restraints and Johnny too? Two. Your sister and Mr. Damara arrived. But I didn’t know that. She engaged me in conversation inside the lab. Young Damara was hiding in the hallway and recording our conversation. I wouldn’t have known this was happening, but my equipment caused her microphone to feed back.

Surely. Now you understand that I had to detain them. How did she get onto this? H? How did Johnny get involved? All I know is what sound’s. Uh, destroying it will be simple enough, but that still leaves you with a problem. How to solve my sister and Johnny from going straight to Gabby? Once they get back to Sam, telling her everything.

Lucky for you. I haven’t been idle since you and EJ sent me to a Jakarta. I’ve been working on a robotics program that’s quite exciting. But to complete it, I require a set of human vocal chords. Two would be even better.

Are you talking about removing their vocal chords? Uh, it’s possible now, now you listen to me. I have a much better idea.

Wendy. Wendy. Wendy, are you awake, Wendy? Getting there. Um, what happened, see, I heard, was feedback from the mic. Yeah. My mouth was coming at me with a needle. Yeah. Yeah. I, uh, I found you, you, you were out cold. And then, uh, and Dr. Strange left, came at me with another needle. We. He spilled his guts. Not totally.

We still don’t know my dad’s involvement. God damn. Why do you have to figure out what we were up to? Because he didn’t get his reputation by being stupid. Yeah. When he comes back, he’s not gonna let us off with a warning, that’s for sure. I don’t think we can count on the local cops to come to the rescue.

We gotta find a way outta.

Yeah, this is Commissioner Ray Fernandez, a Salem pd. I’ve got a kidnapping here, so I thought I’d get the Bureau involved. Right. Yeah. It’s uh, it’s a high profile case. Victim’s name is Susan Banks, mother of ej d. Yeah, right. Those DMIs and the kidnapper is Ava Vitali of the Philadelphia Vitalis. Yeah, right.

I thought you’d be interested Now. Right now my 10 20 is the Salem Air Strip. I came here because e J’s brother told me that EJ was gonna be dropping off the ransom, and uh, well, it looks like things didn’t go as planned and Vitale may have taken off with Ms. Banks. Yeah, I got every one of my man out there looking for ’em right now.

Hold on a second. Yeah, I got one of ’em calling in right now. Yeah. What do you got?

Okay. How bad is it? All right, gimme the exact location and the crash, right? Damnit Eva. Dammit.

You quit your job, but you just started. You said it was such a great opportunity. Yeah, I know. A bit of a shot. I had no choice.

I still don’t understand the job. It just. It wasn’t what I was told it would be. Actually, there’s been a change of plans. I’m gonna go meet EJ and get the money and you’re gonna stay here. Stay here. Why to kill Susan? A boss asked me to do something that I knew was wrong and I thought of you and I. I just couldn’t go through.

Can you hear me? Don’t do it. Get my mother down there a kidnapped her. I know Tony told me David deliberately drove off the road bloody of mine. Get a damn hold to yourself. Okay? The rescue squad is on the way. They have a much better chance of getting your mother than you do. Okay? Look at that cliff.

Don’t see any chance getting down there, so I just stand here and do nothing. My mom is in that closet. Hey, thanks.

You told me that this rednecks company was legit. So what’s with your boss? Why is he asking you to do something dicey? Well, it wasn’t, he was a woman. None of that matters. Now I, it’s just like I said, she made the job had to be something that it wasn’t. I don’t were there anymore. What’d she want you to do?

Ah, I’d just rather not talk about it. I’m just trying to understand this thing that she wanted you to do that you didn’t wanna do. Was it unethical or was it worse than that? Right. Was it like cooking the books or something? Yeah. Yeah. Why that? Huh? That’s the case, and you did the right. And I’m really proud of you.

This is the chance. My mother.

My mother,

you know, we are in luck. I hear the chef is making his famous Creole tonight. Hopefully that will help us forget about our little run in with Gabby. I’m all for it. I just have a question. Okay. Raise your hand, Chloe. Um, why did you say that we wouldn’t dream of missing Gabby and Lee’s? Okay, well you weren’t there, so I don’t expect you to remember, but I certainly will never forget at Maya and Gabby’s wedding,

she played me as soon as we exchanged vows. She turned on me, kicked me right out of the house. So yeah, I can’t wait to see what she has in store for Lee. You think she’s gonna do the same thing to him? I don’t know, but I know she doesn’t love him yet. She’s making a big to-do about the wedding. I can’t wait to find out why.

Before we hang up, I want to know you are clear on what I want.

Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , Justin. So we’re on the same page. Good. When my sister gets back home, she better be empty-handed.

Cubby, I didn’t, uh, hear you. What’s wrong with Wendy?

So you’re both of awake. You feel refreshed after your nap. You better let us go. Me brother will be mad as hell when he finds out what you did to us. Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. What are you gonna do? Keep us strapped to these gurneys forever. I don’t take it too well when people come to me under false pretenses and then secretly record my conversation, oh yeah, that must really bother an honorable guy like yourself.

That recording you made. Four kitty. No one will ever get to hear it.

I demand to speak to my brother. Fred, you just listened. He and I had a very fruitful chat on your phone. Fruitful how he gave me strict orders to ensure that the two of you never tell anyone what you heard here today.

This will take a few seconds, so sit tight. Hmm. And I’d like to have a choice.

Thank you. Yeah. So you think Gabby doesn’t love Lee? Why? I don’t think Gabby is capable of loving anybody in case she’s too obsessed with money and. Why do you think she ended up with Lee? Hmm. Lee’s father is chairman of the board and can help her climb back on top of Tamara. The only question is, why didn’t Gabby just go for the old man himself?

He’s married. When has that ever stopped? Gabby cab? I dunno. I guess she figured maybe Lee would be more helpful and clawing her way back to the top. I don’t. And why is she so anxious to have you at her wedding? I don’t know. Well, I think I do. I don’t think it has anything to do with money or power. It has to do with you.

That was the head of the maintenance crew for the company Jet. You know how we suspected Wendy was playing hooky from work? Yeah. Well, she did it in style. She and Johnny commandeered the jet and took off for Indonesia. We Why? What’s in Indonesia? I could tell you if she would return my calls. And you have no idea why they went?

No, she and I were whenever that close. Right. So why is it that you were telling on the phone whoever that was, They needed to make sure Wendy was gonna come back empty handed. What are your faces gonna bring back?

So, Dr. Wolf, can I ask you something you can ask? I can’t guarantee an answer that will satisfy you. I’m trying to figure you out. Do you have like a soul feelings? Just anything good. Get to me. What do you mean a beautiful sunset? A great sushi Miles Davis. What are you trying to say? We’re here because of Gabby, because we think she got a rat deal from my brother, hey, and my dad.

Why would you come so far and put yourself in Graved danger for a personal means nothing to you? Because what happened to her is wrong. She just found out that Stephan is alive. He was the love of her life. Good. Now, Stephan wants nothing to do with. Hasn’t there ever been someone in your life meant everything to you?

Hey, maybe, maybe love is the farthest thing from your brain right now, right? But what if it just happens anyway? He was meant to be till someone like you screws it up. Doesn’t it scare you just a little bit? He’s messing with the natural order of things. It does, doesn’t it? Here’s one way you can make things right.

Just let us go. Just let us go and we’ll let Gabby know the truth. I let Gabby knows the truth. Little fools, she does know the truth. Only she’s forgotten. It sinks to this. You wanna find it just as effective on your memories of today, what’s in that needle? A handy little mixture. I invented, I call it c r s 17.

What does CS stand? Can’t remember stuff. . So you two will return to Salem believing that you came here for nothing. Is that so horrible?

There is one thing I’m curious about. Why did you say that quitting your job was such a terrible thing, Liz, isn’t it? You know how much I’ve wanted to find a good paying job, and I, I really thought I’d got it sorted and I was gonna be able to take care of you, killing me to walk away from that job. I feel like I’ve let you down.

Again, I know that you wanna be the provider, but it means more to me that you wanna make an honest living. You, you found out that this job wasn’t on the up and up and you quit. I admire that. Oh, don’t say that. No, I do. I love you so much. Oh God, Sarah, I love you. Mm-hmm. so much. I dunno what I do.

I need a blank.

It’s gonna freeze. Death. The fire’s almost out.

Freeze’s my mother. I’m sorry sir. No one could have survived that blast.

Even the most ambitious people are capable of falling in love, okay? Be that as it may, you know how many times I’ve told Gabby there is no chance for her and me. She doesn’t seem like the type to take no for an answer because that’s stubbornness. It’s all based in green for her, it’s not love. I saw her face after she saw us kissing and she was upset.

Right? So why would she react by waving her wedding invitation in her faces? I don’t know. But I’m sure she wish she wouldn’t have done that. . She is going to regret it even more the day of her wedding. You and I sitting front and center holding hands, we get it. Why do you wanna hurt?

No, I, I don’t wanna, uh, no, it’s not about that. I, I wanna get through to her. That’s it. I don’t care about Gabby enough to wanna hurt her, and I don’t care who she marries. Hey. I only care about you

saying I want Wendy to come back empty handed. That was just a figure of speech. I don’t want her shopping for souvenirs. I won’t her back in St. Lu tomorrow. Why though? I need people. I can count on not, not flighty girls who take off on a whim with a guy and, and go halfway around the world. What are you gonna do when she gets back?

Fire her on, give them a break. I mean, she and are actually kind of cute together. Cute. How? Oh, I ran into them in this square a couple days ago. I dunno. There was this energy between the two of them and I was curious, so I asked Johnny about it and he admitted that he has a crush on your little sister.

Oh, well. So let him take his fresh out to dinner. Not to Indonesia on his daddy’s jet. Johnny Damara is a spoiled little rat. No, someone’s a little angry. You’re angry. Yeah. I’m really angry. So what if Johnny took Wendy on a romantic getaway that was a little over the top? Just let them enjoy it.

Who wants to go first? Seems to be up to me. Mi mind catch, elaborate

Bear my manner. Ladies first, of course,

Oh, lucky for me. You have very good veins. Please don’t do this. Come, don’t say anything. You should have thought as the consequences before you lied your way into my lab. You’re going to feel a little pinched now. I forget your hands offer.

Well, I do know one talent that can make you a millionaire. If I was willing to share, which I’m not, stop it.

my time at rednecks might be behind me. But I did learn one thing I need to think about more than just money. When I’m looking for a job, I’m gonna be proud of the way I make my living.

Great job is out there. You’ll find it. It might be a bit tricky explaining why I can’t ask my old boss for a reference though. Yeah, but people leave jobs on bad terms all the time. It doesn’t mean that you have bad people, you’ll survive. I don’t wanna deal with that women anymore. So Do you want the shower first?

No, you go, I’ll be waiting for you. That sound to that

I’m sorry.

I wish the hell this hadn’t happened.

No reason to stay here though. Good morning. You can leave your car. I’ll have an officer take it to your place. You can ride with me down the headquarters. Headquarters. Why? I’m gonna need your statement ej about what?

Tony told me that Ava had kidnapped your mom, but he didn’t know the rest, so I’m gonna need that from you. Why he’s not gonna bring my mother back? Ej. Ava did this. I wanna make sure that we get it all into public record. I am not gonna relive this nightmare. For the sake of public record,

I’m going home. AJ


I am touched that you are standing up for my sister, but would you be so generous if you were still c e o and your new employee went for a joy ride on the company Jet? Okay, look, just think about it. What’s more important? Some wasted jet fuel or true love?

Gabby Hernandez, I do believe you’re an old softie. Hey, watch her. You’re calling old buddy.

All right. You’ve convinced me you don’t have to be consequences. She skipped out on work. Okay. Well just tell her that she’s crowned for a week. I promise not to overreact after all. No real harm was done.

You were great. You were so bad at yourself.

Yes, I promised you desserts. Uh, that’s okay. I’m over it. Me too. Although I hate to think we came back here for no reason.

Uh, I’m moving too fast on I. You’re still not over Brady? No, I’m not honestly, but I do wanna move on with my life. I mean, he moved Kristen into his house five seconds after we broke up, so to hell with both of them. Hmm. Well, if there’s anything I can do to help facilitate that transition,

Hi. This is turning out to be one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time.

oh my God. Ej, what happened?

Ej? Hey, are you okay? Ej, were you in an accident? No. Thought my mother was, she’s dead.

Oh, I love these. They look expensive as hell, but they’re still. That’s what I thought. Look, thought the box was already opened. Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait to take a peek. And actually I’m gonna, I’m gonna keep this one for myself as a reminder that this is actually happening. That it’s real. Oh, it’s real.

All right. But it’s December 31st, midnight. We’ll be a married couple. Yeah. Bringing in the New Year’s husband in life. I can’t wait

versus Lewis English. Dude, what do you think you’re doing? But you may have been able to destroy our recording, but uh, we can still undo everything that you did. And once we get back to. That’s exactly what we’re gonna do. I am going to tell Gabby personally what you did to step’s mind, and she is gonna come after you with more than a scalpel.

You ready to roll? Yep. Can leave me like this? Stop. While you’re a brilliant scientist, I’m sure you can figure your way out of it. Nice. Yeah.

What are you watching? Uh, news bulletin about Susan Banks’s kidnapping. Did they say who did it? Same thing that Bonnie told me. Some guy in a clown mask.

Then what was. The bulletin. Did Susan tell him who did it? Susan couldn’t say anything. She’s dead.

No more. Bruce? No. Want you to?


gone. It’s all my fault.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn tells Linc she intends to expose that he sexually harassed her and the other artists that he manages. Linc tells Brook Lynn that if she doesn’t ruin his career he will return the rights to her songs to her.

Alexis decides to publish the letter the Hook Attacker sent to her in The Invader since Jordan hasn’t given her the exclusive story she promised to give her.

Britt tells her mother that she is sick and there is nothing that anyone can do for her.

Michael tells Carly that Willow wants to find out who her biological parents are, and Carly worries that Willow will find out Nina is her mother. Michael also tells Carly that Nina thought Willow and TJ were having an affair and Sonny believed her. Willow has her first chemotherapy treatment and she wants to keep her leukemia diagnosis a secret from Michael’s family.

Britt gives the necklace to Robert since he has a, warrant to take the necklace and deliver it to the WSB. Victor tells Holly she must steal the necklace from Robert, but it will be a problem since Robert has the briefcase that contains the necklace handcuffed to his wrist.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, November 22, 2022

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Recap written by Eva

Daniel returns home to spend Thanksgiving with Phyllis and Summer and he and Lily catch up on old times. Daniel tells Lily that Heather got a job in Portugal and took Lucy with her. Daniel tells Lily he has an idea for a new project and he wants to set up an appointment to talk to her about it.

Diane tells Ashley that she could hurt her family if she, Phyllis, and Nikki bring Jeremy Stark to town. Ashley thinks Diane is just telling her that because she is scared that Jeremy Stark will reveal her lies to everyone.

Jack tells Tucker that he is ready for his takeover attempt, and he will never get Jabot. Tucker tells Jack that he likes to keep him guessing so he doesn’t confirm or deny that he is attempting to take over Jabot.

A drunken Adam proposes marriage to Sally and she turns him down because he doesn’t know what he is saying because he is drunk. Adam tells Sally that Nick is using her for sex and she is using Nick to make him jealous. Adam tells Sally that Nick is always looking for a woman to replace his true love Sharon. Adam asks Sally to think about his marriage proposal because it sincerely comes from his heart.

Lily is bothered when Billy asks if he can invite Chelsea to be with them on Thanksgiving if Chelsea doesn’t have Thanksgiving plans.

Jack tells Ashley that he has just spoken to Tucker and he agrees with Diane that Tucker wants to go after Jabot. Diane offers to spy for Ashley and Jack and find out Tucker’s plan

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Y&R Transcript Monday, 11/21/22

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: Wow! Wow! Look at you. Let’S… yeah, let’s go celebrate.

Sally: Are you sure?

Nick: Are you kidding me? With that dress? We are hitting the town.

Sally: Well, terrific, although I do feel kind of bad because you have to be up at the office bright and early, and I don’t have anything on my schedule tomorrow until a mani-pedi at 2:00.

Nick: Don’t worry about me. I operate on minimal sleep. Besides, we have a lot to celebrate.

Sally: Yeah. What are we celebrating, me signing up for unemployment?

Nick: You gonna be doing that before or after your mani-pedi?

Sally: Oh, man, I don’t know. It depends on how late I sleep in.

Nick: See, I would think you’d want to get up at the crack of dawn so you could begin work on your project, which is potentially a very big deal.

Sally: Well, it is still in its embryonic stages. So, you know, there’s nothing to celebrate…yet.

Nick: Oh, this has nothing to do with work. This is about us.

Billy: Hey, sharon, um, how’s our friend upstairs doing? How’s chelsea? No, it’s okay. Lily knows. Actually, chelsea was the one that said that I need to tell her. She was actually adamant about it. She didn’t want lily to get the wrong idea.

Lily: I think what you and billy have done is amazing. I think you’re an angel.

Sharon: Oh, well, I don’t know about that, but, you know, I try to do the right thing whenever I can.

Lily: Yeah. So, now that you know I know, how is she doing?

Sharon: I don’t know. They’ve been up there for a while.

Billy: “They”?

Sharon: Yeah. You know, adam had some reservations at first, but he eventually did what chelsea asked. He brought connor over here so that she could tell him everything that’s going on.

Billy: Well, that’s a very sensitive and delicate conversation to have. I hope adam doesn’t screw it up. Did you tell connor?

Adam: Mm-hmm. It wasn’t easy, but I was truly impressed how chelsea was able to handle it. She was honest and candid. Got pretty emotional. But he seemed to understand.

Sharon: Well, I think his generation has a different perspective on mental health than what we grew up with.

Adam: He’s going to stay with her tonight. You know, he wants to be with his mom right now.

Billy: Did chelsea seem like she was, uh…

Adam: Billy, chelsea is strong enough to handle this on her own. She doesn’t need your support. She’s with her son. She’s okay. Just leave them alone.

Nate: That’s excellent, vivian. And you can send me all that data. Great. Great. I am especially interested in cross-referencing our audiences on our platforms with the top 100 advertisers. So, if you can highlight that for me, that would be amazing. Oh, really? Sally had you highlight that same material? Hmm. Interesting. That should make it easy, then. I’ll expect it soon. Thanks.

Elena: You look like you belong behind that desk.

Nate: Oh, and you are a sight for sore eyes.

Elena: Hi.

Nate: Hey.

Elena: How’s it going?

Nate: Well, it’s my first full day. I haven’t mastered all the nuances, but I did find the executive dining room, so that is a good start.

Elena: I’m sure you’ll figure it all out soon. For good luck.

Nate: Wow. Thank you.

Elena: Yeah, I just wanted to get you something to show you that I support you 100%.

Sally: Wow! This place looks great! Noah’s crushing it.

Nick: Thank you. Yeah, it is a success. I’m so proud of him.

Sally: Wow. I didn’t see him when we walked in.

Nick: Yeah, me either. He’s usually here every night. Maybe I’ll call him.

Sally: I’m sure he’s fine. It’s actually kind of nice, him not being here.

Nick: Why would you say that?

Sally: Well, without your son here to watch over us, we don’t have to keep things pg. What’s the #1 retinol brand

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Nate: Wow. I love it. It’s all I want when I need a little inspiration.

Elena: And all I want is some dinner. Are you finished here yet? We should go celebrate.

Nate: Ooh, I would love that. But I have to get to a meeting with victoria.

Elena: This late?

Nate: We work around the clock here. But I tell you what. Why don’t you go to society, get us a table, order a bottle of their finest champagne, and I will be there soon.

Elena: You sure you’re going to be able to get away?

Nate: Look, everything’s been going smoothly and efficiently, so this meeting shouldn’t take long.

Elena: Okay, well, I will head there now. You know, it’s nice seeing you like this.

Nate: Like what?

Elena: Happy. Enjoying your work again.

Nate: Yeah, I am all of that.

Elena: Mm-hmm. I think it’s what was missing at chancellor-winters. And even though I hate how you got to this point, I really love that you’re here.

Nate: I can’t tell you how much your support means to me, and I look forward to celebrating with you tonight.

Lily: I am so glad that it went well for chelsea. I mean, that must have been a huge relief.

Sharon: It’s a step in the right direction.

Lily: I can’t even imagine how hard that conversation with connor must have been. I’m sure she’s happy it was successful.

Billy: Well, we don’t actually know if it was successful, right? I mean, we’re taking adam’s word on that.

Sharon: Well, I don’t think he would lie about something like this.

Billy: Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure. I mean, I’m sure he has the right intentions, but I’ve never trusted him.

Lily: Well, I think that i agree with sharon right now. I think that we have to take him at his word.

Billy: Sure. But I still think that I should go check up on her real quick, just to be safe.

Sharon: I don’t think you should go up there tonight.

Billy: Okay. Can I call her at least?

Sharon: I don’t know if that’s a good idea, either. She’s with her son. Don’t interrupt their time together.

Lily: Look, billy, I know that you don’t trust adam, but I know that you trust sharon’s expert advice.

Billy: Okay. I won’t bug her tonight.

Lily: You know what? Why don’t we go get dinner? I’m hungry. I know that you haven’t eaten all day.

Billy: I haven’T. No, that sounds really nice. Let’s go grab dinner. Sharon, if you do hear anything, can you just let me know?

Sharon: I will.

Billy: Okay. Thank you.

Lily: Noah, hi.

Noah: Lily, billy. Good to see you.

Sharon: Hey.

Noah: Billy didn’t try busting my chops. What’s wrong?

Sharon: Hopefully nothing. But something has been gnawing away at me, and it made me think of you.

Noah: Oh, yeah. What’s that?

Sharon: Well, I’ve been helping to treat someone recently who’s experiencing some mental-health issues, and it just made me wonder what it felt like for you when I was spiraling out with my bipolar disorder. Moderate-to-severe eczema.

Elena: Devon? Devon?

Devon: Hey.

Elena: Hey, what’s going on?

Devon: How you doing?

Elena: Wow. Whatever you were just thinking about really has a hold on you.

Devon: Oh. Just been a little distracted today.

Elena: Something big?

Devon: It’s just something that I’m having trouble figuring out. That’s all.

Elena: Can I help?

Devon: No, no, not at all. I appreciate the offer, though. But it’s something that I have to figure out on my own.

Elena: Ah. One of those “sitting alone at the bar with a drink” kind of problems?

Devon: That’s the one, yeah. What are you doing? You here by yourself, too?

Elena: No. I am meeting nate. Maybe when he gets here, we could all sit down and have a drink together.

Devon: Last thing I’d ever want to do is sit down and have a drink with a traitor.

Nate: Hey, you ready for me?

Victoria: Yes. Come on in. Thank you for staying so late.

Nate: There was a lot to do, even on my first day. So, did I screw something up? Is that what this meeting is about?

Victoria: No. There’s no report of anything going wrong. I just wanted to check in with you and see how it all went.

Nate: Well, it…it all went great. Staff was on top of everything. Today was mostly about settling in and going over all the projects in progress.

Victoria: Good. What did you find?

Nate: Interestingly enough, sally spectra had a lot going on. Every time I made a suggestion, the response was, “sally was doing that.”

Victoria: Oh, well, there’s no need to dwell on your predecessor’s performance.

Nate: I hope you don’t have a problem with me occasionally disagreeing with you, but i think we should talk about her work.

Victoria: And why is that?

Nate: Well, looking over everything, talking to the staff, evaluating places where we need to be stronger, I think sally was doing a really good job. She was implementing some strong, innovative ideas for this division.

Victoria: Those weren’t all her ideas. It takes a team effort, you know?

Nate: Of course, of course. But their leader had them on the right path.

Victoria: What are you saying, nate?

Nate: Look — don’t get me wrong. I am grateful for this opportunity, but I’m not sure why you brought me in to take sally’s place.

Sally: So, what does a celebration of us entail? Do we need, like, party hats or kazoos?

Nick: I would think we’re worthy of at least, like, a trumpet or a saxophone.

Sally: Okay. I like that. Uh, I’m sorry. I think there was a mistake. We didn’t order this.

Nick: Alright. I know who it’s from. Look over your left shoulder.

Sally: Great.

[ Clears throat ] Looks like he’s in the mood to cause another scene.

Sharon: You know, I didn’t mean to ambush you with that question.

Noah: It was definitely unexpected.

Sharon: Well, if it’s an uncomfortable subject for you, we don’t have to talk about it. I was just looking for some insight.

Noah: No, it’s okay. It was hard. Things were bad for you. But then you got help, and you came back stronger and more grounded. That was reassuring.

Sharon: Well, you know, when you’re in it, you don’t think about how it’s going to affect the people you love. You just are focused on yourself and trying to get better. And now I can look back, and I can see how difficult that probably was for you.

Noah: I think it was harder for faith. I was older. It was easier for me to process. Plus, I could do my own research, see what we were inyeah, you know, dad and I, we did our best to shield her from your more manic episodes,rong?

Noah: Nothing.

Sharon: You know, I thought something was on your mind when you came in, and now I’m certain.

Noah: Mom, I’d really rather not talk about it.

Sharon: Hey, I just told you, moms are going to worry. Don’t make me worry any more than I have to. What’s going on?

Noah: You said I’d understand one day when I was a parent. Well, it turns out I almost was a parent. Who says you have to spend more on skincare

Elena: How much harm could one drink with your cousin cause?

Devon: I don’t like him, elena.

Elena: Come on, devon.

Devon: What do you mean, “come on”? It hasn’t been that long since he did what he did to our family. And I thought the two of you split over the whole thing. You’ve taken him back?

Elena: He’s been remorseful. He knows how much he screwed up. He flew too close to the sun, and he got burned.

Devon: You know that he only came clean to us because he thought it would help getting you back.

Elena: I think he’s learned from this.

Devon: Oh. Well, is that why he’s never told us who he was working for? Even though we now know it’s victorian newman, and he won’t admit it. So, he’s still protecting the ceo who went after our company and who still might try and go after it.

Elena: I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think that’s all over.

Devon: How do you know that? Nobody does. And, like I said, the only reason he admitted anything to us is because you showed up to the office that day and put pressure on him to do it. If you hadn’t done that, he wouldn’t have said anything. And he and victoria would have stolen our company out from under us.

Elena: You really believe that?

Devon: I know it for a fact. He’s changed, elena. He’s not the same person he used to be. Hell, maybe he never even was that guy.

Victoria: Sally had some good ideas, but that did not make her a good ceo. There were a lot of dynamics at play. You know, the only reason she was here was because adam wanted to promote his then-girlfriend. She was not my choice. So, when I took over again, I had to make some changes.

Nate: So letting her go was payback for adam?

Victoria: No, I didn’t care about that at all. I mean, sally and adam had been broken up for a while. If I wanted to take a shot at him, I could have done something a little more effective.

Nate: Mm. So, you’re saying there’s nothing personal at all in your decision to dismiss sally?

Victoria: You know, people always say, “it’s nothing personal. It’s just business.” But there is always a personal element to every decision, isn’t there? If I had liked sally, would I have been more inclined to keep her on despite her — her flawed leadership? Possibly. But it’s not a bad thing to like the people that you work with.

Nate: Yeah. That hits pretty close to home for me right now.

Victoria: I thought it might. So, I would advise you not to focus on what sally did or did not accomplish. You have far more to offer than sally ever could. And that is why I made these changes.

Nate: Okay, that all makes sense.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] So, come on. Let’s not focus on the past. I don’t like to do that. We have a bright future. Why don’t we talk about that?

Nate: Sounds good.

Victoria: You’ve had a chance to look things over. So, what are your first impressions? How do you want to put newman media on top?

Nate: I’m excited. I can tell you that much. I don’t want to get into specifics. I need to get better acquainted with all the various projects. But I know I want us to be leaner. It’s good for the bottom line, and it makes us more agile, quicker to respond. Also, I’d like to create an environment where people with good ideas don’t have to jump through five levels of approval. They can initiate projects on their own.

Victoria: Well, I like that.

Nate: Once we have the structure and staff in place, we can create the culture and start to focus on the content.

Victoria: Good. Good. So, what are your thoughts on that?

Nate: I want to be sure we’re putting out quality across all platforms. I don’t want newman media associated with click-bait, cheap production values. We can build our audience without cutting corners.

Victoria: Okay, so you want our brand to be quality, but that goes up against your plan to streamline the staff. Putting out good content takes a lot of manpower. So, you do want to avoid that pitfall.

Nate: Good point. I appreciate that.

Victoria: But I love the direction. I want to encourage you to have big ideas. Create a dream list of all of your projects and go for it. Don’t worry about the cost right now — no limits.

Noah: Audra told me she had no intention of ever telling me about the miscarriage, but being here and seeing me just brought up all these old emotions. She thought that she should let me know.

Sharon: Well, I’m sorry that you’re going through this, especially with the way you found out.

Noah: Yeah, I’m still just trying to, you know, adjust to it all. Now I can’t help but wondering what if? What if I had stayed? Everything would have been different. And I know that I can’t know what it would be like if I’d found out at the time, but it just, um… it feels like a big loss.

Sharon: Well, I’m sorry. Again, I know how much a miscarriage can hurt. I know what it’s like to mourn a child who never was. And I know how long you can carry that pain with you.

Noah: If that baby had lived, um, it would be a few months old by now. You would have had your first grandchild. Ever leave your clothes in the dryer

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Elena: I guess we’re going to have to just agree to disagree about nate.

Devon: Or you can believe me.

[ Chuckles ]

Elena: You know I can’t, devon. So, let’s just not talk about nate anymore.

Devon: Oh, that’s a fantastic idea. How are you? How have you been? Good to see you.

Elena: You too. I’m good. How have you been? How’s amanda? I heard she’s back from virginia.

Devon: She is, yeah.

Elena: Well, that’s exciting. Is she planning to stay for a while?

Devon: Unfortunately, no, she’s not.

Elena: Oh. How come?

Devon: She’s just needed back there with her family for support. Going through a lot, you know?

Elena: Well, I know long-distance relationships can be tough, but no matter the distance between you two and how rough it might be to be apart, I think you’re both strong enough to make it through.

Devon: Well, yeah, that’S… hey, look who it is.

Lily: Oh, devon, hello. Hi, elena.

Elena: Hey!

Lily: How are you?

Elena: I’m good. Good to see you two.

Billy: What do you say? Should we share a table?

Devon: I’m going to go ahead and pass, just because she’s here to meet with our favorite cousin. So, I’m going to keep my distance at the bar, if you don’t mind.

Elena: Yeah, I understand if you want your privacy, but you’re both more than welcome to join nate and I.

Lily: Yeah, that’s going to be a no for me.

Billy: Yeah. Separate tables it is.

Lily: Yes. But I would love to catch up with you sometime soon, just the two of us.

Elena: I’d love that, too.

Lily: Alright, bye.

Elena: I’m going to grab a drink.

Devon: Have fun.

Billy: I’m surprised you didn’t say more about nate.

Lily: Well, I would have said more if he were actually here. But I’m not going to drag elena into our family issue. She doesn’t deserve that.

Billy: Lily, what’s wrong?

Lily: I don’t know. I’m just… I’m frustrated.

Billy: About?

Lily: Why didn’t you tell me about chelsea in the beginning? We live together. We share everything. Did you think I wouldn’t be sympathetic?

Billy: No, not at all.

Lily: Well, then what? Do you not trust me? Because if that’s the case, then what does that say about our relationship?

Noah: I just realized i didn’t even let you know audra was in town.

Sharon: No, you didn’T.

Noah: Somehow you knew.

Sharon: Um, yeah, mariah kept me in the loop.

Noah: Of course.

Sharon: I mean, I knew you would tell me at some point, when you’re ready, so I just — I never brought it up.

Noah: Allie is the only other one who knows about the miscarriage. I’d really like to keep it between us.

Sharon: Alright. I understand. How did she take the news?

Noah: I think it was a lot for her. You know, it’s hard for her to understand how I had no idea that audra was pregnant, but I really didn’T. If she was showing any signs of pregnancy, I didn’t see them. I didn’t even think that was a possibility at the time.

Sharon: You weren’t, um, you weren’t trying to have a baby, were you?

Noah: No, but I should have had some kind of clue. I mean, who doesn’t see that?

Sharon: I don’t want you to beat yourself up about this. You’re such a kind and loving person.

Noah: And there was nothing kind about the way that I broke it off with audra. I was — I was upset, and I was exhausted by all the drama, and I just — I just left. I didn’t even tell her. It’s no wonder she didn’t let me know she was pregnant.

Nick: You know, I don’t want to feel like I got to leave just because of my brother. On the other hand, I do want to sit over here and wait for him to cause a scene, just so we can prove a point.

Sally: So, if we leave, he controls us. And if we stay, he controls us.

Nick: Yeah, pretty much.

Sally: Well, maybe we should split up, head in different directions. It’s the only way to mess up his plans.

Nick: [ Laughs ] Is that what you want to do?

Sally: No, absolutely not. We cannot give him that power. He can’t dictate our moves.

Nick: What do you propose?

Sally: We stay, and we have our evening.

Nick: Well, then, let’s drink his wine.

This black friday, save

on all the gifts you need

Sharon: It’s not like you to leave a relationship without having a conversation first.

Noah: I’m not proud of it. You know, it’s just she created so much drama and turmoil, and it’s just I couldn’t take it anymore. So, I left. And apparently she lost the baby the night I moved out.

Sharon: Well, that doesn’t make it your responsibility. Miscarriages, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, are usually due to a developmental issue with it.

Noah: Still, if I had just stayed… you know, if I had just been there, I could’ve helped her. She wouldn’t have to do it all alone.

Sharon: Noah, you wouldn’t have left her in that situation if you had known. You were in a bad relationship, and you had to get out. And I’m sure that growing up around here, you had seen enough of that. You’ve seen it in your own household growing up with us. I know that my own issues I was dealing with didn’t help any of those matters.

Noah: I’m not going to blame you for anything I experienced in my childhood. Okay? You and dad were the best parents a kid could have. Every family has drama. You learn from it. You grow up. You try not to make the same mistakes.

Sharon: Well, I feel bad for you and audra. This is a tough situation. But you can’t change the past, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up.

Billy: I understand why you would be upset, but my discretion about the situation with chelsea had nothing to do with us. And it’s not a commentary on the state of our relationship.

Lily: I just feel caught between having this admiration for how you’re helping her, but then also this gnawing sense that helping her is not good for us.

Billy: I get that. I do. And I feel bad about keeping the severity of what’s gone down from you. But, lily, it just did not feel like my story to tell. I needed chelsea to give me the go-ahead in order to share anything with you.

Lily: Okay. So, even though I wouldn’t have told a soul, you still think it was the right choice?

Billy: I’m just acting on impulses here, okay? I’m improvising, ever since I saw her standing on that ledge. It hasn’t always guided me correctly, but it’s all I got.

Lily: So, then take a step back, okay? It’s not you and chelsea alone on the roof anymore. She has other people. She has sharon, who is a trained professional. She has her own doctor. She has adam, who knows her better than anyone and has a stake in her well-being. All of them are much better suited to help her than you are.

Billy: I made a promise to her, to be there for her, to help her through this. I can’t leave her high and dry.

Lily: You’re not, billy. You have done your part. You have done more than enough.

[ Cellphone pings ] Is chelsea okay?

Billy: She said connor’s sleeping, and she’s going to grab a tea at crimson lights, and she wants to talk.

Lily: Are you going to go?

Billy: No, I don’t want to leave you, not in the middle of this conversation.

Lily: No, you should go. It’s fine. I mean, if she’s reaching out, it’s fine. I understand.

Billy: I’ll be back. Okay, I’ll be back before our food even comes.

Lily: Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Billy: Okay. That is a promise that is probably not realistic. But I will be back as soon as I can. I really just want to hear from her how the conversation with connor went. And I can also use this time to, you know, let her know that I’m going to be pulling back, that I’m going to let the professionals help in her recovery.

Lily: Okay. Thanks for listening.

Elena: [ Thinking ] Champagne is here. Are you on your way?

Nate: So, did you always want to work at newman?

Victoria: I wouldn’t say always, given the number of times that I’ve left.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Nate: Sorry about that. Thought I turned my phone off.

Victoria: Is that something you need to deal with?

Nate: Uh, it’s elena. We’re meeting for a late dinner.

[ Cellphone pings ] “Sorry. Meeting going long. Be there soon.”

Lily: Hey.

Devon: Hey. What happened with your dinner date with billy?

Lily: It’s been postponed.

Devon: He just rushed out of here like that?

Lily: Yeah, sure did.

Devon: Has he figured out what he’s doing with his life yet?

Lily: I hope not.

Devon: That’s an odd response.

Lily: It’s fine. Don’t read too much into it.

Devon: Well, there’s clearly something bothering you. Would you like to talk about it?

Lily: Um, I’m going to take a page from your book and say, no, I don’t want to talk about it.

Devon: Hmm. Okay. Well, then, I’m going to take that cue to go home since you do not want to talk about it. I hope that whatever is bothering you, you feel better about in the morning, though. Okay?

Lily: Thanks.

Devon: Love you.

Lily: Love you.

Sally: Well, it was a fun night, after all. Although just once, I would like to go out in this town and not run into an ex of yours or mine.

Nick: Yeah, I don’t know how that’s going to be possible, but I think we handled it about as well as we could tonight.

Sally: I agree.

Nick: Let’s go.

Adam: You guys enjoy the wine?

Sally: Uh, it was a little too sweet for me.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Maybe I should have sent over your favorite scotch instead.

Nick: Yeah, we were just taking off. We’ll have to catch up some other time.

Adam: Can I speak to you in private?

Nick: Can we not do this tonight?

Adam: It’ll just take a couple of minutes. I have something that I want to say. Please.

Sally: Just…just a second, okay?

Nick: Yeah.

Sally: You have two minutes.

Adam: Thank you. (Birds chirping)

Victoria: I actually — i developed my passion for the family business working in the mailroom back when we had a big mailroom. You know, back when we did everything on paper. I just remember loving how big the company was. And I loved to see how far newman enterprises’ tentacles could reach. It was — it was inspiring.

Nate: Then you worked your way up from there?

Victoria: Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I mean, I’m aware of my privilege. I know that my last name has given me this opportunity, but I have held positions at every level inside of this organization. And I know it. I know it inside and out.

Nate: You see, that’s why I’m excited to work for you. I want to learn from you.

Victoria: That’s good. But, you know you don’t have to flatter me. You already have the job.

Nate: I’m sincere. That was what interested me about having chancellor-winters under the newman umbrella. I felt like I could have thrived with your guidance. I mean, us just sitting here, trading ideas? That’s the kind of personal leadership I was looking for.

Victoria: Oh, good, because that’s the only way that I know how to work. But I have to tell you, I’m not always going to agree with you. And when I do disagree with you, I’m not always going to sugarcoat things.

Nate: Bring it on. I can take it.

Victoria: Don’t you have dinner with elena?

Nate: Yeah, but she’ll be fine. This is important. I feel like I’m learning a lot already. Plus, we have momentum. Let’s not stop.

Sally: How much have you had to drink?

Adam: I’m fine. Okay? I got here after you and nick did.

Sally: That’s not an answer.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Look — I, um, thank you for taking a minute to talk to me.

Sally: Look. You can’t keep doing this. Adam, you can’t keep showing up wherever I am and demand to talk to me.

Adam: I know. I know. I know. And I’m sorry for earlier. I was out of line.

Sally: Yeah, you were. And now you turn up here tonight.

Adam: I just… I came here to relax. I didn’t expect to see you and nick. But after seeing the two of you together, it’s eating away at me. I know that is a mistake, okay? You deserve better than that, sally.

Sally: Okay, well, you know, it’s none of your concern.

Adam: It is. It is. I feel like I’m the one who drove you into his arms, okay? I regret every foolish thing I did to drive you away. I want to be with you. We belong together. Marry me, sally.

Elena: Well, I am officially giving up and going home. I hope your night ends better than mine.

Lily: Yeah, we’ll see. It was good to see you. And, please, let’s catch up soon.

Elena: We definitely will.

Lily: Bye.

Excuse me.

Elena: Oh, sorry.

Lily: Daniel?

Daniel: Lily.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

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