Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Maxie asks Spinelli to move back into her house and he decides to move back into the house. Maxie and Spinelli decide to take things slowly with their relationship and start dating.
Alexis advises Molly not to talk to Kristina about what Sonny did to Dex at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding so she can stay calm and have a healthy baby.
Dante tells Kristina that he lied years ago when he told the police Sonny accidently shot him because he wanted to keep his newfound father out of jail. Josslynn tells Sonny that Dex decided not to press charges against him for the sake of Kristina and the baby. Sonny later tells Dex that his feud against him is over because he has more important things to do with his time.
Willow persuades Drew to run for Congress.
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