Days Short Recap Friday, May 31, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric told Leo that he knew he was blackmailing Sloan over Jude. He asked Leo if he knew where Sloan was. Leo said he didn’t know where she was. When Eric continued to ask him about Sloan, Leo said he tried to do the right thing. Eric grabbed him and told him he would deal with him now that Sloan and the money are gone. Melinda told Sloan to stop calling her. She told Sloan that Rafe kept asking her questions, but he didn’t know anything. When Rafe came in her office, Melinda hung up the phone. Rafe told her he didn’t believe she didn’t know about Jude’s kidnapping when she helped Sloan with the adoption. Melinda said Sloan kept her out of the loop before everything was finalized. She asked what she would gain from helping Sloan steal a DiMera baby. When Rafe didn’t get the answers he wanted, he left. Melinda was relieved. EJ told Jude his paternity would be their little secret. Nicole walked in the room. EJ suggested they change the baby’s name since Sloan was the one who named him. Nicole hesitated before agreeing to do it. When EJ took the baby for a walk, Sloan came in the house to face Nicole. Stephanie went to see Marlena in her office. She told Marlena that she felt overwhelmed by Everett’s intervention. Marlena said she would be there if she or Jada needed anything.

Everett woke up from a dream of Stephanie walking in on him and Jada in the shower together. Jada and Stephanie showed up at Everett’s room. They told him that Marlena thought he had DID because of the abuse he suffered when he was young. Everett got upset at the accusation. Stephanie said she knew the situation was scary, but he shouldn’t keep his past buried. He told her to shut up. Bobby said Everett didn’t need to hear that. He said he was going to make sure of it. While EJ was out with Jude, he ran into Marlena. It was hard for Marlena to see the baby. EJ apologized to her. She said they were all victims. Marlena said she believed he and Nicole would be great parents to Jude. EJ thanked her. Sloan told Nicole that she needed to hear something. Nicole said she was going to call Rafe. Sloan told her she didn’t plan to kidnap Jude. She said Dimitri showed up with him as she hit rock bottom. Sloan said it felt like fate. Nicole said she would show her fate. She punched Sloan. Nicole ripped into Sloan because of what she put her through. Sloan reminded her that she did the same thing to Sami. She wanted Nicole to give her the same grace she was given. Nicole told her she would never do that. Leo tried to defend himself to Eric, but he grabbed him again. When Leo called out for help, Rafe showed up. Eric told him to get out of his sight. Leo walked away. Eric told Rafe that Leo wasn’t any help in finding Sloan. Rafe said they would find her. Eric said finding her wouldn’t make him a father. Rafe said bringing her in would help. He told Eric about his conversation with Melinda. Rafe told him Melinda said she wasn’t there for the adoption. Eric said Melinda handed them Jude at the door. Bobby called Jada his wife. He said they were good together. Jada told him he cheated on her. Bobby told Stephanie that the spoiled princess thing wasn’t his style. He said what he and Jada had was special and real. Jada asked if he was real. While they were talking, Bobby told them to get out. When he opened the door, Marlena was there. She said she wanted to help, but Bobby said he would make sure Everett was okay. He said there were things from Everett’s past that he didn’t need to know. Stephanie tried to reach out to Everett, but Bobby told him not to listen to her. He fell to the floor. Marlena checked on him. Bobby said they would never see Everett again. Marlena said his blood pressure was elevated and told him to get help. He agreed to get help. Leo went to Melinda’s office to get protection. She said she got Rafe off her back and could lead him down another path. Melinda said Sloan was the only person who could prove he was blackmailing her. Rafe showed up to arrest Melinda. Nicole pulled out her phone to call the police. When Sloan went to the door to leave, Eric was there.

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